#this ain’t the one to fall asleep to gang
vicktoryscreech · 9 months
i put on quinton reviews most recent video then fell asleep only to be woken up by baby jennette mccurdy screaming and crying and stabbing a stuffed animal twice
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Well since you said it…
Ponyboy Curtis head canons and, if possible, cherry head canons 😁
I'll do Cherry later this weekend, but for now here's some Ponyboy headcanons!
-Has tried to quit smoking multiple times, usually because Darry wants him to, and never succeeded. The second he gets even the tiniest bit stressed he’s got a cigarette lit and back in his mouth. At this point he's pretty much accepted he's locked in for life
-Had to get glasses and HATES them so Darry pulled some overtime and got him contacts
-Worries a lot about Darry, not just because he tries to carry too much roofing at once and regularly hurts his back, but also because he’s terrified of what could happen if Darry was to somehow slip off a roof
-His middle class school friends think he’s REALLY cool (like Pony, they’re all a bunch of nerds) and Pony loves it because the entire gang very much does not
-His school friends are also TERRIFIED of the gang, like they see Two-bit or Steve coming to talk to him and hightail it out of there. They’re even scared of Johnny which Ponyboy thinks is hilarious (he doesn’t realize that Johnny’s dark gaze and bruises are terrifying to someone who doesn’t know how he got them)
-Thinks Curly Shepard is the funniest person alive and is determined that Curly never find that out
-Cannot for the life of him figure out why Johnny and Curly don’t get along
-Tutored Two-bit in English so he could finally graduate
-The gang is split between those who are determined to be a good influence on Pony and those who aren’t. Dally and Two-bit are the bad influences, Johnny tries to be a good influence, and Steve claims to not give a fuck but is the best influence of all in that he’s never let/asked/encouraged Pony to take part in illegal activities 
-Pony thinks Curly Shepard is good looking in a dangerous way. Real good looking in fact.
-Is NOT afraid of girls no matter what that Johnny Cade says (I mean it man I ain’t SCARED of them, they just don think like us, and quit you’re laughing, it ain’t like you have any luck with girls either-)
-Is TERRIFIED of Tim Shepard 
-Is also terrified of Angela Shepard because even though she has the same eyes as Curly, her's are like a snakes, all cold, emotionless and deadly, whereas Curly’s are always twinkling with ether mischief or anger
-He’s actually really good at stealing things (Two-bit taught him well), he just doesn’t do it often because he feels bad about it. But if a shop employee is rude to him he’s no holds barred and could leave with like half the store under his coat
-Can get away with literally ANYTHING in his English class after he gave Mr. Simes his theme, and uses that fact to his advantage
-Regularly falls asleep in his math class but manages to talk his teacher out of calling Darry every time
-He and Darry have the same taste in literature and regularly share/discuss books. It bores Soda to the point where he jokingly tells them to go back to arguing all the time because it was at least more entertaining to listen to
-Steps on peoples heels when he walks behind them
-HATES country music so fucking much and if Johnny plays that goddamn country record ONE more time-
-Is determined to make sure neither of his older brothers find our just how much time he spends with Curly Shepard
-Cut the blond out of his hair as soon as he possibly could, even though it made his hair shorter than he liked because he hated the light colour more than he hated the short length
-Has the worst poker face known to man but is actually decent at poker (because he cheats, but unlike Sodapop he’s good at cheating so he rarely gets caught)
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do you have any cuddling hcs after a long day for m!greaser?
Sure, and you didn’t specify any of the greasers that you wanted so I can just do cuddling head cannons for everyone! Also I did a gender neutral reader if that’s alright with you!
Cuddling with the gang! (GN reader)
Ponyboy Curtis
-I feel like he’d like being the little spoon more
-he wants to be held fr
-would probably fall asleep in your arms smiling
-he’d feel so relaxed and vulnerable
-and would probably live cuddling with you at the end of long days
-and just talking, whispering together
- speaking of which (slight nsfw warning) if you whispered something dirty into his ear
-probably the most turned on out of the gang
-instant hard on, especially with the close proximity
Johnny Cade
-little spoon 100%
-he wants to be held so bad
-he’s the most touch starved and it took him forever to get used to it
-like he craves touching yet resents it
-and he’d be silently happy if you snuggled with him and was the big spoon
-small kisses down his neck? Back scratching? Massages? He’d melt into your very arms
-your arms are his safe space tbh
-at the end of a long hard day I feel like it’s what he looks forward to
-the non judgmental, safe space
Sodapop Curtis
-He would switch being the big spoon or the little spoon
-hed love it
-he’d be like a golden retriever sunbathing in that one spot in the window that lets most of the light in
-he’s really soft
-the softest out of everyone I feel like he uses some sort of lotion fr or is just blessed
-when he gets really tired his southern drawl gets real thick
-would whisper “I love you” before falling asleep with his head in the crook of your neck/over your shoulder
Darry Curtis
-big spoon 100%
-he has a lot of real tough, bad days
-and even more than Johnny oh boy does he look forward to your cuddles
-he probably gets home and tackles you onto the bed like
-yk what time it is…
-if you have him massages or scratches he’d die
-bro has so much tension in his body from work and whenever you do your magic
-he falls asleep like every time
-he’s the most thankful for your cuddles
-he feels like it’s his reward for work tbh
-he’d throw a fit like a toddler if you refused lmao (jkjk… mostly)
Dallas Winston
-insists on being the big spoon but secretly wants just to be held and in the little spoon
-loves the possessive aspect of cuddling you
-he takes it as kinda of a “you’re mine”
-he would act more cold about it, at least..
-until you fall asleeep
-then kiss your forehead (he can’t be mushy in front of you ofc)
-“Night, Doll. You’re so pretty.”
Two Bit Mathews
-prefers big spoon but can be both
-he loves giggling into your neck/shoulder
-likes being held or holding you
-most likely to play with random body parts
-not even sexually just like squishing your cheeks, thighs, arms
-anything in his range really lmao
-he likes making you giggle into him too
-and when he’s too tired for jokes he’ll kiss your cheek goodnight
-he’d also stare at you in your sleep, like how did I get this damn lucky
Steve Randle
-switches from little spoon to big depending on the day
-he loves cuddling you
-he would be the most likely to give you a massage
-cars ain’t the only thing he’s good at with his hands 😏
-but fr a god at massages
-also would love to get massaged because he has some fuckin tension form working on/under cars
-all freaking day
-anyway he loves getting you all relaxed and then just wrapping his arms around you
-I feel like he’d wrap you in a blanket and hold you close
-you’re his little burrito 🥺🌯
-anyway he’s so sweet I can’t
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vdoesstuff · 7 months
Fic #15 (Zosan)
It was an ambush.
Some random pirate gang had jumped out of nowhere and attacked them. The sound of battle filled the air. A pirate jumped from the upper deck of the Merry. Sanji turned his head just in time to see the man falling toward him, but before he could act, he was unconscious.
When he came to, he tried to take in his surroundings as quickly as he could. There was a door in the corner. A table in front of him. A light hanging from the ceiling. And his hands were tied behind the chair he was sitting in. Ok, he thought. I’m not dead.
The door slammed open. It was the same pirate that had knocked him out. Sanji scanned the room for any way he could escape, or fight. Nothing. He was screwed. In a way though, he was glad it was him instead of anyone else. He’d rather himself get hurt than anyone else.
“Alright. You’re gonna tell us where your captain is.”
Sanji said nothing.
“We just need his bounty, not you. If you cooperate, we can let you go.” The man grinned.
Sanji remained silent.
“You ain’t gon’ tell us nothin?”
Sanji smirked. He shook his head.
Sanji sat in the corner of the cell. His entire body ached. The iron cuffs were heavy against his (probably broken) wrist. His head felt heavy on his shoulders. He leaned against the cold, stone wall, and closed his eyes. He should’ve probably been used to this, considering his childhood, yet here he was. He considered his options. He could,
Escape, and probably get killed in the process,
Sit here until either he died or someone came to rescue him,
3. Give up Luffy’s location.
He scoffed. Of course he would never betray his captain. He could never do that to Luffy. Stay here it is then, He thought.
———— Zoro lunged forward.
Wado heavy in his mouth, he swung. And he didn’t miss. The screams of his victim stopped. A silence filled the room. He sheathed his swords, and looked around. No one left. No tricks, or surprise attacks. Nothing like the ambush that had taken Sanji away from him. He sighed. He missed his cook, and he was here somewhere.
I have to get him back, Zoro thought. He opened the door to reveal Sanji, lying on the floor. Oh god. His arm was angled in a way it probably shouldn’t be, and he was covered in bruises.
“Oh, cook.”
Sanji didn’t remember falling asleep. But he woke up to the sound of the door creaking open to reveal Zoro, covered in blood. He ran for Sanji, embracing him. Sanji winced in pain, and Zoro eased. He immediately started cutting the chains on Sanji’s wrists.
“I’m sorry. I got here as fast as I could.” Zoro’s voice was quiet. His breathing was sharp. The iron cuffs fell to the floor. Sanji tried to stand. He yelped in pain, and fell back to the ground. His leg was definitely broken. Just how many bones had he broken?
“Hey, cook, easy. Be careful.” Zoro picked up Sanji, and started carrying him out.
“I’m fine, I can walk.” Zoro gave him a look.
“Cook, your leg is broken. You can’t walk.” Sanji sighed in resignation. He leaned his head against Zoro’s chest. He could hear the familiar thump-thump of his heartbeat. It was comforting, knowing Zoro was there.
As they approached the Going Merry, Sanji could hear the cheers of the rest of the crew. He wasn’t fully conscious, and was in a lot of pain, but he could pick up Zoro yelling for Chopper, Nami crying as she saw the shape Sanji was in, and Luffy cheering that everyone was at least alive. After that, he couldn’t remember anything. When he woke up, he was in Chopper’s office. All of his wounds were bandaged, and his leg was elevated. Zoro was sitting in the chair by his bed, arms crossed, head hung.
“Hey marimo,” Sanji croaked. Zoro perked his head up.
“Oh, cook.” Zoro leapt up to embrace Sanji. “I’m sorry.”
“What do you have to be sorry about?”
“I’m sorry I let this happen to you.”
“Mosshead, it’s not your fault. I’m the one who got captured.” Zoro held Sanji tighter.
“What did they do to you?” He cried quietly.
“Shhh marimo. I’m okay.”
“What did they do to you?”
“I’m used to it.” Zoro knew about Sanji’s childhood. He understood Sanji had been through this kind of thing before.
“That’s worse, dumbass.” Zoro cried into Sanji’s shoulder. “I can’t lose you.” Sanji leaned into Zoro’s embrace and cried silent tears.
They stayed like that for a while. Crying into each other’s shoulders. After neither of them had any tears left to cry, Zoro gently laid Sanji back down into the bed. He stroked Sanji’s hair.
“I missed you, mosshead.” Sanji smiled up at Zoro.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get there sooner. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Oh, marimo.”
