#they truly are like 3 year olds doing a magic trick
maxx-doodles · 8 months
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I wonder what they could possibly be up to?
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
the dad diaries for @turrondeluxe ❤️
if anybody doesn’t know, the peepaw and babies au has TOTALLY taken over my brain like. in the best way possible so of course i just had to write a lil fic for it <3 i hope u like this, amigo! i have other little ideas floating around in my head if you’d ever want more fic version of your au :) anyway enough rambling ENJOY!! everybody go check out the au i’m fairly certain everything is archived on @peepawronin for your enjoyment :-)
His coffee, as strong as it may, didn’t deter the headache that was blossoming behind his tired, weary eyes from expanding; creeping across the front of his skull with each steady pulse of his heartbeat.
He takes another sip, steels himself to see if perhaps the magic he knows does not truly exist has worked and…
There’s the sound of his youngest, voice thick with babyish chub still, carrying across the lair with determination, tallying around inside his squeezing head like a brash drum cymbal.
Before he can push himself up off his stool, it goes off again, shrill and impatient,
“Papa! Papa! I’m telling!”
That was nothing new for Michelangelo these days, that familiar old phrase, minced with saccharine dramatics, he’s blinking his eyes hard to starve off the rest of the headache that threatens him; the kind that travels down the back of his skull and towards his shell and over his spine and makes him feel about a million years old.
He heaves a sigh. He already feels a million years old these days, what with the trophies of his days gone by evident across his aging body, like his trick knee and the ache he gets in his elbow when it perhaps rains a little too hard. It’s one thing to feel it physically, but the added bonus of it being emotional as well weighs just a touch too heavy for his liking.
He comes to a stop in the pit where the sounds are louder and more pitchier, and there’s two little turtles to accompany them, faces all pinched into varying degrees of annoyance.
It’s Odyn who reaches him first, as it often is, he’s a daddy’s boy at heart, little tiny legs carrying him the small distance that separates them, he goes barrelling into the larger, older turtle, face first into his pant leg. He’s gripping the edges of the fabric with three little fingers, giving it a sharp tug when he says with a rush of air,
“Papa, Uno is being mean again!” He whines, pressing his snout into Mikey’s leg. “He keeps calling me names!”
Uno has since joined their fray now, chest heaving with each stuttered breath as if the idea of being accused of such a thing is stunting each draw of air into his lungs.
“No I didn’t!” He retorts, voice all pitchy and nasally. Michelangelo groans softly to himself. “He’s just being a baby! Like he always is!”
Such a spiteful word directed towards their youngest is enough to erupt a hurtful sob from the smaller turtle. He buries his face further into his fathers leg, his voice warbled and muffled from both the tears the the mouth full of pant he has right now, but Mikey is able to carefully decipher it of something along the lines of, (in true irony),
“See! He keeps calling me a baby!”
He pries his son’s iron grip off from his leg, forcing him to look upwards with a tap of his finger beneath his damp chin. Fat tears roll down his cheeks, framing his face almost perfectly, he looks at his child sternly.
“You know not to take it to heart, hm? Do you eat baby food and wear diapers?”
Odyn sniffles, bringing a fist up to scrub away at the snot collected beneath his snout.
Mikey hums. “And do you chew on furniture and need papa’s help to feed yourself?”
Odyn shakes his head. “No, papa.”
Michelangelo grins softly. “Then you’re not a baby. You know that, I know that.” He looks pointedly at his other son who is unmovable under his gaze. “Uno knows that. He only says it to get a rise out of you, right?”
Odyn’s bottom lip wobbles dangerously. “Yes,” he says in a rush, “but—”
Michelangelo is swift to cut in. “But I will deal with your brother. Okay?”
Odyn doesn’t seem entirely swayed; Michelangelo thinks that maybe he wanted some sort of permission to perhaps say a bad word directed at his brother, or maybe to have it out in a short scrap and there as kind of emotional compensation that only siblings would believe to be a reliable source of insurance against name calling.
But the smaller turtle eventually heaves a heavy, wet sigh, and nods his head solemnly.
“Good. Go play with your sisters,” Michelangelo instructs him, tapping him gently against the ridge of his shell. “I think they’re coloring. Will you make me something pretty?”
That gets his spirits up, the smile beaming across his face so bright, it might as well evaporate his previous tears left behind on his cheeks.
“Okay!” He calls out with delight as he toddles off to join his other, much quieter siblings on the far side of the room. Mikey watches them as they scoot aside and make space for him, offering up a fresh slice of paper, he’s already making grabby hands for the brightest crayons they own.
“He’s always getting me into trouble.”
That’s Uno’s low, forbidding voice, all full of that way too early angst that he recognises from himself and his brothers in their adolescent years, and when Mikey turns to face him, he’s sullen.
He doesn’t wait to hear whatever wisdom his father might be able to offer, instead, his bottom lip is trembling like it’s heavy with the weight of all the words he wishes to say; all the woes and the hurt that comes with having little brothers, and suddenly, with his face drawn in such an expression and his eyes narrowed and his mouth tight, Michelangelo sees a glimpse of Raphael in this child.
“You know, I was the youngest of my brothers,” Michelangelo explains to him. He motions for him to follow as they leave the pit, letting the soft voices of the other children behind them as they walk back towards the kitchen from which he came. “I pulled the same tricks he pulls from time to time.”
Uno pauses his end of conversation to clamber on top of the barstool that wobbles slightly under his swaying weight. Michelangelo steadies it with a hand until his son is fully situated, and once he is, he’s swiveling around to face the older turtle, still sporting the same, sour expression across his younger face.
“Then why’d you let him get away with it?” He says, words barbed, like this was somehow his fault now. “It’s not fair, papa.”
And Michelangelo chuckles softly. There are the glimpses of Donatello that shine through, like bright sunshine filtering through curtains in the early morning in hues of gold – that sharp intellect that constantly comes with its millions of almost unanswerable questions.
“Because I also know what my older brothers were capable of,” he tells him gently. “They did all they could to push my buttons, to get me in trouble. They knew how to play the game without getting themselves a foul.”
Uno heaves a loaded sigh, his plastron rising and falling, his hardened glare seems to melt away a little as he allows his father’s words to soak in.
“I just hate him,” he says suddenly, words dark and low. “He’s so annoying.”
Michelangelo stiffens at that. And at his father’s physical reaction, Uno shrinks a little, aware of what he’d just said; how loaded his words were.
“You don’t hate him.” Michelangelo tells him, Uno’s gaze gingerly lifts to meet his. “You are annoyed by him, yes, but hate is such a strong word, musko-san.”
Uno’s dark eyes flicker across the room with nerves, caught out, he wrings his hands together, as if trying to rid himself of the nervous energy that this conversation was building within him.
“I’m sorry chichi,” he says in a small voice. “That was mean. I don’t hate Uno.”
Michelangelo hums. “I know.” Then, “You know how I know?”
Uno shakes his head.
“The time you taught him kanji,” he begins to list. “Or when he lost a tooth and you soothed him because he was hurt.” He watches with pride as a small smile ghosts across his child’s face. “Or whenever you read to him before bed, even when it’s the stories you have already heard before.”
Uno rubs tiredly at his eyes; all of these emotions are a lot to bear for such a small boy.
“I know you love your brother, Uno,” Michelangelo tells him, tapping a green finger beneath his chin to gather his focus. “I know because I see so much of your oji in your soul.” He smiles warmly at his son. “Each one of them,” he adds, moving his finger down from his face to rest across his plastron, right over where his heart lies. “Right here, hm?”
Uno shifts in his seat, the old, worn barstool groans under his growing weight, he pitches himself as far forward as he can go without toppling off, looking up at his father with big, round curious eyes.
“Really?” He says, voice clinging to an awed whisper.
“Really.” Mikey tells him with a stern nod. “Now go play,” he says quickly, flapping him away with a dismissive hand.
“Papa hasn’t had enough coffee this morning,” he mutters, pinching his eyes narrowly to try and avoid the impending headache that’s crawling back across his skull. “Try not to have anymore arguments until at least late afternoon, yes?”
Uno hops off his seat, almost tripping in the process, he stands tall when he tells him,
“That’s okay!” He’s smiling now. A sight Mikey is sure he’ll never truly tire of, no matter how many headaches life brings. “Maybe I can ask the others if I can draw too, and we’ll make you something nice to make you feel better, hm?”
Michelangelo reaches across the countertops for his discarded beverage from earlier. Curling his fingers around the mug, he finds with welcomed surprise that it’s still warm. “You better,” he tells him with an entirely serious tone surrounding his words, raising one brow ridge for emphasis. “I didn’t spend hours scavenging those crayons for nothing.”
And with that, Uno is padding off in the direction of where his other children are gathered; straining an ear he can hear their excitable chatter and babble as they continue to work together.
And when their eldest sibling joins in, there doesn’t seem to be any lasting animosity; Odyn shows off what he’s already made, pride and excitement swelling over whatever leftover hurt from their spat, and Michelangelo chuckles to himself as he listens to Uno’s gentle encouragement that floats through front the other room.
He brings the coffee mug to his lips, steam curls itself around his snout, and a smile touches at his face, the slightest of turns. He awards himself with another mouthful, and whilst it doesn’t do much to quell his migraine, it does feel deserved.
And later that night, when he has all four of his children growing heavy in his arms, fighting a battle against fatigue that they are bound to lose against, as it is most nights, he watches his as Uno shuffles in closer to his brother, his pudgy little arm draped across the slope of his shell, and Odyn, his jaw slack, drool dried across his chin, his soft snores only just about disturbing the silence that falls across the room, he seems to curl into his brother’s offered warmth and Michelangelo smiles softly to himself.
