#they do little rants to each other in korean
unknownchoatic · 6 months
on Dusts first mission to farmtale he was still at the point of learning English where he could kind of understand people and he could maybe have a conversation. so when Nightmare was explaining what they were going to do Dust low key didn’t know what was happening. like Horror just dragged him through a portal and then he was on the surface
and like Farm was doing trade stuff with Horror and Dust sees the chickens and wanders off. eventually Farm finds him and Dust is like “what’s their names?” pointing at the chickens. Farm lists the chicken names and one is named “chicken” but in Korean
and Dust just doubles over hysterically sobbing while the Horrors like “dude wtf did he say??”
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pommunist · 6 months
This is mostly gonna be just a rant but it just baffles me how everything Qstudios has done since the beginning of the admins situation is a terrible pr move. So yeah this is just gonna talk how, even if you forget the immoral and potential illegal stuff that went on, I don’t think their strategy is doing any good for the studio’s image.
-Going radio silent publicly and privately : Kinda the original sin of all this mess tbh. This obviously just leaves the space for the ex admins to share their stories, even more so since they have been ignored privately beforehand when they tried to handle things internally. This also allowed for the union to publicly intervene and more ccs talking about it, and actual news article being made on it.
-Leaving the server open : Tbh I get wanting to leave it open, maybe to allow minecraft centered ccs to still make content or maybe because it’d be weird to close it right after new people got in but also I think it would have be better to close it temporarily while they focus on the changes they promised rather than having it getting deserted little by little until it feels like a ghost town. This + also not a good look to have so many npcs online when Q said there would be none until things get better (The current npcs are likely non volunteers, once again not a bad or illegal thing per say but not a good look). Closing it would also have made it so that the reopening would have been a big and probably positive event.
-Welcoming new ccs/new languages : This might just be because of scheduling necessities or whatever and something they couldn’t do later but it still made the community go :/// to get new people while on the flip side you had parts of the fandom leaving because of what was happening. Also not great for the new arrivals to start in such a weird climate, without admins help and with few people online on the server.
-Releasing merch at the worst time possible : This might have been something they couldn’t change, just like the arrival of the Koreans/Hugo, but it still isn’t a good look for them to release egg merch after it came out that some of the egg admins were poorly treated, especially when they haven’t stated clearly that benefits from the merch would go towards paying staff. It’s also not a good look for them to release new discounts every day, barely ten days after release. (Also the Qstudios Twt account retweeting every egg figures announcement except for Pomme will never not make me laugh)
-Making the twitter updates accounts active again : Yes it may just be that they’re using a bot or that it’s the people who are in charge of the Qstudios twitter account posting on it, both of which are not wrong per say. But of course people are gonna wonder if it’s new people being hired, of course speculation will happen when there’s a lack of transparency, of course ex admins are gonna be upset when it seems like things are continuing as if nothing happened, when they were fired without a warning, a thanks or even a sorry.
And now we have the two points that are kinda in a « you fucked up so bad it’s almost funny and I almost feel bad for you guys » category
-« Hey guys out of all the people we exploited and treated poorly you know which ones we’re gonna make eat dirt the most ? Hell yeah the ones that are from a part of the world who literally have a whole cliche about them complaining and rioting for anything and everything. Also happen to be the same ones whose community we alienated for months by sidelining them. Also happen to be a community who, during this time, has grown quite close to our most active community (who are themselves quite mad at us by now) to the point that they are making memes about the two of them being in love with each other. Yeah surely this can only go well »
-« Oh no, people actually really care » : QSMP Fans in general just loved and appreciated all the work the admins did, whether they were twitter admins, builders, actors, writers… This is even more true since the situation also revealed that some admins things people have been most critical on (lore being weirdly interrupted, french being ignored…) were not these admins fault. And of course, you have the eggs admins case. How do you make viewers and ccs alike get SO attached to these kid characters, as if it was their children, while mistreating the people playing them and not expect this to blow up in your face at some point. It’s like you managed to catch lightning in a bottle and then left it to rot thinking this wouldn’t end up badly. Weirdly this one makes me kinda hopeful bc Qstudios kinda HAVE to fix it or else they lose on of their main selling points.
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informalmajesty · 1 year
Jimin is not being sabotaged by his own label
This tag used to be (mostly) fun and now all I see are large text posts pitting Jimin and JK against each other and, look, it’s not as complicated as many of you are making it out to be, nor is there some grand conspiracy to *checks notes* pit JK and Jimin against each other or *keeps checking notes* a SPECIFIC vendetta against ONLY Jimin, their artist who *scrolls scrolls scrolls through notes* went number 1 on Billboard.
So here is a large text post on the woes of American capitalism (yes. Really).
Here’s the reality
Billboard DID Sabotage Jimin
Let’s get the big sabotage that did happen out of the way — BILLBOARD (and friends. Will circle back to this) ARE RACIST SNAKES AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.
Billboard has a history of keeping Black artists off of the pop charts. One example, R&B was largely created as a separate chart to move a category of Black artists from the Hot 100 pop charts. It was a big deal—as (1) example—when Boyz II Men crossed over to the pop charts multiple times.
And then what happened? The American music industry caught up and started cranking out white boy bands that wrote and performed R&B but. Funny. Somehow it was now considered JUST pop on the H100 POP charts. They weren’t pushed immediately to R&B and had to work their way over.
This was considered R&B for the R&B charts that was a “crossover”
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And this was considered mainstream pop that needed no crossover.
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Yeah, Billboard have always been racist snakes.
So flash forward to 2023. We know they tried HARD to keep BTS from the H100. Going into Proof, BB limited digitals, reduced the weight on sales and upped weight on radio. Why? American music labels can control radio. They cannot control sales and it’s legally far more messy for them to do so.
But then. JIMIN happened.
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ARMY got Jimin to H100 #1 with the rule change and the American music industry lost their collective shit.
Why do I say COLLECTIVE and not just Billboard? Well.
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This is so essential to the punch line of this rant.
American capitalism only cares about its friends.
What does that mean?
I work in Silicon Valley. You want to know why there is a major diversity problem in Silicon Valley? Yes. There is explicit and obscene misogyny and racism, but the biggest problem is less explicit albeit just as systemic.
White men tend to hang out and befriend other white men already in their “circle.” When some rich person or VC firm’s buddy is like “hey I need money for this thing” they are like “yes, of course, buddy, here you go!!” And they get tons of cash without having to prove anything.
I will not say the startup I worked at but it’s valuation was in the billions and their funding was in the billions with NO product built yet. How they got those billions? A well known stunt performer was besties with the then CEO of a major major tech company and he said “hey bestie give my friend over here hundreds of millions of dollars.” And then this startup got hundreds of millions of dollars. Was there due diligence done? Absolutely. But would the CEO of a major tech company give a crap if his best dude didn’t vouch for the startup? No.
Humans are extremely relationally driven. Merit is basically bullshit. Merit is so so rarely considered in anything. Who are you friends with? That’s how most things are done.
So, Billboard has a lot of friends. Those friends are in major record labels. And those friends only care about making as much money as possible while retaining the status quo.
What goes against all of that? A group of non-white, non-American men that they make very little money from because their label is completely seated in a different country.
So when Like Crazy—a solo record by a Korean artist under a Korean label with a Korean songwriting team—comes in and dethrones FLOWERS, Columbia Records’ darling for the year (no hate to Miley or the song, it’s solid, love Miley), oh my god were they SEEING SOME RED.
The MONEY they PAID to see Flowers on top of radio, of playlisting, of cultural consciousness and a NON AMERICAN NON WHITE MAN just dethroned that.
My GUESS (I don’t know, also keep in mind BTS didn’t seem to have the friendliest exit from the Columbia distribution deal) is that Billboard’s BFFs at Columbia threw a fit. And Billboard responded by saying “of course, bestie, we’ll remove the problem.”
And there goes 100k sales in the next week. Deleted. Gone.
Who is going to call them on that? Hybe could propose an investigation, sure, but here’s the thing — it’s not illegal. Billboard didn’t break any law. It’s THEIR completely made up chart that they can change at any time depending on what labels want (this is how Wall Street works too, btw). Everything is made up to appease the same 50 white men. Bleak but true. Music industry is far from the exception.
