#they bring Faz on as one of the acts
fazcinatingblog · 5 months
There's an Italian festival of comedy at the MICF omg but it's in Thornbury 🥺 like not even next door to Fasolo pizza but like 42 minute walk from Fasolo pizza this is so unfair I want to see Italian comedy
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guinea-pig16 · 1 year
Late Night || Part 4
This is part 4 of Late Night, so if you'd like content, read part 1, part 2, and part 3 here! Fic is below the cut, please enjoy!
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Word Count: 3,800+
Warnings: None... for now... (;
It was late, once again.
The PizzaPlex had just shut its doors for the night, yet here you were. Still here. Toiling away at your work table in Parts & Service. The execs wanted Roxanne’s hands upgraded so she could play faster riffs on her keytar. By tomorrow. So lucky you, are stuck recreating Roxy’s hands so she could play faster. You internally groan at the thought of spending another 5 hours on this. Animatronic hands were always the worst to work on, along with the faces, because of all their meticulous moving parts.
You sigh and lean back in your rolly chair, running your hands over your face. You could feel the long work day begin to weigh on your shoulders, your eyelids drooping.
Just a small break… Then back to the grind… You think, closing your eyes and letting your mind drift. You think about the past week and its events… and of someone in particular…
Freddy has been an absolute sweetheart ever since the two of you professed your love for one another. He greets you everyday at the beginning of your shift, bringing you a small gift each time, whether it be a plushie, a flower, chocolate, pizza, etcetera. He then will follow along with you like a puppy, reluctantly going to perform his duties as the mascot when the time calls. Then at the end of your shift, he escorts you out, giving you a hug and kiss as he sends you out the door. Later, you’d call him and let him know you got home safe, and stay up later than you should talking about nonsense. It’s been pure bliss…
That’s why when he malfunctioned today it scared you so much. You had immediately rushed to his side and brought him to Parts & Service to give him a thorough search. You found nothing physically wrong, and moved onto searching his code. All you found was a weird string that you promptly deleted. You then sent Freddy back to his room with a kiss and the order to rest.
…Which reminded you of something. You mentally noted that you needed to bring Roxanne and Chica down to P&S and give them a look over at some point. They had been acting strangely this week, stuttering while speaking, twitching at random intervals, and occasionally blanking out. It was very odd, but you hadn’t had time to look at them, as every shift you’d been loaded with crap to fix and look over.
And then… there was Monty… Your chest tightened as you thought of your last conversation with him a week ago. He seemed so unsure, and then all of a sudden enraged, before slamming the door shut in yours and Freddy’s faces. You hadn’t seen him since. No one has. He hadn’t even shown up for the show today. Parents had begun complaining, but every employee sent to fetch him came back white-faced, trembling with fear. You had gone to his room to get him to come out, but couldn’t bring yourself to knock on the door. 
You rubbed your face with your hands and groaned. You didn’t want to worry about it right now, you had too many other things to deal with.
With a sigh, your mind finally began to clear and you felt yourself slouching further into your chair, drifting… drifting… Your eyes felt so heavy… Maybe just a couple minutes wouldn’t be too bad…
“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, Call incoming! BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!” You jumped, almost falling out of your chair. You look down at your Faz-watch (an accessory Freddy insisted you get so you could keep in contact with him), only to see that… Freddy was calling you? You looked at the time. It was almost 1 am. Why on earth would he be calling you right now? You hit the answer button.
“...Hello?” You ask, confused. On his end, you could hear the familiar clanking of his footsteps, as well as the sound of his internal fan whirring. Was he running…?
“Y/N! I need you to unlock the Parts & Service doors now! Please, we don't have much time!” Freddy says, urgently. You hear what seems to be a child. “They’re gaining on us!”
You clumsily jump out of your chair and rush to the P&S doors. “O-Okay! Unlocking them right now! Freddy, what on Earth is going on? Why are you running- You’re supposed to be in your room resting!” You reprimand him, unlocking the doors.
Seconds after you back away from the doors, in bursts Freddy and a… a kid?
Freddy whips around and slams the doors shut and relocks them.
The child is doubled over, heaving in air, having seemingly run a marathon.
“Freddy, what the hell is going on? Why is there a kid here, it's after hours!” You say, placing your hands on your hips.
Freddy turns and opens his mouth, when the three of you jump upon hearing banging coming from the doors. Freddy gently pushes the kid farther away from the doors, as you hear snarling and yelling from the other side. You take a step forward to get a better look through the windows of the doors. You’re shocked to see Roxy, Chica, and Monty, all slamming against the doors, trying to bust them open. You look back at Freddy and the child.
“Alright, what the hell is going on here? Who's this kid and what the hell happened to them?” You say, pointing behind you at the doors.
The kid glares at you as Freddy begins to speak. “This is Gregory, I was recharging in my room, as per your orders, when I awoke to movement coming from my chest cavity. I open it and out comes Gregory. He tells me he is being chased and needs to leave the PizzaPlex. I escorted him to the exit, but we were too late, the doors had already locked. As we begin to decide what to do next, Chica rounds the corner and spots Gregory, and lunges at him. I pick up Gregory and we begin to run you. At some point, Roxanne and Monty begin to chase us as well. I do not know what happened to them, I am as confused and concerned as you are.” 
You blink, taking in everything that was said, looking from Freddy to Gregory. 
“Gregory, where are your parents? Did they leave you here?” You ask.
“I don’t have any parents.” Says Gregory, stone-faced. There’s a beat of silence as you register what he said. “Aren’t you supposed to help us?” He says, crossing his arms, appearing annoyed.
“Gregory! Be polite, please.” Says Freddy, gently nudging Gregory’s shoulder.
You roll your eyes and grab your flashlight from your pocket. You approach the window of the door.
“Y/N! Be careful, please.” You turn back and give Freddy a reassuring smile.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to open the doors. I just want a closer look at them.” You say.
You peer through the window of the door. All three of them are still banging and scratching, trying to get in. You silently thank whoever made the door to withstand so much abuse. You note how their eyes have a purplish hue to them. Taking out your flashlight, you shine the light into their eyes, and note how they don’t dilate. You observe their movements. They appear stiff and more robotic than usual. Roxy snarls at you through the window and yells something that’s muffled by the door. You notice how her voice comes out with a buzz of static alongside it.
“Well, what’s wrong with them?” Asks Gregory. You step back from the door and place a hand on your chin in thought.
“They don’t seem to be acting like this of their own free will… Their movements are way too stiff and their eyes seem glazed over…” You tap your chin. “Maybe something’s controlling them…? But what could it be…” You mumble, squinting in thought. 
Suddenly, you recall Freddy’s malfunction and the weird string of code you found. You rush over to your computer, confusing Freddy and Gregory, and quickly start going through your previous logs of the day.
“Aha! That’s what’s happening!” You say, finding your note of the weird string of code.
You pick up your laptop and show it to Freddy and Gregory. “Look, earlier when you broke down, I was scanning through your code and found this strange string. It’s a code string that remotely takes control of whatever it’s inserted into! I don’t know how Freddy, but you were able to resist the code and that’s why you malfunctioned! This must be what’s affecting the others!” You say.
Freddy quickly scans over the string and breaks into a smile. “Way to go Superstar! Will you be able to remove it from the others as well?” You nod.
“I can, but the problem is I need to be close to them and plug my laptop into their computer chips in order to delete the code.” You say.
“I can help restrain them! We just need to get them alone so we do not get overwhelmed.” Says Freddy, a determined light in his eye.
“We could unlock the doors and then go through the service tunnels to confuse them.” Says Gregory, speaking for the first time in several minutes.
You and Freddy mull this over for a moment.
“That’s actually a good plan Gregory, smart idea! When we’re in the tunnels I can unlock the doors remotely and we can watch them through the security cameras.” You give Gregory a smile, to which he looks away. 
