#they hated him for his autistic swag and. that was the end if it really
afterthefeast · 10 months
the serendipity of. only the movie so less of my beautiful autistic lesbian. but. so much freedom for big finish. so charley
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All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Trafalgar D. Water Law (Once Piece)
Law is a genocide survivor who saw his parents' dead bodies along with experiencing a whole bunch of other messed up stuff (his sister burning to death, the people of his country being shot for being poisoned by their own government, being terminally ill, escaping the genocide by hiding under a pile of dead bodies, etc etc). After all this shit, he eventually got forcibly adopted by this one guy and dragged around the world looking for a cure for his illness. Right when Law started to trust and love his new caretaker, he is also brutally murdered in front of him. Law's life goal for the next decade is to get revenge on the person who killed his adoptive father. Vote for him bc he needs a goddamn win for once in his life. He is the people's princess and the narrative's favorite punching bag. Also, his depressed, PTSD-ridden autistic swag and scoliosis realness have captivated me body and soul
His biological parents were killed (before his eyes, by the governement) when he was 10(?). He then joined a bunch of pirates, knowing he wouldn't have much time (and will) left to live anyway. There he was sort of adopted by the Big Bad Pirate's brother, who managed to save his life, only for said brother to be killed (more or less before Law's eyes, by the Big Bad Pirate), when he was 13. You could say he was orphaned twice.
He’s literally got the double orphan special (Parents died and then the guy who took him in after them died too) that’s a 50% increase in orphannedness above your standard orphan. He’s also cool as fuck.
Law's parents were already on death row along with him and his younger sister due to a disease that shortens the life span of a person. The disease can only be passed down genetically and has afflicted everyone in the town that he has grown up in. Due to the sudden outbreak and unknown nature of the disease to the rest of the world panicked and the government closed off his city, killing everyone there. That is how his first set of parents died when he was 10, I think. Still then Law would later join a pirate crew where he would eventually be taken away 2-3 years later by Corazon, marine working undercover as a pirate in order to take down this brother, who is the captain of crew Law joined. Corazon took him in order to cure Law's disease which he still had and to get him away from Doflamingo, his brother. Over the course of 6 months the two became close with Corazon essentially becoming a father figure to Law. I am simplify this but at some point of Doflamingo catches on to Corazon being a double agent and finds him. Doflamingo then proceeds to find Corazon and shoot him in front of a chest that Law was hiding in.
Law has faced many hardships since he was a child, but used his experiences to become an extremely powerful doctor. His pirate crew theme and his Devil Fruit ability are all owed to his adoptive father. Law acts really gruff and serious most of the time, initially seeming like a cool, calculating character and feared swordsman… but one second around the Straw Hats and you quickly see just how silly he really is. He hates bread. He collects coins. He is obsessed with ninjas and superhero comic books. In one arc he just fucked around with his powers and INVENTED harpies and centaurs. Oh, and his First Mate is a polar bear. What could be better than that?
The government ordered to kill everyone in Law's country due to everyone getting "fantasy lead poisoning" disease, which was wrongfully thought to be contagious stroked. Law's family was living at the hospital when they got attacked, his parents (who were doctors) got killed and the hospital got set on fire with his little sister inside. He managed to fled the country hiding in a pile of corpses and ended up joining a pirate crew lead by Doflamingo. Law knew he had the disease and it was going to kill him in three years. Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante took Law hospital to hospital to find a cure but they always rejected him thinking the disease was contagious. Then they learned that someone had offered Doflamingo a devil fruit that could grant him immortality. The fruit could also cure Law so Rosinante stole it and made Law eat it. He then made sure Law could escape Doflamingo and got killed by his brother.
dude spent his childhood getting thrown out of windows, while dying from a deadly disease (that was eventually cured) but while he was still showing symptoms of the disease no one would go near him out of fear and disgust, save for his father figure.
nothing can ever go right for this man. its fucking hilarious in the series and makes for some wonderful angst content. i want everyone who has not watched or read One Piece to know that, for half of his 'main' arc, he's carried around like a potato sack by MULTIPLE people. he is a damsel in despair. he didn't even need to be carried, he honestly could've walked, but he had to save that energy so he could take the like 17 lead bullets out of him. he's always getting shot or thrown out a window and he's severely injured more often than not. he's also a doctor/surgeon, one that should be able to cure incurable diseases, yet his pathetic loserboy ass is too busy being emo to worry about the several gunshot wounds and internal bleeding. god help this man but also don't because honestly it's really fucking funny
Ok, FIRST, when he was a tiny frog-disecting little kid, him and his family and island contacted a disease equivalent to cancer BUT his fam didn't die from that. No, no, his parents got gunned down by the military and his little sis was burned alive with the rest of his house, so, yeah, very traumatic, horrific in a way that makes you very angry at yourself and life and want to oh I don't know, kill everyone and everything possible until the day you die, which won't be long because you have cancer after all. Later, after joining a mafia/cult/gang, Law meets Corazon who after like 2 years kidnaps him to try and get him healed and so they spend the next 6 months bonding, WEEEEEE!! Wait, no, NOT weeee because Cora who is now his father-figure DIES having protected and saved him, and thus bruv becomes orphaned not once, not thrice, but TWO very traumatic times! If this isn't an orphan, idk what is……
Anthony Lockwood (Lockwood and Co)
Lockwood (he's known by his surname mostly) is the mysterious, daredevil and charming founder of Lockwood and Co., a detective agency specialised in protecting people from angry -and sometimes sort of hungry- ghosts in a world where they're rampant. His agency is starting small despite Lockwood bragging it's the best in London but get more and more recognition as the series progress and the agents composing them meet success (when they're not on the verge of dying). Lockwood has open manners but hid his painful past from his coworkers to protect himself. He and George, the first teenager he recruited, are quite stunned by Lucy, a country girl who fled to London after disaster striked in her hometown. Thanks to her talent, she quickly becomes known as one of the best ghost fighter in London and finds her place in the small team despite having the same determination to hide her past than Lockwood, which draws him close to her, making George jealous, but Lockwood's manifest good skills in leadership and the three of them become fast friends while unravelling secret truths and risking their lives repeatedly
He has a lot of trauma and a lot of pain but he always smiles and always has a warm and polite attitude; he’s so protective of the ones he loves that it overrides his suicidal tendencies; at the end of the series he starts to heal from his past; he’s hot but has only two braincells.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
