#they’re also??? both the prettiest people ever? like wtf
sseastar · 2 years
jacob bae and kanemoto yoshinori sit at the same lunch table
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kozumesphone · 7 days
SECOND here is a list of things i would like you to answer in order for you to maintain positive vibes
1. what is something you love about yourself?
2. what makes you come alive?
3. what is something you really like doing these days?
4. what is a song that makes you really happy, no matter what mood you were in before?
5. what or who lights you up?
6. what are some places you want to visit, now or in the near future?
7. who is your biggest inspiration?
(⭐️ bonus, pictures of my prettiest ult bias and future husband for the soul~)
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— love, sunny! (who will be back in 5)
ilysm, did I ever tell you that 😭🙏
mm these are all so hard to answer wtf 💀 anyway 💀💀
1. my handwriting!! oh!! and my voice when I have a cold/i’m sick (it sounds prettier idk how to explain it)
2. the rain, music, and YOU 🫵🫵 (my irl friends too esp)
3. not studying 💀 breaks between studies are like heaven atp i’m not even kidding
4. OOHHHH there’s so many!!!!!!! literally anythign and everything by hozier (nina cried power def), arctic monkeys, and skz (esp megaverse and chk chk boom), and also dark paradise by ldr
5. desk lamps 😋 sorry 💀 mmm probably my friends irl and online, both!!
6. I HAVE A WHOLE LIST HOLY FUCK ok so japan, uae, new york, canada, ireland, italy, france, and js the posh side of europe + downtown-ish vibes countries as well (preferably w you 😏)
7. hmmm this is probably something I haven’t figured out yet bc different people inspire me in different parts of my life yk there’s no one person
(OOOOOO 🤭🤭 everytime you send me a meme, I need you to tell me their name and group they’re part of so I can learn that stuff tho 👽)
OKAY now wbu, gimme your answers for them 🫵
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Headcanons of the boys with a pregnant mc??
1/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do™ "Holy shit, you're pregnant?" he yelps out of nowhere. Truth is, you don't know wtf he's talking about.
Sniffs the air around you and then gets those dog zoomies in human form. He just runs around the house and comes back into the parlor, looking at you and saying "I'm going to be a fucking father!"
When he calms down and sits, you ask him wtf is going on and he says "I can smell your hormones and you're pregnant?"
You might pass out but no, not with the Super Dad™ looking out for you.
After you actually confirm with a very disgusted Ethan saying something like "ew you both fucked" and leaving, he's going to be overprotective of you.
No running down the stairs. No hard training, just jogs. Not too much. No swords, missy! No running in the hallways, no beer, no to staying in cold baths like you do, no getting sick, eating is a MUST and he's going to play with you in wolf form so you're never down, no stress too, if you want some space, your man's got you, he'll go do something. You're going to have to eat even if you're a chalice.
He will hunt more and eat animals to save your blood and just drink to complete his diet. He might even give you some of his blood once a month.
Gets super excited when the baby moves. Loves them because they kick Ivan's head when he tries to listen to your tummy.
When you're about to give birth he also senses first. Whimpers like a puppy and scoops you up, taking you to the room and doing as planned. Won't leave your side and when he sees your baby's first ever blink, he cries quietly. Will thank you so much.
He's also going to put up the cutest room of all of them. There will be some flowers, nice windows and many fur comfy sheets and the crib is bigger than him. No one knows why.
He is 2/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do™. He was under the suspicion that something in your body was changing. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
But then in one night where you both were sleeping together he turned his face upwards and he started to think about how calm the last days had been. His hand caressed your waist lovingly to soothe you when you stirred a little in bed. Your shirt rode up and he was a little weirded out by how your skin seemed thin to the touch.
Almost as if your belly was growing. In fact, he noticed that it was, but it was so little...
He sat up with his back straight like the wall and gasped.
He decided to try and find out without alarming you, but his mind was already making scenarios where your baby would grow up to be an amazing adult and you'd love a great life together.
Is super careful with you, makes sure you're always lively and he chooses some of the softest fabrics for the baby. Sometimes he smiles to himself and closes his hand where the baby moved.
Gets scared when the baby makes weird shapes on your tummy and then giggles. They're so energetic and seem healthy!
When he sleeps, he is always looking forward to meeting his kid again and again, even if they still didn't make it to the world.
Will read you so much poetry and try to make you relax as much as you can.
Will be silent during the birth. Just whispering how proud he is, a wavering smile on his face and tears of pure joy staining his cheeks. When he feels the baby's face, he will gasp. They're so small and delicate. Even if he could see, he could never capture with him brushes how pretty his child was.
3/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do.™ He's a demon, for God's sake! (ba doom tssss)
I headcanon that Beliath can feel people's life energy because if demons such as him and Leandra don't know which prey is worth all the power usage and time, life would turn dangerous. It's a basic power to a demon: feel how many people there are in a place by their energy. He will sense your mood swings and most importantly, he will sense a change in your energy.
He's going to be final about it when he gets in the kitchen after helping with the garden to find you sitting with a very creeped out Aaron in the kitchen, eating a beef bigger than your head like your life depended on it even if you had no urges to eat anymore.
He would try to feel for your energy and then he'd sense something like a second presence.
He'd frown deeply. "Aaron, come closer to me." He'd say looking at the floor. "I don't know what's happening to them. They just said to bring meat back home and forced me to make this stew." He said.
"I wash hoongry!" They snarled with their mouth full. Beliath, however, was paler than usual. When Aaron moved, the presence didn't fade. It was inside of his s/o.
You'll be the prettiest pregnant in the world. You'll get jewelry, healthy meals, massages, pedicure, hair care, pretty clothes and he'll even do your makeup when he senses you're close to give birth. He's always making sure you're treated like royalty and you'll never have to stretch your arm out fully.
He'll be very loving and protective. After you give birth he'll find you to be the prettiest person he's ever seen and that's final.
When you're giving birth he's going to be your biggest motivation. He will squeeze you hand and tell you to keep going. Someone like you can pull this off without any doubt.
He doesn't cry much, just a few tears. He's just too mesmerized to ever focus on crying. Your baby is the epitome of beauty. And they smile often. He laughs at their gums.
Part 1/2 of the Clueless Until Something Weird and Fucking Scary Happens™ crew.
He'll only realize when your tummy is growing. He will think you're getting chubby and will blush: you'd look so cute and soft.
but then, in one of these nights where he rests his head on your tummy, it kicks his face!
The both of you will tell almost like the "Stop! I couldda dropped my croissant!" Dude. Now he thinks you're sick!
That is until Ethan, with his eyes bigger than saucers bc he was deceived with the story that you have a strange illness comes to check up on you and then he just rolls his eyes and deadpans, "So, you've knocked MC up and now you want to say they're sick?"
After that, he is even more worried. Looks at himself in the mirror every day for the next nine months thinking that he is going to be a god-damned father. But doesn't let up. Your kid will have a room ready in five days. Seeing him and Beliath putting a crib together is priceless. Bel gets his head smacked with his part of the wood pieces often.
"love, there's paint on your hair. Over here." He's never going to be composed. He's blushing and rushing to the bathroom to clean it.
When the baby is about to come into the world, he's going to ball his eyes out. More than the baby. The baby might give him a stank face for stealing his moment.
Sole member of the group "I Knew From The Start But I Just Denied It Because How Tf Will A Crazy Bastard Like Me Help My Pregnant Partner Raise a Whole Entirety Of a Child?"
He's trying his best to brace himself to be a father. But he just can't imagine not making it harder for you. How was he supposed to teach a kid how to live if he wasn't prepared to go on after 80 years himself?
One day after lost sleep, he will look at himself in the mirror thinking he's just that war doctor that isn't mentality stable. But then it will click: he IS the war doctor. He had made many difficult choices and saw life fade in front of him. He always made the difficult choices. Always chose who was going to live. And he was going to do it again. His child would fucking live. And he was going to make sure of that.
Getting exercise just the right amount, eating right, waking up early and resting early under Ethan's supportive and determined gaze, that's how it would be. Even if he was always taking care of you, he was bracing himself for the possibilities, for be your doctor when you gave birth, for watching over the baby. That's all he could do as he didn't know how to be more than a friend to your baby. If your baby ever loved him.
But as the months ran long and short at the same time, he watched your every gesture. The way you talked to the baby. The way you'd caress and poke your tummy lightly creating little rhythms when you sang. The way you'd mock him when you didn't realize he was there and say he was such a worried and careful father. Saying things the baby would love about him.
Was it possible that even without him seeing a good father on himself, you were actually... Excited?
After that, he went softer still. He'd be mesmerized when the baby moved, when he imagined their tiny hands closed in fists as they ran through the house. Would they be a troublemaker? They could definitely get along. He found himself closer to you, earning and waiting to see what they could do. How they'd change his perception of things even more.
He might not know what he wants for your baby, but he knows what he doesn't want for them and you're definitely with him in this. That's a start, right?
The kind of dad to say the kid's tummy looks like a watermelon. Scares you saying he's giving him some ugly name. Laughs a lot at you and says he's so happy.
Part 2/2 of Clueless Until Something Weird and Fucking Scary Happens™ crew.
You see, you know when there are these pregnant women that have really small tummies and then the baby suddenly punches some room for themselves out of nOWHERE and grow? That was it.
He was like "aww look at ur tummy hehehe kiss kiss cute!"
But then in one of these days, he rests his head on your tummy and the baby is like "oof get off of me I'm sWEATING" and then they jAB HIS HEAD.
He jumps up so high and out the bed that you would mistake him for a long ass frog. He points at your tummy and yells "ETHAAAAAAN"
Ethan isn't even rude seeing how terrified he is. Aaron barges in and then suddenly is full of grow ass men watching your man-kicking tummy. Turns out you were just pregnant. Maybe he'll try yahoo answers? Goooosh, this is hard.
When he collects his thoughts, will be more responsible, shy and clingy. He planned this once in his life before, so he's very happy that this happened now that he's sure of you. You put up with him this whole time, he is sure you're gonna be a good mommy too.
With every single piece of clothing the others bring, he gets more and more excited. Confides in Aaron a lot and when he tells the wolf that he can be the godfather, he literally howls and lifts him up. They might cry in the woods.
He is very soft and he will give you support when it's time for the birth. He just won't cry like Vlad bc after the baby cries and Ethan sighs blissfully he passes out in relief. Ethan groans. But takes care of him anyways. He suddenly got softer after the announcement. He seemed to bond with Ivan... But dONT TELL HIM THAT.
He's also going to make u listen to classical music for your child to be born Smart™ and a Person Of Culture™.
Actually very serious and emotional. Vladimir could never with all his crying.
Your kid is gonna grow up very sweet, but not the type to sit down and be bullied or dismissed bc they'll only know that from their father honestly. I stan your baby
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avmisworld · 4 years
Jungkook as your boyfriend:
●     Y'all know Jungkook is MAJOR bf material
●     The cutest bean uwu
●     At the start of your relationship he was probably a bit awkward
●     The poor guy is so inexperienced he forgot what it's like talking to a girl who isn't doing his makeup lol
●     Is scared to do something you won't like so he's always really careful with his words and actions
●     Eventually he'll ease into it and become the shameless loving crackhead you know today
●     But sometimes he'll still get a little shy
●     Whenever he says something too cheesy or makes a cute mistake or you compliment him
●     Always has the cutest bunny smile during these moments
●     Always puts your needs before his own
●     If you're a foreigner, he'll spend hours learning your native language
●     Even though you know Korean and you have no problem communicating uwu
●     Makes sure you're eating well and sleeping enough
●     Even when he's on diets and sleeps two hours a day max :(
●     Always insists to help you even if you don't need it
●     "Y/N, let me help you"
●     "Babe, I'm combing my hair..?"
●     Is always ready to tell you how amazing and beautiful you are whenever you get insecure about your body and talents :'(
●     Is legitimately confused why you would ever be insecure in the first place
●     When he is insecure tho
●     You just tell him the harsh truth
●     That he's the world's cutest, most talented and golden bunny, and he's precious to ARMY and to his members uwu
●     Tells you he loves you at least a hundred times a day just to see you blush and avoid his eyes cutely
●     His favorite thing is making you laugh
●     Loves it when you make him laugh as well
●     He's an hilarious person so he doesn't have to try much to succeed
●     Loves to make funny faces at you during one of your fake-serious banters
●     You two have a shit ton of private jokes (wtf is funny about a plastic cup????)
●     You live on sending each other memes and stupid videos of people falling down stairs lmfao
●     You two are severe crackheads oof
●     It's very likely to find the two of you awake at 3 am having a dance party or karaoke after too much wine
●     Constantly having tickle fights, wrestling matches, pillow fights, what not
●     Do not forget that JK is a savage little shit
●     And that doesn't change because you are his girlfriend *sigh*
●     Teases you about everything and anything
●     Places things high up on purpose just so he can show up later with his chest puffed out and take it down for you with a smirk
●     "Did I hear a damsel in distress?"
●     But makes sure not to take it too far uwu
●     This kid is competitive af omg
●     A relationship with him means turning everything into some race or bet
●     "I bet I can finish this hot dog faster than you"
●     "Whoever brushes their teeth faster gets to shower first!"