You go over to your desk and pack your laptop and cord into a bag, and then sling it over your shoulder. “Okay! Let’s do this!” You say, receiving nods from Freddy and Gregory.
The three of you run into the service tunnels, avoiding the windows of Parts & Service so the others won’t be able to tell where you went. After a bit of running, you all hide in one of the offset halls and unlock the doors of P&S through your Faz-watch, and then pull up the security cams.
In the distance, you hear the echo of the doors slamming against the wall, watching on the camera as Chica, Roxy, and Monty burst into Parts & Service. You cringe as the three of you watch them tear apart your workshop, searching for Gregory. Freddy pats your shoulder in comfort as you wince, watching them flip your desk over, the hand you spent hours working on shattering on the floor. Eventually, after tearing apart the entirety of Parts & Service (much to your dismay), they finally leave, Chica goes into the service tunnels while Roxy and Chica leave out the P&S doors.
The three of you watch in bated breath as Chica slowly moves through the dimly lit halls, growing closer with each step. You hear as her footsteps grow louder, her staticy voice calling for Gregory echoing through the tunnel. You tense as she gets closer, closer, closer. She begins to approach the hall you, Freddy, and Gregory are hiding in. You watch as she starts to cross the opening of the hall, her head turning to look down it, her eyes make contact with Gregory when-
“FREDDY NOW!” You yell. In a flash, Freddy leaps out of the hall and tackles Chica to the ground, who lets out a yelp. She struggles fiercely against Freddy, who holds her tight. You rush to his side and quickly remove the back of her head plate. Finding her computer chip, you plug in your laptop and pull up her code. Adrenaline filled eyes scan over her code and you almost let out a cry of joy when you find the weird string. With two clicks, you delete the code and reboot Chica. She finally falls limp underneath Freddy, eyes closing as she begins the reboot process. 
You all let out a collective sigh. You place a hand on Freddy’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” You scan over him, noting how all Chica managed to do was scratch a bit of his paint off.
Freddy smiles at you warmly and places his hand over yours. “I am fine, Superstar. You did a fantastic job.” You flush slightly and grin. Behind you, you can hear Gregory making a gagging sound.
You unplug your computer and replace Chica’s headplate. You and Freddy stand up and look at her on the floor. You frown.
“We can’t just leave her here like this…” You say.
“Why not? She’s just a robot.” Says Gregory, looking down at Chica.
“Gregory!” Freddy says, glaring at Gregory.
“She’s our friend, and friends don’t leave friends lying on the dirty ground.” You say, beginning to try and pick her up under the arms. God, she’s fucking heavy… “Freddy, would you mind helping me bring her to her room?” You strain. Freddy picks her up with ease, holding her underneath her legs and back. 
“Alrighty, let’s go.” You say, leading the way out of the tunnel. Silence falls over the group as you make your way out of the tunnels and to the green rooms. The only sound is your footsteps echoing eerily throughout the halls. A couple minutes pass by.
“So, what do you do here?” Gregory asks, glancing at you as he kicks a pebble down the hallway.
“I'm the main engineer for the Glamrocks. I make sure that they’re running smoothly and are able to perform at their utmost potential. As an engineer here, I’m also responsible for fixing anything and everything that decides to break around here.” You say, practically reciting the job description. It may sound boring, but you thoroughly enjoyed your job. Especially after meeting Freddy.
“Yes! Y/N is an excellent engineer and mechanic! They’ve fixed many seemingly irreparable things! They have also repaired me, on many occasions…” Freddy says the last part sheepishly. It was true. Freddy’s model was made from very old parts, meaning he would quite frequently need repairs and upgrades.
“That’s what happens when the company decides to cut corners and use ancient parts to build their star mascot. I swear, I have no idea what they were thinking when they decided to do that…” You grumble. The three of you fall silent once more as you approach the end of the service tunnels.
You poke your head out the door and look around, motioning for the others to follow you once you confirm it is safe. Being as quiet as possible, the three of you make your way to the green rooms. You open Chica’s door and have Freddy place her laying on her couch. After one last look at her, you close and lock her door.
“Alright, one down, two to go.” You say, opening up the security cameras to find Roxy next. You furrow your eyebrows.
“Is something wrong?” Freddy asks, peering over your shoulder.
“Huh… I can’t seem to find Roxy anywhere…” You say, squinting at the small screen. She’s nowhere to be seen…
“THERE YOU ARE, PUNK!” All three of you whip around. You feel like you’ve been dunked in cold water. Roxanne is standing about 50 feet away, hunched over, twitching and snarling. Her hair is a mess, and her claws appear longer than usual. Her purple hued eyes are locked onto Gregory. 
“COME HERE, BRAT!” She dashes forward, claws outstretched.
“GREGORY, RUN!” Yells Freddy, preparing to lunge at her. 
Gregory doesn’t move, frozen in fear as he watches Roxy speed towards him. Without thinking, right as Roxy is almost on him, you grab him around the middle and yank him out of the way, shielding him from Roxy. She skids to a stop, providing the perfect opening for Freddy to get her to the ground. 
“Y/N, now!” Yells Freddy as he struggles to keep the feral animatronic down. You quickly let go of Gregory and whip out your laptop. You remove the back of her headplate and plug in your laptop, and remove the string of code and hit the reboot button. Roxy finally goes limp. Everyone lets out a breath they’d been holding. 
You turn to Gregory. “You okay?” You say, scanning him up and down for any injuries. Gregory just nods, looking at you wide eyed. Freddy gives the both of you a once over, before gently picking up Roxy. You lead the way to her room and drop her off, making sure to lock the door behind you.
“Alright, time for Monty…” You mumble as you pull up the security cameras once more. Freddy and Gregory peer over your shoulder as you flip through the cameras. Finally, you spot him. He’s currently in the arcade… Destroying everything in sight… You groan as you think about the amount of work you’re going to have to do the next couple days. Freddy gives you a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
“Okay, so here’s the plan,” You say, switching off the cams. “We sneak into the arcade. Freddy will go around Monty, and pin him onto the ground, letting me run up and plug in my computer. And then boom! Virus gone!” Gregory and Freddy nod. “Alrighty, let’s go.”
As the three of you approach the arcade, you can hear Monty yelling for Gregory to come out and face him, the sounds of arcade machines being demolished echoing out. You slowly enter the arcade, and almost let out a gasp. Over half of the arcade machines have been reduced to nothing but scraps, their parts litter the ground like confetti. But it was Monty who startled you the most. He was hunched over, heaving, claws out. His mohawk disheveled, you could see scratches covering his body from where parts of the arcade machines hit him. He turned his head slightly, allowing you to see his glowing eyes filled with rage, his teeth seemed sharper than normal. He let out a roar, picking up a machine and chucking it across the room.
You and Freddy exchanged worried glances, and you slightly pushed Gregory behind you more. You really don’t want Monty to see Gregory while he’s like this. Silently, the three of you sneak into the arcade and hide behind a broken machine. There, you three observe Monty’s rampage.
“Where the HELL are you kid!?” He roars, flipping a machine. He then just stands there, huffing, looking around. His eyes scan over your hiding place, forcing the three of you to duck down. You peek back over the machine, and your brows furrow. Monty’s standing there looking almost… defeated. He has an unreadable expression on his face, and stands still as a statue. Maybe… just maybe you could…
You begin to move out of your hiding place, when Freddy’s hand shoots out and grabs your arm.
“Y/N, what on Earth are you doing?” Freddy says in a hushed whisper. He has a terrified look in his eyes.
“I’m going to try and talk to him.” You say, pulling out of Freddy’s grasp. Just as you’re about to leave behind the machine, you feel Freddy’s hand in yours.
