#this 100% has nothing to do with the abuse at all/s
infizero · 1 month
blah blah blah YES norman was going to allow ruby to partake in contests. doesnt change the fact he beat him up lol!
#i think that rlly does show his character more than anything. like his reasoning for finally allowing him to do it is literally#''i still dont approve and still want him to pursue battling but hes turning 11 so he can make his own decisions in life. i didnt#like him doing it before because he was a child'' <- norman very much has the ''children must do exactly as their parents say'' mentality#which is not rlly great. esp since it is implied that he became abusive when ruby would NOT do as he said#and even besides that. the fact that once ruby runs away norman becomes so unbelievably violent with him is literally all that matters#in a discussion of whether norman is a good dad or not. it literally does not matter that he changed his mind and was going#to allow ruby to do contests WHEN HE STILL BEAT HIM UP FOR RUNNING AWAY!!!!!!!! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!#he physically abused ruby in a very violent manner (and again its implied this isnt new behavior for him. norman is also just shown#to be a very violent person in general. destroying things when hes angry shoving random people etc etc)#he couldve fucking cured cancer he couldve wholeheartedly supported ruby's contest career for all i care#anything good he does is overshadowed by his abuse of ruby. i dont think norman is an entirely 100% EVIL person#i dont even think that he doesnt care about ruby. but he is a terrible abusive father regardless and nothing can change that#norman does have nuances. and he is still terrible and in my eyes irredeemable. those things can coexist#(i cant remember exactly where things end up esp once he dies. so i'll reserve any comments about how the NARRATIVE views#norman until after ive finished R&S in its entirety)#but yeah. him planning on giving ruby permission to do contests literallyyyyy does not change anything#serena.txt#pksp reread#ruby & sapphire reread
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luxuourr · 25 days
Why manifesting is your best friend + society is a bitch.
manifesting ?? my best friend ? hell no. i need to work so hard...
pookie it's not your work hard thing , your society you live in, we collectively live in , has told us fucked up shit we don't need to believe in, nothing of it is true. The only thing true is what's from the heart and it's the feeling , you didn't and god didn't and universe didn't send time upon us , we used our brains to create it ,
laws don't fail. laws are made laws because they're undeniable.
understand time is not linear , scientists found alphabets otherwise let's be honest , who would have known what's English is?? If Greeks and Egyptians didn't work on time. would we know today?
nuh uh! so I suggest you to remember, don't look at how much time or date you're at, don't look at how many hours until he (sp ) surprises ur enemy with date , how you fail
no time to think of this, think the best of every possible circumstance, I know and you should too, you're doing a great job
even if the last conversation with him ended in a divorce, breakup or failed situation ship, you can get it all back, even if life has not been kind to you and you could not keep up with the most important exam of your life AND you're a victim of domestic abuse or parental abuse. it's not too late, you're not doing anything right or wrong , just because you could not do more than you could because of circumstances, it'll not change your results , it'll not change you getting 100%, if you did everything positively and tried to slap your negative thoughts there's always hope. i say this as I have not prepared anything for the most important math exam of my life and it's 5 pm rn , I have 14 chapters and have the most biggest exam of my life tommorow at 1 pm, have severe depression and the most toxic and hurtful family you could ever imagine to have.
believe me, no one will care about you, until you make it happen.
do you know what your job is ?
- know what you want + assume you're that version, that super model , famous celeb, have that desired body s/o or whatever , fullfill yourself after that and BOOM you wake up in it, won't even take less than a 2-3 days if your belief is good enough, you're doing shit in a fun way to manifest everything you want
- failure doesn't exist , no you're not delusional for attempting nothing in exam and wanting 96% ,you're god remember. the others who have the exam aren't , if you assume you'll know everything without studying that's going to happen, it only depends on what you feed yourself with.
- gone is gone , it's like it'll never come back, if there is something attached , like up coming results from what happened, i suggest assume + accept and move on
- if you script, mediate, robotically affirm, visualize or do whatever, it is meant to happen
- do not worry, you're doing a good job, just try your best for certain things or assume , everything works in the best possible outcomes
- mountains and clouds , centuries and the equator will move for you to get your desires.
- no you're not cursed and shit, life's a rainbow sparkle colors it's all a roses of bed and not what society taught us, just assume and you'll wake up with it
- for example if you have important exams of your life , there's this girl in front of you doing so well in exams , u don't wanna cheat and there's no chances anyway but you realize, the best you're doing right now is trying your level best in the exam and if you have time or not , time doesn't matter it's just created by us, remember she's not better she has no idea about LOA It's , you it's me it's us. Why would she be better, she had to study 24/7 and then still assume about average grades and stress over what's wrong and right , instead you , who could visualize given it well, be the person who got 96% in these exams isn't it much more fun, less tiring and entertaining??
- you got to know manifesting for a reason, trust people who posted their success stories, trust yourself , be kind to yourself and don't let the old story walk over you, it was never there , failure never existed , you've always been the new story you created for yourself, understood.?
- beating yourself up is not going to reverse time again honey, it's gone , it's not coming back , like never so focus on yourself, your feelings , your intentions , your life. Try to know that manifesting is not about trying to get and doing methods to recieve , it's about KNOWING and feeling.
e. g Aliyah is a girl who's a manifestor she wants good grades, she has issues she cannot study because of and cause her to be burn out at home , so she decides , the night before finals.
she thinks " i will try my best and even if it's the point where it wasn't good enough, universe and manifesting has my back, the time that'll be taken by the institute to check my exams , I'll revise everything including all my wrong parts of exam and unfilled parts to fully filled correct answers because crying and whining won't do shit, but this feeling will change everything" , even her bsf in this case supported her and told her that she's manifesting for her and everything plays out in the best possible circumstances. You only assumed like that and made it happen
e. g there's another manifestor called Sara she is also giving the same exam as aliyah , but instead of working on her self concept , believing in herself
, she'd cry for hours everyday for three months so instead of reality giving her the 100% she's been hoping for , she fails she thinks 3D is everything( it's not ) , she doesn't believe in bloggers she's impulsive, thinks crying is the solution to everything , she spends 3 months crying and shitting about herself to achieve nothing in life
prior to this aliyah the master manifestor slays in everything she does, she accepts and moves on , every time bad thoughts get to her , she slaps them with " NO THIS IS MY WORLD IM AN ACCURATE PERFECT MANIFESTOR"
so who of them saved themselves despite abusive household and everything??? Sarah just spent all the time crying and whining.
you can either be her. ( Sarah) or HER (aliyah)
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swarovskiseraph · 1 year
*WARNING: TOUGH LOVE RANT. also, like everything in life, take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not doing anything i mention in this post, then this post doesn't apply to you.
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before anyone comes for me, MOST of us are going through (or have gone through) hard circumstances. many of us have come from abusive households, abusive relationships, poverty, homelessness, & just overall bad circumstances.
but you know why the bloggers & anons who succeed in manifesting their desires/desired lives ACTUALLY SUCCEED?
because they took accountability for their current state and their limiting patterns.
because they were disciplined & determined enough to claim their desire(s), apply the law, & persist regardless of EVERYTHING.
because they knew that this practice would actually change their lives forever and allowed NOTHING to stand in their way.
if you were to be 100% honest and tell me why after months/years of being in this community you STILL haven't manifested your desires/desired life yet, what would be the answer?
overconsumption? procrastination? laziness? lack of persistence?
whatever the case may be, what i do know for a FACT is that it has been no one's fault but YOURS.
many of you guys come running on this platform; asking the same repetitive questions, complaining about not seeing results, whining about how sad your life is and how hard your circumstances are, or just straight up hating on some of these bloggers that are helping you FOR FREE, when they could be using that time to enjoy their desires/the life that they manifested for themselves.
"can you pleaseee manifest/tap into the void for me?" 🥺
"im so lazyyy, i can't be bothered to persist..." 🥱
"loa is FAKE! you guys are a bunch of lying b***hes..." 🤬
"my life is sooo hard, i have such a horrible life...*continues to trauma dump*" 😭
there are MILLIONS of people in the world who are in unfavorable/horrible circumstances that have NO IDEA what the law of assumption is, and have NO WAY to access this type of information!
you guys literally have the knowledge and awareness to make the most beautiful life possible for yourselves with JUST YOUR IMAGINATION, and yet, A LOT of you guys are the most ungrateful, lazy, irresolute, undisciplined whiners, who don't want to do even the BARE MINIMUM to change your entire lives!!
