#they will live with spacewitch
themboification · 1 year
if you're wondering how im doing i created my fav wlw ships in sims just so i can talk to myself making stupid gay scenerios up [i have spent 7 hours today playing one out, i have not moved in plot at all, i need help]
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sometimesrosy · 6 months
Rosy Update
I have a class to teach at my gallery collective today. I've been doing classes there since last summer and usually I don't have very many students. Like one or two. It's a very small rural town.
But today it looks like I'm going to have eight students. That's a proper class! And they all wanted to take Abstract Art for Beginners,. I was about to give up on teaching abstract classes and start doing more art skills and crafts classes, and then here they go signing up to be expressive and modernist. So that's exciting.
But I'm also about to publish my book Spacewitch on kindle Vella as a serial. I have about ten episodes going live on Monday and then I want to post three eps a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
I got a little gummed up with episode eight editing, so I have to fix that passage and get it scheduled. I have, I think, forty something episodes in the can before I get to the end that I am still writing, but that shouldn't be for months on this schedule.
So I should be working on my marketing and on my edits and on scheduling, but instead I have to make sure I have enough supplies for the unusually large abstract painting class.
In case you're wondering, Spacewitch is a space opera about a cranky middle-aged woman who travels throughout the solar system in her sentient alien ship Dragon, selling biomechanical engineered "magic charms" to suckers, until a stowaway drags her back into the life that she left behind twenty years ago.
OK, I gotta get out of here and get ready for my class. It's okay to bug me and send me asks about it. I know this is out of nowhere.
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booksandwords · 1 year
Killing Gravity by Corey J. White
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Series: Voidwitch Saga, #1 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: I'm a spacewitch, I'm a goddess of death and destruction, and I start to laugh thinking of the look on Brigg's face. You think you know what you did to me? You don't know the half of it. — Mars
I picked up Killing Gravity on impulse at my local library while looking for a book to fit the adventure prompt for a reading challenge. I'm so glad I did. I personally found Mariam 'Mars' Xi to be a protagonist. She is angry, ruthless and powerful loyal while maintaining some traditionally feminine caring and empathetic characteristics. Honestly, I got strong Wu Zetian (Iron Widow) vibes at times. I found the plot to be an engaging and enjoyable ride. I wanted to know where it was going. I wanted to know what happened to these characters. The included violence and vengeance feels right. The universe Corey J. White has created for his characters is brutal. Especially the situations Mars came from.
The support cast is larger than I was expecting for a novella, it's not huge but there is diversity. It's queer and quirky and I adore it. Props to White for giving women the strength and control though. Because one of the other support characters, Trix, an amputee who we first meet in an exoskeleton and the Nova's main defender. The Nova is the ship that saves Mars from her critically damaged ship. The captain of that ship is so endearing to me. Squid is an enby but they feel like a bit of an anomaly. They are all soft power, meditation, near anti-gun and yet the captain, respected with ease by both Trix and Mookie. I get the feeling there is a terrifying spine to Squid we are yet to see. Mookie and Trix are poly or at least more than willing to share their bed. I can't really explain Mookie, he makes me smile. You'll get it if you read Killing Gravity. I really like computer AIs Waren and Einri. I looked up the name Einri, dual meanings Intelligent (from the Teutonic) and Rules the home (from the Irish). Can we acknowledge that Eirni is one of the best names for ship AI? Waren means Loyal (from the German). Given the arrangement Mars has with Waren that is important. Probably should mention Seven. Seven is Mars's pet (?), companion (?). From the descriptions, she kind of feels like part cat, part sugar glider. But she was a science experiment that Mars has had for most of her life. Loyal almost to a fault and but so, so adorable.
A random dump of thoughts and quotes.
I appreciate the explanation of the Wormhole physics. Fairly standard but it's nice to have a reminder now and then.
Mars talks to the reader, not breaking the fourth wall, she isn't aware she is fictional, but something close.
