#theyre boyfriends you cant change my mind
flowergirlava · 2 years
rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead TO YOU. in my head they're still out there having gay little adventures.
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reconnecting · 8 months
rambling dont mind me
#thinking about how the difference between me n my other indigenous friends is like a border or two#thats it#and how that really just can totally remove everything i have to say from relevancy with other indigenous people#like my yukayeke vs my cousins tribe n clan#function completely differently#which makes sense like we're ages apart#literally different countries and opposite sides even if we werent#but i think like#as soon as you get south of the border the 'rules' that northern dudes have made kinda stop applying how you think they do#like my cousin is metis and taino because theyre my cousin#or more theyd be a part of my yukayeke if theyd learn about it i guess is more accurate like#its a bit more complex than how im saying it but yk#but i cant be part of their clan or tribe#which mind you is FINE like its not a bother or anything like that and i dont necessarily even know if id join given the choice#but i find it really interesting like#something about the timezone of when you got colonized and where that border is really changed us#i dont think we need to be this divided in our views is kinda the other thing but also i think that we currently need how certain things ar#like how theyre different#just in order to deal with the surrounding population of people#like shit my boyfriend's family would NEVER admit theyre indigenous even though he wants to reconnect#whereas white cherokee grandma is a whole thing here#well excluding the aztecs but his family considers them dead so im not counting that rn#versus like my taino ass#we're having a whole resurgence of people trying to be proud of their blood in puerto rico#its a HUGE thing to say 'oh fuck we're not dead' like its a MAJOR event thats been happening for the past few years#and its great! its like actually fantastic!#and i really GENUINELY hope it doesnt end up with our yukayekes becoming even more closed off#i hope it ends with 'youre taino? come learn then.' and then we learn#because fuck if i dont love my people but fuck if im not sick of people claiming shit for fun too#idk
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please please please get out of my head
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arsonkoobi · 1 year
taekooker to jikooker: my personal experience.
this is merely how i felt and all the things i saw while being a hardcore taekooker for almost a year and a half. if you get offended, im sorry but the unfollow and block button is right there, i dont mind. i love taekook themselves, but i can no longer look at them in the way i used to. now they genuinely look like best friends to me. people change, and their perceptions and views on different aspects of life change. thats what happened to me.
I first joined this fandom 5 years ago in mid january 2018 through my friends. taehyung was my first ever bias, so most of the bts related yt recs i had were mostly of taehyung and ot7, and occasional ship videos among which taekook was the most prominent. me being a curious lil unsuspecting lamb, clicked on one, it also helped that my friends were taekookers as well so i dived pretty deep into the rabbit hole of taekook. im gonna be writing my thoughts and experiences on shipping taekook at different times of the year. i dont remember every single detail clearly (like this was 5 years ago) so forgive me if i sound vague at times plus this will only be a summary. without further ado, lets start, shall we?
february-march, 2018
by this time, i already watched quite a few taekook analysis videos, i also came across a few tkk_lives' videos(i think i came across her vids like much later but i just included it here) as well as other deluded channels. i fell even deeper into the rabbit hole. i thought taekook were the epitome of boyfriends silly in love, i felt like they had the best chemistry and that they were the ones whose ship actually made sense. i feel so embarrassed to admit this but one of my rather major reasons for shipping them was how good they looked tgthr🤦‍♀️(im a changed person now i promise). now i realise many tkk analysis channels tend to heavily edit things to make it look like theres something going on, overanalysing things to no end, it made me see them as if they were closer than they actually are, and as if theyre hiding something, but it was really just heavy and clever editing that forces your mind to get convinced. it was quite literally manipulative. plus back then, i was rather immature and hadnt even been in a rltnshp yet, so i blindly believed whatever they said. i believed every narrative and every theory they put out even if i knew lots of them didnt even make sense. they constantly also put out the jealous jungkook/taehyung whenever the other breathes next to another member..as i now realise, thats one of the biggest toxic traits a person can have. they were always pushing tkk as a toxic relationship without even knowing it(or just ignoring it). i also do not like jikook analysis vids where they are portrayed as the same territorial mfs who cant stand the other interacting with anyone else but himself. bc thats literally pushing their relationship as a toxic one and making them look toxic, and i would rather not do that.
march/april-september, 2018
i only watched taekook vids and funny bts moments for a long while as a baby army. i didnt watch official content very much, i ddint even know how to watch official content..i didnt know bangtantv existed yet💀 this tkk analysis watching continued for around 4 or so months after i became an army before i took an unintentional break from them(analysis vids) and i went on twitter. twitter, was so much worse(as i now realise). i didnt have an account at that time and learnt to browse on twt without one(it doesnt really let you do that anymore). at first, i found nothing weird or unusual and i enjoyed lurking on twitter, but slowly i started to see the ugly side of the community. i found multiple accounts directly or indirectly hating on jimin. i was weirded out. very weirded out. i was quite conflicted but..i only thought of it as jimin haters who were coincidentally tkkrs, maybe i refused to see tkk shippers in a bad light? probably, unfortunately i cant remember much and as i said, i was immature.
october-december, 2018
i stumbled across gcf in tokyo somewhere in october, i think it was in a fanwar on twitter and a jkkr said "at least we have this" or sumn along that line and put a link to gcft . idek how i didnt see it earlier. immediately after watching it, i felt..weird, conflicted, insecure. insecure about my ship. it seemed so romantic to me even then. but ofc i didnt let myself give up immediately, and i searched interviews + info about it, i found tkkrs saying vminkook were supposed to go tgthr and jikook only went bc they had a few days off and tae didnt. that gave me a lil bit of security and i held onto that thread of security and refused to believe or even hear out the actual fact(which i will come to later). as you can see, i was a stubborn mf. inside i knew that even if tae not having time off was the "only" reason behind jikook's japan trip, it was still unusual and suspicious to go on a trip with only your "bro" when said "bro" has told you and the world multiple times that they wanna go on a trip alone with you, when the hotel room you're staying at with your "bro" has a see-through glass wall for the bathroom and when you make a whole love confession in the guise of a travel log for your "bro" while your boyfie is waiting for you at home.
