#this ask made me so happy wahhhhhh
ofthecaravel · 6 months
If we had Gretablr Superlatives I’d nominate you for Funnest Artist
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omg thank you???? i'd simply have to nominate @binarysunset17's work
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sufroyo · 1 year
I just wanted to say that I haven't look at anything for Borderlands in a long time on here bc it's usually all the same stuff in the tags
But I happened to look at the tag today and YOU
It's so beautiful! I love them! Thank you so much for making content for Borderlands
I know its not a huge Fandom anymore but it's my all time favorite game and you absolutely made my day thank you
WAHHHHHH THANK U SMMMM 💕💕💕💕💕💕 u made my entire day as well (honestly the last few days 😭😭) so thank u for the kind message!! drawing art for blands was my own way of trying to help make the fandom more active so this makes me super happy to hear 🥹🥹 thank u again for the sweet ask!! <333
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inspectorspinda · 8 months
Hello, hope you’re doing well! I wanted to ask: What’s your favorite scene from the Sister’s Grimm series? Or maybe which scene from each book do you think stands out as the BEST if you don’t want to compare the whole series?
Hmmm that's a hard one. I haven't reread all the books yet and have only ever read the original versions so I'll do my best to answer. But my opinions might change as I listen to books 1-3 and 7 again.
The thing I remember the most from this book is the hang in there shirts x'D Maybe because it was such cringe it just burned a hole in my mind. But in terms of scenes I think probably going into the Mirror and getting magicked up to crash Charming's ball which was also kind of cringe because of how uncomfortable Sabrina was about the whole thing. She's crazy relatable as a protagonist. Probably one of the best in terms of female protagonists in children's books.
Finding the frog in the school after hours and then running from it. As a kid, being in a school being after hours feels so cool. Like you're getting special privileges or something, but also it is inherently creepy as a kid because this busy area is so dead and empty. Just that much makes it pretty cool, but then there's extra fear because the frog just shows up from nowhere and tries to kill them.
Maybe the opening with the Jabberwocky? I really can't remember anything about this book at all except the opening scene and the fact Uncle Jake shows up at some point. No clue what else happened in it. Is that a bad sign?
This is the first one I reread last year and my god Puck's emotional confession to Sabrina about how his father made him feel terrible made me start crying in public. And I don't even like Puck! He's probably consistently the least favorite part of these books alongside all the times Granny and Daphne behave unreasonably towards Sabrina. But that scene made me love him for 5 seconds.
I think as a kind this as the first book I actually guessed the ending and I felt so smart for that haha. There are so many great scenes in this book its hard to decide which sticks out the most. There's the time travel to the bad future, chasing Canis around and then BAM suddenly he's the wolf, redeemed Charming, sneaking into Heart's house to get Charming's mirror, Wilhelm showing up and Canis breaking him out, the climax with Tom and Cindy. Good shit.
Probably the book I reread the most as a kid because I loved Canis so much. Looking back, there aren't really that many stand out "events" presay. It is mostly the reveal of what exactly went down in the past that kept my attention. Maybe then I'll say it was the pig's story to Granny and Sabrina about how Canis first came to be? I seems like one of the jail scenes with Canis would be the stand out but since I've always loved these werewolf type tropes I've seen a lot more of them over the years and I'm kind of picky about them now haha. Canis's emotions aren't really developed beyond the obvious, "I feel bad and guilty."
When Sabrina knocked over the water tower? I remember this book so little that I can't even guarantee I'm not misremember that scene. I just know there was a fight scene and Sabrina did something with the water tower and won. I probably only read this book one time so it's not in my memory at all.
When Pinocchio's friend inside the book showed pride in his role, that made me tear up. Cause all the other characters hated it so much, to hear him speak genuinely about how important he saw his job was really sweet and I wish we got more. Other than that pretty much any scene with the Editor, he was awesome.
The end with Mirror dying and wanted Sabrina to say she was his friend made me cry in bed as a listened to the audiobook. WAhhhhhh. If I stop and think, that ending is flawed in many ways but it makes my smooth ape brain happy.
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vaugarde · 6 months
aah hi i just wanted to say that your oc’s are very, very, interesting, i like the way there’s still some we don’t know very much of or can’t yet because of the spoiler material, it makes seeing them in occasional art or posts even more fun to read / see cause’ we get to know something or learn something that ties to one thing & another to the lore . does that make sense ? i hope so because i mean it in the nicest, most compliment’ way ever :”-p love your silly guys.
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WAHHHHHH that's so sweet of you omg........ it makes me happy to know some ppl are keeping track of the lore i post here and there, i get a little self conscious about it sometimes because i still haven't started anything besides my ask blog (which is just side material more than anything) so this made my night <333 thank you SOOOOOOOO so much!!!!
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mochiwrites · 2 years
Hello, hi, I have just finished reading "i see the wolves at bay coming after me" and I have some Thoughts.
First of all: I love sea fruits Mumbo already?? He's trying his best and doing such a bad job <3 Running late, completely missing the fact he is being flirted with by the man he has been tasked to capture. Love that for him. But actually getting that little intro from his POV really enriched the rest of the story. And we get so many little hints at his backstory. I am very excited to see more of him!
So I had somehow managed to miss that this was a steampunk au until I started reading, so I got so excited when it was revealed in-text. Aaah I'm so excited to see how else it's going to be used (perhaps something to do with those cool abilities you mentioned Mumbo having in your response to Stitch's ask? 👀)
The introduction of the crew was amazing! So well written, and I loved how every character got to shine at least a little bit. You can really tell they've lived and worked together for a while, they were clearly very comfortable together. The whole beer thing made me laugh, even more so the payoff with Grian/Ren running away with the cups of rum. It worked so well within the scene.
The little Grian and Iskall moment with the eye contact? Hello? Waaah I am having an emotion. It's not a ship I've read a whole lot of fic for but I am already 100% on board with how you are writing them ❤️
Your characterisation of Grian is so good. The cockiness, the fondness for his friends, and the intensity of how much he loves to do the things he does. His personality and his voice are just so on point! And I loved him flirting with Mumbo, it was great! I loved every bit of it. And the line "Shame, we lost a real nice looking one to the blue jackets" is just.. ajkahdkjsahkjdsa. I have been spinning it in my head all day.
I was already very interested in Sea Fruits AU before this fic, and now I am hooked. Have subscribed and am very excited for more!
I LOVE SEA FRUITS MUMBO SM..... my biggest gripe with writing mumbo in Any au is making him seem cool(ish) while keeping him in character. so while he may be a lieutenant in the marines, he is going to be the Soppiest Man you will Ever see. I'm already developing a lot of things with stellar and mojo for mumbo's full backstory and I'm loving what we've got so far :D I'm excited to write more of him!
I'm really excited about the steampunk aspect of the au!!! steampunk has always been something I've wanted to play around with in a fic, so I'm looking forward to the chance to do that with this au
I LOVE THE CREW SO MUCH MAN :((( I wanted to give them all a chance to have their personality shine through. the beer bit is one of my absolute favorite bit of the fic, the ren moment and all <333
grian and iskall my LOVES... you've found my special ability: making you feel Emotions for ships you aren't fully familiar with >:3 welcome to my griskall propaganda
but WAHHHHHH TY :((( grian is so much fun to write here (I mean he always is, but this is like enjoyment to the Max). he's so cocky and confident and that really shines through in the way he interacts with his opponents and how he carries himself. him flirting with mumbo was so enjoyable to write, and the line at the end... I love it all so much. my ultimate goal with this au is to have grian flirt with mumbo at Any Possible Opportunity :3
but thank you for reading!!!! :D I'm so happy I've finally been able to write something for it, and I'm brain rotting so bad about it. I've been planning things all day <3
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ningningsplushie · 3 years
Request: could I maybe request a yeonjun or heuningkai scenario where you’re comfortable around all the members except him and so he finally gets you alone and questions you and you confess and he does too?
Warnings: light ghosting, maybe ONE passing suggestive comment??? mentions of food and some obvious light angst with a happy ending! 
A/N: WAHHHHHH THIS REQUEST IS SO CUTE!!!! I decided to go with Hueningnkai cuz 1. he’s my bias, 2. I have a few more requests for Yeonjun and wanted to even it out! I hope you like this :)
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you’ve been friends with the boys of tomorrow X together for nearly a year now
you would think that you’d have a charming little meet cute with the leaders but it was the complete opposite, at least for Soobin, who’s still traumatized over the incident
it was a cold winter morning when he waddled into the empty cafe, ordering 5 EXTRA hot drinks 
you had no clue who he was at the time but your first impression of him was that he was super shy but extremely polite while ordering 
you gave him his 5 drinks and just as he was about to leave through the door, he turned around, staring at the tray with the intent of asking for some sleeves
he wasn’t aware of you exiting behind the counter to begin mopping the floor and thus crashed into you, causing all five cups of sweltering liquid to spill onto you
poor Binnie was horrified and even rushed with you to the sink to aid you in immediately sooting the soft burns with cold water
the whole time he was just rushing out incoherent words of “I’m so sorry, I swear, I didn’t mean to do this, believe me.” and “oh my god, are you alright? do you need to go to the hospital”
you obviously ignored him as you were too immersed in healing you reddening skin which only made Soobin feel way worse
when you were done, you saw that tears were threatening to fall from his eyes while he was bowing profusely to you and begging for forgiveness
there’s no way you could cuss this angel out, not when he didn’t do it on purpose and when he was genuinely distressed about your plight
“it’s alright, really. don’t worry about a thing. I was right next to the sink so my burns aren’t serious at all. no harm, no foul,” you assure him
“are you serious?? you have half the mind to sue me for bodily damage!”
“Yeah, but my body is not damaged and I can still work.”
he looks at you skeptically and asks “is there anything I can do though?”
you didn’t want him to do anything crazy so you suggested to go out for coffee with him someday soon, while adding, “just make sure you don’t spill it on me again.”
with his cheeks now smattered with pink, and not from the cold, he agrees and you exchange numbers
a week later, you meet up with Soobin and are confused upon seeing 4 other guys witting alongside him 
when he sees you, he leaps from his chair, offering you his seat 
you decide to tease him because you love his reactions
“do you really need 4 bodyguards to protect you from me? I swear, I won’t hurt you if you spill another drink…or 5 on me”
he’s panicking, my god it’s the funniest thing you’ve seen
then, one boy who you later find out is named Beomgyu, chimes in
“as much as I love to see Soobin struggling, I just wanna clear up if whether or not this is a date you were supposed to on cuz we all think it’s freaking weird that he asked us to go too.”
you lift a brow at Soobin. “I didn’t know you were already so willing so share me.
he starts stuttering like crazy while the rest of the group is howling and doubling over in laughter
a guy with pouty lips, Yeonjun, speaks up. “Oh wow, you really found a good one!”