●     You see this a lot when the two of you game as well
●     There is no way you can date Jeon Jungkook without playing Overwatch at least once lol
●     Video game tournaments
●     He wins most of the time but if he'll ever lose it's because he let you smh
●     Is competitive also when it comes to other people
●     Always has to prove to you that he's the best and that you made the right choice dating him
●     Like you would ever doubt that pffft
●     Whenever someone impresses you Jungkook would just jump out and be like
●     "That's pretty cool, but did you see the new move I learned?" *breaks neck*
●     Going to a fun fair would just be you going back home with a truckload of plushies from Jungkook winning in all the booths kfkfkd
●     Dates with him are so cute and fun
●     He loves taking you out sm
●     It doesn't matter if it's movie night, ramen dates, dinner dates, lunch dates, beach dates, amusement park dates, coffee dates, workout dates, study dates, ice-skating dates
●     Jungkook's inner child always comes out with you
●     Probably because he never really got the time to be a real child :(
●     You're the only person aside from his members and family who gets to see the real him
●     He's so whipped for you
●     Literal heart eyes
●     Can't stop staring at you with twinkling eyes and a wide bunny smile
●     When you catch him he'll look away and blush but he'll feel satisfied when he sees you blush as well uwu
●     He finds everything you do adorable and can't help but send you bashful laughs and affectionate gazes
●     even if he won't admit it kkk
●     Compliments you all the time
●     Compliments about your looks, your outfits, your smallest, most insignificant achievements uwu
●     Always notices the small things about you that no one else does
●     "Wow, Y/N, these new earrings look so good on you, babe"
●     Basically Jungkook loves to spoil you hehe
●     Buys you presents all the damn time
●     You don't encourage him to do so because you hate feeling like he's your sugar daddy or smth and you aren't with him from his money
●     But he just can't help it when he sees something he knows you'll like
●     Spends more time shopping for you than for himself
●     But it's all worth the gleam of excitement in your eyes when you see his presents
●     Even if you playfully slap him and pout
●     "I told you to stop wasting money on me!"
●     Also makes you his own personal presents uwu
●     Usually gives you them before he goes on tour to cheer you up
●     Anything from portraits of you he drew secretly, to paintings of beautiful landscapes, to songs he wrote for you, to a collage of pictures you took of you
●     Jungkook loves taking pictures and videos of you
●     Takes snaps of you secretly cause he knows you're shy uwu
●     His camera roll and gallery is entirely filled with pictures of you sleeping, eating, laughing, smiling, staring, talking, etc…
●     Plus cute selfies and candid shots of the two of you with huge grins and arms wrapped around each other
●     And memey selfies of the two of you that you would literally bury yourself if anyone would find lol
●     Also has little, random videos of you just scrolling on your phone or something
●     "Y/N, look at mee~~"
●     It's really hard when Jungkook leaves for tour for both of you
●     Late night video calls almost every day
●     Even when Kook is after a concert, with his eyelids sticking to each other like glue π-π
●     Calls you half asleep and the two of you just talk about meaningless stuff until one of you falls asleep uwu
●     Sends you snaps all day of him and the guys and everything they're doing
●     Does it so you'll see he's having fun and staying healthy
●     Wants you to do the same so you send him selfies of you and your boring university lifestyle
●     He insists that he finds it interesting and that he wants to see your face
●     "I can't be deprived of touching you and seeing you! It's too much."
●     Doesn't answer texts ever so you mostly communicate through phone/video calls and snaps/memes
●     When he comes back from tour you wait for him at the airport
●     His face lights up when he sees you and he smiles so wide π-π
●     No matter how exhausted he is he runs to you like a lighting bolt
●     Hugs you tightly and twirls you around while the other members watch fondly
●     One of the few times he'll agree to so much PDA
●     Usually he doesn't really like being too touchy in public
●     But he always holds your hand just to make sure you're next to him, safe and sound uwu
●     Brings you so much souvenirs from his trip abroad to make you feel like you were there with him
●     Snow globes, magnets, clothes, key chains, plushies…
●     All of it to remind you he thought about you every single day he was away
●     When you're together you're so domestic
●     If it's making food together, Jungkook teaching you BTS' newest choreo, working out, or even cleaning the house together
●     Nothing's boring with Jungkook
●     He's a whole different person when you're alone
●     Calls you sweet nicknames like "baby", "babe", "jagi", "princess" and "angel"
●     He's singing all day so it feels like your constantly stuck in "The Greatest Showman"
●     But you can't really complain cause Gukkie's sweet honey voice is your favourite thing to hear
●     Sometimes he'll talk to you in songs only to piss you off
●     But most of the time he'll sing to you when you can't sleep or when you feel sad or sick
●     He'll comb his hands through your hair gently while he sings to you softly *heart-attack*
●     Picks you up all the time
●     It might be because he loves to prove that he's strong enough to protect you and cherish you
●     But also because he loves hearing your shrieks of surprise and soft laughter
●     Piggybacks on the street, carrying you bridal style around the house, lifting you up like a baby in his arms when you playfully fight and twirling you around
●     Just all the time really
●     "Okay, okay, I'm sorry~~ Please let me down"
●     Because you live together when he's in Korea you're always stealing his clothes
●     He pretends to not like it and demands you to give it back to him
●     But if you're ever cold or in the need of some clothing he'll be the first to throw you his wardrobe
●     His slightly possessive nature feeds off seeing you all small and soft in his clothes
●     It probably turns him on tbh
●     Because of this he has a big thing for couple items as well
●     Whether it's outfits, phone cases, lockscreens, accessories, and eventually jewelry (like promise rings uwu)
●     Brags about you to the members 24/7
●     "Look at this picture I took of Y/N when she wasn't looking! Isn't she the prettiest?"
●     "Hyung, did you hear that Y/N was voted for best student in her class? Wah, I was really so impressed! She's a genius."
●     The members high-key tease him for it and say it's annoying
●     But they secretly think it's adorable how happy you make him and adore you so much for it fr
●     You getting along with the rest of the members so well makes Jungkook really happy
●     Even though he might get too protective sometimes
●     Gets jealous often and is horrible at hiding it despite not saying it directly smh
●     Watches from afar when you laugh at something Taehyung says, pinching his cheek lightly
●     His eyebrows are furrowed and he's tonguing his cheek like he always does when he's jealous
●     Eventually he has enough and comes over to you
●     Pecks your cheek or pulls you to sit in his lap and tells everyone about the date you have planned for tomorrow
●     "So, me and Y/N are planning to go to a picnic tomorrow at Han river…"
●     And you're trying so hard not to smile cause he's just being so obvious and you find it cute
●     A few time his jealousy leads to fights tho
●     Fighting with Jungkook in general is a rare occurrence
●     But when you do fight it can get pretty bad
●     Rather than shouting or losing his temper, Jungkook tends to shut himself off when the fight is serious
●     He stays quiet and talks only when it's necessary
●     "Whatever" "Do what you want"
●     It's mostly because he's afraid to say something he'll regret later
●     He'll probably leave the apartment and go to the gym/studio/dorm room to calm down and clear his head
●     Because both of you have big egos, it might take a few days to make up
●     If Jungkook's at fault, he will eventually swallow his pride and apologize to you
●     If it were the other way around tho
●     You're not going to hear a word from him until you admit you were at fault
●     No matter how much it'll hurt him to be away from you
●     Even after the fight is over it might take a little time for things to go back to how they were
●     Because Jungkook's pride and insecurities might get in the way of him approaching you
●     But with enough patience you'll be back to being the inseparable couple you were before
●     In case you think I forgot
●     Skinship is a must in your relationship
●     Jungkook loves to cuddle with you
●     He's always the big spoon, with his hands underneath your (his) shirt, just gently caressing the skin of your stomach and hips
●     Or with you laying on top of his chest, legs tangled together
●     A lot of times cuddling leads to heated make out sessions and even more
●     When he's troubled or exhausted he likes to nuzzle his head in the junction between your shoulder and neck and just breathe you in
●     Tight hugs when you see each other after a while with his hands pressing your face to his chest protectively
●     Back hugs are a must obviously
●     Creeps up behind you when you're working and scares the frick out of you when he wraps his arms around your waist
●     Loves forehead kisses because it's another opportunity to boast about how tall he is smh
●     Also cheek kisses, nose kisses, ear kisses, neck kisses, knuckle kisses and lip kisses ofc lol
●     Kisses you out of the blue and then pretends like nothing happened
●     "Sorry, I couldn't help it"
●     Lots of sweet, soft, loving kisses uwu
●     Has a thing for nibbling/biting you (mostly your earlobe/bottom lip/fingers)
●     Loves giving hickeys oml
●     It fits his possessive nature perfectly
●     The more people know you belong to him, the better
●     Loves when you sit in his lap skdjd
●     He wraps his arms around your stomach and pulls you closer so he can place his chin on your shoulder, occasionally leaving butterfly kisses all over your neck and shoulders
●     Also into cuter things like poking your cheeks when you do something cute, ruffling your hair, tickling you and pinching your cheeks and bopping your nose.
●     When it comes to bed, Jungkook is definitely a dom
●     Just like he is on stage kdkck
●     Puts your pleasure before his own and makes sure you're a 10474859% with whatever he's doing beforehand
●     Sex after a fight or after he gets jealous and needs to remind himself you're only his
●     Dirty talk ahhhh
●     He can also be soft tho
●     Like when he's making love to you omg my hearteu
●     Whispering praises and sweet words in your ear
●     Staring into your eyes with his dark, intense ones
●     Moans alot and likes it when you do too
●     Occasionally he lets you have the upper hand
●     Doesn't spend too much time on aftercare because he wants to go back to holding you as quickly as possible
●     The two of you fall asleep naked with your bodies completely tangled together
●     Also likes showering with you
●     less in a sexual way and more as another opportunity to pamper you
●     Scrubs you carefully and puts shampoo for you
●     Uses soap foam to grow you a fake beard this boi srsly
●     Basically he loves you like no one else and you're destined to be
●     The best boi there is <3
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knightsandjedis · 4 years
Let the pettiness commence
Let me be frank here when stating that if the quarantine weren’t happening I would probably remain the type of blogger to just re-blog posts without commenting or making my own posts. I enjoy looking at things more than commenting what can I say? I should say thanks and welcome to all the followers I’ve gained these past few years. You all are awesome and hope you all are staying safe during these troublesome times!
Alright, I’m going from civil to petty here and I should forewarn you if you’re a fan of Sarah J. Maas and her novels you’ll prefer to stay away then listen to my rant. Just being polite and giving a heads up.
Listen, there are periods where atrocious books become a major part of trending pop culture. Eventually, the hype dies down and people can take a deep inhale of relief. Around the 2010s time-period, the hype was focused on Twilight books. No matter where you went you felt suffocated by the hyper-fixation people had on this series. I’ll be honest I was an avid Twilight lover for a period until I wised up and had to recognize these books are horrendous and having a bad influence on teens during my era. Teens were getting Aids from drinking each other’s blood literally, they were drinking someone’s blood literally. While they’re still popular main society’s attention has begun to wane.
Pop culture has an new interest in Sarah J. Maas’s series: Throne of Glass (ToG) and A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR). At one time I was part of the fan-base obsessed with her books. During a bleak period where every book I purchased ending up a dud despite strong premises; Maas’s first books, in both series, were a breath of fresh air. They had characters you found hysterical and enjoyed the story-lines (even though the storytelling was meh at times) and you couldn’t help anticipating future novels to see where the novels took these characters. Both series died for me at the books: Queen of Shadows and A Court of Mist and Fury.
These novels were my wake-up call to Maas’ manipulative storytelling patterns and her inconsistent characterizations. She completely morphs characters depending on the scenario. A noble, decent character is turned heinous to either add unnecessary drama or to make readers turn their affections towards another character Maas’ manipulates into becoming “the hero”- typically a love interest. Usually, the first-or second in TOG- love interests are noble characters with a few flaws but nothing to make readers despise them other than the fact they’re not the prettiest men in the series. Literally, readers adore the male characters that are otherworldly attractive than an average looking male who is humane and unproblematic. Problematic much? The message I’m receiving is you should fall in love with a pretty face rather than explore the person’s entire being (this includes past history, personality, characterization, etc).
People will say I’m petty because I’m annoyed Chaol and Tamlin did not remain the love interests. This is absolutely untrue. I’m annoyed Maas had to pull absolute garbage reasoning out of her ass to make the characters despicable.
Let’s start with Throne of Glass. Celaena (I refuse to call her Aelin because the name visually repulses me, it sounds like something Maas stole out of better high fantasy novels) realizes she doesn’t find Dorian compatible and finds Chaol more of an equal. Chaol has flaws but his main one seems to be he’s good-looking but only average in comparison to Dorian and Rowan- whose sex on legs apparently. Maas realizes people will deny Rowan as a love interest (after he gets into a punching match with Celaena) so she has to make Celaena despise Chaol and interact towards him with hostility despite her recognition Chaol had his reasoning's for certain events in previous novels. Then, Maas takes Chaol’s character, who is known for being awkward around women and loyal to a fault, and make him have one night stands, cheating on women, and apparently the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong because Celaena can’t own up she made mistakes. Nehemia also died to give Celaena that necessary push to go against the king but it’s entirely Chaol’s fault for Nehemia’s death since Celaena can do no wrong. Horseshit I say.
Dorian is not a match, Chaol is the bane of Celaena’s existence so Rowan is her champion. Gag. I actually liked Rowan in Heir of Fire but I found it repulsive how Celaena keeps throwing herself at him in Queen of Shadows and growing dependent on him. When she put him in a bath and started throwing her favorite shampoos in I found it to be the most awkward scene. It’s a moment someone with limited knowledge of sexual encounters would conjure up. “Let me give my love interest a bubble bath!” I’ve read these type of bath scenes in other novels but they’re more maturely done. Although I have to remember these books are written for teens. Then, they become mates. A contradicting setup because he had a mate in the past. But, no one is compatible unless they’re mates in Maas’ world. So, mates are stuck together and seem to have a servant/master relationship in certain portions of the stories. Yuck, just yuck.
Readers if you have to state someone is someone else’s mate so you’re aware they’re a thing then it’s probably not a healthy relationship since you’re staying they own that person in Maas’ world-building.
