#they’re mainly just character designs that i love to draw
morurui · 3 days
It’s finally done. I’ve done it, I’ve finished up the Chaos Theory X Night in the Woods AU designs that I’ve been working on.
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Below are their individual designs and which characters they’re based on within the AU, but it was so fun to do these designs! Especially since I had to study the nitw style and I love that game stylistically. (Also I will be working on a Brooklynn design but I’m tired from working on this all afternoon)
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-Darius as Mae Borowski. Darius returns to his hometown after a less than stellar time away working for the DPW (Department of Park Wildlife). He’s back to reconnect with his old friends, as well as figure out what’s going on in his mind. Right now his goal is just to focus on the present.
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-Ben as Bea Santello. Ben is one of the numerous people stuck in Isla Springs after the unfortunate passing of his mother forcing him to take over the family shop. He’s not so thrilled with Darius’s return considering how they left things the last time they spoke. Darius, however is determined to not let this connection die once again
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-Kenji as Germ Warfare. Boyfriend of Brooklynn, he mainly hangs around the outskirts of town following her sudden disappearance. He eventually establishes a close brotherly bond with Darius, being a guiding figure in his life (but what’s a close bond without shenanigans thrown in).
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-Sammy as Gregg Lee. Sammy works hard everyday to eventually get enough money to move herself and her girlfriend out of Isla Springs. However, once her high school buddy Darius moves back into town she slips back into old habits, which causes some tension between her and Yaz.
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-Yaz as Angus Delaney. Yaz is Sammy’s anchor and is also working hard to have a better life for the both of them. While she does care deeply for Sammy often times she feels that being the responsible one is a burden and is afraid of communicating that to Sammy.
Ughhh I have so many ideas for this AU that I might as well start writing fanfiction, but I hope you enjoy these drawings that I did as much as I enjoyed designing them!
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com-i-cal · 6 months
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hey sorry for not posting
here are some fundy and philza in return
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genopaint · 19 days
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Week 19 of the Daily Dragon Challenge! Been having a busy May! Which isn't always a bad thing I suppose. But I've been slowing down on my Daily Dragon Duties. Gotta pick it up!!
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #126 - Hothead
Happy 40th anniversary TMNT!! I've been wanting do draw Hothead, or just some TMNT dragon, for a bit now. Soooo, why not take advantage of the anniversary, right?
This is my own design inspired by a few different sources, mainly the action figure and tournament fighters' boxart and his in game sprite. There's a LOT more TMNT dragons than I think you realize, so dont be surprised if I do another one later
Daily Dragon #127 - Marci Midas
This dragon's main interests are: Gold, Golden things, looking richer than everyone else, and ignoring you. Maybe if you ask reeeeaaally nicely and give her presents she'll look in your general direction,
Saw all the really good gold week posts and the idea of like, a dragon that hordes gold wearing a golden bikini came to my mind so I thought I'd try making her. I'm not 100% satisfied with how it came out but I think the concept is hot enough, and she's already finish so- yeah
Anyway happy (late) gold week I suppose, I may try to do other clothing challenge dragons in the future but we'll see how I feel cause I have a hard time keeping up with all of them and I keep wanting to draw the Axel girls in them instead
Daily Dragon #128 - Mirage Wyrm
Those who are lost in large deserts and tundras, when stricken with exhaustion and dehydration, often see Mirage Wyrms approach them. Although they are strange 2D specters, they are physical manifestations and WILL consume you if you're weak
Daily Dragon #129 - Dojo Kanojo Cho
Missed yesterday's dragon and I feel like the perfect dragon for a late day is our boy Dojo! I feel like I don't talk about it nearly enough but I LOVE Xiaolin Showdown so much it's unreal. Don't be surprised if I do another dragon from it
tear down the false idol
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Daily Dragon #130 - Naten Shellie Shieldheart
This character was a ton of fun to work on and I'm glad people trust me enough with non-animal characters to design their humanoid ocs lol Thanks for letting me include them in the challenge!
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Daily Dragon #131 - Raptor Wyvern
These predators can tear through the air at incredibly high speeds, using their massive claws, they can strike at prey quick and swoops them up before the poor animal even realized what happened
Daily Dragon #132 - Huggogon
Large, kind, and fluffy dragons who just love love! They're very affectionate, love hugging, and are kind to everyone they encounter. Similar to Capybaras, they seemingly have no natural enemies
Quick redraw of a dragon I did at FWA LAST year. Figured it was the perfect chance to reboot them for this challenge! I also love the other two so dont be surprised if they get a redo eventually too
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greenscreen-dress · 11 months
Vocalsynth doodle page!! I haven’t doodlepaged in ages!!! ^^ Started off with No plan, Song of Eared Robot came up on the playlist so i drew Tetobot, then i just kept going w the singing robots bc they’re the miracle cure for my artblock apparently. Only stopped bc while drawing Po-Uta I made the “mistake” of listening to his demo song and after that I was too busy sobbing /pos to pick a new synth :’D
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If the colour saturation is Way Too Much on any of these uuh blame my computer screen, as always it tells naught but lies but I’m too tired to doublecheck on my phone x). Also i might go back n shade some of these properly, so if i do i’ll tweak the saturation while I’m at it ^^;
Closeups, rambles & more song links below the cut! 
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Kasane Tetobot from the absolute banger Song of the Eared Robot
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Tetobot SV design attempt, it has potential but i’m too attached to the clunky charm of the OG ^^. Mostly listened to this UTAU cover while drawing her, but everyone should check out this masterpiece by suzie with the SynthV VB
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Miku go ooeeoo. No comment no thoughts head empty just :D
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THE GUYYYY :’) if he looks like he’s crying it’s bc i was, see above :D (also suffering bc his hair shape was a pain to draw but MOSTLY bc of the gorgeousness of Humansongs... & then Circus’s banger Right As Rain... and then The Surface by Eggtan which i just discovered today, so nice to find a new original song & it’s so prettyyy... i’m getting sidetracked)
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...Girl if someone stuck me in a trenchcoat long jeans knee-high boots and a SCARF as my default outfit my character item would be ice cream too. o7 for the blue boi, I don’t think i’ve ever drawn Kaito before and that absolutely has to change. Also TIL how to draw fans i guess!
