#this applies to past mutuals and irls
redpenship · 5 months
Many fans bemoan Sonic's characterization in issue 50. Why does he talk so much? they wonder. Should he be moralizing at someone he just met? they post on Tumblr/Twitter, the websites for moralizing at people you just met. As a comic fan, should I really be expected to read more than 40 words of dialogue on a single page?
All of these are valid critiques. However, I believe the debate around Sonic's characterization distracts from the issue's most problematic content: the destruction of gay men in the Sonic IDW universe.
The first incident is obvious: the relationship of Doctor Starline and Doctor Eggman. Despite being two men in a relationship, their relationship is very obviously lesbian-coded. As we all know, lesbians get divorced at higher rates compared to hetero- or m/m homosexual couples (source). This is sometimes attributed to the lesbian phenomenon of "u-hauling", in which lesbians move in together very shortly after dating. Now stuck in close quarters despite never truly testing the boundaries of their relationship, they are prone to discover love-breaking flaws in one another that ultimately destroy their romance affair. Eggman and Starline's relationship follows a similar cycle: they meet, move in together, and then tragically break up because they discover irreconcilable differences between each other. Their relationship is lesbian-coded, whether done intentionally by the writers or not.
This is the first affront committed against gay men. Lesbian-coding them is problematic, as lesbian and gay relationship cycles are unique and cannot be swapped around carelessly. Male homosexual romance is particularly distinct. Allow me to outline an example here: typically, the two men begin as rivals who dislike each other for a variety of reasons. This rivalry ebbs due to conflict or mutual interest in helping one another with a problem, such as figuring out what to do when there is only one bed in a hotel room or one of them is going through that "time of the year". Any intrinsic binaries dividing them, be they sociological or biological, play heavily into the flourishing romance--heteronormativity is what makes gay relationships exciting, after all. The two men then realize that they may be attracted to each other despite their rivalry, forgiving each other for past sins even as severe as trying to crash a space station into the planet. They are then free to comfortably fall back into the fictional gender roles ascribed to them, reflecting dominant and submissive positions, and--huh? Sonadow omegaverse doesn't reflect the complexities of IRL gay relationships at all? Weird.
Moving on, I have now established that the lesbian-coding of Starline and Eggman's relationship was one of IDW's first offenses against gay men. The next offense is even grander than the first, so hold on tight!
Within the Sonic universe, Eggman has always stood in defiance of gender roles. His insistence on wearing pants, despite bottoms being a degenerate garment for women only, has always set him aside from other men in the series. Issue 50 undermines his anti-masculine position by reincorporating him into the hetero-patriarchy via intimate violence.
It is common knowledge that drone operators are kinda gay (source). Real soldiers kill other men in close combat wherein their life is likewise in danger. A man killing another man, dominating him while sweaty and short of breath and tussled up, is a strictly masculine affair. Drone operators do not experience such a masculine version of killing. Queer theorist Cara Daggett asserts that the spatiotemporal disorientation of drone warfare emasculates drone operators, as they kill from afar without bearing any of the risks associated with normal combat. A hypermasculine designs and messaging around drones fail to disguise their reality as genderqueer bodies.
This theory can be easily applied to Doctor Eggman. In games and most comics, he does not directly engage with any foes--he prefers to fight with robots and mech suits. His badniks and other robots (such as Metal Sonic) therefore turn into genderqueer bodies as they deny him "masculine killing" by disorienting his spatiotemporal axis relative to his enemies. When this is combined with his insistence on wearing pants, it becomes clear that always operated in defiance to hetero-patriarchal norms. He is a gay man.
In issue 50, this becomes unclear. Doctor Eggman reorients his spatiotemporal axis by grabbing the platypus by his leg and smashing him into the ground. With this one action, Eggman openly embraces his role in the heteropartriarchy by engaging in close combat. The queer ideal of Doctor Eggman is dead.
Starline is gone. Eggman is effectively a heterosexual man. No one cares about Don and Nite. In one issue, the IDW writing team has destroyed the status of gay men in their comics and reduced them to nothing.
Remember this post next time you so proudly post about how many lesbians there are in the comics. Their empire has been manufactured by the systematic removal of gay men in the comics. Do not let the cute wlw or questionable Sonic characterization distract you from this fact!
a/n: sorry, this got away from me. big /j for everything here.
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i-tokuni · 7 months
Into the Mist - I Tokuni.
Independent Multi-Muse/Verse Role Play Blog penned by Ezra. Past blog - @spacexmagicxandxsheepxbleats Discord by Request to Mutuals. 18 + General Triggers Apply: Horror, Gore, Violence, Sensitive Subjects (SA mention, Self Harm mention, Mental Illness etc), Language, Torture, NSFW and other like subjects. Novella - Multi para style with 15+ years rp experience. The Blog will likely be in a constant state of construction and a perpetual state of varied activity. I work full time on top of various other IRL goings on.
Please be patient while I get characters settled and open starters written up.
In the mean time, please feel free to pop me asks, request a starter or even drop in to plot something out ~
Treat this pinned post as an evolving entity <3
Below you'll find a very basic list of OC's and Cannon Characters as well as Verses ~
Verses (current and subject to expand) - - Call Of Duty (Modern Warfare 2 and Advanced Warfare). - Destiny 1 and 2. - Star Wars (movies). - SCP Foundation.
Original Characters (current and subject to expand) - - Ulfild Fornölvir. COD - Mardöll Fornölvir. Destiny - Fjǫlnir (Fjolnir). Star Wars. - SCP - 1049. SCP Foundation
Cannon Characters (current and subject to expand - written by request only) - - Simon Ghost Riley and Jack Mitchell (COD) - Commander Zavala, Mithrax, Skolas (Destiny) - Kylo Ren, Knights of Ren (Star Wars) - SCP - 049
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
How to sext and dirty talk?
Hi love – fun question! Sharing some tips below. Let me know if you want any posts dedicated to some scripts/one-liners or stage-setters on the Post+ feed, too. Enjoy xx
Get Consent: Whether it’s IRL, over text, the phone, or video chat, you always want to ensure the other person is comfortable and is in a pleasurable headspace. Don’t open a text conversation with an explicit message. Ease into it. Ask if it’s a good time to indulge in dirty talk. When it comes to sexting, consent is particularly important when it comes to sharing any photos (always cut out/share below your face, cover any unique tattoos and take off any signature everyday jewelry – you never know who will gain access to your conversation partner’s phone, even if you don’t believe he would ever share these images – protect yourself!).
