#they will be seeing me another time!☝🏽
maiteo · 1 month
trying not to reblog [redacted] posts as this game is on🧍🏽‍♀️
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enluv · 9 months
in another life.
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lee heeseung x f!reader x ??? (it'll make sense when you read I promise)
SYNOPSIS: in which losing you is the least of heeseung’s worries, until he’s forced to watch you slip through his fingers.
wc: 1.9k (almost 2k fr)!
genres: best friends to strangers, unrequited love (or is it), best friends to lovers
warning(s): heavy angst, toxic friendship/relationship, heeseung is mean, very very mean, manipulation (nothing too crazy), refusal to take blame, and heeseung needs to be humbled imo...ANYWAYS, small plot twist but not really! (a/n: header is ugly because I made it in like 2 minutes since it felt naked without one 🤣☝🏽)
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Lee Heeseung knows about your feelings for him at  the mere age of eight, when you give him the other half of your popsicle stick that you’ve just bought with your very own allowance. His smile is so bright taking the food from your hand that it doesn't even matter if you've spent all five of your dollars on the popsicle because as long as your youthful heart can see Heeseung smile, that’s all that matters to you.
Heeseung also knows about your feelings for him when you're both sixteen and he proudly exclaims that he’s finally asked Jisun out after months of pining after her. A hurt look flashes across your face for one, two then three seconds, then as if it was never there, it’s gone. He thinks it might have been a bad idea to tell you but he doesn’t reciprocate the feelings you have for him and in his mind, he never will. 
“Come on Y/N, it’s one party, please come with me please, I don’t want to be alone all night,” he pouts tugging at the sleeve of your sweater. Heeseung knows it’s not right to do things like this, knows he shouldn’t force you to go with him everywhere but he likes that you can’t say no to him, it swells his heart with pride to have someone care for him as much as you do.
“I already told you I have to study for midterms, go alone or with Jay.” Your tone isn’t dead-set and Heeseung knows he’s cornered you. He smiles as an idea forms in his head, maybe he can persuade you with just enough charm, it’s worked in the past so why not now?
“I seriously can not believe Heeseung got you to come, I know he said he could do it but honestly Y/N, I thought you were stronger than that.” It’s always the same sentence or form of it. It tugs at your heart, just like in high school people in college are just as aware of how you feel for him, even he knows it himself. He plays a blind man to your feelings.
An ache begins to pump in your heart, whatever liquor Yeonjun had handed you when you stepped in seems to not be working and that night as you watch Heeseung dance with Mina, you vow to yourself silently that you'll start your process of healing from whatever feelings you have for Lee Heeseung.
A few days later Jay watches a frantic Heeseung search for his phone charger in amusement, “Missing an important call?” He quips playfully, the whole house knows why he’s so desperate to charge his dying phone. The past three days since he ditched you at TXT’s frat party you’ve been ignoring his texts, calls, and even him.
“Hyung, why are you so worried about Y/N calling? Didn't you ditch her? I wouldn’t call either if I was her,” the small comment earns Sunghoon a smack to the back of his head.
“It doesn’t matter, Y/N would never ignore me like this. All I have to do is apologize with breakfast and she’ll accept it every time, we’ve done this before and never gone a day without talking.”
The boys can’t fully grasp why Heeseung is acting the way he is, to them he sounds like a desperate boyfriend after a fight that’s resulted in the silent treatment but Heeseung has continuously said he does not feel the same towards his best friend so they write it off as some form of separation anxiety and leave his room.
“I’m surprised you’ve held out this long Y/N,” jokes a sheepish Jeongin as he takes a glance at your phone screen that’s currently being lit up by multiple unread messages from Heeseung.
“I told you I’m ready to move on, I’ll talk to him when I see fit, I just need a few more days to myself.”
He hums in response as he lifts himself off his chair reaching a hand out for you to follow, “I’m proud of you ‘s all, he’s an asshole for using your feelings against you and making you feel the way he did, you don’t deserve that at all. You deserve someone who'd never ditch you." 
Two weeks. It's been two weeks since you've spoken to Heeseung, his room is a mess with clothes and books scattered on the floor, usually you come by and help him organize things. He's had enough of this. Your contact suddenly flashes across his screen while he's out on a date, he doesn't hesitate to answer, bidding the girl he's dropping off a quick goodbye.
“Hello? Y/N? I’m really glad you called me, I have so much to ask you but guess what, I just had the most amazing date-” he’s cut off by your loud sigh and for a moment his heart drops, you've never stopped him from ranting about dates.
“Heeseung,” his name sounds foreign coming from your mouth, “we really need to talk, I have a lot to say to you so could we please meet tomorrow?” He isn't sure why but his stomach twists at your request.
The meeting between you two is quick and to Heeseung's surprise, brief. You explain to him that leaving you at a party he begged you to come to had upset you since it wasn’t his first time doing so, you also tell him that you needed the two weeks of space from not only him but everyone else to care for yourself, and you’d hoped he understood that. Of course he did, he felt shitty just thinking about the situation and promised to never do it again, to be a better "friend."
Things after your initial break from Heeseung fall back into place quickly and it's as if you never left his side, but he could tell you were different now, you refused to go with him to parties if he asked and any charming tricks he had up his sleeve fell flat when you'd respond with a hard “No.” Heeseung also noticed the interest you'd taken in Jeongin, and that made him feel things he'd never felt before. 
It’s difficult to watch you flirt with one of his best friends, on one hand he should feel happy watching your attention sway to someone else after having caught it for so many years but on the other he isn’t happy at all, to be completely honest he feels bitter at the thought of you two together. 
“You're an asshole Heeseung, like a really big one, do you know how long Y/N has been in love with you? Since we were like eight playing cops and robbers in the streets, and she loved you throughout the time that came after and every time we asked, you denied any feelings for her, but now all of a sudden you think you might love her back? Just when she's finally healing from the shit you put her through? That’s such an asshole move dude, super low of you,” and as Beomgyu’s rant subsides Heeseung stares at him puzzled, what did he ever do that was so bad to you?
“Don't give me that look, you've done so much shit to her, hell I don't know how she’s still your best friend, if I was her I’d have left you already.”
Heeseung continues to give Beomgyu the most confused look ever and with a small eye roll Beomgyu answers his question, “You use her to get what you want but never have you done anything to show her gratitude or any reciprocated feelings. All you ever do is give her hope, you act like you like her back when you need her but as soon as you get what you want, you leave her behind. It’s fucking sad dude. You're a horrible friend to her honestly.”
Heeseung’s heart burns, he’s known his whole life that he’d done this to you but to hear it laid out in front of him now, he can see how terrible it all actually is. How had you continued being his friend? If he was in your position he’d have left ages ago, but you didn’t, and that single thought is what gives Heeseung hope for you and him. He knows it’s dumb, he knows he doesn’t deserve you at all, but he wants you terribly and if he has to beg he will, if he has to lie he will, hell Heeseung would drop everyone for you. All that matters is that you stay with him, not with anyone else, and especially not with Jeongin.
Heeseung can spot you from a mile away. His smile grows wide before dropping instantly as he watches Jeongin hand you what looks to be a flower. The look on your face mirrors Jeongin’s, it’s happy and full. You've never smiled at him that way. Heeseung realizes that the only smiles you give him now are filled with sadness. His stomach knots, why does he feel so unsure of you right now. He’s never felt this much uncertainty from you ever. 
