#theyre actually the best characters to ever exist
the5n00k · 11 months
Trauma is not a competition (long post)
‼️Spoilers for the ghost and Molly McGee season 2!‼️
And 1 but that's a year old so I assume you've seen it already
Just like the title says, Trauma is Not a Competition. And somehow, Molly and Scratch understand that better than most people out there. Heck, better than most people I know in my own family. Let me explain:
All trauma is equal, if it traumatized you and changed you as a person, it doesn't matter what it is. It could be so much as a bad dentist visit or your house burning to the ground in front of your eyes. Trauma is trauma
I've heard some people imply Molly's trauma is not as bad as Scratch's because she's younger or hasn't endured the same pain of losing everything after death. But she did lose everything. Multiple times. Now I personally believe they've been through equally as terrible shit but even just saying that is reductive because it doesn't matter what my opinion is because trauma is equal.
For an in universe explanation of how the characters understand this concept, let's look at season 1:
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As early as episode ONE, Scratch is empathizing with Molly. He doesn't remember Adia at this point or even care about Molly as a person, he just met her. But his expression changes in a very peculiar and specific way. He puts his walls up right after this though.
First Day Frights is a prime example of him going out of his way for her feelings that everyone points back to but what Really stands out to me are the two bandshell episodes and Saving Christmas. Molly gets repeatedly beaten down by circumstances out of her control and her positivity is sapped out of her. And it freaks him out. He can't stand to see her like this and does EVERYTHING in his power to return her "annoying" positivity. Perhaps he's empathizing subconsciously from a life full of disappointment? But regardless, he deeply cared about her problems from the very beginning. They mean just as much to him as they do to her
In Home is Where the Haunt is, he knows she's had to move a lot, leave behind a ton of friends, and that he means so much to her because she thought she'd never have to leave him. Everywhere she went, he was there because of the curse, he couldn't leave either and she must have unintentionally gotten security from that feeling, knowing he's always there. So when it broke, and she knew it broke, (she says "I've been thinkin..." she was probably thinking about the curse being broken for the entire month the month the McGees were homeless) he saw her worried and instantly comforted her. In the goofiest goofball way possible (while also low-key avoiding the issue) but that's just how he does things, he's not good with the feelings stuff so using humor is his next best option most of the time. But his "see? I'm not goin anywhere" was probably the most genuine we'd heard him be up until this point.
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I don't know if he ever considered leaving but even then, what's the point now? He finally had everything he ever wanted and Molly needs him just as much as he needs her.
Moving onto season 2
Even in situations where he can't directly relate to her like in 100% Molly McGee, he tries his best to help her feel better. He's terrible at giving advice but he still tries his best. It really means a lot to me that even when he was bunging up the entire inspirational speech, he tried naming something he knew always cheered her up (that being "puppies")
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He stayed up probably all night with her cramming in as much Thai education as he could with her just so she'd feel less inadequate around her family. Season 1 scratch wouldn't be caught DEAD (again) putting in that much work. He was even trying to help her through the dinner scene (even if they were both getting overwhelmed)
Most of the time, even if he can't directly relate, Scratch does Everything he can to make Molly feel better and that's the sign of a good friend. That's emotional maturity I wish more people had quite honestly. Now I've rambled about this dumbass (/affectionate) enough, where's Molly fall on this?
Well first of all I'd like to start this by saying she literally separated her soul from her body to save him so girlie is also willing to do Anything for him.
But most of her emotional encouragement comes from season 2, let's take a look.
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A Soda to Remember is a good example of this. For as much as she really wanted to learn more about Scratch, she understood how scary it must be to suddenly remember a past you've completely forgotten. She was willing to let him make the choice himself and that is HUGE emotional maturity for a 13 year old. Like some adults will pry more than her, but she's more than okay with giving him his space if he wants it, even after putting in all this effort to get him this soda. It could have been a huge waste of time for her but she was still willing to give him a choice and to me that just solidified how far they've come as best friends.
Now here's the really spoilery part, PLEASE don't read until you've watched All in the Mind
You have? Okay, good. Anyways
Molly is once again (understandably) thrilled to learn more about Scratch by experiencing his memories first hand. I've actually had a talk like they had on the boat with my family and friends that was very similar, she just wants him to open up and be honest about his feelings. Because keeping it bottled up (ha) is a recipe for disaster. She probably knows a lot about how much that hurts because despite all the pain she's endured, she has to keep this upbeat, chipper attitude to keep enhappifying others. She has to keep moving forward. I wish we got an episode where she just Acknowledged all the shit she's been through at such a young age but eh, beggars can't be choosers.
After Scratch admits he kept the Adia memory a secret, she isn't mad. She's just confused and a bit sad about it. She just somberly asked "why didn't you tell me?" She's a little hurt about it, obviously because she's his best friend, but she realizes how hard that must be to talk about, especially after how scared he sounded the entire time. And she reiterates what she told him in A Soda to Remember:
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Then, they see the memory together.
(small aside, I think it's interesting with how many parallels there are to Molly and Scratch's relationship and Adia and [Scratch]'s relationship that Molly would see the blurry memory and ask "is that us?")
She saw the moving truck pull away, she knows now. She's been the one pulling away too. Countless times.
Both of them, regardless if it was s1 ep18 or s2 ep12(?)b, did NOT hold any resentment towards each other for being on the other side of the situation. A selfish asshole like scratch could very easily say "well how would you know? You're the one always leaving! You have no idea what it's like being the one who's left." but they're better friends than that. They both understand how much that entire circumstance SUCKS from either side. So she empathizes with him by mentioning how it feels to have people leave. Each time probably burned into her memory, no matter how short her time in any town was.
