#they wanted a hat like Luz's
quoththeowl31 · 1 year
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kakusu-shipping · 10 months
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They are Shota4Shota4Shota to me
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ww2yaoi · 5 months
funny/interesting anecdotes from parachute infantry:
web's head was shaved for the normandy jump
web slamming the entire package of air sickness pills in an attempt to completely numb himself from what was going on on d-day
the whole spiel about how colonel sink didn't want any of the paratroopers to be caught dead wearing these woollen hats without their helmets on because it was undignified for whatever reason and the generals would ream him about it. and web being like we're jumping into german-occupied france why are you talking about what hats we can't wear
web getting transferred from hq company because he was bored and wanted to see more action but then of course complaining every time he was in combat
the entire saga of web's hatred for lieutenant peacock. in holland, peacock made web sweep out his quarters while the enlisted men slept outside in holes. web then proceeds to dream about beating peacock with a broom/fantasize about shooting him
also: web saying the only thing him and peacock ever had in common was diarrhea
in hagenau, johnny martin almost got web and a few others killed when he called in an artillery strike way too close to the house they were holed up in and they nearly got blown up
just so much alcohol consumption. luz driving like a maniac and web raiding the berghof's cellar in berchtesgaden. web being disappointed that all hitler had was wine and champagne and no hard liquour
web being really drunk when grant was shot and barely making it out to the road to guard it in case the offending replacement showed up
the whole saga with speirs' mercedes. speirs confiscated this german car in austria but then colonel strayer wanted the car so speirs proceeded to shoot out the windshield then drive the thing off a cliff (he bailed just in time)
web being super drunk in front of speirs and embarrassing himself. then being a complete mess during ceremonial retreat and getting yelled at
stealing like 50 bottles of german gin from some factory
showing up at regimental headquarters to see about his points muddy and soaked from the rain and getting scolded by colonel sink (who he was dreaming about meeting one-on-one the entire war) for wearing fatigues in the building
there's probably more i've forgotten but boy what a book
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
hii can I request hunter x witch!reader where the reader catches human cold like when luz catched Demon Realm mold(?) and hunter takes care of them^^
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A/n: I have a cold while writing this-
Luz had asked you to go to the human realm for a bit. And you said yes without hesitation. But she had warned you of how cold it was. No matter. You brought a heavy jacket before going. You also grabbed a hat to cover your ears.
But once you got there the hat served more of a purpose than covering your ears. Well, it did cover your ears, but now from the cold and not just from others' eyes. A thin layer of snow covered the ground. The cold air bit at your nose and ankles, causing you to run to Luz's house,
When you finally got there you didn't bother to knock and just ran in. "Y/n there you are!" You heard Luz say, "You were the last one here and we were worried!" We? You looked around to see Amity, Gus, Willow, and Hunter. The gangs all here.
"I'm sorry if I had known that you were worried I would have come faster." That was a lie. You were going as fast as you could but your ankles felt numb. "It's fine just sit down. I'll get you a blanket." You nodded and sat down by where Hunter was sitting.
Despite Luz getting you a blanket you decided to cuddle into him to gain some warmth. Also because it was nice to just cuddle with him sometimes. "Holy- Are you okay!?" Hunter said once your skin made full contact with him
"Yeah, I'm just really cold-" Suddenly a blanket was thrown on you and him. You let out a pleased hum. A smile spread across your face. The rest of the night went relatively fine. But right before you left Luz asked if all of you wanted a sleepover, which everyone agreed to.
You fell asleep relatively quickly. Feeling pretty comfy. Once you woke up however your nose was super stuffed and your throat hurt. You coughed which irritated your throat more. You groaned and you suddenly heard a voice.
"Oh, you're up!" Luz said from behind you, "What's wrong?" "I have a stuffy nose and my throat really hurts." You cringed at the sound of your voice. Luz thought for a moment. "You probably caught a cold nothing serious... hopefully." "What do you mean hopefully!?" You accidentally yelled
She shushed you, gesturing to the others. "It's called the common cold, but I'm not sure how it witches." She walked closer to you, "It's kinda like the common mold back on the Isles. Excluding the mushrooms... And the deliriousness. Okay, there's nothing that similar besides the name, but if I was able to survive a demon realm sickness, you should be able to survive a human realm sickness."
"I'm just going to go home can you tell the others." She nodded. You got up, put on your hat and jacket, and went to the door. Just as your hand reached the handle you turned around. "What's the likelihood of someone seeing me teleport to the portal?" You asked Luz. "Not likely, nobody besides us really goes there."
You waved and wrapped yourself in abomination goop. But when you teleported you didn't arrive in front of the portal. Instead, you arrived almost falling into into the water. You backed up and groaned slightly. The teleport took more out of you than you anticipated.
You slugged your way towards your house. Despite this being normal for humans it was taking a toll on your body. You eventually got to your house and immediately flopped on your couch. You were on your right side and snot clogged your right nostril. You cringed and closed your body into itself. Even though you woke up a few moments earlier you slowly fell back asleep.
You woke back up to a fluffy blanket placed on you. Out of panic of suddenly having a blanket on you, you threw it off of you. Suddenly you saw your boyfriend's face by you. "Are you okay?" He asked concern lacing his voice. "Are you the one who placed the blanket on me?" He nodded. "Okay sorry, I just panicked. "It's fine you don't need to apologize."
You sniffled. "Do you have a tissue?" "One sconed." He left and then came back with a tissue. You blow your nose. "Ugh." You said looking at the wet tissue. You went over to a nearby trash can and almost fell over after a few steps. The only reason you didn't is that Hunter caught you. He picked you up and placed you down on your bed.