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in conclusion, i was very insecure.
did i give up? no, not yet. we're getting there.
so as a masochist and out of curiosity caused by insecurity, i searched up jikook videos on yt, thinking "there's no way they could ever have more chemistry than taekook 🙄" - when i tell you i was wrong as fuck, i mean it. i was HUMBLED. the chemistry and tension between jungkook and jimin was undeniable. i felt uncomfortable watching some certain moments, felt things that i didnt feel while shipping taekook, saw things i didnt see in taekook.
i was confused plus the sinking feeling you get when you've been too loud about what you think and your opinions but then it turns out you were a stupid ass bitch.
there was a plethora of jikook vids, and i think my first jikook video was from Made in Busan, ig it was the "serendipity" analysis? back then it made lots of sense to me, but now it looks slightly overanalyzed (i still believe "serendipity" is very much connected to jikook tho). i slowly got more introduced to jikook in general. this mainly occured in like the first week of october and december as i had my boards in november.
december/january-february, 2019
so its been more or less of a year since ive become a tkkr, gcft is still in the back of my head screaming at me. and then jikook drop another bomb. that is, 2018 MMA.
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this..was just, just..i cant explain it in words. jungkook had every bit of his attention directed towards jimin, they were giving each other loving glances, jimin giving jungkook a flying kiss, jungkook giving jimin a finger heart, jungkook subconsciously massaging jimins nape..it was just so domestic and coupley. i've never third wheeled so bad in my life. i felt like i was interrupting something by watching them. imagine how hyunjae next to them felt😔✊not to mention how it very much looked like jungkook was saying "남편"[ nampyeon] meaning "husband" and "형의 남친"[ hyung-ui namchin ] meaning " hyung's boyfriend" in their conversation after jimin pointed to himself and jungkook (forgive me if the spellings/romanizations are not accurate enough, im not fully fluent in korean). plus, after jungkook said it, jimin smiles and shyly looks down..LIKE??
watch from 31:00 to see for yourself. im not kidding.(p.s i love this video so much)
i was bamboozled. i was shocked. i was frustrated. i was feeling stupid. i was begging for taekook to drop something mindblowing or sumn that would regain my secuity in the ship and i found some moments during other award shows but, it didnt feel the same. to me it was really looking like taekook had boundaries and limits between each other, the limits that apply when you're good friends. but with jikook, i couldnt see how their gazes towards each other could be passed off as anything platonic, how their actions+body language could ever be seen as platonic.
so what did i do? did i give up? oh hell no im stubborn as fuck. but we're getting there.
i ignored every jikook moment and brought my focus back on taekook, i started watching analysis and moments again. in a span of a few weeks, the security around my ship had improved after pretending that i didnt feel like a stupid mf after MMA 2018. haha. it sorta worked lol. sorta.
march-may, 2019
these were my last months as a taekooker.
after all that shit, all i wanted was more taekook moments to make me feel better about myself. and i did get quite a few. however, as i said before, they looked like they had boundaries. i couldnt look at them exactly the same.
i was busy in april with my class tests, i doubt i had much time to catch up with the boys. so when the tests ended, it was most likely in the last week of april or the first few days of may.
we all know what happened in the first few days of may, don't we? in case you don't, this is what happened.
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surprisingly, i clearly remember the first time i got to know about it.
it was in class, i just arrived and then one of my friends and i start talking and she goes [this convo is all translated from bengali]
"hey did you see what jungkook did at the latest concert?"
"no, i didn’t, what did he do?"
"he went and literally sucked on jimins ear!"
i was shocked once again, my eyes went wide, my heart did a backflip..all that shit. i didnt believe it at first.
"don't joke around like that, you're being absurd" i said.
"im not kidding bro, he sucked jimins ear in the rosebowl concert last week, ill send you a link too"
when i got back home, sure enough, the link was there and i saw jungkooks ear nibbling in all its glory, albeit a bit low quality. but no doubt he took that ear into his mouth and i knew it.
surely i must've given up now? no, but im this🤏 close we're almost there i promise
i went online and found lots of tkkrs denying that jungkook ever took jimin's ear into his mouth and that jimin's ear only got caught on jk's chin. but..if it got caught on jk's chin then that means his chin was behind jimin's ear, and his lips must have been at least kissing jimin's ear, given that we couldnt see them very well. the lip we could see was the upper lip, which again lead me to be believe that jungkook did indeed, suck jimin's ear.
yeah, my faith in tkk was crumbling into millions of pieces. because i couldnt see how jungkook, being in a supposed relationship with taehyung, could do that with tae's best friend. i sure as hell wouldnt let my partner get away with that, nor would i ever do that myself with someone else other than my partner. even if its to comfort them. it just goes way over platonic boundaries.
i was seriously considering shifting over to jikook by now. but before that, i searched lots of shit up abt jikook.
there i saw an interview where jimin talked about the tokyo trip with jungkook. what i believed until now was that vminkook were supposed to go tgthr but jikook were the ones with time off, and tae didnt have time off. jimin said he told taehyung and jungkook that he wants to go on a trip to Japan. he didnt say he wanted to go on a trip WITH taehyung and jungkook. yall, ive told my wishes to go to japan and turkey multiple times to my friends, does that mean im taking their asses with me? no. mind you, jimin has said he wanted to go on a trip alone with jungkook multiple times in their rookie era. on jimin's bday of 2017, jungkook tweeted a pic of him(jimin) with the caption "Its not over yet.." and shortly after, we find out jikook went on a tokyo trip by THEMSELVES with no staff, no managers and no other members. dropped off at the airport by jungkook's dad and brother and jimin's dad. jungkook paid for everything and put a hell lot of time into making the masterpiece that is gcf in tokyo WITH a bgm of a gay fucking song by a queer fucking artist and showed the fucking rainbow colored ferris wheel at the line "love is a road that goes both ways".
