#this class has been open for months and im gonna be done with it so soon
officially over half done with my math class !
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plvybxi · 21 days
eren hated seeing you around campus. despised it. it made his stomach churn and his face would scrunch up. he was always being unreasonably harsh and cold toward you and it didnt make it any better that you would come around sometimes. it annoyed him so badly. armin would always bring his girlfriend with him whenever they hung out and of course you tagged along.
it was obvious that he wasnt fond of you and others noticed it too. they told you to brush it off and thats just how he is but you were so genuinely confused. you had never even had a clear conversation with the guy and he didnt like you?
it was odd but what were you going to do about it? definitely the least of your worries.
you mostly avoided each other anyway, but you had a few classes with him.
you walked out of class in front of eren and connie with your bsf and she suddenly decides to stop and start a conversation with connie about some party.
you glance over at eren and hes staring at you like he hates you. and he does. he hates your nose, your ears, your lips, your hands and how they hold your bottle, your eyes and how they shift across his whole body, he feels like hes gonna throw up.
his lip twitches and he taps connie on the arm
“im leaving. let me know when your coming back to my room.”
eren brushes past you like you werent even there.
you roll your eyes at how mannerless he is because what have you even done to him??
what have you done to him?
eren is asking the same question. he rushes back to his room so fast hes almost out of breath. he shuts the door and locks it in a hurry before throwing this backpack on the ground. His hand flys to his dick and he cant hold it in anymore.
what. have. you. done. to. him?
hes so hot all over, his face from the neck down was so pink. he hurried and pulled at his dick to touch around himself. he was already so leaky and he really didnt know why.
he was so mad at you. mad that you were so annoying. mad that you didnt hate him back. mad that he cant stop thinking about you. mad that this isnt your hand on his dick right not. he lets out a saddened whine, his hips rutting up into his own hand as he feels betrayed by himself.
he cant help but think about you, you were just so pretty, and nice, and smart, and sweet. and he is always such an asshole to you.
he thinks back to earlier in desperate trace of his thoughts. your figure pops up and he gasps. your hands look so neat, he wants them all over him. everywhere. anywhere you want. the way your necklace sat just above your round tits had him squeezing his dick harder. that stupid sparkly belly button ring you had earlier ran circles around his mind.
this has been going on for 4 months now and eren literally doesnt know what to do. hes been trying his hardest to let this thing blow over but its killing him. he hates how bad he wants you. needs you.
hes remembers the smell of your perfume when he walked past you. his back arches and his eyes start to roll to the back of his head. you smell so good to him. so sweet. he just wants it all to stop.
even now he wants to stop but theres no way he can. hes so mad at himsel- no, you. he was mad at you. he runs his hand up his dick faster at the way your eyes scaned up and down his body earlier.
“f-fuck.. mmg, sh-…please“ he lets out in a cry. he doesnt want to keep doing this.
hes so so close, his head falls back as his jaw drops at the thought of you. mumbling little praises of your name.
but his heart drops immediately and he stops. he thinks he hears something down the hallway to his room. he hears connie and armin laughing loudly and he books it for the bathroom and shuts the door, rushing to turn the shower on. why did he forget armin and connie asked to hang today. do you see what you’re doing to him? his life had never been this difficult.
he heard his roommates open the door still being loud and rowdy.
“you in the shower eren?” connie yelled through the door
“yea i’ll be out in a second” eren yelled back
he felt so defeated so betrayed. his dick was so hard and you were the reason he even got in this situation
eren calmed down, showered and joined his friends in his room to end the rest of the day.
the next day rolls around and eren was so tired. he couldnt sleep and he was frustrated coming to class. he found himself losing focus from the professor a lot. looking over to roll his eyes when he sees your little spine tattoo creeping out from under the backside of your shirt.
he tried to ignore the zip of electricity that flew up his spine. he couldn’t wait for class to be over. could he leave early? hes going to leave early.
erens body moved before his mind worked and started to put his books away. you glanced up at him watching him ruffle around with his backpack before leaving out of the door.
connie looks over at you and your best friend and shrugs his shoulders at his friends attitude.
you shook your head, it was only like 20 minutes of class left
you turned your attention back towards you professor as he goes on and on about the upcoming test that going to be 45% of your grade.
he assigned “study partners” and tells the class that you would have to study with this person and turn in your notes in from over the past couple weeks to get 2 free A’s
you got partnered with eren.
your jaw dropped and you turned to your bsf to beg her to switch partners with you
“sorry y/n i dont think were allowed to” she said laughing at your irritation
“why him of all people he literally hates me” you said expressively while stuff your laptop away.
