#think we know everyhing or can figure out everything...
nozomi-akamivt · 3 years
Scalpels and Paintbrushes || Shuntaro Chishiya x reader
 - read ‘til the end for notes -
When a freelance artist travels to Japan to rekindle her passion for art and her life, she finds herself in a whole other predicament. Dangerous games, dangerous people, a dangerous world with dangerous rules. She’s alone, fending for herself, until she meets a disoriented medical student that will bring her comfort but might bring more difficulties and heartbreak aswell.
Warning: extremely strong language and suicide mentions
Chapter 4: The Surgeon and the Sad Bitch
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“Hey, thank God I found someone...Are you okay?”
I raise my head quickly towards the source of the noise, there stood an average hight, black haired male in scrubs and a white coat. He looked confused and a little lost, so I guess that he’s new. I wipe my face and nod as I try to get up to my feet. The male rushes to me and helps.
“Yeah, sorry you had to see me like this. I’m (y/n) by the way. And you’re new around here, aren’t you?” I say with a rough voice from the previous crying.
He nods. “Yes, my name is Shuntarô Chishiya.”
“Well Chishiya-san, how’d you get here? From what I can see you’re probably a nurse, or an intern, were you working?”
“Yes, I'm a surgeon. I was coming home from the hospital where I was doing my rounds and all of a sudden when I was in my way home everyhing stopped and I found myself alone.”
“That’s how it normally goes. Listen, do you speak any english? Because my japanese is limited and I don’t think I can hold a long conversation.”
He immediately nods and I sigh in relief.
“Ok so, right now I think we should get to my place, but I’ll explain to you what I know is going on. Because believe me, everybody that is in the Borderlands knows as much as I do, and it isn’t much.”
As we walk I explain to him what are the Borderlands, what we do here, and how we survive. But at the same time I also observe him, trying to figure him out. He is on the shorter side but still not too small, he seems tired and pretty slim which is kinda normal for a med university student, he also seems pretty emotionally distant and logical in his way of acting and thinking. Chishiya sounds like someone who is in his head a lot, and as good as it might be he’ll have to learn to be spotaneous and to find a way to fend for himself, because from what I can see he is not someone athletic. But other than that he sounds like he could be good company. After spending two months with people and suddenly finding yourself alone, the company is appreciated. Plus he gives me a reason to ge off my ass and get to work.
Once arrived at the mall I show him around, explain that we’d have to spread chores evenly but that other than that he can live here for as long as he’d like. After I am done explaining I show him to the couch and ask him to sit.
“Automatically after you first come here, the first night in the Borderlands you have to play a game. And my visa ends tonight, so you’re in luck, you won’t be alone on your first day. Although I know you’re fully independant, it still feels safer when someone you know is around.”
“Do you have any idea what games we’re going to play then?”
“That’s the thing Chishiya-san, you can only know what game you get it after you stepped in the game arena and that the registrations are closed. So no, I don’t, sorry.”
“That sucks.”
I nod and go to make us coffee, I hate it but we definitely need it, both of us. I also prepare a snack just in case he wants one and get back to him with everything. He thanks me and helps himself on the food and drink.
“What about you, you were crying your eyes out when I arrived, you also look tired, malnourished and dehydrated. This place also looks more lived in than if only one person stayed.”
I sigh, of course he had to be observant. “I had a group, we were three. They had a game over.”
“And from what I can see it was not long ago.”
“Almost eight days.”
“My condoleances.”
I nod and look at the wall in front of me. I had to get rid of hat haze in my mind before I went to the next game, as shitty as I feel I need to get off my ass now, I promised I would. And so with a sigh I get up and announce I am going to change, these clothes are 8 days old and start to smell like death...did I just think this? Of course it does, it’s human blood and burnt human that’s on my clothes.
I warm up a bit of collected rain water to mix with the cold water and go to another room to clean myself, my clothes and get a new, cleaner outfi. After rinsing myself with a shower glove, shampoo and soap, and washing my clothes to the best of my ability with washing powder, I put on fresh clothes. I then brush my mess of hair and my teeth. Wallowing in self pity for eight days did not do me any good and I had to get rid of those smells both coming from what I wore and my fucking mouth.
After I’m done I hang my clothes to dry I look at Hide’s. Chishiya was in scrubs and he’d need a more comfortable outfit as well as more comfortable shoes. So I decide, despite the immense pain felt throughout my body at the thought, to take some clothes. A pair of sweat pants, running shoes, a white short sleeved shirt and a white hoodie from the pile of neatly folded items. They smell like him, and it takes all I have for me not to break down and sob again.
I quickly walk back to the main area and tap Chishiya’s shoulder, he flinches a little and it’s only now I realize that he has an mp3 player. Of course. Since digital things like phones and computers don’t work, analog items do. I have that radio in the corner of the eating area that we used to put on to play music as we cooked, so I know how much I cherished analog and how much it could keep you from going crazy over silence.
“I got you clothes, I don’t know if they’ll fit but they’re better than scrubs, a coat and crocs.”
“Oh. Thanks, I was going to ask you if I could borrow clothes anyways. But...yeah.”
“It had to be done anyways. One day I’ll have to clean up their spaces, so at least start it now.”
“Still, thanks. Where can I change?”
“See that curtain over there? There’s a whole bathroom zone behind it so take your time, wash yourself ‘cause I made extra hot water just in case, and go change.”
He nods and goes change as I set myself on the couch, I felt like the closer we got to the game the more I felt like ripping my hair off. After all, last time had been nothing less than absolutely traumatizing.
“I’m done. I left my badge and clothes on what seems to be your male friend’s bed, does it bother you?”
“No don’t worry, I’m gonna but his things in boxes now because if I don’t I think I never will.”
“What was his name?”
“Takeru Hideo, we called him Hide though. The third mattress was for Nakamura Yumeko.”
He nods and goes to help me put Hide’s things in cardboard boxes, all in silence, which I appreciate. And as we finish filling the second box which was the last one for him, I nodded towards Yumeko’s bed and Chishiya nodded back. We went and packed all of Yumeko’s things too. The only memories of us outside of those boxes being the matching friendship bracelet I had with them and our photo album, which I placed next to my mattress. 
After we were done I cooked us something for dinner and we stayed comfortably silent, except for a few bits and bobs of conversations we initiated here and there. It seemed like we both liked our silence.
Soon enough it was time. The streets were illuminated and we went to the nearest arena, and found a mahjong parlor, this was it. When they entered Chishiya immediately took note of the laser barrier welcoming us and I explain to him that once you entered it was impossible to go back, he nodded and we went to take a phone each and one collar each, shit this was bad if a collar was involved.
As a few more people came in the tension started to settle in. And then finally the registration closed.
“Registration closed. Game: Six of Diamonds.”
I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding, now onto understanding what the rules are, I curse myself for not being as strict as I should’ve during my japanese lessons. And with difficulty I understand something about a Mahjong battle royale where 3 out of the current 6 teams of two would win but not much else. After the explanations were done I look over at Chishiya who was already looking at me.
“Chishiya, can you help me out? What were the modalities of the game? I only understood the big lines.”
“You should really learn japanese in your free time. I won’t always be here for you.” He smirks hauntingly and I flick him the bird.
“I am! I just can’t understand everything! Gosh.”
“You need to play the opponent for a certain amount of time until you switch opponents. At the end they don’t do a big number with all that you’ve won, they look at each time you’ve lost against someone in each battle.”
“So basically if the both of us are against someone and we play, say, 10 times and lose 6, that’ll be in their advantage.”
“Basically, and we have to do 5 times.”
“Damn, okay, do you play Mahjong?”
“Not really, you?”
“I know the basics but there ain’t much.”
“We’re not royally fucked are we?” He lifts an eyebrow and crosses his arms.
I roll my eyes and chuckle.“I don’t think so, I think that we could observe and learn from the opponent.”
“Exactly what I was thinking, playing them with their own cards. We could also use their characters-”
“-against them? Yeah. If they are cocky and get pissed off easily, piss them off, make them act recklessly. If they’re shy, make them think you overpower them.”
“But always keep a poker face...sounds pretty good to me.”
“Then let’s go.” 
We go towards the only table left unoccupied, here was a couple of well dressed men, probably rich and pompous by how they looked and looked at us. I bow as an hello and Chishiya waves, both men look at us with eyebrows lifted and smirks. I hated them already.
“Have the two lovers finished eating each other’s faces?”
I furrow my eyebrows and scowl, and Chishiya rolls his eyes and sighs.
“Do you even know how to play Mahjong?” The one on the right, in a navy suit, says.
“Not really, no.” Chishiya and I answer at the same time.
He laughs. “Well how funny is that gonna be?”
His partner cackles, he is on the left in a maroon suit. “Yeah, but we should give them a chance don’t you think?”
And navy suit shrugs and puts his elbows on the table. “Sure, I don’t wanna get bored. Just take one tile from the pile and let your opponents take one too until you all have 14. Discard one from your wall with caution. Take one from the pile, the order of passage being counterclockwise. And repeat again and again.” Chishiya, whispers the traduction to me in case I didn’t understand everything, which I am thankful for.
“Then how do we win?” I say, to which the two men scoff.
“As if you’re gonna win anyways kid, but you win by having four sets and one pair. A pair is when two identical tiles are put together. A set can either be a pung, when 3 identical tiles are together. A chow, when you have three consecutive numbers in a suit. And a kong, when you have four identical tiles. And there are three suits, bamboos, circles and characters, which are cut in sets from 1 to 9 tiles. There are also wind and dragon tiles. When you’re done, just scream Mahjong.” And once again, after getting the traduction I nod and whisper a thank you, which is answered by a scoff from the man in the maroon suit. Muttering things like ‘yeah we only did this so we wouldn’t get too bored, don’t get too comfy kid’. To which I roll my eyes and so does Chishiya, who gives them a cold stare.
“All players get ready, your dealers are coming to your tables, once they do, the timer will start. Good luck.”
The dealer, someone in a traditional chinese attire, comes and gives us refreshments before dealing the tiles.
“Since it’s by duo, I’ll explain that the rules are the same. But it’s 14 tiles per duo and not per person. The duo has to play two times, one time per person before the opponent has to play. Now start”
And we do. We lose the first three times, getting surprised by the coodination both opponents have with each other and on how they deflected our pairs and sets. But after it we got the hang of it and won three times, which pissed off our aversaries. I look at Chishiya and tap his hand under the table. He fliches and puts his hand away but turns his head towards me anyways.
I nod my head towards the two older business men and tongue my cheek from the interior of my mouth. He rolls his eyes, nods and smirks, and I smirk back. We were going to annoy and anger them until it was a breeze to get to the next game.
So we started to throw insulting comments here and there, making snarky comments on how they played, their posture, their expressions, and talking to each other ‘without paying attention to them’. They couldn’t be more wrong, we were observing their every movement, each looks, creases on their faces, movements of their hands, legs, everything. And by the end of the time we had won seven times out of eleven.
The older men scowled and went to attack us but the dealer pointed a remote control at them and they instantly calmed down. We then went for the next team, two middle school students, oh no.
They looked terrified as they looked at the table, and up to us when we sat. They introduced themselves and so did we, after shaking hands the dealer told us to start and so we did. And this time we won all of our rounds, we did sixteen of them. And I felt really bad about it, those kids were done for sure and I couldn’t do anything about it. So after the time stopped I went to hug them and appologize and they hugged me back, trying to suppress tears.
“You get too attached. You’re gonna get hurt.” 
“Already happened. Next.” I walk to the next table as I give him a big sigh.
“You know I’m right.”
“I never told you you weren’t, did I?”
“No. But you need to be reminded.”
“I think that every day that has passed since a week ago has been enough of a reminder Chishiya-san.”
He nods thoughtfully and mumbles an appology, I accept it reluctantly and we sit down on the next table. Our opponents seemed to be a young couple, maybe college students, who looked nervous. Suddenly the boyfriend talks.
“Please, let us win, we have something important to get back to. We have a wedding-”
“Guys, we can’t do that. As much as I want to. I maybe don’t have much to go back to but I sill have something I want, and my partner probably does too.”
“We have a wedding you bitch, we’re fiancés. You’re tryna stop that?”
“Clearly you’ve been here for only a little. I’ve been here for almost three months, and clearly I’m not out yet, so I think you should calm your tits down sweetie because clearly if I can’t go back then you’ll die here.” When I finish snapping at her Chishiya looks at me smirking and I flip him off.
The dealer comes in and the game begins. I look a Chishiya and let him know to put pressure on the boyfriend when I work the girlfriend down to the ground. And apparently it works because the man completely panics and starts saying his plans outloud and the woman would rather screech and threaten me than think about what she does next. And in no time we win the full round again and go towards the next table, our opponents have not arrived yet and so we have time to breathe.
“You have a pretty big mouth when you want to.”
“Shut the fuck up Chishiya.”
“Listen, I’m sorry for bringing up the guys like that. Really.”
“I forgot it hasn’t been long.”
“Even if it did what changes would it make?”
“I’m not good with feelings.” I roll my eyes and mumble a sarcastic ‘Oh really, I didn’t notice’ to which he snickered.
