#they didn't get their product from the park tho
meaningofaeons · 1 year
Sampo with a reader who does metal music- and bonus if they have like this stern and angry personality 😍😍😍😍😍
tysm btw your works are really nice
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ hard rock
⊹ character(s) - sampo koski ⊹ word count - 954 ⊹ notes - gn!reader, reader is part of serval's band (implied to be more of a contract member than a permanent member tho), post-belobog storyline, reader is also implied to be friends w/ both serval and gepard
hi anon!!! thank you so much for the req, it sounded so fun I just had to do it right away! and thank you for the sweet words (₌♥ᆽ♥₌)
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As someone who remains in the shadows—as said himself, "People like us are more suited to being shadowy comic-relief"—Sampo didn't exactly expect to get tangled up with someone who shined so brightly in the spotlight.
You were blunt, almost rude, with a fiery personality that clashed with plenty of people.
Sampo's... conman-styled disposition also clashed with people, sure, but not in the same upfront way yours did.
Needless to say, when you two first met, opposites did not attract.
"I've half a mind to go tattle to the guards now! 'Savior of Belobog' or not, I don't care!"
"Hey, heey! No need for all of that, huh, sweetheart?"
"Call me that again and you'll be scamming the demons in Hell next, you filthy leech!"
So maybe Sampo had tried to sell you a counterfeit electric guitar, and maybe you weren't quite as gullible as he thought you looked weren't interested.
Can't blame a guy for trying, eh?
But still, your reaction and intuition interested him somewhat.
Despite the situation with the Supreme Guardian and the Stellaron clearing his name a bit, Sampo was still pretty universally despised by the Silvermane Guards, and they still had it out for him
So walking around the Overworld wasn't quite the walk in the park he sometimes made it look like...
But still, he found himself considering paying more visits to the overworld Belobog, hopeful to catch a glimpse of you.
You, meanwhile, actually found yourself in the Underworld more often.
The people were less uptight, less noble, and far more able to take your rough and tumble personality.
Plus, there were far more enjoyers of the metal music you loved putting on shows for.
Sure, you'd still play with Serval in Belobog when she had a show going, but the Underworld was a different type of crowd.
However, more than once, you'd notice an unpleasantly familiar head of blue hair enjoying your performances.
So finally, you confront him.
"What are you doing here, Koski?" You'd heard plenty about him from Gepard by way of Serval.
"Aw, just coming to appreciate the beauty of your music!"
It was rather irritating how his eyes raked up and down your form on emphasis of "beauty".
"Aren't these free-for-all concerts? Can't blame a guy for trying to find some good entertainment down here, huh?"
"Just don't cause any trouble with my fans."
"But I'm also one of your fans, Y/N!"
Eventually, Sampo wormed his way into your company by way of sheer annoyance.
It didn't take long for you to become reluctantly used to his company, allowing him to hang out after concerts and show you the ropes of the Underworld.
He got on your nerves, but you tolerated him.
Sampo, meanwhile, enjoyed your presence a lot. You were rough around the edges, sure, but he saw that hidden sweet side occasionally.
As you put up with him, he started to grow on you, too.
A conman, sure, but he always repaid his debts just as he claimed. Not to mention, he was a pretty good audience member for your shows.
Though you still got on his case if he tried to scam you, you quite frankly scared him a bit.
Soon, sometimes, you'd pretend to go along with his scams. When you were quick to transfer him some credits for his latest scheme one time, it freaked him out so bad that he stopped trying his tricks on you.
In fact, he had showed up to your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers and a deeply nervous grin.
"H-Heey, Y/N! Sorry again about that... little misunderstanding with the product link, ahaha... I thought these might make it up to you!"
"Flowers? Really? Do I look like the flower-enjoying type?"
Please spare him... he's already at his wit's end.
"Take me out to dinner instead. Your treat."
"Then maybe I'll forgive you for that little stunt."
Sampo had had plans to ask you out formally, but you kinda beat him to it.
He honestly thought you'd be more difficult to catch.
"All thanks to my endless charm!" he would preach months into your relationship, to which you would bluntly remind him that he annoyed his way into your life, and that you were the one with more charm here.
After that night, it was clear to everyone that you and Sampo had begun dating. You were quite the odd pairing to most, though.
Gepard even asked you if he was extorting you or anything, and if you wanted him to beat Sampo up on your behalf.
But no. In fact, Sampo was quite a gentleman as a partner.
You didn't go on dates all too often, but he was always your loudest supporter at every concert.
He already took a real shine to your music, but after getting together, he had a newfound appreciation for your work.
You also taught him to play, though he wasn't the best at most instruments. His voice isn't too shabby, though.
You found yourself worming some lyrics into some of your newer compositions that had to do with him.
Somehow, it felt like the songs that were subconsciously about Sampo were a bit easier to write.
Serval took a habit of teasing you whenever your lyrics would get mushier than usual, and as though reflecting your hot-headed embarrassment, the next several lines would be loud and raging.
Still, Sampo appreciated what you did.
In spite of all his flaws and unsavory ways, you could at least be thankful for that.
Besides... running up prices on ticket resales to your shows was a way more lucrative business opportunity!
He got a smack over the head for that one, though.
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aita-polls · 7 days
AITA: My (F31) best friend (F33) got angry at me for not organizing her a bigger birthday celebration.
I've known my best friend for 10 years, we've been through a lot, we used to work together and now we don't anymore, so we only see each other for birthdays and celebrations, and we text each other as we need to, not everyday nor once a week, more like twice a month.
Usually on my birthdays she and our other best friend (M37) go all the way out to celebrate me. It's been a dynamic we've had since we met, that in our birthdays we try to go all in, with surprises, usually weekends spent somewhere else (like the beach or mountain) and basically doing a lot for the birthday person, it's not always perfect but most of the times it's big.
Now last year, we tried to organize for her a good birthday celebration, we went to have dinner at the beach and then to a kind of amusement park close to it (we're not from the US), it was expensive and supposed to be nice but it rained and the restaurant we were supposed to go was closed so we went to another one and basically I could tell she didn't like it. She didn't say anything except that she and her girlfriend didn't like to go out that much anymore because of drinking and driving, so like they felt more comfortable drinking at home. And that was her excuse for like, not having fun then.
So this year we planned a home party for her. We went all in with liquor and different cocktails, more expensive stuff that we usually don't do, snacks and everything, but due to convenience (her house being the biggest and having enough rooms for all of us to sleep in) we decided to throw her the party in her own house. I asked her and her gf if that was okay, if they liked the plan and she said yes, that she'd always welcome us gladly... it was supposed to be an opportunity to be stupid silly drunk without any of the risks or stress of doing it in a public place.
