#this book is full of interviews
notanotherinfjblog · 3 years
How to spot an INTP
A few years ago, I made a post about how the cognitive functions manifest in our behaviour and now I’m going to expand on that and give a more detailed, visually accompanied overview for each type, now for the INTP.
For the purpose of this guide, I took a look at this interview with Harald Lesch, a German astrophysicist, natural philosopher and science journalist. You can find the links to other type spotting guides below which I will update over time when new guides are being added.
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The dominant and the auxiliary cognitive functions that people use are those that are the ones that are really noticeable in the quality of their gaze, in their speech style, in their facial expressions, and their whole general demeanour, and so these are the ones that I will be focussing on here. In case of an INTP, these are Ti and Ne. Due to this combination, INTPs spend a lot of time inside their own mind and that’s visible in their faces. If you compare the gaze of an INTP to that of an ISTP that shares their dominant Ti, the difference between them is blatantly staring you in the face because the INTP’s gaze completely lacks any intensity whatsoever that the ISTP (and any other person with Ni/Se) does possess. INTPs can look at something directly and yet it never seems like they are really taking in all the visual information. It’s like their mind is screaming so loudly that it’s drowning out any external information that might enter their brain.
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When they laugh, they laugh for themselves, not to accommodate other people. Many times, INTPs laugh about what they are about to say, but when they are saying the funny thing afterwards, they usually do so calmly without laughter in their voice. INTPs are in general not designed to accommodate other people, they are not designed to go out of their way to be polite and friendly. They can absolutely be so, but that’s a conscious choice, not something that happens naturally as it does for the other types with higher Fe. If you watch the interview, you will find that Harald Lesch spends the entire almost 20 minutes just sitting there on his chair with his arms crossed for the entire time, with occasional disruptions of gesticulations with no regard to how that might come across. INTPs are not socially inept though and they usually do know what is appropriate in a situation and what isn’t, but first and foremost, they are existing for themselves, unrelated to those around them. They are their own entity. 
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When it comes to talking, INTPs have two modes: 1) their gaze is directed at some point in the air, but their eyes are slightly shifting from left to right, from right to left, like the external gearwheels of their mind, and you can bet there will be a perpendicular line on their forehead between their eyes as they are frowning at their own thoughts, or 2) they are looking at their conversation partner directly, often with big eyes under raised eyebrows as to highlight the point they are making. And they will switch between these two modes constantly, though the first one appears to be the default. INTPs may lack the grand and open body language of other types and like to keep it minimalistic, so they mainly use their head for this purpose, and I mean that in the most literal sense possible: their head moves around a lot, may it be for emphasis, for (un)certainty on a matter, anything.
Regarding their speech style, INTPs share the same tendency that all intuitives are prone to, which is really long sentences. They squeeze in a lot of subordinate clauses all over the place, and when they finally finish a sentence while monologuing, the next sentence is following so quickly after with not a single millisecond wasted for irrelevant things like breathing, it seems like they are actually producing one single sentence that is going on and on and on forever. But I would like to highlight that what they are saying is (with a few exceptions of aborted subordinate clauses they first wanted to squeeze in) all grammatically correct. This becomes noteworthy when you compare them to the NJs who are many times incapable of that. A little excerpt from the interview on climate change and policies with Harald Lesch (translated from German) demonstrating these everlasting sentences:
“It must be done. It’s a bit like, you are told, the tooth back there, we actually should do something about it, and then you don’t go to the dentist and you still don’t go to the dentist and at some point it starts to hurt and then you may try some highly spiritual drinks such as a cognac, fiddle there, rinse it a bit back there and at some point in the end you need to go and then it needs to be pulled and currently I have the feeling, we’ve had the diagnosis for a long time concerning the wisdom tooth, but wisdom’s last resort, eventually, is climate protection and gradually, uh, the number of people who understand that keeps growing, but it could be that nature won’t play along, which means that our conception of time, how we deal with decisions - we are poring over and over and so on - these conceptions are wrong because we cannot bargain with nature and nature has its own time scales according to which it reacts and the more strongly we change nature, the more strongly and the faster these changes will fall back on us. [...] And at this point you just really need to say this, you need to, uh, that children go on the streets here on Fridays [Friday’s for future], uh, that is actually a scandal, namely that one that we are not joining them, that not all of us are on the streets.”