Ring One is where my people live. Well, not my people, but the closest thing I want to find: the freaks, the runaways, the perpetual wanderers, the organized crime, the genehackers, the bodychoppers, the digital-wannabes, the loose, the inebreated, the ones with the no common sense, no career and no desire for one, the fed up the fucked up and flamed out. The whole place is like a dangerous chemical concoction. You never know what might set off a reaction, and the threat of violence hangs in the air thick as the smell. — I just find this an appealing description of a group of people, the downtrodden and it definitely tells you whom Mars has lines herself with. That she is a survivor through and through, you don't get to consider these your people without that kind of survival trait. (Mars, p.37-8)
His chest is covered in tattoos—maroon and black ink, the tragically loyal fuck — You can almost hear the tone that belongs here. Okay, and I like the phrase tragically loyal fuck. (Mars, p.59)
"Smart-ass." "I thought Einri was sans personality." "No, just sans voice mod. I don't want some artificial voice construct convincing me Einri is a person. It's not a person, it's a ship. Without a voice mod it sounds like a ship I like things to be clear, you see?" — I find this quote interesting. I appreciate Squid's idea of delineation (because Einri really does have a personality). But that last line is kinda counter to part of their personality. They respected Mas' privacy and didn't push her to give answers. They have more sides than they admit. (Squid and Mars, p.70)
Euphemisms gain strength by hiding truth. Nothing is truth, nothing is reality, my mind contains multitudes, it contains universes, I contain multitudes. I am Mariam, I am Sera, I am every caretaker that ever had a hand in molding me, I am mold growing across every surface of Ergot. — I'm not sure why this appeals to me so much it's part of a whole section that has some really pretty phrasing that suits Mars' state at the time. (Mars, p.106)
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toweroftickles · 3 years
UNCATEGORIZED FILES: Completely Random Ticklish Character Examinations
Exploring the multiverse for ticklish test subjects is surprisingly tedious sometimes. There’s so much data to sift through, tons of organization, and you’re often stuck with the same popular victims.
It’s fun to go after underutilized, unknown, or obscure entities. As of yet these personality profiles cannot properly be sorted within existing folders.
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Mary Smith (Mary & The Witch’s Flower)
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Belly, Knees
A kind but proud witch student…skillful, protective of own image. Can’t stand being tickled - considers it humiliating and frustrating. Post-release, will immediately curl up into a ball, or cover her stomach with her arms and pout.
Sad-sounding laughter that really lers you know that she hates it. Helplessly begs for it to stop.
Will react with fury, and fight back.
Tickle Talk: Playful teasing with plenty of giggles, if she’s the one who starts it. If enacting revenge, however, she taunts aggressively and angrily to embarrass her playmate as much as possible.
When allowed the use of magic, imaginatively utilizes tickling finger spells, as well as object manipulation and stasis.
Teased about how ticklish she is by her boyfriend Peter. Tickle fights common.
Add. Notes: Comparisons to (her contemporary) Kiki are all but inevitable - not quite as ticklish but much less open to enjoying it. Direct side-by-side comparison may be beneficial for studying the impact of magic on sensitivity.
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Razor Lemay (Starlink: Battle for Atlas)
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Abs and Belly Button, Upper Ribcage
This no-nonsense metal band pilot is highly resistant - use stronger restraints in future. A violent thrasher. Headbanging skills came in handy when freeing herself.
Never ceased to let me know that I’m a “sick weirdo.” Consider this possibility.
Though toned and muscular, her skin is surprisingly soft. Weak to any kind of tickling.
Most effective tool: backscratchers
Has an airy laugh that is mostly gasps and wheezes; runs out of breath quickly.
Used the phrase “oh my god” more than any other subject studied so far. Offered up nonstop torrent of swearing, violent threats, and begging for mercy.
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Jojo McDodd (Horton Hears A Who)
Most Ticklish Spots: Sides, Feet
Hates it. Becomes embarrassed and angry when tickled. Will frustratedly sulk rather than fight back or seek revenge.
Usually groans through teeth but can’t prevent the odd chuckle from slipping out. Skilled at holding his voice in. Press the matter further.
