#this can work for gabi and falco
leviismybby · 5 months
Yelena: "You called me a whore, you made fun of my weight, you gave me the finger-"
Levi: "And you called my kids stupid."
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lucysarah-c · 21 days
Falco was searching for advice on Levi after arguing with Gabi.
"She says she's not mad… but she looks mad."
"Look, wanna find out if she’s mad?" Levi grumbled. "If she sits down next to you and her legs are pointing to the opposite side of yours—I don't know what you did, brat, but she's fucking mad."
"But I didn't do anything!"
Levi took a sip of his tea and shook his head slowly. "That's not how it works."
"Then what do I do?"
"Well, you got two options. You can ask her, 'I was thinking we could grab something to eat, something tasty.' If she rotates her whole body towards you, pays attention, and says something like, 'I would like that,' great, problem solved. She was just hungry," Levi explained. "But if she doesn't move and just says, 'Do what you want'… I don't know what you did, brat, but she's fucking pissed."
Falco looked back at him, completely worn out. "And… what do I do in that case?"
Levi slacked against the chair, took another sip of his tea, and replied, "No idea. That's why I changed countries after the rumbling. It was that or dying at her hands."
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moo-blogging · 5 months
Being inspired by Levi's backstory in Bad Boy:
Levi said it so naturally about why he held cups at its brim with his fingers. Gabi and Falco were apologetic for asking such a sensitive question. Levi shrugged and sipped on his tea. You studies his face carefully, but finding no sadness or remorse in his face, just peacefulness.
It had been 2yrs since the war ended. You stayed in Marley with Levi, rebuilding the country together. Levi once told you that he found peace in rebuilding than destructing like he used to in the army. It was true that everything turned red when Levi swung by with his blades. And now his hands grew new life and hope.
You might have asked Levi why he held his cups the way he did when you were on Paradis Island, but you couldn't recall. Levi stared at you from the back of his palm, and you blushed. You felt as if there was more to Levi than you had uncovered, and you were embarrassed that you knew almost nothing about him. But the soft look that he gave you showed that he was ready to unveil himself to you.
That night he unloaded more about his life in the Underground to you than he ever did. You cried with heartache and Levi was comforting you. There were tears in his eyes as he spoke, but he felt lighter. You kissed him again and again, holding you in his arms. Levi stroke your hair lovingly, assuring you that he was alright now.
A couple of weeks later, you took a stroll with Levi down the new street in the evening. New shops showcasing attractive products on the window. Your fingers interlaced with Levi's as you walked, taking in what you had rebuilt together.
And you came to a pottery shop with a Closed sign on and signalled Levi to enter the shop. Puzzled, Levi pulled you gently, "Y/n, my love, it's closed. We can come back tomorrow morning."
You smiled at him and shook your head, "it's opened for us, Levi. Let's go." You led him onto the steps and into the shop. There was a dim light at the end of the shop and a young storekeeper greeted you. He shook your hands and thanked you for helping him rebuild his father's business after the war had ruined their lives. And he was thrilled to have these private tea set making sessions with you.
Levi's eyes widen and you nodded to assure him he could make his mother's tea set from scratch. The young storekeeper asked for a design. You looked at Levi expectedly. Instead, Levi signed and smiled gently. He said, "I think we'll make a new tea set for ourselves." He turned to look at you, "Y/n, I know you are trying to have me connect to my mother. I love you for that, but I would like to make this tea set for us. A new one with a new design." Tears were gleaming in his eyes as he looked into yours. You nodded and you pulled him in for a hug.
You spent the evening designing your very own tea set, adding yours and Lev's personal touches to it. For the next few days, you came back to the shop after it closed to work on the tea set. Your hands were cold with wet mud as you shaped the tea cups. Levi worked on the saucers. The young storekeeper guiding you here and there and helping to fix any defects.
A few weeks later, a box of beautifully glazed tea set were sent to your house. Gabi and Falco had come to swe the tea set you had been working on. They bought some new tea leaves from other countries. Levi brewed the tea in the tea pot and hot tea were shared.
You sat next to Levi, sipping on some foreign tea, listening to Gabi and Falco quarrelling about something you could hardly understand. You turned to watch Levi, and he was staring at the new tea pot. He noticed you staring and he stared back at you. Mirroring each other's soft smiles, you lean in for a kiss. Happiness filled your chest. You could feel the warmth radiating from your skin. What a beautiful you had started with Levi.
"How do you kiss like that?" Gabi asked loudly. You both turned toward her at the same time. Levi had one eyebrow raised. Gabi clarified, "I mean, how do you know when to kiss? Like you didn't even ask but you just moved your head together and MUAH you kissed!"
"Gabi, that's inappropriate to ask!" Falco tried to shut her up. You shared a look at Levi, you grinned as Levi smiled, and you leaned in for a kiss again.
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abiatackerman · 1 month
The days we've waited for
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Event: @levievent "Levi Month 24"
🤍Day 19: Post-war: Marriage🤍
Canon universe! Postwar Levi Ackerman X Reader! Slight Angst! Fluff! Cozy wedding! Sweet Romance! 1K Words!
People say "Good days always come after the bad ones" but Levi never believed it. From his birth until the "War of Heaven and Earth", his life was mostly bad.... No, "bad" is not the right word to express the days. He should use "traumatising, painful, terrifying" because they sound more appropriate. All he experienced was cruelty, all he saw was his comrades friends and family dying.....
But it seems like people were right after all....
He sighs looking at the mirror in front of him. He's wearing nothing but a casual black suit with a casual shirt. Casual shoes, pants and as usual his cravat. You insisted on it.... You didn't want Levi to wear anything which would make him feel uncomfortable.
Right.... It's you after all who's probably the only person in this world who cares about his "comforts".
And today is the day he's getting married to you....
To the woman he only loved, to the woman who supported him throughout his whole cruel life.
He sighs and rolls the wheel of his chair to move it where he kept "The" box. "The" box where he gathered all of his comrades (as much as he could) badges. He rumbles through the box trying to find out the badges written Erwin and Hange's names behind them.
He still remembers how annoyed he was with Erwin for putting you in his squad, how pissed he used to get whenever Hange would ship you two.
But now, he wishes he could thank them properly. He wishes he could see Erwin's gentle chuckle and hear Hange's loud yapping....
They would have felt so happy if they could have attended this marriage. Hange probably would have cheered so loudly that all the guests would have felt annoyed by her screaming.
He caresses the badges and puts them in his pocket. He smiles a little.
He will now feel that Hange and Erwin are just with him. Along with Furlan and Isabel. Also his mother since his cravat is made of her clothes.....
He moves his wheelchair towards the door and sees Armin opening it.
"Oh captain, you're ready? Everyone's waiting."
He says gently as he starts to guide Levi's wheelchair to the aisle. He's gonna be Levi's main man at this ceremony. You suggested it, knowing he sees Erwin in Armin, and he will never deny it.
Armin stops and places Levi's chair on the stage where the priest is waiting. He smiles gently at Levi and Levi nods. He looks around and his face softens noticing the whole arrangement. Everything is white, decorated with flowers only. Simple and gentle like it's nothing special but still there's a vibe which can calm everyone's nerves down.
The brats worked hard.
He was about to thank Armin but stops as one of your friends starts to play violin. Just like Levi you wanted this marriage to be cozy and simple. Not too many people, just you and him, and both of your loved ones. But that's not what Levi is thinking about.
His mind goes blank as he sees you in the white dress. In your wedding dress. Nothing too gorgeous but you're looking like an angel in it. The flower crown on your head just makes you look prettier. As soon as you see him you smile widely like a kid and Levi can't help but chuckles too.
He thought you would leave him. No, he wanted you to leave him. You are beautiful, physically capable and a woman who deserves someone better than him. He kinda feared you're gonna leave him but to his surprise you yourself proposed to him, saying you want to spend your whole life annoying him, spending time with him.
He takes a deep breath as you release your dad's hand and walk towards Levi. Gabi hands you Levi's ring and Falco hands Levi yours. As the priest asks if he's willing to take you as his wife he vulnerably answers yes but your response was so fast and immediate like you couldn't wait anymore. Everyone laughed.
As the priest addressed you both husband and wife and you two change your rings. You immediately sit on Levi's lap, cup his face and kiss him as gently as possible. Finally losing your emotions you start to cry like a baby and Levi's eyes start to tear up too.
"Shut up, doll. You're making it look like I've forced you to do this. You're making me look like a bad person."
He says in a soft voice and pats your back as you sob.
"I'm just so happy! Can you imagine? No more fighting, no more sacrifices, no more deaths, no more life risks. Everything from now on is me and you! Us! I can't believe it!!!!!"
You hug him still sitting on his lap and buries his face in your hair. Sighing contently he speaks softly.
"Shouldn't we cut the cake? Everyone's waiting. And it's already weird that the bridegroom is in a wheelchair, don't make it weirder by keep crying and sitting on this damn wheelchair during your whole marriage day."
Levi says teasingly and you smile slyly and lean towards him more to whisper in his ears.
"We will make love in this damn chair tonight! And no, I won't hear any excuses. I'm your wife form now on so you'll have to listen to me."
You say smugly and stand up as everyone starts to calp with soft smiles on their faces.
"Who's gonna clean up the messes?"
He asks, squeezing your hand and looking at the crowd.
"Me. Don't worry I'll treat you like a princess from now on just like you used to treat me. I'll make you happy just like you will make me happy too."
Seriously, life can't get any better.....
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violet-fluff · 3 months
Levi x Marley! Reader (Oneshot)
At the drop of a handkerchief
You're strolling through the streets of Marley, humming happily as you eye all the new vendor booths that have come to sell merchandise on this sunny afternoon.
Food, flowers, jewelry, everything you can imagine is here today, with vendors waving you over in an attempt to sway you to buy something.
Although nothing was catching your eye and you were about to call it a day and head home until...
The most beautiful creation stopped you in your tracks.
With your heart pounding and your cheeks flushing red, you lean behind the wall, trying to hide yourself as you take in such a beauty.
But this beauty is no object....this beauty is a person.
A beautiful man.
Skin as white and shiny as a pearl.
Hair as dark as the night.
Eyes as grey as metal.
This man was nothing you have ever seen before.
Quite literally. The suit he’s also wearing is not something you typically see the men of Marley wearing.
He must be from a different country. Which means it will be harder for you to convince him to stay, because there is no way you’re letting this magnificent creature escape you.
Surrounded by his own group of people, you’re anxiety and nerves tell you that you’re not brave enough to go interrupt their conversation to start a new one, so you’re left with no choice…
Smoothing your hair and outfit, you start walking towards him with your head held high.
As you look towards the blue sky, you tell the universe to let it be known if he is your soulmate or not during this test.
As you inch closer, you smile to yourself as the group notices your presence, and when you walk barely past the beautiful man, you slyly flick your wrist to release your handkerchief.
‘One duck, two duck, three duck…’ You count in your head to time how long the seconds pass as you continue walking.
“Oi! You!”
Time stands still as your heart pounds and you do a smooth swivel of your feet to turn around. Your breath hitches when the beautiful man is waving your handkerchief at you.
“You dropped this.” He tells you, his face showing no emotion.
A bit intimidated, you slowly walk over to him, but before you can reach out and grab your belonging, he crumples it in his hand.
“It’s too dirty now.” He grunts, and with his slim fingers, he digs into the front pocket of his dark blue suit.
“Here, you can have mine. It’s clean.” He says, holding a perfectly folded handkerchief out to you.
“O-oh! Ok!” With shaky hands, you grab it from him and gently hold it in your palm. “Thank you, sir. This is very sweet of you.”
Bowing your head slightly in thanks, you quickly turn on your heels and leave.
He watches you leave and Gabi scoffs.
“Gross. I can’t believe I just witnessed that.” She says with a gag.
Levi raises a brow. “What?”
“You fell for the oldest trick in the book.” Falco laughs lightly.
“I have no idea what either of you are talking about.” Levi clicks his teeth and leans against the wall, continuing to watch you walk further and further away.
Onyankopon smiles gently. “It’s something Marley women do to get a man’s attention. They act like they drop something in hopes you pick it up for them.”
Levi’s eyes widen in realization while Hanji bursts out laughing.
“No way, shorty! She had her eyes on you!” Hanji grins and slaps his shoulder.
Falco smiles while Gabi pretends to puke again. “And you gave her a new handkerchief. She’s probably planning your wedding right now.”
Connie gasps. “Captain! Are you going to go after her!”
Levi clicks his teeth. “No. I don’t have time for romance. We have more important matters to work on right now.” He looks away to hide his embarrassment.
Jean sneers and adjusts his hat. “I can’t believe the captain is the one getting all the women.”
As they continue to pester Levi, you watch from afar through a window in a bakery.
“Um, Miss…” The clerk comes up behind you, “You have to buy something to sit in here.”
You wave him off with a hush and go back to watching over your soul mate.
