#they're very different kinds chaotic
feral-peacock · 7 months
I want to watch Ryan Guzman and Renee Rapp on a talk show together.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 4 months
"chaotic bisexual-" i don't find this particularly encourages me to read the book, actually. i might anyway, because of the concept (and in a partial hope to prove my preconceptions wrong), but i think that a mistake was made somewhere in the marketing stage
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gutsfics · 1 year
Since you write for multiple Choices stories, I'm curious: (how) do they all intertwine? Do your various MCs know each other? How do they get along? How did they meet? If any of your stories don't exist in the same universe, how would the characters get along if they did?
aaaa i love this question!!!! i love figuring out how these stories all fit together even if they don't interact <3
they do all intertwine, but in some places what's 'canon' and what isn't gets a little muddy. like for example, for me both RCD and HWU are equally canon, but its impossible for them to both exist in the same timeline, but that doesn't mean that there isn't connections that happen in both versions. Simon is Hunt's nephew in both RCD and HWU, but how he met Avalon is different because how Hunt met Avalon is different. and that's not even touching on all of the different versions for It Lives I have, and how those different endings would change how It Lives connects to all of the other stories. plus also: all of my sillies fun aus (which i will not talk about here at risk of this post going wayyy too long)
this might get a little messy, my mind is bouncing all over the place. under a read more bc i Will talk way too much about this <3
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anyway since i mentioned Simon by name I'm gonna start with him. im ignoring choices HSS for him & his friends, bc i don't like that it kind of retcons some of HSS prime + makes all of the original friend group just People Who Go To School Together And Barely Interact.
obviously, he is Thomas' nephew, his dad is Thomas' older brother. they're very close, Thomas is his favorite uncle & he's very supportive with Simon figuring out his gender stuff. in fact, he's the person who buys Simon his first suit and the person who helps Simon find a good surgeon for his top surgery, as Thomas himself had issues with his own and didn't want Simon to experience the same things he did (more on this later)
in the HWU world, Simon meets Avalon over his spring break, which he used to sit in on a few classes of Thomas' classes. they know who each other are in really simple terms, just "there's that tall guy from that one class Thomas teaches, he sure is a nice dude :)" "oh, there's that high schooler who's sitting in on classes that Ethan wants to be the agent of. i hope he doesn't feel too pressured to make a decision right now, he's still got plenty of time to figure things out". they do eventually form a stronger relationship but that's only after Thomas and Avalon end up together officially- Simon thinks Avalon is really cool, and Avalon likes that his daughters have a cousin they can look up to (Simon LOVES babysitting/hanging out with Dawn and Lily btw theyre defo The World's Most Chaotic Cousins)
in RCD world, Simon was very small when Avalon and Thomas were together the first time and he knew Avalon just as Thomas' Cool Fun Roommate. he was absolutely DEVASTATED when Avalon "moved away" (read: they broke up) bc he thought Avalon was just SO COOL. but alas, since he was so small at the time he doesn't really remember Avalon all that well. But he is excited when Avalon reenters Thomas' life, and even more excited to find out that they're getting married (he'd be about early/mid 20s by this point). he may not remember Avalon too clearly, but he remembers how much he loved it when Uncle Thomas and his Best Friend Avalon came to visit
in both worlds: one Dr Bryce Lahela does Simon's top surgery (i'd say he gets it maybe mid/late 20s). he specifically chose an Edenbrook doctor bc Thomas knows Dr Banerji and he asked if there were any surgeons that Dr Banerji would trust to do the surgery properly, and he recommended Bryce :) more on how Thomas knows Naveen later
Baxter & Reigan
theyre getting a whole section to just them bc theyre BoyBestFriends and there's a lot about em (but ill try to keep it short)
Baxter and Reigan met in high school, after Baxter was deemed healthy enough to actually attend school instead of just being homeschooled in a hospital room (it was absolutely 100% Baxter's idea and want to do this, their parents wanted to keep them in the hospital 24/7 bc they were worried they'd immediately get sick)
at the time Baxter had been super standoffish and did not like being around people, so Reigan was the one to approach Baxter first. he was fairly well liked and respected by their classmates & he wanted to make sure that they didn't have an awful experience in school. eventually Baxter ended up asking Reigan out, not because they were particularly attracted to him (they were a bit of a late bloomer in that regard) but because they wanted to have all of those Normal Teenage Experiences(tm) and they did like spending time with him. and he said yes, bc even though he didn't feel any attraction either (he's ace/aro), he did like spending time with them as well (and to some degree was hoping that attraction might happen eventually)
dating for them just looked like how hanging out did, although they did hold hands a bit more and kiss at some point, when Baxter decided that they were at The Point In A Relationship Where You Kiss. they also went to prom together.
they broke up shortly after graduating high school, half bc Baxter achieved all those Normal Teenage Experiences(tm) they wanted to and half bc Reigan felt bad that he felt no attraction to Baxter, although he didn't mention it at the time bc he didn't want to hurt Baxter's feelings. there was a bit of a pause in their friendship after this, as both of them felt that they had to give the other some space to get over the romantic part of the relationship, but in the end they realized that neither cared? and went right back to being close good best friends :)
their friendship ended up being long distance for a while, as both college and career choices got in the way of being physically near each other. but. the week that Reigan got the job offer for McGraw Byrne was the week that Raf broke up with Baxter AND Ethan left for the Amazon, and the idea of being just a three hour train ride from his best friend defo played a role in him deciding to take the job. he actually flew to Boston instead of NYC so he could spend a little time with Baxter before he got too busy with his job. Baxter, Aurora, and Bryce actually spent one of their days off helping Reigan's dad furnish Reigan's Cool New NYC Apartment :)
speaking of Reigan's dad. Baxter is actually WAY closer w Reigan's parents than they are w their own. in fact, when Baxter went NC with their parents, Reigan's parent's were like "cool WE'RE your parents now :) we love you kiddo"
anyway. the attack in OH year two happened to line up w the end of LOA book one/beginning of book two (at least it does in my timeline) & Reigan immediately dropped everything to head to Boston to make sure Baxter was okay. while he was there, Martin kept trying to give Reigan really petty cases that were a waste of time, even though Reigan had taken time off and given a reason for it. he ended up chewing Martin out over the phone and quitting, deciding that he'd just look for a job in Boston to be closer to Baxter anyway. he stays in Boston for a bit to help take care of Baxter after they're discharged from the hospital, and when he gets back to New York he learns that Aislinn and Gabe also quit & have started their own law firm, which Reigan has been given a job offer for. he takes it only after Baxter assures him that they will be fine if he stays in NYC
Baxter is the reason that Reigan and Tobias meet (but not the reason that they end up in a qpr together) and they're also the Best Man Of Honor at both the weddings they end up having (Reigan and Tobias marry twice-- once in a Boston courthouse bc they decide that the legal benefits of being married work with what they want from the relationship w each other (Baxter's role here was just a witness), and a second time a more traditional wedding (more of an exchange of vows than a legal process this time) a year or two later to appease the parents)
and this does Not have to do with Baxter and Reigan's friendship but it doesn't really warrant it's own section: Reigan and my Bachelorette Party MC, Hallie, are friends from law school :) and speaking of Hallie, she's the twin sister of one of my Lovelink MCs, Harvy, although Harvy and Hallie were separated at birth bc their bio mom didn't know she was having twins until giving birth & she was unprepared to raise both so Hallie was put up for adoption & raised in the US (Harvy was raised in Vancouver, Canada). it takes em a while to find out about each other (Hallie knew she was adopted but didn't know she was a twin (her adoptive parents didn't know either) and Harvy just straight up Didn't Know he was a twin as his mom didn't tell him). also Harvy technically is just A Character I Have Now bc i really don't care for Lovelink anymore
It Lives
ok so here's where it gets messy. also i might kind of be vague here sorry
the It Lives series has a bunch of different ways to end (zero thanks to pb, this is 100% itlivesproject's win [blows a kiss for the itlivesproject crew <3]), all of which i really like.
so tbh for my world. each and every one of the endings is both canon and non canon, depending on which one i feel like writing for. bc sometimes i wanna write some cute soft fluff where Noah and Devi get to overcome their trauma. and sometimes i want Noah to fucking wallow in his pathetic meowmeow sopping wet sadboy misery where [SPOILERS] bc [SPOILERS] and [SPOILERS] (seriously pls go read the it lives trilogy theyre so good, especially It Lives Within)
however. It Lives IS canon in my worlds. i like the idea of a very mundane world having some kind of exciting magic to it, even if its mostly unknown. just. a magic that touches everyone's lives in little ways and connects us all together :) and that's EXACTLY what the Power is
anyway the ending where the It Lives characters get to interact with characters from other stories is the one where Noah and Devi get to overcome their trauma, and they open up a restaurant together <3 basically i think at some point All of my characters will end up having a meal at Baby Jane's. not all together, but they'll make their way there eventually :)
also there's my au where It Lives is a tv show which I KNOW i said i wouldn't talk about aus BUT i just want yall to know that the actor who plays Devi (i don't have a name for him yet, bc hes not technically Devi) sees Avalon as a mentor figure :)
Thomas & Naveen
(tw for medical malpractice and transphobia)
hey so remember when i said i'd talk about Thomas' top surgery later? and that i'd also talk about how he knows Naveen? well.
my Thomas took a gap year between his senior year of high school and his freshman year of college to medically and legally transition. he was moving to a new place and he wanted to be as stealth as he could be. so as soon as he turned 18, he got his name legally changed and started on testosterone, and got his top surgery scheduled. his plan was that by the time he started college, he would have recovered from his surgery and he'd have been on T for long enough that he'd be going through most of the changes he'd want from it
he specifically found a surgeon in the same town his older brother (Simon's dad, his name is Jonathan) had moved to so he'd have some company/a caretaker while he recovered. unfortunately for him, that surgeon... kind of sucked. his surgery was done wrong, and wasn't healing properly, even though both Thomas and Jon were making sure they were doing everything right. but when they tried to talk to the surgeon, the surgeon would just say "nope everything's fine nothing is wrong you are delusional :) its SUPPOSED to be all rotten and nasty :) stop bothering me" and no one else in the clinic seemed to care at all?
anyway one day Jon just had Enough, bc he'd heard from other people who'd had this surgery how recovery typically looked, and his brother was just wasting away, too weak to do anything bc of how his surgery got fucked up and he kind of just. snapped. and started yelling at the surgeon to Please Fucking Do Something.
while the surgeon didn't do anything, Jon's yelling attracted the attention of a different doctor, one who had only heard bits and pieces about this patient who's brother kept stopping by to ask over and over again if a surgery was healing properly, one who'd heard said surgeon being kind of a dick about it in the breakroom, and he decided that someone needed to do something to help these brothers
that doctor being a young Dr Naveen Banerji, pre diagnostics team and pre Edenbrook employment
he caught Jon just outside after Jon had been..... "politely" escorted out and asked what, specifically seemed to be wrong with his brother's recovery
immediately recognizing the problem caused the surgeon's incompetence/prejudices effecting the health and safety of a patient, Naveen helped Jon find a hospital to take Thomas to, one that would actually help him with what was wrong and set him onto a proper path for recovery
he also quit his job at that hospital. he'd noticed things similar to that happening before, but this was just the final straw. he helped as many patients as he could there, but at some point you have to know when to walk away. but that was a good thing for his career, as he was able to start the diagnostics team at Edenbrook, not to mention that other hospital ended up getting shut down for medical malpractice
Thomas and Naveen stayed in touch, and now whenever Thomas ends up in Boston for whatever reason, he'll stop by for a visit :)
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Hi Quil! I just had a really nice weekend and I hope you enjoyed your weekend too.
