#they have babies. <3yrs old
princesslampshade · 2 years
Just watched a video about a professional dog sitter getting her face ripped off by two dogs
Like girl you actually like dogs enough to be around them on PURPOSE?
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xiaq · 4 months
There's this kid that I see a couple times a week walking past our house in the afternoons (usually around the time I walk Deacon after work). He's 10-12 yrs old and he's always pushing one of those jogging strollers with a 2-3yr old kid inside. Bucket hats. Sunglasses. Snow suits. Whatever the weather, they're always kitted out appropriately. And sometimes they're having cute conversations as they pass by. I've never seen an adult with them.
Today, we were out in the yard and the toddler saw Deacon so the older kid asked if they could stop and say hi to him through the fence, and of course that was fine. I told the older one I thought it was cool he took his little brother out for walks so often and he said with 0 tact and 100% confidence, "Well mom said I had to take [ baby brother] or the dog for a walk every day and I don't have to pick up [baby brother]'s poop, so."
The baby brother found this fact uproariously funny (or maybe just the word 'poop,' hard to tell).
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obeymematches · 4 months
I saw one of your stories and I got immediately interested by one of them, then I had an idea more like a head Canon maybe-
So you and Solomon are making a potion for class one of the brothers came into the classroom and a big explosion happened one of you and the brothers didn't brace for impact and then suddenly your future child is there I just want to see everybody's reaction or maybe what will they do in that situation (sorry it's a bit weird but yeah that's all I came up with in my head) ^^"
henlo!!! So you sent in this ask almost 3 years ago (may 20th 2021) I'm so so so sorry i didn't reply sooner, you're probably over this by now 😅 but i felt inspired to write it today so here we go 🫶
🌸Meeting your future kid with him🌸
Okay so this time Solomon has some homework to do... sending this kiddo back without messing with the future is gonna take time. Until then you must take care of them! You are the parent afterall!!
Lucifer: 4 months old
Not gonna lie it took him the longest to realize it's YOUR baby WITH him! In his defense, babies can look a bit weird. The baby definitely has your mouth, but his eyes and hairline. He didn't see many infant in his life so this is all new! You can literally see his heart melt when the little baby smiles at him! Shares his part with pride, changes diapers, carries the baby around....just take over when the baby is fussy.
MC I can't wait to meet the baby again... I miss them already, isn't that funny?
Mammon: 3yrs old
Your toddler immediately recognized you and Mammon. You and him looked at each other with an awkward stare, his face is as red as it can be- you are definitely not ready for kids!!! The fact that around 3 years old kids looove disobeying on purpose doesn't help. Mammon gets the hang of it though, he looves his little troublemaker! They could play all day long.
I wanna see ya grow up little man- I looove being your dad!
Levi: 8yrs old
Again, the kis recognizes you and him. Right now he keeps telling you he isn't ready for kids and might never be; same as you!! So how did this happen??? Do you must have one in the future??? Thankfully with an 8yrs old you can already have a conversation, play games with, etc so by the time it's over he grows very fond of them.
MC... I think I have changed my mind- having a kid is a lot like having a small best friend!
Satan: 16yrs
Ah. Your child is as upset as any 16 yr old would be in this case, leaving you and Satan no time to think about the fact you made this person. He does his absolute best to stay calm and see things from the kid's POV, but man is it difficult when your teen keeps lying about important stuff, escapes the house as soon as you lower your guard, fights with anyone over and over who doesn't do as they want despite being so so so sensitive... it is tiring.
I wish I could see what they were like as a little kid... why did I think teens were easy?!
Asmo: 13 yrs
Okay he is very quick at recognizing his own kid; he has YOUR and HIS face memorized. Starts sobbing when he realizes what this means; you are going to be parents!! The thought of loving someone sooo much just sends him over the edge. He buys everyone matching clothes, plans so many vacations you are rarely at home, surprisingly good at answering questions your little one has. (Very comforting, builds their confidence as much as he can!!)
MC, how do I look as a parent? You still love me?
Beel: 1 yr old
Okay, it was obvious the baby is a perfect mix of you two; his eyes are definitely yours though! Beel finds this job to be super important so he spends almost all day with the baby. They play peek-a-boo, he helps your kid to learn to walk and eat with hands, carries them on his shoulder when they get tired. Honestly he doesn't want to let them go back.
MC... I think we should have at least 3 kids!"
Belphie: 6yrs
Okay, he never would've thought he'd have a kid with you; first, you are dating someone else right now and second, he doesn't really like kids. So this one's gonna be complicated. His face turns red though as he has always liked you but you made it clear he is not really your type. Co-parenting brought you much closer; you could see how calm he can stay when he wants to, and how smart he actually is especially when the 6 years old doesn't stop with their questions. How it continues after the kid is back in the future is up to you babe!
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enmi-land · 6 days
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💭 LEARN ABOUT THE FUTURE EN- FAMiLY ! POLY!OT⑧ 𓈃 headcanons. (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)CONTAiNS. mentions of pregnancy & birth, minor suggestive content. ꒰ FOREWORD ✦ This takes place further into the future, but it is not specified when.
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🪽 ୨୧ 𝓂𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗇-𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗂𝖾𝗌 . . . in age order; “age gap” indicates age at which next sibling was born.
GENDER: Male FATHER: Jay HANGUL: 박준수 (제이슨) MEANING:  · Jason,  “healer” · Junsoo, “talented”/“universe” AGE GAP: 3yrs
GENDER: Female FATHER: Sunoo HANGUL: 김빛나 MEANING: “to shine” AGE GAP: 2yrs
GENDER: Male FATHER: Jake HANGUL: 심래우 (레오) MEANING: · Leo, “lion” · Raewoo, “future”/“allow” AGE GAP: 10mths
GENDER: Male FATHER: Sunghoon HANGUL: 박민경 MEANING: “jade”/“luminous” AGE GAP: 1yr
GENDER: Male FATHER: Riki KANJI: 西村陽翔  MEANING: “sun”/“soar” AGE GAP: 2yrs
GENDER: Female FATHER: Jungwon HANGUL: 양인혜 MEANING: “kindness”/“gracious” AGE GAP: 1yr
GENDER: Male FATHER: Heeseung HANGUL: 이승현 MEANING: “victory”/“virtuous” AGE GAP: 5mins (Twins)
GENDER: Male FATHER: Heeseung HANGUL: 이승재 MEANING: “victory”/“talent”
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🪽 ୨୧ 𝑔𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗇-𝖿𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗒 . . . and how they got here; headcanons about the future family.
The 02z each wanted to have the oldest kid, and the other members already agreed to let them—it was just a matter of who. Needless to say, Jay was the happiest man alive when he realised Mila was pregnant with his son. But of course, everyone agreed to treat each other’s children as if they were their own—or at the very least, as equally as they possibly can. And seeing as Jason would be the first, that meant it was all hands on deck trying to figure out this whole “parenthood” ordeal.
Mila was constantly being coddled and treated like a porcelain doll by her husbands, she would roll her eye at them. But she of course appreciated the effort, and it was cute to see them fussing over both her and baby Jason. Jay had downloaded an app to track the baby’s growth and would excitedly tell Mila whenever baby Jason (who was nicknamed gummy at this stage, because of Mila’s cravings for gummy worms) grew just a little bit bigger in her womb.
After Jason was born, Mila had been fiercely protective of him, and didn’t want to let him go, not wanting to miss a single second of being with her newborn baby boy. Jay had to coax her to let the nurses take him from her so she could get some well-deserved rest. The others were worried sick since it was the first pregnancy and birth, but knew the work would only get tougher from now.
