#they can fight they can kiss they can scream idek
feminurge · 3 months
"how about", she begins, face inching closer, too small to pose as a threat and yet. her tone is sickenly sweet; proof, perhaps, that she is not as much the wild thing that her appearance would lead you to believe. or perhaps, proof that she can play whatever part she wishes to play in order to get what she wants. the wild uneven curls, the flush of her cheeks, the syrupy smile that she keeps at the corner of her lips, more dagger than it is a flower. yes, all a ploy, all a game. one she plays far too well. "- you keep to your business, mh? our imminent death does not mean we have to mingle more than strictly necessary." whether the former question had stung or she had simply wished to bite, no one can say. "unless, of course, you truly wish to mingle." and there it is, bloodlust, a silver lining of teeth as she propositions the leader. @satellitewar
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faith-forgxtten-land · 6 months
idek what you'd do with this but you're a Taylor fan so peaky blinders characters and their corresponding Taylor song/s
ooooh this is a good one. and surprisingly difficult. and i'm trying not to repeat songs which is hard when all of these people are so desperately mentally ill...
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Peaky Blinders Characters + their Taylor Swift songs
warnings: needlessly long
Tommy Shelby
mr perfectly fine - does this need explaining? he is mr casually cruel, mr everything revolves around you
so dignified in your well-pressed suit / so strategised, all the eyes on you / sashay your way to your seat / it's the best seat, in the best room / oh, he's so smug, mr always wins / so far above me in every sense / so far above feeling anything
dear reader - burn all the files, desert all your past lives
Alfie Solomons
london boy - i laughed with this but i will stand by it for obvious reasons
getaway car - i will take no comments on this
i knew you were trouble - he is trouble
beautiful ghosts - it mentions london and that’s good enough for me
i know this life isn’t safe / but it’s wild and it’s free
style - we never go out of style (alfie to tommy probably)
look what you made me do - honey, i rose up from the dead, i do it all the time
Arthur Shelby
this is me trying - i’m not sure i can find a song more fitting
they told me all of my cages were mental / so i got wasted like all my potential
renegade - is it insensitive for me to say “get your shit together so i can love you”?
you fire off missiles ‘cause you hate yourself / but do you know you’re demolishing me?
forever winter - he’s up, 5am, wasted / long gone, not even listening
in short, poor arthur
Polly Gray
sad beautiful tragic - it just feels right
mad woman - i’m struggling to explain these choices but they’re correct
castles crumbling - yes
my tears ricochet - also yes
Ada Shelby
dorothea - i thought hard about this one so you better agree
you got shiny friends since you left town
it’s never too late to come back to my side
fearless - she is
a place in this world - i'm just a girl / trying to find a place in this world
ours - communism
John Shelby
i forgot that you existed - i am sorry john
the way i loved you - he and esme are crazy
but i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain / it’s 2am and i’m cursing your name
can you tell i struggled
girl at home - you’re married john
Michael Gray
foolish one - he’s dumb as hell
never grow up - just is, could be him or polly
the lucky one - you wonder if you’ll make it out alive
bad blood - well
Grace Burgess
when emma falls in love - when emma falls in love, she paces the floor / closes the blinds and locks the door
she won’t walk away, unless she knows she absolutely has to leave
and all the bad boys would be good boys / if they only had a chance to love her
Lizzie Stark
don’t you - this fits her so well and i will not entertain any arguments about it
i heard she’s nothing like me / i’m sure she’ll make you happy
sometimes, i really wish that i could hate you / i’ve tried, but that’s just something i can’t do
you’re losing me - we thought a cure would come through in time, now i fear it won’t
now i just sit in the dark and wonder if it’s time / do i throw out everything we built or keep it
May Carleton
august - you weren’t mine to lose
Finn Shelby
exile - i’m hilarious
you’re on your own, kid - see above
Esme Lee
crazier - yes
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f4iryjeons · 2 years
protect you from myself. 🎃 (M)
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Ghostface jk x reader
genres: ESTABLISHED AU (obviously...) , horror?, this is basically the first scream movie, kinda very yandere, there’s a minor amount of smut idek if it could be called smut. 
warnings: murder, blood, yandere themes, jk is the king of gaslighting, describes unprotected sex, creepy neighbor, character death, jk low-key highkey almost gives the reader a concussion, I think he grabs her hair and licks blood from her head like once..., description of how jk loves 2 kill, jk fighting intrusive thoughts, jk kinda takes advantage of reader. knives!
an: im in a halloween-y mood, and I rewatched scream and I just had to... 
w/c: 7.7k
Things were getting hot. You could only focus on the warmth of Jeongguk’s body. His hands, his chest, his breath. Everything was so warm. His fingers left goosebumps in their path. His determined fingertips glazed your skin as they traveled up your skirt gradually. He’s testing the waters. He knows you want to wait until prom, but he can’t seem to obey. As much as he appears to agree with you, his mind and body are begging for other things. How can you be so cruel? You were such a tease. What did you expect? He’s a young 18-year-old boy who has needs, needs you keep toying with. You rocked your hips against the growing lump in his jeans, causing him to groan. “Don’t stop.” he sighs against your lips. His hands are now boldly gripping your ass. He swears he’s about to ascend to heaven.
The sounds of laughter and loud music were drowning out as you slowly slipped into the two of you, more and more. You and Jeongguk have been bathing in each other’s desire for almost a year now. You highly appreciate his patience. Most boys probably would dump you the moment you told them you wanted to wait to have sex. That’s how you knew it was real. He wasn’t in it for your body; he actually liked you.
You’re snatched out of your little world after a loud shriek seeped through the thin walls of the bedroom. Reluctantly, you pull away from him, placing your hands on his shoulders when he tries to chase you. You’re straddling him, his hands up your mini skirt and yours entangled in his hair. “What was that?” You mumble to him, looking down at him with alarm. “Someone probably drunk or something.” Jeongguk dismissed and leaned in to kiss you once again. Your lips met for a moment before you were pulling away again. “Kook, that sounded like Emily.” You were pulling away from him again, unable to shake the sound of her scream. He sighs, visibly annoyed. He’s about to dismiss it again when multiple screams erupted from the halls, and you were both quick standing to your feet and shooting out of the room.
The both of you come out to a large crowd of people swarming the bathroom. They were standing over what looked like someone passed out in the bathtub, but it was much darker than that. You glimpsed into the bathroom for a second, seeing the scene much clearly. You gasped, falling into Jeongguk’s chest when you saw Sara’s lifeless body laying in the bath, the tub overflowing with her own blood.
The next day at school everyone was talking: “did you see her body?” “I heard her throat was slit.” And the worse you’ve heard: “the killer was at the party.” Crazy theories about what happened to her aren’t all that haunt you. The fact that someone would do it is what shakes you up. Her murder wasn’t an accident, and it wasn’t meant to be kept a secret. It causes shivers to rush down your spine.
You were strolling through the quad when Nayeon put her arm around you. “Jesus Yn, you look like shit! Did you sleep last night?” She asked, noting the bags under your eye from your lack of sleep. “No, how could you? Our friend was murdered.” You reply, your eyes following all the police cars and news vans parked at the school. “I heard her organs were floating in the tub.” Nayeon uttered, looking at you for any type of reaction. She giggles at your disturbed expression. “Jesus Nayeon, she died just yesterday!” You exclaim in disbelief at the brunette’s insensitivity. “Well, I’m just saying what I heard. I heard Roseanne is grounded for life.” Nayeon gossips. “I mean, someone got gutted in their bathtub at a party, so, yeah, her parents are pretty pissed.” she adds and looks at you. She’s waiting for you to say anything, but you don’t. She fills the silence. “Everyone’s being interrogated. What’s your alibi?” Nayeon winks at you, she tries to ease the discomfort racing through you. “Hm? Fucking Jeongguk in the master room?” She taunts, pinching at your waist, causing you to shy away from her. You push her hands away.  
“No, we did nothing, not that it’s your business, anyway.” You say, and she looks at you with a bewildered expression.
“What?! The two of you have been dating for eight freaking months. Yn, what’s up with this weird waiting game? Still trying to see if he’s the one?’’ she asks, as the both of you stop at your lockers. “He doesn’t mind waiting. It’s not a big deal for us.” you shrug, opening your locker. You try to ignore the haughty giggle that leaves her.
“You actually believe that? Oh Yn, too naïve... Just remember if he’s not getting it from you, he’s getting it from somewhere else. He’s a boy, after all.”
Silence takes over you. Unable to bring yourself to reply, you become fixed in your mind. There’s no way Jeongguk is like that. He’d never cheat on you because he loves you. Nayeon doesn’t know what she’s talking about. You wish you could wholeheartedly believe your own assurance, but it just feels like you’re trying to convince yourself to being blind. You slowly realize the fact that Jeongguk was capable of lying to you, even if you didn’t want to.
You jump at the feeling of arms wrapping around your waist, but you soon melt into the familiar embrace that was Jeongguk. Taehyung is lifting Nayeon into the air and twirling her around; she lets out a surprised squeal and smiles at him brightly.
“What’re you two talking about?” Taehyung asks, pecking Nayeon on the cheek. “What everyone else is talking about. ‘The slaughter of Sara Barnes‘” Nayeon quoted, pulling out the school newspaper from her locker. Taehyung laughs, taking it out of her hand as he opens it up. “Damn, has anyone talked to Jae?” Jeongguk asks, and the both of you shrug. “Dude, Jae and Sara were broken up.” Taehyung answers, and Nayeon scoffs.
“Did you hear what happened to her body? She was completely mutilated.” Taehyung murmurs, a dark glint in his eyes as he leaned in closer to the group. Taehyung’s dad was the sheriff. Of course, he had all the gruesome details of her death. He didn’t care about the seriousness of the events, that was clear. “Stop Tae, Yn doesn’t like it.” Nayeon swats his shoulder. Taehyung just looks at you, a sinister smirk on his lips. “She was stabbed 56 times. She was dead since the party started,” Taehyung whispered, despite Nayeon’s protesting. You glare at Taehyung with a horrified look and he just chuckles. Jeongguk tells him off, pulling you closer into him. “If you ask me, I think Jae did it. Stabbed that many times? It’s personal.” Taehyung whispers, eyeing the passing students in the hallways. “Shut up Tae, you watch too many movies.” Nayeon mumbles, grabbing her books and closing her locker, right when the bell rings. There’s a spike of anxiety at the thought of a student running around with blood on their hands. Why did it feel like no one was taking this seriously? Jeongguk is walking you to class when you finally speak up. “Is it true?” You look up at him, and he looks back, confused. “Is what true?” He smiles at you. “What Tae said. Was she actually dead the whole time?” You ask, stopping as the two of you reach your class. “Babe, don’t worry about it, okay? I gotta go, Mr. Kim and his dumbass stats class.” He kisses the top of your forehead and walks off. Once again, dismissed. How could people live so normally after everything? They could be sitting right next to the killer and all everyone worried about was how this would affect them. Curfew was put into place and all people cared about was the lack of partying that would occur the rest of the week.
You could barely write anything on your paper, and it’s not like the teacher expected the class to. What happened was horrible, shocking. It had the whole town in shambles. During class, you’re called into the principal’s office to have your interview with the police.
“You were friends with Sara?” The officer asks and you nod. “Since we were in second grade.” You mumble, looking at your lap. “Did she have any issues with anyone?” He asks and you shrug. “Not that I know of, of course, her on and off-again boyfriend Jae, but other than that I don’t know, but he wouldn’t do something like that. They love each other.” You explain, the officer nods and the principal allows you to leave.
“I heard Roseanne is the number one suspect.” Taehyung gossips, causing you to look up at him with disdain. You’re laying on Jeongguk’s lap, his hands are combing through your hair and his back is against the tree as the four of you sit in the grassy quad of your campus. The day is pretty despite the circumstances. The sun is shining and birds are chirping. There’s a slight drift in the wind to contrast against the sun’s merciful rays. “How could they make that decision with no evidence?” Nayeon questions, munching on her carrots.
“In the interrogation, Jae had a full-blown breakdown and admitted to having an affair with Rose. Jae said Sara likely knew and planned to expose the two of them. How convenient is it for Sara to be found dead in Rose’s house?” Taehyung explains, and Jeongguk tilts his head, eyes squinting because of the sun. You continue to hold your silence. If Roseanne was the one who killed Sara, why’d she throw a party the day she died? Why’d she leave in the bathroom for all to see? It just makes little sense. You sit up abruptly. “Rose…” you whisper and Jeongguk hugs you tight from behind, only loosening his hold to rest his head on your shoulder. “I mean… I didn’t think Rose would kill someone out of all people, but we never know, do we?” Jeongguk says. His fingers toy with yours gently as he places a soft kiss on your neck.
Both you and Jeongguk are walking home when you speak. “Hey Kook?” You asked, and he hums in response. “My parents are going to some event out-of-town tonight and they’ll be gone all weekend, and I don’t really feel safe with everything going on, and I was wondering if you could stay the night?” You propose and shy away, thinking he’d say no, but to your surprise, he’s nodding. “Yeah, I’m glad you asked.”
Jeongguk had gone home to grab some of his things when you received the message. ‘Parents are being a bitch, gotta sneak out, you know, deadly killer out and all.’
You chuckle, placing your phone back on your desk as you continue to do your homework. Soon it rings and without a second thought, you answer it.  ‘‘Jeongguk just wait-’’ —“Hello?” The voice shocks you as you realize the person you’re on the phone with sounds nothing like your boyfriend. The voice is eerie,deep, and scratchy. “Who’s this?” You ask, mindlessly going back to doing your homework. “That’s not important Yn.” The voice states and, as if everything froze, you stop writing. “Seriously, who are you?” You say, this time more firmly. You’re standing up, glancing out of your open bedroom window, hoping it's Taehyung playing one of his stupid pranks. “What’s your favorite scary movie?” he questions and you freeze before you’re relaxing in the thought that Taehyung is on the other end. You sigh, “I don’t know? Nightmare On Elm Street.” You answer, sitting on your bed. “Hmm, which one?” He inquires. “1984.. the first one” you entertain his questions, it’s entertaining he’s trying to sound scary by asking what your favorite scary movie was. He needs to step it up. The voice hums, pleased with your answer. “Classic, I see you have taste…” he compliments, and you roll your eyes. “Your parents are gone… is that reminding you of something?” The voice quizzes, an eerie feeling bubbles within you. Jeongguk must’ve let it slip you were going to be alone tonight.
“I don’t know? Look, Taehyung can you stop? This is getting boring.” You sigh, laying back on your bed, eyes closing. There’s an ominous chuckle on the other end of the phone. “This isn’t Taehyung.” they state. You roll your eyes, “Yeah, whatever.” You close your eyes once again, an exasperated sigh leaving your lips. “Do you remember Sara?” The voice continues and you find a voice in you to speak. “This isn’t funny.” You whisper into your phone. “You should check your back doors more often. Your mom is so careless.” Like a switch was flipped, your eyes fly open and you sit up. Your breathing becomes heavy as you stare at your closed door. “Is your door unlocked?” The voice asks what seems like the thousandth question that night. Soon you hear heavy footsteps creeping up the stairs. You bolt to your bedroom door, locking it in a haste and backing up to your open window. You realize too late that your curtains weren’t drawn, and the streetlight was shining in. They could’ve easily been watching you this entire time. You rush to lock your door, timidly you retreat until your back is touching the wall across from the door.
You hang up the phone, quickly dialing 911. The first few rings feel like ages. It’s taunting you. The operator finally answers and you don’t even let them finish their greeting. “Help me please, there’s someone trying to get into my room.” You whisper, voice trembling and pupils shaking as you stare at the shadow approaching the door. You cry out when the operator asks for your name and address. “F-fuck okay, it’s 7663 Milsview Road, Yn Ln. Please hurry..” The operator’s voice fades away when you learn the call has been dropped. Your eyes widen in confusion as you try to dial again and again, but nothing.
You let out a loud scream when the doorknob rattles violently. The phone falls out of your shaking hands, and you don’t care enough to get it. Your heart is going at a thousand miles per hour. There’s a cloud of uncertainty that hangs over your head, that you could die tonight pouring over you. You look at the ground from your window. It’s a long way down, and if you were to jump, you’d likely break bones, or die. Still, that was better than being butchered by the psycho currently trying to get into your room. But what if you do jump and break your legs? What if they come down and brutally murder you? This can't be it. You can't fight the tears that spill, you feel so helpless. You don’t know why anyone would want to hurt you. You were nice to everyone, did nothing, and mostly kept to yourself. What if you died for no reason? The thought causes another wave of emotions to take over you. Dying just for the satisfaction of the killer — that was a waste. Surely, your life meant more than that. The jiggling didn’t stop, and neither did your cries as you hide your face with your hands in defeat. “Yn?!” The proximity of your boyfriend’s voice makes you scream—launching yourself away from the window.