Here in his lap are his children – the little turtles that call him papa and rush to him to settle disputes and disagreements, and to kiss scraped knees and to devote each of their wobbly crayon drawings to him that end up covering the fridge and the kitchen walls in a decoration of color and love and he knows that even with coffee, even with the best coffee in the world, all of this is worth a thousand bad headaches. Tomorrow might bring peace and tranquility and ease, or perhaps it shall be Yi and Moja that decide to scrap and fight or maybe all four will fall out of love momentarily, as siblings often do.
Michelangelo should know, he’s been one his entire life, even if his brothers are no longer here to push his buttons or fight him or argue over petty, useless things, he knows with great ease, that despite it all, they always found their way back together, whether it was over something big or small – that was the love between brothers and family.
He presses his sleeping turtles closer to him, curling his arms around them, they melt around his warmth and he knows that much like his group of siblings, these four here, were no exception to the same rules.
He closes his eyes and basks in the moment, acutely aware in the moment of quiet, of the headache that has finally shrunk itself away.
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The Magical Turnabout: Cleared!
Whoo! I haven't had a shot of the old AA charm in a while, but something about Case 6-2 clicked for me in that front! I suppose I should go through the old bullet points then, shall I? Let's do this!
(Cutting this off here because GOOD GRIEF are there a lot of thinks about this case)
TRUCYYYYYYYY! I'm so sorry for what DD has done to you, but I really liked her and Apollo here! Who knew that giving your character a stake in the plot and room to breathe actually makes them an interesting person to watch and root for? The legacy of the Gramaryes weighing on her shoulders, her dedication to her magic, her wonderful bond with Apollo... it all shines through, giving me a lot more to grab on to emotionally than in the prior game. In Trucy We Trust!
APOLLO JUSTICE IS DOING FINE! He's got something of a legacy to hold up himself, being the only one alongside Athena to hold the fort while Wright's away. And they were under serious attack, too - losing out on the office and a dear friend & daughter of Wright is a hefty thing to deal with. And yes, he's as jaded and snarky as he ever has been.
Athena's here. That's pretty cool. I'm not going to complain much about her not getting too much here, since this isn't really her story. She's still a god-damn riot and keeps up a charming dynamic with Apollo, and her righteous indignation at Retinz's shenanigans is pretty cathartic.
Ema gets a nice look here too! Showing her in a much happier tune after achieving her dream job - a little reminiscent of her younger years - while still keeping the snide built up from AJ. I do like the conflict of interest her with Trucy on the line. Seems detectives can't go a trilogy without someone they actually like being put in the slammer, but it's a nice crumb.
Case 2-3 was pretty fun in how it faked a magic trick to hide the real murder, but a lot problems got in the way of fully appreciating it. This doesn't have nearly the same issues and manages to make use of the inherent mysteries and mechanics of the magic tricks performed to its advantage. Even the main villain had a grander illusion to unravel at the very end - that being the mystery of how the victim truly perished. It was fun following along & seeing the show behind-the-scenes!
Bonny & Betty are fine. Both are sympathetic enough being admirers tricked into being accomplices in muder. Betty in particular seems scorned to all get-out, having to pretend to be the other for so long. Bonny has to deal with self-esteem issues and a slightly controlling twin sister. I liked them!
Roger. Motherfucking. Retinz. The man's got intelligence up the wazoo but that's about the only admirable trait I can assign to him. This man is easily the most despisable AA villain I've seen in a long time - not counting ones that are hateable due to bad writing, Dual Destinies - who almost managed to get one last cut in on Trucy before he vanished for good. He doesn't make his grudge a secret and his actions - both in setting up his schemes and his general behaviour - make him one awful son of a bitch. A mistrusting, dishonest, egocentric magician who stands in stark contrast to Trucy. Pretty dang good for a one-off villain!
Now then... you're probably wondering what I think of Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. While I'm not going to make sweeping judgements until I see the whole story, I do have some thoughts. Just bare with me.
Khura'in is a country that hasn't seen a Not Guilty verdict in over 20 years. Nahyuta didn't oversee Phoenix's first trial there and the next has yet to come. They have a poor opinion of defense attorneys and a deeply religious reason to want justice for the victim in order to bring them peace. Nahyuta is an asshole. I will make no illusions to the contrary. He is the product of a country that has - at this point - not had any reason to believe the accused isn't the culprit. It's probably not a fair system at all; Manfred's perfect record didn't come about by playing fair, after all. But that's the environment Nahyuta practices and was likely raised in as well. He's got good reason to be an insufferable prat at this point and it's clear we haven't seen the full extent of his character. His cultrue may have largely informed this side of him, but I do enjoy him being in conflict with Ema over indicting someone she knows and cares about. Ones duty taking priority over ones emotions seems like a hint at something... tragic. This is a man who's probably had to push similar feelings down and is well practiced in that, to the point where he's completely shut-off from someone he used to know. We have seen, however, that he is very open to learning about different cultures when the need arises. He went so far as to wait an hour to sample something as simple to L.A. as a burger - enough to be able to recommend a particular flavour. He's researched television programs, social customs, and is even willing to admit that cultrual differences means he might not carry things out as expected. It's one of the more charming parts of his character and I really do enjoy it.
His connection to Apollo... I don't really know what to say at this point. It feels like he occupies an odd middle-ground between Edgeworth and Simon in their debuts. Edgeworth because he actually bothers to talk with Apollo in the lobby, Simon because he's so closed-off that nothing really comes of that. I get what they're doing here - telling us that the prosecutor is someone from the attorney's past and telling us they used to be different - though it's missing something from Phoenix's and Edgeworth's spat in Case 1-2 that gave that scene more to chew on.
Frankly, I think I'll have to check out the rest of SoJ just to figure out if I like the guy or not. Dual Destinies - for as many mistakes it made at the end - did manage to get me to give a hoot about Simon, so maybe SoJ can do something nice with this guy. I've heard the contrary enough times to be cautious but I can't let outside opinion and heresay sway me on these things. Not anymore, at any rate. As before, I want to be damn sure my feelings are my own.
But first! Case 6-4. I've heard many a divisive thing about it - from the wonderful cast to the unfortunate treatment of its leading lady. I'll let you know what side of the coin I land on when I get to the end there.
Until next time! In justice we trust!
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danzinora-switch · 2 years
So in the span of just under two weeks I reread the entire Fablehaven series.
This was my all-time favorite series growing up, and I reread it multiple times. But, this was my first time as an adult reading it through, so here are my fresh takes. Hidden below for spoilers and length of post.
- Grandpa Sorenson is so stressed. Especially in the first book. His wife is a chicken, he’s got a preserve to run, and he’s just had two naive kids dumped on him during one of the most dangerous nights of the year. He’s struggling just to keep them ALIVE but one especially just keeps poking the hornet’s nest and gets himself transformed into a walrus. And then opens a window. And keeps sneaking into the woods. Honestly, I don’t blame him for having a small breakdown in book 3. He’s been under tremendous pressure and responsibility.
- Grandma Sorenson is a BADASS. Right out the gate when we meet her, fresh out of chicken form, she is immediately telling Muriel to gtfo her property and sets about planning a rescue for the others. She goes into the Forbidden Chapel with the crossbow because she intends to KILL if it comes down to using it. She’s decisive, one heck of a negotiator, and firm. Legend.
- Seth really matures over the series. Like, book 1 he’s a kid getting into trouble (painful, terrible, trouble). He’s young, reckless and stupid. But the seeds are planted. He opens the window because he thinks he’s saving a baby. In book 2, he’s tricked by several adults multiple times, but we really get to see him be truly courageous. Book 3 he’s starting to learn from his mistakes, and consider the future consequences of his actions (though not entirely in full, he insults centaurs into helping them but basically goes “yeah, we’ll cross that whole duel-to-the-death bridge when we get there”). Book 4 he’s ready for action, he’s ready to go on the offensive, and he takes /calculated/ risks that pay off. Book 5, yes. He was tricked into healing Graulus. But he takes responsibility and fixes his mess. He’s far more seasoned, and grown.
- Kendra grows in her own way. If Seth is the definition of “learning things the hard way” Kendra is bound by “doing the right thing, even if she hates hit.” Multiple times throughout the series she steps up for dangerous, deadly tasks, not because she wants to, but because there’s no other choice and she knows it. She also doesn’t take an easy out when presented. She fights to stay. Petitioning the Fairy Queen is dangerous, but it’s the only way she can save her family. Leading the climb up Lost Mesa is deadly, but she’s the only one who can see the trail. And so she insists they include her, even though she’s scared and would prefer to stay home. As the tasks get deadlier and deadlier, she’s still right there in thick of it, doing what she can. 
- Also on Kendra, one thing I really appreciated was that she really demonstrates that kind =/= nice. She can give as good as she gets. She and Seth banter and tease each other constantly, and she has some real sarcastic sass saved for members of the Society. But she remains so kind that the Fairy Queen picked her as her handmaiden. It’s brilliantly portrayed.
- Hugo.
- “Smart people learn from their mistakes. But the real sharp ones learn from the mistakes of others.” - Dale. This quote stuck with me the moment 11-year-old me first read it, and has had quite the influence on my life.
- Vanessa deserves more credit, even though she is the main driver behind the entire theme of trust issues the books explore.
- Tanu is the best. They would all be so dead many times over without him.
- Dale takes a look at people getting transformed into other beings or substances, magically imprisoned, or outright killed and goes ‘nope, not messing with any of that. I’m just gonna do my job and play it safe’. Warren looks at all those things and goes ‘let me fill my bingo card.’
- Most of my favorite guy names come from this series. Warren. Seth. Patton. Gavin. The exception is Tobias, which comes from the Animorphs. No offense to Bracken for not being included on the list, I just always think of the Warrior Cats, sorry.
