#well okay well i kinda wish i was dead but that’s just a side effect of working with the public
joestarfucker420 · 11 months
i think i would genuinely benefit from being institutionalized
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yanderehsr · 1 year
((My I request for Yandere Tighnari, Venti, lyney, Freminet and Wanderer finding out there darling isn't really into short guys to much for like a brother They're more into someone bigger, taller and stronger like Itto, Alhaitham, Nevillete, Zhongli))
Since I only do max 4 characters per post I removed Lyney, hope that's okay with you.
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping, Murder
Tighnari: You wouldn't be able to see any hurt on the outside, he is good at keeping composure but trust me, he is really close to breaking down right now and just kidnapping you, the only reason he isn't is because others are around right now, he will try to explain to you that he isn't your brother, he is your future mate you can't just cheat on him
Will glare at Alhaitham any time he gets the chance, Tighnari was already jealous of his height but now he is even more jealous, he knows that he can't suddenly get taller so he does the second best thing, he drugs you under the pretense of drinking tea and brings you to his hut, he can't let his mate still think that you aren't made for him.
"How are you doing, do you have any strange side effects... good then let's talk about our future, I got kinda mad about your cheating but let's put that behind us now"
Venti: Nonononononono, this can't be happening, this was supposed to be his happy ending, where he and you could be together forever until the end of time, but not only do you just see him as a brother, you also like Diluc. It just hurts him so much that you can't see him as a boyfriend just cus he isn't tall enough.
Venti isn't having this, you must be his, he doesn't know how he would live without you, you are like an oasis for a man dying of thirst, you will wake up to Venti hugging you in your bed as he breathes in your scent, this is how it should be, he wonders how long it will take for someone to notice where Diluc is.
"So my little songbird, let's try this again, I love you more than anything, more than Mondstadt and it's people, wont you accept this poor bard and become mine, choose the right answer this time, love"
Freminet: He feels hurt, he also feels like crying but he doesn't want you to see him like that, so weak and emotional, he wants to tell you that he isn't your brother, he already has brothers and he knows what he feels for you isn't like that, it's love, pure raw love.
Freminet grits his teeth whenever he sees Neuvillette, it was because of him that he got rejected, oh how he wished that he could kill him, but he knows he isn't strong enough, oh how he wished he was a bit taller, a bit stronger just for you, and oh how he wished you would stop trying to escape as you are chained down to his bed.
"You are just so cruel, why can't you just love me like I am, why must you only like taller people. Well it doesn't matter now, you are mine now, my love"
Wanderer: He looks at you in betrayal, it took a lot for him to admit his feelings for you, and what is this he hears, that you only view him as a brother. But you know what, he isn't your brother, he is your partner, your love, your eternity, don't think this will change that.
Wanderer when he hears how you feel for Alhaitham will scoff, to think you are so shallow to only want to date taller people, he must've corruped your sweet mind, but no worries, he is sure that when you see Alhaitham's severed head you will snap out of such foolishness and embrace him, just like how it should be.
"Stop looking at him, he is already dead and nothing will change that, look at me instead and say you love me... SAY IT RIGHT NOW, I need to hear it, please"
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inbarfink · 2 years
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Okay, so when it comes to “What Remains of Edith Finch” I’m generally among those who subscribe to the reading that there is nothing supernatural about the ‘family curse’ - that it is nothing more than an unhealthy coping mechanism that became a self-fulfilling prophecy through a tradition of neglect and recklessness also maybe some slew of undiagnosed hereditary mental illnesses. But one aspect of this interpretation that I’m not really on-board with it is the idea that this makes the ending of the game, like, a totally unambiguously ‘bad’ tragic ending.
Well, either way it’s always a pretty sad ending, y’know. Everyone is dead. I mean in the sense that, like, if the ‘curse’ is nothing but the stories of the Finch family making them think they’re cursed - then Edith writing her little book and passing on these stories to her son is just perpetuating the Curse and probably dooming the poor boy. They would’ve both probably been better off if Edith did let those dangerous stories die with her. Right?
Well, that’s not really how I see it. I don’t really think this is a narrative is about how Edie and her outlook on death is, like, 100% totally wrong and dangerous and Dawn Finch was 100% totally in the right about trying to escape the family stories - as much as it is about Edie and Dawn both being flawed women and neither really handled their grief perfectly. Since Edie’s attitude kinda dominated the family and Edith herself kinda used to side with her great-grandma over her mother, the story focuses more on her realizing that, y’know, Dawn’s perspective might have a point. But just cause Dawn might’ve had a point doesn’t mean she was always right either. I think the point is more that Edith has to understand both her great-grandma’s and her mother’s side so she can strike a healthier balance between both of their attitudes.
Like, the thing is that the ‘Curse’ is mostly just generational trauma (and if there is a real supernatural Curse than it is still a metaphor for generational trauma), and the thing with trauma is that wallowing in it and letting it define you like Edie did is really not healthy - but neither is repressing it and trying to run away from it like Dawn tried to do. Edie might’ve been wrong about many things, but she was right about this:
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The ‘Curse’ won’t leave Dawn and Edith just cause they left the House, or just cause they stopped listening to Edie’s stories. Because the Curse and their Trauma are the same, so it will follow them in some form wherever they go. The big thing I keep thinking about is Edith’s comment after Sam’s story.
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This isn’t about Sam’s death being especially important for figuring out the ‘mystery’ of the Finch Curse, or it being an especially fascinating or beautiful story or whatever. It’s because it was an especially traumatic event for Dawn, that undoubtedly effected her for the rest of her life. But due to her fear of the effects of Edie’s Stories, she never really opened up about it with her daughter in any way. Seeing the pictures of Dawn and Sam’s last trip together, Edith feels she now has a greater understanding of what made her mother tick - and wishes she could’ve known about it when she was still alive.
And that does go farther down the family tree. Sam was the first Finch to show a real dislike to telling the Stories like Edie like. Although admittedly he wasn’t quite the rebel Dawn was:
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And pretty much everything about how he acted around his children, especially the real shitty stuff, was informed by the trauma of Calvin’s death. 
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And, like, obviously Edie’s idea of handling trauma did no favors to him, (She made him share a room with his dead twin for eleven years) but I think also his attempts to almost totally avoid and repress his Issues when he became an adult only made things worse and not better.
Now, you might be wondering how this relates to Edith and her son Christopher. Well, the first thing to remember is that Edith didn’t know for sure she was going to die when she started that journey. She wasn’t just planning on leaving that little book to her son in case she dies - she wanted to learn the stories too, and have a better understanding of the stories she knew already. Because these stories inform the trauma she grew around, and she wanted to understand it better before she became a mother. Dawn knew quite a lot about the danger of growing up in a household that wallows in and romanticizes trauma - and did her best to avoid repeating this mistake with Edith. Edith knew quite a lot about the danger of growing up in a household that repressed and runs away from trauma - and she doesn’t want to repeat it with her child as well.
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And as for writing it down for Christopher in case she’s not around to share the stories with him. Well, the first thing to note is that I think that even if Christopher never had Edith’s book - he was already bound by the ‘Curse’ from the start. Like, yeah, he doesn’t have the experience of growing up with a traumatized parent raised by another traumatized parent raised by another traumatized parent - but growing up knowing his biomom died at childbirth can be a pretty traumatizing experience on it’s own. We don’t know much of his family situation outside of that, but the fact that there seem to be no one around to escort the Literal Child as he takes a ferry to go lay flowers at his birth mother’s grave doesn’t really bode well.
So I think, first things first, from that angle, Edith’s journal could be importantly therapeutic to him as well. You know, have some sort of connection to his mother and her side of the family that he’s otherwise can’t really have? Like, this book isn’t just some darn list of dead Finches. There’s a lot in here about Edith herself and her own thoughts and her life and family and that’s maybe connection Christopher would want with her? Something that might make him process his grief for her a bit better? Something to make him feel more connected with that side of his family?
Now, let’s also consider the fact the Finch Curse is at least somewhat public knowledge: the Odin Finch newsreel mentions it, Barbara’s death was very well-publicized at the time - and the ‘Tales of Terror’ comic calls it “another ghastly tale inspired by America's most unfortunate family” - implying that they expected their readership to be at least kinda familiar with the idea of the Finches being ‘cursed’. I think that’s pretty likely that, even without the journal, if Christopher dug even a little bit into who his birth mother was he would’ve found at least a mention of a rumor of a ‘Family Curse’ .
Or, hell, seeing how the Finches (and especially Edie) seem to have been local celebrities around Orcas Island - if Christopher lives anywhere near that area, really all it will take is him saying something like “hey, I’m Christopher Finch!” or “my mother’s name was Edith Finch” and then someone would say “oh yeah, like the famous Orcas Island Finches? That cursed family that keeps dying?” and seeing how he has no living relatives on his mother’s side - he would’ve probably believed it, or at least allowed the possibility to wriggle into his heart - and then… well, the Curse will just live on regardless of Edith. 
Note that Christopher is already wearing a cast before he even read the book (and is, again, a child taking a ferry to visit his mother’s grave all alone) - it seems like something of the ol’ Finch recklessness has already made it to him, whatever it’s in his genes somehow or just the rumors of the curse getting to him. But it is not entirely on Edith’s journal.
And like, one of the things I think made the Curse such a problematic mindset is the way it prevented the Finches from ever learning from their mistakes. You know, if every death is a result of a malevolent supernatural force haunting the family - then there’s no need for introspection of how what they could do better in the future. Challenging this mindset was probably one of the best things about Dawn’s mindset. But learning from past mistakes is equally impossible when you convince yourself it’s all the fault of a supernatural curse as it is when you straight-up have no context for what happened before. If nothing else, the stories in this journal can serve as a useful lesson about not clinging to the past, or not letting your grief define you, or how you shouldn’t try and make a perfect 360 degree spin on swingset or how you SHOULDN’T LEAVE A BABY ALONE IN A BATHTUB JESUS CHRIST
Because it’s not like this journal is just, like, a totally uncritical reiteration of Edie Finch’s stories for the next generation or something. I think the game makes it pretty clear that although Edith Sr. and Edith Jr. are meant to mirror each other on some level, their attitudes when it comes to the stories of the family are pretty different. 
Edie was characterized as someone who cared more for what makes for a good story over the truth, as someone prone to inventing or exaggerating tales, as someone who reveled in the romanticism of being Doomed, and memorialized the death of her loved ones more than their life. Like, one of the things that really crosses a line for me about the Edie Finch Method of Grief is just how much the circumstances of the death are prioritized over the life the person had before it. 
It’s not always so blatant cause the Finches tend to die in ways that poetically tie with their personality and hobbies (Molly loved animals and fantasy and she spent her last moments in a hallucination of transforming into various animals, Sam loved hunting and photography and he died taking a picture while hunting, Walter loved trains and ended up being run over by one) but… there’s certain areas where it’s actually kinda unclear if the connection is actually there or if Edie is kinda forcing it for the sake of a good story. 
Like, Barbara was a horror movie child star and her death reads like a cheesy horror story - but that’s because Edie chose a cheesy horror retelling to represent it. Maybe if we knew the real story of how she died, it wouldn’t be quite so on-the-nose. Did Gus actually love flying kites to the point it defines his entire personality or was that just something he did on the day he died? Either way, he’s defined by that one activity forever now. 
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And Gregory… like I’m sure he enjoyed bath-time, but the fact he’s memorialized almost exclusively with bath toys and soap is kinda fucked-up. I’m sure he had other toys he loved to play with outside the tub as well, but all of his memorials are focused entirely on the thing that killed him.
Edith’s attitude, as can be seen through the game, is different. Edith can appreciate the beauty of Edie’s stories but also cares quite a bit about truth and accuracy. The difference is most obvious when it comes to their books. Both Ediths wrote a story about coming back to their old childhood home and discovering the family secrets - only Edie’s story, “The History of the Finches”, seems to be complete fiction and based on what she would’ve wanted to be true, while Edith did actually go to her old childhood home and tried to record it as accurately as possible. And while she’s limited in telling the death stories that Edie kept records of, she also notes the points when they seem ridiculous or inaccurate to her. 
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She documents the tall-tale about how Sven was killed by a dragon, but also clarifies that he was killed while trying to construct a dragon-shaped sled. Rather than just perpetuating Edie’s joke for the sake of the fantasy. 
Plus, she doesn’t just focus on the Finches’ deaths, she does try and tell Christopher about their lives as well. It’s not always easy, since with the older generations Edith often doesn’t have much to go on outside of Edith’s memorialization, but she does try to get a General Vibe out of them from their room and other mementos they left behind (like Sam’s improvised darkroom in the wall-passegeways) rather than just the death story. And when it comes to the people Edith actually remembered well herself - Lewis, Dawn and Edie - she’s constantly telling little anecdotes and details of their life together. 
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In a way, I kinda divide “What Remains of Edith Finch” into three main parts. The first third of the game, with Edie’s kids, is the one that centers on the mystery of whatever the ‘curse’ is real or not - and is also a character study of Edie herself via the lense of the people that she lost. The second part is basically that but for Dawn, it’s about Edith learning to understand her mother’s character via the loss of Sam, Gregory, Gus, Sanjay and Milton. The Lewis segment is a transition between that third and the last third - which is about Edith Finch herself. Even if Edith can paint a full picture of both life and death for all of her dead relatives, she can at least give Christopher a good insight to his mother, grandmother and great-great grandmother. 
And notably, the two people Edith ‘has’ to memorialize herself without Edie’s postmorten involvement, Edie herself and Dawn, get a very different treatment from every other Finch. They don’t get a ‘proper’ Death Story documenting or describing their last moments. The closest thing is Edith’s flashback of the day they moved out of the House, which is more of a Death Flashback for the Finch Family as a concept than to Edie and Dawn as individuals. We do know that Dawn died of some sort of illness, but it’s delivered to us at the end of a longer passage about the life they had together. And we really don’t know anything but how Edie died at the end. 
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If Edith doesn’t know how Edie died, she’s shown no interest in trying to figure it out - if she does already know, she doesn’t think her spesific cause of death is important to write down for her son. The important thing is for him to learn what kind of person Edie was in life, and Edith has more than enough understanding of her great-grandma to memorialize her without defining her entirely through some sort of of romanticized tragic death. 
And, like the most important thing to remember is that Edith questions the concept of the Curse in her journal. Like, the game and the journal are one and the same. So, like all of these passages that are important for the ‘there’s no supernatural curse’ interpetation:
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Christopher is reading these lines as well. If we are capable of playing “What Remains of Edith Finch” and understanding the ‘Curse’ as being a self-fulfilling prophecy - then Christopher is also capable of reading his mother’s journal and coming to the same conclusion. I mean, it’s not a certain thing. There’s plenty of players who read the Curse as a real supernatural force and that’s also a valid interpetation of the game’s text. And there’s like, actual grown-ass adults who played this game and decided it’s actually about a serial-killer granny. So maybe it’s asking a bit too much from a little grieving eight-years-old to immediately understand this as a story of unhealthy trauma coping mechanisms through the generations. 
But my point isn’t that there is 100% no possibillity of Christopher dooming himself like every other Finch before him, or that Edith made the objectively correct decision in writing this journal and basically saved her son from the ‘Curse’. It’s just that he’s not doomed... it can still go either way. Christopher might have read this and started to believe in the Curse and perpatured the cycle onwards, or he might have come to the same conclusion Edith did - that believing in these stories made them real - and decided to try and do better than those who came before him. Or maybe he came to one conclusion but will later change his mind. As long as he’s alive, there’s is at least the possbility that things will turn out better. 
“What Remains of Edith Finch” ends with the shot of the two things that ‘remained’ of the two Edith Finches of the game. The House is What Remained of Edith ‘Edie’ Finch Sr. A glorious and sad monument of mourning, now forever frozen in time as a memorium for the tragedy of the Finch Family. And Christopher is What Remained of Edith Finch Jr. An actual living human being with his whole life ahead of him, who still has the potential to doom or save himself. 
Good luck.