“Just, don’t mention them like that anymore.”
“I won’t, I promise. By the way, you destroyed that bitch back there. Did I anger you that bad?”
“Oh, well it’s just the pile of stress I’ve been experiencing for three months that talked, but yeah you added to it.”
“Well, remind me to only anger you so that you don’t lash out at me. You looked ready to kill someone and I actually am having fun here so.”
“I’m not making any promises. You pretty much did the same to the dude. You have a pretty mean glare.”
“Thanks. After seeing this so many times I’ve learned how to replicate it.” He says somberly but keeping his face stoic as always. I decided that we all have skeletons in our closets and that I shouldn’t ask what this was.
Our next opponents then came in, they were....old classmates of mine? Two out of the twenty or so assholes that I grew up with, and mind you, that made my life a living hell throughout kindergarten, elementary and middle school. Twelve years of bullying in your face certainly doesn’t do you any good and makes you curse at the people that wronged you. And now they were here? How fucking amazing.
“(y/n)? Oh my goodness, you’re here? That’s...weird. Even more so that you’re still alive. You didn’t kill yourself yet? That’s sad.” Said in english a curly light brown haired guy named Dorian and Tyler, a redhead with freckles, snickered from besides him.
“Wow, and I never thought I’d find you disgusting wastes of space ever again in my vicinity but here we are. You still smell like the dried off cum socks covered in dog shit you always were.” I say to them as calmly and coldly as I could as they choke on air and Chishiya chuckles from besides me. I smirk as they glare at me.
“Well well, you have a boyfriend? Nah, too fat for that, you’d take up his oxygen, food and even eat him. Although you did glow up so I guess that if he closed his eyes he could fuck you good, use you as a cum dump.” Tyler smirks and and Dorian continues.
“Although I believe that anybody that involves themselves with you are just as retarded as you. I mean, you were a little bitch back then, and a good punching ball too. I’d love to talk about it over a game of Mahjong, wouldn’t you Tyler.”
“Of course I would, we have a lot to catch up on, and a lot to teach liang liang over there.” They high five as the dealer begins the round.
As we play our first three round they say nothing, but I feel like they want too so after winning the third round I look at them.
“Spit it out you fucktards. Or did you lose so many braincells growing up like the pieces of shit you are that your brain melted out of your bullshit flesh envelope of a body.” I mutter to them with an ice cold glare and they flinch.
“Back then you wouldn’t have said that.” Tyler says.
“Back then I was weak, naive, and positive. Too gentle for any of you.” I sighed and softened my glare into a sad look.
“Yeah that’s for sure. But we made you tough didn’t we. We broke you until nothing was left.” 
“And I built myself again.” I take a tile and discard one and Chishiya does the same.
“But we’re gonna break you again sweetheart.” And Dorian smirks as he takes over.
“Hey ching chong ass.”
“My name is Chishiya you ignorant piece of shit.” My partner answer returning a glare of his own.
“Whatever asshair. Did you know that back then she was the best punching ball?. Thirteen of us befriended her and after kindergarten we all suddenly turned our backs at her. She was so sad it was absolutely amazing to watch. And she used to be a fat kid, so it was pretty fun to punch, kick, push and pull, you should try. SHe hasn’t changed that much after all.” I close my eyes and try to get rid of the awful memories but to no avail, they come back even though I tried to suppress them to get better.
“In middle school one of us dated her, he fucked her, once, twice, I don’t remember how many times even, filmed it and fucked her over. Poof, all over the internet. It was pretty great to see. Although he was reluctant and felt guilty for it, but we never gave him the chance of telling you. It would’ve been too nice for you. He really liked you, how sad.” Dorian says with a shit eating grin and places a tile from the pile in his wall as I start to tremble, tears filling my eyes.
Tyler chuckles and continues to play, taking and discarding tiles.“We almost got her to commit suicide in public...five times? Or was it ten? I don’t remember. And at home she tried too, so we went to see her at the hospital, it’s crazy how her mother believed us more than her. Oh would you look at that, Mahjong! We won, you’re still a loser too, after all.”
As I was about to go and choke one of them I felt a hand on my thigh. And as the dealer mixed the tiles back I saw Chishiya nod at me to tell me he had this.
“Well sounds to me like she was stronger than you assholes.” He smirks as he starts.
“What?” Both of our opponents look confused and amused.
“Well yes, she put up with your bullshit without becoming like you. Honestly that sounds like such a pain to put up with. I only spent fifteen minutes with you guys and I already feel like an unavoidable brain death is coming at me full force. With all the bullshit you’re spewing no wonder she tried to kill herself.” Chishiya continues, discarding and taking tiles and I do the same, listening to what he has to say in shock.
The two boys stayed silent and played their part, leaving us to play.
“I mean wow, are you twenty three so insecure that you have to put down a decent human being to feel better? And you feel pleasure in doing so? You’re just a bunch of sociopathic, psychotic incels that jack off to the feel of having power over someone physically weaker than you, so don’t feel so proud of yourselves. Honestly you could just get rid of yourself and I’m sure we’d all be doing better. It’d be a favor for every living being on this Earth so by no matter let me keep you from doing so.
Dorian and Tyler started glaring at us, stuttering insults Chishiya had broken their walls. Speaking of which, he gives me a side glance and I nodded at him as a thank you, he gives me a smirk and I give him a small smile back.
“He’s right. In the end you were just a bunch of jealous brainless pigeons who just because I was academically better than them in every way decided to gang up on me to bring me down. It’s a proof of weakness and cowardice really, you can’t do shit alone, not even wipe your ass, so you decide to get with other people as uncapable of you at decency and basic tasks to get the job done. Just go back to eating your boogers, eating shit, making crap, spewing bullshit, fapping to power play porn and sucking up to every accomplished adults you meet, you pathetic attention whores. You couldn’t find your place in our world, so this world ain’t for you kids.” 
As I finish I discard one last piece and tell the dealer ‘Mahjong’, and we get our fourth point. After this, no words are uttered from our opponents to us, only mumbled comments between themselves as Chishiya and I stare them down with our coldest glares and win rounds after rounds until the time limit rang. I shook their hands big an agonizing amout of strength and both males looked pained, almost ready to cry as I let them go and spat on their shoes. They scrambled to their last battle as we walked to ours.
There was a couple of older ladies; maybe in their fifties or so, who looked sad but determined.to win. We sit down, they bow at us, we bow back. After last battle I needed this silence very much and Chishiya understood it too which I appreciated. But the look in his eyes told me that we’d talk about it later. And after the dealer arrived, we started our first round. After our fifth round and only one victory we understood that it wouldn’t be as easy, these ladies obviously didn’t seem to have that many weaknesses and practiced more than us, but we had to lessen the number of points we lost to the best of our abilities. And after an excruciating time the dealer signs the end of the battle. We won by three points, but those extra three points were won them through our blood and sweat. After the dealer is done cleaning, we all bow at each other and at the dealer and wait for the results.
“Oh Sejun and Min Gyeongin: lost 7 times for 11 rounds, 4 times for 10,  10 times for 11, 0 times for 16, 4 times for 10. Status: winner.” The two men in suits sigh in relief and relax in their chairs.
“Niwamura Temi and Akamichi Yuuji: lost 16 times for 16 rounds, 14 times for 14, 5 times for 12, 16 times for 16, 6 times for 13. Status: eliminated.” The two middle schoolers start to panic as the collar around their necks started to blink and make noise, and soon enough their heads exploded. I turn my eyes away from the disgusting sight as I feel bile rising in my oesophagus. But as I look to Chishiya he is still watching, a thoughtful look in his eyes as he keeps his face stoic as always.
“Mirakami Asuka and Haro Minari lost 0 times for 16 rounds, 1 time for 11, 0 times for 12, 0 times for 14, 1 time for 10, 9 times for 15. Status: winner.” The two ladies in front of us start to cry from relief, they were really good so there was no doubt they’d win by almost a landslide. But it was good that they were scared too, no matter their level, at least they weren’t conceited.
“Kumogata Shonjuro Kamakibo Hinata lost 9 times for 15 rounds, 7 times for 12, 12 times for 12, 14 times for 14, 6 for 10. Status: eliminated.” I turn around to not see the disturbing event about to happen and flinch as I hear the noise of flesh splattering on the ground.
“(y/l/n) (y/n) and Shuntarö Chishiya lost 3 times for 10 rounds, 0 times for 14, 0 times for 12, 1 time for 11, 6 times for 15. Status: winner.” I shakily run my hands through my hair, we made it. I look at Chishiya who was cockily smirking at Dorian and Tyler...that meant that they lost. And I scoff as I see them panic and flail around.
“Hathaway Dorian and Grimes Tyler: lost 6 times for 15 rounds, 12 times for 12, 7 times for 9, 10 times for 11, 9 times for 13. Status: eliminated.” Their collars beeped in synch and I flip them off one last time before I turn around and hear the significant sound of the collar exploding. After that it was the usual, getting our visas and returning home, completely tired.
Once at home I throw myself on the comfort of my mattress. But before I can drift off to sleep I hear Chishiya coming and feel him sitting on my bed.
“Those assholes didn’t do too much of a number on you did they?”
I shrug and hide my face in my pillow.
“Well, karma got to them so let them go. You give them too much attention, they don’t deserve it. How you talked to them back there was your revenge, you told em everything you had to say how you had to say it and shut em up. Now it’s done. Let it go.”
“It’s hard.”
“Believe me I know. But you spit on them for god’s sake, plus there are more important matters on the table right now.”
I grumble an agreement and he sighs. “At least know that we’re kinda the same. So even if I’m not the best, I’m here. You helped my ass get used to this place, it’s all I can do.”
And as I hear him go I call to him.
“Hey Chishiya.”
“G’night, and welcome to hell.”
“Doesn’t seem that hellish to me, it actually seems kinda fun. Sleep well.”
“Psycho.” He chuckles.
“Sad bitch.” I giggle back and curl in my comforter.
Maybe having him around wouldn’t be the most comforting, but it’d be enough.
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I just revised a few mistakes, my brain warped a few infos lmao. That’ll teach me to write past midnight, unfortunately I only get inspired at that time so that’s going to be a pain. Anyways right now Chishiya’s hair isn’t as long as it is in the series, and it’s not dyed yet so that’ll happen over time. May I remind you that we now are about, 3 months away from the events in AiB. So that mean stuff will happen in the mean while. I’ll concentrate my next chapter into more “domestic” stuff, like a “How to live decently in the Borderlands 101″ if you will. I sorta know where I want this to be headed, but any ideas from you guys are welcome! After all it’s for all of s that I’m writing. Anyways, don’t forget to share, comment and enjoy!
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Andromaquynh headcanons because we need to talk more about them:
According to the comics Quynh’s was the first immortal Andy had dreamt of, but she met Lykon first. Lykon didn’t dream about Quynh, it’s not explainex why. But, according to the movie Andy met Quynh’s first. I’m okay with both, the important fact is Quyhn’s is the first immortal Andy dreams about.
At the begining they don’t understand their dreams. They both thought they were crazy for dreaming about the other, or that they were just imagining things. 
Andy identifies Quynh’s language and takes times to learn it, so if they ever meet they can talk with each other. 
Quynh uses Andy’s dreams as inspiration and becomes a warrior for her kingdom’s army.
Quynh finds that dreaming about the warrior woman is really tiring. She’s always fighting some kind of battle and that feels exhausting to her. She wanders if that it’s what she’s supposed to do with her new situation, with not daying. She feels overwhelm about it, doesn’t think she can make it.
Andy finds that dreaming about the strange woman makes her feel relief, less lonely. She’s scared she’s imagining this because of how long she’s been alone. But the idea that out there, someone is like her and can’t die, it’s a nice thought that helps her calm her troubled soul.
They dream of each other for like one hundred years.
When Quynh had given up with life and decides to stay in the desert to die, that’s when Andy goes looking for her, no matter how hard it takes her to find her. She can’t let the other woman give up, it hurts too much. And she’s scared of losing her because she doesn’t want to be alone ever again.
When Andy finds her in the desert, Quynh thinks Andy is a goddess. Andy explains she’s not a goddess, she’s just someone liker her, immortal, someone who can’t die.
Quynh had spent so much time in the desert, that her body it’s exhausted and she doesn’t have energies because she haven’t drink or eat anything in a very long time. Because of that, Andy has to carry her on her back until she could find a place where the other could recover.
Andy gives Quynh a reason not to want to die: she’s not alone anymore. She also shares her porpuse, that she uses her immortality to help others in wherever way she can. 
Quynh finds Andy a little annoying. She likes things the way she does them, and she thinks that because she’s older she’s been already through everyhing. 
Andy has to learn share things with other person, to make plans with other and not just give orders and demands things. She’s so used to be alone and do things her way, that the other reproaches desestabilize her sometimes.
Once they figure each other out and start treating each other like equals, they become friends very fast. They’ve been alone for so long that having someone who understand them it’s amazing. 
After they are reunited, they stop dreaming about each other. It’s a little sad not to share their dreams anymore, but it’s better to be together on person, so they don’t complain about it too much.
