#they realize that they are running two very similar enterprises
warrioreowynofrohan · 8 months
Jurassic Park Daily - Jurassic Park
In the movie clip that corresponded to the previous chapter, where the group see dinosaurs for the first time, there was a moment right at the beginning where Ellie Sattler was looking at a leaf and saying that it had been extinct since the time of the dinosaurs. I’m not going to quibble with the movie over it - it’s an effective setup for the there are dinosaurs moment; she’s realizing, via her field of paleobotany, that something is going on here that should be impossible.
But when you have time to think about it, it doesn’t make sense - what, were the mosquitos biting plants? Where would they get Mesozoic plant DNA? But plants can be very resilient, and there are some still around today similar to those that did exist in the time of the dinosaurs. So in the book, the park creates a Jurassic ambience by using those plants:
Serenna veriformans, a plant found abundantly in fossils more than two hundred million years old, now common only in the wetlands of Brazil and Colombia.
And that’s what makes it all the more egregious that the park has a dangerously poisonous fern planted poolside. This isn’t like not knowing the Dilophosaurus was venemous until they made one, where there was no information to tell them so. Information on these plants existed, and they just didn’t bother to check, because, as Sattler notes, they treated them as just scenery. (The relevance of poisonous plants will come up again!)
(It also raises all kinds of thoughts about things they couldn’t know. What if a plant wasn’t hazardous to modern herbivores, but was toxic to dinosaurs, and they planted it in herbivore enclosures? They’ve got life-forms that they know almost nothing about, because there’s almost nothing they can know prior to making them. The fact that they’re not even bothing to do the research on things where information is readily available indicates the level of ignorance and arrogance going on here.)
The cutesy names for the dinosaur habitats are just another little thing that adds to the impression that Hammond and his team are not regarding this enterprise with nearly enough humility. And the bars on the windows show they’ve already been running into the unexpected.
And these warning signs mean that it takes our scientists only one chapter to go from absolute wonder to cautious suspicion.
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corvidae-corvus · 3 months
My Spider-Man & Batman Fanfic (WIP) #4:
Omg I just realized that since Aunt May is literally a nurse she could be the first link to the Batfam.
So I've been having trouble deciding on how the Parkers and Batfam would first meet. Like...how they would meet, why, where etc. What reasons would the Batfam would want to know more about them. I finally figured some of it out.
The first reason I feel like it would be mentions of Dick walking around the city. Then they would meet Richard Parker and just assume he's a doppelganger. (When two people who are unrelated look exactly alike.)
Then like 2 weeks later, there'll be evidence of 2 people breaking into Wayne Enterprises or something similar. 2 weeks after that they're seen again and they're inconsistently breaking into rich people's companies etc.
Now 2 months after the Parkers arrive in Gotham, one of the Batfam is incredibly hurt and can't communicate with the rest of the Batfam. They're hurt and are in need of medical assistance. That's where May comes in! And guess what she conveniently has a whole med room ready and prepared to help them. She helps them and while they're passed out or something and when they wake up, they're a little confused but they like May. (I don't know who gets hurt, either Tim, or Jason. I'm leaning towards Jason since May's gonna be in crime alley and all that but I also would not mind Tim.)
Now why does may have a whole med bay set up? And how? Well like a month after they arrived in Gotham, they all managed to find each other. Peter is discovered last and they all obviously know that he's Spider-Man. (they have some memory of Peter's life. Not a lot but they all know that he's Spider-Man. Should I keep it that way or change it?)
Peter wants to go back to being Spider-Man and they need to stock up on Items. Mary and Richard are in charge of gathering supplies (stealing) and Peter isn't allowed to join since it could jeopardize his identity before it's even revealed. They know that the Batfam is onto Richard and May.
Now whether or not Peter joins later on or does his own runs, idk. But that's for future me to decide on.
So because the supply runs May gets her own medical equipment, and decides that she's going to help the people of Crime Alley get the medical attention they deserve. Also she wants to bring back F.E.A.S.T.