TRUST ME, everyone on this platform (including myself) understands that there will be setbacks. we all know that they are going to be bad days. we all understand that everyone has their own personal/mental issues. we get that life has obstacles and that not every day will be a win.
BUT, you guys NEED to put in the effort & not give up! you guys NEED to STOP letting your ego win! you guys NEED to get tf off of social media and stop overconsuming information. you guys NEED to claim your desires/desired life, stay consistent & persist until your desires/desired life has materialized.
because guess what, a day turns into a year pretty quickly, and you'll have gone another year of NOT having your desires/desired life, and it's going to be no one's fault but yourself...
do you REALLY want another year of watching everyone else get what they want besides you? do you REALLY want another year of not having your desired appearance, your sp, or financial freedom?
i hope the answer is no...because that's a HUGE waste of time that could be used to actually have the things & life you want.
everyone deserves to live the life they want...but at the end of the day, no one & nothing has the power to manifest the life you want but YOU.
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
🚨🚨🚨Congress hiding behind "protecting" LGBTQ+ to push for censorship bills that would harm us
May 8, 2023
The EARN IT Act isn't the only bill Congress is rushing through this session that's secret goal is to censor and surveil Americans, especially queer ones.
KOSA (s.1409), or the Kid's Online Safety Act, is being hailed across the mainstream media and congress as the best bill to "protect children online from algorithmic harm" by essentially, blocking content that gives minors anxiety, depression, eating and substance abuse disorders, online bullying and harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, suicidal behaviors, and addiction. It's gives the FTC, who are politically appointed by the president, and all 50 state attorney generals enforcement power to do this. As long as they can justify a website 'harmed' a minor by having content that leads to 'anxiety, sexual exploitation, and suicidal behaviors', they will push lawsuit over lawsuit to that site until it censors that content for the minor.
Oh, but that's not it, either. HOW will websites determine who is and isn't a minor? Well don't worry, because the bill says "age verification isn't required". That however does nothing to stop websites from pushing age verification. When they're about to be held liable and sued for millions, when there's an age verification lobby that has pushed these bills successfully in half the states, when websites should know "reasonably" that theres a minor, they are GOING to go for age verification. Multiple experts agree that this would happen.
Last year, nearly 100+ LGBT and human rights orgs sent a letter opposing KOSA. They were ignored and Senator Blumenthal (same guy who is pushing the EARN IT Act) met with different orgs to "update the language". Except nothing in the update language changes any of it's impact. Sure, they removed "grooming" from being a target of this bill and instead are focusing on "mental health". Except, the Missouri Attorneys General, in his emergency order banning gender affirming care, cited a number of medical studies effectively claiming that access to gender affirming care is causing young people to experience mental health issues. They will use ANY excuse to censor content.
This is the tumblr purge 2.0 but for the entire internet. It's just as bad as the EARN IT Act. And it has IMMENSE levels of support. You have the national Eating Disorder Coalition, child advocacy orgs, the freaking American Psychological Association, LIZZO!!!! supporting this. It needs IMMENSE levels of backlash from us, the grassroots, the people.
The best way to fight back is to CALL YOUR SENATORS. It's now going to go to the commerce committee for markup, after it will head to a vote. This is going to be fasttracked and most likely voted on this month or June. It's all hands on deck.
Link to call script to read off alongside numbers to call:
A bunch of petitions you can sign (takes less than 5 min)
Open Letter Against KOSA
Petition 1
Petition 2
Petition 3
Petition 4
Resistbot: Text PHJDYH to 50409
And more information here: Linktree
This is a great TLDR article to read: Vox Article
TLDR; Congress's new bill KOSA that has an immense amount of bipartisan support will lead to internet censorship by giving all state attorney generals, even the ones in Texas and Florida, power to sue websites for "harmful" content and decide what is "dangerous" for minors, force websites to make you upload your govt ID online, and lead to widespread abuse of queer youth. We have to fight back NOW or else we will see an internet-wide purge of any adult and queer content online, globally.
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indras-wife · 2 months
If you can, PLEASEE feed us with some Madara Headcanons girlie! I feel you will give some interesting ones both NSFW and SFW *wink wink* I am thirsty for that damn man
Aren't we all anon? That man was my first ever crush from Naruto so he holds a very special place in my heart. He is soo crazy interesting that he fits in EVERY scenario, be it yandere, cute or dirty kinky stuff. Slay man fr.
I had to give general and some romance information in the SFW part, but I went a little into details with the NSWF since its my first time writing it in my blog, had to make it good~ Enjoy reading it sweetie<3<3
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Madara is an extremely protective man! Despite being protective he is also very caring, something he rarely shows to his peers, clan members and friends (if he has any besides Hashirama)
I see Madara, both as a kid and a teen, spending lots of time in the library, reading martial arts books, trying to memorize each and every step and later on practicing them either with Izuna or someone else in the clan. He also uses the war strategies in multiple battles, which lead him to victory every time.
Being in full control of the situation he is in, is very important to him. This man spends hours and days figuring what he will do during a specific event. If he has a meeting, he plans the conversations between him and his guest in his head maybe 100 times. He trains himself to be ready to give an answer to every question, even the not logical ones. He will not be embarrassed by anyone.
One thing he won't ever talk about is how he deeply he misses his mother. Despite not having much contact with her, Madara respects and loves her and wishes he could spend more time with her, getting to know what maternal love was.
Moving into more romantic scenery, this big grumpy man ADORES when his s/o washes his majestic hair. It takes a long time to take a proper care of his long hair, and frankly Madara has no time for that. However, his s/o forces him to the bathroom and washes his hair, which helps him to be rid of the crazy headaches he always complained from. He is never vocal about this, but seeing his s/o take care of his hair and him in general, makes him feel loved and appreciated, something he did not feel for a long time.
He also loves hugging his s/o and sleeping like that. If his s/o wakes up in the morning, she has no way of getting out of bed because of the strong grip he has on her body. He is like a big, warm teddy bear at nights
As a leader of the clan, he expect his wife to respect him always and to always be next to him. For this man, there is no room for disrespect, especially from his wife, so she needs to be respectful no matter what, or else he may become a little...rude (and he wont be bothered by it). However, he would listen his wife if she talks about a topic that displeases her (he is a good husband)
Madara is VERY, VERY, VERY kinky. He is not touchy in public or in front of his clan with his s/o, but behind closed doors he does not hold back. He breaks one or two pieces of furniture each month. He loves tying her, denying orgasms, melting wax on his s/o skin, turning her into a mindless slut who will be nothing but his toy.
This man is HEAVILY into BDSM and every type of kinky things which allow him to assert dominance. This also helps him take his anger out during sex (not in an abusive way), something he is doing quite often but makes it feel so good his s/o doesnt mind the roughness.
He loves receiving oral, especially when he is working. He would have his s/o on her knees, under his desk, sucking him while he fills out the papers. If he is feeling spontaneous, Madara can even hold some meetings for hours, while his s/o is busy pleasuring him under the table. Not only does Madara enjoy getting the pleasure, he also enjoys torturing his s/o, as she cannot make any sound when he is in a meeting. Sometimes he would grab her hair and pull hard if she gets stops sucking him, to make her continue her job.
"You did good~ Time to be rewarded~" His rewards look like long orgasms which he makes his s/o experience with the help of his tongue and fingers. As much as he loves receiving oral, he loves giving it to his partner too. Seeing her face flush, breath becoming slow and her legs shaking is an absolute maddening sight for this man. His s/o begs him to stop as she is extremely sensitive after having 5 and more orgasms, but this man does not stop until he is satisfied.
Madara loves his s/o's moans. In general he loves every sound escaping her lips. They rile him up to do more and show that his s/o is enjoying being intimate with him.
He does not accept NO in sex. If he is in the mood to fuck, then he will get it. Middle of the night? He will either wake his partner or fuck her without waking her up. Early morning? Afternoon? The time doesnt matter for him. If he is horny, he will get his way.
Madara also loves when his s/o rides him. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to give too much dominance to his s/o, but later on after getting used to it, he orders his s/o to get on top of him nearly every night. He loves seeing her bounce up and down on him. That sight alone is enough to make this man release in her.
He may be rude and grumpy with his s/o, but he makes sure to still show her, sexually and not, how much he loves and enjoys her company in his life. She is one of the people who bring him peace, calmness and happiness.