The boy was crawling through your bedroom window. The killers attempt to get in stops once Jeongguk enters your room. He closes the window before crouching down to comfort you. “What’s wrong?” He asks, pulling you closer to his chest. ‘‘Jeongguk, there’s someone out there- please we- “you cried, unable to properly form sentences. Fear keeps its home within you and it’s getting pretty cozy. Scared isn’t enough to describe it. You're fucking petrified—traumatized even. Grabbing onto his arm in dread, you try to calm your shaking hands. Jeongguk’s jaw is locked as he stared at your door. Soon he was storming out of your room. “Jeongguk! No, please, what if he’s still there?” You wailed, standing to your feet and rushing after him. As you attempt to chase him down the stairs, your legs are on the verge of giving out. You watch him shutting your front door and locking it, jaw still locked and eyes conveying a dark look. “Are you okay?” He asks, still staring at your front door. You nod, falling into his arms. He grips you, almost suffocating.
“Open your eyes and look at me.” He orders, hands on your cheeks and a hard kiss to your lips. You do as he’s says. “No one is going to hurt you.” He promises, kissing your tears away. You can only nod at his words and hope it’s true.
You’re exhausted. The cops came around ten minutes later and proved themselves to be utterly useless. They only found a cellphone jammer and said it was likely a prank. You refuse to sleep, even with Jeongguk trying to reassure you.
“Yn, it’s okay.. no one is going to hurt you.” He soothes, massaging your back. You groan, shaking your head and turning to him. “It’s not that easy…” you’re annoyed. Everyone acts like everything about this was so easy. He sighs, “I know, I’m sorry..” He mutters, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
“Why don’t I help you relax?” He offers, his hands trailing up to your shoulders, where he resumes the massage he was giving you. You turn around so your back is facing him to allow him to massage the fear out of you.
“Did It work?” Taehyung asks, head hanging out of the window of Jeongguk's parent’s car, allowing the wind to drift through his hair. “No, it didn’t, actually. It was fucking stupid, made things worse.” Jeongguk hisses and Taehyung winces at his angered tone. “Fuck.. look, I thought scaring her would work? Then you could go make her feel safe and she’d put out.” Taehyung explains, rubbing his hands through his hair in frustration. “Well, It didn’t. You know how much convincing I had to do to get her to come to this party?” Taehyung rolls his eyes at Jeongguk’s complaining.
“Did you kill Mr. Shane?” Taehyung asks, ignoring Jeongguk’s ranting. “Yeah, the guy was a fucking weirdo. No one’s gonna miss him.” He shrugs.
When all of this started, Taehyung and Jeongguk were 15 years old. They never meant to start this killing bullshit the first time was an accident. Taehyung’s mother was seeing this asshole, and the guy hit his sister. Taehyung and Jeongguk tried to confront the guy and Jeongguk ended up killing the guy.
You wouldn’t understand. Some people had to fucking die for things to be better. Sara? She hated you. She was the one who told everyone about your father leaving you in Sophomore year, yet you never found out who was behind it. Just like her mother, she was a slut.
Jeongguk is weird. He’s different. Everyone makes jokes about signs someone is a psychopath. Like pouring your milk before your cereal or standing up to pick a pencil up. What about the actual signs? Some are too easy to go unnoticed. The scariest thing about him is his ability to appear so normal.
Even though Jeongguk is weird. On the surface, he’s the opposite. He’s athletic. After all, he is the star quarterback of Woodsboro. He’s smart, gets straight As. He’s creative, he enjoys drawing and is actually great at it. He’s funny. If he wanted to, he could be a comedian. He has friends; he has a girlfriend; he has admirers. He’s good looking, seriously good looking. He’s competitive, but rational. He’s playful, but level-headed. He’s passive, but not a doormat.
On the inside, Jeongguk fears himself. He fights himself constantly. There’s always a violent sea in his mind, thoughts he can’t even imagine anyone thinking. Jeongguk has always felt these things, ever since he was just a kid. The pressure to be the perfect first born was on his back. His father was a successful businessman in Woodsboro, his father was well respected, his family was respected. They were a powerful family. He couldn’t imagine if anything came out about the Jeon’s first born being a little psycho.
He could suppress it until his mother and younger sister died in a car accident. “Bad breaks,” they said. After that, all his progress went to shit. Jeongguk didn’t understand why he preferred gore sites over the typical porn site most boys his age frequented. He didn’t understand why he got too excited when his father asked him to go hunting, why he got a kick out of stalking the unsuspecting animal, and the high he felt when he had to catch the animal. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t stomach any other movies but horror. He couldn’t grasp why he loved looking up serial killers, their methods, photos, anything he could get.  It’s not like he was numb, he wasn’t completely heartless, he felt incredibly guilty for all the animals he’s killed, he feels guilty for the thoughts he has. It’s not like he only thought of all the ways he could get away with homicide. He had other thoughts too, just some more concerning than others.
He had feelings. He really fucking liked you. A lot. Maybe he’s not at that level of psychopath where he’d kill anyone for even glancing at you, but he’d surely gut anyone who dared to hurt you, He understands if you’d hate him if you found out what he really is.
He did experience hormones. In fact, the top thing in his mind was usually sex. Now, with his good looks and popularity, it was obvious he wasn’t a virgin. Actually, he lost it when he was in his freshman year of high school. That doesn’t matter, though. All he thinks about is defiling you. He loves how innocent you are. It gives him a rush. He’s ashamed by the urge of wanting to hunt you, scare you badly until you’re nothing but an obedient mess in his hands. He wants you to fear him; he wants you to put your life in his hands, to understand only he could allow you to live or not. It was sick, he knew, but he couldn’t stop. All he wants is to fuck you. He doesn’t know if he could wait any longer.
Two weeks ago
Three knocks on your bedroom window signal the much awaited arrival of your boyfriend. You glance back at your bedroom door, then you’re making your way to unlock the window, inviting the waiting boy in.
He wonders if you know what he’d just done. He wonders if you would forgive him.
He leans into you, pecks your lips, climbing into your bedroom and locking the window. “You waited on me.” He says aloud, his hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him. “Of course I did.” You whisper, placing your hands on his chest. He always smelled so good, like fresh laundry.
“Yn?” There are two knocks that follow the voice of your mother. Jeongguk is already making his way into your closet when you’re opening your bedroom door. “Yeah?” you answer. She’s in her nightgown, hair pinned up and a glass of water in her hand. “Are you okay? I thought I heard talking.” She says, peeking into your room and looking around. “Nope, just me. It was probably my TV or something.” you point behind you at the TV playing some show you weren’t really paying attention to. “Oh.. get some sleep baby, it’s late.” She’s sighing, kissing your forehead and walking off down the hall.
“Get some sleep, baby.” Jeongguk’s whisper of a voice is hitting your neck, causing you to jump at his suddenness. His arms are around your midriff, and his lips are finding your neck in a slow haste. He pulls you into him — your backside meeting his front as he sucks and licks at your neck. He grins against your skin when you’re letting out a quiet mewl. How could you not?
The ticklish feeling of his tongue meeting your neck was giving you goosebumps.
You feel his hands traveling to your thighs, and slowly under your nightgown. You let him explore for a moment, his fingers landing on the front of your underwear, just centimeters from grazing your clit when you’re stopping him.
You chuckle at his groaning, turning around to face him. “What’re you doing Koo?” You giggle, standing on your toes to place a kiss on his nose. “Yn~ you’re such a tease, it’s unfair.” He whines, backing up until his legs are hitting your bed. He plops down, his hair bouncing gently from the swift motion.
“Two more months until prom.” You remind him, walking over to him and sitting on his lap. “That’s eight weeks Yn, eight weeks.” He replies, voice in disbelief. “Please? Just a little bit? Just the tip?” He’s begging, lips wet, and eyes glossy as he stares at you with puppy eyes. You let out a soft chuckle, climbing off of him and onto your bed. “You sound so greasy.” You say. You’re laying on your back, staring up at him, who’s sitting on your beside.
“Can we do other stuff, then?” He suggests, laying down and facing you. “Like what?” You smile, scooting closer to him. Your nose is just inches from his.
“Well, I can be vague or graphic, your call.” he says, voice low and inviting. You whisper “graphic” as you lean in to kiss him and he smiles. “I could eat you out, you could suck me off, or I could eat you out while you suck me off. Maybe I could finger you? Maybe you could give me a handjob, maybe at the same time?” Jeongguk is scooting closer and closer until your chest is against his, his arm is around your waist and pulling you into him.
“Or we could just dry hump.” he adds. His fingertips draw shapes on your exposed shoulder. “Or sleep?” You suggest, leaning away to let out a yawn.
Jeongguk sighs and chuckles in defeat. That night Jeongguk strangled your next-door neighbor. He watched as his life drained from his eyes and he loved every bit. The power, the control he had to take someone’s life gave him a rush he couldn’t describe. He needs you to fix him to calm him down. Only you can.
Your neighbor was announced to be killed by some drug dealer he’d gotten into a fight with at the bar a few weeks prior. Jeongguk laughs every time he reads the articles. How could they be so off? Your neighbor deserved it. He was a creep. Took pictures of your legs and photos of you changing. Jeongguk did what anyone else would.
He desperately wants to be your first, he wants to be the first and the only person to you see you so vulnerable. He needs you to give it all to him and only him. He wants you to be so whipped for him you can’t help but remember him. You can’t help but cling to him, and you can’t help but forgive him. He wants you and him to be inseparable. He wants to leave indelible marks and be the only thing you think about. He gets excited just thinking about it.  
Timothy Crooks, the same boy who harassed you so badly he was suspended, twice. It boils Jeongguk’s blood. How dare he show his face anywhere after shamelessly making you feel so uncomfortable? How dare he? Timothy was an asshole pea-brained sicko on Jeongguk’s football team. He carelessly objectified every girl on campus, and he must’ve been a real fucking comedian to think he’d be able to do it to you. Even with your history, he still talks about you; Your body, what you’d be like in bed.
Jeongguk can’t stop the grin that appears on his face when Timothy goes down into the basement of Nayeon’s large home. He’s wearing that stupid letterman jacket that he’d likely doesn’t wash, and he’s whistling a song Jeongguk can’t take the time to decipher. As soon as he closes the basement door and descends the stairs. Jeongguk smiles underneath the ghost face mask. It’s a sick, twisted smile. He opens the basement door and follows him. He locks the door behind him.
He plays with the light switches, causing the jock downstairs to curse loudly. “Can you guys stop fuckin around?” He says through the darkness. The boy takes a few moments to find the lamp. He jumps, falling on his ass when he sees the cloaked figure standing in front of the staircase. He’s nursing a very sharp Bowie knife in his right hand. “W-what the fuck? That’s not even funny.” He stutters, too stunned to even stand to his feet. It’s amusing how long it takes for the flight or fight response to kick in. Jeongguk watches the boy's gaze at him curiously. It takes everything in him not to scoff. If this were a movie, Jeongguk would scream at his tv to fucking run, stand up, do something.
But no, he makes it boring, just lays there ready to die like livestock. Jeongguk takes a menacing step toward the boy, and he just stands there, waiting for a reaction. He grips the knife tightly, showing the boy that this was not a prank.
“H-hey stop joking like that with me man, I’ll fuck you up.”
Jeongguk tilts his head in amusement. Threatening to fuck up the daunting guy standing over you with a Bowie knife was a weird move, but at least it was something. Jeongguk takes another step toward the boy, who begins squirming backwards. “Just get up, fucking idiot.” Jeongguk can’t help but let the words slip from his mouth. As he straddles the boy, he doesn't give the boy a chance. He grips the knife tightly, plunging it into the boy’s chest. He pulls it out and watches the boy gasp for air, blood bubbling in his throat and spilling out of his mouth. The boy tries to get away, and Jeongguk tilts his head. He’s hanging by a thread, and Jeongguk stands up to allow him to pull himself against the brick wall of the dimly lit basement. He twirls the knife in his hands as takes disturbingly slow steps toward the boy. He does it for the rush that shoots up his veins when he sees the boy’s eyes widen in alarm. It’s so fucking good, better than any horror movie he’d ever seen by far. Every killer does it wrong, and he’s the only one here doing it right. He’s thinking he doesn’t kill for you, but he kills because he wants to. It’s his destiny to do this. It just feels so right. It’s like that of heaven to him. He enjoys watching his prey squirm. He enjoys seeing their determination to escape, but they won’t. There’s nothing he loves more than killing hope and watching it die in their eyes. He loves who he gets to be behind the mask. Who wouldn’t want to feel this? This power?
He’s not crazy, he’s just chasing a high, everyone does it.
He reaches the boy, grabbing a fist full of his hair. The way he cries out only fuels Jeongguk more.
You finally reach the party, even though you were reluctant to go. Nayeon only convinced you to come because she and Jeongguk would be there. When you arrived at the house, Nayeon is dragging you in, a smile on her face. You could tell she’d been drinking already. “Where’s Jeongguk?” You ask after she’s led you to the kitchen that’s filled with annoyed partygoers. “Where the fuck is Tim with the beer?” a girl groans over the music. “He’s probably passed out somewhere, fuckin’ lightweight.” A boy answers and the large group laughs. You cross your arms at the lack of Nayeon’s answer. “I dunno…” she shrugs after you call her name and repeat your question again. “He’s probably upstairs with Taehyung, shooting pool or something.” She adds, bringing a red cup she found on the counter to her lips. You wince in disgust. There’s no telling who’s lips were on that cup or what’s in it. You follow her guess and go upstairs where you surely bump into Taehyung, who is making his way down with an alarmed look on his face. “Woah, T you ok?” you ask, standing in front of him to block his way from getting down. “I just found Nayeon’s parent’s porn stash, so no I’m not okay.” He answers. “You must be looking for Kook. He’s in the billiards room playing 8 ball with Jack.” he adds and steps past you.
Walking into the billiards room, you sure enough spot Jeongguk whose eyes are on you the moment you are in the room. He drops everything he’s doing to come to you, ignoring the protests of Jack. “You’re here.” He states and you nod, “I am.”
“I didn’t expect you to come…” you sigh, “Nayeon begged me to.” You mumble, looking around the large room. “You wanna go somewhere else and talk?” He offers and you nod, taking his hand.
He leads you into a guest bedroom and closes the door, locking it.
He sits next to you on the satin sheets of the queen sized bed. “I can’t stop thinking about that night you were attacked Yn.” He says, looking down at the floor. Exhaling, you nod in agreement, “Me too.. it was really fucking scary, Kook, what if he comes back?” You ask, voice already breaking at the thought of you being targeted by the potential killer haunting your town. “He won’t.” Jeongguk states his tone is a little too confident, but you don’t notice. Instead, you fall into his chest, relishing in the security you feel in his arms.
“I won’t let anything happen to you Yn. I promise you don’t have to worry, you’re safe.” He’s stroking your hair gently, arms cradling your head as you take in his fresh smell. In this moment, all you can feel is comfort. You look up at him, coming face to face, lips barely touching his. “Thank you Kook.” You whisper, leaning in to kiss him. But he isn’t kissing you back and you pull back slowly. “What’s wrong?” He doesn’t answer. You call his name, finally catching his attention, and he deeply sighs. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to take advantage of you.” But that’s exactly what he wants to do. You shake your head, grabbing his face to make him look at you. “You’re not.” You say, pecking his lips again. Jeongguk reciprocates the kiss this time. Overtime the two of you become more daring, a pattern he’s used to. But he’s determined to fuck you tonight. It has to happen. And truthfully, you want it just as much as he does too. Jeongguk is an amazing boyfriend, he cares about you and his patience astounds you. He’s mature and always handles you with care. You don’t really care about waiting until prom anymore. You know he loves you, and what he feels for you is real.  
The two of you are in a heated kiss when you pull away, Jeongguk can feel disappoint form in his chest. “Kook.” His name is breathless on your lips. He hums in acknowledgement, lips ghosting over yours to make up for the absence of yours. “I think I’m ready..” you whisper. He’s been launched straight to the gates of heaven, but he hides his excitement. He nods, “You sure?” You better be. This wasn’t fucking funny. He needed you now. You nod, and that’s all it takes for him to kiss you with intensity. He straddles you and wastes no time stripping the both of you from your clothes. His lips never leave yours, and he’s getting needier and needier with each touch. His fingers trace over the untouched parts of your body as he touches you with the purpose of watching you fall apart. First on his fingers, then his tongue, and finally, his aching cock that’s been begging to be relieved for months.
It feels euphoric inside of you. Watching you writhe beneath him makes something animalistic stir inside of him. The whines that come from you give him every reason not to stop. He loses himself within the pleasure, and can feel an even darker presence creeping over him. He fights the urge to put his hands around your neck and choke you until you’re on the verge of death, begging him to stop. Just the thought alone makes him twitch inside of you. He tries to shake away the dark thoughts, and he does when finally comes, filling you up just like you were supposed to be. Made exclusive for him. That’s why he needed to protect you, but the dark truth was he needed to protect you from himself.
The two of you get dressed in silence. You don’t know if you did anything wrong, but after the two of you finished, he cleans you up with a rag he found in the bathroom of the bedroom then went silent. You bite your lip nervously. You don’t dare break the silence, you’re too scared to.