So may is gonna be a Charity worker/organizer/founder of F.E.A.S.T. by day and the nurse of the fucking underworld by night! Ok I'm kinda exaggerating but what I mean is that she will be an illegal nurse during the night ( idk who will be on stand-by during the end of Peter's patrol, but I was thinking that the rest of the family would, maybe Ben.) She would help anyone in need, that includes the VILLAINS!! This would be interesting since she died in an explosion that was caused by one of the people she tried to help (green goblin). I feel like she'd have a bit of trouble with the villains. She'd help them but she'd be really scared while doing so and maybe a little angry. She died and I want to explore that part of her character. Peter would definitely object to her becoming like an illegal Nurse but gives in to her because he loves her very much and wants to support her. He's just constantly worried about her.
Anyways I was also wondering if there are any canonical "illegal nurses" that are in Gotham. I've read fics where there is a nurse that Jason, or the rest of the Batfam go to when things get rough on patrol and the nurse/doctor is a civilian. Maybe they can be friends with May!!
Anyways this will obviously get May investigated. And boom! She has documents and stuff! Now I feel like the Batfam won't realize that the info is fake for awhile. Since Peter's parents are literal spies and they're pretty damn good at making a whole new identity without getting caught (my head cannon) and Peter's intelligence is crazy. He's also like 20 here he's definitely smarter now than when he was a teenager. And he had Ned and Tony teaching him how to hack. Now I feel like Barbara is the better hacker but I need the plot to slow down sooo....
I need to think more on this later. Anyways yea! This is like a part of May's Story that I would want to write!
Hope you enjoyed it! If y'all have any questions you can ask me about it! Maybe even give me some ideas if ya want! This is all just a WIP and I honestly I am not gonna start this fic for a while...but Everytime I post the story gets more and more coherent. Lol.
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beddhead-red · 10 days
(asking very nicely) i would like to meet juno :3
Juno is a character I made for use in literate RP on a Discord server a buddy of mine hosted/is hosting. Said server ran for a while, then died and was replaced with a server he is currently working on. Said friend is well known among all of the people involved for writing some absolutely fantastic, but absolutely deranged things. The RP is only partially important for the context; I could go deep into it but it's mostly irrelevant.
As for Juno, the initial basis for her was remembering this post.
The last major character I made for this sort of thing (Casper, who is a whole other can of worms) played a similar role, but was also just significantly more of a weirdo in all directions. 90% of the time in any given scene he was completely silent regardless of the situation, and he was built to essentially be an obedient lapdog who could and would take any abuse dealt to him, while doing virtually anything in service of his superior. He was well-meaning and ultimately would defy anyone's command in pursuit of better things, but typically spent most of his time led by other characters in the cast.
Juno, by contrast, was the most active participant in her story, and by virtue of the way the server was run, ended up taking most of the focus.
Ms. Volkov's backstory was very generalized, probably because I'd done it a few times over and it's not super important outside of a few major details.
She was born in the setting's equivalent of Russia (Novasibirsk), and a little later. In circumstances I wasn't exactly clear on, they ended up out on the streets. Juno quickly realized that she was the only one who could keep herself and, more importantly, her brother alive. Through wit, skill, and a good bit of dedication, Juno always found work, and always managed to provide just enough for her and her brother to live modestly, if not comfortably.
This involved a good bit of criminal enterprising, often of a particularly violent nature. She would track people, she would sell information on them, and quite often, she would kill them. This skill set will prove particularly useful later. The kind of life they led gives her a lot of appreciation for small necessities, and made her very pragmatic and resilient.
Anywhere they traveled, it was together. Her entire life's purpose became protecting and providing for her little brother.
In a set of circumstances which hasn't been very clearly defined yet, he ended up being killed.
This is where things get spicy, predictably.
She was sure the man who killed him was dead. She could get no satisfaction in that direction, so she looked elsewhere. Through her underworld connections, Juno happened to get into contact with a man known to those in the know simply as The Alchemist. He is one of the most powerful people in the whole of the underworld, both in terms of criminality, and literally, in his connection to the occult. She paid this man to bring her brother back to life.
Needless to say, this didn't go well.
I haven't come to a full answer as to what the ending of this event is, but needless to say, the Alchemist was more interested in his own perverse interests in human experimentation than he was in bringing her brother back as he was. This made Juno very angry. Very angry indeed.
The Alchemist had taken what she gave him, stole even the closure of having his body to lay to rest, defiled his memory, and left Juno in the dust, at her lowest possible moment, with nothing left to live for.
But Juno Volkov is a particularly tenacious woman. One might say viciously stubborn.