*the dropping of an item to catch the attention of a man was a real tactic used by women during the Victorian era
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onlyymirknows · 16 days
“Reiner doesn’t talk about Bertholdt once in s4”
First off, wrong. (Let’s put a pin in this.)
Secondly, who exactly does Reiner have to talk to about Bertholdt after his death?
The people who last knew him as an 11 year old, such as Porco and Colt?
The people who are too young to even remember him, like Gabi and Falco?
Zeke and Pieck, the people who left him for dead?
Anyone else in Marley who can’t know how he and Reiner changed their minds about the island devils?
The Scouts who killed him after he wiped out dozens of their comrades?
Reiner can’t meaningfully talk to some of these people about Bertholdt because they don’t know the person Bert grew up into. For the people who do know the “real” Bert, there’s a lot of baggage related to the Battle for Shiganshina to work through, first.
Know who Reiner can talk to, though? The one person he does talk to meaningfully about Bertholdt?
Annie! The one time Reiner mentions Bertholdt in s4 outside of a namedrop is to Annie.
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And it’s to apologize and express his regret over being the reason Annie and Bert never got to see their fathers again. Yes it’s a short conversation but it’s very clear that Reiner didn’t just forget his best friend. The fact that people claim Reiner doesn’t care about Bertholdt is ludicrous.
Look at his face and tell me he doesn’t care!
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For the folks who’ve only watched the anime, in the manga Reiner’s nightmare features Levi, Mikasa, and the image of Eren cutting Bertholdt out of his titan. The anime cut this detail out, I believe for scene transition purposes.
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In conclusion, Reiner’s silence isn’t an indication that he doesn’t care. Also, I mean, this is Reiner. He cares deeply about the people in his life, even people who don’t deserve it *coughkarinacough*
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her-devils-advocate · 6 months
Everyone I've cared about has either died or left me. Except for you.
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pairings: Levi Ackerman x (GN!) reader
genre: Hurt/comfort, fluff
summary: Based on the prompt from the list found here. You and Levi have a moment amidst the final battle
Warning for the final chapter spoilers. This is just a small drabble I wrote after getting inspired by one of the sentence starters!
word count: 1,106
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54683590
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The hot air rushing past you causes your hair to uncomfortably stick to your forehead. You, Levi and Gabi soar across the sea of wall titans, somewhat safe atop Falco's back. How the kid had managed this, you would never know. Honestly, you are more than happy to try and not focus on anything now. Too much is happening. Too much has been happening in such a short amount of time and you can feel yourself hitting your limit. You want to praise yourself for having such a fairly sturdy limit, all things considered, but the overwhelming amount of nerves squash that thought before it can take root. Too much has happened, too much has been lost, too much can still be lost. 
Your head throbs as you attempt to ignore the onslaught of thoughts rushing through it. Your eyesight grows hazy as you try to focus on the view below you, it's all too much.
Your hands shake as they cling onto the harness attached to Falco's titan, tears pooling in your eyes as you try to blink them away. Levi is next to you, struggling to hold on tight with his newly missing fingers, which had yet to start their healing process properly. His solid presence helps to quell your rising anxiety as you reach over to hold onto his arm tightly, doing your best to help keep him secure. If he were to fall now, a piece of your heart would fall with him, never to be reclaimed.
You smile to yourself when you hear his thankful grunt, his eyes not once leaving the skeletal horror, as if his glare could lure Eren out. Once upon a time, it just might have been possible. The sight of his towering titan still causes your heart to break. The Eren you once knew has slipped between everyone’s fingers, the young cadet is now a beacon of destruction. Where had things gone wrong? How had you not seen him drifting?
For the first time in your life as a scout, a part of you is glad for the head injury you had sustained during the first assault on the founder. The events are a blur, you remember flying through the air while dodging all the rocks thrown by a beast titan. You remember a sharp pain shooting through your skull as the feeling of something sticky begins to slowly run down your temple. You remember the shout of your name from several voices before the world faded to black.
Now you are on the sidelines, simply watching rather than having to bear the pain of helping to end the kid you once helped train. 
You feel some guilt for inadvertently forcing the burden onto your scouts, his friends. But the nagging tug at your heart, paired with what is most likely a nasty concussion, would only get in your way. This way, you can also keep an eye on the captain, who is more than happy to keep throwing himself into the fray despite his injuries, something you will never get used to. Your heart plummets each time he doesn't hesitate to throw himself around with his ODM gear.
You look towards Levi with a small frown, his injuries are only a few days old and yet he still fights. How much of himself is he willing to give to save humanity? How much of him are you willing to lose? You knew becoming involved with anyone in the Survey Corps was a recipe for trouble and heartbreak, but at the time, you weren’t expecting a threat bigger than the titans you had been facing. You don’t regret a single moment and while you are both still alive and fighting, you don’t need to regret anything. 
You repeat his mantra of ‘no regrets’ until it slowly begins to sink in through the rising haze of panic, the two of you are still alive, yet your mind races faster than the scouts below fighting for their lives. 
“Pull it together, now isn’t the time to falter…” You risk bringing a hand to rub your eyes, smudging the dirt and blood further around your face, groaning as the dull pain worsens. 
Your stomach drops as Falco dips through the air, dodging stray attacks while circling the battleground below. Bile rises in your throat and you’re unsure if it's due to the head injury or the harsh movements.
“Those kids are fighting to save the world and here I am, worrying over losing him when we’ve already lost too many. How can I be so self-centered?” 
“Oi,” Levi says, his voice cutting through the near-deafening wind surrounding you. He’s looking directly at you now, seeing past the mask of professionalism you like to wear when on duty. He looks through and sees the swirling anxieties, the shaking of your hands, the tense shoulders and the way you bite at your lip in worry.
“Everyone I've cared about has either died or left me. Except for you.” Your heart breaks at his words, the tears you had fought back now happily run down your cheeks, parting through streaks of mud. You try to hide your face from him, refusing to show weakness in such a moment, but he continues, capturing your attention once more.
“So you better survive, understood? Get out of your head and back in the moment, we need you alert.” 
His eyes soften as he stares you down, letting you see a glimpse of the worries he keeps shackled deep down. He has managed to shuffle closer towards you while you were lost in your thoughts, now subtly pressing himself against you for support. He hooks his arm around yours, giving you a gentle squeeze as he averts his gaze to the horror below.
He can feel your eyes lock onto him, the smile on your face widening despite the tears. “Don’t get all smug, it’s hard to grab onto this rope with eight fingers.”
He always did have a way of dissolving your worries and bringing you out of your head, even when staring down hell. Wall’s know you both need to keep your eyes forward and your minds focused, no matter what.
“Whatever you say, captain. That goes for you as well, you know. If you die on me, I’m breaking into the paths and giving you such an earful.”
The small scoff you get in response is almost lost to the winds, but you don’t miss the way he places more of his weight against you. 
“Well, we can’t have that, can we? Guess we’re both making it out of this one alive then.”
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casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
What jobs could AOT characters have? 🌻
Ahhhhh I love this one! LET'S GO!
What jobs could AOT characters have?
Eren: He strikes me as someone who changes jobs often. He'd get bored of one activity pretty quickly. To him, his job is just a way to earn some money that he can use to have fun with his friends. Pensions who, am I right?
Mikasa: Kindergarten carer. Her motherly personality is perfect for this, and she loves kids so much. The kids also love being lifted high up in the air so they often use Mikasa as a seesaw.
Armin: Teacher, most likely geography. He's the type to travel the world and teach in different countries. This lifestyle allows him to learn more about local cultures, languages and traditions. It fascinates him!
Annie: Traveling the world with Armin means finding work can be quite tough unless you know the language. When she can, she will work as a bartender. She quite enjoys mixing drinks and listening to people's life stories. She gets fired pretty often for her lack of customer service etiquette though.
Jean: Corporate job. He wanted to be an artist but didn't quite try hard enough, so now he's stuck between grey walls that drive him insane. The pay is good thankfully, so in his spare time he can afford luxurious trips and dinners. Reiner often encourages him to keep working towards his dream of becoming an artist and even offers to pose for Jean to draw.
Reiner: Counsellor. He likes being able to help people get over their troubles just like he did with his own. It's not an easy job but it's very rewarding when successful. Though, sometimes he ends up being the patient while Jean listens to him complain about his life. Or Pieck... or Annie... or...
Connie: Personal trainer. This dude will get you into the exact shape that you want. It's so hard to keep up with him, he's way faster than you. More agile, more flexible. How the hell does he bend like that? One day you try to do the same, but you end up in hospital. Don't worry, Connie has insurance.
Sasha: Camp instructor! Loves organizing all sorts of activities with kids and teens including archery, canoeing, climbing, hiking. She loves being in nature. The only thing she hates about this job is the horror story time around the campfire.
Pieck: Work? Pieck? Nah! If anyone's got some sort of sugar daddy, it would be Pieck. She lives incredibly comfortably for someone who appears to be both single and unemployed. Ah, the joys of being both incredibly beautiful and incredibly devilish.
Falco and Gabi: They are still young, so the best they could do is work over the summer at a theme park. The pay is shit but the location is amazing and they get to ride for free!
Yelena: Lawyer. Like, we all know Yelena. It's better to have her on your side than be against her. And it's even better if she's your lawyer. You could get away with almost anything! Right??
Zeke: Baseball instructor. He trains the local team and is known as one of the best players in the area. Now he uses his time to help kids learn how to play. Legend says Zeke can throw a ball so far away that some are still stuck orbiting around Earth.
Onyankopon: Pilot. Passengers usually take a liking to him. He's so charismatic and friendly. He enjoys making jokes over the radio with the other members of the crew. The amazing views is what he loves the most about his job. And the free snacks.
Levi and Hange: This man's in no shape to do any kind of physical work right now, but instead aids Hange with her job. She owns a private Pathology clinic. How does Levi help, exactly? Well he makes sure she stays hydrated and does her taxes. Basically a secretary of some sorts. He even has a cute nameplate on his desk.
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seeingivy · 1 year
levi ackerman x f!reader 
a game of taboo makes you wonder if levi is your soulmate
content: post war levi, domestic fluff, mentions of nightmares, falco + gabi, kinda manga spoilers?, blood
Every weekend, you and Levi open up the likes of your tea shop and your home to your two favorite kids - Falco and Gabi. Not that Levi would ever tell them that. It was a tradition the four of you adopted after Reiner went out of town on a trip that you continued after he returned. The four of you enjoy each others company more than most. 
Falco and Gabi always help you and Levi with the shop on Friday, granted creating more of a mess than actually helping. While you and Levi had adopted a pace to making drinks at the shop, like a well oiled machine, Falco and Gabi were anything but. 
Gabi was all about speed. She wanted to make all the orders as fast as she could, not caring who or what, she had to trample over to get there. You swear the girl has nearly knocked you off your feet a few times, which earns her a scolding from Levi. 
Falco was all about precision. He wanted to make all the orders as perfect as possible, not caring how long it could take. You swore he could spend an entire day steeping if he could. You’re sure the habit is no thanks to Levi, who always sends the poor kid back whenever he asks him to make his tea. 
After finishing up at the shop, you and Levi close up, letting Falco and Gabi play the board games or read the books you have set out in your apartment for them. Games, from you. Books, from Levi. It goes to say that the spines of the book are in perfect state from never being opened. 
On this lovely Friday, Gabi and Falco had picked out Taboo for the four of you to play. You and Falco chose to team up like you did every week, the two of you a dream team of sorts. Meanwhile, Levi and Gabi begrudgingly worked together, butting heads every time the game started. They were both used to taking charge and making the plays, which led to arguments on how they should strategize and win. Meanwhile, you and Falco worked out a system - taking turns calling the shots which fared very well for the two of you.
The game is chaotic, with Levi and Gabi aggressively trying to guess the words at the top of the card. You and Falco can’t help but laugh at their turns, the two of them arguing about the semantics of the words and scolding each other for losing out the points each time. Meanwhile, you and Falco have a civilized conversation, high fiving every time you could figure out the word together. 
On your turn, you lift the card to your forehead, Falco smiling in excitement. 
“This one’s easy. You and Levi.” 
“Me and Levi? Is it business owners?” 
“No. Think about what you guys are.” 
“Adults? A couple? Short?”
Levi grabs the back of your head, turning your face towards his. 
“I’ll pretend like I didn’t hear that last one, brat.” 
You see Gabi and Falco laughing from your peripheral and you roll your eyes at him in response. 
“Military? Leaders?” 
The buzzer rings and you remove the card from your forehead to check the word. You hear Gabi and Levi taunting you in the background, but you’re too busy staring down at the card. Gabi leans over, flipping the card from your fingers to read the word. 
“The word is soulmates, Mr. Levi.” 
You turn your head at Levi saying the word. 