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And she uses his own words to her to comfort his worry before he even expresses any. She recognizes how terrible that must have felt for him just how terrible it was that they had to move out of their forever home for a while. She remembered him comforting her after they moved back in and she began to worry about the broken curse. They both recognize how deeply hurt each other are by no longer having the people from their pasts in their lives. And they both reach out with nothing but empathy and understanding. They even extend the same care and compassion towards feelings they personally haven't experienced. Because they're best friends.
Might get a little personal here but I appreciate that they aren't one-upping each other constantly with whatever problem they currently have. I've had people do that to me and it's honestly discouraging and keeps me from opening up because it makes me feel like my problems don't matter. But their problems matter to each other, all of them. Even the stupid little problems they have, all of them matter
"If it upsets you, it matters" is something I've been told when I refuse to open up about something because I think it's dumb. And basically that's their entire relationship. If it bothers one of them, it matters to the other
I just think that's beautiful and a good, healthy friendship. Nothing is one sided, they both deeply care. They're both deeply flawed. Both deeply traumatized. Both deeply loving (platonically of course)
Ramble over, I have no idea if I got my point across At All because I had to stop writing this like. Three times to do something else lol but I think I got it. Hope you enjoyed me pouring my heart out because of Molly and Scratch. It will happen again. This is a threat
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discjude · 27 days
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Yeah this is about right (as always my thoughts are in the tags so there's actually kei content there lmao)
#Hester I adore you they could never make me hate you. Seriously the first chapter in 6 (bad candy) is like my favourite opener#Kei they could NEVER EVER make me hate you. did nothing wrong ever. rhian when I CATCH you#its so funny how my two favourite characters just like. hate each other. like japeth literally kills him#sad cause they're so SIMILAR. theyre both victims of Dog Metaphor its so sad that kei does Not like japeth in the slightest#personally if they had a good long discussion about their emotions at like 3am they could've probably stopped TCY from happening#but alas. Aric. somehow its all his fault again. why do I have an aricposting tag but not a keiposting one.#Hester easily has the best overall characterisation arc I love love love the way soman writes her#I remember when I read 6 for the first time#before japeth insanity happened#I used to anticipate her chapters over like everyone else's. Hester the 1 lesbian in the series you are deeply loved#I could write whole essays about japeth and kei's characterisation it is so sad that soman forgets kei exists#like he's meant to be rhian's eagle. that's his job. that's what he's spent a Long Time anticipating becoming#but rhian refuses to acknowledge it. instead he calls Japeth his eagle in book 4's ending#He eventually falls in love with Sophie#he only ever cares about the crown#how he GETS to the crown#and bringing his mother back. he lies more than japeth#and never once does he get to be the eagle. There's only three spaces - lion/eagle/snake - and he doesn't get to be any of them#dont even get me started on how he dies. surrounded by white swans. being purely good#god rhian II try not to fuck EVERYTHING over challenge. and also Aric. its all arics fault as well#keiposting#japethposting#actually not really jposting. didn't do it that much#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#sfgae#the school of good and evil#as much as I adore Hester I dont think I will talk about her much in detail ever so no hesterposting yet
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Once again fucking me up that even the shortest of the staliens are too tall for my liking. You can't tell me Dancer and Layer bndori are around the same height that's so fucked up
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u3pxx · 2 months
PLEASEEE can you elaborate on the gavinners i cant stop looking at them theyre so pretty
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sometimes i forget that outside of my friends and servers, i don't really talk much about my gavinners boys* huh! so basically, i originally wanted to make them so i could beef up turnabout serenade in my roleswap au, kind of like turnabout samurai where you have a lot more characters which in turn means a lot more suspects!
but then i realized, wait, i need to make them in the canon-verse first before i could make their swap au counterparts! and so now they exist pftt
here y'all go, i'm gonna be copy-pasting the character descriptions i wrote for them during art fight pftt <3
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Height: 5'7" (170 cm), 5'9.5" (176) with boots on Birthday: Jul 7 ♋︎ | Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Deidre is the seemingly gloomy and stoic drummer of the band The Gavinners! At first, it could be difficult to get a read on them but despite all that, they're just like that because they prefer saving their energy. It might not look like it, but Deidre enjoys company even if they're not the most chatty with it and thrives the most when they are around other people (she prefers it if she's around the people closest to her though). Deidre is pretty sensitive and an emotional person even if they don't outwardly express it. To the people close to them, Deidre has a sarcastic streak and can be pretty snappy when it comes to teasing. She can dish it but she can't take it however as they can get slightly irritated when they're teased back. Even if they are a rockstar, they can get embarrassed when people praise or say nice things about them to their face, he tends to brush affection if even if he is secretly flattered by it (he's not gonna admit it though pftt) They also enjoy doodling here and there and like stuffed animals (they have a few of their own!)
Deidre was the closest to Daryan so the events of 4-3 affected him immensely. They felt betrayed and confused and tried to deny that Daryan would be capable of taking another person's life; they scrambled to do everything to protect Daryan from omitting information and even lying on the stand. In the end, all of their efforts were for naught and they felt incredibly guilty for what they've done, especially since she started antagonizing Preston when he was starting to suspect Daryan. They cut themselves off from the group, their job, and stardom. They ended up severely depressed and started to rarely go outside anymore. Only Doremy (Daryan's twin, also a close friend of his) was able to reach him during this time while Viva tried to but he kept refusing to see him. It took them a long time to finally be able to reconnect with the group and it took them a lot of help and support to be able to be well again. Deidre carries Daryan's betrayal to the group heavily and it took a while for her to start forgiving herself.
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Age: 25 | Height: 5'9" (175 cm) Birthday: Jan 1 ♑︎ | Pronouns: He/Him
Viva is the lively and energetic bassist of the band The Gavinners! Though he may seem goofy and a little unserious, he actually is pretty responsible and is the mediator of the band (as the eldest brother of his siblings and the eldest of the band, he kind of made that his responsibility). He's a forensic scientist and has always had an interest in science alongside music ever since he was young (he thinks Ema is very pretty but she finds him annoying pftt). Viva was the last one to join the band when they were all in high school and despite his extroverted personality, felt a little shy at the time getting to know a new group of people (it's because Preston was there who he may or may not have crushed at while in high-school.) He's a lover of all things caffeinated (especially energy drinks though he should really pace himself) which isn't always the best match to the fact that he's got terrible anxiety and thinks himself down a spiral when he gets too worried.
