#this ask just sent me through a loop đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
heymrspatel · 2 years
Obsessed how you can just tell Ian and Mickey know it doesn’t get better than eachother in specific interactions they had on screen. Like the dock scene ???? the wedding (obviously) and many more. They know no one will ever make them feel like this. In a sexual way, in a romantic way, in that soulmate kind of way. I love that about them. It’s such a “i know it’s you why waste time on anything else anymore” vibes. My random Sunday thoughts
hi anon i love your random sunday thoughts! and i agree!
attaching myself to the dock scene right now, because i reblogged it earlier today and have been overwhelmed by the thought of them being so HUNGRY in this moment. there was a fire that absolutely came alive when they saw each other on those docks. there is zero doubt to us, as the audience, that these two are meant to be. it’s as if they were absolutely on the brink of starvation and then they saw each other. and finally!!!! yes you!!!! you have been missing even if i tried to make believe you weren’t!!!! YOU!!! and by god did they indulge. they consumed each other!
we saw how they’re IT for one another. sexually and romantically. soulmate shit. once in a lifetime shit. it’s you! you’re my best friend and my lover and my life.
anon what have you done to me?!
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qlala · 2 years
Begging on my knees for the power dampener fic you’ve been hinting at for years đŸ§ŽđŸ»đŸ™đŸ»đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ˜«
i’m sooooo tempted to give you a slice of it right now to prove that i’ve actually written it for real and i just need to finish up some other parts of the fic
 but i don’t want to totally give away some of the plot aspects
. actually no okay yeah i’m swayed, i love the emojis too much, mature under the cut ✹
“Tell me to stop, I stop,” Len said. “Let you out, I let you out. Wanna hear a verbal yes if you understand, now.”
The tightly leashed heat darkening Len’s voice on the last sentence, iron restraint beginning to show a fissure at last, sent such a dizzy twist of arousal through Barry that he almost missed what had come right before it. “Out of what?”
Len pulled the drawer next to him open with his left hand without even looking down—Barry was getting a very strong suspicion that Len had predicted him from the start—and pulled out a thin, matte gray loop. He would’ve guessed it was a smart watch if not for the way the speed force surged under his skin with a skittish, cornered snap of energy.
“Is this Cisco’s latest design? Why do you have this?” he asked, because the alternative was folding to his knees on the spot, the thrum of relief chasing through him at odds with every lashing protest of the speed force.
Len’s lips curled into a smirk even as his lashes dipped, looking at the bracelet and not him. “Usual reasons. Self-protection. Blackmail. Keeping a speedster from phasing through restraints.”
Barry’s mouth went dry, acutely aware of the way his body was really, really on board with the way the conversation was going. “And when you say restraints
“You liked the cuffs last time,” Len said, the picture of detachment as he inspected the dampener.
There was an and hanging in the air, and Barry had to force himself not to adjust himself in his jeans, knew it would turn into something else. “Yeah. Uh, yes. Verbal yes. I’d also be, uh. Interested in, in more than that, if you’ve got—“
Len tipped him a smirking glance that Barry felt in every inch of his body, and Barry nodded.
Len slipped the cuff over one of Barry’s wrists, the innocuous silicone strap too loose and sliding down his wrist like a heavy watch. Len ghosted his fingers down Barry’s narrow forearm, caught the edge of the cuff, and pushed it back up to rest carefully over his wrist. Then he looked up at him.
It took Barry a moment to sift through the anticipation and arousal clouding his brain to make sense of Len’s question.
“I don’t
” He tilted his head in thought, looking distractedly at where Len’s hand was curled patiently around his arm. “Just pick something, I don’t care.”
“Has to be something you remember,” Len said. “What was the name of that gorilla?”
Barry barked a startled laugh. “My safeword is not Grodd.”
“Memorable,” Len pointed out.
Barry tried to wiggle his hand free to shove at him, and Len tightened his grip on his wrist in a way that made Barry’s breath stutter.
“Alright,” he said. “What about diamond?”