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simplydannie · 7 months
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Part 1 Click Here
Part 3 Click Here
The twins are sent back to the bottom pits of Rageous. Velvet does something horrible under the effects of the Troll poison. The twins run off in search of shelter… but not far from their tail… a new villian is after them for the bounty on their head. Soon, other crime bosses begin to find out about their worth.
A black car pulled up to the two bodies. One still lay unconscious, the other lay severely beaten…and dead.
Out of the black stepped a pair of silver steel boots. A black trench coat stretch all the way down to his ankles. Black army pants covered his legs, a dark gray skin fright shirt covered his torso. Scars covered his body, his neck, his face. He had the same sharp tooth grin like his henchmen. His long stringy, dark blue hair tied back in the form of dreadlocks. His real name was unknown, they just called him Shank. He walked up to his fallen henchmen.
“Idiot got offed by a couple of kids. Pathetic.” He kicked the body. He looked at the one who lay unconscious. “That one is going to wish he was offed by the brats. Get him in the trunk. I’ll deal with him later.”
He paced back and forth looking through the dark alleys and streets…. His eyes began to glow with a pink pigmentation.
“They couldn’t have gone that far….Set around the perimeter… find them. Oh! And send out the birds.” Shank demanded with a smirk on his face
“Keep up Vennie come on!” Velvet yelled over her shoulder as she pulled him along. She dared not let go of her grip on him… afraid that she would turn around and he would be gone.
“Vels where are we running too?” He called out to her, trying his best to keep his balance as she held tightly to his hand. Somewhere, anywhere, she thought to herself. Velvet did her best to imagine where they could go, where they could hide. The address they had given them back at the detention center would be no good. Somehow those thugs would figure it out and go looking for them there.
What happened back there, what she did… she really couldn’t comprehend. She just knew her brother was in trouble, and she just lost it… no self control, no nothing.
“Velvet please hold on!” She felt Veneer tug his hand away from hers. She turned around to find him bent over wheezing, trying to catch his breath. How long were they running for?
“I wasn’t….the best….in sports…. remember.” He said in between breaths. Right. How could she forget, Veneer the nerd was never a sports kinda of guy.
“Well hurry up!” Velvet pushed him behind some dumpsters nearby. “We didn’t get very far. Who knows who showed up or even saw.” She pulled up her hoodie over her head. Velvet did the same to Veneer although he already wore his purple beanie.
“Uugghh! Your stupid hair!” She exclaimed as his green swoop still stuck out.
“Dont be jealous-HEY!” He exclaimed as she began to try and flatten it out. It eventually made a side swoop down his right eye. She laughed. “What did do!?” He asked touching his hair.
“Emo Vennie, never thought I’d ever see that.” Velvet giggled.
“Seriously Vels!” He tried to look at himself in a nearby window. “I’m putting it back once we’re out of sight.” He pouted.
“Whatever. Okay we have to keep moving.” She peeked around the dumpster.
“Why not try to crash here?” He asked pointing at the run down building.
“No. Still too close to the scene. We HAVE to keep moving.” Velvet told him. In their moment of silence, a weird noise was heard in the distance.
It sounded like the buzzing of a bug… a giant one…
“Head down!” She exclaimed pushing her brother out of view.
At the center of the streets above them flew a drone. The X shaped machine hovered to and from, scanning its surroundings.
Another one appears in the farther distance…great… they were trapped.
“Drones! Really? How in the world are we going to get away?” Veneer questioned as he saw the machines hovering in the air. Velvet didn’t know. No matter how well they could cover themselves, once those drones saw movement, they’d do a facial recognition scan…. And they’d be done for.
“Follow me.” She said. They stayed as close as they could to the wall and began walking down the alley. They were able to make it to the end of the alley and to the next street. Velvet glanced around for any drones or vehicles. For now, they were clear.
“To the next alley….. now!” She didn’t give her brother a moment to think. Velvet grasped his hand again and pulled him along with her as they darted to the next alley.
Hovering above them was the drone. It spotted them with a bright light.
“We have them sir.” Said a voice.
At the other side of town, Shank and his henchmen were viewing the drone feed through a small computer.
“I know those streets.” He said. “Send in the rest of the drones. Keep them there until we can arrive.” He leaned in to watch the feed; live footage of the twins running for the life. “My little trophies are going to bring me in big bucks… plus a little extra for the inconvenience….”
He was silent as he saw the actions that happened next. The brother grabbed something as they were running, turned around, and smashed the drone right in the camera. He saw him smash and smash until their screen went blank.
“What happened?” He asked.
“He took out our bird.” His henchmen said.
“What the heck Veneer?” Velvet exclaimed.
“It was following us Vels! What was a I supposed to do?” They both stared at the broken drone lying before them. Something clicked inside Veneer. He ran to the drone and began shoving it in his duffle bag.
“Veneer leave it! Let’s go!” Velvet exclaimed. He zipped up his bag and ran towards his sister. She glanced to the left and saw some stairs that led down to the subways.
“Follow me!” She said. The siblings made their way down the stairs and into the darkness of the subway tunnels. There were some Rageouns hanging about waiting for the train. They looked at the twins in confusion as they ran by. Velvet led them down an empty waiting area.
“Crap! Crap! Crap!” She exclaimed. Velvet turned behind her… where was Veneer? “Vennie?…Vennie!” She called in despair.
“Vels follow me!” She heard him call out from across the tracks. She could hear the sound of the train getting closer. Velvet hurried herself across the tracks and onto the other side.
“What the heck Ven?” She said.
“Come on.” He told her. She had no choice, she followed Veneer deep into the other side of the subway tunnels.
It was quiet, empty. Hardly if no one passed through there, she could tell. But how did her brother know about this? She followed him into the deepest part until they came to what looked like a door. Veneer pushed it open. Inside was made into some sort of little apartment. There was a bed, a couch, a tv… and arcade game?
“What the heck Veneer? What is this?” She asked him.
“It was my hideout back in the day. Well not like way back, but when we were on our own for a while, remember. When you’d be gone and the bullies come knocking at our door, I’d come hide here. Or when I would go out to make cash and maaaayybe got into trouble. Bam! Here I was! Took me awhile to get that arcade in here but I did!” Veneer smiled. Velvet looked at her brother… she really didn’t give him enough credit. He’d spend a lot of days alone… and being the more sensitive one, the ruffians and thugs knew to come pick on him. But he managed… he managed days without her.
“Okay. We’ll hide out here for now.” She said finally laying her duffle bag on the floor. Velvet heard a distant grumble… was that someone’s stomach?
“Sorry! All that running… I’m kind of hungry.” Veneer admitted.
“Well they gave us some cash before feeding us to the wolves down here.” She said.
“Oh! A sandwich shop is just above us! Not the best, but definitely better than prison food!” Veneer chimed.
“Stop it.” Velvet told him.
“Stop what?” He asked.
“Stop being so….so….so cheerful.” She sat down on the small couch. Velvet stared at the wall… she didn’t know what to do… she didn’t know who they could trust…. She was stuck taking care of her and her brother again.
“Sorry..” She heard Veneer say as he sat himself next to his duffle bag, hugging his knees. He was honestly just happy to be alive and safe right now…. Alive and safe with his sister. Veneer was actually the one always looking out for her… deep down she knew this. Velvet had always been hard on him…. Maybe it was time to change that…
“What sandwich do you want?” She asked standing up. Veneer looked at her questionably. “We have to eat. We can’t starve down. I’ll sneak up and get us some food really quick. Enough to last us a couple of days so they can get off our rear ends. Do we have working water down here?”
“Yeah! There’s a working bathroom not far down.” He said.
“Then get settled. We’re staying down here for a while.” She exclaimed.
Back on the side of the city, Shank stared off to the top of Mount Rageous. One of his henchmen came to him.
“They’re gone sir. Drones couldn’t find them. We went to the location, searched everywhere. Nothing.” He said. Shank twiddled a knife in his fingers.
“Kids are smarter than I thought. Smarter than what she told me.” He spit to the ground. “Hold off searching for them for now. Get on the line with the Upper Rageous. For all the trouble these kids have cost me, I am tripling the price for them.”
“Yes sir. Oh, one more thing. We got more sir.” His henchmen said. Shank smiled.
“Enough to sell too?” He asked.
“Yes sir.” His henchmen replied.
“Good.” Shank said walking up to the dark vehicle. He lifted up them blanket that lay over a tank. Inside, with terrified little faces, were Trolls. “Include this batch in the pricing along with the two brats.”
The little Trolls inside the tank shook in fear… unknowing what lay ahead. Within that batch of Trolls was a familiar bluish/gray one. He was already planning an escape, calculating his next moves.
“No one is gonna get their hands on me.” Branch said.
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pricetagofficial · 6 months
The Little Merman -D.G. Part Three
Warnings: Fluff, angst, probably some other warnings that I might need to put? Idk man its late and I kinda don't care.
Pairing: Merman!Dick Grayson x Reader
Word Count: 3.9K
A/N: I Told y'all I wasn't dead. Might as well be with how work keeps doing me dirty. Like, if it's gonna fuck me over at least make it fun for me? ANYWAY. Here is a long overdue part for this series, and I hope you all enjoy this!
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You paced back and forth by the carriage Dick was supposed to be out here a while ago. Did he change his mind? Did he suddenly have no interest in you?
Tara was by your side, waiting to see you off before she continued on with her day. Her mission was to make sure you and Dick didn’t fall in love, maybe then she would get her own wish. The weight of the now empty potion bottle rested heavy in her bag. She slipped the potion into both yours and Dick’s morning tea, and it seemed to be taking effect, unbeknownst to you.
Dick wasn’t sure what happened, one moment everything was going good and then he seemed to lose everything he needed for the day. As you said, Roy and Kyle were helping him get ready for the day but no matter what he did everything went wrong.
It took three pairs of pants, and four shirts before Dick was dressed and ready to go, deciding to leave his hair unkempt and shaggy, afraid what would happen if he tried to do anything to it.
What he didn’t realize is when he finally showed up, was the way your eyes focused on him. You thought he was beautiful with the way his hair hung in his eyes, making the blue striking against the black of his hair.
Of course, Roy off to the side noticed the way you were looking at DIck and only grinned before he cleared his throat.
“You need anything before you leave Y/N?” he asked.
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you turned your attention to Roy. “No, thank you. If I do, I’ll be sure to send word.”
Roy nodded and helped you and Dick into the carriage, a stupid grin on his face. Handing you the reins, he wished you luck before watching you ride off with Dick. Little did he know just how much you needed it.
The ride through the town was a peaceful one, you pointed out the different parts of your kingdom to Dick, giving him the history of each little thing. You showed him through the part of town that was right outside your castle walls, the oldest part of the city.
Dick sat and listened to you intently, soaking in every bit of information you gave him. He learned that your family had been here for generations, and the people loved you. He would see the common folk wave at you, and you waved back.
He loved seeing you like this, Dick knew what it meant to be of royal status and the responsibilities that came with it, but one look at how you treated your people told him that you were made for this. The people loved you, and you loved them.
It made him a little homesick, but that kind of life wasn’t for him. It was suited more for the others, not him. Hopefully, Bruce would see how much Dick wanted to be with you and let the marriage go.
Dick was suddenly jared from his thoughts when there was a loud crack of wood and the carriage the two of you were riding in suddenly dropped and you pulled it to a stop.
Looking over at him, you gave Dick a worried expression that made his insides warm.
“Are you okay?”
Dick nodded.
Letting out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, you sighed and tied off the reins before getting off and walking around to look at the damage. You weren’t sure how it happened, but you somehow ran over a ditch and it snapped one of the back wheels off the carriage completely. It was nothing more than a few spokes of wood now.
Dick leaned over the edge and let out a gasp when he saw the damage. How were they supposed to get around now?
As if you heard his thoughts, you looked up at him with a smile. “It’s fine, this was an old carriage anyway. Why don't we move it to the side, and then we can ride horseback through the rest of the way?”
Dick gave you an apprehensive look. How were you supposed to ride one of those things? It looked shocking and downright dangerous.
“Don’t worry Dick I’ll–” You stopped, looking behind Dick to see the horses were gone.
“Uh Dick, where did the horses go?”
Whirling around to look, Dick was shocked to see the horses were gone! How did that happen? He watched you tie them off so they wouldn’t escape!
Rubbing your face, you let out another long drawn out sigh before taking a deep breath. Today was supposed to be about you showing Dick around, and you can still do that. You were just going to have to find a new way to get around.
Putting a smile on your face, you looked up at Dick and smiled. “It’s okay, we can walk. It gives us more time to look around and see the sights!”
Dick smiled, seeing how you were able to still stay positive, before nodding happily and making his way off the brokedown carriage. Offering him your hand, you smiled as you helped him down.
He was still getting used to walking on legs, and it was a lot harder than swimming with a tail that’s for sure. Once his feet were on the ground, Dick looked down at you with the biggest smile on his face. He couldn’t believe he was here with you, soaking up the rays of the sun as it shined down on you. How many nights did he spend dreaming about a moment like this, and now here he was, promised an eternity with you.
All he had to do was keep his end of the bargain.
Keeping a hold on his hand, you walked with Dick down the street. The dirt road beneath was old and worn, but it did its duty as it led you from one area of town to the other. Down towards the port, you could smell the fresh salty, sea air. You could feel the way it called to you, the promise of what lay beneath its shimmering waters beckoning you closer.
But something kept you from grabbing the nearest boat and sailing out, you had a duty to take care of the man with you. As much as your heart longed for the man from the sea, you knew it could never be. He couldn’t be on land, and you couldn’t live in the sea.
As if he could sense your troubled thoughts, Dick gave your hand a squeeze.
Looking up at him, you saw the inquisitive look he was giving you. You knew that look from somewhere, but you couldn’t place it.
“I’m okay,” you smiled. “Just thinking about the ocean, and it’s mysterious wonders.”
His eyes didn’t leave you, as if he was asking for you to go on. Letting out a slight chuckle, you looked out to the horizon.
“The ocean is so vast, there is so much that humans haven’t explored, depths we haven’t reached.” You watched from where you stood, the path leading you to a cliff edge where you could see the ocean for miles from your position. “There’s an entire world down there that no one on land knows about, I want to know everything. I want to experience all it can offer, see where the waves can take me with nothing but the sun and the misty breeze to guide me.”
Dick watched you with a look of awe on his face. The way you watched the waves roll, and breach the shore with a look of far-off wonder in your eyes. It made him homesick, but Dick wanted to be with you.
When this was all over, he promised himself he would take you anywhere you wanted to go. Only if it meant he got to see you look like this for the rest of his life. If he spent the rest of his days chasing after adventure with you, looking to satiate your curiosity, Dick would do it a thousand times over.
Hearing the shouts of people around you broke you from your trance, the sea had an ability to lull you under its mysterious spell. Maybe one day it will sweep you away with it, if you let it.
Turning to head towards town once more, the cliff beneath your feet began to crumble and break. A panicked look formed on your face as the ground disappeared and you were falling through the air.
A shriek left you as you fell, the last thing you saw was Dick’s face before a pair of hands darted out to catch you. Holding tight for dear life, you looked up and saw Dick there gripping your hands tightly, so you wouldn’t fall to your death.
“Dick! Don’t let me go! Please!”
He nodded, moving to try and pull you up. This couldn’t be the end, he couldn’t lose you like this. Holding onto you as tight as he could, Dick pulled.
Trying to keep your breathing under control, you used your feet to try and boost yourself upwards to him so he could pull you easier. With your feet slipping once or twice, you felt his grip tighten before you were finally pulled up and over.
Dick grateful that you were okay, didn’t even notice or care about the fact he was lying in the dirt with you draped on top of him. Your labored breaths were ticking his throat as you rested your head on him trying to calm your racing heart.
What was going on today, first the carriage, then the horse and now you almost fell to your death? Whatever it was, you hoped it was over.
Planting your hand on his chest, you pushed yourself up and looked down at Dick who had wide eyes as he watched you with rose tinted cheeks.
“Are you okay?” you breathed, looking into his eyes. You could see them swimming with emotion and so many unsaid things, what you wouldn’t give to see what was going on in his head.