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neteyamssyulang · 7 months
⤥ Unleashed Desires ⤦
⤥ 100 follower special ⤦
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⤳ Pairing: Lo’ak x Fem omaticaya reader
⤳ Background: Despite lo’ak warning you to stay away during his rut you didn’t listen. Now your paying the price
⤳ Warnings: Lo’ak in rut, Dom Lo’ak, Sub reader, Semi dark, Choking, Predator/Prey, P in V, Creampie, Overstimulation, Ass slapping.
⤥ Total word count: 656 ⤦
⤥Translation(s): Yawne -> Beloved, Paskalin -> Honey.
⤥ A/N: It’s not that long but I hope it’ll do <3
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You should've listened, you should've stayed away. But no you were too stubborn and now your in this situation.
Your lungs burned, your legs ached. you couldn't stop running though as he was inching closer and closer to you each passing moment.
Lo'ak has told you repeatedly why he goes off alone during his ruts and why he remains unmated, he goes feral letting his rut completely overtake his senses.
He knew you wouldn't stay away though, thought he wished you would have. Once his rut hit he hid deep in the forest in a small hut with just food, water, blankets and his dagger.
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Lo'ak could smell you before you even got near the hut, he saw the fear in your eyes as he lunged at you, you managed to jump away in time and ran back towards the village.
Unbeknownst to you, Lo'ak enjoys the chase. That's where your at now, the journey back to the village was long and you were so tired from running.
Suddenly he pounced on you sending you to the forest floor, using his dagger he cut the ties on your loincloth as well as the ties on your top throwing them somewhere. "L-Lo'ak please just think about this!" You pleaded trying to reason with the male above you.
"Think about what mamas?" He purrs taking his own loincloth off lining his cock with your entrance, "How I told you to stay away?" You let out a scream as he slammed himself inside setting a brutal pace.
Your screams echoed throughout the area, fuck he felt even bigger on his rut.. "That's it baby.. take it like the little slut you are" sending a harsh slap down onto your ass.
Lo'ak suddenly pulled out flipping you onto your back before plunging inside you again. Grinning he placed both hands around your throat squeezing lightly as he picked up his pace, his hips slamming against yours.
"S-slow do-" , "Shut.the.fuck.up" each word punctuated by a hard thrust making your eyes roll back.
“That’s it..good girl..” he groans angling his cock to hit your sweet spot. Your screams only fueled his desire for you more. The desire to breed you and make you his.
If your being completely honest you regret nothing, you knew this was bound to happen if you sought him out. The only thing you might regret is that you won’t be able to walk after this is over.
Leaning down to your neck he kissed and sucked on it, he could tell you were close by how you were clenching around him “Go ahead mamas, cum for me” he purrs.
Your hands clawed at his back earning a hiss from Lo’ak as you came, your walls fluttering around his cock.
Unable to hold his own orgasm back anymore he growled in your ear as he came inside you, his thick warm seed filling up your empty womb.
A quiet whimper left your lips as your eyes felt droopy, leaning up to look at you he gently tapped your cheek “Don’t be falling asleep now mamas, I’m not done with you yet.”
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You’ve lost all concept of time now, your throat is hoarse from all the screaming, your face is stained with your tears.
All you can do and have been doing is letting him use you, your cunt overstimulated and insides bruised with each thrust he sends into you.
“Fuck..doing so well for me yawne..” he groaned, your walls convulsing around him as you came once more squirting on his lower abdomen.
He suddenly pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach. Using the rest of your strength you dig your fingers into the soil pulling yourself across the ground.
Lo’ak tsks dragging you back by your legs and climbs ontop of you. Lining himself up again he snaps his hips plunging inside your abused pussy.
“We’re done when I say we are paskalin”
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schyzotypalmind · 3 months
Hot take regarding Heihachi Mishima and Reina.
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I still find incredible the amount of mental gymnastics that male players do with justifying Heihachi Mishima and hating on Reina for no reason at all. Let me explain.
I think a lot of y´all either don´t have media literacy, critical thinking and love to justify straight up abusers.
The whole concept and take of " Heihachi been secretly the good guy because he was betrayed by Kazumi" makes me vomit. Since when a man been abusive towards his son, adopted son and grandson is justification for been "betrayed" by his wife in the past???? Like, are you insane.??
He was NEVER the good guy, like, EVER. He tortured and imprisoned his father Jinpachi Mishima, stole his conglomerate and rebuilt it as a mafia. He left his father to die and rot under Honmaru BEFORE Kazumi ever tried to kill him. Jinpachi was long gone before that. I bet you, Heihachi doing that is what triggered the gene in Kazumi. As far as we know the Hachijou´s do not kill for nothing. They get rid of threats to humanity. Kazumi was doing her job, trying to save the rest of the world before Heihachi got more powerful.
He killed her, tried to kill his son Kazuya, and when he survived he made his life a living hell. Got rid of both his grandad and mom, adopted Lee Chaolan for the sole purpose of making him a rival to Kazuya. Not letting them develop a normal healthy sibling relationship, but just making them hate each other.
Wang Jinrei (Xiao´s grandpa) knew him since he was a kid and told us in Tekken 5 that he has ALWAYS been an asshole.
He kidnapped Michelle Chang and stole her necklace relic to resurrect and control Ogre to gain power to himself.
He manipulated Jin, trained him and brought him to fight ogre like a pig before the slaughter house. And you justify this guy????? He killed his grandson too.
Just say that you love abusers, that´s it. Is infuriating.
Heihachi probably also lying to the journalist is the cherry on top.
He had zero feelings to Kazuya even as a baby "his mother was specially doted on him", no shit Sherlock, Kazumi WAS HIS MOTHER. Of course she is going to love him.
He hooked up with Lars mom (and with multiple ones) only to prove if he had or could have a devil gene too. Abandoning countles of kids that we don´t know yet, all over the world.
And the Reina situation just makes me remember Tekken 3 all over again.
I´m 100% sure he also manipulated her, she is probably a test tube baby, raised and brainwashed by him, spoiling her (she seems to know everyone on Tekken and has a lot of money) , she doesn´t have anything against him because she is a girl and we know Heihachi has a soft spot for girls. She doesn´t know the whole story, she is probably only 21 or 22, in her mind he was the perfect father and Jin and Kaz were just overreacting or were evil. He treated her right, gave everything to her, covering up his multiple crimes and abuse towards his family. So please, do not hate on her, we don´t know her side of the story but is probably going to be sad as well.
Heihachi neglected all his male sons, adopted ones and grandkid. He is not a "heartbroken man", he was an abuser. Period.
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AITA for not telling someone I wasn't their bully 100% of the time
Hey so I was a shitty kid and i willbe TA for most of the story. However the ambiguous non-ending spins around my head nonstop
! In high-school I met a friend, Lacy (mtf) who had recently come out. We bonded over mutual Fandoms and shared classes and ended up pooling friends. I was already tight friends with one other girl we can call Sam. Sam went to another school but me and her had been best friends for many years and talked constantly online. After spending a lot of time with Lacy, and with L and S in a group, I started to get a little crush. Me and Lacy had this habit of passing comic notes to eachother between classes and they were just so fun. Anyways I ended up passing them one asking them out and she agreed. We talked about it casually after and I kept the note. In the background, me and Sam talk constantly about Lacy. Outside of school, online, Lacy often goes on long rants and tangents and caps it off being painfully self depreciating and insinuating self harm. I honestly don't hold that against her too much, given how young we were and how much stuff was going on. Very quickly I realize this tiny crush evaporates in the heat of her stomping rants. My gut sinks when Lacy mentions we are dating. It's been less than a day. Sam messages me immediately and I make the terrible snap decision to lie. I lie about it and I have the evidence so my version becomes correct. I tell Sam I didn't *really* ask Lacy out, blah blah. The lie doesn't end. Lacy has an explosive breakdown about it, well warranted, and I lie to adults and school administrators as well. We were friends, I guess she got too attached, we talk all the time but no. I never asked her to date. Papers signed, case closed. Lacy blocks me everywhere. The year ends. I resign to never speaking to her, as the unquestioned bully in this situation I wouldn't have the right to approach her about it. I think I send one anon ask completely unrelated to her or our lives, then block her back as is only fair.
Short hop forwards a month or two. Sam sends me a message about an update to Lacys blog. Lacy is otherkin and Sam is laughing at the kin list, sending anon messages mocking Lacy about the choices and identity. Very unfamiliar with otherkin but struggling with gender thoughts myself I don't respond much.