- I didn’t like Coulter as a kid, but his rough edges make him feel more real. Vanessa is cool. Warren is awesome. Tanu is friendly. Coulter is like a cactus. But damn if I wasn’t tearing up at his death at the end. Sexism and caustic personality aside, he knew his trade and did his best to help. And, I’m not sure how much of it was just talk. In book 2 he straight up told Seth and Kendra that if it came down to it, he would save himself. But it did come down to it in the grove, and he saved Seth with the pod. He knew what to do whenever the chips were down.
- The staaaaakes. They just get realer and realer with each book.
- I wish we could have seen more of Laura, the caretaker of Obsidian Waste. This woman’s entire family is captured, held hostage by zombies, and she’s supposed to lead this team of Knights, none of whom she knows, to their doom. Instead, she stabs her protege and warns them of the trap, signing her family’s death warrants in the process. She commits sabotage all the way up until the final moment. RESPECT.
- I constantly wish I could eat the food in Fablehaven. Whether made by Lena, or the brownies, or magic, it just sounds sooo tasty.
- Death gets more real with each book. I mean, it practically opens recounting the death of Grandma and Grandpa Larsen on page 2. Errol Fisk is the first to truly die, and yeah he was a bad guy but it was surprisingly brutal. Then we start losing some ‘redshirts’ - Tammy, Neil, Javier, at Lost Mesa. But again, the method is still shocking. Tammy is straight up flung off a cliff. You don’t see it coming. Then Rosa off-screen. And then in book 4 we have to go through “Kendra’s” death, which feels real to Seth and the others. And Dougan, who is no longer a redshirt, we know him. And Gavin/Navarog. And then book 5. 
- As a kid I pretend to be a voice actor for a character from each book if they ever became movies. Book 1: Muriel, Book 2: The fairy guarding the Forgotten Chapel, Book 3: Chalize, Book 4: Nafia/Nyssa, Book 5: Civia. Plus the naiads in general.
- The Totem Wall is still so freaking cool. So are astrids.
- Raxtus being the best friend ever.
- “Some imagine the difference between heaven and hell to be a matter of geography. Not so. The difference is much more evident in the individuals who dwell there.” - Agad. MAN.
- I think, with more time and opportunity, Warren could be the next Patton. And I think Seth is in a league all on his own.
- The brownies booby-trapping the house forcing them all to flee is still one of my favorites sequences.
- Mull’s Eternals were eternalling before Marvel’s Eternals eternalled. I accept no criticism. 
- I still love this series so much. 10/10 will read again.
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notllorstel · 2 years
I’m interested in your hollow minds Au. What happens in it?
Here are some bits and bobs of ideas I have so far-
Along with Luz and Hunter, the trio that casted the spell also end up in Belos’ mind. They do attempt to send the kids back, but Hunter still in ‘apprehend traitors mode’ ends up destroying (or thrown away and lost in the mindscape) the spell potions needed to return.
Hunter learns that Darius, Raine and Eberwolf are the rebels. He does not take it well. Luz learns that Raine has been faking the memory loss. Raine asks Luz not to tell Eda on the walkie-talkie about them and tells what’s needed for them to get out of Belos’ mind.
Luz and Hunter are able to understand Eberwolf due to Belos knowing beast speech so then in his mind one would understand it and hence Eberwolf.
Darius and Hunter end up in the memory of what happened to the former Golden Guard (tbd) when hiding from the inner Belos. They do not have a good time.
The rebel trio did prepare a spell to conceal thier identity’s from Belos when they are in his mind (its like static to him). So when Belos’ true inner self confronts the group and traps the trio, he asks Hunter who they truly are, giving him another chance to prove himself. But Hunter isn’t able to bring himself to do so. Then like in canon, gets dragged into the ground.
But here we get Darius able to break out himself and the others of Belo’s restraints revealing he is a wild witch. Then we get the fun time of 3 head coven witch’s fighting inner Belos. Hunter is safe because of Luz’s glyph and the 5 are able to escape Belos’ mind with Eda’s help. Eda’s shocked seeing the trio.
With more support, they are able to convince Hunter to not run off and rest at the owl house. Luz and Hunter are unable to sleep because NIGHTMARE TIME THEY HAD. They accidentally end up overhearing the adults, where the trio rebels explain stuff and Hunter learns that Darius is a wild witch as he was underground when it was revealed in Belos’ mind.
Secret Wild witch Darius (because I can). Always found the coven system off and attempted to trick the system when he was scheduled to receive his sigil. Unfortunately it didn’t hold up at the time, Fortunately the person that was in charge placing the sigil was the former Golden Guard. Who didn’t go through with giving Darius the sigil and not tell on him. Darius was able over the years to hide this, only using abomination magic most of the time. Though as he got more responsibilities as a coven head he got rustier with wild magic.
hc Eberwolf to be old so they were a wild witch for most of thier life. But Belos was threatening their home and all the other beasts that lived there. So Eberwolf made a deal to join a coven for the safety of their home. They may not have access to other magic but they do have the decades of experience of being a wild witch and trained Darius in it.
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wellpresseddaisy · 1 year
There's a Silver Lining, Through the Dark Clouds Shining pt 3
With many thanks to @sneverussape who asked what would happen if a squib inherited a magical family Headship and control of the family magics and I suddenly knew where to go with this. :)
“Well, Mr. Snape, I can’t find anything physically wrong with you. According to all the diagnostics I have at my disposal, you are a healthy twelve-year-old boy. There isn’t anything to indicate the sudden change in your age. I’m going to have to call in a specialist, I think.” Madame Pomfrey stopped waving her wand around him in increasingly intricate patterns and stepped back. “How is your head?”
He blinked. How had she known his head hurt?
“A bit of headache.” He admitted. “I think I’m remembering some things. I...it’s very strange.” Because they weren’t proper memories of being an adult. He just…knew things now. Like he got the information but the actual memory stayed locked away. His memories of being twelve behaved similarly, like they couldn’t quite make it through either.
“Here you are then, a bit of headache reliever should to the trick.” She handed over a dark vial. “I think we’re going to have to find someone to take care of you, if St. Mungo’s doesn’t turn up an answer.”
Severus drank quickly, avoiding the taste as much as he could. He thought they should call his family immediately, but it seemed Hogwarts ran the same way for students and…professors? How strange to think of himself as a professor. He never wanted to teach. He also didn’t want to be poked and prodded only to be told there wasn’t anything they could do. He sort of had the feeling something larger was at play, something none of them would understand, most likely.
He had the strangest feeling this whole mess was somehow meant to happen. That this change saved him from some hideous fate. He didn’t think St. Mungo’s could do anything, not really. Or at least not anything meaningful. He remembered sending Longbottom’s potion samples to the Unspeakables and getting a letter back asking him to stop, please, they had no idea what the boy did and now they had a feral sample chasing people through the laboratories…and sudsing at inopportune moments.
Why did these things always happen to him? He knew loads of other potions masters who taught and none of them had to deal with a Longbottom. They also didn’t have trolls in the castle or evil dark lords possessing professors. It simply wasn’t fair.
He looked up sharply when the doors opened, but it was only the Potter boy, cradling his right hand in his left.
“Mr. Potter, you were told—” Madame Pomfrey started. “Merciful…what happened to your hand?”
“Caught it in a door.” Potter answered quietly, looking at the floor. “I wasn’t watching as carefully as I could have.”
Severus immediately suspected Malfoy. It was a Malfoy sort of thing to do, slamming someone’s hand in the door because they told you to stuff it. Petulant and spoiled.
He couldn’t remember Lucius doing anything like that, though. He’d call it plebian. Perhaps petulance was a feature of the younger Malfoy.
“Hmm. Helped along, I’m sure, not that you ever give me a name. How history repeats.” Madame Pomfrey sniffed. “Sit down, please.”
Severus watched from the next bed, suspicious. He remembered being…honestly a towering bastard to the other boy. Strange that all those complicated feelings seemed to dull now. He looked so much like Lily, under the truly tragic hair and even worse glasses. And his clothes when Madame Pomfrey made him take off his robe so it stopped sliding over his hand! Severus knew what poverty looked like—he’d seen it, well-mended and faded in the mirror often enough—this was flat neglect. Even if…even if Lily wasn’t here and Potter senior had gone on to whatever he deserved by way of an afterlife, there were others to care for the boy. Black…there was something he couldn’t quite grasp in his memory. Some reason Black wasn’t the doting godfather (because as much as Severus loathed Black, he could admit that the man would likely rather die than see harm come to James Potter’s son).
But there should have been family. Someone to make sure he didn’t go about looking…Mam always said ‘like there’s nobody at home who loves you’. Even he hadn’t looked like that…at least not frequently. Sometimes Mam had bad days.
Madame Pomfrey fussed about Potter, gathering salves and casting diagnostics, frowning at each one.
“Have you been drinking milk as I directed, Mr. Potter? At each meal?” she asked after an uncomfortable silence. “I’d rather not prescribe nutrient potions if we can fix this with your diet.”
“Er, it isn’t on the table?” Potter offered lamely. “There’s only ever pumpkin juice and water.”
Gryffindors, honestly, they’d rather martyr themselves than make a simple request. Madame Pomfrey seemed to agree with him and sighed deeply.
“It is vital that you eat the proper amount of a properly balanced diet, Mr. Potter. Every diagnostic I just ran returned worse results than last year at this same time. You now have a broken hand, which can be fixed fairly quickly, but we really ought to vanish and...”
“Please don’t, Madame Pomfrey.” Potter hunched in on himself, miserable and slowly going scarlet. “I…it won’t help. Not if I have to go…”
Whatever else he was going to say vanished as the door opened again. The headmaster strode in, clearly annoyed by something, followed by…
“Dad?” Severus blurted out.
