#they're probably going to get married and die in each other's arms
electraslight · 7 months
fave bevin headcanons ??? ik u probably have answered this and dgaf but I love them and love hearing ur ideas and opinions they're always so great ☹️❤️‍🔥( im a lurker so I apologize for the lack of interaction !!!!! )
hiii taking a break in my no tumblr run to prosteleytize abt bevin, here are some loose headcannons
-kevin had a running joke going for a bit where he would not let ben out of the car until he gave him a kiss on the cheek aka Kiss Tax especially when people who weren't ben gwen and kevin were also in the car. he thinks the way ben gets mad about it is very funny, but it kind of backfires on him because ben stops getting mad and just does it and now every time he drives ben somewhere he gets a kiss. hes considering making the ride tax something more embarassing, like kissing with tongue.
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-kevin sleeps with such a wide berth that he will somehow be on top of someone during any nap, even if the person is sitting feet away. the only one who's ok with being snored and drooled on is ben, because he is constantly cold and appreciates a bro snuggle
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-ben and kevin do that scoobly do shit when theyre scared (a la jumping into each others arms n high pitched screaming)
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-u may at this point be like 'hey these aren't bevin headcannons this is just them doing mildly gay best friend stuff' and to this i raise u this: i feel like, if ben and kevin were to ever aknowlege their feelings for each other, they wouldn't be the type of ppl to 'date'. theyre kind of beyond dating at this point, arent they? their relationship isnt really defined by human terms, as theyre both distanced from a lot of human social norms (kind of teetering on the brink of human and alien) and also theyve been through so much shit it would be weird to suddenly go through the human rituals of 'hold hands and go to resturants and introduce him to the parents blah blah blah'. they're more than that, and the way they go about being in love is kind of the same way they're friends, still joined at the hip and ragging on each other, still getting into fights and willing to kill and die for each other. its like being best friends and being 30 year married people at once. theyre sure theres some alien word for it, but they dont really care. ben is kevins and kevin is bens, and thats how they roll. and they make out with tongue. duh.
(clarifying for ppl w no reading comprehension: they are in gay homo love but they dont put labels like 'boyfriend' or 'dating' on it bc once youve held another boys hand and made the choice to destroy your body to save him twice + your lover learned what it meant to be a hero from u and you are a symbol of hope for him and he is for u you cant really just be like 'heres my bae' now can you. relationship anarchy win.)
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crepes-suzette-373 · 1 year
”Is that a proposal” VS "non-mutual love": Weddings, weddings all around
At the risk of dredging a topic that's been beaten to death... I know all the SanNami fans already talk about WCI a lot, but hopefully what I'm saying is new or informative and exciting.
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Even after declaring that he wants to come back and Luffy takes him back with open arms, Sanji still looks absolutely miserable and depressed. However, the moment Nami tells him she's taking him back, he pretty much immediately turns back to normal. Flying hearts and all.
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Even Luffy seem to notice and goes "Oh great, everything is all fine now". (raw note: he just says "I'm somehow relieved now", but it's not overly different)
By the way, specifically, when Sanji asks if that's a proposal... It might seem a bit extreme, like you might wonder why would he assume proposal and not just "confession".
The reason is probably because Nami says "We're taking you back" with kaette kite morau 帰って来て貰う (i.e "receiving you back"). One of the indirect phrases to say "get married" is yome ni morau 嫁に貰う, literally means to "receive a wife" (into the husband's household).
This could just be a momentary gag, but here's a possible hot take for it: It basically subverts the whole Big Mum wedding entirely.
It's less common, but if the wife's family is more powerful, sometimes they would "receive" the husband into their family instead of sending out the daughter to the husband's family. No matter what Judge says or thinks, Big Mum is the stronger party here. Even suppose this wedding wasn't a fraud, for all accounts it's Sanji that's being taken into the Charlotte family.
He's only going along with it because he feared people would die, but if Nami's proposing? It's yes all the way.
Would you look at that, the groom is being taken in by another family already, bye.
And also, the colours:
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In Japan, red and white together (kouhaku 紅白) means blessings from the divine, and is used for decoration and gifts in celebrations. Of course, among others, that also includes weddings. Pairs of red and white kouhaku mochi or manju are sometimes served to the wedding guests, and guests often bring gifts tied with red and white string.
Some say it's because the red means life and the white means death, symbolising a whole lifetime.
This all in contrast to the "non mutual love" re:Pudding...
This might be controversial because I dare to say the official translation is wrong, but in chapter 902, when the flowers and trees started singing Soul Pocus, the part about the prince and princess is messed up. This is how it should be:
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They're saying "the prince and princess don't share mutual love" and this is all a massive farce. You can see the whole page retranslation by me here, but I repeat, both the fan translation and the official ones are wrong.
This? This is wrong:
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I believe the reason why the translator got tripped up is because in the raw, the phrase is written like this: 引かれ会わない\.
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引かれ means pulling. 会わない means "not meeting/not connecting". It seems that because of that the translators thought it means "pulling apart".
But the problem here is 引かれ合う is supposed to be a joint phrase that means "mutual attraction". Making it the negative form, 引かれ会わない, makes it mean "not mutual attraction".
And no, this does not include mutual pining where two people are in love but aren't aware of each other's feelings.
The Soul Pocus song was recounting the whole mess that had happened. A sham wedding, pulling death-defying stunts to escape, all hell now breaks loose. The fact that there's a specific mention of "love that is not mutual" seems pretty important.
Not to mention that the narration is overlayed over a picture of Pudding, who is crying heartbrokenly while holding on Sanji's memory clips, while Sanji is comforting Carrot and mourning over Pedro and pretty much already moved on.
By all accounts the presentation looks like it's telling us "Pudding likes Sanji, but he does not return the sentiments at all".
Remember. He was so depressed before, and so worried about Luffy and Nami, and he was basically having to force himself to make the heart eyes even when he was still thinking Pudding was nice. His priorities is always Nami and the other Straw Hats first.
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Plus, how can these even compare:
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This again relates to one of the comments I previously made about WCI: In multiple moments between Sanji and Pudding that could look sweet, Oda-sensei draws Sanji with stupid faces, and basically "ruins" the scene by it.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Dropping some silly Shuggy content bc it's how I cope-
Shanks was found as a baby in a treasure chest. Buggy was semi-force-adopted off the streets at about 6/7. Roger really just went "Anyone gonna parent these kids" and was already signing pretend adoption papers furiously before anyone could so much as breathe.
The Roger crew tried to teach the boys school-like things, but Shanks HATED it while Buggy was just gobbling itt up like a dehydrated horse in a desert oasis.
Buggy LOVED reading (and still does in the present), but he has a soft spot for fantasy stories and fiction. He worries the others would make fun of him for it, but Shanks is Not Having That. He offers to be the one to ask for those books on the condition that Buggy read to him before bed. He acts put out and huffy about it, but Shanks can see him blushing every time he snuggles closer or asks a question.
Roger knows damn well about the truth bc he too sometimes joined story time. Buggy has that Performer Energy down to a SCIENCE.
It gets out eventually, and the crew tries to tease Buggy for it ((even though they didn't tease Shanks, and the redhead Will Remember That)). The guys ask if Buggy likes them bc he wants to be a princess, to which Shanks goes surprisingly nuclear, going on about how if Buggy was ANYONE'S princess, he'd be HIS because the princesses are smart, brave, strong and beautiful, and their knights need someone to be the brains and drive. Buggy is the brains and Shanks is his knight. Pirate princess and pirate knight!!
A few hours later, once he has successfully calmed Buggy down and Captain has punished everyone for bullying his kids, Shanks has the BRILLIANT idea of getting "married".
"Princesses can be flashy, but the warrior queen from the last book was SO COOL and I think you'd make a better queen than a princess because queens are SUPER SMART and lovely and strong and just like you!"
"You think so...?"
"Mmhm! So we just gotta make you a queen! How do princesses become queens?"
"Don't they get married?"
"Oh yeah! Then let's be married! That way you can be MY queen and I'll be YOUR king!"
They sneak into the treasury, looking for rings. There are none - at least, none that would fit. ((Shanks stole one for Buggy when they get bigger)). So they decide to do the next best thing!
They drag Roger onto the next island, make rings out of dandelions, have him officiate, and marry each other with flower rings so they're king and queen now. Then they make a wish on the dandelions.
They consider it their Real Marriage. It was officiated and everything, and they still refer to each other as Husbands ((or Wife when Buggy's feeling more femme)), and everyone is absolutely flabbergasted when it comes up in conversation.
Shanks lost his band when he gave his arm up for Luffy, but Buggy sent an 'anonymous' gift with a replacement. He wears it on a necklace now.
Buggy wears his ring on a necklace as well, or sewn into the inside of his hat or in a jewelry box he keeps under lock and key, depending on the day.
The breakup they had post-execution was smoothed over, they have an open marriage, and they still love one another in the sweetest, most cavity inducing way imaginable.
((PS, Luffy, once crowned King, mentions to Shanks that he was the closest he had to a dad. While Shanks I'd emotional, Luffy grins at Buggy and goes "so should I call you mom or dad?"))