Fast forward a few years. Me and Sam don't talk much now. I got a boyfriend and couldn't help love how much he ignored me. Everything else fell through cracks. Working at my restaurant job one day, who else comes in but Lacy. We are very busy, I try to be quick, don't make eye contact. "Party of....for Lacy?" She nods. The lobby is full so they walk out the door and never come back. Later when my shift is over I unblock and check her blog. She's made a post saying I was her abuser and had sent her constant anon hate since bullying her in hs. Checking her ask tag I see Sam on anon sends 3-6 hate messages a year. I do nothing and leave everyone be and move on.
Another 3 years goes by. Sam reaches out. She's terminally ill, and we speak stiffly for a few IMs. I don't forgive myself for leaving her and decide it's best we don't keep talking. Another few years and Sam passes. Our old friends go through Sam's papers and pc files reminiscing and find pages and pages of shared chat logs between me L and S. It really was a harsh reminder of how cruel I had been, speaking behind Lacys back and lying. I don't doubt I caused her lasting trauma with my actions.
Part of me wanted to reach out to Lacy and apologize, explaining myself and the misunderstanding and clearing the lie not because I wanted to feel absolved I just that it's finally done now. But it feels so cruel to do it when 1. As the original bully it's still not my place to seek closure 2. I can't just toss my friends corpse under this bus for no reason.
It's soon a decade since we all left school so the time seems well past. I just can't stop thinking about all the mistakes. And there seems no reason to bring it all up after all Sam can't say anything about it anymore and nobody is hurt believing i said these things. So, AITA for not telling Lacy it wasn't me bullying her most of the time?
What are these acronyms?
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kikyan · 1 year
Yandere Octavinelle Headcanons
TW/CW: Dark content up ahead!! Yandere content specifically, mentions of abuse, manipulation, violence towards the reader, mental instability, etc. Proceed with caution! 
Mini side note because of the comment (that is now deleted or either I’m blocked) from my Savannaclaw Headcanons. This is yandere content, granted a quick glance at all my headcanons and other pieces by creators, you’ll see how different everyone’s interpertation and writing is different. Not every yandere content out there is yandere simulator. I don’t think all of these character is gonna pick a weapon and start going to town on half the cast. I like to focus on how they’d be in a relationship, how they’d react, and what I think they are capable of. So no, a lot of my content doesn’t have someone stalking their S/O and killing potential suitors but that doesn’t mean it’s not yandere? Sorry it’s just that I tried adressing it but I guess the OP blocked me, oh well. Enjoy!! 
DISCLAIMER:  These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY  be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision!
Banner made by @herestrish​! Pls don’t steal! 
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Azul Ashengrotto 
Long overdue headcanons, but I shall deliver. Azul is complicated. I think all of Octavinelle is complicated because I can see them acting in two different ways. Azul was bullied for being overweight and it had an impact on his character. He worked hard to get people to see him as someone for his abilities rather than his appearance, even if the means were shady. Post over blot he still has some insecurities, but he doesn’t shy away from them and chooses to face them head-on. As for his yandere type, I can see him as a very manipulative person (no matter what) but I can also see him as very overprotective and clingy. 
I’m torn between seeing him as someone who loves his S/O but clings on to the fear that someday they’ll leave him. Resulting in him trying to strike a contract with you without you knowing until after you try to leave him (if you do). He’s confident and prideful, but just like his over blot, he’s horrible at handling his emotions (he just like me fr).  The manipulation at first isn’t anything too extreme, just casually bashing others to bring himself up. “He won’t pull his weight on the project, I’ll help you”, or “He’s bad news, nothing good from hanging out with them.” Little by little he’ll limit who you hang out with, and what you do, and he’ll build himself up as the ever so reliable and helpful Azul. 
Overprotective, almost all of them are tbh. He cares for you, genuinely. He just can’t express himself truthfully, he might see the relationship the same he’d see a deal. He holds himself to a high standard, the type to never break a sweat in public but deep down panicking the whole time. He’d probably have the Leech twins be your bodyguards from time to time and they’ll agree for the most part. It’s interesting to see what Azul finds intriguing about you. Besides, it’s amusing to see Azul care for you in his way, even if he gets embarrassed and fumbles the bag. Cares for your education and your reputation! 
This is where it gets me, I’m not quite sure how this happens. If you meet Azul and you guys develop a relationship, kudos! If not, he might strike a deal. I’m conflicted because I see Azul as someone who cherishes the type of relationship where they get to know each other and see their true selves, but I also see him as the type to be afraid of that. He’s worked tirelessly to build himself up but if he confessed to his S/O and they said no, I don’t think he could ever recover. To avoid being hurt, he’d probably use shady means to get his S/O. This is where he might strike a deal. He’ll catch you in a shady deal, an embarrassing situation, etc. He’ll use it as blackmail, forcing you into a relationship with him. He’s not that clingy though, don’t mistake him. He’ll wave it off as a business deal, it benefits us both so what do you have to lose? It’s confusing really, Azul doesn’t seem to care (if you happen to go down this route only) so why did he propose this deal? If his S/O just can’t stand it and proposes to cancel whatever deal they have that binds them to him, he’ll snap. 
He’ll cry, reverting to his crybaby self. He’s so insecure he can’t stand the idea of your rejection. He’s clinging, begging you to reconsider. He’ll do anything you ask of him just please, please don’t leave him. He’ll rewrite a contract, he’ll show affection, he’ll give you anything you want just don’t say that. Don’t even think of leaving him. It’s quite a sight really, you never thought the same man who once held himself up so high is on his knees begging for forgiveness and to make it right. This is why he’s a bit complicated, I feel like the very manipulative ‘read the fine print’ man suits Azul, but at the same time, he’s a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Granted you’d have to push his buttons a lot for that to happen, but it’s a possibility. 
In terms of scale, I want to say it’s a 6/10. His contracts are where he gets you hence why it’s a bit high. The contact that he can use to steal any ability you have is quite a tricky one. He’s powerful, and he knows how to use it but it doesn’t help much when he’s not so great himself. 
Floyd Leech
Run. No kidding, as a yandere the Leech brothers are fucking scary as all hell. I want to start and say this, in normal general relationship headcanons do I see the Leech brothers as genuinely loving their S/O? Yes of course, but these are yandere headcanons and while it’s not impossible don’t hold your breath. As yanderes, these brothers are out for blood. They’ll share similar traits with a few exceptions, I see Floyd as being clingy, possessive, and sadistic. 
The leech brothers don’t see their S/O as a partner for now, they’re only a pet for now. Floyd would be clingy in the sense that he sticks to you like glue. He’s always there, whenever you think you have privacy, you don’t. While they both act like gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, Floyd is that gum that’s visible but won’t come off. Meaning, you see him and know he’s coming, just that you can’t stop him. He’s always there, meaning the torment never ends. He drives people away, nobody comes to your rescue because nobody wants to mess with him. 
He sees his S/O as a toy. While both want to see your reactions, what makes you tick and you’re there for their amusement, Floyd is restless. As long as this doesn’t interrupt Azul’s work, don’t count on him for saving. He’s sadistic, he wants to hurt his S/O. At first, we’re under the impression that he doesn’t know what's wrong and that he just needs to be talked to. It spirals when you notice that he does know what he does and fully intends to continue. The type to push you to the cafeteria floor and then ask, “Is everything okay? Don’t get my shoes dirty shrimpy. . .” He hides behind that fake concern and laid-back persona. Any ‘accident’, I can assure you is not one. Your report that you worked tirelessly on is suddenly missing? Your project is in ruins? You didn’t finish your presentation? All of Floyds doing, he simply enjoys seeing you in uncomfortable situations. He smiles when you make eye contact with him mid-scolding from Trein. He offers false condolences when your project is broken, earning praise for being so concerned for you. What a nice friend isn’t he? 
Despite all his flaws, he doesn’t let anyone mess with you. He rather be the cause of your suffering. Possessive in the sense that you belong to him. You don’t belong to anyone else, your face of sadness? He’s the only one meant to see them. Your faces of anguish and frustration, he’s the cause of it and he lives for it. You can go ahead and tell someone and they’d respond the same, “Sure Floyd is eccentric but he’s not evil, you sure you’re not just making it up?” Anyone who does believe you aren’t strong enough to go against him. On the yandere scale, he’s a 10/10. He’s dangerous, if you haven’t caught his attention, run. I also want to add, that their S/O is mostly going to become stress relief. They’ll be on edge with any sudden mood shifts because they already know that they’re their go to stress ball. The Leech brothers are not the best, they’re VERY dangerous. 