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Okay so moving forward — now we have Jungkook’s Seven coming out. And Billboard a week before release finally decides to tell us the rule they CREATED BECAUSE OF JIMIN (it’s a shitty rule of course but damn Jimin’s power)—D2C sales no longer count.
Jungkoook makes it to #1 anyway because ARMY is freaking amazing AND yes. Yes, Jungkook got more US promotion, help on Spotify, general promo, radio etc than Jimin.
Remember — everything is determined by rich men in power and who they are friends with.
What did Jungkook do? He went to an American producer who is besties with Scooter Braun (Andrew Watt has worked with several of Scooter’s artists including Justin Bieber, namely on Peaches) who has power to contact his besties at Spotify and wherever else.
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And what does going to an American producer unlock for Jungkook? A pop track highly likely to do well in America. So then what does Bang PD do? Recognize that because the dude is a billionaire and he likes money and he says (and we know he said this) “this is going to be a hit.” And there you go, you have the Seven marketing campaign that Like Crazy didn’t quite get.
This isn’t “oh my god BigHit / Hybe hates Jimin.” This is “Jungkoook took an easier, more commercial route.”
If Jimin wants to go get a song like Seven….he can go get a song from an American producer who is friends with the right people.
Instead he wanted to work on a personal project with Korean producers and it’s amazing and beautiful and also went number one and was also a huge success.
And Jungkook wanted this really great and incredibly commercial pop song.
Both are valid. Both are going to unlock different resources for the artist. And both Jimin and JK know this. They chose what they chose. That’s it. End of story.
As for Seven v LC album stock— stock is highly likely determined by basic predictive analytics models (exponential smoothing, maaybe a regression, maybe even something as simple as moving avg idk). LC was a sizable increase from Astronaut and other BTS singles. So then Seven likely adjusted to that increase. Again. That’s it guys. That’s literally it.
So can we please have the tag back and stop pitting JK and Jimin against each other and respect that Jimin chose to do a more artistic, personal project while JK (at least for now) did not?
If you want to be mad at something, be mad at American wealthy white men and their friends.
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rozeliyawashereyall · 5 months
Boy oh boy get ready for another Rant
This time about my bug insert in Obsidian lanterns gator boys series!!
Again, doing this so I won't mix up her backstory with my other listeners
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Korey Adiel is maybe 18-20 years old, I haven't decided yet
She/They pronouns :3
Half Korean!!
While energetic and optimistic with her friends, she can be a bit wary with new people
Fucking thrill seeker /hj
Became a hunter solely for the thrill (and because of a deal she made that I'll probably talk about in a later post)
Half of her scars are literally just from her being an adrenaline junkie, once (multiple times) when she was 13 years old, she climbed up a tree to see if it'll hurt when she jumps from it, proceeded to break her leg in the process
Her family is actually doing pretty decent in wealth, not really struggling with money, only with their children's chaos
Parents are pretty neglectful since they kinda just let her get in trouble and barely spare her a glance when she gets hurt
She has a homemade star necklace from her dad, and she treasures it dearly despite the negligence
Silly little gal just wants validation from others :(
Korey's grandparents are the complete opposite of their parents though
They watch her like a hawk when she's spending the night at their house. Bro is NOT getting in trouble while they're watching
They have 2 brothers, Ezra is the oldest at 24 years old, and Noah is the youngest at 14.
Basically, Korey is the forgotten middle child /hj
Korey was actually raised as a boy for most of their childhood as their parents didn't really want a daughter. Noah was basically treated as her "replacement"
Ezra fully indulges her chaotic behavior, and sometimes, they string along Noah into their shenanigans
Jesus christ, they rain hell fire when the 3 of them team up. The Adiel siblings all have a very strong bond with each other!
She has heterochromia! Blue and Hazel eyes :3
They have a scrapbook where they journal and doodle flowers and bugs 'n lil facts about them, her favorite is the rosy maple moth!
Wasn't even supposed to be at the swamp. the girl just has a terrible sense of direction
Even when they got their leg injured, they still had the urge to run around and cause as much chaos as possible
They get along with almost all of the hunters they work with! Almost. (cough, Anthony, cough)
She has a LOT of warmth in her. In consequence, she gets fevers a lot but barely ever gets a cold!
Will stab you AS a warning /hj
Thanks to her risky adventures, she's pretty agile and fast
Has hangouts with Raine and Esther from @willowve01 and @asmrbrainrot every weekend where they just talk about their day :3
And that's all! Might change a few things as the story goes on tho
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kimyoonmiauthor · 10 months
Worldbuilding: !@#$ the terfs, be more creative with gender and bio sex than a binary system.
9.5 times out of ten the majority of gender systems I read in US books are really, really uncreative, and I do mean that because manga, has more creative gender systems than a lot of US books. I love you Melanie Rawn, but still, the inversion as good as it was in the uncompleted Ruins of Ambrai, still was largely a European system because it was largely a commentary on the European system. (Yes, I did understand that.)
And the US tends to, very much accuse other countries of having uncreative gender systems that are absolutely rigid, say the US to Japan. (Though the usually [white] understanding of Japanese gender is usually abysmal... but that's a whole paper and a half there.)
When building a gender system, be more creative! You have this other fake culture. You can do whatever the heck you feel like. Say, the Barbie Movie, which hilariously the alt-right USian detested, though it still was a commentary on mostly US gender norms.
Can't we loosen this up a little? You have literal aliens and you can't imagine a more creative sex and gender system than the binary? Oh really? Humans aren't even binary on either. I'm going to give cultural examples.
Bugis have 5 genders.
BTW, someone got so mad when I pointed out the page they cited said that Bugis recognized 5 genders, they went on a youtube rant about it. lol Deal. BTW, people put a lot of emphasis on Bissu like how people hyperfocus on trans women in the US because masculinity is that fragile. Albanian is complicated.
Some countries/ethnicities have 3.
India has a 3 gender system in Northern India. Women, men, Hijra
I mean this list:
Some countries don’t even define the two gender system the same way (Europeans are sooo uptight. Loosen up.)
For example, a Korean man wearing pink--no problem. No one flips the hell out when a man in Korea wears a hanbok with a chima and a jeogori. They are like cool. He can do as he likes. Even baksu wear chima in religious ceremonies. They believe it gives them extra powers.
The whole pants. are. for. men. and. women. only. wear. skirts.
Oh c'mon...
Pants were invented for horseback riding--like the heel.
So let's get this mind-numbingly straight (pun somewhat intended here) Men, are men because of horses. (haha, yes, Barbie reference), thus have to wear pants. But are absolutely effing forbidden from wearing heels, which are also associated with what? Horseback riding. Hmmm...
And men still wear dresses and skirts, but they call it by other names.
Judicial robes for sale, and look, a man is wearing them.
But--But that's soo different from a dress...
This is a dress because as Webster's Dictionary says:
: an outer garment (as for a woman or girl) usually consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt
Yes, it's worn by a woman. I couldn't find another definition.
But men also wear sarongs. And bath towels, and kilts all of which look suspiciously like skirts. And togas. Which shows how fragile the definition is that you need to narrow the definition that much.
And freaking for those religious, God on the Sistine Chapel, by suspected maybe gay Michelangelo, has a vaccuum sealed butt on the Sistine chapel wearing a pink dress.
C'mon, we can be more creative than this, surely. I mean, if you look at this super rigid gender system, does it make any sense at all? OK, I'm NB and all, but seriously, I look at it and go, WTF happened to you?
You get so uptight about men wearing lace, stocking, high heels, dresses, pink but forget so quickly that less than 200 years ago, no one gave a damn, and if a man didn't wear those things, he couldn't make it in high society.
I mean...
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Lafayette, wearing pink, heels, stockings, lace (his collar), and a wig. Give me a break here.
And gender definitions change over time...
Just about 100 years back, in order to be out and gay, it was thought your entire gender was different. There was nothing like a butch gay man. You were considered part female, in fact. And no one in the 19th century would have taken exception to that. It didn't change until much later in Europe.
But also Europe imperialized the world with gender expectations, leading to a rise of violence against third gender communities.
