#thinking of the post 2009 cup one
malkwin · 4 months
had a really long day so i will be giffing geno to deal
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crosbyism · 22 days
"but then again this is the guy who’s publically known for loving to eat ass so"
I'm sorry, I thought Nate eating ass was fanon. Are you telling me this is an actual canon fact??
god i love when people don’t realise how much “fanon” around sid and nate is actually canon. it’s like heroin to me. also bc it’s like. 90% of the stuff in fics (which is probably why people assume it’s fanon but. oh boy it’s not. there’s shockingly little fanon around these two, mostly because canon is so abundant).
yes, nathan mackinnon is a known ass-eater. let me direct you to this post, anon. you’re welcome.
other nate (and sid) facts you might not have realised are canon:
nate is a known advocate for therapy. he’s been seeing a sports therapist since 2017
they wear matching clothing all the fucking time, sid has said publicly that he started wearing white sneakers and updated his wardrobe due to nate’s influence (iirc nate might’ve even bought him his first pair of white sneakers? either that or it was a “he told me i need to so i did” situation). they share a tailor. unfortunately i now have to bring your attention to the fact that since they have an alarming amount of matching clothes that they’ve bought for each other, that means that they in fact have to know each other’s clothing sizes off by heart. they also low-key share clothing btw
their families celebrate canada day together and their dads are best friends. in-law behaviour goes crazy
nate did in fact stalk his way into sid’s heart (got the same personal trainer and agent at age 13; built his house next door in 2017; they’ve been spending every day in the summers together since at least 2015. sid cooks for them daily, or at least did pre-pandemic. sid refuses to use nate’s gym tho so they always use sid’s).
nate used to have a fan twitter account more or less where he rooted for the pens. it was active until 2017.
sid and nate regularly go to summer weddings together as each other’s dates. they have done this since, once again, at least 2015
nate has confirmed that he used to have a poster of sid on his wall as a teenager (he didn’t confirm he used to jerk off to it but frankly. i think that’d be saying the quiet part out loud)
when sid won the cup in 2009 and held the parade in cole harbour, nate stood by the side of the road watching it. he was about to turn 14, he was already working with sid’s trainer and agent, and he was about to start attending shattuck (sid’s junior high). due to old pics we also know that this was RIGHT before nate had his first growth spurt and hit puberty. i’m not saying seeing sid with the cup kickstarted nate’s puberty and gave him his first boner but i’m not NOT saying it
nate dated vanessa morgan of riverdale fame in his rookie year. she’s now good friends with elias petersson from the vancouver canucks (this means nothing but i do think it’s a very funny coincidence).
nate schmidt, formerly of the VGK, once failed a drug test (it turned out to be a testing-fuck-up); when nhl players were asked about it natemack iconically said “i don’t think he was sticking a needle up his ass” (i just like this one)
when he was a kid, the one other thing sid wanted to be was a hairdresser. nate, on the other hand, “didn’t have a plan B”
nate is canonically possessive of sid (see: the asg 2024) and sid is canonically delighted by this and into it
they go on so many lunch dates in the summer my dude. they go grocery shopping together. like there’s so many pics of them in grocery stores or out having coffee or weird green shakes
oh i almost forgot, they went on a roadtrip through ireland last year. they’ve been on holiday together multiple times over the years though. done some eurotripping together and stuff. in 2015 they spent three months together, three weeks of which were spent living in sid’s santa monica condo together just the two of them
sid has put up a picture of every stanley cup winning captain in his basement since 2008, when the pens lost in the scf to DET. apparently this serves as motivation for him to win the cup. he notoriously does not watch the playoffs after the pens are out
however, he partied so hard at nate’s cup party he actually closed down the party with his dad. nate is the only non-teammate sid’s ever been seen supporting for a cup run (he’s also never been to his teammates’ cup parties afaik so. there’s that)
also they talked on the phone daily and between periods during nate’s cup run. they also canonically have almost weekly phone dates that can run multiple hours. quote nate “i can’t talk to anyone else the way i can talk to him”
they each have pictures of the two of them together framed in each other’s houses
there’s rumours they’re building adjoining houses on neighbouring properties in cape breton next to a golf course bc apparently being neighbours in halifax isn’t enough or something. this one is as yet unconfirmed by reputable sources though
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moon-tell-me · 8 months
Love languages
The outsiders (separate) x GN reader
Warnings: not proof read
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Quality time | Acts of service
He spends most of his time working
So those little moments where he can just sit down and relax with someone he loves means a lot to him
He really doesn't care what you guys are doing
He's even okay with sitting in silence
As long as you're there, he's happy
Also, he really likes doing things for you
He just feels the need to show you how much he appreciates you!
Physical touch | Words of affirmation
I've already discussed in previous posts that he's very cuddly
You just look so cute
He can't help but run up to you and pepper kisses on your face
On the other hand, I don't think I've really mentioned words of affirmation
He really likes it though
Giving & receiving
If you called him pretty he would blush, kiss you, then return the favor x10
Quality time | Physical touch
He stole Darry and Soda's love languages..
He really likes just spending time with you
Usually you guys are reading, helping each other study, or just watching a movie
He also has a thing for acts of service (he always helps you with homework and studying)
Hold this boy
Hold him and don't let go
Just run your fingers through his hair, kiss him, and hold him
He needs to be little spoon
Words of affirmation | Physical touch
He loves compliments
It inflates his ego
A genuine compliment actually catches him off guard sm
He's not used to them
Y'know what he loves more then being complimented?
Complimenting you.!
They'll probably be a bit suggestive but that's Dally for you
He pretends he doesn't like being touched
But it's complete bs
He loves your kisses and cuddles
Cup his face (trust)
He'll be putty in your hands
Also like, I just know he'd be a comfortable pillow
imagine just walking next to him, his arm around your shoulder, keeping you extra close to him.
Words of affirmation | Physical touch
Words of affirmation is no surprise
His parents don't say anything nice about or to him
Call him literally any pet name and he'd love it
Even something stupid and cringe like, bae or kitten
Not now kitten whiskers
Physical touch also makes sense for the same reason
He has probably gotten a total of like 3 hugs his entire life
And not a single one is from his parents
So he's definitely lacking in that department
Spoon him
I feel like he'd enjoy hand holding
Physical touch | Gift giving
He's very... Touchy
So obviously one of his love languages is physical touch
It's just such an easy way to show love
He loves to watch Mickey mouse, while cuddling you
Just don't distract him
He will hold a grudge
If that happens, just give him a gift and he'll move on
Speaking of, he loves gift giving!
...your gifts are always stolen
But that's okay!
It just shows how much he'll risk for you!
He's a pro at stealing, he's not risking anything
Also some words of affirmation thrown in there.?
They are usually dirty words.. but he means well.!
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ninjawitdaddyissues · 6 months
15 years of Dan & Phil - Major Arcana
It struck me that there has been 15 years since Dan and Phil met and my little goose brain connected that to the devil card number 15 (symbolised in dnpcrafts video) and so now you get a large post of me analysing year by year dnp in the major arcana.
DISCLAIMER: this is just for fun and because i am a silly jester who needed to feel joy while on video call with a friend. do not take any of this seriously, i am just a goofy guy with an internet connection and too much time.
The Fool - 0
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we start at the fool, 2009.
"The Fool is young and vulnerable. He has not yet experienced the ups and downs of life, leaving him unaware of the magnitude of life's challenges, as well as the potential he holds. When The Fool comes up in a Tarot reading, you are encouraged to take on his open, willing energy and embrace all that lies ahead of you without worry."
The year dnp meet. The start of the journey. The fool is considered the main character of the Major arcana journey. Thus Dan and Phil are the main characters of this story, their story.
Both unaware of what the future holds for them, their life™ was only just at conception. I feel like this one is very self explanatory in context of them just having met, we as the audience are just introduced to the concept of Dan and Phil.
The fool energy (open, willing) is especially evident in videos like PINOF 1 and The Interactive Christmas Adventure where their silliness, and creativity really shine. This is an era of open, easy (almost naive) energy.
The Magician - 1
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The year is 2010...
"The Magician card is a reminder that you are unique and have many gifts. These skills set you apart from the crowd and can help you begin new projects or overcome adversity. When The Magician comes up in your Tarot reading, it's a reminder that you already hold everything you need to move forward and accomplish what you've set out to do."
The year of Dan moving to Manchester and starting his Law Degree and Phil getting his flat in Manchester, PINOF2, Jamaica trip, and the conception of the forbidden video. We also have creative bangers such as "the inflatable lion of destiny", 'Blindfolded Catface Game', 'Dan and Phil get down' and 'The TREE'.
The boys are creating core parts of the Dan and Phil universe without knowing it. Together they have all the ingredients needed (see in the card imagery; the wand, cup, pentacle and sword) to create a fanbase and a successful career.
The High Priestess - 2
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2011 baybeeeeee
"The most intuitive, connected card in the whole Tarot deck, The High Priestess is a card of awareness. This card urges you to listen to your inner voice and follow your instincts. Your mind knows far more than you think. When this card arises in your Tarot reading, stop looking for answers in the outside world. Turn within for the guidance you seek."
We have the Manchester apartment™, PINOF 3, the forbidden video leak and the first radio show. The relation to this, to me, really comes up in the forbidden video response. Having to turn inwards, the boys became insular, guarded and a wall was really put up between them and the audience to protect themselves. We can't speak to exactly what was happening for them internally and only make our assumptions based on what they outwardly expressed at the time.
The Empress - 3
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"The Empress is the most feminine card in the Tarot, and greatly encourages compassion, beauty, and love. She is deeply connected to Mother Nature, and her influence is powerful when you absorb the energy of the natural world around you."
"This supreme archetype of femininity also symbolizes fertility. It is The Empress who provides us nourishment and security. She is also sometimes seen as delighting us with flowers and fruit."
We have entered younow era. They also move to London this year, Dan officially drops out of uni, we get PINOF 4 and a second radio show. We also have the iconic tweet 'FYI i like vagina'. This year is known for being a difficult year in the Phandom. It has a reputation for 'no homo howell' and generally the boys being more reserved and insular with what and how they shared their lives.
In relation to The Empress card I think we can draw particularly on security. We know they had a stalking problem at the London apartment - a threat to their physical security, fans being hectic about their sexualities (particularly Dan) - a threat to their privacy. We also have Dan getting an influx of 'are you gay' on younow and having to reassert his ' straightness' lends itself to the femininity of this card. He had to play straight in order to keep himself safe. This card being for 2012 when we know they really withdrew from sharing themselves with us is quite the oxymoron but despite the withdrawing of their sharing with the audience we know they still had great success (got their flowers) in the coming years.
The Emperor - 4
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"The Emperor is a card of leadership and power. He is an authoritative force who has been through many experiences to achieve this status. He represents structure and solidity, and reminds you that you, too, hold immense amounts of power over your own life, and what happens to it."
THE BRITISH VLOGGER BOOM IS UPON US. The boys have gone through some shit™ at this point and are starting to establish themselves as Entertainers. They are on the grind, they are moving in the direction of establishing themselves as entertainers/presenters in the mainstream space marked by the beginning of the request radio show. Their Youtube numbers climb as does their power in the online world. As for them holding power over their own lives, I know Dan has mentioned not feeling in control of things like his audience at this point. But I think this card speaks to them really gaining control over their future career wise as a duo - even if they didn't fully see themselves as such yet.
We also have the Charlie Skies twitter fiasco this year - another threat to their privacy. Through this Dan in particular had to trust in the power he had over his own narrative in redirecting attention and deflecting Charlie's online attacks. He blocked him and protected his peace and as a result not a whole lot of the phandom knows about this beef. Dan and Phil are nothing if not good at diversion, distraction and hiding things from the internet (good for them).
The Hierophant - 5
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"The Hierophant is like a messenger from the heavens. He is experienced in spirituality and guidance, and his job is to bring these lessons down to us here in the real world. When The Hierophant comes up in your Tarot reading, you're encouraged to follow the rules, and to find a spiritual perspective on your current situation."
"Before him kneel two followers. The Hierophant’s task is to pass down his spiritual wisdom and initiate the two into the church so they can take up their appointed roles. This imagery speaks to a shared group identity and a rite of passage to enter the next level. The crossed keys at The Hierophant’s feet represent the balance between the conscious and subconscious minds and the unlocking of mysteries, which only he can teach."
This year brings us the first Brit awards hosting, the radio show transitioning to the Internet Takeover, Dan and Phil Games and the channels continuing to grow. This card in particular I think relates to them and their relation to the BBC. In this card they are the two people in front of the Hierophant, learning and having knowledge bestowed upon them. This was a year of developing their careers into a new phase of mainstream TV palatability. Dan and Phil are stepping into previously unchartered spaces for just a couple of guys on the internet.
The Lovers - 6
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"The Lovers card represents the close relationships in your life. If it comes up in your Tarot reading, your love life is in need of extra attention. However, this is just as much a card about your values and decisions. You may find The Lovers come up when you are at a crossroads. Consider all the possible consequences of your choices."
Significant events this year include; TABINOF, TATINOF, Dan and Phil crafts, Japhan part 1, Brit Awards hosting and the channels growing. Japhan happening this year with the lovers card showing up is very sweet. Dan and Phil knew they had big events coming up for them in their lives so they carved out space for them to enjoy existing together by going to Japan.
We also know that at this point Dan and Phil were looking to move on from the TV Host type of space they found themselves in with the BBC. A crossroads of where they wanted to take the world of Dan and Phil™ . That gave way to TABINOF and TAINOF, stepping into an unknown space of Youtubers doing stuff in the real world once again. Phil mentioned in his video, 'Draw my LIfe 2' that they really had to trust that this was the correct move for them. A crossroads where they had to consider the consequences when investing their money into TABINOF and TATNIOF.
The Chariot - 7
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"The Chariot card is connected to your natural drive and determination, and can indicate an upcoming victory. This card reminds you that your greatest successes won't come through limited thinking -- when you combine the knowledge of your mind with that of your heart and spirit, you are an unstoppable force."
This year brought alot of reaping on benefits of putting trust in the crossroads that the Lovers card presented. We see the end of the Internet Takeover, the final Brit Awards hosting and the end of the TATINOF era. They combined their mind, heart and spirit and came out successful, winning 4 awards this year and having the huge success of TATINOF. They didn't allow themselves to be limited (by the BBC) and they succeeded. So, if they could achieve a world tour and a best selling book on their own... well what could come next??