“Soulmates, Mr. Levi, are people who are made for each other. The person who balances you out, the one you’re destined to be with. You can swear you’ve met them before, your souls together in the previous life and the next too. Like you and Miss Y/N. ” 
Levi turns to Falco, his gray eyes glaring at him. He turns to  you, his gaze noticeably softening. You’re sure your cheeks are beet red by now and you try to divert the subject. 
“I’m going to start dinner. Whose turn is it to help me?” 
Your eyes widen as you turn to Levi, cursing yourself for asking in the first place. 
“You guys only played a few rounds. Stay here, I can handle it this week, Lee’.” 
You stand up before he can respond, basically running to the kitchen. 
“But Mr. Levi, wasn’t it my turn?” asks Falco, turning his head to the side to look at Levi. 
“Yes. Shut up and play the game brat.”
After dinner, you and Levi pull out the air mattress the four of you sleep on. While you used to set up the guest rooms - you and Gabi in one and Falco and Levi in your bedroom - the four of you had been sleeping together in the living room as of late. 
It all started a few weeks ago, on a particularly bad night for you. Falco and Gabi ran into your room to find you screaming in your sleep, Levi hunched over you trying to pull you awake. When you came to, you held onto Levi, the tears streaming from your eyes. 
“Miss Y/N. What happened?” 
You turn to your side to find Falco and Gabi crying at your side, their faces pink. You motioned for the two of them to join you and Levi on the bed, the four of you sitting criss cross to face one another. 
“Nightmares, Falco. I’m okay.” you whisper. 
“I get those too. Bad ones.” 
The three of you look over, Gabi’s head in her hands. You move her hands, guiding her face to meet your gaze. 
“Mine are always about Hange. I see them in the air, skin on fire. I try to stop them in the dream, but they’re gone by the time I get to them. They never get up, no matter how hard I try, how fast I move.….they still die in my arms every time I close my eyes.”
You feel Levi shift behind you, his hand making its way into your hair. He brushes through the tangles, attempting to fix your bedhead. You warm at the thought, Levi’s touch comforting you all together. 
“I’m killing Sasha, watching her blood spill onto the floor. Or watching Eren become the Attack Titan, his skeleton spinning into the air while the walls come down.” 
She pauses, the words dying in her throat.
“Falco turns into a titan, his warm eyes replaced with that lifeless, horrifying look in his eyes. He’s gone. And it’s all my fault.” 
Falco reaches for her hand, the three of you squeezing your hands together. 
“You didn’t tell me, Gabi.” whispers Falco, turning to face her. 
“It’s embarrassing. That stuff is over but I can’t stop thinking about it.” 
“It’s not over, not for us anyway. Sometimes I swear I can still see that girl, Ymir’s memories. I wake up in a cold sweat, dreaming of being her as she’s crushed in Galliard’s teeth. Or I see Colt. Him embracing me while I kill him.” 
You hold your arms open, the two of them moving into your arms. You feel the two of them crying onto your shirt, as you press a kiss to the top of their heads. You turn to face Levi, his expression steely. You knew the look all too well, after being at Levi’s side for years. He felt guilty. You’re not sure what for.
“I have them too.” 
Gabi and Falco turn to face Levi, shocked at his words. While you opened up to the two of them often, Gabi and Falco rarely had heart to hearts with Levi. They never hated him for it, understanding that he had every reason to be guarded, more than most. The only person he really talked to was you. 
He reaches over, his hands brushing across the scars on your forehead and then your neck. You’re taken back to the moment, being nearly crushed in Zeke’s grasp as you guys stood on the Attack Titan. Levi had gotten to you in time, severing you out of Zeke’s hold, but he wasn’t fast enough to catch you before you fell down. 
“My nightmare is that I killed you. Every time I close my eyes, all I see is you falling, after I cut you down. I reach you and you’re dead. No sparkling eyes looking at me, no stupid remarks when I talk to you. You’re still. Quiet. Lifeless. And it’s all my fault. I wake up every night, pressing my fingers against your neck just to make sure you’re still here.” 
You reach forward, pulling him into your embrace. You place your hand on the side of his hair, the other arm still slung around Gabi and Falco. The four of you sit like that for a while, no one reaching to breaking the silence. 
“Mr. Levi. Can we sleep here?” he whispers, looking up at Levi. 
You and Levi move, opening up the covers for the two of them to climb in between you. Within a few minutes, the two of them are fast asleep, the tear stains now dry against their cheeks. You and Levi face each other, interlocking fingers over the two of them. 
“Whatcha thinking about, Miss Y/N?” 
You turn to find Falco, pulling out his pajamas near the mattress. You shake your head, throwing away the memory all together as you finish putting the bed together. 
“Nothing, Falco. Levi’s in the bathroom. Go brush your teeth.” 
He jumps off, retreating to your bathroom. You move towards the guest bathroom, finding Gabi brushing her teeth by the sink. You join her, the two of you making faces at each other as you finish up. 
“Braids, Gabs?” 
She nods, sitting up on the counter as you start brushing your fingers through her hair. You section off parts of her hair, getting to work on braiding her brown hair. 
“Do you not think Levi is your soulmate?” 
“It’s just that earlier, the card. You seemed uncomfortable when Falco said you guys were.” 
You sigh, twisting her hair in your fingers. 
“It’s not that, Gabi. Don’t soulmates have to be reciprocal?” 
“You don’t think you’re his soulmate?” 
“I don’t know. He’s lost so many people but I’m unsure of how he felt about them and how he feels about me. Sometimes I wonder if they were still here, I wouldn’t be the one next to him. Maybe he would want it to be one of them instead.” 
“I don’t think so, Miss Y/N. He loves you. The thing he’s most scared to lose is you.” 
“That’s because I’m the only thing left, Gabi.” 
Levi and Falco burst in, Falco nearly falling face first into the floor. You and Gabi turn to your side, glaring at the two of them for interrupting your conversation. You see Falco’s eyes shine at the sight of you braiding Gabi’s hair. 
“Gabi! You look so pretty.” 
You watch Gabi flush at his words, running out of the room to avoid making eye contact with him. He follows, screaming an apology at her. 
“Brats. They’re hopeless.” 
“She’s hopeless. I bet she does this everyday, because there’s no way Falco walks around without saying something like that to her.”  
He nods in agreement as you clear the sink from the brushes and elastics you were using in her hair. You look into the mirror to find Levi staring at you. 
“What? Do I have something on my face?” 
“Then why are you staring?”  
He reaches forward, crushing you in his arms. You feel his heart pounding in his chest as he holds you even harder in his arms. He lets go, running his eyes over you. 
“You okay, Levi?” you whisper, staring into his gray eyes. 
“Yeah, it’s just-” 
He’s cut off by Falco and Gabi, who barge into the room again. 
“Oh, sorry. We were just going to ask when you wanted to sleep.” 
Levi turns to you, giving you a smile before turning to glare at the two of them. He pushes Gabi out of the room and you sling your arm around Falco as you follow them. 
“Did no one teach you brats how to knock?” 
“No. My parents died in the rumbling before they could teach me that.” 
“Your parents dropped you off here. You’re real funny brat.” 
You wake up, a cold sweat running down the side of your back. Sasha in a pool of her own blood. You look over, Gabi and Falco are still fast asleep under the blanket. Levi is absent from the mattress and you peer around for any signs of where he went. 
You spot his black hair through the window of the balcony, him sitting on the floor out there. You pull your jacket (it’s Levi’s but who’s paying attention?) and join him out there, moving to sit next to him. He tenses at the contact, before opening up his arm for you to rest against him. You lean your back against his chest, his chin resting on top of your head. 
The two of you sit in silence, staring out at the neighborhood over you. You lean into his embrace, thanking whatever gods there were for letting you be the one next to Levi in this moment.
“It was always going to be you.” 
“The person next to me. It was always going to be you.” 
You sit up, turning your back to face him. You’re unsure what he’s talking about, confused by his admittance all together. 
“I heard you talking to Gabi earlier. If they were still here, you would still be the one I want by my side.” 
You feel your cheeks burning, embarrassed Levi had heard you confessing your insecurities to a twelve year old girl. 
“I’m sorry, Levi. I didn’t mean it like that. I know how you feel about me.” 
Hie expression pinches and you can feel him tense behind your back. You curse yourself for placing doubt in his mind after everything he did for you. 
“I…loved them. They were both special to me, my best friends.” 
You nod, cradling the side of his face in your hand. 
“I know, Levi. You don’t need to explain.” you whisper. 
“But they’re not special the way you are. It sounds bad but I don’t love them like I love you. I’d be done for if you were the one gone instead of them.” 
You smile, glowing at his words. You knew Levi loved you, but he was hardly one to ever say it. Make no mistake, he showed it to you everyday - leaving tea out for you, making the dinner you like, buying flowers that remind him of you. But he was never the best at saying it, which did leave you to wonder at times. 
“Me too, Levi. As weird as it is to say, sometimes I feel lucky that you and I get to do this. Run a tea shop. Have the kids come around. Walk in the markets. I mean this time last year we were cradling each other's nearly dead bodies.” 
He pauses, swallowing hard before answering. 
“The next life will be nicer to us. I mean the odds are fucking impossible - anything is better than this.” 
“The next life?” 
“Soulmates. Your souls are together in the previous life and the next.” 
You feel your chest warm at his words, at him calling you his soulmate. You lean forward, pressing a kiss to his soft lips. 
Levi walks Gabi and Falco home the next morning, leaving you snoring in the mattress behind. Gabi and Falco press kisses to your head, telling Levi they’ll bring dessert when they come next week. 
Levi returns, groceries in hand. He makes breakfast, starting a cup of tea as you pad into the kitchen. Still half asleep, you swing your arms against his torso, leaning your face against his back. 
“Kids gone?” 
“Mhm. Dropped them off earlier. I got the apples you wanted yesterday while I was out.” 
You turn to the counter, rummaging through the bag Levi brought. You take out the flowers he brought from the market - a bouquet of red tulips. You smile, setting them aside to put in a vase later. 
As you look for the apples, you find a small green box. You take it out and click it open, a simple silver band in the box. 
“Did you buy me a ring?” 
You see his expression pale, as he reaches over trying to take the box from you. You’re able to avoid his grasp for a few seconds, but he gets it back in the end. 
“You’re so damn nosy, brat.” 
“Why are you trying to hide it? Buy it for your secret girlfriend instead of me?” you tease. 
“You get stupider as time goes on. It’s obviously yours. I was waiting to give it to you.” 
You smile, holding your hands out so he can give you the box back. As he reaches out to place the box in your hands, you pause spotting an identical silver band on his ring finger. 
“You have the same one!” 
“Yes. That’s the point, idiot.” 
You look up at him, staring into his eyes. You suddenly feel nervous. Last night, Levi called you his soulmate. And today he bought you rings. Matching ones. 
“What does it mean? I mean, am I really all that?” you whisper. 
“It doesn’t mean anything.” 
You deflate, dejected by his words. While the implication of matching rings made you nervous, nauseous even, his fast rejection made you feel even worse. 
“Oh. Okay, yeah.” 
“I didn’t-” 
You can see the frustration rising to his face, his eyes squinting at you. 
“I didn’t mean it like that. You mean everything. I just mean we don’t have to do anything. If you don’t want to. They’re just rings. We can do all that whenever we want to.” 
You look up at him, smiling at his nervous expression.
“I mean everything?” you ask, smirking at him. 
He prods his fingers into your forehead, pushing you back into the chair. He places the breakfast he just made in front of you along with a cup of green tea. 
“You’re hopeless, brat.” 
Falco and Gabi return the next week, accompanied with a box of mochi Reiner had bought for the two of you. As you and Levi take to make dinner, Falco and Gabi lean over the counter, whispering at the sight of you. 
“They’re wearing matching rings.” 
“What? Where, Falco?” 
“On their ring fingers. Look.” 
“They’re getting married, Falco! Does this mean I get to be a flower girl?” 
You and Levi smile at each other, trying your best not to laugh at the two of them whispering (yelling) over the counter. Levi turns towards them, placing their food in front of them. 
“We’re not getting married, brat. Not yet, anyways.” 
You turn to join the three of them, balancing your plate and Levi’s in your hand. 
“You’re not the best whisperer, Gabs. Sorry.” 
“Who bought them, Miss Y/N?” 
“Levi did, Falco. Last week after he dropped you off.” 
“Told you he was whipped for you. He looks like a kicked dog every time you walk away from him.” 
“Keep talking, brat. I can easily convince her to pick another flower girl.” 
You and Levi turn to Gabi, a wide smile spreading across her face. 
“Wait, so you’d actually consider me?” 
“Well yeah. Who else would do it?” 
She runs across the table, pulling the both of you together in a hug. Falco jumps up as well, running to join the three of you. The two of them shout in their excitement, shaking the two of you in their hold. Gabi grabs Falco’s hand, dragging him onto the balcony to look at which flowers would be best for the ceremony. 