What was one of the first three rules of culture I posted? Culture changes. Koreans like to say, even in ten years the Mountains and rivers change. So gender can and will also change in definitions becoming more rigid, more fluid, recategorized, etc over time.
So given all of these things... let's rethink gender.
Gender doesn't have to be Defined by Sex Assigned at Birth
A lot of Human cultures assign gender this way. Born one way, raise them that way, hope it works out.
But you have a whole FANTASY WORLD and you can see, humans don't make a lot of logical sense when it comes to gender. I mean heels are for women, and men should never wear them, except when they are attached to boots, but the boots better not be too high , or you're *gasp* gay is the European "logic" system. And only what? 50 or so years ago, women were finally allowed to wear pants.
So you don't have to do it by genitals. You could do it by hair color. Gender affirming care would be changing your hair color, or horns, or whatever tickles your fancy. You could, say have a cephlapod species with smaller males that can present female part of the time, and based on their texture of their skin, that's their gender.
You could do it by color--the species has actually blue, dark blue, green, yellow, etc skin colors and they can change them at any moment and the one they tend towards, well, that's their gender.
You could also make it so you automatically need a polycule for the species to work out and reproduce. And thus there might be, say a 6 gender system. 2 possible genders for the three adults there.
C'mon. Nature is creative and sometimes has an all female species. Look at Mourning geckos. There are so few males, and they are sometimes called a lesbian species of gecko.
Even then, you have intersex, and not all intersex people are infertile.
Terfs only think it's wrong to "go against nature" when it has to do with gender presentation. Nothing else. But they have no, no problem with assigning a sex to an intersex child without their consent. That's culture taking over for nature. And how that is shaped, or not shaped, absolutely belongs in world building.
If your men aren't horseback riding, and your women aren't either, then dresses for all are fine. Deal with it.
I think it would be entertaining to see an alien species determine the gender of the child by holding up paint swatches to the child's say eyes and then saying, "Yep, a girl."
Or even well, the birther stayed in # temp rooms, for # amount of days, Oh, this is the expected sex of the child. But the gender, well, we will determine that by these [arbitrary] factors.
But seriously, you can define gender and sex however, you want. Is medical/magic intervention necessary or not? Who gets to determine it?
Next step is to find the rules for how gender is expressed in an idealized world.
Do you constantly call all of your girls and tell them they can grow up to be a princess? But tell all your boys they are going to grow up to be doctors and lawyers?
This is what Social Scientists would call socialization.
For this, I would suggest you make a spreadsheet and then put down arbitrary lists of things the "ideal" gender would wear. So for the US, Pink is for girls. Blue is for boys. How they should act. And finally, how they are taught.
It's so ubiquitous that even feminists often trip up and see a baby in a pink dress with lace and automatically pick up a doll. (I'm just saying, maybe think that one over a bit.)
Make a list for each column. And then for the individual characters figure out how they DON'T fit those norms and then terrorize them with it...
What do you threaten the privileged group with if they come out of line?
For men in the US, for example, you go with homophobia. "That's gay."
Because the threat of being gay is sooo outlandish. *eyeroll* It's an threat to everything masculine.
I'll go over this in more detail later in the series, but you need things to discipline the privileged group and the disadvantage group(s). What's the threat if you become this other group? Death? Social ridicule? Financial loss? Being outcast?
Or, do you get rewarded and become a shaman, a healer, or a celebrated hero for being able to not fit in? (This also is possible).
Cultural justifications
Cultural justifications for this are different from the actual historical reasons or the facts.
The historical reason that pink and blue switched was because dyes became more readily available for both and they felt like it.
Blue used to be more rare, and thus considered "virginal" because blue is rare in nature, but under industrialization as people became more and more disconnected from nature, and blue dyes became available, the idea of this became more diluted, and the switch was from blue to pink.
That's not what the cultural justifications were for this thought originally. The thought was that blue was a more "delicate" color, clearly more suited to women.
Because, if you have forgotten (yes a joke coming), humans constantly get amnesia on where things come from. Constantly. We've lost information in your own lifetime. You were born 2 seconds ago? Well, I hate to tell you, we've lost information in that 2 seconds.
So, when they can't remember the reason, Humans make up a reason to go with it, that's often frivolous and silly. Something that feels, what? Natural to them. Though remember the rule, Nature gives no fucks. So find and make up a logical reason for the cultural item and then find a stupid reason that people are willing to double down on it and there you go, that's culture. So say your species of aliens, the ones that are temperature linked to sex, link Iunno, gender to horn size. Bigger horns mean a certain class of gender. The original reason might be that bigger horned females are better at digging nests back when they were a pastoral society, thus better able to have larger clutches of children. But they've now reached the stars, so they completely forgot why and now just say that bigger horns are simply sexier because reasons. Or it could have flipped that smaller horns are in more demand, because big horns get in the way of industrial tasks, but no one says that. And now the bigger horned females, are considered a lower gender than the smaller horned females, who then raise all of the eggs.
See, the justification doesn't even have to follow any sort of logic. It's what they tell everyone to make them feel better.
And truthfully, a lot of culture is built this way. The reason you tell everyone isn't really the actual truth. I mean I did a whole series on Story Structure, and the justifications versus the reasons why it was made that way don't even close to match. People blindly parrot what other people tell them if it will help them succeed. (BTW, not saying I'm not guilty of this, I absolutely am.)
So I think this gives you a good basis to free yourself up for a larger system and be more creative with your gender definitions. Because absolutely both gender and sex are defined by culture, but in different ways.
You have effing demons, and you can come up with a more creative gender categories? You have unicorns and you don't have more creative gender categories. And you have kracken climbing buildings, but you can't imagine a third sex category for them when it absolutely exists in nature. C'mon. Hit me with your most creative and free yourself of your own culture's definitions of gender.
What if you nuked the entire Male/female/NB system. What would that look like? How would you justify it on two fronts? Blow that system out of the water and rework it. What would the Sexual orientation work like with a 3 sexes, 2 gender for each each system?
What stupid prohibitions would you put in for such a system?
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skz-sage · 2 years
sage’s relationships with stray kids.
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a/n: leave requests in my box! I need to be posting more lol (idk if it’s open tbh)
bang chan
big brother and little sister type of relationship. she would go to chris for advice and whatnot and he would look out for her. she’s present in a lot of his lives. she’ll just be in the background chilling on her phone while he talks to stay. she’ll but in to make fun of him. she’ll call him before she goes to the convenience store to ask him if he wants anything. she’ll get him something even though he says no. chris will sometimes watch her play the drums. he really likes to listen to her play. they’re probably the least that bicker.
they flirt SO MUCH. like you’ll almost suspect they’re hiding something (they probably are). they have so much love for each other. they’ll rant about each other on bubble too. like she’ll say “Lee know is so annoying today 😅” and he’ll say “Did everyone see Sage today? She’s gorgeous 🥰”. It looks like one-sided love but she’ll reassure him she loves him back.
the cute little athletic pair. every time changbin goes to the gym, sage tags along. if he needed to be spotted, she’ll spot him. she’ll give him a platonic kiss on the cheek as a good job. ofc they’ll go on a little food date after. if sage had a nightmare, the first room she’d go to is changbins (plan b is minho 🤭). cuddling til she feels better than leaves. because she thinks his room smells like dirty socks too much, it gives her a headache.
her relationship with hyunjin is a teeny like minho and hers. they’re extremely affectionate and lovey dovey. he sometimes even pays to get her nails done. they’ll get coffee and paint together or just go for a walk together. (they def have matching pfps on bubble). no I don’t think you get it, they’re so cute and kind to each other. he’s present in the background of a lot of the covers she posts. you KNOW they have a lot of tiktok drafts :). the reason they’re so attached is because they’ve known each other since they were kids. they kinda trained and joined jype together. they’ve grown to have a soft spot for one another.
she’s loud and obnoxious with him, she don’t care!!! she’s usually laid back and quiet but she’ll pick times to be annoying with him. she helps him write some songs with him if he needs the help. she’ll record some demos for him if he needs it too! they’ll have freestyle rap battles 💀. you’ll sometimes hear them laughing so fucking hard at 4am at the stupidest shit. she’ll show him how play the drums when they’re bored. she smack him playfully when he gets something wrong (secretly thinks it’s cute). they obviously bicker the most.
your average little sweethearts. lix does her the justice and just talks to her in english most of the time. even after ALLLLL these years, sage’s korean is still bad. in one of the vlogs she has uploaded, it shows her and yongbok baking of course. they do that a lot together while blaring music they enjoy. she’ll drag him to go play soccer with her. she’ll giggle at lix a little when he misses the ball. they go on a lot of coffee dates. just to catch up and hang out, they miss having each others company. even though if they’re apart for a day or however long, they always miss each other.