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its clear who the main model of gcf is.
you can deny the trip being only for jikook, but you can not deny the symbolism and significance shown in gcf in tokyo. saying "jungkook didnt understand the song, hes not fluent in english" - is so small minded and belittling.
saying he didnt show jimin on the parts "boy, im holding onto something, wont let go of you for nothing, im running, running just to keep my hands on you" on purpose is not only straight up denial but also understimating jungkook's intelligence and artistic capabilities, saying that jungkook isnt smart enough to get the meaning behind these words. and just because hes korean. thats fucking racist if you ask me.
then i discovered the iconic osaka vlives, i was convinced. it was my last straw along with rosebowl.
alas, after around a week of denial, i gave up and became a jikooker in mid may of 2019. ive never looked back. over the years they've only given us more and more evidence and i doubt my beliefs will ever change soon.
i hope this was kinda fun to read, i had been planning to do this for a long time. im glad i finally got to say my thoughts out here. thank you for taking the time to read this<3
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
hello! i saw your requests were open and you write for saiki k ! 😁 I was wondering if i can request general dating hcs for saiki?
my first saiki request! exciting! also ive been so active??? hopefully i can keep this up, ive been working to clear out my inbox so i can open it again!
i miss watching saiki k i need to rewatch for the thousandth time 
general kusuo saiki dating headcanons
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-for saiki, dating was never something of interest to him, especially considering the nature of his supernatural abilities
-even he’s uncertain how he managed to fall in love with you in his hectic everyday life, but he did, and to his surprise, you liked him back! So boom boom you two are dating!
-dating saiki isn’t a secret thing, but a private thing, you get what i mean? He doesn’t go out of his way to hide the fact you two are seeing each other but he definitely doesn’t initiate pda or outright tell people the two of you are dating just for the sake of telling
-saiki isnt completely reserved as most people may think though. I mean hes in a relationship for a reason. If he didnt want to take on the responsibilities of being a boyfriend then he wouldnt be in a relationship. Simple!
-pda is an absolute no no most of the time, but in private, he doesnt mind being more physical
-by physical i mean bothering the shit out of him
-maybe the two of you will be reading on his couch, opposite end of each other, and out of nowhere you just stretch your legs onto his lap
-he shoots you a glare and you stick your tongue out, and thats pretty much it. He doesnt push you off, just continues reading and letting you relax
-maybe you’ll both be watching tv in the dark late at night and you’ll lean into his side and again, he wont move. Hell, he might rest his arm on the cushion behind you!
-dating saiki means youre probably the more talkative one, but there are plenty of times where saiki just loves to rant to you about his annoyances
-”ah look, nuisances A and B.” “kusuo thats rude” “dont pretend to be all nice”
-he brings you everywhere with him. As he already almost constantly gets dragged into something he doesnt want to do by his friends, he’s dragging you along with him so you can suffer too (cough he can tolerate his friends a bit more)
-youre a bit of a translator for him, usually the one who excuses his rudeness sometimes and he’ll go “don’t speak for me”
-his friends are shocked when he finds out about you to say the least. But they adore you!!
-sooo super nice because of course. eventually as you all continue to get closer and they notice the subtle change in saikis demeanor when hes around you, the soft smiles and attentiveness, theyre genuinely so happy for the two of you
-you have to beg him for homework answers that he typically refuses to give you, saying you need to take responsibility for your work
-you do know about his powers; you have to if youre his partner
-and sometimes you cant help yourself by asking questions or asking him to show off sometimes
-but other than that youre respectful of his boundaries and leave him alone about it
-but maaaaybe sometimes he’ll be nice. like if you accidentally misplaced something of yours, he’ll use clairvoyance to find it and silently leave in somewhere you’ll find later
-cafe dates! Purposely makes sure to steer clear of places his classmates would visit to avoid attention
-surprise him with a sweet he likes (bonus points if its to cheer him up after his friends put him in a foul mood) and he’ll give you a brief kiss on your cheek <3
-his parents love you which he doesnt know if its a good or bad thing, because theyre constantly all over you, his dad teasing him all the time
-you’re always welcome in their house!
-something you wouldve never expected was saiki getting protective, but when it comes down to his brother, he cant help but be a little nervous, so he keeps you a lot closer when hes visiting or his family visits him and invites you to come along
-overall being in a relationship with saiki is surprisingly exciting, and though he isnt very vocal about it, its through his little actions that you can tell he appreciates having you in his life
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rocketboots564 · 2 months
I decided to write more of my first time reactions and thoughts to rvb Season 9!
This should (hopefully) be the third and final part for season 9.
Season 9 part 3:
Imagine showing up to your funeral, and they don’t even give you a respectable eulogy… They just talk shit about how you talked a lot…
Yeah I would kill all of them… Simmons is 10 times the man I’ll ever be.
Oh so Maine straight up stole the grenade launcher! Kinda like he did with AI units… history is a full circle once again
You know… I feel like the director should’ve given them equipment just in case the sarcophagus thing was heavy. Which it is. The Director is a really bad boss
Understatement of the century I know
Washington I’m 80% sure half the things you freelancers do is improvise… and honestly I’d be sick of it too
Oh yeah Carolina let’s just fucking kick out friends off of a SEVERAL STORIES TALL BUILDING. You’re lucky you have that armor.
The freelancers do heists the same way I played Payday 2: Five minutes of stealth before going “nah fuck this” and blasting the brains of some poor shmuck all over the walls
I think you SHOULD feel bad for the people down there, you tossed MAINE at them Carolina.
You chose to use the flamethrower… inside a building… no wonder the freelancers kick your guy’s asses on the reg… yall are fucking idiots
“That bit with the purple plane? That was just showing off,” well when your number one in Freelancer ranked mode you might as well act like it Wash
You know Carolina kinda acts like Tex a bit. No wonder they’re at odds. There’s only room for one dommy mommy bisexual badass in this show
Oh it’s not a bomb… it’s worse… it’s a big ass fucking lazer
Yeah Carolina I bet it is karma… deserved Karma
CAROLINA HITTING THE FUCKING Sonic Adventure 2 CITY ESCAPE “talk about low budget flights. No food or movies? I’m outta here!” ON THE SARCOPHAGUS
I’m surprised Project Freelancer wasn’t investigated and shut down earlier with how much property damage and civilians they endanger.
