#they out here with matching necklaces made from each other’s body parts were planning to build a future together
akkivee · 6 months
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when you rewatch the entirety of the season, you watch chiaro and scuro slowly come into akira and satoru’s individual character quirks, like akira’s weird metaphors that he’s never personally experienced and satoru’s comparatively brighter personality
so it is a different kind of painful to watch akira and satoru die, see them practically reborn as chiaro and scuro only for them to lose their lives again 😭😭😭
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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Fae and Far Between
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: future ABO, Viking Col, fae Dom, Big Sad™️- I'm serious guys! Pain ahead!, waking up alone, depression, fear, physical violence (against Dom), threats of death, threats of war, desperate boys, surprise revelations, new hope, PTSD, panic, fear, missing each other, revelations of murder (past tense but a lot), trophies from a killer, more death threats, holding someone against their will, sexual assault threats ☠️ rating: mature (because of threats let's say verging on explicit to be safe) ☠️ ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Kol'son woke with a start, he hadn't meant to fall asleep at all but there was something so comforting about being buried balls deep inside his lover that he couldn't help drifting off between rounds. He'd had a plan to bed the boy as many times as he could in the day they had left but at least they'd gotten a little rest to last them. Or so that's what he thought as he blinked his eyes open and took in the room that felt far too cold. It had been filled with warmth since the fae appeared even though he ran cooler than most. His fire lamps were out as he glanced around. He felt frozen, even his cock where it laid sticky with drying cum felt cold though it still should have been plugging his prince full. "Dom?" He asked softly but his stomach was already sick with the truth. There was no sign of his mate anywhere besides the drying fluids on his body and the tattered tunic on the floor. At least it seemed he'd taken his necklace and… and the fur he kept on his bed? How had he wriggled it out from below him?
That didn't actually matter, at least not in the moment. What mattered was that his thrall had decided to sneak away so they wouldn't have to see each other break and that wasn't fair. It wasn't just his choice. The chieftain growled as he pushed himself out of bed and found his clothes. He'd chase the fae down if he had to, he couldn't just run away and leave him without a farewell. For all the pain that welled in his chest that felt the worst. He wanted every moment he could get with his boy, he didn't care how much it destroyed him to watch him walk away. He could find him. He had to.
-An hour before-
Dom felt terrible sneaking out from his master's bed but he knew it was the only way they could truly part and do as they were supposed to, but the moment he was out the door he froze. The enemy clan was racing around about something, everyone was out in droves and it sent a wave of fear through him but… he had to leave. He could sneak around them all. He just knew it. Besides, they all thought he was a thrall, they wouldn't care what he was doing. He could always just say he was going to clean the fur his leader loved so much. Of course he only made it a few feet before he felt someone step on his second skin from behind him as if it were a fucking rug. A rage burned through him and he turned fast- coming face to face with the woman stealing his future. In the daylight she was still gorgeous but the evil was more evident. She matched her father. He dropped his eyes, trying to treat her as the queen he supposed she would be soon but it raised bile in his throat.
"Where are you going? I hope you're not trying to escape. That wouldn't be kind to your master." She purred and he swallowed his anger.
"No ma'am, I was simply going to wash 'is blanket. I'll be back before ya know it." He tried to keep his voice even instead of screaming at her like he was desperate to. He wouldn't cause more trouble for his lover. He just had to take solace in the fact he could still feel Kol'son's cum dripping down his thighs. He had him first. He had his heart forever.
"Hmm. Don't bother. He won't need that disgusting thing. I mean… when we're married. I don't like it. Just return to your chieftain and tell him daddy has to go home. He'll have to come to us. The rules are still the same but… something came up. Too bad too. He's pretty." Her whiny voice couldn't mask that she knew something she wasn't saying but when he looked up to meet her gaze her eyes were hard. Impenetrable.
Against all the knowledge in his mind telling him he could make everything so much worse he took a step closer, almost ready to fight the bitch stealing his life. He didn't blame her before but he certainly did now. She shouldn't have touched what's his. "I'm guessing you've always been told how beautiful you is, and tha's all you base ya life on. I ain't even gonna promise tha' won't last because maybe it will. But I can promise you- Kol will never look at you the way he does me." It was a simple insult but one he knew would get to her. What he wasn't expecting though was the slap across his face or the way she pushed him to the ground. He sat there, thankful to have fallen on his second skin where he had it wrapped around his shoulders and he took a breath, ready to get his ass kicked. He couldn't get his daidí in even more trouble.
"Excuse me, our chieftain wouldn't like you hurting what's his." He sighed when Aud stepped between them, a broom in her hands as if she'd use it to defend him. He was thankful for her but what he saw next almost took his breath away. Helga and a few of the other bed thralls that had hated him since the day he showed up joined her, standing between him and their soon to be queen.
"I don't think you want to do this girls. I could have you killed." Megna huffed and Liv laughed as she knelt down to help Dom up.
"You could try but you'd be amazed what men would forgive to keep their favorite cunt. Isn't that right Helga?"
The blonde winked, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger as she stepped even closer to the woman they were protecting him from. "Can you smell daddy on me, my queen? I know what he thinks about your happiness, do you really think he'd give me up for you? I made that man see heaven last night." Dom had never found himself so thankful these women were well trained whores because it truly seemed to make her think twice.
"It doesn't matter anyway. You'll see. This isn't over." She huffed but finally walked away when some of her clan called her near.
Aud came to Dom, the other girls stepping back and giving him pained smiles. Maybe they didn't like that he'd replaced them in Kol's eyes but for better or worse they all loved their leader and they didn't want to see him hurt. The only female friend he'd made besides Inga hugged him tight and the other girls stood guard as they cried silent goodbyes to each other. He couldn't make himself talk and she couldn't seem to either. Somehow they all just knew he was leaving. "Tom's waiting with Modig I think. I'll… gods. Why am I so choked up about a silly little bed thrall?"
Dom couldn't help but laugh and he kissed her cheek, finally making himself let her go. "Love you too Aud. Girls, fank you. I… I 'ope you'll take care of 'im for me." It broke his heart to say but at least he was more okay with the thought of them making love to his mate than that bitch. The devil you know- he supposed. He kissed both her cheeks and tried to bless her future in a way he'd heard about growing up before he turned and ran down the trail to the shore. Any moment his man could wake up and he didn't think he could leave him if he saw his face again.
It didn't take him long to find Tom waiting for him on the path but the hurt he could see etched on his face as well was almost too much. His kin had left his only home and followed Dom because they were like brothers but they'd been without for so long. They'd been wandering. This was the first place they'd found that could be a new home and it was hard for them both to leave it- for maybe a similar reason. Mod was behind the selkie, his eyes filled with tears but Tom's silver ones were just lost. The man didn't cry easily. He felt like he'd interrupted an intimate moment but he didn't know how to leave without making it more awkward. "I'm sorry." He whispered, taking a step back and he gave Modig a gentle nod. He would give them a moment to say their goodbyes before he would say his own to the halfling. Gods he'd miss him. As he started back on his way to the shoreline he heard the madman call out for him.
"Dom wait- I- shit I think I figured it out!"
Kol was hit with a wave of confusion as he stepped outside his home. The place was quiet in a way it shouldn't be with an extra clan around. It didn't matter though, what was most important was finding his thrall and holding him until the moment they had to part. He might even bend him over his knee like he threatened for this. How dare he take his choice away. He spotted Inga and he raced for her, his heart in his throat as he stopped her from her chores. It was already dusk and he knew they didn't have long. He couldn't handle this. "Have you seen Dom?" He knew his voice was trembling but he couldn't help it. Everything was driving him mad.
"Breathe Feilan. He… I saw him- he went to the water." She sighed after a moment, wishing she could make everything better. She'd been trying so hard to figure out something to fix it all but she didn't think she had much. At least not in the way of proof- if anything she had rumors and fears but perhaps it was too late for anything else. "Kol'son, I need to speak with you. It's about your uncle." She explained, her own nerves putting a shake in her voice. She had always tried to love the man- they were kin after all but Bjørn had taken everything too far for the last time. She just hoped her nephew could believe her and stop what was happening before it got worse.
Kol'son furrowed his brow but shook his head. How could she worry about fucking Bjørn when he was running out of time with his lover? "Later okay? Find me later? I need- I have to- Fuck I swear I'll listen." He vowed before running away from her like he had when he was a child in trouble. She tried to call after him but nothing would stop him now. He had to find his boy. She'd fix it though, she'd figure out a way to fix it. She just had to.
The chieftain made it to the shoreline in record time but he didn't see his love anywhere. He didn't know how long he ran one way and then the other but there was no sign of him. The longer he looked the deeper his heart sank until it was so heavy it weighed him down and his knees buckled, taking him to the ground. "He was like this too. I mean, not as dramatic but… are you going to beg your gods to change fate?" He didn't normally attack his best friend but when he felt a palm on his shoulder he burned with so much anger he grabbed the madman's wrist and flipped him over. All the breath was knocked out of Mod's chest and he glared up at his kin but he didn't fight back. He knew the poor bastard was broken.
Kol scrambled to crawl above him, his heavy hands curling around his brother's neck but he didn't squeeze. "I already fucking did! They don't listen to me! Do they listen to you? You're a seer aren't you? Closer to them? Answer me Mod! How do I fix this?" His voice broke, he'd already screamed at his gods the night before and got no relief. He knew he wouldn't get it from trying to strangle his best friend either but part of him wanted the man to fight back. To hurt him.
Warm hands pulled his wrists until he wasn't choking the halfling but for just a moment the fae was holding him. "I can't fix it. I see… I saw death around him. I thought if he left it would go away and he'd be safe but Kol'son- I saw something else…" He trailed off and the leader knew it was serious. His brother never called him that, he wouldn't use his full name unless it was important.
He blinked the dirt from his eyes and sat back, completely ignoring where he was positioned above the man. They'd wrestled their whole lives, this was nothing new. "What?" He prompted as his friend pushed himself up a little, Mod's hands gently taking his inked forearms again. The guy was obviously terrified to speak.
"I felt life. New- um... new life." Mod tried to say simply but his brother was anything but that. The man was incredible at ignoring things he didn't think he could accept and he knew he'd have to explain better. "I had sensed it around him for a few days. Life and death, as if both were a possibility and I thought it was just… a flip of a coin but when I saw him earlier- the- the life was centered. It wasn't just a possibility anymore."
Kol had thought he was already scared enough, that there was no way he could be more frightened but- "No. You can't mean- it's too soon. Shut the fuck up!" Before he could stop himself he was backhanding the halfling, the man he trusted most in this world besides Dom. Someone pulled him off before he could do more damage and when his gaze cleared he saw two men he barely recognized.
"Stop fighting those you trust most. You know the truth already. We're only here to help." The one with a shaved head said as Kol pulled away and stood, brushing himself clean.
"Who the fuck- wait- you look like Dom." He growled, stepping closer to the dark haired newcomer. His lips and eyes were lined in darkness and he knew without asking who he was facing. The fae who'd been busy this whole time- "Ådam."
"Yes. I don't know what my kin said of me but I've been trying to help fix this since I heard Benji talking to Mod about it. I don't just abandon my family."
Kol'son arched a brow but he didn't say anything. He just hoped the creatures around him had some saving grace. "I'm not related to the forest clan but- these two are and through your family it seems…" Both men looked to Mod with a soft look as if the chieftain wasn't the only one about to get news. "Your aunt was mated to the forest king's sibling. Though he's been lost for many years they still care for her. Through Modig you are connected to them and they wish to help. There aren't as many as there once was but they number enough to help you win this war. As long as you wed the siren and accept the clan as family. They wish for both Mod and Dom to be seen as your equals and if so- they will call you brother. They don't want any part of your land, they just want peace which they'll never have with only humans who wish to steal our magic."
Kol didn't know which part hit hardest, that the man he called brother was truly his kin by blood, that he knew what Dom truly was, or that with the fae he could win the war. Whatever he was about to say was interrupted by a sound behind them from the water. He turned fast, all his blood rushing from shock as he watched a seal he knew he'd seen a million times… open? There was a shine of small lights in the air around it but as it pulled itself on land a- a human stepped out. No, not a human. Tom. Kol'son knew when all of this was said and done he'd pass out from too much information and it didn't get better when his friend- his cousin ran for the man that the seal just birthed but he knew better. The seal hadn't birthed anything. The fae was the animal.
He'd heard stories of different magical creatures all his life that he had trouble believing but all at once he was faced with so much truth. Dom was a seal that he was sure he'd pet before, his sea friend that he treated like a pup and the fur that he had been gifted one day was the only reason the boy had come to him. Gods, the fur he'd wiped cum on more times than he could count was his lover's second skin. But- there were more important things. He was pretty sure.
Tom walked up to him looking grumpy and scared. The first was normal but the second was new. The fae was always pissed off. "Did he find you?" Tom huffed, pulling his fur over his bare shoulder. No wonder they'd both been naked when he met them. Fuck he had to focus.
"Dom you fucking-" The fae took a breath and poked him in the chest. "He went to find you to tell you he was with child. Mod saw it." While Kol knew already there was something terrifying about someone saying it so flat out and he felt his knees go weak.
"No. I… Mod just told me. I didn't see him when I-" The fear in his soul tripled. If Dom had gone back but they didn't pass each other then where was he?
"Chief. You know what else I saw." The seer whispered, even he sounded truly scared. "Would they take him?"
Kol'son wanted to deny it but he knew better. Harald wanted to destroy his happiness and he'd already promised to give Dom to someone else. He'd said he would give them the day but obviously something had changed. So much had changed. Gods it wasn't just his lover he had to find. It was his child. He had a child. He didn't have time to think through his answer, anything had to be better than what was happening and the fae promised he got to keep Dom. "Tell your master yes, my cousin and my mate will be my equals and I would welcome his help to save the next in line. We must save Dom. I… I have to go. Meet me there?"
Dom had searched the whole village for his lover. He didn't know what they would do to save their people but he couldn't leave without at least telling Kol the truth. His palm dropped and pet over his belly as he wandered past the huts he knew. He knew logically they were still only starting to form but it didn't matter- he couldn't stop touching them. It was his only part of Kol he had left. There were a few rooms he hadn't checked yet and he hoped perhaps he'd find his master either in his parent's room or talking with his uncle. He tried the latter first, and as he stepped through the door the place was exactly as he thought it would be. A drunken bear's hideaway. It was covered in trinkets from fights he'd won- little things that made him feel like a big strong man. What caught his eye most was an armband much like what Kol'son wore around his arm but the letters read something slightly different. He knew from what little he'd learned to read of their language that it was the old chieftain's. It was something Bjørn could obviously possess as a family keepsake but the blood he found on it made him shiver. Was it a way to keep his brother's memory alive or…
"You shouldn't touch what isn't yours boy. My nephew hasn't taught you shit. You like my trophies though?"
Dom startled at the voice behind him and he turned fast but his fur was jerked from his hold. He felt naked in front of the man, clad only in the shift dress around his hips but the Bastard stared at him as if he could see through it. "Trophies?" He couldn't help but ask.
"From my kills. I keep something from every battle I win. I suppose you'll do for my newest, they promised I'll get you." Bjørn grinned down at him and he shivered under the glare, stepping back and trying to get away but the man had his fur.
He couldn't even process the rest of the threat, he was still stuck on something he couldn't understand. "But… tha's your brother's?" He tried for time and the bastard laughed.
"I thought with his wife gone he'd get himself killed sooner. She was an accident of course but… I don't like people telling me 'no', especially women." He paused, giving Dom a once over that turned his stomach. "I had to take care of my brother myself and now his fucking brat. All I ever wanted was to be the ruler here and now I will be. I don't know why that stupid Feilan would pick you over her but now I get you both. They'll kill the first son and with it that whole stupid line, leaving me in charge finally. Thanks to Harald our people won't even think twice." Dom knew he must be absolutely shit faced and so proud of himself if he was spilling so much but at the thought of losing Kol he placed his hands over his stomach protectively. Probably the dumbest thing he could do.
"Please-" He whimpered as he stepped back and tripped over a chest, falling on his ass but he still tried to scramble away.
"Looks like I have one more to snuff out before I get to lead. Too bad, I wanted to take you apart more slowly." The bastard purred, reaching to grab his ankle and tug. In the next moment he pulled so rough Dom's head caught hard against something wooden and sharp and he felt a warm trickle of blood before the room went hot and dark around him. No matter how hard he fought he couldn't stop himself from passing out and the last thing he saw was Bjørn undoing his own pants. "I suppose I can have a little fun first though, see what the fuss is about- siren bitch." And the room went black.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
I know it's a LOT but we're almost done with the Big Bad™️ Just trust me okay? I swear it will get better soon! 🖤☠️
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j-runes-stele · 1 year
Gone Way Too Soon
T.W.: Death, brief mentions of bodily injury, and a cuss word. Sorry if I missed any!!
Word Count: 2793
A/N: I do apologize for my inactivity! College and LSAT prep has been kicking my butt.
You thought you had seen it all while being on the team. The screams. The injuries. The destruction. The death. You were able to witness it and come out on the other side much more mentally stronger. That was until this moment.
There lay before your eyes was a crumpled body of a young woman. She was about the same age as you, the honey-brown sun-kissed hair still evident through the dirt and debris covering her body. She wore black shorts with a floral printed off-the-shoulder shirt that you recognize and the dainty gold necklace of her initials with a tiny diamond around her neck.
Upon gazing down at her hand, her fingers were adorned by the matching rings each of you had. You squatted down and gracefully, although mentally painful for you, took it off to return it with its pair. You put it in your pocket and kissed her hand.
Your focus turns to a pinky tattoo of a little bow and arrow, and you give her a final pinky promise. A promise that you will live your life to the fullest. A promise that you will keep her memory alive. A promise that you will live your life for both of you. You kneel next to her head and close her eyes that now lack the passion for life that often lit them up.
You kneel over her body and kiss her hair; you watch as a rebellious tear falls from your waterline onto her cheek. With the dirt on her cheek, you could follow the path the tear takes over her lightly freckled cheek, under her slightly upturned nose, and quickly falling to the ground.
You look down at her ankle to see a tiny rose tattoo. The red ink of the rose and the green ink from the stem and leaves still visible through the debris and dirt from the collapsed building. Here lay before you is your childhood best friend. Gone, way too soon.
She was the shoulder you cried on after you went on horrendous date after horrendous date after horrendous date. From when you were stood up to being catfished to being an apparent rebound. She even pretended that there was a family emergency when you needed to escape from a sexist pig.
She was there for you when your parents died during your freshman year of college and stood by your side at the visitation, funeral, and everything in between. Her family took you in for their family get-togethers and holidays. You even called her mom your second mom.
She was the first person you told when you found out you made it on the team. Went out for celebratory drinks even though the bar scene was neither of you two's thing. You ended up cutting that night short for a Pizza, Wine, and Movie Marathon of the Lord of the Rings; watched all of those movies in a row. Granted, each of you fell asleep once, but you ended up finishing those movies before the weekend was over.
She was supposed to be your Maid of Honor if you ever found anyone, which at this rate seemed very unlikely. The two of you had a wedding planned on Pinterest, from the dark green and silver color theme to outdoor rustic-themed reception with fairy lights and a whimsical chandelier. She had even suggested a lantern lifting and, instead of rice, throwing biodegradable confetti. The biodegradable part was her idea, yet you kicked yourself for not thinking of it, to begin with.
You were there for her when she told you she was uninterested in anyone romantically and you recall telling her you were so proud of her for feeling comfortable telling you. You reminded her that she was still the same person you knew three years ago to yesterday to today to seventeen years. You learned that night that you were the first person she told. You were so thrilled, just how proud you were of her living her best life as her true self.
She was the one to punch your grade school bully in the face for calling you ugly and gladly took the detention for beating up your bully. You remember sneaking into the room where detention was being held to bring her her favorite snack, caramel-covered popcorn.
You were the one to help her find such a nice apartment in the city. It was a cute place, high up in the apartment building, with a scenic view from her bedroom window. You recall helping her make her apartment feel like home. The cottage core mixed with pastels fit her personality perfectly. From her place, it was only a five-minute walk to her work, if that.
There were countless times when you would grab either a coffee or go to lunch when you could, and you both managed to do this every single week. Never missing a week except one where she had to be gone for work for 9 days, keeping this tradition alive for the past five years.
She had even met Wanda and Nat, both of which loved her, and it would not be uncommon for you all to go shopping around the holidays to get presents.
Would you have to tell her aging mother that she will have to bury her only daughter? Will you have to tell her brothers that their little sister will never be coming home for the Sunday Family dinners?
She was your sister from another mister, your right-hand woman, your biggest fan. She has now been ripped away from her loved ones too soon.
The sound of Cap coming in through the earpiece pulls you from your thoughts of your world crashing down around you. You deny the tears that are begging to fall, not yet. Not here. You slap your cheek to get it together just long enough to get somewhere private. You stand up and dust the dirt off and wipe any other tears on the verge of falling. You then follow where Steve said the quin jet was located. Upon approaching it, you see Loki leaning against the jet with impatience on his face. You glance back to where your girl is lying lifeless and clench your jaw with resolve to not lose it in front of everyone.
"Are you ready, princess? Or are we going to dilly-dally around here all day?" He snaps, immediately regretting the venom in his tone without even looking at you.
'Oh, how you would have loved to punch Loki in the face if only he knew.' you think as you approach him.
"Shut the fuck up, Loki." You spit at him and slam your shoulder into him, which caused him to almost fall. A shocked expression was on everyone's faces; however, you did not see it since you were looking at the ground upon sitting down.
The ride to the compound consisted of contemplative silence or witty banter about the weekly party Stark threw and what to expect at the next one, which was only a couple of days away. You obviously did not participate in any attempt at a conversation, but then again, you were on the quieter side compared to others on the team. But with the recent interaction, Loki's eyes were trained on you noticing your leg shaking you with your jaw still clenched.
Before anyone knew it, the quin jet docked at the tower, and everyone started to leave, but you remained back, lost in thought.
"You okay?" Loki inquires, noticing that you two are the only ones remaining on the jet.
"Fine." You state, standing up and heading inside. Loki following at a distance, but following nonetheless. He becomes confused as to why you were heading downstairs and perplexed when you head to a specific area only for powerful prisoners like the Winter Soldier, the Hulk, and himself. He watched from around the corner to see you entering a passcode and stepping into the cell. Just now noticing that you had a tablet in your hands. Observing as you activated the silencing shield for the cell and the overriding the protection protocol so only you could open the cell. At the sight of this, Loki teleported back upstairs to find the others.
"Guys, we have a situation." He states, stepping into the common area where everyone is.
"What kind of situation?" Tony asks, not even bothering to look up from his tablet.
"A Y/n situation--"
"Oh, are your feelings hurt from the earlier interaction?" Thor teases.
“No, not about that mighty Thor. She, I don’t know how to explain it. She locked herself in a cell.” Loki explains, and everyone snaps their heads to look at the god of mischief. Loki makes contact with Wanda and nods.
They close their eyes and enter your mind…
{The flashes of memories flood your mind from when you had a tea party in her garden. She wore a pink dress and you purple, although you were not happy since you wanted to wear a blue dress. You looked over to see your moms taking pictures of you two. You looked back over at your friend and saw the devious look in her eyes that matched your own. The next thing the moms realized, you took a scone in one hand and a handful of cashews in the other, quickly leaving your hands after being thrown at your bestie. Your bestie, in return, threw a couple of sandwiches at you. She also poured her soup down the front of your dress with you following suit. You then grabbed the teacups, which contained the now lukewarm tea, and poured it over the other's head. You both were a mess, and there was never another tea party after that incident.
That faded into the next most prominent memory. The Great Nerf wars summers flickered in your mind, but one stuck out. This took place between your freshman and sophomore year of high school. You remembered how intense it got at one point that year. One morning, as you left for your part-time job at the local diner, she was waiting for you in your car. You had seen the glimmer of her delicate gold necklace and knew to run. You ran up to your roof, with her following you closely and following you up on the roof. She had you cornered right above the garage when you did something she never expected. You jumped. It was about a ten-foot fall, and by the time she ran to see if you were okay, you were already in your car on the way to work. You remember how hard your boss laughed at the story since she was aware of the Nerf War. What your best friend was not expecting was the very next morning when you had managed to use your spare key, getting her mom's approval, and then sneaking into her bathroom to hide in her bathtub to wait. That year you won. Unfortunately, the Nerf Wars that year only lasted four days.
Another memory came into focus. This one occurred a month before you became an Avenger but two weeks after you moved to the big city. On a whim, you were in a tattoo shop with your partner in crime. Since her middle name was Lily and yours was Rose (just go with it if your middle name is not Rose), out of sheer coincidence that the two of you both had floral middle names, you decided to get a tiny Tiger Lily tattoo on your outer left ankle, and she got a little Rose tattoo on her outer right ankle. The placement was decided because she always walked on your left side and you on her right side. But that was not the only tattoo each of you got that day. Pinky Promises were significant for the two of you. They were taken with complete seriousness; if you made a pinky promise, you kept it. Neither of you had broken a pinky promise. Another thing you both loved were Disney movies. Her go-to comfort movie was Merida since, like Merida, she wanted to focus on herself and what made her happy. Your comfort and go-to movie was Meet the Robinsons, even though there was no underlying meaning that drew you to love this movie. You just did. So, she got a tiny bow and arrow on the inner side of her pinky, while you got a tiny t-rex on the inner side of your pinky. From then on, whenever the two of your would pinky promise, your tattoos would overlap.
The memories fade away as the newest one comes into focus yet again. The sirens from emergency vehicles being drowned out as you approach her body. The only best friend aside from your team members, your sister from another mister, gone way too soon. Easily identified by you through her tattoos. Her honey-brown sun-kissed hair still evident through the dirt and debris covering her body. She wore black shorts with a floral printed off-the-shoulder shirt that you recognize. You remember when she bought it. Oh, how excited she was to find it, especially since it was the last one on the rack. It felt as if your world had come crashing down around you like the floor had given out. The memories all fade to black as you completely break down}
Although it felt like an hour, only a few seconds had passed since they entered your mind. Wanda exited your mind first, quickly followed by Loki. They make eye contact right before Wanda loses it. She starts to collapse, but Pietro speeds over and scoops her up in his arms, trying to comfort her even though he doesn’t know what. Loki pivots and sprints down the stairs, not even bothering to glance at the elevator. He makes it to the basement and runs to the cells. Upon reaching the one you were in, his heart which was already hurting for you broke.
You had backed yourself up into a corner, in the fetal position, hyperventilating with your hand over your mouth to quiet the sobs. However, Loki and now the others could hear your cries.
Tony and Bruce went to the panels to try and open the cell doors, but it was no use since you overrode the control panel. Loki looked around and realized he was the only one with the ability to teleport. Well, besides Wanda, but she is not able to comfort you at the moment. So, doing the only thing that he could think of, he teleported into the cell.
Upon entering the cell, he darkened the glass walls for a bit of privacy. He looked over and saw that you were still not present. He had read somewhere that applying an ice pack to the back of someone's neck was supposed to help focus someone who was having a panic attack. So, he turned into his Jotun form. He knelt down beside you and started whispering in your ear. He then placed one hand on the back of your neck and the other on your forehead. After a few minutes, your sobs turned into sniffles, and your eyes were finally refocusing. You looked into his eyes, your bottom lip quivering.
"I know." That is all he says, and you know what he is referring to. Typically you would be furious that your privacy had been violated, but not today. Instead, you turned and wrapped your arms around Loki's neck, which took him by surprise since most people are scared of his Jotun's form. He quickly reciprocated the hug and kept one hand on the back of your neck.
"Thank you." You murmur, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. A wave of exhaustion took over, and you quickly fell asleep. Loki, while now carrying you bridal style, disabled the cell, finally unlocking it along with disabling the tint to the glass. He stepped out of the cell, all eyes on him since they never saw this coming. He carried you upstairs to your room, but not before passing Wanda. She, too, had calmed down and followed Loki. He made it to your room and set you down on the bed. Using his powers, he changed your clothes into comfy PJs, and Wanda followed suit. She got in your bed and pulled you into her arms like a mother figure would do. Loki looks at Wanda and gives a knowing 'thank you' nod. He then leaves your room, quietly closing the door behind him, and goes to the team to fill them in on what happened, although leaving out the memories since that would be for you to tell if you so feel like it.
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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I forgot to post Class7 meeting for what would be “christmas” for us - no idea if they actually celebrate christmas too ^^’
As Fie is portably already telling you, this plays after the end of the first Kuro no Kiseki game. Fie even brought something sweet from that famous bakery as you can see.
This picture is part of the 2023 Calendar and I was VERY tempted to get it, just for this picture. I am very class7 starved and I could barely keep myself from wasting money on that calendar that I otherwise didn’t exactly wanted ^^’
Thankfully someone posted the picture on Reddit. (Thanks to whoever that was. It made my day!)
I want to point out a few things here:
1. Millium looks absolutely adorable in that outfit! You know I usually find it sad that physically speaking, she want mature anymore, because I would have loved to see her become as beautiful as the other girls did. BUT I guess she would not have looked half as cute as she actually does here, if her body would have matured. So... I guess its fine.
2. Jusis and Millium sitting next to each other and Jusis looking at Millium makes me feel like everything is right in the world. My shipper-heart can rest in peace, when it comes to those two I guess.
4. I think Crow will be wearing glasses now. I believe we’ve seen him were some at one of the Hajimari-Epilouge Pictures too. (I might have to mention that he look quite hot in that damned casual black outfit... but I should not say that over the man who I nicknamed “the azure traitor” for a reason ^^’)
5. I overall love the fact that they all wear casual clothes (slightly festive, but overall casual) because its such a huge difference from what we usually see in the game. And while we are at it... can you believe that none of the girls show of their cleavage? That is so freaking rare. 
6. Almost all boys wear a necklace. Did they ever wear some in the games? I’ve noticed this necklace on Rean already in the post Hajimari-picture. Makes you wonder if it has any meaning, if he still wears it with different clothes. Crow wears a similar one. Maybe they shaped their stupid 50 mira coin into two pendants for their necklaces? I wouldn’t put it past them XD
7. I love how Falcom just casual has decided to show us our class 7 characters favorite alcoholic drinks XD Rean apparently prefers bear, Alisa likes white wine and Emma red wine and someone who sat next to Alisa (maybe Laura) apparently had a glass of champagne or something like that. It does not matter at all, if you ask me, but I still find it funny that Falcon took the time to decided that they have the time to think about what drink which Falcon character would like, instead of just giving them all read wine or something like that. (Also, we put ice and a straw in Milliums drink, to make sure that everyone sees that it is non-alcoholic ^^’)
8. I’ve been wondering ever since Hajimari, if Falcon plans to make Laura Gaius squiere. They interact a lot with each other since then and we know that its not supposed to be a shipping-hints. And I mean ever kind of wanted to travel the world, that would be one way to do that. But I could be wrong. Maybe they just get along because Witches and Grahlsritter work well together.
9. Look who is peaking through the window XD Apparently, Towa, Angie and that damn Traitor were not invited but still decided to check on class 7 and their besty Crow.
10. I had to laugh so hard when I locked at the comments under the reddit post, because something MULTIPLE people actually pointed out is that (not very surprisingly) Rean and Alisa wear matching colors as per usual. And while I would say that is just Falcom being assholes to everyone who doesn’t ship them some people went as far as saying that they are wearing a couple-outfit. You know, as in Rean and Alisa as characters chose it specifically to match with each other. (Someone even said that the picture purposefully hided Rean and Alisas left hand because there might be a ring hidden there but trust me Falcom won’t go that far. Especially not without us XD No, seriously, Rean will stay in Limbo with Lloyd and possible (depending what Falcom decides for him, when it comes to romance) Van as well - not that they won’t keep hinting certain girls stronger than others XD
It really felt amazingly good to see Class7 and ONLY Class7 (and no new class 7) back together again.
Bonus: I think the reason we don’t see new class 7 here is because they are now over 2 years older and would have physically matured significantly. I think Falcom wants to show them off in the game, instead of on a Calendar that not everyone gets.
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serendipitystyles · 3 years
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: pure smut
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: There’s something about Harry’s pearls that just get you going.
Warning(s): a fascination for harry’s pearls, oral (f receiving), slight degradation, he smacks her thigh one (1) time, unprotected sex (don’t be a fool, wrap your tool!!! (or make sure he wraps his!!!!), choking, breeding kink, aftercare
A/N: this is literally just smut!!!!!! reader’s discretion is advised!!!! read at your own risk!!!! anyway, i went completely in for this one please don’t come at me for my love of the pearls, okay????? it’s almost worse than the love for the rings!!! actually, who am i kidding?? it’s definitely worse than the love for the rings!!!!! the necklace is just so hot and it rests on his pretty little clavicle so fucking nicely like oh my god someone save me i cannot breathe!!!!! anyway!!!!! without further ado, here’s just a whole lot of filth!!!
also thank u to @glowunderthemoon​ for the visual and the ideas!!! also thank u to @strawberryystyles​, @sweetheartharry​, @soullikestyles​, @lookupandseethestars​, and @mindofharry​ for screaming about this with me <3 thank you guys for the ideas and the hype and for just being the way you are i love u guys or whatever
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Y/N’s been needy for Harry since he walked through the door. He came into their house in black designer dress pants and an extremely expensive white button up shirt that all but made her drool. She was sitting on the couch as she watched him kick off his shiny black boots and shrug off the jacket that matched his pants. 
All of these things made her want him, but what really set her off was the delicate string of pearls that were perched so perfectly atop his clavicle. He’s been wearing them for weeks and there’s something about them that make her arousal pool in her underwear faster than anything else.
She hasn’t told him this, of course. She doesn’t really think that he’d understand her fascination with a piece of jewelry, so she just went about her search for satisfaction like she normally would.
Harry, however, had different plans. Sure, she hadn’t told him about the infatuation that she had grown to have with his pearls, but he had easily found out. He could tell by the way that her eyes got a little bigger and she gulped every time that he would run his finger across the beads and pull just a bit when he was stressed. He noticed the way that her thighs would clench when he took the necklace into his mouth and how, just once, she let out a gasp when he let it fall from his mouth and there was a thin string of spit connecting his lips to the beads. That’s really when he knew, because she hid her face and tried to push it off even though he could see the way that she was rubbing her thighs together. 
So, when Y/N strolls into their room and comes up to Harry, giving him her signature pouty look, with her bottom lip jutting out slightly and her eyes wide, almost innocent, he gives in easier than she thought he would, but that’s simply because he wants to test out what exactly his pearls do to her.