Recently, I’ve been working on some of my longer story ideas, but I also had some concepts for oneshot and shorter stories to write, which I might try out. I know you have written both oneshots and longer stories, so I was curious what your thoughts were on different kinds of stories and if you had any advice for either type, especially for longer-form stories. 
Thank you!
- Amethyst
Hi Amethyst! I’ve been rather busy lately, but really soon my weekends and weeks should be very free and enjoyable! I’m about to have a summer break for the first time in four years and I’m not quite sure what to do with all that time!
I can share advice, but just keep in mind this is my experience and what works for me; if it doesn’t work for you, don’t give up, that just means what works for me doesn’t work for you. I’ve also shared general writing advice before, like here and here and here. I’m sure there’s more on my blog, the tagging system just sucks at finding things.
No one form (long or short) is better than the other; its about adequately representing and doing justice the concept. Sometimes you have a really complex idea and it would be best explored over a really long story with lots of depth and side plots, and sometimes you want to really highlight one aspect of something (of a society, a relationship, an idea, etc) and you want it to be shorter, more focused, eliminating background noise. it’s also wise to take into account what you can realistically do and how much time you have. If you’ve never written before in your life, for example, it’d probably be best to start with smaller projects.
Focusing on long-form stories, I think a huge thing is patience and consistency. The gratification and pay off for these comes much further down the line and requires a considerable amount of effort. Going into it knowing there’s a very long road ahead helps get you through the times where it feels like you’ll never get there and nothing’s happening. Things are happening, they just take time to write. There’s a lot of words and even the most prolific writer can’t knock it out all at once. It’s more reliable to write smaller amounts consistently than large amounts sporadically, in my experience.
A big one for me personally is also to have an end goal in mind. Know, at least generally, where you’re going. Long form tend to have subplots and side things happening, so keeping in mind where the story should be heading alongside that makes it more cohesive and, in my experience, you’re more likely to actually get there. When I’ve tried to write long form stories without a decided direction, I got completely off track and had to start over. Something vague like “at the end they’re going to have a fight with this person” is enough, nothing fancy, you have something to keep in mind to head towards.
Oh here’s another thing! Don’t worry about editing your first time through. Editing and revision comes later. If you’re focused on making things good and perfect before moving on, you’re going to massively hinder yourself. Writing the story through (or your chapter through), and then go back and make changes. Having the whole thing in front of you makes it easier to adjust where needed because you can see how everything interacts with each other. Sometimes the inspiration for a change you make in chapter 2 comes from something you write in chapter 20. So discard these quality standards; the point of the first draft is to get something down, that’s its only purpose; even if its the shittiest writing in the world, its better than an empty page. you can make it better later.
I’m sure I could think of more, but since I just threw multiple long linked posts at you I’ll stop here for now! If you have more specific questions I’d be happy to help however I can, though again, these are just my thoughts and experiences. At the end of it all remember why you’re writing! For fun? To express something about yourself? To reflect on something? Try to keep that in mind so you don’t make yourself hate writing when you get stuck (which is pretty much inevitable. we all run into problems at some point)
I hope this helps!
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astrobydalia · 3 months
The different inner placements for each sign — observations+ranking
by astrobydalia
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Disclaimer: these are based on my personal experience and opinions!!
Mercury: so insanely smart and fast thinkers. Very real, straight to the point and say-it-like-it-is kind of people, love them. I could hear them talk all day
ASC: most authentic people you'll meet!!! What you see is what you get. Also very spontaneous and effortlessly fun
Venus: love, so fun to be around and specially the women with this placement they're soooo hot
Sun, Mars: these are very similar imo. so loyal and protective people but they tend to be pretty crass and often come across as rude unintentionally. Aries Suns are more blunt and outspoken while Aries Mars can be more chill but they're more prone to attracting hate. Great people to have in your corner overall.
Moon: Stubborn as fuck. Not open to understanding anything beyond themselves so they tend go around life with HUGE tunnel vision. Trying to reason/negotiate with them is nearly impossible
Moon: my god, you won't know emotional intelligence, calmness and care until you meet a Taurus Moon like DAMN. Their patience, empathy and sense of boundaries is just impecable
ASC: their energy is sooooo soothing like ugh. They have a very cute and comforting aura, very magnetic people and naturally gorgeous
Mercury: they speak slow or not too much but once they let a full sentence out it's usually GOLD
Sun: hmmmm they do tend to be kinda full of themselves but they have BDE and are pretty hot so I'll give them that
Mars: VOICE is soooo good. However they tend to be low-key problematic tbh. Will get very snappy and petty real quick
Venus: I know this is venus's domicile but... most taurus venus I've seen were low-key kinda..... harsh and stern in their love style?? And not all that loyal if im honest with you, they're only loyal when they see personal benefit/satisfaction. It’s true that they’ll spoil you if they truly love you tho
Mars: comeback queens/kings, also very multi-talented. What else can I say they always manage to be so iconic
Moon: out of all gemini placements they're the most likely to sit down and really listen to you. Can be too honest, another say-it-like-it-is placement. Comforting others is not their forte but they're very tolerant and patient
Venus: golden retriever energy, extroverted and popular and I've said this before but they can be very loyal!!
Sun: they are cool and so so funny but can also be veeeeery immature and a bit self-righteous. I love them but that bad press they have in pop culture exists for a reason that's all im gonna say
ASC: they're very intelligent and entertaining but gemini on the asc is such a messy placement imo cause they have an identity/existencial crisis at least twice a day which can make them kinda chaotic people to have in your life (love you guys tho)
Mercury: talking with them is VERY annoying tbh. They will just roughly listen to what you say just keep interrupting and eventually start their own monologue. They ain't listening they aren't even wanting for their turn to speak they're just waiting for whatever opportunity to speak
Mercury: such good listeners!! also they are very honest and genuine with what they say like aries mercury but more tactful
Venus: this placement soothes down the most fiery personality. They are very loved and inexplicably magnetic
ASC: mommy issues. I love their intuition and they are really good at creating community wherever they go but my only complaint is they are defensive 24/7
Moon: hit or miss. Either really emotionally mature person that wants to take care of everyone or very immature and childish with a victim complex
Sun: huge attention seekers. Insecure, codependent and always looking for validation. Tend to portray themselves as innocent/clueless/harmless, etc.
Mars: these are SLY motherfuckers, they scare me more than scorpio mars
Moon: I have to admit this placement surprised me for the better. Yes they can be egotistical and entitled but when developed leo moons are very profound and passionate people with strong morals and are really good at inspiring others and lifting them up
Sun: the main character complex rumors may or may not be true but their magnetism and charm is undeniable
Mars: extremely prideful, my way or the highway kinda attitude, but they’re usually pretty harmless people from what I’ve seen. Their anger can be intense but they let it go easily after some dramatic moment. Dedicated.
ASC: daddy issues central. Known to be the most introverted leo placement but they’re very very very attached to their pride underneath. They really do wanna be/feel special and unique to the point of keeping most people at arm’s length cause that’s how much they wanna distinct themselves
Mercury: won’t hesitate to change topics if they don’t care what is being talked about or it has nothing to do with them. Laser focused on their interests tho that’s pretty cool
Venus: yeah they're generous but also a bit overbearing and low-key snotty. Tendency to associate themselves with people they don’t like all that much just because it gives them status or cause they get to receive lavish treatment
Mars: omfg I love this placement so much. They handle conflict with SO much grace and embody all the good traits of virgo (capable, responsible, hard workers, great to work with, helpful, self-accountable....) *lady gaga's voice* talented brilliant incredible amazing show-stopping spectacular-
Venus: genuinely very responsable, dedicated and loyal in their relationships and commitments. I always find myself often complimenting their style and fashion choices
Mercury: a bit of a menace bc they can be good liars but they're always very very talented individuals in whatever it is they do
ASC: pretty self-serving tbh and often come across as goody-two-shoes or know-it-alls but they're alright for the most part. The virgo placement that has it the LEAST together tbh
Moon: they'll be there for you when you need help or advice but they can be pretty judgmental. They have a tendency to not really give people some grace. If they genuinely like you tho they’ll be extremely appreciative of everything you do right. Supportive
Sun: Very standoffish personality. Hard on themselves on the surface but probably also has a hidden superiority complex. The only placement where I prefer the men over the women
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Moon: least superficial libra placement. Very introspective, sweet and find it really easy to understand other's emotions in an unbiased way
Mercury: invented the concept of understanding and voicing other perspectives with necessarily agreeing. Mind of their own.
Venus: superficial and obsessed with the opposite sex? Yes. Extremely devoted in all their relationships? Also yes.
Sun: meh. I keep having this experience with Libra Suns where I think they're great at first but then they end up being... not so great after some time. They're not bad really but their air-headedness makes them very unreliable
ASC: Their charm is manipulative and can easily hide a shitty personality underneath (not always the case tho). They're also the most emotionally superficial/detached of the bunch
Mars: hypocrates, huge huge hypocrates. Dubious morality. Playing devils advocate
Sun: they mind their own business and are really good at picking their battles wisely, only taking out their “dark” energy when it’s needed
Mars: don’t bother them and they won’t bother you. That’s the golden rule. Otherwise they’re pretty chill and unproblematic, dark humor enjoyers and strong-willed. I won’t say they’re completely drama free but hey
Mercury: they’ll be open to talk about anything, you can tell them literally anything and will listen intently without judgement. They can easily use info against others or withhold info tho so make sure they can be trusted
ASC: y’all low-key enjoy toxicity and drama but you don’t wanna admit it!!! They really thrive in uncomfortable situations and probably likes gossip too. One of the most black-or-white mindset placements
Venus: yeah not the best in relationships. They don’t really give their all and when they do give something it’s never unconditional. Relationships are always a power dynamic to them
Moon: Very tricky placement. Life has not been kind to them oof. Either they’re very traumatized people with a good heart deep down or very traumatized people with a really ugly and nasty soul. They also romanticize psychopaths and antisocial behaviors for some reason?????
ASC: yes Im biased I don't care. But, be honest, when have you met a sag asc that wasn't cool af? Case closed. Life's good as a sag asc and when it's not, we make it that way
Sun: if you keep the men out of the equation sag suns are amazing!!! Their personality is like a breath of fresh air
Mercury: soso profound and intelligent. Will introduce you to new perspectives, great researchers. So good at finding answers and solutions!!!
Venus: Very open-minded, they are genuinely very accepting of literally any kind of person! They will applaud and celebrate your differences and quirks however they tend to be flighty and pretty light on their feet
Moon: Anger issues!!! Very volatile and defensive people underneath that chill and funny persona. They have well-known beef with someone. Don't like admitting their wrong, prone to ghosting everyone 99% of the times
Mars: the most entitled and rude out of all the sagittarius placements. The type to laugh in your face and never take accountability, their attitude can be revolting if you ask me
Venus: they make me MELT. So incredibly attractive, reliable, such an impecable taste, the way they treat you will bring you to your knees like ugh I can't
Mars: most resilient individuals I've seen truly!! Literally nothing will bring them down. So so ambitious, focused and have endless energy love them
Sun: cap suns and I have natural synergy. They're very level-headed, reliable, loyal and mature. However they are huge fatalists, very pessimistic and my jupiterian ass ain’t got time for that
ASC: too obsessed with their status and/or how they're perceived compared to others in their circle like sis stop caring sm what others think and live a little!!!