I’m going to stop while I’m ahead when writing about Rowan and Caelena because they repulse me. Buuuttt not to the same extent as Feyre and Rhysand. I absolutely despise these characters with every fiber of my being. This is one of the most unhealthiest relationships I’ve ever read. Before I jump into why they’re disgusting let me just say I love how everybody hopped on the Feyre adoration bandwagon only when she got into a relationship with Rhysand. Nobody liked her until she got.into.a.relationship.with.Rhysand. Wow!
Listen, I understand why Feyre couldn’t stay with Tamlin after what he did (ahem what Maas decided he should do). However contradictory Tamlin’s characterization was the relationship had turned unhealthy. Yetttt, no one batted an eye with Rhysand was giving Feyre date rape drugs, forcing her to give him lap dances making her sick when she came out of the haze, and her being entirely repulsed when he made-out with her. Plus, I read Rhysand as a gay or bi character when he was introduced. I think he would be a better character as a gay male seeking a friendship than their disgusting love story. He goes from giving her roofies and at least seeming like a morally gray character to Feyre’s champion. Yeah, not buying the bullshit.
I pity Tamlin’s character truly- he was butchered beyond recognition. He goes from allowing Feyre to wander to her heart’s extent- as long as she wasn’t in dangerous areas- to locking her up because he thought it made sense. He’s suddenly possessive of her in the most disgusting ways (but Rhysand isn’t possessive in the slightest even when he calls Feyre his “mate!”). All these details were added to make Rhys’ character more heroic. Rhys goes from being a somewhat tolerable character in his actions to a fucking messiah. Rhysand goes from roofie expert to whisking Feyre away for her own safety. Rhysand assists Feyre under the mountain unlike Tamlin! (Because the queen didn’t give a shit about Rhysand and he wasn’t under her radar to the extent as Tamlin). He loves reading stories with Feyre unlike Tamlin. (Hmm, Tamlin offers to teach Feyre to read which she stubbornly refuses because she’s independent but Rhysand forces her to learn and he’s romantic!). And gasp, Tamlin ended up being the one who murdered Rhysand’s family hence their animosity (hahahaha how desperate are you Maas, I mean seriously how pathetic). Feyre, just like Caelena, was forced into this relationship with another abuser painted as a hero in storytelling. Rhysand and Rowan are constructed into heroes to make their disgusting actions justifiable in comparison to Chaol and Tamlin’s ruined characters.
I’m mostly focused on the main relationships since that’s all I keep hearing about. Changing subjects briefly, Maas’ does not acknowledge PoC or LGBTQIA unless readers are pointing out lack of representation. If they’re introduced you’re guaranteed either they die to promote the white lead’s agenda or forced to become a villain. What kind of statement does that make, Maas???? Also, her world-building is beyond odd. Random characters get introduced in weird scenarios that she has to force into the story-line just for sprucing purposes (Manon and the 12 and the 12 princesses from Earth or whatever). Really, what were the purposes of these characters???? And these kingdoms are written so bad. One realm has everyone wearing Renaissance era clothing while the next realm has people dressing hipster I mean wtf?
The reason for my rant is that I needed to get it out of my system. Lately, I cannot get away from these garbage novels. I’m on my Kindle the books are recommended. I’m on Goodreads her books are recommended and keep winning Book of the Year despite better novels being on the same list. I go on Facebook someone mentions deciding to give the series a spin under quarantine. I’m on tumblr (if you’re a fan then that’s fine, enjoy what you love) and artwork keeps popping up. I love it’s typically Feyre giving Rhysand lap-dances in the earlier part of the series where she’s desolate and sicken by these moments. People are quite forgetful when they want to ignore something in order to make Rhysand babe. I wish I knew how to block anything Sarah J Maas on here because I’m trying to escape. I want to read other authors’ novels and not have Maas’ smug face pop up on my recommendation lists. (Her books are on every list on Goodreads- every freaking list!) Hopefully, when quarantine ends the hype will quiet again but I’m getting ticked off here.
Just had to get it off my chest. I’ll probably go back to quietly ignoring the recommendations and artwork but I’m having a moment here.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What do you waste your time doing the most? I’ve wasted so much time these past few years doing absolutely nothing. :/
Have you ever been backstabbed? If so, what for? Honestly, nothing major comes to mind.
If you could be anything, what would you be? A healthy, functioning, happy person.
If you could be any TV show character, who would you choose to be? Hm, I don’t know.
If you switched genders for one day, what would you do? The same things just as another gender.
What power would you choose to have if you were superhuman? Time travel would be cool.
What stereotype/clique would you say you are more like? Loser, freak, loner, nerd, etc. <<< We can be in a clique together.
How do you handle being under pressure? Not well.
What does your phone cover look like? It’s clear and has Winnie the Pooh sitting inside a big “hunny” jar underneath a beehive that’s hanging off a branch and a few little bees flying around him on it. It’s cute.
Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what was it? Downloading music and stuff like that. Big rebel.
What is the perfect weather to you? Fall and winter weather.
If you were a stripper, what would your stage name be? I don’t know.
What is your favorite holiday, why? I just love everything about Christmastime.
What is your least favorite bug? Um, I don’t like ANY bug.
What is your favorite thing in the opposite sex? Hmm.
What is your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life...
What is something your looking forward to? Nothing at the moment.
If you could live on any planet, which one would you choose? Earth works for me.
What is your favorite junk food? Chips and dip, ramen, sweets.
If you could have any animal as a pet, which one would you choose? I like having a doggo. 
What is your favorite time of the day? When I have my first cup of coffee and late at night when I do my nightly routine of scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, and listening to ASMR.
What name do you wish you had? I’m fine with my name.
What would your dream home be like? A beach house for sure.
What is your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
Where is your favorite place to be? In bed, at the beach, Disneyland.
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas. 
What is something you’re embarrassed about? My appearance and who I’ve become these past few years. Just myself in general, really.
What is one thing you’d like to be the best at? I don’t need to be the best, I’d just like to be skilled at something useful at least.
Ever been on Chatroulette? (; Yeah.
What is the song that you know every single word to? There’s several. 
Most painful memory? Losing my grandparents and my dog, Brandie are definitely at the top. 
If you could be anywhere, where would you be? I’m good being in bed right now.
What is your favorite place in the whole wide world? The places I listed before.
A word that to you is impossible to spell? Onomatopoeia is always a hard one to remember. <<< For me too and I don’t know why.
What’s something that you collect? Giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks.
Listener or Talker? Listener.
Thing you hate the most about the opposite sex? I don’t group or generalize like that. There’s things I don’t like that people of any gender might do. 
Could have anything you wanted right now, what would you have? To feel better.
Scariest movie you’ve ever seen? Hmm.
What is the most awkward moment you’ve been in? My life.
A memory you’ll never forget? Many good memories with my grandparents who have passed away.
One of your quirks? Constantly picking/biting my lips.
What type of phone do you have? An iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Favorite quote or saying? I have several.
Something you wanna do before you die? Live, I guess seems like the acceptable answer. <<<
What is a habit of yours? I check the time a lot. Look around you.. What is the thing you like the most around you? My adorable little Baby Yoda plushie next to me on my bed.
Favorite possession? I love all my stuff.
Favorite shirt? All my graphic tees.
Something you own that means a great deal to you? The things I own are important to me.
What is the name of your best friend? Yolanda.
What is your favorite shoes? My Adidas.
Least favorite singer? Hmm.
Something you love and hate at the same time? I’m blanking.
Are you one of those people who don’t like to admit when their wrong? No, I’m quick to admit I’m wrong and blame myself for everything.
Girls who try to much are annoying.. Aren’t they? Anyone who tries too hard can be annoying.
What color makes you relax? A color doesn’t make me relax.
Are you an awkward type of person? Yep, that’s me.
Is it hard for you to make friends? Yes, but also I don’t really try either.
How would you like to leave this earth? Painlessly.
What do you find stupid but most people like? I’ll never understand why Crocs became trendy and then to make it wore they started making accessories for them and I’m just like wtf??
What is a hobby you have? Doing surveys.
What’s your plans for next weekend? Nothing. Have any big dreams? What are they? No. :/
Restaurant that is horrible. Hm.
Have a fetish for anything? No.
Do you like long or short surveys? I like long surveys.
What age did you stop playing with dolls or action figures? Around 11.
Do you think your more mature then most of yours friends? I don’t have any friends.
Like labels? For some things they’re useful.
Does your school have cliques? --
Do you enjoy running? No.
Something that you are horrible at but wish you were good at. I wish I had some artistic ability.
A sport you think is dumb? I’m not into any sport.
What is your favorite food? Ramen, breakfast burritos, biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs, boneless wings, chicken tenders, pizza, chicken quesadillas, pasta salads, sandwiches, sweets, chips, spaghetti and meatballs...
Ever think about what it would be like to be someone else? Yes.
Night owl or Early Bird? Both since I’m usually still up early in the morning. Lately, though, I’ll doze off for a little while and wake up early.
What celebrity would you not mind meeting? I certainly wouldn’t mind meeting Alexander Skarsgard. ;)
What’s your favorite TV channel? TV Land, CMT, The Hallmark Channel, MTV.
Have texting? Yeah.
You have 3 wishes. What are they? Good health, financial stability, and... more wishes. ha.
What did you first think about when you woke up? I haven’t gone to bed, yet.
What’s the last thing you thought about before you went to sleep? ^^^
Something you would change about this planet. Can be anything. Make it more clean. <<<
What do you want to be when you grow up? Or what are you? I’m nothing.
Like cartoons? Which one is your favorite? Some of them - I miss Doug, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, As Told By Ginger... <<< Check out Paramount+ if you can! Also, I like those as well. Plus, Winnie the Pooh the animated series and Arthur are two I watched recently and still like I don’t care how old I am. I really wish some streaming service would add Braceface.
Do you watch what you eat? Nope.
Have a favorite number? What is it? 8, because I like the way that it’s shaped. <<< Yeah, it’s been my favorite since I was a kid.
Are you quiet or loud? I’m a quiet person.
Were you an annoying baby? That’s not what I’ve been told.
Worst subject? Math was always my worst subject.
Best subject? English.
What’s your favorite brand of shoe? Adidas. 
What’s your favorite month? Why? October-December. I love the holidays and the weather.
Favorite season? Fall and winter.
Least favorite holiday? Hmm.
Do you try new foods or do you stick with what you know you like? These past few weeks I started eating more than just the same few things I had been eating for the past few years. Not new foods necessarily, though there has been some of that, but revisiting some foods I used to eat and seeing if I can eat them or not now. It’s been a good experience so far. I have to really try and put on weight and get my health and strength back up, so that’s what began this whole thing.
Love pictures or hate them? I love pictures. Not of myself, but other things.
Have you ever thought about going to Fiji? I wouldn’t be opposed.
What’s your favorite movie character? I have many.
Have any nicknames? What are they? Sis is my most common.
Who do you miss? Loved ones who have passed away. <<<
Someone have your heart? Someone of your heart but doesn’t know? Just me.
Have any sports you love? What are they? Nope.
Do you keep to yourself or are you out there? I very much keep to myself.
What’s your outlook on life? Not good. :/
Have any moments that took your breath away? Yeah.
What is the prettiest object/person/landscape/anything that you have seen? I like beach scenes and woodland scenes. Waterfalls are also nice, or mountains/hills. <<< Yesss.
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve? My emotions have definitely taken control over me and I can’t hide them.
What’s your style? Very casual and comfy.
Did you like this survey? Cause I might make more! Sure.
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kheta · 5 years
The Lesbian One
SakuHina head canon where the dark haired, noble clan inheriting child she falls in love with is Hinata instead of Sasuke. 
Bullies were making fun of Sakura for her forehead and Hinata said, through bright red blushes that she thinks Sakura is the prettiest girl Hinata knows, other than her Mother.
This gives Sakura self-confidence of doom and she doesn’t care about her looks anymore because suck on that, kind, cool Hinata thinks she’s the prettiest girl around!
Sakura giving Hinata the support she deserves.
Hinata being grateful and always reminding Sakura how cool Sakura is.
Hinata still being shy, but working on her shyness because there’s no way Sakura doesn’t praise the very ground her crush walks on.
“HINATA-CHAN! YOU DID IT! YOU’RE SO AWESOME! Isn’t she awesome Ino????”
Academy Arc:
Hinata told Sakura she wanted to be a strong shinobi like her father, but kind like her mother and Sakura heard “I wanna be the strongest ninja out!” To make sure her crush succeeds in her goals, Sakura promised to be the best kunoichi ever, so her and Hinata could be equals.
She studies to be the top kunoichi of her year and trains with Hinata a lot, complementing Hinata for every hit she makes and drowns Hinata in support.
Sakura hates Naruto. With a passion, nothing to do with Naruto being Naruto and everything to do with Hinata crushing on him. This hate manifests in her declaring them rivals.
Sakura is 100% the type to wonder why her rivals an idiot and to feel frustrated that an idiot like Naruto makes Hinata blush or laugh. The angrier she is the more she demands to spar him in taijutsu, they both get dramatically good at it.
Sakura because if Naruto drags a fight to stamina he’d totally win, so she figures she needs to get stronger with her form, finish the fight sooner. Naruto because he’s always been a hands on person and kata’s don’t make any sense to him, but whatever Sakura-chan does works for her, so he doesn’t mind copying her. Plus, Sakura's scary strong when she wants to be and Naruto makes a point of not getting hit from her.
Naruto becomes the fastest ninja in their year...Whenever Sakura’s involved. Not even Sasuke can catch him when he’s running from Sakura and he’s tried, it’s good practice.