Dick felt like he couldn’t breath, you were laying on top of him. Not only that, he could feel every part of you pressed against him. The way your chest fit against his, and your hips angled just right that if you moved he would be in a very compromised position.
Suddenly glad he didn’t have his voice, Dick nodded. He knew if he spoke, it would betray him and embarrass you both.
Glad to see he was okay, you carefully pushed off of him. Rising to your feet, you offered him a hand and pulled him up.
“I can’t thank you enough for saving my life,” you began. “If you hadn’t have been here, I don’t know what–”
Dick put a finger to your lips and shook his head, a soft smile on his face.
How was he so cute?
Fighting the heat rising to your cheeks, you kept a hold on Dick’s hand as you led him further into town once again.
The rest of the afternoon was nowhere as eventful as the beginning. You and Dick still seemed to experience bad luck, but after the cliff crumbling under you, none of it seemed so bad. You gave Dick a tour of the square, even stopping to dance with him to the music the locals were playing.
You could feel the heat radiating from his chest as he held you close, dancing around with the widest smile on your face.
When the sun began to set, you and Dick made your way back to the castle. You were still down a carriage and horses, so it was a bit of a walk back. But because you had someone with you, it wasn’t so bad.
Dick walked with you as your voice filled the night air, telling him story after story. If he wasn’t in love with you already, he had to be now. After spending the entire day with you, Dick knew in his heart he made the right choice. There was nowhere he wanted to be more than with you.
As you walked, you saw the moon reflect on the sea. It brought your thoughts back to your merman friend, and wondered what he was up to at this time. Did he miss you? Did he even realize it’s been several days since you last saw him?
Shaking your head, you had to get him out of your mind when you had an amazing man with you. For someone so quiet, he spoke volumes to you. You could see the excitement and wonder when he looked at things, truly appreciating everything for what it was, and what it could be.
His imagination and curiosity inspired you to learn more, it made you want to understand him better. What good was chasing a fantasy when you had someone right there with you?
The moon was high in the sky when the two of you finally made it back to the castle, the night air filled with the sounds of crickets, and frogs singing their songs. Your mind was filled and confused, Dick was an amazing guy. But was he the one for you?
Meeting you at the doors was Roy and Vic, a look of relief on their faces.
“Where have you two been, and why did the horses return without you!?” Roy hissed, grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you.
“The carriage broke down and they got away,” you shared a look with DIck before looking at Roy. “It’s been a very eventful day.”
Roy saw the look you shared with Dick before a grin formed on his lips. “I can see that,”
“Well, how about we get our friend settled and we can talk about it.”
Nodding softly, you smiled at Dick. “I’ll see you in the morning okay?”
Dick smiled back and nodded, before he made his way back up to his room with Roy behind him.
The walk was quiet, while Roy followed. Dick could tell he wanted to ask him something, but stayed silent. He couldn’t tell if it was because he couldn’t talk, or if it was too awkward to mention.
Whatever it was, it kept Roy silent until they made it to Dick’s door.
“Do you need anything else?”
Dick shook his head.
Roy smiled, “Alright then. If you need anything, you know where to find us.” As he began to take his leave, Roy stopped and turned back to Dick.
“You know, Y/N doesn’t warm up to people this quick usually. You must really be something special for her to spend the whole day with you.”
Dick couldn’t fight the blush on his face forming at his words. What was he talking about? When Dick first met you, you took a liking to him immediately. Then again, he was a creature from the deep. It could have been just pure curiosity until you were comfortable.
Roy noticed the blush of Dick’s face and snickered, “See you in the morning.”
Before he could embarrass himself even more, Dick quickly entered his room and shut the door behind him. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, his heart was going a mile a minute, as he felt it pounding against his chest.
What was this? Nerves? Anxiety? Dick has never felt like this before, like he was going to jump for joy and throw up at the same time. What was wrong with him?
“I think you are truly in love Master Richard,” a voice piped up from below him. Looking down, Dick saw Alfred there looking up at him.
Dick clenched his fists as he slid down the door, to the floor. Running a hand through his hair, he looked to Alfred. He couldn’t ask him what to do, not having his voice was harder than it looked.
“I heard what that man outside said, I think the young lady has taken quite a liking to you.”
Alfred chuckled at the questioning look Dick gave him.
“Yes, I really do think so. I’ve been watching, and I think she is falling in love with you, like you did her.”
Now Dick’s entire upper body was hot, the blushing rushing from embarrassment.
“I am not a blind crab, Master Richard. I really think you have a chance of getting that kiss and getting to be with her.”
Dick’s face softened, as he leaned on his knees. Giving Alfred a thankful look, Dick sat for a bit so he could calm down before he climbed into bed with thoughts of you filling his dreams as he slowly dozed off.
As he fell asleep, a few doors down Tara stared into her mirror with the reflection showing Slade once again.
“What do you mean it didn’t work?” He growled.
“I mean, the potion didn’t work.” she hissed. “It almost got Y/N killed, and only brought them closer together. We need a new approach.”
Slade sat there and contemplated. He wasn’t sure what a simple bad luck potion was going to get him, so it seemed he had to find a new approach. Turning around, Slade looked at the cabinets until he got an idea.
A wicked grin grew on his face. If he wanted something done, he was going to have to do it himself.
“Slade, what are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking of paying a visit myself.”
“What are you–”
“You’ll see when I get there.”
Tara stared in disbelief, what was he talking about. Before she could ask, Slade disappeared and she was looking back at herself.
What had she gotten herself into?
It wasn’t long before Roy joined you out on the balcony that looked out to the sea.
“Y/N, I think you have a keeper.”
Turning to look back at him, you gave Roy a confused look. “What on Earth are you talking about?”
Roy chuckled, “I’m talking about the guy you have sleeping upstairs.” Leaning against the railing, Roy let out a sigh and looked at you.
“I know you have a thing for your fish friend or whatever, but Y/N face the facts. It would never work between you two, you’re human and he is only half. Even if it was possible, you’d be asking him to give up his entire life for you.”
Roy was the only person you told about your merman friend, and your possible growing feelings for him. But the thing was, these last two days he hasn’t been on your mind as much, with Dick coming into town and throwing your days for a loop.
“What are you saying?” You looked at him, watching as he stared at the sea longingly.
“I’m saying, the sea isn’t as forgiving as she looks.” There was a sadness hidden in his eyes, you knew what Roy had lost to the unchanging tides of the ocean. His family had shipwrecked when he was young, and that was when he was taken in by Oliver before he met you on a visit to your kingdom.
“Cherish what you have, you never know. What you’re looking for might be right in front of you.”
Before you could ask what he was talking about, Roy slipped away and back into the castle.
Cherish what you had? What was he talking about? You loved what you had deeply and took care of it all to the best of your ability. It was true you were missing your friend, but Roy had a point it was never going to work between you.
Dropping your head with a sigh, you looked up at the night sky. The stars were in perfect view tonight, the way they shined against the black of night was beautiful. They shined almost as much as Dick’s eyes, with the way they twinkled above you.
Dick’s eyes really were the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. They looked like the raging ocean, beautiful as it was violent. You would have to sail the seven seas to find ocean water as blue as his eyes.
Wait, since when did you start thinking about Dick?
Now that you thought about it, your mind was on him the most these last few days. Was he what Roy meant by what you were looking for might be right in front of you? You couldn’t ignore the butterflies in your stomach when he looked at you, or the way he felt when you were laying on top of him after he saved your life.
It had only been two days, there was no way you were falling for him. Right?
Looking at your hands, you couldn’t deny the way you felt. Was this what you were really meant for, to fall in love with a complete stranger?
Wait, since when were you in love?
Looking up, you could see the light to his bedroom. It was still lit.
Were you really going to do this?
Turning to make your way upstairs, you heard something behind you. Looking back you saw a shape on the shore, it was dark and vague. Squinting your eyes, you could barely make out the shape of a man before you went sprinting down the halls,
What was it with men showing up on the shore stranded these days?
Everyone in the castle was asleep, so no one was there to stop you as you took the shortcut out the front door and down to the beach. Sure enough there was a man there lying face down on the sand.
“Hey!” you called, picking up the pace to reach him. “Hey, are you okay!?”
Sliding to a stop on your knees, you grabbed his shoulders and flipped him over. Not only was he missing an eye, but he looked to be older, with streaks of gray in his hair, and beard but no other serious signs of age. Pressing your ear to his chest, you could hear a heartbeat but it was faint.
Not thinking twice, you tilted his head up and plugged his nose before opening his mouth and breathed into it. After giving four puffs of air, you began to do chest compressions.
“Come on, wake up!” you muttered, putting all your weight into his chest.
Doing four more puffs of air, you began to feel a little funny. Your head was swimming, almost as if you were lightheaded. But you couldn’t stop, you were going to save this man no matter what.
After another set of compressions, you began to do four more puffs. By this point, you didn’t feel in control of your own body. After the fourth puff, you felt him sputter up water and take a deep breath.
Letting out a deep sigh, you relaxed back into the sand and watched him. “Are you alright?”
Shaking your head, you felt your vision get clouded over but you could still see. All you were able to focus on was the man lying in the sand in front of you.
The man nodded before looking at you, “Yeah, thanks to you.” Carefully, he sat up and looked around.
“Where am I?”
“You washed up on an island, I live in a castle not too far from here.” Why were you telling him all this information?
“I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself, “Who are you?”
“You can call me Bruce.”
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOOCHES!! Hii my lovely dove!! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ʚ🍓ɞ
Okay okay! I know I’m flooding your inbox again but I have some fluff! (With angst) so if you don’t mind! —Okay I just have to say that soft Dottore is <3 especially since he’s cold and serious all the time (and doing evil man things) so him being soft for his lover could make me cry!! (especially since although he may have a soft spot for you him actually being full blown soft is like once in a blue moon) Okay okay so! Dottore most likely takes a few weeks or maybe more than a month to make new medication for Fragile!Reader whenever his last prototype fails. And with it I’m sure he gets frustrated, of course never to sweet little you. But, at times these medications he makes can have their side effects. Which is why Dottore almost always supervises you himself whenever he injects you with these medications. Since well, your fragile body sometimes may reject them, or lead to you on some occasions feeling fatigued or nauseated. So usually when you do receive a new medication you find yourself in his lab for most of the day. Always having to inform him how you’re feeling and if something feels off. Zandik of course is always keeping a keen eye on you even if he might be busy with some experiment. As one moment you can be talking about some fun thing you had done with the clones a few days ago, and the next you could be vomiting or worse, faint. So to say that Zandik isn’t concerned about you is an understatement. He really wishes he didn’t have to experiment new medications on you every few weeks or so to hopefully cure your illness. (He has injected at times some of his “patients” with the medication he’d use before giving it to you, but since your body is frail and weak the outcomes are always much different than compared to a regular healthy person) but Zandik would definitely let you sit on his lap while he works. Since he knows you’re very very vulnerable in this state. Which he doesn’t mind (as much as he hates to admit it Dottore is quite possessive over you) and he’ll even gently caress your hair with his free hand while the other writes away. So although you may feel yucky and absolutely exhausted. Zandik tries his best to alleviate your pain. Since you always say that being near him or being held by him makes you feel 1000% better. (Which he knows may not be true in actuality, but he just wants to make his lover happy) ૮꒰ྀི⊃´ ꒳ `⊂ྀི꒱ა
But I hope you enjoy this brainrot I thought of this at like 12 AM at midnight since the power in our neighborhood was out for a whole 2 hours this past Sunday. It was kinda creepy seeing all the houses and streetlights have no lights turned on. The heat was unbearable Ꮚ ᵒ̴̶̷̥ ‸ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥ Ꮚ but I hope you’re doing absolutely wonderful! I love u so so much I give you so many hugs and chu chus!! I just wanna squeeze n cuddle u smooches !!! >< may you have an absolutely wonderful week and continue enjoying the rest of your summer!
-From your dear boo boo 🎐 anon! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
I am happily consuming soft Dottore, thank you for this sm 😭 (soft dot has been on my mind lately, I'm just. I need him to cuddle me) You’re so right, if he isn’t being serious, he’s being cunning or mocking too, so seeing him being actually genuine with his love for you!! Is so! <33 You can’t help but feel special because you’re the only person who will ever witness him like this!
It’s kind of funny actually. Dottore, the mad doctor, spending this much time on a cure. Helpful medicine. Everyone else would guess that instead he’s concocting poisons and injections to hurt others with (which they aren’t wrong) but they would never guess he’s carrying out genuine doctor things. Which he honestly couldn’t blame them for. If anyone saw how softly he acted with you, well… either they’d be dead, or he’ll never live it down if it was one of the Harbingers.
You dread taking new medications or getting shots, but you can’t help but feel you owe it to Zandik. You know how hard he works on these things, only for them to not work. His expression remains the same but you know he feels disappointed every time nothing seems to change in your condition. At the very least, you have a good amount of time to finally hang around him uninterrupted. Archon knows how challenging it is to be a Harbinger’s spouse, much less Dottore’s, with his schedule and lack of time. And to have his undivided attention on you? Phew.
Being treated by him so softly is enough to make you swoon!! But too bad you feel too tired to do that, so you have to opt for snuggling into his chest on his lap (which is arguably more comfy than your bed.) Feeling his gloved hand stroke your hair along with the soothing sound of pen against paper is far more relaxing than you thought it’d be. It felt like you could sleep for hours. Seeing him so concerned about your needs was so <3 to you, even though you felt crappy and down, he still wanted to be in your company and comfort you too <3
Omfg I love this crazy psycho doctor man so much. He would be so good with you too, he would have all the necessary equipment and such when you start to show certain side effects, already have his bed prepared for you to nap in if you get tired. He has many notebooks dedicated to you and how your condition, mental and physical, has changed over the countless years, he even has a section for new things he noticed about you and certain things you told him that he found amusing. Of course the lengths he would go to for you is limitless and he’d have some unwilling test subjects ready for whatever batch of medicine he’s working on next 🚶‍♀️(This is a little hc I thought of literally just now, but I was thinking, since he’s a doctor and all, he probably draws diagrams of the body every now and then, so what if he doodles you sometimes ;( he finds himself drawing your hand with your wedding ring on it!!)
I’m so sorry about your power! I would be so scared, I hope you’re okay now 💖 I am doing fine, I hope you are too my dear boo boo 🎐 anon 🫶🥰 GIVING YOU MORE HUGS AND KISSES SMOOCH!!! ILY!! ENJOY YOUR WEEK TOO!! As for me, I just hope I’m able to move around this summer. Whenever it’s hot, all my energy is sapped out of my body lol🧍‍♀️
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So I finished FFXV ages ago, but I've been thinking about it lately bc you know, I elaborated the chocobros' story far further than it was meant to go and got way more attached to them than I should have. So here're some things that the game did really well and some of the things it didn't. (you don't have to agree w anything here; I'm not trying to corrupt y'all w my opinions; I just feel like talking)
Let's start with the bad to get it out of the way:
CINDY. I swear to everything holy her character had the potential to be So Cool if she hadn't been so overtly over-sexualized. Like, I'm a woman-liker too and I get it, lady mechanics are hot af, but you know what else is attractive? Safety in the workplace. Cindy's outfit was not something any mechanic would be caught dead wearing. Yeah, it was designed to be sexy, but do you know how many burns she would've accumulated from the hot oil and metal she works with? There's a reason mechanics typically wear clothing zipped up when they're actually working on something. If anything, Cindy's character design just made me uncomfortable. Her character itself? Great. No qualms there. Her design? Please acquire more than two square feet of fabric I'm begging you. I just feel like Cindy deserved to be so much more than fan service.
Luna's brief time on-screen. Yet another potentially incredible and deep female protagonist who got short change from this game. People joke a lot that Luna wasn't at all an important character because the game never really treated her like one. She was MEANT to be important, clearly, but it felt like she existed just for her tearjerking death scene? Like there was SO MUCH overlooked potential to bring her into the storyline as more than Tragic Love Interest In White, and yet?? Idk it frustrated me.
