#they've been left alone they're just spending time together they're good
creamecream · 1 year
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Thronecoming outfits~
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devondespresso · 9 months
(found this bad boy in my drafts and honestly i loved reading it again so we're gonna post it. wahoo)
my personal canon for post-starcourt stobin is that they're actually inseparable for the first month or so
im talking steve taken to the hospital for his injuries and the staff having to force them apart and call security. im talking they have to drag robin kicking and screaming to a different room because last time Steve left her sight he was dragged back lifeless and presumably dead (i firmly believe they intentionally used physical torture for steve and to use his condition for psychological torture for robin)
and steve waking up half-present in a cold plain room alone? might as well be back in the bunker. and if theres doctors trying to run tests and examine his wounds? might as well be Russian soldiers standing over him and touching his injuries. hurting him again. possibly planning to hurt Robin next.
and now hospital staff are trying to deal with two screaming desperate teenagers who keep begging for the other in between rambles of nonsense and they can't run tests or do their jobs or even get answers from them because all these two seem to care about is the other teen
so they don't really have any practical choices other than moving them to a combined room. and they still freak out every now and then but having the other in the room keeps these outbursts much shorter and doctors are able to actually run tests and help these kids as long as they're close together. And when Robins blood tests and everything come back ok and shes able to be discharged, shes given special permission to stay in the room at all times
and the two little kids that came in with them? they're not exactly freaking out quite like the teens but they're certainly not making things easy either. Ericas testing the willpower of any doctor or nurse she can speak to and both kids stay as close as they can at all times and refuse to leave the hospital. visiting hours over? they're in the waiting room, even convinced a couple to move so they can have seats closest to the hall that teens room is in. try to call their parents? good luck getting a full name or number out of them. once their parents do come get them they're showing back up in an hour, bikes lodged in the bike rack and back in their seats. they've been stopped for sneaking in several times and caught hiding under one of the teens beds even more often. eventually staff just gets tired of spending half their shift wrangling two middle schoolers and it becomes an unspoken agreement to just ignore them hiding in the room.
And once Steve is discharged its the same thing all over again. Robins parents were worried about her spending all her time in the hospital with the boy from her summer job, but given the cover story about the fire and the pair getting trapped inside they convinced themselves its reasonable to want to stay by your friends side while they recover
but now that hes out, shes asking if she can spend the night at his house? and his parents won't be there? absolutely not. except robins in no mindset to accept leaving him alone for this long let alone overnight so she tried sneaking out to bike over to his before he can get the dumb idea to drive over in the middle of the night post-concussion. but the buckleys notice shes gone either because she makes too much noise sneaking out or they notice the severe lack of Robin-trying-to-be-quiet noises into the night (robin my tism queen definitely has bump-into-shit syndrome in the middle of the night but she also doesn't make any noise sneaking around the base with scoops troop so i think it's a 50/50 weather she can use the adrenaline to sneak out to see steve quietly)
so they put two and two together and drive over to the Harrington house. steve answers the door and calls robin over, both of them looking sheepish but not exactly guilty. they talk on steves couch (yes Steves there too) and stobin does their best to explain their separation anxiety that gets the severity across without getting them sent to a mental hospital all while making sure not to break any ndas (which ends up being a long conversation with stobin trying to translate their experience in the bunker to fit the cover story well enough, which is very different when the real story is kidnapping and the fake one is a building fire)
eventually they reach an understanding of "we're worried this is kinda unhealthy but its clearly more stressful to try and separate you right now and we're definitely not going to be able to stop you" so they compromise to let steve stay at the buckleys for a little bit so they can at least keep an eye on them. at first they try just letting steve sleep on the couch (which they agree to because steve worried about overstepping as the guest in their house) but one or both of them have nightmares the first night and robin ends up on the couch with him anyway.
after a few nights they get the gist of the stobin dynamic: attached so strongly its concerning but nothing... flirty. anything they do is always completely innocent. hand holding with no heart eyes, banter with no tension, hell even sharing a bed they resemble little kids in a sleepover pile more than lovers. and especially after nightmares they'll find robin holding steve like hes just one of her old teddy bears.
of course theyre still cautious and have their suspicions that theyre secretly dating and just really good at hiding it, they're paranoid parents after all and robins never shown this much attention to a boy ever. but they do relax a bit with it as they're more confident theres no... funny business.. going on. or at the very least nothing thats going to leave robin hurt. they'll have their talks and robin will promise its "nothing like that", but they've grown to like steve so they're sure robin will come to them when shes ready.
now if only there was a reasonable explanation for the middle schoolers that keep showing up. apparently they were also trapped in the fire with robin and steve which helps make some sense of it, but they also sat with them in the hospital. surely if they're having nightmares about the fire they'd go to their parents? they hadn't really talked much with the sinclairs but they seemed like very loving parents and robin follows steve to his little dinners with mrs Henderson pretty often so its not likely that they can't go to their parents about nightmares, but they seem to prefer going to steve specifically. like ringing the Buckley's doorbell at 1 in the morning asking if steves there. and of course they'll let them in and show them to robins room (after calling their parents first, do they even know their childs run off?) where steve was sleeping in a pallet on the floor but is now a glorified blanket pile robins hugging. on her bed, of course. because god forbid theres 2 feet of space between them.
and the kid just joins them in their sleepover pile, dustin usually clinging to steves other side like a baby koala and erica usually finding a spot leaning against robin or occasionally making room in between them
and so more often than not the Buckley's have not one, not two, but three extra children in their house that isn't their daughter, all of them sleeping in a pile on robins bed like theres nowhere else they'd rather be
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azrielgreen · 2 years
They're broken up.
It's been a year. Everyone's found a way to be around them now. Things aren't difficult like before, with the awkward silences and Dustin being visibly torn. Neither would ever ask for anything resembling allegiance, never. But the kids clearly felt torn, Robin would find ways to spend time with Eddie still, trying to tell Steve in the kindest way possible that, "oh, um, sorry, not tonight, I'm uh. Going to see his band, y'know? I already had the tickets and--"
Steve would shake his head, smile, kiss her cheek. "Go have fun, say hi to everyone for me."
He'd usually be going with her. His ticket's been given away.
Because they're broken up.
And it's been a year, so the awkwardness has faded for everyone. The kids are getting older, people are starting to drift. Steve's reasons to stay in Hawkins vanish one by one. The pond is small and he'll have to keep himself small to stay there.
Eddie didn't want to stay there. He had ideas, big bright plans that gleamed to Steve like neon; harsh, new, no.
But it's not why they're broken up.
Eddie didn't leave anyway.
Because when they broke up, they broke each other. Foundational crack of the love they shared, the time they spent, the little life they built in the ruins of the fight they can't ever tell anyone about.
They were in love and now... now they're not sure anymore.
The arguments got nasty, cruel, quiet.
Resentment and jealousy, nightmare and isolation. Easy to be in love when the world is ending, but in the harsh light of a boring Monday, they didn't know what to say, sometimes. Sex can only fill so many hours. And one awful day, when Steve asked why they were even together, Eddie stared at the floor, shook his head.
Steve left, wanting to be followed.
Eddie stayed, cried to be left alone.
They're stubborn.
Didn't talk it through.
It's been a year.
Things are different. Better. Worse.
They're at a bar with different people one night. Steve's friends from work, Eddie's band. They see each other. They stare.
They fuck in the bathroom, Eddie's hand over Steve's mouth and when they kiss after, it's tremulous and strange; the gentle violence of something reborn, something dying. They never did it like this before. Not so capable and knowing, not this confidence of touch with the counterbalance of emotional stability.
They fell in love when the world was falling apart and that love could not hold when it healed. They broke apart, healed alone.
Now, Eddie cradles Steve's face, studies him.
Steve looks between dark brown eyes. Stranger, lover, Eddie. Not his Eddie, because they've grown now. Changed, but he's still him. He is still all the things Steve fell for.
They're wet with come and sweat, with spit-slick kisses and tenderness growing from fresh earth, room for roots to sink and seek. Not the stale pot that cracked, ceramic could not contain them both.
"Hey, yourself," Steve utters. "You still fuck real good."
Eddie smiles, kind of frowns like he's surprised.
"Like I could ever forget how, Harrington."
It's been a year. Maybe they needed that.
Maybe they needed a lot of shit they couldn't say to each other.
"Wanna get a drink?"
"Why not?"
Or maybe they just needed that time apart.
That's what they'll tell Dustin, anyway, when they call from Steve's bed the next day. Warm skin, lazy kisses, secrets and stupidity.
It feels like coming home after seeing the world, even though they never left Hawkins.
Not without each other.
