#and are now literally one person and will probably die again as one wtf 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
akkivee · 9 months
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when you rewatch the entirety of the season, you watch chiaro and scuro slowly come into akira and satoru’s individual character quirks, like akira’s weird metaphors that he’s never personally experienced and satoru’s comparatively brighter personality
so it is a different kind of painful to watch akira and satoru die, see them practically reborn as chiaro and scuro only for them to lose their lives again 😭😭😭
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Listen. Listen. You KNOW I love angst, but now I can't stop thinking about cat!Dream and cow!Hob where Hob is the king, but Dream isn’t a warprize…
Hob is out in the gardens one day and sees! A cat person! On palace grounds!!! He’s just laying in the sun, casual as can be, and Hob is so stunned he just calls out like “Hey!! You can’t be here!!” And the cat barely opens one eye to shoot Hob- the king- a very unimpressed look before completely ignoring him. So Hob calls for the guards, but by the time they arrive the mysterious cat is gone. 
Later, someone sees the dark haired cat person wandering INSIDE the halls of the palace (the palace of the COW kingdom) and are like “wtf are you doing here??” and the cat just says “I live here, obviously >:/” turning his nose up and continuing on his way. He keeps being seen around the castle, mostly just meandering, although he will occasionally knock over a vase if he thinks it’s ugly, and people have tried to get him out but he just scales the walls and none of the cow people can reach him!! They’re all very confused because he CLEARLY isn’t an assassin or anything, he’s just. Here. And he won't leave.
Finally one night Hob wakes up and the cat person is LAYING ON TOP OF HIM. He panics a little (maybe he WAS an assassin after all) but when he goes to sit up the cat just glares at him.
“Stop moving. I am comfortable.”
“I. Am. Comfortable.”
He leaves no room for argument, and even a king like Hob just can’t bring himself to disturb the pretty kitty when he’s gotten so cozy on top of Hob.
A few hours later Hob is awoken again, this time by a hand gently smacking his face.
“I’m hungry.”
The cat person (Hob finally learns that his name is Dream, though Hob will affectionately call him a little Nightmare) won’t leave him alone, but Hob IS royalty and is used to sleeping in and doesn’t want to move and that is how Dream first starts drinking Hob’s milk. It is, of course, all downhill from there.
(Just. Dream literally being one of those stray cats who just show up and are like “I live here now and you are my person and you’re just going to have to deal with it” and Hob as “I’m definitely not a cat person no we can’t keep him actually I would die for this kitty”.)
I love it 😭😭 asshole cat Dream is the best thing in the world.
The thing about the cow kingdom is that the citizens are basically very chilled out, and they are not particularly inclined to make a fuss. So when Dream learns this, he basically thinks to himself - well, I can probably get away with moving into the royal palace. Chances are, they won't hurt me and will eventually just let me be. Which is exactly what happens. However Dream didn't anticipate that the King of the cow kingdom would become completely obsessed with his new kitty friend.
Now Dream must submit to the indignity of being snuggled. Kissed. Cooed at. Tickled. Hob won't leave him alone. When he leaves his rooms he literally picks Dream up in his arms and takes him to the counsel chambers or throne room or wherever. Dream can wiggle and run away whenever he wants but that's not the point! It's humiliating to be picked up and pressed into the King's plentiful bosom, then carried around the palace like a toy!
Dream would definitely leave... but the King's milk is so sweet and rich. Its the creamiest Dream has ever tasted. And Hob gives such good cuddles, and his soft cow body is perfect for curling up on for a nap. So on reflection, Dream will stay and submit to being kissed and fussed over by the silly cow King.
...this is as close to an "I love you" as Hob will ever get from his little Nightmare.
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vhstown · 1 year
spider-teens ★ D&D HEADCANONS
— hobie, gwen, miles, pavitr (+ peter b & mayday!)
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warnings: d&d jargon (there's definitions at the end if you're curious), shenanigans, miles being a NERDDD, a lil shorter than usual
a/n: how id imagine these lot playing d&d!!! ive only played / ran 5e so forgive me veteran players 😭 again feel free to add / disagree w me it's all in good fun
If MILES doesn't run the game, he plays a warlock for sure. Not because it fits him personality wise but because he wants to be a magic user but also not be held back by it. My man is thinking STRATEGY and takes every opportunity to geek out about the specifics of his abilities. He also definitely has a ridiculously fleshed-out backstory he's kind of too embarrassed to tell anyone about.
Either warlock or the nerd multi-classes and it confuses the hell out of EVERYONE... I feel like he tries a lot of the classes though so warlock is kind of a starting point when he's playing with his spider friends (he defo played fighter or sorcerer in the past)
Miles is the one who gets everyone together though (and jumps through universes to make sure everyone's on time 😭 he will NOT tolerate scheduling issues)
Peter B runs a lot of their games except he used to play 3e or Pathfinder back in the day (nerd...) so Miles is just like... gritting his teeth a little whenever Peter misses a little detail or a skill check. He probably used to play in high school / college I mean come on...
Speaking of Peter B OF COURSE he lets Mayday roll the dice. The entire party could depend on that roll and she's rolling it and everyone is TENSE (And he tries not to let her eat the dice... Tries.)
HOBIE plays a barbarian or rogue. He'd play a barbarian just for the hell of it (sounds cool) and would most definitely carry everyone by total accident because he's like... the only one alive.
Rogue also for the hell of it cause stealing is rebellious and that 😭 Though if he does play a rogue his character becomes one of the most unintentionally complex characters in the game.
Hobie would figure out the entire plot of the adventure completely by accident and Peter just laughs awkwardly and goes "You'll just have to find out next session!" and maybe dies inside (but it's not like he prepares for his sessions anyway 💀)
Absolutely crits at the most ridiculous times and derails the whole campaign because he decided to interrogate a minor political figure and now they're destabilising the region's government instead of fighting dragons
And he accidentally becomes the leader of like the whole village and maybe starts a revolution and Peter is sat there lips pressed together hands pressed together elbows on table like "...I guess that happens then."
Might cheat a little bit. Just a little. Not enough to ruin the campaign but enough to have Peter sweating 💀 A lil strand of web under his dice hurt nobody right? (Those goblins are DEAD dead)
Miles is gob-smacked and definitely a little jealous of him 😭
PAVITR originally wants to play a fighter because that sounds... cool as hell BUT when Miles explains the bard class to him he takes it and runs
I'd say Pavitr is relatively new to the game as are Hobie and Gwen but he hones in on the roleplay (not as seriously as Miles but definitely participates)
Probably leads the group and goes head-first into danger (Miles is literally pissing himself) and his character probably knows loads of languages cause he just conveniently picked a race with very useful languages for the adventure (as per Miles' suggestion)
But he goes out-of-character more than once to go "WTF????" when he doesn't manage to rizz up an NPC and they're have to roll for initiative (attempts to be a pacifist)
The goat when it comes to fights though he plays such a good supporting character and if he were to die everyone would totally be finished 😭🙏
GWEN plays either a monk or a wizard. I feel like she doesn't particularly mind but she plays wizard for a little bit before realising that she doesn't really like the magic stuff? Goes for monk and it's a lot simpler and more fun
More of an observer but is helpful when it comes to investigating areas and carries like EVERY item possible: potions, magical items, 20 rocks for some reason. Bag of holding girlie (like how she holds that trauma she has in real li—)
Has THE coolest weapons. Because her character can't rely on magic she's constantly upgrading or getting new weapons and her unique monk abilities come in handy again when exploring!!!