Jade Leech 
Don’t bother running, you won’t get far. His are manipulative, obsessive, possessive, and sadistic. The issue with Floyd is that he makes his nature apparent, Jade conceals it. Quite frankly, Jade is scarier because he’s unpredictable. He’s seen as a super reliable and respectable person, very professional. The type to take on extra workload if needed but professional enough to stand up and know when to say no. He’s the manipulator of the two, he has a way with words that makes you genuinely think he has your best interests in mind. Masquerading his true intentions behind his smile. 
If you’ve ever seen Drrr!!, he reminds me a lot of Izaya. The type to observe you in difficult situations to see what kind of person you are. How do creatures like you work? What is your design? You’re quite a fascinating subject. He loves to see how you react to any situation. He’s quite obsessive, he wants to know anything and all there has to do regarding you. Often stalking you or inviting you out to the monstro lounge to observe you. Down to how you hold your glass he’s invested. He knows your likes and dislikes, your phobias, your friends,  your social life, and what goes down at your dorm. He needs to know after all to create your life trials. 
He’s possessive. Unlike Floyd, he lets others do the tormenting for him. Though he still believes your expressions are his alone, he would rather stay in the shadows to keep up his reliable facade a bit more. You’re his, he doesn’t like sharing and Jade makes that quite clear. The moment anybody wishes to get close to you he’d get rid of them. Either feeding them lies about you or simply scaring them away. He’s sadistic, he wants to hit you where it hurts. While Floyd prefers physical pain, Jade prefers mental pain. He enjoys the little things that bring you anguish. The betrayal of a friend, watching everyone turns against you, rumors destroying what little reputation you have left leaving Jade as your only companion. 
To add more to both, they see their S/O as a form of entertainment. They have no means of leaving you or letting you leave. The only way I can see their S/O leaving is if they got too boring. They stopped fighting. They no longer had any fight left in their eyes but while Floyd would be the first one to suggest leaving you, I think Jade would still find use. They want to light the spark. The torment stops, even for a while and you suddenly think all your efforts have paid off. Finally, they lost interest but what a scary sight it is to see them waiting for you ready to continue their torment. As far as the yandere scaling, I say Jade is an 11/10. Floyd is a danger, yes, but you already know he is. Jade hides that part of himself until he’s ready. You won’t know when he’ll strike. Both are true to their nature, suffocating. Their presence alone makes you stop breathing, they’re just too much and at some point, you start to think that maybe it was better if you met the eyes of somebody else. 
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insom-nom-nom-niatic · 10 months
2 Of A Kind
CHARACTERS: Troy Otto X Fem Reader
WARNINGS: It's made for FTWD so you should know the basics. +Abuse but not really but you can't know that yet
This is made for THIS anon request!
I don't typically write long fics, but this idea has me needing a whole story so it will be in 2-3 chapters!
It is also un-edited other than by my own tired eyes so things could be wrong... punctuation may be off... who knows but let's just say it was planned chaos and if you find it then good for you and you can get a black star.
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Rocks shuffle under the heft of Troy’s boots along the twisting and turning of the back road he somehow stumbled upon. 
It had been just over 2 months since his exodus from the ranch. 
2 months of wondering aimlessly. 
2 months of anger building up, only to fizzle into starvation. Starvation in the physical sense, but Troy had never thought he would ever feel the starvation for being a person again. To have a home, or a need, or someone (anyone) to talk to. He was always a bit of an outcast knowing he hadn’t been anyone’s favorite or even friend once Mike left, if he ever was a friend at all. 
His feet, trembling from the pain he kept pushing through, trembled in his boots. Icy eyes watching the path finally glanced up, squinting in the setting sun as he peered through long eyelashes. A cabin was dead ahead, not even 100 meters away making his heart pound in his chest as he let out a deep, gutteral chuckle. 
Nothing. Nothing is all he had seen for miles upon miles of desert and the occasional tree sparing little to no shade. What a time for his luck to turn around. The cabin seemed free of both the dead and alive as he closed the distance, doing what he could to stealth up to the wooden building. Blood splattered most of the exterior walls, always accompanied by a few bullet holes littering the cabin… but there were no signs of the dead nor the alive. 
With his gun raised, Troy slowly turned to the knob on the back door pushing the wooden plank open with the tip of his boot. He waited a few heartbeats before entering. 
Ther were no sounds. 
No smells.
No signs of life. 
As he entered, Troy sighed. His lips turning into a grin at what he found before him. The place was decrepit but it was clean. He walked over, gun hanging by his side as he looked over the photos still barely hanging on the walls. This place must be from the early 1800’’s at least. 
Checking the cupboards, he came across a few gallons of water hidden in what used to be the pantry. His gun clattered onto the wooden floor at his feet when he rushed to open the jug closest to him. Dying of thirst, Troy savored every drop he swallowed, spilling some in a stream down his chest. Welcoming the cool moisture to his overheating and over exhausted skin. 
The sound of a shotgun pump made his chest fall, freezing in place. Taking the jug from his lips his blue eyes searched beside him before a voice cleared directly behind him. His face was still, unwavering, as he slowly placed the jug back in the cupboard and raised both arms. 
“Kick it to your right,” the voice spoke up. It was a woman’s voice that spoke to him and he could tell by the tone, she wasn’t playing games. So he did as she asked. Troy kicked the gun at his feet to his left, watching as it clamered against the wall. His eyes examined the wall higher where an old copper plate hung. He could clearly see the woman now. 
“I didn’t know anyone was here. I don’t mean to intrude ma’am, I just needed a place to get out of the sun for a little.” Troy kept his head low, peering through his eyelashes when he oh so slowly turned in place. The woman kept her stare but allowed him to do so. 
“I’m not from around here,” Troy thought for a moment before continuing, “I don’t think. I’ve been walking for ever and this is the first place I’ve come across that is still standing.” 
The woman’s grip on the weapon tightens. Her neck stretches to the side before aligning again. Troy notices a long scar, seems to be healed, trailing from one eyebrow down to her jawline where her hair flows in front of. Something about her makes him not feel as uneasy as one should whist being held at gunpoint, so he lowers one hand to test the waters. 
“You can’t stay here.” The woman glares at him as he relaxes a bit. It’s then that Troy notices the scars up one of her arms before his eyes catch the newly formed line of blood across her neck. 
The woman shifts her hands to  move her hair to cover her injury, giving Troy the oportunity to grab the gun in her hands. He had to admit that she pput up a fight, but he was twice her size. She assumed she’d now be the threatened, but Troy simply looked the weapon over, smiling at the way she must have kept it clean and in good working order, before placing it upon the counter behind him. 
Troy turned back to the woman, hands now on her hips as she gives him a questionable glare. 
“I can’t stay here because I’m in danger of you,” Troy straightened his stance eyeing her neck befire meeting her glare once more “or of the person who did that to you?”
Suddenly, the mood shifted. The woman slunk her shoulders back, dipping her chin slightly to grin up at the brunette infront of her. “Both. I can handle myself, mister. And I don’t need any fuck-boy to get in my way when they do come back.” 
Troy was taken aback, quietly chuckling at the spitfire he had unfortunately come across. But he was still who he has always been. Being at the ranch or not didn’t change that. 
As the woman opened the door for him to leave, Troy took a step back. Glancing up at the roof, already half fallen in shambles. And then to the walls, or what there was left of them. He could audibly hear the woman grumble and scoff, the floor boards below her feet creaking with every step she took closer to him until he heard her reach for the shotgun. 
“By the look of that blood dripping down your neck and the scars on your arms, you sure do look like you have everything handled.” Troy’s voice echoed as he stepped into the living area… or what would have been. 
“I’m not saying you can’t handle yourself ma’am,” Troy opens the door to the bedroom, facing a dresser covered will all sorts of knives and daggers cleaned and sharpened. Troy swallowed hard before turning back to the woman standing at the other side of the hall now. “I need help, and you seem to need a little as well. It doesn’t have to be forever, ma’am. Let me get on my feet and keep that man away from you and I’ll be out of your hair.”
His cold blue eyes struck a nerve in the woman. She wanted to shoot him then and there, but then she’d have a bloody mess to clean and she’s already found out how hard it is to get brain matter out of wooden walls. The way he talked, the pain and exhaustion in his eyes though made her release her weapon. 
