#they're lower level
luckthebard · 2 years
Ok here's my actual hot take from episode 33 - I kind of don't get the complaints that Fearne or Orym's deaths were "all about Imogen."
Fearne is ruidusborn. Otohan even focused on her because of that, for all that it was dismissive and condescending. That's the kind of thing that will really stay with Fearne as a consequence here, if FCG manages a successful Revivify. It could really stay with her and potentially drive her story of self-discovery in really interesting ways.
As for Orym, this fight was major for him in terms of his personal quest to find the shadow assassins. He sure found them. It's tragic and weirdly poetic that Otohan killed him too when she's the one who killed Will, but Orym absolutely found what he was looking for. This wasn't about Imogen at all, for him - it was directly tied to his personal quest. It just didn't end the way he wanted. And, like Fearne, if there is a shot at a Revivify with Orym, this moment of failure but also discovery would be a huge drive forward for his story.
They were all on this job together, not for Imogen, and there are clear ways the fight itself had narrative meaning for other characters.
And also, I'm going to need someone to explain (really explain, in a way that makes sense) how there being a powerful villain closely tied to one character is GREAT and the BEST EVER in one case (Percy and the Briarwoods) and somehow unacceptable and bad here, besides gender.
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jakeperalta · 8 months
I get why people complain about the overexposure of celebrities..... I'M sick of hearing about taylor and I'm a fan :/
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hussyknee · 5 months
Apparently Zionists are harrassing Sudanese people who're risking death to post updates from their own genocide because they can't tell the Sudanese flag 🇸🇩 apart from the Palestinian one. 🇵🇸
Mfers 1) can't even identify what they hate so much, 2) can't leave any Black people alone if their lives depended on it.
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desatu · 2 years
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been on an assassins creed kick
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irawhiti · 9 months
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do you guys fucking hear yourselves i'm just wondering. like be fucking for real here. everyone who says that millionaires aren't rich or some other shit because of inflation and prices going up owes every homeless person who has to read this shit $3000. guess what, things are just as expensive for the filthy poors WITHOUT a million dollars, too! usually a hell of a lot more expensive in the long run, actually! the cost of living getting more expensive affects EVERYONE. a flat $1000 is almost nothing to a millionaire while being a fucking life changer for many people living in poverty! come on now.
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bogkeep · 9 months
the way the most recent pokemon games don't let you turn off the exp share or the affection mechanic bonuses is nothing short of maddening. i think they make great accessibility features If Only They Were Optional and the flavour text is cute, but i want to have a fun casual playthrough that's at least mildly challenging without having to make it a nuzlocke or something. i don't want to feed my starter bitter medicines to make her hate me :(
#JUST LET ME TURN IT OFF... PLEASE....#i can't do nuzlockes i do Not have the willpower to stick to the rules and they stress me out haha#anyway i am a fool who's left all of my DS games in norway and i got a hankering for replaying sinnoh games#so i decided to get shining pearl right. figured it might be fun even if ill miss the 4th gren spritework something fierce#what ensued was a needlessly complicated process just to get a copy that was slightly cheaper than full price nintendo blood money#there's a store that listed shining pearl at a lower price. not brilliant diamond - just pearl#i feel like maybe it's by mistake since that's the price of a nintendo DS cartridge. so maybe wires got crossed#the norwegian version of the store does NOT have the price disparity.#anyway i can't order online without a swedish phone number. and the local store is out of stock#so i have several long walks to the store to get them to order it in for me and then to order it delivered to me etc#and then of course another long walk to pick up the mail BUT I HAVE IT NOW. I HAVE VIDEO GAME#and it's very nice and nostalgic with a couple quality of life upgrades#my first pokemon game was pokemon diamond. when i got it i was still learning english and had no idea what was happening at any time#good times good times#obviously no pokemon run is ever gonna be as challenging as my first ever run#it does not need to be! u can immediately tell that a lot of difficulty in earlier games is that leveling up your team was a hassle#and almost always required grinding. i do not miss that at all ! but the remakes seem to be Extremely Faithful#so they're not rly structured around how fast you can level your whole team#or that your pokemon are gonna start doing extra crits or hold on to last HP before u even get to the third gym#OH WELL#you know what's very exciting for me though. i have a misdreavous!!! they're pearl exclusive and not in platinum#ive always wanted to do a sinnoh run with a misdreavous on my team for some reason
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hegodamask · 1 year
While I’m on a roll with my Karn Family Thoughts™ I saw this, and now I really like the idea of Eedy not being a Coruscant native
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And it got me thinking: with her big hair and eye for appearances, wouldn’t be be delicious if Eedy was from Naboo of all places?
We all know clothing is highly symbolic and important to the Naboo. Every piece they wear communicates something specifically. Eedy is a strong believer in this too:
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She literally puts words to the position of Syril’s collar, “Look at me. I don’t believe in myself. I am desperate for approval.”
Then there’s the added flavour of Naboo being the Emperor’s home planet. I can just imagine her and Syril using that at every opportunity to impress imperial society. 
Plus, Eedy would’ve been a young woman when Palpatine was elected senator. What if she’s followed his rise to power since then? What if he was her inspiration to leave Naboo? “If Palpatine can make it to the centre of the galaxy, then so can I.”
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lady-efri · 2 years
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“Rise from the Deep, Toa. Or DROWN in it.” Rhulk, First Disciple of the Witness
After his defeat in Savathûn's throne world, his essence has managed to find its way into Spherus Magna. As the Lord of Shadows prepares to usurp the Great Spirit, how will he fare against something truly Dark?
I have intense crossover brainrot, which led to several destiny mocs, especially this one lmao
It also led to me wondering how Toa would fare against any of the main enemies in the Destiny universe, which is interesting to think about
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starlightcleric · 5 months
So... after a game's worth of deliberation, Cal is siding with the Huana. I had thought I would get to keep Maia until after I actually went through with the plan, but we argued in front of the Queen and she permanently left my party.
Cal and Maia were on really good terms. In the modern au they're roommates.
What I'm saying is that this is really juicy drama.
Also I lost a dps slot.
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sweetenby · 5 months
That one Rudolph lesbian post has me all kinds of fucked up
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Me foaming at the mouth desperate to explain that male work animals are more often than not castrated vs clamping my mouth shut bc then I'd be siding with a homophobe vs knowing it's meaningless bc the animators didn't care about any of that and just gave the reindeer antlers bc it looks good
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geminipdf · 8 months
uni resumes tomorrow and one of our teachers just e-mailed us that the first thing we'll do in the morning is we're going to have an individual assessment test lol i don't feel like i've forgotten that much of the language throughout the summer but it's still stressful 🌵😬
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sergle · 2 years
CLAWING AT THE GROUND bc I’m excited about the ATLA movie that should be coming out in a couple years but I’m also scared bc I KNOW... that they’ve decided nothing is sacred. they retconned/fuckt up so many things in Korra that my body isn’t ready for more things to be added to that list in the movie
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Is one day of peace too much to ask for? All signs point to yes.
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insane to put nurses who don't speak english to explain homecare to patients
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saltytyrus · 1 month
I wish we could mute our stomachs 🫠
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chicknstripz · 1 year
Please tell me I wasn’t the only one waiting for Sev to trundle out of the Kashyyyk forest bitching about intel being wrong? Someone? Anyone?
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