#god red dragon is such a good fucking book
the-pea-and-the-sun · 4 months
i was writing this in the tags of a reblog then i realized i got to heated abt it that it stopped having anything to do w the post so im putting it in my own post instead
L is so fucking autistic and im so serious its not even a meme or hc to me like there is no other way for me to interpret the show. hes autistic the way will graham is so obviously autistic to the point where u forget that no one actually says hes autistic outright. hes like most accidently autistic coded charcter ever bcz tsugimi ohba just based him off themselves
like. "normal work doesnt appeal to me" tsugimi ohba. self described clean freak who collects tea cups has unusual interests sits weird and doesnt like uncomfortable clothes writes a quirky detective charater. hes just a quirky character. he just has quirks. those are just quirks. he doesnt know how to interact socially bcz of his quirks
im njot saying tsugimi ohba is autistic im just also. not not saying that. i just think its rly funny that stuff like rainman an shows like atypical will fumble explicitly autistic characters an someone like tsugimi ohba will just accidently create one of the best implicit ones of all time. "write what you know" really is some good as writing advice.
idk man i just feel like sometimes the best autistic characters are ones where the writer doesnt think/know that theyre writing an autistic character. because theyre just writing a character. they make them feel real and fleshed out and interesting first, whereas even sensitive and well-meaning allistic writers and readers just cant imagine capital-a-autistic people as existing anywhere outside of a psa about autism
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pr0cyon-lotor · 2 months
Au where Shen Yuan is a dragon with a giant cavern full of books and plays. It's enchanted and stuff so the cavern moves and shifts so it brings you to a section of the library with what you need/want. He occasionally lets people enter to read his books, but you aren't allowed to take them out no matter what. You are sometimes allowed to copy the information on your own scroll or book, but you need permission first.
He gets visited by Wu Yanzi and a young Shen Jiu. Wu Yanzi is looking for demonic cultivation manuals because Shen Yuan has almost one of each manual, encyclopedia, etc ever written.
He pays no mind since he doesn't really care if malicious people come in or not. He does passively keep an ear out just in case.
Wu Yanzi finds a cultivation manual that has everything he needed and could be sold for a lot of money since it was extremely rare and in pristine condition. He tries to sneak it into his bag, and the dragon just eats him. No warning. No heads up. No trumpets or fanfare. No foreboding messages to return the book. Just chomp.
Shen Jiu is taken aback because did his teacher just get eaten? JUST LIKE THAT?!
The dragon nudges the stolen book back into the shelf and looks at Shen Jiu. Shen Jiu is convinced he's going to die there. Except he doesn't get eaten or harmed. He gets gingerly picked up by the back of his robes and taken to the spiritual cultivation section of the library.
Shen Jiu gets plopped onto the floor and the dragon nudges a few beginner and cleansing cultivation manual to fall from the shelf for him and then promptly crawls back to its den.
Shen Jiu, who is instilled with the undescribable urge to scream "what the FUCK?!", instead sits down and starts reading and practicing because honest to god are you going to disobey a dragon that absolutely towers over you?
So when he's satisfied with his cultivation progress, he finally gets ready to leave. The dragon comes back only to put the books away from the shelves that were too far up for Shen Jiu to reach.
Shen Jiu thanks the dragon, which only gets him a huff in response, and because he hates to be in someone's debt (even if that someone is a dragon hundred of years his senior) he says he'll return with books to fill more shelves. He leaves soon after.
He manages to get the Qing Jing Peak Lord's attention during the Immortal Alliance Conference, which was his intention. He gets in a little late but his cultivation is practically caught up. He easily ranks up to head disciple.
During his time in Cang Qiong Shen Jiu jots down everything he learns. He writes down music he composes, discoveries he makes, talisman and array designs he creates, even poems he has written. His Shizun insists that he adds them to the Qing Jing library, and he does but he leaves polished copies of his work and excludes the very important parts.
Eventually when he's peak lord, he goes on an expedition by himself with the scrolls and books he's filled through the years. He finds the dragon's cavern and finally meets it after so long. He presents his life's work to the dragon, practically bearing his heart to it.
The dragon looks at him curiously and transforms into a human form. Shen Jiu watches as the dragon takes the bag from his hands and pulls out the first book, which had all the songs he made for the jiejies in the Warm Red Pavilion to preform.
The dragon say down and invited Shen Jiu to join him. He does and the dragon continues to go through everything while asking him questions about something he wrote or created. Sometimes they get off task and start talking about something else and both appreciate being able to talk to someone that understands classics or is good at debating.
By the time Shen Yuan finally finishes with everything Shen Jiu gave him, they have surprisingly clicked very well. Shen Yuan tells him he's going to make a section in his library for all his works, so he can bring more if he wished because Shen Yuan thought he was a genius that was just starting to shine.
Shen Jiu agrees to continue giving Shen Yuan his work if only to have an excuse to return. And that's how it became tradition that every once in a while the Qing Jing Peak Lord will go off the mountain with a stack of books for days on end and return to none of them.
Sometimes he would even have a strange man come to his peak. If the man visited, that meant Shen Qingqiu was going to be in a good mood, so obviously the kids always told him to stay or come back soon.
And also just as obviously, this is incredibly suspicious to the other peak lords. Cue Liu Qingge and Qi Qingqi pestering Shen Qingqiu and demanding to know what is the meaning of this. Also cue Shen Yuan misunderstanding and getting jealous and then realizing he has feelings for Shen Jiu (after a solid month(s) of denial).
So the next course of action is to keep Shen Jiu from Liu Qingge and Qi Qingqi because they're threats to Shen Yuan's time alone with Shen Jiu. Also he doesn't trust how Shen Jiu covers his face with his fan when they talk to him. Shen Jiu also covers his face when they both talk, so obviously that must mean something and he doesn't like it.
Isn't dragon jealousy great?
Eventually the peak lords find out about Shen Yuan and it was definitely a whole ordeal. Shen Yuan maybe threatened to burn Cang Qiong to the ground at some point, but the threat didn't go through so did it really happen?
Shen Jiu definitely knows about Shen Yuan's feelings for him and is absolutely fucking smug about it. Like who wouldn't want a highly intelligent dragon with a library that is any scholar's wet dream that INSTANTLY becomes a begging puppy when he wants your attention.
As far as Shen Jiu is concerned, he's winning at life.
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divinesolas · 3 months
The Rockstar and Me
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requested: would it be okay, if I requested a rockstar!jace x reader? were theve been best friends since childhood and the reader has a crush on jace. jace is a really popular upcoming rockstar and is super busy. he dosnt see reader the same way (just as there bestfriend) and kind neglects the reader bc he's really busy. so one night the reader has enough and they decide they need to take a break from there friendship, so they don't talk for a while. and then jace kinda realises he missed up and took the readers love for granted. In this time he he realizes he like her too.
w.c: 1.6k
c.w: just some minor angst and some fluff :3, not proofread
masterlist - requests open
You are going to scream.
Not of horror and certainly not of pleasure but you were just so annoyed.
Your roommate would not stop playing their fucking songs, most people would call you crazy but you swear you were about to look for a new apartment and put in big red letters, DO NOT REPLY IF YOU LIKE THE WEST DRAGONS. You have nothing against their music but it all just leads back to him.
Childhood best friend and crush turned ex-best friend rockstar Jacaerys Velaryon. He was your best friend for so long and you had liked him, a part of you still does. A part of you still misses him but you did what you had to do.
You could not just sit around and let him ignore you like that, time and time again he would blow you off to the point you grew sick of it and blocked his number and never looked back. You didn’t just ghost him. instead opting to send him a long messages about how you needed space and he was no longer the guy you knew anymore and told him you were gonna reach out anymore.
That was three months ago and your sure he hasn’t even fucking read it let alone try to reply to it. Three months since your life flipped upside down, moving to a new place, still in the same city but further away from him, new job and some new friends, it was odd at first and still is, being away from him but you won’t just let yourself be walked all over like that.
You had planned to stay in tonight like you normally would but your roommate had other plans, standing in the middle of the room bickering with you while you try to block out the sound of their music in the background.
“I don’t wanna go out sab.” “Come on live a little, come out to the bar with me.” “Maybe another night.” “Nope you are coming tonight. right now. get dressed.”
With that she sprints out of the room and you groan knowing she won’t take no for an answer and get up to get ready. Its just one night out, it won’t be so bad, plus it a good excuse so you don't have to hear his music anymore.
Yet when you walk into the bar its packed with people lining up in front of the stage, you turn to sab and tilt your head. “What is going on?”
She looks at you with a big grin on her face, “I didn’t tell you, oh my god the west dragons are performing here in a few.” Your stomach drops.
No you had to leave, maybe you could fake an illness? No she would catch on and force you to stay. You could make yourself throw up? that would cause too much of a scene. You were definitely going to be sick when you see the lights dim and they walk up on the stage.
He’s the drummer he should not even see you right? you’ll just sit at the bar and count down the seconds until the show is over and you can book it out of the room. Aegon greets the crowd as the groups lead singer and your stomach continues to churn. You met him a handful of times and he was always nice to you, he had a nice voice you could agree but you felt so sick anytime you heard their songs.
The show went on without a hitch and you wish the ringing in your ears would get louder so you wouldnt have to hear it. You find yourself reminiscing about your time with jace with every song that plays. You miss him. Much more than you’d like to admit.
You dont allow your eyes to drift behind aegon, yet you hear him, the sound of the drums, it haunts you, sometimes you can see his hands peak out, when aegon moves you can see his dark curls but never look too close to see his face.
They are taking a mini break with aegon entertaining the crowd, the show is almost over, you could not wait to go take a shower and try to act like this night never happened. Aegons eyes drift around the crowd while he’s talking and they land on you, you watch as his eyes widen and he stumbles over his speech for a moment as he turns back for a second to look at jace.
That was not good. Not good at all. “What was that? do you think he thinks your cute?” “definitely not.” Your words come out more strained than you would like and she looks at you confused, “Is something wrong?”
You open and close your mouth unable to know what to say. Your chest feels like its closing in on its self as she grabs your shoulders worriedly. “I need some air.” You quickly stand and rush out of the bar, sab quickly following after you. The two of you don’t notice the pairs of eyes that trail after you.
You lean against the wall on the outside and try to catch your breath. You did not think this would affect you so much, maybe because your whole life has been around him that now it just feels odd that he’s not around. This whole thing reminded you too much of going to his gigs and him coming up to you after the show to ask you what you thought.
“Who cares if i liked it jace? the people loved it.” “I care, you matter more to me than them.”
“Okay what the hell was that?” You run your hands along your face and stare at sab as she looks at your worried. “Its nothing.”
“oh fuck off its not nothing, nobody just runs out the room looking like they just saw their ex boyfriend over nothing.” She gasps at her own words and covers her mouth, “Oh my god wait did you actually date aegon? fuck if i knew i wouldnt have brought you here im sorry-” “I didn’t date ageon sab and i didnt date any of them.” “Then what happened?”
The two of you freeze as someone clears their throat and sab gasps as she turns around. “Im sorry to interrupt but, do you mind if we talk?” Jace. He was staring right at you. Sab looks between the two of you and gives you a look that says she wants to hear all about this before she runs off.
You stand in silence,, not wanting to be the first to speak. He puts his hands in his pockets and kicks on of the rocks on the ground. “How,,, um how are you?” “Im good.” He nods and continues to simply look anywhere but your face. “Thats good thats good um..” Its awkward. So awkward. It was never this way before but you guess thats just what time apart does to people. And you hate it.
“How are you?” He looks up at you shocked before he stumbles over his words, clearly very nervous. “Im good, im good, um, no no im not good actually. I miss you, so much.” Your breath hitches as you watch him continue to speak, “I regret how i treated you, so much. Im so sorry i miss you more than anything please, i just want us to be friends again, ill do anything to make it up to you.”
You don’t know what to say what to do. This is what you’ve been dreaming of for so long but your heart aches at the thought of returning to being just friends.
“I can’t be friends with you jace.” He stumbles back as if you had shoved him and he looks around attempting to compose himself. You swear you can see tears glazing in his eyes, “I um,” His voice cracks as he speaks and he coughs into his arm, “I understand yes of course, im sorry for bother-”
“I cant be friends with you jace because i cant bare being just friends. All ive ever wanted for so long was to be more with you, and if i go back to being just friends ill spend the rest of my life miserable because ill just be dreaming to be more with you.”
You do not even know when you had begun crying but you feel the tears begin to run down your face as you close your eyes and tilt your head down towards the ground. You feel his hands grip your face and pull you up to look at him, seeing his own tears running down his face.
“Im sorry, im so sorry. I love you. Im sorry it took me so long to realize this and that i had to be apart from you to know but ive realized i need you, i love you so much youre my best friend, the only person i need, i love you.”
You shake your head in disbelief, “You dont mean it.” “I do i do mean it, i love you so much.”
He presses his forehead against yours and you sob harder. “I love you jace.”
“I love you so much, i will work everyday to earn your forgiveness to even be worthy or your love.”
He shakily presses his lips against yours in a peck and you two smile at one another.
“No more ignoring me?”
“Never, never again.”
perm jace taglist <3
@tyronesien @itsbookworm987 @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @jacesvelaryons @ravenn-darkholme
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 3 months
the platonic little sister relationship aegon has to someone like reader 😭 i hope we can see more, but like without the darkness of house of the dragon nor gore of it, just aegon ii staring at his little sister and vowing the world and even the throne for her, relinquishing it the first chance that he gets to rhaenyra whilst in tears holding his littlest sister 😭 he wishes no throne, no treasures, no liquor, only her safety and nothing more. i can imagine him trying to escape with her to the free lands because she is the only good in his world and he’d be damned if he let otto try and spoil the only kindness that the gods have give him. i can also imagine him stowing away on his dragon and flying on dragonback to the blacks to proclaim his loyalty with little reader bundled up in his cloak. i can imagine him fiercely protective but also relenting when he knows she is happy, being by her side as her older brother and uncle to her children to whomever it may be 😭
(sorry for the long anon, i just wish to see more 😭)
- familial issues anon 😔
author notes: I promise, I'm gonna write a fluffy part 3 after this.. pairing: King Aegon ii Targaryen x Younger Sister! Reader ( Platonic ) prompt: When Blood and Cheese attack, the feeling of being safe in the Red Keep dies along with your sweet nephew and son. word count: 1, 000+ words
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The night of Blood and Cheese, you had wandered into the children's bedchamber. Something pulled you from your dreams, telling you that the children needed you. You did not know a thing. The night was quiet and cool, the gentle pouring of rain filling the air. Everyone was safe and content. No harm could come to any of you with Vhagar in the City. But, as you got closer and closer, blissfully unaware.
You did not know the horrors that awaited you. Helaena held at knife point, her eyes so wide and full of silent horror. Your son cuddled up next to Jaehaera and Jaehaerys like he always did, all three of them dead asleep and unaware. Two men, one tall and imposing. The other thin and chuckling like a mad man. A debt they said, "A son for a son."
A son for a son. A son for a son. The world that that point is going silent and you think of was, why? Why? Why? Why?
You don't remember much of anything, no matter how much you tried to, just the muffled screams and sound of flesh being cut. You stumbled and wandered down the empty halls of the Red Keep, a dead look on your face. A thousand unspoken words on your tongue.
A son for a son. A son for a son. A son for a son. A son for a son. Where the fuck were the guards? Where were the maids? Where was everyone? They liked to snoop, so why this time were they gone?
You did not know when Helaena had departed from your side. You just vaguely remembered bumping into one of Aegon's friends, the drunken smile on his face falling. His face went pale and a stuttered call for Aegon.
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Staring dead at the man, you could not remember his name, just that he was kind and one of Aegon's friends. Feeling your bottom lip wobble, you tried to hold back the sobs, emotions bubbling up. Feeling familiar hands on your shoulder, you dreadfully become aware of the wetness in your nightgown, though it was not your monthly blood or rain that soaked the linen. The realization trickled in that it was blood sinking in. Blood. Jaehaerys blood. Your son's blood.
"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me, look at me, not the blood. Tell me what's happened." A voice faintly orders, "Y/n, look at me. Look at me."
Blinking back the tears that bubbled up, your vision clears up, seeing Aegon standing right in front of you. He reeks of strongwine. But, the look on his face was deadly sober. Seeing his lips moving, you couldn't hear him, the haunting sound of Jaehaerys and your son slowly being beheaded still ringing in your ears. Son for a son. A son for a son. Jaehaerys was just a boy. He was barely six years old. A baby. Helaena's baby. Your boy was a year his younger, only five.
"You weren't there. Why weren't you there?" You hiccup, "You were always there. Why weren't you there?!"
"You said you'd be there if we were in trouble. That⎯That⎯That if we need you, you would be there. Why weren't you there? Why weren't you there?!" You scream out, your pained voice echoing loudly.
"Who's blood is that? Where is your son?" Aegon asks, his face and voice of panic.
Son for a son. A son for a son. Son for a son. A son for a son. Your son. Why him? He wasn't Aegon's heir. He wasn't Aegon's son in any way. He wasn't anyone's but your own. Your baby. Your sweet baby. Why did they pick him? He was no threat. He was just sleeping. He wasn't harming anyone.
"Gods damn it, Y/n! Where is your son?! Where is he?! Who's blood is that?" He demands, "Tell me, tell me."
"The...They took his head..The boy...My boy..Blood..He's in the bed...They came from the walls..Helaena.." You choke out, not able to properly string together a sentence.
Bursting into a fit of tears, the throne exploded into chaos the moment tears were spilled, orders and demands being spouted out to anyone in ear shot. Why? Why? Why? The Red Keep was safe. Aegon told you it was safe. It was supposed to be safe. That they would not dare to harm any of you. It was supposed to be safe.
'You will never have to marry again. You and your son are under my protection. No harm shall come to you whilst you stay in the Red Keep, sweet sister. I swear upon it.' He had said, tucking back a strand of hair from your face.
'No harm shall come to you whilst you stay in the Red Keep, sweet sister. I swear upon it.'
'No harm shall come to you whilst you stay in the Red Keep, sweet sister.
'No harm shall come to you...I swear upon it.'
When did your big brother become such a fucking liar?
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Watching you collapse to the ground, Aegon swiftly follows you to the ground, cuddling you close to his chest. He may have been a little tipsy, but now he was dead sober. You stumbled in, looking more like a ghost than a person. Your hair down, you always loved to leave it down when going to bed. Your nightgown, white with little butterflies sewn into the hem, now stained in blood. Who's? He did not know and dreaded finding out.
Stroking your hair tenderly, he prayed, truly prayed for the first time since his youth. Not for your safe return home. Not for his Father's love or a fragment of his time. Not for the Seven to rid him of all the bad in him. He prayed that you were just spouting out about some nightmare. That this was just like all those times in your youth, when you'd sneak into his chambers. A whimpering mess, spouting about the monster under your bed.
"It's just a dream. It's just a dream." Aegon tries to reassure, not sure if he was trying to convince you or himself.
"Aegon, what⎯what⎯what do we do?" One of his friends stutters out, a shell shocked look on his face.
"Get the fucking guards! Wake the fucking Keep up! Damn it!" Aegon bellows, his face flushing red from anger.
Struggling to figure out what to focus on, he couldn't keep up as the Red Keep seemingly exploded. Guards are everywhere. Orders being spouted out. He wasn't sure if his voice was one of them. It was all just a blur. This could not be real. This had to be a nightmare or a figment of his drunken mind. Soon enough he would awake. You'd come into his chamber's like you do every morning, warning him that your Mother was on her way. Yes, yes, that was it. He would wake up and everything would be good.
"Aegon. Aegon." Someone calls out for him, his grip tightening on you instinctively.
"Your grace, the Prince Jaehaerys and Prince⎯" A guard stops speaking, the look on his face enough to make his blood cold.
"No, they are alright. Tis' just a minor wound, no?" Aegon shakes his head, not wanting to think of the worse. "Just a bloody nose or.."
"Your grace.." The guard shakes his head, "I am afraid tis' more grave than a bloody nose."
Feeling tears bubbling up in his eyes, he shakes his head, laughing bitterly in disbelief. This could not be true. This had to be some jest. Some dream of his. There was no way that his son and your own were dead. The Red Keep was safe. Rhaenyra would be a fool to attack with Vhagar flying above. Hearing your wails grow louder and more heart wrenching, it felt like the world just fucking snapped. Tears of sadness morphing into red hot anger. His face hardening.
They killed your son. They killed his son, his heir. They fucking made you cry. They made you and Helaena watch. Fuck the peace treaty. Fuck being kind and being cordial. Fuck doing this the proper way. Fuck all of them. He'd killed them. He'd kill them all for this. He'd kill anyone who dared to do this. He'd fucking murder all of their bloodline for this. This was war. This was fucking war.
"I'll kill them! I'll kill them all! Traitor's and murderer's!"
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roosterforme · 3 months
Covering the Classics Part 16 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Bob wasn't expecting to find Anna touching herself and whining his name when he got home early, but when he did, he made sure to give her exactly what she wanted. He was ready to tell her he was in love, but that sentiment was going to have to take a backseat to the plan that she was formulating in her mind. Anna was going to fight for what she wanted one last time.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, unprotected sex, smut, masturbation, 18+
Length: 4300 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more!