“Fuck..” Taehyung grunts. It’s way too hot in this mask and cloak and he’s regretting getting himself in so deep. In fear of what Jeongguk might do, he keeps it together. Everyone had left once they found out about the Mr. Shane being murdered. All cheering about not having to do anymore English essays. Nayeon didn’t make it easy. Taehyung loved her, he really did, but then she had to send nudes to K.C. Parker and now she needs to pay. She needs to just lie down to die. It’s too frustrating to chase her around the house. She’s screaming for help as she runs up the stairs, crying out for Taehyung to come save her. Jeongguk can hear her, and that means you can too.
The door bursts open and she’s covered in blood as she closes it and limps in. Your eyes widen and you rush to her. “What’s going on? Nayeon are you ok?” You question, checking for any wounds. “He’s trying to kill me!” she cries out, blood slipping out of her mouth. Jeongguk overflows with anger, fucking Taehyung, was he always so clumsy?
“We h-have to call 9—“ she coughs up a large amount of blood, and her legs become wobbly. You hold her up, her blood staining your palms as tears are sliding down your face. You’re too in shock to do anything. This couldn’t be happening. “Nayeon?!” You call her name out, hoping for a response. Jeongguk shoves you out of the way and there’s something large and black in his hand. It’s similar to a piece of cloth from where you stand. “Jeongguk?” You say and get no reply. His back is to you as he just stares at Nayeon and clicks his teeth in annoyance.
Like lightning strikes, he stabs the girl right in the stomach, and watches her fall to the ground helplessly. He turns around and looks at your horror-stricken face. You’re shaking, pupils shaking, heart going crazy. This felt amazing. He slides the ghost face mask he was holding on his face and begins walking toward you.
Your legs move on their own and make a run for the door. He lets you reach it because he knows who will stand at the other end. As soon as you open it, there’s another masked figure in a black cloak staring down at you. You back up, back hitting Jeongguk’s chest as he holds you in his suffocating embrace. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” Jeongguk sighs out, voice distorted, sounding similar to the person who attacked you that night.
You cry helplessly, struggling to get of his hold. His hand is loosely clutching the Bowie knife, and with a sudden rush of adrenaline, you know you have to grab it. He’s holding you tightly, constricting your arms, preventing you from going anywhere as he huffs in your scent shamelessly. “You fucked a serial killer. Tell me, how does it feel?” He taunts.
He lets you go, throwing you to the floor at the lack of an answer. He steps closer to you with the knife, gripping it as if he was preparing to gut something. You groan, your head hitting the harsh wood flooring and likely bleeding now.
As he’s pacing toward you, you find it in you to kick him in his knee, temporarily impairing him. He stumbles over for a moment, cursing as he cradles his knee. The other masked figure rushes to Jeongguk’s aid, and you take that as your cue to run. Your head is pounding as you sprint down the stairs. It takes everything in you to power through it. Adrenaline carrying you to the kitchen where you grab the largest blade in the knife block. You rush to the house phone, cursing when you find the lines have been cut.
“Where are you going?” The same daunting voice asks from behind you. He carelessly walks toward you, bloody knife in clutch. He’s wearing that stupid cloak, and he’s tilting his head in curiosity. You grip the knife tightly and push it into the guy’s chest. You don’t look back as you sprint to the front door, you ignore the disgruntled cries coming from the cloaked person. You try to rush to undo the locks, your hands trembling and blood trickles down the side of your head, constantly reminding you they want to hurt you.
Suddenly, your head is being banged against the door, and you almost feel yourself lose consciousness. You slide down onto the floor, holding your head as you cry out in pain. “You fucking bitch.” It’s Jeongguk. He’d ditched the mask and is now pacing over your injured form. He crouches down, bringing his knife face to face with you. “You kick me in my good knee, then almost kill my best friend?” He scoffs before he breaks out into maniacal laughter. “I wasn’t gonna kill you!” He suddenly shouts, grasping your hair roughly. “I was just gonna wave it around, maybe cut you a little, but I wasn’t going to kill you.” He says, leaning in to lick the trail of blood from your cheek to the temple of your head. “I just wanted to scare you.” He murmurs against your face. His adrenaline feeding from your cries and pleas for him to stop. His attention is turned to Taehyung who’s stumbling in the room, knife still in his chest. He falls against the wall. “F-fuck J… I t-hink I need an ambulance…” he stutters out. His mask is gone and there’s blood dripping from his mouth. “Shut up no you don’t.” Jeongguk hisses, turning his attention back to you. “I do!” Taehyung yells, “She went really deep, man.” He cries out, his mouth coated a crimson color. “Fuck! I think I’m dying!” He sobs as he slides against the wall. Jeongguk suspires and walks over to Taehyung. He couches down in front of him. “Save me a seat in hell, will you?” Jeongguk asks, tilting his head before he’s pulling the knife out of Taehyung’s chest. The boy cries out at the extraction of the blade. “Look what you did.” Jeongguk teases, walking over to you. You are barely conscious at this point. “Just don’t die.” Jeongguk says to Taehyung. He looks down at you briefly before he crouches down and slams your head onto the floor, knocking you out.
You wake up in a bed, your head killing you. You shoot up, clenching your head. All you know is you need to get out of here. “Baby! Woah!” Jeongguk says from next to you as he soothes you. You scream loudly, pushing him away from you. “What? What’s wrong?” He asks, tilting his head. He grabs your wrists to stop you from hitting him. “G-get away from me!” You scream. “Yn what’s going on?” He inquires, voice becoming louder than yours to silence you. “Y-you’re fucking crazy! You killed Nayeon and— “  
“I didn’t kill anyone. What the hell are you talking about?”
The light in his bedroom turns on and his parents are coming into the room. “What’s going on? Is everything ok?” His stepmother asks. “She probably had a bad dream.” Jeongguk dismisses. “Yn, Nayeon is fine, the killer was caught. Everything is okay now.” Jeongguk assures, looking into your eyes. He’s lying. You watched Nayeon die in front of you. “B-but my head?” you mumble, placing your hand on your bandaged head. Jeongguk sighs, “A couple days ago the killer was at the party. He attacked us, but he’s gone now, ok?” Jeongguk explains. You still don’t believe him. How could you when everything seemed so vivid?
“Here, let’s call Nayeon and Taehyung.” Jeongguk suggests, grabbing his phone. You can’t believe he’d go this far to lie, but what if Nayeon and Taehyung answer? “Hello? Sorry for calling you guys this late. Yn wanted to check on you guys.” Jeongguk says, putting the phone on speaker. You can’t believe your ears when you hear Nayeon and Taehyung on the other end. You don’t know what to believe at this point. Jeongguk hangs up with a quick goodbye and pats your back. “The doctor said you’d be like this for a couple of days.” Jeongguk sighs, kissing your temple. You groan, reluctantly laying your head on the pillow. “The killer was Timothy Crooks. Turns out that sicko still had it out for you.” Jeongguk says as he rubs your back.
“But you’re safe now. No one can hurt you, no one will hurt you, ever.” Jeongguk states as he watches you fight falling asleep.
No one will hurt you, except maybe him.
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bvnnyl0v3r · 3 months
An Angel's Kiss pt.4
A/N: okay imma immediately say: I‘ll continue the timeline as it is rn and work my way up (mainly bc i live in germany and we only got 23 parts and the 24th part is coming out in idk how many months I am dying from spoilers 😭😭😭) also like idek why I am writing Nikolai to be a total asshole he‘s my fave character but at the same time I just….. is it wrong to want tobe mistreated by a white haired man who definetly does not have all his cups in the cupboard (someone help It‘s 3am and that cupboard cup thingy is a german thing that we germans say instead of having some loose screws I am so fucked out) 
TW: mention of near death experiences, blood, wounds, dirty talk, Nikolai is still just….. *sighs dramatically*, needles, slapping, for once (NAME) is being the weird one
What you did not expect this lovely morning as you woke up was….. Nikolai. In your bed….. well okay you sorta did expect it since he does not know personal space with you but the unexpecting part was that he was covered in blood, you were covered in blood and your sheets were covered in blood. You checked to see if that bastard actually dared to die in your arms but luckily he didn‘t.
While you coulhave done the world a favor and left him to die your dumbass‘ first thought was to drag him into the kitchen and pour cold water over him to wake him up and then get out the medkit. After all Fyodor‘s surgery book did help you sew some of the wounds shut. Well that was while Nikolai was still half asleep half dead but now he was neither half asleep nor half dead so he was just groaning like the fucking masochist he is.
And sitting there trying to treat someones wounds while they keep on saying:
“that‘s it darling….. just like that…. Fuck that burned….bet you like me like this don‘t ya, baby~ whimpering just for you~ ngh~“
Was not at all a pleasant way to pass your time so after the first 15 minutes you‘d had enough
“Can you stopdirty talking me while I treat you fucking wounds???“
„But baby, my pretty darling, don‘t you looooovvveeee meeee~“
when Sigma came in because he heard a scream….
…he just immediately walked out again at the sight of you stabbing nikolai‘s main blood vain in the upper arm. Sadly he survived....
About 10pm you wanted to go to bed. A good plan indeed as Fyodor was finally out the house just as sigma and fukuchi so it was just you and Nikolai. Nikolai had gotten a set of rules from the others. Much against his will as they "chained him even more than he already was" and "he'll never be free" but at some point agreeing when fyodor told him he'll lock him up in an actual bird cage if he doesn't collaborate.
So you finally got your sleep. 4 lovely hours until you shrieked up from a nightmare. To terrified to go back to sleep in your own bed you took a light and walke dover to Nikolai's room. To your surprise he was already asleep wich you found weird as you didn't think he'd sleep before 3am but who cares anyway. You were gonna wake him up and make him help you somehow. I mean yeah he may not seem the smartest but he actually can have some brain. 
So here you were. Sitting on Nikolai's bed. Trying to get the snoring bastard to wake up as he kept on sleeping. You got tired again so in the end you decide ife he can you andomly cuddle up to you so can you.
You don't know when you woke up but Nikolai was in a shock state. Looking at you with eyes wide open and an awkard grin. His arms tightly around your waist. Seeing this terrifying sight infront of you your flight or fight instict kicked in and you slapped him.
Then silence made it's way through the room until Nikolai speaks
"let's get mclfurries"
"For once youhad a good idea"
A/N: idk wtf happened at the end i'm honest. It's 3am again I can't sleep HELP THIS WAS IN MY DRAFTS FOR 3 MONTHS OR SO
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its-a-me-lia · 8 months
A Siren's Call
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6| Part 7
Warnings: IDEK anymore!
Ummm So like enjoy the show
Have you ever wondered what it was like to beg for mercy and scream at the top of your lungs, but no one hears you? Your shouting, your throat hurting, stinging as the sounds get lost in the echoes of the wind that’s not even there? Haunted by the ghosts of those who have fought and tried to be heard before you? Seeing death and life? Rebirth after rebirth. No end in sight, thinking when was this all going to end? The constant terrors, and fears running within your aching bones, breathing in a breath and hoping it was your last?
The world felt like it was falling apart, she could see the sky crumbling down. The ground cracking open and the fiery pits of hell blazing out, wanting to swallow her whole. Ava didn't know how it happened, or when it happened. All she knew was that Buggy was severely injured, the crew of young men and women laid weak, covered in what could’ve been their blood. She didn’t know what she could do. She wanted to cry, she wanted to go to each and every one of them.
Why did it turn into a bloodbath?
Buggy’s crew had lost a few members, she saw the strawhats limp towards the man in question. Jeremy had laid slain on the sand. Zoro had given him his last blow. The look on the boy's face, was of one who has taken their first life. That was expected. Ava allowed herself to move towards them, there were times where Jeremy had come to attack her. She looked at them and shook her head. 
No words came out, she tried. The clouds in the sky started to break apart, she could see that the sun was setting. To her, it felt like it was constant darkness. Does this mean that it was over? That she was finally free? But at what cost? Lives were taken in her honor, they didn’t deserve this. They all deserved better. Their lives were not worth hers. 
She knelt down at the side of Buggy, it amazed her that he was able to be so beaten down like this. How can you cut someone who was able to put himself into pieces? Slice him, not all the way, just enough to not make him lose a limb. She stroked his head, his bandana far from his head, sand getting into his beautiful long blue hair. Even injured, he was still so beautiful.She couldn’t deny that. 
Buggy looked up at her and touched her face, “We did it Ava. You’re free.” 
His voice was more raspy than it normally was. She gave him a sad smile. “But at what cost? You lost men, the strawhats are injured. Buggy, you’re bleeding.”
“For you baby, I would bleed dry.” He coughed. God he was so corny, and yet she loved that about him. 
Shaking her head not to encourage him, Ava stroked his cheek and leaned down kissing his nose gently. “Be careful what you say.”
“Never.” Buggy wasn’t lying. He would burn the world down and terrorize any town for this woman. He had never in a million years would think he would fight for anyone else but himself. It was selfish though, just for him to do this for her. For his own selfish needs to get her to like him. But he didn’t have to do that. She would love him anyways, even if circumstances were different. She would always find him. In any universe. 
The strawhats made their way over to the two, Luffy kneeled down next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I know what you’re thinking. But you deserved to be saved. Everyone deserves to be saved. Yeah we got beaten and bruised, so did you. You didn’t deserve that.”
“H-how did you know about that?” She frowned.
“Captain asshat over there decided that it’ll be in his monologue of how you deserved to be treated as trash because he found you as trash, and so on. Blah blah blah.” Sanji was the one to speak, she looked up at the man. “Asshole deserved what was coming to him.”
Ava looked at all of them, her heart felt light and she let out a sigh that turned into a sob. She couldn’t control the crying, they really were fighting for her. Listened to that mans words and decided that he didn’t deserve to breathe another breath. Walk another step. She couldn’t help it. She hugged Luffy
“We protect our friends.” He hugged her back. 
Friends. She barely knew them, and she was already considered their friends. She liked that a lot. This feeling was different, she felt different. The sunset was different this time. It was setting on the last day of her old life, and when the sun rises tomorrow. It’ll be the beginning of her new life. 
After getting everything straightened up, and gathered the bodies to set aflame to. Ava was handed the match and she watched them burn. She watched the bodies that had died fighting for and against her glow in the bond. She turned and saw the crew carrying Buggy onto the ship. She walked back and let them take him to his room. Telling them it was okay, she would take it from there. She would take care of the man that had taken care of her. 
She cleaned his wounds and stroked his hair out of his face. “You’re so beautiful.” 
She chuckles. “You keep saying that.”
“Because it’s true. Did you know that?” He smiled. “God, you should know that.”
She shook her head. “You’re a bit delirious, you should get some rest.”
“Don’t do that.” He grabbed her hand. “Stop thinking that you’re not. Because you are. God you are so goddamn beautiful it breaks my heart that you think you deserve less, when in reality, you deserve the damn world to be groveling and pleading to have you by their side.”
She nodded and blinked. She sucked on her bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to it.”
“Baby, you better get used to it. I will be saying it to you every waking moment of your life. Even when you’re not with me, or if I’m not around. You will remember that you will always be beautiful.”
She laughed and pressed her forehead against his. Kissing his nose again. “I guess I will start now.” 
Reaching up he pulled her closer and kissed her. It was messy and almost like they have never kissed anyone before. Their teeth crashed, and sucked on each other lips. Ava gripped her fingers in his hair, he sat up even in pain he didn’t want to stop. 
They kissed for what seemed like ever and she tilted her head to the side. “I think I love you.”
“Well, I don’t think I love you. I know for a fact that I do.” Buggy pulled away and looked at her. 
“Sorry, I didn’t want to say it, and get scared you’d run off.” 
“You’re not getting away from me that easily.”
Even with the way the day had ended, Ava couldn’t wait to start on a new adventure with Buggy. It wouldn’t be a sad ending to her life, but the ending to her old one. Her new life was full of journey, and piracy. She would grow to be more wanted than Buggy, and he would just laugh and say that he had no say in that. She did what she needed to do. He would walk along side her and just be the proud boyfriend of his girl. 
Ava, the Siren Pirate. That’s what Buggy called her. Luring people to her with her calls. And god damn she was good at that. 
But that’s a story for another time.
We are headed for the end, and i didn't think that i would be writing a short novel. This is what I have become to love and I am so happy!
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bluberrybenadryl · 1 year
[bodyart] 792 days
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GHOSTxAFAB! READER - words: 3.25k - content warning: uhhhhhh idek
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700.. 92 days. 792 lonesome nights. 792 mornings waking up alone. Rolling off the stiff woven couch, your feet burn against the cold wood. Dust fills the air as the morning sun filters through the broken blinds. The blinds you broke screaming your head off 792 days ago. The stone cold look in his eyes borrowed a hole into your chest as you thought about just how meaningless all of it was. The sit you were screaming about. The arguments you shared in the last few days before his departure. 
Standing up, you mindlessly fiddle with the cold metal tags around your neck. Though they weren’t his, you couldn’t help but fear the day that his would be added to the chain. Almost slamming into the cold floor, you collapse onto the wall. The pain your chest feeling nothing less than life ending. The sternum shattering pain brought tears to your eyes. ”Chin up, puppy,” his voice coached. “No tears till that final knock comes to the door,” your mind played tricks as the memories of him flooded back. 