Sanji sat up, and kissed Zoro.
Zoro knocked him to the ground with the hilt of his sword.
“Did you hurt him?”
“Who even are you? And who are you talking abou?”
“Did. You. Hurt Him.” Zoro held Wado to the man’s throat.
“Who? The blondie? We had him here a while ago.”
Zoro didn’t think twice.
The man’s head hit the floor with a thud.
“Hm. Just like the good old days.” Zoro smiled. He reminisced about his bounty hunting days, as he placed the dripping head in the brown paper bag.
When he got back to the ship, he approached Sanji in the kitchen.
“Hey marimo,” Sanji smiled. “What’s in the bag?” His eyes drifted to the red stained bottom of the bag. “And why is it dripping?” Zoro handed him the bag. Sanji opened the twisted top. The dawning realization was visible on his face.
“ZORO, WHAT THE FUCK.” His eyes were wide in shock. He smiled softly. “That’s really sweet of you.” He put the bag on the counter. Zoro’s face was hot. Sanji leaned up, and kissed Zoro.
Credit to @tired-dragon22 and @mikeltheluffy for being my guinea pigs lol
Y’all were helpful af
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superficial-ly · 3 months
C R I M I N A L M I N D S ‘ S F A V A L B U M S
JJ first coz that’s my girl - Stick Season (We’ll all be here forever) by Noah Kahan
• the getting out of a small town i hav so many regrets vibes
• it hurts to listen to but she won’t stop she needs a piece of home to cling to even if it’s not hers
Emily coz that’s my girls girl - Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers
• she had never known peace since
• moon song as jemily double ouch
• special mention to funeral in relation to matthew she genuinely cant listen to it. she made the mistake of trying once on the jet and she will never again.
hotch i love him - Wasteland, Baby by Hozier
• hotch loves like it hurts bc it does. all of his love hurts him. but he still loves bc that’s js who he is and hozier is perfect for that i think
• wasteland, baby especially i think in reference to haley. its a hard listen but one he loves he thinks it honours her in a way.
• its perfect
spenecer my habib - Carrie and Lowell by Sufjan Stevens
• i think it’s just peaceful enough but not mind numbing that he can focus on it as well as fall asleep if he needs to
• fourth of july especially for everyone he’s ever lost is a double ouch all these acts of service to try and bring someone back bc he struggles to grasp the fact that when a person is gone, there’s nothing left to do.
morgan - not exactly an album but Tupac’s Greatest Hits is on contant rotation in his little headset thingy (so cute omg)
• all of tupac is like especially upbeat with values and ideals and deep real world reflections and he DIGS it
• especially likes Keep your Head up it reminds him of his mom and ehy he joined the fbi - he wants to help the underdog
• (morgan was DEVASTATED with the tupac beef with biggy)
penelope my girl - the rise and fall of a midwest princess by chappell roan
• she assigns them all their individual songs from the album but she is the avatar.
• she cannot do sad music so this shit is her JAMM
• femininomenon or however u spell it is a personal favourite. HOT TO GO is second
• also shes sapphic even if she only dates men in the show so she EXTRA GETS IT
tara my baby who deserved better is 100% Planet Her by Doja
• Ain’t Shit? her jam she knows all the jams
• woman is one of her favourites.
• her and rebecca sing kiss me more in the shower
luke - definitely tyler but i’m struggling between Flower Boy and IGOR
• he has that kind of i am happy to be loving u kind of vibe even if he knows the world is messed up. he so severely fucks with tyler and the whole rap genre be loved finding references he previously missed he thinks he’s a genius (he’s right)
alex blake - songs by adrienne lenker
• she stumbled across it one day and while it wasn’t the usual stuff she listened to she gave it a chance
• she never turned back
• she likes the retro feel and half return makes her FEEL like nothing else can
• shes complicated okay? not a lot just forever for her son? ouch
kate - SOS by sza
• this one’s hard bc she’s a hard core “feel things? no thank u. let’s rock!”
• i think good days is so special to her in a really quiet way
• j think kill bill makes her laugh really hard
jordan todd i never hated u - good girl gone bad: reloaded by rihanna
• she was so special to me. a wow on the team pre-2010. this was history. either way
• breakin dishes bc she is so happy at counter terrorism but watching emily fight men will always do it for her (they were sapphics ur honour)
• shes a club girly. dont stop the music, umbrella she was living for that shit
elle cutie patootie - Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Ray
• its hers i can’t
• shes so lana guys “hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me” ????? it’s HERS
• “how to disappear” pls be so serious
jason gideon papa extraordinaire - Tapestry by Carole King
• he misses the 70s gang (so do i (i wasn’t born))
• Home Again makes him cry. he can’t explain it. hee never has to.
• so far away after he left the bau - his heart was basically empty but he couldn’t fill it with any more darkness he had to go. it hurt him so bad guys he literally died from it
matt simmons - anything from my little pony
• i’m sorry guys he recognises they’re killer tracks
• also his 8 million kids he watches it like three times a day
• unironically listens to battle of the bands
• kristy hates him for it.
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markosbabymama · 1 year
okay so i’m not just saying this cause ur username is dal BUT u would be adorable with dally !
definition of sunshine and storm cloud🤭
definitely that “i hate everyone but u” typa relationship
he loves ur eyes so much oh my godhshs
obvi he ain’t gonna show it cause it’s dally but he’ll randomly catch himself staring at you’re eyes 🥲
“what are you looking at dal?”
“nothin man. i was looking at the sky.”
“i think you were looking at my eyes.” *smiling*
“nah man i wasn’t. don’t flatter yourself.”
i feel like dally does like to play with hair.
like he’s not gonna do it on the couch at the curtis’ BUT when it’s just y’all and ur laying on his chest he’ll DEF run his hands through ur hair and probably make u fall asleep
“and then this motherfu- y/n? are you up?”
*y/n softly snoring*
*chuckles* “coulda’ told me if you was gettin’ board doll.
*kisses your head and plays with ur hair.*
admires ur freckles
he’s loves em but will definitely tease u sometimes 😭
*u and dal walking out of the dingo*
“y’know your freckles look like oatmeal.”
*u turn to him giggling a bit *
“what? my freckles look like oatmeal?”
“yeah, they do, they look like oatmeal with cinnamon on em’ man.” *chuckling a bit*
“oh my goodness, only you can come up with something like that dallas.”
“it’s cute. don’t let your head spin over it doll.”
*blushes* “youre crazy.”
and from there on out, his nickname for u is oatmeal.
like let’s say u walk into the curtis house and dallys there
*y/n walking to the couch where dally is*
*u plop down next to dally* “hi dal!”
“hey oatmeal.” *wraps his arm around ur shoulder.*
ohhh my goddddd the teasing never stops about ur height.
and dallas is like 6’0 so the height difference is THERE.
“hey short stack”
*u roll ur eyes* so creative dally, your a bean stalk how about that.
*chuckles* “you’re cute.”
rests his arm at the top of ur head to get u mad LMAOO
he loves that ur short tho, thinks it’s the cutest
honestly dally never cared that you were shy.
he tried EVERYTHING to get you out of ur shell when u first joined the gang
you and johnny were friends before joining the gang so he brang you over one day and you were like 😳
and he thought u were so cute 🥹
y know what dally is i don’t have to say.
constantly teasing and flirting
*sitting down on the couch with u* “hey doll, how ya’ doing today?”
*y/n just looking down at her lap* *im good.”
*smiling* “okay, alright good.”
was literally so happy when u finally talked to him that day
definitely rambled on to johnny abt it
he usually doesn’t know how to deal with anxiety attacks and stuff but when u have them he really does try his best
*y/n having a panic attack* “hey, hey what’s the matter, you okay? just breath doll everything’s gonna be alright, okay? look at me, breath. there ya’ go, that’s it. calm down i got ya’.”
he’s always by your side no matter where you are
he wants to make sure his girl is safe 😢
always holding your hand or waist to make sure you’re alright 🩷🩷
he also has no experience with adhd but again, he tries his best to make sure you’re not too hyper and burn yourself out.
*y/n bouncing off the walls with energy*
“hey, you need to sit down ok? just relax, i’ll get you something to drink alright? why don’t we watch a movie or somethin’, sound good?”
“okay! that sounds great!”
honestly loves when u hyper fixate, he loves hearing u talk about whatever it is that ur interested in that week.
he definitely goes out and steals whatever u have on ur mind
and u scold him for it ofc.
“dallas, how many times do i have to tell you to stop that! i understand you want to do something nice for me, but i don’t want you stealing!”
“it’s fine oatmeal, it’s a stuffed animal. no one’s gonna miss a teddy bear.”
teases u cause u read but secretly loves when u read to him lol
“doll, why do you read those?”
“because it’s fun dallas.”
“sounds pretty boring to me, just a bunch of words on some paper.”
“you think it’s boring casue you can’t read the words on the paper dallas.”
“you getting smart with me oatmeal?”
“maybe.” *smiling*
“you’re lucky i like you, cause anyone else woulda had their teeth knocked out.”
“oh i know dal.”
dally doesn’t mind that your love language is touch, it took some getting used to but after a while he learned to appreciate it.
*y/n hugging him*
“why you doin’ that?”
“because i love you.”
his favorite thing to do in the world is stand behind u with his hands on ur waist
it lets him know that you’re safe and that no one can hurt u🤭
it’s hard for him to say things like “i love you” and “i’m so proud of you” because of his childhood:/
but when he tells you he loves u for the first time the tears are pouring.
“i love you doll, i don’t say it ever, but i’m glad you came into my life.”
*y/n crying tears of joy* “i love you more dallas.”
A/N: oh my god i’m being so active today lolz! i hope u enjoy dally sorry it took so long ily!! 🫶🏻
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Every Rose Has It's Thorn
Part 9
Part 10
Part 8
Universe: Teenage Mutant Teenage Turtles (Bayverse aged-up turtles)
Rating: R MINORS DNI: (swearing) Mentions injuries, blood, death, and violence, suggestive moments (we're starting to hit the smut zone here people beware), kinda some body image issues for a hot sec
Raphael x OC (female character), Leonardo x OC (female character)
Tags: trigger warning mentions bruises and injuries and dark content, fluff, original character, slow burn romance, Leo and Raph fighting, foot clan mention, jealousy, angst
-So I mayyyy be introducing a love triangle here- don't mind me and my self indulgence heheheh (also this version of Bay Leo is a sassmaster sorry not sorry) but the story will end with Raph x Rose, don't worry
-The gang deals with the aftermath of Rose's new abilities, and she has a steamy confrontation with Raph. Leo starts to get jealous.
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As they walked back into the lair, Rose had grown quiet in Raph’s arms. He would’ve wondered if she was asleep had it not been for the occasional sniffle coming from the mop of curls that was threatening to tickle his nostrils.
Fuck, she had so much hair.