Juno had one purpose, which was to keep him alive. She made two mistakes. She let him die. That much she had already remedied, or at least tried to, leading her to her second mistake.
Trusting him.
Juno's one purpose in life was to protect her brother. Now that she has failed that completely, she has only one other reason to live.
Getting revenge.
So she picks herself up, chases down every possible lead she can, leading her to one place. The most dangerous, run down, hard-bitten vision of the underworld that exists in the setting. Fortressgrad. The abyss, if ever there was one. It's said if you stare into the abyss for long enough, the abyss stares back.
Mention must certainly be given to what it is to survive in that abyss. If all that lives in those walls are monsters, then to enter is to become something monstrous yourself.
She's not terribly afraid. In fact, she feels right at home here, as much as it makes her skin crawl.
She'll find him, even if it kills her. In fact, maybe that's preferable. Maybe this is a suicide mission, and maybe she even knows it. Maybe that's what she's after.
But at the end of the day, she will kill him, no matter what it costs her.
...And that's where we are! At the outset, anyway. Like I said, we got a little bit into progression from here in the first server, and now we're waiting to get back to it in this one. There are some other important figures I should probably mention before I go further, who are characters made by other people.
Nicholas Briar is known as The Driver because the joke in the server is quite literally that he's the main character from Drive starring Ryan Gosling. He's a bit more nuanced than that, but his whole vibe is based on that. He's a cool dude, he drives, it's true. He is a local resident of the general Fortressgrad area, and as a consequence, is very generally aware of goings on around, particularly in the underworld. Hence, he's notably useful to Juno in that he might be able to provide her with some leads related to this supervillain on his doorstep.
Nick is a cool, sociable guy, who oozes charisma and likes making friends. Juno is a very closed off, all business kind of woman, and doesn't even blink at any of Nick's attempts to befriend her. She makes it overwhelmingly clear to him that despite extending courteous gestures to him (which include handing him a granola bar, letting him stand under her umbrella, and helping him kill some guys who were threatening them), she works alone, and isn't interested in maintaining their relationship once this is all over.
Nick just grins, shrugs his shoulders, and keeps right on being friendly as ever.
Nick himself might have a bit of a fucked up past that maybe ties into Juno's in a rather fucked up way that might end up getting him killed, but that comes later.
Celeste Majorelle is a girlfailure in every sense of the word. She's a short, dorky little woman who also happens to be in the same area, and why is anyone's guess. She's a small ray of sunshine in an endless chasm of darkness. She's a cinnamon bun and has about as many braincells as one. Fortressgrad is filled with countless horrors which you either acclimate to or you die, and Celeste's means of acclimating is screaming, running, crying, and having normal ass human reactions to the freak-ass beasts that show up, and then going around being a goofball whenever she has free time.
At any given moment in the RP, Celeste is typically the only one having fun.
She plays on Juno's older sister urge something fierce. She never says anything, but everything about how Celeste acts fills her with a need to protect her. She, more than anyone, illustrates that although Juno may seem like a cold person, she has a very warm and soft interior which she shows to people she has affection for. That maybe includes Nick, and some other parts to the cast, but it especially includes Celeste.
Are they, in fact, lesbiabs? Maybe a little. Depends how much my buddy Matt tries to push the issue. Both are bisexual. The way I'm using her narratively is absolutely disastrous, anyway.
The way I describe Juno's story is very simple; She is a rat who has been stabbed, bleeding alone in its cage. She will never leave that cage without somebody else forcing her to. If a hand tries to pick the rat up, it will fight. If you try to pick her up out of the cage and dress her wounds, she will struggle; she will bite; she will scratch; she will kick; she will do anything in her power to escape the hand and return to the safety of the cage, in spite of her own understanding that she will die in there.
She will never save herself. Someone else has to save her.
Celeste is the best candidate, and she is really, really, trying her best. WIll she save her? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball-
To summarize the points of my grubby little PI which will likely enrapture the strange lesbians eating my garbage, Juno:
-has a slight russian accent (& can speak russian)
-knows how to use most guns you can hand her (and will)
-knows how to drive a motorcycle (and maybe owned one at one point)
-is so invested in the pursuit that she occasionally forgets to take care of herself (often to the point of collapsing, i also frequently describe how the clothes she's wearing need a wash)
-used to smoke, doesn't anymore, might start again
-owns a flip phone, mostly plays snake on it
-will probably put a gun in your mouth to shut you up if you piss her off
-drinks coffee black
-is slightly autistic (there is more than one instance where she creates a very awkward and noticeable lull in conversation before she just continues straight in like absolutely nothing happened)
-is 26 years old (very legal)
I probably have other simple facts I can list off, but she's just a little freak doomed by the narrative, wont to be covered in blood, sweat, and rainwater, dedicated to a fault, hunting one of the most powerful figures in her setting in a suicide mission for someone she loved, while someone who loves her is trying to save her with increasing desperation. She's my pathetic little meow meow and I enjoy her a lot.