"Can you make soup?" You asked. Hunter inhaled through his teeth. "You know I'm not the best at cooking." "I don't care I just need something warm." Hunter nodded then leaned down and kissed you. You swatted him away. "Please don't. I don't want to make you sick." Hunter let out I light chuckle. "It would be worth it to make you feel loved." He said with pride. You grumble. He smiled sweetly, "I'll make sure you're better in no time! Trust me."
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avatarmerida · 1 year
I don’t have the brain cells to make a fic with this but while riding the subway this weekend I was thinking about the Hexsquad using the bus alot in the human realm and like okay
I imagine that whenever Hunter is with them he always makes sure his friends have a seat first. The bus fills quickly so he always volunteers to stand, it’s just the public servant in him. If they all have to stand, he stands between them and the strangers to make sure no one messes with them. No one does, everyone is minding their own business but he’s always in guard mode he just can’t help it.
So one day the Emerald trio is coming home from getting some things for dinner and they are just exhausted and the bag is heavy and the bus is busy. There are two seats left and Hunter of course insists that Willow and Gus sit and he’ll hold the railing and the groceries but the bag is so heavy, they’ve all been taking turns carrying it and they need a break. So Willow says no, Gus should sit and put the bag next to him so they won’t have to put it on the gross ground and she and Hunter will stand.
Hunter is fine with this, but soon they realize the only things to hold onto without crowding people are the ropes and Willow is just a smidge too short to hold onto it comfortably without like hanging from it. So Hunter holds onto the rope and Willow holds onto his bicep, like her own makeshift rope. It’s awkward at first, Hunter’s mind goes totally blank at how close this makes them and Willow’s preoccupied with the muscle hiding beneath his sweatshirt. They’re both so lost in thought that they nearly miss their stop and Gus has to snap them both back to reality.
This soon becomes routine. They don’t questions it; it’s just easier, right? It’s polite to leave seats open to other passengers, right? It’s normal to ride the bus just to get off at the next stop, right? Sometimes the bus stops suddenly and Willow will crash into Hunter’s chest and his free hand with instinctively dart to her waist to steady her because of course he doesn’t want her to fall! And maybe they don’t leave the position right away because hey, the bus might stop suddenly again, right?
One day after such an occurrence, an older lady leans over to say what a cute couple they make, how sweet it is to see them care so much for one other. Hunter freezes, but Willow just blushes and says thank you. It would be rude to correct her, Hunter thinks. And besides, maybe she meant a couple of friends. Friends care about each other and look out for each other on the bus, right? Friends stand this close when there’s plenty of room sometimes, right?
Then one day, the whole Hexsquad is heading out to do something fun after a long week of portal attempts and research and they get on the bus. There are three free seats at the back next to a man using the seat beside him to keep his bag. This is fine because of course Hunter stands and Willow goes to stand with him. The man sees this and insists they take his seat so they can sit with their friends. They politely decline at first, both secretly preferring their routine but he insists saying he feels rude taking up two seats when they clearly came as a group and he’s getting off soon anyway. They begrudgingly take the seats, knowing like this there’s no need to touch. They could, but it would harder to play off as a safety precaution.
When they stood together, they could look out the window and marvel at things together side by side. They’d guess things about the buildings and other vehicles but now it’s hard to renter the bubble. Willow would often make a fuss of adjusting his hat to make sure his ears were covered but now facing forward made her less bold for some reason. She wished she could find a way to crash into him but buses didn’t stop sideways as far as she knew.
Gus notices the pair seem less enthusiastic and instantly realizes they are such losers. He spreads out as much as he can, moving everyone’s backpacks and bags to the sides and Luz and Amity need little instruction to follow suit. Suddenly, the row of seats is very cramped. There’s still no reason to get up but the gang is shoulder to shoulder.
“Oh man, it sure is cramped back here,” lies Gus. “Hunter, can you put your arm around Willow to try and make some room so we’re not so squished?”
Hunter happily obliges soon enough Willow leans into the touch, her head naturally resting on his shoulder as they all plan their day. She says nothing of how roomy the seats seem to get after that despite no other changes being made, but she doesn’t really care anyway. Hunter’s arm hovers over her shoulders, restring against the back of the seats but she certain that soon enough it will know it’s okay to fall and bring her closer.
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captainmera · 1 year
What are some other hairstyles you imaging the group in? Any fun ones that Hunter tried (or was forced into by Willow, Amity, etc) as his hair got longer?
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first of all I think GUS would be the one with the most hairstyles, hats and drip in general - he loves the human world's culture and their way of using fashion to express themselves uniquely - including hair. I mean, he also has curly hair. So he would have durag styles, various protection styles, twists and braids. And, because his hair curls, he could vary between long and shorter styles.
I also think Gus would have styles that are more typically "feminine" too, as he is very gender-non-conforming in the crew's art of him.
Though, I will say, it works for Gus in-canon that he only keeps one style at first (narratively speaking, not realistic haircare - I think?) because then that would emphasise his time in the human realm later on to be an important developing arc for him (assuming they would actually give him various styles, as indicative of the bits we got of him in episode 1.)
I think, had season 3 happened, we would have gotten a more vibrant Gus. He wants to be an ambassador, he loves the human realm, whom else than GUS to be the one to have an arc where he explores and embodies the full-on SELFEXPRESSION!
Fashion and hair is a way to express the uniqueness of yourself. If Luz' wish as the main character is to be understood, then the (positive) characters around her will (one way or another) embody different lessons for that theme. Gus: Self-expression. (Fashion, style, hair, charisma) Hunter: Identity. (Confidence, self-love, self-respect) Willow: Inner self. (Vulnerability, self-care, self-acceptance) Amity: Outer self. (Presentation of your truth, pride of oneself.) Vee: Voice. (Standing up for yourself, perseverance) Camila: Support. (Union of group, accepting and giving love)
And I think their fashions/hair aka - character designs would reflect these various things!
