#they fit so much flirting and worrying about each other into the 5 minutes of screen time they got in this episode
warpfactor9 · 30 days
"those great android reflexes of yours" geordi. geordi PLEASE.
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yandere-kokeshi · 4 months
How would Yandere Price and Soap and König react to their darling being a cannibal. Like, the boys find out, and the darling is like, “it’s okay! I only eat bad guys, tho! So don’t be worried 😋😋”
— Yandere Price, Soap, and König with a cannibal gn darling
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Warnings: yandere behavior, talks about eating humans and slight violence. 
A/N: This is the most chaotic ask I’ve gotten, and I’m here for it. Enjoy!
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Johnny “Soap” MacTavish:
The most dominant side-eye. He’s skeptical, a bit uncomfortable… However, if it satisfies your needs, then why not? Plus, you said you weren’t eating innocents, and you’re doing a favor for the world by getting rid of bad guys, no?
His first question is how do you get the meat. And if he hears you’re getting it from the black-market, or you go out killing on the register, it makes him feel odd. Regardless of the answer, he fits in that he’ll gladly kill for you. It’s all laughter, until he comes inside the house the next day, dragging a black-bag shaped like a body…
Of course, he worries about you. He understands the human body, and how much iron and fat is in the body, which in many cases, causes you to get sick. 
Johnny won’t join your diet, but will happily help you cook. He’s fine with helping out, adding seasoning and such with a big smile as the two of you take time with each other. 
Honestly interested in what made you decide on cannibalism. Did you grow up that way? Did someone or something initiate it? Or was it a day when you woke up, and randomly decided on? Johnny is all up to hearing about it, regardless of the time it takes, and finds it fascinating whilst listening to you. 
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John “Captain” Price:
Just blinks at you, hand scratching at his beard with a small ‘huh’ grunting out. 
He’s definitely weirded out by it. It’s something he wasn’t expecting to find out, or hearing those words come out from you. He tries to talk to you, asking why or when you started doing it; gently suggesting to you that you should stop and the reasons as to it. But, sooner or later, he accepts it, shrugging his shoulders and going on along with it. 
Another one that will not be joining your diet. He gags at the glazed image, and it makes him uncomfortable. However, he’s open to helping you cook, but will be eating the ‘other’ meat you’re not so fond of. 
While John isn’t a fan of you eating humans, he’s also one to recommend if you want him to find someone for dinner. He enjoys pampering you, and if he hears a yes, a friend that openly flirts with you is gone — and so are many others that Price sees as a threat.  
Definitely learns to be more open about it, and sometimes forgets you openly eat it, until the time comes when he’s butchering.  
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As long as you don’t jokingly say you’ll eat him, he’s weirdly fine with it. He just nods, rambling in Denglish, before asking questions to ensure he understands you correctly. 
König is fascinated by the human body, which means he understands that certain organs can easily poison you with how many substances it holds. This said, he worries over what you eat — coming into the kitchen to ask if he can cook the meals for you. Within 30+ minutes, König shows that he can make dishes like a tier-5-restaurant rating. 
He loves seeing your reaction to his cooking, smiling at himself with your humming, and always makes a bigger gourmet for a second plate. 
In a way, this giant enjoys knowing this secret. It’s to you and him only, and he loves preparing lunch or dinner with the specific meat. He’s also open to trying the meat you so like, and if he does? Well, that makes two of you a team, doesn’t it? 
Will gladly kill anyone for you. Open to killing the bad, the in-between, and the good if you so ask. However, König tends to go for people who deeply annoy him. 
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking. It helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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jadequeen88 · 3 years
A Waitress’ Worst Nightmare
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A/N: Written for the BNHA Degeneracy 9-5 collab! THIS IS 18+ MINORS DNI
Warnings: TW.sexual harassment, TW.oral(recieving), TW.degredation TW.nipple play, TW.Mommy kink
Pairing: busboy!Keigo, linecook!Dabi, f!waitress!Reader
You’re a college student just trying to get by. The biggest worry you should have right now is if you had enough time to finish that psych paper or when you were going to meet up with your calculus study group. Instead, you’ve got a much larger problem facing you...A problem that has permeated through every aspect of your life. Your coworkers were Grade-A-Assholes who decided making your life miserable was on the top of their to do lists.
You thought waitressing at the 24/7 diner downtown would be a breeze. Money was tight and since you were 21 and almost done with your undergrad, you wanted a little more financial independence. Little did you know when the owner hired you that you’d have to work alongside the two biggest shitheads in the city.
First there’s Keigo. To the untrained eye, he could almost seem charming. But you found out pretty quickly what a dick he was. He was working as a “busboy”, but in reality he didn’t do anything but flirt with every woman within his field of vision. Keigo would leave the tables a mess until there wasn’t a clean one left in your station and you’d be forced to do his job for him.
“What, babe? Stop getting your panties in a twist. I’m real busy these days. You know I’m practically running this place now.”
Oh yeah. How could you forget? He took every opportunity to remind you of that fact. Keigo’s dad happened to be buddies with the owner, garnering a sense of trust with the old man. He slowly weaseled his way into running day-to-day operations while the elderly owner stayed home most days.
Although the diner needed another busboy to pick up his slack, Keigo refused to tell the boss to hire another. You overheard a phone conversation between Keigo and your boss just last night:
“Nah, boss. We’ve got it covered here. No need to hire another busboy. The waitresses are just finding reasons to nag. Women, am I right?”
You were fuming.
As bad as Keigo was, his friend Dabi was exponentially worse. The line cook was, without a doubt, a drug dealer. The only motive he could possibly have for working there is having a place to do business with his “customers”(and of course, to help Keigo make your life a living hell). It clearly wasn’t because he needed the money since you’d seen his “friends” slip him generous wads of cash when they stopped by the restaurant. If cleaning up Keigo’s messes sucked, trying to put in customer’s orders with Dabi was pure torture. 
“Eggs over easy instead of scrambled? I dunno, Princess. Sounds like it’ll be a pain in my ass. Whatcha gonna give me if I do it?”
Then he’d lick his lips with his long pierced tongue, leering at you over the counter. Gag... You wondered if that ever actually worked in his favor. 
One semi-decent thing you can say about Keigo is that he’d never actually laid a finger on you. The same can’t be said for Dabi. You learned after your first day to wear shorts under the skirt of your uniform. You were behind the counter slicing lemons when he took his spatula and lifted the hem of your skirt. Before you realized what he was doing, he was calling out to his partner in crime.
“Fuuuuuck, Kei! Look at the ass on the new girl!”
You wondered what was going on until you felt a breeze and realized it was your ass that was on display. You’d slapped the spatula away and straightened your skirt, but not before they both got an eyeful of your black, lace panties. You cried for ten minutes in the bathroom after your shift that day.
The day you’d been dreading was finally upon you. No, it wasn’t a big test or project due... You had to ask off work for your cousin’s wedding. That meant dealing with Keigo (who was now in charge of making the schedule each week).
You squared your shoulders and went over what you would say over, and over in your head so you wouldn’t stumble over your words when you had to face him. 
“I need to have Saturday off for my cousin’s wedding. I can work the Sunday morning shift instead.”
This was repeated on a loop in your brain as you walked down the darkened corridor towards the office. You let out a long sigh and gently rapped your knuckles against the wooden frame. The sound of shuffling and muffled voices seeped through the thin faux wood and a moment later, the door swung inward. The thick cloud of smoke and strong, skunky smell almost knocked you flat on your ass. Instead of seeing Keigo alone working on the schedule, you saw that he and Dabi were hotboxing in the small office.
Knowing they were back here getting high while you closed the diner by yourself was the last straw. You slam the door behind you and stomp forward to lean over the desk Keigo was propped up behind.
“Listen you shit heads!” you slammed you fists on the desk knocking over a jar of pens. “I am so fucking sick of slaving away in this shit hole while you two get high and fuck off back here. You’re going to let me have Saturday off or I swear to Christ, I’m calling the boss and spilling my guts! About the weed, the drug deals, the snarky remarks, the groping, EVERYTHING! I’ve had enough!”
There was a moment of silence then the two of them burst into a fit of laughter. In a blind fit of rage, you leap across the desk and grab Keigo by the throat. When you made contact and squeezed as hard as your small hand would allow, a whimper escaped his throat and his eyes rolled back.
Now it was your turn to laugh.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” you gripped your fingers tightly again to see if you could pull any more sounds from him. He didn’t disappoint. This time it was a whimper followed by him nervously mumbling.
“Heh, Kid... Seriously, knock it off. This shit isn’t funny.”
Your eyes traveled down the front of his body and when they landed on the crotch of his baggy khakis, your suspicions were confirmed. This loser who acted like a certified pussy-slayer popped a boner just from you choking him.
You leaned in close to his face, using this as your chance to get revenge for all the hell he had put you through. “Aww little Keigo... Not used to being roughed up?” you cooed. “Dumb little baby Keigo...I bet if I kept this up, you’d come in your pants like a dirty slut, wouldn’t you?”
You felt movement over your shoulder and heard a deep chuckle. “Dude you’re so pathe-”
Dabi gasped as you grabbed him by the crotch with your free hand and squeezed. He was already hard. You met his eyes and see panic etched across his features. A sadistic grin spread across your mouth as you tightened your grip. His head fell back and let out a whimper almost as needy as Keigo’s. 
“You’re both going to do exactly what I say or I swear, I will tell every girl you ever try to speak to what a couple of pathetic virgins you two are...”
“Ungh! Plea-please... Harder! I... I need more!”
Your hand lands hard across the blonde’s face, drawing a pathetic whimper from his throat. He thrust his weeping cock along your shin whimpering, craving more pressure to relieve his suffering.
“You don’t get to tell me what you need, Keigo. Shut your fucking mouth and be grateful you get this much.”
You throw your head back against the office chair and hum as Dabi eats your cunt like it’s his last meal.
“Mmm... See Keigo? See what a good boy Dabi is being? He knows his stupid mouth is only meant for one thing... Making Mommy’s pussy feel good.”
The praise causes the dark haired man between your thighs to moan into your clit sending a pulse of pleasure through your lower body. The ball of his piercing circles your clit and you feel the familiar ache of an impending orgasm begin to tighten in your belly.
Keigo starts shoving Dabi away from you with a growl. “This is bullshit! I haven’t even had a chance yet!”
Dabi elbows him, ”Fuck off Kei! I almost had her finished off!”
Furious from being jerked back from the edge of your orgasm, you grab a fist full of blonde hair in one hand and black in the other. You pull their flushed faces up to look you in the eye.
“If you want to come at all, you will shut...the fuck...up... and get me off. Now”
Dabi wasted no time in diving back into your dripping slit, panting heavily while he ran his pierced tongue in and out of your swollen entrance. Keigo attacked your neck, whimpering as he planted sloppy kisses down your collarbone until his tongue was licking long stripes up you clothed nipple.
“I think you can do a little better than that, baby,’ you cooed into Keigo’s messy blonde tresses, sweetly tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. He took that as his cue to remove the clothing between your hardening bud and his hot, wet tongue.
Keigo latched onto your nipple, nursing it with vigor while he gently grazed his fingertips over the other. You heard him mumble something into the soft swell of your breast.
“Speak up,” you pull him away from your nipple with a pop, “I didn’t catch that...”
“I-I said... I...”
Your attention was drawn to the man between your legs as he began to suck down hard on your clit. The hand you had wrapped in Keigo’s hair tightened causing him to cry out.
“Mommy! Please! Wanna be your good boy! Wanna make Mommy come...” He sobs as he starts frantically licking and sucking your neglected nipple. This pushes you over the edge and your long awaited orgasm rushes over you. 
After you come down from your high, you push them off and begin getting dressed while the two men you left on the floor look up at you with wide eyes.
Dabi, still panting from eating you so vigorously, chokes out a little half sob.
“But.. where are you goin? We did what you asked!”
“Yeah babe! what the fuck!”
You eyed both men and let the tension hang in the air before turning and walking to the door.
“Give me the whole weekend off. Then we’ll arrange something Monday,” you look over your shoulder, “As long as you don’t piss me off before then..”
You walk out of the office with the biggest grin you’ve had in a long time and feeling a lot more relaxed. Maybe this job was going to turn out better than you expected. 
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parksunghoonbro · 3 years
come here》 p.sh {pt.3}
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<3 pairing: chaebol!stepbrother!sunghoon x chaebol!fem!reader                   (some chaebol!bestfriend!soobin x reader)
<3 genre: angst, fluff
<3 warning: sunghoon gets jealous, he is unwillingly an asshole, making out, mentions of love (sorry if any of you guys are triggered by anything else)
<3 word count: 1.9k 
<3 summary: park sunghoon, the most popular rich boy around town, who you are super attracted to becomes your stepbrother. what happens when you realize that he is also extremely attracted to you?
<3 xtra stuff: Soobin is the same age as Sunghoon. They are both 20 while y/n is 18 (2 years older). If you guys have watched Tempted/The Great Seducer y/n and soobin’s hang out is inspired by Shihyun, Sooji, and Sejoo’s (the three friend’s) hideout. (Soobin and y/n have been friends since y/n was born. Like 2-year old Soobin held y/n when she was a newborn)
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You wake up to being surrounded by a comforting warmth. You felt Sunghoon’s muscular arms wrapped around your waist and your face against his chest. After a couple of minutes of admiring the face of the man in front of you, you remember that you had an appointment with your stylist at 10:00 to plan an outfit for an event that your mother’s company has every year. It currently was 8:13, so you tried to squee yourself out of Sunghoon’s tight hold. Finally being able to sit up you were about to get out of his bed, but you suddenly felt two strong arms pull you back into bed. “Where do you think you’re going?” Sunghoon asked in his raspy morning voice. “I have to get ready to meet with my stylist later.” You responded snuggling back into his hold. Sunghoon groaned softly shoving his pace into the crook of your neck smelling your addictive scent. “Just cancel and stay with me,” Sunghoon whined. You wish you could stay but you had to go. This event was a pretty big one. ”What are you meeting your stylist for anyways?” Sunghoon asked curiously. “My mom has this big event that she hosts every year and I need to go to a fitting for the brand I am representing today.” You answered in a soft tone. Sunghoon thought for a little and then jokingly asked with a small chuckle, ”So who’s gonna be the lucky man who gets to be your date?” You suddenly remembered something. You were going to have a date! You blanked out wondering who it was this year. Of course, you wanted it to be Sunghoon, but it was obviously not him. the Assuming from a joking tone you’re sure that he doesn’t know that you’re going to have a date. “I don’t need a date.” You said with a flip of your hair. “I’m perfectly fine by myself.” Sunghoon grinned, “That’s my girl” After cuddling a bit more you finally got out of the bed and got ready. «───────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ─────────» Arriving at the salon you met your stylist. “Y/N!” You heard your names being called so you turned around. “Sohee unnie!” Your stylist of 8 years smiled. “Are you ready for this?” You smiled,”Yup! I’m ready” After hours and hours of looking over dresses, makeup, and hairstyles you finally finished your look. Since you were done you started to pack up. “Oh right! Before you go I have to tell you who your date is!“ Yoy looked back in anticipation of who it was although you already had someone you were almost 100% sure who it was and Sohee continued,”You’re date this year is the one and only Choi Soobin as always.” Yup. That’s right. Your date and the person you were expecting was Choi Soobi, your date since you were children. Choi Soobin was your best friend and although he lives in Jeju now you guys are still very close. He comes and visits every once in a while for events, meetings, and of course just to see his best friend of 17 years. When you finished your small conversation with Sohee you went home.
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Walking through the door all you saw was darkness. The lights were off. No one was home. You wondered where Sunghoon was, but you didn’t worry because it was only 5:30 pm.
-2:00 am-
Its already 2:00 am and Sunghoon isn’t home yet. You’ve called him a couple times and he didn’t pick up. You were worried sick and you were waiting on the couch.
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It was the next morning and you woke up in your bed with the amazing feeling of warmth next to you. You smiled Sunghoon was home. You turned around and saw Sunghoon looking back at you. He smiled at you and pulled you in closer to kiss your forehead. “Why did you wait for my love? When I got home you were asleep on the couch in your clothes and without a blanket! I was so worried that you were gonna get sick.” You put your hands on his stomach and started to touch it. “I was worried!” Sunghoon had an amused face by now, “Worried enough to fall asleep?” “Shut up” You answered back. Sunghoon raised his eyebrows. “Is that a challenge?” You panicked and jumped out of bed. Sunghoon laughed at you and stood up. “Let’s get ready and eat breakfast.”  After getting ready you came down to the kitchen to see Sunghoon already sitting at the table with breakfast ready waiting for you. “Where are you going today?” Sunghoon stroked your head, ”Yesterday my stylist informed me that I would be attending your mom’s event. Today I have a fitting.” You smiled and shortly after it faded. You realized that he would have to have a date. Everyone brought a date that their stylist chooses and of course sometimes with the assistance of the person, but the thing that irked you the most was that his date wasn’t going to be you and it would be some other girl. Sunghoon noticed the change and mood and asked why you were upset. “What do you mean? I am not upset.” You said in a normal tone. Raising his eyebrows in confusion Sunghoon decided to not ask questions and answer with a simple “ok”. After a breakfast of hand-holding and flirting Sunghoon left.
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Being at home alone was becoming a little boring. You thought it was surprising that you weren’t enjoying it because you’re a homebody, but maybe it was because you had spent so much time with Sunghoon. You were about to go out alone, but suddenly your phone rang. You checked the caller id. 🐰Binnie 🐰. Soobin was calling you. You excitedly picked up the phone. 
“Soobin! I missed you.”
“I missed you too. I heard auntie is getting married again. Are you okay cutie?”
“Yeah, I guess. Surprisingly I hope this marriage doesn’t last.”
“Why? Isn’t your mom getting married to Park Sungho, Park Sunghoon’s dad?
“That’s why Soobin!”
“Ohhh. Even though you don’want them to last they seemed pretty happy Y/N. I met your mom and Mr. Park in Jeju before I left.”
“I know I shouldn’t be selfish. WAIT rewind. You are in Seoul!?”
“Yes, dummy when am I ever not in Seoul before the gala? I have moved away from you for 2 years already and you haven’t remembered my schedule.”
“Well Soobin I am a busy girl”
“More like distracted. But let’s meet up now. I wanna hang out with my date!”
“Hmph. Alright, let’s meet. Our place?”
“Of course see you there”
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(7th grade y/n)
“Soobin look at it! It is perfect!” you exclaimed looking at the place in front of you. You guys’ mothers had built a hang out for you and Soobin in a secret room behind a big painting on the first floor of their newly merged company building. “It is. This is our place from now on!” Soobin said back providing the same energy. 
Soon even as you guys grew older it stayed as you guys’ place where no one else knew the password and was allowed not even your parents. It became a comfortable place for both of you guys where you guys would go to find each other no matter what.
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-At the Hideout-
“Soobin? Come out! I know you’re in here” You stated in a loud voice. “Boo!” “AHHH!” Soobin laughed at you until he was on the ground. “Choi Soobin you’re dead!” You said annoyed. Soobin realized that he had messed up and ran for his life up the stairs to the loft. You chased after him. When you got to the too you couldn’t see him. Then all of a sudden you felt a pair of strong arms pin your hands to your back. “Ha! Got you!” Soobin said with his signature smile. He let you go and hugged you which you gladly returned. You guys hung out for the rest of the day getting food, shopping, and playing video games in the hang-out. What felt like 10 minutes was 10 hours. You didn’t realize it but soon it was 1 am. Soobin looked at the clock and his eyes widened, “I should get you home now little one. It is late.” You looked at the clock shocked, ”Yes, I should get home now.” You guys turned off the TV and the lights and started to walk home. Yes, walk home. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence with you and Soobin. Starting in high school you guys would always hang out until late into the night and walk home even though you only had to have one call to get home by car. Your houses were close to the hangout and it gave you a taste of what it felt like to live like normal kids. Not heirs to big companies, not kids who were born with silver spoons in their mouths, not brand ambassadors, just normal kids. You have always felt safe around Soobin. Soobin was your haven and will always be your haven.
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When you guys got to your house Soobin walked you to your door and you hugged him bye as always. Not until you get to the door did you start worrying about Sunghoon. Unlocking the door, you quietly took off your shoes and started into the house. Not even getting halfway to your room you were stopped by a fuming Sunghoon. “What were you doing out this late!? I was worried sick! And who was that guy who walked you through the door!?” You were taken aback. Sunghoon had never raised his voice at you. Suddenly feeling vulnerable you answered in a nervous, small voice. Studdering you said, ”M-my friend came back from Jeju to visit. We were just hanging out.” Sunghoon in a loud and intimidating voice said, “There is no reason for you to be hanging out this late! Especially with another boy. Are you even hanging out!? What if you’re doing something else? You said you wanted to see where things go with us, baby!” “How could you say that?” Your eyes filled with tears. You couldn’t take it anymore so you ran into your room and started sobbing. Realizing that he had hurt you Sunghood ran upstairs. Sunghoon felt a pang of guilt hit his heart hearing your sobs outside of your room. He knocked on the door. “C-come in,” you said quietly from inside your room. “Oppa is sorry princess. I just got worried and jealous and I couldn’t hold it in. I didn’t mean to make you cry. Please don’t be upset with me.” Sunghoon said his eyes brimming with tears seeing how he had hurt you. “It’s okay oppa. I understand.” You said as you came closer to him cuddling into his side. He grabbed you tightly and pulled you into his chest as he laid next to you. Sunghoon suddenly had an urge to kiss you, so he landed his lips on yours, and you guys passionately made out until one of you guys had to pull away for air. “I love you princess.” Sunghoon seriously stated. “I love you too, oppa.” you said back, and that night you guys fell asleep happily and full of love.
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sneezefiction · 3 years
untouchable | vii
Atsumu x Reader
desc: in which an accidental run-in with pro volleyball player, Atsumu Miya, at a 7/11 leads to a strangers-to-lovers situation… but the catch is, you have no idea that he’s famous.
warnings: slight language, anxiety
wc: 3.2k
part 6 ⚬ part 7 ⚬ part 8 (coming soon)
untouchable m.list
“Here ya go.”
Osamu sets down a small cup of water, letting it clink against the bar’s granite surface. There’s no ice in it, but you can tell by the condensation on the glass that it’s cold. Osamu tosses a plastic straw toward you and it lands conveniently right next to your cup.
Throwing him a quick smile, you reach to take a sip but pause when you hear the click and gentle hiss of a drink can.
You’d know that sound anywhere.
It’s a reminder of street vending machines and roadside shops. Of summer walks on hot pebbled pathways and after-class escapades with old high-school friends. 
But, just to be sure, you glance over to study the object in the hands of the man next to you.
Yes, you confirm, Miya Atsumu has indeed brought a can of green tea into his brother’s restaurant. And, yes, you are quite amused.
You choke down the rising laughter in your chest, though you can’t hide the small smile creeping onto your lips. This is the dorkiest thing you think you’ve ever seen on a not-date before.
 “Where the hell were you hiding that?” You tilt your head, leaning toward him to get a closer look at the drink.
“You’ll see.” Completely unfazed, he reaches for his coat, which hangs on the back of the chair, and digs into the pocket…
And, if what you’re seeing is true, he’s just fished out a second can. The paper covering the aluminum has a pink, floral print and reads, “Matcha-” but his thumb covers the rest of the lettering.