The next pregnancy had supposed to be one of the 02z, remembering that the group unanimously agreed they could have the oldest children. And after a few years of getting used to parenting, Mila was finally easy for the next baby. Except, it didn’t end up being one of the 02z—it was Sunoo’s baby instead. To this, the explanation is quite simple: Mila had been feeling insecure about all the changes her body had been through since giving birth to Jason, and Sunoo wanted to reassure her. One thing led to another, and well… you get the picture.
To say they were betrayed would be an understatement. But as soon as they heard Mila was having a girl, all of it faded away in an instant. Of course they had been excited for Jason’s birth, as the eldest, but there was something about having a little girl that made all of them melt. Sunghoon, especially, who had been wanting a daughter as well. (Well, until Mila mentioned he would have to let her go when she’s old enough to get married, and decided that, yeah, a son would do just fine.)
After Bitna was born, it took a while for Mila to adjust to having two kids to deal with, but Jason was getting old enough that he was starting to learn some responsibility himself. And just like his father, he became a guardian for his younger sister—as well as all his other siblings in the future. This, of course, only fuelled the baby fever even further, and Jakehoon were ready to get those children they were promised.
The funny thing about Jakehoon’s children is that they’re only 10 months apart—which wasn’t all that funny to Mila, when she realised she was pregnant with Minkyung only a month after giving birth to Leo. But while Sunghoon felt guilty, he was also really excited because he knew his boy and Jake’s would be the best of friends, just like their fathers. And, well, Mila might have found it so cute she forgot she was unimpressed by their competitiveness to se who would have the oldest kid between the two of them. (Sunghoon also gets brownie points for the sheer fact that, unlike Jake, he didn’t collapse in the delivery room, and because he named his son for her Chinese name: “bright jade.”)
Haruto was a bit of a tricky one to give birth to, because there were some complications during his birth. And considering this wasn’t Mila’s first pregnancy, it definitely took her husbands off guard. He was born a month earlier than he was supposed to, meaning that no one was prepared, and a such no one had been there for the delivery. Thankfully, the mother-in-laws pulled through to take care of the other kids while baby Haruto and Mila were recovering and the boys were scrambling to get to the hospital from wherever they were at the time.
This situation made the boys a bit scared and they became very clingy towards Mila for a while afterwards. They also become very careful around baby Haruto, and Mila spent a lot of time with him, earning some jealousy from the other children. But fortunately their kids are as sweet as they are, and understood that their baby brother needed extra attention and care because of health reasons, leading to the babies being extra protective of their mama and Haruto as a result. Thankfully, Haruto grows up to be a cheerful child just like his mother.
Inhye has a more forgiving birth, which was welcomed very gratefully by her parents—as well as for the fact she was the only other girl thus far. She, like Bitna, receives the full princess treatment from her father, and this time around from her olde brothers as well, who have become protective of both Inhye and Bitna under their father’s influence. She, like her older sister, is a daddy’s girl for sure, which is dangerous considering her mother’s sense of mischief and irresistible puppy dog eyes.
At this point, Mila had never been expecting to have twins—most of all during her very last pregnancy, of all things. So of course that’s exactly what happens. The moment Heeseung finds out he’s going to be the father of two children, his mind is blown, but none more than Mila herself. The twin boys are a challenge to birth, naturally, and Mila takes some time to recover, but when she does, the whole family gets to witness the wonder of having two identical babies to care for. The others have managed to get them confused on more than one occasion, but Mila and Heeseung are proud to say they can tell them apart with their eyes closed.
The two, as the babies of the family, are welcome by all their siblings and parents. And with their birth, marks the official beginning of the completed EN-Family. It’s definitely not easy to manage so many children, but like all things they’ve overcome, Mila and her husbands find a way to make it work.
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onboardsorasora · 4 months
Maybe you have an au that works for this— but thinking about accidental baby acquisition maxiel. Like a “life as we know it” (the movie) AU where they have to adopt a kid, live together and suddenly make it work
Oh! Oh!!
BESTIE. This is...
I don't currently have a fic in the works like this but I honestly love this trope so much. There's a fic I read in my last fandom that did it sooooo lovely.
I will say, I don't remember this film but I read the summary and my brain lit up a little. I hope I'm not like scooping the finer plot points
I imagine they met because their mutual friends are together. Maybe they met originally at the wedding years ago and they're the childhood besties of their friends and get named God parents.
Fast forward maybe 3 years and something bad happens and their friends pass. And it's when they both realize that being named God parents meant that they're responsible for their godchild. Max knew but Daniel had no idea that it was so serious. He just thought it was an honour and now he's extra special uncle Daniel.
Let's say their friends had a son, Jack. And Max goes to the house to meet up with Jack's grandparents who ofc are grieving and don't want to give up their grandchild but Jack is supposed to be in Max's care.
He stays at the house, so Jack has some stability. Daniel comes the next day- he travelled all night. Jack runs to him when he gets inside and Daniel breaks down clutching this little boy to him.
Max offers coffee. Jack spent the night clutched into his chest and he's trying to not feel jealous that he's not clinging to Daniel.
They aren't friends. If anything maybe they didn't really get along during the wedding festivities. But it doesn't matter. They stay with Jack at the house while the grandparents plan the wakes and the funerals.
They both try to explain what it all means and argue about whether telling a 3yr old that death was like final was a good thing. They argue about a lot of things because Daniel believes in protecting Jack a little more about he harshness of the world and Max thinks that it's a bit pragmatic to not lie.
There wasn't really a will because Jacks parents were young and full of life. They couldn't have anticipated the car accident. So because of that any legal decisions made while alive count. Meaning Daniel and Max have full custody of Jack.
Daniel thinks they should allow his grandparents to take care of him. Max thinks they should honour their friend's wishes.
One pair of Jacks grandparents agree with him. Daniel figures they can agree to disagree. but they also can stay in the house with Jack for a little longer before they figure out next steps. Max is one of the executors of the estates and he has to go through all the paperwork and heavy shit.
Daniel watched Jack while Max is working. He spends a lot of time with the grandparents. Daniel moved away after uni and well, he works pretty remote so it's not a hardship to move back. At least until everything is sorted.
Max owns a business so paperwork and lawyers are things he knows. And when all is done he comes back to the house to spend time with Jack. And Daniel.
And it kinda continues like that, unconsciously. They don't like intend to become parental figures but they would do anything for Jack. And sure they still argue but they're happy to provide stability for their godson.
One of the grandparents suggests selling the house and it becomes a point of contention. Daniel disagrees. It's all Jack's known. They can't uproot him after everything.
Something something legalese that the only way to keep everything as it is now is for Daniel and Max to adopt Jack. And be his legal guardians. And the easiest way for that to happen is for them to get married.
Max agrees because fuck it. He'll do anything for Jack. Daniel agrees too because he loves the little shit. Jack is his best boy, his baby wayby. So they have a quick signing at the courthouse. No fandangles or fanfare. And they both completely move into the house.
And that's where things get dicey. Because it was fine before. When they were just friends with a mutual purpose but for some reason a title and a legal document has shifted something.
Max had always thought that Daniel was cute. But now he can't stop thinking about how lovely Daniel is while he's reading to Jack at bedtime or dancing around with him in the house to his dad's favorite albums.
And Daniel always tired to lightly flirt with Max where he could but now-- did Max's jaw get sharper? Are his eyes sparkling in the amber light of Jack's nightlights?
And there's tension and they're tripping over each other. And Jack notices something is different. And he gets worried. Cries that they're leaving him too.
And it's a tantrum of all tantrums and Jack is screaming and wailing and crying for his parents, his real parents. And it takes them hours to calm him. And he won't rest or sleep unless he's touching both of them. Clutching Max's shirt in one hand and Daniel's pinky (the one with the 3) in the other.