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Being in Bob's house was getting to be progressively more of an issue for Anna. She felt comfortable and protected here. There were books and cozy rooms and delicious food. And Bob. Everything smelled like him and reminded her of him, and even the way he lined things up on his bathroom counter made her smile.
It was hard to keep her hands off of him, and she was starting to see that the feeling was mutual. She was feeling more confident around him. Everything was unrushed and easier this time. They'd already had sex. They were sharing a bed. But all the little kisses here and there were starting to build up into something more, and she wanted all of him.
When Bob left to play Dungeons & Dragons on Saturday night, she intended to do some chores and finish grading quizzes. But when she took the rest of her clean laundry upstairs to organize it, she was enveloped in his scent as she stood in his bedroom. She moaned softly and squeezed her thighs together, always surprised by how something so simple could turn her on when it came to him. She was still holding her only nice underwear set when she checked the time and realized she could probably get herself off before he got home. And once she got started, there was no stopping her.
The lace fabric felt amazing on her skin, and she consciously replaced the memory of buying this little getup to celebrate Kevin's thirtieth birthday with this new one. She crawled across Bob's bed, buried her nose in his pillow and moaned as she thought of him. A few nights ago, she felt his erection pressed to her thigh, and now she was thinking about how he would feel and taste on her tongue.
"Oh, god," she groaned softly, easing herself down onto her stomach, inhaling deeply while she rubbed her lace covered pussy against his plush bedding. She could so easily picture Bob above and behind her, pulling her underwear to the side and fucking her down into the bed while he braced himself with his strong forearms on either side of her.
Soap and tea and something sweet. His pillow smelled intoxicating. Just like his skin. She was so warm, she could feel a sheen of sweat along her back as she wiggled her hips slowly back and forth and ground down for more pressure. She rolled onto her back, easing her right hand down her neck to her breasts, teasing herself while she thought about how good Bob made her feel. Her hand continued down her body until it was tucked in the front of her panties, and she gasped at how wet she was.
Anna guided her index and middle fingers down into her slick, coating them before swirling them around her clit. She gasped softly, imagining Bob's lips plucking her instead. His cheeks felt a little rough with stubble last time when he had his mouth on her, and her panties almost offered her a similar sensation as the lace scraped along her inner thighs. 
Her imagination ran wild, like she was reading one of Bob's more graphic poems. Red hair and freckles. She had what he liked best. She braced her feet on his bed as she thought about his firm tongue drawing perfect circles on her pussy, and she emulated the motion with her fingers. 
"Oh," she moaned, working herself up, wishing she could feel his big hands on her thighs. She squeezed her eyes shut as she started to flutter deep inside. "Fuck," she grunted. "Fuck me, Bob," she begged, remembering how his blue eyes focused on hers even as he pleasured her with his mouth. "Oh, god. I want you!"
Her back arched slightly off the bed as her orgasm washed over her, and she shoved her fingers as deep inside herself as she could. She swore she smelled him everywhere, and it felt amazing, but not quite as good as the real thing.
Her eyes snapped open, and she gasped as she saw him standing there in the soft, warm lamplight with his hand inside his unzipped pants. She pulled her fingers free of her soaked pussy as she watched Bob's wild eyes.
"Oh my god!" she practically shrieked, face flushing pink. "Bob! You're back early!"
He nodded, and she couldn't look away once she realized he was stroking himself at the foot of the bed. "I wanted to come back home as soon as I left," he panted. "I wanted to be with you. And now I want to fuck you."
"Oh," she sighed, getting up so she was kneeling in the middle of his bed, licking her lips. She was turned on all over again, nipples hard as she crawled toward him. His pretty cock hung out of his jeans, and she looked up at his face as she licked the bead of his precum. She swallowed him down and whispered, "That's exactly what I want you to do. As soon as I'm done here."
Bob stared down at her in a daze as she kitten licked the head of his cock, and then his hands were in her hair. "Anna," he whispered, and she could feel goosebumps breaking out on the back of her neck. She pulled him deeper into her mouth, and even his grunting sounded beautiful. His fingertips dug into her scalp as he responded to her mouth, and Anna took him deeper still. "Oh, god," he whined as her lip brushed his rough hairs, and she gagged. "Anna."
She pulled him free with a soft pop and looked up at him as she said, "I'm happy you came home early."
He scooped her up, and she squealed as he hauled her back up to the top of the bed. Once again, he was a little bit rougher than she anticipated, but he was also so sweet as she found herself propped up on his pillow with Bob on top of her. His hard cock was resting on her thigh, still damp from her mouth, and he was bracing himself with his biceps bulging. She reached up to cup his cheeks and kiss him softly as her thumbs ran along his stubble.
"You're wearing them," he muttered between soft kisses as he started rutting against her.
"Huh?" she sighed, fingers creeping back into his soft hair.
"The black lace. The bra and panties," he grunted as Anna spread her legs wider so she could feel him against her core. "I looked at them a million times in the laundry room. You look beautiful."
Before she could respond, his mouth collided with hers, and she reached down to get his shirt off. She wanted to feel his skin on hers. When she yanked it over his head, his glasses were crooked on his face so she straightened them out for him as she whispered, "I can't stop thinking about you. I think about you all day."
Then he was up off the bed, and she shivered without his warmth as she watched him kick off his shoes, sending them in opposite directions across the room before tearing off his jeans, boxer briefs and socks. He palmed his big, heavy cock, eyes wide as he knelt on the bed once more, and then her legs were thrown over his shoulders as he licked her through her underwear. 
All she could feel were stubble and lace on her sensitive skin as he soaked the fabric with his saliva before gently easing it down her legs. "All these freckles," he muttered to himself, and then his lips were on her bare pussy, and she had to grab fistfuls of the bedding. She was so wet from their combined efforts and her attraction to him, and her back arched off the bed when his lips wrapped around her clit. His hands slid up her sides to her breasts, and he yanked the bra cups down as he sucked on her. 
"Fuck," she whined, his big hands all over her breasts as he ate her out like they had been doing this for years. As if he knew exactly what she liked best. Soon Anna found herself riding his face, thighs tightening against his head. Maybe this is what he always did; treating women to his mouth before fucking them could have been his regular routine, but she was losing her mind over it for the second time now. And she wanted him to get rougher again.
"Fuck me," she begged, and his lips released her. He licked a long stripe up from her hole that made her shake in his grasp.
"Yeah?" he asked, making sure he had permission. His cheeks were flushed as he looked up her body at her as she nodded enthusiastically. "Last time you let me... cum inside you."
"Oh my god, yes," she moaned at the memory as his big hands squeezed her breasts. Then he was on top of her kissing and licking his way up her body, muttering about her freckles before pulling her nipple between his lips. His cock was right at her opening, and she moaned his name as he eased his hips forward and treated her to the tip.
When she tried to roll her hips for more, his hand pinned her down while he sucked on her breasts. And when she tried again, he released her long enough to say, "Don't rush it." All she could do was lay there with her feet braced against the bed and her sweaty palms clutching his sheets while he ran his nose along her freckles and tasted her skin.
After a few minutes, her teeth were chattering as she whispered, "Please? Bob. Please." And then her body relaxed until she felt like she melted as he thrust himself deep.
Of course he was going to give Anna what she wanted. He had one fist wrapped up in her hair and the other holding her thigh, keeping her spread open for him as he tried to concentrate on each thrust. But she just felt so tight, and her tits were bouncing above her lace bra. He kissed all the freckles on her neck and along her elegant cheeks, taking the time to lick the darkest one that was closer to her ear while she grabbed at his shoulders.
This wasn't what he was expecting to find when he got home tonight. He thought maybe she'd be asleep or snuggled up in his bed. Instead her fingers were knuckle deep in her pussy as she whined for him with her eyes closed. How was he supposed to do anything except fuck her until she had exactly what she wanted from him? How was he ever supposed to stop wanting her exactly like this?
He was in love, and he was ready to tell her now. He didn't give a damn about Kevin or anything else. He would wait as long as it took to label it, but he wanted to be in a relationship, and he never wanted her to stop sharing his bed. When he tugged on her hair, she looked up at him through slightly dazed eyes, and he said, "Baby, tell me I'm allowed to cum inside you."
Instead of the answer he was expecting, she giggled softly and said, "You can cum wherever you want."
"Fuck," he gasped, dipping down to kiss her neck again as he brought his fingers down to her clit. Then she got really loud for him as he stroked her and fucked her harder. The sounds of their bodies meeting and the sounds from her mouth were so indecent, Bob was already seeing stars. He was closer than he wanted to be, but he felt her start shaking as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He went deep and she tossed her head back, arching her breasts against him as he sucked harder on her neck.
As soon as she hit another orgasm, pussy pulsing around his cock, it was over. He came inside her before pulling out and decorating her belly and even her tits and that pretty bra as well before he was spent. He was still holding his cock, trying to catch his breath, when she reached for him and cleaned his tip off with her tongue. Her brown eyes were wide as she looked up at him with his cock between her lips, and he whispered, "You can't run this time. I need you."
"I'm not going anywhere," she promised, reaching for her discarded panties. "Clean me up so we can take a shower together?"
Bob nodded without saying another word as she kissed his softening cock and handed the underwear to him, guiding his hand down to the mess he made. She smiled and bit her lip as he wiped up his cum with the black lace, running it along her pussy and making her gasp his name.
"Come here," he whispered as he stood with the sticky underwear in his hand. He scooped her up when she crawled to him, and he carried her to the bathroom while she kissed along his neck. Without setting her down, Bob turned on the shower and let the water rinse her underwear as it warmed up. "Go ahead and climb in," he said, finally letting her feet touch the floor.
Anna's hair darkened to that irresistible shade of red as soon as the water hit it. She still looked a bit dazed as she stood there in her bra for a few seconds before finally removing it. Bob hung both pieces of her lingerie over the towel bar before he set down his glasses and joined her under the warm spray, and she tucked herself naturally into his arms. That's when he saw the bruise already blooming on the side of her neck, and he touched her there as he softly asked, "Did I hurt you?"
He took her chin in his hand and turned her face carefully away from him as he said, "I bruised you. Shit. Does it hurt?"
"No," she murmured, easing herself back into his arms. "It felt exquisite when you did it, and it doesn't hurt now."
"Good." He kissed the top of her head. "I never want to hurt you." The last person he ever wanted to make her think of was Kevin who seemed to have no remorse at all about leaving bruises on her arm and screaming in her face.
"You wouldn't," she whispered, barely audible over the sound of the water around them. "You're perfect. You're Sky Writing. You're Bob."
He held her close for a few minutes, enjoying the way her hands felt on his wet skin and in his hair. He kissed her softly and said, "Baby, you stole my heart." He grinned when she looked up at him with those hazy brown eyes and a little smile of her own, but then she gasped and jolted back a few inches.
"Wait," she muttered, releasing his body even as he still held onto her hips. Her gaze drifted away from his face as she worked her lip between her teeth, and when he started talking she shushed him. "I stole it? I stole it." Her gaze snapped back to his as she said, "I fucking stole it."
"Yeah?" he asked, concern crinkling his brow, unsure what to say, but it didn't matter, because she grabbed at his biceps and laughed loudly.
"I'll steal it." She gaped up at him with eyes wide as she said, "I'm going to steal it. You're a genius."
"I'm confused," he whispered as she laughed and buried her face against his chest and screamed softly. "So confused."
"I've figured it out! I'll steal my manuscript back from Kevin! It makes so much sense now!"
"It does?" he asked as she reached for his bottle of shampoo with a bright smile. 
"Oh, yes," she confirmed, working her hair into a lather. "And I think my idea is just unhinged enough to work."
They finished up in the shower quicker than Bob would have hoped given that he wanted to spend an hour running his soapy hands on her body. But it was after midnight now, and Anna was working through her plan silently with the promise that she almost had it in order in her mind. And soon enough she was wearing nothing but one of his undershirts with her damp hair clipped up on top of her head as she pushed him toward his bed.
Bob dropped down onto his back with his arms folded behind his head as she straddled his naked body and settled in with her hands on her thighs and her pussy resting on his abs. She clapped her hands together in excitement as he said, "You really put this whole plan together right after we had sex, huh?"
"I did," she confirmed with a giggle.
Bob snorted. "Bradley or Jake would call that 'post nut clarity'."
"Of course they would," she said with an eye roll. "But maybe they aren't wrong. I feel better than I have in months right now."
Bob smirked, feeling a little smug at the moment. "I'm ready," he said. "Tell me the plan."
Anna leaned down to kiss him once before settling back into her upright position with a smile. "I'm going to steal his computer from Kevin's hotel room."
Bob just blinked up at her. He opened his mouth and then closed it several times, unsure what to say. "Steal it? You realize you kind of sound like Nicolas Cage? Like you're going to try to steal the Declaration of Independence?"
"He did it successfully in the movie!"
"Didn't they basically tear apart the entire city of Philadelphia? Are you going to destroy San Diego?"
"Stop it," she said with a laugh. "I'm going to do nothing of the sort! But I've been spending all week thinking that there must be some benefit to still being married to Kevin."
Bob cringed. "Baby, please don't say those words. You don't belong with him."
She shrugged a little bit and nodded. "I know," she said quietly. "But it's still the truth. I'm stuck with him right now, but this might work. Besides, I finally accepted the fact I don't need my manuscript to be happy, but I do still really want it back. He doesn't deserve it."
Bob nodded too. "You're absolutely right. You don't need it, but you deserve it. So how are we going to do this thing?"
Her eyes widened, and her lips parted softly as she shook her head. "I can't ask you to help me with this. I can do it alone."
He sat up with her in his lap and wrapped both arms around her as his forehead met hers. "I don't want you going anywhere near him alone ever again."
"Well, I have his conference schedule memorized," she whispered. "I can do it without even seeing him. I think."
Bob sighed and pulled her down with him as he lay back on his pillow once more. "I want to help you." He drew little circles along her thighs. "Let me help you."
She yawned and curled up on his chest, and he held her just like he had been doing every night. "Maybe it would be a good idea to have someone there with me," she said slowly. "And I'm going to need to borrow a cocktail dress from Jessica. And possibly some nicer shoes."
Bob listened to her thoughts on the plan as she faded off to sleep in the very early hours of Sunday morning, more determined than ever to try to keep Anna with him. 
Anna spent most of Sunday in bed with Bob. They didn't leave the warm sanctuary until noon, and even then it was only because his stomach was growling aggressively loudly. He skipped his afternoon run to make two omelettes stuffed full of cheese and vegetables, and Anna kissed his worried brow a million times as she told him her plan once again for the following evening.
"If Kevin catches on to what you're doing..." Bob mused out loud as she sat perched on his lap at the table. "I don't know, Anna. It's risky."
"It'll be like an adventure novel," she insisted. "Like Dumas! Or Cervantes! Maybe even Robert Louis Stevenson!" When he still looked nowhere near convinced, she sighed and said, "This is it, okay? If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work, but I've already tried everything else. And I refuse to let my fear of Kevin dictate whether or not I'm even going to try to get it back one last time."
His blue eyes were bright behind his glasses as he said, "So, this is confident Anna. I like her, too."
She smiled, and once they finished eating their very late breakfast, she took him upstairs again, pushed him down on his bed, and straddled his hips. Twenty minutes later, Bob was babbling about confident Anna as she rode him until they both came.
It wasn't until Monday morning that the dreamy weekend gave way to something a bit more anxiety inducing. Bob definitely knew the plan, but he was quiet as he packed their lunches. When Jessica arrived, she knocked on the door and handed Anna a garment bag containing three cocktail dresses and a pair of black stilettos.
"What do you need them for?" she asked with a wink, looking past Anna to where Bob was lacing up his boots. "Are you two going out somewhere?"
Anna exchanged a look with him, and when she turned back toward Jessica, her friend looked decidedly less enthusiastic. "Not exactly. But thanks for letting me borrow them." After that, she kissed Bob goodbye and whispered, "I'll see you later tonight." Then she got in the car with Jessica and headed to work with Bob's lunchbox.
The ride was quiet at first before Jessica finally asked, "Did you have a good time on Saturday night? I think Bob was a little anxious to leave D&D to get back to you."
Her cheeks flushed pink as she buried her face in her hands. "Jessica. I'm so in love with him. Everything about Bob is effortless, and he makes me feel safe."
"So you fucked again?"
Anna laughed. "Yes, Jessica. We fucked again. And tonight, I'm going to get myself free of Kevin once and for all. One way or another."
"How?" her friend asked in excitement as she parked in the faculty lot next to the science building. But Anna was already out of the car and heading toward her own office so she could make it to her first lecture of the week on time.
"Thanks for the ride! I'll see you by the weird tree!"
There was a hopefulness inside her as she gave her Classics lecture. The fall term was winding down, and she was already looking forward to teaching again in the spring. She was ready to meet with the dean about tenure. She was ready for tonight to go smoothly so she could take full ownership of her life here.
When she approached her friends at lunchtime, Anna looked at them a little bit nervously. Asking to borrow a dress and some shoes was one thing, but she did need something else if she was going to play a convincing role later. She sat down between the two of them while they argued with each other about some law of physics that she didn't even understand, and when Jessica finally stopped long enough to take a deep breath, Anna turned toward the other woman.
"I know this is going to be a very strange request. And I'm sorry for putting you on the spot right now."
"Oh," Jessica said. "Does this have to do with Kevin?"
"Yes," Anna said, glancing at her quickly before turning back to Advanced Calculus, her sharp gaze concerned now.
"What do you need? I'll help you if I can," she told Anna with a shrug.
Anna's gaze fell to her left hand as she held the container of hummus that Bradley packed for her, and she softly asked,  "Can I borrow your engagement ring and wedding band?"
Without hesitation, she set the container down and started to twist the rings on her finger, loosening them to remove them as tears filled Anna's eyes. She never thought that moving to San Diego would change her life so much, but now she had two friends who would seemingly do anything for her without question.
"How long do you need them? Because Bradley is going to notice they are missing immediately when he picks me up later," she replied, dropping both rings into Anna's hand.
"Just for tonight," Anna promised, slipping them onto her own finger before anything could happen to them. She hadn't missed her rings one bit since she sold them off, and she already felt more protective of her friend's rings than she had of her own. "I can drop them off at your house later."
"Sounds good," her friend replied easily before biting into a carrot stick. "So according to Jess, you and Bob are fucking again? Why don't we cover that topic before lunch is over? And then you better fill us in on this Kevin business."
So with a poorly contained smile and the barest amount of details, Anna told them about her weekend and her plans for tonight and tomorrow.
Fight, Anna, fight! Send Kevin back to New Jersey empty handed! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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queers-gambit · 9 months
The Battle Above the God’s Eye
part one: Sands of Time
prompt: decades after the Stepstones, it's his turn to be rescued.
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 6.3k+
note: i'm not the happiest with this piece, so i'll most definitely (probably) write an alternative when the time comes and the show does the Battle. y'all know me by now, you know i love me a good ol' reader-insert and i didn't want to wait years to publish some kind of sequel so here we are.
warnings: reader isn't explicitly a Targaryen but we had to make this work and i'm burnt the fuck out. so fuck it, dragon rider reader. cursing, books spoilers, violence, imagination required, maybe Red Priestess reader, mention of more Little Birds (let author live), toxic family (duh), heavily encouraged imagination, depictions of death, angst, some hurt and comfort i think ? missing warnings 'cause wonky brain goin' wonky.
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"There's rumor, Mistress, of a dragon the color of night," the hooded figure informed. "It nests in the Ruins of Ancient Valyria, seen by farmers and countryfolk; they say his wings beat like thunder. It's a colossal shadow they fear to engage, but after hearing your ransom, they reported it."
You hummed as you took a sip of scalding tea, finding comfort in the heat, musing, "I've been to the Ruins myself on two seperate excursions, I promise you, friend, there is no dragon that nests there."
"It's come from the East, a new beast in the sky."
"I require proof if I am to pay the ransom."
The man with a hood over his head reached for his rucksack and rummaged, a moment later, placing two items on the polished mahogany table between you both. One was unmistakably a dragon's tooth, and when you examined it, there was still clotted blood on the root - assuring it was a fresh pull. The second was a large black scale that weighed at least a dagger's worth.
You smirked, "This is promising. Where in the Ruins has it been seen? Who procured these artifacts?"
You discussed specifics with the man for an hour, offering him a hefty finder's fee after getting the name of the village the man had gathered his own information from. It was a messy journey from there; leaving the home you had made in the decades since the Stepstones to head for what was probably another dead end in Ancient Valyria. You were something akin to a magistrate, the people saw you as a figurehead, a leader; their person of authority who they were all too happy to follow.
Your village flourished, growing in size, number, popularity, and strength by the passing day. The people seemed happy, wealth flowing from exports and trade, and apparently, a few cartographers have begun the process of updating a few maps to add your village's name to history.
Much had changed in your time away from your Rogue Dragon Prince, but you knew that was all coming to an end soon. Your Lord of Light had shown you much in your flames, one of which was a repeating image of you, mounted atop a dragon all your own, soaring over the Narrow Sea with distinct purpose. You weren't a Targaryen, but your religious devotion seemingly gave you the ability to walk amongst beasts and their flames.