Once the band disbanded after the events of AA4, Viva, though left in a bad place with his anxiety shot through the roof, fared better compared to the other members. He tried his best to keep in touch with everyone with varying successes despite Daryan's arrest being fresh and hurt. - visiting Daryan in prison to hear his side of the story - popping in to check at Preston in his office because the guy started to take worse care of himself - contacting Deidre even if she was trying to isolate and cut herself from everyone and looking out for Klavier even if he buried himself in his work He took a break from music like everyone else, he still hopes one day they can meet up and play music again, not even as a band, but as a group of friends who loved creating music.
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Age: 25 | Height: 6'1" (185 cm) Birthday: Oct 25 ♏︎ | Pronouns: He/Him
Preston is the mysterious yet magnetic keyboardist of the Gavinners! Tall, dark, and bewitching; Preston is aware of the impression people have of him at first glance and likes to use that preconception to surprise and even catch people off-guard by purposely being silly or crass. He has a number of odd quirks and mannerisms that he doesn't realize he has, people tend to notice but they often let it pass because he is very handsome (pretty privilege lmao). Preston can sometimes be mischievous and finds certain things amusing only to him even if others don't find it as funny. He's always had an interest in horror and the macabre ever since he was a young boy which developed into a great fascination with the special effects used in old and new horror films alike. (He can be a bit jumpy when watching movies even if he loves to do it, he can't help it if the movie gets to him!) He plays up his whole immortal vampire schtick because the fans tend to theorize if he really was one. (He is not, he'd love to be one though pftt) Preston is very stubborn and adamant about his opinions and can be difficult to sway if he thinks he's correct; he is also quite awkward when it comes to personal matters, as can be seen in his strained relationship with his older sister and whatever romantic thing he's trying to achieve with Viva. He's used to acting larger than life when the cameras are on but being raw and honest has him feeling a little embarrassed and stilted. Preston smokes and keeps it a secret. (Don't tell Viva that!)
Preston was the first person in the band to start suspecting Daryan which he mostly kept to himself at first but wouldn't deny when you asked him (Deidre did not like that.) After Lamirior accused Daryan in court, Preston was determined to make Deidre confront the truth (unfortunately, not taking in why Deidre might be upset and in denial about it) which caused them to have a fight (with Viva being unsuccessful in de-escalating it.) After the Gavinners disbanded, Preston didn't feel very well after Daryan got sent to prison and lost contact with Deidre (whom he hasn't talked to since the case. [he misses them.]) He seemed fine afterward with his workload seeming to increase though upon closer inspection, he's started taking worse care of himself, skipping meals, and losing his interest in music. Preston has a lot of baggage to sort through regarding his friends and his family that will be difficult and painful for him to confront, but rest assured, he's gonna come out of it happy and well.
and here's a compilation of some very old turnabout serenade drawings too :^]
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(i didnt make dei's bday turnabout serenade on purpose, it was a tragic happy accident DFGHDJ i wanted his bday to be 7/7 bc i made daryan 6/6 but then the date. i realize the date orz)
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
i saw an interview this morning where valentinos voice actor is asked about his characters relationship to the other vees and he briefly explains that vox and val in this weird gay relationship where they make out and do stuff but then straight up says "uhhhh i dont know what valentinos relationship is with velvet lol!"
the bar is in hell for women characters (pun intended) because a velvet USED to have a relationship with vox and val during the instagram days. i like that she was more like a daughter to him and that they bonded over violence! shit like that was what actually made valentino feel like a complex character who can be good and bad. because i literally cannot think of a single relationship hes on good terms with. voxvals whole appeal is that theyre toxic gay bitches! so having just ONE good relationship in his life, even if its just with his weird 30 year old coworker daughter, could actually make him feel like a person with layers like valentino fans desperately insist he is in the show.
since rn velvet just kind of. exists! she barely speaks to the other vees, doesn't seem to enjoy spending time with them unless she can film them dancing and making out, shes mostly frowning in the finale whenever vox opens his mouth, and never directly even speaks to val. why would val not speak to someone he lives (i think) and considers his equal?
like she very much has the ability to become a compelling fun character/villian when shes separated from the other vees. which sucks! because it just makes me wonder "would valentino or vox tangibly lose anything if velvet didnt work with them? and would anything change about their dynamic if she wasnt there?" and i know the answer is "probably not!"
the fact that no ones mentioned her despite s2 having a "heavier focus on the vees" is so fucking telling. she really doesnt feel like the backbone of the vees! she feels like the third wheel vox and val hired and she just stays with them for power despite her not speaking/having a relationship with them at all. its not even like the idea of "30 year old woman stops caring so much about her gay dads she created and slowly begins to resent them, working with them anyway for power" is a terrible idea, but i absolutely know thats not what viv intended. vel is absolutely an afterthought in the writing when shes with the other vees and its apart of what makes me dislike them now more then ever. if s1 couldnt even have velvet speak to the other vees about ANYTHING other then important business stuff (like, idk, fashion, technology, love potions, the few fucking things these characters have in common) then i doubt s2 is gonna be much better.
anyway velvet should leave the vees and get some granny gyatt from carmilla thank u 4 reading <3
Calling it now, season 2's going to contain as little Velvette as Viv can get away with. Because you said it best yourself -- she's not so much a character as a third wheel Vox and Val hired. If they're not around then she's sometimes allowed to shine, but if they are, forget it. It's all about them.