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looniecartooni · 2 months
Henchmen for Hire Update 3 (I don't think anyone really reads these)
I am having trouble finding the character color pallets with the markers I have, so I bought some new ones as well. I could just look for the colors digitally, but that seems like too much effort for wittle old pencil and paper person me. I might just go digital when I discover how much paper costs and how I probably over consume it.
Oh- and the female protagonist has a name now. Her name is Claire B. Ellody (B stands for Bunnie. Get it because magicians and rabbits. My 1 am brain thought it was funny). She is a 24 year old magician who only knows card tricks and whose only magic power is that if danger tries to hit her, she can easily dodge it. However, despite knowing nothing can truly, physically hurt her, she still gets very scared. I mean- anyone would get anxiety from pointy things coming at them, right? (Its kind of a Scooby Doo situation where despite you knowing what the logic usually is, you still think its the illogical thing) (Also- poor girl has pre-packaged trauma).
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She will learn to improve as the series progresses (as one might expect from a story), along with her best friend who happens to be an ancient deity- like person that wears giant dorky glasses. Why the glasses? Because I am obsessed with glasses characters even though they can be problematic You'll find out. He does need them for everyone else's safety. I have a list of names I am debating for him. The person that named him has a name already, but now I'm trying to figure out what the heck he'd name him. Requires more playing around to figure it out. Definitely needs to do with rocks.
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He's a fun guy. He can manipulate rocks and the environment around him. Buuuuut he'd prefer to attack you with stalagmites if you dare try to cross him. He just... really likes spikes for some reason... some reason you might learn when you read Henchmen for Hire! (whenever the heck it comes out and if people even like it. I like it- does that count for anything?)
Feel free to ask me questions if you are at all interested in what I might come up with in the next couple of... months? Hopefully soon. I will be graduating from college and my family really wants me to get settled with an in person, well paying job (keep pushing Veterinarian when I'm graduating with an Art History degree). But I will try my best to publish Henchmen for Hire so long as people are interested in it. So please- inquire away if you can.
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thisdreamplace · 1 year
How did you reach a place where you can be happy and full of love no matter what? I hate feeling like I’ll be unsatisfied if my desires don’t manifest. I wish I could feel totally complete without them.
honestly by being willing to totally allow myself to surrender and let go and... allow. allow in general. you have to start to value yourself more than you value whatever manifestation u think will be the trick to fixing ur life. i will be completely transparent in saying i experienced a lot of heartache and pain on this journey as a whole, mostly from the fact i was the same way for a while. i put my wholeness into the manifestations without even realizing i was doing so. so i feel for everyone who gets stuck there bc sometimes u truly think ur doing things for urself but deep down, ur still living for the hope of a desire materializing. through all this time, i cried a lot but i also broke new heights of love, peace, and beauty. and i feel so much more stable and trusting of myself than i ever have. accept that this is a journey and you're just gonna have to be there for yourself, along for the ride ! <3
to be specific, on what i actually did, i firstly took a break off tumblr as some of you know. and i immediately started questioning everything and asking myself for the answers. things that didnt feel right to me i started to reject, and i started to accept things that everyone in the community made fun of. because i didnt care about anyone's beliefs anymore, i just knew it was time for me to live a life i actually wanted. and what was popular in the community was hurting more than helping. so i went all in ! i also allowed myself to revisit topics like deattachment and letting go, which actually helped a ton. after a couple months of starting to challenge my old belief system, i started to actually live again. (yall got a light taste of this energy when i did "love me february" earlier this year bc i slowly started doing new things) i started to push myself out of my comfort zone and go do things in real life, rather than sitting in my room telling myself "i dont have to lift a finger ! if i just sit in here in my mind it will surely happen" (i got tired of telling myself that after 2 years of a rather stagnant-feeling life) so i said fuck it and started doing things. which only snowballed because then i got comfortable doing things. and now ive had so much fucking fun in my life in just the past couple months. i only say that because it still blows my mind n i am beyond thankful for my experiences this year !
what i would like to help yall understand more than anything is this life was meant to be lived and experienced, period. without even realizing it, a lot of us do put life on hold because we're too busy worrying about our manifestation arriving because we put so much weight into that being the thing that will finally be the pinnacle of happiness for us, we ignore everything else already in front of us. its truly a thing like. take it step by step, little things that are out of your norm and you will see the way life responds to you so beautifully ! i love experiencing myself through others and life as a whole n not just thru my mind sitting on my bed everyday !! its great !! but it wasnt some manifestation that got me out there, it was me being done with waiting on shit to change. i just went out there to see what happens, while also keeping my spiritual practice important to me, and it was like magic tbh.
so to simplify. challenge what doesnt feel right. allow what feels right. and allow yourself to actually live and experience life along the way. nothing that is in front of you at this moment, is an obstacle or something you need to pretend isnt there. take what you have and let it be part of what guides you. make that your goal. feeling complete. (or whatever you want, really) when that is your goal, instead of your desire, you wake up everyday and make decisions based on your true self. not that egotistic urge for results.
i hope this helps ! <3 you so deserve to live a full life, no matter what is in front of you. and the thing is that what the greats say is so true. you dont need to be so focused on a desire to force it into being. life responds to you perfectly when youre just busy loving yourself and making the most out of each day. :') things just happen with ease and so beautifully. <3
idky but this q also gives me this post’s vibes hehe ;-;
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neonwizardheehee · 1 year
MCYTBLR Holiday exchange
@ghastspidergwen your Secret Santa is bringing you a little superhero AU !!
I am no writer but an AU hardly works without some explanation so I had to sit down and think of something for my playlist to make sense XD If it reads like a Wikipedia article then yeah that's why XD
Big thanks to @mcytblrholidayexchange for organizing and managing this! It was a pleasure taking part and seeing the gifts now <3
But first let me introduce you to our hero and main gift: Grien the mysterious moustachied superhero!
Yes we're going for 100 Hours Hardcore crew so here is what I envisioned for the story:
MCYTBLR Holiday Exchange
The story of Grien the mysterious superhero
SMP: 100 hours hardcore After a long day of observing Scar trying to do an MLG water bucket trick and ultimately having to make a fort out of all the beds he and Joel managed to carry, Grian flops himself down onto one of the mattresses when the sun begins to set. There he lies with Scar and Joel still jumping down from various heights around him. He falls asleep and dreams of a time where he truly had the powers to protect Scar…
It’s the Christmas Eve of 2001, an 8-year-old boy named Grian wakes up from his sleep due to his cold and rummaging in front of his window. With a cough, he gets up from his bed to check out the disturbance. Outside he finds a bearded figure dangling outside the window of his family’s apartment and helps them come into his bedroom. The mysterious person is wearing a long red coat that matches along brown beard, magnificent hair paired with fiery red eyes. He introduces himself as Wizard Joel but in Grian minds, he is Santa; albeit wilder than he imagined him to be. The little boy gives him milk anyways which the Wizard gladly drinks and afterwards his eyes seem to not be on fire anymore and he smiles at the boy. Joel reveals that he accidentally set off a trap for a device he was building and enlists Grian to help complete it. While they walk to the rooftop Grian asks “Santa” a lot of questions about his powers and compares them to his knowledge of superheroes. Joel gladly shows off and talks about his travels far and wide and the wonders of magic he can conduct. On the rooftop Grian finds a huge and complicated machine whose intention he cannot fathom but wanders after the Wizard who seems to be set on finishing his build. The Wizard talks about a lot of technical things and explains them to Grian who solemnly nods along. He coughs more often now exposed to the uncozy weather and the Wizard gives him a glowing piece of jelly which he swallows. Several minutes of shivering and complicated explanations later Joel asks Grian to hand him the glowstone. The boy looks at him with surprise, for he has taken this glowstone to be medicine for his cold. In that moment Grian’s body begins to shine and wings form on his back. He excitedly flaps them and starts to levitate above ground. Joel is shocked and makes Grian come down to explain to him that the glowstone is a wishing jelly. Grian’s mind subconsciously chooses his superheroes and now little Grian has their powers. Nevertheless, Wizard Joel makes him promise to not use his new superpowers before he leaves.
The Wizard returns to London in 2022 with Lizzie, his murderous wither killer and wife, to investigate Area 77, a multinational research company. Upon spying on the company, they encounter a quirky owner of a mystery-podcast, Scar, who is conducting a similar investigation for a new episode. Scar marvels at Joel for bringing snacks to a takeout to which according to Joel is a sign of a professional at work. The group discovers that Area 77 is being secretly run by robot brains that transplant themselves into any living creature they need for their plans. They witness the conversion of the company owner called Jimmy from a human brain to a robot brain by the hand of an already converted member, Scott. With his now heightened senses the robot brain inside Jimmy discovers the spies and threatens to convert them too. Scott and Jimmy chase Joel, Scar and Lizzie around until they have them at gunpoint. Suddenly the walls break and a figure flies inside not bothered by bullets or shattering materials around them. Scar screams with delight as he recognizes the figure as the town’s very own superhero called Grien. The superhero with colourful wings and a moustache fights Jimmy and Scott until they hide away. Scar retells story after story about the mysterious Grien, fighting evil by moonlight and his secret double life by daylight. He’s very much a topic in Scar’s mystery-podcast for he is curious about Grien’s secret identity. Soon after Grien joins the group and Scar starts to fire questions at him to secure him for an interview for his podcast. To everyone’s surprise the moustached man accepts the interview and even offers to fly Scar home, who jumps in delight at being lifted into the night sky. He gets transported very close to his home which impresses Scar and fuels his imagination about the powers of Grien. The superhero says his goodbye as he must attend another emergency and Scar wishes him luck and sends him off.