“Since when does that murderous brat like flowers? It’s sickening.” 
“She’s just excited, Levi. Getting to be a part of it all and everything.” 
“We aren’t even getting married yet.” he deadpans. 
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” 
You turn to him, interlocking your fingers with his as the two of you eat your food. You hear the two of them chattering outside and thank the gods, for keeping the other half of your soul next to you. 
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youre-ackermine · 7 months
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Postwar Levihan
It's been three years since the war ended. Against all odds, Hange survived & lives with Levi. They found an abandoned cabin in a remote area near Liberio, miraculously spared as well as the bunch of trees that hides it from sight.
Day after day, they fixed up their new home as best they could. It’s not much but it’s their safe, shared home & it’s all that matters.
Once settled, none of them could stay out of the action. Hange works in what remains of Liberio, in a makeshift hospital occupying the ground floor of a half-destroyed building. They help treat sick or injured people several days & nights a week.
There isn’t enough room at the hospital so they managed to set up a lab at home where they can do some research, mostly about new medications or even prosthetics. Levi stays at home most of the time, taking care of the house, growing a vegetable garden, cutting wood & planting more trees around their cabin. In his glass house, Levi enjoys raising flowers, but he also sowed medicinal herbs for Hange’s experiments. Every once in a while, he goes to Liberio to help refugees, mostly children who lost their parents during the war.
Valentine's Day
A couple weeks ago, Gabi & Falco told Levi about Valentine’s Day, a tradition unknown on Paradis Island. As much as it seemed futile at first, Levi couldn't stop mulling over the idea.
After several days of wearying work, Levi convinced Hange to rest properly for once.
Sitting on the bed next to them, he takes a few moments to gaze at Hange’s sleepy face. He finds them beautiful, despite the burns. Or maybe he loves them even more because of these scars, a testament to their bravery. He’s so grateful they’re here with him, brightening his days with their cheerful, beaming smile, the very smile he fell in love with.
Meanwhile they sleep in on their day off, he busies himself getting tea ready for breakfast, packing some food & a blanket in a basket, slicing vegetables for the stew simmering in the pot over the fire. 
Levi is waiting for Hange in the hall while they put the bouquet of snowdrops he picked for them earlier this morning in a vase. They blushed & stammered a shy thank you when he drew it from behind the basket placed on his lap.
He promised himself today would be special. Nothing fancy, but a few hours for themselves without work or chores.
Hange would push his wheelchair along the paths nearby, blabbering about their research, asking him a million questions about the garden or the herbs he grows, about the pain in his leg. From time to time, they would lean down to kiss him on the cheek, giggling like a shy teenager. They would find a nice place to spread a blanket on the grass & enjoy their picnic. They would spend the afternoon watching clouds, Levi listening with fondness to Hange’s explanations about their shapes or how they form. When the sun would start to set & the breeze to be too cold, they would go back home & take a bath to warm themselves. 
Hange would stuff their face with the most delicious stew they ever tasted. They would settle with a contented sigh & a glass of wine in front of the fireplace, snuggled up against Levi under a warm blanket.
Levi would say he's not good with words. Levi would draw a little box out of his pocket & simply give it to Hange. Levi would gently slide the jewel on Hange's finger, not a proposal but rather a promise.
The promise to spend the rest of their lives together.
Happy Valentine's Day ❤️
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Moodboard, header & dividers: @youre-ackermine
Requested by: Flo @littlerequiem 🌹
A/N: Snowdrops are a symbol of hope, new beginnings, renewal, comfort, capacity to triumph over challenges, beauty & purity// English is not my usual language // Click on the moodboard for better quality
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leviismybby · 11 months
Sweeter than honey
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Kinktober day 1: Breeding
Levi Ackerman x fem!reader, nsfw, 18+, mdni
Levi never thought he would have children, it was something he didn't even have time to think about, always busy with his captain duties and saving humanity. But now that all of that is over, that the rumbling stopped and the titans are no longer, he can't help himself but imagine you with a belly, his child growing inside of you.
He made an excuse from work, for the first time in his life, Levi was way too eager to see you. It wasn't hard, he just told the others that his knee was hurting and that he couldn't keep on planting trees where colossal titans once stomped the ground. Gabi and Falco asked him if they should help him get home but he refused, all he wanted was to be inside of you and Levi always got what he wanted one way or another.
When he got home he found you in the kitchen, you were cooking dinner, and the way you moved around the room was so mesmerizing to him. You didn't notice him at first, too focused on making sure that the food you were making was perfect. After a few minutes, Levi clears his throat and you look his way, he is leaning against the doorway, a green flannel shirt on his body, sleeves rolled up showing his forearms.
Before you can even ask him what he was doing home so early, he hugs you from behind, his hands wrapping around your waist. His lips gently kiss the side of your neck, you shiver at his action. When he sees that you still haven't let go of the spoon, he does it for you, taking the spoon out of your hands and turning you around so you face him. "I've been thinking...." He started, his hands grabbing your hips, pulling you closer to his body.
"...I want to give you my children." Your eyes go slightly wide at his words, he has never even mentioned wanting to get married, let alone have children, so his words surprised you. "You want a... child?" You ask, making sure that you didn't hear him incorrectly and by the way, he was looking at you with that gray eye of his, you didn't. "Yes. Let me give you a child. Let me make you mine permanently." He lifts you onto the counter, you wrap your legs around his hips, and his kisses travel down to your collarbone. "You taste so fucking sweet."
A soft moan surpasses your lips, your hands rest on his shoulders. "Please, princess....I want a baby with you." His voice was harsh and very low, you can tall that he really wanted a child. You don't know what snapped inside of him but whatever it was, you loved it. Without much thought, you nod, feeling his mouth suck at your soft skin.
"That's a good girl. Let me have my way with you." His hands sneak under your shirt, squeezing your breasts, it doesn't take long before he has your shirt off of you. Levi leans in taking one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking eagerly. The moans you let out made him more and more turned on. You couldn't deny that he looked amazing in that shirt and jeans, it made him look so sexy. Sometimes you wonder to yourself how lucky you got to have him.
Your hands tug on his dark hair when he bites your nipple playfully, his fingers playing with the other one, you can feel his erection pressing against your clothed heat. "Fuck this. I can't wait anymore. I need to be inside of that pretty pussy." He is quick to slide the pants off of your body, gently rubbing your legs as he does so, his fingers hook on your underwear and he takes them off you. Despite missing some of his fingers, he is still as skilled with his hands as ever.
Tugging on his shirt, you earn a slight slap on your thigh. "No time for that, baby. Just let me fuck you." At his words, you move your hands down to his belt undoing it with haste, he kisses you on the lips, his lips sucking on your tongue making you moan softly. As soon as his belt is off, he spreads your legs and pulls his cock out before slamming into you hard.
You let out a gasp against his mouth as his cock penetrates your walls. "Fuck Levi!" He starts to thrust into you, hissing at the way your pussy gets used to him with ease. His hands are gripping your hips as he is fucking you roughly on the counter in the messy kitchen, your moans and lewd wet sounds echoing off the walls. Levi leaves sloppy kisses on your neck, his cock pounding you deep, it was sloppy and messy but neither of you cared. Levi was only determined to do one thing; get you pregnant.
"You feel so good. So fucking wet and warm. Fuck." He growls, your pussy clenches around his length anytime he slams back into you. It drives him crazy, you were made for him and wouldn't have it any other way. Your eyes start to roll back, your hands grabbing his shoulders, messing up his perfect green shirt. You whine when he speeds up, biting your lip so hard you might make it bleed. He feels so good inside of you. So perfect.
"You feel so good, Levi!" One of your hands grabs the nape of his neck, softly rubbing his skin. "Yeah? You like me fucking you like this?" You nod, your head throws back when you feel that warm sensation built up in your lower stomach, you won't last long and but the way Levi's cock is twitching inside of you, neither will he.
"I'll cum so fucking deep inside of you. I will get you pregnant, I promise, baby." His thrusts grow more erratic, and he grunts loudly, he can't wait to fill you up with his seed. With last few hard thrusts, he cums inside of you making you cum too. Your fingers dig into the skin of his nape, a loud moan of his name escaping your lips.
He moves his hips against yours gently, his head buried in your shoulder kissing it softly. Levi stays inside of you for a few minutes, just releasing in the feel of your warm walls. Then, he pulls out but quickly puts two fingers inside of you, making you yelp in surprise. "I don't want you to waste a single drop...fuck.."
"We are going again." Before you can protest, he picks your body up and carries you the the table, swooping everything off it, and making a mess on the floor however he doesn't care, not now. Putting you on the table, he takes your legs and puts them over his shoulder and then enters you again without struggle.
"Mhhhh Levi!" You grip the edges of the desk when he starts to move, his pace rough. "Yeah, that's it. Take it all like a good girl you are." He kisses your claf, fucking you fast and rough making the desk shake under you. Your monas are so loud, you're certain that people outside could hear you. His cock is deeper this time, this position allowed him to make you see stars, it won't take him much to make you cum but you'll try to hold on as much as you can.
The view Levi has is filthy, his cock is coated with his and your cum, he watches as his length slides in and out of you. You open your eyes looking up at him, despite the scar across his face, he will still the most handsome man you have ever laud your eyes on and you would be more than happy to have his children.
"Fuck yeah, I'll make a mommy. I'll give my my child." His grip on your legs he tighter, his pace starts to pick up. One of his hands runs down your legs and down to your stomach, he gently presses on your navel, your mouth drops open, a scream of his name leaving your lips. It was all too much, he knew exactly how to push you over the edge. He smirks and then moves his finger to your pussy, rubbing your clit gently as he pounds into you.
At some point his cock hits your cervix, your vision starts to get blurry, the mixture between pain and pleasure was perfect and just like that, you squirt all over his shaft, shivering. "Oh good fucking girl. You're so messy, baby." He slows his pace down however he is still fucking you hard, reaching the deepest parts of you. The desk under you is wet, the juices dripping from your pussy make this all so lewd.
Your hands grip his forearms, your nails digging into his flesh. Levi lifts your hips up slightly, so he can fuck you even deeper if possible. "Yes, fuck yes. I am so close. I'll fill you up. You wanna make me a daddy huh pretty girl?" You can't event respond, only whimpers are coming out of your mouth and fuck, Levi enjoys seeing you all stupid because of him.
With a hard slam of his hips, he spills deep inside of you, filling you up to the brim. He growls, the feeling of him doing this was way better than he thought. He stays in you for a little while, before pulling out, watching as his cum drips out of you.
"Oh I definitely got your pregnant now..."
Taglist: @youre-ackermine @the-milk-anon @humanitys-strongest-bamf @romantichomicide95 @mrsackermannx @sixpennydame @svftackerman @hhighkey @cometlevi @notgoodforlife @levisbrat25 @randomlevithoughts @ackermendick @saenora @loveackermannn @levismylover @laurenzita @missyasma @sad-darksoul @thebobaprincess @la-undercover-latina @levilxvr @bpdtistic
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antheshewro · 24 days
Levi Ackerman headcanon #2 — (My) analysis on his disability
This is my second time writing about Levi and his character. I previously did so for his intimacy and sexuality; this time, I would like to give my honest opinion and headcanon on his disability. With the utmost respect for the topic as it should be handled, and the disclaimer that I don't have enough knowledge in that field.
A panel of the manga explicitly shows how a titan, during the final battle, bit onto his knee. It most likely crushed his bone and damaged his nerves all the way down. His leg, even after surgery (I could see him resorting to a more technologically advanced country and their skills in the medical field to do so), healing and physical therapy, remained stiff.
When I say "stiff", however, I do picture it not being able to bend anymore. If he sits down, he has to manually bend it. It surely hurts when it's humid, or it aches as time passes and if he sits down for a certain and/or prolonged period of time.
The usage of the wheelchair is mostly because limping the entire time is not the best thing to do, and it surely bothers him if that happens. I can see Levi using a cane whenever he wants to take a walk alone, not relying on anyone else but that wooden stick. And in a way, to feel like he's not burdening anyone, being carried around.
The acceptance of his disability surely wasn't easy. That's more than obvious, it would never be pleasant to anyone. For someone like Levi, who got the title of "humanity's strongest soldier", losing so much of his mobility made him think if it was worth it. Yet, remembering the sight of the ghosts of his fallen comrades made him get through tons of doubts and moments of self-consciousness. If one like Levi let loose and cried because of it, it's a very big deal. One of those deals that made him think that yes, he's disabled. He struggles with certain mundane tasks now, and he has to rely on other people to grab an item that's placed on a high shelf, because that particular day his leg hurts, for example. In the Bad Boy chapter, there's no wheelchair in sight; though it meant that he could've parked it somewhere (where, we don't know), we can say that if he was sitting there with Falco and Gabi, he could, again, limp his way there. It wouldn't surprise me if he was stubborn enough to be willing to help despite his injuries.