Since they are together they never separate. They have alone time and do things on their own, but they never go very far from the other. They travel and fight battles together.
They share all their stories of their lives with the other. There are no secrets between them and they always talk with honestly about their thoughts and beliefs. 
Andy teaches Quynh how to horseride and not to be scared of horses. Still Quynh prefers when Andy’s the one riding in the battles, and she would just jump behind her wherever she has the chance.
Quynh loves fashion. For Andy it doesn’t really matter, she’s practical, she’s happy as long as she has something comfortable to wear. Quynh usually is the one who buys clothes for both of them.
Quynh finds funny Andromache’s fatalism about religions and politics.
When they realised they are in love they don’t make any move about it. They are both scared that the other won’t feel the same and that would ruin their friendship. They are scared of being alone again, so they prefer to ignore their feelings.
That changes after Lykon’s death. That’s when they stop ignoring their feelings and finally confes their love to each other.
There are no botton/top with them. They are comfortable with each other and they try every position that they can imagine. They are both strong and confident, but they also like being vulnerable with each other. So their positions really changes depending on the day and their moods.
Quynh likes siting on Andy’s legs and will do it every time she can, no matter how many other options are available.
Andy likes sleeping with Quynh arms around her, she never felt safer in her whole life than in the arms of the love of her life.
Quynh loves when Andy reads outloud in extinct languages she doesn’t know. She would always ask her to read her something before sleeping.
They are competitive. Sometimes when they would go to battle they would bet on who would killed more enemies. And they would take kills from the other just to be annoying.
They also very protective of each other. They would die and take wound from the other, to avoid the other to feel pain. They’re both very stubborn and would fight about all the time. “You didn’t have to die for me, i’m immortal too, remember?” 
Quynh loves making Andy laugh. She always worries about the way the other carry the weight of the world on her sholders, so she would always do wherever she can to help her relax.
Andy do little actions to show her love. She’s very attentive and would make every detail seems important. She learns to read the other and remeber everything about her: what she likes, what she doesn’t like, what makes her smile, what makes her sad, what makes her have fun.
They love dancing by the moonlight. 
They are very touchy, like they always need to know the other is there and is real. They are the kind of couple who would hold hands every chance they have, hug a lot, kiss their foreheads and noses. 
One time Quynh was telling birthday’s stories to Andy, when she found out the other never celebrated her birthday because when she was borned that wasn’t a thing. She doesn’t know when she was borned, nor the date, nor the year. So, Quynh choose a day and decides from that moment that would be Andromache’s day. She gives her necklace as a present, to show her how much she loves her.
When they start dreaming about Yusuf and Nicolo they are just as happy as scared. They are happy that they are getting new members to their family, but scared that they would change their dynamic.
Quynh likes dreaming about Yusuf and Nicolo, she finds it funny how they keep trying to kill each other when they already know they can’t die. She thinks itps ironic that they became immortal at the same time, when they are both fighting a war from different religions. Andy doesn’t like dreaming about Yusuf and Nicolo. She finds it depressing that they keep trying to kill each other instead of enjoying that they became immortal together, that they would never be totally alone to deal with it.
When Quynh and Andy find Yusuf and Nicolo they take them under their wing. They train and teach them everything they know. 
Quynh and Andy call them “the boys” because they are like children in comparison to their long lives. They love them like little brothers. They make bets between them on who would confess their feelings to the other first.
The church chose different kind of prison for both of them. For Quynh it was water, being trapped in the bottom of the ocean in an iron coffin. For Andy it was fire, they burned her alive.
Andy free herself and haunt all the members of the church trying to find a clue that can help her find Quynh. Her pain makes her be lethal. She kills and tortures all of them, but neither give her the answer she was looking for.
Andy, Joe and Nicky sails the oceans looking for Quynh for lot of years, but they can’t find her. Once they realize it’s impossible they have to give up the search. 
Andy always wears Quynh’s necklace to have a part of the other with her.
Andy keeps checking the new maritime technology to see if there is anything it could help them in Quynh’s search. 
Andy keeps all Quynh’s things safe in one of her safehouses.
Quynh can’t do anything in the iron coffin, she just keep constantly drowning. She don’t have time for anything more than drowning and fighting. She can’t sleep, she can’t dream, she can’t think. But that is not her only punishement, for her the worst of everything is being alone, apart from Andy.
After Quynh is free she wants revenge, because she feels betrayed and hurt that they didn’t find her and save her, that Andy had given up on her. But once she realises how big the ocean is and how impossible for her to be found, she calms down.
Once they are reunited it takes them time to heal and forgive each other, but they do because their love is stronger.
Quynh loves Andy’s short hair and would cut it herself when she realises it’s starting to grow. 
Andy teaches her all the new things the world have created in the time she wan’t part of it: mobile phones, all kinds of guns, computers, planes.
They take a time for travel the world together again, because they are happy and in love and need some alone time.
Andy’s immortality comes back because she has regain the belief in their mission and because once she has Quynh back she learns to forgive herself for breaking her promise. 
(if you want to read more headcanons: here are the ones i have for Quynh &  here are the ones i have for Andy)
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soft--dragon · 4 years
Home Again
Five is still figuring out how to adjust to his new body and new life, surrounded by real people who cared
In which the Umbrella fam is worried about Five, and Five gets the damn hug he needs
Cursing (I wish I could say it was minor, but this is Five and his chaotic siblings were talking about here)
Don’t really know where this is set, sometime during season 1, I had an idea so I just wrote it (Vanya isn’t in this though she’s every bit deserving to be in the Umbrella Family as the rest of them)
Five knew it wasn’t going to be a good day.
It was a feeling that settled in his gut the longer the day dragged on. He jumped from his room to the kitchen, startling Klaus, and probably Ben who Five assumed was close by.
Klaus quickly got over his momentary shock, blinking a few times, taking in the bags under Five’s eyes and slump in his posture.
“You look like shit dude.”
It was a blunt statement from Klaus, one that deserved an equally blunt retort from Five. “Fuck off.”
The smallest of the Umbrella Academy dumped the contents of the coffee pot into a mug, taking a large gulp of the dark, rich liquid. He sighed at the familiar taste, swirling the half of the remainder before downing that too. Klaus visibly recoiled, eyebrows shooting to his hairline.
“Five, you might want to take it easy on the coffee, you’re in a body that isn’t built to hold that much caffeine.”
“That’s rich coming from the guy that’s killing himself with drugs and alcohol” Five bit back, eyes narrowing at his brother.
Klaus quickly raised his hands in surrender, hoping it might relax the riled boy in front of him. “Calm down Five, I was just-”
Five jumped before he could finish the sentence, taking what remained in the coffee pot with him.
“....That...could’ve gone better” Ben said from where he was sitting on the dining table, a contemplative look on his face.
“Yeah no shit genius” Klaus grumbled, crossing his arms firmly. “But at least he didn’t stab me.”
“Diego’s more likely to do that than Five, Klaus.”
“Fair point.”
Ben turned to look at where Five had disappeared, anxiety prickled at his skin. Something wasn’t right with his baby brother.
Allison wasn’t phased when she heard a loud thump close to her room. In this household, random noises were entirely normal. This was a mansion with six supernatural people, plus a mom robot and a advanced chimpanzee.
But what sounded like glass breaking and a hissed curse made Allison stand and move to the door. What she found, wasn’t what she expected.
Five was kneeling on the floor, rubbing his head and glaring daggers at the shards of glass surrounding him. The carpet was stained with what smelled like coffee.
The boy’s glare snapped up to Allison who had the sense to not react lest she agitate him further. Five was like a feral cat sometimes, had to be slow and unthreatening for him to give you the slightest sign of trust.
She leaned against the doorway, trying to appear casual. “You alright?”
“Fine.” The reply was curt and rough, like Five was trying not to let too much emotion slip out.
“Need a hand cleaning that up?”
“No, I’m more than capable Allison.”
“I know you are, I was just offering to help-”
Five hissed another curse and with a blink of light, he was gone again. Leaving Allison confused and a little hurt in his wake.
It wasn’t a smooth jump.
Five stumbled over his feet, similar to outside Allison’s room where he dropped the coffee pot. He almost face planted, but managed to catch himself on a nearby desk.
“Jesus Christ Five!”
The shout made him start, leaping into a defensive stance, almost snarling like an animal. His gaze fell on Diego lying on his bed. He was clutching his chest and a knife tightly, breathing rapidly. Probably coming down from the momentary adrenaline rush of fright.
“Why the hell are you in my room!?” Diego asked, but there was no real heat behind his words, mostly confusion.
Five didn’t pick up on the lack of venom, instead challenging the question with his own spiteful words.. “I didn’t do it on purpose asshole!” He snapped, gripping the desk tighter when he felt himself tether on his feet.
Diego must’ve seen it cause he sat up, putting the knife down. His usual glare being replaced by raised eyebrows and worried eyes. “Five, you feeling alright?”
“I’m fine! Why does everyone keep asking me that?!”
Diego’s worry disappeared in a split second at the sharp retort. He glared back in response, feeling his anger rise like a wild fire. “Because we care? Don’t know why we bother though, seeing as you piss on every attempt of basic emotion we give you.”
Five flinched back, gritting his teeth to ignore the pain that sentence gave him, but good god did it sting. He blinked away before Diego saw how much that statement hurt. He refused to show weakness.
But Deigo had seen it. Guilt and regret pooled into his stomach, staring at the spot where Five has just been. “Damn it” he hissed to himself, pinching the skin between his eyes.
Five hadn’t had proper company throughout his years in the apocalypse. He was relearning the ropes of socialising with his family. And adjusting to life in general.
Deigo sagged onto his bed, gripping his knife like a life line.
Why did he never think before speaking?
Luther was probably the very last person Five wanted to see right now. And to make matters worse, he was accompanied by Pogo and Grace.
The universe seemed to love kicking him when he was down.
The trio looked over when Five blinked into existence, close to falling down again due to his exhaustion of late nights and constant jumping.
“Oh hello sweetie” Grace smiled pleasantly, though concern shone through her robotic features at Five’s state. “Are you al-?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine” Five cut her off, waving a hand in their general direction. He needed to jump again. Away from people for awhile.
“Master Five” Pogo spoke up. “You seem exhausted?”
“Late night Pogo” Five replied shortly, hoping he’d be satisfied with the answer and leave him alone. He went to leave the room when a strong, yet gentle grip caught his upper arm.
It didn’t matter to Five that it was gentle. The fact was, it was still a grip.
He swung round in barely contained panic, throwing a fist. It slammed against Luther’s jaw. Though it barely making the bulkier man shift, the look on his face said everything Five knew Luther was feeling.
Shock, concern, anger, maybe even fear.
He jumped for a fourth time, leaving Luther, Pogo and Grace behind in varying levels of distress.
Five hit the ground again, almost screaming every foul word he knew right then and there in frustration. He wasn’t trying to be a dick. Honest to god he wasn’t. But his siblings were just so- so....caring. He wasn’t used to it, he wasn’t used to having others around, except Dolores.
They all wanted to help him. He suspected it was because of his form, he looked so vulnerable that they felt a need to protect and help him any way they could. It was kinda sweet really, but so incredibly forgein to him. He reacted the only way he knew how. With anger.
It was the only emotion he had been feeling these days. Anger at himself for screwing up the equation that got him stuck like this. Anger that he wasn’t able to save his family from the apocalypse. Anger because he wasn’t damn smart enough to figure out how to save the world.
Horror swirled in Five’s gut when his vision became blurred, the tears slipping from his eyes and onto the carpet. He swiped a furious arm across his eyes but it did nothing to stem the flow. He scrambled to his feet, running down the hall. He had to get to his room. If he got there, he could hide, and the others would never know he was crying.
Why couldn’t he jump? His mind was muddled. He couldn’t see. He could barely breathe.
He slammed into something solid. He would’ve fallen to the ground if a tender hold to his arms didn’t stop him. He could hear someone talking, but he couldn’t place them. It was all too much right now. All he could see was ash, taste it on his tongue, feel it on his skin.
He screamed, not knowing what else to do, tears streaming down his face. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, everyhing was too damn loud.
But then he felt...warm? It was like a heavy blanket had been put around his shoulders. He clung into the source of the warmth, desperately to not let it go. To not back to the freak show he’d been forced to live with for 45 years.
“...ive! Five you’re okay, please just breathe for me, breathe you can do it.”
He knew that voice, he knew it. It wasn’t Dolores, it couldn’t have been Reginald he was dead-
“Five please, please just breathe.”
Five complied, trying to draw in air but coughing when he couldn’t get in a full breath.
“That’s it buddy, you’re doing so good, come on, in and out.”
Five tried again, fingers digging into a soft material.
“You’ve got it, you’re doing great Five.”
Five drew in another breath, feeling his head clear. He pitched forward heavily, being caught by a sturdy figure.
“Good job Five” a soft voice murmured praisingly. “I’m proud of you.”
Five blinked a few times, the tears in his eyes not fully receding. Above him was black hair, kind eyes and a soft smile.
The ghost smiled wider, gently squeezing Five’s arms in confirmation. “Yeah, feel better now bud? Got it out of your system?”
