#they look like shit rn but hey man I don’t want the big light and I don’t have those also very 2020 led strips yet
theworstcreature · 5 months
Just me and my poorly strung fairy lights that’ve been hanging around since 2021 against the world
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theplatypusblue · 6 months
(I can be a little mean but I promise I’m having fun lol)
Episodes 1 + 2:
Man this shits super boring.
Idk if I can get behind craggers plot line tbh. He’s too much of a dumbass for me to really root for him.
The lore seems really cool so far. I like the settings and the stuff about the legend beasts.
Like?? Forest full of trees that just fall down all the time? Epic.
Legend beasts are especially cool cuz it means this is how Chima characters react when seeing a regular ass lion for the first time:
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Episode 3:
Man Laval really fucked everything up.
I have a feeling all of cragger’s dumbass-ness, like, transferred over to laval and now we’re gonna be seeing him making all the dumbass decisions
The only thing I really care about here is the b-plot about Gorzan and his flower. More engaging than the main plot
Episode 4:
Prediction about Laval replacing Cragger as the resident dumbass seems to be coming true
Gorzan is quickly becoming my favorite.
Oh hey look it’s the beavers!! I remember they show up in that one episode of ninjago. I had zero context for what they were all about then but now I know!!
Episode 5:
The gorilla tribe seems like the most chill out of everyone. Gorillas 👍
Can I just say I hate the fucking skunk. He sucks.
Honestly kind of a nothing episode
Episode 6:
Eagle spire does that cool thing where all the buildings are built on super scary precipices. There’s literally a post going around about this exact thing but I can’t find it rn
Oh so the eagles are just a bunch of nerds. A little weird I guess(?) I feel like eagles are usually symbols of strength n stuff so that’s different. It’s giving cloud kingdom.
“Wing girl” tf kinda nickname??
Apparently the ravens are double crossing everyone but I have not been paying close enough attention to what’s going on to really process that
Ok so it was all an extremely convoluted way for the crocs to get everyone to fight each other. And the ravens tried to profit but they’re kinda stupid so nothing really worked out for anyone
Episode 7:
Purble moon??? Epic
Man the bears are so epic just like me fr
Nooo don’t mess w the gorillas they’re so chill :(
I am entirely uninterested in the 100 year full moon skunk fart lore. Sorry.
It’s a little strange and maybe I’m hallucinating but I feel like the animation has has somehow gotten better?? Like the lighting or smthn…. Or the facial expressions???
Oh….. skunk fart lore is plot relevant………
Now that I’m thinking… is that the only skunk in chima?? Cuz rn it looks like just the one guy
Episode 8:
Oh it’s a big boy chi
There’s a fucking peacock?? Don’t know how to spell his name. So wait if he wins who does the chi go to?? He gets it all to himself?
Oh wait nvm it’s probably a cragger thing. Mr. Peacock comes back after retirement or w/ever in order to do some evil shit with the crocs I get it I get it
Gorzan I love you
WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GUY?? Is it a pig? A warthog??? It’s giving Mr. E vibes.
Man idk this episode is structured rlly weirdly. Nothing really fit together very well. It’s alright tho.
Episode 9:
GORILLA EPISODE?? Let’s go dude
It funny cuz I feel like gorillas aren’t actually this mellow irl
Oh hey it’s our mystery mans. Oh nevermind he left again.
There are balloon plants?? Oh yeah those are the things they were using in the other episode. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention to anything else that happened.
Episode 10:
Uhh I forgot to take notes while watching uhhh
The fox guy was cute. I like a little fox guy
This episode managed to make me feel a little bad for cragger!! He wants to do a good job but he kinda sucks at everything :(
It also made me confused abt cruller!!! What are you doing w ur life girl!!!!
Kinda messed up how the wolves had to serve the crocodiles tho… probly for the best she threw away that pledge
If Laval’s dad is right when he says they’re not gonna race for chi for a long time, I’m guessing they’re not gonna do any more racing episodes for some time. That’s fine honestly.
WAIT THAT RHINO GUY’S DYING. Oh nvm. This whole situation is cringe I hope it’s a one-off thing….
Also I forgot everyone thinks craggers parents are dead but really they’re just chilling in that canyon. Kinda funny actually
Episode 11:
Oh man the wolves are fucking everything up
“We all gotta stay here till the walls are fixed” bruh just call the beavers or smthn
Man what is the deal with this shadow wind dude.
If there’s one similarity I could point out with ninjago, it’s all this talk abt ~the balance~. I guess it makes sense since they take place in the same universe, technically
These bears are so cute lol napping does solve everything so true
Episode 12:
Jets travel super fast in the air. If they’re going through a storm Laval should totally be dead by now
Cragger is setting boundaries!! We love to see it. Cruller is acting pretty cringe. In her ~~girlfailure era~~
Is Laval gonna fall in this gorge?? Oh yeah he’s gonna fall in this gorge
Noooo Gorzans underwear is gonna tear
It’s a little sweet how Laval still wants to help out cragger
Episode 13:
I guess I’m still not super into cragger but I pity him a little. He’s trying his best but he’s just a bit stupid. And also his sister sucks ass
Okay. So she may be cringe but cruller is living her best(-ish) life.
That wolf is wearing a really cute apron
Man they were bringing up Shadow wind earlier and I thought they were gonna reveal their identity but now I’m a bit disappointed…
Laval is being peak dumbass rn I kinda like it. “The warm milk of oppression” lol
Episode 14:
“You bears think you’re so clever” bro they are literally asleep I don’t think they give a shit
I think the thing with Cragger is that I absolutely hate him when he’s under the influence of the flower thingy. He’s unlikable in a not-so-fun way, but he seems much more cute/compelling when he’s normal lol.
Oh my god they’re getting back-alley chi lmao
Oh is everyone gonna think Cragger did this on purpose. That’s sad.
This Reagle(?) guy is really silly I like his design a lot
Ohhhhh the wolves are gonna plug the fake chi and become chickens. It’s not a Cragger-might-be-evil thing. Gotchaaaa that’s cute
Seeing Cragger and Leval act like buddies again is genuinely nice they’re friends :)
Episode 15:
Eagles are based communists that live in the sky got it 👍
Cruller stop fucking with the gorillas istg.
Okay what the hell did burning the flower do. Is that like taking an inhalant
The ravens attempted to use the eagles’ based communist values against them. However, they didn’t realize that the eagles are boring as shit, and don’t “own” anything cool in the first place. Based communist eagles for the win.
Okay wait is Eris liking the rhino like. A brand new development or was it hinted at before?? It’s been a hot second since I watched the last couple episodes
Also I recognize that animation from the Ninjago season 5 finale lol
Episode 16:
Man I just hate this stupid skunk
This fog of destiny stuff is really goofy looking from the outside lmao it’s hard to take serious
So it’s like. Making them entirely delusional or something? Some of them are acting the opposite of how they usually do, but others are having like, delusions of grandeur. Idk how it works exactly
Laval there has got to be a smarter way to wake them up. You keep getting thrown into the lake…. Oh my god is the skunk gonna fart again. If that’s literally how they wake them up I’m gonna be so mad.
Oh okay thank god I was wrong.
Oh wait it randomly made cragger evil again. Man come on.
Cruller you stupid dumb idiot lmao get wrecked honestly
I hope the skunk dies like actually for real
Episode 17:
Oh shit Lavals dad also had a best friend that did shitty things and eventually grew apart from?? Damn.
Also Laval in exile time!!! Hopefully this will be cool
Eh. It’s not so cool with the skunk around
OH SHIT is the shadow wind the guy that was exiled before??? Ohhhhh
Ahhh okay Cruller backstory time. Damn girl was getting compared to her sibling straight out the egg. Didn’t even have a moment to spare there huh
Noooo Laval you just enslaved the wolves again by giving him the treaty. That was like the one cool thing cruller manages to do
Oh. I guess the exile thing literally didn’t matter at all lmao kinda underwhelming
Episode 18:
Lol so Cragger is such a dickhead now it’s even causing his stupid ominous dream to take notice
Okay so the floating mountain that gives everyone the chi also makes you on fire when you touch it. Chima world building really is epic man I gotta include random cool shit in my stories once I get around to writing stuff
This definitely feels like part of a finale lol maybe we’ll finally learn what the deal is w shadow wind
Andddddd the chi’s all fucked up now
Episode 19:
Tbh I would also be kinda mad at the lions like. They had no idea what they were doing or if it would have any negative consequences.
Man the whole thing with the wolves just kinda. Fizzled out huh? Like a few episodes ago they had ~all the chi in chima~ and now they’re all like “idk man why don’t we all just get along” lol
I love the attitude of just asking the beavers to fix the mountain. Like let’s just chuck a couple of construction workers at this malfunctioning holy site that’ll probably work
Episode 20:
I’m guessing this is the finale?? Let’s see
Laval looks so weird without his little crown thingy lol hes so square
He’s definitely not dead tho
OH UM. Okay well that complicates things. And there’s like a million other questions we still haven’t answered but ok. I guess all of that other stuff can wait until later????
I thought the eagle guy said chima only had 2 moons left before everything fell apart?? So they really gotta get the ball rolling on that one uhm. Oh well.
**EDIT** Last time I posted this I thought it stopped at episode 13 for some reason?? Tubi is stupid; thanks to the person who pointed out the actual episode number. I’ll probably stop here for a while, sorry it took so long to update this lol. My initial thoughts and feelings haven’t really changed all that much, so I’ll keep them as they were:
I definitely feel like it’s a show that doesn’t have super strong characters. I think it would better if the show leaned more into the world it’s created instead, if that makes sense. Maybe later the character writing will improve a little bit, and I’ll changed my tune. But!! Who knows. I’m having fun with it.
Idk when I’ll get to season 2, cuz I get super busy sometimes (I started this one a couple months ago but couldn’t finish it till now ugh) but I do want to continue watching!! Eventually!!!
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monumentalslutt · 1 year
i’m about to start crying over y ex wtf i’m too stoned for this rn .⁉️ but literally feel like he will never ever realise how much the shit he did hurt me and the fact that he always just acted like he never fucking cared. but it’s not his fault, it’s probably just an experience that was meant to happen for me i guess 😂😂 universe wanted to really make sure i end up turnin like jade or something anyways. i still care about him and i think i always will, i just wish he knew how the things made me feel too, and it hurts my feelings he didn’t care enough to even try fix things he was just like ok well i never have to see u again anyways stupid cunt and ur hot friends are still here so win win 😜😜😜😜 he didn’t say that but i bet u that’s like the train of thought anyways, i still care about him obviously. i think i always will like no matter what he does or how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other i’ll always care about him, but i will just like make sure he’s okay from a very far away, i check if he’s still following me on pinterest every once and a while to make sure he doesn’t fully not give a fuck abt me because then i will be sad because i still care about him and would like help him if he ever needed idk imagine like an emergency situation sorry i’m really stoned and am just really enjoying typing but it’s really hard to stay focused on trying to write down my thoughts and feelings and yassss i’m actually so excited for tomorrow i’ve never been to a guys house other than my ex. that also makes me mad bcs how come he gets so many bitches and i get none like where are the hoes at am i right like, i need him to give me some pointers or like tips on how to talk to new people i hate having to meet new people it’s awful and i’m just painfully awkward most the time it’s literally shameful ugh anyways yasss my first hoe but i’m very nervous because ive literally never even had a conversation with him like hes literally never even been like hey how are you ????? but it’s fine i know what he looks like and where he lives and. i know he’s not a 40 year old man ok don’t fret but i’m really scared hes gonna wanna fuck bcs i’m late for my period bcs eatin disorders am i right i habe no idea when it will come back anyways YEAH so i’m not around ovulation bcs i have kinda temporarily fucked all that up ANYWQYS yeah so bro better have lube and condoms kiddinf i am not fucking a random guy sorry and no matter who i fuck or how long i’ve known them lights off ❌❌❌❌❌❌ i’m literally a virgin but for if it happen, actually i feel weirdly insecure about being a virgin because like i don’t know i feel like a nun but also the fact i’ve never done it makes me nervous and i really don’t like the idea of having to be naked with somebody else sorry i literally cannot stand my limbs and i also feel like i would somehow have an ugly fanny so nobody is EVER seeing my fanny, never ever letting anyone eat me out sorry that actually sounds awful bcs brutha WHAT IF I SMELT VAD OR TASTED FUNNY or what if i had a hairy but crack??? or a no what if my flaps are too small or too big like no absolutely not anyways sorry idk why i just started talking ahout all of that i’m still fretting ahout what to wear i’m literally just going to his house so i feel like purple shorts would work BUT i fucking hate my legs and what if he is like jump scared by how i look irl and what if he didn’t realise i had such funny looking body oh my lord 🙈🙈🙈🙉🙈🙈 what the freak bro anywys i’m getting doordash hungry jacks is supposed to be here and i’m trying to eat a bit this evening because i’m fuckin constipated and i really cant be constipated tomorrow afternoon bcs ?!!!! no absolutely not now i’m really scared that i have head lice bcs today i nit treated my friends hair bcs she got nits from a 2 year old literally stay away from all children’s heads and also i literally am at a daycare two days a week and i swear to god i can feel shit crawling omg wtf is happening ok no nevermind i do not have head lice i was geekin anyways new chains same shackles is so good mwah
0 notes
whyse7vn · 3 years
[ ot7 x reader ]
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lmao what is this it’s 3 am and i’m tired enjoy ^ ^
jin: you ate without me…
y/n: did do that
jin: you said you’d wait
y/n: lied
jin: you’re not even gonna try and lie and say you tried you wait or something?
y/n: no
jin: we’re over
y/n: damn that sucks
jin: you don’t even care 😓
y/n: i do
seokjin please please please take me back i love you so much please please !!
jin: i guess i’ll give you another chance 🙄
y/n: thanks so much jinjin love you 😍😍🥰🥰🥰‼️‼️‼️‼️💕💕💓💓💓
jin: ew stop
y/n: stop what bae 😓💓
jin: that
y/n: you’re so hard to please
jin: i deserve better than you
y/n: choke
jin: i’m plotting your murder
y/n: it’s giving jin !alpha !hybrid !mafia boss !hard dom (disturbing content) minors dni
jin: i wolf you
y/n: would turn you into a rug
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namjoon: got a loaf of bread
y/n: smooth like butter
namjoon: also got broke that green bowl so i bought a new one
y/n: haters gonna hate and players gonna play
namjoon: the bowl is blue tho
hope that’s ok
y/n: pretty woman
namjoon: did you eat lunch ?
y/n: everybody say no
namjoon: you should go do that then
y/n: run run run
namjoon: i think there is soup in the fridge
go check
y/n: did you see my bag ?
namjoon: is it there ?
y/n: you’re so big for no reason
namjoon: what ?
y/n: i’m looking at that photo on the fridge
namjoon: the disney one ?
y/n: yeah and you’re standing behind me you a big bitch
namjoon: thanks ?
y/n: ur built like a brick
ur so hot
come home pls
namjoon: i’m on my way love
namjoon: i do
y/n: he really got you like that
i would of laughed if i was there
namjoon: i know
y/n: loud asf too
namjoon: i know babe
y/n: pls he really ate you up
lord i’m laughing now
namjoon: i figured
y/n: still love you tho 🤞🏽❤️
namjoon: love you too
was the soup in the fridge ?
y/n: no
namjoon: k i’ll order something when i get back ok ?
y/n: light it up like dynamite
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y/n: what if i had 1 hour to live and was going bald and my leg was broken and all my family was dying from cancer right now
yoongi: it’s 8am
y/n: what if
yoongi: it’s 8am
y/n: yoongi 🥺
yoongi: it is 8 am.
y/n: ok and i am gonna kms.
what now yoongi ? what now ??
yoongi: bye
y/n: what the frick bro
fuck you
you’re an opp fr
can’t trust anyone
not a soul not even your own bf
this is so sad
all they ever do is leave you in the dirt
this is what fame does to people
man this is so sad
all this money gets to them fr fr
i can’t believe it
you switched like a pussy lil bitch 💔🗣🙏🏽
agust d too famous for me 😓😓
omg am i the next rap monster but actually black ????
you should get them braids again bae 😍
could be twins
nvm i don’t like you forgot
suga flopped 🥱‼️
bts disband
skz outsold bts 🗣🗣🗣🗣
felix should replace suga 💯
agust d a flop 🙄
cyphers ain’t even that good
suga old asf
yoongi: i am trying
y/n: omg hey bae 😍😍❤️🥵🥰
yoongi: to sleep
y/n: without me 😩⁉️
yoongi: yes
y/n: omw to america rn btw like fr fr no joke /thisisnotajokeimbeingfr
yoongi: i know
y/n: i can tell you’re so excited ur so cute love you 💞
yoongi: yeah.
going to sleep now.
y/n: rest up bro ‼️‼️‼️
see you soon g 🥱🤞🏽
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y/n: i had a dream you violently slammed me into a pile of bricks
you had me by the throat
hobi: my fault
y/n: my back is broken now
hobi: sorry
y/n: it’s ok i forgive you
hobi: thank you
y/n: just don’t do it again
hobi: i promise i won’t
y/n: don’t let me down
hobi: ok
y/n: we are in love
hobi: true
y/n: cool
hobi: went into a cake shop today
y/n: what did it smell like
hobi: roses
y/n: interesting
hobi: got a small cake with a strawberry on top
y/n: photo ?
hobi: i dropped it
y/n: oh
hobi: i took a picture of it on the floor tho do you want to see ?
y/n: please
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tae: hiiii
y/n: saw a trumpet on the tv made me think about how shit you sound playing it
tae: fuck you i’ll be great one day
y/n: i take it back ur hot
tae: fanks
y/n: we can get matching trumpets
can we put like sequins on them or will that fuck up the sound or something?
tae: idk
y/n: you should
tae: can we drink tn?
y/n: we can make a lil marching band 🥺🥺🥺
tae: also can we not invite jin this time want it to just be us
y/n: we should learn how to play dynamite
tae: and we are gonna eat yesterday’s leftovers
y/n: but if i see your fucking feet out one time today marching band dreams will come to an end ok ?
tae: but idk if i’m really feeling leftovers yk???
y/n: make sure them dogs are LOCKED away
tae: yeah idk i’ll wait until it’s time to eat then i’ll decide
y/n: what ?
tae: huh?
why are you talking about my feet
y/n: they’re scary 😟
tae: i feel like we’re on the completely different pages rn
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jk: what if i was spiderman ?
y/n: that would be hot
jk: yeah
y/n: why aren’t you spiderman?
jk: racism.
y/n: valid
jk: do you still think i’m hot even tho i’m not spiderman?
y/n: i guess
jk: thanks
y/n: yw
jk: sorry i’m not at my full potential
y/n: i forgive you
jk: ok
y/n: ok
jk: bought a rock today
y/n: a shiny one ?
jk: no
y/n: like just a normal one ?
jk: yeah
y/n: nice.
jk: ikr
y/n: how much was it?
jk: 4k
y/n: what
jk: 4,000
y/n: jungkook
jk: yeah
y/n: what the fuck
jk: the rock seller was very convincing
y/n: can you return it ?
jk: no
y/n: what does the rock do
jk: sit ?
y/n: oh
jk: i’m gonna draw a face on it
y/n: i think i’m gonna take your card for a bit
jk: oh
y/n: yeah
jk: did i do something wrong ?