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alienoresimagines · 3 months
What if John was never shot down ? (Gale edition)
Here are the HCs for how I think Gale would've dealt if John had never been shot down 😊 Also I'm terrible at prioritizing so this will be a fic, I promise :) Again, lots of Angst (John HCs here)
MOTA masterlist
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From the moment he gives the order to bail out until he makes it to the camp, he only has one thought : Bucky
He's absolutely terrified but the only thing he can think of is that if he dies now, Bucky'd never know what exactly happened
He's torn between being grateful that Bucky's in London because that means John doesn't see him go down or see him not come back to Thorpe Abbotts and regretting having sent him to London because he knows Bucky will be crushed
He spends most of his time worrying about Bucky, Bucky who he'd left to relax in London because he needed a break and to whom Gale had promised he'd be there to welcome him back but instead he gets shot down
And Buck knows John, he knows sometimes he's the only one who can really get through to him
He knows John's reckless, even more so lately and he's scared of what John'd do when he learns that he went down, especially since he'll either be put down as MIA or KIA
That being said, the thought of going back to Bucky keeps him going
It's the memory of John's smile, the lingering touches and the hopeful look in his eyes that make Gale takes a step forward and then another, it's what makes him stand back up after being lynched, what keeps him upright during the awful train ride
During his interrogation, he imagines what Bucky'd say if he was here, mouthing off the German officer. It's the only thing that makes it slightly bearable
Once he arrives at the camp, he busies himself with settling him and his boys. He tries not to think of Bucky too much but he feels his absence like a gaping hole in his side. It's just too quiet without his quips, too cold without his arm around his shoulders. At night, he lays awake wondering about Bucky, who's surely heard by now
And then, Brady and Crank arrives. Without John
He's heartbroken to hear the state Bucky was in, and he can only imagine how he's handling the flak house, where he can't be useful like John always needs to be
But he is slightly relieved to know he wasn't flying, because if Bucky is reckless on a good day, he doesn't want to imagine what he's like when grieving. He wants to shout loud enough that Bucky'd hear me from England to let him know he's alive
But then he realises that he will never know if Bucky goes down. He'll never know if he's cleared for duty and flies missions again or if he's sent to do a desk job or sent home
The thought is terrifying. It's only been two months but it's already the longest they've been apart since meeting
As months go by, his relief that Bucky isn't there grows because if the life in camp is unbearable for him, he knows John'd go mad
Still he anxiously waits at the fence for each new arrivals
But in the darkest hours of the night, shivering in his bunk and so, so alone, he allows himself to wish, selfishly, that Bucky was here because even when John had more bad days than good, seeing him and talking to him was always the best part of Gale's days
He's unbalanced too. The reason why they are such good leaders together is because they are good leaders on their own, yes, but mostly because when one falters the other is always here to be strong
But John isn't here and Buck is the only major here for their boys. He convinces himself he's not allowed to falter, that he needs to be constantly strong and here for his boys
Doesn't hesitate to give some if not all of his food rations and blanket to those he thinks need it
He doesn't allow himself to imagine Bucky but they've spent so much time together he can hear what Bucky'd say sometimes
He aches with how much he misses him and needs him
Having the radio work soothes that ache a bit, he feels closer to John listening to the BBC and imagines that they're both listening to it at the same time. Other times he stays awake to look at the moon and hopes Bucky is too
The thing is, they're good friends because they see each other, past any facade the other might put. But John is the only one Gale allows to see him so he really has no one to be vulnerable with, no matter how many times Benny, Brady or Crank offer
They can see Buck is withering away, he's the one to lose the most weight out of all of them
He doesn't speak about how he got to the camp but the scars on his cheeks say it wasn't pleasant
Still he bottles it up and doesn't accept comfort because that would mean faltering, and he needs to be a leader, not a friend
When the cold settles until it's too cold to be sleeping alone, Benny and Brady offer to have Gale bunk with them and assure them they can fit 3
And while Buck has no doubt about that, the mere idea of touching so much nearly has him throw up. He likes them, they're his friends, but they've never touched him for more than a shoulder bump and the hug they shared when they reunited in the camp
The truth is, he's as touch-staved as he is repulsed by touch. Gale knows the only one he'd be comfortable touching so much for so long is John
He declines the offer so each pair of men gives him one of their blankets and absolutely refuses to accept when he tries to give them back
So he still shivers, but he doesn't freeze to death
The boys try to get him to eat more, Benny shoots him a glare whenever he tries to offer his food away but he still fades away
Receiving the letter from Bucky saves him because, even if he reads between the lines, it means Bucky's okay enough to be back at base. John's waiting for him, Gale has now tangible proof of that so he takes care of himself a bit more, and only lightly flushes when reading John berating him for not having done so in favor of others
It becomes a weapon : "C'mon Buck, you have to eat all your portions, what would Bucky say if he knew ?" and "Hey Buck, if you try to give your food away one more time, I'm writing Bucky and we both know he'd parachute himself right over here to spoonfeed you if he has to"
Writing to Bucky lights a fire in him that gets him through the march
He's determined to go back to him and he escapes with Brady and Crank, Benny choosing to stay with the Tuskegees (Macon/Benny you will always be famous)
His heart shatters upon discovering John's lucky deuce in his footlocker and seeing the obvious care with which his stuff has been handled because he can only imagine how John felt
Tears up a bit when hearing John's voice for the first time in years and nearly falls to his knees when he's finally in John's arms again, trusting John to keep him upright
He has John promise to be the stone in his shoe, always, meaning "please don't let me go ever again" and by the way Bucky's grip on his waist and back of his head tightens, he got the message
Soaks up all the affection John gives him, even if a bit overwhelming at times
He flinches once and Bucky looked so hurt, nearly fleeing to the other side of the room so he wouldn't hurt Gale again
After that he initiates contact too but nothing too big, more like linking their pinkies together under a table. To let Bucky know that he needs that grounding and loving touch, that Bucky's touch is the only one that doesn't feel like a burn but rather like the golden warmth of spring when the sun finally shines after months of rain
Cries more than he has in years when he and Bucky talk a bit more about their experience and apologies for having gone down though Bucky will never let him finish that sentence
They both have separation anxiety after that but they're never going to let each other go again so they'll work it out and heal together :)
Let me know if you have more!
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lukola92 · 1 month
So personally, I think that there was issues between Nicola and Luke after the London premiere. I see that because she left the after party before he even got there. Then She went silent on social media. And before people comment, I know she was filming, but she was filming big mood and Bridgerton was still active on social media. We also during those early summer months she would post but she would not post her face and definitely not as much as we are used to. Personally, I think was deliberate. Clearly they somehow have made up. Or they've at least talked Because she's posting him again. And I also think she will slow down with how much she posting cuz things are slipping she showing her hand to much. And now we're getting all these songs. I also do not think that it's for Eamon or Jake. Those songs are definitely Luke coded. I think that they still have a lot to work through. But he needs to fully get out of this situation that he's in. Also, I've seen on TikTok people are mad because he's not posting a lot what do you guys expect him to do? He post you to say it's not enough. He doesn't post you say is not enough. No matter what move he makes right now people say crap to him. a lot of men I know are not big on social media. They might have one the post once in a while. They might call some videos. But they're not spending hours online looking for things the way women do. They could also be one of the reasons he didn't see this girl deviousness. I'm hoping he's seeing it now. They've all been so quiet because they're dealing with it BTS. Because since Italy, we haven't seen no pictures and we've seen pictures all summer long. Then that whole group is moving weird. Then all being quiet and S rearranging her post with her and her boyfriend being the main photos. Like I said I have a gut intinct that somethings happening. One last thing, we have all known that she leaks things to fan pages I'm 95% sure she does that. we also know that things were leaked to DM so it's not far off that things would be leaked to fan pages. so right now unless you see actual proof, don't believe anything anybody is saying. Because if he is trying to get away from her I have a really hard time believing she's going to take that lying down. She's going to try to create problems for him. And it's just so funny that we're starting to see all of these pages say that they're traveled alone (when fan pages have called that out) or talk of them getting married. It's wild rumors let's not fall into her traps. She gotten good with getting under the fandom skin.
I think that, after London N and L were ready to try to stay together, unfortunately third parties have ruined everything and L had to accept to be seen for a while with A, to protect N and not make her appear as the one who had made the "gf" betray, for sure N will have been sick but also L and we saw it clearly from his face, both have been sick these two months, but once L returned from Italy, he realized that he can't go on like this, for me he will have immediately gone to talk to nic (probably the day of the toast story) and N from that day on, has returned to being more social, returning to give us clues clearly referring to L, in italy, L will have been angry because private things came out and because they probably posted stories with the location and he didn't want it .. I think he got angry with everyone .. if you noticed the like that N gave today to chappel roan you will understand that she is tired of both her and L no longer having any privacy .. A is desperate and continues to do strange things but she hasn't understood that she is about to disappear because she is nobody, she will have to learn from her mistakes sooner or later, right? N is the only one we have to trust, I've always said that!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
We know JK is so bothered about a friend peeling perila leaf for his partner. He can't trust his partner even with that simple thing, so should we even talk about intimate choreography, living with producers, going for weeks long foreign trips ? You are saying a man who can't stand a simple perilla leaf peeling is cool with the above things?
No. He wasn't
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He wasn't okay with any of that anon. Like, not even a little bit. I think we have witnessed satellite Jeon for so long that we have forgotten what it actually means. JK always wanting to be next to Jimin, Jimin having a calming effect on JK, JK gravitating towards Jimin when sad, satellite Jeon means Jimin is JK's person. It means Jimin is more than just his boyfriend, he is his safe space. JK needs him. He doesn't just want him, he doesn't just love Jimin, he needs him.
Jikook live together, yeah? And this is after all members used to live in one house for years. So they've done nothing but be around eo for over 10 years. AND YET what happens when any content is released?
We have them backstage walking from point A to B together
We have them sitting and standing next to eo all the time
We have JK displacing members to be next to Jimin
We have JK following Jimin
We have them leaving premises together
We have them cheating to be on the same team
We have them staying up all night drinking alone together
We have them practising group choreos together
We have them hanging out at each other's rehearsals.
And all this happens after they left the same house and will go back to sleep in the same bed at the end of the day once they're done filming. When I call them interdependent... I mean they are interdependent.
Jimin is JK's safe space I'm pretty sure this has been established by how hard satellite Jeon works sometimes.
He failed. But he tried. Poor baby. 😪
What's my point you ask? My point is, JK has only known being with Jimin almost all the time. When they're good, of course. When they haven't fought and are giving eo space, JK only knows how to have Jimin with him at all times. And this has been the case for years. Then solo era comes along and Jimin moves out for a while, and even though I'm sure he made time for JK, it just wasn't enough.