Fast forward to the very same day of the party... her girlfriend was in charge of getting some edibles for us to eat at the party and she tells me none of her suppliers has product available. I don't know anything about buying that kind of stuff, it's always their thing to get that for the group, so we tried a couple of options and basically we didn't have any weed for the night.
So she texted me asking, since we had no weed, if we had another plan for the night... I'm like ??? no??? we did have enough alcohol to get super wasted, so in my mind I was like: even tho it's sad we won't have weed, there's still everything else we had already purchased for the party.
She then sends me a 7 min voice note saying that she needed to be honest with me, that our friendship could survive this because we were both adults and I should be able to listen to this without it offending me, but basically she felt bad because she thought she deserved better than just a house party, in her own place where she's everyday... that all of our parties she did everything to make it special, and started naming examples of this, but that since last year she'd felt we didn't do the same for her. That last year we went to places she'd already been in, and this year we were doing the party at a house? when none of our celebrations were ever at our houses... and stuff like that.
She also mentioned that though it's true that she's been forgetting to get us christmas presents for the past two years (which is true) it's not fair for her to get this kind of celebration, when we are three people (me, my other friend and her gf) to divide expenses with...
So, AITA for not planning a bigger party for her? I genuinely thought that the house celebration was going to be good, I'd like something like that for my own bday party. I also feel like, if she felt like this she should've told me before, not the exact day of the party at noon. I feel like she only said this to make me feel bad and I'm still so angry, but when I've talked about it with people irl they only say that she should've mentioned it before... but they do think that her comments are valid, as in, she's right we should've done something bigger for her... so I'm genuinely asking 🙏🏽
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so I saw the Wembley Park Theatre production last night and if u don't wanna be spoiled dni
But if you have no chance of seeing it here are some of the little details <3
First of all the casting was perfect???
Michael Alomka dove into a more sensitive part of Jack - and it was super interesting
Katherine was so much more headstrong and it was suchhhh a new flavour of her - Katherine has never been one of my favourite characters but god she was so strong and wild and unduly it was brilliant.
Ryan Kopel as Davey has to be my standout tho - he seemed much younger in the role than BF did, and much more uncertain and afraid - I loved it - and his development oh my god he became boisterous and ahhhhhhhhh
Docket as Crutchie was brilliant he was much less happy-go-lucky than AKB was and oh it worked - he was frustrated and angry and real.
AND Crutchie played a much larger role in the leadership of the strike here!! Just through little interactions and stuff but it was coooollll and he even seemed to form a friendship with both Kath and Davey
Even the kid playing Les was brilliant and I usually don't like Les all that much - but the kid I saw was brilliant
The Newsies would swing out on lamps and ropes over the audience and oh my godddddddd
THE BROOKLYN NEWSIES WERE GIRLS (and it added balance since earlier they'd been the bowery beauties so it changed them up and showed the power of women plus finally included girls in the strike, sometbing 1992 and bway missed) AND THEY WERE SO GOOD
Jack and Katherine had Beatrice and Benedick vibes from Much Ado - that's the only comparable thing, they were so brilliant and the chemistry was so goooodddd
Ngl it probably didn't have enough Javid content for you addicts.
Butttt there was a hug when Jack tells Davey they won the strike that is so good. Davey can't retain himself, he jumps and hugs Jack and then picks up and whirls around Les
'we are inevitable' was delivered PERFECTLY I can't even explain
There are so many stunts and jumps and tricks and we all knew the dancing was gonna be perfect but dear god it still got me
And finally, my favourite thing, THE SET
I was sitting stage right in Woodside (I think) and if u can get tickets like that it is so worth it. The actors are running up behjind and beside you
There's even a little slide for the escape from snyder
And they utilise the scaffding part of the set super well
There are lamps that lifted up for ariel tricks
And so much more
Even a fuckin zip line!!!!!!!
okay you've nearly made it to the end
There were a fewwww lyric changes buttt the orchestrations were changed quite a lot to make room for more dance and honestly? I think I prefer broadway music wise
The Pulitzer's set was built in newspapers to show class and how the Newsies have built their entire empire etc
And all the set was moved on and off by the Newsies, too, again to show class and how the Newsies (and working kids) run the world, really
Yes, Race was perfect.
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lollytea · 2 years
You must check out the storyboards for the montage for Thanks to Them!
The final cut made the huntlow haircut scene MORE overtly shippy than the boards did. Finally it's the reverse
Also Hunter isn't getting attacked by bees in his picture with Willow, he was smiling and posing with her! And we almost didn't get Willow sleeping like a gremlin based on these boards
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God she really is a huntlow menace lmao. This isn't the first time her boards with those two were way too obviously shippy and had to be toned down a bit in the final product.
The original version of the haircut would have been soooo sweet tho. Like he was so horrified by what he saw in the mirror that he had a fucking panic attack. But then once Willow arrives on the scene it cuts to him looking all soft and smiley, really hammering in the influence she has over his emotions and what a calming presence she has in his life. In the final version he still looks a little uneasy and we know this is cuz Willow Park is cutting his hair rather than any angsty reason but still. The contrast between angst panic and smitten smiling would have been fantastic. Oh and if he still glanced down to the witch hunter book and his smile immediately dropped before pushing it away. Oh that would have hurt so good.
I love Hunter being rendered a speechless mess whenever Willow is around but I think adding a big stupid smile to his face at the same time is what really makes it. I adore the idea that if she makes him nervous, it's in a way that he likes. She makes him foolishly giddy.
(Oh no. Hope this doesn't sound like I'm bashing the final product. I would never. Huntlow haircut scene my beloved.)
ANYWAY the original garden picture is adorable!!! It's so wholesome. I can almost imagine somebody deciding it's too wholesome. Spice it up a bit. Which resulted in the bees. But man, they were spending time alone together 🥺 He's probably never tended to a garden before so she was teaching him how 🥺 They both looked so happy. The way Hunter would have kept that picture by his bedside. Can't complain tho. The fact that the picture he ended up keeping was him getting chased by bees could not make any more obvious that he kept it just because Willow was in it. Idk what to tell you, that is love.
I feel like Willow's sleeping position was probably added in the later stages of development so they changed one of the boards last minute to match. I like to think the crew was as entertained by it as we are.
Another thing I've noticed is that one scene from the shack where you can see the kids' drawings of their parents. Luz has also pinned up a drawing of Eda and it kinda makes you wonder why they cut that out of the final version. I like to think it plays into her current tendency to isolate herself because of guilt and downplay her own loss and put the families of her friends as what they should be concerned with right now. So instead, her longing to see her own Boiling Isles families is confined to her own personal space (like her desk, notebooks, locker.) while the parents of Willow, Gus and Amity are considered the "important" stuff.
