#they have each others numbers but only text when they wanna go out for drinks
emery and otto hanging out with pickles...or getting big german beers with charles...(u know who this is oh don't make me say it)
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they definitely go pub crawling with pickles like at LEAST once every few months
beeg german beers....
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kisses prompt #7 and #19 with patrick zweig or art donaldson 🧎🏽‍♀️
Warnings: Virgin Reader; sexual implications; smooches; fluff; no physical Reader descriptions; no Y/N
Prompts: French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them & One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
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"It's not a big deal."
That's what he tells you when you admit it to him—when you half-mumble the truth before raising your drink to your lips, like you can pull what you just said back in and swallow it. But Patrick doesn't so much as blink.
"Everyone's technically got a 'first time', eventually, whether you use it or not, you know?"
He shrugs, waves it off, and to him...It seems to really not matter.
Until he leans in with a grin, offers: "You ever wanna lose it, you have my number."
You figure you're out of your mind when you text him—but you're feeling lonely, and unwanted, and horny in a way that you know won't be solved by your fingers or fantasies or toys. You wince as you send the text, your stomach twisting in knots as you see three bubbles pop up from his side of the conversation. He's gonna let you down easy, right? Or is he going to make fun of you mercilessly, oh god—
But your phone buzzes, and your heart stops at the sight of his reply:
be there in ten
He doesn't let you stew in the awkwardness. He doesn't tease or ask where you're gonna do this. You can feel him watching you as you open beers for the two of you, as you studiously avoid his gaze when you pass one to him. You lightly toast, and you wait for a joke—to popping your cherry—something like that, but Patrick is quiet. It's disconcerting. You're used to the talkative, teasing Patrick. Quiet, speculative, curious Patrick is making your nervous.
You each make it through a sip before Patrick is taking the bottle out of your hand and setting it aside, along with his. You find yourself looking around the kitchen for a conversation starter—there has to be something that you read in the news this morning that the two of you can talk about, or some meme or movie or something to make him forget why you asked him over there in the first place.
But he sweeps in before you can second-guess yourself. His hands are chilly from the beers, and you shiver as he cups your face, his thumbs sweeping across the apples of your cheeks as he tilts your head. His lips are so warm against yours, and your eyes slip closed as he crowds you against the kitchen counter.
It feels too easy. Patrick's movements are so sure and confident—dominant without being overbearing or demanding. He swipes his tongue along the seam of your lips, and you feel him smile as you part them with a gentle, nervous moan. Before you can let your embarrassment win you over, Patrick's tongue dips in, sweeping across your mouth. Your hands lift to tangle in his dark curls, drawing him closer as he presses you tightly against the kitchen counter.
You can't remember the last time you've been kissed so thoroughly. It seems like Patrick never needs to come up for air. His hands sneak beneath your shirt, palming warmly at your sides and back as his tongue traces your teeth, as if he can catalogue them. He draws away with a groan and you haul in a gasp as his head dips, lapping and sucking along your jaw.
You don't expect him to slow down, is the thing. You don't feel rushed, but you don't find yourself second-guessing yourself, either. You don't have the chance—you're so wrapped up in Patrick's touch and kiss that when he does slow, the panic seeps in.
"Hey," He murmurs against your lips. "Hey."
Patrick leans back to get a better look at you, and your stomach twists with nerves. Oh, god, what are you doing straddling this man's lap? You're barely clothed, and warm with want. You can feel his cock twitching in his boxers.
"What?" You repeat, palms growing clammy against his muscled shoulders.
"Do you want to do this?"
"Are you trying to make me beg?"
He huffs a soft laugh, shaking his head. "Maybe next time."
"Tell me what you want." He chases your gaze as you look away, adding, "We can stop any time you want. You're allowed to change your mind."
"I know."
"So?" He leans up, nosing your jaw so tenderly that you draw in a soft, stunned breath. You look at him from beneath your lashes for a moment, considering. You don't know if you can say it right now, not like that. You raise a hand to his face nervously.
You trace your finger over his forehead, down over the slope of his nose, and down to his lips as he smiles. You trail your nail along his lower lip, dipping your head as he opens his mouth for you. You trace your tongue over his teeth, lapping along his tongue as you guide him to lay down on the mattress. He groans, sliding his hand over your hips and guiding you to grind against him as he sinks into your pillows.
You draw back with a slick suck, nudging his nose tenderly with yours.
"I want you to fuck me, Patrick."
He grins, sliding his hands down to your ass and giving it a squeeze.
"With pleasure."
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ghostykapi · 2 months
i know you don't wanna leave [stay here after hours]
son chaeyoung & fem!reader // tw: an attempt of s.a., drinking, arguments, like one slap and that’s it
surprise! i’m alive? here have a fic
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it starts with an acquaintance. it always does.
not this time, this time it starts with one of your best friends, myoui mina
when mina says she wants you to meet her members after so long, you freeze and start panicking in your discord voice call. despite the long time knowing each other, twice has yet to meet one of mina's close friends, a fellow introvert that bumped into each other one too many times that it was inevitable to start a bond.
"it's going to fine y/n" you can still hear mina's voice in your head, her hands holding yours as you both walk up to a secluded restaurant "they are going to love you"
despite the reassurances, you couldn't shake off the anxiety off you, nervous to make the best first impression of you.
despite your worries, the girls immediately take a liking to you. a romantic liking to you, as you would recall half of them already fighting to get your attention
“so y/n” you can still remember jihyo asking you, a small glint present in her eye “are you single?”
ever the protective person your best friend was, the immediate response of “she’s off limits” shoots any questions down. all possible suitors immediately follow mina’s words
almost all possible suitors
son chaeyoung doesn’t follow it
after all, she’s the one who sat beside you, slipping her number well within your palm with a smile after dinner and exchanging jokes. the same number that you chat with a simple hello, and the same number that continuously texts you every morning, afternoon, and night
chaeyoung is even so bold to causally chat you even if she sits right beside mina during practice. she doesn’t get caught at all. not even by the prying eyes of her members, her ever carefree attitude when texting you not raising any suspicion
it goes on for weeks, until an opportunity for her to go on a date with you pops up. so she asks you until you find yourself going to weekly dates with her, sneaking in surprise deliveries to one another, calling more often than texting, clothes sneakily being left on each other’s apartment
she’s been sweet. the way she’s been kissing you? tastes like strawberries. the way she holds your hand on dates? warm and fuzzy. the way she looks at you? like you’re her forever muse
it’s just that the way she holds you everytime, with her arms around you as you settle on the couch, she holds you like you’re about to disappear into air.
it’s not the case
it’s her who has to walk out the door and leave every night. despite her saying the words ‘i love you’, you aren’t even her girlfriend. you aren’t even fully together. not when she’s still in that ‘break’ with her (ex?) boyfriend. you only found out about it after your 7th date with her
if only you knew sooner, maybe you could have stopped yourself from falling for her. maybe you don’t have to let the tears fall again. even when she tries to get up you always grasp her hands, begging with your eyes into her conflicted ones (it happens every time)
"stay" you whisper, she tries to hard to avoid looking at you (it kind of drives you insane) "please stay"
she doesn't stay, but she kisses you. kisses you like she won’t break your heart just a bit again, like she doesn’t pull away and whispers you that she does have to go.
and so you’re left alone. again. left alone to cry.
she comes back though. every morning shift in that hole in the wall cafe you have she shows up, ready to clock in late even if jihyo is about to drag her to practice. even when you have to stay up late, she calls you up, asking if you can buzz her in even at 3 am, even when you have to finish that commission.
she’s relentless with her pursuit for you, but she’s unforgiving for having to pull away when you’re falling deeper and deeper into her spell.
well that’s how you got here.
at a club, definitely somewhere obscure that lets in any person no matter who they are or what they even represent. it doesn’t matter, the lighting is dark, it’s crowded, the music is to loud and the alcohol is swimming around the room.
you don’t even know how much you consumed, everything is starting to spin already. the environment proving to you that this is just a place that you don’t even wanna be in to begin with, and still it’s better because this is the last place where your brain can even think of chaeyoung.
all you can think about is the bodies that are grinding against you, the smell of booze invading your senses, the numerous eyes that look at you and your body on the dance floor, the lady that’s been dancing with you for a while now, her eyes drinking you in
you don’t even notice that she’s manage to lead you away from the dance floor, now in a corner, where you have no where to go. your blurry vision can barely understand the scene in front of you, so you try to go along with it, even if your heart begs for you to stop
before anything happens, you can see her being pulled away by a group of people, all screaming to why she’s targeting a clearly too drunk woman. you can barely make out the group until someone catches you before you stumble, the familiar sent of the perfume instantly calming you down
“let’s get you home yeah?”
it’s motherfucking son chaeyoung. the person who just shoved a person away from kissing you and the one person you were trying to get over.
you can see another figure approaching you, and you can tell it’s your best friend. her worried eyes scanning you from head to toe before releasing a sigh and helping chaeyoung to bring you to the car
the ride was quiet, the only sound the entire ride is the radio playing music. the haziness of it call made it feel short to you, but as soon as you set foot in your apartment and sat down on your couch, you can slightly see things better.
“call me when you’re ok” mina gives you a hug on the couch, her voice softly calming you down before you have to face chaeyoung “it’s ok, your safe now”
she stands up to leave, facing chaeyoung who’s probably no better than you
“you will explain everything to me” mina whispers to her “but make sure y/n is well taken care of tonight”
she hugs chaeyoung before she leaves, having to catch a late night visit to her girlfriend, tzuyu.
that leaves you though with the person you tried to avoid in the first place. you can barely reject her. no. you can’t even push her away and scream ‘leave me alone!’
but you try, you try anyway for the sake of it
“excuse me?”
you try to stand up, and despite the absolute shit state you are in, you look at her with all the venom you can show.
chaeyoung is flabbergasted, mostly worried, but is flabbergasted by the way you manage to turn around your feelings towards her. yesterday you both were just fine
“y/n” she’s cautious, threading on what to say “you’re drunk. let’s get you to bed”
“leave” despite the glare you’re sending her way, she’s coming closer to help you to bed. “you better leave”
“no stop saying i should leave” she’s trying to keep you calm, but that sentence ticks you off to shout
a step closer to you to reach out and you’re body does the first thing a rage filled body can do
a loud smack can be heard across the apartment
it’s silent now, the shock and realization hits chaeyoung as she looks at you. you who had smiled at her like she was the sun, you who had kissed every single one of her tattoos to cheer her up, you who had danced in the rain to the music of a faint distant piano, you who had no hesitation of choosing her again and again and again even when you had every right to break things off
endlessly, with devotion and loyalty
you who had always welcome her back even if you knew she always returned to him
“i-i” you’re speechless, your hand suddenly feeling like it doesn’t belong to you “c-chaeyoung i—”
you can can feel the words clog in your throat. the air starting to feel like it’s not enough. you can feel her slipping away
no, she kneels right in front of you. her hands holding yours and her eyes shining with nothing but love, guilt and shame.
“i’m sorry” chaeyoung kisses your hand, despite the slap you just delivered a minute ago “i’ve been nothing but a meanie haven’t i?”
you break, everything crashing down.
“i’m so sorry” she wipes away your tears, heart taking all of the guilt she had tried to run from, as she sees you like this. her mind finally realizing full extent of the pain she has inflicted on the both of you “my love i’m so sorry”
you sob, sob until she’s holding you close, rubbing circles on your back like she always does to calm you down, her apologies and words of affirmation spilling out of her like she’s rapping to one of her songs.
it takes you a while to calm down, and when you do you can barely move. it takes you another couple of minutes for her to move you to bed at least. changing you into your sleeping clothes (the shirt is her’s, she feels her heart pull at that), cleaning up your face and tucking you into bed
“get some sleep my love” chaeyoung whispers, her finger brushing out any hair that’s fallen on your face “i’ll fix this i promise”
your eyes focus on her’s. eyes that are red as yours from crying. you wonder why she still looks so pretty even if she just broke you
“will you stay?” it’s the last thing you say, and the warm kiss on your cheek is the last thing you feel before you fully surrender to slumber.
in the morning, you manage to wake up with a throbbing head. the headache hurts, everything seems to be too bright or too loud. you can’t even figure out who’s body is spooning you from behind, hands gently playing and combing through your hair
“morning my love”
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vanillanaps · 11 months
Still Get Jealous | Steve Rogers
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Request - Hello, I think you are a master writer and I have a drabble of blurb request only if you’re up for it though. Could you write a jealously trope for steve using the song red high heels? :> If it doesn’t inspire anything, that is okay. Thank you!
A/n - I must’ve forgotten how to write drabbles/blurb cause babyyy I got carried again lmaoo. But, unfortunately anon I didn’t find inspiration with the song you requested I still wanted give you jealousy and red high heels, hope it still fulfills you!!