They're exhausted and crumbled in the main bedroom because it has the biggest bed. Neither of them sleep in there, it didn't feel right. But holding Jack there, cuddling him close, that felt right.
And maybe Max brushes some tears off of Jack's cheek and kisses him in the forehead and looks over at Daniel who is watching him quietly and Max pulls them both close. Daniel threads their fingers together and Max squeezes and kisses their palms
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xkaidaxxxx · 11 months
Levi x Reader
Mentions: angst, pregnancy, and fluff
Random story I just created
More than likely to have errors it’s 1:50am and I’m TIRED.
Instagram: Cornerofdesires (artist)
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Levi x Reader
Things have been always out of control in paradis. You and Levi have been together in secret. Yes he was a busy man however he had the time to build a hidden home. Had the time to visit you as much as he could. It was often.
“It’s been awhile..” you said twiddling with your fingers. “ I know. I’m glad you’re safe” he said suddenly holding you tight. “I have something to confess.” You spoke. Levi stepped back. He started to panic.
Many thoughts ran through his head.
“Maybe she found someone else?”
“ maybe I don’t make her happy enough?”
“ Did I do something wrong?”
“ She probably hates that I haven’t visited her in a month”
“Does she want to kill me?”
“ she doesn’t love me anymore?”
He calmed himself down. “Yes? What is it?” He said with a calm voice. You placed your hand on you lower tummy. A barely visible bump. “ I’m pregnant.” He chuckled. “No you’re not.” You got angry and slapped him. “I’m pregnant!” You yelled . “ you can’t be. Not right now. Not with all of this shit going on.” He said sternly yet crying. Crying because he knew he wouldn’t be around 24/7 during your pregnancy. Worried something can happen to you. He’s lost almost everyone he’s cared for. “ Why are you crying?” You asked wiping his tears away. “You c-can’t be. I’m happy yes. That we’re together. That I’ll be a father but I’m scared something might happen to you. I promise I’ll be here as much as I can. I love you.” He spoke holding your hands. “ I love you Levi. Calm down. We will get through this together.”
Soon enough years later Levi informed Hange about you. She was shocked.
“Hey little guy copy and paste. Very strange how genes work.” She spoke. “ Hi lady” he replied sitting on your lap. “This is my wife. Y/n Ackerman and our son Levi Ackerman jr.” Levi said flicking hanges forehead.
Hange wished Erwin could’ve met you and your son. Erwin knew, Levi told him as soon as he got back to work after you had told him. Which is the reason he would come home a lot more often during your pregnancy. Erwin met him only twice. At a year old and at 3yrs.
“ what’s that?” Levi asked. Hange burst out in excitement “ some gifts for the baby!” She replied
You opened the big box. There were a lot of baby supplies and toys. Your eyes widened when you saw a fake mini odm gear.
“ maybe he’ll be interested to join the scouts one day.” She said. Levi quickly spoke. “ there won’t be any need of him thinking about joining. I’m sure everything will be fine by then.”
He rubbed your back giving you a peck on the cheek.
Time went by. Levi left early in the morning. Leaving a letter behind.
My dearest y/n,
I won’t be back home for a while. A few weeks? Months? You need to stay strong. Not only for yourself but for our child. I’ve left many supplies for emergencies along with more hunting materials in the cellar.I love you and our baby boy very much, more than anything. I’ll be thinking about you and Levi Jr everyday like I always do. My beautiful family. I promise this world will change soon.
When you get lonely think of me and you’ll definitely release. ;)
Love you my dearest y/n
Love you my wonderful son
You read the letter with a smile and tears slipping. Levi can always make you laugh with his dirty words. You knew he’d come back even though you worry 24/7 when he’s gone.
It’s been a 1 1/2 year. Levi hadn’t come home. You had come to the conclusion that he’s dead. You were heartbroken and Levi jr knew something was bothering you. He’d ask frequently about his father and your responses were along the lines of the military is a work that takes up a lot of time. That his dad was humanity’s strongest soldier.
Since you lived in a hidden part of paradis there wasn’t much you knew. The last thing you knew was the scouts infiltrating Marley as Levi had said when he returned then left.
Another few months went by. You were going insane. Crying everyday when your son was asleep.
“ He’s gone and left me alone. Humanity’s strongest soldier.. it was all a lie.” You cried into his coat. Your heart couldn’t take it anymore. “ how could you do this to me. You promised you’d come home. To our son and I.” Your body trembled and your knees gave out on you. Your body touched the ground. “ m-mama!” Your son cried seeing you fall. He looked around trying to find a way to help you. “ mama wait!” He yelled grabbing a cloth from the table and pulled the chair out. “ up mama up. You can do it.” He held your hand.
“Up y/n up. You can do it.” Levi said with a tch afterwards. You had just fallen due to tripping hard. You cried as he held your hand.
“There mama see you’re good.” Levi jr said as you sat down on the chair. It’s crazy how he’s identical to Levi. You remember what his letter said. “You need to stay strong. Not only for yourself but for our child.”
That got you back on track.
“Why are you crying mama?” He asked as you picked him up. “ I miss daddy that’s all. He should be home soon.” You replied. You did miss him but in your mind he wasn’t coming back. Not at all. He was K.I.A. “He’s coming home! Really!? My birthday is next week! so cool!” He was so excited. Full of hope and faith that his father would come home just in time for his 5th birthday.
The day of Levi jr’s 4th birthday was such a sad event. His dad was a no show. He still ate a pie you baked. You still sung his Happy Birthday. He still got a great gift. You always make them. After awhile Levi jr stopped asking for his father. He didn’t care about him.
Another year passed.
He was more focused on learning from his teacher, you. He learned how to read, write and learned many other subjects. He eventually helped you do cute little tasks around the house.
Setting up the table
Organizing your books
Clean up his toys
Help you sweep. (Didn’t do it 100% right but you appreciated the help)
You were slowly forgetting Levi. Getting used to living calmly with your little boy. Happy. “Mama it’s almost lunch time.” Levi jr said excitedly. Lunch is his favorite meal of the day. You walked outside shooting a goose. “Sweetheart wait here.” You ordered him. You walked over to pick up lunch. “ Hello ma’am?” A man spoke you quickly grabbed the arrow you shot the goose with and held it to his throat. He had beautiful ocean blue eyes and blonde hair. “Come back here and I’ll make sure you won’t live to see another day.” You spoke. “ Are you Y/n Ackerman?” He asked with a gulp following after. “ What’s your business?” You replied pressing the tip of the arrow enough to prick his neck. “ I’m Armin Arlert your husband is asking for you. There was a war. He was injured. It took awhile for him to recover. He asked me to come here until he was fully recovered. Here I am.” He said.
Levi jr quickly ran outside cutting the back of Armins knees. Not deeply enough to cause damage. You taught him how to defend himself. Armin hissed. Then looked at the little guy.
“Levi was correct. Copy and paste.” He spoke.
“ w-where is he now?” You asked carrying jr. “Good job Levi. You’re doing great.” Armin looked confused but then realized it’s important to fight. “Back at his house. Everything is peaceful now without the titans.”
You invited Armin into the house. As you cleaned his wounds he explained everything. You were still cautious so you kept a knife close by.
“ y/n?” Levi spoke. You saw him. His injuries. His fingers, he has faint scars on his face and his eye was white. He’s in a wheelchair so his leg must be broken. “Levi!” You spoke bending down to hug him tight. Your body shook. You couldn’t believe you were touching him. “You piece of shit. God I’ve missed so much. I love you.” You cried. “ I love you. I’ve missed you all along. I’m sorry I ended up like this.” He replied. You let him go. “ it doesn’t matter. I’m glad you’re safe. You’re wi-” you got interrupted. “ Mama!!” You turned and saw Armin chasing Levi jr. You giggled as he hugged your waist.
