#they catch prey and then hang like this to eat it lol
8-rae-rae-8 · 6 months
Thinking of werecat ghost again AAAAAAA!!!! But also had this scenario pop up in my head involving soap too so yeah (still using he/she pronouns for soap hope you don't mind) also I don't have my glasses on so spelling mistakes are to be expected also projecting my dumbass onto Soap because I kin him
Just thinking of Soap and Ghost hanging out one night, the two were enjoying eachother company outside in a calming forest until the full moon began to come out.. The full moons rays hitting Ghost, he looks at Soap with pure fear.
Soap isn't really the one to see Ghost like this, immediately thinking its a prank or Ghost is pulling his leg.
"Y' okay Lt?"
She questioned with a small chuckle, which Ghost responded with a shake of the head. Soap soon realizes there's something wrong..deeply wrong.
He immediately tries to comfort her dear friend only to be pushed away, Ghost doesn't want to hurt anyone in that form.
His skin appeared as if it was melting off of him, his bones cracking as well as his body shifting as his body felt as if he had a fever. He let out a growl as all his skin melted off, revealing the fur and body of the werecat.
Soaps immediately stunned, staring at the werecat that was hissing while looking like it's eyes are on it's next meal as it slowly approaches like a lion towards its prey which causes her to try to back away but accidentally backed up into a tree.
This beast looks like it'll eat him alive, that's what she expects as he sat down, shaking while staring at this werecat while too many thoughts are rushing through her mind.
"...nice kitty?.."
DUMBASS!!! His brain was all jumbled, the werecat close to him but the word 'kitty' seemed to catch the werecats attention as it's pupils go wide and stop hissing while Soap holds out her shaking hand for the werecat to sniff.
It's still Ghost, still her best friend but just a big house cat which is obvious by the werecat immediately trying to get pets from Soap.
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Anyways bye bye now ^u^
Hes so goofy /pos
Werecat ghost <3
He's just a big cat lol
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thefanciestborrower · 2 years
🤲 be vore chill thoughts, hand 'em over
Okay so it’s been a hot minute since I last saw the show so bare with me on this one lol. It might be a little all over the place
Jeremy...oh sweet Jeremy 
He’s a pred through and through 
I think that might be one of the reasons he got the squip actually 
Because let’s face it, high schoolers would...not be kind about that sort of thing 
I wanna say he might even be a shifter too cause that would just be cool lol
Boy can get big if he wants 
It’s not something that happens often because he just doesn’t like doing it
But under large amounts of stress or other high emotions his hight might start to fluctuate a bit 
As a pred he’s an absolute mess 
Lots of fidgeting with whoever he’s got in his hands and non stop talking in an attempt to make things less awkward 
King of mouthplay 
Like, he doesn’t realize he’s doing it half the time, but he has this tendency to swish someone around in his mouth quite a bit 
Doesn’t do much in the way of nibbling just cause that makes him nervous 
But he’ll squish them to the roof of his mouth and suck on them a bit like candy 
He also tends to swallow without much warning just because he forgets he should probably give one 
His stomach is actually surprisingly roomy and not very loud or active 
So it makes a great spot to hang out 
Unless he’s nervous of course 
Then it gets super loud and might squish whoever’s inside because of how tense he gets 
I love Christine so much and defiantly think she’s a prey 
Just, full prey through and through
And a really enthusiastic prey too 
With friends she trusts she won’t hesitate to practically dive down their throats if she so desires 
She’ll ramble on and on for ages about someone’s insides which greatly embarrasses poor Jeremy
Michael thinks it’s hilarious 
I can see her as someone who really likes foodplay tbh
It’s gross and messy sure 
But it’s fun too!
She especially likes being eaten with sweets like pudding 
And drinks too
Catch her chilling in your cup of cocoa or coffee after you left it unattended for five minutes 
She’s very good at calming down whoever she’s eaten by if they start stressing 
Gal is a master of soft belly rubs and very sincere rambling encouragements 
This is especially effective for cheering up Jeremy
She also loves spending time inside during sleepovers and you just can’t say no to those puppy eyes 
Michael is the most chaotic switch in the world 
But he prefers being eaten when it comes down to it 
He spends so much time in Jeremy tbh
Especially in his mouth 
He likes being fidgeted with and squished around for as long as Jeremy wants 
He doesn’t like being swallowed before he’s had a chance to situate himself though so when that happens he’ll usually give Jeremy a little a kick once he’s down
Nothing hard, just a playfully annoyed action
He’s been known to hotbox when eaten lmao so if you wanna eat him maybe check to make sure he doesn’t have anything stashed on him
It makes Jeremy hiccup up smoke every time 
He loves vibing with Christine inside Jeremy and they’ll team up to give him practically incapacitating belly rubs 
It’s also prime hangout spot during sleepovers 
I mentioned Michael is a switch and boy is he
He quite enjoys eating Christine from time to time and he’ll tease Jeremy about it 
He’s very unembarrassed as a pred around close friends 
Lots of lounging around with a visibly full belly and openly talking with whoever’s inside
He’s more prone to eating someone when he’s high just because 
He’s hungry lmao
He would eat Jeremy but since he’s a pred Christine becomes the primary snack
And she really doesn’t mind at all 
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onenicebugperday · 5 years
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Hanging thieves, a type of robber fly in the genus Diogmites Photographed in Texas by mikaelb
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theramseyloft · 3 years
Waiting for the call from UGA to get Khou.
Doing the most urgent loft work in the meantime.
Just finished mucking nest boxes.
The time has come to employ the loft's little tower fan.
As well insulated as it is, it's still a metal building and the AC unit just cannot complete.
Blowing at full strength, you can't feel it more than 6 in from the vent.
Good gawd, I started at 7:30am, and it is SO humid that in an hour of work, I'm dripping, and have developed the tell-tale muscle aches, nausea, and lip-tingling of heat exhaustion.  Came in to cool back down after setting up the tower fan.
Patron: "A fan in the window would help"
"The easiest way to keep a space as cool as possible is to create a path of airflow"
Thank you
Breakfast eaten, water get, time to resume!
I laid this fucking brick out to hose down yesterday...
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The Fire Nation used it as scaffolding to build a nursery and fill it with larva that quickly.
This is why I have to be so aggressive about treating them, and why my loft help just turning the bricks and weight stones shit side down is so dangerous.
Patron: "Holy shit! Fire ants are insane."
Patron: "They are an aggressive species from the Amazon, of course they're aggressive and quick lol"
Patron: "Oh! They are not native to the US? I never knew that! I just remember learning very quickly when we moved to the south from Canada that they are mean little bastards"
They are not!  
They are adapted to the river banks and survive the frequent flooding by clinging together in living rafts.  
An individual can hold her breath up to 14 days, allowing the rafts to survive until they make landfall again.  
They really love the American south because the high humidity keeps soil moist enough to build mounds in very quickly without the disruption of floods to cause breaks in reproduction.
Patron: "That explains so much"
They are able to remain in constant larva factory mode, and with all US populations only coming from a few accidentally imported queens, they are closely enough related not to see any other US fire ant colony as a rival.
So the entire US population of fire ants is a single massive supercolony with neither predators nor competition.
Patron: "That is super disturbing"
"But also very informative."
Yeah, they are monsters here that absolutely will hunt and eat you if they get the opportunity.
My husband and I used to have our bed against the wall.
The little bitches swarmed in by hundreds through a hole in the insulation one night in the second year we were married, infested the blankets, and woke us up by stinging us en mass.
Patron: "i cant imagine how fucking horrifying that was to wake up to"
I still have nightmares.  
I can't fall asleep by laying there with my eyes closed.  
You know how there are always after images when you close your eyes? Usually just meaningless, wandering patches of light and dark?  
That's what the swarm on my skin looked like in the dark, and instead of just being patches of light and dark, my asshole brain highlights their segments, legs, and animates their attack behavior of clamp on with jaws, sting until prey stops moving, or ant is crushed or otherwise pried off.  
I get the most ungody adrenaline spike if I'm not too physically exhausted to notice the visual.
It makes trying to fall asleep a real bitch for me.
Got an update call about Khou.
They don't have a specific time for him to get his CT scan done, beyond that it will happen today.
If it happens late enough in the day that he won't be fully recovered from sedation by the time they close, we'll have to wait until tomorrow to come get him.
Patron: "How far is it to Athens from where you are? You said you took him to UGA right?"
Two hour drive.
Patron: "Hang in there. Fingers crossed they can do it early today"
Thank you.
Neither I, nor my husband are really ok with out him.
The house feels wrong...
Had to come back in for the permethrine.
The fire nation is trying a different foraging approach into the loft and fuck no.
Threshold treated.
Komodore asked Patch to smooch-feed her
Farthing tread Luxie.
Then he crouched to be tread and she, then Alex, tread him.
I think I was wrong about Mote.
Wukong looks lighter than he is because of his chest fluff.
Close inspection of their wings shows Mote to have the same pattern as Wukong, obscured by the deeper Dirty pigmentation of babies under 4 months.
Arco has been doing the best job helping Passenger set her Fegg.
Leela is quite insistently crouching for Nobu, but her foob kinda over balances her when he's on top, causing her to stumble into a tilted run under him to keep from faceplanting.
He hangs on with the brazen tenacity of a bull rider, and has managed to finish three times today.
It is exactly as hilarious as it sounds, and I'll try to catch it on video, if I can.
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Look at Arco on his practice egg <3
Patron: "a grown boy!"
Just got an update from UGA.
khou just finished his CT, but they close at 5pm, and he's unlikely to have recovered enough to be discharged in two hours, even if I left right now.
The projected discharge is between 9 and 10am.
His little heart stopped.
(Pretty much every Patron sent their condolences)
Cousins: "We're on the way, Dani, I'm sorry!  30-40 minutes i think ..."
Can't wait.
We can go say goodbye, if we leave now and fold space.
Husband: "The vets are trying one more time to get his heart to start back up.  We are on the road now."
We got to UGA.  
No word on if the last effort succeeded.
Waiting for his Dr to come see us.
Husband: "He didn't make it."
Husband: "He had lesions in his lungs.  The sedation was too much for his damaged lungs to handle."
Patron: "im so sorry. is there any idea what the lesions are from?"
Husband: "Not yet.  They have not gotten all the results back from his tests yet."
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"The vet took a clay imprint of his feet with his name on it."
Patron: "sending all the love to both of you"
Husband: "Thank you.  We both are recovering."
Thank you so much to all of my patrons for the outpouring of loving condolences.
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
📎Word Count: 2.2k
📎Warning/s: smut! minors DNI. mean!fuckboy!bucky x f!reader. unprotected sex. little to no foreplay, because, well, he just wants to get his dick wet. denied orgasm :( no aftercare too lol he’s an asshole in this one. messy facial! some heckin’ words.
📎A/N: jesus fuckiNG CHRIST okay this is one of my longer fics, i’m trying to get back into writing long fics again so, bear with me. fuckboy!bucky playlist to accompany you while reading this <3 
📎reblogs, likes, and comments are all welcomed! shower me with validation pls
📎Masterlist || Ask || AFTERDARK
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The bass line and the drumbeat made your heart pump in sync. The room reeked of cheap drinks and expensive perfume—sweaty patrons swirling, mingling around, keeping their drinks cold, their hearts warm.
Chatter peaked when the band finished the song, a round of applause rising the frontman’s ego. The spotlight shone brightly on him, the stage lights hitting his back, lighting up his silhouette with pinks and purples.
He beams with adrenaline. All perfect smiles.
Slinging his stickered guitar to the side, he speaks into the mic, “thank you all for coming. We’ve been The Commandos. Goodnight!” The frontman flashes his million-dollar, megawatt smile and bows, earning another applause from the audience.
The rest of the band slinked out the back, bowing, giving out air-kisses and waves. Another band piles onto the stage, waving hello to the gathering crowd.
You sigh, the bottom of your shoes sticking to the dirty floor of the bar. The overhead lights of the bar a bright yellow contrast to the stage’s red hue. The beer in your hand condensing, the tips of your fingers damp in the process. The warmth of the place piling on your impatience.
Pushing yourself off the bar, you make your way to the back, one thing echoing in your mind. Familiar faces crowd your vision, sending a polite smile their way.
A door stands in front of you, the wood stained with stickers and posters and autographs. You knock twice before turning the knob.
“Where’s Bucky?” You say, leaning against the door frame. The door slowly swings open.
A blonde man, what’s-his-face, looks at you and puts down a pair of drumsticks, “‘Dunno what to tell ya, but he’s not here.”
Your roll your eyes, sending him a mirthless smile, “yeah, obviously. I was hoping if you could tell him to meet me tonight.”
Steve—you suddenly remembered his name—eyed you head to foot, a smirk plastered on his face, “Sounds important. Why don’t you hang out with us while waiting for him?”
A chuckle escapes your lips, “no, thanks. I’ll meet him outside.”
Steve makes a face, quirking a light brow to the rest of the group. All of them sharing the same look, “alright. Suit yourself.”
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The clock ticks just ten minutes after 11, your patience growing thin as a needle. A gaggle of drunk patrons stumbles out the door when you spot him—leather jacket, distressed, ripped pants.
“Where’s my ring?” Without missing a beat.
Bucky’s lips quirk into a smirk, “whoa, baby, we fucked once,” he made you come thrice, “and you’re asking for a ring already?”
A shiver runs up your spine, whether it’s from disgust or something else, it wasn’t clear, “you know what I meant. I left my ring on your nightstand.”
“Deliberately, or…”
Your hands curl up in frustration, your left shin itching, “c’mon. Do you have it or not?” 
His intentionally undone boots scuffed against the floor as he stalks closer to you, his perfume invading your olfactory senses. Oh, he smells good. 
“D’you wanna find out?” His voice dropping a couple of octaves, whispering into the shell of your ear. His thick arms caging you against the bar and the wall. Fuck, he smells really good.
A feeble attempt to make room goes unnoticed, your breath hitching in your throat, “If you don’t have it on you, I’d gladly receive it through the mail.”
Bucky licks his tinged lips, a vein in his temple ticking—the lighting reflecting in his blue eyes, “why would I mail it to you when you can pick it up from my place?”