He grabs the back of her head firmly and pulls her closer to him the second that she whispers to him, telling him that she wants him. He presses his lips to hers hungrily as soon as she’s close enough for him to do so. She immediately kisses him back with just as much fervor, loving the way that his mouth molds with hers just like they were made to be kissing each other. He pushes her back onto the bed as he swipes his tongue over her bottom lip, and she quickly opens up for him, letting him dip his tongue into her mouth to dance with her own. 
As her back hits the bed, he maneuvers one of his thighs to slot between hers and he applies the slightest bit of pressure when he feels the warmth of her heat seep through the layers of fabric that are keeping them from each other.
Harry pulls away from her mouth to catch his breath and smiles at the way she looks so fucked out already. “Look at you, puppy,” he teases. “Already look so gone and I haven’t even touched you yet.” 
She whines and leans up slightly in an attempt to kiss him again, but he wants something different. He leans down and begins peppering kisses along her jaw before traveling down and leaving open mouthed kisses to her neck. He stops briefly on her sweet spot, sucking and nipping at the skin until he knows that there will be a bruise for her to tend to in the morning. 
She tries to control her breathing as she feels his lips dance across her skin, and she almost succeeds until the cool surface of his pearls fall onto her skin. A shiver runs down her spine as the beads trail everywhere that he goes. 
He pauses his ministrations, teasing his fingers under the hem of her shirt as he looks up at her. When she nods her permission, he slips it over her head and haphazardly tosses it somewhere in the room. He looks down at her, tracing the skin that he just uncovered and licking his lips like he’s seeing the best thing in the world. And to him, he is. 
He then resumes his descent down her body, making sure to lick at every inch of skin that he can reach. He stops his trail as he reaches her breasts, which are bare due to the fact that she had foregone a bra today, which Harry personally thinks is one of the best ideas she’s ever had, taking one into his hand to squeeze just as harshly as he knows that gets her going, but doesn’t hurt her. He immediately takes the nipple of one into his mouth and licks circles around the peak as he pinches and rolls the other between his fingers. He’s always been one to pay equal amounts of attention to both, so he repeats his actions on the opposite breast before kissing down her belly. 
She arches her back slightly when he nips at the skin of her hip and the pearls fall directly against the part of her that needs him the most.
Looking up at her, he murmurs, “Can I take these off, doll?” He messes with the band of her sweatpants and panties, and he begins sliding them down her legs the moment that she lets out a breathy “please.”
Once they’re off, he throws them just as he did with her shirt and shimmies down until he’s able to press teasing kisses to her calves. He knows that he’s being slightly mean by not giving into what she wants, but he wants to let the chilly pearls slide across her heated skin to get her even more worked up before he gives into what he knows she’s aching for. So he leaves sloppy open mouthed kisses from her calf up to the soft skin of her thigh and then repeats on the opposite leg. By the time he’s at the top of her second leg, she’s squirming. 
“Daddy, please, wanna feel you.” Y/N begs, lifting her head from the mattress to meet his gaze. “Please.”
And really, how can he say no to his girl begging him to touch her? There’s no way that he possibly can, so he spreads her legs further, wrapping his arms around her thighs to keep them open for him. 
“Yeah, you wanna feel me, puppy? Wanna feel Daddy’s tongue against your pretty little pussy?” he teases as he leans down to lick a long stripe through her folds. She immediately arches her back, whining at the feeling of his tongue against her cunt. He smirks against your heat as you reach down and thread your hands in his hair, tugging when he circles his tongue around her clit before taking it in his mouth and sucking.
Breathy moans of his name fall from her mouth like a prayer and he traces patterns against her sensitive bundle of nerves. He pulls away from her and her hips immediately raise to meet his mouth once again. 
He brings his palm down on her thigh quickly, smacking the skin just hard enough to get her to plant her hips back to the soft surface of the mattress. “You know better, puppy. You take what I give you, nothing more,” he chides, caressing the skin that was tingling lightly from his slap. “Are you already feeling that good? Does my tongue make you feel so good that it’s the only thing you can think about?” He shakes his head. “Such a dumb puppy, yeah?” He chuckles when she whines. “Don’t worry, baby, it’s okay, because you’re my dumb puppy, right?”
She immediately nods. “Yes, Daddy, I’m your dumb puppy.” She knows that he wants to hear her say it exactly as he did, so she does. It’s a bit embarrassing, but when a bright smile bleeds across his face and he buries his face back in her cunt, licking into her until her thighs are shaking around his head. She can feel the heat in her lower stomach start to spread throughout her body. She’s right there and just before she opens her mouth to ask him if she can cum, he pulls away. She holds back her whine, knowing that it’ll just get her in trouble, but she’s not sure how well she fends off the pout from cementing itself to her face.
If she’s bad at hiding it, though, he doesn’t say anything. He just stands from the bed and begins unbuttoning his shirt so he can have even less fabric between the two of them. While he’s busying himself with that, she slinks off the bed to sit on her knees in front of him. He looks down at her, eyes slightly wide as he takes her in. The sight of her eager below him makes him throb in his pants, and there’s almost nothing more that he wants than to use her pretty little throat to get off, but he’d much rather see her suck on something else. Preferably while he fucks into her so that he can see her eyes roll into the back of her head as she tries to keep her mouth closed.
So, when she reaches forward for the zipper of his pants, he grabs her wrists to stop her. “Not this time, puppy.” She pouts at his words and he moves one hand to caress her cheek. “I know how much you love having things in your mouth. Greedy little puppy always has to have something to suck on.” He chuckles darkly when she whines low in her throat. “I’ve seen you starin’ at my pearls lately, baby, why don’t you put those in your mouth instead?”
Her nod is subconscious, her head bobbing before the words have even fully registered in her brain. The only thing she really heard was ‘pearls’ and her mouth immediately watered. 
She watches as he pops the button on his pants before dragging his zipper down. He lets his hands fall to his sides once he’s done. “Finish undressing me, puppy. You wouldn’t want to make me do all the work, would you?” he drawls, smirking down at her.
She reaches up and dips her fingers below the band of his pants and boxers before tugging them down his thighs. His cock springs free of the restraints and smacks against his stomach. The head is leaking precum, almost like it’s weeping to be touched. She yearns to smear her lips across the drippy tip but she knows he’ll be mad if she does, especially since he told her that he didn’t want her mouth around his dick this time. So instead, she leans forward to sponge kisses along his thighs as she pushes the clothing down to his ankles. After a few moments, she backs away to let him kick the pesky fabric off. 
Once he’s completely bare, she lets her gaze meet his again. She takes in the way that he looks so powerful standing above her, like he controls everything in the room. And really, at this point in time, he does.
“Stand up,” he commands. She listens without a second thought, pushing herself to her feet to stand in front of him. He takes a good look at her before placing his hand on the back of her neck and pulling her forward so that he can smear their lips together. He fits her bottom lip between his two as he walks them backwards to the bed. Getting lost in the taste of her on his tongue, he lets them both fall onto the bed again. When she moans into his mouth, he pulls away to allow them to catch their breath. 
He backs away from her, coming to rest on his knees in front of where she’s sprawled out on the bed. She looks up at him with lust filled, wanting eyes as he wraps his hand around the base of his cock and gives himself a few languid strokes. His thumb swipes across his tip to gather his precum and slick it down his shaft. Her eyes train on his tip, the skin flushed a bright red. There’s already more precum leaking from the slit as he continues stroking himself. After a few moments, he bucks into his hand and she whines, spreading her legs for him.
“You want me inside, baby? Wanna feel daddy in your tummy?” he teases, continuing to stroke his cock as his eyes roam over her body. She nods and he chuckles, shaking his head. “Beg for it, then. Show me just how greedy my pretty little puppy can be.”
She opens her mouth before closing it again, she can’t just beg him for that! “If you don’t want to, I can always get myself off,” he warns and her mouth immediately opens again.
“No, no, please,” she whines. “Don’t want you to get yourself off.” She pouts.
“Then do as I said,” he groans, rolling his head back as hips buck into his hands once again, “and beg.”
“Fuck me, please, wanna feel you,” she begs. “Feel so empty without you, wanna feel full. Daddy, please.” 
Harry gives into her begs, coming back over to her. He rests his hands on either side of her head, framing her in. He leans down, connecting their lips. It’s messy, all gnashing teeth and fighting tongues, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. She takes his bottom lip between her teeth and tugs slightly, causing him to groan into her mouth. He lowers himself onto his forearms so that he can take one hand down to his cock. Wrapping his hand around the base, he drags the tip through Y/N’s folds, causing her to let out a shuddering breath. 
The head bumps against her clit, making her arch her back slightly to increase her pleasure. One stern look from him has her pressing back down into the mattress, though. He smirks down at her as she obeys him with nothing more to go off of but a glare.
He leans down slightly, pressing a gentle kiss to her nose. “Tell me if you’re uncomfortable at any time, yeah? Just because I’m more on the harsh side tonight doesn’t mean I care about your comfort any less,” he reassures, looking deep into her eyes.
“I will, promise,” she murmurs, reaching up to grab onto his pearls loosely before tugging, causing him to fall close enough to her face so that she can ghost her lips against his. “Now, fuck me, daddy. Wanna feel you for days.”
He groans, pushing his cock into her dripping pussy as he breathes out puffs of air against her mouth. Once he’s buried to the hilt, he chuckles at her, smirking darkly. “You like my pearls so much that you just can’t keep your greedy little hands off of them, yeah?” he taunts before pulling out until only the tip of his cock is still inside of her. He thrusts back in harshly, making her cry out in pleasure.
He sets a steady pace as he moves his face down to her throat, leaving sloppy kisses along her pulse. When he meets her sweet spot, causing her to let out a whimpery moan. He bites down on the skin there, letting his tongue meet the skin afterwards to soothe the skin. His hips stutter for just a moment when she squeezes around him. “Fuck, puppy you’re so tight for me, so fucking tight,” he pants into her neck. “Every single time we do this—fuck—you take me in so fucking snug, so right. God it’s like you were fucking made for me.”
She brings her hands to the side of his neck in an attempt to bring his mouth to hers. She grasps on to the string of pearls that are bouncing against his collar bone with every sharp thrust. He gives in to her whines and places a quick peck to satiate her need before leaning up and grasping her hips, positioning his own in a way that makes him hit even deeper. She cries out as his cock hits that spot inside of her that makes her a whimpery, whiny mess.
He smirks when her head falls back in bliss and her mouth forms an ‘o’. Gripping onto her hips so hard that she’s sure she’ll have grape sized bruises tomorrow. Honestly though, as she wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her, she can’t bring herself to care about the marks.
He reaches down to rub circles on her clit, sending jolts of electricity shooting up her spine. She cries out, getting completely lost in the feeling of him fucking into her while toying with her bundle of nerves. 
After a few moments, he moves his free hand to her throat, wrapping his hand around her neck as she meets his eyes. He tightly, enough to restrict her breathing. His fingers squeeze against the sides of her neck, making the blood rush through her. The feeling is amazing, each thrust pairing with his grip on her throat pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
“D-daddy,” she rasps, bringing her hands up to wrap around his wrist. “Can—can I cum?” she begs, voice raspy due to his hand being pressed directly against her windpipe. 
“You wanna cum for me puppy?” She nods, desperately whining. “Then do it, soak my cock for me, baby. Show me just how good my cock feels inside your pussy.” 
She lets go, the bubble in her lower stomach popping as the euphoric feeling of her orgasm washes through her body. Every fiber of her being feels like it’s on fire as she squeezes around his cock, reaching up to bring his face closer to hers. He groans into her mouth, letting his mouth sloppily mold with hers as she whines, pulsing around his dick as she rides out her orgasm.
He continues rubbing against her clit as he ruts into her, helping her milk her high for everything it’s worth. Once it becomes too much, she pushes his hand away from her clit and peers up at him with a pout on her face.
“Will you cum inside me, daddy?” she begs, grabbing his shoulders and crossing her ankles behind his back to keep him close. “Please? Wanna feel full.”
“Yeah?” he breathes as she buries her hands in his sweaty curls. “Want daddy to fill you up? Fuck, you wanna feel me here?” he asks as he places his hand on her lower stomach and presses down lightly.
She nods, whining a repeated string of “yes” as he thrusts into her one, two, three more times before burying himself as far as he can and dropping his head to her neck, groaning as he releases inside of her, thick ropes of his cum painting her walls white. She whimpers at the feeling, loving the way that she feels so full of him. 
He sponges kisses to her pulse as they catch their breaths. “I love you so fucking much,” he breathes into her neck. 
“I love you, too,” she reciprocates.
He basks in the feeling of her snug around him for just a second longer before he gently pulls out. Both of them hiss at the loss of contact, but Harry’s quickly turns to a groan as he watches his cum drip from her. 
“You’re so messy, puppy,” he teases before leaving the room to retrieve a washcloth from the bathroom. While he’s gone, she lets herself relax on the bed as the exhaustion washes over her. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me yet, baby,” he coos as he saunters back in with a warm rag. “Gotta clean you up before we go take a bath.”
He gently runs the cloth over her thighs before gently wiping through her folds. She hisses when he runs over her sensitive clit, and he automatically apologizes before pressing a light kiss to her thigh.
Standing back up, he takes his hand in hers and tugs her from the bed. 
“Come on, baby, I know I fucked you so good that your legs are sore, but I need you to walk to the bathroom with me,” he taunts as she rolls her eyes. “On a serious note, though,” he begins as they’re walking towards the bathroom, “I’m glad you like my pearls so much.”
“Yeah, can’t wait to have you suck on them while I fuck you again,” he states nonchalantly as he leans over to turn on the water. When he looks over his shoulder and smirks, her breath hitches as she thinks about all the ways he’s going to absolutely ravage her later. 
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heartspace, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Min Yoongi will always be the one. The one on top, the one above all others, the one who has a space in your heart. Sometimes, Yoongi questions it. You have to remind him that no one commands you like he can, and he reminds you that no one can take you from him.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; smut (fem reader, fingering, nipple play, m-receiving oral, doggy, scratching / marking, hair-pulling, cock warming); PWP; softdom!Yoongi
yes, I have been planning this ever since I released ‘headspace’. happy birthday Yoongi! <3 I would have pretty words for you, but I literally write smut about you, so how about you not practice your English here because I know you’re secretly fluent. I’ll give you the ‘I-love-you’ speech some other time XD
"I'm here."
You felt his fingers trail down your exposed arms, drumming down your skin. He took your hands, tracing your silver rings, humming satisfyingly. A familiar view, a fair skinned wrist with silver chain bracelets. He curled his long fingers around yours, caressing the inside of them. You could smell his cologne, scarcely sweet and musky woods, just a hint here and there, wisps that seemed almost imaginary. 
"To remind you that you're mine."
His grip tightened around your wrists.
A swift pull, spinning you around in your computer chair, tearing you away from the keyboard. Fluffed black hair, brushing against dark brown, cat-like eyes. A pensive smile and two silver hoops on each ear. All black, turtleneck, leather jacket, slacks. Your favorite. 
Your shadow. 
Min Yoongi. 
"I... I can explain."
The smile turned into a smirk. 
"No need."
He intertwined his fingers with yours, squeezing them, unforgiving metal of the rings digging into both your hands. Leaned down, pushing your rolling chair into your desk so it stopped, husky voice against your chin. He stroked one of your silver rings, spinning it around your index finger. 
He purred your name, drawing it out syllable by syllable, letting it slowly assault your ears. Your skin tingled as he pulled you up, your loose black t-shirt too thin, feeling far too much as he tugged you to him, his inescapable gravity and wicked smirk. 
“You smell different today,” he murmured, your bare legs brushing against his slacks.
You did smell different. Like burning wood and roasted sweet chestnuts, a new scent you found that instantly attracted you. That’s how you were. You encountered things and you immediately loved them, intensely, addictively, forever.
Just like Min Yoongi.
His hand traveled under the hem of your shirt, grabbing your thigh and sinking his fingers into it with a soft hiss. You bit your lip, closing your eyes, falling into the touch, letting it consume you. There were not a lot of things that could make you give in, but you believed in your instincts and trusted them. Your instincts always told you where to go, what to do, who to go to. With one glance, you could pinpoint if you would like something or not, even in unfamiliar territory. Your instincts always guided you to your loves. The things you loved always became significant, always changed your life, always had your devotion through time, space, and dreams.
They became obsessions and they never stopped.
Yoongi buried his face into your neck and inhaled, moaning softly.
“Smells so good. Warm. Like a comforting memory,” he mumbled.
“Reminded me of you.”
And it had. The second you smelled it; memories of his embrace had blanketed around you.
He lifted his head and his eyes were on yours. Half-lidded, plagued by dark circles, the loveliest black-brown in the whole world. You normally hated eye contact, but not in this space, not with him. Your hands slid under his leather jacket, wrapping around his waist. Yoongi leaned in, kissing you once more, pressing your body to his, leather and softness. He reached into his jacket and possessively tucked one of your hands in his.
“Sometimes,” he muttered against your lips. “Sometimes I think I don’t have your love.” His fingers caressed yours as you kneaded his waist underneath the turtleneck. "Do you not want me around anymore?"
A small smile drifted onto your lips. You reached up with your free hand and tugged the collar of your t-shirt down, revealing your silver necklaces. 
"You're always with me."
Yoongi’s dark eyes traveled down your neck, to the first one, seeing the tiny circular overlapping pendants. His name etched in the lower one, his birthstone set in the upper one. A tiny, contented smile. The others were a tangle of chains and charms, but Yoongi was the one who mattered most, so he was on top. 
Always on top. 
“What if you lose that?” he teased.
You chuckled. “So what? I could lose everything I own, but I would still love you, Yoongi.” You placed your forehead against his. “My head could be full of someone else, but there is always a space in my heart for you.”
The things you loved.
They are always and forever.
He raised his hand and placed a single fingertip in between your collarbones. Your spine tingled, scalp prickling as he slid it up your neck, lips parting as he watched it travel over your skin, up your chin and onto your plush lips, nail snagging on the softness.
“Such lovely words, but this mouth can do such dirty things,” Yoongi breathed, the side of his curving upwards playfully. You quirked your eyebrow and opened your mouth, licking the tip of his finger with your tongue, smiling around it.
“I can have pure feelings and a filthy mind.”
Yoongi cocked his brow to match yours, smirk widening to reveal his white teeth. “And you certainly do. I have no idea how your mind works.”
And then before you could respond, Yoongi shoved two fingers into your mouth, rubbing them against your tongue. You chuckled, wrapping your lips around them, sucking daintily, tongue swirling, slipping between them, drawing figure-eights. His eyes on you, darkening, darkening, the sparks of desire stroked to black flame, burning intensely as you placed the tip of your tongue all the way down to the skin where his two fingers connected, down to his knuckles, his fingers almost down your throat.
“You have such a tiny mouth,” he purred. “Astounded that my cock can fit in there.”
Yoongi pulled his fingers out and you gasped, strings of saliva dripping down and snapping against your chin. There was something about his expression, not trying to trick you, not trying to seduce you, simply aware of what he was going to do and that he was going to do it. There was no one to stop him. 
In fact, you patiently awaited it.
His free hand closed on the hem of your pajama shirt and slipped under, pushing your panties to one side and shoving his wet fingers into your pussy.
“Ah, Y-Yoongi!”
He smiled, sliding his fingers in and out, and you raised one of your legs, hooking it around his hip, one hand on his shoulder, moaning as he rubbed the inside of your walls, feeling all of you, watching your face the entire time, your pussy throbbing at the knowledge of being observed so intently. His other hand snuck up your back, drawing patterns on the thin black fabric, hardly a barrier from his touch, and then he traveled further up, running his fingers through your hair, tangling them at the base and yanking back, neck exposed, your moans deepening, saturated with lust, the pace of his fingers inside you increasing. You clenched around them, breath hitching at the pricks of pain, viscous juices soaking his hand and coating his knuckles. Yoongi leaned forward, inhaling your scent once more.
“Cum for me,” he purred, teeth on your neck, nipping lightly, pinches of red marks.
Pulling a little harder, thrusting a little deeper, sucking on the space in between your collarbones, your teeth sinking into your lower lip, whimpering as the sensitive skin was bitten and the insides of your walls roughly rubbed, grinding into his hand to stimulate your clit and it was too hot, too much, pushing you over the edge.
“Oh, fuck, Yoongi…”
Pussy clamping around his digits, pulsating violently, your juices sliding down the back of his hand and his palm, covering him with you. A short reprieve, Yoongi letting you ride the high, sighing in satisfaction as he felt your walls shiver with the aftershocks. His other hand released your hair and you panted hard, tipping your head back up, only to be forced to raise your arms as Yoongi yanked your shirt up. You pulled it over your head, shaking your hair out, now wild and messy. He snapped a finger on your black bra strap, impatient expression telling you to take it off. You undid it with one hand and, as soon was it fell to the floor, Yoongi ripped his fingers out of you. You yelped at the suddenness, abruptly turning into a moan as Yoongi took his slick fingers covered in your cum and smeared them over your breasts, circling around your hard nipples, pinching them in between his slippery touch.
“Fuck, I love these nipples,” Yoongi muttered, dipping his head down to your chest, breathing in the scent of your orgasm. “So fucking big and soft and hard, all at once.”
He wrapped his lips around one and sucked off your juices with a moan, cleaning up his mess by licking all over your breasts. He placed his two wet fingers around the other, pinching and tugging on it, trailing his tongue up and down, up and down, matching pace, drenching your skin with his saliva before collecting it all back up and circling the sensitive hardened nub with the wetness, flicking his tongue against it, gentle, intense, continuous, until you were shaking and shivering against him.
Your hands came up and held his head, pushing back his black hair, moaning as you ran your fingers through it, over and over, his large hands pressing your tits together and playing on your nipples with his lips and fingers, sucking hard.
There were a lot of words in this world and none of them could describe exactly how Yoongi made you feel, like he could set everything on fire while also being the water rushing through you, burning and drowning, his brown orbs looking up at you, silent, but clear with his lust, reflecting you in his eyes. 
A mirror, so akin to you.
And yet not, because he was Min Yoongi. 
His other hand fitted in the curve of your back, forcing you to arch more, trailing his tongue over your chest, humming at your soft cries. 
"You always look so good no matter what I'm doing to you," he mused, lazily licking off your other nipple. 
"It's because you're the one doing it," you panted, shivering as he blew on your wet skin. 
"Hm, I don't think so. I think you're just hot as hell."
He kissed up your chest, on your lips once more, sighing softly, your sharp sweet taste on his lips, both hands on your breasts, pinching your nipples with his knuckles. You whined into his mouth, and he shushed you with rough kisses as he rubbed them just as roughly, pain and pleasure, working you until you were breathless, gasping, pleading for more. He chuckled, releasing them, earning a frantic whimper, his mouth still pressed to yours. You heard him shrug off the leather jacket, dumping it on the chair. Nudging you forward to the bed, staying in stride with you, and you, grip on his turtleneck, yanking it out of his slacks, his smirk against your smirk. 
"What if," Yoongi murmured, hands enveloping yours, tracing your silver rings. "One of my rings was here?" Tapping your left ring finger, mischievous spark underneath his lashes. 
"Do I get to put one here?" you teased, sliding one between his and wrapping it around his left ring finger. 
"Ah, they should match, shouldn't they?"
You grinned, tumbling onto the bed and dragging him with you, Yoongi quirking an eyebrow, tone rich and deep as he continued.
"You like white gold or platinum?"
You tugged his turtleneck up and off his head, letting it fall to the floor, running a hand through his fluffed black hair as you mused.
"I'll let you pick," you purred. "And then I can pick one."
"For where?"
"For here."
Yoongi sucked in a breath, narrowing his eyes and mouth at you, cheeks puffing a little, but there was no mistaking the amusement in his words. 
"At least service him before you start putting him in prison."
You unlatched your grip on his clothed cock. 
"What am I, but of service?" 
He watched your tongue trace your lips as you slid down, unbuttoning his slacks, zipper being teased down, a pleased smile growing as his clothes were tugged off, crumpling to the floor. 
"Let me help you," Yoongi drawled as you lowered your head, calm hands gathering your hair to a long ponytail, winding it around his palm before turning his hand around, fitting his hold to the back of your head. You raised an eyebrow at his smirk.
"It's going to be like that?"
His eyes darkened, black hair falling over them. 
"You love it like that."
That's true. Familiar words came back to you, almost like a mantra.
What if you live like that?
Tongue sliding out, licking him all over, dripping saliva down his length, his cock already hard and insistent against your lips, hot and trembling, pleading for attention, but you nuzzled past, wrapping your lips around one of his balls and swirling your tongue around it, listening to his deep moan, smokey and raspy, your name mixed with his sounds of appreciation, hand firm on the back of your head. You switched sides, back and forth, sucking one as you licked the other, accompanied by loud slurps that made Yoongi's hips jerk, euphoric gasps filling your room. 
"Fuck, that's a dangerous mouth..." he hissed. "You could make anyone fall for you with your mouth alone."
You snaked your tongue along his stiff length, side to side, tracing the contours with your wet muscle, finally coating the tip with a thick layer of warmth, seeing Yoongi watch you with hunger, his long fingers pressed into your scalp. 
"Down," he growled. 
You obeyed. 
Swallowing it all, all the way to the base, his cock twitching in your mouth. Yoongi gasped sharply, holding you down, your throat constricting around the head, barely able to breathe, but you were in Yoongi's hands now. 
Your favorite pair of hands to command you.
"Fuck... fuck..."
He tilted his hips and you fell on your side, silver necklaces jangling, steadying yourself with your elbow. Slow but forceful, sliding out and pushing back in, moaning softly as he fucked your face, your hands in his sides, nails digging in, whining around his thickness, pushing your tongue against the bottom to make it tighter, better, his strong taste coating your mouth, so good your mind was a bit hazy from it or was it the intensity of his thrusts that was leaving you breathless?
You tensed your throat muscles and Yoongi chuckled, breathing hard.
"You sure you haven't practiced on someone else? You're too good at this, fuck..."
It was impossible to reply, think, or breathe, clawing at his back, rocking your body with his, your own power intoxicating you, knowing Yoongi was close to his end by the increased speed and roughness, grip on your head unforgiving, bouncing you back and forth with the force of his hips, your wet lips smacking his balls and crotch, the head repeatedly burying itself in your throat, stretching it out just like how Yoongi would stretch you out soon.
"Fuck, I know you love it when I use your mouth like this," he snarled. 
I do. I love all the things you do to me. 
He clenched his jaw and a grating hiss fell from his lips, thrusting deep and spilling down your throat, you whimpering as you swallowed hurriedly, hands splayed over his back and ass, holding him there so you could drink it all, tongue pressed along his length to feel his cock throb with every spurt of cum painted down your throat. There was no time to think about breathing, completely dazed by his strong taste and the forced manner that you had to consume his orgasm, visceral and obscene.
"Time for your other hole."
You drew back, gasping for air, hair cascading around you as Yoongi let go, taking advantage of your hazy state clawing for oxygen. You barely registered him pushing you down to the sheets, hands and knees, ass up and ready, his own hands on your hips to peel your wet pussy lips apart, watching your glistening opening flexing, the reaction both your muscles and your desire.
Waiting for him. 
Wanting him. 
"Mmm, my pretty pussy," he purred possessively.
Your body already knew what to do even if your mind was still trying to catch up. He took the condom from your shaking, outstretched hand and ripped it open. You didn't have to wait long. He leaned forward. The swollen, hot head pressed against your opening. Not moving, chest against your back. 
"Yoongi, please..." you gasped hoarsely.
"Please what?"
This fucking tease. "Please... fuck me."
His hand crawled up the sheets, deft fingers dancing, up your wrist, and onto your hand, your silver rings glinting in the low light. He placed his fingers in between yours, lips against your ear. 
"My perfect plaything, aren't you?"
A swift thrust and you were moaning, fingers closing in around his, suddenly so full and so deep that you saw white for a brief moment, but there was no time, no time as Yoongi slid back and slammed into you again, crotch to ass, untangling his hand from yours so he could right himself and fuck you hard, just the way you liked, just the way you needed. 
"Mmm, what a beautiful back."
You buried your face into the pillows, his fingernails scraping down your skin, sending shocks and stings all over you, helpless cries at his wonderful scratches, the exact pressure so that he left marks all over you but didn't break skin, so good paired with his harsh thrusts, making you claw for the headboard, planting your hands on it and bucking back into his hard length, heightening the pleasure and mixing it with pain, Yoongi's satisfied grunts behind you, necklaces jingling on your chest. Sensation, sound, emotion, all of it, building up inside, winding the coil, tighter, tighter. 
Nothing else mattering but being fucked by Yoongi's cock. 
"This body is for me, isn't it?" Yoongi growled, racking his nails down your back.
"Whenever you want, fuck, oh fuck, Yoongi!"
He kept going, the fire of your orgasm burning hot, crashing waves threatening to take you under, but still he gripped your hips and fucked you into the bed, the bed frame squeaks drowned out by the loud squelches of his rock-hard cock reentering you over and over again. 
"That's what I thought," he snickered, leaning down and earning a wail, so deep it felt like he was hitting your cervix, the head swelling as your walls clenched around him. "No one can take you from me, isn't that right?"
You responded automatically, your body once again responding quicker than your brain could, the answer always there, lingering in your mind, unwavering, pure instinct.
"No one."
The words rushing out with ravenous conviction, nails curling into the headboard, so much forced pleasure, savoring in Yoongi’s roughness, pussy pulsating so strongly that you weren't sure what was an orgasm and what wasn't. All over you, through you, in you, clouding your mind and thoughts. Absolute precision, knowing exactly how to fill you, and you clenching him back, molding to him to deliver the pleasure he loved, primal needs being satisfied, everything feeling so good that you became lightheaded, and yet you still found yourself uttering between moans and gasps, declaration being ripped from you because of Yoongi’s perfect cock destroying you mentally and physically.
"It will always be you above all others, Yoongi."
His fingers wrapped in your hair and yanked back, the sudden pain making you scream his name, liquid gushing down his cock and balls, thick and viscous, sticking to both your inner thighs. Your name falling from his lips, a half-moan, half-hiss, his entire length jolting inside you, filling the condom, and Yoongi rolled his hips into you once more, feeling it all, every contour of your pussy constricting around his throbbing cock. 
Two voices that sounded like one, rough, grating, instinctive, matching in time. Sparks coursing through your veins, body shivering with the aftereffects, squeezing the remnants out of him. His hand reached around; strands still tangled in his fingers.
Yoongi cupped your chin roughly, caressing your skin. 
"Above all others, hm?" he breathed, the depth of his voice soothing your thudding heart. Both of you sinking down into the bed, knees giving out, and he was still inside you, gripped tight by your stubbornness, his arms around your shaking body. You closed your eyes, Min Yoongi surrounding you, invading your space with his possessive embrace, his unavoidable presence, his inescapable hold, and you, a willing captive, letting him take over.
His lips against your ear, a familiar purr, your always and forever whisper. 
Your shadow. 
"I like that."
who said people are animals of wisdom? for me, obviously, we are animals of regret people change, just as I've changed there is nothing permanent in the world everything is just a happening passing through
My blog is named after ‘People’ by Agust D, the only song that I’ve ever felt every word and every line, rapped and sang with that exact pitch and emotion, describe me. I’ve always wondered, these thoughts I have, will anyone ever be able to put them into words?
so what? what if you live like that?
And you did, Yoongi, and for that, I am grateful.
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cocobeanncteez · 3 years
ATEEZ Hongjoong: Tame (Part 3)
Genre: Fluff, angst, smut, mafia au.
Pairing: Mafia!Hongjoong x OC (written in 2nd person)
Word Count: 17k in total, 5k in this part. (Part 1, Part 2, Final Part)
Warnings for all parts combined: Mafia themes such as torture, abuse, violence, human auctions, murder, drugs, guns. Mentions of rape, human trafficking, sex slavery, organ trafficking, unprotected sex, pulling out, facesitting.
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Three weeks later, you could pretty much call yourself a member of a mafia gang. Well, that's what you were now even if you were in slight denial.
You spent a lot of time with Ateez. Hongjoong taught you how to shoot like a pro, Jongho taught you how to defend yourself if you don't have a weapon, and Yeosang and Seonghwa taught you medical related stuff such as removing a bullet from a body and treating a gunshot wound. Yeosang also taught you the basics of hacking, but you sucked at it. San, Wooyoung, and Aeji taught you how to seduce a target, and you nearly died of embarrassment when you had to practice with Wooyoung as the target. Jiwoo pretty much gave you some of her bubbliness while she and Yeoreum taught you a bit about illegal international business deals. The three girls also told you a hell lot about their sex lives when you all had a girls' night a few days ago. On the other hand, Yunho and Mingi were just playing 'tossing Kiah' (as they call it), which was literally just them throwing and catching you like as if you were a ball. The giants found it extremely fascinating that you were an entire foot shorter than them. Sometimes, they would use the top of your head as an armrest.
Hongjoong bought you a phone, but unfortunately, you couldn't log into any of your social media accounts, or even your email as your cousin and uncle were searching for you and the culprits who made your cousin unconscious the night he was going to sell you.
"Kiah, do want some orange juice?" Mingi asked you from the kitchen while he poured himself a glass. You nod your head and he poured some for you too. Yeosang was there as well, busy eating fried chicken.
"Hey, Kiah?" Mingi called out, making you look up at him. "You never really told us about your parents." He handed you your juice.
"My mother died when I was a newborn," you replied, sipping on your juice. "My father... well, I rarely saw him after he made me live with my uncle. Now no one has seen him in months." Both the boys noticed how sad you were when you spoke about your father. You really wanted to see him; you didn't even know whether he was dead or alive.
"What's your father's name and age?" Yeosang questioned. "I could track him or at least find out if he's all right."
"Moon Dongwoo and he's 49 years old," you answered with a small smile. "Thank you, Yeosang." 
After about three hours, Yeosang approached you while you were talking to Aeji and some of the boys. He sat on the couch adjacent to you after briefly greeting everyone.
"So I tried to track your father, Kiah," Yeosang stated nonchalantly. "And I found absolutely nothing."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"There are zero records of him," Yeosang explained, "Like no bank or property details… To put it in simple words, it's like as if he doesn't exist."
You frowned. "So he's… d-dead?"
"Don't know," Yeosang shrugged. "There are no death records either. There were a couple of men with the same name as him, but no one was 49 years old."
You pondered about it for a while. Why would your dad erase all traces of his existence? Even if he didn't, someone else did. But why?
"Wait," you blurted out. "Did you check with the police station? My dad is a cop."
San, who was listening to the conversation, nearly chokes on the sprite that he was drinking. "Your dad is a cop and you're here, living in a mafia gang's house?!"
"I know right?!" Yunho said from beside him and you only shrug in response.