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jimin: watched 10 fancams of myself today
y/n: watched 10 of v
jimin: go fuck him then ???
y/n: might do that
jimin: no don’t it was a joke /j /j /j /j
y/n: don’t joke like that got my hopes up for nothing 😔💔
jimin: you would never
y/n: try me
jimin: you make me sick
y/n: 🤞🏽🤞🏽
jimin: you make me hard
y/n: i would hope so
jimin: yeah
y/n: yeah
jimin: i’m in our room
y/n: ok
jimin: just thinking
y/n: nice to know your brain still does that
jimin: you ruined it
y/n: my bad bro 🙏🏽
jimin: bro ???
y/n: bestie ?
jimin: ur so annoying
y/n: i’ll try better myself for you jimin 😔
jimin: you cant
you’re too lost
y/n: find me jimin 🥺🥺
pls find me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
jimin: i’ll try
y/n: that’s so hot 🤤🥵❤️‼️💯
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sillysnack · 3 years
when he sees me
/ (romantic)
pairing: carlos madrigal / reader
prns used: they/them (told in 2nd person)
word count: 3384
request by an anon! hope u and anyone else reading enjoys < 3
part 1 of ldr w/ carlos lmao | masterlist
— — — — —
notes + the request: modern au ! ye HAHASHHA tl;dr the request is carlos ghosts the reader for quite some time but the reader doesn’t know why and carlos cant rlly talk to you so 🤷‍♀️ 
content warning for cursing
tagging @kissingharu nagpa-tag siya eh tnx sa su4t (su-four-t > support)
— — — — —
You don’t know what happened. A week ago, you two were perfectly fine! Carlos would message you a few minutes after he woke up, as usual; you two would fall asleep on call together, you’d talk to each other's families as if you all lived in one big house; typical stuff you two would do as a couple. For some reason though, Carlos hasn’t replied to you in a week; no updates or anything, not even on his other accounts.
Did Carlos ghost you? Surely, he wouldn’t, right? But why weren’t the two of you talking? He makes sure to send you messages if anything comes up, he always does. It’s okay if he sometimes forgets to update, though. Maybe this week’s just one of those times. Maybe he’s perfectly fine, but just doesn’t want to talk to you!
“Hang on, that’s literally what ghosting is.” You look at your phone. You’ve probably sent him more than a dozen text messages just within the day, but you get no response.
carlos, mi vida?
i hope i’m not being too clingy but i miss you. i hope ur doing well :)
i think i might come and visit you, if thats okay? i mean, we do trust each other long enough to give our addresses
plus we deliver shit to each other almost every day LMAO
we *do* talk a lot about meeting up soon… r u okay with that soon being today?
taking that as a ‘yes’ btw! going to ask my parents if theyre ok with me going to your house
amor, i hope you’re safe. i love u <3 see u later
Lord knows you’ve sent too many messages to Carlos. Hell, you sent him around eight messages just that morning.
8:22 AM
gm carlos! hope you slept well 💟
youre probably still sleeping, in which case, sleep well! dont forget your meals & to take care of yourself
i love you!
9:34 AM
HI CARLOSSS just finished eating breakfast!
(You sent a photo.)
have you eaten breakfast alr ?? u better 😒
I FEEL SO CLINGY FUCK SORRYYy i just💔💔 i miss youu 🥀🖤☠
jk lol We r literally in a relationship. pro is youre in love and its really fucking adorable, cons are youre in love with ME (manmade curse)
You scroll through your messages last night. God, to say that you like Carlos was an understatement; you were absolutely smitten for a guy you met online. But hey, as long as you're happy!
im going to sleep alreadyyy ! ik its like 2am so you better be asleep rn 😒 although i wouldnt be surprised if you arent. take care of yourself though, amor </3
okay i think its safe to assume to you’re asleep rn
anyways, goodnight carlos! hope i could call you again,,.. i love uu
a little selfie before i sleep so you dream of me <3 (i WILL hunt you mwahaha)
(You sent a photo.)
alright love ya!
What the hell was I thinking? You shut your eyes, maybe the clingy-sounding messages I sent will go away. Obviously, they did not.
I wonder what he’s doing right now. Maybe Carlos is grounded, or something. Wouldn’t be surprised. Love him to death but God would be laughing if I said he wasn’t a menace.
— — —
“I dropped my phone once, so what? Now I don’t get to talk to the light of my life?” Camilo frowns. “See, it’s stuff like that that makes me want to punch you in the face. Don’t forget you lost a bet! A true man keeps his word.” Carlos rolls his eyes.
“Camilo, don’t say things like that! Say it like this,” Mirabel turns to her cousin with a gentle smile, “I am happy for you and your relationship, but you’ve become a bit more unbearable to be around.”
Carlos sticks his tongue out. “You say that like I don’t know that already? Not my fault you two aren’t in relationships that are as great as mine– let alone the fact you two don’t have a partner at all.” Mirabel and Camilo glare at Carlos.
Dolores approaches the trio. “Keep your phones away from Carlos. If he does, he’ll get another day of not talking to his amor.” She laughs as she pulls out Carlos’s phone. One notification after another. “This is payback, for all the times you’ve made fun of us.”
Isabela nods. Carlos furrows his eyebrows. She wasn’t here a minute ago? “For all the times you’ve yelled out ‘¡Señorita, mi prima piensa que es bonita!’ (Miss, my cousin thinks you’re pretty!) to a pretty woman in public while I’m around.” She crushes a flower that Carlos didn’t even notice she was holding.
“I was right, though. You– almost 100% of the time– do think the person is pretty.” Isabela narrows her eyes at Carlos. “I could’ve told them myself, thank you very much.” Carlos just smiles. “I was doing you a favor, you’re very much welcome. I’m going to go get myself a glass of water now.”
Carlos stands up and turns to Dolores, “Can you at least just let me read some of their messages?” Dolores shakes her head. “Why would you just read their messages and not reply to them? That’s just hurtful.” Carlos shrugs, his sister has a point.
Bzzt. A new notification. Carlos tries to snatch his phone from Dolores, but fails as she passes it to Isabela; then to Mirabel, Camilo, Antonio, Luisa, then back to Dolores. “What did I ever do to you guys?”
Apparently it was a lot, considering they were all in Carlos’s room for more than 30 minutes.
— — —
“Ma, you know Carlos, right?” Your mama nods. “Of course! Your boyfriend! He’s very sweet, how is he?” You smile for a second. My boyfriend. “Ma! He isn’t my boyfriend yet, we’re making it official once we meet up in person. But Carlos has been… inactive. But I’m planning to visit him soon. You know how I’ve always talked about meeting Carlos in person? And how I’ve been a great child to you all and therefore feel like I should have a reward of some sorts?”
Your mama looks at you playfully, “Are you trying to ask me if you can visit Carlos in his house? Do you even know where he lives?” You nod and proudly say, “If he knows where I live, I should know where he lives too.”
“I don’t know what to say to that… but… I’ll accompany you on your way to your boyfriend’s house? When are you going to go?” You shrug. “Maybe today, mama. I’ll ask him first.”
CARLOS MADRIGAL the love of my life my other half my little scrumbo my soon-to-be boyfriend my– [train passes by] HELLO
immediately* lmao
uhhhhh we talked abt meeting up A LOT and tbh i dont know when and where that wld be but AAHHhh i think. i think today is that day. ?????!@?#? at your house ???  if thats okay ?? !
“So? Did he say yes?” You shake your head. “He hasn’t seen the message, mama. I’ll let you know if he replies!”
— — —
“Carlos, hijo,” Félix knocks on the door to Carlos and Camilo’s shared room, “Are you busy? I wanted to talk to you about something.” Carlos answers him, “Nope, papa. Come in! Camilo’s out making cup noodles.”
Félix approaches his son. “You talk as if your mellizo is making the same gourmet meals your tia Julieta makes.” The two laugh. “Si, si. My bad! Por cierto (by the way), what did you want to talk about?”
“Ah, I just wanted to ask how things are going with your partner. Y/N, right?” Carlos looks away from his dad. “Great! Haven’t talked to them in a week, though. I lost some bet to mis primas y hermanas.”
Félix takes a deep breath. “Carlos, I say this with love, but why would you let that happen?” Carlos just smiles. “I don’t know..? I kind of forgot why I had a bet with them in the first place.” He gets a light smack on the back of his head.
“¡Lo siento, papá! Originally, the bet was that I don't talk to Y/N for a day but if they catch me texting them with someone else’s phone– say, Camilo’s– I wouldn't talk to them for another day.” Félix laughs at his son. “You let yourself get caught? Hijo, I can’t back you up.”
Carlos just shrugs. “Can’t argue with that.”
Félix softens his voice, so Carlos could be the only one to hear him. “I can, however, help you talk to your amor– in person.” Carlos replies to his father in an equally hushed voice, “Papa, why are you whispering? Also, tell me more.” Félix just shrugs. “I’ll just drive you to their house, surprise them! Your first of many grand romantic gestures in the relationship.”
Carlos grins. “I like that! I’ll get dressed.”
“Be ready in 20 minutes. I’ll talk to your mami.”
Camilo enters and watches as their father walks out of the room with a smile on his face, he turns to Carlos. “What did you two talk about? Why are you going through your closet?”
Carlos scowls at Camilo. “I live here? Also, we just talked about eating out. Father-son bonding.”
“Without me? I doubt that.” Camilo places his cup noodles on a nearby table. Carlos replies, “Well, you’re eating right now.” Camilo shrugs. “I could eat it on the way. Come on, I’ll get ready too.”
“I’m meeting Y/N today.”
“Holy shit. You’re kidding?” Carlos stares at his brother. “Why would I lie?” Camilo grins and walks out of the room, running back to get his food. “Cool. Cool. ¡Felicidades!” He slowly walks out of the room.
“CARLOS MADRIGAL, NO LONGER BITCHLESS! LET’S GO! Hola, abuela y tia…” Carlos breaks out into laughter before picking an outfit to wear. He changes his clothes before looking for his primas and hermana. Can’t go to my soon-to-be-partner’s home without my phone.
“Dolores. Tienes mi teléfono, ¿verdad? (You have my phone, right?)” Dolores nods at Carlos. “Why are you dressed all fancy?” Carlos looks at his outfit, just a maroon T-shirt tucked into black pants. “I’m not? Wait, I guess this is better than my usual outfits–”
“There is nothing different with this outfit.” Mirabel interrupts.
“–Cállate (Shut up.) Papa’s taking me to meet up with Y/N.” Luisa visibly chokes on her drink for a split second. “Is that why Camilo yelled something about you not being ‘bitchless’ anymore?”
Carlos sighs. “Yeah. Where is he, though?” His cousins and sister shrug. “‘Kay.” Félix walks toward them with a smile on his face, he makes eye contact with Carlos and puts his thumbs up.
“Ah, papá está aquí (papa’s here.) Hasta luego, losers.” Mirabel rolls her eyes. “Hope it goes terribly. Tell Y/N I said hello, though!” Carlos flips off Mirabel, quickly putting his middle finger down so he doesn’t get scolded by any of the adults in their home.
“Can I have my phone now?” Dolores whispers to her cousins while Carlos just stands there.
“Carlos! ¡Darse prisa! (Hurry up!)” Carlos yells out to his father, “¡Sí papá! Solo espera un minuto.” (Yes, papa! Just wait one minute.) He approaches them. “Where’s my phone?”
“With Camilo…” Carlos groans. “Okay, gracias.”
— — —
Carlos held his phone tightly on the way to your house. What if you gave him the wrong address? Or you and your family had moved homes but he didn’t know since you two haven’t talked in a week?
Holy shit. You two haven’t talked in a week– did you break up with him? Without even being in a relationship? Could that happen? It probably could. So many things could have possibly gone wrong before Carlos even met you in person. Is this why people don’t like online relationships?
“...Carlos! We’re almost there. Have you texted them yet?” Carlos shakes his head. Apparently in the week that his phone was being passed around his cousins and siblings, it was only charged on the first two days.
— — —
You purse your lips together. You felt like prettying yourself up today. Lord knows why– you don’t– but he does! You look at yourself in the mirror, you look good.
Although this gut feeling that you have to prepare for something won’t go away, so you put together an outfit that you’re pretty sure can be worn inside and outside your house.
“Looking good!” You take out your phone and hope for any new notifications, specifically from one particular Madrigal.
“None.” You sigh. He didn’t even acknowledge any of your messages for the past few days. Maybe it was the end?
heyyy carlos
probably not a good start to that lol
uhm. is this ur way of saying you dont like me anymore ? hshdjhs i’d be sad if you dont like me anymore obviously but i’d understand. people change ! but u could have just told me straight to the point yk????? didnt have to go ghost me like that lmao
god. tbh i’d be an annoying ex so maybe reconsider breaking up with me? jk
why cant i unsend messages here fuck!!
okay i’ll actually stop spamming you this time 💔 watch me not reply for a week too. PAYBACK!
me sending this as if i wouldnt reply to your messages in a heartbeat. dumb bitch behavior!
You look at the mirror as if you were in a reality show, and some other person with you did some dumb shit– except you’re the person who did the dumb thing. “I could go for some (favorite beverage) right now. Huh, maybe that’s why I wanted to dress up today.”
“¡Oye, Y/N, hay alguien en la puerta! ¿Puedes conseguirlo? (Hey, Y/N, someone's at the door! Can you get it?)” You answer your dad, “Si, papa! Tell them to wait just a minute!” You grab your wallet and phones, checking it once again for a reply from Carlos.
from: camilo madrigal
“Huh?” You make small steps out of your room, eyes glued to your phone.
(c) dont know why mirabel had to use my phone. CHECK GC RNN
(c) omgg wonder who it is (knows who it is)
WELL I DONT..?????
just got deja vu 🤗😒
oh hey. BYE opening the door RNN
(c) hehhehe
You roll your eyes as you turn off your phone. What’s got Camilo so excited about? His brother ghosting you? Fun! You open the door, just to get whatever situation that was about to unfold over with.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing got you prepared for who was at the other side of the door.
“Am I dreaming? You don’t talk to me for a week and suddenly you’re at the door of my own home. What the hell? Are you kidding me?”
You didn’t know what to feel; you two have been talking about meeting each other for months and now it’s… real. He’s in front of you.
You finally meet the guy you’ve been talking to for months in person, and you just stand there like a statue.
“Hola… bad time?”
You shake your head. “Absolutely not! Uhm, I was just heading out to buy a drink.”
Ask him why he hasn’t been replying to any of your messages.
“Come in!” You make way for Carlos, who awkwardly walks in. “Pa, Carlos is here.” Your father rolls his eyes. “Not again! I told you, I won’t be weird around your boyfrie– ay, he’s actually here.”
Carlos smiles at your dad. “Hola, senor.”
The silence is dreadful.
— — —
“I’m glad your papa allowed us to go out.” You shrug as you take a sip of your drink. “Pretty cool, right? Anyways, I have a question! Nothing too serious, although it kind of is…”
You take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
“Why didn’t you respond to me? For, like, a week? Is everything okay at home?” Carlos cuts you off, laughing, before you spiral any further. “Yeah, everything’s okay. Just lost a bet to my cousins and siblings.”
A bet?! Why am I surprised? He’s always got bad luck when betting with his family.
“Not another bet… what were you all doing?”
Carlos chuckles. “This is a long story, do you want me to summarize it?” You shrug. “Surprise me.”
So that’s what Carlos did. Apparently the Madrigals betted on who could last a day without stealing any of each other’s stuff– the grandkid that’s caught by an adult loses– “It’s a silly thing, I know.”
Carlos got caught stealing one of Camilo’s clothes by his Tia Julieta. Why was he stealing them?
“I was going to make it look like he was sneaking in the kitchen that night, lo cual no es del todo falso (which isn't entirely untrue).”
You start laughing. “Every time you tell me a story about your family, they get wilder and wilder yet they’re all true? Are you sure you’re not lying to me?”
Carlos shakes his head. “No! Sorry if the way I say stuff feels like a lie. But it’s true, I lost a bet and they were all, like, ‘don’t talk to Y/N for a day. If any of us catches you with someone’s phone, another day gets added.’ Apparently there was a limit to that.
“I’m sorry I didn’t reply to any of your messages, I really am.”
You smile at him. “Can’t stay mad at you.” Carlos types something on his phone and you hear a buzz coming from yours.
Carlos replied to your photo: wow you are absolutely stunning
(carlos) icb ur real. insane how god lets angels walk among us
(carlos) i love u
You abruptly close your phone and turn away from Carlos. “I love you too.”
Carlos smiles. “You said the L-word.”
“I know.”
You and Carlos are quiet for a while. It isn’t awkward, it isn’t unbearable. It was cute. Like in coming-of-age movies where the main character and their love interest go on a date as a couple for the first time.
“Do you remember when I asked you to be my partner for the first time?” You nod, “I said I’d give you an answer when we met up in person.” Carlos nods. “Do you have an answer already?”
You nod. “Ah, considering the past week, it’s quite difficult to answer you– who am I kidding? Of course I’ll be your partner!” Carlos lets out a sigh he didn’t even know he was holding. “Thank God! I was worried you’d say no; which is totally okay, it’s your choice! I’d make a good boyfriend, though. Mirabel and I made a powerpoint.”
You raise your eyebrows. “I know you’re my boyfriend already but I need to see that.” Carlos checks his phone. “I think I have the file here, I’m not sure.”
You pull your phone out and open your previous conversation with Camilo. “Right, your brother was asking me if I saw you already and if I did, asked for selfies.”
Carlos reads the conversation. “Okay, we’re definitely taking photos. Don’t send any of them to Cami, though.” You wink at him. “No promises!”
— — —
Carlos looks at his phone. A new message from Camilo.
(c) just saw your photos on y/n’s posts 🤗 u look like shit 🤗 tell y/n i said hi though and congrats to you two stay strong or whatever
go to hell
(c) okayyy love youuu have fun beating the bitchless allegations xoxo
you are literally the only one to call me bitchless
(c) to your FACE
closing the phone rn GOODBYE.
(c) :)
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hornime · 4 years
home workout | bokuto koutarou x gn!reader
“i’d let you do- do anything. anything you wan’ to me. i’m yours. all- all,” his voice raised a few octaves as the inside of your thighs brushed past his cockhead, “yours. all yours.”
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warnings: 18+, sub!bokuto, jealous!reader (i mean who wouldn’t be when bokuto, your goddamn boyfriend, is perceived by other people the fuck), also lowkey possessive!reader, lotsa licking and sucking, nipple play, some praise (from reader) and some begging, brief mention of dacryphilia, kinda soft at the end
w/c: 1.5k sheesh
a/n: bokuto brainrot has me in literal tears. him being completely clueless to people flirting w him cus he doesn’t recognize romance from anyone but you has me so soft. i luv this man w my whole heart !!!!! ALSO THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE ON THE BAKUGO FIC I JUST ABOUT SHIT MY PANTS WOOWWOWO
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you weren’t an idiot. you knew that your boyfriend was attractive in literally every aspect of the word. he was sweet, patient, and kind, and what he lacked in academic smarts was made up tenfold in his emotional maturity and ability to read people. big and beefy, bokuto was all yours and all you wanted to stay trapped within his arms forever. unfortunately, to maintain the figure you adored so much and stay in shape for the volleyball season, he had to leave the four walls of your shared bedroom far more than you liked, having a daily obligation to spend a few hours at the gym.
once again, you weren’t an idiot. the few times that your work schedule and his training schedule aligned, you’d been able to work out together. and despite your knowledge of just how good-looking bokuto was and the fact that other people could perceive him (much to your chagrin) you were shocked at just how much people shamelessly flirted with him. 
cute girls with matching leggings and sports bras practically clung to his biceps, gushing about how strong he was and how he could probably pick them up with just one hand. their incessant giggling, mesmerizing hair twirling, and teasing touches pissed you off to no end, and you’d tug your boyfriend away before their breasts got too close to him for your liking.
something else you noticed was that, no matter how blatantly obvious the girls seemed to be, the guys were somehow worse, flirting through terms you couldn’t even understand. they compared deadlift weights, bicep curls, hip thrusts; you gritted your teeth thinking about whether they’d ever compared cock sizes in the locker room—you wouldn’t put it past those thirsty gym rats. sneaky bastards.
and bokuto, of course, was oblivious to it all. how could you blame him—he was so used to being adored! you knew that, to him, all of their praises paled in comparison to yours, but you couldn’t help but feel jealous. he was all yours—should be all yours—and you hated sharing him with the world.
you woke up saturday morning with a ringing in your ears, hand smacking the nightstand trying to turn off that god-awful alarm noise, bleary eyes barely able to focus on the text notification from your boyfriend.