Exploring Ancient Valyria took over a year on foot.
You had plenty of encounters with the Stone Men, but all met their merciful demise - those left after that steered clear of you and your Valyrian Steel sword. Around the ruins of the ancient volcano that hadn't erupted since The Doom, you found a graveyard of goat, sheep, and cattle bones. There were bigger skeletons of aquatic creatures, something you found incredibly fascinating - what fully grown dragon went deep diving?
Soon, you found scat. For those who don't spend time in the wilderness or who are simply unfamiliar with the term, "scat" refers to waste produced by wild animals. Yeah, you're reading correctly, after you found the plethora of skeletons, you found dragon shit.
So, you knew you were closer than before. But the fucker still alluded you to the point you felt insane circling the Ruins.
You located about three different potential caverns, investigating them all with caution, but finding them all empty. Feeling exhausted from the months of searching, you claimed one of the caves as your own; hunting for a meal after gathering adequate fire wood. You listened to the untamed wilds of Valyria as you ate whatever you roasted, trying to distinguish familiar sounds of an approaching dragon.
Or perhaps even a distant one!
You'd take any sign!
It'd been weeks since you found the dragon droppings, no other signs appearing. You would search new areas for days, then return to your cave for rest; feeling disconnected from reality the longer you lingered in the ruined empire. You wondering what your village was doing, you were curious if the young woman, Ferona, had a baby boy or girl, if they had erected the new buildings you left blueprints for in an effort to create opportunist housing and houses of worship - as your people had requested.
How did the krill and shrimp season fair? What weddings happened this past spring? How was the irrigation system holding up?
Weeks drug by slowly. Weeks turned to longer months. Two years, you spent in that Gods forsaken ruin of a city - but couldn't find it in you to abandon your search.
Your Lord of Light had yet to send word, yet set your heart ablaze every time you "decided" to go home. You stared into the flames every night, desperate for any indication you were on the right path, but nothing was seen - nothing was said - nothing was shown to you. Until one night, during a torrential downpour and thunderous storm, you were shivering, drenched to your core, fighting the wind to let you keep your flames alive.
And there, in the dying, flickering warmth, you saw it. With wide, unblinking eyes, you stared into the flames harder; unsure how long you remained in the tranquil state before a particularly strong gust of wind nearly pushed you face-first into the embers. You gasped, looking around as the smoke nearly choked you as it filled the cave; stumbling out into the rain as you coughed and patted your chest. Stumbling slightly from malnourishment and delirium, you leaned on the outer shell of your "home", panting with relief before there came a screech so fearsome, you were then cowering into the wall with fear.
You dropped to your knees, huddled into the rock formation; the ground trembling as something enormous touched down. You gasped when through the haze of sideways rain, two nostrils flared and heaved thick plumes of smoke; reddened from the ignited flames deep within an invisible chest. You flattened against the wall, four taloned paws striking the ground and causing it to crack, quake, and tremble. With the fleeting clouds, you used the moon's light to distinguish the beast that loomed closer to you; over you; and then, in your face.
A long, blackened snout nearly pressed into your chest; fabric of your tunic caught in the razor sharp teeth. You had faced death, you had faced beasts, you had faced hacking axes and swinging swords. You had faced the wrath of the Queen Alysanne's court, the rumors of the common folk, and judgment from both man and God. But nothing was like this moment: a wild dragon staring you down, sniffing your chest and stomach, debating if it should just open it's mouth and eat you whole yet or not.
Thankfully, it chose an alternative route.
You're not fully sure how it happened, but you dedicated two years to finding this terrible beasty, and yet, it only took about 6 weeks to bond with the (obviously) young thing. Time with your Dragon Prince proved most useful, creating a bond so secure, you were beginning to wonder if someone deep in your bloodline had mated with a Targaryen. It was natural, the way you both became accustomed to one another; living together on a carbon-dated land long doomed.
The lessons from Daemon came flying back to you. You practiced your High Valyrian, laughing when you obviously got a word or two wrong because the dragon would snort at you. In the light, she was still the color of the night, but her scales were dusted the same gold as her eyes. She was impressive, she was huge in size but nowhere near Vhagar. In fact, you'd wager she had outgrew Caraxes - the only dragon you had true experience with.
Speaking of Caraxes, you were on the shores of Old Valyria, debating how you were going to convince your new companion to join you back "home" in the village, when suddenly, your beast gave a defensive growl.
Looking to the skyline, you spotted the distant dragon and frowned. This dragon wasn't the color of flames like Caraxes was, no, instead, it was a murky blob in the sky with two wings. You offered calming words to your dragon in her native language, not sensing danger, but your beast was unhappy leaving you in the open. Her tail curled around you to corral you back into her body as the muddy brown dragon landed with a thunderous shake a respectable distance away.
Your name was begged by the rider descending from who you recognized as a wild dragon by the name of Sheepstealer.
"Nettles? That you, love?" You asked in skepticism, managing out of your dragon's grasp. "What're you doing here? You all right?"
"I needed to find you," she panted. "I-I need you help - it's all - it's all gone wrong! Please!"
"What's wrong? The fuck's happened?"
"Do you know nothing, Auntie!? Do you know nothing of the war!?"
Your eyes rolled, "Watch that tone with me, girl. The Dance of Dragons is of no concern of mine, it had barely started when I came here."
"Well - it's your concern now," she insisted. "You took me under your wing - you helped raise me in a village you built from the ground, despite not ever needing to - "
"Your mother was a dear friend of mine," you cut her off sharply. "She was kind to me when I came back to Essos, let me stay with her and your father. When I set out on my own, she was always a friendly face, and when my settlement was established..."
"She came to you for help after getting pregnant with me," Nettles nodded. "You've told me this before."
"Then you should know better by now that I owed your mother more than my life, so, raising you was the least I could've done. A life for a life."
"And as such, you let me go into the world with stories filling my head of a handsome Dragon Prince that saved you from the Crabfeeder!" You scoffed at her words, ready to argue, but she rushed, "He's in trouble, Auntie."
You paused, finding no lie in the girl's eye. Slowly, you asked, "Come again?"
"I found him, Mistress," she nodded. "After I got back to Westeros, I found your Prince Daemon - the ones from the stories! He's... He's brutish and harsh, they call him Rogue, but he was kind to me when I told him I knew you. When he heard your name, Lady, he just - he insisted on keeping me close. He protected me, even against his wife - Princess Rhaenyra."
Your head cocked, "Hmm... He usually did have a taste for younger flesh. I'm not surprised he took to you - "
"No, no, no, Mistress, not like that," she insisted desperately. "He was kind, educational - similar to a mentor."
"I see."
"He needs your help."
"Prince Daemon does not need rescuing, he is no damsel."
"He searches for Prince Aemond," she informed, making you lift your chin slightly. Though lost in the wild of Valyria the past two years, you were still well versed in the affairs of King's Landing; staying updated, curtesy of your Lord, the Lord of Light: R'hllor. In your village, you were known to pay for any accurate information - eventually hiring your own spies to relay trustworthy information from around surrounding cities and villages. Nettles was one of your Little Birds.
You sighed, "And? What of it - Aemond killed Lucerys, did he not? Since he married his niece, her children are now his step-children, right? Daemon is within his rights to want some form of vengeance - it's war, Nettie, it's never fair to anybody.
"He will not survive this, you don't understand! It's horrible, Mistress, please, he-he-he's deranged. Mad with grief, lost to his wife's useless fucking war. It'll be the death of him, Auntie, please!" She paused, seeing you just stare back at her; so she begged again, "Please!"
You nodded, "What do you want me to do, Nettie? Hmm?"
"You've told me those stories! I remember them well! You always said he came back for you, saved you from The Crabfeeder," she reminded, making you stiffen. "Does he not deserve the same? Or at least a chance? Rhaenyra will not help, she'll kill him herself I fear, but you can - you can help!"
You nodded, "I will consult the flames - "
"I am telling you - "
"I have heard you, girl!" You snapped, glaring at your Little Bird. "But there are greater forces at work than what you know, I cannot just so willfully trust the word of a child before flying off across the Narrow Sea. Allow me my time with my Lord, I will have an answer for you." Turning from her, you gathered whatever materials you could; setting it up in a small teepee before stepping back.
In High Valyrian, you gave your command. From over your shoulder, your beasty opened her mouth and shot a single flame at the structure.
On your knees, you muttered repeatedly; chanting, summoning your Lord of Light to come to you now in a great hour of need. And He did. Through the flames, you saw what R'hllor wanted to show you: the two Princes engaged in a brutally epic fight that would claim them both in the end...
Unless you left right that moment, as your Lord commanded.
"Make yourself safe, Nettles, go back home," you told her in a rush, catching the pouch of Gold Dragons she tossed you when you sprung into action - and for the first time, mounted your dragon. Like your minds were connected, the Great Shadow took to the sky - leaving Nettles and Sheepstealer behind, and you'd never see either again.
You remained high in the sky, being a blob to the naked eye should any dare to stare at the sun.
You only paused to let the Great Shadow dive into the Narrow Sea for a meal; surfacing with creatures in her jaws as you swam an exhausting broad stroke. Was it terrifying to swim in the open water? Absolutely, but your dragon seemingly kept any threats at bay. When she was satisfied with her meal, the Great Shadow scooped you onto her back and relaunched into the air again to continue your flight for Westeros. You both dried in the air.
The trip was draining.
It was grueling on you both.
Yet when you saw the distant shore, you couldn't help the spike of relief in your heart and veins.
Once in Westeros, you were forced to ground yourselves in the open area of the Stormlands because you needed to know where to go since Nettles hadn't been sure where to send you specifically. Using the usual thunderstorm as cover, you had to separate from the Great Shadow; leaving her in the dark as you ventured to the closest village.
With the pouch of Gold Dragons Nettles gave you, you paid for information that you needed. You were told all the nitty gritty details about the Dance of the Dragons that you've missed, understanding what (Nettles and) the Lord of Light had been trying to tell you for years: the Black Queen would be Prince Daemon's death.
The time had come for you to return his favor from the Stepstones. If this worked the way you wanted it to, you wouldn't be his first, second, nor third wife, but his fourth and final. You knew what you had to do.
"What do you know of their whereabouts?" You asked the innkeeper who wiped down the bar you leaned on.
"The Princes?" She asked, tisking right after. "The One Eyed Prince has been burning the Riverlands for almost two weeks now. The Rogue Prince was in Maidenpool but he's called his nephew to meet him at, uh, oh... Oh, bullocks, what's that haunted castle? The one that was torched?"
She snapped her fingers at you, "That's the one!"
"Fuckin' Hell," you muttered, wiping your eyes. "What's your thinking, love? 'Bout this war?"
She scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Stupidest thing I've endured so far. How silly, the House of the Dragon does not know who rules it, or so says our liege lord. So we must all pay their price in Fire and Blood."
You nodded slowly, "Who do you think holds the better claim t'the Throne?"
"Depends on your views," she muttered, "but in truth, it doesn't matter to me - so long as this all comes to an end. But between us?" She leaned in, glancing around before muttering, "The Bitch Queen would burn us all. Can't say if King Aegon would be much better, but at least we'd know what we were dealing with."
"And if he was another Maegor?"
"Can't be worse than the Black Queen. Hear they call her Maegor with Tits."
You smirked, chuckling lightly, "Thank you, ma'am, for your words." You offered her a few Gold Dragons, repeating, "Harrenhal?"
"Harrenhal," she nodded, accepting the payment. "I do not know if the One Eyed Prince will answer the Rogue Prince's challenge, but that is where he lures Prince Aemond - Harrenhal. Now, how's about a nice bowl of stew? You look drenched, love, and a bit skinny - you been eatin'?"
"Your kindness is refreshing in this shit-for-a-kingdom."
You winked at her and tapped the bar in parting before turning for the door, and into the rain you ventured once more. You didn't notice the cold, your Lord kept you warm and moving; finding the Great Shadow, mounting, and shooting off into the unknown sky again.
It wasn't easy directing a dragon without a saddle nor any stabilizing reins, yet your beast was something of a decently smooth fly. You minimally directed her as you went, but in truth, her instincts directed you both more than anything. When the storm broke, you were soon flying over charred scores of land; homes smoldering and burning, the wind spreading the embers and never letting the fire fully die out.
"The fuck..." You muttered, sitting up straight as you flew through the carnage. "Seven Hells, he burnt it all, didn't he?" You whispered, needing to hold onto the spinal ridges of your dragon to keep balanced. "Gods be good," you gaped at the damage beneath you.
The sun moved into position, getting ready to set when you heard the horrible screams of feuding dragons. You couldn't see Harrenhal yet, but you heard the fight, and then, as the sun began to set, there came flashes of bright firelight that lit the sky to a new level.
It was nearly the shade of daylight with the way the flames danced against the setting sun. You were desperate to get closer, and after directing the Great Shadow over a set of charred rolling hills, you finally had Harrenhal in sight. "Go! Go, please! That's them - we need t'get there!" You begged through a small sob of panic, and if possible, your dragon flew all the faster.
You were so close, yet felt so far.
The air trembled when the pair of dragons, Vhagar and Caraxes, collided in the sky once more. They grappled and snarled and shrieked and blew flames and gnashed their teeth and slashed their talons. You paid no mind to the pregnant woman standing on the shoreline of the lake they fought over, and instead, focused on your task; feeling as if you were moving on pure instinct and adrenaline.
The Great Shadow dove low to the lake's surface as Caraxes and Vhagar came barreling to the ground. It all happened too fast. As the two dragons fell, you saw one man - in black armor - leap from his crimson beast with his Valyrian sword winking in the dying light. Just as his arm extended to pierce Dark Sister into Aemond's blind eye, the dragons were tussling enough to turn over and forced Daemon off their hide.
You gasped as you reacted - no fucking thought to your actions.
As the Great Shadow glided over the surface of the Gods Eye lake, you were leaping off her back to launch into the air; tackling the Rogue Prince hard enough to disrupt his impact on the water's surface. You hit the water all the same, but instead of it being like hitting fresh pavement, it was a softer landing due to the Great Shadow's expert and quick maneuvering.
Two dragons hit the water, three human bodies; sending a wave of water higher than the towers of Harrenhal's fortress. It was a shock to land in something so wet and cold, but your adrenaline was stronger than any feeling of freezing water. Your arms kept an iron-clad lock around Daemon's unconscious waist, surfacing as the lake rippled and churned from impact; turning a seeping red from the open wounds on the dragon sinking into the depths.
Prince Aemond never surfaced, and years from now, he'd be found still chained to Vhagar's saddle with Dark Sister still stabbed through his skull. His Red Witch standing on shore couldn't save him, it appearing that your Lord preferred the Rogue Prince to the One Eyed.
Keeping Daemon afloat was difficult, but to your shock, you were being gently propelled forward to the shore by a fatally injured Caraxes. You encouraged him best you could, trying not to choke on the water splashing around your frantic forms. When you were able, you started heaving and dragging Daemon up the lake's embankment; the crimson dragon crawling out of the lake behind you, slowly, heading towards Harrenhal. You wanted to offer the loyal beast aid or comfort, but you were much too preoccupied with his master that was dead weight in the water's surf.
You trembled as you swiftly hoisted his dragon winged helmet off to leave bobbing in the surf; unhooked his armor, shucking it off him and compressing his chest rapidly - just like a fisherman taught you to do.
"C'mon," you grunted. "C'mon, Daemon, breathe - fucking breathe, damnit! Please, come back to me - don't do this. I just found you again, c'mon, my Prince, breathe. Breathe, Daemon, don't give up - not now, not on us! Don't give up on us, c'mon, my Prince, breathe, w-we finally have our time." Sobs wracked your form. "Breathe, Daemon, please! Please! I'm back - I finally found you, please, my love, breathe!"
You shoved harder into his breast bone with increased ferocity until water came suddenly spewing from his lungs. You heard the Great Shadow land in the near distance, turning Daemon on his side to help him breathe better; choking the water out. You spoke in relief, "There, there you go, c'mon, love, breathe! Thank fucking Gods, you're all right, you're okay, get it out - you're okay, just breathe, my love."
Daemon choked your name in pure disbelief, holding one of your wrists in a vice grip that only briefly concerned you. He panted and relaxed into the embankment, loosening his grip as he turned over to look up at you in shock and wonder. "How is this possible?" He wheezed.
"It's a bit of a long story," you teased softly, caressing his cheek. "Bit of a boring tale, 'M afraid."
"How? How is - how can this be?"
"You needed me," you explained, "thought I'd return the favor since you saved me all those years ago, huh? You got me out of the sea, I got you out of the lake - we're even, yeah?"
He still panted, only staring at you as if he couldn't believe himself. "You've not aged a day," he whispered.
You smiled, petting his cheekbone with your thumb daintly. "You need rest, reprieve, aid," you whispered.
"No, no," he gulped, "not when I just got you back. T-Tell me 's done. Tell me we're done being apart."
"You have a wife still, Daemon. She won't let you go, she wouldn't let us be together."
"Tell me what your flames say."
"Now you trust my flames?"
"When they bring you back to me, yes - oh, fuck yes, I'll believe whatever those fucking flames say. Please, love, for us - consult your flames, tell me what they've said."
You frowned, petting a soaking wet lock of hair from his forehead. Quietly, you whispered, "My Lord showed me what was to pass if I did not come for you... This war, this Dance of Dragons, would claim your life, Daemon. Your wife, your niece... She'll be the end of you, my Prince. You will not survive if you go back to her. Neither of you will survive this... My Lord has shown me that Rhaenyra will meet her end in flames, but following her will cost you your life in water," you glanced at the lake. "Not a death befitting of a Targaryen Prince."
"And now?"
"Now, she will fight her own battles for the first time," you whispered, "and I will return home, and you will make a choice."
He smirked, "We've gone lifetimes apart, like you said before."
"We have."
"I would not go another day," he coughed, wincing in pain. "I do not think I can fight anymore anyways, love. Please... Please."
Daemon never begged. You swallowed harshly, asking him, "No? No more fighting?"
"No," he agreed. "'M so tired, my sweet. I-I can't do this forever," he half-slurred, making you perk up slightly in attention. "Retirement sounds all too appealing now. Rumor will spread that neither Aemond or I lived, it'll be the perfect escape."
You nodded in agreement, flinching when a new voice screeched, "YOU BITCH!"
The pregnant woman you saw on shore stormed towards you, making you chuckle dryly as you had already foreseen this Alys Rivers - pregnant concubine of the One Eyed Prince Aemond and fellow Follower of R'hllor. Alys was unique in the sense that her training was decent enough to ensnare Aemond (it seemed), but not so decent that the Lord yet favored her.
She wasn't more than ten feet from you when the Great Shadow opened her mouth and showered the Red Witch in holy flames; an end she surely did not see coming - not that R'hllor would've showed her. This all caught Daemon's attention, who flinched slightly when he had to turn and look; not expecting the flames nor the beast.
Then his eyes drifted over the land, breathing hitching, and he sat up with a painful groan. "Daemon," you worried, but instead of trying to get him down, you helped him up.
You knew what he saw.
When at Caraxes' side, you helped Daemon lower to his knees at his dragon's head. He whimpered and moaned, belly slashed open, wing torn apart; bleeding out into the cold soil he rested on. The Great Shadow moaned gently in sympathy, lowering herself around you three to let you grieve in peaceful, protective privacy and ease Caraxes to his next life.
The moon was fully in the sky when the crimson bloodwyrm took his final breath with the ebony giant's flames to warm you all. You weren't sure what could be done, but Daemon was pressing a tender kiss to his dragon's head before turning to face you - a lost, confused, vulnerable look coating his features. "Come on, love," you eased gently, helping him to his feet; knowing a few ribs were shattered and probably his clavicle, too.
"Where will we go now?"
"Well, I have somewhere safe for us t'live," you grunted in assurance, wobbling a little under his weight. "But we need rest for tonight. Any ideas?"
"I doubt anyone will venture to Harrenhal this night, should be safe..."
You agreed, and together, you and Daemon settled in the empty castle with the Great Shadow resting on the outskirts of the Keep. She was too big for the interior of the courtyard, so, she was left outside with Caraxes' corpse as you and Daemon settled in the room he had commandeered.
"How is this possible? How can you be here?" He asked, holding your hips as you worked between his spread legs. Daemon had minimal supplies at the ready; hopping up on a work bench to let you care for his injuries and wounds. He watched your every move with a softening look. "I thought I wouldn't ever see you again, that I'd be cursed to only remember you in my dreams. Rhaenyra said I say your name a lot at night, when I sleep."
"I'm really here, Daemon, ease yourself," you offered an assuring grin, tending to the head wounds he obtained from the fight.
"Nettles," you repeated with a smirk. "She's one of my Little Birds, Daemon. It was not entirely coincidence she found you..."
"So she said," he frowned. "But how - "
"She told me you needed me," you smiled softly. "And when I consulted the flames, I was shown what could be. I made a decision, I just wanted you safe, no matter what that meant."
"I just want you. Fuck," he seethed, squeezing your hips, "'s been fucking decades since I've even touched you."
"You're delirious," you teased. "Sleep deprived, maybe concussed."
