#thinking about this for too long makes mt brain hurt
padfootastic · 1 year
Okay, first, ever since I got back into HP and learned that Bill was his own Secret Keeper in DH, I’ve wondered why James or Lily weren’t their own Secret Keeper. Like, remove the risk of betrayal entirely, be in charge of your own. Logically, I understand it’s JKR not having the details of the Fidelius Charm fully sorted out in POA vs DH, but still, I want an in-universe reason for why they couldn’t be their own. They can tell their friends the secret so they still have company at times, but none of their friends can pass the information on since they’re not the Secret Keeper, and since the Secret Keeper is currently inside the hidden location, Voldemort can’t find them. Also, it’s established the secret has to be willingly passed on; torture and mind-magic cannot reveal the secret. Although, the torture not being able to reveal the secret has interesting implications for Sirius not wanting to be the Keeper.
yeah, i don’t think we’ll ever get an in-universe reason lol. i’m not interested in one from She Who Must Not Be Named anyway atp. i’ve read some in fics which sounded interesting — like the spell evolving in the almost two decades between the potters and the weasleys using it. there was also something about proximity to the location being a factor? not sure how that worked. but yeah, none of that really convinces me tbh. i feel like,,,it would’ve been so easy to not have done the shell cottage debacle and then this would’ve been slightly better lol but since that’s done,,,,we gotsa live with this ridiculous plot hole.
and right! if torture doesn’t let u automatically bypass the password, then maybe sirius was worried he’d be killed? (iirc that makes everyone the SK right? but like. if only the potters & sirius knew, for example, then does that mean the potters become the SKs for their own place? is that a loophole or another plot hole?) or that he wouldn’t be able to withstand torture. ofc, there’s space for more uncharitable interpretations here too (atleast 3 off the top of my head rn) but yah. the whole thing is a mess, i kinda hate it. also how does a kid factor into the fidelius? they can’t read, can they even comprehend the ‘secret’ if the SK tells them? idek.
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melonmelts · 3 months
oh gosh I cant sleep the thought of peopel perceiving me and the assumptions of what they think about me is flooding up my brain and making me want to isolate. because only when I isolate do I feel safe. lonely and longing for love and connection, but comfortable and convincingly satisfied with mt own presence; because I dont have anyone to hurt or let down other than myself.
people eventually move on from me anyways. I let my shell open up so easily but I let it close easily too. sorry im so unpredictable.
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quillfeather21 · 3 years
Pro-Heroes Headcanons
(Because they’re all complete disasters)
1) Hawks is the one that randomly crashes on everyone’s couches. They’re starting to think he has a schedule he follows that just says “who’s life am I going to invade today?”
2) they all have a group chat that Mirko made and she has Endeavor’s nickname set to “Endevowo” and he HATES it but can’t figure out how to change it. (No one is telling him and they have a bet to see how long it’ll take before his daughter takes pity on him)
3) Best Jeanist is the dad friend and whenever they get together he’s usually the designated driver for the rest of them.
4) Edgeshot has multiple fan accounts that document his chivalrous acts to the general population. These acts include, but are not limited to: posing for pictures, helping old people cross the street, helping cats out of trees, replacing children’s ice cream, giving out autographs, and letting children try on his scarf.
5) Endeavor, Kamui Woods, and Best Jeanist have a vow to keep Mt. Lady, Mirko, and Hawks apart at ALL COST. The chaos would be too much for the old men ( Enji and Jeanist) and the old man at heart (Kamui) to take.
6) Best Jeanist has a hairless cat named Cashmere and he LOVES that cat. He dresses her up in sweaters and has an Instagram account dedicated to her. His fans find it endearing that he loves his pet so much. Say something bad about Cashmere? Get ready to throw hands because Best Jeanist protects his baby.
7) Ryuku has a pet bearded dragon she named “Akuma” despite his name, Akuma is a sweetheart and will often be found on her shoulder when she is doing office work.
8) Mirko throws Hawks a birthday party every year and gets all the other pros (including her Underground Hero and Vigilante buddies) involved. Past years have included capture the flag with Tokyo as their playground and paintball. Aizawa got drug along by Hizashi and proceeded to get sniped in paintball by a cackling Mirko and Hawks. He had pink paint in his hair for a week.
9) On Holidays, the pros all get together to read their fan mail and open the gifts together. Mirko films it a lot and she will never forget the time that Edgeshot got a pink thong sent to him in the mail. His disgusted and puzzled face will live on in her camera for years to come.
Edgeshot: *holds up the pink thong* (quietly whispers, barely able to be heard) what the fuck?
Midnight: *cackling like a witch*
Edgeshot: oh god I hope they haven’t been worn-
Midnight: *more hysterical cackling*
10) One time, a fan got too obsessed and followed Hawks home. He called Best Jeanist because this woman was screaming in front of his apartment that she was going to marry him. Best Jeanist snuck in through the balcony and stayed with him in case the woman tried to break in. It was that moment that Best Jeanist had the realization “oh yeah. Hawks is only TWENTY THREE”. Hawks was scared to be alone for a month because of this woman. She went away one day and he has no idea why or how.
11) Ryuuku, Mirko, Midnight, and the other female pros have a get together once a month at a spa to catch up and bitch about how stupid their male colleagues can be.
Mirko: seriously! This bitch forgot his fucking phone, got caught in a fence, and somehow lost his shoe in a span of an HOUR!
Ryuuku, Ragdoll, and Midnight: hhmmm.
The rest: *concerned nodding*
12) Endeavor’s receptionist has an office cat named Brutus. It has three legs and maybe 1 brain cell but it doesn’t effect his receptionist’s productivity so he just lets it stay. Brutus, to Enji’s dismay, LOVES Enji and this man cannot get the damn thing to leave him alone. He’s not a cat person, he’s not an ANIMAL person. But Brutus loves him and the receptionist would cry if he made him get rid of Brutus.
So Brutus stays.
13) Fatgum invites everyone to his agency for a Christmas meal every year. Hawks always ends up spiking the punch but it’s fun to see a drunk Kamui Woods trying to corral a even drunker Mt. Lady into their car so it’s worth it.
Drunk Mt. Lady: RYU!! I HAVE YOUR SHOES!!!!! (Holds up pair of slip on flats)
Drunk Ruyku, waving a pair of heels: I HAVE YOURS!!!
(They switched shoes somewhere during the night)
14) During Pride Month, the pros often place their flags somewhere on their official hero outfits so their fans know that they have someone like them to look up to. The media went wild when a group of about twenty pros were at the Pride Parade with their flags draped over their shoulders.
15) they all troll the media and it’s hilarious. They’ve all sought to make the reporter’s lives living hell and it’s hilarious.
Some random ass reporter: Edgeshot-san!! Is it true that you’re asexual?! Following your recent updates on Instagram-
Edgeshot, just trying to enjoy his day: I’m not asexual. I’m Japanese.
16) Are kind of divided into the “older pros” (the older ones who have done it for a while) and the “younger pros” (the ones who are just starting out or are under the age of 35). They’re all a really tight-knit community though and if you mess with one of them you get all of them.
17) They all kind of shunned Endeavor for a while when the shit with his family came to light, but Hawks is the one who made them realize that he was trying to change for the better.
18) you don’t mess with kids. At all. ESPECIALLY with Hawks or Edgeshot. They are the protective big brothers of the pro-hero network and they WILL punt anyone who hurts a child on their watch to the sun. No questions asked.
19) People are surprised to see how much “fight me” energy Mirko actually has. Her and Hawks have a tradition where they just beat the shit out of each other whenever they see each other after a long time.
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littlefishbigsea · 3 years
Gwynriel Small Scene
The Ribbon - Preview & AO3 link
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She wished she could make her brain stop. Just, stop. It’d been hours since they lost Nesta and Cassian in the fog that blanketed the foothills surrounding Mt. Ramiel. Well, Azriel was convinced they’d gotten lost on purpose and Gwyn hadn’t the logic to argue against it. He was probably right. 
But that didn’t stop her mind from thinking of at least a half dozen terrible things that could be happening to her best friend. Gwyn didn’t like feeling helpless. Lying in the grass, she watched the sun set and twilight take over the mountain side. The grass around her swayed in an evening breeze. 
On the other side of the narrow ravine, Azriel was gathering wood for a fire - which she should be helping with. With a sigh she got to her feet, dusting off her robes.
Azriel, on the other hand, was finding it hard to concentrate. It was proving to be an ongoing issue. He’d long resigned himself to the fact that short of dying, the direction of his thoughts weren’t going to change for a while yet. 
His gaze flicked to where Gwyn stood, watching as she began to walk toward him. Mother help him, his attention fixed to the sway of her hips.
Sighing, he forced his thoughts away. He had enough to worry about without pondering taking Gwyn here in the dirt, beneath Ramiel’s shadow, like a fucking animal. Blood rushed to his cock and he silently swore. 
He was exhausted and he knew she was too. His self control was shot. He felt moody and irritable. He needed to find his brother. He didn’t like being out here, exposed, searching for ways inside the mountain. 
“Shadowsinger,” she called out to him. “Don’t make that face.”
“What face?”
“The heartbroken one,” Gwyn muses, coming to stand beside him, touching his cheek.
“I just…” He exhaled unsteadily. “I don’t like that we’ve lost Cass and Nesta. This whole thing feels off. Wrong. I’m concerned we won’t find what we’re looking for in time.”
“Yes, we will.”
“How can you be so sure?”
She wrinkles her nose at the question. “Hope, shadowsinger.”
A flush rose through her. The way he said her name - not priestess, her name. His deep voice caressed each sound. His eyes looked down, holding hers in warm amber.
She leaned toward him. Shadows shifted, flitted across him and he shifted out of reach. Gwyn froze, the sting of rejection cut through her like daggers. Confused and hurt, she dropped her gaze, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth. 
“Now who looks heartbroken?”
She peeked up at him.
“You think I don’t want to kiss you?”
His hand slipped into hers, fingers tangling together. Her cheeks flushed impossibly further. He tugged her along after him, carrying the firewood to tree line. 
“I’m exhausted, Gwyn. I can’t kiss you right now.” He dropped her hand and let the wood drop to the ground. Retreating a few steps he sank down, leaning against a narrow tree trunk, propping his head back. “I wouldn’t be able to stop after a kiss… you have no idea how badly I want you.” His voice deepened, purring all the way down her spine.
“Oh?” She mumbled, disappointed. “So, you don’t want to kiss me because you wouldn’t be able to stop…”
“The only reason.”
“Mmhmm.” Nerves of steel, cold and wriggling, flashed in her belly. If he doubted his own control and self restraint, then she should too… But once they regrouped with the others they’d have to go back to pretending they’re weren’t a thing. A thing of secret, lovely beauty.
He looked up at her, hazel eyes sharp in the moonlight despite his declaration. Gulping down her doubts, she reached up to remove the ribbon from her hair. Azriel lifted a single brow. 
With cunning speed, Gwyn shifted forward, stepping behind the tree, hooked her hands over his elbows and pulled them back. Securing the spymaster with her ribbon, she bound him to the trunk of the tree. 
“Hey,” Azriel yelped, yanking away. “What are you up to?”
Kneeling between his legs, she took the handkerchief from her pocket and reached for him. The blindfold hid his eyes and what they might have revealed about his thoughts. But his shoulders were tense, his heels dug into the rocks beneath him as he held himself rigid. He didn’t like being immobilized, wings pressed tight, being vulnerable and powerless, but he wasn’t fighting her. He trusted her. 
“Azriel,” she whispered. Her voice sent lightening through him, his body jerking at the sound. “Now can I kiss you?”
“Tied up and blindfolded? A bit kinky for a walk in the woods don’t you think?” 
The arrogant huff of laughter and smirk heated her cheeks. She ground out an annoyed sound, suddenly tempted to just walk away and leave him tied to the tree. But he caught her heel with his foot before she stepped away, sending her sprawling into his lap. 
“Gwyn, this is fun but it’s danger-”
He froze, not even a breath entered his lungs. The sound of his name on her lips shot through him like lightening.
“I need to kiss you. Right now.”
Closing her eyes, she brought her mouth to his. Their lips melded together and she felt herself spiraling down into something dark, sweet, and binding. She pressed harder against him, wishing she could channel how she felt about him into this brief connection between them. She didn’t know what she felt, had never felt it before, but she knew she wanted him to feel it too - the way her heart constricted with the fear of not ever knowing him, being with him, touching him, kissing him…
He leaned up, kissing her harder, hitting the end of the slack in his bindings. A frustrated groan rumbled his chest. She sank her fingers into his hair, holding him to her. His tongue flirted hungrily with hers. Heat shot through her. 
She pressed closer, pushing him back into the tree. With each touch of their lips, need spiraled, growing hotter, stronger. She couldn’t stop, not now. Their fatigue forgotten. Ramiel and the surrounding woods disappeared. It was only the two of them, sheltered in Azriel’s shadows. 
Gwyn had only intended to kiss him, but her hand was sliding down the side of his neck and into his shirt. Her fingers danced along his collarbone. When she found the ties of his shirt, she pulled the fabric loose. Keeping her mouth tight against his, she pulled it open with growing urgency. Undone, the garment gaped open and she pushed the fabric aside, pressing both hands against his skin. He inhaled sharply. 
She ran her fingers down his front, exploring the sculpted planes of his chest. She sipped from the hollow between his collarbones and played her fingers in the dip that ran down the center of his abs. Tracing her fingers back up his arms, she curled her hands over his powerful shoulders, muscles hardened by countless hours of training and flight. She pushed the fabric off his shoulders until it caught on his wings.
As his mouth moved against hers, she ran her hands over him again and again and again, memorizing every inch of his skin that she could reach. Shoulders, chest, abdomen. She slipped her thumbs under the waist of his pants, tracing the v shaped dip of his hipbones. A growling hum rose from him and she caught his bottom lip between her teeth, a bite both gentle and dominating.
Breathless, she pulled back. He followed her, trying to keep hold her mouth. He hit the end of his bindings. Palms pressed against him, she blinked, bringing the shadowsinger into focus. Shadows swirled around him, thick and hypnotizing.
She wanted more.
Leaning back in, bringing her mouth within his reach. He strained against the bindings, pulling them taunt, growling again. She brushed her lips lightly across his mouth as she slid herself closer, crawling up into his lap, straddling his thighs. 
He lunged off the tree, ribbons snapping loudly. His mouth crashed into hers so forcefully she almost toppled backwards. Mouth crushing hers, she arched into him, unable to breath as he kissed her deep and hard, his tongue stroking hers and sending heat pulsing through her. 
She fumbled at the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair. Pulling off the blindfold, she tore her mouth away from his. His eyes, darkening like the twilight around them, slid across her face, drinking her in. She didn’t move as his gaze roamed, lazily sliding down her body, taking all of her in.
His attention caught on where her robes had ridden up, folding over her hips. He raised his eyes to hers, a dare in their depths. A tiny thrill of fear sparked through her. Her hands grasped the clasp at her shoulder, pulling it free. Inching the fabric apart, she pulled the robes down her shoulders, exposing the chest wrap she wore beneath. 
Her fingers found his hair and sank in, clutching him, dragging his mouth to where she wanted it. He dragged his teeth along the outside of her wrap, teasing the sensitive skin. All she could do was clutch him and remind herself to breath as need spiraled deeper, heat building, pooling low in her belly. Azriel’s teeth and lips gripped the fabric, pulling it down. She arched into him with a moaning gasp….
Full scene here.
Tags: @rarephloxes
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greenhappyseed · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 317: Thoughts & comparisons part 2 - THE OLD MAN AND THE KID
As mentioned in Part 1, I'm splitting my thoughts on Chapter 317 into 3 posts: this one about Deku and All Might (part 2), plus separate posts on the hero brain trust and the media (part 1) and the hero killer Stain (part 3).
* * * * * * * * * *
This part of the chapter was an emotional sucker punch and gave me strong "Gift of the Magi" vibes. All Might is trying to protect his boy by following him, and Deku is trying to protect his idol by saying goodbye. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee of safety for anyone right now, so their "gifts" of protection are unusable. All Might isn't safe whether All Might follows Deku or stays behind. Same for Deku -- his loved ones aren't safe whether he accepts their help or not. It's the harsh reality of what AFO does. The real thing that All Might and Deku need to focus on isn't giving each other the "gift" of safety, but on how strong their bond is.