[5:33 AM] kou: gm babe!!!! i didnt wanna wake u up cus u looked so peaceful! im heading to the gym rn. text me when ur up! love uu
[5:34 AM] kou: should be home around 9!! gym bud wants to show me something so i might be a little late for breakfast.
just to reiterate, you weren’t an idiot. for all the annoying flirting you noticed when you were with bokuto, there was no doubt in your mind that there must be a lot more when he was at the gym alone, which, unluckily for you, was most of the time since he was a freakin’ pro athlete and all.
you couldn’t prevent the pool of envy from swirling in your gut. gym bud? are you serious? who could that be? the girl with the arm tat or the dude with the dreads? no, maybe its that yoga instructor with the ass—
you shook your head, clearing your brain. you’d be here for hours if you went through everyone at that stupid gym that had ever shown interest in bokuto. the clock read 9:53 AM and the green flame in your body only burned brighter. just as you were about to call him and ask where he was, the front door slammed open.
“babe! i’m home!”
you silently put your phone down, teeth still clenching in jealousy. for some reason, hearing his voice only exacerbated the tension in your shoulders. you needed him. now.
“babe?” his voice creeped closer as he tread through the hallway towards the room. “you up?”
you peeked your head out of the doorframe, cheery voice masking your devilish intentions, “kou!"
his eyes brightened as he made eye contact with you and flashed his trademark smile. “hey! what’s u-” he took in the mischievous glint in your eyes “-p?”
you grabbed his burly forearm, yanking him behind you and walking towards him, forcing him to stumble and fall back on the bed. “wait! i’m all gross and sweaty,” he said, “gym showers were broke-”
“i don’t care. take off your shirt.”
“wow, someone’s eager. missed me that much?”
“watch it,” you glared. “i’m not in the mood, kou.”
he gulped at the dominance radiating from your voice, scrambling to take off the t-shirt that stretched between his pecs perfectly. with the fabric off and throw haphazardly to the side, he looked to you expectantly, the epitome of innocence.
your eyes wandered over his sculpted chest, the remnants of a soft sheen of sweat from his workout making it shine in the sunlight pouring through the blinds. your heart stuttered in your chest—he looked like an angel. coupled with the way with his bottom lip was tucked under his front teeth and the wide, anticipating look in his eyes, fuck. you almost smiled how blessed you felt in that moment, to see him in such a raw, alluring position, before a jarring thought caused your lips to twitch back into a frown.
everyone else can see him, too.
your eyes hardened. maybe they can see him all big and strong, you thought, but they’ll never get to see him like this: submissive.
and so fucking sensitive.
within an instant, your lips were latched on the soft spot above his collarbone, causing him to whimper in pleasure. you continued to travel along his throat, slowly working your way to the other side of his neck and crossing back to nibble at his adam’s apple.
you unexpectedly pulled away, drawing a short whine from him, before repositioning yourself so that you were straddling his outstretched legs. slowly, starting from the hem of his shorts, you dragged your tongue between the ridges of his abs, moving up towards his pecs, tasting the saltiness of his sweat and feeling the muscles tense underneath.
“fuck,” he groaned. as your lips puckered around one of his peaked nipples, he uncontrollably jerked his hips up, inadvertently rubbing his sensitive cock between your legs. overwhelmed by the sensation, he moaned. “fuck.”
“you taste good,” you muttered, grazing your teeth over his other nipple. “just wanna taste you all the time. you’d let me, right?”
thoughts muddled by just how good everything felt, he nodded mindlessly. “i’d let you do- do anything. anything you wan’ to me. i’m yours. all- all,” his voice raised a few octaves as the inside of your thighs brushed past his cockhead, “yours. all yours.”
you paused. raising your head from his chest, you made eye contact with him, so intense he almost closed his eyes to shield himself from the blaze burning in your dilated pupils. “why’d you stop,” he begged, “i want more. feels so good and i wan’ mor-”
“say it again,” you demanded. “tell me that you’re mine.”
his eyes, glossed over and prickled with tears precariously close to falling, squeezed tightly as he spoke, unable to control the growing volume of his voice. “’m all yours. always. all yo- yours.” he gasped as you resumed your movements, pinching the sensitive skin around his v-line while fervently leaving sloppy kisses on his chest. 
“good boy.”
he keened at your praise. another light touch to his cock combined with the passage of your mouth had him trembling, and his breath hitched as he cried out in warning, tears now flowing freely over his flushed cheeks. “m’ gonna cum, ‘m gonna, gonna cum.”
“yeah?” you whispered, lips brushing against his strained abs. “go ahead then.”
“fuck!” he whined, blabbering as you sat back and watched in awe of the beauty before you, a big strong man like him reduced to nothing more than a moaning mess. “fuck, fuck—you always make me feel so, s-so go-od, fuck i love you.”
with soaked shorts and an exhausted sigh, he dropped his head back onto the plush comforter of the bed. you flattened your palms on his quivering body, reeling from the aftershocks of his orgasm. he panted, running his fingers through your hair before nudging your face to look at him, staring at you with an expression of pure bliss and adoration. he studied you for a bit before declaring with a soft smile, “you’re the best. so fuckin’ happy that i’m yours.”
driven by affection, he sat up and reached his arms around your waist, snuggling his chin over your shoulder and mashing your chests, yours clothed and his naked, together. “kou wait!” you shrieked. “you’re all sweaty again! it’s gross!”
he chuckled. as if you hadn’t been spoiling him by licking it up just a few minutes ago. “you’re right. i‘m probably sweating more now than i was after my workout.”
at that, your ears perked up. “well maybe you should do home workouts more often then,” you teased.
“you’re right,” he repeated with a grin, “maybe i should.” if it meant more mornings like these, he’d forego the gym in a heartbeat. 
that night, he canceled his gym membership. after all, he reasoned, it’s offseason anyway.
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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cloudy-leonhart · 4 years
I JUST READ YOUR VETERANS WITH FILIPINO S/O AND IM SO PROUD WCEIWVEHHW, can i also request a veteran reaction to like, their s/o gets flirted with a guy and their s/o is totally oblivious. (also, nanaba is very cute, ate nana 😭✊)
wait but this is such a good request 🥺 maybe that’s just me, I like jealous headcanons lmao-
[author note: I have a few fic requests in my inbox rn! Please dw if u requested a fic, it takes me a little longer to write fics than headcanons so please don’t think I’m ignoring your request! I also had to rewrite this, I had a bad weekend and tumblr keeps deleting my drafts but I still want to provide for my followers, so I apologize that it’s only half of the veterans! I’ll add Nanaba and Moblit once I do get the motivation too! ]
Summary: S/O get’s flirted with, vets are big jealous babies.
Gender Neutral Reader.
Recommended Song: How Long - Charlie Puth.
TW: some swearing, suggestive themes, yucky boys hitting on you.
Theme: Fluff, canonverse.
Characters: Erwin, Hange, Levi, Miche.
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Erwin Smith
Honestly even he couldn’t tell at first that the noble man (lets call him, Gene.) you were talking to was flirting with you.
You were absolutely oblivious, you think Gene is just having a conversation with you and Gene thinks you like him.
When Erwin notices it, at first he’s like “hmm, maybe Reader’s talking business with him.” And then Gene kissed the back of your hand, in which he felt his eye twitching. He started pouting really bad, he looked like a kicked puppy from across the ballroom. He didn’t want to be rude, so he kept reassuring himself that it was a friendly gesture.
You were absolutely clueless, like “this is fine.” clueless. You had no idea Gene was trying his hardest to court you. Until You felt Erwin behind you, that is.
You know those big coughs that you do to get someone’s attention. Yeah, Erwin coughed REALLY loud. Mind you, Erwin probably towers most nobles. So imagine the face on Gene when he saw this tall, titan-slaying commander towering over him. I think he almost peed his pants honestly, he was like “uh..it was nice meeting you, miss Last name, but uh..I- I uhm.. Igottago-“
Yeah he speed-walked his scared ass outta there, you were kinda just like “what?” You saw Erwin’s shadow and just turned around with the cutest smile on your face.
“Erwin!” You chirped, he softened his glare on the noble and looked at you, cue his pout coming back. “You really didn’t know?”
“Know what?” You asked, walking with him, hand in hand. You guys were walking back to your carriage to go home for the night.
“Reader, he was flirting with you, quite literally trying to court you.” Erwin groaned, his jealousy starting to show. You were still a bit confused, so you just stared at him with a blank expression.
“He was just being nice Erwin, come on.” You nudged his arm, trying to get him to loosen up, he looked at you, in which you looked at him with puppy dog eyes, in response he groaned, being a sucker for your puppy dog eyes.
He huffed, “you’re staying back at the headquarters from now on.” Your eyes widened slightly, “What?! Why?!” You shook him arm. “Because I don’t want you being flirted with, you’re mine reader, and I’m yours.” Erwin squished your cheeks together.
“Owf Cwouse I’m youws-“ you took his hands off your cheek. “You’re the only man for me,” you laughed as you entered the carriage.
“Now get in, I’m feeling a little empty inside and you’re the only who can fix that.”
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Levi Ackerman
Oh dear, if you’re willing to flirt with the Levi Ackerman’s S/O, you’re basically asking for a death wish.
He usually isn’t too jealous when it comes to someone flirting with his S/O genuinely because he’s either busy doing something or he isn’t there at all but...
He’s not called Humanity’s Strongest for nothing. Both of you were in charge for training the cadets. You were known for your kind behaviour, so obviously a lot of the cadets would ask for your training.
In which Levi was okay with because, duh less work for him. He was doing fine until he glanced at you and saw a male cadet getting a little too close. (calling him, Sam.)
You guys were in a secret relationship at the time, he didn’t want anyone teasing you or him about anything so both of you kept it a secret.
See, he regrets that decision right now because it’s really a pain in the ass to see Sam acting like he doesn’t know the moves when he knows damn well he taught the brat those moves a week ago.
So with a clenched jaw, he glared at Sam as you were behind the cadet, teaching him the same move Levi taught him.
Levi looked across the field to see you behind Sam, helping him strike his punch correctly, he felt angered and a little jealous, watching you be so touchy with him.
He sighed and shook his head, trying to calm himself to keep him from doing something, that is until he watched as Sam tripped you just so he could “catch” you. He caught you in those romantic poses.
You weren’t really paying attention to what he was trying to achieve and instead thanked him, unaware of his plan to kiss you. You tried to get out of Sam’s hold, until you realized that Sam was getting close to you.
You were about to start freaking out until someone pulled you into their arms, you looked at your “saviour”’s face, seeing it’s Levi. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to a section commander, cadet?” Sam gulped, walking back. “Just making sure captain Reader’s okay, captain Levi.” Sam saluted, sweating profusely.
“That requires you tripping them and almost kissing them?” Levi’s eyebrow raised as his arm tightened against your waist, that’s when a lightbulb lights up in your mind, ‘Is..is Levi jealous??’ “uh well-” Sam tried to explain himself, “I taught you this move last week, you have no excuse to ask for captain Reader’s help.”
A scowl was long planted on Levi’s face. Sam scoffed, “Okay, so I wanted to court captain Reader, but Sir, they’re single, you can’t blame for wanting to court them.” Levi took a step forward, you prevented him from beating Sam up.
“They’ve got a boyfriend.” He spat out, basically death staring Sam down. “And who’s that?” Sam laughed out.
Levi clicked his tongue, before you knew it, Levi’s lips were on yours. “Me.” He stated.
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Hange Zöe
Hange, they usually are chill most of the times, to be honest they don’t get too jealous, it’s only when it’s painfully obvious, that’s when it starts to tick them off.
I mean, making Levi Ackerman mad is one thing, but Hange?? I’m already planning your funeral. One of the corps’ rules, never ever make Hange Zöe mad.
It does not help when their S/O absolutely is oblivious. 
Hange starts off with being a little skeptical and glancing at you from afar. then it becomes a stare once in a while, and then their mood gets soiled.
they start to become irritated, at this one garrison squad member (let’s name him Avery) talking with you. You should actually be helping them with their experiments.
And they snap when they see you being offered a flower.
Little clueless Reader, just confirmed Avery’s death, it’s been signed this point on.
You could hear AND feel Hange’s stomps nearing both you and Avery.
God help the poor garrison member, because they’re about to be sent to heaven with how jealous and irritated Hange is.
“Hey, Avery.” Hange’s voice cut through your guys’ conversation, “Hange!” you chirped, holding onto the flower Avery had gifted you. “Hange! You’ve met Reader here right?” Avery asked, also unaware of Hange’s attitude.
“yes, they’re actually my partner.” Hange’s teeth was gritted as they took their rightful place beside you, pulling you close. Cue the awkward silence, “Oh my god, Hange I’m so sorry, I thought they were you know-” Hange didn’t even let him finish. 
“Just get the fuck out, Avery.” Hange gave him a glare that almost made Avery shit his pants. “Yes captain!” He saluted and left before Hange could murder him. “What was that about, Hange?” You asked as they took the flower out of your hand.
“He was courting you, and you were letting him, darling.” Hange stated, as you covered your mouth with your hand, “Oh! I’m sorry Hange! Darn it, I’m so oblivious.” You scolded yourself.
“It’s good you can still remember that you belong to me.” Hange continued, inspecting the flower gifted to you. “Of course, you only, Hange.” You agreed, looking at them. 
“Wanna prove it to me then, Reader?”
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Miche Zacharias
Miche is kind of like a grizzly bear, you should never be around him when he’s mad or jealous. 
He tends to be more aggressive when it comes to him being irritated, I don’t mean to headcanon him as a wolf, but I know he just growls when a little thing goes wrong.
He’s possessive over you now, but now he’s basically just suffocating you with his over-protectiveness.
I feel as if he can tell when someone has some kind of weird scent, and it basically spoils everything he can smell.
He tends to hover around you once he gets jealous, he’ll get clingy and probably need to have you touching him somehow, holding hands, side by side. He just needs to be touching you.
He’s the type of person to also just, push away who ever you’re talking with, and just drag you away. 
One time, you and him went on a date and the person who worked there hit on you right in front of him, Miche made him almost piss his pants.
Miche and you were out at an event for survery corps members, celebrating your recent successes with your latest expedition. Miche was with Erwin and Levi while you chatted up a storm with a noble named Walter. 
Miche could feel himself about to break his glass, watching you and Walter laugh together. “So, are you seeing anyone?” Walter asked, you stopped laughing, shocked that he’d ask you that question out of nowhere.
“What?-” At this point Walter had a hold of both of your hands, you were absolutely still in place, “Actually don’t mind that, can I court you?” A big smile was on Walter’s face, wondering about your answer. “I-” 
“You actually can’t, they have a boyfriend.” Miche had long appeared behind you, towering over both you and Walter. You closed your eyes, in a bit of relief, “Yes, this is Miche, he’s a section commander and my boyfriend.” You smiled, hooking your hand with Miche’s, silently hoping that Walter would leave you both alone.
“Ah, I’m terribly sorry, I thought you didn’t have a partner, that’s my fault.” Walter quickly apologized, seeing how intimidating Miche was. “well, I-..I should go, it was lovey meeting you and your boyfriend, Reader.” Walter speed-walked his way out of his situation, leaving you with a pouty and jealous Miche. 
“Why talk to those who look like they have it tiny, Reader?”
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bittersweetmorality · 4 years
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— chuuya boyfriend headcannons (sfw & nsfw)+ drabble
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☾ genre: SFW and NSFW Headcannons (NSFW section is marked-- 18+)
☾ pairing: Nakahara Chuuya x GN!reader (reader is given the name ‘mommy’ in the drabble)
☾ warnings: none for the SFW– general smut for the NSFW ??
☾ w/c: 1,978 words
☾ a/n: hey lol :D as a certified chuuya fucker, i just had to.  i literally have like three other chuuya drafts that i’m currently working on.  hopefully they turn out like i want and i can post them bc :| the chuuya tag is starving.  anyway i hope i can populate it just a tad.  thanks for reading bugs !
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— SFW 
lemme start off by saying that he will treat yo ass RIGHT.  ON MY MOMMA.
not to bring his trauma into this already but :| my man has major abandonment issues.  he will not do anything to jeopardize your relationship, and he honestly just values your happiness above anything else
you just know how much he cares about the fellow members of the mafia– even though they don’t requite the same amount of love that he gives them, he still loves them wholeheartedly
even dazai
little shit
his love language is definitely touch and gift-giving.  no i don’t accept criticism because i’m right
you’re telling me he wouldn’t absolutely spoil you with expensive gifts ?? mans is a mafia executive– he’s making hella bank, and he is spending it all on you
he’s also definitely a pretty clingy significant other, but good luck trying to get him to admit that :|
his life is… well… yaknow
there’s always a lot going on there..... he’s stresst
he wants nothing more than to just hold you in his arms after a long day-- especially if he just came back from a hard day at work
times like this are when he’s most clingy-- he feels like he almost lost you, and now he never wants to let you go
many, many times he’s fallen asleep like this; you’re basically suffocating in his grip as his eyelids flutter closed, either on the couch or your bed
but of course you’re not going to complain
and he’s so glad you don’t
he’s also the type to almost never explicitly say that he loves you at first, it’s simply not something that comes naturally to him
instead he indulges in his love languages profusely, and he just hopes you get the message
he’s also afraid that you’ll leave him if he says something like that, so for a long time he doesn’t :(
so when you come home to a bottle of expensive wine wrapped in an exquisite red ribbon, you know he just wants to tell you how much he loves you
eventually, of course he’s comfortable with you enough to say it, and it comes completely natural
and since he’s such a romantic, he says it every morning when you wake up, and before you go to bed without fail
he’s definitely the type to show you off too
like, as he’s having a conversation with someone, he’ll suddenly get really loud when talking about you so everyone within a three-mile radius can hear
“well, you see i would go out drinking with you tonight, but i actually have a date.  with my partner.  you know them, right?  here’s a picture i took of them a few days ago, just look a-”
also: biggest hype man
you could open a jar of jam and he’d be like “holy shit, you go babe”
nakahara chuuya kiss me rn challenge
anyway, basically he’ll love and support you no matter what
like truly you’re like a walking ray of sunshine to him
anyway !!!! DATES !!!!!!!
dates with chuuya are planned.  always.
like i SAID he’s a hopeless ROMANTIC MY GOD
he absolutely loves picking you up at your doorstep and taking you for a ride around town on his motorcycle
speaking of which, your arms wrapping around his middle and squeezing him tight as he drives the bike is literally his favorite thing in the world.  oh my god you’re going to make him melt
and i know for a fact your first kiss with him was after he dropped you off at your door when your first date was at its end
it was almost completely perfect honestly, except when your faces were just mere inches from one another, his hat bumped into your forehead and fell to the ground
baby was so embarrassed-- he went bright red and picked up his hat, basically shielding his face
he just wanted the date to be completely perfect– and it was!! until that happened
but obviously you just let out a light giggle and pulled him against you, and he quickly closed the gap between your lips
also, chuuya sleeps in
he sleeps a lot <33
that being said he loves lazy mornings
it’s well past 11, but you’re still laying in his arms– who is he to get up?? and disturb the peace??????