You guys know what's wild as hell about Pjo fans ragging on Walker!Percy though?The fact that they keep saying he's not a good adaption of Percy because he's 'super lame'.Like first of all that's a child shut up and get a life bitch but also my actual point is that he's only lame from normies who think they're freaks perspective and i mean this in the sense of me being a lower class autistic adult and ex-troubled kid like book!Percy is and that's why i think both his version of Percy and Walker himself are cool as fuck.Like sorry to have to burst your bubble but Percy was never a stereotypical guy or a skater boy or a devil may care or popular in the mortal world and i'm bolding that last part as the important distinction-Percy is widely beloved BY OTHER DEMIGODS because they're also weirdos like him but regular humans still view him as a worthless and unappealing loser and this is very much intentional every step of the way.Demigods are a metaphor for neurodivergent otherhood,mortals are a metaphor for ableist neurotypicals and you guys fell for Percy's untrue self-image issues and his tormenters verbal abuse hook line and sinker.Me thinking Walker is really based is not only my opinion(and a fact)but also just me literally understanding the assigment from the get go and for ten years now lmfao!Y'all hate for his Percy Jackson kinnie and zero Peter Johnson energy swag💙
Also,i was gonna end it there but i need to add in this bonus as a black woman who's a lot like Leah personality wise and in presentation:Annabeth canonically dosen't want to be blonde because she wants to be seen as more than her looks and Leah's blackness freed her from it and erased the white feministic aspects of her to be replaced with good nerdy black girl rep so by extension her dynamic with Percy is actually equal and i love watching it which is a far cry from book!Percabeth and i hope they cast a black girl for Rachel(my beloved)too and let Jason's actor when the time for Hoo comes keep his hair black as they did Leah so all you 'Percy has a type and it's blondes' freaks will be exposed for the racists and pedo apologists you are💕💕💕
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montanamp3 · 8 months
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where have you gone? the tide is over you / the turn of midnight water’s over you / as time is over you, and mystery / and memory, the flood that does not flow... kenneth slessor (1901-1971)
the angles cut me when i try to think. the magnus archives, episode 65
hi ive been talking about this wip without any context for a while so here's some stuff about it :3 flood is a hypertext twine game about loneliness, distance, and redemption. set largely on an abandoned, ad-infested wiki for an obscure web novel, you play as a college student who tries to solve the disappearance of the only other member of her fandom and unravels a terrifying conspiracy in the process. it's inspired by makoto shinkai, chinese & korean folklore, and homestuck :)
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💫 multiple endings
💫 asian m/f lead couple (play them as romantic or platonic!) + a whole bunch of fun npcs
💫 so much drama for a fandom that doesn't exist
💫 the horrors of post-elon musk twitter
💫 really terrible css
💫 a love letter to the tiny fandoms that raised you; to long-distance friendships; to the messy, lonely, lovely experience of neurodivergent teenagehood
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✨ daphne / alice haeun nam / astarrygirl: biracial (white & korean). nyc. 2003. ex-deviantart girl turned pretentious conceptual art girl. doesn't play about her favourite ship
✨ jordan / chang yichen / v621: chinese. australia (ish?). 2003. evil woman enjoyer. they hated him for his autistic swag (and the killing)
✨ wren / chang yijia / lovelace: chinese. sg. 2006. mildly internet famous video essayist. really into world war 2 planes
[probable tws btw: depictions of suicide & suicidal ideation; depictions of harassment and stalking]
anyway this is a call for people who might be interested in being tagged ^_^ no pressure lol
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whowillprayforyou · 11 months
sorry to flood your ask with thoughts but if you'll have them, here's things i think about re: paul office babygirl
bill sending his work to paul's printer by accident. but the way he says 'right. sorry paul' so nervously is Suspicious To Me. was it really an accident bill. (also just everything else about those two)
melissa also nervously running away with 'mr davidson wants those reports'. clearly wanted to flirt with paul using softball league as a conversation starter.
mr davidson's 'there's gotta be something that'll keep my hands off / on you' whether this is mr davidson or pokey, who can say
ted wanting to go to beanies with him, teasing him about the girl he likes, at the end he says 'it's the people you care about' and throws emma's hand away to turn to paul instead. sure he leaves paul to die but yknow
there's not a whole lot for charlotte except she opens up to him about sam and clings to him during show me your hands
mcnamara is willing to break the rules to save him and ONLY him, even if paul can vouch for friends
of note about paul: he seems to be a pretty tactile / touchy feely person as well as very honest, caring, and willing to hear people out on things; he's just a little weird and awkward and passionate about unusual things (his autistic swag) while also overall being a Very Normal Average Man in a Suit. probably contributes to people getting attached to him i think.
Don't ever apologise for coming to talk about Paul: pokeys pookie and office bbg
You're SO right though like. Bill asking him to join him and alice for a musical? Subtle date
Ted being so grabby with him? It's Ted
Melissa wanted to flirt with him but he was too dense to realise it
Charlotte might not be as interested as the others but it's Paul! Everyone has a little crush on Paul!
Emma is head over heels for him in general
The whole Mr Davidson/Pokey thing is hilarious. Literally your bosses/a gods boytoy
Mcnamara deciding this guys autistic swag has captivated me... better ONLY save this ONE guy oh you have a gf... damn...
Pokey too. Pokey fallen victim to his beautiful babygirl blue eyes and lets him lead the hive because that's his little guy who hates musicals soooo bad but listen to his voice guys
Paul as a character is just so honest, open, despite the whole musical telling him he dosent he knows what he wants!!! He's confident in an awkward way and he's willing to give his life to save the world and Emma and he just!! Is so!!
He knows what he wants, and everyone else wants him.
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dykeferatu · 11 months
hi... i hope you dont mind this but u should talk about taeho and parker.... deathly curious. what're both of their general deals? ik taeho is a tzimisce but not much else otherwise :^)
OF COURSE I DON'T MIND!! i dont think anyones ever just asked me to explain my ocs i usually just babble about them and i assume everyone just goes "who the hell are they talking about" and moves on. unless they are my fwiends who i'm insane abt ocs with on the reg. anyway, thank u so so much for asking!! infodump commences
i'll start with parker because she hasn't had any session yet so her lore is not deep, and since at least one other player will likely read this i can't quite reveal all the fun bits yet! here's the only drawing i have atm. subject to change but this is the vibe
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parker (she/her) is a 21 year old skater chick (and lesbian) in the year 2007. she recently had an experience that turned her onto the path of a hunter. one of her friends was attacked by Something a few nights ago. she hit the thing with a bat (she used to play softball :D) but it didn't seem to phase it. at one point when she was checking out the crime scene, she ran into... her old high school english teacher. the victim was 18 and a current student of his, and he was curious about the incident too.