Five’s hesitated then his head fell against his brother’s collarbone, sniffing. “Yeah...”
“You wanna tell me what triggered it?”
Five’s fist clenched Ben’s jacket tighter. “Memories” he mumbled.
Ben nodded his understanding. They stayed like that for awhile, Ben holding his little brother tightly to his chest, rubbing his back comfortingly. It felt nice, but Five’s anxiety wouldn’t stop spiking.
“I’m scared Ben...”
The small, unsure voice that spoke broke Ben’s heart. He squeezed Five tighter to him. Wishing he could take away all the pain and fear Five had to deal with during his time in the apocalypse. Take that away and give him his childhood back. See the boy laugh with a sparkle in his eye like he used to when they were all young. He dropped a kiss into Five’s hair, resting his head atop his smaller brother’s.
“I know” he murmured, “and I’m sorry you had to be alone for so long. I’m so sorry Five.”
The pair stood, arms wrapped around each other for a long time. Ben lost track of the minutes that went by. Though he did notice Five was getting steadily heavier in his arms. When he looked down, the boy was out.
Ben shook his head fondly, lifting Five into his arms. He paused for a moment. Had he always been this light? Ben couldn’t remember Five ever feeling so...small.
He shook off the surprise, carrying his sibling to Five’s room, gently easing him onto the bed. He sat on the edge, watching Five sleep, taking in how young he looked, but aware of how old he was. Having seen death and destruction at every turn. Years spent in solitude, forced to survive in a barren wasteland for years. It was horrid of think about.
Ben’s hand phased out of reality for a moment as he brushed it through his brother’s hair. Five nuzzled into the touch, eyebrows finally relaxing and giving him a look of peace.
“Sleep well Five” Ben murmured. “Your family will be here when you wake up, I promise.”
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harrypotterimagined · 5 years
Reasons to Leave (2)
here’s the link to the first one! 
these are not connected in any way! 
warning: not a happy ending
Fred Weasley x reader
“When they act like comforting you is a chore.”
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Requests are open!
It wasn’t a secret that your relationship with Fred was running towards its end. No matter how hard you both tried, it just wasn’t working anymore. You were constantly annoyed with him, and he was constantly annoyed with you being annoyed. It was a circle, and you weren’t able to escape from it. 
For now, you were just holding on to what was left from your relationship with all your force, and it felt like Fred wasn’t even lifting a finger. You were sure he was trying, at least you hoped so, but it didn’t feel like it. He spends almost no time with you, kisses were rare and anything other than small talk wasn’t even happening. 
It was hard to not yell in his face at times, he fell the same, you saw it on his face often enough. But you had so much fun together, so much shared laughs. You couldn’t let that go without a fight, you wouldn’t. 
So, during breakfast on one especially sunny morning, you went over to Fred and George, planting yourself next to him. You offered him a smile, which he didn’t answer. He kissed your cheek and wished you a good morning. That was better than the past week. 
What wasn’t better was the fact that he barely talked to you during breakfast. The person you shouldn’t ever feel alone with was the one making you feel lonely. You had seen and given enough red flags. And yet, you stayed. 
But even the strongest of persons sometimes had a moment of weakness. And that evening, you had one. Everyone was supposed to be at dinner, which gave you a moment of peace. You weren’t hungry anyway. 
It was a warm day, the sun still warm when you sat on the grass, eyes closed, soaking in the sun. You didn’t want to cry, but you did so anyway. Even your closed eyelids couldn’t stop the tears from falling. 
You heard some shuffling behind you. You opened your eyes and turned around, frowning and wiping away your tears. 
“Fred?” You tried to keep your voice even. That’s what it has come to, you were scared to appear weak to Fred. Fred was bright red, he was obviously planning on walking past you without you noticing. 
“I didn’t want to interrupt you,” That was a weak lie. You didn’t have the power to point it to him. “Sorry.” 
“It’s fine,” You wiped away another tear, hoping he would catch on. But he didn’t, he offered you an awkward smile, considering walking away. “You can sit next to me, if you want.” 
“Oh, sure.” He sat next to you, not saying anything. You didn’t feel the comforting arm around you like there used to be when you even did as much as frowning. It really wasn’t like it used to be. Memories were just memories. The feeling of him slipping away through the cracks of your fingers, while you did everything to hold in, paining you.
“Aren’t you going to ask why I was crying?” You sniffed, noticing how he didn’t even make an effort.
“I figured you’d tell me anyway.” 
You laughed without joy, looking down at your hands. “Fred, what the hell happened?”
“What do you mean?” You hated how sincere he sounded, hated how he didn’t seem to understand of whatever changed between you two was killing you. Especially how it was killing the two of you.
"You used to hug me, tell me everything was going to be fine when you even suspected I wasn’t as happy as the day before,” You said, sadness lacing with anger, because how could a boy be so ignorant? So stupid. “And now you don’t even care that I’m crying.”
“I do care.” He mumbled, not looking at you, not inching closer, not saying anything else.
“You have a funny way of showing it, then,” You pushed yourself up, looking down at him. “If you really did, you would’ve asked what was wrong, at least. You can’t even comfort me now that I’ve basically asked you.” Not everything is your fault, but really, Fred?” 
He looked at you, in the moment of silence he took in everything, knowing this would be one of his last chances. He tried to mesmerize the way the sun shone through your hair, he took in the frown and your glossy eyes. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to comfort you, he just felt like it would awkward, like he couldn’t like he used to, because things weren’t as they used to be. He hated that neither of you could save whatever you had, once. He felt like it was his fault, like he never faught enough. But he was tired of fighting, and it hurt him to see you holding on with both hands, while he was ready to let go. He just couldn’t keep hurting you.
“I’m sorry,” 
“I know,” You sniffed, no intention to leave. “This just... it sucks.”
“I know,” He said, softly. “Do you think we could work it out, continue fighting?” He knew he couldn’t, he just wanted to know if you could. Wanted to know how much heartbreak he’d cause you.
“Haven’t we fought enough?” You almost chocked on the words, but it felt good to finally whisper them, no matter how weak or broken they sounded.
Fred closed his eyes, looking away. “I suppose we did everyhing we could,” He took a deep breath. “So this is it?”
“I’m sorry, Fred.” Tears were running over your cheeks again. “It just... wasn’t enough anymore.”
"Don’t apologize,” His eyes were glossy, but he smiled, getting up. “Good things end, sometimes.”
He hugged you close, and as much as you’d missed it, it hurt. It hurt because you knew that would be the last hug from him for at least awhile. You didn’t know if you could still be friends, if he still could. You wrapped your arms him, too, accepting the warmth as a sob escaped you.
Fred rubbed his hands over your back, tears rolling over his face as well, because this was the end of one of the most wonderful things he’d ever had, and it hurt the both of you.
You both told yourself it was for the better as you cried against each other, savoring the last moment of intimacy, clinging onto it, because as soon as someone let go, it was offically over, and neither knew what would happen.
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dfordragons · 4 years
The Divine & The Damned
The last of the unfortunate explorer of Glimmerwood, now entangled in poisonous animated vines was finally blown away by the silver-haired elfs peculiar yet somewhat majestic purple eldritch beams before she got back to scratching her painfully itchy injuries.
“That’s it?”
A deep voice sounded from under the black helmet with the meticulous resemblance of a skull, the dark tone of which was mitigated only by a grey gem embedded in its centre as he perceived the environment around them. The weeping that had surrounded the forest for a while had yet to stop, if anything, it only grew stronger.
“I think so?” A taller, slender man responded; his pale skin highlighted his blue eyes.
“Oh no” A dwarven girl, sharing the same colour tone as the elvish figure said in awe.
“Rynvia? What is it?” Another dwarf patted her on the shoulder, unlike her, he was covered in deep wounds from his bald head to the toes most likely, but nobody could see below his shoulders with the swamp water up to their neck.
The weeping grew stronger as a figure hovered from tree to tree.
The figure in the skull helmet went back into his battle stance, yet he knew not what they were even talking about, he wasn’t the most perceptive, nor the sharpest tool in the shed.
“Okay make us fly, Doronin make us fly right now!”
He screamed as he eventually saw the figure approach, hovering and crying, but magic wasn’t that simple.
The hovering figure looked magnificent as she approached them, her messy, green hair had a charm to it, while her blue eyes only added to the wood-elven characteristics she bore. Yet her translucent figure only spelled trouble in their heads. As she saw them she stopped weeping, well, sort of.
“Who.. Who is this?” she asked.
“She talks..?”
“She talks.”
“She’s so pretty.”
They all whispered amongst them.
“I..Am Leonard?” he said through the helmet as he sensed her undead nature.
“And I’m Doronin” sounded the declared sorcerer from a safe range.
“And Rynvia” the dwarven girl said in awe while the other dwarf stayed silent as did the elven figure, not a few seconds passed before she took note of her.
“And you…You…Who are you?” She said as she hovered towards her, in just as much awe as Rynvia spoke to her. Her eyes pinned on her.
In an awkward, somewhat troubled by her behaviour tone she responded hesitantly
“I’m Yliv.”
“You’re so pretty Yliv” she continued
“She is isn’t she?” He mumbled before getting back to his senses
“That’s not the point, who are you, what are you doing here?” Leonard turned around to look at her, still sceptical and caught off guard.
“I…” she scratched her translucent head.. “I don’t remember who I am” she said as she started crying again
“I remember I was so pretty… And this forest was so pretty…” all of them looked around in the horrible swamp they were currently in.
Rynvia remembered, she remembered the vision she had from Lyreth, the one who had sent them there. The one who had started this quest of theirs. She remembered how pretty the forest was, and grew sad knowing what it turned into.
“But then.. Fire.. A mad dragon.. A FUCKING HORRIBLE DRAGON. MEN ARE DICKS” She screeched as she continued remembering,
Her voice pierced their ears as they were trying to listen yet cover them. They all looked at each other. Her eyes never stopped looking towards Yliv in awe despite the hatred in her voice.
“Um..” Leonard broke the silence after her bipolar monologue.
“But you’re so pretty” she continued saying towards Yliv.
“You are too” she responded awkwardly
“But I’m dead” she started weeping again.
The rest stayed silent before Leonard continued.
“Have.. Have you by any chance come upon a pretty tree.. Like Yliv?”
Without looking away, she responded in a sweet voice
“A pretty tree.. I like that tree.. But I can’t get close..”
Yliv figured that this was due to her not being part of the living, her experienced had taught her at least that much.
“Would you be able to take us to that tree?” Doronin added.
“I.. I could.”
“We could also help you with this.. Slut?” Leonard continued
“How about you take us to the tree, and once we are done there we will help you with her.” He tried to reason with the creature.
“What is this?” the dwarf whispered to Rynvia
“I think that’s a Banshee, Dean. But she’s so pretty” she responded with her pupils dilated as he grew silent, unsure of if her response was troubling or reassuring.
“I can guide you there.. Because.. Because you are pretty” she continued looking at her.
“I shall lead the way.. Do you want to lead with me Yliv?” she said eagerly.
“I think I’m better in the back.. Looking around….” Her tone was more of a questioning tone on whether this excuse would work than a statement.
“Okay..” She said disappointed as she led them.
“But stay.. Stay quiet, my creatures.. My beautiful creatures from this THIEVING SLUT are very perceptive”
They treaded for hours in the swamp waters and the mud before reaching the drier part of the swamp. The humidity combined with the summer heat even below the thick tree line wasn’t making their journey any easier. Eventually they decided to settle for the night in a hollow tree trunk. It wouldn’t fit all of them, but someone had to keep watch.
Yliv against her better judgement decided to go above the tree line to measure the distance towards the bespoke tree. She soon found out that she should’ve trusted her instinct, as she turned into a raven, she flew through the tree line.
Before she knew it she became entangled in a spiders net. The only problem was that the spider was much bigger than anticipated. Lucky for her, as a giant raven she was also stronger than her average bird, breaking free from the web right before she became dinner. Flying down entangled in the web she had an anomalous, yet still elegant landing.
“Um.. You have white stuff on your hair” Doronin pointed out while the rest laughed.
“Could be worse.” She responded.
“Was everything okay up there?” he continued
“Everything was fine.” She smiled back before turning her back and facing the creepy, yet somewhat cute Banshee they had met.
“So how far are we?” Leonard asked
“I couldn’t see much.” She responded before Kaylen, Doronins owl flew upwards.
Luckily, he was much more elegant than a giant raven. Seeing through him, Doronin saw the beautiful night sky without the light pollution of Westgate, but not much else aside from small, star-like looking lights far from where they came from, perhaps the Irraebor. Coming down from his brief flight, the party had decided to gather a few materials for a fire.
Doronin, willingly scattered to find possible materials to use, before sticking his blade handle on a tree and.. Taking a piss.
In the meanwhile, Dean stayed with the ladies, rather silent.
Until everyone except for Dean heard in their mind
“Dear Arthur”
“Dear Rynvia”
“Dear Yliv”
“Dear Doronin”
“I, Lord of Waterdeep, Chosen of Mystra, Laeral Silverhand summon you to have an audience with me about your recent claims. Force Grey will meet you and accompany you from Irraebor to Waterdeep safely. They shall await at the Black Talon Headquarters for 3 days starting tomorrow. Don’t be late.”