That was the first thing he had noticed about her when they had rescued her that night; her copper-red mess of curls. It was long and beautiful, and he had loved how the ringlets cascaded down her back and bounced when she moved.
But right now, it was driving him insane the way it was going up his nostrils and if he didn’t put her down soon, he was definitely going to sneeze in her ear.
Raph continued walking through the lair and made his way to the bathroom, shutting the door with his foot behind him as he balanced her in his arms. He slowly knelt down, setting Rose’s feet firmly on the floor and guiding her to stand on her own by the sinks. She obeyed his silent directions but didn't make eye-contact, her face remaining downcast and pointed at the tile floor.
Lost in her own mind. 
“Hey, I’m gunna get a bath started for ya- ok?”
She slowly nodded. Her tears had stopped falling, but the feeling of being adrift and hopeless at sea did not cease as her mind kept replaying the flashes of red and bone.
The flashes of her new reality. 
Raphael started the water and soap in the spa tub and grabbed some bottles from one of the shower stalls. He left for a moment to grab a change of clothes for her from his room; another t-shirt and shorts set of his, and a towel. By the time he stepped back into the room the bath was ready, but she hadn’t moved.
He turned the water off and looked at her again, somewhat awkwardly this time.
“Do ya need... help or anythin’?”
Rose raised her head to look at him; her eyes so weary with pain- and guilt.
She didn’t have the strength to hide it anymore.
As she tried to respond, to think of anything to say- the only thing that came out of her mouth was a soft sigh. She looked back down at her hands, still caked with blood, unable to stop staring at the dark red that was stained over her skin.
“Hey.” Raph sauntered over and covered her hands in his. “It’s ok.”
When she didn’t move or respond, he spoke again, quieter this time.
“Close yer eyes.”
She looked up at him, confused.
“I ain’t gunna hurt ya, just trust me. I gotcha, kay?”
“Kay, Red," she managed softly, and let out a deep breath as she slowly closed her eyes, feeling Raphael turn her slightly.
She heard him start the water in the sink and felt the slight sting of cold water over her fingers. She would’ve pulled away at the temperature, but he was firmly holding her hands in place.
His arms were around hers, her back to his plastron. It felt..god it felt good to be this close to him. Peaceful. He ran her hands under the water, massaging her fingers and knuckles almost lovingly. It was sweet of him, she thought.
Then it hit her that he was washing her hands.
And he had her close her eyes, so she didn’t have to see the...
“I’m...I’m sorry about earlier. And thanks... for this.”
Silence. She kept her eyes closed, grateful for the barrier. It was easier to apologize this way.
He kept at his task, the soap and water washing away all evidence down the drain. Rose heard him grunt under his breath.
“’m sorry too. I shoulda kept my mouth shut. And I shoulda gone after ya right away.”
“It’s ok, Raph. I pushed you too far. I’m sorry.”
“...s’fine. We don’t havta get inta it right now.”
Raph’s hands stopped scrubbing hers under the stream of water, and Rose opened her eyes and lifted her head slowly, locking gazes with the turtle in the mirror. She tried not to focus on the now dried blood still splattered on her cheek and gathered up the courage to go on.
“No, Red- I mean it. I acted like an asshole and practically threw myself at you and, well I- I’m sorry.”
His eyes gazed intently into hers as she talked to their reflections in the mirror. Raphael was frozen, unmoving, as she apologized- the way she was making eye contact with him, unafraid and confident, was testing his ability to keep himself composed under her careful study. He closed his eyes for a moment to re-center himself, and Rose continued.
“It’s just been so many years since anyone showed any interest in me, and I thought it was because of how I looked so I just gave up. But then I met you and..”
Raphael's eyes snapped open, once again making eye contact in the mirror. The golden glare pierced Rose through the heart and stopped her cold.
“What do ya mean, cause of how ya look.”
“My boyfriend wouldn’t touch me for years, and...I don’t know...I mean, he's gay, but...maybe if I had been more attractive..."
Rose looked away from the mirror, ashamed of admitting what haunts her most to the chiseled green god that had been invading her dreams and every thought since she had arrived there. She felt Raph sigh behind her with such sadness and frustration she couldn’t help but look back up at him, meeting his golden eyes in the reflection once more, and they paused there for a moment just looking at each other. 
“..don't be an idiot.”
She chuckled and shook her head. “Raph-”
With another huff Raphael bent down and leaned his head in next to her ear, stepping in closer behind her and gripping the sink with one hand. Her breath hitched as he brushed her hair aside with a finger and spoke softly into her ear, his eyes never leaving hers.
“No man that got ta be this close to ya and chose ta walk away is straight, Princess. He doesn' know what he's missin'.”
Rose could feel the electricity shoot through her body as his lips ghosted over the shell of her ear; the heat seeping from her core as his breath husked over her skin, desire gnawing at her once more and making a slick mess in her panties. He was still looking at her in the mirror, hazel eyes watching her melt at his words with a slight smirk on his pout.
Before she could stop it, she heard herself quietly whimper, and a hand flew to her mouth in shock.
Raph’s eyes widened; the noise and sudden movement completely surprising him.
“I’m-I- oh god.”
She could feel the heat rise up to her ears as she turned away from the mirror. Rose moved to walk out of his arms, but he stopped her.
“I - uh, wait.”
She paused, biting her lip and looking at the wall as she internally screamed. 
Fuck, she just wanted to curl up under a rock and hide.
“Look Red, I’m sorry- I'm embarrassed too, if you want we can just forget i-”
Raphael took her chin in his hand and lifted her face up to look at him.
“Don’ think I ain't attracted to ya, cause I am. Yer the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Rose.”
And knowin I can do that to ya? He thought.
He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his grip on the porcelain sink growing dangerously tight. Her arousal was evident, the scent overwhelmingly heady as she stood there in his arms and he reveled in it. It’s all Raph could think about, could smell, and holy hell was it tempting. He looked back at her and smirked, golden eyes dancing with want.
“Fuckin christ." He swallowed and took a second before he continued, expression shifting from lustful to nervous. "I’m just- I ah.. I don’t wanna jump inta anythin ok? I’ve never, yanno..”
He drifted off, hoping she would understand. His hand let go of her chin, coming to rest at his side.
Rose looked at him as the meaning of his words dawned on her. She smiled warmly, placing a small hand on his plastron.
“I get it, Big Guy. No worries.”
“I jus want ya to know that I ain’t blind. Any guy would be damn lucky to call you his.”
Raphael smiled at her as he spoke, reaching up to caress her hand still on his plastron. Her skin was so soft under his rough, calloused one.
They were so different.
Were they too different?
Before he could spiral further, her voice shook him from his thoughts.
“Hey Raph?”
“Thanks for everything.”
“Yer welcome- it’s nuthin.”
“I’m going to get in that bath now, I’ve got to get cleaned up and stuff.”
He chuckled and cocked a crooked grin at her. “You sure ya don’t need any help?”
Rose stuck her tongue out. “Shut up, jerk. Now shoo.” She turned her back to him, wiggling her fingers at the turtle and motioning for him to leave.
Raph headed for the door, but stole one last longing glance as Rose began to take off her shoes. 
He never felt this pull to anyone before. 
But they barely knew each other. 
Plus, there’s the whole dead body mess that needs ta get figured out, he thought. Leo's probably pacin' a hole in the floor by Don's computers. 
The door clicked behind him, and he almost smacked his face into Leo as he turned away from the door.
“Why the hell were you in there so long?”
“Chill, Fearless. Nothing happened.”
“That’s not an answer, Raph.”
Huffing, Raphael moved to walk away from his brother, only to be stopped by a katana blade appearing at the wall near his shoulder, blocking his path.
“Oh, you really gunna start this with me, Leo? Ya wanna have this out here, right now, Honor Boy?”
“Then tell me what she said, Raphael.”
“Nun of yer fuckin business, Leo. Get outta my way.” He gritted his teeth, the threat dripping past his canines. 
Leonardo stood with his blade extended for a moment, eyebrow ridge raised as he weighed the outcomes of his younger brother's wrath.
With a flick of his wrist, he sheathed his katana and put his hands up with a shrug, letting Raph pass. 
But as the red-banded turtle strode towards Donatello's lab, Leo bit back.
He'd had enough of this. 
“Did you kiss her yet?”
Raphael whipped around in the blink of an eye, fist raised and eyes wild.
Leonardo blocked him with ease, stepping around his bulkier brother and staring him down with an amused smirk on his lips.
Raph took another swing, this one landing on his brother's right shoulder. Leo hissed in pain, smirk vanished as the joint throbbed angrily. 
“Serves ya right, prick. Are we done? Happy now?”
“Far from it.” Leo spit back, glaring at his brother and clutching his shoulder.
That was the first time in a while Raphael had squarely landed a hit on him in their spars, and he knew that the only reason his brother got close enough was that he was exhausted; hell, he just cleaned up an entire crime scene. 
He and Donnie had surmised from the broken bodies of the foot clan soldiers that they had been beaten by a suspect using an incredible amount of force. They had traced the men’s path back a distance in the outer tunnels and had found another group of soldiers, who were apprehended and left for Chief Vincent and her team to pick up. The turtles had been notifying her of their activities after the Krang incident, keeping her updated on criminals and crime syndicates they bust, in exchange for information when they needed it. They had a decent arrangement worked out; it had served them well so far. Donnie had been in communication with the Chief since they had returned to the lair.
Leo had intended to find Rose to discuss what had happened in the outer tunnel, only to discover she and Raph were in the bathroom together doing god knows what. He had paced for a good five minutes before Raph had almost knocked him over with the door.
Rotating his shoulder and chuckling, he stared his brother down. “Man, your brains really are in your biceps little bro. That was a good one.”
“Yeh, Leo? Well next one’s hittin your jaw.”
“Oh, there won’t be a next one.” Leo gritted back.
“What the fuck is your problem, asshat? Gettin a little jealous?”
Raph smirked, circling his brother as they both stalked the other's movements. Before he could say anything else, Leo spun and swept Raph’s legs, effectively knocking him to the ground with a thud.
Laying on the ground on his shell, he glared back up at his older brother.
“You’re going to regret that, Raph.”
“Fuckin make me, Fearless.”
Raph got up in one fluid motion and turned to face Leo as they continued their dance; the circle slow and calculating as they waited for the other to strike, eyes never leaving each other. 
“Rose deserves someone who's going to take care of her- who's going to treat her right. Better than y-"
“There’s nuthin goin on Leo- She’s the one who keeps askin me to do shit and be there for her; I ain’t doin anything. So don’t get yer panties in a twist. ” Raph interrupted, one hand on his sai.
“Exactly my point; no appreciation, no class.” Leo arms widened in show as he taunted his brother, chuckling to himself. 
“I ain’t fuckin talkin about this with ya, dickhead. She means nuthin’. End of story.” Raph winced as he chewed on his own words.
“Then I guess you won’t mind if someone else steps in then? If she means nothing?”
His smile faded slightly; his tone serious as he narrowed his blue eyes behind his mask. 