The way he held you to his chest as you cried for hours, silently  telling you how he would always protect you. The gentle kisses he’d shower you with when he wanted to tell you how proud he was. The roses he bought after ever fight. The ring he hid in the bottom of his rucksack like you weren’t the one that washed all his stuff. “Just come home, please,” you beg softly. Sliding down the wall, you steadied your breathing, gasping between the dry heaving. 
Almost an hour passes before you’re able to force yourself back onto your feet. Wiping your face, you pass your reflection in the mirror. Disheveled, your red eyes were sunken in from sleepless nights and overtime. Makeup from the night before stain your skin as it retold the events of your club hopping birthday. Gritting your teeth, the far too big Manchester t-shirt you begged for reminded you of the game he took you too. The way he lifted you into the air to catch it and the way he always looked at you when you’d wear it to bed. 
Refusing to cry again, you storm away from the mirror. Tossing the t-shirt to the ground, you jumped into the shower. Trying to wash away the burden of tears and escapism, you stand in silence. The water hitting your skin without mercy. 
Towel wrapped tight, you stare yourself in the eye through the steam. The eyes he would stare into. The lips he kissed hungrily. Pulling on the lowest fitting jeans you own, you tuck one of his black t-shirts into the waistband. Bag on shoulder and keys in hand, you make for the front door, stopping just before grabbing the handle. Dropping keys and bag, you kick them aside and went into small barely larger enough to be considered a kitchen. Cleaning and sweeping, you fix up the home you let go to hell. With two bags of trash ready at the door, you stuff your feet into a pair of boots you bought years ago. 
You wanted them cause they looked like his standard issue ones. That year you went as him for halloween and you got into argument about him getting called in. It was three weeks after that when you finally got to make up. Shoving your keys in your bag, you strongman the garage and head out. Tossing it out as you backed out of the driveway, you tunnel visioned your way to the grocery store. No list, no plan, you pick up the things you knew from memory. Pulling into the driveway, you sit in the car for bit. Staring at the front door you begged to paint red, you back out and drive off.
Walking through the hardware store he told you you couldn’t work at part-time, you lug around a can of black paint. Arriving at checkout with the paint and a set of blinds, the cashier tries to make conversation.
“Did you serve?” They ask innocently.
“Are they a spouse’s?” They inquire. As they scan, your eyes run over their name tag. 
“No. My dad,” you inform. The cashier nobs with a pained smile. The look in their eyes expressing just how uncomfortable they were.
“That will be $207.35. Would you like the warranty as well?” They ask gesturing towards the touch pad.
Pressing the no button, you sit your card on top of it. “No. I’m just going to replace them again when my husband gets back,” you inform, inciting a small flame of fire within yourself. The cashier visibly perks up when you mention him.
“Is he away?” They ask, handing you your bags.
“Yea. Overseas, but’s to be home soon,” you smile.
With the new blinds installed and the curtains open, you stand behind the stove of your kitchen. Chopping potatoes and carrots as the scent of a well seasoned meat filled the home. The sound of the knife hitting the cutting board echoed louder than the pain that filled your chest. As time ticked away on the 792nd day, the promise you made threatened your eyes. Sitting across from an empty seat, you ate in silence. Covering the second plate and putting in the microwave, you wash dishes and turn out the lights. 
Slipping into the now clean Manchester t-shirt, you tuck yourself into bed. The quiet home. The quiet neighborhood. The life you never thought you could have kids. The wedding you planned. The job you switched too. Your contract that ended. His that had a few years left on it. The bed you splurged on, and the sheets you chose cause they looked good against his skin when he woke up in the mornings. 
The good wife you wanted to be. The terrible behavior he worked hard not to mirror. The trust issues you couldn’t fight. The distance he kept out of fear.
Rolling over, your hands grazes the cold other half of the bed. Your eyes drift open just a little, the light playing tricks on you as his silhouette laid beside you. The smell of gun powder and mud that never seemed to leave his skin tickled your nose. “At least shower first,” you mumble mindlessly. Turning over, you fluff your pillow with a small yawn. Your memories of him continue to circulate as you try and knock out. Not long passes before you give up on sleeping all together. Groggily sitting up, a light from under your door peaks your attention. 
Trained reflex, you pull the 45 you kept in the night stand out, holding it with the intent to fire. Slowly slipping out of bed, you make for the door. Just as you open it, an ocean of steam hits you in the face. “Could you put that away, puppy,” Simon’s exhausted voice washed over you like a breathe of fresh air. Dropping to your knees, his hot skin seeped through your shirt. 
“Come on now, puppy. Back into bed,” he coached. Pointing your gun at his chest, the tears you told yourself to get rid of, escaped from your eyes. Your lips quiver as your words stumble from your mouth.
“Fuck you, no,” you cry.
“You’re late, you fucking bitch”. Taking hold of barrel, he slips the gun out of your hands, pulling you close to his chest. Disarming the weapon, he tucked his down to kiss the top of yours.
“I’m home, puppy. Don’t cry”. Lifting you up, he carried you back to the bed. Putting the gun away, he leaned over you, just barely putting his weight on you. Cupping his face, you pulled him down, tracing his lips with your own. The dark made him feel like nothing more than a dream. 
Giving into you, his kissed you with an insatiable hunger. The tears left, streamed from your squeezed tight eyes. Breaking only for air, his arm wrapped around your back held you tight. You locked your arms around her neck, hands in his hair. “I love you,” you whimpered.
“Puppy,” he began.
“Shut up. I missed you for fuck-sake”. Falling asleep in his arms, you clung to him throughout the night. Waking up to an empty bed, you stumbled to the doorway of your shared room. Fear overwhelmed your sense as it suddenly felt like a hellish dream. Looking around for him, your breath escapes you. Dashing into the living room, you almost face plant into the floor. His bag and shoes laid behind the old couch you gripped onto for dear life.
Circling out of the kitchen, he cane to you with a look of mild concern. “Are you okay?” He asked lifting you to your feet. Holding onto him, your chattering jaw forced a heart broken out onto your face.
“I’m right here, puppy. I ain't goin’ anywhere”. His arm looped around your waist and in one motion you lifted you up off the ground. Walking around to the other side of the couch, he sits down with you straddled across his lap. His large hands held the side of your face, his war stricken face softening to the emotionless lost stare you fell in love with. Kissing him gently, you wrap yourself in him again. 
His tongue teased yours as his hands gripped your hips. Under the t-shirt he loved seeing you in, he slyly peeled off your panties. The lace hips of them strapping his hands to you. 
“I missed you, puppy,” his low rough voice tickled your neck as he kissed behind your ear and down.
“Fuck, I missed you,” he growled, his kissing turning too biting. Opening your hips, his rough fingers massaged your clit. Everything about the way he held you to the way his muscle strained under the restraint he kept, flipped all your switches. 
Maybe because it’s been two years. Maybe because of they way he growled your name as he opened you up. Maybe it was how your purring drove him mad as he dug three fingers deep into you. Maybe, just maybe, it was how he never said he loved you, instead he showed it in every kiss and bite mark he teased you with. 
Tied around his neck like an ascot, you couldn’t hold bag that throaty gags of pleasure that he forced out of you. Holding your legs like the handles of a chest press, he moaned greedily while slamming you up and down on his long thick cock. Sloppy drilling into you, Simon’s dark brown gaze never left yours. Even as you tossed your head back, moth agape, he gave you his full attention. 
Slowing to painstaking intermittent thrust, the melody of your name in his low voice dance across your depraved mind. 
“Talk to me, puppy,” he ad-libed. Pausing right as his tip was at entrance, he kissed you neck affectionately. Whining as the cool air of the room brushed against your bruised pussy, the sudden lack of his warmth brought tears to your eyes. 
“Simon,” you cried. 
“Yes, puppy?”
“I’m cold”. Looking him in the eyes, your pout seemed to do something to him. The arrogant resolve he had, shattered. In one quick motion, he pinned you to the couch. Slamming the entirety of his length into you as he filled your mouth with him. The place where your skin met his burned with every foundation shaking slam. Your walls closed in around him with every pass. Your legs shaking and toes curling as he licked the tears from your eyes. 
“I can feel you tightening, puppy,” he moaned. Tracing his thumbs over the front of your pelvis, he used you hips to intensify his own pleasure. 
“Any tighter and I’ll give you a real reason to scream my name”. He let out an almost maniacal laugh as you hiccuped his named. Tongue out, you couldn’t hear any but the sounds him making a mess of you. Your cunt pulsated while he stretched you wide. Grabbing your chin, he directed your eye line to the frothing ring of cream dripping from the shaft of his cock. 
“It’s like ice cream,” he joked, making you watch as he carve out his place in you. Bitting down into your lip, you could hold back the trembling. Again, you’re tipped over the edge as he relentlessly asserted his dominance. 
“Good puppy”. His head fell back as his tip did more than kiss your cervix. 
“Cum”. You managed between gasp. 
“Deep,” you continue.
“In,” you trailed off between clenched teeth. Just as you flooded your channels, a thick hot pool poured into you. Holding your hips pressed against his, Simon left out the deepest, roughest moan you’ve heard in years. Nails buried deep into the upholstery, the overflow streamed out of hole and onto the next one. 
“Fuck sake,” he inhaled. Lifting your limp body, you stayed inside you as he warmed you with his body. Breathing in his scent, the taste of iron line your lips. With his hard still deep inside you, your hips couldn’t help but to roll on their own. Breathless, you kiss his face and neck. Your hands scrambling to remove his black tee that stood between you and his hot skin.
Pulling your now soiled t-shirt over your head, his overbearingly large hands felt up your sweat misted body. His cock bulged as you pressed your bare breast against his chest, your hips spelling his name as you passionate left your mark on his skin.
“You’re like a bitch in heat, puppy,” he commented, amusement present in his voice as massaged you ass. Digging your knees into the soft cushion he sat on, you rocked and ground your hips like it was the first time. The gooey load he released in you made the perfect lube as he slipped in and out of you with ease. 
As you scrapped your walls with his cock you clit managed to rub his shaft every time. Drooling in his mouth. Moaning in his ear as you used him as nothing more than thick, hot dildo. 
“Come on, pretty girl,” he coached. His raspy voice grinded your gears as he pulled you pussy apart. 
“A little more”. Stretching you open as you pleasured yourself on him, you could feel fingers caress your entrance. Playing with your clit as he massaged your labia, your devil of man began to rock his hips. Stabbing into you, he cooed and kissed you like nothing was happening. 
“Si-,” you gasped.
“You’re gonna”. You voice trailed into drool filled wave of sounds. 
“I’m gonna what?” He inquired. His voice dance into your ear as his rocking turned to skin slamming thrust. 
“Speak up, puppy”.
Eyes rolling back, you break through to a tsunami of ecstasy. Back broken, his hold on you tightens as his last thrust hit deeper than all the others. Kissing down you neck, he’s sinks his teeth into the volume of your chest. His big warm arms kept you safe as your muscle trembling and convulsed from the stimulation. 
Keeping you warm, his hold didn’t let up. Together on your old couch, you sat in the serenity of post nut clarity. Running you hands through his hair, you couldn’t help tracing over the scars. It wasn’t that long ago that you were crying in a hospital, screaming at staff because he recklessly put himself in danger. You thumb brushed over a small slice in his cheek. It was far too new to be from your fight but something about it made you feel guilty. 
“I’m sorry,” your voice was soft as you bore into him. 
“I know how these things work but I let my insecurities get the best of me. I didn’t even get to say goodbye,” you continued. 
“I know puppy,” he kissed your cheek gently. 
“Don’t blame yourself for what’s done. I didn’t make it any better by walking out, so we’re both wrong,” he reasoned. Pouting cutely, you laid your forehead on his. Lifting you up, leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead. 
“Clean up and I’ll grab you some water. Let’s go out”. He ushered you to the bathroom, a shameful wave of embarrassment washing over you. With every step, thick dollops of cum fell from your pussy. Your pussy lips burned as the cream trickled down and onto your legs. 
Closing the bathroom door behind you, you quickly sit on the toilet, letting out a subdued moan. Tightening your core you pushed as much of it out as you could, the sensation reigniting the lust within you. Reaching into the shower, you turn it on in hopes to cover up the sounds you couldn’t hold back. The gushing from between your walls made your toes curl as the room filled with steam. 
Pausing to hear for him, you slowly slip your fingers inside. Scrapping the cum the stuck to the sides, you press and reach deep inside. Your hands couldn’t compare to his, let alone his dick. The gentleness of your skin tickled as you cleaned way his sperm. Lost in the motions, you barely didn’t notice the cool breeze that mixed into the room. Standing with a glass in his hand, he watched as you fingered yourself. 
“Don’t stop on my regard,” he teased. Sitting the glass down, he closed the door behind himself. 
“It won’t come out,” your teary eyes met his. Unable to look away, your fingers continued to move on their own. A sweet moan leaving your lips was all it took for the distance between you two to close. 
“Put it in my mouth,” you begged. Tongue out, your soppy eyes entranced his. Sliding the tip on your tongue, the taste of his cum excited your taste buds. Taking hold of the sides of your head, he stared down at you with an all devouring look. The steam made it hard to breathe as his cock slowly touched the back of your throat. Matching his pace, your cramping fingers hit every spot. 
Sucking hard onto him, his face turned dark with devotion. Your lips hitting his pelvis with every increasing pump. The smell of you stained his skin. Gagging as the tip pushed your uvula out of the way, the Pulling open you mouth with his thumbs, he fit them between your teeth. Stretch your jaw as wide as it could go, his long strokes turned into small powerful ones. Choking as the tip danced in your esophagus, you watched in elated horror as his expressionlessness vanished in a sudden state of devilish enjoyment. 
“Oh, puppy,” he moaned, “Focus. You begged for this”. Pumping into your throat, he draw your undivided attention. You hands wrapped around his wrist, stabilizing you as he fucked your mouth. Hot and stuff, you drooled as you lips grew numb. Jaw locking as he held on tighter, a suffocating pulse sent you into tears. So deep you couldn’t even taste it. The smell filled you head as your nose and throat burned. 
Releasing your head, he caught you as you coughed up a storm. Dripping nose, he carried you into the shower. Holding you to his chest as your weak legs dangled uselessly, he soaped your back. Focused on you, his free arm scrubbed you body. Down and around, he made sure to get every nook and cranny. His large finger welcomed water into your walls, rinsing away what was left of him. Your fingers traced the lines of his tattoos as he cared for you. 
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Wanna Live Forever by ZAYN inspired this mostly and it's taken forever to finish.... I've lost a lot of my motivation to write so I didn't even try to edit this... Sorry for the ghosting [unironic]
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tojikai · 2 years
Sooo am I right on this? Gojo was filled with Y/N's memoroes during his naughty times with Rie? Because idek how I am gonna convince myself that Gojo actually loves Rie when even at those times, he thinks of Y/N not Rie. I think it is a big telling that he really is just in denial. I mean him being jealous of Suguru, literally making theories to calm his insticts about Y/N and Suguru, him reminiscing memories of Y/N esepcially even during intimiate times with Rie, him wantint to take Y/N away possibly having her all for himself and comforting her from all the pain he has given, him kissing her hands so softly, him being disappointed with Rie and even not wanting her to be there, all the lies he has made with Rie through this fic. Like I just do not see any intention other than to keep Rie for comfort and him just feeling bad and guilty enough to not leave her. She is nothing more than a "support" system for him that he would have no problem with pulling the plug right away.
Also hot take, I agree with Gojo wanting to be back with Y/N. But i dojt think qhats stopping him is Rie, its himself. I think he knows damn well how much he has hurt Y/N, especially after learning about her cuts. I think he is scared to hurt her more and he is scared that he will not be better for her. He is threatned by Suguru, not just out of spite. But also because he knows he is 100% better for Y/N more than he is. He jealous of Suguru, because he has been there for Y/N more than he has even when they were dating. Its like how some kid idolize someone, Saturo knows in his heart Suguru could do much better than what he can. And this is a main reason why he is threatned. Saturo is an easy reflection of Rie. Both insecure about themselves as they know they will never be good enough for that someone they love. Rie knows as well that she could never love Gojo how Y/N does. She loves him, yes..But what Y/N can do for Gojo, how much care Y/N puts, how much love Y/N poured fpr Saturo. Rie could never do. Because even in times where Y/N should be screaming at Gojo, she stays in silent slowly blaming herself for her lover's fading feelings.
Rie can not, easily she will fight witj him. Especially righr after seeing how gentle and loving Gojo still is with Y/N. Almost foreshadowing how easily tainted their relationship is.
ooooh satoru being insecure of suguru 👀 considering that he noticed how consistent suguru is with staying and looking after yn, that's not entirely impossible :> and i love how you compared satoru and rie, this is such a good take !!
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three--rings · 2 years
Kinnporsche ep 14 liveblog
My thoughts as I watch the finale.  Warning a lot of them are complaining about the execution.  I’ll write something coherent later about the show as a whole.