Discuss Preferences & Boundaries: Share what turns you on (what types of descriptions, sensations, kinks, praising, etc.) and any scenarios, acts, or fantasies that make you uncomfortable/bring up past traumas that are off the table. Ensure your partner is aware of what will bring you pleasure and what’s off the sexual discussion table. Also, make sure to discuss what will be done with the sexts after your conversation (texts or photos). Do you mutually agree to delete them, or will they linger on your phone for future review? 
Set The Mood IRL: This tip, of course, only applies if you’re in a private space. Put on some lingerie and perfume that makes you feel beautiful, turn on a sexy playlist, get a glass of wine, or sit comfortably on satin sheets. Every steamy moment becomes infinitely hotter when you’re feeling your most sensual during each second of the conversation. 
Still Engage in Foreplay: Take it slow. Ease into the steamiest moments via text or talk like you would when sharing the physical act. Build tension. Let the sensations and pleasure linger. As with the real thing, you know you’ll thank yourself later. 
Get Descriptive: When crafting the texts or spoken lines themselves, talk through more than the actions or positions themselves. Engage in all 5 senses when describing the fantasy. How does that movement feel, where are your hands, lips, legs, etc. going or placed, what do you hear, smell, or taste at the moment? Describe these sensations in detail to heighten the erotic moment. 
Indulge In Mutual Self-Pleasure: Use it as real-time stimuli to make the situation really hot (another reason to make the conversation linger) and it saves time, so you don’t have to feel all bothered until you can resolve these feelings later. Share your play-by-play and the outcome. It’s a gratifying way to connect and remain intimate when you can’t physically be together. 
Have Fun!: While you want to be mindful of triggers and safety (as always), don’t overthink it too much. Remember, this is an indulgent activity purely for pleasure – get out of your head and into your body. 
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always-together · 12 days
Whelp. It’s no shocker after how throughly I enjoyed the pilot all those years ago, but an IRL friend finally got me to watch Hazbin Hotel and I liked it! Some aspects could’ve been done better and I don’t think 8 episodes was enough for its arc but I enjoyed it. Still iffy about Helluva Boss, but maybe I’ll put in the time to watch that too.
To make a long story short, this means I’m probably going to start RPing with those who have characters from those shows as muses; this will probably only apply to my multimuse blog but whose to say what the future will hold for Garnet? I’m making a post out of this cause I know I have a few mutuals who don’t interact with HH muses or have the show as a trigger warning due to shitty past experiences with the fandom. Although I’m sure everyone knows I’m definitely not as bad as that, trigger and content warnings are important and I will absolutely respect people’s wishes.
I will be tagging relevant content with “tw hazbin hotel” and “tw helluva boss”, in case anyone who wants to blacklist those tags on my blogs wants to do so. If you’d like me to tag them with something else as well, like a “don’t look” message of some sort, please be respectful and message me about it. Let’s stay safe and continue having fun with this hobby we all love!
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transgendz · 3 months
I got an ask this morning that I've taken some time to consider. I will not be replying directly to it, because its an anon, and someone claiming to be a mutual for years so if they wanna talk they can dm me, but this can be a more full breakdown than an ask can reasonably get.
I've posted proof of the cost of my roommates last ($500) appointment within the past two weeks. If anyone wants to dm me for more proof, I really don't mind.
Those who have been following me for years probably remember why I don't feel safe sharing much info outside of dms at all. It's stalking and abuse, but if anyone needs more details, I dont mind answering that either.
We have been in various stages of getting out of homelessness and seeking treatment for disability for a while now. Fought for my roommate's legal documents for years. A lot of this stuff has been going on for years before we ever asked for help online or otherwise. We got evicted as soon as the rent moratorium ended, and not long after, we got covid that almost killed us. That left me permanently more disabled and left my roommate with a brand new disability on top of the existing ones. For a point of reference, even before the pandemic, I was his full-time caregiver. I still am.
On that note, he spent most of this time last year in and out of the hospital. I am still his full-time caregiver. He still has thousands in unpaid hospital bills. Again, dm me, I do not mind providing proof of all of this. I have his medical records and permission to share them if I remove the super sensitive info such as social security number.
My posts are generally phrased similarly or the same because if I think I phrased it correctly the first time, I will phrase it that way again. I am autistic, and people who talk to me enough to get to know me know I speak on scripts, and I am very repetitive. The people in my life irl remark on it. I don't really know what else to say, except I'm far from the only person on here who does that. I'm not even the only person who does that for the same reasons. I update my posts when I get a notification, and I check my email frequently most days. I do not thank every person who helps us, and I'm sorry. I try, and will keep trying.
Food is our biggest cost due to me and my roommate both having life threatening allergies to dairy, soy, and gluten. I don't know if you can understand how expensive that is until you live it. We are trying to reduce costs though. We have a garden, are expanding to that daily, as well as a greenhouse that was already here when we moved in which we have filled. And fruit trees and berry bushes.
And pretty importantly, all of the supplies have been given/loaned to us by a family member. A lot of the plants were previously planted and came out of dormancy in the last few weeks because it's currently spring. If half of what we have planted now does well, we will be fine on food. If anyone wants proof of all that, I would actually be overjoyed to share about our progress in that. I am really proud of our plants.
I have been looking for a job, I've mentioned that in posts before, but I am still applying. I am a full-time caretaker of a disabled person while also being disabled. I am limited to online work. If anyone has anything I can apply for oh my god I would appreciate it. I will be doing yard sales now that its warmer to help unclutter that previously mentioned family member's house of antiques and collectibles, and I'll get money from that. I do commissions at my art blog @theartistrans I have been doing gig shit and trading labor for goods and dogsitting. I don't have a regular 9-5, but I work.
And I do have a second roommate. She just largely takes care of her own for now, although that's been on and off some in the past as major things happened in her life.
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kakairu-shrine · 1 year
New Fic: Like a Dream
irl has been crazy over the past few months, so I haven’t been able to write for a while 😭 I finally had the inspiration, and some time recently, though, so here is a little something. Please enjoy!
Like a Dream (2037 words) by demonofabove
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka
Additional Tags: Confessions, Mutual Pining, Flirting, soft, Cute, Fluff, Crushes
Kakashi just returned from a mission, and no one really knows he's home yet.