“Diamond,” Len repeated, head tilting in consideration. “Diamond works.” And he tapped his thumb over the interface.
The dampener gave a heavy mechanical whir, a surprising, ominously analog sound from the sleek device. Then Len’s finger supporting the edge made sense, because the switch box yanked the extra give on the bracelet back in with a snap like a zip-tie, and Barry jerked forward with a gasp when the power went live.
It felt like the meta’s abilities, if they had only worked physically. Barry’s powers flatlined so abruptly, shoved down into every cell, that for a second, he thought his heart had stopped.
He clawed for a breath, then shook his head to warn off the alarm sharpening Len’s voice.
“Shit,” he wheezed, dazed, his hand fumbling up to overlap Len’s around the cuff, grounding himself there, able to feel the snarling trapped whir of the speed force pushing back uselessly against the tech. “Cisco made some upgrades.”
Len’s silence was wary, waiting him out, until he finally asked a terse, “Making the come-down worse?”
“No.” Then Barry paused, actually scanned his body to find out if that was true, and shook his head. “No, we’re good.”
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
i've sent in for some fluff/comfort previously, but what about the other direction? >:)
💙, đŸ’«, đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« (maybe both Reader and Pike would be fun! but i'll leave that to you)
have fun! LLAP
Oooh! I have a TERRIBLE idea for this 😈! Thank you for this amazing prompt!! Also for being a good friend! Also for using my super helpful emoji prompts! Let's DO THIS!! 😎
Exolvuntur Terror (Platonic Pike x Reader)
Tumblr media
Rating: PG-13 (Mild Gore)
Word Count: 1.9k
Content: Platonic/SFW, GN!Reader, Alien!Reader, Sciences!Reader, artificial time loops, trauma (metaphorical and literal), learning to have faith in yourself, very angsty much tragic, but!! also very hurt/comfort, Una being protective of her bestie, faceless entities with unknown desires SUCK!
Teaser: A selfish and malevolent entity has trapped Captain Pike's mind in a time loop of the Incident that will end his life as he knows it. Spock was badly wounded in the initial confrontation and cannot aid him. So it is up to you, an untrained telepath but a telepath nonetheless, to save him.
“I had to sedate him.” Chapel entered the briefing room, visibly anxious. 
“The restraints weren’t doing enough. His muscles were reacting like he’s being thrown by something we can’t see. Delirious, unresponsive to external stimuli, I have never seen the Captain, anyone, like this before. And- and Spock-“ Christine’s voice caught in her throat.
“Spock, we know how to help, and he is stable for the time being. It is the Captain who we need to get sorted out now.” M’Benga reassured her, she took a seat at the table, holding down her distress.
It was very intimidating, you were the only one in the room who wasn’t senior staff, and chances were, knew the Captain the least.
“Whatever scenario these entities are putting the Captain through, it is repeating. Same emotional trauma response from the brain and pain response from his nervous system. Two minute intervals, the nerve reaction pattern suggests a radioactive explosion of some kind.”
“And the good news?” you asked, nervously.
“Luckily his body is not exhibiting the side effects of being irradiated, but his brain and nervous system are responding to the stimulus as though it were real. Like a circuit board, the human nervous system is only able to carry so much before it overloads. Not only that but the brain can only endure so much stress as well. If we don’t find a way to break this cycle soon. There may be very little of Chris left to save.” He finished grimly.
You swallowed hard “Wha- what do you need me to do?”
“We need you to go into his mind, find a way to stop it.” Una replied, deadly serious, every part of her was tense, her gaze, her posture. She was furious, like she’d burst into flame if she could.
“My telepathic abilities are limited sir, I don’t have the training-“
“We wouldn’t ask you if there were any other way.” Una insisted.
“How much risk is there to the Lieutenant? Push comes to shove, I’d rather not lose two officers in one day.” La’an inquired in a measured tone, she shared an intense glance with Number One as she did.
“I don’t know.” M’benga responded.
“There isn’t a single one of us in this room Chris wouldn’t be willing to take that risk for.” Una began.