A rational voice in your head echoes, fighting with your impulse. The closeness of both of your bodies radiating warmth and electricity.
“Fine.” You relented, impulsivity is what got you there in the first place.
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The drive to the place shouldn’t take too long, the little shit deliberately took the long way to his place. 
While you sit on the passenger side of his car, he keeps sending you amused glances. As if he couldn’t believe you’d willingly go with him tonight. Well, technically, it really wasn’t part of your plan.
“You wanna get burgers first?” He offers, lowering the music coming from the car’s stereo.
“I wanna get my ring back, Bucky.” You say, reminding him—and yourself—of what your agenda for tonight is.
He dismisses you, as per usual. And pulls over a drive-through of a local burger place, ordering himself a meal.
Instead of getting back out on the highway, he parks the car, rolls down the window, and eats.
“Jesus- fuck, Bucky!” You exclaimed in frustration, “look, if you want to waste my time, then-”
“Then, what?”
“Then go fuck yourself.” You left in a huff, swinging your legs and slamming the car door shut. Hoping that he’d go deaf in one ear.
Making sure that you’re well visible and in a brightly-lit place, you pull out your phone to book an Uber. Only to find Bucky making his way to you for the second time tonight.
“Hey!” Didn’t even used your name to call you, great work!
“I do have it, it’s really back in my place. By the lamp on the bedside table.” The truth lingers out on the night air, waiting for you to acknowledge it.
You meet Bucky’s statement with a wary squint, he meets your rightful doubt with a smile.
“No more stopovers.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Bucky’s place is a liminal space for you. 
The familiar shadows and corners welcome you, the surfaces on where your bare skin sat hissed at you. You stood by the doorway, not wanting to prolong the journey.
“Hey, c’mon, it’s just me. Sit down.” Exactly, it is him.
You shake your head, leaning by the wall like a stranger, “I’m good. You’re not gonna take long anyway.”
But instead of retrieving your jewelry, his form retreats to the kitchen. A few seconds pass and you hear the crack and hiss of a beer bottle being opened.
“Y’know, I think I’ll just get it myself.” You toe off your shoes, placing them by the door. Your jacket still hanging off your shoulders.
You passed by Bucky, walking towards a love seat, two beers on one hand, “hurry up, then. Got a drink for ya.”
Hazy images play by memory the last time you were here, his damn cologne seeping into your nostrils.
Your head hanging by the edge of the bed as he laps your cunt like a man starved.
The headboard supporting your balance as you bounce up and down his thick cock.
Carpeting that gave your knees burn as he fucked you from behind.
Like an etch-a-sketch, you shake your head to get rid of the scenes that made themselves known.
A shining glint from the bedside table catches your eye, you swipe the ring and stashed it down your jacket pocket.
Coming out of the room with your ring, your slight smile falters as you saw Bucky lounging shirtless. As rightfully so, this is his home anyway.
You steeled yourself despite the heat that’s making its way up to your neck, “uh, I already got it. Thanks, Bucky.”
He shoots you a look—a lingering one. Like a predator about to pounce on prey. His stare chasing the goosebumps under your clothes.
“You sure you wanna go? It’s–” he glances at his phone for the time, “–past midnight.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can.” The setup.
“How about I take care of you for a change?” The trap.
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And then just as sudden as your arrival, you find yourself pressed up against the wall. The agenda of the night has already been forgotten.
Bucky’s mouth finds its temporary home on your jaw, moving down your neck. His large hands already clawing their way under your shirt, the suddenness of the moment stirring the heat in your belly.
Rushed hands and panted breaths meet feverish lips.
The moment his tongue slipped into your mouth was the moment where you lost all inhibitions. Your hands fly to his nape, tugging his hair, effectively making him moan into your mouth.
“You know me so well.” He purrs against your lips. Hitching your legs up his hips as he presses you harder against the drywall.
“Lots of people know you so well.” You bite back, knowing for a fact that he sees others behind your back.
“True,” he’s murmuring against your pulse point and you sigh, “you’re my favorite though.”
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Your jacket clutters against the floor of his bedroom, along with his pants and your shirt. A yellow stream of light emits from the living room.
Bucky tosses you on the bed, sending the pillows crashing on the floor. Though the room is darkened with curtains, your eyes adjust enough to see him as he pulls your ankles towards him.
His abs are chiseled like a Greek god, his skin tanned, decorated with tattoos. His left nipple adorns a stainless steel piercing. Like the last time, he grabs your hand, trailing it along his torso, letting you feel his deep v-lines.
A lewd moan escapes your lips as you cup his hardening cock through his boxers. Thick and heavy, a perfect fit.
“You like it?” Bucky taunts, jutting his hips against your hand. You squeeze him lightly, earning you a deep groan from the man above you.
His hand suddenly tightens around your throat, pulling your head towards him, “I asked you a question.”
Giving him a small nod and a meek yeah seemed to have sufficed until he flips you on your stomach and forces your face down the bed.
Your skirt joins the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Your panties do too.
“You’re so wet for me, aren’t ya?” Bucky taunts, one thick finger swiping the wetness between your folds. Spreading it around as preparation. A muffled confirmation made him chuckle as he pinches your clit with intention.
Taking his leaking cock out of his boxers, he swipes the bead of precum from his angry-red tip. He takes his sweet, sweet time before even thinking about pushing into your pussy.
Bucky drags the head of his cock up and down your fold, earning a needy moan from you—coating his entire length with your wetness.
After seemingly an eternity on your side, the sheets already imprinted their impression on the side of your cheek. Bucky finally, fucking finally, pushes into you. A short, white-hot burn shoots through your nerves, making you whimper.
His hand stays on the back of your neck, pushing you further down the bed as he moves. Your pussy lips gripping his dick like a vice, “so fucking tight. God.”
Bucky’s chest swelled up with pride as he notices your fingers digging into his sheets, “no one can fuck you this good.”
The bed squeaks with both of your weight shifting as he reaches around you, his fingers working around your bud. The pressure of his upper body makes you gasp with every thrust of his hips.
He continues to work you—his fingers circling tightly on your throbbing clit, his cock nudging the soft, spongy spot in you. Your toes curl with red heat as your orgasm begins to burn up your legs.
“I’m gonna-- ‘m so close,” your pleas fell on deaf ears as Bucky chases his own high. His balls slapping against your skin, his hips stuttering as his cock pulsates inside your velvet walls.
He curses, grabbing your shoulder and flipping you upside, kneeling before you. His hand pumping his dick continuously as it twitches—the veins even more prominent.
“Open your mouth, I’m gonna cum in it.” Bucky orders and you obey. Your fingers finding their way to your abandoned bundle of nerves—your climax threatening to fade away.
Thick ropes of cum shoot over your mouth, painting your lips and chin white as he misses.
“God, fuck, look at your mess.” Bucky sighs, he’s already tucked back into his boxers and handing you a shirt—presumably to clean yourself up.
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“You got your ring? Anything else?” The annoyance in his tone is evident. The clock ticks half past midnight.
You dangle your purse in front of him as a gesture, the wind picks up and your shoes are loose on your feet.
“Alright, well, you could wait for your ride here, I guess.” Bucky dropped the act the moment he got his dick in you.
“Yeah, he’s just around the corner. Thanks for the, uh, ring.”
He hums, looking at his phone. His thumbs dancing over the keyboard, “Try not to bother my friends again when you wanna reach me.”
You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or to smack the phone out of his hands, “yeah. Tried calling you but I’m pretty sure you blocked my number.”
A curt laugh echoes out from him, “‘m sorry. Out of habit. You know how it is.”
“Right.” And an awkward beat falls over the both of you.
A black car pulls up by the street and you silently thank the stars. By the time you turn around to at least do the right thing and bid Bucky goodnight, you find yourself facing a closed door.
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strawbearisamu · 3 years
♥︎ ship your moots! (only if you have time tho no pressure ofc)
yes my time has come.
@woahsamu + atsumu. hshjsjsj yall are so freaking annoying. you spoil him to bits bc that’s what u do and he treats you like damn royalty. still flirts and acts like he’s trying to woo you. prob does dumb shit intentionally when u have a bad day to make you laugh. unrelated but you guys do really good impressions of each other. kisses you and runs away, tries to get you to chase him, u guys fall & land on top of each other like a rom com get a room ew.
@arrogantsonofabiscuit + mattsun. BBY I KNOW U AND MATTSUN would be amazing tgt. he would tease u endlessly but also yall kinda have that sweetheart and hot guy dynamic. yeah idk what that is either HHSHS. also u guys watch horror movies tgt.
@sumine + suna. JASMINE the both of you have such chill vibes. i’m thinking cafe hopping, picnics, soft dates. but i’m also thinking waterparks, splashing water at each other and tryna see who can hold their breath the longest, you catch him cheating coming up for air halfway and you start play fighting shjsjsj. u guys are always lost in your own world. you hang out w your friends and sometimes he’ll tag along just because.
@charlie-jay + akaashi. u guys are intellectuals. the both of you just connect. you guys would talk for hours at a coffee shop, under the stars, in the sun, you name it. you share a deep and intimate connection bc you guys are so intentional about everything. akaashi probably write you love letters, and you guys have these inside jokes that no one else understands HAHA.
@etherrreal luna + osamu. LUNA imagine cooking tgt w him, youre locked between his arms and the counter and as he guides your hand, molding the rice. PLAYFUL KITCHEN FIGHTS shut up i know it’s cliche HHAHSHS but i KNOW this is u guys. osamu gives u a piggy back everywhere. dawn + oikawa!! i feel like you have similar vibes. oikawa is so whipped for u lol and sometimes you can’t help being dramatic along with him (omg i’m sorry we don’t know each other that well yet dawn please forgive me TT)
@kuroowo + osamu. i feel like the both of you are such self-starters and always pushing each other to do better? late night drives talking endlessly about everything and nothing. always hugging, or holding hands or giggling at each other. like yeah we get it you’re in love HAHASHHSHS. starts setting his alarms an hour early bc u aggressively cuddle him and tell him 5 more mins every morning.
@etherealtobio + mattsun. MAB u and mattsun👌 that super cool couple everyone is envious of. first of all visuals? also you do everything tgt. bookstore- tgt, grocery shopping- tgt. and i feel like mattsun is really good at driving so you guys regularly go on these crazy road trips, fast food, sunsets, making out in the car, u get the vibe :”.
@stationery-store + kuroo. i feel like you guys have the same vibes yk what i mean. like slight crackhead (in the most affectionate way possible), but witty and smart as well. yall would be able to like prank someone and also have deep discussions on existentialism or smth LMAO.
@sunkeiji + akaashi. WHATS NEW HAHA. we all know you guys are disgustingly sweet and unintentionally make everyone else feel really single bahshs. the small little things he does for you? he loves staring at you when you’re so intently focused on something and will spontaneously get the will to hug u HSHD.
@bokutoism + timeskip kenma. hello u guys are the hot badass power couple?? spoils you w stupidly expensive stuff. but also lazy days in bed tgt. if u play games yall r always competing but if you don’t he’ll make you sit on his lap as he plays. prob teaches you how to play a new game the same way. will plan extravagant self-care sessions for u.
@sunatooru + hirugami. b b b. u would look sooo good w hirugami (sachiro). i feel like the both of you are so sweet and caring and empathetic (and cmon he’s so hot), you’re that “love for humanity and the world” couple who’s always iniviting people over, reaching out to friends, and showing them your amazing hospitality in general. but yall do it tgt <3 cus love LOL
@thighridingsamu + iwaizumi. ok morgan i know u love football and i feel like you guys would rave about sports tgt? but more importantly he would be ur hype man 24/7 like you show him an outfit and he’ll be like “hot 💯,” “ass looks good in this.” shskkdjd he probably cooks for u too and makes sure you’re eating right.
@ioveangel + sakusa. you’re a ray a sunshine in his life. you guys balance each other. he’s clingy bc poor babie is touch and attention starved. prob puts socks on your feet on a chilly night but will vehemently deny it. a babie.
@xybi + tendou. HEAR ME OUT. yall prob sneak around tgt. giggling to each other as another one of your victims fall prey to your shenanigans. u guys hang out w each other way too much LOL but really though you guys are just two really sweet people tryna brighten someone’s day tgt. cuddles. lots of em. but also u guys are just devilish for no reason sometimes nd u love it.
@keijee + sakusa. u have a sunny infectious energy and honestly sakusa could benefit from that LMAO. lets you play w his hair but will pretend he hates it. you’re the only person he can recharge with it’s ridiculous, like he’ll randomly cuddle u in the middle of a party just to recharge.
@m3gumiis + komori. athena what can i say. two little puppies.
@oi-oikawa-chan + ushijima. addy this little olive tree will do anything for you. talk to him about anything, he listens so intentionally. and also idk why but imagine u guys w a lot of little adopted pets and plants cus u guys are absolute sweethearts.
@elitparadox + akaashi. like u guys would go on dates to the museum, slow dance in the quiet of the woods, kiss under the night sky. yall are so dramatic for no reason.
don’t boohoo to me if you don’t get your fav HAHA jk kith 😚 i’m drowning in work rn so i’m sry i couldn’t tag everyone but KNOW that ILY :”) mwaa alsoo i jumped around w this and u can 100% i got so tired w some LMAO sry shdjskajs
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lihikainanea · 4 years
What if its Christmas and Tiger is insatiable. They are either at Tigers parents house or the Skarsgard retreat and she canNOT get enough. She wants it 24/7 and Bill is just looking at her exhausted like "Really? You don't care that everyone can hear you?" And Tigers like "Nope!". Lol!!
Okay, I officially hate Tumblr. There was an ask that came in a few days ago about cousin Leila and I saw it, I squee’d in delight, I archived it in my memory because I wanted to talk everyone’s ear off about it, and NOW IT IS GONE FROM MY INBOX. TUMBLE YOU HO.
But then I saw this ask, and I very, very much wanted to combined the two.
Looks guys, cousin Layla, right? God she’s a cunt. And after the whole attempted threesome ordeal, maybe tiger is still not allowed in the same room as her without Bill’s supervision. And it’s not because tiger’s in trouble, not by any means--but it’s because if Layla and her are in a room together, Layla doesn’t stand a chance. Tiger will maim her. Bill would rather not deal with that kind of family drama.
