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Wypipo can't see that "White" supremacy, privilege, and fragility exist! But they know all about (heh, fictional) WHITE (heh-heh) "GENOCIDE" is! All the lives they've DESTROYED in every nation they've traveled to! But they'll argue you down about how "good" they've been to the wogs, kaffirs, A-rabs, gooks, injun, and the rest of the "subhumans" they hate.
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militantinremission · 11 months
Is Hamas on the Right side of History?
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Hamas' 'Offensive' on Israel, back on Oct. 7th, had The West crying Foul! The days following the assault brought News Stories of concert goers being gunned down, Women raped, Holocaust Survivors assaulted, & babies beheaded. Israel had the support of The West as they began an aerial assault on Gaza, & prepared for a massive ground campaign. After weeks of relentless bombing on residential neighborhoods & daily reports of Human Rights Violations, Israel is losing face. Despite worldwide protests calling for a Cease- Fire, Netanyahu's Administration is deadset on their Agenda to eradicate Hamas.
The carnage in Gaza has made some uneasy, but The Biden Administration continues to be Israel's 'Ride Or Die'. State Dept. Director of Congressional /Public Affairs, Josh Paul & Director the NY Office of The U.N., Craig Mokhiber both resigned in protest, but The Beat goes on... Secretary Of State Anthony Blinken went to Israel to discuss a 'Humanitarian Pause', but The U.S. was the only Member to vote No in the U.N. Security Council's measure to call for a Cease- Fire in Gaza. The U.S.'s lone vote was enough to stop the measure. Meanwhile, Joe Biden wants to send Israel another $14.1B in 'Aid' & $100M in Humanitarian Aid for Palestinians in Gaza. Mike Johnson's House passed a Bill offering Israel $14.3B in Aid, but $0 for the Palestinians; Republicans believe that Hamas will use the money to reinforce their position.
Israel, The U.S. & The E.U. refer to Hamas as a Terrorist Group, but like it or not, they are the Legal Government of Gaza. As the Representative of the Palestinians of Gaza, they have a Legal Right to defend their citizens. Muslim Leaders that never showed support for Hamas, are now speaking out in Solidarity. Egyptian President El- Sissi, King Abdullah II of Jordan, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, & Turkish President Erdogan have all expressed support for Hamas; Erdogan called them Mujahideen, or Holy Warriors. Following the Incident @ the Dagestani Airport, President Erdogan offered stronger critique of Israel's Humanitarian Violations. Ayatollah Khamenei & Hezbollah Secretary- General Hassan Nasrallah have both threatened Engagement, if Israel continues their bombardment of Gaza.
Several Independent Correspondents & 'Experts' on The Region have offered alternative views to the Mainstream Media Narrative. All have described Israel as an Apartheid State & Gaza as an Open Air Prison, or a Concentration Camp. They have gone about the business of debunking some of the Stories that initially made News. The 1st to be debunked, was the Story of upwards of 40 Israeli babies getting beheaded by Hamas Soldiers. To date, the youngest Israeli victim listed, is 3Yrs Old. These Men are devout Muslims, so the Stories of raping Women & abusing Holocaust Survivors are also proving false. Footage of Hamas' transfer of 2 Elderly Women shows them being gentle; one of the ladies said 'shalom' to her captor as they parted company.
Of the many Experts that spoke on Israel's War on Gaza, Miko Peled, the son of an Israeli General & Former Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter stand out. Miko gives Us a History of Israeli Zionism, & the goal of a Greater Israel. Scott gives insight into Israel's Security & Intelligence capabilities. According to Miko Peled, Israeli Leadership was Zionist from The Beginning. The Goal, has always been 'A Jewish State'. Leaders from David Ben- Gurion to Benjamin Netanyahu have All worked to this end. Yitzhak Rabin tried to find a compromise, & was assassinated for making the attempt. The Israeli Government has been consistently building illegal Settlements ever since. Their zeal for territory mirrors the Tribes of The Old Testament.