“well truly in my opinion, i think he likes you a little deep down. me and connie talk about it all the time. armin says he’s head over heels and doesnt know how to express it. if armin says that you gotta know its true” she said gloating about her boyfriend. you shove her and roll your eyes while she continues to laughs at you
you and armin are good friends, you introduced him to your best friend and he went crazy over her, you trust his words but theres no way.
erens mean, and rude, and mannerless, and cold. theres no way. right??
connie walks over to the two of you and all of you engage in a conversation.
“hey connie do you have erens number? i need to to tell him about us being partners and ask him when he wants to study.” you ask
“uh here, not sure if hes going to respond though. sometimes i dont even know if the dude remembers he has a phone” connie ridicules.
“thanks anyways” you say mentally sighing while they make you feel worse about the matter
they continue to conversate as you try texting eren. “hey eren its y/n. were study partners in class and we get 2 A’s for turning in our study papers over the few weeks. do you have time to study soon?”
he reads it
you wait, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes. what the hell? you turn to the long conversation with connie and shove your phone in both your friends face
“he literally left me on seen. and im just trying to get our work done whats up with him?” you say distraught
connie laughes. “hes never even seen my message that quick so be happy for that” they were both being so unserious about how rude he is and it makes your blood boil everytime
“any idea what i should do now?” you turn to ask him truly defeated
“honestly just go to his room. he’s probably not doing anything anyway” connie takes your hand and writes their room number down on it
“im gonna stay at sasha’s tonight she wants to do a movie marathon so call me if he starts getting out of hand” connie adds
you sigh and turn away from them to find their door
“good luckkkk” your bestfriend yells out.
you find his dorm relatively fast, its the same building as yours just a floor or two below where you are.
youre standing infront of their door truly just wanting to leave but the quicker you finish studying, the quicker you can leave him the hell alone.
you knock on the door and he opens it quickly
the door whips open and you get hit with a smell of very faint weed, fresh linen, laundry, and cologne
he was standing there towering over you with his hair in a messy bun and was wearing a white compression shirt with black sweats.
his green eyes narrow at realizing its you, his face still blank and you cant read it
“what?” he said running his hand over the top half of the door frame
he was so much taller than you
“did you see what i texted you, is it okay that im here” you ask looking deeply into his green eyes
“how did you know where my room was ?” he always sounds so upset with you”
“connie” you only say equally sounding upset
“i mean youre already standing in front of my door” he walks away from the door leaving it open and walking further into his room
your body flare with irritation and you step inside the cold room shutting the door behind you
he slumps down on the edge of his bed and you scan the room
its was surprisingly so… him. everything in the room fit him down to the random items that peered into his personality and the smell. you loved the smell. it said so much about him. he smells so clean but also mischievous
you walked over to his desk and sat at his chair
you start to take out your notepad and put your glasses on while you immediately start studying
eren wasnt dumb, not in the slightest. you had to correct him a few times which he obviously wouldnt appreciate but that’s apart of getting this shit done.
there was one formula eren just couldnt get through. it was dark outside at this point and the anger in erens body was rising
“no eren thats not right try again” you say calmy although this is the 4th times youve given him a example problem
“what are you even doing to get the right answer? the way you formatted it isnt even fucking right” eren spat out rude harsh insults through his frustration.
he cant focus and he doesnt know what to do. he cant think straight.
“i am doing it right eren doing fucking question me.” said getting angrier that he’s insulting your intelligence.