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Heehee hoohoohoo the sillay the child the creatura the Otomachi Una. Wanted to see if i could doodle her delightful deviantart OC-lookin design off by heart and I think i mostly got it right? The only major thing i forgot were the horns on her hat, & she felt so wrong once i noticed that i had to add them ^^; I love her somuch :D
Ogh dingus fcuk it’s 1:30 a.m uuuh whoops i go zzz now. The art creativity juices are there, mainly i don’t drawn bc I just take so LONG to get Literally Anything Finished, even a doodlepage like this takes me 7+ hours so i just. don’t sit down & draw if i know it’s gonna eat up my entire day lol. SCHREEPTIME. NOW. :D
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pzyii · 30 days
drawing/explanation of buffy and/or dawn summers scars/design? i love ur willow and i want to know how u think abt buffy & dawn
ah thank youuu!!! I love to talk designs so I will do my best, I haven5 done any refrence sheet with either of them and def have less hcs cause well willow is the center of my brain but I do very much have thoughts. (I’ve got a criminally low amount of Dawn drawings despite the fact she’s my second favourite character)
doing a lil cut off cause it’s prob gonna be a lot of text, warning self harm mention at the Dawn part!!!
so starting with buffy. Some little details include that I draw her with moles cause they’re pretty and I like having more texture on the skin when I draw it, I draw her with a tooth gap cause it’s cute and fun, aswell as curly hair cause she has it every now and then but mainly cause I loveeeee drawing curly hair aswell as bc my bf has curly hair and buffy makes me think of her so yeah :) as well as shark bites every now and then bc of the same reason. I loveee drawing her with bandanas as well as whatever those things she wears in the drawing below are called.
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Onto scars I don’t have many that specific ones. I don’t have her like injuries as memorized as I do willows and also yk slayer healing. Face scars I only really draw her with one, that being an eyebrow scar she got after getting a piercing in s4 that IMMEDIATELY got ripped out on patrol (willow took care of it, Joyce didn’t even have time to panic over the piercing before having the scar as her whole new problem)
i often draw her with scars on her knuckles cause punching and/or bandaids on them and her fingers, the bandaids on her fingers are also partly cause well splinters, preventory measure. I often draw her with bandages and bandaids on the rest of her body too. They aren’t often that needed or needed for a long time but still, keeping the wounds from infection.
other than that i tend to give her the scar from when she was shot in seeing red (tho im thinking about making it like, look less like a normal scar since it was healed with like, really strong dark magic). And then just small and big random scars that don’t really have specific connections (she can’t herself remember when she got most of them. Too many fights. Too many scars, they become insignificant, but there's still too many, she knows that much)
as you can probably notice I loveee enhancing Buffys childish whimsy cause she lost a lot of her more so teenage years than childhood-childhood and I like to let her just breathe
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Onto Dawn, my dearest, everyone’s little sister.
she has a tooth gap just like her sister as well as mini mini canine looking teeth like some people (Michelle trachtenberg included) have.
draw her hair mostly straight but I’d probably say it’s at least wavy, I at least used to draw her with vitiligo and Marie Antoinette syndrome and I’m not sureee about that head-canon anymore but I still like it, so it’s 50-50
she also has freckles!!!!
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For scars I really don’t have much check on canon injuries with her but I’ve got some
She has scars from when glory opened/tried to open the portal in the gift, it serves as a reminder of what happened also logically speaking she’d just simply probably keep those scars
she still has her scar from blood ties, but other than that I hc that she’s had a continued problem with sh so therefore just like with willow, she has multiple sh scars on mainly her arms.
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Her eyes stares into your soul so bad. Get contact lenses /j
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evenmoreofadisaster · 10 months
I really love how well you’ve written one and two, like they’re different from Leo and Donnie because of how they grew up but it’s still incredibly in character, like they are how rise!donnie and Leo would be if they’d grown up like that.
I’ve been wondering if things were reversed and it was the twins that got saved by yoshi and it was Raph and Mikey raised by Draxum (let’s call them three and four because while I know they’d probably be one or two that’s too confusing lol) how do you think you’d write them? Or design them? (If you’re ever interested in drawing/thinking about it for that much lol no pressure)
Like where would three and four be similar to how you’ve written one and two? And how would they be completely different based on the canon personalities?
No pressure to respond I’m just incredibly interested in your thoughts and I like thinking about what ifs at 3am when I can’t sleep lol
Thank you!! That's one of my favorite things about this au
Ooh, that's a really good question. I've never thought about it before but I'd really love to work through this scenario.
If Draxum raised Raph and Mikey, I think his principles would be pretty similar. He would want to raise Raph and Mikey as soldiers, not as his own children.. but, to be honest.. I think Mikey would soften him up a little bit. Draxum probably wouldn't be as strict with Raph and Mikey as he was with Leo and Donnie. In this case, Draxum raises Raph and Mikey practically the same way, but he's a lot more lenient and patient.
Draxum would've guided Raph towards the leader role, but I think he would've trained them somewhat equally, unlike with One and Two.
I can see Raph being this outwardly calm and collected leader, who internally has absolutely no idea what he's doing and has a dash of rage issues when provoked. Unlike EMD Raph, he'd probably be less protective of Mikey just because he knows that he's capable of protecting himself.
As for the sweet little orange angel, I can imagine Mikey being a little unhinged and chaotic who can only be tamed by Raph. He's got a very unique and unpredictable fighting style and is probably a lot more reckless. He's an adrenaline junkie and lives off of danger. He's not afraid of anything, except losing the people that he loves.