Hinata once made an off-handed remark when she was training that Naruto has some pretty large chakra coils and Sakura’s been trying to increase her chakra coils since. (Muttering, “Stupid Naruto can barely hold a kunai right without me having to smack him sideways but he’s the one Hinata compliments?”) Moral is Sakura makes him a very competent ninja, but only because she’s like “An idiot like you can’t even aim properly, look at me, I’m better! Shifting my weight properly, unlike you!” and Naruto just copies her because to prove people wrong is in his blood and if she can do it, then all he has to do is copy her to do it better.
Unfortunately she can’t do much for his chakra control in the academy.
Everyone at the academy except Ino and Shikamaru thinks Sakura likes Sasuke because once she during an argument with Ino she screamed that “DON’T BE STUPID I LIKE” Pointed at Hinata, who happened to be with Sasuke. She didn’t finish the sentence because she looked at Hinata when she pointed and Hinata smiled and she melted.
Sasuke figures out Sakura doesn’t like him when he notices she blushes around Hinata more than him and this one time Hinata dropped one of her salves, so he gave it back to her the next day in class and the glare she gave him was telling.
As long as you’re not Hinata, Sakura has no problem expressing her crush. When Hinata’s around she never says I like you Hinata, but her actions are telling.
Sakura and Ino are still best friends because only Ino wants Sasuke and they only fight when Ino says Sasuke is better than Hinata.
Ino gets way better at taijutsu as well, because if her best friends going to be the strongest kunoichi then hell no is Ino gonna get left behind.
It gets to a point where Inoichi’s like “Ino darling you don’t need to be so serious about taijutsu, you know how we Yamanaka fight” and Ino’s like “WHAT DO YOU MEAN? HELL NO IS SAKURA GONNA BE STRONGER THAN ME, I REFUSE TO BE PROTECTED BY HER!!!!”
Genin Arc:
Hinata is an oblivious eggplant and thinks Sakura is just a very supportive friend.
Kiba, “She asked you to live happily with her as the strongest kunoichi in the future,”
Hinata, eyes sparkling, “Yeah isn’t it cool, I’m so lucky to have such a supportive friend with me.”
Kiba ships Hinata and Happiness (it’s canon guys) so he’s Sakura’s biggest wingman but Hinata manages to turn every cute, romance-y moment they have into a friend thing.
Kiba could see Sakura’s crush from a mile away, it wasn’t until the Chunin exams that he realised they weren’t dating though. This is when he begins being Sakura’s wingman.
Kiba looks over at Hinata, “You know...If we meet Sakura and them in this exam, I won’t let you hold back. We’ve worked too hard for your feelings to stop us and if she’s the enemy, we face her.”
Hinata smiles softly at Kiba and stammers out, “I’d never do that, Sakura-chan would hate it if I held back against her, as her friend I will fight her with my all!”
“I do not believe Kiba means your feelings as her friend? Why? Because it is clear he is speaking of the deeper connection you two share.”
“Ano– Ino-san is her best friend, though Sakura-chan and I are certainly good friends.”
Cue two more minutes of them tryna coax Hinata to admit her and Sakura have something before they realise Hinata doesn’t know about Sakura’s crush and looking at each other in amazement because like. Now that they’re genin, Sakura is way less subtle because she misses Hinata and wtf, how had Hinata not realised yet?
Also Sakura wins her fight with Ino bc Ino’s strong af but she doesn’t have any concrete goal in mind, she’s just getting strong to be Sakura’s equal and Sakura’s like ‘giiiirl I’m tryna be the strongest to protect my wife you hear!’
When Sakura meets Neji she understands what true hatred is and it’s only Kakashi’s warning her that Hinata would hurt more if she jumped in that stopped her from trying to fight him. She doesn’t speak to Kakashi for the whole month she trains, trying to justify if Hinata’s pride was worth her life.
She totally trains with Gai for that month because Kakashi is lazy and Gai was around and Sakura is hella strong, she just needs motivation like Gai!
Hinata still has a big fat crush on Naruto until shippuden and when she canon confesses and nearly dies, Sakura confesses to her and says shit like “You don’t have to love me/ I’ve accepted that you won’t, no matter how hard I try. But as your friend I want you to promise, you won’t ever do something so reckless. I don’t wnt to lose you Hinata. You’re my special person I can’t lose you.”
Hinata is 140% confused and then like. She just notices Sakura. How fucking cool and kind she is and she’s always appreciated Sakura and thought she was beautiful but. She’s never really looked at those arms and damn are they defined. And her smile just makes Hinata feel at ease?
There’s no big crisis for Hinata, she realises quite quickly she’s getting feels for her bff but like shes Hinata. Sakura confesses a crush she’s had for years on this girl with the self confidence of a potato chip and said potato chip pines bc shes an idiot potato
everyone is Big Mad, even fucking Naruto
hes like ‘girl i cant like u. its against the bro code, pls talk to my bff’ and hinata is thinking ‘i know u ass. i just cant tho. shes legit perfection and ive hyped her up my whole life even if we like eavh other it wont work and family and a motherfuckn war’
Gaiden Arc:
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joongzone-blog · 5 years
ateez reaction to meeting their famous crush
anon: can you do a reaction to ateez meeting there famous crush? thx
mimi: this is gender neutral! <3
. . . 
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he’d be so professional about it since they’d meet at an awards show or something
they’d exchange hellos, welcomes, bows all that good stuff
obv he’d congratulate them for winning an award but he’d be very awkward and shy
then backstage, he’d be filming and the pd would ask how he felt while meeting his crush
and he’d reply professionally
“it was such a nice feeling seeing someone i adored so much for the first time, and to congratulate them was such an honor−”
wooyoung coming in like
“hongjoongie-hyung is lying he really hated meeting them, he told me it was the worst experience he ever had meeting a celebrity”
joong would laugh like hAhaHa! 
“wooyoung is such a comedian! haha! see you at the dorm later wooyoung-ah”
and hes grinning and wooyoung is running away
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oof. he is so cute T__T anyone think seonghwa w black hair look like bran stark?
he’d react the same way as hongjoong: professional, formal and polite since they’re both older
i think he’d be shyer and more polite than hongjoong
maybe . even . clumsy . hehe . 
him and his crush are nominated to mc on a music show and after meeting them he’d go on vlive
atiny would ask him how he felt meeting his crush
and he’d laugh at himself cause he remembers tripping on his own feet before meeting his crush backstage
his crush would catch him and laugh: “are you okay?”
“hAhAhA. oh my god, i’m so sorry. i’m just really nervous. hello. it’s so nice to meet you.”
“no need to be formal we’re the same age!”
“ah yes.”
− awkward silence − a lot of them
djsfhskhd and thats all that seonghwa remembers bc he’s so embarrassed of how much of a fool he made of himself
but atiny would tell him he did really great mc’ing so that would help him feel so much better
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i think he’d react polite but also extra friendly bc he’s just a big friendly bear >:(
they’d be collabing for a dance video and before learning and practicing the choregraphy they’d meet up so that they’d get to know each other first
so they’d meet in front of a restaurant and when they’d shake hands yunho would grab their hand and compare it to his
“wtf ur hands are so small”
“please dont mention it, everybody says that”
“you’re like hongjoong-hyung, his hands are like a child’s”
“are you saying im a child?”
and yunho would bow to say sorry “no sunbaenim, sorry”
but their crush would laugh and tell him he was just kidding 
“you don’t have to be so polite we’re friends now”
and yunho would get so smiley
a happy baby ^ - ^ 
and during their meal they’d constantly insult each other and get super close that they exchange personal numbers 
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kang yeosang you are the prettiest person on this planet
ahhhh he’d be getting ready to meet his famous crush so he’d be very very nervous inside and outside
his legs are shaking, he won’t stop talking and when he’s on camera for the behind the scenes he’s extra nervous
his hair stylist tells him not to be nervous that his crush would really enjoy meeting him: “you’re always nervous meeting people but once you actually meet them you’re super cool and so easy-going so there’s nothing to worry about”
pd is like “but this is your crush!”
yeosang is in jitters again!!!
D: yeosang on the inside D:
“thank you pd-nim, your words of advice soothe me. i appreciate it. director, if you’re watching this, you should give them a pay rise.”
and everyone in the room is laughing 
and when he meets his crush he really is calm!!!
he’s sooooo friendly, constantly asking questions about them and making them laugh
throwing in a joke here and again, and once they get comfortable w each other
his crush starts doing skinship :’)!!!
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girl, this bitch would obviously pull out his cuteness
when they meet san would be polite as hell
and when his crush compliments him 
he’d be ^ - ^ bc he loves to be complimented, he feels validated
he’d then do some cute peace sign and say thank you in a cute way
his crush would get heart eyes
“ahhh you’re so cute! how are you so cute?”
but back to the professionalism he’d get to work with his crush with whatever they’re doing
but while they’re doing what they’re doing
san is constantly awe struck with his crush
bc he’s so friendly they get so comfortable with each other so quickly
and also bc he’s so clingy and touchy-feely
san constantly keeps bumping his crush’s arm 
and when they’re laughing (omg insert compilation of san’s cute laugh here)
san would fall on his crush laughing just bc he loves their company and how funny they really are
when he leaves, he makes an ig video and says thank you to his crush for being so kind to him and shows everyone the gift his crush gave him
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aw cute baby would be so shocked :o but also so excited :D
it’d be his bday and the company would bring his crush to his surprise bday vlive 
and his reaction would be so dramatic 
his crush would try to shake his hand or hug him
but mingi would be so in-denial that his crush is there he’d back away and tell everyone to stop joking around
“this isn’t funny!!! technology is so advanced now i know that’s a hologram!!!”
everyone laughing at him like there’s no tomorrow cause he’s so dramatic
and when they finally get to shake hands and hug
mingi just engulfs them bc he’s so tall and his arms are so long!!!
he can’t believe it still so he’s constantly pinching his crush’s arm just to check that they’re real
“wow.....not a hologram.....this is so cool”
hongjoong joking around asking mingi’s crush dumb questions like
“is mingi close to your type?”
and mingi just kicks him away bc he’s so embarrassed
“i’m sorry. please ignore my members they enjoy teasing the soft big guy”
ahhh and his crush would be so flattered by him and they’d feel shy bc he’s just so handsome and cute!!!
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flirty baby would be so shy at first!!!
he’d react like yunho, polite and formal bc he wants to make a good impression
they meet on a radio show and they get asked what their first impressions of each other are
wooyoung is so smiley and cute and he tryna flirt while saying his answer
“i’m so nervous right now bc my crush is sitting right in front of me. i hope they like me enough to exchange numbers with me”
and everyone would scream
even the fans outside
his crush would get so shy and start blushing that they’re left speechless 
they can’t look at wooyoung any longer than 3 secs
then wooyoung gets asked about his sexy side and is asked to do something sexy for his crush
and obviously, bc he’s so confident he’d do it
and then he gets soooooooooo shy its so fkn cute
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he’d be so cocky and constantly singing to his crush
but his crush is so shy so they would shy away constantly
“are my good looks too much for you? would you like me to bring in wooyoung-hyung so you’re okay?”
“you have so much confidence, you’re too cute ahh what should i do”
and they’d laugh
like laughter everywhere
he’s such a flirt like fr i see it
obviously he’d be polite too and be professional 
but bc his crush is so shy he’d joke to get them comfortable so it’s not awkward
he’d be the one to initiate convos and constantly ask questions about them 
and then before they depart his crush is comfortable enough to ask him to break an apple for them
and duhhhh jongho does because he’s so cocky but in a cute way c:
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anon here is v curious about your headcanons for john/veronica/roger pls share
Okay you had no idea what you were getting yourself into when you asked me this. I will not apologize for my passions
My wife @candidroger​ and I have built out an elaborate world wherein John/Veronica/Roger are together and pure. It’s gonna be long, so STRAP IN! (long rant below the cut)
okay so it starts like this: roger and ronnie grow up in the same town and are bffs and  when they’re like seventeen roger realizes that he might..not..be straight?? he’s like definitely bi but more into dick than vagina
and he has STRICT parents who are homophobes so he’s like oh shit this is bad
and ronnie realizes that she has STRICT parents who just don’t want to see their baby girl go off and live her life in london like she’s always dreamed of? like they’re like, we can’t have you live ALONE in the BIG CITY where you could DIE so why don’t you stay here in town and just never leave the nest
so ronnie and roger are commiserating together over a bunch of wkds because they’re trash when they come to the realization that if they marry EACH OTHER they can not only make roger’s parents think he’s straight but also have ronnie’s parents let her go to uni in london
AND THEN THEY DO! they get married and roger’s parents are SO PROUD and ronnie’s parents are like, ugh FINE (minus Grandma Tetz but she deserves HER OWN STORY because that woman is hell in a handbasket and i love her)
So Ronnie and Roger move down to London together and they proceed to just fuck shit up. They have an excellent report with each other because these kids are inSANE. like they write up a prenup that is basically just that when they divorce, whoever has had the most sexual partners during their wedding wins their whole liquor stash, and that the cats (Mrs. Fuzzles [he’s a boy] and Gilgamesh [she’s a girl]) have a very detailed custody agreement. Its written on the back of a take away menu and they got it fucking notarized because they’re ~extra~
Ronnie also takes sick pleasure in trying to sabotage Roger’s chances of winning the liquor stash by kicking down his door while he’s in flagrante and being like “WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN BED WITH MY HUSBAND!”
She’s only supposed to do it the morning after, but she’s competitive and in it to win
(That’s how they meet Freddie)(he refuses to leave because he lives for the drama)
Anyways so fast forward and Queen is now a thing like they are picking up steam and they’re looking for a bassist
In comes Mr. John Richard Deacon born August the 19, 1951 
Roger is his usual flirty mess who is hitting on men and women left and right and John is like, ah gotcha, this guys just the usual player like i think he’s the prettiest guy i’ve ever seen? but he’s kinda just a fuckboi okay gotcha gotcha gotcha
And then one day they’re playing and he sees this GORGEOUS woman in the crowd and he’s like fuck that’s the one I Love Her and he’s making eyes at her across from the bar and she’s making eyes right back at him and hes!! so!! happy!!