Totally makes fun of Miles (endearingly!) And maybe points out a plot hole in his backstory and he wants to curl up into a ball and disappear for a good minute (he rethinks his entire character for 2 nights straight)
Has an NPC she would protect with her LIFE. Barmaid at the inn? Anything for you sweetums 😁😁😁 *trips over and dies*
That's all given if they have an actually functional game... It takes them probably about like a year to finish a one-shot adventure
But it is SO worth the memories (albeit very chaotic memories.) Even when they're arguing over a roll (usually Hobie's) or someone's character has literally died they make it work through the power of friendship...! And a broken table
These guys are crazy I love them
"Embrace the chaos is the mood for tonight's session. AKA you guys are screwed... Roll initiative."
"What the hell?!"
"Don't swear in front of the kid!"
Campaign: A world containing one set of characters where different adventures take place
Dungeon Master / DM: The person who creates the story and runs the game
Skill check: Rolling a die to see if you've passed or failed a certain skill when performing an action (for example charisma when trying to persuade somebody)
Crit: Critical hit. When you roll a 20 on a 20-sided die. You deal loads of damage in a fight basically.
NPC: Non-playable character. Any characters who aren't the players within the universe. Controlled by the DM.
Initiative: The roll you have to make before a fight to decide the order of turns. "Roll initiative" means "you guys are in a fight now!!!! lmao!!!!"
thank you for reading my insane midnight rant LMAOOO
i haven't played d&d in like 2 years so apologies if anything is diabolically wrong here 💀would love to hear your thoughts!
reblogs appreciated <3 read the rest of my atsv stuff here!
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
okay, I moved stuff around in the asks so we wouldn’t end with something depressing 😂 (même si c’est déprimant en soi de devoir faire des pieds et des mains pour que discuter d’une série ne nous donne pas le cafard 🤡)
I’m sorry but I gotta address the timeline again… doesn’t timothée’s line at the beginning imply he and morgane have been dating for two months? "on n’essaie pas encore, ça fait que 2 mois" ? yet gilles tries to get out of his predicament by telling daphné ~je me suis mal exprimé "l’autre jour"… is it so hard to make the dialogue make sense?? 😟 ah, et aussi. congrats to adèle/jessica for whatever time travel gymnastics it took to be born in 1975 and die at 37 in the 2020s. (maybe she enlisted eliott’s help lol. he was wearing a back to the future sweater in the last scene, #timetravellerconfirmed)
I applaud the continuity in some regards though. lille est toujours un vivier olympique, apparemment (or are all cities like that? 😅); whatever research on hinduism they did for 304 was duly reused; morgane’s windows are still broken (tho if it really has been 2 months, we should perhaps hold the applause); she was right and did get dumped pretty fast (🥴💔💔); and, personal fave, my headcanon of a technophobic [gros canard] still holds 📱
but please tell me the product placement won’t last all season, jpp de leur café 💀 céline literally stops drinking tea because they put the coffee maker ON DISPLAY in her office, wtf 😂 a silver lining: it brings out the anticapicalist in morgane since she doesn’t drink a drop of the sponsored coffee timmy brings her at work. 🙏🙏🙏 certes, c’est capillotracté, but it’s something, alright?? let’s take that win before they snatch it away 😅 I’ll leave you with that, thanks for bearing with me! I’ll be happy to hear any and all positive takes you have on this ep. ❣️❣️❣️
"c’est déprimant en soi de devoir faire des pieds et des mains pour que discuter d’une série ne nous donne pas le cafard 🤡" -> And unfortunately, it's just the beginning... 😭😭 let's get used to it
So, before I dive into this one, Morgane's getting dumped by Timothée. This. Was. So. Gratuitously. Hurtful 😱😭 I mean, I was absolutely NOT rooting for them, but I wanted her to breakup with him, not the other way around. She objectively doesn't really care about the guy, and yet he still manages to break her heart by poking the same scar the others poked before, and I just -- 💔💔
Can we talk about how "J'ai besoin d'une relation plus...." "... simple ?" "Ouais c'est ça." "C'est toujours ça..." was such a heartbreaking exchange? Morgane being hit and ran over and over again about the SAME issue really hurt😰, and even more so when put in perspective with later stuff but 🤐🤐
Now, the timeline. 100% agreed, and I noted the same things re the inconsistencies. And the victime's date of birth made zero sense anyway since they changed her identity, right? So her zodiac sign might not be accurate, idk... Also the two months gap, which is necessary to vaguely establish Morgane and Timothée as a ~relationship, implies that Gilles kept pretending to Daphné that he was dating Timothée? And knowing Daphné she probably couldn't keep her mouth shut and made all sorts of allusions in front of Timothée who just had no clue at all? 😂 And I didn't notice Eliott's sweater but you're right, actually this show's been making fun of us and me specifically from the start 😅
(also yes, the windows weren't changed for two months while it was literally snowing during 304 🤦)
Now for me the biggest continuity issue in this episode is Morgane telling David she doesn't smoke while we saw her smoking in 301, I'll leave you with that 😅
Unfortunately, the product placement is far from over, and I must admit that it's particularly unsubtle and annoying this season 😠 but please tell me this didn't kill Céleane (Céline x tea 😆) aka my favorite ship from this show!!! 😱 And I didn't notice the trend but now that you're pointing it out, Morgane NEVER drinks out of these sponsored cups of coffee and only drinks from the anonymous cup during the breakfast scene, so... 👀
Other honorable mentions about this episode include :
Timothée attempting to lecture Serge and the latter just bursting with hilarity at him, that was extremely satisfying to watch 😊
Morgane and David bonding over getting dumped by the loves of their lives, that was sweet. At least Morgane got a modicum of sympathy and understanding this ep 🥲💕
Morgane's video at the end 🤣🤣🤣 Couac Investigations!! The fact that she answered Gilles in the video and the face he makes!!! Love this
Well, this is all I got for today, I hope I made you feel a tiny bit better about this episode (do you still have those boating shoes on or did they break already?)... And I just wanted to say, I will always bear with you 💕 ngl we're facing hard times, but we'll get through this, anon, and we'll get through this together 😘
Til next time! 🥃❤️
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Grace, Nancy, Teddy & Gia Pt.1
Nancy: Safe travels, my lovely
Nancy: I totally understand why you didn’t want to stay until tonight, even though I’m gutted to see you go, obvs 🤍🤍🤍
Grace: ☁️🛫🤞🏽🤍🙏🏽🤍🛬☁️
Grace: you’re THE BEST for understanding TYSM & I’m SO sorry AGAIN!!
