#they clownin over there
cheesecake-beech · 1 year
HEY BROS I'm in the mood to draw some hello kitty shit or even mario n MIIS FROM WII SPORTS/RESORT 😩😩😩 I'm prolly gonna go draw pictures and pictures of Matt AKJFHASJFSHADFGS/j I promise I'm still gonna do the ones in my inbox (like 2-4 lmao) But I'm in the mood for other things rn
I recently quite LITERALLY lost a friend because he realized I wasn't willing to draw for him for free anymore (r/choosingbeggars amirite?) and he literally wanted 10 drawings from me and 💀 that clown was deadass being a little disrespectful when we were in Client and Artist conversations. But when I told him I wouldn't do it for free and to message someone else clown straight up blocked me 🤡. But I wasn't upset? More relieved actually? Felt as though a HUGEASS weight was lifted from my shoulders because that creep was starting to get on my nerves 😭 made me SUUPER uncomfortable at times and deadass would only look at women and talk abt women because dude was begging for the frickle frackle 🤡🤡🤡 League of Legends players am I right?
BUT SINCE IM FREE OF THAT BURDEN NOW!! No longer having to worry about his DMs n shit, I'd like to spend my time drawing and doing other shit. haha Any requests or smthin? :O
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ineedaplacetostay · 2 months
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cephalopaints · 1 year
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anyways watch this video Right Now
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ratmasacre · 5 months
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dj-tak0wasa · 1 year
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CANNOT stop thinking about this
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lollytea · 1 year
about your latest reblog (the female character one) who exactly were you thinking about, because I think we're both thinking the same thing 👀👀👀👀
Remember in Reaching Out when they decided to flesh out Edric a little more and they just gave him season 1 Willow's problems
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pybun · 2 years
I had a dream that had Tatters in it, but for some reason I couldnt remmenber his name and my brain decided on the name "Tungleo". However, the dream revolved around these two kids surviving a The Last of Us like apocalypse, and they were being stalked by these thugs, and Tatters saved the kids by *achem* dealing with the stalkers. My favorite part was where he used clown powers to walk out of sight in one doorway to appear in another one behind the guys to get them with a clown hammer. The kids escaped in a boat and Tatters waved them off as they went. It was fun
lmao he would do that. ive mentioned this a bunch but tatters can actually travel through dimensions and i have a spinoff comic idea for it. ive barely done anything with that idea for now and yet here he is going dream hopping. tatters is real confirmed
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softestepilogue · 10 months
look i love clownin harry styles too. but the reviews saying he was super bad in the policeman are not true. like he wasn’t perfect and they definitely could’ve hired a better actor but he wasn’t horrendous.
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dutybcrne · 27 days
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respectthepetty · 5 months
How does it feel to stay winning Petty? Also who would've guessed that baby Barcode would be the one of the BOC boys to collect kisses from all the homies!?
Anon, I appreciate you sending this because, right now, I feel like an elite status female rapper. Like CL from 2NE1 rapped in their 2011 hit, "I am the best", Be On Cloud owns me, and y'all can't tell me shit about this show.
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I know I have some Wild Ass Theories and I'm always clownin' in these BL streets, but I love when my theories actually hit their target like . . .
When I knew Teacher Chadok was in a relationship with Teacher Dika since the first episode of The Eclipse.
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When I knew Kanghan's house was going to be robbed and his dad would be shot since the third episode of Dangerous Romance, even though I thought Saifah would do it.
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When I knew Pat was working with Joke to win over Zo since the first episode of Hidden Agenda.
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I love making Wild Ass Theories no matter how crazy they are, like my belief that the twins' dad is involved in this whole murder and sex work plot in Playboyy. No matter what happened in this past episode, I still believe it and am eagerly awaiting the upcoming chaos to see how hard I clowned.
Which is why I LOVE Dead Friend Forever.
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I want the record to state that no matter what happens after episode seven, that at this exact moment in time, I love this show. It makes me happy to be alive at the same time this is airing, and I'm not joking. I want to remember that at one point, this show was everything to me, and even if it goes down hill, it had all my attention in the first seven episodes. I want to appreciate it right now because regardless of what happens, it did everything right in the first half.