The authoritarian voice finally seized to speak.
“Um..We’re kind of busy.” Rynvia responded while Yliv didn’t bother responding.
“Don’t. Be. Late.”
Doronin stuttered in the sound of the Lord of Waterdeep
“Um.. Can we get an extension or something? We’re out of town for now.”
The same response as Rynvia sounded in his mind.
“We’re in the middle of something here. Isn’t the fact that the king of Cimbar has said so?”
Leonard had grew in cockiness
“The king of..” she said laughingly in his mind
“It’s funny, because the king of Cimbar is here for talks these days.. Tell me, when were you the king Arthur?”
Leonard started panicking. His brother was there. If he was there, that was bad.
“Listen closely. Do not trust him.”
“You listen closely. Don’t. Be. Late”
“I won’t be responsible for you losing your kingdom.”
He never heard back.
“So I was wondering.. Where did you say you got that armor from?”
Yliv asked Dean while resting in the tree trunk, fully knowing the armor was identical to the bladesinger she had met a few days ago.
“This Vanduin tailored it for me.. It was a gift for winning my first fight in Ysgard.”
“So everything has a price for him?”
“Proving yourself is his moto.. Not one I’m fond of, I died many times in this place, rather not talk about it” he said in a more serious tone
“I understand.”
Rynvia was just looking at her brother, both happy and nostalgic about how they were as kids.
“I..” He took out a small gem stone
“I have this.”
“What’s this?” Yliv tried to get a closer look to the stone
“It’s meant to take me back if I wish”
“And.. Do you?”
“Not really, but it’s something I thought that’s cool” he smiled back at her and looked towards Rynvia
“We have to find our brother.”
Leonard overheard the last sentence as he was coming back from his gathering trip with Doronin.
“I believe we have to speak, Dean, Rynvia.” He also said in a serious, yet somewhat uncomfortable manner.
“Yes?..”  She responded.
“I had told you that before I ran away I was a general of the army of Cimbar..”
“Yes?..” She kept repeating
“Well, we were fighting barbarians in the mountains for a while, at some point we fought these Bhaal priests, at that time Bhaal was unknown to me, aside from them being murderous heretics.”
They both remained silent.
“Long story short.. I think your brother was a high priest for them.. And he may be in our dungeon..”
Both of their eyes went wide, no, everyones eyes went wide.
They both screamed.
“And.. This thing you described, Dean. About him being a different person after touching this staff. I believe it’s the same thing that happened with my helmet.”
“OH NO” Rynvia screamed
Indeed, the situation was dire, he had fought for his life against this cursed helmet before claiming it against a Bhaalspawn, he called himself. He was warned that should he fail, his soul would be trapped in the helmet, and instead, his body would now be used by whoever sat in the helmet, waiting for a victory for so long.
“I had a message from the Lord of Waterdeep, she said that my brother is there for talks”
“We did too” Rynvia spoke for both her and Yliv.
“Same here” Doronin raised his hand.
“We could potentially intercept him once we’re done here, but first I need you to contact Fenduin and have him plead to Silverhand not to trust my brother.” He said as she Rynvia already started tracing the spell glyph in the air.
“Um… Hi.” She said counting words with her fingers.
“Tell Silverhand, not to trust the king of Cimbar…” She said looking at Leo in a ‘Is that fine?’ fashion, nodding back at her.
It wasn’t long before she heard Fenduins calm voice and elven manners respond.
“I already have done so as promised. Glad to hear you’re alive. I’m in traveling to Irraebor looking for this Alia Arthur had mentioned…”
As she transferred the message to Leonard a sigh of relief sounded
“At least there’s some good news.”
It was good news indeed; she was the only thing that he missed from home. Although as of lately, the feelings of nostalgia had started fading away, or rather replaced with the fulfilment of the present, maybe for the better.
Under the wing of a powerful political figure and archmagi, she would have little to fear, he hoped.
Conversing back and forth, eventually the party ended with the hope of returning Leo to power in Cimbar, and, getting her brother out of whatever predicament he had found himself in, assuming it was a similar case.
“Maybe have a convict touch the staff, then he can take their body”
“Or maybe a different race, did he ever want to be something else when he was little..Like.. Taller?”
The conversation went on and on before they eventually warmed a few stones to bring into the hollow tree to keep them warm, a fire would probably attract unwanted attention.
“I can keep watch…” said the Banshee smilingly.
“Um..” Leonard doubted her.
“I’ll do it, I don’t sleep” Yliv continued
Her patron had given her many gifts indeed, curing her insomnia was one of them, there’s no insomnia when there’s no need to sleep.
“And if she does anything weird, I’ll wake you up.” She said in all seriousness this time around.
Leonard stayed out with her for a while before passing out, trying not to stare at her like the Banshee did.
“So.. It’s been a while since we stayed in the same room, I miss being roomates..” he muttered before he said it out a little too loud for his own good.
“Really?” she responded.
“I was used to having someone creepy staying awake all night.” He said laughingly, but with a few pinches of truth in there.
“Well, we’ve grown richer, and more comfortable.”
“That’s true.. But it was pretty nice” He kept hinting with no luck.
“Do you like it?” He pointed at the owl hair pin he had paid rather handsomely for.
“I do, I hope I never have to use it though” she responded as she played with the magical strings.
Each of the strings once broken would emit a painful ping in the receivers mind. Yet they would also let them know that someone was in trouble.
“It’s a good night.” He said looking.. Well, at the trees above them, possibly for any giant spiders.
“Oh, good night” She said before his eyes went wide in awe
“No I meant it’s a good night..”
She busted out laughing.
And so the night passed, Leonard passed out near trunk entrance, with the Banshee staring at Yliv all night long, her idea of ‘keeping watch’ was vastly different from what the group had in mind. There was no dawn break to measure the time, nor there were any birds to be heard, but few light rays eventually started penetrating the thick swamp.
As she blinked, she bathed in darkness. She knew this darkness, she had grown in it, she felt safe. Yet it felt different, the Queen was not there to greet her, nor could she hear her steps.
Another blink, and she appeared amidst a village square. It rang no memory bells. People screamed and ran away as she walked towards the source of terror. Only to see what she originally thought to be a tiefling standing above a crying female elven teenager. An older male elf begged for mercy as the bodies of villagers lied on the ground. From where his spine was, bones that were as sharp as razors came out.
“Do not worry, I shall not hurt her, but our deal was I could have anything I wanted.. Anything that you owned.. You own this village..” the tiefling said with a grin in his face.
As she blinked once more, she was back to the swamp, with the Banshee creepily staring at her, yet Yliv finding it weirdly comforting that she was indeed still there. Whatever that was, it was new. And she wasn’t sure it was for the best.
Staying out during the night was rough, she was sure to catch a cold, yet Leonard slept outside too, he was too big for the tree trunk, or perhaps he was just making sure she was safe. And his warmth, even when he slept, kept her from catching a cold in the middle of nowhere. Leonard, on the other hand had ironically woken up with a cough in the morning.
Rynvia opened her eyes to the sight of Doronins peculiar owl indiscreetly staring at her chest. It wasn’t long before she regretted the fact that she could talk. With her being a minor annoyance, she snapped her fingers as battlecries sounded in the forest. Leonard jumped out of his sleep, grabbed his sword and charged towards the sound at the distance. Rynvia may have gone a little overboard with her thaumaturgic cantrip, but she sat back and enjoyed the reaction nevertheless.
It wasn’t long before she called the cantrip off. Leonard had only ran some meters away, still within the vicinity of Yliv and the rest as he stopped, listening carefully after the abrupt ending of the screams. It was then that he heard the sound of multiple insectoids screeching around him, preparing for their first meal of the day. A dozen of ooze-leaking spiders had started coming around him, probably attracted from his own battle cry. They didn’t look very threatening, aside from being the size of his palm. With the rest of his comrades rushing to help, Rynvia wrestling each of them until they were squished while Dean, Yliv and Doronin had a the backseat of electrocuting and barbecuing them, it was over quickly.
“That was eas---” Leonard spoke too quickly as one had crawled inside his plate armor, he felt its teeth.. Or was it claws? Dragging along his back, her acidic poison burning him to the bone as he screamed in pain. It looked bad, but nothing Rynvia couldn’t take care of with the divine powers Liira had entrusted her with.
Despite their victory, they kept looking around for the ‘barbarians’ Leonard had heard… Rynvia never told him the truth, she liked her head in-tact, plus, nobody would argue about the fun factor of the situation they had gotten themselves in without anyone getting hurt.. A lot.
The party proceeded eating their not-so-glorious breakfast compared to their time spent in Westgate, at the Baron Fenduins keep, or any other day before their arrival to the mansion, be it a casino ship, or representing a magic shop owner at the fighting tournament in Oakrun. The banshee slowly but steadily led them through the drier parts of the swamp towards the tree they had been talking about all along.
Eventually, they arrived. The dim light from the thick forest line of the swamp finally started breaking by the summer sun. The dirty waters and the musty, somewhat decaying smell around them started changing. In front of them lied a clear, deep blue lake. A small island sat in the middle of it, bearing a tree beautiful enough to make up for the entire unfriendly swamp that they had treaded in.
“That’s as far as I can go” said the Banshee as if she was about to cry..Again.
“We’ll be back” Leo assured her as he started taking off his armor.
“I can make us walk on water” Rynvia said halfway, receiving a miffed look from Leonard which spent the last 5 minutes donning off his equipment ever so slowly.
After a bunch of small discussions on how wise it would be to walk on top of uncharted waters, they had decided to take the risk. Leonard took the first step in while fully expecting to sink, to his surprise, he didn’t. Yet something else occurred.
A pinching sensation surrounded him from head to toe, for a split second he wanted his skin to melt off him, before a peculiar sense of warmth he hadn’t sensed in a while surrounded him. The smell of lilac replaced the smell of the swamp entirely. His dark, somewhat rusty helmet became partially grey, as if it was purged from the misdeeds of the past.
The rest followed, experiencing similar sensations, with Rynvia being the least affected, she was used the divine energy surrounding her, yet not necessarily that kind.
After treading rather quickly to the other side of the shore, hoping they wouldn’t attract any lake predators, they had arrived to the centre of the island. The warmth grew ever more stronger with every step towards the tree. The entire island was covered in its roots. Pink petals were scattered in the air and in the ground. None of them could remember the last time they encountered something this beautiful. Edgar, Ylivs Raven went on a patrol with Kaylen to scout ahead. Through his eyes she saw a tall statue of questionable material standing near the tree bearing an inscription at the bottom of the platform it stood on. In the meanwhile, Leonard examined the tree through his divine senses. The entire place seemed to overflow with abjuration magic, whilst a stronger aura came from the statue. The tree itself radiated with divine magic. He proceeded to touch the tree, looking for potential passage, yet only found a small hollow, only enough for his hand to fit through.
Rynvia took an alternative approach, deciding to hug it instead, while her brother kept an eye out for potential threats. The warmth as she hugged it overtook her with positive emotions. She remembered this place through her vision of the past. The dying place of a deity. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for what had happened to her.
At the same time, Yliv and Doronin examined the inscription plate of the statue, it read;
“Only the bold and the worthy shall be blessed by her divine grace. Those who prey and steal shall lose much fore than their filthy hands”
Simultaneously, Leonard had already placed his hand in the hollow, using the bag Lyreth had given them in their first encounter, remembering his words on the potential hazards of the item he had sent them to recover. As his hand went deeper, he could feel the warm pulse of whatever lied in there.
Yliv and Doronin were debating on what the inscription could mean, clueless of what was going on behind them. The statue was marvellous. It wasn’t stone yet it was sturdy as stone, it wasn’t plate but it shined just as much. And last but not least, it may have only been a statue, but they felt intimidated.
And then, Leonard finally pulled something from the tree.
“I got it.”
He said loudly.
As they turned around and headed towards him, he felt the abjuration magic that surrounded them fade away, the tree had started to wither. Rynvia started screaming to Leonard to put it back as it turned into just another tree of the swamp. The dirty waters that were being kept out finally slipped in the blue lake, the water slowly became muddier by the second. The smell of lilac had turned into the musty smell of the swamp waters. Yet he felt something else, as he saw Doronin and Yliv head his way, the abjuration magic from the statue did not cease to exist. Instead, as they turned around they saw the statue leaking of blue, most likely arcane energy from every part of it where its armor had a gap. The runes on its shield and weapon had brightened up, as it stepped off the platform.
Leonard wasn’t surprised but wanted to get its attention to protect the rest. And so he did;
He walked forward with the stone in hand. The statue remained in position. Everyone who could sweat within their party was already sweating.
The phrase below the platform started echoing from within it. Yet nobody knew what it meant. The knew that it was neutral, for now at least, towards them.
“We are not here to steal.”
He said.
“We.. We work for Lyreth?” He hoped a name would work.
It didn’t.
“Orion maybe?”
Neither did that. Or potentially the language was not correct.
Doronin decided to step it, not for the good of the group necessarily, but because he secretly wanted this very stone himself, but nobody ever really suspected it.
