#they come across. it's like pack bonding or something? idk i think it's cute and people with big collections of the same plush or +
puppy-barkz · 1 year
former webkinz kids and kinztube enjoyers: do you guys remember people calling themselves "the husky queen" or insert whatever pet, because they had an absurd amount of a single pet?
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spookitordukeit · 2 months
Your COTL au sounds epic and I can’t wait to learn more about it!
Hdjdvdjsbkdbdkdbsjdbjdbdj omg thank you!!!^^ I haven’t played the game myself yet but I have (tragically) come down with a serious case of brainrot…😔 nothings set in stone yet, but I can definitely ramble about some ideas I have!!
Okay, so first off, I haven’t seen many Fem Lambs, and I absolutely adore writing fems, so my Lamb will be She/They. I think I’ll be sticking with ‘The Lamb’ as her name as well.
As for the cultists, I’ll be revamping characters from a (very, I’m talking 2012) old Original Work I have. I never posted anything, but I feel like now is finally the time to let them shine!
There’s Anya the harlequin rabbit person, Reiketsuna the snow leopard, and Daichi the bat. Those are the main ones I want to revamp, especially Anya, as she has always been my favorite.
Of course there’s also ‘The Wolf’ I mentioned in the other posts. Something something, a sweet lamb comes across an dangerous, injured wolf and nurses it back to health. Undying loyalty and all that, yknow? I’ll probably be basing him off of Hotaru, the wolf person. Might change a few things though as his personality and the Wolf I want to make are vastly different…
AOUGH. And i really want a ferret…. They’re so cute😔 WHAT ABOUT A SALAMANDER?????
I’m also playing with the idea of adding Hoshihiko and Koichiko, (the fox and weird half dragon half priest person … thing. Respectively.) but I’d need to majorly rehaul them, seeing as they were the main hero and villain of that story… idk though, maybe I can work them in? Augh.
I also want to put more focus on how the cultists are, indeed, animals. They act, think, eat, play, forge bonds, and live, in vastly different ways; And I think it would really fun to explore that. Foxes are mostly solitary unless rearing young, and then they form what’s called a ‘skulk’. Wolves always in packs and form deep family connections. Snow leopards are always solitary, roaming as ‘the ghosts of the mountains’. Sheep have large flocks and a leading sheep or shepherd.
Sheep can not be solitary or else they experience extreme distress. A sheep will follow their leader even when being led into danger and death, that is how deep the instinct to be follow is…
Jsbdjdbdjsvsj. Don’t mind me, I’m insane. Anyway! Here’s the finished Lamb design and the idea for the Wolf. (I have no idea how to draw furries… plebse forgibv…😔)
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The creachures…. I’ll get to Narinder eventually I prommy
Anyway- always feel free to ask if you have questions :3 I do very much enjoy answering and spreading my little diseases lol
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nishisun · 3 years
suna rintaro is NOT a genius.
summary: you loved the idea of soulmates. suna rintaro didn’t. it isn’t that hard to put two and two together to realize that maybe people with different opinions on things don’t belong together.
part 2
a/n: this was literally supposed to be a series, i gave up on it because i just didn’t like the way it turned out. it used to be called “out of my league” and this was the intro. i also renamed it. just emptying drafts!! please don’t get confused with the random timeskip, once again, this was a part of a series i never ended up posting😭
WARNING!!: suggestive themes, mentions of death, idk kinda angsty but tell me if i missed anything
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Soulmates. Whatever the hell that means. The idea of soulmates is something I truly don’t understand. It’s bullshit, honestly. It’s all-pervasive.
My mother always told me I'd eventually find "the one.” I used to believe that when I was younger of course. But in my opinion? It’s all cliches. It's unhelpful, and it's certainly not true. Destiny is an excuse for the weak. Why do you think most marriages end in divorce? It's 'cause people who believe they are “destined to be" assume everything will fall into place without any effort. I don't appreciate people pontificating bullshit like that just to make me feel better, especially if they haven't found their "soulmate" themselves. My sister once told me, “People who believe in soulmates are more likely to break up and encounter more difficulty in their relationship, which will lead them to give up on one another eventually.”
I sure do believe that.
My mother is a prime example. Fumeiko Suna, my dear mother. Well, she clearly hasn’t found hers. I found out when I came home after a tedious day of school in 5th grade and found my dear mother on the floor crying, with bruises all over her face and a busted lip.
Initially, I thought a burglar had broken into our home once again, but if that were the case then there would’ve been missing furniture. But there wasn’t.
In fact, the place seemed cleaner than usual. When I ran up to her and asked her what had happened, there he was. The devil himself. My father. He reeked of alcohol, and I could detect his shadow towering over me. It’s funny how that I think of it. I used to fear that son of a bitch. Now, I’m way taller than him, and hate his guts. I turned around to see a faux-sympathetic smile plastered on his face.
He explained how my mother was being “clumsy” and had fell and busted her lip on one of the corners of the kitchen table and when I turned back around to face my mother, she smiled gently and nodded in agreement. She didn’t say anything after that.
It was then I realized my father had beat my mother to a pulp.
Long story short, when I found it was my father, sure, I was frightened. In fact, I remember going into my siblings’ rooms to inform them, they shrugged it off and told me that dad had been doing it for a while now.
Over time, when my dad had found out that I was aware, he didn't mind beating the absolute shit out of my mother in front of all three of us. This was when my burning hatred for that man started. Nobody in the house even attempted to stop him. I did a few times, though. He took all his anger out on me. At least my mom had a break for the day.
I almost pitied my mother. Almost. Maybe if she was strong enough to leave him, then yeah, I’d feel bad. But she still decides to stay with his sorry ass. It’s pathetic. It’s unrequited love or whatever you call it. How could she still love that asshole?
I mean, I’m not even going to lie, I’m an asshole too, but I’m definitely not my dad. I would never want to be him. He’s not someone I looked up to, he doesn’t do anything inspirational. He’s a businessman. He travels the majority of the time, and I’m pretty sure my mom invites men over when he’s gone. I don’t care enough to find out. But if I ever hear some guy rearranging my mom’s guts, I’ll kill him. I don’t even blame my mother. What she’s doing is wrong, she knows it and so do both of my older siblings. But they don't seem to care so why should I?
Who knows why she just won’t leave him. Maybe it’s cause they don’t want to ruin how people view our “picture perfect” family. I wonder what they’d say. “I thought the Suna’s were the ideal family? I guess not.”
My dad would probably lose it if he heard that.
Both my mother and my father are the cause of this broken family of mine. They never fed me or any of my siblings the love we always desired when we were younger. They never came to any of my volleyball games when I was younger. They never applauded me for the little recitals we’d have in class in primary school. They were never even here for most of my childhood. They always put money first and left us with the housekeepers. Hell, the housekeepers probably know me better than my own parents.They failed as parents. I despise them for it. They’re most likely the reason I am the way I am, but to be honest?
I don’t give a fuck.
In fact, I should thank them! Because of how they “raised” me, i’m extremely blunt, which is why people respect me. I use the hatred I have for my family and take it out on people and no, I’m not proud of that. I may be a heartless asshole, but I like that people fear me. The hell? Does that make me a sadist? Either way, people know to never fuck with me cause I’d fuck their shit up. I’ve overheard many people say it’s ‘cause of my privilege. It probably is. Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can buy you many other things.
If my parents were broke, I’d probably be expelled from school by now. Abuse of alcohol and drugs are forbidden on school property. I don’t even take them at school, I somewhat care about my education and health, but sometimes I just need to blow some steam. Even if I did, nobody’s gonna say shit since my dad is the head of Japan’s board of education. How did his ass even get there?
Call me lonely or cynical. Maybe I am. But how is that a bad thing? Why do people need a significant other to rely on? What, a soulmate is just going to turn my life upside down then suddenly bring me happiness? Pfft, I’m gonna need actual proof that shit like that still happens. I’ve only seen shit like that in fairy tale movies. It’s whatever, though. I can live with being alone. I’ve basically been alone my whole life and it isn’t as bad as people make it.
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You loved the idea of having a soulmate. The thought of meeting someone who just understood you, accepted you for who you were, and most importantly, loved you excited you. You couldn’t wait to meet your soulmate.
But recently, you weren’t sure soulmates existed.
When your older sister, Akira, came into your room and burst into tears, it frightened you. Your older sister, the one who’d always provide you advice on relationships and how to keep one was in your room sobbing hysterically because hers hadn’t worked out.
“I just can't believe it,” she sobbed.
You couldn’t believe it either. Your sister had recently gotten engaged to her boyfriend of 9 years. They started dating at the age of 15 and managed to make things work out even after high school, and out of all those years of dating, they never broke up. Not even once.
They’d go on romantic dates on Saturdays and they’d always write love letters to one another every day, just to remind one another of how grateful they were to have each other in their lives. On Halloween, they’d dress up as fictional characters from TV shows and books and take cute selfies and bake a bunch of sweets. They’d invite you to come bake with them, but you would politely deny. You knew they were only offering so you wouldn’t feel left out, which you appreciated.
Of course, they’d argue every now and then, but at the end of the day, they always managed to talk things out. Oh to have a relationship like theirs. They were everything you wanted to have in a relationship and more.
“I really thought he was the one for me, y’know?” No, you don’t know. But that doesn't matter. What mattered was cheering your sister up.
“Maybe he wasn’t ‘the one’ Akira, and that’s okay! People come and go all the time, soulmates come and go all the time as well-”
“You still believe soulmates are real, huh?” she let out a humorless laugh and sniffed her nose, “What If I missed my one shot at love, Y/N? What if I lost my soulmate?”
That’s some deep shit.
Now that you think about it, were soulmates real? Soulmates come and go, yes, you’re aware of that, but even though they leave, it’s always temporary. Soulmates always find a way back to their other half, the piece that completes them.
Your dad never made it back to your mother.
He died in a car crash 5 years ago. Your mother and father had been arguing because she claimed your father was cheating on her since he wouldn’t let her check his phone.
You were 13 at the time. Your sister Akira was accompanying you in your room, listening to them arguing back and forth with one another. There was furniture flying across the room, glass breaking, and both of them throwing curses at each other. You were scared. They never argued in front of you and your sister. They'd bicker sometimes, but it was never anything too deep.
Eventually, your father had enough of your mother’s false accusations, and out of anger, he packed his things and left home. For weeks. It wasn’t until one of your uncles called your mother and broke the news. She didn’t take it very well.
Late 2012-early 2013.
Not many people came to your father’s funeral, his family didn’t like the fact that he and your mother were together, they said your mother was trouble, but your dad still stayed with her, even if that meant it would completely destroy the bond he had with his family. Now that’s true love, you had thought. Only your mother, Akira, the Sunas, your uncle, and you, of course, attended the funeral.
It hurt a lot. It hurt when your mother informed both your grandparents on your mother and father’s side and all they could do is put the blame on her. It hurt how they had claimed you, Akira and your mother were a hindrance to your dear father’s well-being. How could they be so cruel at a time like this?
That was the first time you ever questioned if soulmates were real. Maybe they fell in love at the wrong time? Who knows.
After your father’s passing, Fumiko Suna, your mother’s best friend, was there to help your family out financially. Your mother couldn’t even find the motivating to go to work. Your mother and Fumiko have been best friends since junior high, they’ve literally been inseparable ever since. In fact, after they both got married, they decided to live right next to each other.
Your mom didn’t cope with your father’s death very well; none of you did. But your mom had it the worst.
She would cope with alcohol and clubbing which would always result in her bringing different men home almost every night. You didn’t say much about it, you thought it would be selfish to since that’s what seemed to make your mother feel better about herself, but your sister hated it. She was already 19 and in college at the time, but when she visited and found out that your mother had basically been neglecting you, she was furious.
“Seriously, mom? This is what you’re gonna do while your 13-year-old daughter is in her room having a literal mental breakdown because of your childish behavior?” Your sister had barged into your mother’s room when she thought you were asleep, she was screaming loud.
“You’re interrupting something important, Akira. You know better than to-”
“Oh, shut the hell up mom. You’re the last person on earth to be saying shit like that.”
“Well, if you’re done, you can leave my room now. You’re being disrespectful, and this behavior is not tolerated!” Your mother was screaming now. The man in the bed covering his body under the covers and looking back and forth between Akira and your mother.
“Sakiya, maybe you should hear your daughter out-”
“Not now.” your mother scarcely interrupted the man, eye contact never leaving Akira. “Y/N has never complained about this when you were in college. She knows this is my way of coping, why can’t you understand that too!”
Akira scoffed. “So what, getting fucked by random strangers you find on the filthy streets is your way of coping? Getting wasted every damn night to the point where Y/N has to drag you up to bed is okay with you? Do you even know how much this is affecting Y/N? Did you even bother asking her how she felt? I hate breaking it to you mom, but you need serious help.”
“You selfish child!” Your mother screamed, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her body, getting up from the bed. “How dare you say that to your own mother?”
“I’m only telling the truth! If you’re the mother, then it’s your job to be taking care of Y/N, not neglecting her. When’s the last time you’ve engross in an actual conversation with her when you were fully sober?”
Your mother was silent. She quickly walked up to Akira and grabbed her by the hair and slammed her headfirst against the wall.
“You’ve got a big mouth! Maybe I should wash it with soap like I did back in the day, hm?” Akira was attempting to push her mother away, but she wouldn’t let go of her grip. The man that was still on your mother’s bed was in panic, yelling her name, which didn’t have any effect. He might as well stop.
"Look," Akira mumbled, struggling to get away from your mother's grip, "I know it's been hard ever since dad left-"
“Mom! Let go of her!” You cried from the door of her room.
All 3 adults froze and looked at your glassy eyes, mouths wide open.
“Hey, kiddo, I thought you were asleep?” Akira playfully said, your mother let go of Akira and crossed her arms then looked away from you.
“Well, I can't really go to sleep when there’s a bunch of adults yelling about my well-being,” you muttered incoherently. You quickly wiped the uncontrollable tears off your face and sighed.
“Honey,” your mom started, she walked slowly to you, carefully examined your face, and attempted to hug you, but you didn’t accept the offer which made your mother frown. She stopped walking until she was almost face to face with you and placed a hand on your shoulder gently. “Baby, your sister told me that you weren’t happy. Is this true?”
You looked away from her and stared dully at the floor, subtly shifting your feet, then you softly shook your head “no.”