He blames it on the fact that you two haven’t been talking as much lately. He blames the short break you had because there’s no way you’d actually stop wanting to be his friend, no way he’d ever lose you. You’ve always been by his side, and it will continue to be that way, because you love him and he has you wrapped around his finger. But, Heeseung knows deep down this security can’t be fed any longer as he watches you walk past him, hand in hand with Jeongin, not a single look his way, he's lost you.
It’s proven to him in the months to come as you slowly slip out of his pinned messages, as you take him off your private stories, and he has to watch you live your life through others. Heeseung knows he’s lost you especially when all together you stop coming to his rescue, won’t pick up the phone to hear his ramblings about dates and girls. He knows he’s lost you when you tell him you’re busy and can’t do what he wants. When you send him an awkward smile and gesture to your hand entwined with Jeongin's, as if to say, "sorry I'm with him now, you're too late."
If anyone ever asks Lee Heeseung about his one true love, he’ll say your name. He’s never been sure of what love is, never found it for himself, but he knows deep down that if he’s ever loved anyone, it’s you. You were the person he called at 3am when he crashed his car into a pole, you were the same person whose dorm had housed him a multitude of times when he was too drunk to crawl back to his own, the same person who loved him for years, until you couldn’t any longer and stopped waiting on him to give you the same love back, thinking he could never give it to you.
Heeseung likes to think that in another life he wasn't a complete asshole, realized your worth sooner, and maybe even had the balls to ask you out. He pictures himself in Jeongin's place, dating through college, moving in together after, getting married, having kids, living domestically. All he can do now is dream, maybe that's why he likes to sleep so much, because in his sleep-ridden mind, you're with him.
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coco’s love note: mwahahahaha did you guys like the plot twist? are we happy 😁 are we mad? should we fight heeseung?! tbh writing this fic has been a wild ride, originally i had mc & heeseung end up with one another but then I decided that no, i didn’t want that, I wanted to show the results of a toxic “relationship” running it’s course through and through, that’s why heeseung never quite admits he’s wrong/he still feels entitled to mc even till the end! I wanted to show that he’d never change, even if he did “love” mc. anyways…thoughts?! comments?! concerns?! make sure to leave a comment or rb this with anything you’d like me to know or tell me how you felt about this fic :) muah ily! ty @odxrilove for reading it for me and not letting me change it again 😁🙏
ENHYPEN TAGLIST! - yeoforce @bloom-bloom-pow @nikis-mum @yourlocalhotgf @kyublr @spoooooooooooon @enhacolor @yoongimooni @blaqpinksthectic @gyuuss @eternallyhyucks @dinosdance @simpforsung @misschubswrites @junityy @jjunry @jwonsgirl @fxckingshame @stealanity @haoreo @jxp1t-3r @chaerybae @bobariki @vatterie @tytrackfebreze @veryjeongintxtkid @w3bqrl @heefys @haechan-nahceah @telesvng @queen-klarissa @odxrilove @s00buwu @j-wyoung
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madameaug · 7 months
I really love your stories sm idk if you take requests or not but if you are could I request where Jungkook won’t stop smacking and grabbing his girlfriends butt (we all know he’s an ass man i can 100% confirm that ☝🏽🤓)
Agreed, agreed. Jungkook may not be touchy in public, but in private. Heh well that's a different story.
Pairing: Jennette x Jungkook
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*this is just the outfit Jennette is in*
"I hate the cold so much," Jennette muttered to herself. She had gotten up twice in the past two minutes to grab a thicker blanket. The thermostat read 67 degrees, but it felt like the Arctic. Winters in Korea were no joke. She yearned for nothing else than for the Georgia heat. After taking the next big step in their relationship. Jennette made the big move across two large oceans to Busan. Her adjustment period was much quicker than that of other Americans moving to a homogenous country. She had her boyfriend Jungkook, his friends, and her co-workers. Who knew South Korea was in desperate need of social workers. Jennette worked for a private multi-million fertility adoption clinic. Ensuring that children who were in foster care went to good homes. She loved her job, the people she worked with, and the couple extra hundred dollars in her biweekly paycheck.
After another week of going to the office, Jennette and Jungkook decided to host a game night. It was a tradition that started six months ago that the two couples and Yoongi would hang out with each other at least once a month.
She had Twister, Cards Against Humanity, Game of Life, and Uno across the glass table in her living room. Earlier in the week she deep cleaned the carpet. So she could just relax and wait for her guest and Jungkook to arrive. With perfect timing, Jungkook's key chains rocked against the door, announcing his return.
"I got the pasta, baby." Jennette had been talking about her favorite cheesy pasta dish at the local Italian mom-and-pop shop. It was loaded with four different types of cheeses. The pasta was made in-house and beautifully cut into an angel hair shape she loved, along with the prestigious garlic bread with just enough crunch.
"Thank you so much, bug." Handing her the bag, Jennette took a moment to allow the thin paper bag to sit on her lap. Enjoying the transfer of heat from the food onto her thighs. She relaxed into the couch, slowly transcending into heaven.
"The girls texted me not long ago. They are crossing the bridge, so they should be here soon."
Coming back from the kitchen, Jungkook admired Jennette's form. She is beyond a blanket burrito status. All you could see was the round puff of her cheeks and her purple glasses. Two thick comforters wrapped around her head from head to toe.
"Baby, are you that cold?"
She couldn't even respond to the simple question due to her uncontrollable teeth chattering. Motioning her to come to him. Like a cricket, Jennette was rubbing her feet together. Attempting anything to get some warmth.
"Its to- too cold."
"Lemme warm you up." He leaned over and flipped the switch, igniting the fireplace in the living room. The fire put on a warm glow on Jungkook's olive skin.
"You have two minutes." It took Jennette a couple of seconds to untangle herself from the wrap of blankets. Shuddering over to Jungkook, she hugged him. Her hands slipped past his denim jacket and touched his warm, bare skin. Jungkook had to control himself from jumping at the cold touch. He placed his head horizontally over hers. Jungkook rarely had an issue with skinship. He was going to take any chance he had to be in Jennette's personal space. If he could shrink himself to fit in her skin, best believe he would.
Jennette sunk her head so that her face was in front of his abdomen. Her lower back was now low enough for Jungkook to get the perfect view of her butt crack.
Jungkook took it upon himself to rub her butt is a soothing manner. Jennette was too busy soaking in the warmth to nag him about his frisky hands. Jungkook used the palm of his hands to rub her behind in a circular pattern. This would have put her to sleep if they weren't expecting their friends to arrive in a few minutes. The couple stood in a comfortable silence, slightly rocking. Jennette couldn't lie and say that Jungkook was an efficient heater. She squeezed him tighter.
"I don't know how you can remain so warm. YOO! WHAT THE FUCK!" Jennette screamed, holding onto her pants. Jungkook, slightly embarrassed, hid the smile growing on his lips.
"Sorry baby I got carried away."
In one swift motion, Jungkook's big hands took an oversized grip on her ass. He lifted Jennette off the ground with all his strength, effectively startling her. Calming down, she swatted his chest.