"Perhaps all at once, but I finally have all I've dreamt of. Please," he whispered, "do not deny us longer. I've endured lifetimes - "
"Daemon, being here and now, you know I can't walk away. But we've time t'talk it all out, I need you to let me help your wounds - so sit still."
He nodded, "One thing I do not understand, though - the dragon? How did you...?"
"Spent two years in Valyria, looking for her."
"Why were you there?"
"Searching for a dragon, of course," you smirked. "She's impressive, isn't she? And from her size, I wager she can easily support us both back across the Narrow Sea."
He grit his teeth when you cleaned his open cuts and wounds, wrapping whatever clean cloth you had around the larger wounds; easing him out of his tunic to have better access to the blackened ribs he sported. "Would you tell me?" Daemon whispered some time later.
"Of what?"
"Your life since the Stepstones?"
"Oh," you chuckled, "sweet love, you know it was dreadfully boring without you."
"Doesn't seem it, you being in Valyria two years? That's not heard of, what was it like? How'd you survive? Why go looking for a dragon?"
This lead to you both laying in bed, hands held together, resting, but not sleeping. You just spoke quietly, fingertips tracing idly over each other's faces; sharing in each others lives that the other missed, reminiscing together in fond memories.
When morning broke, you had to move swiftly. Caraxes was left where he laid and after a final parting to the loyal beast and commandeering his saddle, together, you and Daemon mounted the Great Shadow. She wasn't a fan of the restraints, but once you and Daemon were mounted, she did not fuss as it was evident you humans had an easier time with the leather contraption.
"I must confess," Daemon whispered in your ear, using you as an anchor and leaning into your back, "I fear I might feel something akin to guilt for fleeing home."
"That's natural," you assured, "you're leaving family behind, 's never easy."
"There was no winning this war," he admitted, sighing. "I lead so many to their death... Destroyed my family - "
"From what I have heard, this is not your doing," you argued sharply. "That night, when Aemond attacked Lucerys, what were you to do? Leave that kind of atrocity without consequence? No, that is not in the Targaryen's nature. You did not start this war, Daemon."
"But I knew..."
"You knew what?"
"I knew Jace, Luke, and Joffrey were Harwin Strong's, not Laenor Velaryon's. We thought if we married her sons to my daughters, nobody would care much else about lineage - but we were wrong."
"It's okay to be wrong," you promised, leaning your head back to let your forehead rest against his temple. "It's okay to make mistakes or have regret. Tell me, do you wish to return to your wife? I will take you now, no quest - "
"No. No, I do not wish to leave you. This is... This is Rhaenyra's war, I've done my part. I'm free and finally with whom I belong."
"Now it's time to heal," you told him.
"Time to rest," he agreed, squeezing your waist and placing a few kisses to your neck. "This is where I should've been all this time... After the Stepstones, I should've stayed with you, none of this would've come to pass. I regret leaving you everyday - "
"I told you, for us to get here, to this point, now, we had to separate. But look where we are," you smiled back at him, the Great Shadow soaring higher in the sky to keep Westeros at a distance, "we will not be apart again. 'S you and me, love... Until our end, which we will greet together."
Daemon's lips found yours at long last, whispering, "Together," against them before sweeping his tongue against yours.
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The port was lovely this time of day, sun high in the sky to give light to the fishermen and vendors hard at work. Sailors made port, calms were being shucked, different Aristocats trying to barter and trade on their journeys abroad. You smiled at the people you passed, grateful to be home after a prolonged absence; arm looped tight with Daemon's as you both strolled the pier.
"It's hard to imagine you've done all this in a lifetime or less," he mused, a hand folded over yours, dressed in the best clothes you could find. "It's s marvel, my sweet," his compliment was sincere.
"Thank you," you whispered, hugging his arm as your skirts swished around your ankles, just tickling your bare feet. "This season's expected to be bountiful," you told him, pointing to the various teams bringing crustaceans, fish, and other sea life in different crates and traps. "I expect there won't be much of an off-season."
He glanced around, "And you don't collect taxes?"
"Why would I?" You scoffed. "We're more dynamic than that. Everyone works for their place, if you wanted to think of it that way. They are not expected to contribute, but the village seems happier that way. Being close knit, helping one another, sharing wealth. No one person has complained, so, I figure it's working so far. Even if it didn't work, I still wouldn't charge them taxes - it'd be like charging them to live. Always seemed silly t'me."
"Morning, Mistress!"
"Morning, Don," you beamed, leading Daemon towards the dock. "How are you, kind sir? Looks as if you've been working all day already."
"Aye, up before the sun," he nodded, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. "Wanted t'thank yah, actually."
"Yeah, yeah, with that dragon? We're hauling in more ships," he chuckled, and just overhead, the Great Shadow glided over them all to head out to sea to fetch another round of ships. "Gets us out there quick, brings us back when done, 's like a wee bit of an assembly line, ain't it?"
You chuckled, "Sounds like it, friend. Uh, Don, have I introduced you to my husband?"
"Husband?" Don grinned, cocking his head, "No, Mistress, I wasn't aware you even had a suitor. Mariam don't tell me much gossip these days," he snickered, referring to his wife. "It's nice t'meet you," he told Daemon, "name's Don, just Don - no, it ain't short for nothin'."
Daemon smirked some, shaking the man's fishy hand boldly, "A pleasure, Don, Just Don."
"Oh, this one's got a bit uh humor, don't he?" Don laughed lightly. "What's your name, lad?"
"Daemon?" A voice answered for you all, and just above you, a little further on the pier, stood an aged Laenor Velaryon.
"Excuse us, Don," you spoke swiftly, confusion marring your features. He understood or sensed the slight tension, backing off to let you approach the "dead" knight.
"Oh, my - Y/N," Laenor breathed, another aged man at his side with what you assume to be his children. No question could be asked yet as your old friend launched himself into your arms, laughing merrily, giving you a tight squeeze with his still-toned arms. "Oh, the Gods are good for this!" He laughed, rocking you slightly, "Oh, how the Seven bless us."
"You're so dramatic," you laughed back, patting him happily until he pulled back. "But I must confess, I am so fucking confused - what is this? How are you here? I thought you died, Laenor, that's what ever spy reported."
"They should've," he nodded, glancing at Daemon, "but perhaps, the explanation will be better received after some wine?" He caressed your cheek in affection before looking at your husband, nodding, "It's good to see you again, my Prince. Or is it King Consort?"
"Neither, just Daemon," he corrected, your heart soaring a little at the idea that he would abandon his title so easily. Yet you knew, there was nothing to go back to for him.
"Well, how about I introduce my family?"
"Family?" You grinned, seeing him present the others.
"My husband," he gestured, giving his name. "And our kids," he introduced the other three.
"How?" You asked simply.
"We found a Red Priest who was willing to officiate the ceremony," Laenor explained, "and the kids were sired by different mothers, too."
"Whores," the husband smiled.
"Huh," you nodded in impression. "Well, perhaps wine is best to hear that tale, as well?"
"Perhaps," Laenor grinned. "Uh, but first, we should find accommodations - "
"Oh, come off it, you're staying with us," you waved. "Your belongings?"
"This is it," he half-shrugged, you eyeing the few rucksacks around their feet, neck, shoulders... "We heard of the prosperity here, thought it was worth the move."
"How right you are," Daemon answered. "Come, old friend." He picked up a few sacks for the kids and you looped your arm with Laenor's to lead the way. How good it was to have your friend back, your husband at your side, and a functioning, happy village with your placement amongst them most important... Everything you could've wished for, it seemed, came true.
And in your womb, a Dragon Seed was planted; soon to make its announcement known. Truly, a happier ending than you thought deserved - but R'hollr worked mysteriously, blessing those deemed worthy to spread his flames.
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requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
note: i'm not the happiest with this piece, so i'll most definitely (probably) write an alternative when the time comes and the show does the Battle. y'all know me by now, you know i love me a good ol' reader-insert and i didn't want to wait years to publish some kind of sequel so here we are.
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kazz-brekker · 3 months
hotd episode 4 thoughts:
bro!! that was fucking BRUTAL! i've known it was coming all season but holy shit i was NOT prepared for all of that!!!
before this season started people were saying that blood and cheese was going to be this show's red wedding, but honestly i 100% think it's rook's rest, actually! do not argue with me!
okay hang on let me try to have some coherent thoughts.
as a lover of all things gothic and weird, i am absolutely loving daemon having a terrible time at harrenhal. get haunted by your past bad decisions, loser!
i've been waiting all season to see how the alyn and addam subplot will play out and i really like the choice to have rhaenys be aware of her husband's bastard children (in the book she never learned), it makes a lot of sense since she and corlys know each other really well and she's very familiar with driftmark.
also i was not emotionally ready for them to take the route of rhaenys learning hours before her death that her husband repeatedly cheated on her lol.
alicent taking the moon tea as a parallel to rhaenyra doing the same in season 1 was a bit unexpected but i actually liked it, i feel like if you're going to write a story that's supposed to be heavily inspired by medieval history then you should include how women deal with contraceptives and abortion in that world.
jace and baela trying to run the council in rhaenyra's absence…they're doing they're best! but they really are just kids and should not have to deal with all of this!
getting the sense that gwayne hightower is maybe not super down with this whole "war" thing after all.
aemond shit-talking aegon in front of the whole council and using high valyrian so they don't understand him was such a delightfully bitchy usage of the language that i actually yelled aloud.
i have not forgotten season 1…whenever alicent and larys have a scene together i live in fear.
i'm also loving alys rivers so far, she's so perfectly unsettling and i'm really pleased they let gayle rankin keep her scottish accent.
they mentioned the names of TWO of the muppet tullys! and benjicot blackwood! and the return of willem blackwood! and a laena hallucation! gosh, daemon's little harrenhal council scenes had so many delicious callbacks and namedrops this episode.
alicent snarking at aegon…oh she really is losing her patience with him and just doesn't care at all anymore.
it's so good to see rhaenyra really taking a stand and making decisions this episode, but my god the pit of my stomach really dropped when rhaenys volunteered to fly to rook's rest.
i really liked the parallel moments with aegon and rhaenys getting ready to go to war, especially how it emphasized that the targaryens see their dragons not just as weapons but as companions too.
truly did not have on my bingo card that one of the participants of the first proper dragon battle this season would be drunk.
rook's rest was just! man! it was brutal!
this show really made us wait for the first dragon versus battle dragon battle, and it really didn't let me down.
the bit where aegon realizes that he's severely outmatched by meleys…the looks on everyone's faces when vhagar arrives…the dragons just screeching and clawing at each other and laying waste the whole field below them without even meaning to…those soldiers being crushed beneath vhagar's feet without her even noticing…vhagar seizing meleys by the throat and just shaking her…the look on rhaenys's face when she's falling…the impact of sunfyre and meleys just totally crushing everything below them…it fucking slapped!!
the aftermath was just as brutal as the battle, tbh. the look on criston cole's face when he realized what he set in motion and that he maybe just killed the king…oh buddy you fucked up REAL bad.
on a better note…more harrenhal drama and jace in the riverlands next week?
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lokisprettygirl · 3 months
Rain to his Fire (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon 80s Au) (18+)
Read chapter 9 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 10
Summary: Misspoken words cause a rift between you and Daemon.
Warning: 18+, smut, crude language, description of Statutory rape, discussion of mental health (it's a fic based in a mental health facility), mention of child molestation, mention of physical assault, the fic would contain several mentions of several disorders like mpd, did etc, if something triggers you don't read, smoking,
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Daemon's first instinct was to close the door in her face and then gaslight her tomorrow into thinking that she must have been hallucinating due to the lack of sex in her life since she was a nympho but the look on her face made him believe that the trick won't really work on her.
“Oh my god what are you?” She asked, slightly scared and yet intrigued. As she invited herself in, Daemon growled, closing the door behind him before anyone else would see him.
“I told you,” Daemon responded with a deep, inhuman voice, which was slightly different from his usual tone. As a half dragon, he was not accustomed to hearing himself speak in this form.
“But how?“ she asked as she made her way towards him. She reached out to touch his feathery wings, which draped around his back and ends of which dragged across the ground “It's impossible.”
“Apparently it's not..look if you go around telling other people about this I won't hesitate to kill you” He looked at her with an intense stare, warning her to not tell anyone about what she had seen.
“Mmmhm really? Is that a warning?” she responded, sarcasm evident in her tone so he let out a low growl.
“It's not a warning, it's a threat” he snarled at her.
“Wow you just became ten times hotter than you already were” she giggled as she stepped closer to him to study his features.
Daemon's appearance was intimidating, to say the least. His eyes glowed a deep shade of blood red with vivid green irises. He was covered in scales that ran from the sides of face to the rest of his body in elegant patterns. His hair was long and reached his waist, and his sharp fingernails resembled knives. His ears, like those of an elf, were elongated and most of all his wings were a stunning display of silver feathers on top with dark brown and black underneath, as if they were a masterpiece of nature itself.
Daemon was a sight to behold. A creature from myth and legend that wasn't supposed to exist but somehow he did.
“Why aren't you scared?” He asked as he crossed his arms and fluffed his feathers, a few were knocked loose and fell softly to the ground. His eyes were fixed intently on her, waiting for her answer.
“I just want to fuck you right now” she mumbled as she eyed him from head to toe, looking at him with a mixture of awe and disbelief. He reminded her of those mythical creatures she used to read about as a child and she couldn't deny that she was hooked to his otherworldly side.
The next morning you were on the way to the supplies room when you bumped into the librarian Corlys.
“Hey y/n..good morning” He told you so you gave him a small smile. You noticed that he was holding a book in his hands.
“Good morning..nice to see that you do get out of the library” he chuckled as you said that but then the look on his face became serious.
“The feather you showed me that day..did you find the species it belonged to?” He asked you so you shook your head almost immediately. You had found something but you couldn't really tell him for two different reasons, first one being that you didn't want to hurt Daemon and secondly, you didn't want to get institutionalized.
“I found this book and I think you should read it” he said as he passed you the book he had in his hands.
You grabbed the book that seemed really old and heavy, it was dusty as well as if it had been sitting on the shelves and hadn't been touched by anyone in ages.
“Creatures amongst us” you read the title of the book and looked up at him, he seemed nervous and kind of terrified.
“Turn to page 35” he told you so obliged.
“History of Draco sapiens” your breath was taken away at the sight of the photo illustration on the opposite page. In the painting, a man with sharp ears and long hair was depicted, and he had a pair of large, shimmering wings on his back. The feathers he possessed bore a striking semblance to the ones you had shown Corlys at the library
“Looks familiar?” he asked you so you chuckled nervously and nodded .
“But it's just mythology isn't it.. folklore” you said to him so sighed.
As you turned the page there was a drawing of a baby. The infant's skin appeared to have a slight sheen, similar to scales. Its eyes appeared darker, and its ears looked pointed and slightly elongated. The drawing was both unsettling and intriguing.
“It's just weird to me, we have this man in the center who claims to be a dragon and-” Corlys spoke but you interrupted him.
“It can't be real.. Daemon is just a man”
“How do you know that?”
“I don't..I just .it can't be real” you lied to him so he sighed. Nonetheless, you returned the book to Corlys with a grateful smile and wished him a good day.
You knew you had to inform Daemon about the book and perhaps he'd be able to find some answers in there. As you wheeled your cart inside his room, it was a complete mess, hair and feathers all around, Daemon was on his bed, sleeping still, his ass naked and visible to you so you grabbed the duvet and covered him up. The commotion disturbed his sleep so he opened his eyes and rubbed it with his fingers to look at you.
“What happened here last night?” You asked him softly so he sighed as he remembered everything.
“Caroline came by, she saw me”
“What do you mean?” you asked, surprised by what he was telling you.
“She saw me as a dragon” your eyes widened so much so that he was afraid you'd blow them out of your sockets.
“I was amidst the transformation and I heard the knock on the door and I thought it was you but it was her and she saw me” he sat up on the bed, staring ahead blankly as he relived the events of the previous night.
“Ummm what did umm what did she say ..how did she react?” You asked, your voice shaking with anticipation.
“She was.. in shock but..she wasn't scared” he answered nonchalantly.
“Mmmhm and then what happened?” You asked him, your heartbeat faster, he wasn't your boyfriend or that's what you thought, none of you had given a name to this thing between you two so you feared that he must have done something with her.
“Well we talked, she's not as vapid as she seems, kind of took me by surprise if I'm being honest” you gulped as he said that.
“Mmhm so what ..like.. you guys are friends now?” You asked as you crossed your arms, jealousy evident in your voice and he could smell it even though you had tried to keep your voice steady despite the anger and insecurity burning inside of you.
“I mean I had to make sure she won't go around speaking of this” he told you.
“You go around telling everyone who you are,” you retorted, frustration evident in your voice. You knew he wanted to keep his secret safe but Caroline getting to see him like that even before you had left a bad taste in your mouth.
“Yeah but they don't believe me, I'm crazy remember?”
“Well she's not exactly well” you said to him.
“Sex addiction is not the same as other mental ailments” you stifled the urge to roll your eyes as he suddenly got so defensive of her.
“Ohhhh sorry I offended your new friend” you walked back to your cart so he chuckled and sat up a little to lean his head against the headboard.
“You don't have to be jealous darling” he said, and you could feel the smugness dripping in his voice. You swallowed the lump in your throat, trying not to show how hurt you were feeling.
“What makes you think I'd be jealous?”
“The way you're acting”
“I'm not acting any differently than I usually do..besides you're not my boyfriend or anything like that..we are not exclusive or even together for that matter” you answered and you could see the smirk disappearing from his face. Your words had come out more harshly than you had intended.
He was just messing with you and being playful, he had no idea how upset you were about this.
“Fine then..” he mumbled quietly.
“Yeah fine”
“Is this going to be a thing with you always, hmm? We sex each other up and the next morning you're going to pick a fight with me?” Daemon asked, and you could hear the frustration in his voice.
“Pick a fight?” You chuckled bitterly “I'm talking to you in a normal tone, I'm not the one to accidentally show my supposed dragon side to other people, you did and it seems to me that you're not even as worried about it as you should be” you finished your words, the term dragon came out as a sneer and that only upsetted him further.
“I'm not worried because I trust her” your eyes teared up as he said that.
“Just like that? In one night?”
“Yeah I can sense these things like I did with you..” he concluded, trying to diffuse the tension but it was futile.
“Uhhhuh? And you couldn't tell that it wasn't me outside your door?”
“My senses are weakened when I'm changing..trust me when I say this, i really wanted it to be you” he emphasized each and every word but in that moment you just felt blinded by the rage you were feeling.
“If you really wanted it you'd have shown me”
His eyes teared up as you said that but he smiled instead and shook his head in disbelief.
“Well at least she's yet to go behind my back and tell Viserys about my hair and feathers”
He said before he got up and stepped inside the bathroom, you flinched as he slammed the door so harshly that there were few cracks at the edges now.
You couldn't believe he had thrown that into your face, instead of apologizing to him and mending the situation you cleaned his room as quickly as you could. A part of you wanted to knock on the door and ask if he was alright but your ego held you back.
After stepping out of his room you knocked on Caroline's door and she asked you to get in so you entered inside, she was on her bed still, sleeping naked.
Well they certainly had things in common it seems.
“Good morning…what's your name?” She asked as she sat up, extremely confident in her nakedness so you sighed.
“Y/n” you answered curtly, not wanting to get into a conversation with her.
“Y/n..what's my neighbor like? I mean you clean his room everyday” she prodded, making you shrug your shoulders.
“I wouldn't know..my job is to clean and get out” She hummed as you answered her “Why did you ask?’ you questioned as curiosity got the best of you.
“I think i have a crush on him” You felt your heart sink as Caroline admitted
“Yeah, so do other women around your age here” you answered, trying to keep your voice snarky.
“Mmm but they haven't seen him the way i have” she looked in the distance as she said that, clearly reminiscing what she had seen last night.
“Like what?”
“Nevermind girlie..what about you?”
“What do you mean?” .
“Do you have a crush on him as well?” She smirked so you rolled your eyes.
“I don't get involved with patients”
You were hoping she'd spill the beans about him so you could go back to Daemon and throw it in his face but then you realized how bitchy it might have been. As much as you despised this development between him and Caroline, you didn't want his secret to be out in the open or have any harm come his way.
During lunchtime much to your displeasure you found Daemon in his usual spot in the corner but now Caroline was accompanying him. You always told him to not stare at you in the cafeteria so why did it hurt so bad when for once since he had arrived here he didn't have his eyes on you?. His attention was directed towards Caroline and whatever conversation they were having with each other.
At the end of the service as you walked towards his table he finally looked at you, you could feel his gaze from your peripheral vision and Caroline's eyes were stuck on him, and you knew that because you had your eyes on Caroline.
“Are you folks done with your meal?” You asked so she looked at you but didn't answer so you grabbed both of their plates and placed it on the tray.
“You know if you have no intention of eating you shouldn't take so much food just to waste it” you told her as you walked away so Daemon raised his brows, amusement visible on his face. Caroline couldn't help but gasp at the rude remark.
“Can you believe it?” She asked Daemon as you disappeared out of their sight.
“Oh I definitely can”
“She's just a glorified maid she should mind her words” his jaw clenched as Caroline said that.