“Y/N, this does not seem like a good idea. Monty is not himself right now, he could hurt you or even worse-” He whispers, worried eyes meeting yours. You give him a soft smile.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay. I’m going to distract him so you can get behind and pin him. Move when I give you a signal, okay?” You squeeze his hand and move out from the machine, Freddy reluctantly letting you go. You don’t mean to worry him, but you just can’t leave Monty like this. You have to try and get through to him.
You slowly inch closer to Monty, stopping about 20 feet away so you have plenty of time to run if need be (as if you could outrun him). You glance behind you and see Freddy and Gregory watching you intently, worried. You give them a reassuring smile and motion for them to get back down. You turn back to face Monty, only to have your heart jump to your throat. He’s staring right at you.
“...Hey Monts…” You say gently, hands out to show you’re no threat. “I know we haven’t spoken in… awhile. But, I’m here to help you.” His eyes never leave yours. He’s stiff and still, observing your every movement. Like a predator. And you were his prey.
“Look, there’s something going on with you, and I want to help.” You inch forward, hands still out. He doesn’t respond, he doesn’t move, he just stands there like a statue.
“Monty, I care about you… a lot. You mean so much to me…” He shifts slightly, his stance relaxing. You subtly wave your hand, motioning for Freddy to move. You barely hear him shifting behind you, and out of the corner of your eye you see him moving through the shadows and your eyes lock. You smile.
“You make my day so much brighter, even with those stupid jokes you make. I’m so sorry if I ever made you doubt that…” Closer and closer you get, until you’re about 10 feet away now. With every word, you can see his posture relax and his gaze soften. It was working, maybe you won’t even need Freddy to hold him down.
“Monts, you mean the world to me… so please, let me help you…” You reach a hand out to him, giving him a soft smile. He looks from you to your hand, appearing uncertain. Slowly, he steps closer to you, like a timid animal. You wait patiently until he’s a couple feet in front of you. You smile at him, and stretch your hand out further. From the corner of your eye, you see Freddy stop, watching the two of you closely, the ghost of a smile on his face. 
“C’mon Monty, I’ll get you fixed up.” You say, giving him a grin. Monty’s mouth twitches into a miniscule grin, as he reaches out his hand.
Suddenly, his gaze hardens and posture goes jagged. His claws extend outward, and he lets out a growl. You take a step back, when you realize he’s no longer looking at you. Your heart sinks to your stomach as you follow his gaze, and you lock eyes with a terrified Gregory, who has poked his head out from behind the arcade machine. You look back in horror, and quickly look back to Monty.
“Found you, runt.” Monty snarls, preparing to lunge. Time moves in slow motion. Freddy yells for Gregory to run as he dashes to tackle Monty. But you know he won’t make it there in time. Gregory moves to run away, but you know he won’t be able to run far enough. Monty moves. You have to do something, anything to prevent a soon to come tragedy. You move without a second thought.
Run to Gregory.
Tackle Monty.
What else could you have done?
Heyoooo !!! It's been awhile, huh? So sorry for the wait for the next part! Also, sorry for the cliff hanger LOL !!! But if you couldn't tell, there will be TWO endings to the fic! A kinda, choose your own adventure typa deal. Only reason there are two endings is cause I couldn't decide on which one to go with lmao. Anywaysss THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT !!!!!!!! It's been crazy coming back to tumblr after a couple days and being bombarded with love! I really love writing for you guys and will have those two parts out as soon as I can! Hope yall are doing well! Peace !!!
tagged people:
@atiny-99 @signed-loni @gabriella-aesthetic @bunni-teeth81 @konigs-bf @naynaysposts @mayapapaya18 @luna-usagi-chan @dokoni-mo @sleepyabsenter
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midnightmorpher · 1 month
💻 DCA AU Idea: Digital Horror 💻
This is my first time posting a DCA AU so I’m sorry if my post sounds more like disconnected rambling ahaha 🥲 But here goes!
The DCA duo in a digital horror setting.
Think KinitoPet but instead of Kinito as the mascot of a long-lost pet game, it’s Sun and Moon as the face of an old creature collection/virtual pet game created by Fazbear Corp on their old 90s company, kid-friendly website.
Think like a mix between Pokémon and Neopets, speaking as someone who played too much Pokemon and played literally zero Neopets 👍🏻
One day many years after the website has been shut down, You hear rumors about a “haunted” pet game made by the Fazbear Corp and decide to check it out, because you didn’t watch enough horror movies to know this is a terrible idea :>
The game (archived and run on a server supported by Fazbear fans, I don’t know much about tech so I dunno if this is even possible but whatever) runs like it should when you first enter it. However, it starts acting up when you input your old username…
I might start writing this as a fic once I’m further along on my current fic, so for now I’ll just be dumping my AU ideas on this blog haha
Here’s a summary and a brief snippet I wrote because the idea wouldn’t leave me alone:
Virtual pet game websites are a dime in a dozen. You might’ve tried out one or two in your childhood, but memories of that are fuzzy at best. It’s only when your classmate brings up a particular website hosted by Fazbear Corporation that you begin to remember playing it briefly during its heydays, and you decide to visit it for nostalgia’s sake.
“Welcome to Sun and Moon’s Superstar Daycare!” the computerized voice of the sunny jester character trills. He lounges on top of the window asking you to create a new account, kicking his curly-tipped shoes merrily in the air as he eagerly awaits your input. His bouncy avatar, its details showing hours of love and dedication poured into each brush stroke, paints a hilarious contrast against the shoddy art that makes up the background of the game. You don’t really care, though. It’s not like anyone plays these types of games for its art.
Your hands hover over the keyboard. After a moment’s hesitation, you try to enter your old username.
Most likely the “Sorry, this username has already been taken” prompt will pop up since you clearly remember using it as a kid, but there’s no harm in trying. You click on the “Confirm” option.
Nothing happens.
Weird. Is it hanging? You click it again, and again. Nothing happens. Even Sun has frozen still. Yep, it’s definitely hanging. Pity, but it’s not too unexpected considering the game’s age. You decide to fall back on the good ol’ cure: spamming the mouse button. clickclickclickclickclickcli
his eyes flick up to stare at you
The shock shoots through your whole being like a lightning bolt. You gasp sharply, eyes fluttering close for a brief moment before they’re cast on the computer screen again.
“Welcome back, Starbite!” Sun says. He takes center stage in a field of rudimentarily drawn grass, the baby blue sky matching the bright smile stretching from “ear” to “ear”, like nothing had happened. “Go forth and pick a Faz Pet to be your forever companion, and I hope you enjoy your stay at our esteemed daycare!”
The character delivers his scripted lines like he should.
The character has his arms up in celebration like he should.
The character smiles at you like he should.
So what is this cold dread trickling down your spine…?
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
Remember that rambling we had a while back about Cassie trying to turn Freddy against Gregory by showing him footage of the shattering?
Imagine if she also salvaged footage of inside the elevator she got dropped off, with Gregory's voice clearly recorded as well as everything that happened in there up to the moment the elevator crashed.
Freddy is still excusing Gregory's actions in the shatterings footage? Yeah, that alone already leaves a bitter taste in the back of Cassie's mouth, but she's not done yet.
She then shows him the elevator footage. Something she personally had to go through because someone else imposed it upon her, a clear death sentence cast over her by who she thought was her friend, unlike the shattering of robots in order to steal useful things from them. The voice of Gregory clearly able to play god with her life there and he verbally chooses purposely to end it.
No matter what, Freddy can't smoothly excuse that, especially given the person who nearly got betrayed and killed is right in front of him, and no matter how much of a chokehold Gregory has on him, he cannot deny her being conpletely justified in feeling and thinking however way she is now. And if he tries to, he'll most likely only dig himself and Gregory even deeper, because one half a letter or gesture wrong and he could be giving off the message that Cassie should have died or deserved to die, or that she wasn't worthy enough as a living person to be left to live, that her death was the right thing and would have been justifiable and acceptable. And you know, passing off that message in the face of the one who nearly got killed, would not be good.