Okay, so once again I’m super confused with how this show cuts between scenes.  Porsche went off with Vegas on his bike, then got into the main family’s house, put a gun to Korn’s head, then somehow directly after the cliffhanger ending of “your mom was my sister” he’s at his own house on Vegas’ bike again?  Like...maybe we find out this is a flashback before he confronts Korn but I don’t have faith in that given past instances of this in the show. 
This makes no sense....grr, anyway okay.
Okay I’m sorry but Porsche’s father getting shot was like the most fake getting shot reaction I’ve ever seen. 
Oh, okay I guess this is a flashback okay fine show point to you. 
So...do we believe Korn?  IDK IDK.  And I mean that would be truly shitty for Porsche, to find out his mom killed herself and left him and his brother alone.  Somehow I don’t quite buy it. 
So...he’s just dead?   Great so now Porsche stressed Kinn’s dad into death?  Fantastic.
And now he was poisoned?  Show you have GOT to be better about giving the audience information.  Seriously, like plot is NOT what this show does well.  Am I watching this show for Serious Mafia Drama?  No, no I am not. 
If this whole episode is Mafia Plot there better be some sex at the end.
By “head of our branch” does Chan mean Porsche?  Cause like isn’t he officially not a bodyguard anymore?  If not Porsche then I have no idea who he means.  See, this is what I’m talking about this shit is so fucking poorly written and confusing.  Oh wait, does he mean Pete?  Sigh.  Extra confusing by the next scene where Vegas tells Porsche he has to decide.  Decide WHAT precisely?
Oh, Vegas, what is Pete going to think when you just murdered all his friends.  Also fun watching the dead bodyguards breathing while we get the tragic last cigarette.
Yunno, maybe if you paid less for homoerotic bodyguards and more for like basic security like elevators you can lockdown this wouldn’t happen.
Fucking KINN.  I knew that was coming with other gun, but like COME ON.
30 guys and they all suddenly don’t have bullets?  I’m sorry this is just a level of cheese I can’t take.  I’m honestly TRYING here.  But come on.  Surely we could come up with a better way to make this a knife fight.
Suddenly we’re in Home Alone...okay.  Like, I can’t even figure out what the tone of this is supposed to be anymore. 
CHAY!  You did NOT just put headphones on your hair dye infused hair.  WTF.
Does Chay even know Kim is there?  He’s just gonna turn around from his product placement spot to find a bunch of corpses?  WTF Kim.
Okay thank you Vegaspete for giving me the first scene in this episode I’ve really enjoyed.  I love unhinged bloody-mouthed Vegas declaring his love to the man beating him up, kissing him, and then immediately ducking and running.  And Pete is just majorly confused.  Saving Vegas’ life by shooting him a little, beating him bloody, just...poor confused boy. 
Okay, points for me not really seeing Korn still being alive and REALLY not seeing Porsche’s mom still being alive. 
Okay but like clearly there’s something Korn doesn’t want known and that’s why he shot Gun right then.  And the Vegas standoff was so silly, like sure that’s how that would have gone down with mafia dudes.  But honestly, I’m like mostly in this for Vegaspete now which I would NOT have foreseen a handful of episodes ago. 
Bible is really skilled as an actor, though, damn. 
I just don’t EVEN know what to say about Kinn and Porsche and his mom and Korn and like that’s such a mess IDEK.
Okay, so LOVE the Vegaspete scene again.  Except for the part where Vegas gets shot.  Actually probably will love that part too because I don’t believe he’s dead.  Pete’s screaming after was a little unfortunate but whatever.
I kinda saw this coming way back when, that Porsche was going to be expected to be Kinn’s right hand like Gun was to Korn. 
Chay, baby boy that shit’s been on your hair so long you’re gonna be bald. 
Time jump??  Okkkaaay
Well my cat Weasel, who is very musical, enjoyed Kim’s song.
Yeah okay so S2 bait I suppose. 
Oh hey credit song in English!  Neat.
OMG why are Vegaspete the actual cutest? Why do I feel more about them than Kinnporsche at this point? 
God IDK IDK, this episode was messy and not playing to the show’s strengths, which are character and romance rather than plot and action.  As for the show as a whole, I’ll write something about that later.
I’m a little disappointed?  But it’s been a ride and I’ve mostly enjoyed it and I hope we do get S2 (which considering the success I can’t imagine we won’t.)
Not sure how they’ll actually make a S2 fully interesting but there’s enough plot hanging to I guess make it work. 
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torubeth · 2 years
suna rintarou headcanons
why, you ask…cuz i miss him. and i’m not doing so well after dat one shot. honestly idek wat dis is, jus stuff which i wholeheartedly believe ig ? :>
love language : physical touch. his hands are always hanging around your waist or thighs. subtle touches and small kisses from him are everybody’s essentials.
favorite places to kiss : literally everywhere but mostly on the neck, nose, lips, thighs, shoulder and did i say neck ?
nicknames he’d call you : angel, princess, baby, babe and he’s definitely the type to call you cringe names just to piss you off.
his type : he’d go for anyone. that’s it. all he needs is someone who’ll match his vibe, someone who’ll understand him. the quirky, cocky, sarcastic, daredevil personality is his top tier. although he finds the quiet ones cute. at the end of the day, anyone. (cuz y’all are jus *chefs kiss*!!)
you’re gonna tell me the guy’s a smoker ? yeah no. he’s the cool guy who declines it whenever he’s offered.
the type of person to think that making cereal is a talent. and honestly, i agree with him.
his camera roll is full of pictures and videos. of you. the storage definitely exceeded its limit, and he has to upgrade it but he just believes that no storage can contain all the stuff because he’ll just keep on taking them. with no regrets.
his playlist : the type of playlist that gets you hooked from song one. he’d have banger songs. mostly underrated ones. slowed version ? yes, slowed version. it’s his thing. and your playlist is on repeat and oh, y’all’s spotify blend ? constantly played it’s illegal.
he’s a tsundere. not that he isn’t all olaf around the team and your friends. as soon as it’s just the two of you, he’s putty in your hands. absolutely, devastatingly adorable. so very soft, and he sleep mumbles, not sleep talk. every time you thread your fingers through his hair, your voice nothing more than a whisper, his thoughts pour out like rain. it ranges from ‘i’m so lucky to have you baby’ ; ‘fuck, you’re beautiful you know that ?’ ; ‘you have really soft hands’ ; ‘i could stare at you all day- no, forever and never get bored’ to ‘for some odd ass reason, i ship our history teacher and chemistry teacher. do you ?’ ; ‘baby, dick has so many synonyms, i’m jealous’ ; ‘atsumu and osamu fighting is like two gorillas competing for a rotten ass banana’. he’s a talker only around you, and you could listen to him all day, everyday.
if you’re the type to throw on mismatched socks, don’t worry, he does too, we don’t judge here. ‘socks is socks right ?’ he quotes.
sneaky kisses are his favorite. skipping practice to go make out with you ? sign him up.
kisses with him aren’t rushed. it’s the one where each kiss has a very deep meaning to it. like he wants you to know what he’s thinking.
is such a fucking tease, it’s frustrating. but is also the one who’s very needy for your attention. see how the tables turn ?
bullying atsumu about him being single is something you’ve both found amusement in.
midnight drives ? midnight drives. he’ll text you around the wee hours of the morning and ask you to join him for a drive, which you obviously don’t decline. playlist blasting in the back, your head hanging out the rolled down window, screaming the lyrics to your favorite song. cheap store candy wrappers are everywhere, a bottle of water, for which the cap’s already missing and you’re both arguing on who has lost it, the small engine sounds in the background. one more memory added to the album in his storage.
walking home from school, he likes to take the long route so he could be with you just a bit longer. hands intertwined, kicking small rocks and pebbles which is in his path, ears on alert, always listening to you, the quietness of the evening is all something he wouldn’t trade for the world.
conclusion : an amazing boyfriend, amazing human being, who i’m very pissed isn’t existing in this world.
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postalenha · 3 years
on and off % jake
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pairing: playboybf!jake x reader genre: angst, fluff, lovers to exes, exes to lovers idek word count: 1.89k words requested: yes / prompt 14, “we called it off again last night.” / 18, “it’s been you all along.” / 19, “for the first time, i had something to lose.” synopsis: immaturity isn't needed in a relationship, but that seems to be jake's and your's specialty. warnings: curse words, mentions of drinking, throwing up, su!cide, toxic relationship, making out
"i thought you're going with jake today?" sunghoon asked as you hop into his car.
you rolled your eyes at the thought of riding in the same vehicle as the boy, "no, we called it off again last night."
"again?!" the boy exclaimed, "y/n, that's probably the nth time you guys called it off." he sighed in disbelief, "that's not how relationships work." he commented.
judgingly looking at his way, "yeah? like you know any better?"
"shut up." he started the engine, "this isn't about my love life."
"whatever." you blurt out, "i guess being bad at handling relationship runs in our blood." you jokingly said, as your cousin laugh.
he tilt his head smiling, "damn, of all things that can be passed down, that's what we got."
"well, at least we got good looks. that works as a payoff." he added. you agreed at him with a nod, "anyway." you changed the subject.
"i'm planning on ending it with jake." you stated. he looked at you, "no shit, you sure?" he assured, "to be honest, whatever makes you happy." he added, looking like he wanted to say something but he decided not to.
"don't apologize." you led before he could even say sorry for insisting that you should date his best friend, sim jaeyun.
"i'm not- okay whatever." he almost want to deny the urge but he saw you looking at him with a teasing face, "i just feel a little responsible for all the stress this relationship have caused you." he scratch the back of his head, as you slap his arm.
"shut up, dating him was my decision. you don't have to blame yourself for all the bad decisions i made for myself. i'm an adult now." you told him.
parking his car he nod his head, "okay. just remember i'm here if things are bad, okay?"
"okay." you said, before going out of his car. walking at the corridor of your building, trying to see if jake arrived earlier than you today.
and he certainly did. there he is on his designated seat beside the window, silently watching as the wilted leaves fall down from the tree.
the clock ticks time faster than you expected and your professor came in, not able to call out for jake's name to even talk to him.
sitting down to a chair, you told yourself that you'll talk to him later. and here you are, in front of jake sim at the rooftop of your university's main building.
it might be your lucky day for no one else is here but the two of you. this place is usually cramped with so many people and miraculously today isn't one of those days.
this may be one of the many signs sent from above that this relationship should end as it wasn't right from the beginning.
your blood boils as your cousin sunghoon pushes you into the table of his friend group, "come on! you wouldn't lose anything! he just want to talk to you." he shouts.
"then tell him i don't want to!" you shout back a little annoyed. the last thing you want to do tonight is talk to the famous serial dater, jake sim. "for i know, he just wants the best out of me!"
"come on! jake's not like that!" he defended his friend. to be honest, sunghoon is the last person you should be ranting to. for he is just like his friend, they play with girl's hearts for fun.
you rolled your eyes as you reach the table of ego. the decision of naming that wasn't yours, but the other students. they called this the table of ego because everyone in here got some solid ego. heeseung, jay, sunghoon, jake. all of them.
"y/n! you actually came!" heeseung cheered as soon as he saw you, he scooted a little bit on his right to leave some space between him and jake, "come sit!"
sitting beside him was probably one of the decisions you will forever regret in your life. the memory of that night was a blur. you barely recall anything that happened then.
the only thing that you remember was when jake was reaching for a kiss, you accidentally threw up on him before passing out.
the next day, he told you to be his girlfriend to compensate with the mess you gave his brand new shirt. you said yes just so he could shut up, telling yourself you'll break up with him after a day or two.
two months then passed and you are just breaking everything now. well, it's better late than never. you just didn't expect that he would actually be a good boyfriend.
he's mostly good, not until everything gets complicated even with nothing. you fight over the smallest thing like, not being able to respond to each other's text to someone getting jealous.
it wasn't the best relationship you've been in but it was a good experience. you learned so much and now, it's time to move on.
"what is it that you wanted to say?" jake impatiently snapped you back into reality. you swallowed a good amount of saliva before saying, "let's break up."
it was better to say it forward than beating around the bush. with this, more time and energy will be saved. because even if you give him an explanation he probably won't listen.
he slowly blinked and sighed, looking away he said "okay. if that's what you want." see. he wouldn't even bother asking you why.
well, if you get things easy. they would also go easily, "okay. it was fun meeting you." you head out, leaving him there.
he most probably would not be so upset that he might think of jumping off the building, but you still prayed that he wont.
and he didn't. you can guarantee that as you see that three weeks later jake sim is with a woman walking the same isle as you are. the chances of you seeing him here at this huge mall was small, but never impossible.
you grabbed your friend's hand trying to hide from the sight of the man, "what are you doing-"
"shut up, jake is here." you told here looking at their way, walking into a clothing store. you hurriedly go and sit at a restaurant far from them and ordered food when your friend speak up.
"y/n, what's the point of hiding now when you guys already broke up?" she patheticly looked at you who's trying to hide from a menu list.
putting the menu list down on the table, you crossed your arms, "i am not hiding from him. i simply don't want to involve myself with anything that has to do with him."
"yeah, like seeing him in a shopping mall involves you with him." she said with full sarcasm. "you have no idea how pathetic that sounded."
not listening to anything she said, you started eating your pasta. almost choking when you saw a familliar figure walk in the restaurant.
trying your best to lean down and not get noticed you hear your friend call, "jake!" you kick her feet under the table as you see jake wave back and walks closer.
"what the fuck did you just do?" you whispered at her, she just smiles like an idiot as jake reach your table.
"hello, jia." he greeted your friend, "hi, y'n."
flashing a fake smile, you said "hi." satisfied with how annoyed you are, jia announced "you guys can join us! we got two extra seats here."
"we don't want to intrude-" you cut him off, "yes, there are a lot of vacant tables. they sure can find their own, right?"
serving a glass of wine, a waiter says "oh, we're fully booked, ma'am. so if you want to eat here, you have to wait for another hour or so." he said pouring some on your glass. "if you'll excuse me."
"it would be rude if we don't invite you right? so join!" your friend cheered as the girl jake's with sit next to you.
taking a sip of your wine whenever jake helps the girl cut her steak, you became unaware of how drunk you are. "so, when did you meet jake?" you asked the girl.
to be frank, she was quiet the whole time. just sitting there, not saying a thing but a "thanks." whenever jake helps her with anything.
"you can't answer that? well can you tell me if you are able to use your hands to their purpose? like cutting off a steak or puring your own glass of wine?"
"y/n-" your friend tried to stop you. but you didn't listen. you just continued to blabber nonsense until jake grabbed your wrist to the bathroom.
shaking your hand off his grip you screamed at him asking, "why did you bring me here?!"
"y/n why are you being so rude?" he calmly asked you.
you sarcastically laughed, "i'm being rude? who's more rude when you're out here eating at the same table as your ex-girlfriend and your current girlfriend?"
"current girlfriend- y/n that's my cousin!" he tried to calm himself by breathing slowly, pushing the side of his mouth using his tounge "do you really think i could replace you that fast?"
the sudden question made you feel like someone cut off your tounge. because you mostly have answer for everything but this. his question caught you off guard.
"when you broke up with me, i never asked why. i knew you were tired and i don't want to exhaust you more." you hear his voice shake as he speak. "i was also tired and we both needed a break."
you looked straight at his eyes that are sparkling from moist done by the tears that he have been trying so hard to hold back, "but as time pass by, i felt more and more empty. there is a big mark of you in my heart that ever since you left, no one has ever filled."
"nobody could ever fit in, but you." cupping your face he also wipe your tears away. "i never felt that way before. it's like, for the first time, i had something to lose."
"jake, i-" it was as if you forgot how to compose a word. you never knew he felt the same way you did when you broke up with him.
maybe sunghoon was more of your cousin than he is jake's friend. because if jake only knew how many times you told sunghoon that you miss him, he would've came back faster than this.
he smiled pulling you into a hug, "it's fine if you don't feel the same way anymore. i understand that. but i just want you to know that i am not the douchebag you think i am."
pulling away from the hug, you see his eyes were bloodshot "sorry, the last thing i want to do is make you cry-" you pulled him into a kiss not letting another word out of his mouth.
running out of breath, you seperated his lips from yours. you widely smiled at him, "it’s been you all along."
kissing outside a three star restaurant's restroom isn't as ideal as other comeback stories, but you wouldn't ask for anything else. as long as you have jake in your arms, your heart is content.
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Jackson would include:
A/N: Crazy how I’ve gotten through almost all of the 7s already. Jackson’s was kinda hard bc I think he’s an actual combo of funny and romantic ?? Idk lemme know what you guys think. As always, based on my observations/ my perception of him.
He loves you with everything he’s got. No half assing it
If you get the wrong order at a restaurant he’ll call the waiter back so that it’s correct
“Are you checking me out?” “No” “it’s okay the heart wants what the heart wants” “my heart wants to throw up.”