The emotional aspect of the game felt rushed. There were a lot of emotional scenes covered throughout the plotline ranging from King Regis's death to the deal with Prompto at Zegnautus Keep. I feel like the game TRIED to cover them realistically and show the characters' grief, but it didn't quite get there. It was just sort of an "Oh, how sad. I'm so upset and angry. Hm, what's that? My friends believe in me without truly understanding and I can kill someone to ease my pain? Oh okay I'm better now." I get that realistic healing cycles are kinda hard to portray within a set timeframe, but having some lingering effects of the blatant trauma inflicted would've been nice. You don't recover from shit like that in a week's time.
Character personalities tended to be one-sided. Noctis was edgy, Prompto was happy-go-lucky, Gladio was tough-guy, and Ignis was... nevermind, Iggy was great--- HE had some on-screen depth. Personally, I've developed these characters myself far more than what the game gave us, but I wish we'd gotten more canon depth beyond their surface-level traits. I love them with my whole heart and they deserve genuine complexity.
Now the things I actually really enjoyed:
The graphics were on-point. The amount of detail put into character design and into monsters was insane. You could zoom in and see individual textures on skin and hair and feathers, bringing a level of realism to the game that I personally enjoyed.
All of the Latin and Norse mythological references!! As a Latin nerd, I found little gems everywhere in this game. Esp in the names--- (Noctis Lucis Caelum = Of-the-night Sky-of-light (the genitives in there make the literal translation kinda a mouthful ik) Gladiolus Amicitia = Sword-flower Friendship (the gladiolus is an actual flower that gets its name from the Latin word gladius, meaning sword, for its sword-like shape) Ignis Scientia = Fire Knowledge; Prompto Argentum = Ready Silver (the word prompto is actually in the dative (possibly ablative), making the literal translation nonsense, but if they'd made his name Promptus, it would've sounded awkward, so I can see why they picked the dative/ablative form of the adjective for stylistic reasons and I put the rough translation instead)) WOW THAT WAS A LOT OF PARENTHETICAL INFO WHOOPS
Ardyn's character. I'm not saying this bc I'm one of the fans who fawn over him---Ardyn is DEFINITELY NOT MY PREFERRED FLAVOR OF MAN, but character-wise, he made an excellent antagonist. He was witty, slick, and classy in an I'm-gonna-outstep-you-like-it's-hopscotch sorta way. He was a poetic villain done well, which made him an antagonist you could both sympathize for and absolutely detest given the situation. He was both the master manipulator and the pawn one space away from the edge of the board. He can sway a crowd, but you know deep in your gut just by the cunning greed in his eyes that You Cannot Trust The Man. He was definitely Not a good person (tragic backstory isn't an excuse), but he was a good villain.
I loved the bond between the chocobros?? This is probably bc I'm a sucker for the found family trope, but their interactions were so amazing to me?? Like, not even the cutscene stuff. Just their little sidebar conversations during fights or while you're walking around or driving the Regalia. They're Roadtrip Buddies™ and I think that's excellent.
THE FOOD. By god, the food in this game looked absolutely scrumptious and I would like to partake. The Daggerquill Soup? Give it to me I'll pay you. The Creamy Crustacean Omelet? Stop it right now I'll eat that so fast it'll be a criminal offense. Like I know I touched on the graphics earlier, but broski I was not kidding. I guess I know why the game took so long to make it to the market bc the detail that went into these recipes is absolutely mouthwatering.
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bcolfanfic · 12 days
PLEASE CONTINUE THE SIDE B POLY HCS IM BEGGING !! i’m obsessed with them your honour, they’re all the lomls
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gonna pick up literally right where we left off. they’re the lomls too <3
- obvious helen goes right upstairs to check on her. breaks her heart when she realizes that a) the room she took off into was the master bedroom and b) the poor girl is hysterical.
- jeanie has been bottling up all these new feelings for so long and that fight with ev just made it allllll boil over.
- misses croz so much it makes her physically ache. would do anything anything anything for him to be alive and to have their old life back. still wakes up screaming imagining him alone and scared in the fucking woods when he did what he did.
- baby simon was little but not so little that he wasn’t so horribly confused when daddy was just gone. poor little love. for a while he sobbed himself sick when ev held him because yeah he was tall with facial hair but. he wasn’t daddy. wasn’t the tall guy with facial hair that was just holding him a week ago, where’d he go??? when’s he coming back???
- but going back isn’t possible. croz as dead as dead and she’s been living with ev and helen and all their kids and helen loves her to death that was never a question. but now when she looks at ev she sees something different that makes her feel ill with guilt. and even feeling ill about it doesn’t make it go away <\3
- helen gets her at least calmed down out of hysterical panic attack mode. sitting so close to her she’s almost in her lap wiping her face with a tissue herself being so gentle begging her to talk to her.
- “really wish i could read your mind but i’ll be honest, i can’t. which means you gotta tell me what’s going on, hm?”
- jeanie is still just so quiet and sniffly and i mean very fucking fair because where do you even start.
- finally says something to the effect of “helen i can’t be here, it’s not- it’s not fair to you ev is okay with us but i can’t steal your husband. don’t think being in this house is doing anything but making everyone confused,”
- helen knows what she means but kinda plays dumb for a second and is like. do you mean the kids or do you mean you? still all gentle soft voice tucking her hair behind her ear.
- helen and ev have had a few very small conversations about everything but. ev has been cagey about it bc he doesn’t really know what to do with all this either. good thing they both have helen <3
- jeanie just kinda looks at her all sad and says she doesn’t know.
- “doesn’t have to be confusing if we don’t make it confusing” vs “hel you’re being ridiculous, ‘s not- it’s not right we can’t- it’s bad enough that you and me- it wouldn’t work the way you’re thinking it would.”
- but ughaaaa. helen just looks at her with those big eyes that made nash, ev and jeanie love her so much. no one has the heart to say no to that face.
- don’t know if we don’t try, we can try at least can’t we? doesn’t mean we have to keep trying if it’s not working,
- jeanie and ev table talking about everything the two/three of them until the next day but. jeanie ends up in bed with them at night anyways. let’s helen really kiss her in front of ev (ev never wanted to freak her out before so outside of just like casual smooch here and there during the day he stayed out of what her and helen did alone) for the first time. let’s helen make her feel good and let’s ev stroke her hair and kiss her forehead telling her she looks so pretty like this and well. that’s how the ‘trying’ of it all’ starts.
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new-revenant · 2 years
So I have some ideas for the Ghostix forms for the Winx. 
So for this DP x Winx crossover, I think it would take place after Season 4. This is because I think ghosts would be considered magical, with the Winx gaining Belivix and everything else that happened in that season, some fairies might notice all the ghosts in Amity Park. I also stopped watching mid-season 4 since that’ how far my dvds went so I need to watch the Winx again because apparently there was this war thing that Wikipedia mentioned, so I’m in for a ride huh? Headmistress Faragonda could be the one to tell the Winx, whether it be her relaying info she got from other fairies of her just finding it out by herself. Or some random fairy could tell them idk.
Ideas for Ghostix under the cut. There is a lot. Also there’s a little writing I came up with on the spot for plot stuff at the end I guess. Very rambling.
Let’s start from general to specific. Firstly, I want them to have the same wings as their very first forms, but with the colors inverted. Secondly, I want their outfits to be simple, since their first forms simple and dp’s art style is also pretty simple. Thirdly, they mostly keep the same color as their first forms and/or first outfit, maybe just more desaturated and/or with an added bonus color, either black or white, to make them seem more ghostly. Fourthly, I think it would neat if their Ghostix forms would have some effect on their personality, but I’m not too sure about that idea yet. Ghost personalities usually fall into three categories generally(in media in general as well not just dp): the exact same as they were when alive, one or more of their traits are greatly exaggerated, or are completely different from when they were alive, which usually due to the nature of their death. Now, the Winx don’t actually die, they just get ghost powers, but it seems like such a neat concept that I just had to include it somehow. Second to last, they should all have the same trigger to transform into Ghostix and different triggers to get out of Ghostix. I can’t remember why I want to do it like this except for the fact that the Winx get Ghostix by making a wish to be able to fight some ghosts they’re dealing with and Desiree was there to grant said wish. So yeah. Lastly with the general notes, they all should be based around the death or ghostliness of their respective power. Let’s dive deeper into these.
Before we go into specific fairies, I would like the trigger for them all the transform-after they’d managed to de-transform after Desiree gave them Ghostix-would be using up all or nearly all their energy in their fairy form. Since if they can no longer use their magic, they might as well be as good as dead right? Okay, maybe not but this was the least darkest option that made sense as a trigger. But now, here are some ideas I have for each fairy:
Side note, I think I was at least subconsciously inspired by Katrinci’s Winx redesigns on YouTube. Whoops. Go check her out <3
Stella - She would be based around a dying star. Her Ghostix form would look similar to her first out she had when she met Bloom-you know that one with the headpiece that looked kinda like her staff? When she woke up on the couch? That one. I love that outfit. But gray instead of orange and the teal-blue is inverted into a dark-ish red. Her Ghostix form looks like that but with a more Greco-Roman dress, since those are pretty simple, but with a band around the middle to resemble her two-piece in her first fairy form. Instead of her hair down or in pigtails, it would be in one ponytail. Why? Cause I think that looks neat. Maybe fire hair for the ponytail? Like Ember but her ponytail is down instead of up. And she has green eyes and a bit of a blue-ish tint to her.
The way she’d transform out of Ghostix is essentially going supernova-expelling a huge amount of energy, before promptly passing out and getting out of her fairy form. If her personality changes, she would become almost mute, the calm before the storm, a stark departure from her usual self. Then, she would explode into a rage, like when she usually gets angry, except she’s letting out a lot of power that can hurt ghosts, fairies, and humans. That’s also how she’d transform back, since stars usually die by expending a lot of energy, either fast with an supernova, slowly simmers out, or something else I cannot remember lol. Either way, I like my symbolism. I have so much for Stella because I may or may not have drawn her already.
Tecna - So you know her weird hood thing she had in her first design? Make her hood mimic a TV head. Also, there has to be some color to break up her jumpsuit at the very least, if not just a hoodie, she needs something. Anyways, I think her fairy form would be 19th century/20th century inspired, since the 19th century was when the radio was invented and the box tv was invent in the 20th century. It’s funny to have a more futuristic character have a old-timey ghost form. Beige with some purple color palette. Yeah. Green eyes.
Her personality would be enhanced, by that I mean she would be somewhat akin to Technus in being obsessed with tech. She would accidentally cause some mayhem due to this, maybe even teaming up with Technus himself! I dunno, I just like Tecna and want her to do something interesting. She would de-transform by gaining too much energy, like by electrocution or something. Maybe
Flora - Uhh something based on either the Ghost Flower or Resurrection Plants. Her personality would be the only one who’s the exact same, being the level headed one of the group, as I’m pretty sure she already is sometimes, just more. I don’t really have many ideas for her ;-^-
Aisha - Uhhhhhh something based on anoxic waters. Zero oxygen water basically. Also I want her to have more purple, like the purple bacteria that can’t have oxygen. Full green eyes. I have no other ideas for her sadly.
Musa - Black and white/grayscale color scheme and based on the genre New Wave, Grunge, or Glam Metal, since those are considered “dead” genres by this website I found sooooo yeah. Or Classical music. I can’t decide honestly, but do like the black and white/grayscale. Oh, and her eyes would be the same magenta-ish color as her usual fairy form. She de-transforms somehow I can’t come up with anything good.
Bloom - Alright, I’ve saved the most thought out one for last. I want her to have a pixie haircut with her regular, vibrant red hair with the bottom of her hair being black, think of ashes from a dying flame. For some reason I want her clothes to mimic a hospital gown since those are blue and her fairy form’s clothes are blue. Or she could have her first fairy form outfit but with the blue inverted. That makes more sense honesty.
Bloom is the one who wishes for a way to fight whatever ghosts they’re dealing with-therefore she’s the one who tiggers Ghostix. Desiree is the one who grants it of course, and because Bloom’s the one who makes the wish, Desiree wanted to give her something special. Now who’s the specialist ghosts of all? Danny Phantom. So now, Bloom’s basically a halfa. She’s the only one who can freely transform from human/fairy form into Ghostix at will. But, she’s not only weaker than the others in Ghostix form, but her powers bleed into her human form, much like how Danny’s ghostliness bleed into his human form. So that sounds like a fun plot right? Oops, my hand slipped and I wrote a little thing. I hope I wrote the Winx at least somewhat accurately.
The Winx had just barely defeated the animal ghosts they were dealing with. And now they were all spinning around in place, struggling to stop. They’re starting to argue, when a raven haired child carrying an odd looking thermos walked over to them. “Who-What are you guys?” He asks, “Do you need help getting down or?”
“SOMEONE made a wish and a ghost person turned us into ghosts!” Musa glared briefly at Bloom, before sighing and apologizing. “And now we’re spinning around so yes, we would like some help.
“We’re fairies,” Tecna states simply, “Also, I think that ghost was a genie.”
The boy nods, “Sounds like Desiree. Alright, well, firstly don’t make any more wishes or she’ll get stronger.”
“So we can’t turn back?” A few of them asked.
“Not yet. Maybe you could uh, try to focus on turning back to normal? And wait a minute you’re fairies? Like, REAL fairies?”
“Took you a while to process it huh?” Aisha remarked, “And yeah, we are.”
“Okay everyone, let’s focus on getting back to normal,” Flora recommend, “Let’s breathe in, and out,” the Winx followed her lead, trying to calm themselves and focus on turning back to normal.
A ring of fire enveloped Bloom, starting from her middle and splitting into two, heading out to her feet and head. She fell to the ground, in her human form. But everyone else stayed the same. The boy helped her up, said his name was Danny. The sound of a vehicle, a large, loud one started to be heard.
“My parents!” Danny panicked, “They’re ghost hunters! Quick, you have to get into the thermos.”
“Thermos?” Bloom questioned, “How can a thermos-“ she was cut off by Danny pressing a button on the thermos, uncapping it. A blue light shone out and pulled the other Winx members inside, them screaming along the way. Just as the thermos shut, a giant, tank-like vehicle barged into the forest clearing.
“Get ready ghosts for some Fenton Bazookas!” said a giant man that emerged from the vehicle. He carried around a bazooka fitting to his size.
“Dad! It’s fine, the ghosts ran off,” Danny said, “She’s fine, a bit shaken up though, heh.”
“Ah, I see,” Danny’s dad said as he’d sadly put his bazooka away. A woman with goggles-Danny’s mom-came out of the vehicle.
“Are you okay dear?” She rushed over to Danny’s side, “Are you alright?” She looked over to Bloom.
“Ye-yeah, I’m good. Um, I think I just need to sit down-“ Bloom takes a step back but feels her foot fall out from under her, causing her to fall back. Luckily, Danny and his mom catch her just time. Danny gave her a weird, knowing look.
“It appears you’re still a bit shaky from the ghost encounter huh?” Danny’s mom questioned softly, “How about we take you to our house to calm down-“
“And so you can learn how to defend yourself from ghosts the best way you can-with science!” Danny’s dad interjected.
Bloom looked over at Danny, who shrugged.
“It’ll be fine-probably,” he said. Soon enough, Bloom got into the tank-like car-the Ghost Assault Vehicle or GAV as the dad called it-and off to some ghost hunter’s house, in what she was told is a very haunted town, with her and her friends all turned into ghosts. Not to mention her friends were now trapped inside of a thermos. Of course.
 Ugh this is so long, sorry. I heard Winx, blacked out, and suddenly I wrote all of this. Pray for me.
Also feel free to use my designs/ideas if you want to do your own DPxWinx crossover, but don’t forget to tag me so I can see it! Also just tag me in dpxwinx stuff in general please I’m a bit obsessed at the moment lol. I would love to see more DPxWinx since it sounds so absurd at first but I think it can really work. Besides, they’re both Nick stuff so you can just plop some characters from one universe to another and point tonicktoonsunite.
Now Tumblr user @/ectolemonades had the great idea of “#the twist with the wish is how uncontrollable the powers are” in their tags, and as you could probably tell I did make the Winx’s Ghostix pretty uncontrollable. So I just have to give him credit for not only this idea but for kickstarting this whole Winx x DP idea basically.