On a more fun note I think the only reason Hunter could pull off his own unique style is because Gus helps him combine them properly.
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Hunter really said dollhouse fairycore and Gus ran with it.
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AMITY: Basic styles, probably thinking of her siblings to feel closer to them. Especially Emira's hairstyles. :) I think, because her mom was so controlling of how her hair presented, I think Amity moves away from doing too much with it and rather let it be adventurous and free.
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WILLOW: Lots of braids and pigtails. I think she likes to have practical hairstyles as well as more "gentle" ones. The practical ones to reflect her jock-side, and the lose ones to reflect her more gentile and sensitive side! :)
HUNTER: I think just keeps his in a ponytail or (as in the canon) just loose and shaggy without much care. Showing his early stages of being a blank slate. Just let things have it's course to see what "grows" from it, y'know? And then he gets his iconic haircut scene and literally "starts over" with a new arc. :)
I think LUZ just keeps her iconic style that she's had through the show, with the additional tiny low-pinned ponytail that makes her look like a rouge adventurer! Kinda like Amity. I also think Luz hair grows a bit more wavy the longer it gets! :)
VEE is also someone who goes through the most changes, but in her body and face rather than fashion. I think her style would be of the alternative side, perhaps a bit of a concert-kid vibe and basic comfy stuff. She's visually been shown to have the opposite expressions of Luz, quite literally being from opposite realms and having opposite personalities. Where Luz felt hopeful Vee was quick to give up. Our basilisk girl also seem to fit in more with the human realm, enjoying being a normie - after all, her life wasn't normal up till that point. So it makes sense for her to seek it and even find her safety in her own baseline.
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
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Golden Feather AU (more under the cut, TW blood, angst, ableism (one line)) Description: 6 images of sketches from the Owl House Golden Feather AU. Image One: Darius finds baby Hunter in Belos's lab. Hunter as a 16 year old with short hair like his TTT design. Hunter is trained in self defense by his dad as they're on the run from the Emperor's Coven. Image Two: Hunter goes to Grom. Wanted posters of Darius and Eberwolf, and a Missing poster for Hunter. Bump agrees to let Hunter into Hexside. Hunter (in Hexside uniform) and Eber celebrating. Image Three: Hunter missing a social cue from Amity. Luz asking Hunter to help her steal the healing hat. Image four: Lilith bringing Hunter to Belos while Luz is in a bubble, scared. Image five: Hunter getting his sigil. Image six: Hunting Palismen AU where Steve is in Hunter's role. Hunter gets flapjack, and Steve becomes a rebel and tells Darius that Hunter loves him.
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Description: Image seven: Belos cutting Hunter's hair shorter to control him/Hunter asking Steve how his hair looks. Image eight: Belos and Hunter together, Hunter has scars now. Doodles of Hunter scared and Darius worried. Belos struggles with having Hunter back and not being able to get rid of him while the Collector meows. Image nine: Belos threatens Darius. Darius is bleeding as this is shortly after he was captured. Image ten: Hunter in Lab Runners and Clouds (Hunter is wearing a hexside uniform in Lab Runners, and a new outfit for Clouds, which includes a green sweater and red beanie with Flap on his shoulder), he has abomination goo on the sweater. Image eleven: Hunter posessed with medium length hair, longer than his mullet in TTT. Text: Flapjack lives. Hunter fighting Belos, saying "Leave me alone". Image twelve: Belos possessing Hunter in front of the portal saying they'll thank him later. Belos telling Hunter that he's going to possess the Titan's heart. Hunter trapped like Raine was in WAD. Exploratory doodle of puppet Darius matching the AU's design with locs instead of goo. End description.
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mdhwrites · 1 month
I was thinking your takes of how TOH fails at making a bigotry allegory with the witches that I can’t help be reminded of this post regarding Netflix’s The Dragon Prince (I’m not sure if you watched the show): https://www.tumblr.com/chronicallylatetotheparty/757857588414152704/i-think-western-media-has-relied-on-non-human
The writers of both TOH and TDP have far more interest on [insert magical creature]. They’re unintentionally bias that narrative reflects on it.
They make humans look worse than [insert magical creature] for reason that justified (in TDP villagers attacked a dragon who was harassing them for days and TOH have witches eat babies in the 1690s while they have a main villain be against witches and was probably in the same time period). They ignore certain details that make [insert magical creature] look bad and result in messy world building and messages (in TDP there was a reference to the Trail of Tears that the humans have to endure from the elves and dragons and in TOH witches sees humans as inferior).
Amphibia actually doesn’t ignore that the fantasy creatures can be messy. In fact they have Anne deal with being treated like a freak because the frogs never met a human.
They have Andrias and the Core be the bad guys who attempted to take over Earth. They considered humans as lesser beings because they have knowledge, power, and technology humans don’t have.
Amphibia is by far the only recent fantasy story that is willing to let the magical creatures be flawed and their society changed.
So I think you and the blog you cite are actually two very different points. The blog you linked is about lazy recycling of tropes from better media to the point where we have stopped considering what made those tropes powerful and those stories impactful. Anime is also facing a problem of this but when you try to apply it to more allegorical elements, like trying to use non-humans as an oppressed underclass (something even most classic fantasy fucks up in a number of ways) you get some really abhorrent, accidental undertones.
Your complaint on the other hand is... A little hard to tell if I'm being honest, especially since the TOH stuff (I haven't watched TDP) appears to either be VERY arguable (the Isles does not give a flying fuck about humans, positive or negative) or seems to be taking words that I assume either were said as a joke or by Belos, the bigot, about witch behavior in the past. "They eat our babies" is just about as stereotypical of bigot speech from someone who's a moron as you can get.