the two teamed up on their investigation and met an occult bookstore owner who took interest and told them she might know a guy who can help. all 4 of them will meet up for the first time in the first session on saturday :>
now, taeho..... taeho taeho. shim taeho (he/she) is a south korean cybernetics expert in the year 2077 (so many sevens in these years. that's a coincidence). she was a cybernetic designer/engineer i guess? i don't really know cyberpunk i'll be honest with u. she was also a back-alley ripperdoc. you can only understand so much about cybernetics without installing them yourself :)
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(art courtesy of @cradlingsongs)
she made some great achievements in her field, which attracted the attention of a tzimisce, jaeyoon (they/them). jaeyoon was interested in figuring out the mechanics of cybernetics on kindred, so they embraced taeho to be both a lab partner and a guinea pig. they also didn't let taeho leave the haven often because the camarilla was not welcoming to them. he'd only ever fed on their vitae until recently. no hard feelings, though! taeho loves her sire (why yes, he is Mega Blood Bonded, why do you ask?).
their main project together has been developing some sick doc ock tentacles by combining vicissitude and cybernetics. taeho has 2 currently installed. she's a beast with them in combat and it's a delight (when the dice don't hate me...)
anyway, after about 8 years of being holed up with his sire, the city they reside in was attacked by the SI. jaeyoon didn't come home, and taeho was left all alone. she waited, but eventually he knew he had to leave. she fled to the nearby city of seoul.
since it was his understanding that a tzimisce weren't really allowed in the camarilla, taeho decided to masquerade as another clan. and what other clan should she choose but the fucking tremere? look. he knows he has very nerdy energy so she figured she could blend in. plus, he was very curious about blood sorcery. could never quite figure out all that koldunic stuff.
since then she's been eating shit as a cammie scrub in a coterie of other scrubs (or, originally other scrubs. some players have rotated out and now half the coterie is much better off than taeho and the other refugee in the coterie). shenanigans have ensued, most notably for him when he got trapped into a marriage with a changeling that ended in a very messy divorce. uh. taeho may have been marked by the changeling relative that escaped the blood bath. it's fine.
i also have to include that this particular chronicle is, honestly, very horny. which is a lot of taeho's fault (but not entirely... *side-eyes lavender and her regnant*). for some reason his autistic swag is so strong that she has gotten laid THRICE since we started playing. none of the other pcs have done that even once... you'd probably expect the mafia girlboss or the sexy lasombra who takes every opportunity to take his shirt off to be pulling more, but you'd be wrong.
in recent events: a couple sessions ago taeho reunited with her sire! he cried like a baby, finally got to do some fleshcrafting (she had been feeling very trapped in this form... had a bit of a gender crisis. he's still figuring out exactly what's going on in that regard but hey the egg has definitely cracked, hence the new set of pronouns), and then had some. fun times. with her beloved sire. unfortunately, due to reasons, he can't stay with them. also they've been cursed somehow so taeho has to figure that out now. it's fine.
more recent events: taeho's regent/mentor seems to be reaching his limit on tolerating taeho's secretiveness. he's known that taeho has been lying about her clan since, like, almost the start. this regent is a very unusual tremere, and didn't immediately reveal taeho. in fact, he didn't even force taeho to tell him anything. he had already decided to take him under his wing, so that was that.
last session though he got a little fed up with the lack of trust. taeho tried to counter with some rumors he'd heard about the regent, expecting to weasel out, but instead the regent just laid out his whole tragic backstory to her. taeho didn't know how to respond to this, and also still couldn't tell the tremere regent that he was a tzimisce while they were in the middle of a chantry. she felt really bad about not telling the truth, which is weird and fucked up. why does he feel so bad about hurting this tremere??
i think i've said all the important stuff and then some, so i'll wrap it up. ahh.. taeho.... i love her. he's so fun to play. her game has already been going for over a year i think but only recently did he really click in my head. and boy. boy oh boy did he click. dug her cybernetic claws into the folds of my brain. i'm in pain. anyway i have some more art and posts in her tag if u want to check that out wehehehe
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momsforroadhead · 7 months
idk shit about degrassi let's go with 2, 6, 8, 21, and 22?
YES you can't imagine how happy i am to be doing this i can't talk about degrassi to anyone and the fandom is kinda dead
2. a compelling argument for why my fave would never top or bottom: this question is crazy cause degrassi characters get to be like... 19 at the oldest (not that they die, the just age out and cycle out of the show) so let's imagine them older. now other problem there's like 36 000 of them total starting in the 80s and ending in the 2010s BUT if i pick a fave let's go with Eli Goldsworthy and make a bold claim: he would never top. in canon he's straight (the writers are wrong on this one) but i fully believe that any woman he has ever been with/will ever be with pegs him. he's simply too weak sauce to have the energy to top anybody. he has other things on his mind.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying: like i mentionned, the fandom is kinda dead so i don't really know fandom opinions apart for the yt comments when degrassi was still on youtube for free (booo hbo fuck you) BUT! i will say that people got really invested in Craig/Manny for some reason (he was always awful to her) and started hating Ellie as a result. Now yes Ellie was super misogynistic towards Manny, but that's not really a reason for the fandom to then be super misogynistic towards her. I love Ellie Nash she's my queen get off her back! yes she's whiny and a bitch. it's literally fine.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: OOUUH!! A lot of people hate Connor, which is SO WRONG. They hate him for stealing girls' underwear (which i will admit is creepy and weird) but like... degrassi is the everybody gets a second chance show... yall love Peter (so do i!!) and he literally distributed revenge porn of Manny so..... you just hate Connor cause you can't handle his autistic swag. but i can. i love him. him and jenna are my favourite couple and he's aspec in my head. (also he's a case of "if a white character did the same thing you all would love him" but let's not even go there)
also everybody hates tristan and he literally did nothing wrong. and people hate ellie and she's perfect. and people hate jane and why do you people have so much hate in your heart
21. part of canon i think is overhyped: i'm really having to think about this one cause idk if any part is really hyped all that much lmao degrassi fans, we love to complain...... i'll say a part of canon that i wish wasn't there is Adam's death. JT and Cam felt earned and realistic, but Adam... idk it just came out of nowhere..... and he's literally one of ma faves.....
22. my favourite part of canon that everyone else ignores: omgomgomgomg Marco and Ellie hooking up post graduation. for context Marco's like BEEN fully gay. and he hooks up with Ellie out of sheer codependency which is, in my opinion, HILARIOUS. also, he says that the worst part is he didn't want it to stop (they didn't go all the way) and if the writers of that episode weren't COWARDS he would've had a real reflection on the fluidity of sexuality but oh well. it's an iconic throwaway plotline and one of the foundational building blocks in my evil Craig/Ellie/Marco codependent love triangle polycule
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bwobgames · 1 year
just have a question about the character: what does Angel like about Beboo
Yes! Ive been waiting for this opportunity! ive spent a good time doing screenshots to answer this
All this story is seen through Beebo's eyes. He's your guy, the character you play as in videogame speaking terms, so we dont really know much about Ángels point of view
So here it is, a long rant on how that wet cat of a man has fallen in love with the detective boy
The thing about their relationship is that its always about to start, but they never actually start. They are also trapped in the timeloop relationship-wise, never being able to actually get into the actual relationship
But!! Unlike Beebo who has repeatedly fallen for this man 4 times in a row, Ángel gradually gets more and more into the guy as he knows more about him in each loop
So, starting the night, my man here doesn't know much about relationships. He's more of a kiss and leave kinda guy.