But a surprise visitor appears, and really turns his day around.
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tabootabletalk · 1 year
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Hey Taboo Titillators – fun question! Sharing some tips below. Let me know if you want any posts dedicated to some scripts/one-liners or stage-setters on the Post+ feed, too.
Get Consent: Whether it’s IRL, over text, the phone, or video chat, you always want to ensure the other person is comfortable and is in a pleasurable headspace. Don’t open a text conversation with an explicit message. Ease into it. Ask if it’s a good time to indulge in dirty talk. When it comes to sexting, consent is particularly important when it comes to sharing any photos (always cut out/share below your face, cover any unique tattoos and take off any signature everyday jewelry – you never know who will gain access to your conversation partner’s phone, even if you don’t believe he would ever share these images – protect yourself!).
Discuss Preferences & Boundaries: Share what turns you on (what types of descriptions, sensations, kinks, praising, etc.) and any scenarios, acts, or fantasies that make you uncomfortable/bring up past traumas that are off the table. Ensure your partner is aware of what will bring you pleasure and what’s off the sexual discussion table. Also, make sure to discuss what will be done with the sexts after your conversation (texts or photos). Do you mutually agree to delete them, or will they linger on your phone for future review? 
Set The Mood IRL: This tip, of course, only applies if you’re in a private space. Put on some lingerie and perfume that makes you feel beautiful, turn on a sexy playlist, get a glass of wine, or sit comfortably on satin sheets. Every steamy moment becomes infinitely hotter when you’re feeling your most sensual during each second of the conversation. 
Still Engage in Foreplay: Take it slow. Ease into the steamiest moments via text or talk like you would when sharing the physical act. Build tension. Let the sensations and pleasure linger. As with the real thing, you know you’ll thank yourself later. 
Get Descriptive: When crafting the texts or spoken lines themselves, talk through more than the actions or positions themselves. Engage in all 5 senses when describing the fantasy. How does that movement feel, where are your hands, lips, legs, etc. going or placed, what do you hear, smell, or taste at the moment? Describe these sensations in detail to heighten the erotic moment. 
Indulge In Mutual Self-Pleasure: Use it as real-time stimuli to make the situation really hot (another reason to make the conversation linger) and it saves time, so you don’t have to feel all bothered until you can resolve these feelings later. Share your play-by-play and the outcome. It’s a gratifying way to connect and remain intimate when you can’t physically be together. 
Enjoy Yourselves!: While you want to be mindful of triggers and safety (as always), don’t overthink it too much. Remember, this is an indulgent activity purely for pleasure – get out of your head and into your body. 
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3dsangel · 5 months
The poll is over!! heres the answer!!
warning! under the cut is not just the answer, but the explanation to all other options in the poll!
Warning: option 2 mentions injury and hospitals!
The answer that did NOT apply to me was Option 4: close IRL friend is birthday twin!
A mutual mentioned that I might've talked about it before andd I probably did! My close IRL friend is actually one day off from my birthday! crazy considering how similar our lives are... but the one day difference does show off how insanely different our lives are too :D
And Now to explain all the other options!
Option 1: favorite flavor is MATCHA
Matcha has become a favorite of mine slowly in the past couple years, and now I've gotten to the point where its my everything flavor. its so so good.
If you didn't vote this one it was probably cuz well. idk i think of myself as a matcha guy. also i have a tendency to like green characters <_<
Option 2: has been in a helicopter TWICE
(warning! this portion mentions injury and hospitals!)
Now the first time I was in a helicopter was interesting. I wondered for the longest time why, of all parts of the car crash I had at an early age that I remember that I DIDN'T remember the impact and ride to the hospital. It was because I lost consciousness! Duh . The accident happened too far for an ambulance to pick me and my brother up, so a helicopter had to lift us to the ER.
The second time was for a rather tame reason. My mom was dating a helicopter pilot, so my family got a tour of our hometown in a helicopter he gets to pilot.
Option 3: is near-sighted
Yup! My near-sightedness requires me to wear my glasses even while using the computer! I can't see my drawings well at all while drawing without my glasses! However I wasn't always blind...
I remember in elementary school my sight was perfect! Then at some point in middle school my vision slowly declined, and doctor visits declined to pay any mind to the fact that I struggled with vision tests. I was in heavy denial during it all, too. I thought everyones vision just got really blurry at far distances. (far meaning. like 5 feet from your face.)
Option 5: grew up by the beach
(I was so surprised to see this one winning! I guess I do seem a more foresty type of person)
Not to get too in-detail about this one, but yes! I grew up in an area where I was only a few steps away from my beach! However my schools.. along most everything else. . . were all half an hour away. wonderful -_-''
Option 6: mains heavy in both splatoon AND tf2
the heavy splatling is my ride or die. can't live without it. I try other variants of the splatling and i recoil. heavy splatling my everythang forever. Whenever I DO hop on tf2 I'm always playing the Heavy. guy is so awesome and fun to play as ^_^
Option 7: Loves magnolia trees
yes! They have a sentimental significance to me. I also have a beautiful magnolia tree that stands tall right outside my window, so I always get to look at it when I take a break from my computer.
This was so fun!! Hope this was fun to read :D
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cyeayt · 7 months
If you’re reading a post describing a problem (this post focuses on fandom but I think some of it should be applicable irl) and you relate to the behavior or belief being criticized, that does not make you a bad person or inherently wrong. However, your response is important.
You probably need to process it, see how and why it applies to you, and if necessary, take steps to change it.
Examine the thesis of the post. What is the thing op is actually talking about? Does it really apply to you? Do you understand why op is calling the thing harmful? Do you agree? (For me these have mostly been yes, but who knows maybe you’ve found someone you want to block. Note: if you do end up deciding that the post is wrong, make sure it’s for reasons other than your discomfort. Curate your spaces but learn to take criticism.)
Dig into your mind. How does this apply to you? How often and in what circumstances do you do the thing? Why? Is your doing of the thing actively harmful? (Probably not on a huge scale, we’re all just people with phones, but you are part of collective movements opinions and actions.)
This is the most uncomfortable part. If you find yourself to be a perpetrator of something you’ve deemed harmful, don’t freak out. You are human, you are imperfect, and you can change and grow.