Strength - 8
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"The Strength card represents courage, the fortitude of your heart, and your ability to withstand anything life hands you. If this card arises in your Tarot reading, you are reminded that you're strong enough to handle whatever you are facing and will come out of it with even more power than you had before."
This year, the boys move to their new London apartment (the fake apartment), Interactive Introverts is announced, Dan goes curly and the end of danisnotonfire branding.
We know from the video 'Dan and Phil Finally Tell the Truth' that Dan had begun to realise he couldn't stay in the closet any longer, which led to his mini breakdown on the balcony. He stated that he was worried if they went on tour with introverts he was going to have a very public meltdown. We also got the video 'Daniel and Depression'. Between the two of these things we can see how the strength card really came into play this year.
Phil has also talked about how they didn't know how they were going to get everything done this year. With Introverts tour looming, they were inundated with work and they really had to grin and bare through it. They had to trust their strength as a duo that they would come through this time together.
The Hermit - 9
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"The Hermit yearns to be alone. He knows that the only way to process what is happening in life is to withdraw from the noise of the world and create a quiet space of solitude. When The Hermit comes up in your reading, the answers you need will come from within. Be very still, and listen..."
This year is the year of the Interactive Introverts tour, the final PINOF, the gaming channel hiatus and Dan's video 'trying to live my truth'. The Hermit coming up in a year of them going into hiatus, is just very nail on the god damn head. I mean what card could be more relevant? It seems so self explanatory, I don't even know what to say.
The boys had to turn inward once again to assess where to go next in their careers. They talk about pausing to take stock of what they have done and where they will go.
Dan took a huuuuuge step back to go inwards and process everything he had been holding in and pushing through in the previous years as they were so busy with their career building. This was a year where they gave themselves permission to slow down and finally look inward for where to go next. This introversion beginning is seen at the start of 2018 in Dan's 'Trying to Live My Truth' video.
We also have Phil with his dizzy spells during this year meaning there was less amazingphil content. This could also be seen as an introversion. He had to slow down his public career of take care of himself and focus on his health.
The Wheel of Fortune - 10
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"The Wheel of Fortune is constantly revolving -- sometimes you will be at the top, and sometimes you will be at the bottom. This Tarot card reminds you that nothing is permanent, and, good or bad, you must cherish the lessons that this moment is bringing you."
"Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point"
Bare with me while I desperately try to refrain from top and bottom jokes due to the concision of the wheel of fortune card and dnp coming out in the same year. But truly this card represents a turning point and a destiny fulfilment. If BIG and COTY are not a destiny fulfilment and turning point then I don't know what is! The boys are living their truth, they are moving into a new era.
Justice - 11
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"Justice is your firm-but-fair reminder that there is a consequence for every action. Whatever life is handing you at this moment comes from decisions you and others have made in the past, reflecting natural cause-and-effect. When this card comes up in your Tarot reading, make sure you are acting fairly in all your interactions with others."
Libra card!!!! This year we have covid hitting, a quiet year for content all round. We have the stereo shows starting up at the end of the year along with the phouse announcement. This year also featured Steve the pigeon (pigeon fest/rescuing a pigeon video).
When we look at cause and effect, the phouse is what comes to mind. They worked themselves so hard in the years previous and they were able to buy and design their forever home. The cause and effect of them coming out is also seen in their ability to be open with the audience that they are continuing to not only live together but purchase and build property together. If they had not come out, things like buying a house together would've raised so many more questions and possibly caused more issues for them and their privacy (fan speculation). This new era really hinged on them coming out and setting themselves up as an ambiguous couple. In this case the cause and effect really benefitted them.
The Hanged Man - 12
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"The Hanged Man tells you that sometimes small sacrifices are required to benefit the bigger picture. When The Hanged Man arises in your reading, you likely want to make a move but don't know where to begin. Lightening your grip on what's no longer working for you, or detaching from the outcome of your situation, can help you release yourself."
This year gives us the first joint video since 2018 in the form of 'something we want to tell you'. This marks Dan's return to being perceived online. Subsequently we have the book release in May, YWGTTN, and they move into the somewhat uncompleted phouse.
We get many iconic videos this year showing a shift in their on camera dynamic - a loosening grip on the wall they built up with the audience during the early years. They let us in on alot more of those moments that drive us absolutely insane, the smiles were off the charts and we started eating good again. They have begun trusting the audience with more of their authentic selves and silly dynamic. In Phil's recent video where he looks at old profile pics, he talks fondly about the silly icon pic from him and Dan during lockdown.
I think the sentiment of no longer caring what people think is really echoed in this years content. The boys are self assured and care less about what people have to say because they are successful and have nothing to hide.
The hanged man is shown in this loosening grip on hiding parts of themselves and allowing themselves to trust the audience more knowing that whatever the outcome they have each other and that in enough.
Death - 13
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"One of the most misunderstood Tarot cards, Death is not a card about physical death. The Death card speaks of cycles and is a reminder that all things must pass. Hanging on to situations from the past will hinder you from allowing new, better things to enter your life. In every ending lies a chance for a new beginning."
wad year/DD/wiqy
What can I say. Death card for WAD year? It just makes sense. A year where Dan and Phil spent the most time apart since they met in 2009, taking a break from the cycle of their everyday life.
We also got Dan's WIQY video, again reflecting on the last few years and essentially announcing his burn out. Giving up on being Youtube's 'golden boy' by speaking his mind about how he was effected by circumstances beyond his control.
Then we have WAD. The show being reflective of his past and the future for the earth. This year truly felt like a rebirth for Dan specifically. He was back on the internet, Dystopia Daily, being able to openly make gay jokes. He went back out into the world and found meaning in existence again. And once that meaning was obtained, he went back to Phil. A new beginning in how they both show up online, unapologetically themselves.
Temperance - 14
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"The Temperance card is a master of moderation. She encourages peace and patience, and reminds you to go with the flow of your life instead of trying to force its pace or direction. When Temperance turns up in your Tarot reading, it is a message to take things as they come, and remain flexible enough to change with the changes."
2023 brought us more DD, end of WAD, The 3rd Japhan trip, the Phude, and the return of the gaming channel.
This is a year of things slowly going back to routine for DnP. Dan comes back from tour, they go on holiday to Japan. Up until the gaming channel coming off hiatus 2023 was seemingly a chill flux and flow for dnp. The flow (this is a water heavy card) of their life returned to normal.
While DnP certainly didn't make this comeback with moderation (leaping straight into spooky week and then gamingmas as well as merch drops) they wouldn't have come back without a serious plan to keep their workaholic tendency's in check.
The Devil - 15
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"The Devil card carries themes of restraint and powerlessness. When it comes up in your Tarot reading, you are likely feeling stuck. The Devil has convinced you that you have no options, but this couldn't be further from the truth. You hold the keys to your own freedom, but it's up to you to open the lock."
So we all know the crafty video from this year has direct symbolism to the devil card. There have been many great analyses between the two so I won't go into that as much here. But what I will say is that I see this card for this year as an unshackling of themselves. We see them far more open and willing to trust the audience to be in on the joke rather than and us vs. them situation of the 2012 era. So rather than them feeling stuck I believe this symbolises them no longer being stuck and stepping into their most honest selves while still maintaining their boundaries.
That concludes my wee dive into dnp lore and how it relates to the major arcana. I am not someone with a huge amount of knowledge on tarot (just a wee bit from my own experience of doing a card read every so often but certainly not someone who has ever studied tarot), so if you are big on tarot absolutely chime in and add to this!! I am also so sure I missed dnp lore but hey I did what I could! Also big ty to @boardgamedanny for being on video call with me for 2 days in a row to suggest things and pipe in and also distract me horrendously. Also biiig thanku to my friend, Peter, who isn't on here but sparked this whole thing, with their tarot knowledge and my dnp brain encyclopedia.
now sources!!
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user211201 · 3 months
A day at the beach
--- Originally posted by unknown on 2009-02-09 ---
--- Note: Kyogre (Pokémon) TF ---
The sun was setting in the sky as a lone man sat at the side of the beach. He stared into the water, the surface sparkling as the dying rays of the sun touched its surface. As he sat there, he had no idea of what was going to happen.
While he was deep in his thoughts, a lone creature was swimming underwater. It was heading towards the beach, slowly and silently.
Still looking at the beach, the boy checked the time on his watch, getting close to 6pm. "I think I should make my move..." He said to himself as he got up from the ground.
In that exact moment, the creature swam towards the surface, and jumped out of the water.
As the boy turned away, he felt the cold water splash against his body. "What was that?"
The creature landed on the beach, and raised its head to look at the human in front of it. The creature was a female Kyogre, a water legendary creature from a well known videogame. But unlike the game, she was more anthropomorphic looking, with strong muscled legs and arms, a more humanoid looking head, and, surprisingly, a pair of perfect sized cup-d breasts.
"Holy...." The human looked on at the creature in awe.
She stepped closer to him: Every step she took was a pure expression of elegance, and her skin shining in the sun was more than enough to qualify her as a true beauty.
He looked on at the creature, still in awe. "H..hello there"
She was now right in front of him. She was indeed taller than him. She smiled at the human, and put her hand on his face. The hand felt very cold. "What's your name little one?"
The human gulped. "Peter. And yours?"
"Alice...nice to meet you Pete" she said, as she shook hands with him.
He shook her hand, his human hand easily dwarfed by the size of her hands, large white digits holding it tightly. "That 's a nice name for someone like you"
She went down on her knee, so that she could look at him in the eyes. "You've never seen someone like me before, right?"
"Well, to be honest, no. I've only seen creatures like you in their more natural forms" Peter explained. "So seeing one like this is quite a surprise"
She smiled at him. "Mind if I sit down with you a for a while?"
"I wouldn't mind at all. In fact I'm honoured to be in the presence of someone like yourself" He smiled warmly to her
She sat down next to him. "Such a nice guy" she said, as she wrapped her left arm around him.
He blushed a little bit as he returned the gesture, wrapping his right arm around her. But due to the size of her, his hand was instead near one of her large breasts rather than her shoulder She didn't seem to mind.
She sighed, and started rubbing her hand on his back. Peter felt something weird happening as she did so...it felt like cold water running down his back. He squirmed a little as his back was rubbed, the females thick digits feeling soft and rubbery against his flesh
She kept doing so. He didn't notice that the skin on his back was slowly turning into a rubber-like skin, just like hers. Also, his shirt was vanishing, as if someone was pouring acid on it.
After a few seconds, he suddenly noticed that his shirt had almost disappeared, and he leapt up "What the heck?!"
"Hey, relax...I'm just making you more...comfortable" she said, as she stood up.
"What do you mean?" Peter asked, still half shocked.
She put a hand on his chest, and the shirt completely vanished, while more of his skin turned rubbery...white on his chest, and blue on his back, just like Alice's.
"What 's wrong with my body?" He asked, feeling it
"I'm just giving you a more...interesting body" she said, as she stepped behind him, and wrapped her arms around him. "Think about it: Taller, stronger, cooler...everything you desire"
"Really?" He said as he relaxed into the morphs hug
She giggled. "Yeah...now relax" she said, while rubbing her hands on his legs, making his pants disappear, changing his skin more and more.
He relaxed a little, squirming again as he felt the cold wind blow against his now naked form
She kept massaging him. With his skin now fully transformed, new changes started to occur. His body started to get bigger, muscles swelling and giving him more strength.
He let out a few soft groans as his body enlarged, watching as his chest grew more defined, several rows of muscle bulging under the skin. "Woah..."
"Better, uh?" She asked, backing off a little so that he could examine his new muscled body.
"Oh yeah" He chuckled as he flexed his new muscles playfully
"A tail, hands and feet, and the head...and you'll be a perfect creature, just like me" she said, giggling.
Peter turned and smiled at the morph, noticing that the two were now eye level.
"Shall we continue?" she asked, stepping closer to him.
He just nodded eagerly as a response. She took his hands in hers. His hands quickly got bigger and larger, with massive fingers, probably good for swimming. She did the same with his feet, quickly turning them into massive swimming tools.
He looked on at them with a grin. "Let's be honest here for a moment. You aren't just giving this to me out of the blue, I know there's a hidden incentive"
She stepped behind him, and...she literally pulled a tail out of his tailbone. She admired the new tail for a little before answering him. "Yeah...I was wondering...if you could...you know...stay with me, once I'm done with...this?"
"Stay with you in what way" Peter smirked
"As...well...mates?" she asked, blushing a little.
"Mates?" He chuckled for a moment. "That can be arranged I guess..."
"Really? Really? Oh...thanks!" she said, as she jumped and hugged him.
He smiled and hugged her back, nuzzling her face softly
As they did so, he felt the final changes taking place. His face slowly pushed out, forming a small muzzle. His eyes growth a little bigger, and turned a deep blue. His ears growth longer and pointed, while his hairs fell off. It was almost a 100% morph.
"Grrrgg..." He gritted his teeth together as they elongated into sharp fangs
She gave him a quick kiss. "It's okay...it's almost over now"
He looked at her, blushing for a moment as he was kissed, and then returned the kiss"
As they kissed, his brain got a quick reorganisation...new instincts replacing the old ones, and a n immense knowledge being inserted in his memory. His body truly became his own in that moment.
He smiled a bit wider as he leant into the kiss, looking deep into her eyes. It was done...he was a Kyogre, just like her.
She broke the kiss, and stepped back. "So...wanna go swimming now?" she said, as she walked towards the water, looking more beautiful than ever.
"I don't think I could resist that" He grinned, rubbing a hand softly against her lower back
She giggled, and jumped straight into the water. She quickly dived underwater, and just floated near the bottom.
He dived in too, quickly catching up to the morph. "This is easier than it looks!" He grinned, putting his altered limbs to good use
"I gave you the body, and also the knowledge...you are a natural born swimmer now" she said, as she took him by the hand, and guided into the deep waters.
He just chuckled, looking at her whilst he was guided further into the sea After a while, they reached a small underwater cave close to the reef.
She sighed. "Welcome home"
"This is where you live? Looks cosy" Peter said
She swam inside the cave, and just lay down inside a giant Clam. "It's not the best thing you can find...but it's what I call home"
"Well I think it's kinda cute" He smiled to her
"And you know what's even better?" she said, smiling in a very seducing way.