Tex being responsible about the about the team is a nice change of pace–oh she was paid…. makes sense.
Simmons can play the Banjo? When’s his new single dropping?
Grif be supportive of your Brofriend (Bro + Boyfriend = Brofriend)
Wow… imagine your best friend being closer with your ex/not-ex girlfriend than you.
Couldn’t be me Church… mainly cause I’m gay and don’t have a girlfriend
Sarge, the planet is quite literally breaking apart, and your plan is to blow it up… honestly I’m not even surprised.
It’s actually astounding how absolutely this heist went to shit… and quickly too.
“We had to learn to care for our equipment” Tex says. Cut to five minutes ago where she drove a motorcycle through a glass wall.
HOLY SHIT MAINE CAN TAKE SOME DAMAGE! I mean I know they’re wearing Spartan armor and all, but JEEZE.
I love how even the freelancers almost (emphasis on almost) fumble their stuff like the red and blue teams.
Like when Carolina juggles the briefcase in the air before getting a hold of it, and then immediately getting kicked back.
Damn… more Carolina and Tex beef.
How much do I wanna bet Grif’s plan is gonna backfire hilariously?
Yes it backfired horribly… because now Andy exists… again
Oh hey Delta was born! Great! Which means Alpha/Church was just tortured to the point that his mind split…. Not great…
“We’re the good guys? Right?” Oh… you’re concerned you’re not? What clued you in, the insane property damage, murder, or endangered civilians?
And they brought him back… that’s actually really fucking funny.
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Hey so it’s dysphoria hours rn and I’m hating it. A lot of the dysphoria is for the dumbest things but whatever. Can I get some head cannons for Billy Lenz, The Grabber (obviously), Candyman, Otis Driftwood and Lawrence Gordon (if it’s not too much) helping a trans masc reader with dysphoria? Thank you as always ❤️
hi!! im so sorry about that, and of course i can, i know how awful things can be so id be happy to do that for you🫶 i hope things start to get better, but in the mean time im here for you cassette anon <3
requests are open, masterlist is up :)
Slashers x Dysphoric Transmasc Reader
Warnings: Possessive Behaviors, Fluff, Mentions of Murder
The Grabber
when he sees you sulking around, not as much energy as before, and hiding yourself even when hes not there, he becomes immediately concerned, rushing to you and sitting down with you to see whats wrong and how he can make it better
as we know, hes a great listener, hes interactive and shows you hes listening, nodding his head and letting out a few words while you think through what to say
he will want to hold you in some way or another, maybe your shoulder or having you in his arms, but if you arent feeling that he will back off with a slightly surprised "oh" from under his breath
is more than happy to sit down with you and talk, he wants to learn more about you and how he can love you better, he just wants you to love him back so he would do whatever he needs
after you tell him, he wants to be as accommodating as he could be, may come off a little corny but it shows hes supportive
he gladly gives you his sweaters and cardigans if you want extra layers, and will have you exchange your ( most likely dirty ) shirt for his, he knows not to overstep his boundaries if youre dysphoric, so he'll let you upstairs to his room and let you be while you pick out something that will leave you most comfortable
he praises you a lot, says whatever he thinks will leave you feeling the best, telling you youre his 'good boy' or his gorgeous boyfriend, he wants you to feel affirmed and loved, but of course he puts 'my' infront of most affirmations, he likes to show possessiveness even in comfort
this gives him more reasons to be around you, the more he comforts you the more his ego is boosted, he loved to be your source of self fulfillment, but its his nature afterall
makes meals that hold more testosterone in them, he wont tell you, but its his little secret that he holds
will establish compliments even more into your relationship, he tries to be subtle about it thr best he possibly could be
if you didnt have a binder on you, or didnt have one in general, hes more than compliant to be on the lookout for some, or take a trip to acquire one, it wont be the highest quality due to it being the 70s, but it will work
im so sure this man has weights he never uses, they most likely have dust on them, so if youre the type of person who likes to work out and feels better after doing it, theyre all yours, hes happy to join you
overall 9.9/10, he just wants you happy and loved in your shared home, he may have taken you but he makes sure that you feel cared for in his own albert way🫶
"Do you- do you have any sweaters i could use, I just need another layer."
"Of course I do, my closet is your closet love!"
Billy Lenz
billy is special, he truly doesnt mind that youre trans, he saw you as a guy when he first laid eyes on you, so when you tell him youre trans he needs it simplified, and after that he goes on with life, you arent leaving him & you arent injured, so he loves you all the same
he picks up on how you act quickly, he memorizes your personality like its his own, his way of showing affection almost
when he sees a change in your usual attitude and behavior, hes curious & he cant hide it, he may be smothering in his attempts to see whats wrong, being in your presence a lot or in your face, of course with a concerned tone to him
"Billy notice Piggy's upset, why!"
what a caring man
maybe overbearing, but he wants to know whats up so he can care for you, solve and try to ease whatever youre feeling
when you do tell him, or explain what and how dysphoria is affecting you, hes going to be on high alert for a few moments, as far as he knows youre hurting because of something you cant control and hes nervous
will hop into your arms and most likely knock you over onto his mattress to secure you in his arms
he has the instincts to comfort you so he will do just that
will cradle you and talk to you in a rambled hushed voice, saying what seems like nonsense at 60 mph
once you assure him that you arent in immediate danger he will lighten up, but he sticks around you entirely, comforting you in a hushed voice and asking repeatedly if youre ok
when he kills his victims he raids their closet for you, seeing if there may be anything youd wear to make you feel more comfortable
billy will constantly refer to you as handsome and cute, leaving kisses on your face to remind you he loves you
when you sit and talk to him about it he is antsy, twitching a bit but trying to contain his natural energetic self to fully get what youre saying, he will ask you if he can make you feel better or what he can do for you, he is ready to be at your service to aid you
nurse billy my love
overall 8/10, billy is caring, maybe a but overboard but it shows how much love he has for you and how far hes willing to go, hes grateful for you so he wants you to know it <3
"Billy got this for Piggy, does Piggy like it?"