The main stumbling block is that Deku STILL idolizes All Might (as All Might recognized a few chapters ago). As the adult, it was on All Might to speak up, but he didn't because he's scared to disappoint his boy. He already knows the pain of disappointing a fanboy, so this would take it to a whole new level. But if he really wants to keep Izuku in his life, he MUST risk it and tell the kid all the things he wishes someone had told him. As I wrote previously (between Ch 315-16) it's maddening because we know All Might is capable of having this kind of frank talk with Izuku -- he did it all the way back in Ch 2. All Might saw Izuku overworking himself and modified the workout plan to moderate Izuku's extreme behavior, which would have prevented Izuku from reaching his ultimate goal if left unchecked. So yeah, All Might knows better, and knows he can’t stand idly by while his kid makes a massive deadly mistake. When a child doesn’t have the capacity to help themselves and the consequences are serious, an adult HAS to step in and help ASAP. Talk to the kid, talk to the kid’s friends/teachers, talk to professionals. Keep going until your kid gets the help they need, because even if a parent/guardian can’t help directly, it’s their responsibility to find that help for their kid. Haven’t we learned anything from the lost children in the League of Villains?
Meanwhile, Deku doesn't see All Might as a human who loves Izuku Midoriya. I think, in part due to his being bullied and his innate tendency to not take himself into account, he sees All Might's devotion to him as part of a predecessor-successor relationship. Deku will struggle as long as he sees "All Might" as an ideal and not the human in front of him. (Admittedly, I thought the HPSC storyline might go here and disclose All Might’s awareness of some “grey” missions, causing Deku to look at his mentor through a different lens.) But even now, Deku is trying to have an "I AM HERE" moment so All Might is proud of his successor, but fails to realize All Might is ALREADY PROUD (in part because All Might hasn't vocalized it in a way that Deku can truly hear it). The "You don't look back at me anymore..." in context is immediately followed up by this glowing Dadmight moment:
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It only becomes a sad moment in retrospect as All Might realizes (1) he didn't really tell Deku explicitly how proud he was often enough; and (2) the full weight of what it means to nurture a child towards independence (and that his boy is just like him, and is heading towards the same fate as him....)
While I definitely think Bakugo will knock some sense into Deku, I still think All Might is the only one that can truly “release” Deku from these burdens, especially the ones related to the “Symbol of Peace” and the Shimura family that are tied directly to All Might. We see this in Deku’s callbacks:
Nana in the vestige world sobbing over her mistake in giving up Kotaro, saying she and Gran Torino were wrong, and testing Deku’s resolve to save Shigaraki. Juxtaposed with Gran Torino saying, "I should have made the kill...sorry...don't be so rigid. Killing can be another way to save someone," and Shigaraki screaming in emotional pain, “I don’t care if you understand. That’s what makes us heroes and villains!” It’s not just AFO — it’s the weight of generations and broken families on Deku’s shoulders. It’s All Might’s failure to save Shigaraki earlier that has become Deku’s problem now.
Post-USJ Deku meeting with All Might, talking about the first time he used OFA without breaking himself, and All Might pressuring Deku to become the Symbol of Peace. Even though All Might no longer feels that way, and SO MUCH has happened since then, he never clearly said so to Deku, and Deku keeps that weight on himself. The past never dies.
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Deku is overwhelmed and destined for a poor decision that will hurt someone or himself, which would definitely play into the media's (and AFO's) hands. First, note the flashback inception with Deku recalling the post-USJ All Might meeting, which itself contains a flashback to Thirteen lecturing about how uncontrolled quirks can kill.
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Second, the image of the defeated assassin is downright ominous, with the way All Might is shown above Deku's shoulder like a conscience [Edit: see @codenamesazanka's post here for a Spinner parallel!!] and the way the villain is tied up with his head hanging back, mouth open, eyes rolled back…. Deku and All Might are in shadow, and the villain is in the light…. no real attempt to talk to or understand the villain, just what he knows of AFO……SO MUCH POWER in a volatile teenager with too much responsibility and too few physical and emotional reserves. This won't end well.
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Ok, time to bring the real Dadmight pain. All Might dives to save Midoriya and falls. The only other time he’s fallen flat on the ground like that is when he dove to save the random lady during the Cider House incident (which we got in the anime last week). In that fight, All Might needed a guardian gremlin to save him from falling debris. Hopefully that means he’ll go to UA and find young Bakugo soon, and he won't do something dumb and sacrificial in the meantime. WHO SAVES THE (EX-) HEROES?
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All Might is a genuinely good person with good intentions, and he drove himself into the ground to help others, but he’s NOT a god. He’s not infallible or omniscient. He has tunnel vision from pursing the same mission from age 14 to, uh, 50-something, and is learning how to function as a "normal" adult. He never asked for help before, and in fact, considered it shameful (even in Kamino). He needs to follow the advice he was going to give to Deku, and reach out to others to save his little boy and himself. He’s still very much capable of inspiring others, even if he needs to rest sometimes. And with that, we cut to Stain, an extremist who believes in self-sacrifice and idolizes prime All Might. Cue Part 3...
A few other points:
Nobody in this arc (including Deku) seems to be using All Might as a resource based on his decades of experience with the media OR with AFO, and it really bothers me. Why is All Might excluded from the brain trust? They’re acting like All Might is useless because he’s quirkless and no longer a ranked hero, but he's still got his brain and his memories. Are Endeavor, Hawks, and Mt Lady really going to chat with Edgeshot and sort it all out??? Will Jeanist's fiber puns stop AFO??? Ugh. This is why hero society as we know it needs to be radically reworked; these top heroes are misusing resources and NOT TALKING to people who might actually have useful info. Does a "hero" need to wear a costume or hold a license to use their brain?
Will anyone tell Inko???? I posted before about this chapter's reference to All Might promising her that he’ll keep Deku safe. But she generally only appears after Deku gets a big advancement of some sort, so I don't know if she'll pop up soon...although I feel like she might need to? (E.g., my pet theory is that we only get her note in the hospital after the forest raid because Deku saved Kota but failed to save Bakugo.) Who else has "lifted up" All Might except Izuku, Inko, and Aizawa -- and Aizawa is probably not in a place to do heavy emotional labor right now???
Others have noted the outreached hand parallels (PAIN!) so I won’t belabor that. BUT look at All Might’s hand, how it is first outstretched and then starting to curl as he realizes he can’t reach Deku in time. Also, how small and frail All Might's hand looks as it curls up. He's normally drawn with huge hands (as big as Deku’s head) so to see his hands look equal in size to Deku’s shows Deku’s growth. Also, contrast this set of hands moving apart with how we saw hands moving together at Kamino, where All Might’s fighting inspired fearlessness. Hopefully All Might can “fight” here too, and inspire the next generation to to amazing things.
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Zia I have an important question. (Also hi!!! How are you? 🌻)
If the bullies from the academy beat Alastair for a whole year, why do they never physically harm the Merry Thieves? (Save for the demon incident with dumbass Clive)
Especially say Thomas? Who was unusually frail for a shadowhunter?
Why do I feel like it was racism? I mean it could be something to do with their families maybe? That there would be consequences for them, but also there was no consequences for the demon thing soooo
Did Alastair's method of verbal humiliation just make them laugh more so they didn't feel the need? Like WHAT is happening? Did they only beat up Alastair and no one else??
(Also why is no one angry with Eugenia for dating Augustus? He actively bullied them too, even insulting Tessa while staying in her home....James literally threw him into the Thames? Why is it never mentioned that the Thieves at least didn't approve? It sort of makes the "they hate Alastair more because he is actively in their life" theory lose some credibility?)
I don't mean this to sound rude or critical of the Merry Thieves, I mean it more as an inconsistency in CC writing
I feel like you've come to the right place for this because I partake in the hobby of overanalisis wayy too much (and am critical of the mt to a certain extent but fjfnnfnrmfnnf)
Now, this could all very well be CC not being consistent or maybe not thinking of certain plot points before she publiahed nbs and cls
But if we see it in canon context, it does keep the question, why do they hit Alastsir and not the merty thieves
In my opinion theres a simple answer
Merry thieves had power
Alastair did not
Yes the merry thieves were potrayed as "outcast" in the academy and were tormented verbally
But the merry thieves are also very much the sons of 3 of the most influencial families in london. If they contiously hit and phydically harmed them, do you think their parents would sit and do nothing?
You really want to deal with the Consul, head of the london institute perhaps
I do not claim verbal bullying has any lesser effect than physical (both can be extremly damaging). But verbal sure is a lot easier to hide, specially in theyre society
Where they dont really have any sense of mental health, which is the side verbal bullying affects. If shadowhunters dont believe in mental health ot wouldnt be such a hard thing to hide within the school itself. Meanwhile if they hurt any of them, thatd be a lot harder to cover up
They could get away with an incident, once. But if it happened again are you gonna be the one to deal with the consul?
They might have been outcast, but their families did have power
Now Alastair
Lets go by simple logic
If you see you do smth and you can get away with it
Why would you stop?
If they bullied Alastaor and got away with hitting him with no consequence
Why would they stop?
Alastair has no safetly net, maybe all they know about his father are through rumors of his fall of grace but if they harm Alastair and really nothing happens. No repricusions from his family, why would they see reason to stop picking on him?
Alastair was small, just out of a toxic family and very vulnurable. No one came for him when they first did it, neither the second. Because I dont think Alastair would write back, because what would he leave the academy for? To go back to Elias? Again? After this was his final chance
I do certainly believe racism did play a part of it to a certain degree. I feel this part (given the shadowhunter world building) would play more part into the verbal side of it
Cause heres a noy who doesnt look like them, doesnt speak like them (yes Alastair did not have a brittish accent, he developoed it in the acadeny fight me djjkfk) and will never be like them
Do you think the mundane kids working for assension wouldnt give him weird looks? Those raised in mundane society who are only used to seeing people like him as beggars or "my mama and papa told me we shouldnt trust them?"
Which adds in itself more reason to not write home, cause how does he tell his mother they dont trust him because of the culture she gave him?
This got way to long and idk if it makes sense but i've been thinking wayyyyy too much about it
Also im doing fine!
Quick question since I just realized this
Is there anything I can call you by? Cause I dont think I call you anything and its messing with my brain
If not I'll give you a nickname!
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m4gp13 · 3 years
For those of you who made it through my laughably incoherent ethabaster think piece, here’s some hc’s, you’ve earned them:
- Ethan has sole possession of their one shared brain cell. Alabaster is not allowed to even look at it. This is because they used to have two but Al broke the good one trying to blow up something (probably Percy).
- If Al finds out Ethan left without some form of magical protection i.e. a sigil, a crystal, ground eggshells, he will be pretty much vibrating with nerves until Ethan gets back so he can give him a once-over.
- Alabaster’s from a very witchy family who all worship Hecate for many reasons that differ depending on which estranged relative you ask and they all kinda saw Al as the first coming of witch Christ so he had a lot of expectations at a very young age.
- Ethan knows this and tries to lift as much Titan army business off his shoulders as possible.
- He accidentally lifts too much off to the point where he is drowning in work and is now the one in need of saving. But does he tell anyone that if he looks at one more stack of demands from his mile long list of bosses he’s going to cry for five hours? Of course not don’t be ridiculous.
- Alabaster immediately hated Percy as soon as he heard the guys name but due to the arena stuff and telling Thalia not to k*ll him Ethan actually held a bit of respect for Percy which annoyed Al to no end.
-This was until the not-so-peaceful peace talk in tlo when Percy starts shit talking Nemesis and Ethan just internally goes “actually the witch bitch was right this guy sucks ass”
-However, under no circumstances will Ethan ever tell this to Alabaster; not because he values his pride (he has none) but because he knows the life of a demigod is short and he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his very short one hearing Al rub that one thing in his face for every single second of it.
- And I mean Every. Single. Second.
- So yeah he takes that to the grave and doesn’t even tell anyone in the underworld in case they tell Al when he dies and he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his afterlife with Al being a dumbass. (also yes Ethan got into Elysium, fuck you)
- (Actually I have another idea about where Ethan went post-life but that’s so far from canon it’s more of an AU than a headcanon so we’re gonna leave that out for now)
- Al thought he was the one in charge of the Hecate kids because he was the most powerful and the highest ranking in the army but he was Not. That was Ethan. The Hecate kids thought Ethan was their unofficial adopted baby brother but little did they know he was the mum the whole time.
- Ethan is the only thing standing between them and starving to death. He also does the younger kids hair and gives everyone with long hair super intricate braids that stay out of their faces during “field work”. Al thinks this is more of him trying to take the weight off his shoulders but Ethan knows that if he doesn’t do this shit no one will so he kinda has to. Not that he doesn’t like doing it. being helpful is his love language.
 - Because of their powers over the mist the Hecate kids of the army were notorious pranksters who were usually at war with the Hermes kids (wars usually declared by Al because he rolled a zero on self restraint) but none of them prank Ethan because “nooooo you can’t do him he babey 🥺”
- Ethan has simply decided that what the magic prank wizards don’t know can’t hurt them and just turns to his blind side whenever he sees them sneaking off the ship to get Micky D’s in the middle of the night to stay on their good sides.
- Speaking of the ship, Ethan thinks it’s the dumbest thing in the world that one of their most powerful demigod enemies is the son of a sea god and he actually has a pretty decent relationship with said sea god and their main base of operations aside from mt Othrys is a fucking BOAT. He tells Al all about his worries for the ship and while Al assures him that nothing that bad could happen he always makes sure that the ship always has the least amount of demigods on board at all times just in case.
- It takes all the strength Ethan has not to yell “TOLD YOU SO” at him when the ship blows up.
- Al probably either wears basic white boy clothes or typical witchy stuff (like moons and shit) depending his mood meanwhile Ethan found out about leather and just goes for it.  
- Every grunge/punk/emo/eboy/teachwear bitch aspires to be him and because he aint about all that “gender roles” bs he definitely goes about wearing cool egirl stuff too. Not just slightly feminine shaped jumpers but all the plaid skirts, fishnets and lace trimmed dresses he can steal afford and Al, despite his more basic fashion taste is here for it. You’ve never seen someone more supportive of their pals fits, get you a hypeman like Al. You deserve it. (Ethan is also not afraid to walk around in a full pastel gamer girl fit)
- (Also Al hyping up one Ethans fits in front of a Titan is the reason they were allowed to start wearing army fatigues instead of the whole ancient Greek armour on occasion)
- Ethan appreciates Al’s enthusiasm but he also kinda doesn’t get it. And he definitely doesn't do that “yeah you’re right I DO look good” thing because he just doesn’t know how. He’d always been a little self-conscious about getting a big head but then he found out about Nemesis and hubris and all that fun stuff, looked at his meager pile of self worth and said “ yep, this has to go”
- Al almost starts crying when he finds out and pretty much makes it mission to be such a good hype man that Ethan has no choice but to think of himself as a Pretty Cool Dude via absorbing the hype through diffusion. It kinda starts working but then Ethan [REDACTED] in tlo so we’ll never know what could’ve been.
- To nick a hc from someone ( hi @chromarozee-spam) contrary to his taste in clothes Ethan does ballet (he was a punk AND did ballet, what more can I say?) and while Al tries to support his hobbies he is genuinely afraid both for and of him. “For” because “holy fuck that looks painful are you okay?”. And “of” because “are you sure those are bones inside you because I don’t think bones are supposed do that?!”.
- Ethan tries to assure him that no his spine is not made of rubber, broken bones or otherworldly materials so can he stop bothering him during practice please?
- This does not stop Al from making a million protection wards and constantly asking his deck if Ethan is indeed a Being of this Good Green Earth.
- Eventually his cards pretty much just tell him that he is friends with one bendy heck of a boi and he needs to fucking get over it so he kinda just,, ,,,,, , does.
- Again with the hc thieving (this time from @altorringtons) Al learning to use a two-handed broadsword so he can guard Ethan’s blind side and back in a fight *soft noises* just them trying so hard to keep each other alive because they love each other and they care about each other!
- They also sleep in the same bed whenever they get the chance (fully clothed ya nasties, they’re kids) and they just hug each other soooo tight because they just need to know they’re alright cos they always get pretty banged up in fights against campers or just monsters that are too much like wild animals to recruit. (What? Me? Projecting my desire to be intimately held by the closest person I have to family with their arms wrapped not tight enough to make me uncomfortable but tight enough to make me feel loved? Never! What on earth are you talking about?)