“Sir, with all due respect you can’t ask-“ Chapel interjected on your behalf.
“I’ll do it.” You eased, quietly, almost involuntarily.
“What?” Half of the room said in unison.
 if I’m the only one that can help him. I can’t just
 sit by and watch.” you groped for words, for courage “I need to do this, I think. If what you say is true.”
“It is.” the First Officer replied, the edge on her voice was gone, leaving something sentimental interlaced with her obvious concern.
You entered sickbay, coming upon the Captain, he was unconscious, but restless, stricken, white as a sheet, like he was in the throes of a nightmare.
“Help him, please.” The Commander begged.
“I’ll try, I promise I will.” You knew your voice and your body were shaking, but you were determined to see this through.
So you sat at the place made for you beside the biobed, placed your fingertips to the Captain’s temples
And dived.
Smoke, fire, screaming, there was a red alert blaring, metal plating creaked and glass began to crack.
“I got this!” Teenager’s voice, cadet by the looks of it.
“Get out of here! Go!!” There he was! Other cadets fled the scene, the glass continued to crack.
“I can fix it!” She yelled.
“Captain!” You yelled almost in unison with a boy on the other side of the containment field.
He looked up at you startled, good, you could contact him through his mental avatar in this vision.
“Leave it Cadet!” The glass shattered, the cadet was thrown backward, he was trying to drag her to safety.
You instinctively went to help him, but your hands phased through her, you were alien to this scenario, and to his mind.
“It’s Lieutenant Y/N! I’m here to get you out!”
“You- what? Lieutenant?! No, no this is not- you’re not supposed to be here. You have to go, now! It’s not safe!”
“Number One sent me here to save you!”
“What do you-?! But she-! Nevermind! You have to get out of here! That’s an order!”
“I said go!!” He grabbed you by the arm, he could grab you! He tossed you through the doorway into the crowd of panicking cadets.
The explosion consumed the chamber, he slammed against the wall, the burns were awful, he was reaching out for you, the cadets, but he couldn’t pass through the containment barrier.
But you could! You tried to reach for him, to take his hand, be of some comfort. It wasn’t fair-!
You were standing in front of the steps again.
“I got this!”
So this is where the loop starts. Good to know. You couldn’t let yourself get caught up in the moment.
“Captain Pike it’s me! I was sent here to save you, please listen to me!”
“No, no no no no! Una, she promised that she wouldn’t- Get out of here! Leave! Go!” He yelled back to the cadets, looking back at you again, a line of fury in his jaw.
“This isn’t happening right now, it’s not real!” You pleaded, taking his hands
“It will be! It has to be. You don’t understand, you can not save me. Spock is- the galaxy is at stake here!”
“I can fix it!” The girl yells.
“Leave it Cadet!” He jerked away from you, tending to the cadet as after she tumbles.
“I am not worth it, I am only one person. I promise you there is no other way, trust me I tried. Now please, just go!”
This time, the explosion consumes you both, you can only stand and watch from the center of the flames as his half burned body is flung against the wall again. 
The loop restarts.
“HI! Before you ask I’m not from the past or future-“
Failure. Explosion. Restart.
“Una had nothing to do with this I promise-“
Failure. Explosion. Restart.
“What do you mean your fate is set in stone?! Nobody can know that-!”
Failure. Explosion. Restart.
Failure. Explosion. Restart.
Failure. Explosion. Restart.
Failure. Explosion. Restart.
Failure. Explosion. Restart.
Before the words “I got this.” left that stupid kid’s mouth, you put yourself face to face with the Captain. Grabbing him by the shoulders.
“Captain Christopher Pike! Please, hear me! You are going to die if you don’t listen to me! This nightmare that keeps playing in your head is going to eat you up inside until there is nothing left of your mind but this! You won’t be able to save Spock, save the galaxy, or whatever it is you think you’re doing if we keep doing this over and over and over, so please, please listen!”
There were tears streaming down your face now. You didn’t know what else to do, what else to say. You couldn’t make him believe you. You were so tired your metaphysical knees buckled for a moment. 