He immediately went silent as he saw his father. He starred at him looking at his facial features. He noticed how identical they looked.
“D-Dada?” He spoke with his hands trembling as they held your long skirt. “ yeah bud it’s me. You’ve grown so much.” Levi replied tears slipping.
Levi jr burst out in tears jumping onto his father’s lap. Levi held him close. “Dada you never came home. Mama cried everyday.” You frowned. You thought he never heard you. “ you stayed strong for mama?” He asked. Levi jr nodded giving him a bright smile. “Yes and for me too. We both did our best everyday! Cleaning and hunting and school!” He giggled. Levi pecked his cheek stating “From now on I’ll always be here with you both. I love you my son and my dearest wife.” You couldn’t help but cry.
“We love you too d-dada so much” Levi jr said with a sniffle.
As time went by you and your family were happy. Everyday was full of craziness. Some days weren’t perfect but they were beautiful.
The Ackerman family grew. You now have 2 boys and a little girl. The new house you guys lived in was amazing.
Later on you guys got a cat.
Life for the Ackerman Family was finally peaceful.
Kids Names ( levi wanted a L babies)
Levi Ackerman Jr
Lonny Ackerman
Lilly Ackerman
Cats name
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slocotion · 2 years
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Hi guys 👋 I know I'm known on here for just posting clown dolls, but I'd like to share a fundraiser that is very close to me - the 3yr old daughter of some dear family friends is in need of treatment abroad in Manchester - she's been through so much already, including very recently undergoing brain surgery for hydrocephalus. The HSE is able to provide some support but the costs are getting too high for her family to handle alone..
Right now they need to get her a specialised car seat so she can at least travel to her first appointment in comfort
If you have anything to spare, even a little goes a long way
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jay-m3 · 5 months
ABC... 1, 2, 3!
Scenario: Them as your son (age set from baby to 3yrs old)
Male reader insert! Warning* Child abuse, domestic violence, child neglect, reader will be paired up with woman partner
Characters: Alastor, Lucifer, Vox, Valentino, and Adam
When Alastor was born, he didn't cry that much. Which concerned you but your wife assured it was nothing and proceeded life with a quiet baby.
That is until he breaks into a smile. You can't help but gush as he smiles at anything he finds stupid, it's adorable especially with his little tail wiggling around without control, ears perked up before flickering around making him reach up to pull at them.
You had to buy those little mittens to prevent any more damage of making himself cry.
As Alastor aged to 1, you and your wife notice how attached he is to your partner. Which makes you pout but there's nothing you can do other than try to bond with him more.
Unfortunately, he just ignores you, opting to make his first steps towards his mother. At night time he'll be right up next to her face, hands curling around her long hair as he slept. And what was worse is how everytime she leaves the room, Alastor will throw a tantrum if he wasn’t allowed to follow.
At the age of 2, his attachment was still there but has calmed down once you figured out a way to calm him down.
Every night, you'll pick him up onto your lap, turn on the radio for a little background noise until he falls asleep.
A win-win situation as he relies more on you now and getting him to sleep in his own room.
By the age of 3, Your relationship with him has increased.
He watches with wide eyes, as he sees you kissing your wife in the mirror who giggles, getting distracted from carefully brushing around his small antlers. He tags along with you for outside activities, hand in your own as he waits patiently for an elderly woman making her way through the door of a store that you held open for. Even copies your behavior of picking up stuff like shoes when his mother is sweeping.
"Oh my goodness, aren't you such a gentleman." Your wife gushes, picking the little demon up in her arms.
"That's my boy." You praised, smiling over your wife's shoulder to smile at the boy.
Alastor just smiles brightly at the two of you.
When Lucifer was born, you weren't there to see him bundled up in a freshly washed fuzzy blue blanket.
You had your hands full with his siblings, a 2 year old sister and a 5 year old half-brother.
Your ex wife had canceled plans of taking Michael over the weekend and having two high energy strung kids around a newly born doesn’t sound smart, so you wait.
At the age of 1, Everything was great. Lucifer's smile got rid of any problems that stressed you over.
You would raise him up into the air, making him squeal and laugh as you spin him around like he's an airplane. He'll crawl towards you, wings flapping around to help him get to you faster.
Not a care in the world, not a care of your wife or siblings.
By age 2, his first words of your dad title brings tears into your eyes. Picking him up and kissing his cute little nose before lightly tapping your horns with his.
Ignoring the tight ball of sadness of your wife taking Gabriella to her mother's house to spend the night there while Michael had called his own mother to pick him up.
At age 3, Lucifer would remember this event throughout his life.
The screaming of his parents rang out throughout the house. He doesn't really know what is being said but the terrified feeling of seeing you angry made him cry. Not even his big sisters' hugs can calm him down because she too is crying.
Then he sees his mother slap you before making her way towards them. He cries harder, running past her and into your arms.
But she didn't care, smiling softly at her own daughter before leaving with her.
"It's going to be okay Luci." You whisper out, rubbing his back in reassurance. Letting him cry until he falls asleep.
When Vox was born, you were there only for the first hour before leaving, getting a call from work.
This collaboration with another company is one in a million, you can't slack off this opportunity.
You'll get to see Vox at home.
Plus, the private nurses will help your wife with anything she needs.
At age 1, You threw a big birthday party for Vox.
Everyone you and your wife invited were important people. And some family, well only those that won't bring shame on you all.
Vox was being supervised by a nanny, making sure he didn't stumble. You don't want his small screen to take damage. It would be a horrible sight for those around to see.
Anyway, Vox was pretty happy when you gifted him a pup shark. Everyone was impressed by the gift.
2 years old, Vox felt so restricted. Everytime you all went to family vacations, the nanny was there breathing down his neck. Always correcting his posture or keeping him away from anything that would get him dirty.
Only leaving when his parents decide to have a family dinner where lots of paparazzi waited outside to take pictures of the perfect new family.
At 3, There was a rare day of having no meetings or projects to peak at.
You had a day off so you decided to stay home. Light music playing in the background while you serve yourself some wine.
The door slamming open startles you a little bit, Vox running in with tears running down his face, glitching out horribly from it. You watch as the nanny scurries in, apologizing immediately while trying to pull Vox out the door.
After a minute or two of the display, you signal the nanny out, leaving little Vox to stare up at you with uncertainty wet eyes.
"Are you done crying?"
Vox stays quiet before looking down at his hands that are anxiously fidgeting with each other.
"You got what you wanted. Entertain me." You sit down on the leather couch, watching him.
The birth of Valentino was something that tied you down with your ex.
Family pestering you to take care of your newly born son. All the bickering and nosey cousins, aunts and uncles wore you down, bringing you to get married with your ex.
You can barely look at Val, just eyeing him from the corner of your eyes when your mother dots on him.
At 1, you secretly got a DNA test, wanting to see if this kid is really yours.
For all you know, the bitch you call wife was whoring around and trapping him into this relationship.
The test came back positive, Valentino is actually your kid. The information of it brought a little bit of...pride.
You were continuing your bloodline.
At age 2, Valentino first witnessed you holding the woman he calls mamá down the bed.
The sight of you punching the other to quieten her screams made him burst in tears, running towards her for a hug.
To get comforted.
Once he got on the bed, he was pushed off with so much force that he hit the dresser beside the bed. His screams rings out, never stoping as he was forcefully grabbed by the wrist, being dragged to the couch.
"Don't fucking move!" You hissed out before returning to your room.
Turning 3, Valentino has shied away from you.