"I checked the police station as well," Yeosang remarked. "Still no records."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "That's just strange. He's a cop, there has to be at least something about him at the police station."
"Hey, don't worry about it, Kiah," Yeosang said in a soft tone, giving you a reassuring smile. "We'll find him."
The next day after you woke up, you found everyone seated in the living room, lost in deep thought. You quietly sat beside Jiwoo, wondering whether you should ask why everyone is so quiet.
"That's not a bad idea, actually," Wooyoung said after glancing at you while you stared at him in confusion. What idea was he talking about?
"Yeah, it's a terrible idea," Hongjoong retorted, glancing at you as well.
"Kiah," Mingi starts, grabbing your attention. "What do you think about attending a masquerade party?"
"You mean a mafia masquerade party?" you emphasized.  
"Of course," he replied.
"Ah, it's cool, I guess?" you said nonchalantly; you were getting used to the mafia life, and you'd be lying if you said that you didn't like it.
"It's settled then," San stated, getting up from the couch and stretching his arms. "Kiah is Hongjoong's date for the party."
"Knew it," Jongho murmured.
"No," Hongjoong protested. "A lot of people saw her face at the auction. It's a terrible idea."
"Well, it's a masquerade party hosted by our ally," Seonghwa remarked. "No one will try shit even if they recognize her."
"Plus, we're all going to be there. We can't leave Kiah alone here," Yeoreum added and Jiwoo nodded her head in agreement.
Hongjoong sighed. "Fine."
"You look gorgeous, Kiah!" Aeji squealed after doing your makeup. Yeoreum just finished doing Jiwoo's hair and started doing your hair.
"Hongjoong won't be able to keep his hands to himself," Yeoreum remarked with a smirk, making you blush.
"I'm surprised he hasn't made a move yet," Aeji said.
"We all know he wants to," Jiwoo mumbled while taking a mirror selfie.
You chuckled. "Nothing has happened yet."
"Yet?" Yeoreum teased you, curling a strand of your hair with the curling iron. "So you want something to happen, huh?"
"You obviously do."
You playfully rolled your eyes at her. "Don't accidentally burn my hair, Yeoreum!" The girls laughed at the sight of you getting flustered 
"Kiah, what are you planning on wearing?" Aeji asked.
"The black cocktail dress."
"No, you're not wearing that," she protests. "Wear the red dress Jiwoo got you last week."
You raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"You'll see," she smirked.
After all of you got ready and slipped into your respective outfits, you went downstairs where the boys were waiting.
As soon as Hongjoong saw you, his lips parted slightly as he scanned you from head to toe. You were wearing a short, strapless red dress that fit your body perfectly, hugging your curves and exposing your highlighted collarbones. You wore silver wedges that matched the silver necklace around your neck. Your long hair was curled and your makeup was simple yet elegant.
"Hongjoong's favorite color is red, by the way. Thank me later," Aeji whispered to you, giving you a wink before she ran into Seonghwa's arms. So that's why she forced you to wear a red dress. You snorted at Aeji's words before your eyes landed on Hongjoong. He looked absolutely ethereal in his black ripped jeans and white t-shirt underneath the leather jacket he was wearing. You expected to see the guys in suits, considering it was a masquerade event, but it looked like you all were going to a club instead. Oh well, maybe this is how the mafia rolls.
You heard someone clear their throat. "Um, if you're both done eye-fucking each other, can we leave? We're getting late," San commented and Jiwoo laughed loudly at her boyfriend's words. The other eight already left and you wondered how you didn't even notice.
Hongjoong doesn't utter a word; he only approaches you and takes your hand in his, leading you to the garage. You, Hongjoong, Jiwoo, and San were riding in the same car.
San begun driving and the car was filled with Jiwoo gushing about how she loved going for Stray Kids' parties. San told you about how Wooyoung introduced Ateez to his friend, Changbin, and that's how Ateez met the rest of Stray Kids.
After a while, you reached Stray Kids' mansion. The exterior was lit up with blue and yellow lights.
Jiwoo handed you a pretty silver eye-mask and you put it on; Hongjoong wore a red mask, Jiwoo wore black, and San wore gold.
"Alright, let's party!" Jiwoo squealed, pulling San along with her, practically running inside.
Hongjoong wrapped an arm around your waist as he led you inside Stray Kids' mansion, scanning the crowd to see if he could find any of his allies.
"Ah, Hongjoong!" you heard someone say, catching your attention. Hongjoong's arm leaves your waist to hug that person.
"Chan! It's been so long, yeah?"
"Very," he agreed before glancing at you. "I see you've got yourself a girl."
Hongjoong chuckled. "This is Moon Kiah. Kiah, this is Bang Chan, the leader of Stray Kids." Chan stretched his hand out and you shake it.
While Hongjoong spoke to Chan, Jiwoo dragged you away to get a drink. You wondered how hyper she would be when drunk, considering the fact that she was already pretty hyper when sober.
Jiwoo got a couple of tequila shots and you only downed three.  "Only three?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah," you answered with a small giggle. "I have very bad alcohol tolerance."
Jiwoo took her own shots before Wooyoung dragged the two of you to introduce you to the other members of Stray Kids. You were seriously shocked by how young and polite these men were, despite being in the mafia.
"So whose girl is she gonna be now?" Changbin asked.  
"She's Hongjoong's girl," Wooyoung answered, and you giggle at that, already a little drunk.
"Mhmm, yeah, I'm Hongjoong's girl, hi!" you squealed before realizing that Jiwoo suddenly wasn't there anymore. "Where's Jiwoo?" you pouted  
"Probably would've found someone to talk to or she's in some room with San," Wooyoung replied. "Anyway, let's get you to Hongjoong, little one."
"I'm here," you heard a familiar voice say behind you, making you jump a little before you turned around. "Kim Hongjoong, you…” you trailed off, admiring his face even though half of it was covered with the mask. "You're so fucking hot, like what the actual fuck?!"  Wooyoung and Changbin laughed loudly before they walked away, leaving you alone with a slightly stunned Hongjoong.
"How much did you drink, hmm?" Hongjoong asked, looking down at you with soft eyes. You gave him a loving smile while your arms moved to wrap around his neck.
"Three tequila," you mumbled before you suddenly squealed. The DJ started playing one of your favorite songs. "Dance with me," you whispered in Hongjoong's ear, pulling his body closer to yours.
Hongjoong danced with you for a little while, holding you close to his body so that you wouldn't trip and fall in your 5-inch heels. After the song ended, he pulled you to a less crowded area to sit on the sofas. Your heartbeat sped up when Hongjoong made you sit on his lap instead of the free space beside him. You wrapped an arm around his neck while your other hand ran through his soft hair.
"What's wrong with that guy?" you whispered in Hongjoong's ear, glancing at a green-masked guy who was sitting near you, all alone on the floor, staring at the ceiling with a huge smile.
"Probably took LSD," Hongjoong remarked after taking a quick glance at the man.
"Oh," you murmured. "He's a really bad boy. You shouldn't take drugs. Okay, pretty boy?" Hongjoong raised an eyebrow, amused by the tipsy side of you. He chuckled prettily in your ear, pulling you even closer to him.
"I don't do drugs, love." He places his cold hand on the skin right above your knee. "I'm a good boy," he whispered in a low tone. Hongjoong could clearly see how much he affected you.
"Liar," you whispered in his ear. You place a kiss right below his ear before trailing kisses along his jawline. You stopped at his chin and pulled away. When his eyes met yours, you leaned in, finally pressing your lips against his. He responded immediately, kissing you back like as if there was no tomorrow. You've never been kissed with such intensity before.  Hongjoong's hand that was just above your knee, began to move upwards. You weren't drunk, just tipsy, so you knew what was happening; you were starting to feel really excited as his hand went higher and higher.
You heard someone clear their throat. "Kim Hongjoong?"
Hongjoong halted his actions and pulled away from you to look up at the woman who interrupted him. She had orange colored hair and was wearing a dark blue eye mask.
"Oh? Royeon?" he got up from his seat, making you stand up along with him. He sounded a little excited, and that made you feel a little jealous. Who was she?
Royeon smirked. "New girl, huh?"
Hongjoong ignored her comment. "Kiah, this is my friend, Royeon."
She snorted. "Friend? I'm quite offended by that title, Joongie." she pouts a little before turning to you. "I'm his first love."
You kept a pokerface on. "That's nice. It’s a pleasure to meet you," you said nonchalantly, trying not to sound bothered about the fact that Hongjoong's first love was standing right in front of your face. She was giving you a bad vibe and you absolutely hated how she was undressing Hongjoong with her eyes. You couldn't deny that you had strong feelings for Kim Hongjoong and you were planning on telling him pretty soon.
You turned to Hongjoong with a small smile on your face. "I'm gonna go get a drink," you said, purposely giving him a kiss that lasted a little longer than it should before you left him alone with his previous lover.
You didn't get a drink. Instead, you went outside, exploring the lit up garden in Stray Kids' mansion. The mansion was a little smaller than Ateez's mansion, but was extremely beautiful nonetheless.
You walked to one of the trees that was lit up with blue lights, taking out your phone to take a few pictures of yourself.
"So Yang Daeyoung hasn't been spotted anywhere?" you heard someone say.
"No," another person replied. "He probably escaped to another country or died.”
"What about his child?" the first person asked.
"No one knows what he or she looks like. Anyway, we have to find Yang Daeyoung and his child before another gang does. I heard many gangs are still searching for him… especially Ateez and CIX. We need to get all that information before them."
You were suddenly really interested in whatever the two people were talking about. You mentally reminded yourself to ask one of the Ateez members about this Yang Daeyoung guy later.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone here?" you heard someone say behind you, words slurred.
You turned to face the man who was in a green eye-mask. "Taking pictures as you can clearly see," you answered the clearly drunk man.
He smirked. "I'm Jinseop," he introduced. "And your attitude is really fucking turning me on, babygirl."
"I didn't ask," you stated, rolling your eyes.
He took a step towards you and you didn't move an inch. "You know," he starts, placing a hand on your shoulder while he towered over you. "I heard Stray Kids have a few spare rooms here. How about we go upstairs and—"
"Get your fucking hands off her."
Jinseop rolled his eyes, not even glancing at the person.
"Now," the person growled. He froze when he finally realized who was talking to him.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized and quickly walked away, leaving you quite stunned.
"Wow, Kim Hongjoong," you remark in amusement after a few seconds. "You scared someone."
Hongjoong doesn't say anything. He only walked towards you, and you involuntarily took a step back, making your back press against the cold surface of a wall. Hongjoong towered over your short height and you could tell he loved how small you looked next to him.
He cupped your cheek with one hand and places his lips against yours, gently kissing you before trailing kisses down to your neck. Your hands immediately went up to grab his hair while he started to suck and kiss the skin of your neck, making you moan softly. He smirked against your skin, absolutely loving how he was the one who was making you feel good. He brought his lips back to yours, kissing you a little harder than before while his hands moved down to your ass, grabbing it through the fabric of your dress. You gasped at his actions and he takes that opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth. He pulled away after a few seconds.
"You're all mine, Moon Kiah."
Hongjoong led you back inside and you immediately spot his ex-girlfriend who was trying to hit on an unbothered Yunho.
"Yunho," Hongjoong called out and the man looked at him. Royeon's attention was also now on the two of you. "Where are the rest? We have to leave soon."
"I have no clue," Yunho answered.  "Yeoreum just took Mingi to the bathroom. The man drank way too much."
You noticed Royeon glaring at you, her eyes flickering between your neck and Hongjoong's messed up hair; you realized that he probably left a nice mark on your neck. You smirked, loving her annoyed reaction. You wrapped your arms around Hongjoong's waist and he smiled at you, draping an arm around your shoulders. Yunho controlled the urge to laugh once he realized what you just did.
Royeon cleared her throat. "So Hongjoong, did you get any news on Yang Daeyoung?" You felt Hongjoong stiffen a little.
"No," Hongjoong simply replied.
She chuckled. "Oh well. That must really suck for you since all... that happened, huh?" You could tell Hongjoong was going to lose his temper. You were extremely curious about this person, considering the fact that you've heard about him twice in less than an hour. "I bet you're dying to capture him. You would've planned so much to—"
"That's none of your business, Royeon," Yunho stated in a cold tone, cutting her off.
She raised her hands up defensively. "What I'm trying to say is I'd like to help."
"We don't need your help," Hongjoong spat through gritted teeth and Royeon was taken aback. You wondered why she looked shocked; was Hongjoong a complete sweetheart to her or something when they were together?
She cleared her throat, clearly offended. "Alright… come over to my place whenever you want me, Hongjoong," she said with a smirk before she walked away. You scoffed at her words and tightened your hold around Hongjoong who was quite amused by your reaction.
He put a finger under your chin to make you look up at him. "Maybe I should take up her offer, hmm?"
You scowled. "Don't even think about it, Kim Hongjoong. You're mine."
"Say that again, baby."
"You're mine."
Hongjoong crashed his lips onto yours and you kiss him back immediately, loving the feeling of his soft lips moving with yours.
"Oh, they're finally doing something," you heard Jongho say.
"Yeah, I was so tired of hearing Hongjoong whine everyday about how badly he wanted to kiss her," Seonghwa remarked, and you smile against Hongjoong's lips. You pulled away from the kiss, smiling widely at a blushing Hongjoong.
You turned your head to look at Seonghwa. "He was whining about that?" you asked in amusement.
"Oh, yeah, all the time," he answered with a chuckle.
A drunk Wooyoung laughed loudly. "That's not all! Hyung was also complaining about how Hongjoong junior was aching for—" Hongjoong smacked his palm over Wooyoung's mouth, stopping him from exposing him.
"Hey, let him complete," you stated, amused by the whole situation. Hongjoong shook his head in disagreement.
"We have to leave," Hongjoong changed the topic. "Yunho, go get Mingi and Yeoreum. Seonghwa, call San and Yeosang."
"Yeosang's getting some upstairs after so long," Yunho revealed. "He'll be shit pissed if you guys interrupt him."
Wooyoung chuckled. "After so long? He got pussy last week! And he's with the same blonde chick upstairs."
"No wonder he was the most excited to come here," Jongho mumbled.
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "Well, I want to leave now. Anyone else wants to come?"
"Hyung, you and Aeji can go," Yunho said to Seonghwa. "Aeji's really tired. I'll come with the rest."
Seonghwa nodded and the four of you leave first, walking to one of three cars. Seonghwa had to drive after losing a game of rock-paper-scissors to Hongjoong.
After he began driving, you wanted to ask who this Yang Daeyoung guy was, but you thought now didn't seem like an appropriate time; you didn't want to interrupt the peaceful silence in the car.
You were feeling quite drained out, so you rested your head on Hongjoong's shoulder, trying your best to not fall asleep.
“Sleep, Kiah,” he mumbled, bringing your body closer to his. “I’ll wake you up when we reach,” he said, although he had no plans of doing that.
“Okay…” you closed your eyes, sleep taking over your body within a few minutes.
Hongjoong placed a soft kiss on your head. “I love you…”
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5 months later.
As soon as Hongjoong came back home from his mission and stepped into your bedroom, you ran into his arms. “I missed you so much!” you mumbled against your boyfriend’s chest while he embraced you.
You started dating Hongjoong around three months ago when he finally got the courage to confess that he fell in love with you. To his relief, you were just as head over heels in love with him. The boys sometimes refer to you as ‘the one who tamed his temper’ as Hongjoong didn’t get annoyed very often anymore. You had also grown used to the mafia life, and you often found yourself enjoying it more than you should. You knew almost everything about the boys and the world you were now a part of. They even let you go on missions, sometimes letting you go solo. Hongjoong was always a little hesitant as he was scared something would happen to you, but he was getting used to it.
“I was only gone for a week, love,” Hongjoong chuckled and you sighed.
“It felt like years.” You pulled away from his chest to look at him. You pecked his lips before moving to sit on your bed, your boyfriend mirroring your actions.
“I got you a lot of chocolates,” he said, reaching out to grab your hand, intertwining it with his own. “I’ve kept them in the fridge.”
You smiled, lying down while you played with Hongjoong’s hand. “It’ll get over in two days,” you stated, knowing the boys would finish it before you could even grab a piece.
“Then I’ll go back and get you more.”
“I’d rather you stay here with me,” you mumbled, arms reaching out to hug your boyfriend. Hongjoong settled in your embrace, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Your hand moved to his hair, playing with his strands. Hongjoong couldn’t help but place a kiss on your sensitive neck, causing a chill to run down your spine. He began placing more kisses on your neck, smirking when he felt you grab a fistful of his hair. He trailed kisses from your neck to your jaw and finally to your lips.
“I love you,” he murmured, moving to hover above you. Cupping your cheek, Hongjoong gazed at you with nothing but love and adoration, making your heart race.
You grinned at his words, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you too.” You pulled him into a kiss which he eagerly responded to. Lips moving with yours, Hongjoong took your bottom lip between his teeth, gently sucking on it before licking your lip as a way of asking for permission. You parted your lips wider, letting him slide his tongue inside your mouth. Your tongues danced in a slow rhythm while Hongjoong rolled his hips against yours, making you moan. You gently pushed him away, making him look at you with a worried gaze, thinking he went too far. But you pushed him further, making him lie down on his back before you straddled his hips. Your hands pulled your t-shirt over your head, tossing it onto the floor. Hongjoong’s eyes moved to your bra clad chest. You reached behind your back to unclasp your bra, letting it fall from your chest.
“Can I touch you?” he asked. You took his hands, placing them on your chest in response. Hongjoong gently squeezed your boobs, thumbs running over your hardened nipples. He sat up a little so that his face could reach your chest. He placed kisses on your sternum before taking one of your nipples in his mouth, gently sucking on it, licking the small bud. He mirrored his actions for your other nipple, and your back arched in pleasure. When he pulled away, you immediately crashed your lips onto his in a hungry kiss. You involuntarily grinded down on his hard-on, a groan leaving his throat. Hongjoong’s hands moved to your hips, helping you move faster on his bulge.
“I want you, Joong,” you moaned out, making him get harder.
“Are you sure, baby?” he asked.
“Yeah. I want you to fuck me. Please,” you begged. You weren’t a virgin, but this was going to be your first time with Hongjoong.
He only smiled, halting your movements on his bulge. “Let me prep you, baby. Sit on my face.” You got off his lap to take your jeans off along with your panties. Hongjoong also stripped out his clothes, leaving himself bare in front of you for the first time. You involuntarily bit your lip, taking in the sight of his thick, hard cock. He looked absolutely irresistible.
Hongjoong climbed back onto the bed, lying down while he waited for you to straddle his face.
“Are you sure about this?” you asked, a little hesitant to put your weight on his face.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he chuckled. “Sit comfortably.”
You lowered yourself onto his face, making sure you didn’t put all of your weight on him. Hongjoong's hands gripped your ass, pulling you closer to his mouth. He wasted no time in lapping at your slit, collecting your wetness on his tongue. He moaned at your sweet taste, tongue dipping into your hole, his nose pressing onto your clit. He moved his mouth to latch onto your clit, giving your nub a few sucks before moving back to your hole. “Fuck!” you moaned, hands reaching down to grasp his hair while he fucked you with his tongue. You felt the familiar knot forming and you warned Hongjoong that you were close. He licked up and down your slit, lapping at your clit, pushing you to your high. You moaned out his name while you came on his face and he wasted no time in licking up your juices, a drop rolling down from his lips. When you moved your pussy away from his face, you got wetter at the sight of his lips glistening with your juices.
You moved down his body to return the favor, but he stopped you. “I’ll let you do that another time, babe. But now I really need to be inside of you.” Hongjoong sat up, piling pillows behind him before leaning back on it. “Are you on the pill?” he asked while pumping his cock.
He groaned. “I don’t have condoms on me right now. They’re in my room.”
“It’s okay, you can just pull out,” you stated.  
“Are you sure, my love?”
“Mhmm.” You moved to straddle his lap, aligning his cock with your entrance. You sank down on his length, the stretch making you whimper. Once Hongjoong was fully inside of you, you placed your hands on his abs, slowly moving yourself up and down on his cock, coating it with your arousal. Hongjoong bucked his hips up to meet yours half-way. You leaned down to kiss him while you rolled your hips against his. You pulled away and smiled at him before you increased the pace. Your hands reached back to grab his thighs while you rode him. Hongjoong watched your boobs bounce along with you, the sight making him groan. When Hongjoong felt himself getting close, he switched positions, slipping out of you, making you whine. He only giggled, leaning down to peck your lips before he gripped your waist. Without any warning, he slammed his cock into you, making you gasp, your walls clenching violently around him while he fucked you hard and raw.
You gripped the bedsheets beneath you, feeling the knot forming in your lower area. “J-Joong… I—”
“I know, baby, I’m close too,” he groaned out, his thrusts getting sloppy. “You’re taking me so well, fuck.”
Hongjoong moved one hand down to your clit, his fingers rubbing your nub in circular motions. You screamed his name when your second orgasm washed over you. Hongjoong pulled out immediately, spilling onto your stomach. You reached out to pump his cock, milking him dry. Hongjoong collapsed beside you, body coated in a thin layer of sweat, hair sticking to his forehead. He pulled you into a sweet kiss a few seconds later.
“That was amazing,” he murmured against your lips. You smiled, placing a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. “Let’s clean up, hmm? Shower with me?” You nodded, letting him carry you to the bathroom.
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jawllines · 4 years
“You’re really gonna go in there?” Y/N queries gently, and Harry only nods his head in response, reaching for the door handle. An urgent, delicate touch of Y/N’s hand startles him, looping around his wrist and dragging his attention toward her, “Shouldn’t we have a game plan if something is behind the door?” She asks, her hold on him tightening just a little, and Harry notes how soft her palm feels against his skin, “Like, let’s say we open the door and a behemoth is standing there, what do we do?”
“The only behemoth that could fit in this tiny room is the band from Poland, Babe, and I reckon they have better things to do on a Thursday night,” he retorts, clenching around the knob and tilting it down, “Now unless you want to hold hands in there. . .”
She lets go before he can finish, and he doesn’t have to look back at her face to know she’s irate. A small smile quirks at his mouth as he pushes his shoulder against the heavy door to aid him opening it, bracing himself to see something potentially horrid. . .
And there’s nothing.
Harry and Y/N are witches, they hate each other, and something’s coming
19K+ words
(A/N: Hiii!! So, I’ll be honest I know absolutely nothing about real witches at all, so what is in this story is not fact! it’s just an AU and doesn’t speak toward any of my real witches out there unless i accidentally got some things right. Happy reading, I really liked writing these guys I hope you like them just as much!!)
It was dark. 
Both in the state of the sky and the feeling that slithered through Y/N’s body while she tended to the Brugmansia finally flowering in her garden. The shift in the air could have easily been inculpated by the cool breeze that blew past her face, shepherding clouds thick and heavy with autumn rain, but Y/N knew better than that. Those feelings typically bring her peace; the rattle of thunder soothes her aching bones while fat drops paint the pavement, wet the dirt to mud, and feed the drying grass.
This feeling made her bones rattle. It crawled beneath her skin like billions of tiny beetles unearthed within her vessels; her stomach churned, her shoulders were weighed down, there was a gnawing pain at her temples, so fierce she held her hand to them. The cold brass of her ring cools her heated skin. This feeling was vile, it was awful, for fuck sake what was causing it? 
She stood from her crouched position and slid back into her store. Technically, she’d closed about three hours prior so she should have been home well by now, but when she’d finally gathered her things in her duffle at 12, she looked out the back window and noticed some of her moonflowers had begun to bloom. There was a small part of her that had been reluctant to step outside at all, but she needed to greet them and water them, no matter the odd, unfamiliar troubling sense that had initially confused her. She ignored it -- she thought maybe she was just nervous to say hi to them, sometimes she was. 
(Flowers and plants hold a special connection with their caretaker, from a tiny seed to a flourishing garden, they place their lives in the care of the earth or a human. If not properly nursed, their wilted petals appear so quickly, a silent plea for water, or sun, or even a little attention -- Y/N found that plants liked a little attention. That’s why she spoke to them, she cooed and gave them well-wishes when she left them alone. They felt just a part of her family as any blood relative had, from the moment she had sliced the tip of her finger in a torn brush and the petal she’d touched afterward fused together her tiny wound. Her nan had always told her that maybe she was a bit closer to plants than others were, so she probably shouldn’t share this with kids in her class because they might be jealous of her (Y/N knows now her nan just didn’t want her getting picked on.) 
It was clear to her now that this feeling was a bit more than that when her goose pimples sunk back into her skin after stepping into the warmth of her store. Though it was not just because she had been keeping her shop pleasantly warm as the nights grow colder and longer; she kept herself protected in here. In between these walls lied a sanctitude that kept all evil out, in all manners, of all species, besides two. 
One of which is her bunny, Thumper, who in all ways but emotionally was her familiar. He was a ghostly white Holland lop, with big dopey ears that she slid her fingers beneath and flipped up and down in spare moments. She accuses him of being evil because he’s always nipping at her fingertips, demanding food with a stomp of his foot, and gives the silent threat that he’ll nibble on her plants if she really pisses him off (he stands by them, twitches his little nose and shows his two front teeth until she gives him what he wants -- it’s usually more hay). He’s nothing but a little, greedy nuisance that showed up on her step one day and hadn’t left since.
The other. . .well, the other was Harry Styles. 
Y/N liked most witches, no matter their point of interest. She knew that there could be a certain level of distrust amongst the syndicate -- hexes, and curses placed upon one another, but she tried to stay out of that -- she held no disfavor toward most of the others either. Everyone connected with things very differently, what she may connect with might not be that of what her neighbor connected with and that was okay. Her nan’s emotions had been in accord with the sea, and even though Y/N spent most of her life fearing water, she bore no judgment. 
What she does is done in the mind of good favor, of bettering oneself with the world around them in a way that would beneficial to not only them but the people in their lives. Open up otherwise closed eyes to the beauty of the spirit and soul they possess, and the beauty and soul that the world around them held. The town she had moved to at 20 was so rich in natural beauty, ponderosa pine and hemlock trees grew tall in an extensive, juniper green forest almost always clouded with thick fog, the soil was soft and fertile, the air was crisp and clean. She felt happy here and wanted the others around her to recognize how lucky they were to be in an area so free of sordidity. 
There was an empty shop up the brick road of the older part of town, that had been crowded in cobwebs, leaves that had blown in from the broken window, and animal droppings. Her nan came to help her clean it up (her mum had too, but she was dog tired after her workweek so spent most of the visit asleep on Y/N’s couch), and did something short of absolving the land so that she could grow a garden behind the store, in the clearing of 200 or so meters before it meets the mouth of the forest. She sold herbs, people came to her for intricate, meaningful bouquets with flowers that could not be found in just any store (and she was good to her plants, so if she asked very kindly, and sent them with a packet that produced a very special brew when dumped in the water, they would live very, very, suspiciously long), plants that would liberate people of their aches and pains so long as they tended to them, journals of reused paper, scrubs, oils. . .there were many things. She offered classes too, to help people learn how to better cater to their flowers.
That had been a year ago, so she was still finding her footing, but not six months into this happy reality she had created for herself, Harry Styles had come to town. It took nothing but a few minutes of coming to contact with him that he was a bad apple, and when the once sweet-tempered town had begun mottling with dark splotches, she knew for sure. Harry was like her, but his book of shadows had pages filled with wicked words of revenge, conjuring demons and letting them wreak havoc. His business was more under the cuff -- he posed as a writer who needed a scenery change for his work, but Y/N knew it had to be more than that -- but he did his bidding in the night, seeding through clubs, in alleyways, in the forest. . .if someone knew about Harry, it was because they knew a guy who knows a guy. 
And for some reason, unbeknownst to her, he refused to leave her be. 
This is why it almost makes sense that the bell of her store would jingle brightly no matter the fact she’d locked the doors hours ago, and her attention would be brought to the pest himself. He wore a sweater that threatened to swallow him whole, and baggy, holey jeans he rolled at the cuff showing off his bat printed socks, stuffed into grandpa-Esque loafers. The necklace he always wears around his neck (a small pendant that she had never gotten close enough to make out) is sat atop of his sweater today rather than hidden beneath it as it usually is. His hair is getting longer, more unruly with his warm brown curls than it had been when she first met him -- she really hadn’t known he’d had curly hair until the more recent months when it had started growing out. 
His eyes were always the same soft, crystal green that matched his character none, and a pawky smirk on his mouth as he dragged his fingers along the lavender jars placed on her shelves, “Shouldn’t you be home by now? I figure it’s past your bedtime.” He leans down like he is about to pick something up, and when Y/N peers over the counter, she sees him slide his hand beneath Thumper’s soft white belly and pull him up to his chest. That was another indicator that Harry was just no good -- he was the only human that he liked, and the little creatine didn’t even like her. 
“Shouldn’t you?” She flips it, continuing to gather her things so she could head home for the night.
“You know these are my typical hours, Babe -- everyone wants to curse someone at 1 AM, there was a study done in the east end.” He pets between Thumper’s ears as he sets him down on the counter beside the cash register, before he reaches out for the wooden crafted incense burners, “Have these cheap little things been selling any?” 
“Piss off,” she stuffs her phone into her purse, then flips through her things to make sure her wallet was tucked in there as well, “What do you want, Harry? I’m about to go home, if you wanted to come around to bother me you should have hours ago.”
Harry feigns a gasp like he does any time she curses, “Thought good little witches didn’t have such foul tongues?” He flicks the candle jar on her counter, an apple scent had been melting around the wick for the better half of the day, “I don’t want anything in particular, just passing through. You know you’re right in the way of the forest, don’t you? S’kinda of obnoxious when you’re trying to summon imps at the cave -- they hate the bloody “stench” of the flowers.” 
“Good,” she retorts, “You shouldn’t be summoning around here anyway, this area’s off-limits.”
It was barely an agreement but still an agreement nonetheless -- if Harry left her be, she would leave him be because Y/N wasn’t an idiot. If he wanted a fight, Harry could start one and he would fight dirty. All she asks him is to stay away from her store and her flat, and to keep away from certain areas of the forest where the soil was always soft -- in return, he would do his activities, sometimes he would need her flowers for different spells and she would turn a blind eye to what he was doing. She does a few gentle protection spells here and there but otherwise, he’s a free man to do as he pleases, just so long as he respects her request. He’d seemed perturbed by the conditions none -- had even chuckled and said as long as he let her keep her “pretty little flowers” he could get away with murder. 
A heavy, weary sigh leaves him, “Yes, I’m well aware,” he rolled his eyes before crossing his arms on top of the counter and tucking his face in his elbow,  “Gimme a moment though, it’s warm in here and I was freezing outside.” He muffles into his sweater. 
Y/N had almost forgotten what she had felt prior to coming back inside, but his words bring it clearly to the forefront of her mind once more. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, hearing the floorboards creak beneath her as she wondered if he’d felt it too. It couldn’t have been him -- no, he was powerful but by no means powerful enough to conjure up something like that. And she’d like to ask him, but Harry has never been someone who took her seriously -- he would just make a joke of it, probably, or tease her. It wouldn’t be worth asking. 
But the feeling that she’d gotten is chewing on her memory, so she asks anyway, “Hey,” she began and the only indication that he was listening to her is the fact his fingers stopped tapping against the wood beneath them, “Did you. . .when you were outside, did you feel that?” 
He picks his head up from the crevice of his arm, “You’re gonna have to be a bit more descriptive than ‘that’,” his brows are raised as he continues, “Are you talking about the new pleasant but cold breeze we’ve gained for autumn, or the gut-twisting odious one?” 
Y/N looks at him impassively, “The latter, idiot.” 
“Yeah, I felt it,” he ignores her insult, “What about it?” 
The skin between her brows pinches, “Are you not concerned? It felt. . .bad,” she couldn’t think of a better word to describe it, “I didn’t like it at all.” 
“Are you scared?” There is delight swimming in Harry’s gaze as he stands up straighter, “Don’t tell me Glinda the Good Witch herself is scared of a little frightening feeling? I thought you were tough as nails and all that, hm?” 
“Never mind, forget I even brought it up,” she tried to dismiss it, as she slings her purse over her shoulder and plucks Thumper up to sit him in the cradle of her arms -- she knew better than to ask him like she might get any comfort at all from his words. 
He steps up and in front of her before she could start toward the door, “Oi, listen scaredy-cat, I don’t know if you’re aware but I deal with shite like this all the time, which means I’ve got a few banishments spells up my sleeve. If it’s really something that awful, I’ll cast it back to hell, easy as that.” Harry follows close behind her as she exits the door, feeling the same shiver of fear slither through her body, “I do want to see what it wants first though.” 
“Of course you do,” she utters in disappointment, “Just keep it away from my garden, please.” 
“I’ll try,” he tells her just as she reaches her car before he dips into his pocket and reveals that he’d stolen a baggy of chamomile, “If I didn’t keep your precious garden safe, then I wouldn’t have anywhere to get enchanted chamomile, and it works lovely in a sleepy time tea, I’ll tell you that -- your lavender is shit though. Never puts me to sleep like it ought to.” 
She pops open her car door, “Stop taking stuff from the store, or I’ll start lacing it with laxatives.” 
“While you’re doing that, won’t you plant them Clathrus mushrooms? I reckon the imps would prefer them way more than the mums.” He looks serious -- not a trace of a joke laced in his features and somehow that leaves Y/N more irritated than if he were laughing at her as he spoke. 
Her response is blunt, “No.” 
“Listen --”
“Harry, I’m not going to plant mushrooms for the damn imps!” 
                                                         .                             .                          .
When Y/N had met Harry, she was angry. 
She had never been a very angry person. Seldom has someone or something truly has gotten so deeply beneath her skin that she felt the need to yell or grump about it -- mild irritation was never off the table, but true, unadulterated wrath and resentment? It was rare she ever felt the need to even make a snide comment. And that wasn’t to say she was better than anyone else, she was just mild-tempered and forbearing. . .it took a little more than a remark or two to make her angry.
But when she was angry, she was an amalgamation of vexation and fire, and there was no surer way to disrupt her peaceful demeanor than to compromise her flowers. 
The day had been uneventful up to that point. It’d been a week since Harry had moved into town and Y/N was surely feeling the negativity that followed in his wake, but she was focusing on maintaining the tranquil, idyllic environment that she had around her previous. As much as she would have loved to seek him out, ready to squabble, tell him off for bringing any dark energy into such a calm place -- she had to come at it pragmatically. She and her friend Niall (who wasn’t a witch but knew about her) had both agreed that while it was aggravating, they didn’t know him. They did not understand the depth of his power, or what he was here for, nor had they understood wholly what he was capable of. Y/N had felt his presence, but Niall had confirmed it after hearing the underground chatter of a dark witch who made promises to turn glitter to gold. 