“ive been sitting here with you for 2 fucking hours trying to get through your shitty attitude because you don’t understand. im not your fucking tutor eren” you said in disbelief
hes gripping his pencil so hard. who do you think you are to talk to him like that? why are you even here right now? why are you dressed like that in his room, your tits are almost spilling out of your shirt and your thighs are squished together in his desk chair giving him so much to imagine
hes ignoring the burn he feels in his body, the ache he feels in his hips. if only you werent here right now.
you look up at his angry eyes. he looking down at you so intensely, hes so red and mad he looks like hes gonna explode
you sigh and scoot closer to him taking his dominant writing hand and holding it in yours and you talk him through the problem, guiding his hand to writing and solving the math problem
hes in disbelief, theres no way youre touching him. hes disgusted, his body isnt though, his dick aches, and his ears are filled with blood.
his hearing fuzzes as the sound of your voice runs through his head and down his spine while his eyes trickle down to your glossy lips, then your pretty collarbones, your tits, your thighs- on my fuck your thighs…
his breath hitches and hes never been this upset with someone. he pushed out of your touch and stands up looking at you like he wants to snap your neck.
you stand up and look at him confused.
“what the fuck is your problem y/n?”
“eren what are you even talking about? what the fuck is your problem eren?” you say getting just as mad and stepping closer to him
“you come in here unannounced without asking and trying to do fucking “work”. it’s noticeable youre always trying to be near me and its fucking exhausting. looking so go lucky when you come here claiming to “study” and you dont even know what youre doing. always coming when armin and his gf comes around to piss me off” eren yells at you with veins popping through his arms. he wants to scream hes so upset.
you genuinely cant believe him right now. what is he even saying?? is he really this entitled? this delusional? youre just as mad as him if not worse.
you step up to him making the gap between you both smaller.
“eren i dont know that the fuck is wrong with you but youre the biggest piece of shit i’ve ever met. youre rude and entitled and i’ve never had a single reason to care about you enough to want to piss you off. you act like a fucking child with your stupid ass attitude. my friend has a name. i have a name. fucking say it eren.” youre even closer to him now glaring up at his face. you can feel the heat radiating off each other from how mad you both are. his knees buckling from your insults and he doesnt know what to say back
he can smell your perfume, your minty breathe, your oh so pretty eyes and lips, and how your eyebrows narrow up at him with disgust and infuriation.
his breath is laboring but you dont stop. “i cant fucking wrap my head around how shitty you are unprovoked. i cant stand be around you either because you act like such a fucking baby. are you a fucking baby eren? do you want me to treat you like one?” you ask head tilted to really get your point across and stare into his green ones. you were so fed up.
you wait on his response but he just keeps staring at you feeling contradicted.
“fucking answer me eren”
he cracks before you can even finish his name
“just fucking-“ his hands raised to both your checks and he slams your face into his. its damn near bruising.
youre so surprised and you pull back with a stumble
you look at him appalled and hes breathing so hard. hes scared of you, terrified of your response. why did he do that? WHY did he do that?
hes sure you’re going to leave after that. you step forward towards him and he feels like hes gonna faint.
you watch his eyes drop down to your glossy lips. you smirk at him and grab him by the jaw. his lips part slightly just sitting in your hand you analyze his whole face, his long pretty lashes his faint freckles, and his pink plump lips that are just a tad but dry. he just so thirsty for you. hes been thirsty for the longest.
you let your hand trail around his jaw to the little hairs on the back neck and his eyes flutter while he takes a deep breathe in, inhaling how good you smell
he instinctively leans closer to you just slightly, so desperate he doesnt even know his muscles could move in their own.
his hands are ghosting your hands, he wants to pull you in so bad but hes scared. so embarrassed.
“is that what is is? you want to be treating like a baby?” you ask him, so softly like always. youre always so soft to him. he nods barley enough to fully admit it.
