#they be grippy on both sides
joestarfucker420 · 11 months
i think i would genuinely benefit from being institutionalized
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pinkusmaximus · 12 days
If you were in a relationship with Wade and Logan, Logan would be the first to know if you were to become pregnant— but even he wouldn’t realize what was happening until much later. His instincts would immediately tell him to get closer to you, all the time, as often as possible. Holding hands occasionally while out grocery shopping turns into an arm around your waist and pressing you into his side, making you snort a little as pushing the cart becomes a Herculean task under his grip, Wade offering to take over the duty of cart driver if Wolvie wants to be close to you so bad. He shrugs it off as having seen someone eyeing you in a way that bothered him, but a gnawing feeling in his gut reminds him that he actually wasn’t sure why he’d gotten so grippy with you.
At home, it’s just as bad. He doesn’t even know that he’s doing it, that he’s being sort of annoying— his brain is making him act without being conscious of the changes. Watching you intensely while you prepare and cook food, suddenly wary of you cutting or burning yourself. Pulling you onto his lap every time he sees you on the couch— sometimes you just need personal space, damn it! And he even does it when you’re already cuddled up with Wade, which at first you both think is sorta cute, but starts to become a bit irritating when you just want to spend time with each other.
And in the bedroom, it’s the worst. And it’s where he realizes there’s something wrong, something amiss. He usually loves watching Wade lavish you with attention, his heart full as both of his partners enjoy each other, happily joining in the mutual loving between the three of you. But lately, it’s been getting tough. For the first time, he feels a distinct tightness in his stomach, hot and uncomfortable, twisting up his throat when he watches Wade touch you so reverently, hears all the salacious things he says to you. It makes him want to throw him off of you, makes him want to rip into his throat and tear his vocal cords out so he can’t say another lustful word to you (at least for a few hours). And that’s what makes him realize that something is off. He feels jealous. He’d never felt jealous of you and Wade before. The three of you together felt as easy as breathing. He has to step away that night, take a long walk outside and try to assess what his own deal is before he expresses his thoughts to you two. He loves you both too much; he can’t risk exploding like he used to.
Days later, and you’re standing over the bathroom sink, hands trembling as the little white stick between your fingers tells the truth behind your recently missed period. And when they’re both at your side, it suddenly clicks for Logan. That’s why he’d been feeling so different. So protective. You’d been pregnant the entire time.
And while your first thoughts are sheer panic— this wasn’t something the three of you had ever discussed— he’s quick to wrap you in his arms, holding you so, so close and sighing with relief and, honestly? Pure joy. Having an explanation for his strange, unnerving jealousy meant he could control it, that things were still fine between the three of you. Not only that, you were having a baby! In that moment he couldn’t even fathom caring whether it was his or Wade’s, only that his precious heart was having a baby, his baby, whether biologically his or not. Wade quickly joins in on the hug, and though he’s far more terrified than Logan, he’s already filled with that same inexplicably new feeling of an entirely different kind of love for you and the budding life within you. And knowing that you’ve got both of them by your side through it all makes the shock a little easier to bear.
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lixiepixiedust · 7 months
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pairing — idol!seungmin x f!reader
word count — 2.7k
warnings — she/her reader, so fluffy
summary — on a chilly winter morning, seungmin was scrolling on his phone when he was met with a picture of you two from last winter. longing filled his heart as he revisited that memory.
On a winter morning blanketed by flurries that had begun overnight, Seungmin planned to rest in the warmth of his home, away from the duties of work. His members did as well, finding themselves relaxing after all their effort. Meanwhile, Minho was whipping up waffles with his brand new waffle machine, while Jeongin and Felix lingered in their beds, engrossed in their phones instead of actually getting up.
Having enjoyed a refreshing morning shower, Seungmin settled onto the living room couch. He was casually flipping through his photo gallery, deleting a cluster of useless memes and screenshots, in order to tidy up some space that his phone desperately needed. His browsing suddenly came to a pause when he stumbled upon a picture from last winter.
He clicked on it to expand it, when he realised it showed a moment shared between him and you next to Han River. The snow was falling from the sky and it was fairly bright, similarly to the weather today. Your hands were gently resting on his shoulders as his encircled your waist like you two were about to start a ballroom dance.
As Seungmin looked at the picture, memories of that day flooded back. He remembered walking with you in Riverside Park, the snow crunching beneath his feet. The park looked magical with snow on the trees and the frozen river glistening. He could feel the warmth of your hand in his, hear your laughter as snow frosted your eyelashes.
"No, Seungmin, don't let go of my hand!" You cried out as you were slipping and sliding on the icy path.
"What if I do?" he teased, trying to steady himself as well.
"I'll be doomed! I'll die!" you exclaimed, fear evident in your voice.
"You won't die, Y/n. But if I trip, we'll both go down if you keep on holding me like this" he chuckled.
"But if it's me that trips, you'll catch me, right?" you asked hopefully.
With a playful grin, Seungmin replied, "No promises," his tone light but reassuring. "We'll be off the ice soon. Just try not to slip until then."
With a shaky nod, trying to trust in his words, you felt a sudden slip under your feet. With a yelp, you stumbled forward, but Seungmin swiftly linked his arm with yours, keeping you steady. Relief washed over you as you looked up at him, processing how quickly he had reacted to prevent you from falling.
His face was just only an inch from yours, and you couldn't help but smile at the realization that he had caught you, even though he had been joking about it moments before. Seungmin's eyes met yours, concern evident in his gaze as he asked, "Are you okay?"
You nodded, unable to find the words to express your thoughts in that moment. Seungmin stood up straight, now holding onto your waist for support as you both carefully made your way off the last few steps of the icy path and onto the grippy, firm snow.
With a grateful smile, you looked up at Seungmin, realizing just how lucky you were to have him by your side. And in that moment, surrounded by the winter beauty of the park, you couldn't help but feel a warmth in your heart that was a stark contrast to the weather.
As Seungmin pointed towards the frozen river, he said, "Look at the river, baby."
You followed his gaze and remarked, "It's all frozen."
Seungmin pondered aloud, "I wonder if we could walk` on it."
You shook your head, a hint of worry in your voice. "We could fall through," you cautioned.
Seungmin reassured you with a playful smile, "I'm only joking." Relieved, you let out a sigh.
You both walked with linked arms over to a gazebo nearby in which the roof was covered in snow. However, people were still sitting by it on the cold benches. Finding a spot beside it, you settled onto a bench together. It was a good bench with a good view, offering a clear view of the icy river.
With your hands in your pockets to shield them from the cold, Seungmin gently took them out. As he noticed how red they were, he breathed warm air onto them, causing you to smile at his sweet gesture. The warmth of his breath and his touch made the chilly winter day feel a lot warmer.
You then playfully declared, "Your turn!" Taking his hands in yours, you brought them close and breathed warm air onto them, just as he had done for you. Seungmin giggled as you then started to pepper light kisses on his hands. As you intertwined your fingers with his, a gentle smile graced your lips, and you leaned into him.
Seungmin followed suit, resting his head against yours. Together, you watched as children laughed and played in the snow, their joy infectious even from a distance. The scene was serene, with people strolling by, bundled up against the winter chill.
"I love you, Y/n," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear.
A warm feeling blossomed in your chest as you turned to him, meeting his gaze with love. "I love you too, Seungmin," you replied.
As you nestled closer together, the gentle snowfall creating a calming backdrop, a comfortable silence enveloped you. But soon, Seungmin broke the silence with a question. "What's your favorite winter memory?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
You pondered for a moment before a fond smile tugged at your lips. "I think it would be from when I was a child," you began, your voice laced with nostalgia. "My family used to take me to go ice skating on the frozen pond near our house. It was always such a magical experience, gliding across the ice under the twinkling stars. On a warmer day, I fell through the ice since it wasn't thick enough. I never went back after that."
"I'm sorry for joking about it, baby," he said softly, his voice laced with sincerity. "I didn't know."
You reached out to reassure him, offering a small smile. "It's okay, Seungmin," you replied, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. "Let's make new winter memories together," you said with a smile. "Starting with today."
Seungmin returned your smile. "I'd like that," he replied.
Your boyfriend then leaned in to kiss you, and you met him halfway, the warmth of his lips against yours sending a thrill through your body. You felt his grip on your hand tighten as you both leaned into each other, drawing closer until you were chest to chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat echoing your own.
Pulling away slightly, you smiled up at him, your eyes sparkling with love. But before you could say anything, Seungmin leaned in again, his lips meeting yours in a light, tender kiss.
As Seungmin savored the sweetness of the moment, he felt so free to be out on a date without any of his staff. It was one of the best things about winter—the flurries swirling around, everyone bundled up against the cold, creating a sense of privacy since no one bothered to look his way.
During other seasons, everything seemed to be out in the open, and everyone could recognize him as an idol. But in winter, it felt like no one was watching, and you two could just be a normal couple, free to be yourselves without any pressure or scrutiny.
Suddenly, Seungmin got an idea. "I wanna take a photo together," he exclaimed, his eyes bright with excitement.
"Sure!" you replied eagerly, matching his enthusiasm.
You both got up, and you ran ahead, feeling the snowflakes melt on your hand as Seungmin set up his phone on a ledge of the gazebo. He flipped the phone so the back camera was facing you, and then clicked on the timer.
As you stood waiting, watching the snowflakes dance around you, Seungmin dashed towards you, grabbing you by the waist. You smiled and placed your hands on his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him tenderly.
But just as the photo was about to be taken, the phone slipped from the ledge and fell into the snow. You both pulled away, a sense of disappointment washing over you.
"Oh no," you murmured, seeing the phone had landed with the camera facing downwards, capturing only the snowy ground.
Seungmin sighed as he retrieved the phone, noticing snow had seeped into the speaker. But he quickly shrugged it off, determined to try again.
"It'll work this time," he reassured you with a grin.
You nodded, feeling hopeful as Seungmin set up the phone once more, this time with extra care. As he ran over to you, you both kept a careful eye on the phone, ensuring it didn't slip again. As he kissed you, you tried to recreate the pose from before, counting down from ten in your heads.
When you thought the picture had been taken, Seungmin ran over with a giddy smile, ready to check the result. Anticipation filled the air as he glanced at his phone, then his smile quickly faded into a frown.
"What happened?" you asked, concern coloring your tone.
"I think I forgot to change it to the back camera," Seungmin admitted, disappointment evident in his voice.
Stepping closer, you looked at the photo on his phone, seeing it captured the inside of the gazebo instead of the direction of the Han River.
Looking back at Seungmin, you could see the disappointment in his eyes. He sighed again, but then mustered a small smile. "Well, third time's the charm, right?" he said, trying to remain optimistic.
"Right," you agreed, nodding in agreement. But then an idea struck you. "Wait, Seungmin," you said, stopping him before he went to set up the phone again.
"Yeah?" he responded, turning to face you.
"Wanna ask someone to take it for us?" you suggested. "It's less of a hassle, and it'll turn out better."
Seungmin hesitated. "But won't people see me?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
"Well, it's not like everyone here could recognize you at first glance, right?" you pointed out, sticking close to him.
"Yeah, you're right," Seungmin agreed, feeling reassured.
"Let's see," you said, scanning the area. "What about that boy over there?" You pointed at a wealthy-looking teenager wearing headphones and a North Face puffer, chewing bubblegum while scrolling on his phone with a swagger to his walk.