But you know, maybe that makes Christmas a little....tense. Maybe the Skarsgard Christmas was a bit early this year due to filming schedules, so Bill and tiger were back from Sweden by December 23rd which left plenty of time to do Christmas with her side of the family. And maybe tiger’s family went a little off the beaten path this year, rented themselves a little compound in the woods somewhere--a main house, a few guest houses sprawled on the large grounds. Tiger doesn’t have nearly as big a family as Bill’s, so her parents and aunts and uncles take the main house, a few cousins take a guest house, tiger and Bill take the other guest house....along with Layla. It’s a suggestion from both of their moms (Actually, does tiger have two dads? I like that concept). Either way, one of Layla’s parents teams up with one of tiger’s parents to get the two girls talking--god they used to be so close when they were kids, didn’t they?--and Bill just thinks this is like, a terrible idea. He wonders how well tiger’s parents actually know her and HOW they’re so convinced that she’s not capable of murder, because he doesn’t share that conviction.
“Tiger...” he stutters when the living arrangement is announced, “Maybe we should--”
But tiger is stoic, perfectly still, glaring daggers at Layla--who is glaring right back. Two bulls locked in a challenge, neither one of them backing down.
“Tiger,” he tries again, tugging on her sleeve, “We can--”
But tiger’s psychotic, wide smile stops him in his tracks. God it’s terrifying.
“How delightful,” she says and it’s sugary sweet, “It will be great to catch up, won’t it Layla?”
Tiger looks insane. Wide eyes, a psychotic smile. Bill shifts his eyes nervously between the two.
“Indeed cousin,” Layla purrs, the same fake smile on her face. Bill is terrified. But tiger grabs the key from the entrance way, and stalks off towards the guest house. Bill catches up with her after a few strides.
“Tiger--” he grabs her arm and spins her around, but she’s already laughing to herself.
“Stop kid, you’re creeping me out,” he mumbles, “Tiger, you can’t....I don’t want..”
“Spit it out, sunshine.”
Bill frowns.
“No murdering people,” he says sternly, “Or maiming, of any kind.”
“No promises.”
“Tiger,” he says harshly, “I mean it. I’m scared.”
“You’re not the one who should be scared big guy,” she pats his cheek, but she rolls her eyes at his glare, “Look, I promise. I won’t START anything, alright? I won’t start it. But that’s all I’m promising.”
“Fine,” he says, and he holds out his pinky finger, “Swear on it.”
She hooks her finger around his and pulls him down for a kiss.
But like...we all know where this is going, don’t we? Because tiger is just oh so sweet to Layla every waking moment. Really pouring it on thick--and Layla, herself, is a little taken aback by it. She’s not entirely unconvinced that tiger didn’t poison the drink she just offered her, and from across the room--neither is Bill. But the drink is fine, and tiger is just being so pleasant.
Until nightfall.
Because look, tiger? She’s got herself a plan. And Layla retreats first, goes back to the guest house early, and then sometime after midnight--tiger drags Bill back. Except just on the way there, tiger is all over him and Bill can’t keep up--she’s everywhere, launching herself into his arms and pulling him down for a heated kiss, her hands already working to get his scarf off. When they’re on the porch she jumps up into him and he catches her, trying to unlock the door while she bites his neck.
“Tiger,” he moans softly, “We can’t.”
“Oh yes we can.”
And it’s loud. Bill is trying to contain it, trying to bite back any noise he wants to make, but tiger’s going all in. Her moans are loud and guttural, she keeps begging for it harder, and when it’s not hard enough she slams him down and climbs on top. She grabs hold of the headboard for leverage--and to make sure she can whack it against the wall so that it hits the bedroom next door, which is...oh, Layla’s.
And listen, Bill wants to say something--wants to tell her to quiet down, but honestly Bill never had any hang ups with other people knowing he’s having sex. He’s always quiet for tiger’s sake, if other people are in the house. Also, he’s getting it so goddamn good that he can’t speak, and even if he could the only thing he’d likely be able to utter is more. If this is how tiger wants to throw down, then Bill is just holding on and enjoying the ride.
She’s raking her nails down his chest, and when he moans she’s digging them in deep.
“Louder,” she demands, grabs hold of his hair and gives it a solid tug. He obliges with enthusiasm.
The bed frame is thumping against the wall, Layla hears Bill’s deep, guttural moans and the squeaking of the mattress, hears tiger demanding more out of him and uttering the filthiest shit. And listen, the next morning? Tiger thinks a round two (or four) might just be an EXCELLENT way to start off the day, and Bill wakes up to her growling and pawing at him roughly, and before long he’s yelling out cusswords as she rides him into oblivion. And even better? She marks him. Tiger stakes claim to her territory, and when Bill gets up to shower he finally notices--the hickeys all over his neck, some dotted with teeth marks, the scratches on his chest. He smirks to himself just a little as he pulls a turtleneck out of his suitcase, gives tiger a firm swat on her ass as he gets dressed. And tiger thinks--oh, what an excellent idea for tonight.
Layla avoids eye contact with both of them. When they head to the main house for breakfast, tiger takes a seat right beside Layla and Layla promptly gets up and goes somewhere else. Bill is quiet, but tiger?
Tiger likes to play with her prey.
“Did you sleep well Layla?” she asks, but before Layla answers, tiger shoves a forkful of food into her mouth and she moans--loudly, salacisouly, a lot like she did last night.
Bill drops his fork immediately, caught off guard by the sound he’s only ever heard tiger make in the bedroom, and his cheeks go a bit red.
“These potatoes are just...” tiger takes another bite and lets out a loud moan again, “Heavenly.”
Poor Bill is just collateral damage.The two cousins glare at each other, and Bill is suddenly all flustered at having heard tiger’s sex noises in public. His cheeks go red, he’s starting to sweat because he’s getting turned on, and he clears his throat subtly.
When Layla looks away tiger smirks, but Bill squeezes her thigh in warning. He leans in close when the others go back to their own conversations.
“Do that again,” he threatens lowly, “And you’re going to be in real trouble kid.”
So she does it again.
And tigers just kind of revving him up too for later on that night. And sure enough maybe that night Bill and tiger head back early, and when Layla gets back they are already well into it. Bill is punishing tiger for being a brat that day, and the hefty spanks can be heard well through the thin walls.
And tiger is also embellishing a tad. Moaning louder than usual, begging for it harder.
“Daddy,” she groans loudly, “Please.”
“Again,” he commands.
“Daddy,” she moans even louder. Three hard whacks from the other side of the wall are heard. And listen, Bill is not a petty motherfucker. But Bill has younger siblings. Bill doesn’t think too highly of Layla. Bill is still pretty angry at her for all the shit she’s pulled with him, and all the shit she has tried to pull with tiger. And right now tiger is on all fours in front of him, begging him, she’s wet and uttering the filthiest shit and revving him up and Bill is just all in. So he gives her hair a soft tug, and tiger looks back.
“What do you think kid?” he juts his chin at the wall, quirks a brow.
“I think if that’s all you’ve got,” tiger shimmies her bottom at him and smirks, “Then that’s fucking pitiful.”
The next morning, both of them are covered in markings as they sit quietly, smirking to themselves, eating breakfast. 
Both of them raise their heads and smile pleasantly when Layla stumbles in late to breakfast, dark puffy circles under her eyes.
“Coffee?” Bill asks Layla with a smile. Tiger just mimics his smirk, chewing slowly on her fruit as she stares her down.
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kristallioness · 4 years
The guardian lemur
Summary: When Momo starts acting strange around Katara, she turns to Aang for advice.
Word count: 2,544
Author's note: I don't remember whether it was a blog post I saw here, or an online news article I stumbled across.. But, I think it's adorable when sometimes cats can sense if their owners are pregnant, so they become protective of them and start acting motherly towards them (like their natural instincts are kicking in). This cute concept inspired the following story. By the way, my mom has told me stories about how her grandmother (my great-grandmother) used to have a cat who'd catch mice and bring them back into the house and then release them, which infuriated her to no end. So, I guess this tidbit with Momo is inspired by that kitty, who didn't exactly understand how to be a cat. *lol* Anyways, I hope you like it since 'keeping warm' was one of my prompts, which I submitted this year (and it got chosen, yay!). Oh, and a happy beginning to all of you for Kataang Week 2020! *throws glitter and confetti*
The kitchen was filled with a mixed aroma of seaweed, herbs and noodles, all boiling in hot water. Katara added a pinch of salt into the broth and stirred the liquid with a big wooden spoon before taking a sip. From the corner of her eye, she could see the winged lemur, who'd quietly been sitting next to her feet for the past ten minutes.
"No, Momo. You can't have any until I'm done cooking."
Momo merely scratched the back of his ear with his hind leg, but otherwise didn't budge. Katara did feel bad for not giving him a taste before lunchtime. She wasn't even sure whether lemurs eat noodles, not to mention ones made out of seaweed..
And there it was again, the gentle rubbing against her shins. Momo began circling her legs in an attempt to persuade her to give him something to nibble on. Poor thing must be starving, she thought. If he was trying to make her feel guilty for not feeding him, it worked.
Katara released a heavy sigh and stepped away from the stove for a second, her small buddy padding right after her on the floor. She opened a cupboard door and grabbed the last moon peach from their dwindling fruit supply.
The constant following around nor the tiny gestures of affection weren't the things that had been driving the waterbender crazy. It was their pet's new habit of bringing live prey into the household. Last week, he'd caught dozens of bugs, five mice, three hamsters, two frogs and one unconscious bird.
Aang had nurtured the bird back to health and released it into the wild. The frogs weren't a problem either, so Katara had simply shooed them out of the house and they'd found a cosy habitat in the pond in front of their home. Luckily the bugs were also typical inhabitants on their little island, and the ones Momo brought inside eventually became dinner for the domesticated frogs.
However, it was the rodents who'd soon found their way into the pantry. Within a day, almost half of their pastry supplies were gone. Katara was furious. She had to ask her husband to buy more food from the market, and her brother to come up with ingenious traps to catch the annoying critters without killing them, like Aang had pleaded, before they could destroy their entire food supply, not to mention the vegetables in the greenhouse.
What really got on her nerves were the times the winged lemur would approach her with that proud smile on his face, something apparently dead caught between his small fangs or in between his paws, and release his catch right in front of her feet. Only for her to watch it scurry away before she could even blink, let alone catch it.
"This is the last one. Here you go," Katara said as she squatted down and extended her hand. She felt confused when the lemur pushed it back.
"Don't you want it? C'mon, it's your favourite treee-eat.."
She threw the peach into the hallway like a ball, in hopes that Momo would leave her alone to go fetch it. He did fly out of the kitchen for long enough to let her return to her cooking, but came back with the fruit fully intact between his fangs.
"Well, go on. Eat up!" Katara urged him with a wave of her hand, but Momo let out a disappointed moan and drooped his ears at that. He dropped the peach in his paws and with the utmost care, he pulled off a small piece and offered it to her instead.
"Thanks, Momo, but I'm not craving for a moon peach right now. You can have it."
The lemur hesitated at first, but under her watchful eye, he finally bit into the juicy fruit, allowing her to finish preparing lunch for herself and her husband in peace.
Speaking of peace, Katara couldn't recall the last time she and Aang had been given a moment of privacy in bed for the past couple of weeks. Often times when waking up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, Katara would discover that she'd inched further away from her partner, due to a scrawny furball who always managed to squeeze himself in between their tummies, no matter the positions they were in. Or if their intimacy wasn't being disturbed, she'd wake up due to the curled up, personalized heater sleeping on her belly whenever she was lying on her back.
Since when had she become a magnet for winged lemurs? Did she smell of something that attracted them to her? Had Momo grown fond of her and simply wished to spend more time by her side instead of hanging out with Aang all the time? Katara had no idea, but all of this was becoming a bit much.
As she poured the steaming seaweed noodles into two bowls, Momo leaped up and landed on her shoulders. He curled his tail around her neck for support, then held a leftover piece of the moon peach in front of her face.
"Oh, alright.." she chuckled, snagging the small piece from his paw and putting it in her mouth.
"Thanks, Momo!"
She scratched him from below the chin with her finger, earning a series of content purrs from the lemur. Once the bowls were full, she was ready to join her husband in the living room.
Aang was leaning on the windowsill, admiring the view of Republic City straight across the bay, when he heard footsteps coming closer.
"Lunch is served!" Katara announced as she joined him. The airbender grinned at the sight of two steaming bowls filled with delicious food, watching how she placed the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch. The smell that accompanied her was mouth-watering.
"Finally! I could eat a whole barrel of noodles by now."
His wife giggled at that comment.
"Well, I hope we didn't keep you waiting for too long."
He walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and giving her a loving smile.
"Sweetie, I waited for you for a hundred years. I don't think you could ever top that record again."
Katara laughed wholeheartedly this time, letting him give her a quick kiss on the lips afterwards.
Aang tenderly ran a hand over her slight belly bump before beckoning her to have a seat on the couch with him so they could have lunch together. They both grabbed a bowl, along with a pair of chopsticks, and clinked them together like those snobbish citizens in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se would do.
"Dig in!"
While the couple indulged themselves, Momo hopped off Katara's shoulders and disappeared to a different room. She noticed the lemur fly off into the corridor, but didn't pay too much attention to it. At this point, she was grateful for any given moment she could get, just to be alone with her beloved.
"What do you think? Is it too spicy?"
Hailing from the Water Tribe, Katara had grown up with a blander range of foods available in the frozen landscape, with the exception of meat that was either cooked or fried, and seasoned prior to the devouring.
Hence she tried to spice up their plain meals, such as these noodles, by experimenting with adding various spices or herbs. Aang shook his head.
"Nah, I think it's really good. You might wanna go easy on the garlic next time. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't wanna kiss me anymore if my breath stinks."
She laughed when he planted a greasy kiss on her cheek, after which she continued to slurp her own seaweed noodles.
Her attention turned to her feet when she spotted Momo, who'd returned from another one of his adventures. For a second, her heart dropped at the sight of a mouse caught between his teeth. Fortunately, it was just a toy he'd brought along.