No matter the place, he would never go up to you to ask for something. He also would be away from his mother, not wanting to be around her to witness anymore of those acts.
Also because you would make him stay on the couch, not letting him move until you would come back from the bedroom, sit down in your armchair, and turning on the tv with a cigarette lit up.
When Adam was born, you weren't there.
Actually, it was more like you couldn't make it. But even if you could, you'll probably still wouldn't attend.
The reason why you weren't able to attend the birthing of your first and only son was that you were locked up.
The news about Adam reached you seven days later.
When Adam turned 1, you finally got a picture of him.
Kind of blurry from quickness of the snap but what can you do if the mother of said child didn't want you in her life. Thankfully, a cousin of yours was keeping tabs on your son.
The small picture of his brown messy hair with his wings curled up on his back was hidden beneath your mattress.
You didn't want no one to touch it.
At age 2, Adam was already calling someone else dad.
His innocent little mind never bothered with how different the man he called father looked nothing like him.
Nor was he aware about the mail that was sent to his mother from his biological father.
Oblivious to the verbal threats on taking him when the person was out of prison.
At 3, Adam ran into some people that he has never seen before.
He was really suprised and shocked when an older woman picked him up.
"Oh my grandbaby. My baby! You look so much like your father!"
He was ripped away from the woman by his dad, while his mom started screaming profanities at the small group.
Almost getting into a physical fight with a younger looking woman until his dad dragged her away.
From that day on, Adam didn't go to that small market again.
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taz-clark · 2 months
YOU WERE 11??!?!?1 FORGET "why would you give your newborn to a stranger" HWY WOULD YOU HAND YOUR NEWBORN OFF TO A STRANGE **CHILD** that tag anecdote has me shook
lemme just link that post for peeps who missed it coz it sounds even worse out of context XD forgive my lack of details, coz i was 11yrs old at the time. im 35 now. yikes.
So! i was on vacation with the family at a theme park. i dont recall which one exactly but i think it was Dream World (QLD, Australia). It was me, my baby brother and my mother and i think my aunt? there was another adult with us who was NOT my father.
The adults wanted to go on a rollercoster and left me and my lil bro (he was maybe 3yrs old?) to wait on this bench kinda near the entrance.
this happened alot. i did not have good parents. babysitter? who needs one, Taz has been old enough to be the babysitter since she was 8.
So like the good lil whelp i am, i wait with my baby bro and a woman; aka a total fucking stranger, walks up to me with her pram and asks me to watch her baby for her while she goes on the ride too.
i dont remember agreeing to that but i guess i must have?? or maybe this stranger didn't care either way. but i was now in charge of a very small, very squishy looking baby.
NOTHING HAPPENED. thank fuck. the adults all came 5mins later. the stranger took her child back and i never seen them again.
but somewhere in this world is a 24-ish year old, and to that person, your mother just gave you to a random 11yr old girl to look after in a theme park. for a solid 5 minutes i was your protector.
im so sorry.
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militantinremission · 11 months
Is Hamas on the Right side of History?
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Hamas' 'Offensive' on Israel, back on Oct. 7th, had The West crying Foul! The days following the assault brought News Stories of concert goers being gunned down, Women raped, Holocaust Survivors assaulted, & babies beheaded. Israel had the support of The West as they began an aerial assault on Gaza, & prepared for a massive ground campaign. After weeks of relentless bombing on residential neighborhoods & daily reports of Human Rights Violations, Israel is losing face. Despite worldwide protests calling for a Cease- Fire, Netanyahu's Administration is deadset on their Agenda to eradicate Hamas.
The carnage in Gaza has made some uneasy, but The Biden Administration continues to be Israel's 'Ride Or Die'. State Dept. Director of Congressional /Public Affairs, Josh Paul & Director the NY Office of The U.N., Craig Mokhiber both resigned in protest, but The Beat goes on... Secretary Of State Anthony Blinken went to Israel to discuss a 'Humanitarian Pause', but The U.S. was the only Member to vote No in the U.N. Security Council's measure to call for a Cease- Fire in Gaza. The U.S.'s lone vote was enough to stop the measure. Meanwhile, Joe Biden wants to send Israel another $14.1B in 'Aid' & $100M in Humanitarian Aid for Palestinians in Gaza. Mike Johnson's House passed a Bill offering Israel $14.3B in Aid, but $0 for the Palestinians; Republicans believe that Hamas will use the money to reinforce their position.
Israel, The U.S. & The E.U. refer to Hamas as a Terrorist Group, but like it or not, they are the Legal Government of Gaza. As the Representative of the Palestinians of Gaza, they have a Legal Right to defend their citizens. Muslim Leaders that never showed support for Hamas, are now speaking out in Solidarity. Egyptian President El- Sissi, King Abdullah II of Jordan, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, & Turkish President Erdogan have all expressed support for Hamas; Erdogan called them Mujahideen, or Holy Warriors. Following the Incident @ the Dagestani Airport, President Erdogan offered stronger critique of Israel's Humanitarian Violations. Ayatollah Khamenei & Hezbollah Secretary- General Hassan Nasrallah have both threatened Engagement, if Israel continues their bombardment of Gaza.
Several Independent Correspondents & 'Experts' on The Region have offered alternative views to the Mainstream Media Narrative. All have described Israel as an Apartheid State & Gaza as an Open Air Prison, or a Concentration Camp. They have gone about the business of debunking some of the Stories that initially made News. The 1st to be debunked, was the Story of upwards of 40 Israeli babies getting beheaded by Hamas Soldiers. To date, the youngest Israeli victim listed, is 3Yrs Old. These Men are devout Muslims, so the Stories of raping Women & abusing Holocaust Survivors are also proving false. Footage of Hamas' transfer of 2 Elderly Women shows them being gentle; one of the ladies said 'shalom' to her captor as they parted company.
Of the many Experts that spoke on Israel's War on Gaza, Miko Peled, the son of an Israeli General & Former Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter stand out. Miko gives Us a History of Israeli Zionism, & the goal of a Greater Israel. Scott gives insight into Israel's Security & Intelligence capabilities. According to Miko Peled, Israeli Leadership was Zionist from The Beginning. The Goal, has always been 'A Jewish State'. Leaders from David Ben- Gurion to Benjamin Netanyahu have All worked to this end. Yitzhak Rabin tried to find a compromise, & was assassinated for making the attempt. The Israeli Government has been consistently building illegal Settlements ever since. Their zeal for territory mirrors the Tribes of The Old Testament.
Scott Ritter has given several interviews since the initial attack. He tends to look @ the 'War On Gaza' from a tactical perspective. From this angle, Hamas carried out a very effective operation. It appears that they had a Plan, & it was carried out in a way that caught The IDF completely off guard. He contests the stories about hundreds of concert goers being gunned down by Hamas. Ritter says that according to his sources on the ground, it was 'Friendly Fire'. The IDF were not prepared for the assault & overreacted; Survivors said that Soldiers were shooting recklessly into the crowd. Israel is focusing on a narrative of Hamas' unspeakable brutality, to mask unpreparedness & inefficiency.
According to Scott Ritter, Israel doesn't have a Battle Plan for Gaza, that's why the focus has been on bombing it to dust. We're being led to believe that Israel is softening up Hamas, & will send in ground troops to 'finish them off'. The problem w/ that Plan, according to Ritter, is the unpreparedness of The IDF. 300,000 'Reserve' Soldiers have been called to Duty, but how many are Battle Ready? Most haven't served in years. Ritter questions their ability to strap on the necessary gear, & actually Run from place to place. He postulates that the IDF will make small excursions into Gaza, mainly for Political Theater, but will not plan a large scale Assault.