He goes expecting the hunger games irl but turns outs its just a boring museum.
Then he sees a pretty guy, and you know, habits die hard. He sees pretty, he wants to keep it for himself.
So he's like "hey, getting with a guy, that's a better use of my time.
Surely this wont end up in feelings or anything crazy haha"
He knows the guy more, and what does he find:
He's a very direct guy! Mans wants information for his investigation and hes going to get it!
One of the things Ángel says that he fails in relationships is communication
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So he really likes that this guy will just straight up be like "give me my information. Also are you into men"
He likes a guy whos direct in what he wants in himself and others, and is not afraid to say it
He also likes that they have similar beliefs! Specifically in law
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They both hate cops and he's a guy that can recognize flaws in the legal system, yeah! He could go take some beers with this guy!
But! To really test if this guy is friend and possible bf material he needs the Vivi approval (tm)
He passed the Vivi approval as she did not actively tried to bite him. Hooray
And here's the kicker, this guy is smart! Really smart!
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He's impressed by that! Admires it, even. He's charmed by beebos autistic swag and love for puzzles. He would like to play Professor Layton with this guy.
So why not? Why not try something more with this pretty boy.
Why not a bit of hand holding
And then! The guy completely surprises him by going
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Sadly, Ángel is an absolute videogame nerd, and he's completely charmed by this
Shared interests are important for him, and he loves games!
I tried making that a bit more obvious in the whole "whos your favorite detective/criminal" and him only answering with game characters
Do note that he says "like" and not "love". He's just starting to know this guy.
And he likes what he's starting!
If only he didn't die.
Second round
So here, he's a bit lost.
He was ready to start something, but this guy doesn't remember? Also did he just go back in time? What??
He's completely lost
And then the guy does this
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Unknowingly, Oliver gives him stability. Now, he's not as lost. And! He can still try things out with this guy! Time might be fucked but he has Oliver with him again, even though he doesn't remember, he still wants to be there for him
And!! This is something Ángel really likes! Oliver is insecure about how much work he puts in a relationship, but he's actually putting a lot of work into this! He's actively pushing forward to have a future together
And Ángel likes that too! He likes that they are both putting the work into making things work, they both want to try it out!
And really, a big selling point in getting with someone is that the someone does, indeed, want to get with you too
Then he dies again
Round three!!!
Id say round three is when he officially is in too deep.
He said he tried to be in a stable relationship with a guy because he was funny
Well guess what
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This guy is also funny!! Get fucked!!
But here he really gets to see Beebos more assertive side
This is the only man who has actually caught him in the middle of a heist
And he didn't even have to! He just wanted and did!
That's a challenge. This man would make things more exciting, seeing as he actually could give him a run for his money
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Look at this self-assured bastard. Oh Ángel would love to run around roofs with him on his tail, trying to catch him, exciting!!
This whole round, he just has a great time! They talk about interests, joke around, bully kids, explore the house, all-around fun👍
But here's the thing that absolutely kills him: even now, where they are rivals of the sort, he still cares.
And that's the final nail in the coffin.
Even when Oliver was actively, painfully dying, he tried his best to comfort Ángel, and promised to save him.
Because even though he's the guy that keeps dying, seeing Ángel be sad is somehow worse
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Round four
Here, they are detective partners, and Beebos' caring side really shows!
He wants to help Ángel, wants to comfort him, and listen to his issues
He offers to show him around town! His own grandma's chickens! Because he wants to see him happy!
He even promises he won't die this time and then actually survives! The absolute mad lad!
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This kills the man.
What do you mean this smart, caring, funny, interesting, cool guy likes me? And wants to have a future with me just as much as I want to have a future with him?
It's all about the want to start something new, to have someone by your side and walk the same path
Which, yknow, can sound a little boring, but as a person who is getting deep into adulthood, yeah no this is it. This is the goal
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And he cant wait to get out of this timeloop, to finally see the sun rise and welcome a new day, with him.
Bonus round
You know the moment Ángel hears about beebo fighting until the very end in the other house and against Eugene even with all the odds against him is gonna wake up something in that man. Love me a guy who refuses to go down without a fight
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Tiebreaker Poll #2
The following characters received 34 votes each. Because of the way the math works out, the top 4 characters in this poll will receive first round byes, while the other 5 will have to compete in the first round.
Character 1: Was smart, ruthless and a capable ruler, is often misrepresented by fans of other characters
Character 7: They're a squid. They're one-fifth of a monkey. They're a Demon King. They're an angel. They're a Reader. They're a character and they know it. They're a god. They're the most helpless being in the universe. They gave their entire found family trauma, that could technically classify as generational trauma. They manage to have mutually insane homoerotic relationships with two different people. They have three parents and three kids (in both cases, one is biological and two are adopted)
Character 77: He's a hopeless romantic. He draws his crushes during class. He gets turned into a supervillain and all he wants is to take his crush on a date. He ends up flirting with a guy later who likes his art, and his friends try to wingman them together. Misunderstandings happen, but he helps the heroes save the day by tying up one of them to a kite and putting a blindfold on them. Yes, it was wild. It's pretty much his awakening to liking boys. After the dust settles, he ends up working on an original project with the guy who likes him. They're almost always seen by each other's side after that. His partner drags him to gym class despite him hating sports and working with groups. He makes up a lame excuse and uses puppy dog eyes, and they somehow work. He's a mess but his partner finds it endearing.
Character 120: blue and likes hotdogs
Character 136: the most autistic serial killer i’ve ever seen. has daddy issues like you wouldn’t believe. may or may not be a shadow demon. sends strongly worded letters over tiny inconveniences. would probably say “🥺👉👈” out loud to someone he is actively trying to murder
Character 142: A crow, is tasked with killing some 'immortals' after some other crow stole his kill. Meets death themselves.
Character 230: A little guy! A socialist that was forced to join the capitalist system, but girlbossed so hard that he could retire early and uses his money to bring entertainment to everyone! So much transmasc swag! Loves videogames! Is very pro-piracy of digital media! An aroace icon! Orng.... fren....