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With the way some shows keep losing their footing in the end, sometimes we forget how good they were in the beginning, and the emo in me doesn't want to forget this feeling. Some of my favorite movies are Scream, Heathers, and Jawbreaker so this show has been giving me the explicitly queer version of kill your frenemies since the very first episode, and I love it.
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My internal alarm went off the second Tee got upset that Phi was speaking to White in episode one, then the dark hand touched him making him enemy #1. I didn't like the way he told White he needed to obey him, and I feel like the dark hand wasn't too pleased with it either. It was a vibe.
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And now Non has a hurt hand in the past from falling off the bike . . .
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Then, Jin was the main character of the previous film, so he was either the killer or the biggest baddie.
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But Phi was just so sus, that I clocked him as a killer.
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Which meant Phi and Jin were the killers, but Tan has no backstory and people with no history are intentionally hiding it, so they can kill everyone and peace out.
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So in my mind, Tan and Phi were regulated to the killers, Tee was the second to last to die, which I'm hoping it's by his boyfriend White who he thinks disobeys him, and the rest of the squad would die as needed. Which left Jin to be the baddie.
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All of my theories could blow up at any second because we don't know if Jin actually sent that video or if his computer fizzled out before it finished uploading, so he could still be a killer avenging Non instead of a baddie who wronged Non (but he took the video and that is messed up regardless of what he planned to do with it).
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But either way, I'm hoping it comes down to Phi and Jin in that forest because the show started with them.
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And I don't think Jin realizes who Phi is to Non since Jin never got a good look at Phi's face in the past.
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The Twitter folks spotted that Phi's dad was the police chief from the letters the boys got calling them in for interrogation in episode six.
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And now the knife from episode two is showing up in the past in Non's backpack.
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Up until this point, I feel the show has laid out a solid story with a good cast, and I think Be On Cloud relied on their KinnPorsche casting to throw people off in this show because who expected Us to be doomed in the first episode? That was like Drew Barrymore dying at the beginning of Scream.
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People have felt off about JJ's character, but the show wouldn't really have JJ do anything bad to sweet Barcode, right?
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And Barcode and Ta being paired together was a pipe dream for the Macau x Porchay shippers, so it could never happen here!
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Especially because Ta and Copper won The Hidden Character, which meant they were going to be the main pair of this show, right?
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Barcode is gonna be involved in some fucked up shit, and according to those MDL comments, people are realizing they messed up making any assumptions before this show started based on what the actors previously did.
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I truly feel like BOC looked at its lineup and said "Baby Barcode was babygirled so hard for the past two years that the audience won't even think his character is capable of such things"
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and I love that for us.
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BOC gave these youngsters (19-23 in age) a script from Dr. Sammon and the Pit Babe writers and said "go HAM, bitches"
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And the audience stays winning.
This isn't about my Wild Ass Theories coming true. This is an appreciation post for what this show has given to me up until this point - a good mystery.
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Every week I have more questions and none of them feel like they will go unanswered. Is Non dead? Did Jin actually upload the video? Is Tan a killer? Why did Phi hook up with Jin? Will White finally snap, crackle, and pop like a bag of Rice Krispies treats for the mere fact that he simply wanted a nice weekend getaway with his boyfriend and now has to deal with all this bullshit?
But most importantly, when did Phi realize he was going to kill all of them after making them run around scared for their lives?
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Because by time the show makes it back to the present day, I'm sure we're all going to want to watch these kids suffer in the worst ways possible.
Manipulate, Murder, Mayhem
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
The evans reactions to reader saying a kinda flirty joke to them/ headcannon
Evan Peters
"are you my favorite food? Cause i be craving you all the time"
Would be a little confused at first and start laughing a bit
You guys would both burst out laughing till you cant breathe for a while
"im never saying anything like that again" "what no it was cute tho"
Thinks it's cute and that's your guy's thing now
Tate Langdon
"are you a ghost? Cause i see you being my boo"
Immediate burst out laughing to the point hes hunched over trying to breathe
"was it that bad?" "N-no baby-" *more laughter*
After comes up with a even more funnier more flirty joke and you guys just end up coming up with more and more jokes
Would definitely love it tho
Kit walker
"do you have a name? Or can i call you mine?"