“You better be fuckin kiddin.” Raph’s grip on his sanity was barely holding on for dear life.
All he could see was red rage, with Leo taunting him at the center of it.
“No, I’m not.”
Raph lost all sense of control and charged at his older brother.
He couldn’t think or focus on anything, all he could feel was anger- seething, sharp, all-consuming anger.
But before he got close to Leo, the door to the bathroom opened and Rose stepped out.
Seeing Raphael in a blind rage and not knowing what else to do, she stepped into his path to block him.
She put a hand out to his chest- only meaning to deter him. Instead, the turtle went careening through the air at the contact, making an abhorred short yelp as he smacked shell-first into a wall near Don’s lab.
On the opposite side of the room.
Donnie immediately came running from inside the doorway.
“What-wh, what happened?!”
Shaking his head, Raph got up from the floor and shook off the bits of cement that had landed on his shell.
“Girl-wonder- that’s what happened, genius.”
Rose was watching Raph soar through the air in terror, but sighed in relief when he got up unharmed.
Gracias a Dios.
At her sigh, Leo turned to look at her in shock.
He took her in, noticing she had put her hair up in a messy bun on top of her head; some loose curls tumbling down to frame her face and hell, she looked angelic. The wild curls barely brushed over the exposed skin of her neck, her updo revealing several piercings on both ears as well.
She was so interesting.
Regaining his composure, he called to his younger brother.
“Well, I guess we know what that unknown force was, Donnie.”
Rose looked up at Leonardo in fear.
She was worried he’d be angry, or that they’d have to turn her over to some government agency.
That was the reason for her short bath, she couldn’t focus on anything but her anxieties, and what her new friends would do to her when they found out about her abilities.
And then the yelling started, and she had to see what was going on. 
Leo could see the panic in her eyes as he searched her face. He took her arms in his, and spoke softly.
“Hey, it’s ok. You’re ok.” His thumbs gently rubbed her arms as his deep voice washed over her. “Thanks for stepping in back there, Raph was pretty pissed at me I guess.”
He laughed, dismissing the intense moment.
He’d continue the discussion with Raphael later.
“I- uh, you’re- welcome. I guess.” She murmured quietly, body tense as he continued.
“Are you okay, feeling any better?”
“Yeah, I’m not in pain anymore. Thanks.”
“Of course, we were all worried about you.” Leo’s eyes were soft and caring as they spoke, and she slowly started to feel a little more at ease as his hands lightly brushed against her skin. “If you’re up to it, I would like to have a discussion with you in the Dojo. Is that all right?”
Rose flicked a glance over to Raphael, who was currently being fussed over by Donnie.
He didn’t return her gaze.
She turned back to Leo and nodded, managing a weak smile.
Leo led her to the Dojo, pushing aside the paper doors and revealing the beautiful, shared space.
The floors were tatami, and there were lots of wood accents in addition to the exposed brick. She could see bamboo plants here and there, and the occasional bonsai tree, and though the ceiling was tall, it still seemed quiet in the room somehow. The dojo was definitely a very zen and comforting area of the lair, and carefully cultivated to be just so.
In a corner of the room there was a table with some cushions on the floor, and a teapot and cups rested on it as if waiting for them. The turtle gestured to her shoes as she made a move forward.
“Shoes off, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, sorry.”
She slipped her sneakers off and set them carefully next to Leo’s sandals on the brick step, and made her way over to the table. She hadn’t walked on tatami since visiting Japan with her grandmother, and it felt so much like her favorite memories.
Rose couldn’t help but smile a bit.
Leo sat down at the table and gestured to the cushion opposite him, pouring the tea for them both.
Taking the cup in her hands she sniffed the aroma of the green tea and let it envelop her, reminding her of a certain hot spring in Hakone and a wonderful meal she once shared there.
All the stress and tension that she carried moments ago seemed to melt away as she closed her eyes and just basked for a moment.
Looking up from her cup she smiled at Leo, who was in turn observing her in amusement.  
“How’d you know this is my favorite?”
“Call it an educated guess.” He smirked.
“Good job- one point for Blue.”
“Oh, you do NOT want to motivate me with a point system.” Leo emphasized, chuckling as he glanced down and lifted the cup to his lips. 
Rose raised an eyebrow at the terrapin, smile blooming on her pout as she eyed him over the table.
“And why’s that, Leo?”
“Because I always - win.” He looked at her over the rim of the mug, taking a drink slowly.
Her cheeks were quick to blush, and she giggled nervously. “That, ah- that was good.” She said, rubbing the back of her neck with her hand as she looked down at the table.
Oh...if he wasn't before- he's definitely flirting now.
Fucking hell. 
The tone of his voice, and the way he was practically eye-fucking her across the table, had her incredibly, well, unfocused.
And confused.
But after the conversation she'd heard take place outside the bathroom door, she wasn’t all that surprised. He had openly stated his intent, and he had to have known she could hear him. Rose recalled the eavesdropped conversation, remembering what Raph had said.
She means nothing.
How could he have said that?
When he had been in the bathroom with her, he hadn’t exactly confessed his feelings or anything, just admitted his attraction. Had she read too much into him?
"Girl, you’re so fucking stupid," she chastised herself internally. "Throwing your heart at any guy who shows you any bit of interest. Grow up." She could feel her eyes start to get watery as she took a sip of tea.  
You always do this. 
You let them in, let them hurt you.
Get a hold of yourself.
Rose looked back up at Leo, eying him from across the table, and quietly studied him now that it was just the two of them; the long, slightly faded scar over his right eye and cheek, the practiced smile and charm, his interesting tattoos- there was a lot to Leonardo- more layers than she originally thought. 
He was an interesting guy. 
“So, um- why did you want to talk?”
Sensing the shift in conversation, he set his cup down and placed his hands on his knees.
“I wanted to give you the opportunity to discuss what happened in the tunnels privately, in a calm environment. I thought you might appreciate the serenity of the dojo as I do.”
“Thank you, Leo. Really. I appreciate that.”
With an encouraging smile, he took another sip from his mug and nodded. “Of course. Go ahead whenever you’re ready.”
She admired how he could switch like that, from casual to professional in an instant.
It must come from years of all those responsibilities; of being the Hero of New York and the eldest of four.
It's got to be a heavy burden, falling on his shoulders, day after day. 
Rose took a deep breath and began, recounting everything that had happened after she left the Lair earlier.
Leo listened, waiting for her to finish before asking his questions.
“So it was a life-or-death situation, and your strength appeared when the Foot attacked you.” He stated plainly, looking at her intently for a response.
“Ah yeah, that sums up the murder of those guys pretty well,” Rose mumbled darkly, and Leo glared at her over the table and scoffed.
When she shrugged at him, he couldn’t help but lay the reality of the situation on the table for her.
“They were foot clan soldiers sent to assassinate us. Had you not done what you did, they would’ve killed you, or tortured you for information about us. Which would have led to one of us possibly getting hurt.” Leo paused, before he went on, much softer. “Your actions saved my family, you have to see that. I’m- We're indebted to you, Rose. Thank you.”
“Leo they were still people-”
“And sometimes those with great power have great responsibilities. We have to make the hard choices sometimes..” He looked away, eyes downcast. “... and kill the bad guys.” A few moments of silence went by as he seemed lost in a memory, staring at a spot on the floor.
“You did not just give me the Spiderman quote, dude.”
Her comment shook him from his thoughts, and he laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm as he looked back up at her.
“It was the perfect time. Literally when else would I get this golden opportunity.”
“Nerd.” She teased.
“And you’re an actual X-Men. I was a mutant turtle teen in the sewers, of course I got into comics and superheroes. It was our lives, or at least a super romanticized version.” Leo’s blue eyes glistened; a smile plastered on his face. “Anyway, about your strength-”
“You’re not going to have the government put me in a lab or something, are you?” Rose squeaked out in terror.
“What? No. I was going to say that you should learn how to control it. I think that’ll start with training here with us. Interacting with humans could be, well, fatal before you know how much force to use. You’re superhuman now, you have to understand that- and you might even be stronger than Raph.” Chuckling to himself, Leo shook his head recalling the force that she sent his brother into the wall with.
“I see. Yeah, that makes sense. But I could hurt you guys too, you know? I-I’m too..dangerous to be around anyone.”
With her last sentence she started to tear up again, and she looked down at her lap as her eyesight blurred.
Leo moved swiftly to her side of the table, kneeling in front of her as he cautiously put a hand on her knee, squeezing it gently.
“You’re not too dangerous for us, Emerald. I promise.”
Rose's face shot up at the name.
“Leo, I-”
He brushed a stray copper spiral away from her face. "Your eyes...they're-" Leo's hand fell slowly as they looked at each other, gazes locked in the deep, beautiful gem tones of moss and sea. 
He cleared his throat, blinking and bringing the subject back to what they were talking about. 
“Ahm..We’re tough, thanks to the mutagen. You don't have anyhting to worry about- it would be hard for a human to injure us, though I'd like Donnie to run some tests, if you're all right with that.” He didn't give her time to answer as he continued on. “Any way, you have a place here, if you want it. There’s an unused room in the alcove across from Sensei’s, we mostly just use it for storage. Mikey told me about your living situation, and I think this might be a good alternative while you sort things out. And that way, you don’t have to keep staying in Raph’s room either.” He said the last part stiffly, trying and failing to keep the tension out of his voice.
“I literally don’t know what to say, Leo.” Rose smiled softly, bringing a hand to her cheek as she felt her heart swell with emotion as her mutant knight in shining armor both slayed all her dragons and swept her off her feet in ten minutes. 
Leo was so kind. 
“A thank you is fine.” He was smirking again as he raised a brow ridge at her.
“You’re obnoxious.” Rose rolled her eyes playfully, teasing him back. “Thank you, darling savior. My prince, my hero!” She continued her theatrics until Leo was fully smiling and he couldn’t take it anymore. He booped her on the forehead with his palm, and she gave him a confused look.
“Just trying to find an off switch.”
Rose laughed back at him, fully enjoying the moment. He was way more of a flirt than she had expected, and he was damn good at it too.
She was still confused over her feelings for Raphael, but he had made it clear he wasn’t interested.
-When I said slow burn, I meant slowwww lol
-This Leo - Rose - Raph love triangle is giving me life to write. What is sleep? Don't know her. But seriously, strap in, dis gonna be fun
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Together in Captivity: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader is referred to as ‘man’. Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Torture, Reference to sex Warnings: Tortured by bounty hunters, Sean talks a lot, fluff, lots of lovey-dovey stuff, cuddling, reunited after separation Summary: After what happened in Blackwater you and Sean are taken by bounty hunters. They finally put you in the same room and leave you to have a party. Fluff ensues.