Nancy: No, don’t be silly, it’s happened to us all at one point or another
Nancy: And I looked at his socials, he didn’t post anything about you, so, that’s a positive
Grace: oh GOD why is it ALWAYS me though??! 😭😭
Grace: girl, I told you, he’s an 😇
Grace: 💔💔💔 FML
Nancy: I don’t even UNDERSTAND how you got quite that drunk… like, you were REALLY hammered 
Nancy: You must’ve had more than you remember, it doesn’t make ANY sense otherwise
Grace: idk idk 💀 what I DO remember is so so bad it’ll literally haunt me forever 😳😬
Nancy: If he’s such a 😇
Nancy: like… why did we end up here? I’m trying to understand your thought process 
Grace: it’s COS he is, I know that doesn’t make sense… 
Nancy: Because you didn’t feel good enough
Grace: 👌🏽 maybe it makes total sense, cos yeah
Nancy: Babe 🥺😭😭
Nancy: but you only ended up acting like 1000% worse than you actually are because of that 💭
Grace: 😭😭😭😭
Grace: I spiralled, I’m SUCH an idiot
Nancy: Look, he probably ended up as drunk as you when he went to the club after, he won’t remember [whatever embarrassing detail either she told you last night when wasted or Teddy did in that lil debrief]
Grace: 🤞🏽🤍🙏🏽🤍 cos I’ll wanna die if he remembers that or [something else you clearly did as bad or worse] BUT I can’t get my hopes up, like, I’m literally NOT good enough for him, last night proved it
Grace: I freaked out but I was right, still
Nancy: I bet he’s been on hundreds of worse dates, it’ll barely register
Nancy: You’re just insecure and traumatized, that doesn’t make you a bad person, AT ALL 
Grace: me too I’ve been on 1000000s & here I am 😱👻 ILY for trying to make it better but you can’t
Nancy: You should get a bloody mary on the plane, you’ve earnt it 
Grace: 💡👏🏽
Grace: ☕️ isn’t gonna be strong enough & it’s 🤴🏼 triggering now anyway
Nancy: If he actually managed to cure you of your caffeine addiction, you’d have to send him a thank you note 
Grace: 😂 he’d really be asking himself wtf is wrong with me then
Nancy: Aren’t manners very 😇? 😏
Grace: you’re asking the wrong girl, babes
Grace: I’m no 😇 if only 🥺😭😭 & me sending a 💌 would have the poor boy thinking I’m 12 now I’ve drank like it in front of him 
Nancy: He should have taken better care of you, I said it before and I’ll say it again 🤷‍♀️
Grace: it isn’t his fault, he thought I ate CARBS 👌🏽👌🏽 it’s mine I tricked him 
Nancy: 🤔🤔🤔
Nancy: Okay but who orders for someone in this day and age, that was weird, it isn’t the 50s
Grace: he was being romantic
Nancy: Oh God, you really like him, don’t you?
Grace: I’m just saying, I ruined it, he didn’t do anything wrong
Nancy: But do you like him, like actually?
Grace: it doesn’t matter, we’ll NEVER see each other again, I can’t & he won’t wanna 🙈🙉🙊
Nancy: Say he did, though
Grace: ofc I like him I’m not brain damaged
Nancy: As someone you’d like to see properly
Grace: in this, like, pure fantasyland we’re 💬 in rn, duh, but in reality there’s no way
Nancy: Stranger things have happened
Grace: mhmm & all the weird things that happen to me are BAD so
Nancy: 😔 Well, it’s over now, honey
Grace: thank god, I just wanna go home  
Nancy: 💔
Grace: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean like yours isn’t
Grace: you know that isn’t my 💭💭
Nancy: No, it’s fine
Nancy: I just wish I had somewhere I could run back to too, that’s all, that’s not on you
Grace: I should’ve stayed, none of this is on you 😔
Grace: I’m the actual WORST & you can hate me if you wanna
Nancy: You have school tomorrow anyway, you should focus on that, getting your grades to get out
Grace: idc about school I’m not getting the grades & they’ll lowkey have to keep me there forever or give up 🙄🙄🙄
Grace: you’re where my focus is 🤍
Nancy: 🥺 You’ll make me cry
Nancy: I’m just so sorry that it didn’t go better for you, I feel like it’s my fault for saying you should get changed or something 😟😟
Grace: no no no DON’T EVEN!! you did EVERYTHING right too!!
Grace: you told me not to 🤮 & I didn’t listen
Nancy: I just wish I could protect you from feeling like that, it really breaks my heart 
Grace: 😭😭😭😭
Grace: I put you in an impossible situation, I literally shouldn’t have told you, idk what I was thinking
Nancy: you can tell me anything, I always want that
Grace: it isn’t fair it’s TOO MUCH & all I’ve done is made you feel 💔 too
Grace: I’m so SO sorry
Nancy: Shh, it’s all okay, that’s what I’m here for, we get each other
Grace: I PROMISE it was a 1 time thing & I’m not gonna do it again EVER 🤞🏽🤍🤞🏽🤍
Nancy: 🤝🤍🤝
Nancy: Because you don’t even NEED to do it
Grace: I didn’t know what else to do but it’s okay cos I’m not gonna be there again, it’s over like you said
Nancy: You just can’t be with someone if they’re going to make you feel like that, even without knowing themselves
Grace: I’ll just have to die alone, at least I still have you & you’re not mad at me 🙏🏽🤍🙌🏽
Nancy: Girl, we’ll be together, because same
Grace: is THAT why you got a dog?? 
Nancy: That sounded filthy, Grace! 😲😂
Grace: UM 😂😂 I was just saying you missed the memo lonely old ladies usually get cats 😂
Grace: or dogs they can fit in their laps anyway 😂
Nancy: Wellllllll the person I know with the most cats is your mama and she ain’t ever been lonely so 😶
Nancy: It’s good to have one like Rex, living alone, he can protect me
Grace: 👌🏽👌🏽 no need to rub it in &/or bring her up rn ty
Nancy: We’re all jealous, sis
Grace: don’t I know it… me most of all
Nancy: Truly men are only good for one thing and she is so right for that
Nancy: I give up on them for anything BUT, I swear 🤞🤦‍♀️
Grace: wow, okay, cool then I JUST give up 
Nancy: Nun vibes 👰‍♀️✝️
Grace: or lesbian vibes, but no, I still CAN’T
Grace: that would be WORSE
Nancy: You are SUCH a bigot, OMG 🤪
Grace: 🏳️‍🌈 excuse you I’m an amazing ally 🏳️‍🌈
Nancy: 😂😂😂😂
Grace: whatever, how am I the freak, again, cos I don’t want the 1 thing men are good for?? it’s so rude
Nancy: You really would be better off if you liked girls, a man is never going to give you the emotional support you need, I swear
Nancy: Life is such a sick joke, honestly 🙃
Grace: I’d have to kms or date the UGLIEST girls ever
Grace: neither are the mood
Nancy: 🏆👸 is so real
Grace: UGH, this much baggage is EXHAUSTING
Nancy: and you 😴 for a thousand years, snoring SO LOUDLY
Grace: MEAN!! 
Nancy: my ears were bleeding keeping you safe, hoe 😘
Grace: IOU for not letting me die I GUESS though it doesn’t feel like a HUGE favour rn ngl 
Nancy: It’s okay, you’re allowed to be ungrateful rn
Grace: when are things gonna get better?? I wish I was gay then it’s, like, guaranteed they HAVE TO 
Nancy: When you get to train, be qualified, at least then you’ll have your business to build up and focus on… works for my parents 
Grace: cos they also have each other
Nancy: I think my mum would still be happy, without any of us, tbh
Grace: mine too
Nancy: Why did they bother, honestly? 🤷‍♀️😕
Grace: I can’t deal with how they can take for granted something I really badly want
Nancy: 💔 I know
Nancy: I’ll not do it, in solidarity
Grace: 🥺😭😭
Grace: I’d NEVER stop you though! you take SUCH good care of me, any kid would be the LUCKIEST ever
Nancy: No baby would be as cool as you anyway, even if it was remotely possible for me and the way my life is shaping up, no way
Grace: Rex is the lucky one for rn 💖👑💖
Nancy: True 😍😍😍
Nancy: My parents don’t need any more grandkids yet, I am NOT trying to compete with him on this 😷
Grace: Yeah I DON’T wanna talk about it either 
Nancy: I can’t believe they made it to now though, she must have got rid of some, right? 