Involuntary reflex - noodly arm flailing if not restrained.
Very responsive to poking and light, fluttery touches.
Often depressed. His mother, Sally O’Malley (who, according to him, is also quite ticklish - investigate) used to tickle him in attempt to cheer him up, but abandoned this years ago upon realizing it bothered him.
When his younger sisters want to pester him, tickling is a go-to option.
Add. Notes: With their long, fuzzy, highly-animated fingers, natural mischievous mirth, and piano-playing aptitude, the Who species has evolved anatomy well-suited for tickling others.
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Schell The Spacewitch (Yooka-Laylee)
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly, Armpits
Considers tickling to be her “one true weakness” - doesn’t hate it, but it renders her utterly incapacitated.
Has one of those hearty laughs that carries well over distances.
Feathers are very effective.
Will eagerly return the favor - once used feather tickling as an interrogation method on a fellow spacewitch.
Interplanetary adventures have put her in conflict with various alien plants and monsters, some of which accidentally tickled her with tongues or tentacles or the like - take samples for further lab testing.
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Sphinx (Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy)
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly Button, Feet
The adventurous and heroic sort, he’s a little bit cocky….tickling is a good way to make him slightly less so.
A surprisingly effective technique is to tickle his stomach with his own tail. Good results.
He himself occasionally uses his tail this way to flirt with girls.
Not excessively ticklish, but ticklish enough. Will at least squirm and try to pull away.
Doesn’t show much strong emotion…more vaguely weirded out by this than anything else.
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Pipirika (Magi: Adventure of Sinbad)
Most Ticklish Spots: Toes/Balls of Feet, Ribs, Inner Thighs
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Inner Elbow
Loud and rough, unrefined. But also very friendly, excitable, and loves to laugh.
Like all Imuchakk people, huge in stature and musculature. Between her large size and insistence on always going barefoot, she’s a tempting target.
If you ask if she’s ticklish, or for permission to tickle her, she’ll gladly say yes and volunteer with a big smile on her face.
That said, she frequently seems to find herself much more ticklish than she remembers.
She likes it but she’s a kicker. Hard to pin down and will not hold still. Tough restraints essential.
Will always seek playful vengeance or start a tickle brawl. Loves to tickle her brother and friends. Often giggles and laughs more than the people she tickles.
Hearty, rumbling belly laugh. Very cute.
Can’t keep a secret; will tell others if you like tickling. (Not out of malice - she thinks it’s hilarious.)
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Fire (Adventurers: Masters of Time)
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Lower Tummy, Belly Button
Self-described as “a total tickler. You better watch out!”
Her default attack when trying to escape an enemy’s grip is to tickle them. Has done it more than once. It’s canon. So there.
Claims to have used her school’s time travel computer specifically to visit and “play tickle pranks” on famous historical figures. Seemed very excited by the multiversal capabilities of the Tower.
Spunky and playful. Very energetic. Tickle Talk: mean, merciless, and will make fun of her victims for being so ticklish and weak.
Apparently aware that her constantly-exposed belly invites tickling. Will dare others to start a tickle fight with her “because you’ll lose.”
Most vulnerable to rough tickles (especially brushes).
Always laughs wildly and tells her tickler to stop, but seems to enjoy it at less-intense levels.
Add. Notes: I like this girl. She could be very useful.
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Saki Amamiya & Airan Jo (Sin & Punishment/Smash Bros.)
Most Ticklish Spots (Saki): Feet, Belly, Lower Ribcage
Most Ticklish Spots (Airan): Toes, Sides
Virtually inseparable couple. Could not tickle one without the other.
A highly skilled gymnast and gunner, Saki will jump out of his skin when tickled. Airan will lash out physically or curl up into a defensive ball.
Saki is the more ticklish of the two. He’s a live wire of sensitivity; a poke can cripple him. Has a high-pitched giggle.
Airan has a low, wailing laugh. Quickly tears up and complains about how much her tummy hurts when tickled.