Getting captured in Blackwater was probably one of the most unpleasant experiences of your life. Too many things went wrong, too many people died, and you and Sean got captured. Ike Skelding has been a wonderful host so far, torturing and beating the two of you for information on the rest of the gang. Sean has lost a few teeth, you have several scars healing on your skin. Most nights they don’t let you sleep, sometimes they hang you upside down. It’s been a few days since you’ve seen Sean, but you can hear his endless mocking followed by screams of pain.
Tonight the bounty hunters seem to be in a better mood. They’re chatting as they torture, excited for a party. It’s nice, they don’t cut as deep as usual and when they take you away it’s to a building instead of a tree to hang by your ankles. They open the doors and they swing wide open, revealing the empty, open single room. On the floor, curled into a ball, is Sean. His hair is greasy and his skin is pale, there’s blood stains on his clothes. You can’t imagine you look much better. The bounty hunters throw you inside and close the doors before Sean can talk their ears off. You stumble forward and land near him on the ground.
“Oh, you’re alive!” Sean says, scrambling over to you. “I thought you’d be dead by now, I thought I’d be dead by now.”
His hands rest on your shoulders, holding you upright so he can see your face. A weak smile rests on his face and he pulls you into him, holding you close. The fresh blood on your shirt stains his but he doesn’t seem to care. His hand moves to the back of your head, mixing in your hair. You hold each other as if either of you might fly away at any second.
“I missed ya, big man.” Sean mumbles into your shoulder. “My God I missed ya. I missed ya so much.”
“I missed you too, Sean.”
He presses a kiss to your neck and squeezes you tighter. “Dutch’ll be comin’ for us, I know he will.”
“How long do you think the bounty hunters will leave us here?” You mumble.
Sean sighs, still holding you just lightly enough for you to breathe. “Forever, I hope. Least ‘til Dutch comes for us.”
You press a kiss to his jaw and hug him tighter. “Have you slept much?”
“Don’t think about sleepin’ now, I ain’t wastin’ a second here with ya.” He pulls back so he can see your face. “Not one second, sweetheart.”
You bring your hand up to cup his cheek and can’t help the smile that comes to your face from seeing him. All the bruises aside, he’s still Sean. You lean in and he meets you halfway in a kiss. It’s light and timid because Sean has a cut on his lip, but he can’t help it when he presses hard against you. He winces, but keeps kissing you until you stop him.
“Sorry.” He says, wiping some of his blood from your lip. “I just missed ya, can’t help myself.”
You smile, grabbing his hand and holding it between you. “We should sleep while they let us.”
Sean sighs. “Fine, fine. Only if ya promise me something fun when we get outta here.”
“You can have anything you want, Mister MacGuire.”
Sean lays down on the soft patch he found before they threw you in with him and you curl up next to him, lay on your sides so you can hold each other. You fall asleep looking over Sean’s face and trying to remember every detail of it while he rubs soothing circles into your skin. He watches you sleep for a while, taking you in just as you were with him until he falls asleep himself. You both have nightmares. It’s hard not to given the situation you’re in.
When Sean wakes up he’s scared from the lingering dark dreams, but he feels better when everything sets in. Your arms around him, your deep breaths, everything soothing him back into a reality where he can press soft kisses to your face and run his hand through your hair. When you open your eyes he smiles at you.
“Mornin’ there, big man. Have a good sleep?”
“Did you?”
“Absolute shite, thanks for askin’.”
He presses another kiss to your head and pulls you back into his chest. The sun shines a little through the cracks, telling you it’s morning, maybe even afternoon.
“We probably shouldn’t let them find us like this.” You sigh. “I’ve seen other men swing for less.”
“Fine.” Sean mumbles. “I’m keepin’ hold a’ ya until they’re those doors though.”
“I love you.”
Sean giggles. “You better, with all the shite I do for ya.”
You tilt your head so you can kiss him, pulling away before he has the chance to hurt his lip again.
“I love ya too.” He says. “Don’t know what I’d do without ya.”
You pull him tighter against you, your hands clinging onto his clothes. He holds you just as tightly, avoiding bruises as best he can. You stay there until you hear footsteps outside and voices muttering about moving you to a boat to move to their camp. They bounty hunters get you both up, tying your hands, and lead you out to the water. Maybe Dutch and gang will have a better chance of finding you at this new camp.
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waxxl0ver · 1 year
You want fanfic ideas, right? How about one where Lester finds a baby raccoon and tries to convince his brothers to let him keep it?
Thank you Mickey for my first request!!!
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Lester’s kit
Lester rubs his eyes as the morning sun hits his eyes. He yawned and decided to turn on the radio for the morning news. While fiddling with the radio he feels a bump in the road. “‘Nother dead animal.” He thought to himself. He pulls over the car and gets out. He walks over towards the animal corpse. It was a dead raccoon, he picked it up and threw it into the truck. He starts walking back into the truck. He opens the door. “Squeek squeek!” and stops. He turns around and looks around. “Hello? Anyone out there” “squeeeeek!” He starts to walk off the dirt path and looks around in the woods. “Squeeeeeeek!” He looks down, the noise is coming from a log. He bends down and looks inside. “My god” it’s a baby raccoon! A little kit scared, cold and hungry. He reaches over and lets the little kit smell his scent. “Hey it’s okay little guy I ain’t gonna hurt ya’.” The little kit slowly walks out. He was dirty and you could see his tiny ribs. Lester’s heart breaks into millions of pieces. That raccoon that he had picked up was the baby’s mother. He quickly scoops up the kit and speed walks over to his truck. He takes his jacket off and wraps the baby in it. “Here, little guy. Is that better” he pets the raccoon’s head and the kit purrs. “You poor thing.” Lester puts his seatbelt on and puts the car in drive. Bo was putting new tools into his truck to restock his gas station as Lester pulled up. “Lester the fuck you doin’ home.” He says. Lester gets out of the car with the jacket. “Bo! Look!” Bo looks at the jacket and raises an eyebrow. “Yeah it’s a jacket” Lester pulls the jacket back a bit and the baby kit pokes his head out. “No. No no no no, put that dirty thing back.” Says Bo. “But he’s an orphan and he’s just a lil’ guy!” Lester cried to Bo. “Lester! We already have Jonesy. She’s enough” he says sternly. “Booooo! Jus’ look at' em!” Lester cries to him. Bo looks at the baby kit and he’s giving him the biggest sad eyes he ever saw. He sighs “your promise to let ‘em free once there an adult.” He says defeated. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Lester excitedly yells. “Fine, keep him outta my room” Bo felt ganged up on. Lester rushed inside and walked into the bathroom and started a warm bath for the little kit. “Squeeeeek!” The little coon cried. “Don’t worry lil’ guy. You're gonna feel way better after this” Lester picks up the tiny kit and places him into the bathtub. He uses Bo’s fancy shampoo to wash the baby as the kit protests against this tourist bath! Lester finishes up and takes a warm towel to wrap him with. “See all better little guy.” The door creaks open and a certain puppy nose peeks through. Lester opens the rest of the door and lets Jonesy in. She stares at the baby raccoon and slowly walks up to him. The baby raccoon also stares at her. They both exchange some sniffs. The baby kit reached out and touched Jonesy’s nose. She dramatically howls and gives the baby a lick. Lester chuckles and gets up from the floor. He walks downstairs and Jonesy follows. He puts the raccoon on the counter and looks in the fridge. “Hmmmm I wonder what you would like to eat” he found some grapes. “Perfect!” He turns around to see Vincent and the baby raccoon staring down at each other. “Vinny, you like my new friend,” Lester says. Vincent nods and signs to him *your a mother now, I’m so proud* Lester rolls his eyes and gives the baby some grapes. He munches down on the grapes and makes some loud noises while he eats them. The raccoons let’s put a tiny burp in satisfaction with his little feast. The baby raccoon lifts his tiny paws in the air for Lester to pick him up. He obliged and picked Maur Maur up. The baby let’s out a tiny yawn and falls asleep in Lester's arms.
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starter-library · 1 year
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Northern Boys Lyric Starters
Party Time
“Don't want to fall in love, I just want to get fucked”
“I'm living in a studio flat that's covered in mould”
“When I go, will my loved ones miss me? Well the answer's no”
“Chuck my corpse in a big main road”
“Having a gang bang to Jackson Five”
“I gotta take a number three, That's a piss and a shit and a wank in a tree”
“Hello there, can I fill your hole?"
“I tried crack once, I just wanted to test it”
“It's party time, get your drugs out”
“Do you wanna make love to a sad old man?”
“I dip my dick in the salsa dip on a Taco Tuesday “
“I'm a dirty, wretched man”
“Call me grandad 'cause I fucked your nan”
“I'm a love machine, I don't know when to stop”
Nobody Likes Me
“You’ll find me dancing 'round sexy town”
“Wi-Fi’s broken, so I gotta watch my porn in the form of comic books”
“Bought a transgender man two pints, Can I get lucky and fist him tonight?”
“Used to have a dog, his name was Francis then he ran away, what a selfish bastard”
“When I’m outside, I get stressed out”
“When I got people around, I’m anxious”
“Nobody likes me, what the fuck now?”
“Call me the neighbor’s name when you fuck me, you ain’t gotta kiss me, you ain’t gotta hug me”
“Shit, I mean really, just do something, please just touch me”
“I don’t wanna go to my nephew’s birthday, his friends play rugby, they might just hurt me”
“A girl said "Hi.", now I’m obsessed”
“I’m not alone, the voice in my head tells me I’m handsome and great in bed”
Give It To Me
“You find me in the club, fucking it up”
“If you see me cry, you better walk on by ‘cause I don't wanna share the pain that's inside”
“Come on baby give it to me”
“I'm an angry man but I'm a soft old sod”
“No need to drive I just drop to my hands and feet and scuttle like a beetle”
“Listen up pal, I could die right now”
“Come on baby fuck with me I got the horn and I'm giving out my love for free”
“Raising a glass to the gays and bi's and the trans and the girls and the big bald men”
“You better not assume my pronouns You ain't got a clue what I feel inside”
“You wanna come fuck me then get in line”
“I'm a top shelf piece of ass, don't touch what you can't afford”
Sexy Train
“Hey baby, what's your name?”
“Now come take a ride on the sexy train”
“Let's paint pictures of aeroplanes”
“I've been evicted, now I live in a ditch”
“I'm a strong, fancy gentleman”
“I wanna dance for eternity”
“I don't mean to be a dickhead I wanna put a smile on your pretty face”
“Motherfucker do you wanna make love to me?”
“Motherfucker do you wanna get fucked with me?”