Seungmin hesitated. "I don't know, he's a teenager, so he might know me. Plus, he looks like he's bad at taking photos."
"Okay, then," you conceded.
"What about the elderly lady there?" Seungmin pointed at a little old woman walking along the sidewalk with a cane and a scarf covering her whole face.
"I don't know," You replied. "I don't think we should bother her."
"True," He agreed, looking around for another option. Finally, you spotted your target—a dad walking hand in hand with a small girl who looked around 7 or 8 years old.
"What about him?" you suggested, tugging Seungmin towards the dad. "He's a dad, and dads don't know you."
"Are you sure?" Seungmin asked uncertainly.
"Yeah," you confirmed, taking Seungmin's phone and approaching the man with a smile. As you walked up to them, you noticed the dad smiling and laughing with his little girl. When they both looked your way, you greeted them politely.
"Hi, sir! Do you mind taking a photo of my boyfriend and me? We're having a bit of trouble," you explained, Seungmin standing behind you, following your lead.
The dad's face lit up with a smile. "Of course," he replied warmly, his little girl waving at you both. You waved back, and as Seungmin joined you, the girl's excitement seemed to double.
"Appa, he's one of the guys that my big sister on TV!" she exclaimed enthusiastically.
The dad looked at Seungmin in surprise. "You know me?" Seungmin asked, touched by the girl's recognition.
She nodded vigorously, her enthusiasm infectious. Seungmin couldn't help but be charmed by her. Normally, he would've been panicked that someone recognized him. However, in this situation, he couldn't help but feel as if his heart was warming up.
Curious, the dad asked, "What do you do?"
"I work in music," Seungmin replied modestly.
The dad's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, that's impressive! Even both my daughters know you," he remarked, impressed.
Seungmin thanked him sincerely, and you chuckled at the interaction between them.
As you handed Seungmin the phone, you both positioned yourselves by the Han River, with the dad following suit and the little girl holding onto her dad's pants, watching with eager anticipation. You leaned in close to Seungmin, whispering, "Kissing in front of the child?"
Seungmin lightly shook his head, a silent agreement passing between you. You nodded and positioned yourselves, your noses barely touching, sharing a tender moment as the dad readied the camera.
"Ready?" he asked, and you both nodded eagerly.
But as the dad counted down, a tickling sensation tingle at your noses, and you couldn't help but giggle. As the laughter bubbling up inside both of you, the dad snapped the photo.
"Okay, done!" he announced.
As you both rushed over to see the result, you gasped in amazement when you saw the photo. Excitedly, you showed it to Seungmin, who mirrored your gasp of delight.
"Thank you so much, it turned out so well," Seungmin expressed his gratitude to the dad.
"No problem, it was nice meeting you," he replied warmly. "Say bye," he instructed the little girl, who waved before they walked away.
Seungmin looked at you, noticing how you were staring at the phone in awe. "Lemme see it again," he requested, and as you handed him the phone, he smiled, "It's beautiful."
Seungmin held the phone, admiring the photo once more. In the image, your hands rested on his shoulders while his encircled your waist. Your noses were pressed together, laughter evident in your expressions. Flurries danced in the air, the Han River visible in the background, along with footsteps in the snow. It was a perfect snapshot of your love and joy in that moment.
"It's perfect," Seungmin said, smiling at you. "This moment, right here, it's everything."
You smiled back, feeling a rush of love for him. This photo would be a cherished memory for both of you.
Back in the present, Seungmin set his phone aside, the memories of that day still lingering in his mind. With a contented sigh, he leaned back on the couch, feeling grateful for the warmth of his home and the peacefulness of the moment.
Leaning against the glass, Seungmin sighed softly as he watched the snowflakes drift gracefully to the ground, each one uniquely intricate in its design. It was the kind of picturesque scene that made him wish he could capture another moment with you, just like the one from the previous winter day.
Lost in thought, he wondered what you might be doing at that very moment. Perhaps you were curled up with the book he had gifted you for your birthday, lost in its pages and escaping into another world. Or maybe you were nestled in your bed, the one he always found more comfortable than his own, enjoying a well-deserved rest. Then again, there was also the possibility that you were at your favorite café, diligently studying and savoring a warm beverage.
With a wistful smile, Seungmin imagined you in each scenario, his heart warmed by the mere thought of you. Despite the physical distance between you two, he found solace in knowing that, wherever you were, you were carrying a piece of him with you.
Feeling the weight of his longing, Seungmin couldn't resist the urge to reach out to you. With a soft smile playing on his lips, he unlocked his phone, finding the photo he had been obsessing over. As he sent it to you, a surge of anticipation bubbled within him, his heart racing at the mere thought of recreating that special moment together.
With fingers trembling ever so slightly, he typed out the simple yet loaded question: "Remake?" He hit send and then tossed his phone to the other side of the couch, like a teenage girl nervously sending her first text to her crush.
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
(🦭) ah yes grippy graspy handsy deku.. . . .. much to think abt.. . .. . also hELO i hope ur doing okay this week )):
☆༉ — IZUKU MIDORIYA. handsy.
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about. he likes when you show him how to touch you. hi baby!! im doing okay, thank you for asking! i hope you are too <3
warnings. [n]sfw & smut. minors & ageless blogs do not interact. exhibitionism, dry humping, fingering, praise, use of good girl / baby, light choking & fem!reader.
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the idea of deku’s hands always being on you. him always secretly observing how you touch yourself with your own hands too, making mental notes on how to replicate the feelings that you give yourself.
day to day, he notes the way your fingertips brush up and down your sides before you get dressed. how you sometimes cup your own neck for comfort and rest your palms on the swell of your thighs to keep yourself together in the image of a perfectly tied bow. and izuku watches, from his place in your bed — leaning back against the headboard with his mop of forest green curls curtaining his trained eyes. he stares from across the room at galas and summits as you toy with the pendant that cages your throat (his initials dangling at the nape, the emeralds glittering under the glow of the lights up above). his calculating gaze settles on your twitching thighs and quivering legs whenever he’s seated beside you, anticipating the moment you both can leave for home and the world consists of just the two of you once more.
izuku watches how you touch yourself in the most mundane ways so he can do it better. he wants to be the only one who knows how what makes you tick, what has your body twitching and writhing and those sweet sounds tumbling from between precious lips.
“sit back for me, sweetheart,” lust pools between your thighs as he speaks to you in a low whisper. izuku can be performative, play the nice guy and the hero with a smile but when it’s the two of you behind closed doors he changes — let’s the darker parts of him overshadow all of the rest, consuming you whole. “spread your legs nice and wide. i want to see you touch yourself.”
he doesn’t take no for an answer and nips at your ear in warning. “oh i’m sorry, should i have asked?” his scared hands smooth over the swell of your thighs, his voice like high dose of ecstasy to relax you. “please, show me how you touch yourself.”
he squeezes and tugs at the rest of your body — the spots he knows are sensitive become victim to deku’s surprisingly sharp teeth and rough padded hands. your own nervously dance their way up to the crotch of your panties, your face hot at the wetness pooling in their seam. izuku could have easily taken over from here, he’s stroked your cunt to orgasm more times than he’s had to sign his name away for fans. but he knows that this is the one thing you can’t do without him.
the one thing about your body that he knows better than you do.
deku grunts softly when your hips buck into your own hand, chasing the light pressure you put on your clit — and he lets the sound bleed out into a syrupy moan as your fingers disappear beneath the flimsy material to play with the sticky mess between your folds.
“there she is, my good girl. i like when you play with yourself for me.” he praises you, sickly sweet like saliva mixed with honey. pleased with the sticky sounds coming from your pussy. green eyes drink in the way you start off slow and pick up the pace each time he moans or huffs or clicks his tongue in approval. you stuff your little fingers deep inside the hot veil of your quivering cunt, rut into the seat of your palm and grind your swollen clit into it because you like it when deku watches. when he touches you.
your hips stutter and deku’s chest heaves — you can hear him swallow thickly from behind you, the thought of him being so wrecked by the sight of you fingering yourself makes you gush. “is this how you do it…when i’m not here?”
“yeah… but it’s never enough.” you keen into his forest fire-like heat, let his arms wrap around you to keep you steady against his chest, let him tongue a wet stripe from your neck to your ear hungrily. “baby please—”
“i know baby, you’ve done so well. you know i like it when you put on a show for me.” pride swells up from his lower stomach, spreads into all four of his limbs then straight to his cock nestled against the curve of your ass. “let me take over from here.” taking your wrist into his much larger hand, you jolt as the raised and scarred skin that criss crosses over his palms and knuckles bumps your thighs.
and even though you’ve been working yourself open, each of your muscles seize and tighten as izuku pushes two thick fingers into your heat. he stretches you out like you’re about to take his cock, skilfully drags his thumb over your sticky messy clit just indulge himself.
izuku’s resolve is as strong and as firm as he stands — but even he isn’t immune to the high pitched cries and little mewls you let out as he fucks you open and mimics the way you make yourself shake with ecstasy. he’s awfully good at it, curling his fingers until he’s able to brush over that salacious spongy spot deep within your walls.
an airy chuckle vibrates in your ear at the sight of you gushing into his scarred palm. “that’s it, huh? the spot. fuck baby.” mossy curls send the ghost of goosebumps over your body as izuku nuzzles himself against you, like a cage or a blanket of dark lust that keeps you trapped in his reach. he manipulates your body with slow methodological shapes etched over the heartbeat in your pussy, spreading your arousal all over you until you’re both glossy and shiny.
lewd, unmissable squelches echo through your room — sounds you couldn’t achieve on your own. a wetness you couldn’t get without izuku’s help. you can’t even pin point the source of your own pleasure, not when his free hand maps out the curves and dips to your body even though deku knows them off by heart. he pinches and pulls you apart, forces you to fall apart underneath his touch as he tweaks your hardened nipples and taps his fingers against your pretty throat.
leaning forward into his hand, you let him give your airway a gentle squeeze.
“ah, you’re so fucking good, sweetheart,” you can tell that izuku is pleased with the way his tone jumps. his husky voice bounces around in the empty walls of your skull and you stretch accommodatingly around the third finger he gives you as a reward. “i think…i think i want to see you cum. doesn’t that sound nice?”
“i-izuku!” you reach behind you blindly and anchor your fingers into the roots of deku’s hair — pulling and tugging, anything to cope with the unimaginable ripples of lust that pulse through your shaky frame. he lets you writhe against him, grins to himself as you wildly buck into his hand as he pumps his digits in and out you equally as wild.
he moans heartily, frantically fucking you through the white hot pleasure. “again, say my name again.”
“izuku,” you cry again, but louder this time. you claw at his hand around your neck and the sheets and his skin because it all feels so good when he touches you. “izuku! izuku please!”
with your head thrown back against his shoulder, he marvels at the crease forming between your brows and the delicate way your mouth falls open around the shape of his name. “that’s my girl, that’s it. cum for me, sweetheart.” he goads as your orgasm washes over you hotly. it’s like the ground has been yanked out from beneath you and you’re free falling faster than your mind can catch up.
you clench hard around izuku’s sloppy fingers, letting him catch you and guide you through it all. “so pretty when you cum, keep that orgasm going for me, okay?” he’s sweet, pressing soft kisses to your temple and you feel a loving warmth blossom at each spot while deku grounds you. he’s there while the aftershocks make their way through you and your cunt seeps happily with your arousal. he holds you close, lazily tongues at your neck while he pulls out of you — as though not to cause you any pain.
deku lets his arousal soaked hand rest lovingly on your navel as a reminder of what’s to come and how far he could reach if he decided to fuck you later on. for now he whispers cotton-wrapped and honey dipped praises into your ear, massaging the parts of you that might be sore from spreading yourself for him. “did that feel good? are you okay?”