Nancy: Like, she’s nearly 25, how long have they been together? There’s no way
Grace: STOP ⛔️⛔️
Nancy: I’ve got feelings about it too, babe
Nancy: She was like, my best friend since birth before they did… THAT
Grace: it’ll forever be too much to unpack, I just CAN’T
Nancy: There’s going to be a baby explosion in your family soon though, you need to prepare yourself mentally
Grace: … 
Grace: I’ll NEVER be mentally strong enough 😣😣
Nancy: It’s the reality though, AWFUL as it is
Grace: I know 😭
Nancy: Jan and Ava claimed to be more sensible but look at the pair of them
Nancy: Ugh, it stresses me OUT 😥
Grace: I’ve totally changed my mind, I wish I wasn’t going home now
Nancy: Don’t they all, like, live with you, basically
Nancy: I couldn’t STAND to watch Ava and James all loved up with his kids like they’re theirs all the time like that
Grace: I’m counting down the days til I can leave, obviously
Nancy: Yeah, I bet
Nancy: like he’s nice to look at but if that’s never coming your way it’s entirely depressing 
Grace: UGH 
Nancy: I should’ve locked it down with James whilst I had the chance, he is too intent on ruining my sister’s life with his mistakes now 
Grace: but then instead he’d be ruining yours
Nancy: She’s my little sister, I’d do anything for her
Grace: 🥺 I know, but you’re like my big sister, I can’t let you 🥺
Nancy: 💞💞💞💞💞
Nancy: I just wish I could make her see it for what it is, that’s all
Grace: me too, I’ve tried talking to her loads of times even though she treats me like I’m stupid whenever I do
Nancy: They’ve got way too much pride, they can’t see we’re trying to help but
Nancy: at least we try, however unappreciated 
Grace: I wish you were my sister, I hate the ones I’ve got, they don’t try AT ALL
Nancy: I’m more than that, it’s special 🤍🔒🤍
Grace: I should be allowed to live with you, it’s not like anyone cares if I go to school or not when I’m back there OR what else I do
Nancy: The way your school works is SO confusing though, if you were here you could already be in your last year of your beauty course instead of them forcing you to do like sixth form schooly vibes
Grace: IKR?! 
Nancy: Like, you DON’T want to go to Uni and be that girl… such a waste of time 💀💀
Grace: & when I don’t pass which DUH I’m NOT gonna, hello??! they’ll try & make me redo the year, they do it ALL the time 💀💀
Nancy: Oh babes, not you being like 20 still in your uniform, you cannot, that’s TOO much
Grace: 😷😷😷
Grace: I’ll have to walk out with no exams 👋🏽😘 idc cos I don’t need to look back when I leave ❤️💂🦁🌹🤍☔️🤍🫖🎡💷💙 
Nancy: We cannot wait 🥳🥳🥳🥺🥰🥰
Nancy: we being me and Rex, obvs 
Grace: not you & whoever you hit up last night while I was being unhinged in [whatever the restaurant is called] ?? 
Nancy: Lord no, no daddy for you yet, sorry 😌
Grace: I’m the opposite of mad about it 🥳🥳🥳🥺🥰🥰
Nancy: I would call you out but as you plan to be forever single too, it’s all good 😘
Grace: sorry not sorry!! I need you 🤍🔒🤍
Nancy: Forever and ever, girl
Grace: I miss you already & always
Grace: this is gonna be the LONGEST week of my life 🙄🥱
Nancy: I don’t even know HOW I’m going to fill my weekdays, for real 😩
Nancy: Gonna have to hit up this 🔗 even though idc about him
Grace: with dog walks ?? 😂😂😂 jk I know you would NEVER 😂
Nancy: 😆 My 🍑 would thank me but nah
Grace: ❌🐶💩🚫
Grace: … can I ask you for a favour that’s maybe almost as bad?
Nancy: … Go on
Grace: can you keep checking in on Teddy for a sec?? cos I had to unfollow obvs & I wanna make sure he’s not, like, swearing off all girls & planning to die alone too… I’d feel worse than I already do atm 💔💔
Nancy: Of course, we have plenty of mutual friends anyway, I will undoubtedly see or hear of his whereabouts 
Grace: thanks, it’s cringe to ask but, like, I have now so ✌🏽
Nancy: It’s cool, he’s not going to find out you did
Grace: yeah true 🙌🏽
Nancy: You don’t want a report back, do you?
Nancy: Like I’ll just make sure he’s cool but I won’t blow you up over it
Grace: I’ll be calm, it’s none of my business anyway
Grace: as long as he’s okay & over it
Nancy: 👌
Grace: IOU again 🤍
Nancy: [Me like, should probably come at this boy and cackle so you don’t lose your composure here hun]
Grace: [go for it gal]
Nancy: I was THIS close to losing it
Teddy: Dare I ask why?
Nancy: [just send him a screenshot of this poor gal earnestly wanting to check you aren’t heartbroken]
Nancy: See?
Teddy: That I did an incredible job on her? Yes but I already knew it 💔🧸💐 Poor me
Nancy: God, you make me sick 😏
Nancy: I thought she was joking, in a rare display of self-awareness
Teddy: I’d love to make you sick, choose your preferred method & get back to me
Nancy: Haven’t you got a noose to fill? 
Nancy: The devastation being as real as it is
Teddy: Okay, auto erotic asphyxiation it is 👀
Nancy: 🙄😘
Nancy: With the mood she’s in, my death will look like a suicide pact
Teddy: She’s gone, get in the mood I’m in
Nancy: You’re being so subtle, however will I guess what mood that is? 
Teddy: & you’re being hilarious, of course I miss you
Nancy: I miss you more
Nancy: having to listen to her holier-than-thou version of you just made me want to talk to the real you 
Teddy: Invite me over & you can do more than talk
Nancy: Do you have to be invited in 🧛‍♂️
Teddy: No, but it’ll upset Rex if I barge in, he’s protective of you
Nancy: He is 🥺
Nancy: you’ll have to be nice, if you come for a visit
Teddy: It’ll be different when I have a 🔑 but for now I’ll behave well & let him be the man of the house
Nancy: It’d be mean of you to put him in his place today, he doesn’t know he isn’t meant to be top dog yet, poor baby
Teddy: I’ve missed him too so I’ll be 😇 daddy & not 😈
Nancy: 🤏 triggering for me but I’ll let it slide, you can’t help how boring she’d like you to be
Teddy: It won’t be boring for either of us when you relay everything she said about me
Nancy: We talked about A LOT of stuff, there’s definite potential for progress
Teddy: Good
Teddy: & has your new bed arrived yet?
Nancy: Luckily after she got to the airport
Nancy: she’s already confused about the sudden appearance of the dog
Teddy: You live alone, you need him
Nancy: Yes but you know, I can’t fit it in a handbag and I’ve not made him his own social media profiles… so why did I bother ???
Teddy: 🙄 hers are full of cats, she’s hardly the authority on dogs
Nancy: She has no taste, sorry to say
Nancy: She definitely thinks he’s scary but is not gonna say that to my face
Teddy: I’m aware, darling, the disgusting clothes she tried to pick out on her own before I stepped in spoke for themselves
Teddy: but she’s correct about one thing, she should be scared of him
Nancy: You have pretty good taste in clothes, if my memory serves 
Teddy: Nothing is going to look anything but awful on her body regardless but I like that you’ve noticed
Nancy: Yeah, well, I kept the lingerie on for ages
Teddy: I still owe you an outfit too, I haven’t forgotten
Nancy: How is your head this morning?