If you keep in mind that flavor texts in Ruin indicate Cassie was frequently in the PizzaPlex growing up since she was little, it would be safe to assume Cassie and Freddy have known each other for years. So this situation would only be EXTRA bitter and stingy. That apparently a child he's known for years and that is part of the "Fazbear Family" (as in being the child of an employee) was discardable and less worthy or valuable to him than a backstabbing brat he just met one night.
Man this would suck for everyone involved because there is no easy way out of this one. I'm not sure what the outcome of this mess would be, but man, the "what if" thought of Cassie being so distraught she lands into denial with the belief that "Gregory must have hacked you without your awareness to artificially force you into loyalty because the REAL Freddy would never do this or be like this!" and forcefully tries to get the Faz-wrench on him to try 'bringing him back to normal.'
This girl needs a break.
Oh god she really does need a break holy hell but this has given me some thoughts
So. Freddy. He's the most popular, hands down. There's no way he's not! Face of the brand, generic and always front and centre, even when he's not around! Always swarmed with kids and always trying to be a very good example!
What I tend to think about Freddy, is that he's very hands off. He doesn't typically form good, strong bonds with the kids on an individual level because he's always swarmed. They come and the go and if he didn't have a database built into his brain, he wouldn't be able to remember so many names and faces. His approach is just to sort of oversee things. Make sure no one is breaking any rules. Doesn't notice when kids leave because there's always so many of them that keeping track is near impossible. He focuses on whoever's in front of him.
Cassie is aware of this! She's seen everyone else act differently with a crowd than they do with a few kids! Of course Freddy would be no different! She always made that effort to be nice to him whenever he wasn't out entertaining, just like she did with the others when she got the chance, more so even! It must be pretty stressful being surrounded by kids all day, right?
She'd always thought that the animatronics had all seen her differently to the average kid. She was there a lot more often, during quiet times and in restricted areas, able to interact with them all outside of the public eye. She's heard them swear, seen them mess around, breaking rules, goofing off, skipping things on their schedules, and all sorts of other things. They've all hung out together a good number of times and Cassie had felt like she was friends with all of them!
But now, all of that is being questioned. The way Freddy talks to her is like she's no different to any other kid, like all those backstage moments didn't happen. He's doing the old "why can't we all just get along" spiel on her, despite the fact she nearly actually died several times and all his apparent friends got destroyed. Suddenly, she wonders why he was ever so popular, why she ever thought he saw her any differently to the swarms of kids running around at Fazerblast and most importantly, she's wondering if it's just Freddy that feels like that.
Roxy? Probably doesn't feel that way. Despite being deactivated by Cassie, she still rushed in to save her. They've had more heart to heart moments under the pizzaplex than she's had with anyone else too. There's some doubts, of course there is after this, but Roxy would have an easier time reasurring her than some of the others...
Do the others really treat her differently? Or did she make that up in her head too? Do they really care about her? Or did they just put on a show for her like they would anyone else? Is their kindness genuine? Or is it all just as fake as Freddy's?
The other thing I thought of was, what if Cassie doesn't know Prototype Freddy isn't her Freddy? She goes around, fixing everyone up as best she can, by herself or with her dad or anyone else, I dunno, and she never once considered that this wasn't the Freddy she knew all that time. Why would she? Why would she know about the prototypes? She might the daughter of a tech, but that doesn't mean she'd know everything.
So she repairs this Freddy, expecting the Freddy she knows and loves, and getting someone else. Protobear looks at her completely differently to how Freddy did. She's happy to have brought him back and he's nothing but nice to her and everyone else. She doesn't realise how different he is until she meets the other Freddy again. It feels like a bucket of ice water.
That shock of this not being Freddy, wondering what happened to him and worrying if he's okay and what could possibly make him let his friends get hurt like that, all turning to the realisation that Protobear is more the Freddy she loved than Freddy himself ever was...
She needs a break you're so right
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existentialcrisis-9-5 · 7 months
Okay so I was talking about the endo mini-game in HW2 in one of my previous posts and had a revelation in the tags. Stick with me here.
If you missed the post (which you probably did bc I made the post ages ago, drafted this and then forgot to post it), it was about how the mini-game implies that Fazbear Entertainment doesn’t seem to pre-program their bots with a personality, instead opting to teach them the rules and encourage a personality to develop from there (the only based thing Faz. Co. has ever done, even if it lead to horrible mental health in all of them).
In the tags I then joked about how that answers Freddy’s crisis about whether he is a unique individual if he is mass-produced. I figured if they let all of their AI be programmed that way instead of just copy-pasting OG Freddy’s personality to whatever other Freddys are out there, even if there’s heavy encouragement to get the endo acting like OG Freddy, it never will be him. That Freddy will always be slightly different. Thus making him an individual.
That other Freddy will likely end up at some other location who knows how far away anyway, so it doesn’t really matter if he’s slightly different. No one will notice that much, and if anyone questions it, it can always be attributed to the different location with different customers.
And that in and of itself is a pretty interesting piece of world building. It’s made even better, though, because this provides an explanation as to why Bonnie was never rebuilt. This brings me on to the actual theory.
Disclaimer: new to publicly theorising and I also could’ve missed something. Feel free to correct me or even open conversation about it.
They never found Bonnie’s body. It’s pretty obvious by its condition and location that it hasn’t been touched since it was left there (or if it has, it was minimal).
It’s heavily implied that the personality chips that all the animatronics possess (as far as I’m aware, since I haven’t seen this disputed) are in their heads, and not stored on the servers.
There’s the implication that Faz. Co. does not pre-program a personality for their bots and instead choosing to get them to develop one.
This all means in a normal situation where their stars falls off the catwalks, fully repairing them would take time, but they can usually recover the personality chip. Bonnie’s body being undiscovered meant that they would’ve had to rebuilt him from scratch, personality and all, which would’ve been a nightmare just based the time it would’ve taken to do so.
Plus, if Faz. Co. decided to just make a new one, they would definitely get questions from people about why Bonnie was acting differently, on top of the fact that this Bonnie would be a total stranger to the band. Plus all the questions on top of the messed up situation would likely lead to an instability in Bonnie.
As a side note, Monty was probably made because the company knew it would take time to repair and rebuilt the bots in the event there was an accident, so Monty could take over in the meantime, but he was probably never meant to actually be in the band long-term. It’s just that making a new Bonnie would’ve been too costly and would’ve been a poor business decision.
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paigelts05 · 3 months
Todd C. [FNAF AR, Renegade AU]
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Published: Jun 9, 2024
We're finally onto some of Faz Ent's own! Speaking of their futures isn't exactly in the cards, but we'll find what there is to see...
Next up is Todd.
One of a trio of three execs who are far lower on the corporate ladder than what the title of exec would lead you to believe. But after all, at Fazbear Entertainment, exec doesn't just mean executive.
On record, Todd is just a member of the office staff with no distinct duties, doing some paperwork here and there.
His job as an exec is to 'take out the living trash', as he puts it, as a 'janitor' for Fazbear Entertainment. To put it bluntly, he kills people. And he is not only good at it, but enjoys his job, and is fully in on the cult stuff that emerged in Fazbear Entertainment.
In the wake of the Raid, Todd and the other two are tasked with returning Vanny to the megaplex. Whilst he and his team were successful, they didn't go unnoticed, as Sylvia and Gregory followed them back to the megaplex, and whilst Cheryl was able to immediately apprehend the duo and Freddy, Todd doesn't count it as they managed to escape, so they really only got Freddy out of it. Todd sent Freddy's seemingly deactivated head to Vanny as an intimidation tactic to let her know that people had come for her, but they had been caught. In her distress, Vanny wound up fleeing from where she was held initially in the Fazerblast control room to somewhere else. Todd didn't see hide nor hair of Vanny until he, Cheryl, and Charles Ramirez managed to re-capture the opposing trio of Sylvia, Vanny, and Gregory just as they were about to escape.