Military Minds, like Miko Peled & Col. Douglas McArthur have talked about Israeli Security & Intelligence, but Scott Ritter has been particularly critical of both. He calls Mossad 'A Joke', giving several examples where they were ineffective- starting w/ the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Ritter says that Hamas' Assault on Oct. 7th was well planned & executed, but it only proved how clueless Israeli Intelligence really is. He goes on to say that unlike The IDF, Hamas has been fighting non-stop. They are a Battle Ready group prepared to engage, while most Israelis are filling a military requirement. Palestinians are willing to die, while The Israelis are scared to die.
The Zionists appear single minded in their desire to 'turn Gaza into a Parking Lot'. All of the Military Minds interviewed agree that this works in Hamas' favor. The IDF aren't prepared for Gaza's network of tunnels, let alone the terrain. Mainstream Media paints Hamas as unsophisticated barbarians, but their Assault was very sophisticated. Don't think that they designed a Plan w/o considering Best & Worse case scenarios. The Pentagon has been trying to advise Netanyahu on the pitfalls of Urban Warfare, but Bibi doesn't appear to be listening. Meanwhile, the World is watching & responding.
Israel's incessant bombing & Human Rights Violations run the risk of galvanizing the Muslim World. U.S. Politicians have tried to include Iran from The Beginning, but Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, & now Turkey are speaking out against their actions. Israel & The West have tried to keep Sunni & Shi'a Tribes @ odds w/ each other, but it's not working now. The incident @ the Dagestani Airport shows that 'Turks' are in solidarity w/ Palestinians. This motivated Erdogan; as the leader of the largest Military Force in the Region, Israel & The West should pay attention. His presence resonates throughout Western Asia. Hezbollah has traded missiles w/ Israel over the last few weeks, but No One expects Netanyahu to escalate.
Doomsday types are forecasting World War III. According to them, the Muslim World will react to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians; The U.S. will respond, & The West will be obliged to back The U.S. & Israel. Others believe that public outrage is making a 2 State solution a viable option. South Afrika & Bolivia have ended Relations & closed Israeli Embassies. The Global South is in Solidarity w/ Gaza... We have to take a closer look @ Hamas. Gaza is being leveled, & over 1.5 Million Palestinians have been forced from their Homes; over 75Yrs after being forced from their Homes the 1st time. The World tends to forget that Gaza Residents were already Refugees.
Looking @ the Big Picture, Hamas made a major chess move. Their Assault exposed Israel's fundamental weakness & accomplished 2 Goals:
Getting Israel to overreact
Stopping the Abraham Accords
It is pretty Machiavellian in Design, but if Hamas carried out their Assault w/ the anticipation that Israel would overreact, what does that say about their ability to Steal the Narrative? Bibi Netanyahu did his 'Bull Conner' impersonation & is getting a similar result; albeit, more violently than Bull Conner or George Wallace. Many have questioned the timing of Hamas' Assault; was it to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War? Whatever the reason, Saudi Arabia backed out of the Abraham Accords.
The U.S. brokered Accords were meant to normalize Trade Relations & 'Military Cooperation' w/ Israel & their Arab neighbors (i.e. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Sudan, & Morocco). Israel favored this agreement, because it completely ignored the question of a Palestinian State. Saudi Arabia & UAE have danced around recognizing Israel for years (some have theorized that The House of Saud, is ethnically Jewish); Both are @ War w/ Yemen's Houthis, & the proximity of Israeli Weapons must be alluring. The Arab World has taken a Not in My Backyard attitude w/ Palestinian Refugees, so The Abraham Accords was a Win- Win.
Although Gaza's Infrastructure is being leveled- w/ over 9,000 Dead, thousands more injured, & more than Half of the Population 'displaced'; Hamas has Israel on the defensive. The World has watched the carnage in horror, as the Palestinian deaths are approaching 10X the number of Israeli Deaths. People are asking out loud: How many Palestinian lives is an Israeli life worth? Others question how The Zionists can be so comfortable w/ blatant acts of Nazism. Everyone, including The U.S. & The West wants to know Israel's End Game. Once again, Israel is surrounded, but The U.S. cannot support them indefinitely. America's munitions surplus is thin; The Iron Dome is running out of missiles.
Benjamin Netanyahu seems intent on forcing Palestinians out of Gaza. Recent Reports that an Oil & Natural Gas Deposit, worth roughly $500 Billion- $1 Trillion Dollars was discovered in N. Gaza, may explain Bibi's motivation. His Plan is the same as his predecessors- push the Palestinians into Egypt, & Jordan. The Problem, is Sisi, & King Abdullah aren't playing ball. The Saudis were willing to normalize Relations w/ Israel, but in light of their 'War' w/ Hamas, MBS appears to have shifted his focus to BRICS. Netanyahu's heavy hand has put Israel's Future in question. The Biden Administration can't do anymore. Arab Americans in Swing States like Michigan, aren't pleased w/ Joe Biden's Israel All the Time rhetoric; his Poll #s are falling.
Meanwhile, Israeli Citizens are flooding the Airports. They are a Settler Nation, so they are DEPENDENT on European & American Immigrants. The Government can use as many stall tactics as they like, if folks don't feel safe, it will be impossible to maintain a Jewish Ethno- State... I'm reminded of Harry Truman, in his own effort to create a 2 State Solution. The President commented on how 'The Jews want to push The Arabs into the Tigris & Euphrates, while The Arabs want to push The Jews into The Red Sea'. He became frustrated w/ both groups, but he felt that the European Jews weren't concerned about the welfare of 5 Million Palestinians. They just wanted The Land.
The Israelis were aggressive from the beginning, seizing 20% of the remaining Palestinian territory, after getting 60% from The U.N. Miko Peled informed Us that Israel instigated the '6 Day War' in 1967. The Egyptian Army was the largest of the Arab Coalition. The Zionists found them to be weak, so they took the offensive. The rest fell like dominoes. The Goal has always been a Greater Israel; going back to Nathan Birbaum's Principle of 'Social Zionism', but that movement was more passive. The Zionists of today follow Theodor (Fyodor) Herzl's Principle of 'Political Zionism', which promoted a more aggressive & robust posture by European Jews... If only someone offered a 'Principle of Sharing'.
-Just Saying
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kayhi808 · 1 year
Billy Mine - Act 2.14
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After a rough morning at the hospital, Bill barking at everyone. And I get it. He was shot. He's in a lot of pain. He's uncaffeinated. The police dropped by to take his statement from the night before, which didn't make him in a better mood. We're finally back at his place. I got him cleaned, fed & drugged up. I had to threaten him with bodily harm. He's so hard-headed.
I was planning to spend the weekend, so I had my bag in the trunk of his car. Frank had it delivered a while ago. I was able to shower & get comfortable. I made myself at home on the other side of Billy's bed with my laptop. I didn't want to stray too far in case he woke up & needed something. I only just found him again, and came way to close to losing him last night.
Billy fidgets & groans in his sleep. I put my laptop to the side & try to gently keep him still. He wakes blinking at me, "Bunny."
"Hey." He snaked his arm around my waist to pull me down to his side. "How are you feeling?"
His arm tightens around me, "Better now." I snuggle into him smiling. "Thank you for staying with me."
"Of course. I wouldn't let you go through this alone. You saved my life."
"They were going after the Senator. I got hit with a stray bullet."
"But I was with my Dad. Secret Service shoved me out of the way to get to him. You're the one that came for me," my voice breaking. "You pulled me out dangers way."
"I only got my Bunny back. No way am I going to lose you."
I flip over onto my stomach so I can look at him, "I love you, Billy. I always have. I never stopped. Since that first day at Ray of Hope."
"You were always smarter than me." Brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, "I love you, too, Bunny."