Category - Steve Rogers x Reader, Angst
Warnings - Steve is a jealous asshole with a reckless mouth, reader drinks to ignore the pain
Word Count - 1.3k
It had been approximately two weeks since Steven Grant Rogers left you alone in your apartment after he had broken up with you. In just a little over a month, it would’ve been your year anniversary with Steve. You were both happy and getting ready to take things to the next level, so it was beyond shocking when he sat you down to explain that he ‘just couldn’t do it anymore’ but you were smart enough to spot the bullshit.
Regardless, you cried. You were falling in love, hard and fast just for him to up and leave you out of the blue. But, as the second week of sulking had taken its time slowly ending, something in you snapped. You realized that you shouldn’t be home, crying and depressed about a man who clearly couldn’t give a rats ass about you.
Wiping your tears, you sat up as you searched for your phone in your tangled sheets and blanket. Once you found it, you quickly dialed the number of your favorite girl who could easily take you out of your slump, “Wanda?”
“Hey, Y/n. I’m so glad you called, you haven’t been responding to my text, I was worried.” She had answered the phone with concern in her voice.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. I just,” You paused, sighing as you threw your covers off of yourself, jumping out of bed, “I’m just sick of crying over Steve you know? I want to go out, I want to have fun, I want to get back to who I was before him—and I wanna do it tonight.”
“Tonight? Y/n, are you sure you’re ready?” Wanda questioned. She was fully supportive of getting you out of the house, but she just wanted you to be sure.
“Yes, tonight. Be ready in an hour.” You told her, hanging up before she could respond, knowing she would try to mother you. Get your real feelings out as to why you were so suddenly ready to go out. But that’s not what you wanted. Even if it was for one night, you just wanted Steve off your mind.
The music blasted loudly in the speakers surrounding the club, the atmosphere through the roof. As you took it all in, you could slowly feel the man slipping from your mind, “Let’s get a drink!” You shouted to Wanda. The two of you held hands as you shuffled to the bar, careful not to lose each other in the club, “Tequila shots please!”
“How many?”
“Just keep them coming!” You shouted to the bartender. He nodded, pouring up the shots and passing them over onto the counter.
“Are you sure, Y/n?!” Wanda asked, picking up her shot as you grabbed yours.
You nodded, “I just need one night not thinking about that—idiot!”
She nodded before holding up her glass to cheer with you, “To forgetting about that idiot!” You both laughed before clicking your glasses and taking the shots.
As promised, the bartender kept the shots coming after each time you both finished one. You felt there was no better way than drowning your sorrows than letting the liquor run through your body, mellowing you out and then letting you forget about the world surrounding you.
But no alcohol in the world could help him forget. Not as he stood in the back corner of the club, watching as you and Wanda take shots back to back. At first, it didn’t bother him. You were out with your friend, having a good time. His ears didn’t turn red from anger until he saw what you were wearing. You had his favorite number on.
A black, skimpy, body con dress that squeezes you in all the right ways, showing off your attributes that he loved. Barely covering your ass so if you were to bend over, the entire club could see all of you. You had your hair in his favorite style and not to mention that red gloss that was painted across those lips that felt like heaven to him. But that wasn’t the worst of it.
Steve made his way closer to you, not close enough to be seen but close enough for his eyes to trail those legs that used to be wrapped around him 24/7. Catching those red, sexy, strappy, five inch stilettos that he bought you. The ones he use to fuck you endlessly in. How could he be such a fucking idiot.
“Wanda, I wanna danceeee!” You slurred, all of those shots starting to take control of your mind and body. You felt good, you felt great.
“Come on!” Taking her last shot, she grabbed your hands quickly pulling you to the dance floor.
You weren’t sure when it happened or how it happened, but at one moment, you were dancing with your best friend, having the time of your life. The next, your ass was pushed up against some man’s crotch as you grinded on him. His hands trailing to any part of your body he could reach. You didn’t mind though, you deserved this. You especially didn’t mind when he nuzzled his face into your neck, pressing soft kisses into your shoulder and neck. For the moment, you were enjoying it and then—you weren’t.
“The fucks your problem dude?!” The random man yelled when you were snatched from his hold.
Your body ran cold when you pulled yourself together, just long enough to see who ruined your dance, “Steve?! What are you doing?!” He ignored you as he grabbed your hand and dragged you through the club and to the exit, “Stop it! Let me go!” He didn’t stop until he got you outside of the club, “What’s your issue?!”
“Two weeks huh? That’s all it took for you to be in the club? Dressed like a hooker and dancing like a slut?” Steve shouted. Immediately he regretted it when he saw the look on your face, but there was nothing he could do to take it back now.
You scoffed, shaking your head, “You’re a real piece of shit, you know that Steve? You broke up with ME for no reason! I cried for two weeks straight because of you! But now, since I’m in the club, with a hooker outfit that YOU bought me, by the way, I’m a slut?!”
Steve's blood was running hot and he was running of anger and jealousy, “You’re drunk, Y/n.”
“I’m not drunk!” You shouted, right before stumbling over your feet, “I’m not that drunk! I’m sober enough to realize that I was doing and to tell you to leave me the fuck alone! I’m not going to spend the rest of my life crying over you when you don't want me! And that stunt you just pulled? Let alone calling me a hooker and a slut all in the same breath? I’m glad we broke up!” You felt it, you felt the tears starting to bubble underneath your eyes, but you didn’t let them fall, “Just leave me alone! I just want to be the person I was before you ruined me, you asshole!”
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” He called out as you started to back away from him, “I broke up with you because I was scared! Everything between us was moving fast and—and I didn’t know what to do so I left!”
“I don’t care, Steve! I don’t care! It’s too late!” You shook your head, not wanting to hear any more excuses. Not wanting him to ruin your night anymore than he already had, “Go find someone else to be scared to fall in love with.”
Just then, Wanda came running out of the club, relieved to see you standing there, “Oh my god, I’ve been looking for you! I was worried.” She breathed, but halted in her tracks when she saw Steve a couple feet away, “Steve? What are you doing here?”
“Leaving, he’s leaving.” You responded for him, turning your back to him and facing Wanda, “Let’s go back inside, I need another drink.”
She nodded, wrapping her arm with yours as the two of you headed back inside without so much as a glance back at the man who realized he truly lost everything.
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Tell me how you'd rape me if you saw me at a bar? I'm soo easily trusting to a kind, charming man who would buy me a drink...
Mmmmm you might not expect it, but I'd be a perfect gentleman alllll the way up to getting you back to your place. I'd buy you as many drinks as you wanted, make as much talk with you as you want, compliment you, maybe sneak in a touch or two, appropriately of course....Reassurance that I'm just gonna help you into bed after you got all drunk and we get to your place. And right as I get you on the bed is when it would change. 😁
I'd start kissing you, telling you how pretty you look, tugging at your clothes and telling you I just want to touch you a little, no sex, just a little touching to make you feel good. Whether or not you let me, what happens next is going to be more or less the same.
If you let me, I'll touch you soft and gentle, kissing and biting nicely at your soft body before I turn; if you don't, I'll just get right to my point. While you lay there, drunk and easy for me to manhandle, I'll rip your clothes apart 😋 tearing open your dress and underwear so I can see your breasts and your pussy, grabbing your throat while I put my mouth to work sucking on your nipples and licking your clit until I decide that I want to fuck.
That's when I'll climb on top of you, covering your mouth with one hand while the other pins both your hands above your head. I'm gonna grind the tip against you bare, get it nice and slick from your soft cunnie, and then ram it in ❤️ I wanna hear you scream into my hand, wanna see tears in your eyes while I rape and violate you 😋 eventually you'll give in, either from being drunk or just being numb from the shock of forced sex.
When I get close I'll comment on how tight you are, and how good it's gonna feel to flood your insides with every last drop of cum that I can give you. I can only hope that you'll buck and whine and cry out, try to stop me. But you're too small, not strong enough to stop me pounding your little hole into the mattress ❤️
I want you to cum from your rape 🤤 Squirming, crying, pleading for me to stop, begging me to stop, you don't want to cum like this. But your body knows what it wants, so you'll feel that high reach it's peak. You'll cum(maybe even squirt? That'd be cute) all over the cock raping you, your cute pussy clenching and shaking as you have the most intense orgasm of your life.
And just as that happens, I'll throb and throb and dump my cum inside your pretty pussy. Maybe it'll take you a moment to realize you've been filled, that your cunnie isn't safe and a strange man just pumped a huge load of cum inside you. I hope you cry some more, because before I leave, I'm going to want to fuck you again and again 😋
When you wake up in the morning, you'll be laying face down in bed. Tally marks in marker on the inside of your yummy thighs for each time I raped one of your holes ❤️ Bruises and hickeys all over your arms, your neck, your breasts, your tummy, your thighs and above your pussy. Cum dripping and spilling from every hole, and your clothes in pieces all around you ❤️
And of course, a nice text message from me:
Hi, baby. I recorded all the nasty, filthy sex we had last night. You'll be having lots more of it with me from now on, whether you like it not. Don't lose my number. Be a good whore and keep your pussy empty until I call to rape you again ❤️
-Love, your New Daddy 😘
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theworldofotps · 6 months
Pairing: Hook x Reader Word Count: 1,839 Description: Going from strangers to lovers to well he isn't sure now.
I've had this song on repeat since it came out and just had to write a piece based on it. Lewis is truly a musical genius and I'm so happy he released these bonus songs. 🖤
Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist​ @melissahausen​ @new-zealand-chic​ @writtingrose​ @99hook @sjwrites22 @sassymox​ @mrsacklesevansmgk​ @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch​ @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​ @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666​ @lilred91​ @rebellious-desires​ @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart​ @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal​ @thatnerdwriter​ @wrestlersownmyheart​ @vebner37​ @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars​ @seeingstarks​ @whenimakeitshine1234​ @legit9thlunaticwarrior​ @blaquekitty​ @ironshamelessyouth​ @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456  @mcreignsera If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ________ Tyler could easily recall the first time he had met you, having gone out after a show to share a couple drinks with the lads while in New York. A bit crowded for a bar on a Wednesday night with more patrons than he would have predicted. Someone had the radio turned up a bit loud and Wonderwall was blasting from the speakers. “I hate this song, it’s so overplayed and let’s be honest they could easily find better music.” Turning his head Tyler couldn’t help a slight chuckle hearing the voice go on about the song currently playing throughout the bar. His eyes landed on you, glancing back at the lads to see they were all to engrossed in whatever they were watching on Dante’s phone. Tyler slipped away from the table and walked over to where you were chatting with the bartender.
“You’re not the only one with that thought, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard this play in one night on the radio.”
Normally he wasn’t so forward, just walking up to a stranger and talking to them but he just felt the need to speak with you. It felt like a jolt of lightning when you turned and smiled at him, his heart fluttered against his ribcage.
“Thank you finally someone who knows what they’re talking about. The name’s y/n pleasure to meet you stranger.”
“Tyler and a pleasure to meet you, mind if I have a seat?”
“Not at all we can continue to talk about why this song needs to be forgotten already.”
You laughed bringing your drink up to your lips to take some of the cool crisp liquid in. Tyler watched in silence for a moment, laughing when your eyes rolled as the chorus came on.
“Honestly give it a break already we know we know after all you’re my wonderwall.”
“Sorta ruins the bar experience, you here by yourself?”
“Yeah, my friend bailed on me, so I figured I’d just sit here anyway, what about you?”
“Nah, I came with some of my friends there are over at one of the tables, but I think they’re watching a game on Dante’s phone, so I just left.”
“Do you think they’d mind if you ditched them to hang out with a stranger?”
“I don’t think they’d be thrilled but they know I can handle myself besides New York is my city I know this place like the back of my hand.”
“Well do you want to go to a park and sit with a drink we can chat there just hang out or something, Long as you promise you’re not a murderer or anything.”
Tyler laughed shaking his head in amusement as he ordered two bottles of drinks to go.
“No, I’m not a murderer I know a park just a few blocks from here.”
After telling his friends what was happening and promising to text them once he got home Tyler led you from the bar. Chatting the whole way to the park where you two sat for hours nursing your drinks and talking about everything you could possibly think of.
That was the first night you stayed at his apartment the two of you both far too interested by each other to even bother sleeping. When he walked you home, he made sure to get your number pressing a kiss to your cheek with a promise to see you soon as he could. Months passed and the two of you became practically inseparable, if you were staying at his apartment when he wasn’t traveling for work, he was staying at yours. You even went to a few of his shows once you found out what Tyler did for a living. It was no surprise when he asked you out for the first time when he had a month off work. He couldn’t seem to get you out of his head every time he was away, he was falling faster than he ever had before.