“What? Did you want one?” Atsumu tilts his head and places the can next to your water glass.
You stare at it, curious about two things. 
The first thing being his massive fucking pockets. They must be something of a void for him to fit two whole cans in the same pouch. Well, it’s more like you assume they were contained in a single pocket. Otherwise, you would’ve noticed a sloshing, aluminum object bumping up against your side as you two walked arm-in-arm.
The second thing that struck you is that he actually thought to bring two. Did he plan on drinking both? Was it originally for his brother? Or did he intend to offer you one right from the start? 
You do happen to like this brand of tea.
Atsumu leans back into his chair, tossing an arm over the back of the seat. “My friend tells me it’s good for digestion,” he explains and takes a sip.
“My digestion is just fine, thanks. You can keep it.” 
Your eyes crease in mirth. He has some interesting friends, that’s for sure. And why does he care about digestion? He’s fit and muscular and... is he constipated or something?
Yeah, that’s not something you should ask about.
“I’m gonna try not to imagine what else you could be hiding in those pockets,” you say, twisting your face in concern and pinching your eyebrows together.
Atsumu grimaces, shifting in his seat. “Did ya have to say it like that?” 
“I think I have every right to say it like that. You could be a freak for all I know.”
“Um, I think it’s entirely possible that you’re the freak here.” He shoots right back at you through mock-judgmental eyes.
Your jaw drops in amused surprise. You shove his arm playfully, but his balance hardly wavers. He grins in response, golden eyes glimmering. Your hand lingers briefly as you mimic his smile, but you notice and drop it quickly.
“Gettin’ comfortable now aren’t we?”
A faint flush dances across your skin. Maybe you were being a little touchy… but flirting hasn’t been this fun in so long. Anyway, he was the one who had you walking arm-in-arm with him earlier.
That thought alone makes your heart jump.
You look away, grasping the straw in your glass and twirling it around. “You got all comfy first,” is all you can huff out.
“Well, yeah.” Atsumu places an elbow on the table and props his chin up with his hand, “I mean, this is a date isn’t it?” He takes another sip of his drink, acting as though what he said wasn’t headline news.
So apparently this whole not-a-date but possibly-a-date situation had an obvious answer… to Atsumu that is. It still felt about as clear as rocket science to you though.
“Is it?” The words flow from your lips before you can stop them.
He blinks. “Hm.” 
You swallow, “Is this a date?” 
He gestures a hand at the two of you, “I mean... I thought it was.”
Well, yes. You’re both sitting across from each other. Neither of you knows the other well. Atsumu had taken you to his brother’s restaurant.
Everything that’s happened in the past hour screams, “date.”
And, yet, it’s all too strange.
Suddenly the wooden barstool is much less comfortable. You readjust, crossing your dangling legs. You can hear every uneven as it leaves your body - hopefully his ears aren’t too keen.
Did you really change the atmosphere with just a few words?
Should you have assumed that this was a date from the beginning? But you were protecting yourself… 
Thank God Osamu is in the back right now. You don’t think you could handle someone else (especially your date’s brother) hearing this conversation. The embarrassment would be way too real.
“But if you’re not okay with it bein’ a date, then that’s okay.” Atsumu is quick to speak, straightening up in his chair. “I probably forgot to clarify…” He searches your gaze for any change in reaction.
Yeah, he’s probably not adept at these sorts of situations. But neither are you.
There’s a noticeable tint to his cheeks. You’re sure it must burn because your own face has already burst into flames. Great, you’ve made him feel like he’s screwed up. 
Atsumu mumbles a quiet “shit” under his breath, which would’ve found funny if it weren’t for your own pounding heartbeat.
Dammit, how can you salvage this? You might as well be fanning a flame at this point. If you weren’t careful, you could burn this entire opportunity to the ground. 
“Ah, that’s not what I mean,” You respond, waving your hands out in front of you, “I just- I don’t know, you never said anything about it being a date over text, so I just assumed it wasn’t. Not that I would mind it being one...”
If you keep talking, the words will only get more muddled. You clamp your mouth shut so as to not say anything ridiculous.
Suddenly, the blank wall opposite the blonde is very interesting. Maybe if you survive the next 5 minutes you’ll suggest that ‘Samu add some art pieces to soften the stark white paint. It might also make avoiding eye-contact a little easier.
Despite not wanting to face him, you can’t exactly ignore the man sitting an arm’s length away from you. You glance back to him, bracing yourself for a face wrought with confusion.
But Atsumu looks… amused? Relieved? The lines of worry on his forehead have smoothed back out.
Well, whatever emotion he’s conveying, it’s better than the ones you saw earlier.
“Alright, then how about you tell me whether you want this to be a date or not?”
You bite your lip in thought. Partly because a male has just respectfully asked you if you’d like to go on a date (a date you’re already on.) That, in itself, is a rare sight indeed. 
But mostly because he actually wants to go on a date with you.
Did you really meet him only a month ago? Was he ever a stranger to you?
He’s a little too friendly for that. But friendly isn’t the right word. Atsumu is understanding. And simple… but in a good way. Things are smooth like velvet when you’re around him.
You, who’s been shit out of luck over the past few years. You, who had to frantically accept a less than ideal job after moving away from your entire support system. You, who tried to abate loneliness with blind dates and Tinder matches... but only ever ended up shoving breadsticks in a bag before escaping through the backdoor of a mediocre restaurant.
After all the tears and life changes and dating apps and heartbreak, you finally have a choice that you can make by yourself without any serious repercussions.
And it’s a simple yes or no question.
“I’m gonna say, yeah. This is a date.”
A grin that could light up the city of Tokyo spreads across his face. You don’t know why he’s so happy, but it’s making your heart do somersaults in your chest.
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” He grabs his drink, taking another sip.
Even you can feel the earnest smile on your face reaching your eyes. 
“So, can I ask ya somethin’?”
You sit up in silent anticipation. “Uh… sure.”
Atsumu clears his throat, looks away from you and runs a hand through the waves of his hair. Given Atsumu’s display of nerves, someone watching from the outside might think that this man was either about to break up with you or propose marriage.
Thank God it couldn’t be either of those things. But your hands clasp at your thighs anxiously anyway.
“Why’d you want to see me again?”
You find yourself holding your breath, letting his question sink in. 
It’s a good question. An important question. Why exactly are you here? With him?
You’re usually better about setting your intentions before you dive into something new. Plotting out big decisions has saved your ass a multitude of times.
But this opportunity fell into your lap at the most peculiar of times.
In all honesty, you didn’t give his request too much thought. Hell, you didn’t even ask him if he’d give you time to think about your decision. 
Thinking back, you really should’ve been way more careful… but you’re already here.
You lean back into your chair and meet his gaze head-on. 
“Do you want an honest answer? Or would you rather me make something up?” You ask, a glimmer in your eye.
“Oh, yeah I love bein’ lied to, go right ahead.” He throws you a look through squinted eyes.
You laugh, “I’m assuming that’s sarcasm.”
“And you’d be right.” Atsumu’s chin sinks back into his hand, awaiting your honest answer.
You give yourself a moment to breathe, leaning back into your chair and relaxing your body.
It’s best to keep things brief - you’d hate to overwhelm him with your own life. And something tells you he has his own complicated shit to deal with. 
“I’ve had a rough few years here and my social life is about as interesting as a brick right now.” You glance over to him, “Plus you seemed a little weird. But fun.”
This is all true. But there’s so much more you’d like to say.
Stuff like, 
“You’re so easy to be around.”
“Your voice is comforting.”
“I’ve felt like shit but you’ve given me something good to think about.”
“I feel a little less lonely lately and I think it’s because of you.”
But you know that would be overstepping some major boundaries. You’d play it cool and keep your thoughts to yourself for now.
“A bit blunt, but I’ll take it.” He quirks an eyebrow.
“Hey, you’re pretty blunt yourself.” You fake a frown, but can’t suppress your smile for long.
“Okay, sure, I’m not the most tactful… but you should’ve seen me in high school.” He sighs, eyes growing fuzzy with memories. 
But he’s quick to snap back to the present.
You snort. “I bet you were a hoot.”
Osamu’s voice rings from the back, “He was a lot more than that.”
So he was listening in, your cheeks burn a little at the thought. 
“Oi, shaddup, ‘Samu.” He lifts his head, calling back with a playful growl in his voice.
“I have video evidence, don’t tempt me to share it,” Osamu warns, but he gets back to business.
Your eyebrows raise. Now that’d be fun to see.
He notices your curiosity but is quick to furrow his brows. “Oh, no, no. I want you to get to know me, but not that well,” Atsumu says, slightly perturbed. 
“Not yet, at least.” He adds, after a few seconds.
Your eyes soften. 
That makes sense. 
Although, you hadn’t even expected him to show you the videos. You’d just wanted to tease him a little since that seems to be something he’s very comfortable with. You like that it’s a “not yet” instead of a “never,” though.
But instead of continuing this part of the conversation, you divert to asking his question back to him.
“Well, I think it’s your turn to tell me why you asked me out.”
And you swear you must’ve just said something ridiculous because he looks hilariously surprised. Like a deer in headlights. A jammed highway of car-headlights with the brights on full blast.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d guess that he hadn’t even thought about it. That or he didn’t want to tell you.
Either way, you deserve to know at least this much. You wait with your hands placed patiently in your lap and a trained indifference in your eyes.
Okay, so maybe he’s not the sharpest crayon in the box.
Atsumu knows he has a good reason for asking you out… he really does. 
But it wasn’t the kind of reason one could eloquently verbalize. I mean, shit, what does Atsumu do that is eloquent?
It was more of a gut feeling than anything else. 
But he’s sure if he told you that he wanted to date you based on “instinct” that you’d laugh and promptly flee the restaurant like a prison escapee jumping the walls holding them captive.
He pulls himself together because he’s sure you can sense his discomfort. He’s never been great at disguising his emotions - he’d only ever learned to mask them with nonchalance and angry outbursts… and that’s a no-go when it comes to the press. Atsumu had to drop those reactions like a hotcake.
“I…” he swallows but gives a wry smile, “Y’see… I live a bit of a complicated life.”
He scans your face like he’s searching for his next words within your eyes. But you’re must be a blank page because they don’t come to him.
“Okay, now, don’t go telling me you’re wanted for some sort of federal crime.” You tease him as your lips brush against your straw, lightening the atmosphere in the process.
Atsumu’s lips open to let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding in. “Ah, ya got me. That’s exactly what I was gonna say.” He responds dryly.
“That’s so sad. And I really thought this was going well, too.” You hum and take a sip of water.
He clears his throat, loosening his shoulder with a stretch. For someone who’s lived most of his adult life in the limelight, he hasn’t had to talk about it much. People either know he’s famous or they don’t.
You’re so kind. You listen well. There’s something about you that he’s magnetized by. Something that continuously draws him back in.
So if you were to learn about his life and see him differently? It would be a door slamming into his face, sealing his fate to be a really fucking lonesome bachelor. Which is a funny concept until you are the lonely bachelor.
So what exactly is he supposed to tell you?
Out of habit, his hand reaches for his hair… but he freezes before he can run his fingers through it.
Because the words are coming to him like a lone flower petal drifting to the ground. Soft and solemn.
He asked you out because his chest hasn’t ached like this in so long.
The warmth you’ve brought him in such a short time flares inside of him; why should those flames to die down anytime soon?
Because when’s the last time he spoke with somebody new and felt so normal? He’d never craved simple conversation back in high school. Even in his early 20’s, he’d just been searching for quick flings and easy getaways - those were easy to manage and feelings almost never got involved.
But being with you is like honey to hot, bitter tea. Like chowing down on a hot meal when he’s hungry.
No, it’s not easy to explain, but your presence is somehow satiating to his soul. Osamu even said that he’s been “less of a dick” since he started talking with you, so that must count for something.
You don’t need to know all of that. That’d be really weird. But if you were already being honest with him (even if you hadn’t spilled your entire life’s story) then he can be honest with you. 
But with this groundbreaking realization comes the hard part. Saying it out loud. And while he’s sometimes smooth in terms of flirting, he’s absolute shit at explaining himself.
The words come out slow and awkward. “I’ve been havin’ a hard time with… people.” 
Okay, that’s not at all what he meant to say. 
There are a million things you could’ve gleaned from that useless sentence. ‘I have a hard time with people?’ I mean, if that didn’t sound like a red flag, then what does?
“Oh, really?” Your eyes are wide and thoughtful and he swears he sees a glint of amusement flash through them. 
Shit, this would be harder than he thought. 
“Well, dating in particular, but that’s because my life is out of wack.” He presses on, but it only comes out worse.
Maybe he should’ve taken that communications class back in high school. It would’ve saved his ass in his interviews and, more importantly, here.
You nod along, folding your arms. “Mhmm.”
It’s both unfair and such a relief that you’re finding his verbal blunders funny. 
“Okay, gimme a minute, this is comin’ out all wrong.”
“Take your time,” you smile and your eyes crinkle. “I’ll be here all night.” 
But is it possible to soften what he’s about to say? To give you something to chew on rather than a bunch of information to choke on?
Being candid with you is the only fair way to do this. If he isn’t straightforward with you, you could end up getting hurt. Even being with you here at his brother’s restaurant is a risk — he should’ve thought through that decision better too. Not that he visits his brother there in person much, but it’s still not a gamble he likes to make.
Anyway, what’s done is done. He’s just got to tell you.
Atsumu sits up, resting his clenched fists on his thighs and knitting his brows together.
“Listen, I’m not sure how to tell you this…”
You shift in your seat, mouth closed and eyes fixed on his. There’s a tension in your posture, but he tries not to let it deter him.
“But I’m...”
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eternally-writing · 3 years
chain reaction | jjk
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genre: fluff and angst
rating: PG
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: college!au , enemies to lovers, series
word count: 1.3k
warnings: light swearing
synopsis: A semester with your mortal enemy, Jeon Jungkook, as your lab partner was bound to be an experience to remember.
banner by me!
A/N: hey everyone! This is my first series that I’m writing and I’m so excited to share it with all of you! If you want to be tagged in future parts, reblog and mention that you want to be tagged in the caption, or you can send me an ask!
“You’re late”
Swinging your backpack onto the lab bench beside you, you glare at your lab partner.
“Shut up Jeon, it’s only 8:04am and our TA hasn’t even finished introducing the lab yet”.
Introduction to Organic Chemistry was all set up to be your favorite class. You were a chemistry genius in high school, your professor had amazing “rate my professor” reviews, and the class fit perfectly into your schedule, finishing right at 2:00pm so you could walk back to your dorm under the radiance of the afternoon sun.
It was all going well until you walked into your 8:00AM lab and found that due to budget cuts, all labs would now be done in pairs. And you had been paired with none other than the bane of your existence, Jeon Jungkook. As if doing an amide reduction wasn’t hard enough on its own, you had to do it alongside the biggest thorn in your side.
You couldn’t quite pinpoint exactly what it was about him that irked you so much. Maybe it was the way the girls tried to flirt with his constantly over the open flame of a Bunsen burner, or the way that he sucks up to your extremely old TA in order to get full marks on his procedural skills, or maybe it’s the fact that he somehow managed to look effortlessly put together at 8am on a Tuesday morning, while you looked (and felt) like absolute crap.
Either way, you were counting down the seconds until this semester would be over and you wouldn’t have to look at Jeon Jungkook again, but time seemed to be moving extra slow today.
“Late and spacing out today? Wow, lucky me to have you as a lab partner.”
Scoffing at him, you adjusted your protective glasses and readied your labware for today.
“180 minutes until I’m free. That’s it,” you thought to yourself.
“Technically it’s 170 minutes now, but if we don’t get started someone soon so we can hand in our product by 11am, we’re going to be here for a lot longer than that.”, snapped Jungkook next to you, already starting to mix chemicals together in a beaker.
Well, looks like your habit of accidentally saying things out loud gets worse when you’re tired.
“Let’s just try and get through this lab today without stepping on each other’s toes Jeon, okay?” you said, trying to catch up to Jungkook in the lab.
There was one part of chemistry labs you disliked the most. The waiting time. In some labs it was only 30 minutes, while in other labs it had taken almost an hour, but the constant in all of the situations was that waiting made it feel like time was passing at an infinitely slower rate. Taking out your laptop would violate lab safety protocol, and you couldn’t do any further steps in your lab until your reaction in your solution was done progressing under the fume hood. Since there were no other options, the only other thing left to do in moments like this was talk to Jeon Jungkook.
“So I was -”
“What did you -”
Yikes, add the awkwardness of starting conversation with Jeon Jungkook to the reasons you never talk to him.  You decided to pause and let him carry on with whatever he was saying, giving him a semi-pleasant smile to hopefully help distract from the embarrassment you were feeling.
“I was going to ask what you wanted to do our lab presentation on,” said Jungkook.
Your eyes widened at his statement. Looking at the whiteboard situated at the side of the room, you saw that in the 4 minutes you were late to your lab you may not have missed your TA explaining the procedure, but you did the big words on the board that said:
“FINAL LAB PRESENTATION: 3 weeks from now, worth 20% of your grade, done with your lab. 5-10 page paper and 10-15 minute oral presentation”.
Unable to contain your discontentment with the situation, you let out a groan and leaned back in your chair in frustration, almost falling off your lab stool in the process.
“Well aren’t you just little Miss Sunshine today? I’m not thrilled about this either, but I’d rather pull out my eyelashes than have to repeat this course again next semester,” scoffed Jungkook.
No morning ice coffee + Jeon Jungkook being annoying + a looming group project was more enough to make your head hurt.
“Can we just talk about this later Jeon? My brain can’t process this right now,” you pleaded as you put your head in your hands.
Leaning closer to you, Jungkook spoke at a whisper-level near your ear so nobody else would hear.
“Is your brain too busy processing my charm, sunshine? Don’t worry, I’ll try and tone down the charisma for you,” he joked with a smirk.
Your head went from being in your hands to plopping flat onto your (no longer sterile) lab counter at Jungkook’s comment.
First of all, ew. You don’t know how Jungkook was possibly picking up girls by talking like that. Second of all, charm and charisma were probably two words that you would NEVER associate with Jungkook, so his statement was definitely wrong.
A project with Jungkook meant that you would be spending a LOT more time with him, and the prospect of that happening made you wince internally. Group projects meant libraries, evenings, and , ugh, probably weekends with Jeon Jungkook.
You were snapped out of your internal despair by the sound of Jungkook’s voice.
“Hand me your phone.”
You froze. “Hm?”
“Well I don’t know what you think of me Y/N, but unless you think I can read your mind we’re  going to need to text to figure out when to meet.”
Giving in, you quickly tossed your phone into his open palm while grabbing his phone which was sitting on top of his backpack.
Glancing over his shoulder, you took a peek at your contact name.
“little miss sunshine? really Jeon?”
“Of course sunshine, i had to pick a name that encapsulated your positive and radiant energy,” he retorted, sarcasm practically dripping off of his words.
You definitely were picking your battles today, and one over a silly contact name didn’t seem to be worth it.
“You can do whatever, Jeon, but you’re sticking in my phone as “Jeon Boy” and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“We’ll see about that Y/N,” remarked Jungkook as he opened up his lab manual to read the next steps in the procedure.
Your mom had always taught you that the word “hate” was a very strong word and was only to be used in extreme situations. To this day, there were only 3 people in your life that you truly hated in every sense of the word: your ex-boyfriend, Jimin, your ENGL 101 Professor, Dr.Lee, and your neighbor’s cat, Mr. Whiskers, who chewed up your grade 8 science project the day before it was due.
You wouldn’t say that you hate Jungkook, but you were definitely getting close.
“Yknow, I don’t like you Jeon. Actually, scratch that, I really don’t like you.”
Glancing over at the timer on your lab bench finally reaching 0:00, Jungkook began walking over to the fume hood. Turning back to you, he smirked and started to speak.
“Well, the feeling’s mutual sunshine.”
Boy, this was definitely going to be a long semester.
If you want to be tagged in future parts, reblog and mention that you want to be tagged in the caption (or you can send me an ask)!
If you liked what you read, please write/follow! Thank you for reading♡
- Emily
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
Player/ 5
Pairing- San x Named Reader
Includes- fluff
Series Masterlist
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"Next roller coaster?", I ask excitedly
We've been on four of them already. I wanna go on all of them
San laughs, "Yeah sure. I didn't know you like roller coasters so much."
"Oh man I love them. I used to hate them when I was younger. But I forced myself on one and I loved it."
"That's cool that you made yourself do something. You found something you like"
I nod. "How about a floorless one?", I ask
"Hell yeah!"
"Cool. Let's go", I say excitedly
San takes my hand and I freeze. He hasn't touched me at all today and this is the first time. He stops, looking at me confused. Then he looks where I'm looking, at our hands
"Oh sorry", he says and loosens his grip on my hand
To my surprise I stop him and hold his hand tighter. He looks up at me and I nod. He gives me half a smile, then leads me to the next coaster line
I smile a little, really liking how his hand feels around mine. His is bigger, my small one fitting in it so perfectly. What is wrong with me? Why am I so happy to hold San's hand? I don't know but I'm not going to question it
Instead, I just enjoy feeling happy
"Ready for food?", San asks
We've already been here for three hours and have gone on all the roller coasters.
"Yeah. I can eat"
He chuckles, "Alright. Let's go"
We choose a restaurant and get burgers
"Sit outside?", he asks
I nod, "Yeah ok"
We pick a table far from other people, sit across from each other and eat silent for a few minutes. How is it awkward? We were fine before but now it just feels weird
"So what are you in school for?", he asks
Oh shit, he's really doing the get to know you stuff. Ok I'll bite
"Forensic science"
His eyebrow raises, "Like for crime?"
I nod, "Yeah. I want to work in the lab. Not actually go to a crime scene. I don't think I'll be able to handle that"
I definitely can't go to a bloody murder scene. I'll just puke and mess up the crime scene
"Wow, so you're like super smart"
I laugh, "I guess? I'm only smart with things I like though."
He smiles, "Nerd"
I pout, throwing a fry at him. He laughs and it's such a nice sound. Who'd think he'd have such a nice laugh? Or that I'd like the sound of it
"It's fine, I like nerdy girls. It's hot"
I feel my face on fire. Did he really just say that? God why am I blushing like a school girl?
He tilts his head, eyes on me, "Cute"
"Shut up", I smile, "So what do you do?"
"Well I don't go to school. It's not for me"
I nod. I get it, it isn't for everyone
"I work at a gym. As a trainer"
Figures. He normally wears tightish shirts and I can see his muscles under it. And his arms are muscular too
"Impressive. I guess you work out there too?"
He nods, "Yeah. I can use everything for free, so why not"
True. I'd work out anytime I could if I could do it for free
"So you train girls?", I ask, figuring that's where he picks up some girls
I look up at him to find him watching me. I raise one eyebrow and he speaks
"I don't. I train guys. When I'm working I don't want to be hit on. I take my job seriously. I don't want to be responsible for any injury that could happen if the clients aren't paying attention and flirting"
"Uh injuries?", I question
"Yeah. Anything could happen. Sprains, torn muscles, dropping weights on their body, using the machines incorrectly that can cause injury. I don't need to have someone hurt while I'm working"
Holy shit that's a lot of injuries that could happen. Thank god I'm a lazy fuck and have no worry about being hurt at a gym
"I didn't know that could happen."