LITTLE BESTIES!!! THEY’RE SO FREAKIN’ CUTE!!! she often babies him. she doesn’t care if she’s younger, she’ll baby him to the max. she admires him and can just share at his beauty. he can do the same, there’s footage of him just straight on staring at her with a smile while she’s explaining something. she loves listening to chill music with him while they’re relaxing. that’s how she would spend her off days. with seungmin.
little siblings!!! being the youngest two in the group, they hang out a lot. they totally binge tiktok together, getting so happy and giggly if they ever come across a stays tiktok. they kinda have a little boys in middle school type of friendship. always hanging out together and having a good time. she spills drama to him even if he doesn’t care, she has to tell someone! and that someone is yang jeongin!! they’ll do daily fit checks together on instagram. they’re a stylish and funny duo.
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crustyfloor · 5 months
More fun things since I keep digging into this fandom, I'm sorry for the out of order rant in your ask box- Sorry, interrogation room T-T Theres a livestream made by robiirosie and this Vtuber talked a bit about the korean context of the Ivantill version of Oh My Clemantis, mentioning how Till's speech, in that context, is rather of someone quite comfortable with the other person, even though he keeps telling him to stfu There was a tumblr post as well regarding the translation of the song and how Ivan's part are actually much softer and less, you could call it "carnal" or "extreme" than the actual translation in the video, indicating that he's pretty much accepted the fact, a long while ago that Till, in his eyes, isn't feeling the same or anything at all towards him. We know that Till is a pretty heartfelt person from the little comics and little flashbacks etc, so he might very much, from all the context, end up feeling really bad after Round 6 Also notice how in Round 2, the shock collar Till wears looks like a noose, and how Till doesn't visibly wear one. Almost as if foreshadowing that Till was supposed to die, but since he doesn't Technically have a choice of even that (IVAAAAAN), the one who has "no collar" can intervene in that choice. Another food for thought: Notice how for Mizi, Till sings pretty much in English, but without Mizi, he sings in Korean. While composing the melody in Round 2, Till wears black, he probably was in a similar hard place, as he was shown without a guitar. It's interesting that he also wears black in Round 6. And the final thing I noticed, if you go and watch TOP 3, the order at the end is the following: Till and Ivan, Luka and Hyuna, and Mizi is the "winner". I believe, that since we already got Till VS Ivan... We're gonna get Luka VS Hyuna and Mizi remains the only one alive by the end of it all.
It's all good anon! I quite like investigating so whatever you have to show, I'd like to see ( ̄▽ ̄)b
I also noticed that for a very distanced duo, in canon Ivantill are very casual with each other (even when you never mind the times that Till isn't awake), and in the ivantill my clematis cover during the TalksvsListens.exe scene this is shown perfectly clear. I'm very confident in my take that Ivan and Till were very close friends when they were kids, and even though they're seemingly not as close anymore at the moment, they still carry a casual air around them, to the point where Till is still comfortable throwing jabs at Ivan like he did when they were younger (which isn't something he's shown doing in canon, much.) I'd even call the "man stfu" from Till affectionate if I didn't sound delusional so I'll just move from there
And yeah, Ivan is totally under the assumption that Till doesn't like him anymore in any sense (which is something i, *loud buzzer incorrect sfx* don't believe) My Clematis cover was kinda a mix of a goodbye and a "one more time.." song, with the way Ivan sung it. (one more time being, one more time trying to see where he stands in till's life. and Till is barely active in the last bits of the song when it actually counts, so in a way *figuratively* that was all Ivan needed to know)
And the collar noose symbolism omagah i could go on for ages not only did the noose show the intensity of Till's imprisonment in alien stage, so intense that it would(ve) killed him one day, (And in the way that his heart is disconnected from his head, he used his heart to go back to Mizi and therefore tie the noose disconnecting what he knew was right to what he wanted, all for her.)
And as you said anon, it also shows for some good symbolism/foreshadowing for Ivantill, Till always had that collar on, Ivan was always taking that collar off, Till was always meant to stay collared and eventually die, but as the one with the freedom, Ivan basically defied Till's fate for him and (metaphorically) put the collar on himself, taking Till's fate as his own. (I HATE YOU IVAN!!)
oh yeah and about the lyrics thing, truly Till could've just been feeling bilingual for the fuck of it while writing Till the end, but I'd like to read it as him putting up an image for Mizi, coordinating into someone who (not really) himself to impress her and his true self, but on stage with Ivan, they were there raw, authentic selves. there was nobody to impress (not anymore)
and so for the TOP 3 video holyyy shit. first of all, if you're onto something I assume Mizi and Hyuna would have to get caught and recaptured for that to happen, Till would have to get K.O. and then Hyuna will get her round with Luka as originally planned, she'll get K.O. then Mizi will go back up against Luka, win with the power of Yuri depression and be the sole winner. That's an interesting idea...but I don't know if it's a very likely situation? well, it kinda is since Hyuna is injured and the Guards are out trying to find them it's a strong possibility. (hell, maybe Luka will even work with alnst to get em back) Idk what to make of it, to be honest (To me, it does kinda just look like the original ordered pairs that Vivinos was foreshadowing but before Hyuna just left and Mizi took her place, Mizi is alone because she just finished her round with Mizi and now her bubble is broken so she's traumatized asl)
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justiceforplutoo · 4 months
☆ ♡ hey y'all! ♡ ☆
welcome to my blog! if you don't know me, my name's justice and i made this blog to learn to be myself again and motivation myself to study (among other things). at some point, i fell out of the habit of posting, so i'm starting over again during the summer and freshening things up again.
i usually post a little bit about what i do each day & my school life, but i'm going to try to post more content about learning korean and becoming a reader!
☆ me (in all my glory) ☆
justice! (she/her)
hs sophomore*
(*after this summer)
☆ goals for 2024 ☆
read more (!!!)
keep my good grades up
quit procrastinating (!!!)
make new friends
re-connect w/ old friends
learn korean (!!!)
like i said on my last intro post, feel free to ask me about myself!
my tags: (i need to actually start using this blog so here's a shiny new tagging system)
#life on pluto - me blogging about life n' stuff.
#ted talks on pluto - me ranting about anything.
#visitors from earth - not my post/reblog
#friends from beyond - mutuals!
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iridescentpull · 6 months
Do you ever headcanon ramon? And his relationship with each egg
Let me give you some of mine
Then I sleep
Yes it's 1am
- They both have been seen as the protector eggs in the sense. Chayanne used to protect him but now he wants to protect chay.
- Older sibling syndrome of ranting about their little sisters together.
- He gets chayanne to teach him how to cook for a date night he sets up for Fit and Pac
- He and chay have a little book they add to every few weeks with more photos and memories.
- He has a little duck pin he has on his backpack from the early days of qsmp.
-Flower sharing, he likes to learn about flowers with her and she's happy to teach
-They sometimes talk about missing parents (spreen/missa), and as they get older, they start to talk about how much they love their family now.
- He teaches her some skills in pvp to show chayanne as a surprise.
- He always grabs a purple flower if he sees it and gives her one
-They both talk about how much of idiots their dad's can be.
- they tell each other all about random facts and little fixations they have.
- they agree to steal from dapper secretly but always show the guy love.
- They teach each other Cantonese and Korean and talk about the different things they've learned about the culture.
- They both get shy and just sit in silence together when big events happen
- Ramón tells Chun all about every islander, even old ones. He likes chun and wants to make sure he knows that everyone will love him too.