Also Hunter seems to have pinned up a drawing of the Golden Guard mask??? Hmm. Hmmmmm. What is to be said about that? I don't really know but it's very interesting
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missyourflight · 1 year
some stuff i read and watched in august:
good omens (s2): enjoyed this more than s1 bc i didn't have to spend any time at all w jack whitehall, they're very cute
the righteous gemstones (s3): surprisingly affected by the judy storyline lol, judy/bj a true freak romance long may they reign. i miss these idiots already
tour de france unchained: i got hashtag influenced by @eff41 and i'm so glad, watched most of this mouth agape why would anyone put themselves through this etc 🚴
the borgias (s1): how was this 2011 lol, so many awful wigs, one time a bunch of us met david oakes after a play he was in and he was Such a sweetheart, again the wigs are truly so bad, can you imagine the incest discourse if this came out today
the rules of the game: gosford park 60 years before gosford park existed! rich people!! gonna have to watch more renoir bc some of those tracking shots were Wild
opening night: oh my god gena rowlands. as ever i love stories about putting on a show
a few good men: hadn't seen this in years and it's classic sorkin fun (woof at the end tho lol 🦅), everyone's talking so fast, tom cruise is a Star etc, you can't handle the truth!!!
jerry maguire: again, hadn't seen this in years and i'd remembered it as being way more of a romcom when really it's mostly a sports film. the secret garden needle drop is brutally good and it got me Twice, intresting to think about paired w eyes wide shut in terms of cruise performances where he's desperately trying to cover the Void beneath it all. even though it's nonsense the big romantic moment gets me!!!
please baby please: fun sexy queer, i would not have predicted harry melling would have one of the most interesting post-potter careers lol, andrea riseborough!!! should have been a musical probably!!
nicola dinan, bellies: liked this a lot, the dual pov works at showing you both sides' feelings and flaws in a v empathetic way i think
ann patchett, tom lake: putting on a show!! pairs well with sweet sorrow by david nicholls in the bittersweet theatrical romance nostalgia subgenre. our town isn't as much as a thing over here as it is in the states so i'm very glad i got to see the rx production from a few years back - it was beautiful and it definitely helped to be familiar reading this
adam zmith, deep sniff: a history of poppers and queer futures: got reminded by @baking-soda's foray into poppers discourse that i had this sitting on my kindle lol. an odd but enjoyable read - much more of a personal manifesto for pleasure than i was expecting but i'm all for that, could have done without e.g. the extended tangent about a self-published mystery novel?? the star trek bits can stay
freya marske, a restless truth: love a mystery set entirely on a boat, love an f/f romance that's actually hot (if you have any other recs please share ty)
claire keegan, small things like these: absolutely devastating slip of a novella jfc
also i teared up today listening to adrian lester on the shakespeare unlimited podcast so you should listen if you enjoy that sort of thing!
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princetofbone · 1 year
July 26, 6/100
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I didn't start doing anything super productive until around 8 pm, which is when I like to go to bed. I had a really great day, even if it wasn't super productive, and I'm hoping to make up for that tomorrow.
Tasks Completed:
~ went to a cat cafe (its a little odd, as there are no tables or anything, so I don't want to go there to study anymore :( it was really fun tho)
~ bought some fancy tea and fancy ice cream to cheer myself up
~ stood up for myself against the mean lady at work, avoided getting harassed by the guy at work
~ this is from yesterday, but I started journaling again, and already my mental health is goin up
~ did more paperwork (holy shit I hate getting older)
~ posted my mail
~ painted my nails
Rollover tasks:
~ lesson 15, still
~ Complete the unit evaluation
~ complete the unit project
~ lesson 16-1
~ read in the park
To do:
~ lesson 16-2
~ lesson 16-3
I'm pretty stressed with the amount of work I still need to get done before school starts again, but I should be able to get the unit eval + part of the unit project done at work, so that will help- I'm just so TIRED.
To combat the TIRED I'm taking the time I could use to finish more things and I'm going to do a little face mask, some self reflection, and read a book. I know I could be using this time better, but I don't want to burn out
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
hi!!!! :3 here are "some songs" ive been "listening to" that "i" think "you" should too!
spotify || youtube
notes on each below ^w^
Big Dipper - Death Grips: this song has such a good bounce to it, it makes me move no matter what, i cant help it. especially the chorus cuz ill start singing along and, well, then theres no stopping me. ill wiggle in my seat or like put some bounce in my step. which is all fun when im listening to music at home, but at work, where i mostly listen to music, i cant i have to skip the song. plus i love u songs that end with a good few minutes of noise just because, i never skip u i swear 🥺
classic j dies and goes to hell - glass beach: im fiiiinally getting around to glass beach and why didn't ANYONE say it was good? don't think ive heard the opinion that the first glass beach album is good yet. i wanted to listen to more bc of the hazel "Twinkle Park" version of the self titled song which is also very good but i put this one on this list bc it builds energy and emotion soooo well. it starts so somber but builds and builds till we're screaming about supporting each other and making a home for yourself despite despite despite.
DOGTOOTH - Tyler, The Creator: he creates once more! i always forget i had a kinda big tyler thing in high school until he releases new music. out of all his recent releases post-Flower Boy, Call Me didnt connect with me as much, but this single from the Call Me If You Get Lost "estate sale" of stuff that didnt make the album surprisingly did! it feels a little flowerboy-ish in the production but has the call me vibes of like "i can afford all these cars, buy my neighbors house, and ill still take my private plane to Switzerland for the day just cuz i was craving some nice chocolate" very braggadocio, very tyler, very good :)
Dumbass!! - Machine Girl: this song both sounds like and has similar effects as brainworms. it fuckin. got in there and made me quantifiably more insane than i was before. said brainworms make me wanna scream the lyrics and scuffle my feet and just like run into traffic and dance around the cars bc this song makes me believe i could and id be fine. i hope to fucking god they play this at the mg/100 gecs show. this song is also one of the few times ive looked up the lyrics for a machine girl song, usually content to just let the beats jar my head, and as soon as i did i couldnt get them out :) like some sort of... thought... eating... something or other idk theres probably a word for it (<-the worms are finally getting to her)
Fantastic Cat - Takako Minekawa: this song is sooooo cute, there is so much synth and whimsy to be had! unfortunately i don't know much about the artist bc this was one of the first songs i found after using Radiooooo (which u should be basically required to use if u like music and finding new music) set to Japan in the 90s, but she's part of the 'shibuya-kei' genre/subculture that was popular during that time, which sounds like an interesting topic to dive into :3 the whimsy contained in this song is almost too much tho. the melody is so sweet, that wind instrument is so silly, and the moog breakdown in the middle too is. well, its all quite fantastic.
HI 5 - Frost Children: i took too long making this post that this entry went from originally a cheeky indirect plug for their upcoming album bc i just really liked this single to just,, oh the album came out... but either way i wanted to talk about the song bc 2 me its just more proof of how exciting of a voice in hyperpop the frost children are. the bass on it is as crazy and slick as the one on the cover. this whole song just explodes with eccentricity i think ull really like it :) also check out the epic music video! its ai generated for those who'd like to know beforehand, but they use it to like. rotoscope real footage its preddy neat!
