#they get together to get drunk and shit talk the entire station
uchuujin-chan · 2 years
ok so riddle me this. keiko actually getting to make her arboretum on the station and inviting the bridge crew to enjoy it. a reflection pond for the exotic fish and insect species. a secret little corner of the garden with some righteous herb growing. dax & kira visiting after hours when the holodome projects stars above. two alien ladies smoking a joint and maybe falling into the pond and kissing. keiko smug & gossiping to garak that she finally made it happen when she checks the surveillance the next day. quark overhearing in the bar and banging his head on the replicator in dismay. let me write an episode. sigh
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iridescentparkers · 1 month
vanilla palm trees → three - late night talking
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vanilla palm trees → three - late night talking
summary ⇢ it’s been years, he should get over it, right? but, peter just can’t. he looks up, he sees her. he goes to bed, he dreams of her. he wakes up, he can smell her. he goes out one night and he sees…her. no, not gwen but his ticket to stop moping around on the anniversary of her death. what is meant to be one quick night of putting sadness on the back burner, is now a blossoming new love that feels all too perfect for peter. was this new woman in his life meant to be? or was this just another set of poorly dealt cards that would leave him walking away empty handed. all or nothing, right? ↝ college!au ↝ one night stand gone wrong trope | masterlist
parings ⇢ tasm!peter parker x female reader
warnings ⇢ alcohol use and sexual themes
a/n ⇢ THANKS FOR 500 AAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAH LFG! love y'all. answer my poll if you can, i wanna write something new. also this one is kinda short!
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HE WATCHED as his windows clouded with condensation and fog, making his New York City apartment a bit dreary. Lighting the match on his old gas station matchbox, Peter saw Y/N’s tired reflection stare back at him in the window. 
“You look exhausted,” he remarked as he lit candles around the room. “You should get some sleep. Take my bed.  I’ll sleep out here.” 
“I’m fine,” she remarked, followed by a stifled yawn. “Don’t worry about me. I just hope nothing too bad happened to your circuit.” 
“It’s all good,” he assured. “My roommate texted and said the powers' out on the entire block.” 
 He saw her shiver under her blanket, rubbing her hands quickly back and forth, “If the hand warmers aren’t working, there is always a beer.” 
“I know we aren’t that far in age, but I cannot drink like I used to in college,” she informed, pulling her blanket close to her body. 
He laughed, grabbing a blanket nearby, moving to his couch, and opening one of the beers on the table, “We were both barely drunk.” 
“I was barely tipsy, but my tolerance is still not as good as it used to be. I went to USC. The parties here are tame compared to the LA lifestyle.” 
He lifted the bottle to his lips as she spoke, Y/N's eyes watching his hands. “I’ll take one.” 
“You sure, don’t feel pressured-
“I don’t, I promise." She began. "You already have me in three layers of your clothes. If this isn’t working, what else will.” She stated. 
“You miss it?”
“What? LA?” She asked, and he nodded. 
“Sometimes. I grew up here though. I left to get a drastic change of scenery.” She mentioned, watching him as he took a swig of his drink. 
“What part?”
“Manhattan. My parents owned a gallery for years, both art curators, and when they need me to, my brother and I plan to run the whole thing.” 
“Which one?”
“My Mom’s family gallery, we’ve had it for years.” 
"There is more than one?"
"A couple here and there. That's the biggest one." 
“What’s the name ?”
She hesitated, glancing around his apartment before meeting his eyes again, “The Trenton.” 
That was his favorite gallery, the curations changing every month with local artists that people come from all over the world to see. Peter spat out his beer, the words making him choke, “Holy shit-”
She pressed her lips firmly together, pushing her hair away from her face, “Sorry.”
Peter had apologized. Y/N waved a gentle hand, “You’re not the first.” 
“That’s my favorite gallery,” he lit up, drinking more of his beer. 
She smiled, her leg drawing closer to his. “I should take you some time.”
“I’d love that.”  
Y/N shrugged her shoulders as she sipped her beer, leaning back further on the couch. Peter mirrored the position, placing his body even closer to Y/N, “What do your parents do?”
“My Aunt and Uncle raised me,” he informed. “My Aunt May runs a non-profit and my uncle passed years ago, a mechanic.” 
“Peter, I’m so sorry,” she stated, placing a gentle hand on his thigh, rubbing her thumb along his kneecap. 
“It was all a while ago. I’ve been healing for years.”  He smiled, Y/N removing her hand from his leg. The ghosts of her gentle hand lingered and he slowly looked down and back up at Y/N as she took another sip of her drink. Peter watched as Y/N moved her lips to the bottle, swiping her thumb along her bottom lip. He looked back up at her eyes, watching as they quickly jolted back and forth. She leaned into him, kissing him hard. After placing her beer aside, him doing the same, she crawled into his lap. She grinded onto him, Peter grabbing her ass as she wrapped her arms around him. She pulled from him, narrowing her eyes at Peter.
“It’s almost 3, and I’m feeling warm,” she whispered, getting out of his lap. “I’m going to get some sleep.”
“Yeah, go ahead. Take my bed.”
She quickly ran to Peter’s room, letting the door crack behind her. Peter followed her down the hallway, slowly peering inside of his room. He watched as she pulled back his neatly made sheets, folding them forward as she got under the covers. He stepped closer inside, veering towards the edge of her bed. 
“If you need anything Y/N, let me know.”
She shifted to sit on her knees, eyeing Peter in his stance. Ending the space between them, she crawled closer, grabbing his hand as he stood before her. “Stay with me.”
She was glowing, the same way as she did in the bar, even like this. There was something so angelic about her touch, hell her entire being. He wanted nothing more than to fall into her and see all of her, but he couldn’t. 
“Please.” She asked, placing a warm hand under his shirt, and moving her fingers along his abdomen. 
She put her other hand along his cheek, her face almost touching his. “Okay.”
He nodded, looking down at her lips. She pressed her lips on his gently, slowly pushing herself further into him. Peter broke the kiss stating, “We shouldn’t, I’m not that intoxicated.”
“I’m not either, I swear.” She assured, kissing along his neck. 
“Still, just to be safe.”
He grabbed her hand, holding it to his chest before moving her to one side of his bed. Lying down, he moved her hand around his torso, allowing her to tuck her head into his neck. 
“Did you blow out all of those candles?”
In the morning, Peter awoke before Y/N, his body now to her backside. The apartment was still chilly but it felt amazing. The warmness between them was so natural and comforting that it left Peter not wanting to let go. 
“Good morning.” 
With her eyes closed, Y/N greeted Peter, her words still mumbled with sleep. 
“Morning,” he greeted back, kissing the back of her neck. “How are you feeling?”
“Warm,” she smiled, running her hand along Peter’s arm. She turned over, her face about an inch from Peter’s to place a lazy kiss on his lips. She drew her hands up and down his back as he gripped the side of her face. Her tongue moved lazily in his mouth, and his response muffled in moans of pleasure. 
“Woah there bossman!” A voice yelled,  “You’re breaking roommate rules It's 10 AM.”
The two broke apart and Peter jolted from his lying position, “Shit.”
“Who’s that?” Y/N asked, sitting up.
“My roommate.”
“Alcohol, candles, blankets, pillows,” Harry noted, his voice growing closer to Peter’s door. “Parker! I’m so proud of you!”
“Parker? Who’s Parker?”
“It’s my last name,” He hurried, getting out of bed. “Listen I-”
With his hand over his eyeballs, he walked up to Peter’s door, “Now I’m not coming in, but I would just like to say, this is a monumental event that will go down in Osborne and Parker history.”
“After years, Parker’s got his groove back!"
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 10 months
i dont know how to explain it but to me udad and hnoc are like opposites of each other. (Under read more, cause it is loooooonnnnng)
With udad the situation everyone is in is bonkers shit. The world they live in is absolutely shithole of a place that exploits everyone but the richest of the rich and the people there cant escape even after their death. Every single one of them is bitter and depressed and wronged and just wants to survive and they'll do anything to survive even if it meant killing the other one. All the natural part of that world is long dead and only thing exists is this cold dark metallic hellscape of a city that swallowed its own planet like a cancer. Almost all the songs are just how everyone was exploited, used, wronged, and discarded they were. Ulysses is a drunk fallen 'hero' completely guilt ridden by their role in Illium's fall. They had lost everyone and everything even before the album began. They spent so much of their throughout album getting their shit beat in. They, Heracles, and Orpheus go to Hades (Ashes) in hopes to be freed whether as a request, through theft, or through a deal. And Ashes all but set them all up to die for their own amusement (which btw very sexy of them <3 but that is besides the point). There seemed to be no hope for them.
And yet, despite everything the ending is so hopeful. We know that Ulysses would die, if it wasnt obvious from the title of the album itself it certainly becomes obvious when we learn how their world works. And yet they died a happier ending, they escaped the curse of their city and died reunited with their love. Ulysses died under an oak tree in a grassy fields, among nature which was thought to be dead since The City's takeover. Ulysses died being warmed by sunlight, a right denied to so many others like them. Ulysses died at dawn.
And then there is hnoc. Hnoc starts heroic. Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere take over Camelot from the corrupt Stone clan through their skills and teamwork. They turn it into a place of safety with all three of them incharge. Their lives are hard and filled with violence and hatred and fear and the world they live is harsh and unforgiving. But they still have each other, and they still care for the people around them. There is nature like scorpions and vultures despite it being a space station. The album has songs about love and being in love, about hope of peace, about power of faith. Everyone wants to survive and they are willing to work together to do it. Arthur is embittered by his "daughter's" death but still has his partners to keep him grounded and is ruler/sheriff of a powerful town with lots of knights working for him. What is more, the tragedy that hardened both Arthur and Gawain can be healed because the person they mourn isnt dead, he is Mordred and he is here to make amends. Arthur, Gawain, and Galahad go to Merlin (Brian) to seek aid, and he gives them advice that truly could have saved them, because Merlin really did wanted to save them and the entire station. There seemed to be hope for them.
And yet in the end it meant nothing. It was all for nothing. Alfred and Gawain did not listen to Brian's advice and ended up sealing theirs and everyone else's fate. Galahad did take Brian's advice and it destroyed him in a self sacrifice that ended up being for nothing. Mordred tried so hard for peace but at the end seeing the hatred and cruelty of his world hardened him to the core. Gawain's hatred turned peace talks into war and turned him into sawage barbaric monster he thought Saxons to be. Arthur's hardened core did not let him hope that his child could ever return to him and ended up not giving Mordred even a chance. What could have saved everyone Fort Gallfridian ended up turning into what destroyed Fort Gallfridian whether it be the GRAIL or Mordred. Almost all of them died a pointless avoidable death. And Arthur? Arthur lost everything. He lost his partners, he lost his chance to embrace his son, he lost his home, he lost his people. He may have survived but at the end he lost everything. High noon over Camelot. We didnt understand what it truly meant (all of them dying in the sun) until it was too late.
Ulysses shoots once, and it led to their happy ending. Gawain shoots once, and it led to everyone's tragedy. 3 shots all for Ulysses and it killed them. 3 shots for Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere, and it hurt Arthur but never killed him. Ulysses was the only one who got to die under the sun, Arthur was the only one who didnt die in the sun.
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giuliettagaltieri · 9 months
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Care Plan
Pairing: Surgeon!Eren x Nurse!Reader
Synopsis: You're back from your trip and a certain surgeon finds it difficult to not be in the receiving end of your undivided attention.
Warning: minor angst
Word Count: 1269
3 of 3
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Eren cursed himself for taking the bait.
He was aware exactly what your coworkers were doing.
They made sure to let him overhear that you would be coming in today after disappearing to the tropics for a full two weeks. 
It was not supposed to be a problem but he realized that today was supposed to be his day off.
His head ached so much he won’t be surprised if it splits in two.  Last night, he stayed awake, thinking, with a glass or two—maybe five— of whiskey in his hand.  He wasn’t entirely sure.  Neither is he certain about the things he thought about last night.  Or the past few days.
Eren rubs his head and slumps on a chair inside the nurses’ station.  All the other nurses are in the lounge as no operation was scheduled until eight in the morning and it’s still five past six.
He rubs his temple as it pounds painfully.
“Good morning, Doctor Jaeger.”
Eren’s head jerks up and his regret comes abruptly as his headache worsens.
“Fuck.”  He grimaces, clutching his forehead.
“Are you alright?” 
He groans when the familiar touch pulls his hand away from his temple and he comes face to face with you.
“You’re back.”  He winces.
You let out a chuckle as you straighten up.  “And you’re having a terrible hangover.”
He watches you fill a mug with water and you hand it to him, which he gratefully accepts. 
“No problem.”  You say before disappearing into the lounge. 
He has to admit, he’s a bit disappointed upon seeing you leave just like that.  And did you just call him by his last name?
Muffled cheers and laughter ensue in the lounge and he closes his eyes to listen as he sips on his water.
He hears you talk about surfing and coconuts. 
Oh, and you like grilled seafood?  His friend Niccolo owns a fancy restaurant that serves good seafood.
Eren takes another sip from his water.
His back straightens and his eyes open upon hearing a man’s name.
So, there was a man.
“You’re not supposed to be on duty.”
Eren glances to the side and sees Pyxis opening a chart.
“I need to see my patient in the surgical ward.”  Eren says smoothly.
Only, this is Pyxis he’s talking to.
“And you’re doing so by being in the OR nurses’ station?”
Eren quickly resumes his relaxed position on the chair while you hand something to Pyxis.
“Oho, piña colada candies.”  Pyxis gladly takes it and thanks you.  He glances at Eren.  “What’s this?  Did Doctor Jaeger not get any?”
Eren glares at him before getting up to leave.  “I don’t need your liquor candy.”
Pyxis laughs and heads to the nurses’ lounge to see what you got for the others.
On purpose, Eren slowed his steps but was again disappointed when you joined the others in the lounge instead.
He deserved it.
He was rude to you not just on the day before you left for your trip but most of the time you worked together, he was disregarding your kindness.
Eren’s brows met and he kicked the medicine cup that was lying around on the floor and the sound clatters on the empty hallway.
It was stupid, coming to the hospital.  He could have slept in.  But then again, he could have been drunk when he made the decision to come.
He gripped his shirt from the back and was pulling it over his head when his phone buzzed, and he pulled it out of his pocket.
It was a message from Mikasa.
“Made it to my mom’s hometown.  Thanks so much, Eren.  The kids miss you, their ‘cool uncle’ they decided to call you now.  You have to drop by and bring them gifts sometime.”
Eren scratches a nonexistent itch in his collarbone and he types his reply when the door opens.
“Doctor Jaeger-”
You walked in, slapped your hand to your face and turned to leave, only to bump into the wall and fall on your butt.
He blinks as his mind registers what happened. 
“Shit!”  Eren tosses his phone to the couch to help you up.  “Are you okay?”
He helps you up and sweeps your hair to the side to see if you're hurt but aside from your now reddening nose, you look completely fine.
“Mhm, I’m okay.”  You say while still closing your eyes.  “I’m so sorry for walking in on you.”
He glances down and smiles cockily.  “S’fine.”
You try to get out of his grip but he’s holding you still.
“I came to let you know that we’re ordering breakfast and I just wanted to ask if you wanted to join us.”  You open your eyes to look at him but you flit them to the side swiftly.  “And I promise, I bought something for you!”  You glance at him again but you look away just as quick.  “I just thought you won’t be coming in today.”
Eren chuckles and you appear more and more flushed with every minute that passes.  You look pretty without your mask.
“I like the way you do your sponge count.”
You look at him with the most confused look he has ever seen you wear.
“I also liked how you are quick to give me the instruments and even anticipate what I need next.”
Slowly, your brows form a tiny frown as you still look at him quizzically.
“I like how you come and see me every duty.”  He chuckles.  “I also like the way you flirt.”
Your mouth opens to retort but he hushes you.
“And I’m sorry.”  He rubs his thumb on your arm.  “I’m sorry for being rude, for yelling at you, for not wishing you a good morning and good evening when you do it every time without fail.”
“I’m sorry too.”
He raises a brow.  “For what?”
You try to pull away again but he won’t let you.  “You-You’re with Doctor Ackerman-”
He makes a face.  “Mikasa and I aren’t together.”
“She’s one of my best friends.”
“Doctor Jaeger-”
“Don’t.”  He says with a tired tone.  “Don’t call me that.”
“But I thought its Doctor Jaeger to me?”  You smile and smoothen out his frown.
He shakes his head and pulls you close.  You resist a laugh when he collapses on your shoulder, his nose skimming your neck.  You lean your head against his as you rub his back.
“What is this?  Doctor Jaeger, acting like a baby?”
He gets out of your embrace, looks at you with those lazy eyes then glances at his sculpted abdomen.  “A baby can’t have this body.”
You roll your eyes and turn to the door.  “Join us after you make yourself decent.”
His tongue traces his canine as his eyes linger on your behind.
Eren throws in his scrubs to catch up to you.  Draping his arm on your shoulder as you walk to the nurses’ lounge.
“You didn’t sleep with anyone while you were on vacation, right?”
“What?  No, I didn’t.”
“I’ll kill Ymir.”
“Please don’t.”
Eren makes an unconvincing hum and you elbow him for it.
“You smell like the ocean.”  He says nonchalantly.