"What's that?" He smirked
She pulled him inside the clam, and she hugged him very tight. "Take a guess"
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simmyfrobby · 7 months
i hope you don't mind me asking — but how / why did you pick the teams you cheer for currently? i just realized we don't have favorite teams in common but i love your energy and all of your poetry posts so much 🫶
oh so the penguins just happened to be the first team i found when i googled “hockey” but the bruins were an accident and also a mistake.
i don’t entirely know why i like the teams i like. i think i just tend to pick one character or dynamic i find interesting and follow that down a rabbit hole. i got into hockey after watching the pens 2009 cup documentary
(big strong manly dudes who talk about sports like it’s war and celebrate hard hits, playing through injuries, and getting into fights, who also nicknamed their little goalie friend Flower and made sure to give him forehead kisses after every game. i didn’t stand a chance)
so sid, geno, tanger, (talbot), and most of all flOWER were my first loves and ive kinda just stuck with them ever since.
at one point i tried to put together a spreadsheet to figure out which other teams to root for (based on their names, logos, place in the standings, nr of scandinavians etc). i immediately eliminated all the red white and blue teams because i thought the colour combination was unimaginative, then eliminated all the teams whose logo was just a letter because i thought that was stupid, then forgot all about the spreadsheet because a bruins fan was nice to me and i decided to root for her team just because i liked her vibe.
(dragged one friend down the marcheron rabbit hole with me and we watched game 7 together and i will truly genuinely never stop feeling guilty about putting her through all that. then bergy retiring broke me unfixable etc etc and now we’re here)
minnesota kinda became my team a few months ago, mainly because flower plays there, but also because i got to watch them play in stockholm and that was v exciting for me. the wild have been getting most of my attention lately because that’s the fandom where i have the most fun. whereas the goalies and the superstars tend to suck up most of the oxygen in other fandoms, wildblr for some reason tends to focus on the fourth liners and the losers and that’s more my vibe just in general.
hockey is only really an internet hobby for me, and none of my Real Life Friends really care about it, so i need some fandom friends to yell about these things with. im also several timezones behind and i catch most games a few hours after the fact, so if i have to scroll through a lb of a fandom that’s very negative i tend to just blacklist that tag. there’s a few teams i now see very little of & don’t massively care about for that reason.
this turned into a much longer reply than i intended but also i just really liked the question & you worded it real kind so i didn’t want to half ass it.
there’s other players i still like even though i don’t keep up w the team much (eichel, natemac, that little slutty guy from montreal, bertuzzi, tk, ej, etc etc) but there’s only so many hours in a day, you know?
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mofffun · 1 year
G-ROSSO Super Sentai stage show guide (7/2023)
Theatre G-Rosso is located within the theme park Tokyo Dome City. The theme park had a long history of Hero Shows running back to the 70s. The theatre was established in 2009 as a permanent indoor stage. There are 4 seasons each year with showings on weekends and holidays. Suidobashi station is a little closer than Korakuen/Kasuga subway. I visited it for the first time in July 2023.
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Post-show activities
G-rosso ticketing depends on which seasons really. Tickets should be plentiful for the first two seasons, especially S2/August when they show every day. S3 and S4 with the face actors might be harder but the show runs for 3 months too so it should be possible.
ticket types + availibility / show schedule
There are three classes of G-rosso tickets (single adult admission) :
Premium (¥2500): first 3 rows + special gift
General (¥1900): rest of the theatre
Free Seating (¥1500): same-day showings for the last 5 rows at the end of the theatre. cash only, vending machine at the door.
You can of course book online through a proxy (bypassing japanse phone verification) but I think you can save that fee especially if you're staying for more than a week in Japan. For S2, I was able to buy the last Premium ticket for the next day (Saturday), and there were enough general seats available. Can't say for sure the same applies to S3/4 with face actors. As a foreigner, the most convenient way is to buy a ticket is from the convenience store Family Mart. Find any store with the photocopier-looking machine and follow the instructions to choose the show times and pricing, pay with cash at the counter and the staff will print you a paper ticket. same go for photo ops and handshake.
(Free Seating vending machine, photo ops ticket)
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The theatre is two stories high and you can see the seating plan here. I was in the third row mid-right. What surprised me was how close to the stage the first rows are, barely an arm's distance. At one point Kuwagata Ohger leaned on the railing of the first row. The actors would also walk up to interact with the audience.
I think if you want to enjoy the whole stage and not aiming at the special gift, you can skip the Premium ticket and get a few rows further back. Another recommended seat is Row L just between the two blocks. That's where Spider Kumonos descends UPSIDE DOWN from the sky right in front of your eyes.
If for some reason you g-rosso on a whim / sneaked it into the schedule, the free entry ticket is available only at the vending machine on-site with cash. It's designated to the last rows but staff aren't strict on you moving if the theatre is not crowded.
(view from middle block)
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as you'd've seen in commercials, you can pay extra to take a photo (with red only!) (¥1100) and shake hands (with all six) of the heroes (¥600) after the show. The tickets for those are available prior online and in convenience stores too, but if you ask the staff, they'll let you buy one with cash on an old-fashioned vending machine. Since it's my first time attending G-rosso, I did the whole package with birthday perks (no id checked).
A new backstage tour is available since August. Lottery ticketing required.
(merch haul)
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The most iconic G-rosso exclusive merch is probably the hero hand light. I didn't really see a lot of kids holding it so I kinda forgot about it in the rush. the other true exclusive is a wooden plaque gashapon machine (¥300). There were booths for name badges for kids and you can get a bromide for ¥440. There was a cart selling DX toys and plushies. The special stuff is some toei online store acrylic stands, the muffler towel, cup and plate. Outside you'd find the food stall with collab items like popcorns and drinks with an original coaster.
(Collab menu with coasters, Exclusive wood plaque)
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(kids play area, past hero show posters)
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As a kid's show the japanese won't be too difficult but I was so captivated by the action I wasn't really listening to the words. The plot is easy enough to follow though, and the website says an English pamphlet is available for borrowing (but I forgot to ask). It feels so professional compared to park stage shows but so tangible compared to tv. They make good use of the space with an under-stage pit/trampoline and the high ceiling with platforms and wires. my eyes were busy darting when the action was in one corner and then next. childhood wonder!!
leaving the theatre is a row of gashapon machines and a kids' play area with all the DX toys (:( no adults) and when you go up the escalator, on the side of the theatre entrance is a wall of pass hero show posters!
(i barely have any coherent notes about this) the plot is there's a cicada MOTW and he is brainwashed to make the earth's temperature rise and make evil clones of the team. Rita, raised in the land of snow, is bad at heat and went to sit in a corner and covered their head with the mantle. When facing their/Gira's evil clone, they said 'i'll just cut down both of them'. My notes said 'someday Rita is even gonna plead innocence for the bugs'. six of them roll call together with jeramie!! i was watching papillon-sama's fight style the whole time. and there were trampolines and flips and cartwheels and white spider man falling from the sky while the digital background zooms in and out and legit tears when we started cheering for the heroes. it's an experience okay.
(outside the theatre)
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Legacy (what is a legacy?) Part 5
It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see I wrote some notes at the beginning of a song someone will sing for me
Hamilton, the world was wide enough. LMM.
one, two, three, four
Summary: Mike is 13. Born May 2009. Sid didn’t know he had a son. All Mike had was hope and a prayer for his and his half-sister’s safety.
(Sid is a dad of a teen he didn’t know about AU) Sidgeno.
Warnings: (for the total story) post-child abuse (all off-screen but it affects things and is spoken about often), learning how to parent, panic attacks, anxiety, based on last season, OCs?, realization about sexuality. Post breakups. Desperate lack of in-depth research for CPS in both PA/CA, melodrama?, kidfic, angst, slowburn, playing fast and loose with the law for drama/storytelling purposes.
Zhenya exchanged a quick look with Tanger over the top of Sid's head as they helped Sid into the chair. Both were thinking the same things: This kid was Sid's, and Sid had no idea this kid existed.
And more importantly, this kid was so fucking scared. 
Tanger quirked an eyebrow up in question, and Zhenya shook his head. He didn't know why the kid was so terrified, either. But then again, he had never met his father for the first time after thirteen years - that sounded terrifying on its own. 
The kid started talking when Sid looked less like he would keel over and get some color into his face. His name is Michael. He's 13. Born just before their first cup win in 2009. His birthday is May 30. His sister is three. Her name is Marisol. They are half-siblings. They are from Anaheim, California. He had a faint Spanish accent. There, but not prominent, like Nikita's accent when he spoke English. The kid spoke two languages. 
Zhenya thought about what Michael was saying. Thirteen years… or really. Fourteen years, given how long a pregnancy lasts. It might have been before Sid and Kathy got serious, but only just before. 
Sid and Kathy had refused to put a name on their relationship for years and were always going back and forth, whether they were on or off. It had been worse than him and Oksana, to be honest. But so much funnier. The team had spent many roadies chirping Sid about it. Sid had turned the same pink he always did. 
It was in December of 2008 that Kathy finally came to a holiday skate after a fraught on again off again summer, and together they announced they were officially dating. Of course, that year, they won the cup, and until the start of last season, Sid and Kathy had been the "it" couple when it came to the Pens. But this kid. He was conceived just before all of that. 
By Sid's sharp intake of breath, he was doing the same math. "You're…. from where?" Sid croaked out. 
"Anaheim," Michael muttered, eyes glued on the floor. "In Orange County, California."  
When Sid only nodded and said nothing else, still staring at Michael, the kid continued, voice quiet. "Mama always said she had no idea who my dad was. Just that he was kind and had a smile that made his eyes crinkle." The kid - and oh god, he was only a kid, wasn't he? - paused momentarily, glancing at Sidney before looking down at his feet again. "She thought... I sounded like him when I laughed."
Zhenya got a flash of 21-year-old Sid and that bright, broad grin he got when he was happy and laughing. Zhenya hadn't thought about how much work he would do to keep that smile going for years. After that cup win and before the concussions, Sid just smiled more. 
"We watched a Ducks game on TV a few years ago, just before COVID, when I was 10. And she said you looked like my bio dad." Michael said in a rush to fill up the silence in the room. "She also said she thought his name started with an S. Something short." 
That got a stifled snort from Tanger. Geno and Jen glared at Tanger because his laugh caused the kid to shrink down in the trainer's room single chair. His sister watched as everyone talked, clinging close. She hadn't said a word, and Zhenya was a little worried she didn't know how to talk - dispute being three. 
"But before you guys could come out to play again, the pandemic happened and… yeah." Michael trailed off, watching the group of adults wearily. 
Sid kept staring at the kid, apparently unable to do anything else. Sid opened his mouth several times, trying to form some form of speech. It was sporadic that Sid wasn't able to talk. His many years in front of the press ensured he always had something to say, even if it was just empty bullshit.
"What makes you think Sid is Papa?" Zhenya asked when it became clear that Sid wanted to ask something but couldn't. There had to be more of a reason than 'his mom thought Sid looked like his dad.' Even the most hopeful kid wouldn't just run away, travel across the country, and throw himself and his sister on a whim or a hope. Michael had to have another reason.
"I have a picture," Michael said, rushed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny iPhone. The phone was far from the newest version; it looked like a used phone even before the kid had gotten his hands on it. Zhenya hadn't seen a model that old in years. 
Jen leaned over Michael's shoulder to watch as he found whatever he sought. Michael opened the phone to the photos app and quickly scrolled past some pictures that made Jen's face cloud over with anger and concern as she leaned over his shoulder. 
"Can I ask about those photos?" Jen asked as evenly as Zhenya had ever heard her. Including, of course, that time when he had a Twitter mishap that had Anya laughing at him for months.  
Michael froze. He didn't move for a heartbeat at all, and Zhenya was worried he would also shut down. Then Michael took a deep breath and slowly nodded. "Let me find this picture first." He didn't move much; he just resumed flipping through pictures. 
Jen stepped back and took a deep breath. "That's fine. When you're ready." She said eventually. Then she glanced at the care worker, saying something with her expression alone that Zhenya couldn't read. It was a little too complicated. 
It's a boundary, Zhenya realized, as Michael's back relaxed slightly at Jen's acceptance of his words. The kid was drawing a boundary. How much he trusted everyone in this room depended on how they reacted to his attempt. 
The care worker looked like she approved of Jen's reaction. But then again, from where she was leaning on the wall, she could also see what was on the phone over the kid's shoulder. She had also gone red with anger when he was scrolling. 
Whatever the kid was scrolling past had to be bad. Tanger and Zhenya exchanged another look over Sid's head. Zhenya was glad that the core knew each other so well. A kid learning to draw boundaries like a scared and burnt rookie? That wasn't a good sign at all. 
Sid didn't seem to notice the look exchanged over his head, too focused on the kid before him. He did seem to register the boundary drawn, but Zhenya wasn't sure - Sid could be observant. 
The sister, Marisol, Zhenya did his best to remember, squirmed from under his jacket, and pulled herself up to see his phone. He had a feeling that he would know these kids very well. 
"Mama!" she said with a smile when Michael stopped swiping. Zhenya felt some of the worries leave his gut. She could speak; her voice was even more accented than Michael's.
Michal stared at the phone for one long moment before flipping it around to show Sid. 
Jen and the Care Worker had both gone from angry to surprised. Jen recovered first, pulled out her phone, and typed some things into it. Then, she showed the care worker, who looked between Michael and Sid, the phone in Michael's hand and nodded.   
Zhenya turned his attention back to the phone in Michael's hand. 
The image on the screen was a scanned photo of a Polaroid. In the Polaroid, Sid leaned against a bar table, talking to a dark-haired woman. He gestured with his hands, a smile and a minor flush on his face. In front of them was a glass with a dark drink in it. Zhenya assumed it was rum. He was dressed in a tight t-shirt, tight pants, and a ball cap that hid his face slightly. 
Sid looked happy. He also looked like he was on the prowl. Zhenya remembered that look fondly. When Zhenya had a passing crush on Sid (and most of the team had one at some point or another), Zhenya loved that look on Sid. 
The dark-haired woman sitting across from Sid smiled back, just as entertained as Sid was. She was holding a beer and taking in whatever Sid said with interest. She was dressed up, looking very much like she wanted a good time. She looked faintly like both children in front of Zhenya. Clearly, their mother. 
"Mama said her friend at the time was always bringing a Polaroid camera around, and this was the only picture she had of my bio dad." The kid said, his hands trembling slightly around the phone. 
Sid hadn't taken his eyes off the phone. Instead, he reached out to touch the screen, then jerked his hands back before contacting the phone. "Can I see?" he asked instead.
Michael nodded slowly, still nervous. "You can't delete it." He blurted out when Sid took the phone from the kid's shaking hands. "It's pass locked." 
Sid blinked at the kid; clearly, he didn't even think about that option. "I wasn't going to." he said, then took a deep breath, "But thank you for protecting it." 