I haven't really discussed this important fact but it is vital to note that while Juno is explicitly cool and really competent at everything she does, she's also a huge dork. Like she explicitly does some things because she thinks they're really cool, and if she fucks them up and like ends up falling flat on her face she straight up just picks herself up and walks off like nothing happened.
She can and will kill you if she needs to, but if she doesn't, she'll actually be very nice to you, she's just dedicating her entire focus to...yknow, killing someone.
I also have this playlist which grows with relative frequency. I hope you enjoyed this silly little foray into learning about one of my little freaks.
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Tips for Launching Your Own Commercial Fishing Business
Do you want to start your own commercial fishing business adventure? If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. At the Commercial Fishing Permits Center, we offer a variety of services to help people who want to get into fishing get started. You’ve surely realized at this point that you enjoy fishing and want to earn a living doing it, so you may want to establish your own commercial fishing enterprise. Commercial fishing is an important part of the world economy, and it can also be a very profitable and satisfying job. Only in the U.S. does commercial fishing create close to two million jobs each year. In this blog post, we’ll explain how to start a commercial fishing business, from getting the right permits to getting your boat and crew ready.
How to Start Fishing for Business Before you start a business in commercial fishing, it’s important to learn as much as you can about the industry. For those who love it, commercial fishing can be a tremendously fulfilling career while being challenging and even risky.
Getting Started So, where to begin? Well, you’ll need a boat, and not just any old boat will do. You will need to buy a boat that is ready for the rough conditions of commercial fishing. That means having a fully stocked first aid kit, safety gear, and a galley in case you are out at sea for days at a time. You might also want to hire a crew of commercial fishermen with a lot of experience who know the waters you will be fishing in. Lastly, you need to figure out what you want to catch and how you will do it. This will depend a lot on where you live and, to some extent, on what the market wants. You will also need to make sure you have the right state or federal fishing licenses.
One of the first things you should do is decide what kind of fish you want to catch. It’s crucial to base your choice of fishing technique on the kind of fish you hope to catch.
The next step is to get the commercial fishing permits you need to run your fishing business. This will include permits from NOAA and other regulatory agencies, as well as licenses from state and local governments.
How to Get Permits for Commercial Fishing We make it easy for you to get all of the permits and licenses you need to start your commercial fishing business at the Commercial Fishing Permits Center. You can fill out and send in all the necessary forms from the comfort of your own home using our private online portal. This saves you time and trouble.
We offer a wide range of services, such as help with federal fishing permits, state commercial fishing licenses, and USCG documentation. Your personal and financial information will always be safe when you use our SSL-secured service.
Regulations And Following The Rules Once you have your permits, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest commercial fishing rules and requirements. NOAA is a key player in regulating commercial fishing in the US. They set rules and guidelines for things like catch limits, gear restrictions, and fishing seasons.
Not only is it important for fish populations to stay healthy by following these rules, but it can also help protect your business from fines and other penalties. Make sure you know the most recent rules and regulations, and always run your fishing business in a way that is responsible and good for the environment.
Setting Up Your Commercial Fishing Business Now that you have your permits and have met all the rules, it’s time to set up your fishing business. This includes buying or renting a boat, getting a crew, and setting up a place to process and store the fish.
One way to do well in commercial fishing is to get along well with other fishermen and people who buy seafood. These connections can help you find the best places to fish, get the best prices for what you catch, and build a good name in the business.
Start Your Commercial Fishing Business Today Similar to other types of entrepreneurial projects, starting a business by fishing for money can be hard, but it can also be very rewarding. You can build a successful and long-lasting fishing business by getting the right permits and licenses, following the rules, and making strong connections in the industry.