“I do?”  You grab the end of your ponytail and sniff.  Huh, you do.
“How do you feel about Polo by Ralph Lauren?”
You tilt your head in confusion.  “Your cologne? Why?”
He steers you to the door and his hand rests on the knob.
“Because you’ll probably smell like it after I’m done with you tonight.”
Eren opens the door before you could respond, showing everyone your flushed face.
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Doctor's Order • Progress Notes • Care Plan
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booppooo · 2 years
Can I request a fic where the reader and abby have been messing around for a while and everyone knows that they are both off limits because of one another. Kinda like fuck buddies but feelings are definitely involved.
Can this fic be stationed in college?
There's More to This
Abby Anderson x Fem! Reader
AN: uhm I didn't add any smut to this if that was what you were getting at I'm sorry....I hope you enjoy? Thanks for requesting nonetheless <3
Warnings: arguing, fwb to lovers, jealousy
There were no strings attached, so why did it hurt so much when Abby talked about her?
"Yeah she was kinda crazy, she wanted to handcuff me to the bed and shit - I wasn't into it." Abby explained while sipping on a beer in your apartment.
Little did you know, Abby was lying about the entire endeavor with Nora. She just wanted to see how you would react, make you jealous even.
And she succeeded, because you crossed your arms and leaned toward the opposite end of the couch distastefully, "That is pretty weird." It took more than you wanted to admit to not grumble.
Seeing you so defensive and with your nose stuck up in the air shamefully made Abby's heart leap in her chest. It was stupid how involved she got with you, because now - what was supposed to be another stupid hook up - turned into several late night booty calls, and now casual fuck buddies.
Before it was just, 'wyd?' texts at 3am, either both of you were drunk, or up stressing over homework. But as of late, you both would instinctually gravitate toward each other during the day. Walking each other to classes, getting something to eat together, even ending up going to parties together. This meant that those middle of the night texts were now fucking on each other's couch at 2 pm on a Wednesday.
And for a while that's how it was. More or less just you and Abby reaching out for one another to get a 'fix.' It was too easy and too familiar to want and branch out, at least that's what you told yourself. That was also the impression Abby gave you, because you used to laugh together at the desperate texts she'd get from old hook ups freshly after you two were done playing around in the sheets.
Until Nora.
Well, until Abby's story about Nora. A fable.
From your understanding, you two were on the path to becoming exclusive - possibly even dating, but this certainly threw a wrench in things. Honestly, a part of your heart broke over what she told you.
You glanced at the clock - 4PM. Was it too odd an hour to kick her out for 'homework' purposes?
"Hey uh, I got a paper I need to work on for my psych class." You reached for the remote on the coffee table and turned off Parks and Recreation.
"Yeah I get it, I can hang out here until you're done," then she glanced at the time, "You wanna get an early dinner first?"
You could just strangle her.
"Hm I would but I'm not hungry right now." You felt like you were scrambling to get her out, "And I'd be cool with you waiting but I'll probably be working on it all night, it's a pretty long paper."
Maybe it was the nervous tone in your voice, or the way you wouldn't make eye contact with her, but somehow she saw through your bullshit, "Oh yeah? And what's the paper about? Because you usually like to get dinner about this time."
Her words hit you like a frying pan over the head, "It's a research paper I've been putting off, it's like a whole semester long thing." Slowly you inched toward the front door.
"Uhm, okay? When do you plan on eating then?"
What was annoyance before, turned into anxiety, and now anger. Rage was beginning to simmer below your rib cage and in your cheeks.
"Probably around 6 or so. I'll see you later, I need to work on this." Your hand was on the door knob.
Abby stood from her seat and watched you with an arched brow, "You're being really weird. Did I do something wrong?"
"No just-" you we're getting upset, "I just want to get this paper done."
She started grinning, gradually approaching you like a lion hunting it's prey, "Doesn't seem like it."
Across from you she leaned against the wall and watched you teeter on the edge of seething. Her arms were crossed to show her muscles, a full fledged smirk on her face.
You didn't want to argue, you knew if you did you'd actually tell her what was nagging at you.
"You can show your way out." Then you left for your room.
Unfortunately, you only made it a few feet before she had your wrist and tugged you against her.
"Hey now - that's now way to treat your guest." It was evident in her voice she thought this was going in a certain direction, despite all your efforts to steer her the opposite way.
"Abby don't touch me!" You snagged your wrist away and frowned.
It seemed now she wanted to take you seriously.
"Okay you're definitely being weird. What's going on?"
"Just go Abby."
Tears began to form in your eyes, so you turned and headed for your bedroom.
She scoffed, "I'm not leaving until you tell me what the hell is wrong with you."
You stopped dead in your tracks. Jaw tense and tears brimming in your eyes, it would be an understatement to say you were frustrated.
"I'll call the cops."
She laughed. Your voice was meek and shaky.
"Listen, if I did something, just tell me. You're acting like a damn kid."
If you wanted to act like a kid you could. You wouldn't hesitate to scream and kick and throw yourself on the floor until someone called the police because of how much noise you made. Anything to make her leave.
"Are you jealous?"
Was she really that dense? No, she had to be doing this on purpose. There was no way she didn't think she was innocent.
"What an astute observation. Now get out." The rest of your journey to your bedroom was spent wiping away tears.
But you should've known better, because Abby was quick to throw herself in front of your door and keep tormenting you.
"Woah hey- are you crying?" She cupped your jaw and forced you to meet her eyes, but you averted her gaze, "Way to rub it in." You shoved her hand away.
Now Abby really felt shame. She didn't know it would make you cry, nor this angry. She just wanted to get a rise out of you, perhaps even test the waters on hate fucking.
Both of her hands held your melancholy expression now, "Y/n, hey, I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to see how you'd react. Do you really think I slept with her?"
"What else was I supposed to think!?" You snapped, now sobbing.
"Shit I don't know? I thought you would get all jealous and then wanna fuck it out or something."
The words coming out of her mouth only fanned the flame behind your eyes. Beyond your miserable sobs was raw anger, and everything Abby did to try and tame it only exacerbated it.
Wriggling from her hold you tried to shove her aside to disappear into your room - the only thing you had been trying to do this entire time. If this continued any longer, you'd have a breakdown.
"Wait a second-" Abby reached for you once more and tried to restrain you against her chest, "I'm sorry, I know that was stupid."
You persisted against her, some of your tears wetting her shirt, "No shit!"
"Just calm down alright? I promise I won't do it again." In a desperate attempt to diffuse the situation she tried to wipe some tears from your wet skin.
"Abby-" you finally broke free," there isn't going to be 'again.' I don't want to fucking see you again! You're so oblivious and just want to use me for my body."
That seemed to strike a gnarly nerve inside her, because her brows dipped disdainfully and her nose scrunched.
"Are you - heh - are you breaking up with me?"
It was your turn to laugh, "Break up? Break up what exactly? You never asked me to be your girlfriend, every time you come over we fuck; there's nothing there! This is bullshit!"
"Oh! Oh so all those times I bought you dinner, and was late to my class so I could walk you to yours, and the countless hours we spent together laughing in bed was just nothing. Is that it? Is that the bullshit?"
This was the first time you had seen each other angry. You never thought you'd reach this point, truthfully you were okay with being fuck buddies and letting the label come naturally, but the nature of the argument had you expressing otherwise. You were afraid. Abby wasn't going to hit you, but she was a smart girl and knew what would strike you the wrong way as far as hurtful words. But you also had a few things up your sleeve.
"You never said otherwise. It's the same shit I'd do for my friends. As far as I'm concerned, we were barely casual."
"Are you kidding me? Is this a joke?"
"Oh- like you 'kidding' about fucking Nora?"
"Yes!" She was nearly as hysterical as you, "I already told you it was fake!"
You nodded, "Yeah, like whatever you thought we had."
She sighed out exhaustion, "Oh my god," and pinched the bridge of her nose, "What do you want from me Y/n? Hm?"
Reflecting her attitude, you crossed your arms, "Nothing now."
"Fuckin c'mon," she groaned, "Don't be like that, work with me a little bit."
After all this, she wanted you to be forward and honest? To suddenly come up with a solution and slap a band-aid on all of this? How were you supposed to think about any of that when knocking her front teeth in would feel so much better?
"How about you work yourself out of my apartment. I don't know what you're trying to hurry up and fix, but if you're scared you're gonna lose your fuck buddy then you should be."
"Stop saying that! I'm trying to apologize to you. If we were just fucking I wouldn't stand here and rip my hair out over you."
Now she looked completely frazzled. Her hair was messy, eyes red, chest rising and falling with her rapid breathing.
There was something that was going over your head, "Did you actually think we were dating?"
"You tell me." She deadpanned.
"Then why make up the stupid story about Nora?!"
She ran her fingers through her hair, "We've been over this. It was a dumb idea to turn you on. I already said sorry - can you please just get over it?"
Studying her features, you contemplated your argument. Matter of fact, you contemplated your dynamic as a whole. So much was brought up, more than you wanted to voice into the world, but it was too late to take it back now. Was it too late for you two? Was a relationship really a good idea?
There was one way to find out if she was really seriously about this, "Okay, I'll get over it, if you ask me."
A bit of your heart broke when you noticed how she was holding on by a thread, "Huh?"
You repeated yourself, serious in your gaze and jaw clenched.
"Wh-what?" Her eyes darted around your expression, "Do you want me to ask you out?" You didn't waiver, this was for her to figure out.
"Will you be my girlfriend...?"
It wasn't the most romantic, and the furthest from ideal, way to be asked out, but you accepted it. She sighed in relief and scooped you up in a hug, letting the tension naturally set, no further words spoken.
You both perked up. Abby slipped her phone from her pocket and let you read the message with her.
Unknown number: hey, been a while since we talked. What've you been up to? Busy tonight?
Abby: yeah I'm hanging out with my girlfriend
You smiled up at her and she planted a kiss on your forehead.
Unknown number: oh shit sorry, who?
Abby: Y/n
Unknown number: really? I thought you were just tapping that
Abby: uhm no?
"Do people think we were just fucking around?" You wondered out loud, watching as Abby blocked the number.
The blonde shrugged, "You did."
You clicked your tongue in disappointment and shoved her away.
"Hey! Don't be like that. I was just teasing you. Would dinner make you feel better?"
Looking over your shoulder at her, you carefully considered her offer.
"....let's go."
Abby chuckled and made her way back toward the front door, slipping on her shoes, "I have a few ideas for dessert then," her eyes lingered along your body.
You couldn't help but let your vision wander as well, "I actually like the sound of dessert before dinner."
"Oh yeah?" Her hand instinctively found your hip.
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lottesreads · 8 months
Why Me? - Part 4
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Mitchell! Female Reader (Callsign Mantis)
Warnings: Cursing, insecurities, pining, mommy/daddy issues, throw up, little bit of angst, mentions of pregnancy, dirty jokes, mentions of death, mentions of being drunk/drinking
Word Count: 6892
Summary: The next morning commences after Bob sleeps over. You tell him things you never thought you'd talk to anyone about, and you both get to know each other a little better.
A/N: I realize now I have no posting schedule, I just post when it's done, so sorry 'bout that! Things are starting to pick up and I cannot wait to get to the next couple of parts, enjoy! And as always, love to know what you think!
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Contrary to popular belief, you are actually a very level-headed individual. You made it through the academy and multiple deployments, often as the only woman in your squadron. You pushed back when people tried to knock you down, and you were able to do it by yourself. You didn’t need to call your dad for backup, he often didn’t know just how much shit you had to sit with just because you held his last name. It wasn’t just the Navy that held you in suspicion because of this. Your own flesh and blood held some animosity toward you. You often heard your grandmother tell you how great her daughter’s life could have been, “If your good for nothing father hadn’t come around.” You took it as she meant it: If she never had you.
That’s how it has always been around your mother’s side. She met Mav when he was stationed in Florida, your mother on spring break from her junior year in college. She was barely old enough to drink, but they made quick enough conversation. He was still in his flight suit from work when she walked into the bar with the rest of her friends. Only looking for a little fun she quickly left them in the dust for the man behind the aviators. They spent the entire week together until she had to go back to Ohio. He gave her his number in case she ever found herself back in Florida, and that was it. That is, until about a month later after finals were over and she still had one test to take. It came back positive. 
Pete was thrilled to hear back from your mom already, hoping they’d be doing a different kind of catching up. Instead, he was met with the sound of your grandmother yelling at him through the phone. He didn’t hear much, but the few words and sentences he did catch were “pregnant”, “kill you”, and “my baby”, but to be honest he didn’t hear a lot after the first time she said pregnant. To be fair, your dad stepped up to the best ability the Navy would let him. He requested a transfer to be closer to the two of you, calling Carole for advice, and when you were born, she and Bradley even made the journey to see you.
Then there were the deployments. Everywhere he went, Mav seemed to piss off someone, whether it be his Captain, Admiral, or anybody above him who had the power to send him out, they did. Moving to Virginia, your parents tried for the first two years of your life. They really did. Your mother ended up dropping out of school to take care of you while your dad was away. Always citing the Navy for the reason their troubles began. When he was back they’d fight constantly, her saying he was always away, and him telling her that it was his job. She couldn’t stand to look at him anymore. Thus started the arrangement you grew up with. Spending the school year with your mother, and the summers with your dad. Even if he had to leave in the middle, you spent the rest of your time with Carole and Bradley. A great reprieve from your mother’s side. Even from such a young age you felt bad taking away Carole from Bradley, learning guilt from your family very early on. There was one point when Pete was deployed when you were 8, Bradley 14, that you told him this. He told you he felt the same way about your dad and ended the conversation with, “We can share.”
You miss the times when you couldn’t wait to see the two of them. Which makes what happened last night even more bittersweet when you look back on it. Your dad didn’t even think there was conflict between you two, he just saw his kids talking again. That was enough for him. You didn’t even want to think about Carole right now. It always hurt, but knowing that her girl was fighting with her boy would have her smacking the both of you upside the head.
You could practically feel her in your brain the next morning. Either that or your head was pounding from all the tequila and lack of water in your system. From behind your eyelids you can tell the sun is just barely starting to come up. Damn that internal clock. You dare to move your face further into the pillow, but still completely at the feeling of something moving underneath your arm. Your hand lies curled into Bob’s side, the remainder of your arm resting over his stomach. You must have shifted in the night, you on your stomach, Bob’s hand now resting on your arm. His head facing toward you, eyes fluttering every couple of seconds, obviously in a deep sleep. He looks so peaceful like this, it almost stops your heart from beating out of its chest.
You take slow, measured breaths, praying you don’t wake him up. Not wanting to leave the only moment thus far that you’ve seen Bob completely at peace. Your eyes get caught wandering over the same few freckles across his nose and cheeks. As you admire the appearance of each dot, you are made painstakingly aware of how close your faces are. Your arm unintentionally flexes around his side and he takes a deep inhale. You close your eyes immediately, scared that you may have woken him up. His hand starts to smooth up and down your arm as you try to quiet your breathing. His hand abruptly stops in the middle of your arm as you feel his head lift from the pillow. You are trying your darndest to quiet your breathing all while your heart rate is skyrocketing. An impressive feat you are hoping Bob doesn’t catch on to. His head falls back to the pillow as you hear him let out a breath. He hasn’t dared to lift his hand from your arm quite yet, it still lingers, his fingers now tracing small shapes.
Oh god that was even worse. Feeling his hand wrap around your arm gave you butterflies. But now he was being so- delicate. Drawing deliberate shapes and patterns, none of which you could decipher. He was fully aware of what he was doing and now so were you. Your chest begins to feel light until the butterflies in your stomach are absolutely lurching. Wait, no you were going to be sick. Your eyes shoot open, alerting Bob, as you untangle yourself from the sheets and run toward the bathroom. Barely making it in time your stomach promptly evacuates whatever was left in there from last night. You can’t even hear Bob follow you in, but are made aware of his presence as he holds back your hair and rubs your back. Even as you’re puking up your guts, you take a moment to acknowledge just how touching the gesture is. And then you feel immediately guilty for letting Rooster get to you last night and ruining the plans you made with Bob.
Once you’re absolutely sure you’re finished, Bob helps you stand as your eyes meet in the mirror. He grabs your toothbrush, applying some toothpaste and handing it to you.
“You feeling ok?”, he asks as you begin to brush your teeth. You close your eyes and nod, not finding the strength to look at him quite yet. “Where do you keep your pain meds?”. You spit and rinse your mouth, continuing to lean over the sink.
“Cupboard to the left of the fridge”, you grumble. Just as soon as he’s gone, Bob reappears right next to you with a couple pills and a glass of water. You graciously accept the drugs and sip the water. You spare a glance in the mirror and catch Bob’s eyes. He had put his glasses on at some point, but was still sporting the sweatpants you lent him. It seemed weirdly intimate and almost fitting to see him in your clothes as well as in your bathroom. Oh god. This poor man had to put up with you all night and had to carry your drunk ass up the stairs. You place your hand over your forehead in embarrassment. “Oh god.”
“What’s wrong, you gonna be sick again?”, concern etches into his voice.
“No it’s not that. I’m just- I’m so sorry I ruined your night.”
“My night wasn’t ruined.” This has you opening your eyes once again and turning to Bob.
“How did I not ruin your night? You were supposed to go out and play pool, not carry your drunk coworker up the stairs and have to crash at her place.”