“See Akira, Y/N is happy. So please stop stressing her out.” Your mother said through gritted teeth, then faced you once again. “Y/N honey, how about I go tuck you into bed, hm? I’m so sorry for the excessive noise that was caused.”
“Mom, how clueless can you be? Y/N looks miserable! It’s unhealthy for Y/N to be living-“
Your mother just slapped Akira on the face.
“I know what’s best for my daughter! I am her mother! You are not the one who should be telling me how to take care of my own kid!”
“That’s enough, Sakiya.” a familiar voice said from the door.
“It’s fine. Sakiya, we need to talk.” It was Fumeiko Suna, your mother’s best friend, also known as your next door neighbor. She had been standing in the hallways the whole time, you didn’t even know she was there. Akira was the one who called her over.
That night your mother agreed to get help for her drinking problem. She was gone for 6 months. During those 6 months, the Suna’s took you in since Akira would be in college and you couldn’t have been more grateful.
You and Rintaro were the only kids in the house, being that you both were the same age and the others were in college. It was okay, they were all very polite, dinners were awkward, you could feel some sort of tension between the family but you didn’t pay any attention to it.
When your mom finally came back, it was awkward at first. She still seemed the same, loving and caring, just sober and free of alcohol. It was nice. You two spent the weekends bonding at the mall, watching a movie, or even getting your nails done. Eventually, she gained your trust back, and you couldn’t have been happier.
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January 2017.
“Akira, don’t say that. You may not believe me now, but you are such an amazing person, don’t ever think you’ll never find love again. It’s all about having a positive mindset!” you said, thoughtfully stroking her hair as her head laid on your chest.
“I told you that.”
“You did,” you chuckled, “you should take your own advice.
“Oh, shut up!” you both laughed, and Akira let out a shaky sigh. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“Of course, you don't need to thank me. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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— so this is one of the writings that i wrote in January 😭 it’s been in my drafts and i re-read it once and instantly hated it right after. if there’s any typos please tell me!!
— also i wanna apologize again for putting gmds on hiatus,, i feel so bad 😭 i wanna make it up to you guys but idk how so if you have suggestions pls tell me
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kirindensetsu · 3 years
The Making of Fubuki
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((Reposting from Den of Angels workshop thread because I wanted my friends to be able to see~))
After years of pining after dolls I couldn't afford as a broke teenager, my first BJD was a Bobobie Sprite I purchased for my 18th birthday. Unfortunately, she didn't live up to my expectations and I never really bonded with her. Her face was cute enough, but the Bobobie body lacked the grace and posing ability I imagined for the Unseelie faerie I'd been daydreaming of for years. Sueding and wiring didn't help, blushing and tattooing highlighted her blockiness, it was a mess. I packed her away and tried not to think about my disappointment for 12 years. In the meantime I learned to build and paint resin garage kits, inherited one of my sister's dolls, bought some others, took anatomy & physiology in college, and did a couple extensive restorations and full-body modifications. I was sure I had thrown her away at some point as a failed project, but last weekend I found her tucked away in a doll bag I thought was empty. Having just finished substantial mods on a Dollshe body, and awaiting an unfinished Unoa kit for my birthday in September, I decided that I owed it to her to try again. Doll nudity below the cut, looooong post--
My Sprite was originally going to be a pooka with golden eyes and extensive woad tattoos. The golden eyes are incredible, so those are staying, but she's now going to be a blue oni to fit in with the rest of my collection. My plan is to do extensive additive epoxy work, and then to use Krylon Fusion to give everything a unified finish. The goal of the project is to reduce the... idk, STRAIGHTNESS of the old Bobobie body. I was never going to be happy with it, the lines were all far too rigid.
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Head: Modified mouth for a wider, smirking smile. Magnets added to headcap (old Bobobie used an S-hook iirc; I did this part back in 2008). Forehead drilled for 3mm brass rod armature, and epoxy used to sculpt horns over rod. Bust: Substantial subtractive modifications to breasts, which involved removal and readdition of nipples. Addition of epoxy clay to back and shoulders to give a more curved body line in profile. Deepening of shoulder sockets with 18mm eye bevel, followed by sanding to make shoulders narrower. Waist: Reshaping of upper torso joint into sphere for smoother range of motion. Subtraction of resin in back and addition of epoxy in front to enhance lumbar curve. Hips: Substantial reshaping of lower waist seam to more naturally follow the pelvic girdle. It reminded me of granny panties before  Added epoxy to butt, again for lumbar curve. Thighs: Suwariko joint mod (cut the thigh and added a PVC insert to enable swivelling at the hip). Added epoxy to make her thighs look less straight. Calves: Removed 1cm of length at the ankles and rebevelled the socket. Removed resin at the ankles to bring them in, and added epoxy at the calves to make them curvier. Feet: Sculpted little claws, which were cute, and then decided the feet needed to be 5mm longer. Cut across, drilled and pinned with brass rod for structural strength, gap filled with epoxy clay. I also modded her feet to have defined arches and balls back when I first got her. Alas, spitting into the ocean. I added S-hooks, but did so by drilling the ankle and inserting brass rod to form the axle for the hook. Arms: The proportions on her upper arms BOTHERED me! they were so SHORT! and I only just figured out that's what I hated about them last week! I added 5mm to the upper arms by cutting them in the middle and using SteelStik to make a structural repair (plumber's epoxy putty has a shorter open time but far greater structural strength than artist's epoxy clay). Sanded the heck out of the wrists to give them a more delicate taper. Hands: Beyond salvage. The hands were my least-favorite part of this sculpt. I tried to bulk them up to look less spidery but it was just too difficult... I've ordered a different pair of MSD hands which will have claws added, and then when everything is painted it'll all match. Thanks for reading this far! Here's a preview of what her golden eyes look like next to Krylon Fusion in Antique Blue.
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((first progress post)) I think I'm mostly done adding epoxy clay (at least where it'll show; presumably the wrist sockets will require tweaks to fit the new hands), so now it's time for finish sanding. I start with 60 grit for shaping, then switch to a 120 grit sanding sponge. To check for scratches, pinholes, and inadequately feathered edges, I apply a wash of diluted acrylic paint. Once the paint has dried, I scrub the piece with a nylon scouring pad. Paint remains in the surface irregularities.
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All sanded with 220 grit. I don't think I'll be going higher than 400 because I want there to be some tooth for the paint.
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Any pitting in the epoxy clay that can't be sanded out is marked with a Sharpie and will be patched with Tamiya spot putty.
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I did a test spray of the Krylon Fusion on the headcap and it's fantastic! Holy cow is it *poisonous* tho, I'm used to working with volatile chemicals but this was something else. Get OUT OF THE AREA between coats and leave it outside until it stops outgassing, not just until it's ready to handle.
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This test piece is four light coats sprayed 1 minute apart, allowed to cure for 4 hours, and then wetsanded to remove the spray texture. It's pretty sturdy but I will wait several more days to see how it continues to cure before experimenting with matte sealants. ((progress update 2))
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Haven't done much but sand-and-fill-and-sand-and-fill, but my 14mm beveller came in today so I can start deepening her elbow and ankle sockets. Added some epoxy clay to the insides of the eyewells so 14mm eyes will fit with no gap. I need a needle file to clean up the corners of her mouth... Monster feets! Nails on the right came out better than the left, still need to feather-sand everything.
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Elbows progress. The early Bobobie elbows are I guess /technically/ double-jointed because the joint is a sphere with two slots, but I thought I could do better than that. You can see epoxy clay spliced in to make the sphere into a peanut: this isn't a structurally sound repair unless you pop it apart and drill/pin/glue-epoxy it back together.
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View from the back. By keeping the joint heads spherical with no elbow-shaped detailing, there's some rotation as well as flexion, which I like.
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Touching her face with one of her old hands. I hope the new ones come soon!
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((progress update 4))
In good news, these parts are all ready for paint! It's really hard to do prepwork with no filler primer, hope I didn't miss any spots...
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In less good news, her new hands arrived and they are... very smol ;u; I forgot that the new trend for slim minis means that everyone has TINY LITTLE HANDS.
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They are, however, beautifully sculpted and a good 3D reference for what needs fixing and how. Bobobie palm is very short relative to fingers: I made a transverse cut behind the knuckles and added epoxy to lengthen More curved volume across the back of the hand: Not necessarily realistic, but looks a little cuter, plus it makes the transition into the cylinder of the wrist look less stylistically jarring. More defined joint angles: Some of these I did via cut-and-thermoform repositioning, mostly I'm aiming to fake it by building up and carving away at the weird smooth curves. The fingers are just TOO SKINNY: But obviously I'm not going to squish rice-grain-sized blobs of epoxy to the fingers, right? It's too fiddly, it doesn't want to stick. What's the solution? Brace for a truly hideous WIP image--
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"AAAAAAGH WHAT IS THAT DARK GRAY MESS" it's JB Weld epoxy! It's like load-bearing, slow-curing modeller's putty! Slathering putty onto an armature and then carving it away to refine the shape is how anime figure artists make hands and detailed hair.  I was thinking about it from a polymer clay technique/perspective so I missed the obvious solution. Hand in the foreground has more layers than the hand in the background, every layer gets the shape a lil closer. ((progress post 5)) Parts set up on sticks so I can handle them without touching...
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... and after 4 light coats!
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Closeup of the head, lil' glossy because it's still drying. For the deeper areas like the joint slots, mouth, and the crannies of the ears, I'm going to have to decant some of the paint into a jar and apply it with a sacrificial brush.
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((progress post 6)) I return from Depression! I finally finished sanding-and-spraying the Krylon Fusion coats, gave her a last polish with microfine to even out the texture, and have started blushing her. I'm using a mixture of Tamiya X-series acrylics applied via airbrush for basic contouring, then I'll go back in with pastel to add warm tones and details.
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Fun discovery: in an attempt to cover some accidental overspray, I tried spraying the Fusion directly into the paint cup of the airbrush and using it to "erase" back to the base color. I'm NEVER using this product straight from the can again, it goes on so smooth and gorgeous from the airbrush! No orange peel or bubbles to sand away. I'm seriously tempted to get a can of pink and try blushing with it.
((progress post 7)) Doing a faceup over a spray-painted substrate is HARD I want to CRY. I talked about sanding out the spray texture to get an untextured surface, right? Welp, didn't/couldn't sand well enough in the corners of the mouth and the folds of the eyelids, so it's crusty-looking with pastels over it and now there's nothing I can do about it that doesn't involve stripping down to resin and starting again.
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((final post)) Sueded and strung!
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I didn't take pictures of the sueding process because I was using Barge Cement and it is messy and time-sensitive. I used masking tape to make templates of her joints, transferred to some thin gray lamb suede I found on eBay, and glued it fuzzy side out. The suede was thicker than real pliver, more like the thickness of silicone KIPS discs, but I think it worked out without too many fit issues. The trim store had 3.5mm elastic in a beautiful slate-blue color that I thought would look nicer in the joint slots, so she's strung throughout with thicker elastic. Some more poses to show off the functional mods~ Suwariko joints let her sit crosslegged, and more mobile wrists let her put her hands into the pose.
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A more ball-and-socked shaped contact surface at her waist lets her slouch at a full range of angles instead of being locked into two.
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With longer upper arms, she can reach the ground in this pose! You can also see how the modded waist joint lets her cock her hips.
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She could always stand with locked knees. I think she needs some wire in her legs to let the suwariko joints hold their rotation against gravity, but I'll see how the elastic tension settles in first.
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A parting shot out the snowy window. We've been having a hard time picking between a few names for her, but I think this settles it. Welcome back, Fubuki~
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missnxthingg · 4 years
hello sweetheart, I hope you and your loved ones are safe 💛 So an idea: becoming a choreographer/dancer in dancing with the stars and being selected as Tom's partner. Since it's your first time, you're quite nervous at first but you two soon become friends and all the rehearsals being fun and cute! And idk, maybe once the show's over, one of you asking the other out 💚 thank you for your imagines, they're sweet!
Summary: You finally got chose to be on Dancing With The Stars and you’re paired with the pretty cute British actor, Tom Holland.
A/N: Hey love, we’re all fine, I hope yours are safe as well. Your request was so sweet, thank you for the support! It’s Valentines Day in Brazil today and even though I don’t really care about this date, I thought about doing something sweet today. I actually never watched Dancing With The Stars, but I know it’s pretty similar to one program we have here in Brazil, so I just took that as a base. Hope everything is okay with it.
Words: 3.7 K
Pairing: Tom Holland x Dancer!Reader
Warnings: Some swearing and PURE FLUFF. Like really, it’s so cute, I can’t.
masterlist | main blog | gif source (i made the gif out of this video) | fic playlist | song title
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“I got it!” You shouted once you opened an email from Dancing With The Stars. You were sitting in your friend’s apartment while you got one of the most important emails in the world.
“The Dancing With The Stars spot?” She asked excitedly and you nodded, making you both jump to celebrate.
You’ve been dancing around every room since you were little and it didn’t go away with the years, making you major in dance in college and now you were a professional dancer. You worked in many places over the years, in concerts, in theatres, even movies, but you always wanted to do silly things like Dancing With The Stars because you loved to watch it growing up.
“God, I can’t believe I got the spot! I’ve been dreaming about this since season one.”
“You’re gonna be fantastic! I can’t wait to see which celebrity you’re getting.”
“I hope it’s not one of those that no one really knows what they are famous for.”
Your first day was one of the most terrifying ones. It was mostly to meet your partners and to be introduced to the people, but still, it meant that the very next day you were going to have your ass off to get the prize. You didn’t know what to expect, celebrities can be super mean and maybe you got a pretty horrible one, but you were going to make everything to be perfect. By the end of the first airing show, you knew you were partnered up with Tom Holland. The Tom Holland you’ve been watching on movies through so many years and one of the prettiest boys in the world. To add it up, he was the sweetest guy in the universe and just with a few seconds into meeting him, you noticed it.
“Hey, I’m Tom. Nice to meet you.” He stood his hand in the air, which you took it.
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you too.” He smiled softly at you and you smiled back, with a tiny bit of shyness.
“So, this is all pretty cool right?” You nodded, clearly nervous to be around here. “Yeah, I’ve never done something like this before. I mean, I know how to dance, but I bet you’re gonna make me ten thousand times better.”