Would definitely have a big smile
Would grab your waist and smile while looking at you
"well you already can ms walka"
Gives you a big ole kiss
He adores your jokes all the time and sometimes comes up with even better ones
Kyle Spencer (pre death)
"do you drink soda? Cause you look so-da-licious"
Would probably become a little flustered bc lets all be honest hes so boyfriend and hes so babe
Would probably need a little reassurance idk
"wow, you really mean that?" *Nods*
Would definitely make a even dirtier joke and you would be the one blushing 100% hes the king of dirty jokes in my mind a little bit only when you guys are messing around he wouldnt just say it hes not like his frat brothers ugh i hate them
Jimmy Darling
"are you a sea lion? Cs i can see you lion in my bed tonight"
I feel like he would smile a bit then would deff say something that you would like blush like crazy at
Would deff walk over to you and kiss you
Yall when i tell you this man would not be playin with his joke
Yall would be busy...and tired... For a while...
James Patrick March
"If i had to wait my entire life to experience your love, i would. for when im withered away i’d have experienced heaven before i’ve even reached it" (i didnt come up with this one or any other one jst wanted to say that)
You would have to use something poetic for him to truly understand idk i jst feel like he would mainly understand then
His heart (if it was still beating) would literally burst
Never wanted to kiss you more in his lifeeee (his life already ended) (damn im just clownin him mb i love him)
"oh my dear, *says the best poetic rizz ever to the point your jaw literally drops*"
Was deff waiting for an opportunity to use that poem/ poetic rizz on you
Kai Anderson
Literally thrown down the basement stairs
Winter has to probably try and save you from him or after hes done slapping you across the face she comforts you
Get with winter
Shes the one for all of us tbh
Or he would probably "punish you" by fucking you really rough or something
Yeah just get with winter
Peter Maximoff
"damn you're fast. Are you my heart? cs its going as fast as you"
Deff a blush would come onto his face
Would say something cocky
"wanna see how fast i can go doing something...else?"
Literally the king of dirty jokes everyday and all day
You would end up blushing and yall would deff uh...be busy after that..
Also i didnt make any of these pick up lines sooo😭
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thirstnotes · 1 year
| Imagine Being Quiet and Nerdy and in Love with Daveed and Rafa Since Childhood and Not Realizing Rafa Liked You All That Time |
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"Ey, man, leave that girl alone. Give it back, f'real."
Those were the words that made your soul leave your 8th grade body. Sure he was laughing when he said it, so it was a soft demand, but the fact that Rafael Casal was defending you to any capacity made your brain leave orbit. Which is not where you needed it to be right now.
Because you didn't know what to say when his friend gave you your novel back. He didn't seem to expect a response, however, completely overlooking you to defend himself to Rafa. "What? I just wanna know what be so damn interesting in them books she always reading."
"Bitch, spell 'interesting',” Daveed joked, getting a spirited shove from behind as they all left you alone. You bit your lip to keep from laughing at the jab. The last thing you needed was to draw attention back to yourself.
They all roasted each other as they continued up the sidewalk, all shoving each other and completely forgetting about you. Thankfully. With a final "Man fuck you!" they all disappeared around the corner. Still talking shit. You exhaled. Your skin was cool with the feeling of sweat that broke out when they’d approached. Your pulse was pounding in your eardrums. You swallowed, your throat cracking a bit from the moisture finally returning to it. You were ashamed of the way you choked whenever they were around.
You were the epitome of a "good girl". Straight A's, well-read, well-behaved, stayed out of trouble. It always pleased your parents, but your social life was sorely lacking. Plus, anxiety was a bitch and it made you an easy target for teasing. Particularly from the neighborhood boys--them included. Your Grandma claimed it was because they thought you were cute and just did it because they didn't have anything better to do.