“Come and have a ride you sexy bastards”
“I wanna kiss your face, I gotta make love slow 'cause my leg's in a brace”
“Come on, I wanna party with you”
“Let's go downtown while the wife's asleep”
“Feeling like a love pirate, shiver me boots”
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weirdbeancurd · 5 months
General Headcanons for Miguel and Michelle O'Hara
Michelle is my OC which is basically a more laidback female version of Miguel from another dimension. They have a sibling relationship and love bothering each other lol
Michelle plays dumb as a defense mechanism, but she’s just as smart as Miguel, she likes it when people underestimate her because it she can easily subvert their expectations and turn the tide
Idk who said this but there was a post that headcanoned that Miguel exercises obsessively when he’s stressed or can’t sleep, in turn Michelle does the same, they often wake up in the middle of the night and go to the gym only for the other to be there as well, they force each other to go back to bed, saying it’s not healthy (hypocrites)
They both adore Mayday, but Miguel tries to hide it (he ain’t slick)
Michelle likes to nap or spend the night sleeping on the couch in Miguel’s lair (Peter insisted on there being something for him to lounge on while he visited)
Both have clawed so many holes in their bedsheets (especially on the days they have nightmares), they constantly have to buy new ones
They bicker like children sometimes, it reminds Miguel of when Gabriel was still alive, he gets embarrassed if someone catches him and Michelle arguing over something stupid, sometimes Michelle doesn’t even feel strongly about the topic at hand, she just likes riling him up lol
They work on projects together, spending many days and nights overworking themselves until they eventually pass out in the middle of what they’re doing, they have many photos of the other asleep at their desk, couch, or whatever inconvenient place they conked out, Michelle immediately sends eepy Miguel pics to the group chat, while Miguel saves the embarrassing pics of Michelle for blackmail
Michelle once found Mig asleep with a live soldering iron in his hand, both she and Lyla were not happy, bro needs a little talk about fire safety
All spider people are nerds, even them, they love reptiles and would absolutely have one as a pet if not for them being to busy to take care of it, their favorite is the day gecko, pics of them always cheer the two up, yes, even Miguel, herpetologists rise up
Michelle is out on missions more than Miguel, who usually stays back and monitors everyone, she is great with stealth but goes on other types of missions too
Because she's on the field more often, she gets hurt more than Miguel, who scolds her for being careless, Michelle also got that self-sacrificing tendency that most spider people have, leading to even more injuries, on the bright side, if she's paired with the arachkids on a mission, she will guarantee they come out unscathed, she once took a hit meant for one of the kids and they took turns keeping her company in the medbay, Hobie doesn't have the best bedside manners but it's the thought that counts lol
Michelle is the "cool aunt" to Miguel's "grumpy uncle," the kids always go to her if they need to ask for something
Peter and Michelle like to gang up on Miguel, often to get him to take a break, sometimes even Mayday gets involved, he'll begrudgingly lie there if Mayday falls asleep on him, grumbling all the while, when they check back on Miguel, they find him dead asleep just minutes later
Both can purr but Michelle does it more often, Mig either has to be alone with people he really trusts or too tired to give a shit
They both also love head scritches, it makes them melt and purr, Miguel always tries to stop himself from purring but he can't help it, it's a surefire way to get them to actually relax for once
Since they're the same person, they agree on most things, but can never decide on a show to watch lol
Michelle is proud of the growing bond Miles and Miguel share, but the latter will always deny it, dude can't admit he's getting attached
Michelle sometimes steps in to introduce new recruits to the society when Miguel doesn't feel up to it, it gives him a much needed break from the 2 billion peter parkers that haunt his dreams
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the gang + shepherds with m!greaser whose a CRAZY good storyteller, be that reading an actual book or something from his head
Ofc pookie!
Ponyboy Curtis
-he loves your stories
-I mean he loves reading but you amplify the fun of it
-even when you don’t have one of his favorite books in hand
-you captivate him
-your words are just perfectly put together in such a beautiful format
-he doesn’t know how to explain it to other people
-but he LOVES your stories
Johnny Cade
-since he’s more quiet he thinks it’s perfect you’re a good storyteller
-sometimes you guys meet up and he just falls asleep in your lap to the stories
-listening to then makes him calm and relaxed like nothing else
-which is pretty rare in his life to be frank
Sodapop Curtis
-I’m sorry but he’s SUCH an interrupter
-he’s like reading a first grader a story with his attention span
-he asks a question every two seconds
-forgets what you said like five minutes ago so asks again
Darry Curtis
-it’s one of his favorite activities to sit back with a beer as you talk
-you have such a damn way with words
-I mean, you can pull anyone into your stories
-he’s defiantly quiet and respectful as you talk
-and raises his hand up for a pause signal
-when he drank too much beer and needs to use the restroom
-but he’s not missing one damn word
Dallas Winston
-pretends not to listen but secretly listens to every word
-he thinks he’s sly but the whole gang knows he listens
-he actually really likes them and sometimes thinks about them outside of when you tell them
-he ain’t tellin nobody that tho
Two Bit Mathew
-he’s actually pretty respectful
-but he has such fucking over exaggerated emotions
-sad story? He’s not crying but he’s about to (can’t cry when you a greaser 😔)
-happy story? Clapping loud as hell at the end and grinning the whole time
-story that actually makes you think deeply about something? He’s gonna ponder it for hours
-then go on an expressive rant about it in the middle of someone else’s conversation 💀
Steve Randle
-I do think he’s the most likely to be like “Well, that’s just stupid-“
-and get everyone to glare at him
-he shuts up eventually
-but he’s the most annoying
-he won’t admit he likes them even though he very much does
-this hypocrite gets mad at soda for interrupting you after going on a rant about how stupid a character was in your story for doing x and y
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cyberrat · 7 months
81st Batch Of Fics: 4th Fill
Cassidy/OCs; (Cassidy/Hanzo) – Flashback Part 4/4 – rape; coercion; young Cole – Cole keeps up his struggle. He needs something more from his gang life.
One of the guys has just grabbed Cole’s hand and is stuffing it down his pants to get him to jerk him off when the door to the makeshift med-bay slams open and another guy walks out, followed by the Deadlock’s doctor barking a gruff: “Next!”
Cole quickly pulls his hand out of the grimacing guy’s pants and makes his way up the couple steps into the hut. It’s oppressively hot inside filled with a mixture of Alpha scents that gets his mouth watering.
It’s only been a month or something and already he’s getting hot for…
“Ah. Cassidy.” The doctor eyes him with a shrewd expression. “Got some special orders for you.” He jerks his head toward the cot. “Get naked and bend over.”
Cole’s fingers are fumbling with his clothes. He doesn’t know why he’s still getting nervous about this stuff. He awkwardly folds them a little and puts them over a chair before he does as he is told.
There’s quiet stretching through the room as the doctor quietly looks him over. A ton of bite marks that are in various stages of healing all over his arms and legs; a lot of bruises. A lot of dried blood between his cheeks.
As the man peels them apart to get a bit of a better look at the damage, he grunts in a mixture of annoyance and disgust.
“For God’s sake, Cassidy – wash your damn ass, will you? You don’t want this to get infected. Idiot.”
Cole lets his head hang low and doesn’t say anything. Part of him had hoped for it, if he’s honest; another part had thought that the guys might just stop fucking him if he’s disgusting enough.
The doc cleans him up which is one exquisitely humiliating experience that he does not particularly care to repeat any time soon.
“Hmn. I’ll let your boss know that they got to go easy on you for the next month or so. And invest in some damn lube.”
Cole presses his forehead against his stacked arms, exhaling a shuddering breath.
He spends the next half hour beneath the doctor’s desk jerking him off and getting his dick liberally wet with his tongue until he was finally allowed to go with a new load warming his stomach.
For a long while that’s just how things go for Cole: he’s getting fucked by whoever is in the mood to pump out a load, and if he’s not being speared on dicks, he’s so far down the ladder that nobody fucking respects him.
He only sees his chance when Bertie of all fucking people can’t go on a mission because of some food poisoning or some shit. It’s an easy enough deal; go to the nearest town, meet up with a guy and hash out a good price for some new guns and medication.
During his nightly meeting with the boss, head on the old Alpha’s thigh and fist pumping his cock, he peers up at him and just… asks. There’s nothing worse that could happen to him after all. Not at this point.
“Can I do that deal?”
The boss who had been looking like he’s been about to fall asleep, cracks one eye open and peers down at Cole. After a while he lifts the near empty bottle he’s been drinking from, swirling the last dredges of liquid around in the glass.
“You? The fuck are you gonna do?”
“I ain’t dumber than Bertie,” Cole mutters. He curls his palm around the slowly growing knot at the base of the boss’ dick and squeezes it gently. He’s learned quite a few things since starting this new job of his.
He also can’t say that he doesn’t… like he doesn’t… hate the smell of the guys anymore. He thinks. It’s just that he’s being drenched in the stench of Alpha cock morning to night now and he can barely smell anything other than unwashed balls and blood hot dicks at this point.
Cole pushes a bit closer, pressing his nose into the wiry hair at the base of the boss’ cock. Maybe to prove it to himself or something. Maybe to drive it home that he really truly loves Alphas now that he’s had a bit of time to…
The boss’ Alpha scent is so thick that it makes his eyes water. He can only stand it for a few seconds before he needs to pull back, eyes and mouth watering like he’s got a severe allergic reaction. He’s drooling like a damn dog but something about that must amuse the boss because he chuckles and pets his head with heavy handed swipes.
“Maybe ya need some time off,” he muses aloud. “Stretch your legs. do somethin’ other than suckin’ dick for once. Can’t be all that good for a growin’ Alpha to just get suffocated on cock day in ‘n day out…”
Though as he says it, he curls his fingers into Cole’s hair and guides his mouth toward the tip of his dick. Cole feels his stomach acid briefly shoot up, but he swallows thickly and opens his mouth nice and wide, tongue out like a wet, red carpet for the boss to slide into.
The time off of his ass is soon coming to an end. He has spied a few stashes of lube now all around the camp, placed where the boys can easily access it… and him.
He does an especially enthusiastic job sucking the boss off, just trying to secure this job for himself.
That night he wakes up to the feeling of hands rearranging him. He’s rolled onto his belly, someone tugging his pants down until they sit beneath the swell of his ass.
Cole’s breath hitches, his heart pumping faster. He tries to figure out how many guys there are but he also doesn’t want to lift his head. He doesn’t want them to be aware that he is awake. Someone generously smears slick into his ass crack.
The ache of an Alpha squeezing his way into his unprepared body is a very special kind of pain. The slick… helps, though. It makes the entry much more bearable as he is getting molested in the middle of the night. There are a ton of other guys around them sleeping soundly, their rattling snores a weirdly comforting backdrop to Cole slowly getting speared on cock.
Maybe it’s because his assailants don’t want to wake the others that they go slower than usual… but the whole ordeal is much more palatable than the other times he got accosted.
He can feel his cock starting to stir as the Alpha slides into him proper. He’s getting hard, his body growing warm and prickly. They rock into him softly, just a few inches at a time; a slick back-and-forth that gets his muscles to relax despite having been stretched so far to accommodate the meaty cock.
Cole keeps his eyes clenched shut tightly and tries to just go back to sleep, ignoring how he now has a full fledged erection that is rubbing against the inside of his pants, leaving everything soon sticky and slimy with his own pre-cum.
It’s a special kind of humiliation yet again. Those seem to just not end up these days.