It's not a bad thing to imagine him as defeated; he lost his dear friends, his family (by blood and acquired one), and on top of that, he was left with one blind eye, two fingers ripped off from one hand and a leg that doesn't work anymore. Anyone would've reacted badly.
We also know that Levi always showed signs of being stubborn: he still engaged in a battle with fresh bandaged scars and injuries, or when he told Armin "You'll forget that I exist if I keep resting". Despite how weak he clearly was, clinging and pushing himself forward as he struggled to walk, it doesn't only show that pain doesn't stop him at all, but how stopping itself means that he's giving up on a state of vulnerability that he doesn't want to go back to; I do connect it to the time when in Bad Boy he was being beaten up by those men, before he "activated" his Ackerman genes. Or even when he had to endure the pain of Kenny leaving him, his mother dying, or his comrades falling. Levi is not going to let his own body win.
"If I let myself be weak and vulnerable, I would fail the little kid in me that fought for himself and survived despite the shit he went through. I'm not going to let him down and fail who kept me alive and made me the person I'm today. The person that people relied on. But I need to trust that kid and rely on him too," I bet he constantly repeats himself whenever he's struggling and gritting his teeth. When getting to the bathroom makes him sweat a little, or dressing himself up takes more than usual.
On the other hand, I think the relationship between Levi and the way he denies himself some sort of vulnerability is because he thinks that it doesn't bring him anywhere. It never helped him in the Underground; when in "No Regrets" he cried after Isabel and Furlan died, he most likely told himself, "What did I gain from this? Did it even help bring them back? It didn't. Suck it up."
With that, Levi suppressed his feelings and bottled them up. He allowed himself to tear up only when he saluted the fallen Scouts. But that wasn't vulnerability for him: it was pride. Proud of himself, that he kept a promise and showed himself that he wasn't the same little boy that was left in a dumpster of an underground city, more than twenty years prior. Even despite the reason he was forced to join the Scouts, and cleared his name within his own self. The son of a prostitute and his client, the nephew of a man that wasn't surely a saint.
As time passed, Levi accepted his disability and the fact that he had to adapt. You fall today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow you understand that you need some backup. Gabi and Falco, and the ones who kept in touch with him (I would say Onyankopon the most, since at the end of the manga he shows up with the other three), surely were with him when he got back to his new house and had to face the reality of things. He would grumble and push the others away at first, and he never wanted to be helped. That meant having people care for him; last time it happened, those people left or died in front of his eyes. Too many traumas made him independent and reckless, as well as stubborn.
But even Levi has his limits. Gabi and Falco are compassionate and understand that they have to respect the fact that he needs time to fully accept his disability and people's aid. Once again, when someone has been left alone for years or discarded as if they were an old and broken shoe, they toughen up. Not because they want it, and I do believe that Levi tried a lot of times to heal his inner child and only succeeded with those kids at the refugee camp, while handing them lollipops. Giving them candies meant that he was helping them grasp onto that childhood they had been denied—and that sounds awfully familiar. Another side of him, however, has been so used to doing everything alone and being his own and sole emotional support that asking for help is not even contemplated.
Day by day, week by week, and year after year, he understood that grieving his lost mobility was alright. Letting people help him was alright. Discovering his limits, rediscovering his body and making everything coexist was the key. That the little Levi in him would be proud of adult Levi for not pulling a card at the base of the house of cards he built and instead, recreating it. That was when child!Levi began to feel at ease, and veteran!Levi could rest.
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much ado about nothing chapter 3 - plug!eren x reader - 18+!!!
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DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. minors and ageless blogs, please do not read below the cut.
finally!!!!!!!!!! finally all the tension has led to something.....well, some of the tension, anyway. you and eren are both idiots in denial, but you're horny idiots in denial, which makes all the difference. hope y'all have your a/c on, bc it's about to get hot in here.
corny jokes aside, pls enjoy chapter 3 of plug!eren and get ready to get steamy (finally!!!! sorry for holding out on you<3333)
miss the first couple chapters? find the series masterlist HERE
specific cws: smut, nasty nasty smut. mentions of drugs/alcohol. use of pet names, squirting, oral (fem!receiving), eren being a cute little shit
“That’s a fair thought to lie between maids’ legs.” - Hamlet by William Shakespeare (Act III, Scene 2)
You make your way through your weekly routine, but Eren follows you everywhere you go. You see him in the dark-haired man two rows over in the library, the smell of weed walking down fraternity row, in the kissing couple sitting on the campus’ main water fountain. It doesn’t help that Historia won’t shut up about him, scolding you day and night for not bringing him to your bed that night.
Part of you agrees with her, but another, more sinister part of you relishes in the denial of it all, the hot anticipation that courses through you each time he sends you a cheeky text about nothing. You promised yourself one fuck, one good, long fuck, and you were leaving him in the dust, and you weren’t going to rush to get it out of your way.
You’re busy anyway, heading over to The 104th Bean, the campus coffee spot, on quick feet to make it in time to the study group you were hosting for a few of your students. You didn’t think the sonnets you’d assigned for this week were too complex, but a good chunk of them were struggling with the meter of the lines. It was the least you could do to offer them an opportunity for one-on-one help, and in lieu of an office, 104 was the best spot to get it done.
“Hi guys,” you breeze in, breathless and slamming a stack of papers down on the table your students have gathered at, “sorry I’m a little late.”
“We just got here,” Falco, a precious, blonde wisp of a kid smiles brightly up at you, “and we went ahead and got you a coffee. It’s still hot.”
“Aw, thank you guys,” you gratefully accept the paper cup he offers you. It’s your favorite brew, and you raise your eyebrows in surprise. “Which one of you figured out my coffee order?”
“All of us,” Gabi shrugs, “you bring the same thing to class literally every day.”
“We have a whole thing about it in the group text,” Zofia wiggles her phone at you.
“I might need to offer some extra credit.” You take a sip, closing your eyes at the blissful feeling of caffeine rushing into your half-conscious brain. You jump straight into the material, deciding to tackle the sonnets one by one, line by line until they’ve all made perfect sense to your little group of college kids. They’re all smart, evidenced by the way they question their way to the answer before you can give it, and in their defense, some of the sonnets you pulled have been from your graduate classes. You spend the next hour working through everything with them, a welcome reprieve from sitting alone in front of your laptop, tugging at your hair.
“I…um, need to go to the restroom,” Gabi checks her phone and stands suddenly, looking frantic. You frown, but wave her off in the direction of the bathroom, making a mental note to send Zofia after her if she didn’t return soon.
After a few minutes have passed, Gabi sits back at the table, looking much calmer than when she’d left. You don’t make any note of it, until a tall figure catches your attention out of the corner of your eye. You’re positive that it’s your mind playing tricks on you like it has been all week, until you hear a familiar timbre calling your name.
Eren’s sullen mouth widens into that heartstopping, crooked grin as he walks over to wrap his arms around you in a hug that makes your knees weak. “What are you doing here?”
“Study group,” you gesture at your students, noticing that Gabi’s blushing heavily and pointedly avoiding eye contact with both of you. Ah. “Working?”
Eren glances at Gabi and looks at his shoes. “Nah, just needed a coffee.”
“Uh-huh,” you roll your eyes. He’s not even holding a cup, and you’re not buying his story for a second. As her professor, you should scold Gabi for buying drugs which are definitely banned on campus, but considering that you’re plotting to get into her dealer’s pants, you figure that might be a tad hypocritical.
“You didn’t text me back last night,” Eren pokes a finger into your ribs playfully. You’re well-aware of your students’ eyes boring into your back, watching intently as their professor’s personal life spills into their study session. Great material for the group text.
“I knocked out! You know I’m busy.”
“Too busy to reply to my memes about Jujutsu Kaisen?” Eren cocks an eyebrow.
“Apparently so. I woke up with my phone still unlocked and stuck to my face.” That draws a laugh out of him.
“Okay fine,��� Eren concedes, “but if you’re not going to pay attention to my very funny memes over text, then you’ll have to check them out in person.”
“Eren,” you hiss, flicking your head in the direction of your suspiciously-silent students, “Would it kill you to behave?” Eren scoffs.
“They’re not listening. What about tonight? We can watch a movie or something.”
Watch a movie. You want to inform him that each one of those students is very much listening to him shamelessly flirt with you, students that absolutely know what “watch a movie” is code for. Especially Gabi, who knows exactly what Eren’s occupation is from experience and will likely be all too thrilled to inform her classmates that you’re banging her hot drug dealer. Simply getting Eren to leave is probably your best bet at retaining any shred of respect your students hold for you.
You can’t resist teasing him a little first. “Is that what an old man does on a Friday night? Watch movies?”
“Mikasa’s covering some clients for me,” Eren admits, “if you come over, that is.”
“I think I’m free tonight,” you scan through your lengthy list of obligations in your head, trying to ignore the way your heart flutters as you realize he’s already gone out of his way to cover work and give you both your alone time, “as long as you don’t mind if I bring some quizzes over with me. I still have my 9:00 am’s to grade.”
“Can I help?” Eren’s eyes light up, childlike and excited.
“You don’t even know the answers.”
“Straight As for everyone,” Eren smiles, changing his tune when you shoot him a look, “straight Fs, then?”
“It won’t take me long, twenty minutes tops, and then you can pester me with all the memes you want. Deal?”
“You got it, teach.” Eren’s tone is suggestive enough to make your face warm, and you shoo him away from the table of young adults that you literally must remain respectable in the eyes of. Eren bids you goodbye with a wink that goes straight to the warmth pooling between your legs. You allow yourself one deep breath to regain your composure, turning back to your students with a wide, nervous smile.
“Sorry about that, guys.”
“Is that your boyfriend?” Zofia flinches when Gabi kicks her under the table with a loud bang.
You hesitate. No, just the hot guy I have no business getting wrapped up with that I’m going to let fuck me stupid later. “Just a friend.”
“He seemed pretty into you to be just a friend,” Falco teases.
“Do you want to fail your next three tests?” You raise an eyebrow at him, and he balks, turning back to his notebook with a mumbled apology. You don’t miss the way Gabi’s looking at you, something between embarrassment and curiosity on her face. You can’t blame her; you’re not far enough in age from your students to be completely out of touch, and if you found out one of your professors had been sleeping with someone as deliciously dangerous as Eren, you would have been all over spreading that rumor.
Friends with someone like Eren, you correct yourself in your mind, remembering that you haven’t slept together, not quite yet. Tonight’s apparently the night, though, and your chest is tight with anticipation. It’s all you can do to pull yourself together and make it through the day, breaking out in a cold sweat when Eren shoots you a reminder text to head to his place around 7:00.
“Oh you’re getting laid. You’re so getting laid!” Historia squeals excitedly through your phone speaker. “I never thought this day would come!”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” you say, letting the sarcasm drip freely from your voice. Your nervous hands had started shaking in your pockets as you rode down the elevator shaft to embark on the twelve-minute walk to Eren’s, so you had Facetimed Historia for a distraction. All you had gotten in return so far, however, was a whole bunch of shrieking.
“You just second guess yourself too much,” Historia says, shaking the camera, “let loose, live a little like we used to.”
“Living like we used to is what had me crying in the shower over a frat boy every two weeks, remember?”
“Eren’s not like that,” Historia dismisses you, “and honestly, he seems into you.”
“He invited me over to come fuck in broad daylight, so yeah, Stor, I’d say he’s fairly into me.”
“Not like that, like actually into you. I’ve never seen him get all touchy with anyone like he did the other night. Plus, he drove you home, which was super sweet.”
Oh, calling Historia was a mistake. Big mistake. That’s the last thought you need in your mind on your way to your one-and-done, already being a repeat offender for catching feelings from basically nothing. Eren’s too volatile to play with, too charming, and if you’re not careful, you’ll fall right into a trap he probably doesn’t even know he’s setting for you.
“I don’t know,” Ymir chimes in from somewhere off-camera, “guys will do a whole bunch of shit to get laid. Probably doesn't mean anything.”
“You’re literally a lesbian, Ymir, shut up,” Historia snips. You raise an eyebrow.
“Do the words ‘pot’ and ‘kettle’ have any meaning to you?”
Historia rolls her eyes. “Ymir’s like, allergic to penises, don’t listen to her. I, on the other hand, have a million guy friends and, with no emotional or sexual interference in my male-female relationships, I have learned to read them like books. Deny it all you want, but he’s totally got a little crush on you.”
“This is the last thing I need to hear,” you groan, “he’s too pretty for me to think he has a crush on me. We’re fucking just this one time, and then I’m done with him.”
“Sure,” Historia smirks knowingly, “I’m sure Sasha’s roommate said that too.”
“And they never dated either, so that’s on her for breaking her own rule.” You’re pushing back a little too hard to be described as anything but defensive, you know it, but a small, wavering flicker of hope in your chest wants Historia to keep going, wants her to be right. Because Eren’s dreamy, makes you want to kick your feet and twirl your hair like a schoolgirl, and if anything actually came of this, you wouldn’t be the one to say no.