"Yeah it happens when people who have no experience come in and start using the machines without having a trainer evaluate them or teach them how to use the machines"
Well that sucks. But I get it. He doesn't want to be responsible for someone being dumb and hurting themselves. I wouldn't either. And people are so stupid, it's a high risk
Trying to lighten the mood, I joke, "So if I came to your job, you wouldn't be my trainer? The one person I'd know there and you'd stay away from me"
"No, I would", he answers and I'm surprised. Didn't he just say he doesn't train girls
"For you I'd do it"
Uh ok, this is getting a little bit serious. I swallow hard
"Maybe you should come and check it out", he says softly
I mean I can. I just hate to exercise. I hate to sweat M. It's gross and I hate the way my clothes stuck to my body, how hot I get, how hard I have to breathe. It's just not appealing
"I kinda suck when it comes to working out. I'm super lazy and a big baby"
He bursts out laughing, "It's ok. I'll help you"
I don't know why but I find myself wanting to go if he's there . God I'm surprised at my feelings and sudden thoughts around him. I never thought I'd have a conversation with San, let alone have a fun time with him. Or want to go work out with him. Still, I want to check it out. See how he works
"Ok so how about after the semester ends, I'll check it out?"
He smiles his dimpled smile and my heart beats faster
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"Yeah ok. I'll be there. Just let me know when you wanna come so I can uh....clear my schedule", he says blushing.
My god it's so cute. "Ok. I will"
He nods and we just sit there awkwardly for minute
"So uh do you have a job?", he asks
I make a face, "Yeah. One I hate"
He laughs, "Well don't leave me hanging. What's your job?"
He raises his eyebrow, silently asking me to continue
"Sometimes I take the orders and work the register which I hate. Other days I make the drinks. Those days are good days"
"Good days?"
"Yeah when I'm left alone. When I don't have to talk to the public", I explain
"Anti social much?", he teases
Oh he has no idea. I love being alone. I can find so many things to do to occupy my time
"Yeah actually. More like a severe introvert. I hate people"
He laughs again, "You hate people? Why?"
"Because they're dumb. When they order they're rude and act like I'm beneath them. And so stupid with everything. Why do you think I want to work in a lab with limited people?"
He laughs loudly, "I guess that'd be a good job for an introvert"
I nod, "Yup"
"What else do you like?"
I feel so weird talking about me
My friends like Mingi, Yunho and Wooyoung know things about me and I don't have to tell them anything. But San really doesn't know me and he really does want to get to know me. And I find I really want to get to know him too
"Well I really like to read. I have like three books shelves in my apartments, filled to the brim. There's so much books that I've started piles on the floor"
"Oh yeah? What kind of books?", he asks
"Fantasy mainly. Historical fiction. Sci-fi if I really like the synopsis of the book"
"Fantasy. That's like Harry Potter right?"
I laugh, "Yeah like Harry Potter. But there's more than just Harry Potter"
His cheeks turn red and my god it's so cute. "Oh"
"It's ok San. I'm guessing you don't read a lot?"
"Sometimes. More like manga or comics"
Sounds about right for a guy. Normally they read hard fantasy, manga, comics, graphic novels or non fiction
"That's cool. What do you like to do?"
His face turns red. Oh god, is he embarrassed? That's adorable
"San?", I question
"I uh like to uh sing. And dance"
That is definitely something I'd never in my life think that he would like to do
"Really? Sing and dance? What kind of dance? Like at a club?"
He shakes his head, "No more like choreography"
"Like BTS?"
He nods. Oh my god. I have to see him do that
"Can I see you dance?"
He shakes his head so fast
"Oh c'mon San. You just told me you sing and dance. I have to see your moves and I definitely have to hear your voice"
"I shouldn't have said anything", he mutters
Shit he's really embarrassed. I didn't mean to do that. "Oh c'mon. Don't be embarrassed. I think it's cool you do both. I suck at dancing and singing. You have to be better than me"
"No way", he answers
Oh yes way. I have two left feet and the voice of a seagull
"Trust me. I suck. But if I show you how much I suck, then you have to dance and sing for me"
He's quiet for a minute thinking "Ok", he finally says, "But you go first. Whenever this is supposed to happen"
"So you told me something that embarrassed you, I'll tell you something I like that's embarrassing"
"You don't have to"
"I want to", I say
"Ok", he nods
"I uh really like dinosaurs"
"Dinosaurs. Like the skeletons"
"Well yeah. But also learning about them. The different kinds. Get me in a natural history museum with dinosaurs in it and I go insane. Total nerd out"
"Joanne, dinosaurs are awesome. That's not embarrassing"
Is he kidding? Mingi and Yunho make so much fun of me when I bring up dinosaurs
"Maybe if you're five it's not embarrassing. But 22? It's embarrassing"
He scoffs, "No it's not. Anyone who tells you that is an idiot. It may be nerdy when you go all scientific about it but like I said I like nerdy girls."
I can't help but blush and smile, looking away from him
"No look at me", he says, "I want to see you're pretty smile"
I blush even harder but I do look back at him
He's just staring at me, "So pretty"
"Oh my god stop it", I squeak, hiding behind my hands
He smiles and I say, "You have a pretty smile. You're dimples are cute"
I just nod. After a few seconds of us staring at each other, he breaks the silence
"So more rides?", San smiles
I nod, "Yeah but slow rides for now. I don't wanna puke everywhere"
He makes a face, "Yeah good idea"
"Wanna go on the race cars?"
"Sure, whatever you want"
"Yeah but do you wanna?", I ask
He nods, "Yeah"
"Ok", I smile
We get up, throwing our stuff in the garbage and he takes my hand again. As we walk, I move my hand, intertwining my fingers with his
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I have no idea what I'm doing or why. I just know I want to. He glances at me, smiling, then keeps walking
And I have a big idiotic grin on my face too
@starry-jinnie @xduygu-arsx @derpjungkook
@tayyainthehood @alecanal93 @loveymochi
@aunt-mei @xciiiomwliah @chsani
@mingkisbitch @theaufanartist
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Hey Neighbour! - Part 5
Word count: 2.5k
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader 
Warning: Flirting with a huge side order of fluff 
A/N: Enjoy loves! I don’t know how well this chapter is but I hope you like it x
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @creepingwolfberry @coconutlipss @saucy-sapphic @minavenable @pearplate @r0an0ke @mssallymckenna @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @venablemayfairgoode @veteranwerewolf95 @chewbacca0805 @pluied-ete @supremeinlilac @nyx-aira @witchxaf @black--widxw @fireflyglass @cordeliafoxxe @d14n4ol @bluevelvetbitxh @amethyst-bitch 
 Not my gif! 
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Part 5 
Pulling up outside of Ally’s driveway you try to keep up with Ally’s rapid steps as she frantically opens her front door making a beeline to an upset Oz and a distraught Lily who seems to have tried her hardest to console the boy. You frown sympathetically knowing that at the end of it all only his mothers comfort will soothe his nightmares. 
“Oz! Are you okay baby?” Ally asks frantically, moving to crouch next to the boy cupping his full cheeks as she attempts to wipe away his tears. His low mumbles are too quiet from your position in the doorway but from the knowing look that passes through those mature brown eyes, you know this is a recurring nightmare. Ally quietly dismisses Lily thanking her for her efforts with a small squeeze to her shoulder as she rubs Oz’s back as one more attempt to comfort him but his attention is solely glued to his mother as he cuddles in close to her, his face tucked securely between her shoulder and neck. Leaving the two alone you move to walk Lily back to her car, allowing the mother and son a private moment. 
“I’m so sorry I ruined your date this evening with Ally,” Lily murmurs, guilt evident within her voice. You shake your head dismissing her apology with a wave of your head. 
“You didn’t ruin anything, Lily. Oz is the main priority here I would expect the same if Amelia had a nightmare and I wasn’t there.” you reassure, feeling grateful that when Amelia has nightmares it’s few and far between. Lily remains quiet for a moment as you go to open her car door for her. Her eyes find yours for a moment as she calculates her next words.
“It’s nice to see her so comfortable around someone again,” she pauses for a moment as she tries to find the right words. “You all seem to fit well together, you're good for each other. I hope you guys get another chance to go out again and I promise not to cut it short this time,” she murmurs sheepishly, a gentle smile appearing on her lips. You fluster over her words, your lips fighting the urge to smile wide at her observation. For someone so young she definitely doesn’t miss a trick. 
“Does that mean you’re offering to look after Amelia as well? Because I gotta admit her current babysitter's a bit of a dismal,” you joke, looking around as if your brother could hear you. Lily laughs no longer feeling awful about the situation. 
“I’ve seen them two together, I think I’d need double the pay and counselling after that ordeal” she jokes back, before her eyes widen as she realises her words. “Not that Amelia is a bad kid I-” you stop her from her ramblings as you laugh patting her shoulder in reassurance. 
“I know Lily, you get yourself home now and drive safe okay. Text Ally once you’re home I know she worries,” you insist. Lily nods her cheeks blushing red as she hurries inside her vehicle, waving sheepishly at you as she sets off. 
You make your way back into the house amused at the shy babysitter before suddenly feeling awkward as you watch Ally rock Oz in her lap whispering soothing words to the boy who smiles and laughs at his mothers attempts to make him smile. You can’t help the small smile that graces onto your lips watching the private moment, you suddenly realise that you may be trespassing on the intimate moment which makes your shuffle on the spot debating on letting your presence be known by the two or allow them a few more moments. Your decision is made as Oz’s eyes find yours from across the room, he grins sheepishly at you from his mothers shoulder. 
“Hi Y/N,” he mumbles tiredly. His greeting makes his mother turn to face you as well, identical brown eyes taking in your form you can see the apologetic gaze from your position by the doorway. You smile widely at the young boy before winking subtly at his mother a silent reassurance passes between you both at the gesture as Ally seems to relax. You move to crouch in front of the boy by the sofa holding your fist out for him to bump which he does happily. 
“Hey, bud. You had a nightmare huh? That must have been scary,” you sympathise with him, watching him nod in agreement at your words shivering slightly as he recalls his terrors.
“Super scary,” you nod, understanding the small boy’s fears. After everything he went through a few years ago with his other mother and the cult that terrorised his family, the poor boy is bound to be imbedded with nightmares. 
“You know what I tell Amelia when she has a nightmare,” he nods silently waiting for you to continue. “I tell her to imagine me next to her holding her hand because as long as I’m there with her no one will ever hurt her,” you pause as your gaze meets Ally’s. “Just like with your mommy, she would never let anything harm you because you’re her baby and she loves you very much and love is the most powerful thing, it can conquer any nasty monsters in our dreams,” you explain watching his innocent eyes sparkle at your words. 
“Mommy always looks out for me!” he exclaims, the remaining essence of his nightmare no longer in his mind. Ally cups the side of his head and holds him close, her glossy eyes stare right back into your own. A look of gratefulness passes across her beautiful brown eyes as she mouths her thanks. You nod once, smiling at the brunette as you go to stand brushing your fingers through his thick blonde locks in comfort before subtly moving your hand to tuck Ally’s brown strands behind her ear, her eyes flutter briefly at your light touch feeling her press slightly against the palm of your hand briefly. 
“I’ll see myself out, thank you for a wonderful evening,” you whisper, your eyes meeting Ally’s as she debates with herself. 
“Let me walk you across at least,” she fights, looking down briefly at the half sleeping boy in her arms. Squeezing her shoulder gently you reassure her that you can make it across your lawn without any trouble and to get her tired boy to bed. Ally stubbornly stands adjusting a now sleeping Oz in her arms as she stands close to you, her side that is not holding Oz leans close to your side as her lips graze softly against your warm cheek. 
“Good night, Y/N. Rain check?” her voice hopefully, as her raspy voice becomes deeper the night's events finally catching up with her. Your lips hover close by her ear.
“Oh most definitely, Senator.” you husk, watching her gape at your braveness with Oz so close. You can see the mischievous glint in her eyes but she remains silent, her lips quirking in anticipation. Stepping from within her space you move for the front door, smiling widely at your neighbour taking in her form and her son who rests close against her chest and shoulder. 
“Sweet dreams you two,” you mutter, winking once before heading out into the dark outside leaving the small family to rest for the night. Excitement bubbles through you as you count down the minutes to see her again. 
You woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes and burnt bacon, startling awake as you come around from your dreamy haze. Racing down the stairs you sigh in relief as you take in your brother and daughter plating up breakfast, you had thought your brother left not long ago assuming how much work had picked up for him in the last few months. 
“I thought you were out early today?” you ask, rubbing the sleep from your eye as you move to greet your daughter who sits nicely at the kitchen counter waiting patiently for the sugary goodness. 
“Hey baby.” you mutter into her hair, as you take a seat next to her. Rupert places a freshly brewed coffee in front of you making you smile gratefully for his thoughtfulness. Your smile turns into a scowl as you watch him grin mischievously. 
“What and miss out on the details of your evening?” he teases, quickly diverting from your hand that swings for his bicep. He chuckles as he brings over the plates handing Amelia her orange juice. You fluster at his pinning gaze, knowing that with Amelia here you have to be careful on what you reveal. 
“It was nice actually, really nice.” you murmur before taking a sip of your morning coffee. He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively above Amelia’s head making you scowl at his immaturity. 
“I bet,” 
“Not like that you idiot, we made cookies at her restaurant,” you elaborate, as Amelia’s gaze shoots towards you, a pout in place. 
“I wanna make cookies at Ally’s shop!” she whines, sulking slightly as she munches on her pancakes. 
“Well maybe you and Oz can come next time and we can all make cookies,” you suggest, knowing how much she enjoys being in the Mayfair-Richards company. Her eyes sparkle at the idea as she grins rambling on about the different types of cookies you could make. Your brother grins from beside her before whipping his hand forward in a ‘whipped’ motion, the movement startles Amelia next to him who tries to copy him by making the whipping sound. 
“That’s right Amelia-cakes, your mom is whipped.” he jokes further as your daughter laughs nodding in agreement with his words without fully understanding them. A knocking sound from the front door startles you all from your moment, as you frown in confusion, certainly not expecting anyone this early. 
Standing you make your way to the front door, glancing through the peephole to see blurry blonde hair. Smiling you open the door and come face to face with the young boy from next door who you have grown fond of. Oz stands wrapped up warm in his coat and beanie hat that looks similar to Amelia’s, as he grins softly and waves. 
“Good morning Oz, does your mom know you’re here?” you ask, leaning against the doorframe as you glance over towards their driveway searching for the familiar brunette. You finally spot her by her car carrying two brown bags up the driveway, she must sense eyes on her as she turns slightly meeting your gaze. Her lips twitch into a small smile as she attempts to wave, she holds out a finger gesturing for you to wait a moment while she settles the bags down by the doorstep before making her way over. Your eyes widen briefly as you remember your attire, folding your arms across your slightly exposed chest, brown eyes trail up your form taking in the thin piece of material noticing the small dip by your chest. You clear your throat startling her intense gazing. 
“Good morning Ally,” you voice lower than you expected as you shuffle in place. Her lips twitch as her brown eyes sparkle.
“Good morning indeed,” she murmurs, biting her bottom lip briefly. Your eyes lock with hers for a moment as that familiar tension between you manifests, like metal to magnets you’re drawn to each other's space and presence. 
“Ozzy!!” Amelia’s voice screeches from behind you, making you cringe at the loud volume. Ally laughs in understanding as her gaze finally leaves your own and zones in on a running Amelia. Oz beams at her as she rushes forward hugging her best friend, she pulls back and pats his head inspecting the new piece of clothing. 
“Your hat is like mine!” she exclaims, as Oz grins sheepishly his pale cheeks blushing. 
“Your beanie is really cool, so I asked my mommy if I could have one as cool as yours,” he explains, as Ally smiles fondly down at the two. At the mention of the brunette, Amelia turns her gaze to your neighbour and launches forward wrapping her arms around her legs as Ally chuckles in surprise before bending down to greet her properly. 
“Well what a lovely way to be greeted in the morning,” she comments, brushing the few stray pieces of hair out of Amelia’s face. 
“Can we bake cookies at your shop!” Amelia asks, her eyes growing big and round as she pouts at the poor woman who seems to be struggling under her endearing expression. That face has been known to get away with anything. 
“Of course you can sweetheart! How about next weekend?” Ally suggests, her eyes seeking out yours for permission. You happily nod along, excited at the idea of spending more time with the brunette. Amelia cheers holding onto Oz’s hand as she pulls him deeper into the house to go and tell her uncle and to introduce her new friend to him. Ally goes to protest but the two disappear out of sight before she can breathe a word, leaving you alone together at the front door. Her dark eyes admire your form slowly, taking in every curve and exposed skin. 
“I’ve never met someone who looks this good after just waking up,” she murmurs, her eyes never drifting from your body. You fluster at her words, biting your bottom lip feeling shy by her gushing compliment and intense gaze. You decide now isn’t the best time to continue with this back and forth flirting in case prying ears were nearby and you don’t just mean the children. 
“Would you like to come in? I was just thinking about taking Amelia to the park if you wanted to join us?” you offer, hoping she would say yes but the small frown that appears onto her dark brows vanquishes any hope you had for spending more time with the brunette today. 
“That sounds wonderful but I have a campaign meeting in about an hour and with the election in less than two weeks-”
“Oh god yeah, honestly don’t worry about it maybe next time?” you suggest hopefully, Ally nods and promises next weekend you can do something together and with the kids. You continue to talk briefly at the door realising the meeting is being held at Ally’s house, you offer to look after Oz for the day while she attends to her campaign meetings. Ally shakes her head insisting that Oz would be okay and can entertain himself while she works but you insist that since Amelia doesn’t seem to be letting go of her new friend anytime soon, you were sure they’d appreciate the run around at the park. 
“Are you sure? Honestly, I’m fine with keeping Oz at home with me. I don’t want to disrupt your day with Amelia,” you lace your fingers through hers to stop her from her ramblings.
“Ally, it’s okay I would love to take Oz out with us. Besides it takes a bit of stress off your shoulders for a few hours,” you reassure, squeezing her hand. Her bright smile makes you melt on the spot feeling your chest flutter at the sight. 
“You’re too good to me,” she whispers, brushing your cheek with the tip of her finger, her eyes full of gratitude and fondness. You shrug feeling sheepish at her physical gesture of thanks muttering a ‘no problem’. 
“Would you like to come in for a moment? I think they’re in the backyard,” you assume, sharing a small smile with Ally as you refer to the two best friends. She nods brushing herself past you, making sure her chest brushes briefly against your own, your eyes flutter for a moment enjoying the way your body reacts to hers. That exciting spark that radiates throughout your body whenever you’re near her it both excites and terrifies you. 
You follow close behind her as you enter your kitchen area, you relax when you notice the empty area catching glimpses of your brother outside with Amelia and Oz keeping them entertained. 
“You have a beautiful home, Y/N.” Ally comments, her eyes taking in the newly installed kitchen counter and sink. You smile as you thank her, feeling proud of your new home, Ally moves towards the backdoors watching the two run around after your brother. Ally smiles fondly as she takes in Amelia’s pyjamas under her coat and wellingtons enjoying how carefree the two are whenever they’re around one another. You stand next to her for a moment enjoying the same view in front of you. 
“I should call them back in, Amelia’s gonna end up with muddy pyjamas and she’ll only be upset for ruining her favourite set.” you explain, muttering to yourself. Ally chuckles quietly next to you. 
“Probably for the best,” she says, laughing as they both managed to finally tackle your brother to the ground. You can faintly hear him call for help, as his eyes find you both by the backdoor. 
“Please come and get your children, they are both menaces,” he complains, grunting as Amelia accidently knees him in his stomach trying to get back onto her feet. You shake your head at their antics before stepping forward and begrudgingly helping your brother. 
“Come on you two, leave him alone. You guys are far too strong for him,” you tease, reaching a hand out for Amelia to take. Oz runs to your side, laughing at your brother's offended expression. 
Ally places her hands on top of Oz’s shoulders as he enters back through the house, you following not far behind. 
“Oz, how do you feel about spending the day with Amelia and Y/N?” she asks him. His eyes widen in excitement as he nods. 
“Yes! What are we doing Y/N?” he wonders, Amelia steps up next to him and explains your plans of playing at the park and picking some ice cream on the way back. 
“Aw man, I’m missing out on Ice cream?!” Rupert exclaims, pouting at his niece and her new friend. She pats his back in some form of comfort. 
“It’s okay Uncle Rupie, I’ll save you some for next time!” she promises, before coming distracted with talks of favourite slides and swings with Oz. Your brother eyes Ally who stands close to you as she watches the two move towards the living room. 
“So you must be Ally, I’m Matt this one’s handsome brother,” he charms, grinning from ear to ear. Ally smiles amused at his charming ways, but her eyes fall onto you.
“He’s a real charmer huh?” her question directing towards you, as you grin playing along with her teasing mannerisms.
“Oh yeah a real stud, also your name isn’t Matt jackass,” you joke back, as his eyes glare at your smug form. 
“Your name isn’t Matt silly! It’s Uncle Rupie!” Amelia exclaims, entering back into the kitchen with Oz in toe. Your grin widens further as your brother flusters. 
“Oh yeah I forgot, Matt is your name when you’re trying to hit on the ladies,” you joke further, as Ally’s eyes sparkle with amusement. He puffs out his chest in defence before deflating.
“Rupert doesn’t work well with the ladies okay? Matt does. Rupert is an old man’s name,” he explains, as you all laugh at his sad expression. You move forward and pat his cheek mockingly. 
“I don’t think either works well with them, brother.” You smile innocently, as you move to make Amelia and Oz a drink. Ally’s lip twitches in amusement as she watches you move around the kitchen but startles out of her daydreaming remembering what she needs to do before the meeting starts.
“I better get going then!” she announces, turning her attention onto Oz as she crouches down to hug him goodbye. “Be good okay, I’ll see later on.” she promises, kissing his forehead and standing. Ally smiles at your brother and holds out her hand for him to shake which he takes happily. 
“It was nice meeting you… Matt,” his cheeks flush at her teasing tone as you laugh at his embarrassment. Rupert glares at you before turning his attention onto his niece leaving you with a free moment to walk Ally over to the front door. She turns to face you by the door and lightly kisses your cheek. 
“Thank you for doing this,” her voice full of warmth and gratitude. Your lips twitch fighting back a wide smile. 
“Of course, I’ll see you later on.” you whisper back, her lips an inch from your own. The silent urge to kiss her lips again burns strong within you but you resist knowing a rude interruption is possible. A knowing look passes between you both as Ally steps back and smiles once more before rushing back across to her porch to collect her grocery bags by the doorstep and with a final wave in her direction you head back inside to change for the day. 
She’s going to be the death of me. 
The day passed by fast with both children slowly starting to tire out after a fun filled day in the fresh air, stomachs full with hot delicious food and yummy cold treats. Now back at your house as the bright day slowly fades into night, you look around the new makeshift living room taking in the twinkling fairy lights that dangle around the made up Teepee giving the room a bright orange glow, pillows stacked all around with thick duvet covers spread out inside the Teepee. You stand holding the bowl of popcorn by the living room doorway watching as the two lie on their stomachs chattering away, laughing at the silly yellow creatures on the TV. 