"Momo, why are you bringing your stuff here? Do you wanna play?"
The winged lemur jumped up on the couch and supported his front paws on the waterbender's thigh, dropping the toy right into her lap. Katara stared at the fake mouse for a mere second before Momo flew away again.
"Wait! Where are you going? I was gonna play.. with you.."
She sighed, picking the toy up from its string of a tail. Aang could sense her frustration.
"What's wrong?"
Katara put her half-empty bowl on the table and continued to stare at the toy mouse hanging from her fingertips. She twirled the tail around, making the rest of its body spin.
"I don't know. Momo's been acting really strange lately."
"Strange how exactly?"
"He's always following me around and rubbing himself against me. Not to mention he's practically invaded our personal space in bed. I don't need to remind you that he's bringing all kinds of small creatures inside the temple every day.."
Aang's focus shifted from her complaining to the culprit himself. Momo had returned to the living room and he gleefully hopped beside the waterbender, this time dropping his favourite ball in her lap.
"..He brings me food even when I'm not hungry. And now, when I find a place to sit still for a little while longer, he keeps piling some of his toys around me."
Momo tilted his head and stared back at the airbender, almost as if he was trying to communicate with him. Tell him the motives behind his actions and all the mischief he'd caused within the last month. Katara picked up the ball he'd dropped.
"See?.. Aang, are you even listening to me!?"
"Sh-shh!" he hushed her, raising a finger to her lips so she'd quit yammering.
He pointed down to her stomach. Both their eyes were fixed on the winged lemur, who lay down in the waterbender's lap and nestled the side of his face against her round belly, one ear covering it like a blanket. Momo looked up at the married couple, then shut his lime green eyes and began purring ever so silently. Aang started laughing, but Katara became even more annoyed.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Oh, Katara.. He can tell when you're in the family way. He's trying to take care of you and the baby in the only way he knows how - by acting as a daddy lemur."
Her face twisted through several expressions of anger, confusion and eventually, realization.
"So, that's what he's been doing this whole time? Tending to me as if I'm an expecting mommy lemur? Which I technically am, except for the lemur part.."
Aang reached his hand out to pet his caring companion. The winged lemur arched his back a bit and nuzzled his face against the fuzzy material of Katara's coat. His purrs become louder with each stroke.
"Momo can sense that there's life growing inside of you, so he's been acting like a proper papa lemur and looking after the unborn child and its mother. That includes bringing you food and stuff to play with to keep you well-fed and entertained."
Katara felt as if he'd opened her eyes to a whole different reality. She never thought that Momo's odd behaviour could be related to the fact that she's pregnant now. The timing fit, and Aang's reasoning explained the weird new habits.
"But, what about the snuggling? Why's he so keen on sleeping on my stomach?"
"He's trying to keep you and the baby warm. Also, since there are a lot of hormonal changes going on with you right now, your body's radiating more warmth in this area," Aang explained by running his hand over her bump, careful not to move the lemur's ear off of it.
"Which means your stomach is the perfect hotspot, literally. You're keeping him warm, too."
"Where did you learn all of that?" Katara wondered, her tone playful and curious at the same time. The cheeks on her husband's face turned crimson and he looked away for a moment, rubbing the back of his bald head awkwardly.
"I might've found some books about pregnancy on the top shelf of the bookcase in your office the last time I was waiting for you to finish work..."
She giggled and rewarded him with a soft peck on the cheek for being so caring and putting in more effort to understand this new "condition" of hers better.
"Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate you looking out for me."
Aang accepted her gratitude with a wide grin, and by snaking an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer. After that, she joined him in stroking the winged lemur, who seemed to be happily napping in her lap.
"Oh, Momo.. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He looked up at Katara and let out a short disgruntled screech that could've been translated into an 'I told you so'. She laughed at that.
"Oh, okay.. I guess you did tell me. I was just too oblivious to pick up on the signs."
Momo rested his head in her lap again and raised one of his ears above her belly bump.
"Why do you think he does that thing with his ear?" the waterbender wondered out loud, tenderly running her hand over the soft fur on the lemur's head.
"Maybe he's listening to what the little tyke is doing in there. Animals can hear sounds with a much higher frequency. Take my bison whistle, for example. We can't hear anything, but Appa always comes to me when I blow it."
"I doubt that Momo can hear anything else besides my stomach growling. I mean, the baby hasn't even developed a heart yet. Believe me, I've checked.. If anything, he might be able to sense its movements in my womb."
Katara was right. She was barely into the last weeks of her first trimester. As hard as she'd tried, she couldn't detect the baby's heartbeat through her healing abilities yet. And it was too early for it to start kicking her, too.
The only changes she could sense in her body were the slight weight gain, which led to her developing a subtle belly bump. Her breasts had become a bit tender, which meant that making love with Aang at night would be less fun for a while. Not that he wasn't being more gentle with her because of this.. And finally, some unusual cravings, which was probably why she preferred to cook spicier foods recently.
Either way, these slight changes were enough for Momo's paternal instincts to kick in. He rolled over onto his back and let the couple scratch his soft belly instead. The corners of his mouth curled into a content smile as he purred against Katara's tummy.
"Aww! I guess this is kind of endearing. Plus, this way the baby can get acquainted with one of its future furry friends, too. That's right! Yes, you can!" she cooed to the winged lemur, who rubbed himself against her thighs as he twitched with delight at her scratches.
"But no more mice in the house, okay? I'm capable of finding my own food," Katara said with a wave of her finger, to which Momo replied with another chirp. Translation - 'yes, madam'.
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dine-on-darling · 4 years
Animal Chaos
The Animal Chaos devilgram is filled to the brim with some vore teasing, so as the resident Shall We Vore representative, of course I had to do a rewrite to give the real way the story went~
Based on the devilgram, so a lot of the dialogue leading up to the vore and a little bit after is from the game.
Darling had grown used to all the craziness of the Devildom pretty quickly. She hadn’t been left with much of a choice given how something weird seemed to happen every five seconds or so. Still, even this was...
“Mammon, what the hell was that?” Darling waved a hand in front of her face to get rid some of the smoke still curling about thanks to the magical item Mammon had thrown to the ground; the same smoke that had apparently turned her friends into... animal boys. Another day in the Devildom, then.
“Look, it’s a magical item that turns you into an animal! the effects wear off after a few hours. Pretty cool, right?” His new tiger tail flicked back and forth behind him, and every now and then his matching ears would twitch on top of his head.
Belphegor looked far less pleased by his own new traits, his fox ears drooped low. “Why did you have to drag me in to this?”
“C’mon, what’s the big deal?”
Darling watched them bicker back and forth, eyes flitting between them in mild shock. Idly, she felt the top of her own head, and to her surprise she felt something that hadn’t been there moments before.
“Woah, Darling, you’ve got horns!” Levi pointed to the top of her head, only confirming that she wasn’t imagining things.
“What kind? Am I some kind of deer?” She tilted her head back to try and get a glimpse, but however they were positioned wasn’t making that easy.
���Nah, I think you’re a gazelle.” Belphie said.
“Oh, really? Those are pretty cool, graceful and all that.” She reached up to touch her pointer fingers to the tips lightly.
Levi laughed. “At least I’m not the only herbivore.” He leaned over for a high five, which Darling gladly returned with a laugh of her own.
“Yeah,but what does it say about you that the only other herbivore is a human, Levi?” Mammon teased, flicking one of his little brother’s giraffe horns.     
His face turned beat red, and he swatted at Mammon’s hand. “Shut it, scumbag!”
Before more insults could be hurled, there was a low growl resounding through the room, and all heads turned to look at the source.
Beelzebub, bushy lion tail hanging sadly behind him, pressed a hand to his stomach. “... I’m hungry. I could eat a whole zebra.”
“Geez, sounds like your appetite transformed as well.” Mammon said.
“Also...” Beel blushed, his eyes flicking to and away from Darling. “Darling... smells really good right now...”
Mammon took a step back, his ears standing straight up and his tail going stock still. “Your jokin’, right? You can’t go around eating people just ‘cause you’re a lion right now!” 
Like he wasn’t even fully aware he was doing it, Beel walked a step closer to Darling. “Darling looks so yummy...” 
“Lol, you carnivores are such beasts.” Levi shook his head.
“How about I eat you first.” Mammon growled, angling his head in his direction.
“Hey! You can’t seriously be thinking of eating some poor, innocent giraffe, can you?”
Belpie sat back, folding his arms. “Levi probably tastes bad. If I’m going to eat someone, I’d rather it be Darling.” He nodded his head lazily in her direction.
“Oh, I guess you’re a carnivore too, Belphie. And excuse me! I’ll have you know that i’m delicious!”
“Levi... Maybe that’s not the battle you should be fighting right now.” Darling sighed.
Mammon pressed is hand to his own stomach, a curious expression on his face. “I do feel kinda strange... And Darling does look really appetizing right now...” 
Darling’s new set of ears twitched at his words, weird, like an involuntary fear response. She’d hardly spent much time being truly afraid of the brothers, even if she should, but it was like she could feel some new instincts creeping up, telling her to beware the vicious predator. But it was only Mammon, he’d never do anything to actually hurt her... Right? She played it off with a joke. “Well, of course I do~”
He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Is that somethin’ you should be bragging about?”
Beel’s baritone voice interjected into the conversation. “Cut it out, you guys...! I won’t let anyone eat Darling! Over my dead body!”
Darling blinked up at the gluttony demon, his ears folded back against his head and a small hint of fangs showing as he talked. She hadn’t expected him to jump to her defense so strongly. Though, she thought she noticed something else in his expression after, some sort of hesitance in the way he brought his hand up to grip his wrist.
Mammon put his hands up to placate him. “We’re just jokin’. Did ya really think we’d eat someone so important to us?”
Belphie leaned forward, his eyes squinted as he examined his twin. “Beel, you seem like you’re in pain. Are you okay?”
A loud groan filled the room, a familiar sound that was already normally so loud but now seemed to be even further amped up. Beel clutched his stomach, his face scrunching up. “Ngh... Darling...!”
“Heh, I gotcha.” Mammon leaned forward with a smirk and poked a finger against Beel’s stomach. “You’re tellin’ us off, but you’re the one who wants to eat Darling the most!”
Darling rose from the couch, putting a hand out towards Mammon. “Mammon, hey-”
Beel’s stomach growled again. “Ngh...” And quick as that he spun on his heel and took off running, out of the common room and away from them... from her.
Belpie stood up too after his brother. “Beel! Wait, where are you going?” He took a step, but Darling placed her hand on is arm to stop him.
“Let me go after him, please?” No, no, no, her prey instincts screamed, run fast and far away from the predator.
He looked at her with concern. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yeah, no way.” Mammon spoke up. “You saw him, he totally wants to eat you right now!”
“So do you.” She pointed out.
Mammon and Belphie both blushed, suddenly unable to meet her eyes.
“That’s why you should stick with me until this spell wears off.” Levi said. “Come back to my room; us herbivores can barricade there to protect ourselves.”
“Guys, please.” She said, already starting to back towards where Beelzebub went. He’s so much faster than her, she’s going to have to hurry if she wants to catch up. “Trust me, I promise it’s fine; please let me talk to him.” Maybe she should give in to her instincts, her common sense to stay away, but something stronger and more powerful pulled her to follow him. So she turned and ran after him without waiting for a response from the others.
She actually found him not too far away, leaning against a banister with his back to her. “Beel!” She called out to him.
He stiffened, and after only a beat he took off running again, not looking back at her.
“Beel, wait!” She urged her legs to move faster. Stupid demon speed, stupid human speed... Wait, stupid human speed feels somewhat faster than she remembered; was this somehow due to her new gazelle features? Whatever the case, she was able to keep up with Beel a lot better than she normally would have been able to.
“Don’t follow me...!” He called back to her without breaking stride. “Go back to the others! The way I am right now... I might eat you!”
“No you won’t! Please, stop running from me, Beel!” She continued to chase him.
“You’re still trying to follow me? You never know when to give up, Darling. Until I’m back to normal, i’m not sure that I’ll be able to control myself; so please, just leave me alone for a bit.”
“No way! I’m worried about you, Beelzebub, so i want to stay with you no matter how dangerous you say it is.” Darling huffed. They were in a long stretch of hallway and she saw a chance. He’d started to slow a bit, distracted by their conversation, and she pushed her legs to close the distance, sliding past him baseball style and skidding to a stop in front of him. She spread her arms wide, Beel almost tripping over himself in his haste to stop before he crashed into her.
They both stood there, breaths coming out in pants and staring the other down, waiting for one to break and give in. Darling poured every ounce of her resolve into her eyes.
“... you’re really not going to give in?” Beel shifted, shoulders slumping as he loosened the tension in his body and caved to her; and then, he smiled. “Fine, you win; I’m not going to run from you anymore.”
Darling’s arms flopped to her sides and she slumped forward, letting out a huge breath. “Good... phew, damn that was exhausting. Ah, I think my legs are going to hate me for the next month.”
Beel stepped forward to pat her on the back. “Honestly, that was pretty impressive.”
Despite her exhaustion, she laughed. “Yeah, it was, huh? Even with this animal spell, I never knew I had that in me.” She lifted her head, looking at him with a smile.
As soon as she looked at him like that, a blush appeared on his face and his eyes skipped away from her face to look anywhere else. “I appreciate you being willing to stay with me, but...Ah, it’s no good!” His gaze came back, hunger pouring out of the purple, and with it a hand rose to grip her chin, the other flexing against her bicep. “You look more delicious than anything in the world right now, I can barely stand it. Everything about you: your scent makes my stomach growl, and I can’t look at your skin without thinking about how it’s taste against my tongue, what you’d feel like slipping down my throat and deep into my stomach... Dammit!” He growled, squeezing his eyes shut and ducking his head.
“Hey... Hey, it’s alright, Beel; look at me.” She brought her hands up to cup his face, but he only shuddered and squeezed his eyes tighter. She frowned, how could she get through to him? “Beel...”
Darling ran her thumb along his cheek, and then she pulled his face forward and pressed a firm kiss directly to his lips.