he will not.
i can’t even emphasize this enough, but please comb your fingers through his hair
there’s a chance he might melt into a puddle on the spot and never recover but still
on the rare occasion where he’s the little spoon--
(which, speaking of which, @dazai-centric​ has a headcannon that chuuya always insists on being the big spoon no matter what, but on rare occasions he lets himself be wrapped up in your arms and THEY’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.)
anyway, so on this rare occasion
where his head is basically buried in the junction between your shoulder and your neck, and you just rake your fingers through his hair softly
he dead.  dead as hell.
and ERRRRM.  kisses with him are just……… wow…………
naturally, he always wants to be the best at everything-- it’s just his personality
and kisses are no exception
he has to be the BEST
and he is
so, kisses are always so passionate and rough
okay hold on maybe this should go under the NSFW category 😐
ANYWAY!!!! 19472946/10 boyfriend
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so rough sex is very common for y’all 😁
he likes to take his frustrations out from the day like this, and honestly you don’t complain
he definitely has a high sex drive so 😁
obviously you have an established safe-word and talk about everything before anything transpires because the LAST thing he wants is to hurt you in any way
but if you ask him to spank you he is definitely not gunna say no <3 chuuya said spanking kink
speaking of kinks
bondage xoxo
this goes both ways— he likes to tie your wrists to the headboard with rope and tie your legs down if you’re okay with it
for him, he likes his wrists cuffed to the bed
but he definitely doesn’t like all of his power stripped away by having him completely tied up
also he loves eye contact
that’s why missionary and mating press are his favorite positions <3
he likes to grab you by the jaw and make you look at him when he’s fucking you
“hey, hey, princess what did we say? if you want to cum, look me in the eyes when i fuck you, yeah?”
he loves praise and degradation equally
but if you’re degrading him don’t go too far :((
degrade slightly him while he’s on the bottom and he’s putty in your hands
now, if you praise him while he’s on top, get ready to not be able to walk for the next 3-5 business days because that’ll feed his ego a LOOOT
and he’ll just get lost in the moment because he loves you....... so much
he degrades you slightly, but only during foreplay
he calls you his little slut, or his whore
“aw, so wet for me and we’re barely getting started, doll.  such a little whore, aren’t you?”
when you actually get into it, it’s all praise from him
he wants you to know how important you are to him, how good you feel and just everything on his mind
he loses his filter in the moment awn god
“so fucking perfect, i only want you.  you’re mine.  god, you feel so fucking good.”
he loves to hear you too-- it really feeds his ego
but sometimes if he’s really had a rough day, he’ll make you gag on his finger or wrap his hand around your neck
he doesn’t squeeze too hard nor genuinely make you gag, he just likes the way your eyes are barely able to meet his because he’s making you feel so good
but ANYWAY pet names are a MUST with him
he calls you doll, sweetheart, princess, baby, dove, doll
basically every sweet name under the sun during sex
he likes you to call him sir 😁
this man has no shame when it comes to noise
like absolutely none
since he’s possessive, he wants people to know he’s fucking you, and how good he feels because of you
no one else can make him feel that way and he wants everyone to know
so he’s LOOOUUUDD,,,, especially in your ear
he likes leaning down and moaning in your ear, just to get a reaction out of you
he makes fun of you for it later on, and you have his full permission to smack that smug little smirk off his face
but the amount of times you had to stop mid-way because y’all got knocks on your door from your neighbours 😐 they’re so sick of y’all
on average, you have sex at least 4 times a week
that’s not including quickies tho
did i mention that chuuya loves quickies <3
especially when it’s in his office and he fucks you on his desk
and because he doesn’t care who hears him-- you bet your ass the entire Port Mafia has heard you
he likes to go down on you for quickies more than actual sex, and he will respectfully never decline a blowjob
because he’s a gentleman
sorry to any of y’all who have a breeding kink,,, but chuuya definitely does not
he’s so afraid of having kids
moving on
onto sub!chuuya
did somebody say SWITCH 🤨☝️
chuuya did <3
now for a long time he doesn’t really let his submissive side out because,,, it’s a really vulnerable part of him yaknow?
but after a while, and after he’s completely trusted you to take care of him like that
oh boy
bottom bitch <3
still loud as HELL
except it’s less of moaning and more of whining
he’s such a whiner
and a brat
mommy kink mommy kink mommy kink mommy kink mo
also i don’t really know how else to describe it but-- if you force him to look you in the eyes and use a stern tone
..........dead.  dead as hell.
now take this drabble as a tribute to sub!chuuya
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“and why should i listen to you?  what are you gunna do?” chuuya furrowed his brows at you, as if he was challenging you.
“aw, baby,” you leaned down from your position of straddling him, caging his head between your arms.  “you still have so much to say even though your hands are handcuffed to the bed.  so bold, aren’t you?” you stroked his lower lip gently, and he whimpered lowly in response.
suddenly, you sat up, getting into a position to prepare to get up off of him completely, “but, you’re right.  what am i going to do?  i guess i’ll just leave you here for the rest of the night.  go-”
“WAIT!! NO- I-” he bit his lip to stop any more words from escaping him.
“’wait’?  is there something you wanna say, baby?” your legs trapped his once again.
“... please.”
he averted your gaze, and you reached down to grip his jaw sternly, moving his head to face you completely.
“please what?”
no answer.
“you know i can’t read your mind, baby.  you’re going to have to use your w-”
“please fuck me.” the words tumbled out of his mouth, almost too quickly to even be audible, still, your lips shifted into a gentle smile.
but you weren’t completely content with him yet.
“and what’s my name?”
“and you want mommy to fuck you, is that right?”
“...yes.  please...”
you planted a passionate kiss onto his lips, and upon breaking it, you shifted closer to his ear.
“well, i can’t say no since you asked so nicely, now can i?”
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Don't know how people are gonna feel about this but Loki should've been dealt with the way they dealt with Lucifer (from the Netflix show) I mean while the show straight up dismissed loki's feelings, lucifer netflix really showed us the natural and organic character growth with ups and downs while still maintaining the comic hilarity (WHICH WASNT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE MC). It's love interest and side characters are all original characters dealt as independent characters rather as brownie or plot points.
And the scenes that prompted me to think this?
1. Lucifer asking his Mazikeen to cut off his wings because he's moved past being a pawn in his father's 'Great Plan'. We could've had loki come to this conclusion and tell Mobius (who would've been an actual all out ally who was forced into doin lg what he did) that he no longer wanted any place in a land that hated him. (Once again like Lucifer calling the silver city hell)
2. Lucifer actually being the way he's supposed to be (angel of light, light bringer etc.) We could've had Loki act like the way he Actually Is. Not like how @iamnmbr3 so eloquently put it 'like larry the dumb lookalike'. We could've had Loki being stern yet having that air of sarcasm and wit that he had in his the films. His eloquence, his physical prowess (none of the falling flat on his face stuff, a lot of people talk about how he was trying not to hurt the people in ep 2 but srsly Loki would just immediately disarm them), and most of all his agency and refusal to cower or the pathetic attempts at lying.
3. Costumes. The lucifer netflix team had an extensive costume department that ironically pales in comparison to what disney is capable of but still we see Lucifer have a wide array of clothes and styles. Have Loki take the first chance to change his clothes. If he wants the 50s aesthetic have at it! he can wear the tuxedos and the nice leather. Or maybe change into some nice Viking-inspired leathers and battle armor. Have him as a pirate, or a knight or a cowboy. You're traveling through time good man! you can at least hit some of the cool spots.
4. In depth analysis of lucifer's mental health. the only episode of the Loki tv show I liked (loose term) is the first one cause it's the only one that gave a fraction of what we were promised: an insight into loki. That's it.
5. Lucifer's organic growth. This is self-explanatory. Loki watched one video and was good. Very good five stars. I understand that they only had six episodes but come-on. You could've had the subtle changes through out all the eps and lead to the big finish finally. With each episode focusing on certain aspects of Loki.
5. Lucifer's exploration of self-loathing. This deserves to be a separate point because Istg it was done so well. Basically lucifer messes up and he's faced with the hatred that's been conditioned into him (not unlike Loki) and then he learns what it is and actually tries to love himself. And not by kissing a female variant of himself (ew and also respect the gender fluid persons). He actually saw the good in him by reflecting and his actual good friends helping him.
6. Lucifer actually wanting to be good. Look Idc what shut mike waldron wrote, loki is not selfish when his whole arc has been doing things for asgard, thor, odin, frigga etc. We all know that New York was mind control, I do not know why it's being swept under the rug. But here's the thing, that self loathing I mentioned earlier is a huge part of Loki thinking he's some monster and intent on proving it.
7. Lucifer facing his 'devil-face'. Loki should've come to terms with his Jotun heritage. The TVA could've had a case in Jotunheim concerning the Royal Family and Loki could've seen the entirety of Jotunheim and it's people not just that most-likely war propaganda the Asgardians force-fed him. Maybe have him meet his siblings or better yet his mother. There's a very nice fic on A03 called Asgardian Galdr that deals with this beautifully.
8. Luicfer having a Breakdown and Crying: First off this happens gradually, his problems pile up etc etc. and he faces off his father and gets angry until he finally breaks down. And basically God says, "I'm sorry but i can't fix you," And Lucifer in all his grief and desperation asks, "But you're God,'. I know we talk a lot about Loki being made weak in the Show but that's specifically about him being made weak and helpless to make Sylvie seem like a stronger character (Don't get me started on the Sif and Narcissm scene istfg), But maybe seeing Loki try awkwardly to be good and near the finish of the show we see it blow up in some angsty way? only for some conversation like this to happen and have Loki understand that being good is something that is innate and something he already had the potential for all along. Maybe learn that he's not lawful good but as always the morally grey character we know him as. (Protector of misfits, god of outcasts i.e all the shit Marvel shat on) and rise as the God of Chaos and Stories against the rigid bonds of The TVA and essentially Kang.
9. Lucifer having a nice healthy romantic interest and relationship. Lucifer and Chloe's relationship is more often than not the main point of the show but no matter how much it is focused on it remains health, organic and not a weird allegory for something disgusting. Even if Sylvie weren't a Loki (once again ew) the whole dynamic was toxic. She constantly put him down, and invalidated his feelings (Sounds like Odin huh?) and guess what Loki fell in love with her after one day, one conversation of what love was and Mobius calling her his girlfriend (he also said that it was freakish and i agree). We could've had Sigyn sweet lord. (I'll make another post about this)
10. Lucifer's Sexuality. There is a whole episode in which Loki's paramours are getting murdered and they all vary from men to women to all that comes in between. And there's no shame, no offensive jokes. Have Loki flirt with dudes, i understand ms.karen that this is for children, don't worry the casual sex ;) was offscreen. Have Loki turn into a woman and flirt with woman cowards, maybe make some questionable remarks about horses (That make Sigyn laugh)
11. Lucifer's Powers: lemme sum up, Lucifer can, let's call it, use compulsion on people. He is known for his strength and prowess and abilites to grant favors. Have Loki shapeshift into animals, absolutely mauling people. Have him use his silver-tongue to coax people into making or changing history (Yes Brutus, Caesar is getting to be a bit much, say have you heard how sharp knives are?)
I'm pretty sure there's more that i can't remember rn. And here is one thing i would like to make very clear.
You are not bad for liking the show or hating it whatever. The problem is that the show framed a lot of bad things as good (Anything the TVA did, Mobius' torture session with Loki, the way Sylvie treated Loki only for them to become romantic partners, the Sylkie fiasco as it was offensive to genderfluid people and the bare fucking minimum of LGBTQ and POC rep). The show was also marketed specifically to make us think hey! Loki might actually be the main character only for it to blow up in our faces. We were also promised an actual plot rather than a constantly plot twisting concept that could've been worth something.
Also i'm still working on a Loki fic rn after which i will write a Loki(TV) Rewrite but unitil then ig.
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deifiliaa · 3 years
I'm going down a Cho rabbit hole rn!! Do you have any Cho fic recs?? I'd love to read more Cho
hello anon, welcome to the rabbit hole, just wanted to let you know that this is one of those asks i dream about getting because cho chang? oft-overlooked-and-underappreciated-in-fandom cho chang?? why yes i would LOVE to stand on this soapbox and talk endlessly about her and my favorite writings that feature her <3
i get that a lot of the pairings featured in these fics/drabbles are very not mainstream lol but please don’t let that scare you off because honestly?? these are all a mix of fun, brilliant, stunning, transcendent stories and i have spent approximately a million hours thinking about each one of these because the character building and emotional payoff and dimensional portrayal of cho is overwhelmingly just so satisfying. so capable of filling that void canon left. so chef’s kiss.
gonna do my best to pick a line from each fic/drabble that i think does a good job of capturing its ✨ essence ✨ so. here we gooo. (mature/explicit fics noted with an asterisk * ).
record scratch * by @provocative-envy — modern, best man and maid of honor au (cho x marcus flint)
“You and Cho—my best and dearest and most precious friend in the world, Cho—you know each other, don’t you?” Marietta asks, just a bit too sweetly.
There’s a beat of awkward silence, then, and Cho very responsibly avoids the heavy, frantic weight of Marcus’s gaze, which has suddenly—coolly—intently—snapped over to her.
“so it starts at the tail end of the war...” by @provocative-envy — canon divergent au (cho x marcus flint) 
“i don’t want to get away,” she tells him, wincing at the strain on her vocal chords. “this is–this is it, can’t you feel it? this is how it ends.”
good behavior by @provocative-envy — canon divergent, postwar au, also the sequel to the above drabble (cho x marcus flint)
Well, his “muggle integration counselor” needs to be able to find him.
“marcus flint knows a lot about destruction...” by @provocative-envy — high school au (cho x marcus flint)
“I’m bad at math,” he blurts out, jaw working as he folds his arms over his chest. He feels defensive. Frustration prickles a familiar dance across his scalp. “This is, like, my third time taking trig. They always—I get lost when that fucking—when the circle thing with the dotted lines shows up.”
tick tick boom by @provocative-envy — superhero au (cho x marcus flint)
Cho Chang now works for the nonprofit across the street, a legal defense fund for superheroes who aren’t lucky enough to have corporate sponsors or full-fledged PR teams.
Marcus sees her, occasionally.
heads or tails * by @provocative-envy — thief acquaintances au (cho x marcus flint)
“We aren’t jack shit, sweetheart,” she mimics obnoxiously. “Yes, I know.”
His nostrils flare. “What’s the fucking problem, then?”
flying before falling by andtheyfightcrime — canon compliant (cho x cedric diggory)
Cho sniffs, "Maybe we just think there's more to hello than sticking your tongue down someone's throat." Cedric groans at that and says, "You shatter my illusions, Chang. We could have been in Hufflepuff together."
fifty ways by andtheyfightcrime — canon compliant (cho x cedric diggory)
Being in like with Cedric is a lot like being friends with him, only with more private smiles and demure nods.
big head boy by @cocoartistwrites — university au (cho x percy weasley)
She makes him nervous, with her shiny hair and her firm, straight brows and her piercing dark eyes and the haughty way she argues with him, and how she slams everything he says, how she sounds like his sister, Ginny, sometimes, when Ginny hears him talking, how assured she is, how angry, how sometimes she argues with their tutor – their brilliant, famous tutor – once, memorably, calling him an outdated sexist pig and –
“the thing about cho chang...” by @provocative-envy — zombie survival au (cho x cormac mclaggen)
Out of everyone? Back at camp? That he could’ve gotten trapped in a fucking abandoned Bass Pro Shop with? While a horde of fucking razor-talon zombies mashed their rotting gray faces up against the tastefully organized display windows?
Cho Chang would not have been Cormac’s first choice.
the sweet spot by @provocative-envy​ — modern, celebrity au (cho x cormac mclaggen)
His smile is authentic in ways that she doubts he’s aware of, in ways that she doubts he’s even capable of understanding, and it unnerves her a little bit, having all that energy, all that intensity, all that smug, self-fulfilling excitement directed right at her, totally unfiltered.
hiding in plain sight by @mxrcusflint — high school au (cho x cormac mclaggen)
Cormac McLaggen, she thinks, has probably broken more hearts than earned A’s.
descent (or how to stop being a national hero) by watername — canon divergent au (cho x viktor krum if you squint, but also not really)
At the second task, when the competitors dive beneath the lake, he drums his fingers against the railing and wonders what kind of person inspires such loyalty.
when the lights go out by thatdarkhairedgirl — second war resistance au (cho x viktor krum)
He missed her. He’s known her for less than a year and he missed her.
flights of fancy by namelessamelie — canon divergent au (cho x draco malfoy)
“You don’t have to defend him,” he interrupted, cutting her off. “Potter’s not as wonderful as he’d have everyone believe, and you know that better than anyone.” Then, before he’d fully thought it through, he added impulsively, “One hero isn’t a replacement for another.”
caught by blood sugar love — canon divergent, postwar, rebellion au (cho x draco malfoy)
Cho blinks. "I mean... I-I sit, and I think about it. How much you've ruined everything. It's really amazing, when I tally it all up. How much you owe. Especially if your father dies."
the sporting life * by blythely — canon divergent au (cho x pansy parkinson)
Cho wins but it's probably because on the last match point Pansy is looking at Cho rather than at the ball.
seeking * by Gelsey — postwar, ministry au (cho x charlie weasley)
“Fucker,” she said, righting her clothes in quick, economical movements, though her hands were trembling. She tossed her hair.
a moment’s silence (happens grace, happens sweet) by disinclinant — second war order au (cho x charlie weasley)
“I’ve no idea who you are,” Charlie replies, amused and vaguely charmed by this explanation of how she knows him through the process of elimination.
moon walk * by @provocative-envy — modern au (cho x antonin dolohov)
She stares at him for a minute, blatantly astonished and visibly apprehensive, and then she blushes. Hard. Gnaws on her lower lip and sweeps her eyes from his face to his chest and—very, very quickly—even lower.
even the score * by themidnightguardian — olympics au (cho x ginny weasley)
It’s a tepid rivalry at best—something that’s fierce on the field and almost entirely absent off it—and they’ve only spoken a handful of words to each other since their college days, but when it comes to women’s soccer, the Chang-Weasley rivalry is the hot gossip because it’s the only gossip.
Which is why twitter loses its shit when they both make the Olympic team.
that’s what she said by @provocative-envy — hockey au (cho x ginny weasley)
“Hey, why don’t you like me?”
Cho’s face twitches oddly. Defensively. “Why don’t I—excuse me?”
playing favourites by Slumber — postwar, healer au (cho x oliver wood)
The first time Cho catches Oliver Wood wandering St Mungo's ward nowhere near his own, he at least has the grace to look embarrassed.
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athenamikaelson · 4 years
I'm wildin with this one rn. It's okay if you don't want to write it! Klaus Mikaelson x reader who can't get hurt (if that makes sense??) The Mikaelsons get kidnapped, reader comes for them and gets stabbed pretty badly but they just go "I mean that's fair." and keep going and later at night they're all just trying to process and Klaus spends the night with them asking a million questions?
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Request- I'm wildin with this one rn. It's okay if you don't want to write it! Klaus Mikaelson x reader who can't get hurt (if that makes sense??) The Mikaelsons get kidnapped, reader comes for them and gets stabbed pretty badly but they just go "I mean that's fair." and keep going and later at night they're all just trying to process and Klaus spends the night with them asking a million questions?
 Warnings- Kol being a dumbass, swearing, blood.
Word Count- 1,342
Walking into the witch’s quarter I’m surrounded by tombstones and mausoleums. Looking at my phone again to see if Nik had responded to any of my texts or call. Nothing. Great.