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nathank77 · 1 month
5:56 p.m Added to Significantly... 6:10 p.m
I have such bad anxiety about sleeping and whatever happened to me when I microslept in October. I wish I had never looked it up. It's much more than what I thought and I'm prob already almost dead.
My right eye hurts for some reason and my right ear did hurt and kinda pulsate like it wasn't muscular... it was like when you go up a mountain and your ears pop but multiple times. It was too powerful to be a tactile and auditory bc it happened at the same time 3 times in a row... I could hear and feel it.
I know something is wrong with my hearing/ears but my Dr was in my opinion dismissive. Claiming my hearing is excellent and to call if anything is weird... and now I don't feel comfortable calling again. Cause I don't need a follow up. He was weird talking into a microphone the whole appt like I wasn't there. Talking about me. It was fucking weird. And I'm sure he was dismissive bc my file said auditory hallucinations... so he assumes I can't hear well cause I hear that... problem is buddy if the voice I listen to is loud enough I can hear it but everything else sounds like a mumble and the auditory hallucination syeals the mumbles and turns it into the hallucination bc I can't hear it.... bc my hearing is not infact "excellent." I actually think that schwannnoma they thought they saw on my mri could be there.... but yea I guess it doesn't matter.
My eye has been weird. I have anxiety about Graves eye disease and potentially needing tepezza.... and the side effects of that...
I'm terrified of trying to sleep tonight. I'm scared that I won't.
My mouth is dry again sorta. I'm scared about that. I'm just so anxiuos and everything is awful.
I'm scared Kristen will get away with being negligent. Idk what sensation I feel are real. I can't even tell if a pain is bc it gives me anxiety or bc something it wrong.
I'm scared I'm doing all this fighting for nothing. I'm fucking terrified of everything and I don't feel okay and black ops 4 isn't going my way so I'm not distracted.
And the auditory hallucination seems to be worse.. it's not really but this is why I don't game. I need dialogue. Without it all I hear is the same repetitive phrases.
I'm about to end it. I got nothing to live for. And ensuring Kristen loses her license is important. Bc the fact that she can live with herself after everything that she hasn't reached out and said fucking sorry at the very least.
If I can ensure she loses her license my life had the smallest bit of purpose..
I don't have a purpose. I'm not getting married cause no one is mentally ill enough to marry me. I'm not having kids. There won't ever be a vacation for Me. And all I'm going to do is hear this voice while I suffer and wonder are these sensations even real? Or are they tactiles?
This isn't living. I'll be dead and everyone will forget about me. I just want Kristen to remember my name. And I want her to know she killed me.
Even if I don't end my life. Kristen you killed me.
0 notes
staringdownabarrel · 5 months
Okay, so I've just seen Rebel Moon, Part Two: The Scargiver. It did pretty much everything I was expecting it to, which is primarily wrap up the story and have a sequel hook. Beyond that though, I have some mixed thoughts, which are contained below the cut.
On one hand, this is still one of the best movies Zack Snyder has ever made. I wrote that when Part One came out and I was hoping it'd still be true for this one. It is. This has avoided that kinda grating style over substance feel a lot of Snyder movies have, and it continued to have an interesting visual style.
It also manages to stay on point basically the entire time. I feel like a lot of the time Snyder movies will try to have certain elements to them where they're never really wrapped up in any satisfying way or they're just forgotten about halfway through. That didn't happen with the Rebel Moon movies. Everything gets wrapped up in a way that more or less makes sense.
Still, I think this is an easy thing to do when the entire plot of the movie is Seven Samurai in space. That's a pretty durable plot that can be done in most genres and still work. So while for the most part I did enjoy these movies, I'm not exactly gonna run off and become a Snyder cultist because of it.
For the most part, what Rebel Moon does well, it does very well. It looks very pretty, the special effects are good, the action sequences are good, and this is a setting with an interesting visual style.
The action sequences really are what this movie does best. I wouldn't say they're original because "set traps to defend the poorly armed village against the coming invaders" is a pretty well mapped out style of action sequence, but it does do that very well. The defense of the village is basically the entire second half of this movie, and it manages to do that while keeping the tensions high and the fighting interesting.
I know these movies do get a fair bit of flack, and I think some of it is deserved, but this aspect actually is impressive. There's a lot of movies where the final battle is mostly just there and it gets a bit dull after a while. This is especially the case nowadays when people aren't as impressed by heavy usage of CGI as they were twenty or thirty years ago, so it's not like a lazy filmmaker can just sit back and rely on CGI explosions everywhere the same way Michael Bay would.
The example of this that I'd give is Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Seven Rings. The final battle has a similar set up: the bad guys are attacking a village, the good guys are defending it, and the main protagonist has run off to have their face off with the main village. The difference is that the battle over the village in Shang-Chi clearly hadn't been thought out beyond the fact that it needed to be there to give the supporting cast something to do, so it was mostly just shots of a busy-looking battle with no discernible major strategy or tactics being employed by either side.
That isn't really what happened with Rebel Moon Part Two. Both sides of the final battle had their goals, their strategies, and their tactics. So while it would have been easy enough for this to just be a mess of CGI, it ended up working well.
I think also, having a movie like this where the visual style is a mix of retro-futurism and cyberpunk is pretty cool. It's a compelling visual style. It would have been very easy to just go with some generic dystopian look and fall back on, "Well, at least it's not another Marvel movie." Instead, the visual style allows for some real wonder, which is an important thing for a sci-fi movie to have.
All of that being said, my actual issue with this movie is twofold. One, I don't think it really needed to be in two parts. I think it would have been fine to edit out some parts of this and have Rebel Moon just be a three or three and a half hour movie.
My issue with the two-part movie is that I really wish this trend would stay dead. It's the kind of trend that made sense at a particular point in time with a particular style of film. That point in time was the late '00s to the early '10s, and that style of movie was YA book adaptations. It's a trend that should have died down completely as younger Millennials graduated high school. It doesn't need the resurgence it's been getting in the last few years.
Plus, it's not like Rebel Moon had a particularly complicated plot. Nobody's going to get lost and wonder what the overarching story of these movies is going to be. I get wanting this to be a fairly long movie because that's how the source material was and the action scenes in these movies were generally pretty good, but I would have preferred to just have the long movie.
The second part of my issue is that I don't think these movies have really done anything thematically interesting with the format. This is a waste of the format because there is a lot of room to be adding some stuff thematically to it. I think it also just needed to do it if it's going to have any diehard defenders for longer than a year or two.
Let me give you an example of what I'm thinking of. Avatar--as in the James Cameron movies, not the cartoon that people on this site are so fond of--gets a similar criticism. Usually detractors of the Avatar movies will take the line that they're just Dances With Wolves or Pocahontas in a science fiction setting.
There is some merit to that criticism, but Avatar is also doing some interesting things thematically as well. Along with the criticism of colonialism and genocide of native peoples, which it shares with these earlier movies, there's also a criticism of corporate greed and environmental destruction. Humanity's interest in Pandora isn't a matter of setting up a colony there; they could dump a colony basically anywhere with a breathable atmosphere in that setting. It's a matter of getting unobtanium, which limits the places they can go a great deal.
Now of course, you can debate back and forth whether or not the Avatar movies do a good job of leveling that criticism. I take the position that while they aren't exactly philosophically sophisticated movies, they generally do a good job in that regard.
That isn't really the case with the Rebel Moon movies. There isn't a whole lot here that you can make a similar thematic defense of. Yes, it does have themes of self-organised people fighting off a major empire, but plenty of science fiction movies do that and do it better.
Plus, a lot of the thematic weight of this movie gets bogged down in its sequel hook. The reasons why the King wanted the Princess dead aren't fleshed out in these movies; only that it happened. That leaves room for the reason to be either she wanted to abolish the monarchy and democratise the empire, or that she wanted to usurp him and be the one on top.
Obviously the intended takeaway is the former, but that's just the implication. The next movie could still do a fake out where it's revealed she really is a would-be usurper but with surprisingly good PR for a monarchist.
So what we're left with is a pretty straightforward genre swap of Seven Samurai that has some very bare bones thematic development, but is mostly just the plot. That's fine and I like it for what it is, but I don't know if there's really enough there for it to be the new sci-fi megafranchise that Snyder and Netflix apparently want this to be.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
A Simple Request
Jaune: Hello, Ozpin.
Ozpin: Ahh! Mr. Arc, it’s a pleasure to have the famous, White Knight of Remnant here, at Beacon Academy. Please, sit down.
Jaune: Thank you.
Ozpin: So, how are you finding, Beacon Academy?
Jaune: I haven’t done enough snooping around to really get a grasp of the place. Looks nice… But, if It’s about your students however; well, from my experience in the fields, I know you have some fine Hunter’s in the making here.
Ozpin: I am honoured to hear that, perhaps you can take a look at our students later, maybe offer them a word of advice, or two while you’re at it?
Jaune: Hmm… You know, I’d like that. Perhaps after our discussion is completed?
Ozpin: I will notify the staff of your possible visit. Now… There was something you wished to discuss with me?
Jaune: Yeah there is…
Ozpin: Is it serious?
Jaune: No… Well kinda…? I’m just having a hard time finding the right words to say…
Ozpin: Take your time.
Jaune: It’s just allot to explain… Haa… There’s no way to put this delicately… But, could you please leave my wife alone?
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: Wife…?
Jaune: Yeah, my wife, can you leave her alone?
Ozpin: I’m sorry but… you’re married?!
Jaune: Yeah, for quite, quite some time at that…
Ozpin: I’m sorry, I did not expect to hear this… I… Well, everyone’s that you are, or well… were an eternal bachelor.
Jaune: A carefully crafted lie I assure you. My wife, and I prefer our privacy. So, out of the two best ways to keep a secret, the first being: ‘Never tell anyone you have a secret.’ We did just that, and as you can see, no one knew a thing.
Ozpin: I see, a clever ruse indeed. Tell me what’s the second way to keep a secret?
Jaune: ‘Silence those that know your secret.’
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: Grimm, but effective.
Jaune: Thank you.
Ozpin: But, I fail to see how this relates to me; I didn’t even know you are married. Have I ever even met your wife before, what could I have possibly upset a woman I’ve never met before?
Jaune: Oh you’ve met her, but that was a long, long time ago… Ozma.
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: How do you know that name…
Jaune: My wife told me about it, and by extension; about you, Ozma. Or, do you prefer, Ozpin?
Ozpin: You’re married to, Salem?!
Jaune: You are correct my good man! Now, please lower the cane, I came here for a civil discussion. My weapon is sheathed, and by my side. I have no desire to fight, though its not like you could win against me…
Ozpin: I am far more capable then I appear, Mr. Arc…
Jaune: Aye, but you are as old as you look.
Ozpin: Meaning…
Jaune: Your body… Is in its, what 60’s?
Ozpin: 63.
Jaune: Okay, but your mind is… couple thousand years old?
Ozpin: I’m not even sure of that answer myself, but its a good guess.
Jaune: Fair… But look at me, my body is at…
Ozpin: Twenty, twenty-two?
Jaune: Twenty-five, actually. I’ve been twenty-five years old since… before the fall of… Glintstone… Yeah, Glintstone… Its been so long since then, I’d nearly forgotten…
Ozpin: Impossible, Glintstone was destroyed! The entire city, nay kingdom was destroyed over three hundred, fifty years ago! You can’t possibly be that old?!
Jaune: Can’t? But, you, and my wife are far, far older than that. Why do you think it’s impossible for the, Black Wolf to live for that long?
Ozpin: Black Wolf… You’re the Bastard son of House Invictus?!
Jaune: Black Wolf… I never liked that name, my father cheated on his wife, with my mother, so I gain the title of a black wolf instead of a white or brown wolf because of my father’s infidelity? Why was I the one to blame… He probably died cursing me that I wasn’t there when it fell, that I wasn’t there for the. ‘Family.’ Well not my family…
Ozpin: You were there when, Glintstone fell?
Jaune: No, I left long before it fell; I saw the writing on the walls. A dead king with no one to succeed him…
Ozpin: Followed by a succession war that tore the kingdom apart.
Jaune: The Grimm coming at the end of it all were just the final nail in the coffin… The people of that kingdom damned themselves long before the, Grimm arrived.
Ozpin: It does appear that you were alive back then… Most people assume it fell to the Grimm, as everything, and everyone often did, but that doesn’t explain how you are alive? And, why haven’t aged a day since then; were you cursed by the gods like Salem was?
Jaune: No… It because… Its better if I show you really… Don’t be alarmed… well, too alarmed that is.
Ozpin: What are you doing with…?! Oh… Gods…
Jaune: Ya see?! Ow… stabbed myself right through the neck, not even a scratch! I’m immortal!
Ozpin: But… How?!
Jaune: I think you now call it a semblance?
Ozpin: A semblance, really…?
Jaune: More, or less… Can’t think of a better way to explain it.
Ozpin: How did you find this out?
Jaune: One of my brothers sent assassins to kill me… They failed obviously.
Ozpin: How strong is it?
Jaune: You could incinerate me, and I’d bounce back. Please don’t try it, Salem was absolutely furious when that happened…
Ozpin: I see… Speaking of, Salem; how did you two meet?
Jaune: Well, I was… lost, after my home was destroyed, and I found out I was immortal… I just started to wander the world. For about two hundred, or so years I just went from place to place, slaying Grimm, saving lives, and losing my mind in the process. After a while I made my way to the, Grimm Lands.
Ozpin: Why would you do that?
Jaune: I was… angry… really angry that I was cursed with such a thing… So I went someplace I could vent my frustrations. Where else better than in a land filled with monsters? Well, I went through the Grimm Lands until I reached her castle where I met her.
Ozpin: Salem.
Jaune: Yeah… I’m not sure who was more surprised that day, her or me. Me for finding out that someone lived in that hell hole, or her that someone was mad enough to come to her castle. She thought I was a reincarnation of you when we first met. Attacked me out right before either of us even said a word to the other…
Ozpin: Then what happened?
Jaune: Well, that’s where the fun began~!
Okay, I’m going to divide this one into parts, otherwise it’ll get really long.
Do enjoy~!
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Omg I have an angsty request that I’m sure is going to rip my heart out and light it on fire. It’s a super long and specific request so sorry if I get carried away:
Okay so reader had an unspoken thing in the glade with Gally but then he “died” so over the course of the events of scorch trials she got closer with newt and they start their own unspoken thing. But then in the death cure, newt (realizing he has the flare) starts encouraging her to reconcile with gally because he knows that he’s gonna die and gally will take care of her? But she’s confused on who she loves but kinda clings to what she has with newt because he needs her. And she’s just heart b r o k e n over newt dying but gally helps put her pieces back together in the safe haven and eventually they have their fluffy first time together?
*Fanfare* *Triumphant Music* I finally finished this one! Sorry it took a while, I really wanted this to be perfect. But I think I'm quite happy with how this one turned out! I hope you like it too, sweet Anon. Btw, I know you wanted smut, but I just didn't think it would fit with this one. Sorry, maybe on the next one!
Over 5.2k words, so strap in for a long one y'all
Possible Trigger Warning: Self Harm
During your time in the Glade, you were practically attached at the hip with Gally.
He was your best friend, your first go to whenever you had any issues, and you were the same to him.
After his supposed death, you felt a void in your soul. You took on a nihilistic attitude, nothing in life making sense anymore. You didn't care about what happened to you or around you, you wished you had died with Gally, the idea of it being welcomed with open arms.
The thought of dying brought no anxiety, no dread. Even the thought of dying painfully didn't scare you, you wanted it. Everyday you thought about that spear going through Gally's chest, wanting to feel what he must've felt. You wanted to feel the same pain and fear, you wanted to feel like you were dying too.
No rational side of you could explain why you felt this way. Perhaps, if you felt the same pain he felt, maybe it would give some sort of closure. Maybe it would make you feel like you were still close to him, even in death.
It wasn't too long before you decided to act on those feelings. You had been only a knife to your chest, right where your heart was, hyping yourself up to push the blade into your skin.