"I gotta keep my eye on you." Jennette laughed off the manner, not knowing what more the night and Jungkook would have to offer.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
The six adults were in an intense round of Twister. Jungkook and Nala were already out for not keeping their hands on the designated color. Now, it was just Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jennette. Hoseok looked like a cool cucumber. Twister was simply a flexibility test to him. A piece of cake. He was glad he was pretty limber, or this bridge position would have been challenging to hold. He now had to move his left foot to a yellow dot just an inch away from where it originally was.
"Ha! Easy."
Now it was Jennette's turn. Out of the three of them, she was in the most accessible position. She was a simple upright position with her legs slightly spread. Yoongi was hunched over with one hand touching the mat. The spinner was behind her, so she asked Jungkook to flick the spinner for her.
"Ooo, left hand on blue." Nala cheesed.
Jennette gulped, assuming a downward dog position. She could only maintain this position for a few seconds until her right hand could be another circle. Preferably another blue circle. Trying to keep her balance, her hips swayed in the hair. Catching the lingering eyes of Jungkook. From this angle, nothing was stopping Jungkook from staring. Sipping on his beer, he found himself in deep thought.
Did Jennette's butt get bigger?
Jungkook looked like that meme of the woman with math equations floating across her face. The further he lingered on his girlfriend's curves, the more complicated it would be for him to pretend to be expected in front of his friends. But genuinely, he was confused. The loungeset was naturally baggy. Even her pants pooled at her ankles. Yet it appeared to become body-contouring at certain parts. Her thighs and butt to be particular. There was no panty line shown in her pants. Just the upper fatty portion of her behind. It was a sunrise over flat land. All you can see is how big and wide the sun truly is. There are no trees or buildings to shrink the overgrown star.
Her butt must have really gotten bigger.
Letting his impulses get the best of him, Jungkook popped Jennette's behind. The force was enough to get Jennette to break formation, eliminating her from the game.
"One down, one more to go."
"That's not fair!"
"Don't be a sore loser, babe. Come join us at the loser couch."
Hoseok was okay with the obvious Jungkook interference. He was too competitive to care about 'fairness'. Out was out, and he now stood a more substantial chance at winning. In his eyes, Jungkook just helped his case by eliminating Jennette.
" You're the worst." She folded her arms now watching the battle between Yoongi and Hoseok.
<3 <3 <3 <3
"Alright, what is up with you?" Jennette pulled Jungkook into the kitchen away from their friends' sitting, watching a cheesy Hallmark Thanksgiving film.
"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything."
"Your hand was literally down my pants." He wasn't being completely inappropriate. He was tired of massaging the fabric of her lounge pants. He wanted to touch the real thing. He had to ensure that his eyes weren't playing tricks about the actual size of Jennette's ass. So he slid his hand down her pants, rubbing her bare behind.
Jennette stuck her head out, ensuring her friends were still watching the movie. She could see that they were dozing off. Yoongi's eyes were closed, and his baseball cap covered his eyes.
"You don't want me to touch you? That's all you had to say."
"No, it's not that. It's just- well. You are typically more reserved with your touches, especially in front of others."
"You're beauty had just been hitting different baby. I don't want to take it for granted."
"I literally look the same Jungkook."
"Your pants say otherwise. You've been filling out your pants, baby."
"Nig- boy shut up. Stop playing."
"I'm serious. You getting thick on me." Jungkook new what words to blow up Jennette's head with. For all of her adult life, she was on the slimmer side. A 'skinny fat'. The weight that she did gain went to her thighs, skipping her ass entirely. Now hearing from Jungkook that her butt was getting bigger, she was feeling herself.
"Are you sure." She spun around to examine her own butt.
While standing in the kitchen, she fixed herself another scoop of the cheesy pasta that she had yet to finish earlier.
"Before, I only needed one hand, but now I need two. Almost a third hand."
Jennette busted out laughing. Jungkook tapped Jennette's butt rhythmically. Playing with her ass like there were literal bongos (no Cardi or Meg)
Taking her spoon, she gathered a generous amount. She held the spoon ready to feed Jungkook. He opened his mouth and accepted. Moaning at the four different cheeses.
"See? It's so good." She alternated feeding him and herself. Yet again Jungkook's hands found themselves on her butt. Grabbing handfuls of her butt, with not a care in the world.
(now cleaned up)
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fqiryspit · 1 year
tysmmm ☝🏽 angst is my only therapy 💀 anywayssss smut 29 77 and 5 ??? 😭 if you dont mind, love 🤞🏽
ofccc i dont mind babes! thank you so much for requesting and angst 4 life 💔😭 thank you for requesting again!!! <333
29 77 and 5 =“Do you want my fingers?” “Touch me there. Right there.” + calling you late at night to come over |fqiryspits 3k event|
eren x fem!reader. cw: fwb, pussy kisses♡, fingering, reader touches herself, stomach bulge, etc.
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you rolled over, soft purple from your led lights falling over your exposed skin from only wearing shorts and a tank top
you read the message over and over, feeling giddier and giddier each time
can u come over?
this motherfucker.
you grinned as you typed back "ofc" before throwing your phone on your bed and looking for your shoes and keys.
once you're there and slamming your fist into his door, he opens and immediately kisses you
sliding you into his apartment he closes the door without breaking the kiss, he cups your face as he detaches and smiles, strawberry lipgloss smeared on his lips messily
"missed you"
"seemed like it"
he shut you up with another kiss, and you forgot out good it felt to be kissed by him. like you're the only thing that matters, it's needy but slow like he's trying to show you how much he wants you
you walked while kissing over to his bedroom, he gave a couple taps on your thigh and you hopped right onto him
as he laid your back on his fresh white sheets and tugged at your crop top n shorts you suddenly found yourself naked and him just starting to work at his pants while shirtless
you rolled your eyes and moved over, stripping him of his pants and briefs before he could even blink
"you can't rip my clothes off then neatly take off yours" you giggled into a kiss, laying you back down while your teeth knocked from smiling
"so bossy" he cooed
"gonna fuck it right out of you" he tossed you onto your stomach and pulled your knees towards him spreading your cheeks out to see the strings of wetness on your pussy
"fuck, there she is" he moves his fingers over your slit as you whine and move toward him
"what do you want?" he revokes his hand completely and you huff, slipping your hand on your stomach and all the way to your cunt
"here. I want you to touch me right there" you say while tapping your finger on your hole
after you start to remove your hand just to feel a warm one halt your movements
"keep it there" he moves your hand toward your clit
"rub yourself while I do my shit" you feel yourself squeeze and start rubbing your clit while he moves closer to your cunt
"do you want my fingers? is that what you're asking for?"
you hear a pop and two wet fingers circling your pussy, he slips them in and you moan into the pillow, free hand gripping the sheets next to you
"did you get tighter, baby?" he babbles to himself, watching his fingers slide in and out of your wet hole
your wetness runs down his hands as he's knuckle deep in you, veins bursting out as he pumps you again and again. you press your clit harder and start rubbing yourself faster as he expertly fucks you with his digits
"c'mon, work yourself up for me" he whispers, moaning into his pillow as your cream spreads around his fingers
"did so good" he removes his joints and kisses your pussy as a reward
he rubs his soaked fingers around his cock and jerks it a couple times before rubbing it on your cunt
"mhm" and with that, he slides in, you can feel how he threw his head back and groans like he always does, man bun bobbing as his chest heavys
"fuck, I think you did get tighter" he lets out an airy laugh as you adjust to him
"that's what happens when you go off for weeks!" you match his laugh as he leans down on your arched back, kisses up your neck as you practically cum from that alone
"waited for me, baby?" he grins against your ear, and kisses it softly as he begins to move
"of course I did!" you slur, already going dizzy with how his cock slips in and out of your wet pussy
"good. I did to" him smiles and moves back down to your neck and begins to nibble at it
his hand rubs over your stomach, fingers moving up to map out where he is when he feels his bulge
he smacks his hips against you harder as he whispers "fuck, I'm deep baby...u'feel that?"