“but youre so mean you know that eren? you hurt my feelings so bad” you coo so closely to his face he can feel your breath on his lips.
his eyes flutter open to meet yours. your pretty minks blinking so seductively at him. it makes him feel small. “y/n” he whispers and leans in a little, his hands brushing against yours now
“wanna make it up to me?” is the last thing you say before he cant take it anymore and is kissing you with so much egar that you falter again.
he cant help it. he so badly wants to make it up to you. he wants to show you he can do it. he kisses you so needily you can barley keep up. he rest both his hands on the small of your back trying to resist sending his hands lower. you hum into the kiss and his dick twitches in his pants
your hands make way to his biceps and he relishes in how small your hand is compared to him. youre so much softer than he is. he feels like hes gonna die. your lips are so soft and pillowy he doesnt want to stop kissing you. ever. he his whole body is basically climbing on top of you.
your head is craned up to devour all of his kisses. your hand finds his abs and hes so sensitive for you. you let your hand softly trickle around the expand of his abs through his shirt and he cant help but to tense his body. his lips ghosts over yours as you start to feels how built he is.
“you were hiding all this from me when you couldve just asked” you say against his lips. his eyes are closed and hes lost in this thoughts. everything you say has him in a frenzy. he sends a low whine from his parted lips against yours and you back him up to lean him against his bathroom door.
you look at his face from the window light and you didnt realize how pink he is all over. his whole body is blushed.
his tip is sending precum all over his boxers hearing you talk to him. his eyes opened and his back arched up into yours a little when he felt your hand go under his shirt and touch his abs.
he was panting and he couldnt help it. you were scared he was gonna pass out. he was scared he was going to pass out.
he felt your fingertips run from his v-line through his abs up to his very sensative chest. he couldnt help but pull yiu into him more.
he had no space to move. he was wedged between the door and his whole world. you.
you could feel how hard he was through his sweats. his body was so pretty. he was so pretty.
he couldnt get anything out but your name. hes gasping your name and bucking up at the same time.
why does he feel so sensitive with you hes never felt this way with any other girl. and a lot of girls know eren.
but theres always been this lingering attraction to you. and he hated it. or did he? his body couldnt hold it anymore up to about 4 months ago.
your lips found their way to his neck and your hand moves further and further down until your at the drawstring of his sweats. his jaw drops wide at the anticipation.
his head falls back against the door and he cant get anything out.
your tongue is so warm and the way you suck right against the pressure point boiling on his neck has him thinking youre a witch.
you have his body so trained for without ever having knowing it.
you slowly move your hand down his sweats to feel him in his boxers
hes so strained and you can feel how hes excessively leaking into own underwear.
you press your finger to his wet tip and he lets out a heavy moan while pressing himself future into you.
“ffuck… shit, wait, please” he voices breathly.
you experiment a little and you run your hand down a tad bit to rub the nervy spot just underneath his mushroom tip and his back is arching involuntarily
“oh right here hm?” you hum
his brow furrows into pleasure as he nods to your question
your lips raise from his neck to kiss along his jaw line. you pull his jaw down again to join your lips together and he hates how obedient he is to you
“y/n, please” he tried to whisper but it came out strained.
“oh hush” you kissed him again and hes mewling into your mouth
his whole body tensed and he grips you harder, grabbing at your ass and truly struggling to kiss you back now.
“o-oh fuck-.. y/n i need…” he cant finish his thoughts
“what do you need baby?”
baby. you called him baby. in that sweet voice. he feels your other hand grip the small roots of his hair slightly and his eyes roll back.
he cant hold it anymore.
his shaky hands grabs the one down his pants and shoves it to touch the bare skin on his dick. youre shocked upon feeling how much precum he had in his underwear. he moans as you felt him rolling his body into yours trying to catch your lips onto his. he was panting so bad, eyes rolling.
“breathe baby” you said close to his ear
2.5 seconds later he was cumming all over your hand. you kissed his face to bring him down from his high, which that only made his orgasm longer. he opened his eyes and looked at you.
how he looked at you now was way different from how he normally looked at you
there were hearts in his eyes and he was still holding your hand so tight.
an idea popped up into your head and you internally smiled.
you pulled your hand out of his pants and stepped away from eren in whole. his body chased yours and walked forward with you.