Scott Ritter has given several interviews since the initial attack. He tends to look @ the 'War On Gaza' from a tactical perspective. From this angle, Hamas carried out a very effective operation. It appears that they had a Plan, & it was carried out in a way that caught The IDF completely off guard. He contests the stories about hundreds of concert goers being gunned down by Hamas. Ritter says that according to his sources on the ground, it was 'Friendly Fire'. The IDF were not prepared for the assault & overreacted; Survivors said that Soldiers were shooting recklessly into the crowd. Israel is focusing on a narrative of Hamas' unspeakable brutality, to mask unpreparedness & inefficiency.
According to Scott Ritter, Israel doesn't have a Battle Plan for Gaza, that's why the focus has been on bombing it to dust. We're being led to believe that Israel is softening up Hamas, & will send in ground troops to 'finish them off'. The problem w/ that Plan, according to Ritter, is the unpreparedness of The IDF. 300,000 'Reserve' Soldiers have been called to Duty, but how many are Battle Ready? Most haven't served in years. Ritter questions their ability to strap on the necessary gear, & actually Run from place to place. He postulates that the IDF will make small excursions into Gaza, mainly for Political Theater, but will not plan a large scale Assault.
Military Minds, like Miko Peled & Col. Douglas McArthur have talked about Israeli Security & Intelligence, but Scott Ritter has been particularly critical of both. He calls Mossad 'A Joke', giving several examples where they were ineffective- starting w/ the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Ritter says that Hamas' Assault on Oct. 7th was well planned & executed, but it only proved how clueless Israeli Intelligence really is. He goes on to say that unlike The IDF, Hamas has been fighting non-stop. They are a Battle Ready group prepared to engage, while most Israelis are filling a military requirement. Palestinians are willing to die, while The Israelis are scared to die.
The Zionists appear single minded in their desire to 'turn Gaza into a Parking Lot'. All of the Military Minds interviewed agree that this works in Hamas' favor. The IDF aren't prepared for Gaza's network of tunnels, let alone the terrain. Mainstream Media paints Hamas as unsophisticated barbarians, but their Assault was very sophisticated. Don't think that they designed a Plan w/o considering Best & Worse case scenarios. The Pentagon has been trying to advise Netanyahu on the pitfalls of Urban Warfare, but Bibi doesn't appear to be listening. Meanwhile, the World is watching & responding.
Israel's incessant bombing & Human Rights Violations run the risk of galvanizing the Muslim World. U.S. Politicians have tried to include Iran from The Beginning, but Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, & now Turkey are speaking out against their actions. Israel & The West have tried to keep Sunni & Shi'a Tribes @ odds w/ each other, but it's not working now. The incident @ the Dagestani Airport shows that 'Turks' are in solidarity w/ Palestinians. This motivated Erdogan; as the leader of the largest Military Force in the Region, Israel & The West should pay attention. His presence resonates throughout Western Asia. Hezbollah has traded missiles w/ Israel over the last few weeks, but No One expects Netanyahu to escalate.
Doomsday types are forecasting World War III. According to them, the Muslim World will react to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians; The U.S. will respond, & The West will be obliged to back The U.S. & Israel. Others believe that public outrage is making a 2 State solution a viable option. South Afrika & Bolivia have ended Relations & closed Israeli Embassies. The Global South is in Solidarity w/ Gaza... We have to take a closer look @ Hamas. Gaza is being leveled, & over 1.5 Million Palestinians have been forced from their Homes; over 75Yrs after being forced from their Homes the 1st time. The World tends to forget that Gaza Residents were already Refugees.
Looking @ the Big Picture, Hamas made a major chess move. Their Assault exposed Israel's fundamental weakness & accomplished 2 Goals:
Getting Israel to overreact
Stopping the Abraham Accords
It is pretty Machiavellian in Design, but if Hamas carried out their Assault w/ the anticipation that Israel would overreact, what does that say about their ability to Steal the Narrative? Bibi Netanyahu did his 'Bull Conner' impersonation & is getting a similar result; albeit, more violently than Bull Conner or George Wallace. Many have questioned the timing of Hamas' Assault; was it to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War? Whatever the reason, Saudi Arabia backed out of the Abraham Accords.