“I hope.” You blushed and he smiled. “You’re not one of those mean celebrities who’s gonna show up really late for rehearsals, right?”
“God, I hope not. If I’m being one of them, give me a heads up.” He winked and you nodded. “It was really nice to meet you, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“See you there.”
You couldn’t believe you were set up with Tom Holland and you lied awake all night thinking about this. You were so nervous about screwing everything up and being eliminated on the first day. You didn’t doubt your dancing skills, because you knew you could be amazing if you wanted to, but maybe your nervousness could get in your way of work.
The next day you woke up feeling very anxious. You even had a small dose of Whiskey for breakfast, maybe it would help to make you feel better. You didn’t look as glamorous as you did the previous night when you were live on television. Of course, you dressed up nicely and even did a natural makeup because there were gonna be cameras and a lot of people looking at you, but you couldn’t just show up wearing a long dress and full makeup. You stook to simple, black leggings, sports bra and a grey hoodie. You packed normal clothes and a pair of heels for rehearsing. Tom arrived earlier to rehearsal and was drinking something out of a mug while waiting for you. He wasn’t much different from you, with sports pants and a simple grey shirt. Just him, no cameras around.
“Hey, am I late?” You asked when you entered the room and he shook his head.
“I’m early, don’t worry about it.” He smiled and stood his mug in the air. “Tea?”
“No, thank you. Not actually into tea.”
“Sooo American.” He hummed and you frowned.
“You English and your goddamn tea.” You tied your hair and removed your hoodie. Tom blushed when he got to stare at your body and quickly looked away in respect. 
“Tea is amazing. Coffee is only for when you’re tired.” You sat next to him and both fell into an uncomfortable silence. “You don’t talk much right?”
“I’m just a little nervous, that’s all.” You didn’t look into his eyes and he smirked.
“Okay, look at me.” You looked up to him and he chuckled. “It’s just me, Tom. There’s nothing to be afraid about me, I’m an ordinary guy. If it helps, we can have a farting contest to bond.” You laughed with him and shook your head.
“I don’t think we need that.”
“We’re gonna be really close for the next weeks, so we need to talk a little, or it will be weird.”
“Yeah, I totally agree with you.” He shot up and turned up the music, playing the first song on his shuffled playlist, which was Madonna’s Vogue. “What are you doing?”
“You’re a professional dancer, so I guess you love to dance? I don’t know, maybe we could dance once together before we start our work and this room is full of cameras. What do you think?”
“I think it’s really weird that the first song on your playlist is Vogue.” You laughed and he rolled his eyes with a grin.
“It was on shuf- Oh shut up and get over here.” He pulled you to the centre of the room and you started to laugh with the sloppy and weird movements he was doing. “Come on, you’re not even trying to dance.”
“This is too weird, I can’t.” He grinned and gripped on your hips, swaying you awkwardly around the room. “This is the worst choreography for this song I’ve ever seen before.”
“No, it’s the most awesome.” He rocked your arms with a grip of your hands and turned you around slowly.
Eventually, you gave in, moving around the room with him and actually doing a pretty good choreography. Tom wasn’t so bad at dancing as he presented himself a few seconds ago, he was actually pretty good on his dance moves, he just wanted to make you laugh a little. By the time the song ended, you were scattered across the floor, hands of your bellies and laughing so hard it hurt.
“Okay, that was a pretty good ice breaker.”
“You don’t have to be nervous around me. I’m just… me.” Tom seemed genuinely nice and he was really trying to make you comfortable, the least you could do is be nice to him and come up with good choreography.
“Okay, so what do you know about dancing?” You sat on the floor and started to stretch, signing with your head for him to do the same.
“I danced for a play back home, Billy Elliot.”
“Oh, I helped choreograph it once in college. Obviously not in London, but in New York.”
“You went to Julliard?” He asked stretching his arm and copying your every move. You nodded with a small grin. “That’s awesome. You must be pretty good.”
“I’ve been dancing since I was a little girl.” You started to stretch your neck and Tom was always copying your movements. “I think I’ve been attending ballet classes since I was three and I’ve always loved to do it, so much that I followed my dream to be a professional dancer.”
“I know what that’s like. I feel the same about acting and I’m really glad that I got to do what I love. Not everyone gets lucky in art.”
“Only the really good ones, like you.”
“For what I just saw, you are pretty awesome when it comes to dancing.”
“Thank you.” You blushed and were interrupted by a full team coming inside to record every step you take during the rehearsals. You were kind of bummed out by it because it was so good to be around him so far, and cameras will probably get in your way to connect.
But Tom still was a sweetheart when the camera was on and it was really fun to work with him. He got the choreography easily and you worked along like two pieces and it was so easy to move around the room with him catching up every step you could. It was a long week of rehearsals, and they all followed a pattern. You two arriving earlier, doing a dance to break the ice and stretching while making conversations. Soon, the day of the presentation arrived and you were waiting for your turn backstage and that you were freaking out was an understatement. What if you’re not good enough and you got eliminated on the first day?
“I know what you’re doing and you should stop.” Tom called from behind you and he could see the uneasy rise and fall of your chest, and uneven breathing caused by anxiety.
“I’m really nervous.” You blushed and he took your hands, pulling you to a private corner. “Tom, what are you doing.”
“Come on, breath with me. It’s a little thing my mom used to do with me before I went on stage when I was Billy Elliot.” He used two fingers to gently close your eyelids. “Okay, take one hand in my chest and try to sync our breaths.” He started to slowly breathe deeply and you trusted him, syncing your breaths and slowly calming down. “Feeling better?”
“Much better.”
“We can do this okay? We were awesome during rehearsals and everyone’s gonna love it. Just pretend it’s only you and me out there, no one around and judging us. And even if we don’t get through today, it would have already been worth the experience because you’re awesome and I loved meeting you.”
“Yeah, me too.” You smiled at him and he pulled you to wait for your names.
When they finally called you onto the stage, you were pretty sure you were going to faint. You looked at Tom and boy, he knew how to send a message with his eyes, a comforting one. You nodded and the music started to play. Everything went according to rehearsals and the presentation was absolutely flawless. You were really nervous, but you did what he said, pretended it was only you and him up there and it just worked. By the end of the night, you had the highest score.
“Told you we would be awesome.” He winked and you chuckled. “I’ll see you Monday for rehearsal.”
“See ya’ Tom. Get some rest for another long hard-work week.”
“Will do, ma’am.” He removed an invisible hat and gestured to you.
“Idiot.” You laughed and walked away to get your car to go home.
You crushed it in the following weeks, always scoring high and taking everyone’s breath away with your dances. While you kicked some as with your moves, you got much closer to each other. You knew every movie he was going to be in and swore some secrecy, you knew a lot about his family and how much he cared about them, and you knew his favourite foods and tea flavours, even if you don’t like tea. Tom knew every project you were or was going to be involved, he knew that it was your dream to have a dance academy someday and that you loved musicals more than anything. You were really starting to be fond of each other and week after week made it clear that it was going to be hard to let it go once it was over.
“Morning.” You said mouth stuffed with a donut and your free hand having trouble to hold everything in place.
“Morning.” He chuckled to see you having trouble to carry your stuff and rushed to help you with your things. “Clumsy.”
“I am late.” You said and he frowned.
“There’s still half an hour before we schedule our rehearsals.”
“I know, but we agreed to always arrive earlier to do our little thing.” He nodded with a grin and glanced down to your donut. 
“That smells really good.”
“Do you want a piece? I didn’t have another one, I got is as a gift from my friend.” You offered putting your donut ahead of you.
“Maybe just a bit.” He leaned forward and took a big bit at it, making you chocked.
“You said just a bit.” He laughed and shrugged.
“My mouth is just too big. Come on, we’re still doing our little dance before we start rehearsing. You still need to teach me how to dance the tango.”
“Yeah, there’s a pretty good chance we get eliminated this week because I suck with tango.”
But you still made until the next week, and the one after that, you managed to go all the way to the finals. By that time you were already really close, you spent so many weeks together and rehearsing non-stop, doing your little bonding before the cameras were recording you. It was so clear how your chemistry was so good and you were absolutely loving it and you might even be falling for him, which in your head was stupid, because Tom was a celebrity, maybe after all of this is over he won’t even remember you. Though there were some small things that always made you think otherwise and your heart would beat faster. On the last day of rehearsing, you arrived early like always, except that this time it was a little bit earlier than usual because Tom asked you to. You were surprised to find the boy with a full box of donuts, your usual coffee order and his tea.
“Tom, what’s this about?”
“A little thank you to the best dancer in the world.” He shrugged and you opened a wide smile.
“Thank you, this is amazing.” You hugged him truly thankful for what he did to you.
“Also, it’s my way to say I’m sorry for the big bite on that donut once.” He said in your ear and it made you blush, thank God he couldn’t see your face.
“Come on, let’s eat.”
You finished the whole box together and had a lot of fun talking about random things such as the many experiences you had in life, during high school, college or any part to be honest. It was always nice to get to know him a little better, it felt like you got closer with every word said.
“We still have one last dance before rehearsing.” He reminded and you nodded.
“You choose the song today.” He nodded and started to go through his playlist.
“What about this one?” A song started to play and you could swear your heart skipped a beat when you noticed it was a slow song and a pretty romantic one.
“I don’t know man. Can’t help falling in love is a pretty cliché love song.” You started and he chuckled.
“But I like this one. It’s really pretty.”
“Yeah, it is.” You smiled when you saw him approaching. “C’mere Holland, one last song.”
You pulled him closer, taking his hand with yours and the other one resting on his shoulder. He rested the other remaining one in your waist. He started to slowly sway you side to side and you both couldn’t get the stupid smiles off your face. Also, you didn’t dare to say a word, afraid it would ruin the moment. You prefered to just get lost in those pretty lyrics and each other eyes. Along the weeks you danced to all sorts of songs, but this one was definitely different, much more intimate. Eventually, he let go of your hand and joined his other hand on your waist. You rested your head on his chest, taking him much into a hug. Another slow song started to play, and another after that one and you just danced to every one of them, because it would be too painful to let each other go. By the end of the third song, you were interrupted by the shooting team, making you blush hard and just skip your stretching and go-ahead to work together. It was one of your best days of rehearsing so far because you were extremely connected and it all worked out just fine.
Well, you were always nervous about going on stage and presenting your dance, but today was even worse. You woke up feeling anxious and it didn’t go away. You made it really far and you were afraid that you were gonna lose it on finals. Tom didn’t like to admit it, but he was nervous as well, the kind of nervous that he didn’t even want to eat anything. You notice it on each other eyes the moment you got to the studio to get ready.
“We’re gonna be fine.” He said and you nodded. “But I’m also a little nervous. I wanna win this so bad!”
“Me too!” You admitted and he looked at you with concern. “At least it’s gonna be you and me together out there dancing one last time.”
“You’re terribly mistaken if you think that’s the last time we’re gonna dance together.” He laughed and you frowned. “Come on, you’re the best dance partner I’ve ever had, I’m not letting you go this easily.”
“I’m always gonna be here to dance with you.” He hugged you and kissed the top of your head, something he had never done before and it got you surprised.
“I’m gonna get ready. I’ll see you soon.” He waved and rushed to his dressing room.
By the time you got to the side of the stage, you were trembling and you could just vomit right there. You wanted to run and don’t do this, but as soon as you felt hands holding your arm and pulling you softly to your corner, you already relaxed a little, at least you didn’t think about running away right now.
“Hey.” He smiled and fixed one stray of your hair. “You look so beautiful today. I really loved this dress.”
“Thank you.” You blushed and slightly lowered your head. “I think I want to throw up.”
“You’re still too nervous.” You nodded and Tom chuckled, taking your hands. “Remember the exercise we did on the first day? It really helped, right?” You nodded again and he pulled off your hands into his chest, resting his on top of yours. “Darling, close your eyes and try to focus on my breathing.” You did as he told but for a second it wasn’t helping. He leaned in and glued your foreheads together. You relaxed instantly and your breathing started to even out. When he noticed you were less nervous, he pulled you into his chest and hugged you again.
“Thank you.” You mumbled against his chest and he pulled you onto the stage.
The stage was dark at first and you positioned yourself right next to him. You searched for his eyes in the dark and he comforted you in the best way possible, even searching for your hand to give it a squeeze, making you feel much more confident. Your performance was flawless, like every other one you have done. But this one was extremely special because you got to do it the way you wanted it to be and you totally killed it, getting the highest score of the season and making you both win. When they announced your names, you and Tom were thrilled. He looked so amazing under those lights and a big smile on his face, you could just kiss him right there. After a long time commemorating it on stage, you both got out of there together, he hugged you and started to spin you around.
“I can’t believe we did it.” You mumbled and he nodded excitedly.
“We’re fucking amazing. Just wait a minute.” He said and rushed away to get something on his dressing room, coming back with a huge bouquet of red roses, hiding his pretty face. You eyes watered to see it and your mouth fell into a perfect O.
“Oh my God.” You mouthed, still a little shocked about it. He gave it for you to hold it and you were now fully crying about it. You got many flowers all over the years after your presentations, but this was the biggest bouquet you ever got and it was so beautiful.
“Did you like it?” He asked, a little nervous about your response.
“I loved it so much. Thank you, Tom.” You hugged him with one of your arms, truly happy about it. “This is the most beautiful bouquet anyone ever got me.”
“I remembered one conversation we had and you said you loved to get bouquets after presentations. I thought I could make this one very special.”
“You just made my whole day.” Your eyes were still watering, but you were so happy you could explode.
“(Y/N), can I kiss you?” He asked and you wiped your tears from your eyes.
“Of course, you idiot.” He took you into his arms and closed the gap between you too, giving you the sweetest kiss of all time. You were so happy about everything that happened that night and that kiss was enough to settle it with one of the best nights of your life.
“I want to be around to see every new conquest you achieve, and I want to be there with a big bouquet in the end. Any flower you want to. I wanna be there for your musicals, for every single one of your presentations, for when you open that academy you dream of.” He said it with such adoration in his eyes that your heart melted. “I really like you, (Y/N). Please let me take you on a date.”
“Yes! It’s everything I’ve wanted for a while.” He kissed you again and even lifted you slightly off the ground, having a little hard time because of the bouquet.
“Come on, let’s go celebrate our victory with our family and friends.”
“And then dinner.”