I'm not quite sure about their designs, but maybe I'll take some time to think about it and experiment with it. I'm loving this spin-off au already lol.
I know this is mainly ab Raph and Mikey but I'm gonna talk about Leo and Donnie too.
I think Leo and Donnie would've learned how to take care of/look out for each other if they were raised by Splinter. Not that One and Two don't, it's just in a very different way. Without them being categorized into ranks and because there's no pressure from Draxum, Leo and Donnie can learn how to love each other without feeling inferior or like anything is expected of them. There's nothing keeping them from having a good relationship with each other. There probably wouldn't be an "older" twin, they'd treat each other as equals. It'd be so cool actually if they were both vigilantes and fought crime side-by-side. They are both leaders and just an amazing and iconic duo. When they find out about Raph and Mikey, it would go a lot differently. For the most part, I can see both Leo and Donnie/Raph and Mikey wanting to be one family, but I think there would be more hesitance with Raph and Donnie. Donnie, because hey these guys work for BARON DRAXUM of all people and Raph, because hey we should probably listen to Dad. But mainly what's stopping them from merging their families is Draxum and Splinter. Draxum wants all 4 turtles for himself, so that he can destroy the humans and Splinter wants all 4 of his sons and he won't let Draxum take them away again.
I think it'd be pretty funny if this au was basically just one huge parent trap and/or the four brothers trying to keep Draxum and Splinter from finding out the other set of brothers exist because then a war would break out between them.
That's all the ideas I have for now, not sure if I'll flesh it out more but this was really fun to think about. I'm kinda loving this idea and it could be a really fun au of the au lol
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fagidarity · 6 months
Steven universe au?????????? I love steven universe AUs tell me everything right NOW
okay. i will say. never decided who would replace steven in this au if anyone because i changed up a lot of stuff. i also don’t have everyone’s gem assignments and alignments down. rip
BUT some stuff i do have —
the way the eggs factor in is they’re like pebbles! those little guys that live in pink diamonds walls you know the guys. they’re a bit bigger though, more actually child-sized. maybe? idk. but anyways they’re not servants. i also haven’t quite figured out the specifics of why they exist and why gems need to look after them. i did have a reason at one point but i forgor.. the federation serves as homeworld so i guess one idea is them being an experiment in making gems that are specifically made to be able to grow and change rather than having to choose to do so like regular gems. i feel like i explained that weird but i’m very tired lol. but anyways random gems assigned as parent figures to mimic humans? maybe? idk
anyways this is all i have so far in regards to gems and alignments —
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i’ve been meaning to do more but i do kinda just assign gems as i draw characters [except etoiles, haven’t drawn him yet i just felt like he’d make a great bismuth]
the “group” column is for stuff like the crystal gems and the off colours and just like, what they’re part of separate from their specific alignment. this is a very half formed au If You Can’t Tell. also don’t ask what the codes faction is i forgot that too LMAO this is a mess. listen this au is mainly just for fun character design stuff it’s not a very thinky one u.u id like it to be but alas
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mossypidder · 6 months
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If you click the names of the birds below, you will find photos of the actual birds I’m referring to; mostly provided because the second two are morphs
EDIT: So honestly. Contrary to final poll results and my initial lean toward the grosbeak, I think I might just go with the crow. The design’s grown on me and in the last week I’ve collected many bones and observed many local crows and found myself just quietly very drawn to them. Nothing’s set in stone, but. . . It feels more right than the grosbeak- there are still things that draw me to the latter, and I still really love them and might switch in the future, right now I relate more to crows I think.
Rose Breasted/Cutthroat Grosbeak (female)
Similarities (between myself and the bird) - small and chunky - eats mainly seeds, fruits, and nuts - elusive and relatively solitary aside from nesting season - very intricate, unique nest type - monogamous - take care of young for a month after fledging (which is longer than quite a few birds) - dwells mainly in deciduous forests - I honestly think I do look a bit like a grosbeak overall - there is limited information on them (which is obnoxious, but kinda goes with my aesthetic honestly)
Things I Like About Them - very pretty markings, especially on face which makes for fun character design - they were my favorite bird as a child and I would get so excited during the brief period that they would be at our feeder
Differences - females don’t sing as much as males - I am very much a mimic- I echo other people’s words as well as animal noises a lot, mostly without thinking, and grosbeaks do not mimic. The males learn songs from their fathers, but that’s different, and I’m not male anyway.
Black Billed Magpie (cinnamon)
Similarities - eat a lot of fruit and grain - they are skilled mimics - mate for life something I aspire to achieve one day - have only been seen in Michigan ten times in the last hundred years, so it fits the “elusive bird who’s sightings should be documented” narrative - parents allow their young to stay with them as long as needed, sometimes even years - males and females are both very vocal and sing, talk, and chatter quite often - wary of new things and will shy away from bright colors and flashing lights (yes, that includes shiny things) - many widely believed myths spread about them (such as tendencies to thievery, attraction to shiny objects, and hoarding things tho I am guilty of that last one)
Things I Like About Them - Gorgeous wings and tail (though rather plain facial markings which is sad) - they’re just nice, funky little guys and they were one of my favorites when I was younger as well
Differences - not a bird I’d really call chunky lol - they eat meat (mostly bugs) and meat is not my favorite honestly - while some do only stay in groups of two, many others have tribe of up to twelve
Common Crow (cinnamon)
Similarities - will bring people they like random bits of things such leaves, rocks, lost keys, and bones, as gifts - stops for roadkill (though I don’t eat it, I’m just there to steal feathers or check opossum pouches for potential surviving babies) - bones is good, we like bones - also talented at imitating human speech, other animals, and just random noises they find intriguing - mate for life - very family oriented and good at taking care of each other. They’ve even been known to adopt unrelated fledglings - stay in the nest up to forty days after hatching and often remain with a family group for two years, helping their parents look after younger siblings - males and females are very vocal - wants to eat rocks - scavengers - likes fruits, nuts, and seeds - seen as weird or gross by the majority - slow to trust humans, but is very loyal once they do - could be considered chunky - cinnamons tend to have blue or silver eyes
Things I Like About Them - they are just. very good. - wing markings of cinnamons are very interesting, and while I’d like more intricacies to work with for facial markings, they’re still good and simple
Differences - they are very social birds (but most of that social time is spent with their family, which is where most of mine is spent as well, so I’m not sure this is a true difference) - consumes a lot of meat (which, as stated, is not my favorite) - they are very common in Michigan and easy to spot almost anywhere
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ashenlavellan · 3 months
10 Facts About My Mass Effect Characters [SFW & NSFW]
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Bellatrix Deirdre Shepard
[art credit: beemot on tumblr]