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crushedsweets · 20 days
I can see Nat taking in another creepypasta for the next stage of the creeped au,, I feel she would have done that for nina in the earlier days
And Toby and Kate might step into the roles Tim and Brian had and realise how shit they had it😭 idk what characters could join though.. maybe cody or rouge
she sort of did take nina in! they worked together at the same restaurant, nina was constantly getting harassed by customers, and nat immediately was behind her making sure nobody was bothering her. when nina gets with jeff, nat tries to withdraw cuz 'im not getting involved with jeffs girl' but nina is persistent and so sweet and the first girl-friend nat has EVER had. so its hard for her to let go . PENSIVE. theyre best friends ur honor
also IKR LOL I THINK TOBY AND KATE NEED HEAVYYYYY REFLECTION. toby NEVER thinks he's the issue, and kate sorta just took whatever beating (literally or metaphorically) and moved on without thinking abt it. so i think it'd be good for kate to realize she's an actual person. her existence has consequences, even if she tries so hard to hole herself up in the mine.
cody, dina, and lazari would prob be my next lineup for a newer generation of proxies!
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liquidstar · 2 months
Okay so like I know little about ReZero (would love to watch it one day but, the content warnings) BUT I love people talking about things they like so. Assuming this isnt already a plot point, who in your opinion would be the FUNNIEST character to also be aware of/remember the time loops (Subaru in this case does NOT know they are in on it lol). If this is already a plot point please tell me about a neat bird or something you saw recently instead, thank you :)
in the 4th arc subaru meets this witch lady, echdina, who kinda exists in a dreamworld, hard to explain, but shes aware of his timeloops. she implies that shes aware but tries to get him to say it himself. which he does so veeerrry hesitantly because he cant tell anyone Or Else. but after he realizes he can say it here, he has like, a total breakdown and keeps repeating his confession over and over again because he can finally tell someone about all this pain and suffering. and its an incredibly cathartic scene buuuuut she is very much manipulating him.
another character is vaguely aware of the loops but doesnt experience them/cant see them. that character is roswaal who is actually his boss. and the guy who has literally been PERSONALLY causing every single fucking issue hes had so far because some book told him to. and when things start going wrong he starts to, like, kick the shit out of subaru to try and get him to restart. yeah bosses are like that sometimes idk. everyone takes turns punching him at the end of this arc so its fine.
personally though if i had to pick a character whod be aware of the loops... id actually go with otto despite Everything. because i think hes the most likely to come out of the experience of watching his friend die horribly and come up with a plan, while also genuinely having subaru's best interest at heart. he doesnt care about anyone elses best interest tho, he was willing to let an entire country die for this guy. hes willing to kill the child he just adopted. so i think otto being aware would cause some fucking situations, especially if theyre not working together for a solution. i also think itd be funny if hes like "if we get gay in the timeloop no one has to know. ill just play dumb."
SO YEAH hes my pick for funniest one. all that being said im pretty sure i wrote up an episode by episode trigger guide if youre ever interested, i might have to touch it up tho. BUT if youre not interested theres never any pressure, this ask is already so sweet tysm again <3
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ghost-of-a-system · 2 months
hi, we are autistic and also have aphantasia and alexithymia.
and we where wondering what you guys do when you don't know who's fronting, like that limbo of bodily autopilot where nothings going on inside the head and we all just blend together into an incoherent mess
we can't tell if someone new is fronting or if we think we are faking it again.
hey, thanks for reaching out! im not sure if we have alexithymia; we dont know much about it. but we do have aphantasia and autism, so ill try my best.
i think its an autism thing, but we mask a whole heck of a lot around basically... everyone but each other. if you or someone else is unsure what i mean by "masking", its basically just altering (no pun intended...) your behavior in order to outwardly appear "normal" to other people. pretty sure it can be both manually done or subconsciously. its usually subconscious for us personally. but for us, this "persona" we mask as is kinda hard and unnecessary to describe, but the point would be that it isnt really similar to any of our alters. we also do a lot of mirroring others, as in, involuntarily copying their personalities, speech patterns, etc., which plays into our masking.
when we are blurry or more "on autopilot" as you described, we tend to revert to this even more. since there isnt a distinct enough alter around to, at the very least, hog our train of thought, our brain just defaults to that masking persona. but this still happens a lot when we do know whos fronting; they subconsciously mask/mirror so much so that their identity becomes indistinguishable to even them. in all honesty, this usually doesnt go away until we either are alone again or something triggers someone specific out (sorta snapping us out of the masking for a bit). sometimes the someone specific is even who was fronting before good ol masking took over; it just kind of grounds them to their actual self instead.
overall it just makes it impossible for us to tell when we are just genuinely blurry or just masking to the max. we usually just default to assuming that were blurry until enough clarity kicks in to say otherwise.
as far as the "thinking it could be a new alter" thing, we definitely relate to that too. we kinda have a whole, system in place (no pun intended...?) to help with that. when it comes to masking, particularly mirroring, we typically mirror other people/characters/etc. to the point that we genuinely feel like a new person. oftentimes to the point that we feel like we are them. many times in the past its so intense that it puts us under the impression that theres a new person to add to the bunch.
i think one of us has talked about it in the past here, but im too lazy to go fishing for it. basically, we might log it, like in our simply plural, usually. keeping the profile on private and just logging that this potential new guy is fronting. we usually give it a week or two to see if they ever front again or if we can still 'feel their presence' later on, in simple terms. for us, majority of the time theyre gone, 'cause they never existed to begin with. but thats just because we mirror so much and so intensely, not sure if thats something other systems can relate to. we also just arent a large system, and while it isnt uncommon for us to split, its even less common that they stick around past a week or two.
its a weird cycle. but it doesnt mean youre faking or anything. just one of the weird ways things mix, especially being a system and having something like autism. they dont always function separately, at least in our experience.