Shooting me would've been less painful than reading this because now I am sobbing crying and shaking on the floor and I will never forget this. The whole concept about Buggy loving to read and Shanks doing it for him always makes me go insane, but the crew making fun of Buggy and Shanks protecting him without hesitating? Not even once? And telling him that they should get married? Okay. Wow. Okay. I need a second. Because this is just,,, So sweet. And Roger and Rayleigh would literally die when they told them about the idea. Like they would probably have a tiny heart attack from how cute these kids are. Rayleigh would probably go "Isn't it a bit too soon? Think about it first you idiots-" but Roger is already planning everything because his impulsive romantic ass can't wait for his kids to get married lmfao. Also, non-binary/genderfluid Buggy my beloved because me too, Buggy, me too.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Fucking...ship alphabet crap because I'm gonna go insane- (Ashlyn x Aiden)
Aiden Clark
A = Affection
Aiden is really affectionate with Ash, he has a hard time keeping in how he feels about her so he's constantly complimenting her, touching her, kissing her if she will let him, etc etc. He's just soooo in love with her he can't keep it in- 🫠
B = Best Friend
Ngl Aiden was like the closest thing Ash had to a best friend before they started dating 🤡 he's not that different besides the fact that he can keep his emotions a little more in check (like friend boundaries). Very protective, encouraging, and does his best to listen ^_^
C = Cuddles
Bless him he is touch starved and cuddling is like a feast to him. He LOVES cuddling. Definitely clingy and likes rubbing her arms or back. Man ascends whenever Ash glomps him.
D = Domestic
Aiden likes the idea of settling down, he would like to live with Ash at some point, especially cuz he grew up in an empty house. It's kinda unfortunate since he sucks really hard at domestic tasks 💀 he's never had to cook or clean a day in his life and he's not very inclined to learn lmao. He's super messy and pretty much banned from the kitchen 😭
E = Ending
Um he would literally rather die 🫠 he will fight tooth and nail to be with her and if he HAD to break up with her it would be like, under pressure that somebody was going to kill her or smth 😭 and then he'd kill the person who threatened her and go get his girl back.
F = Fiancé
He doesn't really care about getting married as long as Ash stays with him :P He likes how his ring looks on her finger tho.
G = Gentle
He's not very good at that haha. He's very...um, intense with all his feelings oop- He's not very good at being soft (verbally/emotionally) in the moment, it's something he needs to give thought too. He can be pretty tender physically tho, likes to kiss her forehead :)
H = Hugs
Loves loves loves hugging, especially if Ash initiated. Totally into squeeze hugging and lifting her off her feet. He kinda hovers around her in public and puts his arm around her so he's constantly "loose hugging" her.
I = I love you
He said it pretty quickly. He doesn't see why he should hide how he feels :p. He probably said it when she was just doing smth, like with no buildup or anything. It was just a very sudden feeling on his part and he vocalised it right away
J = Jealousy
Pretty consistently 🤡 he has attachment issues can you blame him? 😭 (you can). Very not cool with other people (that he doesn't know) talking, touching, hanging out with Ash and he will be hate-watching them the entire time. With Ash he gets a lot clingier and starts complimenting her even more, but if Ash gets weirded out/annoyed by it he tends to react pretty poorly and can get upset with her.
K = Kisses
His kisses vary, but they can be kinda aggressive/intense? lmao. He is just having BIG FEELINGS and he needs to express himself- if hes stressed he'll just. Grab her face and mash their mouths together (jumpscares Ash fr) He really does not care where he kisses Ash like everything is good for him, but when Ash kisses him first on the mouth that's soooo... he goes to heaven fr.
L = Little Ones
Pretty good with children actually! He has some experience with Lily and he vibes pretty well with kid energy, especially if they're hyperactive like him lol. Great with games and stuff. Babies like him a lot for some reason, they always start laughing when he holds them.
M = Morning
He gets up at like 4am all the time to do crap because he's an insomniac. Usually goes to exercise or play a video game/puzzle. Ash is not a morning person, but sometimes she can convince him to crawl back into bed and snuggle 😌
N = Night
He does go to bed really late 💀 He has an EXTREMELY hard time falling asleep so he just stays up till he passes out. Ash and him have been trying stuff to help him sleep better so they drink tea and talk to each other without looking at their phones.
O = Open
Absolutely not open with his history lol. he pretty much blocks out most of his past and he won't talk about it unless Ash insists or he feels like he needs to tell her to clarify his feelings. Doesnt say more than he needs to.
P = Patience
He has none for everything 🤡 he hates waiting, he hates putting in a lot of effort into something, he hates spending a long time on anything- (except his friends). He kinda has some hidden anger issues, he looks really easy going but like fr. He has problems.
Q = Quizzes
UM it's kinda creepy how much he remembers about Ash 😭 He has an entire space in his brain dedicated to her. He knows how she likes her coffee, her daily schedule, the exact time of her birth...he likes knowing about her sue him.
R = Remember
It's hard to pick his favourite memory cuz he's such a fan of her, even during the time she kinda hated him :> One of his top moments would probably be when she first said "I love you" back to him though.
S = Security
He's soooooo overprotective, the first time he saw her get seriously injured it was his fault and he never let that go. He knows Ash can handle herself but he still wants to keep her safe if he can!!! If somebody hurts her they are never seeing the light of day again ^_^ He always swoons a little when Ash tries to protect him too.
T = Try
His relationships are like one of the only things he actually puts effort in so. He spends a lot of time thinking on gifts, what they can do on dates, etc etc if it involves Ash. Helps her around the house if she lets him.
U = Ugly
He has sooooo many bad habits. He's super addict prone and his BPD means he will do a lot of self-sestructive stuff. Smoker (he hates it), drinker (he hates it even more), joyrider extraordinaire (just kill him now) :/ Working on it at his therapy sessions but he relapses sometimes.
V = Vanity
...I mean, he's concerned about how he looks, but not in a "looking good" way. He dyes his hair consistently because he wants to look like that, same with his contacts. Otherwise he's not like doing beauty routines for his skin or anything lol.
W = Whole
Yes he has an unhealthy attachment to Ash so he would feel incomplete without her 🫠
X = Xtra
Ash isn't his first 'relationship' but she is the first one where he actually felt something. He was pretty easy going so if somebody asked him to be their partner he almost always said yes, but he never seriously cared about any of them...🫠 Ghosted people a lot when he moved oop
Y = Yuck
He knows he has a lot of issues so like he's not gonna judge somebody a lot if they have their own vices. He would probably dislike if Ash started acting like himself lmao (you hate somebody because they reflect the worst parts of yourself) 🫠 For smth she actually does, he doesn't really like how cold she can be sometimes, but he knows she can't help it so he doesn't comment on it.
Sleeps with like 4 different blankets and he doesn't really like wearing pyjamas, he'd sleep in his boxers if he could. The blankets are like, good texture stim on his skin :D
Ashlyn Banner
A = Affection
Not good with it let's be real. Still figuring out her boundaries and what she's comfortable with. She generally just let's Aiden set the pace and if she doesn't like it she'll say something, but it's rare for her to initiate, when she does its usually something lowkey like holding his hand (prefers physical over verbal).
B = Best Friend
Ash hasn't had friends. Ever. Until suddenly she got five that she got bonded to for life 🤡 As a bestie she is generally very loyal and protective, even if she isn't very good with emotional stuff, she tries to show her support in whatever way she can.
C = Cuddles
Not really something she thinks about a lot? She doesn't mind cuddling with Aiden but he is very touchy so she gets overstimulated quickly. She prefers just lying on top of him without him grabbing her.
D = Domestic
She always imagined living by herself so the idea is a little intimidating ngl, but she's ready to give it a shot when the time comes :> Good at household chores, her parents are ex-military so she's well disciplined with making the bed, cleaning her area of the house, and she's a decent cook. Trying to teach Aiden how to do his own chores to since nobody ever taught him.
E = Ending
She would end things if she felt like Aiden wasn't getting better, she can't keep letting his bad behavior slide her entire life. Could see them getting a divorce if they had a kid together and he was still acting like that (we hope not). Definitely the type of exes to still see each other though, he's nothing if not persistent, and she can't quite seem to quit him ^_^"
F = Fiancée
She didn't even think she'd ever get married lol. She doesn't really care about labeling their relationship like that but she did ask him for tax reasons. And he was happy too, so that's a plus :>
G = Gentle
She's said it herself, she's not good at that. She's generally pretty brash with Aiden and she has a hard time being vulnerable. She's also not a very physically gentle person either, she usually initiates contact if she's stressed/upset so it's kinda intense. She's working on it!
H = Hugs
Pretty rare, she doesn't mind if Aiden hugs her, but Jesus, sometimes it feels like he's going to break her ribs 💀 Not that her hugs are much better tho 🫠 Tends to bury her face in his shoulder and grab his hair.
I = I love you
It's soooooo hard for her omg. She can't explain why she just feels really weird/dumb saying it 😭 she usually only says it during the heat of the moment. To compromise with Aiden, she usually writes it down on a sticky note and gives it to him. Writing is easier.
J = Jealousy
Sometimes the autism rejection sensitivity flares up haha 🫠 she's waaaaaay less jealous than Aiden but sometimes she wonders if she's just a passing fancy to him because he's so intense and quick about it (before reminding herself hes loyal to a fault). If other people talk about it (like if Aiden has been spending a lot of time with somebody) she's more likely to get jealous since she will kinda internalize their thoughts (like very "what...? Do you think I *should* be jealous?")
K = Kisses
Supremely awkward. Doesn't understand what she's supposed to do with her mouth aldhlwhd. She likes kissing his cheek because its a very simple gesture and he gets very happy. Will combust if Aiden kisses her forehead ❤️
L = Little Ones
Not the besttttt...she generally finds children to be too emotional and she doesn't understand what they're feeling. Babies are scary to her, they're so...delicate...
She doesn't hate them or anything but she's not volunteering to babysit.