1. She listens to rock and heavy metal music - her favorite bands are Bad Omens, Sleep Token, and Falling in Reverse.
2. Bellatrix has an above-average pain tolerance; she rarely complains about the pain when she was tattooed.
3. She has ten tattoos, two of which are gang related and she got them covered as soon as she had the funds. Two of them are underneath her collarbones and they’re constellations. (Orion - the third-brightest star, Bellatrix, is her namesake. Canis Major - one of the stars, closest to Orion, is called Sirius which is her brother’s namesake).
4. Light sleeper due to upbringing and never feeling safe - that changes once she’s in a relationship with Kaidan.
5. Her temperament is Chaotic Neutral - she’s a paragade, in her own way.
1. She’s mainly a switch, but she is a power-bottom. Even in the bedroom, she’ll be a challenge.
2. Body Worship - never accustomed to it since she always had fast, rough sex. Kaidan was the first taste of gentle, loving intercourse and he worships her body.
3. Her favorite kink is light-choking - more like a hand wrapped around her throat, but not really squeezing and cutting off her air supply. [PTSD after suffocating - ME:2]
4. On more than one occasion, she has asked Kaidan to use his biotics during their shared time together. Her favorite thing is when he restrains her hands with them.
5. She never experienced an orgasm with the first few partners she had - men and women. There are only two who have ever been successful: Evelyn Carlyle, a character that I created (who’s related to Dr. Harry Carlyle), and Kaidan.
Kaidan has been the only one successful with making her experience multiple orgasms.
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Lorelei Amalie Ryder
[art credit: laurencin-draws on tumblr]
1. She had a healthy relationship with both of her parents, but she was closer with her father - by the slightest. Magnus, her twin, had a slightly strained relationship with their father and she was often the mediator.
2. She joined dance classes when she was a teenager and would frequently work on the choreography - she stopped when she got into a relationship with her now ex-girlfriend, Maeve.
3. She’s the more logical and aloof twin, while her brother is much more outgoing. She used to be more inclined to going-out to social events when she was a teenager.
4. Lorelei only has two tattoos - the one around her throat and the one on her back. She partially designed the pattern on her throat and the rough sketch for her back tattoo of hydrangeas.
5. Once she has finished her work as the Pathfinder, she will pass off the title to Magnus - he is better suited to diplomatic matters and possible fall-out.
1. She had always been a giver in her past relationships - sometimes, her former partners wouldn’t bother with providing her with relief. It’s a surprise to her once the tables are turned once she’s with Reyes.
2. She discovers that she has a voice kink once she’s together with Reyes - she thought it had just been her initial response, but once they start sleeping together, she realizes it’s more than that.
3. Lorelei had never experienced oral sex and finds out that it’s one of her favorite things once Reyes not only goes down on her, but manages to make her orgasm from it.
4. It takes time, but she’s a bit more experimental and willing to try most things at least once. However, there are some kinks and role-play that she’s not interested in.
5. She doesn’t necessarily have a favorite position - however, she gets embarrassed whenever Reyes initiates one with direct-eye contact and winks at her.
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esmeraydreams · 8 months
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Here are some concept drawings for some characters from Zoophobia with my headcanons. Some of the outfits were mostly just practice and experimenting with different styles.
Jack I wanted to give him a more interesting design and give him a better shade of brown than the yellowish brown Vivz gave him. The first outfit was for his love for space that sometimes people forget because it gets overshadowed in his character thanks to his curse. I love to give him green eyes because that’s always the color associated with him and green eyes are the rarest color as 2% in the whole world. The varsity jacket is supposed to symbolize his bond with Rusty that might come into later. The last one outfit, well, there’s a secret for it.
With Zill I wanted him to be more unique compared to most interpretations of Zill. Most people would make her a jock just because she’s athletic. So I made him goth to make him stand out. I don’t like stereotypes mainly because some of them are harmful. Like “jocks are dumb or jerks” or “goths like creepy satanic stuff”. So while Zill is goth she still has her charisma and optimism, like Mavis from Hotel Transylvania. Also it’s hard to find colors that don’t clash with Zill’s colors. The red dress is mostly just for dates.
Kayla I was figuring out for since they’re meant to be gender-fluid to me. I had some inspiration for the clothes from instagram that suits Kayla. I tried to show a muscular built but I think the sleeves might’ve covered them. But I want to give them a muscular build because they’re athletic. I seen that most people focused a lot more on Kayla’s love for music that they forgot that they’re capable of defending themselves. Kayla willingly faced Vengenza with a foil.
Finally Damian who had the biggest change. I wanted to give them a plus size body type because I don’t see a lot of plus size royalty. Next their fur is curly because I imagine them to be part Egyptian which is meant to reference the Middle East where the events in the Bible takes place. The dark markings are meant to look like pied markings goats have since Lucifer is meant to be goat like. I couldn’t figure what outfit would be their main one so there’s a lot of them.