A thought you wanted to entertain.
But nah, you knew it was because you were funny to watch squirm and fumble for a good comeback. Today, however, Rafa and Dav--as they so affectionately called each other--seemed to exercise a small bit of restraint when their third homie went in on you.
Possibly because your Grandma used to be their music teacher and looked out for them. Maybe because she paid them to do odd jobs around her house to keep them out of trouble. Or maybe it was because she always fed them whenever they came over after school. Which wasn't anything novel; she fed everybody that came through. So you legit couldn't think of any other reason they'd take it easy on you. Sure, you interacted occasionally--often being in the same room and all--but you'd hardly call yourselves "friends that hang out".
You were--as Rafa put it--"so fuckin weird", although said in a lighthearted way that made your heart flutter. In a way, it did make you feel like you were closer than your other schoolmates, if only temporary.
Which was why you were so ashamed of yourself for choking up so much. They were just dumb boys doin' dumb boy shit. Clownin' around. Any cool bitch would’ve snatched her book back and cut them all off at the knees with something sharp and/or flirty.
But you were nothing like that. You were a nervous laugher, pretending to be a good sport, not wanting to offend, but also desperately wanting them to leave you alone type of girl. No matter how fine you thought they were. Especially how fine you thought they were.
They were on a whole other level. Cute, charismatic, talented, funny, down-to-earth…and right across the street. You would listen from your window all the time, doing your homework, blinds just barely open, the window cracked to hear them joking and taking turns freestyling bars about people they saw or stuff they liked. Which you enjoyed.
At least until you heard them jokingly rap:
See shawty 'cross the street always playing hide-and-seek-er/peepin all up in the blinds like can't nobody see her
You couldn't look them in the eye for a week-
"Amber Brown," your bestie laughed aloud, interrupting your story with a smirk that suggested she was holding onto a juicy secret. You frowned at her expectantly.
"You know that song was about you, right?" she purred deviously, waggling her perfectly contoured brows at you. You rolled your eyes with a sheepish smile, the familiar feeling of embarrassment creeping up your spine.
"No, no for real!" she pleaded apologetically, "That's how I found out Rafa had a crush on you."
Your jaw went slack. "What?"
F/N gave you an obnoxiously beaming smirk. "Mmhmmmm."
Then she took a long sip of her drink, which made you practically foam at the mouth for more information.
"Okay, so???" you urged, motioning for her to go on. She seemed to revel in your anxiety.
She smacked her lips for a moment then relented. "Okay okay. For real tho. Who did you think Amber Brown was about?"
She paused to let you add two and two together. You decided to give her the wrong answer. “Somebody at school.”
You truly earned the look she gave you. “Yeah. You, silly ass.”
You laughed and shrugged, your chest fluttering and sparkling with the revelation that maybe your best friend was actually right. “I’m just sayin. There were a lot of Ambers floatin’ ‘round that school.”
“You are way too bright for me to dignify that with an answer.”
You took a smirky sip and she rolled her eyes.
“Amber brown is about your eyes, smartass.”
She looked pleased at the cough that pulled from you.
“Amber Brown in my town always got me feenin’, honey brown lookin 'round like shawty always schemin’? He was talkin about how shy you were and how he though it was cute. Which like. I ain’t gon lie. That was fuckin adorable.”
You wanted poke fun at how she remembered that freestyle from so long ago, but you did too. It was one of your favorites. But not once did you think it was about you. You truly thought it was about some chick named Amber.
“My eyes ain’t honey brown,” was all your flustered brain could manage.
“Remember in music class when we were talking about Jasmine’s contacts and the sun hit your eyes at just the right angle and we started talking about how brown eyes hit different in the sun?”
How could you forget? Rafa was the one that started it all in the first place. Everybody started laughing then Andre joked about you being his new boo. You were petrified.
“Rafa said ‘damn’ or something…whatever it was, it about how pretty your eyes were when the sun hit them. Everybody started laughing, but he was for real. I thought he was legit gon’ smack the shit outta Dre’.”