M = Morning
She is CRANKY when she gets up and you can't talk to her before her cup of coffee or she's going to bite your head off. When she gets to sleep in she's waaaaay more affectionate in bed, grabs onto Aiden so he won't leave :p
N = Night
Night owl, which is useful since Aiden has trouble sleeping. She'll keep him company until he can fall asleep, but usually she falls asleep on his shoulder or smth and Aiden has to take her to bed ^_^
O = Open
Not at all. Doesn't like revealing more about herself than necessary :> She only tells Aiden things if he asks her about it. They're both very closed off which is great combo 💀
P = Patience
She's more patient than Aiden, but that isn't saying much. She gets irritated very easily but she's a lot better at managing her emotions so she doesn't lose her temper very easily, even if she's constantly annoyed.
Q = Quizzes
She's not forgetful or anything about Aiden but it's also not something she thinks about a lot. Like if somebody asked her smth about him she'll just answer it without thinking and be surprised with herself lol.
R = Remember
She just likes spending time with him, they don't have to do anything grand or amazing for it to stay in her memory, her favourite moments are the little things. Aiden genuinely laughing/smiling, the look on his face right before he figures out a puzzle, the calluses on his fingertips when she holds his hand...she's actually very sappy :>
S = Security
She is overprotective because. She watched him die. And she's just like that. But she constantly feels like she's failing him since Aiden gets hurt so frequently. Protective in a more subtle way, like if she thinks he's going to spiral she locks his meds away and won't leave him alone for anything. She gets stressed out when he tries to protect her because he can go overboard :p
T = Try
She tries so hard you guys. All of this is VERY new and scary for her, so. Baby steps. Tries to do her part in the relationship; she likes the act of planning dates even if choosing what to do stresses her out, tries to surprise him because she knows he loves that a lot (she's not very good at it).
U = Ugly
Bad habits: Sometimes everything is a lot so she will just. Not communicate with him for a long time which freaks him out. (Like he doesn't do this too 🫠) Hard time talking about her feelings and sometimes relies on the gang to solve their misunderstanding. Sometimes doesn't know where to draw the line and can be too harsh on him.
V = Vanity
Only her hair. She's very careful with it. Otherwise she doesn't care at all.
W = Whole
She's kinda bonded to him for life cuz of all the trauma so yeah she wouldn't feel "whole" without Aiden, but she would handle it a lot better than he would.
X = Xtra
Talks to Taylor about her relationship problems; Tay thinks she just has bad taste 🤡
Y = Yuck
Really hates all of Aiden's bad habits (the self destructive stuff, his own apathy towards himself, how obsessive he is with her)
When she becomes comfortable sleeping with somebody on the same bed, she'll let her hair loose, otherwise she's gonna keep the braids.
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tranakin-skywalker · 10 months
u mentioned in an answer about anakin's friends, and while honestly i think if he had stayed in contact with his mother he would be 10% more normal and 10% more fucked up but in a different direction (shmi's learned helplessness would translate into anakin directly being a little more subservient and cautious to everyone around him, but on the other hand shmi would be like, undoing all the grooming palpatine is doing by going 'DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN' while anakin is actually honest to her about what hes lying to the jedi about) or like. at least one of his normal childhood friends (who in legends canonically didn't believe that anakin was vader because they remember him as too kind) but u said he would be besties with sabe and like.
i now must scream at u about my fucked up metamour anisabe my beloved. they love the same woman in ways that no one else apart from them could understand and she looks just like her (if u can look me in the eye and tell me that sabedala isn't toxic you're lying) while he is the one whom she married. she went back to free shmi while anakin never did but he was the one who found her only for her to die in his arms. if it were a polyamourous thing they'd be the only person that the other wouldn't be jealous of because padme loved sabe first and she still fell in love with anakin and she still didn't stop loving sabe but they're still a little jealous. they would both give their lives for her. in a better world they conspire ways to make her scream and also who babysits so the other can have a date night with padme but they're also angsting about the fact that the other has something with her that they can never have. if they ever have sex post padme's death they're both thinking of her the entire time and they only marry so sabe can have custody of the children. anakin is the only person to see sabe as something other than an extension of padme and its only because he sees her as a love rival instead. padme thinks she's cheating on anakin for the beginning of the relationship but sabe and anakin are just coordinating to not have to look at each other. padme has a type and its hypercompetent abolitionists more devoted to her than they are to their principles
sorry for the long ask i just have a lot of feelings about Them (anisabe). i hope u have a nice day
Anakin and Sabe in any relationship context be it romantic or platonic wouldn't be comprehensible to any other lifeform nor would it probably be very healthy, but fuck if it wouldn't be entertaining. I think that's why I like the idea of it. They would just exist on a totally different wavelength.
Just the amount of intense jealousy and competitiveness that would exist between them would make everyone else think that they hated each others guts but if you bring that up they're like "what? No? That's one of my best friends."
I think something that tends to get forgotten is that Anakin and Sabe would have met in TPM, and that's an event that would color the rest of their relationship. Obviously they didn't interact nearly as much as Anakin and Padme did, but they were still existing in close proximity to one another for an extended period of time. Travel time between Naboo/Tatooine and Coruscant used to be about 8 days before Disney fucked it up, so that's 16 days of just being stuck on a ship together, not to mention the before and after of the Battle of Naboo. I refuse to believe they didn't interact at all during any of that.
Anakin's first impression of Sabe would have been as Queen of Naboo, and then as this girl so loyal to Padme that she was willing to die in her place. Likewise, Sabe would have known Anakin as this little boy who is the only reason why they were able to get off of Tatooine and, later, as the reason why they were able to win the Battle of Naboo. No matter their interactions as adults, that history still exists.
I do think that there would be a lot of very complicated feelings between them and a general love-hate thing going on. Like you said, they both did what the other wanted to but couldn't re: with Shmi and Padme. But I think that they would bond in a way that no one else could really understand.
The things that Sabe would have seen and experienced while helping to free slaves on Tatooine isn't something that most other people can relate too, and even fewer could be able to understand the fury and despair over the Republic doing nothing about it. Anakin would be one of the very few people who gets that.
They were both raised since a young age with this expectation that they would be willing to kill and die for a higher cause, one a Queen and the other the Republic. Their lived experiences are just so fucking bonkers, and honestly I think there's a lot of similarities between them and the thinks that they went through. Makes for some good bonding I guess.
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edwinspaynes · 11 months
tell us more about middle aged thomastair lol
Thank you for this opportunity to completely shamelessly indulge in some of my favourite headcanons, lol. First, if you want to read about Thomastair at several stages of their lives, might I offer my fic A Ribbon of Dream up as an offering? Canon-compliant, pure fluff, checks up with them at random intervals of their life until they're 70.
As you can probably tell from that, I think they will always be film junkies.
I think that they retire around 40 since that seems to be the age that most Shadowhunters stop battling demons outside of emergency situations. (Of course, they'll dispatch of any demon in their paths - but they'll be off the front lines and patrol sheets then. Wouldn't want to blow their backs out.)
One of my favourite headcanons (that might turn into an eventual fic) is that they just totally vanish for a year. Tell everyone they're retiring and going on a trip. Totally drop off the map for 52 weeks and commune with the wider world. They travel to various places and see lots of cool things, and some of it's super weird and rural. Introvert heaven. They basically are like "people? nope" and go on this big romantic retirement trip. Come back a year later. Thomas has a mustache.
Throughout their lives, I think that Thomas and Alastair adopt and love many, many pets. Mostly hedgehogs and cats, but maybe a couple of dogs thrown in there because we see that they like them. I prefer the idea of childfree Thomastair to alternatives, but if they adopt a kid it'll be some abuse survivor that they rescue from a bad situation. Just couldn't turn their backs on the kid. But I prefer them childfree and write them as such.
I like to think that they become extremely close with Matthew and his family. In most of my post-canon headcanons, Matthew and his partner are best friends with Thomas and Alastair as the group dynamics shift post-TLH. This is definitely self-indulgence, but I stand by it as the healthiest and best avenue for all the characters to take. So, like, Old Guy Matthew fucks around with Old Guys Thomas and Alastair all the time. 10/10 the future I want to see.
Thomas gets salt-and-pepper hair when he's about 30. He looks older than he is quickly - you can see this starting even in ChoT when he gets wrinkles at 18-19. Alastair thinks it's sexy but also teases him a lot because he has beautiful lush perfect black hair. The day he gets his first gray hair at about 45, he's super dramatic about it and screaming at Thomas from the bathroom about his lost youth. Thomas makes fun of him for sounding like Matthew.
They live in the Cornwall Gardens house until they're around 60. But they travel a lot and aren't always there.
I like to think that they eventually retire to Paris at about 60. You can see this in A Ribbon of Dream's final chapter. They get a nice flat overlooking the Champs Elysses stuffed with books. They stargaze on their roof.
I've mapped these guys' whole lives out. In my headcanon, they do that thing some married couples do at about 85 and die at the same time in each other's arms at night.
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nadziejastar · 11 months
Absolutely love your akusai analysis stuff its so good omg.
Do you have any more thoughts on them?
Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it! As for my thoughts on Akusai, well, after beating Fire Emblem Three Houses recently, I do have a few thoughts. I know, I'm late to the party on 3H. (I actually loved 3H and would love to write metas about those ships lol). But anyways, regarding Akusai. It's a bit of a rant and there's minor spoilers for FE3H, so I'll put it under the cut.
Okay, so Sylvix felt like it was everything Akusai was supposed to be. It touched on all the same themes, too. In 3H, you've got a childhood friend trio. The standard two males and a female. On the surface it seems like the girl and the outgoing redhead goofball are a thing. But they treat each other more like bros. He and the quiet blue-haired sword guy had a much more intimate bond with each other, complete with a special promise™ to always be together and redhead being protective of blue. The redhead never wants to grow up and change because he doesn't wanna fulfill the heteronormative life script of getting married and having kids.