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artfromsaturn · 1 year
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 Previous Dresses: Scarecrow | Riddler, Ra’s, Two-face, & Penguin
I think this will be the last of my Batman Villain Lolita Post for now, with a few of the more challenging villains.  Again, feel free to make your own designs or use these in some way, the more the merrier. :D  
A few thoughts underneath the read more + alt colors for Zsazs & Killer Moth
Black version for Zsazs to keep with his pants & classic Killer Moth:
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Pyg: I think he’s one of the most Devianart Edgelord of the Batman villains, but his portrayal in Arkham Knight was done well enough that I warmed up to him.  His plastic surgery nightmare face design is fun and the reactions of the victims & other people worked well, and showed Lazlo as terribly messed up instead of cool edgelordsona.  Like, you know, a person who’d exist.  Good job Batwriters. 
Anyway I leaned towards the guro lolita + simple butcher look his comic and his game designs went for.  There are extra additions of frills for both a more “doll”ish look and a touch of ita, since tacky feels part of his character.  I didn’t want to just make a mask so I framed the hair as “pigtails” (what else?).  I think some make up would add to the look to make the doll idea and the pig idea go farther.  The pattern on the bottom of the skirt and boots is supposed to be those chain link people you can cut from a piece of paper that all hold hands, all perfect, like Pyg declares his dollitrons.  I’m not sure how successful the transparent apron is but at the end oft the day I like it and that’s what counts.
Freeze: This design might lean too much towards literal costume and less into a more practical interpretation of the design, but I can’t help it, I like the Tron and glowy stuff aesthetic.  Doing a retro futuristic lolita look was too fun of an idea to pass up.  Not much has changed outside of converting it to a dress and turning the gauntlets into Miku bell sleeves.  Snowflake earrings & delicate hair for Fries’ one true love & because they’re pretty.
Black Mask: I didn’t want to do all skulls since there’s enough dresses out there that do that, so I ended up with the mask part of his name.  Made sure to give the rich colors of a mobster along with the swag of the suit as well.  I think this one could be designed to be better and less busy (to fit in with the sleekness of Black Mask’s look more) but I wanted to go a bit over the top because why not, Lolita’s very theatrical.  
Ventriloquist: Ok, this is a silly one.  This is nice and casual lolita that doesn’t look too close to Wesker, but that’s because Wesker’s design is supposed to be intentionally plain and meek.  Without the (badly drawn, sorry) Tommy gun purse & Scarface, I don’t think he’s recognizable.  That’s not a bad thing - him and Scarface complement each other perfectly and make a memorable design.  So I did my best to make a cute casual coord and add the few touches to make it look more like Wesker, & drew a teeny Scarface to show such.  I wish I could have done more to reference Peyton Riley/the second Ventriloquist but all I could capture was the color since her design is also very simple. 
Scarface himself only got colors that were closer to the outfit.  I didn’t fancy him up too much since I think it would mess with the gangster look he has, which is already close to aristocrat fashion in the lolita world.  He was lucky not to get extra frills at the ends of his sleeves!
Zsazs: another mainly Arkham Design.  Most of mine are based partially on Arkham since that’s where I get most of my Batman fix, apologies!  Anyway, I just liked the idea of a skin-flesh dress with the locks and buckles of the Arkham prisoner jacket/uniform.  The bell sleeves already being on him made this a lot easier.  I left a spot open where I was going to draw the bat symbol, but I decided against it.
Killer Moth: Top are his Arkham Asylum Artwork colors since I think they’re very nice.  Went for a cute little 1960s inspired fur coat & bob, as his design is already psychedelic. Gave a fun flower crown to round out the colors & hold up some cute moth antenna.
Firefly: His The Batman design was the most unique to pull from and a good starting point to make an outfit.  I took some inspiration of the warning stripes, junk around the belt, & burnt skin tights from the Arkham version too.  *ellis voice* I ever tell you about the time Keith and I made fireworks? Otherwise, his design would have been much harder to work with considering it’s mostly a solid suit with not many features in his apperances.  It would have had to be more abstract if I went for one of those.  
But yeah his The Batman design and designs spinning off from it kick ass, so I did a sporty-ish look.  I hope the bonnet doesn’t look too silly, I just wanted headware that differed the outfit from Killer Moth better.
Strange: Another design that had to go with the Arkham look.  Strange is a classic villain with his face being one of his big, defining features.  This is a great thing in character design, it just means it’s harder to make an outfit around it! 
I love the classic mad scientist look so I didn’t stray too far from it, it looks fun medical Lolita already. All I really did was add the medical book brain pattern (thank you British Library) + little bats, because of course he’d have bats on his brain.  It’s also a nod to his habit of Batman Cosplay & impersonation.
A few people I thought of but didn’t make dresses for:
Joker - He’s fabulous, I just didn’t feel jokery & wanted to focus on others more.
Catwoman, Harley, & Ivy - All three ladies have so many designs it’s hard to choose.  They have so much more freedom with their designs than most of the male crooks.  I’d have to make like... 4+ outfits for each just like I did with Scarecrow if I was to ever be satisifed. ;w;
Mad Hatter, White Rabbit - All the Alice themed supervillains have been done as Lolita Coords by Lolita fashion already since, well, Alice was a big inspiration for the fashion in general. I’d be down for them but I just felt bad because I couldn’t think of how to separate them from others as well as I could, like how I made Black Mask’s design more elaborate as to make sure the themes and connections to the villain was clear rather than just a skull design.
Killer Croc & Man-bat: Also hard to differ between a general animal-themed coord and them.  