The U.S. brokered Accords were meant to normalize Trade Relations & 'Military Cooperation' w/ Israel & their Arab neighbors (i.e. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Sudan, & Morocco). Israel favored this agreement, because it completely ignored the question of a Palestinian State. Saudi Arabia & UAE have danced around recognizing Israel for years (some have theorized that The House of Saud, is ethnically Jewish); Both are @ War w/ Yemen's Houthis, & the proximity of Israeli Weapons must be alluring. The Arab World has taken a Not in My Backyard attitude w/ Palestinian Refugees, so The Abraham Accords was a Win- Win.
Although Gaza's Infrastructure is being leveled- w/ over 9,000 Dead, thousands more injured, & more than Half of the Population 'displaced'; Hamas has Israel on the defensive. The World has watched the carnage in horror, as the Palestinian deaths are approaching 10X the number of Israeli Deaths. People are asking out loud: How many Palestinian lives is an Israeli life worth? Others question how The Zionists can be so comfortable w/ blatant acts of Nazism. Everyone, including The U.S. & The West wants to know Israel's End Game. Once again, Israel is surrounded, but The U.S. cannot support them indefinitely. America's munitions surplus is thin; The Iron Dome is running out of missiles.
Benjamin Netanyahu seems intent on forcing Palestinians out of Gaza. Recent Reports that an Oil & Natural Gas Deposit, worth roughly $500 Billion- $1 Trillion Dollars was discovered in N. Gaza, may explain Bibi's motivation. His Plan is the same as his predecessors- push the Palestinians into Egypt, & Jordan. The Problem, is Sisi, & King Abdullah aren't playing ball. The Saudis were willing to normalize Relations w/ Israel, but in light of their 'War' w/ Hamas, MBS appears to have shifted his focus to BRICS. Netanyahu's heavy hand has put Israel's Future in question. The Biden Administration can't do anymore. Arab Americans in Swing States like Michigan, aren't pleased w/ Joe Biden's Israel All the Time rhetoric; his Poll #s are falling.
Meanwhile, Israeli Citizens are flooding the Airports. They are a Settler Nation, so they are DEPENDENT on European & American Immigrants. The Government can use as many stall tactics as they like, if folks don't feel safe, it will be impossible to maintain a Jewish Ethno- State... I'm reminded of Harry Truman, in his own effort to create a 2 State Solution. The President commented on how 'The Jews want to push The Arabs into the Tigris & Euphrates, while The Arabs want to push The Jews into The Red Sea'. He became frustrated w/ both groups, but he felt that the European Jews weren't concerned about the welfare of 5 Million Palestinians. They just wanted The Land.
The Israelis were aggressive from the beginning, seizing 20% of the remaining Palestinian territory, after getting 60% from The U.N. Miko Peled informed Us that Israel instigated the '6 Day War' in 1967. The Egyptian Army was the largest of the Arab Coalition. The Zionists found them to be weak, so they took the offensive. The rest fell like dominoes. The Goal has always been a Greater Israel; going back to Nathan Birbaum's Principle of 'Social Zionism', but that movement was more passive. The Zionists of today follow Theodor (Fyodor) Herzl's Principle of 'Political Zionism', which promoted a more aggressive & robust posture by European Jews... If only someone offered a 'Principle of Sharing'.
-Just Saying
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ptseti · 10 months
Robin DiAngelo is an Affiliate Associate Professor of Education at the University of Washington. She earned a B.A. with a double major in sociology and history from Seattle University in 1991. She received her Ph.D. in multicultural education from the University of Washington in 2004. In 2011, she coined the term White Fragility in an academic article, which influenced the international race dialogue. Her book, "White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism" was released in June of 2018 and debuted on the New York Times Bestseller List, where it remained for over three years and has been translated into 12 languages. ABOUT THE BOOK In this "vital, necessary, and beautiful book" (Michael Eric Dyson), DiAngelo deftly illuminates the phenomenon of white fragility and "allows us to understand racism as a practice not restricted to 'bad people' (Claudia Rankine). Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviours including argumentation and silence. These behaviours, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue. In this in-depth exploration, DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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reckless-revolutionary · 11 months
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noobagain · 2 months
I don't care. It's called apathy.