Her eyes stuck on him as she saw his tension release. 
“It’s not a man… it’s many.” 
Troy’s face contorted at the information, looking at her through a side eyes she closed the gap between them, shutting the bedroom closed with a loud clammer. He was able to see the wound on her neck more clearly however, and the dried blood that stained her knuckles. His heart jumped and cheeks flushed  when she spun against his chest, ushering him back towards the living area.Her hands small but lighting pressing into his back.
She didn’t give anymore information that night, she was quiet but kind. He tried asking questions about the house but to each inquiry all returned was a look of intimidation. 
Troy awoke to the sun shining through the small windowcoverings on the east side of the cabin. Rustling with a groan, he wiped the sleep from his eyes. He had forgotten the comfortorts of a home, even though he had only fallen asleep on the torn up sofa. He didn’t feel that uneasy jostling of having to check your surroundings at every moment, he could sit there and take in the comfort… the safety. He then remembered he wasn’t alone. 
As Troy rose to his feet, he waited to hear any sign of the woman but there was nothing. He searched the bathroom and then bedroom, finding nothing but a heap of sheets and a lizard scurrying down the drain. Troy couldn’t help but run his hand down one of the hunting knives displayed on the dresser. He could hear the sound of the blade skimming his calloused skin with a grin. 
Making his way back to the pantry, his face lit up with the joy of once again having clean, uncontaminated water. As he threw open the pantry door, he was left with a single 1/6th of a jug in front of him. Scoffing into the air, Troy took the jug in his grips and slowly drank the remnants turning towards the window above the sink. Removing the plastic from his cracked lips, Troy narrowed his gaze as he caught movement outside the cabin. 
With a creak, door swung open and the woman came prancing in. Both stood in the kitchen, face to face in silence for what seemed like ever before she finally spoke up. 
“So you found the water, eh?” She passed by him with a smug smirks marked on her lips. Bouncing down on the couch and removing her boots, she looked over her shoulder at Troy, still standing silently. “I couldn’t trust you while I was out, sorry but not sorry.” She threw her military grade boots against the wall near the door. 
Troy couldn’t helpthe miniscule smile that grew to the left corner of his lips. He didn’t like this woman, but he didn’t hate her either. He was weirdly amused and proud of the witt she had. It was becoming more clear how she’s continued to survive this long. 
His boots clanked and creaked on the floors as he went to inspect her own, kicking one to the side to get it out of the emergency exit path. “Where did you go? Hunting?” He said with sarcasm looking at her boots caked with sand, dirt, and drips of what he is now figuring out may be blood. 
“Yeah, actually.”
“Come back with anything to eat? Squirrel maybe? Rabbit?” 
“I don’t think you want to eat what I hunt fuck-boy. Unless that suits your fancy, in which case, there’s a while ass feast about a half mile North.” Troy sighed at her little nick name for him, but soon grew more intrigued by her option of hobby. He could hear the snicker she muffled as she got up and headed towards the bathroom.
 Without a thought… he followed.
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isaactheterrible · 1 year
TF2 Mercs Yandere Version
Trigger Warning: Violence, Abusive Behavior, Stalking
(Disclaimer: This is based on the TF2 comics and the personalities of the mercs in them, this is what I kind yandere I personally think the mercs would be. Gender neutral reader)
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-Obssessive medical yandere
-100% will kidnap you
-Will probably spend years studying you
-Vivisecting you, dismembering you, pulling you apart and putting you back together, learning everything about you
-You're his special interest he loves spending hours studying and memorizing everything there is to know about you
-Probably the most awful and dangerous out of all them, has no regard for your feelings or safety after all if you die he can just put you back together
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-Delusional yandere
-He knows the two of you are meant to be and hey! You are probably already together, you're just taking things slow that's all he's sure of it
-Buys little items that remind him of you such as the same shampoo as you
-Obsessed with chivalry, keeps insisting that he pay for you despite him not always having the funds to do so, insists you wear his jacket even if he's freezing his balls off ect
-Gets jealous easily due to how insecure he is
-He keeps acting like the two of you are dating but won't cross your physical boundaries
-Would never hurt you physically but he will completely break down if you get with someone else
-Takes him days to get out of his depression room, he has convinced himself you'll choose him eventually
-Not that dangerous, at most he'll get into a fistfight with your S/O in a Wendy's parking lot
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-Two-faced yandere
-He fell for you the moment he saw you, he just knew you were the one
-Tries to befriend you at first but almost immediately introduces you to his mother, the two of you need to get along otherwise it's a deal breaker
-If you passed the test he's already planning your wedding and future
-He does his best to clean up his act and be the ideal image of the perfect man and future husband to you
-He doesn't steal from you or violate your boundaries but he will solve any "problems" that might get between you too
-He will kill anyone that threatens your perfect life, serial killer on the side
-He trust you because he loves you but it's best that you never betray that trust
-Not that dangerous for you but extremely dangerous to everyone around you
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-Overly protective yandere
-He will kidnap you and force you to live in a cold cabin in Siberia in the middle of nowhere
-For your own good of course, he has tons of enemies and he needs to keep you safe, the world can't know of your existence
-You could try to run but there's nowhere to go, nothing but cold and snow for kilometers around
-You are stuck there essentially forever cause he doesn't believe you can actually protect yourself without him
-Incredibly boring, all that exists is cold and books and we'll him
-You are slowly going insane in the place
-Very dangerous yandere, he won't kill you but you'll end up chained for years potentially if you try to leave, why can't you just understand he wants to protect you?
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-Codepended Nightmare
-You will never be alone again, clingiest MF
-Good thing is that they don't need that much attention, just being around you and maybe napping on your shoulder is enough
-You're one of the only things that bring them joy
-Will draw you a lot and give you lots of little trinkets and gifts
-If you force them to go in a different room they'll sit outside the door waiting for you
-Not that jealous or possessive will be happy to have other people around
-Might hurt you out of pain and anger if you try to leave
-Pretty dangerous to both you and your safety
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-Possessive Yandere
-He has strong abandonment uses and is convinced you'll leave him for someone else if you ever get that chance
-Will isolate you and sabotage your relationships, at first from anyone he sees as competition and then everyone else as well
-He doesn't do it from a place of wanting to own you but from a place of insecurity
-Might kidnap you if you try to leave but only as a last resort, he really doesn't want to hurt you but he'd rather do it than be alone again
-Very dangerous mostly cause he prioritizes his desire for companionship over your right to freedom
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-Absolute nutcase and menace to society
-He fell in love with you, congratulations you're technically married now!
-You are pretty much stuck with him, you two are joined at the hip with him ranting about whatever to you
-Would do ANYTHING for you, except leave you alone of course
-Not at all jealous and pretty chill about your obvious discomfort and escape attempts
-He can't and won't listen to reason, he's too far gone
-Not particularly pushy but very volatile
-That being said he's still incredibly dangerous
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-Controlling ass mf
-On the positive side you will be showered in gifts and luxuries
-On the negative side you get to choose pretty much nothing about your life
-You have an image to maintain so your friends, your clothing, your food, the places you go to are all completely out of your control
-You will probably quickly lose your sanity and if you do you will be shipped off to the highest quality glorified re-education mental hospital
-The doctors aren't here to help you their here to make you more obedient
-Run away as far as you can but he'll always find you, he's a danger to you and all your loved ones, willing to destroy you if it means controlling you
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-Has entire folders and USB sticks dedicated to you
-Knows your social security number by heart, your current location, your address, your friends, any dangerous people in your area, EVERYTHING
-Watches from afar helping here and there like a guardian angel
-Has put cameras and voice recording devices in your house
-He doesn't collect memorabilia such as t-shirts or other forgotten items
-He does take a lot of pictures and his room is a bit of a messy shrine to you
-Absolutely shook if you approach him first, it's just too much for him he's experiencing too much emotion and might hide away out of embarrassment
-Not that dangerous as he has no interest in intervening with your life unless it's about your safety
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foggyparadisecandy · 1 year
"Hypnosis can't make you do what you don't want" and other lies
I'm honestly sick to death of B--bi S--ep and other abusive files being written off as harmless fun.
And I'm pretty disheartened by the number of people who speak to me and hear my warnings and think it sounds fun.
And that's how these files are so effective. They prey on people who want to bliss out and escape the stress of the real world.