“I got popcorn!” you announce to the room, both heads turn quick in your direction at the mention of popcorn wide smiles spreading across their youthful cheeks. Moving forward you flop in between the two placing the bowl in front of you allowing them both to grab a handful. The movie continues with the three girls finally finding their home with their new father and his yellow minions, you watch as Amelia’s eyes flutter as her chin resting heavily in the palm of her hand, Oz following close behind. 
“Alright you two, I think it might be best if we walk Oz back home now,” you mutter, looking over to the clock on the far wall you frown as you take in the time, realising that it’s getting late and still no word from Ally. 
‘She must be really busy with this campaign’ you wonder to yourself, moving to get rid of all the empty bowls of sugary goodness hearing the collective groans and moans from two very tired children. You shake your head at their protest continuing into the kitchen, you look across through your window in hopes to catch a glimpse of her in her own kitchen and frown when you notice the lights off and the house in darkness. A loud knock startles you from your curiosity as you head quickly over to the door and open it wide. Ally stands slightly out of breath, her eyes apologetic as they meet yours. 
“I am so sorry, everything got really hectic so fast and we were missing a few locations from the campaign tour and i-” you hands on her shoulders makes her pause as you smile at her chuckling softly. 
“Ally it’s okay, we’ve had a great day today!” you reassure, watching a small pout play on her lips.
“I wish I had a fun day with you,” she grumbles slightly, making you laugh fondly at her. Your hands move from her shoulder to cup her cheeks briefly rubbing your thumb along her cheekbones. 
“Next time, Senator.” you vow, before ushering her into the house. Her brown eyes widen as she takes in your neat little set up in the living room. 
“Wow you guys have been busy today,” she says impressed by your hard creative work, a hint of sadness evident in her voice. You lean against the doorframe watching as she crouches down to see into the teepee as the small whispers of young voices escape the tent. 
“Mommy!!” Oz exclaims, launching forward into his mothers arm who manages to hold his weight against her even in those heels. She laughs as she rubs his back pulling back to move his shaggy hair from his face. 
“I love the little set up you guys have here,” she compliments, as your daughter's head pops out of the teepee. 
“Come join us Miss. Ally, I have a star nightlight and fairy lights!” Amelia informs her with enthusiasm. Ally smiles fondly at her and cups her cheek briefly. 
“Sounds wonderful, sweetheart.” she mutters, warmth evident in her tired voice. The two entice the brunette into the tent as she tries to protest. Her gaze searching yours for help, you laugh and merely shrug your shoulders. 
“If I had to get in there, it’s only fair that you do too.” you chuckle at her glaring expression but you can see the bright glint in her eyes. She removes her heels as crawls into the teepee giving you a nice view of her behind for a moment before she disappears completely into the makeshift tent. Amelia’s head pops out again as she looks at you with a confused expression, tilting her head slightly.
“And you mommy, come on come on,” she rushes, waving you over. You sigh and begrudgingly crouch and crawl inside the teepee. The extra body doesn’t leave much room for you all to sit around which forces you to lie down onto your back next to Ally, Oz on her other side with Amelia on your other. You and Ally remain silent for a moment as the other two tell Ally about their day in hushed voices, you both grin at their words and storytelling while watching the twinkling lights above. You tense for a moment when you feel a hand brush against your fingers that rest at your side, brown eyes rest upon your face with a small smile in place making you match her expression. 
“Mommy’s good at making days special,” Amelia informs Ally from your other side, as she snuggles into you. Ally raises an eyebrow and answers your daughter, her gaze still locked with your own. 
“Yeah, she’s amazing Amelia-cakes,” her voice no more than a whisper, your head turns towards hers at her words making you flush. A moment of silence settles across you all, but Ally’s eyes say plenty of words that are left unspoken making your heart flutter and burst as you both come to the realisation. 
‘I’m falling for this woman’ 
Ally lays her head against your shoulder, as you all bask in the quietness of the room watching the twinkling lights scatter across the inside of the teepee. Your eyelids begin to flutter as you fight to stay awake and bask a little more in this close embrace but sleep starts to win as you succumb to the darkness. 
The different weights that lie against your chest startles you awake from your peaceful slumber as your blurry eyes take in the different coloured hair on either side of your chest, a small foot sticks up across Ally’s hip as you blink a few times regaining senses. The small shift stirs Ally awake as she moves her head from your chest, your hand still resting a top of hers that lays against your stomach. 
“Good Morning’,” you whisper, feeling a small smile play against your lips. Her eyes lift to meet your gaze as she greets your good morning with a breath-taking smile. 
“Yes, definitely a good morning,” she whispers back, reluctantly removing herself from your chest to help settle Oz next to her who seems to have slept in an eagle position, his knee digging into her side. You focus your attention onto your daughter who seems to still be in a deep sleep brushing the hair from her face. You settle her onto the pillow allowing her to sleep further as the sun starts to stream into the room. 
You both crawl out of the teepee without disturbing the two, tip toeing your way out of the room and into the kitchen. You laugh quietly as you take in Ally’s attire, still dressed in her formal senator wear that’s now crinkled from sleeping in it. 
“Nice outfit,” you tease, grabbing the coffee mugs from the cupboard to make you both a fresh cup. She glares playfully at you as she makes her way over to you, with your back now turned as you concentrate on making the fresh beverage the weight of her front against your back startles you slightly as her warm breath hits against your neck. 
“It would look better on your kitchen floor,” her sultry voice vibrates against your skin as her teeth nip briefly at your earlobe making you suppress a moan. 
“Ally I-” 
“Mom!” The distant sound of Oz’s voice startles you both from your heated moment as you both sigh in disappointment. Ally looks at you for a moment before squeezing your hand. 
“Maybe next time yeah?” her teasing voice, leaving a low heat in your navel as you nod mutely. Ally saunters away making sure your gaze is on the sway of her hips as she leaves to see to her son in the other room. 
Well fuck. 
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
I Only Swim Free: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You’ve done swimming all your life. You’ve gotten to your dream college on a scholarship for your outstanding freestyle technique back in high school. Relationships never crossed your mind however, that was before you met your swim team captain: Bela Dimitrescu.
Warning: Awkwardness, fluff; not really warnings but might as well leave them here
A/N: Another original idea from @su-lilly-reblogs because I’m running out of ideas to make stories for our lovely women. Also, this is a series! Originally this was going to be a one-story thing however, I was moving for this to be a series! So, Enjoy!
You step out into the floor, all eyes become glued onto you. Although you’ve felt confident in the beginning when you got your acceptance letter and scholarship to attend your dream college and get accepted into the 5-time state champion swim team. What you didn’t expect was your captain. 
“Y/n Y/l/n,” she smiles, “Bela Dimitrescu, captain of the Dimitrescu University Swim Team. They told me that we’re getting a rookie. I’m impressed you got a scholarship too.”
“Well, great to be here,” You lightly chuckle, trying to not gawk too much
“Bela you should have her do initiation,” one of the team members says
All of the other current members began agreeing to the idea as well.
Your heart dropped. 
Initiation? Why haven’t I heard about this one? Is it one of those kinds where it’ll just catch you off guard? 
“Oh don’t worry little dolphin,” Bela smiles, taking notice of your change in expression
“It’s just where you show off your swimming skills,” another one of the members call out, “Nothing to worry about! If you got a scholarship for this, then you must be one of the best swimmers back in high school!”
Oh, well that helps a lot.. But in front of all of these really experienced college-level swimmers? Especially in front of the captain? Gah... Guess I have no choice... Plus, I wasn’t one of the best swimmers in high school.
You place your swim bag onto the bench closest to you, however, reaching into it to grab your swim cap and goggles. You put your swim cap on and begin walking toward one of the stands to leap off of to initiate your swimming style.
“So, what’s your swimming style?” another member asks you
“I only swim free,” You say, monotonous, getting up onto the stand.
I’ve never heard of one of my girls saying she only swims free... She’s already  impressive.
Bela smiles slightly. 
“Just do three laps y/n, ready,” Bela announces
Bela watches you lift your butt toward her. Bela begins blushing. 
Girl’s ripped... God what am I thinking?!
A beep sound goes off and you launch yourself into the water. With ease, your form dives into the water with no resistance. One stroke after the other, Bela watches in awe as your muscles flex each time you lift them above the water. The girls watched you in amazement as to how fast you were able to move in the water, despite how the water would often move against your body whilst swimming.
Impress them y/n. You’re almost there...
You could feel your lungs beginning to burn as you were halfway back around the third lap.
Go beyond your limit y/n....
Your palm plants itself along the wall of where you launched yourself. You take in a deep breath as you almost ran out on the last stretch. You remove your goggles from your eyes and look up; Bela holding out her hand towards you. You grab onto it as she helps you out of the pool.
“That was insane y/n, how’d you do it?” One of the team members asks
“I’ve swam all my life,” You say, chuckling, “Also, my family helped me build muscle for it.”
You look around and your eyes land on Bela, coincidentally hers land on you as well. She gives you a wink before she begins walking away, approaching whom you believed was the coach. You think nothing of it before you’re dragged back further into the pool area by everyone else. You just answer as many questions as you can.
“I also swim freestyle but I don’t think I’d ever be able to swim that fast,” One member states
“Well, I’m not sure how much I can tell you, because it’s also in your willpower to tell yourself to keep going,” You add
“Okay okay give our rookie some air,” the coach comes along, “I’m coach Donna Beneviento. I welcome you to the Dimitrescu University Swim Team. Practice begins tomorrow at 6pm sharp. We practice every Monday and Thursday, same time.”
After practice, your new teammates had made their leave to deal with the academic aspect of college. You step out of the changing room in front of the shower in some shorts and a sports bra. However, right from across you Bela steps out of the shower as well; only wrapped in a towel. You feel your cheeks heat up before the both of you had to forcefully look away from each other. However, you couldn’t help but catch one more glance. You didn’t want to help it at all though. 
“S-sorry Captain,” You say, walking yourself over to the mirrors
"Bela,” she says, “It’s after practice. You may call me Bela after practice.”
“You sure?” you ask, scuffing your hair to look slightly messy
From the mirror’s reflection, you, again couldn’t help but look up to admire Bela’s figure however, you didn’t realize that she had let her towel fall to her ankles. So you were basically seeing her bare naked.
“Oh my god!” You yell, startling Bela
“What?!” She asks, turning to look at you through the mirror
“I’m sorry,” You clear your throat, trying to not make eye contact with her, “I thought I saw something on the mirror.”
You try your best to hide your deep red cheeks from Bela’s view.
“Have you never seen a naked woman?” She asks, finally slipping on some of her clothing
“Not-not really,” You stutter
“Hope that was a good show for you,” Bela teases
Oh shit... She knew I looked at her naked arse didn’t she?...
“Shit,” Bela growls
“What’s the matter?” You ask her, turning to her, finally getting the oxygen you needed to breathe when you noticed her having clothing on
“I thought I packed a hoodie,” She sighs
Your hand immediately dives into your duffle bag and you managed to pull out a hoodie from it.
“See if this’ll fit,” You say, “If it fits, it’s yours.”
You watch her take your band hoodie and put it over her. It was slightly bigger on her however you couldn’t help but crack a smile. 
“What?” Bela smiles, hoisting her backpack over her shoulder
“N-nothing,” You clear your throat once more, “You look good in it is all.”
“You think so?” Bela asks, blushing
“For sure,” You smile
The both of you exit the locker room and begin making your way out to the parking lot. 
“Hey, can I ask you a weird question?” Bela asks
“Sure,” You say
“How did you get so ripped?” She asks
“Oh- I- uhhh...” You begin
Bela giggles at your response to her compliment.
“I- perks of having your family own a gym,” You say, “They practically trained me since wanting to do swimming. If you want to work out with me sometime, I could pull some strings and get you to be a guest with my membership. If that’s something you’d be interested in.”
“I’d like that sometime y/n,” Bela smiles
“By the way, would you wat to- I don’t know- maybe-”
Before you could finish your question, a car pulls up in front of the both of you. You watch the window roll down and see a male in the driver’s seat. 
“Hey babe,” He says, smiling, “Who’s the kid?”
“She’s the newest member to our swim team,” She says, getting into the passenger seat, “Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow after classes y/n.”
Your heart sank as you watched the car drive off... After all of that flirting with her in the locker room... 
If she has a boyfriend.... Then what the absolute hell was that in the locker room? 
However, you don’t linger on it as you get into your own vehicle. Although you had just gotten out of a long practice day, you hook up your music to your car’s radio and input directions to where your family runs the gym you had mentioned to Bela. Surprisingly, the gym your family runs is 10 minutes out of the campus.
“Hey kiddo,” Your dad says as he watches you enter the gym, “How was your first day of practice?” 
“Oh, it was great,” You exaggerate, “Everyone was kind of impressed with my swimming technique. I guess those training sessions with you are beginning to pay off pops.”
“See,” He says, smiling, “Are you going to be home for dinner tonight?” 
“No, I gotta head back to my apartment after this one,” You reply, “I want to get ready for my first day of classes tomorrow.”
You had managed to find an apartment close to campus that was affordable. you weren’t about to find a roommate and live in a building with shitty water supply.
“Fair enough,” He says, “Well, help yourself kiddo. Gym’s nearly empty today.”
He was right; at most there was five people in the entirety of the gym. Normally, it would nearly be packed. You just assumed people had lives outside of the gym. You did too, but you felt something in you that you did not enjoy feeling. You began punching the life out of a punching bag, hoping it would get your frustrations out.
Are we jealous? Why? She has a boyfriend, you shouldn’t be complaining.
You were also confused, why Bela had given you “a show” in the locker room, talking to you nearly all of practice.... You were a rookie and she was the Captain... 
When you had finished your workout, you went back to your apartment. You decided to make a late night snack as you felt famished after workout. You put in your earbuds to try and get your thoughts away from your encounter with Bela’s boyfriend earlier.
“Shower” - Crimson Apple
It gave you a nice chill evening vibe. However, although it helped very little, you still couldn’t help but be confused on what happened to you earlier today. However, once you looked at the time, you finish up your small meal and head off to bed, hoping the day’s classes are able to get your mind off of your confused self. 
Throughout the day, you could only think about what happened yesterday between you and Bela in the locker room through your music. You also couldn’t wait to get in the water after your classes, as the song you were listening to was used in a Swimming sport-themed anime.
“Splash Free” - Style5
You cross the street and come across a castle-like building.
“Is this- the art building?” You ask yourself, “My lord this place is gigantic.”
As you enter the building, you were in awe, even the interior was regal. However, with some modern modifications. Like the elevator, you press the upward arrow button and the elevator doors open. You step in and press the number ‘4′, hence you were going to the fourth floor. Your major is Photography with a minor in Asian studies, concentration in Japanese. As you get out of the elevator, you begin heading to your last class of the day. You were more of a morning person. Thus, you had all of your classes before 6pm. 
Chapter 2
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tiffdawg · 3 years
Curriculum Vitae: Chapter Fifteen
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Gif: @bestintheparsec​
curriculum vitae noun cur·ric·u·la vi·tae Latin. the course of one’s life.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader (fem; no y/n)
Word Count: 7.0k
Rated: E  | Warnings: NSFW – explicit sexual content, sex, public sex, oral sex (female receiving), cumplay, dirty talk. Mentions of alcohol. Mild language. 18+ only.
Chapter Summary: In this chapter, you and Javier attend the holiday party for the social sciences’ faculty.
A/N: I really risked it all for y’all just to login and post this. I still haven’t seen the finale so I’m going to drop this and run but I’d love to know what you think. I hope this chapter makes the extra-long wait worth it.
Read on AO3
CV Masterlist | My Masterlist
… . …
Chapter Fifteen
Unsurprisingly, things were tense the next morning
Javier was up before you but that wasn’t out of the ordinary. Although considering it was a quarter past seven you wondered how much sleep the man could’ve gotten. What was surprising was that you woke alone.
Then you ate breakfast together in silence. Moved about your 400 square foot studio in silence. Worked across the dining table grading papers in silence.
Javier was never an overly talkative person but that was unlike him. It was unlike the two of you. You knew there were things from his past that troubled him. Things you couldn’t even begin to imagine. The longer you’d known him, the more time you spent together, the more you felt his sadness. But he seemed determined to hide it from you.
However, you couldn’t dwell on it. Not until you’d finished grading exams and assigned final grades and could put the fall quarter behind you. With a Monday deadline, work came first.
Eventually, Javier finished his grading. He gathered his things to go home and dress for the faculty party that evening, leaving you with just a kiss on your cheek and a promise to pick you up at six. You hummed noncommittally as you watched him leave.
Sunny whined at the closed door before looking over her shoulder at you with a silent question in her wide brown eyes. “I don’t know what’s wrong either,” you answered with a shrug. She laid down where she was, head on her paws and a rather sad expression of her face.
… . …
By some miracle, you were able to focus long enough to finish your grading with enough time to spare to get ready for a night out. At 5:58 you walked out of your building into the dark evening and found Javier waiting for you at the bottom of the stoop. It was a chilly night and you pulled your wool coat tighter around you as you closed the last bit of distance between the two of you. For the first time that day, as he held his hand out to you, he smiled. It was nothing more than a slight pull at the corner of his lips, but it was something.
You took his hand and let him lead you toward his car. When he reached into his coat pocket, presumably in search of his keys, he pulled out a half-finished pack of Nicorette. He tossed it in a nearby trash can.
“Why did you do that?” you asked without thinking.
He shrugged as he unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for you. “I don’t need it.”
You made no move to get in. “I thought you were trying to quit.”
“I… I did.”
“Really?” you asked, not bothering to hide your excitement.
“I haven’t needed it for a couple of weeks now actually.”
 “Javi, that’s amazing,” you smiled as you brought him to you for a kiss by the lapels of his coat. “I’m so proud of you.”
 He chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re proud of me?”
 “Yeah,” you said easily. He still didn’t seem to believe you. You continued tentatively, afraid you might say the wrong thing but needing to say something all the same. “Sometimes I just– I feel like I don’t actually know that much about you. Or, I should say, about your past. And I don’t need to know anything more than what you want to tell me,” you added quickly. “But I see you. I see you trying to be a better man. Everyday.” Your hands moved on their own accord to cup his freshly shaved cheeks. “I’m proud of you. Even if you think it’s silly.”
“I–” Javier opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn’t manage more than that single syllable.
Instead, he stared at you. You might’ve crossed some unspoken line, but you didn’t care. You’d meant everything that you said. His eyes shifted away as he stared at something past you for a drawn-out moment. “Come here,” he finally managed, and he pulled you into his embrace. The two of you held each other in the middle of the sidewalk, letting the few people out and about walk around you. “You’re too good for me, compañera.”
“I know,” you teased, trying to lighten the mood. His fingers dug into your sides and you laughed. “Are we going to talk about what happened last night?”
He sighed heavily. “I’d rather have one good night with you before I leave. I’m not going to see you for more than two weeks.”
Deciding not to question it, you put it out of your mind. Maybe what happened was a one off. Still, you pulled back and scowled at him. “Then stop being such a….”
“An asshole?”
He huffed a laugh and rolled his eyes but nodded his agreement. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“You gonna make it up to me?”
 “Yeah. Yeah, I’ve got plans for you tonight.”
A chill shot down your spine at the insinuation. “Good,” you smirked, “so do I.”
… . …
The country club was only a short drive past the university and up into the hills amongst rows of gated mansions. Slipping out of the car before the valet approached, you darted in ahead of Javier. The bubble that the two of you were living in still didn’t extend to work, not entirely. Not beyond fucking in your offices and occasionally brushing hands under the table at faculty meetings.
Inside, the already gilded ballroom was draped in silver and gold holiday decorations from ceiling to floor. Every inch sparkled and shone in the chandelier light. Your colleagues from across the school of social sciences crowed the hall, all dressed to the nines with glasses of champagne and hors-d’œuvre topped with caviar in their hands.
You politely made your rounds before you found yourself conversing with Debra by the bar as you waited for a cocktail. She was her usual gossipy self, going on and on about the latest office drama. That was when you first spotted Javier amongst the crowd.
He wore a well-fitted black suit – one that was significantly more flattering than some of his older ones and you idly wondered if it was new – with a white shirt, forgoing a tie so that his tanned chest was still exposed, even on a winter night. His dark hair was styled just enough to keep it off his face. Even from across the room, you could see the glimmer in his warm brown eyes as he chatted away with someone. You were surprised when he walked right up to Rafael Garcia, one of the younger professors from the political science department. You watched as they shook hands and he was introduced to his wife, noting the genuine smile on his face.
“We just started seeing each other a couple of weeks ago but it’s going well so far. I really like him.” Deb’s voice brought you back to the present.
“That’s nice,” you replied absentmindedly.
“What about you, doc?”
“What? Oh, no. I don’t have time for something like that.” You waved her off, but your eyes still followed Javier across the room. You tried to ignore the heat pooling in your stomach.
“That’s a shame.” Debra looked out at the crowd and sighed. “He never flirts with me. Not anymore, at least.”
“Your new boyfriend?”
“No,” she laughed and smacked your shoulder playfully. “Javier,” she answered, lowering her voice.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Although you hoped it wasn’t that obvious who you’d been looking at. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. And don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“Sure, but Javier was always fun to flirt with. It certainly made work more interesting. You know,” she took a sip of her martini, “the two of you seem awfully friendly lately. I thought you hated him.”
“I do,” you answered quickly.
“Well, don’t let Dr. Campbell hear you speak ill about his favorite lecturer.” She raised her brows over her class as the department chair approached the two of you. You stifled a sigh.
… . …
Javier sipped at his drink as he listened to Sofia Garcia regal him with the story of how she met her husband. He’d hardly spoken to the man before than night, but after five minutes with his loquacious wife, he felt like he knew his whole life story.
“I played on the Mexican women’s national team for a few years after college until I injured my knee. But it was a blessing. I was offered a coaching position here a week later and by the end of my first season we were engaged.” She held up her left hand where a modest diamond sat on her ring finger. “That was nearly fifteen years ago. Now he’s the only one who plays soccer.”
“Yeah,” Rafael scoffed, “I play in an adult league with my cousin and some old college friends. That hardly counts. She’s the real athlete.” He looked fondly on his wife who beamed back at him. Even Javier had to admit they made a handsome couple. And it had nothing to do with his expensive looking suit or her champagne dress. It was something about the way they looked at each other. they were easily better conversationalists than most of the people in that room. You weren’t kidding when you said academics only knew how to talk about journal articles and research funding. “You ever play, Peña? We’re actually looking for one more.”
Javier shook his head. “I played when I was a kid but that was a long fucking time ago.”
“Don’t worry, man, it’s not that serious. We drink the whole game. All you gotta do is pay for the keg when it’s your turn.”
Javier laughed, surprised by his answer. “I could get on board with that.”
The conversation moved on, but Javier was only half aware of whatever question he was being asked. Just over Rafael’s shoulder, he caught sight of you. With a red dress with thin straps draped across your form that left everything and nothing to the imagination, you looked… alluring.