“I could speak to it in celestial, just give me the stone so I can have its attention”
Leonard passed the stone to him unknowingly.
Repeating the very same steps, no progress was made. With the statue eventually slowly clobbering his shield and weapon, Doronin took it as an act of aggression. That wasn’t the case, not until he put the stone in the bag at his side. From 40 feet, the statue took a step only to leap a breath away from Doronins space. They all had finally realised its true height, standing at just about 7 feet it was already intimidating before it was animated. Yet it didn’t attack.
“Bad move. Let’s reset this.” He thought as he took the stone from his bag and held it in front of him once more using the bag as a glove.
“What do you want us to do?” He spoke in celestial as the statue extended his arm that had yet to unsheathe his sword. He placed the stone on it with the bag, before the statue tore the bag apart and left it on its open palm.
“You said you weren’t allowed to touch the stone..Why?” He looked at the rest
“Not sure.” Yliv responded.
“Do you trust this Lyreth?”
“He looked genuine. Why?” Leonard said
Doronin wasn’t sure but he was getting the message to touch the stone.
They spent quite some time debating their next move while the echoes of the inscription kept sounding through the statue. Eventually, they had decided if one was to touch it, it should be Rynvia. The purest of them.
She walked up and Doronin tied to pick her up before realising dwarves are not as light as they look. She slowly climbed up the statue before she touched the stone. The magnificent energy she felt flowing from it was majestic, yet it soon turned into scorching pain, but she didn’t leave it. She fell on the ground with it and kept holding it.
What the rest saw was Rynvia slowly turning into dust, that’s where her brother stepped in and grabbed the stone with her, slowing its effects while looking at the rest. They were all hesitant, yet she wouldn’t let it go, and they wouldn’t let her go. Leonard stepped in next, with Doronin and Yliv following suit. The energy overwhelmed them as they were trying to hold it for as long as they possibly could
‘The worthy and the bold’
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Gif Taken from: https://www.quora.com/Avengers-Endgame-Why-wasnt-Tony-disintegrated-after-holding-the-stones-just-like-guardians-of-the-Galaxy-in-GOTG-vol-1
It kept repeating into their minds before a shockwave sent threw them on their backs. A cloud of shimmering dust was raised by whatever had just occurred as they called for each other.  
Eventually the dust settled, they all lied on the ground looking at each other. Dean rushed to Rynvia making sure she’s alright, only to realise a halo flickered on top of her. Rynvia looked at him as he was running towards him as his movement seemed otherworldly as if he glitched. Doronin saw both as he realised sparks of lightening, or static electricity were flickering in the same manner, he turned to Leonard as he felt an uncomfortable wave of heat radiating from him, yet there was nothing to note.
“Maybe the arcane users had experienced a malfunction due to the arcane explosions” he thought.
Said Leonard as he looked around him making sure everyone is alright before finally stumbling on Ylivs otherworldly appearance. He always found her clothing style creepy, possibly because of the cloak of raven feathers that occasionally seemed to somewhat animate on its own while making the dim candlelight in the room that they used to share even dimmer. But this time it was different. Her eyes constantly flickered between green and endless, pupil less purple glitter. As if the sky had found refuge within.
Yliv looked at him with a curious grimace
“Your eyes” he pointed
“Oh shit, the stone!” he remembered as he started looking around. The statue that was previously echoing the inscription on its platform now lied on the floor, half shattered in dust and the rest partially dipped within the ground. They all searched for the stone with no luck. Instead, using his divine senses he felt a beat of divinity from each of them, including himself. Unsettling, yet warm.
Looking around them, they quickly assumed they wouldn’t be the only ones who heard the loud explosion, with whatever little was left from Rynvias miraculous water walking ability, they started rushing for the shore, away from the opening which could end up being an arena, or a tomb.
While crossing, they saw two figures heading towards the island before noticing their presence. A tall, grey haired man alongside a red haired woman started to approach them.
“Yo, Doronin” she shouted from afar.
“Shit” He thought, quickly clenching his fist and muttering an incantation silently to replicate the stone they had just lost.
Being a mistrusting bunch, they kept on their course until they reached the shore, with the two figures quickly catching up to them.
“Long time no see, comrade” She smiled as she walked towards them. She wasn’t as elegant as he had originally met her, partially bloodied and worn off. With the head of a some forest creature hanging on her side.
The rest looked at him curiously
“Who is she?”
Yliv said first
“Oh? I thought you’d mention me to them already, I’m somewhat offended.”
The man behind her seemed at a much better condition, one would doubt he had even drawn his sword during whatever encounter they had in the forest.
Rynvia, seeng she was wounded, gave her a.. Hug.
She was just as surprised being on the receiving end
“That’s some good illusion magic, I’ll give you that”
she said as she noted the flickering halo on top of her head.
Leonard looked for their newly baptised Banshee, Geltrud, with little luck.
“Before we go on, have you seen a banshee by any chance?” Leonard interrupted
“A..Banshee?” she responded while the man stayed silent.
“Yeah, we sort of promised we’d take care of a hag for her.”
The rest of the party mentally face palmed while this conversation took place.
“Met a hag, killed a hag.” she pointed towards some partially destroyed woods on the other side of the lake.
“Are you sure she was a hag?”
“It was a hag. She can give one hell of a massage” she said as she fixed her dislocated shoulder.
“Well, that makes it easier for us, I still wanted to say goodbye but I guess there’s no nee—”
“I can see you’re in a hurry so let’s make this quick, Doronin, that is Nathan, Nathan, that is Doronin.”
Nathan looked at him surprised
“I’ll be damned. So it is true” looking at him somewhat fascinated from whatever he thought he looked at.
Doronin looked in awe
“Wait..” his eyes went wide.
“I promised you information, I found the next best thing.” She said smilingly at him as she extended her wrist, he knew what she expected.
“Wait, wait” he said repeatedly.
“What are you saying? This is my..Dad?”
Nathan laughed
“I’m not your father boy. But I am an associat—”
“No more talking before you hand over the stone.”
The rest had finally began to catch up with whatever was taking place.
“The stone?” Leonard looked at Doronin.
“You didn’t tell them about being one of the good guys either? Really Doronin?” she sighed.
“You threatened me not—”
“And I thought you’d know better than that” she interrupted again.
“Oh well, that’s something you can work on later, may I have the stone, please?”
“Why would you want the stone, and who are you?” Yliv moved forward
“Oh? My name is not necessary, my mission is. The stone rightfully belongs to Ezekiel, and that is more than enough of a reason for me to acquire it.”
“Look, girl. We’re the good guys, you can hand over the stone as you have no need for it. In return, we will make sure everyone in the realm remains safe. Win-win, see?”
“I don’t. We are working for the good guys too.”
“Oh? And who would that be?” she said as her eyes flickered for a second as she rested her hand on the grip of her sword.
“I’d be careful with your response.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It very much does.”
While the conversation went back and forth, Rynvia silently prayed to Liira to calm the spirits.. It wasn’t a good idea. As the calming hymn sounded towards the woman she hugged, she looked down, knowing what she had just tried as she pulled her sword.
“Tell me, is that what the good guys do? Charming everyone else?”
In the meanwhile, Doronin had sneaked away and towards Nathan.
“So.. You know my dad?” he tried saying without his voice breaking.
“Yes.” Nathan looked at him with even more interest, and somewhat sadness as he was closer.
“How would I know?”
“We can arrange a rendezvous. And you can meet him. How else?” he said stoically towards him.
“Wow” he said astonished.
As the scene became more heated on the side of the party, Nathan drew his sword and took a swift slash towards the red-haired woman, severing her head.
“That just made things much easier.”
Leonard said looking at Nathan.
“It has. I am going to try and say this once, please, leave. I have business to attend with Doronin.”
Doronin looked back at him.
The rest of the party looked towards him.
“We can’t really do that.” Rynvia responded.
“This man just betrayed your trust. Are you willing to defend someone like this?”
“He’s right.” Leonard thought
“No, but he has to explain himself.”
He looked around them.
Doronin started explaining the story to the rest, while the atmosphere grew more static by the minute.
Nathan didn’t stop looking at each of them with pinches of regret.
“My dear Doronin. What you have just narrated was the story of how secrets never stay secrets unless you’re the only one that knows about them.. And I, have to be the only one who knows about what happened to you and your mother. I want you to understand, I never wanted to do this, nor do I want to do what I am about to do. But it was for the greater good. The good I and your father have done; I can’t allow it to be undone. Not for a single life. “ Nathan followed as Doronin finished his story.
He raised is open palm towards the party, as neon blue sparks flew from him towards them. It had finally occurred to Doronin, his powers were identical to Nathans, identical to the ones that Aerdrie had slowly been handing over to him from when he was struck as a new-born. The overflowing energy shook everyone to their core, most of them barely made it while Leonard stood in front, taking most of it. Doronin was overflowing with lightening, a little more barely harmed him. Yet he knew the gap between their power levels was unprecedented. While angry, he maintained his composure to think. He had to survive.
“Please.” He looked at the rest, “Leave.”
Dean had rushed towards him seeing his sister overwhelmed, taking two swings at Nathan, slightly disrupted from the eldritch energy coming his way, as well as keeping Leonard at bay in combination with Deans peculiar fighting technique he managed to tear a small wound on his otherwise stone-hardened skin. In return, Nathans sword flew out of its sheathe, while unpredictable, Deans reflexes saved him, only for it to make a 180 degree turn before stabbing him in the back. Rynvia saw this, as he kneeled and coughed blood on the ground. A bolt of divine light gathered in her palm as she shot it towards him with all her might. Nathan didn’t move, he instead stood in front of it, taking it in full force, only to barely be scratched to Rynvias surprise.
Radiant energy burst from Nathan, knocking Dean unconscious as Doronin and Leonard could hold their ground. Doronin muttered an incantation as he started growing in size, ripping apart his armor. White body hair started replacing the tears in his armor with electric blue highlights as he roared and tried to punch Nathan. It was then that Nathans wings finally spurted, lightening the blow of the giant ape before he took off the ground to gain the higher ground on them. Rynvia barely ever missed with the hammer she was given by Tristan, yet Nathan not only evaded it, but used it as a boost to fly higher.  
The fight kept breaking out, yet the more blows the party missed the more they realised that their enemy was formidable. Too formidable even. Yet he was holding back. He wasn’t actively trying to kill them; he was trying to make them falter. Leonard had never sensed this scorching aura from a being before. If they did manage to take him down, it wouldn’t be without sacrifices.
Leonard kept seeing himself within Nathan, as Nathan did see himself in Leonard. They shared the same sense of duty, making absolute sacrifices for the greater good. He couldn’t fight him, not like this, not for someone who had just jeopardised their trust. He went near Yliv as he asked her to trust him and follow his lead, unknowingly of what he was about to do, she nodded. Nathan had finally found their weakness; Comradeship.
A glimmer of hope grew when one of Ylivs blasts finally landed while the ache from her hex symbol on his face had him lose his edge for a split second, only to wilt as he rushed through the party, grabbing her by the neck and scooping her off her feet. He was worn off, they all were.
“Stop.” Leonard shouted as Nathans sword had just landed in his arm as he was about to pierce through her chest.
“We don’t want to fight you anymore, you were right.”
He continued, while Nathan looked at him, somewhat confused. He could sense lies, and Leonard wasn’t lying.
He took his sword up and slashed towards Dorinin with necrotic energy overflowing from his sword.
Doronin roared in pain, even in his adrenaline-induced form as blood gashed out of his wound.
Leonard looked towards Rynvia, nodding at her, she was confused but trusted him, she knew the situation was dire, she then started taking swings. Yliv wasn’t sure what was happening, yet she held tight on her staff as she waited for the right moment the tides would turn.
Dean was appalled, but his sister had asked signalled him to follow, he couldn’t afford risking her life.
Doronin eventually started turning back to his plane touched Aasimar form, as he panted, bleeding, he muttered an incantation while coughing blood. He flipped a diamond in the air, and from the diamond came fire. Fire strong enough to match the breath of a dragon. Nathan was caught off guard, yet he stood there, taking it. His face had partially melted as he walked towards Doronin, always with regret.
“You can leave. You don’t have to see this.”  he reassured the rest.
Yliv had rushed to them, she was looking at all of them, waiting for a sign.
Doronin started running towards the depths of the swamp, confused as everyone was attempting to strike him down. He couldn’t think anything else than making it out alive. Dean looked at his sister once more with doubt as he ran towards him, giving him the final blow as he cut his tendons before he passed out. Leonard followed him, as he lied in the ground, he plunged his sword in his back, blood started soaking the ground as it run towards the swamp waters. Even Nathan was caught off guard. The cool air that often surrounded his sword grew hellish hot, almost burning him as he gripped it as firmly as he could, making a final twist. He always thought the wind surrounding it was attuned to his emotions. Yet this time he wasn’t sure if that was his state of mind that was reflected in the temperature of the wind or someone elses.
“I told you, he was our problem.” Leonard continued.
“I..” “I am sorry.”
He looked at all of them and their wounds.