“Anything you want. I’m all yours.”
“And I’m yours.”
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trashy-greyjoy · 7 years
Hey! I don't mean this to sound rude, but I honestly don't see the sizzle reel being that bellarke centric (other than the 101 counting bellamy). I was wondering if you could go through your train of thought?
Not rude at all! I’d be happy to explain! I don’t write meta, if thats what this is, so just hang in there! This is what I personally got out of it. So basically the sizzle reel showcased a majority of the important moments in bellarke’s relationship development. I’d say you can actually split the moments between the narration from Madi and the clips we see. 
The voice over moments are aimed at viewers who know the story and will pick up on the little callbacks. While all the clips we actually see of Bellamy and Clarke are framed to imply an intimate or at the very least a close personal relationship. (this was the part that I when i said it looks romantic to people who haven’t seen the show). 
Narration (Spoken Lines)
“101 including Bellamy”: Clarke like immediately starts off by interrupting Madi’s story to make sure the girl didn’t forget to include her boy Bellamy. And it’s such an insignificant thing to pick out, the fact that she stops the story to correct it and make sure Madi includes Bellamy shows the audience that he’s important to her. 
It’s also important to note that Bellamy is the only character mentioned by name in the entire narration. That sticks him out as very important in flashing neon letters.
“So they did whatever the hell they wanted”: We all know that the phrase “whatever the hell we want” was Bellamy’s motto early in the show, it was exclusively his and we see a few characters call back to it after his development. Which means Madi including that phrasing is intentional and she knows about Bellamy being a little shit the first like week on the ground and Clarke told her. This is also a fairly insignificant moment in the grand scheme of the story for Madi to know. Most of the reel is a recap so its in general terms, so its weird that a small things significant to only Bellamy’s character is picked. So we can assume Clarkey G is very in depth about her boy Bell.
“Together, even bad children can do good things.”: When Madi says this part she puts slight emphasis on the word together and separates it from the rest of the sentence. We all know together is Blarke’s thing and those dramatic shits won’t let us forget it. So that was, in my opinion, a reference to their teamwork and “togetherness”. Losers.
It’s immediately followed by the “Who we are and who we need to be…” clip AND the smiling like idiots after almost dying in a car collision clip (which I’ll talk about below) just furthering the connection between Bellarke and “together”.
“There are no good guys.”: This was originally a Abby / Clarke quote but Clarke repeats it back to Bellamy in S3 and in the reel they play it over the clip of that angsty lever pulling in Mt. Weather.
“The bravest and the fairest of them all…”: This one is more my personal head canon or overreaction, you pick. But this means Clarke describes herself to Madi as “fairest of them all” which is a phrase commonly used to describe what now? FUCKING PRINCESSES. Clarke sees herself as a Princess of this story and no one is going to convince me Bellamy Blake is not responsible for that.
“Everyone she loved or cared about was gone… or lost to space.”: This one might be a stretch, but Bellamy is literally the only character portrayed as having an important relationship or connection to Clarke out of any of the people in space. Hell, he’s the only one we know by name too so… I just personally… have the belief… that it is implied… ;)
Kind of in between the narrative and the visuals is the fact that Bellamy has more spoken lines in the Sizzle Reel (obvs apart from Madi’s narration) than any other character, so again, he’s an important person to Clarke.
Visuals (Clips)
The “Who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things” moment: This is a clip of Bellamy offers sound advice to Clarke being his soft self. It’s one of the first times we see him actually be soft with her (clearly he picks up the habit quickly though). Before then he’s always been harsh, but here we got our first glance at him trying to actually comfort her. From an outside perspective of someone with no previous knowledge of the show, its a moment of someone (who we already know is important to Clarke) try to offer her a bit of comfort or calming advice in a very soft and sincere way. So you get the impression they care.
That "let’s smile at each other in relief after you just shot a guy in a moving vehicle and saved our lives”: We know its a moment of relief after Bellamy just saved Clarke’s life, but also saved the collective asses of the human race with those barrels of hydrazine. It’s cute they smile, they’re glad they’re alive. Again, from an outsider’s perspective, they see Bellamy being a boss and shooting the guy in Clarke’s rover and the two of them smiling in relief like idiots. Again establishing that they care about each other and that there is a bond between them and that they’re cute when they smile. Idk are you catching the drift? It’s framed and cut so it comes off intimate.
S1 inspirational Bellamy speech: not really a focus on the Bellarke relationship, but it’s a powerful moment that, once again, enforces the importance of Bellamy to this story (and, in turn, to Clarke, holla!)
Dramatic pulling of the Mt. Weather Lever “TOGETHER”: A very important moment we, as viewers, know. Bellamy puts his hand over hers to pull the lever together and to share that burden because it’s what they do, and we also know how important it was for Bellamy because he was letting her know she isn’t alone. Outsider pov, its a teary eyed Bellamy looking at a stressed af Clarke and covering her hand with his own to pull the lever. It’s clearly emotional. It’s clearly significant. Again, framing it to add intimacy. All an outsider would see is two very close “friends?” in an emotional moment. ROMANCE. (It’s also played behind the “There are no good guys,” line.)
“You’re not acting like someone who just saved the world” moment: It’s soft. It’s packed with subtle emotions. Bob has those fucking heart eyes going again. They’re both bloody and tired and about to cry again. You know, just clearly two pals being emo and soft with each other LIKE ALWAYS.
Quick shot of the “Blake family hand holding panic” as Arkadia burns: It’s small and quick, but it adds a small moment of unity between the obvious family dynamic the characters have as they watch their home burn and hold on to each other.
THAT HUG THOOOOOO: I mean… it’s a very emotional hug while Clarke is crying and Bellamy is distraught™. Enforces that they’re close on a personal, intimate level to newbies and reminds us of that time we all died for the veterans. I’m getting repetitive, but… it looks romantic or at least significant if you don’t know the story. And it’s overplayed and followed by Clarke saying the line “You have such a big heart Bellamy.” Like, um excuse me that shit is cut to look romantic as all hell. “Big heart,” my gawd how obvious are they trying to be. Showing her hugging him emo af while she’s gushing about how caring he is…. And it’s immediately followed by…
“If anything happens to me-” “NOTHING IS HAPPENING TO YOU.”: Pal… In general narratives “If something happens to me…” is usually followed by a confession or an implied confession of something important, usually feeeeeeeelings. And then Bellamy’s absolute refusal of anything happening to her. This comes across the same to both veteran viewers and the newbies. It’s a guy blantanly just refusing the idea of anything bad happening to someone he cares about. Again with the ROMANTIC SUBTEXT YALL. It’s intimate and emotionally charged as heeeelllllllllllll.
“May we meet again”: Ok yo this one is more important that it seems. Like it’s the tearjerking, heart breaking moment that Bellamy’s basically saying goodbye to Clarke. We see, and hear, how Clarke sacrificed herself to save her friends and then immediately we get Bellamy’s fucking sad af heartbroken reaction to leaving her behind. The editors of this were literally screaming “THEY ARE IMPORTANT TO EACHOTHER” through this whole thing, but then they wrap it up by showing him pretty much saying bye and leaving her behind and being completely torn up about it. oh my gawd this sizzle reel was genius.
And just a repeat, Bellamy is the only character mentioned by name in the narration, he’s the only on portrayed as having a significant connection to Clarke (there were no scenes between her and anyone else, exclusively, besides the brief clip of L… interesting…), he has more scenes with spoken lines than anyone else, everyone blarke moment shown was a very personal moment in their relationship development, and the romantic subtext is the bomb dot com.
I’d say go rewatch the video ( x ) and look at it as someone who knows nothing about the show and then think about how Bellarke comes off to you or how their scenes are staged and cut together because it’s wild when you really get at it.
Sorry this is literally a novel, I just have a lot of Bellarke feelings tonight and I’m emo af and the sizzle reel still has me shooketh. I hope this is at least enlightening!
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Cat & Mouse (Roman Reigns): Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Read it on Wattpad Writing Masterlist
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Warnings: idk, none really? Asshole!Roman(i guess?), p much smut free im sorry ): there’s one bit that gets a lil gay w/ Lyra and Naomi, that’s all I can think of tbh. I swear tho, next chapter we will get Roman/Lyra smut. RN they’s just gettin ready to go clubbing
Word Count: 1960
A/N: We finally get the Bloodline together, bless, but also i feel like i royally fucked their characters up so like please dont judge me too hard (but if you got any pointers or like corrections feel free to let me know).
Tag List (if anyone wants to be added, let me know): @m-a-t-91 @mrsamberlopezgoodanoai@simulated-heat @greatbreadwizard @hoodgirl163 @sabrina-the-champ @thiickreigns @alexahood21@ii-love-roman-reigns @queenreignsempire @flawlessglamazon @not-that-kinda-gurl08 @x-fivefoot  @finnbalorsdemonqueen @romanempirefics @rocketgirl2410 @sausagefest1996 @vebner37@macfizzle @cute-face-chubby-waist @wwefoever70 @horcruxhunter5972 @cool-snowball-22-blog​ @designrwriterchic @metaldeedsblobfish @inkedirishbbydoll-blog-blog (I got a nasty feelin that I didn’t @ someone, im sorry yall)
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As she lay in her bed, she scrolled through her phone one last time to check what had interrupted them, only to find that it was a spam email. Muttering to herself in annoyance, she silenced her phone and set it down on the nightstand before pulling the covers up around her. If there was such a thing as angry sleep, that’s what she was going to be doing that night.
It was well past noon when Lyra finally stirred from her slumber; Roman had let her sleep in. Yawning, and stretching, she slowly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash up.
She groaned to herself when she saw the little bruises that trailed across her neck, courtesy of Roman. Good thing the weather’s kinda chilly today, she thought to herself, there’s no way I can cover that up with makeup, I’ll have to use a scarf.
She took her time getting ready, pulling on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt that had a quote from Game of Thrones on it; that show was one of the many things Lyra and Roman bonded over, and the shirt was a Christmas gift from him.
She sent Naomi a text, asking her if she wanted to get lunch before heading over to the venue. While waiting for a reply, Lyra put on a little green eyeshadow, eyeliner, and some dark pink lipstick. She was wrapping a dark green scarf around her throat when Naomi finally replied.
Naomi: I’m down for some pizza, the boys will be coming along though. You mad enough to skip out on pizza or nah?
Lyra: I’ll be damned if I let HIM stop me from getting pizza 🙄
Naomi: That’s the spirit 😂 I’ll meet you in the lobby in 15? Bring your bags, might as well check out now
Lyra: 😂 Yeah sounds good, I’ll see you downstairs
Slipping her phone into her back pocket, she packed away all the things she’d used. Roman had already taken his stuff down, she assumed, earlier in the day. She pulled on her boots and did one last sweep of the room to make sure that neither her nor Roman left anything behind.
Lugging her bags along, she made her way down to the lobby to check out. She’d just finished up with the receptionist when Naomi and Jimmy walked in through the entrance. Lyra walked over, giving them both a hug before they started walking to the parking lot.
“G'morning, sleeping beauty,” Jimmy teased, earning a dirty look from her, and a jab in his ribs from Naomi. “Ow, baby, what was that for?”
“Leave my girl alone, you didn’t even get up today until I started-,” Lyra was chuckling as Jimmy stopped Naomi with a hand over her mouth. Naomi knocked his hand away, glaring up her mate.
“Baaabe, c'mon, don’t do me like that,” he grumbled as they arrived at the car.
“You’ll be lucky if I do you at all, tonight,” she joked, getting into the backseat; Lyra tried not to laugh when Jimmy gave his mate a slightly panicked look. Lyra shoved her bags into the back then joined her friend in the backseat as Jimmy started the car.
“Aren’t we waiting for Jey and Roman?” She questioned.
“Nah they’re already there, probably eating half the pizzas,” Jimmy replied as drove them out of the lot. ————————- They walked into the restaurant ten minutes later to find Roman and Jey sitting at a table, digging into a pizza each.
“Told ya they’d be gettin a head start on the pizzas,” Jimmy grumbled as he sat next to Roman, swiping a slice from his pizza, making the older Alpha growl. Jimmy simply rolled his eyes in response, and told his cousin to shove it.
Lyra decided to pretend that nothing happened the night before as she sat next to Jey, Naomi squeezing a chair in next to her. Roman eyed her for a moment, she could’ve sworn a slight smirk flashed across his face when his gaze landed on the scarf around her neck.
It took every ounce of her will power to not glare at him, she was still a little pissy about being sent to bed like a child.
“Chill out, we got more coming,” Jey informed them as he picked up another slice. He turned to Lyra with a little frown as she scooted closer to him to give Naomi more space; she gave him a weird look when he leaned in and took a deep breath.
“Can I help you, Jey?” She asked as he straightened up, his eyes flitting back and forth between her and Roman before a smug smile stretched across his face.
“So, y'all finally fucked, huh?” He stated, Roman promptly choked on his drink while Lyra felt her blood rush to her face as she gave Jey’s arm a punch. “C'mon, his scent’s all over you.”
“That’s not, w-we didn’t,” she scrambled to try and come up with something as Naomi and Jimmy stared at her with raised eyebrows. Roman was still coughing and wheezing in his corner.
“Then how’d you explain them hickies,”  Jey shot back, pulling her scarf down to reveal the bite shaped bruises that trailed down into her shirt. Lyra smacked his hand away and hurriedly readjusted her scarf while Naomi gave her an indignant look as if to say why the fuck didn’t you tell me.
“I-we-yknow what, Roman, why don’t you explain, you did this after all,” Lyra huffed, turning the attention across the table to the large Samoan still trying to catch his breath.
“Um, we was just fuckin around last night, nothing happened, it was nothing,” he replied, Lyra fixed him with a piercing glare, but he refused to look at her.
“Damn, is it just me or did it get colder in here,” Jey mumbled as everyone turned back to the food.
Lyra knew she shouldn’t care, it’s not like they were dating or anything, but she couldn’t help clenching her fist under the table as Naomi gave her knee a comforting pat. ———————- Days later, Lyra was still salty. She had successfully managed to ignore him for the past few days despite traveling with him and his family. Occasionally she’d catch him staring at her with a weird look on his face, but she pretended not to notice.
It irked her even more that he never actually tried to talk to her, and she certainly wasn’t going to confront him about him basically saying that their connection, relationship, whatever it was between them, meant nothing to him.