Soobin groans and clears up his thinking. “I’m really sorry if you intended for this to be a date…I’m really clueless in that aspect, which is why I brought the boys. I thought it would be fun to meet new people since we don’t really get the chance to do so.”
you wipe a stray tear from your eye before saying, “don’t worry, I also just wanted to make some friends so, the more the merrier!”
whew, was it merry
you clicked right away with the members, and of course they told you that day that they were part of an idol group 
from that day on, you grew closer with each person
Soobin because you found out you both have a love of reading
Yeonjun because you’re both hard working and are fashion oriented
Beomgyu because you like to pull pranks on everyone
Taehyun because you’re both scary witty and clever
and for the first few months of knowing them, you were somewhat close and comfortable with Hueningkai, maybe because the two of you were the youngest, you only being behind him by a couple months, or maybe because of how childlike you were
either way, that didn’t last
it wasn’t because you didn’t like him, far from it. In fact you liked him a lot
maybe too much 
far too much
you were obviously harbouring a crush on him
you just loved how every time you came to visit at the practice room, he would already have your favourite drink and snacks all in order
how he always knew you needed cheering up, in which he would pull you into his tall frame, and give you the skinship you craved most for
he was always one step ahead of you in jokes and would join in
one time, when you were anxious over finals, he led you into an empty room where he hugged you and hummed you a song so you’d calm down
that’s when you knew you had a crush on him
and that’s also when you started to be distant from him
that was three months ago
never in your life have you had friends as close as the boys before
you were worried that if you confessed to Hueningkai, things would get awkward between everyone
which was why you suppressed your feelings, pushing them away along with the sweetest boy on earth
you pushed him away from the physical advancements
you’d make sure to sit next to Beomgyu or Yeonjun
and you’ve barely spoken to his through this time
normally he’s your source of comfort from worries but now he’s just some guy you used to know
as much as it hurt you to do so, you believe it’s absolutely necessary 
it’s now one of your bi-weekly movie nights with everyone and taehyun suggested on watching the matrix
it honestly isn’t your style of movie but the boys make it so enjoyable with all their jokes and comments
popcorn and soda was passed around, along with pizza and other greasy food, as per the ritual
you would normally sit comfortably between Beomgyu and Hueningkai, with your feet draped over the latter’s lap while annoying Beomgyu with your own comments
but ever since you began distancing yourself from him, you would sit at the end of the couch, quite rigidly beside Taehyun
they boys obviously were aware the rift growing between him and you so they concocted a plan where they switched up the seats so you’d HAVE TO sit next to him
you unwillingly did so because you didn’t want to cause a scene
you sit down, hands placed neatly in your lap and when Hueningkai offers you some food, you shake your head but gladly take some from Soobin
For the first half of the film, he tries to pass some funny commentary about it, which almost breaks you and causes you to burst into laughter
but you draw your lips into a fine line and nod your head, passing it off as you being too invested into the film
the whole time you’re uncomfortable and feeling horribly shameful for being cold to him so you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom
unbeknownst to you, Hueningkai catches you secretly sneaking into one of the bedrooms
after about a minute of you being gone, he also excuses himself and follows you into the bedroom, only to catch you laying on Soobin’s bed while you scroll through instagram
“Are you alright?” He questions, softly closing the door while looking like a lost child
you whip your head towards him. Seeing that you weren’t expecting him, of all people, you abruptly stand up and nervously face him
“yeah…I’m good, I was just answering a message my mom left me.”
what a lie
he gestures to your phone with his lanky arm and replies with, “I literally just saw you zooming into Doja Cat’s photo on instagram”
you blush and try to justify yourself but he interrupts you
“so what? are you paying more attention to Doja than to me? you don’t even know her, she doesn’t even know you exist.”
“I-I…I just needed a breather from the movie, it was getting kind of boring.”
“was it getting boring or could you not bear sitting next to me any longer?”
he’s past his lost child stage and now looks like a puppy who kicked him
“that’s not-”
“no, but it is! you’ve been ignoring me and pushing me away for 3 months and I don’t know what I did wrong.” his hands are making grand gestures as he’s voicing his hurt
he continues his rant. “It all started ever since before your final when I- wait. is this because…because I held you? did I breach some sort of personal space?”
You shake your head, bakcing away from him. “No, it isn’t anything like that at all.”
“then why are you avoiding me?! what have I done to you!? you can’t even look me in the eyes, or say a full sentence to me, and you can barely be in the same room as me. please,” he inches closer towards you and goes for your hand, his other brushing away his golden locks. “just tell me if i’ve hurt you in anyway. it hurts me knowing I did something to you.”
turning your face from him, you try to conceal your wavering voice and watering eyes
“Huening…you haven’t done anything wrong, at all. you’ve been nothing but sweet to me.”
“then why, Y/N, am I being treated like this.”
you find a gram of courage within you and stare at him head on, finally seeing his brown eyes it all its glory after months. you study his features for a minute and he patiently waits for your answer with pain written on his features
you detach your gaze from his, looking to the floor in shame
you bite the bullet and confess to him, preparing yourself for never seeing the boys ever again
“because I like you. I have a huge crush on you.” You whisper while sitting down on the bed to controll you nerves
he joins you on the mattress. “Wait…I’m confused. you’re ignoring me because you have a crush on me? that’s doesn’t make sense at all.”
“I’m trying to not like you anymore…”
“oh? ouch, that kind of hurts, especially when I also like you too. but I mean, I guess I should get used to being hurt by you, yeah?”
ouch on you part too :( but you deserved it
what did he say?
“look, I’m really sorry for-HUH? what did you say?”
he sits up straighter, again like an excited puppy
“I said I like you too! so not only did it hurt when you’ve been pushing me away because I though I was losing a friend, but also because I thought I would never get a chance with you.”
“chance with me??? it’s me who’d never get chance with you.”
he quips back with “well we obviously get a chance with each other since we’re reciprocating a crush, you dummy.”
“how was I to know that?!”
“ask me?? tell me??”
“and risk rejection and embarrassment? no thanks?”
“so you opt on ghosting me? in real life too!!”
you blush and guilt washes over you. “look, i’m not proud of that but I was worried that if i told you that I like you, you’d reject me and there’d be this awkward cloud over the 6 of us.”
“Y/N…you know I’d never let anything happen to us. I value you and the members too much to lose you. even if i didn’t like you, I’d still want to be close to you.”
“yeah but I don’t handle rejection well and would have wanted to not be close to you anymore.”
“thank god i also like to back cuz I don’t think I would have been able to not have you around…even if you were the one ghosting me.”
you look up at his face and see a small teasing smile but you only find yourself frowning
“i’m really sorry for leaving you high and dry, I was just afraid of all the potential things that could have gone wrong. I just….I  just didn’t notice that I was the one who was causing everything to go south.”
“It’s alright, Y/N. I kind of understand where you were coming from but please know that you should always come to me about your feelings. I don’t want us hiding things anymore.”
“that, I can do.”
he turns completely to you and places both of your hands in his “now that we’ve got that sorted out of the way. since we both, you know, are irrevocably in love with one another, i was wondering if…you’d be mine?”
he gives you the cheesiest of grins and you can’t help but melt under his gaze
“hmmmm, now that i’ve had 3 months to think about it, I’d love nothing more than to be yours.”
“oh wow i didn’t know this was a business negotiation.”
“hey, I happen to be serious about this sort of stuff.”
the two of you laugh at this but then all of a sudden, Hueningkai hesitates when he asks, “can I kiss you?”
you blush yet again and nod your head
just as you think that he’s going to lock lips with you, you discover that he presses a chaste kiss to your cheek and return the gesture, your heart so light right now that you unintentionally leave your mouth on his smooth skin for too long while his nose is tucked into your neck, breathing in your essecse
“I wanna wait to give you a proper kiss, you know.” he shyly confesses. “I wanna go steady with you and enjoy our time together.” 
“that actually…that sounds really lovely. I’d like that too.”
“great…” he inhales your light perfumes and draws back. “should we go back and watch the movie?”
“definitely. they’re all probably suspicious right now.”
the two of you return to the living room, walking in hand in hand but not before Beomgyu says “glad you guys got a room, I couldn’t handle Huening being pouty anymore.”
you lean down and grab a handful of popcorn from Soobin and throw it at Beomgyu
“yeah but now you’re the single one” hueningkai teases, holding up your interlocked hands 
he leads you back onto the couch, making sure you position your legs across his figure just as you did before
from time to time he feeds you some food, leading a straw into your mouth to quench your thirst but also squeezes your hand from time to time, almost in disbelief that you’re finally his and he’s finally yours
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 7
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 7 - This Venerable One Likes Wontons
The scorching sun was blazing.
The veranda of Life-Death Peak stretched for mile.
As a rising star among immortal cultivators, it was quite different from the other famous clans of the immortal world.
Take the most prosperous Rufeng Sect of Linyi. The main hall of the sect was called the "Six Virtues Hall", which intended to encourage disciples to be "wise, faithful, holy, righteous, benevolent, and loyal" in accordance with the six virtues. The area where the disciples live was called the "Six Behaviours Gate", which warns the disciples to practice "filial piety, friendship, harmony, marriage, responsibility, and compassion." The place where classes were taught was called "Six Arts Platform", which meant that disciples needed to be proficient in the six skills of "ritual, music, archery, riding, calligraphy, and mathematics".
All in all, its elegance was endless.
On the other hand, Life-Death Peak came from a poor background. Its names were hard to explain. "Danxin Hall" and "Platform of Righteousness and Evil" were alright. Perhaps it was because Mo Ran's father and his uncle weren't scholars and couldn't determine any better names. After a while, the names started to get more nonsensical, naming things "Xue Ya" -sounding names left and right.
Therefore, there are many plagiarised names from the underworld on Life-Death Peak. For example, the room where disciples practiced self-reflection was called Yanluo Hall.
The jade bridge connecting the resting area and the teaching area was called Naihe Bridge. The dining hall was called Mengpo Hall, the martial arts field was called Mountain of Daggers and Sea of Flames. The forbidden area of ​​the back of the mountain is called the Ghost Room, and so on.
These weren't too bad, but there were other places simply called "This is a mountain", "This is water", "This is a pit", as well as the famous "Ahhhhh" and "Wahhhhhh" cliffs.
The elders’ dormitories naturally did not escape, and each has their own nickname.
Chu Wanning was naturally no exception. He liked peace and didn't want to live near others. His residence was built on the South Peak of Life-Death Peak, hidden in a sea of ​​bamboo. There was a pool in front of the main hall, and the pool was red from lotus petals blocking the sunlight from reflecting off it. Because of its abundance of spiritual power, the lotus flowers were in full bloom all year round in the pool, like red clouds.
The disciples secretly called this beautiful place--
Red Lotus Hell.
When Mo Ran thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh.
Chu Wanning wore a terrifying face every single day, and the disciples who saw him thought he was the devil himself. Therefore, shouldn't the place where the devil stays be called hell?
Xue Meng interrupted his daydream: "You laugh even though you were scolded! Hurry up and eat breakfast. After eating, follow me to the Platform of Righteousness and Evil. Shizun will punish you in public today!"