Character 257: He's a petty criminal with a strong distaste for most forms of authority (with good reason; there's someone powerful out to get him and his family) and who is fully prepared to use drastic means if necessary to achieve his goals. His main goals, though, are just to love and keep safe the handful of people he really deeply cares for, and often enough those that they care for as well. In his mid-teens he left home to chase down a missing family member, with hardly anything in the way of leads, and ended up spending some time wasting other people's money on the purchase of information that ultimately did him little good. He's a momma's boy. For a brief time he was a clown. He's a constant provider of nicknames to people disinclined to appreciate it--then again, annoyance is what he's going for. He's a people person and loves attention, but can be afraid of it too, especially when it comes from a crowd; in the long term being in the public eye is not for him. He's brash and tends to mess up in the things he says; he's a handful and has admitted as much out loud. He's publicly insulted the love of his life (it was mutual). He's a fool for love and isn't put off by the death threats. He's participated in a scam engagement to help his crush inflate their fame. He doesn't know deeply, or necessarily even like, everyone in his friend group, but to those he does care for, he's the furthest thing from a fair-weather friend, and pushes back against their self-doubt and self-destructive tendencies. He's multilingual, from two different cities, and a child of immigrants. He tries to keep much of his identity out of the light, and he has supernatural power that is thematically tied to that. He has a particular hat he's quite fond of; he has big brownish eyes and he gets mocked for his height.
Character 270: Last of his kind, he makes his adoptive mother take in another boy. Now he finally has a friend and the boys have fun every day. Days turn into years and they are now teenagers, and he accidentally kills one of the boys who has bullied him his entire life, and runs away from home to find a country where he's free to be himself without fear, but he's caught by another tribe, these ones are after something else...
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collegeoflore · 9 months
love when you rb ask games bc im desperate to know everything about your little guys. 2 & 14 for both xarrai and ieriyn
ur in luck bc i looove rambling about my little guys :) ty for the ask!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
see the thing is by design xarrai looks like Just Another Bard, esp if we're talking about like pre-game when they're just living their life in baldur's gate. sure they’re like, a 6'7" (if we count the horns n everything) purple tiefling who's covered in tattoos but the gate is a big city and that's not really all that unusual. there are plenty of things one wouldn't expect just from looking at xarrai but that's kind of their whole thing. sooooo here is a kind of silly and fun example i haven't talked much about: they have such a soft spot for tiefling kids. they're immediately smitten with the kids in the grove and half the reason they actually end up helping the tieflings out is because they don't want anything to happen to them. they nearly start shit with kagha over the whole thing with arabella and are just barely talked down by gale (much to astarion's disappointment lol.) mol and mattis remind them so much of themself (or at least of the child they could have been) and i do think xar keeps an eye on mol in the guild post-game, or at least whenever they're in baldur's gate. they would never ever want to be a parent (and would make a frankly abysmal one at that. like can u imagine them and astarion trying to raise a child? the thing would need therapy before it could talk.) but they are fond of the little shits. they're fond of yenna too (they were also an outer city street kid once after all) but the tiefling kids just Get Them.
honestly i think ieriyn is kind of an open book, at least early/pre-game. you can pretty easily predict like. most things about this kid in one look. BUT i do think once someone gets to know him they find that despite being sheltered and naïve he really does have a strong sense of right and wrong and a soft heart. he's just like. spoiled and stupid about it. he also has a dry sense of humor that takes a minute to really notice.
and here's a silly one too: i think he's really into houseplants. he's a houseplant girlie. his room at home is full of lush tropical plants and he loves taking care of them :) (as long as he can wash his hands immediately after touching the dirt. he hates dirt. he has autistic tboy swag for real.)
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
hmm okay so this is... it depends i think on who we're talking about. xarrai is constantly trying to show other people exactly who or what they want to see - patriars see a pretty whore, tavern patrons see a flamboyant bard, the guild sees a talented information broker, the list goes on. for the first section of the game, every member of the party sees someone different in them too because they're trying to secure their control over the situation and others are more likely to listen to them if they think xarrai is trustworthy. it doesn't take long before the party starts to notice that their views of xarrai don't line up tho tbh; it's hard to maintain like six different personas, even if the differences are only slight. (this does cause some trust issues, especially with lae'zel who already did not get along super well with xar lol.) generally though the kind of Core Vibe they're trying to put off is someone carefree and unassuming. they don't want to give anyone too much insight into what they're thinking or feeling, and they would much rather be underestimated than properly appraised. they sort of try to hide their "real" skills behind their more "showy" ones - if someone is praising them for being a great storyteller they're likely not paying attention to the way that story is being spun, and if someone is busy thinking about how good xarrai is at giving head they probably don't notice that they've stolen half the gold from their purse lol
ieriyn desperately wants people to see him as Worthy. of what he's not entirely sure honestly - love? praise? care? power? he's trying really hard to seem competent and in control but he's largely just scared and lost and alone. like. he's terrified of his magic because it's unpredictable and hard to control but he wants people to think he's good at it, and tbf, he does have raw talent he absolutely is a Magical Gifted Kid (again. autistic tboy swag), he's just being held back by his own fear. he just wants people to see him as special and worthy of the greatness he tries to pretend he deserves. if that makes sense. idk i am still working on getting a really good solid grasp of ieriyn tbqh
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spacethatsit · 2 years
creature/adam for the character ask game?