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toothlespoggers · 3 months
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I love the ninjago writers SO MUCH if anyone has like any information on the behind the scenes decisions and stuff that’s gone into the development of this season that’s changed and improved the previous issues tell me I wanna know! Argh I’m so happy, they finally gave Cole a family outside of the ninja team because let’s be real Cole was kinda sidelined for ages he needs a nice family of people who respect him and also he needs a hot purple boyfriend to look after him!
Lloyd isn’t an npc, he’s a human being with flaws?? Like actual? Logical? Flaws? He’s not just a main character anymore?? His flaws aren’t even super annoying either. And like CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FUNNY IT IS THAT TIKTOK AND YOUTUBE CANONICALLY EXIST? THE NINJA ARE LIKE, TUMBLR SEXYMEN??? IN THE LEGO UNIVERSE?? THATS SO FUNNY, WHAT?
all the jokes feel like actual people talking, the writing feels natural for the first time in years! Zane isn’t constantly abused, he’s happy and frog man is the best character and if Lego doesn’t immediately release mini figures for frohicky and all the other minor characters that are pretty important I’m going to Sue.
also I haven’t watched the next episode but if it doesn’t explain what happened with Zane to end up with a frohicky plushie I’m going to go ballistic, alright?
Hot take but I’m glad Jay isn’t there anymore ik he’s probably going to come back but he’s honestly the worst ninja nowadays. And also, KAI CHARACTER ARC FIXED??
KAI ISNT INSUFFERABLE UNLEARNING AND RUDE ANYMORE HES AN ACTUAL GROWING CHANGING PERSON NOW, AND LIKE I USED TO HATE THE SELF INSERT NEW GUYS BUT THEYRE SO WELL WRITTEN NOW IT JUST MAKES ME LIKE EM’ and sure Aaron can get a little annoying but he’s so autistic coded like openly autistic coded he’s like “is there a social cue I’m not picking up on?” COME ON, MAN. COME ON!!
also like I said, girlie, baby, Sora, honey, you are the GOAT. WE STAN!
also if something ever happened to Zane couldnt sora just like, fix him on the spot?
my only complaint is the fact the ninja haven’t just taken off the masks before the wolf people turn all magic-y like bbg just take it off.
also that skeleton lady kinda..
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Look I’m an undertale fan I have skeleton brainrot, ok? Don’t judge me
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sugar-omi · 10 months
JUST- the thought of Cove slowly realizing he’s going through a loop over and over and over and with every loop the MC starts to look and feel stranger and more far away to Cove and it’s driving him INSANE. Cove starts to keep track of these loops and notices that sometimes things get ever so slightly different or drastically different (say the players deciding to romance a different character or is doing a 100% platonic playthrough etc etc)
Cove having to deal with the feeling of closing his eyes as an adult only to open them and see he’s 8 years old again. What the hell just happened???? He was just at his own wedding with the love of his life and now he’s suddenly a crying child back on the poppy hill!!
AND THEN- and then Cove paying more attention to the MC as the loops go by and seeing them fade into this weird uncanny husk, they’re starting to feel more like a puppet than a person, and it terrifies him. What’s going on??? Are they okay?? Why is this happening to them????
Soon enough as he looks at the MC he finally notices and realizes that the MC “never existed”. This whole time the person he’s spent basically his entire life with never existed as someone in Coves world. No, instead they’re just a projection of someone else. Who? Coves not sure, but he feels like that whoever it is they’re the person who he’s actually been falling for over and over again.
And at that realization he come to the conclusion that he needs to meet this person beyond the veil, and he needs to meet them now.
This got kinda horror adjacent I apologize I got carried away-
it tears him apart every time bc if you choose to romance someone else or not befriend/romance him, he can't say anything different since he doesn't have control over the system and he doesn't wanna alarm you
so he's forced to feel indifferent to you, and even in between he can't talk to you bc you're not real, the "you" that's here isn't interested in cove, and if "you" do take interest in him it's bc of the system, and everything is set in place as always
slowly he works out how to get to you, and he's leaning over you in his buff/lean, (tatted,) 6+ foot glory and teary eyed, asking why you keep playing with him, experimenting on him like this, making him watch you confess to baxter after he's loved you for 15 years. asking why you'd make that deal n choose his best friend derek over him.
well, it doesn't matter anymore. you can be together now, don't worry about his life in sunset bird, you can just build a life together just the two of you for now!!!
he actually prefers you like this compared to the game. you can say whatever you want without limits or prompting. and he can see your expression, hear your voice, actually touch you...
oh, and please don't go anywhere without him if possible or look at other men, fictional or real, with interest. he's everything you need, you've made him to fit your needs every time. you've came back to him hundreds of times in the end, so if you see smth you like on another man, cove will change his style, look, or behavior so just stop looking else were.
unless you can't, then he'll have to punish you. make you look him...
don't worry, he won't hurt you! he really could never do that, no matter how broken or.. well, twisted. he is
just wants to make sure you remember you're his, and he is yours. so if he makes you sit in his lap for hours, making you trace his face and body and features, telling him everything you love abt him inside and out, then just do it.
and if he decides to punish you in other ways, you can handle it right? you've played his 18+ dlc's multiple times, you read all those dirty stories abt him and you always kiss him n grope him when you can in the main game
he just wants to love you, and be loved by you for real. so indulge him a bit, won't you?