Each of the trio of execs took charge of a singular captive, with Todd resuming his duty of vivisecting Vanny to find out how she was able to escape from William's grasp and prevent that from happening again, and subsequently restoring Vanny to her former status. Complications arose as Vanny was able to attack Todd with his own scalpel before knocking him out.
He didn't come to until later to the sounds of explosions and a spew of frantic messages from his fellow execs telling him that Sylvia and Vanny had reclaimed Gregory from Cheryl and Adelaide, and that the demolitions contract from the courts that was drafted against the megaplex had been enacted whilst they were still inside. Whilst trying to figure out how to make this legitimate demolition a PR nightmare for the one who carried out the contract, he had to shift his focus to finding Sylvia, as she remained in the megaplex after she had overheard the execs plans to lure in a child agent of thiers using Gregory's voice
But there were other matters to deal with: the continuation of the Clone 46, Clone William, and Scapegoat mimic experiments.
Alongside Burrows, Charles Ramirez, and Adelaide, the codebases for Clone 46, Clone William, and Scapegoat mimic were combined using a VR environment - that is not their VR environment, this is just a normal VR training simulator with normal peripherals this time - and downloaded onto a single endo. Whilst he did notice remnants of the code lingering behind, Todd ignired it and figured that the AI was becoming sentient and knew that it was best to keep a part of itself in a safe space in case something were to happen with this vessel.
And something did happen: the endo, now referred to as the mimic, immediately started to attack Adelaide, trying to take over the blob. Adelaide was able to escape and alerted William to the mimic's existence whilst Charles Ramirez and Todd were tasked with observing the mimic. Unbeknownst to Charles Ramirez and Todd, Burrows plans extended beyond making a murder machine and that acted as a scapegoat to push off the blame for everything Faz Ent has ever done onto, as Burrows also wished to usurp Fazbear Entertainment.
The chaos that bringing the mimic out of the virtual world and into the real world caused William to start making use of a series of security nodes that Vanny and Gregory had set up during the Raid to monitor William, and turned these nodes on the mimic. Todd found this use of enemy technology particularly interesting, and rather enjoyed the chaos of seeing William scramble to contain the mimic whilst Burrows opened up means for it to influence the rest of the megaplex even though it had been trapped in the far side of the labs.
When the mimic was finally used to lure in their sleeper agent, he hid like the rest of his colleagues, not wanting to interrupt the process.
Todd only found out about Burrows usurping intentions when Burrows blurted it out whilst in an argument against William, Adelaide, Cheryl, Bill, and surprisingly Sylvia and Cassie. Whilst Todd had no idea how William had managed to convince Sylvia and Cassie of all people to work with him, there was a clear common best interest that was being worked towards: the destruction of the mimic. After William and Adelaide killed Burrows for his insubordination, Todd and Charles Ramirez pledged themselves to the cause of destroying the mimic in hopes of sparing thier own lives.
After the destruction of the mimic's physical form, Todd C and Charles R had to wait in the labs under William's supervision until Cheryl could come back with a minivan to bring them all back to HQ, because Todd C and Charles Ramirez were in for one hell of a write-up after this.
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toyaslove · 1 year
Que raro ver alguém do Brasil sabe do jogo ^^
então, caso não se importe queria fazer um pedido de one shot para Touya. O leitor de gênero neutro ou feminino e que o leitor é extremamente barraqueiro.
caso precise saber a definição de barranqueiro
“Que ou o que facillmente causa discussão, espalhafato ou faz escândalo”
A/N: Oi! Pois é, você é o primeiro brasileiro que vejo por aqui também! Espero que tenha um bom dia! (Translation: Hello! Ok then, you're the first Brazilian that I saw over there too! I hope you're having a nice day!)
Tags: @sentientsoil @miya-akane @kuzui5201314
Tw: Maybe hurting? Troublemaker reader, mention of fighting/shouting, physical affection
Troubles and Love!
Toya Aoyagi x Troublemaker!Reader
Writing style: some hcs and a little scenario!
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★ Toya is a little scared of you. Not because you're a troublemaker, but because he's scared of you hurting yourself with that.
★ He's literally a SUPER PROTECTOR around you, when he sees you're starting to get into troubles he just pulls your sleeve some times and get you out of there, you get a little sad, but he presses a little kiss on your forehead to make you happy!
��� He loves you so much, he just wants you to not get into trouble!
★ He feels so happy and important seeing that you're calm like an angel around him (because with the others you're definitely not), he feels really appreciated for that.
★ You one day probably will get Toya asking you why you are like this, but then you just tell him it's about your Brazilian nature.
★ He keeps asking you to teach him some Brazilian words. He likes to hear you talking about what Brazil is like! He loves hearing you, at least, because you're his beloved one!
★ Everyone who knows about your relationship keeps asking themselves how do you two get well... Toya is the most calm person in this world, and you're always getting into trouble! But, at least, you guys love yourselves so dawn much <3
★ One day, Toya got in the middle of the fight, and he couldn't it stop earlier. He's so scared, he thinks for some moments before acting. He stays in the middle of you and the guy you're fighting against. He opens his two arms as if he doesn't want the person to hurt you. Your eyes widen a little. He tells some words to the person you were shouting, and then, he brings you home.
★ You were who started the fight, you cursed a little the person you were fighting against, so you were really confused, like... why did Toya do that?
— Hey... love..? Why did you just do that? I was pretty ok... You could get hurt, and I'm who started the fight... and you doing that it won't be so good for your reputation, everyone would see you in a different way because you're protecting me — you say, looking at Toya.
— I don't mind if I'd get hurt if the reason is being hurt for you. And I don't care about my reputation, I want to show soon to the world that you're my love — Toya says with a smile on his face, and he kisses your hand gently.
★ After that, he puts you in the bed and cuddles you to make you feel calmer. Honestly, he hates seeing you in trouble because he loves you too much to see you getting hurt <3
A/n: Sorry for the short fic, I could write more but I'm without so much creativity </3
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oddogoblino · 8 months
talk at me !!!! tell me abt ur stuff !!!! au, oc, you pick !!!! (i dont..... remembr any of them rn. so you pick one !!!!!! :D )
Hmmm, I'll talk to youuu about Prince! My theater oc for FNAF!
Long post warning
The Galactical Prince is the remains of a scrapped project that are intended to be reused. Since the DCA are no longer being used for the theater and people reported the kids enjoying the more interactive things than just playing movies constantly, Fazco (forgot the actual name so i hope i got that right) decided to collab with one of their sponsors!
The sponsor in question was a different brand itself called Glitters&Golds , which currently were making a cartoon series called Erractic Galactic that Fazco was playing in the theater & other tvs before they'd made their collab project. The show would become more popularly sought out by kids than Fazco's own fazbear cartoon for the glamrocks. This is why they tried to collab, to bring in more kids who liked the cartoon.
The show starred a character called Prince Beau, the Galactical Prince and hero of the show, alongside his elderly parents The King and Queen, his friendly rival Knight Argus, his calm yet powerful love interest Princess Amelia, and the antagonist Pitch Jester!
Series followed Beau's adventures and battles across space as Pitch always tried to destroy and take over the universe, including running gags of Amelia occasionally escaping before Beau even gets there, Beau being mistaken for a girl, Beau being afraid of sudden noises, Argus never being able to catch Beau...or maybe he chooses not to, The King&Queen never helping Beau, and Pitch always losing in crazy ways.
The episodes always ended with Beau getting a kiss on the cheek and falling over.
The project's plan was to remodel the theater off Erractic Galactic, make the characters into animatronics, and make few plays to go with them. Problems occured though as they made changes to the show's story and characters too much.
The creator of the show, having spent her time making sure the robots were perfect while faz corp wrote what it wanted, was offended by the ideas they had and - after much arguing, the creator of the show pulled the plug on the project but allowed them to work with whatever was already finished.