JK went from waking up to Jimin, seeing him everyday, to seeing him what, thrice a week? Once a week? Who knows? Either way, his Jimin time had been cut considerably short and satellite Jeon was not handling it very well. Add that to the fact that they are supposed to lay low, can't be seen out together in public hanging out like they used to before.. and it was maybe a bit too much for JK.
So no anon, JK was not cool with any of the above things that you listed. We all saw it for ourselves. Coming live without permission and being unapologetic about it. First sign of defying the company. Coming live all the time coz he was bored and needed company. The drinking on every live even though he wasn't allowed to. Deleting insta and making the company lose money coz of it while most prolly not giving a shit. And then white day happened.
This couple holiday that JK has spent with Jimin every single year and once again his boyfriend is not just busy but out of the freaking country! So what happens? Mans breaks down. He's at his limit here, anon.
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I only wanna talk to Jikookers rn coz they're the only ones that truly understand how seriously Jikook take this couple shit. Be it matching rings on the same finger, or matching clothes on couple holidays, or matching clothes more often than with other members. And it happens even now, btw.
From JK ending up with Dior merch
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To Jikookers spoting that one red CK underwear that clearly didn't belong to JK
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And it couldn't be more clear they shop together. This one is neither here nor there but I'm throwing it in here anyway coz why not? 😂😂😂
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(They've always had very similar taste)
Then we have spending birthdays together, couple holidays, etc. They've done this forever. So for Jimin to be away on the last white day before they have to enlist and be away from eo for 2 years, I can imagine it kinda hit JK hard and may have been one of the things that got him emotional that day.
So no anon, JK was definitely not cool with any of the above things that you listed.
And we know this, because as soon as Jimin's promotions ended, not only did JK go MIA, but when he popped back up, mofo was fucking glowing
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He looked absolutely incredible. There was shine in his eyes and in his smile. It was so good to see him that way. And that has continued to be the case in the lives that he did after that. Sad JK was gone. JK that needed to drink when he came live, was gone.
So now i ask; Was this visible change that happened once Jimin was no longer as busy a coincidence?
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vidavalor · 10 months
Speaking of underrated horny metaphor moments... Aziraphale directing Crawly directing the fake birth via oxribs after the oxrib night... HELLO?! My eyes just about popped out of my head XD.
So very horny and so very ridiculously funny. I swear that if you don't completely lose it laughing at "Remember me? BILDAD THE SHUITE!", I don't even want to know you lol. Very early Aziraphale being that dry and dirty was hilarious. He's such trouble. :) We all go on about the ox ribs in the cellar and in the scene with the angels (as we should lol) but I think the inbetween hours get ignored and they're equally underrated...
They're on a walk together in the middle of the night when they happen upon God speaking to Job. They snuck out of the cellar after the rain had stopped but while it was still night and they wouldn't be noticed to go for a walk together alone and then, later, once it's daylight, we see Aziraphale arrive late for the angels arriving to "lo, behold, we murdered your kids!" Job and Sitis. At first, we think he's late to the meeting because he and Crowley have been hatching out a plan but oh no no no no lol... they do not have a shred of a plan. Aziraphale basically make the whole thing up in the moment Bildad busts in. Aziraphale's entire plan was 'um maybe find a way to fake rebirth the old kids or something idk' and when Crowley comes in, he now has the help he needs to actually do it, but it's *very* clear that they had absolutely no plan going into the meeting.
"It would be helpful if you were an expert in human births?" says the angel who might have wanted to mention that at some point-- ANY POINT lol-- in the last, like, 14 hours that they've had to work out this plan, now forcing Bildad to try to sell 'professional midwife/cobbler' to Michael (and sell he does lol.)... My point is that if they left to take a late night walk together and then both were outside when the angels appeared to Job and Sitis, then they stayed out all night together, during which time they were not making a plan and then Aziraphale was late to work. They went on a walk to look at the stars and the stormy sky and talk some more and find a somewhat secluded place they could then watch the sunrise together. Maybe somewhere at the beach where they are at the end of the minisode. They nearly made Sitis have seven! more! children! because they lost track of time making out lol.
If you run into that guy you've got all that chemistry with and then spend the next day helping each other with work in between flirting, getting dinner, staying up all night talking, going for a romantic stargazing walk in the aftermath of a storm, watching the sun come up together, losing track of time and nearly missing work because you're so into one another, and then meet up later at the beach and basically have your conversation confirm what you already know, which is that you're soulmates, well... that's a good first date, yeah?
It is a little sad though when you consider that the episode prior to this is 2.01, which is heavy on the emphasis of how Crowley doesn't stay overnight in the bookshop as part of their efforts to keep their relationship quiet. (That the first night we know of that he ever does, later in the week, is without Aziraphale and with Gabriel, is absolutely the stuff of Crowley's dreams and by that I mean his nightmares. Poor guy just wants to kiss the angel and it's always Gabriel or a statue of him getting in the way lol.) The Job minisode might still be one of the only times they've managed to be together all night.
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ralvezfanatic · 7 months
Not-so-secret Valentines
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Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez
Spencer gets a secret valentines gift and can't exactly figure out who it's from. Luke helps him figure it out.
Prompt: "if you’re still wondering who left those flowers at your desk, i think i’m ready to put your mind at ease.” || Taken from @scealaiscoite prompt list | Changed a bit but was inspired by the prompt.
Also available on AO3
A/N: I keep seeing these prompt lists and decided to finally use one, ofc with Ralvez because I love them so much. Also.. this was supposed to be a short blurb id how its almost 3k 😭
Word Count: 2.7k
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Spencer got into work early like usual, with only Emily and Garcia, except this time he walked in alone. Luke was running late. Supposedly, his alarm didn't go off and he didn't wake up on time, so he was behind schedule.
Although Spencer didn't completely believe it, he also didn't think Luke would lie to him. There wasn't any reason to lie, they were honest and open to each other.
It just felt hard to believe Luke would sleep in late when he wakes up early to go on a run before work, but mistakes happen Spencer told himself.
“Boy Wonder!!! Hellooo! Do you like the decorations? I put them in myself, came in extra early to set it up!” Garcia greeted him happily, walking up to him.
Spencer looked around the office quickly and nodded, it was decorated with hearts, streamers and all Valentine decorations Garcia could find. It looked nice, but just reminded Spencer how single he was.
“Yeah, it looks nice Garcia. Really nice.” He nodded again, pressing his lips together to form his slightly awkward smile.
“Where's Newbie?” She asked when she noticed the lack of the other agent. They've been arriving at work together for a while now, and they're always hanging out together, so seeing them alone feels odd to the team sometimes.
“He was running late and told me to go because he didn't want me to be late either.” He looked to the side as he spoke, checking out the desk which all seemed to have something on them.
Garcia looked at him for a moment, and it was obvious that she was thinking of something but decided to leave it be. “Alright then. It's a bit rude that he'd make you come alone on Valentine's Day but whatever.. he'll be hearing from me.” She said, muttering the last part as she left.
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, confused by her comment. He didn't see why'd it be a big deal. They were friends, Luke had no obligation to be with him On Valentine's Day. He has spent almost every single Valentine's Day alone, so what did it matter.
He didn't mind, not at all. It was just a silly holiday for business to make money off.. at least that's what Spencer told himself every year. In reality, he wished he had someone to spend it with. Just once at least.
Actually, he wants to spend it with Luke.. but that's just because they're good friends. Since Luke joined, they both have been wanting to spend time with each other.
So it makes sense that he wants to spend Valentine's Day with Luke. Friends could do that right? Of course they can, people do it all the time.
Maybe not to the extent Spencer wants to..
He wants to cuddle with Luke, be held and kissed by him.
But that's not going to happen, so Spencer just heads to his desk. He's met with a small heart shaped box with a hand written note from Garcia.
“Happy Valentine's Day Boy Wonder! - Garcia :)”
Spencer smiles at the note and puts it down before opening it to find a bunch of his favorite sweet treats. He makes a mental note to go out to buy her chocolates as a thank you, then carefully puts the note to the side and the box on top of it so it doesn't accidentally fly away.
He then starts to work on some files, trying to make the day pass so he can go home and eat some takeout. Alone. On his couch. Doing nothing. Being single. Again, for what he feels is the hundredth time.
Luke finally arrives to work, being the last to get in. He walks down the desks, passing Spencer and stopping to greet him.
“Morning Spence. Sorry about this morning, I have no idea what happened with my alarm.” He apologized as he stood by Spencer's desk.
“Oh yeah no problem, things happen. It's fine.” Spencer assured him, smiling up at him.
“I'll be sure to fix my phone though, don't worry” Luke added on.
He was about to say something else when he noticed the heart shaped box on Spencer's desk, his usual grin faltering slightly.
He wondered who gave him a gift. He didn't think it could be from the team. So was it someone from another unit? Did Spencer know them? Did he like them too? Did he have a partner he wasn't aware of?
Luke tried to calm down and looked away from the box and back at Spencer, who didn't seem to catch Luke's over-thinking.
“Uh, I'll talk to you later. I should probably get to work now.” Luke smiled before heading to his desk.
The rest of the work day was as normal. They fortunately didn't get called to a case, so everyone (who had plans) were happy.
Luke had a gift he really wanted to give, but he didn't have a moment to do so. Spencer never got up for long, his coffee cup had been refilled by some kind coworker, and for some reason, Spencer hadn't finished it yet.
Luke was annoyed, wishing the team wasn't so kind and let Spencer get up to get coffee himself. (He says this but he has refilled and even bought coffee on multiple occasions).
After what seems like forever, Spencer finally got up. Luke subtly watched him walk down the office and head to the bathroom. He practically jumped up as soon as Spencer entered the bathroom and took his bag.