His hugs feel like home
When he doesn’t get his way he’s sooooo pouty you just give in there’s no other way I’m sorry
Loves being the center of attention, but for you, he’ll share it LMAO
Never lets you lift a finger to carry something heavy
Very very protective of you
He’s so convincing when he’s talking bullshit. His hand gestures just sell it for some reason
Will only be big spoon
Will (not seriously) serenade you and will hold your hand and pretend he’s in a music video
Really really wants your parents to love him
Will bring you flowers on the first date
Goes out of his way to find the thing you like that you mentioned once before
I feel like he smells soooo nice
After you’ve spent a day with him you’ll smell like him too
Kisses you before he leaves the house, kisses you goodnight, kisses u thru FaceTime, he literally doesn’t care he will find a way
Always talks about the kind of future y’all will have together
“Are you really gonna do it?” “I promise you $10000000000 and 3 cents that I will”
Soooooo extra
Like so extra
Wants to make you proud
Can talk for hours about his future projects
Super duper competitive over the dumbest things
Cuddling is his favourite
He’ll go to you second when he has a problem bc first is his mom sorry bout it
Bro if you wanted to do like bungee jumping or something it would take hourssss to convince him and then when u get there he’s like “nope I’m not doing it what if I DIE? Then who’s gonna run Team Wang? How do you think Jinyoung would feel???”
But then he’ll see you bungee jump and be like “okay I have to be manly I have to do it” and then when he bungee jumps he’s SHRIEKING ITS SOOOO LOUD
When he makes time for you, he makes time for you. He won’t even look at his phone.
He knows he’s handsome but it hits different hearing it come from you,,, he will literally be like “Stopppp 🤗🤗 What else do you like about me?”
Both of you will hold in your laughter when something happens at an inappropriate time
If you’re angry at him he’ll literally do anything to make you laugh
Tells himself daily affirmations
“Do you think if I stretch every morning when I wake up that I’ll get taller? Why not???? ���️☹️“
Would wrap his arms around you while you guys look at the city skyline at night AHHH
Will make friends ANYWHERE it doesn’t matter where
Screams when you turn the lights off
Loves to say what he’s thinking
Says he would fight anyone for you BUT he draws the lines at ghosts
“I am not gonna allow a demon to possess me”
Keeps an extra pair of pajamas for you at home
Makes sure his house is stocked up with your favourite things
Wants you to feed him
Will send you cute lil update pictures throughout the day
Idek what his love language is bc this man is everything
Bro taking care of him drunk would be soOoOooOo funny because this man loves everyone sober so he’s gonna be an extra lover boy DRUNK
Jackson is also team “I hate the people you hate” like he’s just WAITINGGGG FOR YOU TO SPILL THE TEA
But at the same time he’s like “don’t let the bad energy affect you. Be the better person.”
Yet he can’t stop listening to the gossip??? HUH INTER ESTING
Will show you offffff ((you know like that Will And Jada Smith red carpet picture??? Exactly that but more)))
like he will hype you up even when you don’t think you look good
Will step between you and anyone if it’s obvious you look uncomfortable
Comes up with a lot of ridiculous “what if” scenarios that he throws at you when he’s bored
“What if your second grade crush confessed his feelings for you would you leave me then?” “What if otters could produce milk. Like would you eat the cheese? I would”
He just makes you blush so easily why is he so good at words
His laugh makes you laugh it’s just so funny
Pulls out the chair for you, holds the door for you, makes sure you’re comfortable at all times
Every time he says “I love you” it just feels so right
Super energetic for the events in your life and it genuinely makes him sad when he can’t make it
Gets sooo excited to see you after so long like a literal puppy
When he gets mad he speaks so fast you have no time to interject
And when he’s mad he won’t be willing to listen to what you have to say
Gets distracted easily
Sometimes you’ll rant and at the end of it he’ll be like “YA! THE GUY SUCKS.” And you’ll look at him like ??? And he’s like “… sorry I wasn’t listening”
Isnt afraid to clown you ESPECIALLY when you clown him
You know like the Blake Lively - Ryan Reynolds type flirting? It’s exactly like that between u two. It’s obvious you guys are together but in the insta comments you’ll just act like “I have no idea who this man is”
Knows what you like to order at any restaurant
I feel like if you guys didn’t work out you could still be friends. His love for you is apparent either way.
He loves you more than anything and you know it
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cno-inbminor · 3 years
idek sighs -- heed the warnings
domestic bliss + soft to hard dom!akaashi with a senpai kink, dirty talk, praising, some degradation, dumbification/mind break, fingering, unprotected sex, slight size kink if you squint, creampie.
unedited. ~1.7k. i love akaashi, what’s new
akaashi has a crazy schedule sometimes, especially when new seasons are coming around and everyone's absolutely scrambling. it's full of headaches he knew were coming but didn't really want, lots of keeping up with artists and making sure they're still motivated and passionate -- sometimes, he's worried that you'll forget how much he loves you, how his motivation to get his work done asap is so he can come home to you and pass out in your arms, how he might not be showing you all the love and affection in the world but,,
more often than not, he can come home at a reasonable time. you might be cooped up in bed or hunched over your desk, but there's always either takeout or leftovers wrapped up for him in the microwave. he gets to eat while you chat with him across the table with a cup of tea or lemon water, never failing to wrap an arm around your waist when you stand to put his dishes in the sink and tilting his head up as far as he can to lay a thankful peck on your cheek. but most of all, he gets to shower with you.
showers are comfort zones for minds like his, able to tune in to the constant beating of water against the tiles. there's no rush for him to get anywhere (unless he's at forseeable danger of falling asleep and cracking his head open), and more importantly, you're there with him. you two get to stand as close as possible under the shower stream so the stream hits you both (he angles the shower head a little bit more in your direction though). often times, he wraps his limbs around your waist and basks in the feeling of your skin against his, warmth and steam clouding the bathroom. akaashi can take his sweet time laying gentle kisses and nips along your shoulder and neck or staring affectionately into your eyes, no need to ever say anything. adoration, gratitude, disbelief, domestic bliss, all melded together into shining blue orbs. other times, he cradles your neck with his pretty hands and languidly kisses you, sometimes pressing with more force as he focuses on just how soft your lips are, how sensual the glide is and burns his nerves, how lucky he is to give his heart to an angel like you.
he loves you so very, very dearly.
sometimes he misses your soft moans and mewls right in his ear, how misty and hazy your vision and head seems to get in the shower. he was a setter, he was the beacon of control, and loves knowing that his nimble fingers can unravel you as much or as little as he wants, as fast or as painstakingly slow as he demands. there are days when he's too tired to stand under the water stream and sits in the tub instead, pulling you against his chest. the body contact and warmth is needed in the first few minutes when the tiles are still cold and prickling against your skin, but that gives him time to tease and relish in how 100% of your body is so sensitive, just for him. it fires him up like nothing else, and he frequently has to hold back from slipping his fingers inside you and pressing incessantly against the spot that drives you wild.
it's never a surprise to you when these days happen because akaashi always has your vibrator handy, a cute little turquoise g-spot kind -- he is a service dom through and through and his pleasure is mainly derived from pulling you apart and having you tightly clutching his thighs and neck. he starts slow, soft nips into your skin, hands ghosting over your breasts and nipples. you feel the curve of his smirk as they react and harden quickly from his touches, occasionally shivering when a stray water bullet lands harshly on the tip of nerves. "so good for me, love you, princess," he murmurs into your ear and your breath hitches when he rubs slow, gentle circles of your clit. it's just enough to turn your brain into mush, but not enough to be completely satisfied because you want more, always more with this man until you're drunk on nothing but his fingers and tongue and cock.
the swirling in the pit of his stomach growls dangerously because he wants so badly to hear those pleas fall off your tongue, begging and demanding for pleasure that can only be given to you by him and other allowable aids. "be good, use your words for me, mmk? be good for senpai, i know you can, and i'll reward you. don't you want my cock inside you, princess? i know how much you like to be stretched out for me, showing what a good little cock slut you are--"
"keiji, please!" you half sob, half whimper, your hips bucking as he slips two fingers inside you, instantly curling them so he can batter them against your g-spot. the grip of his free arm around your waist is tight and keeps you in place, victim to the toe-curling pleasure your boyfriend never fails to give. "pleasepleaseplease, wan' more, n-need more, please--"
"taught you so well, haven't i?" he groans into your neck, cock painfully hard from how your words wind him up. "all for me, right? hmm?"
"yes, senpai, all for you, promise!" you cry. a small scream echoes through the bathroom as keiji fits a 3rd finger in and you feel that slight, addicting burn, immediately thinking about how good you wanna be for 'kaashi. it's not long before you're creaming and cumming around those appendages, mind going positively blank as you arch your back and twitch as he draws your orgasm out. his praises send you faster down the path of overstimulation, torn between wanting to stop and staying for more. you always end up choosing the latter because how could you say no to senpai?
the whines that leave your body almost has him cum right then and there when he removes his fingers, leaving you dizzy and blissfully aware of how empty you feel at the moment. without inhibitions, you push yourself up and start grasping around for his cock, desperate to be filled once again. akaashi knows what you're going for, helping to readjust so you're both comfortable but hands gripping your waist before you can sink down onto him. "did you forget your manners? what do you ask senpai?"
" 'm sorry senpai," you sniffle and wrack your brains. "c-can i please have your cock inside me, please senpai? wan' it so bad, keiji, so so bad--"
akaashi loosens up lets you slide halfway down his shaft, leaning you back so you're helpless against him. it's enough to have you babble about how big he is, your hand mindlessly laying on top of your abdomen in dazed approximation of how deep he might be. when he feels your gummy walls clench around him, he can't help but thrust the rest of his length inside you, bottoming out and cursing into your shoulder. "fuck, such a good cock slut, taking me so well. senpai's so proud of you, doing so good for me pretty girl, love being inside you--"
"need you to fuck me, s-senpai -- hnng --"
" 'm not fucking you right if you're still talking, hmm? can't have that, now can we?"
it doesn't take much for you to go completely limp, surrendered to his thrusts and battering of your pussy, reaching most of the sensitive spots deep inside that have you shaking and mewling. your pants and nonsensical, broken phrases of how much you love his cock fuel the possessive monster in his gut. his eyes roll back as he relishes in how tight, warm, and soaked you are, eyes catching a glimpse of the ring of cream around the base of his length. he shakily reaches for the vibrator lying innocently on the edge of the tub, thanking waterproof technology as he holds the power button down to turn it on. his thrusts slow down a bit so he can accurately find your clit, and when you squeal into your fist, he pushes down more and falls back into his usual pace.
he counts down in his head, basking in how your walls close down more and more and more until you cum again, upper torso lifting and tensing up in the snap of the coil before collapsing again with the scream of his name in his ear. he holds you down with a large palm on your abdomen, your body fighting against it as you twitch and shake from overstimulation. "love it when you cum on my cock, such a good little fuck toy -- gonna let senpai cum inside you? fill you up? you want it, no?"
"p-please, your cum, wan' it please, wan' your cum so bad," you manage to plead, a shred of clarity miraculously gracing you. a few strokes later and a bite into your shoulder, akaashi spills everything he has. you're so lovely to take it all, and even after he slips out, he knows you're subconsciously doing your best to keep it all inside you. that doesn't stop the tendrils of satisfaction from wrapping around his heart as some cum managers to escape you, allowing the water to wash it down the drain.
aftercare consists of cleaning you up until the hot water runs out, soft and thorough as you come back to him with a bleary smile and lazy kisses. praises and compliments never stop until you're giggling from his cheesiness and you do your best to soap and wash his hair. he does his best to help you out of the bathtub and get you a towel to dry off, hurriedly working on his own body to get back to you. akaashi doesn't move more than 3 feet away from you if he can help it.
and when you're both cuddled in bed, facing each other and hands clasped together, akaashi thinks he has it all because most importantly...
he has you.
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transmascfrankiero · 4 years
all of mcr’s songs ranked out of ten based on whether or not you can strip to them:
romance: could work if you were going for a Super Melancholy smiths-esque vibe but overall too slow and pretty. 1/10
honey: headbanger soundtrack to showcase your revenge body to ur ex. bonus points for underlying ‘gonna murder shitty boyfriend’ context thanks to audition-inspired video. but slightly too angry to be seductive. 5/10
vampires: too goth, too many feelings. reminds me of pot dreads frank. would not work. 0/10
drowning lessons: this song is cursed and cannot be listened to in public unfortunately 0/10
sorrows: if u were going to do a strip routine while beating the shit out of someone for trying to stealing ur tip money this would be a gr8 choice 6/10
halos: it’s about blowing your own head off and taking too many pills to cope w/ wanting to die all the time. 0/10
turnstiles: please do not!!! strip!!! to a song!!! about 9/11!!!! what is wrong w/ you!!! -100000000/10
monroeville: if u were doing a private lil strip dance for your george a. romero-obsessed s.o. where u both cry over the idea of having to kill the other person b/c they turned into a zombie then sure??? but other than that no. .5/10
best day ever: ehhhhhh. too fast. kinda weird to get sexy to unless u have a hospital kink. 0/10
cubicles: wow the thought of doing a strip routine to a song about pining for ur coworker who doesn’t know u exist is too sad to even joke about -20/10
demolition lovers: it’s a long song but it’s got cool tempo changes for variety and if u got the stamina then go for it. 4/10
helena: so, like, i get it. it’s a bop. u could dance to this beat for sure. the costumes and color scheme from the video make for gr8 stage pictures and the dancing corpse lady is v pretty. i could understand why if u were doing an emo strip routine u would want to use helena. but please for the love of all that is holy do NOT strip to a song gerard way wrote about his dead grandmother okay i am BEGGING you -∞/10
to the end: this would be a hilarious choice for a bachelor party ngl 7/10 for that alone
prison: absolutely you could strip to this song but u gotta COMMIT okay u gotta light something on fire onstage and challenge gender norms while screaming your head off 8/10 but only if ur not a coward
i’m not okay: it’s a bop, but can u strip to it? no. 0/10
ghost of you: mikey way did not die on a beach in fake normandy for u to strip to ghost of you. seek help -5/10
jetset life: dude this song like. actually works??? for a strip routine??? so long as you don’t actually listen to the words, from a musical perspective, u could totally strip to this 10/10
interlude: what kinda weird catholic shame kink do u need to have to strip to this song. also it’s too short and too pretty. -5/10 (unless ur into catholic shame idk)
venom: this would require such a high energy routine but if u can make being sweaty work then this is a gr8 choice 7/10
hang ‘em high: this is a BATSHIT INSANE choice for a strip routine but if u want to do it then PLEASE do. i like ur style. 8/10
deathwish: u can strip to this only if u introduce ur routine by dedicating it to everyone who ever said eyeliner on dudes was gay. 5/10
cemetery drive: i think not. 0/10
never told you: if u are a highly theatrical highly murderous stripper then yes definitely 7/10
desert song: this song is Way Too Beautiful to strip to sorry you can’t have it -300/10
the end.: the only sexy thing about this song is how good gerard’s voice sounds so no. 0/10
dead!: this is a bold fucking choice but u have to play your cards just right. high risk high reward but SO much to potentially get wrong 6/10
how i disappear: u could. but why. 2/10
sharpest lives: holy SHIT yes ABSOLUTELY u should strip to sharpest lives. the drama. the beat. the spy rock guitar that frank accidentally nailed. this is one of THE choicest options from their catalog. why aren’t u stripping to this right now 50000000/10
wttbp: cute idea but don’t actually 0/10
i don’t love you: again, a bold fucking choice. u could strip to this in an edgy, meta sort of way but it’s missing the trashy factor so it’d have to be part performance art and part strip routine. if ur into that then totally 5/10
house of wolves: i mean i would pay money to see someone strip to this song so 7/10
cancer: LMAO YIKES -2000000/10
mama: this would be GLORIOUS if u fully embraced the sheer insanity and went Bonkers in Fuckin Zonkers burlesque-show-in-hell w/ it. 100/10 but u gotta pound the floor wailing at some point
sleep: i’m conflicted on this one like on the one hand it’s a good tempo for stripping but on the other hand it’s a song about being cruel to ur loved ones in order to force distance between u and them b/c you’re terrified of them getting hurt and it being all your fault. so maybe don’t strip to this one actually 0/10
teenagers: a bop w/ a great beat and fun costume ideas from the video but two major drawbacks being 1. ur getting naked to a song about teenagers which is uhhhh sort of Inappropriate and 2. it’s kind of also about school shooters which is also Inappropriate to get naked to. 0/10
disenchanted: why would u want this. you sad fuck. idek what to say except if you want to strip to this song i’m crying on your behalf -100000000/10
famous last words: don’t????? don’t. Do Not. stop that. -12/10
blood: this is HILARIOUS omg please strip to blood 10/10
kill all your friends: sure?? no objections but it’s an odd choice. this goes for the demo too. 2/10
heaven help us: if u want to strip to this then you definitely just read unholyverse for the first time and while u are valid, Don’t 0/10
my way home is through you: not an especially sexy song but it’s fun!! you do you 3/10
astro zombies (cover): uhhhhhh it’s a no from me dawg. i’d be thinking about danzig, like, the whole time. 0/10
desolation row: sure but u gotta be willing to get punched in the face by the riot squad for maximum effect 4/10
common people (cover): just b/c gerard would strip to britpop doesn’t mean u can. 0/10
emily: NO!!!! -50000/10
party at the end of the world: nah. 0/10
not that kind of girl: literally please consider the subject matter of this song and rethink ur life choices. -10/10
all the angels: it’s a cool song but don’t strip to it that’s weird -2/10
jack the ripper: you and the person who wants to strip to astro zombies can go sit in the suicidegirls corner together how about that. 0/10
na na na: a banger!! strip away my friend 9/10
bulletproof heart: a good song but not a strip song 1/10
sing: sorry this song is [REDACTED] it gets no score
planetary (go!): you could try to strip to this but it’s such a classic four-on-the-floor that i think you’d end up just regular dancing to it and forget to be sexy so 4/10
the only hope for me is you: are you doing a strip tease for michael bay. stop. put ur shirt back on shia lebeouf 0/10
party poison: like this is a hilarious option and i support you but realistically it’s pretty fast for a strip song 3/10
save yourself, i’ll hold them back: this is a safe option. Too Safe. almost soulless. a person who’d strip to this would avoid eye contact the entire time and never smile and later when you went out for a smoke break you’d overhear them on the phone with their ex arguing over child support payments. 4/10
s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w: the more i think about it the more fun the idea of stripping to this becomes so i say go for it 6/10
summertime: i’m Certain that gerard would prefer if you didn’t -5/10
destroya: is this objectively the best mcr song to strip to? Absolutely. it’s got everything you could possibly want right down to built-in moans and fever dream drums. but the only person in the universe who Can Must and Should strip to this song is gerard. sorry them’s the breaks. ∞/10 but only if you’re gerard way
kids from yesterday: don’t. 0/10
vampire money: 100% yes you should strip to this. bonus points for stealth twilight references 1000000/10
we don’t need another song about california: do i like this song? yes. is it sexy? no. 0/10
black dragon fighting society: i can’t understand what the FUCK gerard is saying in this song AT ALL so i can’t recommend that u strip to it b/c i have no fucking idea what it’s ABOUT 0/10
f.t.w.w.w.: i mean. this song is about eating pussy. and robots that are built specifically to fuck. so yes you can strip to this but you gotta dress up like a pornbot 100/10
mastas of ravencroft: again i cannot understand most of the fucking words and the ones i do understand are something something RICKETY BONES RICKETY HANDS so like. probably not the one 0/10
boy division: i could go either way on this one like it’s really fast but it’s also about cocaine so??? 3/10
tomorrow’s money: while this song slaps overall violent nihilism does not a strip song make 1/10
ambulance: no. 0/10
gun.: antiwar messages are sexy but not the right kind for stripping 1/10
the world is ugly: PLEASE no. 0/10
the light behind your eyes: oh my god this is so DEPRESSING why would you want to strip to this who hurt you -2000000/10
kiss the ring: yes yes yes it’s got built-in audience participation conceit factor if u let ur audience kiss ur ring, totally works 10/10
make room!!!: again, slaps, but not a strip song 1/10
surrender the night: dude we talked about this!!! dying violently w/ ur loved ones is Not Sexy!!! 0/10
burn bright: i guess you could strip to this but again it’s Too Safe tread carefully 3/10
fake your death: i want frank iero to strip to this song so i can throw tomatoes at him for being a LYING SACK OF SHIT FOR TWO YEARS i’m not gonna rate this one but frank if ur out there i have a basket of slightly squishy heirloom tomatoes and i am COMING FOR YOU
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Fluff Headcanons
Pocky Day Special
↬ Playing pocky game with them
Pairing: Yamaguchi Tadashi, Akaashi Keiji & Yaku Morisuke
Warning: Tiiny bit of swearing and tooth rotting fluff 🥺🥺
Words: 2.6k
- GN!Reader
Taglist: @ssucrose @laylahoran @whootwhoot @mirakeul @sunacity @hajibee @luv4kiyoomi @tamaguchi @cadenceh2o @yamagucji @ynainnit @tsukisemi [Join my taglist here!]