He is longing to go back to his childhood days but is sad at how much blue has changed since they were kids and has apparently outgrown their closeness. He hides his angst behind a smile and womanizing. Blue was once a meek clingy crybaby but now he is surly and obsessed with growing stronger. Deep down he is still an uke who secretly longs to be redhead's waifu. But he has a lot of shame related to his sensitivity and gender nonconformity. He distances himself from others, but boy does he get irritated if redhead flirts with anyone else.
I do wish the game would have just come right out and tell you that they're gay for each other (and so does this gaming site). I get why it didn't. Still, it didn't really hide it too much. They have a paired ending where they spend their whole lives playfully teasing each other like just when they were kids, never get married, and die together in each other's arms. It's the most romantic ending in the whole game, if you ask me. And Sylvix is SUPER popular and well received by the fandom. Both in Japan and the West. They have soooo much fan content. There are still some dudes who say they're just friends because ew icky gay. But most people in the fandom are able to tell they're queer-coded and are fine with it. In fact, the fandom was so fine with it that they released an overtly queer dude in the DLC, strictly due to popular demand.
3H is not a slam dunk with gay romance since much of it (particularly MLM) relies on subtext. But it still had more balls than most JRPG series and it definitely was a step in the right direction. We all know that Soriku is the most popular ship. The end of KH2 was total fujoshi fuel. But Soriku never had any chance in hell of being canon. KH is a video game shonen anime. Sora/Riku bromance is "safe". They can capitalize on shipteasing them to their female fans, but they won't alienate their male fans because Kairi is still very obviously the love interest for Sora. I found Akusai to be a lot more compelling because it was legitimately queer-coded.
Axel was queer-coded from the very beginning. His close friendship with Roxas in KH2 made people question his sexuality all the way back in 2006 and Akuroku rivaled Soriku for a time. And I do think that Axel always meant to be queer. Although personally, I did not get the impression that he was in love with Roxas. I got the sense that he probably had a best friend back when he was a human. And it was this dead best friend that he truly yearned for. The sweet and innocent Roxas reminded Axel of his human best friend and he latched onto him to help him forget the memories of days long past. That was my headcanon back in 2006 when KH2 first came out.
So, I was really happy when Days/BBS came out and it basically confirmed my theory that Axel was truly hung up on his human best friend and saw Roxas as a kind of replacement for him. And Isa was also very queer-coded. BBS!Isa has a more distinctly feminine design than any other boy in the series. He had very girlsh eyes and lips, small hands, long hair. And Saix's Mystery Gear is very cutesy-looking. Traditionally, the moon is viewed as a feminine symbol. And Saix's weapons in 358/2 Days were named after moon goddesses. They could have easily picked male moon gods, but they chose female goddesses like Selene and Artemis. It signifies to the player that, "Hey, this character does not follow the conventional gender stereotypes."
When you play 358/2 Days, and you get to the part where Axel is talking about love, you realize he's talking about his most precious memories from his human life, just like with all the other stuff like summer vacation and the red sunset. Akusai was not just superficial fujobait. Even if it was all subtext, it was a genuine depiction of two queer male characters who loved each other romantically. Axel is not straight. That’s a big reason why I was so mad that KH3 pushed their relationship off to the side and treated saving Isa as so much less important compared to saving Roxas. And it was so annoying how Saix had to mention Subject X whenever he might have seemed a little too obsessed with Axel otherwise.
Last year, Nomura said that he intended to show more of Lea and Isa's backstory in the future, so I've just been waiting for more content. I hope that we can get their story without Subject X overshadowing them like she did in KH3. I'm...cautiously optimistic. I expect this subplot to be included in Missing Link, since it is quite literally a missing link of the story. Axel is super popular and a queer-coded backstory with his childhood best friend would be very well received by the modern KH fandom, IMO. People are a LOT more accepting of gay content than they were in 2006. We've come a long way. And personally, I just love the idea that the tough cold asshole Saix's human self was actually a super sweet cutie who was in love with Lea. I really think the KH fandom would love that idea, too, if the writers were ever allowed to actually explore it. And a niche mobile game is probably a safer medium for that type of content than a mainline console game overseen by Disney, I guess. At the very least, if they ever put an Isa figurine into ML, I will whale for it if I have to. 
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Gonna crack the secret of the d6 faller!
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They're having me do choices again to narrow this down. Kinda feels like cheating to guess at what the item was when I saw it at the crime scene already.
Weird that he'd jump or get pushed while holding a die, then care about the value on the die. Is that the game? Leap from the roof and then if you live, you win the value shown on the die? Or something?
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Whatever the reason, the value on the die was supremely important to him. Enough to spend his final moments of consciousness/life validating it.
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His words changed because he was reading a different value each time he fell.
The fact that he wasn't reading the side facing up can explain our "Three/Two except circumstances didn't change" conundrum, I think. If he was only reading the surface he could most legibly see from his angle, then something did change.
Fubuki had lifted him up into her arms, rather than leaving him lying on the ground. So when he read "Three", he was probably reading the side facing him. But when he read "Two", he was likely reading the top.
Then "One" happened because landing on top of the taxicab completely changed the rolling of the die.
That makes sense. So maybe we aren't dealing with probabilistic reshuffling after all.
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*unyielding fury*
Don't you fucking condescend to Fubuki when she's right, you little shit-rodent. Who even invited you to Team Alarm Clock anyway!? Don't you have some some criminals to fucking TRY AND MARRY!?
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THANK YOU. Can we ditch the hormonal clown show? He's not contributing anything of value to this party.
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There you go. That's better, now you're keeping up. You keep at it and one day you might be as clever as Fubuki!
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That's a valid question. But like I said above, I think the answer lies in the angle the man was at. The nature of a die is such that it will display a different number depending on what angle you're looking at it from.
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Y'all, the other option was "Because it was my most luckiest day". You have no idea how much self-restraint it took for me not to select that.
But Desuhiko fucking talked down to me when I was right so I'm not giving him the satisfaction of something he can jump on. He needs to go read a book about respecting women's opinions or something. Matter of fact, that might help him with a lot of things.
I'm so mad.
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Thus, angles changed everything! We can continue to trust our rewind powers without fear that we may be triggering some overcomplicated timey-wimey nonsense every time we turn the clock back.
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Thank you. You're forgiven for being a prick. Learn from this experience and try to grow as a person. ^_^
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The number on the die. He must've... extremely vertically rolled the die on purpose, right? If he cared so much about the value, I mean.
I don't think we're going to answer this question while sitting around the hotel cafeteria. We should move this conversation to the crime scene. I can grab a pot of coffee to go. Don't worry, I do it all the time.
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Okay. But. How, though? I am not following that train of logic.
._. I still need practice to one day become as clever as Fubuki.
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Okay so the number doesn't matter. He was simply delirious when he was reading the number. The point is the die itself.
That makes more sense. I'm on the same page. It's probably from the casino. That should be where we look first.
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Okay, your compliments are starting to sound more like negging and I'm souring on you again. Go make us sandwiches or something before you piss me off some more.
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Goodwill drained. I hate you again. Please get hit by a car on the way to the crime scene.
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Not how Postcognition works, dipshit. It's a frozen snapshot of the crime scene exactly as it appeared when the first witness came upon the scene. We can't follow the trajectory of the die through time.
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Also that.
Plus, it wouldn't matter anyway. The die by now has likely rolled so far from the crime scene as to no longer be related anyway. We could spend hours rooting around in the gutters for it, and all that would prove is that we found a die in a gutter.
Too bad Zange burned to death and isn't with us. His ability to recreate his memories in the form of a digital image would be perfect. What matters isn't physically having the die on us; What matters is proving the presence of a die next to the victim's body.
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If he wakes up. If I was a murderer, I might be inclined to try again.
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Yeah, that.
Not to mention, our window of opportunity to investigate this crime is shrinking. Slowly, but it is. If we want to leverage our Lucky Day powers to help solve this crime then we'll want to get a move on.
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For our lucky number?
YES. I wanted to get that when we had our chance! Finally!
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Halara's on the same page as I am about that whole "You should try some games of chance" thing. That reeked of casino shilling.
It's not that surprising. The diviner who super-accurately predicted our Lucky Day has to insert some paid ads into her fortunes to make ends meet. I think most YouTubers can relate to that.
"The stars are in a positive alignment for you today. You may even find yourself embracing a burgeoning new relationship. To improve your chances of love further, consider a free consultation with our sponsor Better Help, redeemable when you enter the promo code Crone Readings!"
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I have no fears for my own wellbeing but I will drown him. I've done it before. Desuhiko would be no match for my Pied Piper charms.
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Fubuki doesn't know what money is worth so would you accept a literal pile of cash? It'd be like doing a mystery unboxing, but inside it's just money. Who knows how much will be in it?
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Okay. I guess this is the end for Team Alarm Clock. We made a great pair, Halara. Thank you for your Lucky Day-sponsored free investigative consultation. We wouldn't have made it this far without you.
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
The Shadow Rising: chapters 35-37
Remember Rand and Mat? They're having a great time in the 3-fold land. Rand's got new tattoos - 2 dragons, one on each arm. Poor kid. He's like, I just wanted to be a shepherd and marry my childhood sweetheart but all of Creation says what I want doesn't matter. He's that gifset of Moiraine saying 'Destiny comes for us all, that relentless bitch." No wonder Rand is cracking. He laughs at everything - it's that or explode. 
Anyway, the Double Dragons mark him as He Who Comes With the Dawn and the Cara Acorn Car'a’carn -- chief of chiefs. OKAY Mr. Annux. I've read the Queen's Thief series. I know what's going on here.