He grabbed a small box from Spencer's favorite donut place, and another box of chocolates and a card, quickly heading over to place them on Spencer's desk.
They looked so much better than that small heart shaped box, he thought to himself.
He didn't really care who saw him, he was sure the team knew about his crush on the doctor.
He smiled, wondering how Spencer would react to the random gifts. He wondered if he'd figured it out it was from him. He hoped Spencer liked it, even if he didn't figure out it was from him.
Luke headed to his desk, sitting down right on time as Spencer exited the bathroom.
Luke pretended to work, typing at his computer and looking at a case file trying to seem distracted.
Spencer approached his desk and his eyebrows furrowed as he noticed the gifts. He looked around the bullpen, searching for who did this, or someone who seemed like they knew something. He looked over at Luke, but he seemed busy in his work, just like everyone was.
He sat down cautiously and checked the items on his desk.
He first took the card, the front being a small cup of coffee with the words “Words cannot espresso how much I like you.” He let out a quiet laugh, finding the joke amusing. He opened it to read “Happy Valentine's” with a small hand written addition and a heart.
As he read the note, his eyebrows furrowed again and he looked up to scan the bullpen once more.
Luke had been watching Spencer since he sat down, waiting for his reaction. He smiled when he saw him laugh as he read the card, glad that he liked his choice, even as cheesy as it was.
He watched him look around the office again, and he quickly looked back at his case file, hoping Spencer didn't notice him. He wanted to keep it a little secret for a while, just to mess with the genius.
He looked up again and saw Spencer move onto checking the donuts, and he felt his heart melt as Spencer's face lit up. Luke had bought his favorite donuts in heart shapes and wrote a small note on the inside of the box. “I donut know how to tell you that I love you.” with a nervous donut doodle on it. Or maybe sad? Scared? It wasn't a very good doodle..
Spencer felt his cheeks go hot and he closed the box quickly, (after taking out a donut).
He decided to check the chocolates at his house, not being able to handle any more cheesy comments.
All day Spencer kept wondering who gave him the gifts. He asked around, but got no answers, and as much as a genius he was, he was dumb too
He had a small idea who it could be, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. Spencer tried to think of everyone he knew and would get him all these items. He made a list and removed people one by one, until only Luke was left. Then he'd remake that list, thinking he was just being delusional.
Finally, around noon, he gave up. Even though he kept asking his friends about it, they would give him no response. Not even Garcia knew, and he was sure she would have helped more.
The bullpen was mostly empty, everyone seemed to have decided to go out for lunch, leaving only Spencer and Luke at their desk, Emily and Garcia in their offices.
Spencer looked at the boxes on his desk, trying to figure out this mysterious Valentines. How could he solve crimes and find serial killers, but he couldn't find the person who liked him?
Well, he had figured it out ages ago, but he just didn't think it was possible.
Spencer let out a sigh and stood up, going over to the coffee machine to refill his empty mug. He poured in some coffee, then added about half the container of sugar and stirred it.
“So.. still trying to figure out the mystery of the treats?” Luke asked as he approached Spencer with his own empty mug.
“Um.. yeah. I can't think of anyone who would get me all this, and write these little notes. I mean I barely talk to anyone! Like not to seem sad but you guys are my only friends. Other than the nice barista at that coffee shop and the people at the bookstore near my house, I don't have many non-work friends.” Spencer frowned, taking a sip of his coffee to taste it.
Needed more sugar.
Luke felt a bit saddened by Spencer's response, but kept his face the same. He grabbed the pot and poured himself some coffee, adding a normal amount of sugar unlike the tall genius.
“Could it have been the same person who gave you that other box?” He suggested with a small shrug
“The heart shaped one? No, definitely not! Garcia would have given it to me directly, and she wouldn't have denied giving it to me anyway.” Spencer shook his head, oblivious to his friends' jealousy.
Luke felt a bit stupid now.
He should have known Garcia would give Spencer a Valentine's gift. They were best friends, why wouldn't she?
He took a quick glance at the other desks, seeing similar boxes on their desks.
She got them for everyone except him.
Luke turned back to Spencer who was adding in more sugar to his coffee.
“Well, I could tell you who it was.” Luke said, taking a sip of his coffee.
Spencer looked at him, his eyebrows raised slightly as he stopped stirring. “You could?”
“I could.” Luke nodded as he set his mug down.
“How would you know? Nobody else knew anything, why would you know?”
“Because it was me.” Luke replied, looking up at him, waiting for a reaction.
Spencer stared at him for a second, unable to believe what he just heard. His face was flushed and he couldn't come up with a response.
“What? You? You like me? Since when? Why?” Spencer spat out, flustered at the small confession.
Luke let out a small chuckle and nodded, finding Spencer's reaction adorable.
“Yes, me. I gave you all that, cheesy puns and all..” Luke sheepishly smiled as he remembered the notes he wrote.
“But why?”
“Because I love you. Since the day we met, I've liked you. I mean, I thought you were drop dead gorgeous the first time I saw you, but after getting to know you more? Hearing you talk so passionately about things, your intelligence, your kindness, everything about you. I fell in love.. and I fall deeper everyday I’m with you.” Luke confessed, his voice genuine and soft as he looked into Spencer's eyes.
Spencer was a complete flustered mess, his brain was useless. He couldn't come up with a response, his face only flushing a brighter red.
“Was that too much? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop all that on you at once.” Luke apologized, noticing Spencer's silence, feeling bad for his sudden confession.
“No! No it's okay. A bit much to take in but.. give me a second.” Spencer shook his head, trying to clear his mind, and assured Luke that he was alright.
“I love you too.. You've always let me ramble on about useless information, and you even ask me about it. You look genuinely interested in what I have to say too. And you're just so kind to me. You don't think I'm weird, even when I clearly am. And you're really hot too.. Like you're hot and super nice to me! Like honestly, how could I not like you?”
Now it was Luke's turn to blush. He felt his heart melt at Spencer's own confession, but chuckled at the last part. He looked down and shook his head before looking back up at Spencer with a grin.
“You think I'm hot?” Luke asked, a smirk on his face, stepping closer to him.
“Yeah, a bit.” Spencer smiled, leaning towards Luke slightly.
“You're not that bad either.” Luke whispered, leaning in and holding Spencer’s cheek.
He looked into his eyes, silently asking for permission before going further. Spencer nodded softly, his eyes shining with love for the other man.
Luke leaned in and pressed a kiss against Spencer, who quickly melted into the kiss.
Garcia, who decided to go question Luke about this morning and see if he deserved the small box of treats she got him or not, was found with the cutest sight at the coffee machine.
She let out a squeal and dropped the box from excitement, which scared the agents and made them pull away immediately.
“Oh my gosh!! You finally confessed to him? Here I was, going to question you about this morning, but this makes up for it even better! Oh I dropped your box, but honestly that is on you guys because how could you kiss in the office and not expect me to squeal when I see?” Garcia rambled on, bending down to grab the box and rushing over to the new couple.
“Garcia-” Spencer started, but was quickly interrupted by her continuing on.
“Oh newbie I was so mad at you for ditching our boy wonder here this morning! I took back my gift too, like how could you leave him alone on Valentine's? You didn't deserve my gift!” Garcia handed Luke the slightly dented box of candy as she spoke.
Luke looked at her and then the box, and listened to her. “Thank you..” He nodded before looking at Spencer and back at her.
“I had to leave him because I wanted to get something for him as a surprise.” Luke said, feeling a need to explain himself after Garcia's rambling.
“And I think it was worth it.. I hope?” He laughed as he looked at Spencer for his approval.
“Oh yeah definitely. I didn't mind taking the train after getting those donuts.” Spencer joked, knowing that's not exactly what Luke had meant.
“See, it was worth it to Spencer, and that's what matters.” Luke smiled, going along with him.
“Ohh, you guys are so cute already.. the rest of the team is gonna hate that they missed this! Oh I should text them” Garcia smiled excitedly as she got her phone out.
Luke laughed at her eagerness, while Spencer just seemed a bit lost now, but neither did any attempt to stop her as she walked off, texting the team.
“Happy Valentine's Day cariño..” Luke smiled softly, turning to Spencer.
“Happy Valentine's Day.” He replied, leaning in to press another quick kiss to his date (and soon to be boyfriend).
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nat-seal-well · 27 days
1, 2 / 16, 17 for Nat x Marin, my beloveds for the couples ask, please! 🥰 (~agentnatesewell)
Hi, Mar!! Thank you so much for this ask! Honestly it means the world to me that you like them, hehe. Suri and Nate will always be one of my top favorite couples <333
(Questions from this post.)
1: What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character?
Marin first noticed how tall Nat was, haha, Which might seem silly, but they immediately latched onto her height! Especially with how much taller she is than the rest of UB, and how crowded they all were in Marin's tiny office. It was impossible for them to think about anything else. She loomed over all the others and then stepped in as smooth as butter, and it was all downhill from there. Even they weren't immune to her suave nature and her towering height.
As much as she knows her team pushed their buttons, Nat liked it when Marin snapped at Ava in the beginning, haha. They tried very hard for a long time to get along with UB before the truth was out, even though it was far from easy. Nat knows how hard it can be to work with her little family, especially when the true reason for them being there couldn't be divulged, and she tried her best to play peacekeeper. But she still liked getting to see Marin slip a little and bite back. It was fun watching them show something other than the pleasant personality they had to put on for their job.
2: Does this change over time? What things do they find "hot" about their partner after they'd been together for some time, and have had more time to, well, notice and appreciate?