When the set finishes he goes and puts the Disco Deacy Moves™ on her and she is just so fucking into it and John’s like hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah
Only for Roger to come bounding up to her and is like “John! I see you’ve met my WIFE Mrs. Veronica Tetzlaff-Taylor (Tetz for short)” 
And Ronnie is like yup, this is my husband, can you believe we’ve been married for 6 years???? (they wear rings john just doesn’t pay attention poor lad)
And John is just...heartbroken. Like he is CRUSHED. Here was his perfect woman but not only is she MARRIED she’s married to his bandmate who is also a serial CHEATER
and he sits on it and stews for months because Roger keeps cheating but always goes home to their apartment and Ronnie is just so much better than him?? and she doesn’t deserve this!! but what can he do?? if he tells her he ruins the band but if he doesn’t then she’ll just get more hurt? 
Basically he spends it trying to avoid her because she’s aggressively hitting on him (hey the lady’s married to roger she’s learned some shit along the way) 
Then one night, they’re all out at a bar and Ronnie like corners him and he’s drunk and she just goes for it and she plants the kiss of a lifetime on him and is like “i know you want me like i want you” (a trademark Roger Taylor Line™) and john just snaps
“What about Roger?” and Ronnie’s like “He’s going home with someone else it doesn’t matter” because she might be brilliant but she’s Dense
“I’m not going to just be with you in order to get back at Roger,” he says and pushes her off him. “I’m not your whore.” 
And he leaves and locks himself in his apartment and spends the weekend alternating between eating too much ice cream and crying and watching shitty movies and feeling all around shitty
and when the next practice comes around, he shows up looking like shit with sunglasses on and is like “alright, roger is gonna kill me for kissing his wife and i’m gonna get kicked out of the band” 
Roger is FURIOUS and he immediately just slams John up against the wall and is like “You MOTHERFUCKER who do you think you are calling Ronnie a whore?” 
And john is like wtf no i didn’t and for your information SHE kissed ME
and Roger is like “I will fucking kill you for looking at her she doesn’t DESERVE YOU she is BETTER THAN YOU!”
John is now angry and is like “Oh yeah? Well she deserves better than YOU you fucking wankstain CHEATER!!” 
And Freddie is the one who's like okay...there’s clearly some miscommunication because Roger isn’t cheating? And johns like they’re MARRIED and he’s GOING HOME WITH OTHER PEOPLE
and Roger’s like oh fuck no one actually told you??? we all just...assumed you knew...
And johns like knew what
and then roger explains how they’re married in name only so that his family won’t cut him off and so her family would let her go to her dream university and hey the tax break is fantastic so they just kept at it and it works cuz they’re best friends
Johns like...”who the fuck gets married for a tax break” 
and together freddie and brian are like “roger and ronnie do”
So John shows up at Roger and Ronnie’s flat with flowers and is like I didn’t know and I’m sorry and I really want to take you out to dinner if that’s okay with your husband
And roger is like “bring her back by nine and no funny business”
and ronnie’s like “i can blow him in the car if i want roger and we’ll be back when i want to come back you hypocrite” 
And they start dating. And then John moves in with Roger and Ronnie because Ronnie can’t abandon her husband??? And it goes from Roger&Ronnie to Roger&Ronnie&John
Two years later, John has the worlds most awkward conversation with Roger where he’s basically like, hey can you um, get a divorce from my girlfriend so i can ask her marry me??? 
And Roger at first is THRILLED because John and Ronnie are couples GOALS and he LOVES them SO MUCH and they DESERVE HAPPINESS
So they get a divorce (Roger wins the pot of alcohol but Ronnie gets Mrs. Fuzzles and Gilgamesh) (Roger cries) and Roger is like okay, cool, i’m now single this is great!
and he just spends his newly single nights hooking up with everything that moves but he just keeps feeling sadder and sadder
Until he wakes up one night two weeks before the wedding and is like Oh Fuck I’ve Fucked Up and Fallen in Love with My Ex-Wife and Her New Husband
and just shuts down and is like okay well there’s nothing I can do now they love each other and i will never ruin their happiness so I’ll just SUFFER like a MARTYR
And he gives Ronnie away at the wedding (Ronnie and John couldn’t decide who would have him as their best man/MOH and it caused their biggest fight so they decided neither could have him and they’d just have him walk her down the aisle and give the big speech at the end) and is like i will never let them know that this is Killing Me.
After the wedding he’s like, okay guess I’ll move out now? At first its okay? because he’s now got all the hot water he wants, and he doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night to Ronnie and John going at it and Ronnie doesn’t leave her hair in the sink and John doesn’t drink all the milk and put the carton back in the fridge
But he’s Lonely 
Ronnie and John go on their honeymoon and Roger goes to Freddie’s to get the drunkest he’s ever been and he confesses his feelings but is like whatever i can be strong (spoiler alert he’s not he’s very sad)
Meanwhile, in Paradise, Ronnie and John are beginning to realize that they’ve never been alone this long without Roger
And John is like, has Ronnie always talked this much without Roger there to cut her off?
And Ronnie is like, had John always breathed this loud?? why is he wheezing?? wtf???? 
And they’ll never admit it to each other, but they’re really really REALLY excited to get home and see Roger again
But they can’t say that to each other?? Because it’s their honeymoon and who wants to hear from their new spouse that they’re more excited to see their best friend/ex husband than have sex with them
So they get back and they’re like ROGER!! WE’VE MISSED YOU!!
And Roger is like I Can Never Let Them Know I Love Them
so he just plays it cool and starts to distance himself from them because he doesn’t want to ruin their newlywedded bliss
But Ronnie and John keep fighting about everything (the milk the talking the fact that john will not stop dropping his wet towels on the bathroom floor wtf john) and they keep trying to see Roger but he’s always busy now??? he has no time for them??? because he “doesn’t hang out with married couples”????
Finally it comes to a head months later where Ronnie and John are just screaming at each other from across the kitchen when Ronnie finally just screams: 
And john’s like 
And they stop and stare at each other and they’re like, whut
so they pull out the wine and spend the night unloading how somewhere along the way they both fell in love with Roger?? And that they can’t love each other unless Roger is there because he is their Missing Piece
But clearly Roger doesn’t love them the way they love each other
They cry and hold each other and decide that even if they can’t have Roger like that, they’ll settle for just having him in their lives as their friend again because he’s been so distant lately
So when they’re in the studio next, John pulls Roger aside and is like, look i know things have changed, but I want you to know that no matter what Ronnie and I consider you to be our best friend and we miss you so please tell me what i can do to fix this?
and roger’s like...you can’t. because its my fault and i don’t want to be like, ruining everything
and johns like just tell me i can fix it!
and roger’s like you can’t
and john’s like try me
and freddie’s like, uh, let’s not do this here--
and john’s like i just want to know why he’s ignoring me and ronnie just because we got married
and roger’s like it’s because you got married
and john’s like, fuck, is this what its about? sorry you had to get divorced but like, i wanted to marry ronnie and--
it’s not that
“then what is it roger?”
And roger just goes fuck it and is like “I wanted to be the one married. To you. Both of you. Because I love you both. Like, love love. But you’re married to each other and it sucks but i’m working on it and it’ll take some time but we can be friends once i stop yknow. Loving you. Both. The two of you. Together.”
And john just stares at him because his whole brain is rebooting. and then he just kinda goes, “okay. I uh, need to uh, talk to my wife.” 
And then he leaves
He goes home and he tells Ronnie and they get so excited they have sex right there in the front hall and then they get dressed and they go to roger’s apartment all ready to be like WE LOVE YOU TOO WE WANT YOU TO COME BACK AND MARRY US FORVER
but roger is GONE he has fled the country
with freddie
they have vanished and ronnie and john are distraught like where the fuck is he??
Crystal is like you can’t break me I’ll never tell because drummer solidarity! And john is like fucking tell me or i’ll bring out the big guns and crystal is like you don’t fucking scare me
and the Veronica comes in and he breaks in >30seconds because Ronnie is terrifying and also she knows Too Much
Roger and Freddie are in Peru
Why? Because once John left, Roger panicked nd was like I HAVE TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY!! And because Freddie is the ultimate bro he took him to heathrow and got them trashed on duty-free vodka and was like okay bb you choose where you wanna go
and roger ends up talking to this nice new age couple who were like, we just hiked all of Mechu Pechu and we have come back cleansed of all our negativity and issues and we are now so much better than we ever were before and roger in his drunken glory was like yes that there i wanna go there cleanse me of my negativity
(they hike for exactly thirty minutes before they give up and check into a 5star spa and spend the days in face masks and chugging champagne)
Ronnie and John end up hiking the trail for two whole days before they realize that there’s absolutely NO FUCKING WAY Freddie would have done this
They think Crystal LIED and Ronnie is ready to kill him and strangle him with his own intestines when John spots a head of golden hair from across the market place 
(”fuckin’ romantic nerd,” roger teases later right before ronnie twists the shit out his nipple in retaliation)
And that’s how Roger gets his declaration of love screamed at him while 200 Peruvians and tourists stare on in horror as John dips Roger backwards and tries to swallow his tongue
They end up back in Roger’s hotel room wherein they proceed to dom the shit out of him like we’re talking praise kink and body worship and ronnie’s riding roger while john’s pounding him though the mattress
and the whole time they’re telling him that there is no us without you and we couldn’t work together unless you were there because we love you and you are ours and you can never leave us again and roger is loving it
and then they come home and the first thing they do is move roger into their new marital home and buy a giant mattress
Ronnie introduces them as “this is my current husband and our boyfriend my exhusband” and roger is like “this is my ex wife and her trophy husband they are both my lovers” and john is like “this is roger and veronica” 
and they spend the rest of their lives together having crazy hot sex and a billion babies
because you know Mr. I Have Six Kids and Mr. I Have Five Kids spend their days seeing who can get Ronnie pregnant the most and they are LOVING their giant ass family
and they all live happily every after
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk I hope i have converted you to the bright side 
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illgiveyouahint · 5 years
druck or skam nl !!
Hello Holly :) 
I'll do both of course :D
the first character i ever fell in love with: Matteo of course
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: I don't think there is one, I've grown to love most of the characters except the ones that are meant to be hated
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: hmm I'd say maybe Mia/Hanna. Back in s1 there were certain vibes and scenes like mia liking all pictures of hanna for example but nowadays mia barely has her wlw rights and hanna is a striaghtie
my ultimate favorite character™: David (how original i know)
prettiest character: this is so hard to judge since they're all babies that are like 8 years younger than me but i'd say probably girl!Sam and the handsomest again David
my most hated character: Björn (also the most hated actor 'cause wtf was that shit he pulled), PE teacher is also high on the list
my OTP: Matteo x David but also Jonas x Hanna (and low key Kiki and Carlos)
my NOTP: Mia x Björn, Matteo x anyone else who isn't David
favorite episode: S3E10
saddest death: my own sanity that died the moment s3 started
favorite season: s3 (but I really really love all of them)
least favorite season: the time in between the seasons
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I don't think there is one but I'm not particularly interested in Toillette sam or photoshop markus. Like they're cool side characters but that's about it.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: honestly everyone. Like all of them are a bit messy. Hanna and Jonas did Leonie dirty before s1, Matteo our little snake and also being in a relationship with Sara for way too long, Leonie and Sara and the girl squad outing Matteo and gossiping about him, the 1 braincell squad that has only 1 braincell, Hans I don't respect people's privacy and burst into their rooms unannouced. Like they're all messy but I love them
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: I'd say David but i think he got what he deserved (the ultimate happiness and love and support from everyone around him) so I'll say girl!Sam 'cause she needs more lines and more character development
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Leonie x Sara I guess. I mean they're both so straight yet give off such lesbian energies and it's messing with my brain
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Winterberg. Like I liked them and I rooted for them and was glad when they got their happy end in s2 but I'm not obsessed with them.
the first character i ever fell in love with: Isa
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: well given recent development Noah though I was always hesitant with my love for him but there was a time that I liked him and then the second half of this season happened
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Again Noah x Liv. I mean they barely spent any time together and then he had to pull William and leave Liv crying and shit? Yeah I want Liv happy and I don't think Noah is it.
my ultimate favorite character™: Isa again
prettiest character: again they're all so young. But I'll say Imaan.
my most hated character: Noah's brother can't remember his name even
my OTP: Engel x her future girlfriend
my NOTP: Again at this point, I'll say Noah x Liv but I also think Isa and Kes don't belong together
favorite episode: Oh that's hard to say. I watch it clip by clip so the episodes are kinda merging for me. But I guess whatever episode is where Isa Kes and Lucas go away
saddest death: my love for s2 (what happened in the last couple of weeks?)
favorite season: s1
least favorite season: s2
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: again not that I hate him but I'm not as fond of Ralph as everyone else. I just really disliked that he let Noah in even against Liv's wishes at the beginning of the season and in general I don't find him as warm as Eskild
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: hmm idk is it weird if I say lucas? he just has this like energy around him that makes me think that even if he was the biggest asshole ever I'd still bel ike oh that's just lucas
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: again sorry but liv. She deserves happiness and love and support and not whatever we're getting right now
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: hmm maybe lucas x kes just because of that dancing scene
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: I don't think there's enough ships to answer but let's say liv x isa and like I'd be very invested but I learned my lesson and I'm not gonna ship characters that I know will never actually be together 'cause evilde has ruined me but yeah if I could I'd make liv and isa a couple
 Phew took longer than I expected and there are some takes that not everyone is gonna like so I'm not tagging the remakes 'cause I don't want the heat
 Thank you so much for sending this :)
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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theoneyouneed · 4 years
Okay so I read a similar fic where it’s the entire thing redone but select people have their memories intact, here’s my counter to that. The entire story is happening again, but only people that died and were exposed to the yin energy retain their memories. So that list includes:
Wwx, jiang yanli, Wen Qing, arguably Wen Ning but it could go either way.