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roe-and-memory · 3 months
besties can i just say omg so i went thru ur blog obsessively bc i looove the ideas behind ur headcannons and little snipets of stories. i was wondering what bobby headcannons u guys have. also memory i loove ur writing and roe?? gorgeous fanart oml
AWWWWW THANK YOUU!!! rhis is so sweet 😭🫶🫶 i saw your comment on my fic thank u sm
im gonna be honest, we dont have many bobby hcs (i really wanna change that, i fucking ADORE bobby - and, if its any help, i actually have a fic up ((dont look back in anger)) where he’s a main character!! although its an au, i hope it’ll suffice for now :3)
- bobby is definitely a prankster, but like, hes NOTORIOUS for it. and not in the bad way. he has silly pranks that only mildly inconvenience the person on the receiving end (like the dumping water on lmq and cals heads after races) and he’s Always at the scene of the crime when something silly happens. he just Is the embodiment of silly. and yes i know this is canon for the most part but hes literally just so silly i cant not include it
- hes the youngest of the trio, the baby, even, he’s a december baby, born in 1988 (same year as lightning - cal is an ‘87 baby i believe - so when bobby started racing in 2007 he was still 18) but just at the End, whereas lightning was born in may . despite this he’s still the tallest, and probably the most well built of the three . aka lightning is scrawny and cal is just Average. and when lightning makes fun of him for being a Baby hes like ok well ure literally short as hell. what about that. huh? what can you do about your height? i’ll have a birthday but you dont have a get taller day? huh? and lightnings like. well. okay.
- i feel like he befriended cal first, like, he and lightning “hated” each other but it was less hate and more lightning being incapable of making friends (lmq and cal met at the infield care center after strips crash, so they were friends ever since then) and so cal was just in the middle of this “rivalry” that was in reality like. hey. cal. i think that bobby guy is really cool do u think he’d wanna be my friend. and cals like I DONT KNOW TALK TO HIM? and they talk and theyre like wow i actually thought u hated me (theyre best friends now)
- bobby both has an iconic autograph, but hes also so good with his fans its impossible for anyone to hate him. he has so many iconic pictures and literally everyone he meets praises him for his kindness and blatant silliness . hes just super easy going and generally amazing to be around
- out of all the racers hes probably got the most amusing advertisements as well, he will go ALL IN for whatever octane gain (or his smaller/secondary sponsors) want from him, and its so Genuine it just feels like he LOVES to be there
- he loves taylor swift. AND I KNOW WHAT YOURE GONNA SAY. “ITS STEREOTYPICAL” BUT NO U DONT GET IT.. SHE DOESNT MATCH THE REST OF HIS MUSIC TASTE AT ALL. hes the last person you’d ever expect to listen to her. he says its because they have the same last name so hes obligated to be a fan, but also the day Taylor Swift (album) debuted he bought the dvd and forced the other two to listen to the entire thing multiple times on a road trip and its safe to say that since the day taylor swift has existed, lightning and cal have feared her album release dates.
- hes the burnout king. every race he wins he will do a burnout down the frontstretch in front of the grandstands that will take his tires down to the RIMS. the tire marbles are INSANE
THIS IS ALL I HAVE IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY 😭😭 i wish i had more and i WILL eventually make more trust me on that.. but thank you so much for the ask and i hope u liked them :3
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oscconfessions · 4 months
i absolutely HATE osc ships. half of them are either "oh these characters dislike each other/disliked each other at one point" and the other half is "these two friends should date because theyre friends." honestly, if this was between real people that would be really disrespectful. EX: Fantube. yeah, they tried to raise shimmer together and built bot, but platonic parents exist and CAN THEY JUST BE FRIENDS?! PLEASE? EX: Nickloon. ok, nickels trying to make up for being rude to balloon all throughout season two. but really? they dont have to date just because theyre friends, yknow. imagine someone saying "oh you and your best friend who you only platonicallly love- you should date!" to you. that'd honestly be rude. yeah, some ships are confirmed but thats different. EX: Knickle. offical II storyboarder Cakebrunch CONFIRMED theyre in a relationship. thats an official employee of the series saying that a ship is real. not some random person on TikTok saying that TennisGolf is canon because TB is GB's closest ally. its fine to platonically ship characters, if that makes sense, but like... why? i know maybe their designs look cute together or they have an interesting relationship already, but like. why cant friends just be friends? and one of my main thoughts when finding random ships is "when have they ever interacted?" because where are you getting marshmallow x soap from? yeah maybe they interacted that one time, but like. when have they had an actual conversation? and dont get me started on those ships that throw certain characters in canon ships (looking at you, metallic salad/metallic salad + mephone shippers.) because like. why? certain characters have established relationships with others, and your just like "ohh well those two are in a relationship, but mic and knife are a cute ship so how about mic + knife + pickle? makes sense!" like. please.
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fartface025 · 1 month
copypaste ty to @anonymocha for being a sounding board and my ally/discussion partner in this cruel world. yes this is a crackship. im aware. i just… i just. i think theyre neat. i think they kiss sometimes when theyre like. umm. headcanon post 2 coming soon whatever if u even care. read my other posts abt cristallo and the others if u want.
first draft thoughts
6kaalaa is basically its not that 6 is really repressed i think he would act the same way abt romance even if he wasnt 6. maybe more interested just bc its an interesting component of his existence.
i rock w both hcs abt demiromantic or asexual 6 and also ones where he is unlabelled, not averse to anything but not seeking romantic love. i see him as the latter but like.
theyre like pavzima. theyre not a romantic relationship as normally construed or imagined, but theyre def romantic in nature. they have a good friendship before they ever consider romantic entanglement.
6 is gen interested in kaalaa and vedic astrology, kaalaa finds his life interesting. also they have close familial dynamics in sophia 37 and 210, and kanjira and shamane.