She was on her way to her store. Though she was closed on weekends, she always went by to check on the flowers, water them, tell them about her day, and with her was Thumper who would be hopping around the grassy field and gnawing on the blades. It was very peaceful -- the time she spent with her plants -- so she always looked forward to it, but that day she was filled with trepidation as she parked her car. Something was off. . .not in the air, but with her flowers -- she could feel it deep in her marrow that they were in pain. 
So she huffed it to the back of the store, and there she found Harry, two of her purple vervains nestled against his palm. He noticed her before she could even think to say anything, and something short of relief had flushed through him, “Oh thank fuck, you’re here,” he sighs, referencing her garden with a wave of his hands, “I cannot for the life of me remember what hazel looks like.” 
“What the hell are you doing?” Y/N demanded, stomping toward him, but instead of shoving him to the ground like she wanted to, she dropped to her knees and caressed the remaining vervain, “Why would you pluck them like that? They aren’t ready!” 
“Ready? They’ve flowered haven’t they?” His brows had been tilted while his mouth dipped in a frown, “I need them for an incantation, figured you wouldn’t mind if I borrowed these two. Aren’t we meant to help each other out?”
 “You should have asked, you prick,” she pointed up at him, “And even if you had, I would have said no. I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you’re really disturbing an otherwise pleasant place. I wish you would leave.’ 
Harry feigned hurt, placing a hand to his chest, “You wound me,” he mocks her, “Listen Glinda Good Witch, we all gotta get by somehow, yeah? Not all of us talk to plants or whatever it is you do. So do you want me to pay or --” 
“Those won’t work for whatever it is you’re trying to do,” she cut him off, “If it’s something with cruel intent, it won’t happen -- they were grown to do good.” 
“Which is exactly why I needed them from you,” he wiggles them in her direction, “Well, I need to get going. You’re awful in particular about a garden that is subpar at best. Wish you well, see you later.” 
Then he left. No guilt, no apology -- he just up and left, and Y/N was livid. 
(Later that night when she had explained the situation to Niall, he was nothing short of outraged, so they had tried to find out more about Harry. Anything about him, really, but he leaves a very little paper trail in his endeavors -- from public records they find that he’s 25 and from Holmes Chapel, and from a google search they find he has two books out, published online, and doing decently well. There was nothing else apart from that, he kept his socials pretty dry, and what he did post was nonsensical drivel.)
Y/N thinks about this, as she sinks into her tub, the burning water scalding against her skin. Harry had always driven her mad but he has never seemed half as angry as she was -- hell if anything he always seemed like he enjoyed it. 
He was just absolutely rotten. 
                                                           .                                  .                           .
Harry thinks Y/N is just absolutely rotten. 
There were many reasons that he had classified her as such, but namely what he was concerned about now was how she kept her shop closed on the weekends. 
Who kept their store closed the entire bloody weekend?
It wasn’t so much that he wanted to see her -- Harry actually found the girl quite plaguy. Her opinions on his practice were priggish, not unlike the others like them he had met in the past. There has always been an unfaltering stigma that was carried with what he did, one that was quite hard to shake within the factions of other witches that are sprinkled across the world. He’s seen as careless, cruel, greedy, and selfish -- he doesn’t practice magic for the love of the world around him, to feel a deeper, spiritual connection with the fecund soil that covered the earth, or with the water gently slipping past rocks along a stream bank. They look at him and see someone who shakes hands with the devil and ruins lives for a cookie. 
Harry lets them think as they wish, he has no patience to attempt correcting them. If they’d bothered to learn an inch about him at all before passing their judgment then they would have a clue about his true character, but the jury had already made the decision before Harry even realized he was on trial. They never really wanted to give Harry a chance, so he knew he would be hated no matter where he decided to reside. The pack mentality that they carry is the reason he has to move around so often though (more than any 25 years old was typically doing) he gets run out of a lot of areas because a group of soft witches decides he’s no good. 
That’s what drew him to this place -- there was practically nobody. He could sense when there were more like him loitering around an area, and made an effort to keep a decently low profile so that he could stay around longer (but they always managed to find him), but here, he only sensed one. That had been good enough for him to know this was the right move -- the beautiful scenery surrounding them; the soft bed of dirt that Harry’s feet would sink into easily; the dense, damp fog that covered the forest floor in the early mornings; the lush, green trees and how life seemed to remain there when it was meant to be waning in the colder months -- all of that, had only been a plus. 
When he’d met Y/N, he knew that she disliked him, but Harry had expected as much so it disturbed him none. If anything, he was delighted to have a purer witch than himself around, all things considered. There were no others that she could develop a hive mind with to drive him out of town, but she was no competition to the businesses that he provided, and when a decoction called for an obscure plant or an unsullied petal -- well, a Garden witch was not the worst kind to have nearby. She may be devout in her notions that Harry was a disagreeable, repugnant being, but she was good at what she did. Anything done with her plants was twice as effective as any other person’s flowers he’d used in the past, so it was necessary he bothered her often. 
She refused to sell to him -- something about her doing business with a demon, or whatever she’d said -- but so long as he doesn’t go and cut them from the stem himself, she helps him out. Will give him the plants he needs, and in return, he doesn’t taint certain areas of the town and the forest that she declared were off-limits. It was a spoken commercial agreement that both of them went by and because of it, their lives near to one another were comparatively peaceful to any other situation Harry has found him in prior. 
That didn’t come without its faults. They butt heads often, their bickering is nonstop, and Harry could think of many things he would rather do than have to stay in a room with her for longer than the ten minutes it takes him to get what he needs. It was fun to fluster her -- getting beneath her skin was an easy feat that he found a lot of joy in, and sometimes she gave him a run for his money. He always kind of liked making a normally mild-tempered person grump at him a little, if not for his impish ways, then so he could get to know them as their full self. 
So he wasn’t mad that she was closed because he particularly wanted to see her, no, he was mad because he was exhausted. Absolutely drained. The business was incredible when you’re the only dark witch willing to do some questionable, immoral things, but that also meant long nights and incredible emotional toil -- it wasn’t a walk in the park to conjure up a bloody demon! 
Ever since Harry had started this path, he’d had immense trouble sleeping at appropriate times, if he could fall asleep at all. He guesses this was what he gets in return for what he practices, and it could be worse so he doesn’t mind it too much, but it was still a hassle. It had been a good four years since Harry just had a good, peaceful night of sleep. 
Up until he had moved here, of course, because the same little garden witch that thought he was the devil incarnate, made a tea he could brew that set him right to sleep. Kept him asleep the entire night too, which had always been an impossible endeavor spanning back to when he was a child, but there was something about her chamomile -- hell, it really knocked him out. 
He tested his theory -- part of him thought that maybe chamomile was suddenly working for him, but no matter the brand that he tried, or the amount of tea he drank, none of it could compare to what Y/N’s did. When he visited her store, he took what he could to hold him off to the next time he came by. He hadn’t realized how low he was though when he had seen her last and she threatened to lace it with laxatives -- he should have taken two because he used his last bit the night prior to the one he’s suffering through right now. 
And he could have gotten more this morning if she didn’t close her stupid shop on weekends!
If Harry were not positive that he needed to rest, he wouldn’t bother to be trying. There was nothing worse to him than the laying in his bed and waiting for sleep that refused to come...it felt like he was being stood up by a date. It hasn’t happened often, but enough that Harry could match the feeling low in his stomach, indicative of discontent and sadness while he waited. . . . .and waited. . . .and waited. . . .and waited. 
It was useless -- the universe’s retribution for summoning spirits to the living world left him with what a doctor might diagnose as chronic insomnia, but none of the treatments did him any good. No mortal medicinal could soothe him of this ailment. So one would think he would be smarter about keeping a hearty stock of it at his disposal rather than one at a time, but Harry never claimed to be the best at planning ahead. 
And now here he was, staring at his ceiling fan whirl, his cat at his side while he contemplated if breaking and entering her shop was against his morals (he had a few left, surprisingly). 
God, she was so rotten! 
                                               .                                     .                                 .
“Have you felt weird lately?” 
“Hm?” Niall’s face scrunches up in confusion, his mouth stuffed full of noodles he just slurpped into his mouth, “Wha’ d’ya mean?” He muffles out, reaching over to her side of the table for a napkin to dab at the corners of his mouth.
The record store that Niall worked at wasn’t too far from Y/N’s shop so if her day wasn’t too busy, she would step away from the store for her lunch break and seek him out. It was never a planned ordeal; Y/N would stop off somewhere to get them something to eat and appear at his storefront, the sharp ding of the bell knotted on the door alerted him of her presence. He was always one of two places: in the back, tuning the old guitars the owner would bid on different websites, or he was in the front thumbing through the record baskets, organizing and reorganizing them by name. Sometimes he would be sat behind the counter, with his feet kicked up just beside the register but Y/N scolds him for that (he’s always wearing a dingy, scuffed pair of shoes that have no business seeing the light of day, let alone be shown off to others). 
His head would perk up, he would look toward the door, and his face would bloom into one of sheer delight as he would call over to her, “Oh, thank fuck! Thought I would go crazy if I had to listen to myself think for one more second.” 
Today was no different. She brought him ramen from the place three buildings down from his own, where she bends down a street that feels more like an alleyway and the door is hidden beneath a brassy fire escape. The owners were always very kind to her, and since she came often and tipped well, they would give her free bowls if they were in the mood. Y/N never liked the idea of a one-sided relationship with a business, so she always brought them herbs, and gardenias to plant at home (they were the husband’s favorite). She takes their fliers and posts them up in high traffic areas too, and when they have their business cards made and an extra hundred or so, she slips them in the paper baggies that she gathers her customer’s things in before sending them on their way. 
Niall was grateful. He did a little cheer, left his spot from behind the counter, and urged her to follow him to the back where the break room was located (if a customer came around he would hear the bell and duck his head out to greet them, but for the most part their Tuesdays were pretty uneventful). He told her he had sensed her coming so he already had two stools set out for them to sit on, and napkins placed in the middle of the table, but she’s almost a hundred percent sure they had been left like that last time she was here. 
Try as she might to let her mind flee from the dark, hazed feeling that had overcome her last week, she couldn’t. Even as she listened to Niall prattle about some Gibson Les Paul custom that the owner purchased a while back, she struggled not to wonder what it was that was worming itself into her brain; slick tendrils of dismay overcame her. The true, unadulterated, execrable feeling only truly hits her in the night if she is outside the safety of her home or her shop, but otherwise, it was memories of this haunting aura that struck her throughout the day.
She couldn’t place her finger on it though, what it could be. There are feelings she garners when Harry summons certain spirits, but she can typically tell when he’s doing that, and they’ve never felt so. . .evil, before. What Harry deals with is evil, sure, but this was so smothered in turpitude that she couldn’t make it out. Like spilling black ink over a letter written in blue. 
That’s why she asks Niall -- it feels too strong for it to be something only felt by her and Harry. It would also soothe her mind if someone had felt it as horribly and heavily as she did, considering it wasn’t affecting Harry enough that he would try to banish the damn thing before things went sour. 
“Like, do things just not feel. . .off, to you?” She didn’t want to feed him any impressions of what she might be speaking about -- she would like to know if it were true to him. Niall is sweet as he could be, but not always when it was appropriate; he would tell her he did just to spare her from feeling foolish. It’s why she thought berets were her thing for about a month when really she looked like a washed-up indie artist trying too hard (Niall had agreed they weren’t her best fashion venture, but he certainly didn’t think they were that bad). 
His face contorts in a pout as he mulls it over in his head, stabbing his fork into the noodles and catching a bit of pork on two of the pronks, “Hm, let’s see. . .” he looks like he’s spinning through a Rolodex, “I have not for the life of me mustered enough energy to have a wank in about a week, that’s some cause for concern,” when she responds with a blank stare, he holds his hands up, “Okay, fine -- Butternut was biting at the air when I took him on his walk the other night -- like. . .chomping at it, I was actually gonna ask you what that might be about.”  
Now, don’t get Y/N wrong, any other time Niall would have told her that his great Pyrenees puppy was yapping and chomping at the wind, she would have brushed it off. “Niall, you’re just going to have to accept that he’s going to be a big, sweet dummy when he’s older.” But she was so desperate for something, anything -- because if something felt it other than she and Harry, then she wouldn’t feel quite as crazy. 
“Sometimes it feels a bit like something’s watching me,” he tacks on at the end, taking the brown napkin from the stack in between them and dabs roughly at his mouth, “At night, when I’m walking Butternut, I get these chills but there’s no wind around.” 
Y/N leans forward, thankful, “Yeah?” she presses, “Is it like -- describe it. What does it feel like?” 
“Y’know, I do forget you’re a witch until times like these,” he leans back in his chair, a heavy sigh slides from his lips before he closes his eyes like he’s trying to place himself back at the moment, “I’ll tell ya what, it’s fuckin’ -- it’s a bit like I feel it right down to my bones, but then --” he opens his eyes, raises his closed fists and flicks his fingers out at her, “Poof, s’gone as quick as it came and I forget about it. My nan used to tell me that was the devil patting your shoulder, but if it went away quick s’because an angel kicked his arse out of there.” 
It’s enough, Y/N decides, so she nods and relaxes back in her seat, “Okay, good.” 
“Good?” His brows furrow, as he reaches for his can of soda and the aluminum can crinkles beneath his fingers, “Tell you that I get chills and you’re relieved? Should I be relieved too, or worried?” 
“It isn’t anything to concern over, I don’t think,” she explains to him, “If anything changes I’ll let you know.” 
Niall uses one of his fingernails to dig the dirt from beneath the other, “Did that Harry bloke muster some horrible demon up again?” His voice is laced with vexation. Niall wasn’t a hard guy to get along with -- he was loud and Irish, could chat up a storm about anything and everything, and while he could be scrappy at times, it was for all the right reasons. He was equanimous in most situations, even-tempered to a fair degree; if Y/N were in a situation where a cool, calm collected head would be the best approach then Niall was definitely the person she wanted on her side. 
(Like when they had to drive home from a day trip to the massive lake just north of them, but the roads hadn’t been pretreated for the icy sleet that gripped the pavement. He drove them the whole way on the windy roads with little traction from the tires to the road, and was still bobbing his head and singing along to Ed Sheeran on the radio). 
But Harry Styles? Oh, the mention of his name could dig right beneath Niall’s skin. Y/N would like to think that it was because he was so cruel to her, but she knows that there are two main reasons Niall is not too fond of him nor his craft. One of which is the fact that he slept with Liana (she happened to be one of Niall’s flings at the time -- there were plenty, but Y/N only remembered this one’s name because she shared it with a woody stem rooted to the forest soil that made for easy climbing), and the other, the fact that he had helped the captain of the opposing summer footie team with one of his enchantments to make them win. There are few things Niall cares for so deeply that he would dislike someone, but his sex life and his footie were two things a person just couldn’t mess up for him. 
“No, it wasn’t him this time,” she clears her throat, pushing the rest of her ramen around idly, “It’s a bit too strong to be his doing -- more sinister too. He conjures mostly petty demons; the little ones that don’t have much better to do anyway. This is something. . .I don’t know, it just feels different.” 
Niall sighs heavily, “Well, thanks for that, reckon I won’t be sleeping tonight,” he pushes the container away from himself to signify he’s done and when she takes a peek inside and sees nothing but a few noodles limp along the sides, “I like that you keep me in the loop, but sometimes I wish you would let me live in ignorance.” 
“You know, I would apologize, but you’ve gone into an in-depth description of your arsehole to me so I thought any boundaries and forms of secrecy were long gone by now.” 
His brows furrow features contorting into that of the same desperation he had come to her with two months ago, “Ugh, c’mon! You’re practically like a witch doctor or somethin’, I thought you would have a cream or something for it.” 
“You had a hemorrhoid, Niall, for fuck sake! Even if I were a “witch doctor” then I would never let you put anything that came from my plants on your filthy bum.” 
Niall stands, gathering their trash from the break room table but using his free hand as he passes her, he swats her shoulder, “You better be nice to me, or you’re gonna have to start eating lunch with Styles.” He steps on the level for the waste bin, throwing the trash in the bag, “Though I think you two would just end up hate fucking and the food would go cold.” 
“No,” she rolls her eyes, “I would never let that Gremlin near my naked body.” 
“Listen, I’m not saying I want the guy anywhere near your naked body,” he plops back down in his seat, “What I am saying is that you lot have such unbridled sexual tension it is practically palpable when I’m at the shop with the both of you. Maybe it’s ‘cos the two of you are the only witches, and opposites at that.” 
Y/N snorts, “Maybe if we were in some enemies to lovers film, sure.” 
   After they finish their break, and Y/N realizes that she’s been with him for a little over an hour, they make plans to meet up tomorrow for a movie and she heads out. The air was cool -- when she had made her way over here the sun had been glittering rays down that bathed the world in gold, but it was now hidden beneath an overcast of thick clouds. Rain always carried a familiar scent just before it started to pour and Y/N had forgone a jacket, so she huffed her way back, breathless by the time she made it up the hill and saw Harry leaning against her door. 
The sight of him makes her exhausted, but not in the usual way it does. He looks awful -- and typically he doesn’t! Y/N could admit that Harry was gorgeous; his hair always appeared soft, loose curls dispersed along the brunette strands, his eyes are a sea green, tender in his gaze when he wasn’t being an absolute prick and always bright (even when he was). His lips were pink, shaped perfectly, and his skin is typically smooth but even when he grows out his facial hair it still manages to look good. He had dimples. . .hell, Y/N would place a bet that he’d made a deal with the devil to look like that. 
But today, he just looked worn down, and exhausted, like he might not have slept the entire weekend. His eyes were closed, his hands were in his pockets and his chin was tilted down towards his chest. If not for the way his head perked up immediately when her foot crunched into the gravel pathway leading up to her store from the small parking area (that was more so a beaten down, once grassy area now just dirt with tire tracks in it), she would have thought he was asleep standing up. There’s relief in his eyes when they meet her own, which she isn’t used to seeing from him, “Thank fuck.” 
“You look horrible,” Y/N slides her hand into her pocket, pulling out her keys so she could unlock the door, “Budge over.” 
“I feel it,” he rubs tiredly at his eyes, “Go on and open up quickly then. Why the hell do you keep your store closed on weekends?” 
Y/N fits her hand over the knob, twisting it and shoving the door open with her shoulder. Thumper greets them at the door, nudging the top of his head against her ankle, “Do you work every night?” 
“No --” 
“I keep it closed on weekends for the same reason why you don’t work every night,” she heads toward the counter, settling her things down and reaching in for Thumper’s hay stash so that she could give him some, “What’re you here for? You usually come around to bother me later.” She chances petting at Thumper’s head for a moment, and since he was preoccupied with his hay he would allow it.
“Fuck!” Y/N startles, popping up from behind the counter, looking back up only to see Harry with wide, disgruntled eyes, “Where’s your chamomile?” 
Her brows dip, “I’m out right now, so --” 
“How the hell did you run out? Shit, what am I going to do now, hm? Shouldn’t you keep up with shite like this?” He’s going a mile a minute, he’s walking closer to her, distress was written all over his face and Y/N is alarmed to a fair degree -- Harry’s always seemed very collected and calm, it was seldom she ever seen him have more emotion than pure elation to fuck with her or displeased with her presence. 
“ -- so I’m going to make more today. What’s going on with you? Why are you so pissy over it?” She finishes her previous thought, watching as he leans against the counter, propping his face up with his hand and she could now more clearly make out the bags beneath his eyes.
He rubs at his temple with the finger closest to it, “The only way I can sleep is with your bloody tea,” he grumbled, “That’s why I come around all the time -- well, that and to fuck with you, but mostly the tea.” 
“Oh?” She reaches down, plucking Thumper from where he’d been positioned by her feet and setting him on the counter. He thumps his foot at her once but eventually makes his way over to Harry, sniffing at his chin before resting right before him. Y/N wasn’t necessarily doing it to be nice, but the energy he was exuding could really dampen the growth rate of her plants, and Thumper had a soothing way about him that drew all that negativity out. It was one of those odd little familiar powers that went unexplained for the most part. “Why aren’t you sleeping?” 
“Dunno,” he shrugged his shoulders, but the tension in them begins to dissipate as Thumper snuggles beneath his chin, “Reckon I pissed off some demon or summat -- usually it isn’t this bad. Without your tea, I can at least get to bed for three hours before waking up and catch cat naps during the day, but nothing was working this weekend. I think I’ve slept a total of two hours?” 
“Christ,” she tuts her tongue, but her brain starts churning, “Do you think it has anything to do with that. . .with that thing, that’s around? That feeling?” 
Harry huffs a sigh, “Fuck, here you go again -- Babe, listen, I can barely keep a coherent thought, so why don’t I just give you some money and you make that tea for me, alright?” 
“That’s no way to ask,” Y/N chastises him, and though she is already beginning to gather the supplies she needs so she could go out and harvest her leaves, she taunts him, “You’ll have to say please, or I might just decide to wait on this batch.” 
“Please,” he wastes no time in saying, “Pretty please harvest the chamomile so that I can sleep and I promise I’ll sit and theorize with you over whatever the fuck thing you’re feeling.” 
Y/N could go through the trouble of doing a blood binding with him to ensure that he wasn’t lying to her, but she felt that was a little on the extreme side so she took his word for it. She could easily harvest her chamomile here at the shop -- she had two doors behind the counter, one that led to her garden, the field, and the forest outside while the other led to a backroom that was made into a little kitchen area. It was easier for her to do things here rather than at home and have to risk tainting them in transport; for the best results to any enchanted item, one has to seal it immediately and it should only be reopened prior to use. 
She wouldn’t allow Harry to hover over her while she worked, so she sat him behind the counter and told him to not speak to any customers if they come through (“Wasn’t planning to,”) while she went to work. Y/N gave Thumper a look when he had started to follow her, and with a small thump of his foot (his way of saying Fine!) he hops himself into Harry’s lap and settles there. The tension once again eases from Harry’s features, soothing the pinch in his brow and the way his lips had been pursed in a frown. 
It was silent as she set to work, and save for a few customers who filtered in and out (at least a dozen of them, only eight purchased something but her Mondays were always pretty slow so that was expected), there wasn’t much to disturb what appeared to be a dozing Harry. He looked much more peaceful than she’s ever seen him, and for a brief moment she contemplates sending Thumper back home with him, but she shakes her head physically as if to expel the thought from her brain. What was she going on about? She would give him his tea and send the heathen on his way. No matter how empathetic she felt for him (she had struggled with issues sleeping when she was a lot younger), there was no need to go out of her way. . .even if she could admit that the sight of him cuddling with a bunny was a little too sweet not to be documented somewhere. 
She’s finished drying the leaves and carefully stirring them in the fine powder that she still had leftover from her last batch (there were many flowers from her garden ground up and enchanted with an incantation, which sounds like a simple enough task but the entire process took a little over a week -- the magic had to be purified several times, and the potential adverse effects had to be mollified. . . if she didn’t, instead of pleasant dreams of floating in clouds, her customers would be in an unsolicited astral projection) in a little over an hour. Y/N takes care to bag them delicately, adding a little extra in the two bags she would be giving Harry so that he would bother her less over it. 
By the time she’s retreated from the back preparation room, she finds that Harry is awake now, eyeballing her Intimacy and Romance section. When he sees that she’s returned to the front, he holds up the small, cardboard parcel, “I didn’t know you doubled as a Pulse and Cocktails.” 
“That’s a natural aphrodisiac,” she tells him, walking over to her empty chamomile shelf before she begins to fill it,  “You might want to take some so your partners will actually desire you for once.” 
“Oh, Honey,” he shakes his head, a look on his face almost like he pities her, “Don’ know a thing about how people desire me. Barely have to take my cock out for them to be gagging for it -- kind of how you are, but won’t admit it to yourself.” 
Y/N kisses her teeth, “Alright lecher, come and get your chamomile then,” she plucks the two remaining bags from the box she brought them in and holds them out for him, “You should look into some spells to combat that though -- if a demon is purloining your sleep, then it’s probably still hanging around and like deluging your flat with negative energy.” 
“Dunno’ if you know this, but I work with demons often, I’m always surrounded by negative energy,” he plucks the chamomile from her grasp, before reaching in his pocket and producing a small wad of cash that he places in her palm-- Y/N opens her mouth to decline it (she felt that his money was earned in a dishonest way and would not accept it for her flowers, because it felt as if she were disrespecting them. . .she would much rather give it to him for free), but he cuts her off, “Oh, hush and take the money. This is from a care package my Nan sent me, so it wasn’t earned in any rotten way, you spoiled brat.” 
She sighs, clutching the money in her hands, “You still better keep your end of the deal,” Y/N tells him, “I want to talk about this. . .whatever that feeling is, around here lately. And I want you to be serious about it!” 
Harry was already retreating, waving his hand up at her, “Yeah, sure thing, I’ll have my secretary get in contact with you --” 
“Harry --” 
“M’only joking. I’ll come around Friday.” 
                                                                     .                       .                         .
Later that night, with Thumper snuggled in her lap snoozing, Y/N looks into purging a home of sleep stealing spirits. 
She’s only curious. 
                                                             .                         .                        . 
Sleep comes gradually, then all at once, like the shift between summer and fall. 
Wind whistles past window sills singing shallow songs of change, while red apples ripen on their branches in the orchard during harvest season. The air grows colder in the mornings and at night, the day is still steeped in the sun’s benevolent kisses of heat at first until even that begins to wane. An aesthetic of reds, oranges, forest greens and golden hues occupy the minds of many as the leaves start to stain with color. Everyone waits with bated breath for true autumn to come around the corner. 
And when it does, it’s with a cold slap of air against the face when they step outside. The air carries that distinct autumn smell, the world is chilly enough for thicker jackets and long socks, rain comes in sheets during the evenings, and the colorful leaves that had drooped from the trees adhere to the concrete, or in matted piles on the forest floor.  Suddenly, the warm drink in everyone’s hand is a little less for the excitement and impatience for fall to begin, and more so to warm their cold palms from the onslaught of biting wind. 
It isn’t autumn, and then it is -- just like sleep. Harry’s awake one minute, and then he’s passed right out. 
Well, with Y/N’s help, bless her. Sure, she had been rotten before, but she made him a new batch and sent him off with two hearty bags full of tea that would soothe his worries and put his arse to bed. Plus, he had cuddled with her sweet little bunny Thumper for a while and he had a feeling the little bugger was exuding some sort of her soft magic unto him in the form of calming waves. When the rabbit sat in his lap, all the tension eased from his muscles and he sank into an otherwise uncomfortable chair like it was the softest mattress he’d ever been privy to. So by the time he came home, started the kettle, drank a mug full, and hot tailed it to his bed, he was asleep before his head could even quite hit the pillow. 
It was so good. His dreams were pleasant, his sleep was heavy, and deep, and lasted around fifteen hours -- which in the grand scheme of things, made him feel a bit like a sloth, but he knew he needed it. He still couldn’t quite pinpoint what had happened that he just couldn’t sleep even a little bit, but he has no interest in investigating now that he had a full night’s (and partially day’s) rest. Plus, there was no time to do any exploring when he needed to make up for the work he’d missed in his time exhausted -- his powers are nowhere near as strong if he is tired, and it’s incredibly dangerous to be working with little sleep. He could mess up, and a mess-up could mean someone would likely end up possessed and -- albeit how interesting they are -- Harry’s intrigue with exorcisms ended after the seventh one he performed. 
After he woke up, showered off, and ate brekkie, he sat down with his kitten and they cleaned his crystals and a few amulets before he set on preparing some of his finer elixirs, that he always waited until he was down to the last drop to begin making more canisters of considering how extensive the process was. It would be easier if he had someone else to help out, but the only other witch within 160 kilometers of him, he wouldn’t label as the type all too willing to help him break into a blood bank. 
But he did have his kitten Oat. He was his little miracle -- Harry had been so sad when he learned that witches could have familiars, but the animal would come to him and he was supposed to just know. At that point, he’d been practicing for three years and the only feelings he could sense from any animal around him were fear and disdain, so he had thought that maybe he just wasn’t meant to have one. Which felt horrible. . .he loved animals. 
One day, when the chill in the air rosied his cheeks and the cardigan he sported did little to shield him from the cold, he was taking a walk in the forest nearby. He’d left the trail, but not because he was working. . .if he were honest, he thought that the garden that Y/N kept out there was quite magnificent. It flourished even in the winter, a meadow of flowers that’s petals never frost, and the ground never grew hard. There was an air around it that made him feel warm and pleasant, so he visited often without letting her know. Which was what he was doing, walking through the small path that she had created so that she could tend to them (he’d seen her water them once when he’d come unknowing that she was there to cater to them). 
And one moment he was looking at what he believed to be an oat grass, he heard a rustle from the bushes to his left that he looked toward (it was a bird flying away), and when his gaze returned to where it had once been, there a small kitten was laying. She was the kind of small that made his heart ache, with her eyes barely open as she yawned and stretched very wide -- she wasn’t there, and then she was. Harry always liked to say she was born from the soft soil of Y/N’s garden which was why her grey fur felt like clouds and she always smelled sweet as heliotrope. . .and, well, she smelled a lot like Y/N too. He may not be all too fond of the girl, but she did always smell nice. 
She hadn’t grown bigger than one of his boots, the tiny little thing, but not because she was malnourished in any way (Harry always made sure she was well-fed), he just thinks she’s finished growing. He couldn’t tell her breed, but if he had to guess she was some mix between a munchkin and a ragamuffin cat. Harry knows all familiars have their duties and special abilities, but he wasn’t quite sure what hers was -- he just knew that he loved her to bits and pieces, and couldn’t ask for a better little ball of fur to sit on his shoulder while he made coffee in the morning. 
What Harry did know, was that none of the demon’s he had ever conjured had ever bothered her, and she loved to be rubbed behind her ears. 
So Thursday night, when the town grew quiet and the air was still, Harry ventured out with his tote bag slung over his shoulder. It was easy to move about relatively unseen in a place like this, that wasn’t so big there were people constantly looming around the corners of every nook and cranny, but wasn’t so small that everybody knew everyone’s business. It was a pleasant in between, where he could snake through the mouth of the forest, walk a trail and end up on the other side of town without having been seen by more than a few critters. He typically made this journey relatively late, without a worry or stressor in sight -- it only took him about an hour and a half to get everything done. 
Today though -- today, he felt off. It hadn’t been immediately when he’d stepped outside, but after some time in his walk, goosebumps prickled his skin and the hair at the back of his neck stood on end. He couldn’t quite decipher what was making him feel like this when the wind hadn’t rustled the trees in a few minutes, but it put him on guard. He disliked the feeling and had only truly sensed it to this degree that night Y/N had originally questioned him about it. It was an unsavory sensation, and for it to even make him feel uneasy was saying something tremendous. 
He attempts to ignore it, even though it only grew stronger the closer he was to his destination. He weaves through the trees, stepping over the thick roots, crunching over fallen leaves, and appreciating the scent of autumn as he goes. It was a nice night, despite the chill that ran just beneath his skin. . .it was the kind of night that he might go out on his balcony and sip on his tea until he grew weary enough to step inside. Oat liked to sit outside with him, curled peacefully in his lap and resting without a care in the world (she made him feel not so lonely all the time, which he appreciated immensely). 
Harry was thinking about how that was precisely what he was going to do as soon as he returned home after he had emerged from the trees and walked through an expansive field, toward an old road that led him back into town and entered the blood bank (after melting the lock with one of his crystals). Though he sensed something strong when he was walking down the cold, dark hall. . .or someone that is, who --  before he could register their presence -- ran straight into him as they were peeling around the corner and nearly knocked him on his arse (but definitely knocked them on theirs). 
“Fuck sake!” He cried out, steadying himself, looking down at the assailant, “Watch where you’re going, mate, or you’ll -- oh, Y/N?” He pauses, confusion laces through his brain as he recognizes her, “What’re you doing here so late?” 
Y/N was on her bum, scowling at him as she gathered herself before flattening her palms to the cold, white tiled floor and pressing up to a stand, “I could ask you the same question.” 
“It would be a silly one if you did, ‘cos you and I both know what I’m doing for a living,” he watches as she swipes her bum of the dust adhering to her sweatpants -- he had never seen her so dressed down before, in a dark-colored hoodie that just about swallowed her whole. She appeared much less ferocious this way -- not that she appeared very ferocious before, but he is always intrigued to see typically put together people in their sleep clothes. . .he thinks it says a lot about a person. From Y/N’s choice of pajamas, he could tell that she probably kept her flat on the side of too cold because she liked to bundle up. . .she felt safe that way, he would guess, and he would bet 50 quid that there was bunny hair all over it because -- despite his grumpy tendencies -- Thumper loved a good cuddle.
“I felt it again,” she says after a moment, her voice only above a whisper, though there was no security here -- or anyone, for that matter since the place closes at 7 PM, but her eyes still shift around like she’s a high schooler ditching class and the headmaster's down the hall, “. . .that thing, y’know, while I was getting ready for bed, so I followed where it felt grossest and came to check it out to see if it led me anywhere.” 
Harry’s brows furrowed, “Well that was stupid,” he derides her, fixing the tote around his shoulder and shifting weight from one heel to the other, “What were you going to do if you found something, hm? Fight it off with your bunny and rose petals?”
Her scowl returns, “Piss off,” she utters before her gaze flickers to his tote and the reason he’s here becomes clearer to her than it had been before, “You shouldn’t be stealing blood. Isn’t that unethical?” 
“It’s either this or siphoning it from a live vein, Babe, and while I’m aces at plenty of things, I have not been properly trained to set up an IV. I only take the blood that’s about to expire anyway,” He nods down the hallway, toward the refrigeration where they kept all of the baggies, “You might as well continue investigating while we’re here because it’s coming from that way -- plus you can make yourself useful by keeping the door propped open for me.”
In all honesty, Harry expects more fight than he was given considering how often she seems to object to every move he makes, but she merely rolls her eyes and starts ahead of him. The feeling does grow stronger the further they descend into the hallway and he knows Y/N can feel it too, from the way she shuffles just a little closer to him, and he can hear her breathing hitch to a small halt as they stood before the door and it felt like it had all been focused just behind the door. As strong as the taste of frozen orange juice concentrate, it made his face pucker just slightly as he raised his fingers toward the keypad and began punching in the code. 
“You’re really gonna go in there?” Y/N queries gently, and Harry only nods his head in response, reaching for the door handle. An urgent, delicate touch of Y/N’s hand startles him, looping around his wrist and dragging his attention toward her, “Shouldn’t we have a game plan if something is behind the door?” She asks, her hold on him tightening just a little, and Harry notes how soft her palm feels against his skin, “Like, let’s say we open the door and a behemoth is standing there, what do we do?” 