Occasionally, INTPs can fall into a speech style that the Ne-doms ENFP and ENTP are notorious for, which is almost stutter-like as they repeat either the same word or the beginning of a word several times over and over very quickly before moving on with the sentence. Something that INTPs also like to do is start talking about something, omit the main part and jump right to the conclusion, so that they get confused when nobody can follow because they know the middle part, they just forgot to say it out loud. 
Other How to spot type XY guides so far: INFJ, ENFJ, ESFJ, ISFP
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extravalgant · 2 years
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this is too fucking funny
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akanemachurida-blog · 7 years
Interview - “I’m going to meet that person in the 2D industry!” Furukawa Airi X Urobuchi Gen
This interview is at the very end of the SKE48 Extracurricular 2D Club book, published in April 2012.
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Are all idols in danger of becoming like Mami? What’s the connection between modern magical girls and idols?
On the topic of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, some movies have been announced for 2012. There will be a movie with an original story in addition to two movies serving to summarize the TV series, bringing the total to three movies. Is the script for the movie with an original story already done?
Urobuchi Gen: The manuscript is already complete so the next step is for Shaft (the animation studio) to make it. I had the thought that “I can’t write a sequel” while originally planning the TV series, so when it was airing I pretended not to hear when someone said “It would be a waste for it to be only one season, so will you continue it?” (laughs) But the movies got announced and I didn’t have anywhere to run… I was able to keep going without any sort of unease when I gathered up my courage and tried to write, which surprised me.
Furukawa Airi: I want to see them soon~! I’ve liked magical girls for a long time but Madoka Magica is something completely different. It’s unbelievable how a heroine-like character like Mami dies in the third episode… Was that in the plot since the beginning?
Urobuchi: It was. That was actually decided before she was given a name. (laughs) In addition to advancing the plot by making the protagonist doubt whether she can become a magical school girl upon seeing a veteran magician die before her eyes, I wanted to shock viewers, so Mami was purposefully made to be a character you’d think would definitely not die.
The way she dies is quite something as well. She gets decapitated even though she’s a magical girl…
Urobuchi: If her death had been something like an arrow piercing her heart, then you’d probably think that she’d likely be revived. (laughs) I had to do something like that in order to let the viewers know that she absolutely won’t be coming back to life. However I didn’t expect Mami to contend for first or second place as the most popular character.
Furukawa: That’s because blonde hair with twin tails is a sure thing. I love the sickly beautiful girl characters so the scene where Mami goes crazy and attacks Kyoko really hit me!
Urobuchi: This may be something that idols are well acquainted with, but to live while being aware of things like “I need to do things properly in order to not break the dreams of those who admire me” or “I need to be everyone’s model” is something that’s really difficult to do. Stress builds up that way, so when it’s too much, it can become as scary as that scene… well, it’s a simple thing to imagine.
Furukawa: I’ll be careful at all times, not only as an idol, so as to not end up like Mami. (laughs) Also, another shocking thing about Madoka Magica is how the protagonist Madoka doesn’t become a magical girl, that surprised me. But she eventually becomes one during the final episode.
Urobuchi: It’s certainly a rare type of development. While it’s rare for a story to have the protagonist transform at the very end, it’s not a forbidden move. Ultraman Nexus, while part of the tokusatsu genre, did the same thing.
If you think about it in modern terms, it seems odd if she becomes a magical girl very quickly and fights. Just like Madoka, you’re going to naturally have motivation to fight after you experience a long period of conflict…
Urobuchi: It’s fine to include the main character’s original motivation for fighting in the first episode where the character beats the first foe, but that approach lacks persuasiveness in addressing the question of why the character fights. However, some claim that one series that succeeded in fitting things in the first episode is Mobile Suit Gundam, and Anno Hideaki, the director of Neon Genesis Evangelion, said that the limit of what he could do in the first episode was having Shinji enter the Eva. I’m aware of the hardships that my predecessors were made to experience time and time again, so I had Madoka run away until the last episode. (laughs)
Furukawa: Ah, I see. Amuro got the motivation he needed to fight in the first episode while Madoka got it in the twelfth episode. (laughs)
Urobuchi: That’s right. Well, it was possible to do it this way since it aired late at night. If it was a kids show airing during the day or evening, some of the sponsors would be toy stores, and they’d probably say something like “We want to make toys out of the soul gems, so please have Madoka transform in the first episode.” (laughs) Oh right, Madoka Magica didn’t have any of those sponsors in the beginning, so most of the merchandise currently on sale were made afterwards. So during the initial broadcast fans made their own goods of what they wanted to become merchandise.