Teddy: Fantastic, if you’d like me to make us our reservation at [the restaurant he took Grace too so they can recreate it] for tonight, I will
Nancy: I suppose we’ll have to eat at some point, true
Teddy: I’ll bring home for Rex what I ordered for her, I couldn’t possibly suggest you eat it
Nancy: You wanted to make me sick, not give me a lifelong disorder, yeah?
Teddy: I want to make you happy, baby
Nancy: You’re helping
Nancy: how comfy this bed is is high up the list too
Teddy: Are you going to show me? 
Nancy: [send him a pic on this enormous bed like omg]
Nancy: You could fit so many 🐶 in this thing
Teddy: I’ll make you 🤰 sick & we’ll see how many babies we can fit in there
Nancy: I am really in the mood to get pregnant after promising her I would never so
Nancy: good thing our moods are matching
Teddy: Because you’re breaking a promise to her I’ll make one to give you twins that aren’t mutants like your brothers, for yours & your parents’ sake
Nancy: You’re SO giving
Nancy: I’ll make sure they’re boys, for your sake
Teddy: Thank you, it would mean A LOT to me
Nancy: Anything for you seems like a risky precedent to set but I’m not scared
Teddy: I couldn’t be any prouder of you for overcoming your fear of me
Nancy: You’re even cuter than Rex, just don’t say anything
Teddy: I’m only in the mood to say your name
Nancy: let me hear it
Teddy: [SUCH a shameless voice note, me like sir you live at home, thank god you do have a rich person gaff and are probably as far away from your parents as poss]
Nancy: 🥴 Oh
Nancy: the fact you can do that as loud as you want now
Teddy: I’m determined all your neighbours are going to hate me LONG before I move in
Nancy: They’ll be begging me to throw another party instead 😁
Teddy: They’ll have to wait until I’ve finished begging you for what I want
Nancy: Baby
Teddy: It’s quite a list, they’ll probably be rather impatient, I’m sorry
Nancy: I’m not
Teddy: Me either, not at all
Nancy: I can’t leave you needy
Teddy: What kind of mother would you be if that’s the precedent?
Nancy: The only mother of your children you want
Teddy: Yes
Nancy: I’m really glad you get to give me everything you have, it’d be wrong to hold back, wrong for us
Teddy: Our moods definitely are matching
Nancy: I couldn’t have got her out the door fast enough 
Teddy: You know I’d have to trick you if you didn’t want what I want & I’d feel bad about it
Nancy: Sorry I’m as fucked up as you
Nancy: we can trick everyone else, whenever we want to use them
Teddy: I’m not, I love that you’re as fucked up as I am
Nancy: It makes me want to be with you always, how high I feel thinking about the things I can admit to liking to you
Teddy: You can tell me anything, I’m not afraid of that as a set precedent either
Nancy: I want to feel you getting hard under me when I tell you everything she said
Teddy: Okay, I’ll try & think about something else for a while so it’s how I have to become again instead of just the state I’m already in
Nancy: It’d be so hypocritical of me to expect that, but you’ll get more turned on, twitchy, trying to fuck me, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Teddy: I am a new level of turned on since we started doing this
Nancy: it’s unreal, you are
Teddy: You are, it’s unbelievable I haven’t fucked you yet, the amount I’ve thought about it & the amount I’ve cum for you
Nancy: I want to feel like I’m full to the brim, like genuinely can’t move for it, that’s the only thing that would be appropriate
Teddy: You will, I woke up feeling like that
Nancy: 🤤 you should’ve woken up in my mouth, I’m so sorry
Teddy: It isn’t your fault you had to wake up to her big mouth, I’m sorry, you deserve so much better
Nancy: Her crying is foreplay, that’s as good as she will be for us
Teddy: Please tell me you recorded it 🙏
Nancy: Do I love you? 
Teddy: Desperately
Nancy: and I as desperately wanted to touch myself whilst she was, so, yes, it was necessary 
Teddy: I as desperately need to marry you right now
Nancy: the answer is yes
Teddy: You’re fucking perfect
Nancy: Boys are always too nice and I hate them for it so much
Nancy: you’re the most special, my dream boy
Teddy: Tell me about it, most girls are pathetic, it makes my stomach turn over in the opposite to a fun way
Nancy: I’ve spent so damn long being unsatisfied by everything and everyone, no matter the combination or how long I kept it all going
Teddy: I know, so was I
Nancy: We were with the same people, on the same things, it barely touching the sides
Teddy: I was beginning to feel as devastated by it all for real as Grace thinks she is
Nancy: Tell me about it, it’s exhausting, staying on their level when I want to go so much further
Teddy: & then you get reckless, do things you wouldn’t & shouldn’t otherwise
Teddy: I stayed with [the girl from the very beginning she asked him about] too long
Nancy: She’d turn you normal, I’ve watched it happen so many times
Teddy: I felt it starting to happen
Nancy: You were born for this, to be depraved
Teddy: You can’t decide you want something besides this, we’ll never find anything else like it again
Nancy: I just want more, no boundaries
Teddy: I don’t have any, my father paid a fortune every term to prevent me from being expelled from school
Nancy: As he should, how much of this is his fault
Teddy: I insist upon the majority of the credit, naturally
Nancy: You’re the one I want, not either of your siblings, so it must be true
Teddy: Nurture, or lack of, can only be blamed to an extent
Teddy: DNA the same
Nancy: Our kids don’t stand a chance
Teddy: They stand every chance of being just like us, which is why anyone reproduces in the first place
Teddy: at least your ego, unlike your brother’s, is worthy of being gifted that, because you’re incredible
Nancy: No, you
Nancy: I don’t know how I’m meant to act around all your mini-mes 😍
Teddy: However you like, they owe you everything, they wouldn’t even exist if not for you
Nancy: They’ll be the most spoilt, there’s no way to resist
Teddy: No, you will
Nancy: 🥰
Nancy: Nothing is changing this, touching what this is
Teddy: I’d seriously go insane
Nancy: Not in a fun way
Teddy: When I thought this was over
Nancy: I could feel the spiral coming, the amount of shit I’d have to do to try and replace what this has given me already
Teddy: It’s irreplaceable, I wouldn’t be able to try, I’d have to give up & become like them
Nancy: I won’t let it happen
Teddy: We can’t
Nancy: I’m done watching everyone get taken over 
Nancy: you don’t deserve that slow death
Teddy: I’m going to watch you get everything you’ve ever wanted, nothing else
Nancy: This is going to be the best week of your life, you have no idea
Teddy: I have lots of ideas
Nancy: that is what I like about you
Teddy: But yeah, it is going to be the best week of my life, no doubt
Nancy: So far, anyway
Nancy: I don’t plan on stopping
Teddy: & I absolutely don’t intend to stop you
Nancy: At least you can seem suitably subdued on your socials but still have things you can post, keep her 👀 off you
Teddy: Hers are going to be too funny
Nancy: Are we going to be genuine with how we’re struggling this week or act like we’re living our best life? 🤔😂
Teddy: Genuine isn’t something she can do, clearly
Nancy: yeah but what if you’re stalking her socials because you’re SO into her?!