And I keep trying to find something to grab onto with your point and I'm just struggling. Honestly, it just sounds like the general complaint of 'smart' stories actually being dumb as rocks. The stories that can actually tell a complicated narrative that portrays every side properly in a conflict is extremely rare. This is how you get TOH being so pro-self expression that acknowledging ANY societal requirements, or any amount of engagement with 'the system' is portrayed as negative when like... Luz assaults people in the first five minutes as part of her 'self expression'.
It is preachy and lazy and leaves these cultures with no actual culture because they are there to make a statement. A lot of sci-fi struggle with this because of The World of Hats problem where they want to comment on one type of person so an entire race is just that type of person, like the ever present Warrior Race in all speculative media. It is the storytelling equivalent of writing an analytical piece with the conclusion set in stone. Your ability to make the piece properly will inherently be tainted.
I haven't watched TDP but for TOH, this is how you get Belos' death as it is in the show. Belos claims that humanity has mercy. Has sympathy. That a human is moral enough that if they see someone in agony, they will be compelled to save them, unlike these witches. However, the thesis behind TOH is that witches are good and people like Belos are pure evil. As such, he is written lazily and so are the witches. Belos' speech is 100% just recycled from elsewhere. A final plea to a hero to be saved, with the witch response being a badass one liner or meant to be one that makes them look cool and superior. It plays to the thesis and 'theme' of TOH... Without examining the details for even half a second because if you do, yeah, they're rancid. This race accused of not caring for other people or their lives just agrees with the villain before proving him right by stomping him to death. This isn't saying that Belos should have lived, absolutely fucking not, but that someone who was worried more about their point, who was being careful about their allegories, might have made it so that instead of glee, literally one of them calls murder 'satisfying' which... Dear god why? They might have made it horror, or hesitation or a dozen other emotions that do have this race thought to be monstrous consider reaching out to this man who has hurt them so much. That in his final moments, Belos would be proven wrong because while they hurt him and so they could never forget, they at least provide him with mercy. Genuine empathy that he never gave them despite everything he's done because, you know... They're good people and not what he thinks they are.
But if you are certain about your message, entirely unquestioning... Why would you do that? Not when you can do the 'subversive' thing despite the fact that these tropes exist for a reason and subverting them might not happen a lot for a reason. That some plot beats are just mandatory for the sake of making your point function. It is being a confident dumbass about your story because you're never going to blink as far as questions on how well you did go.
But do you know what happens when you don't blink? Irritation, which sure seems to be how people feel about these mixed messages. See you next tale.
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kinsey3furry300 · 25 days
My top 5 hairstyles from The Owl House that I am very normal about.
Luz, specifically her in the season 2 finale, and post time-skip.
While in season three Luz spends a lot of time wearing a hat or in Halloween costume, which means we don’t get to see her hair, I still fucking LOVE what the animators did to her hair late in season two/ end of season three, specifically, the little mini-pony tail she’s rocking when she rescues Amity. It’s got a very 1700’s short Queue/ gentlemen’s club-tail pirate vibe to it, giving the whole scene a swashbuckling and romantic vibe as Luz literally climes up onto the balcony of her love interest’s boudoir to rescue her from her evil and overbearing mother, It’s wonderfully practical, romantic, tomboy-ish and playful, and seems like a direct fuck you to Bellos who also wears his hair in a similar tied-back style.
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look at those pants tucked into tall boots and tell me they weren't thinking pirate.
It hints at a volume and springiness of hair that make you realise that the animators and design team actually considered Luz’s Afro-Latina roots before promptly forgetting that again for most of season 3, only to bring it back for the post time-skip Luz. 9/10
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Amity, specifically the change in hair colour.
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This is just great character design: using the character’s visual design to communicate information about her to the audience: her hair is neat, prim, proper… restraining, very tied back, not at all free, and not only is it clearly a dye job, but a bad one, with the visible change in colour at the roots. You can tell from her hair, she is not happy with who she is at that point in her life. She’s had her hair done to blend in with the twins and her mother, be a part of a matched set, and you can see how she doesn’t care for it or she would have done something about those roots: bits of the real her, bits of her father’s influence, bleed through without Amity even realising. And then… BLAM.
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Change to a purple do, the colour of abominations reflecting her talents and passions, which incorporates hints of her natural brown hair deliberately and thoughtfully. It’s even called out by the twins that her mom would hate it. It’s also a very similar colour to the purple on the Bi pride flag, and seconds after Luz see’s her with it for the first time, Amity kisses Luz for the first time. New hair, new her. It’s a colour that pairs well with the blues and purples Luz typically wears, and close to the shade you would get if you colour-averaged the Dominican Republics’ flag (thought that’s probably just a coincidence). It’s Amity rejecting who her mother wants her to be, and embracing the person Luz sees her as, and I Love it. 9.5/10
Principle Bump
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You mean to tell be that Pallisman was hiding yards upon yards of the most beautiful silky flowing hair I’ve ever seen in a cartoon? Sir, you can not just drop that much swag mid-way thought season two, and not in the presence of minors, it’s just too sexy. 10/10.
And speaking of too damn sexy… Eda Cawthorne, the Owl Lady.
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Oh my god yes. Just yes. Chef’s kiss perfection. Hair so voluminous it has dominates the outline of the character creating a distinct silhouette even at distance, hair that bobs and move in the action sequences with it’s own weight an gravity. I’m amazed she can walk, let alone strut, given that her centre of gravity must be a foot behind her head. Hair so voluminous you struggle to hide it when you’re in disguise, and so magical it has it’s own pocket dimension for storage and/or is just so big you can keep stuff in there like a handbag.  By the Titan, drown me in your hair Owl Lady.