By the way, Furukawa made her own Mami outfit while it was being serialized. And a Kyubey plushie as well.
Urobuchi: Wow! I saw them earlier but to think that you made them yourself… They look professional.
Furukawa: Ah no, that’s not true. There are some places in Mami’s outfit where the filling is insufficient, so I want to remake it. I want to challenge myself next time and make the muskets at the same time. I want to do the finishing attack, Tiro Finale! Oh, by the way, what does Tiro Finale mean?
Urobuchi: It’s Italian, it means “final shot” if you translate it literally. In essence it means “the finishing blow.” To tell the truth, at first it was given the inappropriate name “Ultima Shoot” in the script, and during an after recording session I blurted out “Is it really okay to give it such an inappropriate name?” and I was told “If you think it’s bad just change it!” (laughs) So I threw it away and rewrote it. I didn’t expect it to become this popular…
Furukawa: It’s become one of Madoka Magica’s famous quotes… So, what’s your favourite quote?
Urobuchi: Kyubey’s “It makes no sense at all.” (Note: Kyubey mutters this without thinking when his and human’s understanding of something are different.) When I wrote it in the script I thought that it seemed like it’d be popular online, and it really became popular, so… I did it! (laughs) What’s your favourite quote?
Furukawa: The quote that had the biggest impression on me was when Sayaka regrets becoming a magical girl and says “I’m really a fool.” My heart clenched when I heard that...
Urobuchi: Careless girls like Sayaka are able to be “good girls” because they aren’t self-aware that they’re careless. If they realized that, then they wouldn’t be able to be “good girls.” It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I made Sayaka’s character because I wanted to make her say that.
Sayaka is one of the five magical girls in Madoka Magica, but which one do you feel yourself to be closest to, Furukawa?
Furukawa: Hm, I wonder. I don’t know my own personality well, so I don’t know… Well, I just know that I’m not like Mami. I don’t think that “I need to be an example for everyone.” (laughs)
Urobuchi: An easier way of saying that is to say that those who want to lead a team and who make fruitless efforts are like Mami.
Furukawa: Ah, well then in KII, the team I’m a part of, (Takayanagi) Akane is like Mami. She occasionally thinks too much about others and gets weird.
Urobuchi: The type of person that Akane relies on the most is someone like Madoka.
Furukawa: That’s (Mukaida) Manatsu! So what’s Homura like?
Urobuchi: A kind of person who interferes the most with those other two.
Is that you, Furukawa?
Furukawa: Ah, maybe! I see, so I’m like Homura…
Urobuchi: Since I made all five characters conscious of their puberty, it might have been difficult to get a sense of their “current selves” if these characters were full-fledged members of society who established their own way of life. However, when I began to think about what type of person coincides with “the self of puberty”, I thought, wouldn’t that apply to any girl? You’re still young, but what were you doing when you were in middle school?
Furukawa: Hm, I taped late night anime and did nothing but watch that… Well, that’s not any different from now. (laughs) I’ve liked magical girls since that time, so I watched stuff like Sister Princess and Chobits. Also, I like magical girl games so I watched my older brother play Kagayaku Kisetsu e... Oh, but I was in fourth grade at the time.
Urobuchi: That’s tremendous! That’s deep!
That’s right, she’s a talented illustrator and it seems like she made a copy doujinshi (a doujinshi that you print and then bind together) even before joining SKE48.
Urobuchi: You should make the best of that talent of yours. There are a lot of different kinds of idols, but there isn’t an idol who produce doujinshi yet.
Furukawa: I’d like to start drawing it right away if I could, but I have a lot of shackles… (laughs) But I’ll do my best. If I’m given permission then I’ll make a Madoka Magica doujinshi and sell it by hand while I’m wearing my re-done Mami costume. It wouldn’t be a copy doujinshi but an offset! (A technique in which the inked image is transferred (or "offset") from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface, done at a printing company.)
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megandzane · 3 years
If you’re the kind caring family y’all claim to be , and if you love Harry the way you say, why all this fear every time either one speaks about their experiences ??? Why are y’all so afraid of what they might say ?
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lemememeringue · 3 years
I rly should actually deconstruct yanno. it's been a while and I should check in w me.