“Ok, first thing: If I recall correctly we did play pool. Number two: I offered to drive you home and then carry you up the stairs. And number three: I crashed here because I wanted to make sure you were ok. I didn’t feel right leaving you drunk and alone.” He seemingly and very purposefully left out the part where you practically begged him to stay in your bed. And you are grateful for that. The levels of empathy and generosity radiating from this man are astronomical. After getting through the exterior of anxiety and doubt, there is a big old softy in there.
“Well, thanks for doing all that. You didn’t have to.” You shyly offer. 
“I wouldn’t have been able to sleep if I didn’t make sure you were taken care of.” You look up and share a small smile with him. Seemingly meeting your embarrassment and his kindness in the middle. But your head is still pounding as you wince at the light coming through the door. As if he could read your mind, Bob closes the blinds to your bedroom alleviating the pain slightly. “Let’s get you back to bed.” You blindly take his arm as he leads you to your bed once more, allowing you to get situated before he comes back. The bed dips as he sits next to you, “Fair warning, I’m gonna place this rag on your forehead, ok?”
“Ok”, you whisper. Bob gingerly smooths the cool rag over your head and places the glass of water on your nightstand.
“Now that I know you haven’t died during the night-”
“How can you be so sure? It doesn’t feel that way”, he lets out a small huff of laughter.
“Because you still have the ability to be a smartass. It’ll be a cold day in Hell when you don’t have a quick comeback.” You smile at his use of the word ‘smartass’. You want to take it with a grain of salt, but hope it means he’s more comfortable around you to finally swear.
“Robert, such language.”
“I know I know, just don’t tell my mama.” You open your eyes a crack at the use of his southern drawl, smiling. He’s smiling right back at you, breaking the contact finally as he clears his throat. “Anyway, I’ve gotta get home to Sylvia. But I’ll be back later if you’re feeling better to go grab your car.” You reach out to grab the nearest thing to you, which happens to be his hand.
“Bob, I didn’t even think about my car. I am so sorry. I’ll just walk over there-”
“Hey it’s fine”, he squeezes your hand, “I only live about 10 minutes away, it’s not that big a deal.”
“After this you better be able to call me your friend. You took care of me while I was drunk and held my hair back as I puked. That’s as close as two people can be.” He smiles at your tired words. Of course he wanted to be your friend. He wanted to be more, but he would take anything you were willing to give him. And therefore what the Navy would allow. But he shouldn’t get ahead of himself. It still baffled him why you would want to talk to him in the first place, but here you are. Bonding over the fact that he took care of you. It wasn’t even a question in his mind, he was always going to make sure you were ok.
“Of course you’re my friend”, taking a look down at your still connected hands he realizes all the compromising positions he’s put you in during the last 12 hours. Deciding this is still too intimate for friends, he slips his hand out of yours and stands. “I’ll be back later if you’re feeling up to it.”
“If you insist.” Bob grabs his pants from their folded position on your dresser as well as his phone, looking back to you for one last glance.
“Oh I do.” He taps the door frame, “Get some sleep.” Your eyes slip shut as you succumb to a sleep you would classify as coma-like. You don’t even hear the front door close, Bob being mindful and shutting it as quietly as possible so as not to disturb your headache further.
Bob couldn’t help the smile that crept on his face the entire drive back to his place. You wanted him to be your friend. You wanted to spend time with him. And more importantly, he would be seeing you again later. He didn’t even care he saw you throw up this morning, he still thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Not to mention you were funny as hell and strong-willed. You didn’t back down when Rooster had confronted you, and you ended up beating him in pool, drunk. Thinking of how amazing you are had the smile slipping from his face. What exactly did you see in him? Even just as a friend, what could he have to offer you?
He all too soon pulls up to his driveway, noticing Phoenix’s car waiting for him. He furrows his brow, she never said she was coming over. He makes his way to the front door, unlocking it and walking in. He’s greeted by the sound of paws on the hardwood floor running towards him. Sylvia stretches her back legs jumping up on his chest.
“Hey girl!”He greets her with head scratches, gently resting her front back on the floor. Hearing him enter, Phoenix frantically rounds the corner and lets out a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank god. Where the hell have you been?!” She looks him up and down once, face contorting in confusion, “And who the hell’s pants are you wearing?”
“I crashed with Mantis, she was pretty drunk and I didn’t feel right leaving her alone. Why are you here?”
“Because you haven’t answered your phone all night or this morning! I was worried about you.” Bob grabs his phone from out of the pocket of your pants, realizing he left it on do not disturb. There in all their glory are the missed text messages and calls from Phoenix.
“I’m sorry, I put my phone on silent so it wouldn’t wake Mantis up.” Phoenix smiles softly at the notion, but furrows her brow once more.
“Wait, where exactly did you sleep?”
“What do you mean?”
“If you were afraid of your phone going off and waking her up that means you were pretty close.” Bob looks away and rubs the back of his neck. “Bob, answer the question.” The way she squints her dark eyes at him makes him realize she isn’t messing around.
“I was in her room.”
“Did you sleep on the floor?”
“No” He responds quietly, hoping she didn’t hear it. By the way her eyes widen and mouth drops he knows she did.
“BOB!” He quickly holds his hands up in surrender, attempting to clarify the situation.
“I only did because she didn’t want me to leave! I stayed on my side the entire time and I promise you nothing happened.” She huffs out a sigh.
“If Mav finds out you were in his house, in his daughter’s bed-” Bob’s face reddens at her implications.
“Phoenix! Oh my god! You’re making it sound like something it definitely wasn’t”, he rubs his face in his hands avoiding her gaze.
“All I’m saying is, you are literally in her pants right now.” He continues to hide in his hands while Phoenix snickers at her own joke.
“You should go.”
“Oh come on, you’re the one in her clothes! But if it’s making you uncomfortable I’ll stop.” He peeks through his fingers and realizes she’s being sincere. She hears a muffled “thank you” from him as she makes her way to the door. “Good to know you’re alive. We still on for brunch tomorrow?”
“Yeah I’ll be there”, Bob mumbles out, still embarrassed.
“Good, Rachel’s really excited to meet you.” Bob finally looks at Phoenix and smiles, noticing the love-stricken look on her face. 
“Well I’m excited to meet her, too.” Rachel and Phoenix have been going out for three months, Phoenix only now taking the initiative to introduce her to her friends. Not wanting to scare her off by bringing her by the Hard Deck. Last night only solidified that she was making the right choice in not doing so.
“See ya later!” she calls out, shutting the door behind her. Leaving Bob alone with Sylvia, he bends down and gives her all the attention she deserves. He takes her head in both his hands and scratches her ears.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here last night”, he says in the baby voice reserved only for her, “Daddy had to go take care of someone. I know, I know. Maybe you’ll meet her someday.” She cocks her head to the side. “But don’t get too attached, that’s gotta be my problem and mine alone.”
True to his word, after texting to make sure you were feeling ok, Bob came over to retrieve your car. After getting a few more hours of sleep and almost throwing up a couple more times, you were able to shower and down a few glasses of water. Then miraculously you put on some clothes and were attempting to do your hair as the doorbell rang. As fast as your legs let you, you cautiously walked down the stairs to open the door. Even with the pills you took earlier this morning, you were still feeling lightheaded. Not even attempting to eat anything after Bob had watched you at your not-so-finest moment.
You open the door and there’s Bob in all his coiffed hair and wire frames glory. Sporting another t-shirt that wraps perfectly around his biceps as well as jeans that hug his legs just right. You really wish you were a pair of jeans right now. You barely even notice he’s holding your neatly folded sweatpants until he holds them out for you to take.
“I washed these for you, thanks for letting me borrow ‘em.” You graciously take them, taken aback by his thoughtfulness. You really shouldn’t be surprised anymore.
“Thanks Bob, you really didn’t have to do that.” He simply shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets, straining his forearms.
“It’s really no problem. How are you feeling?” You move to take the pants back to your bedroom, answering him while climbing the stairs.
“I’m alright, definitely better than this morning, thanks to you.” You return downstairs and find Bob admiring the framed pictures on the walls. Some of you and your dad, some of just you. And of course some of Bradley with his family. He picks up a frame of you, Bradley, and Carole. You were only 10, and didn’t know it at the time, but it was one of the last summers you’d spend with the Bradshaws. “Oh god, don’t look at that.” It was meant to be playful, but scared Bob nonetheless.
“No I’m sorry, I don’t want to subject you to pre-pubescent me.” He smiles softly and looks back at the picture in his hands. You’re sporting a great toothy smile and hugging Carole while she sticks out her tongue and Bradley gives you bunny-ears with his fingers. Bob doesn’t think he’s ever seen you smile that wide since he’s met you. 
“You look so happy” He watches as you reminisce, your eyes softening while your finger runs over the woman’s face. You don’t look a thing like her, but he notices the similarities in Bradley.
“I was”, you say simply. You clear your throat, breaking the both of you out of the moment. “So, you ready to finally get rid of me?” He lets out a small laugh through his nose. That statement could not be farther from the truth. Bob opens his passenger door for you, almost reaching to help you up, but pulling his hand back before it lands at your waist.
“Good to know it wasn’t my truck that was the problem.” You scoff at him as he slides into his seat, pulling his seatbelt on as you do the same.
“I happen to like your truck Robert, just not so much when I can barely feel my legs beneath me.”
“Glad to hear it.” You both smile at each other until he tears his eyes away to the road to get going. The radio begins to fill the silence with its humming, guitar filling the cab of Bob’s truck. His hands start to sweat as he looks over at you, your eyes closed as your head falls back to the headrest. “How’s your head?”
“Haven’t had any complaints yet”, you mumble. Bob chokes on his spit, eyes widening. Did he hear you correctly?
“What?”, he asks quickly. Your eyes mirror Bob’s as you look over at him, his gaze narrowly avoiding yours as his face heats up. You slap your hand over your mouth, forgetting whose presence you were in.
“Oh my god”, you say behind your hand, taking it away only to rest it in between the two of you. “I am so sorry, it’s a reflex response at this point! Phoenix showed me the Elvira movie while in school and it’s just something we say now.” You start to laugh nervously, hoping to dissipate some of the awkward tension you created. His facade cracks as your nervous giggle continues, he begins to break into a full hearted laugh while your giggle turns into something akin to his. “Bob”, you say as your laughter dies down, “If we’re going to be friends you’re going to have to get used to stupid crap like that.” His smile grows a bit wider, as he imagines himself laughing like this with you more often.
“I could get used to that.”
“Good”, you say, resting your head once again. Trying not to stifle another smile that threatens to take over your face.
“But seriously, how are you feeling?” You let out a large sigh.
“Oh you know, drugs can only do so much.” He knows you’re not letting on to how bad you’re actually feeling as your eyes remain closed.
“Have you had anything to eat today?”
“Oh god no, you were there this morning. I haven’t even dared to try to keep anything down.”
“Well that’s why your head still hurts. You need to absorb the lingering alcohol with some carbs. I know just the place.”
“Ya know I usually have dinner with someone before they sleep over, not the other way around.” Bob’s face still reddens at your remark, but this time he doesn’t shy away from laughing first.
“You know me, always breakin’ the rules.”
Bob pulls off into the parking lot of a small diner, one that had not seen any renovations since at least the 80s. You’re out of your side before he has a chance to open your door. He’s kind of glad you don’t give him the option. He wants to be a gentleman, but doesn’t want to toe the line between friends and something else. He does open the door for you and lets the hostess know it’s just the two of you before getting seated in a small booth close to the back.
You both begin to look over the menu before you speak up, “So, what do you recommend?” He glances up from over his menu before reaching over and pointing at yours. You can’t help but notice the veins bulging out of his hands and forearm as he does so. You keep reminding yourself that friends aren’t supposed to think of each other this way but you just can’t stop yourself from remembering how his hands felt on you. The drag of his long fingers over your arm, and the way his hands gripped your hips-
“They serve breakfast all day, and make a mean biscuits and gravy. But you can’t go wrong with a burger and fries.” Your stomach lurches at the thought and Bob must notice the grimace on your face. “Or, if you’re not feeling up for something that big, they do have good soups. But mama always said that the best cure for a hangover was some nice greasy food.” You smile at the slip of his accent.
“Well, if your mama says so.” His hand retreats as his lips curl up at your mirroring of his accent. The waitress comes over to take your orders, and at his mama’s advice you order a burger and fries. She leaves with the menus as you turn your attention back to Bob. “So, where ya from Bob?”
“I shoulda seen this coming”, he starts to fidget with his hands, drawing your attention back to the long digits.
“What do you mean?”, you respond coyly, feigning ignorance.
“Oh come on, I say ‘mama’ one too many times and people start asking where the twang comes from.”
“If you must know, I’m from West Virginia. Born and raised.” You raise your brows.
“No shit.”
“It’s just that I spent every summer with my dad in Virginia. We’ve been next door neighbors this entire time.” Bob allows a slight smile to take over his face, entertained by your excitement.
“Where’d you spend the rest of the year?” It’s your turn to tear your eyes away from him. You try not to let the thought of your mom and her family affect you, but it’s obviously no use.
“With my mom, in Ohio.” Regardless of the fact that Ohio is also a neighbor to West Virginia, you brought up the time with your dad instead. Before he’s able to ask any follow up questions, the waitress comes by with your food, dropping the heaping portions in front of you. You hesitantly take a bite, but instantly melt into it as the first taste hits your tongue. “Shit, that’s good stuff.”
“What’d I tell ya?”, you smile at him through a mouth full of burger while he takes a bite. Opting to slow your roll before you upchuck anything else today, you set your food down and take a drink of your water. “So, your family’s still in West Virginia?” Bob gently sets his burger down and gives you his full attention.
“Yeah, I got an older brother and a younger sister. As well as my mom and dad. They live back on my family’s ranch.”
“So you are full-heartedly a John Denver country boy”, Bob laughs and stares down at his plate.
“I guess I am.”
“So how’d you end up in the Navy then? Assuming your family wanted you to work on the ranch.”
“They just wanted the best for me. One day I picked up a book in the library about planes and I was hooked. Then a Naval recruiter showed up to our high school and told me about the aviation program and here we are.”
“Here we are.” You share eye contact for a quick beat, both smiles growing slowly on your faces once more. You can’t help but feel a little jealous of his family. Both parents just wanting the best for their kids, supporting them no matter what. “I bet your mom’s the kind of person to have a sticker on her car saying ‘Proud Navy Mom’”. He bites his lip to stifle a large grin and you know you’ve hit the nail on the head.
“I plead the fifth.” You break out into a small laugh while Bob admires your smile. He wants to know more about your family but is hesitant to bring up the subject. He decides to go for it anyway, hoping to get to know you a little better than surface level. “I already know about your dad, but I’m assuming your mom wasn’t too thrilled when you joined?” Your hand stops mid-air from bringing the ketchup covered fry to your mouth. You place it back on the plate and dust your hands off on your jeans avoiding Bob’s gaze.
“Uh, no. No she wasn’t. There’s a reason I didn’t tell either of my parents I was going to the Academy, my dad didn’t even know until I sent him a graduation announcement.” Bob’s brow practically raises to his hairline.
“Really, not even your dad?”
“No”, you say shaking your head, “After everything that happened with Bradley I didn’t want to risk him pulling the same bullshit.” “What exactly happened between you and Rooster?” You shake your head again, looking at him this time.
“You don’t wanna hear that.”
“I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t.” Your eyes latch on to his, the sincerity oozing off of him.
“Well, he was like a brother to me. Closest thing I’ve ever had to one, excluding the step-siblings who couldn’t give less of a shit about my existence if they tried. And after my dad pulled his papers to the Academy I never heard from him again. I tried reaching out, and every year I still sent him a text for his birthday. But he never responded.” You swallow and look away from Bob, debating whether or not you’d tell him the whole truth. “And then when I needed him the most he still didn’t pick up. I even left him a voicemail hoping he’d hear it and after six years he’d respond. But nothing. After his mom died, I thought he’d need us more than ever. Turns out he was angry enough to never speak to us again.” You look back at Bob, bringing you down to earth once more. “That was, until this mission. It took them almost dying to get back to each other. That and one weekend in the middle of nowhere, God knows what they talked about.” Bob waits patiently, noticing you struggling to find the words to continue. He continues to nod and stare at you. Not in a pitiful way, but in a way that he wants to understand where you come from. “And I guess I’m still mad at him because both him and my dad got closure. I didn’t. I’m not going to apologize for something my dad did, and I guess Rooster doesn’t think he has anything to apologize for. And now they’re off playing catch-up, and I’m… still here. Not that right here is a bad thing, I’m glad to have your company.”
Bob’s eyes go from understanding to confusion. “If he made up with your dad, that still doesn’t explain why Rooster’s being- “A dickhead?” You cut him off. There’s a small fire behind his eyes now, a look you have never seen on Bob until this point.
“Yeah.” You shrug, going back to your fries.
“I dunno, I’m no psychologist but I think it has something to do with the fact that I started all the smart comments and he’s just getting back at me. Still, I’m angry at him for good reason. I don’t know what his is.” You go back to your food, hoping Bob will notice your want to shift the gears of where this conversation has gone. “But now that you know my tragic backstory, I’m gonna have to kill you.” Catching the way you dissolve into humor, Bob’s face softens as he takes your hand across the table, he seems to be doing that a lot in the past week. You’re not mad about it, not at all. Just.. perplexed. How could you go from barely talking to this man, to sharing some of your darkest secrets with him all within the span of six days?