The Yi city trio: Qi, Xiao and Xue Yang (song Lan not included because he didn’t die but again arguable)
Nie Mingjue, Meng Yao, and su she regrettably
Mo xuanyu
Wen Chao, Wen Zhuliu, and lady jiao
All Burial mounds survivors, excluding Lan Sizhui
Wen ruohan how interesting
And that’s it, I’m not going to count the people that were only briefly exposed to it, likely on the battlefield near wwx, or upon their death if they were say, killed by ghost general, I think that it should be a prolonged exposure, or direct exposure.
The main Wen family were tortured by wwx for a prolonged period when he killed them slowly, wrh literrzlly used the yin iron the most!
Jiang yanli touched the Stygian amulet and Chenqing once when wwx returned, so maybe her memory is spotty.
The burial mounds survivors were emerged in it, as was the yi city trio.
Mo xuanyu probably only encountered it once or twice working under Meng Yao, who dealt with it and slowly killed Nie Mingjue with it.
I change my mind and I don’t want to include au she on this list because I don’t like him. If any thing he can like, have a weird dream about it or something but even that he doesn’t remember.
Strongest memories would be wwx, xue yang, wrh, Wen Qing,
Wen Chao, Xiao, Qi, Meng Yao, nmj, and burial mounds next level
Yanli, Wen Zhuliu, lady jiao, Wen Ning, song Lan, mo xuanyu, have the worst memory but stil a memory.
Okay so I’m going to say that our timeline is going to start based on the Yin Iron timeline, as if this were some mythical god like driving force behind the timeline reset.
The first piece of the Yin Iron is discovered in Dafan mtn. By the Wen Clan.
The second piece is discovered in the cold cave by wwx and lwj
I forget about the third piece but the sens end up with it
Xue Yang stole the fourth piece somewhere along the lines
Wwx finds the hidden fifth piece in the Moxi cave with the tortoise of slaughter.
If we say that the yin iron is dormant because of of its individual pieces are being supresssed then we can feasibly argue that our timeline would start when the pieces are activated, or when they are removed from their stasis arrays. This gives us five possible beginnings.
Once before the story actually starts, around when wwx would be 12, when Wen Qing and Wen Ning find the first piece with the fairy in Dafan mountain. I don’t really want to start here because it’s two far away, what are they supposed to do for like 5 years? There’s too much unknown and too much could change.
Second when wwx and lwj remove the piece from the cold pond. Good place to start because it plops is right in the middle of the beginning when we’re still at cloud recesses,
I don’t care about the middle two, they’re too vague but..
Beginning the timeline when wwx pulls the sword out of the tortoise of slaughter is almost...too good. The stage is already set with the players and the war is already beginning. It makes sense that the center piece of the yin iron would be the catalyst more than the other pieces. They have so little time to change things but enough time to adapt. Wwx might not lose his core and Jin Zixuan might not have to die, Wen Ning might not have to die. It’s before song Lan and Xiao get separated they can still make up!! Wrh, who is already losing his mind, will “see the future” this will have some effect on how the war plays out but how much?
So wwx in one timeline is in the toriouses stomach, and wwx 20 years into the future is in the guanyin temple, demanding that Meng Yao Gand over the Stygian amulet,
Wwx reaches for the sword, and Meng yao hands over the remaking pieces, the instance that wwx pulls the sword free and wwx destroys the pieces is the same, sealing these two moments two decades apart in place. Yin energy can never be truly destroyed, we must accept both our good and and bad sides and live in balance with them. This moment where the yin energy was unbalanced caused a rift in time, forcing the timeline to repeat.
Anyway so wwx is standing there, h is memories of a few seconds ago merging with the memories of the future. He staggers and hyperventilates and throws up. But then he remembers that Lan Zhan is relying on him and then he’s fighting. It isn’t until they’re sitting by the campfire that wwx allows himself to reflect of what just happened. He was sent back in time and Lan Zhan definitely wasn’t based on the odd looks he’s been receiving in despondent to the hints he’s been dropping. Fuck it, they’re married in the future, he grabs Lan zhans hand and holds it until they fall asleep.
Jiang yanli is awake when it happens, unable to sleep from the anxiety of not knowing what was happening to her brothers, and not being able to do anything about that uncertainty. She’s sitting on the edge of the dock, nursing an herbal tea, when the memories hit her, she nearly falls in the water when she doubles over in shock. When it settles in she starts sobbing feeling the deep loss for all of her family members again fresh in her mind.
Xue Yang is off being a little bitch somewhere, I’m sure the memories of future him continuing to be a little bitch bring him joy. If anything he’ll just become more unhinged.
Meng Yao who is still serving under nie sext at the time(?) has a moment to himself but also he runs away from the sext as soon as he can because nmj also remembers because he is very angry and very loud about it.
The burial mounds peeps keep doing there lil thang, not much for them to do about that.
Qi is just a kid at this time, alone on the streets, she doesn’t understand what’s happening to her. She starts crying but she doesn’t know why, she wraps her tiny arms around herself and wonders why she feels like it’s not enough. Years later when she catches sight of the spotless white robes on the prettiest man she’s ever seen, she runs to him and launches herself in his arms. He catches her, of course he does, because he remembers her too. She notes however that he is only wearing an eyepatch over one eye, and he smiles at her like he’s finally found something he’s been searching for.
Xiao, at this moment in time tho. Will catch his breath, stunned by this revelation, then he’ll look to his side, where song Lan is quietly setting up camp, and he’ll thank the gods for granting him this knowledge. If song Lan is concerned or bothered by how clingy Xiao becomes, he doesn’t voice it.
Wen qing is still serving under wrh at this time. Wrh, who claims to have achieved higher god like powers by receiving the gift of prophecy. She quietly thinks to herself, this guys a fucking fruit loop, before conceiving a better escape plan for her branch of the family. They escape earlier. And her brother understands when she gives him a hug and doesn’t let go of him for a very long time.
Nmj remembers a dog he’s on a war path honey. He will literally stop at nothing to kill Meng Yao, wrh be damned, the sunshot campaign can get fucked, this is his main goal. He also thinks that he’s the only one who remembers. Until he talks to wwx or maybe even yanli and he’s like oh wait wtf. He and wwx lowkey bond over it. And nmj like extra extra guards his brother. Nobody is touching nhs, fucking nobody.
0 notes
yourkpopscenarios · 7 years
Friends to Lovers Lee Euiwoong
aight, les do this
so, rather than friends, euiwoong is actually more of an acquaintance
the reason you two even talk to each other is because he’s super smart and sociable, when you were struggling in biology, so your friends had recommended you ask euiwoong for help
he had offered to tutor you
for free
hell yes to free help
euiwoong is like a super good tutor too
he doesn’t get annoyed or impatient, even when you ask him to repeat the steps of meiosis for the third time, and he’s always praising you when you answer his questions correctly
a part of you kinda figures that euiwoong is tutoring you cause he has a lot of free time and genuinely likes the subject
but one day, his friend hyungseob came up to you and commented on how special you must be because, even though euiwoong had to work at his parents three stores, he spends the little free time he got tutoring you
you were like ‘wut’ because, euiwoong works at THREE STORES?, and also, he’s making time just to help you?? for nothing in return??
you go up to him and you’re like ‘euiwoong, wyd’ and he’s like ‘what are you even talking about’
his face when you tell him hyungseob told you about him being super busy is something you will remember even in your next life
he keeps insisting that it’s not a big deal, though, and continues to tutor you
but you start to notice just how tired he looks somedays, so you suggest trying to get his parents to give him some time off
you’re the one that suggested he go on hello counselor
and when he told you that they accepted his concern, you were like ‘i hope it goes well for you’ when he tells you that he wanted you to go on the show too, as someone who’s seen how tired he is
obviously, you agree, cause supporting euiwoong is the least you can do after everything he’s done for you
so you, euiwoong, hyungseob, and his parents go on hello counselor
being highkey proud and lowkey jelly when everyone is going crazy over how good looking he is
when the camera shows you and hyungseob, the mcs are like ‘omg, is that your girlfriend, she’s so pretty’ and both of you go blushy
hyungseob does not help
at all
encourages and initiates the teasing the most
after that day, though, all three of you get casting calls from various agencies because of your guys’ looks visual gods, y’all
the boys chose yuehua, but you choose cre.ker
that’s where you meet ju haknyeon and the rest of the boyz trainees, and get super close
you still keep in touch with euiwoong, but it’s not as often because you both are busy with school and training
you guys lose contact for a while, and you haven’t seen him or hyungseob
you watched it to support haknyeon, but when euiwoong and hyungseob come on the screen with three other trainees, you lose your mind
hwall: ‘three of them are older than y-’
when you’re only allowed to vote for two trainees, you get all pouty because
a) you want all the trainees to make it top 11, wtf
and b) there are three people in particular that you wanna vote for, but haknyeon would actually disown you if you voted for euiwoong and hyungseob over him
in the end, your pick is haknyeon and euiwoong
you were able to go to one of the performances, which was the one where he was in oh little girl
and you screamed because in the episode just before that, he was this badass rapper that owned the stage, and now... he’s so soft... and cute
he didn’t notice you, but you’re sure hyungseob did, because the two of you had some awkward eye contact when he was on stage
when the recording was done for the day, he told euiwoong that he saw you in the crowd and euiwoong freaked the fuck out
hyungseob: ‘smh, you’re already an overly concerned boyfriend’
euiwoong not even paying enough attention to hyungseob to deny it
you were on his mind now, and he couldn’t stop thinking about you, so he went to go find haknyeon back at the dorms and ask about how you were doing and if you remembered him
haknyeon basically spilling the fact that you had a HUGE crush on euiwoong the last time he checked, and that he was pretty sure that if people were only allowed to vote for one trainee, you would pick him over euiwoong
so he makes sure that your number is still the same, then texts you asking if you two could meet up
obviously you say yes, this is lee euiwoong we’re talking about
you head over to the yuehua building, and justin is the one that greets you at the door and lets you in, telling you that euiwoong is waiting in the first practice room on the third floor
when you walk in, euiwoong like tackles you in a hug, telling you how much he’s missed you
and you’re like, omg, i miss you too, i thought you forgot about me
euiwoong, pulling back to look you in the eyes with the most offended look on his face: how DARE you think i could forget about my favorite person in the world
hyungseob, back in the pd101 dorms: i feel a disturbance in the force
sorry hyungseob
anyways, euiwoong started telling you about how hyungseob saw you at the performance for oh little girl, and how haknyeon had told him how you had been voting for him
euiwoong: i was si excited to hear that you were still thinking about me, because i’ve liked you since the first day we met, and-
you: you... like me?
euiwoong:..... oh
you: i.... like you too
then he gets kinda quiet before shyly asking you if you wanted to go on a date some time, and you’re like, yes, pls
and it’s kinda simple and casual, because you both are trainees, and euiwoong is already recognized by fans and stuff
but it’s really cute, euiwoong sets up an indoor picnic in his practice room, and he hands up fairy lights to make it a little prettier, and he has this really cute playlist playing in the background
and even when you guys become an official couple, the effort he puts into planning events for you doesn’t die down
basically the most perfect boyfriend ever
like he keeps little mementos from each date you two have, and even gives you hand written letters sometimes
a lot of the time, they’re to say he’s thankful for everything that you do, and he hopes you don’t forget that you’re really important to him
your first kiss was during christmas time, and it wasn’t under the mistletoe, but rather because you were practicing for a special stage for music bank, and when you looked at euiwoong happily for his opinion, he just thought you were the prettiest person he’d ever seen
like, you’re always beautiful to him, but when you were practicing so diligently, no makeup, wearing one if his hoodies and a hat covering your slightly messy hair
he couldn’t help himself, you just looked so perfect
the boyz walked into the room as his lips are still on yours, and the two of you go real shy and blushy, but euiwoong still reaches out to hold your hand because it comforts him
the boyz and yuehua sprouts don’t let this go, ever
you’re now the otp of both companies, and basically joined the two groups together
now jungjung, younghoon, jacob, new and sangyeon nag you both at the same time, and you and euiwoong are like... guys.... pls
sunwoo, q, haknyeon, and seunghyuk always wanting to tag along when you go out for food, and you two always let them go along because they actually pay for their food, and even your guys’ when they feel especially nice
justin, hwall, and eric always ask you guys to buy them food or some kind of gift, which you guys always say no to because.... justin.... you can buy that whole building if you wanted to... do not
also hyunjae, kevin, and hyungseob are your number one fans, they once made signs with both your names on it and hung them up in the practice room
concept: euiwoong keeps all the things the sprouts and the boyz make for you guys and hang them up in the practice room on your one year anniversary, and he sets up a projector too so you guys can watch movies together and cuddle
and, surrounded by all the pretty decorations and memories, sitting in euiwoong’s arms, you’re really thankful that biology never seemed to make sense to you
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wannawrite · 7 years
Can I ask who you’re closest friends are and can you say why you love them and what you think of them idk I’ve seen people be super positive about their mutuals so I WANAN see who your closest are
hello anon! I’m sure someone sent you to do this so…..expose yourself please. Even though Admin N doesn’t talk much to them, we’re super positive about our mutuals even if we don’t show it explicitly all the time but friends, I love you SO much!! you can always count on me, okie?