“He laughed too,” you pressed, hanging on every word, hoping she’d supply more. As if she’d sensed it, she continued.
“Because he was a dumbass boy back then. But he was straight up serious then. Anyway, after school, when Daveed and him did their usual freestyle stuff, he started spitting that shit and I was convinced homeboy was sprung."
(Part 2)
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cephalopaints · 1 year
am i like. popular now. what
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ratmasacre · 1 month
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i think its bizarre that that that you you uhm that it uhm ahem uhm that uhh you uhm that when you uhh that uhh you have to that that uhh you uhh you have to that that you uhm that you you uhm that if you uhm
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Can we get more collage au writing? I liked you idea about a npc trying to flirt or having a crush on the darling and a group of yanderes are just death glaring them from behind
-🤡 clownin anon
CW: Murder Peng had kept a firm hold on the goings-on at this weird learning institution. Any rivals were dealt with quietly and discreetly, with the only hint of something amiss being empty seats in some classes. He'd been trying to think of a sure-fire way to catch his darling's eye when a sudden announcement had been made by The Principal: There was to be something called a "prom". Perusing the library informed Peng that a "prom" was basically a popularity contest among the students. The winner of this contest would be crowned King, Queen, or Monarch and their date crowned as well. Upon reading this, an evil grin spread across Peng's beak. They tried the peaceable option first, simply threatening students in hidden locations while outwardly doing more work for each of the student organizations. However, despite his efforts, a month before this "prom" Peng heard only talk of another student...a student who, he realized, had been getting a bit too close to Y/N. The second he learned of this, he was filled with fury. This had to be the bidding of that damned Principal, she always would try sneaky ways to steal victory out of Peng's talons.
Peng would not allow this. Their plan was simple. He asked the student to meet him at the roof of the school after hours under the pretext of needing help studying. Once the student arrived, Peng had been leaning against the railing. After chatting for a bit, he suddenly looked over his shoulder and up, with widened eyes exclaiming, "What in the heavens is that?!" When the student turned to look, they gripped her by the shoulders and fell backwards, making sure the student would hit the ground with him landing on top of her, letting her head crack open on the courtyard below. Hiding his evil grin, Peng felt his head. Bleeding...good, that was good. Knowing this would hurt, he let both of his golden wings unfurl and flew upwards to be level with the roof before letting himself fall backwards, letting out an eagle screech before impacting the ground, alerting both staff and students... ...the tragic accident would be the talk of the school for weeks, all leading up to the prom. Moved by the tragic story of Peng trying desperately to catch his fellow classmate before she hit the ground but jumping too late to reach her, the student body all clapped and cheered when the silver crown proclaimed them Prom King. And at his side, Y/N, who had faithfully helped Peng during their oh-so-painful recovery. As he was showered with the adulation of mindless student sheep, one thought crossed Peng's mind in savage pride:
Long live the King.
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plushii-gutz · 1 year
Alright listen up
Lowkey only posting this series because a random awesome person said they liked the concept and story so far
This is the most courage I think I've had in a while- All I ask is for you to be nice
Before I get to the actual story, I'd like to point out that I'm still new to writing. This series is based on my personal experiences (so somewhat of a vent), as well as a few others I've talked to. It may be a tad bit dark. I plan on this series to be long, dramatic, and possibly a bit cringe. Lore will be revealed throughout. Also, thanks to @x-clownin-around-x for proofreading
"It's falling - we're falling!"
The wind roared with a ruthless fury, forcing them back against the surfaces that still held strongly onto the island. Stones and debris batted at their bodies as the ground below shook. Any attempted movements took far too much strength, only to be pushed back and frozen in place.
"We can't handle the impact - even our bodies can't handle the amount of distress this will bring!"
The front of the falling island sparked, a rising flame sprouted and circled over what remained of the monsters homes.
"We can't die! The order we kept will vanish, the lives of so many monsters left to fend for themselves! Our creations, our world.."