That pulled a groan from him, and finally his half lidded eyes looked into hers. “Darling... No... No, that only makes me want to have you more. It’s like I got the smallest sample of the world’s greatest meal, I... I can’t...” Another growl, and this time faster than Darling could blink she was on the floor, Beelzebub’s nose pushed into the crook of her neck. “You smell so delicious.”
Darling pushed against his shoulders but it was no use, he was simply way too strong and so much bigger than her. “Beel, come on, you have to fight the urge. It’s only the lion instincts making you like this, please, you have to try and tap into your normal self.”
“That...” His hold on her tightened like he was almost scared to admit what he’d say next. “That won’t help.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean these feeling aren’t entirely new; I’ve wanted to eat you for a while now, but I’ve been pushing that desire away this whole time, all these animal instincts are doing is making it stronger but it’s not creating them.”
Darling felt everything around her still, she couldn’t even form a response. Sweet, precious Beelzebub had really been hiding the fact that he wants to devour her this whole time?
“I’ve been so scared of admitting it, I never wanted to chase you off and ruin things between us.”
“Wha- i think digesting me would do more than simply “ruin” thing between us, Beel.”
He pulled his head back abruptly, arms moving to frame her head as he looked down at her. “I would never digest you!”
She raised an eyebrow, trying very hard not to shrink and scramble away from him, knowing that would only put more hurt into his eyes. “But you already said you’ve been fantasizing about eating me,” She could barely get the word out. “I think you of all people would be very familiar with what happens to things that get eaten.”
He shook his head. “i want to eat you, sure, but I never want to hurt you. I... I could make it safe...” He blushes. “There are all kinds of protection spells out there, I even already know a couple of them.”
“So then if you weren’t holding back out of fear of hurting me...?”
“I was afraid I’d make you uncomfortable if I gave in and asked; I know the concept is pretty odd and even a bit terrifying to humans.”
Darling could hardly believe the situation she was in right now; if it weren’t for Beel’s still growling stomach, one would be able to hear a pin drop. “Okay,” She took a breath. “First of all, could you please let me sit up.”
His ears stiffened as though he’d only now realized what position he had her in, and he quickly pushed himself up and scooted back to give her some space.
“Thank you.” She raised a hand to run it through her hair. “This is kind of a lot to take in, if I’m being honest.”
Beel clutched his wrist to his chest, a clear nervous sign of his. “I know...” Another growl tore out of his stomach and he winced.
“I hate seeing you in pain like this...” The mental cogs in her head were turning as she looked at him, an idea clear and building. The prey instincts screamed and scolded her for even humoring it, but another part of her thought back to what he’d said earlier, his description of the hunger she made him feel and of her being swallowed up into his stomach. She wondered how it’d feel to be surrounded by him like that... Why was her face so hot? “You can really promise I won’t be digested?” Was she really going through with this?
The look on his face made it clear he couldn’t believe it either. It took him a couple seconds to find his words. “I, uh, yeah, yeah i promise I wouldn’t ever allow you to get hurt, especially by me.”
She chewed on her lip for a minute, wrestling with logical thought and primal fear and this new desire she’d never been able to entertain before. “I trust you, Beel; I know for a fact that you would never betray me.”
“Then you’re saying...!”
She looked into his eyes, a sure smile on her face. “If this is what will help you stop being in pain, then of course I will.”  
Cautiously, oh so cautiously, he crawled back over towards her. “You’re... sure?”
“Positive.” She cupped his cheek in her hand. "Ah, what about these horns, though?" She gestured to the top of her head.
 "Hm. They might be a bit of a challenge... but nothing I can't handle." Smiling affectionately, he placed a hand between her horns to lightly ruffle her hair. "Thank you,Darling."  A soft kiss was pressed to her forehead. "I promise to keep you safe." And then he whispered some words in a tongue that she had no idea what they meant, but they caused a warmth to wash over her like a blanket of security. 
 His tongue flicked out over the spot he kissed, before he shuffled back a bit until he was kneeling by her feet, gingerly picking up both and lifting them towards his opening mouth. She couldn't help the way her breath hitched at the sight. Shit, this was actually happening; Beel was actually going to eat her. Even knowing it was safe, she knew at least some of the fear she felt was a basic human instinct running back to their time closer to the bottom of the food chain. 
 He paused once her feet hit the back of his throat, and he looked up at her, giving her one last chance to back away from this precipice. She nodded her head, giving him the silent go ahead. He swallowed, deeply, as though he were a man starving, and she felt the slick muscles suck her feet and legs deeper within, until quick as that she was up to her thighs right below her hips. Her feet already pushed into the wider space of his stomach. A groan shuddered through Beel; and though his mouth was occupied, she could tell he was smiling. She shivered at the feeling of his tongue running over her thighs, tasting her skin and drinking in her flavor. His jaw ground lightly against her, not enough to hurt but enough to make it clear he was very much enjoying this meal. 
 He grabbed her by the waist and in one smooth motion hefted her up so she was now upright, looking down at what awaited her. Another heavy gulp and she slid further; first to her chest, her arms pinned to her sides, and soon her entire vision was engulfed by the cavernous mouth. Hot breath washed over her and she twitched at the ticklish sensation. The muscles of his throat though, she was surprised at how soft it felt against her face. Something pressed tenderly against her from outside the throat, and she figured it was safe to assume that pressure was Beel feeling her as she slide through his throat, until finally the large bulge of her head dipped into his chest. She felt his grunt of discomfort more than she heard it as his throat struggled with her horns, but there was never a possibility of her being too much of a meal for the avatar of gluttony to handle. She piled into his stomach, forced to curl up into a ball in the constricting space. A deep sigh resounded around her, satisfaction singing out of it. 
"You taste even better than I imagined." His voice rumbled through her.
 Hesitantly, she placed a hand on the stomach wall before her; her hand involuntarily flinching back at first contact. "Beel?" 
 "Yeah? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Concern laced his voice, and his hands gripped the under side of his stomach. 
 "I- I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm a little in shock still I guess; you actually did it. I'm in a stomach." Her skin wasn't burning and melting off, so she figured that meant whatever spell he put on her earlier was working as intended. 
 "I did, yeah." She couldn’t see his expression, but she could hear the nerves in his usually so steady voice, now so vulnerable and unsure; not about her safety, but for the standing of their relationship with this new introduction. "How do you feel?" 
 "I feel..." 
How does she feel? Scared, certainly, the duel primal instincts within her still telling her this was all wrong. Curious, all of this was so entirely new and something she hadn't even considered as possible up until a few minutes ago. But there was another feeling too, one that came from the surprisingly plush walls, the soothing warmth, and the solid presence of the man surrounding her. "... Comfortable. I feel comfortable." 
 "Really?" He relaxed around her, the smile he had on evident. A pressure roamed against her, his hand rubbing circles into his stomach. 
 "Yeah, honestly I wasn't expecting it to feel so nice in her. I think it will still take me a minute to fully relax in this situation, but... You're really comfortable, Beel." 
"I’m glad. I knew you'd feel nice in there, but imagining it is nothing compared to how you actually feel." 
 She giggled. "Exactly how much fantasizing have you done about me, Beelzebub?" 
 "Ah, well that's, I-"
The voice sounded farther away than it was do to being muffled by Beel's stomach, but she could faintly make out Levi calling out. "Hey, Beel! Are you back to normal?" 
 "Is Darling still alive?" Belphie chimed in. 
 "Ah." Beel gripped his stomach a little tighter, his back to his brothers so they couldn’t see how it hung out in front of him. "Yeah, she is."
 "Then where'd she go?" Mammon asks. 
 "About that..."
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egg-emperor · 4 years
I want to hear your unique headcanons for an actual vampire Eggman! Let's make both our dreams come true bro *eyes* like how would he get his victims? Does he drink too much blood or go overboard like he does when eating in Canon? What vampire power would he use most?
I love actual vampire Eggman concepts! I've always had an AU for it, so I'm delighted to share some of my ideas. :D
He can only be found in the darkest, most spooky of places to perfectly match with his element. Some of the most notable being Hang Castle, Mystic Mansion, and Cryptic Castle. Sometimes he wishes he could expand his horizons and go to places where there are more people for the sake of hunting, but he can't stray too far from the darkest, most hidden away places. He at least enjoys the peace and quiet of getting to roam around on his own in them, as he only wants company if it's to get a bite.
His preferred way of catching his prey is by being sneaky! He gets the most thrill and entertainment out creeping up on them and their reaction when he catches them. He enjoys having the power to strike fear into their hearts by trying the most sudden and frightening approaches possible- it gets their blood pumping and ready for him to drink! So he often lurks in the shadows and when someone dares to visit the spooky area he’s at, he’ll soon be on their trail and will try his best to go mostly unnoticed.
He's big and intimidating as usual and certainly knows how to use it to his advantage when he’s out in the open. But he can also be quite clumsy, stumbling around and messing it up when he’s trying to silently follow his prey. It makes his preferred way of catching a little more challenging but it can be part of the fun. And even if he is spotted, they’re still screwed either way because he’ll be outright with his attacks if he must. His impressive amount of strength remains as a vampire and most don’t stand a chance against it.
Everyone is very afraid of his huge fangs and the way his bites are the most dangerous of all vampire bites. They’re so sharp and rough that he can easily draw lots more blood out of a wound than expected, and it’s often merely by accident due to his eagerness. That’s a big problem for the victim but a pleasant surpise for him! He finds it a real treat and laps it all up happily. He almost always drinks more than the amount one might consider suitable for a vampire’s feeding but he's never followed the rules!
Many assume that he pulls in victims frequently and is very successful due to how plump he is. XD But the places he stays don’t get visitors as much as he’d like so it’s not how often he gets them, it’s how he tends to go overboard with it. He makes the most out of every catch by drinking as much as he can and he doesn’t need to feed again for a good while after, which is well worth the effort! He also has the habit of drinking too fast so he gets hiccups and doesn’t seem so scary for a few minutes nshfjsfjsfg
He can turn into a bat, a cute round one lol. He doesn’t change often because it drains his energy but it can help him get around a bit more quietly when necessary and he likes to use it for a lot of cruel trickery. One example of this is by flying up from behind someone, then suddenly changing back to frighten them. People find it terrifying every time and he’s very amused. When they practically leap into the air with fright, it's the perfect chance for him to catch them off guard and grab them!
He's light sensitive to both artificial sources and natural sunlight, so he prefers to remain in the shadows and pitch blackness. Some mild exposure isn't severely damaging, but he prefers to avoid it entirely for the comfort of his eyes and skin. Trouble is, he still can’t see any better in the dark as a vampire, which is even more of a problem with all the dark places he hangs around in. Luckily, part of his vampire abilities is that he has an increased sense of smell and hearing, which helps him get around.
He has memorized smells of every area he roams to identify them and notices even the smallest sounds. It helps in tracking victims much more precisely, with an impressive range. He's hypersensitive to some noises and smells, especially blood because he'll eagerly pursue and locate them in no time so he can get a taste! This is the most used of his abilities as he uses it naturally all the time. And it's the most useful of all as it helps him move around in general and stay alert while hunting.
He can vanish behind his cloak and appear to teleport but he's really turning invisible. He can only do it briefly for short seconds at a time though, so he can’t use it to stay hidden, otherwise creeping would be much easier! But he can at least use it as a distraction tactic that confuses his targets. He likes to play games and mess with them by popping up in different places to make them struggle to keep up. And when they're confused and have lost sight of him, he can strike when they’re most vulnerable.
His strength remains prominent as a vampire but he hasn't quite explored the true extent it can go. He finds it very useful for hunting though, as he has yet to fail a catch as they're no match. Once he latches onto his victims, there's a very little chance of them escaping. And they're fools to think they can run once they spot him, because he also still has his surprising amount of speed. Being chased down a hallway is a nightmare for them because he’s so unbelievably fast! XD
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majoraslion · 3 years
MK11 Oc Work.
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Working on my MK11 OC named Julissa!
Mortal Kombat 11 Oc
Name: Julissa
Character Series:Mortal Kombat 11
Sexual Orientation:Bi-Sexual
Hometown:Born in Dragonrealm but lives with her dad in New York City
Hobbies:Loves to Skateboard, usually draws but graffiti’s things a lot (Has gotten in so much trouble but dosen’t care), likes to go to night clubs, loves raves and to dance. Carries a boombox with her to listen to music when shes skating. Mostly uses her phone with it
Parents: Luca (Dad) Lives in New York and is a pizza shop chef. (No wonder Julissa gets her love of pizza lol) He is calm and stern but he tries his best with his demi god daughter. He asks Raiden and Fujin a lot of questions about her since she was a bit to powerful for him. Although he runs a small dojo he still couldn’t keep up with the energy she had.
Julina (Mom) A Goddess Dragon that lives in the dragon realms, she was very kind at one point in time till she got her crown and changed her ways. She threw Julissa to her ex husband because she wasn’t the heir she wanted. She stays in the dragon realms hoping her daughter will change her mind and become the princess they need to take over.
Raiden and Fujin (Uncles to her) Both have helped her dad raise her and help control her powers as she grew, they consider themselves as uncles to her as thats what she has called them. Raiden is strict with her while Fujin is more laid back in her training. They visit her when they can and Raiden always worries when the tournament is mentioned by her as she isn’t ready in his eyes and is still childish to him.  
Tengfei:First born son to her and Shang Tsung, he was born a full dragon hatcling. He has a human form later on thanks to Julissa teaching him magic. His human form hes almost like a mini Shang, long black hair like his father, has deep green eyes, dragon like features of his mother, and he has a attitude. Mostly keeps to Julissa and gets his shyness from her, he knows of his grandparents and uncles. Julissa and Shang both split learning duties with him. Julissa teaches him her dragon culture and magic and Shang teaches his culture and magic abilites to.
Crush and Spouse Later On:
Shang Tsung (Big Tiddy Sorcerer as she has called him)
Julissa is a sweet and kind dragon who just likes to be herself and ignore her demi god status. She hates being one as she dosen’t see herself as someone important enough. She mostly hangs around Cassie and them and keeps up with her training when she ain’t goofing off. Julissa has a trouble maker side to her and she has been caught doing things she shouldn’t have been doing which her dad Bailed her out alot, Julissa trains with her dad and the storm brothers when she can though they don’t know about dragon culture as much as she wants to learn so she seeks out help from Shang Tsung much to their annoyance. While learning from the sorcerer she grows to like him and tries to hang out with him. Julissa dosen’t like the way the future holds for everyone especially when it can grow wrong and ends up in so many deaths. Being immortal herself she’ll know the pain of watching those around her pass away and her only comfort is a evil sorcerer.