But these aren't that. These files are damaging and can permanently FUCK YOU UP.
I speak from direct experience and I still struggle with no longer knowing what fantasies are mine and which were implanted.
Now some may be thinking that I'm weak or having a laugh.
Neither is true.
In many ways, I'm just like you. I'm an average person who just listened to hypno files to escape my baggage for a bit.
I just wanted to bliss out and get dumb and just ... be free of all the personal responsibilities and concerns and woes and all of it.
I've been listening to hypnosis files for over a decade with no problems.
With B--bi S--ep, I've had nothing but problems.
This stuff is seductive and it is well done, professionally done, to make you feel good as hell. That makes you want to return again and again.
And every pass makes you want it more. It makes you intentionally forget what is being said in the files. It makes you stupider and hornier and forgetful so you forget what memories are yours and what ideas are yours.
I can tell you with 100% certainty that I can remember sucking cocks of the entire football team under the high school bleachers. And I can also tell you with 100% certainty that that did not fucking happen.
And it layers in the new personality over and over and over and over again. And it literally buries your old personality deep within you as in a box, covered up and getting smaller and weaker each time.
And even with this warning, I will have people saying "oh fuck, that sounds so hot".
Seriously ... I feel bad for you if you really think that sounds hot.
It's destructive. It's ruination. It's not healthy. It's not fun. Love yourself more!
HYPNOSIS VERSUS CONDITIONING And you might say to yourself - or as likely, hear it from a "bad daddy" trying to convince you to go deeper - "hypnosis can't make you do anything you don't want."
There is a reason why they call it the B--bi *CULT*.
If you have ever had a family member fall into a crazy conspiracy theory, you've seen it happen.
It's not a "ha ha listen to this file once and every time you hear the word PURPLE you act like a puppy" experience.
It's slow and steady conditioning process that works at you, and works at you, and works at you, to install new behaviors, new desires, new feelings, new memories, and a new dominant personality.
The end goal is full erasure of your old personality.
And I already posted about the abusers lining up the door who will have no regard for you or your well-being. They will be there - and you will seek them out! - to trigger you and push you and drive you and convince you to go further.
Stop considering it hypnosis for a moment. Go enjoy a nice hypnosis file. Get that trigger installed to bark like a dog when you hear the word "purple."
Hell - I'll join you for that and we'll have lots of laughs together.
B--bi S--ep is CONDITIONING. The term “conditioning” is even used repeatedly in the files.
It's conditioning you to the effects. Like a cult. Easing you slowly and steadily into a new set of behaviors. A new way of thinking.
This stuff works. It's been routinized and mapped out. Cults are real. Conspiracy theories abound because jerks know how they work and use the levers and systems to spread their garbage.
It's powerful. It's effective.
And you are not immune.
Play safe. I totally understand how seductive the appeal is to listen.
Find something safer. Please.
And for anyone that wants, I have a guided meditation process that I do to help you uncover your Rock of Protection that helps protect you and gives you strength - in and out of trance, no matter how deep you are. The Rock is there to help you break free and be strong against unwanted triggers and compulsions.
If you are interested in it, I'm happy to help you find it within you so you can play safely.
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
@lucdarling replied to your post “so all of the fic where the GAR and Coruscant...”:
pls give me your fic recs, friend. this sounds very relevant to my interests.
​oh heckie yes i got u boo @lucdarling
Fics Being Mean to the Coruscant Guard:
Two Strikes / Crowning Glory A variety of steps Cody takes to ensure the Guard doesn't get abused as horribly -- Fox and his men might not be on the front lines, but they're still Vod'e -- and their consequences.
linking to the first fic in the series, the story starts out mostly with Cody being a slut (affectionate) but then goes on to get into the Tragedy of Darth Plageius the Coruscant Guard and Fixing It and tbh if you read nothing else read this series it is So Good. make sure to follow the links, things are slightly confusing and non-sequential if you don't
it also actually addresses post-trauma stuff too which is AMAZING, yes def read this but be sure to put some time aside for it the series is like 500k and you Will want to read it all in one sitting and then you might get yelled at by your wife for not sleeping for three days or that might just be me, 100/10
Galaxy-Saving Memes You can only access the page if you're GAR. The Coruscant Guard decides to infiltrate it because they are tired of being ignored, and honestly? Their memes are way better. Or, the Guard saves millions of lives through stupid internet posts.
second on the 'if nothing else read this' list, unless you dislike epistolary stories, in which case you can skip. but it is short and it is fucking HILARIOUS which you would think wouldn't be possible given the subject matter but no, it is great, 100/10
The Adoption Wars The only thing stronger than the dark side is Rex's ability to get adopted. Or: the one where Rex would really like everyone to know that he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Oh, and Fox finally gets to kill a sith.
only somewhat about Being Mean to the Guard but by god it is cute and adorable but also makes you Feel Emotions, excellent story 10/10
Their Days Are Darker After the death of ARC Trooper Fives, an altercation at 79's leads Wolffe to spend his leave snooping around the Coruscant Guard. Fox assumes he'll drop it and leave the Corries to their fate; it's what everyone else has done. He is very, very wrong.
so this is heartbreaking in the whole 'doesn't understand that what is happening is wrong' kind of way and tbh Cody is a little bit more of a dick than i usually imagine him but it is still Quite Excellent 10/10
exploitation, hesitation The Coruscant Guard makes a mistake while working with the 212th Attack Battalion. Fox prepares to take the heat.
EXCELLENT writing with the whole 'pov character thinks one thing is happening while outside characters Definitely Do Not', fox is so self-sacrificing which is why and how we love him 10/10
learning solitude It's a gradual, insidious thing, Fox's absorption into the Chancellor's office. The Chancellor wants a clone commander of his own, so he gets one. All Fox gets is a position far away from his brothers, a lesson in how to work around natborns who detest his very existence, and a seemingly endless list of monotonous jobs to keep him occupied through all his waking hours and beyond. Fox misses Kamino.
less Guard more Fox, but man what a way to emotionally stab you in the face! lots of gaslighting and manipulation and it is part of a series but the series also gets Extremely Dark at the end before having a recovery/happy ending, so ymmv 10/10
Blood Iron Fox has seen many things seized during raids. Illegal weapons, Spice and other assorted of banned drugs, slaves, carnivorous beasts trained for the fighting rings, the list goes on. Nothing prepared him for finding beskar among the crates of contraband and bad life choices.
so much worldbuilding fuck yeah! semi-the mandalorian crossover, the Guards have it Real Fucking Rough but then they run into some traditional mandos with hearts of gold beskar, v excellent 10/10
i'm sure there are others! well i know there are others, but these are the ones i remember standing out/have read so far. all of these have happy endings, i wouldn't do that to you (and tbh don't really read stuff w/o happy endings myself)
go forth and read whump!
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My problem with Mal Bertha from Disney Descendants
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I know that probably nobody is gonna read this but idc.
I think enough time has pass, so it's time to have this conversation. Mal is the worst character from all the franchise (ik this might upset some people since she is the protagonist but she's is a horrible person and that has to be acknowledged)
This is going to be based in the movies, books and the mini series
Also I want to make clear that this is not against Dove Cameron(that's gonna be for another post) . With that being said let's start.
1) She's a bully
This is the most obvious reason and it makes me mad that she got away with it.
During the book and movies she bullied Evie, Carlos, Uma, Mad Maddy and Jane
in the first book she basically ruined Evie's life just because The Evil Queen didn't invite her to Evie's sixth birthday. First made her mother (Maleficent) put under home arrest Evie and her mom for literally 10 years and when the girl finally get the courage to get out of her house thinking that everything is forgotten, Mal tried to killed her multiple times
Mal literally locked Evie in Cruella's closed during Carlos's party knowing that they were traps in there and she could have been extremely injured (that was actually her plan but luckily Carlos saved Evie)
And that's not even the worst, because Mal was also planing on using Evie to get Maleficent's scepter back by letting her grab the scepter and get the same curse that maleficent gave to Aurora (fall sleep for 100 years).
And mentioning Carlos's party I need to add that kinda threatened him to make the party just so she could have her "revenge". It's important also to mention that Carlos didn't wanted to make the party because that would have caused him problems with his mom.
And the worst about this is that they both ending being her friends like nothing happened and being Mal's minions for the rest of their lifes
And some people in the fandom dare to call Evie "a bad friend" In the last to movies just because she stand up to Mal.