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a-flickering-soul · 3 years
girls don't want boys girls want an entire fully-canon star wars novel detailing the rise and fall of armitage hux
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orionangeline · 3 years
Tfw you're daydreaming about being in an interview for a book you never got around to writing and now you really want to read it but oops it doesn't exist but at least the author seems cool
#no it would have been a very angsty im in middle school and im SO full of angst and run on sentences and I like edward cullen and the fae#and also I don't know how to separate or transition ideas so theyre all gonna be smashed together versions of my favorite books type thing#to be fair I started the idea around middle school so#no but the amount of 'huh that's probably not a good sign mentally' things I put in it#idk how people dedicate books to their family when I would die if my family ever saw any of my wips#if I ever actually write/publish anything its definitely gonna be under a pseudonym for sure#at least the main characters are all nonbinaries and or slightly magic and or a really big wolf who is a mother hen#god the tumblr posts about how they had potential or the book was problematic or oh god the horney fangirls for my emo mc#the fanart of the mc and their best friend the fae wolf who the interview revealed could turn into a humanoid but only in faerie#the interview also revealed that the main characters name was main character y/n shortened to maich ryan / ryan maich#anyways I mean ive seen worse things published im just too lazy to write it/ remember more than a basic plot and some cool scenes#I would however be wildly amused by messing with the fandom if I did write it and it did gain a fandom#i had some cool ideas for the format but i never would have handled it properly#there was some stuff that would've needed a lot of research and not just the places that the mcs traveled to#like the book would've been formatted like ur the mc/in mcs head like first person right but mc always refers to themselves as 'we' mentally#and it's eventually revealed that you (reader) are like. an alternate personality right but I have no clue how to not do that... poorly#anyways maich (make) has been through some stuff and i didn't want to write poor representation yknow? a middle schoolers idea of how#how some of that would affect a person was really inaccurate but also imperative to the plot unfortunately#eventually I'll do enough research that I can make a good reworked version probably maybe idk its sorta cringe in general lol but#but I really want to write about the characters#-well about the mother hen magic wolf that adopts a useless gremlin who won't take care of themselves#also it was going to be a romance between the two human mcs but I had no idea what a romance really looked like from the inside so it ended#ended up being a really homoerotic best friendship thing that was very awkward and also maich dies at the end#then the interview reveals that wolf actually dragged maich back to faerie before they died but maich thinks they're dead but!#they live happily ever after basically#see bc the story made me sad that maich dies for other mc at the end so i made it less an allegory for trying ur hardest and still failing#and more an allegory for like. cutting ties and just moving somewhere new if you have too many bad memories but now you get to be#a forest cryptid with ur dog and sometimes talk to a bitchy tree lady and her wife the river. also for no reason whatsoever the moon and sun#are brothers and fall for maich and they get chased away by wolf and that's why wolves howl at the moon it's to keep dumb gods from their#best bros. also wolf used to run with the wild hunt I don't make the rules
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sleepvines · 3 years
Very happy I can just make creatures and put em out there for people to enjoy
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A fascinating range of writing advice from bestselling author J.K. Rowling. The advice on accepting failure and rebuilding from there resonates with me, as it will with many other writers. 
One piece of advice recommends plotting meticulously. I’ve seen screenshots of Rowling’s plan for the Order of the Phoenix, which several writers have copied. I wonder what pantsers think of this. Admittedly, I have not plotted meticulously, but I have tried using a chapter-by-chapter outline, and I went off in a different direction almost immediately. 
At the same time, I do enjoy seeing how Rowling developed all the details of the Harry Potter universe. 
Of course, some people do a mixture of both. I have not decided on this yet. Either way, I can always learn from a different style of preparing a book, even if I might never use it. Certainly I will once again copy Rowling’s style of including lots of detail about the world, as that is one of the most satisfying aspects of Harry Potter. 
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victimhood · 4 years
I just read Marwan’s Vulture interview for TOG and afkjdgeahf my main takeaway is this guy reads a bajillion books
But also! That he read A Little Life and The Iliad...and it influenced how he played Joe in TOG?? Marwan are you ok???
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
💔 Fri 7 Feb 🌩
Heartbreak Weather!