Airan sometimes tickles Saki awake in the morning and teases him when he squirms.
Both hate being tickled: feel it’s a silly, embarrassing vulnerability.
Neither are particularly touchy/physical and never really tickle each other. Don’t think about it often.
Saki eventually develops Ruffian physiology after an experiment with his blood - effects of this on ticklishness unknown.
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Tess Darrett (Pole Position)
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Armpits
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Upper Back, Under Chin
Rarely far separated from her stunt rally cars and spy technology. Exceptionally difficult to apprehend.
Resourceful and skilled in combat. Exercise caution.
Once captured by a criminal organization and interrogated with feathers to make her reveal the access codes to her stunt car computer AI, Wheels. Strong willpower - laughed and laughed but refused to talk.
Otherwise is only ever tickled by her younger sister Daisy (who reportedly is also very ticklish, and has also been interrogated to force her older siblings’ hands).
Not usually a tickler. Avoids going after her younger brother, because he’s not ticklish and would definitely get her back.
Typical sibling relationship: her brother used to pin her down and tickle her when they were kids. She hates it.
Add. Notes: If a woman who is deeply entrenched in the seedy underworld has big 70s/80s hair and often wears a jumpsuit, just assume that she’s tough but with a soft side and also very ticklish. (See also: Fujiko Mine, Carmen Boom, April O’Neil.)
I might indeed be a sick weirdo. This merits further study.
Breaking character…yeah, IDK what the hell this is and I’m assuming none of you care. Just kinda wanted to blow off steam. I like weird characters that nobody else really cares about.
And why the hell do I even write some of my blog entries this way? Deliberately making things “less fun” seems kinda like a bad idea.
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donnatarttapologist · 3 years
was tagged by the lovely @violetreddie to share six albums i can’t live without! thank you 💞💗
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incesticide, nirvana / a rush of blood to the head, coldplay / live through this, hole / souvlaki, slowdive / loveless, mbv / just for a day, slowdive
i’ll tag @spacewitch @flintcoded @celebrityskincd @hospital-wh0re @donnatarttpdf @borntodiedean + whoever else wants to // feel free to ignore <33
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saintflint · 4 years
my darling @successsionhbo tagged me to answer these 30 questions and tag 20 blogs❣️
(1.) name / nickname:
tori, tor-tor; only strangers and co-workers have ever called me “victoria”
(2.) gender:
[stressed noises] i go by “she,” for convenience’s sake in most social / work situations but internally, i really feel like anything depending on the day. like call me king, queen, captain, and i’ll respond? i WILL say, though, my favorite gender description that absolutely feels The Most Me is: “she,” but only in the way sailors and pirates lovingly refer to their beloved ship as a “she”
(3.) star sign:
i’m a scorpion
(4.) height:
(5.) time:
(6.) birthday:
🥖✨national homemade bread day✨🍞
(7.) favorite bands/groups:
fleetwood mac, the amazing devil, bleachers, the head and the heart, the mountain goats, boygenius, belle & sebastian, etc.