Maddy and Uma are kind of the same but in different ways
Because Mal was bestfriends with both but then betrayed them and humiliated then like the Judas she is.
(But Evie is the bad friend?)
With Maddy she literally threw lye on her, completely ruining her hair, forcing her to change her hair from purple to aqua green just because Mal felt like she should be the only purple hair girl on the Isle.
As I said Uma was a similar case because Mal also ruined her hair by throwing a bucket of shrimps on her, leaving the stink on her hair forever and then maked fun of her because of that calling her "shrimpy"
Jane was an insecure girl with no friends that was constantly bullied for her looks and Mal literally used that in her favor, manipulating her by using every single one of her insecurities against her.
And at the end she just had to say "I'm sorry" and everything was forgotten and she literally received no consequences. (And in some cases like Maddy and Uma' s she didn't even apologize)
And to finish this point I just want to mention that she was abusive to Ben and ALL AURADON KNEW IT, because Audrey in "Audrey's royal return mentions Mal's two attempts at spelling Ben. The first one is understandable to think that she knew that something was wrong with Ben and that she probably drugged him (which she did)
But how did she knew about the second one?
The only answer is that someone must have tell her about that and also that Mal run away to the isle opening the barrier and putting Auradon in danger and also causing Ben's (The king) kidnap
which mean that probably everyone in the kingdom knew about it AND DID NOTHING, not even Ben's parents, like why do you let your son get married with someone who is constantly putting him in danger?
And talking about the wedding and Mal being a bully just imagine the reaction of all of those children when they saw that their bully was gonna be their Queen. Life sucks!
2) she's a liar/ manipulator that victimize herself
If I could describe Mal in one word would be selfish because most of the time she only thinks about herself and what would be the best for her not minding if she affects others in the way.
I already mentioned how she manipulated Jane in the first movie
But now let's talk about the second movie
Basically this whole movie was her playing the victim when everything was technically her fault
Ben calling her out by ILLEGALLY using her magic and then her victimizing herself by playing the Jughead Jones "I don't fit in" card
Her running away indirectly causing Ben's kidnap and Uma's scape
Literally if she had just talk to Ben about how she felt instead of lying and using her magic to make everything easier for her, everything could have been avoided.
The third movie is when Mal selfishness and manipulative behavior is more noticeable
Let's star with Audrey becoming the villian in consequence for Mal giving Ben the love potion causing Ben not only dumping Audrey but also humiliating her in from of the whole school, so I'm sorry but she had every right to be mad at Mal.
Then, her wanting to close the barrier forever leaving all that innocent children to die in hunger and poverty just because she didn't wanna risk her perfect life in Auradon is just pure selfishness. Literally everyone else in the room thought that was a drastic solution.
To make it even worse she just lied to everyone for the rest of the movie.
She lied to Evie saying that was theirs idea and later when she gets caught she just plays the victim once again by saying she didn't have a choice and also confirming her selfishness by saying "I did it for us" NOT THE KINGDOM and even Evie's says that she did it for herself.
And do not forget how she lied to Uma, Harry and Gil by promising them that she was going to take all of the children from the isle to Auradon (even though she knew that that was never gonna happen) only for make them help her to defeat Audrey.
And in my opinion destroying the barrier was she stupidest decision ever made. The villains will try to get revenge.
But this is just my opinion.
Next I will be writing about my problem with the saga in general and I'll try to fix it. Follow me if you want to read it
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romanticatheartt · 10 days
Hi I hope you are having a good day! In regards to the Nesta stans, I completely get it. I have found myself in a similar situation with some Feyre stans. On multiple occasions the toxic ones have wished grape upon Nesta stans and said that they need to be abused. It has gotten out of hand on both sides and SJM definitely needs to address it to some extent.
Oh, I know. Don't worry I'm aware there's at least one toxic fan in each side of the fandom and trust me I have blocked every single one that I come across. I'm not saying Feyre, Rhys, or IC fans don't have one rotten apple.
I think last night was my last straw. Every day I see at least one anti*Feyre/Rhys/IC in their tags and it seems like they talk more than half of the time about their dislike of other characters than their favs. And it seems they hate every other character in these books except Nesta... like why do you keep reading the books if you hate everything about them? There are 2.5 books dedicated to IC (and they're gonna be in the future books as well, specially Feysand) Idk how you managed to keep reading them all cause if I so much as not vibing with a book, I don't even bother to read the rest let alone dislike the book.
The worst part is most of them also find a way to defend abusive characters like Tam/in and Er/s. I don't have a problem if you like these characters but I draw the line where people try to sell them as saints and "misunderstood" characters and at the same time bring down other characters against the canon to bold these…
The same goes with Nesta but my difference with others is I acknowledged her abusive behaviour and I still like her. I acknowledged she had trauma but I never use it as an excuse to prove she hasn't done anything wrong. I don't excuse her actions because she's a woman (because I've seen them do it) I like her character as she is and I definitely won't change the canon to justify her actions…
I'm always in Feyre, Rhys, or Feysand tags and it hasn't gone by a day when people are not defending their favs against these awful takes. And even if they're talking about Nesta and tag it as anti*Nesta, they're mostly talking the truth lol. Like I've seen better character analysis from some of antis about Nesta than her fans which is laughable.
You don't have to worry about me starting to talk shit about Nesta lmao I'm not vile like them and I'll definitely won't make it my whole personality and dedicate my blog to it. I rather stan my favs and create a safe place with almost zero hate for any character (I'm a human I need to hate on something sometimes😭) and be respectful to everyone. And if I don't like a blog? Well, I simply block them easily as that. I've had blocked Feysands, Eluciens, and Gwynriels. It's nothing strange cause idc if we have the same interest in some parts but if I see them disrespectful toward any character or anyone, idc if we share 100% opinions on other things, you're blocked bye :)
And sjm should definitely do something but she's thriving on these things because she doesn't care if it's a bad take or a disrespectful comment, people are talking about her books and it's a free promotion for her. Didn't you see how they barely promoted hofas? it was almost nonexistent…
So I completely lost hope in her. People might say she's protecting herself from these, well… if she is then she shouldn't have any problem with people leaving her fandom because of this toxicity and being so disconnected from the fans.
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temmtamm · 2 years
I'm going to regret this-
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(Asks are open and appreciated)
First of all, let's get one thing out there. This relationship is abusive. Like, nothing about it is healthy.
He never expected to have romantic relations on the isles- and well, granted you really didn't initiate anything besides just being a loyal follower that was also not afraid to not put up with his bullshit, but the man is old and never had a crush ever in his life so he assumed you were using witch temptress/er powers or whatever.
Despite saying he would never stoop to such levels and wouldn't dare fall to such obvious tricks, guess who was the one who confessed?
It was an awkward confession and it sounded more like he was accusing you of casting some cruel love spell.
Mf fucking kins the hellfire song.
If your a witch, he will go out of his way to slight you slightly to where you just think you have bad luck. It doesn't matter if he does genuinely love you, a part of him will still hate your witch side.
If your human, he is noticeably kinder cause he's racist like that/hj
He is very controlling and obsessive of his SO and will not let them in on his plans unless he knows they are 100% loyal to him.
Manipulation has practically became an addiction of his so even if he does actually love you, he will manipulate you into doing dirty work for him.
He rarely shows any physical affection. He might give you a kiss on the cheek once in a blue moon but that's it.
Unless you really, really want it and won't stop whining, he will absolutely not cuddle nor just lay down and spend a lazy day with you. Every day should be productive in his eyes.
If you know anything about memes and call him "peepaw" he will be so confused.
Like ??? You two have been dating for forever now, of course he's not your peepaw/grandpa.
Once he kinda gets it, he may just give you a playful nickname back, but thats more so to just get back at you for doing that.
If your a human, it's probably dork
If your a witch, it's probably pointy ears
If you can't tell, he's not the best at childish name calling.
Something that's kinda wholesome is that if he has permission to dress you up, he likes to try and dress you like you were in the 1700's.
He isn't very alarmed at others making moves on you. He's aware of his status and he knows if he just so much as looks at the suitors, they'd take off.
Though, if you get too much attention he might just decide to keep you in the castle more often.
He will have the coven heads babysit you if he's busy and if they whine, he uses the "it's the Titans will" as an excuse.
Despite him not being the best partner like at all, I'd like to think that he wouldve taken you with him to the human realm. Though, if you're a witch, that means hed probably chip down your ears before you two leave
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Thanks for reading~
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