“w-where are you going” he said worried
you said nothing but walked over to his laundry and wiped your hand on his shirts from the basket
you gathered your things and eren rushed to your side
“y-y/n….” he said in a trailed off voice. he wanted you to stay. do you know hes sorry for how he acted? where are you going? why are you leaving him? he needs you.
“the test is next month. you need to study that problem without me too so you know how to use that formula.” you said nonchalantly. hes so confused. fuck the formula. you are all he wants. he wants you to teach it to him. youre so smart. smarter than him. youre the only way he’ll understand it. he cant learn it by himself.
“w-well were studying tomorrow again too… right?” eren asks with pleading eyes. he doesn’t understand. he wants you to say yes so bad, he wants to see you again
“uh i dont know eren i have a few guys from the football team that asked me to study with them. maybe after this weekend, k?” you continue putting your things away.
hes staring at you trying to get your eyes to connect with his. he just wants some attention, just wants you too look at him and feel bad for the state hes in. but you never look back at him. why wont you look at him? its frustrating him and he wants to cry
“im gonna leave my part of the notes for this formula here so you can go over it okay?” youre talking like nothing happened. as if you arent breaking his heart right now.
you study with other guys? football guys? guys with an s? how many guys? he feels his heart dropping by the second.
“bye eren” you say with that pretty smile. youre out of his dorm so quickly. so quickly your scent is still lingering around his room. he feels so dizzy. he walks over to your notes on his desk. your pretty, neat handwriting and your cute highlighted math formulas. his head is swimming with you.
he tries to think of what to do now. he cant figure it out, he feels how sticky his underwear feels and embarrassingly sheds out of them.
he changes his underwear and crawls into his bed. he picks his phone up and changes your number to your name. he texts you “let me know when youre free.” you look at it and dont reply. he feels his heart wrench.
hes never saved a girls contact in his phone. he scrolls over to instagram and searches your name. he follows you.
the next day in class eren cant help but to sneak looks at you. even connie notices and asks him whats up.
eren brushes his friend off and tries to look forward at his professor.
he sees you more around campus with so many other guys, you still havent texted him back, acknowledged him, nothing.
when you two are standing near each other he feels so small under your gaze.
its been 3 days and its hurting him to breathe at this point.
until, tuesday night you text him and his heart almost jumps out of his body.
“what are you doing tonight?”
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miruac · 1 month
dating tenya iida headcanons - part two
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warnings: not proofread, extremely self indulgent, reader has a little bit of anxiety and theyre a lil insecure
a/n: listened to chappell roan while writing this. casual came on again and i imagined iida to it and i got sad so here u guys go
last time we were here it was a couple weeks when you two came back from your date
he got you that gift basket of things you eyed while window shopping, and your heart soard
this man loves to see you happy
as of now, it had been two months since your date, and you guys haven't gone out yet due to midterm exams coming up
but you've been setting for group study sessions with your classmates, in the dorm lounge
everyone's going insane and they're all pretty serious about studying
especially iida, he doesn't glance up at you much or now since his nose is always deep into his notes
he didn't realize but you felt a little distant, and a little scared that his feelings for you went away
you got up from your spot beside him and went back up to your room, to try and get some space
he didn't realize you were gone until his hand swung down and tried to hold yours
after asking around he found out you went up to your room to 'rest up'
he knocked on the door anad called for you, and you opened the door just a tiny crack
he was worried, and asked if he did something wrong
after you told him, he nodded and looked so upset with himself
"thank you for telling me, i'm sorry i made you feel like that. but rest assured, i still harbour deep affection for you. we may be busy now, but i will try my best to keep up with you."