“Hey, uh, you look like you could use a refill,” Rafael commented, pointing toward the bar where you were standing.
“Yeah,” Javier nodded, “I’ll catch you later. Nice meeting you, Sofia.”
“I hope to see you around, Javier.” She smiled kindly at him, but Javier was already on the move, swiftly cutting through the crowd as he contemplated the ways that he could get you alone.
“Whiskey. Dry,” he ordered, leaning against the bar next to you.
“How are you enjoying the evening, Professor Peña?” Debra simpered.
“Much better now that I’m talking to you lovely ladies,” he answered without missing a beat.
On cue, Debra’s whole face flushed bright red.
“I’ll have you know I’m spoken for now. Your charm won’t work on me anymore.”
“That’s too bad.” His eyes slid to you. And then up and down your body. “What about you, sweetheart?” He offered you the perfect set up on a silver platter. And you took it.
“Not in your wildest dreams, Peña,” you shot back. His lips quirked as he repressed a smile.
“Don’t you two ever get tired of antagonizing each other?” Debra scoffed before traipsing off. He was hoping that would work.
The bartender placed Javier’s drink on the counter and then he turned back to you, still admiring your dress. Now that he was near you, he noticed the fabric was a soft red velvet he wanted nothing more than to get his hands on.
“You looked like you were enjoying your conversation with Rafael.”
“He does some interesting work on South American politics,” he offered distractedly, his eyes snapped back up to yours. “I probably shouldn’t ask you to dance.”
You reeled back a little, as if the question surprised you. “Probably not. That might ruin the whole facade of me hating you.” He made a sour face as he looked at his glass in his hand, swirling the amber liquid a few times. “I wouldn’t have taken you for the dancing type, Javi.”
He grinned. “I love dancing.”
“You never take me dancing.”
“Fucking shame. I’m gonna start.” You beamed at him, uncaring, just for a moment, who saw. It was a smile nothing short of dazzling. He took a step closer. “You look stunning.”
“You drove me here.”
“I thought you were stunning then too. But you were wearing a coat and I didn’t get to see this.” He ran the back of his knuckles down the fabric of your dress just over that sensitive spot on your side he liked so much. “You were right. This is definitely worth it.”
“What if I told you there’s more,” you said unaffectedly, feigning interest in your empty glass. The mischievous look in your eyes when they met his confused expression gave you away. Gently, you brought his hand to your thigh, just under the hem of your dress, and his fingers instantly hooked around the strap of the garter belt holding your sheer stockings in place.
“Holy fuck,” he whispered. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“What a way to go,” you cooed. His hand traveled up the strap to the apex of your thighs where he found little more than a thin piece of lace below the belt. “Careful,” you warned him, pushing his hand away.
Turning so that his body pinned you between him and the bar top and shielded you from the rest of your colleagues, he grasped your hand and brought it to the front of his pants “Can you feel what you do to me?” he said against the shell of your ear.
“That’s what I was hoping for.” Your smile was absolutely wicked.
“Do you have any idea how fucking hard it is not to kiss you right now?”
“Yes.” You squeezed him through his trousers. Javier might’ve looked remarkably calm, but he knew you felt his reaction. He steeled himself as he finished his drink and set the glass on the counter behind you.
“Follow me.”
… . …
Keeping a few steps behind him, you followed Javier back to the front of the club. You assumed he was leading you out to the car but apparently, he had something else in mind. He swung open the door to the coat check, since abandoned by the clerk now that all the guests had arrived and the party was in full swing. With some idea of what he had in mind, you hoped no one was inclined to leave early.
His mouth was on yours in an instant and as soon as the door was shut, you were pressed up against it.
“The coat closet at the holiday work party?” you asked in between fevered kisses. “Isn’t that a little cliché?”
“Honey,” he murmured against your neck as his lips moved lower and lower, “I know for a fact it turns you on when we fuck in public.”
His hand slipped underneath your dress again, following the same path as earlier, and he pressed his fingers against the lace covering your cunt, now soaked with your arousal. He pulled away to raise a brow at you, daring you to contradict him.
Instead, you palmed him again, finding him harder than before. “I’m not the only one,” you shot back. With your eyes locked on his, you dropped to your knees to loosen his belt and unbutton his trousers. Then you leaned forward to slowly pull the zip down – with your teeth.
“Fuck me” he gasped around a ragged exhale, his hips automatically bucking toward you. He watched you, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, before he hauled you to your feet with a hand on either arm. “Fucking dirty girl.”
“Wanna be your dirty girl, Javi,” you sighed, batting your lashes at him. You wanted him unraveled and unrestrained.
“Yeah?” he asked with a hint of excitement in his voice, and you nodded, satisfied with the response you’d gotten from him. Before you realized what he was doing, he spun you around and hiked your skirt up over your ass, letting it bunch around your waist.
“Hey, be careful. This dress is vintage.”
He just laughed against your ear. “You should’ve thought of that before you started this.” With one hand on your hip to hold you up, he kicked each of your ankles to prompt you to spread your legs before hooking a finger under the band of your thong and sliding them to the side. “Damn,” he growled when his fingers met your wet cunt. “I think you’re ready for me.”
“I was ready for you the moment I saw you tonight,” you answered truthfully.  
You felt his grin as he kissed the nape of your neck. He freed his cock and ran the tip through your folds. You knew better than to tell him not to tease you. That was part of it. That was what he enjoyed. He wanted you so strung out by the time he slipped inside you that you were already a mess and he knew just how to get you there. And that was exactly where you wanted to go.
He started to press inside you, slowly stretching you around him with each inch, and you delighted in the slight burn. Usually, he spent more time preparing you, but there was no time for that. Not when you were just hoping to finish fucking each other before someone came to collect their belongings.
You were wet and ready for him, but you were unable to stop the yelp that escaped you as he pushed in a little further.
“Quiet,” he snapped. Then, softly, he asked, “are you okay?”
You nodded. “It just takes a minute sometimes. You’re so big, Javi.” You felt him twitch inside you.
“You take me so well. This cunt was made for me.” Your ego burned bright at his praise and he slid in a bit more as you relaxed around him.
He held you, gently caressing you while you adjusted in what you assumed was a merciful act of patience. When you were ready, you rolled your hips to encourage him.
“Keep – shit – keep doing that. Feels so good on my dick.” You could imagine the debauched look on his face. You reveled in it even though you couldn’t see him. He reached around you to cup your pussy, fingers rubbing against your clit and following your movements as you circled your hips. You moaned in unison.
But it wasn’t enough. Not for you. Not for Javier.
“Hold on to something.”
His warning came just a moment too late. With a gasp, you fell forward clawing at the coats in front of you and fisting an expensive looking black peacoat in hopes of staying upright as he set a brutal pace. “Oh, fuck yes!” you whined.
“Are you even trying to stay quiet?” Javier hissed.
“Yes,” you replied weakly.
“Fucking liar.” You heard the smirk.
The hand playing with your clit moved to your mouth and he slipped two fingers past your lips. It effectively muffled your noises of pleasure as he pulled you down hard on his cock with every thrust. The only sound was the wet noise of him sliding in and out of your slick cunt and the slap of your stocking-covered thighs as they bounced against his. You felt that delicious pressure deep in your belly, right between your thighs, building steadily.
Until you heard a noise just outside the door and the two of you froze.
Without pulling out of you, Javier held you to his chest. As if that would somehow help. You could feel his heart beating against your back just as your own threatened to break through your ribs. Two sets of wide eyes watched the doorknob, waiting for any sign that someone on the other side was about to turn it. You held your breath as you listened carefully to the low voices murmuring, unable to tell who they belonged to or what they were saying. It was like they were hovering just outside the door. Taunting you.
Just as you were about to suggest redressing and making a run for it, Javier started moving in and out of you as a torturously slow pace. Despite the voices nearby, a small whimper escaped you. He shushed you gently. “Quiet, baby,” he whispered.
“You wanted this.”
“You wouldn’t have worn this” –he fingered the garter belt– “if you didn’t want to end up just like this.”
He was right, of course.
“What if–”
“I’m not going to let that happen.” You had no idea what he thought he was going to do if someone did catch the two of you, but he seemed confident enough for the both of you. Coupled with the easy rock of his hips, you relaxed into his hold. The truth was, as much as you liked the freedom of your home, you missed this. This thrill that you trusted only him to give you.
As soon as the conversation faded away, he resumed his previous pace, punching the air right out of your lungs.
“Yes! Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop,” you chanted, forgetting the precarious situation you were in only moments ago. The coil in your belly tightened as you neared your crest, and you could tell by his less than precise movements that Javier just as close. And then, right as you were about to fall apart on his cock–
Javier pulled out and spun you back around in one swift movement. Before you even knew what was happening, he yanked down your panties and came all over you. Jaw dropping, you watched him work his length until every last drop was on you. White spurts of cum marked you and pooled in the black lace, already dripping down your thighs to the tops of your stockings. You placed a hand on either of his shoulders to steady yourself as your legs threatened to give out under you and stared down at the mess. Somehow, you were more turned on than before. You felt like you would actually combust from arousal. He held your panties in place for a moment, admiring his work, before letting the elastic snap against your skin and drawing your attention upward.
His breaths were jagged, stuttering and uneven. His head tilted back, and he looked down his nose at you with dark eyes that shone with something feral. Something sacrilegious. He was flushed and panting but a smirk tugged on his lips as he tucked his cock away and belted his pants. “You said you wanted to be my dirty girl.”
You swore you could feel your last brain cell short-circuiting. You were hyperaware of the errant drop sliding down your thighs, but you couldn’t look away from him. “Always,” you promised quietly.
You kissed him with everything you had. Javier took it greedily.
“You’re so good for me. Letting me cum all over you,” he said breathlessly, still kissing you. “I want you to keep it all in your panties so that while you’re out there talking to those pretentious professors you can feel my cum between your legs. Okay?” You nodded and he graciously straightened your dress, letting it fall over your messy thighs. “You first.”
“But I didn’t–”
“Only good girls get to cum,” he replied quickly, apparently knowing exactly what you were going to say.
“Javi,” you scolded breathlessly and pointlessly, “I– I am your good girl.”
“Not tonight. You can’t keep quiet. Do you want everyone we work with to know I’m fucking you in this god damn coat closet?” You shook your head. “Don’t worry, honey, this was just foreplay. I’m not done with you yet. Tonight, I’m gonna make you cum so fucking hard you’re screaming my name at the top of your lungs. I can’t do that here, but I can get you ready.”
Your head buzzed.
Some filthy part of you liked that he’d cum all over you. That he wanted to do that to you. You didn’t even need to cum because it’d felt that good. And you knew by the look in his eyes that he planned on making up for leaving you wanting, for making a mess of you. You instinctively understood that this was part of it. That even greater pleasure waited for you if you could just be patient and... and trust him. And you did trust him. You knew he would take care of you.  
If this was going to be your last night together for weeks — after hardly spending a night apart the last month and a half — then this was just the start.
“Okay,” you agreed. “But you’re a fucking tease, Javier Peña.”
He laughed with genuine mirth in his eyes. “You started it.”
“I’ll finish it,” you promised.
“I’m looking forward to that.”
You hesitated, teasing your bottom lip with your teeth. “Do we really have to go back out there?”
“It would be rude to leave so early.” You knew he didn’t care about staying. He was just tormenting you, playing a fucked-up game that had your head spinning like crazy. “But don’t worry. Eventually, I’ll take you home and fill you up. Just the way you like it. Now be a good girl” he said with a swat on your ass, “and go out first.”
Feeling defiant, you turned around and planted a kiss on his neck, purposefully leaving a smudge of red lipstick on his crisp white collar.
“Are you trying to get me in trouble?”
“Maybe I do want everyone to know your mine.”
He wiped away the lipstick he smeared when he stuck his fingers in your mouth with the pad of his thumb. “You know. That’s all I care about.”
… . …
The two of you didn’t make it another hour. Fifty-two minutes to be exact. Javier knew because he kept checking his watch only to decide that time had crept to a halt. He wanted nothing more than to take you home and finish what he’d started. Every time he glanced at you across the room, he found you squirming as you tried to keep a straight face while chatting with some colleague, and he had to look away and recompose himself.
It hadn’t been his intention to leave you wet and wanting and covered in his cum. It’d just happened in the heat of the moment. Some wild idea that he’d decided to act on. But you… you’d liked it. And so did Javier.
In reality, fifty-two minutes wasn’t that long, but it was enough time to suck up to the school’s dean. If Javier was going to be put on display as his prized lecturer for the year, he’d make him listen to him in return. Even if he had to turn up the fake charm to a ten in front of a group of wealthy alumni.
“Here she is now,” Javier said, taking a hold of your elbow as you passed by, physically dragging you into the conversation. You shot him a confused look, but he just smiled at the dean.
“Ah, yes, professor,” Dean Dalton started, “It would seem you’ve made quite the impression on Agent Peña.”
Javier elected to ignore his choice of title.
“Really? I wasn’t aware.” You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye, but he could tell you were happy.
“I’ve had the privilege of reading a few chapters of her upcoming book,” Javier explained. “Trust me, you’ll want to see what she’s planning next.”
“As luck would have it, I’ve been talking to a few of our more generous donors tonight. Perhaps we should meet when classes resume to discuss how the school might be able to help your research.” The dean clinked his glass against yours and ambled off.
“What did you just do?” you asked, disbelief lacing your voice.
“I told you I would help you.”
“Oh my God… thank you,” you said softly. You stared at him for a long moment and he just held your gaze. “Will you take you home now?”
Without wasting another second, you turned on your heel and headed toward the entrance. He followed eagerly. “Wait.” You stopped suddenly and his chest hit your back. You peered at him over your shoulder. “Don’t forget our tradition.”
He quirked a brow in silent question and your eyes flicked to the bar in response. It clicked. “Got it,” he said with a grin. He swiped the first bottle of champagne he could reach. Something so expensive he couldn’t even imagine the price tag. Something neither of you could ever afford on an academic salary.
… . …
Javier drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on your knee, drawing circles on your thigh over the sheer material covering your skin. Late on a chilly December night, the streets were empty, and the drive was easy. The city was unusually peaceful.
“I still can’t believe you pulled that off,” you murmured dreamily. He squeezed your knee in response.
A few minutes later, he’d stopped at a light when you quietly said his name. He turned to you and found you staring at him. You looked relaxed and happy. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you how handsome you look tonight. All dressed up for me,” you offered sweetly. “You’re absolutely breathtaking.”
“How much did you have to drink?” he deflected.
“One drink hours ago. Nice try, but I’m sober.” You laughed but your teasing tone gave way to something softer. “You really are the most beautiful man.”
In his periphery, the light changed, bathed the inside of the car in a bright green light. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from your beautiful face. Not when such an open, vulnerable sincerity graced your features.
“The light’s green,” you whispered.
“I know.”
A small smile broke out on your face.
… . …
Behind you, Javier trailed soft, lazy kisses along the slope of your neck as he slowly unzipped your dress, letting it hang loose around you. Your eyes fluttered shut as he smoothed his hands down your exposed back, thumbs gently digging into your flesh to massage your tired muscles. Every kiss, every touch, stoked the fire he’d ignited inside you hours ago.
“Let it fall,” he murmured against your skin. You slipped the straps over your shoulders and the fabric pooled at your feet. Then you reached for the clasp of your bra. “Leave it. I’ll take it off when I want to.” You bit back a devilish smile as he continued his ministrations. His lips followed his hands down your spine, and you gasped when he placed a kiss on the small of your back.
“Can’t decide how I want you first,” he mused.
“I want your mouth on me.”
He kneaded the flesh of your ass as he placed the lightest kiss on one cheek. “It is.”
“Not there.”
At your complaint, he snapped the garter belt strap so it stung against your flesh. But a firm hand on your back urged you forward until you were kneeling on the bed and he mouthed your cunt through the lace. “Here?” he asked, voice muffled.
“Yes,” you moaned, desperate for more.
“Maybe I should clean the mess I made on your pussy.” Without waiting for an answer, he pulled the fabric away and sealed his mouth over your hot, wet core, drawing an inarticulate slew of curses from you.
Hands gripping the backs of your thighs right at the tops of your stockings, he alternated between sucking on your clit, teasing the little bundle of nerves between his lips, and fucking you with his tongue. The constantly changing pressure was as intoxicating as it was frustrating — it was never enough but plenty to keep you hovering right on the cusp.
Until he finally – finally – gave you what you needed most.
Holding a steady pace as he flicked his tongue over your clit, Javier pushed you right over the edge.
Unable to breath, unable to move, unable to even think, you sobbed, cunt still pulsing around nothing, when he unceremoniously flipped you over and entered you. He slid into your dripping heat easily. And somehow, your first orgasm rolled right into the second as his cock struck something magic inside you, sparking a whole new wave of pleasure.
“You can’t stop coming, can you?” he asked, grunting as he pounded into you.
It just kept going. And going. Wave after wave relentlessly rolling through you. Unceasing in the best way imaginable. Javier knew your body so fucking well. He was the only one who knew how to do this to you. “No,” you mewled deliriously, body still shaking under him.
He thumbed away a tear rolling down your cheek. You hadn’t even realized you were crying. His hand left your face to knead a lace covered breast. “You look so fucking hot.”
“Fuck me harder, Javi.”
He pulled out all the way and your hips lifted, chasing him, but he pushed your knees to your chest and shouldered between your legs. “You’re not going to be able to walk when I’m done with you.”
“Good. I wanna feel you for days.” you said, ignoring the pang in your heart that told you that you were going to miss him.
“Fuck,” he spat. Your cunt drenched his cock as he slipped back inside, and your breath hitched as he hit deeper at the new angle.
“Right there!” you cried, arching up against him, “oh, God, right there!”
“One more. Give me one more,” Javier demanded, lacing your fingers together and pining your hands above your head, “But not until I tell you.”
You nodded eagerly, happy to give him whatever he wanted. “I get to tell you when too. Please, Javi.”
“Whatever you want baby. You fucking earned it.”
He kept slamming into you and every stroke of his cock rubbed against your inner walls perfectly. You swore you could almost feel every ridge and every vein of his thick length as he fucked you. Your third orgasm was tantalizingly within reach. You just needed his blessing, and you’d break.
“Alright, baby,” he panted as he rocked his hips against yours, grinding his pelvis against your clit, “cum all over my cock.”
Just like that, that tight coil inside you he’d been winding up all night snapped, and you came for a third time with a wanton cry. His name tumbled from your lips repeatedly as your body writhed beneath him, cunt spasming around his cock.
“I need to cum,” he ground out, voice cutting through the haze of pleasure.
“Ask me nicely,” you teased when your senses had returned to you just enough that you decided it was your turn to play with Javier. You wanted it to be just as good for him as he made it for you.
“Baby, please.” Javier’s broken words trembling around the edges as he begged you. His brown eyes, eclipsed by his dilated pupils and wet around the edges, stared deeply into yours and you almost gave in.
“Don’t stop.”
He made a desperate sound but kept going, snapping his hips against yours harder and harder.
“Almost there, Javi. You’re doing so good for me,” you praised, encouraging him. His jaw clenched and you kissed his neck, sucking hard on the straining muscles. His hands gripped yours so tight it hurt, and his face screwed up as he panted with each thrust. “You can cum for me, Javi. Fill me up.”
His lips crashed against yours in a desperate gratitude, and his hips stuttered as he came hard. He gasped for breath even as your mouths moved messily together. His cock twitched inside you as he painted your cunt like you’d been patiently waiting for all evening, until his body gave out and he collapsed on top of you, still locked in an embrace.
“Was that good for you?” you asked. When you didn’t get an answer, you prodded his side. He startled, eyes suddenly blinking up at you.
“I asked if that was good for you?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that was... it’s always good with you but that was...” He trailed off and you thought he might’ve actually fallen asleep on you. “I’ve never cum so hard in my life. I think I fucking blacked out.”
“I didn’t know my pussy was that good.”
“Are you kidding me? I fucking love your pussy.” He was positively beaming at you. He cursed with a sigh as he laid his head back on your chest and you threaded your fingers through his damp locks, holding him close while you could.
… . …
You sat half in Javier’s lap in the middle of your bed, sheets strewn about from your previous activities, both completely naked but freshly showered. He moved his mouth against yours, tasting you, drinking you in until he was as lightheaded from your kisses as from the champagne. His hands roamed your body, touching you for no real reason other than to memorize your gentle curves. One hand cupped a breast and the other squeezed your hip, both moving slowly until they met to cradle your face.
He pulled away to look at you. No fancy dress, no jewelry, no make-up. Just you.
“Still stunning,” he whispered.
You smiled softly and pressed your lips to the bridge of his nose. “Still handsome,” you countered. Chills erupted across his skin, but you mistook his reaction. “Come here.” you pulled the blankets up as you settled back against the headboard. He followed, swiping the bottle of champagne off the nightstand. Without bothering with glasses, surely a disservice to something so expensive, he took a swig and handed it to you. It was bubbly and light and perfect for the evening.
“You never told me what you’re doing for the holidays.”
“Oh, nothing much,” you responded as you took the bottle from him. “Bev’s family celebrates Christmas. They always do gifts with the kids in the morning but then her mom and in-laws and whoever else in the family is around go over for a big dinner. She insists I come to keep her sane. Her mom and mother-in-law don’t exactly get along.”
“What about New Year’s?”
You took a long pull before sighing. “Well, I usually spend the night with Sunny watching old movies and drinking too much wine.” Your face pinched. “That sounds much sadder when I say it out loud.”
“You don’t mind being alone?”
“It’s been this way for years now.” You smiled, a rueful thing. “I’m used to it. I’m usually so tired after the quarter ends that I don’t mind the time alone.” You tried to brush it off, but he could hear the sadness in your voice.
“You could–” Javier stopped himself. “You could call. Anytime. I’ll give you my dad’s home number so you can reach me.”
That time your smile reached your eyes, crinkling the corners as you looked away bashfully. “That’s really sweet of you.” You reached for his hand and added, “I’ll call you at midnight in Laredo.”
“We’ll talk until midnight in Los Angeles.”
You curled up next to him before Javier could decipher your expression.
When he felt your breathing even out, surely sated from the sex and exhausted after the quarter, he pried the bottle from your grasp. He finished the last bit before setting it aside and switching off the lamp, careful not to disturb you.
Javier held you close, not unlike the way you’d held him the night before. He knew he needed to get his shit together. He didn’t want you to see that part of him. He needed to protect you from his past. But he didn’t know how to do that when he couldn’t even protect himself.
He flicked off the light and hoped for a peaceful sleep.
… . …
The first thing you noticed when you woke up the next morning was the dark bruise that you’d sucked onto Javier’s neck the night before. You ran your fingertips over it, outwardly cringing but inwardly, well, preening. This time it had been you who left those little love bites on his neck.
“Did you mark me?” he asked, his voice barely more than a quiet rumble. “Fucking felt that last night.”
“I didn’t mean to,” you answered, looking up at him as innocently as possible.
“Don’t lie to me,” he grumbled as his eyes blinked open. “You were a woman determined last night.”
“Why didn’t you stop me?”
“I liked it,” he grinned, but it faded quickly. “I forgot I was going home today. My dad’s picking me up at the airport.”
“Oh shit,” you laughed, burying your face against his chest.