“The only behemoth that could fit in this tiny room is the band from Poland, Babe, and I reckon they have better things to do on a Thursday night,” he retorts, clenching around the knob and tilting it down, “Now unless you want to hold hands in there. . .” 
She lets go before he can finish, and he doesn’t have to look back at her face to know she’s irate. A small smile quirks at his mouth as he pushes his shoulder against the heavy door to aid him opening it, bracing himself to see something potentially horrid. . .
And there’s nothing. 
Actually, as soon as they open the door, the dark, odious feeling that had been encompassing both of them disappears entirely. “Whoa,” Y/N pushes her hand against the door and keeps it open, taking one step inside of the room, “There’s a lot of blood in here.” His gaze flickers back at her, as she looks around, looking more intrigued than disgusted -- there was a lot of blood, 8 by 5-meter room just filled with it, so he could understand some of the awe. The more he returns, the less awe he feels, but he reckons that was to be expected. 
“There are about five other refrigerators in this building too,” he tells her as he lowers to his knees, cracking open his tote, “This one’s computers are easier to get into though, and doesn’t say the date and time the amount was changed so nobody knows anything is missing. Easy peasy.” 
Y/N nods, “Right. Stealing blood -- easy peasy,” she leans against the door, “What is it that you use it for?” 
“It really depends,” he murmurs as he pulls out a rack, counting out the baggies he needed, “Some demons like blood more than ash, so they come when called and are more willing to help you out when given a little gift. There are a few spells that call for it, and elixirs are twice as potent — sometimes I have to drink it, which is...unpleasant,” he hears her shiver, “—but it makes the outcome better. All in a day's work.”
“Oh wow,” Y/N hummed, “That’s...different. I think the weirdest thing I’ve had to drink for a spell was doe milk and I felt guilty the whole time. Like I was taking it from a fawn that needed it.”
Harry huffed out a laugh — Y/N was a soft little thing, comparing drinking blood to milk — sometimes he forgets how sheltered her world of magic is compared to his own.  It was easy to forget with all the spiteful words she could throw his way, but to see her out of her comfort zone. . .it’s refreshing. Not because she is less confident in her surroundings, but because she is more open to his own If someone would have told Harry they would be even remotely civil with one another in a room full of blood, he would have snorted before asking what they were snorting. 
“I oughta call you Bambi then.” 
He was on his last baggy of blood, checking the expiration date, and logging it into the computer when the dreadful feeling returned. Like a fly to rotting meat, it clings back to the room they were in tenfold. From behind him, a sharp clatter and Y/N’s squeal startles him to look back at her, “Harry!” She cried, pointing ahead of her, “The walls! L-look at the walls!”  
Harry follows her finger, watching as a thick, black substance oozes from the wall’s coving. When Y/N had noticed as much, she knocked down a stray IV pole that had been left in here, and it lay at her feet where the same black ooze had begun seeping up from the trim of the floors. In all his time doing what he does, Harry had never seen something so odd, nor had he ever felt something this grotesque overcome his being. It makes him act quickly, and while he doesn’t speak, he does fix his tote over his shoulder and practically jog the short distance to Y/N, knocking her out of the room, grabbing the door by the handle, and swinging it shut. He had hoped to seal it in there, whatever it was, but when they look down at the floor, the goo bleeds beneath the door and they both take a startled step back, “Oh fuck me,” Harry mutters to himself, shaking his head. 
“What the hell is this?” Y/N is panicked -- it’s very clear in her voice, and while Harry was a tad thankful not to be dealing with this alone, he can’t say that a soft which, who planted pretty flowers and made sleepy time tea was necessarily the backing he wanted in the event he had to exorcise a demon. He didn’t even have the proper tools for it. . .he didn’t know what he was exorcising, fuck sake --  “Harry, shouldn’t we --” 
“We need to leave,” he states, pivoting on his heel and hustling down the hall, Y/N was quick to scurry behind him, though she still murmurs some protest. 
“We shouldn’t just --” 
“Listen, unless you have any idea what that is and how to clean it, let alone banish it to hell, I saw we have a better chance through those doors than we do staying in here for even a second more,” he told her, holding out his hands to the crash bar, shoving the heavy door open, only looking back to make sure that Y/N had made it through, seeing that the black ooze had been following them before he promptly slammed the door shut. 
This was one of the back doors, so it spits them out to the graveled employee parking lot that dances along one of the many mouths of the forest that surrounded them. They’re both out of breath, adrenalin zipping through their veins in a tidal wave as their chests heave and they stare at the door. They wait for it to crawl beneath these doors. . .they wait for the building to either be overcome by sludge or combust from whatever sinister being had decided to preoccupy this space. 
But nothing happens. 
The wind picks up, the leaves rustle against the branches, and as if it were a gift from the Earth, the sordid feeling blew right away with it. 
“What the hell was that?” Y/N asks for the second time. 
Harry straightens out from where he’d been crouched, inhaling the cool air, appreciative to be in it. 
“Do you think for a second, with my reaction, that I have any fucking clue?” 
                                                        .                             .                              .
Y/N doesn’t have people at her flat often. 
Actually, apart from Niall and a few maintenance men, nobody had ever really come over. Not for any particular reason, really, and not because she didn’t want them to necessarily -- the opportunity just rarely arose, or more so, she didn’t often allow it to. If she were going to meet someone then she would meet them somewhere else, and they would part ways after they were finished (again, apart from Niall, who would simply follow her home, kick his trainers off, and head toward her couch which he had told her was simply the comfiest he’d ever been on). Her home was her humble abode. . .it was where she came to destress after a long day, and where Thumper sometimes waited for her debating whether or not he wanted to nibble her bathroom rug to shreds.
Not to mention she had plants growing here too, and flowers that she held dear to her, and while people are more reluctant to go touching what isn’t their business at a store, they are much less disinclined to give that same respect to her plants. Once Y/N had a maintenance man over to fix her faucet and she’d walked out from her room to see that he was caressing her snake plant’s leaves. She couldn’t blame him -- the plant had a very encompassing presence about it and had a way of drawing people in if they weren’t careful. . .hypnotized by the way it made them feel. All of Y/N’s soil and seeds are charmed with special incantations and concoctions that took her years to perfect, she would be disappointed if they weren’t causing people to leave all semblance of professionalism to even for a moment feel as if they were in a room with such clear air, their lungs felt renewed and they deemed it necessary to get closer. 
But then she had to apologize to her snake plant for nearly two days after! It had been so upset with her, she could feel it, so she started being even more careful about who she let in.  If she was going to go out of her way to have someone over, then there was a good reason for it. . .or it was Niall. 
And a demonic, gooey substance sweating from the walls of a blood bank, was well enough a good reason to have Harry over. 
It took some coaxing on her part -- he was convinced that they needed to just go back to their respective flats and go to bed, but Y/N was adamant in vetoing the idea. “We’re supposed to talk tomorrow anyway, so we might as well just go ahead and do it tonight -- and you are not leaving me alone after whatever the fuck that was!” 
After a good ten minutes, he finally relented as long as they could stop by his flat so he could get his kitten. Y/N hadn’t known that he had a kitten and thought maybe he would bring out some ragged-looking thing, but she was surprised to see through her windshield window that Harry was approaching her car with a small grey kitten. Her face contorts in the way everyone’s face might when they see something small and cute, “Look at her,” she coos once Harry opens his door, “What’s her name?” 
“This is Oat,” he answered, holding her out for Y/N to pet, “Be careful, she’s vicious.” 
Y/N pet at her head and Oat’s eyes shut as she nuzzled into her palm, “Oh yeah, what a panther.”
 Apart from the nerves that had already materialized from what they had seen in the blood bank, she was a little worried about inviting him into her home. When she visualized her safe space, Harry was not typically who she saw sitting on her couch when she came in from the kitchen, holding mugs of warm tea. Yet there he was, introducing Thumper and Oat to one another (who merely sniffed each other, then immediately cozied against her olive throw blanket on the end of the couch), and Y/N is handing him his steamy mug. 
“I’ve been thinking,” he began, immediately nursing the mug between his palms and lifting it up to his mouth for a small sip -- the steam disperses around his face in plumes, “And it wouldn’t make sense for. . .for whatever that is to just be a demon.” 
“What?” She inquires, taking her seat beside him on the couch, her body twisted so she was facing him entirely. Y/N had adjusted the temperature to something that would be a bit more suited toward having a guest -- when she’s alone, she keeps it ungodly cold so she has an excuse to bundle up in her clothes and blankets. There’s nothing like feeling safe in a cocoon of various fabrics with Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the telly. 
Harry strategically places the mug between his knitted socked feet, steadying it there as he begins to play with the thick, brassy tiger ring on his index finger, “Demons are strong, sure, but if they’re gonna be that strong there’s typically two reasons for it: they have already inhabited that area, or someone is controlling them behind the scenes. I would be more inclined to believe the prior, but I’ve been going to this blood blank for about a year now and unless there were some pentagrams I’ve missed or a gruesome ordeal that never made the papers in the past two weeks -- then there’s no reason for that to have happened at the hands of a spirit. Even a blood demon isn’t strong enough to make what happened in there happen, and they literally feed off the substance in the room.” 
“So you think someone summoned it or something? I thought you were the only one around here that did that?” Y/N probes, trying to look in his eyes but she keeps getting distracted by his rings -- how many did he have? She thinks he nearly has one on each finger, and he’s plucking them off and placing them on different knuckles as he speaks. Y/N wonders if it’s something he does in response to a stressor, like how she picks at her nails. 
“I’m the only witch that summons things around here, but not even I could conjure something that feels that vile.” He explained, fitting the last ring against his knuckle before he pops the bones in his fingers, and Y/N watches as the skin stretches and moves around the muscles in his hands,  “I think someone is trying to manifest something without the proper safeguards in place. . .the lack of protection charms, crystals, and spells can invite much more heinous creatures to the living world. They feed off shite like that -- naivety. . .thinking that any person could decide they’ll have a demon carry out a job for them. It’s easier for them to take advantage of them that way.” Harry exhales, running the pad of his thumb around the rim of the mug— she’s given him the one that has intricate, realistic drawings of beluga whales on it, not for any other reason apart from that one was her favorite and she liked to see it in use, “And with a full moon coming up? Recipe for disaster.”
“Oh shit,” Y/N holds her tea closer to her being, “That’s why the feeling is so profuse and disagreeable in the air then, ‘cos they aren’t containing it right? When I was looking into a little bit of what you do, I read that there are containment spells so the demon or spirit doesn’t have free range to do as it pleases, but the spell is dependent on the demon in question and the severity of its power.” 
Harry looked pleasantly surprised, “Yeah, that’s right -- what’re ya looking up what I’m doing for?” He settles into her couch, “Have you got a crush on me or summat?” 
If Y/N rolled her eyes any further back, she thinks they would have done a 360 in her eye sockets, “I fell down a rabbit hole the other night when I was trying to figure out why you couldn’t sleep,” an impish grin slides onto his mouth, “And not because I’m “in love with you” -- I just thought it would be interesting to know if your insomnia was the reason of a demon because that would mean one of my items combats against that and wins. My. . .most of my magic is based on prevention when it comes to dark things like that, not really to fight what’s already there.” 
“So your flowers don’t like -- I dunno, Little Shop of Horrors it?” He teases, motioning to her Hoya plant that had just begun to bloom for her, “I reckon when I think of plant magic, I think of you snapping your fingers and thorned ivy whipping around to slow assailants.” 
“No, none of that,” she laughs lightly, shaking her head, “They’re much too nice and gentle. . .they only want to help. And I’m rarely in a situation where I would need thorned ivy whipping around.” Y/N locks eyes with Oat for a moment, whose eyes close nice and slow before she reopens them and Y/N thinks she might just melt, “What do we do then? How do we stop it?” 
He slides a ring with teddy bears from his pinky and spins it between his forefinger and thumb, “There’s nothing to do -- if we don’t know who the problem is, then we can’t fix anything.” Harry shrugs his shoulders, and the action makes his already loose cardigan slide down his arms, revealing more of the cream-colored shirt he wore with Smokey the Bear on the front reading Only YOU! can prevent forest fires, “All we can do is wait for the next fucked feeling and hopefully run into the person causing -- oh,” Harry pauses, motioning toward her, “You’ve got a new friend.” 
Y/N’s confused, brows knitted until she feels a paw press against her shoulder and the telltale purr of a happy kitty. When she turns her head, she finds that Oat has snuck her way up to her, and is now attempting to perch on Y/N’s shoulder. She presses closer to the back of the couch so that she had a better footing, and in return Oat bumps at her cheek with the top of her head, “You’re so cute, stop it,” she murmurs, and when she takes a breath through her nose, she smiles, “She smells like my heliotrope flowers too! How are you the familiar of such a grumpy, cruel lug, huh?” 
“Oi,” Harry mutters, “I resent that. I’m not grumpy or cruel, you’re just rotten.” 
A retort plays at Y/N’s mouth but her phone screen lights up from where it’s sat on the coffee table and strays her attention. She’s confused -- the only person who would be messaging her this late was Niall but she’s almost a hundred percent certain that he was supposed to be out at the bar tonight. It is him though. 
Fuck me, have ya looked at the news? Is this that thing we were talkin bout? 
Harry is a nosy bugger, and after reading the message with her he reaches for her remote, “You told him about it?” He turns on her telly, quick to open her TV guide, “So he knows about you?” 
“Yeah, he knows -- turn to 3,” she tells him, and soon enough the local news is playing out, big bold letters on the blue band stretched across the bottom of the screen. 
He turned the volume up, so they could hear the news reporter who was on site. There was yellow caution tape stripped around a house, police lights, cops walking around in the back, and frightened neighbors who had left the comfort of their homes to investigate what was happening. The woman on screen had long blonde hair that whipped when the wind blew and muffled her microphone feed, her face set stony as she recounted the events as the police had told her, “. . .has no recollection of the event, and is claiming the “walls” were dripping in blood and demanding that he do it. Jacobs is being taken in for further questioning and pending a psychiatric evaluation -- his girlfriend Amanda Wilson is being rushed to hospital that’s all anyone knows right now. Back to you Tom...” 
“Oh, fuck sake,” Harry groaned, shaking his head, “Now this is a problem, problem innit?” 
“Was it not before?” Y/N takes the remote from him, turning the volume down, “Do you -- does that sound like anything you’ve dealt with? That would try hurting someone like that?” 
He presses his knuckles to his eyes, sighing, “Not that I remember -- I’ll have to do some digging. . .this is bollocks, you know how bad this is for business? Nobody wants to mess with dark magic when shit like this is going on.”
“Aish, don’t think so selfishly. People are in danger,” she tsks at him, “And we’ll need to -- what are you doing?” She asks as he removes his feet from where they had been on the couch, reaching down for his loafers like he was about to put them on. 
“S’getting late,” he responded, “I was g’na head home --” 
“No you’re not,” she told him, her face dropping in borderline disgust as he seemed genuinely confused with her, his face twisting, “We experience something like that, then see the news, and you not only want to separate, but you want to walk all the way home, alone, in the dark? No way, that’s too stupid, you’re staying here.” 
Harry’s brows dipped in, irritated, however, he did stop reaching for his loafers,  “But --” 
“Listen, we may not be fond of each other but I’m not letting you put yourself in danger,” she tells him, before adding quickly, “And you are fucking not going to leave me alone after that! Are you mad?” 
“I’m sorry, I thought I’d be doing you a favor without bothering ya with my presence. Never thought Miss. Good Witch of the North would want me breathing her air for too long.” He ripostes and it reinvigorates any distaste for Harry that had been easing throughout the night the more they spoke. He always did that -- always made her feel like she was some stuck up prick who never gave him a chance, but she would have if he hadn’t started out being such an arse to her. Sure, the circumstances they had met under weren’t fantastic. . .she snapped at him for taking her flowers without asking, but he could have just apologized -- could have said sorry, and they could have started over but he was immediately put off by her she presumes, because ever since he’d been nothing but cruel to her. His knocking her out of the room in the blood bank was probably the first kind thing he’d ever done for her, and she isn’t a hundred percent certain that she wasn’t just in his way while he was trying to get out. 
So she glowers at him as she pushes from her couch, “Sod off. I’ll get you some blankets.”
He almost immediately replaces the spot that her body had been with his legs, stretching out as far as he could and his feet flop on the arm of the sofa, “Reckon you should make me some of that tea though, so I can sleep.” He called after her. Thumper hops off and follows after her, while Oat finds her spot at Harry’s side and cuddles into where his cardigan’s extra fabric bundles. Y/N goes to the closet in the hall that leads to her bedroom, pries it open, and reaches to the top shelf where she keeps her extra blankets and pillows. Despite how irritated he makes her, she grabs him one of her heavier quilts, because even with her heat kicked up higher than normal her flat has very poor insulation, and the night’s into early mornings get pretty cold. She’s about to grumble at him that he better thank her for this and the bloody tea, but when she returns to the living room. . .he’s asleep. 
Harry just fell right to sleep. 
She’s confused -- understandably, she thinks, because she remembers how much of a fit he’d thrown about her tea and how she was closed on weekends so he couldn’t have any of it. Had whined how he wasn’t able to sleep without the tea, and she had only given him peppermint tea tonight, so there was no reason that should have put him to bed. 
Yet there he was, fast asleep with his arms crossed over his chest. 
 Tutting her tongue quietly, she unrolls the blanket she had chosen for him and strategically places it over his legs. She is careful to move Oat so that she doesn’t suffocate under the covers as she pulls them over, up to Harry’s chest before replacing her in the spot she had snuggled prior. She pauses for a moment before she leaves them, taking in a completely relaxed Harry -- not that he doesn’t seem relaxed all the time, but he’s just. . .calm. His muscles have melted against her couch cushions, his brow has soothed and his amaranth pink lips are soft and parted. Gentle, easy breaths slip through his mouth. . .Y/N thinks that she likes him like this. Not spiteful, or crass -- this Harry doesn’t seem to hate her. This Harry is warm and comfortable enough to just fall asleep on her couch. 
Thumper thumps his foot against the floor, his not-so-silent request that they go to bed and Y/N snaps out of whatever hypnotic state she’d been in watching him rest. She feels creepy but shakes it off, reaching down to pick up Thumper by his belly and cradling him to her chest as she leaves the living room, keeping her lamp on for him in case he wakes up to have a wee or anything. 
It’s when she goes to the kitchen to grab him a bottle of water to leave at the coffee table for him, that she can feel Thumper judging her. This is only confirmed by the way he is looking up at her when she looks down at him, his small, pink nose twitching, and she can just sense him repeating Harry’s tease of have you got a crush on me or summat? -- it’s not like he hasn’t questioned her before. She reckons if Thumper could actually speak and not just implant little thoughts of his in her head through whatever little bond they have, he would be very free with his accusations about who she might have feelings for. 
Y/N rolls her eyes. 
“No, I don’t,” she disagrees with him quietly, “What do you know about crushes, hm? You’re just a bunny.” 
                                                         .                               .                              .
It had been a while since Harry had worked. 
Though he was always hesitant to call it work, all things considered. Y/N had once described to him that what he did was lurk around seedy clubs and wait to be recognized by a sorry sap that wanted something they didn’t want to put much effort towards, and Harry can’t necessarily say she’s wrong.  He preyed on the lazy; men and women who couldn’t be arsed to obtain a goal without the help of a little magic no matter how negative, and Harry couldn’t really fault them for it. One, because sometimes goals are unattainable with literally anything other than a demon's help, and two because he gets a hefty wad of cash in his pocket for his trouble. How hypocritical could he be to deprecate their usage of dark magic when he is doing the same thing. . .when he relies on that more than anything, even the silly little romance novels he writes so that nobody questions where his money’s coming from. 
It was a Friday night, and since he was no longer tied to the commitment of meeting Y/N to discuss the horrible, no good, terrible thing that was slithering its way through town and apparently spurring bouts of attempted murder -- he was able to visit a club. Though Y/N had made him lock pinkies with her that morning, telling him to keep his eye out for anything suspicious that may or may not have led to the events from the night prior. 
Promise me that you’ll keep informed on what’s going on there, okay? And promise me that you’ll tell me about it. 
The club he’d visited was one of the more popular of the four he frequented, and within the walls, amongst the gyrating bodies in scant clothing and sweat-drenched skin, were many of his regular clients. One of which had been blowing up his phone for the past week telling him how he desperately needed help, and he needed it ASAP. Harry finally replied to his message with a simple time that he would meet him, and that they would discuss the cost once he’s explained what is being asked of him. This guy, in particular, wanted many frivolous things, and typically his requests revolved around wealth, though Harry thought he had more than enough. And while Harry could do a few simple spells that would bring the money gradually and don’t come with the dangers that a demon will, he refuses. Harry has always told each of his clients that a spell and a demon could do the same thing, but demons brought faster results, albeit potentially precarious consequences.
And when it comes to summoning, things can get a bit tricky. If the person who is summoning is the person who will benefit from the demon’s will directly, then it may come with a price, and that price may or may not be hidden between the lines. Especially when it is someone who has no clue about the actual process, offerings that could be made without including their soul for the taking, and spells that could be done that would protect them. After doing this for so long, Harry had developed and harnessed enough power that it was rare a spell every backfired or a demon ever bested him, but if Bradley Evans tried this himself, he’d be good as dead. 
This is why, no matter how this man grates every open end of his nerves with a dull blade, he continues to help him. Again, Harry gets paid an obscene amount of money for what he does, so he sucks it right up -- and it’s not as if this money is just for him. He has people to take care of, his own personal gripes with the smarmy, rich, meat-headed pricks that want him to summon Clauneck for a trip to the Bahamas matter very little in the grand scheme of things. 
He’s leaning against the far back corner, at a table that he’d claimed for the night and a cherry mango cocktail that wets his lips and stains them red. He really isn’t scouting for suspicious behavior like he had promised to, only because his mind had floated elsewhere entirely. Like how, after so long of only ever being able to rest with help of Y/N’s chamomile, he was able to fall asleep without the help of anything. He had asked her about the tea that she and he drank prior to him passing out unprompted on her couch, but she told him it was just a store-bought strawberry tea that was a guilty pleasure. 
It perplexed him greatly. He only remembers her demanding him to stay the night because she didn’t want to be alone (and if he’s honest, neither had he after the night they had), he remembers her standing and him stretching out on her couch, and he remembers asking her for the tea that would help him sleep. 
And then he remembers waking, feeling refreshed, and renewed. Confused, but reinvigorated, he had a wee before poking around in her kitchen for something to satiate his grumbly stomach. Y/N was still asleep -- he’d peeked his head into her cracked open door only to find her dreaming peacefully, relaxed, and content. As creepy as it felt to stare at her as she slept, he did watch for a moment. It was different to see her without the accompanied scowl he usually coaxed upon her face -- the blissful gleam that exudes from her now is the same that he sees when she’s tending to one of her gardens. 
He brewed two chai lattes in her Keurig with Oat on his shoulder like a bird and she woke as he was taking the second mug, setting it on her kitchen counter, “G’morning,” she yawned, Thumper hopping behind her, looking just as sleepy, “Did you sleep through the night? I made you a cuppa and kept it in the microwave in case you woke up.” 
His heart had lurched. . .a genuine clench that Harry had not felt in a while.
“Oh,” he blinked at her owlishly, “I slept just fine, but thank you.” 
“Mm, good,” she was so sleepy still, Harry remembers wondering if she was even fully awake speaking to him, “I  have sliced fruit in the fridge if you want, for brekkie.” 
It was a domesticated scenario that Harry had not been privy to.  
Had it been her flat? Maybe the plants that she had strewn about the room were all enchanted, singing sweet songs of sleep that lulled him to sleep without him knowing. All he could recall was feeling so unbelievably comforted and no matter how cold it was in that damn flat, he felt so warm. . .so warm, and it smelled so good, and Oat was snoozing happily at his side. Plus she had wrapped him in this quilt that was heavy and smelled nice -- he thinks, in that moment, he finally understood why babies liked feeling contained in a swaddle blanket. Regardless of what happened at the blood bank, and what they found out on the news, Harry felt safe in her flat. And he probably wouldn’t have left either, if he didn’t have to work. 
He’s so caught in his reverie, that Bradley’s arrival truly startled him. A clearing of his throat catches his attention, dragging his unfocused gaze from the crowd of dancers to Bradly, dressed in a Lacoste polo that thought was ugly but he would never say it aloud, “Oh,” he straightened up, bringing the rim of his glass to his mouth and taking a small sip of it, “Right then, what can I do for you? Another trip to Barbados?” 
Bradley shakes his head a little frantically, and it's only then that Harry takes in the actual appearance of him, that surpasses the Lacoste and zeros in on the panic that decorates his face, “I need like -- like a demon protector or some kinda spell or -- I don’t fucking know, or something.” 
“Oh --” his brows dip, “What’s wrong? Is something bothering you?” 
He starts to nod, then switches it to a shake of his head, and that morphs into a shrug of his shoulders, “I don’t know man, I just don’t feel -- I don’t feel safe. I wondered if one of those demons from before were like. . .after my soul or summat.” 
“Not possible,” Harry dismisses the idea, setting his glass down on the high round table, “When I work with them we make a spiritual, contractual agreement that they are bound to. If your soul was not on the table, then it will never be on the table -- it must be something else,” he thinks for a moment before a slither of realization stokes the fire in his brain, that sets the coals aflame and heats the cogs to a churn, “What -- explain to me what you’re feeling?” 
“Like something is watching me,” he blinked, crossing his arms on top of the table and leaning most of his weight onto it, the scent of liquor wafts over Harry’s face when Bradly breathes, “It’s heavy and. . .it’s like swimming in ink. It’s horrible and frightening, and I’ve never -- I’ve never been one to rely on vibes, but mate, they were bad. . .they were like -- vile. Vile vibes, man.” 
Harry thinks, while his description is repugnant, he knows exactly what he’s talking about, but there wasn’t much he could do. Harry can make protection spells that are generalized but he doesn’t believe that any of them are strong enough to fend off whatever this thing is. In cases like this one, sometimes dark magic is not good to fight dark magic, it can only make it grow and fester like a nasty, infected wound. He really did not want to try that out on Bradley. . .he may not be fond of the guy, but he didn’t wish anything ill on him. 
“You wouldn’t come to me for a protection spell, for something like that,” Harry begins, “You would need --” You would need Y/N -- is what is about to leave his lips, but it drops away. As much as it’s true -- as much as Harry knows that the reason he felt the safest he’s ever had in Y/N’s presence was whatever protection spells she had put in place and strengthened -- he couldn’t. The thought of sending someone like Bradley to someone like Y/N, makes him feel sick. “Give me one second, yeah? Stay here.” 
Y/N gave him her number that morning, telling him that it was silly for them to be unable to contact one another. Harry saved it into his phone and sent her a picture of Oat so that she would have his, but left it at that -- he had assumed, until this moment, that he would never have a reason to have her number. If he ever wanted anything from her he would just show up at her store. 
But here he was, scrolling through his contact list to find her, pressing her number and holding his phone up to his ear. It only rings twice before she’s answered it, “Hello? Is everything okay Harry, did you get a lead?” 
Harry laughs in disbelief, “What’re you, a detective?” He cleared his throat so he could speak over the music clearly, “I need you for something, and I’ll give you half. And before you get all high and mighty, it isn’t for anything bad -- one of my regulars is experiencing the same fucked thing we have only it’s more vile vibes opposed to blood seeping from the walls. Need a protection spell -- whatever you use for your flat and store.” 
She’s quiet for a moment, long enough that Harry questions if his service dropped, but her voice reappears.
 “Where are you?” 
Fifteen minutes later, Harry is flagging Y/N down to his spot in the club where he stood next to Bradley whose friends kept coming around wondering if Harry was his pull for the night. Her jumper with a printed bunny right in the center made him chuckle to himself -- it was more than clear that she had not planned on coming out tonight, and if not for Harry, he thinks she would have spent three more hours at her store tending to the garden there if not for him. When she sees him, noticeable relief makes her shoulders slump, and as she gets closer, she reaches into her pocket, “Thank god,” she called over the music, “I’ve been in here for three minutes and if I got knocked into one more time I was going to lose it.” 
She produces two things -- one is a tiny vial, with an unidentified green liquid, and the other is a small baggie of her tea. Harry takes both from her hand, “Thank you,” he murmurs, before dipping down closer to her ear, “Go over to that empty table near the bar, I don’t want this guy seeing you clear enough that he could ask you for anything ever again.” 
Though she was confused, she listened to him, slinking her way over to the table while Harry turned to Bradley who had been looking at his phone, before both were placed in front of them, “Thank you,” he tells him, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. How much?” 
“850,” Harry says without batting an eyelash. Typically his business runs closer to the thousands but he cuts the guy a break since he’s scared.
“Each or what?” Bradley asks as he fishes his wallet from his pocket, flipping the leather open and beginning to thumb through his bills. 
“No, just 850,” he takes the bills from him, folding it between his fingers, “I shipped your crystals last week, did they come?” 
Bradley nods, a big grin on his face, “Oh, fuck yeah dude, I almost forgot! I already transferred you the money for them right?” 
Harry thinks it’s a shame that he doesn’t keep track -- he could really scam him if he wanted to, with these black crystals bathed in the water of Asmodeus (they increases stamina and aids them in not being shit in bed; it was a fucking full-day event to get Asmodeus to recognize the clear stream water, in an incubator that he checks every 15 minutes or so to see if the water has been touched red)  “Yeah, you sent double the amount ‘cos your buddy wanted some too, right?” 
“He loved them, mate,  he’s way less narky too now that he’s getting his dick wet.” 
Harry holds back a grimace, “Alright then, stay safe. You know how to contact me if you need anything.” 
Bradley bids his goodbye and Harry seeks out Y/N, who is picking idly at her fingernails and bobbing her head slightly to the music. When he gets close enough to her, he starts on his spiel as he waves the money toward her,
“Listen, Babe, you used your plants to help him, honestly you deserve way more than this -- a fucking Nobel Prize probably,” he holds it out to her, “Here.” 
She shakes her head, but not in the way she would if she were refusing it because she was disgusted by him -- no, instead she closes his hand around it again and presses it closer to his body, “No, no, you keep it, he’s your guy or whatever.” 
Harry tilts his head, brows knitted, “But they’re your plants.” 
“Yeah, but I would just feel guilty taking it from you so --” 
He sighs, counting out 450 of it, taking her hand, opening her fingers, and sliding the bills into her palm, “Even split then. If you’re going to utilize something precious to you to help someone like that fucker, you deserve a little compensation for it. “ 
Y/N must realize that he wasn’t going to let it go, because she finally folds it in her hands, slipping it into her pocket, “What’s with that guy then? Why do you not like him?” 
Harry can see it clearly; the image of his childhood self, his family struggling to make ends meet but going to primary school with the wealthier kids. The ones who laughed at his faded shirts, and holed winter coats -- who would ask him to their birthday parties and talk shit about the gift he’d scraped up coins for doing miscellaneous work around the neighborhood. He thinks about how he knew they would go home to kitchens full of food, and bountiful dinners that they would never appreciate, while Harry never took seconds because no matter how hungry he was, he made sure their bellies were as full as they could be. And Harry remembers how the headmaster did nothing to quell his worries because those kid’s parents could buy out the school if they wanted to. 
He sees it all, and he hears it all, and for a moment -- selfishly -- it makes Harry wish he had never given Bradley the protection spell at all. 
But he only shakes his head, “He’s just a prick,” he answers simply, before nodding his head toward the door, “Reckon we should get out of here, it smells like piss.” 
It’s always a little easier to leave the club than it is to enter it, so they’re out in the cool air soon enough. A small line had formed outside since Harry had been in there last, and as they step out, a group of three is let in through the rope chain that the bouncer is policing. This part of town is always bustling late into the night, so neither feel the cold brush of fear they have been when they’re out in the dark -- or at least the relaxed way Y/N is looking around tells him that she’s pretty content. 
“Do you want to get something to eat?” She asks him, pointing at the 24-hour diner right across the street, that had been strategically placed there because people who are drunk and high who just sweat out half their body weight love greasy food, “I skipped dinner today.” 
“What a coincidence -- so did I.” 
They got a booth in the far back corner, where the white and maroon tilted floor glistened wet from a recent scrub from the mop, and the air smells of lemon pine-sol. This along with the fact that the black leather seats were dusted of the crumbs that usually mottles them, Harry would assume that they had come just in time for their 12 AM clean up, where the first batch of besotted clubbers had left a mess and they were waiting for the second wave to come through. He didn’t miss the eye that the waitress had given them, looking them up and down like she was trying to decipher what state they were both in, but when neither of them wobbles in their stance, or slur through their words asking for a table, she relaxes and asks them where they’d like to sit. 
After they get settled and order their food (Harry convinces her to get one of their malted milkshakes with him -- his favorite was strawberry and after she confessed that she never had their strawberry malt, he was insistent on her trying it), Harry’s curiosity is suddenly piqued as he thinks of something he hadn’t thought of before, “How did you make it over to the club so fast, hm? Do you just have jars of this stuff made laying around?” 
Y/N sticks her clear straw in the icy glass of water she’d been poured, stirring it like there was anything to mix, and the ice cubes clink together soundly, “No, no, I actually don’t make protection spells unless I’m asked directly -- or usually that’s the case, but I was already in the middle of making some for you and me, so I had a little leftover.” 
“For me too?” Harry inquires, genuinely surprised by the concept that she would make him something to keep him safe. She nods though, like it was silly that he thought she wouldn’t have, only this time she reaches into her purse and retrieves two much larger vials with little cork tops, and one bigger bag of the dried leaves, accompanied by a smaller one tied with red ribbon. 
“I was doing some research while I was at work --” 
“You do a lot of research, don’t you?” He cuts her off and she nods. 
“Mhm -- and there’s this like. . .there’s this elder witch who lives an hour or so drive away from us who I think might be immortal, but that’s beside the point. She has this blog that I was scrolling through and she linked her email, so I messaged her and she sent me her number and told me to call her immediately.” She slides one of the vials over to him, along with the tree leaves, “When I did, she told us that we were in a little more danger than everyone else ‘cos like -- whatever this thing is could start trying to feed off of us, especially you. Said that we needed a potent protection spell, and I told her about mine. You feel safe in my store and in my flat right? Like -- like whatever that thing is couldn’t get to us?” He nodded, eyes fixed on hers, “So this is a version of that suitable for our bodies. The tea leaves are for your flat, and then this little bag here --” she points at the one tied closed with the small strip of red ribbon, “-- this is a tea version of it safe for Oat to drink.” 