Yell at me to do pomme dapper richas sunny em pepito in the morning
Mint oh I adore these headcanons so much, they make so much sense and theyre so cute!! gimme the other hcs for the other eggs now!!! (/nf)
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
I love Hobi, God knows I do and he is enlisting soon. I get that. Me is ot7 anyday of the week. But here lies my issue;
FACE lasted on there 👇🏽 for all of 2 minutes
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Then look how close their release dates are.
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Members so far have gotten to promote their shit with no interruptions but Jimin has to share the limelight❓❓❓ For whatever reason. And people are gonna keep yapping about how he's the company's favorite? Ain't no such thing man, Fuck outta here!
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I'm on pills and that's not even working
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First off, I think two things can be true at once. Jm could be hybe's favorite idol and still get screwed up by hybe💀
Ain't nobody following the script like Park Jimin, ain't nobody fetching them coins and attention like Park Jimin. He's the korean IT Boy brand reputation king. Hybe's gotta love him and if they don't fuck them. They ain't shit anyways😌
This whole shmelly business has me between rocky and palm face won't lie. And any comment I make on this will fetch me some heat but here goes nothing. On one hand I love me some healthy idol competition up in BAngtan to see who outsells who and who out performs who- makes for quality entertainment if you ask me.
but on the other hand, I just hate blatant injustices and this right here is the mother of all injustices. It's just atrocious and wrong. It's not really a fair competition if some have more resources, more exposure and more corporate support now is it?
What is good for the goose is good for the gander and I'm just not seeing the fair equitable distribution of company resources on this one. Hybe needs to wash their ass with soap. It stinks from all the shitting they be shitting out here.
It's one thing if they are doing it on purpose but if all this is just one big coincidence as a result of their lack of thoughtfulness and awareness in handing these boys' marketing then I'm sorry someone needs to get skinned up in there. Yea I said it. Off with their heads.
Knowing hybe it's either they think JM has enough organic traction to sell on his own- matter fact, when it comes to the maknae line vs the hyung line this is very often the approach but we don't talk about that💀
I remember they did the same thing around the time of covid right before BTS announced they were going solo. I remember ranting about how they were deliberately sabotaging BTS to promote the other brands under hybe.
It's not uncommon for hybe to use the influence, reach and relevance of one brand to cross promote another. Yall recieved the weird notifications from certain brands on Weverse?
Whe it comes to the hyung line, the company goes a little bit hard and extra each time and they often do this with the members they think are least likely to perform in terms of numbers.
However, this time around, I think it has something to do with the enrollment list? Don't know, could be wrong. The thought that JM or Namjoon is next after Hobi makes me sick to the tummy and I hope I'm wrong 😭😭😭
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they going off of the enlistment list and need to do whatever they can for Hobi before he leaves.
Besides, I think If they were to treat the members equally and not equitably, I'm afraid some members wouldn't do as well- phpah pah paw. Gunshots😭😭
I know they think Jimin has the numbers, and he will do great in spite of these hurdles- but see, that's how we lose. THATS HOW WE FUCKING LOSE when everyone stops pushing cos they think this is an easy win!
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I've seen Bangtan lose and come close to losing awards because of mentalities like this for me to sit quietly and watch it happen to Park Jimin. IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!
But then i also dont see him as competing against the hyung line you know? What are they competing for? Those two have totally different audiences and need unique market approaches and strategies to reach them💀
And I'm not just talking about reaching just army.
I would be concerned if they started using the same promotional strategy of a rapper for a singer.
If anything, I think JMs competition is the Maknae line and probably Jin too as he is also part of the vocal line. Therefore I feel I don't have a yardstick to measure him against yet as neither Jungkook nor Tae's album has been released- right?
But wait till it's JK or Taehyung's turn and let me see different treatment out here- I DARE THEM
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If hybe thinks they are just going to gloss over things and sweep JMs album debut under the rags then they have another thing coming. They should plant their feet on solid grounds cos I'm about yanking the ground from underneath them.
They are going to leave everything on the shoulder of the fans and then swoop in last minute to claim they did shit for the BOYS when things turn out great.
They should show me the budget they have for each members' promotional package. Let's start there. Cos that determines how and where each member gets promoted.
On the flip side, having those two contents out around the same time reduces promotion costs as such content tend to cross promote eachother. Face will definitely drive traffic to Hobi's content as will Hobi's content to Face.
Personally I wished they would release vminkook albums consecutively within a short span of eachother. People listening to face will be more likely to click on Jk's song and Tae's right after. It keeps the fans engaged, keeps the momentum going and keeps all three trending on the charts making it hard for an outsider to break the chain.
They could have done same for the hyung line too.
All this seem to lack direction and each day my non existent faith in hybe wanes.
I hope the end would justify the means. Hopefully. I'm gonna sit tightly out here and watch it all play out to the credits and then I will comment on it😌
Hybe brought them this far, I should at least hope they know what the hell they are doing. But if Face pays the price for their edgy endeavors then I shouldn't be held responsible for the hex I put on them.
It's funny how you say Jimin is about to share the limelight when he's actually about to eat Hobi up😭😭
Gotta run 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️
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married-2-the-music · 10 months
K-pop Discography Deep Dives: WJSN
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A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who would read in depth rants about these discographies and at least five who wouldn’t read it and then get mad because it’s kind of our job as K-pop fans. My lukewarm takes should be taken with an entire silo of salt and the knowledge that this is completely for fun and occupying my very bored, very neurodivergent brain. All this to say, for the love of god, I’m a sleep-deprived student and I don’t have time for internet hate, so don’t kill me. With that being said, enjoy!
Here are my credentials: unusually, for a girl group, I have very few. I’ve listened to WJSN before, and I know a decent amount of title tracks and a couple b-sides. I would say I know them best from my half-watch of Queendom 2 (I’m a fan of Loona and Gfriend, so I was more focused on them), which WJSN did win. I was impressed with them there, and I decided that I wanted to learn more about them.
WJSN was formed in late 2015 as a Korean-Chinese collaborative between Starship Entertainment and Yuehua Entertainment. The members are divided into four units, one for each letter. First is Wonder, with Cheng Xiao, Bona, and Dayoung. Second is Joy, with Xuanyi, Eunseo, and Yeoreum. Third is Sweet, with Seola, Exy, and Soobin. And fourth is Natural, with Meiqi, Luda, and Dawon. After these units were formed, a 13th member, Yeonjung, was added as well. After being on hiatus since 2018, the three Chinese members, Xuanyi, Cheng Xiao, and Meiqi officially left the group in early 2023. Sorry, that was a lot of names, so deep breaths and let’s do this.
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They officially debuted in 2016 with MoMoMo, which is one of the most bubblegum-y bubblegum songs I’ve seen in a while. It’s basically a k-pop stereotype at this point: lots of aegyo, completely coordinated school girl clothes, short skirts, childish love, and very poppy beats. I associate WJSN with more ethereal pop, so this was a (somewhat unwelcome) surprise for me. As often happens to me in k-pop, while I did appreciate its comic book style animation and humor, the excessive aegyo made me uncomfortable (see my review of TXT’s Cat and Dog or LOONA’s Hi High). This isn’t the song’s fault; it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be, but it does mean I won’t be listening to it again.
I’m unsure if Catch Me is also a single or just an opportunity for a dance practice, but it embraces the other side of k-pop stereotypes: a sort-of anti-drop, girl-crush, uncomfortably-sexualized…thing? that tries a bit too hard to be cool. WJSN’s talent elevates it, but even they can only do so much with a song that doesn’t have any character.
The 1st EP, Would You Like?, starts with an intro, Space Cowgirl, that I actually liked more than MoMoMo, and I wish more of its self-assured, smooth synths carried into the song. I liked parts of some of the songs, like the twinkling piano and extended bridge in Tick Tock, but most of them sounded very similar to other songs I’ve heard, and so didn’t stick out to me all that much. I could name at least five exactly like Take My Breath.
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Secret begins the sound that I know from WJSN, still drawing on the poppiness, cutesiness, and high vocals of MoMoMo, but pairing it with more toned-on synths, more pointed voices, and more poised dancing, a combination that would become their staple in the next few years. It’s quite interesting to see it here feeling a little less polished. I totally get why they gained the nickname “Cosmic Girls” now, with all the space inspiration here, and while the song itself is nothing groundbreaking, I really liked that lead-in to the last chorus.