Instead of another emergency Grien flies through the window on the back wall of Scar’s house and transforms back into Grian, a 29-year-old boy without a moustache, only to find himself in front of the angry faces of Wizard Joel and Lizzie. They tracked him down via the glowstone in his body and are angry at him for using his accidental superpowers. Grian tries to explain the situation but gets interrupted by the door being opened and a familiar voice asking about his whereabouts. He rushes out of the room and Joel’s and Lizzie’s jaws fall on the floor as Scar enters the flat and rushes to pet his cat Jellie. Grian mentions that he is cat-sitting Jellie for Scar and Joel rolls his eyes so hard even Lizzie is concerned. After an initial cuddling session with Jellie, Scar notices the two new people in his apartment and recognizes them from earlier this evening. Scar motions the Wizard to come over and sit in a dusty corner with him where he pulls out a squeaky toy figurine of a creeper that he calls “Bob, the Building Inspector”. He interrogates Joel about his intentions and uses Bob as a stress toy to get the Wizard to answer. Joel reveals to him that the robot brains colonise planets by taking control of their prominent leaders, with Earth being their next target.
Leaving Scar to prepare for his interview with Grian’s alter ego, Joel and Lizzie track down the robot’s ship in a low orbit and board it via their magic. Scott senses them there and they discover that the ship's reactor is in a critical state and realise from Scott that he intends to drop it on London. Remembering an observation made by Lizzie, Joel realises the city would be vaporised except for the Area 77 building. World leaders would then take shelter in the company's other buildings within each capital city, believing Earth was under attack, effectively allowing the robot brains to take them over. 
Meanwhile Scar is led by Grien to the rooftop that is decorated nicely with candles, flowers and a basket with food and drinks. They sit down and Scar starts to ask Grien about how he copes with his double life, his powers and intentions. Suddenly they are interrupted by Jimmy and two other robot brains called Oli and Fwhip who threaten Scar so they can convert Grien’s brain into a robot one too. Luckily Grien activates his superpowers and manages to free himself from Jimmy’s grip. Having only one hostage left, Jimmy sends Oli and Fwhip downstairs to grab Jellie as a second hostage. Before they reach the door Grian chimes in to protect Jellie from any harm. Scar is very impressed until Grian gets captured as well.
At the same time onboard the ship where Joel and Lizzie are currently trying to save the earth, they can only manage to get in contact with Scott for some questions. After Scott let it slip that the ship is to be dropped at a designated time, Joel uses this piece of information for a change of plans. Lizzie is not amused and scared when Joel forces its descent ahead of schedule and crashes towards London. He manages to contact Grian due to his superhearing abilities and warn him about the ship that’s going to destroy his beloved town. Jimmy screams in fear that it’s too soon and they all prepare for impact. But the impact never comes. When Scar opens his eyes he sees Grian holding the ship up with his bare hands and finally connects the dots that the mysterious Grien he’s so interested in is in fact his cat-sitter Grian. Said person only shrugs his shoulders and turns around upon hearing the Wizard arrive. Joel congratulates him and takes Jimmy, Oli and Fwhip captive not without reminding Grian to throw the ship into a nearby sun so it can’t do any harm. Grian follows suit but not before Scar gives him a long hug and says that he always preferred his cat-hero.
With a smile on his face Grian wakes up to find Scar and Joel sleeping. With so many beds around them as cushions to prevent Scar from dying they easily found a place to sleep as well. Knowing he did his best and promising himself he’ll keep an eye out for Scar, Grian smiles to himself and carries on with his day.
And with that I hope it makes you smile a bit and lets you have a good day!!! Merry Christmas it was a joy talking to you the past weeks and get to know you!
(yes, the story is from the Doctor Who Christmas Special "The Return of Doctor Mysterio" - if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it (it's watchable without any Doctor Who knowledge) to have a bit more banter, feels, laughs and visuals for this AU)
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bluejayblueskies · 1 year
helllooo i keep seeing your pfp and thinking that you are shen bluechair comic and thats kinda funny to meeee
also i really love seen unseen unsung! no pressure to say anything about it i just wanted to say i like it :3
thank you!!! it's actually really wonderful to hear that people do still enjoy that fic, even though it's been on hiatus for a long while now. part of me still wants to come back and finish it (and i actually revamped the outline for it back in 2021 and trimmed it down to 19 chapters), but i'm not entirely sure when that would be, so i may also just post the rest of the outline so that at least plot-wise, the fic is complete.
but! i actually do have a small chunk of chapter eleven that i've had written for ... god, ages now. it's too short to post as an isolated chapter (and it also leaves off right in the middle of a conversation), but i've dropped it below the readmore if you're interested! thank you so much for the lovely message 💕
April 25, 2018
When Tim was ten years old, he was obsessed with optical illusions. One of his classmates in primary school had shown him a book with pictures that looked like they were moving, with lines that looked bent but were straight, with images that resolved out of noise if you unfocused your eyes long enough. And Tim loved all of them. He was a bit too young to understand the scientific reasoning for why his brain interpreted the images on the page the way that it did, but the idea that something so similar to magic existed just at his fingertips entranced him for months. He would sit and stare at pages of images until a headache built behind his eyes, and he would show Danny dozens of Rorschach inkblots to see what he saw in them.
Thinking back on it, Tim thinks it was probably the idea of the existence of unreality within reality that had really struck him. The idea that what you see might be just an interpretation of the truth and that everything perceived by the eye is interpreted by the brain in such a way that it makes sense, whether or not that way is the truth. If our perception can be so easily altered by a few lines or a mismatched color, then how can we truly be sure that what we’re seeing is real at any given time? How can we know that we are perceiving the world as it is? Perhaps there’s an entire reality that we can’t see, or that we choose not to see, because it doesn’t make sense and so our brains choose to substitute in something else that does make sense.
Or maybe he’d just liked the pretty pictures.
Either way, that’s how Tim feels right now, sitting next to Danny and Sasha on his couch with reality and unreality, dead and alive flickering through his mind and turning his faint lingering headache into a fully-formed, dull ache. The thing is, though, optical illusions go away. You figure out the trick, you read the explanation written next to it on the page, and that’s it. No more illusion.
There’s no simple explanation for this, Tim thinks bitterly. No trick. Nothing that will take the illusion away, because there is no illusion—there’s Danny and Sasha and they’re dead, and that’s it.
That’s it.
“Huh,” Danny says, breaking the silence with a suddenness that sends Tim’s heart jumping into his throat. “Guess I was right when I said that the whole ‘you’re a ghost’ thing made sense. Didn’t realize there were two of us, though.” A small grin spreads across his face. “D’you think we should start a club or something? ‘Support Group for the Not-So-Recently Deceased.’”
It’s only because Tim’s tired, and because of the headache pounding away behind his eyes, that he says sharply, “This isn’t a fucking joke, Danny.”
The smile slips from Danny’s lips like a cheap mask, and he looks away. “I know. But what do you want from me, Tim? A nervous breakdown? You know I’ve never been one for dwelling on negative emotions.”
“Just—” Tim cuts off, takes a few moments to breathe, and continues, in a more controlled tone, “Just, for once, Danny, just a bit of seriousness. This isn’t something that goes away if you ignore it.”
Quietly, Danny says, “Okay.” Then, after a moment, he adds, “So, what do I do then? Should I move back in?”
Tim lets out a small, strangled laugh. “Move back in from where, Danny? Where do you live right now? Hell, where do you work? What do you eat? What do you do when I’m not around?”
Danny opens his mouth—probably to fire off an automatic protest—but he hesitates. There’s a long pause, and Tim can see the distance in Danny’s eyes, the way he’s searching and searching for answers that aren’t there, the way that his mouth slowly closes and his face slackens as he hits wall after wall after wall in a life that’s only half-formed. He looks at Tim, and for the briefest of moments, Tim can see in his eyes the Danny from his dreams and can feel the faintest taste of sickeningly sweet fear on the back of his tongue.
“Don’t,” Tim says quickly, too quickly; it snaps Danny out of whatever he’d been seeing, and when he blinks, his eyes are just eyes and the thread is still intact and the sugar-sweet fear is gone. Tim tightens his grip on the thread all the same and ignores the way it burns. “Don’t think about it. I… I can catch you, but if you think about it, then you’ll know, and believe me, you don’t want to.”
Danny’s voice comes out slightly cracked when he says, “Know what? Tim, I already know how I died. You told me how I died.” His mouth twitches, for a moment, into something darker, something close to terror. “From your dreams,” he says, barely more than a whisper.
“It’s not the same,” Tim says firmly, memories of Sasha slicing through him once more with sharp, serrated blades. “Believe me, it’s… it’s not.” “Okay,” Sasha says, cutting into the conversation and leaning forward on the couch with her elbows on her knees. “So what do we do now? We’re both dead, but at least for now, it doesn’t look like we’re going anywhere.”
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
Artemis during the years! ^^
[Disclaimer! These pictures are made in Picrew, with the simple intention of coming up with the character's design. Therefore, the art is not mine! All credit goes to their rightful owners!]
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Picture 1: Present timeline! Artemis is only a 9 year old child, having the (unfortunate) luck to be born in Nightmare's castle. She is the youngest of the Killermare children (Crescent, Angst and Merciless), and the most innocent and sweet child you will ever come across! <3
As you can see, she inherited most things from Killer (eyes, his energy, the love for cats, and quite the delinquent too)
She often tries to get on Nightmare's good side by giving him small, hand-made gifts, such as flower crowns. She does love her father and wants attention from him, to the point she thinks running away from the castle will accomplish something.
She is currently being trained by the Murder Trio and her siblings, and is a fast learner. She knows a few useful tricks with her magic, and can be swift and quick with a knife. Her weapon of choice is a knife, a spear or a scythe. Though..since she has difficulty picking up a bigger scythe, she uses a miniature version of a scythe Killer gifted her.
On missions, she is often accompanied by Killer or Crescent alone.