Introduce me to your family - Otoboke Beaver: i made a little post recently about Otoboke Beaver's influence on six impala's WFLYTD, and after revisiting their album, Itekoma Hits, after making that post i got this one stuck in my head for a while. the hook hooks (the main reason i had it in my head for so long), the bass is groovy, the guitars are sharp, the rage is channeled, its all here! they keep all the energy going and growing the whole time until you cant help but scream along.
こんがらがった! (Kongaragatta!/Tangled up!)- Necry Talkie: started reading the bocchi manga recently (im just past where the show ends as of now :3) and they have art at the beginning of each chapter with the kessoku band members that references visuals from like irl japanese bands and music videos which i thought was really cool! of course i had to find a collection of all the referenced songs, and what do ya know... this cute little number was in there! (if ur wondering it's the art for chapter 18 that references this song's music video :3) its such a dinky beat at first (said so so lovingly) but it evolves into a precise, energetic little jam.
One Million Dollars - 100 gecs: this fucking sonnng.. not everyones fav off 10k i know but it is for me :3 it just rattles me in such a specific way. it originated and is the only way to sate the need in my brain to hear what it was like for nic cage in that "not the bees!!!!" scene. i love it sm, but im absolutely biased from my hearing this at a gec show and falling for it right then and there. the live version and the album version are a bit different and i think the changes they made for the album make it a fuller song i just. loved the feeling of hearing this live so much. i would just search up the epic live version at terminal 5 where Laura fucking SHREDS on the guitar at the end over and over while i was waiting for the album. again, makes me very excitied to see them and machine girl soon :3
o (__*) - Hakushi Hasegawa: i dont know much about this artist but goddamn the few songs i have heard from them have made such an impression. u know a song is good when its not even dnb but uses the "yeah.. woo!" sample to keep everything going. and yeah with how crazy fucking banana bonkers jazzy and technical the drums and piano get at times it needs that tiny bit of stability at least. this song feels like the epitome of controlled chaos in the absolute best way possible.
PARTY GIRL - Angel Electronics: after rook's latest solo album came out i decided to go back and visit this collab project of hers with ash nerve i had missed at first and.... weeeeeeh ;w; this song makes me wanna cry every time. rook can obviously write some bangers but i love her more tender songs too. so many parts come together to make it just the sweetest thing. the part that stuck with me the most was the chorus, like it's sooo cute id just sing it to myself on loop bc it leads into itself so well. i wanna just keep talking about how fucking cute this song is but like George Costanza voice the love story between the party girl and the weird shy girl got to me okay?
Prime - Marnie Stern: kinda the reason im making this list hehe :3 this song was on char 'igottawin' mp3's most recent WILT (what im listening to) poast (hi char :3) and it was What Im was Listening To... too... (both of us bc of this epic animation) so here it is on MY knockoff WILT post too mwahaha hahaha! haha but seriously guys this song is quite good. it does so much with all the variations on just that one verse and i get sucked into the lyrics and the guitars. and by the fourth time im chanting this same unending verse the song is surprisingly over and i just wanna listen to it again. this one deserves a 10 hr extended version frfr
Wait and Bleed - Slipknot & 青春コンプレックス(Seishun Complex) - Kessoku Band: whats this? a double entry? ahaha yes! 😈 i would've put these songs here separately bc ive been getting into both slipknot (thank u char :3) and the actual kessoku band album, both of which are quite good on their own. but i only combine their entries here bc of this epic mashup of these two songs by the aforementioned rook blackdresses which makes me unable to sing either without thinking of the other song. like the first three chords of the bocchi theme start playing and my brain wants to scream the GOODBYEEEEEE from Wait and Bleed. the slipknot chorus melds with the kessoku band guitars soooo well. to me they are pieces from different puzzles entirely but they still fit together <3
wants mom to know she looks cool and doesn't plan on changing - leroy: i finally listened to the dariacore and accompanying berdlycore serieseses and ive loved diving into this little subculture of silly hyperpop meme mashups that fuck immensely. takes the silly to earnest and very good pipeline to a new level. plus having been a fan of dltzk and jane's other stuff its the one thing i never really got into but there are. so many dariacore related things i need to listen to now. i feel like theres lore i have to catch up on but im excitied :3 this is one of my faves off dariacore 2: electaria corebaloo (not what its called)
This has been... Post! thanks for your time. if u read this far i love u so much please never forget that. 'til summer music-heads! *curtsies and shows myself off-stage*
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any good obscure musical recs?? ive listened to like almost 400 musicals and i need some new ones
oh boy, oh boy, oh boy *rubbing hands together* i'm so glad you asked
my number 1 go-to rec is always "waitress" cause it's gotta be my favorite; it's my comfort musical, i know it's a little more mainstream but i've met a lot of people who just weren't interested enough to watch it, so if you fit into that category pLEASE DO
i think i'd also have to recommend "avenue q"; it's fucking funny, the whole show is done with puppets and the dude who wrote it purposefully hired people who had worked either on sesame street or the muppets, only on this show they're swearing up and down, talking about porn, racism and whatnot; gold mine.
i also love "35mm-a musical exhibition;" dude wrote a musical that makes you feel like you're walking down an photography exhibition and each song tells the story to a different picture. i've actually got a side blog ( @35mm-a-musical-exhibition ) with the pictures to each song cause they're so frickin hard to find??? i was like, why hasn't anyone just dug deep to find the pictures and compiled them all into one place yet?? meh, somebody's gotta do it so it might as well be me (that was a "spies are forever" reference if you didn't get; another great rec; it's a tin can brothers musical, that's made up of some starkid members, including joey richter)
i'm also a really big fan of "lizzie the musical;" i actually made a post hyping it up a while back; it's a rock horror lesbian musical. need i say any more?
now, this isn't really a new musical rec, cause since you said you've listened to almost 400 musicals i'm pretty sure you've heard of "into the woods," bUT lately i've been obssessed with the central park run they did and i'll talk about it for hours to anyone who gives me the chance. they did this shakespeare in the park kind of thing? in which the show is actually put on in the middle of the woods. the lady who plays the witch? my favorite witch up to date; donna murphy was actually the same person who voiced mother gothel in "tangled," which is basically the same role, right? further proving my point that she was born for this part. its so much creepier than any other production, not only because of visual elements but some details they added into some of the characters' representations and detail on the actual story. i do have to warn you tho, that they did not take the wolf's song to little red as a "subtle" reference to being a sexual predator, it's actually pretty explicit, so watch out if you've got any SA triggers. some other details include that amy adams (yes, giselle from "enchanted") plays the baker's wife, jessie mueller (yes, jenna from "waitress") plays cinderella and chip zien (yes, the baker from the original 1987 production of "into the woods") plays the mysterious man. it's so good. please watch it.