The Secret, the EP, has a couple songs I liked. BeBe leans a bit too far into aegyo for me personally, but I enjoy its boundless energy and catchiness. Also, that harmonizing in the last chorus? Sign me up. I also enjoyed the frizzy electronic background of Robot, which reminded me a bit of an f(x) song, although it felt more restrained than one of theirs.
I Wish has a slightly more funk-inspired opening than Secret, and while it still has the roots of aegyo, I’d say it follows the pattern of their songs slowly getting more mature. Still got the schoolgirl outfits, though. The chorus and its “tell me why” is pretty catchy, I will say, and I appreciated a lot of the MV’s visuals in the social media posts, floating lanterns, and emojis.
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From. WJSN’s Say Yes caught my attention with its finger-snapping background and slightly Latin-pop-esque warm acoustic guitar. I thought it provided a good contrast to their very electronic synth-heavy music, and made me appreciate their vocals a lot more, especially Yeonjung and Dayoung. The “juseyo, juseyo” is stuck in my head now, and I’m not mad about it. It makes a great addition to my sleep playlist.
Kiss Me’s intro had me intrigued right off the bat, with its fun surf guitar background, and its continuing through the song made this one stand out. I also liked the harsher hand-clapping percussion mixed with the pop, and that the chorus felt like a much more natural progression of the verses and pre-chorus. Still not a fan of the rapping, which comes out of nowhere, but overall this was a great summer track and it got stuck in my head.
Happy is a return to the bubbly, kind-of sporty concept of MoMoMo that was so popular in mid-3rd gen (Red Velvet’s Happiness, TWICE’s Cheer Up, or Fromis_9’s FUN, for example), and I’d be lying if I said I was as happy to see it as the song wants me to be. I definitely liked the humor and the ultra-saturation of the music video, and ended up laughing a good few times. But overall, I’m not a fan of this concept or this type of song, and this song does nothing to change my mind. Also, I feel like the chorus, though it’s pretty good, doesn’t fit in with the rest of the song. I think it’s the sudden tempo change.
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Happy Moment is a full album, so there’s a lot to talk about. I liked the bubbly distortion in Miracle, (honestly I wonder why it wasn’t a single, because it really feels like one), the vocalizing in Mr. BadBoy’s choruses, the minimalistic background of Babyface’s verses, the roller skating rush of Geeminy, and especially the lovely musical catharsis of Closer To You (damn, Yeonjung, what a note to end on!). Again, though, what I really liked were parts and besides Closer To You, I didn’t like any song enough to consider it a hidden gem. I know that Happy leans very much into aegyo, but the names of a lot of these songs felt a bit too babyish even for that, and I don’t think that the album needed to be so long, because so many of its tracks felt like filler. I would rather have a five or six track, great-all-the-way-through EP like, say Sunmi’s Warning or SEVENTEEN’s Haeng-Geurae, than a half-as-good album twice that long.
Dreams Come True, I’m happy to say, builds on the good that both Kiss Me and I Wish started, working in more interesting percussion and more ethereal synths. Funnily enough, it goes so far into understated that I didn’t realize the chorus had started until it was almost over, and while it’s got a good base, I think that it needs a stronger, more obvious hook to turn into a classic. I did really like that delicate bridge, though.
Dream Your Dream, the EP, starts strong with Love O’Clock, which doesn’t bother with a drawn out build-up, instead rushing forward right from the first moment. I liked the harmonizing, the strong drumbeat, and the catchiness. I also enjoyed Renaissance’s swirling and soaring vocals (another b-side that could’ve been a single) and Thawing, despite its odder sound effects, charmed me with its earnestness.
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Save Me, Save You was the first WJSN song I heard, and is probably the one that best sums up their style. It starts soft, almost not there in the first verse, then tiptoes its way through the pre-chorus, and with a couple drum beats, that magical chorus takes over and suddenly you’re floating. As mentioned, their songs are often a bit too bubbly or understated for me, but I can acknowledge when a song does its style well, and this one absolutely does. I didn’t even mind the rap! I like the setting of the magic school and the incredibly fast shifting in the eyes between the bridge and the last chorus, but I wish it drew itself out more, to make the best use of that excellent vocalizing.
From WJ Please?, the EP, I really had a good time nodding my head to You, You, You, especially during its bridge and last chorus and I added it to my roller skating playlist. I also enjoyed the hints of flamenco and layered strings in the background of I-Yah, a surprisingly lovely sound for the title. It really reminded me of I Knew It by Sonamoo, one of my favorite Latin-pop inspired K-pop tracks. Masquerade also has a great use of strings, this time combined with a gentle piano, and Hurry Up uses a brightly jazzy beat to add some contrast. These four together absolutely make this my favorite EP so far, which is pretty funny, as all these songs are better than the title.
La La Love’s Carnival setting is interesting, and is the decision to have a pre-chorus that leans into sing-talk. The choice mostly works and doesn’t interrupt the good flow that the song has, and I like the high vocalizing that twinkles around the chorus. On the whole, the song is pretty enjoyable and gentle, but, like I usually do, I wish it had more of a hook that would make it stick in my head. Completely different from the last EP, I didn’t have a hidden gem for this one, though I thought 12 O’Clock was nice.
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With how much I liked their last summer comeback, I was excited for Boogie Up. The song is pretty upbeat and on the whole, reminds me of a much more bubbly version of Red Flavor by Red Velvet. It’s catchy, but it has a bit too empty of a chorus for me, and doesn’t innovate on a pretty tried-and-true pop formula enough to stand out. I do like the fun instrumental and the bridge, though. Their bridges are almost always pretty great.
From the EP For The Summer, I honestly really liked the song For The Summer with its bright and flouncy energy (though as I often do, I thought the rap was unnecessary), and the horns were a nice touch. Let’s Dance follows in the stead of WJ Please’s great, Latin-pop inspired b-sides, though I don’t think it’s quite as unique as those.
As You Wish has a very bouncy beat from the beginning, and its excellent electronic sound draws from disco. Its pre-chorus build is great as well, and the chorus delivers, making it both one of my favorite titles so far and what I’m sure will become a fixture on my roller-skating playlists. Its last chorus is delightfully bright, but my favorite part is absolutely that outro, which brings together the vocals and the instrumentals perfectly and should’ve been so much longer. From the EP, also titled As You Wish, I liked the vocal showcase and twinkling piano in Lights Up, and the drumline beat of Don’t Touch.
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Butterfly is another song I already knew by WJSN, and its bubbly energy works surprisingly well for me. I think this is the first of their title tracks that has a deeper meaning than an average love song, and I’m very happy to see it. There’s never enough songs about freedom and being yourself, in my opinion. The last chorus’ vocalizations, as often in WJSN’s singles, elevates the song greatly, and its fizzy instrumental brings everything together. The visuals of flowing white dresses and puffy clouds are a great addition too.
From Neverland, while I enjoyed the back and forth, rushing energy of Hola and the string-led instrumentation of Where You Are, my hidden gem was absolutely Pantomime. I first heard it while watching Queendom, and though I do definitely prefer the more 20’s jazz-inspired, more theatrical version from their stage there, there’s still a lot to love here. I especially enjoy how clipped and off-beat it is, setting it apart from WJSN other’s b-sides.
Unnatural is a bit of a darker counterpart to Butterfly, also about not quite fitting into normalcy (hence the title). I really liked the rap in this one, and how well it fit into the tempo. Also, the way the pre-chorus pulls back and then rushes forward is great. I like the more minimalistic instrumentals and how they let the vocals flow and speak for themselves. Overall, I think it’s one of their strongest outings. From Unnatural, the EP, I really liked the mix between WJSN’s high voices and the self-assured tone and beat in Last Dance, though I wish the instrumental was more distinctive.
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Last Sequence is, at time of writing, WJSN’s most recent comeback, from a year ago. It also falls into the more minimalistic electro-pop synth style of their last few singles, which of course I’m in favor of. I do feel like the chorus needed more of a lead-in than it has, but besides that, I do really like this one. As always, its bridge is great and so is the lead-in to the last chorus (the yeongwohni, yeongwohni, yeongwohni is stuck in my head now). I didn’t have a hidden gem for this comeback, as it’s only a 3-song single.