“Don’t laugh. That’s not funny.”
“Maybe you should try buttoning your shirt like a normal person for once.”
In one smooth movement, he flipped you over and caged you beneath him. “You’re pushing your luck,” he tried to warn, but the grin on his face and the glint in his eyes betrayed him.
“What time is your flight?” you asked, soothing a hand across his face.
“One.” He glanced over at the clock. “It’s ten now.”
You wondered, just for a moment, if he would stay with you if you asked him to. If he would pass the holidays with you so you wouldn’t have to be alone. But that was foolish. And more than a little selfish. He had his family to go home to.
“You should probably go.”
“Yeah,” he sighed, “I should.”
He eased his hold on you but made no move to leave. Not until he’d placed a kiss on your lips and one on your forehead in a gentle goodbye.
... . ...
Thank you for reading! 💗
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wizkiddx · 3 years
a friendly face
a lil one inspired from seeing the recent interviews abt cherry - yes im a couple days late but am very slow. This is basically stolen and adapted from another of my stories so I don't think there's any bits left over by my dyslexic proof reading isnt that great so apologies!!! very speech heavy so sorry am trying to balance my writing more
Summary: Tom is having a hard time filming Cherry and dealing with the emotional baggage of it, so Harry recruits someone to make everything that little bit better.
fluff and a little angst I guess?
Harry, Tom and their driver Sian where all sitting in the car having left the set 20 minutes ago, heading back to their accommodation. Or more precisely, Harry and Sian sat in the two front seats- Harry only in the front as to allow Tom to lie down across the three back seats. He was asleep, or at least looked asleep, but Harry knowing his brother so well knew he was just wishing he was. The day had been torturous for Tom, they’d been filming a hospital sequence in which his character was heart broken. The sequence had involved him being thrown onto the floor multiple times, by a heavy handed stunt double who was not nearly as precise as those he’d worked with at ‘marvel’. Furthermore, there was also multiple scenes of him having to properly cry on camera, which although it sounds tame, is one of the hardest things you can ever ask an actor to do. At least, someone who commits half as much as Tom. For him to show that emotion, he had to go back to a place in his life where he didn’t really ever want to venture again. But even then, this character was such a fuck up, he had to do deeper.  He felt completely drained, emotionless and cold. But he couldn’t sleep, not for the guilt he felt for being short with everyone on set- he had never been like that before, he just felt like no one was respecting or understanding what he was going through. So instead he just lay on his side, facing the backs of the leather seats, arms folded in stubbornness- even if he had no idea why.
“Tom?…Tom, I know you’re awake… Look, we need to make a quick stop. You gotta come out.” Harry was actually slightly nervous his brother would just point blank refuse, even if he needed this so bad.
“I just need to get back to the apartment. Please Harry. Can’t we do it tommorrow?” The desperation dripping off Tom’s voice actually pained Harry to listen to. He knew Tom was having a crisis about how he treated everyone today, so chose to ignore his please in favour of some assurance.
“You know everyone understands… They just kept asking me if you were alright?” Harry could see the guilt radiating off Tom. It hurt him to see his big brother like this. 
“Please… I just need to get back” His small voice barely made it to the front of the car, but Harry heard it all. 
“It will take 2 minutes tops, I had a delivery but I need a hand carrying it, come on” Harry spoke as Sian turned on the indicator to pulled up next to the sidewalkpavement; the car slowing to a gentle halt. Tom didn’t reply, instead huffing as he used the head rest of the middle seat to pull himself up. Already out the car, Harry opened the door for him waiting patiently, because Harry knew he would be a hundred times better off in just a few moments. 
“What the hell have you even ordered that’s so big?” Tom sighed while ducking through the door into the cold Cleveland air, keeping his eyes on the sidewalk as Harry motioned for him to follow his feet. 
“Oh um don’t know, a good friend sent it actually” Harry tried to hide the grin that was spread over his face from showing in his voice, as he saw a very familiar head of hair running toward them.
“What friend?” Tom looked up sassily toward Harry, shortly questioning who would send Harry a parcel from England that was too big to be delivered or carried by himself. Only then, nearly 5 metres away from Sian in the car, did Tom look up to see where they were. It wasn’t the nearest post office or delivery warehouse - they were at the airport. “Harry what’s going on?” Tom questioned with a low and warning voice, skipping a step or two in order to catch up with his younger brother. 
“We’re collecting her” Harry smiled as he nodded forward. Following his gaze with eyes wide open, Tom turned forward just in time to see Y/h/c  flying over his face as he was engulfed by someones arms. Immediately sensing exactly who this was, Tom did not hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist and push his head into your neck. Smelling the familiar perfume, Tom couldn’t help but scoff, allowing a the jerky breath to leave his lungs as you arched away from the hug, cupping Tom’s face with both her hands. 
“I’ve been reliably informed you could use a friendly face” you smiled, noticing his raw emotions threatening to overtake him, so swiftly pressing just pressing your lips onto his. Seemingly frightened to move, Tom barely reacted to the kiss, so you pushed and deepened into it a little more- till you felt him relaxing against you. With that, you arched away again and smiled massaging his stubbly hair behind his left ear.
“How are you here?” He croaked staring deeply at her, switching between her left and right eye as if that somehow would confirm that this was real, not some cruel dream he was having. 
“Someone somewhere knew you were in need and bought me a plane ticket over… I’m coming home with you on monday” You grinned while  watching Tom’s eyes light up, he leaned in again to your lips instead of replying. 
“Er-cuh-huh” Harry loudly cleared his throat, causing the two to pull away from each other. “Sorry to interrupt, but Sian isn’t really allowed to stop there long sooo” They both nodded, before Tom lunged at his brother, holding him close and whispering thanks too. It was clear this was at least partly Harry’s doing, and he could never thank his brother enough.
“Umm.. as much as I’m enjoying this brotherly love we really do have to get back in the car” Harry awkwardly spoke as he almost pushed Tom off him. 
“Awww my favourite little brother being all mature” You giggled, taking your turn to hug Harry, admittedly a little shorter than Tom’s, but still with lots of gratitude.
“Please get stop loving me and get back into the car!” Harry yelled as he stormed off to Sian, leaving both you and Tom in fits of laughter. Grasping each others hand simultaneously the laughter continued as you followed Harry down the street to the car. 
Seeing you standing there; feeling your arms wrapped round his neck ; hearing your oh so sweet voice had Tom feeling…. Feeling lighter. It was as though your mere presence gave him the strength to carry all the things that were previously weighing him down like a truck. What was extraordinary though, was how it wasn’t just psychological. He literally felt his joints feel looser, he felt his body flood with warmth and he felt his heart calming down. When you’d first been getting close to each you’d had rather the opposite effect. Which was surprising because that was at the point Tom had never felt more confident - he had just returned form a avengers press tour, where naturally everyone had just loved him and played up to his every whim. He had legions of girls, some of them drop dead gorgeous where falling at his feet. And yet, when he met you it was as though he was transported back into his incredibly awkward teenage years. It was infuriating, he knew he could act cool and unbothered and smooth however as soon as you stood informant of his it was like his mind melted, filling it with utter gibberish and garble. In fact, he was plainly floored by you - how kind and pure hearted you were, how respectful and how you found hhis jilted flirting adorable and not to forget how drop dead gorgeous you are. 
It had taken a while and a hell of a lot of opening up, but over time he found the opposite happening. Your presence became something else entirely, not one that would put him on his toes and have his heart racing - more of a comfort. He slept better when you were beside him, his nerves never got the better of him if you were there to cheer him on. He could relax completely without any fear of judgement, any worry at all with you. What you had done is change the definition of something so fudemental and a given in life. You’d changed home from a place to something much more intangible. A person; a feeling; a connection. You were his home.
“Sian are we close?” You asked, turning your attention away from the two brothers annecdotes from filming, realising Sian must’ve been driving for about 30 minutes. 
“Yep just the next right I think” Sian replied gently while turning the wheel as the indicator clicked.
“Where are we going?” Tom asked, looking first at you then pleadingly at Harry- knowing he had more of a chance with his brother. 
“Well” You started and he whipped his head back round “I know it’s late and you’ve been working all day, but you have alater  10 o’clock call time tomorrow instead of 6, so this is the best night to do something. We found a driving range-with heaters” which was a very important factor since Cleveland was bloody freezing “- that we thought you’d like to play a game or two?” The massive smile in response meant you’d hit the nail on the head.
“And soz but I’m crashing the game otherwise- and no offence, but you would win waayyyy toooo easy Tom” Harry butted in and sniggered as he interrupted the lovey-dovey stares. You gasped at that in mock offence, holding your hand over your chest. 
“Oi you, Paddy has been teaching on the Holland boys days out you both missed- I’ll have you know I now am aware that you have to get the ball into the hole, not a goal as previously thought.”
The boys both groaned in unison and Y/n wiggled her eyebrow grinning, elbowing Tom slightly in the side. “Things might have changed since you left you know?”
Yet another thing Tom loved so completely about you, was how effortlessly you had fitted into his family. Honestly, none of the Hollands could imagine life without you anymore - especially Nikki, who had quite literally attempted adopting you so she officially wasnt the only female in the immediate family. Sam used you as an expert taster for all his marvellous culinary creations (even if your judgement was always the same, it was very good); Dom often ended up picking your brains about your work, he found you ‘actual proper’ job as a doctor simply amazing , where all his family had never been especially acadmeically gifted; and Paddy just plain saw you as his older sister. So it was hardly surprising at all that when two of their actual kids flew across the world , you’d been the obvious placeholder. Yes, golf was most definitely your forte - but you were enthusiastic, with a positive (if flightily misguided) give it a go attitude. 
The try-try-and-try-again attitude that never really worked … until Paddy taught you how to hit a clean drive.
“I am not joking, I am asking the lady at the desk there’s no way!” 
“Tom you are the worst looser I have ever met! I didn’t cheat, I’ve just taken up a new hobby”
“There is no way Tom… no way she can get that good” Harry huffed as he ran straight past you to catch up with Tom, making sure that you did see the harsh glare he shot him. The outrage that Y/n had beaten them both at the driving range was way worse than anything you could’ve predicted- now you sort of were wishing you’d let them win. Oh wait…. Of course you weren’t  - this was priceless. Especially their faces when you’d launched your first ball super accurately inn the centre of the second furthest away target. They had reacted as if you had just stripped butt naked, you thought; standing their jaws hanging with a look of almost fear in their eyes.
“You could see the balls land with your own eyes! Practice makes perfect!”
“Thats not fair though! It took you like 8 weeks to be like that?”
“I mean you were obviously just taught by the wrong Holland, Paddy’s a  pretty good teacher!” You smiled as your trio turned the corner and walked through reception, seeing Harry desperate to ask the receptionist but Tom just looking over his shoulder to give a hurt look to at you.
“I’m going to ban you from being closer to my brothers than me”
“I can’t help if he’s cuter then you alright?” You smirked and raised an eyebrow, as Tom stopped in his tracks and turned to face you.
“That’s it… your gonna get it” he spoke in a low voice, with a mischievous look in his eye, abruptly he launched himself at you -  barely having  time to swerve away from him and start a sprint towards the exit, giggling as you took a glance back to see Tom chasing you out, Harry quickly in tow too. 
“Your not allowed to beat me at golf!” In a jokey voice, you heard Tom yell, just as you reached the sleek black 4x4 and hurdling yourself into it. 
“I’m in the car it’s a no fight zone!” You cowered in the corner,back pressed up against the opposite door and  arms crossed to make an ‘x’ sign in front of her body. 
“That is not how it works” Tom and Harry grinned from the open door. As fast as lightning they both vaulted in and started tickling you, making you screech curses at the two of them.
“Alright alright kids, no fighting while I’m driving thats an order.” Sian calmly spoke, trying to hide the laughter from her voice, as the two men retreated and helped to pull you up from the position half on the floor that your squirming had gotten you to. 
“Get off my leg Tom… arghhh… thanks Sian, I’m sorry they’re so moody, I just whipped their asses at golf”
“You’re here to make me feel better right? Not doing a good job so far” Tom’s snide remark meant you scrunched up your nose while plugging her seatbelt in, making sure to jab Tom’s side hard as you did so.
“How did I end up sandwiched in between you two twats then?” You grinned from the middle seat as Harry just rolled his eyes looking out the window, and Tom gave you a loving smile- not able to hide his relief of your presence.
“Think it’s about a 40 minute drive you gotta enjoy” Sian smiled looking at you via the rear view mirror, to which Tom couldn’t quite stifle the yawn that escaped. 
After all he had done much more than the typical 9-5 hours work, and the golfing was an unexpected addition to the already long day. His excitement and just pure joy at having you here had made him forget about It all for a couple of hours - but now his exhaustion was catching up with him with a vengeance. Instinctively you wrapped you arm round Tom and in doing so pulled him into your side. 
“Get some rest huh?” You whispered into his forehead, and all Tom could do was reply with a weary nod, letting his eyes slip close to the constant beat of Ally’s heart. You immediately sensed Tom was properly out of it, and contented yourself looking out his window for a few minutes,  before you felt something heavy briefly whack your other shoulder. Jumping a little at the contact, you looked round to see Harry’s head bobbing side to side in a light slumber. In the midst of worry for Tom, you hadn’t realised the kid had been doing the same long hours as him. Plus dealing with Tom and being Tom’s support, which surely took it out of him. Harry had always been ‘the most important brother’ in your eyes. Just because Tom trusts him so implicitly and completely, they had an understanding only real brothers could get to but also extended far beyond blood. When you’d first been introduced Harry had been colder to you. It wasn’t personal though, he just wanted to be sure on you and your intentions with Tom because as he well knew often when people saw Tom they didn’t just see an opportunity for love. It was an opportunity for a lifestyle, for fame, for relevance. Harry took a while before he trusted you but now you were miles and miles beyond that point. So now, being at a stage with Harry where he was phoning you to come and fly out to save Tom (and him too). It was not to be taken lightly.  Therefore, you gently pressed your hand to Harrys face and pushed him to lean against her other shoulder too- hoping to cure the dark circles under his eyes a little bit too. 
You were quite content for the rest of the journey, feeling warmth radiate through your body as the two men breathed deeply and calmly either side of you. You sort of didn’t want the car journeyer to end - but sure enough it wasn’t long till Sian was pulling into the hotel entrance.
“Get you a girl that can do both, beat yo ass at golf and look after your family” Sian whispered as she handed the phone back to you, after having taken some of your favourite ever photos, the 2 boys asleep on your shoulders while you pulled a variety of different faces. Smiling back at Sian, you then sighed-knowing she had to wake the two up, given their exhaustion you didn’t really want to either. 
“Boys…boys… hey let’s get you both into bed yeh?” You spoke softly, gently raising your shoulders in order to disturb them both. Harry’s head immediately shot up, his eyes puffy and half open, but a sheepish look on his face as he realised how he was sleeping. Just responding with a smile that said it was all okay, before  you turned her attention to Tom- forever stubborn to wake up, at least nothing had changed there. 
“Come on Tom, can’t have you sleeping in the car all night” You pushed again, this time lifting Tom’s head, earning a very deep groan as his eyes slid open and he pushed against the movement. It was at this point Harry slammed the car door shut, making Tom jump out of his skin, you loosing the hope of any serene wakeup call. Rubbing Toms arm, relaxing the tension now present in his body you encouraged him once again. “Come on lets get inside mister” 
His hotel room was exactly what you’d expect for an a-lister and lead actor in a million pound film. Large, modern, squeaky clean and posh. It was almost too big to be filled by one person though, Tom had always found it a bit cold and just not cosy - why he opted to spend the majority of his down time either fast alseep or in somebody else’s company. Both of those also stopped him getting too much in his head - or more accurately in his characters head. Cherry was a weird character and from interviewing all the veterans and lengthy discussion of his past, Tom almost felt as if he had in some small way experienced what Cherry had. Felt what Cherry did. Thought like Cherry did. 
And that was a sure fire way to fuck yourself up.
Now, with you here in his room haphazardly digging through your case, if felt warmer. The cold but brilliant white lights seemed to have softened to a gently warm glow that bounced off your skin and made your figure look almost angelic to Tom. You were his home. 
“What are you waiting for?” You mused while turning away from your (now) inside out suitcase, proudly carrying her pyjamas which you had found hidden at the bottom the whole time- not the most practical packing in the world. All the while Tom sat on his bed, back leaning against the headboard and arm bent behind his head too.
“Just thinking that I need to go through all the scenes for tomorrow” A monotonous tone laced his voice, for he knew he couldn’t spend the night the way he really wanted to, safely wrapped up with you.
“Oh… well let’s go through it together then hey? We will be done in no time; but if you want we can go over them again tomorrow morning.” It was a practical suggestion, a helpful action you could implement - even if you had a feeling Tom wouldn’t just agree. Since his lines clearly weren’t the only thing on his mind this evening. 
“Yeh but everyone on set is already sick of me after today… I can’t be being shit as well as horrid” his voice was small as the memory of how he snapped at some of the extras had him cringing inwardly at himself. He shouldn’t have been that rude, shouldn’t have blurted it out, should of offered a solution rather than just critiquing.
“Hey would you kindly shut it? No one is sick of you, everyone is just ready for christmas and missing their families. Now get changed” Your soft tone turning into an imperative order, as you threw his pyjama bottoms at the him, smashing into his face before falling into his lap.
“Oi” he shouted, but followed instructions and stood up reaching round to pull his hoodie off. Stood shirtless, his side was exposed to the now changed you, the sight making you gasp and clamber over the bed to gently touch Tom’s back. You followed the outline of an impressive patch of bruising, stretching from the bottom edge of his shoulder blade all the way to his hip. 
“Tom, what the hell happened?” Whispering in fear, Tom turned round to face you, seeing your eyes watering up as you kept glancing at his back. He was littered in a variety of purple, yellow and slightly green marks on the whole of his left flank. It looked like a minor crush injury, not something a pampered actor gets after a day of filming infront of tens of people including an onset medic and health and safety risk assessor. 
“What?” Tom asked before turning to the mirror and looking back over his shoulder to see the bruises for himself. He hadn’t expected the ache to look that bad. “oh - I - er… Today the scene, I get smashed to the floor by someone and I kept doing it wrong so we had to do it lots I guess.” He looked away and down at your feet, not being able to meet his girlfriends eyes suddenly. You just nodded, trying to blink back the tears-  he had truly been broken by this role both physically and now mentally- he hadn’t even put a stop to the constant and clearly severe pain. 
“Put your stuff on” your  voice was muted, as you waited for Tom to get prepared. He turned around again and then replaced his trousers and quickly pulled a top on to hide the marks, suddenly embarrassed. In the silence the sound of his clothes dropping to the floor, then of him sitting on the bed again- throwing his legs over so now he mirrored your position - the sounds were pretty defeaning.
“I love you so much….” Barely whispering, you suddenly ripped the duvet out from under you both holding it over you as you swung a leg over Tom so you straddled him, slightly leaning over him and letting the blanket rest on top of your back.In your position you looked down in an almost scary way to his warm brown eyes. Tom swore you were literally reading his thoughts, your intense gaze absolutely crumbling any walls he thought he’d be able to hold up. Pressing a gentle peck to his lips you then whispered onto his lips, letting him feel your words as well as hear them. “ …So that’s why we are going to sleep right now and you can worry about all of that tomorrow”
“Y/n I-“
“Your safe with me.” You were not standing for his nexuses and arguments, as you slid down his body - ending with your head resting on his chest, you legs tangled with his. Once you’re properly rested you’ll learn them ten times faster than what you can now… Before you get ill I am telling you to take a break. I’m not going to let you not. So relax and-….Tom?” Ending with a whisper, you delicately lifted your head off his slowly rising chest to see your broken boyfriend already asleep; lips parted as soft snores crept through the silence. In reality as soon as you’d said that he was safe the exhaustion had completely over taken him. Desperately needing to recharge his batteries, no matter how much he had wanted to stay up and work late it could never really happen - at this point physically impossible.
“Sleep well Tom” she smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek with a sad smile.
The next day rolled around all too quickly, but the morning was much better than any of the past couple of months because you were together. Tom, having had a solid 7 hours of sleep compared to his normal 5, was for once ready for the day. He’d gone through the script with a certain someones help in record time, and now the three were just pulling up at the set. 
“You’ve been awful quiet this car ride…” you grinned as she clasped Tom’s hand across the empty seat, making Harry turn around and give you a warning glance. Oops. In a moment where Tom went to the loo at breakfast, Harry had fully disclosed everything that had happened on set yesterday- especially the  burst of anger. So naturally, Tom was feeling nervous and scared to face everyone. 
“It will be fine I promise… and if not tell them I’m your personal body guard- no one will be rude to you if me and Harry are ready to attack” Tom let out a breathy nervous laugh, only then meeting your eyes.
“ A fly wouldn’t be threatened by you two. Harry would just take a photo while you’d check their pulse or something”
“Errrm” Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he contorted round from the front seat so Tom could see his disapproving look, meanwhile Tom was dodging your affectionate fake-slaps.
“Children we’re here” Sian sighed as she brought the car to a steady halt “and if you could get through the day without killing each other I’d appreciate it, otherwise I’m out of the job”
“Not promising anything when I’ve got these pair to deal with” Tom grinned as he opened the car door, before anyone else could retaliate.You laughed before quickly following suit, joining Tom at the front of the car and interlocking your fingers with Tom’s. Hesitating for a moment Harry took a second before unplugging and leaning for the door handle.
“You see what I mean?” Turning his head to look at Sian “It’s sickening how happy they are.”
“Yeh but your glad about it don’t lie” she grinned, before practically shooing the poor boy out her car.
“But dont tell them!” Shouting in reply, as the car was already pulling out. 
Tom’s body seemed to tense more the closer you walked to the crew tent, you could feel the way he squeezed his shoulders back and his jaw tensed and untensed. There was little you could do apart from squeezing his hand that little bit tighter - further reiterating the fact you would always always be in his corner. Perhaps the most telling about Tom’s own character was how truly guilty he felt for the way he was with the crew. Normally, he was one of the most down to earth actors around - no trace of an ego or superiority complex. It didn’t matter if you were a cleaner or head of a multimillion dollar studio, Tom would pay both the same amount of respect. He always out that completely down to his upbringing and mum and dad, but even that was being humble. He was just a good person to the core, no one saw that more than you either. It’s part of love, you see the good and the bad parts of a person and promise to unashamedly love them all. 
Just before you both had made it into the main tent, Tom was pulled away. “Oh Tom we wanted to talk to you about yesterday!” The familiar voice of Joe Russo called, as he and Anthony  ran up to Tom from his left, giving a little nod of greeting to the actor, before falling in step with him.
“Morning, I-uh I wanted to apologise actually-“Tom was cut off while you hung back off to his right, not wanting to intrude on this conversation.
“No we should. The team were all being slow yesterday, and they were making some hard scenes harder on you. We really appreciate what you are putting yourself through for the sake of the film.”