Teddy: Of course
Nancy: The weird confidence with a total lack of self-esteem in general is so weird
Teddy: It would be sufficiently jarring to frighten off other boys with a different motive
Nancy: That is what she does best, yeah
Teddy: I’d offer her some tips if it weren’t entirely counterproductive & a secret how much they like me
Nancy: It’s safe to say you do not have the same type, if she was honest with what she wants and not what she wants to look like she wants
Nancy: should actually go to church to find herself a man but there we go
Teddy: She’d rather live a lie & she’s about to
Nancy: She’s so welcome 🥰
Teddy: 🧚🏼‍♂️
Nancy: You’ll really wanna ease up on the fairy stuff though, she is basically homophobic
Teddy: I can’t wait to introduce her to the family, she’ll fit right in
Nancy: Gross
Teddy: Her mother will sleep with anything with a pulse, a paid therapist isn’t necessary to recognise the correlation
Nancy: She would choose to ignore how the multiple baby daddies are the issue there 🙄
Teddy: She’d have her own by now, she obviously doesn’t see it as an issue
Nancy: It unavoidably is, kinda shocked she didn’t go that hard into her trauma once she was hammered but well done, sis 💁‍♀️👏
Nancy: She just wants to be normal, despite the fact her complete lack of defining or unique features is what makes her so easy to overlook
Teddy: She’s given me a ridiculously easy task at least, be a bore & a romantic cliche 
Nancy: 🥱🥱🥱🥱
Nancy: Thank God I’ve given you other chances to impress me
Teddy: I would’ve found & taken the opportunity if you were for some reason yet to be impressed
Nancy: I usually am but 
Nancy: I want you to change that so you better
Teddy: Is that my eagerly awaited invitation? 
Nancy: Are you really not on the way already?
Teddy: Perhaps, or perhaps not
Nancy: I’m not getting out the good paper to write you one, come on 
Teddy: There’s the dyslexic privilege I’m ready to exploit
Nancy: Focus on exploiting me, thanks
Teddy: Focus & you’ll be aware I’m on my way
Nancy: I’m very focused, I have no other plans today
Teddy: I’m very pleased to hear it
Nancy: This bed is too nice to get out of
Teddy: It should be, we worked hard to make it nice with all those decisions
Nancy: I hope you like it, enough to stay
Teddy: I like you enough to stay
Nancy: You make me feel 
Nancy: it’s like weak and dumb but in a good way, somehow?
Teddy: Well, I did insist I’d treat you better than your father & that’s what they do in the negative, so I’m on the right track
Nancy: I hadn’t forgotten, sort of seared into my brain, that one 😳
Teddy: I hated when you said you weren’t going to hold me to anything I’d said
Nancy: Yeah, I know, it was mean
Teddy: You’re not allowed to forget, it’s too important & we both know how in your face Grace & I are going to be
Nancy: Alright, I’ll hold myself to it
Teddy: I love you, remember I said it to you first
Nancy: and you’ve told me, any motive you could have
Teddy: I’ll repeat it every chance I have
Nancy: I’ll try not to be cunty to you, remember why we’re doing this
Nancy: at some point, I’ll have to turn into your biggest fan anyway
Teddy: Fighting just means making up, I’ll try & remind myself
Nancy: I don’t do jealousy, this would be a stupid reason to start
Teddy: You being jealous of anyone is laughable, over her it couldn’t be more ridiculous
Nancy: You can call me dumb about this, I’ll not fight you
Teddy: It means you care, I don’t want to fight about that
Nancy: I know you like it, you’re soft
Teddy: I most certainly am not
Teddy: [photographic evidence nobody asked for, soz as per to whoever is driving him rn]
Nancy: Oh, OKAY
Nancy: I’ve never been happier to be proven wrong 🥺🥺🥺
Teddy: Did you pick me because you think I’m soft?
Nancy: I didn’t know you were
Teddy: I’m curious what it means, aside from a blatant 🧚🏼‍♂️ slur, possibly?
Nancy: Yeah, I’m cyberbullying you right now 😉
Nancy: I’m not sure exactly what I mean… just that you’re more invested than I thought you’d be, maybe? You want more than what I assumed you would
Teddy: You expected me to be more calculating, callous, I understand why 
Nancy: Just more predictable even
Nancy: All I offered you at the start was the chance to use her and a share of a decent stash, remember
Teddy: I haven’t forgotten you owe me A LOT of K, predictable as that may be
Nancy: 😏 we’ll find somewhere not entirely predictable to take it
Teddy: One thing you should’ve already had a fixed idea of about me   is I’ll always be willing to go deeper down the rabbit hole, Alice
Teddy: the moment a better offer comes along, that’s what I want, regardless of how far away from the starting point it is
Nancy: I didn’t imagine you’d say no to a chance of hooking up
Nancy: but more like you’re ticking off a who’s who, not this
Teddy: Nobody, aside from your sister, has ever said no to hooking up, it’s not what I said yes to, I didn’t imagine that part would even be much fun
Nancy: That’s a little rude
Teddy: I’ve never been happier to be proved wrong either, darling
Nancy: You haven’t yet, no pressure or anything
Teddy: But I have, it’s been the most fun so far
Nancy: But if it’s shit now I’ll have to pretend I never said any of this and kick you out
Teddy: Oh please, I’d refuse to go anywhere until it was good
Teddy: Who do you think I am? 
Nancy: You’re the one that’s put it in my head
Nancy: You’ll have to take the spare room and start paying rent
Teddy: I’m used to being disappointed, I’ve been open about that, it isn’t a personal attack worthy of charging me rent
Nancy: 👌 roomie
Teddy: Okay, fine, I’ll add it to our roleplays
Nancy: but I know what you mean
Nancy: and can guess why you wanted to do it in the first place
Teddy: We’ve talked through our motives pretty extensively by now, but if you feel like there’s something you’re still doing guesswork on, you can ask me
Nancy: The lack of a challenge she presents is more than made up in the one I do, it’s simple enough
Teddy: If you were a challenge
Nancy: Really?
Teddy: Come on, it hasn’t exactly taken us long to get here
Nancy: Wow
Teddy: There’s no reason to be offended
Nancy: I’m not, just disappointed, so what’s new
Teddy: There’s less reason to be disappointed 
Nancy: I’m not about to play into your hand, so you have every reason to be disappointed, actually
Teddy: It isn’t a game, you know that
Nancy: but it is, and that’s why you said yes
Teddy: It was when I agreed to do this, it’s not anymore
Nancy: Alright
Teddy: What are you upset about?
Nancy: I’m not upset, you just reminded me what we’re actually doing here
Teddy: Nancy, this is silly
Nancy: You only feel it now because you reckoned you were about to achieve your goal
Teddy: No, I don’t feel it because that isn’t what my goal is
Nancy: We have no reason to trust each other, that’s stupid
Teddy: Are you seriously going to do this again?
Nancy: Obviously
Teddy: You do trust me
Nancy: That would be stupid
Teddy: You’re being stupid not to when the entire reason we’re here this fast is because we’re so well suited
Nancy: and not just how easy it was because you’re so great, right?
Teddy: How many times can I tell you I’m not playing you?