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shortkingkenny · 1 year
tell me abouttttt caertman
(for this game!)
uh oh. thanks bestie
1: sexuality headcanon - a homosexual and the first to ever do it according to him. first gay man on the moon. craig and tweek who? (stages of repression may vary.) I like candy enough as a ship to like a bi cart tho
2: otp - Kyman. 💁 Buttman close second.
3: brotp - Kenman! I also ship them romantically BUT mainly platonically. the strength of their friendship depends on where they are in life, but in my heart their friendship is strongest in their early 20s when they're both floundering and figuring their shit out.
I've also always loved Cartman being the only one who can remember Kenny's deaths but he doesn't bother pointing them out because what's the use if no one else can remember? there's no way to exploit it and nothing to gain so it's like a Michigan J. Frog situation for him. in a strange way, Kenny finds comfort in knowing the only person who remembers is the one guy too selfish and fucked up to make a big deal about it.
my other brotp is Cartman and Bebe LOL. realizing they've both got their finger on the pulse of the town and joining forces for gossip. based on nothing, I just like the idea.
don't know why I typed so much for this section and nothing for otp.
4: notp - decided it's funnier to not have one of these for Cartman.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - eventually becomes an 18-step skincare routine guy because he doesn't want people to think he's poor. makes his mom buy his face products because he also doesn't want people to know he's an 18-step skincare routine guy.
6: favorite line from this character - the reason I didn't reblog this meme for a while is because of this question. ask me this and suddenly I've never seen a single episode of South Park. PASS
7: one way in which I relate to this character -😬 relate to eric cartman south park?
actually, I relate to parts of his relationship with his mom. not in a good way. but I'm not about to get too personal on SP tumblr.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - I couldn't even begin to count the ways...
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - is he not the definition of a problematic fave? he's a problematic cinnamon roll to me.
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umjamlam · 2 years
since i cant shut up, here's some of my headcanons for my blorbos. also songs that remind me of them :3
abed: bisexual, he/they, dating troy. uses his lava lamp as a visual stim. owns so many tangles and picks each one depending on mood and vibes, likes to pick out a matching tangle for the movie they're watching. maybe might have a service kink 🧍
troy: gay, he/him, dating abed. has a kangaroo plushie named kickpuncher which he sleeps with every night. cries at the end of tangled because its just such a happy ending. used to play drums when he was younger.
annie: lesbian, she/her, dating claire. loves knitting and uses it as a way to relax, she gives away her finished products to the study group. also taught troy and abed to knit. her favorite animal is giant isopods.
britta: bisexual, she/they/he, dating frankie. has a small knitting group with annie, troy and abed where they get together and just knit while listening to music or watching some light hearted romcom. plays the bass in an all female punk band.
jeff: bisexual, he/him, dating craig. takes craig to ballroom dancing classes every other week and they always dress up so they're the fanciest bitches there. didn't realise he was in love with craig until season 6 (oblivious little guy). has bad days where he can barely get out of bed, before he and craig got together abed was usually the one to help him on those days.
craig: queer, any pronouns, dating jeff. worships the ground jeff walks on but is also there for him on his bad days.
frankie: queer, transfem, she/they, dating britta. they have 2 cats together. LOVES making lists and also excel sheets. makes lists of everything ranging from to-do lists to every single book she has ever read to all the lists she has ever written [she's just like me frfr]. usually reads at least 1 entire book every week, on top of the fact that they keep greendale alive. has all her books neatly organised in her bookshelf and finds it endearing whenever britta sneaks one of their own books in there. wanted to be an author when they grew up but preferred writing about mundane things instead of action and adventure so she realised they would never really be able to be one, still writes in her free time though.
ian duncan: bisexual, he/him, dating/hate-fucking/in love with chang. [thats all i got for him rn, he just like me tho]
mythic quest
brad: gay, he/him, dating and/or has a crush on david ♡ [i have so many hcs about brad but they're all so negative im so sorry but he's my broken little blorbo ok]. he owns a little huey plushie that he has on his nightstand so he doesn't need to sleep alone. pulls his hair when stressed or anxious. plays the sims and always try to manipulate the other sims to betray their loved ones. thinks david is cute when trying to be tough (wolf).
david: bisexual, he/they, dating and/or has a crush on brad. also has a huey plushie because it reminds them of brad, he might maybe be cuddling it in his sleep. gets really bad insomnia when stressed. plays the guitar and has tried on more than one occasion to serenade brad. has a tiktok where he does trends and they get a lot of views so they think they're popular but actually everyone's laughing at him :( (brad thinks the vids are cute though, but he'll never admit it)
poppy: aroace, she/they. autistic and has code (and video games) as her special interest. ice cream sandwiches are their safe food. came to america just to take ian's class.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
ooh I've got amusement park stuff on the brain now
Shane and Ryan's multiple videos of eating food at Knott's Berry Farm but it's the crew of the revenge (izzy films. he wants to try most of it, but also doesn't want to die via his gut, so he gets the blander versions of most of it (a mood bc i usually have to do the same))
Ed is gonna be the most successful at helping finish everything off, but that's partially bc he's indulging his inner foodie and also his mum drilled into him not to waste food like. ever (hello am i projecting onto ed a bit again), so he will not stop until he's on the edge of Too Full
I feel like there's a few other wildcard moments i could put in this tho:
Roach is a skinny lad but he's a cook and he's got rich, fun food in front of him he didn't have to cook. He's eating until you have to carry him out (like the hero he is for ingesting possibly more boysenberry products than any human in known history)
Buttons is actually quite demure abt it all. Treats it like a tasting menu and is writing down reviews that Stede nerds out over
For the ridiculously long hot dog that almost requires a person eating from each end:
Hot dog 1: Ed and Stede, with both of them getting the giggles until it's gone
Hot dog 2: Olu and Jim, with a bet going on who reaches the middle first (they meet there on purpose so they can kiss on the last bite but they don't tell anyone that)
Hot dog 3: Frenchie and The Swede. Both end up feeling sick by a third of the way, and Ed and Roach generously offer to help finish theirs off. Also while getting the giggles the entire time.
Hot dog 4, aka the point when Izzy mentions they still have other menu items to try, everyone please remember that: Stede and Izzy, after being reassured by the concession worker of the ingredients and offered gut meds for after (stede heard ppl bring medical stuff with them to long theme park days, so naturally he has a kit big enough that he couldn't actually haul the whole thing with them from the van.) They say they aren't enjoying it. It's weird, Ed. But they don't stop, and it gets oddly tense and quiet until Frenchie jokes that they'll kiss at the end.