Not that Nik, or any of the other Mikaleon’s would answer giving the fact that the witches had something to do with their disappearance. 
When I had first realized they were all missing I had tried calling all of them, even Kol who doesn’t even know how to use his phone. That’s how desperate I was. When I couldn’t find where they went I did a location spell that led me here. As Nik says, “Dead or alive witches are a pain in my ass.” He would always look at me after he said it though and tell me I was an exception. Not that I always believed him though. I know I’m a pain in his ass. But for some reason he still loves me. That really doesn’t help my god complex.
Walking through the rows of graves I try to close in my hearing to notice anything out of the ordinary. I am in a graveyard so that doesn’t really help. I continue walking for what feels like hours, when in reality it’s probably been like 5 minutes. Goddamn I hate exercise, Nik is lucky I like him. 
“To our ancestors we pray, please take this sacrifice and give us the strength to defeat our enemies!” I hear coming around the corner of an old grave which must’ve been over 100 years old. I peak around the grave, which just touching it gives me the creeps. Not to my surprise I see a group of maybe 7 witches surrounding an altar. Fucking extremists. Why can’t they find a different hobby other than sacrificial murders? What did catch me by surprise though was the whole of the Mikaelson gang chained up against the walls. Jesus Christ that’s impressive. I mean chaining up ALL of the Mikealson clan. That takes some balls. 
“You know darling, if you’d just unchain me now I’ll consider not ripping your spine out and strangling you.” Kol’s voice broke the silence. I visually roll my eyes. Classic Kol.
The witch who seems to be around mid 50’s, the eldest of the group I presume, walks up to Kol and puts what appears to be a necklace with a ruby like gem on the end, in Kol’s face. 
“As long as I have this gem darling, you and your bastard family aren’t going anywhere.” The witch mockingly says. Which earns a growl and pulling his chains from Kol. 
“This is ridiculous, you psychotic witches. Unchain us now or I swear to-” Nik yells at the witch. 
“You’ll what? What will you do Niklaus. You’ll yell? Pull on those chains? Tell me, what will the bastard child do?” That bitch snarckingly says. Oh I know that bitch didn’t just say what I thought she said. Ok I’m killing this bitch. I can’t take on 7 witches by myself though. I need my man. I just need to get that damn necklace from that old bag. Shouldn’t be hard enough. 
I walk behind the columns to the other side where Nik and his family are chained up. 
“Hey babe.” I whisper to Nik. Nik whips his head around and his eyes visibly widen when he notices me so I just send him a big smile. 
“Y/N? What the bloody hell-” Nik is about to question me before I press my finger to stop him from talking and press my other finger to my lips to signal to him to shut up. 
“I’m saving the day.” I smile as I walk out of the shadows to the old witch. Múltiple, “Y/N?”’s come from the Mikaelsons while just a laugh comes from Kol.
Oh shit I didn’t bring a weapon. I look around quickly before I see Bekah kick a large metal poker at me. Picking it up and sending her a smile I walk up behind the bitchy witch. 
“I know you didn’t call my boyfriend a bastard, you whore.” Before she can fully turn around I whip the poker at her and hit her in the face, knocking her down. Which unfortunately gets the attention of the other witches. I quickly rip the necklace of her neck and freeze. 
“Fuck. What do I do with this?” 
“Break it love. Bloody hell do I have to do everything?” 
“Shut it Kol, also.. thanks.” I throw the necklace on the ground and stomp my foot on it, breaking it into pieces. 
In a second all the Mikaelsons rip off their chains. The younger witches all freeze, scared expressions on their faces. Ha. I’m about to turn and hug Nik who starts to walk my way before I feel something hit my stomach. I feel a sudden pain and my shirt starts to dampen. I reach my hand down and pull it back to see it covered in blood. I look up to see Nik looking at my stomach before he looks at me, frozen. 
“Well I guess that’s fair.” Everything goes black.
I woke up surrounded by darkness. I try to get my eyes to relax to my surroundings but nothing happens. My mind is foggy until I remember the blood. I reach down to see that I’m in one of Nik’s shirts. I pull it up to look at my stomach, which is covered in dried blood. But no wounds. I throw my legs over the bed and walk towards the door. Light bombards my eyes as I peer down the hallway. I can hear voices coming from the dining hall as I make my way down there.
Nik and his family are all sitting in different areas drinking red liquids. Which doesn’t take a genius to figure out what that was.
“Hello Mikaelsons, I LIVED!” I make myself present to the vamps. Elijah and Nik both stand up and look at me worriedly, while Rebekah sat there with a questionable look and Kol was sitting smirking in the corner. 
“Y/n, you must still be tired and sore. I believe it would be best if you went back to sleep.” Elijah tried to reason with me as he started to walk towards me. I quickly stopped him with a raise of my hand. 
“Eli I’m fine. I am doing good. Walking and shit, you know. I’m feeling fire.” I walk past Eli and sit down next to Bekah which gets me a smile thrown at me and a disapproving look from Elijah as he comes to sit down back in his seat. Nik just stands in the same spot looking me over. His eyes held longer on my stomach where my wound was. 
“Y/n, come with me please.” Nik starts to walk upstairs before I can object.
When I make it up to our shared bedroom I barely have a second before Nik’s arms wrap around me surrounding me in a hug. 
“You scared me.” His eyes come to meet mine, I nearly break down when I see tears breaching the edges of his eyes.
“Hey, I’m fine now baby. I’m ok.” I reach up to brush away the tears threatening to fall onto his cheeks. 
“When I saw you fall to the floor I thought my world would end right there.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his nose.
“You really think you can get rid of me that quickly?” A hurt look crosses NIk’s face after I say that. 
“How could you even joke like that? I mean you alway make these jokes after bad things happen? God you’re so much like Kol. And the thing you said when you got stabbed! Most people would scream or cry. You just made a sarcastic comment.”
“I don’t know man. I’m built differently I guess.” I quickly press a kiss to his lips which he quickly returns before I pull away. Confusion crosses his face. 
‘Don’t. Ever. Tell. Me. I’m like Kol.”
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Bedtime Reassurances
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[image credit to @aloneandblueascanbe​, pls let me know if you want it removed!]
pairing: frankie morales x gn!reader
words: 1.8k
content: one innuendo / reference to sex so 18+ only please, job related anxiety, mentions of a pandemic, one bad word, i switch from present and past tense sorry, another comfort fic but at this point is anyone surprised, soft gentle touches, verbal affirmations, frankie just being the best most encouraging bf in the world
a/n: okay so this is very similar to the other frankie fic i wrote, but i actually wrote this one first and this one has some lines that im really proud of, so i figured i’d share this one anyways!! i hope y’all enjoy this, and thank you so SO much to everyone who read my first frankie fic, seriously i cannot believe how much interest it got and i am constantly blown away by how incredible y’all are 💜💜💜 p.s. my taglists are a mess rn so don’t feel obligated to interact, and pls speak up if you want to be added or removed!
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Frankie hums under his breath a little as he walks up the stairs. The two of you had just finished watching a new movie and his spirits were pretty high (although part of that might have been because of your reactions to the movie- your laughter, your smiles, your head bobbing to the catchy music). He flicked off the hallway light before entering you room, at which he promptly paused at seeing you perched on the bed wiping your eyes.
“Sweetheart?” he questions, and you look over at him before sitting up and blinking furiously. “Hey, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He quickly takes a few steps over to you, but his hands hover by your sides to gauge your reaction to his sudden nearness before moving forward to slide them around your back. The last thing he wanted to do was move too fast and cause you to flinch.
“It’s nothing, I’m fine, I was just-,” you cut yourself off to take a stuttery inhale and a shaky exhale. “Just thinking, it’s not even related to anything.” Frankie tilted his head at you sympathetically as his mouth twisted into a small smile.
“If it has you this upset, I know it’s not nothing,” he paused, giving you a moment to process his words. “[y/n]” he whispered, and at hearing your name you look up to meet his eyes. “It’s me,” he said, with nothing but love and concern in his eyes. “You can talk to me. Please.” You blinked at him a couple times, and took a deep breath.
“I, um,” you stuttered and turned your eyes down, and you felt Frankie’s hand rub up and down your back. After a few deep breaths, you spoke. “I just started thinking about work again, and job hunting has been so stressful. And it all seems so scary. And I know it’s not, and I know I’m overthinking it, but I’m just so tired of starting over. And I’m just tired of not feeling good enough. And I’m sure these feelings are way too complicated over just a new job, but I’m just tired of constantly doing different things, and I know this is just the adjustment period making me feel this way, but I just want to be good at something, just one thing, and just do that one thing long enough to actually feel good about how I do that thing,” you paused to take a few deep breaths and at some point during your rambling you must have grabbed onto Frankie because both of your hands were gripping the front of his shirt. You loosened your grip a little and in response he held you a little tighter. As you met Frankie’s eyes for the first time, you couldn’t help but let out the small whimper at the pure understanding and love from him. It’s still so hard to believe that someone could look at you like that even in such a state. He brought one of his hands up to cup your cheek, and the other one wrapped around your waist.
“I’ve got you,” he said, and there was no way to not believe him when he was looking at you like that. “Just let it all out.”
“I’m afraid, but I’m also tired of being afraid, and I’m tired of not being good enough, and I’m just tired,” you laughed a little, even as tears filled your eyes. “I just want to be good enough.” Frankie’s heart cracks at your words, and as your eyes fill with tears, he feels his eyes start to sting too.
“Mi corazón. I promise you, every single person around you can see just how hard you’re trying. I know sometimes it’s hard for you to see, but every day I am in awe of just how much you do.” He sees your face scrunch up in the telltale way when you try to argue with him, so he tilts down to give you a soft kiss, and when he pulls away he can tell that put you in enough of a daze for him to keep going without you interrupting. “Despite what you struggle with, you get up and you help others, and you work on bettering yourself as a person, and you get stronger and kinder and more loving every single day. And every day I am beyond thankful that you let me into your life, that I get to be with you in the big moments and in the small moments, that I get to experience life through your eyes, because you see the world in such a way that it makes me feel so so young.” That gets a small smile from you, and now Frankie feels like he’s on a roll. “You’re kind to me and you’re kind to strangers and you’re even learning to be kind to yourself. You’re taking on the challenge of becoming a better person while also going after a new job while also doing it during a freaking pandemic.” Your breath hitches at that and while he doesn’t want to upset you, he never wants to upset you, he needs you to know this. “You think you’re behind everyone but you are leagues ahead in areas that some people aren’t gonna realize are important until years from now. And you’re doing that in a world where that isn’t the normal. And baby I am so proud of you,” he chokes up a little at that, and he sees worry creep up into your eyes as your hands come up to cup his cheeks, and ever so gently stroke the spot just below his eyes, already ready to wipe away any tears that might stray. “You are a wonderful person, a wonderful friend, and an even more wonderful lover. And I want you to go to bed, and wake up, and spend every minute of every day knowing that I love you so much and that there is so much good in you, and that you are stronger than any of your fears or anxieties or reservations, and that if you ever feel stuck I will always-,” he bumps his forehead against yours and he looks at you so head on that in that moment you feel he is looking straight into you, that he really does see everything he says he does, “-always, be right there by your side helping you out of the situation because I. Love. You.”
The first thing you noticed were his hands on your face, mostly because the pressure had increased, not in an uncomfortable way, just in a more noticeable way. And then you noticed the way his chest was moving, like saying everything he did genuinely winded him. And then you noticed his eyes, which if your being honest was probably the first thing you noticed because there’s no way not to: their deep, rich color with more depth than any other eyes you��ve ever seen, the almost imperceptible sparkle to them, because somehow this man’s eyes just sparkle, and the way that his eyes are the definition of love and compassion and trust, because there is no other way to describe them.
“Oh my gosh,” you whisper, because how on earth do you respond to that? As you wrap your arms around the back of his neck again and drag him down to kiss him, he pulls you closer as your lips touch and you press further into him because the need to have him so impossibly close is overwhelming. He breaks away for only a second before leaning back in, and he tilts you back to deepen the kiss. Your legs come up to wrap around his and he lowers you slowly all the way down onto the bed. When you break away you keep your hands firmly locked around the back of his head, keeping his forehead pressed to yours as you both catch your breath. “I love you so much,” you finally say, keeping your eyes locked on his. “I love you so dang much and sometimes I still can’t believe you’re here, with me, in our house, with me.”
“You better believe it baby, cuz there’s no getting rid of me,” his mouth cracking into a lazy smile as he nudges his strong nose against yours.
“Never,” you say, much more seriously than his joking tone warrants, but you need him to know, especially after everything he said. “I never want to get rid of you. I need you. I love you.” His eyes soften and while his teasing tone leaves, his smile never does.
“You’ll make it through this sweetheart, I promise. I’m here every step of the way.”
You beam at him, “Thank you Frankie. For everything. Everything.” Your eyes start to droop and he places a quick kiss on your nose before backing away to pull down the covers. You crawl up to the pillows, barely even acknowledging your own side in favor of his. He chuckles and crosses over to the other side, and when he’s under he cuddles you close before pulling up the blanket and securing it around you. “Tomorrow’s a new day, and somebody needs their beauty sleep to tackle their to do list.” You hum contentedly, wrapping your arms around him and slotting your head under his chin. His arms wrap around yours as he presses a kiss to your forehead and noses your hair.
“Well, you are definitely on my to do list because holy shit someone deserves some good sex for what you said,” you half mumble under your breath, and as Frankie breaks into a laugh he tries not to jostle you too much, but you caught him off guard and now he’s pretty much full on laughing, in the way that makes your heart clench a little because you love him and his beautiful laugh so dang much, the laugh that gives you so much pride because you’re the one that made it happen. When he settles down he pulls away slightly to look at you, and you are positively beaming at him, clearly proud of that joke you were able to come up with half asleep.
“Well there’s my [y/n],” he says in that deep raspy voice that only makes you smile more. He leans in to give your forehead a slow kiss.
“Thanks for finding me,” you whisper as you look up at him.
“Ehh, you’ve trusted me with most of your hiding spots, so I’ve gotten pretty good.” You prop yourself up on your elbow and place your hand on the side of his face to get a good look at him.
“But seriously Frankie, thank you. You always know exactly what to say, and I am so unbelievably grateful for you in so many ways.” His face goes as soft as he turns to give your palm a soft kiss, and you lean in one more time to kiss him properly before resuming your position. He gives you a gentle squeeze and it isn’t long until you’re drifting off to sleep in the arms of your love.
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tag list: @keeper0fthestars​, @scribbledghost​, @icanbringyouincold​, @bestintheparsec-reads​, @ezrasarm​, @andriecastana​, @tweedlydumbtweedlydoo​, @murdermewithbooks​, @remmysrecs​, @lv7867​
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settersloveletters · 4 years
• part nineteen; call me daddy coach
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⤷ y/n will always go out of her way for her family, especially for her 7 year old niece, who happens to be kageyama tobio’s number one fan. what happens when the charming sweetheart, y/n, meets the emotionally null, kageyama tobio? and what happens when those two fall in love at first sight?
a/n: we’ve converted to the moon icon for kags. just to keep it consistent hahah. anyways, this is 90% shameless smut and 10% sum serious shit :)) ALSO i removed the cut for both parts cuz tumblr is being fucky wucky rn. will add them back when its normal
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[!] below this is lots of smut. BOLDED TEXT IS IMPORTANT TO THE STORY [!]
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➳ word count: 3k
➳ warnings: smut!!! coach-kink??? raw sex, creampie, the slightest amount of pregnancy kink and size kink.
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“Hey, are you alright, baby? What’s up with that text you sent?” You greet Kageyama right when you open the door for him. Wrapping your arms around him, you give a gentle kiss on his cheek. Shutting the door behind him, he sighs as he sets his bags down and removes his shoes. “It’s nothing,” placing a kiss on your head before pulling you into the living room.
“Hm.. okay. What did you want to do today? Since, we’re all alone,” you push Kageyama onto the couch, grabbing his face and getting a good look into his eyes. Maybe it’s your mind playing games and overthinking, but he’s very tired; a distant emptiness in him.
“Anything you want, Y/n,” breaking eye contact with you to instead pull you into his embrace. Feeling your small warmth press against him eases all the stresses, tensions, doubts in his heart. You’re the medicine that heals him of all his pains.
“Sal’s not here. So you aren’t gonna get your Sunday workout..”
“Yes, and what about it?”
“How about,” clasping your hands in his, you pull him off the cushions of the couch and slowly lead him towards your bedroom, “you be my coach today?” His typical stern expression almost cracks at your words. Before he can even interject, you’ve guided him into your bedroom which is dimly lit regardless of the peak sunlight outside. Counting your frequent excursions and chill hangouts, Kageyama is very familiar with this room. The smell, the look, the plush sheets and what can be found where. It’s comfortable.
“I’m your coach for today? What are we practicing today though?” he teasingly asks, well knowing what you want. He stands in front of your bed as you lay yourself down, admiring the Adonis in the room. Far bigger, taller and stronger than you, he always has you weak at the legs and embarrassingly sore the next day. He’s also so stubborn; when he has a goal and motive, he’ll accomplish it even if it means spending that extra hour.
“Endurance training, of course,” you chuckle while copying his exact words from that first time, waiting for him to bed you. “You think this is funny?” He’s quickly making his way to the bed, finding his spot right on top of you, looking down at you with slight agitation. The more you two have fun, the bolder you two get. You’ve learned the pleasures of provoking Kageyama, teasing him, convincing him he can’t do something, just for him to come back with ten times more passion and aggression. And he’s learned how far you like being pushed, held, edged, tortured even. You have aligned perfectly with each other.
“Yes, it’s so funny, Kags,” you laugh at him again while wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in to kiss you. He doesn’t budge though, instead choosing to place a firm hand on your jaw, so close to gripping your neck in the softest of squeezes. “I don’t think that’s how you address your coach.” He’s almost there.
“Oh, you liked that idea? Me calling you coach? How perverted, Kageyama,” you smirk, knowing exactly what to do to change the calm stoic boy into a man who only shows himself to you alone. And all he wants to do is to unravel you like he plans.
Kageyama doesn’t miss a beat, swiftly unbuttoning the front of your too tight top, watching the way he unwraps you like a birthday gift. “You don’t get to talk to me like that, pretty girl,” he says, low and steadily, before using both hands to rub along your body. His touch trails your exposed skin, stopping at your breasts which are hidden beneath your bra, tempting him to just strip you bare and take you right there. “Coach, take it off me.”
“You just don’t know your place today, huh?” feeling no remorse, Kageyama roughly flips you over, laying you on your stomach and wasting no time in ripping all the clothes off your body. First, that stupid bra that is the exact shade of blue he loves seeing on you, then those poor excuse of shorts that do no good at hiding that cute little behind of yours. He leaves you trembling there in his presence, and in the soaked matching red thong that hugs your hips so well.
Palming his large hands on the flesh of your ass, Kageyama lands an experimental tap, sending fiery jolts across your skin and a yelp out your lips. “Baby, I’ll give you a second chance. But if you choose to test me again,” rubbing your reddening cheek softly, “you’re not going to get your needy pussy fucked, okay?”
You would have never expected such a dork like Kageyama to have such a filthy mouth. He never fails to surprise you. Grinding back against his touch, you give him a nod in response. Face flush flat into the pillows, you have no clue what he’s doing, what his face looks like, what he’s thinking. It isn’t until both his hands grab the sides of your hip, pulling you so your ass is up, back arched.
“Well, since I’m your coach today, I think we should start with basic stretches. Sounds good?”
“Mhm, things have been feeling too tight lately, coach..”