- Because Al is super stubborn and prideful whenever they have an argument Al can’t really bring himself to say he’s sorry so when he’s ready to apologise he just climbs into bed on Ethan’s blind side and cuddles him because he knows Ethan is super worried about getting attacked on his blind side so it’s like he has a guard or a shield.
- Ethan on the other hand just calls him a Rock Boy in a derogatory way until he gets over himself and apologizes but he really does love the fact that Al knows that about him and accommodates that.
- The thing they fight about most is how “heroic” the titan army is. Kronos’ brainwashing worked on Al like a charm and he fully believes that they are the rebellion and camp is the empire. Ethan on the other hand wasn’t at camp long enough for Kronos or Luke to really do anything but it doesn’t matter because Ethan really doesn’t give a shit if he’s on the “evil side” cos he just wants respect and he’s willing to do what it takes without a second thought of how people see him. If he thinks he’s doing the right thing but on the wrong side he can live with that but Al needs to feel like all of his side is on the moral high ground because that’s what Kronos drilled into his brain.
- Ethan knows that Al delusional when it comes to the non-existent heroics of the army but eventually he just decides to let Al believe the titans lies because that’s easier for him even if it hurts Ethan to see him being manipulated like that.
- Due to Ethan not giving a shit on the humanity of his bosses he gets punished a lot more often and a lot more violently than Al because they know that Ethan already knows they don’t care about him so they don’t have to sugar coat him but Al still believes that they’re heroes and his mindset needs to stay like that to keep him obedient.
- Also because I am  a Cruel Person By Nature I hc Ethan’s mortal family (which usually just consists of his dad) as meeting a not very pg13 end at the hands of a monster who wanted to nible on Ethan a tad which pretty much scarred him for life.
- SO, at the end of the battle of Man Hats Are In when Al looks around and sees that his whole family (that joined the titans) are dead! oh no! How sad! At least he knows someone whose been through the same thing so they understand each other and can help each other through this tough time together right? SIKE!
- so yeah Al learns Ethan d-worded in the worst possible way at the worst possible time and just looses it from grief. Loosing his family was bad enough but finding out he lost the one person he thought he would be able to confide in and heal with immediately after just really rubs salt in the wound.
- When the survivors start re-grouping to find someplace to hide until the gods forget about them Al just wanders off because it’s all he can do to not break down on the spot.
- He’s just wandering in a daze for a while and most people just assume he’s high but he snaps out of it and gets into anger mode when Lamia starts attacking him because he finally has something to do and occupy himself with even though it’s hard not to think about his sibling especially when Lamia keeps talking like they never would have died if she’d been in charge which is why she should totally just kill him and lead their siblings instead.
- His desire to have something to keep his mind off his family and Ethan is the first thing he thinks about when Claymore re-alives and immediately starts talking about doing research (yeah because that’s what you need after a long stressful day of fighting monsters and literally dying).
- Ethan keeps trying to cross the veil and help, even if he just sends Al a pleasant dream to help him sleep but contrary to what you might think from the name, the veil is really hard to cross so Ethan just has to bite his nails and watch his friend suffer.
- It gets easier to watch after Al and Claymore pretty much adopt each other because at least he has someone but they do still get into pretty scary situations.
- When they were both premortem they got paired up for a lot of missions for the titan army and they usually just tried to pretend they were on a fun road trip around America when they could and make fun of mortal shit together.
- At one point they were in a motel and the last people accidentally left behind one of Claymore’s books about death and they found it the funniest thing ever. Between a pair of in which one of their mum’s regularly goes to the underworld and one has been there himself they find mortal ideas of the afterlife to be very amusing.
- Alabaster has decided he would not like to share this with the class (Claymore) thank you very much.
- Also when they’re doing their road tripping Ethan knows all the best places to crash, the cheapest food places and the local gangs don’t bother them because between running away from camp and joining the army he just wandered around a lot.
- Like he’d just hop on a random train, take a nap and figure it out when he wakes up; he made a lot of friends this way too as well as his taste in clothes cos he didn’t have a lot of money so he’d just DIY some second hand punk shit. Al thinks he’s the Gandalf of the demigod world because he just knows everyone who might help them and everywhere they could spend the night. He definitely tells his siblings about Ethan being the closest thing they have to a wandering wizard and they fucking love it.
- Also because Nemesis tends to not have a lot of kids Ethan was the only one of hers in the army and Al felt really bad for him because his sibling were his favourite part about the army so he tried to include Ethan in as much as possible with his siblings.
- As an unexpected result Ethan ended up with a small army of super powered children to sick on the people who keep making jabs about him loosing in the arena battle.
- Al sometimes thinks he’s given him too much power but also he will fuck a bitch up if they make fun of his pals so he sees where his siblings are coming from and yeah those bitches had it coming. He also has a copy of bitchcraft.
- Ethan’s dad was the type to play “Stay With Me” by Miki Matsubara on repeat for hours and Ethan would probably enjoy the song but he’s heard it so often that now it makes his ears bleed and Al sometimes tortures him with for fun until Ethan starts throwing shit.
- To steal another hc from @chromarozee-spam Ethan has a thing for cats and one time Al accidentally gave himself mistform cat-ears and Ethan could not stop touching them. Ethan was just craning his head back uncontrollably grinning so much his face hurt. Al can’t bring himself to be upset because Ethan rarely ever smiles since he joined the army.
- Al saw Ethan crying over one of those video’s where people put their hoodies on backwards and put their cat in the hood so he made a mist cat and bought him a hoodie. Ethan of course started crying again but it was happy tears instead.
- Ethan is fucking tiny while Al is almost a foot taller than him. He wouldn’t mind so much if Al didn’t exhaust every opportunity to rub it in his face so he just starts climbing all over shit (especially tall buildings) half to give Al heart attacks and half so he can be like “Sorry? What was that? I’m so high up I can’t hear you. Can you speak up a little? Maybe get a ladder? Or taller?”
- Also I don’t know why but I hc Al as Texan. Ethan gets told about this “Alabaster C. Torrington” guy who knows latin, incantations and other magical knowledge and expects some fancy British guy so when they meet and Al speaks Ethan gets whiplash so hard he fuckin chokes.
- Al is also very casual and Ethan is pretty professional so when he meets this magic general with a straight back and the first thing that comes out of this assholes mouth is some “Howdy y’all!!” bullshit he just dies on the spot.
- Also because Al is texan he is very sensitive to the cold (I’m about 80% sure that Texas is one of the Warm states) so when he has to do stuff in cold places like the labyrinth or new york (idk about that one to but in every film I’ve seen that’s set in NY it’s raining for about 90% of the time) he complains about being freezing all the time until Ethan helpfully reminds him that he can literally make fire out of nothing, surely he can find a way to warm himself up.
- Ethan is also sensitive to the cold because he’s basically malnourished but he’s been like that for a while and thinks it’s normal so he sucks it up until Al notices he’s always cold. Ethan tells him it’s fine but Al is basically a walking electric blanket so whenever Al cuddles him to keep him warm Ethan can’t help but melt because he’s so fucking warm and soft and have you noticed I crave intimacy?
- Ethan started studying Greek myths vigorously since he found out he was a demigod and when he died he kept an eye and an ear out for Al because even though he wouldn’t be able to do anything it still reassures him to know what’s going on, HOWEVER, he was almost filled with enough malice to rip through the barrier between the living and the dead purely to beat an ass when he hears Al’s little “I don’t bother reading about worthless monsters like you!” jab.
- Ethan is very jumpy and fidgety to the point where Al is genuinely concerned and while Ethan assures Al that nothing’s wrong Al is still suspicious. Ethan probably would have told Al about it if it was because of anything but Kronos but seeing that it mostly is, he doesn’t because Ethan feels like Al will just take Kronos’ word over his and he’ll loose the only person he trusts in the army.
- Al doesn’t find out about it until way after the war when Kronos’ brainwashing starts to come undone because by then his mindset is a lot less biased in the titans favour so he can see things that he just unconsciously ignored before and is able to put two and two together. When he does boy is it a trip.
- Ethan is really bad at talking about feelings and stuff so whenever Al gets upset over something and Ethan has no idea how to talk to him he’ll just get him some rocks. One time Ethan found out about those heart shaped valentine boxes that are normally filled with chocolates but people put crystals in them and that just became his go-to for when Al was especially upset. 
- Al is only slightly better at talking about stuff but he can still get Ethan to open up to him which is good because Ethan isn’t very materialistic so it’s hard to make him feel better by buying him things and because someone needs to get Ethan to express himself in an emotionally healthy way.
- Also because of this they just can’t tell each other they love each other. Like they’ll barely whisper it when the other is asleep because they’re just so bad at talking about feelings. It wasn’t that much of an issue until after the war and Ethan gets k-worded and Al is left alone and sobbing over all the times he never told his loved ones how much they meant to him.
- But because this is a headcanon list; fuck that, Al saved Ethan with some sort of magic bullshit and they talk about how much they love each other all the time now because they can’t stand the thought of one of them dying having never been told how much they are loved.
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petri808 · 3 years
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O5+Itafushi sick/injured/comfort for Anon 😊 totally canon divergent since we still don’t know a lot about their backgrounds and the series is still on going 🙃 Hurt/Comfort, angst w/happy ending. *Does container manga spoiler aspects if you’re not up to date on it.
It couldn’t be helped... logically, Megumi knew this, but what his brain understood didn’t mean his heart could accept. Yuuji was fated from the beginning to die and he knew— Knew that all the man wanted was to die without regret, and saving their world... well how much more honor could one achieve by fulfilling his grandfather’s dying wish? He should be happy for his friend, content in the knowledge that Yuuji gave them a chance to rebuild a better world without the fear of Ryomen Sukuna ever destroying it. Should be... but he wasn’t.
How many times had Megumi convinced himself they weren’t heroe’s, they were just sorcerers. Spiritual police in a sense, there to protect without a desire for acknowledgement. And that their deaths were both inevitable and not immune to regret. All they could do was their best not to garner too much of it and become the very curses they swore to fight. It was why most jujutsu sorcerers learned from an early age not to care about humanity, or at least lie to themselves that it was a possibility. Such bullshit, really.
So, as he stood there staring down at what remained of his best friend’s body, Megumi couldn’t help the regret bubbling up in his very soul. This was literally and figuratively his fault. Yuuji’s, or rather Sukuna’s exorcism was a combined effort in which he’d participated in. That’s not something you can simply set aside. Yes! Megumi was glad that Sukuna was gone, but so was Yuuji! He didn’t care if his friend had been born into, or chosen to, or somehow been trapped in this fate. It wasn’t fair at all. None of this was fair to any of them, just as his own birth had been an unfortunate creation for revenge.
“Fuck!” Megumi gritted out a barely audible utterance as his nails dug into the clenched fists at his sides, and tears trickled down his face. This wasn’t fair at all!
He shouldn’t even be there. If Gojou sensei knew he’d snuck into the morgue he’d be in trouble. But he didn’t care! They didn’t even let him say goodbye to his friend before carting him off to Dr. Shoko. It was for his own good— pfft, fucking uncaring bastards! Yuuji was the first real person he’d ever connected with who gave him back a sense of the humanity he’d lost along the way. The man made him feel, and now. “Fuck...” Megumi knew he was screwed. His heart had crossed the line. Images of a smiling Yuuji play like a movie behind his closed eyes, bringing a pained smile curling on Megumi’s lips. He’d avoided admitting it to himself, but it was true. He’d fallen for Yuuji Itadori.
It had been an unspoken promise Megumi made to Yuuji, one he’d made deep within his heart the moment it had chosen to cross the line. He’d find a way to sever Sukuna from Yuuji and save his love from the ultimate sacrifice. This promise had never been proclaimed from his own lips, but there was no running from the covenant he’d created in his soul. As Sukuna once explained, certain pacts in their works simply could not be broken.
His knees weakened, crumpling Megumi to the floor in a position of summary execution. All of the emotional walls he’d learned to control, gave way in a flood, sending shadowed curse energy to blanket the room. He didn’t even try to stem the flow of power surging out from his pain. It was entirely selfish to lash out with his regret and anger, but Megumi couldn’t stop... didn’t want to let go. “It’s not fair!” He raged into the still darkness. “I should have saved you! If I was stronger, I could have saved you! But I’m too weak... even now, I can’t...” he hung his head head and closed his eyes, “I can’t even let you die properly because you deserve to live Yuuji...” Because I still need you... Damn the consequences, he’ll take whatever comes his way! “Yuuji!!!”
.....Megumi wasn’t exactly sure what happened, how he ended up passed out on his side, or even how long he was laying there. But something gentle brushed against his face, sweeping his hair aside, and caressing it to stir him awake. His body was groggy from the power drain, eyes barely able to focus in the amber emergency lighting. Whatever it was said nothing, just continued soothing him and coaxing with light prodding to wake up. It felt so nice... Wait! Fuck! Was he caught?! Was it Gojou, Dr. Shoko, someone else?!
His eyes flash open wide as he scrambled to sit up, ready to explain himself, but— “Sukuna?!” Megumi screamed in shock.
“What?!” The naked man stumbled back, looking around in a panic. “Where?! He’s supposed to be dead!”
Megumi adjusted his eyes better, because the form in front of him looked like Yuuji, but with all of the same markings as Sukuna, including the second set of open eyes. Although the voice was different... not exactly Yuuji’s, not Sukuna’s, maybe a mix of both. “Who are you?” He asked, noting that the curse energy flowing from this thing was akin to Sukuna in power and this could be a trick from the God of Curses. Is this what his regret had wrought?!
“It’s me,” the figure stepped forward in confusion, a hand over his chest. “Yuuji. Megumi how could you not know it’s me?”
“Because you look like and feel like Sukuna.”
Yuuji looked down at his body and could see the markings too. But that’s when he also noticed something else in the room. His dead body lying on the operating table. His eyes widen as they whip back to Megumi. “Am I?!” His shaky voice cracked.
It was becoming clear. Megumi nodded. “My regret brought you back as a...”
“Curse...” Yuuji breathed out. He was stunned, and yet somehow not surprised. “Wow... but I don’t look like a normal curse.” He could think and feel, “I’m like Mt. Fuji head?”
“I don’t understand it either. I’m so sorry Yuuji— I just couldn’t let you go.” The tears formed again in Megumi’s eyes. “I’d sworn to myself I’d save you, but I failed miserably and for that... n-now you’re a curse.”
“I should be mad at you.” Yuuji knelt down in front of his friend, smiling. “But I’m not. I know all too well how hard it is to let go of people we care about.”
Megumi shook his head. “You don’t understand. I’m being selfish and that’s wrong! I just... I-I just... I love you too much to let you go.”
“You... love me? Like a friend, friend love or...”
Megumi turned away and if it wasn’t so dark his blushing cheeks would be glaringly obvious. “No, the other kind.”
“Brotherly love?”
For a second there, Megumi had to question his own sanity again for failing in love with an idiot. He ran his hand down his face in a huff. “The I wanna kiss you kind! I know you said you like women with big butts and all, but yeah,” he mumbled, “that’s how I feel about you idiot.” His face was truly on fire by this point, only made more difficult by the fact the man he loved was hanging out for all to see.
“Oh!” Yuuji chuckled and sandwiched Megumi’s face between the palms of his hands. “I’m just messing with you. I knew that for a while now.”
“Wait how?!” But dang if seeing Yuuji’s smile again didn’t just melt him. “I kept it hidden.”
“You did, but Sukuna sensed it in you when your domains overlapped, and he showed me.”
Yuuji leaned forward and brought their lips together in an awkward kiss. It was brief, but for Megumi, it solidified how he felt. That yes, he really did love this man and finally! He got to kiss him!
“There was a time I thought Sukuna had a crush on you actually,” Yuuji chuckled. “But then of course, it turned out he just wanted to use you.”
“So... you’re okay with me liking you?” As he spoke, Megumi pulled his coat off and handed it to Yuuji to cover up.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Yuuji smiled and put on the coat. “But what do we do now? Technically I’m not alive, I’m a walking, talking curse.”
“Fuck,” Megumi sighed, his shoulders slumping, “I didn’t exactly think this through, just lost control.”
Yuuji placed a hand on his shoulder, “hey, we’ll figure it out. We always do.”
Megumi couldn’t hold back any longer. He pulled Yuuji into a tight bear hug as renewed tears pooled in his eyes. “I don’t care what you are, I’m just happy to have you back.”