They end up like those two bunnies fighting over food, trying to avoid each other, only to end up kissing perfectly, stunned, until Ed gently asks if they want to go on a roller coaster (absolutely not ed! we just ate! we're old! we'll die! to which Ed lovingly rolls his eyes until After The Coaster reveals he is no longer 19 and able to do that without being sick.)
Also god there was that. huge platter that came on like three plates in the second vid
I like to imagine that's where everyone starts to begrudgingly admit defeat, before going to nap it off in the car and finally heading home (roach and ed and izzy ask abt a McDonald's run on the way, befuddling everyone, tho izzy notes he didn't even eat that much before, so-)
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zumpietoo · 8 months
Ranty-rant about something TOTALLY different (and just my insights)....
I tormented myself recently by watching a BBC/Masterpiece Theater production from a few years back of Little Women, entirely because Kathy plays Amy (tho, ofc, Amy at 12 will never not be difficult to believe)....with the usual mad misconceptions/attempts at somehow updating that also, ofc, fall flat AF....
It took me into my pursuit, once again, of why it's, actually, a painfully overrated book/even story (as is/was Anne of Green Gables), how no, it's not now and never has been remotely "feminist"---and how, no, I don't fucking need to "understand when it was written"....
What spurs this, as well, are the mennyyyyy defensive blocks I saw of, "well, if you don't like a book about marriage as the sole career goal, I'd hate to see what you have to say about Jane Austen!"....
Except, noooo.....cuz, honestly? Almost every book, back in the day (and even now), regardless of the gender or sexual persuasion of the writer, winds up being about who married who. That's Trollope, that's (to an extent) Thackeray, that's Elizabeth Gaskell, that's, really, every damn romcom written/filmed today.
Actually, only writers where that doesn't apply? Maybeeee Thomas Hardy (cuz most of his shit ends with everybody ded or alone) and maybeeee (sometimes) DH Lawrence (again the ones that aren't that way, are books that have really sad endings, ditto Fitzgerald, etc)....
Sooo.....the "everybody wound up married except Beth cuz ded", isn't my problem....
My problem with Louisa May Alcott (particularly if you DARE compare her to JA, which is just patently absurd) is that she, as writer, did, in fact, suck ass. And JA ruled over 200 years ago and will ALWAYS fuckin' rule.
AND....if you're gonna get into the whole, "marriage as endgame" bullshit argument:
A) everybody here is always fucking shipping, so no
B) MOAR importantly----Alcott wrote a syrupy piece of shit about how being good and delighting in poverty pressed upon you/knowing NOT to challenge the menfolks would leave you in eternal delight (tho, LBR, I don't fucking think so---Meg winds up a poverty stricken widow with 3 young children, all because she "knew her place" and didn't dare have a personality outside of being pretty, but not too pretty/showy)-----Austen wrote books about women who really challenged some shit and moar often than not, men had to change to please THEM.....
Even in cases where wimmins changed (Emma), they changed cuz they'd been total assholes and needed to get over themselves on every fuckin' level.
And WHY did Alcott write it? Her publisher talked her into it/for $$$ (which is fine) and, if you read between the lines (and her own, "I don't know/like many girls, so I guess I'll use my sisters"), there's soooo much, "I'm not like OTHER girls...." action going on in this crap, anyway.
AND....don't get me wrong, Austen has some clunkers her own self...Mansfield Park veers waayyyy close to that same sort of self-righteousness I utterly despise.....buuutt.....it's also probably her least popular/readable book.
Conversely, Alcott? Little Women, shitty as it fucking is/was, remains her best work. And yeah, I've read almost everything she's done.
I think MY issue remains, "why is this a classic, exactly?"
Oh, also? Nooo...."the time/for children" is NOT valid, either----plenty of nicely written children's fiction from the Victorian/Edwardian eras, too....
ETA: so, again, in the end? Alcott wrote shitty Elsie Dinsmore crap and I'd still like somebody to prove me wrong.
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simplylove101 · 11 months
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2023 Horror Challenge: [59/?]
↳“It was the house...” Demonic (2015) dir. Will Canon
Plot: A police officer and a psychologist investigate the deaths of five people who were killed while trying to summon ghosts.
Starring: Frank Grillo, Maria Bello, Dustin Milligan, Cody Horn, Scott Mechlowicz, Megan Park & Aaron Yoo
I watched this last night and ended up going to bed afterwards instead of writing a review. Possibly because it was recced to me by bestie Lauren and I wanted to make sure my thoughts on it were clear considering I was getting a little tired towards the end of watching it. I think I wanted to like it more than I actually did tbh but it might just be that it felt as though it was a little more on the average side imo. I know it wasn't directed by James Wan but it is still a production of his so my expectations were a little higher than they probably should have been. That and possibly some horror watching fatigue maybe cuz the ending didn't wow me really, despite there being a twist. But then I had just finished Mother, May I? and that ending got me a little shook so I don't know actually. Overall, it wasn't the most unique storyline since a group investigating a haunted house and trying to catch evidence has been time and time again. It's the detectives plot that adds a different element to it a bit and then like I said, the ending is a little twisty, concluding on an open-ended note. I will say it was interesting how they chose to film this though because they didn't seem to wanna commit to a found footage format, which I can definitely respect enough since it's a time and place thing, but I think by doing that it sometimes would take me out of the story a little bit when they would switch from their videos to seeing the flashbacks normally to the detectives trying to figure it out in the present. I don't know how else to explain it but that threw me a bit. There's a few faces I know, of course the most obvious one is Maria Bello. I always like her and she did good with what she had. Acting-wise, her and Frank Grillo were what gelled for me, though Dustin Milligan got a little more interesting towards the end. Some creepy moments in there but I think considering I'm getting more desensitized to stuff like that it didn't really have much of an effect on me. Nothing too groundbreaking. So, ultimately, it was more of a mid watch for me tbh but I had always kinda been curious about it when I would see it on streaming services as something to watch so it was worth giving a chance at least. Sadly, no new fave but it was watchable I guess. Just don't go in expecting that it's trying to reinvent the wheel or anything like that and it might be just enough of what you need for a watch.
(P.S. Sorry, I didn't like it more, Lauren! I always feel bad when it seems like I'm trashing your reccs for me. Sometimes I think it's really just our tastes, at least when it comes to horror, don't always vibe the same I guess. I do always appreciate when you give me something to watch for the challenge tho. Keeps it interesting)
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
Yep the 30 seconds was all they've got lol the cast/title didn't even make it to the intro... Will just go and put another fiver in the Shadow and Bone me Daddy getting the axe jar, be right back 🧚🏻‍♀️🤡//
I dint think it's gonna survive either,though that's regardless of actual numbers. Netflix gas been cancelling left, right, and center, and even Sandman, such basically *exploded* open, had been seeing some uncertainty around a season 2. Honestly, fuck Netflix.