She figured that if he had cared enough he would’ve either apologized or at least tried to make up some bullshit excuse for what he’d said. Instead he seemed mostly content with being ignored, and ignoring her.
She knew she had to move on, why should she sacrifice her happiness and wait around for some idiot who wouldn’t even give her a chance. Besides, she had the perfect opportunity coming up.
They’d arrived in Pittsburgh earlier that day, the Royal Rumble was taking place the next day. Naturally, that meant that everyone would be going out that night.
Lyra knew it’d be the best time to find someone to keep her occupied or at least numb herself with alcohol; either way, she was determined to forget about Roman for a few hours and have a good time.
That, however, was easier said than done. Not only would Roman be accompanying her, Naomi, and the Usos for drinks, but when Lyra stepped out of the shower she began to feel feverish, her senses heightened even more than usual, to the point where she was hyper aware of anything touching her.
She grumbled to herself about it as she pulled on some black panties and a matching bra. Digging through her bag she chose to wear a pair of black jean shorts, and a tank top that had a pentagram design on it.
After she was dressed she downed two Advils, then walked over to join Naomi in front of the mirror to do her makeup. She decided to do brown smokey eyes, winged eyeliner, and finished it off with a bright red lipstick.
“Damn girl, you look real good,” Naomi said, running her eyes over her friend’s reflection as she applied some mascara.
“You look pretty irresistible yourself; planning on getting laid tonight?” Lyra replied with a suggestive smirk; Naomi was dressed in a tight red dress that showed off her gorgeous body, there was no way Jimmy was resisting that.
“You know it babe, not that I don’t love rooming with you, but it’s been two days since Jimmy and I did anything  and it’s got us all wound up,” she laughed. “But, damn, the way you look and smell tonight, I’m willing to bet you ain’t going to bed alone. What perfume are you using?”
“I’m not using any perfume, not yet anyways,” she replied, looking a little puzzled. “I’m feeling a little feverish, it could be that?”
“No, no, I’ve never smelled anything like it before, you smell really good,” Naomi mumbled, stepping closer to bury her face in Lyra’s hair and take a big sniff; Lyra blushed and shivered a little as that simple movement made her squeeze her thighs together. “I-oh no, oh girl, um you might not wanna go out tonight.”
“W-what, why?” She nearly whimpered as Naomi pulled away; what the hell is going on with me, she thought to herself.
“Um, I, uh, I think you’re going through your heat, or it’s just starting, I don’t know,” replied Naomi, Lydia’s blush deepened as her eyes grew wide. “But like it probably ain’t a good idea to be around a bunch of hotheaded Alphas and Betas.”
“B-but I thought heats were an omega thing, I’m not even a werewolf,” she protested, wrapping her arms around herself defensively, of course something like this would happen to her.
“I mean I’ve heard of shifters getting their heats too, I think it’s the only time they, you, can give off a mating scent or something; it usually starts in your teens or not at all though, didn’t your parents tell you about this stuff?” Naomi questioned, frowning at the younger girl who looked beyond flustered.
“No, my dad’s human, and my mum doesn’t really talk that kinda stuff with me, hell, she probably thought I wouldn’t even get my heat because I’m only half-shifter,” Lyra said, groaning internally as her friend gave her a sympathetic look; she knew she should stay in, but she also really wanted to get drunk off her ass at that moment. “Yknow what, fuck it, Ima still go, all this does is makes me wanna get even more drunk.”
“Bitch, NO, I can’t let you do that,” Naomi insisted, crossing her arms when Lyra pouted and tried giving her puppy dog eyes. “Don’t do that, I can’t, with a clear conscience, let you go.”
“Buuuuuuut I’ll be with you guys, besides what’s stopping me from going out on my own? I’ll be much safer with you there to keep an eye on me,” Lyra begged. Naomi groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Fine, fine, I guess that’s some good points,” she sighed exasperatedly as Lyra gave her a big smile. “But you’re going to wear one of my jackets, hopefully that’ll mask you scent a little.”
“Yes, mom,” Lyra replied, walking over to Naomi’s bags as the older girl rolled her eyes, and turned back to the mirror to finish up her makeup. Lyra went through her stuff until she found a black leather jacket that she had been meaning to borrow.
Once they were done, they grabbed their phones, and hid their credit cards, IDs, and keycards in their bras before pulling on some shoes. Naomi wore a pair of tall, black pumps that made her ass look even better than Lyra thought possible, and Lyra wore a pair of black high heeled, thigh high boots.
Finally around 9pm, they headed out of the hotel to meet the men in a club a couple blocks away.
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Aiden- Hope Is Our Best Bet
Request-  Could you do one where y/n gets taken by the ghost riders, but she has an empathy link with Lydia (her best friend) so she knows what's going on and everything but she's stuck in the room.? (Sorry if it's confusing idk what I'm saying myself)
A/N- It took me so long to write this tbh. I made it an Aiden imagine, and I hope you like it!
“Where ya going?” You paused on the stairwell, glancing up at the head peeking over the railing two floors above you. Aiden was grinning down at you, and you suppressed an irritated groan at the site of his playful brown eyes. “Out.” In seconds, he was launching himself over the railing and landing on the steps in front of you with a  loud thump. You took a startled step back, eyeing his wild grin. “You’re crazy,” you told him. “It’s quicker than walking down.” “You’re still crazy.” You pushed past him, planning on heading down to the lobby of your apartment building alone, but he seemed to have a different idea. His helmet was tucked under his arm, and you knew he had planned on following you out. He only lived a couple floors above you, and the fact that he might have been listening for you to leave caused irritation to wash over you. “Seriously, where are you going?” he asked, following behind. “Aiden, you’re not my bodyguard,” you stated. “Says who?” he asked. “Says me!” you snapped. “I save your life once, and suddenly-” “I still owe you.” “You don’t.” You shook your head softly, turning back around to face him. The two of you paused on the stairs, with you staring up at him as he perched on the step above you. “You saved me from that oni,” he reminded you. “You didn’t just save my life, you showed everyone that you were willing to die for me. You showed them I was a part of the pack too.” “Well it’s not hard,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “Scott takes in every stray supernatural creature in Beacon Hills.” “Still,” he insisted. “I owe you. And I’m going to be right behind you until I return the favor. Even if you don’t know I’m there.” You frowned. “Do you have any idea how creepy that sounds?” “Well I didn’t until you said that...look, just tell me where you’re going.” You huffed. “The school. Liam and Hayden found a dead body.” “What?” Aiden demanded. “Why didn’t Scott call me?” “He wanted to keep it quiet. The only people he told were Lydia, Malia, and Stiles, because they were already with him.” “You felt it didn’t you?” he questioned. “Through Lydia?” You nodded. “She was nervous. Then I called.” Aiden shook his head in disbelief and leaned against the railing. “That empathy link thing is freaky.” You cocked an eyebrow. “Like you and Ethan’s twin mind-meld isn’t?” Aiden shrugged. “At least that has a sort of normal explanation. Your thing is just weird.” “Yeah, well, when you almost die on a lacrosse field with your best friend, it turns into a supernatural bonding experience.” You rolled your eyes and turned away, but Aiden grabbed your arm. “Hey, look, I didn’t mean it like that. What you and Lydia have, it’s actually kind of cool. I just...I never know the right thing to say around you. I always feel like I’m doing something wrong.” “Following me everywhere is not something I would call right…” “I’m protecting you,” he said with a frown. “I didn’t ask for you to. I mean, it’s not like I mind you crashing my movie nights or sitting next to me in every class we have, but you shouldn’t have to feel like you owe me.” “Why not?” he asked. “Because I don’t want you dying because of me. Allison already did.” Despair washed over you as you thought back to that night at Oak Creek, when your best friend’s gentle hands had shoved you to the icy ground. You looked up just in time to see her take that blade for you, and you had spent every day since trying to repay her for her sacrifice. Saving Aiden had just been one of the ways you attempted that, and ever since, he had been following you around like a lost puppy. He was always showing up at parties you attended, and offering you rides to places you were planning on walking to. He was right next to you during fights, or stakeouts, or even just dinner with the pack. You didn’t really mind him always being around, or even crashing on your bedroom floor when Ethan and Danny were being a little too loud for his liking. You just didn’t want him getting hurt because of you. You weren’t sure you could live with that happening again. “Following you to the school isn’t going to get me killed,” Aiden pointed out. “Besides, the body’s already dead. What’s the worst that could happen?” “Fine,” you relented. “Just...stop following me everywhere, okay? You can ask to hangout if it makes you feel better.” “Seriously?” he asked with a grin. “Seriously,” you echoed, rolling your eyes once more. “Now let’s go.” “Good thing I’ve got an extra helmet.” You scoffed. “We are not taking the bike.” “It’s faster,” he protested. “Besides, you don’t want to waste any time getting to Lydia, right?” You frowned, and started to head down the stairs with a sigh. “If we die, it’s on you.” “Of course it is,” he told you, and you could hear the grin in his voice. He followed you out of the stairwell and into the quiet lobby. No one was there, save for a sleepy looking old woman shuffling to the elevator. You headed out into the warm night, but as you stepped outside, an eerie gust of wind blew past you. Leaves drifted through the parking lot as you walked to Aiden’s motorcycle, and you frowned. “What?” Aiden asked, glancing over at you. “Is it Lydia?” “No,” you told him, shaking your head. “Just a weird feeling.” He looked at you like he didn’t quite believe you, but he simply lifted up the seat and pulled out his spare helmet. As you went to take it from his hands, he completely ignored you and placed it on your head himself. He adjusted it carefully, then lifted up the visor to reveal your frowning eyes. His lips twitched as he glanced down at you. “I think you look cute.” “I think I’m capable of putting a helmet on by myself.” Aiden rolled his eyes and sat down on his bike. “Come on.” He put on his own helmet as you sat down behind him, and then reached out to grab your arms and wrap them around his waist. You tensed up, but he glanced back at you. “You wanna fall off?” his muffled voice asked. “No,” you grumbled, tightening your arms around his waist. “Don’t worry, Sweetheart. You’re getting something most women would kill for.” “A chance to push you off this bike?” you snarked. “A chance to have your arms around me.” You rolled your eyes as he started up the bike, but you had to admit the rumble it let out was satisfying. You clung to the fabric of his leather jacket as you pulled out of the parking lot, and let yourself melt into him for the short ride to the school. He was warm, and a lot more comfortable than you thought he would be. You had never said yes to a ride unless it was an emergency, and at those times, you had been so tense and nervous that you couldn’t think straight. Liam and Hayden finding the body probably counted as an emergency, but at this point you had found so many dead bodies that it didn’t freak you out as much as it used to. Now, clinging to Aiden, you let yourself really appreciate the ride, and the fact that he was there with you. You arrived at the school exhilarated, and when you both pulled off your helmets, Aiden turned around to grin at you. “Am I dreaming, or did you actually enjoy that?” “And what if I did?” you asked, raising your eyebrows. “Then I’m thinking I have to offer you rides more often.” You tossed your helmet to him with another roll of your eyes and scanned the parking lot. Lydia was leaning against her toyota and talking to the Sheriff, and softly shaking her head. “I’m gonna go talk to Lydia,” you explained to Aiden. He got up to follow you, but with the look you shot him, he held up his hands and sighed. “I’ll go look for Scott.” You smiled gratefully and turned your back on him, and you didn’t catch the way his gaze followed you as you moved across the parking lot. His brown eyes followed you like the moon followed the earth, like his entire world revolved around you. He made a promise to himself that night you saved his life, one that he knew would keep him around until he returned the favor. But with all the time he spent around you, he couldn’t help but fall, and since he and Lydia had decided they were better as just friends, there was nothing stopping him. Well, nothing except your stubborn attitude and his inability to stop irritating you. He never seemed to be able to say the right thing, and you were so caught up in protecting everyone else in that pack that you were often oblivious to normal everyday things, like when guys had crushes on you. Lydia had promised Aiden that all he had to do was admit his feelings, but something about you scared him. He remembered a time when you had hated him, and when he had almost tried to kill you and all of your friends. It hadn’t been so long ago that he had worked for Deucalion, and he wasn’t sure if he had earned your trust completely. He didn’t want to ask without being sure, but as he watched you go with a wistful look in his eyes, he noticed Lydia staring at him. She smirked, her eyes flicking between the two of you before she winked at him. She mouthed something, words that caused Aiden to glare at her. Tell her or I will. She turned to give you a hug, and Aiden turned his back, but not before making himself one more promise. By the end of the night, he was going to admit how he felt. Lydia had a point, and with the chaos that seemed to be brewing in Beacon Hills, he wanted you to know before the town turned into a deathtrap again.