the next day when you're heading down to your study sesh, he's waiting for you with a smile and blush on his face
his hand hovers over yours. and he's slightly shaking
you grip onto his, and you two are being all gross and cute while engaging in minimal pda(he approves this one time)
guys i dunno why i'm thinking of so many sad headcanons help
when youre sad or upset, he'll hold your hand or hold you in his arms
if youre crying or don't want to talk about it, he'll wait until you're ready
he won't push you, he just wants to mkae sure you know that he's there for you to fall back on
he does the thing where he's looking into your eyes as he caresses your cheek while wiping away your tears with his thumb(IM PHYSICALLY SICK. IM GOING TO BARF I NEED TO BE IN HIS ARMS)
he's so patient with you :(((
ok im done i dont wanna cry anymore
he always tries to cheer you up by telling you a funny story, or by reassurement. it depends on what you need
now that exams are done, summer break is here!!!
majority of class 1-a went home for break, including you and iida
you two frequently messaged the other, until you came back to the dorms with a couple weeks left of the break
you didnt know but while he was home he bought a couple of souvenirs for you, HE GOT YOU A LITTLE BLUE BEAR WITH GLASSES THAT LOOKED LIKE HIM
as a celebratory 'summer's almost over' event, the class had a little dinner party
varied from bakugous murderous attempt of trying to get everyone to eat sichuan chili hotpot to satos sweet desserts
after the dinner, the class went outside to take a little breather(and to light some sparklers and play around with some fireworks WHICH THEY WERE SUPERVISED BY AIZAWA AND ALL MIGHT)
when everyone went in, you stayed outside for a little longer to look up at the pretty moon and stars
iida saw you from the window, and went outside to try
he was worried you'd get cold
like he had never seen your eyes sparkle like that, the way how all your features reflected upon the moonlight
his face was so red stop hes so cute
he could not stop staring until you asked him what was up
"can i... kiss you.....?"
"what's with the informal speech all of a sudden?"
"apologies, may i kiss you?"
"yes, yes you may."
obvi he hasnt had his first kiss so when you guys did kiss he froze up and his hands literally hovered over you because he didn't know where to put them and if you were okay with it
after like ten seconds you both pulled away and LORD his face was REDDD
he had an awkward smile on his face AGHGHGHGHGHGHG I LOVE AWKWARD NERDSS
after composing himself he ushered you back inside in fear that you'll catch a cold
but when he got back to his dorm that night, he looked at himself in the mirror and smiled so triumphantly
he still felt your lips on his, and maybe he realized he wanted to feel them more often
2nd a/n: hi guys!!!! part one got a lot of love which made me really happy, its so hard being an iida lover but you guys make it worth it <33 i also got a couple of dishes stuck together when i was washing them earlier and my parents got mad at me so this i decided to work on this to let out my anger AND HEY IT WORKED ok idk what im saying | fun fact i was listening to casual by chappell roan when i was writing the sad n sorta angsty part of this headcanon, because iida would NEVER partake in casual activity(i did a rant about this earlier im done ok goodbye) anyways THAT CONCLUDES MY RANT send me a plunger emoji if you guys got this far(in honor of the fallen dishes)
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moody4world · 2 years
You idk if you taking requests but you know that one award show moment where Nicki Minaj is like “Shoutout yo Donatella for custom making this dress for me and shoutout to Michel B Jordan because he gonna be taking it off me tonight” PLEASE do one where Jack says something along those lines omg 😭😂 I just feel like Jack would say that about the reader
Big shout out
A/N: This is rapper!reader i hope that’s okay. I got this request a while ago but im glad i could finally get to it.
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Jack and You have been friends for a couple years now. Both your careers started around the same time and you two became close after being part of the XXL freshman class of 2020. Jack was always very supportive of you and you of him.
He would give you advice on how to deliver your bars and flow while you would give him advice on his lyrics and beats. Things tended to get a bit hectic when albums had to be dropped and tours had to be done but the two of you always made time for each other.
Whether it’s a facetime or a brief text or a voice recording, you guys did not go a day without hearing from one another. Most people believed that the two of you were dating until you made an instagram post revealing your brand new relationship with Polo G.
That was your first mistake. Posting a brand new relationship was never a bright idea and unfortunately you learned that the hard way. You and Polo had a rough start to your relationship due to claims of him talking to other women while we he had you convinced that he was loyal. The two of you would break up and make up constantly and your business would be on gossip pages every few weeks.