Autumn is just beginning to hit New York. The weather is cooling and it's one of the last weekends to squeeze in a picnic in Central Park.
"Jenna, that's far enough. Come back, baby." My 3yr old looks back at me laughing, scrunching her nose, looking so much like her father. Tapping Billy's thigh, "Babe, grab her. She's heading to the water." Billy jumps up to chase after the love of his life. She see's Billy get up & she squeals & runs. Billy easily catches up with her. He scoops her up, blowing raspberries on her chubby belly. She screams & giggles grabbing at Billy's bearded cheeks.
"Papa!!" I dust my bottom off to go save my daughter. "Mommy, help!" She ends it with another scream as Billy blows another loud raspberry. "Mommy!"
Smiling and laughing, she leans away from Billy giving me grabby hands. I take her and prop her on my hip as she snuggles into my neck. "I got you, baby," dropping kisses on her. Soon she's wiggling to be let down. I put her down & she's grabbing Billy's hand, "See duckies, pwease," pointing to the pond.
We make our way to the water's edge so she can see the ducks. The ducks are always a draw. Other kids are at the water's edge and she joins the group. Billy pulls me back against him wrapping his arms around me. We stand watching our little girl. Jenna's living the life Billy and I always dreamed of when we were little.
A little dark haired boy joins the group and Jenna breaks out into the biggest smile. Billy tense up, recognizing that smile. "Hell no," he whispers. He hurries to grab his baby but she's already running over to the little boy. She grabs his hand, smiling up at him, "Mine."
@idaofinfinity @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @russosafehaven @e-dubbc11 @bustlingcrowdsxorxsilentsleepers @snowkestrel @terry2227 @jvanilly
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kathegoose · 9 months
hello lizarf
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today milo has been with us for THREE YEARS!!!!! (and he is 3yrs old too, arrived as a wee tiny baby!) got him 27th december 2020 if i remember correctly :]
here he is on my old crusty laptop, this one is quite an old image as it doesn't have my worn out groovy stickers on it. milo is doing a-okay and might get a tad sleepier for the winter💥💥he got new hides this christmas too, might redo his lousy manchild box layout to fit em in
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luffycd · 9 days
law one piece fankid i started brain storming a days ago also im high and caffeinated rn so im having Word Vomit
not sorry for the upcoming infodump
so im thinking like the crew for some reason is on an island where Something is happening (them or otherwise) to a research facility, and while leaving law finds a little mink kid just like scared n sittin there. kids just clutching a messed up baby blankie tight and is clearly young and things r goin bad so law grabs the kid and runs
on the beach he sets the kid on some rocks and like kid needs some medical care but the kids terrified so they gotta calm them down (also to know what the story is) so law asks the kid whats their name and theh just. shake their head 'no' law blinks and moves on asking how old they are, they look at their little paw (cuz remember mink- idk what kind yet) and holds up a three- wha woh! three year old scared hurt baby mink who so far hasnt spoken. this child has issues and its been a few minutes
he asks if the kid has parents (thinking already the kid is from a bad story) and they shake their head again then law asks if their hurt kid nods and points to a hurt leg. again kids scared law asks can i look? and with approval holds out a hand and scans the kid- they think its cool while law sees oh shit! kids malnourished and has a big cut on theit leg thats been their a moment.
law already so far in (and realizing things r still too crazy to sit on the beach) gets the kid into the sub and after the kid falls asleep him and the crew talk. so they got a scared and jumpy 3yr old who was injured and clearly not taken care of, who said 'no' to 'what is your name', found outside a scary place, and also while fixing the kids leg law found a number on their ankle. obvs crew wants to help cuz like holy shit thatd a baby their pirates not monsters
since the kids are mink they decide to call friends on zou if they might know anything and also check the island once things calm down some more (also imagine this a few years after canon, theyve got a new sub n r just kinda exploring rn)
everything comes back negative and also after waking up its clear the kid has imprinted Hard onto law already. the kid wont let anyone but law hold them or rly touch tjem, gets scared fast if he isnt near by (esp in a medical setting which worry!), probs more but they just want their guy around them yk.
so! they keep the kid but they gotta name them (which im shifting to using he for the kid from now on) whole crew gets in on naming the kid like . they have a baby this is so cool!! (they have a not so silent agreement that law is the kids dad and everyone is aunt and uncle, they dont mention it around law until he agrees that yea thats his kid)
i keep wanting to name the kid Tofu or Tuna or smthin which is so funny cuz i kimda want them to be a leopard (cuz kitty....) but also idk ima use tofu for this post.
they also realize fast b4 they even decide to keep tofu thag he cant talk- he can hear just fine hes simply mute, so law starts to teach him and the crew basic signs so they get to play less charades with the kid.
theres not much space in laws cabin for a toddler so they try getting tofu to room with someone else- kid ends up taking penguins bunk at night (it's important to note in how i see the heart pirates working shachi and penguin r both first mate and the crews spilt into day and night shifts as to have a full working crew 24/7, law is awake for various portions of both shifts but shachi and penguin each get one so theres a senior officer always awake)
but! tofu is scared and wants his safe adult and learns rly quick how to climb out of bed and out of the room, but then he gets lost in the sub and just starts crying- after a crewmate finds him crying and walks him to law for the third time they decide to do something aboht it.
they put colorful arrows from shachi and penguins bunk to laws cabin and to the bathroom, they add more eventually as tofu learns how to read signs. but for the start theres easy colorful arrows. and with tofu walking around and exploring (as he gets more comfortable with the crew) they gotta put up some baby gates towards the engines and whatever the steering room is (memory!) so the kid doesnt do anything dangerous.
law also carries tofu around a lot, having a not 100% healthy tiny kid makes him think of both him living with cora and also his sister to an extent, the fact tofu is mute makes him think even more about cora. so he latches onto how safe he felt with cora carrying him and carries tofu a lot and lets the kid climb onto him even more
so in my mind strawhats r still with them n they meet up sometimes (u can interpret this as eventually law x a strawhat but ive gotten too distracted thinking up heart pirates raise a kid to have a shipper mind set just yet) and the strawhats love tofu like omg tiny child i love you you r a celeb but tofu is also still scared of people
(also insert scenes of both crews talking about the kid- shachi and usopp working on more little arrows, franky and ikkaku mentioning keeping the kid away from the engines, cilone and sanji plotting out little plates of baby food for him- just little interactions of the crews being close yk yk)
eventually tofu gets more comfy with them (especially chopper usopp and luffy- their just so fun!) and law goes from being rly protective of the kid to realizing... if their just playing on the sunny then the strawhats r perfectly capable of keeping a toddler safe.