A/N: i know im 2 days late,, but whatever, better late than never >:( and you bet i did research on the pocky flavours for this 😎😎 and yes, i may say this is pretty self indulgent since theyre all my husbandos but shuuussh 🙄🙄 this got longer as it progressed and idek why--- istg its not bc of favouritism or anything okay 😣😣
↬ Yamaguchi Tadashi
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『Cookies & Cream flavoured Pocky』
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➳ It wasn't such a bad idea to play around once in a while
➳ So you bought a pack of Cookies and Cream pocky to play with Yamaguchi
➳ He wasn't too big on the idea at first, since you two are just FRIENDS after all
➳ Not for long though 
➳ But you managed to convince him, saying that it'll be fun and stuff
➳ He reluctantly gave in eventually
➳ You gave him the advantage of biting his end first, and you scooted closer to bite yours 
➳ When I tell you you could feel the heat radiating from his face
➳ The both of you started the game after you counted to three
➳ You started off pretty slowly, then you sped up after noticing Yamaguchi's pace slowing down
➳ You were nearing the middle of the pocky, when all of a sudden Yamaguchi picked up the pace and reached the middle of the pocky
➳ But he didn't stop there
➳ Instead of moving away and claiming his victory, he continued biting until he reached your lips
➳ You were shocked, obviously, so you just sat there and stared at Yamaguchi's closed eyes as he continued to kiss you
➳ After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled away and looked at you. As soon as he noticed you're a blushing mess, a small smirk formed on his face
➳ “Well, wasn't that fun?”
➳ Your blush darkened and you narrowed your eyes at him
➳ “You sly little….”
➳ “You should've expected that coming though~”
➳ “Well, you sped up all of a sudden!! How was I supposed to see that coming?!”
➳ You grabbed the pocky box and took another stick out
➳ “Let's do it again. I won't lose this time.”
➳ Let's just say that this went on for a pretty long time and at the end of the day, you decided it'd be best to just confess your feelings to him 
➳ (Which was also "coincidentally" the sole reason you wanted to play a pocky game with him)
↬ Akaashi Keiji
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『Matcha flavoured Pocky』
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➳ Unlike the matcha pocky, your first kiss with your boyfriend was, minty 
➳ You and Akaashi just started going out and one day, during a sleepover that was held at Bokuto's house, all of you decided to play pocky game since it was the 11th of November 
➳ Of course, as a new (and also the only) couple in the group, the both of you were targeted as the ones to play the game first 
➳ You felt a bit conflicted about this matter. Of course, it would be a dream come true to get to kiss Akaashi (who would even let that chance slip by) but you're also not sure if you wanted your first kiss to be because of a party game
➳ Akaashi noticed your reluctance and figured that you might not be ready to kiss him yet, since you two just started dating after all 
➳ (Not gonna lie, he was pretty dejected but he valued your feelings first and foremost like the gentleman he is so he won't force you if you don't want to.)
➳ “I'm sorry, but can we pass this one up? I don't think L/N is ready to--”
➳ “We'll do it!! I mean-- I'll do it! I'm totally okay with doing it!”
➳ You quickly interrupted Akaashi and grabbed the Matcha pocky box from the table before taking one pocky stick out
➳ “L-let's do this…”
➳ You bit one end of the pocky and moved closer to Akaashi to make it easier for him to bite his side of the end
➳ Kaori and Bokuto both whistled at your boldness which made you blush even harder. Akaashi sent a silent glare their way in an attempt to make them shut up, to which they did (but not without smirking and grinning like cats at the sight of you and Akaashi)
➳ The game started and you could feel everyone's stares digging a hole inside you
➳ The two of you started at a pretty slow pace, and it felt like the pocky was kilometres long given how long it took for you to reach the middle
➳ As the both of your faces started to get closer, your heart thumped louder and louder, making you worried that Akaashi would hear it
➳ You took a glance at his face, and just as you did, almost as if he noticed your glance, he looked back at you
➳ Seeing Akaashi's beautiful eyes staring back at yours in such close proximity made your brain stopped working for a moment and in a state of panic, you accidentally snapped the pocky in two and stumbled backwards 
➳ Akaashi blinked in confusion at the whole situation, which just made your brain short circuited and steams started to escape from your ears
➳ You became a stuttering mess and you couldn't sit back up until Akaashi held out a hand to help you
➳ As soon as you got to sit up straight again, you immediately buried your face in his chest and murmured “It's my lost….”.
➳ Akaashi finished biting the leftover pocky and held you closer to him
➳ “That was a good game,” he whispered back
➳ Everyone started to give you two lovebirds teasing grins and laughs 
➳ The game continued with you still buried in Akaashi's chest, with you occasionally giving curious glances to see exactly what was happening
➳ After some time, everyone started to get sleepy and decided that it was time to sleep
➳ After what just happened, you honestly didn't really feel like sleeping
➳ So instead you whispered Akaashi's name and gestured for him to come closer after you two were ready to lay down on the futon
➳ “What is it, L/N?”
➳ He came closer to you but was surprised when you suddenly pulled the collar of his shirt and tiptoed just enough to reach his face before planting a kiss on his lips
➳ The kiss smelled and tasted a bit like mint, since you two just brushed your teeth and all, but you honestly weren't complaining at all. It was refreshing 
➳ Right after you parted your lips, you tried to look at him straight in the eyes (keyword: tried) and explained your actions
➳ “S-sorry I suddenly snapped the pocky….it was an accident...well, kind of. Besides that, I wanted our first kiss to be special so uhm…”
➳ Akaashi understood your intention now and he couldn't help but to give a soft chuckle at your flustered self
➳ “W-what's so funny??”
➳ “Nothing, it's just…..you were too cute so…”
➳ You silently screamed at him and lightly punched his arm as he continued chuckling. The both of you were still careful so as to not make any noise and wake up the others though
➳ (Kind of useless though since they were just pretending to sleep and already witnessed your lovey-dovey couple moments)
↬ Yaku Morisuke
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『Tsubu Tsubu Strawberry flavoured Heart Shaped Pocky』
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➳ It all started with a stupid dare by Kuroo 
➳ Of course, how could you chicken out and refuse if that was the case?
➳ Apparently, Kuroo’s older sister bought too many boxes of pocky and gave him some. He thought of sharing them with the team and brought them to school
➳ After practice was done, however, he got a brilliant idea
➳ He distributed the boxes to everyone but when he got to you, he got a different way to give them
➳ “Here you go, Y/N. A heart shaped pocky, special just for you, the manager. Tsubu tsubu strawberry flavoured.”
➳ “Oh, I’ve seen this type of pocky on the internet before. They look so cute! But I didn’t manage to find them anywhere. Thanks--”
➳ Just as you were about to take the box from him, he retreated back his hand and held the box higher and out of reach from you 
➳ You looked at him with visible confusion, and he smirked down at you
➳ “Well, this is a special type of pocky you know? It feels like a waste to just give it to you like that.”
➳ “Didn’t you say that I got the special one because I’m the manager?”
➳ You’re starting to get annoyed at his attitude but you tried to cover it up with a forced smile
➳ “Still, this is the only heart shaped pocky I got from my sister…..Hmmm what should I do~?”
➳ You tried to grab the box from him, but he only held the box higher and on top of that, used his other hand to push your face away from him
➳ You finally ran out of patience and started to go full on feral mode at him
➳ This is why no one messed with you regarding the subject of candies and sweets
➳ It was quite a scene, and Kai had to step in to ease the fight
➳ Kuroo finally lowered his arms and you took that as an opportunity to snatch the pocky box 
➳ But he used the same trick again and moved his arms away before you could reach it
➳ “I’ll give you the pocky, under one condition.”
➳ You looked at him with extreme irritation. His name’s going to be in your blacklist for sure now
➳ “What?” You said, rather begrudgingly.
➳ Kuroo smirked in victory. He turned away from you and faced the direction Yaku was in.
➳ “Yakkun! Come here for a sec!”
➳ Your heart literally jumped out of your chest at that moment. Kuroo’s planning something, and whatever it was, you’re not gonna like it
➳ “So here’s the thing. I’ll give you the pocky, but only after you complete a pocky game, with Yakkun. How’s that?”
➳ Your face turned dark red at his proposal. 
➳ “Are you crazy?! There’s no way I’ll do that!”
➳ You whisper yelled at him so as to not raise any suspicion from Yaku.
➳ “And why won’t you, hmm?”
➳ Seeing his teasing grin and narrowed eyes, you knew at that moment, that Kuroo knew of your crush on Yaku. 
➳ “W-what-- how do you--? Don’t tell me you knew?” 
➳ “Knew what? Are you hiding something perhaps?”
➳ You gritted your teeth in frustration. Oh, he knew alright. And he’s gonna pretend as if he doesn’t
➳ “Whatever, and why should I even do this?”
➳ “To get your desired special heart shaped tsubu tsubu strawberry flavoured pocky?”
➳ Phew that was a mouthful
➳ He swung the pocky box in front of you, tempting you even more
➳ Just as you were about to agree to play the game, a realization struck you
➳ “Ha! Nice try there, Kuroo. What makes you think Yaku would even want to play this game with me?”
➳ “Play what game?” 
➳ You literally jumped from your position in shock when Yaku’s voice suddenly came up behind you, earning a snicker from Kuroo
➳ “I dared Y/N to play a pocky game with you, and if they did, they’ll receive this special pocky as a prize.”
➳ You internally screamed and tried to keep yourself from murdering this rooster head but Yaku’s unexpected reaction made you forget about the murderous instinct for a moment
➳ “Oh, okay. Sure, let’s play it then.”
➳ “W-wait, are you really, REALLY sure you wanna play it with me??”
➳ “I don’t see anything wrong with that. Besides, you’ve helped us -me especially- a lot by being our manager already. Helping you with something this trivial is the least I can do.”
➳ You tried to hide the blush that was creeping up your face and Kuroo, noticing your heating face immediately nudged your arm while displaying a much wider grin than before
➳ You excused yourself for a moment and took out your phone before googling “Can you stay friends with someone you just kissed?” in the case of you two kissing after the pocky game
➳ “Well then, here you go. I’ll give you mine since I still have some more at home.”
➳ Yaku took the box of pocky from Kuroo after he fished it out from his bag and opened the packaging. He took one out and bit the end without the coating
➳ Noticing that Yaku's ready for the game, you put back your phone inside your uniform pocket. You gulped once and tried to calm your nerves as you moved closer to him to bite your side of the pocky
➳ When you scooted closer to him however, he didn’t notice your presence until you were directly in front of him and biting the pocky with a heavy blush on your face
➳ Yaku stared at you with his wide, brown eyes for a moment before snapping the pocky into two out of reflex and fell on his back
➳ All of the others stared in shock at Yaku who’s now on the floor, covering his face with one hand. It was pretty obvious that he was blushing, even if he tried to hide it. His reddening ears gave it all away
➳ “Yaku, what’s wrong?”
➳ Kai was the first to break the silence. You were still shocked at his overreaction so you were just standing there with the half broken piece of pocky still in your mouth
➳ “Wait--I-- I just--- Uhm--- I thought we were playing a pocky game???”
➳ You had probably never seen Yaku this flustered before in your entire life. It was certainly a sight to see, but it just made your blush grew darker on your face
➳ “And you were….Wait, don’t tell me, you don’t know how a pocky game works?”
➳ Kuroo guessed with a snap of his fingers, as if he just made a great discovery
➳ “Don’t each person just take a pocky for themselves and it’s a game where you compete on who can finish their pocky first?”
➳ Kuroo covered his mouth to prevent any laugh from escaping and your soul had probably left your body at this point. The second-hand embarrassment you were feeling was no joke
➳ Kuroo tried to explain the rules of the game to Yaku, which just ended up making the libero blush even harder than before
➳ “Who even invented this game….”
➳ He whispered underneath his breath after Kuroo’s explanation. He looked at you who were surrounded by the first years poking their fingers at your arms and asking, “Are they dead?” with a troubled sigh
➳ “Okay….let’s do this again.”
➳ He finally got up and took out another pocky stick. Your soul finally returned to your body when he was in front of you and holding out the pocky with his mouth 
➳ “It’s okay if you don’t want to do it, Yaku! I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything….”
➳ Yaku silenced you by grabbing both your shoulders firmly, but not so much with force, as if he’s treating a fragile thing
➳ “It’s okay. I really don’t mind if I’m playing this... with you.”
➳ You bit the other side of the pocky and tried to focus on eating without thinking too much on what he just said, which just ended up in a total failure by the way
➳ The both of you went on a steady pace but when you finally almost reached the middle of the pocky, you both simultaneously stopped and stared down awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact with one another
➳ Many thoughts ran through the both of your heads, and all of it were more or less the same
➳ “What if I accidentally kissed him/them? He/they probably wouldn’t like that….”
➳ “He/they would probably even hate me if that happened…..”
➳ After several seconds had passed, you two finally decided to continue biting on the pocky. And simultaneously once again, might I add
➳ This just resulted in the both of your lips to brush against one another in the end, and you swore your heart just escaped from your chest when you felt the sensation of Yaku’s lips brushing against yours
➳ You and Yaku both moved and turned away from one another, too embarrassed to face the other
➳ “Well, you’ve cleared the dare, so here’s your prize.”