“You know, you’ve got to stop doing this,” Lydia told you as you leaned against her car. The Sheriff had finished talking to her minutes ago, and he was now headed back into the school behind Aiden. “Doing what?” you asked. “Freaking out when you feel something from me.” You rolled your eyes. “I can’t help it. When you’re nervous, I’m nervous. And if something’s wrong, you should tell me.” Lydia sighed. “Normally I would, but you’ve been happier than usual lately.” You scoffed. “I’ve been happier than usual?” “Yep!” she confirmed. “And it’s all because of Aiden.” “W-what?” you choked. “Lydia-” “Aha!” she cried. “You denied it. That means it’s true. You do have feelings for him.” “No,” you insisted stubbornly. “He’s just always around. I mean, yes, I like him. He’s cool, but I just spend so much time with him…” “Mmhm,” Lydia mused. “I just don’t want this freaky connection pulling you away from what really matters.” “Lydia-” “As much as you want to keep us all safe, you need to think about yourself sometimes. You need to be happy too.” “Lydia, I am,” you promised. “I am happy.” She smiled. “I know. Which is why I really want this to happen for you. And, when that time comes, this is for you.” She rooted through her purse and tossed you a tiny foil packet, which sailed through the air toward you. You tried to catch the condom, but ended up fumbling and causing it to fall onto the pavement. “Lydia!” you hissed. “What the hell?” “What?” she demanded. “He’s hot as hell, and he’s got a lot of drive, I can promise you-” “Don’t tell me!” you cried, cutting her off. “Jesus, aren’t I supposed to figure that out on my own?” Lydia smirked, her pink-painted lips curling up. “You are. Go ahead and pick it up. It’s yours now.” You huffed and knelt down, but as you reached for the condom. You noticed a shadow fall across the pavement on the other side of her car. You grabbed the packet just as four legs came into view, and your brows contorted in confusion when you saw the unmistakable hooves of a horse. “Y/n?” Lydia asked, staring down at you with raised eyebrows. “Are you alright?” “I…” You rose to the ground, tucked the condom into your jeans and then peeked around the side, but there was nothing but asphalt on the other side of her car. “What?” “What?” Lydia echoed, staring in confusion as you dropped down to all fours and peered under the car again. This time there was nothing there. “Nothing,” you told her, rising to your feet and dusting off your hands. “I thought I saw something. I think I’m just-” “Crazy?” “Hey, watch who you’re calling crazy,” you told her. “I’m not the one who ran naked through the woods.” She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at you. “I’m not the one who punched Gavin Johnson in the face the day after we got back from the attack.” “He asked you if you would take your clothes off and run around for him,” you reminded her. She sighed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “One of these days, I’m going to be the one saving you. Not the other way around.” You gave her a gentle squeeze. “You better be quick about it. We don’t have much time left.” She looked over at you, her green eyes staring into yours. “What am I going to do without you?” “I don’t know,” you said softly. “But we don’t have to think about it until later. For now, I’m right by your side, ready to punch anyone and everyone in the face for you.” She laughed softly and squeezed your arm. “Come on. Let’s head inside and see what’s after us now.” You smiled and walked by her side toward the blue double doors, thinking that you had no idea what you would do when she was away at MIT. Lydia was your best friend, and since the moment you had been attacked on that field with her, you were bonded. That kind of thing didn’t just go away, and you knew you were going to be left wondering what to do when you felt something wrong with the other and were a whole country apart. You pushed the thought out of your mind, telling yourself that you didn’t have to think about that yet. Lydia would be by your side for another few months, and everything would be fine. But as you headed into the school, that view of the horse behind her car crossed your mind, and you suddenly felt like maybe something was coming. Maybe college separating the two of you was the least you had to worry about.
“What happened?” you whispered to Aiden, as you glanced into the bloody closet. Bright flashes came from inside, no doubt the crime scene photographers capturing every gruesome detail. “Someone bit out the back of his skull,” Aiden told you softly. “Bit?” you choked. “As in with teeth?” Aiden shrugged. “I could do it if I really wanted to.” You eyed him carefully and he huffed. “Not like I would.” “Why bite out the back of the skull?” you wondered aloud, shifting as you leaned against a locker. “Why not slit his throat, or stab him or something?” Aiden shrugged. “Maybe he didn’t want to use his claws. If he was an alpha, he might not have wanted to turn him.” You thought for a moment. “Why him? He’s just a janitor, right?” “Maybe he’s not,” he suggested. “I mean, what sane person would ever take a night job here?” “True,” you remarked, running your fingers over the metal of the lockers. “Hey, can I ask you something?” “Sure,” you told him, looking up into his brown eyes. Aiden pursed his lips, glancing around the busy hall. Scott and Stiles were talking quietly as they stared at the officers passing by, and Lydia was pestering Liam and Hayden for more details. She was taking in every detail of the scene, but Aiden knew she didn’t feel anything, because you would have felt it too. “Not here,” he said eventually, tilting his head down the hall. “Come with me.” You followed him through the noisy hall to a quieter one, and then he pushed open the doors of the library. “Aiden, is everything okay?” “Yeah,” he assured you. “I just wanted to talk to you.” “Okay…” you said cautiously. “Don’t worry.” “You know when you say that, it makes me want to worry.” He rolled his eyes. “Look, I think you realize how much I’ve been hanging around you…” “How could I not?” you asked him. Aiden shot you a look, and then he smirked. “It’s not like you don’t like it.” You swallowed. “Oh yeah? How do you know that?” “Come on, it’s not like I can’t see the way you look at me.” “Like I want to kill you?” “No,” he said, taking a step toward you. “Like you want to kiss me.” “Woah, woah, woah,” you said. “Did Lydia put you up to this?” “No,” he repeated. “I put me up to this. Finally.” “Finally?” you repeated. He nodded. “I’ve been waiting to say this, but I never found the right way to do it. But that doesn’t matter, because I’ve been feeling this since we kissed at Scott’s birthday party.” “Th-that wasn’t-” “I felt something,” he insisted. “And I know you were drinking, but you felt it too, and it wasn’t the tequila.” You swallowed. “Aiden…” “I know you’re scared of losing the people you love. But I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. If you let me, or even if you don’t, I’m always going to be right here.” Your throat seemed to dry out as you opened your mouth to respond, and you stared at him in shock. A nervous warmth spread through you, and Aiden smiled as a blush covered your cheeks. “So is that a yes?” You took a deep breath, but before you could respond, you saw a flicker of movement farther back in the library. You glanced over Aiden’s shoulder, and he raised his eyebrows. “What?” “I saw something.” “Y/n, come on. You can’t just avoid the-” “No, seriously,” you cut him off. “I saw something earlier too. I think it has something to do with that boy who went missing.” “Okay...what did you see?” “I...I’m not sure,” you admitted. “Well that’s helpful.” “I’m sure it has something to do with-” A loud whinnying from behind caused your blood to run cold, and you whirled around to see just what you had in the parking lot. Instead of just the legs, a full-grown horse stood before you, and on its back rode a man dressed in all black. He had a hat perched on his head, but you could make out his shadow of a face, and the melted, deformed sight caused you to gasp. “Y/n?” Aiden asked, placing a hand on your back. “What is it? What’s wrong?” “You-you don’t see it?” you asked, eyes still on the rider and his horse. “What do you see?” “A man on a horse,” you told him. “What?” he demanded. “Is this a banshee thing? Does Lydia see it too?” “I don’t know,” you breathed, grabbing his hand. “Come on, run!” You lead him through the shelves of the library, pulling out your phone and dialing your best friend’s number. She picked up right away, and you heaved a sigh of relief. “Hello?” “Lydia,” you breathed. “God, please tell me you’re seeing what I’m seeing.” “What?” you heard her ask. “Who is this?” “Wh-what?” you asked breathlessly. “Lydia, it’s me. It’s Y/n.” “Y/n?” she questioned skeptically. “Sorry. I think you’ve got the wrong girl.” “Wait, Lydia-” But it was too late. She was already hanging up the phone, and Aiden was staring down at you in confusion. “What was that about?” “She didn’t know me,” you stated weakly. “What?” he asked. “How is that possible?” “I think it has something to do with that kid and his parents,” you whispered quickly. “When the cops went to his house, it looked abandoned, but when Stiles went inside, the kid’s room looked like any normal bedroom. It was the only room like that in the house.” “Wait, what kid?” Aiden asked. “Oh god. You’re already starting to forget.” “Forget what? Y/n, what’s going on?” “Listen to me,” you whispered, grabbing his hands in yours. “You’re going to forget me. That’s what’s happening here. People are being taken, and they’re being erased.” “From memories?” he asked. “That’s not possible.” “It is,” you told him. “It is, and it’s going to happen to me.” “What? No,” he insisted. “I won’t let-” “It’s too late,” you said softly, flashing him a sad smile. “I’ve already seen them. I saw the horse in the parking lot. And I could see it when you couldn’t. They’re coming for me. Maybe someone else too. Just promise me something-” “You’re not going anywhere,” he snarled, scanning the dark library. “I’d die before I let anyone hurt you.” “Please, just promise me,” you begged, tears filling your eyes. “You’ve spent so much time protecting me, but I need you to make sure the others are okay. Especially Lydia. Just protect them for me, okay?” “Y/n, please-” “Promise!” you ordered, your voice breaking. “Please.” “Okay, I promise. But I made a promise to protect you. And that’s one I’m going to keep. No matter what happens, I’ll remember you, and I’ll find you. I’m not letting you go.” You reached up to place a hand on his wet cheek, and only then did he realize he was crying. He stared down at your broken smile, and wanted nothing more than to whisk you out of Beacon Hills, to take you away from the danger, but he knew he was out of time. You took one shaky breath, just as the sound of spurred boots hit your ears. Aiden didn’t see it or hear it, and he didn’t realize what was happening. You snatched him by the shirt and yanked his lips onto yours, kissing him for a few blissful seconds. His lips enveloped yours, lighting your body on fire and ripping your heart in two with the realization that you might never feel this again. You broke the kiss suddenly, and scraped together one last broken smile. “No,” he protested. “How the hell am I supposed to let you go after that?” “You have to,” you whispered, just as a gunshot from the rider’s gun echoed through the library. In a puff of green smoke, you disappeared from Aiden’s arms, and he swore he felt it in his chest when you went. Slowly, the electric feel of your lips on his, the memory of your terrified whisper, and even your broken eyes all disappeared. Aiden stood there, trying to find a way to fight the ache in his chest, until he finally forgot the reason it was there at all.
Lydia stood against a row of lockers, holding her textbook and glancing around the hallway self-consciously. The bell was about to ring, and as students cleared the halls, she realized that whoever she was supposed to be meeting wasn’t going to show. “You feel it too don’t you?” a voice asked from behind her. She whirled around, causing her braid to swing over her shoulder. Aiden was leaning against the lockers down the hall to her left, and she kicked herself for not even realizing he was there. “What do you mean?” she asked, as he walked up to her. “Something’s missing. I feel it. And you do too.” She frowned. “I was sure I was supposed to meet someone. Maybe even more than one person, but...I don’t think they’re coming.” “I pulled out an extra helmet this morning,” Aiden told her. “For someone who didn’t show up.” “Ethan maybe?” she suggested. “Ethan has his own. And there’s nothing wrong with his bike. I even went back up and asked.” Lydia pursed her lips. “Maybe we should talk to Scott.” “And tell him what?” he asked. “That we’re losing our minds?” Lydia thought back to a distant memory, one she couldn’t quite place but knew she had experienced. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Lydia walked into her room and dropped her bag on the ground, wanting nothing more than to collapse into her sheets and pillows. It had been days since her and Aiden had talked to Scott, since they had found out they were missing someone, or maybe a few someones. She wasn’t sure if she could take another day of this painful, hollow feeling in her chest, the one that told her something was wrong and she might never be able to fix it. She kicked off her heels without bothering to change into pajamas, and crawled under the covers. As she closed her eyes, trying to drift off to sleep, she found herself drifting somewhere else, as if she was someone else. “Lydia!” you choked, lunging forward with a bloody hand. A dark boot slammed down on your wrist, pinning it to the lacrosse field and crushing the grass. You let out a cry of pain, and looked up at the figure standing above you. You gave him a defiant look, despite the fact that he seemed to be crushing your wrist. He took his boot off your wrist and flicked out his fingers, revealing nails that were insanely long. When you thought about it more, you realized that they were claws. They were already stained red with Lydia’s blood, and as much as you wanted to stay strong and protect her, you were about to black out too. Before you slipped away, you reached out for Lydia’s hand with trembling fingers. You had just barely placed your bloody hand in hers before you completely passed out. Lydia sat up in bed with a choked scream, swiping at herself and frantically trying to wipe the blood from her hands. It took her a few seconds to realize that the blood she had seen wasn’t real, that the horrifying moment on the lacrosse field had been nothing more than a bizarre vision. “Lydia!” her mother cried, shoving open her bedroom door. “What happened? What’s wrong?” “I...there was blood all over me,” she whispered. “I was on the lacrosse field and I was covered in blood.” Mrs. Martin sighed. “Lydia it was just another nightmare.” “But, mom-” “Sweetheart, what happened to you was a terrifying experience,” she told her soothingly. “They never found who attacked you, so it’s perfectly normal for you to be afraid. It was just a terrible memory working it’s way to the surface through a bad dream. Now, don’t worry. I’m sure everything will be fine.” She flashed Lydia a reassuring smile and shut the door, but after she was gone, Lydia shook her head in confusion. “But I wasn’t asleep,” she whispered to herself. She leaned back into her pillows and rolled over, pulling the covers up around her shoulders. She couldn’t deny this terrible feeling she had, and she knew the dream, or hallucination, or whatever it was meant something. She also knew that there was something odd about what she had seen. All the reports stated that Lydia was alone when she had been attacked. She hadn’t remembered much of anything, including who her attacker was, but something about this didn’t seem right to her...especially because moments ago, when she was so sure she was on the field, she swore she felt a hand in hers. She didn’t care what her mother or the reports said. She knew someone had been with her.
“Someone was with you that night?” Scott asked, his eyebrows furrowing at Lydia as he stood in front of her locker. Scott was the first one she had come to after her nightmare the night before, but Lydia was sure it had been something much more than a product of her imagination. She had been having one almost every night. Sometimes it was a bizarre memory that felt like it was missing a piece, and sometimes it was something entirely new. Only a few nights ago, she was sitting up in bed when she heard the sound of a train passing through the room. Just like the night before, she was sure that it hadn’t been a dream, and she knew it meant something. “Yes,” she told Scott.. “I’m sure of it. Maybe it has something to do with who we’re missing. With Stiles or...or maybe it was someone else. It felt different. No, I’m sure. It was someone different..Wait, who found me that night?” “It was Jackson, wasn’t it?” Scott offered. Lydia blinked. What Scott was saying would have made sense, but something about it felt wrong. “No.” “But, Lydia, he carried you in,” Scott stated. “Everyone was talking about it. I remember that.” “Well...maybe he carried me inside,” she agreed. “But he wasn’t the one who found me. And he definitely wasn’t on that field with me. Someone was holding my hand Scott. Someone who was also covered in blood.” Scott raised his eyebrows. “You think someone else was attacked with you?” “There had to be,” she whispered. “How would we know?” he asked. “I mean, we can see if any of the responding deputies remember, but if the Ghost Riders are taking memories, they’re only going to remember you, not this girl.” Lydia frowned for a few moments, but her eyes suddenly went wide. “But there’s something that will.” “What?” Scott asked. “Hospital records” Lydia told him. “Just like the ones we found about Claudia. I’m sure that whoever was on the field that night was  just as hurt as I was, if not more. She had to have been brought in the same time I was.” “She?” Scott repeated. “How are you so sure it’s a girl?” “I...I don’t know,” Lydia said softly. “I don’t know why I just said that...but I feel like it’s right.” Scott nodded. “Okay. We can start with my mom. I’m sure she’d let us look at the records.” “What are we waiting for?” Lydia asked. “Let’s go.” Scott blinked. “Lydia, we can’t just leave. Your mom would kill us.” “I don’t care,” she hissed. “We’re finding whoever was on the field with me that night. We have to. And we’re calling Aiden. He can meet us there.” Scott sighed and looked down the hall. Kids were still flowing down the hall to different classes, and the usual chaos in the school hadn’t seemed to stop because of a few disappearances. If they wanted to leave without being seen, now was the time to do it. “Come on,” Scott said, reaching forward to shut Lydia’s locker. “We’re going to find her.”