Mo Ran sighed, and touched the whip mark on his face: "Hss. . . ow."
"You deserved it!"
"Hah, I wonder if Tianwen has been repaired. I hope he doesn't try it out on me again before it's fixed. Who knows what nonsense I might say."
In the face of Mo Ran's sincere concerns, Xue Meng's face flushed, and he angrily said: "If you dare to speak out indecently in public against Shizun, I'll rip your tongue out!"
Mo Ran covered his face and waved his hand faintly: "No need, no need, if Shizun ties me with willow vine again, I will end myself on the spot to prove my innocence."
When the hour came, Mo Ran was brought to the Platform of Righteousness and Evil according to customs. He looked around, and there was a deep blue sea of ​​people below. The disciples of Life-Death Peak all wore the sect uniform; blue so dark it was almost black armour, the lion's head belt, wrist guards and the silver threads gleaming on the hems of robes.
The rising sun, below the Platform of Righteousness and Evil, the sea of armour shone.
Mo Ran kneeled on the raised platform, listening to a chief elder list off a long list of the crimes he'd committed.
"Mo Weiyu, disciple of Elder Yuheng, arrogantly disregarded teachings, disobeyed the rules of the sect, and abandoned morality. You have violated the fourth, ninth, and fifteenth mandates of this sect. As punishment, you will receive 80 strikes, copy the sect rules a hundred times and reflect in solitude for a full month. Mo Weiyu, is there anything you have to say in your defense?"
Mo Ran glanced at the white figure in the distance.
That elder was the only member of Life-Death Peak who wasn't required to wear the standard blue and silver rim robe.
Chu Wanning's robe was made of snow-white satin, an outer robe made of cloud-patterned silver silk, like he was dressed in a heavenly frost, but the person wearing it seemed far more frigid than either snow or frost. He sat quietly, far enough away that Mo Ran couldn't see the expression on his face, but he knew that this person was probably completely unphased.
Mo Ran let out a deep sigh: "I have nothing to argue."
According to customary practice, the chief elder asked the disciples below: "If anyone is dissatisfied with the verdict, or has something else to say, this is the time to make such a statement."
All the disciples began to hesitate and averted their gaze.
None of them expected that the Yuheng Elder Chu Wanning would actually send his disciple to be punished publicly on the Platform of Righteousness and Evil.
To put it nicely, this person was impartial, but to word it differently, was also called a cold-blooded demon.
The cold-blooded demon Chu Wanning faintly propped his chin and sat in the position. Suddenly someone shouted with amplifying technique: "Elder Yuheng, this disciple is willing to plead for leniency on behalf of Young Master Mo."
". . . Plead?"
This disciple obviously felt that since Mo Ran was the nephew of Life-Death Peak's lord, even if he had screwed up this time, his future prospects would still be bright, so he decided to take the opportunity to win Mo Ran's favour. He began to talk nonsense: "Although Junior Brother Mo is at fault, he loves his fellow students and helps the weak. Please treat consider being lenient for the sake of his kind nature!"
Obviously, he was not the only one hoping to please Junior Brother Mo.
Gradually, more and more people spoke up for Mo Ran. They threw out all sorts of arguments, it made even Mo Ran embarrassed to hear; when had he ever had "an innocent heart, pure and open-minded"? This was a disciplinary meeting, not a commendation meeting, right?
"Elder Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once helped me exterminate demons and killed deadly beasts. I would like to beg on Junior Brother Mo's behalf. His merits will offset his demerits, and I hope that Elder will lighten his punishment!"
"Elder Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once helped me dispel my demons when I experience qi deviation. I believe Junior Brother Mo made a mistake this time and was only momentarily confused. I also ask Elder to please be lenient on Junior Brother!"
"Elder Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once gave me an elixir to save my mother. He is a benevolent person. Please, Elder, punish him lightly!"
The last person’s remarks were based on the previous disciples', and he was at a loss for words. Seeing Chu Wanning's frozen eyes sweep over, the anxious disciple didn't hesitate to say: “Elder Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once helped me dual cultivate--”
"Pff." Someone couldn't help laughing.
The disciple immediately blushed and retreated.
"Yuheng, calm your anger, calm your anger..." Seeing that the chief elder was not happy, he went to his side and hurriedly persuaded him.
Chu Wanning said coldly: "I have never seen such a shameless person. What is his name? Whose disciple?"
The chief elder hesitated a little, then bit the bullet and said softly, "My disciple, Yao Lian."
Chu Wanning raised his eyebrows: "Your disciple? Save face*?"
(Pronounced the same as Yao Lian's name)
The chief elder couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and his old face tried to change the subject with a red face: "He's talented at singing, and he can be useful when he receives the offerings."
Chu Wanning scoffed and turned away, not wanting to waste time talking nonsense with this shameless chief elder.
There were thousands of people on Life-Death Peak. A couple flatterers were nothing surprising.
Seeing the conviction in the faces of his sect brothers, Mo Ran himself almost trusted their words. Very impressive indeed. It turns out he wasn't the only person in this sect that knew how to concoct wild stories in broad daylight. There were many talented people here.
Chu Wanning, who had heard "Elder Yuheng, please be merciful" countless times, finally spoke to the disciples.
"Pleading for Mo Weiyu?" He paused and said, "Yes, all of you may come up."
Those people didn't know what would happen and went up tremblingly.
A golden light flashed in Chu Wanning's palm. Tianwen appeared as commanded, and wrapped around the dozens of people together with a whistle, and tied them firmly in place.
Not again!!
Mo Ran was beginning to get desperate. Just the sight of Tianwen made his legs weak. He really didn’t know where Chu Wanning got such a perverted weapon. It was a good thing he had never taken a wife in his previous life. The poor girl who would marry him, if she didn't get whipped to death, she would be questioned to death.
Chu Wanning's eyes were quite mocking. He asked one of them: "Mo Ran helped you ward off evil spirits?"
How could the disciple resist the torture of TIanwen? He immediately howled: "No! No!"
He asked another one: "Mo Ran helped you overcome your qi deviation?"
"Ah! Never! Never!"
"Mo Ran gave you an elixir?"
"Ah—! Help! No, no! I made it up! I made it up!"
Chu Wanning loosened the hold, but then raised his hand and waved the weapon fiercely, it crackling and blazing, Tianwen suddenly lashed out and hit the backs of the lying disciples.
There were screams instantly, blood splashing.
Chu Wanning's eyebrows furrowed, and he scolded: "What are you calling? Kneel down! Disciple attendant!"
"Deliver the punishment!"
As a result, instead of reaping the benefits of defending Mo Ran, each of them was beaten with ten strikes each for violating the mandate of deception, plus a bonus willow vine lash gifted by Elder Yuheng.
After nightfall, Mo Ran lay on his bed. Although he had been given medicine, his back was covered with staggered scars. He couldn't even turn himself over without almost crying from the pain. He sniffled.
He had been born, so whimpering like this made him look like a fluffy, abandoned kitten. But it was a pity that his thoughts didn't match that cute kitten image.
He gripped the bedding and bit into the sheets, imagining that this was that bastard Chu Wanning. He bit! Kicked! Stomped! Tore!
The only comfort is that Shi Mei came to visit him with a bowl of wontons. He stared at him with those gentle and pitiful eyes, and Mo Ran's tears fell even more fiercely.
He didn't care whether men were supposed to hold in their tears or not, he loved to act spoiled in front of the person he liked.
"Does it still hurt a lot? Can you sit up?" Shi Mei sat on the edge of his bed and sighed. "Shizun, he. . . he was too cruel. Look at your back. . . there are several wounds. Some are still bleeding."
Mo Ran's heart softened, a warmth gradually rose in his chest. His teary eyes lifted from the bedding and he blinked.
"Since Shi Mei cares about me so much, I, I'm not in too much pain anymore."
"Oh, how can it not hurt if you look like this? You know what Shizun's temperament is like, will you dare do something like this in the future?"
In the candlelight, Shi Mei looked at him a little helplessly and a little distressedly. The amorous eyes were gleaming, like warm spring water.
Mo Ran's heart moved slightly, and he cleverly said: "Never again. I swear.
"Does anyone believe your promises anymore?" Even though he said that, Shi Mei also smiled, "The wontons are getting cold, can you sit up? If you can't get up, just lie on your stomach and I will feed you."
Mo Ran had already climbed up halfway, but immediately collapsed back down when he heard this.
Shi Mei: ". . ."
Whether it was this life or his previous one, Mo Ran's favourite food was Shi Mei's handmade wontons. The dough was as thin as a cloud of smoke, and the filling was tender and moist, melting in his mouth after every bite.
Especially the soup, the milky consistency, sprinkled with green onions, tender yellow egg wisps, and topped with a spoonful of spicy chilli peppers fried with garlic. It made whoever ate it feel so warm that they would never be cold again.
Shi Mei carefully spoonfed him. While feeding him, he said: "I didn't put any chilli oil today. You're badly hurt. Spice isn't good for recovery. Just drink the broth instead."
Mo Ran stared at him and he couldn't look away. He smiled: "Spicy or not, as long as you made it, it's delicious."
"Smooth talker." Shi Mei also smiled, picking up a poached egg lying in the soup, "Here's your reward, I know you like them."
Mo Ran laughed, a small tuft of hair curling on his forehead, like a flower blooming: "Shi Mei."
"What's happening?"
"Nothing, I just felt like saying your name."
". . ."
The hair tuft swayed back and forth.
"Shi Mei."
Shi Mei held back a smile: "Just felt like it again?"
"Hmm, just saying your name makes me happy."
Shi Mei sat silently for a moment then gently touched his forehead: "Silly boy, do you have a fever?"
Mo Ran let out a laugh. He rolled over, looking at him sideways, his eyes bright, as if full of fine stars.
"It would be a dream if I could eat Shi Mei's wontons every day"
He truly meant it.
After Shi Mei died, Mo Ran had always wanted to try the wontons he made again, but it is what it is, and he wasn't coming back.
At that time, Chu Wanning hadn't completely broken off all relations with him. Whether it was out of guilt or something else, he didn't know, but when he saw Mo Ran knelt in front of Shi Mei's coffin in a daze, Chu Wanning went quietly to the kitchen, kneaded dough and minced the fillings, carefully folded a couple wontons. But Mo Ran saw what he was doing before he had finished. With the loss of the love of his life, Mo Ran just couldn't bear it. He felt like Chu Wanning was doing it to mock him, a botched attempt at imitating them, a deliberate insult to injury.
Shi Mei was dead. Chu Wanning could have saved him, but he refused to help. Afterwards, he wanted to replace Shi Mei and make wontons for Mo Ran instead? Did he think that this would make him happy?
He rushed into the kitchen and knocked over all the utensils. The round wontons fell out of his hands and all over the floor.
He screamed at Chu Wanning: "Who the hell do you think you are? You think you're worthy of replacing him? Of making the food he used to? Shi Mei is dead, are you satisfied? Or do you have to torture your disciples until they go mad or die before you're happy? Chu Wanning! No one in this world can make those wontons anymore. You can try but you'll never be him!"