“Something is obviously bothering you babe.”
Tyler said as he laid on his side behind you gently rubbing your back, you’d been a quieter than usual since he got back from his last show.
“I read some of the comments from your fans on that picture Danhausen posted, they think that you and Kris are secretly together. And then I saw a thread where they were listing people you would be a perfect match with.”
You spoke softly looking at the wall you weren’t sure why it had gotten to you suddenly, the two of you agreed to keep your relationship private. You didn’t want the spotlight but there were still moments where you felt like you didn’t measure up to the beautiful women, he was surrounded by all the time. Tyler listened his frown deepening the more you spoke. Gently he tugged your shoulder so you would roll over to face him.
“Y/n, I can’t say I know what you’re feeling because I’m not you, but I know what it feels like to question your self-worth and feel like you aren’t good enough. But I can promise you there’s nobody else I’d rather be with than you. I’ve never fallen for someone like I have you and I mean that; I’ve waited all my life to find something like this. What we have is special, what we have is something I wouldn’t trade or let go of if I could help it.”
Tyler held your hand in his placing a soft kiss to your knuckles as his thumb gently rubbed little circles into the back of your hand. You listen pushing some of the hair out of his face as your heart swelled.
“You really mean all of that?”
“Swear it on everything, I love you y/n and you’re the only one for me I want everything that comes with it. And if it would make you feel more secure coming out and telling everyone we can I just want you to know that I want you and only you.”
It was the first time he’d ever said those words and it felt like his heart was lodged in his throat as he waited for your response. Your eyes searching his face as you smiled at him and leaned close your lips brushing ever so softly against his.
“I love you too Tyler.”
The joy and happiness that flowed through him was one he hadn’t experienced before he cupped your cheeks and kissed you. His body relaxing more into the mattress as the weight that had been on his chest lifted.
He knew it was coming before you had even said anything had noticed over the last few weeks you pulling farther away from him. Your replies to his messages while away were shorter and took longer for replies. Tyler knew the distance was starting to affect your relationship but he couldn’t help it he had a job that needed to be done and that included traveling. The bigger he got as a wrestler the more he was needed for public appearances. You had tried to be understanding but it had gotten to the point that you weren’t happy. The rumors flying that Tyler had taken a girl back to his hotel room hadn’t helped either, he did everything to prove to you that he was faithful. It was one of his coworkers Anna who came by long enough to pick up her boyfriend’s duffle bag that Tyler had grabbed by mistake. When you stopped by his place on one of the few nights, he was home he knew as soon as he opened the door what was coming.
“You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?”
Tears filled your eyes as you nodded your head, you hated the thought, but you couldn’t drag this out any longer. Neither of you deserved that Tyler bit the inside of his cheek as his eyes watered, he looked at the ceiling hoping you wouldn’t notice how much this was killing him. Opening the door wider he seen an empty box in your hands and knew you had come to collect some of your things. This was it, the moment he’d been dreading for weeks and had hoped was just a figment of his overactive thinking.
He watched in silence as you collected some of your items slowly erasing yourself from the apartment.
“I’ll be back for the rest soon or whenever you’re home again.”
“You won’t reconsider, can’t we talk about this?”
His voice was gruff with tears, and it broke your heart to see him this way, giving a slow shake of your head you swallowed the lump building in your throat.
“This is for the best Tyler, I’m sorry but I just can’t do this anymore I wish you the best. I’ll never forget you.”
Pressing a kiss to his cheek you left closing the door leaving him alone with the silence the only sound he could hear was the ticking of his watch the pounding of his heart in his chest. Then the quiet sobs that were leaving him as he fell to the floor. He couldn’t believe you were really gone; sure, he could have tried to argue with you more. But he knew once you made your mind up about something, especially when it came to your happiness, there was no way to change it.
Falling asleep that night had been difficult, the smell of your perfume lingered in the bedroom and when he woke up, remembering this wasn’t a horrible nightmare, he broke down again.
Tyler spent the following weeks after locked away in the apartment the countless beer bottles surrounded his bed and stubbed out joints in the ashtray on his nightstand. He did everything he could to try and forget you, hoping the booze would dull the pain and the high would numb his mind. Nothing worked, here he was the days slipping by blurring into one long period. Every time his phone rang, and it wasn’t you he’d leave it there. His voicemail was finally full, his friends and family had been by more than once trying to get him to answer the door. The only way they even knew he was alive was the occasional reply to his dad.
He felt like his world had crumbled and buried him under the crushing weight of grief, the end of a relationship that had brought him such a joy he hadn’t known before. While you were out there moving on, he was stuck in a cycle of drinking and smoking to try and forget it all. He couldn’t understand any of it, he never imagined that going from strangers to lovers only to be strangers all over again would hurt this badly. It was a pain he wouldn’t wish on anyone and yet here he was going through that exact ache, only now he didn’t know how to cope. Didn’t know how he was going to get over this heartbreak or if he even could.
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starysky1289 · 7 months
Vanessa X Reader. Boba date
Note: if you feel like you have seen this before, you have. In my original account u wrote Boba date, I wanted to rewrite it here <3
The Holiday music buzzed around you, you sat in a small booth, scrolling through your phone as you waited for Vanessa. She had promised you a few days prior that you two could meet up at the local Boba Shop on her lunch break.
You looked out through the front windows, looking for any sign of that old cop car your girlfriend was assigned, and refused to give up. You always teased her about it, calling it her second girlfriend.
A few moments, you saw the black and white car pull in, you quickly got up to meet her at the door. Vanessa was still wearing her Police uniform, she must of raced here after clocking out for lunch.
“ Y/N! There’s my girl. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long “
Vanessa purred, kissing you gently, letting you take her by the hand and walk her into the line of other people.
“ no, you didn’t! I missed you, I was so excited all day! “
“ I’ve missed you too. Hey, this one’s on me. You get whatever size, drink, and snack you want, ok? “
You smiled, squeezing Vanessa hand as you nodded. Vanessa was like one of those scary pitbulls in her uniform. Everyone in the shop was glancing up at her, a little worried she’d break her soft character and arrest some random person.
But that wasn’t your Vanessa. Your Vanessa spoiled you on dates, and wouldn’t do any work business unless absolutely necessary. You both finally made your way up to the Cashier, they cleared there throat before taking to you.
“ welcome to bubble boba, what can i get you two? “
Vanessa nudged you gently to order first.
“ I’ll have a large Fruit Punch Slush, with mango popping boba, and Blueberry muffin! “
“ I’ll get a Milk tea, extra tapioca beads please, and…I’ll do a peppermint chip muffin. “
The Cashier punched your orders into there screen, looking back up at you.
“ that’ll be 18.67, swipe here when your ready “
Vanessa quickly swiped her card through the slot, before sticking it back into her belt. The Cashier handed her the order receipt, and you both stood over to the side.
“ anything interesting happen at work yet? “
You playfully asked, Vanessa ran her fingers through your hair, laughing softly.
“ nope. Ives been handing out speeding tickets. I did see a deer earlier though, and nice big Buck, I’ll send you the picture later. “
You grinned again, as your order number was called. You both went up and grabbed your drinks and muffins.
“ let’s go eat in my shop. Just be careful, chief gets on our ass if we leave crumbs. “
“ I’ll be careful Nessa! “
You both headed out of the shop, you sat shotgun in the squad car, you were always amazed by how many buttons the car had. Vanessa would always talk about how each one worked.
“ hey, I get home late today, if you wanna start watching Love Island you can, just don’t spoil it when we watch it together, ok? “
“ it’s ok, I’ve got my own show I’m into, I know you wouldn’t like it, it’s about silly magic stuff “
Vanessa smiled, rustling your hair with her fingers. You both began to eat and drink your stuff, chatting the hour away. Vanessa tells you about the work place drama, and you tell her how you watched the neighborhood kids ride bikes for the first time, up and down the street while you cleaned.
At the hours end, You both got of of the car, you pulled Vanessa into a tight hug, gripping her waist.
“ I’ll miss you. “
“ I’ll be home in the morning sweet heart. “
“ but still…what if I just came with you and you kept me in the back! “
Vanessa only chuckled, leaning down and kissing you gently, pushing your hair behind your ears.
“ the chief would be mad, than he would make me lock you up, and you’d cry, and I’d feel bad. “
“ true. Promise you’ll text me when you can!! “
“ I will. I love you sweetheart. “
“ I love you more nessy!! “
You kissed her again, before letting her go. You both got into your respective cars, blowing playful kisses at eachother before pulling off. You were already planning the next Lunch date in your head.
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wonbin-truther · 3 months
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< chapter 6 • loud music >
despite the set ending a while ago, the small rustic bar was as packed as it was when they had first went on. karina had left to go outside and smoke with some friends from her cheerteam, jisung had been pulled away by some of the frat guys, and keeho and sana had disappeared to god knows where which left you all alone at the group table. you stirred the drink in front of you, taking small sips as you watched the people dance on top of each other. the night was still young but the exhaustion of todays classes were already getting to you. you were about to get up and leave, phone already pulled out to send a text to the group chat until someone slipped into the chair next to you.
"hey. did your friend give you my number?" the voice leaned in close to your ear so that you could hear. you felt the warm breath fan down your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
"yea i did. you guys were amazing" you couldn't make out any of his facial features. the only thing you could sense out of the darkness and loud music was the feeling of soft kisses to your jawline. you turned towards where he was sitting, allowing for better access to your neck which he happily accepted. you tangled your fingers in his soft locks. you felt the kisses travel back from your neck to your jawline and finally to your ear, "wanna go somewhere more quiet?"
you quickly maneuvered through the dark hallway, making your way to a corner of the bar you knew no one went near. his hand traveled under the thin material of the short skirt you had on, prodding near the lining to your panties. you could feel the rough pads of his fingers ghosting over your clit. you pulled his head away from your neck where he had been leaving dark marks and small love bites and crashed your lips into his, moaning into his mouth as he drew circles with his fingers. you pulled away from the kiss as your knees started to feel weak. you were about to pull off his top before your phone started to buzz and ring repeatedly.
"oh what the fuck" you almost screamed, both from the stress and stimulation of his fingers slipping inside you.
you patted his chest, signaling for him to stop. he pulled his fingers out, causing you to let out whine and clench around nothing. he fixed his shirt and tried to adjust the tent in his pants as you placed your phone between your shoulder and ear and fixed your skirt.
"you better have a damn good reason for blowing up my phone right now." you angrily whispered into the phone, trying your best to keep your tone down so the man in front of you wouldn't sense the hate. it clearly didnt work because he let out a low chuckle.
"ji threw up and passed out and karina is faded" a mans voice echoed from the phone.
"im coming to you just stay outside," you sighed and hung up the phone, quickly running off before wonbin could grab you.
he sighed softly to himself. he didnt even get to ask you what your name was.
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previous • masterlist • next
Summery - y/n didn't ask to be the chosen one, and even if she had a choice she knows for a fact she would never have chosen this. being bounced from school to school due to the trouble that seems to follow her everywhere was not the most ideal situation. but the hot guy in her 9pm statistics class makes it all worth it. i mean, oogling him was the least she deserved for saving the world every night.
tags • @starwonb1n @222brainrot
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Relationships Can Kill
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Well I have no motivation or ideas to write part three and i also started school last Wednesday so I've been busy, this is gonna be a short one since i had the urge to write something. I finally got to watching the episode where will leaves and that episode was so chaotic and i cried a little. This is also based off before Jay resigns and leaves. While doing this i was researching best universities to study medicine. Even though I'm only a sophomore in high school. (This is old i started school like a month ago)
Summary: You and your older brother Nate get into a heated argument over rumors, but did he know that his last words to you would be so brutal?
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Angst, Arguing, Fighting Drinking/Hungover, and death (My bad for this)
You walked off the bus excited because Jay let you doordash tonight and it was friday AND Jay and Will were coming home from their brother bonding trip. You punched the numbers into the keypad and closed the door behind you. You were very thankful that Jay and Hailey had gotten a house and let both you and your brother move in with them.
“Hey Nate, wanna go play hockey with me on the lake” Nate could basically do everything but the thing he did the most was hockey, he promised to teach you so both you and him could compete against each other during the winter.
“No, I'm busy,” Nate said quickly. “Okay, do you want anything from Panda Jay let me doordash some tonight” You said “No i wouldn't wanna mess up your date with my girlfriend” Nate Spat.
“Girlfriend? I dont even like your girlfriend and i'm pretty sure she hates me so why on earth would i-” Nate cut you off and started yelling.
“I WOULD BELIEVE HER ANY DAY OVER YOU, now get outta my way, i hate you so much” Nate slammed the front door and you just stood there shocked. Instead of crying or running after him you pulled your phone from your pocket and ordered your food.