Pass-locking a photo was something Zhenya had seen many teammates do to prevent embarrassing images from being erased. However, this was a little more important. 
"Are all of the photos pass-locked?" Jen asked gently. 
"Yes," Michael said, looking around. Then, he met the gaze of Charlie, the equipment guy, "He showed me how." 
Zhenya took in Charlie and Anthony for the first time since they entered the room and their upset but determined faces. He had nearly forgotten they were there. Both men looked grim, flanking the doorway. Zhenya realized they had already seen the other pictures on the kid's phone. They had been the ones to pull in Jen and the care worker. 
"Good," Jen said approvingly to Michael.
Michael relaxed a tiny bit at the praise.
Tanger leaned over to look at the phone with Sid. "That looks just like you." He told Sid. "Stupid with that haircut." He chirped as if by rote.
"It is me," Sid laughed, sounding far away, responding out of habit. "I remember that bar." He made a complicated expression that Zhenya chose to mean that Sid remembered her too. Finally, Sid turned his attention back to Michael. "When did you realize that was me?" 
"I hoped, after, well, Covid. But….” Michael trailed off, looking away. "I played hockey for a long time. And before… Before my parents died, I was on one of the traveling teams, the Anaheim Eagles. One of my coaches worked at a camp you were at. He had photos. You looked the same." 
Sid reached out with a hand before returning it to his side, unsure if his reassurance would be wanted. 
Michael took a deep, shaky breath, some of the composure that got him to Pittsburgh from Anaheim unraveling. "Mama only said you looked like him. She didn't know. I don't know. But… after… they hit Marisol, we had to leave. I took Marisol with me, packed my largest bag, and left. I had to." He was nearly crying, eyes liquid and red-rimmed. "They could hit me. I'm a hockey player. I'm tough. We play through pain." He said desperately, looking around at the players, nearly desperate for them to believe him. 
"Of course," Zhenya said, reassuring the kid. "Hockey players strong." 
Sid nodded firmly to back Zhenya up. Tanger made a noise of pain. 
This wasn't something a kid should have dealt with. Of course, Zhenya hated it, but that was in the past, and the best they could do was help the kid. 
Michael looked so relieved at being believed. "But Marisol is so small. So we had to go." Michael said as if he was still explaining himself. 
"Protect family," Sid said, sounding a little distant as he slid the photos over to see the rest of the files. They were all pass-locked, too; a person could see them but couldn't delete them. 
The slide show played was one of the hardest Zhenya had ever seen. The photos showed Michael and the little girl's bruises and marks on their limbs. They were clearly taken in a train station or bus stop bathroom. 
Sid went further and further back. The photos weren't recent; some dated nearly six months ago. There wasn't anyone else in the pictures other than the kids. It was mainly of Michael; the few photos of Marisol were only at the start of the horrifying slide show. 
Sid refocused back on Michael as he approached the photo scroll's end. "Protecting your family is a good thing." 
Michael sat back in his chair, and Marisol hugged him. "We had to go. There was nowhere else to go." He said simply. 
Zhenya believed him.
"What happened to your parents?" the care worker asked, voice kind. It was firm and practiced kindness. Zhenya had heard that tone before in parents who were controlling their emotions when something happened, and it wasn't (probably) the kid's fault.
Michael let a few tears fall then, despite doing his best to keep his voice even, "Car accident, over half a year ago. We're living with our aunt and her husband now." His voice was reedy and thin. Marisol flinched and tucked into her brother's side at the mention of their relatives. 
He was sacred. So was she. None of the adults in the room doubted their fear. 
"You did well. In getting her out. Gotta protect, eh?" Sid said. He met Michael's gaze evenly as he spoke, and like so many others, Michael was clearly entranced, his tear-swollen brown eyes meeting Sid's. They had the same eyes. 
"I had to put her first," Michael muttered, breaking the contact. "I had to defend her." 
They looked just like each other. While Zhenya would have missed it at first glance, he remembered the young Sid from all the tapes he used to watch. This kid looked just like Sid did at his age. The haircut was different, there was less confidence in Michael's frame, and the kid was definitely tanner than Sid had ever been, but the cheekbones were there. 
The eyes were totally the same. 
"Do you think your sister would like some food?" Tanger asked suddenly, breaking some of the tension. "We can walk to the player's lounge, talk to the chefs, and see if they have something for her." 
Zhenya noticed how Michael's grip on Marisol tightened at Tanger's mention of taking Marisol somewhere without him. And Marisol hid further in Michael's jacket. By Tanger's grimace, he saw too. 
"How about I text our chef what she would like, and we can get it and bring it back?" the trainer, Anthony, said. "You guys won't have to leave the room." Half the adults in the room, including Tanger and Sid, gave him a grateful look at the suggestion.
Michael hesitated, but Marisol leaned into his side, hiding her face; she was a little shy but caught the conversation. "Food? Like fries?" She asked into Michael's side, barely looking at Anthony out of the corner of her eyes. 
"Do you like sweet potatoes?" Anthony asked. The Pens facilities might have fries in the concession stands, but what was available to the players was always a little healthier. 
She hesitated, making a face like she didn't understand. Then, she pulled in closer to Michael. 
“La Batata,” Michael murmured into her hair. “Te gustan mucho las batatas, Marisol.” 
Her face cleared at the Spanish. "Si! I do!" she smiled brightly, all shyness and uncertainty forgotten. 
Tanger said, "Let's go over to Anthony and talk to him about food for you, Marisol. Maybe we can pick something for your brother, too." He pointed at the phone that Anthony held up. "We'll be right over here on this bench." Tanger walked away from Sid's side and patted the trainer's bench on the other side of the room. Just far away from all for another conversation to occur, but still close. Still within eyesight. Anthony made sure there was a space between him and Tanger for Marisol so Michael's view would not be blocked. 
Michael hesitated but put Marisol down on the floor when she squirmed. "I want something with rice and beans, Mari," he said, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. 
Marisol nodded. “Que tal una quesadilla? Como el de Mamá?”
“Por supuesto. Si tienen alguno. ” Michael said. 
Marisol, Tanger, and Anthony all started talking in low voices. Tanger suggested items, and Anthony looked them up so Marisol could see them. 
Zhenya turned his attention to the kid in front of him and Sid. 
"What made you take pictures?" the care worker asked, still flipping through the phone.
"I dunno." Michael shrugged, tucking himself into the chair in another attempt to make himself smaller. "I was worried about proof. So it's not my word versus hers." He said, then muttered even lower so Zhenya wasn't entirely sure he heard right what he said next. "Or his." 
The care worker frowned even more at the phone, catching Michael's worries.  
"Can you promise she'll be safe if you're not my dad? Like, she can't go back to my aunt." Michael asked, voice small, focused on Marisol. "She's, like, not good for us." 
Sid flinched. "....I don't know, Michael," he said slowly, like it pained him to not agree instantly. He sat back in the chair he had been placed into.
Zhenya's heart reached out to him. Michael clearly only wanted his sister to be safe. And clearly, he thought where they came from wasn't safe at all. 
The care worker stepped forward before Sid could finish. "Mr. Crosby can't promise that, Michael. We can only do our best." 
"I did my research!" Michael turned and stared at her kind of angrily. The first emotion that Zhenya saw from him wasn't worry or sadness. "Pennsylvania won't send us back. Not really. California will allow "Interstate placements if the child has family or is under four years old." Michael said that as if he was quoting something. "And Marisol is three. And my family. We're good if he - Sid - he is my dad." Michael tripped over Sid's name a little, but he glared at the woman, daring her to say otherwise. 
The care worker took it in stride. "But what happens if he's not your father, Michael?" The care worker asked, her voice even. "What did your research say?"
"Pennsylvania won't send us back. Not without good proof, we'll be safe where we're sent. I looked it up! I promise. I got the librarian to help me and everything." Michael pleaded. "We'll be safe. We might not get to stay together, but we'll be safe."
"Ok, Michael…" The care worker sighed. "But it's more complicated than that. Honestly, the system would take a long time to get you both back to California." 
Michael's shoulders relaxed at the care worker's words. Zhenya wondered how much of Michael's stress was based on whether he could save his sister. 
God, Zhenya could remember what that type of stress and desperation what that felt like. It felt like being pushed into a corner, and there was no other way out. Zhenya took an enormous risk when he fled Russia, and Michael took one just as large. And Michael even took his sister along. But, Jesus, he's so young. Even younger than Zhenya was when he made his own flight. 
"But, Michael, we can't promise you can stay together," the care worker said, sounding apologetic. "We can try, but no promises." 
"I know that!" Michael said quickly. "I know it doesn't always work out the way people want. Of course, I wanna stay with her, but…." Michael shrugged. "As long as she's safe. I'm ok with that. But we can't go back." 
"I don't care. I will take them if need be," Sid muttered suddenly. "I can't let them go back." 
Zhenya was surprised to find out if anyone else heard him in the room, as quiet as Sid was. "Sidney," Zhenya said warningly. Of course, he didn't really know what he was warning against, but there was no way that Sid had thought this entirely through. 
Sid frowned up at him. "Geno, I would want to help even if we weren't connected." 
Zhenya sighed. Sid would want to help. That was who Sid was. Zhenya wanted to help; they had to do something. 
"Please. I didn't know what else to do," Michael said, looking at his feet again. He twisted his hands in his lap. "I just need her to be safe." 
"You did a good thing getting her out of there," The care worker said; Geno would have to learn her name at some point. "But let's see what happens next. You don't have to face it alone." 
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Fics Not Rated (2) Masterlist
part one
a teenage beauty queen of sorts (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: dan gets into the world of being a beauty guru, and phil’s just the cute admirer
Advent Calendar 2019 (ao3) - Phantje
Summary: Dan and Phil are best friends. Also, Dan loves Phil, but Phil doesn't need to know that, especially as it could unredeemably change their relationship. Also, Dan loves being part of Phil's daughter Ashley's life. As long as he can stay close to them and see them be happy, he should be fine.
When Phil asks him for a favour, Dan agrees without hesitating, unaware of how much a taste of his dream life would affect him.
Cold, Empty Mattresses and Falling Stars (ao3) - conshellation
Summary: 2009 au where phil and his family own a campground/cabins in an area that is known for stargazing and phil has lived his entire life there, therefore knowing a lot about stars. dan and his family come from the city to said campground because dan is a nerd and asked to come there for his birthday.
Dan’s Plants (ao3) - amazingdalien
Summary: Dan owns a plant store. Phil keeps bringing back his dead plants.
DreamCasts Presents (ao3) - SummerFlingsAndThings (QueenJunoTheGreat)
Summary: Phil's son is obsessed with the faceless man who narrates audiobooks.
Dan's daughter is obsessed with the brightly dressed librarian in charge of the children's department.
And Dan and Phil? Well, they're a little obsessed with one another.
endings, endings, beginnings. (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: A lot can happen in eleven years, he said, finishing his cup of coffee. Dan and Phil had lived a full life. It wasn’t always happy, but nothing can ever truly be happy, but it was finding the happiness and the light in those dark places.
Exposed (ao3) - breatherepeat
Summary: The video is posted and the truth is out to the world. Dan continues on his journey to self-acceptance and love.
Friends won't treat me like you do (ao3) - Mangomelions (orphan_account)
Summary: Phil pretends to be Dan's boyfriend to stop a creepy guy hitting on Dan. The lie escalates and they decide to keep it up for a while. How long can they keep pretending?
HOT TO GO! (ao3) - ae121
Summary: Dan loves his roller skating job where he gets to sing and be silly.
He loves his boyfriend Phil, even more.
I Dare You To Stay (ao3) - realityfallsapart
Summary: Dan Howell is a barista working a shitty job, frequenting his shitty apartment, and living a shitty existence, hiding his asexuality and going for a PHD in self-depreciation and depression. Phil Lester is a part-time intern, part-time employee at a local weather station, trying to get experience in his field and make a name for himself, while juggling a second job at the nearby Tesco's to give him some financial breathing room. Their paths were never supposed to meet, but what happens when they do anyways, one rainy day in Manchester?
I Don’t Wanna Think of Anything Else (Now That I’ve Thought of You) (ao3) - danscardigan
Summary: Dan and Phil meet and fall in love, all in one night.
I Don't Want the World to See Me (ao3) - Mysticallykai
Summary: Dan and Phil's first meeting, based off of Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.
Dan hasn't really accepted that he likes men, and Phil is incredibly patient with him. Smut, angst and fluff.
ilomilo (ao3) - oliblu
Summary: Dan's childhood best friend unexpectedly passes away, after returning home from the funeral, everything seems different. Is it just Dan's mind playing a devious trick on him or is his world truly falling apart?
Inheriting love (ao3) - Fictropes
Summary: Dan lives and works in a small village where everyone knows everyone. A place where everything is typical, until Phil comes along.
instructions unclear (ao3) - danisnotreadingfanfic
Summary: this came to me in a dream. i am sorry.
Kaleidoscope (ao3) - danisnotinteresting
Summary: A fan makes up a rumour about Dan which turns out to be true, he assumes Phil must of leaked this and becomes very distraught.
Knock Out (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan and Phil receive a boxing-related challenge while filming PINOF 10, and it inspires the couple to explore their kinks and have incredible sex.
Missing you (ao3) - roman (orphan_account)
Summary: Phil watched as the Skype call went through and Dan's beautiful, pixelated face showed up on his laptop. His smile was wide and he looked really happy, Phil missed seeing this side of Dan; he just missed Dan in general.
Phil is in Florida, Dan is not. Phil misses him
(more than just a) summer fling (ao3) - zsunsetz
Summary: dan howell absolutely despises the beach. but maybe a model called phil lester can help him out with that.
Naughty! Do Not Eat (ao3) - talentisntgenius
Summary: Why Dan Had To Call an Ambulance but it's parent!DnP
oh no (not now) (ao3) - kishere
Summary: It's the year 2013 and Phil, an omega, has an okay enough life. He's recently moved to London to pursue an opportunity to work for BBC Radio 1, he has a new flat, and his YouTube channel has been on an upswing. Sure, his heats are so inconsistent he finally had to ask his fiancé of five years, Dan, to help him through them so he could try and live a normal life. Which wouldn't be such an issue if Dan wasn't in love with Phil's hotter, tattooed twin, Dillon...
Somewhere Only We Know (ao3) - raisedufromperdition
Summary: The bench overlooking the lake in Central Park was the place Dan would go to lose himself in his thoughts and be alone. That is, until Phil Lester joins him one day, and suddenly Dan is no longer going to the bench to be alone. Suddenly the bench is where he gains a best friend, and where he falls in love.