and with how you wail into the pillow he knows you fucking can, you feel every inch of him, he just wants to hear it from your lips
"yes! yesss!" he wraps his arms around you as your legs start to slip and slide from the force of him fucking you
he reaches up until he finds your tits and starts to grip on one for dear life, pulling and rubbing the nipple while you mewl like a cat in heat
his dick feels so deep, heavy balls smacking against your clit as you feel yourself unwinding
"e-eren...'gonna cumm" you whine as you feel your hair getting pulled back slightly, you already know how he loves to kiss you when you both cum so you turn your head to the side right when your orgasm hits he smashes his lips on yours and you both cum
both of you whine and moan into the kiss as you cum around his cock and he shoots his cum straight into your womb. after a moment of silence he pulls out and walks over to his bathroom, you heard his shower turn on and he walks over to you and kisses you, scooping you up and taking you to the bathroom where he'd wash you ❤︎
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an: oooo i looooooooved writing this! thank you so much for the request babes! i love youuuu <333 btw I've never written reader getting it from behind in my life of fanfics (I'm pretty sure of it) sooo first time for everything <333
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v-a-m-pxe · 9 months
Food for thought☆
Peter b parker, Miguel o'hara, hobie brown, Spider Noir,
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Miguel holding you by your waist while fucking into your tight heat.
Miguel making you feel him by pressing lightly but enough to make sure you feel every inch of his hard cock in you.
Miguel would definitely be pussy drunk from you when he's had a hard long day at the office and he just wants to be in between your thighs taking your soul away
Miguel is a beggar. You all can tell me otherwise, but he loves to be dommed by you.
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Hobie would literally smoke while giving you the most craziest backshots is all I've got to say.
Hobie really doesn't go for Dom, but he knows when to take control during sex
Hobie eating pussy with a vibrating tongue piercing and going for hours just to see you squirt multiple times in those hours
Hobie would enjoy seeing you in a mirror watching yourself get fucked so good that it makes you weak.
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Peter b is a really soft Dom, he would be so cautious during sex.
Peter definitely loves seeing you ride him so aggressively as he's a moaning mess trying to catch himself
Peter b would have a breeding kink but not as bad as Miguel's is. Peter makes sure he cums in you so deep so he can make another mayday
Peter b subbing when it's a lazy day after work he just wants you to take control for him.
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Noir would talk you through the whole thing while rubbing your head and hair in missionary.
Noir fucks you with one hand holding your hands behind your back so you won't move from the position he has you in
Noir is a punisher but he doesn't go over board with it.
Noir loves the way your titties move up and down when you ride him. He just loves seeing how they move like water.
A/N: Heyy yall, thank you so much for the support on my last post, so here's another thought for the mind!! I took a good minute to post ikkkk☝🏽😩I was just thinking of stuff on this one
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hypnotiiize · 1 year
𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐝
       𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩
𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬:  i LOOOOOVEUH writing for trent it puts me back in my wattpad bag. it’s funny TO ME ☝🏽 plus a little rival moment going on. and SHES BLACK ofc. but ima stop saying that the main character’s Black cause it’s a given w me and also i want ppl to feel shell-shocked like i do when i’m reading and suddenly it’s all “you blushed a deep red” “he ran his fingers through your fine hair” 
+ there’s a lot of marvel references in this one u gotta bear w me 
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     Trent had no clue how she’d managed to do it: maneuver around him quietly, sit in plain sight seamlessly, spread the apparent word quickly. 
By the time he’d caught a whiff of the story she’d concocted, it was already too far gone, as it had spread something akin to wildfire. There had only been the four horrid, soul-crushing, gut-wrenching words that solidified what he was sure would count as a loss against him. 
“I met your fiancée.”
His eyebrows had furrowed. He’d tilted his head. He’d even decided, in that split second, that he couldn’t have possibly comprehended those words correctly.
“You met my what?” Trent asked as he fought to understand what the man must’ve said; what he assumed he had missed due to the absurdity of the supposed words.
The middle-aged man repeated his sentence with a wide, congratulatory grin, and Trent could hear nothing but the rush of blood in his ears, trickling down his spine to his feet and weighing him to the ground there. 
The rush, he realized quickly in his desire to stay afloat, sounded like the ocean. If he closed his eyes, he could find the turquoise water waving at him. He could look down and watch the ocean flow around his ankles, beckoning him to its tide, where he would eventually be swept up in its serenity. He could bend at his waist and dip a hand into the foam there; he could swirl his hand around and lift up a piece of salty-smelling seaweed.
But his eyes were wide open. 
And he was well aware that the ocean-sounding rush was, instead, more comparable to hysteria.
And when he looked down, he could only see a well-moisturized hand with a shiny engagement ring propped up on his arm. 
His brown eyes tracked the arm slowly– timidly– to the woman beside him, who had managed to cozy up to him as he was stuck in his reverie. His heart dropped: she was wearing a shirt just as red as the blood he could hear, and he was positive that if he turned her around, he would see his last name sprawled across her back and the large sixty-six just underneath that. 
He fought the urge to fall to the ground and kick his feet in every which way. 
The tranquility of the ocean’s crashing waves came to an abrupt stop. He was yanked back to Earth, his soul breathless as it slammed back into his hollow body. 
As he caught his breath unevenly, the woman– his twisted gender-bent version of Thanos– was saying to the middle-aged man, “Yeah, we’re, like, deep in love.”
“Aw, that’s so lovely,” replied the man, whose hand was pressed against his heart sincerely. “It’s just so nice to see young love.”
The woman nodded, tightening her hand on Trent’s arm affectionately. “Aw, yeah. Isn’t it?” 
There was a flash in which he recalled the comic books from his childhood, and not for the first time in his life, Trent yearned for the ability to teleport. If he could– if had been bitten by a radioactive spider or turned into a super soldier or born on another planet– he would be on the beach, watching the turquoise water wave at him and looking down to see it flow around his ankles. He thought that, perhaps, if he closed his eyes and regulated his breathing enough, the atoms would align perfectly and suddenly– so, so suddenly– he would feel the warmth of the Sun on his skin and the sand between his toes. 
Sunshine, sand, and seaweed.
When he opened his eyes, he was still on the football field. 
“He gets a little wistful when we talk about being together, y’know?” she was saying to the man, explaining Trent’s attempt to spontaneously combust into thin air. She emphasized her points with her free hand, her fingers pressed against the pad of her thumb as she added, “Since our love is just so real and palpable.”
“Wow. Love is beautiful,” replied the man, and Trent bit into the inside of his cheeks. “Engaged, though, wow. I didn’t even know Trent was with anybody!”