Mercury: listen, these folks can be very intelligent and well-read, but they tend to come across as narrow-minded or bigoted sometimes with the things the say or how they say things
Moon: I wanna root for y'all cap moons but being honest I've seen this placement is very common in really toxic personalities. They hold lots of past resentments and can be very judgmental and mean similar to virgo moons
ASC: socially adaptable but they stay true to themselves at the same time. Attractive, loyal and fresh personality/presence.
Mars: veeeery likable and popular. They really are dedicated to making an impact on the people
Sun: when they just simply focus on being themselves and doing their own thing they're very genuinely special and chill people and great friends! However when they care too much about being making themselves special they're very egocentric and unnecessarily problematic
Venus: messy placement. Very welcoming but they have big trust issues. They go back and forth between 'everyone loves me' and 'everyone hates me' and so they act accordingly....
Mercury: super intelligent, great in debates and very convincing, they always make great points. However the god complex is BLATANT here, they really think they're the only one that's right
Moon: another deeply traumatized placement. They can be great advocates for the collective however they tend to lack empathy specially when it comes to interpersonal relationships
Sun: rough around the edges at first but they are a lot more helpless and vulnerable than they seem on the surface. Also they are genuinely really good at disappearing??? You won't even notice they're gone. Their presence is striking tho
Mercury: "idk what the fuck she's saying but girl I am living!". They have such a rich inner world I can't. SEDUCTIVE
ASC: they are... functioning humans. They go around life not being completely sure of what's going on but hey that Jupiter is somehow making everything work for them
Moon: "There is an idea of Pisces Moons, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real them. Only an entity, something illusory. And though they can hide their wondering gaze, and you can shake their hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense your life styles are probably comparable, they simply are not there"
Venus: I've already spilled the tea on this placement. Next.
Mars: ever person I've seen with this placement was mentally unwell like, severely. They're doormats for the most part but there's this hidden side of them that can turn into a total demon
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by astrobydalia
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harmoonix · 4 months
☯ Natal/Sidereal Birth Chart Observations ☯
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✅ The next following observations can apply to both tropical or sidereal ✅
☯ Mars in Scorpio or Mars at 8°, 20° degrees, these natives are very dedicated to what they are doing, is like they do everything with passion and love
☯ Mars in Aries/ at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees may love to practice sports, especially those who consume a lot of energy
☯ Mars square/conjunct/opposite Saturn, their personality can be very powerful and bold but they may struggle when it comes to self - expression and with keeping a routine for their hobbies
☯ Planets in the same house at different degrees matter a lot, even if they are at far degrees from eachother. They still hold a powerful energy
☯ Pay attention if Chiron moves the houses from your tropical to sidereal chart because you may have to focus on more things to heal yourself
☯ Mars in Libra or at 7°. 19° Can have a mix of chaotic - peace energy in their lives, but they somehow need to create a balance between those two
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☯ Capricorn Rising in your solar return chart can indicate working on yourself a lot in that year
☯ Mercury in the 5H or Gemini/Virgo in the 5H may love to surround themselves with lots of art/music/fun/
☯ Ascendant aspecting Sun ☀️, The native personality can be easily liked by others, and they can often be very social/popular
☯ Mars or Venus in the 8H can find themselves being very attach to people with a powerful personality/aura
☯ Uranus in the 8H is a very unique placement.. if you have it, this placement gives the chance to explore your sexual energy in different ways
☯ Fire Risings have an unique excitement, a wild fire/sparkle in their eyes when they're happy. You can easily tell when they're in a good mood
☯ 8°, 20°, 10°, 22° degrees on the ascendant can give intimidating vibes, someone very powerful
☯ Aries and Capricorn Placements can often be very stubborn especially in big 3!! They like to do things in their own ways
☯ Having Jupiter as your dominant planet in the birth chart makes you extremely spiritual/kind and you may have a powerful desire to grow and to discover
☯ Capricorn Mercury or Mercury in the 10H or 10° 22° on Mercury natives can have a deeper voice than others but in a very mesmerizing way
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☯ Venus in the 4H or Venus at 4°, 16° or 28° degrees can find themselves being the home and safe space for others, your way of sharing love is amazing
☯ Mars in Gemini/3rd house or Mars at 3°, 15°,27° degrees can have a very bold way of talking, their humour style is the best and sometimes they can have cracked jokes
☯ Lilith in the 11H or Lilith in Aquarius can find themselves being in groups with people who have experienced different traumas/bad things and can share those things between them!
☯ Lilith in Leo Degrees 5°. 17°, 29° can have a feline typo of appearance/personality even beauty like their face can easily be associated with a lion/feline
☯ Pluto in the 3rd house can make the native to be very curious about the taboo/dark/horror things, like they're so deep into the lore
☯ Cancer Degrees on ascendant 4°, 16°, 28° degrees can be more soft/sensible than others since young/since childhood. They're just more chill and calm than most people
☯ Natives with heavy Capricorn or Saturn placements can have strong legs/ and very beautiful ones
☯ Taurus Mercury/Mars or at Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26° can be highly sensual in the room, also if they get excited
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☯ Varuna (2000) conjunct/trine/sextile Lilith can be pretty known for their sensual nature, mesmerizing aura
☯ Mercury Dominant natives are truly the best ones who have around you! They're communicative/open minded, have a good sense of humor and they're also extremely supportive
☯ Pallas Asteroid (2) or 7H in Libra natives can inspire others to seek for their guidance, they often judge fairly and won't pick a side
☯ Pallas Asteroid (2) in Sagittarius or 9H can make the native to always seek for higher knowledge, this placement gives the high priestess in tarot cards vibes
☯ Pallas Asteroid (2) in Pisces or 12H natives are connected with the universe/source/God in a way that, they can feel its presence around
☯ Pallas Asteroid (2) in Leo or 5H can combine philosophy with fun/creativity, they can be really talented and share lots of good vibes
☯ Since the 9H is also related with school/education Mars/Saturn/Pluto and even Lilith in this house can have it quite hard/challenging in those topics, sometimes even getting in fights with the teachers as well
☯ Something natives with Lilith in the 10H or in Capricorn fight with is that most people in their lives try to be dominant and to overtake them and control their lives which is extremely wrong! Never let anyone do that
☯ How Venus - Pluto aspects/Venus in Scorpio/Venus in the 8H always fall for the people who have a bad reputation like?? Is like you are attracted to the villain of a fairytale/story
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☯ Sun opposite or square Saturn can bring a difficult relationship with their dad, or they could've grow up in a strict household
☯ Lilith/Chiron in the 2H natives can have problems with their self esteem or self worth, sometimes even ED aka eating disorders
☯ Leo & Capricorn combos in your chart can make you very intelligent and likable
☯ I feel natives with Mars/Saturn/Pluto in the 4H or 5H may like to stay alone more than being 24/7 with people, like to have their own space
☯ Saturn or Capricorn in the 6H can be quite draining to have, it's practical but exhausting in the same time
☯ Having all your big 3 in the same element is quite unusual but powerful in the same time
☯ Jupiter in Aquarius or Aquarius Degrees/11H/11°, 23°. Their spouse can be extremely social and friendly,kind, humanitarian, helping, supportive. Is so hubby material
☯ Juno in the 1H natives can get into relationships since young ages as a lesson to learn and to explore an specific side of relationships, so that they learn to be more mature in their next relationships
☯ Virgo Risings have their 7H in Pisces which makes them to be dependent of their partner at times, like very attached and clingy
☯ Lilith at 0° degrees in the chart can indicate breaking the norms and bringing something new with them
☯ Lilith Asteroid (1181) opposite/square/conjunct Neptune or Venus, they have a catchy appearance and approach to people
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☯ Moon in Aquarius can be known as that person of the family who is just born different, but in a good way like that cool sibling/cousin/friend etc..
☯ Aquarius Placements combined with Gemini and Virgo placements can be really into gaming since they have a very analytical mind
☯ While if you have Aries Placements and if you are into gaming you can be quite competitive in your games
☯ Pisces/Cancer and Libra Moons natives are the easiest to catch in love, is just their energy being in love 24/7, they can aslo switch up very fast if the person they like is not like they thought
☯ Lilith in Gemini/3rd house or aspecting Mercury can find themselves surrounding with people who gossip a lot, at some point people can gossip about them as well so take care who you spend your time with
☯ Lilith in Taurus/2H or at Taurus Degrees can be afraid of being rejected, as like an anxiety thing, you deserve a lot better if you have people in your life who may try to reject you
☯ Moon aspecting Pluto natives can often find themselves with people who may try to manipulate them into making bad decisions, don't always let yourself that easy to people
☯ Lilith square Moon/Venus can make women specifically hate you for no reason. Like creating this hate energy for nothing, protect yours at least
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🦋🫶🏼 A new week is a new astro post🥰🫶🏼
Hope you all have it good 🤍🤍🤍
🤍 [H a r m o o n i x ] 🤍
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layuhsblog · 5 months
Hi, I'm not sure if ur still open to requests (I'm so sorry if ur not >_<) but could u do some princess treatment with nct dream bcz I've genuinely just thought of them spoiling their gfs🫶🏻
its not too princessy and more domestic and 'nct dream as boyfriends'
reqs are still open, ask away babies
idk how to write diff stuff for diff members but i tried and i hope you like it. definitely very fluffy tho. and YEP THEY'RE DEF THE SPOILING THEIR GFS TYPE
warnings: very fluffy, suggestive at some places, very crack, a bit imagine based as well, i think i swore once? i dont remember, some members are too short I'm sorry i was having writers block also ITS LONG.
also cus its so long its unedited.
members drabbles under the cut
• I feel like if you're dating Mark, your house will never be quiet, whether its with his chaotic unhinged questions, his jokes, him singing or producing songs or just his playlists playing in the background. especially if you're the type to always need some kind of background noise while doing chores- he'll make you like a thousand playlists for every mood, every chore etc.
He'll even make you a personal playlist with secret songs only meant for you to listen, even if the lyrics are highly unhinged like;
"Yoyo my girls cookin, and she's hella goodlookin yoyo" just for you to laugh at his silly antics even when hes away for too long.
• I dont see him as someone who'll get you flowers cus I feel like he will get sad when they die. He'll stay up at night when youre asleep finding origami videos to make you paper flower bouquets. Each date a different type of flower. Even goes out of his way and googles what flower signifies what feeling, literally befriends a flower shop owner.
• He once called them at 4am to ask what flower means "I'm sorry, I messed up. Please don't break up with me." The phone hung up on his face ofc. Your argument was about mint chocolate and pineapples on pizza. You obviously wouldn't break up with him for that. (He hopes)
•You definitely have a specific closet filled w those paper flowers. He has never given you a handmade bouquet of your favourite flowers cus he plans on doing so when he proposes to you, hiding the ring at the bottom of the bouquet. AHH IM SOFT
•Personal Spotify, he'll sing you to sleep whenever you tell him to, whatever you tell him to.
•You once had an argument with him in public and he asked you how he can make you forgive him so you made him sing 'Welcome to Miami' infront on random strangers
•OH I FEEL LIKE. If you're on a picnic. He would take help from his members (the 127 hyungs. Dreamies are hopeless I'm sorry) and make you both a bento. Imagine your surprise when you opened the picnic basket and saw two lunchboxes one was spiderman and the other was hello kitty.
"Mark, this is so cute. But yknow I like spiderman too right?"
I've said this before and I'll say it again, Mark's the type of boyfriend to snatch a jar from you, tell you he got it and fail miserably. Most of the time when you DO have a problem opening a jar and you go to him..he gulps nervously.