(8.) favorite solo artist:
PHOEBE BRIDGERS, then sufjan stevens, then hozier, then mitski, and bon iver
(9.) song stuck in my head:
slip away by perfume genius
(10.) last movie:
howl’s moving castle
(11.) last show:
(12.) when did i create this blog:
remember when the les mis fandom had a resurgence and some of us sad souls still had minuscule hope for canon deancas and a good ending for game of thrones? yea sometime around then
(13.) what do i post:
fandom shit i consider elite and other miscellaneous interests
(14.) last thing googled:
(15.) other blogs:
i have a james flint core blog i made solely to entertain myself with and that’s it
(16.) do i get asks:
tragically rarely and only occasionally when i post an ask game 😔
(17.) why did i choose this url:
i had just finished black sails and had my deep love for treasure island reawakened so this url just seemed appropriate
(18.) following:
my beloved mutuals and unfortunately hundreds of inactive blogs i’m too lazy to go back and unfollow
(19.) followers:
i don’t know how but i just reached 2,708
(20.) average hours of sleep:
(21.) lucky number:
i’ve always loved 11 and 17, and more recently 333 has become significant for me
(22.) instruments:
i used to play piano but i can only barely play a few songs now from memory and a couple of chords
(23.) what am i wearing:
an old red sweatshirt, jeans, thick socks, and a scrunchie in my hair
(24.) dream job:
sailing around the world for the rest of my life would be ideal but a bit of a more realistic option would be anything where i could care for individuals through counseling and encouraging them (i’m currently in the process of possibly changing my major to psychology for this reason)
(25.) dream trip:
anywhere that’s not here
(26.) favorite food:
big fan of soup and bread but i can’t really get more specific beyond that
(27.) nationality:
(28.) favorite song:
i could never choose just one but my top song of 2020 was savior complex by phoebe bridgers, according to spotify
(29.) last book read:
beyond the western sea by avi, for nostalgia’s sake
(30.) three fictional universes you'd like to live in:
i always liked the idea of the riordanverse so i could be the child of a deity and go on quests to slay monsters and save the world, although i will say middle earth is number one always, then....ok judge me all you want but i would do ANYTHING to be a pirate in the steampunk-esque, outer space universe treasure planet exists in
tagging: @wutheringheights78, @rodeoqueens, @loverfighter, @modernvampires, @strangerinthealps2017, @watchriverdale, @mycenterfold, @cruelsummerdotmp3, @hunybody, @thotfuss, @spacewitch, @donnatarttapologist, @ratatouiile, @frogandtoadpdf, @cartoonsun, @clutching, @tarmairons, @lilcowboys, @lovecoredean, and @grocerytote
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balalaikapattycake · 4 years
I was tagged by @punkenglishnerd Thank you so much!!! <3 Hope you’re having a nice Halloween! 
🎃 Pumpkin: Favourite season? I love all seasons!! but I’m gonna go with spring cos my birthday is in May
👻 Ghost: Do you get scared easily? not really but I startle easily
🎃 Candy Corn: What’s your favourite kind of candy? raffaello or any chocolate and rum candy
👻 Vampire: What is your favourite supernatural creature? “Lesbian vampires :)” <<< I’m gonna agree with Katie :) 
🎃 Witch: If you could have any superpower, what would it be? teleportation!!
👻 Trick or treat: What was your favourite Halloween costume? We don’t celebrate Halloween in Estonia but we have a similar holiday called Mardipäev where you dress in black and throw dried peas at people
🎃 Black cat: Are you superstitious? A little, there’s a part of me that wants to see a pattern everywhere
 👻 Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I haven’t really thought about it... maybe Scarlett but only because I’m named after Melanie from Gone with the wind so if I can’t have her name, I’ll take Scarlett. 
🎃 Graveyard: Do you know any good scary stories? i have this vague memory of a story about the woman with the knives that used to make so scared as a kid, it was something like there was a woman who had knives for arms and legs and she broke into some house and killed the kids.  
👻 Skeleton: Have you ever broken a bone? No, I’ve had a fractured wrist tho
🎃 Werewolf: What is your favourite urban legend? not sure if that counts as an urban legend but my uncle’s family lives in an old farmhouse and they have lots of stories involving knocks on walls and phantom pigs squealing in the middle of the night etc
👻 Horror flick: Do you like scary movies? No! I hate jump scares! Although I did like Midsommar
🎃 Haunted house: Would you prefer to live in the city or the country? I’ve lived in the country pretty much all my life so I would like to live in a city now
👻 Zombie: Do you think that you could survive a zombie apocalypse? Unless the zombies are super slow I’d shoot myself in the first five minutes
🎃 Cauldron: What kind of potion would you make if you had the opportunity? A potion that tells me what the fuck I’m supposed to do with my life
👻 Full moon: Do you prefer nighttime or daytime? depending on the mood, nighttime now  
🎃 Corn maze:  What is your favourite autumn activity? going cranberry picking with my gran!!! I got 15 liters this year, she got over 30, she’s an expert
👻 Broomstick: What exciting places have you travelled to? I was an exchange student in Japan for a year when I was 16, that was exciting! I especially loved Sapporo and Kyoto and Kamakura, it was so lovely! And the big forest in Akita/Aomori, Shirakami-Sanchi. Also Iceland is super gorgeous!!