I’m glad I did this! Like I said, I didn’t know much about WJSN before this review. But, I’ve learned that they were an important part in making what I now consider a very classic 3rd generation K-pop sound, and their music became the blueprint for many groups afterward. I’ve watched some interviews and had some good laughs, and even seen a couple compilations of their best performances on Queendom. I definitely liked their later music more than their earlier, though, and after hearing their work, I’m sad that they don’t come back nearly as often as they used to.
My Top 5 songs are Butterfly, Last Sequence, Kiss Me, I-Yah, and Hurry Up, with Pantomime as an honorable mention . WJSN gets an 8.25 out of 10 from me. I think that on the whole, their songs are pretty good and there were very few I actively disliked. The biggest issue I face is that I listen to and analyze So. Much. K-pop. (probably thousands of songs by now) and because of that, only the groups that do something unique or innovative, have incredible voices, self-produce, or consistently discuss important subjects in their work really stick with me. WJSN is very talented, but while they have a niche, they don’t really add anything new to what’s been done time and time again.
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Next time, I have a very special soloist review coming up, that’s going to come out on December 18th (a day late). If you know your k-pop and my blog, you can probably guess what it is. It’ll be a bit different from a usual review, but I felt like it was time. Tschüss!
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monolite001 · 1 year
I had parents who were very strict about internet usage
I never got allowed to read web comics or play mobile games so I could only get to text-heavy websites
Which led me to spending time reading Korean equivalent of Wikipedia
One day in 2016 on tis website I read an article about a trending, award-winning video game called "Undertale". I was 14.
Something about this game appealed to me immediately. I bought it on Steam. That was the first time I ever purchased a video game.
Needed a language patch because I wasn't fluent in English back then. Became a member of a video game community just to have the language patch. That was my first time I ever got into an online community.
Finished the game without searching anything up. Finished every route. I loved the game. I started to look for more secrets and info from the community mentioned above.
People posted fan arts and fan fics there. I read them. I loved them. That was my first ever exposure to a fandom.
I watched the fandom grow. AUs started to develop. I liked them. Got interested in reading the original contents for the AUs, which were mostly in English.
And that just HAPPENED to be around the time I came to America and my English started to improve
I could read so many comics. I looked at so many different Tumblr blogs. Then I learned AO3 was a thing. That was a huge different world full of fan fictions.
I found that Error was my favorite. If it involved Error, I gave it a try. Mostly oneshots tho, because English still wasn't my first language and I was the world's slowest reader.
Then one day I came across a 25 chapter, 140k-word-long fic. The prologue already was half an hour of reading for me.
And I somehow decided to keep reading it. Knowing fully well it would take me at least a month with my normal reading speed. I just felt like I would like this fic.
And that was The Council of the Inevitable. I read all of it in 3 days, from start to finish, doing nothing else during those days.
That story was breathtaking. Literally. I never felt so absorbed into anything ever before. I ranted about it in my personal notes. I ranted about how much I loved the author wrote the characters just so perfectly and how brilliant the plot was. I also started writing my own little analysis and theories amd predictions.
I re read the fic. And I re re read it. I wrote more notes. I did that for 3 years, from 2020 to 2023. I wrote over 200 notes about it.
And I decided that it was physically unberable to keep that level of excietment and passion just to myself. I wrote an ask to the author's Tumblr blog I had found, including a fanart and a message about how much I loved her fic.
And she replied. She followed me back. I posted a couple more fan arts I had made and she liked them too.
And she had a Discord server. I looked at it and thought, maybe in there are people who love this story just as much as I do. I downloaded Discord created an account. I joined the server.
And I was right. And I never knew how much fun it was to have people who love the same thing as I do. Someone to share my excitement with.
So I'm really not exaggerating when I say everything regarding TCOTI was a miracle.
If any of the things listed above didn't happen I wouldn't have been here right now. What are the odds, really?
So if THIS happened, who's to say something as good as this wouldn't happen again?
TL;DR: My parents were strict. This led me to shipping copies of the same skeleton falling in love with each other.
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ggukkiedae · 2 years
since we know how young yoonmi was during trainee days / debut era, what were some ways that the rest of bangtan tried to make her more comfortable? i feel like I could see jimin buying her small toys or games to help her get more used to them being around her
hi hun! this question is a throwback to yoonmi’s beginnings, and thinking about that has me nostalgic in the best way aksjdhf thank you for this! 💖
so specifically for each member, let’s do it in order: (bear with me this is kinda lengthy)
namjoon really tried to get to know her and listen to her music while helping her improve. that was their bonding. he’d also talk to her in english despite bang pd and the staff asking him to speak to her in korean because he knew she probably would miss having an english speaker around to talk to. namjoon also has a little sister, so he thought it would be similar, but the two girls were different, so namjoon really took to observing yoonmi so he could see if she was comfortable or not. if not, he’d try to somehow engage her in a game or conversation
yoongi didn’t even look at her for like a month, but he started doing little subtle things for her when he wrapped his mind around having her there like making her snacks while she studies, packing an extra water bottle for her, or waiting for her when she stays behind in the company amidst many things. once they grew close, he’d let her stay in the studio with him when she was overwhelmed so she’d have quiet but also company. he gave her a teddy once on his birthday after he, namjoon, hobi, and yoonmi went to an arcade to celebrate, “the teddy isn’t my vibe. here, kid. take it” (she still has it to this day, nearly 12 years later)
from the start hobi just absolutely wanted to give her the best he could. he’d walk her to and from school, joke around with her, let her try his parents’ cooking and all that. he also be the most reassuring when it came to the other trainees or to actual training, helping her out when she struggled. but he’d also take her to playgrounds or to the han river to spend some time as a normal kid
jungkook was, well, a kid just as much as she was. he didn’t need to do anything, they just bonded over being some of the youngest members and being from busan. jk treated her as an equal rather than a little girl. but they would constantly hang out together and teach each other dances (jungkook) or gymnastics (yoonmi) while grabbing snacks and maybe pranking other trainees along the way
jin was just the parent. he'd fuss over her and help her out with homework, or any daily task. he treated her like a kid because he didn't want her to miss out on childhood. he even took her to his house sometimes so she could get proper home cooked meals from a korean mom. he always made sure that when the team wants to do something, she'd be okay with it first. he'd always watch out for any sign of discomfort, too, then it would be jin to the rescue!
tae right off the bat adopted her as his own little sibling. he was sad he couldn't watch his own little siblings grow up, so he compensated with yoonmi by playing with her and taking her out to explore all the time (or whenever he could). he brought her to places he thought she'd enjoy then made sure to get her a full meal all the time because "i love your little cheeks too much for them to disappear"
jimin, as you mentioned, would indeed buy her little toys and trinkets. nothing big since he couldn't afford it, but her eyes lit up with every single little toy he gave her that he knew she loved it. he'd also let her cuddle him in silence or rant to him, and would lend her his hoodies all the time whenever she felt overwhelmed. he treated her gently and tried his best to be a support pillar for her
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beasts-of-jadewood · 1 year
For my first attempt at making a "tumblr-style" post, I'll be rating Goodbye Volcano High characters on a scale of 1-10 based on how I think my first date with them would go.
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This is entirely dependent on what dialogue options the player chooses. Nice, friendly, accomodating Fang would try their best to make the evening as pleasant for the both of us as possible but I'd probably realize that they're either reading a walkthrough of my dialogue checks or just trying way too hard, leading to an overall 7/10 night. Mean, selfish, asshole Fang would talk about K-On for 2 hours and ignore everything I say before watching with a completely emotionless face as I get up amd walk out of their life forever. 2/10.
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Trish would probably take me to a bug museum and talk about her favorite bugs and ask me what my favorite bug was, at which point I'd respond with some bullshit answer like "the Worms from Kamen Rider Kabuto" before we would both start explaining our respective niche interests to each other without retaining any of what the other person said until we both forget why we're there and go our separate ways, feeling confused but vaguely satisfied. 5/10.