given his past, he doesnt discriminate and is a curious man, hes willing to learn about you, for you
hes always been for this, but offers to turn you immortal, he believes it could solve most problems because after youre immortal, your image is what you want it to be, spending time with your boyfriend in a perfect image that reflects you, he sees the beauty of eternity
of course the offer stands open for your convenience and his eternal love for you, but besides that, he is a compassionate and blessed listener
he may initiate this conversation, he can sense that youre distressed, he has the ability to have a healthy relationship, its one of his qualities, he wants to talk it out and be reasonable and hear what is making you feel that way
once you describe it to him hes understanding, he embraces you for a hug, assuring you that he gets what you said snd he realizes the feelings
is the most supportive man in a healthy way, he calls you his dear boyfriend and is very protective of your image, not being afraid to slice somebody or send bees their way if they say anything out of line
he makes it known that youre his boyfriend, you arent anything short of that, he affirms that you know this
torturing somebody in your name because they said something negative about you is all game, he doesnt hold back
he wraps you in his coat and stays in bed with you if you need comfort, holding you close to him as you let it out
does go out of his way to search for things that may help, foods, clothing, etc.
he wants you to feel comfortable when youre with him, and he will accommodate to whatever he sees fit
if you even talk about clothes youd been wanting, its yours, its for the greater food afterall, and its not like he would have to pay for it
overall 11/10, a lovely comforter and relationship guy, he knows how to please you, but still wants to hear from you, believes that both voices should be heard if something happens, and he absolutely adores you, so of course he would do everything for you
"Immortal life can fulfill one's needs in a snap, I can deliver a power you didn't know you were craving, in the name of us."
"A divine figure as yourself shouldn't be taken aback by unwanted feelings, I feel sorrow that you do."
Otis Driftwood
i love that you picked him as well i have to mention, so perfect
you may not know it at first, but he studies you quite a bit, analyzing you & seeing what youre about, so he suspects somethings wrong when you arent yourself
of course youd told him your trans before, and as we know the firefly household holds no room for bigoted ideals, so youre just as loved as anyone else, no need to worry for that
as stated before, otis has a keen eye, especially for his love, so when youre sitting in bed most days or not using your voice, hes concerned, he wants to know whats taken the light away from his sunshine
"Listen darlin', anything you wanna say? You're acting like somebody gutted ya,"
odd way of confronting you but he needs to know whats making you so down, it makes him itchy and irrational when his boyfriend is acting abnormal
he may feel guilty, like he should know what youre thinking and feeling, so a conversation is needed on both ends
explaining to him could take two minutes or two hours, all depends on how in depth it becomes
will ask you what he could do to help, he makes mental notes that he may or may not forget, he listens to you but he may seem distracted as thoughts are moving through his mind rapidly
he does what you ask of him, itll be spaced out since he may be busy, but he would happily set aside his work for you
one thing he may request is that you be in his work, a painting or sculpture depicting you or something he thinks of when he thinks of you, they can be abstract or direct, but he frames you in the light you wished to be put it
is a very firm & possessive lover, if 'company' is over and they slip up or make a move, he has nothing holding him back from strangling them then and there, he lets it be known that rude behavior or snarky comments at you are off limits, hes not afraid to enforce it
will think you look amazing in his clothes, may even give you them to wear in the first place because he admires the way you look in them
can be soft for you when needed, if you need a shoulder to cry on, hes in the privacy of you two's room in seconds to assist, and if you need affirmations, hes got a hundred for you now and a hundred for you later
overall 9.9/10, we know and love otis here, his boyfriend meter may be interesting but he lets it be known youre his boyfriend and that only, doesnt take kindly to anything else & if youre doubting yourself, he calls bullshit, complimenting you immediately
"Well fuck, why don't you put my clothes on more often? You're smokin'!"
Lawrence Gordon
another reason i love this man, hes a doctor🫶
he knew previously you were trans, coming out to him mayve been scary, but he loves you all the same, and has a decent amount of information hes learned about trans people from med school, he doesnt care, hes glad you were comfortable enough to tell him
hes a busy man, so the time you two share he submerges himself in, but when you begin to act out of character & seem confined to yourself, he does question if its dysphoria, but wants to hear what you have to say
as soon as you tell him its your dysphoria hes understanding, having you explain in detail how youre feeling and its like experiencing it, a primary source telling him how it is may help him comfort you better
he holds you in his lap, massaging your shoulders as you talk it out, sharing the moment
lightly puts his head on your shoulder if youd prefer silence over verbal comfort, he knows that you know what you want best, and if its silence or talking, no contact or physical affection, he listens and respects you, youre his precious, his prestigious grace that hes blessed with
while hes out and sees a stuffed animal or item that he think would help he gets it, to have you as his is a gracious thing, he wants you to know it as well
doctor alert again, and since i believe hes a great cook, he makes foods that will help boost your testosterone while still making it delicious
he follows whatever you say will help, if you need more layers hes searching through his closet to determine what youd look best in, if you want to hear affirming words youve went to the right man, he has a way of depicting you as ravishing as possible, he truly worships your figure and is not afraid to tell you every little thing he loves about you in a 'matter of fact' tone
money is never a problem, see a binder youd like snd its yours, a packer for extra comfort? its bring delivered
from his house in saw 2004 & the fact hes a doctor, i assume he lives comfortably, savings is jacked up and so is his extra spending money, so after he emotionally comforts you, he questions if youve ever thought of hrt or too surgery, it wouldn't be hurting his pocket to make your life easier to live by
overall 10/10, his best is just amazing and i couldnt possibly tell you how much more i love this man, hes so perfect and i want to just hold him forever smh
"Don't you look charming tonight, huh handsome?"
i got to this a bit later but ty for sending in another request, i love hearing from you and i hope your dysphoria starts to ease up, i know it sucks :(
requests are open, masterlist is up!