Not only had she made him some, but she also made Oat some too? As much as he disliked her before, he can’t help how this warms his heart, zipping through his body and makes him feel just as safe as he did when he was wrapped in her quilt snug on her couch. Harry wonders if this is what she’s like all the time with her friends. . .he wonders if this side of her, that researches and makes protection goodies, brews him a cuppa just in case he woke up in the middle of the night and comes out in the depth of night to the seedy clubs she despises just because he called and asked -- if that’s what they get to see. If that’s what he would have seen had their meeting been any different. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs, taking the vial and the bags, looking at them against his palm, “A lot. You didn’t have to do this for me.” 
“I did though,” she takes a drink of the water through her straw, “I may not agree with what you do but we’re the only two witches here and there is power in unity, even if our versions of magic are different. We have to be there for each other -- Thumper agrees, and that’s a lot coming from him because he doesn’t like much of anybody. . .he barely likes me,” she holds her hand up, the index finger of her other going from finger to finger as she lists off the ingredients, “So we’ve got fern, anise, leaves from the ash tree in the forest, fennel -- the nice old woman told me to hold off on the mugwort unless we’re planning on astral projecting or doing anything with divination, but if we felt that it was necessary we could wear a wreath of it around her necks. That’s an old wives tale though, I’m pretty sure.” She wiggles her fingers, “All that and a little bit of moon water, and we have ourselves a little protection spell! I dipped my finger in for a taste test and I’ll be honest, it’s awful and plant-y but I reckon we can toss them back like a shot and chase it with a sweet drink like juice or something.” 
It hits Harry that he gave Y/N very little credit for what she did, but now as he’s looking at something that she’d made specifically with him in mind, that wasn’t just a glorified sleepy time tea, it puts some things in perspective for him. Sure, she’s been a dick to him in the past, but he was a dick too, about her magic. While he isn’t going to start kissing the ground she walks on, he decides then that he’ll be more mindful of her craft. Plus, from the amount of time that they’ve had to spend together in the past two days, she’s tolerable when she isn’t on her high horse about him summoning spirits and ruining the town. She’s even helpful. 
“Thank you,” he repeats, “I really mean it, I appreciate this a lot.” 
Y/N smiles at him and it’s a smile that he’s never been gifted before. A smile that makes him smile back, as she places her elbow on the table and holds out her pinky toward him -- she’s big on pinky swears, he’s finding. 
“We’re looking out for each other, okay? I’ve got your back if you’ve got mine. . .I swear it.” 
Harry locks his pinky with hers without a second thought. 
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
Venti falls in love with an Inazuman rebel. The rebel has no vision, but what they do have is a belief that everyone has an inherent right to live freely. How does Venti know about this rebel in the first place? I honestly have no idea...
Visionless Visionary
Venti x GN!Reader
1.8k Words
Warning: Minor character death mentioned, prayer (if that bothers you)
Disclaimer: I knew next to nothing about Baal when I wrote this, so it may not be an accurate representation of her character.
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Inazuma is a mess. That is just a fact now. Baal has suddenly become violent and a danger to her people. So many had done nothing but hold a vision she had bestowed upon them in the first place. And because of that, she struck your cousin down. You can still remember the thump of his lifeless body hitting the ground and the steady tap, tap, tap of Baal’s shoes as she walked away.
She seemed completely unaffected by her actions. You were anything but. The scene played over and over in your nightmares for weeks, and continues to haunt you. So when the rebellion reached out to you for support you were happy to assist. You found out he had just joined their ranks and that’s why he had been targeted.
However, you don’t have a vision so there’s only so much you can do. Of course they always welcome financial support and you gave it to the best of your ability. But you knew there had to be more you could do. So you spoke to some people and it was agreed that you would go to Mondstadt and position Barbatos for his support for your cause.
He hadn’t been seen in centuries, but he was the god of freedom, right? If anyone could help them, it would be him. So with the rebellion’s blessing you took your savings and made the long journey to Mondstadt.
Finding lodging was fairly easy. The people of Mondstadt were more than willing to help you. Especially once they found out what you were there to do. ‘Such a great and admirable cause,’ they said. ‘May Barbatos bless you!’ And all you could do was hope he did.
You prayed every morning and every night for help for your people. The heavens seemed quiet, but you didn’t let that dissuade you. Surely your sheer persistence would make a difference, you reasoned. And so you kept on.
One night, rather early on, you ran into a bard not long after your evening prayer. He had been not too far from the statue and you were captivated by the beauty of the song he played. It was ancient Inazuman and for just a moment you were able to forget and be caught up in the memories of better days.
When the song ended you were disappointed and tried not to pout. Judging from the laugh the bard let out when he saw you, it must have still shown on your face. “Did you like the song?” He asks. “I know I didn’t play for long. Would you like to hear another?”
“I would love to,” you admit. He smiles and simply starts on another song, this one also of Inazuma origin. From there he transitions into a more Mondstadtian style, singing The Ballad of Freedom. You know it well, as it’s a favorite of many of the rebels. As the last note fades he turns back to you.
“What brings you here, I wonder. Has it to do with your country being torn asunder?” He inquires.
“Yes,” you reply. “I’ve come to ask Lord Barbatos for his assistance in our cause. We fight for freedom from Baal, who has become nothing but a tyrant. As for me personally, well, she killed my cousin right in front of me. Her only reasons being the vision she bestowed upon him herself not many years ago and his belief that what she was doing was wrong. No one should have to suffer that.”
“Indeed, it seems you have a need. Your cause is just and swords you thrust. But the archons don’t just help everyone, so prove to him you’re worthy of some.”
“But how do I do that?” You question the cryptic bard.
“You’ll see in time, dear friend of mine!” He winks and you find your face warming. “Though I have a question if you don’t mind. Is the assistance you’re seeking a vision like mine?” He taps the glowing turquoise vision sitting on his belt by his hip.
“No,” you shake your head. “After what happened to my cousin, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable with a vision. For me they’ve been nothing but trouble.” He nods in understanding.
“I see how that would be. I must take my leave for now, we’ll see each other later anyhow.” And he’s off into the night.
He’s right that this is far from the last time you see him. And he’s right that you start noticing the tests that Barbatos has set before you. More and more people seek your help in one thing or another, especially since the one they call “honorary knight” left to Liyue. There’s much to do, but you’re happy to help them.
Eventually you stop helping them because it’s a test and start helping them because you want to; because it’s the right thing to do. You help Lisa organize the library. You help Barbara clean the cathedral. You help Amber keep watch. You help Venti with his performances from time to time. You stand in for Diluc’s barkeep while he recovers from an illness.
Days and days have passed and your relationship with Venti grows and grows. You notice more and more things about him that you rather like. His laugh. His eyes. His hands. His music. His sense of humor. His optimism.
Really, everything about him is amazing. You try to deny it at first. But you know deep down that you’re falling in love. And you’re seeing some hints that he might be too. Lots of them, because he’s started flirting with you almost constantly.
However, as your relationship grows, your hope dwindles. It’s been weeks! You’ve helped so many people and have prayed so many times. And yet you have not received an answer. Not even an acknowledgement that he has heard.
When you express your concern and discouragement to Venti, he is very concerned. “I’m just not sure how much longer I can stay,” you explain. “While I would hate to return empty handed, I can’t stay here forever.”
“Try just one more time, for me?” he asked you, looking a little guilty despite not having reason to be. It’s not like he was keeping Barbatos from speaking with you. As if he could sense your hesitance he sweetened the deal. “If you do, I’ll give you a kiss!” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and flashed you a mischievous smile and you felt a warm blush bloom on your face.
“Alright,” you grumble good-naturedly. “I’ll try one more time.” His resulting cheer and more cheery smile were nearly enough to have made you do it by themselves.
That night you approached his statue, feeling unreasonably nervous compared to the nights before. “Lord Barbatos,” you prayed. “I seek thy assistance for my people’s cause. We seek the freedom thou dost represent. Someday may we all be free to live our lives reasonably, but as we please. This is my vision, my hope. Please, if it be thy will, let thy winds be not still. Guide us to better days, for this is what I pray.”
You stay there for a long moment, waiting. Then, the wind picks up and you hear a voice from it. It seems vaguely familiar but you can’t quite figure out why.
“Your diligence and passion for your cause has secured my blessing,” the winds whispered. “My winds will be at your back and support your cause. However, if you accept a vision despite your fears, you will be able to do far more. The wind will whisper secrets to your ears. All plans spoken will be carried to your ears.
“You need not fight with it. Trust in me, that I will not strike you down for accepting this gift. In your time here in my home I have found you to be a friend to us so I will be a friend to you.”
You feel tears come to your eyes. “I accept,” you whisper. This will be incredibly valuable.There’s no way you could turn it down. And this is the kind of god you can trust and accept a vision from. He is as kind, generous, and benevolent as his people.
After a moment of silence, the winds calm and a gleaming turquoise vision lies before you, dangling from a necklace like a pendant. It’s smaller than some others you’ve seen and is hidden easily when you slide it over your head and under your shirt. That will be invaluable when you return to Inazuma. It would be most suspicious for you to return with one after everything that’s happened.
You take another moment to catch your breath and wipe the tears from your eyes. Then you take a particularly deep breath to steady yourself and make your way back to Venti. “How did it go?” He asks, and you smile in response.
“It went very well,” you said, pulling the pendant out to show him your new vision. “Now we match! Now… I believe I was promised a kiss?”
The smile on his face at your teasing words could have lit up a room, if you were in one. He took your hands in his and tugged you closer gently before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. It was a pleasant kiss, chaste but lingering and sweet.
He giggled at the face you made when he pulled away. You joined it, adding your laughter to his. Between the blessing and his kiss you felt like you were on top of the world. Then you remembered something that brought you down from your high.
“Venti, you know this means I have to leave now, right?” You inquire.
His face fell to a serious and thoughtful expression before it softened and he sent you a small smile. “Yeah, I know. You know I love you, right?”
“I know,” you respond softly. “I love you too.”
He nods. “Then I’ll wait for you. So don’t take too long, okay?”
“Of course, I’ll do what I can,” you reply.
Your parting is sad, but hopeful as he waves you goodbye until you’re so far away that he can’t see you. He sings nearly nothing but sappy love songs for the next week. He misses you, but knows you’ll be back. His winds won’t let anything happen to you after all.
When you return to Inazuma you find that all the rebels with anemo visions had their power boosted, the ships sailed swifter with the wind behind them, and the information the wind brought you gave you many victories. The struggle was still difficult, but the help you had obtained made a serious difference and soon enough you were headed back to Mondstadt.
You are headed home. After all, home is where the heart is.
tag list: @clouds-rambles
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Match made in Hell : Chapter Three
A/N : Chapter three is here. Survival of the fittest this is how life evolved on earth. And to survive you have to learn to adapt even if you have to make truce with people you hate. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.
A Happy New year to all of you lovely peeps! 💖💖
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : you always wanted a simple life but to be born as the daughter of a dangerous mobster turned out to be a curse for you. Everything changes when your father gets your lover killed and forcefully marries you off to another mobster as a part of a deal. You hate your father and your husband the only thing you seek is now revenge. Will you ever be able to fall in love again or this burning hatred inside you will consume you?
Warnings : 18+,mature content, a little PMS drama, language, flashbacks in italics, slight nudity, suggestive themes.
Mini Playlist : Bad Things by Meiko
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Complying to the note you take a quick scan of the room ensuring that you’re not being followed by anyone before making your way to the restrooms but instead of going inside you sidetracked to your left and stride your way to the staff exit door across the hall and sneaked outside continuing to walk down the dark alley. You stop when you see a large figure standing in the dark a few feet away from you.
"Y/N" the man speaks with a deep voice.
"Who are you?" You demand. The man walks out of the shadow and your face lit up as you saw his face illuminated by the street light. 
"William? Oh my god!" You rush to embrace him. William Marshal, your father's most trusted wing man and your mentor. All the knowledge you have raptured be it hand to hand to combat or gun fight he taught you all. 
"How are you my little tigress?" 
"Surviving" You say with a small smile. "But what are you doing here?" You were so surprised as well as happy to see him.
"Your father sent me here."
Your brows draw into a frown ''Daddy sent you?...But why?"
"You are alone and boss thinks it's a little dangerous to leave you in the enemy territory on your own" 
You scoff. "Huh, since when did he start worrying about my safety?" 
"He wants me to help you with your task, so how much progress have you made?" He asks.
"Actually William there has been some changes in the plan” You say. “I’m no more playing daddy’s little killing puppet" 
William gives you shocked look. "What, are you planning to backstab your father?" 
''Not literally stab him though I wish I could heh. But I'm gonna make him pay for his crimes by turning him in and then let the law decide his punishment."
"You want to go on a legal battle with the king of illegal trades?” He chuckles lightly at your childish idea. “You're bluffing right?"
"I'm not bluffing Will. I just want to deliver justice to all the people who have suffered for him without anymore bloodshed. And I’m not ruthless like him and at the end of the day he's still my daddy so even if I want I will never be able to kill him" You sigh with remorse. 
"It's a suicide mission Y/N, you can't win against him, not alone"
"Well Rome wasn't built in one day, Will. Plus I have you."
His face went stoic. "I can't betray your father Y/N." 
"Will, how could you forget that this man killed your whole family? He didn't even spare your five year old daughter. Don't you want revenge?" You tried your best to persuade him. 
"That man died when he accepted his allegiance."
"Then here's your another chance to avenge your family. Are you going to help me or not?" You ask him firmly.
"You know I have always seen you no less than my daughter" He reaches out a hand cupping the side of your face "so what does my daughter want me to do?" 
The corner of lips turn up into a smile. "Nothing much for now I just want you to pose as a double agent, provide me all the information and report back to daddy whatever I exactly say to you" You explained. 
William nods in agreement to your plan. "So have the Holland's agreed to this?"
"Holland's?" You frown. "Why on earth would I involve them? They are no less evil."
"You are plotting against your dad the mafia kingpin and you need allies Y/N."
"I don't need any allies…" You pause mid sentence as it finally hits you what Will was actually trying to imply. You narrowed your eyes with a sly smirk "Unless I rat them out against each other and they end up destroying each other in the process without anyone suspecting it was me behind all this. Like this I can hit two birds with one stone"
"Well now you're getting it." William says proudly. 
"By the way boss told me to give you this." He holds out a revolver, you stiffen at it’s sight.
"That's my gun" You swallow hard.
"Yes indeed it is." 
"I can't take it Will and you know why" You say anxiously.
"I know that the past haunts you Y/N but that phase is over. You have to let go" He takes your hand and places the gun. "Keep it, you'll need it" Your palms were sweaty as you gripped on to the gun and looked at it intently. 
"I think you should go back now before your husband gets suspicious and remember.." 
You cut him off before he could finish. 
"To be nice and call in a truce. Trust me I got this." You winked with a sly grin and rushed back to the hall through the backdoor but you are met with an obstacle. Tom was standing right in front of the restrooms, you quickly retreated behind the wall.
"Shit! Why are men so clingy?!" You groan with slight irritation when your phone lights up
T : Hey you okay? You're in for too long. 
T : Y/N???!! 
You roll your eyes as you text him back. 
Y : No I'm not okay!!! 
Concern clouded his features whilst he texted you back.
T : Hey what's wrong? 
T : Darling, you alright? 
You couldn't think of any valid reason to get past him so you had to swallow your pride and texted back with the most safest and believable excuse for a woman. 
Y : I'm PMSing!!!  T : ….OK. 
You peered to see his reaction and you swear you would have burst out laughing if you weren’t in such a sophisticated place, the look on his face clearly showed how weirded out he was. 
Tom on the other hand was clueless about what to reply next, since a young age he has been dealing with the most dangerous people from the underworld but never in his life he had to deal with someone pmsing specifically he never had to deal with you. Though he had a little knowledge about these things thanks to sex ed at high school. You saw him take a deep breath before typing. 
T: You need something? 
Y: Yeah, will a tampon be too much to ask? 
Y: It's kind of urgent. 
T: Right on it. Just stay there. It will be fine, love. 
T: Do you need a change of dress? 
To be honest you were quite taken aback seeing this concerned and understanding side of his. 
Y: No, I'm fine. And please don't come barging in the ladies room. 
T: Yeah I know that. 
As soon as Tom moves away you quickly slip inside the restroom and heaved a sigh of relief. After a few minutes a middle aged woman walks in the restroom.
"You must be Y/N?" She asks with a smile.
"Yeah." You nod.
"Here you go, love." She hands you a tampon. You take it and go inside a stall. You wait for a few minutes before throwing the tampon in the dustbin and emerging out of the stall with a smile.
"Thank you so much." You say smoothening the slight creases on your dress.
"Oh don't be but I must say your husband really loves you. You should have looked at his face how freaked out he was."
"I really doubt the love part.'' You snicker, turning on the faucet in the basin to wash your hands.
"Well darling, here’s an advice from a lady to a lady keep your man happy and satisfied and then not only will he be showering you with all his love as well as—"  She coils her thick glimmering diamond necklace around her slim finger "might get these too."
"Well thank you for your advice but not a fan of leashes you see." You quip drying your hands with the paper towels.
"Trust me sweetie one day you will just want to wear these leashes only for your man." She steps closer putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Will see." You give a tight lipped smile.
After sometime you step out and find Tom patiently waiting for you.
"All good?" He asks, you nod in affirmation.
"It was lovely talking to you sweetheart. See you again." The woman chirps, you smiled waving at her.
Bad Things starts playing……. I know what I want And I'll get what I need I'll come over and I'll show you how Don't you wish that you can have me now?
"Shall we have this dance?" Tom held out his hand. You take it with a smile as he leads you to the center of the room. Your hands go to his shoulders while his hands rest on your hips. You slowly begin to sway your bodies to the music going back and forth, your eyes looking around to the other couples dancing. 
You say that you want all of my love But let's be honest we don't need all that I like it better with no strings attached
"You're welcome." Tom says, drawing your attention back to him.
"Uhh..." You look at him in confusion.
"I guess the words that you are looking for are thank you."
"To be fair it was kind of your duty to help your wife from an embarrassing situation." You quip.
"Oh now I'm your husband, huh?" He raises his eyebrows amused.
Good girls do bad things sometimes But we get by with it Good girls do bad things sometimes But we get by with it
"Well you have been rubbing the fact on my face since day one so—" You half shrug. 
"So what was Mrs. Sinclaire saying?" He asks looking around the room.
"Nothing of my interest just how I should get one of those shining collars around my neck." You roll your eyes dramatically.
"Those are gifts from their husbands who love them dearly, love" He corrects you, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
How much more can you take if I give you a taste I've been waiting for you all night long I come around and then I'm gone
"But for me those are glittering leashes" You retort.
"Darling, how much ever you pretend but under this tough shell you're just a hopeless romantic, you crave love and I can give you all of it only if you allow me." Tom laces his hand with yours another hand stays at the small of your back, waltzing to the music. 
You'll get yours, I'll get mine Then we run out of time You're the only one that I desire 'Cause I love to play with fire
"Maybe I'm that's why I still dream of a beautiful life away from all this from you" you say looking deep into his brown orbs.
He leans down to your ear and whispers. "I can assure you one thing princess the farther you want to go away from me the more I will pull you back towards me"
A shiver runs down your spine as his smile turns into a wide grin.
Good girls do bad things sometimes But we get by with it Good girls do bad things sometimes But we get by with it
His hand moved from your back to your lower waist and he dipped you low, taking you by surprise. You bent on your back as he pulled you back up with a force, throwing you against his body sending your body right into his broad frame.
Ooh (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) Ooh (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) When I'm down I let you know (ooh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) When I'm down I let you go (ooh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
You stayed like that for a while, inhaling deeply but the only thing you could smell was him, his expensive cologne intoxicating your senses and then he pushed you back again, spinning you around twice and settling back for the previous slow pace. 
Good girls do bad things sometimes But we get by with it Good girls do bad things sometimes But we get by with it (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
The night ends and you are now back at home sitting on your bed busy with your night routine rubbing on some body lotion on your hands as Tom walks in.
"What are you doing in my room?" You frown.
"Technically this is my room" He reminds you rummaging through his closet.
"Not anymore." You state haughtily. He plainly ignores you and goes inside the bathroom. 
After a while he comes out with a towel wrapped lowly around his waist, his wet curls sticking to his forehead. You couldn’t help but admire his chiseled upper body, muscles rippling and glistening in the soft golden light of the room.
"You’re staring" He sing-songs, smirking cockily.
"No-no, I'm not'' You fumble. 
"It's ok, darling I'm all yours to look at" You roll your eyes meanwhile he takes off his towel and throws it in the hamper before getting on the empty side of the bed just in his black calvin klein boxers.
"Whoa, you are gonna just wear that?" You ask in surprise. 
"Why you gotta problem?" He smirks while getting inside the covers. 
"No seriously, you’re either fully covered or almost naked. Nothing in between." You remark giving him an annoyed look.
"Why does it turn you on babygirl?" He says with a sultry voice. 
"Shut up and stop with these weirdass names, will ya" You grimace as he chuckles.
"And what about you? You are going to sleep in that?" He points out looking at your sleep shorts and a loose shirt. 
"Well you may think of yourself as a calvin klein's model but I ain't a Victoria’s secret angel. So yes I’m gonna sleep in these" 
"But your Instagram says something else" He quips, making you smile mischievously.
"Aww did someone get all riled up at work?” You click your tongue pouting “so sad." 
Tom all of a sudden grabs your arm pulling you down to him as you jolt down surprised.
"And for that you deserve a nice spanking" His voice low, a cocky grin plastered on his face.
"If you touch me I'll chop off your hands." You threaten with a cold stare and pull out your arm from his grip. You lay down turning to your side and snatched away the covers from him.
"Oi! blanket hogger!" He protests, pulling the blanket back.
"Get out of here!" You kicked his leg playfully snatching the cover again.
"Y/N I swear to God I’ll push you off the bed!" He says laughing.
"Shut up you whiny baby." You retort laughing as well.
He moves closer to you bringing his hands to tickle you on the side of your hips. You squealed trying to push him away but he tightened his hold around you both laughing like kids when suddenly you realized how close you were the heat from his bare body felt like burning against your skin. 
What are you doing? You hate this guy, he is the reason Ethan is dead. You remind yourself gaining back your composure and stopped laughing. You went silent closing your eyes as Tom got the hint and backed off.
You soon fell asleep breathing softly but Tom was still awake staring at the ceiling thinking about all the meetings and deals he has to make tomorrow when you shifted on the bed and turned to Tom’s side in your sleep. You subconsciously hiked a leg above his placing your hand over his chest snuggling close to him. 
Tom found it really amusing chuckling softly as he took his time to admire how beautiful and innocent you looked. He went to wrap his arm around you just then he heard you mumbling in your sleep. 
"I'm sorry - I'm so sorry Ethan." His expression goes hard. He retracts his hand away placing it under his head and lets out an exasperated sigh before closing his eyes to sleep.
Next morning you squint your eyes open to find yourself practically laying over Tom's chest, you sit up hastily waking him up in the process. 
"Good morning, princess." He says with a groggy voice. You look at him timidly. 
"By the drool I’m assuming you slept well." You frown rubbing the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand. 
"So much for chopping my hands eh?" He snickers. "But what about you taking advantage of me while sleeping." you felt your face heat up in embarrassment.
"Sorry I used to have a side pillow when I slept."
"Oh it's ok, love. I'm honored to be your human side pillow.'' he says cockily before getting off the bed to get ready for the day. 
"Dickhead" You mutter under your breath.
 You went to punch his chest, but William blocked it
"As a devout feminist, I refuse to say that you hit like a girl." William quipped letting go of you, and you spin around in frustration
"Let's try this again, shall we?" 
"Tell me again why I have to learn self defense this early in the morning." 
William began to roll up his sleeves to better move around "You are my  responsibility." 
You smiled "...says the feminist." William chuckled. 
"Fighting is rhythm. There is a music, there is a meter, there is a pattern. Let that rhythm beat within you." He stood defensively and nods at you. 
"Again." you put up your fists and start to fight him, but he easily blocks your blows. You two spin and continued practicing. You struck him again but he blocks it. 
"Legato" You strike again with increased force,
"Ostinato" You strike back with all your force. 
"Crescendo" You managed to hit him, but he blocked the majority of it and held you by your neck. 
"And then, once you've established your cadence--" You spun out of his grip, kicking him, and pressed him against the wall while he's distracted. 
" --You change the key." you said smiling proudly. 
 "Very nice." He said a little out of breath. "But none of this matters if you cannot make the kill." 
"But I don't want to kill anyone." 
"You will. To survive" He said.
You stepped back to catch your breath from the intense workout.
"Now c’mon we will learn something new today." He brought two wooden staff and throws one at you out of the blue which you barely catch.
"Hey! I wasn't ready!" You protested. 
"First lesson-- always be on your guard." He instructed. You took note of the weight of the staff in your hands for a moment.
"It's heavy." 
"I was half your age the first time my father gave me the staff. I would have torn every muscle rather than let him see me strain. And, had I--" He attacked you, you barely blocked his blow "-- he would have corrected me." 
"No offense, but your dad sounds like a jerkwad" You panted. 
"Mothers love their children. Fathers make them strong" He attacked you again, and though you struggle to keep up, you manage to continue blocking him.
"Well in my case my daddy doesn't care 'cause he already kind of bidded me off in a stupid deal--" You started to fight back  "-- and my mother is quite ardent to make me strong enough to face anything what is to come my way" You grunt while attacking but William easily dodges your strikes.
"You're anticipating. Do not let me see your move before you make it." He strikes at your staff, knocking you off-balance and causing you to twist your ankle as you fall and whimper in pain
"Get up." He commanded.
"I can't, my ankle hurts." You groaned.
"The ability to end your pain is a warrior's true weapon. Master that, and nothing holds power over you." You glared at him. 
"Now, on your feet." You winced. 
"I said, On. Your. Feet." He barked.
You continued to glare at him, but do grab your staff to use it to help you to pull yourself up on your feet. You leaned against the staff for support. William looked mildly impressed.
"Good. Perhaps you've actually learned something today." 
It’s been almost two weeks since the gala night William has been in contact with you providing you with valuable information. You were lost in your thoughts when your phone buzzed and you were broken out of your daze. It was William, you received the call. 
"Hey Will!" 
"Got some news." 
"Seems like Victor has grabbed quite a hold in the European drug cartel. He has been making quite some big deals." 
"Daddy is making deals with the European drug mafias?" You were surprised at this news. "But how is that possible? As much I know he planned to oust the Hollands off their turf first before taking over their business." 
"Working with your dad I have learnt one thing about him, ‘compartmentalization’ nobody gets to know about his real plans. And that is the reason behind his success." 
"I think I know someone who might give me more info on that. But the most important question is who is doing all the dirty work for him while he is sitting in NY." 
"A new gang has emerged in the city ‘the vipers’ but I’m surprised that the Holland’s didn’t happen to come across them yet." He says before ending the call.
Meanwhile Tom was at the docks of the London port accompanied by his brother Harry for a meeting with an old time ally.
"Gomez, after a long time mate." 
"Yeah Holland business has been a little rough these days"
"So my brother tells me that you wanted some negotiations to be done with the current revenue arrangement of the port area"
"Yes Holland about that you see you're charging an outrageously high protection money and for that I am having very little profit from my drug trafficking business" 
"Well mate protecting you from the cops and allowing you to smuggle through my port comes with a high price I told you at the beginning only." Tom says.
"Then I might have to rethink our alliance, Holland."
"You mean you want to call off the deal?" Tom raises his eyebrows.
"Yes you guessed it right" 
"That's really brave of you given that the narcotics are already suspicious about your activities" Tom mocks with a sinister look in his eyes.
"I'll take my chances and there's this new gang who are ready to provide protection at a much cheaper rate plus they are going to help me expand my trade to the States. And profit has always been my first priority mate." Gomez states.
"Well whatever suits you mate but the port is still under my control if I may remind you so perhaps you should start watching your back" Tom advises, malice in his voice and then he storms out of the place.
You have finally decided to have a night out and blow off some steam. You dressed up in a slip dress and put on your matching stilettos. Booking yourself an uber you were just about to go down the stairs when you heard some heated argument coming from the office though it was mostly Tom’s voice you heard and by the tone you deduced he was very angry. 
You slowly made your way towards the room to see Tom standing in the middle of the room with Harrison and Harry beside him, his men surrounding him as he yells at them. They were so engrossed into the meeting that nobody bothered to notice you standing so you quietly lean against the doorframe and listened to their conversation.
"I'm paying a bunch of assholes for nothing!" Tom barks. 
"Tom, calm down." Harry goes to tone down his brother.
"How can I calm down?! Some bloody newbie gang has been operating right under my nose! on my turf! and I have no news about that." He snaps.
You couldn’t help but the whole conversation made you chuckle a little too loudly drawing everyone’s attention present in the room. Tom was already seeing red with his business going into jeopardy and seeing you laugh like that he went ballistic. 
"Does something here appear funny to you?" He glares at you.
"Well funny things do." You retort.
"And may I have the pleasure of knowing what you found so funny?"
"Well seeing you guys all worked up about this whole new emerging gang snatching away your territory. I really feel pity for you."
"Thank you for your pity now you may leave, anyways women are not allowed here. I should not see you snooping around in the future near this room." He orders.
"Your loss I might know something that could have helped you in solving your little problem." You shrug and turn to leave. 
"Wait! What do you mean?" 
"Well I guess women don’t do business here so I better keep my mouth shut." You taunt agitating him even more.
"Stop fucking with me Y/N! If you know something then tell me." You pucker your face pretending to think. 
"Please" he adds softening down a bit, you sigh audibly.
"Ok then let me give you a heads up. The viper gang which is hampering your business deals is owned by none other than Victor Martinez aka my daddy dearest." Tom's eyes went wide as well as Harrison's and Harry's. 
"What! You’re kidding right?" You scrunch your nose shaking your head sideways dismissively.
"But-but we had a deal!" He was still in disbelief.
"Honey you made a deal with the devil. What did you expect?" Tom crosses the room in three strides and grabs hold your arm with a death grip anger raging in his eyes.
"Leave my hand, Tom! You’re hurting me!" You struggle twisting your arm. He slightly loosens his grip but still holds on to you. 
"What more do you know? What have you father-daughter planned behind this whole wedding facade?!" He spat gritting through his teeth.
"Hey don't go all out on me! I myself didn't know about this until today. He never told me about this secret gang." 
He scoffs, raising his eyebrows. "And you want me to believe that?" 
"It’s up to you if you want to believe or not but if I would be plotting against you why would I even care to tell you all this?" You pull your hand away "--and this growing hatred inside you I have thousands of times more of that hatred inside me for him" you seethe.
"Then what was the meaning of the whole deal?" 
"Well he wanted me to lure you and trick you into writing everything you own including your business to my name and then kill you." Tom is left speechless with your revelation.
"What? Feel the bitter taste of betrayal?" You smirk. "Now you’ll understand what I felt." 
"Okay then you guys have fun working out your plan on going against your new enemy while I enjoy my night with some music and drinks." You chirp enthusiastically.
"Now where are you going so late?" Tom sounded tired.
"None of your business" 
"Anthony, Michael go with her" He orders two of his men.
"No need, my uber is already waiting outside" saying so you left.
Reaching the club you order some drinks for yourself. You sit on the seat near the counter enjoying the ambience as the bartender hands you a martini. Though it wasn’t like the rave parties you had in NY but you really felt relaxed finally out by yourself after being trapped in that house for two weeks after your wedding which felt like ages. 
"You're Y/N right?" You look up to your side to find the red head girl from yesterday.
"And you're the hooker" You quip and she chuckles.
"Yeah I am, it's Sandy by the way." She takes seat beside you. "So where’s your husband?" 
"Probably still shouting at his men." You shrug, taking a sip of your drink.
"Not to be prying but what's the deal between you two? It looks like you hate each other's guts"
"Don’t know about him but I definitely do, perhaps after tonight he might start hating me too." 
"Then why the hell did you get married?" 
"Well honey things don't work like that in the mob. A wedding is just a strategic alliance between two families for their own mutual benefits. We just serve as scapegoats, our fates were sealed together the day we were born" You explain. 
"Well that’s some really messed up shit" She sympathizes. 
"I know." 
"But you can still work it out. You know he isn’t that bad, at least not in bed" She grins cheekily. 
"Okay I didn’t need to know that" You chuckle sarcastically. 
"You’re really missing a good dick girl, that you can have any time you want and all your life." 
"Do I look like a nymphomaniac?’’ You laugh ‘‘-and no doubt he is a dick. He is the reason my innocent boyfriend is dead, I’m stuck here in this stupid marriage and instead of apologizing what does he do? He brings in girls, acting like a slut" You rant.
"You're bothered aren't you?" 
"No, why would I be bothered with whom he sleeps?" You stand up from your seat stumbling a little already feeling tipsy.
"-- you know what I'm gonna enjoy today, get drunk and dance my sorrows away." "Everyone in the house tonight’s drinks are on me! Enjoy the free booze!" You screamed. The whole crowd whooped and whistled.
"To my fucked up life!" You shouted, downing a shot. 
You made your way to the center of the dance floor and started dancing without any worry about tomorrow. Within seconds you felt two hands around your hips, you turn your head to find a cute boy probably of your age as you continued to dance and grind against him. After a couple of songs you went back to the counter and had some more drinks. You were totally wasted as your vision went blurry and pretty soon everything blacked out.
It feels like a struggle for you to open your eyes as you stir inside the covers. Huh? You squint your eyes open and realize you were actually lying in a bed. You slowly sat up, your head was pounding with last night’s hangover as you groaned holding your head. Your eyes slowly adjusts to your surroundings and you realize that you were indeed back home and in your bedroom. You look down at your body and were shocked to find yourself in just your black strapless bra and underwear.
"You’re up at last." You hurriedly pull the covers up to your chest hearing Tom’s voice. 
He walks in a pair of grey sweatpants and a tightly fitted black t-shirt, his biceps bulging out of it. It was really odd to see him in such an informal attire but he looks good, you slapped yourself internally for the last thought.
"What happened last night? How did I get here? And where are my clothes?!" You badgered him with questions.
"Woah slow down, that's a lot of questions at one go and you should be the first one explaining about your reckless behavior last night."
"Why, what did I do?" You frown.
"Oh you really went wild last night. For starters you danced with random blokes and then you drank more and got wasted. And then you took off your dress whilst those drunk bastards did body shots." Your mouth falls agape in shock.
"Wait what? I took off my dress in public?!" You were still in disbelief.