Special shout out to the pre-curse Eda hair as well: Flaming red, with her golden eyes, her narrow, pointed face and (even for a witch) huge pointed ears and the two hanging bits at the front that look like fox-tails? You just know Raine took one look at this and the carved their Fox Pallisman the very next day (and while it’s cannon that carving Owlbert was an attempt by Eda to reclaim some positive association with owls in her mind post-curse, the fact Raine looks like an owl with their big round glasses and little round face must have been on Eda’s mind:  it’s my headcanon they carved their Pallisman’s to look like each other.)
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11/10, perfect character design.
And finally, Vee, particularly right at the end of season three.
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that-ari-blogger · 11 months
Light In The Owl House
Across history, stories have correlated light with good and darkness with evil. This has probably stemmed from the primal fear of the dark and the unseen creatures that lurk in the night. But the concept has warped and changed over time, for better or for worse.
Enter the Owl House, which plays the whole light motif pretty straight. Or does it? The Intruder delves into the concept and lays out how the series will use the motif going forwards.
Let me explain.
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So, this episode is about worldbuilding, specifically about explaining the magic system. You could go into the technicalities of this, Brandon Sanderson has three rules to use for writing magic that are mostly useable. But the owl house handwaves this and focuses on the thematic of it.
I believe that every element of a story has an effect on it, and you can usually tell this with the main elements of a story by asking a simple question. Why is it in the story? Why does Luz learn magic and not how to be a warrior or some other kind of hero? The magic here is vital for the symbolism and meaning it provides.
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"Why do you want to learn magic so bad, anyway?" "I was a nobody back home. But becoming a witch is my chance to be someone. Do you know what it's like to have no one take you seriously?"
Magic is freedom to express yourself however you want, and this episode is about Luz learning to express herself in a way that is different, but just as valid as everyone else.
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Anyway, why light? Well, let's examine how light is used in this episode, because it is very deliberate.
First up, there is the setting. Ten minutes in, the lights in the Owl House go dim, casting everything in shadows and shards of light. Everything is distorted or unclear.
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Even the colour of the light factors in, when Eda is revealed, she is backlit by this sickly green light, recalling a stereotypical witch's cauldron to drive home the point about the curse.
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But, Light comes up in other ways too. The lightning is a signifier of the storm outside, but that is warded off by a glowing shield, cast in a spell resembling a ball of light, showing how light both scares and protects.
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Luz also uses the light on her phone to see. Light reveals, and if you didn't catch it, that's another theme here.
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This episode keeps coming back to revelations. First impressions are never accurate. From the rain turning out to be dangerous, to the Snaggleback being so disappointing, to the label on the potion. This keeps coming up.
The episode is also full of people intentionally concealing things. Eda conceals her curse from the others and band aids keep getting used to conceal wounds. There is even a joke early on in which Eda pulls King's hat over his eyes, in reaction to which, he shout's "Ah! Darkness!" But here is the thing with these, nothing ever gets hidden fully. The band aids only add colour to injuries, they don't cover them entirely, and the Owl Beast Curse is an issue throughout the episode and for the rest of the series.
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There is another source of light in this episode. And it's the Owl Beast's eyes. The creature is bathed in shadow for most of the episode, except for its eyes, which glow like beacons.
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So, what conclusion does this lead to? What is the point of the light?
I have already mentioned in a different post how the Owl House examines naivety and willful ignorance, and I think this ties into that quite nicely. Light reveals, and shadow conceals. Shining a light on Eda allows her to open up about her curse and temporarily defeats the monster, where the shadows keep it hidden and terrifying.
Light also symbolizes magic, and Luz's determination. it signifies her succeeding in her own, unique way. And here's an interesting link to that. In their video Names In The Owl House: A Breakdown And Analysis, @idlescree presents the meaning of Luz's name.
"The name Luz translates to light in spanish... No-ceda can be taken informally to mean do not yield, or do not give in. Combined, the name Luz Noceda literally means Light, Do Not Give In."
The video linked is incredible, it goes into a ton of the names in the Owl House, so I highly recommend you check it out if you haven't already. But I would like to focus on this little segment.
If we have associated light with expression and uniqueness, as well as the revelation of the truth, Luz's name is an extension of this concept. The protagonist's name is the thesis of the story. Never stop being you, never stop seeking answers, never stop shining.
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cinnamonmalarkey · 9 months
YOU'RE MINE (Bill Guarnere x Afab reader)
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Tw: alcohol, toxic relationship, cursing, fingering, female body parts depicted. Use of Y/N. Semi public sexual acts.
Based on actors portrayal of the characters and not meant to disrespect the real like heroes!
“Do you really think that will work?” You narrowed your eyes at the paratrooper sitting to your left. Bill Guarnere just chuckled at the rim of the glass meeting the fullness of his bottom lip. His dark eyes danced as he glanced around the table full of his brethren. He took a long chug of his beer before finishing with a refreshing “ah”. You were amused by the Italian man at your side. Taking your own beer to your lips with a laugh. Bill leaned down to your ear.
“No, I don’t think I need to get you drunk to want me.” His fingers brushing loose a strand of hair behind your ear. You choked a bit on your beer, leaving Joe Toye and Bill to bust out laughing. You swat at Bill whose hand was still by your ear.
“You're right, because even then I wouldn’t want you.” You smirk playfully watching the mock pain on his face.
“Now that hurts, sweetheart!” Bill’s hand covered over his unformed chest, where his heart would be.
“So cruel y/n.” Toye laughed, shaking his head, enjoying the night of freedom Easy Company was enjoying.