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clambuoyance · 11 months
I know that you are a stalwart TimKon Shipper
But what are your opinions on other Kon ships?
I am a firm KonCass Shipper through and through
even if i have my own personal hcs, i mean i don't mind any of these ships
koncass had a couple of cute issues and they very much feel like young teens trying to date kinda clumsily but i liked that they agreed to just be friends at the end of it T-T also given what cass says about how she's looked at and her relationships with other characters i cant really see her with a guy >_> they are definitely cute tho and glad you have a cute ship to enjoy!
i actually think koncassie are sweet to each other in tt03 but it's like very basic and surface level to me (that's just how johns wrote everyone there though so) and within canon, cassie had something of a celebrity crush for him at first, but there's the issue where cassie looks in the mirror and wishes she was beautiful and wishes kon would stop looking at her as if he only sees her as a sister and nothing more and then they kiss and i was like >_> okay i guess (if we had seen more of this romance from kon's pov i might have bought into it more) and later in tt03 johns writes cassie as if it was a flaw to act so boyish in her youth and while there's nothing wrong with characters growing up and changing it just felt cheap or whateverrr like at least write her realizing she doesn't need to be doing this for a man and only for herself. again, theyre okay to me as a ship on its own and are cute and i joke that kon got domesticated and learned to be a decentish boyfriend i guess (altho i think he was always going to be a loyal bf and the persona from his youth was more of an act). i could enjoy them more maybe in cases where they are presented in a way i find more interesting (such as both having similar journeys in exploring gender, making cassie's stories revolve less around kon or boy drama etc) or outside of canon but personally i also cannot see her with a man </3 koncassie really doesn't do it for me </3
supermartian really only exists within the yja show which i havent watched in over a decade so i can't say much except that i remember being obsessed with them in s1 and then i kinda lost interest and never finished s2
konbart is neat too even if i don't talk about them much either, they also have a lot of canon scenes showing their devotion and support to each other, not to mention the humor in all of yj and dynamic esp during the parts surrounding the apokolips-ish era(the guilt and worry kon felt, associating bart for a chick etc etc). they also have a lot in common origin/character wise (very sci-fi/experiment origins, inertia and match, interesting relationships with adult figures and expectations, both dying, being written off as stupid or immature, etc etc) so i can definitely see the appeal and think theyre also cute. honestly for me it probably just came down to preference and the order i read things in bc if i read yj2019 first or didn't tend towards tim drake/annabeth chase/rose lalonde coded characters i might've had a different main dc ship but theyre neat :)
ofc again these are just my personal opinions and hcs i have nothing against the people who like em (except maybe for the writers of some of these comics)
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artmustdraw · 1 year
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Theyre stoner boyfriends and you cant change my mind, anyway
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Knowing is Safe
984 words
Fandom: Redacted asmr
Couple: Geordi/Cutie
Takes place during the newest Geordi audio(Your boyfriend asks for your trust) So spoilers for that video. It is what I imagine Cutie says and thinks. I plan on doing another part. All of Geordi's lines arent mine I just typed out what was said in the audio.
Words indented like this are Cuties thoughts
Trigger warning: Unhealthy parenting, Implied eating problems, argument, non-consensual mind reading.
Let me know if I missed a trigger.
Please comment and reblog, it lets me know people like my stuff and encourages me to write more!!!!!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
“Repeat after mom, Knowing keeps us safe.”
“Knowing keeps us safe.”
“Good. I know I've given you this talk before, but you still haven't learned. We were given this ability, to protect ourselves, and the ones we love. Others believe we just listen in, that our ability is simple. It's not, we are inspectors, we tune into a brain, and we will know all we need, including who wants to hurt us.”
This is stupid, it's just re-
You looked up at your mom, confused.
“You said you 'd stop reading my mind without asking.”
“I know but as I said, telepathic powers are to protect us. As your mom, I need to be in your mind, as much as possible, to protect you. whether you want me in there or not. Do you understand sweetie?”
You nod, whispering yes in your head. Your mother preferred thoughts over words, she says that they're pure.
“You didn't always have powers, you lived your whole childhood without them, without hearing anyone's thoughts. You were raised in a house where people had magic and you didn't, not at first, not until you were old enough. Didn't that ever make you feel vulnerable, different?”
“All the time, I never had a moment to myself, she was always in my head. But it was a good thing, she always knew when I needed help, and I never had to tell her anything. It was a good thing, that's what she taught me, she protected me, and that's what I want to do for you. I just want to always know you're ok and safe. I don't want to talk about this anymore, I can't.”
 The oven goes off, and before you can ask Geordi, refuses the food.
“I think I'm going to sleep.”
Your mouth opens but shuts when Geordi specks.
“ Because I'm tired and you don't seem to have much to say anyway, so maybe sleep will  help clear my head a bit”
“Ok, ill- ill sleep on the couch toni-”
"No, I don't want to sleep separately tonight I'm upset but that doesn't mean I want you gone, it's our bedroom, it's our bed, both of us just because, just because I'm hurt doesn't change that. Good night."
And he's gone, leaving you alone, with your thoughts, something you've never been used to. You look down at the dinner he made, letting your thoughts take over.
I can't eat.
but he made it for you.
That was before you hurt him.
But he still loves you.
But he didn't say it.
But he does.
How do you know?
He still wants them.
To use them.
No, he loves them.
Or he's just not cruel enough to kick you out this late.
He loves them.
No h-
Stop, theyre not breathing.
Good, keep breathing.
Eat, you forgot to pack lunch.
No cant, not hungry.
That's a lie.
Don't want to, not worth it.
Then go to bed.
What bed?