We can help you every step of the way at the Commercial Fishing Permits Center. We are here to help you get a commercial fishing permit or set up your processing facility. Contact us today to find out more about our services and how we can help you get started in the commercial fishing business. To learn more, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page, or contact us by email or phone today.
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lakelandseo · 2 years
Moneyball is the Future of SEO — Whiteboard Friday
Welcome back to Whiteboard Friday! First up in our fall season, Will Critchlow shows you how, much like the NBA, SEO is undergoing an analytic revolution — and how you can make the most of it.
To hear more on this topic, and from our other amazing MozCon 2022 speakers, be sure to pre-order the video bundle! 
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Hi, Moz fans. Will Critchlow here, CEO at SearchPilot. I want to start today by talking about the NBA in 2001. This is what the shot chart looked like. So these are the 200 most commonly shot from locations in the NBA in 2001.
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So in professional basketball, you can see that they took a load of shots around the rim. These are the dunks and layups. They took a load of shots from outside the three-point line, and they took a lot of these mid-range shots, which are all the jump shots in between. 
NBA analytic revolution
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Something happened in the subsequent 20 years, because today the shot chart looks more like this. It's pretty mind blowing. You can see there's still a ton of dunks and layups, still a ton of three-point shots, but the mid-range has all but disappeared. Why is that? Well, what happened was they installed advanced camera systems in every NBA stadium and every NBA arena and applied a whole load of advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence to track all of the players and the ball throughout every single game.
And using that advanced statistics, they could track all kinds of things that they didn't have before, like how closely guarded the player was when they were shooting, whether they dribbled left, whether they dribbled right, all those kind of little details. And out of that data, they discovered that these mid-range shots, that had been part of the game forever, were less effective than everyone had assumed.
It turned out that they were almost as hard to score as the three-point shots, but, of course, worth far less. The dunks and layups worth only two points, but easy enough to be worth shooting. The three-point shots worth half as much again, worth shooting, but the mid-range less so. But it took the advanced statistics to be able to figure that out.
SEO analytic revolution
I'm going to argue that we're undergoing a similar analytic revolution in SEO. The equivalent of the cameras in every stadium is not cameras watching us type. It's SEO A/B testing, where you can take a hypothesis. So you can take the particular onsite change that you're thinking of making, that you think is going to bring a big benefit to your organic search performance, and you can test it in a scientific way and get the expected impact as well as the confidence interval on that impact.
I'm not going to get into detail today about how to run those tests. We've talked about that before, and we'll link in the show notes to more detail on how you can run those tests. But the point being this kind of testing is available now. 
And what it's doing is it's bringing a similar kind of realization to especially enterprise SEO, very large website SEO that happened in the professional basketball game. And the equivalent, I'm going to argue, is that the mid-range is all of those untested changes to your website, all the little things that maybe you do because it's best practice, or you heard something from a Googler, or you heard something from an expert, maybe even someone like me, and they said, "Hey, you should do this thing," and you roll it out on your website.
But actually, they're way lower percentage than we'd always assumed, just like the mid-range shot is in the professional basketball game. And you have all of those cases where you get excited. The equivalent of your crossover is you find maybe an insight from some keyword research, and you have some new thought about how searchers might be looking for your website.
And you pull up for that mid-range jump shot, where you make the change. So you start modifying your titles and meta information, for example, on a whole bunch of pages based off these insights. But too often that's a massive air ball. We've seen so many cases where we have rolled out changes that are based on that kind of insight and huge negative impact, -20%, -27% organic search performance as a result of some of those untested changes.
Moneyball is the future of SEO
And so my argument that moneyball is the future of SEO, the strategies that I think those large websites are going to be building upon in the future is a combination of winning tests. Those are our dunks and layups, the things that we're very sure to make those shots.
The three-point shot: new content
And the equivalent of the three-point shot, I'm claiming that this is new content, so new pages, new site sections, super valuable. If you don't build out new content, you're going to struggle over time. But super hard as well, just like the three-point shots are in the game. They're harder, but they're worth more. 
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So you build the strategy of building out new content and rolling out winning tests, which are your dunks. And you cut out the mid-range, which are all those little tweaks, all those untested onsite changes.
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And then the final piece of the strategic puzzle here is that you drive your test cadence up. So the basketball equivalent, again, is that over this same time period possessions per game are up almost 10% over that time. And the reason for that is that if you have an edge, if you have an advantage over your opponents, which is exactly what this kind of advanced insight gives you, you want more goes.