"I, have to go to the bathroom. Be right back."
"Mark- ...you took the jar with you.."
You know where this is going.
"Baby, I know you asked Johnny to help. But thankyou! Yes you're very strong."
To sum it up, being with Mark is dorky and comforting and you love that man with all your heart.
•I see Renjun as the type to do princess treatment stuff with you together.
•Like Idk how to explain it- you both spoil eachother. Your nighttime skincare takes you both HOURS because instead of doing like sane people, you do it on EACHOTHER, explaining every step of your routine to the camera (the mirror) in a fake accent.
•If he sees you painting your nails, he gets offended because he's your personal nail tech.
I definitely see him as the type to tell you,
"Gurl, that watermarble is a disaster. Let me do it for you." and he does a better job than you.
"Silly girl, this is why you should always let me do your nails. Don't even bother."
•He's adorable, if its your birthday or you achieved smtn big at a job or at uni he would celebrate it with you. Decorate your room with pink balloons and stuff, get you a tiara and a sash- like a true princess, get you a pretty dress to wear. Click your pics and share it on his close friends story.
You love it. You saved that same tiara for his birthdays and achievements and crowned him your princess. CUTIES
•Allows you to do his makeup while you're sitting on his lap on one condition, you don't click pics.
Once he grows into it though-
"Hey! Blend that foundation properly, my neck and my face are two different shades."
You show your puppy eyes to him he's cracking. Lets you take as many pics as you want, doesn't say shit when you post it. He's soft for you.
•I dont see him as a very verbally expressive partner, he'll show you through his actions, like the one time a family member of yours was very sick and admitted in the hospital while he was on tour.
•You were continuously crying on call and it was late where he was. He knew you had trouble sleeping for a few days as you were staying at the hospital with them. He flew in to surprise you and had a mini date in the hospital cafeteria. He made sure you ate and you both took a walk around the building after dinner as he comforted you and gave you advice on how to deal with everything going on.
He stayed in the room, looking after your family member as you showered and slept soundly after forever. You felt bad as he was jetlagged and tired but he scolded you and forced you to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of the door opening and the nurse greeting your relative the next morning. There was a note propped up on the couch you had slept in,
'Had to fly back baby :( Call me anytime and I'll be there. My girl comes first always, I love you<3'
•Oh your family loves him btw, he had also got a get well soon card and a bouquet for your relative.
You were gonna marry this man, you were sure of it.
•Overall he scolds you when you don't take care of yourself and always puts your needs first before his and trusts you fully to do the same when he needs it, and you will<3
•This is so random, but I really see Jeno as the type of boyfriend who bakes for you?
•its just a you and him thing. When you started dating, you were at his dorm and got hungry and night. So he decided to make you a mugcake? It tasted like rubber but you ate it anyway ans reassured him that it was really good. (It wasn't)
•Y'all know that guy on tiktok who bakes for his gf?? THAT'S HIS INSPIRATION RIGHT THERE.
•Experiments each recipe on Jaemin before making you try it. Why do you think Jaemin hates strawberries? Its HIS fault.
•Yknow how...Jeno is so buff and sexy?? His favourite part of going to the gym is sending you post workout bathroom mirror selfies. (YES THAT IS SPOILING. SHUSH)
•He also definitely seems like the type to call you princess. If you hate that nickname? He doesn't care he'll call you anyway cus you ARE his princess. You eventually grow into it.
•Definitely the type to wake up no matter how late it is if you need anything. You're hungry? He's up and running ready to cook, go to the convience store or order food for you. Anything his princess wants. You got your periods? You think he already doesn't have your necessities stacked in the dorm bathroom already? Pads, tampons, everything- even if you're on cups, he'll always keep them ready for emergency purposes and incase the other dreamies have their girls over and they need it. Your bf is a gentleman yes. You love it.
•PASSENGER PRINCESS PRIVILEGE. You'll always be connected to the Bluetooth. You never have to drive ever in your life again. His favourite part of driving is you screaming out the lyrics of ur new favourite songs.
He will never tell you how tired he is of listening to the same song over and over and over again. Even if his ears feel like bleeding from listening to the same song again, he'll hold back his tears and just smile. He loves you but he's not a big fan of your music.
"You're so quiet babe, what's up?"
"Huh, nothing... just focusing on the road.. You keep singing, I love your voice hehe."
•Yknow how much it annoys him, youre testing his patience to see when he'll tell you to stop. He wont tho babe, he's getting tortured, stop please. (I unironically love that song)
•I think he's the most princess to ever princess which is why he's perfect at giving princess treatment.
•Also hes very clingy, wont leave you alone for even a minute.
•One time you were cutting fruit with a new knife you had just bought and cut your finger on it. He was so annoying with it;
"Hyuck, its just a small c-" He pecks your lips to shut you up and runs to his room. He runs back and to your surprise shows you a hello kitty band-aid. You laugh at that to which he pouts and claims that "it hurts less with this specific one"
Doesn't even let you wash the cut yourself. He washes it for you, puts antiseptic and lastly puts the bandaid on your finger.
He proudly admires his work and when you thank him he "kisses your ouchie" to which you cringed out for a solid five minutes.
•He's the type to say, "I GOT IT" to everything you're about to do.
Opening a jar? He's got it. Opening your apartment door after a date? GASP YOU JUST GOT A MANICURE, HE'LL DO IT. Reaching for the shelf to grab a mug? He's got his Johnny hyung to get it for you cus he can't reach it either.
•He absolutely thinks it's his job to make you laugh. You literally cannot laugh at another guy's jokes now. Mark is an exception tho, he'll fite you for Mark. How dare you not laugh at a stupid joke Mark made.
•Speaking of fite, He'll let you win all playfights. This is how you know shit is srs between y'all. Haechan is competitive. But he'll let you win. I know its an unpopular opinion.
•Especially if you don't have much in common with Haechan and start showing interest in gaming and ask him to teach you, he'll go very easy on you. Yknow, set his pride aside, let you win a lot of games before actually becoming competitive with you as well. Still he won't ever admit it even years after being together- if you have a particularly bad day, he would let you and not make it very obvious, even if you call him names and make fun of him for being a loser, he'll just have a lovesick smile on his face and stars in his eyes as you're doing a dorky winner dance for beating him.
The 127 boys are very proud of their maknae, he's surely grown a lot. You're both still incredibly immature but they love you together.
•Oh the only down side is you're always competing with Renjun.
"Blink twice if you love Renjun and Mark more than me"
*blinks twice*
"We're done."
•You love him too much to get mad at the fact that he still didnt choose you
here we go..
my bias wrecker.
•YOU CANNOT DENY He's going to be the best boyfriend ever.
•You want to put ribbons on him? he bought you those himself. the pinkest of pink ribbon for you to tie his hair, biceps, _anything_ with.
•He loves making you flustered.
•Will check up in you every second of the day.
"Did you eat yet? Slept properly? Drink enough water?"
•Nags at you like a mother.
•If you're studying for exam or just working from home in general he'll pop up to check in on you every five minutes with coffee, freshly cut up fruits, chocolates etc.
•If you're too busy to eat, he will pull a chair and sit beside you, stare at you while you work and feed you occassionally.
•When you're tired he'll give you a massage and draw you a pretty bath with rose petals and scented candles and stuff.
•He cannot say no to your puppy eyes. He loves cats but you're the reason he has three.
•Also the type to get jealous of the cats, AND you if you're not giving him attention. He doesnt know whether he wants to be at your place or the cats'.
•HE COOS AT YOU. A LOT. ANYTHING YOU DO. "AIGOOO MY BABY IS SO ADORABLE *insert incoherent wooing noises as he pulls your cheeks* and you're just there like- '🧍😀'
•If you're on a date, you don't even have to ask. He'll already have his camera ready, suggest you cute poses and click pictures for your Instagram. He'd stay up late to edit them himself.
When you're with Na Jaemin you cannot have a blank looking Instagram.
•Overall hes the sweetest and absolutely adorable but he also has a babygirl to take care of. (He himself is a babygirl)
•Another one to call you princess.
•I saw a reel of him asking his nephew for a kiss before handing him money. THAT'S SO ADORABLE OH MY GOD MY HEART HE'LL DO THAT WITH YOU TOO.
•Even if you're not the type to accept gifts or ask for money he'll MAKE SURE you get used to it because he JUST LOVES SPOILING HIS PRINCESS
•If you're going for a spa or to get your nails done or any type of self care activity and you DONT ask him to pay, he gets mad. he'll sulk, wont talk to you.
"What's the point of being born in a rich family and working hard to earn a living if my girlfriend doesnt want to spend my money?😔"
•He loves you so much. Every night when he does his skincare, you're sitting on the bathroom sink and hes doing your skincare as well.
•Another nagger who will ensure you're hydrated and wellfed, keeps track of your period.
"Open the door, I know you're on your period, I got you heatpacks, pads and chocolates. Let's watch Hamilton and cuddle."
"Lele, marry me."
"Pick your diamond, baby."
•But, we all know chenle is so much more than just a rich guy, he'll sing you to sleep and stroke your hair whenever you're stressed
•He may be mean and nagging and annoying sometimes but hes such a huge huge softie for you its crazy. Everytime you walk into the room, its all music and wind blowing and time slowing for him. Cliche lover boy and I'm here for it.
•He loves you so much, if you pout at him he'll be on his knees at your service doing anything and everything you tell him to...even aegyo.
•He also tries to learn how to cook for you. The first time he cooked, the food tasted like dish soap cus he thought vegetables had to be cleaned with soap.
•Eventually gets better and cooks very comforting meals. They taste like home, you love it. Yknow the type of food that's not too fancy but its warm and make your heart feel full.
•Thats also what loving him would feel like. He wouldn't go OUT and extreme but whatever he does is warm and fills your heart with love for him more everyday.
•Occasional flowers, gets you chocolates/cookies/ice cream everytime you hang out.
•Lot of movie dates, he'll always let you pick the movie. You'll always be the small spoon
•Oh he always pulls your chair at a restaurant. Also has a habit of putting his hand under your shirt and just holding your stomach when cuddling, makes him feel closer to you. Same with hugging, when you hug his hand peeks under your shirt so hes touching your bare back. It's nothing sexual, it's just intimate.
•He would always purposefully leave his hoodies at your place so you dont have to steal them. He's too shy to admit he left them on purpose. Also does it cus if you stole his hoodie, his poor heart wouldn't be able to handle it. It would probably combust into flames.
"You forgot your hoodie at my place."
"Oh shit, well its okay, you can take it. I don't wear it much anyways." and you're just there thinking,
'That's your favourite hoodie man, you'd rot in it if you could.' You don't tease him about it though. Its cute to you that he trusts you with his favourite hoodie.
•He's the type to be jealous of your plushies but then would also go out of his way to buy more for you. He gets sad if you buy new ones.
In his logic, if he buys them for you, he's the father and the kids will be loyal and know their place. But if you buy them, they'll be too greedy to share you with him. Oh please, he talks to trees don't tell me things like these wouldn't cross his mind.
•He loves it when you ask him to pay for dinner cus you usually split the bill. He realised he loves it a BIT TOO MUCH, makes him feel all alpha-protecter, big boy and would start demanding that he pays for dates more often.
Unlike Chenle he's cool with it if you don't like it, he'll turn it down a notch.
•He just wants you to be comfy and he'll always stick to his boundaries while also keeping an eye on you, making sure you're okay, comfortable and happy with him.