disclaimer, not an expert on kaalaa or 6, i missed mor pankh, i dont have kaalaa bur i know aspects of her character, 6 i am good friendship w did his story event when we had the 1.6 update, but havent gone past c5
firstly, kaalaa is great at math. vedic astrology as she practices demands great skill as a mathematician. she’s qualified to be a professor. she has to be excellent at it to calculate planetary movement. compared to any average person, she’s a prodigy in this field. i feel confident saying that out of the cast members that aren’t of the 1.6 island, she’s one of the best mathematicians. (john titor i dont know much of, i would assume she is a great mathematician too)
idea: i see both kaalaa and 6 on the same scale of demiromanticism. 6 understands aesthetic attraction, but he doesnt seek or need romantic love, and i think the same is true of kaalaa and i think sex is just a if it happens it happens. but they have a romantic relationship. i j think they both understand aesthetic appeal and kaalaa is the single most beautiful reverse 1999 woman. send tweet (this depends pn hpw down bad and horny i am for kaalaa. i speak my truths)
kaalaa is an astrologist who depends on seeing fate into something that can arguably be attributed as math. math as fate…why does that sound familiar…
the difference is kaalaa is of the opinion fate can be altered or is divergent and is never cemented. atticus was defined by his destiny and it eventually fulfilled and became him, but he was resistant. and from what we see of him in his event story and his interaction w the other worshipper in his second story implies remaining elements of humanity and individuality from his identity as atticus, PLUS he was curious for sophia and her human normal behaviors. this intersection between two people who know fate and have it entwined in their life, who both know math well and use it to define a large part of their beings, but the main differences of preconceptions of fate and exposure to human emotion, culture and illogicality? it feels opportune for a story, especially with the islanders learning that human traits are good and make life worth living (personal thinf, i Love humans and our illogical persistent emotions. even apathy is an emotion. we are inescapably made of them.) i think, from what ik so far, thagt c5 and the whole MATH ISLAND FREE FROM VICE AND EVIL AND DANGER thing as well as the themes of rigidity versus freedom and logicality versus love is shaping up to be like actually maybe there is worth to empathy and all these other things. i think 6 and kaalaa’s friendship and dynamic revolves around this growing understanding, esp w their respective close friend groups
i hope this doesnt sound like romantic love teaches someone to “be human”. i explained that i think of them as a close friendship that naturally becomes romantic in nature, but i dont see the romantic love as the Woahhh hes human now. i see it as this as well as exposure to arcanist and human culture and nuance (a journey that him and 37 embark on) informs his worldview and its really secondary to both kaalaa and 6’s familial love with groups who care about them dearly (kanjira and shamane, 37, sophia and 210).
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dballzposting · 6 months
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Vent Post
This is the best gift I ever received and so funny and crazy as well becasue when I was young there just WASNT toys or clothing or any merchandise available for Cartoons or Vdoeo Games or what have you. If you wanted to see your favorite character you would have to go to Google Images on your DSi (wi-fi permitting) and look at the same Deviantart drawings over and over
Super Mario and Pokemon plushes were like items of royalty (other than Pikachu. Pikachus were highly respected but nonetheless common. Kind of like cats in real life). They were rare and impossible to find and my brother had some Mario pluishies and we wer elike WOOOWOWHWOWHWO HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND THOSE ?!?!?! Honestly we probbaly just didnt know how to use the internet. But nonetheless that was the first impression of life that i got when it came to video game or cartoon stuff. What you wanted most just simply did not exists
Nopwadays of course it's completely different and I stil find myself reeling. You can go online and customize stickers and clothing EASILY !!!!!!!! You can go to the mall and find a store that sells Waluigi plushies like it's No Big Deal. They propbably have him in 3 different sizes
So when I got into dragon ball I was delighted (and contonue to be delioghted) at how EASY it is to just ... FIND IT ANYWHERE ??? You go into any random store and there's a chance of finding some sweatshirt with goku on it. For no reason. AND I'M ALWAYS THRILLED TO SEE IT !!!!!
And I was disappinted but Not Surpised when I find out that they just dont really make Goten & Trunks merchandise like they do with anyone else. Plenty of Gohan, plenty of Future Trunks, and that's swag. But you're not gonna find little Goten or Trunks (with the exception of those crappy 1999-2000 series figurines of them WHICH I DID ACQUIRE two years ago at my local Goku store and yes I did immediately tear the original packaging asunder. Actually I'm not religious but tearing them open did feel like a holy and careful thing to do and so I felt strongly compelled to get in the shower and thoroughly wash my feet first???? I don't now why. But I did do that)
And when the Superhero movie was announced it was like AIEEEEE New Goten & Trunks designs !!!
But then even a while after the movie came out I was struggling to find screenshots. No official art was even appearing on google images for a while and the movie wasn't on any of my sites, but I did find some yourube videos with them in it. But I wanted better refs of Goten & Trunks and I was just having trouble. But then a while after that they DID start appearing on Google Images and that was enough to MAKE ME HAPPY!!!!!!!
But i wasnt expecting MERCHANIDSE. Like OF COURS ENOT !!! Like DBZ is crazy popualr but you can't find EOZ merch anywhere, OF COURSE I won't find Goten & Trunks mercfh.
But I mean. THEY WANT TO MILK THIS CASH COW FOR AS LONG AS THEY CAN !!!! They put Goten & Trunks in the manga. Merchanise of them started to appear and i was stunned when my attention was directed toward it but it was still few. A month ago I acidentially found a blind bag of DBS:SH bag clips online and Goten & Trunks were there and I was like OOUGH...HAA....HUH !?!? I recovered thoguh and did not buy any.
I Did Not Know this existed and I don't think it has existed for long. Most thoughtful gift. I'M SO THRILLED !!!!
Very funny to receive JUST Goten. It's never JUST Goten. It's a;lways Goten & Trunks. Goten & Gohan. Goten & His GT Girlfriend. It's never JUST Goten. BUT HERE HE IS!!! JUST HIM!!!!!
And he looks Dumb too he looks stupid the shadows on his face make him look ill. He's got shitty doodoo hair. This is so dumb but they are milking this cash cow baby. AND I'M SO GLAD TO HAVE HIM !!
It's COOL becasue it's a unique design for him. That's probaby why theyre putting out DBS:SH Goten & Trunks merchandise. Becasue there's something to put out there.
Goten only had like 2 designs that were unique and interesting. Here's what I mean:
When he's little he has a few differnt outfits that are colorful and interesting but we don't remeber them and they don't stand out becasue he's not in them long. Gohan had some different outfits throughout his childhood too but we don't remeber them for the same reason.