After identifying why and where the behavior happens, think about what you can do to break or reduce it. This might be hard. It’s okay and probably good if you have to put direct effort into it. Your brain is a ball of squirming meaty worms, and being aware that they’re squirming in a shape you don’t like won’t stop them from squirming there. Habit forming advice might be helpful here.
For example, this post is mostly talking about the tendency in fandom to focus on male characters. I’m guilty of this, and I’m working on it. Some things I’ve done/doing are: identifying women characters I already like and putting time into talking/drawing/writing/posting about them. Making effort to notice women characters in media im consuming. Figuring out why I don’t like certain women characters and deconstructing the stereotypes and mischaracterizations I often find there. Making women ocs with traits I tend to like in male characters.
These are just things that have worked for me in that area, but the energy and point can be translated into other problems as well. This is the longest step. It’s not even really a step, more of a habit to be formed. There isn’t a point where you’ll complete something and be able to go: wow, I’ve got it!
You’re also not alone. Depending on the subject, there might be books, posts, podcasts, zines, etc to help you. You can make posts yourself about it, talk to your mutuals and friends. Discuss it with people irl, if you can.
(Note, this is where it slips into minority “it’s not our job to educate you” territory. I agree with this sentiment. But oftentimes if you do a little digging, you will find someone who wants to and is making an effort to. I see this mostly in the context of white supremacy, the unlearning of which is a difficult and uncomfortable journey. Basically, don’t expect people to cater to you, but also chances are someone’s already written a book about it.)
I don’t have a conclusion to this post. It’s kinda rambly and the organization was dropped in favor of smaller more readable paragraphs.
Disclaimer! I am just some guy(?)! I don’t have that much experience! If this comes off as pretentious I’m sorry I’m just trying to be nice and understanding. I have and will engage in problematic behaviors in the past future, and right now probably, because its impossible not to. Chasing standards of moral perfection will always fail because it doesn’t exist and people are beautiful horrible messes and we all live under capitalism anyway. This doesn’t mean you can’t try to be better, but if you try to be perfect you’re going to have a nervous breakdown. Improvement is constant and eternal work!
I am personally also just naturally very self aware and good at identifying what’s going on in my brain. If you asked me how to deconstruct an assumption I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I would probably do an allegory with a big nasty knotted ball of string that hangs in your attic, and you just start poking the handle of a broom up into it at a frequency that is up to you. Once or twice a week I take a second to run through my misogynistic hall of mirrors and widen the cracks in a few of them and stick post it notes of women I love all over the place.
Also have fun and do whatever you want.
Did you know there’s a limit to the number of tags you can put on a post? I didn’t!
https://mashable.com/article/how-to-be-antiracist <- fun read, very important and topical, but also exploring ideas that can be extrapolated to other areas and biases
#can you tell that the idea of releasing this post into the wild is making me shake like a tiny feild mouse#I’ve never posted with this much implied authority behind my words before I just thought confidence would be key to the message#fandom#discourse#fandom discourse#weh#misogyny#racism#fatphobia#ableism#all the isms#neurodiversity#just cause I think I’ve tried to make this inclusive#homophobia#sometimes you run into something and go#how could I be holding stereotypical views of [identity]#I am identity?#this happened to me for a bit and the answer is well it’s still possible and you should still deal with it#okay#actual content of post over! time for my rant#so basically my mom is a toeing the line radfem who would have gone down the terf pipeline if I hadn’t come out when I did#which I’m grateful she didn’t go fully but whatever#and I think that in my efforts to distance myself from her beliefs I kinda distanced myself from feminism in general#and also let myself think that anything she said about it was inherently wrong#which put me into like a place with feminism that was kinda equivalent to where people who call themselves color blind are with racism#and like#my moms still wrong about a lot of stuff but I can’t not care about women but because she’s incapable of seeing things through other lenses#also internal processes that happened to my relationship to femininity when I transitioned#whatever#reminder to myself to get and complete the anti racist workbook I know of
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katyspersonal · 9 months
I see my mutuals having sleepover +_+ It is said "ask stuff" so
Tell about yourself a random weird/unusual fact. Context is optional x) Maybe your food preferences, something you did once and find it weird, bfjfkajzhsj anything
Past some point in my life, a geometrical symbol of a star (yes, like, the five-pointed mfer) became a good omen for me. It was triggered by a severe crisis in my previous fandom, where my identity gave a true crack. I still refuse to properly manage or organize my alters and exist as being of pure chaos in fear that they'll exhaust the "original template", but the 'he'/'the beast'/'the monster'/whatever I choose to call it initially took a form of a Kin with a character that was just:
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This guy!
It took a form of purple stars specifically being a very good omen. Since then, I've been mediating on that mental image, and I remember how elevated I felt when I've psychologically helped my (then) irl friend a lot, and found a large lavender colored star-shaped object on the walk. Basically? It was a sign of being on the right way and doing "a good deed" for me. Purple star = being "cleansed".
Yeahhhhhh, I've endured some large arc of developing nearly-religious paranoia from my guilt and cognitive dissonaunse, and although that subdued a lot, the habit of picking ANY star-shaped object I encounter remained. It can be anything - star-shaped sticker, a thrownaway star decoration for a Christmas tree, a shape for playing in sand, a bead... anything. It is very hard to elaborate on how coincidental finding those objects is to where I go and how I act and what I think about, but to this day, picking them up and hoarding them until I can (mom tends to get rid of the 'trash') means for me accepting the "fate" that guides me and whatever it planned for me.
Funny enough, I've came full circle where I am having similar things in Fromsverse fdhfdhs But now the BEST omen is a blue star rather than purple one x) You know why :p Star symbolism still applies even after 'he' is no longer associated with literally star-shaped character. And how I am feeling lowkey feels like Tarnished travelling from one Cite of Grace to another! It might be weird, really... But I've always appreciated my ability to find the "magic" in my life, and how weirdly coincidental events and prophetic dreams are in my life. Without it, I think, I would not be able to endure everything that happened to me in my life 🤔
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ninjagirlstar5 · 11 months
SDRA2 characters as Tarot cards or something (Mikado)
A discord mutual of mine was making tarot cards and it inspired me to look into tarot card meanings and attach them to certain characters and analyze why I chose those cards. I’m mostly sticking to canon but there may be some headcanons mixed in as well.