SPI: A Dan and Phil Paranormal Investigator AU (ao3) - trancelover99
Summary: So I made a TikTok where Dan and Phil were Paranormal Investigators, and I decided to make an AU based on it.
The Cherry Blossom Secret (ao3) - BlueFox1319
Summary: A secret lies in this hideaway, for when an almost mad artist and a grief ridden photographer meet.
Their worlds could either wilt or bloom with unknowing enchantment.
To Live and Let Go (ao3) - raisedufromperdition
Summary: Upon his diagnosis of a terminal illness, Dan vows to spend the rest of his short life with Phil by his side, completing his bucket list while learning what it really means to live and love.
without saying a word (you had all of me) (ao3) - rainbowroshenpower
Summary: I trace it all back, three-thirty AM
That night, something turned in my heart
While you were sleeping, I fell in love
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didyoulookforme · 17 days
hi lovely!!! for the music asks - 1, 13, 16 + 20 :)💌
hi my beautiful jaye <3
you give me warm, cozy vibes, so here are some warm, cozy songs that i love :)
1. a song you liked as a child
“if i needed someone” by the beatles
for some strange reason, my parents always found it funny that i inherited their love for the beatles.
13. a song by a performer you’ve seen live
“before the moon was full” by devon welsh
he’s originally from a canadian band called majical cloudz who i completely adore but hadn’t listened to his solo stuff much. it just so happened that he was the opener for a show i went to a few months ago and i swear my heart cracked when he performed this. it’s been stuck in my head ever since. i just want to be camping looking at the milky way while this song plays on repeat.
16. a song that makes you think of an old (or current) crush
“goodbye horses” by q lazzarus
my old platonic high school crush (think bad boy who is actually super sweet, art student, tattoos, loves music) always posts on ig when he sings this song at karaoke. funnily enough, one of the couple of people from high school who i still chat with.
20. a song you’d put on a playlist for the person who sent you this ask
“mellow jam” by blur
probably my favourite b-side by them. the spacey vibes make me feel safe, as if i’m drinking a warm cup of chamomile tea at 7:30 am.
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ronandhermy · 1 month
First 10 Lines - Tag Game
I was tagged by @goodkwuestion. Thanks for thinking of me!
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
1.“Ah, shit.”
This had to be the universe's idea of a sick joke. (This Account Cannot Be Found)
2. “All rise for the Honorable Judge John Travis Carlson.”
Jack stood, his knee stiff and protesting all the way, only for the Judge to tell them to be seated less than a minute later. (From Ohio With Love)
3. A black screen opens with the words written in white: In 2009 Jack Zimmermann was part of the historic Memorial Cup win for the Rimouski Océanic. Projected to go first in the NHL draft in 2009, he went undrafted. (Whatever Happened To Jack Zimmermann?)
4. The first thing he saw was red. (Red Solo Cup)
5. Shitty felt, well, shitty. (Roomie Rules)
6. To absolutely no one’s surprise Scot LaTour, soft and gentle, presented as an omega. There was some surprise, but only momentarily, when not long after Ryan Burlington presented as an alpha. (Alpha/Omega)
7. “That’ll be 6.75,” the bored cashier said at the poorly lit 7-11 just outside of Boston. (Postcards From Nowhere)
8. Jack Zimmermann, Jeff thought with utter certainty, was a fucking asshole. (A Companion in Sobriety)
9. Nothing is going in.
It’s normal to hit a dry spell, a scoring slump, a point deficit, or so the coaches say. It’s normal. It’s normal.The Pain In Wanting)
10. In the summer when they’re both fourteen, right before they hurdle into high school, Ryan implements the shirtless rule. (Harvard Boys)
Analysis: Hmm, I do love to jump right into a scene, don't I. Love an outsider POV. Clearly into hockey based on the fact that all of these fics are for Check, Please! and Breakfast With Scot. Also, realizing from these last ten fics that I have written well over 500,000 words in about a year. That makes me feel a little bit proud. Especially when there was a stretch of time a few years back where I didn't write anything.
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 months
Not an ask, just an opinion.
Personally, I think Jensen has been in love with Jared the whole filming of SPN and Jared and he were involved all that time. When Jared decided to try to make his marriage with Gen work, broke up with Jensen and wanted to leave SPN, it devastated Jensen to the point where he wanted to hurt Jared very badly, by stealing the legacy they created together and making the Prequel. That would explain the anger exhibited by those videos/pictures he posted of him body building during The Boys, the refusing to take responsibility for his own actions and blaming Jared, the bad decisions, the sadness and self-loathing he exhibits whenever he is around his wife, the self-aggrandizing (to get Jared's attention) and why he only looks alive and happy when he's with Jared. The supposed women he is having affairs with are just for cover, to appease his ego and stroke his soul, which is probably the only thing keeping him going right now, underneath the swagger of ego. He's an unhappy, jilted, ex who met his soul mate and now has to live without him. I don't see his unhappiness ending anytime soon.
Hmm interesting opinion/ask you shared with me here, Anon. I see you are a so called "tin hatter" who has managed to find my blog. Thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts with me. So, I am going to begin by saying that I will admit I myself have had some questions about some things I've learned and noticed myself with what I have seen, heard, etc. I do think a lot of what you're saying here has some truth to it. However, it is not as simple as them being exes or in a secret relationship or in love with each other and I highly suspect things are one sided. I don't know if you've read much about my blog or if you've just seen certain anti Danneel posts of mine but my blog is mainly about the SPN cast along with spirituality related topics, particularly divination. For that reason, I am going to share with you a reading I did about this topic back on October 4, 2023 after a friend of mine and I have been seeing some things while dreamwalking, and noticing some things that have manifested after seeing said things.
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In the Tarot, The Hierophant who is said to be the masculine counterpart to The High Priestess represents spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition, institutions, personal beliefs, freedom, and sometimes on the contrary challenging the status quo. The 3 of Cups is said to be a card of celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations, independence, alone time, hardcore partying, and sometimes even the notion that ‘three’s a crowd’. The King of Pentacles is symbolic of wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance, or on the opposite end of things being financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, and also a stubborn personality. The Page of Wands represents inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, a free spirit, newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, and a spiritual path being presented. The 7 of Swords (a card I admittedly am not liking in this reading I did) is a card that stands for betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, imposter syndrome, self-deceit, and states someone is keeping secrets. Death in the Tarot may sound self-explanatory as to its meaning but is not always meant to be telling of a literal death. In the Tarot, Death is about endings, change (and resistance to), transformation (internal and external), transition, and inner purging. Lastly, The Emperor in this deck ties in somewhat with The Hierophant with some similar meanings and what the card represents, which include authority, establishment, structure, a father figure, domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, and generally being inflexible.
So, I post an extremely small fraction of the things I receive divination readings about and post things with the direction of my guides. Some of my guides include the higher selves (in Jensen's case, former higher selves [currently a "dumped" incarnation]) of both Jensen's and Jared's. Some of the things I have not posted on here involve the true nature of their relationship, which again is not as straight forward or as simple as a said secret relationship between them or both being in love with each other. I do agree with you that Jensen seems to feel some hurt from some thing(s) Jared has done (or not) behind closed doors. After watching some old interview clips, con videos, etc., I do notice some interesting looks and behaviors coming from Jensen's direction (body language, how he looks at Jared compared to other people, etc.).
The King of Pentacles being diagonal from the Page of Wands (which I feel symbolizes Jared in this particular case) and also the 7 of Swords is very interesting (and concerning as I'll explain why). The Hierophant and The Emperor (boot looking card) paired in present in this reading together states there is an authoritative father figure that's fairly religious (Jensen's father who Jared reportedly called "Papa Ackles") involved that is a big reason why Jensen is in the closet. However, the 2 cards that tinhatters are probably not gonna like seeing the explanation for here are Death and 7 of Swords. As I'll explain below, these 2 cards are setting half the tone in this reading with . I am not here to appease to people with what I write and such. If it resonates okay if not then it doesn't, simple as that. The card in the center (Page of Wands) curiously is the same card I feel represents Jared. This to me confirms that Jared is more or less on the receiving end of things and isn't so much "giving" out as much as some think but instead "goes with the flow". I also believe greatly that Jared doubts himself a lot and seems to put himself down a lot when praising Gen and others, which is part of what's called Imposter Syndrome.
Based on what I know of his dad Alan and have seen in some YouTube videos (like this one, [trigger warning: this is a Pro Life related video so if this is a trigger do not watch!]), I do believe now based on what I've learned about his past, have observed both on and off camera with women versus Jared say, and even his actions (or inactions) that Jensen is not of the straight orientation. I believe also his dad is a big reason for this, as I think he is afraid of not getting approval from his dad should he not conform to the Christian family man image Jensen to this day tries to sell (and is failing at doing so more and more as the days go on). The Emperor (authoritative father figure) and The Hierophant (religious, institutional, and traditional ways of being) I believe tie in strongly with the dynamic between Jensen and his dad. Is Jensen afraid of "getting the boot" (The Emperor) from his religious dad (The Hierophant) and therefore his family? You mentioned the women/woman Jensen's sleeping with is all for cover and even his marriage with Danneel, or the so called "bearding". I have been wondering if this is why Jensen has never once that I can recall shown Danneel any real affection publicly (and vice versa). You can talk all you want about feeling this and that about her Jensen at cons but those of us who pay attention know better. Actions (and inactions) speak much louder than words. The 3 of Cups in this reading seems to point to what you are suggesting here.
With regards to the King of Pentacles representing Jensen, he likes to dress "nicer" (personally, I want to burn the green shirt he wore to the Charlotte con a couple months back), is VERY big on personal image and sticks with the Christian family man persona that clearly isn't working out. However, I believe he makes a lot of very poor decisions both from a business aspect (thus the "financially inept" tidbit from the King of Pentacles description coming into play here) AND in his personal life. I also elaborated a good deal here on the King of Pentacles representing Jensen in this reading I did a few months ago regarding Drake and Jensen's relationship dynamic (Drake being a so called "mini Jared" or "Jared 2.0). I also mentioned in that post things about Jensen wearing green velvet to interviews before The Winchesters aired. Rumors have been going around for a while that Family Business Beer Company is doing badly but I believe it's becoming more apparent in recent months. They are aggressively trying to expand the distribution of their beers yet their location hours remain at a solid 30 hours, which in itself is a troubling sign (as is being closed for 3 days of the week). Recently I've read a couple posts here on Tumblr mentioning possible layoffs have happened at FBBC in the last couple weeks, which is also always a troubling sign things aren't going so well. With respect to his personal life, whew I think that's just a downright hot mess. The lawsuit that was announced at the end of August with Jensen and Danneel Ackles named certainly will impact both their personal and business lives.
The house that Jensen bought back in July is surrounded by cemeteries (aka marked graves, who knows about unmarked graves), as I posted about here. I'll make another post about this but some speculated it was for business ventures aka a business investment to which my guides say "not quite, more like a real estate investment period". I agree with my guides 100% for multiple reasons and trust they are right. If Jensen intends on using this giant mansion for purposes remotely related to business investments, he and Danneel will be very unpleasantly surprised for multiple reasons. There is understandably some doubt about whether Jensen actually moved to Connecticut at all, due to several sightings of him in Texas at different times after he and Danneel were announced as the new owners of their CT mansion back in July 2023. Regardless of whether Jensen is fully living there, lives there part of the year, just bought it for a vacation home or whatever the story is, the fact is the Ackles don't seem to have had any strong ties to the state prior to them buying this house. Why buy a house on the other side of the country where you've barely visited previously if everything good going on for Jensen is in Austin, including Jensen's said best friend Jared?
I hate the be the bearer of bad news here but if you all think this is merely a business investment and that this will be converted into a B&B or another brewery location, I'll point you to 3 sources that says to me any plans Danneel and Jensen may have like this are extremely likely gonna get foiled real fast (type of zone their house is in, what you can and can't do in different zones in Connecticut, and oh my someone tried to petition to allow B&Bs in residential zones over 10 years in a house that's not even 4 miles away from the mansion and DENIED). Oh, and when signing the papers for buying the house, the lines indicating the purposes of buying the house per the online deeds records did not include any commercial purposes, only personal residence purposes. Hmm.... I would call the mix of these things being financially inept.
Jared on the other hand I wholeheartedly believe is represented by the Page of Wands in this particular reading. While both of them own businesses, are obviously wealthy, and both have refered to themselves along with Jeffrey Dean Morgan "the three kings", I believe that Jared has a more youthful spirit and can be more free-spirited than Jensen by a long shot. Generally, Pages cards represent either children, the younger self of a person in question, or in my opinion someone who has a youthful spirit (can be full of energy, enthusiasm for new ideas, is playful, etc.). Although the description of this card doesn't directly say it on the link I provided I always think of a youthful or playful soul when I see the Page of Wands. The Page of Wands in my deck has 3 peppers on it. It has been said that Jared switched out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky Dean ate in Season 15 Episode 5 "Proverbs 17:3" (scene clip from YouTube below) with real Ghost Pepper Jerky as a prank. Sam and Dean in Season 1 Episode 17 "Hell House" (which happens to be playing on my new TV in my room now as I'm writing this) also pulled quite a few pranks on each other going back and forth, and also reportedly did so in real life on the set but off camera. Jared I noticed also tends to dress more casually or if he dresses up more nicely it's not in elaborate outfits unlike Jensen. I mean also the second clip I shared from YouTube below says it all for me with regards to this card representing Jared in this reading from a youthful spirit point of view.
I also recall reading about how Jared explored Epcot Center and Universal Studios for a day by himself when he was just 8 years old, scaring his grandfather nearly to death who was crying when Jared walked out of the gates of Disney World. This to me shows that Jared is indeed a free-spirited soul who isn't afraid of embarking on new journeys alone (even if others don't like it and Jared doesn't end up liking what follows, thus at times does challenge the status quo even if he and others don't like the outcome), and seems to value novelty or discovering new things and even has more of a creative streak than Jensen if we're to be frank. It was also stated in this article I linked to earlier in this paragraph that Kripke felt that Jared's soulfulness and likeability would be more suitable for Sam Winchester while Jensen's more "charismatic" character would better fit Dean Winchester. Therefore it seems that Kripke and others just might agree with my statements about Jared's personality and that the Page of Wands represents Jared in this particular case.