“Don’t worry, doll. I’ll help you out with that,” he stifles a laugh while reassuring his cute student. Peeling back the panties that hug your ass, removing them completely, Kageyama sits back to revel in the sight of your glistening cunt. You shiver at the feeling of the room’s draft against your exposed pussy, pulsing around nothing, much to his enjoyment. Using his thumbs, he pulls the skin of your lips apart, collecting the honey and massaging it into your sensitive skin.
“Hm, this is a tough job. I’m not sure if you’ll stretch too well. Your cunt looks too tight, doll,” Kageyama chides, giving another playful spank on your ass. You whine against the pillow, too frustrated to express your feelings through words. All you can manage to do is turn your head back, looking at him, eyes borderline glossy with tears and arousal which sends a tang straight to his heart.
“Fuck, if you look at me like that.. might just have to force it to open up. Is that what you want?” You eagerly nod in approval, slightly swaying your hips left and right to entice him all the more. The twisted thought of Kageyama, a man that towers over you, has a cock far too big for your pussy, and can physically do whatever he pleases with you, excites you two to no end.
You watch in anticipation as he gets off the bed, never breaking eye contact with each other as he tugs his shirt off. You’ve seen it more than a handful of times now, but the built structure of his body, toned muscles and all, has your mouth agape and legs shaking. He begins undoing the drawstring of his sweatpants, allowing them to drop onto the ground, leaving him in only his boxers. A visible tent already pinching the fabric at a point. He’s lowering the waistband and revealing the girth underneath, tossing the fabric aside. You never fail to rile him up, and that’s what he loves so much.
“Baby, I don’t know how many times I have to say it. But, why are you so hot?”
“I don’t know, doll. I’ll ask you the same,” he gives you the softest of smiles.
Getting on the bed again, Kageyama leans in against you, trailing warm kissing on the surface of your back, along your spine and stopping at your sensitive neck.
“We haven’t kissed at all today, did you notice?” claiming a long kiss on the nape of your neck, leaving a light bruise that has you getting chills across your skin. He slightly bucks his hips against yours, loving the way his cock brushes against your soothing touch.
“‘Course I noticed. I tried, but you wouldn’t let me..” you respond in a meek tone, which has him flipping you around, face to face once again. Looking into your hazed gaze, Kageyama inches closer before locking his lips with yours. Gentle lips that kiss him back, and tongues connecting sensually. Occasionally gasping for air, you two engage in kisses, both kind and devilish, for what seems to be a full lifetime.
Without even realizing it, Kageyama begins rubbing his fingers along your slit, lips muffling your sudden squeak. His cold digits collect your love juices, before using a single finger to probe your entrance. Your hips involuntarily grind against him, voice humming for more, for him to give you more.
“Doll, gotta take things slow. I don’t want to hurt you, okay?” he asserts, using his non-dominant hand to pet your hair in comforting strokes. Steadily moving his finger in and out of your pussy, he indulges in quiet flutters of your walls around him, the way you tighten whenever he looks into your eyes, or breaths against your tender skin. “Coach, another, please?”
“I call the shots here. I’ll know when you’re ready.”
“Hm, but your fingers always feel so good in me. I can’t handle it anymore,” you praise, hitting those happy nerves in his brain.
“Fine. Don’t complain to me after for being sore,” he spits before forcing another cold finger into you, pushing satisfyingly deep. “Yes, coach. Won’t complain,” you gasp through the thrusts of his fingers. Your blissed face has Kageyama growing painfully hard and in need for your heat to finally engulf him. His two fingers turn into three, make audible noises as he scissors and pulls in and out, stretching you just like your coach promised.
Kageyama’s aching for your touch at this point, so without question, he removes his digits, inspecting the honey-like accumulation of love that coats his fingers. “Nice and wet for him, huh?” he teasingly comments, and all you can do is squint your eyes back at him, with your typical bratty attitude. He firmly grabs at your jaw again as a warning, knowing he’s given far too many chances for your insolent behaviour, but can never fully bear torturing or punishing you because his love is just that strong.
“Okay, get up. You’re doing glute workouts now that you’re properly stretched.”
“W-what?” you stutter, genuinely believing he was serious. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was going to make you follow through. Kageyama moves your body aside, only to take your spot and sit up against your bed’s headboard. Tilting his head to look at you with those piercing eyes, “C’mon, it’s no time for a break. Ride me.”
“Ka- coach..” you lugg yourself up so you can seat yourself in his lap, arms wrapping around his neck to support yourself in the new position. Seeing you breathless without even putting it in you has Kageyama flustered and his heart beating. You grab his girth and rub it against your entrance, not yet putting it in. “You’re okay with doing it raw today?” he grabs onto your waist, before you can lower yourself any further, reassuring you were okay with this. This vulnerable feeling, this closeness both you and him share, you were fine with doing anything as long as it’s with him.
Weaving your fingers through his dark locks, you look Kageyama in the eyes, “Yes, my love. It’s a safe day, so let’s have some fun, yeah?” Engaging in one last kiss, he allows you to lower down onto the head of cock, the stinging stretch of your walls around him. The feeling of your bare pussy squeezing against his cock has Kageyama bucking his hips, in desperation to feel more.
“Hey there, you gotta start moving. This is still part of our training,” urging you to take him deeper, to which you do. Inch by inch, you relax yourself onto his length, down down down until all eight inches are buried within you. Kageyama grunts, wallowings in the tightness of your heat wrapped graciously around his cock. You whine loudly against his neck, too overwhelmed over the intrusive size inside you.
“C-coach, why is your cock so big?” moaning as you raise your hips slowly, allowing him to feel every rib of your walls hug his shaft. His face grows redder at your words, and you swear he grows just a tiny bit harder too. “Don’t say those types of things to m-”
“Fuck, it reaches so damn deep, baby. Feels so fucking good, oh my god,” interrupting him, you continue your obscensent sighs and praise as your hips build a steady rhythm. Rolling your hips, you grind against all the good parts while continuing to give him the steady satisfying friction for his cock. Kageyama’s given up on trying to talk to you, or scold you, instead leaking quiet whines and less than quiet moans. “Why don’t you try fucking me now, huh? I’m getting tir-” A firm strike to your ass cuts you off mid sentence as Kageyama firmly grabs onto your hips, setting his own pace now.
“How does it feel to be interrupted, huh?” he mocks you, before slamming his hips into yours, in a quickening pace the room begins filling with the sounds of wet thrusts and skin on skin. You squeak when he lays another spank across your ass, cheek burning up from the impact. He’s a pro athlete with extremely toned arms, so those harsh love taps are bound to leave marks.
“I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to int-”
“S’okay, doll,” right after cutting you off once more, he looks down at you with the most condescending look and thrusts his cock, perfectly hitting your sweet spot. Repeatedly targeting that spot has you becoming a babbling mess. His hold on your hips prevents you from moving, as he thrusts up into your cunt like you’re some doll. You love the way he has you seeing fireworks, the way his cock stretches you out so well, and the way he reaches insanely deep, up against your cervix. You love it so much actually, to the point where you start saying things you didn’t mean to say… Well, not yet at least.
“Baby, I love you so much, oh gosh. Can’t.. Your cock feels so good, ahhh.”
“(Y/n), did y-”
“Fuck, please, please, please. Cum inside me, please? I wanna feel ya up against my womb when you c-”
“What the fuck are you saying, (Y/n)?” Regardless of his presumably concerned words, Kageyama quickens the speed of his hips, chasing this desired high and forbidden idea of cumming inside the love of his life.
“Mmm, you know exactly what I’m saying. I know you aren’t that dumb,” you brain is too fried to know when to stop with your words. “I’m not the fucking dumb one when you are the one who’s basically begging to be knocked up. Is that what you want, doll?” he leans up close to your ear and hums those tempting words as he stops his rapid thrusts, instead grinding his cock against the deepest parts of your sopping cunt.
“‘Course, baby. Want your cum right inside here,” you whine again as you pull his hand, placing it on the surface of your tummy, reveling in the way he moans loudly. There was something about what you said that had Kageyama in a loss for thoughts, heart skipping every other beat. Even if this was all in the heat of the moment, heat of lust and desire, what he felt far surpassed mere infatuation.
“Gonna cum..” he whispers, groaning at the way you swivel your hips in his lap, bringing you both closer and closer. He wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace, tipping you over the edge. He loves you. His cock twitches, once, twice, three times, feeling the warmth seep through your core as he paints your walls white. You’re left breathless as Kageyama basks in the event of his high.
“I can’t believe I actually c.. inside you..”
“Felt nice though, right?” you coo into his ear. His face and ears burning up as you lift yourself off his lap, releasing the softening cock from your insides. The mix of your juices and his cum slowly drips out, which has him groaning at the sight. With a soft kiss on the lips, Kageyama lays you on the bed again before getting up to prepare a warm towel.
Patting you clean of all the grime of the dirty encounter, he takes one good look at your body, face, eyes and sighs. For a man with no true understanding of his own emotions, you’ve learned to read and interpret them in lieu of that. But right now, for the first time, you don’t know what he’s thinking, what he’s feeling.
“Was it bad, or something..? We can talk about it,” you pull him in to rest and lay beside you, face to face. Those deep blue eyes say so many things, intense love and desire, but also, grief and sadness, all at the same time. He doesn’t respond to you. “Are you feeling okay? What’s wrong?” You grab onto his hand, feeling the slight tremble and shake beneath his skin.
He can't leave you when you look at him with such love, or hold his hands with such care, or speak to him with such concern. He just can’t.
“I’m leaving, Y/n.. I got an offer for Team Italy.”
@anhphunnnn | @adamarvv | @asahiswaifu | @fangirling-25-8 | @kei-kui | @lilacshouko | @smol-enbybackup | @gyubit17 | @renee1414 | @denkiwenki | @xanaxdeity | @cuddlesslut | @nikkipea | @lovemesomehwa | @muiyuuuu | @oikawalmart-hq | @mirdy47707 | @lumiriai | @notamazinglizzy | @starwrite-er | @dearkags | @hamsterfan17 | @sugawsites | @anime-simp | @singleandlonely | @levisackerwoman | @cactuski6 | @kingkagss | @gentlechainsaws | @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that | @prettymuchboo | @highlyanxiousintroverted | @anna-pcy21 | @sweetlysugawara | @yqshirov | @kingkags | @marifujioka | @luna-barnes14 | @musekala | @thechaosoflonging | @oikawasphlatass | @tremendousglitterthing | @kathya420 | @daninaninani | @maii-flowers | @akakuzumo | @tycrackculture | @gaychemicalwater | @mariachiii | @kiyoomile | @jaxneedshelp | @xs-hoodie | @preparingtofall |
(taglist continues in the replies!!)
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Emergency! Part 1
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Part 1 – Plane Crash
Summary: Dean and Cas are partners at Fire Station 51’s paramedic squad and are responding to their first of many. A plane crashes into an apartment complex, multiple fire stations respond to put out the fire and rescue any victims trapped. But RN, Y/N Y/L/N, happens to live in the very complex involved in the plane crash. Though unharmed, she commits her time to aid and assist in the victims coming out of the building and the plane. The rescue turns sideways on Dean when a beam drops onto Dean, damaging his oxygen tank, he quickly turns into a victim as he quickly succumbs to smoke inhalation and becomes Y/N’s patient.
Warnings: Mild angst (relationship), slight language, fluff?
Square: Firefighter!AU ( @supernatural-jackles​ Tell me a story Bingo)
Word Count: 1,784
Mobile Masterlist
Series Masterlist
A/N: DOA = Dead on Arrival. Y/L/N = Your last name. But I hope you guys enjoy!
She got up at her usual time of 5am to be at the hospital by 6:30am.
Not much of a coffee drinker, she just got her a mug filling up with soda, the soda being her caffeine for the day.
She got into her scrubs, grabbing her nametag, pens and her personal notepad.
Ready to hit the road before traffic begins to pick up on the freeway in Los Angeles, she grabs her wallet, phone and keys she locks up to leave for her day at work as a Registered Nurse at Rampart emergency hospital.
Just as she got to the street to her car, there was a loud noise growing louder. She looked in the direction of the noise to see a plane, crash landing into her own apartment complex.
Ducking beside her car at the impact of the plane she was also thankful for her timing.
Quickly she dials 9-1-1.
Dean got up at his usual time of 4 in the morning to begin his 24-hour shift at the station.
Dean is a paramedic and squad member at station 51.
He pulled his truck into the parking lot, still trying to wake up.
His partner was already there.
“Cas, do you ever sleep man?” Dean asked.
“Slept on the couch again.”
“Are you and Hannah okay?”
“No, we had a big fight again last night. I don’t know what I can do for her anymore.” Cas says, defeated.
“Just end things man, you need sleep, and you need some peace of mind. I got room at my house for a roommate if you need a place.”
“Thanks Dean, but I already had plans of ending things with Hannah, last night was just the nail in the coffin of yet another failed relationship.”
“She failed it man, you did nothing wrong.” Dean encouraged.
“Thanks man.”
Dean offered a kind smile and a pat on Cas’s shoulder.
“Ready for another long shift?” Cas asks.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, my dad here yet?”
“Yeah, he’s in the office why?”
“Wonder if he got the invite to Sam and Jess’s wedding.”
“Bought damn time that kid popped the question honestly.”
“I know, he and Jess dated for what seemed like forever.”
“You really think they’re still sore at each other, I mean John of all people should know he can’t control what his kids want to do.”
“Yeah, I don’t know, that’s why I was gonna ask if he got it.”
Cas nods.
“I saw you put in for a three-day weekend, what’s going on?”
“Just wanting to take a trip out to the campgrounds outside of town to the family cabin, Dad says the deck could use some work and I was gonna kill two birds with one stone. Camp out and help dad fix up the deck.”
“That sounds cool.”
The fire stations alarm sounded.
“Truck 27, squad 27, engine 47, squad 47, Engine 51, squad 51, structure fire at Purgatory Apartments 1366 south Millard Ave.”
“Lots of trucks and engines responding, must be big.” Cas states. Jumping into action.
“Must be.” Dean says running to the squad truck, jumping into the driver seat, Cas jumping into the passenger.
Dean turned the keys in the ignition, roaring the Ford Truck to life, and turning on the lights and siren. Heading out onto the road, with the firetruck, Engine 51 following behind.
 “This is RN Y/N Y/L/N, I have multiple victims at 1366 Millard Ave. A plane crashed. 3 already DOA, I need help right away.” She says into the phone.
“We’re working on it; we already have multiple firestations responding to your location. Just keep aiding in the victims as best as you can Ms. Y/L/N.” dispatch for 9-1-1 says.
She continued chest compressions on a victim and did 2 rescue breaths. And checked his pulse, still no change.
She sat her phone off of her shoulder and on the ground, so she could focus on reviving the victim.
One more attempt at cpr, she checks his pulse, still no change. Placing his hands over his chest, she says a silent prayer.
“I’m sorry.” She tells the people watching over her as she worked.
“Where is your help?” a lady asked furiously.
“They’re on the way, LA Is a large ass city, and you know how traffic is in this town.” She says.
She was already frustrated with the losses she didn’t need an attitude from anyone.
The sound of wailing sirens in the distance brought relieve to the nurse as she worked tirelessly on the victims.
Engine and squad 27 and 47 being the first on the scene.
“There are people trapped in the buildings, and there were about 45 passengers on this flight. 4 are DOA so far.” Y/N stated to the captain of the two fire stations as they approached her.
“Alright, I’ll send my guys in.” Captain of station 27 stated.
“I’ll let the other stations as they come in to assist.” Captain of station 47 stated.
Another fire engine’s siren wailed as it approached.
The men jumping into action.
“Winchester!” the captain of station 47 shouts as he approached engine 51.
“What do we got?”
“Unknown number of victims trapped in the complex, 45 passengers or so from the plane. 4 of them were DOA. Oh, and she’s a nurse, thought I’d mention that she could help us out.”
“Right,” John Winchester, captain of station 51 agreed.
“Alright guys, we got to work fast, there are people trapped in these two buildings, we need to clear them out. Tran, get the engine ready so we can use the hose. Gabe, and Michael, work on the fire with the other stations, Benny, Raph, and Charlie, aide the paramedics, either from 27, 47 or Dean and Cas, we need to save as many as we can, alright?”
“Yes sir.”
“Get to it.”
Everyone went to where they were instructed to. Dean and Cas got their equipment from their truck and went into one of the buildings, full fire fighter gear.
“Dean!” John called out.
Dean stops, giving John his attention.
“Be safe in there son.”
“I will dad. Don’t worry.” He says, running in.
There were a good handful of people able to move and get to safety on their own, and another handful Dean and Cas had to carry out of the building.
One woman, sprained ankle from trying to escape hastily, as Cas carried her out she nearly flew out of the man’s arms.
“My daughter, she’s in her room!” she cries out.
“I’ll get her, Cas, get her out of here.”
Cas nods, doing as told.
Dean inspected the rooms, finding a seven-year-old girl, hiding beside her bed covered in a wet blanket.
“Hey, I’m Dean, I’m gonna get you out of here.”
The girls nods.
Dean kept a protective arm around her as they exited her room.
A beam creaked, and gave way above Dean, hitting his back.
He heard a loud pop, like a large pop can exploding.
He found it hard to breathe through his oxygen mask.
Taking off his mask and tank he saw rupture in his tank.
“Shit.” He hissed.
His lungs were quickly taken over by the smoke, he started coughing immediately.
He noticed the girl was already gone.
He tried to get up to hurry and save himself but he felt a sharp pain in the back of his leg.
He looked behind him, he saw the beam pinning him down by his leg.
Overcome by the coughing, his world began to turn black.
 Y/N finished placing a splint on the womans ankle when a child ran up to her and the group of firemen.
“Jamie! Baby!” her mother cried out, holding her arms out to her daughter.
“Mommy!” she cried.
“Where’s Dean?” Cas asked.
“A beam fell down and knocked him down. He’s stuck.” She says.
Without another word exchanged Cas took off to the apartment they rescued the woman.
The fire was slowly getting under control and it was easier to see inside the apartments. Cas was able to spot Dean out in the apartment easily.
He laid on his stomach, still and unmoving. Cas can see the beam pinning against Dean’s thigh.
He saw the beam was not supporting much of anything. He ran out, seeing Michael carrying an axe.
“Mikey, I need that!” Cas shouted.
“What’s up?”
“Dean’s stuck.”
Michael ran towards Cas and he saw Dean, inspected the beam. Saw the same as Cas, the beam not being much of importance to the structure, he begins working on breaking the beam in half.
The wood was badly damaged by the fire, he was able to break it in three strong hits.
Once he was free, Cas picked Dean up and carried him out over his shoulder fireman carry style.
Once he reached the nurse, she prepared an area she could work on Dean.
“Is he breathing?”
“He didn’t have his mask on, the tank was damaged.” Cas answered.
“More than likely smoke inhalation, lay him here and I’ll start working on him.
He did as told, laying him flat on his back.
She checked his pulse, and breathing, matching up to the fireman’s statements. And began chest compressions.
After 35 chest compressions she gave 2 rescue breaths. And checked his breathing, he’s breathing but it was shallow.
She placed on an oxygen mask over his mouth.
After ten minutes or so of the mask being on him, he began having a coughing fit as the air returned back to his lungs.
“He’s gonna be okay but we need to get him to the hospital, need to check out that leg.” Y/N said.
The men and women of station 51 nodded, agreeing with the nurse.
 Later that night as she made her rounds, she walked into Dean’s room.
“Good evening Mr. Winchester, how are you feeling today?”
“That’s expected having a beam pin your leg down, and the smoke inhalation.”
“You saved my life, thank you, Miss….”
“Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. And it’s no big deal, all part of the job.”