“She's doing her job”
Caroline raised her brows as Daemon defended you.
A minute later, he watched as you left the cafeteria, a mix of emotions running through him. He wanted to follow after you, pull you aside and hold you in his arms to kiss you, he wanted to ask why you were behaving this way, but his ego got in the way.
He can't be the one to follow after you all the time.
You sat down in the garden with a sad looking sandwich in your hands but your appetite was gone, perhaps you'd find Daemon in your bedroom again this evening and maybe then you could tell him that you were indeed jealous that she got to see that part of him you have only heard of since he got here.
But when you finished your shift and arrived in your room, you were crushed to discover that Daemon wasn't there. Instead, the room was empty, and you felt a sense of despair wash over you. As you laid down in the bed, the weight of the day's events finally overwhelmed you, and you found yourself crying. Images of Daemon fucking Caroline and losing interest in you plagued your thoughts.
This is what you had been avoiding all your life, such intense attachment to a man, it's not that you hadn't tried to date before, though there was no sexual attraction on your behalf you did get attached to those men emotionally and it hurt when they eventually betrayed you for not giving them what they wanted from you so you stayed single and didn't get yourself involved with a man until Daemon arrived and made you feel things you never thought was possible for you. And now he had found someone else so of course he had no use of you anymore.
That night as Daemon heard a knock on his door, this time he knew it wasn't you even though he wanted it to be you so badly.
“You look normal today” Caroline said to him so he sighed.
“It doesn't happen every night” he answered her so she smirked and sat down on his bed with her legs crossed,
“Come sit here” she tapped the side of the bed so he crossed his arms.
“Quit seducing me” he answered with a snark dripping through his words.
“I'm not seducing you. Are you feeling seduced?” she asked as she bit on her lips and tilted her head.
“Aren't you prohibited from doing this nympho?”
Her smile dropped down as he said that and eyes teared up so she got up and walked past him but he grabbed her arm.
“Sorry, I was joking”
He told her so she turned around and suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Today was my first session with Dr. Vis..i don't like him” she said to him so he chuckled as he grabbed her forearms and pulled her away from him, a part of him felt as if he was betraying you somehow even though your thing with him wasn't really exclusive as you had so proudly stated this morning.
“Neither do i..What did he do?” he asked curiously. Ever since he had connected the dots between him and Tanya and had discovered that other thing, a part of him wondered what other skeletons his brother was hiding in his closet.
“I don't know..he was just being weird”
The next morning as you began your duty you were hoping to find Daemon's naked form in his bed but you found Caroline sleeping in his bed instead, though she was fully clothed you had a feeling that something must have gone down between them.
“Ooops ..don't tell anyone” she mumbled as she stretched her arms, you could hear the shower running and Daemon was in there so you went on to quickly do your job because you couldn't stand the thought of looking at him in the moment. You couldn't help but feel betrayed as if your time with him had meant nothing to him.
After a few minutes Caroline eventually got up and left for her room. As soon as she was gone Daemon came out of the bathroom, as your eyes met with him he smirked and all you wanted to do was to hit him with the broom you were holding to clean.
You didn't want an explanation, you didn't care whether they fucked each other or not, you were done with him and you were not going to entertain him any further or that's what you convinced yourself.
After drying his hair and putting on a trouser he sat down on the bed and you could feel his eyes on you,
“So that's it..we just don't talk anymore huh?” He asked you so you glared at him but didn't respond and that only pissed him off further
“Well it seems to me that you have found someone to sleep with now so there's no point talking to me anymore or coming into my room unannounced..you know all you men are just the same..all you want in life is to fuck as many women as you can and you're just a man whore” you spewed venomously, making his jaw clenched with anger. This thing was only escalating for the worse between you two.
“All the men, hmm? Says the thirty year old Virgin” he retorted.
“At Least I'm not a whore like you and your new girlfriend Caroline” he chuckled as you said that, your words laced with bitterness reminded him of that of a stubborn child.
“Look at you, so jealous that it's pathetic, makes me want to pity you”
“Awn a patient, pities me, what am I gonna do now?” your pitch went high as you faked the sad voice and he couldn't help but be amused.
“I'm not going to follow you around like a puppy, I have never been that man, I did it twice and now you think I'll just continue to run after you when you're treating me like this?” he asked you and it only frustrated you further.
“Well you did it because you were bored and wanted to fuck me but now that you have a whore in the next room to fuck around with there's no need of me” you mumbled angrily, your own words made you cringe, you never wanted to be this woman in life who blamed other women for snatching their men,
“Well my darling you're a virgin mary ..and with this attitude you're going to suffer the same fate as your mother..dying of a broken heart with no-one to protect you”
Your eyes teared up at his venomous words so you glared at him intensely but no words came out. You grabbed the equipment you were carrying and turned around to walk out of his room.
It was decided now, you were done with him. This was a mistake from the beginning.
His words had stung you deeply but what did he mean by broken heart? Your mum died of a heart attack and not a broken heart.
Later that afternoon you saw Daemon and Caroline chatting each other up against her door, even if they hadn't fucked last night, it was bound to happen sooner or later and you didn't want to get caught up in the middle of it.
As days passed, they turned into a week but the hurt of losing a friend stayed and only got stronger with time, as much as you wanted to make yourself believe that you didn't care you did, you missed him and it hurt a lot that he didn't miss you the same, that he didn't care at all that you were no longer in his life. It was as if you never really mattered to him, not one bit.
You couldn't stop working though so you had the misfortune of seeing his stupid face every morning, since your fight with him you hadn't found one single feather or any trace of hair in his room and it did raised your curiosity but you didn't ask him anything, you also refused to indulge him when he was trying to speak with you.
One afternoon you were called into Dr. Viserys's office so you took a deep breath before you knocked on his door and he asked you to get in.
“Sit down y/n” he told you so you sighed and sat down.
“I don't think I ever apologized for that night, I was just in a humongous amount of stress and lashed at you so forgive me for that rude behavior” he said to you so you hummed in response.
“It's not an issue, is that all sir?”
“No i actually wanted to discuss something regarding the patient in 394”
“Caroline Withherson?” You asked him so he smiled,
“I am giving you her responsibility, perhaps putting her next to Daemon was a mistake” he told you so you looked at him confused, even though you knew exactly what he was hinting at.
“I don't understand -”
“Just keep an eye on her, make sure she's following her rules” he told you so you nodded, there was a serious lack of staff at the facility so the burden often fell on the shoulders of the custodians.
As you stepped out of his office you saw Daemon at the other end of the corridor, as his eyes met with yours you quickly looked away but his gaze was set on you. How stubborn could one woman be, he thought? His ego seemed smaller as compared to yours..
He knew you weren't the only one in the wrong here, he was equally responsible for this tiff but you weren't even giving him a chance to speak, in the last two weeks he had tried to rile you up at every chance he got but you weren't giving him anything in return, and the silent treatment was starting to piss him off.
The next morning he was on the bed reading when you got inside his room and just like every day in the past two weeks, he didn't hear a word from you, however he did notice a mark on your hand so he got off the bed and grabbed your arm to inspect.
“What do you think you're doing?” You asked sternly so he glared at you, so that's what he had to do to make you speak, grab you without your consent?
“Who did this?” He asked you so you pulled your hand away from him.
“The burner did..I was making tea..it was an accident..why do you care anyways”
You mumbled as you picked up the dustpan from the cart to collect the filth on the ground.
“Just because you have stopped caring about me that doesn't mean i feel that way too” he said to you so you looked at him with a mixture of surprise and anger.
“Mmmhmmm is that why you're sleeping with your neighbor? To nurse your wounds?”
“She fell asleep while we were talking ..we didn't fuck each other”
“Whatever I don't care Daemon-”
“Oh that I can see”
Your eyes teared up as he raised his voice so he stepped closer to you and grabbed your shoulders to pull you into his chest.
“Why can't you just talk to me like a normal person? Why is it hard for you to just talk?” he asked you softly, his tone now gentler than ever.
“Talk about what? You tell me one day that I'm all you have and then you find a new girl to spend time with and all of a sudden you don't want to make up with me..you just ignored me-”
“Ignored you? All you had to do was just admit that you felt jealous and I'd have done anything to show you why you didn't need to feel that way, you have not even looked at me in past two weeks-”
“Because it hurts to look at you and to watch you replace me so easily-”
“God you're stupid y/n .. so fucking stupid” he said as he stepped away from you to run his fingers through his hair frustratingly.
“Yes I'm stupid enough to trust a man like you-” another jab of yours almost made him want to kiss you just so you'd quit insulting him.
“Man like me? What does that even mean hmm?”
“I don't like you Daemon..you frustrate me..you make me want to say these awful things to you that i have never said in my life, you anger me so much and it's driving me crazy” Your eyes welled up and voice choked on tears as you berated him further but perhaps that's what you both needed in that moment.
“Oh you think you're any better? You're the most insufferable woman I have ever known in my life, you're fucking sick in head you know that? Not any better than these people around here, at least they know they got a problem..you on the other hand? You are walking around freely with your mental instability” he lashed out at you as well as if he was speaking everything he had felt towards you in the past two weeks.
“At Least I'm not a pretentious animal --”
“Pretense huh…I am pretentious?” He growled as he stepped closer to you until there was no space left between your bodies, the flash of red clouded his eyes for a moment, his breath was hot on your face. Dropping the dustpan on the floor you wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him, his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you as close as humanly possible, it was either this or another cruel words out of your mouth, words that you didn't even believe yourself.
“We are not good for each other” your eyes welled up as you spoke between the kiss and he wasn't any different, his emotions were on all time high at the moment, he had never felt such passion for another soul in his life before, no other woman had made him feel so frustrated yet so connected, “I'm saying things to you I don't even mean-”
“So am i..why can't you just talk to me calmly?” he asked as he brushed your hair with his fingers before he kissed you again.
“Because I'm insecure.. and I don't want to get hurt” you mumbled against his mouth.
“I don't want to hurt you ..”
“But you do”
“You hurt me as well, I ask you to not ignore me and you take it as a challenge”
“I know I do, I don't know how we are supposed to do this Daemon. Okay? I admit I was jealous that she saw you like that, I felt hurt that she got to see you and i didn't”
“I didn't do it on purpose -”
“I just can't..trust anything or anyone anymore, people lie and cheat and hurt-” your voice cracked with the whirlpool of emotions you were feeling.
“Nothing happened i swear darling-”
“You slept with her in the same bed-”
“That meant nothing.. nothing happened, i didn't even touch her” he said to you and as much as you didn't want to admit it had brought you a huge relief.
“Why not? She's gorgeous and she's your type” you asked meekly so he furrowed his brows in confusion.
“How do you even know what my type is?” he asked you so you changed the conversation.
“Did you miss me?” you asked him softly as you caressed his nape, the sultry little touch aroused him instantly.
“I haven't been able to shift since we stopped interacting”
“Why not?”
“I don't know-”
“I have missed you-”
“Then stop arguing with me so nonsensically” his voice was deep and husky as he spoke.
“You say mean things when you're angry” you told him, at the same realizing what a hypocrite you were.
“And you spew flowers?”
“I can be irrational at times..I'm a woman”
“And here comes the misogyny”
“I'm on duty right now..I can't do this-” you mumbled as you pulled away from him, both of your breaths were heavy due to the intense conversation and the kiss that had followed.
“What do you want, hmm?” he asked you so you thought about it for a moment.
“Apologise” you then answered shamelessly.
“I will” he paused for a moment before he spoke again “You are going initiate it though”
“You're so egoistic”
“And you're a pot..you see that?”
You walked closer to him and placed your head down on his chest to hug him tightly as he said that.
“Where should I start? I have said so many things”
“Let's start from the beginning then?”
“I'm sorry if I made you feel used” you apologized as softly as you could.
“I'm sorry I spoke ill of your mother , that was disrespectful and I deserved your anger for that comment” your eyes teared up again as he reminded you of that.
“Why did you say that?”
Your eyes met with his as you looked up so he thought about it for a moment and decided to not speak of that matter until he had complete information.
“I was angry”
“I don't want to fight with you daemon -” the corner of his mouth curved slightly into a small smile as you said that.
“Then what do you want?” he asked, gently caressing your lower lips with his thumb which made you feel distracted again.
“I want you to be nice to me like you're with Caroline” you mumbled.
“I fight with you because I care too much to act indifferent, you don't want me to treat you the way I treat her, trust me” He mumbled as he leaned down to peck your lips “Besides if I was any nicer to you you'd fall in love with me”
You couldn't help but smile as he said that.
“As if”
You answered smugly. Ohhh but you would you thought, since the day you saw him first a part of you knew he'd not be another passing fancy in your life, it was a feeling you had always longed for, someone you could connect with on a deeper level, and the connection you felt with him was undeniable, you just hoped he was feeling it as well.
As you stepped out of his room you realized that the constant lingering ache you had felt in the past two weeks had suddenly vanished. It was replaced by hope and that feeling of a sweet tickling sensation in your heart that you couldn't really describe in a word.
Later that evening you did find him in your room as you had hoped.
“You know the shirt is supposed to be worn?” you said to him as you found him sitting at the edge of your bed holding a dark brown shirt between his palms.
“I brought it for you, to put it on after the shower” he mumbled softly so you smiled.
“Don't tell me what to do” you said as you walked towards him so he stood up immediately and cupped your cheeks, he then craned your neck up and kissed you deeply, his tongue slipped in slowly and you couldn't deny how you had missed this feeling. He kissed you like he had never kissed you before. A kiss that could never be replicated, a kiss that will forever live on in your memory, it was full of longing desire and needy.
It was raw and unbridled, yet tender and intimate.
“I'm sorry i called you a man whore” you mumbled as he pulled away slightly to breathe.
“Mmmm I'm sorry I told you that you'd die alone even though I'd protect you whether you'd want me to or not” he responded.
“Mmmm okay “ you mumbled as you stepped away from him to go shower, when you came out you had his shirt on with shorts underneath as you joined him in the bed.
Without a word he climbed on top of you and caressed your scalp with his fingers as he leaned down to kiss you softly, your arms curled around his neck as you pulled him closer to you, his hair tickling your cheeks and neck so you grabbed them to push it behind his shoulder.
“You came through my window and your hair is long again, did you shift?” you questioned him softly.
“Mmmm I'm sorry i called you an animal”
“I'm an animal..it was the term pretentious that bothered me”
“I'm sorry i called you pretentious then” he chuckled as you said that but then he remembered he had something to apologize for.
“I'm sorry i called you mentally unstable”
“I kind of am-”
“I don't mind that” you giggled as he said that and you couldn't help but wonder why it was so easy to get back to him even after such a rift.
“You should go before Viserys loses his mind again”
“I didn't get you in my shirt so you could sleep alone tonight”
“We shouldn't do naughty things, they are such a curse..it's going to make us fight the next day” his brows raised at the quirky statement.
“How superstitious of you..but we don't have to if you don't want to”
But that was the problem, you really wanted to be naughty with him and have him touch you intimately.
“I'm sorry i called you a whore..you're not a whore” you mumbled softly so he leaned down to kiss you again. He couldn't stop kissing you when he had thought of your lips on him every night for the past two weeks.
“I'm sorry i called you a Virgin Mary, even though it's true”
You slapped on his cheek lightly as he joked but his eyes flickered at the gesture, he grabbed your hand with one hand and your chin with the other to kiss you passionately.
He didn't know why as he had always been non-confrontational before in life, especially with the women he had been with, he didn't take shit from anyone until you came along, a part of him rejoiced in these moments of arguments and then falling back to each other as if nothing had happened. He knew it wasn't healthy to argue this way but he'd rather argue with you than lose you to complete indifference as if you were nothing but a stranger to him.
Later that night Viserys slumped into his office chair, tired and burdened from the long day he had. He really thought that bringing Daemon here and placing him on medication would suppress this madness he was born with but he was completely wrong. Daemon was only getting worse everyday and he could feel his brother slipping away and gaining agency.
Viserys reached under the table and pulled out a key, which he used to open the drawer in his desk. Inside was a diary that he had kept safely hidden from Daemon all their lives, along with pictures that he had taken back on the day Daemon was born. In the picture, their mother held Daemon in her arms, their father stood by their side, and Viserys had managed to capture the moment as they all smiled for the camera.
His eyes teared up with a mixture of anger and jealousy, even after years he felt the same feelings he had on the night Daemon was born. He traced the pictures, remembering the day their mother had first held Daemon in her arms, the day that had changed the course of his life forever as he became the child that was nothing but ordinary.
“Abomination” he mumbled as he flipped through the pictures.
In the last photo, Daemon laid in his crib, smiling up at their mother, his eyes a vibrant blood red with elongated ears and scales covering his small body.
@anukulee @ammo23 @littledark11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
@daenny-t @avalyaaa
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count-alucard-tepes · 11 months
What sexy things do the OP Hotties do that turn you on? 👀
Haha I normally wouldn’t do slightly spicy asks but I’ll respond to this one because I can’t resist😆😍
Kizaru ✨: he such a tease, you know he’s so smooth with the ladies and he dresses really well too. A well put together man is always desirable.
Akainu🌋: he’s stoic and cold and I’m a brat 😂 I feel like that would be the perfect match for someone like him. Also he has tattoos and he seems like he would protect me with his life and that’s so sexy.
Ryokugyu 🌱: he’s a bad boy and everyone loves a bad boy. And when ever I get mad at him he would just turn into a tree with my favorite flowers…a girl is sold.
Fujitora 🐅: he’s such a sweetheart, you know he would be the best husband ever.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: it’s his style, he just oozes sexiness in everything he does and says. He knows he can have anyone and that confidence is really sexy.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: the ultimate bad boy who would have you wrapped around his finger literally and figuratively. It’s the sexy body, the laugh, the style! Not to mention, he’s someone you don’t want to cross the line with him. He’s the guy your parents say stay away from with good reason but you still want a taste.
Benn Beckman 🔫: he’s so mysterious and you know he’ll charm your pants off in 30 seconds. He’s also strong and smart…it’s a win-win situation!
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: Oda thought everyone was gonna be terrified of this hottie! But no, this mochi baby daddy is the perfect example of don’t judge a book by its cover! He’s a family guy who listens to his mom and cares for his younger siblings! And not to mention he’s got a sexy body and can tell why you’re angry before you stomp around ! And he loves donuts so I never have to diet again! I AM SOLD!
Killer🔪: alright post time skip Killer is hot and all but pre time skip Killer had me on my knees! He’s is so cute and mysterious but also super intelligent and fine af! Blonde hair and blue eyes…that’s my punk rock Barbie right there!
Kaido🐉: he’s emotional af when he’s drunk and just loves the hell out of his kid and those around him that are loyal to him! To be Yamato’s mom and smash Kaido at him prime! Omg I’d cling to ankles, y’all !
King 👑 : he’s the hot character of color who is the epitome of tall, dark and sexy! He has the white hair! He’s that bitch! He’s got wings and legs for days! The fucking face tattoo!!! I would cling onto his knees (since that’s probably the highest point where I’d be able reach him) and die for this baby daddy!
Queen👑: oh man, Queen is so fucking cool! I just wanna party with him until I can’t walk anymore! You know he puts the party God to shame! Karaoke night at Onigashima would be everything!
Izou🔫🔫: he’s so beautiful…I would be so shy around him because he’s so freaken pretty and would always look hotter than me! It’s always nice to have someone else do your hair and make up and Izou is my main man to be my wifey!
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: the face tattoo! You know he’s a badass when he got a face tattoo and his best friend is an Okama! I’m ready to see Dragon naked, y’all! I’m about to be Luffy’s stepmom! Croc is about to gut me😂😂😂
Oven Charlotte 🍞: feeling sad…he bakes some cake…feeling happy…let’s have croissants! He’s just gonna fatten me up and I’ll never have to diet again because I’ll always be smaller than him! These Charlotte men are just the best! He’s also got main character energy 😂
Buggy🤡: he has hair goals I want to achieve but will never reach even if I tried! He’s charismatic and funny af! Buggy-sama is everything!😍
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: he’s a doctor! Score! My parents would never be prouder since I’m not…next best thing is my hubby being a doctor! He’s also such a cutie who seems to always be smiling!
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: our favorite angry firecracker! He’s a cutie who wears make up and looks like he should be a drummer in a rock band! He’s got beautiful red hair and he’s intelligent! He also can fix your appliances! That’s a wifey right there!
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: he’s gentle and emotionally available! Not to mention he’s a natural dad! He’s funny and clumsy af but a total badass! Let’s not forget he’s the handsome sibling lol
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹: omg he’s tall, has pink hair, has tattoos and has a sexy smirk! Not to forget he turns into a cute kitty man! I’m ready to have his kittens!
Gecko Moria🦇: now prime Gecko Moria was every fucking thing! I mean who challenges Kaido and doesn’t actually lose…kinda! He was really hot too!
Iceburg💜: he’s so cute and funny, I can’t with him! He’s also so intelligent and can build stuff, love it!
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: first of all, he’s rich and he’s hot! A girl is sold! He sings and dances…even better!
Rob Lucci🐆: he’s so cute! I can’t deal especially in his kitty form, he’s also mysterious. From hot to cold in a mere couple of seconds! I love it! His hair is so beautiful too! I can’t deal!