• favorite thing about them
Everything <3 his autistic swag and nasty ass looks have captivated me idk man I just vibe maybe a little too much with man just thrown out into the world with no sense of identity and struggling with it
• least favorite thing about them
How attached he is at the idea of needing another creature like him when I’m right here 😚😚😚 /j
• favorite line
I don’t have my Frankenstein book with me rn but I fucking love the line that’s like “you may be my creator, but I am your master; obey.” Cause that shit slaps and also the “I ought to be thy Adam but I am rather thy fallen angel” idk man I just fucking love the way he talks
• brOTP
Adam and Jonathan Harker I think they’d get along really well with Jonathan’s ignorance of slightly ‘monstrous’ red flags and also I really like the fic Cold Skins and Warm Blood on ao3 and that’s big on this pair
Adam and Hyde mostly lmao but I fucking live for the polycule (polycruel) of scientific monstrosities <3
• nOTP
Adam and Victor D: self-explanatory
• random headcannon
I think because of his whole being undead and very large thing his heartbeat is like eerily slow, like to a level where he should be dead but he isn’t (as a bonus thing for the book; I think that by the end of the story Adam honestly pities Victor a bit with like how weak Victor truly was cause I love the idea that he still views Victor on this level of godliness, and seeing him all frail and dead he’s like ‘damn get good’)
• unpopular opinion
Idk if I really have any unpopular opinions but I guess here’s something I don’t see super often: mans hates eye contact, it’s like THE thing that made Victor desert him, and it’s a big feature that makes him ‘monstrous’ so I don’t think he’d be too big on eye contact (also autism)
• song(s) I associate with them
Fairly obvious but Rule #4 - Fish in a Birdcage by Fish in a Birdcage, Fighter by Jack Stauber, Choke by IDKHOW, and O My Heart by Mother Mother
• favorite picture of them
Bernie Wrightson’s creature my beloved <3333 (fun fact; I love this image so much that it’s my pfp and my wallpaper for my school laptop)
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Once again I have no similarities. They should still fight tho
All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Trafalgar D. Water Law (Once Piece)
Law is a genocide survivor who saw his parents' dead bodies along with experiencing a whole bunch of other messed up stuff (his sister burning to death, the people of his country being shot for being poisoned by their own government, being terminally ill, escaping the genocide by hiding under a pile of dead bodies, etc etc). After all this shit, he eventually got forcibly adopted by this one guy and dragged around the world looking for a cure for his illness. Right when Law started to trust and love his new caretaker, he is also brutally murdered in front of him. Law's life goal for the next decade is to get revenge on the person who killed his adoptive father. Vote for him bc he needs a goddamn win for once in his life. He is the people's princess and the narrative's favorite punching bag. Also, his depressed, PTSD-ridden autistic swag and scoliosis realness have captivated me body and soul
His biological parents were killed (before his eyes, by the governement) when he was 10(?). He then joined a bunch of pirates, knowing he wouldn't have much time (and will) left to live anyway. There he was sort of adopted by the Big Bad Pirate's brother, who managed to save his life, only for said brother to be killed (more or less before Law's eyes, by the Big Bad Pirate), when he was 13. You could say he was orphaned twice.
He’s literally got the double orphan special (Parents died and then the guy who took him in after them died too) that’s a 50% increase in orphannedness above your standard orphan. He’s also cool as fuck.
Law's parents were already on death row along with him and his younger sister due to a disease that shortens the life span of a person. The disease can only be passed down genetically and has afflicted everyone in the town that he has grown up in. Due to the sudden outbreak and unknown nature of the disease to the rest of the world panicked and the government closed off his city, killing everyone there. That is how his first set of parents died when he was 10, I think. Still then Law would later join a pirate crew where he would eventually be taken away 2-3 years later by Corazon, marine working undercover as a pirate in order to take down this brother, who is the captain of crew Law joined. Corazon took him in order to cure Law's disease which he still had and to get him away from Doflamingo, his brother. Over the course of 6 months the two became close with Corazon essentially becoming a father figure to Law. I am simplify this but at some point of Doflamingo catches on to Corazon being a double agent and finds him. Doflamingo then proceeds to find Corazon and shoot him in front of a chest that Law was hiding in.
Law has faced many hardships since he was a child, but used his experiences to become an extremely powerful doctor. His pirate crew theme and his Devil Fruit ability are all owed to his adoptive father. Law acts really gruff and serious most of the time, initially seeming like a cool, calculating character and feared swordsman… but one second around the Straw Hats and you quickly see just how silly he really is. He hates bread. He collects coins. He is obsessed with ninjas and superhero comic books. In one arc he just fucked around with his powers and INVENTED harpies and centaurs. Oh, and his First Mate is a polar bear. What could be better than that?
The government ordered to kill everyone in Law's country due to everyone getting "fantasy lead poisoning" disease, which was wrongfully thought to be contagious stroked. Law's family was living at the hospital when they got attacked, his parents (who were doctors) got killed and the hospital got set on fire with his little sister inside. He managed to fled the country hiding in a pile of corpses and ended up joining a pirate crew lead by Doflamingo. Law knew he had the disease and it was going to kill him in three years. Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante took Law hospital to hospital to find a cure but they always rejected him thinking the disease was contagious. Then they learned that someone had offered Doflamingo a devil fruit that could grant him immortality. The fruit could also cure Law so Rosinante stole it and made Law eat it. He then made sure Law could escape Doflamingo and got killed by his brother.
dude spent his childhood getting thrown out of windows, while dying from a deadly disease (that was eventually cured) but while he was still showing symptoms of the disease no one would go near him out of fear and disgust, save for his father figure.
nothing can ever go right for this man. its fucking hilarious in the series and makes for some wonderful angst content. i want everyone who has not watched or read One Piece to know that, for half of his 'main' arc, he's carried around like a potato sack by MULTIPLE people. he is a damsel in despair. he didn't even need to be carried, he honestly could've walked, but he had to save that energy so he could take the like 17 lead bullets out of him. he's always getting shot or thrown out a window and he's severely injured more often than not. he's also a doctor/surgeon, one that should be able to cure incurable diseases, yet his pathetic loserboy ass is too busy being emo to worry about the several gunshot wounds and internal bleeding. god help this man but also don't because honestly it's really fucking funny
Ok, FIRST, when he was a tiny frog-disecting little kid, him and his family and island contacted a disease equivalent to cancer BUT his fam didn't die from that. No, no, his parents got gunned down by the military and his little sis was burned alive with the rest of his house, so, yeah, very traumatic, horrific in a way that makes you very angry at yourself and life and want to oh I don't know, kill everyone and everything possible until the day you die, which won't be long because you have cancer after all. Later, after joining a mafia/cult/gang, Law meets Corazon who after like 2 years kidnaps him to try and get him healed and so they spend the next 6 months bonding, WEEEEEE!! Wait, no, NOT weeee because Cora who is now his father-figure DIES having protected and saved him, and thus bruv becomes orphaned not once, not thrice, but TWO very traumatic times! If this isn't an orphan, idk what is……
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
[Putting on a creepy white mask as I prepare to unleash the most insane lore ever written] Once upon a time…
Okay so not only is Adrien an orphan, but he's an orphan who unintentionally and unknowingly was partially responsible for their own orphaning. Adrien was created via the Peacock Miraculous, since his mom was infertile. But since the Peacock Miraculous was broken at the time, using it caused her to slowly become sick, until she "died" (mostly. Probably. She might have been on life support), just afew months before the show began. Later on, Ladybug had a plan to take down the Big Bad, Monarch (who, unbeknownst to the heroes, is actually Adrien's father), via putting him in a position where Chat Noir (Adrien's superhero alter ego) could threaten him with his Cataclysm, a superpower that destroys everything it touches. Monarch willingly took the Cataclysm, actually forcing Chat's hand onto himself, which infected him with that Cataclysm, meaning that he was slowly dying throughout the rest of the season. When the season 5 finale happened and Gabriel sacrificed his life to heal his assistant, and the closest person Adrien had had to an actual parent since Emilie died, he only had a few hours left to live anyway. Adrien is still unaware of how his parents died, he has no clue that either death involved him at all.