Thanks, hope you guys are enjoying your new year so far. :D
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Aight then, so this is the kid I alluded to in my last post for @arson-cookie, this is Marble Choco Cookie
Admittedly, her name didn’t originally come from a specific type of chocolate since well, there’s only so many kinds of chocolate out there. Her name mainly came from the fact that I was thinking of a way to combine dark chocolate and white chocolate (since I assume that’s the specific kind of chocolate Pink Choco is, given her similarities to White Choco), and o was thinking of marble cake, so I thought, “why not Marble Choco?”. Though I did look it up and it seems to be an actual thing, even if granted it just seems to be used by one brand as a flavor, so yeah it works
Marble chocolate:
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I will admit however, that her design isn’t one I feel particularly proud of. Like yeah, it looks fine, but I feel like I just slapped something together. I had ideas, namely of her wielding a scythe and her having a love themed magical girl look, but when it came to actual execution I think I kind of just went with whatever. I think the main reasons for this were because firstly I made up her whole concept late last night, but by the time I wanted to draw her, it was close to midnight, and I try to not stay up much longer past that time, namely because I wake up early in the morning and I don’t want to be sleep deprived. So I had to wait until the next morning to draw her, when that fervor was mostly lost. I mean it was still there, but not as intense, and that may have affected things. The other reason is probably what I was doing while drawing her. See, I don’t like just drawing in silence, so usually I’ll have either music playing (usually when I’m out somewhere), or I’ll be watching videos in the background. With her, I was watching a YouTuber I like doing these multiple hour long reviews of books he reads, usually bad ones (the books, not the reviews). Thing is, there’s like, no ambience and the videos are really long, they’re just his extensive thoughts on the book as we go through them. They aren’t bad by any means, there’s a reason I watch them despite their length, but this also kind of puts me in a more dull mood, if that makes any sense. I’m just listening to a guy talking for 2 hours, and as such I’m not thinking too creatively. Does that make sense? Also the fact that I’m home for Easter weekend and as said before, I’m not as creative here
But anyways I do want to get into the process of me coming up with her as well. So basically we were driving home from my college, around an hour and a half drive, and I decided to spend that time coming up with ideas for fankids, since I hadn’t really done any this week, and I did come up with a few (that I’ll do later). I got to Marble Choco and was thinking of things for her, and I changed the music to Scanty and Kneesock’s theme from Panty and Stocking (I watched the show a very long time ago because I thought the animation was pretty. Didn’t understand the jokes at the time but I rediscovered the soundtrack a couple years ago and it’s honestly pretty good), and then my mind went “why do I want to base her off of Panty and Stocking?” I sort of filed that away but the idea stuck with me, which evolved into me making her a sort of magical girl, which I also feel is a not too ludicrous leap for these two characters. I gave her a scythe because I was trying to come up with ideas and I decided to look up Scanty and Kneesock’s weapons and saw Kneesock had dual scythes, so I decided to give her a singular scythe. Note that Marble Choco’s a lot more family friendly than this show, she doesn’t do the whole innuendos or anything, it’s just that they were the origins of her concept
But getting into my things with the design, I feel like I may have leaned too much into the Pink Choco and all the pinks, not too much Dark Choco
Anyways, so now let’s get into her herself. So like I said, she’s a magical girl that’s love themed, with the drawing here of her in that form. I imagine if she were in Ovenbreak, her skill would be like Hero or Kumiho in which she’d transform into this form and do things, not sure what though other than attacking things. Basically she’s supposed to have found a magical heart shaped gem (unrelated to Soul Jam) that gives her the power to transform into this state and then turns into her scythe. In normal form, it’s supposed to be a small hair clip like I showed in the sketch (which was basically supposed to be a rough draft for her civilian outfit. I had no actual ideas for what it looked like so I just have her a black jacket). The gem has no actual explanation for what it is, since I feel like that’s something that could happen in Cookie Run, like Snow Sugar’s wand and for all intents and purposes, the Strawberry Jam Sword. It’s just a thing she found that gives her magic powers
But basically her whole deal is that she’s a magical girl that fights against people without love in their hearts. I had this idea to call her the Love Reaper, you know because of the scythe. How her scythe is supposed to work is that the less love someone has in their heart for others, the more powerful the scythe is against them. If you have a lot of it, it will barely affect you, but if you have no love then it’s practically deadly. To reflect this I was considering making the blade holographic, but I decided against it. It’s sort of like what I think KARMA in Undertale is supposed to be like, where it’s more effective the worse you are, at least in theory.
Now that love doesn’t have to just be romantic, it could be platonic or familial or just a general love for others, or most likely a combination of all those. It doesn’t include self love though, since I imagine that’d skew things quite a bit. For example, Dark Choco seems like at his core, he genuinely cares about other cookies, but his self love is probably in the negatives, and that’s not really an accurate reflection of what the point is. Also it seems kinda wrong to punish someone because they don’t love themselves. That’s why I specified “love for others”. Though I haven’t quite figured out where obsessive love falls into this, as it is love, but it’s at an unhealthy level. I dunno. But against things like just animals/creatures, things without a real concept of love, it’s probably as effective as a normal scythe
As for her herself, well first off I imagine she’s pretty tall, getting that from her father’s side. Not really relevant to her personality but I thought I should mention. I imagine her to be a relatively serious person, but not particularly stoic, she’s generally pretty easygoing once you get to know her. I imagine her and the other 4 from this request are all friends, and she’s the cool dependable one they all go to. Also the one they go to if they need someone beat up since she’s the physical powerhouse
Honestly I’m debating making her a completely original Cookie Run character, since I went pretty in depth with the whole concept of her powers and they don’t need to be tied to being a fankid, she could probably stand on her own as a character with very minimal changes
But yeah, I think that’s everything about her, I hope you like her!
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Bad Batter has been my beloved comfort character ever since 2016. :) I can draw him pretty fucking well yet I still struggle to draw anyone else, awesoooome.