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damndamsy · 1 month
renegade | aemond targaryen x oc (part iv)
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While it was perverse and unacceptable, Prince Aemond and Princess Aemma took no heed of their noble steads, crossed the forbidding sea on Vhagar, chose a single witness, Princess Helaena on her mount, Dreamfyre, and united their blood in marriage. Dragonglass split their lips and hands, sealing their fates and promising their futures. Blood of two caught in chalice joined as one. The secret wedding was one for the books, the eerieness of the night, the rising tide and the fire kindling their vows. You'd expect them to have their conscience pricked but no, they knew this was their true calling. Not a force on this godforsaken planet could bring them apart.
Due for their return, Aemma was too quiet as she nimbly scaled Vhagar and straddled the saddle. Aemond observed in satisfaction, how his bride was so quick to form a connection to his dragon with a mere touch of her fingers and her soothing Valyrian tongue. This woman was truly meant to be his.
This time, he luxuriated behind her, the thrill of having her this close and belonging there, nothing couldn't arrest this. As Vhagar rumbled lowly beneath them, just as excitable as her rider, Aemond stroked his temple against Aemma's and stole a kiss from her cheek.
"Having regrets?" he murmured. Her skin shivered beneath his hold on her waist. The night was growing frigid.
Aemma shook her head, her teeth eventually gleaming with a smile. She turned her head to rest her forehead against his. "Never. This feels right. I only wish we didn't have to go back."
"The night is yet young. Let us take to the air." She laughed when his lips did their bidding against her neck, an idea with each kiss. "Dorne is within reach. Shall we soak up some sun? Beneath the blood orange orchards?"
Aemma pursed her lips. "Sounds delightful."
"It is decided." He eagerly twisted the leather harness around his dominant wrist to awaken Vhagar. "We'll come back when the time is ripe."
She let out a weary sigh, stopping his motions. Aware of her hesitation, he leaned his lips against her nape.
"We must go back," she whispered. "Reality awaits."
When they retreated to the dawning stillness of the Red Keep, they spoke of their marriage to no one. No one noticed the prince walking the princess to her chambers, placing a kiss upon her swathed hand and wounded lips, swearing to never speak of this until the time was right, and biding his wife good night.
All but one saw this. The word was dispatched.
It was Otto Hightower who sent for Her Grace and Prince Aemond, summoning their presence in his chambers forthwith. They discussed the atrocity that the young prince had committed while ushering in a new dawn.
"Surely this is some farce!" Alicent blustered, her voice vindictive.
Aemond undid the swathes of bandages to reveal a definitive scarlet scar sliced across his palm. "I have done my duty as the king's heir and taken a bride."
Otto was tolerant but only to an extent. He was reaching his breaking point. "That girl—your bride—is supposed to treat with the Northern lord next moon. How would he respond to this but with slight?"
"Then request him to politely fuck off to the world's end," Aemond mumbled, sinking to a seat and crossing his legs. He should've flown away with Aemma when he had the chance.
"He is a king! You would risk a conflict in the realm!" Alicent said, horrified.
"I would for her."
"You've gone mad, Aemond. You've fallen in love to lose your mind instead?"
"Aemma has been spoken for in my name since we were children. I've only made haste with the affair," he insisted, already bored of it all. He was a newlywed, he should be warming their marriage bed.
"We could've done this in front of your kin, in due diligence, reliably under the sacred eyes of the Seven. Rather you've decided to elope with the princess, cut your hands and feast upon blood like barbarians!"
"I don't expect you to understand our gods, Mother." He set his elbows on his knees, steepling his fingers, and looking her dead in the eye. "You're not Targaryen."
She gritted her teeth at his audacity. "You'll face the dragon princess' wrath soon enough for what you've done to her girl."
"This matter is concluded. Aemma and I have wed, good tidings are in order and I thank you for yours," Aemond announced, rising to his height. "If you'll excuse me. The sun has risen and my wife will be expecting to see me."
"I take it you haven't consummated this secret marriage?" Otto eventually voiced his concern.
Aemond smirked at him. He would leave nothing to be questioned, even if it meant deceit. "As a true barbarian, I would never seek to disappoint," he lied through his teeth. "Her maidenhead is mine, as is her heart."
"Seven hells," Alicent whispered and put her head in her hands.
"'Tis only custom, mother."
"And when the whispers start. When Daemon holds your head to Dark Sister," Otto continued, "what will you answer then?"
He side-eyed his grandsire before he shifted to take his leave. "I've made it explicit that I will raze this fucking city to the ground lest a single tear is shed from my wife's eyes. My uncle is but a piece of piss next to that."
Another one, a maester, promptly took this information to Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon. They were awakened after the hour of the wolf, insisting on the message's urgency. But the circumstances were faced... differently between them.
"Bravo!" Daemon raised his wine glass in a toast. "Couldn't have done it quicker and better myself. Took a massive, stinking shit on the Queen's precious stars and spokes, didn't they? Let's see how that hoary bitch spiels for her septas now."
"Daemon," Rhaenyra cautioned quietly before diverting to the maester. "And you are sure of this? Aemma wasn't coerced by the prince?"
"No, princess. They even took the prince's sister as a witness. As it happens, they've already consummated."
"Ingenious," Daemon chuckled into his wine.
"Who else knows?"
"Her Grace, the Hand, the prince, and yourself, princess."
"Spread the word," Rhaenyra ordered. "It was a private Valyrian affair to protect the intimacy of the prince and princess. Ensure that no libel comes to the princess' virtue. Or it won't be their tongues I'll have, it'll be yours."
The maester gulped and nodded. "Yes, princess."
As soon as the maester left, Rhaenyra turned to Daemon with a victorious grin. He stretched his hands above his head and groaned. "Wedded bliss awaits our daughter now. I wish her well."
"Aemma rivals me on this," she hummed.
"She's instinctive."
"She's fire and blood. Of course, she is."
By high noon, Prince Aemond's private wedding to Princess Aemma was the one word on everyone's fuller lips. They couldn't care less about how they had gone forth with it, but why. Did the prince take her against her will? Did he abduct her and force her into submission? Perhaps, they were made for each other, the one-eyed monstrosity marrying another freak. It was overtly claimed that the princess was of unsound mind, toiled by terrors, and this affair was carried with to keep matters quiet. The one-eyed prince of the realm would have to bear this burden until her dying breath. This outrageous claim was extinguished as soon as it was spoken.
When the secrecy of their union had been broached, Princess Aemma lingered behind closed doors and waited for the match to strike. It wasn't her conscience that moved her, but the weight of her impatience. She had nearly paced a line of gravel under her feet, hoping Aemond would come to her as he had promised.
When the doors opened behind her, Aemma's face softened to relief and she spun to face him.
"Aemond, we must..." Her lips parted with a breath. "Mother."
Princess Rhaenyra paused by the closing doors, possibly clothed in red to match her ire, and limply joined her fingers before her. Her expression was set in stone, and behind her, her brother, Jacaerys, was a towering column of outrage.
Aemma lowered her eyes, however unafraid. "If you want an apology, you will not hear one from me."
"Have you no remorse for us, Aemma?" Jace hurtled toward her and began to shout. "For desecrating your very birthright? For all the considerate privilege that our mother has offered you all your life and this is how you repay her?"
"Jace," her mother warned.
"No, I will not hear it, mother! You have coddled her enough. Blinded her to her own vanity. I should've ended this lunacy when she began courting that monster. Now, look! She has exploited an opportunity and whored herself out to that loathsome—"
Rhaenyra's indignant roar rang past them. Aemma flinched, at the word and her mother's voice, her vision blurring with the onset of tears. She would dare not cry, that would stand to invalidate everything she had accomplished. And she had nothing to feel sorry for.
"Your sister is still a princess and you will treat her as such," Rhaenyra said blackly. "Aemma has desecrated nothing. She has wed a prince and, more so, a Targaryen, per the customs of our old gods, following her own inclination. One which I permitted—"
"You permitted!" he snapped.
"—and some prior announcement would've done nicely," she eyed Aemma knowingly, "but 'tis pleasant news nonetheless. We cannot incriminate her except perhaps reprimand her for undue urgency."
Jace's sneer refused to wane. "She has taken that vile snake to husband." He glared at Aemma. "His family hails your little brothers as bastards. Are you to turn a deaf ear when he calls you that someday? Or your children?"
"You would patronize my lineage?" Aemma spat. "Because I've wed someone you despise?"
"Accept it, Aemma. Laenor Velaryon has furnished us nothing but the title of his house."
"Our father loved us until his dying breath!"
"Laenor's gone and the duty has fallen upon me to defend my kin!"
"Enough of this," Rhaenyra hissed at them. "I will not tolerate such disgraceful talk among my children. Jace, leave us. Now."
Jace bore his unforgiving scowl at Aemma long and hard before leaning to whisper clearly, "You will soon realize what you've given rise to. When he reigns in ruin, I cannot protect you."
Aemma got ahold of her brother's arm desperately. "Jace, please," she whispered.
"It'll be too late, sister."
Jace touched her hand, squeezed it once and pushed it off him. He said nothing more and left the room with a resonant crash of the heavy doors.
Aemma fell back into a chair and hung her head between her shoulders. A deep-seated sting had started to worm up to the front and among all the torment that she shouldn't have to face, this was one, too. Her mother's hands stroked at her shoulders and hair, speaking nothing. She didn't have to, it was evident she held no ill feelings towards her daughter.
Her mother gently took her scarred hand into hers, tracing a finger down the swathing. "Congratulations to the both of you, dearest daughter," she said quietly.
Aemma sniffed, unable to respond.
"I wish you would've informed me. I would've followed you on Syrax in a heartbeat."
"I'm sorry, mother," she murmured, looking up at her. "But I am not ashamed of what we've done. Neither will I made to be."
The door opened once again and Aemma, for a split second, wished it was her brother returning to make amends. Her hope morphed into confidence and consolation when Aemond appeared, armed with his blade. She noticed a smidge of delight in his usual brooding look, probably of seeing his dear friend turned wife first thing in the morn, before it vanished off into scepticism and became aware of Princess Rhaenyra near her.
"Prince Aemond," her mother greeted, stoic. She refused to slip her arms from around her daughter.
Aemond barely spared her a glimpse, a prince on a mission. With his head held high, he cupped Aemma's chin, lifted it slightly and searched her face for something. His lips pursed when found it, his single eye harshening.
"I shall like a word with my wife in private," he requested, nearly insensitive and still unmoving.
Aemma's eyes flickered to Rhaenyra who looked between them, apprehensive of his stance. Her jaw flexed and she nodded once at Aemma before taking her leave. Aemond waited until he heard the creak of the hinges to signify they were truly alone.
"Were she not someone you loved," he said, leaving the words to hang like a noose in the air. He would've coated these flowery walls in red.
Aemma shook her head and pushed to her feet, wobbling slightly from vertigo. She placed her palms around Aemond's neck to steady herself. Responsively, he curled his arm around her and pressed a greeting kiss to her forehead.
"My mother did not upset me," she shared. "In fact, she was pleased to hear of it."
"It," he echoed.
She managed an elfish smile. "Our wedding."
He tilted his head, pretending to forget. "Hmm. I have no memory of this."
"Then allow me a gentle reminder, my friend," she murmured, expectantly leaning on her toes.
His mouth twisted in disdain. "I ought to fuck that word right out of your pretty little mouth."
Aemma dropped to her feet, taken aback, and looking to be sure. "What?"
He smirked, proud of himself. "Shall I repeat it?"
She stuttered with her words. "I—uh."
"So," he flouted easily. "You were reminding me."
She wrinkled her nose. "I don't know if I want to anymore."
"I want to."
He met Aemma's shy lips midway, sweet, soft and slow. Modesty fled when she gently coaxed him closer at his nape and bowed into him, her faint moan spearing through them. Utterly unbridled, he trailed his fingers down her delicate neck, the fine creases there, whilst his lips hunted down the delve of her collarbones, breathing her deeply. Such a naive temptress.
Aemond wanted to undo those flimsy laces and take her right there, in the brightness of dawn, but obligations burdened him. He dropped his head into the curve of her neck, holding her there for a second.
"You've chosen an inconvenient time to tempt me," he breathed out.
Aemma laughed, caressing the back of his head. "Shall I offer you a little distraction?"
"Is it under all these skirts?"
He felt his hair tugged hard albeit playfully. With another quiet laugh, she took his hand and led him to sit by the table, replete with a sweet breakfast for the newlyweds. She had waited all morning to break bread with her new husband.
Aemond was twice as pleasantly surprised when she ensconced over his lap, a slim arm curving over his shoulder. He didn't wait on slinging his own around her thighs.
"I quite like this approach."
"Distracted?" she asked.
"Worse. Ravenous." He sunk his teeth into her soft neck and pulled. Something of a moan left her fluttering lips.
"Then I'll need to act better," she whispered.
She cocked a cheeky brow as she grabbed a sour cherry, bit into it and offered him the other half. Just as though they were six years old again. Fate may have stolen his eye, but it left the other one to witness this; his dear friend, now the jewel in his crown, his wife, all too content to be with him.
He noticed the inflamed wound on her hand, yet to scar. The fresh seal of the bandages was still stained scarlet. He took her cherry-bearing palm into his, comparing their plasters.
"One more scar to match," she laughed.
He arched a side of his lips. "My favourite one."
"Hmm?" He was too preoccupied in exerting pressure over her bandage, trying to clot her wound.
"What's our first order of business as husband and wife?" She thought about it, swinging her legs. "Hmm... we could go down the Kingsroad and visit an inn. Trade a few coppers for—"
"I want to depart the city soon," he interrupted to say, decidedly.
She smiled until she dimpled. "Or that."
"Good. Now, I will have a ship and crew commissioned from Lord Corlys, who would do us a good turn as your grandsire, and sail to Pentos where I will have made arrangements with Prince Reggio who will be waiting to welcome us. From there, we'll go where the wind takes us on Vhagar."
She gaped at him, waiting for his information to slowly make sense. When it did, she couldn't breathe.
There was not a trace of humour on his face. "I've never been more intent."
She looked away, out the window adjacent to the table, attempting to think this through.
"Don't you think it to be too soon?" She didn't try to hide the fear in her voice. "We only wed last night. I've barely spoken with my family as I'm sure you with yours. We haven't even..." She glanced at her bed, a soft flush burning at her neck.
"Aemma," he cupped her cheek to urge her to see at the sincerity in his eyes, his throat bobbing, "we've done our waiting, sweetling. For years. The longer we stay, the more this becomes a fantasy. I simply won't allow it."
Her panic faltered, and weakened, as she stared at him. All those years she had counted on paddling that oar on her little rowboat further than the untamed tides on Dragonstone or escaping into the Maegor tunnels with a lit torch like adventurers, it all came to this. Here she was, her dear friend, offering it up on a plate. She would be an idiot if she let the chance slip through her fingers.
She drew in a deep breath and grinned as wide as she could. "Me either."
He smiled away his triumph, cradling her chin to kiss her softly. His fingers knotted in her hair when she moved to embrace him snugly, pouring her anxiety into him. He accepted it all, vowing to never let her feel such a thing ever again.
"I will need clothes befitting a traveller." Her words were muffled into his shoulder. "And I'll need sufficient space on Vhagar, a journal to note our findings, some ink, oh! A cape!"
He pressed his lips at her jaw, nuzzling the hair on her neck. He had come to adore the length, bristling with the bearing of a warrior. He pushed it away to look at the rampant excitement in her dark eyes.
"The end of this moon," he marked. "I'll see to it that we set sail in accord with our families."
you can read part v here!
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The Taming of Man - Dragon-shifting Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Ay Yo, Starting a series maybe perhaps??? Idk, felt cute, might delete later. seriously though, lemme know what you think, because I'd really enjoy writing this out all the way.
EXTREMELY BASED ON The Willow Maid by Erutan, pls listen for best experience, lyrics at the end are from this!
words: 1,958
warnings: cursing, blood, probably poorly translated German, reader is she/her and will be AFAB in the future if I write this all the way out
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"Fuckin' Bluebloods," Katsuki grumbled to himself, waving the Pyre Pine twig he'd picked up, batting at cobwebs and whipping tall Acrimony Trees. The trees, true to their namesake, warped their crimson roots up through the maroon dirt to try and trip him. He had been in this forest a thousand times before though, and simply dodged them, hopping on top of them as his clunky boots pounded into the ground.
He kicked at popping Portobello's, their ashy and highly spiced spores exploding out with a crackle into what fittingly appeared to be mushroom clouds, and jabbed at the star-shaped Fire flowers, which attempted to burn away his stick with flickering flames and a high-pitched squealing sound. The good thing about Pyre Pines is that they were fire-resistant, so the flowers died without retribution.
Yes, Prince Katsuki of Forrmidūl was in a terrible mood, and it was all thanks to some rich asshole who thought he was better than him. He had met with the prince of Novia earlier that day, Katsuki's mother and Prince Tenya's Father hoping for some kinship between them as the people of their countries were viciously feuding. Sure, the guy was civil, nice even, but Katsuki hated the way he looked at him. Like he was a brute. A savage. He hated the way he picked at their nations best delicacies, scraping off perfectly good Portobello paste, and he hated the way he couldn't do anything about it.
The very remembrance of it made his jaw clench, his fists tightening. He wacked at a blazing thistle with all his strength, the wine-colored stemming tips of the petals shooting off into mini red fireworks. A couple went wayward, flying into the skin of his arm. Shit. They set off, causing wounds similar to ones you might get from being shot with a BB. "God Fucking Dammit," He yelped, gripping at his left tricep and scowling at the dead plant. He swung at it a couple times more, beating the poor thing to a red mess. It wasn't blood, of course, but rather crimson chlorophyll that all plants this ring of the forest contained.
You see, he was currently in the first and largest ring of the Farbenreich Forest, known as either Böse or simply Rot, an area many dared not enter. Sure, other countries sat near the outer rim of it, but none were brave enough to seek entertainment or peace there. The area was highly dangerous, as you could definitely see, and the only people who explored it were highly skilled Dragonborne such as the Soon to be king, Katsuki.
The rings of the rainbow forest went as followed:
Böse or Rot; the ring of Rage
Eisen or Orange; The Ring of Protection
Schatz or Gelb; The Ring of Treasures
Leben or Grün; The Ring of Life
Nebel or Blau; The Ring of Mist
Unbekannt; The Unknown.
Some called Unbekannt, the center, Leela, assuming it'd be purple and follow the pattern of all the other rings, but many simply called it Unbekannt because that's what it was; Unknown. Katsuki had read about each ring in books, craving to know what was in the center, but he himself actually feared it. He never went farther than the very beginnings of Eisen, something deep within him compelling him to turn back.
He sighed, taking a seat on a rock and making sure no moss was present. The vivid memory of traveling this place with his father and sitting on a rock covered in Magma moss still haunts him. If he could recall, he couldn't sit down without being in pain from the burns for a month after. He hung his head for a moment, regaining what little calm he had, and tried to figure out what to do about his little wounds.
They'd heal in no time, surely, but at the moment blood was trickling out of each little indent in his skin. he decided to take off his linen shirt, ripping off the sleeves. He wrapped one around his muscled arm, flexing after securing it to make sure it wouldn't fall off. He took the other one and repeated, adding two layers of protection.
He told his mother he'd go camping tonight, bringing nothing with him so he could truly rough it like he always did, but given the circumstances he decided it'd be best to head back home. He stood up, turning around to head back, before something reached his ears. What was that? The humming of a dragonfly? no, it wasn't dragonfly season...no, it was definitely someone singing. Singing like an angel. He turned to the sound, whipping around but unable to face it. Who the hell was in here?!
He finally pinpointed it, realizing it was coming from deeper in the forest. Dare he wander farther? He heard many a story of mischievous Faerie creatures luring unsuspecting men to their deaths, but it was all fiction. He just wanted to know what it was...who it was...
He hesitantly began walking farther into the woods, his attention no longer on abusing the flora. He stopped periodically to close his eyes, keying in on the sound to be sure he was following it closely. Before he knew it, he was already entering Eisen, The sturdy and squat mahogany trees practically forming a wall, a maze of sorts. Mind you, when I say Mahogany, I mean the color and not the breed of wood we know.
He walked as far as he could, before the grove became too tightly packed for his muscled body to fit through. He looked around, determined to move forward and find the source of the lovely music, before finally looking up. He immediately began to climb up the dense tree formation, climbing for a solid 2 minutes before reaching the top. He stood amongst the tangerine leaves, examining what was before him.
These trees were hardly as tall as Acrimonies, so he couldn't see far, but he could see a break in the amber foliage. He carefully hopped from tree to tree, the leaves and branches unmoving, thanking whatever deity blessed him to have this adventure in the fall when most snakes and other deadly animals were hibernating. He eventually was able to make his way down, already at the joining between Eisen and Schatz.
He looked down, the soft orange grass transitioning into golden shreds. He carefully stepped on the new grass, grass he had never seen the likes of before, and it crunched beneath his feet. Pulling back, He saw that it bent like metal flakes, curling under. He began to continue his trek inward, looking around at the tall and thin fruit trees that appeared to be made of solid gold or silver. They held apples made of ruby, blueberry bushes made of sapphire, acorns of diamond...even the leaves were made of paper thin shreds of metal. Everything was shiny, and it appeased his dragon brain.