“Right, saving people.”
“The family business.”
“You’re family work here?”
“Yeah, my mom was head nurse at this very hospital, and my dad was a neurologist here. I was basically born and raised here.”
“Nice, my dad’s captain of station 51.”
“Awesome. But other than that, no pain at the moment, you don’t need anything?”
“No, just a number.”
She smirked, with a nod.
Writing on her notepad, her number. She ripped the paper out, handing it to him.
“Call me sometime, Winchester.”
He held the paper, unable to hide the wide grin.
“Definitely will.” He says as she walks out, continuing her shift.
Are you excited yet? I’m posting as I write this, probably a bad idea, but story of my life. Like what I got so far? Let me know, ask, reblog. Feedback is fuel. :3
Dean girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @jeaniespiehs20​, @akshi8278​, @lyarr24​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 3/18/2021
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mishasminion360 · 4 years
Space Age Love Song, Ch. 1
A Mandalorian x O/C Fic
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Warning: Language
Notes: I’ve had this idea for awhile now and decided “why the hell not?” It’s been quite some time since I’ve written a full fledged fic, but I’m going to try to remain committed and complete this one. I already have a good idea of where I want it to go, so that’s a plus. Readers, you’re in for plenty of Mando romance, fluff, angst, action, and suspense. I hope you enjoy!
He crashed into her life like a falling star. The brightest star in the cosmos.
Ch. 1: Crash Into Me
The world was always a lonelier place at night. Rural Kansas appeared much more desolate in the dark; the roads and the land seemed to stretch on forever, both leading to nothing. The whistling of the evening breeze was the only voice to be heard for miles.
A half-drunk glass of whiskey in hand, Sara craned her head skyward to gaze at the stars. At most times, it seemed, they were her only friends. At least there were plenty of them to go around.
Her shift at the Hillsboro Community Hospital had been a grueling one this evening. She had just managed to drag her weary bones home a little more than an hour ago and already the night was creeping into day. Though exhausted, she’d suddenly found herself wired the second she’d pulled into her driveway at nearly 3 a.m. Now coming up on 4 in the morning, she downed the rest of her whiskey in hopes of calming herself long enough to drop into dreamland.
She had no reason to be awake so late, or early, rather. Sara had no one to pass the wakefulness with. The last of the only family she’d ever known had vanished from her life nearly a decade ago, leaving her with nothing but an old country house in the middle of nowhere that was far too big for a solitary woman such as herself. That house and memories.
There shouldn’t be any joy in the thought of coming home to an empty house. No happiness at the thought of eating alone, sleeping alone, living alone. But, as it began to happen more frequently, Sara came to realize that this rush of adrenaline she felt upon returning to her solitary homestead night after night was from the hope that she wouldn’t be lonely for long. One night she’d come home and there’d be someone worth coming home to. Someone waiting for her.
For now, though, Sara pulled herself to her feet, blinked the stars from her eyes, and prepared to head inside where she’d climb the stairs to her room and finally sleep the sleep of the dead.
She had just yanked open the finicky screen door when she heard a peculiar thoom! Her tired eyes returned to the sky to see that it was ablaze with light. A star, like a white hot ember, arced through the night, tumbling, tumbling down. So bright. So fast. So BIG.
That is not a star, she thought.
Sara watched the object’s decent with her heart in her throat. What if it was a meteor? Or a guided missile gone astray? Should she take cover? Would there be enough time? Would it even matter? The time she could’ve spent moving was lost to an endless string of “what if’s” playing on a loop inside her head, and by the time her brain managed to squeeze a logical thought about running into the mix, the object was crashing to earth in the field behind her barn.
She felt the impact from her porch; wobbled unsteadily on her feet as a tremor passed through the ground below. She could see the glow of flames in the distance. With the threat of a wildfire from space igniting the field beyond, with her house and all its memories in danger, she sprang into action.
Sara darted inside and made a beeline for the kitchen, retrieving the fire extinguisher from under the sink. Then, opting to take the back door, she darted back out into the chilly pre-dawn and ran as fast as her legs would carry her toward what she could only assume was Fox Mulder’s wet dream.
So, it definitely wasn’t a star. It wasn’t a meteor or a missile either. Nothing in her wildest dreams could have prepared her for what she was seeing. It was in pieces and it was on fire, but even partially destroyed Sara could positively identify (having watched enough cheesy sci-fi movies with her gramps to do so) an alien ship when she saw one.
“What kind of Superman origin story bullshit is this?” she wondered out loud.
The flames licking at the wreckage weren’t too big, and the small extinguisher did the trick for the most part. The dented silver exterior was still smoldering in some places by the time the canister was empty. Tossing the empty red cylinder aside, she stood and stared at the UFO in a mix of wonder and fear as another round of incessant questions bombarded her brain. Should she call someone about this? Who the hell was she supposed to call anyway: the cops, a scientist, the news, or all of the above?
With a startling groan of metal and a hiss of pressurized air, a large door at the rear of the ship (or was it the front? She had no fucking clue) descended, assuming a new role as a ramp, or so it appeared. It was almost as if the ship were inviting her inside.
Sara took a moment to peer into the vessel’s dark innards, then shook her head. She’d seen enough Ridley Scott movies to know that going inside was a terrible idea. Blindly investigating a mysterious extraterrestrial ship is how people ended up dead or, at the very least, pregnant with an alien baby. She wanted no part in either one of those scenarios if she could help it.
The rationalist inside of Sara urged her not to take another step farther; practically shouted at her to turn around and run the other way. But the nurse in her wouldn’t, couldn’t allow her to abandon someone who might be aboard and may be hurt, human or...otherwise. Damn. Sometimes she felt like she’d chosen the wrong profession.
Taking a cautious step up onto the ramp, jumping a bit at the echoing of her own footsteps, Sara called out to the darkness.
“Hello? Is anyone in there?”
When she got only silence for a response, she decided to forge on ahead into the belly of the great metal beast.
“Okay, I’m coming in so please just...don’t eat me and keep your tentacles to yourself.”
The cavernous ship was as black as night. In the distance she could see lights blinking, like stars in the night guiding her way. Sara felt along the walls blindly and inched forward with small, cautious steps.
“If anyone is in here be warned. I do not like surprises and, so help me, if you jump out at me here in the dark I will punch first and ask questions later.”
As she drew closer to the flashing lights, she began to hear noise. What sounded like about five different alarms were blaring, but still nothing resembling a voice.
Suddenly, the floor seemed to rise by a foot and she stumbled at the sudden change in elevation. Her arms flailed dramatically as she desperately reached for something, anything to grab onto. Sara hit the ground hard and loud, her cry of surprise cut short as her head thumped against the cold floor.
Disoriented from the blow, she looked up and took in her surroundings with blurred vision. The alarms screamed at her from every direction, which was doing absolutely nothing to help her gradually building headache, and the lights blinked furiously in sync with the shrieking sirens. She could make out other objects now, what looked like buttons and knobs and levers and screens all illuminated by the incessant flashing of the warning lights. Damn her shit luck. Alone on this alien ship and she’d managed to stumble (literally) into the freaking cockpit. But where was the pilot?
Okay, maybe whatever had been flying this saucer never heard her, had no idea she was here. Maybe it was an unmanned craft. There was still a chance she’d make it out of this incredibly foolhardy endeavor alive. Stiffly and carefully Sara rolled onto her back, glanced up, and immediately screamed.
A face, or at least what she assumed was a face, more like a mask of some sort, peered down at her from above. Stifling another cry, she scrambled up to a sitting position and shinnied away until she felt her back hit wall. Even with that outburst, the creature didn’t appear to stir. After a few minutes of heavy breathing and vigilant observation, it didn’t appear that the alien was conscious.
Before she even realized she was doing it, Sara was on her hands and knees, creeping closer to where the sleeping being was collapsed heavily in what she figured to be the captain’s chair. Upon closer inspection, it looked more like a man than a monster. A man (or a woman) encased from head to toe in a suit of shimmering silver armor. Hell, it could have been a robot.
Through the small t-shaped visor in the dome-like helmet Sara could see no traces of a face. She had no definitive way of knowing if the spaceman was truly slumbering or just waiting for her to get close enough to grab, and for a moment she hesitated to move any closer. But when she saw the small trickle of blood leaking from beneath the helmet and onto the right pauldron, her fear instantly vanished. Definitely not a robot; a living, bleeding person. RN powers activate!
“Hey! Hey, can you hear me?” Sara gave the shiny helmet a light tap, trying to conjure a response. “Come on spaceman, spacewoman, are you with me? Wake up!”
His or her head rolled limply to the side as the blood continued to run. Unconsciousness following a vehicular (or spacecraftular) crash was never a good sign, but Sara couldn’t know for certain until she saw the source of the blood how bad the damage was. Gripping the helmet between her sweating palms she began to slide it upward carefully. Before she could even get it past the wearer’s chin, a hand reached up and wrapped around her wrist, stopping her instantly. She flinched, in surprise rather than pain; their grip was unexpectedly gentle.
“Don’t-don’t take it off,” a very male voice stammered weakly. “You can’t...”
Sara was momentarily stunned. The alien spoke perfect English, and in a voice as soft as their grasp. She shook her head to reorganize her thoughts. This situation called for the utmost professionalism. When you’re a nurse, first impressions are everything. And she wasn’t representing just herself at this moment, but potentially the entire human race.
“Sir, I...it’s going to be alright, sir. I’m a nurse. I can help you, but I’ll need to assess the injury. I need to remove your helmet in order to-“
Sara had entered this ship expecting to find a monster ready to frighten her. What she’d never anticipated was that the monster could be just as frightened as she was. And that’s what she heard in the spaceman’s voice: fear. He was scared. Of her. And that’s when any remaining trace of her own fear vanished. She reached down and found one of his gloved hands and squeezed it gently in her own.
“It’s okay. You’re going to be alright. I’m going to help you. You’re safe.” With her other hand she caressed one side of his helmet and tried to imagine that she were stroking his own cheek. “You’re safe.”
He seemed to relax a bit under her touch, but that may have been from the second wave of sleep overtaking him. Sara released his hand, took a step back, took a deep breath, and began mentally preparing herself for the task ahead.
Dragging a snoozing spaceman all the way to the house was not going to be an easy task, but it was one that had to be done. As a nurse, she’d be damned if she’d let a patient, even an extraterrestrial one, die on her watch.
Sara slid her arms around the limp man’s chest and began the first chore: hoisting him out of the chair.
“Welcome to Earth.”
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Opia Night 2
Vampire!Shinsou x reader
Warnings: alcohol mentions, mentions of blood, dumb mc, campy vampire bullshit, swearing
A/N: ahhhhh. okay. so. this was a tough write. I think I got stuck because i started taking myself too seriously and then i just started throwing words out left and right. this is very back and forth, no-goal-reached, bullshit. I mean, getting from point A to point B is r o u g h, bro. Im SO SORRY. I was trying to make this natural and it just AINT. she’s messy today and it’s fine. Gotta just post what we can when we can lmfao. SOO! I’m aware that this chapter isn’t good, but I do hope that you find it entertaining regardless! I promise Night 3 will be better!
Night One
Night Two
You woke up to your phone buzzing next to your head on your pillow. Once, twice, and the third double-vibration made you realize that you were not going to be going back to sleep any time soon. Blinking at your window, you groaned at the flecks of dust that were lit up by the golden remnants of twilight. You’d slept most of your Friday away after slaving away on your school work Monday through Thursday. You tried telling yourself that you deserved the rest, but sleeping through sunlight has become habitual to you when you had nothing else going on. When you woke up from your coma, you would usually sleep some more. Usually.
The phone on your bed was alight with three unread messages, all saying something different, but with the same invitation handed out:
Kirishima(7:02): hey :)
Sero(7:07): you busy?
Kaminari(7:15): babe! partaaay tonite!!!! come over!
Again, you groaned.
The last night you’d spent over at their house was a complete disaster. You totally embarrassed yourself by screaming out of nowhere. Or so it seemed to have come out of nowhere to everyone else who heard you; what you thought you had witnessed went completely unnoticed to everyone at the last party. But to you, it was so vivid.
Purple-haired-couch-kid. Fangs. Blood.
You completely freaked and locked yourself in the bathroom. It took both Kirishima and Sero to coax you out after you battled the idea of calling the cops to their house. When you came out, there was a swarm of kids eyeing you like you were crazy. You asked to see Kodai. She appeared. She was unharmed: no blood, no marks, no recollection of any handsome boy who took a bite out of her wrist. Kamianri’s garage-sale couch had been occupied by no extremely handsome man, and there were no purple-haired people to be seen at the party afterwards.
It wasn’t something you could have imagined unless your drink had been spiked, but you thought you were pretty careful when it came to open containers! And besides, who’d want to spike your drink with hallucinogens. Getting you high could have been a prank or someone thinking they were doing the rest of the party-goers a favor, but to what you could tell, nobody else was seeing shit. So maybe you were crazy. Maybe there was no alluring voice speaking to you in your head, and your psyche had suddenly broken out of the damn blue. In the psychology class you took freshman year, you learned a lot about different mental illnesses that cause hallucinations and paranoia. Maybe you had to get yourself checked out.
Your phone buzzed again.
Kaminari: Kiri is gonna be real bummed if you don’t come :”(
Well, that was on him. You couldn’t really imagine why you would receive such a welcome invitation to another one of their parties after the big fuss you made. After you realized Kodai wasn’t in trouble, you stormed home; you lived close enough, so it was fine to leave your car there. You didn’t speak to anyone about what happened afterwards, so you were sure you’d be snubbed by your friends for at least a little bit. You figured that… if they wanted something else from you, maybe the rule of party fouls would be ignored.
You sighed, knowing that even though Kirishima definitely had a crush on you, he was still your friend and a great guy. You couldn’t think bitterly of him just because he might’ve wanted to kiss you on several occasions when you were just hanging out. You did sleep with him once, back in the day, but you both agreed to just be friends afterward. You were… kinda wild back then and didn’t like the idea of having a boyfriend. Kirishima tried to be understanding, but every now and then, you’d see him look at you with those sad, puppy-dog eyes.
There was a bleep! and you saw that you got a Snapchat notification from Sero. You pursed your lips and opened it to see a video of Kaminari singing your name, pushing Kirishima’s shoulder, and a chorus of several people making gross kissing noises at the two of them. You rolled your eyes and were about to close the video, but something—no, someone—in the background caught your eye.
You replayed the snap. There was singing, gross kissing noises, and him—right at the end of the video. He was only there for the last two seconds of the video, but those mesmerizing indigo eyes leering at the phone camera seemed to grab you by the throat.
You didn’t fucking imagine him. You didn’t fucking imagine him.
Sliding the screen to show the front-facing camera, you grimaced at your face. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and snapped a quick photo with the tag, ‘who is all there rn?’
Kaminari’s reply came instantly. It was another video of people hooting in the kitchen taking shots. Sero was sniffing at a rough-looking pineapple and Kaminari was yelling.
“Who is all here right now?!” Kaminari called and cheers came as a response. Kaminari turned the camera to face his grinning self. Kirishima was in the background checking his hair in the mirror. When he saw that the camera was in him, he flexed his arm, the dork. Then, Kamimari threw his arm around somebody, and pulled him into frame. You actually gasped.
“Why, the whole word is here, babe! Come overrrr!” Kaminari sang at you, but you weren’t paying any attention to him. Purple-haired-couch-kid was side-eyeing your drunken friend, but when he looked into the camera, he appeared to be amused. He wasn’t as dressed up as he was two weeks ago; he just had on a plane black T-shirt with the same ropey necklaces. The camera didn’t do his likeness any justice. The shadows under his eyes seemed to be much darker, and his skin was straight-up pale. Still, his gorgeous lavender eyes had you captivated. He was all you could see.
Purple-haired-guy’s ivory arm wrapped around Kaminari’s shoulder. He grinned, the whites of his teeth gleaming dangerously at the camera, squeezed Kaminari against him, and the video ended. You were too enamored to even thinking of taking a screenshot and you couldn’t replay the snap.
You cursed and covered your eyes with your pillow. You really were planning on sleeping the rest of the night away—maybe put on some cheesy soaps you could snicker at before zonking out. But now, it seemed, you didn’t have any choice but to go to the party. You had to see him.
A shower and a quick trip to the liquor store later and you were showing up to your friends’ rented domain with a six pack in hand. You entered without knocking. They never had the door locked; it was a constant open-invitation to ‘Denki’s Dank Crib’ as Kaminari wished people would call it.
You were immediately slapped in the face with human musk and you were glad to be wearing something more light: a white, chiffon top over your sunflower skirt with yellow, scrappy heels. It wasn’t everyday that you wanted to dress nicely, but as ridiculous as the concept was, if you did see the purple-haired-couch-kid… you wanted to look nice.
“Hey, you! Glad you could make it!” Strong arms pulled you into Kirishima’s hard chest. He smelled like sweat and old spice. He held you for two seconds too long, going so far as to rest his nose on the top of your head, before you pulled away, offering him a friendly smile. “Your conditioner smells nice!”
“Hah… thanks.” You grimaced.
“Oh, I’m sorry! That was really creepy! I’m sorry!” A slow blush bloomed on Kirishima’s cheeks. “I wasn’t trying to be weird. I might’ve had a few drinks already and I just… uh…”
Lending him a saving grace, you lifted the six pack up. “Care for another?”
“D’aww, you didn’t have to grab beer!” Kirishima grabbed the six pack from you. “I do love this stuff though! Thank you!”
“I couldn’t come here empty handed. It’s the least that I can do after what happened last time.” You started walking towards the kitchen, keeping an eye out for the purple guy or Kaminari.
“What happened last time?”
“You know,” you said while Kirishima cracked open a bottle, “when I had a freak out?”
“Freak out?” He offered you the bottle, but you shook your head. “What do you mean?”
You scanned the kitchen and saw only a few kids you didn’t know and Sero messing around with some frothy, yellow liquid in a beat-up blender. Looking to your right, you saw that there was nobody occupying Kaminari’s old loveseat. It wasn’t like you were expecting to see him there with what—Kaminari on his lap?—but it didn’t hurt to check.
“Like when I screamed and locked myself in the bathroom,” you said. “Then I left without saying goodbye.”
Kirishima’s brows crinkled. “I don’t remember you screaming or anything like that. You did leave a little suddenly, and I was bummed for like a minute, but that’s yesterday’s news. You’re here tonight!”
“Kiri, I was standing right next to you when I threw a fit. You don’t remember? You got me out of the bathroom.”
Kirishima shook his head. “Are you sure that was me?”
You were positive. You were definitely leaning on him, talking about how you didn’t need any boys, and Kirishima was warm like he always was when you touched him. You turned to look back at the couch and then you saw that purple guy bite Yui Kodai! Everyone heard you!
“You’re here!”
Sero zoomed towards you with two large cups of something in-hand. He gave you a bright smile and offered you one of the cups. “As soon as I heard you were heading over, I started making these! Piña coladas!”
“Oh…” you took the drink and gazed into the glass. It was yellow and mushy. Thinking back on your original theory—being drugged—you gave him a tight, closed-mouth grin. “What’s in it?”
“Uhh… Pineapple, coconut rum, and ice?” Seeing the unsure look on your face, Sero hastily added, “the pineapple was close to expiring, but I tasted it, and it’s still fine! Promise.”
“Did you even blend it right?” Kirishima asked, peering into your cup. “It looks like it’s breathing.”
“It’s not my fault our blender is janky!” Sero shot back. “I’m not the one who’s always making weird, keto-friendly protein shakes with, like, kale and shit added in every morning like some sort of psychopath.”
“It’s not crazy to be looking after my body. In fact, you could learn something from me!” Kirishima poked Sero in the ribs. “Skinny.”