“yeah, yeah. ‘m more than okay,” you hum, all sleepy like, and croon your head upwards in search of a kiss and a handsome face full of freckles. “did you—?”
deku’s hands tighten on your waist. “did you expect me not to cum in my pants from feeling you up?” he laughs brightly. “i like touching you, you feel good. it feels good to me.”
that’s hot. he’s hot.
and you’re suddenly aware of the warm stickiness against your backside.
“n-next time, izuku,” you lower your voice to a purr, rolling over in his arms so that you’re both chest to chest. your hand dips between your bodies to stroke at his semi-hardness, boldly. “you’ll let me touch you? let me have you…it feels good for me too.”
and who is deku to deny your hungry request.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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head so empty only thinking about the reader and ethan (consensually!) tying up chad and using him for their pleasure
omg sorry it took so long to get this out bb but this……. this right here forever in my brain 🤭
Caught up in your ties
Word Count: 4.2k
Pairing- Chad Meeks x f!reader x Ethan Landry
Summary- Chad lets you and Ethan tie him up.
Warnings- mmf, bondage, mommy kink (used once), penetration, bdsm themes, dirty talk kinda, hint of mlm sex, voyeurism,
A/N- this is kinda more Chad x Y/n centered when it comes to penetration and stuff i would have wrote more but this has been in my drafts forever and i wasn’t coming up with anything sorry :/
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“And you're sure this is safe?” Chad asks for the tenth time confirming his nervousness, you secure the rope around his hands making sure it's tight so he can’t move them but loose enough so he still has circulation. You and Ethan settle in front of him and you smile gently at him. “Of course love.” You reply, patting the side of his face.
Chad was only in his gray boxers and he had rope tied along his arms, his chest and his hands bound behind his back, now you actually have use of all those years in girl scouts. “Now, that's what you call art.” you say, biting your bottom lip, you look at your masterpiece relishing in the fact he’s all yours and Ethans. You turn to Ethan making it seem you didn’t wanna pay anymore attention to Chad which he obviously didn’t like the way he clicked his teeth. Cradling Ethans soft face in your hands giving his cheeks a soft squeeze, his usual chocolate brown eyes now almost black with lust.
Your hands creep up ypur finger brushing through his curls, rubbing his scalp before giving his head a harsh tug, his head tilted back and his jaw dropped as a groan escaped his throat then catching him by surprise you lips slammed into his, your tongue vigorously fighting against each other as your lips slide together. Out the corner of your eye you could see Chad, his arms strained against the restraints making the veins in his arms visible just as much as the hard on in his boxer fighting to get out.
You pull Ethans hair again, pulling him from the kiss as you bite his lip before letting it go, he looks between you and Chad. His face, now flustered and red was adorable as his eyes held nothing but admiration for you both, he would do anything for you two, he loved you as he need the oxygen he needs to breath, how he feels he would rip the skin off of his bones if it meant one more day with you, he would never love anyone as much as he loves you.
You now turn to Chad and your hand finds the waistband of his boxers, your eyes never leaving his as your delicate hands slides into his boxers, grabbing his length and giving it a few strokes that make him bite back a groan. You pull his hard cock out watching as it twitches in your hands as you give him a satisfying tug every so often, satisfying enough to leave him wanting more and not being able to get it.
You start to jerk him off and turn to Ethan who's eyes couldn't go any wider as he watched his partners. You glance down at his pants as you work your arm on Chad as see his boner get even bigger and you smile. ''Wanna touch yourself baby?'' You ask and he shakes his head immediately and you nod. He undoes his belt and unbuttons his pants sliding them down his muscular thighs and to the floor his boxers right after his boxers finally letting his cock out of its confinements.
He waits to see what you're going to do next and as you get up and take your small shorts off showing your pink panties off and Ethan smiles as you take them off and hand them to him.
Wrapping your legs around Chad's legs you'll reach for his cock and position his girthy tip under your aching hole. You sink down onto him and you look over to Ethan who grippied the tip of his cock with your panties squeezing it. If there was one thing Ethan loved to do it was watching. (crazy ass)
Sliding down onto Chad till his balls sat snugly against your ass. You rocked your hips against his cock moving within you, your head tilted back as you hit the same spot over and over again. And then you lifted up, thrusting yourself on him.
You could feel the way he pulsed inside you and the way his jaw clenched and brows pulled in. And then you stop your hand between you two circling your clit waiting a few seconds for his orgasm to dull down.
You started moving again hands now playing with your tits, Ethan moaned at the scene and ypu turned to him, his cock painfully hard in his hand giving hard strokes, you hump against Chad and give Ethan sweet prasies about how adorable he looks fucking himself, how pretty his cock was.
Ethan along with Chad both came at the same time, Chad's sperm filled you to the brim and your paintes soaked with Ethans. You fucked yourself on Chad still even as his cock become overstimulated. “Ethan, baby.” You breathlessly say. “Come give mommy a hand.” You say and Ethan sheepishly smiles as he shifts closer bringing his thick fingers to your clit.
Chad was nothing but a mess as he cums once again inside of you. Ethans fingers work mercilessly on your clit giving just enough pressure. And then an electric current runs through your nerves, your body convulsed as the orgasm overtook you. You could see into another dimension, the orgasm was never ending, it was euphoric.
After you cooled down you lifted yourself off of Chad who no doutablely wanted to fuck the thoughts out of both yours amd Ethans head right now.
“Let me out.” He says in a voice that sends shivers down your spine and you only send a mischievous smile.
“No can do babe,” you begin looking down at Ethans cock that was now fully hard again from seeing you and chad cum. “You see, Ethan needs some help.” Chad bites his lip as he sees Ethans length and a challenge sparks in both your eyes.
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tradgedyinwaves · 2 days
Touch - Ch. 11
tw: medical language, scenes of torture (slicing of skin, beaten reader)
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Waking up had never hurt so much. There was a cannula in your nose and an IV in your hand. Every intake of breath burned in your lungs. Your eyes blinked away the light, looking around the room as you took in your surroundings. 
To your left, you could see the door to your room and a couple chairs sat next to your bed. A computer and other medical equipment took up the corner next to your bed. At the foot of your bed stood your bed table, covered in different floral arrangements and cards. To your right, a wall of windows covered by heavy curtains sat above a small couch where a man sat, head in his hands.
“Kyle?” you questioned, voice cracking from the lack of use and the cotton type dryness of your mouth. Kyle shot off the couch and to your side, grabbing a cup of water with a straw and holding it to your lips. You wrapped your lips around the end and sucked, groaning at the relief of the water wetting your palate. 
“Thanks,” you croaked out as he smiled down at you, the perfect white of his teeth almost shining in the low light of the room. “How long have I been out?” you asked, looking around the room again with a furrowed brow.
“Two days. Those hits you took really did you in. Otherwise, you’re alright. You were dehydrated and over tired,” Kyle explained calmly, moving to sit in the armchair tucked into the right corner next to your bed.
“Is every-” You coughed, groaning at the pain of using your throat and Kyle shushed you before speaking. “Price and I are alright, normal scrapes and scratches. Johnny got treated for a piece of rebar that tore a chunk out of his side. He’s actually in the next room,” he informed you, sitting back in the chair.  “Si?” you inquired, not missing that Kyle had left the big brute out of his roll call. 
“He was really hurt, dove,” he drug a hand down his face, closing his eyes to take a deep breath before his chocolate eyes met yours. “He’s in the ICU. Fractured his tibia and broke his fibula. But the docs are concerned about the sternal fracture,” he continued, watching you for your reaction.
“Can I see them?” you croaked out your question, using the remote to lift the head of your bed so you were sitting. “We’d have to ask the doc, but we were mainly just waiting for you to wake up,” he answered, standing and coming to the side of the bed to take your hand. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay, dove. We thought we were going to lose you.” He brought your hand to his face and you cupped his jaw gently while he leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to your temple before resting his forehead against yours for the soft, quiet moment of relief to wash over both of you. 
The silence was filled with slow breaths as the two of you reveled in the presence of the other. Unfortunately, the silence was broken as your doctor came in and smiled. “Well, look at that. Our sleeping beauty has awoken,” she chirped, much too happy for this early in the morning. “Everything looks good. We do encourage you to get up and walk around a little throughout the day. Don’t stress yourself though,” she continued, chipper as ever. 
“Can I see Johnny and Simon?” you asked, eyes eager and glassy as you gazed at the doctor. “Hm, I don’t see why not. Mr. Mactavish is next door. He’s been awake all night asking for you. Mr. Riley is in a medically induced coma to allow for his wounds to heal more. He put up quite the fight when he first woke up, but you’re welcome to see him,” she concluded, watching you and Kyle with a keen eye. 
With a brief goodbye and directions to Kyle to make sure you didn’t stress too hard or take out your IV, the doctor disappeared again. You were already working on getting out of the bed, grateful someone had thought to put some grippy socks on your feet.
Kyle rushed around the end of the bed, grabbing the sterile, papery robe that hung next to the door. He slid it over your shoulders and tied it around your waist so your back end wasn’t exposed. 
Together, the pair of you trekked next door and you let out a sigh of relief when you found Johnny awake. “Johnny…” you sighed out his name, shuffling over to the bed and dragging Kyle along behind you. “Petal, you’re okay. I didn’t get to see you before they took me in for surgery and then everything with Si-” His words were cut off as you draped yourself over him in a careful hug and he placed his hand over the back of your head, sighing at the relief of your presence.
Kyle’s hand rubbed over your back until you stood from your spot, bringing a hand to gently cup Johnny’s jaw. “Thank you,” you whispered, looking over your shoulder to Kyle. “To all of you. You saved me and I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” 
“I can think of a few things, little bird.” John stood at the door, a soft smile on his face as he looked at the scene before him. You shuffled over to him, pushing past Kyle and wrapping your arms around the waist of the Captain. “I’ll do it. Whatever it is,” you murmured against his chest, so happy that they were okay. His bulky arms wrapped around you and you felt him breathe you in as his chest expanded. 
Before he could break his long running streak of not crying (he cried when they brought Simon in but he won’t tell you that), he sniffled and pulled back, hands on your shoulders as he looked you over. His eyes hardened slightly at the bandage still around your throat, but overall he was glad you were okay. 
“Kyle, why don’t you stay here with Johnny? I’ll take her to see Simon,” John offered, pulling you into his side. Kyle nodded and the two men said their goodbyes as John ushered you from the room. 
As you walked alongside him, you noticed his steps were measured and slow in order to not outpace you. He kept you tucked into his side, the IV pole in the other hand as he led you to Simon’s room.
“I want you to be prepared to see him. He doesn’t look like the Simon you remember right now. He was crushed under some rubble,” you gasped and interrupted his speech before he squeezed your shoulders. “He’ll be okay, birdie. He just needs time.” 
John pushed open the door to Simon’s room and you gasped as the form of him came into view. He was bruised everywhere. The blood pooling under his skin as his chest lay wrapped tightly from being opened to reset bones. His leg was wrapped up in a cast, propped up on some pillows and you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. 