Your bed.
Yours and Geordi's bed.
Not ours anymore.
He said-
Shut up, why am I such a mess, my thoughts aren't like this, there organized.
You love him.
That's not an answer.
Your worried.
Worried, of course I'm worried, I'm always worried about him. He doesn't let me in, and I can't keep him safe from outside.
He doesn't need your protection.
He doesn't need you.
Your worried about losing him.
I'm always afraid of that, nothing in the world is trustworthy.
You worried he'll leave.
You shake your head and decide you need rest. You walk to the couch when you remember that he wants you in his room.
It's your room to.
You hesitantly walk to your bedroom, then back to the kitchen, then back again. You repeat to yourself to breathe as you open the door, you take a deep breath, letting the comforting scent of your partner calm you. 
"Geordi? Are you asl-"
"No, I'm not asleep yet."
You take a few steps, towards the bed, looking at Geordi’s back, so stiff, so uncomfortable, you want him to relax, be happy.
Maybe massage would help.
You think he wants you touching him?
What about snuggling?
Even worse, you'd smother him.
You already do.
I didn't mean to. 
Doesn't matter, he hates you.
He doesn't hate you, he loves you.
How would you know?
Say it, if he says it back-
Then he's just being nice.
no - he's not like that, he tells the truth.
He didn't at the pool party.
You didn't give him the chance.
Shut up. Just say it.
"Geordi? I um I love..."
Come on finish the sentence.
What do you love? Breaking his boundaries?
Then why do you do it.
"I love you to"
See they love you
He's lying.
No, he not.
Check then.
No don't, that'll make things worse.
Only because you'll know the truth, that he doesn't love you and he's disgusted by you.
You enter Geordi’s thoughts, just to get away from your own, but you regret it. He's fighting with himself. Your heart breaks more, he doesn't know if he loves you, and worst you know he has every right to question his love. Even when you leave his thoughts, your thoughts repeat as your back is facing him, but not touching.
“Maybe trying isn't enough”
It isn't.
Then just stop.
Stop trying?
Just stop trying and start succeeding.
Don't enter his mind, ever
Ever. not even if he says it's okay.
But what about his safety?
He’ll still be safe.
But why?
To make him happy.
 But I'll be miserable.
And paranoid.
But he’ll be happy.
He's been hinting at this.
He said you're too used to being in people's minds, so stop.
But that's my job.
Then stop doing it outside your job.
You need the break anyways.
You'll have more energy for work.
There are no cons.
Then it's settled, this power is only for work.
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ritzcuit · 3 months
i aam deep in dhurkedatz specifically thoughts today. Oh the them. oh the unspoken of it all. the unlabeled. we got a good thing going. of course this is my ... he's my. You know. well hes my right hand man of course. im the fangs o' the defiant dragon. but that doesnt explain it fully.. thats business. and their lives are almost entirely business but Not Quite. and beyond the revolution they escape description...thats his best friend. that's his datz..
dhurke loves amara like crazy his love for her never died at all ... datz isn't a replacement ... hes just his datz. you know? 20 years of partnership cant go away like that. theyre together. partners!! and rumors fly and theres jokes. call off your boyfriend! so whens the marriage? and theres shared looks and pitying looks and understanding looks and skeptical looks but no one Speaks on it.. its unspoken!! but its there. by god.
like i wouldnt dream of doing anything without you. or that dhurke knows when he gets reunited with his family once more, for real this time, datz is gonna be there. and amara isn't being replaced so shes not concerned at all lol shes like ... what ... and take away his datz? what kind of monster do you take me for :( Like she knows. and everyone KNOWS. thats just his datz. and thats his dhurke. and you cant seperate them its unethical its cruel and unusual punishment its not nice
All the small tiny things... the years of history in each others actions ... the energy and focus shifting between them without needing to ask. in a discussion fixing to break out into a fight datz defuses it. datz tense and uncomfortable outta his mind and dhurke spots the way he tugs at his scarf and makes an excuse for datz to leave early. he asks to be waken up in a few hours so they can trade ofd guard duty and datz says yeah but they both know he'll stay up the whole night just to let dhurke sleep longer (this i stole from such terrible tales bc that detail made me sick) Like Ugh Like i cant Like i just dont know
and its not that they dont want to label it but its just so...what would change really. dhurke knows datz loves him and datz knows dhurke loves him (though maybe some nights he really does need reassurance, and he gets in his head about it, and somehow- through ways datz doesn't have a clue how- dhurke can tell when datz is quiet from upset as opposed to another reason, and he'll take datz's hand and kiss his knuckles and Thank Him so deeply and earnestly that it burns out any negative thought datz has ever had in his life ... crazy.)
and hes the family friend and the sort of uncle and the right hand man and compatriot and everyone knows just by the way they lean against each other and speak in half finished sentences and answer questions that weren't fully asked ... reference jokes from years ago and diffuse each other and the way datz is obviously gloomy when dhurke is gone vs perks up when he comes back And the way dhurke is on edge and his leaderly dad warmth is slightly colder while datz is in prison like even when theyre not together you can tell the impact left on each others lives LIKE IM SICK FOR REAL
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hyperrealisticblood · 3 months
can i say marios madness for the fandom one is that allowed
okay hopefully this one will be shorter and i wont write twenty billion words. funny scary mario mod
favorite character: its a tie between dj hallyboo and mx for me. hallyboo has been my blorbo in law for years now so i already liked him as a character before the mod dropped and people actually started giving a fuck about him. mx is just neat :]
least favorite character: why the fuck is racist mario here. girl go home (second place is chris pratt if he even counts)
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): (skipping this one because i cant think of five ships sorry </3)
character i find most attractive: i would let mx do the most heinous shit to me like im not even fucking joking. when i saw powerdown v2 for the first time and i saw how fucking massive i was something fundamental changed inside of my mind. i am moving on before i say something that gets this blog taken down
character i would marry: uh. somari seems the least likely to kill me so i guess him!!!