Yuuji returned the hug. “Me too.”
Suddenly, clapping echoed through the darkened room seconds before the light switch was flipped on, causing Megumi to flinch. Shit! They were caught so quickly!
“I had a feeling this would happen.”
It was Gojou’s voice. Aww crap!
Megumi moved Yuuji and placed himself between the two men. “Leave him alone!”
“Oh, don’t worry your pretty little head Megumi Chan, I’m not gonna exorcise him. I followed you here, so if I’d wanted to stop you, I would have done so sooner.”
“You’re messing with me.” Megumi narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “It’s our job to dispatch curses. Why would you make an exception.”
“Yes, under the old ways, but as you know, those ways were destroyed by us. As long as a curse is not a problem, I don’t care if they exist.” Gojou cocked his head in an evil grin. “Yuuji is now for you, as what Rika is for Okkotsu. I didn’t exorcise Rika, did I?”
“Exactly!” He clapped his hands together. “Having powerful special grades on our side is a benefit in my eyes,” Gojou moved his mask to reveal his own, “and these eyes know everything,” he winks before affixing the mask. “Besides, who am I to get in the way of love,” he shrugged.
Megumi rolled his eyes at that last jab, but Yuuji let out a sigh of relief. “Gojou sensei, do you know why I’m like this?” He motioned to his body. “Shouldn’t I be more like Rika? But I can think for myself and talk, and I feel... well, normal.”
“That’s a good question!” Gojou cackled and pointed at Yuuji. “I have no idea!”
“Ugh!” Megumi slaps his forehead. This man never changed.
“But,” Gojou grew serious in an instant, “I can guess there are three factors involved.” He held up one finger, “Number one! You, Yuuji are no ordinary human but created by a curse at birth.” Raising a second finger, “Number two! You and Sukuna were bonded at the instance of death, so you’ve fused with him.” Adding a third finger, “and lastly, number three! When one special grade sorcerer curses another former special grade sorcerer, that amount of curse energy wasn’t going to create a lower lever spirit. So, voila! You were made Yuuji!”
“But is it like I still have control of Sukuna or something?”
“I don’t know, you tell me. Do you still sense him?”
Yuuji paused in thought before shaking his head no.
“It’s likely Sukuna’s soul was fully exorcised, and since Megumi was only thinking of you, it was only you that was brought back. This is just the form your cursed energy has taken. We’ll need to test what powers you’ve retained, but from what I’m sensing, they are on par with Sukuna’s residual energy.”
It’s Megumi who speaks up next. “So, is Yuuji allowed back at school?”
“I’ll allow it, provided your classmates don’t mind. Remember, while you can see him, he’s no longer alive, so normal humans won’t see him anymore. He is just a cursed spirit.”
Megumi and Yuuji looked at each other, then back to their teacher with Yuuji taking hold of Megumi’s hand. “I think they’d get mad if we didn’t return,” Yuuji smiled.
Gojou tipped two fingers as he turned to leave, “then I shall see you in class tomorrow. Try to keep the noise down in your room.” He teased with a cackle.
Megumi flushed red. “He’s so irritating.”
“Yeah, but you gotta admit Gojou sensei’s one of the cool ones.”
“Yeah,” Megumi sighed, but smiled. “Guess we should head back to school too.”
Yuuji squeezed his new boyfriend’s hand and nodded. “I can’t wait to see everyone’s faces when I walk in!”
“Just, no practical jokes like phasing through walls to scare them. We don’t need someone actually trying to exorcise you.”
“Oh, right! I’ll behave.” Without warning, Yuuji then swept Megumi into a bridal carry. “Let’s test my powers! I bet I’m faster than Gojou sensei now!”
“Wait! What are you doing?!”
Yuuji grinned down at Megumi with ruby red eyes glowing. “Trust me.” Cause I’ll kill anyone who dares to hurt you now...
39 notes · View notes
Okay, so the brain’s a bit caught up in one of my other writing projects, but I refuse to abandon this entirely. So I’m gonna just power through this and then get back to Vibing™. 
Actually, it’s kinda cute that the hero Thirteen is introduced in chapter thirteen. I wonder if Hori did that on purpose or just managed it as a fun coincidence. 
[No. 13 - Rescue Training]
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So we start off on Wednesday morning (which would be April 12th/11th) at 7:35 AM. There’s a hostage situation by a villain who looks like a goddamned pokemon (my brain has made the ‘buff ditto’ comparison and now I am Shook) who is, according to Mt. Lady, a serial robber and murderer by the name of Habit Headgear. Kamui Woods, whose wood bindings have apparently been broken trying and failing to contain the guy, is tossed back on the ground as he notes the villain is strong and a quick strategist.
Seems like she and Kamui Woods have teamed up together! Or at least responded to the same villain attack again. Also, who’s this dude?
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Random Mii Blaster escaped from Smash Ultimate and is now in BNHA, when will the madness end. 
Naturally, the hostages are not handling this situation super well, though the crowds watching don’t seem as worried? IDK hard to tell from far away. The buff ditto villain uses double team, no wait I mean agility, actually his high speed to show how outclasses the heroes on the scene are. 
As he announces his plans to escape, we see All Might rushing in loud enough for the stomps to be heard. He announces his arrival mere moments before he fucking snaps the villain’s neck with a handchop - or, well, not really, but damn that had to be a hard hit. All Might also managed to grab the family out of harm’s way in the process, announcing that he’s on his morning commute. 
The crowds cheer for All Might, while Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods are somewhat put out - they appreciate the help, but also worry All Might will put them out of business.
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(I guess this is where all those fics that do bring up how All Might cuts down the hero job market on his own pull from? Or just coincidence, who knows.)
The police thank All Might with salutes for the help, and All Might give his own quick responding salute before he declares he needs to head off so he won’t be late. Of course, that’s when he hears about a hit-and-run (that super hearing lol) and takes off, just so coincidentally in the direction of said trouble. Despite that fact that he needs to get to work. This man.
While he’s in the air, he considers how his speed has dropped, and that he’s been weakening since he passed on his power. Not to mention that after his rescue of Izuku and Katsuki from the sludge villain, his maximum time went down. Which is not at all referencing him about to overdo it again and lose more time, no siree.
We descend into a flashback to right where we left off after the battle trial, with All Might confronting Izuku about telling Katsuki about (some of) One For All. All Might is surprised and a bit nervous? Worried? Or that bead of sweat in the flashback might be from the strain of holding the form when he’s about to run out of time. 
In any case, Izuku in the past apologizes and says he hasn’t even told his mom, but that he had to tell Katsuki something… All Might determines this might be a consequence of not being explicit enough about keeping the secret, since Izuku isn’t the type to brag or boast. Also calls Izuku too sincere, hah, isn’t that the truth. All Might says it’s lucky Katsuki thought he was joking, so All Might can forgive the slip this time, but that Izuku cannot tell another soul. 
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(Stares at this.) (Looks at recent manga events.) Whelp.
Anyways, All Might catches the car of the hit and run guy (and man, that face the dude is making) while thinking about how, suitable successor or not, Izuku’s still just fifteen, so All Might had to make things clear. Of course, then All Might overhears about a hostage crisis the next town over, and, well.
We transition to right after lunch (12:50) with Aizawa announcing that that day’s hero training plans - something supervised by himself, All Might, and one other teacher. Izuku realizes it has to be a special class, while Sero raises his hand to ask what they’re doing. Aziawa’s reply?
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I swear this is exactly the same shit All Might did before the battle trial, gimme a second-
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Bahahahaha incredible. Though then again, I wonder if those are security cards keys to certain locations. It would make sense, though then I wonder how Katsuki and Izuku were able to get into Training Ground Beta without one… hrm…
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Anyways! Kaminari, Ashido, and Kirishima end up talking about it; Kaminari says it’ll be a rough day, with Ashido pumped as she agrees, and Kirishima also pumped as he says that it’s what being a hero is all about. Asui notes that she’ll be right as home in a flood. Aizawa silences them with a glare, saying he’s not done. He presses the button to unveil the costume lockers, telling the class that it’s their choice whether or not to wear their costumes, since some of them are ill-suited for this kind of activity.
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Oh boy, will this put you on the path to the hero you’ll be come… but not for the reasons you think, buddy. The joke here is trauma.
It seems like most of the class does still choose to go in costume, barring Izuku - whose costume is still being repaired after the damage done to it in battle training. However, he still has his belt, gloves, knee pads, and mouth guard (with the mouth guard being new) on him. 
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Golly, I wonder why your costume needed to be replaced, Izuku.
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Also Tenya jkfdkjdgfkj Oh My God You Dramatic Egg. He’s got a whistle and he’s directing the class to line up by ID number so they can fill the seats in an orderly fashion. 
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I’m love this boy so much. And it’s even funnier because the bus has an open layout, meaning it was pointless. Poor Tenya is in Despair, with Ashido teasing him for his efforts being wasted. 
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Savage. But yeah, looks like it’s Sato, Izuku, Asui, Kirishima, Tenya, Ashido, Aoyama, and Kaminari in the front seats. And Asui - sorry, Tsuyu - just outright says she says what’s on her mind, which startles Izuku since he didn’t expect her to talk to him I guess? She tells Izuku to call her Tsuyu, then turns to him and just says his quirk resembles All Might’s. 
Izuku, being the sincere boy he is, stutters and stumbles out something that almost looks like a denial, before Kirishima, bless his himbo soul, points out that All Might doesn’t get hurt by his own quirk, so they’re already different in that way. He then goes on to state that that kind of simple, strength enhancing quirk is awesome and that a lot of cool stuff can be done with it. 
Kirishima then goes on to show off his hardening, saying that it’s good for a fight, but otherwise boring. Midoriya ‘holy fuck I love quirks’ Izuku thinks otherwise, actually sparkling as he proclaims the quirk to be neat and more than enough for going pro. Kaminari notes that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal. Aoyama says his navel laser quirk is both strong and cool, and thus perfect for heroics. Ashido then kneecaps him by adding in that that’s as long as he doesn’t blow up his own stomach.
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Ashido’s Savagery: The Sequel.
In the next panel, we see Katsuki’s been paying attention to this convo, which has me wondering if this is when he was first starting to piece together OFA from Izuku’s mention of ‘getting the quirk from someone else’ and ‘like All Might’s’. However, when he is brought up in the conversation (alongside Shouto) as examples of ‘strong and cool quirks’, he feigns disinterest and looks away, trying to play cool.
(Also, he doesn’t seem to have his gauntlets on him here, though I know he’s brought one with him as seen a bit later. I wonder whether he chose to leave one of them behind or if he might have been restricted from bringing more than one by Aizawa… interesting either way.)
Tsuyu then brings up how Katsuki being so unhinged means he’ll never be popular. Katsuki, naturally, takes offence and slams his hands on the rail in front of him, demanding to know what she just said. Tsuyu sticks out her tongue as she points at him making her point. Poor Jirou, having to be seated next to someone so loud.
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And the moment literally the whole discord was waiting for, Kaminari’s brutal vocabulary takedown of Katsuki, something cut entirely from the anime. Friendly reminder that Kaminari is, in fact, a major lit nerd! He’s Not Dumb! Stop Making Him Dumb In Fics! He not only has the most verbose vocabulary in the class that isn’t from the rich kids (and in some ways is even more so), he also has Katsuki absolutely pegged despite only knowing him for a few days. He Earned His UA Spot.
While Katsuki snaps back at Kaminari, Izuku is hunched over in disbelief that Katsuki’s the one getting bullied for once, but he supposes that that’s UA for you…
To the side, Yaomomo declares the conversation vulgar, while Ochako is laughing and saying it’s fun. Offscreen, I’m assuming that it’s Kaminari mock-marvelling at how he didn’t think Katsuki’s mouth could get any fouler. 
The last panel on the page is Aizawa interrupting them to announce that they’ve arrived at the training grounds, and to look sharp. The whole class (I guess?) snaps to attention.
And that’s the halfway point, so I will leave the USJ proper for next time! This has been a Savage Mina and Smart Denki appreciation post, so appreciate them, or else.
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sunmaylight · 3 years
TGCF Book 3 Reaction pt. 6 - We are going to Mt. Tonglu!
hahaha. So, funny thing. I got impatient and just breezed though the last two books and consumed all of the post-canon content I could find. But, even though I have finished TGCF, that doesn’t mean I didn’t leave notes that I want in big chunks like this. So I will continue working on this
Even though I read the novel, I will stay true to my notes to the best of my abilities.
Ch 138: Xie Lian remembering that he threw his meatballs like bullets without any spiritual strength, like how he went about the past 800 years
- Me: Why do people not realize that Xie Lian is buff. Buff Xie Lian art, where?
Qi Rong turns out to be a better chef than Xie Lian. Like possible House Husband material
- Me: Yo. WTF. I call hack! How did- *remembering Qi Rong’s backstory*... Okay, but how did he learn and hone his skills?
Heaven’s Eye cultivator group about to chow down on some hair when Xie Lian steps in with the pebble toss
- Me: Xie Lian saving cultivators from committing c*nn*bal*sm
Ch 139: Hua Cheng builds a little golden palace outside and then kicks it. The shady inn illusion crashes as well.
- Me: Can this get animated? 
Feng Xin mentioning of an ascension acceleration method with dead babies
- Me: Wait! What if Feng Xin’s ascension is the suspicious one instead of Mu Qing
Ch 140: Xie Lian finds Guzi to be sick and dehydrated. 
Mama Bear Xie Lian - Awaken
- Me: Oh shit. Xie Lian is pissed at his cousin.
Ch 141: Learning about who the father to the fetus spirit is. Learning that the fetus spirit is named Cuo Cuo. Secrets around Cuo Cuo’s birth abundant
Xie Lian reassuring Hua Cheng, but Hua Cheng turning it around to saying that his actions are up to him. Xie Lian feels something.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng had a moment when suddenly they see someone sitting at the table making tea
- Me: No! Is it Jun Wu?
Jun Wu is pouring three cups of tea
- Me: He saw the intimate scene between the two
Red flower that slips on the edge of the flower pot is about to fall when Xie Lian caught it like it’s the most precious thing in the world
- Me: Foreshadowing???
Xie Lian basically saying that Heaven will fall if the Heavenly Emperor is dead. Xie Lian basically saying that Heaven is floating in the sky because of the Heavenly Emperor
- Me: Man, I really hope that the Heavenly Emperor doesn’t die and make Heaven crash onto the ground, only to be upheld by the power of Xie Lian and then create a parallel of that scene in book 2, or Atlus holding up the world.
Ch 143: Heaven and the Ghost Kings have a mutual beneficial relationship
Hua Cheng using this fact to exploit Heaven singing him praises for a year.
- Me: Cunning bastard. I would have asked for praises sung to me and Xie Lian if I was in his shoes
Mt. Tonglu has the Klin and both places is that one poisonous jar where the last poisonous creature that is alive after x amount of time is emerged as the victor. 
- Me: Battle Royale to the death.
Xie Lian sneaks with Ghost as a Puppet Master
- Me: Oh, nice disguise
Swift Life-Extinguishing Blade says he can find if a ghost is suspicious
- Me: Okay, but what if you are the suspicious one?
Xie Lian crouches down to hid behind the 8-12 year old looking Hua Cheng
Hua Cheng as the “Puppet Master” disguise: “No one shall touch what I love except for me”
- Me: Impressive acting there
There is a cloaked figure that Hua Cheng says they are wearing a fake face
- Me: Is it Pei Ming?
Swift Life-Extinguishing Blade dies from one slash. Xie Lian making an observation that sounds like a joke 
- Me: lol
Ch 14-Mt. Tonglu gate
Some ghost ladies get hurt and the cloaked stranger immediately asks: “Are my ladies alright?”
- Me: I was right. It was Pei Ming
Pei Ming about to tease Hua Cheng when Ruoye whips out to hit Pei Ming
- Me: I don’t know if that was all Ruoye or influence from Mt. Tonglue, but go Ruoye. 
Pei Ming’s mysterious candy he got to disguise his spiritual powers is revealed to be shady candy made form Ghost City. Consuming the candy is the equivalent to rubbing skunk spray all over yourself.
- lol
E-Ming has been affected like Hua Cheng. It is now a small sword
- me: Cute
Pei Ming can sense the atmosphere around Hua Cheng and Xie Lian
The Swift Life-Extinguishing Blade turns out to be alive still. Both halves are moving freely
- Me: It’s still alive. how?!