After eating dinner and getting your homework done you went ahead and texted the family group chat but only one with Will,Jay, and Hailey.
The Cops and Doctors
Y/n- When will you guys be home?
Hails <3- Soon, i have to finish this case. Do i need to bring home food
Y/n - No, Jay gave me money for Doordash
Hails <3 - Alright, I'll see you later.
Y/n - Bye Hailey
Hails <3 Bye Hailey.
You closed your messages app and decided to watch some tik tok since you would probably be bored until everyone got home.
Crash, you whipped your head to see 4 men dressed in all black standing in your room…Now you wished Nate was here.
Hailey walked in and the house was sortta quiet, the tv and the lights were still on but otherwise that's it. “Y/N? NATE?” Hailey shouted, nothing. Maybe they're sleeping or they're in the shower, she thought.
When Hailey peaked through Nate's door he wasn't there, Hailey knocked on your door “Y/n are you decent” Again nothing. “Y/n?.... Y/n i'm coming in” Hailey said as she was turning the doorknob.
When Hailey opened the door any happiness she had went outside the window. “Shit shit shit, NATE! NATE”
No response. Hailey didn't have time to worry about him; you were dying on the floor and you were her biggest priority.
“Y/n Halstead you do not get to do this to me, your brothers and everyone, you can't, cmon,cmon” Hailey screamed as she continued CPR.
“Hails, Y/n, Nate I’m home” Jay screamed. He waited for you to come screaming and running to him like you always did but this time you didn't, this time all jay could here was screaming and sobbing.
Jay pulled out his gun and slowly walked up the stairs of the house and walked to your room where the screaming came from. What he saw next made him freeze for about ten seconds before dropping the gun to the ground and immediately sliding over to and hailey.
“What happened?” Jay sobbed, “I-I don't know I came home and just found her like this.” Hailey replied as she CPR. Jay looked around your room and it was completely ransacked. Your dresser drawers were open and clothes either hanging from them or out of them, papers on the floor, and all your electronics were gone. Your tv, Computer, Phone, and they even somehow found your burner phone you could use to call someone in case of an emergency where you didnt have your phone because you were grounded.
“Hailey let me take over, you're getting tired.” Nothing, hailey didn't even look up from you. Jay pushed her off of you, not really a push but kinda scooted her away and continued CPR. Hailey ran to get her phone and punched in the numbers to call 9-1-1.
“Any sign of him?” Will asked. Nobody knew where Nate was, and his friends weren't telling anybody anything. “No, they have Adam outside the house just in case he turns up at the house” Even though the family used Life360, Nate turned his phone off. Typical of him.
Just then Connor walked into the waiting room. Will knew that face he had on very well, he knew it all too well because he would be the one to deliver the news sometimes.
“How is she?” Jay asked whistl standing up from the chair. Connor shook his head. “She didn't make it, I'm so sorry” “Bu-but you found a pulse you-you said that she was gonna make it” Jay said whilst holding back his tears.
“One of her rooms puntcered the carotid artery. I'll explain it to you when you're ready or whenever both of you are ready. Will can explain but otherwise wise i'm so sorry i couldn't have done more.” You could hear by voice that he wanted to cry but he had to hold it together for Will and Jay.
“Can we see her?.” Jays voice quiet. Connor led the brothers to the room you were in. “Oh y/n, we're so sorry” Will choked as he stroked your bruised Knuckles. Jay stood there, not moving, not reacting, not talking. His sister, his little sister, his only sister was gone, and you were never coming back.
6am, 6 fucking am is when your brother came back, hungover af. He looked like he drank like there was no tomorrow.
Jay nor Will was in the house. Both of them couldn't stay in that house with what happened, plus Will didn't trust Jay to be by himself so they were both at Will's apartment.
“Where have you been?” Hailey said. The whole team was doing an investigation along with another team as well. “I was out on a run” His words slurred. “Drinking? You think I don't know the signs of someone being hungover. Nate, your sister is in the hospital.” Hailey was holding back on saying you were gone. “What why?” Nate froze “Because whilst you were gone someone broke in and stabbed her to death.” Hailey cried.
“What? It was only supposed to be a joke” He mumbled. “What?” Hailey stopped fidgeting with her fingers. “It was supposed to be a joke, pay back, they were only supposed to scare her and pretend to take her stuff, they weren't supposed to kill her.” Nate said.
“Hey Adam and Kev, downstairs now, we've got him” Hailey said into her radio. “Nathanyal Halstead you're being arrested for the murder of y/n Halstead, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be used against you in the court of law” Adam said as he arrested the teen. “She was a good sister and she was your only sister, now you're gonna suffer the consequences of a Practical joke” She whispered into his ear.
Hailey wanted to be the one who broke the news to will and jay. They did do an autopsy and it did show that you put up a fight. did Nathanyal say who was also involved in your murder for his sentence to go down. 50 years in prison without chance of parole. During your funeral you were named a Hero and an amazing person to all. Even though you didn't get to be a future doctor they put up a Memorial outside med and that was their way of honoring your Dream.
The fact is i'm also learning about the human body sometimes while I'm writing chapters because i like my information to be somewhat correct. 
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str0l0gy · 1 year
IN WHICH you, in need of a summer fling, find exactly what you were looking for in an afterparty.
DISCLAIMERS mentions of alcohol & smoking (ouid), typical rich kid behavior, mentions of members of other kpop groups
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summer was near. everyone felt it running through their veins. the warm air, the hot temperature, the lack of clothes, and the large number of parties. everyone loved it. the feeling of partying until sunrise, the sound of the waves on the beach, the sun burning your skin on the boats, the spontaneous trips on private jets, the sleepovers.
it was a tradition to do an after-party after the ceremony on the last day of school. the party started the second the ceremony ended — so everything was ready the morning of the last day of school —. the main guests were the people from the school, each guest gets to bring their plus-ones, — many people invited more than one — students from all over the city came to this party. the location of the party changed annually, this year, it was hosted in choi soobin’s —your ex-summer fling — mansion.
upon arriving at the party, you see people still entering the mansion, music blasting, and lights flashing. you decided to show up an hour later so the party could get good before you wasted your time at the awkward phase of the party. going in the house, the sudden smell of weed hit your nose. the house was foggy with dim, colored lights. you see familiar faces, but one caught your attention from afar. you look down at your phone as you felt it vibrate in your hands. sunghoon had texted you.
sunghoon: u look good today
y/n: don’t look too bad urself… u need something?
sunghoon: oh so i can’t talk to u now w/o needing something from u?
you looked up from your phone, only to have sunghoon’s gaze already on you. his eyes followed your figure to the table where all the drinks were, he himself following you shortly after. you take a sip out of your champagne glass as your eyes focused on the tall figure approaching you, “you’re not supposed to be talking to me, remember?” you leaned against the table with your elbow supporting your weight.
“who said?” he raised an eyebrow at you. during your fling with soobin, he warned you to not interact with anyone in his group of friends, which was pretty large and consisted of nine people. that seemed impossible as you were friends with the majority of them since you met the group while hanging out with soobin. although, he did warn you specifically about sunghoon. he’s bad news, he told you.
“you know who…” you recall telling him what had happened between you and soobin at a party, and from that day, both of you became closer.
he shrugged as he walked closer to you, his cologne masked the strong smell of weed lingering around the space — even though he did smell like it himself — while he reached his arm out to get a shot from behind you. his face was close to yours as he leaned over to reach the shot glass. your eyes stayed on him while he threw his head back to take the shot. his face stayed neutral the whole time, leaving you impressed, but you didn’t show it, of course.
he watched you take another sip from your glass before saying anything, “aren’t you supposed to be with your little group?” you signaled to the group of boys in the corner of the room, not noticing that one of the boys was gone.
“why would i wanna be there when you’re here?”
you cracked a smile because of how cheesy that statement was. you take this moment to really take a look at him. he wore a suit, his hand was decorated with some silver rings, and his neck has a couple of necklaces around it. boy, was he handsome, the fact that his white button-up wasn’t buttoned all the way up, so you could catch a glimpse of his bare chest, was so attractive. the purple hues of the light didn’t help with that. his messy hair, which contrasted his formal attire, was over his eyes. before walking up the stairs, your hand reached up to his hair, ruffling it to get it out of his face. the boy wasted no time following behind you.
you reached the empty hallway, the tension only growing thicker from here. you found yourself on the balcony, leaning over the railing with your elbows. the boy standing next to you, like a shadow mirroring your position, looked at your features — more clearly this time —. you had always attracted him, ever since he laid eyes on you. despite being with one of his closest friends, he still took an interest in you.
“you look beautiful tonight.” his deep voice broke the comfortable silence between you two.
you turn your attention to him. you couldn’t hold your smile back at the compliment. his bold eye contact caused you to look away from him, and your hair fell from your shoulder by doing so. you felt his warm hand push the strand of hair out of your face, making you turn to him once again. this time he made you keep your attention on him by putting his finger under your chin, making you look up at him. you noticed the distance between you and him decreased.
you nervously reciprocated the eye contact, only for him to trail his eyes down to your lips. you saw him lick his lips before asking, “can i kiss you?”
needless to say that the search for a summer fling was unnecessary now.
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pohyuck · 1 year
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lee donghyuck x reader
☆ fluff, tiny bit of angst, jealousy, cheating, kissing, heavy cursing, childhood friends to lovers, 4.3k wc
not proofread
haechan was playing with his friends when he heard a girl cry loudly, turning his head he saw two boys making fun of the little girl.
despite him being smaller than the two, he didn't think twice about hiding you behind him and yelling at the other two to leave you alone.
you two have been unseperable ever since, and he promised never to let anyone hurt you again.
who would have thought that in the end, he would be the cause to your heartache?
although the grownups in your life constantly encourage you to enjoy your youth since you won't get the chance to do it again, there are some aspects of it that are unpleasant. the continual change in your body, the pressure from those around you, and the abandonment of friends.
its pathetic how you still care about the guy that left you without saying anything.
you and haechan have some sort of friday night ritual where he comes over to watch a movie marathon with you. but tonight, for some reason, he wasn't there. even though you weren't very concerned by it, you still felt compelled to ask him about it.
weird. you thought. no reply.
you just shrugged it off, figuring that he was either asleep or had an urgent task to complete. but once it had been three days and he hadn't replied or read your texts, you began to worry.
you just decided to ask him about it at school. however, he was acting even stranger at school. his responses seemed reserved, and eventually, he simply ignored you.
you tried to reach out to him often, but each time he gave you an excuse to be left alone. you just stopped communicating with him after you grew tired of his attitude.
it left you hurt and confused. the night you finally accepted that you had lost your bestfriend, you buried yourself in your tears.
you're really grateful to your friends for helping you get over what happened and you don't know what you would have done without them.
"tonight's the night you finally get out there! there are a lot more better, hotter men out there than that idiot, redacted" your friend, youngsi exclaims
"i just got here how are you drunk already" you ask as you try to hold her stable
"well i arrived here 2 hours ago so i don't think you expected me to hold myself back for you. i would die for you, but you know it's alcohol over you. only the truth" she says and you scrunch your nose at the smell of alcohol in her breath.
"and i'm not drunk! just tipsy! now let's find you a man. but first, a drink of course." she grins as she pulls you deeper into the crowd.
she hands you your drink and asks, "so, have you seen anyone interesting yet?" she raises her eyebrows at you
renjun approaches you and wrapped you both in a hug "good evening ladies" he greeted with a smile "what's up"
"hey rj, we're on a mission to find y/n's new man tonight" youngsi grins and renjun just chuckles. "well, goodluck with that i'm gonna go play some beer pong. you guys wanna join?" youngsi already stood up ready to follow him, he looks at you "i'm good. i just want to sit down for now. you guys have fun though." he smiles at you and youngsi hugged you before walking away
not too long after your friends had left you, a guy sat down beside you, you didn't acknowledge him until he spoke
"hey, you're y/n right?" he asks in a quiet tone "oh hi, yes i am, i'm sorry but may i ask for your name?," you reply "i'm han sungho, we study at the same university but a seperate campus, i see you a lot on the bulettin board. you're really pretty"
you both blushed "thanks. what's your course?" "fine arts" he smiles shyly
"oh! that is so cool you know fine arts was actually my second choice," the both of you talked the whole night, enjoying each other's company
after exchanging numbers, you two got closer and eventually started dating.
they were both rushing late, and jeno, haechan's roommate, roared into his ear, "DONGHYUCK GET THE FUCK UP." haechan grumbled and griped, asking why he would even bother to wake him up.