He reached up, snatching an apple off its lustrous stem, something that would take the average man all his strength to do. Stuffing it in his pack, he continued to grab up different leaves and gemstone fruits. It was heavy, really fucking heavy, but he was compelled to take as much as possible. At least, he was, before stumbling upon a skull. A human skull. A human skull, who's body was crushed beneath piles of treasure. Yeah...fuck that. He immediately dropped what was in his arms, whatever dragon instinct that had enraptured his brain being forced to silence for a moment.
Besides, that voice was getting louder, meaning he was getting closer. At this point, he could just barely tell that the singing wasn't just a tune, it had words, words that hurt his ears to try and make out at this distance. He shook off the greed he once felt, forcing himself to carry on and simply avoid looking at the stuff around him.
This section felt like the longest because of the fact that he'd have to ignore his animal brain, but it was probably smaller than all the others. He finally reached Leben, the smell hitting him before anything else. He could smell rain, and fresh flowers, and dirt. It was earthy, it was floral, it was life. He stepped to the border, watching the plants fade from gold to green. All around him was green, he'd never seen anything like it.
The trees had spirals of moss growing up the sides, a cool breeze flowing through the flora and ventilating the area. Pink flowers, similar in look to the fire flowers, sat close to the ground, it's petals facing up to the sky. Katsuki watched as a fly slowly and leisurely buzzed past, before one of the flowers shot up and snapped around it like a shark closing its jaws. Good to know.
Katsuki trod through the forest, the damp and rich soil sinking beneath his weighty step, doing his best to touch nothing as he needed to stay cautious. As he moved along, the singing got louder, and he finally could make out a couple words. The ones that stood out to him were "man" and "Forest."
He had to know what this was, who this was. He didn't even realize he had been walking for two hours in total, nor did he realize that the end of Leben was fast approaching.
The air became wetter as he reached Nebel, and he could see the misty area ahead. It was as if there was a wall of fog, a marker for the point of no return. He took a deep breath, gulping a little. "Toughen the fuck up," he muttered to himself, before finally stepping in.
The second he entered the area, it was as if night fell. He couldn't see the sky, nor the plants, nor the ground. Only fog. Even with his night vision he was blind here, and it irritated him. He began to walk forward, keeping his eyes open to try and see the slightest differences, but soon found himself re-entering Leben.
The fuck?
He tried again, and again he was in Leben. He knew now why Unbekannt was Unbekannt. He sighed, closing his eyes. This time, he saw with his ears. He cued in on the beautiful voice, the tone, the words. He slowly began walking towards it, redirecting himself when the sound began to get farther instead of nearer.
Louder and louder the voice became, Clearer and clearer, Until he no longer felt wet fog on his face. He opened his eyes, and what he saw amazed him. The trees were full of life, vibrant with fruit and leaves of all colors hanging from them, wildflowers growing in hefty fields in all arrangements of hue and style, and best of all, the singing maiden.
She was sitting on a ginormous tree stump, centered in the ring of trees, washing her feet in a brook that shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow. Her clothes looked handmade, a sage green dress layered atop a tight silk button up shirt and a white flouncy underskirt. She had more clothing in a basket next to her, presumably to wash.
Song poured from her lips like honey, her face serene as she unknowingly preformed for her audience of one.
"A young man walked through the forest With his quiver and hunting bow He heard a young girl singing And followed the sound below There he found the maiden Who lives in the willow He called to her as she listened From a ring of toadstools red Come with me, my maiden Come from thy willow bed' She looked at him serenely And only shook her head"
you were mesmerizing. You were a faerie.
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You guys don't understand, this is BARELY THE BEGINNING 😭 please comment if you want more, really I'd love the feedback.
Check the comments for extra info!
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sunnysideaeggs · 2 months
hi friends, welcome back to another episode of me complaining about the dragon show. this is a long post for a long episode, spoilers for s2e6 of hotd, and spoilers for fire and blood, since i will be discussing a bit of my theories about the ending. enjoy!
the lannisters as always serving. i love the armor, the red, the details, targaryens wish they had that drip.
lions? fighting? yes lord jason show us the budget
also i think it’s cute that lord lefford and his men have a little golden dandelion pin. i think the different ways westerosi people embrace their sigils is cute
why is the golden tooth’s lord so surprised to see lord jason being a show off? sir that’s your liege lord you must know how he is 😵‍💫
‘he dares summon me 🤬🤬🤬’ bitch you’re regent because you have fightfing ability. use it. i hate aemond ugh
‘i’m prince regent not a dog’ ✨ stop acting like a bitch then ✨
everyone in the council wishing aegon comes back home lol
larys’ hair looks unmatched today
alicent and dalton? 💀 this would be a great moment to remind the audience of how dalton is a rapist, a tyrant, a heathen and a criminal, and anyone that allies themselves with him is icky. but oh wait isn’t he a black ally?
i will not tolerate any more tyland slander. he’s my little finance bro and he must be respected
now this is a question. what position does alicent fill exactly? she’s not queen anymore and being queen mother of an adult king doesn’t grant her any more saying than anybody else
i would be more inclined to empathize with alicent’s loss of power if she had spent any morsel of her power actually saying or doing something. i don’t care about the loss of a ‘leveling voice’ in the council when she didn’t have any thoughts this season but ‘war bad, aegon bad, viserys good, peace good’
she’s in her FOMO era though. she wishes this was aegon instead. she should’ve employed this maternal energy in him. it would’ve served her better.
now this is another consequence of alicent’s character being so butchered it became a 50’s caricature of what a woman is. book alicent was such a powerhouse that no one would dare question her presence in the council. and she was evil af. that’s the alicent we deserved
i can’t stop thinking that the hand pin rhaenyra gave corlys is the same pin she stole from otto lmao
i fail to see how rhaenyra admitting she’s being held back by her council gives her power. they’re admitting she’s a puppet ruler. ew
rhae mentioning that the knight has noble blood first of all 😭 smallfolk don’t count. it’s unthinkable they would have the ability. she said no real person involved fr
‘the dragons are gods’ i thought we were well past that
if anything i watch every episode to see daemon being haunted for all his sins. truly what he deserves
(throwback to s1) also i find it interesting how in the show viserys cut himself with the throne when he sent away daemon, when the moment he cuts himself in the book is when he condemns vaemond and the silent five unfairly. the show trying to make his mistake be standing up to his entitled family instead of enabling his entitled family 💀
simon must be so done with daemon 😭
i wonder if caraxes has been having weird dreams too
daemon packing his shit and sleeping outside harrenhal in a tent jsjjsjsjs
alys like: ‘where my goodbye hug at? 🧐’
‘perhaps those who strive for (the crown) are the least suited to wear it’ preach.
but rhaenyra does strive for it, she can’t be five minutes reminding people of her crown duh. the only one who recognized the duty of the crown and the burden and duty it takes is egg and that is why i love him
i can’t with the fucking viserys glazing smh
alys my love why would you say ‘centuries’ when it comes to the tullys? they’ve been around for a century and a third, not more. i love the tullys but they haven’t been liege lords for centuries
once again condal proving he didn’t read the books
now if ser whatshisname dies trying to claim a dragon i will say he died a dragonrider’s death, therefore he was successful or whatever
poor steffon :( it’s cruel to give a knight a ceremony for his death and seasmoke was cruel to lure him just to burn him
why did they leave him there instead of idk throwing water? try to save him? smh
he died a dragonrider’s death tho
actually the dragonkeeper choosing to slice his throat instead of succumbing to his burns tells us throusands about what an actual honorable valyrian death is like. and it doesn’t have anything to do with burning
now i would like some more insight on the resentment it causes to know you have a noble father and he leaves you to your devices. imagine your dad being your boss but you can’t say anything :(
i still think it was so stupid of dyana to not run away from the city when she had the chance and the money. i know they kept it for slander purposes but still
since when do the peasants are choosers? they’re eating rats and bowls of brown, why are you complaining about fish?
aemond’s lover is a traaaaaiittoor lol
tell but not show. we haven’t seen any food or feast since the dinner back in s1. got did way better with the food
also giving the blacks’ storyline of feasting while the people starve to the greens has not gone unnoticed.
bitch what? rhaenyra is slapping lords? she’s fucking joffrey. this is beyond disgusting and disrespectful. fuck her i hate her so much and every episode gives me more reason to hate her even more
‘fear me 👹👹👹’ i will cheer when she dies chained
also she just hits her allies and speaks some bs, doesn’t explain herself, doesn’t create more plans, just fucks around and fucks off. ew
i know mysaria is a lickspittle because no one else would say rhaenyra ‘raised in feasts and lazyness’ targaryen becomes being with a sword lol
aemond speaks the truth but fails to endorse it. it is in the crown’s best interest to make sure the smallfolk curse the blacks all the more, instead of leaving them to think whatever. when there’s a siege you hate the one keeping the siege not the ones suffering with you
aemond is so easily blindsided (pun intended). he is so quick to shut down the flatterers in the council but doesn’t realize he’s fucking the worse traitor of them all lol
yay egg is awake! (of course orwyle will prioritize 👑 the king 👑 instead of dealing with a simple prince duh)
my baby is in pain :(
aemond targaryen i will see you in the seven hells if i don’t sent you there myself. keep your hands away from him you leech. i’m on daemon’s side for this one
why would the maesters leave him alone? he’s the king king, he can command them to not leave the room and aemond can’t overrule him
rhaena being sidelined and forced into a storyline that isn’t hers (diminishing her importance and the last dragonrider until daenerys) will not be forgotten.
we get to see daemnyra’s kids’ dragons but not helaegon’s kids’ dragons? a crime.
i would like to remind everybody that grrm himself said dragons are not nomads and they don’t go flying around just because. condal once again
rhae rhae showing she’s vizzy’s daughter because she threatens to cut tongues when she gets mad at the truth and can’t even give a reasonable explanation for why. at least joffrey cut tongues when people were singing slander and not just trying to be useful
fucking tyrant.
while rhaenyra cries about not being respected as a ruler jace actually makes plans to win the war. she’s not respected because she’s fucking useless not because she’s a woman.
ah yes, apples grown in the gardens of dragonstone. as if the reach isn’t team green. lmao
also it’s so funny that no one ever through about buying more food exported from the reach (coast clear and no need for sea routes). the writing is so stupid bruh
all he ever wanted was to hear someone was sorry about what happened to him :(i’m sorry egg, your mom is sorry)
now some sunnydumping: back in 2021 i got covid, i probably catched it from my mom. i was bedridden and with awful fever and pain, my mom did stay by my side and constantly apologized for me being sick. of course it wasn’t her fault but she still felt bad. alicent apologizing to her burned son speaks to me so much
alicent was around 14 when her mom died, gwayne is older than that and was in tourneys during the first ep. did the writers forgot? why would they say ‘oh you were 8 when mom died’ this man fought daemon 💀
THEY’RE AGING DAERON? i expected it but i’m still disappointed
the horses are so cute with their armor aw
rhaenyra didn’t fucking knew about mysaria’s plan 💀 the smallfolk are right to thank her though. she might be the cause there’s a blockade but it’s not logical the crown hasn’t done anything about it
‘we must leave now’ no tf they don’t. helaena and alicent should stay right there instead of going to the streets. most of the smallfolk is deeply religious and wouldn’t dare to desecrate a sept. what are they, blackwoods?
and the narrative backs me up. the people were outside the sept, but didn’t actually enter and instead just conveniently went after the queens when they exited the sept. they should’ve stayed.
the smallfolk throwing food at them 💀 well damn that’s why you’re starving if you’re throwing good food away
i’ll miss leon stermont ngl. he was funny.
eeeegggg :((( his little tear while reaching for the milk? i’m crying. also give tom his emmy rn
aegon wanted his medicine and sleep but larys instead gave him his lore. poor baby :(
matthew needham the actor you are
i love love love larys and aegon together. the two best actors of the show on scene, their microexpressions, their shared disability and the ruthlessness it brews. this is the most vulnerable larys we’ve ever had and i am so mesmerized by them
new theory: i am a ‘aegon poisoned himself’ truther, and now i am of the mind that larys may help him, and poison his king following his orders (jesus and judas who). after that, he chooses death because what else can he do. he fulfilled his purpose and he served his king.
btw larys’ purpose to me is the old gods grand conspiracy. he’s advancing stuff so that the events of asoiaf can happen. he’s but a piece in a board.
he also may poison aegon without aegon knowing but thinking he’s doing it out of kindness. he doesn’t want the boy he grew to be fond of to be stripped of his power, life and dignity. better to die a king.
i hope we can get past all that dan schneider shit from s1e9 and we get to the real deal of larys’ motivations now. power and chaos, chaos and power. chaos is a ladder after all :)✨
daemon seeing viserys mourning 😭 he’s just in a really bad mushroom trip
where is elmo tully? this is muppet erasure
seasmoooookke i’m mad at you
still go get your rider boy
???? no claiming scene ???? 🤨
also we probably could’ve a) seasmoke claiming scene and b) sunfyre recovering scene instead of steffon dying trying to claim seasmoke and caraxes screaming in the background with alys and daemon, better use of cgi
rhaenyra’s problem is that she can’t fathom that not kissing the floor she walks on and still being loyal to her can coexist. no girl jace is your biggest ally he doesn’t doubt you he just sees you need help. smh
another thing i dislike is how they paint rhaenyra to be this universally beloved queen and the poor underdog fighting against the world at the same time. pick a side hbo
here we have grrm’s bad maths: 2/3 of the houses sided with the blacks, the blacks have thrice the dragons the greens have. but still the greens won (by virtue of aegon outliving and killing rhaenyra). how was that? the greens are the underdogs and the blacks have the numbers advantage
jace literally wakes up and starts thinking about ways to help his mother. but he says ‘ayo maybe you should check on your husband and ask him for help’ and then his mother cries and makes a fit because apparently he’s doubting her. narcissistic mom where
because apparently women need to be raped to be sympathetic? can’t mysaria be a sex worker who just so happened to want power and catch daemon’s attention? why does she need to be abused by her father? and tell her backstory to a targaryen of all things. she won’t ever understand how horrible that is.
mysaria being a ripoff of varys’ backstory 🧐
bruuuh i actually don’t think rhaenyra and mysaria are a good thing. power dynamics, especially with mysaria being a former sex worker and a sa victim, a daemon victim and at some point rhaenyra’s prisoner. can’t mysaria be a good employee without having to please her boss sexually? can rhaenyra respect one of her employees without fucking them? it seems not.
this episode was long aaaaaaffff and i think the scene with rhaenyra and mysaria could’ve been cut completely. mysaria giving her lore just doesn’t hit as hard when larys gave his piece, the make out scene is just fanservice and the ‘oh no’ ending could’ve been just alyn claiming seasmoke and pulling a dany
7/10 solely because of my greenies and alys.
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kayadrake123 · 2 years
Batboys x Thor!Reader
I HAVE TO I HAVE TO I HAVE TO. I just rewatched Ragnarok and I have seen a few posts speaking about Thor!Reader x the Batboys and I just had to write this. Please can people start making more headcanons and stories about this! Anyways, this is gender neutral and race neutral. I have also included some Marcel characters as well so hehehee enjoy!
Dick Grayson
First off, Dick loves your humour and how you deal with tricky situations
Like he admires how you can make lighthearted jokes as a giant dragon is trying to eat you
Which brings us to how you met
You piss off a lot of people, and this time you had happened to piss off someone with a dragon that’s trained to hunt down people
You knew you had to get off the beasts radar, so you went to the one place everyone would least expect you to be: Gotham City
Unfortunately the dragon wasn’t as dumb as you thought and followed you there, which ended with a lot of damage to Gotham’s streets, an angry dragon trying to bite your head off and an even angrier Batman
Nightwing joined the fight and just as he thought he was going to die when the dragon went for him, your hammer went straight through the beast and saved him
”Dragons have never really liked me that much”
”Which is weird since they’re meant to be like puppies. I’m good with puppies.”
”They’re meant to be like WHAT?!”
He instantly fell in love with you. He enjoys how fearless and determined you are, even if you get beat up by a large creature occasionally.
You care about those you love and would do anything for them, something both of you share.
He understands your complicated relationship with your adopted sibling the best out of everyone you know, since it’s kinda similar to the one he used to have with Jason.
He knows your strong asf, but it never stops him from worrying about you.
He would do absolutely anything and everything for you.
He’ll never admit it but whenever you go into space and you take him with you, he gets really nauseous. Space makes him feel sick.
A lot of your enemies like to use him against you, and visa versa. It usually ends with the criminal being in critical condition in hospital after you beat the shit out of them. (Yes you beat up your own kidnappers)
Jason Todd
You were in a library cursing at the book in your hand as Jason walked past you.
He found it amusing how you were trying to be quiet as the librarian had shushed you a couple of times already, but what really prompted hi, to approach you was the fact that the book you were cursing at was a Greek mythology one.
He’s never seen anyone that worked up over a book about the Gods before.
The answer he received from you was one he was not expecting
”This goddamn book has so many inaccuracies! Thor is not the God/Goddess of Lighting, it’s Thunder you fucking idiots! They always get me confused with Zeus…”
When you saw his confusion, you held your hand out to greet him.
“Thor, child of Odin. And you are?”
”Uh, Jason…son of Bruce?”
He met you as Red Hood a few weeks later when Bizarro had a run in with a large green good friend of yours
“Ah! Jason! Son of Bruce.”
”I have no idea who that is.” He lied, but you could see straight through him.
You were actually able to recognize him due to some of his left arm getting exposed from having his suit torn somehow during the fight. He had a scar there that you had noticed during your first meeting. It was shaped similarly to a lightning bolt, which caught your interest.
You grew close and you both became very protective of the other
You always defend him against his family members, especially Bruce (who won’t admit it but sometimes he finds you scary)
You get along with the Outlaws very well too. You sometimes even join them on missions.
You love it when he teaches you something about plays, poetry and novels. You think it’s really cute that such a dangerous man can be so cute and romantic.
He’s definitely helped you save the world a couple of times.
Tim Drake
He met you during his Robin days
You were a friend of Kon’s, and he called in a favour when his team was failing miserably on a mission.
They were being attacked by some angry aliens who happened to be using some of their tech to mind control parts of the planet
Bart had gotten one of his legs broken pretty badly so he was out for a while, Cassie was knocked out, and Tim and Kon were barley winning their fights.
Suddenly some thunder sounded in the sky and everyone was blinded by a bright light (your thunder bolts hehehe) and the most beautiful person Tim has ever seen appeared out of nowhere from the sky and beat the function out of the remaining enemy
He’s a bat, and is very much like Bruce when it comes to being suspicious of people so he wasn’t so friendly to you in the beginning
Your first impression of Tim was that he gave zero fucks about anything. He’s pretty, but definitely doesn’t care about shit (or acts like he doesn’t)
You guys saw each other more when you helped the Titans, Justice League and even Batman out with a few missions
And also whenever Kon would invite you both out to the same places to hang out. You guys got very close over the years.
Then you guys began hanging out by yourselves in and out of uniform
You saw people while you were each other’s close friends, but you just always knew that you loved each other.
Then he became Red Robin and fell into a dark hole after Bruce’s ‘death’ and became very standoffish with you
You spent more time in space, where you made more enemies with dragons and men made of fire who like putting you in cages (Ragnarok reference hehe) and your family issues got a lot worse too
All the times you spent away from Tim (a few weeks) made you both realise that you’re in love with each other. So you returned home through Bifrost, and turned up at his nest one night when it was raining and confessed your love for him. (You were still covered in blood as you literally just came back from a fight)
You guys have always been inseparable together, but in a romantic relationship? UNSTOPPABLE.
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animentality · 6 months
I just wanna remind the class that Sirius Black was an awful character. He basically did nothing to help or protect Harry through all of the books where he was alive, and while I agree that Harry sucks, and I wouldn't want to protect him either, it's still a mark against his character and speaks to like, the total incompetence of JK Rowling as a writer.
In book 3 he endangered the trio by dragging Pettigrew under the Whomping Willow and getting them involved in his bullshit, when he could've just waited for a better opportunity instead of literally diving on Ron in front of his friends and dragging his ass away. Like really? Harry is in Gryffindor, idiot, he's not gonna let his best friend get eaten by a dog. Also Harry had to watch his parents die. You really wanted him to watch you murder a guy? You're stupid as hell.
You're also a fucking dog, and Pettigrew is a RAT. Neither of you have a wand. You can easily outpace a rat and then tackle him if he tries to change into a human. Also Crookshanks. Corner him when he tries to make a run for it. Don't dive on him when there are people around.
Also even if he runs, what the fuck is stopping you?
You have nothing going on. No 9 am meetings. Chase him away from Hogwarts so you can hunt his ass in peace. Don't bring Harry into it at all. You have nothing but time.
Then the only good thing he does is lose Pettigrew, vaguely save the kids from a werewolf, which is kind of his fucking fault, I might add.
And then passes out so that Harry can save HIM. Then he has to be saved again from returning to Azkaban.