This has changed for both of them! Marin still loves Nat's height, but now that they share a life together, there's a lot more they've come to notice. One of their favorite things in particular is watching her when she's lost in her research. They'll sit there right next to her for hours while she buries herself in her books, and they try really hard not to openly stare at the way she presses her pen against her bottom lip when she's reading. (Nat's completely aware of it the entire time, haha.) Marin also has a thing for Nat's fangs, as much as she hides them--sometimes, if they're lucky, Nat will forget herself in her reading, and they'll catch just a glimpse. Nat isn't aware of that part, though.
Nat still likes Marin's temper, as rare as it is for them to get truly angry and heated. But she also likes their body. Physically, the two of them are about as opposite as you can get, and she likes that about them. They're shorter than she is, and they're bigger, but most of the time it's hidden under baggy jeans and sweaters that are at least a size too large. Occasions where they wear anything that actually fits are rare... or at least, they used to be. Hence why she likes it so much when they start wearing their new Agency uniform more and more often--even if she hates that training is currently taking up so much of their time every day!
16: If they had the ability to just spend free time with their partner, what would they do? Would they go out, or stay inside?
In general, both of them like to stay inside. Marin likes the ocean, but that's something they enjoy when they're alone. On days when the weather is good and they both feel up to it, sometimes they'll walk into town together to go to lunch or visit the bookstore, but it's a rare occasion. Most of the time, they like to curl up together in the library. They're both so busy that their schedules rarely line up, even before Marin gave up their job as a detective, and they prefer to just make up for lost time whenever they get the chance. Usually it means they read together for a few hours <3
17: Under what circumstances would they want to be left alone by their partner?
The most common one is right after an argument, which probably isn't much of a surprise, haha. Marin always needs a little time to cool off, and Nat needs to be able to gather her thoughts and sort through her emotions. It never goes on for very long; Nat doesn't like things remaining unresolved, and Marin is quick to let go of their anger. The only exceptions are when Nat's overprotectiveness gets the better of her, or when Marin is too careless with their safety during a mission. Those fights always last longer, much to the displeasure of the rest of UB.
Sometimes they need to be alone even when they aren't fighting! After long days and tough jobs, sometimes they both just need to decompress. Especially if a mission involves several days spent away from home. It wears on them both. Marin likes to submerge themself in the bathtub for a while, and Nat will listen to her favorite classical music while she pages through an old, favorite book of hers. They both reconvene later on that night. Sometimes you just need a little solitude, even from the person you love most.
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perpetualproductions · 5 months
If We Were Vampires (Pt. 9)
- There's a party tonight?
- Jordan decides to stay in
- Nevermind. Jordan needs to go to the party.
CW: Blood. Violence. More blood. Mentions of drugs/drug use. Same w/Alcohol.
[a/n: ngl, kinda let the depression win with this one. Words just weren't wording when I wrote it. But hey, still wrote. Anyways, sorry, ig. Hope it's readable.]
3k words
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Jordan and Marie were both sitting at one of the picnic tables in the quad, sharing a sandwich from the cafeteria. They had spent most of the afternoon outside now, just walking around, spending time together and simply enjoying each other's company. They had fallen into casual conversation when they were suddenly approached by Cate and Andre. 
“Well look who decided to show their face?” Cate said, sliding into the open spot on Marie's left.
“Yo, I'm gonna need to know what you took that left you MIA for four fucking days, dude. Seriously, where'd you go that night?” Andre said, slinging an arm around Jordan's shoulders, taking the spot on their right. 
Jordan just forces a laugh. “Trust me, you don't want to know. Definitely never doing that again.”
Andre jokingly narrows his eyes. “Fine. Keep your secrets.” Andre drops his arm, giving Jordan some space. 
“Doesn't matter. There'll be plenty of opportunities to get fucked up later tonight.” Cate winks, nudging Marie a bit, who just gives a tight smile and nods in response. 
Jordan's a little confused from the interaction. “What's tonight?” 
“Party in the woods. There's a clearing about a mile out from Dusty's, right next to a lake. There's gonna be a bonfire and everything.” Cate responded. 
“And rumor has it Dusty's supplier is bringing out some of the good shit this time.” Andre added. 
“I thought Marie told you?” Cate questioned, looking at Marie. 
Marie just looked at Jordan a bit wide eyed. She did mean to tell them, but then the whole vampire thing came to light and Marie was sure partying was gonna be the last thing on Jordan's mind. “I uh, well Jordan's been really busy, haven't really had time to bring up-” 
“It's fine. Don't think I'm gonna go anyways.” Jordan interrupts. “I am still pretty busy.” They tried to reason. 
“Oh come on, you're always busy, Jordan. It's Saturday! Come get fucked up with your friends!” Andre tries to convince them. 
“Yeah, since when does Jordan Li say no to a party?” Cate adds.
“Since I completely blacked out from one a couple days ago. And I seriously can't afford to do that again when I have so much work to do. Sorry guys. Maybe next time.” Jordan said, definitely. They switched to female form as they got up and began to walk away from the table, knowing they wouldn't stop trying to convince Jordan to go to the party if they stayed. They were right. Usually Jordan would jump at the chance to escape their response for a night, but they really weren't sure how they'd behave in a crowd of people, blood pumping through their veins from the dancing and drugs. Just sounded like a recipe for disaster. Also, there may be a touch of ptsd, given they actually died at the last party they went to. Or adjacent. Whatever, it was the middle of the woods, they're a vampire, they've seen this movie before. They weren't gonna risk it. 
They could hear Marie call their name from behind them, but they didn't feel like talking at the moment, so they rounded a tree and sped away once they were out of sight.
Jordan spent the rest of the day working out in the student gym, then going to study in their dorm, alone. Just trying to keep them busy, taking their mind off of anything vampire for the rest of the day. As much as they could anyway, cause they still had to drink blood every now and again.
Except this time, as they sat at their desk studying for what felt like hours, they felt their stomach growl, the hunger seeping in. They were on a bit of a roll, so they ignored it as much as they could until they finally caved, dropping their pencil and rolling over to their mini fridge. As they swung the door open, they froze… There was only one bag left. Shit. 
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-” Jordan stumbled out of their chair, kneeling in front of the fridge, digging through to make sure there weren't any bags hiding in the back (not that it even went back that far). “Shit!” Jordan yelled, slamming their hand down on the fridge door. A loud crack followed by a thump rang out as the fridge door broke off its hinges, falling on the floor. Jordan moved back a bit as it happened, a hand clutching their head, fingers tangling into their bob. “Fuck…” Jordan sighed, sliding down till they were sat on the floor. They angrily kick the broken door away from them and reach into the fridge, grabbing the last blood bag, ripping it open and drinking it all down. 
They tried to savor it, take it slow, but they were too hungry. They finished the bag in seconds, throwing it to the side. Jordan groaned as they clutched their head in their hands. They were a bit fucked here. They were doing a decent job at rationing their “meals” and making sure they were pacing themselves and not drinking too many bags at once. But that morning sort of fucked them. When they got spooked, accidentally biting Marie's lip, they just lost control a bit and drank down like five fucking bags at once. Shit. They were gonna have to get more, and unfortunately, they only had one supplier…
Jordan made their way over to Justine Garcia’s dorm, banging on the door. “Hey! Open the fuck up!” Jordan yelled. They didn't want to bring any attention to themselves, but they were pretty on edge at the moment. They kept knocking on the door, but didn't get a response. 
Jordan sighed, thinking Justine was already at the party by now. Fuck. They were gonna have to go, confront her, and either convince her to come back to give them more blood bags, or drag her back. No- they really shouldn't make a scene. They can't make a scene. 
Jordan's about to walk away, but stops. They turn back around to the door in front of them, getting close to it to see if they can sense what they're looking for on the other side. They couldn't sense anyone on the other side. No fresh blood flowing through veins or breathing can be heard, but they think they can smell a faint scent of blood. Bagged blood, but still blood.
Fuck it. Jordan thought. They grabbed the door handle and yanked it down, effectively breaking it off. They push the door open, taking a scan of the room before walking in. But, as they go to step in, they can't.
"What the fuck?" Jordan mutters to themselves. They try to step through again, but can't. It's as if an invisible force is keeping them from crossing the threshold into the dorm. Getting frustrated with whatever the fuck this was, Jordan stepped back and tried to run as hard as they could through this invisible force, but they just ended up being pushed back. "Fuck!" They exclaimed, finally giving up. There was blood right inside that room and for whatever fucking reason, they couldn't walk in to get it. Fucking hell.
Jordan took a deep breath, trying to ground themselves. Their hunger was very present, but they couldn't let it take over. They just needed to push it down, go to the party, get in and get out, and everything would be fine. 
Jordan shuffled their way through the crowd in their male form, the cold night air barely noticeable while in the sea of bodies, so crowded you'd think you were actually indoors. Jordan focused on their breathing as they waded through, letting the hundreds of heartbeats fade in with the pounding music. Their eyes scanned around, trying not to linger on any necks, looking for one particular person, and honestly having no luck so far.
Jordan decided to move closer to the lake where there seemed to be less people. They turned to face the water and took a deep breath, trying to focus their hearing on the gentle lapping water of the lake, doing their best to shove down the incessant hunger clawing at them from the inside. They literally shook themselves off as they turned back around, determined to find the other vamp and get more blood bags on their hands and into their stomach. 
They scanned through the crowd from the outside, able to focus in more now that they were out of the chaos in the middle. They spot a few familiar faces, the usual Godolkin party goers. They see dusty near the pit snorting powders with a couple others, they see Cate and Andre drinking and laughing it up, and then their eyes land on the one Marie Moreau. There she was, as beautiful as ever, dancing in the crowd, hands reaching to the sky as her body moved to the rhythm of the music. They couldn't take their eyes off her, they barely even noticed Emma dancing next to her, seemingly preoccupied with some random curly haired freshman. Jordan couldn't help themselves as they began to walk towards Marie, almost forgetting why they came to this party in the first place. 