“I’m not skinny,” Sero argued, flinching away. He lifted up his shirt to reveal his tight, well-kept abdomen. “I’m lean.” Sero smirked when he caught you staring.
“Alright, well, our girl only deserves the best service, and this ain’t it, chief.” Kirishima reaches to take the atrocity out of your hand, but seeing Sero’s dejected face, you pulled away.
“This is fine,” you promised warily. Beside yourself, you took a sip of Sero’s sloshy creation. You got a big chunk of pineapple in your mouth and chewed the rum out. The parts that weren’t chunks were all watery, like you were drinking straight rum. You forced yourself to smile. “It… tastes good at least.”
Sero was ecstatic. “Lovin’ your look, by the way. Yellow heels look good on you.”
Kirishima rolled his eyes and placed a hand on your back. “C’mon, you don’t have to be nice to him. Lemme make you something good in the kitchen.”
“Oh, wait, Sero. I wanted to apologize to you too!”
Sero raised a brow. “Apologize?”
“Yeah...” You turned your head from Sero to Kirishima, hoping for any sign of recognition. “For freaking out. Screaming. Locking myself in the bathroom. All those good things.”
“Oh,” Sero said. “Yeah, well, you’re forgiven.”
“So you remember!” You beamed.
Sero’s hand went to the back of his neck. “To be honest, I don’t remember a lot about the last party. I think Denki broke a table—“
“You helped him break the table,” Kirishima interjected.
“—aaand someone stole my good bong? That’s it. I’m sorry you had a bad time, though. Hopefully you’ll have more fun tonight! Kaminari bought a karaoke set. It’s got all the shitty songs they’re playing on the radio right now.”
“Where is Denki,” you asked, looking around. Damn it, if nobody remembered you screaming, at least you could count on Kaminari possibly getting the name of the kid who he had his arms around in that video he sent you.
“Off somewhere being a dumbass.” Sero waved his hand absently at the crowd of kids in the living room. “You wanna smoke? I just got a new bong and it hits pretty smoothly. Or maybe you wanna try karaoke? Though you would probably wanna get a couple drinks in before that, huh?”
“Ah, maybe later. I just gotta find Denki.”
“Why?” Kirishima asked suspiciously.
“I just gotta ask him something…” you pulled out your phone and dialed his number. It rang three times before getting to his raunchy voicemail. You scoffed.
“He could be up in his room,” Kirishima suggested.
“With a chick?” Asked Sero, amused. You made a face and Sero quickly corrected himself, saying, “I mean… with a nice lady?”
“Who’s to say.” You took a sip of Sero’s special beverage. It was gross, but you were here, and probably getting a little annoyed. You came out, so you might as well try to enjoy yourself.
“I’m sure he’ll come down eventually. If he really is with a girl, he’ll be down soon, and he’ll be hungry,” said Kirishima. “Hey, I’m gonna be ordering a pizza. Any topping preference? I was gonna get a few and wanted to make sure—oh, hey!! Bakugou!”
Your eyes followed Kirishima’s to see some grouchy-looking blonde kid coming in from the front door. You took advantage of both Sero and Kirishima greeting the guy with high-fives and fist-bumps, and made your way into the dining room where kids were playing a drinking game on a broken table.
You chatted a bit with a few kids you hadn’t met before, a girl whose name you forgot from the biology class you took last semester, and some guy who was so drunk you couldn’t comprehend a single mumble that rolled off his tongue. Nobody seemed to know where Kaminari was. Nobody seemed to have seen any boy with purple hair and an angelic face...
You scooted past three boys who were playing some stupid slapping game and into the living room. You sat down on the couch and checked in on your phone messages. It’s been two hours since Kaminari last texted you to come over. You thought about shooting him a text now, but—
‘Do you realize that all of the air in the room goes out when you walk in?’
You choked on air, as embarrassing as that was, and looked up, expecting to see someone who spoke to you. Nobody was paying you any mind for Kaminari's shitty couch, but you knew you heard that titillating voice, and it wasn’t because you were crazy.
‘Such a pretty little thing to be left all alone at a party. Did you lose your fan club?’
“Actually, I chose to sit here by myself,” you said aloud, minding the few people who actually turned to see you talking to yourself. You shrunk back into the couch and pretended to be taking a video of yourself.
‘Well, I’m sure. It’s a comfortable couch, afterall—better when shared.’
Oh, so this voice was a dirty, little thot. You clicked your tongue and texted Kaminari. ‘Hey, I’m here. Where are you?’
Kaminari(11:02): side yard.
Hopping up, you headed for the sliding patio door.
‘Eager to see your babe, babe?’
“Oh, shut up!” You hissed while walking outside and a girl watching a beer pong game frowned at you. You weren’t sure, you thought that you could hear a chuckle in the very far back-end of your head.
Kaminari was in the side yard, thank god. He was leaning against the house, staring absently at the side gate. He was alone, not on his phone or anything to keep him busy. He was just standing there.
“Hey, Kami!”
Kaminari barely turned his head towards you when he said, “hey...”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing hiding away in the side yard?”
“‘m just chillin’. Waitin’ for my friend…”
“A friend?” You asked. “Kaminari, are you okay?”
“Of course,” Kaminari said, still staring at the side gate. “I’ve never been better… it’s a nice night…”
You stepped out in front of him. Kaminari didn’t meet your gaze; his yellow eyes were hazy and blank. You waved your hand in front of his face and he didn’t even react.
“It’s a real nice night,” he repeated dreamily. “I‘m waiting for a friend...”
“What friend, Kami? Who are you waiting for?”
“Uhh… Dunno. He just left…”
“What does he look like?” You asked, growing impatient. Kaminari wasn’t the brightest, but he was never really this slow. There was something wrong with him.
“Hmmm… like the moon…”
“I saw you near a kid with purple hair and a lot of jewelry in some of the snaps you sent, Kaminari. Do you know where I might be able to find him? He was at the last party too.”
“Yeah... That’s my friend…”
Thank god, thank god someone else knew who the hell you were talking about. “Do you know where he went?”
“To get a snack…” At that, Kaminari cracked a grin.
Fangs and blood flashed in your mind. You clenched your teeth together. If you remembered correctly, perhaps purple-haired-couch-kid’s idea of a snack wasn’t suitable for this party. You grabbed his wrist. “C’mon, let's go back inside. You need some water.”
But when you turned back to your house, you bumped right into what felt like a brick wall. But it wasn’t a brick wall. This barrier was a person whose ivory skin practically glowed an eerie white under the moonlight. This barrier was a person whose indigo eyes scanned you like a marauder finding his treasure. This barrier was a person whose flushed lips tugged up into a smirk when you shrieked.
Your stomach sank when he laughed at you after you leapt back and against Kaminari’s chest. Kaminari placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, as if he was trying to be reassuring, but his touch was too light and vacant to do much to calm you.
Goosebumps crawled up your skin when you took in couch-kid’s sudden appearance. You were mad at yourself for thinking that even though he was frightening in the dark, his sharp jawline was practically begging to be nibbled on.
Jesus, what the fuck was wrong with you?! You couldn’t be thinking about hooking up with strangers that bite while Denki was high and everyone else was forgetting shit! You shook your head and scowled.
“Sorry about that… didn’t mean to scare you.” Your heart did a little jump at hearing his voice for the first time. At least, you were pretty sure this was the first time you’d heard it. It did sound oddly familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it.  
Couch-kid held out his hand. For a second, you thought he was going to shake your hand, but then you saw that he was holding a wrapped cereal bar. Froot Loops. “Here you go, Denki.”
Kaminari’s arm snaked through the opening between your arm and waist to grab the treat. Your body nearly vibrated from being only just a couple inches away from Couch-kid’s finger tips. His arms were nice—white and long, but strong, with a few prominent veins running up them. Did he drink weird, keto-friendly protein shakes with kale and shit added in them like Kirishima? Why did you care?
“Oh man, thanks Shinsou. I was starting to get dizzy,” Kaminari said, unwrapping the sweet treat. You heard him crunching from behind you, and you don’t know why, but you were suddenly very irritated with his presence. You shouldn’t have been. There was obviously something going on with him and you should’ve been wanting to help him out, but then, you really wanted to be alone with Couch-kid. The thought just made you more agitated.
“Not a problem,” Couch-kid—Shinsou—purred. He didn’t look at Kaminari when he spoke; he was eyeing you.
“Shinsou,” you said, pulling at the hem of your skirt. Did he remember you? Did he think you were dumb for staring at him without saying anything for so long back at the last party?
“That’s me.” Shinsou grinned. This time, he took your hand, rather than offering his, and kissed the back of your wrist. You honestly would have swooned if you didn’t see him do the exact same thing to Yui Kodai just a short while ago. Still, his cool lips making contact with your skin made tiny electric currents shoot up from your arm, to your neck. You shuddered. “I don’t think we’ve officially met. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“The, uh… pleasure’s all mine?” That was what they said in the movies, right? Cheesy soaps, whomst? What a weird thing to say, anyways. Even still, as silly as that old-time greeting was, he could’ve easily said something as ridiculous as, ‘charmed, I’m sure,’ and you still wouldn’t have been able to muster out a bark of laughter like you would with literally anywhere else.
“Denki, didn’t you say you wanted to go sing some karaoke?” Shinsou asked, his eyes still on you.
“I did say that,” Kaminari said, taking another bite out of his cereal bar. “Karaoke sounds nice…” And without any ceremony, he started walking. Sliding past you, he made his way down the side of the house. Just like that?! He was going to leave you with a stranger?
You called, “wait! Kaminari... are you really okay? You were acting a little funky just a minute ago.”
“Mmm, yeah, I’m fine. I just really wanted cereal.” Kaminari wiggled the now empty bar wrapper in the air. “But Shinsou took very good care of me…” That faraway look returned to his eyes when he said, “I’ll catch you later, babe.” With that, he was gone, leaving you alone with a guy who simultaneously made the hair on the back of your neck stand up and your heart melt with a quirk of his brow.
Shinsou’s eyes scanned over you, up from where your hand was bunched up in your skirt, to your torso, your collar bones, your lips, then back down to your neck. Unease settled over you when his eyes finally met yours and you had to quickly look away. You wished that  you were anywhere else in the world. You also wished you could think of something, anything, to say to him, but asking about Kodai seemed to be so wrong to you, at the moment, and the last time either of you had interacted, you were about to hop into his lap!
Finally, you mustered, “do you know if he smoked anything? He really wasn’t acting like his usual self. I’m worried something might be wrong…”
“Not to my knowledge. He might’ve had a couple drinks though,” Shinsou said. There was another long pause, and you fought your brain to come up up a normal conversational topic, but Shinsou beat you to to the punch. “Is he your boyfriend?”  
“What? No!” You still couldn’t look him in the eye as you answered. You hoped that it was dark enough to be able to hide your flushing face. “He’s really just a friend.”
“He calls you ‘babe’, though.”
“Yeah, well, if you put a skirt on, I’m sure he’d call you babe too.” You shrugged. “He’s just a flirt.”
“You weren’t wearing a skirt at that last party,” Shinsou mused, which gave you a little rush. He remembered you. “And he still called you babe.”
You pressed your lips together to keep from smiling, but your humor rang out in your voice when you asked, “are you interested in him or something? Because I can go get him back for you, if you want. I’m pretty sure he dated a guy our sophomore year.”
Shinsou clicked his tongue, amused. “It’s not him I’m interested in. Not really my type.”
“Right, right,” you laughed, gaining more confidence. “Well, I haven’t seen Kodai here tonight, but I think I have her number saved. Would you like me to give her a ring? It’s the least I can do for you taking care of my poor, dumb not-boyfriend while I was away.”
You reached inside your purse to grab your phone. You really would have called her, but before you could even touch your phone, Shinsou’s fingers were wrapped around your wrist. You almost yelped. Shinsou’s fingers were much cooler than his lips were and it surprised you.
“I knew you were jealous,” he remarked darkly. Immediately, you yanked your arm free, but that only prompted him to grab your wrist from a newer angle. You narrowed in on him, ready to bite—he was someone you didn’t know grabbing you, so obviously you had every right to—but as soon as you gazed into his eyes, you were lost.
His pupils were abyssal; so dark that they appeared white. Looking at him, your body felt cool—numb almost. Beyond any control, your body relaxed which made you lose your tight grip of Sero’s shitty piña colada. You didn’t even care about the cold, sloshy mess splattering over your heels.
Shinsou backed you into the wall, his stare intense, his lips parted and amused. He planted his free hand on your arm and took his time running it up to your shoulder, your neck. The tips of his fingers lightly danced across your jugular, the pad of his thumb slowly running up and down the pulsing vein. He scrutinized you dangerously, daring you to move, to run, to scream for help. Not knowing whether you were scared or aroused, you let him touch you, though ‘let’ didn’t seem like the appropriate word. It was like you had no other choice. He wanted to study you, so he would, and you would not object. So naturally, when Shinsou slid his hand to the nape of your neck, you turned to grant him access to what you knew what he really wanted.
He first pressed his nose up against your skin and inhaled deeply. You shivered as he groaned, “I’ve been waiting for you for too damn long. My sanguine.”
When Shinsou’s lips pressed against your flesh, you melted. Every nerve-ending in your body set aflame; you were no closer to fleeing the scene than you were indulging in the sweet sensation that his kiss had to offer. His cool tongue traveled up your neck, sending waves of jubilant shivers down your spine. His fingers hooked around your shoulder as he deepened the kiss. You felt a tingling sensation warming up between your legs that was only a tiny bit eased when he lodged his knee between you. His hand slid down your back where he pulled you on to him more comfortably; held up by his thigh, his arm, and nothing more.
“Nhhh-“ you tried to object, like you should, like you knew you wanted to, but a carnal urge pulled at the strings of your willpower. Whether he kissed you, or killed you, you wouldn’t be able to deny him his satisfaction. You would give him, Shinsou, a stranger, anything he wanted at any given moment.
But when you heard your name called from inside, the spell was broken.  
You tensed. Shinsou’s lips froze against your skin. You felt his hands tighten around you protectively, possessively, and you knew you were in deep shit.
“Kiri,” you whispered despite wanting nothing more than to say another man’s name. Kirishima was looking for you and yet, here you were, in his side yard, with another boy. Perhaps you hadn’t changed as much as you originally thought you had.
“Don’t-!” Shinsou hissed when you tried to pull away. There was urgency in his voice, something unexpected from him. His eyes were desperate and hungry. Terrifying. It felt good knowing that he wanted to keep you, and that thought was more frightening than what you thought was his original intentions. Fingers slid their way to your waist, and Shinsou bowed his head, dipping in to kiss your lips, but before he could, your hand fell on his face.
It wasn’t a slap, no. You literally put your entire ass palm on his face to save yourself from a kiss you actually wanted.
“O-oh god!” You stuttered out. Beyond any responsible control, you shoved his head back. “I’m sorry!”
Finally freed, you bolted a good five feet away from him, back towards the house. Your assaulter gazed at you with surprise, sleepy eyes rounded in a sort of sincere, pitiful way, but you couldn’t let his dejection get to you. You swallowed harshly as you backed away from him and the wall, going against every fiber in your body telling you to stay put, to stay at his side, to let him satiate any and all needs that he had.
The thing is, you would have. Despite not being able to bark out the half-dozen questions you had for him (why do you bite people? Why can’t anybody remember you? Why do I think I can hear your voice in my head? Why the sudden smooches? What the fuck?) you would have stayed with him there, had you not heard your name called a second time.
“Leaving so soon?” Shinsou asked, gaining some composure, though as lax as he tried to make himself seem, there was an imperative note in his tone. “Don’t want to let your fan club down, I guess.” His voice was a shrug. “And here I thought you were going around asking about me.”
That was so excruciatingly embarrassing; being caught showing interest. Did he know how many people you spoke to? You wished you could wither up and blow away right then and there.
You glanced through the glass door to see Kirishima holding his phone up to your ear. A second later, your phone started buzzing. You ignored it.
“I guess I just wanted to know who you were, is all,” you said, a perfectly normal response. That was you: calm, cool, and collected—totally not willing to makeout with extremely hot strangers out of nowhere. “I haven’t seen you around before that last party…” which would be a perfectly fine segue into asking him why he bit Yui Kodai, if only you could will your body to ask!
“So you’re satisfied?”
“Uh-huh!” Not at all. Not at all. But that didn’t stop you from turning back towards the house.
Your body went cold. The voice rang too clearly to have been said aloud, but it was definitely his. In. Your. Head.
“What did you say?” You asked, turning back, trying to keep your tone steady. You didn’t know why, but you thought it would be bad if he heard your voice crack or squeak.
“I asked if you were satisfied. We barely got to converse and yet, you’re skittering away after making such a fuss about finding me. Why is that?”
“I’m not skittering away and—hey!” You put your hands on your hips. “You called me a liar just now, didn’t you?”
Shinsou placed his hands in his hips, mocking you. “I said no such thing!”
“Well, no, maybe you didn’t say it with your mouth…”
“What else would I have said it with? My hips?” He smirked. “Are you sure it wasn’t your own conscience calling you out?”
You scoffed. You couldn’t believe he was teasing you!” And what about your conscience?! Do you just go around attacking people’s necks out of nowhere like that as a hobby?!”
“Interesting choice of words,” he chuckled. “No, I wouldn’t say attacking people is a hobby, but more of a necessity. And I don’t usually go for the neck, either. I save that intimacy for victims who are a little more willing…”
‘Really, I wouldn’t want a single drop of you to run down your arms, anyways.’
“Willing?!” You started, incredulous. You pointed a shaking finger at him and continued with, “you really have a thing or two to learn about cons-!”
“Hey!” Kirishima was sliding the door to patio open. “I was looking for you! The pizza’s almost gone, but I saved you a couple slices.” He looked at you and registered the expression on your face. His eyes narrowed as he approached you. “Who are you talking to?”
But when Kirishima looked down the side yard, there was nobody there—just the slushy remains of your piña colada. He bent down to pick the cup up to see you shaken, wordless. “What happened?”
You could only shake your head. Because you didn’t know what happened—you didn’t know anything! Shinsou was there and now he wasn’t, and the more you tried to say anything on the matter, the more the words got stuck at the back of your throat.
“Hey,” Kirishima said, full of concern. He grabbed both of your trembling hands and wound his fingers through yours. That was intimate. Something sweet. Something that was supposed to be reassuring. What in the hell was supposed to be intimate about a guy you barely met narrowing in on your neck like that.
You sighed and allowed your head to fall against Kirishima’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close while that angry blonde kid, Bakugou, appeared at the doorway, munching on a slice of pizza (probably the last one.) He took one look at you, rolled his eyes, and walked away. Kirishima asked you what happened once more. You said, “I’d just really like to get home.”
“Let me walk with you,” Kirishima whispered. That would be pulling him away from his own party, but he didn’t seem to care about that. The world really needed more Kirishimas.
Making your way through the house, you saw Kaminari in the living room slurring the lyrics to a lame song, Sero cheering him on while simultaneously recording every word, and Bakugou glaring out the front window. Kirishima quickly told Sero where the two of you were headed which made Sero form a tight line with his mouth. After seeing the stricken expression on your face, Sero seemed to ease up a bit.
Kirishima held your hand while he walked with you. He tried to make light conversation, attempting to get your mind off of whatever happened when you were alone in his side yard, but you couldn’t entertain him with idle chit chat. The entire walk home, you thought you felt somebody’s watchful gaze on you.
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING (CLOSED): @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @rubycubix@smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy@sarcastictextstuck@kpanime @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow@wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn@im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai@eggpienutbuttercroissant@usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello
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