Pei Ming is revealed to be the “General Who Snapped His Sword”
- Me: *Four Tales of Heaven Background Understanding Update*
Wine: 100% Understanding & Truth of Creation
Flower Crown: 100 50% Understanding of Creation & History -Second Ascension & Third Ascension are Unknown-
Princess: 15% Understanding of Identity & History
Sword: 25% & Growing...Processing backstory now
A giant savage, dark skinned burly man in broken armour appears
- Me: Wait. Do I know this character?
It is revealed to be Ke-Mo
Xie Lian pulls a trick on Swift Life-Extinguishing Blade/Ming’Guang and Pei Ming saw it work. The trick was actually the most vile swear word of the Banyue kingdom that is the most disrespectful insult ever.
- Me: What did the army teach you Xie Lian?
Xie Lian calls out for Banyue & Pei Su knowing that they are not at Mt. Tonglu as a tactic to distract Ke Mo
- Me: lol. What if they actually come after Xie Lian called them.
When things start to look good, Xie Lian calls out on it. It is immediately changes into a bad thing
Tiny E-Ming grows with praises from Xie Lian.
Pei Ming does a big brain and smashes E-Ming’s hit to Xie Lian’s lips. E-Ming grows to a very long scimar 
- Me: Pei Ming caught on what Xie Lian didn’t. Also E-Ming reflect’s Hua Cheng, so, affection makes E-Ming grow. Hua Cheng
As Ke Mo and Ming’Guang are abotu to beat Xie Lian and Pei Ming, Banyu and Pei Su do that badass entry of jumping down a cliff and kicking the opponents.
- Me: lol, Banyue and Pei Su actually appeared. 
Banyue throws a scorpion-snake at Ke Mo fully knowing what she is doing and the 200 years of mutual dislike is behind it.
- Me: Ultimate betrayal.
Banyue: We came here with Rain Master
- Me: Wait. Rain Master is here?
Ch 148: Xie Lian thinks that if he does the same things he did to E-Ming to help him grow, it will help Hua Cheng grow
- Me: Awe. So cute.
Ke Mo vs. Banyue & Pei Su - Round 2: Banyue is too embarrassed to throw her snakes again at Ke Mo. Pei Su swoops in and yeets a basket full at Ke Mo who screams at them
- Me: For some reason I find this scene really funny.\
Xie Lian: Moves into kiss Hua Cheng. He kisses the forehead and is sad about it. 
Pei Ming learns that Banyue is that Banyue while she backs away from Banyue as Pei Ming comes close to her
- Me: Oh wait. Does Pei Ming still smell of those Ghost Candies?
It is revealed that Banyue is weary of Pei Ming because of the candy scent
- Me: Lol, it was the candy
Rain Master is brought up
- Me: *random thought* Does Rain Master & Pei Ming have some history together?
Rain Master is at Mt. Tonglu because Qi Rong stole some of her farmers.
Pei Ming is revealed to be the opposing General of the Rain Master
- Me: Oh, they do have some history together.
Xie Lian & Readers learn about the ‘Tale of the General Who Snapped His Sword’
- Me: LORE! 
Sword: 75% Understanding
Ch 149: Pei Ming insults Banyue for not knowing how to cook like other females
- Me: General Pei, I understand that in your time that might have been a norm. But modern times that is different.
Xie Lian says he will teach Banyue how to cook
- Me: Oh no. Someone please stop them.
Banyue is holding a pot of food
- Me: Oh shoit. Did Banyue?
Ch 150: Banyue’s chicken meal is a black mass of questionable origins
- Me: *sob* it’s over. Banyue is now added to the list. But at least she took up her cooking skills after her adopted dad.
Pei Su takes the dubious food and eats it after watching Hua Cheng try some.
- Me: RIP Pei Su
Hua Cheng telling Xie Lian about the history of Mt. Tonglu while Pei Su is dying in the background. Banyue’s cooking somehow turned into a spirit or eldrich horror
- Me: *sob* please. You two are so adorable together, but someone (Pei Su) is literally dying from food poisoning. You are like that one pool meme
Pei Ming has given up on Pei Su to hang with the oblivious couple
Xie Lian has heard of Wuyoung before from his past while training to Ascension.
- Me: Oh. Interesting. 
Little Xie Lian learned how to recite the Ethic Sutras like nothing because he was a curious child about a forgotten kingdom and the Guoshi made him shut up through sutras.
- Guoshi, how are you real?
Xie Lian: Pei Su is talking weird. Is it because of the Scorpion-Snake?
Banyue: Pei Su has immunity from them
-Me: God you two are so oblivious.
Ch 151: What if Jun Wu is from Wuyoung? Nah. He has a 500 year difference from then.
- Me: *Remembers Qi Rong calling Jun Wu a faker and thinks there is some truth in those words* What if he became an immortal 500 years before his ascension and just loitered around for 500 years until he achieved ascension status.?
The group is Scooby-Doo investigation with Ace Attorney observation skills on the temples. of the Kingdom of Wuyoung to learn why it fell
- Me: intersting. I hope they find something interesting.
Alright. Going to stop there cause the actual journey to the Klin starts and it is a long journey where there is actually more than what I commented on. Man, I just really picked and choose what to highlight while reading
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mtraki · 3 years
Brain chemistry is messing with me... got me in the bad feels looking at dark roads... So let’s try and drag ourselves out of it through hyperfixation!  It’s time to rant about Agent 47′s brain chemistry-- specifically all the serums and antidotes that artificially change it! (It’s a rant... I won’t take up space on your dashboard scroll if you don’t want to see it, but if you do, please check out under the cut.  Spoilers for the comics and Hitman Season 2-3 are unmarked...)
The focus of the rant is thus: “Exactly what did Ether’s antidote do?” ‘That’s easy, MT,’ I hear you tell me, ‘It brought back 47′s memories that were wiped by Ort-Meyer before he escaped the lab.’ Forgive me, strawman Reader, (but as always, thank you for your faithful engagement) but I don’t think it’s that simple...  Maybe because I overthink things, or maybe because the details aren’t adding up... Let’s discuss. In the cutscene in HITMAN 2 (Hitman Season 2) ‘Long Shot’, Olivia and Lucas provide a syringe from Ether Biotech Corporation.  According to their information, Ort-Meyer’s estate and his research were granted to the corporation (through Providence) after his passing.  The syringe is supposed to be an antidote to what Ort-Meyer used to wipe 47′s memory.  Using the syringe, 47 is able to remember Janus, the first Constant of Providence, so they can go get his info on the Partners... and kill him. ‘Yes, MT,’ you say, ‘so it’s easy.  The answer is right there.’ Well, please bear with me... In the next cutscene ‘Gifts and Curses’, our leading ladies Diana and Olivia are doing the real work (tracking Janus’s coffin) while our lads are being moody.  Lucas asks 47 if he’s all right and 47 says, “It comes back in flashes.  Fear.  Anger.  But like it happened to someone else.” Later, in ‘Precautions’, Lucas and Diana talk about how Lucas has feelings about the things he’s done, and 47 does not-- a parallel is drawn between these feelings and “having a conscience”. In ‘The Ark Society’ mission, on the Isle of Sgàil, as you’re marching Arthur Edwards, the Constant you are abducting, to the harbor, he’ll fish around for information by giving some of his own.  For the purposes of my rant, there is an exchange I want to focus on: Edwards: “...Your murdered him [Janus] to get to me.” 47: “Not just that.  He had it coming.” Edwards: “Interesting.  It was my impression that you were cured of such... sentiment.  The ‘good doctor’ built his serum specifically to target the seats of your emotions.  Has Miss Burnwood’s sense of justice rubbed off on you, I wonder?” This is where I feel the need to stop and point out that there are TWO DIFFERENT SERUMS at play here, that were forced on 47 at TWO DIFFERENT TIMES in his forgotten past.  This is shown in the comic series. SERUM #1) This serum was given in 1989, after 47 and 6 failed to take over the Institute.  47 sacrificed himself so 6 could escape (though he was presumed dead) and instead of being killed like he expected, due to pressure from Janus (who spoke as Constant for the Partners of Providence) Ort-Meyer instead used a serum to stifle his and the remaining clones’ emotions.  This one was an injection to the neck (like the antidote).  Here are his exact words: “I gave you something most people lack: a true purpose.  And you cast it aside.  For some misguided dream of freedom.  Why?” “It’s that storm inside you.  All those feelings I fought so hard to lock away.  Raging, driving you.  So now I must wipe them out entirely.  A small chemical insult designed to target the amygdala, the hypothalamus, the cingulate gyrus.  The seats of emotion.  I’ve just sawed the legs off them.  Do you understand, 47?” “Your memories remain intact.  But now they’re a series of events with no significance.” The effects of this serum were devastating.  With the singular exception of 47, every other clone more or less lost the will to live.  They died of starvation, dehydration, infected bed sores... losing any and all motivation for anything.  Meanwhile, 47 became an apex predator of murder, stating that the opportunity to complete the assassinations handed down by Providence through Ort-Meyer were the reason he went through each day.  He had a hand in the deaths of a good number of clones, either via poisoning or smothering. SERUM #2) This serum was given in 1998 (that’s nine years after the first one) after Providence demands Ort-Meyer give them 47 as the only success of his very expensive perceived failure.  Ort-Meyer gives this serum, without the permission of Providence, very specifically so that 47 will not remember him to assassinate him.  This serum is given orally, and through a hose and pump apparatus.  Here are his exact words: “I only need one more day, and a moment alone.” (This is included strictly to point out that 47 must have escaped that exact same day) “I raised you as my own.  Taught you everything you needed to thrive in this fallen world.  And now I have to take it all away.  You would come after me.  It’s the only way I can be free from having to watch over my shoulder for the rest of my life.  It feels like drowning at first.  Don’t struggle.  I’m going to make you perfect.  Now you have all the potential in the world.” 47 wakes up later to the voice of Ort-Meyer over the intercom.  He implicitly trusts the voice, as he knows nothing else.  He knows about the existence of nothing outside of the room and the voice.  He starts making associations as he goes on, and points out that he understands how some things work (”The mechanics of breathing, the science that makes remotely operated restraints possible.”) and the justifications behind their existence (”Somewhere deep down, I even understand the need for them.”).  As he makes his escape, he observes that their is familiarity in the sensations of killing.  Out in the world, he continues killing on his own for about a year, claiming that his work is his only indulgence and that he doesn’t need things, friends, or stories.  He does also claim to have a few stray memories that haunt him-- elicit emotional responses in him (which we also see in Absolution with the whole “doctors” flashbacks). Edwards should not know about the mind-wiping, and his dialogue does not betray that he does.  Lucas apparently knows about both, but I’m going to attribute this to “Lucas became personally invested in learning what happened to 47 specifically after learning he was alive and working for ICA, so put the pieces together once he stole the data from Providence” because he wasn’t around for either serum.  Meanwhile, Edwards doesn’t have many reasons to worry about 47 until he starts trying to use his past as a lure for Diana.  Because his angle is to eventually reveal that it was 47 (AND 6... they were on the job together, per the comics) who killed her parents, and the fact that that juicy reveal would hurt that much more if he could reveal it as something 47 knowingly hid from her... I don’t think he’d go out of his way to discredit Janus’s reporting on the situation that only the first serum was given, and something else happened that allowed 47 to escape into the wild.  Janus is apparently Edwards’s beloved mentor, after all. ‘MT,’ I hear you say, ‘You’re rambling.  What’s the point here?’ The point is that 47, a man who does not mince words, makes the observation, when asked, that he remembers fear and anger.  These are the things that stand out to him in his memories.  The emotions.  This is in violation of the first serum’s properties as well as the second. Now, why is this happening?  Perhaps the first serum has an effective lifespan, and perhaps it’s wearing off.  Perhaps 47′s human (arguably superhuman, per some sources) brain is adapting to make necessary associations despite the “chemical insult”. Or... was this antidote supposed to also be an antidote for the first serum?  It is noteworthy that 47 starts behaving in ways that suggest more emotionally-driven motivations after the antidote is given-- at least it seems that way to me.  This seems especially the case at the very end of HITMAN 3 (Season 3), ‘Untouchable’, when 47 is confronted with his guilt, with his feelings about what he perceives Diana’s thoughts and feelings to be, and with his choice in the end concerning Edwards in the final confrontation.  No matter what he chooses, he owns his choice and all the baggage and consequences that come with it.  At the very end, in the cutscene 'New Deal', he tells Diana that he isn’t ‘Agent 47′ anymore.  That he chooses this path because he can. Perhaps I’m very much misunderstanding the themes, here, but 47 not remembering his past never struck me as something that held him back from choosing something else.  It has always been his inability to connect with others in any way outside of infiltrating their spaces and killing them... with very, very few exceptions... that has kept him from choosing a path outside of murder-for-hire (perfectly executed, of course ;) )  So I’m left at the end with the conclusion that 47 is now able to operate as his own conscience because he now has a... mostly usable independent sense of morality-- which requires a certain level of empathy. So... again: what’s the deal with the antidote?  Is it two-in-one?  This would be fine, (Okay, not really, I would then have to rant about how this only makes sense as a convenient plot device because for which person BESIDES Agent 47 would such an antidote be useful unless they also work with the first serum... and oh boy IMPLICATIONS... I know we keep crashing their stock but can we crash their production too?) except the antidote is only referenced as working to return 47′s memory... and his ‘warmer’ dialogues through the end of 2 and into 3 with his allies is simply treated as matter of course-- nobody points it out. I don’t know if this is a problem with my perspective, the writing, or what... But it seems like Lucas knows and doesn’t know about both serums at the same time (he comments specifically about 47 remembering things... but not him behaving more emotionally engaged)... Or like the games smooshed both serums together while the comics had them separate.  This isn’t like the whole “we don’t talk about Absolution though we do wink and nod that it mostly happened in canon” thing.  The comics were written as a companion for the HITMAN: World of Assassination trilogy! I know how I’m treating it for 'Monstrous’ (because if I don’t, I’ll go crazy and rage-quit the fic) but it still bothers me...  Anybody got any ideas?  Nuggets of lore I missed?  Am I the only one stressing out about this??
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hi just needed to pour out all my emotions on my love for percy jackson and why he’s the biggest simp bc i just need to put this somewhere
LITERALLY EVERY INTERACTION BETWEEN PERCY AND ANNABETH IN TLH. like they were so pure and small omg and percy just listened to everything she said
the photo of annabeth in his notebook in som‼️‼️ like did percy just think everyone carried a picture of their best friend around jjst to stare at it 🤨🤨
when he hugged annabeth and let her cry on his shoulder after her encounter w the sirens 🏃🏽‍♀️
also the fact that percy went on a whole quest mainly to save annabeth, like he went to help artemis too but like annabeth was his priority ✋🏽
percy saw annabeth in THE GODDESS OF LOVE AND BEAUTY and was like yeah this is normal 😄
the hug before they were going to the labyrinth plssssss
annabeth was who he thought of to keep him grounded to the mortal world in the river styx like do i need to say more
percy being super defensive of her when she’s stabbed on the bridge and i’m pretty sure the scene in the hotel where percy holds her hand while will nurses her and when he showed his achilles spot is what started my addiction to hurt/comfort fanfics 😃
u all saw this one coming: when he gave up zues’ offer of immortality to enjoy his mortal life and be with annabeth (and his friends)
the birthday cake and awkward love confession
percy making a bubble at the bottom of the lake just so they can kiss for as long as they want underwater
annabeth being the ONLYYYYYY person percy remembers when hera takes his memory. annabeth was pretty much a part of him and not really a memory anymore.
percy remembering that “she’d give him a kiss whenever he did something stupid” 🥲
him worrying that he’s going to forget annabeths face and always referring to her as his girlfriend
he turned down like two people in SoN bc he already had a girlfriend even though he couldn’t remember her as well as he wanted to
when him and annabeth snuck out at night and percy talked about his thoughts ON A POSSIBLE FUTURE OF THEIRS IN NEW ROME
them falling asleep together cuddling in the stables (and when everyone thought they SLEPT together but we’re not gonna talk about that)
the “you dropped this” scene like omg i’m so soft for these two
percy never wanting to leave her bc of their 8 month long seperation
when they went to explore rome together and were able pretend that they were a normal couple for an hour
when annabeth was sobbing in his arms and he said “it’s okay, we’re together”
i’m just gonna leave this here:
Percy, let me go" she croaked. "You can't pull me up."