Nancy: That’s what you say when you’re trying, you slipped up, sorry
Teddy: You want me to slip up because, you said it yourself, you feel under pressure
Nancy: If it was real, of course I would, that’s intentional too
Teddy: Call it off because you’re scared, it’s nonsense to go for this angle & turn me into someone I am not
Nancy: Be who you want, Teddy
Teddy: If who you want to be is crazy I can’t talk to you
Nancy: We don’t need to talk, it’s not useful to either of us right now
Teddy: When you’ve seen sense you know where I am or am likely to be
Nancy: I’ll avoid where I imagine you’re more likely to be if you do the same for me
Teddy: I don’t promise to
Nancy: Why would you bother
Teddy: It isn’t beneficial for either of us for me to give you your own way when you’re this wrong about why you want it
Nancy: all I want now is to party and there are so many places I can achieve that, even if I have to walk out of any you might be in
Teddy: I won’t be there, I have no interest in piling disappointment upon disappointment, it’s all boring, I told you
Nancy: I know what it is, it’s what I have
Teddy: No, we have each other if you just stop
Nancy: How, you made that impossible
Teddy: Nothing is impossible, even while you’re having an insane identity crisis about this, I know who we both are
Nancy: Don’t be so bloody patronising
Teddy: Don’t behave like your clueless cousin
Nancy: Shut up, she has no backbone, she wouldn’t say any of this
Teddy: It’s the same act of sabotage with an identical end result
Nancy: If you think I’m going to sit around and cry about you like that, dream on
Teddy: I’m painfully aware of what you’re going to do & it’s as tragic
Nancy: I don’t call you tragic for being a slut
Teddy: Because I’m not going to fuck someone else instead of you in order to fake I’m still in control when I’m really losing it
Nancy: I just have no interest in fucking you now, as shocking as that might be to you
Teddy: It doesn’t shock me at all your new plan is to lie to yourself & to me
Nancy: Jesus 
Teddy: Have a blast being deluded with most of the city about one thing or another, I hope you get the chemical help you need to do so
Nancy: You’re delusional if you think anything about this is attractive
Teddy: I’m not on a mission to attract you, you’re the one who thinks I am, or was
Nancy: Just another day for you, obviously
Teddy: Believe what you want, Nance
Nancy: You’re shit at this
Teddy: Because I’ve never done it before, a fact you’d know if you dared to accept this is actually different
Nancy: Every time I try, you just remind me how it ain’t
Teddy: Maybe you’re right, because whenever you doubt my motives & question me constantly, I have to ask myself why I’m trying to change anything about the way my life is
Nancy: Nothing about this is easy, chat all you want about me wasting my time and being delusional like it’s not what you’re going to go back to
Teddy: But that’s where you’re wrong, it would be easy for me to stay with you
Teddy: I don’t want to go back, I want to go fucking forwards, together
Nancy: I don’t know what’s forward, what’s there
Teddy: Yes you do, but you don’t want it, you don’t trust me enough to let yourself
Nancy: I don’t, and I don’t trust myself
Nancy: I should already be there by now
Teddy: Then that’s it, we can stick to the Grace plan or not, whatever you like, take some time to think about if that’s something you still want
Nancy: Don’t talk to me like this is a meeting
Teddy: It more or less is
Nancy: You can fuck off then
Teddy: Okay
Nancy: Not okay, prick
Teddy: [just leave that there for now hun like the petty bitch you are fucking off despite the fact she wants to keep having a go]
Nancy: [we really fucked you over genetically for having a temper hun, keep your mouth closed though, just unfollow him dramatically everywhere you can for the petty spike of feelings that will give you at least]
Teddy: [obvs you gotta unfollow her too & most importantly you gotta interact with whatever Grace is posting even if it’s just a like or a story view or something because duh, hard same on being cruel and dramatic]
Nancy: [when Grace would definitely tell you so you’re just here seething]
Teddy: [soz not soz, well soz to Grace but you know, oh lads you do amuse me]
Nancy: Can you actually stop, thanks
Teddy: I’m having my own fun, you can’t stop me
Nancy: You said take some time so let me
Teddy: I’m likewise not preventing you from doing that
Nancy: You obviously are because what is that if not going ahead with the Grace plan
Teddy: For all she knows my finger slipped, it commits you to nothing because it can just as easily mean nothing
Nancy: I’m the one who has to discuss what it does or doesn’t mean with her, so no, cut the crap
Teddy: 🥱
Nancy: Teddy, I’m serious because I’m not in the mood to humour her about this
Teddy: I’m done, you don’t need to cry about it
Nancy: You know the damage is already done, that’s why you did it, thanks SO much
Teddy: You’re SO welcome
Nancy: You’re making the decision easier to make
Teddy: Oh good, after all, it is what a gentleman would do & I’m about to forgo the role, have to do what I can while I can 
Nancy: You’re as free to continue wooing her as I am to tell her why you started
Teddy: If I was interested in doing so for its own sake, I wouldn’t need your permission, you’re correct
Nancy: You’re that transparent, don’t worry
Teddy: Yes I am & yet here we are 
Nancy: You really had to make her talk to me though? Think of something better
Teddy: Why would I? It’s the ideal punishment
Nancy: Because I could call it all off for real if she doesn’t shut the fuck up
Teddy: I don’t care if you do, it’s you who’ll lose out
Nancy: Bullshit
Teddy: I’m not invested in Grace or in any of the rest of your family, I am in you & as you’ve pointed out, I’m wasting my time
Teddy: there’s a multitude of other things I can use to do that too
Nancy: And none of them are as fun, clearly
Teddy: Well, I’m hardly having fun with you either, so as I’ve said, who cares?
Nancy: Because I can’t wreck my family on my own and you can’t yours
Teddy: I’ll find a way which doesn’t involve you or needing anyone’s help, I’ll have plenty of time, nothing but, in fact
Nancy: Right, of course you will
Teddy: There’s no need to pretend my family will be that difficult to ruin, they’re halfway to having done it themselves
Nancy: And how long have they been like that, centuries?
Teddy: Darling, I’m not as old as you, it isn’t as pressing
Nancy: Your choice
Teddy: Yeah
Nancy: Good luck, sorry if she runs to your inbox to shout, or, you’re welcome? Whatever
Teddy: 😘
Nancy: 👋
Teddy: [that went well, go and cause a family argument IRL or something to try and feel something, I’m sure they’ll be thrilled]
Nancy: [we’ve probably likewise snapped at Grace without fully doing a tell-all and now need to have a party and piss off the neighbours again with our behaviour, thanks gal lol]
Teddy: [me like don’t you turn up at that party, boy]
Nancy: [she says don’t you do it honey]
Teddy: [like, he’s very much not above it, especially because his dog is there but it’s probably a bigger fuck you to act like you’re ignoring her entirely unless you’re gonna show purely to take said dog but then what sir, you live at home, you can’t]
Nancy: [that really makes it not the move you think it is, like where are you taking that dog, boy, yes this flat is entirely funded by our parents but at least they aren’t here lol]
Teddy: [mhmm, exactly so don’t, flop]
Gia: Why did you choose today to be a colossal nightmare?
Teddy: Why not today?
Gia: Because it is the only day I can guarantee any time spent with my family
Teddy: Noted, every day of your life is a colossal nightmare, but that’s hardly something I’m to blame for
Gia: You are to blame for Seb not wanting to do this every week now
Teddy: Please, shortening his name like that isn’t going to magically make him look or act your age, but it WILL make me gag 🤢
Gia: And here was me hoping University might make you mature slightly…
Teddy: Hasn’t ‘girls mature faster than boys’ been your entire reason to live since before I was born?
Gia: I’ve never acted the way you do, even if I’d wanted to, I’d have never gotten away with it
Teddy: 💔 I’d suggest you try it but it’s rather too late now, unless you intend to take behaving as I would as far as forsaking your husband
Gia: As I said, I have literally no desire to throw a tantrum like that
Gia: Why are you?
Teddy: Why are you acting as if you suddenly care?
Gia: Assumedly, that’s what you were after, attention
Teddy: Incorrect, but it’s always the goal to make everyone suffer as I must
Gia: Precisely
Gia: If you didn’t want the parents to have to have hushed conversations about you, you would do as the rest of us do and keep it to yourself
Teddy: Well, if they won’t have full volume conversations about each other & address the real issues
Gia: Is that why you’re sad, mummy and daddy are fighting again?