Goten's most recognizable outfit is his gi and he looks pretty much exactly like Goku so no one cares.
In DB Super he's got an outfit that we';ve actually seen him in beforer only now he's wearing it 24/7. This is more noteworrthty but there's still no merch of him (EXCEPT FOR A BAG CLIP THAT I WAS FORTUNATE ENOUHG TO ACQUIRE.. FOREVE RTHNAKFUL...). Ultimately it's not necessarily UNIQUE becasue like yeah his mother dressed him so what. It's nothing we haven't seen before already
His GT appearance is ..... SO... UNNOTEWORTHY. The whole appeal of his character is that he has a phone and a gilrfinred. HE LOOKS LESS VISUALLY INTERESTING THAN THE TOWNIES. It's especially comical when you see him standing amongst the rest of the cast. PROOF
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When i saw his scene I had to pause and laugh for a while. HE'S SUCH A NOBODY!!!!! HE LOOKS LIKE A RANDO WHO JUST WALKED IN. Like some store clerk or something
HIS INFAMOUS "SON GOTEN" SHIRT, which he wore for ONE EPISODE at EOZ. Noteworthy mostly due to his new height and long hair
HIS DBS:SH OUTFIT. Noteworhty becasue he's FINALLY growing up and his hair is getting long.
... ^ WE DIDNT GET THE LATTER UNTIL THE SUMMER OF 2022. All we had for a long time was his purple man jeans in GT and his SON GOTEN pride shirt in EOZ. And there's NO merch of those, in all of these years.
His outfit in DBS:SH is sort of superb in how it links the tradsitonal clothes he's always worn and the cityboy fits he gravitates towards later. His mother picked that shirt out but you know that he bought those pants at Kohl's
He's just so funny .... This figurine is so funny .. It came with bubble wrap wrapped ONLY around his head like a bag of shame and im honestly gonna put it back on becasaue he is so ugly.
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hi marz ^_^ any kobra kid thoughts on this fine evening?
some various kobra thoughts for you from my fine collection <3
- his favorite movie of all time is the karate kid bc danny larusso is his emotional support 80s gender envy guy. this is a pretty well known fact abt him but what ISNT as known is that his SECOND favorite movie is actually the outsiders for gay reasons (bc he enjoys imagining himself as part of a gang of hot leather clad men beating the shit out of other men in the rain) AND bc it was THE FIRST movie he ever cried at
- poison loves tattoos, kobra love piercings. motherfuckers got soooo much metal in him- snake bites were his first, hes got one in the center of his upper lip as well (i forget what this ones called 😭), septum and nostril piercings, probably an eyebrow piercing, and just. practically every ear piercing you can think of. hes currently trying to find someone with a good rep who can do his tounge and is like one bad day away from just saying fuck it abd piercing it himself
- i have to bring this up anytime i talk abt either venom sibling. they have matching snake tattoos down their arms!!! partys is on their right, kobras is on his left and theyre both red and yellow snaked but the colors are swapped on each
-in still very much in suitehearts world rn so heres two birds one stone. kobra fucking LOVED the suitehearts as a kid, almost as much as pois loved mosekat. they were taken off the air when he was around 7 or 8 and he got pissed bc everyone else eas just acting like his favorite show never existed. yet another item on the ever growing list of things Wrong with him. even once he gets to the zones hes still unsure if they were ever real or not until he literally fucking meets them
- speaking of meeting them. never meet your heros kids!! kobras relationship with the suitehearts ranges from strained to flat out hostile. he and donnie are at each others throats anytime theyre in the same room, and he fucking hates sandman still for brushing him off and treating him like a child on the racetrack. hes polite with crab when he has to be, but theres tension bc of his beef with the others and he straight up avoids benz bc dr benzadrine was always his favorite character (hes a science kid yk?) and he does NOT want one of the fee good parts of his childhood to be further ruined by having the guy turn out to be an asshole. theyd probably get along the best out of all of em if he gave the guy a chance tho
- despite being so fucking good on a bike this man couldnt drive any other vehicle if his life depended on it. like literally he Does Not Know How and he refuses to learn. he figures if something really bad happens and he needs to be the one driving he'll be able to figure it out- i mean you just press the go pedal and turn the wheel right? its not that hard 🙄
- furthering his love of computers and shit, i absolutely think he collects old tech and tried to repair it and shit if it doesnt work. hes got a bunch of old gameboys he loves messing around with and a collection of mp3 players that he saves and copies the music off of whenever he gets them working so he can give songs to the doc that he doesnt have yet
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 1 month
i was writing this in the tags of a reblog then i realized i got to heated abt it that it stopped having anything to do w the post so im putting it in my own post instead
L is so fucking autistic and im so serious its not even a meme or hc to me like there is no other way for me to interpret the show. hes autistic the way will graham is so obviously autistic to the point where u forget that no one actually says hes autistic outright. hes like most accidently autistic coded charcter ever bcz tsugimi ohba just based him off themselves
like. "normal work doesnt appeal to me" tsugimi ohba. self described clean freak who collects tea cups has unusual interests sits weird and doesnt like uncomfortable clothes writes a quirky detective charater. hes just a quirky character. he just has quirks. those are just quirks. he doesnt know how to interact socially bcz of his quirks
im njot saying tsugimi ohba is autistic im just also. not not saying that. i just think its rly funny that stuff like rainman an shows like atypical will fumble explicitly autistic characters an someone like tsugimi ohba will just accidently create one of the best implicit ones of all time. "write what you know" really is some good as writing advice.
idk man i just feel like sometimes the best autistic characters are ones where the writer doesnt think/know that theyre writing an autistic character. because theyre just writing a character. they make them feel real and fleshed out and interesting first, whereas even sensitive and well-meaning allistic writers and readers just cant imagine capital-a-autistic people as existing anywhere outside of a psa about autism
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