Side note, I’ll be away until Nov 7 so it’ll just be Admin N on this blog until then! I won’t have access to my laptop on holiday but rest assured, all requests are in the works right now! I’m sure Admin N will feed you guys well.
Had to be truthful, I can’t include all my mutuals here because some of us aren’t the closest but hey, they’re still my friends so s/o to:
@woojinieeokay I love Diamond even if we don’t always talk because of timezones and all but she’s my gem. Truly the sweetest person ??? VERY hard working and organised writer, one of the best out here. Also one of the first few mutuals I had!! 💓 Closeness: Friends, definitely. I want to talk more
@boo-jinyoung was @lai-gvanlinahhh! Summer is definitely the sunshine in everyone’s life no joke. We haven’t talked much lately because she’s on semi-hiatus and I really miss her :((( Our conversations sometimes end up in memes or photosets to kill each other, true friendship ❤️Closeness: people who exchange memes need to become friends. missing you bby!
@wannableveryone knows who this is. Hana knows everyone? Miss Popularity. every W1 blog I visit is her friend, I don’t even know how. A super popular and sweet person. On semi-hiatus as well but you’ll know when she comes back. Our conversations are just us yelling and memes tbh 💗Closeness: she’s in the circle, for sure
@huynbin oh god here we go. I REALLY CAN’T EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE RAE - even though she a hoe sometimes but - literally so nice ??? especially when I’m being a bitch ??? I was genuinely worried when she ghosted on me. Okay but I love all her weird asks, her comical commentary - sometimes - and her bright! [er than my future] personality. A goof, I love her. 💕 Closeness: she’s my homegirl, can’t lie.
@woojinstinygfThe mother of all of us and I’m her youngest child. Always super supportive and also offers the best advice. Literally treats me like her child omg. Cheerful and adorable, just like her chihuahua. The best person you could ever be friends because she sends you snaps of her dog and her eyeliner is always on fleek. 💖Closeness: I am her youngest daughter
@pinksausageduoout of my league yet she still talks to me and is genuinely a ball of fluff. A true, living definition of killer rookie. EXTREMELY TALENTED HAVE YOU SEEN HER WORKS so naturally, even though I’ve been on Tumblr longer, I really look up to Dain. Such a sweetheart, just pure sunshine. Bonus! One of the prettiest people you will ever meet. In fact, all my friends are really gorgeous wtf? 💜 Closeness: Daitia is the realest ship since both our names are difficult to pronounce
@onlyjihoons was @mochamark Another one with a rare name, God bless. Zelia is working really hard right now for O Levels, jiayou baby! Tried to turn me into a hardcore Jihoon stan with pics - yet you dream about Guanlin - made me hungry with Reese’s cereal at 11pm at night while reading some of my works which apparently makes her soft ??? :”) A talented writer as well!! Do check her blog out! Oh yeah, also a great ballerina, she danced her way into my heart! 💛Closeness: 大姐, pretty close friend :”)
@alliwannado-w1Iris is a living prodigy holy shit I strive to be like her and as organised as her theme. Siri, how do you write as well as Iris? Did you mean: how to be a legend? Over hypes me and loves me so I have to love her DOUBLE THE AMOUNT BACK. I can fall asleep knowing that a icon supports me and loves me ??? She has the best ideas and never disappoints. Please help her reach her milestone because she’ll post something spectacular when she does! She’s also working really hard for Os right now, jiayou love!💙Closeness: senpai
@perkwoojinthis girl has a honey pot emoji next to her name on Snapchat and she’s sweeter than that for sure. Jas once looked up to our blog? and we inspired her to start writing too what on Earth? Go stan her please, her writing comes once in a blue moon but are worth the wait, I promise! Supports me and sticks up for me + also a great adviser. Forgets to reply to me on Tumblr but it’s fine, the friendship is going strong.💘Closeness: the honey to my tea
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shioune · 8 years
tagged by @nekopri, @dreamsinparadise and @suzunesays. thank you!! omg 33 questions wish me luck
pt. 1 nekopri
What’s your favourite time of day? i personally like early mornings but i usually find it easier to stay up late then wake up early lol
Milk based ice-cream or a fruit based one? MILK BASED i’m 100% milk bb
3 things you think of when you wake up? urgh here it goes again, noooo, damnit.
Latest shower thought? coding stuffs like i really wonder how they make those diagonal things y’know? i figured it out. thanks, shower-chan.
Would you rather the temperature be 40 °C  or -20 °C ? OOOO -20 but without wind, i can tolerate that eyeing you urbana wtf is up with -20 with wind and snow huh? fu rly
The weirdest thing you have ever eaten on a whim? nothing i eat is every weird really if it’s real food, though in college we there’s this one time my housemates and i tried the orange juice with rice thing? that’s fucked up.
Are you more comfortable showing affection verbally or physically? both! although when it comes to real life, i do find it hard to say words of love, i even find it hard to say “i love you” to my mom or my lover which is why i usually am more inclined to a more physical approach.
What’s your default sleeping pose? the fetus position
What’s your ideal pet? dOG??? i had a dog, i love dogs, i live for dogs. just!!! DOGS!!!!
Favourite scene from a book/movie/tv show? all time favorite is whenever yang and grey told each other that they’re their person. also love it when the chevalier told athénaïs that she reminds him of a swan, “graceful on top but underneath, two fat flippers just trashing away” BURN!!!
Prettiest cow bread? I am serious IDK WHAT COW BREAD IS LMAO so i googled it and im not angry at the result
pt. 2, dreamsinparadise
When was the last time you cried, and why? probably yesterday? i was watching was nützt die liebe in gedanken again knowing full well what it does to me.
Do you prefer staying at home or hanging out at your friends’s place? oh man, i love both. can i not choose both? that’s not called choosing i guess, but i do love both c:
If you were in a situation where your fav SLBP character and your 10 yrs old child with him are at the brink of death. You are given the chance to save only one of them. Who would you choose? WTF okay first of all this vahjayjay will not give birth to any parasites called babies in the first place, so ofc I’d save my hide. child doesn’t even exist.
Its your first night with your SLBP bae, who’s gonna be dom and who’s gonna be sub? i’m probably gon be sub first time, dom when i’m not being a lazy af piece of crap.
What would you give to your SLBP bae as a memento if they are going to war? a charm. for protection, something i’ve prayed with for weeks maybe every night in a row. may the force prayer be with you.
Your bae had struck a faustian contract with (demon!au) you for the price of his soul and you finished your services after some time. If you chose not to consume him after the contract, it would cost you your life but he would live, while if you consume him his soul would be with you forever in your body (but you can never touch him or hear him again). Which would you prefer? Why? i probably would not consume him and not for some cheesy schmessy reasons like “oh, hes the love of my life” either but really i just am not comfortable with the idea that someone will be living inside me? i don’t mind losing the bae, i can always find another bae but the thought that he’s inside me and can communicate to me and living inside me LOL no. my body and mind and soul is mine alone. i’d die, but i’d die my own person (my own demon? lmao).
What kind of wedding would you like with your bae? simple. i never like big weddings surrounded by people i don’t even know or care about. i’ve always liked the idea of an outdoors wedding as well, been to a few of those and loved it. i’d get married in amy pond’s wedding dress since it’s been my dream since forever but also not bc i cant see myself marrying anyone.
If you were to adopt one of the SLBP guys as your children, who would it be? sakon is my child. don’t even with me. he’s my precious baby boo. also yasu and mitsun.
What do you think of me; @dreamsinparadise? i actually really really enjoy the times when i catch you on my dash, which is really not very often seeing the colossal amount of blogs i’m following, but i do like it and reading your things esp thoughts on slbp LOL let’s talk anime too but i’m so awkward lmao creeps back to my cave
Give 3 words to describe your 2D man teasing wicked smile *wink* this applies to most of my 2S baes LMAO
Are these questions fun, heartbreaking or humoring for you? Did you enjoy them?? i enjoy them actually! i have a lot of fun answering these! the situations and everything gives me muse to write? lmao stop me. i love them baby, thank you for tagging me!
pt. 3, suzunesays
Fuck, Marry, Kill - The Magistrate, Masamune’s Mother, Retainer #2 hmmmm marry masamune’s mother and show her that the real deal is with girls, no wonder you’re not happy, you’re surrounded by males sighs (jk but lmao), kill the magistrate, maybe fuck retainer #2. don’t really see it happening as i have rly low libido, probs close to ace rly, but hey if i have to choose.
What’s your favorite dessert?  i have too many hdu make me choose ggrrrrrr, recently i’ve been into pineapple cakes (nastar), and strawberry shortcake i also adore any red bean based desserts. my grandma makes the best.
Your favorite lord poofs into existence before you! What happens next? omg, hide????? i’d tackle him into a hug and just spend hours cuddling and sleeping tbh. i love cuddles, i live for cuddles.
Do you paint your nails? What color are they now? nah, they’re clear now but i usually paint them in warm hues. or cherry red (real cherries, the one thats dark af not )
What’s something you bought recently that you really shouldn’t have? :ccccccccccc reward points on several shades of sadism :ccccccc
Do you have any pets? i had 3 rabbits and a dog, they ded. old age and sick.
How long have you been playing SLBP? i honestly don’t remember? this is like, a question i can never answer bc i have rly whacked up sense of time LMAO
If you could go on vacation to any destination in the world, where would you go? lucca, italy. LOL. i know it’s very specific but i really love lucca. also where else can u see gemma galgani?
Would you let your favorite lord do your hair and makeup for you (you’d have to wear it out in public)?  yessss, i trust hide tbh LOL, he wouldn’t go anywhere really crazy. and he’d put us in consideration when choosing. and did you read his birthday story, he has great tastes.
Who has a better butt - you or Mitsunari? me. (im laughing at how quick i come to this answer). idk i work out daily. but probs mitsunari, he does too. idk i havent seen his butt. i need to see his butt. someone send me the butt.
If you could travel into the SLPB universe to have an amazing makeout session with one lord and one lord only, who would it be? do you really need to ask? there’s only hide for me ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
Now, my questions.
Do you ship yourself with any of the voltage men? Or do you have any favorite, who?
Would you really date them if they exist in your life and is interested in you?
Your top three SLBP lords. Or any game from your choosing. But you can only choose three guys from one title.
Now, fuck marry kill from those choices : ) I’m satan incarnate, y’know.
What’s the last thing you daydream about?
Do you prefer hugs or kisses and are you the kind of person who would initiate them?
A song you’re really into these days and a song you associate to your fav lord/prince/character (idk, i mean what if slbp isnt ur fav game, im giving you options here bc im a sainttan)
Do you love Oyamada Nobushige?
What's your favorite food and to what length will you go to get it?
If you can time travel to any period and any country, where would you go? Why that period/country?
And lastly would you consider donating pearls to me? LOL NO IM JOKING last question is, late at night and you’ve been feeling out of it for a while and your bae (your 2D bae ofc) text messages you. Who’s your bae and what does the message say?
That’s it i guess. Yeah. imma tag some people that pops up in my pea-sized memory and you can do it or you just say “fuq u fron” and just ignore it. no worries. @shigetsugu, @yasu-masa, @amigoingbananas, @whiskasgirl, @otomesanada, @laurifakristalina, @blessthechipmonk, @cottonballwithmustache, @daeva-agas, @shedreamsfiction, @nikkihime, @rainbowatnight, @little-lady-mimi, @minminami, @wizardesslover, @mistakenmessenger, @noomsu, @thexgoddessxofxfate
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empresspilaf-blog · 8 years
these are actually hella fucking cute y’all
I’m answering all of these because as previously stated I have a real thing for filling stuff out. I like being asked questions it’s fun, keeps my brain workin’ :D
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More milk. And I never drink it at the end. I can’t, I’ll get sick. I can’t drink milk, and if I have cereal too often I’ll get sick. But it’s just not right if there isn’t lots of milk D’: 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? NOOOOOOOOOOO DDDDD: 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Anything? I think there’s a Mythology book around here somewhere with a peanut M&M’s wrapper in it.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I don’t put anything in tea, and I’ll drink black coffee, but sometimes I put creamer in it. If it’s available. I like peppermint mocha best yum :D
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Nope! I think it’s pretty nice, actually. It’s one ofthe few things I actually like about myself lol. I hate my body and my acne but I think my nose, eyes, and smile are decent. I had braces so my teeth are straight. I didn’t wear my top retainer though so there’s a small gap, but it doesn’t bother me. Except when I eat apples. The skin always gets stuck >:( My teeth could be whiter, and they’re small and square looking, but I think my smile is alright.
6: do you keep plants? No, but I want to. I just can’t keep up with that stuff. And my room faces a very shaded yard so sunlight really doesn’t come in. 
7: do you name your plants? I totally would! 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? I prefer to draw with pencil/colored pencil, charcoal, and I’m trying to use inking pens. I suck at painting lol. I did just get a tablet, though, and Autodesk Sketchbook. So that’s been fun to play with.  9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Oh yeah. I would love to be able to sing really well. So far I can do a decent Marilyn Monroe impression lol. My favorite thing to sing along to is No Doubt. I love Gwen’s voice. It’s a good exercise too, all the vibrato and crazy patterns she does. I also like to sing Heart, too. My boyfriend says I sound pretty good, but I still won’t let anyone else hear me lol. Even though he’s a musician and probably knows what he’s talking about, I still don’t think it’s that great haha 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Yes.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? Hmm I can’t think of any that don’t require a long explanation lol. Well okay, how about this. I didn’t ever really drink until I turned 21 (almost exactly a year ago, January 17!), and then when we’d hag out with friends and I’d get drunk, I’d start going up to people whispering “Hey. I’ve never been drunk before” in their ear lol. Like ever time it happened (which wasn’t all that much, I’m still not a huge drinker). It got to the point that now if I drink, everyone goes “Watch out for Robyn, she’s getting drunk for the first time!” 