Now he was eating this bowl with such deep joy. He slowly ate them, savouring them. Although he was still smiling, his eyes were a little moist. Fortunately, the candlelight was dim, and Shi Mei couldn't see his subtle expression clearly.
Mo Ran said: "Shi Mei."
"Thank you."
Shi Mei froze for a moment, and then smiled gently: "Isn't it just a bowl of wontons? No need to be so formal about it. If you like them, I will always make them for you in the future."
Mo Ran wanted to say, the thanks wasn't just for the wontons.
Thank you also, whether in the last life or in this life, for being the only one to look out for me, not caring about my origins, didn't care about the fourteen years I spent scavenging around.
Thank you, because if it weren't for the sudden thought of you, after being reborn, I'm afraid I would not be able to stop myself from killing Rong Jiu. I would've made a big mistake, and walked the same path I had before.
Fortunately, in this life, I was reborn before you die. I will definitely take good care of you. If you are sick, and that cold-blooded demon Chu Wanning is unwilling to save you, I will.
But how could he have said these words aloud?
In the end, Mo Ran just drank the soup, leaving not even a single green onion behind. He licked his lips unconsciously, his dimples prominent, and he was as cute as a very fluffy little cat.
"Will there be more tomorrow?"
Shi Mei couldn't help but shake his head: "You don't want something else? Won't you get sick of them?"
"I'll never get tired of your wontons, as long as you don't get tired of making them."
Shi Mei shook his head and smiled: "I don't know if there's enough flour left. If there's not enough, I'm afraid I can't make it. If I can't, do you think the eggs in sweet soup are alright instead? They are also one of your favourites."
"Okay, okay. As long as you make it, anything is okay."
Mo Ran's heart surged. He was so happy he could roll around in the blankets.
Look at caring Shi Mei is, Chu Wanning, you go screw yourself! I get to lie in bed with a beauty taking care of me, hehe!
Thinking of Shizun, a rush of anger mixed with the tenderness he had been feeling.
Mo Ran started to dig the bottom of the headboard with resentment again. He cursed, what Yuheng of the Night Sky, what the Beidou Immortal, it's all fucking bullshit!
Chu Wanning, just wait and see!!
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dxn0 · 2 years
Joker gets Rejected (why tf did I write this)
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Before Reading: This is solely a crackfic and nothing else so don’t take any of this seriously. My friend is also writing this with me so I’ll link their tumblr at the end. Also, I don’t ship Joker x Female Dancer. Have fun reading this and happy birthday you fucking clown.
Somewhere inside of a manor was a clown performing clown stuff. The clown prepares a few rockets before playing the manor’s games. He can’t wait to bash a bunch of adults around. While focusing on his task, he hears a feminine voice in the background. He turns around to see who this mysterious person is, lo and behold it’s a familiar face. Her black hair was encased under something that looks like a shower cap but for dancing. The outfit she was wearing was of a pink one piece dress that looks like a damn bathing suit. He knew exactly who she was because no one would wear that unless they’re from the circus.
“Natalie, is that you?”
The woman whips around. “Huh? How do you one of my names that I used to hide my identitty cause I’m a bitch?” Side note: I don’t think she’s a bitch but fuck it. Side note from dumbass: I made her a bitch.
“Wait what?” Another woman was talking to her before his confrontation. 
“Oh my god, Natalie I missed you. I’m the Weeping Clown from the circus :D.”
Natalie or I guess Margaretha or Natasha changes the tone of her voice and says,“Ew, you ain’t Weeping Clown. Tf you talking about. He ain’t buff, he a scrawny mf. Didn’t Weeping Clown get abducted by a spider thingy?”
“I was turned into a hunter when I got caught. Please I miss you, Sergie was a whore and messed up my face PLEASE wAHHHHHH.”
“No get away from me you over stuffed, body builder, clown ass bitch. Ain’t I or anyone else would believe this weird ass bullshit that came out of your wide ass mouth.” 
“Oh don’t you come after me! You don’t look like my hoe in those years, again he a scrawny mf and died from a whole ass spider. Like honestly, what a loser.
Everyone else from the Hullabaloo was watching from afar and were asking all of the four wh’s. The what, why, when, and who. Joker was busy tearfully begging Margaretha that it’s him, so he couldn’t see the other hunters of the manor take some photos of him to blackmail. Margaretha continued to deny such a thought and books it. Haha get rejected L loser lmfao fuck clowns hoe ass bitch. anyway my bestie’s tumblr <33: https://mara-dumbass.tumblr.com/
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taeguboi · 4 years
BTS HC - Lockdown
In which each BTS member lives with y/n
I’m hoping these imagines might lighten the mood for anyone who might be feeling a bit lonely right now.
Please see the end of post first if you need some context or wish to see the notes
Has good balance of me time and us time
steps back when you both need space
sitting in the back yard on some chair reading a book
taking in the sun
The restrictions don’t hinder him from making sure you both get plenty of sun and fresh air
it isn’t much but in week 1, he gave the back yard a little tidy up
turned it into a place to chill out
so there aren’t any flower planted or decor
but it makes all the difference
there’s chairs, a table and a parasol
to you, this is perfect
Spot of tea under cooler weather
or orange juice under the sun
Board games at the table in the back yard
you tried cards once out there but even just the slightest breeze...
The card games are for when it rains
or for when neither of you quite feel like going out today
He swears you’re cheating at UNO
you swear he’s just really bad at it
turns out he keeps saving those wild 4 draw cards too long
which you gather over his last 3 rage quits 
because he just slings the cards, revealing them to you
“You play it too safe” you tell him
so he plays it a bit less safe
“Yes! Finally I won!”
“OH! Look at that!” you smile
he smiles back because of how proud you...
“...it’s sunny again!”
‘Goddammit y/n...’
Shopping trips together
not so helpful when the rules get stricter
“One adult at a time please...”
oh dear
who goes in?
so you go in
“Crap! Namjoon has the shopping list!”
this period of time really shows how you complete each other
pretty much every day you each think
“what would I do without him/her?”
Random talks
he tells you about this one book he read
and now you want to read it
so you do
and you can’t take your eyes off it
you find a new love for reading
so sometimes when you both need me time
you remain in the same room, just reading a book each
Every day you feel enlightened
almost sad at the thought of going back to normal life
because you won’t have as much time for yourself
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Everyone is suddenly having the time to cook from scratch
imagine Jin’s frustration since he did this all along
so when certain things he usually gets aren’t in stock
“Oh for crying out loud!”
you sometimes have to calm him down when shopping
and since only 1 adult in at a time it’s like a really awkward phone call
you’re just stood outside alone like
“For Christ’s sake Jin! Calm down!”
but he makes every meal taste great anyway
“Sorry it doesn’t have the usual...”
“Jin, please!” you reply
because it’s still really yummy because
“you’re still the best cook in the world, okay?”
“Okay fine...” he sighs “Thank you”
can I just add here food is the only time you both get hysterical at each other
He still low key hoard particular ingredients when he FINALLY can get them
and you have to explain how irrational he’s being
“We don’t need SIX tubes of tomato puree!”
“Jin... How are we going to use up all THIS fruit and veg before it goes off?”
But he’s not selfish, no
if he’s in a shop and sees someone elderly, he helps them out
“Would you like me to reach that for you?”
“Do you need any toilet paper? There’s 2 packs left - here”
“Here’s my number; let me know if you need me to run any errands for you”
ahh you’re lucky to be living with such a gentleman
Daily walks in the park to feed the ducks
“This is the best kind of exercise” he tells you “...relaxed and where you can connect with nature”
some of the ducks at the beginning of the lockdown are a bit nutty
Jin may or may not be low key scared of that one goose
“I swear it’s giving me the evils”
it may or may not have chased him the second day in
*Jin running away in the distance*
You cooked for him that evening
“Honey, I don’t know how to put this...”
“Aw sweetie it’s okay about what happened in the park; I mean you were the one holding the bread and...”
“oh no no” he replies. “this meal is awful”
but it’s okay
you knew the minute you offered to make dinner it wasn’t going to turn out well
so you both agree the kitchen will be his space to work his magic in during lockdown
and he somehow gets better than he already is at cooking
just woowwww
but neither of you get podgy
Lazy exercises together
chair exercises watching the tv
small periods of jogging in the woods
“oh wow, what’s that?”
you come across some random squirrel
and all of a sudden trips to the park for that daily walk 
it turns into a nature watch
bird watching
luckily he forgets about the angry goose
Sometimes talking about what you miss
and then promising to do all of those things when everything is back to normal
so many plans
and it helps you both stay optimistic
because you just created a bunch of stuff to look forward to
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Late night movie marathons
and accidentally getting into a routine of late mornings late nights
Cooking together
because neither of you want to do it
but someone has to
can’t live on instant food for all this time
Night time walks
less people, less danger
please don’t yell at me if we’re not supposed to do this in real life I haven’t actually been out that late during lockdown hahaha
it’s only around a few blocks
but deep talks, you know
There may not be much room in the back garden
but you have a ball and a hoop
basketball together
he teaches you to shoot better
“yes! I did it!”
*he hugs you from behind*
sorry that was gay
He’s actually quite chill about the whole lockdown situation
almost like he forgets the circumstances sometimes
“I think I might nip down to _____’s house today...”
“Uh, Yoongi, remember?”
“Oh yeah”
Detective series marathons too
the two of you trying to figure out whodunnit
sometimes even low key bets or light arguments if you disagree
a mildly sore loser when you’re correct
smug af when he is correct
Evenings lounging in the back yard with the drink of your choice
some quiet music on 
random hypothetical conversations and questions about life
“what if...”
“what happened to...”
“don’t you think that cloud looks like a goldfish?”
Board games that keep the brain stimulated
why is he so good at scrabble
you can’t recall a game you’ve won
but no monopoly
not after the last time
“I want a divorce!”
“We’re not married”
tbf you might as well be an old married couple
because there’s those films you just watch over and over
close to unlocking the power of mind reading
“want a cup of tea?”