If you notice in this reading, The Hierophant (the card that looks like a hand) is pointing down towards the 7 of Swords. Along with the 3 of cups being next to The Hierophant, this suggests that secrets are being kept hidden from the public's ears regarding sexual orientation and feelings overall (many signs point to it... literally). I'm not going to go digging through the tinhatters stuff because there's frankly way too much of it ha ha, and I'm sure you Anon are aware of at least a lot of it (and others who are coming across this will probably know some things). It's interesting going across the reading on the other side is the King of Pentacles above The Emperor which to me points to Jensen and his dad, along with society's expectations of men like Jensen as a whole (thus the whole Christian family man image Jensen's trying to uphold versus the reality of things).
Now, onto the part where at least a lot of tinhatters are likely not going to believe what I say or will like me less for it. I'm not here to appease people's beliefs or tell them what they want to hear but I'm instead here to simply state what I've observed, my interpretation of this tarot reading, etc. If someone resonates with this cool but if not, well that's on them not me. The 7 of Swords card is one of the most dominant cards in this entire reading and very much sets the tone. This card as I mentioned earlier speaks of things such as betrayal, deception, keeping secrets, ulterior motives, and even getting away with something. Jensen has been called homophobic for multiple reasons, including his remarks regarding how Brokeback Mountain ruined western films for himself and also saying that Destiel is not a thing. I have heard of the saying that the most homophobic men are in fact in the closet and trying to compensate. As Dean Winchester once said "Of course, the most troubling question is: "Why do these people assume we're gay?" and Sam Winchester said "Well, you are kinda butch, probably think you're overcompensating." (interestingly the website however says "but I just think you're overcompensating). People also do say art imitates life (and sometimes seems to predict things), which I won't fully explain here why that is the truth with Supernatural and Jensen and Jared holistically, not just in a tinhatter's kind of way. It seems Supernatural really did model Jensen and Jared's relationship in many ways... at least, that's what we're supposed to believe.
Based on what I've been observing myself, have been learning via divination (and watching manifest), and what another friend and I have been learning via dreamwalking, a lot of what we're all seeing publicly is in fact smoke and mirrors. I do believe that some of the negative things that have happened between them did manifest in part as a result of Jensen acting upon hurt emotions, but also due to more self-serving ulterior motives on his part. I believe Prequel Gate (along with The Winchesters related posts happening while Walker was airing on multiple occasions) and YANA ring a bell for some people.
Regarding Prequelgate, I saw a Tweet of an old clip where Jensen specifically said "hell no" about doing a reboot as Dean after Supernatural ends and Jared confidently says "I'll answer that for him... NO". I agree with the OP that this didn't age well... This goes back to the 7 of Swords card. I agree with Jensen's critics, that Jensen is an opportunist who looks at every chance he can get to make money. Did Jensen genuinely believe he'd never consider making a SPN reboot as Dean, or did he intend to do so in the back of his mind all along? Clearly The Winchesters became the Dean Winchester show. I was given an interesting nudge a couple weeks ago to watch the movie Jennifer's Body in my divine hearing. I realized there are many parallels between Jensen and Jared, and Jennifer and Anita "Needy. In fact, I have concluded that the relationship dynamic between Jennifer/Anita and Jensen/Jared is in fact 100% identical behind closed doors.
Something else that's been bothering me lately as I'm doing this research. Now, I'm not sure what Jared's views were when Jensen decided to open the Family Business Beer Company physically in 2018 given the name was clearly a nod to SPN, 2 years after Jared opened San Jac Saloon in 2016. However, the FBBC LLC itself was filed and therefore was actually born November 5, 2014, which was 2 years before San Jac Saloon was opened. Did Jensen have plans of essentially "taking over" the Supernatural brand possibly for years and cashing in on it without Jared?
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With regards to YANA, I noticed also in my research that Jared wanted to end SPN multiple times (from what I understand 2 of these times took place in 2008 and 2015) but was stopped from doing so by Jensen and perhaps others chimed in as well. Was Jensen truly concerned about Jared's well-being and just enjoyed working with Jared so much he doesn't want to stop and that continuing SPN (and therefore those big paychecks) was just an added bonus... or was Jensen simply acting concerned about Jared's well-being while having ulterior motives up his sleeve the entire time? Also why, just why would Jensen and Misha even go with the YANA nonsense? I mean some of the posts correlated with things like Jared announcing his return to Gilmore Girls, Jared's McDonald's commercial airing the same day a YANA video gets released, Jared getting his 3rd national corporate sponsor from Chevy again on the same day a YANA video gets released, etc. Honestly, this YANA businesses sounds an awful lot to me like another money grab. And don't sit there and say this was all the studio making them do it. At the end of the day, we all have choices. You can't really force people to do things they don't want to. Instead of choosing to say no to making YANA a thing, Jensen and Misha still went about it. Conforming to an authoritative institution's wishes (The Hierophant and The Emperor) for self-serving business and therefore financial purposes (King of Pentacles), eh Jensen?
I'm also interested in hearing from anyone why exactly Jensen reportedly made 50% more than Jared per SPN episode in later seasons (100k for Jared versus 150k for Jensen). The most logical explanation I could come up with based on research was Jensen got a director title attached to his paygrade after season 5, even if he wasn't actually directing the episode in question (directed 6 episodes in all). I suspect some favoritism may also have played a role, even if no one is saying it. I especially find it interesting that Kripke who was the original Show Runner for Supernatural initially didn't think Jared was smart enough to play the role of Sam Winchester. Sure, Jared certainly may have proven he is intelligent and therefore Kripke stood corrected on that tidbit; however, Kripke has repeatedly praised Jensen for things like his charisma (riiiight, go watch any interview of Jensen and you'll hear lots of umms, uhhs, and even inconsistencies between what he says from interview to interview), looks, charm, etc. It can't just be feeling overwhelmed or burned out with work as to why Jared wanted to leave SPN multiple times but didn't, nor does it explain why Jared had the breakdowns that he did in the past and why he was diagnosed with depression to begin with.
Edit: Adding this in because I believe it's very important to note here with the suspected favoritism and hostility on the set of SPN. Now, if this is remotely true at all, that Kripke got onto Jared's case "for having a bad day" and essentially holding production up over what some called "a hissy fit" back when he had his breakdown in 2007, oh boy am I now a big time Kripke critic. Also, Kripke overly praising Jensen as seen here is just absurd. Get it together Kripke, you're embarrassing yourself.
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Now, for the other part of this reading the tinhatters are probably REALLY not gonna like... the Death card. Like I mentioned before, Death in the tarot isn't always about a literal death but is often times about the death of something and following that, the birth of another. This translates to things like transformation, change (and resistance to), inner purging, and endings. *Shudders* ENDINGS?! Like the so called "Jivorce" is really happening?! THIS CAN'T BE OMG! Chill out all... just a bit. I don't believe as Poseidon said that they will completely drift apart. However, there are only so many chances someone like Jensen will get from Jared as far as maintaining friendships and such goes. I also believe that with the physical distance that is presenting itself, a distance between them on a spiritual, psychological and emotional level will follow suit if it hasn't started already.
I briefly touched onto Jared's playful, youthful personality earlier when I explained my interpretation as the Page of Wands representing Jared and how this card has 3 peppers on it. I also touched onto Jared pranking Jensen by switching out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky with real Ghost Pepper jerky. The title of this episode is "Proverbs 17:3". The ESV Biblical verse says "The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the LORD tests hearts." According to bibleref.com, the meaning of this verse says: "Scripture often uses the metaphor of a crucible: a container used to heat metals to burn off impurities. Passages frequently apply this in the context of God testing, purifying, cleansing, or providing loving correction to His people (Malachi 3:3; Zechariah 13:9; Jeremiah 9:7; 1 Corinthians 3:11–15). The "fire" of hardships, persecution, or God's testing proves what parts of a person's life are godly and which are not". Interestingly, Jensen eating real Ghost Pepper jerky could in a metaphorical sense be compared to "turning up the heat" physically and is therefore the "crucible" here. I believe however with the way things did go for Jared with regards to the set of SPN, YANA, Prequelgate, etc. that it is Jared's heart that is being tested and that Jensen (equivalent to crucible here) is being tested physically.
I mentioned the 3 of cups earlier having a possible interpretation that "3's a crowd". Interestingly, the Page of Wands happens to have 3 peppers on it. Often times this card is a very positive one and indicates a time of celebration, friendship, creativity, and even hardcore partying. I believe however that while this card offers a silver lining in that things will turn out okay overall for all parties involved, it won't be the happy ending certain parties involved are hoping for. In this case, the said wishes for Jensen of being involved with Jared as more than friends, and also any and all current lovers and relationships. I personally think that it's partially true what tinhatters believe but it's alot more complicated than what people want to believe. I've generally held more positive views of Jensen in previous posts. I still believe there is some goodness in Jensen somewhere. However, based on learning more things about Jensen, looking at his mannerisms and especially when I went to the main panel physically at the Charlotte convention earlier this year, my views of him have admittedly shifted some. After noticing some things personally, what I felt in the room during the main panel along with what I've learned about their dynamic, I believe Jensen has a so called "dark personality" for multiple reasons that in itself is for another possible post. Jensen can advocate for Jared all he wants with words BUTt based on the events and funny timing of when things were announced/aired surrounding The Winchesters versus Walker and YANA, along with other things, his actions sing a very different tune...
I mentioned earlier that I believe Jared struggles with Imposter Syndrome with regards to the 7 of Swords card, which is apparently common in people who have anxiety and depression. Jared was diagnosed with depression as many of us here know. I believe the one who is transforming and changing here is Jared, and Jensen is who is resisting these changes. Provided that Jared's been given the greenlight for a fourth season while Jensen's The Winchesters was cancelled (and not to mention a lawsuit naming Jensen and Danneel came out of it), it seems Jensen did not listen to signs pointing to no (and therefore resisted changing his ways). I do believe that the way things went with The Winchesters being criticized heavily was the death of Jensen's life as he knows it... Given the Page of Wands is in the center of this reading, it seems many signs and things in this reading point to Jensen and in this case ultimately going back to Jared. According to this Tumblr post, Jared took with him from the set of SPN the fact it's not necessary to work 14 hour days. Based on how this post was written, from my understanding of things it was suggested that Jared wanted it to be clear that people can joke around with him and be comfortable around him despite being the boss. I may be misreading this but to me, this does imply that there could've been some mistreatment or passive aggressive type of behaviors on the set of Supernatural... or just like I said earlier in one sweet word, favoritism.
On a final note, I noticed that timing is everything just as Jared knew while timing his announcements with the AKF versus YANA business. The Emperor in my tarot deck is the boot looking card and the 7 of Swords card is depicted as a mouse holding knives. The day I did this reading (October 4, 2023) I happened to watch "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1" a couple hours before I did this tarot reading. In the first scene of the movie after the title screen and Peter is no longer a citizen of Earth, he is seen putting his headphones on and starts kicking around small creatures that stand only a little above his ankles (equivalent to the mouse in this tarot reading in the sense of being smaller than we are and both being seen as "pests") while wearing what appears to be rain boots prior to stealing The Orb from Morag. Peter Quill aka Star-Lord is certainly no conformist, loves his freedom, is obviously free-spirited, creative, and is highly receptive to changing for the better. On a perhaps more odd note, my guides have told me for a while now that I am essentially the real life female Star Lord (personalities being very similar, some intimate life details, many encounters with "other kinds", issues with educational institutions, leaving Earth [in my case via dreamwalking many nights, almost crossing over aka "ascending" off Earth multiple times, and almost physically once too over 10 years ago], problems with authority figures and discipline, and more). I'm not sure if this is true or not but as an added bonus, some websites including this one stated that Jensen auditioned for the role of Star-Lord/Peter Quill.
How interesting, given I received this particular reading on the same day I watched this movie for the first time since I finally understood why my guides kept saying "nope" for me screwing or fucking around", and would instead consistently say "you Fooled Around and Fell in Love"....
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crosby-interesting · 1 year
Hi! I'm the anon that's new to this space and I've been looking at PBP posts via Google cache. Based on the tidbits I can see on PBP and the great info on your blog, I think this is their timeline?
2005-2007: Sid is seen and pictures with different girls. Some he dates, others it's just casual. Something about a senior high school student and also a teacher at a nearby elementary school?
2008: Ron sets up Kathy with Sid
2009: She's at the cup parade?
2010: There's pics of them from 2010 posted on PBP.
2011: Sid has his first bad concussion. Goes to France in May (No Kathy?). Kathy does the SI issue contest and doesn't win (Did she get this because of Sid?)
2012-2013: ????
2014: Kathy attends Sochi with his family. Why/how was she able to walk the track during the opening/closing ceremony if she's #1 not even Canadian and #2 not an athlete LMFAO
2015-Present: Consistent doormat, with a few modeling campaigns thrown in. A ton of Sid cheating anecdotes to top it off. One poster was saying something about Sid seeing a medical student from Harvard? Apparently her and Taylor used to talk a lot on Twitter.
Am I missing anything lol? I think your blog is great and honestly a voice of reason compared to some truly delusional people on this site.
Yes, this is not a bad short chronology. Thank you, welcome
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Since I have more than 2 fics on ao3, I think it’s time for a master post?
1) Maybe..things will be alright (3030 words, complete)
Summary: Larry James finds a heartbroken Cordell Walker sobbing over the dead body of his wife and helps him home after dropping her body off for the autopsy. The children are shocked on hearing the news, and Stella yells at her father and wishes him death in front of everyone in a fit of grief induced rage. Would things ever be alright again?
2) Only alone i will cry out loud (You'll never see what's hiding out) (3523 words, 2 chapters, WIP)
Summary: When a case hits Cordell too close to home, he's already on edge of a breakdown, and a little inconvenience becomes the straw that breaks the Camel's back. Larry James thinks he will have a good time catching up with Cordell, only to find him having a breakdown. What happens next? (Note: This one has WHUMP)
3) Closure (776 words, Complete)
Summary: Emily’s murderer and the mastermind behind it had both been arrested. So why was Cordell feeling so numb instead of being elated?
4) In the world of the stars||Now we shall meet, my friend (2050 words, Complete)
Summary: Aka the first time Cassie Perez meets Emily Walker (or her grave)
5) Hold my hair, Wipe my face (2009 words, 2 chapters, WIP)
Summary: Cassie Perez really really should have stayed home today. She even had all her medical leaves intact because she never got sick. Until now, that is..