Teddy: No, but I am cheered by your slight attempt at humour 
Gia: If mocking you can be considered a joke, I suppose
Gia: Could you not find an excuse to absent yourself if you were going to be in such a mood though, it isn’t as if James attends, you don’t have to
Teddy: It’s extremely laughable you think you have any grounds to mock me, yes
Teddy: & that you would dare to comment on my mood given your spouse’s inability to do anything with his face but 😒
Gia: He’s only like that around you, actually
Gia: and who could blame him?
Teddy: I’m doing him a favour, his brats are going to be my age soon, it’s best he practises because he can’t exactly leave the supportive parenting to you
Gia: I’m not your mother, I don’t need to handhold you through your hangover/heartbreak to prove that I’m a capable parent
Teddy: You’re nobody’s mother, Gia & LONG may that continue to be the case, truly 🙏
Gia: If I had such news, I would have cut through your nonsense with it
Teddy: Such a pity he’s incapable of delivering it for you, in any sense
Gia: Do you have to be so disgusting?
Teddy: You married him, that’s disgusting
Gia: No one asked your opinion, how you feel about him is irrelevant
Teddy: & yet here you are defending yourself against my opinion, it’s obviously relevant to you if you feel the need
Gia: You defend your partner, that’s pretty standard
Teddy: When he’s so frail, of course
Gia: So instead of finding yourself a job, you’re spending your time working on your stand-up, are you?
Teddy: Oh I’m sorry, do you have news of our father going bankrupt? I would’ve given you the floor
Gia: Exactly, I was doing work experience with the firm and had my own part-time job during Uni
Teddy: But you still never got the attention you were after, did you? 🥺
Gia: I don’t want attention, I want, and have, a career
Gia: What do you want, Teddy?
Teddy: Currently, I would like you to stop boring me to tears
Gia: For God’s sake, grow up
Teddy: Like you have? No thanks
Gia: Do you want to be a joke, like James?
Teddy: You’re a joke too, don’t exempt yourself
Gia: Except I work hard for what I have, don’t sponge off of mum and dad and I also don’t embarrass them, at every opportunity I have, so, no, I’m not
Teddy: You married into what you have & mother is mortified
Gia: She is not
Teddy: She is
Gia: You’re just saying that
Teddy: She says it, drunk words are the truest, G
Gia: Perhaps she ought to lay off the liquor then
Teddy: Perhaps if she’d married better herself she would
Gia: I fail to see how she could, and this is such a tired, irrelevant fantasy of yours anyway, they’re fine
Teddy: I’m not going to open up about my newer fantasies, especially not to you
Gia: I will never, ever ask you to
Teddy: Go away, you’re making me more upset
Gia: What on earth is wrong with you? You’re behaving more strangely than usual
Teddy: You literally just said you’d never, ever ask
Gia: As a rule, don’t bring your girl trouble to the table if you wouldn’t actually bring the girl
Teddy: I would, but she’d reject the invitation 
Gia: 💔
Teddy: Thank you for your incredible contribution
Gia: You’re not serious, you aren’t serious about anything
Gia: you’ll be fine in the morning
Teddy: It would serve you right if I was dead in the morning, but I’m not pathetic, at least
Gia: You are SO dramatic
Teddy: I have intense feelings about her, you’re dismissive about anything which doesn’t involve your husband’s life insurance
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
ari. i just read “a glimpse of us” and— ari.
your readers are always so relatable, esp to me and i love that 🥹 the way you write emotion is so raw and so achingly beautiful. i swear i’ve said this before, but i would greedily inhale anything and everything you make just because it’s you. like the way you write is pure magic to me, truly and wholly. it speaks to me. your words are so captivating and i simply love the pure thought of you. <3 thanks for all that you do, thanks for pouring your love into everything. i feel it 🤍 and it’s returned!!!! i see u. n i love u! so much!!!
OKAY. THE PART W IZUKU AND READER??? IT WAS SO SAD OMGGGG IZUKU IS SO DEVASTATING AT TIMES 😭 like he says he always sees kachan in u…. 💔💔 WHY DID HE SHATTER OUR HEART. LIKE THAT. and that’s so izuku— like he says things that hurt but he doesn’t do it on purpose, he’s an honest being to his core he can’t help it!!! and like you capture that so well!!!! AND HE CRIED AS SOON AS HE SAW READER. he cried from being called midoriya instead. i—he’s so cute i love heem. he is dangerous yes yes. ur so so right 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 u write him so GOOD i’m side eyeing 👀 horikoshi RN
AND ARI???? THE WAY YOU MADE ME A FULL ON KATSUKI LOVER??? I ALR LIKE HIM BUT THIS FIC MADE ME LOVE HIM SO MUCH MORE LIKE???? IM AN IZU GIRL BUT NOW IM A KATSUKI GIRL TOO. the constant “sweetheart” oh. OH. and the teasing and just him as a whole in this story😍 hi katsukiiii *twirls hair* LOL he would be so annoyed. i wanna ruffle his feathers i wanna bite his cheeks with affection i wanna kiss all over his face i wanna bother him so much i shall never leave him alone NEVER. he will never know of peace again. when he was sucking izu off but making out w reader at the same time… i kid you not… i almost blacked out from the image i conjured in my head. i almost ascended. vecna almost got to me dawg 😭😭😭
OMG thank u for writing a poly relationship where the two male characters actually KISS AND SHOW AFFECTION to each other, not just the reader 🥹 there’s literally not. enough. of. that. thank u ari i’m giving u a big smooch!!!! im so sorry for screeching in your inbox like this, but i had to tell you. I HAD TOO 😭😫 U ARE MY FAVORITE. one thing abt me? i’m gonna tell ari every time their shit SLAPS . ARI ATE DOWNNNNNNNN. if you ever published a book one day, it’d probably be the most beautiful book i’d ever read. and i’d probably get so many quotes from it tatted on me. i would buy three thousand copies!!! have a good day beloved <3
anon im kissing your ring like the godfather. i am kneeling at your feet in gratitude. this was such a NICE and unexpected ask i will actualy pass away and DIE i don't even know what to say. getting these like... full page reviews of my fics. i dont even know what to say sometimes HEJHDKKJS IT'S SO OVERWHELMING IN THE BEST WAY!!!!!! THIS MADE MY ENTIRE AFTERNOON I AM GOING TO THINK ABOUT IT ALL FREAKING DAY!!!! I DO NOT DESERVE U AT ALL!!!!!!! i love you so dearly i genuinely could not express myself to u more rn
IM REALLY GLAD MY READERS ARE RELATABLE. i think in a way we are all very similar so i try to write characters in long fics that have relatable motivations and drives even if they;re not personally u know. and i try to give the flaws and stuff too and grievances. THE PART W IZUKU AND WRITING IT WAS ALSO VERY SAD FOR ME.... IDK SOMETHING ABOUT HIM IS JUST VERY SOPPING WET AND SOB WORTHY.
ALSOOOOOO. welcome to team katsuki hello wtf!!!!! that's HUGE news baby. HUGE. SWEETHEART IS THE MOST BKG NICKNAME EVER. and trust me when i say writing the scene where reader and bkg made out over dekus dick also killed me dead i had to take breakes. the image was overwhelming.
AND IM GLAD!! i dont really like. like poly fics where they all arent super in love with each other and i am such a bkdk fan it was impossible to write any other way.
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