She also has a great singing voice, and a small kitten she named Cottonpuff, or Cotton <3
"I want to be queen one day! I am not afraid of any enemy!"
Voice claim: https://youtu.be/lwV5lgXpozo
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Picture 2: Future timeline. Here Artemis is 17 years old. Over the years she has been more mature, yet distant towards almost everyone, introverted and refusing to open up about the slightest thing. That sweet girl can't be truly gone forever, can she..?
She..seems to have deep hatred towards Nightmare. Rightfully so, why love a father that has been neglecting his children for years?
Ah, don't worry. She is still a delinquent. She will do things to spite Nightmare the most, simply for fun. She never even shows her full potential.
Everytime it rains, she won't hesitate to go outside, with or without an umbrella.
"Oh why bother? It's not like he will recognize me for my success, is he? Let's play the weak and meek for a while.."
Voice Claim: https://youtu.be/FrVTVQa5NP0
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Picture 3: Perhaps..an AU? Age 25. What a drastic change. In this AU, Nightmare is trapped within his daughter, like Kurama is sealed within Naruto. Artemis couldn't really kill him, and even if she knew how, there still was the balance that needed to be kept. So what did she do? With a spell, she sealed her father and allll his hatred and negativity inside her soul. She has to recite a spell every once a full moon to keep Nightmare still sealed, and in no way must she be interrupted. Thus, she became the new guardian of negativity, earned a huge energy boost and a new look along with a total of nine tentacles, and took her father's throne.
Of course, the amount of negative energy made her extremely sick, at first. Until she learned how to handle it better.
Nightmare's anger, however, is..a burning feeling. Especially when he knows now he can't escape her. Every chance he can get, he tries to manipulate her in any way he can think of in order to get her to remove the seal and let him escape. Sometimes acting nice, sometimes being completely deranged. Of course, Artemis never removed the seal, angering him even more. Nightmare vowed he would kill her brutally the moment he escaped.
Crescent and Angst chose to stay in the castle with Artemis. Merciless left the moment he found out Nightmare was gone. None ever heard of him since.
She still goes out when it rains. She doesn't care if she gets a cold.
Artemis remained good. She recognized her servants for their work as she should, and did not meddle around with innocent lives. She even chose to make a truce with Dream. But the profile her father had built made people think she was a monstrosity as well, which..spites her.
She only feeds on children's nightmares and general negative feelings so Nightmare won't grow weak. She will not make someone suffer just for negativity like he did.
The perfect daughter, don't cha think?
"Hm? Oh, you brought me what I asked for. Thank you, I appreciate you took a bit of your time for my needs"
Voice claim is the same one as in Picture 2 <3
Artemis is a Killermare child made by me.
Killer, Nightmare, Merciless, Angst and Crescent all belong to their respective creators.
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milirii · 2 years
Midsummer is almost here and I wanted to write a fic with BC and some mid-summer magic. But I didn't have any extra time, so here is just my plan I wanted to share with you anyway ❤️
(this is long post, sorry!) (if some of you feels inspired: you may take this and do your magic with it)
Before getting into details, I think I need to explain some of these midsummer traditions just in case. In midsummer there is old beliefs that midsummer night is a particularly powerful time to do some tricks (or magics) to either predict your future (more spesifically love life), try to make your crush to like you back or to improve your own fertility. Probably needles to say that these midsummer-magics were mostly done by young ladies who wanted to get married.
The most well-known trick is collecting 7 (or 9, depends a bit of what part of Finland you are from) different flowers and putting them under your pillow. You should see your future spouse in your dream. You can also see a reflection of your spouse if you look at the surface of the pond or down the well. While being naked ofc.
And if you want to actually meet your future spouse, you can try these:
Roll naked in the field owned by your crush or walk 3 times around a triangular field. In last round your future spouse should come across you.
Walk around sauna three times at midnight and after that look inside the saunastove. Naked. Oh and remember to have a gift to your spouse. Otherwise there will be bad luck.
Run around a biggest stone in the yard 7 times and hold hymn book in your hand at the day before midsummer day. Your spouse should be sitting at the stone in midsummer night.
Then there is some not as direct predicts. If you see snake at midsummer night, the snake will go to the direction where you find the spouse-to-be. If you get smoke to your face while sitting at the bonfire, you'll be getting married soon. And if you hear cuckooing in midsummer night, the number of cuckooings will tell you how many years you have to wait to find your other half. If there isn't any cuckooing, that means you find your spouse in current year.
And now: if you are still interested of what I thought would be a fic, but was too busy to actually write, here comes:
Joonas would do every trick naked, like these are originally meant to be done. (Like rolling in the fields and walking around them and peaking to wells and stuff)
Niko would try to scare him and meet him halfway of the last round around the field.
Niko himself would run seven times around the biggest stone of the yard in the cottage (without the required hymnbook in his hand because he do have a hymn 396 tattooed on his arm and that is basicly the same thing, right?)
Later, when Niko is done with tricking Joonas when he is running around the fields naked, he founds Joonas sitting on the stone and playing softly guitar while looking at lake and dreaming.
They end up leaning against each other and singing old Finnish songs together in the white summer night.
Tommi truly doesn't believe in any of that magic stuff. But he would accidentally see a snake in forest and it escapes towards the cottage yard where Olli is currently tending their bonfire.
Later in the night when they are all sitting around the said bonfire, the smoke keeps following Tommi even when he tries to change the spot.
Finally he gets tired of coughing and Olli howering over him and being worried of him breathing so much smoke and retires to sleep.
Olli would pick seven different flowers and put them under his pillow. Sadly, he wakes up with stuffed nose because he is allergic :(
He didn't even have time to see any dreams, but it doesn't bother him too much. Who could really complain while Tommi is right there making sure you can breath and his chest is best pillow you could ask for <3
Aleksi doesn't want to do anything too brave, or to see his future partner at all. He wants to have some excitement and surprises waiting for him. (and he doesn't want to know if his future boyfriend isn't Joel)
But he is a little bit curious of when the boyfriend of his dreams will show up and decides to listen if he hears any cuckooing in the summer night. There isn't any and Aleksi is sad, because he isn't fully aware of how this particular prediction works.
Joel doesn't want to believe in that midsummer crap, but secretly he does believe a little bit and goes out to the sauna after he thoughts others went to sleep. (so, way too late) He walks around the building and then goes in and peaks inside the saunastove.
He feels a bit stupid. Especially after not seeing anyone in anywhere. And then Aleksi manages to scare the shit out of him when he sneaks in too to warm up a little, after wandering through forests and trying to hear the cuckoo.
Joel exits the sauna while blushing furiously. And then decides to pick a flower to give to Aleksi as a gift because after all he don't want to risk his chances with him. It is Aleksi's time to blush.
They sleep that night in the sauna chamber. Curled around each other.
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darkbluescamvictim · 7 months
i meant to actually freak out more bout ur latest chapter but i think the handprint gepard had left on sampo got me so bad i went into a catatonic state or something. (which i am trying not to go Off bout like oh my god the handprint?? gepard's love for him and how much he cares for him and how he would push himself so far to protect him?? left a permanent mark on sampo??/ aueuugh) ANYWAYS sampo being so fuckign knowledgeable and explaining and also i love how u do the masked fools n what theyre about?? but also ALSO like the 'crimes' he did and how upset he was and how CERTAIN sampo was that gepard would despise him for it. like he truly had the idea of gepard as a noble absolute figure of honesty and lawfulness. and gepard saying he doesnt care??? because he cares about sampo MORE??? insane. it truly nailed one aspect of sampard i always puzzled on like of where gepard's limits/boundaries of his morals lie in if he is capable of bending his unwaivering ideals of justice in order to love and be with sampo.
also the whole handkerchiefs. loved that shit so much like the idea that sampo has a bunch of handkerchiefs on him randomly to pull off the occasional magic trick.
also also sorry for the wall of text lmao,,
Okay so this took me forever to answer cuz everytime I went into my inbox I cradled this post like "If I answer this I'm gonna lose it I don't want this ask to be gone I wanna look at it forever :'(" Until I realised I can just answer you publicly to keep it on my blog forever lmao I hope you don't mind? I have to put it under a cut tho because this got wayyyy too long
Anyway first of all please don't apologise for the wall of text I LOVE getting walls of text?!? This is like being a 3 year old who's just been unsupervised for a moment and managed to get into the sweets hands deep mouth smeared and 2 hour sugar rush incoming every time I read it ok. So no need to apologise. Also THANK YOU ACTUALLY CUZ THE HANDPRINT IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME TOO OK?? I had this idea for ages (and also because it was just the natural conclusion to Gepard's actions anyway) so I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes a tiny bit feral about the idea and symbolism ok thank you thank you thank you Next, I honestly spend hours agonising over the problem of Gepard being incredibly lawful and honest while Sampo is, in his very essence, at the very least a troublemaker and also a good amount of criminal (thief/conman/scammer yadda yadda) What makes this the most difficult is really that both these concepts are at the core of their character; almost everything Gepard is has something to do with his unwavering sense of justice and almost everything Sampo does has something to do with his 'shadiness', at the very least. So to subtract from one in favour for the other felt really really hard to do and I think if I wouldn't have had the basically 70k+ word build up I wouldn't have managed to find even just the resemblance of a believable middle ground for myself. In the end, I think that Gepard's sense of justice is ultimately a sense of loyalty to the people of Belobog (as seen by his character text about standing between Belobog & the Supreme Guardian if need be); which he believes will fend the best when they follow the rules and laws set down by their government. But since he is also (at least now) loyal to Sampo and his wellbeing, he can see that what Sampo did while maybe 'not right', isn't worth causing the mental anguish nor be punished that harshly if it makes Sampo this distraught. Not to mention, 'this' version of Gepard is slowly learning to be more selfish and so ultimately, he put his own desire to be close with Sampo above his sense of duty (basically for the first time) which, granted, is a step away from canon Gepard's attitude but I hope made believable enough through my painstaking work I put in :')
Also, yes, Sampo is enough of a clown to just have handkerchiefs with him at all times (same as the candy for the Moles, he's always prepared in that regard) (Also the handkerchiefs are surprisingly durable and do make a good improvisational rope if the need arises)
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pearls-place · 1 year
Ooh I love 60s/70s fashion so much & it’d be amazing if it came back in style! You’re so right it was so colorful & funky & it truly did show off people’s individuality. I especially love platform shoes, wide-lapeled shirts & big glasses as well as the colorful knit vests & lots of beaded jewelry! I also try to channel it in how I dress, though I haven’t had good luck finding much authentic pieces or inspired stuff unless through online, & that’s kinda a hit or miss cause you can’t try it on. I did manage to find a few articles that I really love though! Do you own any 60s/70s inspired/authentic clothing? Or is there anything you’d love to have in your wardrobe?