However, you’re heading over for a meaningless, one-time fuck, so feelings need to be pushed to the back of your mind.
“You’re never any fun,” Historia pouts.
“Two days ago I drank an entire bottle of wine with you for zero reason other than the fact that you wanted to get drunk and cry to Taylor Swift. That’s plenty of fun.”
“She does that to you, too?” Ymir commiserates, still off-camera.
“Okay, it’s Eren-talk time, not shit-on-Historia time,” Historia huffs, blowing a strand of blonde out of her eyes. A notification pops up on your phone: destination in 200ft.
“Oh my god, I’m almost there,” you practically moan, covering your face with your hand, “what if he does have a massive dick and it like, impales my uterus or something?”
“No dick talk!” Ymir snaps. Historia shushes her.
“Relax, for every rumor about a guy’s dick, you have to knock, like, two inches off what you hear. Trust me.”
“What if I choke on it and throw up on him?”
“I’ve seen you deepthroat an entire banana without batting an eye,” Historia pulls a knowing face.
“What if this whole thing is a prank and Ashton Kutcher pops out and they’ve somehow started up a Punk’d remake that I don’t know about–”
“Then you get a selfie with Ashton Kutcher and call it a day,” Historia laughs, “you’re working yourself up way too much. Remember when you used to be a slut and do this, like, five times a week?”
“Jesus,” you hear Ymir mutter.
“Thanks, Stor. Thanks so much.”
“No, but seriously. Eren might be hot and funny or whatever else you like about him, but he’s just a guy. You are also hot and funny and totally a catch, you’ve got the upper hand here!”
“Ugh,” you stop a few feet from Eren’s drive, knowing you would fully die if he overheard you gossiping about him on the phone. “I’m here. Let me just get this over with, and I’ll see you at home later.”
“Yeah, when Eren answers the door, try to sound a little more excited that you’re going to get laid and less like you’re going to your execution,” Historia traces a smile onto her cheeks with a pink fingernail, “good luck!”
“Use a condom!” Ymir pipes up just as the call ends.
You look over at Eren’s house, cute and squat with its little red door, and trudge up the sidewalk before you can lose your nerve. You wince at the tremors shaking your fist as you knock, wanting to run away or throw up or disappear–
“Hey,” Eren answers the door with a broad grin. You eye his gray sweatpants, essentially straight woman kryptonite, and gulp. He knows too much.
“Hey,” you force a smile, letting him beckon you inside. It smells…very nice. Not as boyish as it should. You take note of the candle burning on the coffee table with a little smile.
“Want anything to snack on? I have popcorn, stuff for quesadillas, cosmic brownies…” Eren’s eyes twinkle at the last suggestion. You’re not surprised; he seems like the type to have an insatiable sweet tooth.
“I ate before I came over, but thanks anyway,” you say, fiddling with the zipper on your jacket. Eren takes note of your twitchy hands, raises an eyebrow at you.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you say automatically, embarrassed that he’s caught you flustered. He’s just a guy. “It’s…okay, it’s honestly just been awhile.”
You expect him to laugh or tease you, but Eren just smiles that stupid fucking canine-heavy, disarming smile. “We’re just chilling, okay? No sweat.”
“No sweat,” you repeat, admittedly feeling a little better now that you’ve gotten it out. Eren’s new to you, still unfamiliar and full of surprises, but for some odd reason, you trust him. There’s something comfortable and steady in his casual confidence that eases your nerves and ignites a pounding in your heart all at once.
“So, I was thinking Texas Chainsaw,” Eren goes on like you hadn’t just shared a little moment in the hallway, flopping onto the couch, “but if you’re not into horror, I’d be down for Pineapple Express.”
The irony’s so blatant it’s almost not funny.
“So, the drug dealer wants to watch Pineapple Express?” You plop down beside him, relieved that he’s drawn you to the living room as opposed to his bedroom. Sure, you feel better, but you know one look at Eren’s bed would ignite a fresh wave of nerves. Eren rolls his eyes as you poke fun at him.
“It’s a classic!”
“For seventeen-year-old stoners, definitely. What about Grease? That’s a classic.”
Eren lolls his head on your shoulder, pretending to snore. You smack his face lightly, still giggling under your breath, and he fakes jumping awake, shaking his head. “Sorry, I dozed off. Boring.”
“Okay, fine, let’s just do your horror movie,” you sigh, knowing that if everything goes according to plan, you won’t be stuck watching the movie for long. “I’ve never seen that one, and isn’t it sort of a pillar of the scary movie realm?”
Eren pauses his thumb on the remote to gape at you. “You’ve never seen Chainsaw Massacre? Like, ever?”
“Holy shit. Prepare yourself to be educated,” Eren mumbles disbelievingly under his breath, finding the movie quickly and standing to turn the lamps in the room off, leaving nothing but the cozy glow of string lights and the TV. “Ready?”
You snuggle into his side, letting him pull you close enough to feel his chest rise and fall under your face. “Ready.”
The movie doesn’t hold your attention, too caught up in Eren’s embrace to pay much attention to the plot. He’s got one arm around your shoulders, hand dangling down far enough that you can reach your hand up to play with his large fingers. It’s comfortable, probably a little too comfortable for a quick fuck, but you’re content, trying your best to focus on the film until he makes his move.
“M’bored,” Eren says abruptly, after not even thirty minutes.
“You picked this movie,” you argue, peering up to look at him. He’s feigning a pout, but there’s something mischievous glittering in his eyes.
“Yeah because I thought you’d scream,” he says, shrugging, “but for someone who didn’t want to watch a scary movie, you don’t seem very scared.”
“I’m not screaming because it’s predictable.”
“You’ve never even seen it, you should be screaming.”
“You need a horror movie to make me scream?” You’re tired of the games, confidence restored as you remember just how badly you want what you came here for. Historia was right, he’s just a guy, and you’re ready to get laid. Eren blinks for a brief second, caught off guard, but a slow, wolfish grin slowly begins to spread over his face.
“Is that what we’re doing now? Talking shit?”
You’ve dug your grave now, blood running hot with anticipation. Might as well get comfortable. “Maybe.”
Eren shifts, pulls you into his lap to straddle him chest to chest. Through your leggings, you can feel the outline of him, intimidating and hard, rubbing against your core. It draws a little gasp from you; no running from him now. “Yeah? Where’d that mean mouth go?”
You lean in, already eager to feel his lips on yours, but Eren reclines further, making you chase him.
“Cat got your tongue?” Eren chides, tongue darting out to wet his lips. “Thought you wanted to be mean to me.”
“That’s not what I want.” Your voice already sounds gone, breathy and heavy in your mouth.
“What do you want then?”
“Wanna kiss you,” you admit, hating how strung out you already are, hot between your thighs and shaky in the hands. Eren smiles at you, so sweet and easy on the surface, but you can see the danger lurking behind it. He’s going to eat you alive.
Eren leans forward, leaving a chaste peck on your lips. You make a discontented sound as he pulls away. “What’s that for? Gave you what you wanted.”
“Not like that,” you play with the strings of his hoodie, not even able to look him in the eye, lest he see the unadulterated want pulsing through you, “like…”
“The other night?” Eren finishes for you, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “Been thinking about it?”
“Mhm.” He puts his hands on your hips, and you hum at the heat of his hands through your clothes. Unexpectedly, Eren pushes you down, grinds you against the erection growing in those damned sweatpants, ripping a humiliating, choked sound out of your throat. You aren’t sure what you’d expected of him, but you definitely hadn’t anticipated this level of boldness.
“Been touching yourself? Thinking about me?” Eren asks, low and expectant. You nod, hating yourself for admitting to your late night transgressions, giving into him so easily. “Good. ‘ve been doing the same thing.”
Eren swallows the little moan that spills out of your mouth, crashing into you, all teeth and tongue. He’s sloppy, far more demanding than he had been the first time around, licking into your mouth and fisting a hand into your hair. His other hand’s still hard at work, moving your hips against him, letting out little grunts when you grind down particularly hard.
“Not here, need to,” Eren pants into your mouth, trying to speak around your tongue slipping between his lips, “need to take you to my room. Is that okay? Need you to tell me now if it’s not.”
Your heart melts; you want to kick yourself for ever calling him ‘scummy’. Even in the midst of your heated moment, Eren’s eyes are blown wide, scanning over your face for any sign of hesitation.
“Please,” you purr against him, peppering his jawline with kisses and rubbing yourself on him wantonly. Eren groans deep in his chest, a sound that makes your cunt throb between your legs. That convinces him; he scoops you up, legs around his waist like you weigh nothing– god, it always strikes you just how strong he is– stumbling through the house and letting you plant sloppy, open-mouthed kisses down his throat.
You bounce on his bed when he tosses you, not even taking your eyes off of him for a moment to do a quick inventory of the room. You decide you’ll take the time to investigate afterwards, greedy for any details that might unravel the mechanisms behind the man in front of you. Eren’s practically ripping his hoodie off where he towers over you, revealing an expanse of hard muscle nestled under olive skin, random little tattoos etched into his physique here and there. You want to trace those tattoos with your tongue, feel how the skin gives under your teeth. Your jaw drops an inch or two; you reach a hand up to ghost your fingertips under the ripples of his ridiculous six-pack.
“You’re a drug dealer. What do you even need muscles like that for?”
Eren snickers, letting you have your fun for only a moment before he’s reaching down to tug your top over your head.
“I have a lot of down time, I guess. You’re one to talk anyway,” he sucks in a breath, crawling over you and forcing you back on your elbows, “I mean, just look at you.”
You bring your hands up to your face to hide where your cheeks are growing warm under his lecherous gaze, but Eren’s having none of it, pulling them above your head and securing them by the wrists.
“Ah ah ah,” he tuts, mouthing his way down your neck, “why so shy all of the sudden? Don’t hide from me now.”
“S-sorry,” you stutter, back unwittingly arching, shoving your chest closer to his eager mouth. Eren releases you to unclip your bra, slide it over your shoulders. His eyes darken even further, bright green deepening into the shade of a dark, forest floor.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” Eren mumbles, leaning down to drag his tongue over the tops of your breasts. It’s lewd, sloppy, the way he licks at you like you’re something sweet, something to be eaten, but you like it, fisting your hands in his dark hair and clutching him to your chest. Eren’s large hands palm at your tits; he takes one nipple in his mouth and you sigh contentedly as he sucks, nips at you in all the right places. “You've got the most beautiful body, baby. Feel good?”
“Yeah, feels good,” you whisper, cradling him so close you might be suffocating him, but you don’t care. There’s something akin to a Greek god licking at your tits, looking up at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, can you really help yourself?
Eren kisses down your stomach, tugging your leggings and panties down easily, propping your legs open for him. You frown, popping up on your elbows, more than ready to just get him inside of you as fast as you can at this point. What stops you is the extremely sexy noise he lets out at the sight of you, bordering on a growl.
“Such a pretty pussy,” he absentmindedly circles your clit with his thumb, dips it into your hole a few times, testing the waters.
“Eren, no– want you in me,” you pull at his shoulder pointedly, but Eren just chuckles, breath fanning over your sensitive cunt, making you jolt.
“Gotta get you ready for me, yeah?” Eren tilts his head innocently, rubbing a little faster against your clit. Your words die in your throat, nothing but a broken whimper slipping out in place of your protests. “See? Just want to taste you, know you’ll be so sweet.”
“Fine, knock yourself out,” you say, trying to appear at least slightly less wrecked than you are. Eren looks up at you, amused.
“Gonna fuck that attitude right out of you if you’re not careful.” Jesus, the mouth on him. You bite your lip, too afraid of what might come out if you dare to respond. You believe him.
Eren’s leaning in, licking through your folds lazily, no clear plan in mind, just getting a taste for you like he said he would. Somehow, even with his warning, it still catches you off guard, the hot lathing of his tongue into your center.
“Shit,” Eren groans into you, “you taste so fucking good.”
His words go straight to your pussy, and you twist your fingers in his hair shamelessly, pulling insistently. You need far more than what he’s giving. You need what you know he’s capable of.
“Where’s all that shit talking now?” Eren chuckles under his breath, the vibrations sending a fresh wave of heat through your body.
“C’mon Eren, quit fucking with me,” you pant, making the mistake of looking down. Whatever you were about to say gets lodged in your chest; Eren’s looking right back up at you, bottom half of his face tucked into your cunt and one eyebrow cocked smugly.
“Need something?”
“Your mouth, your f-fingers, please–” you’re off the deep end, feeling yourself spiral further down into Eren’s little world of hot hands and devilish lips, bottomless need threatening to swallow you whole. You’re not the begging type, but for him? You’re as good as on your knees.
“There you go,” Eren coos, sinking a long finger into your heat, crooking it just right to punch a groan from you, “can have whatever you want, baby, just gotta ask.”