On the other hand, Polo always had an issue with Jack being the friend you confided in during your fights with him. It ended up with him dissing Jack in one of his songs which simply lead to another fight between the two of you even though Jack never gave any reaction in return. December 2021 you finally had enough and posted an official announcement that Polo G no longer have or want anything to do with one another. Your comments were flooded with mixed reactions but sadly, most of them were saying how this is just another one of your stupid fights and you would take him back again.
This time you had put your foot down and wanted to start your 2022 peacefully with brand new goals ahead. Throughout all your drama, Jack never treated you any differently. In fact the two of you got even closer after your break up and dropped an album together in March. You had made an instagram post wishing him a happy birthday and it went viral unintentionally.
“The guy she tells you not to worry about.” Was what everyone but mainly men were saying. The thing is, you and Jack had never crossed any lines of friendship. Everything between the two of you has always been strictly platonic except for a couple suggestive jokes here and there but that was normal between friends. Everyone around you and Jack always say that there’s a spark and lots of tension between you two but neither of you ever acted on it.
Around may you noticed Jack started flirting with you a lot more and the lines of friendship began to blur. It wasn’t surprising but at the same time you were never prepared for the things he would say. “Megan asked you to perform at her birthday party right?” “Yeah, i’m excited.” “Isn’t it at a strip club?” “So?” “If I come will you do a dance?” He said it with such a straight face and that only made it more shocking to you. No smug or goofy smile that he usually had when he was joking.
The flirting went on for months and you were definitely flirting back.
September rolls around and it was soon to be the VMAs. You were set to perform your new song with Flo Mili and Jack was opening and co-hosting the show. You were getting ready in your hotel room with the help of your team when your phone started ringing and of course it was Jack.
“I’m getting ready what do you want?” You say while your makeup artist applied your eyeshadow. “Damn. No hello? Let me see you, all I see is the ceiling.” “Jack I can’t move too much i’m getting my makeup done.” You lifted the phone facing you and Jack let out a loud whistle that even startled your make up artist. “WHEW you look so fine my goodness.” He had a giant smile on his face just like a kid on christmas. “That color looks beautiful on you.” You were a giggling and flustered mess. “Thank you. Now show me your snazzy suit Mister Givenchy.” Jack panned the camera down to his all black suit that was snug around his small waist and just right around his wide shoulders. He looked so good you could just eat him up.
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“You like what you see huh?” “Yeah I need me some of that.” You flirted back with no hesitation. “You don’t need Givenchy, you need jesus.” “That was disgustingly cringe worthy Jack.” You shook your head at him. “I’m gonna let you finish getting ready. Can’t wait to see your beautiful ass in that dress.” “You just saw me in the dress.” “Yeah but I didn’t see your ass cause you’re sitting on it.” Both of you couldn’t hold back your laughter this time as you hung up the call.
Once you got to the VMA’s black carpet everyone went wild over your dress and how beautiful you looked. The night went very well and you were having a good time. You enjoyed Jack’s opening performance and the two of you were sitting not too far from each other so you would dance to songs together and lip sync to one another.
Jack was nominated for multiple awards and he had already won 2. This next category was his last nomination and it felt as if you were more nervous than him. “And the award goes to…JACK HARLOOOOW” You screamed of excitement as Jack got up, hugged you and dapped dj drama who was sitting next to him up, before going on stage to receive his final award of the night.
“Wow…three in a row that’s a new record.” The crowd cheered loudly as he took a moment to admire the trophy. He let the crowd calm down before yelling into the mic. “BITCH I TOLD YOU” and the crowd went wild all over again. “I just want to thank everyone on my team, my producers, my parents.” “And just before I go I wanna give a big shout out to Givenchy for custom making this suit for me and shout out to y/n cause she’s gonna be taking it off of me tonight. Thank you.”
The stadium was louder than ever. Your hand was covering your open mouth in shock of what Jack had just said live at a world known award show. You could feel your cheeks get super warm as everyone else was cheering at his boldness. You two definitely had a lot to talk about later that night. Once the show was over and you guys left together, not much talking was done. Unless body language counts….if so, more than enough was said.