You sat on the bench beside Stiles, your leg bouncing up and down as you glanced around the train station. Your eyes landed on Peter Hale, who was sitting a few rows down and looking bored out of his mind. When he felt your eyes on him, he glanced over, and you glared. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, avoiding your accusing expression. You still hadn’t forgiven him for attacking you that night, and you weren’t sure you ever would. “Do you think he’s right?” “What?” Stiles asked. “Peter,” you elaborated. “Do you think he’s right when he says that we’re already forgotten? That we don’t exist anymore?” “We have to exist,” he stated. “We’re here, aren’t we?” “But where’s here?” you questioned. “Maybe we’re dead. Maybe this is hell.” Stiles scoffed. “Okay, now I may not be perfect, but I never thought I’d end up in the same place as Peter Hale when I died.” “Okay, so maybe we’re not dead. We’re not living anymore either, though.” “We’re forgotten,” Stiles said grimly. “Not dead, not alive, forgotten.” You placed your chin in your hands, and stared out at the grim scene before you. No one else seemed to be snapping out of their trance, and since the guy who been incinerated by the barrier a few hours before was literally dust, it was just you, Stiles and Peter. “They have to find us,” Stiles whispered. “They have to.” “Maybe we should try to get the radio working again,” you suggested. Stiles shook his head. “Ghost Riders smashed that thing to pieces. I’m good, but I’m not that good.” “Great,” you said. “So what do we do now?” “Wait to die?” he offered. “No thanks,” you told him, thinking for a moment. “I kissed Aiden.” “What?” Stiles demanded. “When?!” “The night we were taken,” you said softly. “He was trying to tell me how he felt when I saw the rider in the library.” “How did he not see it?” “I saw the horse in the parking lot earlier. Lydia tossed a condom at me and when I bent down to pick it up, I saw it on the other side of the car. He came into the library to take me.” Stiles snorted. “You’re here because of a condom?” You smiled. “Apparently so. You can thank Lydia for that one.” “Was it supposed to be for Aiden?” “What do you think?” “Hey, I’m just asking...you like him that much?” “Yeah,” you admitted. “I mean, he’s a pain in the ass, but he’s changed a lot.” “Yeah, ‘cause of you.” You looked over at Stiles. “Really?” He nodded. “When you saved his life that night, it changed him. After that, he only cared about you. And yeah, at first it was because you saved his life and he wanted to return the favor, but all that time he spent around you…” “Huh,” you murmured. “I guess you’re right. I can’t believe I didn’t see it.” “You were worrying about other things,” Stiles said with a one-shouldered shrug. “I know the feeling.” You glanced over at him again. “Lydia, huh? Even after all these years?” He nodded, and you reached out to place your hand on his shoulder. “If we ever get back, you might not have to wait much longer.” His lips turned up in a sad smile. “I saw her that night too. She was the last person to remember me.” “She remembered you?” you asked thickly. “Yeah,” he whispered fondly. “Up until the very last moment.” “She didn’t even know who I was. I’m connected to her, and she didn’t even know who I was.” “Hey, it doesn’t mean anything.” “What if it does, Stiles? What if it means that she’s not going to remember?” “Maybe she won’t,” he relented. “But Aiden will.” “You sure about that?” “No,” he admitted. “But it’s all we’ve got right now. And until Scott and the others figure out how to get us out, hope is our best bet.” You nodded and leaned back against the bench, telling yourself that maybe, just maybe, Aiden would remember you. He promised you he wouldn’t let you go, and you hoped to every god there was that he could keep that promise.
“Come on,” Melissa hissed. She hastily pulled Scott, Lydia, and Aiden into the file room, shutting the door behind her. She turned back to the teens before her, and felt a pang of sympathy as she met their desperate eyes. “We have to do this quickly,” she explained. “But I looked up the details you sent me. Only one patient matched them.” Lydia held her breath as Melissa unlocked one of the filing cabinets. She ran her fingers over the manila folders and fished one out, and Lydia practically snatched it out of her hands. Her eyes fell on the name of the patient, and she felt her breath catch in her throat. Y/n Y/l/n. As soon as she saw the name, everything hit her at once. She remembered standing in that parking lot with you, arms around your shoulders, wondering how she was going to spend four years without you. She remembered how when Allison died, when she felt like she had no one, you were there by her side. She even remembered that night on the lacrosse field, how when Peter tried to tear her to pieces, you were standing in his way. Aiden felt it too. Lydia whispered the name, without even realizing it, and that was all it took for him to remember. He remembered you standing in the library with your hand on his cheek, trying to fight your own tears as his streamed freely down his face. He remembered the feel of your lips on his, and how he would have given just about anything to kiss you again. Most importantly, he remembered the way you had come between him and that Oni the night he almost died. That was the moment he had really truly seen you, and the moment that first caused him to fall for you. He had been falling ever since. “We have to get her back,” Lydia choked. “Her and Stiles.” “We will,” Aiden swore. “If I have to kill every ghost rider there is, I’ll do it.” Scott swallowed, glancing down at the file in Lydia’s hands. He knew how much Aiden loved you, and he knew he meant what he said. They were going to get you back, no matter what it took, and seeing the look on Aiden’s face when he saw you again would make it all worth it for Scott.
All across the field, people were beginning to appear. Hundreds of shapes lay on the drenched grass, slowly waking up as a cool rain fell from the sky. You sat up, shoving yourself up from the wet grass just as Stiles rose to his feet next to you. “We’re back,” you breathed. “We’re back,” he confirmed, reaching forward to pull you into a tight hug. You clapped him on the back and pulled away, glancing up at the rain shimmering in the lacrosse field lights. “You think they’ll be here?” “Stiles!” a voice shouted, causing you two to turn. “Y/n!” A flash of strawberry blonde hair was all you could make out in the blur of the rain, but you could tell it was Lydia was sprinting down the field as if her life depended on it. “I think they already are,” Stiles told you with a grin. She slammed into Stiles, barreling into his arms only to have him wrap them around her. “I knew you would remember,” he murmured her, running a hand over her hair. “I knew.” She nodded mutely, tears slipping from her green eyes as she looked up at him. You stepped away from them, giving them their moment, and grinned as their lips met in a kiss. You could practically feel Allison smiling at you from wherever she was. Hell, you could practically hear her. I told you so. “Y/n! Stiles!” you heard another familiar voice call out. You turned to see Scott and Malia running down the field, and it took them seconds to wrap their arms around you. Scott got you first, pulling you into his arms, and Malia came last, tackling you both to the wet ground in a crushing hug. “Malia,” you choked. “Good to see you too.” She finally rolled off of you and held out a hand to help you up. “I’m sorry I forgot you.” “Me too,” Scott told you. “God, it’s insane to think that it was actually possible. Now that you’re here...it doesn’t feel real.” “You can thank Stiles and Lydia for that,” you told them. “Even in different dimensions, those two are still a perfect team.” Scott smiled and glanced back at the couple, before placing his hand on your shoulder. “I should go talk to Stiles. You did good, Y/n. Allison would have been proud.” You flashed him a grateful smile and turned to Malia. “So, what did I miss?” “Everything,” she told you. “I don’t even know what to say first...oh, wait! Yes, I do. Remember how you thought that if you brushed Aiden off he would stop bothering you?” “Uh, yeah,” you told her. “Well it didn’t work,” she informed you. “He was torn up because he was missing something. He said if he had to kill every ghost rider just to get you back, he would.” “For me?” you blinked. “Really?” She nodded. “He lost it when you left.” “But...why?” “I think he loves you, Y/n,” Malia told you. “And I think you should stop pushing him away.” You smiled. “Trust me, Malia, I already know.” “Y/n!” a voice shouted, causing you to turn for the third time that night. You brushed a strand of sopping wet hair out of your face, and saw Aiden running toward you through the rain. You met him halfway, crashing into his arms, and the slick leather of his jacket. “I’m sorry,” he breathed into your wet hair. “I forgot you. You saved my life and I forgot you.” “It’s okay,” you said, pulling away to look at him. “You remembered.” Tears were streaming down your face and mixing with the rain, but Aiden reached up to touch your cheek. “You were right before.” “When?” he asked. “In the library. When you told me I felt something for you, that I was just scared. You’re right. I was scared. And it wasn’t the tequila I was scared of.” Aiden grinned, and leaned down, cupping your face as he kissed you. He leaned into you eagerly, and you looped your arms around your neck, yanking him closer. His fingers threaded through your hair, and when he finally pulled his lips from yours, you were both breathing hard. “I...I love you so much,” he breathed, tracing his thumb over your cheek. You grinned and reached up to push some slick hair out of his eyes. “Me too...me too.” He wrapped his arms around you once more, holding you in the rain. He didn’t know what would happen to Beacon Hills after the disappearance of the Ghost Riders. It seemed like something always did, no matter how hard you fought, but he knew one thing. He was never letting you go again.
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cyclone5000writes · 8 years
Hey! I just stumbled across your Disney AU for the Chosen Children from August - and they're all perfect! Would you mind making a second part as you were hinting that you had more? It would be much appreciated. Kudos from a fellow Digimon enthusiast ;)
I’m sorry I’m getting to this so late! I wanted to get to this ask sooner but I just got so busy… 
But I’m glad you liked the first Disney AU list I wrote out ^^ I do feel like they can be rambling from my end, but hey, if you don’t mind listening, I don’t mind sharing!
I tried making this list with different ships and stuff, for the sake of variety. But if you want to hear about a specific ship or certain AU setting, just let me know! I can go on and on about these things. 
Of course, the full list of random disney aus is under the cut. 
Taichi + Hikari with a slight hint of Taiyama. - Lilo and Stich AU
Taichi, the overprotective brother who is trying so hard to be an adult as quick as possible in order to take care of his sister. However Hikari is having trouble adjusting and fitting in with her surroundings as there are so many changes happening. Taichi feels bad that Hikari is struggling to make friends and stuff, so they go to get a cat (because they used to have Miko) and…it’s tailmon! 
Because I think it works so well!  Tailmon, coming into their lives as Hikari wishes for a guardian angel and instead gets a ‘monster’ that has trust issues and has a lot of destructive power??? I think it’d fit well! Especially when it came down to Hikari bonding with Tailmon. and the two of them having a relationship unlike anything else. 
lol the ‘slight’ hint of Taiyama comes from the idea that Taichi and Yamato used to attend school together and that their siblings are the same age so they know each other well. But I won’t lie. it’s entirely because I think it’d be funny if Yamato was trying to impress Taichi, only for it to go badly and then he feels embarrssed and Hikari just goes, ‘It’s okay. Onii-chan likes your butt. and he thinks your hair is fancy. I know because I read his diary’. 
Taichi, Yamato, Koushiro -Three Cabelleros AU
This makes no utter sense other than it’s what I like XD. Growing up, Three Cabelleros was my favorite movie, I love it to death, I watched it more than anything else. And don’t test me on how well I know the songs lolYamato is Donald Duck. The guy just celebrating his birthday but winds up losing his temper multiple times yelling ‘WHATS THE BIG IDEA!!!’ over and over again as his birthday is full to the brim with craziness. 
Koushiro is José. He just shows up randomly going ‘you haven’t been here before? Well let’s go! You got so much you need to learn!’’ and winds up dragging Yamato all over the place just to teach him a thing or two. Plus Koushiro looks good in a bow tie so why the fuck not. Taichi is Panchito. In this case, Yamato is probably about to eat his birthday cake only to have Taichi jump out of it screaming and hollering and shooting off a bunch of guns before grabbing Yamato and Koushiro and yelling “WE’RE THREE GAY CABELLEROS!” 
lol its completely impractical. but just imagining them singing the three cabelleros song together makes me smile.
You know. The main reason why I wanted this kind of AU for this pairing is because I think it’d be so cute???
Like. Takeru, as the ‘duchess’. Someone who comes from a lavious lifestyle and then gets thrown out of his cozy life and is forced to have to make due with the skin on his back. 
Daisuke, the ‘alley cat’, who only approaches Takeru at first because he thinks it’d be funny. 
At first Daisuke tries to show Takeru the ‘ropes’ but Daisuke himself is a little bit of klutz and Takeru isn’t so dainty as he may appear to be. And the two wind up learning a lot about each other as Takeru tries to find his way back home. 
Idk I’m a sucker for daikerus where its about the two of them coming from polar backgrounds and them reaching a middle ground. Add a dash of social classes, cuddling ontop of the rooftops under the moonlight and walking along the edge of a dribbling stream and I’m happy!
Taichi/Jyou -Rescuers
Taichi is a field operative for a rescue task force. Because of his reputation and success record, he’s often sought for. And during one of his mission briefings a lot of people are scrambling to be his partner…
And then he chooses Jyou! A simpleton who isn’t actually part of the agency! Why?! Because Taichi “needs a plain guy who’s not gonna bother him!” Jyou doesn’t want to go but Taichi drags him along. And all of a sudden Jyou’s safe and routine lifestyle is swapped with near death experiences, crossing massive hazardous terrains and wishing that Taichi didn’t have to opt for the most stunt crazy airplane pilot every time. 
Through some miracle, their first mission together is successful. And when it’s all over Jyou is just absolutely exhausted and kinda happy that it’s all over. 
But Taichi took such a liking to Jyou that when he jumps outta his mission detail and grabs onto Jyou’s arm going "guess who’s now gonna be my new partner from this point onward!!” and Jyou silently weeps as he wishes his pleasant common life goodbye. 
Yamato/Mimi- Hercules
Again another AU that is extremely self indulgent on my end. Ever since I saw all of those Hades/Persphone AU fanarts concerning this ship I can’t help but associate Mimato with anything remotely close to Greek Mythos lmaoBut I gotta admit. Yamato, having one goal ingrained in his head, so much so that he is really socially awkward and is especially bad at dealing with Mimi because she just always plays the devil’s advocate?? I just picture that scene where Mimi is leaning in trying to be sexy and then Yamato just pinches her dress strap back up on her shoulder lol. Hercules is another favorite Disney movie of mine. They’d so be cute in this setting. 