“Hey”, he brings your attention back to his face rather than your smaller hand in his. His brow turned up in the middle, conveying empathy in the highest degree. “I’m sorry you have to deal with all that, especially by yourself. And you know what, Rooster sounds like a total-” He stops to find the word he’s looking for, you look on waiting to let him see what he comes up with “asshole”, he finishes for himself. Your eyes widen as you take in his words, and that’s when you feel him squeeze your hand in his much larger one. The same hand that traced your arm this morning when he fell asleep next to you, the same one that lifted you up all those stairs, helped you into his car, the same one that pulled you off the ground after your failed exercise, and the same one that is now reassuring you that everything is going to be ok. He can’t know for certain, but for right now everything is better than ok while he holds your hand in his.
You want to tell him how safe he makes you feel, how you want to tell him more about yourself. Something you always had a hard time doing. You squeeze his hand right back and gaze into his ocean-blue eyes. You get lost in them before you’re able to seemingly find the words you’re looking for. They’re in your heart, but you can’t get them to your brain and out of your mouth. You open your mouth to speak, but before you’re able to get anything resembling a ‘thank you’ out, you hear your name being called.
Your head turns in the direction of the voice, as both you and Bob immediately retract your hands from each other. You’re met with Penny and Amelia walking toward the booth you and Bob are seated in. Your heartbeat is racing as you blink rapidly, you barely manage to speak, “Penny, hi!” You glance back at Bob as he rubs the back of his neck, avoiding any eye contact. Why are you so nervous? It’s not like you were doing anything wrong. You were just holding hands across the table with your newly coworker turned friend and getting lost in his gorgeous eyes. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
“Hey, good to see you made it out of the parking lot alright last night”, Penny remarks as she and Amelia stand before your table. “Not that I had any room for doubt when Bob was the one making sure you got home safe.”
“Right, yeah he made sure I was ok.” You feel a flush take over your face at the prospect of anyone finding out Bob was in your bed last night. Especially your dad’s girlfriend and her daughter. But you know you didn’t do anything wrong, friends share beds all the time. It was purely platonic. “I’m sorry for last night though, won’t happen again.”
She waves her hand, “Don’t even worry about it. You had a little too much to drink in a bar, it happens all the time.” Amelia scoffs at this.
“I heard she got absolutely hammered-”
“Amelia!”Penny scolds her. Bob turns to face the wall, attempting to hide his laugh as you lightly kick his foot. “Anyway, what brings you two here?”
“Oh you know, just pulled off on the way to grab my car. Bob mentioned they have great burgers.” You give him a sly smile, as if it was your own little secret they were the perfect hangover cure.
“That’s exactly why Amelia and I are here. Just having a little date before the bar opens later.” You force a smile as you feel Bob’s gaze on the side of your face. That jealous feeling crawls back up your throat again as you look at the mother-daughter duo. “I thought you would have left already though?” Your brows furrow, breaking you out of your trance.
“Left? For what?”
“Rooster stopped by earlier to grab something for your dad, he was heading out to his hangar earlier today. I assumed you were going with him.” You clear your throat and stare at your hands, twiddling with your thumbs to distract yourself. Your heart drops as you realize, once again, you’ve been left out.
“Um, no. I wasn’t invited.” Screw Rooster, and you know what, screw your dad, too.
“Oh, well. You are always welcome to come over if you ever need or want to.” She seems surprised at the actions of her boyfriend. You make yourself look up at her, plastering on a small smile.
“I know, thanks Penny.”
“We’ll leave you two be. Good to see you both!”
“You, too.” Bob waves at them as you look at your plate, suddenly feeling nauseous again. Your throat starts to tense up as you reach for your water. You are almost 30 for heaven's sake, you should not be jealous of Rooster and your dad. And you sure as hell aren’t going to cry over it.
“Hey-”, Bob starts but is interrupted by the waitress dropping by with the check. You pick it up immediately before Bob can reach for it. “Hey no, let me get that.” You place the check on the seat next to you as you rifle through your purse to grab your card.
“Nope, after everything you did for me last night and today I am not letting you pay.” He goes to open his mouth and you stare directly at him, “Don’t even try Bob.” Sensing the determination in your eyes and voice, he reluctantly allows you to pay.
“That’s alright, I’ll just grab the next one.” You look away as the waitress grabs the bill from you, and surprise coats your features.
“You wanna hang out again? Even after everything that happened in the past 24 hours?”
“Especially after everything. I can’t go back to being just your co-worker after seeing you vomit.” A nervous smile makes its way to his face as a more real one replaces yours. 
“You’re right, we’re friends now. And I can promise you there will be less vomit next time.”
“Can’t wait.”
After getting your card back, you and Bob make your way back to his truck and head off to the Hard Deck. You spot your lone car in the back, only a couple employee cars litter the front row. Bob pulls up right next to your car, hopping out and making sure you have everything before you leave. He even goes so far as to open your door for you as you roll your window down to say goodbye.
“Well, I guess this is me.”
“I guess it is.” He rests his hands on the open window as you grab one final look at him. You rest your elbow in between his hands, admiring his veins. Trying not to imagine tracing over them with your fingers.
“You better not ghost me at work on Monday.” You scold him. He laughs through his nose and looks down.
“I promise I won’t.”
“I’m holding you to that, Floyd. And thanks again, for everything.” He taps his fingers a couple times before leaning away.
“I trust you will, Mitchell. Drive safe.” You bid him goodbye, taking a deep breath, trying no to process everything that happened today while driving. Saving all your feelings for when you’re home alone, in the privacy of your room. The only four walls you feel safe to cry in.
Bob watches you slowly drive to the edge of the parking lot. He would have never guessed so many things that he learned about you today. The way you looked at Penny and Amelia deeply saddened him. The fact that Rooster is still being an asshole after he didn’t speak to you for 16 years angered him. After you shared that with him, he wanted to do everything in his power to make you happy. It’s obvious you’re good at putting on a mask, but Bob is good at noticing the little things. How great you are at faking happiness being one of them. And then there’s the fact that after today you’re going home to an empty house because your dad and Rooster made plans without you, yet again. 
Before he fully knows what he’s doing, his feet start moving toward your car, hoping to catch you before you leave the parking lot. It must have been the fastest he’s ever run, possibly even faster than when his older brother, Tom, chased him with a handful of cow poop. You must notice him in your rear view, as you stop and poke your head out the window.
“Is everything ok?”, you ask, concern lacing your features. Bob’s out of breath as he gets to your window, once again resting his hands in your car. And he’s still out of breath as he asks his question.
“Do you wanna get brunch tomorrow?”
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stinkysquirel · 1 year
. * . ⋆『𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐰』⋆. * . 
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۵ Frank Iero x Reader
↳ Summary: Headlines ran wild with rumors about you and Frank, usually you'd laugh about them together because you two were friends for so long. But one night Frank comes to your home late at night after getting off the road with his bands and true feelings are revealed.
↳ Warnings: light smut, Fluffy shit, Frank being so babygirl.
↳ Word count : 2.6k
The headlines seemed to never end. No matter what news website you clicked on or magazine you found, there was no shortage of rumors about you and Frank. 
A seemingly innocent photo would surface and dating scandals would rise. It was as if it was impossible for you to have a platonic relationship with a man.
But knowing you and Frank and your personalities, there was always some sort of friendly flirting happening. Even sometimes it wasnt  purposeful, it was just the way your relationship had been for so many years and you were content with it.
You sat on your bed, reading different magazines about yourself when Frank called you crying, dying of laughter.Before you could even greet him, his giggles filled your ears. 
 “Did you see what they put on TMZ about us?”
You immediately panicked, wondering what insane title was on there now. 
It wasn’t anything new, but when your personal relationships were at stake, you hardly took it lightly.
“So we accidentally left Ray at the gas station again, right?and while he was waiting he found this magazine and it says ‘My Chemical Romance Guitar Player Frank Iero Seen With Singer Y/n L/n After An Alleged Hookup Leaving Hotel,’ Dude WHAT?” He squeals.
You couldn’t contain your laughter, not completely sure if it was because of the ridiculous headline or Frank's reaction.
“No fucking way, so they just didn’t happen to see our entire friend group behind us leaving as well?” I retorted.
“They’re getting fucking wild i’m telling you - what’s next? ‘Frank Iero seen sniffing Y/n L/n’s toes?’” He bantered. You could hear him stifling, trying desperately to contain his hysterics. But once you broke out laughing, it all burst out.
This was all too common. There wasn’t a lack of giggling and fits whenever you two were  around another.
You two laughed on the phone for what seemed like hours. Surely his other band mates in the bus with him thought you both were lunatics.
Once you finally calmed down, the whole situation made you feel like  suddenly you were 17 again.
Remembering countless nights you both spent in your backyard when your parents were out. Experiencing so many firsts with each other. Like the first time you both ever got drunk, or the time you stole some weed from your dad and invited him over cause you’d always wanted to try it.
You could hear his giggles in your ear as you both blew smoke out your window. You recalled how you two could not stop talking about how you felt like you were floating as you laid on your carpet floor together, trying to hide giggles from your parents who were just down stairs.
Surely, the tirade your dad gave you when he found out would’ve made you reflect on your actions. But you knew you were lying when you swore to him you’d never do it again.
It wasn’t even the weed itself the reason why you continued ‘borrowing’ it. It was because of how you felt when you and Frank smoked it.
Every single thing you could experience with another boy, you chose to do it with Frank. Your first kiss was with Frank. You begged him for weeks because you really wanted to make a move on the boy you liked, but didn’t want to seem like a beginner, even though you were 16.
Then, at 18, you gave your virginity to him. You knew at the time you loved him, but you weren’t in love with him. And he understood this, that’s why he took off your shirt like he’d done it before, when he hadn’t. He wouldn’t let you know that he in fact too, was giving himself to you as well.
He hoped you would find some conciliation if  he told you he’d done it before. But when it was done and over with, you knew secretly what he was hiding. With a smile you fell asleep next to him, knowing that you were his first as well and you slept with a face of total tranquility that night.
The reckless behavior never stopped with you two, even when you both hit your early twenties.
Early as teenagers you both would not stop talking about how you two wanted to persuade music. So when he first started receiving demo tapes, you both knew you were doing something right.
It wasn’t until a bit later till you got your start. 
Only a few years later you both would be touring the country, playing in places you’d never even heard of, let alone imagined. And you were happy that you could bury the fear that you hadn’t left him behind.
“How long till you get here? I feel like I'll die without you here.” you groaned into your phone. Truthfully, it would only take a few days with Franks till you didn’t feel like yourself.
You couldn’t laugh as much, and you couldn’t crack jokes as much.
“Maybe like,” you could hear him think for a moment before he spoke again, “like 5 hours?”
You turned over to look at your gray wall beside you, decorated in posters and magazines with you starring on the front cover.
Frank heard another whine through his phone before he nodded his head and chuckled.
“I know. But hey do you still want me to come over? It’ll be like 1 am by the time I get there but I can sleep plenty on the bus here.” he offered.
You smiled to yourself before responding, “of course i don’t care what time it is you just need to be here asap.”
“alright then, i’ll see you soon”
Feeling a nudge on your shoulder was never something you wanted to feel when you were home alone.
So when you opened your eyes and realized it wasn’t a serial killer standing next to your bed, a grin couldn’t help but rise to your cheeks.
“I thought I'd find you with a cake and flowers or some shit.” he said, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.
You huffed before pushing him away jokingly, muttering a ‘fuck off’.
“I was about to ring the doorbell when i remembered,” he pulled out a key from his front pocket, holding it between his two fingers in front  of you, “that i had this little guy. I really wanted to scare you but I knew how pissed off you’d be with me and you know I can't handle you being mad at me.”
With a giggle, you pulled his back towards you and onto the bed behind you. You’d later go on to regret your decision as his weight on top of you squeezed the air from your diaphram.
“get off of me!” you said with a groan.
He rolled off you onto your crispy white bed sheets that you’d washed just a few hours prior. “How’d you even make it 3 weeks without me? i thought you’d become an alcoholic by week 2.”
Your mouth gaped open as you snapped to look toward him. “What do you mean how’d I make it? I’m surprised you're even alive without me stopping you from doing dumb shit all the time!” you exclaimed, only slightly offended.
He scoffed, chucking a pillow at your face which hit you straight on the nose. You heard footsteps rush out the room the second that pillow left his fingertips.
Your shout radiated throughout the halls of your home. Frank was already halfway across your living room once he heard your shriek. Moments like these made him feel the same way you'd felt a few hours prior.
Frank was always running from you, and a part of him liked the chase, he liked that it was you running after him.
"You're an asshole!" Frank's arm began to ache because of the amount of time you open handed smacked him, in turn making your palm red in pain.
"Okay okay! fine I'm sorry!" he pleaded, grabbing your wrists in an attempt to stop you, and him being much stronger than you, it worked in calming your attack.
"Fine," Your eyes wandered behind him to your liquor shelf, and an idea sparked, "But you're making me a drink."
" See, we can be civil," his hand then landed on your head, ruffling your hair softly.
Rolling your eyes at him, you sat on a stool on your island, your chin resting on your hands as you watched him grab different bottles of liquor like he's done for you many times before.
It's not too long before you're both shitfaced on your couch, talking about your chronicles when you were in your teen years. You cuddled on Frank's side as he lays on his back, taking swigs from a bottle from time to time.
But before you could get too far into reminiscing into yet another story Frank interrupted you, " Y'know, I don't say this too often cause its too sappy but," taking a sip from the heavy glass bottle, "I'm happy I met you that day, y'know after what that asshole did."
"No, don't remind me, I don't wanna think of him!" you groaned, lifting your head off his shoulder looking at him.
"Sorry sorry, but i'm just saying, I don't know what I'd do without you." he said almost quietly.
"You can't say things like that to me."
"Why not?"
A moment of silence passed between you two before you got the courage to speak.
"Cause then I'll want to kiss you."
Frank couldn't exactly tell if you were being serious, and if you were being honest with yourself, you weren't sure either. But it just slipped out and it felt right at the time.
But now because of his silence, you were starting to double down on yourself.
"What, are you trying to make those articles about us true?"
Frank was almost trying to make it a joke, but a part of him wanted you to not take it as one.
"I mean.. would that be so bad?" you shrugged.
"I dunno, you tell me."
You both leered at each other for a minute, wondering who was gonna make the next move. You felt like all the alcohol in you burned up in the air, and that for a moment, maybe everything was meant to be this way, maybe the past years you spent together was meant to lead up to this.
"Are we really gonna do this?" He whispered. But you knew what he meant.
"Do you wanna do this?"
You considered his words for a moment.
A response couldn't leave your lips, but in your concise, knew you wanted it, you wanted him.
Slowly, you leaned into him, his eyes never left your lips. He was looking back and forth between your eyes and lips, like he was fighting some urge.
He nervously licked his lips before gulping hard.
His hands squeezed your shoulders reassuringly.
"I can't keep going without telling you how I feel."
A pit of dread opened up in your stomach. Your heart started to beat at a pace that was foreign to you. Every beat making your stomach clench, anticipating his response.
"Fuck, you know im bad at these things, but. I love you- no, i'm in love with you. I knew ever since that day. And I know I promised to never talk about it after it was over."
Frank couldn't take the agonizing eye contract any longer and pulled his head down to his chest.
"I didn't tell you at the time, but you were my first too. I wanted to give myself to you because ever since the concept of sex crossed my mind for the first time, I knew I wanted it to be with you. I wanted my first everything to be with you. And I realized as I laid with you that day, you were my other half."
You felt your lip quiver slightly, his confession was what you needed to  register that you loved his with every inch of your being.
Your hands found their way to his jaw, lifting it up slightly towards you. His eyes glistened up into  yours and you could've swore you melted right then and there.
"I just told you, you can't be saying things like that. I just makes me want to-"
Without finishing your sentence, you pulled your lips to his. How was it that he tasted the same after all these years? You let yourself fall into him, letting him invade your every sense.
His hands roamed your sides, pulling you closer to him. He seemed like he never wanted to let you go.
Your hands found their way to the bottom of his shirt. The same shirt you witnessed him cut the sleeves off of with a pair of rusty scissors just the week before.
Frank adjusted himself so you could remove his shirt. You almost didn't want to pull away from him so his shirt could actually come off, but you knew you wanted this too much to wait.
Once his shirt was pulled off him, you reached for the hem of yours, which was actually his shirt that you stole. He'd never tell you but he loved how his shirts looked on you.
He always thought they looked better on you than they could ever look on him.
Once it was off, Frank only pulled you towards him, he almost didn't want to look, he just craved the feeling of your skin on his.
His lips felt hot on your neck as he sucked on your soft skin. "You're just so pretty, I can't get over it." moaning the words into your neck, so he'd know you heard them.
Nothing could compare to the sensations he gave your body. It was like you were 18 again, feeling him for the first time.
You remembered how tense you and anxious were, and that hadn't changed. But something about this time felt purely euphoric. No drug could ever top the way this felt.
With a tug on your bra strap, Frank removed himself from your nape, "Is this okay?"