Yliv hadn’t partaken in this. She just stood there, her legs below her raven-feathered cloak were shaking. Her eyes had gone wide.
“I didn’t do anything to him”
She kept thinking
“I didn’t do anything for him”
The echoes were interchangeable.
Nathan headed towards the dismembered body of the red-haired woman. As he placed it over her neck and chanted a couple of words radiant energy started searing the wound.
“I wasn’t planning to kill any of you. Your courage is admired, and so is your sacrifice.”
Those were his final words before he flew above the tree line, leaving them to mourn.
The woman eventually gasped as she woke up and grabbed her sword heading towards the group standing on top of Doronin.
“You’re lucky the rest of you lot is alive after trying to take us on.”
Leonard looked at her dead serious
“Your friend cut your head off, nobody tried to take you on, now leave.”
She stared at them confused.
“You can sense if we’re lying can’t you?”
She could. But it didn’t make sense.
“He also brought you back, if it helps.”
Her confusion only grew.
“Did he take the stone?”
“There is no fucking stone. The stone disappeared. You don’t believe us, go and take a look. Now leave us, we have a burial to take.”
“If what you say is true, then the entire Faerun will turn into a burial because of your incompetence.” She said as she walked towards the now withered tree.
They sat in silence for twenty minutes. Dean moved away from the group as he couldn’t stand the sight.
The woman eventually came back, only to ask for further details, yet nobody was willing to speak. She couldn’t blame them. She had failed, and it did not matter how, the consequences were what would matter. She sweated as she walked towards the forest frantically before they lost sight of her.
They all remained silent for the next few hours, they buried Doronin, Rynvia made the utmost preparation to pray for him in the afterlife before rushing towards where she had seen her brother last. She found him, wiping off his already clean sword.
“Why did you leave?” she said silently
“I need some time” Dean said as he avoided eye contact.
“Is this what you’ve been doing since I was gone?” he continued.
“Doronin betrayed us, it was a bad situation.”
“Is this how you justify it? Is this how you’ll treat our brother? He killed our parents.”
“That’s different.”
“No Rynvia, it’s the same. If not worse.”
“We spent a month with this guy, we spent our entire lives together with Damon.”
“A month that you could’ve all died. You fought zombies, pirates, demons, a dragon, Rynvia. A dragon.”
“Did you never think of killing our brother when he sent you in Ysgard?”
“Never. I was angry, I was mad, I died a thousand times. But it never occurred to me.  I don’t wanna know what would happen if I betrayed you”
“You really wouldn’t.” she said in a serious tone before her voice broke and tears started dripping on the ground.
“When I came back, I wanted to see my sister and family. I was sad to find out what had happened, but I at least was happy to have my sister back. But now I see that it’s not the person I had known for the better part of a century. And I’m.. I’m confused.” He never made eye contact, he just kept on wiping his blade.
“Go back with the rest, Rynvia..”
“Promise me you’ll come back.”
“I’ll try.”
She started walking back as she shouted
“I love you.”
No response echoed.
In the meanwhile, Yliv and Leonard sat around the burial site in silence. Leonard look at her shaking hands but wasn’t sure if he should try to comfort her.
“You didn’t follow my lead.” He said bothered
“I’m not sure what you expected me to do” she responded after a long interval
“Are you okay?”
“I’m not sure about that either.”
She had never imagined killing an innocent, let alone a comrade.
“He had betrayed us. If anyone was going to die in this it was him.”
She didn’t respond. Neither did he continue to justify what had happened.
“He redeemed himself.”
She looked back at him confused
“Do you still trust me?”
“I don’t know”
“Help me unbury him, please.”
They both started excavating the grave once more, as Rynvia was coming back she cluelessly helped whatever they were trying to do, perhaps one of them wanted to give their regards, she was too disoriented.
Eventually, Doronins cold, muddy and moist from the swamp body was finally uncovered.
A burning sensation started radiating from Leonard as a couple of withered wings spurted out and his armor turned entirely dark, aside from the grey gem that remained embedded in his skull shaped helmet. From under his helm his eyes had turned bright red as he started chanting.
Both Rynvia and Yliv were daunted from the intimidating sight yet somewhat comforted by the unexpected warmth that emanated from his grim appearance. He continued to chant for the better part of the hour, as he did, he felt the divine essence slowly going dormant and his emanating radiance fading while Doronins colour returned and Leonards sword thrust that pierced through his heart started mending, physically at least.
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mrslittletall · 6 years
Title: Duel Gone Wrong (Chapter 4) Fandom: Dark Souls Characters: Dragon Slayer Ornstein, Artorias the Abysswalker, Lord's Blade Ciaran Word Count: 1.397 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14026326/chapters/32905968 Previous Chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/172514130714/title-duel-gone-wrong-chapter-3-fandom-dark
Chapter Summary: In which some apology cookies are handed out.
(Author's note: I must admit, I like this chapter. It was fun to write. I would like to hear your opinions on it.)
After he had taken him to his room, Master Gwynfor helped Ornstein to discard his armour because this turned out to be a difficult task with one arm being mostly immobile. After the Master had left, Ornstein realized that he had left his helmet, right gauntlet and weapon behind. Whatever, he could get them tomorrow. He wasn't going down that hallway another time. It was still a bit too early to go to bed so Ornstein changed in some more comfortable clothes (which took thrice the time as usual) and made himself comfy on the bed. Finally, he could take some time to relax. The injury still hurt though so he grabbed a book he had started reading hoping that it would distract him from the pain. Not long after he heard a knock on the door.
"The door is open, come in.", he called and watched how the handle was pushed down and the door slowly opened. Artorias came in, carrying the missing pieces of his armour set as well as his spear. Ciaran followed him with a plate of cookies.
"Hey, Ornstein.", Artorias started. "You forget your stuff so I thought I should bring it over. And I also brought some apology cookies. Ciaran helped me with carrying everything. How is your arm?"
"It still hurts? It only happened recently, it doesn't heal that quick. But thanks.", Ornstein answered and got up from the bed. "Just put it to the rest of my armour, Artorias."
As the wolf knight was busy putting the pieces on the ground Ciaran approached Ornstein and said: "Sorry for teasing you earlier. I am aware that this injury must hurt a lot. If you need my help don't hesitate to ask." "Thanks Ciaran, I really appreciate it.", Ornstein said and took one of the cookies from the plate. "Nice, I haven't tried these kind yet."
"I know you like to try out new things so I was trying a new recipe.", Artorias voice came from the corner. He seemed to spent an awful long time to arrange Ornstein's armour in a way that it would look good. Ciaran put the plate on the night stand while Ornstein sat down on the edge of his bed to enjoy the cookie further. "Why aren't you taking any cookies?", he asked after a short while, noticing that Artorias and Ciaran stood there rather awkwardly.
"I made them as an apology, so these are yours.", Artorias said.
"I can't even eat these all by myself. I rather share with you.", Ornstein said.
Artorias was beaming and then suddenly decided: "Then I should get us some tea."He rushed out of the room leaving Ornstein alone with Ciaran. She took a cookie of her own and then sat down on the bed next to Ornstein, eyeing his bandaged arm: "So it is a complete break?"
Ornstein nodded, then swallowed the current bite of the cookie before answering: "In the infirmary they said the ulna bone is snapped in half. They had to set it and all. That really hurt."
Ciaran started to get a fascinated look in her blue eyes: "I bet it had also bruised a lot?"
"Yes, of course.", Ornstein said, taking a new cookie.
"It's a shame you can't see it under the bandages. I would have like to see how it looked."
Ornstein gave Ciaran a wary look: "Why would you want to see something like this?" He rather had the injuries hidden away under bandages instead looking at them directly, especially when they healed they could look really repulsing.
"Oh, excuse me, I haven't explained myself.", Ciaran started. "Because of my job as an assassin I need to know about anatomy. So that I know where it is the safest to strike for a quick and clean kill. This topic started to fascinate me. I mean, think about it. When the bone snapped the veins around it got hurt too and started to bleeding and this is what we can see as a bruise. It basically shows where your body fights an inner bleeding."
Ornstein put the cookie down he had just eaten, that explanation had made him queasy. "Ciaran, please stop, I didn't want to know it in detail.", he said. "S
orry, I have been carried away.", she said. She still had this fascinated look in her eyes though.
Hoping that she wouldn't pick up this topic again, he changed the subject: “So, you helped Artorias carry everyhing? I guess he didn't came asking first, right?”
Ciaran chuckled: “You bet, it looked so funny when he tried to balance all this stuff at once. I watched him for a while before offering my help. It was just a too good sight to not to enjoy.”
“I am not the slightest surprised.”, Ornstein said, chuckling a bit himself at the picture of Artorias trying to balance everything. Right at this moment the wolf knight came back in with the tea and asked: “What is so funny? Did I miss something?”
“Oh, we were just talking about you.”, Ciaran said. Ornstein got up to fetch three tea cups and placed them on the table. Ciaran helped the moment she realized he would only be able to carry one cup at once.
“Well, at least I am a reason to make you two happy.”, Artorias said and poured the tea in the cups. “Ornstein, you don't don't put anything in yours, right? And extra sugar for you, Ciaran?” After they confirmed his assumptions, Artorias handed them the tea cups. Ornstein noticed that Artorias had put an awful lot of milk into his own cup.
The three of them spent the rest of the evening chatting about various things while enjoing the cookies and the tea. Ornstein told the story about how he met almost every important figure in the cathedral and got delayed because of that. They tried a while to figure out how Gwyndolin had been able to break their leg until Artorias pointed out how uncomfortable this topic made him. Of course, the topic of Ornstein's broken arm also came up.
"I know you said you want to continue your duties, Ornstein.", Artorias said. "And I can understand that, cause as the captain there is a lot of responsibility. But will you be able to do everything with only one arm?"
"I can take my weapon in my off hand. I should be able to continue training the silver knights or going on patrol. We don't have many threats here lately. I should be able to take it even with this injury.", Ornstein answered.
"Haven't seen you done any off-hand training lately.", Ciaran interfered. "And you can completely forget using techniques that are using both hands. And do you think engaging in fights would be good for the healing process of the break? Nobody of us would be mad if you step down for a bit."
Ornstein considered her words for a moment. She was right, it would be difficult. But he didn't want to step down. He felt that as the dragon slayer and the captain of the knights he was a symbol that should be present in Anor Londo at all times. Taking a break until the injury was completely healed would take up several weeks at last. And it wasn't like he was completely immobile with it.
"I appreciate your concern.", he finally answered. "But I want to continue to be able to tend to my duties. I am sure I can count on your help, though."
"Of course.", Ciaran said, nodding. And Artorias said: "I know what we should do. Let's get on patrol together. This way I can help you out. And you can keep track of my punishment..."
Oh yes, the ban for petting cute animals. Ornstein was thinking about if that wasn't too harsh for Artorias after all. Then he remembered that Artorias had been the one who brought him into this mess in the first place.
"That's all right with me. Let's do it like this, Artorias.", he simply said.
After that they finished the tea and the cookies and talked a bit more about things they had experienced together until Artorias pointed out how late it had become and that they all should go to sleep. After the two knights had left, Ornstein made himself ready for bed. Next chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/172999432474/title-duel-gone-wrong-chapter-5-fandom-dark
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heyekiel · 7 years
Thank you to my litteral twin @th7thsense for tagging me this literraly took a month lol 1. Ultimate bias(es)?
Donghyuck is my son
2. who are your top 3 groups?
BTS and EXO are actually tied i actually listen to alot of everything but those three group are the ones i have the most songs of.
3. what are your 3 favourite songs?
Hiro - Soprano (I’m,, this song?? if you have time go check it outtbh)
It’s our fight - Steve Jablonsky
Another World - NCT 127
4. what do you like to do in your free time?
reading fanfic in bed
staying in bed
being on my laptop in my bed
writing lyrics (in bed lmao)
editing/giffing sometimes
watching vine compilations (seriously those have ruined my life i cant)
5. are there any places you would like to visit that you haven’t already visited?
asia is a place we dont really learn about in europe so,, there (China seems realy pretty,, Vietnam too? idk if its the right spelling but Tibet?) and Poland  and Greece.
6. do you have a dream job?
producer/composer/lyricist. Im aiming for sound engineer right now? but im hoping this evolves into something different. I can always do both wich is great.
7. if you could meet ANY korean CELEBRITY (includes actors, models, k-music artists, etc.), who would it be?
I’m gonna choose more than one cause im the one answering and i do what i want lol. The producers of the 7th sense? im pretty sure they were a korean team. This instrumental was mindblowing,, amazing. I want them to teach me their ways no lie. Also? B.A.P Himchan? he’s the one frome B.A.P that actually has the musical knowledge because boy graduated uni,, and i feel he could teach me a lot. Now if we couple that with Yongguk that could actually be the perfect duo. Chanyeol too? He learns everything from scratch and gets better and better and learns piano and composes and learns so many new things all the time and?? I want him to teach me lmao
8. what do you love most about your bias group(s)?