Stumbling to his side, you pulled a chair up next to the bed and curled up on the seat, resolute in not leaving. You took his battered hand in yours and gently drug your fingertips over the ragged skin. “Si, oh god, I miss you. I know they say you’ll be okay, but this is all my fault,” you muttered through tears as they ran freely down your face. 
A hand came to rest on your shoulder which brought your attention to the other man in the room. John squatted down so he was at eye level with you. “In no way is this your fault. This is the consequences of our actions, not yours. Karma, if you will,” he reassured you, an edge to his voice as he grumbled the last sentence. You didn’t respond, just turned back to face Simon.
With a sigh, John stood and pressed a long kiss to the top of your head before stepping back. He was relieved that you, Johnny and Kyle were okay. But until Simon woke, he knew the entire group would be thrown off. 
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Simon couldn’t see much, a burlap sack covering his eyes. Light peaked through the holes in the fabric, illuminating shapes in the room. There was someone across from him, mimicking his position. Tied to a chair, slumped in the seat while the sounds of whimpers floating to his ears. 
Your whimpers. He growled low in his throat, yanking on his bindings. “Get your hands off her!” he bellowed, keeping his panic and worry in a tidy little box and letting his anger rage on the surface. He yanked at his bindings again when the hood was removed and he blinked away the sudden light. 
“O-ho! Look who finally woke up, precious. Just in time to watch me slice you into shreds,” his captor jovially exclaimed, clapping Simon on the shoulder. Simon, no, Ghost’s teeth snapped at the hand as he finally got his bearings and the face of Darin Moses filtered into his view. 
Beady eyes smiled down at him as Moses moved over to where you sat, crying through the swelling of your eye. The glint of a knife blinded Simon for a moment before your scream met his ears. The knife sliced into the top of your thigh, blood immediately beginning to soak the fabric of your pants. Over and over and over. Slice and scream. 
“Si, oh god, I miss you. I know they say you’ll be okay, but this is all my fault.”
Where was your voice coming from? Your fault? No, luv, it’s not your fault. His. His fault. Didn’t protect you well enough. Shouldn’t have left you alone. 
Slice and scream. Over and over and over until everything went black.
It was the same. Burlap sack. Blinking away the light. Your beaten face. This time General Shepherd stood over you. 
Slice and Scream. Over and over and over. 
Again. Burlap sack. Blinking away the light. Your beaten face. Phillip Graves slicing away at your skin. 
Slice and scream. Over and over and over. 
“Simon, please, get better. The doctors are going to wake you up soon. I’ll be right here, my love.” 
Slice and scream. Slice and scream. Slice and scream.
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I'm not sure how many more parts there will be of this fic, but we're getting close to the end.
Thank you for all of the support on this fic!
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zabo-writes · 1 year
Hanging Around (Scar + Grian)
Grian gets spooked and his avian tendencies make him stress grip the ceiling of the Barge. Scar encounters him in this awkward predicament.
Grian was in a bit of a pickle.
His day had been fairly normal:
He mined ten full shulker boxes of sand and gravel to restock at the Barge. 
He avoided the back of his base like a plague. 
He fed Mumbo’s weird sentient base… all very normal, non stressful activities.
Inside the Barge, as Grian was opening the chests to collect his diamonds, he suddenly slipped and set off a firework rocket. It made a loud BANG sound, and left lots of pretty purple paper bits all over the floor that were going to be a pain to get out later. It had been mostly harmless really, only a tick or two of damage, but on instinct Grian jumped and grabbed onto the campfire-thatched ceiling of his upper floor for dear life.
This would not have been a problem, were it not for the fact that his talons had caught the wood in a stress grip, and now he couldn’t let go.
Grian was stuck on the ceiling.
He sighed. It wasn’t often that his avian behaviors interfered with his day to day, but boy did they choose the most awkward times! Grian stretched his wings in annoyance.
Okay! Let's assess the damage: 
His entire left foot’s talons were wrapped securely around the campfire wood on the roof of the barge. He had no control over the vice-like grip strength that his talons held in these situations. Depending on the level of stress that induced it, this could keep him stuck for anywhere from minutes to hours. 
His right hand had grasped a fence post on the wall to stable himself in his fright. That grip was less… grippy? His knuckles were still white with tension, but in his experience he was usually able to gain control over his hand far more quickly. Grian wasn’t really sure why, maybe it was because his feet were more bird-like, and his hands were less so? He wasn’t going to question it.
Right foot, left hand, and both wings free to flail idly while he waited. And bump awkwardly into all his chests.
With a bit of focus and begrudgingly calm breathing, Grian managed to dislodge his other hand. Great! Now he could hang upside down like a bat while he waited for his foot to be less grippy. Nothing to see here, just an average day at the Barge, doing his stretches… 
Grian really hoped no one came in to see him like this.
But it seemed luck was not in his favor today, as he began to hear singing in the distance growing slowly louder as someone approached. And singing generally only meant the arrival of one person in particular.
“Why, hello there! What are you up to on this fine afternoon Grian? Hanging around?”
Grian leveled Scar with his most unimpressed expression, though the effect was slightly diminished by his predicament. Scar shamelessly eyed the avian down and up, undeterred.
Growing a little self conscious of his jumper slipping and showing his stomach, Grian adjusted his arms so he was leaning extremely casually against the wall. Very casual and also comfortable. He hoped Scar left soon because he could not keep this up for long.
“Hello Scar. I’m doing quite well actually! Just doing my daily stretches.”
Scar nodded sagely, “Ohh I see! Always good to stay fit, that’s good, keep the muscles strong.” 
“Yes, precisely! So, did you need something?”
“Hmm, I actually came by looking for some lanterns, but I think I’ll do some leisurely shopping around the Barge! I’m sure you don’t mind, do you, Grian?”
Grian did mind, actually! He minded very much, Scar! Grian cursed his bird luck under his breath, but gritted out “Don’t you have some mayoral duties to attend to? More evil lasers to build?”
“It’s not evil! It has solar panels,” Scar said as he brought himself face to face with the hanging avian, placing his hands on the sides of Grian’s shoulders, “And besides. I’m much more intrigued on what’s going on with you. I think you’re lying, pesky bird.”
Grian felt his face grow hot. He tried to shift away, to no avail.
“C’mon! You can tell me, what's up?”
“..... I’m a bit stuck.”
“Really?!” Scar gasped, “Stuck in your own shop? If this isn’t Grian-safe, it surely isn’t Scar safe… I may need to write you a citation!”
“No, no, it's like a bird thing. I got spooked by a rocket and then I stress-gripped the ceiling.”
Scar’s face lit up in a way that usually did not mean good things for Grian.
“Oh, I can help you calm down! Hold on right there Grian, I’ve got just the wizard crystal for this occasion…”
“I really don’t think that's needed here,” Grian protested as Scar rifled through his enderchest, coming out triumphantly with a pink piece of glass. 
“Here we go! A one of a kind calming crystal just for you! Oh, and I can go get Jellie for you as well, she’s very calm…”
In the midst of Scar’s rambling, Grian felt his talons release from the ceiling. He tumbled gracelessly to the floor, taking out Scar in the process and landing them both in a tangled heap on the ground.
“You deserved that,” said Grian fondly, making no move to get off of Scar.
Scar looked up at him with a smile, “Another satisfied customer! Can I interest you in a bulk deal?”
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rulanarinrush · 26 days
a few more drdt ch2 thoughts, since i decided to not be lazy for once and rewatch the series for realsies. a follow up to this post.
My thoughts are below the cut. this isn't a definitive theory or anything, just rambling. I'd like to apologize for two things in the original post.
1 I misremembered Levi's family and forgot that he had a father. Sorry for spreading misinfo.
2. My wording in the original post makes it sound like it's completely obvious that a mechanism was used to kill Arei. It could be anything. Sorry if that post sounds brash or conceited.
As always, if there's something completely wrong, you can let me know.
You don't need to read the original post for this post, but I do want to restate some of my thoughts in it in a more concise way.
I think anyone could have taken the grippy tape used for the murder. (this is the part where rose fails the pullups of the recap video). I don't think it disappearing when Ace knocks Eden down is necessarily indicative that Eden or Ace had to take the tape, when it could have simply been knocked to the side, or Eden could have unsuspectingly given the tape to someone. Plus Levi didn't immediately go back to his room as far we can tell from Teruko's perspective, and there's a good chance that anyone in the rooms(but smart enough not to poke their heads out) overheard everything and could have investigated later in the night.
I don't know what's going on with Ace taking the resistance band or Nico (likely) using Hu's wire in their attempted murder of Ace. I imagine that will be elaborated on later.
I think all the motives that I guessed in the original post are still the same. So like Min <--> Xander, Veronika <--> Hu, Levi <--> Arei, David -> Teruko. I think that based on foreshadowing, Veronika and Hu have each other's. (And, assuming either one was telling the truth, they don't have their own based on MonoTV's soft confirmation that he(?) didn't give any of the secrets out correctly. However in the original post I kind of(definitely) messed up by misremembering Levi's family. But I still think that the survivor's guilt secret has to be Xander's because Levi describes his disownment specifically as a good thing, and that he and his family were bad influences on each other. It's not necessarily logically inconsistent for him to both feel immense guilt over their deaths if they died and feel like being disowned was a good thing at the same time, but it feels incongruous with his line at the beginning of the chapter of simply doing "nothing" to grieve. This is also what makes me think that MonoTV intentionally messed up giving out the secrets, because if Xander and Min are dead, why wouldn't you just reveal their secrets as they are? Of course, it could add to the intrigue as it were since the "reveal" technically happens 4 days later, but it still feels strange. (And I think the survivor's guilt secret can't be Min's because she would have no reason to feel pressured to continue being the Ultimate Student if that were the case)
I think the reason Charles specifically refutes the time of death during the cliffhanger is because the note is a fake piece of evidence. Yes, there's only one garbage can on the floor but like... it's paper. You can fold that in your pocket or stick it in your underwear. Or just eat the note. I go into more detail on it in the original post, but basically I don't think it was possible for the killer to have actually known all the information in the note just from eavesdropping. Arei overhears a bit of Arturo's secret, and then intervenes. I think she would have noticed someone eavesdropping or walking past her based on the design of the first floor. The killer could have overheard everything after she intervened, and simply made the conclusion that eden had arturo's secret as he stormed off, and I know that arturo is a character that tunnel visions pretty hard on only the things he cares about, but it feels weird for him to have not noticed someone on his way out. I don't think arei and eden were talking loud enough for someone to have overheard in the cafeteria. and also, the part about a younger sister committing suicide is extremely specific (specifically, "responsible for"). I would not have been able to pull that out of my ass on a whim. I think the murder occurred in a spontaneous confrontation after the david and arei talk, and that's how the killer learned this information. (kind of like dr1 ch2) Supposedly, ASSUMING Ace's account of David and Arei's talk is at least a little accurate, Arei already let it slip that Arturo threatened Eden. I personally don't think it's a super stretch to guess that maybe she let a bit more slip out by accident with someone else. (Also Ace could have saved a bunch of screentime in ep10 if he wasn't so petty lol....). Another thing I want to note is that he says their convo took place at 7:30, the same time as the note. Maybe he's just bullshitting, but I could see this being Charles' "aha" way of leading into all the weird contradictions in this case if the note was actually used. Additionally, the note just feels... off to anyone that knows Eden. It reeks of manipulativeness in the subtext in a way that I think killer Eden would not use. Also, what do you mean "someone else" in the note? (The note is at 58 seconds of ep10) If someone else besides Arturo specifically found out that secret like... who fucking cares? No one really has an incentive to go Eden hunting on Arturo's behalf. This makes me think Arei let it slip that it was a "he" like Eden did, and what the secret is, but not specifically whose secret Eden received. Like an opposite oopsie of her conversation with David.