“Yeah. Private, but not secret. Isn’t that what they say, TT?” She squeezed his arm once more, angling her head as if she was going to place it on his shoulder. At the last moment, she left an inch between them as if she, too, did not want to be intimate in that way with him.
Trent exhaled harshly through flared nostrils.
“I respect that,” said the man as he nodded at them. “Wow. How long have you two kids been together?”
Trent could see her turn to him in his peripheral. There was a deafening ring somewhere within his head, bouncing off of the inside of his skull when he realized that something absolutely stupid and mildly comedic to only her was going to happen. 
He prayed for the beach. 
She hummed, feigning as if she was thinking before sighing softly. “Gee, I don’t know. It all just goes so fast when you’re so deep in love. Why, it’s,” her eyes lit up as she giggled and Trent knew something villainous was afoot, “It’s almost like it didn’t even happen. Isn’t it, my love?”
Trent contemplated spitting up on himself as the man before them smiled kindly at their supposed union. Trent supposed that if he was the man, he, too, would have smiled. The man was not at all privy to Trent’s loss of power in the dynamic. For the fact was, and thus it would remain: she had won that round.
Big time. 
Huge time.
He side-eyed the woman clinging to his arm. “It really didn’t happen,” he found his voice.
“I know, that’s so how it feels,” she added swiftly, well aware of the meaning Trent’s words had. She turned back to the gushing man before Trent could burst the carefully articulated bubble she’d blown. “But when you know, you know… You know?” 
The man chortled. “Oh trust me, I know.”
 “You know,” she joked like someone’s middle-aged mother, chuckling in a haughty way that Trent had never heard from her before in their months of being reluctant partners in– and he found this part ironic on account of her devious ways– crime. 
The world around him spun on its axis as he called for the beach once more. 
“Excuse me,” Trent said apologetically to the man as he wrapped his index finger and thumb around her wrist. He drew her closer to his body easily as he backed up. “Really sorry. I have to talk to, uh–”
“Your fiancée, silly,” she finished his sentence in a high-pitched voice, smacking her lips together and gesturing to Trent with her thumb as he tugged her away. “Ugh, this one’s so needy. Love him crazy, though. See you later, sir! And give my best to your wife!”
As Trent planted her back against the concrete wall that shielded them from onlookers, he questioned, briefly, if the superheroes that he fell in love with as a child had to face bad guys as annoying and disagreeable as the woman before him. He highly doubted it; he couldn’t fathom a villain having as much time on her hands as she did. He would have rathered be overtaken by the Green Goblin than some girl wearing a nameplate necklace and biker shorts. 
“How’d you get in here?” he hissed, straining his ears for what he was sure would be a broadcast over the loudspeakers: “Breaking news, four security guards found unconscious at the gates. The suspect, wearing Air Force Ones and gold hoop earrings, is still at large. Be vigilant.”
The suspect before him just wrung her hands together, playing with her fingers as she grit her teeth tight in a grimace. When she spoke, it was cautiously. 
“Trent, and don’t gasp when I say this, but…” she gulped, “I walked.”
Sunshine, sand, and seaweed.
Trent screwed his eyes shut at her cutting sarcasm and remembered thirty minutes prior, back when he only had the rush of winning on his mind and not the urge to put the woman before him in a straight jacket. Ignorance was truly, truly bliss. And wherever she had managed to bring him to was whatever the opposite of what bliss was. 
“Oh, you walked? You walked? Oh, haha, you walked,” he faked a laugh before throwing his hands in the air, rumbling, “Yeah, no shit, you walked!”
She had the nerve to look at him sideways. “Geez, that’s a lot of hostility. Why’d you ask if it’s obvious, then? I thought you really cared, so this is just hurtful,” she said– no, she lied facetiously through her teeth because she enjoyed being a headache and a half. 
Sunshine, sand, and seaweed.
He inhaled through his nostrils for three long seconds and then pursed his lips as he exhaled through his mouth. She waited patiently for whatever he would say, a peaceful smile on her shiny lips.
“You know,” Trent began conversationally after gathering his composure, “I think you trigger my gag reflex or something. Like, I see you, and I start dry heaving. You’re nauseating.”
She grinned, her hands placed on her hips as if she was posing proudly. “Ah. That’s just what every young lady loves to hear from a man.”
“Shut up,” he retorted quickly. Her smile only widened. “I think you’re bad for my nerves,” he hypothesized, “Actually, I think you’re going to be the reason I take up Xanax.”
“Or, y’know, I could get you one of those vests that dogs have for when they let off fireworks,” she suggested, hugging the air around her so that he could visualize the Thundershirt in question.
“Or, you could leave me alone,” he proposed, his eyebrows raised.
“But… Dog vest?” she tried.
“But… My peace?” he tried harder. 
There was a stretch of silence in which she pressed her lips together and tilted her head at him, an undecipherable look sparkling in her eyes as she scanned his face. Trent’s own eyes drank her in as well, desperately attempting to stay aware of her every social cue as the slightest flick of her eyebrow could mean a sarcastic jab that he would have to respond to. When her gaze fell to his shoes briefly, Trent was struck with the realization that she was— Sunshine, sand, seaweed— attractive. He was usually too caught up fighting for his life to revel in her looks, but in scarce moments like those, when she would fall silent and analyze him (she was always analyzing something, he noticed. That was probably why she was so good at being cunning), he would be reminded of how beautiful she was. If only she didn’t moonlight as Doc Ock. 
Her eyes snapped to his once more. She was smirking something wicked. Trent moved to speak just before she could mess with his day further, choosing to cave to her will. He hoped that, in giving in, she would grow bored and leave. She was smart for catching him right after a game, he’d give her that; he was too busy aching all over and yearning for a nap, he simply didn’t have it in him to go toe-to-toe with her.
“I’ll let you get back at me this one time,” was what he said, shaking his head mournfully at his loss and reminiscing on his last win— the very win that he was sure had brought on this fiancée act.
“Aw, TT,” she began sweetly, pouting as if she found him adorable. A gag wracked his body at the absolutely horrible nickname. She raised her hand and brushed a loc from his vision, breaking the news to him gently, “You didn’t ‘let me’ do anything. I won anyway, silly. But thank you for being so nice.”
“A win is debatable,” he replied with an indignant scoff. (He had already changed the scoreboard in her favor.)  
“Aw.” Her soft fingers fell to his chin and she gently squeezed him there, shaking his head lightly as if she was someone’s grandmother. “You’re so cute when you’re delusional,” was her response. 
He eyed her. “Don’t call me cute.”
Her pout deepened. “Aw, you’re so cute when you say don’t call you cute. Cutie,” she complimented, her tone syrupy as she poked a finger into his torso. As her words washed over him, Trent was smacked with what he assumed a sodium overdose felt like.
Sunshine, sand, seaweed... Maybe even some actual weed thrown in there, too.  
“I just– I really want you to know,” he began, speaking past the rising blood pressure from her salt-seasoned words, “That I just... I really despise you.”
“Ah,” she sighed, smiling prettily as if she had woken up from the sweetest of dreams. “So this is love.” 
“It’s something, alright,” he mumbled bitterly. She fixed a smile in his direction, goodnatured and charming, and he could feel his carefully crafted resolve breaking, swaying toward the frustrating girl before him.