No matter how many years you'd spent together, he never hesitated to ask for your permission. He wanted you to feel like you were in charge.
You nodded, desperate to feel his touch again.
It wasn't long before the material was discarded somewhere you didn't care.
He looked at your bare chest in awe, like you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. You could've sworn you saw a glimmer in his eye.
He looked back up at you to see you wearing a smile.
"Sorry, I just- you're so gorgeous, I can't tell you that enough."
Removing yourself from his lap, you got onto your knees before him.
You fingers finding their way to the button on his faded black jeans.
"nuh uh, get up, you're not doing what you think you're doing." he reprimanded. Confusion wore your face as you returned to your feet.
"Right now is all about you and the things I should've done the first time all those years ago."
He grabbed you by his hips and removed himself from his spot on the couch before replacing it with you.
His fingers hooked on the elastic of your shorts, pulling them down and your underwear painstakingly slow.
You almost couldn't handle his stare, it was still so embarrassing after all these years. Frank looked up at you once again before inching closer to your core.
His hands grabbed your thighs, moving them slightly up to give him better access. His lips once again moistened by his tongue. The same tongue you were aching to just touch you.
"I wonder if you taste as sweet as I imagined."
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snowblossomreads · 5 months
Day 24: Christmas Party
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Pairing: Detective David Friedman x Fem!Reader
Summary: David and [Y/n] make another trip to the evidence room to avoid the precinct's Christmas party and to have a party of their own.
Tag(s)/Warning(s): Office Sex, Daddy Kink, One Spank lol, Age Gap, Teasing, Penetrative Sex, Getting Caught, (again don't have sex in the evidence room at the police station)
Word Count: 3.1K
A/N: We end Rickmas how we started it! With Detective Friedman getting into some smutty shenanigans but this time with his partner in crime 🤣🤣 Enjoy this smutty finale!
Another year, another shitty Christmas party with headache-inducing music and cheap food that he had to suffer through at the behest of the precinct's captain.
David swore the only reason he was able to get through them in years past was because of the alcohol he would knock back before he entered the building.
But as a sober man, he now had to endure it with a clear head which of course didn't lift his mood, nor did it make it any better when he spotted Monica, his ex-wife strolling in with Matty Grimes.
"Jesus Christ," he hissed under his breath as he turned around, not in the mood to make eye contact or chat with them.
While he didn't particularly dislike her, even though she married his coworker, which still left a bad taste in his mouth, they did still have their little girl together. And because of that, he be damned if he didn't try to make sure that they at least had a civil relationship.
But Matty Grimes, that piece of shit could go fuck himself.
Knocking back the rest of his sparkling non-alcoholic grape juice and sulking, he went looking for the other person he knew would be happy to commiserate with him.
It didn't take him long to find [Y/n], who was wearing a festive reindeer headband sitting at her desk on the other side of the building. The music was a lot less intrusive in this area, but it still could be heard along with some muffled chatter. Better than nothing though.
"Comin' over here to tell me how much fun you're havin' at the party?" [Y/n] asked while paging absentmindedly through a thick folder of case reports as he slid a chair close to her desk.
She knew full well he was having the worst time of his life, considering how much shit-talking and complaining he had done the entire time on the way to the place. Not that she blamed him though, she wasn't very keen on them either and had decided to busy herself with paperwork that needed to be filed. It was a good excuse to avoid people you didn't want to talk to.
"About as much fun as you're havin' sortin' out all them files you got there," he snarked, laying his chin on his hands that were folded on top of the desk. "Shouldn't you also be out there mingling with the folks, smoochinzin? I know you youngins like that stuff."
Putting the folder down, and turning her chair to face him, [Y/n] raised an eyebrow as a smirk tugged at her lips.
"David Friedman you know I ain't about to play kiss ass with folks. Plus," she simpered, her eyes narrowing playfully at him. "I'm not too keen on getting hit on by one of them drunk deputies who like to play grab ass with any woman they see."
This caught David's attention and seemed to rile him up a little as he sat straight up in the chair, his arms crossing against his chest and a frown growing on his thin lips.
"And which one of them boys are you talkin' about?" He growled, his eyes glinting dangerously at the mere thought of some little boy playing cop and talking to [Y/n] in any other way than professional.
That deep rumble of his, and the way he stared at her like a predator eyeing his prey had a shock of thrill running down her spine and down to her stomach that tingled at the gaze. He only looked at her that way when he was getting ready to be balls deep in her, and by the possessiveness in his tone, they were probably in for a party of their own if she played it right.
"Oh you know, the regular ones," she said, shrugging her shoulder nonchalantly as if she hadn't just admitted that she had been getting hit on by their coworkers.
It shouldn't have been surprising considering how she was one of the few female detectives in a profession mostly dominated by males. And plus, she was good as shit at her job and cute so why shouldn't they be hitting on her even if she only had eyes for the man leering at her.
"There's more than one?" He huffed, quickly getting up to his feet, the rolling chair he had been sitting on getting pushed down the aisle as he eyed [Y/n].
"Well yeah, since no one knows that you and me are a thing, a few of them stay tryin' to shoot their shot. I let 'em down gently and all, but it sure is hard keepin' away. I mean I am a cutie pie, aren't I?
"Mhmm, you sure are, and taste just as sweet as pie doll," David purred lowly, his voice causing her to bite the inside of her mouth to muffle any noise as he went to stand in front of her. "But I guess we gonna have to fix all that flirtin' they be throwin' you're away aren't we?"
"Yes, sir we are," [Y/n] grinned, standing up from her desk. "Any ideas, Detective?" His title fell from her lips in a sweet honeyed purr while her fingers went to play with his loosened tie.
Leaning down, David brushed his lips against hers, catching her breath as her eyes darted around to make sure no one saw them this close together. 
"Oh, I got a few up my sleeves doll," he answered before he was devouring hers in a hungry kiss and sending a thrill of pleasure down her spine and in between her thighs.
An eager and throaty moan slipped out of her as he slid his tongue into her mouth, muffling any noise from her as he swirled the slick muscle around her own. His hands grabbed at her waist, pulling her close as her own hand found itself buried in his hair as she kissed him back with as much fervor as she could muster. A blaze of desire grew in her belly and rushed down to her pussy that began to throb while David felt his cock twitch in his pants as they made out in basically plain sight.
Pulling away breathlessly and panting from the lust inducing kiss they both shared, they both eyed each other with hungry looks. Looks that conveyed the same message.  
The evidence room.
Throwing her little headband onto the desk which messed some of the paper up, they said nothing to each other as they scanned the room making sure the coast was clear of lurking coworker.
Once they were sure they were in the clear, they quickly made their way down the hallway and down some stairs to the locked evidence room that had seen its fair share of action when it came between the two. 
Wholly illegal yes, but hey, when you were in need of a quickie, it was a discreet place considering only a few people had access to it. Themselves included being evidence custodians and all that. Plus, the department had other, more corrupt things that needed to be investigated, and them fucking in the evidence room was way at the bottom of the list of things if they had to say so.
Unlocking the door and ushering them in, [Y/n] closed the door in a hurry before she felt David press her flush against the door, her back against his chest and his erection rubbing against her.
"Mm fuck daddy yes," [Y/n] groaned as he attacked her exposed neck, nibbling and sucking at the tender skin with the intent to leave as many bruises on her to get his point across. 
His hands roamed greedily all over her front, dipping underneath the blouse she was wearing and causing her to shiver as his hands ghosted over her belly. Trailing his hands up her front while his lips continued to leave marks on her neck, David shoved his hands underneath her bra and grabbed her breast roughly causing her to squeak as he began the handle her tits roughly. Squeezing and pulling her nipples that stood to attention as he played with them.
"Dave!" She squealed breathlessly as a strong tingling sensation shot through her chest and down to her pussy as he continued to pull at the sensitive nubs. 
There was an edge of pain with his touch, yet, the pleasure that bloomed through her when he would massage the buds to soothe the ache he caused had her throwing her head back against his shoulder as he continued his ministrations.
"That's right," he grunted lowly in her ears, causing the fire in her belly to strengthen as he stroked her breast and ground his hips against her causing more wetness to pool in her panties. "Gonna show them boys you don't need them. Already got your hands full with me don't you?" He asked, pressing his hips against her behind once more for emphasis.
"And vice versa," she giggled considering that he did currently have a hand full of her. This caused him to chuckle as he squeezed her once more causing her giggle to morph into a soft groan. "And I'm sure none of them can make me scream like you do~."
She couldn't see it, but her words caused a little cocky smirk to grow on David's lips and it made his erection more prominent, something that she could feel and let out a tiny whimper about.
"Ain't that right, I guess we should go 'head and test that out shouldn't we?" He smirked as he slid his hands from underneath her shirt, only to go and tug at her skirt and underwear that came down with ease. 
The fabrics pooled on the floor, and [Y/n] stepped out of them and pushed them aside with her foot. She then planted her hands on the back of the door and bent at her waist, allowing David all the access he needed to her.
"Mhm, no complaints from me you know that," she chirped, looking behind and giving him a wink. "Plus we have a Christmas party to get back to. Don't want folks getting suspicious and looking for us!"
Rolling his eyes, David hastily unzipped himself and groaned at the feeling of his cock being free from its confines.
"We sure don't," he hissed as he gripped himself tightly, tugging at the hot flesh that was already leaking with his desire. "Then guess you won't mind if we skipped foreplay?" He asked, already lining himself up with her opening that glistened with her juices.
"Not at all," she purred, wiggling her behind at him and moaning when he gave her a tiny spank. "You can stretch me open with your cock, daddy. You know I can take it."
"Sure do," he growled, leaning over and pressing the tip of him at her opening before slowly sliding into her. "Slutty pussy, fuck, like yours was meant to take dick right?" 
"Mmhmm yeah~" [Y/n] gasped breathlessly at the burn that tore through her as he speared her open with his thick cock that felt never ending as he slid into her. 
The feel of him pushing himself passed that tight ring of resistance inside her had her whimpering and balling her fist as she stretched to accommodate him.
Soft pants, and expletives filled the room as he pushed inside of her, sliding into her inch by inch until finally he had hilted himself all the way in her with a loud groan. Legs trembling, [Y/n] let out a whimper as her insides clenched tightly around him as he made himself home inside her. They stayed still like that for a moment, allowing her to adjust to his size as David leaned over her body and planted his lips against her neck.
Tiny mewls escaped her as he began to grind his hips against hers, causing his cock to rub her sensitive channel. It didn't take long before he was grabbing her arms, making her wrist cross in an 'x' behind her as he began to move in earnest.
"Fuck," he huffed breathlessly, hips smacking against hers at a harsh yet steady pace. Each thrust had her dripping at the pleasure that would explode in her belly when he would pull out halfway, only to slam back into her causing her to yelp before moaning. 
It was impossible to stay quiet as he held her hands prisoner while whispering and grunting lines of filth into her ears and punishing her sensitive insides with each thrust. 
"Pussy so tight for me, ugh, bet none of those boys out there, mmm, could make you feel this good." 
"Mhmm made just for me doll, fuck this pussy takes me so well."
Every word he whispered and every thrust delivered had her insides clenching and little cries escaping her as he began to increase the pace. Yet, even with all the noise, she couldn't help but notice that there seemed to be some commotion going on the other side of the door.
The thought of someone overhearing them, and catching them while mortifying, did send a wave of pleasure that jolted her insides and caused both of them to let out a strangled moan as her insides gripped his cock with a vice grip.
D-Dave," she stuttered, struggling to form a coherent thought as her cunt began to spasm at the thought of being caught. The sound of their actives grew louder and louder as her juices began to steadily trickle out of her.
"Someone's, fuck, someone's outside," she gasped, trying to keep her voice down but failing as the heat in her belly grew hotter and hotter. Her legs trembled once again as wave after wave of pleasure was dumped over her each time he would bury himself back in her.
"Then you better learn to be quiet doll," he hissed, not at all slowing his pace. Instead, he seemed to speed up causing her to squeak and moan at the growing pressure building in her abdomen signaling her release was building.  "Unless you want someone walkin' in and seein' this tight little pussy coming all over my cock.'
"Mm, thought you didn't like audiences?" She questioned cheekily before letting out a nosy cry as he slammed his hips against hers hitting that spot in her that had her seeing stars.
A smirk found its way on his lips as he began to thrust harder and faster, causing her jaw to go slack, and her eyes to flutter close as her body flew higher and higher towards that delicious end she had been chasing.
"I don't," he whispered near her ear causing her to shudder. "But guess I'll have to make an exception so folks know you don't need anyone else taking care of this hungry pussy."
And if anyone was outside, boy they did indeed get an earful as David held her wrists with one hand while the other found itself right where both of them were joined. Skillful digits stroked and pressed at [Y/n]'s sensitive bead causing her to shout in surprise as red hot pleasure jolted her nerves. 
His rough thrusts, and his fingers pinching and toying with her, had her exploding in mere moments with a noisy call of his name. It didn't take long after her release before he was filling her to the brim with his warm seed that caused her insides to spasm again at the force of the action. 
They were left panting and groaning as he pushed his cum deeper inside her with a few more lazy thrusts causing her to whine at how sensitive she was. Staying like this for a few moments until both of their bodies seemed to protest at the awkward position, David let [Y/n]'s wrist go before pulling out of her slowly.
The movements caused them both to hiss as he dragged himself out with a wet pop. Standing up and quickly going for her discarded underwear, [Y/n] dragged the articles of clothing back on and winced at the sticky wet feeling of his cum dripping onto the fabric.  
Goddamnit! How many times was she going to have to use the precinct's shower because they couldn't keep their hands to themselves? It wasn't the worst problem to have, but it was annoying. Her little complaint was caught off at the feel of arms wrapping around her waist as a kiss was planted on top of her head.
"I say that was much more excitin' than whatever they got goin' on at that party," David yawned, already feeling drowsy which wasn't great considering they would be there for a few more hours.
Nodding in agreement, she leaned against his chest taking in some of the post coital bliss, or rather as much as she could considering.
"Yeah but I bet someone's probably lookin for us," she sighed, still wary about the noise in the hallway. Though it was much quieter now so maybe whoever it was left and didn't actually hear anything?
Letting out a loud sigh, David let [Y/n] go, running his hand through his hair to make sure it was his usual amount of disheveled and not the 'I just fucked someone' disheveled. 
"Guess we should be headin' back 'fore people get to putting out missing flyers."
An amused noise left [Y/n] as she nodded and approached the door with him behind her. Swinging the door wide open, her heart immediately dropped into her stomach and she could hear David make an incoherent noise of surprise. Both of them were frozen in their tracks as they came eye to eye with Matty and Monica who also were stunned. 
The silence between them lasted for what felt like hours even if it was literally only seconds. Yet, it didn't make the urge to sink into the floor and disappear any less obvious to [Y/n] who could only think about how they were all getting fired.
Yet, maybe it was thanks to Father Christmas that everyone seemed to acknowledge how comically weird this was. No words were spoken as the married couple stepped back to let the current occupants of the evidence room leave.
There was a nod of acknowledgement between everyone before [Y/n] and Dave were hightailing out of that hallway and back to the stairwell.
Halfway up though, they had to pause because of the laughter neither of them could hold in as they replayed over and over how absurd it was. This party was definitely going to be memorable for both of them for years to come. 
A/N: And that's it folks!!!! I'm so happy with all the things I was able to write this year for Rickmas! 14/24 isn't bad and even better than last year! Maybe in 2024 I'll write for all of them? We shall see. 💖💖💖 Thanks to everyone who have been reading and enjoying these little stories it's been so fun reading comments and writing! Thank you @deepperplexity for hosting this wonderful event and powering through the prompts even though you're busy!!!! It's been a great time!! Now Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone !! 🎄🎄🎄
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Note: Hello, this is my first time writing so don't be mad at me if I made any mistakes or if this is absolute shit, I'm just trying lol. But I thought I'd do an angsty piece for Kyle Broflovski x reader. Around 23 years old. This is based off the song Concrete by Lovejoy. I might make a sequel based on Perfume by Lovejoy. Warnings: alcohol is mentioned a few times Gender: neutral Relationship: romantic, exes
Kyle had made a mistake, it was as simple as that to him—just a drunken mistake, a tiny little kiss, not even with tongue. But here you two were sitting in an empty pub near its closing hour arguing over this simple mistake. Of course, you did not think it was a simple, small mistake, clearly as you were six shots deep into the night, channeling your English grandfather as he would be in pubs commonly. “I hope the salt water ruins your clothes, and I hope you spend the rest of your life sleeping alone” you spat towards the man you, just days ago, thought was the one, with your voice raising louder as you went on. The bouncer took notice and started to walk towards you two. “I hope the problems that make your life harder sit stubborn in your stomach like your kidney stones.” you finished with haste to get the point across before you were shut down. Kyle sat there with an astonished look on his face as if you were speaking in a foreign language. He was confused as to why you were so hurt over a drunken mistake, but before he could say anything the bouncer was in your guy’s vicinity again, this time taking hold of your arm and starting to lead you out of the bar. Kyle knew by that point that you two were over, and having been three beers in, he smirked as you got quieter the further the bouncer led you. For all he could care you could sleep on the concrete that night.