But, before Jordan could make it to her, they noticed someone else walk up to her. A douchey looking (in Jordan's opinion), 6-foot-something, blonde guy made his way up behind Marie and just blatantly placed his hands on her waist. The proximity alone made Jordan's blood boil, but the touching was too far. Even as Marie began to turn around, her hands coming up, ready to push the guy away from her, Jordan was there in the blink of an eye, throwing Marie off for a second. She watched as Jordan (who came out of nowhere to her), pushed the guy so hard he fell to the ground with a thump. 
“What the FUCK do you think you're doing!” Jordan barked at the guy, looking down at him. 
The guy got back up, brushing the dirt off of himself. “Hey man, what the fuck’s your problem?!” The dude shouted back. It was clear this guy was a bit drunk, Jordan smelling the alcohol off his breath as the guy got up in their face. “I was just asking the lady if she wanted to-”
Jordan, letting their heightened emotions get the better of them, just swung at the guy, hitting him square in the face. A loud crack could be heard, along with a cry coming from the guy they just hit. They watched him stumble back, clutching his face. Jordan didn't need him to move his hands to know that they had broken the guys nose, smelling the blood oozing out and running down his face. 
“Jordan, what the fuck?!” Marie's voice pulled them back.  They looked back at her, clocking her worried, yet pissed off face. But Jordan already felt themselves hurdling off the edge with all the heightened feeling and the presence of blood, they just yelled back at her. 
“What do you mean, “what the fuck?!” That asshole was fucking all over you!” They shouted, not paying attention to said asshole being ushered away from the situation by some other party goers. Jordan could tell by the fading scent of fresh blood moving further away, which just reminded them of their hunger even more. 
“Yeah, and I was gonna take care of it til you came running in, arms swinging like an idiot!” Marie shouted back. Jordan's head was too busy ringing from all the overwhelming sensations, they didn't even notice their chest was still heaving. Marie took the time to notice they were still in the middle of a large crowd, sighing and grabbing Jordan's arm to drag them away. 
They stopped a good ten feet away from the crowd, just at the forest treeline. Jordan switched to their female form and pulled themselves out of Marie's hold. “Hey, how about you calm down for a second.” Marie said, clearly still peeved from the whole situation.
“I'm trying to be calm! Okay, Moreau? I'm fucking trying, it's just-” Jordan clutches their head, trying to get their thoughts together, but all they could focus on was Marie's pounding pulse. “Fuck, I-I’m sorry. I shouldn't even fucking be here-” 
“-Then why are you here, Jordan? I thought you weren't coming?” Marie asked, crossing her arms. 
“I wasn't gonna come, but then I- I don't know. I thought I'd be fine- that I'd have it under control, but I obviously fucking don't!” Jordan shouted, more at themselves. 
“Are you hungry? Have you-” Marie tried to ask, but Jordan cut her off. 
“I'm fine, Marie! I'm fucking fine! You don't have to worry about that shit.” Jordan said, defensively. 
“Well you don't seem fucking fine, Jordan. What did we say about communicat-” 
“I am fine, Marie, okay? I'm just fucking tired from everything. I thought this would help, but obviously not.” Jordan tried, hoping Marie would buy the explanation. Before Marie could respond, Jordan decided to just completely backpedal from the situation, they needed to get some distance between them right now, especially with just how fucking hungry they were right now. “I'm just gonna go. We can talk tomorrow.” 
Marie was already shaking her head as she spoke, “No, Jordan, wait-” but before she could finish, Jordan had sped off, leaving her standing alone by the trees. 
Jordan had sped back into the woods, just far enough to be out of Marie's line of sight. They couldn't help but look back at her, confused and upset at Jordan's sudden disappearance. But they didn't have a choice, they needed to get the fuck out of their and just lock themselves in their dorm till they could go safely find Justine again. Jordan took a deep breath, turning around, and walking their way back to Godolkin. They had only taken a couple steps before a sound to their right caught their attention. They turned, only to catch the sight of someone leaning against a tree, seemingly groaning in pain. 
“Hello? Are you alright?” Jordan asked as they slowly approached, only to stop dead in their tracks once they realized who this was. There Jordan stood, face to face with the blonde asshole who tried to grab Marie earlier. They were surprised to see their nose was still actively bleeding, the words coming out of the guys mouth not even registering. Jordan could help but step closer to him, making him back up more into the tree. 
“Aw fuck man, look- I-I’m sorry, okay? I didn't mean to-” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Jordan said, looking into the guy's eyes. But to Jordan's slight surprise, he immediately stopped talking. In fact, the guy looked as shocked as they did. But Jordan didn't have time to linger on that, the blood on guys face still drawing them in. The sound of their elevated pulse, pounding in their neck made Jordan's mouth water. The tiny voice in the back of their head tried to speak up, yell at them, beg them to stop, but they were too far gone now. It had been too long, they waited to fucking long. Their stomach ached with hunger, their skin crawling and begging for satiation. And here it was, right in front of them. Without thinking, they switched back to male form, grabbing the blonde by the shit, pinning him in place. The guy looked truly terrified, unable to yell out for help. The terror only grew as he watched the veins protrude beneath Jordan's now darkened eyes. Jordan felt the familiar ache in their teeth as their fangs grew out. At this point, Jordan could care less how terrified the man looked. All that mattered was the delicious substance that ran in the veins, just beneath the skin. Jordan, now mere centimeters from the man's neck, took a deep inhale through the nose, relishing in the intoxicating aroma of blood, and without a second thought, sunk their teeth right in, ripping through the skin and unleashing that which they crave. 
An animalistic growl escaped Jordan as they continued to feed on this man, sucking every last drop of blood he had to offer. The taste of fresh warm blood was almost incomparable to that of cold, bagged blood. It was invigorating, only urging them to drink more. They didn't stop, couldn't stop for a good few minutes, feeling the man's body go limp in their arms. A feeling they remember from the first time they did this. It was then that Jordan's conscience clawed its way back to yell at them. The images of that poor lady flashing through their mind, the possibility of them almost doing that to Marie. They screamed at themselves to stop, let go, maybe it wasn't too late, but it was. Because they couldn't stop. They kept drinking till there wasn't a drop left to drink. Only then did they manage to unclench their jaw and pull away, dropping the body on the forest floor. 
Jordan fell to their knees, staring at the dead body before them. They felt so relieved and rejuvenated, but at the same time terrified. Drinking the blood straight from the vein was a feeling unlike any other that left them with a clear head, but looking down at the dead eyes and limp body in front of them, with a clear, bloody bite mark on their neck, it fucking terrified them. It terrified them that they were the animal that did this, and even more so that they wanted nothing more than to do it again. Before Jordan could think anything else, a voice echoed out from beside them. 
“Well, took you long enough.” Justine tisked looking down at Jordan with a feigned apologetic look. “Aw, what's wrong? That conscience of yours making you feel bad?” 
The sound of Justine's voice alone ticked Jordan off, but her words were confusing them. “What the fuck-” but before Jordan could finish their sentence, they felt a sharp prick on their neck, a hand instinctively shooting up to feel where they've been pricked. They tried to turn around to see what the fuck that was, but it was too late. Their vision quickly became blurry, the darkness taking over, as they felt themselves fall, everything fading to black…
Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed. And honest big thanks to those that have interacted with every update, I appreciate it so much and it lets me know that people actually read these, lol. So yeah, until people don't, I plan to keep writing this. Actually have an idea for where I want this story to go, but if you have any suggestions or things you want to see, please let me know! I'm happy to do so. It might be a minute before the next chapter tbh. Life's getting hectic again and I'm in between jobs rn, so I won't have much time to write. But feel free to check out my other fic in the meantime (Never Be The Same), which drops every Saturday. Anyways, hope you have a nice day!
Much Love, 😎👍❤️
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bloodngutsr · 6 months
thinking about oil driller!sam and cowboy!dean.
thinking about dean who's known pretty well in the rundown little town of lawrence. he works for cheap, takes the odd little jobs when he's not herding cattle or helping fix the newest leak in someone's home or lending a hand at ol' bobby singer's farm.
dean whose dad pops in and out of town every few months to get drunk and ask for a couple of ten dollar bills - until, out of the blue, he stops showing. until dean gets a letter declaring him dead, with nothing but his journal full of scattered notes and his hat to show for it. dean doesn't even get to see his father's body.
but the town holds a funeral, because john may not have been a good man, but he had a family and a place in their church. and someone contacts dean's half-brothers - brothers he didn't know, by the names of sam and adam.
sam and adam come to town for a few days, making arrangements to stay with dean. unfortunately, sam and dean meet and immediately clash. dean rarely shaves his stubble and drinks while he works and whistles off-key tunes loud enough to make your ears bleed, while sam wears suits as pristine as the desert will allow for and tucks his head for prayer when the priest bids john goodbye and uses fancy language that grinds dean's gears. they're too busy squabbling to acknowledge that the heat that boils inside of them whenever they see each other might not just be anger.
by the time the few days are up and the funeral is over, both of them are all too ready to never see each other again. adam left as soon as the funeral ended, prepared to get away from his bickering brothers. dean makes it very clear that he wants sam out of his house as soon as possible.
sam is going out for a walk on his last morning in the town when he notices oil seepage down some of the more scenic paths. it's half out of spite that he buys some land in town, just enough to set up a drill and hire a few boys. he has the money to spend, even if it doesn't end up being anything good. unfortunately, most of his best crew can't get out there quick, not on the half-hearted chance of a good well.
he asks around town for the strongest men with the cheapest prices, and nearly everyone offers dean as the most reliable choice - and he ends up ruling out almost everyone else - maybe they're not fit to do the job, maybe they're just not interested in oil work. dean has been strapped for any bigger jobs since the spring roundup has finished up, so when sam disdainfully offers him a job, he has little choice but to agree.
it ends with the two of them stuck together in a little well, maybe 4x4 feet if we're being generous. sam doesn't usually get so hands-on - not anymore, at least - but he feels bad leaving dean down there alone.
there's oil bubbling up over their boots and onto their pants, coating the bottom lungs of the ladder they've messily hammered into the wall. the air is thick with their shared breath and the heat of their bodies as they drive the drill deeper into the rock. sam's overjoyed with the vein they've run into and dean is feeling the satisfaction of effort well spent and they're almost pressed together in that little space, heaving chest to heaving chest - and they're kissing before they're even thinking about it, adrenaline and unclean air and unfiltered heat pushing them against each other.
they're tangled in a sweaty mess, and dean's shirt is coated in oil and dust from where he's been pushed into the rock wall behind him and sam's bangs are stuck to his forehead with sweat, his fingers coated in thick, dark fluid that drips like pure shadow.
when they break apart, dark shadows cast over their faces and noses still brushing each other's, sam tries to swipe the oil off of dean's cheek with his thumb.
all he does is rub it in.