His mouth closes around your clit, sucks hard just as his finger nudges into the perfect spot in your walls, that spot that makes your head spin. You’re crooning above him, muttering something about how good it feels, how you need more, putty in his experienced hands. When he slips another finger into you, picking up his rhythm, you nearly cry, tears welling in your eyes as he works you open.
“That’s– fuck, that’s so good,” you whine, fisting the sheets, his hair, your own chest, anything you can sink your claws into to keep you grounded in the moment, keep you from floating away like you feel like you’re going to. Your hips are canting up into Eren’s mouth of their own accord; you buck so violently that Eren has to throw his free arm over your stomach, locking you in place so that you have no choice but to stay and take what he’s giving you. “Eren, I–”
“Hm?” He hums against your swollen clit; you can even feel his lips stretch into a grin against you.
“Don’t stop, I’m gonna– gonna cum,”  you manage, legs already beginning to shake. Every part of you feels like it’s on fire; when Eren presses his arm down a little harder on your lower abdomen, a strange, sticky heat starts building in your stomach. “Eren–”
“Come on, baby,” Eren huffs, sinking a third finger into you, stretching you impossibly wider. You’re wet enough that it doesn’t hurt, but the shock of it is enough to make you cry out. “Don’t fight it, want it so fucking bad. Let go for me.”
That’s enough to hurl you over the edge, obscene sounds spilling from you as you jerk in his hold. You’re vaguely aware of the squirt dribbling out of you, soaking the sheets, but you’re preoccupied with the earth-shattering orgasm rocking through your body, the lewd slurping sounds Eren’s making between your legs, groaning into you as you cum violently on his face. You finally begin to settle, shoving at Eren’s head and whimpering from the overstimulation.
He presses his lips to your hip bone before he comes back to you, pulling you into a filthy kiss, both of your faces drenched in your cum and sticking together. When he pulls back, you nearly cum again at the sight of your slick literally dripping from his chin.
“How was that?”
“Fine,” you pant, “just fine.”
Eren laughs, a real laugh that pulls a giggle out of you too, makes everything just a little less intense. “So you’re good?”
“I’m very good,” you grin up at him, bleary-eyed and blissed out. Eren falls back against the headboard, sitting himself up. You notice two things right off the bat: 1. that his gray sweatpants are gone and 2. that the rumor mill wasn’t lying.
His dick is massive, wide enough that your fingers wouldn’t touch if you wrapped them around it and long enough that you’re pretty sure it would slap against your belly button if you laid it just right. It’s pretty, too; flushed red tip leaking precum down his shaft in a way that makes your mouth water. Your eyes widen, apparently enough for Eren to notice.
“Quit drooling and get over here,” he chuckles, grabbing you under your arms and pulling you to his chest, forcing your legs to spread over his thighs, “wanna see you ride me first.”
“I’m not drooling,” you scowl defensively, trying to regain some of your composure after whimpering and crying for him only a minute ago. He’s just a guy, Historia’s words echo in your mind.
“Go for it, then,” Eren smirks, landing a light smack on your ass that makes you jolt. You steel your gaze against his, determined not to give him the upper hand.
You take him in your hand, slide the head through your wet folds, earn yourself a hiss from him. Shit, even the tip catching on your eager hole has an intimidating stretch to it. He wants you to sit on this thing?
Either Eren’s a mind reader, or your hesitation is written all over your face because he cups your chin, pulling you down to him for a troublingly tender kiss.
“Just a little at a time, okay?”
You’re humiliated by his encouragement, but you tuck your lip between your teeth and nod, pressing just the head into you, pride forgotten on account of the slight burn between your legs as you sink down on him.
“Oh,” you sigh, long and languid, head rolling back off of your shoulders at the stretch. Eren’s grin has fizzled out into a look of fascination, his eyes glued to where he’s splitting you open. You inch down a little further, wincing at the ache in your thighs and in your walls; he feels even bigger than he looks. Eren notices, wipes a thumb under your eye at a stray tear.
“You good?”
“Yeah,” you hiss out through your clenched jaw, “s’just…so much.”
“Doing so good for me,” Eren’s thumb returns to your clit, swiping across it softly, “does this help?”
Your answer is nothing but a heady whine as you drop down another inch or so, cunt pulsing around the welcome intrusion. Eren’s trying to comfort you, holding you tight to his chest now and murmuring little encouragements into your ear, but his voice is strained and you can feel his hips twitching, begging to buck up into you, just as unraveled as you are at this point. After what seems like eternity, you’re almost there, feeling him deep in you, nudging against your cervix, but there’s still a small space between you, one you can’t manage to close.
“I can’t, Eren,” you whimper, fucking yourself up and down on him in an effort to get that last little bit in, “won’t fit.”
“Yeah it will,” Eren simpers, taking you by the waist, “lemme help.”
Eren adjusts the way you’re sitting, leans you back just a little, and he’s right. The small space between you disappears, both of you groaning when your clit meets his stomach.
“Oh, f-fuck,” you stammer, rolling your hips against him experimentally.
“So goddamned tight,” Eren huffs, voice gruff with the strain of keeping himself under control, “so fucking perfect for me.”
You move, rocking this way and that, marveling at the way each new angle feels. Eren’s digging his teeth into his bottom lips, squeezing your hips hard enough to bruise, but he holds himself back, letting you work yourself open and get a feel for him. When you lean forward, brace your hands on his shoulders and grind your hips back, his cock nudges a spot in you that makes you see stars. You collapse onto Eren’s chest, rutting your hips into him desperately, panting.
“Right there?” Eren’s hands finally move, pulling and pushing your hips back and forth against the spot that has you mewling into his chest.
“Right there,” you gasp, feeling your orgasm building upon itself embarrassingly fast, still raw from his fingers.
“That’s right,” he grunts, moving your body against him faster, “not so mean with my dick up in you, are you?”
You mumble something unintelligible in response that would have been muffled by Eren’s shoulder between your teeth even if it had been a coherent sentence. Your eyes roll back in your head as the pressure builds, and Eren releases his grip from one of your hips to rub hard, fast circles against your clit.
“Come on,” Eren licks up your neck, “give me one more. You can do it, baby, just one more.”
And just like that, you’re cumming again, wailing into his sweaty skin as tears fill your eyes. Eren guides you through it, working your hips into a slow grind, groaning deeply in your ear as you ride it out, moving your hips along with the rhythm he’s set. He rubs circles into your back as you come down, leaving a litter of kisses along your shoulders while you tremble on top of him, nails dug into his biceps.
“That was a big one,” Eren grins at you, all cocky and stupid, when you pull back to look at him. You’re too exhausted to berate his smugness, laughing breathlessly.
“It was good,” you agree, whimpering when Eren lifts you off of him. He tosses you to the side, propping you up on your hands and knees.
“Gonna let me have my fun, now?” Eren asks from behind you, landing a few light spanks to your ass.
“That wasn’t fun?”
“Oh, it was very fun,” Eren slides back into you, all the way to the hilt, punching a groan from your throat, “but doesn’t this feel so much better?”
Before you can respond, Eren’s got his hand around your throat, pulling you up onto your knees until your back is flush with his chest. His fingers sneak up, grab your chin, force you to look down.
“See? Like this, you can even see where I’m fucking all the way up into your little tummy.” His free hand rubs lovingly over the little bulge in the bottom of your stomach pulsing in and out in accordance with his slow thrusts. At this angle, Eren’s hitting that gummy spot in your walls dead-on with each snap of his hips; all you can do is cry and whimper pitifully as he picks up his pace, skin on skin echoing throughout the room. 
“E-Eren— fuck,” you can barely form words, overcome by the way he’s just using you, manhandling you and bullying you into the shape of him. Your fucked out mind struggles to grasp onto Historia’s reminder; Eren’s not just a guy, he's ruining you for any man to come after him.
“Feel good, baby?” Eren releases you, placing a hand between your shoulder blades, shoving your face into the mattress creaking underneath you and shoving himself that much deeper, fucking up against your cervix. “You feel so good for me. Best pussy I’ve ever had baby, s’like magic.”
You notice the slur in his words, like he’s drunk on you, getting lost in you as much as you’re drowning in him. You shove your hips back towards him, trying to line up in rhythm with his thrusts, make this good for him too instead of being a complete pillow princess. Eren slaps his hands onto your hips and grabs hard, hard enough to leave little fingerprint bruises and move your hips for you.
“Look at you, pretty little thing all slutted out just for me,” he sounds strung out, like his inner monologue is just spilling from his lips, “lemme take care of you, bet I can-“
A hand wraps around your body, thrumming insistently against your puffy, sore clit. You’d like to think the sound that erupts from you is more akin to a moan than a scream, but you’d be lying to yourself. You claw at the bedsheets, desperately trying to run away from the overstimulation- it’s so much, he’s so much-
“Don’t run from me,” Eren slaps your clit sharply, “you can cum again for me, can’t you? After all that fucking talk earlier, I know you can.”
“I can’t, I can-“
“Yes you can,” Eren’s whispering all sweet in your ear like he’s not fucking the life out of you, “just one more, baby, then I’ll give you mine. Promise you can do it.”
Your abused cunt tightens around Eren so viciously you nearly push him out, sobbing into the bed sheets as Eren shoves you over the edge for the third time that night. Eren’s murmuring in your ear how good you are for him, how good you feel, how pretty you look crying for him, only making it all that much sweeter. His hips begin to stutter behind you, and he cums deep in you with a loud groan and a generous amount of swearing.
You collapse in a sweaty heap, Eren pulling you to his chest and affectionately rubbing circles into your back, whispering sweet nothings as you sniffle into your chest. When you start to come back to yourself, giving Eren a meek smile, he runs off to the bathroom for a washcloth to handle the wreck between your legs. That gives you the opportunity to sit up, clutching the sheets to your chest to protect any sense of modesty you might have after that, and take a look around his room.
There are some anime posters on the walls, Jujutsu Kaisen (naturally), Death Note, Bleach, and a framed picture of Eren, Armin, and Mikasa as children. You notice there’s nothing resembling a family photo, and your heart thuds sadly. There’s a desk in the corner scattered with papers, and your curiosity wins out over the trembling in your legs. You toddle over on weak knees, sheets wrapped tightly around yourself, wincing at the feeling of Eren’s cum dripping between your thighs.
To your surprise, most of the papers littering the little desk are sketches of buildings, measurements and keys to each drawing detailed on the side in neat handwriting. They almost look like blueprints, professional and meticulous. You pick one up and study it, missing the creak of the bedroom door.
“What are you doing?” Eren’s got a suspicious look on his face, holding a little cloth and a cup of water in his hands.
“Sorry,” you’re flustered, dropping the paper onto the desk, “I was just–”
“Snooping?” He cocks a knowing eyebrow, walking over to you. Your cheeks warm.
“A little. What are these?”
Eren joins you by the desk, spreading a large hand over the collection of drawings. “Designs.”
“For what?”
“I was an engineering major,” he says simply, shrugging. You can tell he’s a little uncomfortable, but when he doesn’t elaborate, your curiosity outweighs your manners.
“You went to college?”
“Don’t say it like that,” Eren chides, scooping you up bridal-style, sheets and all, and walking you both back over to sit on the bed. Your stomach does somersaults; you don’t think you’ll ever get tired of how easily he can just move you where he wants. “Yeah, I sell drugs or whatever, but ‘m not a complete idiot.”
“I’m sorry,” you say earnestly, letting him open your legs and gently wipe at you where you’re sticky and dripping, “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just surprised s’all. Why didn’t you do anything with your degree?”
Eren frowns, clearly you’ve hit a sore spot. “I couldn’t stand the idea of the nine to five, wife and kids shit. My dad and my brother really pushed it on me, so they haven’t exactly been gung-ho about the fact I never used my diploma. They still think I’m just bartending somewhere.”
You wince; from your conversation at Scout’s, you know you’ve now tread into completely inappropriate territory for a one-night stand. “I didn’t mean to bring it up, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Eren offers a tense smile, “you didn’t know.”
“Your drawings are actually really good.”
“They’re designs, not drawings,” Eren corrects you with a chuckle, “just because I finished school doesn’t mean I stopped liking the work. Just…don’t really want to settle yet, you know?”
You nod. “I know the feeling. Want to just drop it?”
Eren smiles gratefully, pulling the sheets back around you. “You cold? I can find something comfy for you to throw on while I cook.”
You scrunch your nose. “Cook?”
“Think I’d put in that much work on you and not take care of you after?” Eren snorts, already having set you on the bed and started rummaging through his drawers. “What kind of man do you take me for?”
You blush, having expected nothing more than a pat on the bottom and a goodbye after Eren added you as another notch in his belt. “Didn’t particularly take you for any type of man, but definitely not a chef. What are you cooking?