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You want more repetitions, and that's just like you walk into a casino and you play roulette once, maybe you win. You play roulette a thousand times, the casino is definitely winning and that's because they have the edge. So if we have the edge because we're running these tests, we want to drive the number of tests up and test cadence. And so the very highest performing teams that I see doing this kind of moneyball SEO approach, they are building their strategy off this kind of thing, new content and winning tests.
And then they're setting KPIs around test cadence and making sure that they run more of those tests, they run them more quickly, and that they're driving performance that way. So I hope you've enjoyed this little ramble through NBA basketball into SEO testing. I'm Will Critchlow, CEO of SearchPilot. Take care.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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bfxenon · 2 years
Moneyball is the Future of SEO — Whiteboard Friday
Welcome back to Whiteboard Friday! First up in our fall season, Will Critchlow shows you how, much like the NBA, SEO is undergoing an analytic revolution — and how you can make the most of it.
To hear more on this topic, and from our other amazing MozCon 2022 speakers, be sure to pre-order the video bundle! 
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Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi, Moz fans. Will Critchlow here, CEO at SearchPilot. I want to start today by talking about the NBA in 2001. This is what the shot chart looked like. So these are the 200 most commonly shot from locations in the NBA in 2001.
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So in professional basketball, you can see that they took a load of shots around the rim. These are the dunks and layups. They took a load of shots from outside the three-point line, and they took a lot of these mid-range shots, which are all the jump shots in between. 
NBA analytic revolution
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Something happened in the subsequent 20 years, because today the shot chart looks more like this. It's pretty mind blowing. You can see there's still a ton of dunks and layups, still a ton of three-point shots, but the mid-range has all but disappeared. Why is that? Well, what happened was they installed advanced camera systems in every NBA stadium and every NBA arena and applied a whole load of advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence to track all of the players and the ball throughout every single game.
And using that advanced statistics, they could track all kinds of things that they didn't have before, like how closely guarded the player was when they were shooting, whether they dribbled left, whether they dribbled right, all those kind of little details. And out of that data, they discovered that these mid-range shots, that had been part of the game forever, were less effective than everyone had assumed.
It turned out that they were almost as hard to score as the three-point shots, but, of course, worth far less. The dunks and layups worth only two points, but easy enough to be worth shooting. The three-point shots worth half as much again, worth shooting, but the mid-range less so. But it took the advanced statistics to be able to figure that out.
SEO analytic revolution
I'm going to argue that we're undergoing a similar analytic revolution in SEO. The equivalent of the cameras in every stadium is not cameras watching us type. It's SEO A/B testing, where you can take a hypothesis. So you can take the particular onsite change that you're thinking of making, that you think is going to bring a big benefit to your organic search performance, and you can test it in a scientific way and get the expected impact as well as the confidence interval on that impact.
I'm not going to get into detail today about how to run those tests. We've talked about that before, and we'll link in the show notes to more detail on how you can run those tests. But the point being this kind of testing is available now. 
And what it's doing is it's bringing a similar kind of realization to especially enterprise SEO, very large website SEO that happened in the professional basketball game. And the equivalent, I'm going to argue, is that the mid-range is all of those untested changes to your website, all the little things that maybe you do because it's best practice, or you heard something from a Googler, or you heard something from an expert, maybe even someone like me, and they said, "Hey, you should do this thing," and you roll it out on your website.
But actually, they're way lower percentage than we'd always assumed, just like the mid-range shot is in the professional basketball game. And you have all of those cases where you get excited. The equivalent of your crossover is you find maybe an insight from some keyword research, and you have some new thought about how searchers might be looking for your website.
And you pull up for that mid-range jump shot, where you make the change. So you start modifying your titles and meta information, for example, on a whole bunch of pages based off these insights. But too often that's a massive air ball. We've seen so many cases where we have rolled out changes that are based on that kind of insight and huge negative impact, -20%, -27% organic search performance as a result of some of those untested changes.
Moneyball is the future of SEO
And so my argument that moneyball is the future of SEO, the strategies that I think those large websites are going to be building upon in the future is a combination of winning tests. Those are our dunks and layups, the things that we're very sure to make those shots.