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alarrytale · 8 months
hi marte💙 I have a question. About this post https://hldailyupdate.tumblr.com/post/712754098003476480/tokyo-tokyo-tokyo-you-having-a-good-time-so
Harry states he loves Japan and intended on staying 5 days but ended uo staying 6 weeks. He said he did a lot of thinking and loved Japan so much.
My question is do you think H and L were on a break then during those weeks? Or did L visit H? Do you happen to know if we ever got Larry in Tokyo? Because I'd like to know how they are a couple when they are separated for so long (especially those 6 weeks) when H was on a break and had no concertd/work. So why not visit Louis?
Hello, anon!
No, i don't think H and L were on a break during those weeks. I think H was on a writing (or ideas or concepts) retreat for his next album, to get new impulses, inspiration, time to think etc. I don't think he was on a vacation, i think it was work. Just a different kind of work than what you and i consider work. If it's true what he's saying about the length of his stay, then i believe it was because he felt inspired and it was a productive trip. When H came back, L suddenly started wearing loads of japanese clothing lol. I think H went shopping for him in Tokyo. So he didn’t visit Louis because he was working himself.
I think there's been rumours of larry in Tokyo, but no sightings or confirmations. Both H and L have expressed their love for Japan and Tokyo, and it's one of their favourite places, so i wouldn't be shocked if they've been there together. I imagine it's one of the few places on earth they can go where they'd be left alone.
They are both closeted and have their own, but seperate careers. Their tour and album process aren’t synchronised either so it's hard to find time together when they're both truly off work. That also means that they go on vacation without each other. They need to take breaks when they can. However most of the time these breaks, vacations aren’t that at all. It's work.
They're both in agreement that it's got to be this way for now. They love each other and are it for each other so why break up? Even if they aren’t in each others vicinity for months, that doesn’t mean they love each other any less. They both want to give each other the freedom to pursue their dreams before they retire and settle down. Their relationship isn't a burden to them. They trust each other and want each other to be successful in their pursuits. They talk to each other everyday and are there for one another, even if they can't be in person. They do spend a significant amount of time together, but it's not always apparent to us fans. They both know how to travel without being seen. It's not ideal for either of them, but it's a choice they've made together. If they broke up they'd both be miserable and have no energy and motivation to excel in their careers. Half the songs (at least) they write are about each other. So, even if it's not ideal it's working for them and they're used to it by now. I wouldn't worry anon, i believe they're fine.
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iamthecomet · 9 months
Comet my dear, do you have any aethshine thoughts you would like to share? I am Thinking about them and thought, perhaps, you would like to as well. 😌
Dearest Miasma, I'm sure I can conjure up some thoughts (I am plagued with thoughts). 650ish words of Aether/Sunshine musings. Not quite ficlet, definitely not just headcanons. Some angst (of the missing their packmates variety). More smut. They just love each other a lot ok!? Transfem Sunny because I said so.
With the rest of the pack gone, the ghoul wing is eerie. Sunshine's never seen it like this. Impossibly quiet. So many doors shut, rooms sealed off. Sure if she wanted to she could open Cirrus' door, slip in. Bury her face in the the blankets and pillows and clothes left behind. She could sleep in a different empty bed every night. Drift off to the smell of her missing packmates. She doesn't though, doesn't have to. Aether's with her. Noise carries differently when they're the only two in this part of the Abbey. Like a room with all the furniture moved out. The television drones, and she can hear it down the hall. Distant mumbling. When Aether's in his room, playing guitar, humming a tune she can hear him like he's next to her. They spend a lot of time together. Neither of them talk about it, but the emptiness of their home has seeped into the chambers of their hearts too. Bittersweet and aching with each video call where Cumulus pans the phone around so Sunshine can see the Eifle Tower lit up against the sky. Or when she can hear Aether and Dew talking through the walls. Dew's voice terse as he complains about everything except what's really bothering him. Sunshine slips into Aether's room once she's sure he's off the phone. Once they've both exchanged their good nights with their pack, halfway across the world. Sometimes they talk. Curled up together on Aether's big bed. TV on some show they've seen a hundred times. Voices hushed like there is someone they might wake up. Sometimes, Aether pulls her close. Kisses the breath from her lungs. Hands sunk into her curls as he holds her where he needs her. Thumbs pressed against the base of her horns, tongue sweeping over her teeth. She's glad it's Aether. Has been since they both announced their retirement independently of each other. Grateful not to be alone and glad it's him. Steady, devoted, Aether. Who only has to look at her to understand. Who will sit with her at the piano in their empty rehersal room and sing. Who lets her tag along on his infirmary shifts when she can't sleep. Aether who has good book reccomendations and makes sure Sunshine never gets bored enough to really feel how much she misses everyone else.
Aether, who knows exactly how to touch her to shut her mind off. Who holds her with confidence, knows she won't break as he presses her down into the mattress. Slips one hand into the waistband of her leggings and another up, under he crop top to cup a small breast in his giant hand. calloused fingers dragging over a pebbling nipple. Aether feels like home when he touches her. Even when it's rough and desperate. Even when he has both of their cocks in his fist, dragging the heads together, making her vision fuzzy at the edges. Even when he's three fingers deep inside of her, scissoring her open, pressing against spots that make her feel like she's going to cave in on herself.
Pleasure bowls over her, over and over again. His teeth pressed to her pulse. Breath huffed out in sharp pants over her sweat slick skin. Pressing in as deep as he can go, making her feel the way he carves out a place inside of her, his hand pressed firm over hers on her belly so she can feel him fucking her. There is no difference between this and the times when they move slower. When Aether presses his mouth to every inch of exposed skin on her body. When she does the same, grazing teeth over the swell of his belly, the cushion of his thighs. When I love yous are whispered freely. Either way, when she cums under Aether's gaze, it feels like going home.
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Noticing you (noticing me)
Lan Wangji is not jealous. He's not, really. He knows Wei Ying is in the Cloud Recesses with business. He's here as sect leader, brother's asked for his help dealing with some unusual spiritual activity in the area that's beyond the scope of the Lan.
This is necessary. Wei Ying is busy trying to uncover the mystery with Zewu-Jun, that's all. They're working.
In the hanshi. Alone. For the past 10 hours.
Lan Wangji is jealous.
Of course, he knows neither Lan Xichen, nor Wei Ying would break his trust like that. There's nothing going on in the hanshi besides cultivation work. Lan Wangji has no reason to suspect anything.
But he still drinks vinegar by the liter anyway.
He wants to be the one to spend all this time with Wei Ying. They see one another so rarely now... and he misses his beloved so much it hurts. They've been having such a hard time synchronizing schedules lately that they haven't spent time together in over a month, and they haven't been intimate in just as long...
And now to have Wei Ying so close but so unreachable... torture! All Lan Wangji wants to do is be around Wei Ying, at least. Give him a kiss, maybe. Duck behind some bushes. It's not that much, is it?
But no, Wei Ying's holed up in the hanshi with Lan Xichen while Lan Wangji is stuck doing paperwork. How is any of this fair?
Logically, he knows he'd get nothing done if he was left alone with Wei Ying. It's good Lan Xichen didn't involve him in this work. But he still aches, longing for his dearly loved.
He's so incredibly intelligent, he'll sure fix whatever's going on immediately and they'll retreat to the jingshi for the rest of his visit... right?
All Lan Wangji has managed to get from Wei Ying so far is a very brief kiss. And he's grateful, don't get him wrong! He loves feeling Wei Ying's lips against his own, warm, soft and inviting... But Wei Ying's been in the Cloud Recesses for four days now, and all that time's been spent working. Shouldn't he be taking a break by now?
Lan Wangji is trying not to be antsy about this. He really is, he even let the kids leave class early so he won't be unnecessarily harsh on them. But he wants Wei Ying so much he feels like he's going to die. Whatever can be so difficult that he can't figure it out? Maybe he just needs some time away from his work, a distraction even. And Lan Wangji is so good at taking his mind off things-
He sees Wei Ying and Lan Xichen stroll leisurely across the Cloud Recesses, deep in their conversation, and decides he's just going to drown in vinegar at this point. Wei Ying looks so good, in his red and black robes, expensive fabric shining in the sunlight and his hair unbound, a keen expression on his beautiful features...
He should have been sect leader instead. How bad could it be. Brother deserves a vacation, let Lan Wangji deal with Wei Ying and the other sect stuff, just...