“omg I was about to ask that”
Some days you get on each other’s nerves a little though
so you each occupy yourselves with little chores
and even though you weren’t in the mood to do anything together
you’ve just made the house look great in a day as a team
and you’ve got everything you need just in time for dinner
“I’m proud of us”
“I’m proud of us too”
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Picnics in the back garden
much better than one in the park though
there’s no packing involved
there’s cushions
sometimes low key fine dining
your favourite is the one evening picnic the other day
you had been shopping alone for the essentials
and he wanted to surprise you
he had set up a makeshift table out of a few old crates
did the cooking
the pasta dish was lovely
there was even dessert
okay the dessert was M&S
fairy lights
seriously you swear you weren’t out for that long how did he manage all of this so fast?
staring at the stars
and there were blankets too
dozing off until early hours of the morning
finally coming indoors at like 2am
sleeping in til noon oops haha
then binge watching some random show together 
and now it’s your new favourite
For some reason you have a big stock of popcorn
watching any old crap on the TV as an excuse to eat it
like there’s 3 films on this afternoon that sound shite
but you’re going to watch them all anyway
and the third one is actually really good
more popcorn more films
“we should probably go out at some point...”
whoops it’s been like 4 days now
and now it’s raining damn
fuck it, you go out anyway
dancing in the rain in an empty park
followed by shivering on the walk home
he gets in the shower first
but then runs a lovely hot bath for you
candles, bubble bath, the works
just so you can have some relaxing time to yourself
so thoughtful
lockdown doesn’t mean needing to compromise on showing you love each other
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You’re not quite sure how you got pulled into this
but Jimin decided to make use of his YouTube following
Virtual dance classes
and fun little exercise sessions for all the family
He does the dance classes solo
but he loves to flaunt you to the world even in lockdown
“Today joining me for this session... my lovely significant other, y/n!”
at first you felt uncertain and a little conscious
but thanks to Jimin your confidence grew
He helps you stay positive during a tough time
and you even feel like your self improvement has been going amazingly well
he even inspires you to make your own channel
to show the world what you love; [insert hobby/interest here]
people love the both of you
they go to Jimin’s channel to keep fit and happy
and your channel just fills them with joy
But not everything revolves around the virtual world
Care packages for all of your friends
food and other essentials get mailed to the ones that lost their jobs
and for the ones still working, a bundle of stuff for their mental well being
and a little drawing with rainbow colours in each
and a positive message
Woolly jumpers, cushions and hot chocolate
sweater paws
Sometimes in the evening you doze off
like you fall asleep just as you are
and you wake up to the smell of food and a blanket over you
Sometimes you miss your friends
and Jimin hates to see you down
so he organises a big surprise
his hands over your eyes as he walks you into the living room
“surprise!” you hear over the laptop
and then Jimin hands you some gifts 
he asked them all a few days ago to send you something meaningful
and your heart just melts
and you may or may not cry a little in front of your friends on the video call
you just have to do something in return so
You make the living room all nice whilst he’s making a video in the garden
wow you’re actually quite proud
the lighting is just right
the improv decor is actually somewhat aesthetic
“Honey, why’s it so dull in here..... Woah, what’s this?”
“Dinner’s ready” you smile
and you have a gift for him too
you can’t wipe the smile off his face when he sees it
a scrapbook of memories between you and him
which you look through after eating
“We’re going to make more memories like this once this blows over”
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Lots of online socialising
Calls with his friends 
which you always end up being a part of in the background with your commentaries
Cute online double dates with Jimin and/or your best friend
Will try everything and anything to kill the boredom
“look what I found in the bargain bin at the supermarket!”
“Tae, I’m not really sure I’m in the mood to take up crocheting...”
but actually it turns out to be more fun that you thought
he has his little ways of making everything fun
one day you guys just find some random paints in a cupboard
and WOW
he’s so good at it
such beautiful landscapes
Makes sure that you both maintain some sort of routine
“best make sure we have an early night lovely”
“why? it’s not like there’s much to do tomorrow”
but no matter how sceptical you may be at times
he’s determined to be your sunshine
he helps you stay sane
makes everything sound productive
“because tomorrow we are going to make a playlist for when we walk, feed the ducks, go shopping, learn how to make a new dish...”
makes you a cup of tea just because
or breakfast in bed
the perfect companion
caring about even the people he can’t physically be with
“we haven’t heard from _____ in a while; we should drop a phone call or something”
but it isn’t just a phone call
it’s also a letter in the mail a few days later
plus a painting for the close friends
Dressing up really formal for a home date
3 course meal, courtesy of the microwave
then a slow dance in the living room
always the romantic
“tonight was amazing... will I see you again?”
“you are terrible Tae, you really are!”
such a joker
he keeps you smiling through it all
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Tries to get you to go on daily jogs with him
“Can’t I just walk?”
“Come on, y/n; get those endorphins running through you!”
you try like once
Nintendo switch
Not that I have one welp
I can just imagine it okay
Lots of active games
thrashes you at Wii Sports Tennis
but you whoop his ass at Bowling
he does most of the shopping
so that he can go for a jog first
and also so he’s not out too often in any one day, two birds one stone and all that
Doesn’t quite always get the shopping list right….
“I wrote 1-2 bananas… You’ve brought back 12”
blames your handwriting
Small bits of banter like this keep you both sane
and he eats all those bananas in like 2 days
“What? There was no cereal in the shop”
someone teach this boy to cook please
*brings back like a crate load of instant noodles*
at least it means you’ve come up with something to pass the time
teaching Jungkook some basic meals
maybe beginning with breakfast first thing in the morning wasn’t the best idea
“Jungkook! I said keep an eye on it!”
“I did”
and he literally just watched the bacon burn instead of regularly flipping it over
Singing to you whilst snuggling on the couch
meme-y dances before bed time
like you’ll be sat in bed maybe watching tv / reading
and something moves in the corner of your eye
oh my word Jungkook
*insert all the meme-y dances you have even seen him do*
the biggest dork
can’t stop laughing at his own silliness afterwards
jumps into the bed and puts his head on your shoulder
falls asleep like this quite fast
well you aren’t surprised since he’s always so energetic
Small campfires in the back garden
the best marshmallows you’ve ever had
and it’s so much fun
campfire stories
usually people have a guitar around the fire
not Jungkook though, no
*serenades you with a ukulele purposely singing out of tune*
has you in stitches
people in the neighbouring houses hear the laughter and some think it’s insensitive to be laughing so much
but seriously, if you can’t laugh, what can you do?
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So I thought I’d make a post around the strange times many of us are living in. Whilst I get that some readers may not be in a situation like mine (UK) so a quick bit of context for you even though I made the location / country ambiguous in my writing. The circumstances explained in the imagines though are of course based on my experiences in England.
Right now, we are limited in what we do; only essential shops are open, (supermarkets, pharmacies, etc,) the country is being advised to go out as little as possible, (only for food shopping, medical reasons and exercise,) social gatherings aren’t allowed, our death rate has been increasing due to the virus (even our prime minister has it,) and our NHS is overwhelmed - currently more than 10,000 being treated as I’m listening to the news and writing this note. 
I hope everyone is staying safe and doing the right thing by staying indoors and maintaining social distancing.
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bl-danmei-yaoi · 5 years
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20050420
If Meng Shi gained powers from the worship she received in the Guanyin temple and used it to help Meng Yao reincarnate.
As Jin Guangyao is dragged into the coffin by Nie Mingjue’s corpse, he thinks, that’s it. Everything ends here. His ambitions, his desires, his foolishness, his ruthlessness, his pain, his sufferings. Everything ends here. Jin Guangyao feels mostly relief. Because he’s grown tired of the life he’s made for himself. But at the same time, he felt regretful. Because he can never make up to the people he’d let down. The only people in his life who ever truly loved and cared for him, he had let them down.
 Darkness embraces Jin Guangyao. He does not know for how long. But then, he suddenly hears a familiar voice that would bring tears to his eyes if he was still alive.
 “A-Yao”, the voice calls, gently, sweetly.
 “Mother…” Jin Guangyao, no, Meng Yao, replies. “Mother… I’m sorry… I’ve let you down.”
 “No, A-Yao, it was Mother who was wrong. Mother was foolish. I thought that by following your father, you will be happier. With Mother, you have always been looked down own. It hurt my heart but there was little I could do to protect you. I thought that your father would have treated you even a little bit well, considering blood relations, but I was wrong. Instead of helping you gain happiness, I was the one who pushed you into hell.” Meng Shi’s voice echoes solemnly.
 “No, Mother. It is all my fault.”
 “A-Yao… You are a good boy. This temple you have built for me is the very evidence. Because of that, the worship I have gotten has given me some powers. I could not help you before, but now, Mother can repent for her mistakes.” With that, Meng Yao feels his soul being pulled by an invisible force.
 “A-Yao, Mother has given you life again. Mother wants to tell you to live happily and carefree. But this time, all I want is for you to follow your heart. Don’t force yourself to be someone you are not. Mother gives you all her blessings…”
 Then, Meng Yao takes the first breath he has taken since Jin Guangyao died.
 “Wahhhhhh!” The sound of a baby cries out.
 “He’s born! He’s born! Quick! Give the child to me!” A man happily asks the midwife for the child. Then, gently carrying the child, he walks over to show his wife. “Look! Our little son! He looks just like you!”
 The wife looks helplessly at her husband. The newborn baby is all red and wrinkled. How can he possibly tell who the child looks like?
 “What shall we name our son?” The husband asks his wife excitedly.
 Without a thought, the wife suddenly says, “Yao. His name is Meng Yao. Our precious jade.”
 The husband smiles, nodding happily. “Welcome to the family, A-Yao.”
 Hearing this, the baby cries even harder, heart-wrenchingly so.
 “Aiyah! What’s wrong, darling? Don’t cry!” The husband panics, looking at the midwife for help.
 Just then, the door opens, and in comes a little boy, of about nine. “Is that my little brother? Why is he crying so badly?”
 “Don’t worry. It’s normal for newborn babies to cry. He seems to have a healthy set of lungs.” The midwife laughs.
 “Let me hold my baby brother!” The young boy says, stretching out his hands.
 “Be careful,” The husband reminds his elder son. Carefully, he passes his youngest son to the boy. “Your hands must be like this. Remember to support his head. Here.”
 “Hello, baby brother. Big brother will protect you, so don’t cry.”
 That night, Meng Yao is reborn. To a normal but loving family. His new father, Meng Guo, is Meng Shi’s distant cousin’s son. Hence, Meng Yao’s new body has much resemblance to his old one. His new mother is called Mei Yu, while his new older brother is called Meng Hu. And although they are just normal people who cannot cultivate, Meng Yao is happy.
 In the next sixteen years that passed, Meng Yao grew to accept his past. At first, he wanted to avoid it altogether. His new family is so warm, everything he has ever wanted in a family. But Meng Yao could not be so heartless as to forget his mother, Meng Shi, who helped to give him this. Meng Yao knows that Meng Shi must have suffered severe consequences for helping him to reincarnate without going through the proper channels. Meng Yao had felt guilty at first, hence encouraging him to forget his past and to just drown in the happiness of his new life. Slowly, as his new family healed the wounds in his soul, Meng Yao is able to look back on his past calmly. And then, more often than not, Meng Yao is often reminded of Lan Xichen.
 Meng Yao had resented Lan Xichen for stabbing him. But Meng Yao also understands that he could not blame Lan Xichen for that. Although he claimed to never have intended to hurt Lan Xichen, Meng Yao knows that he has. He’d broken Lan Xichen’s trust and did terrible things. And so, he learns to forgive Lan Xichen for stabbing him. After all, there is nothing to forgive.
 Meng Yao knows that Meng Shi wanted him to forget his past, so that he could live happy and carefree in this new life. But how can Meng Yao forget? Meng Shi and Lan Xichen are both very important people in his past life, and he had learned many lessons as well. Hence, Meng Yao does not forget, but he does not let them become his demons either. Instead, he used them as a reminder to better appreciate what he has now.