“But still I acted like a brat and I’m sorry”
“Tom” Anthony spoke up for the first time. He was a man of limited words- but whenever he spoke everyone listened. “ You are one of the best, most-dedicated actors we’ve ever worked with. We’re all overtired, run down and ready for the holidays. You’re missing your family too. It’s already forgotten… So let’s just get on with the movie?” Tom smiled, pressing his lips together to stop their kindness overtaking his emotions. Tom always felt safe with the Russo’s. They’d dealt with him when he really just was a kid actor - overwhelmed and without a clue what was happening. They’d dealt with hiM adjusting to fame and the much bigger part Marvel seemed to want him to play in the future. They trusted him with this, most incredibly complex and also personal film for them. So when they spoke and they said it didn’t matter, Tom was much more likely to agree.  Then proceeded the bro-hugs, as the men all showed they were good with each other. 
“Well lets make a motherfucking movie!” Tom exclaimed once they broke the hug and the brothers laughed at him. “Oh where-d….” He muttered as he looked round before meeting your eyes, still standing rather awkwardly a couple of meters behind them. “ Joe, Anthony you remember Y/n?” Nodding and smiling the brothers beckoned you over; both greeting you with a warm handshake. 
“Good to see you again!” You grinned and the directors responded nodding.
“We didn’t know you were coming! I would’ve made a list of all my doctor question for you.” Joe winked, knowing your pet-peeve was people asking you all their gory body questions as soon as they found out she was a doctor. You didn’t need to know about you dentists acid reflux issue, you didn’t need to know about your granny’s friend’s constipation, and you really really didn’t need to know about an old friends erectile dysfunction.
“Ha ha ha “ You rolled your eyes sarcastically “ and no it was a bit of a spontaneous trip, I just landed last night.” Throughout the whole of the exchange Anthony had taken an aloof stance, just  observing you and Tom. Observing the bright smile Tom gave you, even when you were simply making small talk. The way he looked so much healthier, well rested and just happy, in the space of a single evening.
“I’m glad you’re here” Anthony basically interrupted the conversation, addressing you then immediately turning on his heel towards the set. 
“Uhh right- get to make up we’ll call a cast meeting in a bit” Joe stammered, giving his brother a funny look before addressing Tom “ and we’ll have to have a proper catch up later.” You nodded in response, as Joe turned and did a half jog to catch up with his brother. 
“That was weird!?” You frowned as you looked up at Tom. He explained the encounter in rather simplistic terms.
“That was Anthony.”
The morning was spent with Tom doing what he does best in front of the camera. They were shooting a larger scene for the army section of the movie, with at least 100 actual soldiers as extras, all geared up in full camo outfits. It was impressive, but also gave you a chance to meet Ciara - you’d been dying to meet her since Tom told you what a laugh she was. Fair to say you weren’t disappointed at all, you guys hitting it off instantly and you going as far as giving Ciara some embarrassing Tom stories that she could wind him up with in the future. Of course though, the main attraction was seeing Tom act first hand. Every time it astounded you, even though you knew that face so completely, in all his movies he fully had you believing he was someone else. It was mesmerising and you couldn’t be any prouder. 
“You’re amazing! I seriously forgot how good you are!” You ran over as Joe Russo called cut to the end of the morning shoot. 
“Well er thanks I guess” Tom furrowed his eyebrows as you wrapped him in a hug. He’d just canned a pretty hard scene and everyone was more than ready for a lunch break. You’s been watching from behind the cameras with Harry the whole time, after Tom gave you permission to sit in his special set chair.
“Seriously I’m very…. “ Her speech broken with an impressive yawn “….very proud of you.” In thanks Tom gave you a kiss first to your nose and then lips. 
“I take it someones not adapting to jet lag?” He chuckled as he pulled away and cupped your face in his hands.
“Which I’m totally ashamed about considering I work night shifts… my body clocks supposed to be better than this” Angrily, you vented, frustrated at your own body when all you wanted to do was stays within reaching distance of Tom. Even if Tom had had the best sleep of this whole shoot last night, you’d been to over excited and enthralled just absorbing every little thing about him that you’d missed so much that you’d been wide awake the majority of the night. If you blamed you fatigue on jet lag alone, it would be an impressive lie. 
“Go take a nap in my trailer… Harry can you take her?”
“Yes master” Harry bowed down and wobbled his head sarcastically, making you giggle. 
“At least this way you get a break from him” You grinned to Tom’s brother, which Harry could only agree with. Giving Tom a parting kiss , you followed Harry away from set. It was at this point that Anthony excused himself from the monitors reviewing the footage, and approached Tom.
“Kid… that was great that scene.”
“Thanks mate, means a lot” Getting his directors approval forever reassured Tom, letting him relax his shoulders a bit as he nodded gratefully to Anthony. 
“Well it’s just truth… so your girlfriend, Y/n right?”
“Yeh that’s her” Tom nodded, suddenly a little concerned as to where Anthony was going with this. You had met the Russo’s a number of times, and it never before seemed as though Anthony had an issue with you- at least to Tom’s knowledge.
“Right well um… you know how I don’t really get involved in all this stuff…” Tom nodded, folding his arms apprehensively. “But I just thought I should say that she’s really good for you.” Tom silently breathed a sigh of relief and waited for Anthony to get to the point. “Joe told me you had a rough patch at the beginning of the year so… I don’t know our industry is hard. And harder for you and her in the spotlight… Just seeing you with her today…Don’t be afraid to take the next steps with her…Don’t let her get away.” Tom was stunned to say the least. Anthony is the last person he had ever expected to get relationship advice from. 
“I um yeh… I don’t know I hadn’t really thought about it. I mean we’ve been together for 2 and a bit years, well including the break… she means the world to me-“
“Well don’t waste it”
And that was the end of the conversation. Anthony turned to his trailer to get lunch and Tom just stood, replaying the conversation in his head. Weird to say the least. 
But it did get the cogs turning. It did get Tom really seriously considering his future. Or rather considering your future together.
And that was for certain. It was you and him, always. 
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mochegato · 3 years
Chapter 6 – Radio Mysteries Are Still a Thing
Chapter 1        Chapter 5
“I’m not tired though.” Mar’i whined in a sleepy voice.
Marinette smiled down at her as she patted down the comforter around her.  Mar’i’s eyes were barely staying open as she talked.  “Yeah, I can tell.  But your Mommy has a bunch of super fun things planned for you two as soon as she gets home tomorrow.  I know she is really excited to spend time with you, so you want to be rested and full of energy for her tomorrow, right?”
“I’m so excited.” Mar’i squealed quietly, suddenly reenergized thinking about spending time with her Mom.  “We’re going to bake cupcakes and go shopping and practice flying and get lunch together and get our nails painted and take some cupcakes to Daddy. You and Tim should come with us!”
Marinette smiled at her.  “I’m flattered you want us to come with you but I think you and your Mommy should get some time alone.  I know she’s missed you a lot.”
Mar’i thought it over and nodded as she thought. “And you and Tim should get some time alone, too.  I know he likes you a lot.”
Marinette’s cheeks flushed.  “That's nice. Tim is a very nice and thoughtful man.  I'm sure he likes lots of people.”
Mar’i’s eyes started getting heavy again as she corrected Marinette.  “Not really.”
Marinette blushed further.  “Well then I feel honored.”
“But he likes you.  He gets happy when he sees you.  You two should go on a date.” Mar’i nodded decidedly, or at least tried to. The yawn interrupted the serious face she was trying to make.
Marinette’s smile turned bittersweet.  “Thank you, but he has Kon.”
“But they don’t go on dates.  Kon goes on dates with Cassie, not Tim.”  Mar’i said quietly as she turned to a more comfortable position under the cover.  “He thinks you should date Tim, too.”
Marinette looked at her confused.  “Oh?”
“Yeah,” she slurred, barely still awake.  “He told me today… It’s a secret though, so don’t tell Tim.”
Marinette quietly closed Mar’i’s door and padded out to the living room.  She stumbled slightly when she saw Tim was still there with papers and photos scattered across the living room table.  She blushed thinking about her conversation with Mar’i.  “You’re still here.” She said quietly.
“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind.  I was looking over some of Dick’s files and didn’t want to take them out of the apartment.” Tim shrugged in what he hoped was a casual manner.  The less she thought about the lie the more convincing it would be.
She grabbed her school bag and settled on the opposite side of the couch from Tim.  She scanned over the photos quickly as she pulled her books and notebooks out, not sure if it was any of her business.  But then again, if he didn’t want her to see them, he wouldn’t have them out in the open on the coffee table.  She paused her unpacking when she saw the bloody body.  “What… what is this?  I thought Dick was the detective.  Or is this one of the cases your family is working on?”
“Oh, no.” Tim looked up sheepishly.  “I like working on cold cases.  This is a file Dick set aside for me to look into.”
“Oh, right.” She nodded distractedly, examining the pictures again.  “Are these the cases Kon was talking about?  That you two work on together.”
Tim looked confused for a few seconds before remembering what she was talking about.  He looked away sheepishly.  “No, he wasn’t sure if you knew about our hero activities, so he was looking for a way to say he’s only responsible for me when we’re in the field.  We partner together a lot on missions.”
“Ahhh, that’s what you meant.” Marinette said quietly to herself, almost too quietly for Tim to hear.  She squeezed her eyes shut and mentally face palmed.  God what an idiot!  She called Adrien her partner, too.  She really, really should have thought of that!  She was totally blaming the damned concussion.  As though it hadn’t taken enough from her already; reduced caffeine, reduced electronics, and reduced energy.  It really had to add reduced rational thought?
“What?” He scrunched up his nose adorably in confusion.
“Oh, nothing.” She flapped her hands like she was shooing away the question.  “You mentioned Kon was your partner.  I just realized you meant in your hero activities.”
Tim looked at her mortified.  “You thought Kon and I…”  He had been flirting his ass off for the past few weeks, granted it was awkward, clumsy, terrible flirting.  But it was flirting none the less.  Had she not noticed?
Marinette shrugged at him, an apologetic grimace on her face.  “You two seem very close and you mentioned he helped take care of you and was your partner and Kori mentioned you were always together so...  It seemed to fit.”
“No!” Tim said too loudly.  What was wrong with him volume regulator lately, he chastised himself.  “No,” he repeated quieter this time.  “No, we’re just good friends, best friends.  He’s my partner, you know, my superhero partner.  No, I’m not in… um… I mean… I’m not dating anyone right now.” Tim stuttered out. “My last girlfriend and I broke up ages ago.”
“Oh,” Marinette nodded, looking away to try to hide her blush. “That’s um… that’s good to know. Must have made New Year’s awkward for you.  Nobody to kiss and all.  It was for me anyway.”  She turned back to the pictures again scanning them absentmindedly to distract her brain from thinking about her not at all subtle hint.  God, when did she lose her ability to flirt?  She puckered her lips in annoyance when she realized she never had it.  “And the police suspect him but can’t make it stick?” She asked pointing to a wealthy looking businessman in one of the photos.
Tim shook his head to focus on what she was pointing to and try to remember the case again after the myriad of revelations Marinette had just revealed in the last minute or so, including the confirmation that she was single.  He examined the picture she was pointing to and looked at her wide eyed in surprise. “No, but that’s who I suspect.  He had the most to gain if you consider the repercussions.”  Marinette looked at him questioningly.  “The wife was the immediate suspect.  She was having an affair with her husband’s secretary and she inherits everything. But if she was implicated in his death, she could be sued and lose any stake in the company, whether it was proven in court or not.  It would go to the next in line, which is him.”
Marinette nodded along with him looking at each of the people as he pointed them out.  “Makes sense.  No proof though?”
“Not enough.  What made you suspect him?” He looked over at her curiously.
“He changed his suit.”  Tim looked at her blankly.  “See these are pictures from the same party.” She scooted closer to Tim to point out to two pictures.  Tim scooted closer to her to get a better look at them.  “Everyone is in the same clothes except for him.  He’s wearing different suits.”
“Those look like the same suit to me.” Tim said doubtfully.
Marinette scoffed at him.  “I’m sure they were supposed to.  It wouldn’t work if the suits didn’t look the same.  But see the lapels?” She leaned over Tim’s shoulder to point to the man’s lapels. “They’re a different sheen.  This one is shinier than this other one.  And see the buttons, this one has a design. I can’t make out what it is, but there is one, but this other one, doesn’t have a design.  Plus, this one is Tom Ford and this one is Armani.”
Tim’s mouth dropped as he turned to her dumbfounded. “How did you know that?”
“I’m more than you give me credit for.”  She grinned smugly at him.  She froze when she noticed how close they had gotten.  Their faces were only a few centimeters from each other, their mouths so close she could feel his breath on her face.  He froze too, his eyes widening as he made the same realization.  After a second, Marinette’s courage failed her and she backed away from Tim shyly. What if Mar’i was wrong?  She was only 4, she could have misread the signals. Just because Tim wasn’t dating, it didn’t mean he wanted to date her.  He was smart and funny and handsome and sweet.  He probably already had his eye on someone.
Marinette grabbed her discarded textbook and held it up for him to see, her notebook shoved haphazardly into it.  “I’m a design student and have my own online boutique. If I didn’t notice that, I’d have to seriously reconsider my career path.  And I’ve seen enough murder mysteries to know that if someone changes clothes in the middle of a party, there’s a reason.  Could be that someone spilled something on him, but with a suit that expensive, someone would know it happened. If it was staff, they would be worried about getting fired and sued.  Worth looking for the suit anyway.  Depending on how cocky he is, he may have kept it and just gotten it dry cleaned, thinking nobody would investigate him anyway.”
Tim looked at her in awe.  “You… you like murder mysteries?” he was finally able to stutter out.
“Yeah.  Normally, I’d have one on in the background while I work on homework but, concussion and electronics aren’t a good mix.  Hell, normally, all my design research would be online… concussions are a bitch.  My electronic activity has been restricted.”
“Yeah, I mean not the worst I’ve gotten, but the limited electronics thing is just the worst.”
“Yeah, I imagine without magic to protect you, you guys must get hurt a lot.”
He gave her a double take.  “Why would magic be involved?”
“Oh… our heroes had magic to protect them and used magic to reverse the damage they and the rest of us sustained.” She tried to shrug nonchalantly like it was nothing important.
“Your heroes?” Marinette turned away from his adorably scrunched nose.
“Paris’ heroes.  Ladybug and Chat Noir… Rena Rouge, Carapace, King Monkey… Multimouse?” She listed off as casually as she could manage.
“I think I’ve heard of Ladybug and Chat Noir, maybe. They disappeared a few years ago, right?”
“Yeah.  Their job was done.  One occasionally pops up in New York to help Knight Owl and Majestia but, pretty much, they disappeared.”
“Their job wasn’t stopping criminals?”
“No,” she said affronted.  “Their job was to catch the villain who had stolen two miraculous and deal with damage caused by the miraculous.  When the villain was caught their job was done.”
“Huh,” Tim turned away to think about that.  “I guess I’ve never thought about not trying to help people.  If I can help, I want to do it.”
Marinette’s eyes turned serious.  “It’s bigger than that though.  The miraculous are bound to creatures with god-like abilities.  The miraculous in Paris had the ability to rewrite history and reality itself.  The potential for that to go horribly wrong or fall into the wrong hands and be used for evil is too great.”  She sighed and looked at her book.  “Not to mention the heroes were children when they started fighting and they couldn’t reveal their identities to anyone so their only support was each other.  They deserved a break, a chance to heal and be children.  Children shouldn’t be taking on the battles of grownups.”
Tim looked at her sympathetically. “Definitely not the philosophy I grew up with, as a child vigilante.”
Marinette gave him a weak smile.  “Maybe you deserve a break too.”
Tim looked away for a few moments, considering what she had said.  “Maybe…”
His thoughts were interrupted by a loud yawn. He looked over and saw a sheepish look on her face.  “Sorry. I think the pool tired me out just as much as Mar’i.”
“You should take a nap.  I can watch over things while you do,” he offered gently.
“No, thank you though.” She gave him a grateful smile and held up her textbook.  “I have miles to go and chapters of text to read before I sleep.  I usually have something else on while I do though, something to distract my brain.”  
He looked over at her and gave her a small smile. “You know they have radio murder mysteries.  I can find one to play while you work on your homework, if you want.”
“Yeah,” she smiled back wider, appreciating the change of topic.  “I’d like that.”
“I… there are a few to choose from,” he said holding up his phone.  “Did you want to choose?”
Marinette moved so she was touching him and looked through his phone.  “That one looks interesting,” she commented handing it back to him.
Tim smiled and started the mystery.  He smiled wider when he noticed she didn’t move away from him after choosing the mystery.  He waited a few minutes then slung his arm around her shoulders.  He held his breath waiting to see her reaction. Marinette stiffened only for a second then relaxed into his side.  Tim let go of the breath he was holding and enjoyed the feeling of having Marinette next to him.
Marinette opened her textbook and started reading and making notes while Tim pulled up more information on the suspect for the case on his laptop.  After a few minutes, he noticed Marinette’s pencil had dropped and her breathing had evened out.  He looked down at her and the sight filled his heart with warmth.  She had fallen asleep curled up into his side, with her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest.  He smiled affectionately, relishing the feeling of having her curled up against him.  
He gently closed her textbook and moved it and her notebook out of the way.  He grabbed the blanket haphazardly thrown over the back of the couch and wrapped it around the two of them.  He pulled her closer into his chest and leaned further back into the couch to get more comfortable.  His smile softened even more when she sighed contentedly and snuggled further into his chest.  He would stay in this position as long as he could, as long as she wanted.
Chapter 7
@timari-month-event  @ichigorose @stainedglassm @better-toast @theymakeupfairies @trippingovermyfeet
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antebunny · 3 years
Parent Trap AU 5
It’s a Parent Trap AU, plus on-the-run hacker!wwx and celebrity!lwj. Full series here.
At first, Lan Wangji finds writing songs to be extremely challenging.
He’s all but quit his job, and his son is gone. He’s alone in the house he once shared with his family, while his brother tries to keep quiet about pitying him and supporting him, and his uncle demands to know why he has no interest in searching for his son. He’s the one that files the kidnapping report, in the end. Not that it does much; they’re already searching for Wei Ying, since he escaped from prison.
All Lan Wangji really does, during this time, is cry by his piano, and sing.
The melodies come naturally to him. He’s been writing melodies for years, and these songs are no different. He has a thousand things to say, so some are angry, so fast he thinks he might tear his fingers on the guitar strings, some are soft with only piano accompaniment. All too soon he has dozens of recordings of phrases that can be put together into full-length songs. The only one he doesn’t record is the one he wrote for guqin, years ago.
But the lyrics, the lyrics he struggles with for ages. Not Lan Wangji finds himself at a loss for what to say. He doesn’t speak much, it’s true, but when he does he always finds precisely what he wants to say. Rather, Lan Wangji finds he has too much to say.
One Friday afternoon, he sits down on his couch and plays the same ten-minute ballad on his guitar, trying again and again to find a way to shorten it without feeling like he’s ripping a part of his already shattered heart out of his chest. While suppressing the urge to write more verses. He knows he can’t leave them all in; it’s too repetitive. He wants these songs to be good, though he doesn’t really plan on marketing them. A large part of him thinks it’ll always be like this. Just him and his instruments, alone in the living room, mourning over a love long lost, making himself cry over his own lyrics.
Still, Lan Wangji is a perfectionist at heart. He has to do something about the ten-minute ballad. It’s longer than two songs put together.
What if I made them two separate songs?
The thought comes to Lan Wangji suddenly, and he sets down his guitar to pick up the notebook containing the lyrics. This could work. He becomes convinced of this the longer he looks at the lyrics. He’ll never run out of things to say about Wei Ying, but if he separated each of those things into one song–that could work.
He chooses a different melody, edits the lyrics to fit it, picks out a theme, an aspect of Wei Ying to sing about, and suddenly he has a whole discography, and not a single published song.
Lan Wangji goes to his brother.
“Are you sure about this?” Lan Xichen asks, his brows pulled together in a small, worried dip.
They stare at each other without speaking, because Lan Xichen knows that every concern he might think of, Lan Wangji has already over thought.
“Even if he hears them?”
Lan Wangji will never be famous enough that Wei Ying, wherever in the world he might be, will hear his songs. But if he does, then all the better. “Mn.”
Lan Xichen sighs. “I just don’t want to see you hurt anymore.”
Lan Wangji doesn’t think that’s possible. “Hm.”
Lan Xichen sighs again. “Okay,” he says. “If that’s what you want. I’m sure A-Yao knows someone. I’ll ask.”
It’s a while before he finds someone who’ll actually produce his music, but he’s happy with the person he ends up with. Luo Qingyang emails him back almost immediately after she listens to his demo.
I need you down here yesterday, she says. This is getting produced right now.
His first song, When We Were Young, is released as a single less than a year after the scandal that took Wei Ying from his life, under the stage name “Hanguang-jun.” He’s not sure it fits, but he wants to.
And suddenly, it looks like Lan Wangji might actually be that famous.
Of course, it’s still years in the future, so Lan Wangji carries on like he’s not. His second single, At First Glance, does even better than When We Were Young, and his manager starts bothering him about a music video. Apparently it’s expected of him, but Lan Wangji rejects all of the ideas that the directors Luo Qingyang finds for him come up with. They end up renting a house for a week and filming there, then going to a studio with lights and a piano. Lan Wangji dresses up for that and plays his heart out, and that’s it, that’s the music video.
His third single, Under Moonlight, is somehow more popular than his previous two combined. He has fans now, or maybe it’s just that he’s only now realizing it. He’s not quite sure what to do with that. The video this time takes place on the very bridge the song talks about. He doesn’t do much, since he rejected the idea of hiring actors to play the “counterpart,” so he’s confused as to why it continues gaining views on YouTube. Apparently he looks young. He’s not sure if this is insulting or not, but the internet would probably be shocked to learn he has a five-year-old son.
Lan Sizhui is too young to listen to music by himself, so Lan Wangji hopes that somewhere, there’s a radio playing one of the new hit songs by Hanguang-jun, and a father-son duo walking past.
Luo Qingyang bullies him into exactly one interview before his first album is released. On it, he accidentally confirms that all the songs on the album are about one person, and panics after that, not wishing to reveal anything about Wei Ying or even Lan Wangji’s own name on camera.
Apparently the mystery helps? Lan Wangji understands fame less and less the closer he comes to it. He thought if he just wrote good songs, enough people would listen to him that Wei Ying would hear it. Wei Ying is spotted in Thailand, and Lan Wangji ends up naming his first album Oceans Apart.
It sells, and it sells, and still, Wei Ying and their son are nowhere to be found.
Wei Wuxian is lying on a roof the night of his wedding anniversary.
Purple, white, and red fireworks explode in the black sky above him. There’s some celebration going on in the city, and Wei Wuxian takes advantage of it to pretend it’s in celebration of his anniversary.
Not that there’s much to celebrate. He doesn’t think it’s typical to celebrate the anniversary of a marriage which no longer exists, but their marriage didn’t end in the typical way either.
And he still loves Lan Zhan. Loves him so much that the sight of rabbits brings him to tears. So much that he feels like a traitor whenever someone so much as smiles in his direction, so much that he can’t imagine himself flirting with someone. So much that he cries on the roof when the fireworks light up the sky.
Wei Wuxian looks to the right, and there’s Wei Sizhui, who is sometimes the only thing keeping Wei Wuxian going on his darkest nights. He’s nestled up with Wei Wuxian’s arm around him, small face peering earnestly at him from the dark. “What?”