I tag @bbibbicole @spacewitch @themoonandtime @queerbutstillhere @oktaste if you want to!! <3 
Happy Halloween!! 
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femmehysteria · 5 years
I was tagged @takeawalkoffmyknife
Thank you x
Rules: tag twenty followers you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: don’t have one, I’ve never liked any that were given to me
Gender: Female
Astrological sign: Libra
Height: 165cm or 5’5”
Sexuality: bisexual
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Favourite animal: cats I want a cat, snakes are also super cool
Number of blankets: one
Where I’m from: I live in England but my family are Middle Eastern
Dream trip: I want to go all around Europe and see bunch of historical sites
When I created this account: omg so long ago maybe 2014????
Why I created this account: no idea I don’t remember, I was a child
Tags: remember that you aren’t obligated to do it
It’s not 20 people but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@sangrientojoe @opalitestarlight @johnnystormbi @caffeinatedunicorn @spideytime @bemorechillifries @zoflo123456789 @amazed-adventurer @intergalactic-spacewitch @unfairytales @finallythebest @mistermooneyes
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guil-t-pleasurez · 7 years
Tagged by @nitorious-ghost
1st : tag 9 people you’d like to get know better
@kuropin, @jackthevulture, @liverpepper, @mytinylittleartshow, @neal-illustrator, @queer-dragoncat-spacewitch, @queengrumblebee, @topaintthestars, @yuricupcakes
2nd : BOLD those statements that are true for you
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair (recently bleached!)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces (have had)
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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rosy-writes · 6 years
I don't know if you mentioned this already (I'm sorry if you already did) but are you doing NANO this year?
I AM doing Nanowrimo this year. I can’t quite figure out if I’m going to be a nanorebel or playing it straight, because I’m going to be continuing on with my current WIP, which is a scifi novel called Spacewitch, about. Mona Luu a woman psionically bonded with a living alien biomech ship, who creates tiny biomech charms promising the bearer things like luck and love and maybe misfortune on their enemies (maybe,) and she’s just fine with being called a “witch,” ha ha, not a xenobiomech engineer.
Then a stowaway begs for her help, and Mona is thrown back into the world she thought she had escaped from. But you can’t escape your past. And you are who you are. And Mona is a spacewitch. 
Well. I have no idea how long it will take to finish this book and I think I might be done before my 50k is up, so I’m going to fill the rest in with my third draft of Moonshine, which is, kind of, the prequel to this one. Same universe. Mona is their descendent. Or maybe I’ll include some fanfiction in my nano wordcount. I think I might count as a nanorebel just because I don’t feel the need to limit my wordcount to just one project. I will count ANY fiction I write in my wordcount. it tuns out that simply continuing a WIP is no longer considered a nanorebel, as long as you only count the new words, and don’t cheat on the stuff you wrote BEFORE november.
I am rosymamacita over on nanowrimo. Which is pretty much where my original name came from. I’ve been doing nano for 12 years now. 
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kartinechka · 7 years
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Inktober day 14! This is for you Christian, hope this lives up to your expectation! (Most of it is an inside joke, hope everyone else likes it though) And sorry for it being late, I am swampeddddd. . . . #inktober2017 #inktober #witch #witchtober #inktoberday14 #spacewitch
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sometimesrosy · 3 years
How helpful is pinterest when writing? I’ve been working in a sci-fi story which I actually haven’t written on for some months now. I want to go back to it, but I can’t seem to find it in me. I have trouble describing cities and buildings, so maybe it’ll be helpful there too. Seeing other images can also give me inspiration for a myriad of things. I’ve realized I want to make it sci-fi with fantasy elements, so it’ll probably help me there too, I’d assume!