 It is just an ordinary day, when Meng Yao hears his brother, Meng Hu, shouting frantically. “A-Yao! Help get a doctor! Quick!”
 The words scare Meng Yao into action, running quickly outside the house to see Meng Hu supporting a man with blood-soaked white robes. Meng Yao sees the familiar embroidery on the white robes. They belonged to the Lan Sect. Upon hearing Meng Hu call out “A-Yao”, the injured man had looked up, eyes meeting Meng Yao’s.
 “Er-Ge,” Meng Yao whispers under his breath, rooted to the spot when he recognises the injured man.
 “A-Yao? Why are you just standing there? Quickly get a doctor!” Meng Hu calls out, breaking Meng Yao out from his trance.
 Worry quickly engulfs Meng Yao’s heart as he ran off to find a doctor. Why is Er-Ge here? Why is Er-Ge injured? Is he okay? Will he be okay? When Meng Yao finds the doctor, he takes the tools from the doctor’s hands, running back off himself.
 “Hey! Wait for me!” The doctor calls out.
 “I will go back first to do first aid!” Meng Yao shouts back, not pausing in his steps.
 When Meng Yao returns, Lan Xichen is lying on the floor, unconscious. Without a word, Meng Yao tries to carry Lan Xichen to his bed.
 “Aiyah! A-Yao! Don’t move him anymore.” Meng Hu says.
 “I’ll bring him to my bed. I can’t just let him lie on the floor!” Meng Yao says, struggling but failing to move Lan Xichen.
 “It will be difficult to wash the blood out,” Meng Hu says.
 “I know how to, so it's not a problem. Brother. Help me move him.” Meng Yao replies. Seeing Meng Hu’s hesitance, Meng Yao runs over to softly tug at his brother’s sleeves. He knew that his brother was weak to that. “Please, Brother?”
 Sighing, Meng Hu pats the top of Meng Yao’s head. As he goes over to carry Lan Xichen again, he does not forget to say, “Then A-Yao must do something for me.”
 “What does Brother want?” Meng Yao asks, bringing the doctor’s tools with him to his room.
 “Hmm… A-Yao must make me dessert every day until Mother and Father return from their trip.” Meng Hu says. In their family, Meng Yao had the best cooking, and everyone loved Meng Yao’s desserts. However, their mother, Mei Yu, did not let Meng Yao make desserts often because she believed it was unhealthy. Hence, Meng Yao’s desserts were reserved only for special occasions.
 “Okay,” Meng Yao replies easily. “But you must make sure Mother does not find out.”
 When the doctor arrives, Meng Yao has already stopped the blood.
 “Not bad,” The doctor praises Meng Yao’s first aid. “Interested to be my apprentice?”
 Meng Yao smiles. He had a lot of experience wrapping up his own wounds in his past life. Meng Yao had not found what he wanted to do in this life yet, thinking that maybe he could open up a dessert shop or something. But hearing the doctor’s words, Meng Yao thinks that maybe he should be a doctor. In his past life, he had taken many lives. To make up for that, he could help save lives instead. “I will be honoured.”
 The next few days, as Lan Xichen remains unconscious, Meng Yao begins learning from the doctor. Meng Yao is wiping down Lan Xichen with a wet towel when he hears a familiar voice.
 Looking up, Meng Yao sees that Lan Xichen is awake. Meng Yao greets Lan Xichen calmly, as if they are strangers.
 “A-Yao… It’s you, right? You’re my A-Yao…” Lan Xichen says, voice deep with sorrow. “I’m sorry, A-Yao. Please forgive your Er-Ge.”
 Meng Yao feels tears prick at the back of his eyes but he resists the urge to cry into Lan Xichen’s chest. Looking back down, Meng Yao says. “There is nothing to be sorry for.”
 “There is. It’s my fault for not noticing. For not being there and helping you when you needed help.”
 “It’s not Er-Ge’s responsibility.”
 “It is. Not only am I your Er-Ge, but as someone who loves you, I should not have been so blind to your needs. Wangji could tell when Wei gongzi needed help. Yet, I could not.”
 The words cause Meng Yao’s heart to skip a beat. Calming himself down, Meng Yao says, “How can our relationship be compared to theirs?”
 “Because I also love you, A-Yao. I realised I loved you when it was already too late.”
 Meng Yao looks up again, eyes wide in surprise. “You love me? Like Wangji loves Wei Wuxian?”
 “Yes… A-Yao… Can you give me a chance? Please? All these years, I’ve missed you.” Lan Xichen says. Then, without giving Meng Yao a chance to reply, he embraces the other.
 “Call me by my name… Please…”
 “A-Huan… I… But I… I’m just a normal person. I cannot cultivate. And I have a new family now. I must be filial to my new parents. They treat me so well… And my brother. I don’t want to leave this place.”
 “It’s okay. I will stay here with you.” Lan Xichen promises.
 “But what about the Lan Sect? And you’re not even going to ask how I’m alive when my soul is supposed to be trapped in the coffin?”
 “A-Yao… How you’re still alive is not important to me. The fact that you’re alive is more than enough for me. As for the Lan Sect… I am no longer the sect leader. The Sect Elders have decided that I’m too unstable. After you died, I stayed in seclusion for the first ten years. Then, I tried to return to my duties as Sect Leader, but I didn’t think I was suitable. I’m too naïve and foolish. And I couldn’t find any meaning in cultivating… I started going on Night Hunts alone, going for all sorts of dangerous creatures. If I could eliminate them, great. But if I couldn’t and they killed me instead, that’s fine too.”
 “Er-Ge! How could you…”
 “My name,” Lan Xichen reminds Meng Yao.
 “A-Huan… You…”
 “Every day, I thought of you. I thought of all the things I’ve done wrong. I couldn’t even protect the person I loved. How can I lead and protect a whole sect? A-Yao… I only have you left. Maybe I’m being shameless and selfish, trying to use this to guilt you into accepting me. But A-Yao… All my life, I’ve lived doing what is expected of me. Doing what’s considered right. But never have I been selfish and did what I wanted. After you died, I questioned the skies, why did I lose the person I love even though I’ve only done what is right? Where is the justice in that? And then, I realised that being selfless and benevolent will not give me you. So let me be selfish, and have you instead… Please… A-Yao.”
 Hearing Lan Xichen’s words, Meng Yao feels his heart clenching painfully. If Lan Xichen loves him and wants to be with him, and Meng Yao returns the feelings, then why should he reject? Follow your heart, Meng Shi had said. And so, Meng Yao does.
 Meng Hu realises that there is something strange with the way his little brother treats their guest. Meng Hu had been walking through the forest that day when he had found the injured man. Having been taught to be a good Samaritan by his parents, Meng Hu had brought the injured man home. Although he has never brought an injured stranger home before, Meng Hu is sure that the way Meng Yao reacts is strange. Who would let an injured stranger, still dripping blood, onto their beds? And every day, Meng Yao would religiously clean the stranger’s body with a wet cloth. When Meng Hu had asked, Meng Yao had replied that the stranger would not like to be dirty. Meng Hu had been confused. The stranger was unconscious, so how could he be upset at being unclean?
 It got even worse when the stranger woke up. His cute little brother began spending even more time with the stranger. Meng Hu learns that the stranger is called Lan Huan. And instead of calling the man “Lan Huan”, his little brother called the man “A-Huan”, as if they were very close. Before the man woke, Meng Yao had slept on his bed while Meng Hu himself slept on the floor. But after the man awoke, Meng Yao began sleeping back in his bed with the man. And then, whenever Meng Yao makes the dessert he owed Meng Hu, Meng Yao had also made the man a share. In fact, Meng Yao often made the man all sorts of food and desserts, and Meng Hu himself only got a small portion if he was lucky.
 Meng Hu crosses his arms as he stares across at the table. Meng Yao and that strange man were helping each other add food into each other’s bowls. Meng Hu only got this treatment rarely. Narrowing his eyes, a thought suddenly comes to Meng Hu’s head. That strange man was trying to steal his brother! Immediately, Meng Hu slams his chopsticks onto the table, startling the other two people who look at him questioningly.
 “Brother? What’s wrong?” Meng Yao asks.
 “A-Yao. Can you wait outside for a moment? I have something I want to say to Lan gongzi.” Meng Hu says. Although confused, Meng Yao listens. There was no way Meng Hu could hurt Lan Xichen and vice versa anyway.
 When Meng Yao leaves, Meng Hu immediately says, “Stay away from my little brother.”
 For a moment, Lan Xichen thinks that Meng Hu knows about their relationship.
 But then, Meng Hu continues, “A-Yao is my brother. Not yours. Don’t even think about stealing him. You want a little brother? Go somewhere else to steal one.”
 Lan Xichen smiles, trying not to laugh. “Don’t worry. I don’t see A-Yao as a little brother.”
 Of course not, Lan Xichen thinks. Meng Yao is his love.
 “Good,” Meng Hu sighs in relief. Then, voice deepening, he adds, “You better not be lying.”
 Unlike Meng Hu who saw Lan Xichen as a rival for his little brother’s affection, Meng Guo and Mei Yu happily accept Lan Xichen into the family. When the two finally returned from their little “honeymoon” trip, Lan Xichen was already mostly healed. Meng Yao never really had any friends, so the two were very happy to see the way Meng Yao interacted with Lan Xichen, thinking that their son has finally found a friend. And when they find out that Lan Xichen had nowhere else to go, they easily welcomed him to stay.
 A year after Lan Xichen and Meng Yao’s reunion, they finally come out to the Meng parents, thinking that enough time has passed for them to not feel that their relationship is too sudden. Furthermore, over the year, they never really hid their relationship.
 Meng Guo and Mei Yu had been surprised initially, but they saw the way the two interacted and believed that Lan Xichen will treat their son well. On the other hand, Meng Hu hates himself for having brought the injured Lan Xichen back in the first place. He had unknowingly brought a wolf into his home, and now the wolf has stolen is precious little brother. However, Meng Hu also acknowledges that Lan Xichen and Meng Yao are a perfect match. And so, threatening Lan Xichen to treat Meng Yao well or else, he begrudgingly gives them his blessings as well.
 And so, there came the stories of a travelling doctor and his knight. The doctor would help anybody, and for free, and his knight would stay beside him to protect him. When the two had died of old age, the villagers who had received their help wanted to do their funeral. However, another legendary couple had appeared and taken the dead bodies away.
 Burying the two together, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had told the departed souls, “Farewell, brother, brother-in-law.”
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thiscrimsonsoul · 5 years
A Witch and a Leafling
This is a wee ficlet between my muses Wanda Maximoff ( @thiscrimsonsoul ) and my fandomless leafling OC, Jix, ( @xleafyheartx ). Both are available for threads, if anyone is interested. Just shoot me a message!