Yes they’ve got SO much energy!! Way more energy than me haha! Is Maggie an older doggo? Or is it just that she’s a ✨couch potato✨ hehe :) Willow’s a lot like Maggie when it comes to obedience, she’ll come to me if I call for her but that’s about it. I may be able to teach Blue some fun tricks though since she’s still just a kitten
I live in the Southeastern region of the US. I’m thinking we must be in the same time zone! I used to live in Maine, which is the second snowiest state in the US & I believe right now they’re about 3 feet deep in snow haha! Hope you do see some snow this year, it’s always fun to look out the window Christmas morning to a fluffy white yard & snowflakes falling! ❄️ The Sonata seems like it’s a pretty good keyboard & that’s really cool Finale will notate what’s played, I’d imagine notating without it would be very difficult haha
Oh also I came across a photo of these really cool Elton converse on my Pinterest feed & just thought I’d share them with you :)
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Oh yeah, the knit sweaters!! That and all the crochet stuff too! Same here, and it always seems to be so expensive too! A lot of what I get I get from thrift stores and vintage stores. It’s still a bit of a hit or miss, but I’ve managed to find some really good stuff and my collection is definitely growing! I’m not 100% sure since a lot of it I get second hand, but I’m sure I have some authentic stuff as well as some replicas and stuff…And I’m always open to getting more haha! I’d really love to get more waistcoats and wide-lapeled shirts, cause those are hard to find.
Maggie’s about 8-9 years old now, but she’s been this lazy since day one haha so she very much so is a couch potato! The only excuse she has is that she’s had arthritis forever, and she’s hurt herself a couple times over the years. But she still gets the zoomies on every now and then sooo 👀 How old are Blue and Willow?
Oh yeah, we probably are cause I live in the eastern side of the midwestern collection of states haha wow Maine to the south is quite the jump, especially in terms of snow! I hope we get some snow too, that would be nice :) it is such a magical feeling to wake up on Christmas to see the yard covered in white!
I’ve seen those before, they’re so cool! I can’t believe they’re hand painted, I can’t imagine painting so well on a canvas, let alone a shoe! I would kill though, I love both Sir Elton and converse :)
I hope you have a great day!
- Pearl :D
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browneggghosties · 2 years
Halloween Ends (2022)
I love John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978). Some may call me obsessed. It’s a movie I can watch every night, alongside Friday the 13th (1980) and Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981). Everything from the renowned score, to Jamie Lee Curtis’ and Donald Pleasence’s impressive performances, to the setting, screenplay, sound design, and back is thrilling. It’s one of my favorite horror movies.
Fast forward to Halloween (2018). Laurie and Michael Myers are not related. Cool. I also thought that was lame in Halloween II (1981). The protagonist and antagonist or protagonist and their love interest being related is over done. Bury that already.
I was so excited to see Laurie kick ass. It’s been forty years.
I was not a fan of any of the new characters. Podcasters Aaron Korey and Dana Haines, played by Jefferson Hall and Rhian Rees respectively, were essentially exploiting Laurie’s traumatic experiences with the shape for sponsorships or podcast subscriptions. It was distressing to see Laurie alone; estranged from her daughter, Karen, played by Judy Greer and her granddaughter, Allyson, played by Andi Matichak. I understand the desire for realness on screen. Laurie lost her friends and it’s going to take time to heal. That experience can certainly affect her future relationships. However, I like movie magic. I want to believe that there are characters who can handle the absolute worst; kick ass despite losing everything. Maybe I wish Laurie came back like John Wick? The idea of preserving through hell and back is a fallacy, but I want to have hope.
The characters in Halloween were poorly written. Allyson, her boyfriend Cameron, and his best friend Oscar add nothing to this once great horror series. The only scene I liked was when Karen tricked Michael into thinking she was afraid and couldn’t aim. That was badass. I hoped Halloween Kills (2021) would be better. With the character of Tommy Doyle back, now played by Anthony Michael Hall and Kyle Richards and Nancy Stephens both reprising their roles as Lindsey Wallace and Marion Chambers, respectively, I was stoked! My hopes were so high and quickly let down. Laurie’s in the hospital and I’m sure many of us remember how Halloween II went down. Three moments ruined it for me: (1) the incoherent mess of the mindless mob tracking down a Danny DeVito version of Michael Myers; clearly social commentary on the January 6 insurrection, (2) Laurie’s narration, depicting a lame supernatural force keeping Michael alive as he kills Tommy Doyle and Officer Brackett, Annie’s father, played once again by Charles Cyphers, and (3) Karen’s death. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Karen, but seeing as how Halloween Ends turned out, it probably would’ve been better received if the reconnected mother and daughter put an end to the boogeyman once and for all. In Halloween Kills, she’s killed in Judith Myers's old bedroom. Such a missed opportunity.
Now comes Halloween Ends. Why call it that when half of the movie is spent introducing a new pseudo-Michael and having Allyson worship him? Omg, we’re the same! One of the writers, David Gordon Green, Danny McBride, Paul Brad Logan, or Chris Bernier really likes Heathers (1988) and really thought this series needed teen angst. If I can’t have her no one will bs.
One aspect that truly bothered me was seeing the town turn against Laurie; calling her a “freakshow.” There’s a scene where Laurie, after sharing a sweet moment with Deputy Hawkins, played by Will Patton, is chastised for smiling and laughing. The sister of a surviving victim from Halloween Kills blames her for provoking Michael. When the hell did she do that? Wasn’t she a recluse in Halloween? She thought about killing him during his prison transfer (as if that was going to succeed), but instead crashes parents-meeting-the-boyfriend-dinner. She didn’t cause the bus crash. Victim blaming is any shape or form is never funny. The horrors of Haddonfield are due to Michael, not Laurie who’s in the background for most of the film. The only good moments are when she tries, adorably, to make a pie for Allyson, and when she tricks pseudo-Michael, Corey, and shoots him.
I thought Halloween II was bad. Now, I’d rather watch Dr. Loomis, behaving erratically and practically committing manslaughter over the three steaming POS that David Gordon Green directed. Danny McBride and I now have beef because he was there for all three. I can’t believed they, and countless others, turned John Carpenter’s Halloween franchise into muddled garbage.
Halloween (2018): 4/10
Halloween Kills (2021): 2/10
Halloween Ends (2022): 2/10
I’m betting Terrifier 2 (2022) and the new Hellraiser will be so much better.
0 notes
One Worshipped in Abrahamic Religions
If any are unaware of the type of soul-stealing, tricky entity that that false god is then - Gen 5:29, Gen 18:3-8 vs Gen 8:20,21 at least 🔥
It is said he uses lying signs, wonders! he loves to talk about blood!
I learned he snakes around rules. If in public? he has to blend in 🐍
.. a dark entity, that masquerades as an entity of light 🐑 🐺
https://beyond-the-northern-lights.tumblr.com/post/688490317520994304/please-read-series-thumbnails-on-yt-before-reading (*it is important to read all of it*)
the bible shows that Yah speaks through angels, has wings!
unblinding light can be used by him sorta like a flashlight 🔦
souls radiate love, love in us made to feel as if from them 🔥
It is scary how these so-called gods, like this one, can fool many 🌪️
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It seems as if much of his memories are back.
I recommend reading pt1 to pt2 here, further down sections https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEqHNQMJGjRTf33fg0q8QW5QoYh3FgLZg (*to add more*)
I am going to pin this comment later so I can write other posts.
I should add how like the name EA, the Devil is said to go by SAMael and I have some examples of their interest in names (*is said to give them energy at least*) in “entertainment” in two tag bits on Tumblr 🪄
--- Certain Words Below Were Copied and Pasted from a Post
there are reasons he could fool so many for thousands of years!
It is said if an alien arrived and wanted blood offerings from us:
  1) it is a sign this is not the highest if this alien claims to be
  2) that a use of curses aka black magic is a sign of evil
  3) that we should not worship this alien due to superior tech
and so on 😅 So, why is an alien seen as Ea the exception here?
It is curious how Yah words things in the bible e.g. harvests souls!
It is as if this is a subconscious attack, a secluded farm for him 🐺
but he has to get our permission in some way, even if via tricks 🐍
  the subconsciousness of many likely see how they sit in the
  mouth of a serpent as in that part of the Vatican, likely spot
  certain hints in bibles and certain hints in supposed channelings
  etc yet they ignore it because why? fEAr? no love for the truth, I
  see how his lies are set in a way to make truth seem as if the lie
It is him who is behind the morally corrupt incarnation system.. it
is him and his fellow elites we have to stand up to, to break free
of their enslavement - we stand back and watch people do evil, we
have the power to stop them with our free will but we do not? Why
is he nor the highest seen at least partly at fault for it while we are?
   heck are we to do this when most are at least worshipping Yah?