"i would feel too guilty leaving without you." "please adjust for me once and go get washed up" he begs. "five more minutes" haechan groans. "screw that, just change. NOW. or i'm really going to go without you"
he hurried to get ready as soon as he could, feeling quite awful for making his friend run late.
"hey, what's with the long face?" jaemin greets them with a smile. "fucking exhausted" haechan groans. "wouldn't have happened if you actually rested and not play video games the whole night" jeno nags.
"why rest when you can just play video games right?" jeno rolled his eyes at this and haechan just shrugged.
as soon as your breaks matched, sungho and you made the decision to have lunch together. given that his room is close to the cafeteria, you decided to pick him up.
haechan passed by you as you stood outside the room waiting for your partner, but you didn't appear to notice. he continued to turn to face you until he caught you with sungho. he winced at this and turned aside, oblivious to his own thoughts.
your professor was pairing you up for a group assignment the following day, and when your heard the name he called with yours, your hands started to sweat
"hi y/n! it's been too long since we last talked, how are you?" jaemin sits next to you. you were pretty close to haechan's friends, but since he ghosted you, all of your interactions have ended.
"hey jaemin, i've been alright" you reply in a low tone, not quite ready to be talking with someone that is within haechan's circle
"that's nice to hear. well, i'm looking forward to working with you, friend" he says while shaking your hand. you smiled and nod at him
"i still cant believe that out of the 50% chance i would get partnered up with a haechanette, i actually get partnered up with a haechanette" you gripe
youngsi shakes her head at this "guess universe isn't on your side for today. but maybe it's a sign?" she says while tilting her head
"why would it be a sign? for what?"
"duh! for you know, you and haechan.. actually no i don't want that it's nothing it's just a class project! atleast it isn't him you were partnered up with" you agree with this. "and it would be strange since youre not in the same class so.. whatever just goodluck, girl"
you both agreed that it would be best to do the project at jaemin's dorm since it was closer to the campus than yours and you still had a class in two hours.
you can't help but worry about running into haechan though.
"don't worry he won't be home until 5, you know i won't put you in such a situation y/n" jaemin assures you. having some of your tension eased, you can now breathe more easily.
as you were on your way to class, and as the elevator doors open, the man inside was haechan, luckily, you didn't react at all and just went inside, he hopped out and left. you didn't realize you were holding your breath until you were alone
"holy shit" haechan says while walking to his dorm, he got inside looking pale and wide-eyed "what the hell happened to you?" jaemin questions. haechan didn't reply to him and just went into his room
the whole time you were in class, all you could think about was the situation at the dorm, you were lucky enough that you didn't meet in their dorm room but not lucky enough to just not run into him at all. you sigh deeply
you've been coming over to jaemin's dorm for a while now, and fortunately, you haven't seen haechan yet since the time you met at the elevator so you we're feeling ease.
and since the universe isn't always on your side, as you were putting your shoes on, ready to leave, someone opens the front door, and that someone just happens to be the person you've been avoiding
he gave you a quick glance before entering his room. jaemin had an embarrassed expression on his face when you turned to face him he mouthed sorry to you, and you just shook your head
when you told your friends about what happened, their jaws were on the floor
"i cannot believe that just happened" renjun finally spoke and youngsi was just looking at you with her mouth widely open. renjun closed her mouth and said, "so what did he do he just looked at you and go?" you nod, "well yeah, what is there to talk about anyway? i'm actually glad he didn't speak to me" youngsi grumbles. she was already enraged with haechan since you had formerly spent more time with him, but after he hurt you, she has absolutely abhorred him.
"that's nice then, you won't have to worry about talking to him even if he's at the dorm. you'll get the project done sooner and you wouldn't have to worry about meeting him at all! yay!" she celebrates. you and renjun only looked at each other, both unsure of the situation
"why was y/n here? jaemin i know you're a playboy and all but you should know enough not to fuck with her" haechan says, annoyed
"i would never try to get with someone who's taken. she only came over so we could do our project for mr. kim's class. and unlike you, i try not to hurt my friends" jaemin rolls his eyes at haechan and walked away
haechan only sighs and sat by himself.
jeno was clueless about what happened so he was confused why his friends were quiet "okay, can someone tell me what the fuck happened?" jaemin grumbles and haechan looked away "alright, you two go get dressed up we are going to hang out today, make up, and be best friends forever, how about that?" jeno says with hope of his friends agreeing
"how about we just stay home?" haechan remarks "how about i just rip your playstation to pieces?" jeno threatens "you wouldn't" "yes i would, i'm not the one who pays it" they squint their eye at each other "fine"
haechan noticed you and sungho together as they were strolling around the mall; he wishes he were the one holding your hand and making you laugh, but he doesn't deserve it after what he had done to you.
"so, where do you kids want to go?" jeno puts his arms around jaemin and haechan's shoulders "home" jaemin says. jeno flicks his forehead
"i want ice cream" haechan says as he saw you and sungho walk in the ice cream shop. "let's go get some ice cream then"
he searched the room for you when he entered and when he did, he spotted you giving your partner ice cream and taking pictures of him. he felt so envious
"yo, what do you want to order" jeno taps his shoulder
as they were having their ice cream he was only looking at you, when jeno saw what haechan was doing, he slammed his head and said, "you had me pay ten bucks for you to stare at a girl?!" jaemin glances in the same general direction that haechan was looking and sighs.
as soon as you finished your dessert, you hastily left since you were conscious of someone staring at you and it made you feel uncomfortable.
"you okay, love?" sungho asks you as he was worried "yeah i'm fine i just have to go to the bathroom real quick" sungho nods at you
"i can't believe were almost done! thank you oh my gosh" you sigh happily and jaemin just smiles
"ugh this month has been so tiring, i'm just glad i got partnered up with someone i know" you agree with this
haechan left his room and announced that he was going to the store to buy some things "i'll be back soon please don't lock the door i broke my keys. or at least open it for me later." jaemin gives him a thumbs up and returns to working with you
on his way to the store, haechan noticed a couple acting affectionately on the sidewalk. he was going to cringe until he realized who the man was.
"that shameless fucker" haechan mutters, contemplating whether to confront sungho or simply tell you what he saw. he assumes that it would be best to do so when he returns, but by that time, you had already left.
he decides he would just tell you the next time you come over
he felt so awful and guilty every time you passed him with sungho and you looking so happy. he wanted to interrupt you both so he could tell you what the man has been doing to behind your back.
haechan asked jaemin if he could have some time alone with you "please. just 10 minutes" he pleads. jaemin sighs and lets him "i swear if you make her uncomf-" haechan cuts him off "i won't!"
haechan opening the door for you caught you off guard. you simply walked his path without saying a word. he gave you a glass of water and you thank him softly
"so where's jaemin?" "y/n i have something to tell you" you felt nervous when these words came out of his mouth. "what is it about?" you ask "it's about your boyfriend, sungho?" you nod and giving him the signal to continue
"remember when i told you i was gonna pick some stuff up at the store? i saw him with some girl on my way there. they were being so touchy too"
"are you sure this is not just some joke of yours?" you weren't certain he could be trusted.
"what?" he looked confused "haechan, i'm not in the mood for this right now" he sighs and says "y/n i'm not kidding why would i joke about this?"
"well it's kind of natural to lose your trust in someone after they leave you" you shrug and he just hangs his head low "it's your choice whether to believe me or not. i did my part to let you know"
all you could think of whenever you were with sungho was what haechan told you. since he often felt the need to leave school as soon as his classes concluded and had been acting a little aloof lately, you believed that he had an urgent matter to attend to and didn't bother to question anymore.
but once he came over at yours, you noticed something and say, "i didn't give you that" he looked at you confused "give me what" you pointed at his neck "that hickey on your fucking neck, sungho"
he rubbed it and made an attempt at an explanation, but it was too blatant. he reached out to you but you moved away, saying, "get out," "y/n i can expl-" "I SAID GET OUT!"
your friends were out of town and the only person you could reach was jaemin. since you've been working on your project virtually every week, you two have become closer. you walked over to his room since you knew he wouldn't judge you.
when the door opened, it wasn't jaemin who was on the other side; instead, it was haechan, who had first warned you about this.
he pulled you into the room after noticing your tears, and was taken aback when you hugged him. he just held you until you were comforted.
"i'm sorry for interrupting, but I simply needed some company and thought jaemin would answer the door for me."
while wiping away the tears from your cheeks, haechan said, "hey, it's alright. jaemin's not home, but i hope i can provide you the company that you need?"
you sat down on the couch and began to tell him what had happened. he listened intently as you said, "he cheated on me, hyuck," and as more tears rolled down your cheeks, he pulled you into a hug, saying, "it will be okay, y/n. i'm here."
you mutter, "you still owe me an apology," to which he responds, "i know, and I want to make it up to you. can i pick you up and bring you to our spot tomorrow?" you nodded as you turned to face him, and he grinned and fluffed your hair.
being with haechan once more was comfortable. you hoped that he wouldn't hurt you again.
he fulfilled upon his word by picking you up the next day and driving you to your favorite place for stargazing. you were sat at the hood of his car and he began to speak
"i want to start by saying thank you for allowing me to apologize to you. y/n, i'm very sorry. i was struggling to feel okay and just wasn't able to get well. i didn't tell you about it because i knew you would have tried to help, but i didn't want you to. the people around me made it worse, school was also bullshit, and everything was just stressful. i wanted to improve myself for you, and i wanted to do it alone. i would be unpleasant and swear at everyone who attempted to help me, so i fled out of fear that i would do the same to you. until i was too frightened to even approach you. so sorry again. please try to forgive me; i promise to treat you better. i was a coward and i'm so stupid to do that to my best friend who only wanted the best for me."
you start to tear up "hyuck, i'm sorry for what happened to you and i'm sorry for not attempting to understand you. thank you for trying to do that for me, but i would have loved if you let me know earlier," you both laughed as you made a light joke. "i forgive you" you smile at him "you don't have to apologize for anything; it's all my fault, thank you y/n" he said as he gazed up at you and pulled you into a close hug.
when your friends returned, you filled them in on what happened between you and sungho as well as the reconciliation between you and haechan.
youngsi clenches her hands and says, "i'm literally going to beat sungho up," while renjun sobs, "i'm so sorry y/n, i was out having fun while you were alone. i'm so sorry."
when you noticed that renjun was crying, you started to cry as well. you comforted him, saying, "rj, it's okay haechan was with me, i'm glad you got to relax without having to think of anything else, you deserve that more than anything."
youngsi also started to cry and the three of you continued to weep and drink all night. words cannot express how grateful you are to have them.
you made the decision to go out to a club with your friends tonight, and they asked that you bring haechan.
haechan was overjoyed by this and eager to see you once more. he picked you up and drove you both to the place
"hey girl!" youngsi greets you haechan smiled at her and she replied with a nod "renjun's at the bar, let's get you both a drink"
haechan stayed by your side the entire night and made sure not to drink much so he could drive you back to your place after. "you guys, i have to go, my man's waiting for me outside" youngsi announced and renjun asked if he could come with as he wasn't feeling too well anymore. you bid your goodbyes and you're left alone with haechan
"do you want to go home too? you're drunk already" you scoffed "no i'm not!" he just nodded at you "maybe a little bit," you run your hands through his leather jacket, he felt tense
"i am so attracted to you right now" he blushed "hyuck, i want you" you sat on his lap and he held you by your waist "y/n, you're drunk. i'm taking you home" "i'm not drunk!" you whine. he walks you to his car and drove you home. he heard you gently call his name while he was tucking you in bed. you tugged on his jacket's hem and whispered, "stay"
when you were going to make yourself some tea since you had woke up with the worst headache ever and were trying to recall how the hell you got home, you noticed a man sleeping on your couch. you screamed loudly, causing the man to jump and tumble off the couch.
"haechan!? what are you doing here!?" "you were begging me to stay last night! it was the only way to make you go to sleep!" he argued
you just made your way to the kitchen and started to make tea for the both of you. haechan positioned himself on the kitchen counter
"so what happened last night? i completely blacked out" you ask him while rubbing your temple and handing him his tea
"nothing much, besides from you telling me you wanted me" you almost choke on your drink and looked at him wide-eyed
"i did WHAT?" he chuckles "so what did you do?" "i would never take advantage of anyone y/n. i took you home"
"such a gentleman huh? what if i told you i wanted you now?" he wraps his arms around your body and rests his hands on your lower back as you get closer to him.