The diminutive leafling crawled through the ventilation duct, all smiles, wondering where it led. Oh, sure, he’d been advised by Tony Stark not to go crawling around through the inner workings of the Avengers facility lest he get hurt or stuck somewhere, but Jix was much too curious and adventurous to pay the human’s advice any mind. Taking care not to snag any of his branches, he crawled along on his hands and roots, his beady eyes wide open with wonder. “Ooooh, is so dark and shiny in here. So many places for Jix to explore. Is exciting. Voice is doing the echoes. Having all the funs,” he murmured to himself, his tiny voice indeed echoing through the vent.
When he came to a little grate, he frowned, peering through it. “Hmm… what is in here? Is secret place?” He pushed on the grate but it would not move. “Have to push hard. Have to curl roots around the metal things and push. Puuuuuuush!” His efforts proved fruitful, but that meant the grating fell into the room, and him along with it. “Waaaaahhhhhhh!” he cried out as he fell, landing square on his backside. “Ohhh…” he groaned, feeling up where his branches and leaves were. Nothing hurt, except his backside of course, so it appeared he was fine.
Wanda heard the grate fall with a loud clang! and shot up in bed whirling around to seek out the cause of the sound. Seeing the vent cover lying on the floor and something moving beside it, her eyes widened. “What the hell is that…?” she whispered to herself, not expecting the creature – insect? plant? – to answer her.
When he heard someone speak, he looked up and was immediately offended by her choice of words. His hands curled to rest on what might have been hips, were he human. “Hey-heeeeey! Am not hell! Am leafling!” he protested from way down on the floor carefully standing up to his full twelve inches of height including all his branches and leaves. “If is not good time, can say, ‘not right now, Jix.’ Do not have to say Jix comes from hell. Is rude!”
Wanda’s eyes widened with startled incredulity. “I… I’m sorry…? I-I didn’t realize you could talk…” Her brow furrowed sharply as she struggled to understand what she was looking at.
“Is okay. Apolly-gee accepted. Let’s start again, yes-yes? Hi-hi! My name is Jix. Am not putting best roots forward here, I know, but… was exploring the vents and fell down. Landed on butt. It hurt.”
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“Oh,” Wanda said sympathetically, looking up at the vent opening. It was a fairly long fall for such a tiny creature. “Are you okay?” she asked, getting up from the bed and walking to the little creature, crouching beside him. Goodness, he’s cute. “My name is Wanda,” she said, smiling.
“Am pleased to meet, Wan-da! Yes-yes, am okay. Ego bruised more than butt. Is always true for Jix. Bad at climbing. Fall a lot. Need more practice,” he admitted, rubbing his backside, but then he smiled up at her. “Hi-hi…” he said again, much softer this time, for he noticed how red and puffy her eyes were. “Are having bad day? You fall down too? Jix used to cry years ago when I was sapling but now I don’t. Am tough. Bruised butt is no problem for Jix,” he said proudly.
Wanda was a little surprised that this tiny creature noticed that she’d been crying. That was more perceptive than she would have thought such a tiny being would be capable of, but then she supposed she shouldn’t judge. She’d never seen anything quite like him before. “No, I… I didn’t fall. It’s okay, it’s… not your problem,” she said, standing up and moving to sit on the bed. To her surprise, the leafling followed, jumping up to grab hold of the blankets and climb them until he was sitting beside her.
“Ohhh, you have problems? Is okay. You tell Jix. Talking with friends makes the problems go away,” he said with an innocent smile, idly kicking his long roots over the side of the bed.
“Um….” Wanda said shyly, pushing her hair behind her ear. “Yeah, my problems aren’t fixable, Jix.” Was… was she actually being counseled by a tiny plant creature?
“No-no?” he asked, his smile fading and his beady, black eyes blinking a few times. “Can still tell Jix. Will try to help.”
“I… don’t… want to upset you or anything… I’ve never even met one of your kind before, so I don’t know… how, um…” she stammered, not quite sure how to relate to him.
“Ohhh, you think Jix is sapling because am so small. Nope! Jix is adult! Just turned twenty-six in Febby-wary. Tell Jix all the problems,” the leafing insisted, reaching out to pat her knee.
His little pats with his tiny twig-like fingers made her smile. “You’re twenty-six?” Wanda asked, completely taken aback by that. “You’re older than I am.”
“Wooooow…!” Jix giggled. “Is funny because Wan-da is so big and Jix is so small,” he said. “Come on, tell problems to old grandleafy Jix,” he joked.
“Okay… well…. I recently lost my brother,” Wanda said. “And… we were very close… and I miss him a lot.”
“You lost brother? Can not find?” Jix asked.
“No, not… he’s not that kind of lost…” Wanda said, but she didn’t want to explain any further.
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Jix waited for her to keep talking, but when she did not, his little mind filled in the blanks. “WAHHHHHH! Oh noooooooo! Brother went to big forest in sky?!”
“Something like that, yes,” Wanda said.
“Oh noooo… What happened?” Jix asked, truly sorry.
“It’s a really long story…” And one she didn’t have the strength to tell in full at the moment.
“Hmm… is not fixable problem. Wan-da was right,” Jix whispered, still kicking his roots, albeit slower now. After a moment, he looked up at her again. “Jix is one of seventeen saplings.”
“You have seventeen brothers and sisters?!” Wanda asked.
“Yes-yes! Leaflings have big families. Fifteen to twenty at one time. Anyway, was only close with one. My sister Ki-mi! Jix and Ki-mi did all the things together. Aaaallll the things. But… then, one day, decided we needed to find own paths in great big forest of world, you know? Said the goodbyes and went own ways. Have not seen Ki-mi since. For all I know, could be lost like Wan-da’s brother or not. May never know. May never see again.”
“I’m sorry. That’s so sad,” Wanda said. She was beginning to think that this tiny creature really did understand how she felt. He seemed so human-like in his intelligence, and wise for his size and age. After all that she had seen recently, Wanda thought that nothing should surprise her anymore.
“Point is… Jix had many happy years with sister Ki-mi. When sad, I think of the fun things, the silly things, the happy things. Thinking about never seeing Ki-mi again is not good for Jix. Can not change. I do the cries and get de-hydra-uh…. dehydradat- no… um… Jix needs all water. Wan-da have good times with brother? Then think of those! Push self to smile, and after while, self will smile on own.”
“I know…” Wanda said, but she looked and felt unconvinced. “It’s just not that easy, Jix.”
“Is hard, Jix knows. But… have to try. Is okay to be sad and do the cries, but… if Wan-da has the sads for too long, sads will change her. Is not good. Remember pos-i-tive things about brother and push away the sad stuff. Yes-yes? Is making sense? English is not Jix’s first langy-widge.”
“Really? It’s not mine either,” Wanda said smiling a little.
“What Wan-da speaks beside English?” Jix asked with immense curiosity, his roots kicking a little more.
“I speak a few languages, but my native tongue is a Romani dialect,” she said. “What’s yours?”
“Is old form of Gaelic. Is what fae speak. Jix is tree fae. Look like tree but am not tree. Am tiny tree person,” he said, smiling brightly. Branches and leaves and roots are like the plants, but... inside Jix... is tiny skelly-ton and tiny heart and tiny lungs. All the tiny things that people have.”
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That... was amazing! He really was like a little tree person. “How did you get here, Jix?” she asked, wondering why she had never seen a leafling before in her life. “Are you from earth?”
“Yes-yes, am from earth. From biiiiig forest. Well… used to be big. Forest was cut down by mean humans. Got scared. Had to hide to keep self safe, but… got bumped on head! When Jix woke up, was in dark place with no light and could not escape! When dark place was opened, Jix jumped out and scared all the humans. Did not mean to scare, but… was scared too! Just trying to get back to forest! Was whole big thing. Such a mess! Humans grabbed Jix and put in cage and asked if I was en-hanced. Don’t know what that means, but then Jix was sent here. Big human with metal clothes let Jix out of cage.”
“A big human... with metal clothes?” Wanda asked. “Vision?”
“Hmm…? No-no. Jix’s eyesight is fine, thank-thank. Said name was Tony,” he replied.
“Oh. Tony Stark,” Wanda said, nodding and chuckling at Jix’s misunderstanding of Vision’s name.
“Yes-yes! Said Jix could stay here. Should stay here. Because… forest is all gone now,” Jix said, looking sad for a moment. He sighed. “Home is gone.”
“My home is gone too, Jix. And I know what it’s like to be kept in a cage,” Wanda shared.
Jix looked up at her, his tiny eyes blinking as he considered her words. That was sad, if she had the same things happen to her. It only made Jix even more determined to cheer her up.
“But this is our home now, and we’re not in cages anymore,” Wanda said to him with a smile. “So that’s something to be happy about, right?”
“Yes-yes,” Jix said, smiling back and nodding. “Can be friends and talk about lost siblings together?”
Wanda chuckled lightly. “Sure, why not?”
“Yay! Jix made a new friend! But… Wan-da have some water? Jix has the thirsties…” he asked, looking up at her hopefully. “Have them so bad.”
“Of course,” Wanda said, getting up to go to the kitchen area while Jix tried to climb down off the bed. He got halfway down and was left dangling with his roots flailing. “Do you need some help?”
“Yes please. Jix might fall again…” he said, waiting for her to put her hands underneath his roots before he let go of the comforter. His roots curled around her fingers to steady himself. “Thank-thank!” he said, but then he looked down at her hands. “Why Wan-da have metal braces on fingers? Broke fingers somehow? Ouchies.”
“Braces…? Oh, my rings? They’re just decoration. They’re part of how I express myself,” she explained, carrying him to the kitchen counter and letting him step down onto it while she got him a bowl of water.
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“Ex-priss?” Jix asked, his tiny face scrunching up in confusion. “What means?”
“Um… it’s how you show off your personality. What you like, what makes you happy, things like that. That’s how you express yourself personally. How do you express yourself, Jix?”
“Wahhh…” Jix sighed, thinking for a moment. “Don’t know! Have never thought of before. Have things that make Jix happy, but… do not wear them on self.”
“That’s okay,” Wanda said, putting a bowl of water next to Jix. “Anything you enjoy that’s special to you.”
“Thank-thank for water,” he said, bending over and practically dunking his face into it as the leaves on his branches fluttered around. “Ahhhh… is good,” he said, but then he stepped into the bowl, wetting his roots. “Roots will do rest so Jix can talk to Wan-da. Well… Jix loves sunny-shine and friends and tasty littles!”
“Tasty littles?” Wanda asked, leaning her elbows on the counter. “What are those?”
“Are pretty, colorful, tiny sweet things. Sometimes sour. Strawlittles are Jix’s favorite!” the leafling explained.
“Oh, fruit? Are you talking about fruit? Like apples and oranges and things like that?” she asked.
“Yes-yes! Are big-littles, though. Applies and orangies and greatfruits and peachies and mah-may-toes... Are bigger than littles. Is okay. Jix likes those too. But… littles are favorites.”
“Little fruits… Berries?” she asked, finding his strange way of talking rather adorable.