6) Heat Waves (888 words, Complete)
Summary: It was the middle of June and and Cordell Walker and Cassie Perez had been deployed again to deliver evidence from the Austin HQ to all the way to the Bailey County Courthouse, and they had been instructed to be back “by eight hours at any cost”, and also been warned against any peeking into the evidence, or they’d lose their jobs.
7) Sleep. Tomorrow will be better. (3212 words, 2 chapters, Complete)
Collab with @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou
Summary: India loses the World Cup final, and the team takes it hard. It's upto Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli to ensure their team is looked after.
Lots of fluff and comfort, exactly what we need after that final
8) Tere Bina (1773 words, Complete)
Summary: A delirious Shubman with very high fever calls Ishan when the team is in Delhi for their match against Afghanistan and babbles in punjabi thinking it to be his didi on the line
9) Raat ke baad hi to sawera hota hai (8594 words, 7 chapters, WIP) (Wattpad)
Summary: Yashasvi may be new to the team and the youngest player on the squad, but he noticed things. So when Shubman starts acting strangely he sets out to investigate what's wrong with his roommate and newly acquired Bhai. With a little extra help from a best friend on the other side of the country, Yash sets out to improve his Shubman bhai's mood ...
10) Of headaches and heartaches (2240 words, 3 chapters, Complete) (Wattpad)
Summary: A migraine causes Shubman to be distracted off the field, causing him to miss a couple of important catches and get out early in the decider match of the India vs Australia ODI series. Rohit Sharma is NOT pleased.
Happy reading, and hope y'all like these :3
New fics will simply be updated to this list :)
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: neteyam x augustine (na’vi/avatar oc, she/her)
summary: neteyam and augustine have finally found themselves underneath the tree of souls, what else is there left to do?
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; avatar 2009 references and avatar wow spoilers; angst, jealousy, arranged & complex relationships, violence, heavy make out sesh, light fingering, suicidal thoughts, pet names, etc.
word count: ~4.5k
• part 4 • eywa’s choice • series •
note: this one's gonna be a doozy. i'm so excited for y'all to read! i really am a fan of the na'vi language, i'm sorry if that annoys any readers. just like last time, na'vi words are bolded and will have definitions in the footnotes of the section. translations sourced via learn na'vi. as a reminder, the story is set 4 years post twow. neteyam is 19, where augustine is 18.
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“I choose you,” Augustine says. Her heart fully within his grasp. He can choose between holding it carefully or crushing it under his mighty will. Neteyam looks to her queue and back up to her eyes. He swallows as he intertwines his fingers with her resting hand. “Augustine,” he says. His big amber eyes sweet and filled with adoration. “I think I’ve loved you since I first met you,” he laughs. She giggles, blush rushing her cheeks.
Neteyam’s smile falls, then his eyes. “But,” he starts as he shakes his head. “I can’t do this.” His eyes flick up to her. The adoration, the sweetness? Gone. They are filled with sadness and worry. She drops her tswin as she slowly nods, chewing on her bottom lip. Overwhelming feelings rush through her. How could she be so stupid to think this was a good idea? How could she ever step away from this, unscathed? Any hopeless romantic fantasies of Neteyam and her were ruined.
He continues, “When we become one, I want it to be right. I don’t want it to be a secret.” His hand now cups the side of her face. Hope flickers within her heart once again. Her eyes widen as she looks up to her mesmerizing partner. His mouth flashing that incredible Sully smile. He continues, “When we become one, I want it to be right, Ma’Augustine.”
"Who said this would be a secret?" Augustine asks with a smirk that catches him off guard. "I plan on fully parading you around as my mate," she adds as she presses her nose against him with a bit lip. "Oh you would, would you?" he chuckles as he pulls away. She kisses his chin, then his cheek. "Yes, I would be proud to call you mine," she whispers. "I've always admired you. Always saw your strength, your protection, your leadership." She looks off in the distance, with brows pushing together, as she recollects their past.
"I've seen you complete iknimaya on your first try," she starts enthusiastically. Neteyam blushes as he rolls his eyes. "No, no, please Nete," she says as she places her hands on his cheeks. “But what was really impressive was when I saw how you were waiting for Lo'ak to come back from his rites. How you held him as he sobbed into your shoulder. How you helped him, trained him to be successful in his next shot at bonding with his ikran," she lists off. She places a hand to his chest and takes in a deep breath. "You were always the protector, never the protected. Always the fighter, never defended."
Augustine adjusts her sit once more. She places his hand atop her chest as she rubs her thumb against his peck. He follows her without doubt. His trust for her is abundant. "I want to be yours. I want to be your protector. Your defender," she sighs in worry due to her vulnerability. With a whisper, she continues, "I want to be your partner. Your mate. Your wife." His smile slowly grows as tears collect in both of their eyes.
"I have loved you since I first saw you," Neteyam starts again. "I know when we first met we were both children," he laughs. She smiles alongside him. She recognizes the nervousness within him. His heart racing. His ears held back. His wet hair pressed against his forehead. His breathing heavy. His hands sweaty. His freckles pulsating bright throughout his face. She thinks it's cute. She will always hold a safe space for him in her heart. "But I think I knew. I have always cared so deeply for you, Augustine," he continues. The way her name falls from his lips makes her heart skip a beat.
"I would never let anyone hurt you. I would never let anyone touch you. I would never let anything happen to you," he says sternly. His ears raise, his tail moves more frivolous. She tilts her head in concern as her brows furrow. "Nete?" she asks. "What's wrong?" He takes a breath as he shakes his head. Tears falling from his waterline due to the movement. "I just - I can’t lose you. I've never been able to," he starts with wobbling lips. He pulls his gaze away and out into the blackness of the ocean.
"When you left, I knew you were safe. You were safe with Norm," he nods as though he is trying to convince himself again. "I agreed with my father. If we stayed with the people, Quaritch would find them. He would find you." He shakes his head as he tries to hold his breath. "I would never let that happen." She watches as the joy drains from his sweet face. “I know you wouldn’t,” she soothes. “Because now I am here with you.”
Augustine's other hand instinctually lands against his cheek. Her thumb brushes against one of his tears. "You will never lose me, Ma'Nete," she coos. "I'm stuck to you like glue." She starts to laugh, which makes him chuckle and shake out the remainder of his tears. "Nga yawne lu oer, Augustine," Neteyam whispers as he turns into her palm, kissing it ever so gently. "Oel ngati kameie, Neteyam," she murmurs. Her heart so full and brazen with love for him, her one and only.
His kisses travel to her inner wrist, leaving her giggling. As his eyes watch in undeniable love, he continues to kiss up her arm causing her to wriggle about. His mouth leads closer to her shoulder. He adjusts himself where he leans into his hands at the sides of her thighs. His lips flutter from her shoulder, to her collar bone, and to her neck. The ticklish sensation now turning into something else. She gasps as she feels his sweet lips against her skin. Her hand comes to support the back of his head, keeping his lips upon her.
Neteyam looks up to her with excitement. The same look also asks for her permission to proceed. Augustine nods with a nervous smile. He continues to kiss her neck, which causes gasps and giggles to fall from her lips. She scrunches her body up beside him as he gradually leans his over her. Her head softly lands against the cool surface of the stone below her. She raises her hand to his face once more. He smiles as he places another peck to her palm and leans closer to place a soft kiss upon her lips.
She falls deep within this embrace, forgetting absolutely everything and solely living in this moment with him. No one else exists. Its just Neteyam and Augustine - forever. He presses his tongue lightly against her mouth. Instinctually, she parts her lips to allow their tongues to flow to each other. She hooks her arm around his shoulders and pulls him closer until his body is actually resting atop of hers. Her thighs hold his in place as he lays between her legs. His hands float between the sides of her shoulders down to the sides of her hips.
Breaking the kiss, Neteyam looks down to watch as his hand slowly creeps up her top. Augustine places a tender kiss against his forehead. His fingers slowly follow the curves of her body. She gasps lightly as his finger tips brush against her nipple. His face immediately shoots up to hers in concern. She smiles to reassure him. His palm presses against her nipple. They firm up against his touch. He looks up to her again as he begins to kiss her sternum. Her entire skin feels like pillars of electricity. Each kiss is a spark that lights up the rest of her body. He watches in pleasure as her freckles light up with his touch.
Neteyam's body tenses in excitement as he sees the woman he loves welcoming his advances. Following his gut, he slides his tongue across the soft muscle of her breast. He follows it until it touches the sensitive skin of her nipple. He takes her nipple in his mouth as she lets out a weak moan. Her hand rests at the base of his skull. He sucks harder, feeling her twist beneath him. He wants to hear her. He wants to make her feel everything. Every single ounce of pleasure.
He quickly decides to venture forward by trailing his tongue down her gorgeous stomach. Her freckles continue to brighten as he presses the wet, strong muscle against her most sensitive spots. Her eyes close as she firmly presses her head against the rock. Her body feels like its screaming. It's screaming for something unfamiliar. Something she's never done before. Something she's never experienced. It's desperation pulls her away from the fear roaming in the back of her mind. She lightly guides him lower and lower until he plays with the thread of her undergarment.
Neteyam peers up once more, one more check for permission. She raises her head as he stops his movements. Something her body most definitely did not want to happen. Augustine licks her lips as she watches his fangs playfully bite into her inner thigh. She pulls her legs together, letting out a loud giggle. He laughs alongside her as he circles his thumbs against her outer thighs. "Is this okay?" he asks softly as he kisses the other side of her inner thigh. "Yes," she responds with a sweet smile.
He slowly tucks his fingers underneath her loin cloth. She moves her hips side to side to help him pull it down her waist, her thighs, and string it between her ankles. He looks down at her, in all her glory, with a watering mouth. He has dreamt of his moment. Always telling himself that it would never happen. Something as beautiful as her would never be his. But, finally, she was. She always was - his. As he was hers. Not a single moment of concern or worry fills her chest as she watches him rake over her naked body. She feels comfort, joy. She feels sexy underneath him. She feels powerful.
Neteyam slowly lowers himself between her legs. His eyes completely on her, not moving an inch. His tail swinging quite a bit behind him. His nerves starting to get the best of him as he places his lightly perspiring palms against her inner thighs. His tongue lightly rests upon his bottom lip, as if it could not wait any longer. She opens her legs to invite him in. Her hand gently finds its way back to his braids. She intertwines her fingers as her thumb gently rubs circles on the side of his head.
Heavy breaths fall from both their lips as they wait in absolute anticipation. His eyes fall upon her warmth, so inviting. His fingers lightly trail up her inner thigh. His fingertips lightly touch her clit, which is enough to make her jump. He feels the wetness of her slick. Immediately, all of his blood travels south. What was since then a bulge is now a perfectly firmed appendage pressing against her leg. She knows nothing of it, but knows she wants all of it. Now.
Neteyam lightly rubs his fingertips against her clit. Augustine wiggles underneath him again as a sweet moans fall from her lips. Her eyelashes fluttering as her thighs dig against his shoulders. He looks up to watch her in undeniable pleasure. He thought it was impossible, but she is even more beautiful from this perspective. He wishes to be the only person to see her like this. To help her feel like this. He cannot believe that she chose him. That his greatest dream has now become a reality. She continues to let out heavy sighs as her fingers begin to grip against his scalp. She arches her back and raises her hips.
"Eywa ngahu," Ronal mutters as she looks down upon the pair.
Augustine immediately yelps as she attempts to roll to her side to cover herself. Neteyam yells, "Shit!" He quickly pulls up his love's undergarments and covers her as he turns back to the terrifying face of the Tsahìk. "Ronal," he whispers as he slowly stands. Augustine stands behind him, still covering herself. She feels completely exposed and is quite embarrassed with herself. He holds a firm hand at her thigh, pushing her further behind him. "Ngaytxoa, Tsahìk," he mutters as he quickly gestures a greeting and bows before her.
Ronal's eyes continue to travel between Neteyam and Augustine. She attempts to process exactly what she saw and how to move forward as a mother, and most importantly as Tsahìk. She watches as Augustine cowers behind Neteyam. Her hair wet and tussled over her shoulders. She looks innocent, is innocent. Her father - her alien father asked for uturu from the Metkayina clan. His father advocated for her, advocated for her Na'vi lineage. He briefly shared about her mother and ties to the Tayrangi and Omatikaya clans.
With a stern face, Ronal quickly decides on her course of action. She swiftly grabs Neteyam's ear between her finger and thumb. She pulls him towards her skimwing on the other side of Ranteng Utralti. He hisses in pain as he struggles to follow her. Augustine rushes behind them. "Tsahìk, where are you taking him?" she asks with a worried tone. "Where am I taking you both," Ronal corrects. "Do you have ilu?" she asks, rather harshly. Her eyes are stern. Her lip is pulled in a mixture of disgust and disappointment. "Yes, Tsahìk," she answers. "Meet us on the other side," she points where and immediately gestures to shoo her away.
Augustine clucks her tongue to call for Aazll. Aazll lets out a concerning whine as she makes the bond. "Sh, sh Aazll. It will be okay," she coos as she rubs the side of her neck. With a single thought, she dives into the water to meet Ronal and Neteyam. She swims up and overhears their conversation. "Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan, I do not need to hear this. You will tell the people what you have done," Ronal says as she aggressively pulls away from his ear. He turns towards her in shock. His eyes widen in worry. "Get on," Ronal yells as she hops onto her skimwing. He lets out a shaky breath and steps on behind her. "Girl, you follow," she instructs as she dives into the water.
Augustine watches as Neteyam disappears underneath the blackened waves. She lets out a deep breath as her eyes fall upon the glowing pink and purple colors floating in the beautiful waters below her. Tonight was incredible. Tonight she loved. She knew, in her heart, that she was loved. She wish she knew what will happen next. With another deep breath released from her lips, she dives into the ocean to follow Ronal and Neteyam back to Awa'atlu.
iknimaya: omatikaya rites
nga yawne lu oer: i love you; you are beloved to me
oel ngati kameie: i see you
eywa ngahu: (may) eywa (be) with you
ngaytxoa: sorry; my apologies
uturu: na'vi tradition to provide safety to any refugee
ranteng utralti: metkayina spirit tree
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As soon as Neteyam landed his feet onto the netted floor of the village, Ronal had her fingers pinching his ear again. He winces, but does not let a sound escape his mouth. She turns back to the water to ensure that Augustine was following. She is. She sulks with nervous hands before her as she follows closely behind the two. She only looks up once she begins to see the glowing embers of the fire before them. Ronal is leading them to the people's wutso.