I still believe some sort of mechanism was used to increase the amount of force used to snap Arei's neck via the gallows, but once again, sorry for making it sound like it's "obvious". I don't know how this mechanism would work, just that it's probably related to the jugs of (likely) fish water.
So now that that's out of the way, here's some of my new thoughts:
The ball of clothes that Charles finds is interesting to me, since the killer used something starch-like to glue that clothes together into a bowling ball like shape, the killer probably didn't have the time to take it apart and just hid it in the dress up room. Anyway, I think the ball of clothes was probably used to get the rope onto the support rafters/beams(?) to elevate either the jugs or Arei(likely the jugs) to a greater height. Either that or it's to extend the rope so that when the rope unravels via the carousel at a very high speed, more force is applied to Arei's neck when she drops. Basically, I think the killer tied the rope to the ball, then threw the ball up towards the ceiling to loop the rope around the beam(? just gonna call it that...) and one time accidentally used too much force while throwing it, damaging the ceiling light. I don't think this is totally unreasonable since while it looks like a bowling ball, clothing is definitely less dense than an actual 13 pounder. Did I pull this outta my ass considering that's a pretty high throw? Yeah. But like, if Levi did it...
I don't remember where I saw something damaged in like this kinda straight line that implies a rope was tied, maybe I hallucinated that so I will not talk about it. (I think i legit just hallucinated an entire clue where paint came off...) But while I don't have any guesses as to what the scuff marks on the ground could be (it could have been a confrontation, but I do think that Arei was probably knocked out in the relaxation room for no other reason than a hunch.) I'm guessing that the reason it looks wonky is bc the killer wanted to cover up a footprint. Hu specifically mentions her heels leave marks, and while hoisting things up, the killer might have dug their heels in to pull the rope. And footprints can tell a lot, especially since everyone supposedly has the same outfit.(beyond just. shoe size.)
wishing myself a very go back in time and tell myself to pay more attention in mechanics class.
anyway. last thing. in episode 2, monotv specifically mentions the ground of the playground is made of the same ground as the turf. So if Arei were pushed to the ground, her body would have bruises but not scratches. This makes sense with Arturo's autopsy. But more importantly, he mentions that the stuff sticks to you, especially when wet. Since the jugs were likely filled with fish water, it's possible the killer stepped in a puddle and got some of the stuff on their shoes. Either that, or the killer took off their shoes because they were well prepared, and it stuck to their socks. or their grippers. don't think too hard about the last one. But anyway, I'm sure the killer learned from Min's jacket hiccup, and if so, that would make Levi extra suspicious since he says he went to do laundry around the time.
I think that's everything I want to say this time. Sorry that this is again so long for something that's just my thoughts and not a good theory. And probably not right. I still think that Levi, Hu, or Ace is the most likely culprit here, with Levi in the lead. Thematically, I don't think it makes sense for Arturo to be the killer since the chapter is about the appearance of being a good person(glitters), since he hasn't really shown an interest in that. Eden doesn't make since(to me) bc of what I said in the original post in that the note is so sloppily discarded. Whit is an absolute wildcard guess pick and while it's possible to create mechanism that breaks a neck while you turn around and aren't a witness to anything, discarding the evidence while walking backwards is a crazy. guess that's just a skill issue for me. Sure there could be an accomplice but I don't think so because I said so. See? No discussion (I'm kidding)
As a joke, I also just want to know. Does anyone know if David ate anything between his talk with Arei and the investigation? I think that realistically he took a sandwich or smth from the kitchen before going to the relaxation room, or ate after talking with Arei, but it would be really funny if Judas showed his "true" colors because he was actually just really hungry without dinner or breakfast. I mean I would also turn into the joker if I went that long without food, so I get it.
Also can someone who knows more about playgrounds explain to me why the fans on the ceiling of the playground spin clockwise instead of counterclockwise. Search engines aren't giving me an answer.
Lastly if dev somehow happens to see this, there isn't a tumblr announcement so I can't really thank you on an account but thanks for working so hard on the rest of chapter 2. I hope your health has improved and your break is restful. And of course, thanks to the staff too.
Here. For making it to the end(sprites belong to drdt dev, and I do not claim the original meme as my own)
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kentocalls · 3 months
geto suguru | licentious minors do not interact. nsfw. pretty/baby is used. this is all spice because it's suguru.
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he trails a fingernail down the curve of your spine and the only reaction it gets him, is a small huff of air. you’re absolutely resolute in proving him wrong huh?
yet the smile never leaves his face, you’ll give in soon.
you can feel your core shake, you’ve mentally trading strength for stamina and move onto your elbows, body barely separated from the mattress. another shiver as you feel suguru’s fingertips trace over the top of your core, pulling away and spreading sweet nectar across your thighs. he’s so mean when he’s competitive.
but you’re not giving in.
no matter how much his warm hands squeeze and prod. you have to stay focused, deep exhales, no! keep your eyes open, don’t close them. don’t relegate more power to your sense of touch.
his using is nimble thumbs to apply pressure around your core, you like that. you have always liked the gentle, firm pressure, body reacting like it normally does, rewarding him with more wet encouragement but he doesn’t push anything in. doesn’t increase his strength and massage with intent.
goes feather light, again, brushes over your opening, again. making you grow messy and wetter. you open your mouth and claw at the sheets underneath you.
once again, trading strength for stamina, you let your body fall into the softness underneath, letting gravity and the bed support your nearly tired limbs. clawing at the sheets, teeth bitting to keep your lips sealed. you’re not gonna call his name, not going to break.
body arching up, needy, provocative. keep that up and you’ll break him first — suguru notes, his own hands greedy, grippy, groping.
how long has he been at this? it needs to end soon, the ache in him gnawing with full desperation. and he can’t touch himself, not yet, he’d give in too quickly and you’re just about on the edge.
you can feel how hot and sweaty your body when he hovers his own against you, hands caging you in and your body is like live wire, ready to betray your brain for another one of his touches, fuck, don’t give in yet.
“doing alright pretty thing? you got so quiet.” he’s cooing, hiding his own torment. body throbbing to be on you, feel you, hear you.
you don’t trust your words, surely his name will escape like a hushed prayer, so all he gets is an aggressive and rushed thumbs up. has him chuckling but it drops his hips closer and the sinful curve in your spine makes skin to skin contact.
you’re so heated, warm, wet, inviting. his hand moves to your hip and moves you closer. you roll up and back, on your sides now.
keep breathing, don’t close your eyes. don’t focus on the sound of his voice or the tiny growls hidden as laughs. you’re getting to him, his hands evidence of the internal discord. did he really really think you’d yield so easily?
you know how to be nimble, angling your feet to push more of your body into him and oh that earns you a bite on your shoulder, he nips and licks and molds his body around yours.
suguru needs to change his plan of action, has to take a gamble, the faster you give in the quicker he can take and both of you will be rewarded, it’s the end justifying the means. but really, there is no better feel than the palm of his hand dragging down your belly and towards your heat. his deft fingers come in contact with your clit. you twitch instantly and he smirks into the crook of your neck.
he’ll be nice, he’ll be oh so good soon. give in, give in, give in.
he uses his hand to cup the entirety of your sex, pushes up and firm, feels more of honey slip past his fingers and he wants. he wants he wants he wants, just give the fuck in.
and yeah, you’re shaking, body running an alarm through you at promised pleasure, but suguru was the one who called you needy right? said you’d make a huge mess five minutes and last ten minutes?
and you’re unrelenting.
just tiny gasps and barely there whimpers.
perhaps he’s been spoiled, is filled with the need to pull one moan from you.
he’s going to lose this, fingers tracing your soaked lips faster and faster. your hands clenched so tight, eyes shut, don’t think about the sounds he’s making, don’t feel his breathe on your skin. only focus on making him break first.
and so you will your hips to drag forward, away from his body. the relief his brief but enough. suguru is uncompromising has you pulled right back into him, holding his own determination in contention. who is this for again? what are you two working toward? no no no, you’re the opposing party in this right? he needs to work against your pleasure?
wait, that doesn’t make sense.
why would he need to do that?
“you’re being so good, so wet.” his thumb almost pushes in, he almost slips because right, you didn’t say his name. you’re the stubborn one here. all he needs is for you to say please and it’s over, case closed, he’ll give you the sweetest release. “would feel so good, i’d fill you up so nice, yeah?”
oh you’re not giving up now, he’s getting needy, spiraling towards seeking reaffirmation and you’re just gonna need to keep breathing. if you give him nothing, he’ll give you everything.
and your silence? that won’t do. you’re gonna bruise your lips, that’s why he snakes an arm around your neck and kisses you desperate. would never let you hurt yourself, kisses you with force, tongue desperate to hide. fuck, he needs you.
not yet, not yet, he’s got one final plea, one last chance. lifts one of your legs just slightly, slots his throbbing member between your thighs. “you can keep this nice and warm, yeah? good…you’re being so…, fuck, squeeze just like that yeah.”
and this is new, but it brings you back, his kissing you sloppy, hips canting, not full thrusts yet. but that’s what your thighs are for right, push him over the edge. squeeze harder, force those moans out of him. and he starts thrusting, the sounds making you blush.
you’re so wet and the skin on skin with his voice full of lust. “that’s right, that’s right, so good for me, so good for me.”
the way your hand grasps at his around your neck is deliberate, if he’s going to play dirty so are you. using the leverage you have, you stretch your body tight and long against his and that’s it, that’s it, he’s falling unprovoked. “need you, baby—pretty thing, please, need you.”
yes, yes, yes.
still pushing into him, still squeezing tight, you’re driving him insane. he has to hear you, needs to hear you, fuck the soft sucking sounds when his cock brushes past your cunt. his grip is unforgiving. he’s trying to stop himself, trying to ignore how good you feel, you’re so strong and so soft.
if give you time to move a hand unprovoked, greedily grabbing at his length, a firm hold and you put a little strength into the squeeze. you moan in tandem, he’s thrusting into your hand, keep a firm grip. it’s so messy and wet, hold on. he’s falling apart.
suguru needs to hear it, has to hear it. all else is lost, driven purely by the promise of a ‘please’ and his name falling from your lips. driven past hunger, consumed with lust suguru pulls away. your eyes open when you feel his arms cage your face. “please, pretty baby, my good girl, please.” give in.
and he’s so handsome, dark locks falling forward, eyes never leaving your face. lips bruised and cheeks tinted red, your hands feel so cool against his face. your smile soft and eyes so full of affection, want. you bring him close, kiss very softly. too chaste for what you’ve been doing, too soft for what he wants you to do.
dark violet pupils dilated and dialed in.
you push your thumb at his lips, he sucks it in happily, hopelessly. his need is near impossible to deal with on his own. you can feel how he is leaking, drooling desperate on top of you. “please, baby please.”
he’s trailing after your hand when you pull away, more sucking and bruising around your lips. please against your jawline and neck and he’s finally calling your name, rutting his hips against yours, fuck it’s over now, give in.
you can feel yourself dripping down your own folds and thighs. his kissing your name onto the top of your chest, voice heavy, his hips pulling up, his cock twitches against nothing. “need you, yeah? you need me too?”
yeah, you do. so you bend your legs, making his access easier. leaving yourself open, wet, welcoming for him.
only him. “i do, suguru, please?”
he kisses with fervor, haunting, taking, leaving you breathless. as he sinks in slow, the last semblance of control before he’s finally where he belongs, where you need him to be. “good girl, so fucking hot..” and its a mess of praise and depraved promises.