"Yeah and that’s not all” He says with a scoff “You let those twats lick salt and lemon off your body while they did shots. Thanks to Sandy who informed me on time." You rolled your eyes looking away. 
"After seeing you being used for body shots things got a little nasty out there and they had to close early."
"What did you do?" You ask anxiously. 
"That any man would do seeing his wife being touched by other men." He growls the last bit.
"What do you mean?" 
"I made sure they will be in the hospital for a good couple of months." He states rather proudly. 
You slap your forehead shaking your head in annoyance. You didn't realize that you had let go off the sheets covering your body giving Tom quite a view which he had missed the other day. 
He slowly leans forward, eyeing you up and down lustfully prompting you to back off until your back touched the head board. He crawls towards you further hovering over you reaching his hand out to cup your face.
"You really upset me yesterday Y/N." His voice low as his hand brushes your hair from your shoulder and travels downs to your chest fingertips gently brushing over your rib cage down to the valley of your breasts slightly tugging to the soft material of your bra. You caught hold of his hand to stop him from going down further, he smirks. 
"Funny how you allow strangers to touch you, but not me, your husband who has the only right to do it." You kicked his crotch but not too hard. 
"Bloody hell!!" He groaned as you tackled him down bringing yourself on top straddling him. You were far gone from feeling self conscious, sitting on top of him in just your undergarments. 
"Well the thing is I don't take you as my husband." You sneer narrowing your eyes. "And the last time I checked, you don't trust me." 
"Well I never trusted you on the first place and you proved it last night quite nicely for the reason why” He says. “but honey I'm not letting you go so easily."
"After a lot of thought I actually think you could be a perfect leverage for me" He then goes to press his hand to your lower stomach "Moreover if you were with my child I guess grandpa Victor will certainly agree to some negotiations" He ticked his jaw with a devilish grin. You flare your nostrils fuming at his audacity. 
"I would rather be barren than let you father my child and give him/her this cursed life." You seeth. Tom seemed a little hurt by your words of how you think he's going to be a terrible father but he masked it with his usual cocky self. 
"Truth be told princess I love to be on top and in control but for a change you really look so pretty on top, can't imagine how beautiful you'll look while you ride my dick" He says tracing your jawline with his fingers. You swat his hand away. 
"You're such a piece of shit!" You snap getting off him. He gets up chuckling and leaves the room as you quickly get off the bed and run to the bathroom. 
Undressing yourself from the leftover clothes you ran a warm shower, the warm water quickly relaxing your muscles. You smelt of sweat, alcohol and cigarettes which made you feel dirty. You squirted some body wash and lathered your body with it before washing it off. Then you washed your hair with shampoo. 
You take your time before drying yourself off and walk out of the bathroom busy fixing your towel and bumped into Tom. His large hands held your arms steadying you meanwhile your towel loosens and falls off your body. You both looked at each other in shock. 
Tom stands there like a statue gaping at you, eyes lingering from top to bottom of your exposed body; ‘man you have a goddess like body’ he thought as beads of water trickled down your wet hair. You finally come back to your senses then it suddenly hit you that you were standing completely naked. 
"What the fuck!! Tom close your eyes!!!" You shriek out quickly bending down to grab the towel and cover yourself. Hearing you scream Harrison came barging in your room. 
"What happened mate?" Out of instinct Tom lunges forward and embraces you tightly blocking you from anyone's view.
"Harrison! Get the fuck out of here!" 
"Oh I'm sorry bruh. Didn't know you were busy." He cackles turning around. Some of his other men also came rushing in thinking something happened, leading to a total chaotic situation in the room. 
"Yes, who else is left to join the party you are cordially invited!" You yell frustrated. 
Tom is still guarding you as he yells sharply. "Get out of here you bloody morons!" 
When everyone is finally out of the room Tom steps back as you stand at your place clutching on to your towel, both of you looking away from each other. After a few awkward moments of silence Tom finally speaks up. 
"That was quite a spectacular view, you have kept things quite perked up I see." He says playfully. And that was enough to get on your nerves. 
"You!!!" You glower taking the vase you found near you in your hand to hurl it at him. He steps back a little, raising his hands defensively. 
"Careful love! That cost me thousands of dollars, though I don't have any shortage of money but still don't want a lovely art to go to waste just to appease your anger on your piece of shit husband" He snickers breaking into a laugh and runs out of the room leaving you fuming. 
"Son of a bitch! Uggh!!" You stomp your feet keeping back the vase at its place. Your phone dinged and you went to check, it was a message from William. 
W : Good news
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awesomerextyphoon · 3 years
Don’t Tell Me
This is for @cockslut-padalecki​’s Not My Ninth Challenge. My prompt was Stucky x Reader with Royal Au and No Doubt’s Don’t Speak for the lyrics.
Summary: You loved them with all your heart, but now you must wed another.
Pairing: Stucky x Black Female Reader, Brock Rumlow x Black Female Reader
Word Count: 1,893
Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Warning: Angst, Implied Smut, Threesome, Mild Depictions of Violence, and Forced Marriage
A/N: This might be my saddest fic yet. I hope this isn’t too much of a downer for you, @cockslut-padalecki​. Happy Birthday and Congratulations on 9K followers!
Dividers are by the lovely @firefly-graphics​
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“Rise and shine, Your Highness! Today’s the big day!” Sabine, your closest handmaiden, announced.
You covered your head with your pillow in irritation, “I don’t want to!”
Sabine sighed, “You have to get up or the guards will come and force you out of bed.”
With an annoyed huff, you got up and stretched, “Let’s get this over with, Sabine.”
You had been dreading this day for weeks. Today was the day you were to wed Brock Rumlow, ruler of the Triskelion Empire. You didn’t want to marry him. He was boorish, cruel, and violent.
But most of all, you didn’t want to marry Brock because your heart belonged to Steve Rogers and James “Bucky” Barnes.
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  It started when you were six years old. You were sent to Brooklynd to be King Joseph’s ward as part of a peace initiative (you later found out it was because of a failed coup and your mother wanted you safe).
King Joseph, Queen Sarah, and the court loved you. Only Prince Steven and his best friend, James Barnes Duke of Shelby, gave you the cold shoulder.
It sucked because they were the only ones near your age. You tried to win them over with baked goods from your homeland, trinkets and toys Queen Sarah said that Steven would love, and some of your favorite books. Nothing worked until you had enough and confronted them.
Steven was about to enter the stables with James when you caught them. You just wanted to ask why they were avoiding you, but as your mother warned you got violent and socked James with a left hook. It got to the point that the guards had to split up the three of you.
Queen Sarah had an unusual and embarrassing punishment: the three of you had to sit in a circle and hold hands for one hour under the stern eye of the governess and the queen herself. The air was thick with tension until the governess farted. You tried your hardest not to laugh, but you help yourself. Soon Steven and James joined in the merriment.
You were best friends ever since.
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 “What do you want for your bath, Your Highness?”
“May I have the Rose, Hibiscus, Black Pepper, Lemongrass oils for the bath, and the Amla/Coconut Oil mixture for my hair, please. Thank you, Ngozi.”
“As you wish, Your Highness.”
Once the oils were applied to the bath, you sunk in sighing from the nearly scalding water; its warmth giving you a peace of mind that has been denied to you for weeks.
You wondered how it got to this, then you frowned at the bitter memories symbolized by the single piece of jewelry under your pillow.
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  The three of you became thick as thieves. Always helping each other in defending one another whether it be fighting off Steve’s bullies with Bucky or telling the snobby rich girls to stuff it whenever they said you weren’t feminine enough.
Joke’s on them because you passed all of your etiquette classes with flying colors.
Though something happened when you turned thirteen; you started seeing your best friends in a new light. You noticed how Bucky’s shoulders were broadening, Steven’s full bottom lip, the dazzling blues in their eyes, or how their laughs.
Sabine, your closest handmaiden, and friend, confirmed it; you were falling in love with them.
You were scared at first; you didn’t want to ruin your friendship with them. So you started avoiding them by spending time with Duchess Natalia and Marchioness Monica as they were the only female peers you could stand.
You would sneak glances at them when you thought they weren’t looking, but they were.
It went on like that for a year until Bucky had enough and confessed to liking you. You were relieved that he returned your affections, but was taken aback when Steven grabbed Bucky’s hand and pulled him in for a kiss. Turns out they’ve been a secret item for six months.
They both loved you and wanted to make it work.
And it did, for a time. You spent a great deal of time together. Though they were a few close calls since your mother instructed Queen Sarah not to let you court anyone and Steven and Bucky couldn’t go public just yet.
It didn’t matter; you just wanted to be near them. The three of you would sneak kisses by moonlight, write secret love letters, all the fun, and mushy stuff. Your relationship reached a new level when Steve and Bucky presented you with a vibranium and dragon’s gold alloy promise ring with ruby rose and emerald leaves. The three of you vowed to be together forever.
It was pure bliss; you didn’t want it to end.
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  “Life had other plans, huh?” you muttered to yourself as your handmaidens were making the final body preparations before you got into your gown.
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  Your mother, Queen Ketandu, had written to you and Queen Sarah requesting that you return to Abia in order to complete your studies and take on royal duties. You cried in Bucky’s arms for hours before he had to return to his quarters the morning before your departure.
It wasn’t long before puberty hit you like an airship going at full speed (late bloomer). You became famed for your beauty with scores of suitors, but you rejected them all. Only Bucky and Steve would have your hand.
One of the suitors, Brock Rumlow of Triskelion took it especially hard. He vowed he would have your hand, but your cousin, Samuel Wilson, said to pay him no mind.
You were only able to communicate with Steve and Bucky via phone or letters. It took you four years to return to Brooklynd, but it was not a joyous occasion. King Joseph had passed and Steven was to be crowned king within the fortnight.
Both of them had changed so much, especially Steve; he was nearly unrecognizable. He towered over nearly everyone (only Bucky, Thor, Loki, and M’Baku were taller), broad shoulders, rich tawny pink skin, and a face that could make nearly all the women (and some men) swoon.
He looked like the kings of old, even more so than his father.
Bucky wasn’t slacking either with the way many of the courtiers were ogling him; admiring him for his rugged, yet prim presence.
They were Rulers of Paradise and you were to be their queen.
The three of you finally made love that night. It was your first time, so they decided to be gentle and showered you with kisses and affection. Steve and Bucky worshipped your body as if it was the last thing they would enjoy before the afterlife.
It was as though you were dreaming.
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  “Here’s your wedding gown, Your Highness.” Zara, another handmaiden, exclaimed.
“Thank you, Zara.” You tried your best to not let the tears fall. This day was never supposed to happen.
Why did your dream have to die like this?!
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  The first crack in your fantasy came with the news of your older brother’s assassination and the outbreak of a civil war. Your sister-in-law begged you to come home.
Your airship was to leave first thing in the morning.
You raced to inform your lovers of your departure. One of the servants said that they saw Steve in his mother’s rose garden. Thinking it was Steve being shy and needing some rest, you ventured into the garden only for fantasy and your heart shatter completely.
In the rose garden under the central archway was Steve on one knee proposing to Margaret ‘Peggy’ Carter with Bucky looking on with a smile and the full moon behind them.
Everything froze at that moment.
Why?! Why did they do this?! Were your feelings a joke to them? Did they ever love you?
Unable to hold back your despair, you shrieked at the ideal romantic scene before you.
Steve tried to explain the situation and Bucky almost caught you, but you ran away before you could hear them.
You left for Abia that night.
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  “Now ladies,” Lady Bente, the wedding planner bellowed, “remember, this is Emperor Rumlow’s big day. There’s no room for failure.” She didn’t need to say what would happen if you tried anything ‘funny’.
“I know. How can I forget the threats?” grumbled as Sabine put the final touches on your wedding outfit: an off-the-shoulder A-Line Tulle Wedding Dress, a Hand-crafted white gold Baroque tiara inlaid with pale sapphires, diamonds, and pearls, and matching earring and necklace.
Looking in the mirror, you almost didn’t recognize yourself. The dress accentuated your curves and the jewels made your face glow. You were a vision.
Too bad it was for a man who wouldn’t hesitate to destroy everything you hold dear.
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  Barely six months after you returned from Brooklynd, Abia conquered by the Triskelion Empire. Their ambassador informed the council that the empire will let Abia continue as a client state if you married their emperor, Brock Rumlow.
If not, Triskelion would raze Abia to the ground and take her citizens as slaves.
The council implored you as Triskelion forces had Sam captive and Abia’s army was running out of supplies.
With a heavy and broken heart, you accepted Rumlow’s terms.
The wedding was to be in a month.
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  You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, “Too bad Rumlow isn’t getting a virgin.”
“Goodbye, Your Highness.” Sabine whispered, “Now, don’t you start crying after all the work I put into ya!”
“I know it’s just not fair. I have to lose you, too?” Rumlow made it clear that you were to leave your old world behind, including your closest friend and confidant.
Sabine pulled you in for a hug, “I know it’s not. It’s been a pleasure and delight being your handmaiden and friend.”
“Alright, everyone! Line up! The wedding is about to begin!” Lady Bente ordered.
You gave your friend one last glance before the doors shut behind you, “Goodbye Sabine.”
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  The cathedral was spectacular.
Bouquets of roses and elven tulips adorned the pillars. The banners of Abian and Triskelion colors were delicately placed creating an ethereal atmosphere.
Rumlow really outdid himself.
Dignitaries from far and wide were in attendance. You saw your mother, uncle, Sam, and your sister holding her ten-month-old son.
Rumlow took your hand with a triumphant smirk. You could say that he was handsome if you didn’t want to claw his eyes out.
“You look ravishing, darling.”
“I hate you.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Dearly beloved and exalted rulers, we are gathered here today to join the Triskelion Emperor and the Second Princess of Abia in holy matrimony.”
You closed your eyes in resignation. No one was coming. Maybe Brock wouldn’t be so bad.
“If anyone has any reason as to why these two should not be married.”
Then you remembered how he threatened your mother and uncle when after Abia surrendered. His twisted smirk was enough to make your blood boil.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
The cathedral was silent for a few minutes until the doors were blown off their hinges and several guards were flung to the opposite wall behind the altar.
Everyone turned to find smoke and debris. An inhuman roar filled the venue terrifying the guests.
Two figures emerged from the smoke and your eyes widened in shock.
“We do.”
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najatheangel · 3 years
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pairing: lee know x reader
genre: fluffy fluffy and spicy spicy.
inspired song: jaguar by victoria monet
summary: After getting married to the love of your life, you and your husband Minho decide to travel in a private tropical island to celebrate your honeymoon. For the most part the trip has been very fun and the weather puts you in the mood.
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"Ahhh this is paradise! After 7 hours of jetlag this is just what we needed!" You both slammed your body on the bed after spending an hour unpacking.
This weekend was the weekend where you finally get the chance to spend alone time and celebrate your marriage with your husband Lee Minho.
For the week, you planned on exploring the tropical islands in Bora Bora while staying in of the best resorts in the area. You have your own personal chef to serve you, your surrounded by the beautiful blue ocean and the best part of it is you don't have to worry family or friends ruining the fun this whole trip.
"You know what we should do after our nap?" You both look at each other smiling already knowing what the other person is about to say.
"Ziplining!" You both cracked a smile laughing at how in tune you two are. Your telepathy is one thing that brought you two closer together.
Hand in hand your personal limo driver drove you to the zipline place. You were very nervous when you arrived and saw how high up the people was gliding on the zipline. Minho squeezed your hand for extra support letting you know that he's going to protect you if anything happens.
With your zipline safety gear ready to go you start taking the elevator making your way up to the platform to where your ziplining off of. Minho paid for the couple zipline special so the two of you can do it together and stay super close.
“It’s alright just hold my hand and close your eyes.” You took a deep breath, closed your eyes and next thing you know you were sent flying off on the zip line.
“Ahhhhh y/n open your eyes it’s beautiful up here. Look look!” You finally open your eyes and you finally start to open both of your arms and let yourself free. “The view is so amazing. I can see our resort from up here!”
This was the highlight of the trip for you and things got even better from here. Later that day you two took a Atv Quad tour around Bora Bora and things got a little dirty from there. After riding around in mud all day Minho had this idea.
“Hey y/n, since we got all sweaty and dirty from ya know riding all day, how about we bathe together at the waterfall by the resort? And then we can get dinner afterwards.” He reaches his hand out to help you off the motorbike.
You started blushing at the thought and respond back by saying by saying. “Sounds good to me. We’ve got to make it short though or we’ll miss the hula dancers.”
“Mmm why don’t you hula dance for me, but in the bedroom this time.” Minho flirtatious comments made you even more flustered and you raced each other to the waterfall.
The waterfall was known as “The shower of Love” which all couples can swim, relax and bathe together out in the open. A lot of couples had there own private waterfall at the resort where they can let loose and even stroll around in their birthday suit if they wanted to.
“Wow Minho! I swear you are the best husband anyone could ask for. How much did this cost?”
“All together...about a good 700 with the discount.” The both of you laugh at together and slowly walk towards the waterfall.
The sun was shining, the water was a pretty shade of blue, birds were chirping and the sound of the water was splashing against the palm trees it was music to your ears.
Minho decided to tease you by picking you up and dipping your body underwater to rinse the mud and body wash. “Y/n you’ve got to be quicker then that. What if someone actually tried to drown you?” He starts giggling at your pouting face.
“I hope a shark swims up behind you and bites you in the ass.” You get your revenge by splashing him with both of your arms, but it was a baby splash. Minho seemed unfazed with the by attack by laughing again.
“No no y/n your doing it wrong, it’s like this...” He swims back under water and pops up in-front of your face and splashes you. “Lee Minho!”
The two of you go back snd forth splashing each other until the other one gets tired. After 20 minutes of playing in the water you’ve decided to towards the cave and sit inside getting a better view of the waterfall.
“That got a little wild didn’t it.” The two of you start expressing while fanning yourself from the heat. Minho wasn’t really paying attention before, but he starts noticing your body up close and in action.
The way your orange flower one piece matched his flower swimming trunks. The way the water water dripping down your body especially your legs. The way your hair got soaked and got tangled on your necklace he bought you back in high school.
He didn’t know if it was the bora bora air that was making him act like this, but he was starving and was willing to go all the way with you.
“Y/n there’s no easier less blunt way to say this, but can we do it...like right here. Right now?”
You turn your head super fast and saw the greedy look on his face. The look on his face reminded you of a Jaguar. Jaguars normally know what they want at that particular moment and capture their prey.
“Minho you know you don’t have to ask for something like that. I’m your wife now of course I’m willing and more than ready to go all the way with you.”
The chemistry between you becomes more intense and before you know it he starts crawling on top of you still staring deeply into your eyes.
“I guess you are right. Just a little warning though, once I start it’s going to be hard to finish. We might even miss the hula dancers-“
You put a finger on his mouth shushing him and proceed by saying. “Forget dinner, I’ll be much with just this.”
You wrap his arms around him and start kissing Minho. The kisses were filled with so much fire and desire it made you crave for more.
Minho starts biting your lip and trailing the kisses down to your neck, chest, stomach until he got in between your legs. “Wait, you take yours off too. I don’t want to be the only one left hanging.”
Minho starts laughing again at your request. “Fine by me. Either way I’m going full speed inside of you in a minute.” “Shhh don’t or the birds will hear us.”
Minho gives you one last peck before sliding each other’s floral swimming suits off. This was only the beginning of your adventure of a life time with your husband.
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This got a little longer than expected, but I hope you guys enjoyed this one. ✨
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭🏷: @thechoppersan @dundun-baby @purplepsycho03 @xxminmixx @kpopsnowball @soleilsuhh
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sunflowerdarlingx · 3 years
Fred Weasley - “I need you” 2
Hi I hope everyone is okay! 
This is part two of my previous Fred imagine. Part one! 
Please let me know what you think, part 3 is coming and will be filled with smut. 
Female Reader
Warnings: talk of sex but only a few sentences. Minors DNI
Three weeks and four days, that’s how long it had been since the war ended. The first few days were spent together, locked away from the rest of the world. Y/N’s parents visited the burrow every day for the first two weeks, now they were back to writing to each other regularly.  
Every night, Fred and Y/N would sit outside together under the stars, they had been working on building their relationship. Each night held new conversations about their relationships, discussing old memories, worries, solutions and even planning their future. Fred has always put his maximum effort into everything he does and fixing their relationship was no different.  
The time came about a week and a half after the war where Fred introduced date nights, they would happen every Thursday and at least one other night a week. He said having one night dedicated to them every week would make sure that they would have time to talk, no matter what was going on or how busy life got.  
Every date he planned was planned with care, he recreated some of their first dates from school, he always made sure they would talk about their feelings like worries and fear (the two main factors in the downfall of their previous relationship) and Fred was not going to let it happen again.  
Fred and George decided that they were going to move back to their flat, they wouldn’t open the shop for another while, but they needed to get back to their own space. They wanted to plan a grand re-opening for when things returned to, well, normal. The first night back at the flat Fred had asked Y/N to be ‘officially’ his again and of course Y/N couldn’t say no. She could see how hard Fred was trying, from his creative date nights, to the little notes left around the burrow reminding her of how much he loved her, from the constant cuddles and soft kisses to photos of all their favourite times together popping up around the house.  
These cute reminders never stopped when they moved back to the flat, Y/N realised Fred needed the reminders too, so she started doing the same, writing little notes on the mirror just before Fred got out of the shower, or waking up early enough to make him breakfast before he went to the shop to work on some new products with George.  
Each morning Fred woke up, he couldn’t be more thankful, his family were safe, and he finally had the girl he loved back in his arms.  
It had now been six weeks since the end of the war and Fred and George were working towards their re-opening. Every morning Fred and Y/N would usually wake up together, Y/N making breakfast whilst Fred got ready, but on this particular morning Fred was the only one up, deciding to let Y/N sleep, he grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote her a little note.  
Morning cutie,  
I’m down in the shop with George, you looked so beautiful sleeping I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up.  
I’ve asked George to let us have the flat tonight, so he is going to go and stay with mum and everyone at the burrow. I thought we could cook dinner together, like we use to when we were at home during the summer, only if you are up for it of course. If not, we can go out or order in – your choice.
Come and see me when you wake up, I missed getting my good morning kiss and our usual breakfast date :( and you can let me know what you think about tonight ;)
I love you,
Oh, and there is a little croissant in the kitchen with your name on it <3
Freddie x
Y/N couldn’t help but smile as she read Fred’s note, pulling herself out of bed, she had her breakfast made her way down to the shop. She walked into the storeroom and was greeted by a smiling Fred, “where's George?”.  
“Away out with Ange, you just missed him babe”, Y/N made her way over to Fred and he pulled her down into his lap. Y/N buried her head in his neck, Fred placed a few kisses on the side of her head before clearing his throat “So, what do you think about tonight?”, he could feel Y/N smile into his neck, “I think we should cook; it's been a while since we’ve done it together. When you’re all done here, we can go to the shops, sound good?”, “Sounds perfect love, I just need to finish this paperwork and then we can go. I might need you to help me with the muggle money, I still don’t understand it.” this caused Y/N to let out a giggle.  
Y/N kissed him quickly before heading to the door “I better go get ready then...and I’ll make sure I’ve got the right purse” with a wink she was off back to the apartment.  
As she was stood having a quick shower, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander, as happy as she was with her relationship, she missed the intimate nights her and Fred had. She couldn’t give herself the same pleasure as Fred did. It hadn’t been something they discussed, Fred was worried that Y/N would get the wrong idea about them getting back together and well, Y/N’s insecurity of not being good enough resurfaced. It was all she could think about as she got ready, the long nights of passion, the quick rushed fun during the day or the countless times they were interrupted at the burrow by the fear of getting caught.  
Deciding tonight was going to be the night to take their relationship that one step forward in getting back to normality, Y/N decided she would slip away whilst shopping to find herself a new lingerie set. Once dressed she made her way back downstairs, greeted by Fred who then apparated them to a small alley in London.  
Fred decided he wanted pasta, so they made their way around the market getting all the ingredients they needed. “I have an idea Freddie” they were walking hand in hand down a cobble path towards the fruit and veg stalls, “oh yea?” he questioned as he tugged her towards him and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.  
“Why don’t we dress up for date night? Something fancy” Y/N stares up at him through her big doe eyes, “we can both go look for something new and then grab a bottle of wine before going back home”. Fred is captured by her beauty, the way her eyes beam in the sun, “if that’s what you want love then, that’s what we will do. Will you help me pay though?”, Y/N lets out a little snort as she laughs and Fred chuckles too. “Dork” he teases as Y/N whacks his arm.  
Y/N is able to convince Fred to wait outside whilst she shops, grabbing a few different underwear sets and a plain black dress she makes her way to the changing room. After trying it all on she decides on a nice matching red lace set, keeping it simple and a beautiful black dress that highlights all the right places on her body. She pays quickly and meets Fred outside.  
He is stood writing in his little book, he looks up briefly and spots Y/N, “Godric you took your time, did you buy the whole shop?” Y/N giggles and shakes her head “guess you’ll find out when we are home” she winks, Fred reaches for the bag to take a peek and Y/N throws it in her bag. “Good luck trying to find that with muggles around”, Fred groans as they make their way into the next shop. Once they’ve gotten Fred a new shirt and jeans, they grab a bottle of wine and head home.
Whilst Y/N gets ready, Fred cleans the flat and sets the table, he heads into Diagon Ally and gets a beautiful bunch of sunflowers for the table. Y/N looks gorgeous, her hair falls beautifully down her back and her make up is done just the way she likes it, she radiated confidence and once she had her dress on, she looked incredible. Fred came into the room just as Y/N was putting on lipstick and his jaw practically hit the floor.  
“Wow...” Y/N turned in her seat and Fred couldn’t help but let his eyes roam over her body, she looked breathtakingly beautiful, “baby you look...wow” Y/N couldn’t help but blush under his gaze. She stood up walking towards him, “is it too much?” she asked worriedly, giving him a 360 turn.  
“You’re perfect”, Freds grin was stretched from ear to ear “I’m just quickly going to shower... don’t go anywhere, don’t need anyone stealing you off me...I’ll be right back just...just stay right here” he rushed around the room grabbing everything he needed, tripping over his bed and his own feet due to the fact he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Y/N chuckles and finishes getting ready, spraying some perfume and putting on some earrings and her necklace.  
She stands in front of the mirror, pleased with her work, when something catches her eye. In a small tray beside Freds mirror was the ring he gave her all those years ago, the tray was covered in dust, but the ring shone beautifully. Y/N picked it up, holding it between her thumb and pointer finger, twirling it slightly before placing it back on her finger, it felt right having it on after all this time. She heard the shower stop and looked down to her hand, I wonder if he will notice. Deciding to keep it on she took her seat on the bed again.  
Fred came booming out, his towel wrapped around his waist, just below his V-line, the sight causing Y/N to heat up slightly. Of course, she had seen Fred like this since they got back together, and the sight was one she always enjoyed but tonight it filled her with a need so strong that she would have dropped her knickers there and then if Fred asked her too.  
“Careful love, you’re drooling” Fred winked at her as he got dressed. Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes, “you wish Freddie”, Fred could only smirk at the small blush that painted her skin.  
Fred recognised the look in her eye, there was a point in time where he knew her better that she knew herself, he was glad that he could still tell every little thing about her from her actions. He could see the neediness, but he wouldn’t tell her that, he wanted her to make the first move and god was he praying she would make it tonight.  
Once Fred was dressed, they made their way to the kitchen and started to cook together. Jokes were being cracked left, right and centre whilst they cooked, Y/N noticed Fred was being a lot more touchy than normal and she was loving it, it was like having the old Fred back. He would insist on wrapping his hands around her waist to make sure she was chopping the vegetables right or holding his hand around hers whilst she stirred the pasta.  
She decided to use this to her advantage, to see if she could get Fred all hot and bothered like she used to. Every time he wrapped his arms around her from behind, she made sure to push her arse back just a little bit more, she would make sure to run her hand down his arm when grabbing something close to him, ‘accidentally’ dropping things in front of Fred so she could bend over to get them – her arse being his point of view each and every time.  
Fred caught on pretty early but was enjoying the show he was getting so just let it play out, although he was thankful when Y/N announced their meal was ready because all of her teasing was making his jeans uncomfortably tight.  
They sat down at the table with Fred at the end and Y/N to the side so they could talk better. “Oh shoot, we forgot the wine” Y/N stood up to get it, but Fred took her hand guiding her back down, “it’s okay love, I’ll get it”. As Fred returned from the kitchen, he realised how obvious his not so little problem was, he tried to readjust but it made no difference. He stood pouring the wine and Y/N couldn’t help but smirk down at her plate.  
“Thank you, Freddie,” she smiled as he sat down, raising her glass to cheers once he was seated. Freds eyes were immediately drawn to her ring finger and the silver band that wrapped around it, he raised his glass to hers, a grin taking over his features before he took a sip of his wine. He took her hand in his once she put her glass down and started to play with the ring on her finger “you’ve got my ring on”.  
“Your ring?” she asks playfully “I thought it was mine” she winks. Fred pulls her in for a quick kiss, “it’s ours” he kisses her again before kissing her hand and placing it back down on the table. “Now let's eat”, they dig in and talk the night away.  
They’re sitting at the table with Y/N in Freds lap as they drink their wine, “so...I was thinking Freddie” Freds hand is tracing circles on her thigh and his eyes look up at her “it’s been a while since we...you know...had our fun” she internally slaps herself at her choice of words “and well...I was thinking that maybe, you know, since we have the flat to ourselves that we could...well you know”, Fred can’t help but smile down at his adorably nervous girlfriend.  
He wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek “I’m sorry love but I have no idea what you mean” he teases “what is ‘our fun’?’” he feigns confusion.  
Y/N pouts up at him and his mocking tone, she knows it’s all in good fun, but she can't help her nerves...and her neediness. Pull yourself together. She turns in Freds lap, so she straddles him, her arms wrapping around his neck whilst she plays with the hair at the nape of his neck.  
“Well Freddie, I thought you were quite familiar with ‘our fun’” she mocks his tone at the last part. “You were very familiar with it at school, we did it practically everywhere” she pauses and kisses him before leaning towards his ear “it usually started with me having a mouth full of your cock before being bent over while you fucked me from behind”.  
A small groan left Freds mouth at her word, his hands gripping her waist, “but … I suppose if you don’t remember Freddie, I’ll just have to have the fun myself” and with that Y/N was up and moving towards the door to their bedroom. Fred took all of five seconds to compose himself before running up behind her and throwing her over his shoulder taking her into their room.  
Part 3 (18+)
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thewildomega · 3 years
Star in the Sand Final Chapter
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It should have come as no surprise to you that Croc would plan your wedding out for only a month after he proposed to you. Wasn't like there was much to do anyway the both of you agreeing on a small, intimate affair. Really he probably would have married you the following week but there was still your dress and such to get in order so he had waited. Plus you had something you wanted to get made for him. Now however the day was here and as you looked over your reflection a smile came to your face. While you never thought you would be pregnant on your wedding day, well you never thought you would be getting married in the first place but here you were and you had to say you were quite happy with the way you looked.
Your white lace dress flowed wonderfully and you again had to give Croc props when he helped you pick out the style of the dress. He hadn't been amused when you wouldn't let him see it for himself but he eventually got over it. Your hair and makeup were simple but elegant with your hair left down in a waterfall braid. As far as jewelry went you wore the necklace and ear rings Croc had given you along with your engagement ring.
"Oh y/n/n you look so beautiful. Mr. Zero sure is a lucky man." Bentham spoke with both hands on his cheeks as he smiled at the bride.
Turning to see Bon standing there you smiled at him, a blush coming to your cheeks. Even though he was simply walking you to join you husband at the alter location he had dressed to impress. Walking over to him you took a deep breath as he smiled at you. Thinking back on the last year you couldn't help the emotions from taking over. Without a word you leaned forward to hug your friend.
"Oh." Standing there for a moment Bentham blinked and then moved to return her hug.
"Thank you Bon, truly. If it wasn't for you I would still be in that awful place... hell I'd probably be dead by now. You saved me, you saved us and because of you I'm getting ready to marry the love of my life. I get to have a family, my child gets to have a family. Thank you."
Rendered speechless he just stood there until he hummed and smiled. Giving the woman a small squeeze he pulled back to look down at her, rubbing her arms. "You are more than welcome my friend. Now no more tears, you will ruin your make up." he chuckled as she gave a light giggle. Dabbing the tears from her eyes with his handkerchief he tucked it away and held out his arm. "Ready to become Mrs. Crocodile? I snuck a peek at him earlier and I dare do say he does look even more handsome than usual."
Smiling you nodded and took the queen's arm.
Standing on top of the cliffside he stared out at the sun setting on the sea, the light breeze blowing his hair. He was thankful the weather seemed to be on his side today, not too cold, not too hot. Looking up to the sky he even noticed a few stars starting to pop out and grinned. Feeling a presence he looked to see Daz making his way over to him and rose a brow at his attire.
"What? Are you the only one allowed to dress nicely?" Daz spoke in his deep voice, glancing down to his black dress shirt and black dress pants.
Seeing he had left the first three buttons undone he huffed. "You clean up well." was all he said around his cigar.
The two men continued standing in a comfortable silence until he saw his first mate smile softly at something behind him. Quickly tossing out his cigar to the sea bellow he looked behind him and felt his breath catch in his throat as his eyes locked on his bride. He was sure in that moment he had never seen anyone more beautiful in his life. While he knew her dress was going to be lace he didn't know it would look so damn good on her. Even being pregnant she was stunning. As she was led to him he saw knew Bentham was smiling like the idiot he was but paid him no mind, all his attention on his soon to be wife.
Walking up the hill you saw him before he saw you. Even though he was facing away from you you felt a large smile split your face at how good he looked. Even more so with a breathtaking backdrop like the one he had. As he turned to look your way you felt your heart flutter, Bentham was right he was even more handsome than usual. Black dress pants that before you saw shaped his ass perfectly were tailored to perfection. A white dress shirt tucked into his pants than had the first button undone in a more casual look that he knew you loved so. To top it all off he had on his black suit jacket, a single y/f/f pinned to the pocket. Damn what a lucky girl you were.
Meeting her eyes he grinned at how much they were shinning. Holding out his hand for her to take he felt her place her small hand in his as she came to stand in front of him. Swallowing hard when just for a moment he thought of how close he had been to never having this moment he gave her hand a small squeeze and saw her smile at him. Nodding to Daz when he asked if they were ready to begin he stroked the top of her hand with his thumb.
"A Soulmate is the one person who's love is powerful enough to motivate you to meet your soul. To do the emotion work of self discovery, of awaking so you can change for the better...."
Listening as Daz spoke of the both of you becoming one you repeated your vows to love and care for Crocodile until the end of your days. "....and then after that."