Someone shouted for him somewhere neither of them could see, though perhaps their inability to look away from one another had been what did it. He broke first after a pregnant pause, having drank in her every expression, glancing away to promise his presence to the voice. When he turned back, the girl was using a single finger and tapping her shades down onto her nose. 
“I’ll see you later, TT,” she said, taunting him as she began her leisurely stroll further and further away from him. 
“You’re going?” he asked after her, ignoring the nickname in exchange for optimism despite her shoddy track record.
She spun on the heel of her foot, her grin radiant. “Yes, I’m going–” 
His shoulders fell in relief at her response. “Oh, thank God…”
“–Going to go show everyone our engagement photos! Gotta show ‘em what real love looks like.”
He choked raggedly on the air he’d gasped into his lungs. There was a chill somewhere, and he was sure it had began at the ends of his hair though he could only feel its electricity zipping down his chilled spine. He looked all around for a camera. 
“You’ve gotta what?” There was real, visceral panic in his shaking voice as he watched the girl begin to skip-to-her-lou in the name of mass destruction.  
“I’ll see you later, dear!” she shouted warmly to him over her shoulder, always leaving him in the dust.
“You’ve gotta WHAT?!”
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starbabyg · 8 months
Surprise | Braden Schneider Instagram edit
Y/n and Braden have a surprise for the fans <3
⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⊹˚.
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liked by reavo7five, jacobtrouba, and 103,527 others
yourusername: hey, hey, hey daddy c;
kandre.miller: 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤍
reavo7five: woahhh guys. a lil too much PDA ☝🏽
user1: couple of cuties ❤️❤️
jacobtrouba: There’s only one daddy and that’s Daddy Troub 👨‍👧‍👦🫃🏼
— reply to jacobtrouba bradenschneider: That emoji tho??
—— reply to bradenschneider jacobtrouba: Shhh baby Troubs 🫃🏼👨🏼‍🍼👨🏼‍🍼
₊✮⸜ ༘⋆
“Just get in!” Braden shooed y/n into the old timey Photo Booth. He followed in after her, having to squish in due to the small space. Y/n shuffled a bit and ended up on Braden’s lap.
“Jesus I can’t even see how I look,” y/n whined, looking into the lense of the camera. It was a straightforward Photo Booth with no screen to show how the pictures would come out. Vintage and a bit decrepit. Braden argued that the old thing had charm though.
“Oh stop it, you look fucking amazing,” Braden squeezed her cheek and went in for a kiss. The couple laughed in between each peck, high off of happiness. “This is the happiest day of my life don’t ruin it by saying dumb things like that.” He smiled at her, y/n truly was the love of his life.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹
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liked by kandre.miller, reavo7five, and 226,934 others
bradenschneider: mom and dad 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💞
yourusername: you look so yummy here 😋
kandre.miller: my parents look so good in this 😌🤞🏽
reavo7five: babies are all grown up 🥹🥲 miss y’all!!
—reply to reavo7five bradenschneider: miss you too bro, gotta come down and visit us!
—reply to reavo7five yourusername: I miss you the mostest Ry!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽
user2: Mom and dad?? Hold on 🧐
—reply to user2 user3: No cause I noticed that too o.O
—reply to user2 user4: you don’t think…
—reply to user2 user5: It’s all making sense from y/n’s post now this! 😶
jacobtrouba: BABY TROUBS!!! 🫃🏼
—reply to jacobtrouba bradenschneider: Hey grandpa 👴🏼
₊✮⸜ ༘⋆
Back again at the Photo Booth, Braden entered first, not wanting to squish y/n this time. She plopped herself on his lap, adjusting the bandana on her head.
“More pictures from the Photo Booth where I don’t know if I look good,” y/n joked. Although there wasn’t a mirror or screen to look at, she still did small touch ups as if there were one.
Braden started to put the coins in the coin slot, “Mhmm. We’re gonna start taking a picture here every month. Just to see how time moves by.” The Photo Booth started to make those familiar clicks which let you know it was time to get ready.
“Awe baby, you’re such a sentimentalist,” Y/n cooed as she placed a kiss on Braden’s cheek. She loves that about him, how much he cared about the little things. He always made the most of their time and memories.
“Well you bring it out of me,” Braden turned his face and brought her in for a kiss. And then another one. And another one. Y/n heard the clicks from the camera, knowing they only had one more picture left.
“Oh my gosh, we’re gonna ruin our photos cause you wanna make out!”
“Alright, alright. Let’s do a lil silly one just to make up for it,” Braden laughed as he got into his final pose.
“Im gonna look silly regardless cause you messed up my makeup!!” Y/n gasped realizing she was wearing lip product. She hid her face with a peace sign.
Soon the pictures came out of the photo slot, Braden grabbing the warm paper. He tapped it, smiling at the final product. “These came out perfect.”
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹
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liked by nyrangers, nhl, and 462,758 others
bradenschneider: Surprise! 👶
kandre.miller: not really, I could tell from those weird concoctions of food y/n would be eating
—reply to kandre.miller yourusername: hey!! 😡 you said the Doritos and cottage cheese with lime tastes good!!
——reply to yourusername kandre.miller: errrr I lied bc lately you’ve been a little mean bookie. I understand now it’s just pregnancy wrath 🫣
nyrangers: Congratulations to the Schneider fam!! 🎉🎉🎊
—reply to nyrangers user1: it should’ve been me 😩😩
reavo7five: My lil dawg is all grown up now 🥲👶🏽
—reply to reavo7five bradenschneider: been bigger dawg wym 🧍🏻‍♂️
——reply to bradenschneider reavo7five: Two inches does not count allat much 🙄🙄
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“And one, two, three,” Braden counted as he held the camera up to his eye. You stayed in the exact pose he told you to, you had to translate his vision perfectly. Braden had bought a camera just to take pictures of the pregnancy journey. There was nothing he was more excited for than seeing his baby grow. Both you and the actual literal baby inside of you. He got up and showed you the photo he had just taken.
“Oh my gosh, Braden,” you gasped happily, “the picture came out perfect. You really have an eye for photography.” You we’re so proud of him. I’m everything he does he just excels. His hockey career was flourishing. Obviously he was amazing at his new hobby. There was no doubt in your mind that he would be the perfect father.
“Yeah, if I don’t make it to the big leagues in hockey I can always just be a photographer huh,” he joked. But his eyes never left the picture that was displayed on the screen. He could never explain how he felt in words, but it felt like his heart was glowing and radiating. Just pure joy.
“You can give your resignation today when you post that picture on Instagram, tell ‘em you’re done and you wanna take photos of pregnant ladies all day,” you joked back, now laying back on the bed because carrying a baby in your stomach all day was tiring.
Braden’s head whipped back at you, “You mean… I can actually post it? Let everyone know now?” He was like a big ol’ kid who could finally let out a secret.
“Yes, Braden, you can. Besides, they’re gonna start suspecting something when I come to the games. I’d rather them know I’m pregnant than think I’m sneaking snacks into the arena.”