“All this, over a kiss,” he thought to himself alone swirling around his beer. After all she had said to him he sat there thinking to himself. Maybe in a way he could see how a kiss would skew how he would see a partner, though he was drunk enough to convince himself because he was drunk it was okay. He was tempted to get back at you and dance and make out with a lady in the bar you got kicked out of, but it was nearing 3 am, the time the bar closes, and almost no one was there, so he pushed the idea off for the time being.
Once you got to the door of the bar the bouncer shoved you off him into the road. “And stay out!” was his last words before slamming the door. You scoffed out loud and stared at the door for about five more seconds. You then start an angry march to the nearest bus station to be able to safely get back to your place. During your walk you became more pissed off at Kyle, putting together everything in your head. Last Friday there was a party at Stan’s place, but you couldn’t make it because your little sister had a recital the next morning, and you had promised her you would be there. During that party, Kyle had gotten nearly blackout drunk and decided it would be okay to sensually dance with another woman, who at one point turned around and gave him a peck on the lips. Kyle knew better than to start making out with her, but he also didn’t pull away for a hot second. This was seen by Bebe, one of your closest friends, who told you that night. You could barely sleep that night, all you could do was send Kyle a text saying
“We need to talk.”
You spent your entire little sister’s recital thinking about what Kyle had done, almost missing your little sister’s performance. Later that night you met with Kyle at a bar, where you screamed out all your emotions to him and let him know how it felt to be forgotten about. This led you to here, at the bus stop tearfully telling your story to the other strangers sitting, waiting for the night bus.
You finished your story by the time the bus got there, and you sat in your own row near the back turned towards the window just looking at yourself. You wanted to punch the glass and break the window on the bus, but you knew you couldn’t and would get in huge trouble if you did. You start to well up with tears looking at yourself, trying to silently bawl on a bus.
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she-ismysun-archive · 3 months
do not read if you don’t want spoilers. Holy shit 100th episode started off with a BANGER. This is my live blog thread.
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Henry missed his flight???? NAAAUUU
HELLO CHASTITY AND SKIP TRACER RANDY. HE SKIP TRACER BOUNTY HUNTED PETE LOL. I literally can’t stop screaming. I can’t stop SCREAMING. I feel so feral
Chastity is teaching him how to kiss! 😆😆
Oh brother. Aaron is not as ok as I thought he was or would be. Bro is NOT ok!!! He’s still benched for a reason. Wade will not make the same mistakes he did before. He will not lose another one.
Wow healthy communication? No. Angst continues. Please help me save me save ME. He’s so mad. She’s so hurt. Pleeeease our lovers will resolve this episode I said so!
Henry missed the bullet train.
What is happening with Nyla and Celina rn. NARCOTIC POT?
MONICA?! Double fucking whammy
Friendship hugs. I said so. They’re friends. Please don’t force this romantic relationship :((
the hammer episode name drop 🫠
“No please don’t do me any favors” Angela please save us WAHH THEYRE BICKERING
Hello wedding DJ - womp womp drug dealer
BILLY BOB BENNET (the hammer)
Oh they’re scheming. Oh they’re scheming so hard
So I definitely misread this shot in the promo (they have not made up yet)
Eric Winter’s hardest fight scene of his entire career
Lucy negotiating is so fun
Tim get his shit rocked but he WINS - wait I just noticed Lucy holding his belt??
Goodnight Tim
Nyla just calling Celina “the rookie” and she gets to do her first interrogation
No flower. Almost no ring. Almost no Henry?? ENJOY GIRLS NIGHT? SHES TRYING TO GET HENRY INTO THE COUNTRY.
Randy is the florist expert now (Ty ClipTok)
Ou they’re both. Gossiping about each other at the bachelors party
Lucy: he’s the problem
Tim: how do I prove to her that I’m not the problem?
lie. detector. test.
he’s a. Lying liar. Who LIES 😭😭😭 it took a LIE DETECTOR TEST for him to ACCEPT that he doesn’t want Lucy to do UC work.
Luna’s getting her social work degree!
And of course their officiant doesn’t show up. Thank you Wade for saving the day
This wedding is so goddamn beautiful. Their vows are so fucking beautiful.
God they tricked me with all the happy promo shots of Chenford but their angst is far from over
Randy and Chastity is DJ-ing?? James saves the day with a playlist of his own.
Will Tim and Lucy make it out?? God I hope so! (I know they will but this is hurtinggg)
AARON. GOOD GOD. They were laying that on THICK. And now Celina is leaving the wedding. God Celina please be ok
I just spent last night spiraling about “dog bring a live part”
They’re dancing but they’re going to talk. Yea you DO need to deal with it Tim. YOU ARE GONNA GET THROUGH THIS
The chenford wedding kiss 🥹
Celina is in fact NOT OK. And Aaron is drunk off his ass. Of course why would Nolan have a peaceful wedding night when everything else went wrong.
Alright then. That was wrapped up quickly. Everyone quick thinking weeehh Everyone’s ok.
This is the third shot of them laying on their back? It’ll be fun to clip that together.
Well ok then.
I feel so betrayed and tricked but it was delulu of me to think they would make up that quickly!!! IT TAKES A LIE DETECTOR TEST FOR HIM TO ACCEPT THAT HE DOESNT LIKE THE IDEA OF HER DOING UC WORK? This is actually just so in character for them! This is actually just chenford being chenford because it took them going undercover as a couple to even CONSIDER the fact they have feelings for each other.
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stephaniefrr · 18 days
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Billy Loomis X Reader series
Part 2
Part 1
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After a week in Chanel’s new school she got more comfortable there, everything was going great until Tuesday night. She was hanging out with Tatum and Sidney until she got a call and Tatum mom came in the room, “Hey, Chanel someone’s calling for you.” Tatums mom said and Chanel walked over to the phone. “Hello?” She didn’t know who this was because she wasn’t expecting a phone call. “Hello Chanel, missed me?” The male voice replied, and Chanel could feel his grin through the phone. “What do you want.” She sighed “I just want you, you’re so beautiful. I can’t resist you.” The voice said, she knew that he was serious in a way. “Uhm..” “well, I just needed to hear your voice. Bye My Chanel.” And the line went dead.
Weird.. but Chanel tried to brush it off and went back into Tatum’s room. “You okay girl?” Sid and Tate said looking at me, “yeah.. just a weirdo.” I smiled and sat down on the bed, “Well let’s party!” Tatum said closing the door and taking out her secret liquor stash, see that’s a real party. After they had some drinks and Sidney just watched. As Chanel and Tatum were drunk but since they drank a lot it didn’t matter but Sid didn’t even wanna drink, strange. “Sid you okay?” Chanel spoke while looking at her “Me and Billy are having issues because I don’t wanna have sex.” Chanel and Tatum looked at each other, “the fuck? leave his sorry ass!” Chanel and Tatum said at the same time and screamed “jinx!” Sidney laughed a bit, “it’s just that I love him, and we’ll make up.” She replied before getting up and putting her shoes on to leave, “Sid you aren’t sleeping over with us?” Chanel said tilting her head in curiosity, “No thanks, I have to do some stuff.” Sidney smiled at Chanel and hugged both of the other girls as they were confused.
Sidney didn’t text or call Chanel and Tatum later that night, and when Dewey called Tatum saying Sidney got attacked Chanel and Tate ran over in pajamas to get to Sidney immediately. “SIDNEY!” They both yelled out and hugged her, Chanel noticed Billy getting arrested.. weird..? “B-Billy did it.. I think he did it. I got attacked, I-I..” Chanel cut Sidney off, “shh it’s ok, you’re okay! Your okay! Fuck Billy.” Chanel and Tatum hugged Sidney tighter and went with her as Dewey drove them to the police station. Billy and Sidney shared some looks, but Billy paid more attention to Chanel and smiled when he saw her. “What you smiling at, you’ve done something didn’t you?” Chanel looked into Billy’s eyes with a smile, she wasn’t afraid. “Nothing, nothing at all! She’s fucking losing her shit. I didn’t do it.” Billy yelled in handcuffs, but Chanel knew it was all an act.
At school the next day Sidney and Tatum came in together with Stu and Chanel was alone. She couldn’t shake the feeling knowing billy could be the killer, and she would be dead eventually because she survived the attack. “Chanel, wait up!” Tatum said and she hugged Chanel, Sid was hiding behind her looking in her locker when a guy in the same exact costume that attacked Sidney and Chanel ran by and Sidney was horrified , “BACK OFF LOSER!” Chanel yelled sticking up the middle finger, she scoffed and hugged Sid. “It’s ok girl.” Chanel whispered, but Stu found this thrilling and was laughing the entire time. “Stu, the fuck is funny?” Chanel said giving him a glare and Tatum hit him on the arm. “Chill!” Stu yelped as they all giggled. Just as the bell rang Chanel saw Sidney run in the bathroom and I followed, Chanel hid behind the door and heard those girls talking bad about Sidney. just then Chanel went in and punched the girls in the jaw angrily as Sidney gasped in shock, “watch yourselves bitches!” Chanel grabbed Sidney’s hand and walked out, “Fuck them-“ just as Chanel was gonna say something Sidney bumped into Billy and he tried to talk to her and Sidney just stood there with tears in her eyes, “Woah woah woah you still think it’s me?” Billy said, “No! No! It’s just, someone was there! Someone tried to kill me..” Sidney replied, “I know, I know. The cops said I scared them away, it wasn’t me Sid.” Billy looked at Sidney and Chanel, “I know , he called Chanel again last night at Tatum’s house.” Sidney exclaimed , “You see, You see it couldn’t me be! I was in jail. Remember.” Billy looked again at Chanel and showed his black finger tips to both of the girls, “I’m sorry! Please understand-“ “understand what? That my girlfriend who would rather accuse me of being a psychopathic killer than touch me?” Billy said “You know that’s not true.” “Then what is it?” “What is it? Billy I was attacked and nearly killed last night-“ “I mean us, you haven’t been the same since.. your mother died.” Billy spoke to Sidney and Chanel looked at him with the craziest glare ever, “is your brain okay? My mom was killed I can’t believe you’re bringing this up!” As Sidney spoke her voice was breaking, “no it’s been a year!” Billy said “Tomorrow. One year tomorrow.” Sidney yelled “I know well I think it’s time you got over that I mean when my mom left my dad i accepted it, it’s the way it is. She’s not coming back.” “Your parents spilt up, this is not the same! Your mom left town, she’s not lying in a coffin somewhere.” Sidney said cutting him off angrily, “Ok! I’m sorry it’s a bad analogy! It’s just, I want my girlfriend back-“ Chanel had enough and pulled Sidney away from Billy running off, “What the fuck is up with him” Chanel whispered. Chanel heard Billy put his hands to his head and yell “stupid!” before they left, Chanel knew Sidney was upset and when they made it outside Tatum was waiting for them, when they walked Stu approached them and gave Sidney , Tatum , Chanel a flower, “I don’t know what you guys did but there’s no more school!” Stu exclaimed happily, “Party at mines. Better be there.” He added to his sentence in a quick moment “I don’t know.. the killer and all-“ Stu cut Sidney off “I’m buff! I’ll protect you guys” and he grabbed Tatum over his shoulder in a swift making her giggle and Chanel sort of felt a weird feeling about Stu’s party, but she brushed that off. Nothing could happen right?
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beaker1636 · 8 months
Just because I thought it might be fun I figured here’s a walk down memory lane aka the times I’ve gotten to meet my favorite musicians!
First up we have 2 of the 4 members of a kids cover group, I know not actually famous but it made Miss Bree obsessed with getting to meet members of the bands I went to see 🤣
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Then we have the first time I met my all time favorite singer and musician, my absolute fucking idol, Tom Keifer of Cinderella. The man’s story of having all the surgeries to continue doing what he loves and preform is a true story of a man who loves making music. I got him to write a set of lyrics in his own handwriting for my tattoo and I also made him laugh by panicking and went holy shit you’re Tom Keifer and he was like yeah that’s my name, and I have a photo of him laughing at me saying that! It was totally accidental, I walked right into the dude after the show!
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Next up I met 2/4 members of Jackyl, they played at the Surf Ballroom which is a venue that legit is a hard wood finished ballroom (known as buddy hollys last place he played in before dying.). I slipped on some beer that was spilled, smashed my face on the stage in front of the bassist Roman’s feet. I was the DD and was waiting for everyone to show up and their tour bus pulled up next to me as they were leaving.
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Next is Tom Keifer again! This time I was at a show of his that was much smaller and got him to announce my pregnancy with my son to my aunts who were with me, I got a little onesie for my son and his merch girl made sure to get it to him before the VIP so he could give it to me for his “youngest” fan in front of my family. I have a video of it somewhere and it’s one of the cutest moments of my life! Spent half the set after puking my guts out because morning sickness but 🤷‍♀️
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And the last one I have a photo with is motionless in white, my favorite band! we legit got so lucky. The vip was sold out for our show and a few weeks later I went to check it in a depressive episode and somehow got through and got two… for the show on my friends birthday. I went skipping in super excited, got next to Vinny who was the first one near me and bawled my eyes out almost instantly in sheer panic. Him and Ricky gave me huge hugs, Chris liked my makeup, I made them all laugh by saying we were making my husband stand outside with our merch while we did this.
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Some honorable mentions I don’t have photos of: Steven Pearcy of Ratt, he was drunk as fuck and the photo turned into garbage.
Brett Michaels in a random gas station when I was like 10, no clue where my grandpa has that photo.
Ted Nugent with my father, yes he’s a raging asshole but my father loves Ted so we jumped on the chance to see him together.
Aaron Carter, not on purpose, he played a show at my college and came into the bar I was working at after and I happened to be the bartender on duty.
and the best experience that I’m super bummed our phones were both dead: my husband and I went to chicago for our honeymoon, and we’re going to a rock festival out there. The entire fucking lineup of the festival stayed in our hotel, we watched the busses come rolling in and decided to hang out in the lobby. We got to meet and talk to: Shinedown, Jellyroll, Saliva, and Juliet Simms. But we just had gotten back for the day when they showed up so we have no photos 😫. Best day ever man!
This was a fun little walk down memory lane for me, I know there isn’t that many people listed but I legit live in the middle of nowhere iowa, 3+ hours away from the nearest venue for shows so I’d say I didn’t do half bad through the years 🤣
Who have y’all met before?
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smileygoth · 8 months
5. In the Shadows (WODtober 2023)
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Part 5 of my WODtober story. Taking the daily prompts and trying to weave a vampire story from them! In this chapter, our protagonist is accosted by an old friend and finally starts to remember her past.
Word Count: 980 words.
CW: None that I can think of!
Image from the game VTM: Blood Hunt.
Find the previous chapters here!
‘Holeeeeee shit. Imogen?’
She froze as she stepped away from the train, scanning the faces around her. She was cold, tired and hungry. She hadn’t fed for at least two nights. She’d spent a boring night in a boring hotel room with ‘Eliza’ refusing to talk to her; she’d snuck out as soon as the sun set to call a taxi that had taken over an hour to turn up and then refused to take her further than the train station two towns over; she’d raced to get the last train heading out to the city so she wouldn’t have to spend another night in a strange place, and hidden in the toilet to avoid the ticket operator; and now that she was finally back in the city, it was early morning, the platform was crowded with drunk revellers flooding out of their various bars and clubs, and all she wanted was to go home - but she couldn’t remember where ‘home’ was. The scowl plastered to her face had caused many fellow passengers to give her a wide berth, and she was glad of it. One wrong word and she felt like she might snap and add a second Masquerade breach to her list of crimes.
But when she heard that name, something in her clicked, like a switch had suddenly been flipped. Imogen. 
‘Yes!’ she cried, turning, trying to place the voice to a face. This voice had been male and gravelly, with a slight Slavic lilt, and definitely, blessedly outside of her head. ‘Yes, that’s me!’
A man stepped forward, a plain, unremarkable man wearing plain, unremarkable clothes, and put a hand on her arm. As he touched her, his face seemed somehow to distort slightly. She squinted, trying to see him clearly, and then she realised. This is a disguise.
As the thought occurred to her, the man’s features blurred and changed entirely. Now she was looking at a short, hunched man with skin that was cracked, scabbed and greying. Where it wasn’t scabbed, it was almost transparent, with dark blackened veins showing through. His eyes were cloudy and pale, like the eyes of a corpse. The hand on her arm had long, skeletal fingers that ended in jagged, blackened nails. She recoiled, but only a little, because as she saw him she realised that she knew this face. It was, after all, a difficult face to forget.
‘Imogen!’ he said again. ‘What are you doing here?’
She frowned. ‘Why wouldn’t I be here?’
‘Why would-’ he sputtered, then stopped and scowled. ‘Fucksake. Come with me.’ His sharp fingers closed around her arm, pulling her along with him. Bewildered, she didn’t object.
He led her over to a maintenance door set into one wall, and ignoring the sign that read ‘Staff Only: No Admittance’, he slipped a card out of his pocket and swiped it through the scanner on the lock. A little light flashed from red to green and the door opened with a mechanical sigh. He yanked it open without hesitation and pulled her in after him, into a narrow, poorly lit corridor, littered with cleaning signs and buckets on wheels, that ran along the other side of the wall to another door at the far end. But instead of taking her to the next door, he pushed her roughly against the wall, pinning her in place.