This first one is gonna be about Mikado Sannoji himself, and while I’m mostly thinking of IRL Mikado while writing this, most of it can be applied to AI Mikado to an extent. They are, after all, about the same person but also not really, at least in my opinion.
Of course, the one I gave to Mikado was, drumroll please....the Magician! Not gonna lie, I was gonna choose this as a joke, but reading the traits that are associated with the Magician made me realize that it summed him up in a nutshell. Those traits are:
Upright: Willpower, desire, being resourceful, skill, ability, concentration, manifestation
Downright: Manipulation, cunning, trickery, wasted talent, illusion, deception
Crazy coincidence? I think not. (Half-joking)
This tarot card fits Mikado so well because he has the strong willpower to do anything for his desire to meet Master Utsuro. It doesn’t matter what he has to do to meet him, he will lie, steal, and even kill his way to see his Master because they were “fated” to meet. That’s his belief anyways. Because he was homeless for most of his life due to committing arson to the orphanage he lived at, he learned how to be resourceful, gaining skills that helped him survive and has the ability to will through any suffering he might be going through. He’s also been known to concentrate for long hours, working hard to accomplish his goals…to the point that it’s detrimental to his health. He even taught himself how to program, becoming an accomplished hacker and embezzling a bunch of money seemingly without a trace. A cunning teenager that grew into a dangerous adult.
However, because he was so focused on meeting Master Utsuro, he’s willing to hurt anyone he uses or stands in his way. Mikado has manipulated many people in the past, especially after he had been backstabbed and betrayed by partners he considered trustworthy. A behavior he learned from them: backstab others before they backstab you. Because he’s constantly tricking others into doing his bidding and deceiving others with a mask of politeness, he’s unable to create any healthy relationships that would steer him on the right path. (Unless he’s put in a very specific situation like in my fic, Playing with Fire, that forces him to make changes to help himself, opening up a door of redemption that seemed impossible for someone like him.) Despite all of these skills he has obtained, he keeps wasting his talent on finding Master Utsuro instead of helping himself make a more comfortable and sustainable life. He believes Master Utsuro will give him everything, an illusion he had convinced himself for over ten years as his self-esteem is so damn low that he considers himself to be nothing without him. So imagine his shock when Master Utsuro actually dies despite having the Divine Luck that has protected him for so many years. A power that can change anything and everything to make it work in its favor, as long as the possibility wasn’t zero.
And yet, even death doesn’t deter Mikado from trying to meet him again. Even if it means defying the laws of life and death, he will meet him. No matter what.
Too bad the AI he created decided to kill him off.
That’s all I have for the moment, but I do plan to talk about some headcanons I have for Kojiro Otori with the next tarot card because wow, I love side characters that are apparently good but make horrible decisions out of grief.
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noonegetsleftbehind · 2 years
*    knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,    repost,    do  not  reblog.
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                                                                                meet the mun. — basics
NAME:  J. PRONOUNS:  he/him PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I basically live on discord SINGLE / TAKEN: married 
— three facts
𝙞.  I have a tattoo of Freddie Mercury on my right wrist. so far my only tattoo, but god do I want more 𝙞𝙞.  I’m actually allergic to cats (and dogs lol), but have never not owned a cat in my life and this also does not stop me from straight up smooshing my face against a cat for smooches and loving on it.  𝙞𝙞𝙞.  I have a designer breed dog (a mix between a Shih Tzu and a Bichon) that I never intended on getting named Ziggy, but one look at him when he was a puppy and it was all over. I love him more than anything basically and can’t imagine my life without this idiot. He’s the best gift my wife has ever given me.
— experience
I have been on tumblr in some way, shape, or form since 2012. I’ve done it all from group rp, running groups, building my own groups, indie, canon, multi and OC. I’ve been in all kinds of different fandoms and wound up here in this one last year. This is where I live now. Before RP I wrote a lot of fanfic. For yeeeeaaarrrs lol. I also live on discord now too and I do a shit ton of rp there too for mutuals. 
— sub-genres
FLUFF: I love fluff! Sometimes you just need to see your muse(s) just having a genuine good time. Sometimes you just need it because maybe you yourself are having a bad day or something irl. It’s good to have, but... In reality it typically won’t last that long in a thread with me or interaction. I need to have some kind of drama or something furthering the plot. Fluff is something, more often then not for me, that just gets nicely sprinkled in between everything else.  SMUT: I will be the first to admit I love it lol. All rules apply, of course. Also? It has to be a ship I have already written or am writing currently. I also have to be pretty fucking comfortable with the mun to even consider it usually. It definitely has its place in writing and furthering plots/things. Plus, it can be pretty beautifully written sometimes. It’s an art just like any other writing.  ANGST: I like to think I am practically the king of angst. I live it. Breathe it. Welcome it. Worship it. It is my absolute FAVORITE to write. I feel I am at my best, writing wise, when I can write angst. The emotions, the drama of it all is just *chef’s kiss*. If you write with me at all, ever, expect there to be angst. That’s just how it’s gonna be. 
— plots versus memes
I think that it’s definitely easier to just jump right into memes. Sometimes some of my best ever threads and interactions have come from memes. However, that doesn’t discount the whole awesomeness that is actually sitting down to plot something out and seeing that unravel. They both have their pros and cons and I love them for both. I just tend to default to memes when a plot is hard to come up with. 
— long or short replies
Both. Both are very valid. The length isn’t necessarily indicative of the quality of the reply. As long as there is something there to go off of? That’s all there needs to be. You write what you feel is the best length for any of your replies and I do the same. Just.... Most of the time mine wind up being very long and I just hope people know they don’t HAVE to match that haha. 
— best time to write
It’s honestly a crapshoot for me lol. In the past I have done the majority of my writing late at night or at least at night. I find the night hours to be pleasing to my creative soul. However, I do sometimes go to bed like a normal human and wake up at normal hours so writing happens sporadically then. It just really depends on the day for me.
𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙: Actually stolen from the always lovely giver of slutty cookies @fasciinating 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜: @fcrrokinetic​, @agntkennedy​, @seeksbrother​, @facetedspades​, @lawfulchaotics​, @bratfield​, @bastardsunlight​, @vehxmence​, @solemnxodium​, @captainredfields​, @nightlyvisitor​, @daughterofnero​ and any of you beautiful mutuals <3
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groovenians · 2 years
okay so on this week's episode of "ditri is going through it" i bring you......whatever the fuck all this is
where do i even fucking begin
so my one irl bestie and i right. we've been planning on rooming together for a hot minute now. i trust them with my life. have no worries about it whatsoever. so my mother has been trying to find a place of her own bc the place we currently rent together just doesn't work for her. she's disabled and needs someplace with easier access.
well it's been weeks now and she keeps being turned down or snobbed on all her applications for housing. didn't understand why. neither did i. found out the other day the eviction for the last place she had was put onto her background check despite that it never went through and she proved the landlord (my great uncle mind you) lied about the reason for eviction in court. i don't get it. she found out today that in order to get that all fixed she would need to hire an attorney which 1) one that she contacted said they weren't sure they could really even do much about it 2) if she did hire the attorney she couldn't even afford to move afterwards.
"ditri why did your great uncle fuck over you and your mother?"
because my family is a fucking nightmare that's why. you know why he dicked us over? because he didn't want responsibility for the property anymore. because he wanted money. because nobody in my family actually gives a shit about each other really. because he's a republican christian fascist like the rest of them who believes 5g rays kill you. because he once said if he ever met a gay person he would beat the shit out of them. dare i go on? btw the place she was evicted from belonged to her grandmother and was built specifically for someone with physical disability which is why she was going to buy it from him. hurray.
so now the whole plan of my mother moving out and leaving us the place we currently have, which would have worked out fantastically for my friend and i, is down the fucking drain. to make shit worse? my friend also possibly has an eviction on their background check. why? because their last landlord, 1 of 2, is a fucking sociopathic prick who filed against them because they started seeing a friend of his. not joking.
the full story? my friend broke up with their long term boyfriend earlier this year. ended up hooking up with this guy them and all 3 of their roommates were mutual friends with. 2 of the 3 owned the house they all lived in. well them and the guy developed feelings for each other and it started evolving in that direction. the one roommate/home owner got pissed off because the guy my friend started getting involved with was (yes i mean "was" in past tense now) his best friend. he got uncomfortable because "i had friends who started a relationship before in the past and then shut me out" and by that logic decided to completely sabotage the situation himself. of course what my friend and their new guy do is none of his business and he has no say in what they do whatsoever. but because he's a little immature control freak he decided oh you won't call it off? you won't let me control you? i'll file for an eviction against you! now i can have power over you! i'll ruin your fucking life!
even though he knew we were going to room together and they would be moved out within the next 2-3 months anyway :)
so understandably i got pissed. i know all 3 of their (past) roommates and i was kinda friends with all of them? not close but you know...i liked them enough right? and their home was safe to me. in fact it was the only place i've ever truly felt safe in my life. so now that's gone.
anyway i got high the night i was given the news and while also being frustrated by events happening at my job involving an unbearable coworker i went on facebook and made a little vague post (i know that's immature but allow me this just once please) that really could have applied to either dick homeowner or shit coworker. if the shoe fits i guess.
next morning dick homeowner saw the post and decided to respond back by making his own vague post. now to clarify the kind of person he is, you know that particular brand of generic white cisgender gay man who thinks being a petty cunt is a whole ass personality? yeah. so this wasn't new behavior for him. so anyway his way of firing a shot back at me was by literally making fun of me for being an abuse victim both in general and for being rejected by my mother for being transgender. wish i was kidding. so then i let my rage consume me and i said the most horribly nasty and vile shit i've ever said to another human being in my fucking life to him. then my bestie told his boyfriend (homeowner 2) and within the day the post got deleted and by next day both had unfriended/blocked me. el oh el. but after doing all that the mf exposed himself real hard and now several people who were friends with him hate him and are on our side (me and the bestie!!!). but yeah it kinda tanked my mental health a bit. recovering still tbh. but i did find out the pathetic creep went and showed my friend's new guy (because he was trying really hard to crawl back to him and rekindle their friendship despite it all) what i said in the way of, "l-look at this mean fucking shit dimitri said to me!!!! can you believe how cruel this is????" and he got laughed at!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!
but yeah now i have no idea what to do. i suppose now we have to go around applying to different properties and hope we snag one up that can actually work out for us and our 3 pets. somehow. despite the eviction. i'm so fucking stressed lol. i don't want to move again. i'm so sick of moving. i love my room too. and i love this town and it's the only place i've lived in where i actually feel idk. happy ig. but i gotta get this shit going bc i'm now basically 7 months into hrt and i neeeeed to get away from my mother. ugh. i'm so tired and this doesn't even cover everything that's been stressing me out. what else is new though.
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flezhleaf · 4 months
I doubt that anyone is going to read this.
Hello, Jasper Here, I want to address my Behavior especially back in August-Now
I am ashamed of My Past behaviors.
I acknowledged that the things i was doing wasnt right.. but Semi-Abusive..
ive been working on myself on Twitter and had made some amazing Friends!!
Its nice that im able to return here!
Which the First part was cutting off the People who cared about me. Including Cj.
The Main reason why ive cut people off is either they were Zionists, Groomers, Racists, Abusers, Or Ive Cut you off for no reason at all(Which is due to having multiple Depressive episodes)
Now, Do I regret cutting My Former Friends(Including an Ex-Irl Friend) Off?
Ive gained something… to the point i barely trust anyone outside my friends circle. Ive been through Relationships involving Me Hurting the person in the Relationship, In fact I was called out by one of my exes because ive blatantly told them that I didnt care anymore, Which is partially True. We are now on Semi-Neutral terms.
The next section included me Defending a Transphobe. Ive cut that Terf off for being an Open Zionist. They also Supported the CCP While the CCP Is Committing Genocide against the Uyghur People.
The Third Section is the Documents ive made. The majority of them were during depressive Episodes. Again like the first section, I thought calling myself out was Justifiable at the time.
The Fourth Section Took place At Halloween Last Year. Ive Posted A Now-Deleted Callout Post on Adam Katz for Having an Israeli Flag in his Bio. I didnt know that Adam was Jewish, Which I was Told that Adam was infact Jewish. That was a couple minutes after the Callout post. Adam Had addressed this, and Changed His Bio. People Have been Blaming Me for Adam Getting Harassed, Which My Mutuals were mixed on it. Some of them thought that pointing it out was justifiable at the time, While the other people told me that Ive shouldve posted it in the First Place. Afterwards Adam had received so much harassment to the point he deleted Twitter and Privated his personal Instagram. People were Justifiably Accusing me of My Moot of Sending Our Fanbases to Attack Adam.