BUT! this is where PLOT !! so this is like a few months after getting tofu and him and the strawhats sillies r running around the sunny, the hearts new sub (idk a name for her) is docked right next to sunny. law is relaxing against bepo kinda napping and theeeen BOOM! theres a gun shot and thr sound of a baby crying- law shoots up and sees todu sitting on the ground his blankie not in his hands (didnt mention but that blankie is comfort object ever, does not ever let jt go) and tofu is holding his ears
most of the ppl on the sunny try and find the gunshot but law bolts over to tofu and sees blood inder one of his lil paws over his ear and just sees red like- holy shit his baby is hurt someones gonna die today
he scans tofu while mumbling comfort like 'shh i got you sweet heart your okay its okay' and thankfully its just his ear is nicked and its nothing lethal. choppers flitting around them paniced and law just looks up and like clearly Pissed tells chopper "its nothing lethal, im sending you two to the infirmary" and thats all the warning b4 law shambles the two of them down there (to keep them safe from what is starting as a full fight as more shots land on the sunny)
law finally looks up at whats happening, theres more a ship in front of them some fucker laughing and more shots landing, law tunes in and the guy is laughing specifically about shooting the kid
so idk the exact logistics of a fight so eventually law gets on the other guys ship and is holding the main guy up all threatening, guy tells him soemthing something about the kid and the lab on that island and that leads to law raiding the inside of the ship for info- the ships like starting to sink midway thro this cuz like both crews are Royally pissed at these guys.
when law gets back to the sunny he hands the papers he got to robin tells her "they were after tofu this should be details on that" before beelining directly to the infirmary. he like knows tofu is scared and needs comfort so he just sits on the bed and pulls tofu onto his lap while telling chopper to check on everyone else or smthin idk
idk what else to go from here, i just know theres spme plot with 'a lab wants to study [soemthing] on human and fishmen and mink kids to see the difference but they dont want this out there so they wanna get the kid who ran away back' or smthin idk
ANYWAY BASICS : law gets a lil kid whos a mink and he figures out parenting by mimicking what he remembers of his parents and sister and cora and what made him and his sister happy. also cutsey moments of mainly the heart pirates learning how to raise a kid but also the strawhats and maaaybe kid pirates im still deciding
also i think theyd try and stay at like zou or wano for a little while when they get the chance just to give the kid some stability, and im leaning towards them to continue sailing just with taking a break for a few months every year OR! like fully settling down far into the grandline setting up a lil safe spot for pirates who need medical aid or like any support ig (ive seen someone have that of the hearts setting up a safe place n i rly loved it <3 but i physically can't remember how to find it again rn)
ok im making myself shut up because i need to eat dinner and also everything im on is wearing off and im startin to crash a bit lmao!
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an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
He Saw Her At Daybreak - Baby HeadCanon
Because try as I might, that 30k chapter is a BITCH to read through/edit rn 🤣
So here's a cute Rhaemond baby headcanon in the meantime!
So I'm thinking of a little cute scene, where 2yr/3yr old Vaella is sitting on her papa's lap while he's sitting the throne, listening to hearings or petitions or whatnot one morning.
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She's swinging her little legs, clearly not paying attention to anything the adults are talking about. With a bowl of fruit/something for her to snack on, like sliced bananas or something. And I imagine that she can be a bit of a picky eater sometimes, so maybe the only way she actually agrees to eat her snack is if she hands some up for Aemond to eat too.
Like every other slice, she lifts her little hand with a slice for him to take, and he knows his little girl is trying to share them with him. So he eats them when she offers them, and it just makes Vaella so happy because she really thinks she's "helping papa!" by sharing her snacks with him 😂😂
I also think it's hilarious because whatever Lords or townsfolk who have come to stand before their Lording Prince, are just watching Aemond be super soft with his daughter. Like he's giving fatherly remarks like reminding her that he's only "sharing her snacks, not eating all of it for her", before he returns his icy focus back on his subjects without losing his flow at all with the discussions that were being held beforehand 😂
Man's gonna be threatening lives while reminding his toddler that fruits and vegetables are indeed good for her to eat 😂😂
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tteokokki · 1 year
Sweet Baby!
Little🍼: Tzuyu - 3yrs
Caregiver🧸: Jihyo
| Other characters: Little!Momo, cg!Mina |
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Tzuyu was waddling through the house boringly snapping her fingers in a melody that was in her mind. Jihyo was working out in the house gym, and Tzu didn't want to interrupt the oldest gym section. Her mind was confused really..she wanted to slip into her little space but she would have to call Jihyo so she can have the attention of her mama.
Today it was one the Laziest weekends ever, Tzuyu just got out of an exam week, stress and anxiety flying out of the sleepy head's body. Tzu was determined to regress today!
Not even thinking twice about it she went to the kitchen were she found Mina feeding Momo her lunch. She got hungry seen the other little eating so she went to see what was the lunch and it was one of her favorites Korean dishes creamy Rose Tteokbokki with homemade lámen and kimchi, it was looking so good! She got her little blue divided plate and went to pick up her food.
"Hey Sweetie! Do you want any help?" Tzuyu heard Jeongyeon's voice and turned around making eye contact with the older.
"Hm Eonnie! Thank u!" Easy like that the youngest slipped into her 3 year old mind space. Tzuyu opened that big smile letting her cute dimple appear. Jeongyeon prepared the Taiwanese's plate and got her little purple sippy cup with cranberry juice.
"Here ya go little one! Do you want me to call Jihyo?" Jeongueon seated the little in the table to make her eat.
"No 'eed Mama is 'woking out" The little girl blurted picking up the totoro themed metal chopsticks. Jeongyeon found it cute the way Tzu worries about interrupting Jihyo even though the woman doesn't care much about been interrupt by her tall Baby.
Tzuyu ate everything that was on her plate with a helping hand from Jeongyeon some times. Then she went to the TV room were she found Nayeon and Sana asleep in the big fluffy mat. She seated on the upper couch and picked the remote up, putting Bluey so she could relax and laugh.
Jihyo stopped working out and went to take a shower and eat so she could finally be with Tzuyu for the rest of the day.
"Jeong where's Tzu?" Jihyo's voice echoed in the living room almost full in worry.
"Have you checked her bedroom?"
"Yes! Where is she?!"
"Looked in the TV room?"
"No...I'm going there right now. Thank you Jeongie!"
Jihyo went straight to the TV room, aa d there was her pretty girl.
"What's my Sweet Baby doing here?" The leader questioned going towards the sleepy girl in the upper couch.
"Watching Bluey Mama!" Tzu said with that cute smile on her face.
Jihyo chuckled and picked the little up just to seat and fix her self so she could lay down in the big couch with Tzuyu. Just now seeing Nayeon and Sana sleeping on the mat and lowering the TV's volume.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
I’m re-reading Bluestar’s Prophecy- and ummm. I released that Thrushpelt never actually showed any interest in Bluefur until she was made a warrior. Well, a little after.
He was only friendly with her as a kit and apprentice because that’s the type of Tom he is. And for those saying they have a big age gap, they really don’t. Thrushpelt was made a warrior right about the time Bluefur was born, and not all apprentice-ships are the same: his could have been short, long or even just normal. So he’s just around a year older then her and we see cats that have a HUGE age gap, IE Leopardfoot and Pinestar, who is literally older then her parents.
Just this; mind blows me how there is so much hate on the ship for that. Like bro. Bro bro bro. You just read the book wrong.
Ya, I think a big problem is that in warriors, cats mentally age from babies to 18 yr old adults in the span of one year and then their aging slows drastically after that.
A 1 yr old cat and a 2 yr old cat are both mentally young adults and are able to have a perfectly healthy relationship, but the 2 yr old cat has seen the 1 yr old cat age to adult hood before their very eyes! And there's nothing that can be done about that, bec they age like cats!
I don't think we can judge a ship based on if one of the cats was a kit or apprentice when the other cat was an adult, bec due to how cat aging works thats just how its going to be!
I don't like ships where the older cat was close to the other when they were a kit or if the older was their mentor bec it just feels icky. There is a power imbalance and its just weird to think of a cat going from "that is a baby" to "oh they are hot now".
Buuut I don't think we should judge ships like Thrush/Bluestar bec there wasn't anything creepy and they weren't even close before both being adults! Plus ! There are TONS of ships with similar age gaps or even bigger ones that nobody talks about, for example: Ashfur is possibly a year or more older than Squirrelflight, same with Brambleclaw (I know these relationships aren't healthy ones but they are popular and I have never seen ppl point the age gap out).
This is just my opinion tho, I mostly try to only ship cats that are 0-3 years apart, though I don't even love the 3yr gap that much, it just depends on when they met and how they interacted when the younger was in their first year of life.
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