Prince was the only complete animatronic, already tested and functioning. Though due to neither the theater being ready for his act and his gang not being complete, they instead focused on first trying to train his personality with some of his parts of the play, a select few cartoon episodes, and basic childcare training so he could fulfill his purpose of playing dress up and interactive-performance based entertainment.
He's complete..kinda. He didnt get taught what his name was or what the others were named, but since the project isnt finished and the theater is being redecorated, the theater is left temporarily closed and the shows are played in party rooms and or in the daycare instead.
Currently, Prince has been locked in the theater in general for 3 whole months. His only sources of socialization are staff members who cant let him out, and watching Sun interact and play with children from behind barely opened cracks of the new theater doors. The loneliness is getting to him but at least he doesn't have any viruses or program issues....right?
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classico-fazbear · 1 year
"You have a difficult job, and you do it with dignity." [from my Banshee employee at jammedmuses bc she's actually a sweetheart too good for Faz Ent lmao]
Freddy was upset.
He knew the teenager did it on purpose, he saw the sparking glint in the eye, the mischievous grin from across the party room, the way he timed it...absolutely splattering the bear's upper chest and shoulder with his slice of deep-dish, gooey, greasy pizza. The sauce splashed out as it hit its mark just as the nursery school rhyme song hit its end, the laughter that erupted from the...troublemaker just rubbed salt in the wound for the robot. He couldn't do a thing but continue to smile. Act like he had no ability to react, that he was just part of a program. Some days were easier than others. An employee scrambled towards the stage in a heartbeat desperately trying to scrap off the mess on the bear but unfortunately, the red, thick marinara had already stained the brown fur of the animatronic.
Fazbear was still in a bit of a muddle with his ruined fur by the time closing began and he remained messy with caked-on, drying pizza sauce even as the employees left, one by one. It seemed that the duty of 'fixing' Freddy and the 'mishap' was left up-whether she had agreed or not-to a 'Banshee'.
The bear hadn't expected her words to him. They were kind. It reminded him slightly of the reason why he was built. To entertain, to please, to bring joy. The children who enjoyed the shows today, the sparkle in their gazes as they watched him or danced around between the confetti-covered tables, and, of course, the smiles that spread...being hit by food was nothing compared to the fact that he made the youngsters who did care about him and his friends, who did believe, happy.
"Thank you." The tophat-donned mascot spoke up, despite part of him knowing it was always better to remain silent. He glanced down at the reddish stain and then at the worker. The compliment, to him, deserved an earnest reply. "I suppose I needed to hear that."
// @jammedmuses
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ghostshadow-k-r · 11 months
Today,I watched Faz's video about P5T and I definitely believe that Toshiro is going to having a persona of his own......Oh my......
If he's going to be one of the PT's,then how should I place him in this AU?This is quite a vexing question.
Whatever,let's throw all worry beside because I was going to bring you another character today~
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Allow me to introduce Paddy Field,an earth pony.Honestly,this name was kind of normal and dull since his family was all farmers.But hey!Who give you the power to judge a book by its cover?Under the dull name of his,is the cutie mark that resembles something far more fun than farming.
He was a talented pony which was good at art.Grafitti is his favorite,especially.Most of the day,he'll be carrying a backpack around which was filled with cans of spraying color,wandering at the corner of the town to find a wall as a natural canvas of his own.
Besides graffiti,there's something that he would do everyday.Which is visiting the sick Serene Hope in the hospital.He'll bring books,some art tool for her to prevent she was bored when he had to go to school or drawing in those narrow alleys.
Well,that sounded pretty unusual since nopony would visiting some sick classmates everyday if they're not having some sort of love interest or just because they're way too kind.And unfortunately,Paddy Field was the former one.
So when he knows that Serene Hope was disappeared,he acted really excited and worried.Just as he determined in his heart,he'll protect Serene Hope no matter the cost and would did his best to save her from the danger.Which lead to his participant in the adventure team.
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fazbeararchive · 1 year
gurl fazbear entertainment is like so fucking shady, idk how their manager got their hands on a springlock suit (most likely springbonnie) but thank god no one found out it was wearable. If it was acting a bit too human there was probably a human inside lol, those things caused so many deaths and accidents. So many people and kids went missing and its ONLY that franchise, why do people try and bring it back?? I'm not hating btw, i just think its dumb that clearly if something keeps failing it shouldn't be existing.
also didn't fazbear fright make money out of real murders? i know there was a lot of controversy around that specific building (then again they all had their controversies)
well YEAH ok a person being in a springlock suit (if it WAS a springlock suit and not a discolored animatronic) seems like the likely option, but those things were so old by the time fazfrights opened idk if anyone COULD fit in one if they found one tbh
personally im not trying to bring faz ent stuff BACK exactly, im more just making sure we have like. an archive yknow? i grew up with this franchise but i feel like a lot of publication gets straightup deleted to save face lol
and arguably yes and no like. it DID thats not the arguable part, but theres another thing we dont really have like. concrete proof on because fazfrights got scrubbed from everything after it burned down 😭😭😭
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aptlascl · 2 years
Fnaf 1 download for free
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#Fnaf 1 download for free windows
While games like Gacha Life and Diablo III focus on engaging gameplay, Ultimate Custom Night offers the perfect mix of terror, fun storylines, and various characters going on a horror spree. Since there are numerous elements, including cutscenes, voice acting, and skins, you’re engaged and encouraged to fight off enemies. With 16 themed challenges, the game requires you to be on your toes at every step of the journey. As such, you can explore and hoard more weapons to keep yourself safe. While playing the game, you can collect Faz-Coins to make in-app purchases. With the right strategy, you’re able to block pathways, entries, and exits to give a tough response to the characters’ attack. You can use several items, such as vents, side doors, hoses, etc., to defend yourself against enemies.Īdditionally, the game lets you set up laser traps and master different skills to use the air conditioner, music box, and other creepy objects. The animatronics keep seeking your soul throughout the game. The game starts with your character struck in a haunted office, trying to get out while fighting various villains. Most gamers describe the game as a mashup of the popular FNAF series. According to reviews from the Steam’s solid gaming community, the official website offers great support, just in case you experience any issues. Moreover, you can have fun with enunciations from popular voice actors.
#Fnaf 1 download for free windows
Since the game comes with multiple difficulty levels, it keeps you engaged for long hours.Ĭompared to PUBG for Microsoft Windows and Dragon Ball Z: Karakot, Ultimate Custom Night offers several scary characters, engaging storylines, and themed challenges. With 50+ animatronics and characters, you get the perfect mix of office skins, challenges, content, and more. It uses a wide range of sequences and cutscenes to provide you with a fun experience. Get hold of Five Nights at Freddy's, also known as FNAF, and start enjoying this highly acclaimed indie terror game.A popular choice among action gaming fans!įor the popular Five Nights At Freddy’s (FNAF) series, Ultimate Custom Night serves as the perfect extension. We're talking about Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken and Foxy the Pirate Fox, the teddy bears that cheer up the restaurant during the day. Don't let those teddies into your office!ĭo you think you're alone? In the restaurant you'll be accompanied by some nasty animatronic beings that come to life at night. Five nights at Freddy's that can seem extremely long. In these strange circumstances, your mission will be to survive five nights. Taking a look at old newspaper cuttings, you find out that five kids disappeared from the restaurant and nobody ever saw them again. The guy who worked there before you decided to switch to the day shift!īut why? Well, basically because when night falls, whispers and strange noises can be heard in this restaurant, and its few lights start flickering. Your new job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza will bring you a few upsets. Will you manage to survive the night?įramed within the Survival Horror genre, you'll become Mike Schmidt, the night watchman of quite a strange place. In fact, most users that have tried the game haven't even been able to complete an hour of gameplay. It's not suitable for people with heart conditions, or any other person afraid of the dark. I bet won't last for more than 20 minutes playing this horror game.įive Nights at Freddy's is a game in which you'll feel real panic. In this terrifying game you'll come across plenty of flickering lights, whispers and strange sounds in the middle of the night that will definitely get your heart beating like mad. This title is one of the most striking indie games at present.