As for the lack of scars... one theory us that this scene takes place through the tether, or basically in the mind/thoughts/dream/whatever connection between The Darkling and Alina, hence no scars. But who the fucks knows, based on the dimly lit seconds we got served.
I'm glad to see you back though!
Actually ye here touched a lil bit BUT on so many things me been thinking about. Someone will end up with diarrhea in ma inbox after this but I shall continue lol sorry for this being so long :c no one's happy to see me anymore lol
I watched Sandman on a sleepless night and while it was not kind of ma alley I liked it. The things I liked the most? Well the show was just beautiful. The world, the entire production side and I loved the costumes so fucking much. The cast was amazing like sososo great too but one thing that kept me invested the most was the world building. I knew a lil bit about the source material beforehand but still, they did such an amazing job in introducing the world. Ohhh and that additional animated episode? So beautiful chefs kisses. Also like Neil Gaiman and Mason Alexander Park are just golden with fans online. It's a travesty the show is not renewed yet. Would not call myself a die hard fan but I would enjoy more of it, sure thing.
Now for the Shadow Daddy Show... First of all a ya love story as is the furthest from any of me interests lol I did watch it only cuz ye know, Benny Boy :c 
Second, the show is just laughable (for me personally) with these oh look at us we are X (here goes one of many real groups of people with serial numbers filled off) with bad pronunciations, stereotypical customs and even worse accents. I called it a caricature before, one that they took straight from them books (apparently) instead of fixing it. Still standing by that with me whole heart 🙈
Then... It's just very boring and predictable. I couldn't care less for any character, especially the leads. Like every one of them had one characters trait and that was their whole personality lol The only one I was rooting for was the goat. Was watching with me fren and the most fun we had was when we made fun of the tank guy aka Archie's??? character. Cuz like he had such a strong plot armor he couldn't die lol
Not to be that bitch too but the cast wasn't as strong either, like ye could tell it's their first/early thing in some cases. Jessie was outperformed by anyone standing nearby with one maybe two face expressions. The only worse was the other actress who I don't remember now but she was like a friend in the show? In like 2/3 episodes and quite tall? but like she was terrible, awful even. Benny was playing the same exact character he always does. And him deepening his voice was honestly so boring and unamusing x.x and that other guy who I also don’t remember the name of but he was wearing a hat, just irritating me SO FUCKING MUCH The goat did great tho, cuz GOAT ye know 🤡
Now, Shadow and Bone me Daddy biggest sin tho (according to Coral), they absolutely failed at the world building. I started the show knowing close to nothing about the world and was so fucking confused all the time. Practically till the very end. It's like they made a show targeted to only people who went through them books first, which was a stunningly stupid decisions to make. They went out like I was supposed to know it all, I had no idea who was who, why was why or where was where. I still don't know actually lol
And here ye saying yourself. Ye can debate the reason why, or suspect why, only cuz ye are aware of what went down in them books. I have no idea what comes next, last time we said goodbye he had scars. Now he pretty again, so me (and others???) confused. Oh and it actually makes ma original point stand even more lol cuz he is supposed to have them scars but for the sneak peek they purposeful choose to show the only part when he does not have them. Pretty face only x.x
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smoosie · 4 years
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Small college Kenny’s failing at doing coke with Stewy for the first time (plz don’t do that at home kiddos)
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Hi! Could you please write a nsfw sub!Michael Gray x fem!Reader?
Dear Anon!
Thank you for waiting!!! I'm realizing I may have misunderstood this request - this is a Dom fem/sub Michael - hope that's alright. It was really hard for me to write but there was a scene that struck me from Goodfellas... So credit to that for the inspo.
Warnings: reader has a gun, negotiation that ends in sex, woman on top, taking what she wants, no thoughts of consequences, happy cheeky ending. All around good time - kinda dark tho at the beginning. Also don't try this at home - holding your partner at gun point seems like a peaky blinders universe mood that should not be recreated in real life. NSFW
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You kept a close eye on your boyfriend. Maybe it was a product of your past, maybe you just knew that he had something darker in him…. 
You were close with Polly, and being close with Polly meant you heard a lot about what Tommy dragged those boys into. Personally, you didn't mind. As long as everyone listened and played their part the family would come out on top. You had a lot of respect for Tommy, and he seemed to reciprocate. Occasionally the odd task would fall into your lap and you always made sure you followed through exactly how he wanted you to. 
Simple as that. Did you like the guy? You didn't know, but you certainly had no reason to hate him. Everything you had was a product of his choices. 
Best not to bite the hand that fed you. 
Michael, as much as you fucking loved him did not always understand that rule. He was strong, hot-headed, and ambitious. Things you found very attractive when aimed in the right direction. You could tell he was on the wrong set of tracks long before you found all the opium hidden in the back of the pantry. 
You knew Tommy put out a city-wide ban on the stuff once Arthur started going off the deep end.
This left you with two options - handle things by yourself or call Thomas and leave it in his more than capable hands… The thought of Michael getting hurt made your stomach turn painfully. No matter how bad he seemed to screw up you would never put him in harm's way.
Or would you? 
You took a shower and thought through your options. While following your nighttime routine you eventually settled on a direct professional confrontation. It was business after all. 
Sitting in your house coat, dressed down to nothing but hair curlers and face cream you sipped your tea. Waiting for him to come home. 
Lots of things occurred to you during the early hours of the morning. You never realized he came home this late. Something that was going to have to change. 
Wanting some type of assurance you phoned Arrow house. 
“Shelby.” Tommy's rough voice answered. You could feel the exhaustion rolling off of him despite not being able to see him. 
“Hello, Tommy. I hate to bother you at this hour, but is there a reason Michael’s not home.” 
“Not one of my doing.” He answered curtly.
“Ah, thanks. Have a good night.” You said sweetly. 
“You as well” 
You hung up the phone fuming. Lighting a cigarette you made another cup of tea. 
Eventually, you hear him parking the car out by the road. You switched off the light and sat in darkness as he made his way up to bed. The house settled and your heart gave a painful sensation as his lack of awareness of your absence. 
How could you have thought everything was fine between you? How stupid could you be? You took a few breaths and centered yourself the best you could before going upstairs to start your interrogation. 
You grabbed the handgun out of the entryway table and moved up the stairs quietly. You opened the door to your bedroom, lights off, and he was on his side of the bed. 
You carefully crawled over and turned on the light, straddling his fit body in the process. 
“There’s my girl.” He mumbled. Once his eyes focused on the gun his composure changed. You were happy to see him take you seriously for once. 
“Where the fuck were you.” You asked calmly pointing the unloaded gun at his forehead. 
“Drinking - The garrison - The boys were there with me the whole night. Just drinking and cards. Come on babe. ‘Never lie to you.” This seemed plausible, It was a Friday night. “You go out and drink with the girls on Fridays. I thought you were spendin’ the night” He looked honest. But most people did when there was a gun at their head. 