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whamss · 4 months
Hrm you know I sort of think that people kind of miss out on the beauty of Kanaya having a "type" for "dangerous women" when they fail to account for the fact that Kanaya too is a dangerous woman. Like don't get me wrong, it's a very different type of dangerous. Kanaya is attracted to women with an impulsive, self-destructive kind of danger. Women who throw themselves into situations headfirst and a lot of the time will stumble out on the other side a little worse for wear (but they're effective, still, and that makes it thrilling). But like Kanaya has such a deliberate and relentless violence to her, a dangerous woman who keeps herself dormant until the time is right, but when she lets herself out she hits hard and fast (and she's also very effective, this is also quite thrilling). Things I've been rotating a lot, I think it's fun to view Kanaya's love for dangerous women less like she's a passive woman admiring and taking care of women she cannot control, and more like her enjoying the company of forces just as threatening and dangerous as she is, but a touch more chaotic in their methods
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marsprincess889 · 1 month
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Part 3
More random and messy but still true
DISCLAIMER: if you consider some of these positive and others negative, then I want you guys to know that they come from my personal observations of real life. None of the nakshatras are better or worse, or positive or negative, these are just aspects of them, but nevertheless, true.
Magha people can have such an ego omg like I've said that before with rat yonis but P.Phalguni I think is nowhere near Magha in that department. Ashwini can also come off as egotistical, but it's moreso that they're unintentionally(or sometimes, intentionally) ignorant. Mula can also have egotistical tendencies, esp cause the galactic center(the black hole) is in Mula nakshatra, so they can have this "I'm the center of the world" attitude, but in my experience it manifests as just them mainly trusting themselves. All Ketu nakshatras have this theme of going inwards and shutting the world out, but since Magha is in the Sun ruled Leo (sun=ourselves, confidence) it can come off as undeservedely egotistical, different from Ashwinis aggressively(Aries/Mars) ignorant and Mula's relentlessly preachy(Sagittarius/Jupiter).
The Ashlesha to Jyeshta pipeline is actually very obvious, they're more connected than people realize. Obviously they're both Mercury nakshatras, but Ashlesha is often seen in a very sensual, feminine light and Jyeshta in a no-nonsense, cut to the chase light. The difference is that all that bottled up energy of Ashlesha, that was either healing or poisoning the native is ready to fight and be more direct in Jyeshta. They're both laser focused on survival and protecting themselves, desperately trying to realize themselves in the proccess, so it's a struggle. Both are trying to preserve their energy, but Ashlesha was trapped in the confines of the 4th house(family, roots,mother) and the sign of Cancer/Moon(emotions, fliudity, sensitivity), either for its safety or to its detriment, and was trying to get their energy out in a correct way. Jyeshta is out in the open, thrown in the sign of Scorpio/the 8th house/ passive Mars (transformation, rebirth, purging, sex, death, warfare, survival, defence. You and the other are one and the same in the 8th house). For Jyeshta, the only way to survive, is to win over everyone else, and when they eventually win, they gain dominion over others. So Jyeshta is kind of about revisiting that Ashlesha state and having the revenge, so to speak, because after gaining strength on your own, you eventually have to face the ones who you were so desperately trying to get away from(ashlesha).
Mulas can be so gentle and honestly at first I did not know where that came from, but since the last third of nakshatras are about transcending and mastering their ruling planet in a sense(btw, that does not mean that they embody the energy of the planet more, or that they're better) and Ketu is about primal instincts, then Mula is the place where the individual centers themselves in their truth and is unmoved by others, thus, avoiding unnecessary energy drainage. Of course, they can also be the most untamed of all, but in our civilized(mostly🙁) society, their natural demeanor is extremely calm.
Chitra natives are soooooo chaotic like calm down jesus. It makes sense when your consider that its gunas are TTT(tamas, tamas, tamas). Among the planets, Ketu is the most tamasic one(Chitra's ruler_Mars is also tamasic), but each nakshatra has their own guna(Ashwini is Rajas x3, Bharani is Rajas-Rajas-Tamas, Revati is Sattva x3, you get it). So Chitra people are the most chaotic, if I may say so. (Gotta credit The Hidden Octave's Chitra video for the observation). There are a lot of indicators that explain this but I've already written a lot in the previous ones😭 if you know basic vedic, this observation is of no surprise to you. They can also be prone to anxiety, but often they're unaware of it, so that has a detrimental effect on people around them.
Uttara Bhadrapadas are VERY hard to order around. Impossible even. Idk why someone would want to order someone else around but nevertheless, these natives can deal with any kind of unfairness with such grace, self-mastery and quiet strength that eventually nothing gets to them anymore. So if you see an U. Bhadra child disobey their superiors calmly and in a controlled but determined manner, you know why.
I really have a lot of respect for Uttara Ashadas(not all, lmao), because they just deal with stuff alone. And it's natural for them, and they don't do it for a goal(like in Jyeshta, which is not bad, it's just different) or for attention, it's just a way of life for them. Simplicity and stoicism 🤌
Okay, now a fun one: Moon girls (Rohini, Hasta and Shravana) are the blueprints of Y/N. If you guys don't know what Y/N please look it up. Not just Y/N, but characters like Bella Swan(hasta moon, rohini asc actress) and Elena Gilbert(shravana moon anctress) come to mind. Even popular instagram users who parody those movies/fanfics/characters have moon placements(@laframbuesaa_ rohini moon if i remember correctly and @yasmine_sahid_ shravana moon(?) on insta). Even Harry fcking styles, who is probably the most common love interest in those fanfics has hasta moon. If you know a little about nakshatras, this makes sooo much sense. Moon is something that masses can understand and digest easily, so it's not complicated and sometimes, it can verge on delusions(or an insane sensitivity and receptivity and the ability to read between the lines, but that's just for a number of their natives). Other nakshatras that can fall into the Y/N trope are venus and ketu nakshatras, but moon is the most classic example of it.
I want confirmation in the comments/reblogs for this one: Bharani natives love high fantasy, history(esp medieval), fantasy in general and/or just everything/anything with that vibe. Cause I'm bharani moon and I do, and I've seen some other examples. If not, then the Bharani natives themselves seem like they're out of those times/stories. I can't explain it in any other way. (This might be true for Bharani Ketu too.)
Alright, this is all. Reblog, comment, like. Interact please
Take care
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seekingserenity333 · 1 year
Astrology Observations - 1
Thank you everyone for the love on my first post! Please do let me know if things resonate with you, sending love! I'm still an amateur, so take what I say with a grain of salt. +18 parts are in red, you can ignore if you like!
(+18) 1- Venus in Scorpio natives might feel that love is like a slow burn poison, loving too much hurts as much. They are very intense when it comes to intimate relationships and even though they might try and satiate their sexual thirst with one night stands, they will try and find someone they can regularly see and form even a slight connection. They are also lucky in the genitals part- although they're prone to STDs and might feel a scare at some point, they should be careful.
(+18) 2- Uranus in the 1st house/Aquarius ascendants might be from a young age tech savvy, their parents might even ask for help figuring out new appliances. If Venus and Uranus make aspects, they might experience a long distance relationship with someone from a different culture. They might also like sexting/cyber sex
3- Sun in 12th House and/or Saturn in the 1st house might indicate an absent father. The natives might have to discipline themselves or they might have the other parent step up for them. This may also indicate their personality blooming late
4- Mercury sextile Venus might indicate a way with words, interest in literature and being a great communicator. They can calm down a heating argument just with their words, making both parties laugh even
5- Lilith in the 2nd house might indicate being underweight and problematic relationship with food. They might skip meals without even noticing and don't have much attachment to tasty food at all
6- Mars in Scorpio natives might feel a big rush of energy when they feel threatened, as if they can take down tens of people. If Mars aspects the ascendant or planets in the first house, it can give the native a strong build no matter the size/weight. They might gain muscles without noticing and have a triangle shaped body. (Though this depends a lot on other placements too)
7- Gemini placements can be chaotic and unstable. They might have different personalities with different people, and can feel strong mood shifts. In personal planets, the native might want to constantly keep themselves busy with all kinds of media like series, anime, books, manga, music etc. and they can't quite get enough. After being done with something, they'll go through social media and forums on the subject and engage in conversations until they find their next craving
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amomentsescape · 8 months
Eldritch monster anon here! So to answer your question, yep that image you shared is what I have in mind ^^
Slashers with Reader Who's Secretly an Eldritch Horror
Slashers x Reader
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, Stu, Vincent, Bo, & Lester
A/N: I'm not super confident I wrote Reader correctly, and I didn't go into too much depth about what they look like or everything they're capable of, so I hope you still like it! You can find the original request here.
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Freddy Krueger
He can't help but fantasize of the damage you two can cause when together
He sensed something was a little different about you from the beginning
But he didn't think it would be quite this drastic
What's funny though is that he thinks you don't know that he's found out about you
He's dead wrong
But it's kind of a game to you, and you're having fun with it
He's "secretly" caught you distorting the people and things around you
And he admires that fact since he does the same thing in his Dream World
You were hoping he'd catch on sooner
But oh well
It's just more fun that way
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Michael Myers
He somehow doesn't know already, and you kind of want to keep it that way
Michael has this thing with power
He knows he's unstoppable, chaotic, and deadly
And he likes it that way
If he ever found out about the things you're capable of...
It would not be good
Your partnership would go from providing to battling
He wants- needs to be the monster in the relationship
And although you have the upper hand on him, he would not go down without a fight
He knows there's a darkness brewing in you
He just doesn't know quite what it is
And let's hope it stays that way
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Jason Voorhees
He honestly learns about what you are pretty early on
He didn't really assume anything was off about you, but he was so open and sweet to you that you felt comfortable enough to tell him about everything
And knowing that he's not the most dangerous being around is somewhat... nice
He really admires your power and strength
And it feels good to be able to leave for a while and not worry that something will happen to you
You are more than capable of protecting yourself, and that lifts a huge weight off of Jason's shoulders
Perhaps he's too trusting, but he doesn't worry about you turning that dark power on him
You've only showed him genuine love and care, so he feels like he has nothing to worry about
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Thomas Hewitt
Perhaps he's being a little naive
The way you immediately ate his "dinner" without so much as a question
The sudden increase of people coming by the house and being captured
How you come out of the most dangerous areas unscathed
There is clearly something about you that isn't... normal
But it's not his place to question it
He loves you, and you love him
End of story
Even if he did start to question what's really going on, he wouldn't press the matter
He figures you'll open up to him whenever you're ready
And if that's never, then so be it
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Bubba Sawyer
He's just a sweet, naive man
You could literally show your true colors right in front of his eyes, and he'd still have no clue
But it doesn't really matter
He loves you for you no matter what you look like or what you're capable of
As long as you still care for him like this, you can do whatever you want
He will admit that his family has had a much easier time getting "food" than ever before
And those that do come by are really easy to capture since you've been with him
But those are just coincidences, surely
You're his sweet angel
He has to protect you
Little does he know that you really can handle yourself...
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Brahms Heelshire
He has found it a little odd that the food still arrives on time without so much as a word from Malcolm
And he hasn't seen a single soul since you began to staying with him
But he's very happy with all of this, so he doesn't question it
He can sense that you're a little... different than other people
But that's part of the reason he likes you so much in the first place
He only realizes the true extent to this theory when you somehow force him to bed without so much as a touch
He was completely flabbergasted at this, but he didn't dare question it
Safe to say that he has no intention on giving you a hard time again
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Norman Bates
He doesn't question a thing
If anything, you're his good luck charm since all of these good things started to happen when you showed up
The motel business is booming
Any issues he was dealing with seemed to disappear in plain sight
Everything seems to be going his way for once
Mother keeps telling him there's something off about you, but he ignores her
What does she mean?