12: what’s your favorite planet? Uranus ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  Hehe uhm Jupiter, because it’s full of gas, like me? I’ve honestly never really thought about this. I think Neptune is the prettiest, and I like the idea that humans may be able to live on Mars.  ~Sailor Pluto is my favorite Sailor Scout. :D
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? A mess hahahahahahahahahaaha. She has three cats and I have a dog. We both have depression, anxiety, BPD, OCD, and ADHD. (fun fact, our diagnoses are identical. We both have PTSD as well). But we love doing crafts and not cleaning our rooms, so I imagine there would be glitter, scrap fabric, pencil shavings, and wadded up paper everywhere. Among the pet hair, of course! 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! 99% of the solar system’s mass is the sun! (shit!) 16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? S P A G H E T T I
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Uhm well I’ve literally had every color lol. But right now, I’m having a lot of trouble getting red to stick to the lengths, it keeps fading to brown immediately. My hair is very damaged so it’s not too cooperative at this point :/
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. Uhm ok so I have IBS pretty bad, right? My friends and I went to Denny’s one night. We came back to one friend’s house, and I needed to fart (Sorry, this is gonna be gross lol). So as my friend Nick was coming up the stairs, I stuck my butt out and farted on his chest area. Only I didn’t fart. I pooped on him. HAHA and now everyone laughs at me because I shit on the bass player! The best part was I ran to the bathroom and I had my boyfriend get my spare undies from the car (gotta have those when you got that Irritable Bowel), and when I went back downstairs, Nick had no idea what had happened lololololol 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Nopeee 20: what’s your favorite eye color? I mean as far as what I find attractive, brown. Big brown eyes. On guys and girls. But especially guys. Girls with light eyes can still be cute but I think dark eyed men are just the best <3 That’s not to say there aren’t also some attractive men with light eyes (points to Bradley Cooper, Chris Hemsworth, Conrad Veidt, J o n a t h a n  J o e s t a r). 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. My smiley backpack! I just started really using it about a year ago, but I got it when I was like 3. so it’s around 19 years old. I actually just ripped one of the straps out partially last night, and I gotta sew it (thanks for the reminder!). It’s about a foot in diameter, and it’s just a giant yellow circle with a simple black smile and eyes and two straps. 22: are you a morning person? If by morning person you mean I stay up all night and am awake still when morning comes. Though I was up from Thursday evening to last night with no sleep, so I slept all last night and have been up since 6:30 this morning. 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Well since I’m pathetic and I don’t have a job and the Kent State University won’t let me have Financial Aid (due to dropping my classes last semester because of HEALTH ISSUES, wtf), every day is like that. I hate it, actually. I do nothing but sleep. I stare at my computer for hours, scroll tumblr and Facebook, get out drawing supplies and then stare at the paper and cry, lay in bed and cry, cry and cry ;u; 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? My boyfriend, Mr. Alexander Tortorella. He’s been one of my best friends since 2010, and my boyfriend for a little over 2 years. Also my two closest friends, Taylor, who I’ve been best buds with for over ten years (we even got tattoos together) and my friend Ryanne who I mentioned before (the one with all the problems like me lol). 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? No where, I’ve never broken into anyplace. Other than my car once because I locked the keys in it lol. 26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? I actually have these flat slip on clogs that have like a brown sweater fabric that I got in 2006. I wear them pretty much all fall/winter if I’m just running to the store or to someone’s house. If there’s no snow, of course lol. I also have Converse I got in 2007 that have the British flag on them, and The Who’s logo on the tongue. there’s smiley faces drawn on the rubber at the toe, and along the side banding one one of them are lyrics to “What a Catch Donnie” by Fall Out Boy.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? I love regular bubblegum’s taste but it doesn’t last long enough to bother. 28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? Uhh…? My friends aren’t really “cute” people hahahahaha. I mean Taylor has called me “Bobert” for years and that’s funny lol 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Yeah this one time when I was little I floated too far on a raft in Lake Erie and thought I was gonna end up in dying lol. I mean compared to other things that have happened in my life that really isn’t anything too bad, but the fear I felt at the time was so immense. 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I love socks! Cool socks. I’ve got Marvel hero socks, whale socks, Star Wars socks, Sailor Moon socks, Winnie the Pooh sicks, sailboat socks, and funky pattern socks. I hate sleeping in socks though. I also have a collection of black dress socks from marching band haha 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I got naked and chased a friend down the street when I was 17. That was my one experience being drunk before I was 21 lol 33: what’s your fave pastry? Friggin Oreo Poptarts. They count. 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? Little Pooh! And Big Pooh! I have a like 2 and a half foot sitting Pooh Bear and a small one. I dragged them both everywhere when I was little. I still slept with the small one until I was like 16. But it’s so worn and falling apart, I needed to switch to a larger version to cuddle lol. Now I just kinda cuddle whatever teddy bear or stuffed animal I grab haha 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yes, but I don’t really have them. I do have some super cool Norman Rockwell notecards. And I have rainbow pens I use to color coordinate notes. I’’l freaking rip a page out and re-write everything if i mess up. 36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? Well I’m currently listening to “Fly” by Sugar Ray and I’d say that’s doin’ it pretty well :D 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Yeah so have you seen a tornado’s aftermath? 38: tell us about your pet peeves! People who chew their nails (Glares at Alex, even though he’s not here). Girls who talk all hood, and act dumb for attention, then get offended when you don’t take them seriously.  39: what color do you wear the most? Black lol 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I wear a ring everyday, I only take it off to shower. Alex has one too. They’re silver bands, and they have the coordinates to our high school engraved in them (that’s where we met). One has the latitude, one the longitude. Inside mine it says “Alex”, his says “Robyn”. 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? White Oleander by Janet Fitch. 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! I just like Starbucks. I’m a white girl. Sue me. 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Alex 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? əʇndɯoɔ ʇou səop 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Oh, no. I overthink everything 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. I can’t just do this on the spot!!! The other day a friend asked if I was going into the medical field, because I was really nursing my beer lol 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? BEANS. All beans. Fuck beans. 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Yep, spiders. 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? The last CD I bought I think was Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance. I’ve had every word of it memorized for like 10 years, but I never actually owned a hard copy. The last record I bought was probably Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin. *note; as I was moving on to the next question, the song “Houses of the Holy” came on my iTunes o.O (though let it be noted as well that the song “Houses of the Holy” is actually on the album “Physical Graffiti). 50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Souls. And old empty bottles. Like empty pop bottles. Not so much anymore, but I have a ton of them in my room that I use as decoration 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Pretty much anything from Def Leppard’s Pyromania or Van Halen’s 1984 reminds me of my dad because those are his favorite albums (and 2 of mine) 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? I mean the salt guy is funny? I’ve really been slacking in the dank meme area lately. I am truly ashamed. 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I have only seen Beetlejuice of those (I knowwww), and I like it, but the heavy late 80′s asthetic creeps me out a bit. Not the stuff that’s supposed to be creepy, but all the black and white checkerboard and stripes, bright colors, and things like that lol 54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My dog, because I wouldn’t let her have her bone back (it was bed time!) 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? We don’t need to discuss that. Once again; I have BPD. That should tell you plenty. 56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Not being an asshole. That’s about it. 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I mean I do sometimes, other times I just listen and enjoy it. My friend Nick did a project for school (he’s a music production major) where he mixed the original tracks differently, and he made the bass and snare more prevalent and now the original sounds empty to me hahaha 58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? Lol what??? I mean I drink wine more than anything, but I probably drink more vodka than anyone else too lol. Most of them just smoke that reefer to be honest. Alex and I don’t, he doesn’t drink either. And I rarely drink vodka. But no one else ever does lol 59: what’s your favorite myth? The brown sound lol. The idea that there is a decibel so low that if you hear it, you’ll poop yourself! They proved it to be false on Mythbusters, though. 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I used to write poetry a lot. I actually was published in a national anthology of selected student poets in 9th grade. I have trouble being creative anymore, though. I like Thoreau and Walt Whitman. We studied them in 11th grade. 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I’ve never really given a gag gift. Though one time I wrapped a robe I got my sister in a series of boxes and duct tape just to mess with her :D I wouldn’t say I’ve ever received anything “stupid”. 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Nope. I like apple juice, though. Orange juice makes me sick. Acid reflux issues. 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? OOOOHHHHHH Gotta be in alphabetical order. Though currently my books are strewn across my floor, mixed in with clothes, my Sailor Moon VHS collection, shoes, makeup, blah blah blah 64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Really light grey. Ohio is bland and gross. 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? My friend Taylor. she doesn’t live very close so I don’t ever see her anymore :’( 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? I have a few I made over the summer. My favorite is just a bunch of daisies. I love daisies <3 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Lol indifferent. That’s what today looks like, and pretty much everyday around here. 68: what’s winter like where you live? Well when I was younger, it was snowy and bright and fun. Now it barely snows, and it’s always gloomy and muddy and gross. My basement flooded a couple days ago because it rained so hard.  69: what are your favorite board games? MONOPOLYYYY. I got a Dogopoly for Christmas hehe. I like Sorry and Clue a lot too. 70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? Green tea, and the youthberry/ wild orangeblosson tea from Teavanna 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? yeah pretty much. And I still always tell myself I won’t forget shit, and then I do. 73: what are some of your worst habits? Smoking cigarettes, sleeping too much, drinking pop instead of water, picking my nose lol. I’m twitchy and fidgety but that’s just the OCD and ADHD. 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Uhhhhhhhhh “Big fat faggot”. (that’s actually how he would describe himself, he likes going up to people and saying “I’m REALLY gay”) 75: tell us about your pets! I have my darling baby Mae Mae, she’s around 9(??) she’a a black mutt that looks like a bear/wolf lol. I got her from the Humane Society. Then there’s Bellatrix, who my mom got from the HS. She’s a brindle boxer, almost 4 years old. We have a 7 month old kitten named Hosta. My mom found her in the hosta bushes outside this summer, so we named her after the flowers lol. We also have a guinea pig, of my sister’s, named Alfie. He’s about 2? 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? I could use a shower. 77: pink or yellow lemonade? Pink <3
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I thought they were cute in Despicable Me, but it’s gotten way out of hand. 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? Alex once bought me ice cream and flowers and made a sign that said “sorry for being a douche”. I don’t even remember what he did wrong, it was cute :3 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Well a few months before we moved in, I painted them purple. Then I decided that was boring like a couple weeks before we moved, and I got tihs cool 70s-looking (or even 30s really) floral wallpaper with like gold and pewter flowers and I put it on two walls. I painted the one wall orange, the tiny bit around the closet sage green, and the area around the door with chalkboard paint. Then I got mad one day about a year later and went and bought light green and covered the orange. I still don’t really know why lol. 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Dude what? I don’t stare at anyone’s eyes?  82: are/were you good in school? HAHAHAHHA. I got suspended for mooning someone. That’s all you need to know. 83: what’s some of your favorite album art? Queen’s News of the World has a sweet cover. Def Leppard’s High N’ Dry, Smashing Pumpkins’ Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, Aphex Twin’s “Windowlicker” single, of course. Green Day’s Dookie, Dio’s Holy Diver. There are aa TON but you know. I’m getting sick of typing lol 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I’m planning on getting a lot lol. Currently a Ginger Rogers close-up on my forearm. I have a Pooh sketch on my side, “You’re braver than you believe” (Pooh quote) written in my friend’s handwriting on my right shoulder, and “There’s still time to change the road you’re on” on my right foot (”Stairways to Heaven” lyrics). 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Yes, Marvel, Infinity Gauntlet is my favorite. (not including manga because I’m ready to be done with this lol) 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Yeah, they’re cool! Currently I’ve been listening to To Pimp a Butterfly a lot, actually. 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Star Wars (original 3), Back to the Future, A Clockwork Orange, Metropolis 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? A R T  D E C O, art nouveau 89: are you close to your parents? My mother. I don’t talk to my father much. He was abusive to me, he’s an alcoholic. 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I don’t really have any? I don’t live cities very much. 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I’m going to North Carolina for a wedding, that’s about all I can think of. Probably going camping. 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? CHEESE ME BABY 93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Well I’m mostly just at home doing nothing so it’s just kinda down and pushed back out of my face. But when I go somewhere it’s usually something pinup-y or 2 buns on top of my head. 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? Taylor’s was December 29. But mine is Tuesday! :DDD 95: what are your plans for this weekend? Alex has a show tonight, so there’s that. 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? ”Remind me tomorrow” 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? Don’t know, I’ve never taken one of those tests. I’ve started to, but I can’t really answer the questions right. My answer can go either way, my mood is always changing. I don’t believe it’s easy to pin down a BPD patient’s type. I’m a Capricorn, and I’m not really into Harry Potter. My IQ is pretty high though, lol. I’m proud of that. It’s the one thing I have haha. 98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? I don’t remember, but I know I whined the entire time because I’m out of shape lol 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Uhhhh. My brain isn’t functioning at a very deep emotional level right now lol I can’t think of any? I guess “Blown Away” by Carrie Underwood, it reminds me of my father.  100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Neither. I don’t want to change the way things are now. Sure, I’d love to tell myself “Don’t gain twice your body weight” and “don’t drop our of high school or college” but like, Butterfly Effect. I know somehow that would make it so I never reconnect with Alex, or I end up dating someone I wasn’t happy with, or what if somehow I got in a car wreck and died as a result of something stupid? And I don’t want to see the future. What happens happens and I don’t want to live in anticipation.
Feel free to talk to me about any of this stuff! I welcome friends, I’m lonely haha
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