His face was white with effort. She could see in his eyes that he knew it was hopeless.
"Never," he said. He looked up at Nico, fifteen feet above.
"The other side, Nico! We'll see you there. Understand?"
Nico's eyes widened. "But-"
“Lead them!" Percy shouted. "Promise me!" "I-I will."
Below them, the voice laughed in the darkness. Sacrifices. Beautiful sacrifices to wake the goddess.
Percy tightened his grip on Annabeth's wrist. His face was gaunt, scraped and bloody, his hair dusted with cobwebs, but when he locked eyes with her, she thought he had never looked more handsome.
"We're staying together," he promised. "You're not getting away from me. Never again."
Only then did she understand what would happen. A one-way trip. A very hard fall.
"As long as we're together," she said. She heard Nico and Hazel still screaming for help. She saw sunlight far, far above- maybe the last sunlight she would ever see.
Then Percy let go of his ledge, and together, holding hands, he and Annabeth fell into the endless darkness.
not sorry lol 😝🥰🥰🤣😘😂😂
continuing forward
the entire house of hades book is just so much percabeth content i can’t even say it all
but throughout this book percy is always thinking about giving up his life just so annabeth could be safe, like when they were at the doors of death and percy wanted to hold the elevator button but then: “you promised seaweed brain. we would not get seperated! ever again!” “you’re impossible!” “love you too!”
“the rivalry ends here. i love you wise girl” like omg my standards just keep getting higher
percy is literally studying so hard with annabeth just so he can pass his SAT and attend new rome university with her. ik with his adhd and dyslexia he must be really struggling rn but he had already gone though hell with her so he’s doing his best
so yeah thx for coming to my ted talk and the moral of the story is stan percy jackson
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
feel free not to take this but it is still technically march so. vampire sternclay nsfw, a hungry submissive vampire being so, so good in the hope that their human will let them have a taste?
Here it is! I guess it’s april now but eh, on this blog it’s always monster time.
Content Notes: Mentions of blood, since we’re dealing with vampires. The roleplay in this could read as dubcon, since Stern has something Barclay needs, but aftercare is shown and even in the scene it’s clear Barclay feels safe and happy.
“I thought we could act out that, um, request you had for me tomorrow night”
“The one where you let me…”
“Yes, big guy, that one.”
Barclay waits in Mt. Sterns study, clock on the mantle reading three minutes to six. Lamps are being lit up and down the street as the citizens of London flock out into the first warm night of the year. Barclay will not be joining them; Mr.Stern has other plans for him, and the crosses over the windows and doors to the street ensure Barclay doesn’t go anywhere without his permission. 
It could be worse. Much worse.
Mr. Stern frequents the gentleman's club where Barclay is (was) a cook, is polite and charming when he discusses the latest evidence of monsters in the Himalayas or the depths of the sea. He’s American, like Barclay, which meant someone appreciated the pies he made for dessert. Every visit, he stopped by the kitchen to compliment Barclays food, insisting was the best in the city. 
So imagine Barclays’ horror when, half-starved and foggy-brained, the man he pounced on in an alley turned out to be none other than Joseph Stern. The fear intensified when the human easily overpowered and pinned him, revealing that he was an agent of the crown, a member of the Royal Order of Vampire Hunters.
“I can’t let you free, not in good conscience given you attacked me and could attack someone else. But I don’t want to hurt you, Barclay.”
The agents solution was to bring the vampire home with him, lock him in the safety of the cellar (so he wouldn’t get burnt), and use him as a subject for his research. Mr. Stern prides himself on being the preeminent scholar on the subject of vampirism (“Dr. Helsing’s research is sorely lacking, but everyone goes to him because of the Harker Affair”), and couldn’t pass up the chance to make use of his live-in vampire. Generally, he peppers Barclay with questions or submits him to minor medical tests, always giving him a glass of blood to drink while they work. That glass is conspicuously absent tonight, as was the note Mr. Stern usually leaves him detailing what to expect. 
Barclay bounces his knee as his stomach growls; they ran out of blood last night and a new supply has yet to arrive. Then the door opens, and he perks up like a bloodhound offered a bone. 
“Hello, Barclay, thank you for being so prompt.” Mr.Stern is in his full suit, hair styled as if he just returned from the office. 
“Of course, sir. I, uh, I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” He smiles, licks his lips as the human removes his jacket, revealing more of his throat in the process. 
“You like being my research assistant?”
“Very much sir.”
Mr. Stern rolls up his shirtsleeves, “I think you’ll like tonight's experiment quite a bit. On the desk.” He pats the strangely empty hardwood and Barclay sits on the edge, tall enough that his feet still touch the floor. The human opens his dictograph, stops before turning it on, “lie down.”
Barclay does as he’s told, jolts in confusion as Stern pulls three leafs of wood from the desk; one on either side of Barclay and one at his feet, meaning that his whole body is on the table with a few inches of room to spare on all sides.
“This isn’t your normal desk, is it sir?”
“No, I had it made just for us.” The dictograph clicks on, “April 14th, experiment twenty-nine; determining the relationship between sexual arousal and bloodlust in vampires.”
“Wait, what?” Barclay bolts upright, starts climbing off the desk only for Stern to firmly cup his cheek. 
“Barclay, you want to be a good specimen, don’t you?” Something sharp and wicked as a scalpel glints behind the clinical curiosity in his blue eyes. 
“Yes, sir.” He does, he really does, but he’s so hungry. Hungry and terrified that whatever Stern is planning will cause Barclay to admit the feelings he has to keep reburying in his chest thanks to their reemerging whenever Stern smiles at him. 
“Then do as you’re told.” He takes his hand away, Barclay mourning the loss of contact as the reclines back onto the desk. 
“Much better.” Stern walks around the desk, patting Barclay’s head along the way, “If you’re good tonight, I’ll give you a special reward. One you’ve never had before.”
Barclay resolves to be better than he’s ever been. Stern's rewards are well planned and generous, leaving Barclay positively spoiled when he’s done. He buys him the expensive draught that lets vampires consume non-blood foods without illness, then takes him to dinner. Brings him rare teas and books to read while he sips them. When he learned Barclay liked theater and opera, evenings out in finery became part of the rotation. He can’t imagine what the extra special reward will be, but he hopes it involves more of Sterns gentle touches on his skin. 
“I’m starting the experiment now. To establish our baseline, how aroused are you?”
“Like, a little?”
“Are you craving blood?”
“Yeah, I’m kinda hungry, but not like, crazed or anything.”
“Good. I’ll keep checking in with the subject throughout the process.” He pulls a notebook from his shelf, and Barclay can see a checklist running down the page, “I’ll start by relaxing the subject.” 
The detached manner in which Stern refers to him should aggravate him; instead, his cock twitches in his pants and he squirms, hoping the human will say it again. 
Stern rolls Barclays pants up to his knees, picks up his right foot and kneads his thumb along the arch. He finds all the sore spots with ease (almost as if he’s done this before), Barclay moaning softly as he works his way up one leg and then other. The vampire is so relaxed by the end he almost misses Stern guiding his wrists into the cuffs on either side of him. 
“It’s for your safety and mine; you may get agitated later on, and I don’t want you injuring yourself. Arousal level?”
“About the same.”
Stern raises his eyebrow.
“Uh, I mean, about the same, sir.”
“The same, sir.”
The agent turns back to the dictaphone, “Subject is now restrained. Proceeding to step twoOW, shit.” He sets the notebook down and shoves his right pointer finger into his mouth. 
It’s only a small paper-cut, bleeding a bead of red when he pulls it out to examine it. To Barclay, it’s like someone cracked open a fine wine and is taking their sweet time pouring.
Stern notices his interest immediately, “Is this what you want, Barclay? To taste me?”
He whines, nodding his head. Stern’s hand hovers over his face; he could reach it with his tongue, but if he takes it without permission the human will no doubt revoke his reward. 
The cut finger strokes his neck, leaving a faint trail of red that he can smell but neither see nor reach. 
“Then I guess it’s convenient that’s your reward for tonight.”
“Ohfuckyes, sir, thank you sir.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, we’re only through step one. Where was I” he flips to the same page in his notes, “Oh, right. Addition of even a faint trace of blood lead to increased arousal in the subject. Testing the reverse pathway now.”
“Ohhhhhhfuck” Barclay bucks his hips as Joseph palms his cock through his pants. The warmth and pressure are enough to tease, to coax his cock up, but too little for him to do anything but rut like a needy dog on his hand. 
“It looks like stronger stimulation is required.” 
“AHahgodOWfuck” tears prick his eyes and he wishes, not for the first time, that he’d been less prone to taking the lords name in vain when he was human. The habit is hard to break and the word burns his tongue whenever it’s uttered.
Sterns eyes flick up to his face just long enough for him to see Barclay isn’t hurt, then they return to his cock. His hand moves in calculated, steady strokes, his voice calm even as Barclays grunts of pleasure fill the room. 
“Good boy, Barclay. Let’s see what happens if I…”
“Fuck, ohfucksir.” He jerks his hips as Stern quickens his hand, pre-cum slicking the shaft.
“Subjects fangs are emerging, salivary glands seem more active, eyes-Barclay, be quiet, you’re going to drown out my notes.”
This statement does not have the desired effect, as the thought of the device picking up his moans, of Stern playing them back with a clinical ear or fucking himself to them or letting other hunters listen to just what a vampire will do in order to feed, makes him moan louder. 
Stern stops entirely, his tone a warning, “Barclay.”
“S-sorry sir, it, it just, it feels so good, wanted you to, to know I like it. It’s, it’s an honor to feel your hands on me.”
“That’s very sweet. So sweet that I’ll make you a deal; if you can be quiet until after you cum, you can make as much noise as you want afterwards. Understood?”
“Yes sir.” He clamps his jaw shut, fangs pricking the inside of his mouth. Stern works his cock relentlessly, smiling as Barclay’s legs begin jerking and twitching with his impending orgasm. 
“That’s much better.”
Barclay smiles, proud, swallows down a moan, and cums all over Sterns waistcoat.
“Messy boy.” Stern wipes himself off, then covers Barclay’s mouth with a cum-streaked hand, “clean it up.”
He obeys, ambivalent to the bitterness of his own spend and elated by the taste of Sterns skin on his tongue. When he’s done the human ruffles his hair with his other hand, smiling down at him. 
“I’ll be right back.” Stern leaves his view and Barclay only just keeps himself from whining at his absence. The agent returns with a case which, when opened, reveals a vibrator. 
“I’m not hysterical, sir.”
“Not yet.” Rather than hold it himself, Stern straps the device so it rests against Barclays cock and switches it on.
“AHFUCK, sir, it’s, how many times-” His cock, which was soft only a moment ago, perks back up even as the nerves in it scream for it to stop.
“As many as it takes to complete my study. Let’s see.” The human turns Barclays face this way and that, frowns, and digs his finger and thumb into his jaw to keep his mouth open as he moans, “subjects fangs are now fully out and he” Stern snickers as Barclay’s beard tickles his wrists, the vampire licking and nuzzling at his inner arm, “he’s increasingly submissive and blood focused.”
“N-no, I’m you focused sir, want you, be so good for youAHannn” he cums, cuffs clanking on the table as he arches off it. Stern drags a chair over, sitting near Barclay’s head and leaning with his elbows on the desk to watch as his cock continues leaking and shuddering under the onslaught of sensations. 
Barclay recalls a myth, Greek he thinks, where a man is punished in the afterlife with intense hunger and thirst. He doesn’t remember why it happens, he tends to skim tragic stories. The part that stuck with him was the man being trapped with food and water just out of reach. With Joseph so close and Barclay so aroused and hungry, he can see the veins in his neck, can almost crane his neck to reach them. 
Then he cums a third time and his vision whites out, taking away the temptation for a few moments of mercy. His brain gives up on coherent thoughts after that, and all he can do is moan and sob as Stern forces two more orgasms out of him. His feet and legs go from kicking and thrashing to laying so limp he’s not sure he’ll be able to walk when they’re through.
“I think I have what you need.” Stern shuts off the vibrator, removing bringing a water basin and pitcher over to the vampire. He dips a handkerchief into the warm water, guiding it along Barclays forehead, “you’re doing well, Barclay. I’m so proud.” 
“Thank you sir. 
“I have one more test to run, okay?” His voice is so gentle, his touch so soothing, and Barclay would do anything for him like this, all he wants is to serve him, to make him happy so he’ll keep looking at him like he’s something precious instead of dangerous. 
The agent checks the dictaphone, clears his throat, “Final test: role of discomfort in the arousal-bloodlust dynamic.”
Barclay swallows, so turned on he couldn’t be scared if he tried. The agent pulls a loose page from the notebook, mischief in his eyes and menace on his fingertips. Only Stern could make the snap of a freshly inked piece of paper erotic, and Barclay adores him for it. 
“I will now have the subject read a passage and record my observations.” 
Letters fill his view and it takes his eyes a second to focus on them. His tongue, likely out of self-preservation, fights to stay behind his teeth. 
“We don’t have all night, Barclay.”
The vampire takes a deep breath, “O God, accept me in penitence. O God, l- leave me not. O Lord, lead me not into temptation” his tongue flinches even as his chest burns with pleasure “O God, grant me good thoughts. O God, grant me humility and obedience.”
“I’d say you’re doing well on that front already,” Stern murmurs, saying more clearly, “the subject responds positively to pain associated with holy words, and looks increasingly thirsty.” He gives Barclay a pointed look, “subject should continue if he wants his reward.” 
 “O Lord, grant me patience, courage and meekness. O God, grant me to love Thee with all my mind and soul.” Tears run down his cheeks; the pain is right on the edge of what he can take, and even in his submissive haze he’s certain this alone is deserving of a reward, “Sir, please, please, I’ve been so good, please say you’re satisfied so I can, I can-”
Stern sets the paper aside, “can what? Specificity is important, Barclay.”
A dozen types of hunger well up in his throat as he whimpers, “please say I can taste you.”
An indulgent smile, “Of course. Give me a second to prepare.”
The vampire closes his eyes, breathes as slowly as he can manage as his tongue ceases tingling. There’s a scuff and thud of Stern touching the desk, and Barclay assumes he’s being freed until warmth straddles his chest and a shadow blocks the lamplight from his face.
“Ohfuck.” He opens his eyes, finds Stern--naked from the waist down--bracketing his ears with his knees. 
“Is this the taste you wanted?” Stern guides his head up and Barclay eagerly kisses his cock.
“N-no I wanted to feed but, but this is so, so perfect sir.”
“You think you deserve to feed from me?”
Barclay nods, too busy teasing his tongue along his folds to respond further. The hunter is wet, and the thought of him soaking his tailored trousers just by watching Barclay cum is almost as heady as the scent of the blood beneath his skin. 
“Well, I think this is what you deserve, for being so careless as to attack me, and for having to rely on my hospitality to survive.”
“Uhhummm” Barclay closes his lips around his cock and Stern moans, a sound Barclay would gladly swallow holy water to hear again. 
“Nnn, oh lord, that’s it, you’re doing so well big guy.”
He purrs at the praise, mouth watering as Stern’s body sends more blood south. The skins so sensitive here, so thin, he can practically taste iron through it. He grazes his teeth along Sterns thigh, hoping for the smallest of scrapes, yelps when the agent pulls his hair hard enough to slam his head back against the desk. 
“If you bite without permission, I will leave you here, like this, with that vibrator strapped to your cock, until the morning.”
Barclay whimpers, licks plaintively at his cock to show he’s sorry. Stern’s voice softens, “That’s better. I know it’s hard to restrain yourself, but you--oh lord--you must. I hate having to discipline you my sweet boy, I’d much, much rather-” his hips gain speed, smearing slick across Barclays mouth, “fuck, I’d rather spoil you and then do whatever I want to this perfect body, oh, ohlord, ohyes.” He tenses, gasping, and Barclay wishes his hands were free so he could hold him, keep him safe and steady while he takes his pleasure.
The hunter eases off of him, undoes the cuffs and helps him upright. They move on equally shaky legs to the settee, the human undoing the top buttons of his shirt once they do. 
“Yes, sir?” He grips the edge of the cushions to keep from pinning the agent to their deep blue surface. 