Joe and Bill went on to continue their conversation leaving you to glance around at the rest of the men you have become accustomed to. You eyes catching George Luz and Buck Compton playing darts. You thought about making your way over to the men. Uncrossing your legs so you could stand, you felt a heavy weight on your thigh. Startled, your eyes glance under the table to see Bill’s hand sitting protectively on your covered thigh. Meeting his eyes briefly before he continued his conversation. A squeeze from his hand sent jolts through your body. Your cheeks flushing a bit but you knew you could just blame it on the alcohol. Your hand softly grabbing his and trying to pull it off of your thigh. Bill allowed you the small victory but quickly placed his hand higher up your thigh. You huffed, slightly annoyed and yet slightly heated. It must be the alcohol, you determined, feeling your thighs flexing under his touch. You only had half a beer, and yet you couldn't explain why suddenly you felt so flushed at a seemingly innocent touch.
“If you think I’m letting you out of my sight, you’re nuts.” Bill muttered to you once there was a pause in conversation. You gawked at him, wondering if you were hearing him right.
“Funny, Guarnere. I’m just going to watch the darts game.” You gestured to the men across the small pub. Bill clicked his tongue as his eyes watched his fellow soldiers enjoying a game.
“I’m serious doll, you see all these men. They’ve had their eyes on you since you walked in.” Bill’s eyes stared into yours. It knocked the wind of you, suddenly seeing his eyes burrowing into yours.
Taking a moment to gather your thoughts before retorting. “So? No one asked you to play babysitter. I can take care of myself.” Your nose scrunched in defense. Bill sighed exasperated at your recoil. His thumb softly stroking the fabric of your skirt.
“I’m not playing y/n, and I sure as hell ain’t your babysitter.” Bill grunted with a scolding edge to his voice. “You either sit tight or we will leave.” Bill added, his free hand reaching for his beer glass. His mind already made up as he down the remaining liquid. You watched carefully, struggling to figure out why he was being so possessive tonight. Of course Bill was always a little bit protective of you but this was completely over the top. You should be annoyed and angry, and deep down a part of you was… Yet your body reacts the opposite of that.
Before you could gather your thoughts enough to answer his ultimatum, Bill slammed down his now empty glass mug on the table.
“Wha? Gonorrhea you leaving already?!” Toye eyed him as he stood. Bill didn’t bother meeting Toye’s questioning gaze. Grabbing his hat and placing it over his nicely styled dark hair.
“Yeah, got to make sure Y/n get back safe. Catch you later Joe.” Bill mumbled poorly, hiding the annoyance in his tone. You stood, a reaction since Bill hand was no longer hindering your movements. Toye glanced at you and you shrugged, following after Bill as headed to the door of the pub. Holding the door open you walked through, mumbling thanks to which he grunted in response. A silence falling over you and him walking back to where you billeted for the night.
“What’s with you tonight?” You asked suddenly, sick of the silence. The cold air cools your once overheating body. Bill didn’t bother to look at you, but you could see his mind was fighting to say something.
“Whats with me, she asks!” He scoffs to himself, but you hear it. Your eyes narrow about to respond when he continues. “You, when will you realize that you’re mine?” Bill says, stopping his stride to look deeply into your eyes. His gaze holds you captive, a lump in your throat as his words swim around in your half buzzed mind.
“You’re drunk.” You spit out, your voice showing that you, yourself don’t believe what you are saying.
“C’mon y/n! You know it takes more than two beers to get me drunk.” Bill laughs, but it doesn’t reach his serious, dark eyes. You knew he was right, Bill was as good as sober. Boldly, he closes the gap between you. His hand reached out to cup your cheek. You shudder at the warmth of his palm on your cool cheek. “You belong with me, y/n. Why do you keep fighting it?” Bill words coming out breathless. Your heart flutters at his words, your stomach flops against itself at his declaration.
“Bill, I-” You are almost relieved when his lips press to yours, silencing whatever sentence you were trying to string together. It’s true you and Bill always had this connection, but you never really acted on it. With war and always being with the rest of Easy Company you never let yourself think about it. The hand on your cheek glided into your hair. Adding pressure to the soft kiss. Before your mind can catch up Bill pulled back. His eyes searching yours, relieved you weren’t slapping him or running away. A fear he had played in his head many times when he thought about finally kissing you.
“Y/n-” It was your turn to cut him off, fisting his uniform jacket lapel you pull his lips back to yours. This kiss is more heated, more desperate. A soft grunt leaving his throat as his hands gripped your waist. Walking you back till your back met with the brick wall of the building. The sudden cold biting into your back, but was overtaken by the heat from Bill’s body pressed against yours. A whimper leaving your lips only to be swallowed by Bill’s.
“Bill!” You gasped feeling his rough calloused fingers trail your thigh under your skirt. Your cheeks flush as the cold night air could be felt on your legs. A dark chuckle left his mouth, his fore and middle finger pressing against the silk of your panties. Hips pushed back against his touch.
“You like that baby?” His words were deep and knowing. Slipping past the silk that separated your damp pussy and his thick fingers. You bit your lip, and closed your eyes. Your body is screaming for him to do something. “I asked you a question.” Bill raised a brow, pulling his head back only slightly to take in the view of you all but begging for his touch. He cupped your front, tracing your slit teasingly.
“Bill… Please.” You begged, angling your hips and hoping for relief. You didn’t have to see the smirk on his face, you could hear it as he complied. Fingers dipping into your wet sex. Your head fell back at the stretch, not remembering the last time you felt so good.
“That’s my girl.” He praised, his thumb rubbing rough circles into your clit. “Look at you taking my fingers so well.” Bill continued pumping his fingers into you, lips trailing kisses down your neck.
“Shit, Bill” You moaned, feeling the tightening in your stomach as you clench around his fingers. Humming in approval, masking his own moans at the feeling of you losing yourself to him.