But these people still can't move on from a label on a bathroom door. It's a toilet. 🚽 Somebody else find the time of day to comfort them, they didn't get it early on from their parents. It's no one else's problem but their own. These people are well in their adulthoods and their children act the same... #me #me #me
Carry on, don't stay long.
I heard them using other people's property and telling other people to hit it. They spent time talking about SWATTING and they run right to the town's police arms.
Those kids come from trash. His mother drives a silver mini-van too. I can see why they act like that. Their parents never had the time of day to teach them to walk through an open door. I don't care what they insist. That's freedom for you.
White Justice. It's still not justice for all. #whitefragility
They were upstairs calling me a fag but I know what white fragility looks like. That bitch leaves them upstairs alone. How about child endangerment? They can count other people's wrongs but if you counted theirs, you would never see it to the end of daylight.
You've seen their human decency? It lacks human dignity. If you aren't aware of it and anyone should be...stalking and cyberstalking is a sex offense. These people look like it even their kids do.
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trascapades · 1 year
📖🚫 #ArtIsAWeapon
✍️🏾 @bleighhoward for @thedailybeast:
A South Carolina school board meeting, in which community members railed against an African American culture writer’s award-winning memoir about racial injustice, featured a special guest appearance: Ta-Nehisi Coates, the famed author in question.
On Monday evening, the Lexington-Richland District 5 School Board met to discuss the outrage concerning Coates’ 2015 nonfiction bestseller, Between the World and Me, which has repeatedly caused political literary mayhem among reactionary right-wing communities and been placed on book ban lists.
In February, after getting approval from higher-ups, an AP Language teacher at Chapin High School conducted a lesson involving Between the World and Me. The book, written as an essay to Coates’ son to prepare him for the life he will live as a Black man, details personal accounts of Coates’ life and his first-hand experiences with racism. However, the lesson was shut down and the book was removed from the course after students filed a complaint claiming the book made them feel “guilty for being white,” local news outlet CBS 19 Columbia reported.
According to footage obtained by CBS 19, a slew of people wearing blue rallied in support for the book and for academic freedom during the board hearing. And Coates sat in the back of the room next to the teacher who assigned the book as a sign of solidarity.
“What matters most to me is that my students have the ability to hear six or seven opinions on one topic and come up with their own thesis, supported with evidence, and come up with an independent conclusion,” said Superintendent Dr. Akil Ross.
PEN America [@penamerica], a literary human-rights organization, called the book’s removal “an outrageous act of government censorship and a textbook example of how educational gag orders corrupt free inquiry in the classroom.”
“We cannot become critical thinkers without being uncomfortable in some way,” one student declared while directly addressing the Lexington-Richland board.
**Read full story: www.dailybeast.com**
#BookBans #BetweenTheWorldAndMe #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteFragility
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bricehammack · 1 year
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malikismindful · 2 years
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Peace and Love Black Family! It’s been said time and time again how Black folks in the United States 🇺🇸 need their own media! Media is so important to a people’s ability to control the narrative of their story! In all truth, we should all have the ability to tell our own story without censorship! Even the White 🧔🏼‍♂️👩🏼 supremacist has the right to speak his or her mind! But the crime, as I see it, is having the POWER TO CONTROL what is said and having the POWER to shutdown anyone who speaks against you! Ye said some harsh truths about the Jewish community and while they disagreed, he didn’t lie! They have censored many Black celebrities and political figures who have spoken against them! From Nick Cannon to Farrakhan, and not to mention all those who you’ve never heard of! When you own the media or anything else, you can do as you please, right? So whether you like YE or not is not my point, the point is that as a 👨🏾‍🦲👩🏾‍🦱 person that we must make some choices to empower ourselves! When we are offended, who do WE shut down? Are we moving as a race or as a people? We are ALL Afrikans, and every where we are we experience colonialism which is racism, a/k/a., White 🧔🏼‍♂️👩🏼 Terrorism! We must push a new narrative of empowerment whether we like each other or not! Let’s start winning first as a people and then we can iron out the details! If they can shut him down, then imagine what they can do to your profile or mine if META ain’t feeling it? GET ON CODE. STAY ON CODE.