A staff rose from the wreckage, stamping down into the stone floor and causing it to split. The cracked ground spread quickly, filling with pure energy like a rivers waters. The surrounding monsters lowered their heads as their bodies grew stiff and tired. Their vision blurred as rock grew up from their feet, covering them like caskets perfectly fit to each individuals forms. A final scream filled the air as it, too, was silenced by stone.
The first floor of the castle filled with a high-pitched, sorrowful whistling. Attmoz rose from his bed, pushing his hair from his eye and shifting to the side, letting his legs dangle above the cold floor before finally hoping up. It was dark, only a sliver of moonlight providing any sight as the air monster left the room.
The hallway was lined with many doors, most of which led to other bedrooms. The one right across from Attmoz's seemed to be the cause of the wails. Reluctantly, he inched into the noise. Inside, a little monster sat helplessly in their bed, holding a tattered blanket to their face as they sniffled and hiccup between cries.
"Alright, Sparky, calm down," Attmoz sighed, lifting Galvana from their bed. Almost every night felt the same. Galvana woke up crying, Attmoz went to settle them down, then maybe they'd have a night or two where sleep was more than just a concept. No one really knew what caused Galvana to wake up so often. They were still too young to speak, only able to communicate with whistles and expressions, and assumptions were all that could be made. The best conclusion they could come to where teething pains, but even usual treatments and care didn't help.
Galvanas cries turned to shaky breaths and occasional hiccups, the little monster hiding their face in Attmoz's hair. He sighed, sitting down on the floor and crossing his legs.
"Better now, Galvana? Can Attmoz go night night?"
A sudden rush of electricity caused Attmoz to flinch, his cloud-like hair becoming spiked and gray. He coughed
"Fine, alright, my bad."
There was a creak. The monsters attention turned to the door, which opened to reveal another monster, about the same age as Attmoz and even closer to the same height. He seemed just as tired as the air elementalist.
"Do you already have 'em under control? Need any help?"
"No need to worry about it, Glaish. It's my week anyway. I think they're fine now, just a little bratty."
A second zap jolted through Attmoz, this time spreading to Glaishur as well. The cold monster found this more funny than annoying. The way his fur stood up made him chuckle, shaking a tad bit to allow it all to lie flat once more.
"Alright, Zaps, no need for the violence."
Galvana giggled, pulling back from Attmoz and rolling onto the floor. They seemed to get a real kick out of this, much to the dismay of others.
" 'Least they know how to use their powers a bit,' Glaishur spoke, watching as the electric monster ran behind his leg to hide. "More than we can say for Plixie or Hornacle. Besides, I don' think they can do any real harm."
"Lets just get them back to bed," Attmoz yawned, "Before they try and get away. You remember last time."
"I wish I didn't."
"You and me both."
As energetic as Galvana was, a good rest was far overdue. For the first time in possible weeks, the little monster went to sleep with no fighting. Glaishur carefully closed the door behind them.
"Hope they didn't wake ya."
"Nah," the purple monster shrugged," I wasn't asleep yet."
"It's like.. midnight? Dude, why were you awake?"
Glaishur shrugged again, speaking in a hushed voice.
"I think my sleep schedules been messed up 'cause of vana. I'm kinda worried 'bout them."
Attmoz started the walk back down to his room, listening to his friends rambling over the possibilities. In the end, he doubted they would find a true cause. Sometimes, toddlers just cried for no reason other than attention. Still, that wouldn't explain why the little dude always seemed scared.
"Whatever it is, at least we're able to help out just a little bit. Imagine how pissed off Loodvigg would be if it had to do so much as step out of their room."
"Yeah. Heh, maybe then they'd have a real reason to be so mad all the time. "
Attmoz and Glaishur said their goodnight, returning to their designated rooms. Glaishur could only stare up at the ceiling, drifting off not to sleep but his own clouded mind. He felt as if moments throughout the day replayed over and over in his eyes, his ears. He wondered if Attmoz or Syncopite felt this too. It was like having multiple tabs open at once with no way to close any of them. It was annoying, but it was normal.
Tomorrow is another day.
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