Her Human Form: 5′5 in height. Hair a dark brown with purple streaks in it, wears a oversized hoodie, headphones around neck, has small horns on top of her head, eyes are teal blue, has on jean shorts, black converses, ears have two peircings each, tonuge ring, has her dragon tail in human form, her fingers and toes are clawed and she has fangs to, she also carries a backpack with her.
Dragon Form:She isn’t the biggest dragon there is, she’s a purple color with light purple on her tail and muzzle, legs are a black pattern, green belly scales and green on her tail fur and sides, the forehead pattern is green to. Horns are a dark purple with her hair.
Powers:Of course like every dragon she can breath fire and fly, but unlike most she’s a poision dragon. Her bite is very venomous and can paralyze others. The venom is a green color and she can spit it from far away to blind them. Shes like some dragons in mythology that can walk and run on water, her paw pads are kept dry with scales that are water resitaint.  Usually if she dosen’t want to be bothered she will make her belly scales and the fur on her tail glow a bit to show she’s venomous to others and to back off, if that don’t work usually a drawn out hiss is heard and she will spit a bit of venom to show she’s serious. She dosen’t attack unless she’s threatened and she will leave
-Julissa loves to nap, anywhere and anytime. Right in the middle of a battle. She’s snoozing on a rock, its a warm sunny day and she will just lay there sprawled out in her dragon form.
-She likes to stay in her dragon form mostly when she’s by herself, she ain’t human unless she’s around the others. Her dad had to explain to the neighbours once. “No that’s not a chinese dragon in my apartment and no the kitchen is not on fire.”
-She has a weird thing about treasure and shiny things, she has a urge to collect them but she won’t do it to fuel her greedy dragon urges. She has munched down on a few gems once and is embaressed to tell anyone she does that. She will eye some gems but she can control the urges (No thanks to Shang just pourpsely bringing gems around and letting her see them)
-Julissa loves to fly around but she gets lazy and goes by water, she’s a pretty quick swimmer thanks to her scales and fur resisting the water.
-Speaking of her fur it is so soft and silky, when you move it you can see some scales under the fur that protects her body. Julissa loves being brushed and petted so much she’s like a giant cat. She likes to cuddle keep close to you. She’s actually pretty warm, not enough to be unbearable but its comfy
-She and Raiden often gets into a lot of fights over how she is and her fighting skills, mostly it’s about her taking her role as a demi god. She dosen’t want to and just wants to live a normal life while Raiden tells her she can’t run away from her responibilites. She don’t even use her powers unless it calls for them.
-Julissa is clumsy and can get disracted easily, Fujin can’t count how many times she’s crashed from flying when she sees something that catches her attention
-Julissa isn’t mean but she does have a trouble maker side to her, she has admitted to doing small things but she is sweet and kind otherwise
-Weirdly she’s afraid of bugs, she will not go near any and is deathly afraid of D’Vorah. She won’t hesitate to torch her if she has the chance.
-Julissa has the appitite of..well a full grown dragon. She has to eat a lot to to keep herself full. She burns a lot of calories and usually is sluggish if she don’t eat enough.
-She loves her mother with her heart, but she knows she’ll never change. She just hopes it will be soon.
-Being a venomous animal she has glands that stores the venom, if you look under her tonuge you can see were it comes from. Though a bite will be enough to bring anything down she usually keeps to not using it unless she feels threatened. With enough she can paralyze her prey to keep them escaping.
-Sometimes She’ll project her dream\nightmares on those she cares about or knows. She’s done this a few times with Fujin and Shang. Usually the nightmares consit of her mother abandoning her and it’s more than what they would have knew about her.
-Julissa is easy to get attatched to people, she says she can’t help it but she blames it on her abandondedment issues.
-Speaking of She has trust issues to, it’s hard for her to really know if she can trust someone or not. She usually goes by how they are or how they act.
-She mostly stays on Earthrealm, she don’t go to the sky temple unless she’s visiting Fujin and Raiden. Her home is a apartment in New York and she travels to visit Cassie and them.
-Julissa has taken over her dads Dojo and teaches some classes, it helps her clear her mind and keep her on her feet
-Julissa is like most dragons, if she ever gives into her greedy side and hoard treasure or rare items she will grow. She gets meaner and more wild as she does. Seems the only thing Fujin and Raiden has found to keep her from growin is Stuffed Animals and the dragon has a whole collection of them
-There was a time she did grow a bit to big much to their liking, she had gotten some treasure and hoarding it till it was to late
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
The Devil Wears Denim
Part of @emceesynonymroll​ ‘s Wacky Drabble’s #35/36???
Part 2 of 3 from the Little Sh!t series
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Summary: Drake and Alyssa are stuck with Nikolas for the night.
Wacky Drabble Prompt: Aren’t you going to read the instructions
Using Friends Prompts from @loveellamae​  In fact, I’m undercover right now. I’m a whore and What’s the worst that could happen? I could die.
A/N: Thanks @burnsoslow​ for letting my little menace torture your couple and pre-reading. I’m fairly certain that one part was written more for your enjoyment (it wasn’t supposed to be that long Burns... lol).
Look Enna! I wrote two drabbles in less than a month :) And we have a worldwide pandemic to thank for that.
“Hell no! That little shit is not staying in our house.” Drake spat at the small boy who had his father’s boyish looks and his mother’s witty charm.
“Drake. He’s just a little boy,” Alyssa defended. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I could die.”
Alyssa chuckled and wrapped her thin arms around Drake’s waist. She was somewhat amused by what was perceived to be her boyfriend being overly dramatic. “You are not going to die. I’ve been with him most of the afternoon and he’s been a perfect, well-behaved child. And besides, it’s already getting late and Riley could really use a break to deal with her … post-mortem detention.”
“Baby, I love your kind heart. I really do,” he said while tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “But, Liam and Riley have a nanny who can help out with the kids. He doesn’t need to stay here.”
Alyssa shook her head. “No. Nik said she got fired.”
Drake furrowed his brows at his young god-son. “Your parent’s fired, Hilda?” he interrogated.
“Nope. I had to let her go, Uncle Drake.” Nik replied while opening a can of soda he helped himself to from the Walker fridge. “She wasn’t following my rules.”
“What damn rules?” Drake scowled.
Nik took a sip of his soda and made a sour face before he dumped it whole into the trash can. “You know … don’t be a snitch. She ratted me out to my dad about running over the Countess of Genitalia. And you know what they say about snitches, Uncle Drake … they get stitches.”
Drake gave Alyssa a knowing look who doesn’t even seem to notice due to her own shock.
“Oh my god, Nikolas! What’d you do to her?”
The young boy flashed her a cocky wink and a smirk. “Nothing a long wig and pair of sunglasses can’t cover-up, my love.”
Alyssa snapped an astonished glance at her boyfriend who simply shrugged. “Told ya.”
She followed behind Nikolas who pulled out a chair at the table and started coloring.
She crouched down next to him and took a deep breath. “Okaaay. Look, Nik. I had a lotta fun hanging out with you today, I really did, but it’s probably best if you go back to your home for the night.”
Nikolas stopped coloring to look at her; his face crestfallen, and sighed. “I understand, Miss Alyssa. Just know that I will never forget you. Your smile … your laugh … your lovely lady lumps. That kick-ass grilled cheese you made me. And how you taught me to make useless shit with yarn and pipe cweaners … you make me want to be a better boy … a better prince for Condomonia.
Drake rolled his eyes and pulled his cell phone from his back pocket. “Give me a fucking break. I’m calling Liam right now and having him send someone to pick up your ass.”
Alyssa stood and leaned into Drake. “You probably should watch your language around him.”
“Seriously, Alyssa? The boy just said shit and that’s one of his milder ones,” he scoffed while placing the phone to his ear. “He once made the entire Royal Guard cry after bitching them out.”
Alyssa winced and scratched her head as Drake walked away to make his call. She was somewhat confused, having met Nikolas’ parents during a few social gatherings. Liam was always very courteous and respectful; every bit the compassionate leader she had heard of him. Riley appeared to be a loving mother who doted on her children and husband.
As she watched this child, with his little tongue sticking out while he worked studiously on a drawing of an anaconda that appeared to be squeezing the life out of the man she loved, Alyssa pondered whether he was just misunderstood. She was pulled from her thoughts when Drake moved up beside her with a fake laugh.
“Well...Apparently the entire palace is on a damn lock-down after they found the German Prime Minister hogtied in a linen closet. The German security forces won’t allow anyone in, or out until they catch the supposed midget in tactical gear that apparently waterboarded her. So, of course, Liam is busy dealing with that shit and Riley’s phone went straight to voicemail. Got anything you wanna confess kid”
Nikolas continued to color, completely unfazed. “I told her she could come out when she agreed to my dad’s trade steal. She smelled like an old lady anyway .. she wouldn’t have been missed.”
Drake ran a hand down his face, trying to keep his cool.
Alyssa pulled him to the opposite end of the kitchen and lowered her voice.
“Look, baby. Listen .... we’re not going to panic, okay?  I will keep him busy and out of your hair. He seems to respond well to me and we’ll just make the best of it, alright? 
“Lyssa … we had plans for tonight, remember? I really wanted to spank that sexy ass in those new restraints.” He flashed a devilish grin with a pinch to her backside
She bit her lip, returning a sultry gaze. “Oh that shit’s still happening, Drake Walker.”
She stood on her tiptoes to place a peck on his lips. “Promise. As soon as he falls asleep.”   
Feeling a gnawing burn in the pit of his stomach, Drake ran his fingers through his hair and glanced at the little prince. “You really think you can handle him where we both don’t wind up in a shallow grave in the backyard?”
Alyssa stood up straighter with a confident smile. “I believe so, yes.” 
Drake sulked as he sauntered back across the kitchen and Alyssa began pulling pots from the cabinet.
He towered over the boy. “Okay, kid. You can stay.”
“Really?” Nikolas beamed.
Drake gave him a stern look while he lightly gripped the back of Nik’s neck. “Yeah. But, you try any funny shit, Nikolas and I swear to god I’ll bust your ass.”
Nikolas tried to stifle a laugh that he hoped his uncle noticed … and Drake did. “God, you’re such a little asshole. I’m gonna go feed the horses,” he dismissed.
“Alright Nik, how about you help me with dinner … spaghetti and meatballs!” Alyssa called cheerfully for him as she filled a pot with water.
“Anything for you, my queen!”
Alyssa was right in her assumption that Nik would not cause any problems for her. She didn’t say anything to him as the meatballs he formed were in the shape of penises; it was obvious he was fishing for attention. Drake, on the other hand, was quick to refuse to eat the “little dicks staring at him” for dinner, especially ones that had Nikolas grubby paws on them. 
And after playing an hour of Grand Theft Auto, in which he tried to teach her how to get the hooker to slash the throat of a pimp, he took a bath, brushed his teeth, and settled into the guest room.
“Good night, Miss Alyssa,” he croaked in his sleepy voice. He tucked the stuffed dragon his father gave him into his chest and closed his eyes.
She smiled as she flipped the light switch by the door. “Good night, Nikolas.”
Drake was still alive and in one piece, and Nikolas, surprisingly, hadn’t disturbed him the entire evening. Now it was time to retire the babysitter cap for the night and try out the new toy that she and Drake had been waiting for hours to use.
“He.Is.Out.” Alyssa proclaimed as she entered the master bedroom; her arms animating each word she spoke. 
Drake, who was standing on the top rung of a ladder wearing nothing but denim boxershorts, clipped a chain through a metal hook in the ceiling. “It’s about damn time!”
Alyssa gawked curiously at the contraption as the rest of the chain fell. She tugged on the bottom where two leather wrist cuffs were attached an arm’s length above her short frame. The last thing she wanted was a heavy strand of steel crashing down while Drake made a bad girl out of her. 
When she felt confident the chain was secure, she performed a sexy striptease while her lover’s hands roamed over each newly exposed section of skin. Drake unsnapped the metal buckles on the leather cuffs and fastened her wrist into each one.
“Wait! Aren’t you going to read the instructions?” Alyssa’s eyes flashed to Drake as if the idea suddenly popped into her head.
“Baby, I think I know what to do with these. Your hands go in here … and my hands …” He slid his fingers between her moistened folds. “go down there.” Alyssa shuddered at his husky voice and the feeling of anticipation that pooled inside of her.
Drake raised his brows. “You remember the safe word?”
“Hmm-mm. Bertrand,” she replied with a quick nod.
A smile dangled on the corner of his lips. “Very good.”
Drake slapped the leather flog across his hand and prowled like a wolf, ready to pounce its prey, around his girlfriend. Her arms outstretched tightly above her head.
“Somebody’s been a verrry bad, girl.” Alyssa teased. Her blue eyes shifting between the leather and his denim bulge.
“Oh yeah?”  He licked his lips while continuing his sensual stroll.
“Yeah. In fact, I’m undercover right now. I’m a whore … a very naughty whore.”
Drake halted his movements and raised the flog. “I suppose I’ll have to punish you then … my very naughty undercover whore.”
“Ohh no, Officer Walker! Please don’t hurt me! Me so horny, me love you long time!”
One, beady blue eye popped open from a disturbance occurring on the floor directly above him. It was a sound he wasn’t that familiar with. For the last year, he had memorized the sound of pain, yet this particular scream was unlike anything he had heard before from any of his usual victims. 
“Drake! Fuck that hurts!”
The second eye popped open. He heard her yell out again and again. The sound of torture and agony reverberated through the ceiling and fell upon his perked up ears. 
Was his Uncle Drake murdering Alyssa?
“Oh my god, Drake! You’re killing me!”
It seemed so.
But, would he actually murder his own girlfriend?
“Devereaux, I’m gonna shove this thing in you so hard.”
Nikolas tossed off the covers and crept out of his bed. He slithered across the room, flipped on the lights, and retrieved his backpack that lay on top an old dresser. 