I find pinterest SO helpful. But then I’m a very visual person and a pinterest addict. So like, the platform just works for me. I can understand why it wouldn’t work for other people. So let me tell you how I use it.
I have a BILLION boards for writing and they are all titled “to write...” something. Whatever I’m talking about. Sometimes they’re about craft. Like to write stories, or to write villains. I’ve got one for nanowrimo and for poetry too.
I have pinterest board for the genres that I write. Right now that’s really romance and sci fi. I also write fantasy, but haven’t much lately, although I do have an urban fantasy that I should be querying but I’m kind of ignoring.
My first sci fi board , where I have folders for sub genres, filled up (I try to archive them when they hit 1k pins but i don’t want to archive this one because it’s a resource.)  So I started a second which I haven’t done folders for yet. This is where I put cool ideas that I might use later, that might get story ideas started. Then I have a sff characters board and that includes costumes as well as fancasting or faceclaims or names. This is so when I’m writing, I don’t have to search for characters, I’ve got my own pinboard. Also, other people are free to use them for inspiration. 
My romance board is sort of like the sff board, but for romance, except I put my personal romance projects there, and that mainly is the fanfiction that I’d like to turn into original fiction, but all those projects are on hold.
Otherwise I create boards for each project that I have. That means I have them for novels I’ve finished, novels I’ve abandoned, novels that I’m in the middle of, novels that I’m planning. I have a LOT of project boards, but that doesn’t mean they’re all active projects. At least two of them are things I’d like to write but don’t have time for, and I don’t want to forget. Right now, I have two WIPS but I’m doing to write spacewitch, while to write sleepers is on hold because I can only finish one at a time, and i’m also trying to work on to write sound of silence which is a NON fiction project on writing process. The novels can now have folders for characters or settings or whatever. That’s nice, because you can get appearance and costumes and hobbies or whatever straight.
So here’s the thing. While you’re planning or researching or even just getting into the groove, you can search for new things for your project board, but ALSO, when you’re stuck or before you start writing every day, you can go over that board to get back into the mindset. Relationships, attitude, events, history, goals, personality, setting... it can all be in your pinboard.
And while I’m writing the story, I often will need to look up new things as they happen in the story. So maybe spaceships or explosions or rebellion or a new character. Those go into the board. That means that if you start at the bottom of the board, you can actually watch the plot progress. And viewing it can remind you of the entire book you’re writing. 
I also have boards for my ghostwriting projects. I keep them on private, but I use them constantly. When I am researching, say types of ultralight aircraft, or menus for a Moroccan restaurant, I pin those websites to my board so I don’t lose my info. I pin pictures for mood. Examples of evening gowns or diamond rings. Remember I write contemporary romances, and they’re all billionaires. So I need billionaire details. Hello google. Hello pinterest. It also helps when I’m doing series, because I can use the same info for multiple books.
I use pinterest when I’m writing fast romances, or when I’m working on books that take years. It especially helps the long term books because it’s so easy to forget things and lose your mood. I was just looking at sleepers and I started to get excited for that book again, even though I don’t have time to write it right now. So I can just hold that excitement off and keep it in the pinboard and when I’m ready to finish that story I can do so. It’s a load off of my mind. And it helps the ghostwriting because I don’t need to hold all those details in my head. 
If you look at my pinterest board, don’t get overwhelmed. I have a LOT of boards, but I separate them with the titles. Art all starts with “Art and...” Fashion all starts with “Style...” Cooking all starts with “Food...” and Writing all starts with “To Write...” Although I have boards called “The Writing Life,” (1 and 2) which is just like... mood. What it’s like to be a writer and artist. Because we have to live, not just write, right?
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donnatarttapologist · 4 years
my dears @successsionhbo and @treasureislandpdf tagged me answer 30 questions about myself and tag 20 people i’d like to get to know better!! i don’t know 20 people so that’s not happening but i’ll tag a few <3
1. name: jo
2. gender: none ( jk. she/her)
3. sun sign: leo
4. height: 5’1 (shhhh i don’t wanna hear it!! i’ve heard it before !!)