The Aiel are universally conflicted about this. He is prophesied to destroy them, after all. But if they don't follow him, none of them will survive. Following him guarantees that a remnant of a remnant will survive. God that sucks. That's the best you can hope for? That only 99% of you will die?
Man, we GOTTA get more info on the Aiel origins. Rand calls for an Aielmoot and they mosey on their way to the meeting place. On the way they encounter Peddlers, not Tuatha'an. Rand finds them extremely sus, but of course we’re not in his perspective when he comes to this decision. He’s just like “You gotta watch the eyes, Mat. You gotta watch the eyes.”
The peddlers are nearly to Rhuidean and have no Aiel guiding them which IS mad suspicious.
Mat is spilling the beans on most of his Rhuidean experience to the Suspicious Gleeman who travels with the peddlers. SUS! 
Also, I'm mentally downvoting R.J. for having a fat woman be immediately Suspicious and possibly evil. As far as I can remember, no one else is described like she is. 
me, opening RJ's tomb: “hey, being fat is not a sign of evil – which I know you know, because you did the whole "Rand and Mat don't trust skinny innkeepers" bit – are you listening?”
There's this whole thing about Aviendha being set to watch Rand and pouting about it. She's like "You belong to Elayne!" and mad at him for existing near other women. It's 90% boring and 10% funny as hell. 
At an oasis they're attacked by Trollocs, which is weird because they're so far into the Wastes. Are there more unknown Way Gates? Probably not Portal Stones, unless one of the Forsaken is helping them with it?
Also, earlier, Rand's like "Buddy, I’m gonna break rules y'all have never heard of in ways you can't begin to imagine" and honestly, good for him. He deserves to go ham.
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pollyna · 2 years
Hi @pollyna it’s me again. Oh my god, I just read through the prompts you made for Whumptober 2022. I love your writing so much and every post you make accentuates the big brain energy you have for writing. Is there a chance you could do prompts 8, 12, 13, and 14?
Hey, hi! 💓 at least my brain get used for something HAHAHA so yeah, I'll try to do my best. Those for now are wips, but sooner or later I'd like to write the whole Halix one.
#8 Back from the dead: carolegoose (here is implied)
Taking another breath is strange. Tasting blood on his tongue isn't the best way to wake up, but Nick remembers being seventeen and sneaking his dad's whisky out of the house to share it with his friends and waking up in a pond with a duck, or a goose?, on his head, so yeah, maybe it's not the best, but he had worse.
What he can't wrap his head around is why there's a sheet over his face and why he's naked. It's cold and the last thing he remembers is Mav calling out for him when he was ejecting but nothing more, even if the cold from the ocean hasn't left his bones yet. It feels like a phantom pain, the freezing cold around him, but he can't seem to find a way to ignore it.
"Carole?" he asks when he can finally find his voice. It's a little shaky and a glass of water could probably help, but nobody's around, how can it be possible? And why no one have taken away the sheet from his face?
"Carole?" He asks a little louder and he can hear things falling on the ground and someone running towards him, finally taking the sheet away and looking like he just saw a dead person rising from the dead. Ah ah, the moment Mav comes around, he'll have to tell him that, because that's the kind of stupid shit that makes his best friend laugh.
#12 Mayday! Mayday!: halix.
Phoenix thinks this is funny because she got everything she wanted and now she is going to lose some of that. Not everything, she prays, don't let me lose her.
She remembers being in flight school and watching LTJ Shen moving around the hall, following Admiral Kazansky, and writing down Natasha Shen-Trace over and over again. She remembers too, seeing her fly, high in the sky and confident as no one of them was yet. And she remembers, distinctively, thinking about wanting to marry and fly with her. She already knew she could never have it, because it was always going to be with her or fly with her. Years passed, and they were both in the same squadron, sharing day-to-day life and flying together, unstoppable up there and tasting waters on the ground, shyly asking each other out on dates and kissing in nooks and in front of everyone, but not everyone.
Until now, until her fucking wingman left them alone in the middle of a fucking cluster fuck without a way out. Not when they're going to eject, but Nat knows ejecting doesn't mean being safe and alive.
"Nono Nat, not now, aft-" she is frenetic in her ears and she should shut up and think about how to save them, but she can't go down without letting them now. She can't die without telling her she-
"I love you" and a moment later they're ejecting in the middle of a shooting situation and she knows back on the carrier everyone heard that and they won't be able to fly together, but, if she lives, she is going to fight all the way to have Callie in her life.
#13 Fracture: slooserole.
The crack is louder than the chatting that's happening around her. And so is her screaming because it hurts so much and she doesn't want to watch, but she knows, marrying and dating pilots who are adrenaline junkies taught her something. In the end, her arm is broken. Sweet jesus of all the times this could have happened, now is the least favourable. Nick and Ron are going to be back in a couple of hours and she had all the day, and night, ready for them because she missed them so much and now her arm is broken and the doctor is going to put a cast on it and she will be late and- she wants to go home and hug her husband and her boyfriend. That's the only thing she wants now and in the last six months.
"Ehy, Mr. Bradshaw, someone is here to see you!" an overexcited nurse announces and Carole can only see their silhouettes because her eyes are still wet, but two tall men are coming into her room, and she swears she wasn't going to cry anymore, but being sandwiched in a hug by these men?
"Shhh baby, everything's already. We're sorry it took us so long to come here, but the traffic was terrible and no amount of Ice's magic could have fixed that." Goose says it against her head.
"We're just glad you're okay" Slider adds, kissing her cheek. "When the hospital called, we thought the worst of it."
#14 I'll be right behind you: hollywolf.
Enemy territory this and enemy territory that. What Leo remembers of the enemy territory is Rick screaming to run and promising, whispering, to be right behind him. And then nothing. There was no Rick, no enemies, no gunshots, and barely enough oxygen in his lungs to move.
And now Rick is sleeping away most of the week, looking as peaceful as he does when he's flying, fighting and fucking him.
"I should dump your sorry ass. What a fucking liar" he murmured, after waking up and seeing his new roommate.
(The snow is heavy under their boats and the gun shots are too close for his liking.
"You remember Iraq, Leo?"
"Fucking sure I remember fucking Iraq Rick, what the fuck is the matter with fucking Iraq right now?" He's tired, so fucking tired. They lost the way home after having ejected because the engines decided to fuck off at the least practical moment, and now they are in the middle of a dumbfuck forest that it's in North America, but that doesn't follow federal laws and, for these people, they are the enemies. Fucking people and their fucking fascist little state. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
"We have to do what we did there, okay? You run and I'll be right behind you. "
"Promise me."
"I promise" and Leo should have known after the kiss, the taste of blood in his mouth, that Rick wouldn't have followed him.)
"Fucking liar" he says again, hoping to trig any kind of response that doesn't come.
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marvellouspinecone · 1 year
Sorry, not done:
Because I have decided that I want Mels to regenerate after all. That would mean that the Ponds will already be struggling with the fact that their daughter is their best friend and then also that she killed the Doctor before she talks to them. And us too, so that'll make the reveal better and more like in the series, I think. (but more impactful bc we know Mels and we've had fantheories about her being River that turned out to be true and we will be so happy about that :))
But it will also mean that the Doctor in his half-delirious dying state will start calling her 'River'. And she will totally call him out for it because she may have killed him but he is not calling her his other lover's name while trying in vain to kiss her so there's that. But then he touches her cheek and goes. "It's you. This face - that's River Song."
And I think that will always be an exciting idea for Melody but she obviously focuses on the important bit: "but Amy said River was your wife. We're not married." And he laughs in that quiet, dying way of his and goes "Spoilers." And she will tell him about dreaming to marry him before they had even met so he asks her to marry him. Her parents are right here after all. Hey, you know what? He'd even go and put on a suit for her, just let him pick himself up, hang on a sec. (also get rid of the blood because in my mind in this version there's a lot of blood). And she tells him "Don't you dare." Because if they're married in the future and she has not married him yet, then he simply can't die so she won't do it. And he probably makes a comment about how Pond stubbornness should be able to stop the world in its tracks. And they laugh and cry together and we'll all die from angst and cheesiness like we should <3
But when her parents talk to him one last time, it's that thought that gives her hope that this isn't the end. She hasn't married him yet and he will NOT miss their wedding
Honestly though. Moffat owes me boyfriend/girlfriend - 11/Mels. I mean, what he has with River is unparalleled to me, but add some softer, sweeter and then all of a sudden very devastating 11/Mels to that? It would be such a nice extra layer. And they would be so much fun together!
Like, obviously, we would need to have some kind of conversation about the dating River and Mels at the same time and them both being a little jealous of each other situation. But like, River would obviously find it hilarious and tease him about Mels. And I think Mels would be about as jealous of River as she would be of the fact that everybody seems to know and love that enigmatic person and she has always missed her so far?! Because if the Doctor has a girlfriend/crush/wife/whatever, Mels should get a chance at dating her, too. That's just a fact.
(Someone will probably tell River that Mels wants to meet her to see if they could possibly date and she'll go 'oh, yeah, obviously, she sounds like a blast. Someone should introduce us asap')
Okay, now I'm done.
Screaming crying, all the feels🤧😭
Mels being jealous of herself and then going "yeah she sounds fun we should meet" about HERSELF is peak Doctor Who timey-wimey shenanigans, and arguably is up there with the "you named your daughter after your daughter" masterpiece.