“I’m going to call the boys in the morning. Every single one - and I swear if they mention a girl. I’ll fucking kill you.” You looked at him with tears in your eyes. This was a hurt that was well hidden in your chest. You knew some of the guys fucked around on the side, it was something you were too afraid to confront until it slipped out into the open. 
“No, baby. No girls, just you.” His hands ran up your thighs and you felt your body start to shift your priorities around. You started strong, now you just needed to know about the opium. 
“Why is my pantry stuffed with opium.” You clicked the safety on the gun and his eyes widened. 
“-Fuck Woman. Jesus, just calm down  -” 
“Michael.” You said sternly. 
“It’s Tommy’s. It's not for ‘round here. It's the last of the stuff he has to get rid of.” 
“Why is it in my pantry.” 
“He’s got to keep it from Arthur. He just got back with Linda - don’t want him near it.” 
“Why isn't it with John?” 
“With Esme and 6 kids in the house?” 
“Esme doesn't mess with that stuff” You felt insulted he would suggest such a thing of one of your closest friends. 
“Not saying she does - but there’s no way in hell she’d have it anywhere near those bloody kids.” That checked out - they were devilish bastards. You adored them but if you had any secretes or well-hidden things they’d find em. 
“Why didn’t you tell me.” You demanded. 
“I- I honestly didn't think you’d care this much.” For a moment he looked like the boy you’d met him as. From a good family, soft, sweet. 
“Promise me.” 
“I promise. No secrets.” His long fingers had trailed up your nightgown to the tops of your thighs. Fucking man kept you up all god damn night. 
“Don’t stay out this late unless you tell me. I worry.” 
“Alright, I’m sorry.” He knew the battle was almost won. His fingers brushed your pubic bone and you felt your body begin to betray you. You had been hurting over him for a long time, now that you had his attention your body was willing to toss it away for a moment of affection. No way you were letting him take you that easy. 
You ground down against his cotton shorts, feeling his own hard arousal. 
“That’s it, baby - here.” He slowly brought his hand up to grab the gun. You weren't ready to give up this power, for once in your life you wanted to take something from him. You pushed the end of the gun to his forehead. 
“Take your pants off.” You said quietly, and he groaned in both frustration and arousal. He shuffled a bit beneath you pulling down his boxers. Realization hit that having sex with someone by gunpoint was most certainly not something you approved of you decided to put the gun down. 
“I’m going to put the gun on the nightstand.” You said while pinning him down with your eye contact. You knew as soon as it was down he was going to roll you over and take charge. You placed it down on the stained wood top and felt him shift. Instinctively your hand came up and closed around his neck the best it could. He went limp letting out an impressive moan. 
“Fuckin’ hell where’s this been hidden the whole time? Eh?” He looked like he was in pain, but your hand was only resting on his neck. 
Using your other hand you reached between your legs, you would have made a drawn-out show of getting yourself ready. But the mess between your legs was embarrassing, especially given how it arrived there. Maybe there was something dark and shadowy inside yourself, maybe that’s why you and him were together. 
You ran your fingers along his hard cock. Felt the throbbing of his silky skin, and enjoyed the way it made him pant. The urge to stay here and tease him for hours ran through your mind but the burning sensation in your core told you to save it for another time. You gripped him tightly enjoying the change in his features. You ran the head of his cock through your folds covering him in your hot mess. 
“Please - just” He started tightening his grip on your hips as if you throw you over. You squeezed his throat lightly asserting yourself. “FUuuuuuck” 
You took that as an invitation to take what you wanted. You seated yourself down on his cock quickly and enjoyed the delicious noise he made when you bottomed out. You’d never been on top before but on shaky legs, you finally found a rhythm that worked for you. It was extremely different, the angle hit you in a way that made your whole body want to seize up after just a few strokes. 
You took your time enjoying the way the pressure built inside your body, eventually, you knew that he was close. His greed took over as he pulled your hips down and held you in place thrusting violently inside you. This only pushed you over the edge faster. Your whole body seized up and you let out a sharp cry as you came around him.  
Opening your eyes you saw the sweat on his brow and the fever in his dark eyes. He was just on the edge as you were a lot of the time. But you had already gotten what you‘d come up here for. Questions answered and your body satisfied you got up off of him and narrowly escaped his grip pulling you back onto the bed. 
“Get over here -” He snarled. 
“Don’t ever cross me again” You pushed your face into his as you said it glaring at him with a rage unthought of for someone so small. He backed down as you walked to the bathroom to clean yourself up. 
Pulling a cigarette out of the vanity drawer you lit it while sitting down on the toilet. Your mind was racing over what had just happened. 
“It wasn't even loaded for fucksakes” He muttered.. After washing up you came back to bed expecting to be met with consequences. You knew what you did was messed up, and you felt the hot feeling of shame start to boil in the pit of your stomach. 
Getting in on your side of the bed you felt his arms wrap around your smaller frame. 
“Did you get that out of those books you read or…” He whispered into your hair. 
“No, I was just that angry….. Angry because I was scared.” 
“Scared of what?” 
“You going up against Thomas.” 
“He’s going to get old eventually” 
“Then do right by him and inherit things the right way.” You said sternly. 
“That’s what you want then?” He asked seriously. 
“I Love this family Michael. A lot. Please don't do anything to mess that up.” 
“Well, you’ve got a reputation now. Don’t have much choice other than to keep you happy.” 
You made a noise of offense and felt the vibrations in his chest as he let out a laugh. 
“You're so easy to bother.” He chuckled. “Any time you want to bring a not loaded gun to bed I won’t complain. See what I have to do to earn my finish” 
His words surprised you. How on earth could someone so dominating, assertive, angry, and stubborn, enjoy letting you effectively assault him? 
“I feel horrible.” You mumbled. 
“Look at me.” He said firmly his arms helping you turn over to face him. You looked into his eyes illuminated by the street light outside your window. “If I wanted you off of me I would have grabbed these little, dainty, wrists.” One of his large hands easily wrapped around your wrists in an iron grip. “And moved the gun away rolling you over love.” 
“Still I should have trusted that you had an explanation. I just-” 
“Hush - none of that. I’ve clearly been neglecting certain duties. Let's let sleeping dogs lie.” He pulled you back into his arms and you enjoyed the tight embrace. 
“I’d never actually hurt you” You whispered as sleep started to take you.
“I know, I love you too.” He said softly.
"Also Michael?" You remembered something else you wanted to negotiate.
"Yes, love." He sighed pulling you a little tighter.
"Shave that bloody mustache." You said as sternly as you could manage while being half asleep.
"Oh piss off." He grumbled placing a kiss on the top of your head.
This is the scene I was thinking of. I have such a love-hate relationship with this movie. I thought it fit and hope you enjoyed it!!!!
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