You're his sweet and perfect partner
There's nothing else to it
You want to show him the truth at some point, but he just seems so happy right now
Maybe you'll tell him later
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Billy Loomis
Billy straight up demands for you to tell him what's going on
Unlike a lot of people, Billy follows his gut instinct
He's known something was up with since you two started seeing each other
His world was just too... perfect
And he swears that there's this dark aura that surrounds your head at all hours of the day
It's only after his latest kill went too well that he interrogates you
When you tell him, he asks you to prove it
The look on his face when you showed him just what you were was enough to send you into a fit of laughter
To be honest, Billy is a little bit scared of you now
Knowing that you're capable of literally taking him out of existence is intimidating to say the least
Best believe Billy is going to do his best not to get on your bad side
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Stu Macher
Stu is true golden retriever energy
Meaning, he is very sweet and loving towards you, but there's not much else going on inside that brain of his
He doesn't suspect a single thing with you
You are his perfect partner, and that's about it
Sure, his killings with Billy have been going super well, and he always comes out unscathed
Yeah, that person who shushed him in the movie theater was found completely mutilated the next day
What about it?
You wouldn't have anything to do with it
Stu just thinks that you are made out of 100% innocence
And you kind of like it that way
You'll tell him when you're ready
Until then, you just appreciate Stu treating you like a person and not some powerful God
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Vincent Sinclair
Vincent has been finding himself with a new sense of inspiration for his wax art
He dreams of this ethereal yet terrifying being he has never seen before
He's told you about the dreams, and you always respond with a soft smile and a "that's interesting"
Vincent as no clue that you're the creature he's been seeing
And you must say, his art is pretty damn accurate
You didn't have any intentions on telling him the truth, at least not right away
But the way he sees this version of you as his muse makes you want to say something sooner
He's basically idolizing you, and he doesn't even know it
Not that he doesn't act this way with you normally
But how fun it could be to see his reaction once you tell him the truth
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Bo Sinclair
Maybe he suspects something is going on, but he doesn't say anything
Ignorance is bliss
And although he's usually one to demand what he wants to know, he doesn't quite feel comfortable doing that with you
There's something in those eyes of yours that tells him he may be better off not knowing
Plus, things for him and Ambrose have been going suspiciously well for him
He literally had some random man run up to him begging to become one of the wax figures
This is all just odd
And he knows you're hiding something by the way you smile at him
But everything is so perfect that he doesn't want to ruin it
So for now, let him be ignorant
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Lester Sinclair
He's never really been in a relationship as passionate as this one before
So you best believe any single thought or doubt that goes through his head is immediately thrown out
He loves you, and you're so nice to him
There's no way you could be hiding something from him, right?
I mean, it's a little odd how you seem to appear from thin air, and your hair never has a single strand out of place
There was something that feels... not real
But that's just crazy
He probably only feels that way because of how perfect he thinks you are
Until you explicitly stand before him in your true form, he's going to just ignore these thoughts
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homunculus-argument · 2 months
I'm starting to think that one way that'd make The Book That I'm Not Working On actually work would be switching the POV character. While the original protagonist is somewhat chaotic neutral batshit bastard, his best friend is the one who's there to witness a lot more of the plot.
While the original plan of explaining the protagonist's situation from the start, establishing from the first scene who he is and what he's up to worked, it'd be so much funnier to tell everything from the One Sane Man's perspective. Poor guy was already not happy with his friends getting tangled into this sketchy damn underground political movement, and on top of that his idiot best friend who is a lunatic and a pathological liar with zero sense of self-preservation has been missing for months.
And then This Fucking Idiot shows up again, in the house of the conspirators, as their honoured guest, dressed like a fucking lord, and apparently they genuinely believe that this idiot actually is that one infamous genius outlaw baron that everyone's talking about, who has a massive bounty on his head. This fearless idiot and recreational liar, who always tells a different story about how he got his strange blue eye (one involved a talking horse), and when he's drunk enough will swear on his life that he walked on water when he was a child.
This guy. Barking mad Foxtrap-Todd. And now he's there, surrounded by people meddling in very dangerous waters, who are convinced that he is this famous revolution writer heavily invested in overthrowing the government. And then this motherfucker just says
"oh hi man, haven't seen you in a while. Please don't say anything, this time I really am what they're claiming I am - kind of - and they'll kill me if they think I'm lying."
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kalki-tarot · 1 year
Pick a pile, left to right ♡
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Disclaimer — The images I used to select a pile were sourced from Pinterest, I hope the reading will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Tap Masterlist for more !
Pile 1
They like to take the lead, might be dominating.
Sets strict boundaries for people.
They're protective, stable and authoritative.
They move on easily.
They might've had a rough and financially poor background or past.
They are a fair person, they don't like injustice for other people.
They like drinking and may have a whole collection of different kind of drinks.
They like to party and socialize a lot.
They constantly move forward in their life, from one place to another. They're very determined and goal oriented.
They might've had a very bad heartbreak in the past in love which made them very emotionally hurt. They are moving forward from this though.
Pile 2
This person dreams of a lot of nightmares.
Very hardworking person, takes up many responsibilities.
They've worked very hard for becoming what they are right now. They still continue to work hard.
This person works in a team, they're most probably leading this team.
They are currently working hard to learn or master a new skill.
This person is detached from the world.
He's thinking and waiting for an offer right now, romantically or career wise.
Very rich financially. On a high position at work.
This person is afraid of failing.
This person has the ability to grow and develop.
Pile 3
Very mischievous and funny.
Very easy going, doesn't stress much about things in life.
Invests a lot for future gains, emotionally or financially.
They are a healer, they help people move forward in their life.
Very mysterious, may have some hidden talents or knowledge most people don't.
This person is a strategic thinker.
Very masculine, dominating and leading energy.
Wants to travel the whole world.
Likes work and personal life balance.
Pile 4
Works very hard and takes up a lot of responsibility.
Currently moving on from a tough situation in life.
Very emotional and offering in love.
Eyes hold a lot of depth. Very deep and pure soul.
This person's intentions are very pure, they don't wish bad for anyone.
Very practical approach towards life.
This person is surely gonna be wealthy and rich in the future.
This person questions things like god and religion.
This person is going through a divine and spiritual awakening.
Traditional and conventional.
Pile 5
This person is very fast.
This person quickly jumps into romantic relationships.
Very romantic and passionate.
Hopeless romantic.
This might be contradicting but this person now waits and thinks before jumping into romantic relationships.
It's because he's had bad experiences due to being too quick and rushing.
This person is scared to fall in love again due to past heartbreak.
This person just waits now before making any decisions.
Very Masculine
Might be older than you.
Pile 6
Rich background
Fair and logical.
Indecisive sometimes.
Very intuitive and spiritual.
Likes balance in life.
Says the truth no matter what
Old soul, wise
Very prosperous and wealthy
Moving on from something chaotic.
Impulsive sometimes.
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natalyarose · 3 months
𝑀𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓈 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒮𝓅𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝒫𝒶𝓉𝒽 🪽- 𝒫𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝒶 𝒞𝒶𝓇𝒹 ♡
I'm really enjoying doing these pick a cards and hope they're finding the right people well. I expect to get a little mystical with this one 💫
To choose the pile meant for you, it can help to close your eyes and visualise purple before choosing 💟 another technique is to take a deep breath, and see which image seems to pull on your heartspace. If nothing stands out, it's possible none are meant for you this time and that's perfectly fine too ♡
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♡ 1 - King of Swords, the Chariot, the Empress, 9 of Pentacles
channelled messages ~
'be different'
'you're you for a reason'
'you're going to help wake up the world'
'ignore negativity, trust your sensitivity'
From this group I'm getting a lone wolf type of vibe. Not in the sense that you are surly or don't like other people, quite the opposite, it's more that you do your own thing and you always have. You trust your own intuition first and rather than following the masses, you follow what feels 'high vibrational'. It sounds cringe but sweet lol- I'm hearing 'you follow the sparkle'. In life, you follow the ideas and experiences that truly light you up and excite you. You have a very angelic energy, and you are extremely sensitive & intuitively attuned to what true, high vibrational, heavenly energy actually feels like. It's very easy for you to sense when something 'doesn't sparkle' so to speak or doesn't emit a high frequency, and you simply veer away from it. I'm picking up almost like a mystical unicorn energy, someone who is very magical and just 'gallops away' from the dramas of Earth lol. For this reason, you are a leader & you stand out. You may not think of yourself as a leader because you're not the kind to make a big fuss in typical social situations, you're not the kind to be the 'boss'; but it's more on a spiritual level.
You think independently and have a sense of clarity & connection to higher realms that is unusual, and very necessary. It's very possible your soul has previously existed in energetically lighter/higher/more angelic places, so you remember these energies and part of your 'mission' on earth, part of why you've been sent here is to be a beacon & open doors for other people that they never considered. You are like a human portal to someplace else..
I'm seeing that because you embody this very high frequency, you are immune to a lot of negativity, but sometimes you do run into people or situations where you feel criticised or misunderstood because you go against the grain. In your mind, structures & hierarchies, things that are are very primal and Earthly, don't make a lot of sense to you and many people don't understand how you are so free from these paradigms.
The message here is to trust who you are, trust that you are here for a reason. Trust your MESSAGE (especially if you're a creative or an artist, trust that you have something significant & otherworldly to share). (Slight TW) Some people in this pile may struggle with suicidal or very helpless thoughts, feeling like you just have no purpose here or are useless because your energy & talents lie beyond what is typically valued in this world, but truly, you have an important role in showing the world what more is out there. Trust your place in the world, your beauty and value. + your intuition & clarity!! Don't doubt it! Your purpose is huge. ♡
♡ 2 - Nine of Cups, Two of Pentacles, the Tower, the Hanged Man RX
channelled messages ~
'calm in the storm'
'high priestess'
'inner strength'
'self protection'
Group 2, I'm seeing that for those who this message is meant for, you are in a situation in your life/that you are witness to where there are chaotic or tumultuous circumstances at play that you can't physically do anything about. You want to, but you can't interfere. In my channelling before I pulled the cards, I did see the Tower card too & it ended up coming out. It's as though things are falling apart around you, but what I'm seeing is spirit wants you to protect yourself and your energy. It makes sense, since the picture you chose is a dark purple-y colour, and dark colours are associated with protection. Right now, wearing dark coloured gemstones or colours (eg. a dark purple shawl, a black tourmaline necklace, just wearing dark clothes) could be very beneficial and energetically aid this need for protection.
For some I'm getting that you are exposing yourself to a lot of darkness/negativity on the news or online hence the message that these are situations you can't do physically do anything about. For others this is something in your real life where things/people are falling apart around you in real time, and a part of you might be wondering if you should be reaching out and doing more.
The message here is to protect your happiness and in a sense, 'cloak yourself' from whatever this is. Trust your inner wisdom too. 'Leave it up to the universe', I'm hearing. While helping others is a noble thing, it's not your job to reach out and save everyone else in this storm. It's not pleasant to see, but at this stage it is important to focus on your happiness and maintain balance.
One thing about the Tower card, is that it'll be over eventually and oftentimes the metaphorical Tower was bound to fall all along. The Tower has to fall, the chaos and darkness has to break loose, for there to be a chance of rebuilding something better and understanding what went wrong.