Ronal marches Neteyam to the middle of the people, to the Olo'eyktan. Augustine's worried eyes quickly meet Kiri's. She stands at the sight of her brother being dragged by the Tsahìk. Her movement cues the remainder of the Sully family toward the danger ahead. Neytiri and Jake immediately rush to the front of the fire to meet their eldest. Kiri holds Tuk, as Lo'ak holds Spider back.
Tsireya holds her hands to her face as she watches the horror unfold before her. Her eyes return to Augustine's gaze. She mouths, "What happened?" Augustine is unsure of what to say and just shakes her head until her eyes fall onto the ground. She notes another area of movement to her right. She looks up to note Pipxì and other Metkayina standing around her. Pipxì walks to the front as well once recognizing her promised mate.
"Olo'eyktan, I found Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan attempting to muntxa si this girl," Ronal announces before the Metkayina people. Neteyam and Augustine stand side by side in the middle of a circle at the feet of the Metkayinan leader. She keeps her eyes on the fire before her, desperate to leave this reality. Numerous gasps can be heard throughout the people. The area from which Pipxì was sitting is filled with Na'vi yelling war cries. Several of the people stand and huddle around the group.
"The warrior is promised to Pipxì Te Haie Hawota'ite," she says as she turns towards the crowd. Her eyes finally fall upon Neteyam's. "This is wrong," she says strongly in his face. Neytiri steps forward, but Jake quickly places a hand before her. Both of their faces are filled with worry. Tonowari stares down onto Neteyam and Augustine. His face displaying disapproval and an undeniable frown. "What say you Neteyam?" he asks as he stands from his sit.
Neteyam takes a step forward. He breathes in sharply through his nostrils as his ears fall flat. "I choose Augustine," he says loudly. "I make no apologies for that." The people begin to yell behind them. It is loud enough that Augustine winces at the sudden noise. Tonowari yells to hush his people. "You do not have a choice, Son of Toruk Makto," he says calmly. "You are promised by Tsahìk - by Eywa." Neteyam grunts as he pulls his eyes from the Olo'eyktan. Neytiri hisses as she attempts to discipline her son for his disrespect.
"I am taronyu," Neteyam states with his eyes still to the ground. His chest begins to raise as his eye line trails back to Tonowari. "I choose my own mate. It is my rite." Tonowari steps towards him, towering over him. Augustine watches in fear. "You do not talk to Olo'eyktan like that, boy," Ao'nung yells from the crowd. "Your promise is by the will of Eywa!" Neteyam’s strong face pulls back up to the leader. "No, my promise is by the will of Ronal," he mutters. Augustine turns towards Tonowari in absolute worry. What is Neteyam doing? How could he be so disrespectful to the Olo'eyktan?
Ronal quickly moves to stand beside her husband. "I am Tsahìk," she states viciously. "You are to marry a great warrior's daughter. Your child is to lead us into victory against the Sky People. That is the will of Eywa!" She stands before Neteyam, growling as he stands proudly still and firm before them. "Augustine is a great warrior's daughter!" Kiri yells as she pushes out from the crowd. "Kiri!" Neytiri snaps as she attempts to hold her back from entering the circle. "Tsahìk, she is the daughter of Ewtoä," she says as she tirelessly breathes before Ronal.
"Yes, Ewtoä was a great warrior of the Tayrangi," Jake continues as he turns to speak to all of the Metkayina. "Her mother helped us to win the first war against the Sky People." Neytiri adds, "Beside Toruk Makto, Ewtoä was what held all the clans together. She connected the hunters of the sky with those of the ground." She turns back to speak directly to Ronal. "It makes sense that her daughter should carry the next Toruk Makto for generations to come." Ronal hisses as her lip pulls to the side.
"Pipxì is the great granddaughter of the greatest Metkayina hunter, Sayay Te Zìkxmaw Lätxa'itan," a booming voice comes from the right side of the crowd. An older man approaches the circle with anger clear upon his face. "She holds the blood of a true leader." Augustine turns to look at him with pain her eyes. "This girl has done nothing but disrespect our people and Eywa herself," he says with disgust as he looks into her eyes. Augustine immediately turns around with tears welling. She returns her eyes to the fire before her. She never should have let her gaze leave its glowing embers.
"Pipxì," Tonowari calls out. "What are your thoughts?" Pipxì stands before the Olo'eyktan with a disapproving expression. Neteyam winces at the sight of her, remembering what she had harshly said to him this morning. "By the will of Eywa, I am promised to Neteyam," she states, devoid of feeling. She turns to look at Augustine, who's eyes are anywhere but her way. Her eyes travel to Neteyam's. Anger begins to build within her chest. He decided to do this behind her back. He betrayed her, whether she wanted to move forward with the mating rite or not. "If she is the daughter of a great warrior, then I must see this for myself," Pipxì answers with a monotone. "I challenge Augustine te Uniltìrantokxolo’ Ewtoä'ite to the First Blood rite."
Augustine's eyes slowly fall upon Pipxì's in horror. Pipxì's eyes show absolutely no remorse as she stares at the Olo'eyktan. Augustine has only heard of the First Blood rite in stories her father told her as a child. A ritualistic battle where one opponent must draw the blood of the other first. She looks up to seek guidance from her Sully family. She is met with horrified looks. Tuk continues to reach out towards her, almost to comfort her. Kiri holds her hand down in an attempt to protect her from getting involved.
"To determine what outcome?" Tonowari asks blatantly. Pipxì then, and only then, speaks directly towards Augustine. With an angered look, she spits out, "To determine who has the blood of the greatest warrior." Neteyam steps out of line without hesitation. "No, Pipxì," he yells. Jake quickly wraps his arms around his eldest son. He grunts as he struggles to hold on. "Do not do this. You don't even want this!" Neteyam pleads from his restraints. "It is done," she mutters as she looks down at him and back up to her leader.
Neteyam loudly grunts and aggressively rips himself from his father's arms. "I will fight," he yells towards Tonowari. "I will fight for Augustine." Augustine turns towards him in shock. She did not need him to fight for her, yet he chooses to make her sound weak in front of the people. Although Neteyam knows this, he would never wish any harm her way for his crimes. He promised to keep her safe. "I did this, Olo'eyktan. I broke the promise," he begs. "Not her." Tonowari stares down at the pleading boy. "You do not have a choice, Son of Toruk Makto," he states with regret. He watches as Neteyam falls to his knees and covers his face with his hands.
"The First Blood Rite will be held at first light. Rest well," Tonowari says as he walks from the crowd. The Metkayina people cheer as Pipxì walks back towards her friends and family. Augustine looks deep into the fire. The overwhelming feelings coursing through her veins, encouraging her to just jump in. It would all be over so quickly. She wouldn't have to do this -
"Augustine," Jake says, pulling her from her thoughts. He watches her in concern as she slowly pulls her gaze towards him. Her body moves in slow motion as the shock floods her muscles. "We need to go back to the pod. Can Kiri and Lo'ak take you?" With what felt like forever, Augustine slowly nods. She turns back to look for Neteyam's eyes. Neytiri had her hands on his shoulders as she disciplined him. Spider stands beside her with furious fists clenched. Augustine was not given a chance to say goodbye.
Kiri and Lo'ak rush to hook their arms with Augustine's. "It's going to be okay, Gusty," Kiri continues to repeat as she guides her back towards the Sully pod. Augustine is starting to think that those words are more comforting to Kiri at this moment. As they reach the home, Lo'ak stands worried in a corner. His eyes watching the moving water below the netting. Tsireya paces behind him with her hand to her forehead. Kiri sits in front of Augustine with absolute worry on her face.
"Can you fight?" Kiri asks as she reaches for Augustine's hand. "Yes, I continued my practices but I haven't fought against another since I left High Camp," she says as she keeps her eyes on their hands. "First blood is not to the death," Kiri adds with a concerned expression. She attempts to gain Augustine's gaze. Augustine looks up to Kiri with tears falling down her cheeks. "I don't care about that," she shares as she pulls her eyes away once more. "I don't want to hurt anyone." Kiri's lips tremble as her body empathetically watches her closest friend in so much pain.
Kiri takes a quick breath to regulate herself and focus upon her friend. "Gusty," she says as she reaches for Augustine's chin and pushes it up. "You need to. You need to win. You need to win so you can be with Neteyam." Augustine bites her lip as she shakes her head. "Why?" she cries. Lo'ak rushes to her side, placing a comforting hand to her shoulder. "The outcome is forever," he shares. "If you do not win, Neteyam will always be promised to Pipxì. You won't be able to break that promise, Gus." He then grabs hold of her shoulders to turn her towards him. "Is not hurting Pipxì more important than being with the person you love?" he asks with all sincerity.
Augustine's eyes flick towards Lo'ak. "I won't let her win," she says through grinding teeth. She feels a darkness bubble within her as she mentally prepares for the battle ahead. "Reya, do you know anything about Pips' fighting style?" he asks, turning back to his love. Tsireya rushes over and sits before them. She is a clear ball of stress and worry. "She is a great hunter, an even better warrior. She fights with grace and power," she answers with her brows pushed together. She continues to shake her head, unsure of how the girl before her will win against one of Metkayina’s strongest warriors Lo'ak yells, "Shit" under his breath. He then guides Augustine to stand before him. "We need to practice."
Suddenly, a force rushes through the front entrance. "Augustine!" Neteyam says as he runs in with eyes looking every where. "Neteyam," she whimpers with her arms open as she collapses into his chest with tears in her eyes. "I am so sorry, Ma’Augustine," he starts as he pulls away and kisses her forehead and cheeks. "I'm supposed to keep you safe and now, I'm putting you in danger?" Augustine shakes her head. "You didn't do anything, Ma'Nete," she whispers. "I'll do what I must."
Lo'ak stands beside the two lovebirds with a serious look to his face. "We need to practice, bro," he states as he turns towards his brother. "Yes," Neteyam nods. He steps back and looks at Augustine. She is thin, devoid of much muscle as she spent the majority of the past four years with her nose stuck in a book as opposed to scaling walls and trees. "Are you ready, my love?" he asks. "Yes, Ma'Nete."
wutso: dinner, served meal
muntxa si: mate with, marry
taronyu: hunter
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note: oh my gerd. what is going to happen y'all. are they finally going to be able to get together? or is it gonna end up like romeo and juliet? there's probably going to be several parts to come so i hope you will all join me along for the ride. very proud of this post and hope y'all enjoyed.
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
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Robot Chicken #79: “Please Do Not Notify Our Contractors” | September 13, 2009 - 11:30PM | S04E18
I have to finish a Jeopardy board for my “online friends” game night tonight, so I’ll make this as brief as I can, which is usually not very. Four longish sketches for me to comment on! 
One is a parody of the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I think. I only saw that movie once ever in my entire life. I don’t think I like Indiana Jones, like, at all. Anyway: This is about the knight that is guarding the holy grail, and how he got along for all those years before Indiana Jones got there. It also explains why there were so many other grails there to confuse him; they were fast food cups from him ordering in. I don’t hate this premise, I just hate hearing Breckin Meyer doing a British accent. It just sounds like a high school drama student approximating Monty Python sketches to me. 
There’s a sketch where a father hides in his young son’s closet to prove to him that there’s no such thing as a bogeyman. It backfires, because he learns that his son is domming his teddy bear and now he’s trapped in there as to not confront this terrible truth. I’m not sure if I missed the full joke of this sketch; there were key phrases that seemed to suggest that the kid was playing out some role playing fantasy he has or reenacting a trauma from a previous living situation? He does say the teddy bear is adopted? Like, I’m honestly not sure if the joke is that the kid is planning to rape his adoptive father or something, I genuinely feel like i missed a key detail. NOT SPENDING MORE TIME ON THIS TO FIGURE IT OUT, SORRY.
There’s a very long sketch where it’s Beast from Beauty and the Beast on a dating reality show where he fucks and sucks various beauties of various backgrounds. Technically this is a new idea, I guess, but the tropes of reality shows have been fodder for comedy for so gosh darn long, and none of those jokes seem particularly inspired. The funniest joke in this is the running gag of the angry mob that keeps interrupting it, but then I remembered about January 6th and instantly got PTSD from it :( 
Okay; the best sketch of the night was Montage, about a superhero of sorts who helps people by showing up an enacting a montage. There’s been comedy about the montage trope for years, but the part where he does a montage to age up a house thief so that he becomes too frail to complete his crime is pretty inspired. And the ending was really good, where Montage’s nemesis End Credits man shows up, for both being a clever joke and also letting me know that the show was about to end. 
The Office (UK) (September 19, 2009 - 12:00AM)
I recently watched a video where a British man defended the post-classic era of the Simposns. It only solidified my personal theory that as outsiders to American culture, British people are less likely to be able to discern the very clear difference between good and bad episodes of The Simpsons. But this is a two-way street, mostly resulting in Americans not realizing Ricky Gervais sucks until he became the most cartoonishly awful version of himself. 
Did I love The Office back then? Yes. I haven’t tried to watch it in full in probably 20 years or so, so I don’t know if it “holds up” (I mean that in the least obnoxious way possible). I only got into the American Office after exhausting rewatches of the British one, after being told how much better it got after it’s first season (of which I saw the first episode, a remake of the first British episode, and hated).
The Office airing on Adult Swim is one of my favorite bits of Adult Swim lore. Because it was promoted for weeks with Ricky Gervais being, for it’s time, funny and cheeky in promos. You got the impression he riffed them all out, letting his naturally-amusing arrogance drive them with inspired one-liners. The show’s odd runtime meant that Adult Swim had to air it in 45 minute time slots with extensively long introductions with Ricky Gervais talking about the episode for a few minutes before letting it play. 
The difference between the promos he cut and the intros, despite being the exact same camera setup, was stark. Ricky would pretentiously prattle on about how David Brent was (I used to do an impression of this and it made two people laugh really hard, so I consider it one of my greatest bit) “huuurrtiiing”, almost like we’d failed as an audience by this character buffoonish. Ricky was basically preparing us for watching a Ken Loach film, and not an above-average BBC Sitcom. It could very well be the first instance of me thinking “this dude seems like he sucks”. 
Surprisingly, these intros seem to be missing from the internet. I keep teasing the fact that some day I’ll dig out my DVD-Rs and try and find this stuff to post somewhere, but who knows at this point. I genuinely don’t know where they are and I have so much fucking shit I need to purge just to get to the pile that MIGHT contain them. But maybe some day. Enjoy the one promo I found, which doesn’t really illustrate what I’m talking about almost at all. Sorry.
The Boondocks pilot got leaked online archive DOT org/details/boondockspilot
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