“You can have your reward now.” Stern tips his head sideways, revealing a welcoming patch of throat. Barclay growls, lunges forward as Stern makes no attempt to stop him. His teeth pierce willing skin and hot, sinfully delicious blood flows across his tongue. Stern goes rigid in his arms, voice cracking in a moan. Then he relaxes, clinging to Barclays shoulders as the vampire pushes him down, licking and sucking and smearing crimson kisses across his neck. 
Nothing in the world compares to fresh blood, freely offered, swallowed down while the most handsome man you’ve ever seen lets out softer and softer moans of ecstasy. 
Two taps register on his shoulder and he pulls away, lapping at the wounds so they’ll stop bleeding and be protected from infection. Joseph groans, gingerly shaking his head to clear it.
“You feeling okay, big guy?”
“Y’know how pythons will eat a cow once a month and then sleep for days? That sounds really fucking good right about now.” Barclay knows some vampires feel energized after feeding, but for him it’s always followed by the need for a nap.
“Let’s go upstairs first, the bed is better than the couch for that. Last time I fell asleep here my back hurt the whole next day.”
“Someone feeling being in his thirties?”
“Barclay, you’re three hundred.”
“And I don’t feel a day over two hundred and fifty.” He smiles as Joseph chuckles and kisses his cheek. 
They make it up the stairs, Barclay easing his way under the covers and trying not to let them touch his sore cock. Joseph brings two water glasses and a damp cloth. Barclay uses the latter to clean the last traces of blood from his skin, patching over the punctures with the bandages they keep in the bedside table. 
“Fun as it is to pretend to be your, like, pet vampire, I really glad you decided you just needed a roommate after I was stupid enough to attack you.”
Joseph polishes off his water, “You were starving, not stupid. Most vampires who go after humans are. It did put a damper on my plans to proposition you in the club kitchen the next night, but it worked out in the end.”
“They did warn me the clientele might try to bribe me into earning a few extra pounds with uh, ‘special services.’”
“A few pounds is barely a fair price for a kiss from you.” The human kisses him, somehow more sincere and loving than the equally tender kiss he gave him before leaving for work. Then he rubs his leg through the blankets, “do you want some tea? Indrid dropped off a new one he found while traveling with Duck, and it smells amazing.”
“Sounds great, blue eyes.”
“I’ll go make a pot of it while you rest; you did so well tonight I’m inclined to spoil all weekend.”
“No complaints here. You take such good care of me, Joseph.”
“You deserve it, big guy. Don’t go anywhere.” He kisses his brow and leaves the bed, whirling on his dressing gown as he goes towards the stairs. 
Barclay watches him with all the love his unbeaten heart can muster and murmurs, “I won’t. Not when everything I need is right here.”
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elisajdb · 3 years
GoChi Week 2021: A Fulfilled Life: Part Six
GoChi Week 2021
A Fulfilled Life
Day Six: Modern AU @gochi-week
Four-year-old Kakarrot hid behind several crates, frightened and unsure of what to do and why this is happening. Earlier that day, his Mommy and Daddy told him they were moving to a place that will make them all happy. Kakarrot didn’t like that he had to leave many of his toys behind but Mommy promised to buy him new toys.
Daddy drove them to an old building where Daddy said a friend of his will take them to their new home. There, they met a tall burly man Kakarrot knew as Gyumao and the one who will take his family to the happy place.  
It was a lie.
In his mother’s arms, Kakarrot heard words being exchanged between Daddy and Gyumao, loud bangs, his Daddy falling to the ground; Mommy screaming and running away with him; more loud bangs that caused his Mommy to fall and drop him. Before Mommy closed her eyes to sleep, she told him to run. Kakarrot ran and hid behind the crates.
Kakarrot could see and hear everything. Daddy was still awake but sounded in pain. Daddy’s shirt changed colors, too. It turned from light blue to a dark red over his tummy. More people entered the building. A short man Kakarrot heard called Freeza stood over his Daddy. With him were two other strange people and Gyumao.  
“Bardock, you dumb fuck. You got greedy. If you only tried to save Gine and Kakarrot I would’ve looked the other way. I would’ve thought Gine planned her escape behind your back and ditched you because I took Raditz.” Freeza sadistically laughed over Daddy. “I would’ve taunted you at every opportunity your wife took her other son and ditched you. I would’ve had sympathy for you and not ordered them killed but you got greedy. You wanted out yourself.” Freeza pressed his booted foot on Bardock’s neck. “You would leave me after all I’ve done for you? I’m hurt, Bardock. Deeply hurt.”
Freeza removed his foot and stepped away leaving Daddy to cough up red liquid. “Done for me?” Daddy sounded in pain. “You made me and all the members of the Oozaru organization your flunkies. We did your bidding after our boss Vegeta submitted control of our group to you. Your organization became the strongest and the most feared group in the land because of OUR muscle. Without us, you’re nothing!”
A pale skin man Kakarrot heard named Zarbon laughed haughtily, “He thinks the Oozaru should take credit for your strength, Mr. Freeza. How insulting he doesn’t give you the credit you deserve.”
“Indeed. Something must be done.” Freeza turned to Gyumao. “Kill him.” When Gyumao only reacted with shocked eyes, Freeza snarled, “Use your gun and kill him.”
“No.” Gyumao shook his head refusing him. “I betrayed Bardock and my partner to keep my wife and daughter safe. I won’t kill him.”
“Useless.” Freeza snatched the gun out of Gyumao’s hands. He fired two bullets in Bardock’s head. He shot Gyumao’s left shoulder.
Kakarrot gasped. Daddy stopped talking. He was sleeping like Mommy. Kakarrot didn’t understand everything that was going on but even his young mind understood he and his parents weren’t going to the happy place and it was all Gyumao’s fault.
Kakarrot yelp as he was pulled in the air. He saw a burly, bald man grinning at him. “Gotcha, kid.”
Twenty-Two Years Later
“Here he comes. Right on schedule,” Lazuli remarked as she noticed the familiar tall man with wild spiky hair and dressed in a suit that cost more than her rent for six months approaching. Lazuli turned away and pretended to not notice him as she placed signs of today’s menu outside the food truck.
Inside the truck, ChiChi looked herself over in the small mirror hanging in a corner. Her face wasn’t wet with kitchen sweat yet and her makeup looked perfect. She checked her shirt. No food stains yet. Good. Lazuli stepped into the truck. She smirked at ChiChi’s primping. “Aren’t you thirsty for your favorite customer?”
“I am not thirsty. I’m happy to see my favorite customer. It’s because of him Mt. Frypan Food Truck has got off the ground. He recommended this and other locations around the city. I’m so much closer to opening a restaurant. I owe him a lot.”
College roommates and both laid off work, ChiChi used her savings to start her own food truck business. Lazuli never thought ChiChi would have the guts to do it. She even teased if ChiChi got a food truck, she’ll be her partner. When ChiChi arrived in her apartment parking lot with the food truck, Lazuli became a woman of her word and partnered with ChiChi. She helped with the designs for the truck, marketing flyers and building the company’s website and social media accounts.
Business started slowly. They made some money but Mt. Frypan was always in the red. Six months in and behind in her rent, ChiChi started to wonder if this was a good idea. Then Kakarrot appeared. He purchased a sandwich, complimented ChiChi, paid and left. Lazuli and ChiChi thought that was the end of it but Kakarrot returned the next day ordering another item on the menu. Kakarrot eventually ate every item on the menu. Noticing the slow business, Kakarrot recommended locations and ideas to ChiChi. She listened and her business turned around. She became one of the most in-demand food trucks in the city. Her dream to own her restaurant was a lot closer now thanks to Kakarrot.
Every day, Kakarrot arrived at Mr. Frypan Food Truck at 10:30 am when Lazuli and ChiChi began setting up for the day. ChiChi always had Kakarrot’s lunch ready. She cooked extra for him. It was very obvious ChiChi was smitten with Kakarrot but ChiChi never made a move which aggravated Lazuli.
“When are you gonna ask him out?”
“Why would I ask him out?” ChiChi looked out the food truck. Kakarrot had stopped to talk on his phone. She chewed her lower lip. He looked so hot in that suit. “He’s a nice man who’s helped my business.”
“You’re always checking yourself when he comes by. You always give him extra food for lunch.”
“He helped me with my business. It’s only fair I give him extra.” Lazuli raised her eyebrow at her. “I’m not his type, okay. You see him in those expensive suits. I’m just an ordinary woman trying to make it in this world. I know I’m attractive but I know my limits.”
Lazuli scoffed. “You’re being stupid. It’s very obvious Kakarrot is into you. I don’t know what problems you both have in not making a move.”
ChiChi shushed her as Kakarrot pocket his phone and made his way to the food truck. Kakarrot smiled at the two women. “Good morning, ladies.” Kakarrot read the menu outside the truck. “Barbecue today. You should do well.”
“We hope so. We got a lot of meat cooked and ready to go.” ChiChi handed Kakarrot his lunch through the sell window. “Here’s your lunch.” Kakarrot took his lunch and handed ChiChi her money. He paid in cash every time with a hefty tip.
“Thanks. I appreciate this.” Instead of walking away as he always did, Kakarrot lingered. “I know you have to finish setting up before you open but do you have a minute? I’d like to talk to you alone.”
“Uh….” This is what ChiChi wanted to hear Kakarrot say to her for months and instead of saying ‘Yes’ her brain freezes.
“She has time,” Lazuli spoke for her. “I got this.”
ChiChi shook her head at Lazuli flushed. She couldn’t do this now! Her brain wasn’t working! She couldn’t speak! Lazuli brushed past ChiChi and opened the door. She shoved ChiChi forward, forcing her to leave.
Kakarrot stood at the door waiting for her. Pushing down the butterflies in her stomach, ChiChi stepped out of the truck. She noticed Kakarrot’s eyes sweeping over her. “What is it?”
“This is the first time I’ve seen you from the waist down. I only see you behind that sell window. Nice.” His eyes were on her legs. She looked cute in her shorts. Being a runner and having a black belt in martial arts, ChiChi kept herself in excellent shape. “Shame I’m only seeing it now. Maybe I would’ve made my move sooner.”
“Move?” ChiChi inquired innocently.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
ChiChi’s breath hitched, her heart jumped. Was Kakarrot going to…? “No,” she answered breathlessly. “Are you?”
Kakarrot grinned. “I wouldn’t ask if I were.” He stepped closer to ChiChi. ChiChi stepped back until she was pressed against the truck. “We’ve been doing this little dance for way too long. I’ve found you attractive since I laid eyes on you.”
“All of me from the waist up?” ChiChi quipped.
Kakarrot chuckled. “Yeah.” His eyes swept over hers again. “I wasn’t sure you felt the same way but I thought, ‘Fuck it. I’m gonna do this.’ So, I am. I wanna take you out.”
Don’t be shy, ChiChi told herself. Go for it. “I want you to take me out.”
Kakarrot grinned. “You’re very certain of yourself. Not shy like I thought you’d be. I thought I will have to assure you I want you.”
“Why act shy when we both want the same thing?”
Kakarrot’s intense coal eyes bore into hers. “Do we both want the same thing?”
“I…..” his eyes were intense, the cologne he wore smelled so good and there was a definite bulge in his pants that was making her wet. “What do you want?”
“You. In my car. In my bed. In my shower. The breakfast bar in my kitchen.” Kakarrot leaned over her. He was so close he was almost touching her. “You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I had an intense dream of us last night. So much I had to beat myself off three times before I could leave my place.” The visual of Kakarrot rubbing himself off to her caused her own core to tingle and more moisture to soak her lacy underwear. “It’s not just physical though. You’re beautiful and I admire your drive and determination to make this business a success. I really want to get to know you.”
Kakarrot pulled back allowing ChiChi a moment to breathe. “Oh,” his eyes dropped. “I guess we do want the same thing.”
ChiChi’s eyes followed Kakarrot’s. She looked down at her chest. Damn thin bra. Damn her light-colored shirt.
“How about Friday night?” Kakarrot suggested.
Friday night would give her today, tomorrow and Friday afternoon to shop for a dress. Maybe she’ll go to the salon. She was attracted to Kakarrot for a long time. She never told Lazuli but many lonely nights Kakarrot filled her mind and provided her with relief. If he was impressed with her in shorts and thin shirts, he’ll really be impressed when she’s dressed up.
“Where are we going?” ChiChi asked.
“Bansho’s for dinner and Kame House afterward.”
Bansho’s was an expensive restaurant and Kame House was an exclusive club where many celebrities, the rich and athletes appeared in. Food truck owners like her didn’t qualify but she wanted to. “Sounds nice.”
“I’ll see you, Friday.” Kakarrot took his lunch and walked off. His phone rang. He pulled it out of his phone. The contact’s name calling him read “Asshole”. Kakarrot answered on the second ring. “What is it, Vegeta?”
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” Vegeta warned him. “Remember your father, Bardock? He got attached to Gine. It blinded him. It made him reckless. It cost him his life.”
“No. That was Freeza and that asshole, Gyumao. They’re both gonna pay. Gyumao will be first.”
“Then kill him and his daughter and be done with it.”
“No.” Killing Gyumao would be too easy. Kakarrot wanted him to suffer. “He needs more than a quick death. He needs to suffer like I have. He needs to lose everything like I have. His daughter is the key to getting my revenge and no one will stop me from getting it.”
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junnie133 · 3 years
Wind’s birthday!
Because it’s a new series apparently. I did Time’s too, if you want to check it out. I made this to relax from my week of finals and I admit it could be better, no beta we die like me i guess. Anyways, this is just fluff, so enjoy!!
“What’s snow?”
Wild blinked dumbly at Wind, slowly trying to register the younger hero’s words in his brain. Legend raised a brow, and Twilight tilted his head to the side like a lost puppy. 
The Sailor frowned at them. “What?”
Wild glanced at both of his friends before looking at Wind again. “You know, like frozen water that falls from the sky?” he made a motion with one of his hands, lowering it while wiggling his fingers in the air to make a (poor) demonstration of what he was talking about. Wind seemed to be more lost than before.
“You mean hail?” he asked.
Twilight shook his head. “No, no. Snow is… softer, it melts as soon as you touch it.” 
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” he huffed, and crossed his arms over his chest gruffly. He wasn’t sure if they were genuinely confused or just pretending to mock him, it wouldn’t be the first time after all.
“C’mon kid, you serious?” asked Legend. “It’s like, one of the best things about having your birthday in winter!”
Today had been really nice for Wind. He woke up in a real bed for a change, Wild’s bed since they were in his house, and to the smell of cake flooding the second floor. He had fruit cake for breakfast and got some small gifts from the others (Sky craved him a Keaton mask just like Time’s and Wild gave him his opal earrings- and the invitation to pierce his ears whenever he wanted, among many other things from the rest). Also, Time determined they needed a rest, and so Wild was showing them the places around Hateno Village to entertain their youngest member for a while.
That’s when Legend asked Wild what was beyond those mountains in the distance, and the local hero only answered. “A spring. And snow. And Ice. And more snow.”
And Wind was a kid, of course he was curious what that word meant. So he asked, he just didn’t expect those answers.
“All I know about my birthday is that it’s chilly and we can’t swim so grandma makes some soup for me and Aryll.” he shrugged.
“Man, that’s fucked.” said Legend.
“Well, he does live on a tropical island.” remarked Twilight. 
“Right.” he nodded.
“Then we should show you!” said Wild suddenly with a big smile on his face. “Wait for me in my house, I’ll be right back.”
“What do you mean cub-?” Twilight’s words were interrupted by a flash of bright blue lights dematerializing his protégé. 
“Where…?” Legend rolled his eyes. “Right, whatever.”
“What was that?” asked Wind, as Twilight sighed and started walking towards the house over the bridge.
“I think I know what he’s planning.” 
And his suspicions were right. Wild returned with a big smile and three identical sets of snowquill Rito armor, the only difference being the size and color, finding his friends around the fire where Bolson and Karson used to hang out every day. Twilight’s was gray, Wind’s a bright shade of cyan and Legend’s the ugliest shade of pink he had ever seen in his life.
“This is bullshit.” he growled, clutching the soft clothes on his hands.
“What are you planning?” asked Time, who was taking care of one of Wild’s horses near them to entertain himself.
“Wind has never seen snow before so,” he tapped his slate a couple of times and dressed with winter clothes in a second. “We’re going to show him!”