Tomorrow he’ll get to do his little errand and he’ll show the boss just how much more useful he can be and everything will change. Surely.
Everything will change.
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itsmepage · 7 months
Tickle When In A Pickle
Blame(Sebastian Hernandez) x Paisley REUPLOAD. || Yes, this is a Blame x Paisley fic, I have free will, also I was rewatching Blame the Hero and this line has left my mind so here’s a fic about it.
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Summary: Blame & Paisley waking up after smoking together
Fluff & Slight Spice
Warnings: smoking, mentions of drugs(only weed), kissing, swearing, mentions of hookups, nicknames talk of relationships/sex & mention of gangs & toxic influencers
Blame and Paisley were cuddling in her bedroom which echoed pink lighting from LED lights that she had, the two were napping, getting off the high they had earlier when Blame brought weed. That was honestly their favorite pastime, smoking together: it what made a hookup turn into a loving relationship, funny ain’t it? Blame's eyes were shield under his hat lightly snoring as Paisley’s eyes began to open. She lightly stretched her body, waking herself up before getting ready to annoy the sleeping figure that was holding her.
“Blame..“ she said, moving up in his arms and slightly moving the cap from his eyes. “Blammmmeee..“ she said again, yet no response. Except snoring. “Blame!“ she shouted slightly. “- Ah! What the fuck happened.!?“ he snorted awake. “Now, why do you have to wake me up like that dwag..?“ Blame yawned and stretched, trying to wipe the sleepness off his face. “Okay, for the last time, I am not your “dwwagggugh.“ Paisley overexaggerated. “I’m your girlfriend!“ she corrected. “At least call me babe.“ - “Man, you don’t let me do that.“ Paisley looked back at him, pouting. It was true, only on camera. Paisley could easily lose her following if they found out she was dating a gang member: which was an exaggeration. “Not on camera! I don’t!” she argued. “Whatever Babe.” Blame teased back, giving her a smartass smirk, and she could only give a generous one back. “Dick.” She tried to clap back.
Blame, just stretched and yawned, being used to his girlfriend's behavior already. “So..” he began while stretching. “What ya wanna eat?” He asked, holding his arms behind his head. Paisley just placed her head back on his chest, hating the question but enduring it because she was really hungry at the moment. “I don’t knowww..” she said his chest. “You pick.” -“Arby’s.” He joked, laughing when he saw her scrunched-up face of disgust. “I’m kidding.” he reassured her. Blame thought for a moment, continuing to make suggestions to of which Paisley with a “no” - “maybe” or “ not craving it.” Her speech started to slur as Blame kept trying to think of suggestions. “Shit, Dwag, I don’t know.. Do you want pizza?” Blame asked, but she didn’t respond. “Babe?” He called her out, looking down at his chest to see that she was sleeping. “Whaaat..?! I’m awake..” sorry, slowly falling asleep. Blame giggled at her, simply how Adorable she was. “Really Babe? Those 7 hours wasn’t enough for you?“ he laughed at her. “Would you shut up!?“ she yelled whining. “I stayed up all night editing a video and I wanted to spend time with you so..“ she admitted getting soft on him. “Man, you’re so cheesy..“ Blame teased her. “Your ass is cheesy!“ Paisley tried to clap back, but it was terrible. “Really? You didn’t have anything else?“ he kept teasing her. “Shut up.“ she said in his chest. The two sat there for a couple minutes, Paisley hiding her smile in his embrace when she had to admit defeat, she hated it but she absolutely loved Blame’s smile: rather he was laughing or trying to be seductive to her. Blame let her sit there on him through those small minutes, dragging his hand along her back as he felt her muscles lose when did. He did this as he stared up to at the roof of her home. Allowing himself to take in the moment of intimacy that he shared with her; moving his hand up her blonde hair, gently stroking her locks.
“Pizza?“ he broke the silence, double-checking on her choice of food. “Pizza..“ Paisley whispered, confirming. Blame went to reach out for his phone on the bedside next to him, but he felt nothing. He looked and realized he left it in the living room earlier. “Aw shit..“ he said “What?“ Paisley asked concerningly. “Left damn my phone on the couch, I’mma have to go get it..“ Blame said trying to leave his position until Paisley straight up pins him back down. “Nah uh! Where do you think you’re going?“ Paisley asked like it was an interrogation. “Just getting my phone dw- I mean Babe.“ Blame said, stuttering his words at Paisley's suggestive action. Paisley smiles at his nervousness and plays along with it. “You’re not going anywhere!” Paisley wrapped her arms around his torso again, indicating he was going to have to carry her or force her off. “Aren’t you hungry?“ Blame asked. “Yes.“ Paisley answered. “Then let me off!“ - “No.“ Paisley rested her head back on him, absorbing his body heat. Blame didn’t want to play fight with her, as much as he loved it, he simply did not have the energy. He tried taking her with him, but she wasn’t persistent about that either. “No! No! No!“ she would giggle and whine saying she just “wants to stay in bed.“ admitting she enjoyed the gestures Blame was giving her while cuddling; he now had no choice but to use this tactic.
“Paisley.“ he said her name smugly. “Yes?“ she said while smiling at his chest. “You seemed to underestimate that this thug knows how to tickle when in a pickle.“ With that, Blame attacked her sides, forcing her to try and get away, laughing as she did. “No!! Hahaha! B-blame get off!!“ she laughed, trying to push him off, already move to the other side of her bed, with Blame on top of her, “Aw, now that’s not fair, your fat ass didn’t off of me!“ he playfully yelled at her, continuing the attack on more than just her sides. “hahaha- hehe!! You’re a dick!!“ she laughed trying to grab his arms while kicking to fight back. Blame eventually stopped to surprise his girlfriend with a deep kiss before pulling away “I will be back.“ he tried to reassure her as if he was going off on some kind of dangerous mission to save the world, but Paisley grabbed his cheeks and pulled him for another to try to make him stay. “Ok.. Hey, Hey!“ he said between kisses. “I’ll be back.“ he repeated, giving her one more kiss before leaving.
He came back with the pizza, after it was ordered and the first he saw was his pouting girlfriend when he entered back into her room. “Hey.“ Blame called for her, and she gave her an upset look, both knowing she was just being her overdramatic self. She back around, pouting. “ya know.. I didn’t hate what ya did earlier..“ Blame started, giving her that smug flirtatious smile he knew she liked as she turned back to him, a little confused but smiling back. “What did I do?“ she played along “Ya know, pinning me down, forcing me to stay with n’ shit.. it was hot.“ he confessed, moving closer to her position where she was laying down, cuddling with her pillow. “Really?“ she asked subjectively. “Yeah..“ he leaned in closer staring at Paisley's lips, which still shined with lip gloss that she had worn “Hella hot.“ Blame said cheesy, before smacking his lips against hers, continuing what happened earlier.
Despite the tendencies the two had, they didn’t part take in sex yet, which was surprising on both ends, even at the planned hookup. Paisley had brought her camera as an attempt to expose Blame for views which ended up being a simple hangout for them, as if they’ve known each other for a long time and they were just catching up. “Hookups” were just them smoking, playing video games, stealing people’s shit, and having fun together: like a twisted get-a-away for troubled teenagers. It was a surprisingly good relationship for both of them, a genuine one that neither of them had experience with. So it was nice to be with someone who was real to you, no mask to put on when you’re alone with them.
Blame took his cap off so there was comfortability of the two making out, you know it’s intense, he placed it on the bed frame so he could grab it later. They were messing with each other, saying dirty whispers and laughing about dumbasses trying to have sex; until they were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. “God damn, how the fuck they here this early!?” Blame said irritated, grabbing his cap and apologizing to his girlfriend before running to the for the delivery. He came back moments with the pizza box, sitting up with Paisley as he sat the box between them, deciding to watch bad YouTube videos as they ate, just deciding to end their day together there, eating pizza while cuddling watching and making fun of bad content before falling asleep again. Saying three words to each other before blacking out. “I love you.”
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? summary. the batman gang and them all as my favorite fanfic tropes author's note. hehheh I'm the Joker baby! don't forget to reblog and leave a funny little comment if you enjoyed :)
[ ❥ ] pairing. riddler x reader, batman x reader, joker x reader
[ ❥ ] word count. 1.1k
[ ❥ ] genre. 18+, angst, fluff
[ ❥ ] warnings. language, mature theme, violence, trauma, incel edward, sugar daddy joker, emo bruce, canon movie death, minor sexual theme, unhealthy relationship, kidnap, bondage, knife play, gun play
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fake relationship, hurt comfort, and PWP
Bruce is Gotham’s most famous virgin playboy. Alfred is no doubt setting this man up on blind dates without his acknowledgment. He’s had to shyly reject so many gorgeous women in his life that it's like a walking tinder app, but of course, he does not have dating as his top priority. Much to Alfred’s dismay, the only thing that Bruce is committed to being is his BF Riddler, his vigilante alter ego. That's where you come in. Bruce accepts your date the same day, on the terms that Alfred will drop his match-matching skills, so he grumpily agrees and gets dressed for the blind date (doesn't bother to shower though musty ass). He expects you to be like the other empty-headed, gold-digging women that cling onto him the instant he steps foot into the restaurant, but you were different, and when I say different, I mean fucking rude. The first thing you do is degrade this poor man for showing up late. Bruce isn't much of a small talk person, so he's very out of his comfort zone when you practically force the man to list his top favorite Fleetwood Mac songs and he starts sweating when you ask him to give sufficient reasoning on why. When the date ended, Bruce realized he had voluntarily spent 3 hours (being cross-examined) talking to you, and the moment you bluntly tell him that you need to get home in time to finally strip off the uncomfortably tight red dress you were wearing, he can't help but stutter his first and only question for you: "Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"
Bruce is a fucking beanpole tank of a man, but he’s still human, and sometimes being Batman does take some emotional toll on him mentally. Fighting crime does come with a lot of risks, and the one risk that he could never get sued for was witnessing death. Whether it's an enemy or his own parents, no one should ever have to see the life drain from someone's eyes firsthand. You try to be there for him as best as you possibly can. You can understand why he's so emotionally available sometimes, and it's not just because he’s emo but because he’s grieving every single death that he feels like was caused by his hand. With that burden comes the depressing night terrors he has. The moments that you managed to coax him from his musty ass boy cave and into bed with you, it seems like the moment he closes his eyes, the nightmares creep in, his yelling and shouting often waking you in the middle of the night. As soon as the man shoots up from his sleep, you're instantly awake right there next to him.