“Give it to me, baby.” Bill demanded, his teeth capturing your ear lobe. His fingers work even faster as you grip his shoulders to keep yourself up right. With a loud cry you came over his fingers, pleasure coursing through your body. “I got a fucking puddle in the palm of my hand, care to explain sweetheart?” Bill teased pulling out his hand from your underwear. He didn’t hesitate to lick his hand clean.
“Shut up.” You blushed, your body once again heating at the sight. Bill winked at you, before grabbing your hand.
“Let’s get you home.” Bill smiled at you and continued walking down the road.
“But… What about you?” You asked unsure if you should ask, since you were still wondering if the last ten minutes were even real. Bill lit a cigarette with a smile. Inhaling sharply.
“I already told’ya, you’re mine. I’ll claim what is mine another time.” Bill exhaled with a wink.
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yardsards · 2 months
one thing that i tend to do when writing image descriptions for fanart is like.
when the fanart is of a character with a canonical physical appearance, i usually don't bother to describe their physical traits (unless to specify that something is different from canon, or specify which point in canon if the character has had multiple looks). cuz those who are in the fandom probably already know what they look like, and those who are not in the fandom probably don't care about the post and don't want to spend their time reading a detailed word picture of some character they don't care about.
but when the character doesn't have a canonical physical appearance, i do typically describe their physical traits, since that was a conscious choice the artist made. and fans of the character might be more or less likely to want to reblog a piece of art depending on if they like the artist's headcanons or not.
like when describing fanart for the owl house, a cartoon, i might say "full-body fanart of luz noceda from the owl house. she is wearing her pirate costume from s1e1, smiling proudly, and pumping her fist in the air." and i don't need to clarify "luz is a teenaged girl with round facial features, a thin body type, short curly brown hair, and brown skin. her pirate outfit has a blue bandana with a fish pattern, a ragged white shirt with a blue kerchief, and blue pants"
meanwhile, when describing fanart of the adventure zone, a podcast where most characters' appearances are left largely up to fan interpretation, i might say "fanart of taako from the adventure zone, from the waist up, holding a smoldering frying pan and looking down at it with horror. taako is a chubby elven man with tan skin and bleached blond hair, wearing a starry wizard hat and billowy white shirt."
i am sighted and therefore only personally need image descriptions when my internet is really dogshit, so don't take my word as gospel, and absolutely feel free to correct me, but i've found this rule of thumb helpful when i'm indecisive on exactly what i need to describe in an image ID
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sepublic · 1 year
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            So I’m seeing some confusion over the Collector’s awareness of the Titan skulls, as established in the nightmare sequence they give King; Some people believe this contradicts what we learn later in the episode, that the Collector is unaware of death, and believes you can just ‘fix’ people. So to analyze...
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         The Collector’s example of toys being broken and fixed is a figurine having its head popped off, only to be placed back on. They believe the Archivists took away the Titans, and they worked with the Titan Trappers, who held onto the Titans’ skulls.
         I believe the Collector thinks he can’t fix the Titans because he’s missing the necessary pieces to do so, which the Archivists have taken away. And they’re definitely convinced of the hardiness of Titans, given they boast to Raine-Belos in the finale about the Boiling Isles’ heart still beating… And given the Boiling Isles accomplishes this despite being a skeleton, this might’ve contributed to the Collector’s misconception that the Titans are still alive even as bones (as would the whole mess with the Grimwalkers), since clearly there must be a beating heart out there to work with.
         He could theoretically ‘fix’ his baby Titan friends, if only he had their missing bodies to reassemble them with. When Luz ‘disappears’, she leaves behind her hat, which must remind the Collector of how the Titans left behind their skulls (does he think they can come off?); Only this time, there are no Archivists who could’ve hidden Luz...
         Which… Yikes, it must’ve really hit when Luz explained how she came back; At the very cost of the Titan’s life, the very Titan that the Collector so confidently cited as an example of the species’ apparent immortality, a case that reassured this kid of the impermanence of death. A Titan who died because that seemingly eternal heart was infected by Belos…
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        The Collector knew the Titan, and while their interactions obviously ended in heartbreak and betrayal, this was nevertheless a person they were familiar with, whose egg containing King they even wanted to play with! Sure they must’ve made a conscious choice NOT to fix the Boiling Isles, hence why the Collector didn’t encounter the roadblock that is death; But betrayal needs an actual bond to break.
         ...Besides, the implication of King’s nightmare depend on whether the Collector actually controls and knows what happens in these illusions, or not; It could be like Gus, who sets up Belos to relive his trauma, but has no idea what he’s about to see. There is a discrepancy with Amity, suggesting the Collector is in charge and made a mistake, but it’s possible Amity intentionally made that error to tip off Luz that this wasn’t real. The Collector also attributes the illusions to Raine-Belos, claiming this was their idea; And Belos would’ve known about the Clawthorne family drama over the curse through Lilith, and has figured out (and caused) Luz’s anxieties, exploiting them in Thanks to Them. 
         Of course, Belos wouldn’t know about the Titan Trappers’ relevance to King, since he isn’t yet aware that King is a Titan. So it must’ve been the Collector who figured out who would scare King -since Belos has largely ignored him- by drawing on their own past experience with the Titan Trappers, whom King may have brought up. Then again, King didn’t see the skull room, so either the Collector inserted that memory, or it was done automatically by Bill/Tarak. But as I stated above, it doesn’t matter if it was the Collector either, given their logic.
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simstomaggie · 2 years
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1910s Deco Sims
The female one was originally a commission that I did, which then kind of fell through because the blog deactivated. So, a lot of time later, I want to share them with you all. They come in tons of swatches (which I normally wouldn't do anymore today), but i did it for the male, so that they match.