Niall finally announced his album and the title is, drumroll, exactly what we all thought it was gonna be! Which is great cause that's a great title! Heartbreak Weather is out March 13 and heartbreak weather season starts now! The aesthetics of the whole album look so great and Niall tells us he's been taking charge of all that personally, nice work bud, I look forward to seeing the stage sets he's so excited for. We got promo (including a big Zane Lowe interview), we got merch (and omg it's such good merch, if anyone had one single coin left to spend at this point there it went), and we got a new single and video! No Judgement is out now and it's surprises start to finish- a different sound for Niall (so lighthearted and boppy omg) and that video, wow. It is, as MTV says, "a quirky charming kinda gross love story." Niall says, "I'll explain the video at some point and then everyone will get it" and "this video looks like the inside of my brain" but then he says, "I'd be forever trying to explain this video." He does offer this: "When I think of the words no judgement I tend to think of either little kids who never judge each other or old married couples who have spent soo much time together over the years and nothing bothers them anymore about each other." And off the topic of the video, "I’ve been told I’m a shite communicator by a few exes," (this is why he isn't actually going to explain the video isn't it) and "some people handle things differently. Me and Harry had a great time in the band but I’ve heard some of the boys saying they’ve struggled with it mentally but that’s life... the phrase happy to be anywhere is me. Harry’s the same, bubbly character."
Louis entered the UK album charts in the top 5 (about the same as Fine Line) and the US in the top 10! Which is amazing! I know people got hyped trying to hit the number 1 so it feels like a letdown but guess what this is, uh, spectacular! Just be glad you're not Jeff Azoff (I know I am every day), Megan Trainor got the full FullStop rollout with every appearance people said Louis should have done and still didn't even make the US top 40: Louis is doing fantastically, out there making music he loves and getting to interact with the fans and tour like he wants so much to do, and killing it (plus building his profile every day) and I'm beyond thrilled for him.
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fandom-geek · 4 years
boy, there’s nothing quite as anxiety inducing as your first job interview ever being for what could be easily called your “dream job”
although it’s endlessly funny that my brain keeps going to “please hire me, i swear i can lift a box up a ladder!!!”. like, yes brain, i can very much do that, but it’s not like it’s their only hiring criteria. one of many, even.
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forgedgrace · 4 years
me: this season of OL is going so good! it’s my favorite since S1
OL writers room: hold my hat
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louehvolution · 5 years
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robinskey · 4 years
i don’t even know what this post is, but if you want to hear how my day went read the tags ig i’m sorrrrry i just needed to write it down
#today was the weirdest day i've had in a WHILE#i showed up to school only to find a note posted outside my classroom that class had been cancelled last minute#so while waiting for my next class to start i hung out with my friend whose girlfriend called to say her professor had taken medical leave#so her class was cancelled too#and she came and hung out with us and they both smelled strongly of *** and i love them both but that was not the most pleasant lol#THEN i was like 'whoopsie gotta get to class'#forgetting that i had an 11:00 not a 10:30#so i walked into the classroom while a prof was teaching#and obviously i was too embarrassed to actually return to my friends and admit my mistake to i just walked out to my car to switch out books#realized i'd forgotten to read for speech and didn't have that textbook#then while i was in my 11:00 class i got a call back for a job interview???#so apparently i'm having my first job interview tomorrow asdakfs pray for me or whatever you do/believe in#THEN i get out of speech class half an hour early???#and as i'm driving out of school i watch this car drive off the side of the road into a ditch#and it's not just an awkward swerve move#because his car did a 180 and started full-on driving down this hill#this girl in front of me pulls over so i follow suit and i'm panicking so i go up to her car and ask if she's calling the police#she is#but they're NOT PICKING UP#we both mutter 'fuck' under our breath at least five times bc what do we do?? what can we do??#there's already several people checking on the#guy in the car and making sure he's okay so we don't want to crowd him#it's probably only a minute or two but feels like forever before we hear sirens#and so many cops show up like SHIT#i'm really thankful we have such good/quick responding police on campus#but this girl and i are just standing there#still not knowing what to do#she's asking me what i'm going to do and i'm like ?? do i seem like the type of person who knows what's going on??#we end up getting back into our cars#just as this other driver who was checking on the guy makes eye contact with me through the windshield (but across the street) so i hop out
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steveyockey · 5 years
The ihatejamesransone tumblr posted a picture recently (at least the pic wasn't there when I checked a few weeks ago) and if he's back again to do this for a THIRD time I'm gonna lose it
oh you better believe i have alerts set up for both of his old urls and if he comes back I will absolutely go bonkers mcyonkers
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