They‘re all so close to each other and idk,, they kinda feel like home now?? It’s just you know,, i dont have friends and my familly is,, sigh. So like,, having a satable thing to rely on that kinds of mirrors a family feel i guess. And I meaan the not blood family the real type of family love yknow,, you choose your family. And like,, i’m uncomfortable seeing any of them any other than like,, brothers to me? so like,, when i go home and it’s been a terrible day I’m like,, what has everybody been up to today,, and i just dont feel like i want to die as baD anymore lmao.
Tbh this just sounds weird but like yeah bye.
9. who are your ultimate bias wreckers?
Ten, Yuta, Hansol (biTCh u better debut), and Taeil. Theres so many and I’m so indecisive sorry not sorry.
10. what do you wish for the most to happen?
I want to study what i wanto study. And be happy with myself and find a good middle ground for how i look and feel? Just feeling like I’m me in my body u feel. And stop being this fucking lonely and alone.
11. when did you get into kpop and how?
Two,, years ago?? i think?? My lil sister showed me fantastic baby then dope then beautiful night i was like biTCH. 12 hours later m was not a 5sos stan no more lmao.
12. what made you decide to have a tumblr blog?
i just wanted memes and funny dumb shit to laugh at,, and learn english
13. favorite colour?
black,, and those deep deep red almost black and white.
14. favorite animal?
15. what are your interests?
music?? Generally all kind of arts but theres some that i dont,, put much thought into tbh i just enjoy. MUsic cause i tend to dissecate everyhing,, and also cause i want to make it my job but yeah. Psychology? and Comportementalism,, like figuring out what means what in body language thats cool. Also im comuse learner so anything i find interesting i’m rly curious abt?? i’m gonna learn about it. OH and genetics. I’m in med school and right now this is genuinely the only intersting thing happening everything else is so general.
16. would you prefer movies or music?
music. cause it makes u make movies in ur head so hey
17. what would you like to achieve (or experience) before the age of 60?
die lmao. nah more seriously i want to?? settle down?? have a nice little house with my best friend/s slash soulmate/s and just,, live with them?? like ive always wanted to have this kind of life?? cause i think friends are way more important that people consider them to be and it makes me ,,, sad?? like i’d marry my best friend ?? idk people seem to think friends are just,, side pieces and yall fucK OFF (im stopping now i was about to ranT)
also i’m tagging ?? @jenolees why not i feel like u wont but hey!, @skeletonsungjin (!! hi), and @iluvparkjihoon (i literally typed shinehaechan siGH)
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fixxofvixx · 7 years
Hello lovelies~~~
I wanted to have this out sooner but I accidently got caught up in watching fanmade videos of VIXX interactions with Starlights.
I regret nothing.
Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. Its a little bit of humor, a little bit of danger. Oh dear, thats a horrible description….
Comments and feedback are welcome~~~
Thank you all for reading!! 😙😙😙
You woke slowly, taking in your surroundings. It took a moment for you to realize where you were. Finally recognizing Wonshik’s old studio, you relaxed. As the haze of sleep began to clear from your head, memories flooded in. Horror overtook your brain as you remembered what happened before you fell asleep.
You were going to kill Jung Taekwoon.
You groaned into the little cot that was set off to the side of the room.
“Jung Taekwoon, I’m going to murder you.” You muffled into the sheet. Slowly rising, you groaned again. This time due to your sore muscles. You noticed your phone sitting on the edge of the cot. Your eyes widened when you realized that you had been asleep for four hours. It was the longest you had slept in a week. In all honesty, you really wanted to collapse back down on the cot and pass out for the next 24 hours. However, embarrassment and anger took priority.
You slowly rose from the cot and stretched your arms above your head. You went to the door and cracked it open, afraid to fully step out into reality. As soon as the hallway came into view, a large figure moved in your peripheral vision. Looking to your left, Taekwoon stood with two small cans in his hands. You narrowed your eyes at him and he backed up two steps, ready to bolt.
“Huh-uh, get in here.” Your tone left no room for argument and he silently followed you into the room. Once you both were in, you closed the door and crossed your arms over your chest.
“I-I brought your favorite juice.” He slowly extended his arm and offered the drink. You cocked your eyebrow at it but eventually took it from him. Thinking his peace-offering worked he stepped closer to you. You frowned at him and he stopped.
“I swear, Taekwoon, if I hadn’t been so sleep deprived!”
“I know, honey, I know. It was the first thing I could think of. You looked so tired. And I’m pretty sure you’re getting sick. I couldn’t bear to watch you anymore.” He inched closer to you but you backed up. “I swear no one knows. When we were playing around with me out there, I decided to take my chance. I was going to do something at home but I didn’t have the willpower. You just looked so damn good up against–”
You dove forward and slapped your hand over his mouth.
“Quiet!” You were so panicked that someone might hear, you momentarily forgot about not touching him. You gasped and retracted your hand, fisting it at your side.
“Thats another reason. I’m tired of you not touching me. Or anyone for that matter.” His eyebrows furrowed and he stalked towards you. He didn’t stop until you were once again trapped between the wall and his body. He lowered his head and slid his arm around your waist. He tilted his head until his lips were at your ear. “I’ll have you unhinged in every private room I can find if it means you’ll touch me again. If it means you’ll sleep in my arms again.”
You took a sharp breath as his words hit you. You knew he would do exactly that. You looked at him expecting to find anger in his eyes but you only saw sadness. Your heart broke into a million pieces.
“I’m so sorry, Taekwoon. I didn’t mean to ignore you. I’m just so constantly worried about hurting you. I–”
“I keep telling you that it didn’t hurt. I just wasn’t expecting it. You made me stronger, you know. It would take a lot more than that to take me out.”
“But, JooHyung…”
“What you hit that bastard with was pure emotion. It was a defense mechanism. He was a threat and your body sought to eliminate it. Your body knows the difference. You just have to learn to listen to it.”
You sighed and let your head fall onto his chest. He smoothed his hand down the back of your head and tightened his hold on you.
“So, um, am I, uh, forgiven?” His voice sounded so hopeful that you just had to laugh.
“Maybe. I have demands.” You wrapped your arms around his torso and you relished the feeling of touching him again.
“Name it.” His fingers drew lazy circles on your back and you had to focus to speak.
“You have to play the piano for me before we leave.”
“And I want ramen when we get home.”
“And after ramen…” You looked up at him and smiled. “Round 2.”
His eyes darkened at the last demand.
“Can we reverse the order of that?” His voice was raspy as desire took over his features.
“We could…” His face lit up but you shook your head. “But unfortunately, we don’t have a piano at home.” You backed him up with a hand on his chest and bent to gather your things. As you walked out of the studio, he hurried to catch up with you.
“I have a piano app on my phone!”
“Thats not the same and you know it! Please, Taekwoon?”
An hour later you sat at the little kitchen table, eating more than your fair share of the ramen that Taekwoon had made. Albeit, he tried to talk you into ‘round 2’ THEN ramen but you refused.
You had eventually made him play three songs before leaving the company but you couldn’t be blamed for that.
“Come on, don’t be mad. You enjoyed it, didn’t you?” He smirked when he saw your face turn pink.
“T-That has nothing to do with it. It was reckless. Oh my God, anybody could have walked by.” You covered your face with your hands and lowered your head to the table.
“Nobody heard, I promise. Those booths are soundproof. Not even a hybrid can hear through those. Thats why I took you there. You know I wouldn’t take chances like that.”
You slurped the last of your noodles and looked at him.
“I know. Its just….I….anything with you is enjoyable, of course. It just surprised me. I suppose I should be thankful. I was finally able to sleep peacefully.”
He took your bowl and placed it in the sink and then made his way back to you. Before he reach you, your phone buzzed. Picking it up, you noticed that it was a message from JiYoon.
JIYOON: Unni, can you come over for a bit? Its kind of important.
You furrowed you eyebrows. Wonshik must have gone back to his apartment. Usually she didn’t text this late.
“Hold that thought. JiYoon needs me to come over for a little while.”
“Is something wrong?”
“I don’t know. She said it was important though. Wonshik must have went back to the apartment.”
“Ok. I’ll clean all this up but when you get back, I can’t promise how much you’ll sleep tonight. We have a whole week to make up for.”
You smiled and nodded. He would be tired for practice tomorrow but you didn’t have the heart to refuse him.
“I’ll be back soon.” You gave him a quick kiss and hurried out the door.
Once you made it to the end of the hallway, you rang JiYoon’s doorbell. A few seconds later the door unlocked but it didn’t open.
Shrugging, you opened the door and went in. Once you were past the door it slammed shut. Jumping in shock, you looked to the right to see JooHyung behind the door, eyes red and smiling.
“I’m so glad you could join us.”
“Taek–” His hand slapped over your mouth and slammed the back of your head on the door.
“If you even mutter his name, I will kill her. Then I’ll move on to you.” He whispered in your ear. You tried to push him off but he was obviously stronger. He pushed you forward into the living room where you saw JiYoon on the floor, crying.
When she looked up, she saw you and cried more. There was a dark bruise on her cheek and several littered over her arms.
“I’m so sorry, Unni. He took my phone. I didn’t mean…”
JooHyung pushed you again until you were on the floor next to JiYoon.
“It’s okay, sweetie. Everything will be fine.” You took her into your arms and looked back at JooHyung. “What the hell do you want? Didn’t you have enough last time?”
“I want Wonshik to suffer like I did. He took the girl I wanted, so I’ll take his.”
“Are you completely insane? Wonshik told you last time that the girl was his cousin! Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the girl simply didn’t want you? You’re not exactly a prize.”
He laughed and inched closer. JiYoon tensed but you raised your head, refusing to show fear.
“You used to think so, though. I could have had you back then if you hadn’t been such a frigid bitch.”
“Good thing, too. Judging by your apparent lack of ability, I probably wouldn’t have been very satisfied. Taekwoon, however, is more man than you’ll ever be, in EVERY sense of the word. I mean, if you have enough time to play around like this, its obvious that you have no one at home. I would recommend going on some blind dates but, again, I don’t think anyone would leave satisfied.”
You prayed that he was in such a rage that he wouldn’t notice that you’d snuck Taekwoon’s name into the conversation. Taekwoon had a habit of toning his senses down when you went for 'girl time’. However, if he heard his name then maybe he would hear everyhing now.
“You bitch, I’ve had plenty of women! And if you didn’t have that fucking tattoo on your neck, I would have taken you by now. But I will take her.” He pointed to JiYoon and stalked towards her. She starting screaming but you stood up and stepped in front of her. JooHyung stopped momentarily and reached for you instead. His large hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed. You grabbed his forearm and lashed out with your legs. After a few tries, your foot finally made contact with his groin.
He doubled over but took you with him. When you landed on the floor, you heard banging on the door. JooHyung released your throat and pulled you off the floor.
“JiYoon! Go to the door!” You watched as she stood up and limped to the door. You hadn’t noticed that her leg had been injured. It didn’t look broken but there was a swelling bruise on the side that you hadn’t seen before. Rage boiled inside of you.
“You son of a bitch! She’s been through enough shit without you adding to it!” You lashed out and started landing hits wherever you could. Unfortunately, your attack didn’t last long as he tossed you aside to go after JiYoon. You landed against the coffee table and the wind was knocked from your lungs.
You were able to see JiYoon almost make it to the door but was wrenched back as JooHyung had caught her ponytail. A cry of pain tore itsef from her throat just as you heard the sound of the keypad being used on the door.
You knew you needed to get JooHyung away from JiYoon so Wonshik could get her. You took a painful breath and stood up. You grabbed at JooHyung’s arm, forcing him to release JiYoon. She fell to the floor just as Wonshik and Taekwoon burst through the door.
Using the only leverage he had, JooHyung twisted and grabbed your arm. He wrapped one arm around your waist and another around your neck. You could still breath, but barely.
Wonshik and Taekwoon took in the scene before them as disbelief shown on their faces. The emotion quickly turned to anger as red took over their eyes and growls broke the silence. Wonshik started for JiYoon but JooHyung stopped him.
“Touch her and I’ll snap (y/n’s) neck.” JooHyung emphasized his words by tightening the grip on your neck. You pulled on his arm as your vision suffered from the lack of oxygen. Your eyes sought out Taekwoon who looked like he was ready to tear JooHyung apart.
Seeing Taekwoon suddenly reminded you of the power you had. You felt stupid for not thinking of it before. But, you had no idea how it worked. Nonetheless, you placed both hands on the arm wrapped around your neck and screamed with the oxygen you had left.
You felt the jolt run through you straight into JooHyung’s skin. He yelped in pain and stumbled back. This time however, it didn’t knock him out. But, his hold loosened on you enough for you to turn and shove him as far away from you as you could.
You turned to run to Taekwoon but JooHyung recovered faster. You heard him scream in frustration as his hand landed on the back of your head. The force he exerted to your head caused you to stumble forward into the coffee table you’d hit before. The impact broke the glass this time and you landed in a heap amongst the shards. Pain radiated throughout your body as you struggled not to pass out. You heard Taekwoon scream your name but it sounded faded and far away.
You lay there as you heard more fighting and commotion. More voices gathered in the room and you heard Hakyeon giving orders.
Arms came around you and you instinctively squirmed to get away. The action proved too much for your body and you gave in to the darkness.
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