Have no shame in going within, maybe spending time alone, focusing on what makes YOU happy and joyful. It's not your job to brave the storm. For some of you. this tumultuous situation could be pertaining to something traumatic you've gone through or witnessed in the past, and I see you thinking a lot about it. About what went wrong and why, if you could've done this or that, etc. If this is the case, know that however you reacted in a crisis/traumatic situation is not something to beat yourself up over. This isn't to say you can just 'get over' it of course, but more that sometimes when something really messed up happens you've got to just go 'well that happened... that was f*cked' and not get lost in the semantics of what you shoulda coulda woulda done.
I believe in y'all pile 2- strong witchy energy from you guys too...♡
♡ 3 - Two of Swords, 4 of Cups Rx, 5 of Wands, 3 of Pentacles
channelled messages ~
'what your father did wasn't your fault' (very oddly specific I know lol)
'let's make magic'
'dry your tears'
'have hope'
Group 3, I see spirit wanting to comfort you- like a comforting friend who wants to dry your tears and go 'aww, it's okay'. I keep hearing 'you didn't ruin it, we can put it back together again'. This is really oddly specific, but I'm going to go with it. I see you being very worried about something that happened that wasn't actually your fault, and it's like you're feeling very outcasted for whatever it is? You're being very hard on yourself. If it isn't pertaining to a specific situation, I'm also seeing someone who is just genuinely extremely hard on themselves and always has been. You make a small perceived mistake, and start feeling as though you've ruined everything, are a failure, are less than. I definitely see a lot of comparing yourself to other people, or feeling judged by other people.
For some who picked this pile, there could be people in your life who fought a lot, and brought you into it, or blamed you/used you as a scapegoat for their own struggles, and you've really taken it on. A part of you feels like you've ruined everything? I just keep hearing that. Some of y'all were literally scapegoats for your father or your being hard on yourself stems from issues with your father.
Spirit is highlighting to you that whatever it is wasn't your fault, and it can be fixed/healed! I'm seeing that you have a lot of creative talents and have a very healing energy to other people, and focusing on your talents will help you to heal yourself.
I just keep hearing 'I'm not good enough' and all of these things but it doesn't feel depressive so much as anxious- like a sweet child being scared they're going to get yelled at because they accidentally spilt milk :(
I feel like more people care about you and are on your side in life than you realise. You may have a lot of social anxiety, feeling as though everyone hates you, and isolating yourself from people because of that feeling. I feel like this stems from a specific event though. For some of you guys this stems from a family dynamic where you were scapegoated or just were around a lot of fighting & ego, and you inevitably got involved. You were made to feel like it was your fault everyone is fighting/attacking you when in reality it was all about them and their own struggles to feel they have power.
I'm seeing you are like a beautiful flower that just needs to be watered, and once you start being gentler on yourself, spending time in nature, organically allowing yourself to heal and enjoy your creative hobbies- you're going to shine so brightly and do great things! Healing might be slow, but it's going to be worth it ♡
♡ 4 - Six of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Justice in Reverse, King of Wands
channelled messages~
'seeds take time to grow'
'keep weaving your web'
Group 4, I feel like there is something you're trying to manifest, something you're trying to grow that involves other people/needing interconnectedness. You could be trying to build a community, find 'your people', start a business, etc... it's something that involves finding like minded people. I see you feeling frustrated because it's not happening right away and you're worried it just won't happen and you'll be stuck on this metaphorical iceberg alone, but spirit is saying that you will absolutely find your people and it's already happening as you keep manifesting and 'weaving your web', working on yourself/your business/etc.
For some of you this is just wanting friends, wanting to feel like you have a support group/social circle, wanting to feel financially at peace too. Kinda just wanting to have a feeling that all is 'right'. I'm just picking up that all of these things you desire are coming, you're dreaming them into existence so to speak, just be patient.
I'm also picking up on that note, that you are a very powerful manifester naturally and are great at joining people together. Like there is a web of interconnectedness that surrounds you- there might be a lot of people who know each other because of you or know & love certain books, movies, songs, etc. they discovered through you. You're somebody who really inspires people naturally by just being you, and trust that this will translate to whatever it is you're trying to bring forth into your life right now.
It WILL happen and it is happening, just try not to fixate on it or rush and enjoy the ride, enjoy the process. (this is most likely metaphorical) I'm seeing somebody alone in their room making little trinkets, bracelets, painting, pottery, etc, and it feels very small at the moment. It feels like there's nobody to share it with, it feels like in such a big world these small creations don't mean much; but in reality this will eventually be extremely fruitful. Just continue focusing on these little things, and you will naturally magnetise your crowd and recognition over time :) ♡
♡ 5 - the Magician, the Moon, Queen of Swords, 9 of Cups
channelled messages ~
'on your own'
'your own best friend'
'flourishing alone'
The message for this group is very 'on the nose'. It's number 5 (deals with self expression & creativity) & yellow, pertaining to the Sun & Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra. It's not a wonder the first card is the Magician card. The first card in tarot. Manipura-Magician-Manipulate/manifest... in a good way.
For this group, I see there is something your inner child specifically has always wanted, and you are being encouraged to manifest it, to be honest with yourself about that desire and create that abundant life. It feels like there's this deep emotional need or craving, that wasn't fulfilled by the people around you growing up. A part of you is still kind of hoping that somebody else will come and fulfil that need, but I see it being important in your path that you walk away from depending on others to validate or help you in creating the life you desire. If others do help, that's awesome but the initiation is something only you can do. While you feel for the child in you who actually was dependent on what adults around you were willing to provide for you, now that you're older there is a need to realise that you are capable, intelligent, resilient, and worthy enough of doing it yourself.
This isn't to say you don't need people, everybody needs people to an extent & it is human nature to thrive in a tribal setting. In fact, I'm sensing for some of you that feeling you have a tribe is a part of what you are wanting to manifest for yourself. It's more that there is no need to wait around for somebody else to do it for you or give you the 'thumbs up' that this is the 'right' path for you.
You have the power within you to craft and structure this dream/desire. With this group, I am sensing there can sometimes be a tendency to blame others for what you do or don't have (no judgement here, we all do this from time to time) out of a place of resentment. While it's understandable to wish other people could be more reliable and consistent in your life, ultimately your joy and satisfaction in life is going to be a result of your own doing.
The power is in your hands and I think you may underestimate your intelligence.
You certainly will flourish, and when you do it'll be because you filled your own cup first ♡
♡ 6 - Knight of Swords Rx, Ace of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, 10 of Cups
'you've done the work, now relax'
'the worst is over'
'dance in the moonlight'
'a steady hand'
Ooh, with this group I'm getting a very interesting message- it feels like you guys got a lot of your heavy karma in life out of the way at a young age, and the rest of your life is meant to be a bit more breezy. Of course there will still be challenges since that's a given part of life on Earth and how we are meant to learn, but you've already received the brunt of a lot of heavy stuff. Perhaps you feel very on guard in a way, since you're so used to that intensity it's hard for you to relax. You're worried everything will be pulled from under your feet again or change in an instant, but I'm seeing that spirit wants you to know that things are meant to be a little more smooth sailing from here on. Also that now you are at a point where if anything was to happen again, you have the wisdom and past knowledge to transmute it much easier. I'm hearing 'you deserve to be happy'.
From this group I do feel a lot of sadness in your past, a lot of heaviness and feelings of things not going the way you wished. Now life is a little calmer, but you are finding it hard to feel joy because a part of you feels that sadness is all there will be :( ironically though, I feel you are a very positive and optimistic person who has very good & healing intentions. Very spiritual too. You find it easy to 'let go' because you've lost so much.
I just feel like this group has been through so much sadness & pain, but the worst is over.
The main message I feel here though is that you've done something, created something, something like that. You've done the work or layed the groundwork for something. Now all you need to do is relax, and wait for abundance to come in. Stay consistent with whatever it is you're doing/trying to manifest, but just relax. I feel like this group needs a massage or something, or to watch a lighthearted show. I just feel so much heaviness that you don't deserve to carry any longer :(
Anyway, good things are coming. I feel Cinderella energy with this group.. rags to riches/feeling hopeless but eventually having your dreams come true.
Interestingly, even though you chose a purple image, I feel with this group like your crown chakra might be blocked. The sadness/grief/pain I was feeling might be making it hard to connect with spirit and have faith, you might be feeling very isolated and 'cold'. I do feel like you are naturally very connected to spirit though, it's just the heavy emotional energies are creating a blockage.
Relax, burn incense, take nice warm baths, burn candles (safely lol), get a massage, meditate, watch funny/lighthearted but not too overstimulating content. You need to relaxx and rekindle your faith in the universe 💜♡
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astrobydalia · 7 months
🪻Lavender Observations🪸
it's pisces season my dudes so here's my fave pisces aesthetic... this music video really spoke to my pisces moon soul so I wanted to pay homage to it. As always enjoy the observations!
work by astrobydalia
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.・゜゜・ ・゜゜・. 。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。.・゜゜・ ・゜゜・. 。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。
🪻✨Capricorn risings are very full of themselves to be honest. They have an overall pleasant reputation and are loved (Libra 10th+Cancer 7th) but for some reason they're actually very individualistic and conceited deep down, like they think of themselves as being 'on other level' than others. I think this is because their shadow revolves around their ego (Leo 8th house) and we all know they love status but unfortunately fame and popularity tends to change them and/or take out their toxic traits (Scorpio 11th house). Basically they’re the type to become extremely entitled individuals just because they’re successful
🪸✨The virgo placement urge to have a harmeless and innocent personality/reputation while also engaging in the most unholy, taboo and sometimes immoral activities behind the scenes............ iykyk
🪻✨I’ve noticed Geminis are what people think Aquarians are??? Idk Aquarius placements are the most chill and unproblematic people I know and typically don’t make any fuss out of their “quirks” or opinions, they’re just living and vibing them on their own. Geminis on the other hand are the chaotic manic pixie girls/boys or the mad scientists with the most random and out of pocket interests and ideas. They always be leaving me like ‘wtf are you talking about?🤨’ They’re also opinionated af and will jump into controversy pretty easily.
🪸✨Oh! And Geminis are WAAAAAAAAYYY more detached than aquarius dude. Geminis are air AND mutable, for them it is extremely easy to move on and detach from things
🪻✨All the people I've met who's had cosmetic procedures done (botox, plastic surgery, fillers, etc) always had libra placements and/or Neptune aspecting the ASC. Overall Venus and Neptune influence is big in people who wanna look like a glossy instagram filter
🪸✨Chiron in the 6th house are HUGE control freaks due to feeling like reality overwhelms them too much, they feel like their life is never sorted out. They are also the type to overwork themselves with pointless things or hyper fixate on short-term goals cause it gives them a sense of control
🪻✨Capricorn placements are attracted to ambition and independence. It is not so much about age difference that they look for, but rather they like it when someone has their own things going on for themselves and has solid life values that they stick to. Capricorn's love language is supporting your ambitions and you doing the same for them so.... they need to see potential in you and with you
🪸✨Libra+Scorpio placements are VERY envious people and tbh I've seen this in everyone who has this mix regardless of how developed they were.... The type to befriend/get close to people they're secretly jealous of to either ruin them or get a taste of what they have. Seriously these natives are never happy with just themselves they're always focusing on how good others' things are
🪻✨People with fire in their big 3 HATE it and get defensive when other people make unsolicited assumptions about who they are or when people assume they can know the native better than the native knows themselves. It’s hard for them to brush that kind of thing off, they don’t like to feel like people are ‘appropriating’ their identity. The type to be like “you don’t know me or my story so stfu”.