‘What the hell are you doing out here?’ he hissed, leaning in close. His breath smelled sweetly of decay. ‘You’re supposed to be lying in the Prince’s catacombs with a stake through your heart!’
She - Imogen - squirmed in his surprisingly strong grip. ‘Yeah,’ she replied. ‘Who are you?’
He blinked. ‘Wh… You don’t remember me? What, did your time in torpor scramble your brains? It’s me, Miro! We worked together, remember? I got you all the useful intel on the old junk you love so much!’
Memories flared in her mind, of museums and vaults and tombs long sealed. With them came an intense affection, a curiosity - a desire. ‘Artifacts,’ she found herself saying. ‘Not junk. Have some respect.’
Miro grinned, a curve of sharp, mismatched teeth. ‘That’s more like it.’
‘I’m sorry, Miro,’ Imogen said. ‘I don’t remember much of anything at the moment. Things are coming back in pieces.’
He eyed her suspiciously. ‘So you don’t remember how you got out?’
She grimaced in frustration. ‘Got out of where?’
‘The catacombs! The Prince’s catacombs! Remember those?’
Dimly, she recalled hearing rumours of how the Prince of the city kept those who broke his rules staked in ancient crypts located somewhere beneath the city. Whispers of how he would go down there sometimes and take out his anger on their prone, defenceless bodies. He notorious for having a short temper, even for a Brujah. She shrugged. ‘That’s not where I woke up,’ she replied. ‘But there was a box … and a stake…’
He stared at her carefully for a moment. ‘Are you lying to me? I know your lot are good at that.’
‘No, I’m not .. and what do you mean ‘my lot’?’
Miro stepped back, releasing her, and laughed. ‘Holy crap. You really can’t remember anything, can you? You do know you’re a vampire, right?’
Imogen snorted. ‘Yes, I know I’m a vampire. I know … some things. As I’m reminded of them, it seems. I didn’t know my name until you called me by it just now.’
Miro smirked. ‘So what if I reminded you that you’re desperately in love with me?’
Imogen pursed her lips, pretending to consider. ‘Hmm … Nope. Not feeling it. Nice try, creep.’
‘Eh, whatever,’ Miro said with a shrug. ‘Do you at least remember that you can trust me?’
She paused. That felt true. ‘Yeah,’ she agreed. ‘That I remember.’
‘Good. Then you’ll know that I’ll help you.’ He paused, thinking, then nodded. ‘Okay. Come with me.’
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ess-presso · 1 year
hello ess !
that fic rec sounds wonderful im v excited to read :) my turn: paper rings by apricusapollo (zar just reblogged this rec so maybe u already saw it but it sounds so good) but for good measure heres another: 10 things i (dont) hate about you by kjms (jegulus 10 things i hate about you au)
tay time <3 i almost do, today was a fairytale, & forever & always !
chatty time!
that line about harry becoming RAPIDLY obsessed with draco will never not make me feel insane. how did jkr (derogatory) even write that it sounds like something from a fic fr.
your star converse sound so cool, i think ive seen someone wearing the same ones around and they were so cute. i love them
i love the trojan horse & the story of troy too <3 it was prob one of the first myths i learned and the rest is history. also did u know that some people thought the trojan horse was REAL? like. people in my GREEK MYTHOLOGY course. maybe thts just a common misconception or something but idk. i find it very funny
little women 2019 is SO good. i love the entire cast sm and the vibes are just astronomical.
jumanji is SO fucking funny. ill never not lose my shit at the weapons valet part its just. so dumb i love it
americans being a novelty there is SO funny. youd think that they wouldnt be here in canada but oh. they so are. i think a lot of americans (at least west coast americans where our accents are fairly similar) think canadians are like. identical to them. but that is so wrong we habitually will make fun of anyone with an american license plate up in canada.
my cats! the oldest is named pixie. (she was really tiny when we got her & i was obsessed with fairies when i was younger lol) and ive had her since kindergarten. so like a LONG time. shes a mean old lady now but i love her. the other two are siblings! theyre a few years old but still act like kittens & their names are mike and el (yes after the stranger things characters i dont wanna talk about it) which is very unfitting because the cats are SIBLINGs but the characters are in a relationship. (for the record i suggested artemis and apollo as names but was swiftly shut down. i have a family of haters)
and yes we dont get snow here. at least my part of canada. i live at pretty much sea-level on the coast so its just rain sadly. but pretty much like. every other part of canada will see snow in the winter at some point or another !
and pansy x percy? wait i kinda love that. never wouldve thought of them together but they actually sound cute.
fuck james marry sirius and KILL remus?? honestly respect. (and "mummy's got a job to do" REAL LMAO)
and omg starting with the silmarillion? that is BOLD. i havent even touched that book yet. from what ive gathered via osmosis i think it can almost be read as an encyclopedia for tolkien's world. so its just a lot. godspeed with that!
and yes. the shadowhunters chronicles is based on hp fanfic. BUT i read somewhere it was actually draco x ginny so every day i pray thats true. (hey another rarepair) but fear not the series is actually good. and theres like a million sequel & prequel series within it so you dont really have time to think about the incest .
and yes podg! the movie with ben barnes is a HORRIBLE adaptation. like its so different from the book so beware. but its still mildly entertaining bc ben barnes is gorgeous so.
"drunk procrastinator" being ur movie title is so real. cue me every weekend when i have a big paper to write or something.
and yes! cats! you should get one. they will change your life i swear.
the amortentia trope is SO good. i eat it up every time. same with the veritaserum. bonus points if theyre doing a veritaserum drinking game/truth or dare>>>
thats actually a pretty useful weird talent. running late and need breakfast? cereal.
and yes! thats a gas station order! your best friend being your chauffeur REAL. i dont drive so my best friend is my chauffeur & im the gps & dj.
poppies & lavender are so nice. i have a ton of lavender in my garden and its so nice in the summer when it blooms. hydrangeas are so pretty too. the colours are absolutely gorgeous
pluto! i love pluto sm. one of my fav planets (i refuse to say dwarf planet. shes not a dwarf in my heart shes huge) aside from maybe neptune.
and oh my god. a phone call during a funeral? the ring tone being BABY GOT BACK? idk how you survived. i would have been mortified i could never show my face again.
saxophone is so nice. sometimes all you need is some smooth jazz and a massive glass of wine or something.
answering questions time:
poutine! omg im so glad you asked me this question. in short its just french fries covered in gravy and cheese curds. a lot of people think it sounds gross/think it looks gross (it does look...questionable sometimes) but i SWEAR its so good. very good comfort food & and strangely good when you go to the movies.
unpopular marauders opinion......hmm. maybe that barty would be well suited as a ravenclaw? i know his house has never been confirmed but he canonically got 12 OWLS so the boy is SMART plus he SLAYED being the DADA prof. (not that other houses arent smart. u know what i mean) (but i still love him in the slytherin gang. they have my whole heart)
unpopular opinion about life: its okay to be weird and just silly sometimes. some people are just so caught up in being "normal" that they forget that we're all just. people. like its okay to be silly and live our lives the way we want! (maybe not an unpopular opinion but i know there are people out there that are just. really stuck up & could do well to remember this LOL)
dream car - i dont drive so IDK LOL but ive always liked colourful cars. like give me a bright red or forest green or cobalt blue car. theres a SEVERE lack of colourful cars on the road nowadays its so sad.
i havent seen the apprentice! i dont watch a lot of reality tv in general but from what youve told me about it i might have to check it out cause it sounds entertaining.
i totally believe in soulmates both platonic and romantic. like theres gonna be people you meet in your life that youll click with instantly and theyll become a part of u in a way even if you drift apart etc. like my best friend is prob my platonic soulmate. ive known her for quite literally my entire life (i think i was only a few months old when i met her) and shes literally my sister .
hidden talent: maybe not exactly a hidden talent but im really good at geoguessr ! oh also i can untie almost any knot. i guess thats more of a hidden talent. kinda useless but really handy when my converse laces arent cooperating.💪
favourite villain: prob either loki or darth vader. in a way theyre both anti-heros and i personally love morally grey characters so🫶
ive never had my heart broken! i probably internalized effy's "nobody breaks my heart" from skins too much so. i simply dont let myself get close enough to people so i dont get hurt. works every time👍
ever broken a heart: i think i did indirectly whoops. but luckily only once. long story short one of my friends liked me on & off during high school, i got confrontational while heavily under the influence and told him i didnt like him that way. he DID ignore me for the rest of the year but yeah. the rest is history. i think he came out as gay recently so. good for him!
your question time!
favourite greek god/goddess?
fav marauders fancast(s)?
hogwarts house?
fav greek myth(s)?
soldier, poet, king? (praying youve seen this trend)
one thing you cannot leave the house without?
if you were from the percy jackson universe who would be your godly parent?
top 5 albums of all time?
do you believe in soulmates?
thats all for now. talk to u again very soon🕺
bee bee bee hello i missed you n i love u <333
on god , i love these type of stories that are partly based on taylor songs . paper rings is one of my favourites on lover , so this is going into my marked for later ! & i love 10 things I hate about you too !!!! (cameron is my favourite character . HE LEARNT FRENCH FOR HER!!!) your fics recs are absolutely stellar!!!
here’s one for you - (‘unbreakable heaven by sequin haze’ - based on ‘Cruel Summer’ , ft friend-with-benefits Jegulus & trans regulus !!! )
tay tay -
i almost do - WOLFSTAR - i think of it as wolfstar because to me it’s basically sirius to remus while he’s in azkaban ‘i bet sometimes you wonder ‘bout me’. And i very much think that remus has dreams about sirius touching his face and asking him to try over again , and remus is 🤏 this close to saying ‘okay’.
today was a fairytale - JILY - i think it’s so inexplicably joly after their first date !!! ‘this magic in the air // must have been the way you kissed me’ that to me is their thoughts in canon, after they kissed for the first time on their date. (also james’s smile would so take lily to another planet , just saying)
forever & always - JEGULUS - I can just imagine james telling reg ‘forever and always’ and then reg being in his head like ‘you promised me forever’ and james going away like a ‘scared little boy’ because reg got the mark. it hurts my poor little jegulus heart.
chatting <333 -
ISN’T IT ??? the woman was so concerned about making her characters at hetero as possible that she just made them gay squared. (and the amount of people i’ve seen asking for the fic when this quote is in a tt. like , babe , no it’s from the og books .)
I LOVE MY STAR CONVERSE TOO !!! very cute indeed they’re amazing . (still my red ones beat everyone and everything >>>)
people think the horse is real ?? like do they really have that little faith in the human race?? in the middle of the war being like ‘wow there’s a giant horse at the door of my city ! this isn’t suspicious at all , let me bring it in !’ is something someone would actually do 💀💀💀. like bro no , give homer his credit.
I LOVE LITTLE WOMEN SM TOO. I watched it for emma , and i came out in love with timmy & flo.
jumanji is honestly such a comfort watch it’s one of my forever favourites.
nah americans are genuinely so annoying sometimes. like especially the piss annoying tourists , always standing in the way. like i’ve heard too many of them correct the way brits pronounce things ( honey , it’s aloominum not aluminium. STFU BITCH) and when they start talking so you talk back and ask where they’re from , why they always say ‘dallas , texas.’ like bro was giving me her gps location , why not just say ‘america’ ??? (the worst one was when i saw someone say that ‘the ancients didn’t build stonehenge aesthetically’)
PIXIE , MIKE AND EL???? THAT’S SO CUTE AND ADORABLE OH MY GOD. (i agree artemis and apollo would’ve been a fucking amazing name.your family just don’t get it.) my friend actually has a cat named pixie who is also a mean old lady!! this pixie fuckin hates me she tried to scratch my guts out once. but i think she’s warming up to me now , because she took 10seconds to do that last time instead of her usual five.
bee u live in the 1% of canada that doesn’t get snow !!! ULTRA-RARE POSITION IN LIFE ACHIEVED !!!
i never would’ve thought of pansy and percy either, but i was scrolling and came across it , and i’m a pretty open-minded girl, so i was like ‘why not’ and i was pleasantly surprised. (here’s the fic i’m talking about - ‘the secretary by pacificrimbaud’ it’s really good !! )
fucking james marrying sirius and killing remus is the most controversial decision i’ve ever made , but i STAND BY IT.
for now i’m just staring at my copy of the silmarillion willing it to become smaller. idk if my brain can handle more than like a page a month.
AT LEAST IT’S NOT RON X GINNY !!!!! maybe i’ll give it a shot one day many years in the future. it seems like there’s at least 50 books and she’s… still not done.
i’ll read the book first , then , as i always do. I’ll watch he movie , but only for ben barnes. I love him.
DRUNK PROCRASTINATOR FOR THE WIN. ( me on the roof rn trying to write my paper that was due last week. and the other one that’s due tomorrow! hopefully lu shows up soon with the monsters and good vibes!! he has no homework (he does his stuff on time) so he’s just gonna be keeping me company.)
CATS CATE CATSSS . studying with one purring in your lap sounds so peaceful !!!
amortentia trope >>>>>>> (i’m actually writing a scene in the quaffle & the snitch , where reg is dared to make james fall in love with him. like a bet movie. i’m loving it already.) I LOVE THEM SO MUCH HONESTLY !!! ‘you love me ?? you’re lying.’ ‘i’m on veritaserum you dumb fuck i’m NOT. lying.’
cereal is my go-to for breakfast, but sometimes i do get apple turnovers on the weekend with my chauffeur. (i’ll be referring to the best friend as either ‘chauffeur’ or ‘lu’ (which is my nickname for him) because typing out ‘my best friend’ is going to take forever.)
thank fuck i got the gas station order right. lu is ordered to be my chauffeur. sometimes we go on midnight grocery runs to the big tesco. (once got drunk and bought the entire stock of lurpak. thankfully there were only four tubs !! (lurpak is rich people butter btw) ) i’m the dj , which is mostly tay tay. he involuntarily knows all the words to shake it off and my tears ricochet now.
YOU HAVE LAVENDERS IN YOUR GARDEN????? THAT’S SO AWESOME ???? they look so nice but i kill a lot of plants. but maybe i’ll buy another bouquet and keep it alive this time??
(and the baby got back was so embarrassing it’s UNREAL. but it was lu calling to ask if i wanted pizza , so at least i got pizza ?? )
jazz and wine and a best friend to dance around the kitchen with >>>>>> life made .
reviewing your q’s . -
poutine sounds amazing , people are just haters. why do americans hate on poutine when they have ‘jello salad’ like god hates a country but it ain’t canada , sweet pea.
HE WOULD SLAY AS A RAVENCLAW !!!!! and he slayed as a dada professor too !! (but he did traumatise my boy neville so minus one point for that) (he slays as a slytherin too , because i like him to be a part of that friend group , yk?)
YES DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! the world would be a better place if people stopped trying to make everything the same !!
when i was younger , i wanted a pink car. now i just want lu to drive me around forever. his car is black , so unfortunately not colourful .(the lack of colour on the streets should be a crime.)
THE APPRENTICE IS SO WORTH IT !!! i love it so much it’s so funny honestly watch it watch it !! New eps every thursday (watch season 17!!)
yes soulmates are platonic and romantic!!! i met lu in primary , and i think i’d just about die if he were to leave me . like he is life i love him , i’d kill for him.
I just searched up what geogueser is , and i’ve found my new hyperfixation !!! will be updating with my skills on this later. (i wish i had your lace-untying skills. 90% of the time i’m in 70 different positions before they’re actually untied.)
‘Luke i am your father.’ that’s all for this one.
love that you’ve never had your heartbroken !!! ( I have , last year. from a girl called victoria , who’s actually kind of a dick now that i think about it. can’t believe i was crying over some random bitch. lu & monster are the only consistent things in my life!!)
nah your friend a piss-bag for being all ‘ooh you don’t like me , WELL I DON’T LIKE YOU.’ that’s rude. if he was a real one , he would’ve stayed. bro came out as gay ?? i’m waiting for his apology 🤨🤨🤨.
my q’s !! -
god - apollo // godess - artemis. i love those two a lot actually. the sun and the moon >>>>>
now , vis a vis fancasts. i love andrew & ben , not dane . i love the edits of atj , he has such a big range of scenes , and i think some of his scenes are very james ! but my default james is this guy - (search up mo malik on tt if you don’t wanna click the link , it’s the pinned video on @motheh0e account with around 8.4 mill views.)
full respect if people don’t imagine him though ! as for reiky, i keep seeing him bent over some ladies knickers , and it makes me laugh a lot . but he could be james too , definitely!! he’s not my default though. My fc for evan is hugh laughton-scott , and for barty it’s maxen danet fauvel. (ik i spelt it wrong , i’m on the roof rn give me a second) & for pandora it’s elle fanning , and for lily , annalise basso. for pete , lewis capaldi is my favourite, his character is what imagine peter to be (if peter was good ). BUT MY FAVOURITE BY FAR IS OF COURSE REGULUS BLACK AS MR TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET!!!! i live for this one. whoever fc’ed him , i wish them only good things in life.
3. GRYFFINDOR !!!!! RAHHHHHHHHHHHH. (my first one was a slytherin but i lied on a tonne of the q’s and got gryffindor on my second account so I’M A GRYFFINDOR .)
4. orpheus and eurydice kills me every fucking time man. like if he’d just waited for one more second. they’d both be alive. but he loved her too much not to look at her. (trojan horse is a close second of course !!)