“Burgers,” Eren turns around with a triumphant grin, holding out a corny t-shirt that says Kiss the Chef on it in enormous, white letters. “You want this one, or the Grill Dad shirt?”
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sundew199 · 2 months
Random Reiner HCs (sfw)
A/n: a mix of relationship and non-relationship, some are modern day. Again these are just my headcanons, and just for fun :)
Will sing girly pop songs with you in the car, does not care.
Cannot sit on the couch for longer than 5 minutes or he’ll fall asleep and stay asleep for the rest of the day, you better hope and pray y’all don’t have plans
Has a HORRENDOUS farmers tan 💀, looks like he’s still wearing a shirt when he takes his off
Will only play videos games if Gabi and Falco ask him too, other than that he doesn’t play that often, but does like to watch you play your games. It’s like having your own narrator/commentator :)
Sets at least 10 alarms to get up for work in the morning but doesn’t wake up to any of them, you have to wake him up after the nth alarm by practically shoving him off the bed
Garbage disposal, will eat anything you cook without hesitation and don’t even think about buying snacks because they’ll barely last a day
Physical touch is one of his love languages 100%. If you don’t feel like cuddling in bed he’ll still find a way, like making sure his foot is touching yours 😭
He’s Bob the builders long lost brother, you’ll mention wanting a piece of furniture vaguely and he’s already putting together a mental list of the materials he needs to build it for you
Naturally fit, doesn’t need to go to the gym often to maintain his physique
Bisexual. (And I will not be elaborating)
Doesn’t mind doing skincare with you or letting you use him as a makeup canvas you just gotta convince him first,
Ironically isn’t that great with money, not extremely irresponsible but you have to hold onto his wallet or he’ll buy the entire store if he feels like it
Played sports in school, but never got that into them. He was naturally good and coaches loved him but couldn’t find the passion
Old man trapped in a younger body, swears he feels 50 when he’s only in his early twenties
He snores but SWEARS he doesn’t
Lowkey really bad at texting people back, prefers to call. And if he does call, clear your schedule cause it’s not going to be a quick one (you don’t mind hehehe)
He can be sooooooo dramatic if he wants to be. Over little inconveniences mostly he just wants to be babied, baby him >:(
Drives a truck and I mean like a 90s model Chevy pickup that he’s had since high school that he’s fully restored and is insanely proud of. Has not even considered getting a newer truck because he just can’t let go his older one (first big purchase he made, so it’s sentimental, leave him alone)
Very rarely has a filter, and not in that kinda way, he just sometimes says what he thinks out loud and you have to pretend you didn’t hear him and move on 😭
Is so blind to flirting, like total blindness. You had to finally spell it out to him that you LIKED him and not as a friend for him to realize what you were doing. It’s gotten worse since you and him have been together because he still doesn’t realize when other people flirt or throw themselves at him (he can be such a himbo, I love him)
Cat person
Very in tune with his emotions. Wasn’t always like that since he had a rough childhood but after going to therapy after high school he doesn’t conceal his emotions anymore and can be upfront at times
Does NOT play about you. Reiner is a very sweet caring person but the second he notices you’re uncomfortable around a guy/girl a flip switches and he turns into the intimidating beefy dude that no one wants to fuck with. (It’s lowkey so hot)
Worships you, (obviously) by buying flowers at least every week or two so that way they never die. Date nights, weekend trips, the whole nine yards. He loves spending time with you and showing you how much you mean to him
Grew up catholic, doesn’t practice anymore due to the conformity pushed onto him. Isn’t really religious in general but does believe in a high power.
Wants a big family. At least two kids, maybe more if you’re willing. Doesn’t like the idea of his child not having siblings like him and also just loves family orientation in general. Definitely a big family guy. 
Good with kids 😈
If you use any lingo around him like say: girl, girly, pookie, bae, dawg, homie, bro, etc. he will eventually start to use it unironically until he can’t stop. (I may be projecting but it’s funny so idc.)
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Reborn {Levi}
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A/n: okay so the thing is that I have way too many ideas when it comes to post war!Levi so get ready because most of them can be considered angsty
Pairing: Levi x Erwin's sister!reader
Warnings: age gap (Levi is in his early 40s and reader is in her early 20s) mentions of ptsd, mentions of character death, mentions of disability with Levi being on a wheelchair, having three fingers missing and a being partially blind, mentions of slight self hatred,
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Three years after the war was over, countless upon countless of trips and visits to Paradis Island and the royal palace and Levi had finally settled in a small house close to the gates to the Underground.
Even though he knew he wanted it, it had taken a lot of persuassion from everyone in his life, mostly Gabi, Falco and Connie for some reason, in order to open that tea shop he had always been dreaming of.
The process had been extremely slow with him being stubborn and refusing any sort of help in the beginning. He would never be able to do some of the things he could easily do back when he wasn't in a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he was managing just fine and slowly started accepting everyone's help.
Three months later, the tea shop opened. His clients were always the same and even though he had at first been the talk of the town -a war veteran opening a tea shop was almost unheard of- his shop was never completely full but never empty either.
He didn't mind. He knew what his clients wanted and with the help of Gabi and Falco he kept them satisfied.
And the way he passed his days became a routine. He knew that whether he had slept well the night before or not -nightmares still occured pretty often- he would have to go and tend to his little tea shop. In the end of the day, he would return to his house and read or maybe do some chores.
That was his routine and he liked it.
Until Connie and Jean came one day to his shop, the look on their faces grim. Levi's heart immediately sunk. If those two idiots looked like that then the situation was far more serious than he could imagine and the last thing he wanted was to hear that another person dear to him had died.
Then they started speaking and he was... surprised? He couldn't tell. But the next thing he knew the old squad was walking down the long corridor that led to the small meeting room Historia wanted them to meet at.
"So... Captain had a sister?" Armin asked, almost confused.
"I should have told you sooner..." Historia tried to smile. "She has been working for me for years now..."
"And she wants to meet us?" Mikasa's voice was as soft as ever.
"More like... I want you to meet her." Historia stood up and walked over to the window.
And there you were. The meeting you were supposed to attend as one of her generals was over and the weather was too nice not to enjoy it.
Everyone followed Historia and looked outside -if you even turned your head towards the windows you would see the curious faces of everyone that survived of the old squad. Everyone but Levi.
He hadn't said a word since Historia told them the whole story. How you joined the Survey Corps besides your brother's will for a safe future. How even though during the Battle of Heaven and Earth you hadn't been in the front lines but you had stayed back, tearing the Jeagerists from the inside piece by piece. How after everything ended, Historia approached you and offered you a position in her Intelligence unit. She had made it pretty clear that not once had you used your brother's name to climb the ranks.
And it made sense because Levi hadn't heard a thing about you. Ever. And as far as he knew neither had Hange.
Sure Historia wanted them to meet you but at what cost? How would he be able to look at you without remembering the times he had spent by Hange's side who constantly pestered Erwin to tell them about his family. But that wasn't even the worst part. He had managed, slowly but steadily, to heal whatever wounds had been caused by Erwin's absence. The last thing he wanted was to be reminded of his best friend's corpse, his last words to him.
So Levi left when everyone was too busy stalking you from the window. He knew that he would spend the night thinking his entire existence and if there was even a slight chance that he could avoid remembering the past, he would take it.
A week later and he was back at the palace grounds, unable to live without knowing. What he wanted to know exactly, he wasn't sure.
Historia had been kind enough not to comment on his return. She had even told him where to find you.
Levi didn't knock on the library door. He hadn't expected to see you sitting on the first round table one could see upon entering the library. You seemed to be reading something, taking a few notes on a piece of paper next to the book.
He stayed there, one hand on the door knob and the other placed on the right wheel of his wheelchair, his remaining three fingers holding it in place.
Should he leave? Go back to his tea shop and never return?
Would he be able to take it?
"The tea will get cold, Captain." You spoke, not lifting your gaze from your book.
Levi only stared as you turned to look at him once you were done writing. He had expected to see Erwin's eyes but no. It was a relief; knowing that you were your own person and not a reminder of your late brother. He wouldn't be able to take it otherwise.
You stood up and walked towards him, reaching out your hand for him to shake. "My hands are covered in blood." He looked at you. A cold stare. A tired one.
But then you smiled at him. "Mine too."
He still doesn't know how it happened. Or why. He just found himself at your place one random afternoon, two days after your fateful meeting, longing to hear your voice. Then he started to become somewhat more like his old self again; the way he was when he was a Captain. He would act cold yet he made it painfully obvious that he cared.
He smiled more. He went out more, wanting to see you or wanting to be with you.
Not long after, he began feeling and noticing the change. He had become a whole new person even though he still acted the same.
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A/n: this wasn't nearly as good as I had thought it would be
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violet-fluff · 11 months
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Post War! Levi x Baker! Reader
Love in the Oven (pt.1)
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Levi lives a quiet life in Marley after the War of Heaven and Earth ended almost three years ago. The old Survey Corp group and those who helped them during the war are now peace ambassadors and are setting sail back to Paradis Island to give peace talks. Levi was invited to go but he’s still tired.
Tired mentally and physically.
He would rather stay behind than go argue with Jaegerists who have no interest in changing their beliefs.
Besides, he couldn’t leave behind the three people he cares about the most. You, Gabi and Falco.
After the war ended, Gabi and Falco were already so close with Levi that they decided to move in with him to stay together and to help care for him since he is still learning how to work around his injuries. But man, sometimes Levi can sure use a break from these two rowdy brats.
“Wow, Miss y/n! These are even better than last time!” Gabi says as she stuffs a blueberry muffin in her mouth.
Falco stresses as usual as he watches her eat like a rabid animal. “Gabi! You’re going to choke!”
Levi sighs as he watches the two start to bicker again, but you quietly laugh as you put out the fire in the oven and hang your apron.
You own a bakery here in Marley, and you met the trio when they came in looking for shelter from the rain some months ago. The four of you have been inseparable since.
“Here,” Levi places a bag of coins on the table in front of Gabi and Falco, “Why don’t you two go to the market and get food for dinner.”
Gabi smirks. “If you want alone time with Miss y/n, you could just say so.”
Falco sighs and grabs the bag of coins. “We’ll meet back here later.”
As the two are walking out the door, Gabi turns around and wiggles her brows. “Don’t get too crazy, lovebirds.”
“Gabi!” Falco yells and drags her out the door.
Levi sighs and rubs his head. Gabi wasn’t wrong when she called you and Levi lovebirds. There has been romantic tension for a long while now, but neither of you have yet to make a confession.
“Should we go crazy, Levi?” You joke as you place a warm cup of tea in front of him.
Levi rolls his eyes. “Don’t encourage her.”
You sit across from Levi and stare at him while he stirs his tea. The scar across his face and blind eye scrunches when he blinks, and he stretches out the three remaining fingers on his injured hand. Despite his injured flaws, you find him greatly attractive.
“You’re staring again.” He tells you without looking up.
You smile softly. “I can’t admire you?”
“Tch,” He scoffs while taking a small sip of tea, “Admire what? There’s nothing to admire.”
“That’s not true. You are very handsome.” You argue back with a frown.
After a few seconds, Levi sighs and looks at you. “You deserve someone better.”
“What do you mean by that?” You asked in shock.
Levi is getting frustrated now as he is insecure about himself. “Look at me, y/n. I have to use a wheelchair most days, and still need a cane on the others. I can’t see out of one eye and my face is disfigured. Two teenagers help take care of me…a grown man. I’m not good with my feelings and I still have nightmares from war. Want me to continue the list?”
You look at him sadly since it makes you upset with how little Levi sees himself. “Don’t see yourself as less of a man, Levi. None of that matters to me. I will help you through it and stay by your side.”
Levi hits the arm of his wheelchair in frustration, and it makes you jump a bit. His head falls slightly forward, and you see a tear fall down his face. “I don’t deserve you.”
Tears fall out of your own eyes as you see Levi cry. You get up and kneel in front of him and lift his face to look at you. “You deserve love, Levi. I want to give you that love. I don’t care if you need a wheelchair or can’t see out of one eye. I fell in love with YOU. I love how caring you are even though you try not to show it. I love how determined you are to keep going forward. Gabi and Falco don’t only take care of you, but you also take care of them even though you might not notice it. You have your own way of showing your feelings. Like how you brought me soup everyday while I was sick.”
You grab his hands and hold them tight. “I love you, Levi. You’re one of the toughest and most loving men I have ever met.”
Levi stares at you in shock, not knowing how to respond. “I’ve never been in a relationship before. I don’t even know how it works.”
You hum in thought. “Well… a relationship will always be a learning experience anyway. No matter if you’ve been in zero or ten. If you allow me to be by your side, I can learn along with you as well.”
Levi gently cups your face. “Be with me.”
“That’s what I’ve wanted this whole time.” You say softly.
“Finally!! ….OW!” A yell comes from behind the front door.
You laugh as Levi once again rubs his head in annoyance.
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