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Reed's idea for a first date is probably inviting me to his D&D party or something, at which point I would start explaining to him that I think D&D's modifier-based dice roll system doesn't accurately represent skillfulness as much as something like Fate's multi-dice system, then launch into a rant about how I think D&D is a fascist colonialist product that promotes violence and has little to no thoughtful mechanics outside of combat. I will either be killed immediately for what I've said and my body eaten given the fact that Reed is a carnivorous dinosaur, or the argument will proceed for the next 6 hours to no real avail until we're both exhausted and I go home, leaving Reed alone to smoke pot and watch Critical Role episodes until he falls asleep. 2/10.
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Naser would prepare a full list of horse puns for his first date with me given that I am a unicorn and possibly try to make me fall for updog a few times despite the fact that it's the year of our lord 2023. I would quickly let him know that my ability to make jokes is even shittier than his own by reciting old memes from 2012 that I saved in the back of my brain to impress my boomer parents with. We'd then proceed to both laugh at each other while cringing until our skins are fully inside-out. At the end of the date, Naser would ask me to pull his finger, and I'd be too slow to do so before he accidentally shits himself from the cheap dinosaur-korean barbecue we had for dinner, ending the night with a highly awkward but overall 8/10 experience.
Anyway, that's it for part 1. I have four more characters to go. Please let me know if you want more of this kind of content from me. Thanks.
@wolfnanaki @rustybottlecap I'm tagging you two because you're the only blogs that show up when I search "Goodbye Volcano High" in the blogs tab.
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rozeliyawashereyall · 5 months
Part 3 of Korey ranting let's fucking go
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More drawings at the end :D
Made friendship bracelets for all of the bugs :3 each one has their name on it!
Think I forgot to mention in the first rant that she has face blindness, meaning she can't recognize people easily. Having to rely on the sound of their voice, how light or heavy their footsteps are, or just their skin, hair, and eye colors
Very cuddly, not very clingy. Occasional cuddle piles with Mera and Amber :3 she's used to people clinging onto her for warmth so she doesn't mind
Is, however, not used to people showing her affection other than the reason of just wanting to show affection, and might just cry /hj
Favorite bugs are rosy maple moths and orchid mantis!
Korean on her moms side, and Thai on her dad's
Doesn't really get along with her parents, mainly because she barely has a bond with them to even care about
One of the very few scars she got from her hunts and not from her being a reckless, curious dumbass is one on her back. A claw like scar from a very violent, very drugged halfblood.
Has magic lessons with Mera! The teacher is Esther lol, she's only teaching them simple spells and definitely not hazardous ones.
Raine and Korey met through their younger siblings, Everlyn and Noah. Both were curious and a little protective of them, so each followed their younger sibling and bumped into each other.
She prefers spicy food over sweet treats, but she will never say no to a cinnamon roll. It's her favorite!
Favorite flowers are orchids, wisteria, and Egyptian lotuses! Girl just couldn't pick a favorite
Do not let this girl near a kitchen without supervision, and especially don't let her wonder around without supervision, or she will end up in another village. Mera and Amber always gotta guide her back
Dance lessons with Melody and Reya! She just watches them practice for a show, does sometimes join them tho
If you value your safety and privacy, don't mess with her friends, or she will leak everything about you, spread rumors and more, and if you're lucky, she won't resort to physical violence
Both exciting and worrying to be around, exciting because she's always looking for adventures, worrying because she's a thrill seeker and will purposely put herself in danger
She's kinda apathetic yet energetic at first? This may have resulted in her very reckless behavior. Like, she's been told so many times when she was younger that she barely shows any emotions or feelings twords anyone, so she started going on these dangerous trips as to prove that she can feel pain, sad, happy etc, she has a heart she just doesn't know how to show it yet
Get this girl (and the other bugs) a therapist.
Will keep anything you gift her, could be a normal pebble, and she'll treasure it in her little box of stuff
Other hunters perceive her as a breath of fresh air from all the stress... and a sense of worry of what she has planning for the day
Her hair is always so messy and poofy omg. It's why she always has it in a ponytail. The second she lets her hair down, it's like a cloud sat on her head, only positive thing about this that it's somehow very soft and very useful as a pillow
Crimes include: arson, second-degree murder, (accidental) child endangerment, trespassing, fraud, and-
@willowve01 @iistxrmyskyii @kaiamtt @asmrbrainrot @astralbulldragon13 @aspenm00n
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
So i heard about u doing nijisanji matchups so why not :DD
Nijisanji male matchup pretty plz w cherry on top
Gender:Gender is nothing but a social conCepttTttt(jk cis female but there were times ppl mistook me as a guy once LMAO)
Pronouns:I don't have any in particular,i don't mind any of them as long as its not they/them
Sexuality:....i..don't know actually.Like.Women.But Men.But women.i'll just say bisexual..
Appearance:Shoulder length black hair,i'm kiiinda tall?Im taller than most of my friends.Black fox-like(i think thats what they call them??) Eyes,and i wear literally anything.Like imagine someone in a black turtleneck and some random ass floral button up shirt with the most obnoxious pants ever(for clarification this isnt my attempt at getting in r/builtdifferentfromothergirls i just get cold easily).Oh and im as blind as a bat without my glasses,i only put them on when i wanna put myself in the attractiveness scale for shits and giggles sometimes i wear random jackets i find in my room like that one hot pink jacket i covered in the bee movie stickers for some reason
Idk my ennagram sorry :((
Personality:im pretty laid-back but based on sources(aka my mutuals) i am the embodiment of a living cockroach because of me almost dying like 5 times(vibe checked by god 5 times and he did NOT approve of me...like mf be frfr) i procastinate until like a day before the deadline cause i only work with pressure cause my brains just built like that(rushing calculus my beloved) I LOVE MATHS SO MUCH U CANT IMAGINE(and the cries of my discord besties cause the moment they go back on vc they see the discord whiteboard filled with god knows what) and im preeeeetty confident in myself unless someone genuinely compliments me,if that happens im just gonna disintegrate into dust
Likes:that one meme where the green guy from avengers goes "why is galora",yugioh,jumping into my friends random vc comedically 4 shits and giggles,resident evil,taking care of everyone(and not taking care of myself cause im a self aware hypocrite),DEBATES I LOVE THEM SM THEY GIVE ME SO MUCH ADRENALINE
Dislikes:when someone gets into my persona space toooooo much.oh and the fact that u can divide 91 by 7.literally unreal.and thunder??dunno it sets uncomfy in me i probably offended zeus in my past life or smth
Love language:
I dont know what that is....i mean like,id send whoever i get random memes i found at 3 am,shower thoughts??and hugs??and cuddles??and giving them reassuring words??does that count?
Extra:im bilingual(swedish,russian,korean,german) so i can make ppl say what seems like romantic words when its a deez nuts joke this is a flex btw.i pace around tasks pretty fast,sometimes im too lazy to get up sometimes i go around doing literally everything at once
Im sorry if this is confusing to u this is my first time doing this :((
i pair you with…
Ver Vermillion!
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hear me out…
• you guys will absolutely nerd out over yugioh and will probably end up playfully arguing and malding over the other (i dont know much ab yugioh im sorry 💔💔)
• if you let him nerd out to you and rant to you about the most random things he will immediately fall in love
•likewise if you nerd out/rant to him he will fall in love bc the fact that you confide in him???
• similar to shu yaminerd, he is a huge nerd but hes better at hiding it
• call him a dork. he says he hates it but he loves it.
• youll sit in discord vc, no sound except the little giggles erupting out while you read each others memes and random messages that you just keep on sending
• will randomly whip out the “why is galora” meme to make you laugh out loud in vc with others, on stream, etc even in public
• god, he loves your hair
• your cuddles up in his arms, half-asleep, and hes running his hands thru your hair AHHH
• will also send you hot-takes out of nowhere so you guys can debate on it solely because he knows how much you love it
• “banana pizza is good.”
• “soggy socks feel nice.”
• will also throw you random compliments because he knows its the only thing that will get you
• “are you a hot mom because damn mama you hot.”
• will assist you in sending deez nuts jokes to your friends in korean
• “내 불알을 빨아.”
RUNNERS UP: Shu Yamino, Doppio Dropscythe
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