“you win, baby you win, now let me hear you please?” and it slips so easily from your lips his name, the grip on his hair is criminally painful. and he takes it, because it’s you.
“so good, so good to me suguru, yes.”
and if he's going to lose to someone, it's only fair it's the person who calls his name as if it's dripped in honey and gold; you
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i'm outta my head over you Pt. 5
prologue (Pt. 1) | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | AO3 | playlist
today's @steddie-week prompts: hurt/comfort and familiar
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While he waits for Wayne to get home so he can confront him about the ‘Teddy’ thing, Eddie thinks back on everything Steve had added to this tape.
He remembers that first time he actually talked to Steve; he was well aware of his existence before the King had so graciously graced him and Gareth with his presence that day, but was that really the time Steve was talking about in his notes? It had to be, there weren’t any other times they talked until the spring break from Hell.
It was only ever burning jealousy for Nancy Wheeler before (and after) that first time. Bitter thoughts of ‘I’d be much better for you than her,’ when he’d spotted them kissing against Nancy’s locker.
“I was made for lovin’ you, baby..” Eddie mumble-sings to himself at the memory. That was weird.
Then Steve had gone and dropped his haughty King Steve persona, bullied out of it By Hargrove. He lost Wheeler to Byers, and somehow didn’t become more of an asshole?
Much like the KISS song from a second ago, Eddie sings “Disaster and disgrace, the King has lost his Crown..” without even thinking about it. The song yanked up from whatever recess of his mind holds onto ABBA songs.
Huh. Wait a minute…
Eddie hops up and starts shuffling through his and Wayne’s admittedly impressive record collection. KISS’s Dynasty album he needed was not too hard to find, but Voulez-Vous? That’s…gonna be harder. It’s gotta be around here somewhere though, ABBA is one of Wayne’s guilty pleasures.
Shit…he and Steve have much more in common than he thought…
Eddie moves onto thinking back over those couple weeks spent hiding out with Steve while he hunts. He’s got a few hours to kill.
The days spent at Casa Harrington both felt like they’d crawled by at a snail's pace, and were over and behind him all too soon. 
It was awkward in the beginning, but they quickly fell into a pattern. 
Eddie was in the guest room on the main floor so he didn’t have to walk more than he needed to with the fresh graft wound on his leg, and Steve was on the couch in the living room (much to Eddie’s dismay).
“Steve, for the love of all that is unholy, PLEASE just sleep in your own bed? I’m perfectly fine down here, promise.”
“Not happenin’ Eds. My couch is super comfy anyway.” 
Steve helps him to the bathroom whenever he needs it, and when he’s at work, Eddie uses those short trips to stretch his leg like his doctor said to.
Luckily for Eddie, the initial bandages on both his donor graft wound and his grafted wound (the biggest on one his left side) came off while he was still in the hospital, so he was able to shower and clean the areas with the mild soap Steve got for him. 
Steve would help him over the lip of the tub after he got undressed (another time to slowly work on stretching the areas a bit), and take his towel from around the curtain once he was in. 
Then he’d hover (every. time.), pretending that he had things to clean in the main floor bathroom until Eddie was done, and help him back out once a towel was around his waist.
The first couple days were the worst; Eddie had next to no energy at all for doing anything , but Steve is nothing if not a gracious host; so when he was led to the bathroom on the first day he needed a shower, Eddie found a small stool in the tub already, the usual bath mat outside the tub, plus some of those stick-on grippy things were stuck onto the floor of the tub and laid out in a path on the tile to where the sink was. 
They were shaped like ducks.
“Ducks, huh?”
“Yep! ‘Rubber Duckie, you’re the one’ and all that. You like ‘em?” He sang (in a perfect imitation of Ernie), genuine as ever.
“Yeah Stevie, I love ‘em.” What else was he gonna say?
Steve had set him down on the closed lid of the toilet and started the water for him, aiming the shower head away from the curtain.
“Okay, let's get these bandages off, huh? Arms up!”
Eddie obliges, raising his arms up over his head as far as they could go for Steve to carefully pull his shirt over his head.
“Sit up straight for me.” He does, and Steve gently works the two large sections of gauze and tape across his torso off.
By time he’s done, Eddie’s shaking with the effort of holding himself up.
“Okay, okay, relax,” Steve coos, “I just have to get the one on your face now, then we’ll worry about your leg.”
Eddie nods, leaning his uninjured cheek into Steve’s large palm while he works the bandage off his other cheek and jaw.
Steve’s hands are so warm, he starts to fall asleep.
“Wake up, sunshine, gotta stand you up.” Steve says, the smile evident in his voice.
Eddie nods, keeping his eyes closed while Steve helps him up, and guides him to hold onto the towel bar.
“Okay, I’m going to take off your sweats, and then I’ll lift the leg of your shorts to take the bandage off. Is that okay, Eddie?”
Eddie nods, still tired.
“Eddie, please tell me what I’m going to do so I know you heard me.”
“Pants off, leg up.”
“Wait, that sounded wrong.”
Steve just chuckles, “At least I know you were listening.”
He does exactly what he said he was going to do, and stands back up.
Oh no, now all that’s left is his boxers.
“OK, I’m going to put this over your shoulders and clip it in front,” of course he’s already got a plan for this. Eddie’s heart swells in his chest. “Then all you have to do is shimmy outta your shorts; you’ll still be covered up. Is that alright?”
“Yeah Stevie, sounds great.” Eddie chuckles, and Steve wraps a huge fluffy towel over him. “Where’d you get a giant towel?” he asks as it’s clipped around him with a just-as-giant claw clip.
Eddie feels Steve’s chuckle against his back and fights the urge to relax backward into his arms forever.
“It’s called a bath sheet. You can take some with you when you leave if you want.”
“Hm…A few will have my plasma all over ‘em.” Eddie rationalizes, getting another chuckle from the other man.
“Alright, smarty pants, you should be secure. When you’re ready, I’ll help you get over the edge of the tub so you can sit down on the stool.”
Eddie nods, and starts working his boxers down. Once off, he looks behind him for Steve.
If he wasn’t holding onto this rack for dear life, he’d probably keel over with how hard he laughs.
“What?” Steve feigns stupidity.
“Nice mask, Steve-o.” he’s wearing a leopard print eye mask, his hair sticking out goofily on the sides from where the elastic cinches above his ears.
“I can take it off if you wan–”
“No! Leave it!” Eddie laughs, grateful Steve can’t see how red his face is right now. “Can’t have ya getting a sneak peek of the goods.”
Steve shrugs, “I’ll just wait for the premiere, then. Now!” he brushes past that (and Eddie’s spluttering), “Let’s get you settled.”
He reaches forward for Eddie’s hand on the rack, dwarving it in his, and gently guides the two of them forward, his front to Eddie’s back as support. Damn, his legs are tired.
Steve reaches out ahead of them and blindly swipes for the shower curtain once, twice, catching it on the third swipe and sliding it open.
“Okay Eds, be very careful.”
Eddie steps slowly and carefully over the edge of the tub, realizing why Steve turned the showerhead earlier. The spot he’s stepping onto is still bone dry, much safer.
“Both feet are in, Cap’n. Hold this?” He swaps his hand in Steve’s for the corner of his towel. “Gonna take the clip off and you can take the towel.”
“Got it,” Steve says, and once he’s thrown the towel behind him: “Hand please?”
Eddie puts his hand back where it belongs, and lets himself be supported while he sinks down, slowly, onto the stool.
“I’m good Stevie, thank you.”
He straightens, letting go of Eddie’s hand and snaps the curtain shut briefly, opening the other end to reach up for the showerhead.
“Ooh, fancy.” Eddie snarks when he catches the handheld head from Steve’s outstretched arm (it was almost too far to his left to grab).
“Shut up.” Steve chuckles and closes the curtain again, talking through it now. “The head should fit between the wall and the bar there, so you can put it down if you need to, the soap you should use is on the shelf on the left with a washcloth, and I snagged my mom’s curly-hair shampoo and conditioner,”
Eddie feels like he’s gonna cry.
“...Doc said not to let the water beat down on your wounds so make sure you keep the spray away, yell if you need me or when you’re done, okay? I’ll grab my blindfold and be here in two seconds flat.”
“Got it, thanks Steve.” Eddie manages through the lump in his throat.
“No problem Eddie."
Steve’s just as careful, gentle, respectful, on Eddie’s way out of the shower; blindfold on, he keeps his arms out for Eddie to lean on while he dries the majority of the water off himself, holding him steady while he pulls on a new pair of boxers.
“I’m taking the blindfold off now,” Steve says, then does, when he doesn’t hear any complaints from his friend. “You gotta stay standing for a little bit longer, okay? Gotta get your leg wrapped up first.”
Eddie nods, trying his best to hold back how heavy his breaths are coming with the constant exertion over the past half hour.
As soon as the last piece of tape is in place, Steve lowers him back onto the lid of the toilet.
“Here, drink this whole glass.” He says, handing Eddie a glass of water and the painkillers he needs.
By the time the water is gone, he’s air dried a bit more. 
Steve carefully scrunches the water from Eddie’s hair, expertly twists it up into the claw clip, and drapes the towel over Eddie’s don’t slip and die bar.
He coaxes Eddie to sit up straight again with the promise of a Star Trek marathon in order to properly apply the prescribed cream and new bandages over the worst of his wounds (“Just a little bit longer sweetheart, you’re doing great!” he says proudly).
Steve ends with the one on his cheek, and once again, Eddie is drifting off; Steve lets him doze, leaned forward onto his stomach with his head turned slightly to get bandaged.
It’s like that every time. Even after Eddie gets stronger and can get in and out of the shower on his own, bitching at Steve in frustration for his damn hovering, he’s there, ready to help him when, by the end of his shower, he’s fully beat and sick to his stomach for being mean to his friend.
Every Tuesday and Thursday, they slowly load Eddie into the beemer, Eddie would suffer through physical therapy, and Steve was there to half-carry him back to the car (and there to order Eddie’s favorite flavor of ice cream for him when he inevitably zonks out in the front seat).
Steve’s always there.
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“You were made for lovin’ me..” Eddie sings, continuing his song-thought from before (though it’s marginally worse after recording the track to the B-side of Steve’s mixtape)
It’s the first song in response to Steve’s side.
“Buckley, you’re a genius.” he mutters to himself.
The front door squeaks open then, oh shit, is Wayne’s shift over already?
“…shut up..” he says, after agonizing through the memory of his and Steve’s first kiss. Knowing now that Steve had meant it, well, not actually, but actually wanted to have it be more of a deal… Yeah, Wayne and Robin are right. Doofus to Steve’s Dingus! Right here!
“You’ve at least got your shit together now, right? You got a plan?”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about it,” he dismisses, “Speaking of, where’ve you hidden Voulez-Vous ?”
“S’that why all our albums’re out?” Wayne slumps down into his recliner with his mug (this time, it’s the Campbell’s Soup one). 
“...I’ll put ‘em away, I promise.”
