#they might resign
kingfleury29 · 2 years
i start therapy this week, and i don’t have a lot of people to share this with so i’m putting it here ❤️
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wistfulwatcher · 2 months
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2.05 The Aftermath | 5.01 Nameless, Faceless
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possamble · 4 months
sorry if i seem way too obsessed about the slightly one-sided nature of farcille i eat that shit up when it's actually equally requited but one side feels like they're not as important
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vaguely-concerned · 22 days
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behold... my vision
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ray935sworld · 1 month
Ah yes. The 3 stages of Honda riders:
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Luca "still hopefull" Marini
Stefan "happy to just be test rider" Bradl
Joan "close to killing himself" Mir
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arsenicflame · 1 year
stede is 'oh this place has something related to my interest i must go in immediately' autistic and izzy is 'if we deviate one inch from my plan for today i will murder someone' autistic
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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🎶sleep isn’t real🎶have some cute ass frank and gerard gifs~🎃
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queerofthedagger · 7 months
i mean this in the like... nicest way possible, but there is no way to post your writing and/or art on the internet without running the very high risk of it getting scraped, whether you post it on tumblr, pillowfort, or ao3. sites being 'anti ai' does not mean your art cannot be scraped. it is simply almost impossible to prevent, much less guarantee that. I'm not saying this to be a pessimist or to stop people from being rightfully pissed about this. it sucks. massively so! but if the idea does in fact bother you that much, you should know that moving sites won't fix the issue. ao3, as far as we know, has been scraped/is getting scraped. you can set your fics so that only logged in users can access them, but it only makes scraping one step more difficult, and by no means impossible and the otw has stated this clearly.
which, again, this sucks! i don't have a great solution either!! but tumblr is relatively honest, at least, when it tells you that it cannot prevent, only discourage it. ao3 said the same thing. any site promising you otherwise is, to the best of my knowledge, lying to you.
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canisalbus · 1 year
Look, I know it's supposed to end badly. But I need to admit that in my head, they declared a mutual "fuck this shit" to the world and society. Packed all the stuff they could one late night and escaped to a remote open plain in the middle of some thick woods where they spent the rest of their lives healing and living freely in nature.
I've been having a lot of intense feelings about them as well. The tragical elements are so baked in to their story and setting, it's hard to imagine a happy ending for them. But every now and then I find myself thinking of scenarios and AUs where they both live and grow old together. For coping purposes, I suppose.
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berrybore · 9 months
I feel like people who think Percy should have done more to convince Nico to stay in the the 4th book, don't fully realise that Camp isn't a safe place for those who aren't accepted. Not only had Percy been initially shunned by his fellow campers when his parentage had been revealed, being at camp had put him under the radar of the gods, and in close quarters with one god. Percy hadn't had a choice when it came to his first Quest, he either had to leave Camp or get turned into a dolphin. It was lucky that he chose to go on the Quest, because nobody, except maybe Grover, would have helped him if he'd been forced to flee. Not only would Nico have had to deal with the campers' fear, he would have been a sitting duck for the gods, either to use or destroy. That's why, when Percy got the chance in The Last Olympian, he advocated for him, and got him a place in Camp, so nobody could doubt that he belonged there, or was worthy of respect.
Exactly. Percy had a pretty bad experience at camp for the first three summers he was there for three different reasons (being claimed that first summer that set him apart from the crowd, getting bullied in the second summer for having a cyclops for a brother, and Thalia coming back made people completely ignore him in favor of the daughter of Zeus, the new shiny prophecy kid). He knows what it’s like to be an outlawed demigod and he wouldn’t force anyone else to live the same circumstances he did. Especially since Hades already doesn’t have a good standing with the gods or their children. Notice how he was immediately blamed for the theft of the master bolt. And of course he would have had to stay there full time since he doesn’t have a mortal address so like you said he’d be under the gods’ thumbs 24/7 and made to prove his loyalty to Olympus by going on stupid quests, if not outright killed. In ttc, the Olympians almost had Percy executed just for existing, the only reason they didn’t is because Poseidon threw his weight behind him. Somehow I don’t think they hold Hades in such high regard and even if they did, Hades himself didn’t hold Nico in high regard until much much later so yea he’d be dead one way or the other.
But yea no dumping on Percy for knowing all of this is and recognizing it as a sad reality because it was his sad reality as well is not the hot take that some people think it is.
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Made a bad news version of the Destiel Meme and decided to use it for good.
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platoapproved · 1 month
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lordcaptains · 4 months
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edwinisms · 23 days
genuinely it’s this kinda shit that makes me seriously question my existence as a film major, specifically one focused on screenwriting for television. like it’s such a disgustingly hostile environment for any creators and just seems like an industry that gets progressively harder and more painful to participate in. why am I even doing this if whatever I may end up putting my time and effort and soul into will probably end up spat on and tossed out (if it even miraculously gets picked up by one of the handful of big malicious streaming entities that control what is and isn’t produced and seen in the first place). it’s either 1) don’t make any money and be doomed to have a second job forever, or 2) be subject to the torment and humiliation of the streaming service empire for eternity. that’s the state of show creation right now and it actually makes me sick and I just hope one day soon everyone gets tired enough of this status quo to shift the norm of how shows get produced back to a state where shows don’t require the permission of streaming services and other big corporate entities to exist and continue existing. that’s the only thing that’d make me feel like I have a real future in my own field.
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commodorecliche · 1 year
if season 3 does not feature at least one scene where Crowley sneaks into the bookshop and sleeps in Aziraphale's room, my head might pop off like a rock-em-sock-em robot
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hold on i need to get a thought and emotions out. so with Welcome Home, there seems to be a before and an after. obviously, we're in the after. the website is the after. and if it turns out that the story we see, the one where shit hits the fan and the show is practically erased, then... that already happened. whatever horrors we see, we'll know that there is no saving them. there is no happy ending - it happened, and it's tragic. the show is doomed to end and be scrubbed away. if any of the characters are revealed to be dead/gone by the website, then when/if we see them at an earlier point, we'll Know
and there's a special kind of dread and horror in that for us, the audience.
#im not articulating this the way i want to...#it's like going to see a tragic play. like romeo and juliet for instance.#we go into it knowing the end. they die. no matter what they die. every step they take leads to That End#every happy moment is undercut by the knowledge that it won't last#thinking about this makes me think that at some point learning more about the story/characters is gonna feel like digging up a grave#AGH I LOVE IT THOUGH I LOVE IT. IT HURTS SO MUCH BUT I LOVE IT#its a special feeling of dread/nostalgia/bittersweetness/resignation#and that is sensation in the chest that doesnt feel good but it also does somehow? it hurts but just enough to not be unbearable?#welcome home#welcome home speculation#welcome home puppet show#man i am so so so so scared for the puppets lmfao#i have some theories on the ways shit might go down. like little things. souring relationships and such#i also have a feeling that the story is really gonna hit home (ha) for me in Big Ways#like as soon as i saw clown say that it's kinda about 'when does a home become a house' and stuff#OOF. YIKES. WHEN DOES IT INDEED. i mean i know. ive lived it. im Living it.#this is gonna get unintentionally personal Real Fast in Several Fun And Festive Ways for me huh#i wonder if the story is gonna be uncovered linearly or not...#chewing on it chewing on it chewing on it#i can't wait to Understand the world/characters so that i can write fanfic. i want to so badly. i want to Explore#i want to hop into that grave and keep digging
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