The three-point shot: new content
And the equivalent of the three-point shot, I'm claiming that this is new content, so new pages, new site sections, super valuable. If you don't build out new content, you're going to struggle over time. But super hard as well, just like the three-point shots are in the game. They're harder, but they're worth more. 
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So you build the strategy of building out new content and rolling out winning tests, which are your dunks. And you cut out the mid-range, which are all those little tweaks, all those untested onsite changes.
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And then the final piece of the strategic puzzle here is that you drive your test cadence up. So the basketball equivalent, again, is that over this same time period possessions per game are up almost 10% over that time. And the reason for that is that if you have an edge, if you have an advantage over your opponents, which is exactly what this kind of advanced insight gives you, you want more goes.
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You want more repetitions, and that's just like you walk into a casino and you play roulette once, maybe you win. You play roulette a thousand times, the casino is definitely winning and that's because they have the edge. So if we have the edge because we're running these tests, we want to drive the number of tests up and test cadence. And so the very highest performing teams that I see doing this kind of moneyball SEO approach, they are building their strategy off this kind of thing, new content and winning tests.
And then they're setting KPIs around test cadence and making sure that they run more of those tests, they run them more quickly, and that they're driving performance that way. So I hope you've enjoyed this little ramble through NBA basketball into SEO testing. I'm Will Critchlow, CEO of SearchPilot. Take care.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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adhonoremrpbios · 2 years
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Name: Rishan “Rhys” Amin Faceclaim: Manish Dayal Age: 29 Blood Status: Halfblood Affiliation: Neutral Former School & House: Hogwarts, Slytherin Occupation: Stage Magician and Professional Trickster
- Rhys and his twin brother, Ravee, got to live the best of both worlds as half-bloods. They enjoyed the fantasy that muggles created. For Ravee, that was comic books about superheroes. For Rhys, it was stage magic.
- When they went to Hogwarts, Rhys was sorted into Slytherin and Ravee in Hufflepuff. It didn’t matter that they were in different houses, because they were still the closest of friends. They helped each other study, and, when it was necessary, even swapped places with each other. Very few people could tell them apart.
- After school, Rhys was eager to enter the world of performing. He wanted Ravee to go with him as a double act, but his brother didn't care for the limelight like him. He joined the Hogwarts Staff as the muggle studies teacher while Rhys started performing on street corners in muggle London.
- There were still times that the two swapped places though, when Ravee needed a break. Rhys would take over a lesson and none of the students would have a clue. At least, all except one. One year, there was a girl who saw right through him. She was observant and sharp, like him, and he made a note to keep an eye on her.
- It turns out, she did something similar. After she graduated, she ended up finding him and joining his act. She came from a family of performers so she had the necessary skill set, but it was also more than that. Right from the moment they'd made eye contact across the classroom and she'd fixed him with that knowing, insider stare, he'd known. A magician was only as good as his assistant, and Celeste was his key to success.
- After trying to start their act in London and finding little success, the two travelled to America - the land of opportunity. Things were rough at the beginning. They moved from shitty apartment to shitty apartment, booking gigs where they could, earning favours where they couldn't. Behind closed doors, Rhys did things to earn money and make connections that he'd never admit to Celeste. He'd promised her the stars, and he wasn't going to stop until he'd made good on that.
- Unfortunately, even as they started getting more successful professionally, the struggles they faced at home kept building. They were tired and irritable and it wasn't too long before they got into a nasty fight. Rhys said some things he instantly regretted, and Celeste left. It was only when he was alone in his apartment that he realized that his feelings for her - that his driving need to give her a good life - were more than just professional. He was in love with her. Perhaps he always had been. But it didn't matter. He'd lost her, and wasn't good enough for her anyway. She deserved the stars, and all he could offer was smoke and mirrors.
- When she came back, he apologized for everything he'd said. He promised he wouldn't be so intense, and he'd listen to her more, and that there was no one else in the world he'd rather perform with. He's doing his best to honour that.
- Rhys and Celeste frequently use magic in their act and as a result, have definitely had to run away from MACUSA once or twice. Not only do they use spells, but Rhys is a Legilimens and Celeste is an Animagus.
- Having reached a level of fame that makes them both international sensations, Rhys and Celeste have returned to the UK to dazzle and bamboozle a new audience.
-- TRAITS --
Negative - Dishonest - Single-minded Positive + Ingenious + Enterprising
Rishan Amin is taken by Ty.
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