5. soldier . i see everyone talking about king and poet , but where’s the stuff about the noble soldier ??? (i wanted to be king and the almighty ruler so i’m a bit pissed. might pull a macbeth.)
6.phone . (obviously, but i’ll give you another few because that was too obvious.) purse (i lost it like three times this academic year already) & my bingo tickets from three years ago in which i won a tenner (reminds me of gold times.) also my planning notebook because i get a shit tonne of ideas on a walk. OOOH OOH ALSO MY HEADPHONE . need to bop out to taylor , of course.
7. just did the quiz and got athena ! not bad , if i do say so myself !!
8. folklore , evermore , 1989 , lover & rep. (all taylor but i have other faves. but without these i’d die.)
9.yes , of course !!! i think soulmates are there , very much. for example , lu is very much my soulmate , platonic , and i’d do anything for him. absolutely anything. ANYTHING . (for reference, i’d only ever share my food with him. )
q’s for your next journey to my ask box -
top 5 albums ?
hogwarts house ?
divergent faction ?
favourite fun fact ?
soldier , poet or king ?
gold or silver jewellery?
taylor or lana ?
cruel summer vs don’t blame me.
my tears ricochet vs the great war.
favourite candle scent?
pet peeve ?
what makes you laugh the most ?
do u have a middle name ?
how common is ‘eh’ and ‘hoser’ in canada ?
(that’s all for now bee , but i shall be awaiting your reply like a wife waiting for her soldier husband to return from war. don’t die on the battlefield, bee . come back soon !)
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thehatakefamily · 1 year
Muse: Kiki Hatake (Francene Lamb by the courtesy of the lovely @brimfire-and-hellstone, thank you once again for permission to write her. Hopefully I did this goddess justice.)
Rating: T
Warnings: Scenes of Violence, Language
Out in the middle of the Queens there was a popular biker bar, known to almost every passersby as Angel’s Dust, but to the bikers it was just the Angel Bar. It had expansive old furnished wood, giving it the look of an old saloon. The front doors were designed to look like swinging doors, looking both way too nice for its area and just shady enough to not raise too many eyebrows. Formerly a slaughterhouse, it was completely overhauled and refurbished to be a nice bar. 
Once inside, there was an array of tables and booths near the middle, framing the building as you walked in, leading to the wide bar. To the right side was several pool tables separated from the main area with a simple wall and railing, a slight step down, leading to the array of pool tables. At the bar was a huge wall of several bottles ranging from wine, to sake, to vodka, to whiskey. Several women walking around with trays in their hands, dressed to cater to the bikers, hoping to get the most in tips. 
Back at the bar was a young woman, stationed always behind the bar, maintaining clean surfaces and glasses, considered by many to be one of the main attractions. Long brunette hair framing her face, lips curved in an easy smile as she talked to the patrons, eyes shimmering with light brown, shining with playfulness. Kiki Hatake was her name, and she moved like she owned the entire club, and many actually believed that too. Her boss was entirely grateful with how well Kiki managed the bar, an arrangement they came to when Kiki punched a biker in the face, breaking his nose. She could play nice but she wasn’t about to allow herself to be groped. 
Today, she was clad in a simple black tee, knowing that wearing white tee would never be a good idea, Under bar level she was wearing faded denim jeans that hugged her hips and legs as she moved. Being the bartender had it’s advantages.
“Hey sexy!” A burly biker catcalled out to Kiki before raising his glass, very clearly drunk.
Kiki sighed, as the bartender also had it’s disadvantages. “I think you’re done for the night Will,” She said with a slight smile. 
The biker laughed before slamming his glass on the table, going back to talking with his bikers. She shook her head and began to wipe down the bar again, but the sound of the door opening made her perk her ears up. She looked up and saw a young gorgeous woman walk in, making her stop what she was doing. Kiki couldn’t help but take in the gorgeous dark hair that flowed down the woman’s shoulders, the bright green eyes slightly downcast, not wanting attention, but to Kiki stood out more than anyone else. He took in her more formal attire, something not uncommon around the bar, but certainly not the norm. Her blazer and skirt gave her the appearance of a businesswoman dealing with shit businessman all day. 
Kiki kept following her as she headed to the far end of the bar, the place people go when even the bartender isn’t who they want to talk to. Kiki cleaned the area she was at before tossing the towel over her shoulder and brushing her hands together. She grabbed a glass from under the bar and walked over to the new patron. She slowly stood in front of her and smiled. “Hey there,” She said softly. 
The patron slowly looked up, eyes wary, as she quickly took in the bartender, she straightened up a bit, before fiddling with her fingers. “Hey,” The woman answered back as she kept to herself. 
Kiki saw how nervous she was and gently placed the glass down. “You know out of every person I’ve seen walk in here with a suit, you’ve definitely worked it the best,” She complimented as she gave a quick wipe on the rim of the glass. “So, what would you like?”
The woman, Francene Lamb, smiled at the simple compliment but shook her head a bit. “A Manhattan please,” She said softly. “I’m sure you’eve seen better looking people.”
Kiki smiled as she chuckled a bit. “Not to mention good taste in drinks,” She said with a chuckle as she began to prep the drink. “Take a look around, I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Kiki said with a smile. 
Francene couldn’t help but take a quick look around at the patrons, unable to stop herself from chuckling, even cracking a small smile. Kiki gave a small smile, loving the sound of Francene’s laugh. She made Francene’s drink of choice and handed her the glass. Francene whispered a thank you and grabbed the glass, bring it close to her. 
Kiki couldn’t help but be reminded by her brother, Kasuna Hatake, with Francene’s desire to keep to herself. Kiki placed her hands on the bar as she watched her for a moment, before a noise grabbed her attention. Kiki looked up and saw a punk type of biker strolling up like he owned the place and leaned against the bar as he leered at Kiki. Kiki’s face was a mask of impassive boredom, but Francene detected a hint of annoyance in Kiki’s jaw before moving her eyes back down and shrinking a bit from the man’s presence.
“And what are we getting today?” Kiki asked, keeping her tone civil with a forced smile. 
“How about your name for starters,” He said with a smooth baritone voice, a grin annoyingly etched on his face. “Then I think I would fancy a taste of this place’s finest.”
Kiki’s eyebrow barely twitched as she grabbed a glass and poured some cheap whiskey. While it wasn’t the “finest”, it was the most requested, which as far as this douche was considered was the same thing. Kiki pushed the glass towards the guy. “Open tab?” She asked simply. 
“I’m hoping that won’t be the only thing open tonight,” He said as he raised the glass and took it down with one swig. He then smirked as he looked at Francene. 
“And if she’s not, maybe you will be,” He said with disgusting bravado.
Francene bristled and leaned away from the creep as Kiki narrowed her eyes. “Are you going to get another shot?” She asked as she crossed her arms. “Because if not, please find a place to sit, I’m not a babysitter.”
The biker got very offended and stood up, puffing out his chest, and sticking out his finger at Kiki. He stared down at her like she was a child who had disobeyed their parent, trying to intimidate her. Kiki glared at the man, ignoring the finger in her face, feeling her own anger rise at the apparent disrespect. The lack of fear coming off of Kiki made the biker extremely pissed. 
“Don’t get all bitchy with me like you’re hot shit,” He said with a growl as he leaned closer to Kiki. “You’re barely a cute girl, and I was being generous with you, so how about a fucking thank you for my fucking courtesy!”
Everyone in the bar was now looking at the commotion, some bikers already making bets about what was about to happen. Francene was afraid for the bartender, already plotting to deal with the biker after he left. But Kiki just gave a falsely sweet smile before grabbing the bikers hair and slamming his face down hard onto the bar, breaking his nose.
“OH YOU BITCH!” He cried out as he grabbed his face, stumbling back. 
“Ohhh look you got your wish,” Kiki taunted with a grin. “Your blood flow is also open.”
Francene couldn’t help but be impressed as bikers paid each other from the bets, the regular patrons grinning as the profited off others ignorance of the bartender. Kiki had gotten herself a fierce reputation as one to not be fucked with. Kiki cracked her neck as she vaulted over the bar real quick, leaning against it, now closer to the injured biker. 
“Now I’ll give you a choice,” She said simply, tilting her head. “Apologize and leave the establishment. Or you can leave in an ambulance.”
The biker, wounded both in ego and body, roared in anger as he charged at the little uppity bitch. Francene got to her feet, not about to let this guy hurt Kiki, however she needed not worry. Once he was close enough, he was met with a brutal roundhouse kick. The heel of Kiki’s converse slammed into his temple, dropping him to the ground like a log. Francene’s eyes widened as Kiki blew a few strands of hair out of her face, and brushing her hair back behind her ear. A quick thud of Francene’s heart made her swallow hard as she observed the woman as she simply walked back behind the bar. 
Holy shit Francene thought as Kiki turned back to her. 
“Now,” Kiki said cheerfully, like the last few moments hadn’t happened. “Sorry about that, let me properly introduce myself. I’m Kiki.” 
0 notes
angelamajiki · 3 years
Tumblr media
PARINGS: Pro Hero! Dabi x Sister! Reader
TW: yandere, incest, no con, voyeurism, choking, burning, unprotected/no prep sex, breeding/creampies, snowballing, public sex, degradation, lots of dirty talk
AN: WHEEWW my first fic in a while, so excited for my first join intro collab!! thank you to the lovely jo for writing it <33 enjoy
A BNHarem Server Collab! Check out the other works here.
Breaking news: We have yet another report to add to the slew of attacks this month, this comes just days after we broadcast rumours of villains running rampant over the city. This spate of attacks has put the entire metropolitan area at a standstill, road closures and damaged property making it difficult for commuters to get to work in the morning. Road maintenance endeavour to do its best to keep the city running, but it seems futile when these attacks continue to increase. The entire city was brought to a standstill by the mysterious villain who has still not been named, but reports show they are nothing like we have ever experienced before.
Where are the heroes now? Who will save us from the terror overwhelming our city?
Every day the crime toll continues to rise and we have no one here to protect us. The Hero Public Safety Commission assured us earlier in the week that the crime rate would go down, that the top Heroes are out there protecting our city, but if so, where are they? Is it really safe to go out anymore, who can we trust? Would you put your life in the hands of a Hero today? When they have proved our streets are no longer safe. We still have no information on what is going on, or who is involved but we must remain observant. We will continue to report the latest news as we receive it, but for now, we must implore you to heed the warnings of the city-wide curfew that is soon to be implemented. If anyone has any information on these occurrences in the city please send them to us or contact the police, you can remain anonymous. The safety of our citizens is what is most important, stay vigilant and don’t go out unless it is absolutely necessary.
Christ, what a load of bullshit the news was nowadays. Constantly whining and squealing about what heroes did and didn’t do, promoting fear-mongering like it was the hottest trend. Between your father and two older brothers dedicating their life to the cause of justice, the world always felt just a little safer to you, the naive little thing that you were. And tonight was no exception.
Despite the rapidly increasing crime rates, your judgment to grab a couple of drinks in the city with your friends was hardly swayed. The stress of it all was getting to you and you’d love nothing more to drink your heart out at one of the few spots still left open. It was a sleazy place, but it was fun. If anything, you found a bar in the area where your eldest brother was currently stationed patrolling.
Touya had always been protective of you ever since the two of you were children, and he carried that same possessiveness well into your adulthood. Always chasing off any potential suitors, keeping you out of trouble, and generally being a menace to anyone who thought they were good enough to be around his favorite little sister.
By the end of the night, stumbling around drunkenly was the only thing keeping you upright as you made your way out of the club and onto the street, looking for a taxi to get you home. Sirens wailed faintly in the distance, a mess of blue and red lighting up the darkened streets.
“Hey sweetheart. Need a hand?”
Grubby hands met your arms the same time the cool air of the night did, tugging and pulling at you to come closer, wherever that may be. Jaunts and laughter echoed off the buildings, only adding to the haziness the alcohol induced. “What’s a pretty little thing like yourself doing out here all on your lonesome?”
Weak attempts to push the group of assaulters off you were in vain as they groped and squeezed your body at their pleasure. “Come on, we’re just trying to keep ya company. Right, boys?”
Your whine came across much more pathetic than you could have ever hoped, only earning more chuckles from the men. “Just relax, sweetheart. We’ll take good care of you.”
Blue flames danced around the group of you, closing the lot of you against the building wall in a small circle of fire.
“Will you now? Last I checked, I'm the only man suited for that.” Touya was less than amused to have found out from Fuyumi that you traveled into the city given its state, even more so when he saw how drunk and disorderly you were being.
The men untangled themselves from you with ease, tossing you into the arms of your expectant brother, who was more than glad to pull you into a tight embrace. “Shit! It's the number three, Heatstroke!”
The comforting warmth of his body and scent of his cologne settled your frantic nerves, tucking yourself closer into his arms. “Honestly, it’s like you're asking for it at this point.”
Your heart sank low in your chest, but you couldn't find the strength to move away from him as he scowled down at you.
“Look at what you're wearing, you little tease. Bet you would have loved to have them violate you, huh slut?”
Never has Touya been so venomous with you before; it made your heart hurt, even more, to see your beloved nii-san be so cruel.
“Don’t you worry, that’s why your big brother is here to show you who you really belong to.”
Shoved against the wall, he pinned your trembling form with his right knee in between your legs and his hands wandering over your skimpy dress.
“You boys can stick around to watch; let a real man show you how it's done.”
Flames singed at your dress, burning it to ashes to expose you in the cool wind of the night. Hot fingers pressed into your skin, littering marks in their wake before they wrapped around your throat. “You were just begging for nii-san to come to save your slutty ass, huh, princess? I know you checked my patrol schedule before ending up at this dive.”
His hand tightened around your neck, his lips at your ear. “Wanted nii-san to come put you in your place, yeah? After fuckin’ teasing me all these years, you finally cracked me. Are you proud of yourself, little girl?”
A whine slipped from your constricted throat, your smaller hand gripping at the large one squeezing you with everything it had. “And now you've got an audience to witness my ownership over you. You're mine, little girl.”
Finally releasing your throat, his hands traveled down to your chest and groped at your roughly, pinching and pulling at your soft, sensitive nipples. Bile was rising in your throat as you drowned in your own fear, feeling him drag you into the depths of depravity.
“What’s the matter, imouto? I thought you said I was your favorite. You're hurting my feelings, y’know.”
“Touya, please-”
A scoff slapped you hard in the face as his knee jerked up against your cunt. “Don’t start with me. I know who you really are and what you really want, even better than yourself.”
His words stabbed at your heart, and his wandering hands only seemed to pour salt over the wounds. “You’re nothing more than my whore, little sister.”
Hips ground against your backside in a slow, teasing manner, groans pushing past his lips as he did so. “You have no one to blame but yourself.”
His erection was pressed flush against you, straining in his pants before he unzipped himself. At this point, you were more than sobered up running on fear and adrenaline alone. Your panties were ripped clean off with his free hand while the other stroked his hardening cock. “Look at me.”
The tip was aligned with your hole, rubbing slightly to gather the minimal wetness between your lips. “I said look at me.”
Teary eyes peaked up at him through wet lashes, silently pleading with a man who was not known for mercy.
“Good fuckin’ girl, so obedient for your big brother.”
With one snap of his hips, Touya fully sheathed himself inside of your tight cunt, groaning at the way you squealed for him. “Aw, you like that, huh, princess. Feeling good?”
A warbled moan was the only response you could give him as he slowly began to pull out. The alcohol had you buzzing enough to block out the pain of the stretch, and damn did you feel filled to the brim.
“Can’t wait to breed this greedy little cunt of yours.”
His pace was slow, agonizingly so. Touya couldn't help but savor every second of the first time having been inside you, especially after dreaming about it for so long. God, if it didn't turn him on to have an audience, knowing that these men knew he was fucking his sister.
What would the media think? God, the news cycle would be ripped to shreds tomorrow over this breaking story. But hey, no PR is bad PR.
The thought of finally having staked his claim in you almost had him coming prematurely, but he had to hold out for your very first time together, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
Heh, your crying face was so cute. Those tears weren't shy by any means and neither were your sobs. It's alright, you’ll learn to love being Touya’s cocksleeve.
“Say you love me.”
An impossible request when you're being violated by the person you held dearest to your heart.
His pace had picked up brutally, slamming into you without care for his flames spreading wildly nor the group of assaulters who seemed to vanish once they had the opening to.
“I-I love you, nii-san! I love you!”
Your cries were shrill and whiny, echoing into the chaotic night. The grip on your hips was heating up, so much so that his handprints were burned into your love handles.
“Good girl, good little slut.”
His breathing was erratic, hot against your neck as he growled and grunted into your ear. “Gonna let nii-san breed this pretty little pussy? Yes, you are. I know you are because you're fuckin’ mine, bitch.”
Moaning out your name, Touya came deep inside your womb, thick ropes of his cum painting your insides. You were soon to follow thanks to his thumb against your clit, causing you to writhe and whine in his arms.
Utterly spent, you rested against the brick wall you were pinned to, feeling the cum drip out of your still filled hole.
“Let’s get you home and into my bed, princess. I gotta go have a chat with Dad and Shouto, let ‘em know you’re fully off limits now.”
— tagging: @libiraki @bonesoftheimpala @tomurasprincess @sightoru
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