You can’t tell me this emo boy ain’t packing some heat. This man is submissive and definitely has a mommy kink during sex. He's hugging you so tight that your fucking ribs feel like they are cracking while he cums. The type of guy to cum in you and 5 seconds later that post-nut clarity kicks in and he’s cuddling all close to you and you can’t tell me he doesn’t like cockwarming until he falls asleep.
unhappy ending, killer to lover, dark fic
You were lovers. Edward was more in love with you than you were with him. Living in Gotham and plotting revenge on some bat boy your entire life wasn't something that you wanted to do any longer with your boyfriend, so you decided to do what you thought was best for you: break up the relationship so you could finally part ways with the city and start a fresh new start. Edward surprisingly agrees with your idea and even helps you move your things out of the apartment. As you are just about to part ways, Edward runs your moving truck off the road and into the bridge, killing you in an instant! If he can't have you, no one can :)
You were the mayor's daughter. As you were home the night Edward jumped from your blinds and cold-heartedly murdered your father. You rushed into the room after hearing his screaming and seeing your dad bleed out on the carpeted floors. Your scream and attempt to run away from Edward as he chases you around the house. He catches up to you as he slams your body to the ground using the weight of his as he pins you to the floor with a grunt. As soon as you start squirming, Edward slips out a mona that makes you freeze as you soon realize that your lower stomach was practically grinding against his crotch. Let's be honest, Edward is pretty much an incel. The touch of a woman is foreign to him, as he quickly realizes how pretty your eyes look when they're all teary. He kidnaps you, and as you're chained to the radiator in his studio apartment, you surprisingly grow close to your father's murder. As months go by, you even start helping him plan some of his terrors on the city.
He's a murderer, but if he's a bad guy, why so strongly looking? Edward is the type to chain you down in his apartment and mate, press you against the ground. He's canonically scrolling through Reddit during his free time. The guy is into some weird shit. You realized it soon after he had practically put a knife to your head while you were riding him, and maybe also the time he made you carve your name into his chest as he was eating you out (I love a couple tattoos!).
Sugar daddy.
Mr. J is a pretty busy man, but he’ll always find time for you no matter what's planned. He understands you're a very high-maintenance little lady. Do you want a few bucks to get your nails done? Easy, he's already handed you his card while he was yanking some guy's teeth out with pliers. Are you feeling a little needy today? You're already giggling as he snaps his henchmen out of the room so he can bend you to the desk as you're moaning his name at the top of your lungs. He would go to great lengths just so you could be in possession of whatever you wanted. He bought a fucking island across the country just because you complained about the water not being the right shade of color for your Instagram feed. The moment you nagged about wanting to take a selfie with the broad and hot Batman, is where Joker, for the first time, hesitates when going through your request. Buying the real Batman wasn't just something that he could just order off of the black market, it was something that he had to go out of his way and plan to do. You weren't a very patient gal, and he knew that when you had your mindset on wanting something, you knew your daddy would do anything just to get it for you.
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[ ❥ ] taglist. @lluvin @lovemedaddy-666 @dreamscape-basement @toy-cars-and-grape-juice
tap here to be added to taglist.
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~Metal Family headcanons~
These are like my... general hcs)? which means I didn't include my main hc that Glam, Ches and Vicky are polyamorous, married and started dating after Glam met Vicky, and absolutely everything that implies for the kids and the relationships between each member of the fam. Maybe I'll make a separate post for that or maybe not! Who knows lkfwnlfqnf
Glam has constant nightmares and ocasional night terrors ever since he ran away home and is an active sleep walker. Ches helped him through the worse ones when they were younger, and learned how to deal with them, always preferring not to wake him up but being with him until the episode passed. Vicky has learned how to deal with them, though she normally asks Ches for advice with it cuz she comes out short sometimes.
He has PTSD. I bet it's diagnosed too, he takes medication and goes to therapy, it doesn't mean he still doesn't have his bad days anyway. He's trying to get better.
Glam has talked to Vicky about his past, his father and his family. This is a direct contradiction of Alina's confirmation that Glam doesn't talk about it with anyone but man FUCK THAT. We love good communication in this house, Vicky tries her best to help him, but there's only so much she can do to help.
Glam enjoys gardening, cooking and making models, he also likes doing his make up, painting his nails and dressing up in fancy, extravagant clothes even if he has nowhere important to go.
He likes taking care of everyone's hair, and constantly helps Vicky brush her hair cuz there's so much of it, Dee when he gets stressed over how tangled it can get, buys Ches hair products so he actually takes care of it, and chases Heavy so the kid actually washes, untangles and brushes his hair.
This one is kind of weird, but I refuse to think any adult in the family is unarmed at any time. Glam owns a taser and pepper spray. They're bright pink and sparkly.
This man cried his eyes out while watching Coco. He's hell to watch movies with cuz he talks and predicts what's gonna happen during the movie, judges them with scores at the end and all.
Also bisexual!
Vicky's the one who does everyone's laundry most of the time. She prefers it that way since she's the only one that knows how to wash their black clothes so the colors stay vibrant. (This is based on my gf shaming everyone but Vicky cuz their black clothes always look so muted and almost gray, but Vicky's whole outfit is always the same vibrant black colors, so we decided that neither Glam or the kids know how to wash dark clothes)
She has anger issues, if it isn't obvious. I think she also has PTSD, mainly survivor's guilt due to her surviving the accident her brother died in. She blames herself and cannot bear to talk about it, in some sort of deep denial. If she can't remember, it can't hurt as much, right?
She has scars on the right side of her back and her hip, from the road rash she got on her brother's accident, she never treated it due to grief and it scarred badly. Apart from that, the scar of the caesarean section from Heavy's birth. She doesn't really mind both of them, they happened, nothing to do about them.
She likes watching boxing competitions, brawling matches and motorcycle repairing on TV. Loves doing BBQ's and going to the pool. Also an enjoyer of teasing her kids, kissing and loving her husband at random times, spending time drinking and bonding with Ches and bragging about her family and punching anyone who thinks they're not that cool.
Not particularly a fan of make up, skirts and dresses or any traditionally femenine-perceived stuff. But has been making exceptions due to Glam and Ches being unashamed of being seen as femenine, and actually rocking the looks. The internalized misogyny is kind of slowly dissapearing.
Apart from the guns she carries in each arm (I mean her biceps, have you looked at the size of those?? She strong) she has brass knuckles on her at all times. Glam gifts her new ones sometimes, she loves having multiple choices to punch people teeth in.
Loves horror, thrillers and action movies. Falls asleep during rom-coms and dramas. Ironically, loves gossip and talking shit about people. Enjoys hearing Ches talks about the gossip going on in the nursery home even if she doesn't know who the hell he's talking about.
Rest of the family under the cut!
Heavy is a trans boy! He doesn't know his sexuality yet though, he's still figuring himself out. When he's older, i think he definitely dated some men but had better luck with girls.
Heavy has had innocent crushes on some girls on his class before, but they never turn into anything more cuz he's not the best at expressing himself. He follows the bother-the-girl-to-death-until-she-hates-you gimmick, and unsurprisingly, it doesn't work.
I'm sorry to break this to u but Heavy totally had an among us phase, and uses so much reddit and twitch slang... You know he does.
Likes bullying and teasing his brother to death. You know that when Dee had his first romance, Heavy was ALL up in his business being a tease and a bad attempt at a wingman. He means well tho.
He's not squeamish at all. Also has great pain resistance. This kid has picked cockroaches with his bare hands and loves cats, of course the cats have scratched him. He's tough!
Grows up to be the charming himbo he was always destined to be.
I hc him as demisexual. Kind of inherited his dad's tastes for the takes no crap, intimidating but pretty kind of people.
Can't cook. He tries but he can only do basics like rice, cereal, chicken nuggets or eggs. Complicated meals always burn or don't taste like anything at all. It drives him crazy.
Dee was a quiet and very well behaved toddler before Heavy was born. He never threw tantrums or got whims. After Heavy was born though, and despite the fact he understood his brother was small and needed special care, he started craving attention often and cried and got mad at little things. Typical jealousy of the oldest sibling.
The first time Dee fell in love with someone, he didn't recognize it was love at first. He just thought his interest on the person was born out of curiosity and aesthetic attraction, but as soon as he realized he seeked validation and companionship, that he liked seeing them smile, that he wanted to protect them, that he yearned for more time alone with them and that he wanted more than what just a simple friendship implied, it was an instant 'oh hell no'. He wanted those feelings to get the hell away, but unfortunately, they were there to stay.
Canonically likes MLP, psychological and horror anime like Death note and Hellsing, so I'm deciding he also watched Death Parade, had a FNAF phase, is very into The Walten Files. This guy enjoys any kind of specially dark ARG's and knows a ton of lore of real crime, unsolved cases, ghost appearances and other stuff. Doesn't believe in the supernatural, but sure is entertained by it.
He's a mess at romance. Flirting? His attempts at compliments are hardly flattering. Giving gifts? The best he can manage is jewelry and you can kind of tell he asked his dad for help. Dates? He's so nervous he's silent for most of it, but begins getting comfortable and having fun if his partner really knows how to get him down from his negativity cloud.
He's very good with kids. He has the patience of a saint and he's laid-back, chill and fun but still is an authority figure who knows how to put limits. Sure, he's gonna let the kids light up a house on fire BUT hey, now they know everything about fire precautions, burns and how to treat them AND how to get away with arson. What an educational evening, am I right?
Due to certain info from the "Goodbye" official comic, I headcanon Ches as depressed. I don't want to elaborate a lot 'cuz of spoilers, but... God, everything related to his mom fucking hurts, man. How did he deal with all that?
Ches has been Dee and Heavy's babysitter so many times he cannot count them with all his fingers. He learned how to put those kids to sleep almost immediately (Sing Bon Jovi's "This ain't a love song" and any cheesy love song in a slow lullaby style and they're out), which movie were their favorite as kids (Heavy loved 'Monsters Inc.' and Dee never looked away during 'Meet the Robinsons'), how to console them after nightmares (Heavy needed reassurance, sweet words, and to be with someone until he fell asleep again. Dee just had to be tucked in, get his nightlight turned on and kissed in the forehead). He practically raised those kids along with Vicky and Glam.
More than once, Dee and Heavy have slipped and called Ches "Dad". Ches immediately gets his shit eating grin on and answers "Yes, son?" and does a couple of dad jokes just to mess and embarrass them. He's actually very flattered and surprised at how proud of himself he is for being a father figure to both kids.
Has a scar on the left side of his forehead due to a bottle his mom threw at him when he was younger, around the time he met Glam. He hates the scar with passion, it's a permanent reminder of the fact she never cared, that's why he always keeps it covered with his headband. Gets sad about it sometimes.
Ches likes to spend his time with a group of grannies of the nearby nursing home. He genuinely considers them his friends and gossips and hangs out with all of them on weekends. Bingo, billiards, walks in the park, soap opera marathons, you name it. I even designed them, gave them names and backstories... God, i just love the concept too much. I'll make some art about Ches and his granny gang FOR SURE, you're NOT ready for them.
Carries a pocket knife on him at all times. This man grew up on a bad neighborhood and absolutely knows how to defend himself, he can be intimidating when he wants to be and will pose a threat if needed. He's fucking terrifying when genuinely mad. Just cause he looks harmless doesn't mean he is, darling.
That would be all!
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