I suspect the highest creator knows it is not fair --- when will
many be brave, and say God is partly at fault for the abuse?
  for all we know, the highest is waiting for us to be less
  like unloving servants and more like friends who will
  stand up for what is right - heck knows, I am furious 🔥
In 2 Thess 2, “the dragon” is a rebel? Also, I see all of Lev 26 🐑 🐺
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It is said Yah speaks through angels, Yah is said to have wings 🤔
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In Rev, “Jesus” there is tricky Lucifer? MEffect counter in an old post!
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Is it that hard to see Yah Jesus as ever being deceitful? and this?
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I suspect he relies on fear, biased interpretations becoming preferred and popular, selective memories, etc to try to keep his power here?
.. many will not check, too scared to learn who they truly follow 🔥
no real love for the truth - they’ll say I am crazy, without checking!
In films, many spot new details each time a film is rewatched! same?
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https://www.gotquestions.org/animal-sacrifices.html, bad excuse
I see how so many have that black sheep, scapegoat vs golden child mentality - if they hate somebody, many warp the positive info about them to make it negative. If they view another as good, vice versa 🙄
there is a reason why so many Christians cannot agree on what’s in bibles! it has opposing claims too, many see what they want to see!
It seems as if religious books were written in a spell-casting way and also, many see gov’t-politicians as big liars yet they trust his gov’t 🚩
If any want to believe he tells the truth about being the creator of all aka none outside the energy, why is Exo 32:1-14 ignored by many?
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I see how Exo 32:1-14 implies we should not blindly follow Yah, too!
--- Controlled Opposition via Yah, Yah Killed First Borns as a Result
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1B) Exo - “.. I will harden Pharoah’s heart” (*Yah Wants it Hardened*)
If any warp it, meaning of Isa 45:7? Exo 32:11-14? above verses?
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It is said that certain dark entities will pretend to be good, pretend to
be against evil but if any try to get away later they’ll be visibly really
aggressive and dangerous.. a number of them already wanting blood
sacrifices etc. Well, no shocker that jealous Yah does this as well 🔥
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It is said that Jesus has, within these last few years, told people that
it is us who chooses all our suffering.. and I know a guy who claims
to be an incarnation of Enki, Jesus, Anu, Yaldabaoth says that many
are suffering due to karmic debt from a past-life (*I have written this
multiple times here before - Satan seems to want to hurt people, so
but still get more followers so a way he gets many to agree to be in
more pain in a memory-loss incarnation is mentioning karmic debt*)
  If you torture a kid in this lifetime, you will eventually lose the
  memories you have and be abused as a kid in a different life
  but I wonder why he has not infiltrated the families of elites with
  many who he knows will turn out good overall - why has he not
  infiltrated the satanic elites who have supposedly trafficked kids
  for many years? It’s said that many of his elites recall past-lives
  as Elohim, that they hate humanity but why does karma in current
  lifetimes not ram them for what they are supposedly doing? and I
  heard they have been taught how to hurt us yet dodge bad karma!
It is said that if we rebel, they will split our souls further. We already
see how many call the unknown demons. If they were in the past I
suspect they’d do what memory-loss Buffy did, (slight spoilers) sees
a moving car with lights on at night and (*while turned to become in
the mindset of the outfit she wears for Halloween by an evil man*) it
shows she panics - about this car, she says ‘It’s a demon! It’s
a demon!!!” 🙄 It is what Anu is said to aim to get major rebels
called, whether that is a you-are-possessed accusation or not
and it helps get those who see Yahweh for what Yahweh is aka a
really powerful dark entity who seems to know how to scare off a
lot of those he is the boss of for example. Also, controlled opposition
a thing but many do not care to see admissions to it in the bible due
to a lack of love for the truth. It is said he will increase the amount of
hell for us here if we rebel now, if we majorly rebelled in a past-life
against his dark system. I also shared how (*on YouTube*) even one
other says she noticed he sounds like a genie. I learned, elsewhere,
that winged genies are seen as Dark Ones and jinn (*made up of the
smokeless fire*) and I heard Seraphim are seen as fiery serpents so
that fiery thing may be a literal thing - not just a love for their Lord 🔥
  It is revealed how the winged genies have different looks, that they
  are (*supposedly according to ancient texts*) closely tied to Ea - it
  is Daniel 7:3 vs Daniel 7:6 that may describe Yah as part genie 🪄
I got the nearby images at these links -
1) nearchaeology.blogspot.co
2) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_genie
3) darkcrystalpodcast.com/category/podcast/
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It is the above with the head wear, wings, etc vs a pic on our right -
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I see how another winged genie is said to look like -
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It seems as if they are a number of “the devils” the bible mentions and I see how tDC:AoR (spoilers) says they are from outer space even and that they steal life essences to be eternal - they fear death and I see how Rev shares how “God” is eternal over and over again but also how people (*souls*) are his eternal servants (Rev 22:3) 🤔
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heck would he be celebrating like that if many are going to burn 🔥
In John 15, Jesus exposes followers of Rev 22:3 God as unloving!
If any skipped to here, Rev 13:2,3,4 vs Hos 13:4,5,6,7,8 vs Dan 7 🧬
It is interesting how Rev 13:1 says he came from the waters cause I see how he just moved, named water but did not create it in Gen 1!
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aka in the beginning, God created the firmament and the dry land
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and did he create the crust beneath the surface that he dried off? 🐍
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I recall how Pamela Aaralyn claims to have been told -
   * the Arcturians are just one below “Source”
   * the Arcturians are Seraphim
   * that Lucifer and Jesus are two sides of the same coin
   * that Jesus sits on a side of God, Lucifer on the other
It occurs across multiple vids, the pieces have to be put together 🐍
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btw, she is not the only one who received certain info above
I know she says to merge with “Source”, I know she changed a lot
It is said by many that Ashtar reveals they were Mary Magdalene!
I recall how Pamela looked
shocked when Lilith, with Lucifer, spoke of stirring souls in a pot!
false memories likely given by him to help him push an agenda
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Lying Signs and Wonders 🤔 he knew he would be exposed!
an alien, supposedly, said he was forced to - leave or hide 🧬
   allowed to blend in as Jesus, attempted out of desperation
much predictions by him of our future? result of common sense 🧠
   not to mention, he goes out of his way to make a lot of it happen
so Ra in the Law of One? repeating “I Am Ra” aka I Am That I Am?
an EL in many angELs’ names, ELohim, ELites, etc and is?RA,EL!
   more than one Ra, Helel is said to claim to be at least one Ra
I see the MetatrON, KryON thing - I wonder if a pattern is there, too?
many New Agers have beliefs that do not work across a spectrum
of those who see tOT LORD and tNT Lord as the creator of all -
many see Jesus say God is good, ignore how Yah claims to do evil
bibles, and speakers of tGFoW, RELY ON selective memories 🔥
the “pick and choose” what you prefer to see thing to get followers
that is set up! so if they are accused of saying a
thing, another can state they push the opposite!
btw, tGFoW is pro- censoring on and off speakers’ of theirs pages!
owl statue at Bohemian Grove said to be thirty feet, forty feet
   the sacred number of Sin aka Zeus is 30, of Enki is 40
said that an owl can represent knowledge passed to Minerva 🐍
shapeshift-to-owl, sings “Underground” as if about Inanna here
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It is an AliceinWonderland-like film, Satan and inverted reality.
In a beggar scene, Jareth looks and sounds much like a Skeksis.
In that scene, they even make sure to show he has a crystal 🪄
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the bible God, Yah Jesus, uses all kinds of threats to try to control us
Is symbolism in Rev more clear, less confusing than it seems?
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the Lucifer narrative comes from a verse that claims:
   a dragon forced 1 / 3 of the angels out of heaven
supposed light-no-love Anu rules in the afterlife.. lets elites rule!
   seen in sections 8, 9 and a, b, c, d at least two posts below
Is the bible LORD the dragon? Is this Lucifer story a deception?
If love does not allow one to support eternal torment -
   may as well say eternal torment added via Mandela Effect
  I do not think the Mandela Effect is why it is there, though
  a lot ignore talks of fearful people, unbelievers in Rev 21:8
I mean, if you love your kids... are you saying they deserve torture?
   it is called evil, Exo 32 shows how people can teach Yah lessons
If how I interpret Rev is correct, Rev admits Yah Jesus can lie 🔥
If any try to twist what I wrote - not all that he does is evil, clearly 🙄
many narcissists do that scapegoat vs golden child thing, sick of it!
choose this thief’s (Rev 16:15, vs John 10:10) wide path
that leads to destruction, well - adultery double meaning
as well 😅 simple match-up, should not be confusing 🧬
I think of what I wrote a bit above the line above, those verses vs
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I suspect that 1 John 5:20 is not the “true God” either.
bible bashes the killer-of-firstborns aka innocent blood Yah a lot 🤔
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and he “the LORD” does all these things, blind fans cannot see it!
those who follow Yah are unholy, that is a jealous god who is
able to perform lying signs and wonders - many fell for it 😔
   many of them accuse others of being unholy, while many
   of them are so vengeful they get off on Rev 21:8 - these
   haters, not even friends of Jesus as said in John 15:15 vs Rev 22:3
Rev 22:13, Red Colored Words Said by Jesus
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one of the multiple times in the bible Jesus is portrayed as God 🙄
but many miss John 1, 1 John 5, Rev 22:13, etc - biasness, what?
those who get off on Rev 21:8, excited about eternal torture? see -
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a 2 Thess 2:11,12 bit is likely why they see evil as good vice versa
many cannot agree on what is in the bible, opposing claims are in it
  that a part of that 2 Thess 2:11,12 sent-delusion thing I suspect
     - likely a reason I look delusional to many - bible throws ‘em
If one skipped to the bottom, you definitely should not be judging lol
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