character i would be best friends with: see above
a random thought: i will never understand why sm64 classified got three songs. like im sure its a fine series but youre telling me we got a second song about luigi in mario 64 and not victim 01. fuck off
an unpopular opinion: i dont think anyone who follows this blog is trapped in funkin discourse purgatory like i am (for the love of god please help me) but when the mod came out there was a lot of debate surrounding the fact that boyfriend expresses things like fear and anger in various songs. for those not in the know (KEEP IT THAT WAY) in canon funkin the reason given that bf and gf are never scared of the enemies is that "theyre too stupid to be afraid". i already dont like that because it makes them boring as fuck so i dont mind mm deviating from that at all. could you imagine mm if bf and gf were just sat there making their fucking free roblox cosmetic ass expressions for two hours. i would have committed higurashi fingernail scene
my canon OTP: grand dad and somari canonically being married is soooo swag
non-canon OTP: i mean its vaguely canon on one side because of pasta night but shinto/coronation peach is :]
most badass character: devil mario stinks so bad of "2000s edgy deviantart oc" and i fuck with it heavy
pairing i am not a fan of: mx/coronation peach :( that is a lesbian and a gay man to me lmao
character i feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i cant really think of any?? i think the art in day out is scuffed as fuck but i dont think that counts
favorite friendship: i miss mx and lord x being bros so bad....... like i wouldnt mind if it just wasnt canon anymore but the fact that its also banned as a fanon thing really sucks :(
anyways sorry for talking about friday night funkin. i will absolutely do it again
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un-angel · 2 years
70 horrible questions updated
black march 2020, purple november 2022
01 Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
02 Who did you last say “I love you” to?
03 Do you regret anything?
there’s one thing i should regret but i’m not sure i do, but apart from that nothing at all
still not sure i regret that same thing i was talking about but i do regret one relationship i had
04 Are you insecure?
hell yeh baby
05 What is your relationship status?
single but married
06 How do you want to die?
on my own terms
and i stand by that!
07 What did you last eat?
a bagel
half a cheese toastie
08 Played any sports?
netball and horseriding played tennis and swam when i was younger too
i joined netball and football at uni idk tho
09 Do you bite your nails?
still yes
10 When was your last physical fight?
never properly only my brother
my brother literally doesnt count ive never fought anyone
11 Do you like someone?
yes im completely in love with her
12 Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
ummm i don’t think so
not sure probably not why would i
13 Do you hate anyone at the moment?
no and i havent for a while, no point wasting ur energy hating anyone
14 Do you miss someone?
15 Have any pets?
2 cats jasmine and tiger (my lovs)
still got em
16 How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17 Ever made out in the bathroom?
18 Are you scared of spiders?
19 Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
yes maybe for a day or so
20 Where was the last place you snogged someone?
ewww but a club in bulgaria gag
in my bedroom
21 What are your plans for this weekend?
stay alive and go cycling
stay alive lie in bed
22 Do you want to have kids? How many?
i change my mind everydsy
2 or 3 maybe not sure
23 Do you have piercings? How many?
yes 8
i have 8 but theyre a different 8 from before
24 What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
ummmmmm art english RS chem
why would i ever have written chem? it was art and RS + i’ll let english slide
25 Do you miss anyone from your past?
yes but u don’t get to know who
yeah a little
26 What are you craving right now?
frozen yogurt
oh my god i have literally been craving frozen yoghurt for the past 7 years but i had so much of it this past summer. that will do me for a while.
27 Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
maybe i think so a little
28 Have you ever been cheated on?
i don’t know
girl u were cheated on
29 Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
yes and now it’s a boyfriend and a girlfriend
30 What’s irritating you right now?
my parents
the love of my life
31 Does somebody love you?
damn i hope so
yes . ur loved dont forget it
32 What is your favourite color?
all of them
still all of them but maybe blue or purple or pink
33 Do you have trust issues?
wirh certain people yes but in general no
im gonna say no but i think im about to develop a few Xx
34 Who/what was your last dream about?
i dreamt we went back to school (nightmare)
i cant remember
35 Who was the last person you cried in front of?
36 Do you give out second chances too easily?
i dont think so
37 Is it easier to forgive or forget?
literally neither i will never forgive u and i will never forget it fuck u
38 Is this year the best year of your life?
39 How old were you when you had your first kiss?
just turned 15
true story
40 Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
no imagine not being insecure
51 Favourite food?
my nans lubia polo or my great aunts🤤 or nachos
still probably lubia polo
52 Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
yes but u wont always understand the reason
53 What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
finished watching finding dory
cried and prayed
54 Is cheating ever okay?
still no but i did maybe slip up and i get how it happens but doesnt make it okay.
55 Are you mean?
i don’t know maybe
no!!! but sometimes
56 How many people have you fist fought?
0 sir
57 Do you believe in true love?
ummmmmmm don’t think so
i wanna say yes i wanna say i know my true love but now im not sure
58 Favourite weather?
when it’s raining but it’s warm
yeh that
59 Do you like the snow?
60 Do you wanna get married?
61 Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
depends who but yeh
if it’s the loml then yes
62 What makes you happy?
art and animals and my friends
and my love
63 Would you change your name?
not anymore but i used to really really want to
dont think so i would never adjust
64 Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
the hardest but so so easy at the same time
65 Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
mannnn idk
scream and cry jack get away from me
66 Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
not sure if we’re there yet
67 Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
bruce hahahah
68 Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
i can’t remember but probably mia
izzy? been having a lot recently though
69 Do you believe in soulmates?
yes i do that was silly. u can have multiple though
70 Is there anyone you would die for?
a lot of people
yes but less than before i think i was just suicidal
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iam-sol-emnlyswear · 4 years
George: Dream, why are you standing on the table?
Dream: It's my house George, I can do anything I want
George: Where's the spider?
Dream: ... under the table
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maxilgal · 4 years
Zukka this, Kataang that.
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trans--mute · 5 years
mark: i'm not a medic, don't expect me to help yo-
james: ah! mark i've been shot!
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