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and finished it ,got dat true ending yes def had a great time on the game 8/10 (but yeah performance def docked some points as well as some writing threads that felt kinda dropped, but am trying to in good faith piece it together in me mind so just gonna ramble spoilers under the cut:
when people said this is what they wanted the original DD to be i can see that but like i feel like the lead up to the game kept hearing people who know more about the originals history talk about how "40-60% of the original vision was cut down" from dd1 and i feel like my brain unfortunately interpreted that as "oh cool so were gonna have 100 new vocations like the monk and 100 monsters and the parallel worlds(technically true☝🏽🤓) and the moon stuff, neat" thats on me lmao but yeah removing those expectations and seeing it for what it is, its def the spirit of the the first game but its systems deeper and more fleshed out not good at all the techny terms but im not very into or good at action games but this one made me want to be cuz the combat was fun haha hmm writing wise there was a point where i felt like everything just suddenly got dropped once the godbane stuff started happening and youre suddenly barreling to the ending while everything else just wasnt important anymore lmao, but trying to interpret the story as a story the pathfinder is weaving, i think its meant to feel like that cuz we see the pathfinder essentially write us out of problems, give us a griffin to escape slavery, gives us a clue to where were supposed to go and the big one he like straight up changes ambrosius mind about giving us the godsbane when it wouldnt make sense for him too, the old man by harve even alludes to this by saying the real world is much messier when hes telling you about how fake everything is, like the watcher said everyone there is there to play a part in a tale hes laid out and i think he wanted to get to the ending faster. It's definitely another layer they added from the first games cycle, but do wish if that is what theyre going for(and if im not delusional lmao) that they did more like the ambrosius thing just watching as he ass pulls us out of dead ends making us feel what rothais felt when he realized all his feats and hardships didnt matter, also just would have liked more sidequests with fun characters lmao.
Also did enjoy the endings of the 3 major peoples in the unmoored world and felt like their side quests really fleshed them out and led them there to their endings well,mostly, very cool idea to bring it all together like that. elves wanted to stay isolated but they needed outside influence to break tradition, to save their tree and how it all built to them agreeing to seek refuge with the other races rather than die with their way of life. Ironic that disa was half right about sven needing to inherit the throne but ofc she was also half wrong cuz she a tyrant and wants him to have it mainly cuz of blood, but he deserves it cuz his sidequests were about him getting to know the common folk and becoming self assured lmao battahl tbh full disclosure i messed up the queen nadias sidequest to the rose chateau, tried to scare the dick head shopkeeper into giving me the medicine for the beastren and got arrested so idk how that one ends(will find out in NG+ lmao) but based on the ones i did do, it seems like the nations whole thing was about always being in conflict with each other and how the unmoored quests there are about making people put there differences aside and band together, including the arisen teaming with phaesus. Also like the irony of their view on pawns being right at first but by the end of the game they end up being wrong. but yeah do feel like they didnt get into that more, along with what the lambent flame is? (googled that there was lore texts you can find that explain how an earlier emperor is deceiving the people about it and what it really does) they also dont go into the fact vermund was a nation of beastren, started by a beastren and then history was wiped?? and how theres vermundians fear of beastren and human children always look like beastren and yet wilhelmina is a direct contradiction of this?? that seemed like a really juicy plot point but they didnt really do anything with it. and lastly idek where to start with the pawn and arisen ending, found out theres slight differences in the affinity ending (got the high affinity one cuz reds my my gurl i always revive run straight to her to revive her🤗) but watching them talk about how happy they are to have their own will while saying theyd still do anything for you filled me with something, dont even know what but was crazy.
oh also before i forget another way its in the spirit of the first game for me is just like in the original i also forgot to talk to the person i was romancing and giving them flowers before the endings and got diff people appearing there just like my first playthru of the dd1 lmfao( got manela with grigori and sara in the true ending, was going for ulrika this playthru lmfao) def gonna NG+, maybe do a magic archer and get the stuff i missed and try and get the other endings. Also hoping for another expansion/dlc like they did with dd1 down the line with more vocations and monsters.
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enha-stars · 4 months
HI im the hee fic anon from a few days ago hahahaha <3 i literally just checked your blog again for fun and YOU ACTUALLY POSTED ANOTHER ONEEE THANK YOUUU!!! you delivered!!! it was so soft and sexy at the same time. i LOVE gamer hee and im so glad to see a fic where y/n actually agrees and isnt mad at him about it. it was such a great balance. and again i lovee the way you write you put just the right amount of details to make it descriptive but not distracting. you def made my day. excited for more! good luck for your exams :))
hi omg!!! i was wondering if you would pop back!! would you like an emoji? i’d love to see more of you in my inbox 🤭
THANK YOU! i absolutely love gamer hee and i eat it up every time so i just had to write something for him. i couldn’t make y/n mad at him (bcuz he’s literally hee) and bcuz it’s just not that serious yk? i get rlly immersed when i write and read so can’t fault anyone else for it ☝🏽 i’m so happy you like my writing that makes me wanna write more and more :’(
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dulcewrites · 1 year
do you have any thoughts on what trying for a spare would be like in the king/ queen ending? like maybe if they had a kid but it's a girl and reader feeling happy with another kid, but guilty cos she's not "right" and hurt that they'll have to try again, assuming reader and aemonds relationship is still bad at that point. and aemonds pov and the children?
Yeah I think she’d initially be happy to have another girl (she’d never admit out loud bc she wouldn’t want to hurt Alaric’s feelings and she loves all her kids to death, but she’s a girl mom. Probably bc of how shit her relationship with her own was). But of course that would mean more trying. Her feelings of if she can go through process again depends on how it. The baby making process wasn’t even bad the first time around, it’s just Aemond and her have intimacy issues that spawn from a lack of trust.
If this process the third time around is bad and they are still at each other’s necks, then yeah she’s gonna have some complex feelings about having a girl. As well as dealing with the new found pressure of needing a boy that she never experienced before. Something about her possibly sleeping in the same room aemma slept in and experiencing that… hmmm. The room that both aemma and Alicent haunts.
But trying for baby number 3 could also be the beginning of a new chapter. Even if they don’t fall madly in love or whatever. Maybe having to spend more time with each other and find a level of new teamwork/intimacy and friendship really could be good for them… it could also lead to good sex (which both need tbh they are so uptight and stressed good lord). Something about them reentering their courting era years and a couple of kids into marriage is funny to me.
As for Aemond’s relationship with the kids/how the kids take it. The ages of the kids/the timing between the dance and this is kind of up in the air for me lmao. Y’all know I’m bad with numbers. But i see it that alaric, who already reveres his dad, is still young enough to not really understand what is going on. He just knows he loves his older sister and another sibling sounds slayful 😭. Now daella, depending on how old she is at this time, can weed through the bs. I said this before but I sort of imagine her being very similar to how nyra was in ep 1. How nyra was concerned about aemma bc she has seen her mother struggle with everything. Daella titters between being able to see through her dad but also striving for his approval. She’d probably finally start seeing how their world values boys which is :(. The Rhaenyra Daella parallels are there guys ☝🏽
Aemond’s pov is probably the most positive out of everyone bc he has the least to lose. He can have a litter of kids till he gets that boy. He doesn’t have to bear them, he gets to bother reader lmao. But I do think he hopes something good, outside another baby, comes out of it for everyone.
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jamespottersdaisy · 5 months
hii, 18, 19, 27, you don't have to answer these if u don't want to ☝🏽
hell yea i do! thanks for asking🤓
18) Most traumatic experience
Hmm, okay, so there was this guy, we were friends but not in a way that normal friends were friending. He was jealous of other boys, controlling, he would make me unfollow guys from my insta, and would get angry if a guy texted me and I didn't tell him. He had huge anger issues, and he was aware of it, knew damn well how to use it for his own advantage.