I don't think there would be much trouble with the Doctor dating them at the same time, simply because it never felt like dating to me when i was watching the show. The Doctor obviously doesn't trust River until he learns that she is Mels and it's more about cautious flirting while keeping her at arm's length, which is... ok hurts, but it doesn't prevent the writers from all the jokes about him getting it on with historical figures and such. He actually might keep the same distance with Mels, bc the curse of the Time Lords and all that classic Doctor/companion stuff that we love. It doesn't mean we can't get couple-y moments (Ten and Rose were always awfully touchy-feely and romantic without actually going canon until the very last moment) but it would add another layer to their relationship
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
there was a married couple in front of me in line at this bakery today and the man gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then they talked some more and then a few minutes later he gave her a kiss on the forehead, his arm around her the whole time 😖 what got me even more was that the couple was middle-aged, like they weren’t young.
PDA in the form of a kiss on the cheek and or forehead always gets me more than, like, let’s say groping or full-on making out, but even more so when the couple isn’t young, like it just gives me fuzzy feelings, you know? old couples being so affectionate with each other in public always always ALWAYS squeeze my heart, in a good way. like, man, i want that. i wish for that kind of love. i wish for the kind of love where my partner doesn’t hesitate to kiss me on the cheek or forehead in public just because they can and they want to, and they’ll do it until the day i die 😖
but then i hear my coworkers hatefully speak about their spouses and joke about wanting to get divorced and i just go 😐 again. then i hear about more divorces and abuse from my own relatives and i just go 😐 again.
like it’s just a cycle at this point. like goddamn. i know marriage is not a walk in the park because i’m not stupid, and i understand that people do vent about their spouses whenever they displease them because that’s normal in any kind of relationship, but the people surrounding me just sound so miserable and their stories just make me go “maybe a divorce is in order” (internally, of course.) it’s like watching someone get mauled to death and people keep telling me that’s normal and i’m like no it’s the fuck not?? what are you talking about?? it’s normal to hate your spouse and talk shit about them 24/7?? i’m supposed to want that for myself??
now that i think about it, i remember this one tweet where it said something along the lines of “growing up i didn’t understand why in movies straight couples were depicted like they hated each other but now that i’m a fully grown adult i realize that yeah movies were never wrong after all because the number of times i see couples irl who literally hate each other is astounding like i thought that was just fiction but it’s not”
anyway i don’t know where i’m going with this rant. it started off cute because i couldn’t stop thinking about the couple but then it just spiraled so i’m so sorry for that 😔
I think you're seeing the conflation of a few different things: 1. Many people are still influenced very young to marry and follow "traditional" lifestyle paths. 2. We grow and change in life, it's very normal that someone who is a decent partner for us in our 20s isn't still the right partner in our 40s, but divorce and ending long-term relationships is still a drastic life change that it can take a lot to actually do. Furthermore, not everyone has the safety or security to end a relationship that isn't right for them anymore. 3. People sometimes use dark or critical humor as a way to vent or bond with others going through similar rough times, but it can get out of hand, make problems worse, and be really shocking to people not inside of that. 4. Some people really are just mean-spirited assholes who think they're part of a cool club if they mock their significant other. (There's literally a whole genre of this under Boomer humor that's just really sad and not funny to me.)
And probably a million more things! I think it's incredible sad! But on the bright side, there are plenty of relationships that are exactly that sweet and supportive one you saw. There is life after a young relationship too. There's no way to know whether that middle aged couple is a new romance or an old one and that's beautiful.
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elfcollector · 3 months
I know you said that Alistair and Alia get to be best friends, but what are her takes on the companions?
zevran is her canon romance and they are ALSO best friends. he's so good for her, and (because he's an elf) she trusts him immediately more than pretty much all the companions, particular objectively "more trustworthy" ones like alistair. their dating is sort of slow-going because she's inexperienced and has never really considered romance (she knew she she was just going to get married off, so why think about it? she didn't even realize she wanted it until halfway thru the game) and because she has a lot of traumas around sex due to her upbringing, but he regularly checks for her consent, backs off if she ever seems uncomfortable, and — well, she's surprised to find out that, particularly from an elf, she really likes being pursued and outwardly wanted. she likes being wooed! and he gives her a break from being overly serious and practical and dire and hardened. there are moments of insecurity from her for sure (he's so worldly and experienced, and what if she's just a dalliance?), but that just makes it sweeter when it becomes apparent to her that he's for real in love, and that's new to both of them. he's the only one who learns about wedding happening at all prior to visiting the alienage, and the only one who learns the gory details later.
her OTHER bestie, aside from alistair, is morrigan. they're like sisters <3 alia is frankly kind of a bitch, which means she has high tolerance for bitchiness from others, so nothing morrigan says really gets under her skin. morrigan likes how direct and without judgement or expectation alia is, and alia makes morri feel safe in a way she hasn't felt before. morrigan is still a human, but she's a human woman who is clearly also outside of normal society, which is enormously comforting to alia. PLUS, morri takes the lead on training alia's magic (she's a hedge mage with no formal training, so you can imagine that she's not great with magic at the start). alia's very protective of morri, and morri is very protective of her in turn. they adore each other. they'd murder the world for the other.
this one is probably a surprise, but her next closest friend is actually sten! she trusts him fairly early on because he clearly actually abides by his stated values, unlike human men (who might SAY they abhor senseless violence or assault but then turn around and happily inflict it on others), so she feels less need to be perpetually on guard against him because she actually knows where he stands. some of his values make her uncomfortable — his commentary on mages, for example — but they're so out-there compared to the kind of bigotry she's regularly heard and face that it doesn't really hit her the same way. and he listens to her when they argue, even if they never really understand one another. he's another outsider, just like she is. plus, they're both similarly flat/serious/grim but with capability for a very cutting dry humor, so they're on very similar wavelengths. their bond runs deep!
SHALE MY BELOVED...it's a similar thing with sten here, in that they're very close in a way that doesn't make a lot of sense to others but they're on a very similar wavelength and they just Get each other. shale holds alia under their arm like a suitcase sometimes. once they held her in their arms like a baby. alia was like O_O
leliana and alia are really good friends, though maybe not quiiite as close as ali is with folks like morri. still would die for each other! but it's a different flavor. alia struggles with leliana's obvious privileges but also appreciates her willingness to challenge her own beliefs, and when alia learns about leliana's backstory...well, there's some overlap there, too. plus, alia starts the game basically illiterate, and it's leliana who takes the lead on teaching alia to read and write (zevran also assists a great deal, as does wynne), so they get closer through that.
stuff with wynne is...complicated. alia's primary value is freedom, and she doesn't really care what it takes to get there, so wynne's dedication to order at the expense of autonomy is beyond frustrating for her. there's a lot of tension between alia, who's fully on the "BURN THE CIRCLES DOWN!" side of things, while wynne thinks alia is naive. they get in an argument where alia just snaps something to the effect, "i bet you think i should have just stood there and taken what that fucking human tried to do to us!" and then promptly breaks down, and wynne of course comforts her and reiterates that she thinks the alienages are terrible. "but you still think it would be wrong of us to fight to be free," alia whispers, and wynne doesn't really have an answer for that. beyond that, alia lacks much by way of education and, while she enjoys being a warden, still wants to be herself (spent too long biting into her personhood to let anything or anyone take it) so wynne's constant nagging and advice, often of the sort that insists that alia should just be content with her lot and give up having a life or identity to be a warden comes across to alia as incredibly condescending, which makes alia defensive and prickly. being talked down to by anyone pisses her off, let alone an educated, holier-than-thou human woman. still, wynne does help alia train with her magic, which helps.
alia dislikes oghren and finds him very triggering for obvious reasons; she breaks his nose the first time he tries to sexually harass morrigan and makes it abundantly fucking clear what if he ever talks to her or the other women that way again she will, quite literally, gut him. she only keeps him around for the power he provides, and they never get close. she actually steers him away from felsi to "protect her" from him.
loghain never becomes a companion — he dies for ostagar and, more importantly, for having a hand in the alienage purge and the subsequent selling of elves. alia sincerely enjoys every fucking moment of killing him :)
0 notes
mypimpademia · 2 years
— Random Bakugo Headcanons
Bakugo x gn!reader
TW: domestic hcs, some hcs are suggestive, some involve children
Note: random fluffy bakugo headcanons I came up with during my massive brainrot for him! If you follow me you've probably seen some already😭 enjoy! 💖
And I came up w a lot of these while talking to @katsumiiii ! The portion w bakugo and his kids was based off of this post
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⇶ Despite his atrocious attitude, katsuki is actually very attentive to you, and he's ready to do anything you need, even if he complains
⇶ He pays for literally everything. You're not allowed to spend a penny on his watch, and if you do he honestly gets upset when you spend your own money
⇶ Katsuki likes to take time to admire you. He swears you're an angel, and absolutely worships you
⇶ Just swears he has to kiss every inch of toy and tell you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you or he'll die
⇶ Admittedly, Katsukis kisses are a bit rough. Just because it's in his nature, but at the same time they're so sweet and passionate, and he pays attention to see what you do and don't like
⇶ He takes his time with kissing you up too, wants you to make sure you know you're loved
⇶ He wears cherry chapstick, and we've all seen how he brushes his teeth, so even though it sounds weird when you say it to friends, but he tastes good
⇶ Sweet, and a little citrusy, and paired with the way he kisses you its so addictive. You will never want to stop kissing him and that's completely fine by him!