You didn't want to kill yourself, no. You wanted your death to be natural, not forced. You'd suffer your own existence until your time eventually came like it did for everyone else. But Newt didn't know this when he happened upon you that night, just a couple centimeters of a blade shredding its way into your skin.
Newt panicked, immediately stopping your from hurting yourself, his heart racing at the thought of being too late. But thankfully, he wasn't.
You tried to seem somewhat normal, but the laughter bubbling from your chest couldn't be withheld, making Newt fear that you had lost your mind. He wasn't too far off...
He knew how much Gally's death impacted you, he knew you were in pain every second of every day, but he never thought you'd go so far as hurting yourself. He just silently patched you up, fearing anything he would say from a good place would only upset you further.
Eventually, you explained why you had done what you did. It obviously didn't sit right with Newt. He wasn't particularly close with Gally back in the Glade, but he knew well enough that he wouldn't want you to be living with this mindset.
After a while in the Scorch, you stuck by Newt the most and you started to get better. You felt so empty after Gally's death, leaving a hole in your heart. Newt helped lead you out of that void, trying his best to fit that empty space. But you knew nobody could replace Gally, not even Newt. You knew that space could never be filled, but just seeing Newt try to be that person for you, it was too endearing not to pull at what heartstrings you had left.
Then the complications happened, so much time spent believing that Gally was dead came crashing down as he stood in front of you all, very much not dead.
You thought it had to be a dream, could he really be here?
It was strange. You thought you'd run to him, leap into his arms and kiss all over his face, but you didn't. You stood next to your friends awkwardly as he took off his gas mask. To think you'd be more outwardly happy that someone you cared about was still alive. But you couldn't help the guilt that you felt when Gally said that they left him to die. Sure, it might've not been specifically directed to you, but you felt the sharp sting of his words resonate through you. It almost felt like a strong invisible force hit your funny bone, the volt of uncomfortable aching pain spreading throughout your entire body and leaving you in a breathless agony.
For Gally, he was overjoyed to see you alive and well. He so badly wanted to go to you, feel you in his arms again. But he knew he couldn't, how could he after how he treated everyone back in the Glade?
He didn't remember a lot, but he knew he killed Chuck. The blurry memories of that day, he saw it every night in his dreams. He remembered the sound of the gunshot, the sudden pain in his chest and not being able to breathe. He saw Chuck laying beside him, his expressionless eyes trained on the ceiling, unmoving. His chest wasn't rising and falling like it should've been, blood seeping through his layers of clothing. The most purest soul Gally ever met was dead, and it was his fault.
Gally couldn't even bring himself to look in your direction, he was too disgusted with himself.
Thomas punching Gally wasn't a big shock, he knew he deserved it. But Newt quickly came to his rescue, stopping Thomas from acting out irrationally. But a part of Gally didn't want the Greenie to be stopped. Being punched wasn't something he enjoyed, but Gally would willingly endure whatever punishment that would be inflicted and he'd accept that he deserved it. But nothing he could do or say would bring Chuck back...
When Gally did finally force himself to look at you, he wish he hadn't. You looked indifferent, which never happened with you. He instantly thought that you hated him as much as Thomas did, but then again, he deserved it.
It was really tough for Gally to keep a conversation with everyone while he took them to see Lawrence, especially when he noticed how close you stuck by Newt. But, he supposed it was only natural to find another person to be close to when you've lost someone else, he still couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that bubbled up in his chest. He hated how good you and Newt looked together, you seemed...happy.
At the moment, you weren't even close to happy; you were confused, and angry.
It sounded terrible, but a part of you was angry that Gally was actually still alive. You had to go through the mourning process, and you hadn't even finished it and now all of a sudden, he was alive all this time. It put your emotions on haywire, the most you felt was confusion, and if someone would've told you what you were experiencing was some sort of a twisted dream, you would believe them. But your feet were too sore and sunburn too irritating for this all to be a dream.
You sensed Newt's eyes trained on you, you knew he was probably worried, but you couldn't decide what for. Was he worried that you'd go back to Gally? Was he worried you'd replace him now that he was still alive? Knowing Newt, he probably just wanted to talk to you, but even then, you would have no idea what to say. What do people feel or say in situations like this? You were certain not everyone has to go through the loss of a loved one just to find out that they weren't gone, right?
It was late, and you were exhausted, as was everyone else; but you stayed awake, attempting to sleep only causing you to toss and turn, and eventually giving up. But someone else was awake, you were shocked to see that it was Newt. "What're doing awake?" He asked, taking a seat next to you.
"Could ask you the same thing." You replied, only getting a look from Newt in response. "Couldn't sleep." You sighed, caving in to his concerned expression.
"I know it's not my place," Newt started, wringing his hands together nervously, "but, you haven't said a word to Gally." You knew he was going to bring that up, you had that feeling as soon as he saw you were still awake. "I know it was a shock, to all of us. But I thought it'd effect you the most, to be quite honest. You two were pretty close..."
You shrugged weakly, shaking your head. "I don't know what to tell you. Was I supposed to react a certain way? Was I supposed to drop to my knees and burst into tears or something?"
Newt grimaced. "No...of course you're not supposed to act a certain way. It's just a bit strange to me that you haven't tried to speak to him at all."
"I don't even know what I'd say to him." You chuckled bitterly.
"I know you and Gally had something, something special. That sort of thing doesn't just go away. You were absolutely gutted after what happened, this is a chance to reconnect. You care about him, a lot."
"Hey, that doesn't change the way I feel about you. I care about you a lot too."
Newt smiled weakly. "I know, but I really think you should go and talk to him."
You could tell he was being sincere, but you couldn't understand why. You two had grown close over the past several months, so why would he want you to reconnect with someone you used to be even closer with? You weren't really given the time to think over it more before Newt was quickly encouraging you to speak with Gally, telling you where his room was, somehow knowing this conversation would happen and finding out beforehand.
Just a few moments later, you found yourself outside of Gally's door, fist extended out to hover over the worn wood, but you couldn't bring yourself to knock. Thinking back to how hard you tried to avoid Gally when he came back, what if he thought you hated him? What if he didn't want to talk to you?
But before you could chicken out, you forced yourself to knock on Gally's door without thinking, soon hearing the thud of footsteps nearing. With bated breath, you waited for the door to open, anxiety gripping your mind so intensely that it almost triggered your fight or flight response. But Gally's almost hopeful and shocked expression when he saw you waiting relaxed you a little bit. "...hi." Gally voiced, the nervous and confused tone to his voice not going unnoticed by you.
"Hi." You replied, your voice probably just as shaky and nervous as his.
"Uh, come in." He said quickly, moving out of the doorframe, his hands slightly shaking when he motioned you to enter his room.
Your heart was beating out of your chest, so fast and hard that you were worried Gally would be able to hear it. Your hands were shaking, as well as your legs as you walked into his room, it was a miracle you didn't collapse right then and there. You tried not to jump as you heard the click of his door closing, you tried to take deep calming breaths before Gally turned to face you, the two of you almost on complete opposite sides of the room just standing awkwardly.
You stared at Gally, your gaze running up and down his body but ultimately stopping to stare at his chest. Tears quickly came to your eyes as you saw how healthy he looked, like a spear wasn't embedded in his chest months ago. You couldn't stop the flow of whimpers that came from your throat, putting your hands up to cover your face in embarrassment. You felt your face start to burn as you felt Gally's arms wrap around you as soon as you started to cry, but his warmth comforting you only caused you to let out more tears.
You never thought you'd be in his arms again.
Gally stood there silently, holding you and just trying to soothe you as best he could. In the back of his mind, he was astonished that you even let him come near you, you had avoided him altogether up until this moment. But the whimpers he heard coming from you, seeing the tears spilling from your eyes, he instinctively went to hug you. He also couldn't ignore the guilt he felt, thinking that you were crying because of him. He hated it. But you hugged him back tightly, burying your face in his chest and trying to stifle your sobs.
"You're here..." You cried softly, "you're really here..."
Gally's lip trembled, tears of his own brimming his eyes at how much pain you must've been in thinking he was dead all this time, your voice giving away your feelings. He exhaled shakily, "I am here." He placed a kiss to the top of your head. "I'm here."
For a few minutes, you and Gally just held each other silently. You both needed this, understanding how badly you missed one another. Soon, you were able to calm yourself, but you still didn't pull away. Gally only pulled away slightly so he could see your face, frowning when he saw your eyes were puffy and tearstained. "I'm so sorry, Y/n."
You furrowed your brows, shaking your head. "What happened wasn't your fault, Gally." You said genuinely. No matter how much pain and anger you felt about what happened to Chuck, you never once blamed him. You knew W.C.K.D. killed him, and every other Glader who died. But Gally's frown told you everything you needed to know; he still blamed himself.
"I should've gone with you." He whispered, resting his forehead against yours. "How can you even stand the sight of me?"
"Because I know you never would've killed anyone if you weren't stung, especially Chuck."
Hearing Chuck's name out loud made tears brim Gally's eyes once more, tightening his fists in anger at himself. "Chuck deserved so much better...he wasn't supposed to die..." He cried, causing you to pull him back into your embrace, rubbing his back while trying to not to cry again.
"None of us deserved to get experimented on."
Eventually, you lead Gally to sit next to you on his bed, holding his hand. It felt so right to be sitting there with Gally, you missed him so much that you despised ever feeling even the slightest bit of anger when you first saw that Gally was alive. But one emotion did not go away, you still felt confused.
While sitting there with Gally, you couldn't help but think about Newt. He was so adamant about you reconciling with Gally, was he hoping that something would happen between you two? You truly cared a lot about Newt, and you knew he felt the same way, so you couldn't understand why he was acting this way.
You sighed softly when you started to feel sleepy, standing up slowly. "I should probably head back."
Gally quickly stood up with you. "Uh, you could stay here if you want?" He stammered, causing you to smile a little.
"That's okay. I already had a sleeping bag set up for me downstairs, so..."
Gally tried to hide his disappointed frown, choosing to walk up to you until you two were face to face. Maybe it was too soon, but ever since he saw you, Gally had the strongest urge to place his lips on yours. He missed your soft lips that he only had the privilege of feeling a few times back in the Glade before everything happened. He gently grabbed hold of your jaw, tilting your face up and leaning forward slowly.
You wanted him, you wanted him so bad. But before his lips could connect, Newt's face popped up in your mind and you couldn't, you forced yourself to turn away.
You tried not to look at Gally's face, knowing that he'd probably look like a kicked puppy. You couldn't, it would be too painful. "It's Newt." Gally frowned, taking a step back.
Your eyes widened, finally taking a glance over to him to indeed see that his expression was one of disappointment and sadness. "I never said-"
"You didn't have to." Gally interrupted. "I see the way you look at him...it's how you used to look at me." You stayed silent, a feeling of guilt washing over you. "I don't blame you, Y/n, for finding someone else. I'd never expect you to grieve over me forever, that's too selfish."
Hearing this, you had a terrifying thought that you needed to voice out loud. "Did you ever find someone else?" You asked nervously, afraid of his answer.
"No..." He smiled weakly, "No one that could ever compare to you."
You hated that you felt relieved, you were the one who seemed to be selfish. But, you couldn't just drop what you had with Newt now that Gally's still alive. You couldn't say anything else, what could you say to that?
"You should get some sleep." Gally said, opening his door and motioning you to get out.
"Gally..." You whispered.
"Please. Just...we have a busy day tomorrow."
You sighed. You couldn't argue with him.
Newt watched you walk back downstairs, getting into your sleeping bag with a very prominent frown. Doesn't seem like it went well, he thought. He felt relieved and frustrated at the same time. Newt really cared for you, he could even go as far as saying he loved you, but he needed you and Gally to get back together, or become friends again at least.
It wasn't too long ago that Newt found out he had the Flare. He saw the black and purple veins slowly travelling up his arm, and the pain, the pain was the worst part. You had already gotten close to him, so he was heartbroken to know that you'd just lose another person you cared for. After Gally, he knew you wouldn't be able to handle another loss. So when Gally showed up out of the blue, it was like a miracle, Newt's prayers had been answered.
Newt felt jealousy, of course, he wanted to stay with you. He didn't want Gally to take you from him, but what use would he be when he was dead or a Crank? He tried not to be angry with you, it wasn't your fault how you were feeling, but he needed to know you'd be okay when he was gone.
Newt did try talking to you about it, but you always changed the subject or simply didn't answer him. Before you all knew it, it was time to start planning Minho's rescue mission. Thomas didn't want to use Teresa, and hearing that only made Newt's anger bubble to the surface.
It wasn't like Newt to lash out like that, he was always so calm and relaxed. Maybe the stress finally got to him, maybe it was something else...
You immediately followed after Newt when he stormed out after yelling at Thomas, not knowing that Gally's sad eyes were following you. You couldn't think of anything else, you just had to know that Newt was okay.
You found Newt on the roof, sitting on the ledge. "Newt?" You asked, concerned. "Are you okay...?" You stepped closer captiously, finally taking a seat next to him.
Newt only smiled bitterly. "No...no, not really."
You sighed, looking out to the horizon, trying to find the right words to say. "We all thought Teresa was our friend...it's okay to be angry."
Newt shook his head. "It's not that."
You furrowed your brows. "Then, why did you lash out at Thomas?"
Newt bit his lip to keep it from trembling. He never wanted you to find out this way. He didn't even want you to know. But after that scene he made, he knew there was no point in hiding it anymore.
Tears came to your eyes as Newt lifted up his jacket sleeve, revealing his discolored arm. You knew what it was immediately, seeing it on every Crank you came across. "No..." You whispered. "No."
"I know I probably shouldn't have kept it from you, but I was scared. I still am."
"We'll fix it!" You quickly said, it sounding more like a plead. "We'll find another cure!"
Newt only gave you a weak smile. "I don't think that's a possibility right now, love. Besides, Minho needs us."
"No, you're not allowed to give up like that, Newt. We'll find something to help you. If Brenda was cured, so can you. Teresa might-"
"Please, Y/n." Newt voiced sharply. "Please...just stop. I don't need false hope."
Before you could say anything else, you heard the roof access door open, Thomas walking up to the two of you. "Y/n, can I, uh, talk to Newt? Alone?"
You looked to Newt, who nodded, signaling for you to leave. You stood up, speed walking inside and down the stairs. The tears kept falling, blurring your vision, and you had no idea what to do. Newt was dying, and there was nothing that you could do about it, and it didn't seem like he was too eager to try and find a cure. You hoped Thomas could talk some sense into him. But in that moment, your feet subconsciously took you to Gally's little apartment. You stood in front of the door in tears, wishing that you didn't feel the urge to find comfort in him when Newt was sick. But, you knocked on the door, quickly placing yourself in Gally's arms as soon as he was in front of you.
Gally didn't know what was wrong, he barely got a good look at your face before you threw yourself at him. But the way you were shaking and whimpering, he knew you were crying, and he didn't have the heart to pull away from you. He walked backwards and shut his door, leading you to sit down on his bed with him. He just held you as you cried, leaning his head down on top of yours until you calmed down. He finally spoke when your cries were just quiet sniffles. "What happened?"
You exhaled a shaky breath, lifting your head to look at Gally. "Newt has the Flare..."
"W-What...?" Had Gally heard that right? Could his mind be playing tricks on him? He just assumed everyone that was in the Glade was immune, that's why they were there, right? But you repeated what you had said, confirming what Gally thought he heard. "I...I'm so sorry..." That's all Gally could say. He wasn't very well spoken in these types of situations, all he could do was bring you back into another hug.
You finally understood why Newt was pushing you to get close to Gally again; he wanted you to be close to someone when he died.
Yet another situation that had you confused. You knew you loved Gally, you always had, he was your best friend. But now you had Newt, he helped you through everything while in the Scorch, helped you try to overcome your grieve and probably saved your life multiple times. How could you possibly make a decision like this?
You and Gally never put a label on what you had in the Glade, and nobody asked either, not even Alby. You both just knew that you cared for one another, that you'd do anything for the other. But as time went on, you felt guilty knowing what you'd ultimately choose. It was always going to be a lose lose for you.
