#my poor therapist
dreamofbecoming · 5 months
man every time it’s the morning of my therapy day i’m like hey! i barely have anything going on! i’m fine! surely twice a week is excessive! and then i have therapy and i come out of it staggering and covered in blood and i’m like ah. yes. i remember now.
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sky-neverending · 1 year
just spent half my therapy session talking about heartstopper s2 and the last 5 minutes quoting the ben and charlie scene from season one bc i have it memorized for some odd reason idk
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talis-demon · 2 months
you know it's real when your therapist is having a shit time so instead of your usual batshit insanity you try to keep it together for five minutes so the poor man can rest
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axoqiii · 2 months
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🦋 whichever path you choose
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folie-a-deux · 3 months
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The wife, was in fact, not aware enough.
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Anytime I have to talk about the shit in my brain I just cry and cry and fucking cry. It’s fine as long as I don’t have to think about any of it.
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kingfleury29 · 2 years
i start therapy this week, and i don’t have a lot of people to share this with so i’m putting it here ❤️
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nightmask · 2 years
every time I have therapy it’s just “guess what my father did now”
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wmxbeo · 1 year
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Obligatory style post for pride month 💪💪
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pixlokita · 16 days
Me: -has intense therapy session-
Me: -exhausted afterwards- maybe a nap will fix me
Me: -wakes up more exhausted and trying not to throw up- -also can’t talk again-
Me: haha… yeah yeah … yeah.
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venusqq · 1 year
charlie’s standards are so ridiculously low like “this is the best time of my life! i don’t have to hide my relationship AND i’m not getting bullied!!” like jesus christ somebody get this boy a therapist
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mxxiluv · 2 months
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Sorry for being gone for like 300 years, anyways, here’s my recent obsession that my mental health decided to plug in
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The way Armand, a boy from a brothel, escapes from management positions over and over again to eventually fall in love with Louis the pimp, and even pretend to be his servant for a while...
Yeah, of course, tear my heart to pieces, why not?
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waitingtobebroken · 2 months
Now that it has finally been written, I am happy to let you know about the next fic in my Ineffable Meet-Cute Series!
"Looking for someone to take to couples therapy and see how long it takes the therapist to notice we don't know each other" is what Crowley's dating profile says. Too bad Aziraphale was too busy staring at those graceful fingers in his picture to realise that, before he agreed to go on a date with him.
Coming to an AO3 near you next Saturday!
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nashvillethotchicken · 6 months
Thinking about Lestat seeing Louis’s eating patterns as a waste of his gift/himself while Armand gives Louis food that he literally can not enjoy or digest just so he has something on his stomach
#if i had to give each of louis relationship a theme loustat would be shame and loumand would be enabling#which are both really bad ways of “helping” a partner with an ed#lestats shame and anger tactics only make louis more resentful and less likely to eat#while armand having the little drinks and exotic animals and the human food dont actually deal with louis problem head on-#cus at the end of the day louis is still not eating enough#and i think they really exemplifies both of their trauma and abandonment issues#both of them came up chronically food insecure#lestat was put into the role of provider at a very early age and stayed in that role until he died/was turned#so for him rejecting what lestat gives is like rejecting lestat cus he doesnt have anything else to make him “useful”#and lestats reaction to rejection is anger and control so he tries to shame and control louis into eating more/human#while armand has been abandoned by literally everyone he loves up till this point so for him its like#ok i can make people dtay if i give them what they want and what louis wants is to not feel bad about eating and so armand does that#but it still doesnt get to the root of the issue which is louis having poor coping mechanisms for his grief and other emotions#like either way you slice it. louis is not meeting his nutritional needs. he eats drinks from one guy eats a fox or some other small animal#when he should be having like two dudes at least#and then he has human food which according to anne rice makes vampires vomit up their whole stomach content so...#louis imma send you to my therapist shes great#interview with the vampire#iwtv#louis de pointe du lac#amc iwtv#lestat de lioncourt#ldpdl#iwtv 2022#armand iwtv#armand#loumand#loustat#like armand gives louis food he cant eat just so he knows theres something in louis stomach even for a short while
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When yesterday I watched the first 2 episodes of crazy ex-girlfriend I expected to see a funny little romcom parody with funny little parody songs and lots of meta humour.
What I did NOT expect is actually quite sad story about fundamentally broken person who tries to gather her life piece by piece. Heavily depressed person who even wasn't able to feel literally anything because of heavy medications and improper treatment.
I was under the impression that Crazy ex-girlfriend is "Rebecca being ha-ha funny", while it is actually "Rebecca being ha-ha on the verge of nervous breakdown and she has every reason to be the way she is and crazy is a bad term to call someone who is in a bad place mentally".
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