“Wait, we’re?” asked Legend. “I didn’t agree to anything! And you should ask the birthday boy first”
Wind was already putting on the top piece of his suit. “It’s ok for me!”
Twilight shrugged. “It can’t hurt. We’re going to Mt. Lanayru right?”
Wild nodded. “We will be back soon, I promise.” he said to Time.
The Old Man opened his mouth with a worried look on his eye, but then Wind stared up at him, his expressive, huge dark eyes making contact with his as he smiled. “It will be an awesome birthday experience! It’s my birthday so I can have a birthday trip.” he said.
He avoided his begging look to search for some kind of support in Twilight, but his traitor of a protégé looked at him with a similar expression that begged him to not say nothing against this. He sighed then, nodding.
“Alright, but I want you all here for dinner.” he said.
“You are weak, Old Man.” Legend glared at him, as Time shrugged. He had a soft spot for those two.
The boys dressed up right where they were. throwing the warm clothes over their normal ones, and formed a circle as Wild told them. Linked by their arms, he tapped his slate once more and soon they were being warped Hylia knows where in a flash of blue lights.
“They’re getting in trouble.” said Warriors not far from there. 
“It’s Twilight’s problem now.” he said with a straight face. “I can relax for once without problem children around.”
As soon as he said that, without giving Warriors time to say anything back, Four arrived panting and talking at light’s speed.
“- I told Sky to not get near that thing but he didn’t listen to me and Hyrule is trying to find out what happened but they sent me back to get you or Wild and-”
Warriors looked at him with an amused expression, slightly worried by Four’s words but he still smiled sardonically. “You talked too fast.”
Time began walking towards the way Four came from. “Shut up.”
It was freezing.
But this was so fun!
But it was fucking freezing.
But he was having the best time of his life too!!
The weather was nice, it was a sunny day and everything was so bright the same way the sea sparkled so intensely at midday to the point that it almost left him blind. Twilight threw another snowball to him, but Wind dodged at last second and it ended hitting Legend, who squawked indignantly before smirking evilly, trying to hunt the older blond. He was trembling because of the cold and the adrenaline. Wild hit him with a ball in the head and he hated the cold feeling in his scalp, but also made something ignite inside his chest as he chased his long-haired friend with the biggest amount of snow he could carry in a spherical shape. 
“Come here you coward!” he shouted.
“Never!” Wild laughed.
Suddenly the ground disappeared from his feet, and he shrieked out loud when Twilight effortlessly tossed him into a pile of snow near them. 
“Watch your back buddy!” he said.
Wind emerged from the snow with a frown he couldn’t keep because he simply was too happy to be mad at Twilight. “That’s cheating!” he said, giggling.
“All is fair in love and war.” Legend cheekily said, leaning with his arm on Twilight’s shoulder.
Wild smiled at Wind’s pout, and then barked a laugh when the kid threw a snowball straight at Legend’s face. 
“Oh, you’re on!” 
Twilight and Wild laughed far from the warzone while their friends wrestled rolling in dirt and snow. Twilight patted his protegé’s shoulder with a tender expression on his face.
“This was a good idea cub, I’m proud.”
Wild pretended those words didn’t warm his chest in a way that almost made him cry, and smiled confidently to his mentor. Twilight didn’t compliment his decisions (in general) very often, as they mostly included explosions, fire and maybe the occasional infiltration to a monster camp while wearing a bokoblin’s makeshift head. 
“He was feeling homesick.” he said, getting a surprised look from Twi. “He told me yesterday he missed his Zelda and his family, so I wanted to make a little distraction for him.”
Wind won their improvised wrestling competition and sat over Legend’s back with crossed arms and a bright grin, as the veteran rolled his eyes with a fake disinterested expression on his face. 
“Who’s next?” he boasted.
Twilight raised his hand, and chuckled when he saw a flash of nervousness on the youngest’s face. “I can go easy on you if you want.”
“No! I’ll take you down fair and square.”
Wild was glad they were having a good time, and when they came back not even Sky being cursed by the old horned statue dampened his mood.
Here’s another birthday especial! A very rough idea but I wanted to post it since the las thing I posted about Wind was pure angst ;---; so my body demanded fluff. I hope you liked it!!!
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allycryz · 3 years
41. “Oh, [deity/expletive], do that again.” for Nerys x Emet-Selch
Oh hey it's actually giving me save draft options on asks now! And it ports over the italics!
5.0 Spoilers, set before the Mt. Gulg dungeon. Not sure if this one if canon–figuring some things out about that whole section–but it lives in the Nerys canon.
Rate E for eggsplicit, some angst
He approaches in that insouciant way he likes. Just as he had yesterday at the base of the ladder; with his musings and observations. This time his smile is dangerous and far closer to the Emet of the past few weeks than the almost-vulnerable man who appeared before.
“Well well, look at you.”
Nerys dissipates the spell in her hand, the other curling tighter about her maple stave. It is a beginner's tool, purchased furtively in the Musica Universalis. A far cry from the elm crook she’d carved herself not long before she gave up on conjury.
“He was right,” Emet continues. He comes to a stop before her, standing as she sits on the ground with her back against a large striated boulder. “If I recall…’my beloved is a woman of many talents. Mistress of the Lance, Wielder of the Awl, Goddess of the Needle-’”
“So you were watching.” He opens his mouth to remind her yet again of his proclivities and she waves a hand to forestall it. Miraculously, he allows it. “You’ve been so scarce since we came to Kholusia I feared we’d become too tedious.”
“Your group as a collective? Often. You in particular? Rarely.”
Nerys snorts. “Thank you, you’re too kind.”
Emet continues looming over her with an expectant look. If she stands to meet him it would feel like a concession. Staying where she is...well, it ceded the high ground but is the better option. Especially when he seems to be in one of his fey moods. “You might materialize some time, actually introduce yourself to Haurchefant.”
“All in good time. Especially if you banish the dreadful light from this place.” He flourishes a hand at the horrifically bright sky and it hurts her eyes to follow the gesture. “This place offers very little shade. Inconsiderate of you, not to do all your heroics in Rak’tika.”
This is comfortable ground. Better than him asking about her activities or the strange place they’d been the last time they coupled–he holding her (and Thancred) at arm’s length even as he debauched them thoroughly. “That’s twice now you’ve braved the eldritch light to speak with me. I’m touched.”
“As I said, you are rarely boring. Now back to the matter at hand. Are your magical abilities as strong as your devotion to the Needle and Skillet? I myself have only witnessed your wind cantrips here and there.”
“I’m surprised you can’t tell, with your mastery of the art.”
“Mm. Well you’ve had some training but…” He tuts. “The structure of your magic is–if I may be honest–rather rushed and lacking. What do they teach in Gridania these days?”
“They are fine teachers,” she says with a furrowed brow. “But I decided to pursue the lance instead.”
“Not your taste?”
“Not my strength. Aetherwork yes, spellcasting and shaping no.” She shakes her head. “But I have been ordered to rest so...I thought I’d try it again to kill time.”
Technically the order of events is a little different than what she portrays. Blessedly, Emet takes offense with the latter half of her tale. “Is that what my art is to you, my dear? A distraction for you to while away the hours?"
“Oh no.” Nerys’ lips twitch. “Because that would insult my comrades as well. You deserve only the most custom and tailored attacks on your person.”
“Truly a Warrior and a Saint.” Emet at last takes pity on her squinting eyes and the hand shading against the sun. He sinks into a crouch with his elbows on his knees, hands dangling between his legs. It’s a shame sunlight bothers him because he looks radiant in it. “Set down your stave.”
“I need a conduit.”
“Mm. You are going to support your spell on your own to fully harness your mind to the task. Let us see if that does not help you.”
“Yes, Master Emet-Selch.”
His smile is lascivious. “Would that you called me so when last I ravished you."
“If you manage to get me to cast magic without my stave? I might consider it using it next time.”
“Such little faith,” he purrs. He shifts, resting his hands light upon her outstretched shins. “Go on then.”
Nerys suspects her wind magic is always successful because a dragoon is a creature of the air and its currents. She need only pull from the element wrapped about her. But Emet had come upon her attempting a sleep spell and he will know if she tries something else. The other domains–earth, fire, and so on–are not easy for her either. What can she pull upon without the stave channeling raw elemental magic into resources?
“Was everyone capable of magic?” She asks, buying herself the time to get centered. “Before, when the world was unsundered.”
Surprise flickers over his face a moment. He smooths it over, affecting the mien of an indulgent professor about to lecture. “Essentially, yes. Some excelled more than others, and in Am-...in the city I dwelled, we made especial study of it."
That first syllable reverberates through her. The light is gone, her dilemma is gone, the beginnings of thirst from sitting in the sun fades away–all she wants is to hear the name of the city. And the intensity of that need is greater than she has ever felt in her life, even for a needful being such as herself.
“Tell me-”
“We had different talents to be sure.” Emet continues, the faint presence of steel under his words as he takes control of the conversation. “Hardly any like me, with an affinity for the very lifestream from which I saved your friend. Others could manipulate the elements as easily as they breathed, outclassing your mortal thaumaturges. And some created their own way…”
His eyes go distant. The lecturer, the man determined not to be interrupted, crumbles in reverie. Nerys dares not breathe. This is yet another facet of Emet new to her–softer than that first night, his pale gold eyes warm, his mouth relaxed.
“She married her magic to her affinity for the sword. You might call it red magery but that pales in comparison to what she could do.”
He looks at her but she does not think he sees her. Bit by bit, his eyes focus and he pulls himself back to Kholusia; the hot, dry air; the dazzling sky. “Shame on you, tricking me into waxing poetic to put off demonstrating your magic. Get on with it and perhaps I won’t demand retribution.”
"And your hands? Are those to be a reward?"
"Depending, perhaps. Or a punishment."
Nothing for it. She spikes her aether to start a spell. The magic in the world–she sees it and tugs at it best as she can, providing her own energy when it does not come to her hand. Haurchefant has talked at length about his forays into thaumaturgy. He and Alphinaud oft compare notes about the differences in their spellcasting-
His flexing fingers on her legs make every detail of those talks fly out of her head. What appears in her hands is formless and leaden at the same time, easily dissipated by a gesture–one of his aether hands, she realises. The ones he only brings out for more amorous situations.
“Who was she? The woman who married sword and magic?” Nerys asks, distracting away from her failure.
"Weave a spell correctly and I may tell you more."He leans forward and kisses the tip of her nose. "You my dear, have a brain that craves focus against the tide of thoughts and second guesses. That single-minded determination when you wield a lance...we must find how to get you there with magic."
"It is the vulnerability of it," she says with not a little exasperation. "I cannot snap my fingers and have magic perform my will. I need to stop in the flow of battle to create the spell and hope I am either quick enough or can withstand the blows that come my way."
"Plenty manage and they are not the resilient Warrior of Light or Darkness."
“I’m well aware. You said it yourself–I have a mind given to racing thoughts without something to keep it occupied.”
“Thus our current situation.” His hands creep higher up her leather-clad thighs. “Now...you love when I praise you in the bedroom. But outside of it? The fear of failure oft drives you. Two sides of the precious coin that you are.”
She swallows, trying to pretend he hasn’t read her utterly. And that he isn’t stroking purposefully now, fingertips grazing over the laces of her pants.
"As always, your eyes give you away." He purrs. "Trying so very hard to not admit how right I am."
“I-I thought-” She widens her legs a hair and those swirling black and purple aether hands pin her thighs in place. “This was a magic lesson.”
"Mastery of magic and the mind are one and the same, hero. It's all about control. Now...if you would please try again…"
She stares into his eyes with her challenge as the magic around her coalesces in her hands. Her triumph lasts all of three seconds before another of those incorporeal hands sinks through her clothes to circle over aching flesh. Nerys’ breath hitches, the spell collapses in on itself in a half-hearted flash of light.
Some of it lingers in the air, making her lips and tongue go numb a few seconds, her eyes droop before she snaps out of it. Nerys manages to frown before his lips are on hers. Nipping lightly at her lower lip. She starts to return the kiss but he pulls back.
“Again,” he says. What feels like the tips of fingers brush against her entrance. “But if you don’t think you can-”
There is no chance of her magic affecting a man of his powers but ferocity propels her. The structure and shape of this iteration has its flaws but it feels like better. It would serve him right if she did put him to sleep and left him here-
Those tantalizing aether fingers press into her, a near-incorporeal thumb ghosts over her center. Nerys rocks against the sensation with a low, helpless sound pouring from her throat.
“Barely passable,” he says. “But a small improvement.”
She reaches for his shoulders, whining when the motion between her legs slows and stops. “Oh gods. Do that again.”
“You would be better served praying to me, my dear.” He laughs. “Though I am no more merciful than your gods or your Hydaelyn. But I do offer an actual path to salvation.”
Nerys tries to cause her own friction and isn’t surprised when more hands arrive to pin her down. He only laughs at her, white teeth gleaming in the bright sun and eyes dark. “I almost want you to fail, pet. You’re quite-”
The magic flashes out of her in a rush, without thought, without concentration, with nothing but instinct. It is the closest magic has ever felt to using her lance The spell is imperfect as always–she sees the poor construction–but it hits him full in the face.
His nose twitches, his eyes blink, he stifles a small yawn. Such a spell is not enough against him but it does something and she laughs aloud in triumph. “Don’t test me, Ha-”
The words catch in her throat with a strange sob. Nerys does not know what she was about to say or where it came from. She does not know why she feels so...disconnected and connected to him all at once.
His gold eyes flash and at once she is beneath him: shoulders pinned under his flesh hands as he straddles her core. The aether fingers flex rhythmically against her skin in time with...his heart? Nerys doesn’t know how she knows that, but she does.
“Emet?” She whispers.
There is a near-terrified look in his eyes. And then he kisses her in answer, a plundering so thorough she almost cannot return it in full. Every time they come together he shows her a new side of himself. This time is no different.
The first time: admiration, affection, desire.
The second time: distance, control.
And now: something raw and needful and the tide of him sweeps over her. She groans as his frantic hands work at her trousers, at the clasps of his robes. The aether between her legs moves with purpose to prepare her for him.
“Open your legs for me,” he hisses and her assent is muffled by another overwhelming kiss. Her body obeys at once, pliant beneath him. Just his urgency alone, the way he commands her, is enough to get her slick even without-
Her head jerks to the side and she curses at the sensation of fingers pumping into her. She expects a laugh but he shushes her instead, stroking her cheek. Pressing gentle lips at her brow even as his aether is replaced by him; hard, needy, filling her.
Emet holds her tight as he thrusts into her; all desperate sounds rather than teasing eloquence. His breath is harsh in her ears, his gloved fingers pressed tight into her skin, and he swallows every one of her desperate noises.
Whatever change has sparked in him, this is no longer about teasing her. He needs her, needs this, and she doesn’t care how this ends for her as long as he is helped-
His hand slips between them as if he hears her thoughts and she chokes on a sob. Shudders beneath the insistent pressure of his hand. It's almost too much to bear. And he does not back away but rocks and touches until she babbles his name–the one she has always called him–and digs her hands into the dirt. He seizes one, gripping it tight as he comes with a broken sound.
Nerys closes her eyes in the aftershocks. Above, the light burns through her eyelids with only his body providing some shade.
“Th-there," says Emet, breath interrupting his words. "A reward for a better spell."
"Emet." He looks so lost. The quip is only so effective without his usual haughty mien. She touches his cheek and he’s the one to close his eyes, as if savoring the feel of her.
He sits up slow. Seizes her hand to kiss the dirt-smudged knuckles. "I've been discourteous, after you told me you're on strict orders to rest. Do forgive me.:”
“Emet,” she says again. “What has you so scared?”
His laugh is soft and humorless. "When you are as old as me, hero, you will be scared of everything."
He does not expand and he sets them to rights with a flicker of magic. Any evidence is gone from her body and the ache of the light feels lessened now, from the cooling touch of his dark aether.
"Nerys," he says and she startles. Has he ever said her name before? Her mind is so overwhelmed by how he says those syllables–it must be the first time. He says her name like a prayer. Perhaps the first one he has offered in eons to someone not Zodiark.
"Nerys," he says again. "Master the light with all the focus in that fierce mind of yours."
"Good." He stands. "...When I see you again, it will be when the last warden falls."
"I'll see you then," she says with a nod.
He is gone without preamble, without a farewell, without a kiss. And Nerys is left to wonder.
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