🩸💣🔫✊🏾 BLACK POWER! #black #power #love #man #woman ⁣#speak #truth #about #media #bias #jewish #community #white #supremacy #representationmatters #control #the #narrative #racism #inequality #social #media #amerikkka #dearwhitepeople #whitefragility #antiracism #educateyourself #whitenationalism #whitepeople #antiblackness #education https://www.instagram.com/p/CjiTu8VMK7Vo8v-t4_dpYsURvxNokx1qY_6ziM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dusk-dawn-longposts · 3 years
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shout‐out channel maker @/luna.oi.world ((alt text Read more below link to featured video): #cracker my take on video: You can't generalize a definition of Petty bourgeoisie (that's dogmatism) based on abstraction. That's not just generalization, it's also "vicious abstraction". These are FLUID (positions unlike Prole &Bourg): Petty bourg, labor aristocracy, lumpenproletariat, "lumpenpeasant" (dispossessed horticultural & ag workers, NOT "small farmers" who own acres upon acres of land & equipment & are part of a larger ag firm [big ag]—the former are lumpenpeasants, the latter are petty bourg) there's so many variables, you need to investigate before your speak on these issues, like Luna & her comrade EJ of noncompeteLIVE investigate. LINK to 3hour stream: https://youtu.be/3B2463Tooa4 . , , , . Alt Text. Luna Nguyen, and Emerican Johnson, hosting a live stream—now ended, but still available—on YouTube channel, quote. Luna Oi. unquote. channel in the video thumbnail pictured, Luna is fair skin dark haired, long 1a to 1b hair, Southeast Asian woman citizen of Vietnam. Wearing longsleeve, orange beige and brown, gingham sweater. And two puffy glittery hair accessories. Emerican is fair skin medium brunette short haired, 1c or 2a, European‐US c, n, non binary migrant, living in Vietnam. Wearing a black t shirt with political philosopher Pioter Kropotkin on it. The two are smiling as Emerican gestures toward their own head, perhaps to reference how false consciousness, the subject of the video, is a matter of how people think. . . . . . . #crackers #whiteness #landlords #falseconsciousness #pettybourgeoisie #hasanpiker #hasanabi #crackergate#whitefragility #workngclassladies #whiteworkingclass https://www.instagram.com/p/CXuioyRrSae/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hattwoodcartoons · 3 years
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Getting Away With Murder - by Kyle Rottencase
Blubber your way out of anything - a White Fragility Text Book.
Judge seems to think Kyle is his son and needs his special protection.
Kyle Rittenhouse Of 20 Jurors, Only One Is Person of Color
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Yep. American history has proven that White privilege exists. If it didn't, then why was there segregation? They want schools to avoid teaching TRUE history so White people won’t feel bad. Wow, are you serious?
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The War in Gaza: Terrorism or Resistance?
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Few would disagree that there are No Winners in the newly erupted 'War' between Israel & Hamas. Mainstream Media has already begun to make excuses for the expected carnage that Benjamin Netanyahu will rain on Gaza. The Israeli Prime Minister singles out Hamas for destruction, but is pretty general about his Military Targets; situated among an urban population of over 2 Million Palestinians. What's scary, is how easily News Correspondents & Political Contributors downplay Israeli 'revenge' as Collateral Damage.
58% of Palestinians support Hamas, but Mainstream Media collectively behaves like the Citizens of Gaza are ALL connected to Hamas. The same way that All Black Males are gang affiliated... I guess that's their punishment for voting Hamas into Political Power. The irony lies in the fact that Israel brought Hamas into existence, as a counter balance to Yasser Arafat & The PLO. The Media is already calling Hamas' Attack 'Israel's 9/11'- I find that classification curious. That 2001 Event looks more & more like a smokescreen for a larger Agenda. Despite the thousands of Americans killed, the Legacy of 9/11 are: The Iraqi War & The Patriot Act. There are correlations to point out between the 2 Events.