Wayne sighs, but reaches down the side of his chair nearest the wall with his free hand, and returns with the album in his hand.
“Aw what the hell, I never would’ve found that!”
“A man’s recliner pockets are a sacred place.” 
“I’ll leave it here fer ya, you ain’t doin’ nothin’ with it now. You’re going to bed.” Wayne emphasizes the ‘you’re going to bed’ part.
“Fine, fine,” Eddie tosses his hands up, “I’ll worry about woo-ing my man in the morning.”
Wayne’s responding “Ew.” is both muffled and amplified by his mug.
He spends the early afternoon after waking up cleaning up his mess like he’d promised, packing away all the vinyl into their designated cabinets under their kitchen bar before pulling out Voulez-Vous .
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As soon as he hits stop on recording The King Has Lost His Crown (seriously, the tape had just clicked to a stop), his front door bursts open.
“The hell??” Eddie shoots up from his spot on his bedroom floor to the front door.
Dustin and Will are on either side of Max, supporting her over the threshold..
“Is she okay? What are you all doing here? You shits are lucky I just stopped recording!” he fusses.
“We were bored at my place, so we came to visit. Now stop being a Steve and grab my chair from outside.” Max commands.
“Rude.” Eddie scoffs, but does as she demands. “Your throne, m’lady.”
The two boys lower her into the seat and wheel her back in line with the couch before collapsing down on it themselves.
“So what are you recording?” Dustin asks, pulling his feet up to sit cross-legged on the cushion.
“Uh…” Shit!  “…It’s a party mixtape, a couple songs for each of ya.”
Will lights up “Can we hear?”
“What songs did you use for me?”
“Yeah, what about me? I’m assuming you got some Kate Bush.”
“Calm down! Calm down, it’s a surprise, okay?
“Whose did you just record?” Will asks, ever the calming presence.
“It was one of Steve’s obviously.”
Eddie blanches.
“How d’ya figure?” Dustin asks Max, incredulous. “You can’t just know these things.”
“He came out here with ABBA in his hand. Obviously that’s one of Steves”
He did? Eddie looks over at the kitchen counter; yep, there it is. Tossed haphazardly onto Wayne’s stack of old pay stubs.
“Ooh! Let us pick the other Steve song! Where’re your other records?” Will looks around, Max starts to move.
“Why should I let you? It was my idea!”
“Uh, we've known him longer. Duh”
“I think I’ve got things covered Dusty–”
“Damn you’ve got a lot of music” Max found their stash. “And it’s a lot of regular people music too, I thought you were a metalhead.”
“Careful, Snoopy, I most definitely am. But music is music, and music is good.”
Will and Dustin are already crowding around her chair to get to the vinyl. Well, there goes all the organizing he just did.
“What about this one?”, “No way, gotta use this!”, “He doesn’t even like them, though..”
Finally, Max stops the assault on his cabinets. “Wait, you guys, I've got it!”
Eddie sighs, giving up. “Whatcha got, Mayfield?”
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Part 6 here!
eddie calling max 'snoopy' may or may not come from my parents also calling me that when i was little and would snoop around the house looking for presents when it was close to my birthday
tag list cause y'all asked so nice to be tagged!: @hellomynameismoo, @messrs-weasley, and @manda-panda-monium
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neopuppy · 3 months
i follow both your nct and enha blogs, so i saw your reply to an ask on your enha blog which also mentioned renjun and it felt wrong messaging you abt him there so i will just message you abt him here haha. hope you don’t mind!!!
have you seen renjun’s message on bbl where he exposed a sasaeng’s twt account? that was bravery right there. i hope that’ll serve as an example to idols and warning to crazy fans
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I was going THROUGH it last night bc of this jcjejcjdjd I genuinely dont know if I’d be as concerned if it was anyone other than Renjun only given the circumstances(SM ent. and their long history of torturing idols- plus what was also happening with cbx/exo yesterday)
going to say this as someone who is on my 3rd SM group that I’m watching fall apart in real time once again, this is likely Dreams last run(the irony) as a properly promoted group. the only reason they even still get so much is because they are huge in Asia and have always been(PROBABLY BC SM HAS NEVER ONCE TRIED TO BREAK THEM INTO THE WESTERN MARKET THE WAY THEY DID WITH 127 BUT THATS BC 127 WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR US FANS- we know how that went). its so hard to watch your favs literally cry for help and you cant do anything when its their own company working against them.
sasaengs are kept alive by INTERNAL staff that have access to information such as private schedule locations, hotels, flights, etc. why else would the SAME people always conveniently ‘show up’ to unannounced events that were never for ‘fans’ to begin with?
Renjun is one of the handful of actual talented idols we have in the age of 2024 where all kpop idols need to do is buy an entirely new face to debut and be deemed “it boy/girl”, makes me sick to my stomach that he cant do his job peacefully bc of people who relentlessly stalk him, purposely sit by him on planes, call his phone day and night.
I’m fr just a normal person, not famous just living my life and my anxiety is BAD. way worse when I was younger and would have physical panic attacks to the point of throwing up. I got help(therapy, meds, etc) fortunately and learned how to calm my anxiety but I always think abt how idols have to deal with this especially when I’m at the airport. like INTL travel is so fucking stressful and taxing on the body, I cannot imagine camera shooting at me the second I step off a 16 hr flight where weird ass ssngs followed me to the bathroom and took pictures of me SLEEPING the entire time! only to run after me in mobs after going through customs.
like idfk why anyone would defend this animalistic behavior. if an idol feels desperate enough to share their mental health issues with us as fans- coming from a place and industry where this is very stigmatized- WE NEED TO LISTEN, AS FANS WHO RESPECT AND TRUST HIM. I wish I could do something, but I cant, and I would beat up every ssng to exists if it held no repercussion bc famous or not these are HUMAN BEINGS, and they dont deserve this.
I really worry given the kpop track record of idols choosing their exit instead of finding help. I am so proud of Renjun for putting himself first and taking this time off to heal himself. like there is just so many things and I am worried abt all of Dream, they debuted so young and have some of the worst ssngs out of all of kpop with a company who wont lift a finger to protect them. in this case they truly only have us(the actual fans)and Renjun going public with this proves that.
I hope anyone who has invaded their privacy feels ashamed, and this goes for ‘fans’ that follow them around the world/are constantly in fan calls/fan signs etc- you are weird. period. nothing normal about that one-sided parasocial relationship that you brag abt online, and instead of spending $1000’s upon $1000’s on bothering an idol who will never fuck you, maybe consider investing in a much needed grippy sock vacation.
I think these people are beyond help, and unfortunately they have the funds or limitless credit to endorse their madness. I need more idols to see this and start calling out these weirdos. NO ONE SHOULD ALLOW THIS BEHAVIOR TO BE NORMALIZED, end of story.
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idontknowreallywhy · 6 months
Resurface 9 - Rebalance
Stepping away from the main event a little for a look at how the Tinies are doing…
Thunderbird Two sat steaming on the icy concrete of the hospital’s helipad. It was a bright morning in Calgary but everything was deeply, deeply white. It was only marginally above eyeball-freezing temperature and it would definitely have been more sensible to wait for Grandma to finish whatever argument she was having with the pharmacy inside… either inside the ship, or the hospital. But Gordon didn’t seem to want to do either of those and Alan sort of got it, so… here they were.
Alan paced the length of the big green behemoth. Slowly. Carefully, testing each step before putting his weight on that foot. He didn’t want to slip and cause an incident. If only they’d suited up his uniform boots would have been far more grippy… and warmer. Still, he needed to concentrate on something and the act of walking was, ironically, safer ground than most of the other options. He shivered.
“You alright, Allie?”
“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” He didn’t look around. Focussed on placing his feet one at a time into the footprints he left on the last pass.
“Well I dunno, perhaps the horrifying experience of our most consistent, reliable elder brother suddenly losing his sanity, yelling at our dead father and nearly throwing himself and Scott down a cliff?”
Alan flinched. Then looked down at Gordon who was crouched by one of Two’s struts, looking for all the world like a kicked puppy. He looked young, and lost and in need of a big brother. But right now there weren’t any available, only Alan the perpetual younger brother. Alan the baby who needed protecting from everything. Alan the small and incompetent who hid a terrible secret inside.
If Gordon knew… if Scott and John knew… what if Virgil told them? Did Virgil even know?
He may only have been a little kid but he had been smart enough to know he’d messed up. Smart enough to join the dots between his clumsiness and Virgil getting sick. He hadn’t been smart enough to understand why one brother had left him, but he had known he was to blame for nearly losing the second.
He grit his teeth and started pacing again.
And then paused and made a U-turn back to where his usually irrepressibly sunshiney brother huddled, stony-faced in the shadow of his wingman’s ship. Alan crouched alongside him and they both stared into the distance for a while.
“This sucks.” He ventured.
“You alright?”
Alan let out a humourless laugh.
“Sorry, stupid question.”
“I asked it too.”
“Yeah, and I lied. Sorry.”
He really wasn’t very good at this. He tried to think what Scott or Virgil would do, and mostly the talking bit happened later… the first response to a sad sibling usually boiled down to one of those magical all-encompassing big brother hugs. But surely he needed to be bigger than Gordon for that to work? Alan was the baby, he didn’t have the arms for it. Didn’t have the presence.
Yet… maybe it wasn’t about size. Thunderbird Three was, after all, a lot bigger than Two. But Two’s wings had an unparalleled ability to shelter them all. While Three was adventure, Two was safety. And Four, Alan realised, depended on her more than any of them.
Right now Four needed Two badly.
But Three was better than nothing.
He held his breath and reached around Gordon’s shoulders and pulled him close. His elder brother stiffened for a moment, clearly conflicted. Then seemed to melt into Alan’s side with a gasp. Alan wrapped his other arm around him and squeezed tighter.
“What if we don’t get him back, Alan?”
“We will. He will be ok.”
“You don’t know that.”
“No, but… I’m hoping really really hard.”
“I guess that’s all we’ve got.”
“That and… we always have each other? Tracys stick together no matter what, right?”
Gordon huffed a small laugh from somewhere in the vicinity of Alan’s armpit.
“You’re just a teeny tiny Scott clone, you know that right?”
“I’m not that small!”
Alan flicked Gordon on the ear. Gordon jabbed him in the side which made him squeal uncontrollably. They scrabbled for a few moments before both tipped over and lay there for a minute, laughing the kind of laughs you laugh when the only other option is to cry.
Sally hurried out of the lift, dragging a small suitcase and clutching the paper pharmacy bag she’d had to shout down three junior pharmacists and two senior to obtain. Turned out, even when you have the consultant psychiatrist convinced, the pharma team were very reluctant to dispense an older drug, even if it had been proven to work well on a particular patient in the past. She didn’t have time to mess about with the shiny new third gen antipsys when she didn’t know how her boy would react. She just needed some certainty. They all did. That she’d managed to make them see sense without having to use the Name was professionally satisfying. She didn’t really want to risk that kind of speculation right now. People could be unkind about things they didn’t understand.
Somewhat apprehensive as to what state Gordon and Alan might be in, she was surprised, although not unpleasantly, to find both younger brothers on their feet, brushing slush from their clothes and hair… flicking it at each other just a little more than seemed strictly necessary. She raised an eyebrow in askance then lowered it, deciding not to go there. Whatever kept these two going right now was fine by her. She hugged them both briefly but hard, then heaved the case on to the platform.