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toiletpudding · 3 years
Yandere Sun/Moondrop x Reader
Warnings: Stalking, Hunting, Abducting, Threats, etc.
(Don't ask why readers in there after hours because I have no idea why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Part Two
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+The moment you wandered inside Sundrop was immediately excited to have a new friend.
+Being the caretaker in the Superstar Daycare, and entertaining children on a daily basis he's always making 'friends,' but when he saw you it had evoked a strong feeling in him that he couldn't explain.
+He plucked you out of the ball pit as if you weighed nothing, and that feeling he could only describe as...warm washed over him again at full force. He liked you. And whether you liked him back or not didn't matter.
+Good luck ever leaving again, while Sundrop would never hurt you on purpose, he's very good at keeping you wherever he wants you, even when you tried distracting him with messes he still caught you. Anytime you try to get away he'll just pick you up and carry you right back to wherever,  he doesn't even seem to understand what you're trying to do.
+During the day he keeps you somewhere the children and adults can't find or hear you.
+He seems to understand you need to eat atleast, and will bring you junk food and Fizzy Faz.
+Sometimes he'll act a little...strange. He'll say something off, almost threatening, like someone else is saying it, and the only time he speaks in a serious tone is when he reminds you about keeping the lights on. The only rule in the Superstar Daycare.
+One day you made another attempt to escape his grasp, and this time you were so close. You were right by the door when he grabbed you, saying that the area was off limits, before asking about another mind numbing kid activity you two could do together.
+In a moment of despair and boiling  frustration at the fact that you were so close to escaping, your hands shot out, grabbing onto the desk that served as the security station. When you did that your hand knocked a small Freddy head that's mouth was open back into place.
...And then all of the lights in the Daycare shut off.
+He dropped you, panicking. He started screaming about "Lights on, lights ON," turning on you and telling you he warned you. You watched in fear and confusion as he grabbed at his face, letting out painful, shrieking growls.
+He fell to his knees, and ripped the sun part of his face off entirely. It was hard to see him in just the glow of the computer screens, but you could certainly hear him as his pained noises faded, and a much deeper snarl resonated from him as two glowing red eyes turned to look at you.
"Naughty....Naughty...you must be punished..."
+At first you couldn't move, utterly petrified at the sight of this creature. Then, when it stood up your lizard brain kicked in, screaming at you to run.
+You heard it laugh as you fled back into the Daycare, running for the jungle gyms that littered the place. They certainly couldn't stop it from getting to you, but it was better than being out in the open and exposed to that thing.
+Moondrop is a strategic hunter, watching as you scramble to get away.  He knows you can't escape, there's only one exit, and unlike Sundrop, he knows exactly what it is you've been trying to do everytime you sneak away toward the doors.
You had to be punished.
+He knows every nook and cranny in the Daycare, there's nowhere you can escape to without him being ten steps ahead of you. He's watched you through Sundrop's eyes, watched him play his games with you, and he shares that same strange feeling deep inside. A feeling he wants to explore.
+He'll let you run and hide. Let you think your safe, and after he can no longer hear your panicked breaths and sobs you try to muffle, he'll scare you out of your hiding place. He repeats this for hours. Your fear is intoxicating to him, and he wants to wring as much of it out of you as he can.
+Finally, when you feel as though your heart might burst from fear and adrenaline he herds you out into the open. You're near the security station again, you can see the bright blue glow.
+You make a desperate break for the station, running into a stack of cans. You stumble, your brain screaming at you not to fall. You hear him behind you. He barely misses when he pounces, and you wait for him to shoot one of those long arms out and grab you. He snarls, instead stopping his pursuit of you, and mumbling to himself.
"Clean up, clean up..."
+You ran so fast that you collided with the desk before you could stop yourself, bouncing off of it. You heard a distorted giggle that made your blood run cold, and mechanical whirring as he lept at you again.
+You reached over the desk, groping wildly for the switch. He came down on you, large fingers clawing at your waist and legs, ripping you backwards. Your fingers hooked around the Freddy head and yanked it open with the moment of being pulled back by him.
+The lights blared, blinding you. The last thing you heard before blacking out was Moondrop's rusty voice in your ear.
+You were still on the floor when you came to. The both of you were. He was cradling you in his lap, the sun part of his face was back on, and his eyes were no longer glowing. Your entire body ached, your pelvis bruised from where you ran into the desk. Your flesh stings from where he was clawing at you.
+Sundrop holds you tightly, mumbling how he told you so, calling you a 'rulebreaker.' You shiver in his hold. You don't know whether it's from fear or shock, maybe both.
+The next night when Sundrop retrieves you from where he keeps your during the day he acts as if nothing happened. You however still trembled, and felt the urge to run everytime your eyes landed on the moon part of his face.
+Moondrop took a great delight in this. Relishing in the bruises you hadn't covered, and your haunted eyes.
He couldn't wait for the next time you two were able to play...
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
You can’t just drop that and leave, details? 👀
Okay so. (Mostly under a read more)
Originally, Foxy's Kid's Cove took up the entirety of the daycare area. The whole place was a pirates adventure themed play area, with all sorts of cool shit in it - that's a whole post for another time - and there was no daycare. The theatre, was always a cinema originally, with a stage for the occasional show put on by Foxy. It only ever showed Fazbear brand movies, and after it's initial hype wore off, the place very quickly tanked in popularity due to low variety. This is where Sunny and Moon come in.
They were introduced to lean more into the theatre aspect. They were the main acts, with fun panto performances and quiet games that kept the little ones occupied and quiet while movies played on the big screen. All fun and games! They work with Foxy fairly frequently and have free range over the rest of the Cove as well when they're on wandering hours so they're fine and pretty well loved characters.
Now this is where the problems start to arise.
There was no daycare. Sunny and Moon were the closest they had and they were supposed to be performers not daycare attendants. And yet, that's what they, (and most of the other animatronics but those two specifically) were treated as by many a guardian. It was easy to drop the kids with Sunny and Moon while a movie was on and have their teenage sibling caretakers vanish on them, with many parents and guardians doing similar things. This isn't necessarily too detrimental. Sunny and Moon can handle it, and the other animatronics can too, even if it gets a bit hectic at times. Fazbear Entertainment sees this as a non-issue, and instead focus on trying to get more money out of the situation by charging parents extra or trying to have staff or Sunny and Moon keep track of each kid long enough to charge them for every show and movie they were there for. A pretty hard task given how many kids come and go so it's um. Not going particularly great.
But then they introduce Chica as the brand new animatronic to the scene. Her theme is all about fitness, health and food. Exercise programs are her main draw and she draws in a wide range of crowds, but primarily she brings in an older audience of parents with their very young kids. Mazercise gradually becomes a place much more frequented by yoga loving parents that need a place to hangout while the kids play in the maze, mostly unsupervised. Chica can handle that and Fazbear Entertainment will take whatever money it can get so they just limit Chica's wandering hours a bit so she can do more stuff with the kids specifically.
Now, leaving kids to the maze can work fine with many of the kids, but it often isn't enough and gets incredibly boring after a while. So, some more parents start to figure they can leave their kids with other animatronics. Again, there is no daycare. There is no place where these younger kids can go where they can be cared for properly. With more little kids in need of supervising, other animatronics are starting to struggle a bit, with accidents starting to become more common. But ya know, Faz Ent is no stranger to those so it's whatever. Anyway.