🪸✨All of the Scorpio moons I've met had at least a phase in their life where they had a very unhealthy relationship (scorpio) with food (moon)..... They always seem to turn to food when going through a hard time but in a very self-destructive way
🪻✨Sagittarius is as much of an escapist as pisces. They both crave for things to be good, positive and unserious (Jupiter)
🪸✨I’ve noticed women with personal planets in Aquarius usually have very thin and sparse eyebrows and usually enhance them with makeup
🪻✨Natives with Mars in Capricorn are SUPER hairy. A very thick and stunning head of hair and/or noticeable and abundant body/facial hair. Their hair is usually deep and dark as well
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🪸✨Scorpio Moon men I’ve noticed are attracted to a woman who is a bit cold, mean or is not easy to get to her because it makes him feel like she can handle him and his intensity. They’ll likely commit to a woman that captures his heart in such a way that he knows she can potentially hurt him more than he can hurt her. Deep down they wanna be the softer one in the relationship cause they’re a water moon after all
🪻✨I personally never had any 2nd house synastry relationship that actually involved money (except for business relationships ofc). Instead people who had planets falling in my 2nd house always make me feel like a million bucks frfr 🥺 They made it clear that they valued my opinion, my talents, qualities etc (essentially they valued all I had to offer which is 2nd house themes) and also made me feel like they favored me in many ways, like I'm a part of their top priorities, one of their 'faves' and wouldn't let me go easily. I have to say this turned pretty superficial in some cases on both sides, with 2nd house synastry there's a tendency to think of the person in terms of what they can offer be that money, time, services, advice, skills....
🪸✨That been said, you're more likely to be hired or promoted by people who have their planets in your 2nd house because they value your talent and skills. The best feedbacks I've gotten were mostly from clients who had their planets in my 2nd house
🪻✨Cancer Jupiter gives a very loving and caring husband that will totally adore you and provide for you both emotionally and financially. Husband is bound to be highly emotional and sentimental as well, the type to make it obvious to the world that he is truly in love with you. This is Jupiter's exaltation so this placement really gives Disney's Prince Charming vibes fr
🪸✨I've also noticed Scorpio Jupiter gives a similar kind of husband^ but less Prince Charming and a more 'dark fantasy novel'. This placement is giving Edward Cullen’s “your scent is like a drug to me” vibes when it comes to your husband
🪻✨With debilitated Jupiter (Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn) you might get a husband that is kinda detached and could even be distant or indifferent depending on other aspects or positions. Best case scenario is they love and support you but they are just not good at showing affection for some reason and might provide in more practical/straight forward and less sentimental ways. Again, house position,aspects,degrees, etc will give nuance
🪸✨I find Virgo and Aquarius are so similar in that they’re kinda judgmental of people and also tend to be very detached and analytical
🪻✨A crazy amount of athletes and fitness people have debilitated Mars
🪸✨I've also seen a lot of YouTubers, podcast hosts, etc have Sun-Mercury conjunction which makes a lot of sense lol
🪻✨Moon/Venus in Scorpio/8th house natives have a 'I hate everyone but you' kind of love. They really do have a level of misanthropy in their personality but it's low-key amusing
🪸✨Couples that have this best friends and partners in crime dynamics always have 3rd house synastry, I haven’t really seen 11th house as much… The 3rd house creates a fraternal understanding in a couple, two keen minds thinking alike (Gemini, twins, etc)
🪻✨I’ve actually observed 11th house synastry is pretty messy??? It creates connections (any kind) that are a bit all over the place tbh. You really don’t know if you’re gonna be together forever or fall apart tomorrow. You haven’t talked to each in years now one of you is reaching out like nothing happened and both people are keeping it chill the whole time specially the planet person. I guess this dynamic is okay between friends, colleagues or acquaintances (which is what this house rules) but when it’s a romantic or more intimate relationship…. Like I said it’s just messy, not necessarily bad, it be can refreshing and exciting but it has to be your cup of tea (I assume Air venus/mars people will dig it). You’re always wondering what’s next with this person, it feels like the sky’s the limit. I’ve seen this synastry a lot in couples who make odd decisions in the relationship that make people often question if the couple is actually serious about each other like that or not like being engaged for too long, etc
🪸✨Capricorn moons are extroverted or at least they easily pass as extroverts in social situations. They really stand out to me for having a very defined public persona that they’re mostly known for but they’re not really like that in private at all, you’d be surprised for better or for worse lmao
🪻✨"My love language is all of them" = Leo Venus
🪸✨Virgo placements are just as talkative as Gemini placements, they ramble just as much (Mercury). The difference is Virgo’s speeches are usually more thoughtout and eloquent like a presentation they’ve practiced a hundred times, in fact they tend to talk about the same stuff and repeat the same jokes, themes and rambles in most conversations because they like to stick to what they know (earth). They’re 100% the type to give you an unsolicited lecture on whatever it is they’re interested in. Gemini’s speech on the other hand is usually more spontaneous, random and chaotic, they tend to brainstorm out loud and enjoy finding new ideas in conversations (air). They’re more likely to wonder, play with ideas and ask ‘what if’ questions cause they like to explore the possible connections of different things
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🪻✨Pluto-asc aspects/Pluto in the 1st house/Scorpio rising come across as the cool girl/boy. They always have some unattainable energy to them that people secretly look up to and this admiration often translates into jealousy
🪸✨Aries in the big 3 always have something with their forehead. Either they have a big forehead or they have a sacar there etc
🪻✨Capricorn placements work hard and party HARDER. This results in them having a rather fast-paced life style honestly
🪸✨Istg Virgo Moons got a stick up their ass. In their minds they are judge, jury and executioner and never give people grace or just the benefit of the doubt. I don't doubt they're soft deep down but damn they can be very very stubborn and they can get mean easily.
🪻✨Best Virgo placement imo is Virgo mars, I’ve noticed they tend to channel the best traits of virgo (constructive criticism, self-accountability, collaborative, understanding but know what they don’t tolerate)
🪸✨When I first joined Tumblr I read an observation that said Aphrodite (1388) conjunct Mars creates injuries or scars from beauty products and that is SO true! I have this and I've burnt myself several times with curling irons and laser hair removal gadgets
🪻✨All the people I’ve met who loved country music, country life style and that sort of cowboy aesthetic mostly had Sagittarius placements 🤠🐎 (myself included lmao)
🪸✨People with Virgo+Scorpio placements are the most intimidating people I've ever met. Imagine the nitpickyness of Virgo mixed with the intensity of Scorpio.... yeah... not the best at going easy on others or letting people in. Don't test them, they have a “get away from me you fucking scumbag” energy whenever they’re upset or simply dislike something and are the hardest to please. They are very sensitive deep down tho, very sweet and selfless if they genuinely like you.
🪻✨Sagittarius is the master, teacher, guru and guide so it makes a lot of sense for the Sagittarius Pluto generation to be hung up and obsessed (pluto) with influencers, life coaches, etc (sag)
🪸✨Moon in the 3rd house natives tend to make vey quirky movements and gestures with their mouth/jaw when they speak or they're very expressive with their mouth like they may grimace or pout a lot
🪻✨Cancer Mars men are huge mamas boyzzzz!! The type to be completely dependent on their moms/wives to even fry an egg and provide overall home security. They will marry a dominant woman who is fully or mostly in charge of the house and family stuff
🪸✨Speaking of, men with domicile or exalted mars (Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn Mars) can be huge assholes if underdeveloped. If immature they can channel toxic masculinity since mars feels very comfortable here it could go a bit overboard and give fuckboy vibes. The type to be very controlling, inconsiderate and always feel entitled to sex
🪻✨On the opposite end, men with debilitated mars (Libra, Taurus, Cancer Mars) are super chivalrous and often present themselves as very polite, thoughtful and modest. Very popular among women for sure. They can be players and have huge ego too if not mature but even then their energy is very inviting
🪸✨Fire moons process their feelings by letting things out in the moment as they come either through anger, humor or simply speaking their mind. They can often appear rude when expressing something that they feel very strongly about but they'll always value authenticity above anything else
🪻✨Earth moons process their feelings by creating a course of action. Like they internally make a plan for things they will do in oder to make themselves feel better, fix their issue or fulfill their needs on a long-term/permanent basis. They could develop a whole personal system or life style that caters to their emotional needs
🪸✨As we all know Air Moons process their feelings by rationalizing their emotions. Ironically, this can make them lack some emotional intelligence because they put so much focus on their feelings making sense that they don't allow themselves to feel their feelings and figure out what genuinely feels right for them
🪻✨Water moons process their feelings by fully owning their emotions. They find comfort in the mere validity of their own feelings which is why they often have this tendency to victimize themselves, blame others for their issues and constantly look for sympathy
🪸✨I’ve very very very often seen Sagittarius/Jupiter in 7th house, Sagittarius Groom/Juno/Briede creates age gap with spouse!!! As mentioned, Sagittarius is the master and guide of the zodiac so with the influence of this sign in your marriage you are bound to have a teacher-student dynamic where either one of you has much more life experience specially in relationships
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work by astrobydalia
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
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BTS of #RWRBMovie: Storming Kensington
For Matthew, this scene was an important one, but one that he felt needed a different energy than what is on the page. "It is very similar and it's also simultaneously very different to the book which I think is just one way of describing this entire movie," he says. "Casey said to me after watching it for the second or third time, 'It's like there's my book, and then there's your movie and the two are very, very similar and also very different,' which is good because if the movie was so faithful to the book, it, I don't even think it would please the fans of the book.  "I know that's probably a controversial thing to say but it wouldn't have served the story very well." He continues: "I needed to observe the logic of a film and trust that I had internalized the emotional truths of the book and the Storming of Kensington in the book is a lot more chaotic and Alex is highly charged.  "When we were in rehearsals, and Taylor and Nick and I began to really delve into that scene, we realized quickly that if Alex came on that strong then Henry, given where he is mentally, would simply say, 'well, get out,' and kick Alex out. So we knew implicitly that we needed to do a different version of that scene, one in which Alex isn't at all certain of success.  "In the book, Alex is willing to burn down the castle in order to get what he wants, and although the scene actually uses a lot of dialogue from the book, our Alex in the film knows that if this doesn't work, their relationship is over. So he's a little more careful with Henry, more fearful, and Henry is more heartbroken, and those decisions really determined everything else that followed in the scene." 
From Glamour:
Galitzine, meanwhile, says his most rewarding time on set came during the film's emotional climax, when Alex and Henry must decide if—and how—they're going to move forward in their relationship. “It's the emotional height of the movie in a lot of ways, and sometimes as an actor, you can very much get in your head about that,” he says. “But Taylor really was just so emotionally present that it helped me. We got to a vulnerable, beautiful space. Those kinds of moments are where you drift into a level of truth and sincerity that feels very real. That's what we're always aiming for.”
From I’ve Never Said this Before With Tommy DiDario:
ML: We had to break for lunch, and we haven't finished the scene and I was really, really worried that we were gonna come back from lunch and I would've lost them and never re-captured what was happening on set before lunch. And it was the pivotal part of the scene, the end where Alex makes an ultimatum to Henry. We got back on set and we started filming again and instantly in the first take, after lunch, Taylor started crying and Nick was facing away from him and he heard Taylor, and Nick started crying. The back half of that scene is so beautiful because they're doing such great work and I really had a difficult time cutting it because there was such beautiful, nuanced work from both of them. What's so remarkable about it is they had just had lunch, and they came right back into it and they were more dialled in, more in touch with each other than before. It was pretty remarkable. I have to say that was the moment I knew that whatever happened with this movie, those two actors would be fine in their careers.
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