BIG MIRACULOUS LADYBUG SEASON 5 SPOILERS AHEAD Sooo first his mom went into a magical coma as the result of him being born through magical means and was considered dead/missing by everyone. They had a funeral for her and everything. Adrien dealt with it pretty well, but his father did not and decided to become a supervillain to get his wish, recreate the world and bring his wife back. Which he almost does! He ends up trading his life for (I assume) the life of his secretary/former crime partner/Adrien's mother figure and joining his wife in death. (We see wife's comatose body ascend with him so I guess she's dead? Sokka voice You know, it was really unclear) But anyway, yeah, our babyboy is a full orphan now! Also in an alternate timeline he accidentally created an apocalyptic event and killed everyone so it's not even the first time he was orphaned. So there's that
Adrien is the superhero Chat Noir, who had to fight his father as the supervillain Hawkmoth alongside his superhero partner Ladybug, neither Adrien nor Gabriel had any idea they were fighting each other, and Adrien still doesn't know his father was a supervillain, or how exactly he died, but Marinette does and is keeping it from him. Adrien's father is abusive towards him, having kept him effectively locked inside the house for the first 13 years of his life, and forcing him to model for his company. But still, Adrien is the sweetest boy ever to exist, he's endlessly kind to people, sometimes to his own detriment.
I am no good at infodumping I just love this little guy. However, Harrowhark Nonagesimus is such a close second, but I chose Adrien because he's from my current hyperfixation… ily Harrow. Listen, Adrien is the most guy and catgirl ever. If anything happens to him I will go nuts. Unfortunately, so much happens to him. I am not normal. Give my baby some hugs and some real parenting. Did I mention he was not even born as a real human being? Born at the cost of other's life? Oh my god that's actually so Harrow of him and this is so funny I can't do this anymore
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atlix2 · 2 years
okay so . i already had a riptide oc. does he still count.
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(image ID under the cut)
i come bearing. This Freak. ive had him for a while but he never got any mileage. If You Will Have Him …
Name: Nowhere
Race: tiefling
Class: warlock
Pronouns: he/him
Nowhere’s really hard to get a read on. He never mentions where he intends to travel to or how long he’ll be staying for. He doesn’t even mention being a warlock— most assume he’s a sorcerer. He brushes past any personal questions and usually keeps to his own devices, but he still helps out around the ship a great deal; he works wordlessly and so fast it seems as though messes and disrepair simply disappear within the hour.
Whenever anyone asks about him, he just says he’s a wanderer. He stays as detached as possible bar for cracking the occasional joke or offering usually mediocre advice when asked. Despite his off-putting nature, he can be pretty persuasive when he’s looking for ships to travel on. He’s got weird obscure skillsets and knows way too many languages, so he’s good in unexpected situations, especially as a translator; he holds his own in combat perfectly fine as well. He has no qualms with thankless tasks like late night ship repair and extensive cleaning, and he cooks incredibly well for someone who’s spent most of his life as a criminal vagrant on the sea.
so basically. trade offer. you receive: free cooking and cleaning and a weird little guy on your ship for an indeterminate length of time who is surprisingly useful. he receives: transport to an unclear location with unknown but probably not malicious intent. Would you let him on your boat
[image id: a front and back A pose reference of a tall, pale tiefling with a single long horn and short blonde hair. his skin fades to a brownish purple around his fingers, horns, ear tips, etc. his right eye is dark blue with a black line/scar beneath it and his left is bright yellow; both have bags under them. he wears an oversized olive green coat with a very large white fur collar and yellow stars hanging off of it over a cream tshirt. his pants have a high waistline and belt and are cuffed at the end; they are a lighter shade of green than his coat. he has a long, thin tail with brown, feather-like fur. His pointy ears have a few piercings in them, including another star. he has a necklace with a few orange beads and a yellow leaf shape and wears a brown satchel over his shoulder. Next to him is a blue deck of cards with cyan edges and a holographic teal to dark blue criss-cross pattern on them; a yellow fog emanates from between them, and they are labelled as his arcane focus.
the text reads: “nowhere ; tiefling warlock ; he/him (followed by the genderqueer, genderfluid, and trans flag) ; autistic”. his horn is labelled with “YES the horn is sharp. many have found this out the hard way.” his claws are labeled “claws are sharp too”. His description reads “-lone wanderer -never stays in one place for long -he’s kind of unsettling to be around -never discloses personal information; he’s very private about his past -it’s hard to tell why anyone lets him on their ship in the first place; surprisingly, most crews let him voyage in exchange for his housekeeping skills. He cooks and cleans well. -tries not to make friends.” Additional text reads “bitches hate him for his transmasc swag (and because he’s annoying)” and “-he currently has no crew to travel with but is asking around in ports nearby.” end id.]
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rockman-x · 2 years
Pokémon Rivals I've Met, Ranked
Blue (RBGY / FRLG)
Silver (GSC / HGSS)
Brendan / May and Wally (RSE / ORAS)
Barry (DPP)
Cheren, Bianca and N (BW / BW2)
Calem, Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor (XY)
Hau (SM / USUM)
Honorable mention: Ash (Pokémon Blue). That's the name I gave to my rival, because he looked a lot like Ash Ketchum.
First Meetings
Blue: Met in Pokémon Blue, Yellow, and Fire Red. I either stop at the beginning or halfway through.
Silver: Met in Pokémon Silver and Crystal. I either stop at the beginning or halfway through.
Brendan: Met in Pokémon Sapphire and Emerald. I either stop at the beginning or halfway through.
May: Met in the Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire demo.
Wally: Met in Pokémon Sapphire.
Barry: Met in Pokémon Platinum. I stopped at the beginning.
Cheren, Bianca, and N: Met in Pokémon White. I am almost finished with the game.
Calem, Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor: Met in Pokémon X. I stopped at the beginning, because I was playing on my friend's 3DS.
Hau: Met in the Pokémon Sun / Moon demo.