Pike was staring at you, conflicted, anguished.
“I can’t-“ he started, his voice strained, desperate. Looking at the fiery chaos around him.
“-fix this!”
“No, you can’t, but I can. Watch this.”
The glass shattered, and you embraced him, blocking him from the blast with your own body. He began to return it
Then everything went dark.
Strange, the only manifestation of the vision that was able to affect you before was him. This didn’t seem like dying in a fiery blast though.
Pike was frozen in place, now you could phase through him and

There was something else here, no, someone?
Alright, fine. You had removed the bullet, it was time to stop the bleeding.
“Leave him alone.” You said sternly “Whatever you want from him, whatever it is you’re looking for, it’s not here. I wouldn’t help you find it if I could.”
“Evidently not.” it replied coolly.
“Why would you, how could you do something like this?!” You asked, outraged, the anguish in your Captain’s eyes still burned into your mind.
“I sought to replicate a mineral which cannot be found in this plane of existence. But he is ignorant to it’s exact nature. Now, thanks to your interference, the tracking cycle is broken. He is of no more use to me.” The being stated plainly.
“What are you going to do to us?” You squeaked.
“Nothing. I intend to depart.” 
“No wait! Don’t leave him like this!” You attempted to raise a psychic barrier to keep the entity from leaving.
“I have removed the cycle from his memory, but not it’s source, to do so would not only unravel your Captain’s limited perception, but would unravel time.”
“What does that mean?”
“I warn you only once, microbe. Do not inconvenience me again. Farewell.”
It clearly knew you weren’t strong enough to hold it here in Pike’s subconscious, you barely had the strength to stay yourself. It was time to go, who knew what would happen if you lost contact with your body here.
Slowly, achingly, the world beyond the Captain’s mind encroached upon you. Everything hurt, the crest of your brow and your fingertips burned, there were pins and needles down your spine, the muscles around and behind your eyes ached, you were drenched in sweat. 
Never in your life had you ever engaged in mental contact like this before, especially not with a Human. Of course, his physiology was not accustomed to such interactions either. You cringed at the first degree burns and nail welts your hands left behind on his temples. But, it was a small price to pay for the Captain’s freedom.
Though you were exhausted, you had the psychic impression that the entity responsible had gone. You were certain you looked a mess, but Pike looked like death warmed over. Fear momentarily seized your chest before his eyes fluttered open. For a moment you’d feared the worst!
?” Pike croaked “What happened?”
The Captain feebly tried to sit up, the restraints prevented it, too exhausted to bother with any further attempt.
“Ugh, feel like I got run over.” He griped, something you were certain was a woeful understatement.
“H- how much do you remember, sir?”
“Went down to the planet” he winced, “something, hit me, and then- wait, where’s Spock?” The Captain looked around, concern overriding the protests of his trembling body.
“Mr. Spock is gonna be fine sir, he’s recovering, just like you are.”
Pike sighed in relief, you didn’t want to distress him any further, but you had to know if the entity had kept it’s word.
“Anything else, sir?”
He furrowed his brow “No, not
 really. Why am I-?”
“Restrained? Uh, well, whatever attacked you and Mr. Spock, there were hallucinations. You didn’t hurt anybody! They were more worried about you hurting yourself.”
“Oh, alright.” he half nodded, clearly fighting to stay awake.
“You should rest, sir.” you added, thinking it best to leave.
It hadn’t been a lie, but, it felt ugly. Wanting, maybe needing to hide things from the Captain, after everything. You’d discuss it with Dr. M’Benga first, divulge what was appropriate once the Captain was more stable, you told yourself. Best to debrief your superiors on what had transpired between you and the entity.
What did it mean by “Unravel time”, and what about “the source”? Had the entity drawn from something the Captain had seen before? If it had already occurred, how was he still here? Did it happen to someone else? Did he think it was Spock? Did the entity convince him he had traded places with him somehow?
Whatever it had meant, you hoped that for now, the Captain’s sleep was a nightmare-less one. For his sake, and for yours.
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