“Why are you crying?”
Wei Wuxian raises one hand instinctively to rub the tears away. He’d forgotten about that. He’s thrown himself fully into caring for his son, making sure that he has clothes and good food to eat, which is hard when they never stay in a place for long and Wei Wuxian is paranoid of anyone who stares at them too long. Sometimes he wonders if he’s really doing any good, keeping Wei Sizhui away from his other father and uncles and aunts, from a happy childhood with friends and a school. And every time, he blinks back to the moment he woke up in the prison having narrowly avoided being murdered, and knows that Wei Sizhui is still safer with him than he’d be if he was still there, within the Jins reach.
“Nothing,” Wei Wuxian says. “It’s nothing.”
Wei Sizhui frowns. “But Papa is sad,” he declares.
Wei Wuxian presses the back of his hand over his eyes. Fireworks crack so loudly it muffles his shaky inhale. Tears stream down his cheeks and around his ears. Red lights flash across his eyelids.
White lights flash through the stage, focusing on the solitary grand piano, and Lan Wangji, in his white suit, seated on the piano bench. A hush falls across the massive crowd. He adjusts his microphone slightly, and places his fingers gently atop the keys. The cameras zoom in on him.
And Lan Wangji sings.
“I’m just remembering,” Wei Wuxian whispers. “Someone I used to know.”
“Is it Dad?” Wei Sizhui asks timidly.
Wei Wuxian inhales shakily again, then wraps his arm back around his son. “Yeah,” he admits. “It’s your other father.”
He hasn’t looked back since he ran away. Countless times, he’s thought about Googling the Jiangs in an internet cafe, just to check on how they’re doing. They have social media profiles, so he could. He could. But even the slightest hint of connection could ruin what Wei Wuxian has managed to salvage. The Jiangs would fight for him. Would drag their names in the mud for him, and he can’t let them do that to themselves, so he cuts all ties and doesn’t look back.
Wei Wuxian hasn’t dared to search Lan Wangji since he ran away.
“Hello,” Lan Wangji sings, and the crowd cheers.“It’s me. I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet, to go over everything. They say that time’s supposed to heal you, but I ain’t done much healing.”
Before he knows it, there’s tears streaming down his face. They drip onto his nice white suit, but the music doesn’t pause.
Hello from the other side
“Will we ever see him again?” Wei Sizhui asks plaintively.
I must have called a thousand times
Wei Wuxian tries to shake his head, his shoulders pressed against the dusty brick roof. “I don’t know, baby,” he says.
To tell you I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done
“But why not?” Wei Sizhui pushes. It’s far from the first time he’s asked, but each day it gets harder and harder to answer.
Hello from the outside
“Because he’s very, very far away,” Wei Wuxian replies this time, and tries not to think of Lan Zhan as he last saw him, sleeping peacefully in their bed the night Wei Wuxian broke in and took Wei Sizhui with him. “Oceans away.”
At least I can say that I tried
Eventually, the fireworks stop, and Wei Sizhui falls asleep, head resting in the crook of Wei Wuxian’s arm. Wei Wuxian raises one hand to the midnight sky, pretends he can reach through the vast expanse to wherever his family is. “Happy anniversary, Lan Zhan,” he whispers. “I miss you.”
To tell you I’m sorry for breaking your heart
Eventually, the song ends, and the cheers deafen the stadium. The lights go out long after Lan Wangji has gotten up from his seat and stepped away from the microphone. The tears on his face are invisible until the cameras focus in on him walking.
“Happy anniversary, Wei Ying,” he whispers, before he picks up the microphone to thank the crowd. “I love you.”
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rbbalmung · 3 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Get to know ______ P3
It’s time for THE BOYS. My biggest conclusion from putting this together is that while Raihan enjoys pushing everyone else’s buttons, Leon is the only person that can fluster the hell out of him. Please enjoy. 
Get to Know: Leon x Raihan (TrueRivalShipping)
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other? Leon. He feels like the type of person whose love language is gift giving (ex. giving Hop Wooloo and Grookey, giving Gloria Scorbunny, Yamper, and Charmander, ect.). That being said, he’s terrible at getting gifts. He can tell exactly what type of Pokemon a person would want and catch it, but presents? He once got Raihan a charmander watch made for kids without even considering it wouldn’t fit him. 
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap? Leon. They’re both tall, but Lee’s the smaller of the two. 
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes? Raihan would definitely strut around just to get a reaction out of Leon. Half the time his intentions are to get him into bed, but the other half? Embarrass Leon when he’s on Rotom calls with his mum (don’t worry, he wears pants for those instances). 
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway? They’re both night owls. They stay up either playing video games or watching Netflix (or whatever the pokemon equivalent to that is). They had to invest in a bigger couch due to how often they have passed out on it. (When I say bigger couch, I definitely mean a futon. They just straight up by the closest thing they can to another bed). 
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies? Hop inherited their mum’s cooking skills. Since Leon spent most of his young adult life as a champion who never really had time to stay at home and cook a real meal, it is up to Raihan to provide. Lee was permanently designated to cleanup duty after nearly burning the apartment down. 
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”? Leon would say,” Oh, that’s us!” and Raihan would say,” Eh, not really?” just to spite him. There is a lot of teasing and playful banter in their relationship. 
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes? Raihan, but only because he would literally murder Leon if he borrowed one of his designer sweatshirts. There’s also the added benefit that Lee’s clothes are a lot comfier. 
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?” Leon isn’t allowed to run errands by himself because he’d get lost, so Raihan is usually the grocery-getter. Raihan will be in the checkout line and almost always get a last minute text from Leon asking for one more item. It drives Raihan bonkers. 
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions? Leon is the driver, and Raihan is the “direction giver” (let’s be real, he’s more focused on what song they play next than getting them to their destination). If it’s a group road trip, neither of them are allowed in the front because they’ll just end up getting everyone lost. 
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws? Ok, so I don’t really think one of them would draw the other. They’re much more of an “active, sporty couple” than an “artsy couple”. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened, though. During one of their dates, they decided to doodle each other on their napkins to help pass the time. They were both terrible and it got really heated when the waitress chose Leon’s drawing as “slightly less worse”.  
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips? Are you kidding? They’d both try to out-do each other. Both backflippers. 
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking? I feel like even though Leon has more body mass than Raihan, he’d be the lightweight of the two. Both have been in the League since they were in their late teens, but Leon’s public image had a lot more specifications than Raihan’s. That meant Raihan got to go to a lot more college parties on his nights off and build up his tolerance. Leon’s public relations manager didn’t let him even look at alcohol until he stepped down as champion. He had to “set a good example for his young fans”. (Sufficed to say, Gloria quickly got a new PR manager when she filled his role). 
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own? Raihan learned that if he used Leon’s last name, he could get special treatment. It’s an abuse of power! Especially when they’re having dinner at the Hoffman house and Raihan casually slips in that he’s planning on taking Lee’s last name once they marry. Leon’s convinced his grandparents like Raihan better than they like him at this point.  
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside? Raihan, though he’ll go to an early grave before admitting that. He just doesn’t want them getting webbing on his new shoes! Yeah...that’s it. 
16: Which one gives the other their jacket? Leon. It was mentioned above, but Raihan has to be in a really good mood in order to let Leon borrow his stuff. It isn’t that big of a deal, thankfully: The Hoffman boys are like personal heaters.  
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling? Ok, ok, ok: Raihan is slightly intimidated by Hop. He just wants the best for his big bro! If that means calling Raihan out of his shit from time to time to keep him in line, so be it. Raihan can’t fight back either, because that’s his boyfriend’s little brother! One of the only things Leon gets testy over is people bullying Hop, so Raihan has to do it when he isn’t around. 
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other? Leon. It wasn’t one of those things where they’ve always liked each other, but after being friends for so long, their feelings blossomed into something new. Lee is a big flirt and never officially came out, so Raihan just figured he didn’t mean it whenever he complimented him. Leon literally confessed to Raihan at least five time before it sank in that he was serious. 
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting? I think they’d actually be pretty good! Leon helped raise Hop and he definitely has the dad act down, so adopting children would be something he’d be super interested in. Raihan may struggle a little bit at first (especially with where the line of what he could and couldn’t post on social media was), but he has a big heart. They would always be there for their kids. If Gloria and Hop are the cool parents, Leon and Raihan are the embarrassing ones. Would tease their kid lovingly. 
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters? Leon has sent a lot of professional texts because of his former position as champion, so he’d win by default. If they’re texting each other, it is all in numbers, emojis, and abbreviations. Sonia, Piers, and Nessa hate being in group chats with them. 
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them? Lee is the more protective of the two, especially when it comes to people bullying Raihan online. Raihan tries to tell him that he doesn't have to do it, but he’s secretly very flattered.  
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun? Leon makes the worst dad jokes in the world. Sometimes he does it just to embarrass Raihan. 
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy? They take turns. Raihan will catch a Hakamo-o to beat Lee’s Aegislash, only for Lee to catch an Azumarill from the Isle of Armor a week later. It’s a never ending game of trying to one up the other. 
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired? Leon. He’s pretty buff, so carrying Raihan around is nothing. He usually does it without asking if his boyfriend looks tired and flusters the heck out of him. 
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering? Ever since Leon left he league, he makes it a priority to go to every one of Raihan’s matches. He often dons ridiculous disguises in order to not get recognised, but he always gets recognised. There is an online forum just made up of pictures of him in different, weird attire. He might’ve even been able to slip by public notice if not for the fact that he tries to make AS MUCH NOISE AS POSSIBLE to cheer his boyfriend on.   
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder? Is there even a possible different answer than Raihan? The man takes selfies as a living. You better believe he has 8 different folders of pictures of Leon. 
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked? Raihan. Leon is so close to having style, but then he’ll throw on his signature snapback and a cape and ruin everything. You know the cape isn’t even a requirement for the champion to wear? Yeah, Lee just chose to wear it. He counts it as a small victory whenever Leon decides to buy something at one of Rai’s favourite stores.  
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of? Raihan tries not to get between Leon and Charizard. It’s a similar situation to the Hop one: Charizard is Lee’s baby, which means Raihan isn’t allowed to tease them.  
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains? Raihan, but he purposely will move the umbrella out from above Leon to get him soaked. It’s payback for all the other stuff he does. 
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures? Like Gloria and Hop, I think they’d travel to all the regions. They’d have to do it on off seasons and couldn't stay long due to their duties in Galar, but they like seeing the new types of pokemon. Once again, Rai would take millions of pictures. He has a photo album per vacation, not just vacation in general.  
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics posted or completed during the month of July. We really hope you enjoy this list and that you give these fics a lot of love.
Happy reading!
1) Your Good Time | Explicit | 3070 words
Louis nodded along with what the guy was saying, apparently his arousal taking over his brain to mouth filter as he said, “Who would want to hide a fit bloke like you? That guys an idiot.” Louis scoffed, dramatizing the word ‘idiot’, giving the guy a sly smirk. The guy leaned an arm against the bar, turned his body to Louis and fixed him with a curious look before he held out a hand.
Louis and Harry meet in a bar when Harry's date is an ass. Inspired by Temporary Fix by One Direction.
2) I Push You To The Limits | Explicit | 3846 words
Louis is a brat who likes seeing his boyfriend get jealous and possessive over him.
3) Overkill | Explicit | 4354 words
Louis was never going to get over how fucking attractive Harry was. How glorious his big, tall, curvy body was. The feeling of Harry behind him, hot and heavy, trapped on the tube after they’d been somewhere during rush hour. His thick hands, full of pretty rings sometimes, handing Louis a cup of coffee, then getting one for himself.
4) Too Nervous to be Lovers | Mature | 6445 words
Louis doesn't want to spend quarantine with Harry, his straight roommate, who doesn't even acknowledge his existence.
5) Fratboy In Love | Mature | 6830 words
Harry Styles was a frat boy who loved to sleep around and flirt with boys and girls. Louis was a good uni student who loved to stay in and study and wasn't much of a partier.
Insert his best friend Niall who talks him into going. Louis gets drunk and ends up sleeping with harry. The next day he leaves before Harry wakes and tries to avoid him at all costs. Thinking Harry wouldn't care since Louis was just another conquest. But what if Harry did care. And actually have a crush on Louis. Read and find out
6) My Sunflower | Mature | 7057 words
Louis would rather be sunbathing at the beach with his friends, not slaving his spring break away in his father’s flower shop.
7) Waiting | Explicit | 8023 words
Louis Tomlinson was Harry’s omega, of this Harry had always been sure. Unfortunately for Harry, Louis seemed to think they were just best friends. The six weeks that Harry has to live with Louis were going to be rough.
8) Shine Light Upon Your Ground | Explicit | 8506 words
Note: The fic pairing is Louis/H, which the reader can picture as Harry or Henry Cavill.
Louis sighs again and fiddles with the bracelet on his wrist, twisting the charms around and petting the fake diamonds.
“How much for a night?” A deep voice suddenly asks him. The man who approaches him is already pulling out his wallet and flicking through a bundle of bills. Louis, who had been sitting at the bar completely innocent and minding his own business, lets out an offended, strangled sound.
“Excuse me?” He demands, straightening up in his seat. The hem of his dress creeps further up his thigh but he pays it no mind.
9) Glistening Under The Sun (You're My Honey Soaked Love) | Mature | 8996 words
“Oh Petal,” he picks her up nuzzling the top of her head with his cheek as she nibbles on the lavender, “How lucky are we? I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy, the only thing we have to be sad about is that soon I won’t be able to hold you like this,”
10) Connected To The Heart | Explicit | 9059 words
Note: This is an coda scene for this fic.
“Your stage cue is way too close for you to be wearing that look you’re wearing,” Louis informs him. He can’t stop himself from looking up at Harry through his eyelashes, the silk of Harry’s dress shirt brushing against the backs of his knuckles.
“Twenty minutes,” Harry agrees. His breath is minty from the gum he was chewing earlier, fresh and warm. “Twenty minutes can be a long time, baby.”
This time, Louis has to force himself to roll his eyes. “Not nearly long enough for the way you always want to fuck me.”
11) Fuck U Betta | Explicit | 11438 words
There’s something about having Louis like this, exposed and desperate, that makes a primal urge bubble up from deep inside Harry’s chest. Desire mixed with something else, something unquantifiable. It’s the thing that makes them want this, need this. Nothing else will satisfy them or quench their thirst.
OR the one where Harry likes the thrill of the chase, Louis likes to be chased, and everyone gets what they need… in the end.
12) Kiss Me In Your Chevrolet | Explicit | 11569 words
"Yes, Lou?" Harry asked, rubbing his tired eyes. A gust of wind came through the open windows, sending chills down Harry's arms as a light rain began falling outside. He closed his eyes again and let his head fall back to the couch arm rest.
"Can we go there?" Louis asked, probably pointing somewhere. Harry opened his eyes and felt his heart jump in his chest, a magazine page a couple of inches away from his face. Startled, Harry closed his eyes and breathed heavily, trying to collect himself.
Harry blinked a few times to focus his eyes on the page Louis still held in front of his nose. "You want to go to the Grand Canyon?" He furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head to the left to look at Louis' face.
13) Pull The Trigger | Explicit | 12007 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic, which is #16 on this list.
Louis has never been alright with killing. Will that change when he learns what it's like to be the one holding the gun?
14) Open All Night | Explicit | 12537 words
It’s six in the morning when Harry finally makes it back home.
Harry's a bartender, Louis' got a nice ass and a shit taste in men. They make it work.
15) Among Other Things | Explicit | 16073 words
“Harry, it’s 7:45, oh my god, my class starts at 8:15,” and Louis wants to cry. Harry’s busy under the bed trying to find the tiny silver key but Louis knows that fate just hates him and he needs to find a way to get up. “Harry, I—fuck,” Louis whines. Harry stands up in a rush.
“I can’t seem to find them. It. The key.”
Or, Louis’ the teacher of Harry Styles’ daughter. Their paths shouldn’t cross like this. This meaning Louis showing up to school handcuffed to a headboard.
16) A Bullet And It's Gun | Explicit | 18156 words
Note: The sequel to this fic is #13 on this list. 
Louis’ parents arrange his marriage with Harry. He’s fully ready to accept that he’s going to be a sad and lonely person for the rest of his life. But then Harry starts proving himself as more than just an asocial man with money.
17) By Such Slight Ligaments | Explicit | 26764 words
Note: The fic pairing is Louis/Henry Cavill.
A late night visit to a patient sets off a series of events that will turn Louis' world upside down.
... Here there be monsters.
18) At Your Fingertips | Explicit | 27384 words
He finds himself wrapped up in sheets in bed on Thursday night, staring at the familiar name on a new story that was posted the night before.
His fingers twitch, ready to hit play and surrender to his impulses, saving the regret and turmoil for later.
And still he hesitates, internally praying that he’ll somehow gain the strength to exit out within the next few moments before he inevitably loses his patience and hits the button.
19) Forgot My Roots Now Watch Me Bloom | Explicit | 28334 words
Lonely transit worker Louis pulls his longtime crush, Peter, from the path of an oncoming train. At the hospital, doctors report that he's in a coma, and a misplaced comment from Louis causes Peter's family to assume that he is his fiancée. When Louis doesn't correct them, they take him into their home and confidence. Things get even more complicated when he finds himself falling for Peter's brother, Harry. Loosely based on the movie "While You Were Sleeping".
20) Push You Out, Pull You Back In | Explicit | 31544 words
Harry hates feeling vulnerable. Louis is set on breaking through his tough facade.
21) Baby Blue | Explicit | 39439 words
Harry Styles takes his time coming out to greet them. Louis only knows what he’s seen on file and what he’s heard them talking about, but he fully lives up to the image he had inside of his head.
He saunters down the front steps of the farmhouse in his Levi’s, brown snakeskin boots curving out from underneath the denim Louis’ sure he had specially made. He’s got on a plaid button-down tucked into the jeans because of course he does, curls spilling out from either side of his cowboy hat around his sunglasses and country-tan skin.
“Harry Styles,” he drawls, extending a hand to Louis’ manager, “Pleased to meet ya’ll.”
22) Lidocaine And Palm Trees | Explicit | 44653 words
Heat, fake tans and lots of traffic.
Harry never expected to earn his living this way when he moved to LA.
Louis didn't think he could ever be the same after his divorce.
A lighthearted story about two guys trying to find themselves in the vibrant, sprawling city of Los Angeles, with a side of technical porn industry stuff.
23) Sleeping On Our Problems | Explicit | 67369 words
Louis sleeps with Harry and they have more than just catching feelings to worry about.
24) Truth Would Be | Explicit | 91869 words
“You want me? I’m not a… a thing to be owned!” Louis stuttered, still very angry and confused.
“Hmmm…” The alpha tapped his lips as if he was contemplating something. “Last time I checked, the debt was paid off and the only thing I had asked in return was… you. So technically I do own you.”
“You are crazy…” Louis muttered as he began to back towards the door. Harry’s impossibly green eyes turned a shade darker, but his tone was still teasing and light when he said, “Maybe I am…”
The I-paid-off-all-your-debt-so-you-are-mine AU in which Omega Louis wants to be left alone by Alpha Harry but it's super complicated when he starts to not hate the alpha all that much.
25) Collision | Not Rated | 224594 words
Note: This fic was finished in 2018, but two new epilogue chapters have been added.
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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suntann · 4 years
Hello, yes. I would like to ask any headcannons you might have for the Diakko Moms AU pls 🥺
I’m gonna put this under read more because boy do I have A LOT thanking for enabling me anon
Angstly ones
When the Blights find out Amity’s missing, they… don't look for her. Emira and Edric are visibly distraught and worried that their sister is fucking GONE while the Blights carry on. Their reasoning is because It is a privilege to be a Blight. Amity will realize this and come crawling back. And if she doesn’t.. well that’s on her.
Emira and Edric had to look for her, with the help of Luz and Co. They cry in relief when they find her and that she’s safe.
Diana is… indifferent to the Amity’s parents, the Blights. She wasn’t very close to her mother’s other siblings like she was with aunt Daryl (well.. as close as those two are...), so whenever she meets them during family events, she treats them how she would treat other aristocrats.
Well, until she meets Amity and she starts living with them. Ever since she learned about their TRUE nature Diana just goes feral at the thought of them. (“They abuse kids, Akko!! Who’s a low enough reject to abuse CHILDREN?!”) For her, it’s on sight. She almost beat up Amity’s father because she saw him at a grocery store. Akko has to be the voice of reason for once.
Akko, surprisingly, handles her anger well. She’s polite whenever she somehow runs into them. She’s the one who handles affairs between them if they even come up as Diana swears a storm in the background. Diana asks Akko how she could possibly keep her cool and she responds, “Why should I waste time on them? Aren’t we Amity’s family now? As far as I know, they don’t even matter anymore.”
Heartwarming ones
In a way, the reason why Diana takes Amity in so quickly is because she longs for a family dynamic she never had. Her mother died when she was young, she wasn’t old enough to meet her father before he died. So seeing Amity fit so well in their little household, it makes her heart swell. In fact, she and Akko have been furiously reaching ways in which they can adopt her.
And even more secretly… she’s been looking at different engagement rings. Diana always knew she wanted to marry Akko ever since they got together in Luna Nova. But seeing her take care of Amity and how patient and understanding she is, it just solidified it for her that this was the person she wants to be with for the rest of her life. This is the person she wants to build her family with
And Amity is just, in shock. She’s never seen such a healthy adult relationship before, especially one like Diana and Akko. She sees how much they love and take care of each other and herself, even with the little things like reminding her that her lunch is on the table or always leaving a glass of water by her bedside. It’s just everything they do is laced with love and they don’t even notice it. But Amity does, everytime.
Just fun funny ones
Amity walks in on Diana looking at engagement rings in her office and she asks Amity not to tell Akko. She wants it to be perfect because Akko deserves it to be and things like that. After Amity reassures her that she won’t, she proceeds to watch, unamused, as this full grown ass women gay panics right in front of her about whether or not Akko will say yes to her
Unbeknownst to her, Amity just finished listening to the same gay panic when she also accidentally walks in on Akko practicing her proposal speech in the living room. Akko asked for pointers, obviously.
Akko and Diana are the biggest lumity supporters. They give Amity pointers and advice they can think of. And they would be helpful, if not for the fact they both have different views on how to flirt with your crush. “No! Ask her to have a study date! And without her knowing, turn it into movie night! She won’t suspect a thing!” “That’s too forward and preposterous! Here Amity, I have prepared a 5 page 60 step plan where—“
Diana and Akko know Amity and Luz aren’t dating, but they don’t miss a chance to tease her and call Luz “Amity’s girlfriend” much to her chagrin
Diana and Akko and Eda have cheesecake and tea time together. Eda gives them tips on how to be good parents, Diana takes notes. Eda always steals a bit of Akko’s cheesecake without her knowing. They’re all good friends.
In fact, Akko has always admired Eda because of her wild magic. She thinks it’s really cool and wants to learn more to make her shows more fun.
And yeah, Akko’s FAMOUS. She regularly goes to schools to do speeches, interviews and stuff. She loves every minute of it. she really feels like she’s helping people.
I have more but I’ll shut up for now (unless someone asks me to spill more 👀👀)
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