Newt needed you, and you couldn't leave him when he needed you the most.
Gally, deep down, knew what your decision was going to be. You had a big heart. You never would leave anyone behind, even if they were infected. Back in the Glade, Gally wouldn't have hesitated in sacrificing the few to save the many, but you were never like that. You cared about everyone, especially the people who were closest to you. You never were going to give up on Newt, you couldn't now. You would spend as much time with him as possible, what little time he might've had left. And you did, until he took his final breath.
You felt like you were a glass vase that had been shattered, and every time you tried to pick up the pieces, the glass would just cut deeper and deeper into your skin. It felt like life didn't want you to be put back together. Nothing felt real. Everything that happened in the Last City felt like a fever dream. You hoped that one day you'd wake up and you'd be back in the Glade, everyone was still alive. Maybe if you could go back in time, maybe you could save everyone, maybe you could've convinced Gally to listen to Thomas, maybe you could've held off Newt a bit longer in time for Brenda to give him the cure.
A lot of maybe's, a lot of hopes and prayers, never answered.
Now in the Safe Haven, you felt anything but safe.
You didn't talk to anyone for awhile, not even Gally. You had nothing to say, and you were afraid of breaking down in front of everyone. So, you isolated yourself. And then a couple weeks later, you finally felt everything bubble to the surface.
Sitting down somewhere along the coastline, not too close to the water, but close enough that you could feel the salty breeze of the waves hit you gently as the evening cooled when the sun started to go set.
You tucked yourself up into a ball, your knees as close as you could get them to your chest and your arms wrapped tightly around them. And, you cried. And cried. And cried. And cried. The ugly kind of crying. Your tears weren't coming out one eye at a time in a perfectly straight line down your face like in the movies, you weren't making quiet sniffles or whimpers, you were full on sobbing. Tears came out of your eyes so fast that you could barely make out the sun on the horizon, your shirt sleeves were most definitely covered in snot and whatever salty tears it had the chance to catch. Your throat felt like it was being torn apart by how intense your sobs were. The sobs sounded more like you were having a coughing fit, one of those phlegmy hacking coughs that made you feel like you were going to vomit.
You knew you most likely weren't far enough away from the camp to quiet your weeping, and you knew you were just embarrassing yourself, arranging for yourself to be completely humiliated the next morning when you had to face everybody. But in the moment, you couldn't care less. You loss someone so important to you, it felt like losing Gally all over again. But you knew this time, it was final. No surprise resurrections this time. You felt completely, and utterly, alone.
But you never were.
You felt so dissociated and detached from yourself, the wails of grief too much for your body to handle. You couldn't feel anything around you, not the warmth of the sand, not the slight chill breeze, not even Gally's arms wrapped around you tightly. You didn't realize until you passed out from exhaustion, waking up the next morning in a bed that wasn't yours, and a hut that wasn't yours.
Your vision was still a little bit blurry, all the tears from the night previous crusting to the creases around your eyes, making it a bit of a challenge opening them all the way. But, your other sense were intact enough to tell you that bacon and eggs were next to you on a bedside table. You hadn't eaten the day before, so it was mostly a primal reaction to quickly take the plate and gobble up the food.
You still had to rely on context clues to figure out where you were in the camp. As much as your eyes irritated you, they could now finally work once you were wide awake. You probably should've known immediately who's hut it was, but seeing that familiar grey knitted hoodie settled ungracefully over the backrest of a chair, you knew it was Gally's.
You blushed quickly after that realization. How did he know where you were, and how much did he see? The thought of him seeing you in such a state made you cringe. But what was more horrifying was that Gally was right outside the room, waiting for you to wake up. "Hey..." He voiced, his eyebrows knitted in concern, eyes full of sadness.
You had to look away, the heat rushing to your face making you feel like you were going to pass out again. "Hi." You croaked, your vocal cords still sore and raw.
Gally shifted his weight nervously, taking a step closer to you. "I'm sorry, for bringing you here...I was afraid you were going to hurt yourself." You snapped you gaze back to him in confusion, him quickly blushing, scratching the back of his head. "Uh, Newt told me about what you did to yourself after...after the Maze."
You self-consciously rubbed the spot on your chest where a big scar still remained. "I wasn't trying to...you know, kill myself or anything."
"Forgive me if I don't believe you." He said softly, taking a seat on the bed next to you.
You sighed, crossing your arms. "I just...I didn't know what I was thinking."
Gally gently grabbed ahold of your hand, making you uncross your arms, letting his warm hand take yours. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. Newt should be here with the rest of us. He was a good person."
You nodded as tears came to your eyes again, burning enough to make you whimper, and you leaned your head against Gally's shoulder. "I miss him so much." You cried.
Eventually, you and Gally became close again. He was always there for you. Whenever you had nightmares, whenever you were lonely, whenever you needed anything, Gally would always be there. You started to feel your relationship had almost gotten back to the point where it was in the Glade, it had been almost a year, but you still felt it was too early to be moving on. A part of you didn't want to move on, but you knew that's not what Newt wanted either.
You didn't read the note Newt wrote to you when Thomas first gave it to you. The grief was still too near, and you didn't know if you could handle it. But a couple months after your breakdown, you finally read it. Newt loved you, he had always loved you. And he wanted you to be happy, he didn't want you to be sad that he was gone, even though he knew it would be impossible. But he knew you would be okay, he knew Gally would protect you no matter what. Reading his note was part of the reason you knew it would be okay to be with Gally, it just took you some time.
One day, you and Gally were taking a break from working, just sitting near the forest tree line, and you did it; you kissed him, and you couldn't stop, you didn't want to stop. And you didn't, and neither did Gally.
After that, it was almost impossible to spend any time away from each other.
You never thought you'd smile again, but Gally always found a way. He made you so happy, and it made you cry one night when you finally realized that you were happy, and you knew somewhere out there, it made Newt happy.
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bimobuddy · 2 years
Movie Night
This is a Darkwing Duck tk fic, if you don't like it, don't read it.
Plot: Launchpad and Drake are having a movie night, but during a certain scene, Drake starts to get flustered, and LP catches on pretty quickly.
Ships: Drakepad
Lee: Drake Mallard
Ler: Launchpad
It was rare for Drake and LP to have a calm night to themselves. Gosalyn was spending the night with the Muddlefoots, and there was no crime happening in the city for once. Drake still wanted to go on patrol, but LP had convinced him to just take the night off. "If anything happens, the police will let you know." He had told him. Yeah, he was probably right. So there they sat on the couch, not as hero and sidekick, but as boyfriends getting ready to start a movie and relax. Drake would have chosen a horror movie, but Launchpad was insistent on watching some sappy romcom. Not having the energy to fight (nor did he want to, how could he say no to Launchpad?), he caved and watched as the dork slid the DVD in.
About halfway into the movie, LP was on the edge of his seat, and Drake was leaned against his side, watching the screen. Okay, it was kinda good, but he would never admit to that. Not Darkwing Duck. The terror that flaps in the night would never be caught dead enjoying a romcom.
But something eventually caught his attention, pulling the duck from his thoughts. It was the sound of laughter. At first he thought it was Launchpad, but noticed it didn't sound like him at all. He focused on the screen again, and immediately felt his heart drop into his stomach. It was a tickle scene. A long one too. He didn't know why but anytime tickling was mentioned or shown on TV, Drake always felt his cheeks flush and his tummy start to do flips. It didn't make him uncomfortable, no. It just made him.. flustered, that was it. But her certainly didn't wish to be in the character's place, no. Not Darkwing Duck. Not the terror that flaps in the night.
"Are you okay, DW- Uh, Drake?" Launchpad asked. Old habit. "Uh, y-yes, of course, Launchpad, why wouldn't I be? I'm completely fine. I'm great, even!" he chuckled nervously. Launchpad turned fully to look at him. "Well you're sweating.. Your face is red, and you were just squirming-" "Launchpad, don't be silly, I don't squirm. I'm Darkwing Duck!" Launchpad rolled his eyes, fondly. "But you're also Drake Mallard. And I just want to know if you're okay- Was it the movie scene that was bothering you?" he asked.
"No, of course not! There's nothing wrong with the movie scene! T-That's a perfectly normal movie scene. Nothing out of the ordinary with a very very long scene of a girl and her dashing love interest having a t-.. a tic-.. a.." His cheeks grew warm again. He couldn't even say it.
At this point, Launchpad had caught on, and a playful smirk stretched across his bill. "A tickle fight? Drake, don't tell me you were flustered by a little tickle scene-" "Stop saying it! And it wasn't little, that scene lasted ten minutes!" "Drake, it lasted ten seconds, you were thinking about it, squirming for ten minutes-" "I DON'T SQUIRM!" Launchpad grinned. Drake did not like that look. "Then prove it." and he pounced.
It wasn't much of a fight. Sure, Drake was trained to fight, but it's hard when you're already flustered and giggling, and your boyfriend is 6'5". Not fair at all. Launchpad easily scooped Drake up, pulling him into his lap, wiggling fingers into his sides.
Drake immediately started to kick his legs and squirm, biting his lower bill to keep from laughing. This, however, only resulted in (certainly not adorable, Drake would later claim) squeaks and snorts to slip out. "What was that you were saying about not squirming~?" Launchpad teased.
Drake knew he couldn't hold out forever. The soft yet very effective tapping into both his sides was maddening. If he leaned away from one hand, he was just leaning into the other. The fingers weren't even in sync, making it worse. He was doing fine until Launchpad moved his hand, crawling, clawed, and evil onto his tummy.
Drake snorted and suddenly a steady flow of dorky, wheezy giggles came out, with Drake unable to stop them. "Launchp-pahahahahahd! Nohohohoho, thahahahat t-tihihic- nohoho!" He grabbed LP's hands, yet didn't try to push them away. He kicked his legs some more, then ultimately gave up, just bringing them up to curl in, around his boyfriend's tickling hands.
Launchpad thought it was absolutely adorable. "Awh, tickatickatickatickaticka~" He teased, causing Drake's laughter to kick up a notch, and his face to get even redder (if that was even possible). "D-Dohohohon't sahahahahay ihihihit!" He begged. "Why~ Does it make it tickle tickle tickle even more~? Are you just that ticklish~?" Launchpad grinned, having the time of his life. And by the looks of it, so was Drake.
Launchpad gently took ahold of one of Drake's legs, running his fingers down the webbed foot. Drake let out a big snort and kicked his leg frantically. "NOHOHO, L-LAHA- LAHAHAUN-" And he dissolved into frantic giggles, still kicking his trapped leg.
The pilot chuckled and stopped, holding his much smaller boyfriend in his lap. "Alright alright, I think that's enough proof, mister 'terror of the night.'" He jested. Launched picked up the remote, about to unpause the movie, when Drake looked up at him, making him stop.
"Do you uh... Do you think you could.. do that again?" Drake asked, shyly fidgeting with his hands, avoiding eye contact.
Well how could he say no to that?
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sleepdeprivedsloth · 3 years
[MHA - Kaminari, Sero, Bakugou]
summary: Bakugou is in a bitch mood and doesn’t want to socialize with anyone, especially not any of his idiotic classmates. Kaminari and Sero don’t exactly get the hint, and they end up finding a way to cheer up their grumpy friend. (platonic KamiSeroBaku fic)
potential warnings: swearing, tickling
words: 1.8 k
a/n: school has been such a bitch BUT i just finished one of my ap exams so i wanted to indulge myself and all yall nice people out there :) it’s another ticklish baku fic, and i wish i could say i’m sorry but i’m really not lmfao hope you enjoy everyone!
It was a known fact amongst the students of Class 1-A that when Bakugou woke up in a bad mood, it was best to steer clear out of his way. Nobody was daring enough to bother the blonde when he seemed to be on the verge of blowing up the entire dorm with nothing more than a thunderous BOOM.
Well, nobody except Kaminari and Sero.
Bakugou was in one of these explosive moods, reading some manga on his bed to help pass the time, when he heard a couple of knocks on his door. “Fuck off,” he grumbled sharply, refusing to bring his eyes away from the illustrated pages. He most certainly was not in the mood to socialize with any idiots today, but the universe had other plans.
“C’mon Bakubro, just let us in!” Kaminari’s voice exclaimed through the locked door.
“Yeah! You know we won’t go away until you open up,” Sero’s voice called out, and Bakugou could practically see the obnoxiously knowing smile that his friends the morons were no doubt wearing.
Failing to repress an eye roll, Bakugou dragged himself out of bed, manga still in hand, and walked over to the door. With a heavy sigh, he begrudgingly opened up and leaned his body against the door frame. “What do you fuckers want?”
Kaminari’s eyes gleamed with suspicious excitement. “Nothing at all! Just wanted to hang out with you, dude.”
Bakugou’s eyes narrowed at the two, knowing that even they weren’t stupid enough to just ‘hang out’ with him when he was dangerously annoyed. “No. Go the fuck away.”
“Bro, you haven’t smiled at all this whole week! Just let us help you chill out for a while. You can’t hate us that much, right?” Sero suggested with a hopeful smile on his face. 
“I can, and I do,” Bakugou deadpanned. “You dumbasses can’t force me to hang out with you. Just leave me the fuck alone.”
At that, Kaminari and Sero exchanged a quick glance at one another before turning their attention back to their grumpy friend. Without a word, Kaminari reached out and poked a finger into Bakugou’s stomach. He let out a muffled yelp as he stumbled backwards a bit further into his room, allowing Kaminari and Sero enough space to enter themselves.
If looks could kill, the two would have been lying dead on the floor the moment they stepped foot into the blonde’s dorm. Bakugou sent them a fierce and fiery glare, steam practically blowing out of his ears. “What the fuck do you damn extras think you’re doing?!”
Kaminari smirked. “Forcing you to hang out with us. Sero, get his arms.”
Before Bakugou could fully comprehend what was happening, Sero tackled him down to the floor, knocking the manga out of his hands and pulling his wrists above his head. Bakugou started kicking his legs around, trying to get enough momentum to break free of Sero’s strong hold, until he felt Kaminari sit himself down on his thighs, successfully pinning him against the floor.
Feeling his palms start to spark threateningly with small explosions, Bakugou’s face fell into an annoyed sneer. Could these dipshits not see that he was clearly not in the mood for their little pranks? “Get the hell off me, you- NGH!”
Kaminari chuckled as he slid his hands underneath Bakugou’s shirt with a slight wiggle of his fingers. He felt his friend’s body tense as he started to slowly trace his fingertips along his sides, his touch practically as light as a feather. “Oh Kacchan, don’t be like that! We just wanna hang out with our favorite blasty boy.”
Bakugou growled, struggling to keep the ends of his lips from turning upwards. “G-get your filthy hands o-offa me, Dunce Face! I s-swear to go-OHOD NO!”
A reluctant smile broke out onto Bakugou’s face when Sero taped his wrists to the floor and started to softly drum his fingers into the exposed armpits, forcing the blonde into a bout of giggles. “There’s that adorable little smile that we’ve been looking for!” Sero teased.
“L-lehet me uhup, Tahape Fahace!” Bakugou tried to threaten through his wobbly grin. “I d-dohon’t want to hang out wihith you idiohohots!”
Kaminari moves his hands to lightly scribble at Bakugou’s taut stomach, causing him to break out into an uncontrollable fit of higher pitched giggles. “But we love hanging out with you, Blasty! Think of all the fun we could have together!”
“Yeah, Bakubro!” Sero joined in, wiggling his fingers underneath Bakugou’s arms, occasionally moving his tickly touches down to the blonde’s upper ribs. “We could have a movie night, just the three of us. What do you guys think of Big Hero 6?”
“Ah yeah, I love that movie! What about you, Bakugou?” Kaminari asked in a much too casual manner.
“I hahahate you bohohoth sohoho much!!”
Kaminari grinned, briefly slowing his fingers’ movements. “But you’re still having fun, right?” At this, Bakugou’s breath hitched and his eyes widened, looking over at the electric blonde in a mixture of confusion and shock, his cheeks reddening a bit. “Yeah, sorry to break it to you, bro, but it’s kinda obvious you don’t want us to stop tickling you.”