"don't test me, y/n" he says in a low tone "or what?" he leans closer to you, your lips only a few inches away, until he walked away
you paused. "what the fuck donghyuck" he laughs and starts eating he squints his eyes at you while smiling "what? i felt hungry. eat up" you rolled your eyes
you were picked up from your room by haechan, who then escorted you to class. he envelops your body in his arms and kisses the top of your head before saying, "i'll pick you up at eight, okay?" you merely nod as you enter the classroom.
haechan picked you up and drove you to your favorite fast food restaurant for dinner. he then bought you both milkshakes and drove to where you like to stargaze.
you two relaxed in silence as you sat on the hood of his car.
he suddenly stood up and positioned himself between your legs and places his arms on your waist. he smiles widely at you and you laugh "what?"
"nothing, i'm just really happy to be with you" he holds your hand "y/n?" you looked at him "can i kiss you?" you blushed and nodded. he leans in and places his lips on yours you place your hand on his neck and he tightens his hold on your waist.
you pulled away for air and he pecks your lips then before resting his forehead on yours. "i'll treat you better than you deserve. will you be mine?" "i've been yours since that day at the playground" he beams and gives you another kiss.
you woke up with someone's arm wrapped around your frame you turned around to see haechan sleeping soundly
he looks so pretty. you thought. his golden skin, his moles, and his plump lips that you can't get enough of. but you really need to go to the bathroom so you try to get out of his hold but he only tightens it
"baby, stay with me" he nuzzles his head in your neck "hyuck, i have to pee" he looks at you "okay, but hurry up" you peck his lips and ran to the bathroom
you got back to an empty bed and hear him call you in the kitchen. "good morning, pretty" he greets you with a wide smile you hug him from the back and he turns to face you for a short kiss and returns to cooking.
you've always been a fan of his culinary skill; the meals he prepares are incredible, and you used to make jokes about getting married to him simply so you could eat well every day
"renjun and youngsi were supposed to come over today but i don't want to kick you out so i'm cancelling" you tell him. "what? no! i can cook more for them tell them to have breakfast here"
you and haechan both tell the other two that you two are dating, which causes renjun to spit out his meal in disbelief and youngsi to choke.
"she was still mine first" youngsi tells to haechan and he replied "we've been together since preschool you met her in highschool! she's always been mine"
you blush at his statement and renjun was the only one to notice as the other two were busy arguing. he mouthed congrats to you
when your friends left, you and haechan were relaxed on the couch, taking pleasure in a movie you simply happened to choose. and you were happy. your body easily fits into his arms. it seems as though you were meant to be together. in your lover's arms on a friday night was the ideal way to spend the evening.
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letitiaslabyrinth · 1 year
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A/N: this did not turn out the way i expected it too at all. anyways ignore all mistakes cause this aint proof read word count: 1.7k+
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“Shuri, how come you ain’t tell me where you was last night?” Shuri's girlfriend, Imani said, irritation in her voice.
Shuri shrugs. “I was with Riri-”
Imani rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Of course you was with her. The two of yall might as well date with the amount of times yall see each other.”
“Baby, what are you talking about?”
“You spend more time with your,” She makes air quotes, “‘best friend’ than you do your girlfriend, Shuri. You don’t see an issue with that?”
Shuri was confused. Yeah, her and Riri spent time together but they didn’t spend that much time together, right? Whether the answer was yes or not, Shuri loved Imani and would choose her over anyone and everyone.
“I’m sorry, Ima. I’ll spend more time with you, I promise. How about we go on a date tonight?”
Imani brushed her off, still annoyed. “I don’t wanna go out, Shuri, I want you to stop hanging out with Riri. Period.”
“Okay,” Shuri says with no hesitation. She wants to make her girlfriend happy and if that means she and Riri can’t hang out anymore then so be it.
“Good.” Imani kisses Shuri on the forehead and goes to the bathroom.
Shuri’s phone goes off twice. They’re messages from Riri. Shuri doesn’t bother reading them when she types: “We can’t hang out anymore.” and blocks Riri’s number. It stung her heart a little bit but what else could Shuri do? Imani’s her first girlfriend and she just wants to keep her happy.
Shuri gets up from the couch and goes to the kitchen. She opens the pantry, taking out a bag of Doritos and opens the fridge, taking out a carton of juice. She pours some in a cup before putting it back and making her way to the living room. She sets her snack and drink down and turns on the T.V. She falls asleep waiting for Imani to come out the bathroom.
When Shuri wakes up, she can feel a hand running through her hair. She looks up and it’s Imani.
“You sleep good?” She asks.
Shuri hums, stretching slightly. “What time is it?”
Imani checks her phone, “6:32, why?”
“I have a meeting with the council at 7.” Shuri groans and gets up slowly. She finishes her juice from earlier and kisses Imani on the forehead. “I’ma go get ready. I’ll see you later tonight?”
“I made plans so prolly not,” Imani says and goes back on her phone.
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Shuri’s the first one in the throne room, as usual, but Riri was close behind her.
“Shuri, can we talk?” She says, pulling Shuri to the side.
“No. Didn’t you get my text?”
“No, I did, I’m just wondering why I got it. And so outta the blue, too. Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened, Riri. I just don’t want any kind of relationship with you that isn’t strictly professional. Aren’t we only supposed to be colleagues, anyway?”
“Seriously? Shuri, you can't be serious right now! Are you at least gonna tell me what I did?”
Shuri notices some of the Elders coming in. “Leave it alone, Williams. I’ve said what I’ve said.” She walks away and sits on the throne, waiting for the other Elders to come in. 
They discussed the safety of Wakanda, the Panther and Ironheart suits, and the new buildings that were being constructed in Wakanda. Then Shuri went to the lab to work for hours.
It was around 11pm when Shuri made it back to her and Imani’s place and she was tired. She was expecting to find Imani in bed but she had forgotten that she said she’d made plans. The apartment was dark and lonely without another person there. Shuri didn’t like it. She turned on all the lights and put on a random show for some background noise while she took a shower. It was 11:30 when she was done. She was so exhausted from today that she didn’t even bother changing into clothes. Once her body touched that bed, that was it, lights out. 
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“Shuri!” Shuri wakes up to Imani shaking her. “The bed is wet because of you! How am I supposed to sleep!?”
“The couch,” Shuri deadpans. Imani waited for Shuri to say she was joking but she wasn’t. It’s not like there was anywhere else for her to sleep other than on the couch.
“Why don’t you sleep on the couch?” Imani says, rolling her eyes.
Shuri groans and sits up on her elbows. She looks at the clock on her bedside table then back at Imani. “It’s 2 in the morning right now, Ima. I am tired. There’s no point in me moving when you’re the one complaining. You said the ‘whole bed’ is wet so go sleep on the couch.” And with that, she turns her back to Imani and goes back to sleep, ignoring the angry muttering from her girlfriend.
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It had been about a week and a half since Shuri told Imani to sleep on the couch that night but Imani took it personally and has been sleeping on the couch ever since. Shuri didn’t even remember what she said since she was so tired but she assumed it was bad since her and Imani have barely even been talking unless they absolutely have to.
“Are you hungry?” Shuri asked Imani from the kitchen. No response. Shuri rolled her eyes and went over to her girlfriend, standing in front of her. “Can you just tell me why you’re ignoring me?”
“Why not?”
“Because you should remember. It’s not my fault your memory is shit.”
“And it’s not my fault that you’re having this one-sided ass fight over something I don’t even fucking remember, Imani. We're dating, aren’t we? We’re supposed to be able to talk to one another when we have issues but instead you're pushing me away and ignoring me.”
“You were rude and inconsiderate, Shuri. You slept in the middle of the bed, with your towel on, making the bed wet, and then you told me to sleep on the couch.”
Shuri sat down, rubbing her eyebrow. “So, where exactly were you planning on sleeping, again?”
“I mean, I’m just saying. From what you just told me, the entire bed was wet, somehow, so where did you actually plan on sleeping?”
“It’s not what you said, Shuri, it’s how you fucking said it. You didn’t even care about me enough to sleep on your side of the damn bed.”
“I was in a meeting from 7 to 11 pm, Imani. I was tired and you woke me up to complain so my bad for my tone?”
“Oh, please, what’s oh, so, tiring about sitting down and talking about things that need to be fixed or done in Wakanda?”
“It wasn’t just the meeting, Imani. I also had to go to the lap and fix some things on my and Riri’s suit-”
“Oh, really?” Imani scoffed, “So, what? Riri can’t fix her own damn suit now?”
“She doesn’t live here, Imani. She came here for one week for personal reasons, not to work.”
“She could’ve carried the suit behind her and worked on it from that scrappy lil garage of hers in Chicago.”
“I told her months ago that her suit cannot leave Wakanda, which you would know if you actually listened to me when I talked.”
“I listen when you talk, Shuri. It’s you who never listens to me and what I say. The fact that you’re still doing ‘favors’ for Riri proves that.”
“Excuse me? Me fixing the very creation that I helped her make isn’t me helping her. Me and Riri haven't even spoken since I told we can’t hang out anymore, so you can go somewhere else with that misinformation.”
“I don’t appreciate this tone of yours.”
“And I don’t appreciate how you’ve treated me like shit our entire fucking relationship,” Shuri starts, “Everything you ask of me, I do, and I mean everything, Imani. But it’s like, no matter what I do for you it’s never enough. You told me to stop hanging out Riri and I did but you just have to find a reason to get pissed off about something that barely even fucking concerns her and it’s irritating. You might as well be obsessed with the girl with the way you know so much shit about her and me.”
Imani stands up. “Shuri, if you keep talking to me like I’m one of your little fan girls, you gon lose me as a girlfriend, I promise.”
“Nobodys stopping you from leaving,” Shuri shrugs. She’s been through too much bullshit from this woman to even care anymore. “Leave.”
Imani scoffs and goes to pack her things.
“Leave your key on the way out, too,” Shuri says, getting up and leaving.
Today was the last day Riri was in Wakanda and Shuri had to make things right before she lost the best friend she’s ever had in her life. 
Shuri knocks on Riri’s door, thankful that she hadn’t left yet when she heard her say, “One minute!” Riri opens the door a few seconds later, her face dropping immediately when she realizes it was Shuri. 
“What do you want?” Riri says, folding her arms across her chest.
“I wanted to apologize.” Riri’s face softens slightly. “I shouldn’t have chosen Imani over you, especially when I’ve known you longer than I have her. I know what I did was stupid, Ri, and I’m sorry. Imani was my first girlfriend and I was willing to do anything for her love and her approval, even if that meant cutting out the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You didn’t deserve to be ghosted by me like that and I should’ve explained things weeks ago at the meeting but I was scared Imani would find out and break up with me and I know that’s no excuse but I really am sorry, Riri.”
Just as Riri was about to speak, another voice came from inside her room. “Ri, who is it?” They yell.
“No one, Aniyah!” She yells back. Riri turns back to Shuri, “I appreciate the apology, Shuri, I really do, but you’re a week too late. I don’t want anything to do with you after what you did.” And with that, she closes the door, leaving Shuri rethinking her entire life choices.
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munsonownsmyass · 2 years
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Matt Murdock x reader
Summary: Spending the day with Matt, getting into the Christmas spirit.
Author's note: I wrote this for my dear @mindidjarin , after a convo about needing some Christmas fluff with Matty. Hope you enjoy, my love ❤️
Warnings: None. Fluff, Christmas stuff, kissing.
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Walking into the bar, you can’t wait to get a drink after the long day you’ve had. You only manage to sit down and order a drink, before a random asshole sits down beside you, throwing the worst pick up line you’ve ever heard in your face. You wanna tell him to fuck off, but the holiday season is here, so you wanna try to be nicer. Politely, you tell him you’re not interested, but he doesn’t take a hint.
“The lady said she’s not interested. Besides, she’s here with me.”
You would recognize that voice anywhere. Matt Murdock. Not even paying attention to the other guy anymore, you just look at Matt as he stands there beside you, looking fine as ever.
“Matt Murdock. It’s good to see you. What brings you to my town?” You say excitedly, tapping on the empty stool beside you. You hadn’t realized how much you missed him until now. In the first years of law school, you, Matt and Foggy had been inseparable. Sadly, being a lawyer wasn’t the right choice for you, so when you moved back home, you lost contact with them. Every now and then you’d give them a call, talk about old days, always promising that ‘one day we’ll do something’, but life had gotten in the way.
“I’m here on business.” He states, before telling what he can about the case. While he talks, you can’t help but smile as you watch him talk about it passionately. Matt had always wanted to make a difference and it makes you so happy to see him do just that.
“So, all business, no pleasure?” You tease, quickly falling into the same old routine you and Matt had back in the day. Always flirting, but never taking the plunge. 
“Not yet, unless… Do you have any ideas?” He says as he leans in closer with a smile, the flirtatious undertone not gone unnoticed. You giggle softly, having to bite your bottom lip to compose yourself. Damn Matt and his charms. You would be lying if you say you didn’t feel attracted to him. How could you not? Handsome, witty, and smart. And he has always looked really good in a suit.