⇶ Also gives really grumpy morning kisses with his eyes still shut
⇶ Katsuki also likes to randomly kiss and nip at random parts of your body
⇶ He'll come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, nipping at your neck before pressing a few kisses to the side of your face and asking what you're doing
⇶ Or if he's laying down between your legs with his head on your stomach, he'll do the same to your inner thighs
⇶ Maybe it's because he enjoys praise, but he really likes when you admire different parts of his body
⇶ Especially his arms, and his torso in general
⇶ He'll become putty in your hands if you do what he does to you and kiss all over him
⇶ Don't even get him started if you have lipstick or lip gloss on and it leaves marks on his skin
⇶ Especially if you reapply it just to mess it up again. Katsuki finds anything you do incredible and enamoring, but this is his favorite by far and you always end up doing much more than kissing
⇶ He's got not an ounce of shame in him either, wears every mark like it's a medal and declines if you offer to wipe it off him
⇶ Has definitely worn them into a live TV interview before and got a kick out of the face the host made when seeing the lipstick/gloss marks
⇶ Once again, despite his attitude and the way he acts, Katsuki really enjoys the thought of settling down one day
⇶ Of course he prioritizes being an incredible hero beforehand (but it doesnt get in the way of your relationship or his love for you) just because it's his lifelong dream, but domestic life is right behind it
⇶ He's also not the type to go around dating people or even sleeping with them, he's a very "date to marry" type. He's not focused on his career, and he feels like it's a waste of time to both himself and the other people if he's not really into them like that
⇶ So when he found you, you're his one and only ever. You are his person, his first and last everything
⇶ Heavily enjoys things like cooking together, grocery shopping together, cleaning together, etc. Just anything domestic-like that he can do with you
⇶ And of course your cute little at home dates like movie nights or days where you wind down together, wrapped in each other's arms. Those are his favorite because he just gets to be with you after always going out and risking his life with hero work, you're like his sanctuary
⇶ His domestic dream includes a couple of Bakugo offspring too!
⇶ 1 to 3 of them to be exact, and he'd cherish them withe every once of his being
⇶ Also avoids doing a lot of the things his parents did while raising him. He loves his parents, and to him they were good parents but he knows their parenting style wasn't exactly amazing
⇶ Doesn't so much as yell at his kids, just the thought makes him feel terrible
⇶ But of course, he does have a habit of yelling and he's only human so he does get frustrated. He always takes a minute to calm down or talk to you to avoid getting angry with them, or just passes the situation to you as a whole
⇶ Katsuki is veryyy overprotective of his children as well, doesn't like for anyone to even walk past them to closely
⇶ Gets aggressive towards paparazzi when he's out with his kids too, and yells at them to stay the hell away from his kids
⇶ Especially when he sees that the random attention from strangers in their face with cameras is putting them in distress, it breaks his heart and he feels like it's his fault since it's really him bringing in the attraction from the media
⇶ Definitely takes his kids for daddy dates, especially if he's got a little girl he shows her how she should be treated by her partners
⇶ And of course he often shows love to you in front of the kids to give a good example of a healthy relationship
⇶ Doesn't make many promises towards them unfortunately, just because his job is so demanding and sometimes he can always fulfill promises
⇶ He's very clear with it too, makes sure they know how much he wants to attend things like school events, but that sometimes he just can't. But he always tries to attend, and does a good job at it, never misses events like "Donuts with Dad" or their graduations
⇶ When he does make promises, he always goes through with them. Even if it means showing up to their school events still in his hero costume. But all the kids think it's cool anyways, so it's fine either way
⇶ Makes a big deal out of the graduations too, even if it's just for grade school. Takes them out to eat where ever they want and gets them a cake
⇶ Katsuki struggled (and still struggles as an adult) with seeing his accomplishments as accomplishments, and he doesn't want his kids to have the same problem and does so by showing them that little things matter
⇶ He definitely picked up some form of art when he was younger, even before you and him had your kids
⇶ It was likely pottery and ceramics, he found it relaxing in comparison to the stressful work of being a pro hero
⇶ Katsuki was a natural at it just like he is with most things, and tended to make a lot of pots, mugs, and bowls
⇶ He asked you to paint a lot of them, and they sit somewhere in your house as decorations or are used for dining
⇶ And once the kids were born, he made two mugs with their handprints on it, one for you and one for him
⇶ And of course personal mugs for the kids themselves
⇶ As Katsuki gets older, he leans more into other artistry like sculpting
⇶ He starts off abstract at first, just because it was honestly harder than he imagined, and made little pieces to go around your house
⇶ Makes one for your entire family that sits on your mantle piece above the fireplace
⇶ And one for each of the kids as part of their high school graduation gift
⇶ Once Katsuki retires from hero work, he gets much better at sculpting since he has more time on his hands
⇶ His biggest piece, and the one he loves the most and is most proud of, is a life sized sculpture of you based around the 'Undine Rising From the Waters' statue
⇶ It was a birthday gift to you, and it took him a year to make. He holed up in the art studio of your house for a few hours a day just working on it. Admittedly, it had you concerned but in the end it was worth it because it was all for you
⇶ He only thought it was appropriate, he loves you so much, there's nothing he does do without you in mind, and you're his muse for all his work so of course he made a sculpture of you
⇶ To Katsuki you are his absolute everything, he didn't think of the idea of soulmates much until he met you, and now he thinks he found his
Taglist: @silkylious @blackweebtrash @love-hashira-raine @denkisdashi @bigheartlittlelies @haksluvr @ivalore @jacuzziwaters @niktwazny303 @disaster-rose
Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated!
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mixedfandomer · 3 years
Some things about the fic it’s a cross over with Encanto, Moana, Elena of Avalor, and Tangled the series. Camilo is gender fluid and the main ship is Isabela x Moana and if you find that grammar and/or spelling is wrong feel free to point it out so I can fix that
Gabe: Are they stupid?
Luisa: Yes, but they prefer to be called Camilo.
Moana : I am an expert at identifying birds.
Elena : Okay, what about those ones flying over there?
Moana : Yeah, they're all birds.
Isabela : I love you.
Moana, not paying attention: What was that?
Isabela : I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Moana: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Isabela : *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Moana: That one. I want that one.
Moana: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Isabela : Marry me.
Isabela : Are you sure Moana's even gay? They barely even looked at me.
Isabela : I want to kiss you.
Moana, not paying attention: What?
Isabela : I said if you die, I wont miss you.
Isabela : Can you cut me some slack, Moana? I’m sort of in love.
Moana: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem.
Isabela : I’m in love with you.
Moana: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Camilo : I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Varian: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Camilo : O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Varian: Is it working?
Camilo : Why are your tongues purple?
Isabela : We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Moana: I had a red one.
Camilo : oh.
Camilo :
Camilo : OH.
Varian: You drank each others slushies?
*playing twister*
Camilo : Right hand red.
Isabela : *ends up on top of Moana*
Moana: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Camilo : I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Camilo : You know, Isabela gives moana flowers everyday, I wish you'd do that too.
Varian: Okay.
Varian: *gives Moana flowers*
Moana: ???
Varian: I don't know, I'm confused as well.
Varian: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Isabela : *finds a note* Hmm, whats this?
Varian: Hey, that's mine! *tries to grab it*
Isabela : Aww, it's a love note for Camilo ?
Varian: No-
Isabela : *opens it*
Isabela :
Isabela : I can't read this.
Camilo : Due to personal reasons, I will be f*cking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Moana: Did Varian say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Camilo : *seductively takes off glasses*
Camilo : Wow...
Varian: *blushes* Haha... what?
Camilo : You're really f*cking blurry.
Moana: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Isabela , blushing: Okay.
Varian: It's f*cking summer.
Isabela : If I say I love you, will you say it back?
Moana: Yes.
Isabela : I love you.
Moana: It back.
Mirabel: Why is Isabela crying face-down on the floor?
Camilo : I’m this close to falling in love with Varian.
Moana: Your fingertips are touching.
Camilo : Exactly.
Varian: Why don’t you go talk to them?
Moana, sarcastically: Oh. Yeah, sure.
Varian: What? So you go tell them they’re cute, what’s the worst that could happen?
Moana: They could hear me.
Moana: Is something burning?
Isabela , leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you.
Moana: Isabela , the toaster is literally on fire.
Camilo : Where are you going?
Varian: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
Camilo : I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday!
Isabela , knowing full well that Camilo got Varian an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Varian: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Camilo , blushing: Okay.
Moana: It's fucking summer.
Isabela : Do you love Varian?
Camilo : Yeah, I do.
Isabela : Moana! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks!
Moana: We all love Varian. You should've asked if they were IN love with them.
Camilo : I thought that was implied.
Moana: ...
Isabela : ...
Camilo , looking straight at Moana: Congrats Isabela , you just won 100 bucks.
Camilo : ....Thou shalt not marry each other, for thy art both sinful...
Moana: I just wanna fucking marry Isabela !!
Camilo : I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Isabela : Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Moana walks in*
Isabela : Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Varian: Truth or dare?
Moana: Dare.
Varian: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.
Moana: Hey Camilo ?
Camilo: Yeah?
Moana: Can you move? I'm trying to get to Isabela .
Varian: Isabela you can’t move in with Moana.
Isabela : Why not?
Varian: Well, um, how are you going to feel when they see you without any makeup?
Isabela : I’m not wearing makeup right now.
Varian: Holy crap, you’re beautiful.
Varian: Hey Isabela , wanna third wheel on my date with Camilo tomorrow?
Isabela : Sure.
Varian: Moana! Wanna third wheel on my date with Camilo tomorrow?
Varian: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!
Isabela & Moana: ...
Camilo : Varian…
Camilo : Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Varian and I are dating.
Varian, Isabela , Moana, and Mirabel: *gasp*
Camilo : Varian, why are you surprised?!
Moana: H-how do you ask someone out?
Camilo: Well, first-
Varian: Don't ask them, they asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot.
Moana: ...And you said yes?
Varian: Hi.
Isabela : Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell them?
Varian: I did.
Isabela : And what did they say?
Varian: “Thank you.”