Thats not the Case. Because Last Month, The Entire II team was attacked and Harassed for Releasing III 18 During Strike Week. Some of the Team was Aware of the Strike at the Time. The OSC Had the Audacity to Attack The II Team over the Release of the episode. Which Lead me to make a Huge ass Rant about the OSC. The Points in my Rants Still Stand By.
I Sincerely apologize to the II Crew, Especially Adam, For getting Harassed because of a Genuine Concern i had back in October 2023.
The Final Section Is The Future with My Platforms, And the Progress I was making.
I havent got Therapy Yet, But thats being processed. I’ve Apologized to Mostly Everyone that ive hurt Within 2022-23. And Ive Applied for Multiple Jobs thanks to a Job Coach. Hell i had my first interview last month!! And Im still in process for disability. Ive Been Sober from Self Harm for Almost a Week, and Im slowly but steadily Realizing Who I really am.
Hello, Im Jasper, Im Transmasc-Genderfluid Bisexual-Demiromantic Objectum. And I go by They/Them Pronouns!
Thanks for Letting me reflect on my past behaviors and Im showing Signs of improvement.
Stay Safe Everyone, Goodnight
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jaderimehardt · 4 months
👋🏻 So, I ended up not drawing anything for that character's birthday.
I did think of a pose about a day and a half ago but that isn't enough time for me to actually get anything drawn out and colored. I'm too slow and I set myself to too high of standards. Plus factor in irl things and my lack of motivation... 🫠 *shakes head*
If I feel bad about it, it's for a couple of mutuals who like him as much as I do, or more- even. I've kind of grown super attached to a certain B🔹L🔹E🔹A🔹C🔹H boi, to be completely honest with you (I'm bypassing the tagging system with the 🔹's).
They still draw him every year on his birthday, and one even bi-weekly almost. She has supported me every time I draw him by re-tweeting my artwork on Twitter. Probably the only person who acknowledges me like this on a regular basis. The other person supports me also on a bit of a lesser scale, and she draws him often too, but I think she struggles with confidence in her art like I do.
It's not an easy thing... "having confidence" in one's own art. And when you don't see likes or favorites on your art, that confidence drops tremendously. You feel like you've done something wrong. You try to figure out 'what' you did wrong, and when you can't find it- you just want to give up. It's a sinking feeling.
But inevitably most artists pick up the pen or pencil again and draw once more because it's something we love to do. The thing is, this time we're less likely to share it because of that lack of confidence. This is what has been happening to me slowly over the past couple of years (and to a couple friends of mine as well).
People don't seem to realize this.
"Where did all the fanart go?"
Well, you all got so picky with favoriting things, they lost motivation and stopped posting. What did you expect?
If and when I post things, I have a fear of tagging it. 💠 Well if you don't tag it, no one is going to see it- and then you really won't get likes/faves. ⚜️ Yeah no kidding. but then I have a logical reason for WHY no one likes it. Like Twitter, I get under 10-30 impressions on most my posts even with tags. At the very least if it's posted, it's on record/in my portfolio of sorts. It exists in my history somewhere.
I removed all of my stuff off of my DeviantArt a couple years ago. Now I'm sure when I post things people question if I'm genuine or not because they have no history to look at- no 'portfolio'. Though if they went to my Wordpress Blog, they'd see that I've been drawing and posting my stuff for a long time. But no one is going to go and look into me that far in-depth. "Guilty until proven innocent" means nothing when all they want to do is prove you guilty.
That makes me even more hesitant to post things- but I do have all my PSDs with individual layers, so I can always provide proof whenever necessary. And I know where my posts are, with timestamps and dates. I can defend myself. That's all that matters to me.
I made this blog to "be more creatively unhinged" and to "be ramble-y". That includes putting my thoughts out into the open, "having proof on paper", so to speak.
I also want to show people the path that I'm taking, so if they're interested in taking it- they can. But everyone learns differently. Everyone has a different style. I may absorb information one way and apply it in this manner, while someone else may learn it in a completely different way and apply it in a polar opposite format. It's all a matter of who you are, perspective and variables.
So... one day (or a string of days), I'll post a bunch of videos. I did this a few days ago actually, lol. These are learning tools. Other days I may make tutorials (I used to make a lot of these but then I deleted that blog). Some days I'll promote my Etsy shop (this might happen the most, tbh)- featuring a lot of my Resin things, and graphics I'm working on. And on rare occasion some fanart because I'm at the lowest of low with that atm.
If I do anything fanart I'm thinking my OC's... 🤷🏻‍♀️. People dislike OCs, I'm aware of that but it's not like many people (if any) like my stuff anyways. They say to draw for self-satisfaction. I think it's time to follow that.
And I 💓 H🔹I🔹T🔹S🔹U to death, but his hecking fluffy hair man 🫠. I did my best with his hair in my last fanart- spent hours perfecting the lineart... honestly I was so proud of it. But apparently it wasn't everyone's cup of tea 🤷🏻‍♀️. It is what it is. (I'm still happy with it. I love his hair, please never change it Kubo-san 💝)
I might doodle a lot of the Loomis Method heads cause I like drawing faces. Poses/bodies not so much. In time I'll work my way to the poses but I just want to mindlessly doodle. (I hate drawing hands 😒)
Btw here's another vid on that, and I like this one so much better.
I also want & need to do a full graphic image for a puzzle. My Mom and my Step Dad are really big into puzzles right now and they're just passing them around with all their friends. Like some puzzle group, lol 😅
I think it'd be cool to actually design one myself, buy it from my Partner- Printful, gift it to them, they can complete it and then they can pass it around.
Mother's Day and Father's Day isn't that far away. I just have no clue what to make the graphic, lol. All the things they like are copyright and I'm not crossing into those waters.
I need to find something generic 🤔💭
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ofbhaal · 4 months
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:・゚✧:・゚ 𝕴𝖘 𝖎𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖋𝖆𝖘𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖔 ? :・゚✧:・゚
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#𝕺𝖋𝕭𝖍𝖆𝖆𝖑 independent,   private,   highly   selective,   oc / the dark urge   of baldur's gate 3 & the forgotten realms.   mature   &   triggering   themes   will   be   present.   18+   only,   please read rules   &   dnf   before   interacting.   written   &   loved   by   synn,   he   /   him,   28,   est.  character established 11/11/2023 rebooted 1/28/24.
an exploration the loss of self, eroded memories, family trauma, generational trauma, cursed from birth, fighting ones darkest urges, & carving out your own destiny.
𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 : @murdershaped, @we4ved
            :・゚✧:・゚   𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖉    𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖘    𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉    𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗    :・゚✧:・゚  
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:・゚✧:・゚ 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 :・゚✧:・゚
.𝖎 ) there   are   many   things   within   canon   that   are   either   confirmed   or   hinted   at   in   regards   to   bhaalists   that   i   do   not   agree   with   /   support.   i   am   heavily   cautious   of   following   other   bhaalists   due   to   extremely   questionable   behavior   on   others   parts   in   the   past.   i   do   not   ship   bhaalspawn   together   at   all.   any   requests   to   do   so   will   be   met   with   a   hard   block.   i   will   not   be   following   back   any   sarevok   blogs   for   my   own   personal   comfort   either.      
.𝖎𝖎    )   if   you   see   me   interacting   with   someone   who   is   known   to   be   problematic   or   harmful    please   let   me   know.   i   am   not   always   on   my   dash   so   i   may   miss   things.  it   is   never my   intention   to   support   harmful   individuals.
.𝖎𝖎𝖎   )  do   not   follow   if   you   write   genderbent   /   cisswap   /   rule   63   muses   (   read   more  ),   actively   write   rape  /   non   -   con,   pedophilia /   underage,   are   a   pro-shipper,   or   are   bigoted   in   any   way  /   shape   or   form.   i   will   not   follow   blogs   portraying   irl   criminals   or   irl   people   in   general.
.𝖎𝖛   )   i   do   not   own   the   character   featured   on   this   blog   nor   am   i   affiliated   with   any   media   they   are   featured   in.
.𝖛  )   the   portrayal   of   my   muses   are   headcanon   based   exclusively. 
.𝖛𝖎  )   all   content   featured   is   for  mutuals   only.   if   i   do   not   follow   you   please   refrain   from   interacting   with   my   content.
.𝖛𝖎𝖎  )   this   blog   is  highly   private   &   selective.   i   am   trying   to   keep   my   circle   small   here.   that   may   change   in   time   but   please   understand   this   is   for   my   own   comfort.
.𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎   )   if   I   cannot   find   your   general   age   /   alias   &   rules   page   I   will   not   follow   back.   minors   &   unspecified   ages   will   be   blocked.   all   personal   blogs   are   blocked   automatically.
.𝖎𝖝   )   content   warnings   :   this   blog   will   feature   mature   &   triggering   themes   as   found   within   bg3, the forgotten realms, & the dark urge path within bg3.   all   content   will   be   tagged   as   followed  tw   tag.   please   tag   :   trypophobia   :   holes   /   clusters.
.𝖝 ) i   have   a   chronic   health   condition & live   with   mental   illness.   both   of   these   things   do   impact   my   activity   both   on   tumblr & discord.
if   it's   been   a   few   days   just   poke   me   politely.   i   promise   i   am   not   ignoring   you   for   any   malicious   reason.   this   applies   to   both   tumblr & discord.
.𝖝𝖎   )   the  best  way   to   get   something   started   is  via   inbox   prompts  /  asks  &  continuing   it   as   a   thread.   asks   both   prompted   or   unprompted   are   more   than   welcome  !
.𝖝𝖎𝖎   )  notifications   are   broken.   If   i   do   not   like   /   interact   with   a   post   then   i   have   not   seen   it.
.𝖝𝖎𝖎𝖎   )  I   ship   based   on   chemistry.   I   prefer   to   talk   ooc   about   our   muses   /   potential   ships   before   jumping   in.   I   do   not   write   nsfw   I   may   occasionally   post   nsfw   headcanons,   but   I   do   not   write   nsfw   in   threads. 
.𝖝𝖎𝖛 ) this   blog   is   on   tumblr   beta   &   features   xkit   re-written.   
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:・゚✧:・゚ 𝕯𝖔𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖊𝖗. :・゚✧:・゚
𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊.   malus bael. 𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖑𝖊𝖘.   bhaalspawn, bhaal's chosen. 𝖆𝖌𝖊.  appears early 30s. 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗.   fluid. 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖘.   he / him, they / them, it / its. 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘. half sun high-elf. 𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙.  6'1. 𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖗.   a pale white blonde that reaches mid back. 𝖊𝖞𝖊𝖘.   very pale yellow eyes that look almost white. 𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊. listen here. 𝖇𝖚𝖎𝖑𝖉.   lithe, athletic, toned. 𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞.   13th of uktar / 13th of november. 𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖎𝖔𝖓.   bhaalist. 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊.   a flat above their shop the broken vial in heapside baldur's gate. 𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊. daggerford. 𝖔𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓. owns an apothecary in heapside, baldur's gate.
:・゚✧:・゚ 𝓢𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖘. :・゚✧:・゚
the below stats were formed using d&d beyond's character creator. due to the nature of being multi-classed these   are   not   beginner   stats.
𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘(𝖘) : rogue & ranger multi-class.
𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖙𝖍. 14. 𝖉𝖊𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖞. 16. 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓. 13. 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊. 18. 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖉𝖔𝖒. 14. 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖒𝖆. 18.
𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘 : athletics, deception, intimidation, investigation, perception, persuasion, slight of hand, stealth, & survival. 𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖔𝖗 : light armor, medium armor. 𝖜𝖊𝖆𝖕𝖔𝖓𝖘 : martial weapons, simple weapons. favors daggers, spears, & bows. 𝖙𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 : thieves' tools. 𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖘 : common, undercommon, elvish, sylvan, thieves' cant & goblin. 𝖋𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞 : humanoids. 𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖗 : the underdark. 𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘 : darkvision, fey ancestry, skill versatility.
↪ 𝖋𝖊𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖞 : malus has an advantage on saving throws against being charmed, & magic can’t put you to sleep.
:・゚✧:・゚ 𝕽𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖕𝖘 :・゚✧:・゚
𝖋𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗. , lord of murder. 𝖒𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗. dameia, sun high elf. 𝖘𝖎𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘. orin the red, other bhaalspawn. 𝖊𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖉.   other bhaalspawn. 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗.   none currently. 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘.   tbd. 𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖘.   none presently. 𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖔𝖗.   cazna duskryn.
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