If you remember, the idea was to do a big dump of deco sims for Christmas, and then for January. The project however kind of got out of control, as did my time management. So I decided to aim for two uploads per month for this year instead: One that is either a dress, other clothing or hair, and the other one is deco sims from different eras.
I hope these are useful to you, and you enjoy using them in your decades challenge!
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Dress: Hattie Dress by @dancemachinetrait♥
Hat: Mistress Mysterium Hat by @simverses ♥
Rest is either by me or from game.
High Poly!!!! 
searchable as "simstomaggie"
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Suit: Three-Piece Suit by @marvinsims ♥
Eyes: Luz Eyes by @simandy ♥
Rest from game.
even HIGHER POLY!!!!!
searchable as "simstomaggie"
Please do NOT claim as yours.
Do NOT put behind paywalls.
Do NOT reupload.
DO recolor (without the mesh please!)
DO use for mesh edits
PLEASE give proper credit
HAVE a good time
cc: @maxismatchccworld @ts4-poses @mmfinds @public-ccfinds
@mmoutfitters @simshistoricalfinds ♥
ps.: sorry to all you creators that are tagged here, I posted this on the wrong blog...
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pdaliceliveblogs · 2 years
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oh my god
oh my god I’m so sorry this is a really stupid thing to make me actually tear up for the first time in the episode but
so I’m a seamstress and my gram and mum taught me to sew when I was really little, but obviously I couldn’t do whole significant things til much later so my mum used to make all my halloween costumes
(and my gram made me a Peter Pan costume I apprently wore practically 24/7 for a while)
but there was this one year when I wanted to be a princess, which was weird for me because I was mostly into much more esoteric things, but my mum made me this lovely blue and purple princess gown with a quilted bodice and glimmering metallic thread and a conical hat to match, with a veil
and at school, they’d do a thing where they’d call for all the superheroes to take a turn around the yard, all the vampires, all the firefighters, y’know
and when they called all the princesses I was the only one who wasn’t in pink, and I felt like a queen.
...all this to say, making a costume for your kid is apparently a massive happy-tears button for me who knew
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gatitties · 5 months
OMGOMGOMGOMG I HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG FOR YOUR INBOX TO BE OPEN I LIVE YOUR WRITING!!! I wanted to see if i could request a witch reader x the straw hats??? Like imagine if Eda and Rain from The Owl House had a kid that acted like Luz. Like how she always wants to stand up for others and is kind, but also pretty innocent and naive at times. Like if Sanji flirted with her she wouldn't really understand that he's flirting.I could imagine her also having a little friend like owlberrt or at least an owl staff. Also like her mother her hair is kinda like a mini pocket dimension that she shoves things in
but instead in this universe the day unity is a day where a bunch of witch hunters come to their island and kills all of them but she somehow manages to survive. Like it would happen a few years or so before she encounters the straw hats. When she meets them it does take her a while still to tell them her full past thought. She meets them on some random island running from some local store owner because like her mother, she is a trouble maker but she's not as good at stealing. With the fact that her parents died and couldn't teach her much, all she has is old books and journals from both of them. Which mean that she's not that good at magic and messes up her spells a lot
i'm sorry if this is confusing i've just had this idea in my head for MONTHS and in crappy at explaining things D:
Again im sorry if this is to much or confusing i just really want to see your ideas of some HCs for this.
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a meme for your collection (if you have one lol)
─Strawhats x witch!reader
─Summary: Some unfortunate events make you meet what you can consider a second family.
─Warnings: none
YEEEE thanks for contributing to the collection of cursed memes on my pinterest, I love it <3, sorry for the delay, I also had to look up information about the owl house because I didn't watch the series and f I changed a little how they met, sorry for that too 😔
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─ Not even you know how you managed to survive the witch hunt that day, but here you are now, sailing on a wooden plank with a backpack that doesn't even have food or water but a couple of books on spells.
─ At first it was a small boat but you tried to cast a spell so that the wind was in your favor and you turned the small boat into a piece of plank, you were not a very experienced witch but you survived.
─ Your eyes lit up and you screamed with all the strength you could when you saw a ship.
─ Your first thought was to try to steal one of the emergency ships, but you ruled it out when you saw the crew, you weren't that clever and it seemed like they had nothing to do with the witch hunt.
─ The first to see you was Usopp who was fishing when you scared him to death, the others noticed you once they saw you wave your arms strangely (you were trying to do magic but nothing came out)
─ You complement Luffy quite well once you start interacting with the crew, Nami probably scolds you a lot because he asks you to do some magic and it ends up going wrong.
─ Last time you transformed Sanji's face into a trout for trying to make Luffy's portion bigger, you're lucky that the cook likes your presence, although you completely ignore his strange behavior when he is with girls.
─ You and Zoro have small competitions to keep your pride high over any nonsense, like a healthy rivalry (you both end up lost in the strangest places).
─ Probably and, despite not understanding anything about magic, Robin will help you with some spells here and there, she is a cultured woman and she seems to understand some descriptions much more than you.
─ Usopp repaired your cane when you chipped it once, you thanked him because he reinforced it so it wouldn't break again.
─ You and Chopper go out to look for ingredients together, whether to make medicines or potions.
─ Jinbe is curious about your culture and your home island as well as other sorcerers, you can spend hours talking about witchcraft with him, Franky and Brook will join in sometimes.
─ When you take the courage to tell them why you were alone with nothing and adrift, they feel a little sorry for you, If you don't plan to stay here with them, you will be welcome whenever you want and If you want to continue with them, you are already part of the crew!
─ For once you feel that you are advancing in your process of learning as a magician, feeling indebted to these pirates, you decide to help as much as you can and improve your skills even more.
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