The thing with little kids in the theatre in particular is that quite simply, you cannot charge a toddler for watching more than one movie or performance. There are attempts to get that money out of parents, but it's very difficult to do when all they have to do is show up and Sunny and Moon take care of it the best they can. With Chica's new attraction now bringing in more and more parents with younger kids that get bored and needy during the exercise programs, they need a place to go.
They need a daycare.
With demand so high, and Fazbear Ent seeing this as a massive opportunity for profits, they look at what they have, and start to run the numbers. Over the next year, they figure out which attraction is costing them the most money and start to phase it out. This attraction is Kids Cove. The area that will become the daycare is left to break down until kids lose interest in it and Foxy becomes the bigger part of the attraction. The largest parts of Kids Cove are closed off for rebranding. The space is given to the animatronic that deals with the most toddlers on the daily, and that is Sunny and Moon. They're removed from the theatre and to make up the time slots, Foxy is given shows to perform down there with the others as special guests on his adventures instead.
With the majority of his attraction gone and Foxy so often needing repairs due to the nature of the attraction and his general personality, it is only a matter of time before he's retired.
Now, how is this indirectly because of Chica and not Sunny, Moon or anyone else involved? There was always a need for a daycare, yes, but Chica's introduction and her main Mazercise attraction are what made that demand so high. It was nowhere near as huge before Chica was brought in and drew all the yoga parents into the Plex.
Is it her fault? No not at all. By merely existing and doing her job, she pushed over the first domino in the row though. I'll need to run the numbers on the years again, but I'm not sure how hung about him she'd be on all of this either. Ya girl's got a few friendship making problems for quite a few of those initial years after all!
But yeah, that's a good little section of my timeline right there. There's other stuff happening around there too since things tend to overlap, but that's what's most relevant. Enjoy!
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 years
This one has a lot of Moon idk what happened
Moon: God nerfed me by making me allergic to garlic and sunlight. Monty: So, a vampire? Moon: I can confirm that I am not a vampire as I have blood. Freddy: Is it your blood? Moon: It is blood, yes. Freddy: Is it blood that has always belonged to you from the moment of your spawning? Moon: It is blood, it is in my possession, therefore it is my blood.
Moon: I'm bored. Solar: Wanna commit first degree murder? Moon: Sure! Sun, hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Monty down!!
Sun: I find it hilarious when you're the quiet/introverted kid and the teacher always sends people who are too talkative in class next to you because they know you wont talk. Moon: Bad and naughty children get put with the Silent Man to atone for their crimes.
Freddy: Can we go to a haunted house? Moon: What’s wrong with the one we live in? Freddy: Wh-what? Moon: Goodnight, Freddy.
Bonnie, walking into his green room: Hello, people who do not live here. Sun: Hey. Monty: Hi. Moon: Hello. Freddy: Hey! Bonnie: I gave you the key to my green room for emergencies only! Moon: We were out of Fizzy Faz.
Sun: Moon, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor. Moon: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound? (In same bodies version: YES)
Solar: My assistance will be an act of beneviolence. Freddy: …Don’t you mean benevolence? Solar: No.
Moon: Look, Solar, it's the third time this week you had a mental breakdown and its Monday.
Moon: Sun, get that hideous thing out of the living room, would you? Sun: Monty, Moon wants you to get out of the house.
Sun, holding a Wii mote with a knife attached: Are Wii gonna have a problem? Moon, bringing out their switch remote with a blade: You best switch up that attitude. -An hour later…- Sun, in the ambulance: Wii-U! Wii-U! Wii-U! Solar: I hate this fucking family.
Monty: Sun is washing the dishes and I just heard them say "Who do you work for? Who's your contact???" While repeatedly pushing a glass underwater. Freddy: At least they're having fun???
Moon: Hey, Sun? Can I get some dating advice? Sun: Just because I'm with Monty doesn't mean I know how I did it.
Sun: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Moon, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Freddy, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Moon: Coming right up.
Moon: Uh, I think I got your lunch. Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, your big brother Solar Sun: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’
Freddy: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. (more than usual) Solar: Fucking Moon and Sun were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
Moon: on the phone Hey Sol, do you know my blood type? Solar: Of course, it's B-. Moon: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Bonnie: One time I found a google doc on Moon’s computer with the title "list of dads that make other dads eat bugs. Bonnie: out of curiousity, I opened the google doc. Bonnie: it was completely blank except for the words "my dad".
Monty: Die. Sun: Please don't die! Monty: DIE! Sun: PLEASE DON'T DIE! Bonnie, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant? Moon, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and Sun wants Monty to accept it as their kid.
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micerhat · 2 years
Hey, I was wondering if you could tell me:
What is Epic Pizza Quest??? Like is it a fic? Is it a thing on here?? What is it??
Okay. This one is going to take a bit of explaining, but TLDR: Story I want to write but don't have focus to write.
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Chel is closing the daycare; has let the other staff leave early because of Valentine's day related things with their S/Os or just because its been a hell day what with parents taking full use of the daycare to get some fun date time for themselves. One way or another, Sun got it into his head that she needed to have someone do something nice for her. Dinner? Yes! I can get her something to eat because humans need that!
Moon basically decides - No. Not getting involved. But since you can't normally get out of the daycare without certain permissions/being with staff and you're going to rope me into this, my helping is letting you 'borrow' my programming (He tells Sun to act like him with a stupid impersonation of looming/creeping around to help 'fool' the protocol at first - that doesn't actually help but it's fucking hilarious to Moon)
Before they leave they also stick a post-it note with a rough drawing of a sun face onto a STAFF bot to follow Chel around in assistance - she doesn't ask because hey, don't have daycare attendant following me around asking a hundred questions while I'm cleaning.
He gets to the kitchens, gets another STAFF bot pulled into assisting - decides that she would appreciate him streamlining the eating process even more by pouring a can of Orange Fizzy Faz ONTO the pizza. It already looks perfect because of the fact that they spent twenty minutes trying to figure out how to make pepperonis into little hearts, this is just the perfect finishing touch. Close the box, ignore the squishing noise and lets take it back to the daycare...
Enter the Chicken...
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...someone has caught the scent.
Oh what's that? Oh? Pizza? I love Pizza! I'm sure you wouldn't miss one slice? ...that wasn't me asking, Sun. Give me the pizza.
Sun can now experience what every bird has felt that ever had the misfortune of flying into the Daycare in the form of a pink chicken from hell giving pursuit through the Pizza-Plex, going as far as getting cornered on the top floor, jumping off of the balcony and giving Monty a heart-attack of his own by landing directly in front of him. (8/10, landing could have been better if not death gripping a pizza box) Monty and Sunny have a disjointed, somewhat distracted exchange before Monty notices the box is... dripping, which brings Sun back to focusing on his quest of getting the box back to the daycare.
This however allows Chica to get back down the stairs and ambush (aka. Hang onto your leg until you wear yourself out and surrender the box)
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Ending in Freddy - who is trying to figure out what all the screaming is about - finds Sun dragging a few hundred pounds of determined chicken wrapped around his knee while holding a pizza box above his head and trying to lecture while dragging about how sometimes a gift isn't for sharing!
He can't get her to let go, drags both of them back to the Daycare and yeah, considering the state of the pizza was inedible mush unfit for human consumption at that point, Chica gladly accepted a fist-full from the pizza box in return for releasing Sunny's leg without use of a crowbar or ripping his leg off.
Chica states that she's 'Eaten better - but thanks for the workout, it was fun!' and leaves with Freddy.
Chel spends remainder of night consoling a down-trodden animatronic because: ‘That’s not what it looked like when I first closed the box - not at all - I even made the pepperoni into little hearts and now it’s all mush.’ and cleaning off greasy cheese stains from his clothes.
She did try it. Wasn't awful, but the idea of eating a pizza that has the consistency of a room temperature chunky milkshake is just... yeah. No.
But she appreciated the effort.
And that's pretty much it - now someone stand here and make me write it beyond this synopsis.
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