Benjamin Netanyahu's current political position resembles Rudy Giuliani's position, pre- 9/11. Rudy faced Police Brutality & Corruption in his Administration, while Bibi faces Fraud, Breach of Trust, & accepting Bribes on @ least 3 different occasions. Post 9/11, Rudy Giuliani became 'America's Mayor'. Israelis that screamed for Netanyahu's resignation last week, are now standing behind his 'War' on Hamas. The Patriot Act was what came out of 9/11, & increasing Jewish Settlements appears to be Israel's goal in Gaza. Pro- Israel supporters are calling for the complete destruction of Gaza. There is no regard for the welfare of Palestinians caught in the middle.
The Media Narrative has been Israeli Centered. Big Bad Hamas caught Israel off guard, & wreaked as much havoc as they could. Israel is known for their Security & Intelligence, so it's more than curious how Hamas could execute such a large scale Operation. Over 1,000 Hamas Soldiers stormed breached sections of Israel's Security Fence, along w/ other Soldiers attacking by Air & by Sea. Over 2,200 Military Grade Rockets were launched w/i the City of Tel Aviv. Nothing like this has ever happened in Israel's History. The Police & Military were both caught unaware... How?
Benjamin Netanyahu rose to power on the promise that he could protect Israel better than anyone that preceded him. The fact that Mossad, Shin Bet, & Unit 8200 all failed to anticipate such an attack is mindboggling. When we consider the fact that Netanyahu did not anticipate an attack on, or around the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War (back in 1973), it's not hard to consider conspiracy theories. Some call it silly to think that Bibi Netanyahu would allow Hamas to breach Israeli territory & kill hundreds, but the alternative is to think that 3 Intelligence Agencies failed to gather Intel on a coordinated attack that took up to 2 Years to plan.
Benjamin Netanyahu's Legacy as Israeli Leader, is a continuous oppression of the Palestinian population. Under his leadership, Israel openly practices a System of Apartheid. Many refer to Gaza as an 'Open Air Prison', while Others call it a 'Concentration Camp'. Despite The 1993 Oslo Accords that laid out the foundation for a 2 State solution, Netanyahu still allows the development of Illegal Settlements in Gaza. It has become so rampant, that Pro- Israel Supporters are calling for the compete removal of All Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. Israel's Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant referred to Hamas as 'Human Animals' that will be dealt w/ in a similar manner... Where is the compromise?
It's crazy to say, but Israel is planning a full blitzkrieg on The Gaza Strip. 300,000 Israeli Soldiers have been called to the Gaza Border, following days of incessant bombing on an urban population of over 2 million people. Over 300,000 people have already been displaced. Netanyahu says he issued warnings for Gaza Residents to leave, but where are they going? Access to Israel & Egypt has been completely cut off. Israeli Officials brag how Food, Water, Fuel, & Electricity supplies to Gaza have been shut off. Some News Correspondents mention Israel's clear violation of Human Rights & The Geneva Convention, but most News Reports focus on the Israeli perspective.
Volodomyr Zelenskyy is blaming Vladimir Putin for the War in Gaza; America's focus on Israel means less focus on Ukraine. The Pentagon has a limited surplus of weapons & ammunition. Zelenskyy understands Ukraine's place in the pecking order, so he's probably uneasy. The Geopolitics behind this Event are interesting. GOP Presidential Hopefuls, Sen. Lindsey Graham & Former Ambassador/ Governor Nikki Haley have blamed Iran for financing Hamas (through Hezbollah), & both called for an American attack on Iran. History shows that Israel supported Iran 40Yrs ago. They supplied the Ayatollah Khomeini w/ weapons in his War w/ Iraq. When Iran financed Hezbollah in 1983, leading to attacks on Israeli Occupations & U.S. Marines barracks (in Lebanon), Israel continued to supply Iran.
The U.S. has a Memorandum Of Understanding w/ Israel that promises $3.8B in Annual Military Aid. On top of this, Joe Biden has pledged full support to Israel, & has dispatched the Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Gerald Ford w/ a Battleship compliment. No one knows what 'support' Biden intends to give, but his Pro- Israel stance ignores the Palestinian view. Nearly 80Yrs ago, roughly 60% of Palestine was seized & renamed 'Israel' by The British Government (via The U.N.). The Palestinians @ that time, explained that They ARE the Israelites! They are the descendants of those who 'accepted Al Islam' centuries ago. Nearly 60Yrs ago, Yasser Arafat formed The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to fight for the Palestinian Right of Expression on their Own land.