S - N, Silver, Cheren, Bianca, Hau, Brendan A - Barry, Wally B - Blue, May C - The XY Rivals
N: My dude (gender-neutral) have you played Pokémon White. I can't even begin to explain why I like him so much. (I actually kinda can: his autistic swag has captivated me.) Play it yourself and understand. Silver: I don't know man I just think he's neat :) I haven't gotten to see him get better but I think he's really funny. He always goes out of his way to say "I HATE the Weak and I hate YOU because YOU are Weak". My dude I am literally just vibin??? But I like you. You're funny. Also I just beat your ass. Cheren and Bianca: I care them deeply. It really does feel like they're my childhood friends. I want to see Bianca and Cheren (ESPECIALLY Bianca) succeed!!! Follow your dreams, Bianca. I will support you through every little step. Always. Hau: How can anyone hate this boy he is so full of energy and joy!!! (and likely malasadas) Hau is really cool and I felt really sad watching a random clip of him crying in the anime after Ash beat him :( You are Alola's Champion. In my heart. (I'd give him the title in game if I could) Brendan: He's one of my favorites forever because I really like Hoenn and I also really like his outfit in Sapphire and I think he's really cool. That's it Barry: I only had Barry for 30 minutes but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. I will install PokéPlatinum again when I'm finished with White and Black 2. Wally: My son Wally, he has every disease. I love him so much :) Blue: I don't really have any strong feelings about Blue. He's there I guess. Kind of a dick. I don't hate him though. May: I interacted with her for like 10 minutes what do you want me to say The XY Rivals: I'm sorry but I have no idea what to say about them!!! I interacted with them very little and I don't have a very good image of Kalos (besides it's Pokémon, it seems very weak)!!!! I am sorry. This might change if I research it a bit more, though.
The end :)
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robitherat · 2 years
favorite marble hornets headcanon or theories Go!!
- Brian is good at cooking on accident. That post abt the persons mom who spun their spice rack around, chose spices at random, and never kept track of anything but shit came out tasting bomb anyways? That's Brian. Man doesn't know what he's doing but fuck if he's doing it well
-jay, Brian, and Alex all have asthma. Jay's is pretty mild, but Alex has it BAD in college
-sarah is super outdoorsy. Loves camping, fishing, hiking- if it means a day out at the lake shes in 10000%
-gang has movie nights. That's it.
-i always jumped between Brian being raised catholic and Brian being Jewish so here's my compromise hc: Brian's dad was Roman catholic but his mom was Jewish. She kinda half-converted to make it easier for the kids, but they still tried to stay connected to Jewish heritage nd stuff. In college Brian gets way more into learning about it, even knows some hebrew/ Yiddish !! He struggles with some identity stuff from it and is afraid he can't properly connect with either side of his family, but in the end both his parents are very happy and proud of him for being so interested in every aspect of his cultural heritage <3
-i actually have a lot of mh families hcs so here's some more: Tim's mom got pregnant at 17 and was essentially kicked out by her parents. Tim's dad stuck around for a little bit but once Tim started having issues he dipped and Tim doesn't remember anything about him. His mom tried really hard and did love Tim but obviously shit was really difficult and so she took him to the hospital. They don't talk a whole lot, and their relationship is pretty rocky, but Tim doesn't blame her for anything. Eventually she gets remarried and Tim has some younger half-siblings he doesn't know a lot about but loves.
-jays mom also got pregnant pretty young and she and Jay's dad had a shotgun wedding because of it. Jay's dad was quite a bit older and ended up leaving her for someone else. Jay has an older sister who is his forever best friend. Their mom gets remarried when Jay's in middle school and now he has 2 older step brothers too!! Baby Jay merrick ftw that man is a youngest sibling if I've ever seen one (and I am one so.)
- Brian LOVES kids a lot and always enjoyed babysitting like, cousins and nieces and nephews and stuff. He had a big family so it worked out well for him. It's bc he's a kid at heart <3<3
- tim likes kids and is also very scared of them. Kids love tim also and love scaring him. Tim's blood pressure does not like kids
-jay is kid-neutral but they usually end up liking him for his autistic swag.
-alex is awful with kids and they all hate him. Babies stare at him in elevators and if he looks at them they cry. He doesn't know what it is but they Don't Like Him
- jay is a bug lover. His special interest when he was younger was insects and he could probably correctly identify any beetle you show him and also name at least five of its most common relatives. He thought about entomology as a major but settled on film with a minor in biology :^)
-amy and Jessica are childhood bestfriends!!!best friends!!!! They were like. Playground dating in elementary school nd helped her find a good surgeon when she decided she wanted top surgery. Gfs
-Sarah, Seth, and Tim all talked MAD FUCKING SHIT on Alex during filming. They were the Alex kralie hate club.
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wiihtigo · 3 years
karamatsu.. for the ask game thing
send me a character and i’ll list:
hi rj (wave emoji)
favorite thing about them
i love cringefail guys. i love funnypathetic guys. he was my favorite when i first watched the show and hes still my favorite now. Umm its literally his gap moe swag i think its so funny and cute when he drops his cool guy facade for a moment bcuz he gets scared or awkward or sth/ the karamatsu the the brothers skit kind of sums up everything i like about karamatsu (hes really nice to his precious family, hes too timid to say no to people so he gets taken advantage of, how he acts like a BITCH at the end and instantly throws choro under the bus, him wailing on the roof about how much he wants to kill them (his precious family)). to condense my answer its because hes funny.
least favorite thing about them
that one part in mt takao where he held the audience captive and bent over seductively and the shot held on his ass for like 3 full seconds
favorite line
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i quote these in real life pretty often
like i mentioned in the oso post i really like choukei and also kinniku but i have to give a special shoutout to IRO i was so obsessed with the ichimatsu incident it does so much for ichimatsus character being that your first peek into his inner monologue is just constant anxious screaming. and also since ichimatsu has been shown to be particularly harsh and evil towards karamatsu the revelation that he actually secretly looks up to his big brother and thinks hes COOL? and then karamatsu covering for him when he has every right to use this as a way to get revenge for how ichimatsu treats him all the time..but ofc he wouldnt do that he loves him precious brothers..and ichi is like WHY IS HE BEING SO NICE I HAVE TO KILL MYSELF. OR HIM .Well theyre my friends. i just really really love the dynamic of really loud openly affectionate guy and his severely autistic hates being talked to breathed on touched brother who tells him to die every day and him just being like "i understand brother. i love you too (visible sparkles)" and gets a piano thrown at his head. And then when he gets drunk hes overcome with the urge to feed karamatsu whatever hes got in his hand because hes so starving hes going to die if he doesnt eat right NOW karamatsu you have to eat Pleeeease im tryign to help you karamatsu youre my brother i love you eat this water
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aside from the brothers i think him and totoko are besties
i like karabita :)
also him and the convenience store owner he fell in love with in the lawyer drama cd
cant think of anyone
random headcanon
he has a little daughter named Hoshi
unpopular opinion
i guess just the general karamatsu angst sadstuck. i dont think we need to call cps on this 20-somethng year old because he was a victim of cartoon violence
song i associate with them
baby im a star - prince the most karamatsu song of all time. just take a listen
owner of a lonely heart - yes the next most karamatsu song of all time.
who do you want to be - oingo boingo these are all songs on my friends kara playlist but THIS ONE . was a koby suggestion. just look at the lyrics and hold my hands and understand
favorite picture of them
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