Don't get me wrong, he was attentive and protective, and always there for me, so at first I'd ignore all the weird jealousy etc. But then we started fighting more often, and it got so fucking tiring. For months we would fight on any small thing possible and I didn't notice at that time that I was always the one apologizing, getting humiliated, and silenced. Later on I saw that he was gaslighting me because he used 'That's not how it happened', 'There was nothing to get hurt in my words' 'You said it like you wanted me to get angry' 'You know I hate it when you tell me I'm hurting you, I'm doing nothing' 'Cut me some slack, you know I'm seeing a therapist' and so much more verbal abuse that is not worth adding here.
Still, I didn't end it, because he was seeing both doctor and a therapist, so I thought maybe he'd change. This went on for another month, until I had my first panic attack trying to explain my feelings and how I'm hurt to him during an another fight. That's when I saw that enough is enough; I had never had a panic attack before, and especially not because of a person.
I distanced myself, but still, since he was seeing a doctor etc I didn't cut totally cut him off. A few days after my birthday, he cut me off because I didn't tell him that I was going out with girls. And that's that lol
So now I have huge problems with expressing my feelings that I didn't have before him🤓
I hope this was good enough, I know some people out there have it worse. But if I had to talk a traumatic experience, that would be it, I guess. Also, for anyone that's going through the similar thing, It is not worth it, guys. Get out of that thing whether it's a relationship or a friendship.
19) A fact about your personality
According to my friends, I'm too witty for them😭 I loved hearing it, hell yea call me witty.
27) A description of the girl/boy I like
God, I miss him. So, he is tall, brunette and he gives the perfect hugs. He has a big nose and the most beautiful green eyes. He is extremely smart, but not street smart tho😭 Also, he is funny, has a deep voice (which I'm crazy about) AND YOU SHOULD SEE HIS HANDS UGHHH. Again, I LOVE IT WHEN HE TOUCHES ME
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enluv · 11 months
A heeseung drabble ? ALSO wanna be moots ?
hmm let me thunk ☝🏽 and yes I’d love to be moots!! sorry this is late I was at work when you sent it and then i forgot to answer 😫
picture this! heeseung can’t keep plants alive for his life so he finds someone to help him, that someone happens to be you, and when this super tall, cute, and desperate looking boy stumbles into your shop you just don’t have the heart to tell him that his plant is too far gone!! so instead for weeks you sit with him trying to nurse it back to health, and miraculously it starts to come back to life, thriving each day that passes! eventually heeseung realizes that since his plant is back to good health he won’t have to come keep seeing you and that thought alone makes him so upset, so what does he do? gets another sad plant off his shelf and brings it to you!! but this time it comes with a small note asking you out and when you agree to both helping nurse this one back to health and go out with him he’s an overjoyed mess!
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sttoru · 10 months
Hey barbie, for the game:
angel; are you religious or spiritual?
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
hiii barbie ^___^ !! thank u for the askkk ehhe m excited to answer thesee
ask game !
angel: are you religious or spiritual?
yesss! ‘m religiousss, won’t say religion, but i am heehhe
bubbles: do you have a best friend?
i think like maybe one .. or two? idek what’s considered a best friend but i dont have many friends irl any way uhhhh lets say just one
daisies: describe a moment where you felt free.
omg there was this one moment where i felt like going to another city out of nowhere so i took the train, sat alone and stared out of the window for like two whole hours and got off at a random station. then i took another train & another & another just dropping off at whatever place sounded interesting and just going to explore on my own. all the while blasting music in my headphones :33 i was in my own bubble the entire time, getting food and cute accessories aaa just being by myself is amazing
euphoric: talk about someone you love.
ehh idk abt anyone irl but i love my fictional men ☝🏽☝🏽i luv toji but satoru also has a special place in my heart so ima take the opportunity and rant abt his character a little here: ok so i didn’t like satoru at first bcs he annoyed me LMAO but then a mutual on twt told me to read the manga and that i’ll like him more since i was an anime only during the first episodes of jjk s1. then… bam i was hit with the realisation that his character was just so complicated, tragic and… beautiful 😞.. the way he cares abt ppl, especially younger students who still have their entire youth before them, is just so heart wrecking bcssss its all cuz his own childhood was stripped from him :( toji incident, riko situation, becoming the strongest, geto betrayal & death, overworking and overstimulating himself cuz of his six eyes technique — I WANTED TO HUG HIM. like just wanna give him one good hug that makes him relieve his built up anxiety and stuff yk.. (thats why i started writing for him bcs hello i have the power to do so & ima make it canon myself by using that power ✍🏽) ANYWAYS i realised why he was misunderstood sm cuz his character is so deeeeppp but i also love him bcs ehem, his looks & attitude. LOOKKK i didn’t like his attitude at first but it grew on me and now i wanna be a victim to his endless teasing & joking plus the fact that hes prob over 195cm got me creaming likeeeee im super short and i’d literally have to break my neck to see him :( SOBS i want him so bad
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onsunnyside · 2 years
I know for a fact Siberian Bucky is so shameless because mating is a natural thing of course he’s gonna talk ask if you guys could fuck out loud with no care. Please- I also think his tactic to solve any problem is sex BDJEKEK he sees you sad let’s have some sex. You’re cold? Sex 🤌🏽 you’re too warm?? Sex outside in the cold ☝🏽 he can fuck you up against a tree. Angry? Sex 😈 is always the solution 🧍🏽‍♀️DONT get me started when he’s bored he wants to fuck why waste time and listen your ex fiancé rant on about his work when he could be fucking you till you’re crying for him and keeping you nice and warm on the inside <3 and when he’s jealous…well that’s another story
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narrie · 2 years
How was it??
i'd give it a solid 8/10 (spoilers ahead) - i really liked how different it was and i LOOOVE emo boy bruce wayne 😩☝🏽🖤 the cinematography was top notch, SO many epic shots and i really liked the plot as well. minus point for the length bc girl it was a lot ngl, it was hard to stay focused but u HAD to stay focused to keep up with all the names and stories but at the same time there were a lot of moments that were slow for no reason and kinda repetitive too. another minus point bc i thought the fighting scenes were lacking smth??? especially the first one idk if it was the angles or the music but it wasn't as badass as it could've been rip there were some awkward moments tho that were awkward on purpose and i did like that bc it fits THIS bruce wayne. love the whole riddler thing bc i love riddles and trying to figure stuff out etc and loved how they kept highlighting the difference between bruce wayne and batman, some really funny scenes. i def need to watch it again bc right when i sat down i realized we were gonna watch it in german dub 😩😩😩 it wasn't too bad but a lot of the riddles and shit are word plays and they don't make sense/aren't as clever when u translate them rip also i'm like night blind so it was hard for me to even see shit since this movie is so fucking dark<3 think it'll be better to rewatch it at home whenever it's gonna be available to pause/rewind if necessary bc u pretty much get thrown into the story. ANYWAY all the scenes between zoe and rob were 🥵💦 i didn't love her character tbh and i wish she was more involved but seeing them on top of each other almost made up for it. above all, bisexuality is real and out there 🙏🏽
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