“Oh, I have an idea or two.” You purr, loving the way he leans closer, his hand finding it’s way to your thigh. Oh, how easy it would be to just give in, but you have other plans. “You have to work tomorrow?”
“No, I’m all yours, sweetheart.” He grins, licking his bottom lip as he looks to you, awaiting your next move.
“Good. I’ll pick you up at 10 then.” You giggle, giving him a quick peck on the check before getting up. Looking back, you see confusion written all over his face. Maybe even a little frustration? "You have my number, text me where to pick you up."
“When you said you had big plans for us, I had something completely different in mind.” Matt pouts, pulling his jacket closer. It’s a cold day, but the sun is shining, glistening in the fresh snow on the ground. You just giggle, feeling the heat creep up your cheeks at his words.
You can't help smiling as you walk out the door, already looking forward to tomorrow.
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“Aww, come on Matty. It’s gonna be fun.”
And it did. You started out with brunch, wanting to catch up on everything he had been doing since you last saw each other.
After brunch you dragged him to the local square, which had turned into a Christmas frenzy. Stalls with gifts and goods, every Christmassy food and drink you could think of, some small rides for the kids and an ice skating rink. 
"You wanna go ice skating?" You ask, voice full of youthful glee. You had lots of happy memories from your childhood, skating on the frozen lakes in winter. You're met by a questionable look on Matt's face. "What?!"
He just tilts his head to the side, sighing  but still with a smile on his face. "I think you're forgetting something."
"Oh, come on. I'll hold onto you. I promise I won't let you fall. Please."
Somehow, Matt have always been unable to resist you, which is how he found himself on the ice a few minutes later. As promised, you hold onto him, guiding him around the ice. He's doing surprisingly good.
"Are you really blind? Or is it just a scam to get some tail?" You grin, making Matt chuckle at your side. He gives you a gentle squeeze, before placing a soft kiss on your head.
"I have super powers, but don't tell anyone."
You just chuckle, kissing his cheek before you continue skating.
Later, you take him for a walk around the market. Buying some candies and decorations, you can't help but feel the Christmas spirit slowly creeping up on you. It's been a wonderful day and you think most of it is because of Matt. You feel good in his company, relaxed. Everything is easy with Matt, so familiar and easy.
The last thing on your to do list for the day is the best hot chocolate in town. Silky smooth with a generous dash of rum and whipped cream. After getting your cups, you sit down on a bench, drinking in silence.
As the daylight fades, the lights turn on, illuminating the entire market in a colorful, warm glow. You look around in awe, a childlike twinkle in your eyes. “God… Don’t you just love the lights?”
Matt chuckles beside you and you realize what you said. “Fuck, sorry. I just forget you’re blind sometimes.”
“It’s okay.” He says softly, nudging your shoulder with a grin. For a while you sit in silence, taking it all in as you sip your drink. Happy families with joyful smiles, kids waiting patiently to see Santa. 
“Don’t you miss it? Seeing all the lights and decorations?” 
“Yeah, I do. But I still remember it, so I can imagine.” He pauses, turning towards you, his arm landing behind your back. His hand comes to a rest on your shoulder as he pulls you a little closer. “I can hear the children laughing, so I know they’re smiling as they run around playing. I can smell the pine trees, imagining them decorated with ornaments.”
He smiles as he turns his face towards the square, tilting his head a little as he listens. “I hear the carolers singing, people talking. I know they’re happy. And I can smell the mulled wine, freshly baked cookies and candy canes.”
You look at him, impressed, the smile on his face enough to make your heart skip a beat. He turns back to you with a soft smile. “So I might not see it, but I do feel it.”
He looks up, his eyes almost finding yours and you just stare into his beautiful hazel eyes, wondering how you’ve managed to know him for all these years and not fall head over heels in love with him. Maybe you’ve always loved him. Maybe you’re just stupid for not realizing it until now. But in this moment, you know you’re doomed, your heart already belonging to Matt.
“And I know you’re smiling right now.”
You grin, giggling like a fool. Yeah, definitely fallen hard. “How do you… You’re amazing Matt Murdock. I hope you know that.”
“Oh, I do.” He answers with a cocky grin, causing you to gently punch his shoulder. He just laughs, looking happy and carefree, more than he has in years. His finger comes to a rest under your chin, taking you by surprise.
“And you’re wonderful.” 
For a moment you forget to breathe. His hand moves along your jaw, the gentle motion causing your skin to break out in goosebumps. It comes to a rest on your cheek, cupping it gently as he slowly leans in. Mere inches away from your lips, he pauses, his breath ghosting over your sensitive skin. 
“I really want to kiss you. Can I?”
You let out a breathy yes, barely above a whisper. But he hears it, his lips twitching into a little smile before he closes the distance, his lips finally meeting yours. 
It's everything you've always dreamt of and more. He keeps you close, his soft lips dancing over yours, the taste of  chocolate and rum filling your senses. You're drunk on the taste of him, never wanting this moment to end.
When he breaks away for air, it's with a wide grin matching your own.
"I have another day, before I go back to New York. So if you're not doing anything…?"
"I'm all yours." You mimic his word from earlier, meaning every word. 
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TFC girls: @e-dubbc11 @phoebe-danvers @itwasthereaminuteago @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @saintmurd0ck @mattmurdocksscars @a-bang-for-your-bucky @pedrito-friskito @mindidjarin
Tagging: @murdocks-devil @murdockswh0r3 @freshabogados @lucy-sky
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rogerswifesblog · 8 months
Chapter 8 - it’s all about the…
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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A/N: Hello!:) here’s the next chapter after the little cliffhanger! I hope you’ll like it, I’d appreciate it a lot if you’d leave a comment or reblog 🥰
Thank you @jamneuromain for helping me with the idea for the ending/bonus part <3
Warnings: alcohol consumption, puking, implied assault/ assault, not Sharon friendly! (Sorry)
Pairing: stripper Steve Rogers x sugar mommy reader
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You tried to find Steve in the group of dancing people that were grinding on each other rather than actually dancing, but Steve was nowhere to be found. At this point you felt incredibly stressed.
Where the hell was he?
And then you walked into the garage.
And there he was.
Playing beer pong, stumbling over his own legs and bumping into the table while trying to throw the ball into one of the cups (missing completely.)
“Steve! I thought something happened?” hearing your voice, Steve's head shot in your direction, his face lighting up even though also looking incredibly confused. “Hi Mommy-Wait-why are you here? What are you doing here? You wanna watch me win this match?” Steve sounded even dunker than before as he stumbled to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer.
Slightly confused you pushed him away, enough to look him in the face. He seemed confused, but happy. Or just drunk, definitely drunk. “Steve, you texted me to pick you up-then you called, too”, you said as gently as possible, taking his hands. You could feel many gazes on you, making your throat tighten. All this attention was awful.
“I didn’t text you mommy”, he whined against your neck, making you shake your head lightly and pushing him once again away to look at him. “Steve, you called me,” “No I didn’t?” “Yes you did! Check your phone”
So Steve took out his phone, checking your chat, furrowing his eyebrows at his bright screen. “oh…I did.”
At first you thought he was joking about not remembering it, but seeing how he was swaying while standing and looking at his phone you knew he was wasted more than before. “Let’s go home baby, ill warm up some of the salmon-or maybe you wanna grab some fast food on our way home?”
You watched him stumble one step back, nearly falling but you grabbed him quickly by the arm and pulled him a bit closer. “But I’m winning in beer pong. You wanna watch me win this match?”
Furrowing your eyebrows you looked at the table with the cups filled with beer. "Steve this is your sixth beer and the other side has only two empty cups. You’re not winning. Please let’s go. Now. Home.” Steve pouted at you, but when you took his hand he nodded slowly, seemingly unhappy about needing to end the match.
While walking out of the garage he waved back at his friends before looking back at you. “Wait-I gotta find Bucky-I need to tell them I’m going home-they’ll be worried-“, he slurred, ending his speech with a hiccup.
You could already feel his headache in the morning.
He’d have a massive hangover in the morning and you wouldn’t even feel sorry for him. He did this to himself.
Okay, you’d feel slightly sorry, but you wouldn’t show it.
“Give me your phone and open Buckys chat.” Without any protests he took out his phone, failing twice with his passcode so you helped him, not wanting to block his phone. While you texted Bucky Steve leaned more of his weight against you, smelling your hair. He was definitely your sweet weirdo. “Stevie, stop that I can’t concentrate-“ “but you smell so good…can’t help it”, he mumbled.
You threw one last glance at the message. > Hello Bucky, It’s me Y/N. I’m taking Steve home, he called me before and he’s definitely not in the state to stay any longer, nor to drink more. Here’s my number in case you’d need anything. If you or Sam need a ride home, I can arrange something.< After sending the message and your contact (tho you changed the name from mommy to your name) you put Steve’s phone in your pocket, not trusting him not to drop it.
“Whoah Steve don’t fall asleep on me-we need to get you out of here”, you gasped when you felt his weigh being heavier against your shoulder. He mumbled something before letting you guide him out of the house.
When you finally managed to get Steve in your car he slumped into the passenger seat and leaned his head against the window, burping quietly. “Steve, are you okay?”, you placed your hand gently onto his thigh, trying to make him look up at you.
“Jus’…home…”, he mumbled drunkenly, his head now falling against your shoulder, probably close to falling asleep. It was incredibly uncomfortable to hold the gear stick, but you managed somehow, even though you drove a bit slower than usually.
You could already see your house from far away when Steve suddenly sat up. “I think im gonna-“ before finishing his sentence he leaned over his legs and puked right onto your car mat. “Steve!”, you gasped, stopping your car at the side of the road and gently placing your hand on Steve’s neck. “Stevie-Are you okay?”
No answer came, instead you could hear him hiccup and sob a quiet apology. “It’s fine Steve, I’ll just…tell Clint to take the car to the cleaners' ', you tried to hear what he was saying, but all that came was random babbling that you couldn’t hear. You slowly drove further in the direction to your place, this time with your window open-which Steve noticed.
“M sorry, I’m so sorry Mommy, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t wanna get so drunk I’m sorry”, he hiccuped, looking up at you with his teary eyes.
"I'm no longer pretty. I threw up. You won't let me be your sugar baby anymore because I smell like crap and I just threw up in your car", Steve started to sob, making you swallow. What were you supposed to do right now? Stop the car and comfort him or take him home? You decided on the second option. “Sweetheart, don’t worry about that, you’ll always be my pretty baby. You’re just a bit smelly now-“, even though you wanted to joke it seemed to be the wrong thing to do, since Steve started to sob again.
“I’m smelly??” Steve's hurt voice made your heart throb. “No baby-it’s just-because you puked? It’s not-don’t worry-the cat will be cleaned tomorrow, don’t worry. And we can go take a shower when we’re home-and see, we’re already here”, you said, driving into the garage and immediately stepping out to help Steve out of the car.
It was painful to watch him sob and cry, but at the same time slightly amusing knowing it was just because of the alcohol he had consumed. “Let’s get you to bed, okay?”, Steve nodded at your words, still sniffing quietly while letting you guide him to your shared bedroom . „Sweetheart, now let’s get you in the shower but be careful, don’t slip. I’ll go make you something to eat-or better, I’ll order something. You need something greasy…at least that helped me whenever I drank. Maybe it’ll do something good for you too”, with that you left Steve in the bathroom, walking to the kitchen and ordering some burgers and fries.
You could eat something yourself.
After ordering you went back to the bathroom, glimpsing inside to check on Steve-who was still standing in the middle of the bathroom, his eyes closed and swaying on his feet.
Sighing you stepped into the bathroom, gently placing your hand against Steve’s arm. “Babyboy, let’s get you cleaned up”, while you unbuttoned his shirt he leaned his head against your shoulder. “Okay baby, don’t sleep now, okay? We need to get you clean, get some food and water in you…”, you slid his shirt from his shoulders, when your gaze fell onto the side of his neck that you haven’t seen before.
Anger rose up in your chest, but you kept your calm.
“Stevie-is that-Is that a hickey?”, you asked him quietly, a loud sob escaping Steve’s sob as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. “I didn’t want it-I was just dancing and she came all over me-I wanted to push her away-“
It was hard to understand what he was trying to say from the sobbs that interrupted his words, but from what he was saying you assumed a girl didn’t accept his no, which made you furious.
Not at him of course.
At that bitch.
“Did she do anything else? Did she touch you, sweetheart?” You voice was quiet and soothing for him, he felt much calmer now that he was here with you. “N-no, Bucky noticed it and grabbed her. I went to the bathroom then…I think that’s when I called you.” He sniffed quietly, holding onto you for dear life.