“Right boys, let’s go home.”
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
Had training today- it was fun:) ALSO WHY ARE YOU GUYS ALL TARGETTING ME WITH THE DADDY ISSUES THING?? LIKE I GET IT I PROBABLY HAVE THEM BUT JEEZ COME ON.. YALL MEAN >:( im crying now :( Daily Hobie HC! Imagine having a little rollerskating date with Hobie at an abandoned roller rink. He'll wear some skates that he brought along with him, while you've taken it a step further and wore rollerblades. Multiple times while you were hobbling around the carpet, Hobie has tried to feign pushing you, when it reality if you do accidentally fall, he'll be catching you immediately. Once you both manage to get on the rink, Hobie will immediately go ahead, boasting about how he can easily skate as soon as he gets on because of his 'enhanced muscle memory'. (He's been practicing for a while..and fallen on his ass multiple times..shh) He'll skate a few laps, waiting for you to become a little more confident with your rollerblades before beginning to tease you a little. At times, he'll pull you along with his speed for a tiny bit, coaxing you out of your comfort zone and trying to match his speed. After a few times, it works, with you managing to let go of the stability bars on the side, and eventually join him further to the middle of the roller rink. Hobie, with his long arms, will reach out to you and pull you into him, promptly knocking you off your feet. He'll peck at your lips with a smile, mumbling little sweet nothings into the skin of your shoulder, with the occasional 'I could push you off your skates and you wouldn't even know.' Eventually, he does kick your feet out from underneath you playfully. However, he had originally planned to still be your support system. Little did he know, you had other plans, continuing to fall and drag him down with you. You two began to laugh loudly, with Hobie pouting at you dramatically, huffing with feigned annoyance. After a long bit of struggle, Hobie manages to pull both of you off the rink and onto the more grippy carpet, offering his hand for you to stand up. You both begin to search the place up and down, with you and Hobie flawlessly managing to weasel out a few prizes from the broken arcade machines. However, 20 minutes later he finds the plug for the machines, immediately starting it up to be able to work. One of the toys you both had 'won' from the arcade machine had a working light, so with a bit of focus and fairydust and a mirror or two, you both had managed to extract the light from the toy and direct it to shine on the dusty disco ball hanging from the roof, projecting down a ray of colours. One of them managed to shine into Hobie's eye, immediately making him recoil, his drama skills really paying off now, since you dropped everything and rushed over to him, cupping his face and trying to gently remove his hand. You know you've fallen into a trap the moment you see his smug smirk. His lips crashed against yours, a familiar, loving warmth wrapping around your hips as he pulled you closer, smiling through the kiss as your arms draped over his shoulders ever so sweetly. -🐦‍⬛
HHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA *in Oprah's voice* you got daddy issues! You got daddy issues! Everybody's got daddy issues!
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AHHHHHH ROLLER RINK DATE!!!! GOD I WANT THAT TOO! (I have a wip where hobie and r goes to one!)
I honestly think he'd be so competitive when it comes to claw machines like he would be so mad if after 2 tokens in and he still couldn't get the plushie you wanted that he'd seriously pick the lock to the glass and just nab it for you lmaoo
He's so silly! And a genius for figuring out how to make the disco ball work again. I'd give him a thousand smooches just for that 😉
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pluto-murphy-writes · 4 months
hey guys! I'm watching Lisa Frankenstein so here are my notes!
I already love the black and white opening credits/prologue
nice match cut to...not the modern day but you know, when the story is taking place
oooooh pretty animated title
GREAT soundtrack already
god i love the fashion
the WORK it takes to make Kathryn Newton even mildly unattractive
ngl I wish there was somewhere outside I could go to be alone. like a cemetary
I love Lisa so much
oh ok Taffy is stepsis
jfc what a backstory
lol the growing audience to Taffy's story
honey nooooooo don't chug the party beer
haha smooching teens
thank you Zelda Williams for not showing puke
Murder. Murrrrrrder Doug
this feels like a stage production and I'm so here for it
oh I am loving the style change
haha! Man in the moon!
tf is up with Lisa's boss lol
"we have to spend more time together" then don't be a bit-
hahaha such an accurate depiction of how I walk around when I'm home alone
"the ✨other girl✨"
aww he lost a hand
just chilling with a zombie it's cool
"are you going to talk?" *horrible groaning* "copy that"
I love that she's 1000% chill with a zombie as long as he isn't killing her
Dale is just. 100% just wants to get out of here
noooooot at all worrying about what she's gonna DO with the zombie in her closet
I am enjoying Manic Pixie Dream Zombie tho
please kill Janet
awww piano. oh his poor fingies
that was such a great long take
oh my god I think she actually ate a worm
Oscar Wilde vs Oscar the Grouch lol
Dammit Janet (100% why her name is Janet)
not the grippy socks! 😱
side note: love the peach ring rings
I love an unapologetic angry teen girl
oooooh he gets upgrades with the tanning bed, that's clever
"...crimper accident ☺️"
ngl Lisa and The Creature are both my type
i love that he gets slowly more alive-looking
oh they're so cute together
i have legit only heard this song from Horton Hears a Who
they had so much fun with this movie I'm cackling
ohhhhhh no they're figuring out the lieeee
pffft the vibe-back-massager
pffffft "other places" I can never watch this with my in-laws
"time is the wound" ....damn
i could kill for those eyebrows on Cole tbh
lisa do you know how to drive
"dress code violation" bitch how
of cooourse that's who her sister was sleeping with
ooohoohoho flying peen
I feel so bad for Taffy tbh
aww return of the peach ring ring
this is so cute fuuuuuuck
i wanna fuck cole sprouse Who said that?
I am crying. about a tanning bed
this whole fucking movie is practical effects and I love that
oh good they did find Janet
he can TALK! And his hair looks so nice!
okay, final verdict: it was a bit violent, but that's not really a bad thing. some of the dialogue felt a bit stiff but all the actors seemed to enjoy being there! Super funny, too!
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azztiph · 11 months
Mobility aid slander
I recently got a mobility aid and I wanna talk about it a bit.
So I got very basic fore arm crutches, they like metallic hospital looking ones.
I have POTS EDS and rheumatoid arthritis
I have ra in my hands and feet so I was very worried when looking for mobility aids.
I know that with almost all of them they put pressure on your wrists
So far I have not been having much wrist pain from my crutches
Although its not all perfect some cons I've been are experiencing are
The handles hurt like hell to hold onto for rlly long periods of time (I recommend getting foam covers or grippy gloves)
Crutches make it VERY hard to open up doors
It is also really hard to carry stuff
When use them for a while it hurts my shoulders
because of my ra sometimes I need to decide which pain is worse and spare my hands by not using the crutches
ra in my hands makes it hard to grip the handles sometimes
If i'm not careful my elbows will hyper extend while I'm using them
Everyone on earth will ask you what happened to you when you start using them
If the crutches are not at the right settings for your body you will not be stable while using them
It is a nightmare to find places to put them when you are in class or on public transport or a restaurant
Ok now for things I like about them
They offer a lot of support for both sides of my body
waiting in lines has become something I can do without insane pain or feeling like I'm going to pass out
I have bad hips and these make walking hurt them less
There are a lot of different ways to walk with them
If I do not feel like using both I can just use one and it functions almost like a cane with extra arm support
The ones I have are very easy to adjust
If one of my feet is really bothering me I can use them like regular crutches and not put pressure on that foot
the cuffs add extra support that keeps my wrists from killing me
I can swing with them to go faster if I need to
The ones I have are shockingly lightweight
Thats all for now.
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sheliesshattered · 6 months
I finished my lightsaber bag last weekend, but work has been so hectic that I haven't really had the time to take photos and write up a post about it until now.
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The finished bag, when closed like this, is 39" long and 5" wide. It fits my lightsaber (hilt with 28" blade attached) just perfectly, and it's so nice and soft and padded inside that I feel like my saber is protected from most things it would encounter either at home or out in the world. I wouldn't check it as airline baggage in just this bag, but short of that it feels pretty secure.
The top flap closes with a large strip of brown velcro, which makes it quick and easy to get my saber out when I need it. That faux-suede fabric I used for the lining is a bit grippy, and the interior of the bag is too narrow to get even my tiny raccoon hands into, so it takes just the right amount of force (no pun intended) to draw the lightsaber out of the bag. Even with the flap open, there isn't much risk of the saber just falling out of the bag.
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The fake pocket flap in the middle of the bag, near the right edge of the above picture, hides another bit of velcro, which allows me to close off the bag at a slightly shorter length by folding the top flap down even further, until the velcro on the left side of the picture meets up with the underside of that flap. I didn't get any pictures of that, since it's really only usable when I separate the hilt and blade of my saber, which is just fiddly enough that I prefer to keep them attached when I can. But it does give me the option, say for a Disney trip, to remove the hilt and wear it on my belt, and then have just the blade in the bag, with the bag being a little bit shorter and lighter and easier to carry onto rides and such.
The pocket at the lower end of the bag is sized for carrying the hex wrench and little screws needed for attaching the blade to the hilt, and also has enough room to tuck the charging cable in there as well.
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I've taken to storing my fingerless leather gloves clipped onto the bag, just so they're handy for practicing with the saber every evening. I've built up a good repertoire of flow arts combinations, training on both hands pretty equally, and find that my frequently achy wrists and shoulders are much happier for the routine. I'm hoping to get video of it soon.
When I'm not using my saber, it lives in the bag hung from a hook on the wall. I might like to eventually have a dedicated hook at something closer to waist level, but for now this higher up coat hook works just fine.
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The carrying strap took a little bit of fiddling around with to figure out what was most comfortable (even though the whole thing is easily under 5lbs, probably closer to 3), but looped through the top ring and then clipped at the bottom seems to be the winning combination. I can pull the bag on over my head, but the easier thing is to unclip the big S carabiner from the lower ring. The strap isn't permanently attached to the bag anywhere, so I can experiment with other arrangements or even other straps in the future, if I want to.
The chalk guidelines from when I put the lettering on are still showing up somewhat in these photos, but in person they're hardly noticeable. I may do another erasing pass on them at some point, and I still haven't decided if I want to do some weathering with fabric paints or just leave it as is. Generally I'm really happy with how it turned out, but it's nice to know that I can easily make a few more adjustments to it if I feel like it.
But the next thing I want to spend some time working on is the lightsaber hilt itself. I picked out this particular combination of pieces knowing that I wanted to do some practical weathering on it. The hilt is made from aluminum with a nice matte black finish over top, and I've seen lots of examples online of the difference that sanding that surface makes to the overall look of the saber. Now that I've gotten to know the saber and figured out where my hands naturally want to hold it most often, it's just going to be a matter of getting in there with some sandpaper and starting to take off that black paint in a few places.
I've also been toying with the idea of adding a bit of heat bluing to the emitter using paints, and I think all those details will really help it look more like the 'fragile antique' that the bag proclaims it to be. Modifying my saber like that is a bit daunting, but I have a pretty good idea of what I want the hilt to look like when it's finished, so it's really just a matter of carving out some time to take pieces of the hilt apart and strategically attack them with sandpaper.
And besides that, the only thing I still need for Star Wars Nite is the actual tickets to Star Wars Nite, lol. We're coming up on the end of our third week with our new client, and we have a better idea of when the major milestones and deadlines are in April and May, so hopefully Jack and I can sit down soon and figure out when we want to head back to Batuu.
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