➳ Kuroo casually put the box of pocky on top of your head and left the gym to head back home, followed by the others, intentionally leaving you and Yaku alone in the gym
➳ Okay, maybe you can at least lift Kuroo’s name from your blacklist after this. After all, he did help you get closer to your crush…..kinda
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Say It Don’t Spray It
Pairing: John Laurens x reader
Warnings: Language, alcohol, suggestive material, FUCK TON OF ANGST KIDS, kinda sad, John doesn’t know when to shut up :,)
Part 2
Request: hey! my request was a laurens x reader where they're frenemies, n one day they get into this huge fight that stems from nothing, angst angst angst, and then he comes to her house to apologize. they simultaneously realize they have feelings for one another, and fluff fluff fluff...idek know after that lol - @notebookgirl30
Okay....WAYYYY OVERDUE I TOTALLY APOLOGIZE! Ngl this was a bit of a struggle to write because I just wanted to get a good feel of their “relationship/friendship” but I think I got it. Maybe? But I built a bigger storyline than expected so there’ll be a part 2. But yeah, hope you enjoy! Thank you @tinywhim for the title (you’re a real one, you don’t even know). Let me know if you want to be tagged! Leave me some feedback PLEASE!! And yeah! Enjoy!
“Has anyone ever told you you’re super boring?”
Y/N scoffed, “I’ve always loved your compliments, Angelica.”
She rolled her eyes, giving her coworker an exaggerated look. “You have nothing better to do on a Friday night. Normal people go out, and party and have fun! It’s the weekend, Y/N, you don’t have to worry about anything!”
That was an overstatement. Y/N actually did have lots to do, like finish her report and pay her bills and visit her parents and do actual adult things. Her partying days were over in college, and she knew that nothing good could come from a night surrounded by all of Angelica’s friends, some who happen to be their coworkers.
This was different though, in a way. Yes, it was Angelica’s birthday, but she was never good at social interaction, especially not at a club. These days she’ll go out with the Schuyler’s for a couple of drinks and go home and call it a day. That was enough for her, and she was okay with it. She was perfectly fine with her own friends telling her how she’s a buzzkill when it comes to partying. She was fine with not putting herself out there to guys because she didn’t think it was necessary right now.
She was comfortable at this point in her life, and she wasn’t going to ruin that over a drunken night at the club.
“Aren’t you two like best friends? You’re gonna miss your best friend’s birthday party?” Y/N turned to find John tutting in mock disapproval, swaying slightly on his chair.
“Will you butt out?” Y/N glared hard but it didn’t have the proper effect when he only laughed.
That’s the other problem. John is going to be there, which could only mean chaos. She’s been to enough office parties over the last two years to notice that he can’t hold his liquor and is incredibly loud. Not only were his obnoxious traits an issue, but there was something about him that got under her skin, not totally in a good way.
Eliza would never make her forget her little crush that sparked at the beginning of her job, when John was always nice to her and would give her this blinding smile. That sailed long ago, but apparently, a drunken night full of shared secrets was enough for the Schuyler to remember. Now, maybe there were some things that Y/N could pick out to prove to herself that he was an actual decent human being, but the John Laurens that had been sitting beside her for years was still John Laurens.
“I’m sitting three feet away from you,” He gestured at their desks that were only separated by a couple of inches. “I can literally hear everything you’re saying.”
“And he’s right!” Angelica reached over her desk and grabbed her hand. “It wouldn’t feel right if you weren’t there. Please, Y/N, it’s just a couple of hours. I promise if you really get uncomfortable you can leave, but I know you won’t because it is going to be amazing!”
Rolling her eyes yet again, Y/N did feel a little guilty. Angelica has always been there for her, through all the ups and downs, she’s been her biggest support system. It wouldn’t be fair to not celebrate her birthday with her.
“Fine,” Angelica practically squealed at her grumble. “But don’t count on me as your designated driver, because I might really dip out if it gets too rowdy for me.”
“Might as well not go then. Put me and Alex together, pshhh, you’ll be walking out the door as soon as you step in.” John winked, like he just knew how to get Y/N fired up and ready to argue back. Angelica knew too, as she pulled her hands toward her again, gaining her attention.
“Ignore him, I swear we will all have a good time! Plus, who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone there.”
She looked hopeful, almost as if this was her intention all along. But Y/N knew better, no matter how many times Angelica tried to set her up, she wouldn’t invite her somewhere only to be mislead and be set on a blind date.
“I am not interested, I am perfectly capable of finding someone on my own, if I choose.” She made sure to point out the last part so her friend would drop the subject.
“I’m just saying,” Angelica put her hands in up in defense, but still had that knowing look on her face like she didn’t believe her. Y/N sighed and got up from her chair, heading towards the break room for another coffee.
Upon entering, she noticed Thomas was already by the coffee machine, pouring his own cup. He looked up and raised a brow. “Long day?”
“And it’s only getting started,” Y/N rubbed a hand over her face and motioned towards the machine. “Are you done hogging that now?”
“Woah, woah, what did I do to be treated with such attitude?” Thomas chuckled and grabbed a cup for her.
“Sorry, I’m just...kind of stressed, not really looking forward to the weekend?”
“You mean Angelica’s party?” Thomas handed the cup over to her, nodding at her thanks and watched her add cream into the liquid.
“Yes, actually. I’m not really good at parties, I think they’re too exciting for me. Go on, say it, I’m a boring buzzkill.” It’s not like she’s ever heard anything different before when trying to explain how she’d rather stay at home and unwind while reading a book or watching tv and just relaxing, instead of being surrounded by sweaty bodies and drinking till she grows numb.
“Now why are you putting words in my mouth? I was actually going to say I agree with you.” Y/N looked up in shock, not believing that Thomas Jefferson was one to refuse a party invitation.
“Really? You don’t like parties?”
“Not that I don’t like them, sometimes they grow old. It’s the same scene over and over again and I’d rather switch it up a bit, change the location, you know?” He had a small smile on his face, looking like he was fonding over some memory.
“You’re right, it must be so hard being invited to parties all the time!” Y/N smirked as he gasped dramatically in mock offense. It only lead to them giggling to each other, only stopping when someone else cleared their throat from the doorway.
Y/N found John standing, his usual smile gone and replaced with a frown and furrowed brows. “Am I interrupting something?”
“No, no, I was just leaving actually,” Thomas made way to the exit before hesitating, turning back to look at Y/N. “I’ll see you at the party, Y/N.”
She waved shyly, watching him walk away. It was comforting talking to Thomas, in a way. They didn’t do it very often, but when they did Y/N felt relaxed.
Lost in her thoughts, a cough startled her and she realized she was standing in John’s way. Y/N stepped to the side, muttering an apology and thinking how Friday night might not be so bad.
It’s not that Y/N doubted that Angelica would not settle for less than a full out, top quality club. But she didn’t think that it would include a private floor, filled with a bunch of people that Y/N didn’t know. Luckily, she spotted the birthday girl herself from across the room.
“I’m so glad you’re here!” Angelica screamed over the music that was blasting from the floor below. She was well passed tipsy already, but she knew that Angelica would want to sober up before the night was over. She was never one to purposefully forget her birthday. “Come on, let’s get you a drink!”
She pulled her over towards the overcrowded bar, pushing passed drunks and couples dancing, Y/N even got stumbled into and turned to find a familiar head of curls.
“Watch it, Laurens!” The glare sent his way was enough to make him sheepishly smile.
“My bad,” John walked off towards a booth in the corner, surrounded by a few other men, one who she had recognized as a friend of Thomas.
A shot was shoved into her hand and soon enough, so were two more. Once a proper drink was in her hold, Angelica invited her to a game of pool with her sisters. 
Somehow, Y/N got surrounded by a bunch of people that she didn’t know. Angelica had been dragged over by a short man, which meant Y/N was dragged as well. It was the booth full of John’s friends, and they had made their impression, that was for sure.
“Ah, and who do we have here?” Thomas’s friend came over and smiled, making Angelica smirk and push his chest.
“Laf, this is Y/N,” Even though they had never met before, Lafayette beamed at the mention of her name.
“So, this is the famous Y/N we have heard so much about, heh?” He grinned devilishly, like he knew something that she didn’t. It was strange, what would Angelica have said about her?
“Nice to meet you,” Y/N stuck out her hand politely.
“Oh please, the pleasure is all mine, cherie!” He took her hand and placed a gentle kiss in her knuckles. She giggled at his performance, looking to see if anyone else was buying the act. But when she looked around to see if anyone else knew something, she only saw John glaring at his friend while sipping on his drink.
Her coworker’s odd behavior was enough for her to move herself to the bar, ordering another drink for herself. As the bartender handed her the cup, he told her that it was already paid for, pointing her in the direction to a man across the room. He was cute, and if the look in his eye told her anything, it was the words Angelica had said.
You don’t have to worry about anything.
Maybe you’ll meet someone.
Perhaps she was right.
She was tired of everyone telling her how boring she was.
Y/N found herself dancing with the guy, not bothering to learn his name and more focused on her hips moving with his. The lips on her neck gave her a rush, like she was finally doing something fun and risky.
His hands were pulling at the hem of her dress when she was jolted forward. The guy had bumped into her hard, and when she turned around she found out it wasn’t the guys fault, but John’s.
“What the hell man?” The guy got up in his face. Y/N couldn’t really hear what they were saying, but it looked like it was something threatening. Laf, the short man and another one of John’s friends appeared, trying to pull him back and tell him to just leave it alone. John wasn’t having it, took to pushing the guy hard once more.
It was a giant commotion that got security involved, and Y/N was over it. She ran out of the club, tears brimming her eyes as she thought about what exactly just happened.
John always had to ruin the night. John always had a problem with her.
John also stopped her from calling a cab, grabbing her hand just as she reached the sidewalk and calling her name.
“What the fuck, John? What the hell was that for?” Y/N screamed, wide eyed and wondering why when she was finally having a good time, he had to fuck it up.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry! I just- I couldn’t let him-”
“Couldn’t let him what? Touch me? Dance with me? Why? How does that have anything to do with you, John?” Nothing was connecting, there was never a time she could recall where John cared about her love life.
“He was an asshole anyways, alright? Was he really all that to you? Okay, if anything I was helping you!” If he could actually believe that, John was growing angry, too. He had no right to be, but his kept spitting out words that only made Y/N fill with rage.
“What did I ever do to you? Why? Why do you have such a problem with me?” While furious was an understatement, she seemed to be more confused as to why John got involved anyways. She was finally inching out of her shell and he just had to give her a reason to want to never leave her apartment again. 
“I don’t have a problem with you, Y/N. I’m drunk, I’m-I didn’t mean to do that, I just-”
“Just what?” While John was stumbling with his words, she knew better. “Being drunk is not an excuse against your actions!”
"I was just trying to make a point! He was all over you, I thought you were uncomfortable!” He narrowed his eyes, and he’d grown more angry than regretful only a few seconds before.
“Well, I wasn’t! I am a grown woman, John, I’m allowed to have fun and meet guys! I was having a good time until you had to ruin it!” 
“Jesus- I was just looking out for you! It’s not my fault you’re such a whore-”
The world seemed to stop as the two screaming voices died instantly at the sharp sound of the hit. John locked his jaw before he lifted his hand to rub his cheek. When he finally lifted his eyes, he saw Y/N pursing her lips in pure rage, a single tear streak ran down her cheek. She looked so small, fragile in a way that made him want to wrap her in his arms and promise that he would make sure that nothing ever hurt her.
He had already proven that he could never do such a thing. 
“Fuck you, John.” Y/N whispered and turned, leaving him standing alone, full of regret. 
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Laurens taglist: @alievans007 @etjt1821 @dontblinkumightmiss @hj-creates
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
family restaurant cook!reader with childhood friend haknyeon who absolutely LOVES their cooking
class is over I don’t have to worry about stats until thursday so HERE WE GO
your and hak’s parents are old friends who live in a small town together and even though it’s small it’s v comfortable and sweet and literally there were only two ways you + hak could have turned out: best friends or enemies and luckily enough for your parents it was the first and so yeah! your parents run a little family restaurant so you’ve basically been cooking n shit since you were a kid and hak’s dad or smth has a nearby farm while his mom works in the town and it’s rlly cute bc the farm is a little far away from the town so after school hak will come to the restaurant with you and your parents will feed the two of you some snacks or whatever and you’ll do your homework and then later hak’s mom will come over and drive hak home  :) and yeah both of your parents get a headache from all your yelling but like it’s worse than having their kids be absolute enemies so who’s complaining
so this like continues as you two grow older, even though you + hak start attending after school activities instead of going right to the restaurant after school you both always meet up outside the school gates or one of you will go to the restaurant before the other and wait around there because?? it’s tradition?? like sometimes maybe your other friends will be like oh do you want to come over and do something and unless it’s planned out in advance you’re like sorry no i’m going to the restaurant with hak and vice versa and literally everyone is CONVINCED you two are in love but both of you are absolutely oblivious and?? so what if you have little fights in the back of the kitchen (not food fights bc your parents would beat your ass for wasting food) but like. hak will throw an onion at you and then you throw a potato back and he’ll threaten to bring his pig over and decimate the place and you point out he’d have no food then and then he’s like ur right ur right and you both cackle and everyone in the restaurant (customers + parents) are like. how are you not DATING yet
it doesn’t even cross your mind to date until people start pairing off in high school and suddenly everyone’s got a partner or whatever and it feels weird but like?? you and hak just make a deal to stay single together and if you make it to thirty without getting married you two will just marry each other or whatever (hak pressures you into this just bc he wants your cooking and you point that out but he’s just like. well you’re not wrong but also you get my sunny personality and beautiful disposition so are you complaining? and no you’re not so you agree) and when hak tells his friends this they’re just like. DUDE YOU’RE SO IN LOVE ASK THEM OUT and hak is like we’re just friends!! just friends now i gotta go help y/n at the restaurant (aka eat all the food while you try to cook) and they’re just like GOD HELP YOUR OBLIVIOUS ASSES
but honestly dating and love is inevitable at some undetermined point like. you’re cooking and hak is stealing meat from the pan and you’re yelling at him that it’s unsanitary + he’s going to burn himself if he touches the stove and he’s just grinning and eating more and he says some shit like ‘your food is the best though i can’t stop’ and yeah idek but in that moment you’re like. oh my GOD i’m in love with this stupid piece of shit motherfucker who’s only around for my food and likes to let his pig loose whenever i visit the farm what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK and hak has come to a similar realization when he calms down and lets you cook and just watches you doing your thing with the most concentrated expression and he’s like HECK MY FRIENDS WERE RIGHT I’M IN LOVE
hak is sleeping over at your house for the night bc reasons idk maybe his mom and dad are going out of town for an anniversary or smth equally cheesy (both you and hak fake vomit even though they’ve done this every year) and yeah hak is definitely old enough to stay on the farm alone but he’s like! i can reach school easier from the restaurant pls let me stay over PLEASE and we all know it’s not bc of school or anything it’s bc you two don’t want to mess up your ~traditions~ and your parents are anything but oblivious (even though you two are) so they’re like okay cool please get together and date while you’re at it and it’s like midnight and you + hak are in the restaurant doing homework and hak is complaining about work and begging you to cook and you’re like it’s MIDNIGHT we shouldn’t eat at MIDNIGHT and he’s like??? why the fuck not???? and you’re just like jfc if you want food so much what will you do for it
you fall off the chair and your books just drop to the floor and hak’s like. oh my god i really just said that and he’s in half a mind to just RUN OUT THE DOOR AND BACK TO HIS FARM but you’re like. are u telling the truth and he just kinda nods and you’re like WELL I’M GONNA COLLECT MY FUCKING KISS BEFORE I COOK JUST SO I MAKE SURE YOU’RE NOT LYING TO ME
weird way to get together but that night you wake your parents up with the noise in the kitchen bc you and hak alternate between begging for more kisses and fucking stuff up on the stove and you’re both like. oh heck sorry and your parents just look at each other like. what idiots did we raise at least they’re together now and holy shit it’s just really fucking cute bc hak is the definition of a gentleman when he isn’t being a little shit so it’s all hand holding and flowers n shit meanwhile you cook and feed him in the back of the restaurant (which doesn’t stop him from still trying to steal food but you’ve gotten p good at defending the stove from his grabby hands) and everyone wants to throw up bc you’re such a stupidly cute couple (like?? childhood best friends to lovers that EVERYONE has seen coming??? how is that NOT stupidly cute) and yeah it’s just great
hak burns himself on the stove trying to steal food and you almost just leave him to nurse the burn on his own but he starts fake-crying loud enough for the customers (who are all regulars and have literally watched you two grow up together, they’re your biggest shippers) to hear so you bandage up his stupid finger and feed him when he insists he can’t do it himself bc he’s ~injured~
the old couple who runs the candy shop down the street gives you two couple discounts every time you go in bc “you remind us so much of ourselves” and it’s cringe but sweet and you/hak love them
you promised to get married at age thirty if you were still single but voila you’re definitely not single so you get married before then and half the town shows up and everyone’s screaming about how they all saw it coming and the wedding’s a mess and you feed hak but he also feeds you and then you kiss and you can taste cake on his lips
and that’s how it goes
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