Isabela : You’re totally welcome. What’d they say?
Varian: They said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and Camilo said, “Thank you.”
Moana: I know you love them.
Camilo : I am not in love with Varian!
Moana, staring at Camilo : I never said who...
Camilo : *realizes*
Camilo : Shit. Well, anyways-
Camilo , at an awards show: Well, first of all, I’d like to thank Varian, the love of my life, for telling me Moana was going to win so don’t bother to prepare a speech.
Isabela : Hey, Camilo , are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Camilo : Yeah.
Isabela : And you, Varian?
Varian: Umm... yes?
Isabela : Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Varian: Did they just-
Elena: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Niomi: Okay.
Elena: And make out during the scary parts.
Niomi: Th-
Niomi: The scary parts.
Niomi: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Gabe: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Mateo: Okay.
Gabe: And make out during the scary parts.
Mateo: Th-
Mateo: The scary parts.
Mateo: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Gabe: The stars are so beautiful...
Mateo: They're just giant balls of gas.
Gabe: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Mateo: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Gabe: Oh...
Mateo: We both look very handsome tonight.
Gabe: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Mateo: I couldn't take that chance.
Gabe: There's no way they like me back.
Elena: Mateo would throw themself in front of a moving car for you.
Gabe: Mateo would throw themself in front of a moving car for fun.
Mateo: You know, Elena gives Niomi flowers everyday, I wish you'd do that too.
Gabe: Okay.
Gabe: *gives Niomi flowers*
Niomi: ???
Gabe: I don't know, I'm confused as well.
Mateo: When I was a kid, Niomi told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.
Elena: They are!
Mateo: FOR REAL?
Elena: No! Why did you fall for it again?
Gabe: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Elena: Oh, we've had worse.
Elena: This totally sucks, man.
Gabe: This is horrible.
Elena: Yeah, I know, I mean look at today’s news.
Gabe: No, it’s not that, it’s Mateo.
Gabe: It’s just like, I can’t get them out of my head and every time I look at them I have this pains in my chest, and I just know it’s their fault, that bitch!
Elena: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single?
Gabe: Do not do that.
Elena: You won’t even notice!
Mateo, entering: Elena, you wanted to see me again?
Elena: Gabe's single
Niomi: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Mateo: Did Elena say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Mateo: *yawns*
Gabe: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Mateo: Then you must be exhuasted.
Elena: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Niomi: Well, remember when Elena made a romantic dinner for me?
Mateo: Niomi, they microwaved you a pizza.
Niomi: How do you know how to kiss? like who teaches you?
Elena: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now.
Elena: Would you like me to tutor you?
Gabe: That was smooth.
Gabe: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Mateo: Aww-
Gabe: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Gabe, to Mateo: We had a date!
Gabe: *aggressively points to Hello Kitty Coloring Book*
Gabe: I truly go into housespouse mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Mateo: This is a lie.
Mateo: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Mateo: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Gabe: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Mateo: But you’re always acting stupid?
Gabe: ...
Gabe: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Mateo: Is something burning?
Gabe, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you.
Mateo: Gabe, the toaster is literally on fire.
Gabe, sweating: Mateo, there’s something I need to ask you-
Mateo: Finally! You’re proposing!
Gabe: How’d you know?
Mateo: Gabe, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Mateo: I even picked it up once.
Mateo: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Gabe: You and me!
Mateo: *tearing up* Ok.
Camilo: You can't wake up if you never got to sleep.
Camilo: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down.
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
I was wondering if you know any Cherik fics where they're dating but it's w different people's pov? Or where people don't believe that they are together. They're not rude but they're just sceptical yk. Where they don't believe that one of them has a partner.
Thanks for the ask anon. I have to say that outsider POV is such a guilty pleasure of mine. There are some great fics out there that match your description. There are also a few fics that kind of match your description but deviate a bit from your request. I still think they fit the theme. I hope you enjoy!
Outsider POV - Don’t know that they are in a relationship
Work/Life Balance - pocky_slash
Summary: As teens, Charles was the star of a super popular tween/teen television show and Erik was his best friend. As adults, they're a frighteningly domestic married couple and Alex, Darwin, and Sean are Erik's nosy co-workers.
Rumor Mill - ikeracity
Summary:  Erik is the grumpiest, most foul tempered worker at Stark industries. His grumpiness is the stuff of legends.
So it's obviously the talk of the office when Erik is being made to go to the company party and he's bringing his husband. There's rumors flying round about how much of a masochist or equally antisocial bastard Erik's husband must be to put up with him. Others think he must be a meek mouse perhaps bullied by Erik.
What they weren't expecting was the confident, charming, adorable and unbelievably nice Charles that turns up on Erik's arm. What they certainly weren't expecting was how much Erik obviously adores his husband and how happy he is to let others see this.
Twice as Blind - Darksknight
Summary: Erik is probably the biggest asshole on the face of the earth, and because of this, he'll probably die alone. Charles is a complete flirt and playboy and, probably, will never commit to anyone ever.
(The lesson here is that when you have two friends who are BOTH secretly seeing someone, well, it's probable that they're seeing each other.)
For Argument’s Sake - Darksknight
Summary: The 'Science Wing Fights' are infamous, mostly because it's exciting to see two teachers really have it out, partially because Charles and Erik have the most intense and interesting fights any college student can dream of. So maybe a rumor or two get spread around to start the fights off, maybe someone mentions a hicky or the possibility of Charles seeing someone, but it's not like anyone's trying to instigate anything. Expect Raven. Raven will always instigate things.
Bang! A boomerang is love! – magichistorian
Summary: Everyone knew Mr. Xavier and Mr. Lehnsherr hated each other's guts.
Sugar Honey – IreneADonovan
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is the new Senior VP in Stark Industries Engineering Division. He's a bastard to everybody, and everyone pities the pool fool who's married to him, whoever he/she may be. Until they meet him. Then they all jump to erroneous conclusions as to why he took the position at SI. Tony Stark eventually sets them straight. After he busts a gut laughing, that is.
I Heard a Rumor (the Miss Jones Syndrome Remix) – iberiandoctor
Summary: A ring appears on Professor Charles Xavier's finger. The student body at the University of Utopia embarks on a mission to find its source, and makes an unexpected discovery.
X-Men Apocalypse's 1980s-era powered universe in which the name of the school is more than wishful thinking, at least on mutant-friendly Genosha. Charles Xavier is a genetics professor at the University of Utopia; Emma Frost and Tony Stark are his best friends; Charles’s students are extremely nosy and think they know it all. Erik Lehnsherr is… not what you'd expect.
Erik’s Fake Boyfriend - KatSquared
Summary: Emma Frost had her sights set on Erik Lehnsherr, and so did half the campus. However, he made it a point to reject everyone who’s asked him out, and it seemed the man had a “boyfriend” that no one’s ever seen.
Gossip makes the workplace go’round - ximeria
Summary: Apparently if Erik is in a good mood, his employees have to ponder how that may have come to be. Their ideas are, however, wildly off the mark.
Prom Kings - Project896
Summary: "now that you've mentioned it, Im actually curious." Angel whispers so that Mr. Xavier won't have to give them his sad puppy eyes to get them back to reading their books.
"Yeah, he's been wearing that ring since he moved here last year, who do you think his wife is?" Raven glances up to make sure Mr. Xavier is still busy helping Sean understand the story, while doing so, she eyed the golden ring on his ring finger.
Bang! A boomerang is love! - magichistorian
Summary: Everyone knew Mr. Xavier and Mr. Lehnsherr hated each other's guts.
JJ´s Round-the-Clock Breakfast Bounty Platter - pocky_slash
Summary: Ron makes a friend. As if that's not weird enough on its own, Leslie's pretty sure he's in the mob. (Also, Charles is charming and Erik is the opposite of that.)
In Plain Sight - archipelago (arcanewinter)
Summary: A story where Charles and Erik have basically been together from the first time they met. The whole fate, wow we found each other thing. Now I would like the others not to know and try to bring the two 'oblivious' guys together. They of course enjoy this quite a lot.
Nevermore - amarriageoftrueminds
Summary: [Missing scene] This is what should have happened after Raven and Charles' contretemps in the kitchen.
I Did Not Just See You Kissing Magneto - swoopswoop
Summary: Alex spots Charles and Erik sharing a kiss while a building is collapsed around them before the latter runs off with the Professor.
Or Erik gets bored and so kidnaps Charles.
The Bitter Consequences - swoopswoop
Summary: It was all an accident, they never meant for the other's to find out. Of course, when they did, there was nothing left but to face the music.
Santa’s Helper (The Santa’s Secret Remix) - traumaschwinge
Summary: Raven loves her idiot brother dearly. She wants him to be happy, honest. It's just really hard sometimes when he acts like a teenager instead of a full grown adult.
Or: Raven watches Erik and Charles dance around their crush on each other until she snaps.
A Job Well Done – grim_lupine
Summary: Raven can safely say that when she met Erik in junior year, she didn’t expect she’d ever be having this conversation.
Who’d have thunk? - ximeria
Summary: While everyone knows that Charles and Erik can be a bad influence on each other, there are other sides to their, at times, insane relationship.
Everything Hits at Once - afrocurl
Summary: David's relationship with Charles is tenuous at best, but coming to watch the launch of Cerebro can't be a good idea. Can it?
For the Record - endingthemes
Summary: As prominent figures in the mutant rights movement, activists Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are pretty much household names. When a romance scandal between them breaks, their celebrity reaches new heights, and though the increased exposure is great, there’s a big problem -- the two of them are just friends.
Too bad no one believes them.
Note: Technically not an outsider’s POV but everyone is wondering about their relationship and it’s just one of my faves.
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