My hc for his design is that he’s proportioned close to normal batter, just a bit thicker or longer in some areas like having longer legs and broader shoulders. His neck is also pretty beefy, something like a sturdy snake’s neck with some small buffalo hump at the base. Big claws and hands because they’re cool, and big monster feet. I had an older design where bad batter’s monster feet literally split the tips of the cleats and left them as a small design detail, but after consideration, I decided that it goes against how I imagine the story goes. Also, short tail thing! It’s useless. It’s kinda just there. Bad Batter can walk on all 4, but they don’t because it makes it harder to carry a bat. Bad Batter also has wonky vision. Their eyes are positioned like an herbivores which is mainly because their face shape reminds me of a horse skull (hence the long canines and incisor having a stretch of no teeth between it and the molars. Horse skulls have that). I guess their weird eyes are bulbous and would let them see in almost 360 which is cool. It brings up questions on why a carnivore monster needs herbivore eyes.
Anyways, bad batter is my beloved, I love them. I will make more art of em some day.
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childofaura · 8 months
What are your thoughts on DAI-XT? They’re an artist that mainly draw manly man units and gods they’re so good!
So far, they’ve drawn Bartre (Easter alt), Brigand Boss, Duo Duma and Mila (the very first time they can draw women), Flame Emperor, Gatrie, Gilliam, Merlinus, Osian and Raphael (Plegian alt).
I wouldn’t give it to them if given the chance, they can draw Boucheron and/or Louis, seeing how they can draw muscular guys and armoured units.
I really do like their art, and my GOODNESS they did Gilliam justice. Buuuuuut, I've have a couple of minor nitpicks with some of their pieces. Let's ignore that for now though and just review them starting with the good stuff.
DAI-XT is the artist for the characters you've listed above (And yes, I think they would absolutely NAIL Boucheron).
Yes, one thing that DAI-XT loves drawing is their MUSCLES:
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(And yes, before anyone says it, these muscles ARE exaggerated and unrealistic. I know I gripe about boobs sometimes so to be fair I will note the muscles are unrealistic as well)
Their color and shading work is fantastic, and they have awesome expression work, maybe almost on par with Argon's expression work:
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And all their characters are pretty varied. Merlinus is an old man, Brigand Boss is... Brigand Boss, lmao. Bartre is a total dad, and Gatrie's a strapping young lad (And cute, too). Plus with Mila, it means they can also draw women.
And I do have to thank them for giving the ladies SOMETHING with their Gilliam damage art (without it being too weird or overboard like Okuma Yugo's can be):
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Now the one thing I will say is that their art for Duma is... underwhelming. I hate to compare between pieces, but I have to pull up Yoneko's Duma to really illustrate where I feel like DAI-XT fell flat:
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It's not that DAI-XT's is BAD, per say; it's more that Duma's face is less defined in their version compared to Yoneko's. The nose is pretty basic, the eyes aren't as sharp, and the facial muscles aren't as defined either.
The other criticism I have is that I feel like Merlinus's attack pose could have used more work:
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Though I will cut DAI-XT some slack in that Merlinus doesn't have much in the way of outfit design that leads to good posework. And also since Merlinus isn't an offensive unit (like, at all apparently).
So with all that being said, I think I could put DAI-XT at an 8.5/10. They're definitely a good artist who is steadily improving.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
This will be short but I just absolutely love it when LO stans prove my points it’s so refreshing and satisfying for me. Mainly because I’m a sore loser and dread the feeling of being wrong (this is actually true although not in the way you’re thinking, don’t get me wrong I hate being wrong but I’m not the type to double down or insult or anything, I’ll take it and learn from it. Will I be embarrassed? Yes, will I beat myself up about it? Yes, but I’ll get over it. Most I’ll do is laugh in shock or cry in my corner) but also because it’s just so interesting to see honestly. What I mean by this is that a lot of the stans are only here for the imaginary sex scenes that we’ll never get, mainly because it’s on webtoon and the app has access to all which is why I’m always confused that they try and make it seem like webtoon is just this unheard of and adult app.
Like I’m not even being funny right now I’m pretty sure a lot of fans found this shit in middle school, maybe even lower than that so I’m not understanding why whenever we bring up the younger fans the older ones get so upset. Yes Carol, it would not look good if Rachel decided to draw full on NSFW in one of her chapters without putting into consideration the age range of her fans. But it is worrying how badly they want to watch each and every panel of how Persephone and Hades screw around, like they literally need those drawings at this point.
Speaking of the fans’ need for sexual activity, it quite literally seems to be the only thing they’re there for. Every single time I blink there’s another person commenting on how they want to see Persephone getting “pounded” or how “they want to see them fuck each other” or even more descriptive language to describe their insatiable appetite for literal porn. They don’t care for the failing storyline, plot holes, bad pacing, terrible art, mischaracterizations, and even bad character design because they will continue to eat up every single mediocre chapter LO pushes out while begging and pleading for NSFW every other episode. It’s really annoying because not everyone wants to see that shit, never in my years of reading Lore Olympus did I ever display joy or even intrigue about Persephone and Hades doing it and I’m sure there’s a bunch of other people that agree with me, I don’t give a shit if the stans get mad at me for saying this but it’s not just you in this fandom and your opinion isn’t the only one that matters.
Crazy thing is that Lore Olympus fans have been disappointed and frustrated with the lack of actual story since the stans that want sex over story scream the loudest for it. You wonder why the wedding was so rushed I’m sure those stans wanted it to be done and over with just so they could see Persephone in lingerie and Hades with another boner, they’re only here for the “spice” yet their requests are the ones implemented into the story the most. No one wants sex like they do, we don’t want fluff, we don’t want flirting, and we sure as hell didn’t want a wedding. We wanted to see a loving and passionate relationship, one that Rachel herself said that she wanted to create yet we literally get no chemistry or romance between these two that isn’t manufactured and forced. I’m tired of the perfect love story why can’t we just have a love story between the gods? If you’re not going to make it a horror retelling at least make it a bearable romantic one.