“Yes-yes! Is weird word, though. Why humans names things that do not tell what the things are? What are bewwies? What does bewwies tell Jix about the tasty littles? Nothing!” He threw up his thin arms for emphasis. “Are little. Are tasty. So call tasty littles! Is done. Can move on to other things. But no-no, humans have to think of whole new name for the littles. Why humans have to mess around with words that are not the things? Can explain to Jix?”
Wanda giggled at him, unable to not be at least a little bit cheered up by the leafling’s animated and odd way of speaking. “Well… I guess it’s because we want to be specific about things. If I call all berries tasty littles, then how do you know whether I’m talking about strawberries or blueberries?”
“Can look,” Jix said, shrugging. “Strawlittles are red, bluelittles are blue. Is easy to tell difference. Both are tasty.” He grinned.
“But what if you can’t see them?” Wanda asked.
“Invisible littles?!” Jix asked, his eyes growing as wide as they possibly could. “Wan-da do that using the magics?!”
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Wanda laughed again. “No, Jix… I’m saying what if they’re nearby but you just can’t see them? For example… I have some berries in my refrigerator right now.” She patted it behind her. “I guess you could call them tasty littles. So what kind are they? If you guess right, I’ll let you have some.”
“Ohhh… ohhhhhhh Jix wants the littles. How to know if in fridgy-eater? Jix can not see!” he said, fretting with his hands.
“That’s the point. That’s why humans need more specific names for thing. I’m still waiting for you guess…” she said playfully.
“Hmm… Is tough for Jix,” he said, staring at the refrigerator – he knew it was a big, cold box with food inside, for he had seen others rummaging through one on plenty of occasions – as if simply staring at it would somehow tell him the answer. “Would not mention the strawlittles and bluelittles if ones were those. Want to throw Jix off. Must be something else… like rasplittles. Unleeeess… Wan-da knew Jix would think that, and it really is strawlittles or bluelittles in fridgy-eater. Oooooh is puzzle too hard for Jix...”
He was trying so hard to guess and she couldn’t stop smiling. For the moment, she had forgotten her sadness, and that was worth its weight in gold to her. She would have to find a way of thanking Jix, but she had a feeling he would like what she had in the refrigerator anyway. And of course she was going to let him have it no matter what he guessed.
“Okay. Is time to make the guesses. Jix will guess strawlittles, because… are favorites and if are in fridgy-eater, do not want to miss out. If miss out on other types of littles, is okay,” he said definitively.
Wanda went to the refrigerator and pulled out a slice of cake. “You’re right!” she said, putting it down in front of him. “This is strawberry shortcake. I stole it from the common kitchen.” Taking out a knife and another plate, she scraped off some the strawberries on top and cut a sliver of cake for Jix, pushing it closer to him. She then got a fork for herself.
“Waaaahhhhh! Guessed right! Jix is genius!” he exclaimed. “Such beautiful strawlittles… And Jix loves cake too. Am learning that I like many sweet things humans make with littles. Is good.” He grabbed one of the strawberries and took a big bite out of it. “Mmmmmm!” he hummed. “Mmmumumum…” His eyes closed in contentment as he chewed. Once he had finished that mouthful, he reached for some of the cake. “Is sooooo good. Is time for cake now,” he said, grabbing a handful of it. “Thank-thank for sharing cake and tasty littles with Jix, Wan-da!”
“You’re very welcome, Jix,” she said, starting on the rest of the cake herself. “Thank you for the pleasant distraction from my thoughts.”
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“Not bad for falling out of vent and onto butt, yes-yes?” Jix asked, winking at her.
“Not bad at all,” Wanda agreed.
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Amelia/Nino C-S Support
Written by  four-loose-screws
Nino: Hiya! My name’s Nino! What’s yours?
Amelia: Ah! Sniff… You surprised m-
Nino: I’m trying my best to get to know everyone here!
Amelia: Sniff… Th-that’s really impressive! There’s so many people here! And I’m-
Nino: Yeah! I was just discussing Askr fashion with… um…Sharon? Sharena? Uh, yeah! Her! And now I’d like to get to know you, um… Can you say your name again?
Amelia: I didn’t even get to say it once yet!
Nino: Oh…
Amelia: I’m Amelia. It’s nice to meet you, Nino! Sniff…
Nino: Nice to meet you too, Amelia! And sorry I didn’t let you say your name… I always get too excited… By the way… can I ask you something?
Amelia: Sure. Anything. Sniff…
Nino: What’s up with your nose? You keep wiping it, and it’s all red! And you keep sniffing!
Amelia: I-It’s just an allergy… There’s many flowers here that I’ve never seen before… Nino: No, that’s not it! You’ve definitely been crying!
Amelia: Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!
Nino: Ah, i-it’s okay! You can tell me what’s wrong! I’ll help make you feel better!
Amelia: I just want to go home! Wahhhhhh!
Nino: Home is great, it’s not such a big deal! This is the best place ever! Family and friends that we’d never be able to see again are being summoned here all the time!
Amelia: B-But… the person I want to see isn’t a hero like us… she won’t… wahhhhhhhhh… Mother…!!
Nino: I-I’m sorry! W-We can stop talking! I’ll just be here for you! Oh, I messed everything up…
[Amelia and Nino have reached support rank C.]
Nino: Hiya, Amelia!
Amelia: Hi, Nino! Nice to see you again!
Nino: Really? Even though I ruined everything the other day? I’m so, so sorry! Please don’t hate me. I want to make friends! I don’t want to feel lonely ever again!
Amelia: Don’t worry about that, Nino! I didn’t think you were bad for a second. In fact, I thought you were an amazing person. Even though we were total strangers, you took the time to try and make me feel better. I’d love to be friends with a person like you!
Nino: Wow, really? Yay! I did it! I made a new friend!
Amelia: Yeah! This feels awesome!
Nino: Yippie! So, what were you crying about? I-I mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to! I want to be a good friend, and good friends don’t pressure each other too hard!
Amelia: I don’t mind telling you. …It was about my mother. I haven’t seen her for a very, very long time. I thought she had been killed by bandits, and I lived a lonely life for a long time. Then, during the War of the Stones, a kind knight named Duessel told me that she was still alive, and after we were done fighting, he could take me to her! But before that could happen… I… I was brought here. And now… who knows when I’ll finally be able to see her again.
Nino: Sniff…
Amelia: N-Nino? Are you alright?
Nino: Waaaahhhhhh! That’s such a sad story! What if you never see your mother again? I know how you feel! I wish I could see my mother again! Wahhhhhh!
Amelia: Gah! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you cry! Oh, now we’ve just switched roles…
[Amelia and Nino have reached support rank B.]
Nino: Hiya, Amelia! I have a surprise for you today! It’s the biggest, bestest surprise ever!
Amelia: Really? I’m so excited! What is it?
Nino: I’ll show you! Ta daaaaa!
Amelia: Wow… that’s a big book. It’s a nice surprise, but I don’t know if I can read it all…
Nino: That’s okay! Sharena and Alphonse told me we only need these pages here… Let’s see… I think I remember how to read them!
Amelia: Oh! So you’re going to do a spell for me? That’s the real surprise?
Nino: Bingo! You got it!
Amelia: Wow! Thanks! So what kind of spell is it?
Nino: Sorry! It won’t be a surprise if I tell you ahead of time!
Amelia: Oh, right. I’m looking forward to it, then.
Nino: Lemme try now!
Amelia: Okay. I’ll stand back a bit.
Nino: Allow my wish to be true! Open a portal for my friend to travel through!
Amelia: Nino… you’re…
Nino: …What?! B-But please reconsider! She’s so sad!
Amelia: Nino, it’s alright… You don’t have to go that far for my sake…
Nino: I… I understand. I’ll tell her…
Amelia: The spell didn’t work?
Nino: It’s not that… But the spirits intervened.
Amelia: The spirits? Huh? I don’t understand magic at all…
Nino: They give us mages the power to do magic! I talk to them all the time! We’re really good friends! They said that you still have work to do here… so they don’t want you to go home yet. Don’t worry though! I can try again in a few days and-
Amelia: No, Nino, thank you. You’ve done enough. I know all I need to.
Nino: But… you want to see your mother! And Alphonse and Sharena said they didn’t want anyone be forced to fight for Askr! You should go back!
Amelia: Of course I’m sad that I won’t be able to reunite with her sooner. But… when I was a child… my father died, then my mother was taken away… I hated how helpless I was! I couldn’t do anything for them! So to be told that I am needed here… that I can make a difference… is the best feeling in the world. I’ll go home when the time is right, and have even more stories to tell Mother!
Nino: Wow! You’re really… an amazing… person… Amelia…
Amelia: Nino? You look exhausted. You should sit down.
Nino: Y-Yeah… good idea…
Amelia: Thank you, though. I’m so happy! You’re the best to put so much effort into a spell just for me!
Nino: You’re the best… too… zzzzzz…
[Amelia and Nino have reached support rank A.]
Nino: Hiya, Amelia!
Amelia: Hey, Nino. What’s up?
Nino: I want to talk about something! Okay?
Amelia: Sure. What about?
Nino: Well… the other day… there was something I didn’t get to tell you… I’m sorry…
Amelia: It’s alright. You were so tired.
Nino: Yeah! I was! Ha ha!
Amelia: So what did you want to say?
Nino: Well, you see, the spirits said I should be honest with my feelings already… so… um…
Amelia: Huh? What kind of feelings? I’m confused…
Nino: I like you a lot, Amelia! In that “I wanna be your girlfriend” way!!
Amelia: Wow, really?
Nino: Really times one hundred! When I see you, I feel so fuzzy inside! And you’re so devoted to fighting and helping others that I know for sure you’d be the most fantastic girlfriend ever!
Amelia: Gosh, that’s… that’s perfect! Because I feel the same way! You’ve gone so far for my sake… and before I knew it, I realized that I want to be by your side always. …I’m kind of disappointed, though…
Nino: Huh? What do you mean?
Amelia: Well, I wish we had said it ourselves, instead of having the spirits intervene…
Nino: Who cares! I just like you sooooo much! Here!
Amelia: …What’s this…? …Oh, wow… what a pretty necklace!
Nino: A friend back home taught me how to make them! She said I should give it to the person I fancy… I didn’t know what that meant, but then I met you!
Amelia: It’s perfect. I’ll wear it every day, even tucked in my armor.
Nino: Yaaaaay! I’m the luckiest ever! Oh, and the spirits said I could go back to the Sacred World with you too!
Amelia: That’s amazing! ……Wait, really?? That wouldn’t mess with the natural order or anything?
Nino: The spirits will always lead you to where you need to be. I trust them!
Amelia: Wow… now I really can’t wait to go home! This is going to be the best! I bet my mother will love you! …Nino?
Nino: Eeeeeeeeek! I’m going to have a mother again! Yippee!
Amelia: N-Nino! Stop running in circles! You’re making me dizzy!
Nino: She’s going to love me! And I’m going to love her! And we’ll be happy always! Yaaaaaaaay!
Amelia: Tee hee… I can’t wait to spend every day with her.
[Amelia and Nino have reached support rank S.]
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