Sora/Mimi -Tarzan
I think this is just me drifting off into dreamland but like hear me out. just. let me explain. 
So there’s a study on gorillas and stuff, and the team of researchers is Koushiro, Jyou, Mimi and Taichi. Jyou is actually there as like a medical professional, Koushiro is the one manning the research. Taichi can be the bodyguard or something he’s not a scientist. And Mimi is a botanist who was brought along cause she works under the same grant as Koushiro.
Now they are there doing their research. However while studying gorilla packs and stuff, they start noticing oddities which they have trouble explaining. Which get Koushiro up in a tizzy even if the rest of them aren’t too focused about it. 
One day, Mimi like wakes up early, and starts walking around to the stream nearby. While at the water front, she sees a colorful flower near her. When she talks toward it, she finds another flower–same type slightly different in color. She starts following them down the river before actually noticing they were placed there, they aren’t naturally growing, which makes her want to see who’s placing them down. At the end is a bunch of beautiful flowers but, these ones are special. Mimi specifically remembers seeing the laid out flowers earlier in her expedition but didn’t have time to draw and take notes about it cause Taichi was yip yapping about the sun going down and how they had to head back to camp and stuff. 
Mimi of course likes the flowers, but then starts wondering why they were there. When she heads back to camp and Koushiro has been going on and on about his theories about how the gorilla pack they are studying must be raising something that’s not a gorilla (lol jyou is just feigning interest at this rate and taichi is trying to go back to bed) Mimi can only think about the flowers so she actually starts siding with Koushiro and wants to learn more about what’s going on because her gut feeling is telling her that this is important. 
However, as they try to research this it doesn’t yield the best results. Whatever is going on, its elusive to them. And its hard to keep track of. It gets to the point where Jyou reminds everyone *why* they are all there and stuff. And even Koushiro is forced to resign his theories to focus on their jobs. 
And Mimi feels oddly upset by this and takes away from camp to cool off (Taichi offered to go with her, but Mimi refused wanting to be alone). While she’s sitting by herself feeling really defeated without knowing why, she finds another flower. This time she’s like driven to find out *why* she’s being given these gifts. (as she’s now convinced this is no accident) and then runs after this trail and finds!!! Sora!!!! :D Who has been out in the wilderness ever since she was young and was raised by the gorillas and stuff. Sora tries to run but Mimi manages to approach her. (Mainly cause Sora is both curious and feels calm around Mimi) The two of them are about to make contact before Taichi comes swinging at foliage with a machete yelling out Mimi’s name (cause she hasn’t come back to camp) which scares Sora and gets Mimi mad. Then of course the rest of this AU is spent on them trying to ‘find’ Sora. Even though Sora is kinda only comfortable around Mimi. At first its just the two of them, learning things about each other slowly  and then its all disney magic fromm there LOL
annnndddd. I think that’s enough for one list. lol I’m sorry I tend to get caught up when I start thinking of these AUs. I hope that you enjoyed some of them though! Thank you for your patience and for the ask! 
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seven-oomen · 4 years
The hug and the headcanons were much appreciated.  :D  (You say it started getting long like that’s a bad thing.  But then I am apparently the embodiment of that comment like you’re the drunk girl in the bathroom at the club post, so perhaps I am not the best judge.)  And I don’t know if you were trying to kill me with that new preview, or make me want to kill Chris, but either way, mission accomplished.  I swear, that boy.  He’s gonna give me gray hairs before this is over.  XD  *basks in the warm, fluffy goodness anyway*
Omg, Craft Dad Peter may be one of the best things I’ve ever heard of.  Chris and Noah never have to buy another scarf or pair of gloves, Peter makes them for them (and often for the rest of the pack, too, but his mates get the best) as a way of subtly staking claim.  Bonus points if he finds a way to spin his fur into the yarn (or finds someone to do it for him.)  And it’s all kinds of crafts, too, from a huge painting he does with Allison of the view of the Preserve from Makeout Lookout Point that goes above the mantle at the new house, to macaroni art and finger painting with his youngest kids.  
Also, I feel like one year, maybe after most have gone off to college and sneaking is a bit easier, Malia badgers her siblings and other dads into finding whatever old baby/toddler clothes they might still have and helping her make them into a patchwork quilt for Peter since he had to miss so much (if not all) of that time with them.  Chris and Noah also throw in a couple of their shirts from high school; faded flannel and ratty band gear intermixing with brightly colored superhero logos an well worn sports jerseys, corduroy, and denim and a little bit of lace, in all colors of the rainbow from jewel tones to pastels.  She even leaves some room to add stuff from the later kids, because she knows they’re going to want more.  
Needless to say, there are a lot of tears (like, a LOT), and it instantly becomes his favorite for curling up in front of the TV, or out on the porch to watch the sunset, or just wherever, in whatever form.  It goes over so well they end up making another one with stuff donated from everyone in the pack so that it ends up huge and always comes out for movie nights and puppy piles.  (Wow, that idea kinda got away from me, but I ain’t even mad.)
Loving the descent into nsfw and related ideas.  Always here for those three teasing the ever-loving shit out of each other, because that’s just the way they are.  I feel like Chris and Noah are much more successful at pulling stunts in public, because they’re much better at faking innocence and making it seem accidental.  Lbr, Peter is terrible at looking innocent, even when he is.  
They both get so low-key annoyed that Peter’s werewolf healing means they can’t really leave much in the way of lasting marks, whereas Chris ends up with bruises and stubble burn in the most inconvenient and awkward places, and Noah seems forever doomed to look like he got attacked by an extremely aggressive push broom from the neck down.  
Oh god, Peter and Chris would totally rig anything that needed repair around the house so that it would only finally break when Noah was off so they could see him up a ladder changing light bulbs in a snug, worn t-shirt, or reaching underneath a sink or cabinet.  They just lean back and enjoy the show with a nice chilled drink.  He gets them back by conveniently being on shift whenever one of the kids moves back for a while and needs furniture moved.  
All the Omegas in the pack get extensive training in proper self defense, which leads to Peter getting banned from the premises because his expressions and scent while watching Noah and Chris spar to demonstrate creeps everyone else right tf out.  
I feel like Chris probably does a lot of the cooking, between having lived on his own the most and debatably being home the most.  So sometimes when they have the house to themselves Peter and Noah try to get Chris to cook wearing only an apron (frilly or not is up to you).  (Actually, depending on what share of the chores he takes on my brain just screamed out of nowhere FRENCH MAID’S OUTFIT and now I can’t stop laughing, oh god, I just keep picturing these terrible porny roleplays where the police officer is just checking in because there have been reports of break-ins and he “just wants to make sure all entrances and exits are properly secured” and of course the maid just wants to be helpful and fetches the master of the house[is he wearing a smoking jacket and silk pajamas? 
 I think the answer is obviously yes] to assist their “routine search"  [oh god, please help, I’m wheezing.])  I’m pretty sure somebody gets fucked on the washing machine (and by somebody I obviously mean both of them.  They go through a LOT of cleaner in that house, lbh.)  
And poor Stiles just will NOT let the Incident, as he calls it, go.  Whenever he’s irritated with one of them he’ll send them some variation of the "right in front of my salad” meme to be an asshole.  
They very definitely make sure that all the bedrooms have nicely soundproofed walls, because there are things none of the kids want to hear (except maybe Erica or Lydia).  Totally here for pet names/sweet nothings/dirty talk/whatev in a variety of languages, especially French and Polish, obvs.  (cue Gomez mode - “Why Chris, that’s French…”)  
And I do love that drag queen headcanon so much, especially for this ‘verse.  The Stiles and Jax better be careful or their dads might just be forced to prove how much they can still rock that look if they want to (I may or may not have had a running list/idea in my head of which outfit from a Lady Gaga video each parent would wear if they were all dressing to theme for some reason [I don’t really remember why.  You might have noticed my mind goes off on weird, unexplained tangents when left unattended.])
Love all the family bonding stuff.  I feel like Peter would totally organize back-to-school shopping trips for all the pack kids so that they can all head back with all their necessary supplies and rockin’ new wardrobes.  Chris teaches them camping and outdoor survival.  Noah somehow ends up organizing sing-a-longs when they have bonfires while Chris is in charge of s'mores ingredients (neither tries to make Peter or Derek join in if they aren’t feeling it, and take turns to go and check in with cuddles and support throughout the evening.)  
I always liked to headcanon that Noah was a drummer, mainly I think because Dylan is, so people usually made Stiles one, so I figured he might have learned from his dad.  This was also because I loved the idea of Stiles having everybody over for a Rock Band party and having his dad sub in for him on the drums so he could grab some food, and everyone being utterly astounded at how well he could play (since the drums seem the closest controller to the actual instrument.)  
But the idea of him and Malia playing duets together is super adorable, particularly the idea of them playing Polish lullabies for the twins (or Ben, or other Argent-Hale child), or Chris singing French ones for the little ones (or the dads could team up Three Men and a Baby style, I’m here for all of it, really.) 
 And all the wolfy goodness!  Wolf Peter just straight up flopping across one or both of his mates while they try to read or watch TV because he needs attention right now and wants to cuddle.  Chris scratching all the right places.  Noah using a variant of the healing magic to loosen all of Peter’s tensed muscles as he pets along his back and sides.  Good stuff.  (Occasionally Ben or one of the younger wolves, if there are any, will shift and climb up next to them to nuzzle at his face or gnaw on his tail.  Usually by then he’s so relaxed he doesn’t even mind.)  Using him as a bonus cushion when curling up together.  World’s Biggest Teddy Bear.  
And Jackson would totally take advantage of his cuteness.  He got Peter’s ruthlessness and Chris’s puppy-eyes skills.  The younger kids keep finding ways to work him into their Halloween costumes because he can somehow convince people to give them more candy even though “dogs can’t have chocolate…"  He doesn’t mind helping his baby siblings, and enjoys the chance to prove just how good he is.  
Malia is totally the one who’d just nope out of the conversation, but I think she’d also be the one to (most) help Ben develop his shifted skills and really feel comfortable in both forms.  
Poor Derek, he’s just like "I am not a goddamn herding dog, corral your kids!”, but he’s not fooling anybody and loves the way the twins just stare at him mesmerized and gently petting at his soft fluffy fur.  He absolutely lets them climb on him and ride around until they get too big to do it (then they just hang off his arms or piggy back whenever he visits.)
And that last flash-forward headcanon is so cute.  I feel like the spot should be on a porch swing, but given how much time I spent on my grandparents’, I’m probably a bit biased .  There’s a wind chime made of broken guitar strings and spare car parts (with a base carved by Stiles) that hangs nearby, ringing gently in the breeze as they sway.  They curl up under one of Peter and Malia’s quilts, legs tangled together, backs pressed up against pillows set up against the arms for support.  Peter sits on the steps, leaning on the banister, or maybe gently sprawled in a nearby matching chair, enjoying the view of his family and the quiet peacefulness of the moment. *insert reaction shot of Ghost Rider going “yessss- YESSSSS-” here*
Anyway, I’m glad your day was stupidity free, and I hope your cat is feeling calmer and well comforted.  And hopefully the weather cleared up there like it did here, though also hopefully without leaving as much humidity behind as we got.  Ah well, pretty much standard for summer around here, so.
Oh man I definitely got carried away a bit and no, there’s nothing wrong with that but I also idk, I’m not used to talking about something I love I guess. Especially not so freely with someone who’s really genuinely interested in hearing it.
Also idk what it is, probably fatigue and dyslexia in my add brain, but I have enormous trouble concentrating right now. So, I decided I would answer this submission before bed instead of writing. Well technically I’m writing now too, there’s that. Anyway...
Where was I? I feel like I just had an entire conversation in my brain and it’s already gone.
Okay, okay, Imma try to do this.
Chris is just, he’s a very scarred boy who’s very insecure. Noah will help him though and I hope it feels in character but fluff is coming.
And I really don’t have the focus to answer all of these headcanons but I love them, they made smile and giggle and they got me through hell today and I just. I really wish I had the brain capacity today to answer all of them.. Because yes to everything!
Do you know how hard it is to ask someone about their wifi connections when you’re reading about French Maid outfits and bad cop outfits and body cavity searches??? Do YOU??? 
It’s very hard and I had to try so hard not to laugh while guiding one lady through her ‘my remote is not working’ emergency.
And the quilt thing killed me, YEEEESSS. Omg I love your headcanons so much.
I also can’t stop picturing Peter as Gomez and Chris & Noah as Morticia. Also, Jackson is Wednesday and Stiles is Pugsley. I don’t make the rules.
Ughhh omg Idea for a pack run where they all go camping in the woods and Peter initiates a pack run, the first for Ben and Jackson. And they’re all wolfing out and Peter, with his red eyes, just howls up and everyone just howls with him. But Ben can’t keep up and just start hiccuping (This is what I  imagine Ben would look like anyway and it’s the cutest thing) and cuddles up to Chris because it’s all a bit much. 
So Peter comes over and gently nuzzles the cub until Ben’s wagging his tail again and being all playful. And that initiates a pack play session where Ben ‘takes down’ Peter and the other wolves just nip and bark around them playfully while Chris, Noah, Allison, and Stiles watch them with their cameras out and smiles on their faces.
The pack then takes off for a run and return ten minutes later all tuckered out, Ben’s held up by the scruff of his neck by Peter. Jackson is practically asleep on his paws and Malia is yawning by the time they get back. So they curl up with their respective twins and mates. Malia is curled around Stiles and Allison protectively curls around Jackson’s huge wolf form. Ben’s curled up in Chris’s lap, Chris and Noah are huddled together and Peter’s just curled around the three of them. Derek curls up with both sets of twins to keep them safe.
Full moons are extremely lively for this family.
And Derek is such a sucker for the pups in the pack. He keeps complaining and bitching, but honestly, he loves kids, he loves babies and he’s such a sucker for them. Ben, the twins, and the new baby just can do no wrong for him. He’ll keep corralling them and cuddling them when he gets the chance.
God, I love these threads so much, but I think I already said that. lol
Anyway, that’s what my brain has right now, but honestly, I love all of these. Every single one is precious.
0 notes