Grinning at her added part he took his turn repeating the vows of marriage. "...Forever with you simply will not be enough, but from this day forward, I vow to make the most of every moment." he added and saw her smile up at him so sweet it made him feel like a young man again. As it came time for the rings he slipped the wedding band he had made to match her engagement ring on her finger, feeling a sense of pride at the way it looked on her finger. "With this ring I thee wed." he spoke in a deep voice. When Daz brought up his ring he went shook his head but heard his star speak first.
"With this ring I thee wed." you said in a soft voice, taking the ring you had made for him off your thumb where you had it hidden and slipping it onto his right ring finger.
Snapping his eyes down to the ring she had pushed onto his finger he knit his brows a little. He wasn't expecting to wear a wedding ring, he didn't have a left hand and wedding rings were worn on one's left ring finger. However she seemed to have other plans. Seeing the gold ring there he looked back up to her and saw her smiling lovingly a him and grinned.
"I now pronounce you man and wife. Captain, you may kiss your bride."
Without a moment's hesitation he leaned down to press his lips to hers, wrapping his left arm around her to rest his hook on her side while his hand moved to cup the back of her head. He didn't know wither it was his imagination or not but as they sealed their marriage he felt the binding mark on his hip grow warm, pulse. Pulling away from her lips for only a moment he kept his lidded eyes on her. "You both can go now."
Rolling your eyes some you turned your head the tiniest amount to look at the both of your friends, even if Croc himself would never admit they were. "Thank you." Seeing Bon smile and Daz bow his head some before walking away to leave you both alone you didn't get time to say anything else before your husband's lips were back on yours. Wrapping your arms around his middle under his jacket you smiled and kissed his exposed throat as he stood back up straight. Craning your neck to look up at him you watched as he lifted his hand no doubt judge the ring you had given him. "Does it meet the infamous Sir Crocodile's standards?"
Looking over his new ring he saw it was gold and it looked to have a intricate design carved into it, one like he had never seen before.
"It's called a eternity knot." you told him blinking slowly up at him. "They're complete loops that have no start or finish to represent eternity. Only one thread is used in each design which symbolizes how life and eternity are interconnected." Seeing him turn his hand around to look at the other side you grinned. "There's an engraving."
Knitting his brows some he used his other fingers to remove the ring and looked over the inside.
'Put your ring back on!'
He couldn't stop the small chuckle that left his throat and shook his head as he moved the ring back on his finger. He should have known it would be something like that with her. "I love it. Thank you darling."
Seeing him smile you did as well and met his eyes as he looked down at you, his hair blowing lightly in the wind. As it all sunk in you felt your eyes water a little. He was your husband, you were his wife, the both of you were married. "I love you Raiden."
"Not nearly as much as I love you little star."
"Better be careful, those are fighting words."
Chuckling he leaned down to press his lips to hers.
Washing the few dishes from supper you heard the deep sigh, alerting you to his presence before you felt his arms wrap around your middle, noticing his hook had been left off after his shower.
"How many times must I tell you to leave them to the maids."
"It was just a few." you tried to tell him but felt his hand move from your belly to turn off the water and force your own hand to drop the sponge. Tilting your head when his lips moved to your neck you hummed as he started kissing and sucking at your sweet spot. Feeling something poke your back you bit your lip before you were turned around and lifted up into his arms. Giggling you wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you back to your bedroom.
Trailing kisses up her throat he gave a bite to her thin skin, lapping over the area with his tongue when she let out a small hiss. Dropping her panties to the floor along with his shirt that she was wearing, he moved to lay her on the end of the bed. Kneeling down in front of her he looked over her body and felt a low growl rumble in his throat. Her belly was now prominently round with their child and her breast were beginning to swell a tad bit as well. Although she herself seemed more annoyed by her pregnant body, once calling herself a whale, he couldn't get enough of her. He enjoyed the sight of her carrying their child, the instinctual knowledge that it brought, that he had fully made her his.
When you didn't feel him move above you, you looked down and felt your eyes widen a bit when you noticed him kneeling before you. Your husband met your eyes and smirked before diving in making you gasp and arch your back as his skilled tongue ravaged you.
Feeling her wetness cover his finger he purred and pushed forward, filling her tight hole with his finger. She gasped at the intrusion and he grinned. Moving his hand he stroked the front of her wall and moved his mouth down to suck at her clit before adding a second. Sucking and lapping at her sex he swallowed down everything she had to offer him, letting the taste of her fuel the fire within him. It didn't take long until she was a withering and whimpering mess. With one last curl of his fingers she spasmed around his digits. Working her back down from her high he lapped up her soaked cunt one last time.
Still in a state of bliss you felt as he kissed up your body, flinching when he nipped your nipple between his teeth. When his mouth finally found yours again you cupped his face in your hands and closed your eyes. Rolling your tongue with his you felt his one hand rubbing up and down your thigh. Moving one of your hands into his hair you tugged on the black strands and heard him groan. "Croc... need you."
Chuckling he kissed her a few more times before kissing across her cheek to her ear. "Do you trust me darling?" he asked and felt her nod. Grinning he stood and saw her look up to him. Grabbing her hand he pulled her up, pecking her forehead before turning her around to face their bed. Rubbing his hand up her hip he met her eyes when she looked up to him. "Kneel on the bed."
Taking a deep breath you moved onto the bed like he said, taking his hand when he offered it to help stay balanced. Once you were on the bed, facing away from him you heard as he removed his pajama pants and inhaled deeply as he came up behind you. Closing your eyes as he kissed your shoulder and neck you felt him ease you down so you were on all fours.
Kissing and licking down her spine he moved to kneel behind her. Stroking up her slit with his finger he was happy to find her dripping for him. Admiring her ass he grabbed his cock and ran it up and down her slit, covering his member in her slick before pressing the head to her entrance.
You coudl only whimper as he entered you, the stretch of his cock indescribable. His hand moved to your lower back as he slowly thrusted in, his thumb rubbing circles over your skin. Once he was the whole was in, his pelvis meeting your ass you swallowed hard with how full you felt. As soon as he started moving you felt your mouth fall open and dug your nails into the bedding. Being thrusted forward with every snap of his hips you moaned and felt your mind slipping away, the pleasure of your lovemaking taking over.
Gritting his teeth he let out a low groan, gripping her ass cheek hard enough to leave bruises. Dropping his eyes he watched her small body get fucked by his large cock. Growling he let his eyes slip closed and focused on the immense pleasure he was feeling. She was moaning and crying out, fueling his engine to pick up speed. Leaning down over her he held his weight with one hand while his left arm looped under her pelvis to keep them as close a possible.
He was hitting all new angles like this making moans and sighs flow from your mouth. It wasn't long before you felt your second orgasm approaching. "c..croc...ah..."
As he felt her fluttering around his cock he dipped his head to kiss her temple, he was close as well. "Cum for me little star." he told her in a deep voice and as she clamed down on his cock he pushed his hips as far into her backside as he possibly could, letting out a deep groan as he filled her, only slightly aware of her own moaning.
Feeling extremely exhausted after two intense orgasms you were thankful when your husband helped lower you to the bed to lay you on your side. After helping to clean you up you cuddled up into his side, sighing as he brushed your unruly hair out of your face. Using the rest of your energy you turned to kiss his chest and mumble a small 'love you' before sleep claimed you.
Grinning to himself as she quickly fell asleep in his side he kissed her forehead and rubbed her belly. "Goodnight my dear wife."
Whimpering you bit your lip and closed your eyes. Just a two more hours, come on you could do this without him.
"Y/n/n are you alright?" Bentham asked with furrowed brows as he watched the young woman stiffened up again.
Not trusting your voice you only nodded in response. Taking deep breaths in through your nose and letting them out through your mouth you crossed your arms over your chest to try and hide your discomfort from your friend. Walking around the room you thought back to this morning when you had first felt those contractions. At first you thought they were just strong Braxton hicks but they seemed to be getting worse. Croc was currently in a meeting and you really didn't want to bother him. Stopping when a sudden pain came you had to grab onto the nearest piece of furniture to keep from doubling over.
"Okay you are clearly not alright or fine as you keep saying. I think I should really go get..."
"No Bon. I'm fine it's just Braxton hicks."
"But Mr. Zero said that if you were in pain to...."
"He is in a meeting, one he has been getting ready for all week. I don't want to bother him." you told him, your voice shaky. "I'll be fine, I just... I need to walk around a bit." you said quietly as you moved towards the garden. Seeing Bon's worried eyes on you you gave him a reassuring smile. Continuing to walk around outside you licked your lips. Your water hadn't broken so you still had a while... maybe, or at least that's how it was in the movies. Placing your hand over your large belly you tried to feel for any movement.
Watching the woman closely he saw her just walk around the private garden. Nothing else seemed to happen for a while until he saw her clench up again. This time a small cry of pain leaving her lips.
Leaning forward you rested your head on your folded arms that were against the wall surrounding the garden and tried to focus on your breathing. "Oh fuck.." you whimpered.
"That is it Y/n I am going to get Mr.Zero right now." Bentham spoke as he hurried over to help keep his friend from falling to the ground. Walking her back inside he winced as she clung to his hand.
"N...no Bon I..." You words quickly fell silent as something wet dripped down your legs. Snapping your eyes down you saw a wetness covering the front of your lounge pants. "O..okay yeah I'm not fine... I'm in labor."
Bentham quickly let out a small yell as he led her inside. "You sit down and..."
"Don't want to sit down." you spoke softly with a shake of your head, your eyes screwing shut.
"Fine but please just stay here. I am going to get Crocodile. Everything is going to be alright! You will be fine and little Croc junior will be fine and..."
"Bon p...please just hurry."
"Right. Be back soon."
Listening as Bon ran from the home you tried to even out your breathing. Deciding it would be best if you got to the bed room you tried to wobble your way down the hall but the contractions were coming in hard. Clenching your eyes shut you grit your teeth and tried to muffle your scream behind your teeth. Once you could breathe again you looked to your bedroom door. Painstakingly making it to your bedroom you glanced to the bed and bit your lip, tears streaming down your face. Glancing to the bathroom you stumbled over to the door, grabbing the frame so hard you were afraid you might crack the wood. "Ahhh!" you sobbed. Quickly shoving your lounge pants down your legs you breathed through another contraction. You needed towels, that you knew. Going to take another step you were overcome with a horrible pain and felt your knees buckle but before you could hit the ground two strong hands were holding you up. Looking to their owners you saw none other than your friend and husband's right hand man, "Daz..."
"It's alright Y/n I got you." he spoke as he lifted the woman up gently and carried her to the large bed in the room.
Easing back into the pillows with Daz's help you looked up into the man's black eyes, "C..croc?"
"He'll be here soon I'm sure, Bentham met me on the way." he told her.
Nodding you saw him walk to the bathroom and come back with his arm full of towels.
Easing a few of the towels under her he left the others on the table for now. "I'll be back, I'm going to get a bowl of hot water." Seeing the apprehension in her eyes he laid his hand on her shoulder. ""I'm coming right back Y/n, I promise." Seeing her nod he hurried to the kitchen.
Laying there you worked on breathing, gripping the bedding hard. Overcome with emotions and pain you soon felt more tears roll down your face. You wanted your husband, you wanted your Croc. A burst of air filled the room before you felt something stroking your cheek and opened your eyes to see none other than your soulmate. There was a look of what you thought was fear on his face, something you hadn't seen before. "He wants t..to make a grand appearance just like h..his daddy."
Chuckling slightly he looked over her flushed face and licked his lips. He coudl see the streaks on her face where she had been crying and her eyes showed the pain she was in. Leaning forward he placed a kiss on her sweaty brow, stroking the side of her face with his hand. When he heard her let out a whimper of pain and felt her clench up he looked down to see her face contorted into one of agony and he hated it. Hearing footsteps he snapped his eyes to the door to see Daz coming in with a steaming bowl that when he set it on the side table he saw it was water. Glancing between his first and his wife he swallowed hard. "What can I do?"
"Comfort her." was all he said before he turned to see Bentham running in practically dragging the midwife in behind him, the poor woman looking petrified.
He had stayed by his darling side as the midwife went about checking her over. Thankfully Daz had pulled Bentham out of the room a while ago before he coudl snap himself. It had been about two hours and during that time he could only sit and watch as the love of his life suffered in pain. Helping her take a drink from the cup of water Bentham had brought in he placed it back on the table before stroking her hair back again. The contractions were closer now and as the midwife checked her again she told them both that it should be anytime now.
Feeling your lower abdomen clench up you took in a shaky breath "Oh God.. I.. I think I need to push." you spoke and saw Croc sit up straight, his body stiffening.
"Go ahead, your body knows what to do, long push." the midwife instructed.
Baring down for a good minute you panted for air once the contraction ended. Breathing out you fisted your hands in the bedding and threw your head back as another strong contraction came, telling your body to push. Managing a long push you gasped out a sob when you needed a break, it felt like your body was being ripped in half.
"Good. Very good."
Dabbing at her forehead with the rag he felt his heart hammering against his ribs. He couldn't describe how much it hurt him to see his wife suffering. As another contraction came he heard her sob out that she couldn't do this. Grabbing her hand when he saw a small tear roll down her cheek he placed his forehead on her head and closed his eyes, "You can do this little star, I know you can. You are doing so good darling, come on just a little while more."
"You need to push again Mrs. A Long, hard push. Come on now ready, 1, 2, 3 push."
Nodding you bared down and pushed, your teeth clenching together so tight you were afraid they would crack.
Ignoring the pain in his hand he watched as she pushed. When she gasped for air he heard her choke on a sob and looked down, lifting the bottom of the shirt to see blood and... hair. Snapping his eyes back up to her face he smiled. "I can see the head darling."
"Big push." The midwife spoke as she moved between the woman's legs.
Seeing his wife sweating and exhausted he brushed her hair out of her face before taking her hand again. "Come on, you can do it starlight push." he said and saw her dip her head as she pushed again.
Feeling a pressure between your legs you took in pants of air and watched Croc look again, a large smile coming over his face.
"The head is out sweetheart, he's got some hair." he said, watching as the midwife gently unlopped the cord from his child's neck.
"One more push Mrs., just one more."
You were so tired, it felt like your limbs weighed a ton. Hearing the woman talking but not being able to fully pick up on what she said you figured she was talking to Croc.
Quickly nodding he followed the midwife's instructions to remove Y/n's shirt and without a second thought he ripped the front of his dress shirt that she was wearing open, buttons flying all over the room.
"Just one more darling, come on." he told her cupping her cheek in his hand.
With one last hard push you gasped out and felt a pressure leave your body.
Snapping his eyes down as the midwife moved to grab his child he couldn't stop smiling,.
"It's a boy."
His tiny son wailed in the woman's hands and he looked to his wife as he was laid on her chest.
Moving to hold your son you choked out a sob and felt tears run down your cheeks. "Shhhh." you cooed to him, hearing his small cries dwindle down at the sound of your voice.
Rubbing his son's back he didn't care at all for the blood and birth that was getting on him. The straw-hat doctor had been right, his son was small, his hand covering his son's whole body but as the midwife said that he seemed to be in perfect health he coudl only smile. He didn't care if he was small he had to be the perfect thing he had ever seen.
A while later he moved back to their bed, both his wife and son being cleaned up and everyone gone from their home. He had removed his hook, dressing down to his lounge pants as he carefully joined her in bed. Scooting over he watched amazed as his son suckled away happily. Stroking his fine black hair with the tips of his fingers he smiled softly and kissed Y/n's head. "He's beautiful darling. Absolutely perfect."
Humming sleepily you looked up to your husband and smiled as he kissed you. Feeling Caiman finally unlatch you adjusted him and then looked up to Croc before moving your son to his father's chest.
Stiffening when Y/n moved to place the tiny newborn on his chest he opened and closed his mouth.
"You aren't going to break him." you chuckled lightly.
Leaning back into the pillows he held his son with his left forearm while his hand moved overtop of him to keep him warm. For the first few seconds he didn't breath but as soon as he saw the babe nuzzle his cheek into his chest he smiled and relaxed slowly.
"See he knows his daddy." you spoke, smiling at the sight.
Looking down at his son it all sunk in and he took a shaky breath. He had a son, he was a father, a husband. He had a family. Licking his lips he glanced to the woman curling up in his side. "Thank you y/n, for showing me what true happiness is."
Humming you yawned and kissed his chest, stroking Caiman's knuckles and feeling him wrap his tiny fingers around one of yours. "I love you Croc."
"And I love you darling." he told her before he felt her body relax into his and her breaths fan out over his chest. Hearing the tiniest grunt from his son he rubbed his back, "Shhh. Let's let your mother get some well deserved rest." As the boy quieted down he saw one of his eyes crack open to look at him and smiled largely at the bright sea blue eyes that met his.
"Again! Again!"
Smiling as Caiman demanded his father lift him up above his head with his one hand you smiled at his laugh.
"Alright Caiman daddy has captainly duties as mommy calls it."
"No I Captain."
Huffing he set his son in his lap. "Yes yes I know, you are the captain."
Giggling at just how much the two were alike you looked back down to your sketch of the two when suddenly a loud voice broke out from the deck.
"Straw-hat ship up ahead!"
Seeing his wife jump up he coudl only huff as she came over to take their son from him.
Walking out onto the deck you moved to stand with your husband as the Sunny came into view. Coming up beside the ship you smiled largely as the crew came out on deck. Holding onto your now almost two year old you felt Croc rub your back as his arm wrapped around you. Looking up at him you saw him glance down at you, the both of your sharing a loving smile before you heard the loud cheering of the pirate king.
A/n: Well that's it. I hope everyone enjoyed it. Thank you for reading. Please leave me a comment or like to let me know what you think.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Umbrella Girl (part 5)
Your first date with Cillian, and the aftermath...
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth
Warnings - language, and there's smut in this one 😉
You felt your pulse start to race. The nerves flowing through you like a river. You hadn't been on a date for more than 6 years. Steph had come over to help you get ready and calm your nerves.
"So where's he taking you?" Steph asked as she straightened the back of your hair. You sat at your mum's dressing table with a glass of wine.
"He wouldn't tell me, just said to wear something comfortable and be ready for 6:30," you smiled taking a sip of wine.
"And his revelation?" Steph raised an eyebrow at you in the mirror. You'd told her about it the next day, Steph was your sister and you trusted her with your life.
"It wasn't his fault, anyone in their right mind would know that. I plan on talking to him properly tonight, he needs to decide what he's going to do. Hiding from it will just make it worse." You remembered how upset he'd been and felt your eyes watering again.
"Don't you dare, that mascara isn't waterproof!" Steph pointed the straighteners at you, making you laugh. "You're right though. He's the sweetest guy on set. I knew you two would hit it off." Your turn to raise an eyebrow now.
"You planned this, didn't you?"
"Maybe. Worked though, didn't it?" She smirked. Your sister was devious, not that you minded. The doorbell suddenly rang, making you jump.
"Shit.. he's here!" Steph ran down the stairs to let him in, you heard her say to wait in the lounge while you finished putting your makeup on. Steph came back into the room with a lipstick.
"Y/n... He looks amazing.. and he has a purple shirt on. You NEED this lipstick." She handed it to you, a beautiful shade of pale mauve. Perfect.
Once you were ready, you made your way downstairs. Your flowing black summer dress now accentuated with a pale purple necklace and matching earrings (loaned from Steph) and a black handbag and heels. Your feet were already aching from the heels - you never wore them - but you'd manage. There would likely be a restaurant involved at some point, you be seated for the most part.
Cillian was waiting in the living room in his purple shirt, smart dark blue jeans and boots, Emily sat next to him on the sofa, your mum watching them play I-Spy from the armchair. He glanced at you, and back at Emily.
"I spy with my little eye.... Something beautiful." He said, and Emily looked around the room and saw you, her mouth dropping. She'd never seen you like this.
"Mommy!!!" She ran over to you and wrapped her arms round your waist.
"Well I was going to say you Emily, but I guess your mama looks okay," he smiled, standing up to kiss your cheek softly. You batted his arm playfully, before picking your girl up to hug her tight.
"You be a good girl for Aunty Steph, okay?" Emily smiled and nodded. You turned to Steph and hugged her. "Thank you..."
Steph took Emily from you and smiled. "I've got snacks, movies, games, and.... I may have bought pancakes and waffles for breakfast..." Emily squealed with delight - sleepovers with Aunty Steph ALWAYS meant pancakes for breakfast! Your mum stood up in her nurses uniform and grabbed her bag. Normally she would have had Emily for you but she had a night shift tonight, hence Emily going to Steph's. It was easier for her to sleep there tonight rather than disturb her later.
"Have a great time y/n, and be careful, okay?" She kissed your cheek and squeezed Cillian's arm warmly. He nodded, and promised her you'd have a good night and he'd get you home safe. Your mum smiled and headed out the door to drive to work. Steph followed, with Emily and her overnight bag, leaving you and Cillian alone. He pulled you close and kissed your lips.
"Where are you taking me then Mr Murphy?"
"It's a surprise, but you need new shoes. Those heels look like agony!" He laughed. You agreed, and changed to a smaller, more comfortable pair.
Sitting in his car later that night, you smiled at the view. You'd been to the coast plenty of times before with Emily, but never at night. It looked so peaceful and tranquil. You had spent the evening in a small Italian restaurant in town, sharing a pizza and a bottle of wine. Cillian only had one as he was driving, but you were happy to finish the rest - although you were slightly slightly tipsy leaving the restaurant, you'd sobered up a little now.
"We need to talk about this Cillian, you can't avoid it forever." The alcohol making you feel braver, as you broached the subject he'd been so desperate to avoid all evening. He took your hand across the centre console.
"I've been thinking about it non stop since that talk in Sophie's trailer. I can't allow her to control me and my life - I'm sick of walking on eggshells. Afraid to move forward. I need to just get on with it, I'll just have to deal with the consequences won't I.." his voice trailed off and you squeezed his hand.
"I'm here too? You're not dealing with it on your own." He looked over at you and smiled, leaning in to kiss your lips softly. It soon intensified, both of you leaning into each other somewhat awkwardly over the gear stick and centre console trying to get to the other. You pulled away and looked into his eyes.
"I thought we were taking it slowly... If you keep kissing me like that I'm gonna break my promise..." He whispered, and turned on the ignition. You sat back in your seat, feeling the heat burning in your core. There was no way you were taking it slow, you needed him and soon.
15 minutes later you were outside your house on the doorstep, tongues down each others throats while his hands roamed over your back and down your legs. You fumbled in your bag for your keys, opening the door and crashing inside, bodies pressed together in the hallway. You pushed him back to catch your breath, before checking your watch.
"My mom won't be home for at least 3 hours..."
"You're seriously overestimating my stamina here y/n..." You giggled and led him upstairs to your room, thanking your earlier self for tidying it the day before. Your bodies fell together again when you closed the door, he lifted you off the floor and wrapped your legs round his waist, pressing you against the wall.
"I want you..." You almost growled in his ear as his erection pressed against your heat. He led you over to the bed, pulling your dress over your head and his shirt over his, trailing kisses down your neck and over your breasts. He lay you down, unclipping your bra as his mouth took one of your breasts, circling your nipple with his tongue. Your head pushed back against the mattress, hands gripping his hair as you pushed your hips up to meet him.
"Steady now.. I'll get there, don't worry..." And get there he did. Slowly moving his mouth lower, before peeling your panties down your legs, his lips brushing over your core lightly, teasing you.
"Cillian... Please...." He chuckled lightly before opening your legs as wide as they could. No one had ever done this to you before, you were both nervous and excited. In fact, no one else had actually given you an orgasm - you'd only been with one man, Emily's father, and he wasn't exactly hot on the foreplay side of things. Your thoughts were broken by Cillian's tongue suddenly on your clit, and you had to bite your tongue to stop yourself crying out his name. Your hips were grinding against his face now, mouth open as he took you to new levels of pleasure.
"Oh my god..." Your core was on fire as he pushed a finger inside slowly, followed by a second. Hooking them forwards, you felt an unfamiliar but incredible surge of heat. "Don't you dare stop...."
"Keep making those noises... Fuck... you taste and feel incredible..." he was back on you, sucking and licking harder now, his fingers pounding deep. Your orgasm built quickly, and you came hard - your back arched against the bed panting his name over and over. Once you'd calmed, his body was over you, your hands reaching down, pulling his jeans and boxer shorts down over his hips.
"Are you -"
"I've had the coil for three years, I was checked after my ex walked out.. you -"
"Checks done after the witch.. no one since.. ah shit...." he groaned, pushing into you agonisingly slow, filling you completely. You both stayed still for a while, just enjoying the feeling of being connected.
"I need you... Fuck me Cillian, please..." his hips moved, in and out before increasing the pace and the pressure. You could feel wetness leaking from you as he thrusted into you. You raised your hips to meet each thrust, sending you both closer to the edge.
"This isn't gonna be my best performance y/n... You're too beautiful... Feels too good..."
"If you think you're done after this you have a screw loose Murphy..." His thrusts were almost primal, your nails scraping over his back - Steph was going to have a hard time covering those in makeup on Monday..
"I'm gonna come y/n..."
It hit you like a steam train - you suddenly came hard with him, and felt his breathing labour as he spilled into you, his cum covering your walls.
"Jesus y/n.. you okay?" He was still inside you, kissing your neck softly.
"I'm amazing.. never better... Don't move.." you wrapped your legs round his waist keeping him inside as long as possible. He laughed, and rested his forehead on yours.
"You meant what you said?"
"About what?"
"I'm not done am I?"
"Fuck no. I haven't had sex in 6 years Murphy, buckle up." He chuckled and you could feel him harden inside you again as you clenched your muscles around him. His lips were on yours quickly, this was going to be a long night.
The following morning you woke from the deepest sleep you'd had in years. Cillian's body was gone though, which confused you. You stretched and climbed out of bed, you could smell breakfast being cooked which was odd. You looked at your watch, 8am, your mum would still be in bed...
Walking into the kitchen you found him knocking up bacon, eggs and sausages. A coffee cup on the counter waiting for you.
"What are you doing up? I was planning on bringing this up to you?" He felt your hands wrap around his waist as you kissed his back through his t shirt.
"What are YOU doing?"
"I went to the corner shop an hour ago - thought the least I can do is cook breakfast. Might stop your mam from killing me when she finds out I'm here?"
"You're something else, you know that?" His phone rang before you could kiss his lips. He frowned, answering it. He handed you the cooking utensils and walked into the living room to take the call. A few minutes later he walked back in, a worried look in his eyes.
"You're on Facebook, right? Can you have a look on there please?" You opened the app on your phone and gasped. There was a photo of the two of you all over facebook - you were leaving the restaurant hand in hand, another of the two of you kissing, another of his hand on your backside after a cheeky pinch when he opened the car door for you, someone must have spotted you and followed you back to your house - the final photo being of the two of you all over each other on your front doorstep. You couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Well... This kisses goodbye to 'taking it slow' doesn't it?" You smiled.
"We kissed goodbye to that last night y/n... I'm so sorry..."
"Why? I knew what I was getting into?"
"Because Lisa is gonna see this, and it's about to get ugly, that's why."
"Bring it on Murphy. Remember, we're in this together." You linked your fingers with his and kissed him. Ready to face it, side by side.
How bad could it be, really?
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bakugohoex · 3 years
Could I request a jean and s/o birthday thingy my birthday is in a few days and since we're in a lockdown again I can't see my family I read a lot of your writings and they're all awesome it would really make me happy if you could write one for me 🙈
“happy birthday, baby”
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pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
cw: modern AU, fluff, implied nsfw and just pure love
word count: 1600+
a/n: happy birthday to you, hope this request can bring some sort of comfort through lockdown, it’s all a mess right now and lockdown has really fucked us over. this is also an emergency request as it’s a birthday one so i thought i’d do this one now and continue on with my normal request order tomorrow
summary: in which it’s your birthday and jean spends the day celebrating with you
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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This man spends the whole night preparing the living room of your apartment
He will literally sneak out from your shared bed leaving a pillow for you to cuddle and start getting everything from his car.
Lockdown had hit you once again and you were unable to celebrate with your family.
Baby had seen how sad you had looked on the phone with your parents and had begun planning everything from there.
Ordering so much crap and making sure it came the next day, he had to usher you to go on a designated walk whilst he shoved everything into his car.
This boy takes multiple trips in the cold with a mask and hoodie on bringing everything up.
So fucking sweet right.
He even has a cake, which he got icing for and wrote happy birthday Y/n.
Be warned the cake looks shit with the red icing.
A horror scene but he tried.
Balloons every fucking where.
He literally had streamers and balloons with your age on them.
This man is too good (how is reader getting so much shit for their birthday and i had to spend mine at home).
He had everything set up for the day, calling your family to set up a call the next day at the designated time.
This man has it all sorted, the pancakes for the morning, the presents for you, hidden behind the sofa and the special dinner he was going to make for you.
This man is just too good for his own good.
Ofc at the end of the day, he’ll treat himself to some dessert and make you feel so fucking loved.
This man would fuck you so good, like baby boy take a chill pill or you’ll get her pregnant.
He don’t care (breeding kink?).
The sound of muttering made you wake up, the early morning sun hit your face but even then, it was cloudy and cold since January was a cold month. You grabbed the other side waiting to see your boyfriend Jean, but he wasn’t there. A soft yawn coming from your face, you checked your phone seeing the gazillion messages, smiling at all the messages.
You got up, wearing Jean’s shirt that warmed you up a lot more than you had expected. Moving to the bathroom, just as you walked back out Jean noticed you about to move into the living space, “woah, woah, woah, where are you going? Get back into the room.”
Jean had pushed you back into the room, “happy birthday Y/n, yeah...have an amazing day, love you.” You mocked after he had dismissed you back into the room.
Hearing shuffling outside, the doors opened, and Jean came in with the pancakes, “happy birthday, baby.” You smiled seeing him with an apron on and a plate of two pancakes.
“Thank you.” You spoke gleefully moving towards him, you kissed his lips softly, tasting the sugar knowing he probably had some out of hunger.
Sitting you on the bed he let you lean against his frame, putting the pancakes on your lap, “why can’t I go into the living room?”
“It’s a surprise, be patient princess.” He kissed the top of your head, you both eating and talking. It felt like a good start to the day and had already made you feel warm and less empty than you had felt the night before.
“You can’t come in until you wear your best clothes and make yourself even prettier.” He gleamed out having already showered and ready to change himself.
You sign doing as your told, it was quick, and you wore the dress Jean had said he’d liked, the long black sleeve dress covered you up and you wore tights due to the extreme weather and knowing how cold the apartment got in the afternoon.
Jean walked back seeing you, he stood in awe at the door, one hand at the top as he leaned forward admiring you, “you look beautiful, baby.”
“You’re being extra nice.” You snicker standing up and going in front of him.
“It’s your birthday, I’m supposed to be nice.” You laugh going on your tippy toes and giving him a soft peck. “Come on.”
He makes you go in front of him, his rough hands on your face covering your eyes, you directed you, making sure you didn’t bang into anything. Before finally you were both in the living room, the balloons and streamers cascaded down the walls. The gold and pinks filled with love and his emotion, “keep them closed.”
Feeling his hands leave your eyes, you kept your eyes shut but could feel the light from outside. “Okay, open them.” He had a cake in his hands, the balloons and lights being such a pretty sight. The place was filled to the brim, you felt engulphed in love and happiness and the wide smile the boy had on his face, he knew you loved it.
“You…you did this on your own.” You spoke tearily, still partially in shock at how much the boy had done for you.
“It was all to see that pretty smile.” He got the matches lightening the candle before showing the cake in full view. It really did look like a scene out of a horror film with the red hearts looking like splodges and the words being smudged, “make a wish.”
He was scared you might hate him for ruing the cake, but you grinned like a school girl who had fallen in love. Blowing out the yellow fame, you made the wish that would make you and Jean bound together forever. He smiled putting the cake down, grabbing your hand to take you to the sofa. “You have to open it in order.” You nodded as he passed the gifts, there were three in total. A small box, a much larger oddly shaped one and a rectangle shaped one, he pointed to the rectangle and you opened it.
Unwrapping the silver wrapping paper and sticking the bow on your boyfriend, his lip twitched upwards before you saw the gift. It was a frame, with the two of you in it, it was sentimental more than anything. It had been three months into your relationship, and he had invited you to his work event where you met a lot of his friends. One of them being Sasha who insisted on taking a photo for you two, it had been your favourite photo since, so candid and in love it was beautiful.
“I love it.” You cooed ready to kiss and hug him, but he stopped you.
“No hugs or kisses until the last present.” You signed rolling your eyes at the boy who passed the oddly shaped gift. You unwrapped it quicker, wanting to hug your boyfriend so much at how amazing the day was going.
You undid it to be met with a figure from your favourite anime, it was a little plushie that you had seen in town. You had sent the plushie to him months ago and here it was in your hands, he had remembered. It was amazing, beautiful even, the little hands and feet. You wanted to cry even more at what you had gotten it meant a lot that the boy had even remembered such a trivial thing like that.
He passed the final gift, his hands seemed shaky, but you ignored it thinking he was cold. After all it was still icy outside and you knew he must’ve had to hide it in his car and wake up in the early hours to even do something like this. You wrapped the last gift, the smallest of the bunch, his shirt moved due to his heavy breaths, he rubbed the sweat on his trousers from his palms. He was nervous if you’d like something like this if you’d accept a gift so personal.
You opened it, seeing a square box, you looked between the box and Jean, before opening it. Inside a gold necklace sat in the middle, the words Jean dangled in the middle. Your heart stopped, it was pretty, the diamonds on each side, the cursive lettering. It was beautiful, “I know it says my name, but there’s a reason for that.” He watched your expression, fearful you’d think him to have that big of an ego, which he did but not to you, “I know I leave on business trips for days and I want you to know I’ll always still be around you.”
His justification warmed your heart even more than the gift had originally, you passed it to the boy, moving your hair to the side. He smiled putting it around your neck before kissing your exposed shoulder. “I love it, I love you.” You whispered in his ear, you kissed him softly before he brought his arms around your waist bringing you a lot closer onto his body.
Your birthday had started out amazing, and it continued on, with a surprise family call whilst Jean made dinner, showing your gifts which your parents adored. To the meal that Jean prepared as you both sat together under multiple candles, it was romantic something you and Jean had missed out on since the first lockdown had occurred. But here you were with your favourite boy having the best birthday ever. He even washed up, letting your relax surrounded by the balloons and streamers. It really was a magical day.
Even afterwards, letting you cuddle up beside him he gave you one last present, and it was one that would make you so loved, so comforted and definitely unable to walk the next day.
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