It was time to put a plan into action, save his woman and make sure Drake Walker regretted the day he’d ever been born.
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jungshookz · 5 years
demons and angels and nurses, oh my!; myg
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😈 pairing: min yoongi x reader
😈 genre: spooktober day (2/7); demon!yoongiverse because it wouldn’t be halloween wiThout everyone’s favourite demon; costume shopping is always cute!!
😈 wordcount: 2.1k
😈 note: demon!yoongi told me that if i didn’t write a spooktober drabble for him he would stand in the corner of my room at night and watch me so here he is!!!! i’m trying to keep these drabbles short n sweet but i apologize if it seems like there isn’t much substance to this one but pouty yoongi and costume shopping is CUTE suE ME 
(picture source here! again, having some trouble finding the original-original source of the picture because it’s literally on everyone’s pinterest page lol) 
this is supposed to be the most beautiful time of the year for yoongi
the leaves are dying
the rain is falling
the pumpkins are spicing
so he doesn’t understand whY he isn’t out in the world wreaking havoc on everyone and is instead stuck shopping with you!!!
(for the record he loves you and cherishes this relationship but PLEASE for the love of satan he needs to get the hell out of here before he falls asleep)
not to be a grump or anything but you guys have been at the costume store for a solid 2 hours and yoongi’s ass is getting sO sore from sitting on the bench for so long
“you know, the key word in couple’s costume is ‘couple’. and so far, this has been a very one-sided couple.”
yoongi glances up from his phone and snorts when he sees you dressed up as a bottle of mustard
“look, i even took mustard so you could have ketchup! ketchup is red and red is the colour of your eyes when you get upset!!”
“well, that’s very thoughtful of you.”
here’s the thing
jungkook’s throwing his annual halloween party (this is the first time he’s throwing it at an actual venue and not his musty dusty cruSty apartment)
would it be so vEry wrong of you to show up there with yoongi? your boyfriend? your devilishly (hA) attractive boyfriend who you would very much like to rub in everyone’s faces?
also there’s literally a 2 for 1 deal on couple’s costume so it would be crazy for you noT to take advantage of that
here’s a list of the couple’s costumes that yoongi has rejected so far:
salt and pepper
milk and cookies
peanut butter and jelly
(you skipped lunch today so maybe that’s why you’ve been choosing a lot of food-themed costumes)
pennywise and georgie!!!!! yoU thought yoongi looked so cute in that yellow raincoat
plus you were kinda feeling that pennywise wig on yourself
a bar of soap and a loOFah
eggs and bacon (again, ya didn’t eat lunch)
you tried to make this experience more fun for yoongi by letting him choose some costumes for you guys but he ended up just choosing costumes for yoU which meant a lot of sexy [insert literally any kind of person/place/thing here]
surprisingly enough he wasn’t a fan of the demon one
in all honesty it was kinda taCky
the cheap red paper horns
the flimsy pitchfork
the pointy, scrawny little taiL
humans really need to be more open minded when it comes to how demons look nowadays
“i am burning up for you, nurse y/l/n…“ yoongi whistles lowly as you step out of the changing room wearing yet another one of his tasteful selections
you don’t understand why there are sexy nurses but there aren’t any sexy doctors
but that’s a conversation for another time
for now you’re trying to figure out how to walk properly without having the dress rise up and expose your enTire ass to this store
you’re not even sure if this costume is in your size considering how tight it is
you feel like if you cough weirdly you’re going to pOp a button and everyone’s going to get a nice look at your boobs
“you’re not taking this seriously anymore.” you grumble as yoongi leans forward to grab your wrists and pull you closer to him
“what do you mean?” he hums as he begins to slide his hand up from the back of your thigh to your- “oW-“ yoongi pushes his bottom lip out in a pout when you swAt his hand away before he can get to the motherland
“i wanna win the costume party and we’re not going to win if i show up wearing a sexy nurse’s outfit and you show up wearing- well, normal clothes!”
yoongi lets out a sigh and props his chin up against your torso and you instinctively reach down to push his hair back “we can go as like, a professor and a student or something.”
“…we’re dressing up for halloween, we’re not shooting a porno film-“
“it’s just- halloween is the one night of the year that i’m free from my demon duties and i get to do whatever i want and i- i don’t know, i guess i think it’d be a little siLLy using that time to put on some silly costumes and hang out at jungkook’s place with a bunch of people i barely know. plus - a couple months back when we were talking about halloween you said that you’d be okay with me disappearing for 24 hours!” yoongi pouts up at you and bats his lashes
he has a good point
you dO remember having that conversation with him
and it’s true, the fact that he only gets 1 day out of 365 days off
if he wants to spend that one day hanging out with his demon friends then he can do that
it’s just.,,.
u don’t want to sound like a brAt or anything but
halloween is so much moRe fun when you get to dress up with your significant other!!!!!
and u don’t like that he’s calling it silly because now yoU feel silly for enjoying the dress-up aspect of halloween
and now you’re going to have to show up to this party aLone which is not ideal because you already told like 8 people that you were bringing your boYfriEnd
u know what
it’s whatever
it’s not worth getting into an argument over
you’re fine!
it’s fine
it’s whatever
“that’s fair…” you murmur and purse your lips in thought
now you have to come up with a clever single person halloween costume
you still have a couple of days left to decide so you’re sure it’ll be fine
“alright, i suppose you’re right.” you let out a sigh and yoongi grins happily up at you
“thank u, baby”
yoongi gives your bum a swat as soon as you turn around and you resiSt the urge to tackle him in the middle of this costume store
“y/n, you are noT going to believe the things that i have planned out for-“ yoongi’s sneakers squeak against the wooden floor when he spots a familiar face in the apartment “…what the hell are you doing here?”
“good afternoon, yoongi!” jimin smiles brightly and yoongi raises a brow
he sweArs his perfect, pearly teeth are going to blind him one day
“why are you in my apartment?”
“y/n and i are going to jungkook’s party together and she wanted me to come over to try some outfits on!” jimin states as if that’s the most oBvious thing in the entire world and yoongi snorts
“…you guys aren’t going to the party together.”
“ya we are”
“no, you’re not-“
“mmmm i’m pRetty sure we are”
“okay but it’s like- it’s a couple’s costume and you’re not a couple-“
“we don’t have to be a couple! she just needed someone to go with-“
“okay but you’re noT a couple so you can’t say you’re a couple otherwise people are going to think that you guys are like, together-together-“
“you know what the funny part is? we’re actually going to go as-“
“yoongi!” the little quarrel is interrupted when you emerge from the guest bathroom “i thought you were going to be out all day doing… demony things!”
“i was but i finished ea-“ yoongi doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence because he’s pretty sure his tongue rolls out of his mouth and giGantic red hearts start pumping out of his eyes
well he thouGHt he wasn’t a fan of the demon costume but this one definitely doesn’t look like the one you tried on at the store
you’re wearing some kind of a red latex leotard (and it’s taking a loT of effort to not check out your boobs right now)
complete with a pair of thigh high boots and arm sleeves that make it look like your forearms are engULfed in flames aNd of course there’s a long, pointed tail attached to the back that kind of just drags behind you on the floor
a pair of little red horns sit on the top of your head and that,.,,. shouldn’t affect him as much as it is
“you’re going as a demon?” yoongi swallows thickly and reaches up to tuck at the collar of his shirt when he catches sight of some fiery-red garters around your thighs
“uh-huh! you like it? i figured that since you’re not coming with me, i’ll just dress up as you-“ you joke and twist slightly to make sure the tail is still in place “jimin actually made the whole outfit for me-“
“jimin helped you with this outfit??” yoongi raises a brow and
“yep! i thought the puny little tail was kinda pathetic so i made a longer one and that definitely amped up the look aNd the horns are nice and sturdy now-“ jimin leans back against the couch and crosses his arms “i suggested fishnet stockings but y/n thought that would be too much-“
“wait, if you guys are going together, and you’re dressing up as a demon, then what are you dressing up as?” yoongi’s brows knit together as he looks towards jimin
“y/n suggested that i just go as myself - get it, because a demon and an angel - but thEN i was like what if i aLso dress up as a demon and we can do a matchy-matchy thing- pLus, i don’t think i’m breaking any rules because it’s just for halloween so we’re goo-“
“you’re going as a demon?!” yoongi interrupts him and if you looked any closer you’d probably be able to see the steam shooTing out from his ears
what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!
ok u know what to be fair you’re letting him off the hook for the night which is what he wanted
but he didn’t know that you were going to be wearing that
and he aLso wasn’t aware that jimin was apparently going to be your demon boyfriend for the night
and knowing how ditzy jimin is he’s probably going to lose track of you and then you’re just going to be prey in the eyes of the many, mAny other demons who are out on the prowl on halloween
you walking around wearing that with your aura as pUre as gold (even though half of it belongs to yoongi but still your aura is like 78% pure) is equivalent to serving a piece of fresh salmon on a silver platter to a pack of wild bears and yoongi suddenly has a vERy strong urge to taint your aura again and again and again so that people know exactly who you’re with-
“jimin.” yoongi clears his throat calmly, “you have five seconds to leave before i kick you out.”
jimin’s lips part in a gawk
“wha- what did i do-“
“four- three- twO-“
“alright, i’m going, jesus-“ jimin grumbles and lets out a huff before he disintegrates into a beam of golden sparkles
a moment of silence goes by after jimin leaves where you and yoongi are kind of just staring at each other
the air in the room feels different and you feel your heart sKip a beat when you notice yoongi’s eyes flicker to black for a millisecond
if you had blinked you probably would’ve missed it
“what’s the matter with you?” you cross your arms and tilt your head slightly and yoongi scoffs before poking his tongue into his cheek
“what do you think is the matter with me?”
you don’t miss the way his eyes trail over your figure and you don’t have to be a roCKet science to figure out what thoughts are running through your boyfriend’s head
“…you want me to keep the horns-“
you don’t even get a chance to finiSh asking before yoongi’s grabbing you and practically dragging you to the bedroom
(yoongi makes a mental note to apologise to jimin later for shRedding up your handmade costume.)
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a spooky request)
spooktober masterlist // main masterlist
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kammokid · 5 years
Edgy Bumbleby Fanfic
 I press my body close to the damp leaves on the forest floor, my ears and tail involuntarily twitching, anxious to be awakened. I glance around with my muddy human senses one last time. I shift all my concentration to the inner, feline part of me; this part is easy, especially in these woods. One gasp of breath, and it’s like seeing for the first time, all over again. My nose and ears are flooded with information; every squirrel, rabbit or deer’s presence is stored within my boundless sense of smell. I hear the nonexistent crunching of my still-human feet. At the same time, all the colors dim into a soft monochrome palette, but it’s barely noticeable through the rest of the information crashing into my head. Then the human part of my conscience moves to the back of my mind. I can still access it when I need to, but for now, I am a wild animal. Then I smell it: the rabbit, sitting in a clearing not too far away. My instinct tells me to rush towards it, and I do, halting a few feet away, behind some bushes. My mouth fills with saliva at the thought of the sweet, warm taste of rabbit, causing my teeth to clench and harden into the fangs of a cat. I creep as close to it as I can, careful of my clumsy human body, so focused on my prey that I don't notice the rustling of someone behind me, attempting to be quiet. The bunny sits, shivering, afraid that its own breathing will betray it to whatever hungry predator was there. Suddenly, I become aware of whatever is behind me, but now I don’t care. All I can think about is how the warm weight of the rabbit will feel when it’s hanging from my mouth. I can’t take it anymore. In a rush of adrenaline, I pounce on it, easily snapping its neck. The rush dies down and I become aware of the warm, metallic taste of blood sliding down my throat. On my hands and knees, I drop the bunny on the ground and dig in, hungrily. Suddenly, a cry rings out through the air.
    “BLAKE?!” A small part of my human conscience reminds me that Blake is my name and that person is Yang. The feline half of me starts slipping away as I become more and more aware of my situation; but not before I catch a whiff of an intoxicating scent. All the progress my cat consciousness has made in trying to get away is destroyed as I snap back to whatever consciousness can most easily smell whatever the scent is. My nose leads me straight to the same fiery, blonde haired girl who called my name. Standing on two feet, I stretch up to reach her height. 
    “B-Blake? What are you doing?” With great effort, I manage to tug back the last little human part of me to answer the question.
    “I love you, Yang.” I whisper. I bury my face into her neck. I stand up on tiptoe and lick her face. She backs away, suddenly.
    “You’re not the Blake I know.” I am able to speak to her in my voice, but it’s  also not my voice. The words themselves sound the same but the tone is different: It sounds oilier, calmer, but with a desperate, almost crazy, edge. 
    “Yang please” She shakes her head violently. “Do you love me back?”
    “I love you Blake but only when your not” She gestures to the blood still dripping from my mouth. “Like this.” I unsheathe one of my claws and press it against my own throat. 
    “Kiss me, Yang.” 
    “Blake stop. What are you doing? I can’t kiss you when you’re… crazy like this.” I press my claw harder, drawing blood. 
    “Kiss me!!” Yang has a look of horror on her face when she realizes what I’m doing, but she leans towards me, reluctantly. I grab her waist and press my mouth against hers. Our lips lock. I feel an incredible surge of passion, but Yang is still tense beneath me. I kiss her over and over again, trying to get her to feel the same surge of passion as I do. Eventually, something snaps in her. I can feel her kissing back. She strokes my cat ears and I fall into an uncontrollable fit of purring. I lick her face and she returns by lapping up some of the blood on my neck. Finally, we start to get tired. Yang pulls away and looks at me, almost smiling and out of breath. 
    “As much as I hate this version of Blake, you are one good kisser.” In that moment, my feline conscience flees, leaving an incredible rush of dizziness. I steady myself on Yang as my powerful senses rush out and are replaced by color. I open my eyes and take in the scene around me: the dead rabbit, a fresh cut on my neck, and most of all, Yang, whose lips were puffy and swollen. 
    “Y-Yang? What happened? Are you ok? I-I’m so sorry-” Yang cuts me off by drawing me close and hugging me.
    “It’s good to have you back.”