Hearing that Bucky was there to help Steve out of such a bad situation-especially since Steve had been drinking a lot, made you want to send him flowers. No, fuck flowers, you’d pay their rent for the rest of the year. A car would probably be too much to give.
Who was it sweetheart? Tell mommy who hurt you”, you whispered in his hair, gently lifting his face to look at you. You wiped away some stray tears from his cheeks, giving him a gentle kiss on the nose.
“She’s in one of my art history classes. I think her name is Sharon Carter”, he said, burying his face once again against your shoulder.
You gave him another kiss against his forehead, „don’t worry about her, she won’t bother you again“, you whispered against his temple, slowly and carefully helping him out of his clothes, your own outfit fell to thre floor too and you stepped with Steve under the warm water stream, washing off the sweat and filth from the party, whispering soothing words during all this time.
You scrubbed his skin with the same peeling you used on yourself, massaging his tense shoulders. It broke your heart to see him in such a bad state. He should be laughing and happy after a party, not sulking and apologising every few minutes for something he had no affect on,
Just when you stepped out of the shower you heared your phone ring. The delivery arrived.
“Go to bed sweetheart, we’ll eat in bed tonight, ‘kay?”, you kissed his temple, leading him to your bed. When he laid down you quickly threw a hoodie of his on and walked to the door to pick up the food. To your pleased surprise you even got a soda to the delivery, apparently for having an order above some prize that counted in the soda. Good marketing.
Chuckling you payed, leaving a generous tip before closing the door after the delivery guy left.
“I hope you’re still awake?”, you entered the bedroom, seeing Steve typing something on his phone. When you entered the room the corners of his lips twitched upwards. “m awake. Don’t wanna sleep without you”, he mumbled, pulling the blanket for you back so you could lay down with him.
Yet he seemed not happy when you sat down in the hoodie, his hands immediately pushing the material up, before you could even place the food in your lap, “wait sweetie, first I have to put down the food-“ “not in your lap, that’s where my head has to be-“ “oh, it has to be there, huh?”, you chuckled at his words, putting the containers down next to you instead of in your lap.
He laid down so he could look up at you, still pouting at your hoodie, instead of saying anything he lifted the material and cuddled his face against your stomach making you laugh in amusement. “Fine, I’ll take it off”, you did just that, receiving a big smile from him.
If that’s all it took to make him smile you could probably walk around naked all the time. It was good to see him slowly cheer up again.
“Now you have to eat in this position, how do you plan on doing it?”, once again you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing when Steve only turned his head and opened his mouth, like a little bird that waited to be fed. “Stevie-okay, fine. I’ll feed you”, you chuckled under your breath, feeding him some fries.
Seeing his dilated pupils, the dreamy smile as he looked up at you made you grin. It was very sweet.
In moments like this you remembered once again that love existed. And that you were in love with this blonde dork, that was way too young for you. And yet you fell head over heels for him, probably way sooner than you even realised it before.
While you fed Steve some fries you ate your burger and from time to time some fries too. “I’m sorry for today…didn’t mean to drink so much and call you…and what happened at the party-“ “Stevie, Sweetheart it wasn’t your fault. Don’t worry, okay? You did the right thing calling me. I’ll always pick you when you need something-and I’ll always come to get you, babyboy”, you said truthfully.
He sighed, wrapping his arms around your mid section and kissing your waist. “What did I do to deserve you?”, he sighed sounding sad once again. “Sweetheart, you’re the best man I’ve ever met. You may be younger and we may have different lifes…and it’s just all so unreal how different our living situations are but I’m glad I met you and I couldn’t be happier.”
Just saying these things made your heart face, your own chest feeling tight. It didn’t happen often that you two talked much about feelings.
When you looked down at him once again his eyes were filled with tears, his bottom lip trembling slightly.
It made your chest tighten, like the feeling of nervousness before the first date with your very first crush. It was…you couldn’t explain it. You hadn’t felt like this in a very long time. It’s like Steve made you feel all the things that you haven't felt since you were a teenager. Or a virgin. Or both, more like it.
Steve made you nervous. No man had ever made you nervous.
And yet here you were. Your palms sweaty, heartbeat racing, breath hitching.
You kissed his forehead before placing the food container on the nightstand. Cleaning up would have to wait for tomorrow, “lay down comfortably sweetheart.” After turning off the light and waiting for Steve to change his position you laid down too.
Steve immediately wrapped his arms around you, his head against your breasts. “I’m sorry for today, I don’t wanna be bad sugar baby. I wanna be good for you”, he mumbled against your chest, making you sigh into his slightly damp hair. It seemed like he couldn’t accept the fact that you weren’t mad at him-and that he didn’t need to apologise for anything that had happened tonight.
“Babyboy, I’m happy you called-“ “Please don’t leave me, Kay? I wanna be here forever. Promise me?” You had to held back a chuckle at Steve’s rambling. “I promise Stevie.” “Are you sure?”
“Yes, Steve. I’m sure I’m promising it.”
“But…I don’t believe it.”
You looked down at him, furrowing your eyebrows at him. The dim light from the moon made it possible to see some of his silhouette and only a bit from his expression. Just when you wanted to say something he opened his mouth again. “I want it in writing. That you promise me to keep and love me forever…and if not then I want a one-month-notice before evicting me.”
His tone seemed completely serious, but you weren’t sure if he really meant it. A one month notice? Before breaking up? Was he really talking about- ? On the other hand he was also drunk. It might be the drunk-talking, so I’d probably be better to just give in. “Fine Stevie-baby, I’ll let you know, even though I’m definitely not planning on leaving you.”
Steve nodded slowly. “I wanna have it written…like the contract…I want you to add a line about not leaving me without a one-month-notice”, with that he loosened his grip around your waist and gently pushed you to the edge of the bed. “Wait-you mean-like now? Stevie it’s in the middle of the night-“ “but I don’t believe you…you won’t do it tomorrow…you’ll just forget about it…”
And that’s how you found yourself with a notebook in your lap and a pen in your hand, writing down completely ridiculous ‘rules’. “Okay, for how long do you wanna stay with me?” For a moment Steve was quiet before leaning his head against your body. “For….foreeever”, he whined, looking up at you, smiling tiredly. “Your lawyer has to sign it. I’ll sign it too…give me the pen”, he mumbled drunkingly and grabbed the pen, writing down his name messy.
A smile crept on his lips while he put down the pen again, turning onto his other side. “Cuddle me”, you only chuckled at his demanding tone before putting away the block and wrapping your arms around your little spoon.
“I love you Stevie”, you whispered long after knowing he fell asleep.
[ little bonus ]
The next morning you were awoken by an unpleasant groan when steve turned onto his back, furrowing his eyebrows but not opening his eyes yet. “My head…”, he mumbled, making you chuckle, while you slowly turned onto your side to look at Steve. “Yeah I’m not surprised Steve. Considering what you made me write”, you laughed quietly, leaning down to give Steve a kiss on the cheek.
He looked at you in confusion. “What do you mean?”
"You held me and asked whether I could give you a one-month-notice before I decide to evict you.” Right when you were saying this he turned a dark shade of red, rubbing his hands over his eyes. Head shaking he looked back at you.
"I did what???" "Yeahhh, and also you told me no matter how much the n+1 package is, you will never forgive me for dumping you…so….it was very interesting.” Steve only hid his face into the crook of your neck and you sighed.
“I’ll make you breakfast in bed”, he said before sitting up.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! Please leave some feedback! Support your writers. Feedback and reblogs are appreciated.
Taglist: @slutforchrisjamalevans @joannaromanoff @marvel-wifey-86 @buckysteveloki-me @patzammit @barnesboo1967 @sebsgirl71479 @sapphire-rogers @hayleysimp @kestrafagnor wanna be tagged? Be active (FEEDBACK AND REBLOGGING) and let me know!
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peachsukii · 14 hours
Hihihi rei I was just thinking and I am actually dying to know how you and Yuuji met! And which of you realized you had feelings for the other first!?
Hi Vixen!! Thank you for asking & indulging me, I love talking about my bubble gumdrop. 🥹💕 ((I apologize for the length lol))
Yuuji and I met at the coffee shop we both work at! He started working there about a month or two after I did. We were both starting our junior year in college at the time, attending opposite schools in town, so we’d never run into each other until working together. When he was hired, I was immediately smitten, convincing myself that he’ll never look my way. The first shift we worked together, I got to teach him the ropes of basic drinks and how to clean the machines. That was the moment I felt a spark, but didn’t think much of it. Yuuji was just so easy to talk to and be around! He has an energy about him that makes you wanna smile constantly. ((It helped that he was absolutely gorgeous, especially when he’d push his hair back. 😍))
A month later, we were on the closing shift and as we were leaving, he asked to talk to me. He walked me to my car and nervously asked if I wanted to go to lunch with him the next day! I was so taken aback that I blurted out “well, duh, of course I will” instead of a simple “sure!” 😂 We realized we didn’t have each other’s number and swapped those, too.
After lunch the next day, we ended up spending the day together and walking around the city! We went to the bookstore, comic & game shop, walked in the park and sat on the swing set and talked for hours until sunset. Yuuji walked me back to my apartment that night and lent me his jacket when it cooled off. He let me keep it until our next shift together, which was a few days later. I found myself wearing it around the apartment until then. 🥹
We texted about random things (games, memes, work stuff and college) and went on a few more “dates” together over the coming weeks. There would be a few times at work that we’d accidentally grab for the same thing at the same time and laugh it off, but sometimes he’d smile sweetly and keep his hand there a little longer and playfully bump me with his hip or squeeze my shoulder when he walked by. That was when the spark exploded for me and I needed to know if he felt the same.
Our next date was a movie night in my apartment off campus, and I decided that night I was going to ask him to be my boyfriend! We cooked dinner together, but ended up burning it, laughing it off and ordering a pizza instead. While waiting for the pizza, I asked him about having a girlfriend, to which Yuuji told me he hasn't had one since high school. The only thing I said in response was, "What if I told you I wanted to change that?"
And the rest is history! We got together that night. 💗
I spoke about my feelings to him first, but he ended up telling me later on that he felt something between us the first shift we worked together. Every time we got together to hang out, he kept trying to hype himself up to ask me out officially and kept putting it off. So when I asked him instead, he was so excited! I still tease him about it. 😝
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hellorai · 2 months
Something from my diary
So I’ve been having my negative feelings surrounding my sexuality again lol
I’m afraid to stand on my own with lesbianism. I’ve been alone or ahead in many ways and I can do it but it’s just hard. Like standing out and being a lesbian is the most isolating thing I’ve done. I wish I didn’t force myself online when I was younger because the only way I can interact is via online because I don’t know any lesbians in real life so the internet lesbians are my only chance at community and romance. It’s just killing me cause I don’t want that I mean who does. I’m not gonna disrespect myself by being someone I’m not but fuck I don’t want to meet the love of my life online and that’s us until we can link and create a life…I mean I imagine us finding each other in the most random ways. Some of my favorites are we spot each other when I walk into a lesbian (bar, cafe, club) and we just have to talk to each other so she signals me over and I sit and we engage in the most riveting conversation just getting to know each other and when we have to leave we still spend time talking by our rides back and she asks for my number then via text cause she’s kinda shy she introduces courting me and I agree and we break down the boundaries like being stone4stone and stuff and it’s just so real and anything can happen but I’m hers and she’s mine! Another is she sees me and has to talk to me so she confidently introduces herself then when I look at her with my wide eyes as I drink her in with no shame she gets a bit shy and tries to flirt and we just click and court and y’know?? This all feels in my head but I deserve it…I don’t know how but I will have it!! My imagine playlist is going and it’s making me feel like something is manifesting but this is what I said to Kenii:
Okay one of the things I am going through rn I wanna know if you understand like ever since I realized I was a lesbian and really sat in it and the found out I was femme4butch I eventually feel so lost and outside of myself and I think it’s cause it is life changing and I know that and I feel bad because all I see is everyone talking about enjoying this dynamic and Ik people obviously have their own problems with it but it’s nothing I feel!! I love this dynamic I do but sometimes I feel out of a place and for a second I felt seen but it’s like I never see myself anywhere and I don’t think I ever will. Ik I’m still on a journey of self but my whole life I’ve never seen myself in anything whether it be my sexuality or my looks or my personality and with everything else I’m going through rn I can’t
And it’s like I at least can put myself somewhere or stand on my own but now that I’m building a community that understand and are all in my same boat of femmes and butches I can get help but feel lesser idk it’s like I’m losing my strength or something and I feel weak and like a fake femme and just y’know? Like I feel bad making butch friends honestly and I definitely couldn’t date a butch rn (I have been single for years before that’s not the problem I don’t feel worthy y’know?)
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