30Yrs ago, Yasser Arafat & Yitzhak Rabin agreed on a 2 State solution, but Israeli Leaders following Rabin have failed to go any further w/ the Oslo Accords. The political rise of Hamas, & their refusal to recognize The State of Israel has been blamed for the breakdown of negotiations. Meanwhile, Palestinians, Black Jews, Hebrew Israelites, & Muslims have all experienced an increase in Ethnic Bias/ Discrimination. Anyone that insinuates Ethnic Bias or Racism in Israel is either treated like a leper, or silenced; but Palestinians have been dealing w/ this Ethnic Bias for nearly 130Yrs.
Israel's problem w/ Gaza, is numbers. While the Israeli population is moderately young, the Palestinian population of Gaza has a Median Age of 19Yrs; half the population is under 18Yrs. This may explain Israel's aggressive stance towards Palestinians. Israel's 'gestapo tactics' run the risk of radicalizing a new generation of Palestinians. Not the best move to make, if Hamas is getting more sophisticated w/ their planning & methods of attack. Whenever Israel goes on the offensive, I always have to look @ their move in respect to 'Greater Israel'. This is Israel's vision for expansion. The Maps that I saw show Israel expanding into Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, & Iraq... I can't help thinking about The Book of Revelations & that 'Battle on the Hill of Megiddo'.
From an Indigenous Black American perspective, Gaza is Must See TV! Israeli UN Ambassador, Gilad Erdan made a comment a few years ago, that Black American Men were the greatest threat to Israel(???) American Police Departments, large & small are invited to visit Israel (All expenses paid), to learn the tactics they use on Palestinians. The Israelis learned from American Police tactics on Black Americans, so it appears that they are sharing Tools of Oppression. By the same token, as Malcolm X vocally supported the Palestinian Right Of Expression; Palestinians return the gesture, by teaching Black American Protestors how to handle tear gas & other 'Urban' Police tactics.
The United States & Israel are tethered to each other. European Jews use Hollywood to present specific images & narratives globally. Among the images are: 'America', The Great Society & 'Israel', The Holy Land. Both nations are White Supremacist Republics, so the goals are: Marginalization of the Indigenous People & Appropriation of the natural resources. Israel is practicing the American Model of 'Jim Crow' Anti- Black Racism, much like the Nazis & South Afrikan Boers practiced. America appears to be copying Israel's Urban Assault Tactics. I wouldn't be surprised if the Cop City Development outside of Atlanta, Ga. is the result of those Police junkets to Israel.
The Civil Rights & Black Power Movements inspired Black & Brown People globally. Our current fight against Police Violence & for (lineage based) Reparations is already having a similar effect. That being said, Palestinians live in an environment that can change forever- in a heartbeat. I don't think that they need to draw inspiration from Us, but it's clear that We are in solidarity w/ each other. Mainstream Media is mourning the dead babies in Southern Israel & uttering curses @ Hamas, but they have been silent for years about the dead babies in Gaza. The Zionists are quick to voice their Right to Retaliate, but are silent when asked if Palestinians have the same Right of Retaliation... It's No Fun when the Rabbit has the Gun.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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transgirljay04 · 4 years
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tell me where to cop this t-shirt pls thnx
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djmophatt · 3 years
#whitefragility is real. • They lock up #condoms to make it harder to purchase. America demonizes women accepting welfare, WIC or other social and human service resources. They jail men for not paying child support (side note: how will jail get the money to the child?) They aren’t holding men accountable at all. Understand this that #Texas is doing isn’t about #prolife. It’s about saving the white race from extinction. Nearly 1/2 abortions are by white women. Wypipo are no longer the majority, so removing a women’s right to make a decision is a way to increase the white population. • #abortion #masks #freechoice #womensrights https://www.instagram.com/p/CTXVwj6jgFL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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