5. time: 8:38pm
6. birthday: wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
7. favorite bands/groups: coldplay, the cure, sonic youth, radiohead, nirvana, slowdive, cocteau twins,,,,,, i could go on for hours tbh
8. favorite solo artists: frank ocean will always be my #1 😔✊
9. song stuck in my head: machine gun by slowdive
10. last movie: elf
11. last show: friends
12. when did i create this blog: 2017 i think ??
13. what do i post: just depressing shit but not much lately anymore idk
14. last thing i googled: refrigerator organizers
15. other blogs: @queenjudypoovey i mostly rb things i find aesthetically pleasing and the occasional moodboard
16. do i get asks: no? 😂😂
17. why did i choose this url: because i would defend her w my life
18. following: 82
19. followers: like 800 some idk
20. average amount of sleep: 6-8 hours
21. lucky number: 13
22. instruments: i played piano for a long time but i quit after high school lol
23. what am i wearing: sweats and my new fave cardigan
24. dream job: no job. i do not dream of working <3
25. dream trip: maybe like the 9th dimension idk :/ maybe a little too intense. maybe like. the 7th
26. favorite food: coffee is food right ❤️
27. nationality: am*r*can🤢🤢 i’m so sorry
28. favorite song: that’s so hard why would you make me choose this. it changes every single day
29. last book i read: i would tell you if i could even remember the last time i picked up a book😂
30. three fictional universes you’d like to live in: for sure narnia, idk maybe stranger things (i’d love to be robins lesbian love interest), i can’t think of another
i will tag @lovesongsmp3 @mlkth @spacewitch @thoroughbredsbian @honeyseller
@commiedonnatartt idk i really don’t hardly talk to anyone anymore i’m sorry :( but you can say i tagged you if you want!<33 mwah xx
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saintflint · 4 years
tagged by: @cartoonsun (thanks vin 🧡🧡)
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people! no skipping!
1: what i need — hayley kiyoko (ft. kehlani)
2: august (acoustic) — flipturn
3: edge of town — middle kids
4: by myself — maya hawke
5: in your atmosphere (live) — john mayer
6: dancing in the moonlight — king harvest
7: pitch the baby — cocteau twins
8: i always knew — the vaccines
9: otherside — perfume genius
10: easy — troye sivan
tagging (i’m lazy therefore i’m not tagging 10 people): @lovebrew, @strangerinthealps2017, @spacewitch, @donnatarttapologist, @thesocialnetwcrk, @successsionhbo, and any other mutuals who’d like to do this❣️❤️
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saintflint · 4 years
#1, 3, 4, 19!
1: song of the year?
according to spotify, it was savior complex by phoebe bridgers but in the last month-ish, i’d say it’s tied with evermore by taylor swift
3: favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
violent femmes (thank you jenn for introducing me❣️@spacewitch)
4: movie of the year?
THE SOCIAL NETWORK (shout out to gabby and kell for introducing me to the heart wrenching masterpiece❣️@mycenterfold and @cameronfryess) and also, the personal history of david copperfield, which i anticipated more than anything this year and ended up really hitting me in a very specific way that made me really rethink my life and my perspective on how this year went
19: what’re you excited about for next year?
living boldly as the individual i now know i am
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donnatarttapologist · 4 years
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@commiedonnatartt tagged me to post 6 albums i’ve been listening to a lot lately~ ty darling !!!
i don’t really listen to albums all the way through like that but these are a few albums i could easily get lost in
top row: sonic youth - goo // lsd and the search for god - heaven is a place // pink floyd - the dark side of the moon
bottom row: hole - live through this // slowdive - souvlaki // strawberry alarm clock - wake up, it’s tomorrow!
idk who has done this already so feel free to ignore but i’ll tag @treasureislandpdf @successsionhbo @spacewitch @dreamprophet @honeyseller <33
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