But honestly I can’t blame it all on the stans since Rachel seems to be pushing towards only wanting to make sex and fluff between them. That’s all you could really look forward to since you can’t even tell me what the real plot of this story or the message is, it’s all been lost years ago and this comic has been going on for 6 years now. There’s been no progress and nothing exciting being brought to this story for the last two seasons so really the spice is the only interesting part of Lore Olympus as a whole and it’s sad. Instead of doing fan service to the minority in your fandom you could actually salvage whatever remains of your comic by listening to your actual fans who are here for you and your work which is your story, not your ability to draw genitals.
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
I actually have a question, well technically 2?? Okay wasn’t 2, I kept thinking and getting ideas. But!!!
1) Are you okay with your characters, plot, stories etc from your fanfics (mainly HND) being Cosplayed? As in people cosplaying like Berry and Syrup like how on tiktok people did Sans, Edge, Fresh, Coffee etc? You okay with cosplays and reacting scenes? Or possibly even fan made scenes? Or them cosplaying they’re YN/MC or what they would wear in different chapters etc?
2) Is drawings of scenes on tiktok? Or again fanmade scenes? Changes or etc? Is it okay? Or like what if scenes? Or like voice acting said scenes or comics or comic dubs??
3) On said note of drawing; when you do the more spicy scenes, are you okay for the nsfw artists to draw it? With a YN or their MC?
4) Are you okay with fanart etc being on more then just Tumblr? Like Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok? Maybe even Youtube?
5) Do ya know how in DnD peoplez make mini scenes from they’re sessions? Or while they roleplay the figures move or the furniture or area changes? Are you okay with that or like doll like in dollhouse type thingy, because I kinda wanna do a figures of the paintball scenes
6) is it okay for people to make fanfics of your fanfics? Or like use your version of characters in they’re own fanfic, for example; take your characters out them in a total different world, but they’re personality etc stay the same, unless needed for certain story ideas like medieval, fantasy, dnd world etc
7) ALSO are you okay with people like making HND, etc, inspired like “merch” in a way?(thoughts on selling, but I’m more of is it okay to make for yourself) Or like making *spoiler kinda* The necklace Mafia gave MC? Mango and MC’s bracelets? Or like Dreams coin necklace? or people making like the boys jackets so it’s the cute “wearing my bf jacket” thing? - or thoughts on people designing tattoos of your fanfic and getting those tattoos? Or just designing tattoos?
Of course for all of these you’d be given credit, tagged, etc- if you have the certain platforms where posted or regardless credited one way or another! And of course have it’s own hashtag so it doesn’t get lost to something completely different like some idea examples: Cosplay wise: # HNDCosplay, HNDBerryCosplay, HNDMCCosplay, etc etc etc and say scenes HNDCannon, HNDFannon, HNDScenesCannon,
It’s just I’m a Cosplayer and I’ve been really wanting to Cosplay your characters, redo scenes in Cosplay format, and I wonder if it’s okay aswell as if others might be wanting too as well or if it’s just a me thing😂 Also sorry it was originally 2 questions that lead to an essay��� I really am sorry it’s long, however your story, REALLY helps my creative mind keep getting ideas and I have a lot of hobbies, I also don’t wanna spam you so I try to keep it all in one ask. Sorry again!!! Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for being my inspiration and motivation!!💞💗 ~Long Asks Anom aka 💚𝒯𝒽ℯℴ💚
Woah! This is a lot XD ok lets do this. 
Yeah people can cosplay scenes and characters from my story. I would actually love to see some cosplay scenes or even fanmade ones! And absolutely A-OK with people cosplaying MC. I love seeing different variants of MC!! It’s so cool and interesting to me. So Big Yes to all this
Absolutely!! Love drawing and a-ok with you making fan made scenes or changes! Yes to voice acting and comics and comic dubs! Go nuts. If my writing inspires you, use it! I’d love to see what others make because of my writing. 
Hehehe yes. Go nuts. If a NSFW artist would like to draw them then yes. Hell if they want to draw this now so I can have some inspiration I won’t say no XD
Yeah! Tumblr is just my main platform. I have an Instagram too! But don’t post there at all really. And a TikTok but that’s literally just for watching others' content. As long as you send me a link or something to it here because I’d love to see it more than anything else post wherever you’d like!
If you want to make miniatures, heck yeah! Like that’s awesome! Like little dioramas! That’s so cool honestly. Omg the paintball scene would work so well too! Go for it
YES! I have a few so far on AO3 that have been inspired by HND. I feel like the only skeletons I have claims on are Syrup and Berry though because I accidentally made them. Obviously all other skeletons belong to their original owners but if you like my interpretation of them go for it. Also use Syrup and Berry for whatever. Take them all of them! Then they can be your problem. You can use all the humans too, like Lo, Vanessa or the brothers. I don’t mind
Yes! Again i’d be careful cause obviously most of these skeletons are not mine. They are the respective owners so you’d have to check with them. However the necklace, mango’s friendship bracelet and dreams coin necklace are all fine to make if you want cause I did make them up. The jackets would be based on the other creators (I think most are ok with it from memory but double check) but Syrups you can make. Tattoo designs would be awesome to see!! If people get tattoos on HND that’s on them but I might die. Heck if someone makes a HND tattoo that I love I might get it XD. Currently I have no plans to make merch for HND just cause I never thought of it XD you can make whatever you want for yourself, selling would be fine for now? If I ever make my own in future my stance on that might change though. 
And that’s everything. Like you said please please please tag me so I can see!!! Or even just send it my way.  I love seeing creative works based on my writing. Your suggestions on tags all sound great too. 
I’ve never had a cosplayer want to do scenes from my writing before so that’s very exciting! Don’t apologize, this was great! Bother me anytime! I can’t wait to see what you end up doing!! I’m so pumped!! 
I hope you have a fantastic day Theo!!
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