Seeing a hint of distress and discomfort in his friend’s eyes, Sero quickly cut it. “Honestly, we’d be lying if we said we wanted to stop! Making you all smiley and giggly feels like a privilege!”
With far too much enthusiasm, Kaminari nodded his head in agreement before a teasing smirk made its way onto his face. “If anything, I bet you want us to kick it up a notch, dontcha Blasty?~”
“N-no I don-ohohon’t!” Bakugou shouted out as he felt Kaminari insert a singular finger into his belly button.
“Y’know, I’ve always wanted to try this out. Lemme know how it feels, okay?” he asked before sending a small shock of electricity through his finger, using just enough energy to get the ticklish blonde screaming.
“NAHAHAHA! WHAHAHAHAT THE FUHUHUHUCK?!” Bakugou howled with laughter, immediately overwhelmed by the sensations of the shock tickling him both inside and out. He began twisting and squirming to get Kaminari’s finger out of the sensitive spot, only to find that his desperate thrashing only managed to push Kaminari’s finger further into his belly button and increase the shock’s tickly effects. “GEHEHET IT THE FUHUCK OHOHOHOUT!!”
“Jackpot!” Kaminari shouted out as he slightly wiggled his finger, never stopping the small, steady stream of electricity that passed through it. The explosive blonde’s head was thrown back from the force of his hysterics. “Aww, does it tickle that much?”
“No fair!” Sero exclaimed with playful offense. “You can’t just steal all of Bakubro’s laughter all by yourself. You gotta share, Denks!” Sero brought his own hands up to Bakugou’s pinned wrists and started to gently drag his fingertips down teasingly towards his underarms at an agonizingly slow pace. He didn’t get much of a reaction until he passed the boy’s elbows, when Bakugou began shaking his head and tugging harder on his arms. “Ohoho, what’s this? You keeping another weak spot from us, dude?”
“DOHOHON’T YOU DAHAHARE GO ANY FUHUHURTHER, TAHAPE FAHACE!! I SWEAHAHAR I’LL KIHIHILL YOHOHOU!!” Bakugou’s threats fell on deaf ears as he felt Sero’s fingers traveling closer and closer to his underarms. He really did try to refrain himself when the dark-haired boy’s soft fluttering reached the underside of his triceps, just above his armpits, but he instantly lost control. Bakugou snorted before practically screaming with pure laughter, the most genuine smile his two friends had ever seen inevitably spreading across his typically scowling face.
“Yes, ultimate jackpot!! Take that, Kaminari!” Sero shouted proudly over Bakugou’s loud shrieks. The two boys then increased their efforts, starting to tickle harder and faster, each trying to pull the most hysterical noises from the boy trapped beneath them.
Their playful competition left lucky poor Bakugou in stitches until he finally pleaded out for mercy, tears of mirth prickling the edges of his closed-shut eyes. “ALRIGHT AHAHALRIGHT!! I’LL HAHAHANG OUT WITH YOHOHOHOU IDIOHOHOTS!! JUHUHUST STOP STOHOHOP STAHAHAHAHAHA-!”
The two immediately stopped and pulled their torturous hands away from the giggly blonde’s body. Kaminari climbed off of Bakugou’s thighs while Sero got to work removing the tape at his wrists.
As he worked, Sero looked down at Bakugou with a smug smirk. “Was wondering how long it was gonna take you to tell us to stop, Bakubro!”
“Yeah, seriously dude,” Kaminari joined in, helping the boy sit up once his wrists were free. “You’ve got some hella strong endurance!”
Bakugou wrapped his arms around his torso, rubbing the phantom tickles away as stray titters found their way out of his carefree smile. “Oho shuhut up,” he grumbled in half-hearted annoyance.
“Dude, look at that smile! You should definitely wear it more often, man,” Sero genuinely complimented, earning a deeper blush on Bakugou’s face. “It really is a good look on you!”
“I’m honestly glad that we were able to get you out of your little Bakubitch mood! Who knew that a little bit of tickling is the secret to ending your raging rampage?” Kaminari slung an arm over Bakugou’s shoulders, giving a quick squeeze.
“Whatever, fucking extras,” Bakugou said as he rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of fondness in his smile. If Kaminari noticed how he leaned a bit into the comforting touch, the electric blonde thankfully didn’t mention it.
“Hear ye, hear ye!” Sero called out, catching the intrigued attention of the other two boys. “On this day, I hereby decree that Sir Bakugou Katsuki must give me, Sero Hanta, and my fellow companion, Kaminari Denki, at least one of his genuine smiles everyday for the rest of our lives!”
“I second that! And if you fail to do so, we’ll find a way to make you smile,” Kaminari playfully threatened, sliding his arm hanging off of Bakugou’s shoulder down to the boy’s side. He gave gentle pinches to the sensitive skin, causing Bakugou to lean away and break out in a new round of giggles. “Understood?”
“Understood, understoohohod!! Nohoho more, Duhuhunce Fahace!”
“Good!” Kaminari retracted his arm from its place around Bakugou’s torso. He and Sero stood up from their seats on the floor.
Sero picked up Bakugou’s manga that had been clumsily disregarded, handing the book over to its owner. “Well, we’ll get out of your hair now, bro. See you later?”
Bakugou stared down at the book in his hands for a short moment, contemplating, before he looked back up hopefully towards the morons his friends. “Are you idiots still up for watching Big Hero 6?
Kaminari and Sero’s faces practically beamed with excitement. “Hell yeah, Bakubro! Lemme go get us some snacks real quick!” Sero exclaimed before rushing out of the room.
“We can watch it on my laptop! I’ll be right back, dude!” Kaminari called out as he quickly ran out after Sero.
Bakugou heard a faint, “This is gonna be so much fun!!” shouted from somewhere down the hallway, and he couldn’t help the soft smile that grew across his lips as he internally agreed.
a/n: yay!! i hope yall at least somewhat enjoyed reading this! just wanna say good luck to all of my fellow students, you’ve got this <3 school sucks but it’s almost over! i believe in all of youuuu :D
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sooibian · 3 years
The Daisy Oracle
Tumblr media
Pairing: Baekhyun x fem!Reader
Genre / Themes: Fluff, soft angst, a hint of spice, established relationship
Description: In the days leading up to Baekhyun’s enlistment, you find yourself dissecting every word of his and he’s been saying...all the wrong things.
A/N: To accommodate this anon request, the story does not take the “BBH public service worker” route. Dear anon who requested this, i sincerely hope this fic gives you the comfort that you seek. even though i tried to publish this as soon as i could, i hope it doesn’t feel rushed! :)
Word count: ~ 2k
You always had a hard time keeping up with Byun Baekhyun.
On a typical Thursday evening, when you, everyone you knew, and their families, zombified by the obstinate demands of the week, trudged towards the promise of an invigorating weekend, Baekhyun looked and acted like one of those puppies in one of those picture perfect 'family is everything' movies. Always eager. Always happy.
That is not to say that the weight of living eluded him. He'd have his moments where everything seemed rather dull and tedious but Baekhyun always bounced back quicker than most.
In the month leading up to his enlistment, when you'd hoped for your own sake and his, that he'd mellow under the soul crushing burden of an impending temporary separation, his puppy quotient shot through the roof instead. But you didn't have the heart to utter a single word that bore the abominable might to dull his sparkle.
Instead, you revved up your own. Or at least...tried.
He booped your nose and said to you over dinner one evening, "You don't have to pretend, you know?" causing you to flip the switch on him, "What would you rather have me do? Cry?"
Truth be told, you were mad!
Mad at the world. Mad at the laws of conscription, most of all. How could they take this...this...stupidly adorable, angelic, happiness shaped man with a divine voice, endearingly droopy eyes, jelly lips, plump cheeks, and the most delectable nose away from you for such an agonizingly long stretch of time?
"It would be nice," he quipped, looking into the distance as if lost in a deep thought, the faintly heavy texture of his tone nudging you out of your rueful reverie.
Head tilted to the side, you blinked at him, mouthing a confused, "What?"
"Hello! Earth to --! I said, If you cried a little...every now and then….it would make me feel - it would make you feel - "
These callous utterances of his would not only exasperate you endlessly but also shove you back into the despairing hurricane of emotions you’d been trying to quash for his sake and yours.
So you glowered at him in response and he quietly went back to his soup, leaving you to your musings.
Blinkering your attention to the sumptuous spread before you, you wondered why you struggled to push something that appetizing down your throat. Everything tasted either a little too bland, or a little too spicy, a little...unusual and not quite right. Which was strange considering the only reason you loved this restaurant was because they hadn’t changed their menu nor their recipes in decades.
You craved the comfort of the known especially on days like these when the world felt bizarre - inside and out.
“This fillet is too dry,” you whined, washing down your last bite of the salmon with cider.
Brows furrowed, Baekhyun drew his “No ~” out in a question.
“And overly seasoned,” you winced, persistent in your complaining while pushing your food around.
“Here, try the Gyeran Mari,” said Baekhyun, lovingly placing two neat rolls of your favourite banchan into your rice bowl.
Eyes locked with his, a smile teasing the corners of your mouth, you quipped nonchalantly, "You know what? I cannot cry even if I wanted to."
"Really? Why's that?" He inquired with a quirked brow, cheeks puffed with silken tofu.
Waving your phone at him, you replied, "All these airpod head comments online - "
"Yah yah yah!!!" Breaking into a fit of roaring laughter, he lunged at you and pinned you to the floor. Cupping your face in his hands, he kissed every inch of the exposed skin of your face and neck, making your giggles fizzle into a soft moan the moment his lips met yours.
"Leave the laundry to me. Go get your things in order for next week," you said to a dumbstruck Baekhyun as he felt the jute laundry basket that you'd picked out together over two years ago, swiftly changing hands from his to yours.
When you heard neither a word tumble out of his mouth, nor the sound of his feet padding down the hallway, you stopped dead in your tracks, turned around to face him and spluttered a mortified, "What?"
"No, no, it’s nothing," he mumbled, lips forming a toothsome pout.
Resting the laundry basket against your hip, you groused, "Just say it."
Soft baby pink lips stretched into a wide, gremlin-like grin, he teased, "If I knew enlistment would make your lazy ass pick up some of my chores, I would've enlisted a lot earlier!"
Feigning annoyance, you rolled your eyes in response and turned on your heel to rush to the washer dryer.
In a week’s worth pile of unwashed clothes, stood out a beige t-shirt that he’d worn for not more than an hour last week. It was relatively clean and needed a wash simply because he had no use for it in the following months. You buried your face in the velvety smooth fabric of the oversized garment, yielding to Baekhyun’s lingering saccharine yet woody scent. The dam of your pent up emotions broke loose at the last four words that had recklessly rolled off his tongue. You bit down on your lower lip to suppress it's quiver but the tears in your eyes gave it all away when you turned around to find him standing by the door.
You accepted his unspoken apology with an understanding nod as he nestled you up to his familiar, comforting warmth. And while he gently cradled you in his strong and steady arms, you poured your heart out into the crook of his neck.
Dressed in cozy black and grey sweats, Baekhyun stood before you, lips pursed, eyes wide, anxiously wringing his hands while swaying from side to side.
"So?" His brows shot up in anticipation of your reaction while you chewed on the insides of your cheeks to keep yourself from breaking into an insensitive fit of laughter.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you managed a feeble, "Looks alright,", feigning your best businesslike demeanour.
A confused Baekhyun’s gaze flew up to his forehead as he gingerly ran a hand over his head. Features contorted in a frown, he remarked, "Prickly."
Then you could hold it in no more.
Instantly convulsed with laughter, you crashed into bed while Baekhyun simply stood there, hands on hips, patiently waiting for you to -
“Let it all out!” He exclaimed loudly while you continued your antics, fully cognizant that the discomfiture in his tone was merely for effect. Baekhyun continued, “I don’t get what’s so funny.”
You threw your hands up and apologized, panting, “Okay, okay...I’m done,” only to break into another fit of giggles immediately after.
The room was bathed in a subtle gold haze from the bedside lamp as you lay resting your head on Baekhyun's chest, the rhythm of his heart calming the storm within yours. He brought your hand up to his rosebud mouth and trailed gentle kisses along the tips of your fingers before lacing them with his.
"It's not that bad...it's...it's kinda cute, actually. Makes your ears stick out," you whispered against his taut and smooth skin.
"I don't know, I feel a little...different. I've never been bald," he uttered the last word hesitantly as if it were some sort of a deathly curse.
"Being born with hair and all - ,” you remarked casually, cuddling even closer and Baekhyun instinctively strengthened his grip on you.  
The looming presence of the words left unsaid magnified by the second and you prayed a futile prayer... wishing fervently for the time to stop.
“I wonder what our kids will look like. Do you think they’ll be born with hair on their wee little heads and have huge ears like I do?” asked Baekhyun before you could lapse into another silent reverie.
Your heart threatened to leap out of your chest at the incessant carelessness on his part and you only managed a dispirited “I...don’t know" in response.
“Come on! Humour me for a second -”
“Alright," you said with a deep sigh, deciding to indulge him but not without first bracing your heart against these beguiling castles in the air, "hmm.. I...I don't know but I want them to have your eyes."
"No!” Baekhyun protested, “I want them to have your eyes!"
"We're not having this argument again..not today." You tried to subtly release yourself from his firm grasp to fill your lungs with the air he’d snatched with promises so enticing that they made you tremble with fear to even wish for their realization but the more you tried to pull away, he drew you even closer....your darling quicksand.
He laughed, blatantly ignoring the embarrassment flashing across your features having been caught off guard by this unnecessary pop quiz. Eyes welling up with tears, you wondered whether this turmoil was some wicked sorcery of your own heart...or did Baekhyun, in fact, not care at all.
"But don't you think this house is a biiiit too cozy for a big family?"
"We won't have to worry about any of that for a while I believe," you muttered before lambasting him, "Okay Byun Baekhyun that's enough! Stop acting like you won't come visit every few weeks! And- and stop looking at me like that!"
Your expression softened the moment his eyes locked with yours.
Baekhyun sat up with a start. Brows furrowed in confusion, he guffawed, "I'm just wondering how someone this intelligent can be so thick in the head sometimes!"
Immediately sitting up to face him, you nearly squealed, "What do you mean?”
Shaking his head, he let out a deep exhale. Mumbling incoherently, he drew a key from underneath his pillow and lightly flicked your forehead with it. Chuckling at the very apparent bewilderment on your face, he grabbed your wrist and thrust the key into your hand.
Puzzled, you merely blinked at him, unable to form words.
"I bought the place that you liked,” he stated matter-of-factly but an unmistakable spark of excitement danced in his eyes.
“No, I don’t get it.”
“All that house hunting wasn't for Baekbeom." Baekhyun used air-quotes when he said house hunting and gave you a sly smile. Despite the telltale exhilaration in his tone...you were still pretty confused. Baekhyun and you had spent almost all of your weekends this year property hunting with his brother and sister-in-law. They’d said they were looking for a bigger place since the Byun family was to “expand”.
“But - I thought they were talking about themselves! I-”
“You what?”
“I can’t believe I fell for -”
“You walked right into it, Ma’am!”
“But you all made it sound so convincing!”
He coolly quipped, “A quality I would like all four of our future children to possess.”
Baekhyun’s grand gesture knocked the wind out of your lungs and you were suddenly flat on your back. Lying down next to you, he took your hand in his and sneakily slipped a ring onto your finger. A silent tear rolled down your cheek as all of the emotions that had been simmering inside you clawed at your throat rendering you speechless and breathless. Despite that, you managed the courage to meet his eyes only to find them brimming with tears. With his hand on your cheek, Baekhyun closed the distance between you and whispered, "I love you," against your lips before pulling you in for a deep kiss.
"I love you, too," you responded, nestling into his cozy frame.
"Yah! Don't get all emotional with me!" Baekhyun teased while gently stroking your hair. Voice down to a whisper, he continued, "I'm just getting everything in order...like you’d asked me to," before placing a chaste kiss on the top of your head.
You always had a hard time keeping up with Byun Baekhyun.
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