    “I had no idea you were there. Normally, when I do that, I only go eat a rabbit or something and then return. This has never happened before. And why am I, s-so tired?” Yang lifts me up in her arms and I struggle against her powerful arms but then relax.
    “I love you too, Blake.” She whispers in my ear.
By: Qammo 
My girlfriend and I wrote the story together, as you may notice she did most of the writing. lol We combined both of our nicknames together at the bottom Kammo Kid and Qat With A Q! Hope you like it!!!
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Forty: Over the Hill ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: River Runs Deep ] [ AO3 Link ]
Come dawn, Sasuke wakes and sits up in his cot, a hand rubbing at his face.
Gods, what a night…
First his hunt of the traitor that threatened to oust his family’s escape. Then accidentally returning to the strange village that he swears rests between planes. Which meant invoking the wrath of the spirit that claims to watch over it, only for that strange miko woman to intervene.
She probably kept him from being devoured whole.
And now, here he is, having been granted pardon by the god and a night’s rest before heading back down over the hill - or, well...he supposes it’s more of a mountain - to his clan’s encampment.
Palm braced over his lips, he glances aside to where his clothes and gear rest. The former are hanging to dry after the water god’s deluge the night before. His blades are sheathed, resting atop a cushion in the early morning light. Sandals sit beside them on the floor.
...he’s almost loathe to get up, wondering what other otherworldly hijinks he’s going to find himself embroiled in today. All he wanted was to get over these gods-forsaken mountains. Find a new, safe place for his clan to live. And now he finds himself communing with gods and women that can see into the spirit realm.
He never asked for this. Uchiha Sasuke is a simple man.
Still...lying here won’t get him home to his people. He’s sure his father is already worrying over his absence overnight. The sooner he gets home, the sooner he can move on from this...mess.
The god’s words echo in his head.
“Someday… you will be the lost, the forgotten, the abandoned and the seeking…”
The memory itself brings him a shiver. It’s like he can still feel the spirit’s words in his bones. And that terrifies him. What, is he destined to come back here someday? Is it what awaits at the end of his journey? But what about his people? His family?
...are they, too, the lost and the seeking?
They did flee persecution at the hands of their prior lord. They’ve been left homeless, wandering, and hunted.
But that look in the god’s eyes...this isn’t a place so easily sought as home. She claims to have plucked her villagers from the world herself. Those downtrodden and rejected by men and gods alike. Would his people have a place among them…? And surely to ask shelter for so many would be a fool’s errand. She was furious enough at his intrusion.
Shoving the thoughts from his mind - there’s no point in them, now - Sasuke abandons his cot and moves to dress, thankful to find his garments dry. Half his hair goes up in a tie at the rear of his head, swords belted into place, and sandals strapped to his feet.
A deep breath.
Then he steps outside.
Only once before now has he seen this village after sunrise: the previous morning he was led from its borders and sent on his way. Then, it had been so densely foggy he couldn’t see ten paces from his face. Lightly raining. It hadn’t felt real even then, so shrouded from daylight.
But now...it’s completely different.
Sunlight filters down into the valley between the jagged, tree-topped peaks, tinted emerald in the thick foliage. A gentle breeze wafts under a blue sky peppered with soft clouds of white. The chuckle of the river reaches his ears, along with soft murmurings of the village, of which he lingers in the outskirts.
It’s like a different place entirely.
Wonder evident upon his face, Sasuke watches goings-on without thinking of his staring. In return, he gets a few odd looks before realizing his manners.
“...I take it you slept well?”
Jolting, he turns to find the miko, Hinata, at his side. When did she -? “...yes.”
“I cleansed the room with camphor smoke before you retired,” she offers with a small bow. “It often helps lighten one’s mind so sleep can come easy.”
“Camphor, huh…?” The trees grow everywhere - he can’t say he’s surprised.
“They bear a number of medicinal properties. O-Suigin-sama is a kami of healing. Hence her want to relieve the burdens of the humans she finds. And spirits, too - those abandoned by their human neighbors. More and more the land falls to human greed...so this valley is home to m-many displaced spirits and gods...as well as the people shunned in the same light.”
“...forgive me,” Sasuke then offers, a hand bracing against his brow. “I’m...having trouble wrapping my mind around this.”
Hinata gives him a soft smile. “I understand. There are few who still believe in the old gods. Meeting one face to face must have been...surprising.”
“To say the least.”
Another smile, this time hidden behind a sleeve, a glitter of amusement in her eyes, much to his shock. Is she truly so at ease with him? She’d been so wary when they’d met. Granted, that too had been surprising. “Well...come, we’ll find you something to eat.”
“I’ve no coin to trade.”
“You don’t need them. Here, we barter...but also give without cost when we feel it’s right. You are a guest...a special one. One meal will not upset the balance of our economy.”
Sasuke’s brows furrow. “You don’t use money…?”
“Money is simply a placeholder for other things you want, or need. Here, we skip that step and offer such things directly. A shepherd will trade wool a seamstress needs for a garment. Another of her craft she can trade for food. Why have money when everything you need is simply a walk down the street? So long as you have something to offer, you have something to gain.”
He considers that. “...and if you have nothing to offer?”
“Everyone has something. Even if they don’t know it.” The miko softens. “...such ideals are why we were each chosen to be here. To the world of men, we had no worth...but here, we all have something to contribute. Here...all are happy, all are healthy. None go wanting.”
“There can be no such place.”
“You simply do not k-know it yet.”
They approach a stall where a fisherman’s set up his wares caught from the valley’s river. As Hinata explains, he doesn’t hesitate to hand over a few fish with a smile. From another stall, they beg rice and miso. An obliging outdoor oven shaped from clay lets him roast the catch himself, fetching wood and kindling, starting sparks with flint from his pack.
When it’s done...he offers half to Hinata.
She perks in surprise, not expecting his generosity...but accepts. They sit beneath a gnarled camphor, enjoying the breeze.
“...so, if I were to someday return,” Sasuke muses, earning a glance. “What would a samurai have to offer such a place? You fear no enemies.”
Hinata considers him. “...can you wield a bow?”
“Well enough.”
“Weapons can slay more than humans. You could hunt. And those whose roles take labor are always looking for help. You could pick apples from the orchards, haul nets from the river, chop wood for our fires, or even work in the mines. You are strong, and diligent, as a samurai must be. But a samurai is not all you can be.”
He goes silent for a long moment. “...and what of my family? What could they do?”
“...you wish to bring them here?”
“When I stumbled upon your valley that first night...I was separated from them. We were fleeing after our lord was conquered. That spineless urchin turned us over. We were to be killed...so we fled. And now we seek refuge. It’s why we risked crossing these mountains. It was a chance of death in the peaks...or a certain death in our homes.”
Horror colors her face. “...I’m sorry…”
“Your god claims she takes those who are rejected by gods and by men. I can’t say if we’ve been abandoned by the former...but certainly the latter. We have nowhere to turn. Hunted, like prey, for serving a master now beaten.”
Hinata hesitates, looking to her onigiri. “...I...could speak to O-Suigin-sama...but Uchiha-san, what you ask…”
“I know we’re not her chosen. But she’s seen good in me. Surely my family could be judged. We are good people, left by the wayside after generations of loyalty. All we want...is a place to be free.”
Pale eyes search his own. “...I can ask. It is all I can do.”
“I would be in your debt.”
“...for now, you should return to your people. Speak not of this place to them. If we wish to find you again...word will reach you.”
“Upon wings of white.”
She doesn’t elaborate, instead rising and looking back to him. “...we must outfit you for your journey. You’ve a long path home.”
Allowing himself to hope on her promise, Sasuke gets to his feet, and follows.
     *flops* Oh man is it late.      More of the kami AU! A direct sequel to day sixty, and seventy-seven. Sasuke seems to be slowly accepted into this strange place...and now he's wondering if it's the perfect hideaway for the rest of the Uchiha. Sounds perfect, right?      Now he just has to convince a god! Piece of cake :'D      I'd say more but GOLLY I'm tired and I gotta sleep, lol - thanks for reading!
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kyoko0001 · 5 years
Please use or Share ANGST Addition!!!
Even More KuroFai stories I need in my life and dont have time to write. 
1 ~ An AU where Fai and Kurogane meet at a support group like Ellie’s place where teens go to deal with the loss of there parents. They both got sent there because they are NOT dealing with it well. Kurogane is getting in trouble at school and has serious anger issues while Fai wont eat and has started self harming. They both think the group is bull shit and end up bonding by sneaking out and just hanging out behind the building and talking about not there feelings. eventually they end up leaning on each other and making it work now that neither of them have families. wonderful slow burn of how they fall and love love after so much heart brake. 
2 ~ An AU where were in like 1600′s Europe during the witch hunts and Kurogane is in charge of interrogating the newest suspected witch. Fai has lived on a small farm outside of the village for many years and has never bothered anyone. In fact he often makes medicine for the villagers and while they were weary of the fact that he doesn’t seem to age no one had ever bothered him before the whole witch craze. Kurogane isn't looking forward to the possibility of having to torture the person who always drops off medication when his mothers cough returns and doesn't know what to do when Fai freely admits that he is a witch and asks why that is so wrong. Que Kuro-chan having to question his moral code, sneaking Fai food while he is locked up in the dungeon and eventually helping him flee/attempt to flea. Bonus points for sad endings where Fai and Kurogane face there fate together when they cant get away. 
3 ~ Fai and Yuui are in Kurogane’s class (just swap there names so the real Fai is now Yuui and the twin who changes his name to Fai is Fai) But Kurogane hasn't seen Fai since about the 5-6th grade because of his frail health. Yuui is still at school every day though and is quite popular. One day when Kurogane and Yuui are staying after school to work on a science project Yuui gets a call and frantically tells Kurogane he needs to leave. Kurogane has a car and offers to drive Yuui and Yuui ends up having a brake down in the car while he is reading some text messages from his mother. Kurogane was not expecting to go to the hospital today but Yuui is a sobbing shaking mess so he parks and takes him inside to make sure he makes it ok. Yuui is too upset to talk to the nurses so Kurogane ends up finding out Fai’s room and walks Yuui there. Yuui asks him to stay so he does and they meet Yuui’s mother outside of the room. Shes a single mom and looks rough but Kurogane polity introduces himself. When Yuui goes into see Fai he gets his first glimpse of him. Fai looks like a paler, thinner version of his brother with much much longer hair. He is sitting up in the bed with all sorts of tubes and wires around him and he looks so confused as his brother frets over him. Its the twins mom that tells Kurogane that Fai has been in a coma for over a year and the doctors told them he was brain dead. years ago Fai had stopped coming to school because he had had a weak heart and had finally gotten a transplant last year only to have a blood clot from the operation cause a stroke. He had been in coma and had unexpectedly woken up a few hours ago which is why Yuui just lost it. Eventually Kurogane goes home and Yuui is out of school for the next week. When he comes back he thanks Kurogane for being so kind and lets him know that Fai is getting better and better. Since he is really the only one at school that knows whats going on and Yuui will talk to him about how Fai is doing. He gets to hear about how Fai had to learn how to walk again and is getting stronger and stronger, about when Fai finally gets to come home, and he is the only one Yuui warns when Fai is going to come back to school almost 6 months after coming out of his coma. When Fai comes back to school Kurogane gets to meet him for the first time and finds out that he is the opposite of his serious, quite, and meek brother. You guys get the point lol a slow burn where Kurogane helps Fai get from classes and catch up on homework and becomes apart of the Fluorite family and falls in love love with Fai. 
4 ~ Kurogane’s ends up traveling to the capital after earning recondition for his skill in battle and is asked to join the Kings guard in Celese. He really doesn’t want to visit the “City of the  Gods” where the king and his court resides but his dad is making him. He has to attend the ball in his honor and that is where he Meet’s Fai, the first Prince of Celese who he will be assigned to guard. The head of the kings guard warned him that Fai is a bit of a handful and not to take his antics personally--the roll as his royal guard is mostly formal. He gets what he means when Fai manages to give him the slip after only 30 minutes. Fai does not like to be baby sat so its a constant game of hide and seek between them untill one day Kurogane looses his temper and slams Fai against the wall when he catches him. Fai of course is very impressed that Kuro-chan had the balls to raise a hand to the crowned prince and there relationship starts to change. Fai still teases the crap out of him but he isnt running away as often and is actually taking the time to talk to Kurogane because he is the only person who doesn't just see the crowned prince and treats him as a human. As Fai allows him closer Kurogane starts to learn exactly what it means to be the next head of the nation and all the insane training, rituals, and lessons he has to go though and attend. Its kept hush hush but those in power know that Ashura is starting to loose his mind and as the God of War he has a tendency to go on killing sprees. It’s Fai’s job to stop him and he and the head of the kings hard often have to battle and retain Ashura until the madness episode subsides. Fai knows he will eventually loose his mind completely and then it will be Fai’s job to put him out of his misery. Another slow burn where Kurogane and Fai end up falling in love and Kurogane helps support Fai while he deals with Ashura. Bonus points if Fai transforms himself into a vampire and give up his humanity to ultimately save Ashura from his madness and Kuro-chan agrees to be his prey to shoulder the burden. 
5 ~ An AU where Kurogane is a vampire hunter and Fai is of course a vampire. Kurogane and his partner Sershiro have been working together for years and just last week they had taken out a figurehead in the Vampire community and the vampire that transformed Fai. Fai has no idea what to do to with himself and is feeling pretty shitty and misses his master. He tries to kill himself but it doesn't really work given that he is immortal so he decides to just go knock on Kurogane’s door since shoving a stake into his own heart isnt an easy thing to do. Kurogane opens the door at 2 am to see Fai--with his glowing blue eyes and long silky blonde hair giving him a sad smile. Of course he has no idea who Fai is because the vampire he had killed kept him well hidden and locked away so he is not on the bounty list. Fai tells him he is a vampire and hands him a stake and of course Kurogane is like wtf? No i’m not going to kill you. I dont know who the fuck you are and I only kill the people on the list so Fai sorta just refuses to leave and Kurogane eventually invites him in and so on and so on and Kurogane gets to learn all about what vampire culture is really like and they fall in love love and blah blah blah tons of sexy blood drinking and gay smex. 
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