Now you can at least excuse book 3 Sirius because the guy is absolutely nuts after 12 years in evil wizard prison. He's cracked and he's not thinking straight. And him being hunted by the government isn't really his fault. He's a red herring. The big plot twist is that he's not evil and that's "fine." It's acceptable.
But book 4?
Oh my god he's so useless.
He's there for Harry to send letters to, and then NOT help him at all.
The only thing he does is get interrupted by Ron before he can tell Harry to do something really stupid, which is hit the dragon in the fucking eye, something that could've easily gotten him burned or stomped on, or still hit with the Horntail's tail. Harry basically figured it out because of fake Moody, not Sirius.
Then Sirius' guidance is just a red herring of "oooh watch karkaroff" gee thanks buddy.
I'm so glad you're here just so JK Rowling can misdirect the audience. Again.
He also gives exposition about Barty Crouch.
Again, for the misdirect, of thinking Barty Crouch is bad.
But that's it.
There are far better ways to give exposition on Crouch. I'd argue the movie did it better and in a more dramatic way.
He then does nothing whatsoever to help Harry with the 2nd or 3rd tasks. His greatest utility is as a support animal at the end of book 4.
It's actually amazing how he does nothing for the entirety of Goblet of Fire.
He basically just comes back to Britain so he can die in the next book.
And then that's where he's at his worst before dying.
He encourages Harry to do dangerous and stupid things. He does stupid things himself and makes Harry, the 15 year old boy, worry about him, a grown ass man, because he hates being home.
I know that people have childhood trauma and all that, but for fucks sake.
He would not be a suitable guardian for a child ever because he puts himself first.
And before you fuckheads start insisting that's the "tragedy" of his character and it's so emotional and deep, yak yak, I don't want to hear it because he's a fucking plot device before a character.
His whole role in book 5 is to make you think he's gonna do something stupid.
And then he does.
And then he dies.
And it's crazy because he's a wildly popular character, despite the fact that he's terrible. But I can't even really criticize the popularity, because it's mostly carried by Gary Oldman being hot, and also doing a way better job of making us give a shit about him.
I can't express enough how absolutely stupid and awful it was for Sirius to brush Harry off when he was afraid he was becoming evil after seeing nagini attack Arthur!! this is the last fucking book Sirius is alive and this is like the last time they really get to talk one on one.
the scene with Gary Oldman telling him he's not evil... it literally outweighs every fucking Sirius Black scene in the goddamn books!! and it's an original scene.
the director realized that we have to remember we actually like Sirius because of how little he has to do in the main plots.
but it fucking worked.
the warmth that Gary Oldman exudes in that movie is genuinely charming.
but the book Sirius???
There's nothing wrong inherently with excusing some of this crap for drama or storytelling purposes, I just object to the fact that the character himself could've been far more interesting and sympathetic.
He could've actually been helpful or proactive or had something to do with the plot that wasn't just acting as a red herring, which I might add he did literally 3 times. First he's not a villain, second it's not Karkaroff or Crouch, and then third he's not actually in the ministry building, Harry's just an idiot.
The childhood best friend of a kids dead father has so much potential.
But he's shuffled and sidelined and treated like a prop before a person. His charming nature is just for fun, it doesn't actually bring anything out of Harry, aside from the protectiveness he feels for all of his friends.
He's vaguely funny sometimes and cracks a few jokes and tells the kids they're dumb every once and a while.
And that's it.
I really can't express enough how absolutely fumbled his character is. We don't get enough of him talking about James or his time at Hogwarts.
Ironically Snape gives Harry way more info on what his dad was like, in like, all of his flashback scenes.
We never got to see the warm side of James that wasn't associated with bullying Snape.
Sirius would've been a great way to balance that out... but we never get his perspective on it.
He's there to dump exposition and be saved.
And it's such a waste.
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writerscurse · 2 years
Possess your Heart | Aemond Targaryen x reader
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader
Word count: 2,422
Summary: Aemond and you used to be inseperable during your childhood. That was until you had to leave the Red Keep. 10 years later you come back, only to find him betrothed to another.
Warnings/tags: Angst, pining, mostly angst
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‘Fuck off! All of you’, you shouted as you sprinted through the empty dragonpit, straight towards Aemond, that pig still standing before him. The other kids were laughing. God, how you hated them. You didn’t expect much from Jace and Luke, but not even his own brother would stand by his side.
You took off one of your shoes and threw it straight at Aegon’s head. 
‘Get out of here’, you shouted, darting towards him. His eyes widened and he rubbed his head where your shoe had hit him. As soon as he saw you, he dashed away, Jace and Luke right behind him.
Aemond just stood there, staring at the pig. You noticed tears in his eyes. Once you were close enough, you slowed down a little and instantly wrapped your arms around him. He didn’t hug you back, still too upset and angry at his brother and nephews. But you kept him close, not even caring about your bare toes freezing on the ground.
‘Ignore them, Aemond. They’re idiots. I just know you’ll find your dragon one day. And it’ll be better and bigger than all of theirs combined’, you whispered in his ear, gently stroking the back of your head. A sigh erupted from the boy in front of you and his arms finally came up to your waist, pulling you in tighter.
The young prince and you had always been close. Ever since your father had been summoned to the Red Keep to be part of King Viserys’ small council, you had grown up around the royal family. And you quickly developed a soft spot for the younger, silver-haired Targaryen in your arms. 
It seemed that he was always around. While his brother preferred to laze about or mess with his family, Aemond had always preferred to educate himself, to become a better person. You loved that about him. It was an innocent and childish love, but everyone in the castle could see that you two were meant for each other.
You would sit by his side in the library for hours, reading your books. Sometimes, Aemond would teach you a few words in High Valyrian, joking that if you were to be his princess one day, you would need to know more about his family’s history. It always made you blush and you knew that secretly he loved that.
Other days, you would watch him spar with Ser Criston Cole, practising his sword fighting skills. You would cheer on him, if he did well. Or you’d help him up, if he fell, always making sure he was okay. And whenever Ser Criston wouldn’t look, Aemond would hand you his sword, letting you play with it for a while and teaching you what new things he had learned. 
You knew his life wasn’t perfect and he often struggled a lot. But you were happy enough together. Until one day, your father was summoned back home and you had to leave the Red Keep.
10 years later
You smiled remembering all the good times you had at the Red Keep. Sure, your life back at home was fine, but you had always missed the bustle of King’s Landing. And you had missed your company. Nothing ever compared to the friendship you used to share with Aemond Targaryen. The thought of seeing him again made your heart jump. You couldn’t wait to finally arrive, get out of this damn carriage and wrap your arms around the man you had missed so much for the past 10 years.
And then you noticed the gates of the Red Keep. You were here. Any moment now. You felt the carriage come to a stop and the door was opened. Your father climbed out first, offering you his hand to guide you. Taking a deep breath, you straightened your dress, smiled at your father and finally stepped out of the carriage. 
Queen Alicent immediately came closer, greeting your father and then putting her hands on your shoulders, ignoring all protocol.
‘Y/N, how you have grown. It is wonderful to see you again’, the queen warmly smiled at you.
‘Your grace, I am pleased to be back’, you bowed before her, trying to be polite.
‘You’ll remember my children?’, she asked, stepping aside and revealing the rest of her family standing beside her.
‘Of course’, you responded and took a step towards them, noticing Aegon first, as he was closest to you. 
‘Prince Aegon, Princess Helaena, it is good to see you again. I congratulate you on your union’, you bowed before them. All of you knew that you were lying. You could never stand Aegon and he equally despised you. So both of them just nodded their heads, Helaena giving you a kind smile.
It was time for you to move on to the next person, you knew it would be Aemond. As soon as you laid eyes on him, a smile spread on your face. Of course, you had heard about that terrible incident that made him lose his eye. You had never liked Luke much, but knowing what he had done to Aemond, made you hate him. Not much to your surprise though, a missing eye didn’t change anything about it. Aemond was stunning. His tall figure towered over yours and the eyepatch gave him a mysterious aura that only intrigued you more. You wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around him, but it would have been improper. So you simply bowed before him. 
That’s when you noticed another person. Right beside Aemond, you saw a beautiful woman with long black hair. She must’ve been just a few years younger than the prince. Unsure of how to proceed, you moved over to her, when you saw Queen Alicent joining you.
‘Ah, yes. This is Lady Cassandra Baratheon, Aemond’s betrothed’, she announced, joy noticeable in her voice.
Your heart sank. Aemond was betrothed? How had nobody told you? A gasp escaped your mouth and you stared back at Aemond in disbelief. His gaze never met yours, but his clenched jaw line didn’t escape you. He desperately tried to ignore you. Not wanting to make a scene, you looked back at the woman before you.
‘My lady’, you bowed, ‘I am pleased to hear of your upcoming wedding.’
The words coming out of your mouth sounded rigid and forced, but you tried your best to smile at her. Sensing that the situation was a little tense, Queen Alicent ushered you all towards the doors and motioned for the servants to carry your belongings to your chambers. You hesitantly followed them, trying your best to ignore Aemond and Cassandra, before you made your way to your chambers to get ready for tonight’s feast.
A few hours later, you took a deep breath, as you stepped into the great hall. Most guests were already there and sharing conversations, laughing with each other, or just sipping from their cups. You were relieved at the realisation that nobody actually looked at you as you found your place by your father’s side. That was until you sat down and realised that Aemond’s seat was right in your line of vision and he was staring straight at you. You couldn’t read the look on his face but decided that given the circumstances of the situation it would be best to avoid his gaze. So you simply looked away, engaging in the conversation your father was sharing with the other noblemen sitting at your table.
‘My lady, may I ask for this dance?’, a voice behind you caught your attention after a while. You turned around to find the most beautiful stormy grey eyes staring right back at you. The tall man before you quite frankly took your breath away.
‘Of course, my lord…?’, you took his hand, letting him guide you to the dance floor.
‘Stark, Cregan Stark. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Y/N’, he gave you a gentle smile before placing his hand on your waist, softly swaying to the music. 
‘I see, you have heard of me?’, you grinned up at him, enjoying the attention.
‘Rumours of your beauty and kindness are heard all across the realm, my lady. Although, I must say you exceed any stories I have heard’, he mused.
‘You flatter me, Lord Stark’, you giggled. In truth, you were rather grateful for the distraction he provided and let him spin you around. A joyful laugh escaped your mouth until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
‘Lord Stark, I will take it from here.’
You froze immediately, recognising that voice.
‘My prince’, Cregan Stark bowed before you, giving you a sympathetic smile before he walked away.
You didn’t dare to look up when you felt Aemond’s hand on your waist, gently pulling you into him as you moved to the music. Your heart was beating heavily and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You weren’t used to being that close to him anymore. And as much as you hated the situation, you couldn’t deny the attraction you undoubtedly felt towards the one-eyed prince.
‘You look beautiful, Y/N’, he whispered. When you looked up at him, your breath got caught in your throat and you forgot how to speak. Seeing him brought back so many memories and secretly, you had hoped that meeting him again would go vastly different.
‘Have you lost your voice, little bird?’, he hummed, a smirk spreading on his face. The situation amused him. He clearly knew of the effect he had on you and pulled you closer to him. The feeling of his chest pressed against yours almost made you forget yourself and you struggled not to give in and lean your head on his shoulder.
Looking over to the Targaryen table, you noticed a set of deep brown eyes, staring at you. Cassandra’s hand tightly gripped her cup and she couldn’t stop staring at Aemond and you.
‘Your betrothed seems upset, my prince. I do not think she appreciates the attention you’re paying me’, you sighed, ready to pull back, but Aemond kept you firmly held against him, turning slightly so you wouldn’t be able to see Lady Cassandra anymore.
‘I merely wish to reconcile with my old friend’, Aemond leisurely stated, looking down at you.
‘Old friend’, you huffed, ‘is that what I am to you?’
This time you pulled away from him, simply staring at him, ignoring the eyes that were carefully watching you now.
‘Y/N, please. Not here. You can’t do this right now’, he muttered, trying to keep face.
You felt anger rising within you. You were angry at Aemond for being with someone else. Angry at your father for making you leave all those years ago. But mostly, you were angry at yourself for the stupid feelings that you couldn’t get rid of.
‘I can do whatever I want, Aemond’, you hissed, ‘in fact, I might go back to dancing with Lord Stark. He seemed much more delightful than you.’
Just as you were ready to stomp off towards the Stark table, you felt a hand around your arm and before you knew it, Aemond was dragging you out of the great hall and into the corridor. He looked around, and pulled you behind a large pillar with him, trying to make sure that you could have a quiet moment together.
‘Why are you acting like this?’, Aemond spat, his nostrils flared as he stared down at you. You were pushed against the pillar, stuck between him and the cold stone on your back. The closeness to him made your head swim and you almost forgot how angry you had just been.
‘Me? How do you think I felt? Coming back after all those years, finally seeing you again, hoping you would…’, you trailed off, trying to hold your deepest wishes back, ‘and then you stood there with her by your side.’
You waved your hands towards the door, tears welling up in your eyes.
‘Oh Y/N’, Aemond sighed, bringing a hand up to your cheek. Seeing you like this broke his heart. He wanted nothing more than to be there for you, but he knew he had other duties now.
‘And you know what hurts the most? I want to hate you. I really do. But I just can’t. I lo-’, you caught yourself before you could say it. Your eyes widened and you looked up at him, realising what you had just done.
His expression matched yours. Sadness and shock covered his face. His thumb still gently stroked your face and you caught yourself leaning into his touch. He took a step forward, his body now pressed against yours. You could feel his breath on your face.
‘Don’t hold back’, he whispered, his voice so soft, you almost couldn’t hear it, ‘nobody can see us.’
And within the blink of an eye, you pressed your lips against his. Your hands came up to his neck, your fingernails digging into his long hair, softly scratching at the back of his head. It was a desperate kiss. The bitterness from years of longing for him and then coming back to see him lost to another was pouring out of you. Your lips moved against his in unison and his thumb was digging into your cheek. His other arms came up to your waist, pulling you even closer into him. A deep growl escaped his lips and you opened your mouth, letting your tongue glide over his lips and teeth, fighting his tongue for domination. A soft moan fell from your lips.
And suddenly you realised what you were doing. Your eyes opened wide and you pulled yourself away from him. Breathing heavily, you brought your fingers up to your lips and just stared at him in shock. You couldn’t believe what you had just done. Aemond wasn’t yours to be with. 
‘Y/N’, he tried, taking a step forward and reaching out to you, but you just shook your head. 
Taking a deep breath, you fought back the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes. Another deep breath and you took a step forward, approaching the fragile looking prince before you.
You placed your hands on his shoulders. Standing on your toes, you leaned in and gently pressed a loving kiss on his cheek, just below his scar. 
‘I love you, Aemond. Always’, you sighed before turning around and walking away from him.
That was the last time you had ever seen Aemond.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
reading update: March 2024
March was so !!!!!! so fucking long, but that means that I got to read a lot of books - more than I did in January or February. they're pretty all over the place in terms of quality, but I think they're also all going to be pretty memorable in one way or another. shall we discuss?
what have I been reading?
The Ballad of Perilous Graves (Alex Jennings, 2022) - I bought this novel at Crescent City Books in New Orleans last June, then tucked it away to wait for exactly the right moment. and I'm so glad I did, because it was a gorgeous little flash of NOLA in the middle of a gray midwestern winter funk. this novel is so, SO steeped in celebrating the art, history, and culture of New Orleans, creating a version of the city filled with talking animals, living songs, and moving graffiti that hardly even feels that different than the real New Orleans. and in this book, Nola is distinct from New Orleans; there's some interesting multiverse stuff going on in the city that might be really interesting to my fellow fans of Dimension 20's Unsleeping City and N.K. Jemisin's City We Became. not every part of the book totally worked for me: the parts of the books following the kids - the titular Perilous "Perry" Graves and company - are definitely the strongest, and the actual details of how the plot got resolved got a little muddled for me before the surprisingly abrupt end. but! it must be said that the vibes are immaculate, and vibes will get you really far with me. I want to see a thousand more stories set in this world.
Thank You For Sharing (Rachel Runya Katz, 2023) - with god as my witness this was one of the most boring romance novels I've ever read, and that's saying something considering I literally just read Red String Theory. what I really adore are romances that take place at around an 11 on a scale of 1-10, under circumstances where absolutely no normal person should even be able to contemplate fucking but our protagonists power through because they're horny to a degree that renders them clinically unwell. this book was hovering somewhere around a 2; it's literally just two adults having jobs and hanging out in pretty mundane circumstances. the only thing that really strains my belief is that an otherwise well-adjusted woman is still upset about something that happened at summer camp over a decade ago, but I guess if she wasn't mad about something then the protagonists wouldn't be able to have a conversation about their feelings to show off how good they are at therapy speak.
Africa Is Not a Country: Notes on a Bright Continent (Dipo Faloyin, 2022) - genuinely one of the most excellent pieces of nonfiction that I've read in a hot minute. Faloyin's book consists of interconnected essays that just dazzlingly brilliant, in turns solemn, sardonic, and sly, always ready to offer the audience a little wink as it subverts expectations. Faloyin walks the reader through the history of several African countries, from colonial looting to rocky political regimes to the common tropes that plague modern media with depictions of Africa as universally backwards, impoverished, and struggling. I really felt like I was *learning* while I was reading this book and learning the specifics of so many places that are often portrayed as interchangeable in American media. I really sincerely can't recommend this enough, it's an excellent read.
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon (Kimberly Lemming, 2024) - I can't in good conscience say that I enjoyed this book, but it is kind of a great read if you enjoy updating your housemates on the latest bullshit in your horny fantasy romance. Lemming's in a weird middle ground where she's putting a lot of effort into the backstory of the world that justifies our protagonist (who's named CINNAMON HOTPEPPER!!!!) meeting and hooking up with a demon (who's also a dragon, because all monsters are just a subspecies of demon. I'm not crazy about that but the worst part by far is definitely that his dragon form has hair) but also stops giving a shit about it the second it's not necessary. like (spoilers) but all of the human characters are REALLY chill about finding out that the goddess they've been worshipping for CENTURIES is actually an evil lich? and there's another human character who pretty casually watches the city where she's spent her entire life get razed to the ground by monsters with absolutely zero remorse, which is genuinely bananas. also this book misses SOOOO many opportunities to be really nasty horny because it's so focused on hyping up Cinnamon and Fallon's all-consuming five day spiral into unhinged magical demon marriage. even the "light bondage" promised in the content warning was disappointing; the emphasis was definitely more on the "light" than the "bondage." what does a bitch have to do to find a decent monsterfucker book. for the love of god please.
It Came From the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror (ed. Joe Vallese, 2022) - I've heard a lot of hype about this book, an anthology of queer writers musing about the queerness that draws them to the horror genre. I was expecting the essays to be of an analytical nature, but it turns out they're much more personal. that's not necessarily a bad thing, but some of these essays ended up falling SUPER flat for me, with weak analogies that felt like the result of authors remembering at the last second that they were supposed to be relating their life to a horror movie somehow. which isn't to say that there weren't high points as well, but overall the collection was low lows and medium highs for me.
Sex Criminals Volume One: One Weird Trick (Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky, 2014) - I'm trying so hard to remember to read comics that aren't 30 year old Batman stories, and my friend Emily lent this to me months ago when I helped them move, so it seemed like high time to get around to checking out Sex Criminals. the premise is fun! what if time stopped when you had an orgasm? then what if you met someone else with the same ability and the two of you could have sex and run around in a time-stopped world together? and then what if you robbed banks? and I'm a huge fan of that. the writing isn't the most gripping thing in the world, and now that it's a decade old I find that it feels very emblematic of the kind of aggressively offbeat, Whedon-ish writing style that felt like it was really unavoidable in the 2010s, which I can't say has aged MAGNIFICENTLY for me. but I'm willing to read more, see where this series goes, and give it the chance to really win me over. stay tuned for Volume Two!
Rental Person Who Does Nothing (Shoji Morimoto, trans. Don Knotting 2023) - I can't decide if I want to sit Morimoto down for dinner to pick his brain or just skip the niceties and put his brain in a jar to study it, but either way this guy definitely has something fascinating going on. tl;dr: in this memoir Morimoto recounts his experiences using Twitter to let other people hire him out as a person who will do nothing. "doing nothing" covers all kinds of things: accompanying people to eat a meal that they felt too self-conscious to eat alone, keeping someone company so they don't get distracted while they should be working, or waving goodbye to a stranger at a train station. he's not paid for this, either, or at least doesn't charge a fixed rate; all the Morimoto asks for is the price of his train ticket to meet clients, who sometimes buy him extra gifts as a thank you. there are so many FASCINATING ideas presented in this book about work and value and interpersonal connection, and yet the book clocks in at under 200 pages. Morimoto isn't here to tell you how to feel about anything he's done, only to present some experiences and let you unravel the meaning for yourself. and I guess that's sort of brilliant. throughout the memoir he's adamant that Rental Person doesn't offer advice or tell anyone what to do, offering only basic responses when prompted. telling someone else what to think or attempting to offer up any wisdom gleaned from his rental work would count as doing something, wouldn't it? I really recommend checking it out for yourself and deciding what you think, especially if you're in a slump seeking something quick, engaging, and easy to read.
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