Wei Ying notices him. Their eyes lock and the world seems to slow down for a moment - just long enough for Wei Ying to wink at him and add just a bit of a swing to his hips as he walks away.
It takes all Lan Wangji has not to run after them.
"Lan Zhan, how am I going to go back home now?" Wei Ying whines, laying down on Lan Zhan's chest after a long due session of lovemaking.
"I could carry you."
"How gentlemanly of you!" A laugh. "I'll be bed-ridden for a week now, whoever will run my sect now?"
"They'll live."
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ladyintree · 8 months
░ she prepared for this to be a long day, but not because of the way it eventually turned out. her schedule was filled with press conferences and last minute efforts to meet the voters and secure her win — all of which was left behind with no real explanation immediately upon getting shauna's call. one dreadful situation had been handled, albeit messily — a dead body, an awkward conversation with the ex girlfriend she'd prepared to never see again, and one 6-foot hole later, this was not the place she wanted to spend her night after the day she had. she'd ignored every invitation to school reunions before, knowing exactly how they'd turn out: this was worse than the usual questions from strangers, because these are people who believed they knew them once, who were left behind in their absence. and they seem to have a lot to say now— none of which tai is interested in entertaining, especially when it comes to assumptions they've come up with for @warpainte.
she's not actually interested in a walk down memory lane --- she's just not all that interested in returning to an empty house, either, which is how she finds herself here, strolling the halls of her old high school just to pass the time. but when she sees a familiar figure at the end of the hall, she wonders if subconsciously, that's what she'd really been looking for — her. a small smile tugs at her lips, but as she approaches, she tries to wash it away, because even though she's not interested in another argument between them, she doesn't think that's the right way to greet her, either — as if it's casual, kind. she doesn't know where they stand now, preparing herself again for what might be the last time she sees her, so maybe, it's best to make it worth it.
❝  that's a beautiful dress, ❞ she says, a sigh following her words, like she's been holding that in all night ( and she has — because she nearly choked on the gasp she wanted to let out when she first walked in. ) of course, it reminds her of the last time she saw her in a dress, a night that she had mostly blocked out of her memory but hadn't forgotten mikayla's role in it. the thought nearly makes her smile again, no matter how it turned out, because back then, they were just dumb teenagers unaware of how to deal with their feelings. that was, strangely, a lot simpler than this. still, she's just as beautiful as ever. and as poised as tai usually is, she stands almost awkwardly now, one hand in her pocket and the other waving at her side. ❝  never thought we'd be back here, did you? ❞ not necessarily the school— but more than that, the two of them, alone, not over bloodstained floors or a masked man. together— for as long as they have, until they're once again apart for good, a bed tai has made herself.
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smolkiwi98 · 1 year
Promises of Affection
Finally I have written something and I'm not too confident in it. I hope you all enjoy anyway!
WARNINGS! some angst, mention on gun for like a second, fluff, not proofread, mafia au, I think thats it.
Dating someone who's in the mafia is a lot to handle, but when it's two people you're dating in the mafia it can be a handful. You loved your boys, you loved them with everything you've got. They spoil you nonstop and always make sure you're safe, but sometimes they tend to focus on their work more than you.
You knew this line of work was always busy and dangerous, but sometimes you just want that attention. The cuddling, the way Bucky would gently hold your face before kissing you, and the way Steve always ran his thumb across your bottom lip before a kiss. Just some kind of attention.
Steve and Bucky were finally in the kitchen, sitting down, drinking coffee, and not rushing around to leave. It was the perfect time to spend time with them and even make them a little breakfast. "Good morning." You said with a smile and gave them both a kiss on the cheek. You felt Steve wrap his arm around your head to hold close while you kissed his cheek and a smile grow on Bucky's face when he felt your lips on his cheek. "Good morning, Doll." Bucky said, his voice was deeper than usual and a little rough sounding…must have been a long night. You walked around the island in the kitchen and set your elbows on it leaning in a bit, "So, are you hungry? I was thinking I could make you some pancakes and eggs." You said with a smile. Steve looked at you and gave a small smile "Thank you, Love, but we have a meeting in the office soon." The smile on your face fell, but you quickly put a fake smile on. You ran your hand through your hair and nodded "A-Alright." Your voice slightly breaking, you cleared your throat "I can just make myself some breakfast. Maybe I can make you lunch?" You questioned. This time Bucky spoke up "We have to leave after the meeting and make a deal." Bucky sounded apologetic. You just nodded your head and turned around and opened the fridge. "Well I hope everything goes smoothly for the two of you." You could hear their chairs scooting back on the floor, you assumed they were just going to go upstairs to get ready and that's when you were going to break down…but instead you felt two arms around your waist "I promise you, we'll have a night together." Bucky whispered against your ear "And I have a feeling that night will happen very soon." Steve said from beside you and kissed your head. You smiled to yourself and then felt alone once they left to go get ready.
It's been four weeks since they've told you about the night together would happen, but it feels like you're going to go through another four weeks until then. It was two in the morning and you were once again laying in your big bed watching a random movie you picked…alone. Steve called you earlier that week that they wouldn't make it home until Friday. It's Tuesday now, but it's not much of a difference when they are here. You sighed to yourself and started getting stuck in your thoughts. 'What if they don't love me? Maybe they're bored with me, but feel bad if they left me.' That thought alone was enough for you to let a few tears fall.
You were about to curl up in your blanket and try to sleep until you heard a loud bang from downstairs. You've heard gunshots before, so you're relieved that wasn't the sound. You shot up and looked at your bedroom. You could hear some more noise and voices arguing. Quickly you got out of bed and searched for the baseball bat you bought for yourself for protection. Slowly you made your way to the door and quietly opened it. You could hear the voices a little better now, but couldn't put a face to them. Maybe they're robbers, men who aren't happy with a business deal, or people coming to take you to threaten Steve and Bucky. You gripped the bat tighter and slowly made your way downstairs.
When you were in the main room by the archway to the kitchen the voices had stopped. All there was were pots and pans, even cabinets opening and closing. Just as you were about to step back and to find your phone you could hear a knife being pulled from the knife block. That's when your heart rate spiked and you ran into the kitchen eyes closed "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" You yelled. You were about to swing the bat until you felt someone grab it, "Y/N! It's us." You opened your eyes once you heard Steve's voice and saw that Bucky had stopped the bat with his metal arm. You blinked a few times as you tried to catch your breath, "Bu-But you said you were coming home Friday." You let go of the bat and let Bucky set it down. "We were going to surprise you." Steve said with a small chuckle, "When did you get a bat?" Bucky asked. You felt kind of embarrassed now, but you couldn't help it! You hopped up on the counter. "I got it when you two started going out all the time. I wanted to have some kind of protection if anything happened while you weren't here." You explained looking down at your thumbs. Both Steve and Bucky looked at each other with guilt in their eyes and then looked back at you, "Why didn't you tell us you felt like you needed protection?" Steve asked while putting his hand in your hair, "You know we pick up all your phone calls no matter what." Bucky added while leaning against the counter beside you. All you did was shrug and look at them both "I didn't want to ruin anything important." "Hey, the only thing important to us is you." Bucky said. Steve sighed "And we know we haven't been giving the affection we keep telling you will happen." Bucky just nodded his head in agreement, "Which is why we're making tonight and tomorrow all about you." Steve added on. You looked at them both confused. Steve just looked at Bucky "Will you take this lovely lady to the living room, Buck?" Without a word you were scooped up in Bucky's arms. The metal hitting your skin gave you goosebumps.
Once Bucky carried you to the living room he carefully set you down on the couch. You felt your favorite fuzzy blanket under you and saw that there were snacks and sodas on the coffee table…all your favorites. You looked up at Bucky with a big smile "You didn't have to do all this." You said, "We know you've been upset lately and we want to make it all better, Doll." He said in a soft voice before going back to the kitchen. You looked around the room and noticed some candles were lit and the tv was set to Disney.
Within five minutes both the boys came out of the kitchen and set a tray of pizza rolls and cookies on the table. You immediately perked up when you saw the cookies "Are the-" "Yes they're double chocolate-chip." Steve said, chuckling. Before you could ask anything else Steve and Bucky were already throwing the fuzzy blanket over the three of you. You were about to ask about Disney being pulled up, but Bucky had already grabbed the remote searching for a movie. "No matter how many times you've made us watch this, we're watching it again." He said while clicking on Peter Pan "For the thousandth time." Steve added. You just looked at them both and chuckled.
Every now and then throughout the movie the boys would hand you some kind of treat and a drink to wash it all down. It's crazy how something this small could make you feel so much better. When the movie was over the three of you stretched "So, how was it?" You asked. Bucky looked at you confused "How was what?" He questioned. You threw your arms up "The movie! How was it?" You do this every time you watch Peter Pan with them. They think it's kind of funny and adorable though, so they didn't mind it much. Steve shrugged his shoulders "I don't know, I thought it was okay." He said jokingly. "I'm going to agree. It was alright." Bucky said standing up. You were looking up at them both about to protest and explain every detail and why the movie was amazing, but before you could Steve was already taking your hand and helping you up "Don't. We're going to bed." He said with a smile of amusement.
The whole way up the stairs it was you talking about the movie and while the boys got ready for bed you sat patiently still talking about the movie. You know it's a bit too much, but it was the first in what seemed like years you got to spend time with them. To actually feel some kind of attention. When the three of you finally laid down, Steve and Bucky gave you a kiss "Goodnight, Love." Steve putting his arm around your waist and nuzzling his head in your neck. "Remember, tomorrow is all about you." Bucky whispered while you cuddled into his chest.
Whatever they have planned tomorrow you couldn't stop thinking about it. You got your boys back and you hope you get to spend more time with them…maybe they'll start taking you on those business trips.
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