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owned412 · 5 months
The visitors
it had all happened so fast. I was sleeping, locked in tormenting dreams of violent men. The cage had been driving me crazy for more than a week now, impotently grinding on toys only fit for a fag. I had gotten hungrier and hungrier up until when I went to bed last night, hole still lubed up from hole training, and chose to only wear my tight little jock and short little fag shorts.
I dreamed of being taken in the night, beaten and used up so when I woke up with my lights on and heavy mass on top of me I thought I was dreaming.
I could feel the warm breath on the back of my neck, the soft chuckle of a predator who has won to easily rang in my ears. It was then I realized it was all real. I panicked and attempted to fight but was easily pushed down, feeling the cold barrel of a gun pushed into my neck.
“Sit tight little faggot, this isn’t the load you want”
My heart was beating in my chest but something else was happening too, the gun clarified that for me.
“Me and my buddies are here to clean you out….but that’s gonna take a while. Think I might pass the time with you.”
the cage ached, my cock squeezing hopelessly as I raged at myself for leaving the door unlocked. the Man strokes the gun on the back of my neck.
“I’ve been watching you for months, waiting to get in, but to think you’d leave yourself so….open for me.” He pressed the barrel harder into my neck, “when im done with you, well…”
Another voice cut him off, “what the fuck man!! We’re here to rob the fag not play with it.”
The voice behind me laughed, “clearin out this middle class bitch will take a bit, we can all take turns. By the time we’re done the fag will help us Rob it for fuck sake.”
“Oh please, you just wanna go first.”
the man leaned back and grinded into my loosened pussy and, as I whimpered, he said, “I cased the place, so I get first taste. Now go and get started and I’ll do the same.”
I heard boots walk off and we were left alone. He whispered into my ear, “now let’s get this clear, you wanna survive this holes intact, you’re gonna put your hands behind your back and arch that pussy for me.” He slid off me and I lay there, terrified. I could run, or at least try, reach for my phone, or I could do as he asked. My mind said phone, my heart said run, but my cage said submit.
Tears in my eyes, I crossed my arms behind me and arched my pussy up and displayed.
“Gooood faggot,” the man crooned and he used the barrel of the gun to pull my little shorts down. I moaned like a bitch and he laughed, playing with my locked cock.
“If I had known you were a faggot earlier I would have robbed you months ago,” he snickered, pressing the gun barrel to my exposed pussy, “just think about it faggot. You could have been sucking my cock for the past 4 months but here you were playing with toys.” I envisioned it alright and before I could regret it, he shoved the gun up my pussy. I moaned louder and he cackled, fucking me with the gun.
“Careful faggot,” he growled, “don’t make me blow my load.” I knew what he meant but my cock was in control now, i thrusted my pussy on to the gun over and over again.
He pulled the gun out and kneeled onto me, right up against my face. He held the gun up to my mouth and said, “lick it faggot.” i did and he lightly whipped me with it.
“Now where are your toys, cuffs, gags, hoods whatever faggot.” Still terrified but still locking the gun i nodded to the drawer to my left. He got off me and went it the drawer. I could have run, i could have gotten help but I only arched my pussy up again. He returned quickly locked my arms together, then tightening a ball gag and locking an old collar on me.
“Now that’s a proper faggot,” he said and i moaned through the gag. Lastly he clipped a leash onto the collar and moved in behind me.
“By the time im done with you fag, you’ll rob yourself and then beg me to keep you.” He said and i felt the tip of his cock against my hole. He didn’t push in but pulled on my collar, He wanted the fag to lower itself. i complied and pushed my pussy onto the cock.
“That’s it faggot,” he crooned and slammed his cock up until the hilt. the lain was sharp and hard but I couldn’t recover before he pulled out and slammed in again. Again and again, he slammed my pussy and my brain turned into mush, beaten into submission my this Man. After five minutes of getting broken in the man gave three almighty thrusts and gasped, as his load flooded into my pussy. He collapsed onto me, gasping. After a minute of recovery, he grabbed my hair and pulled it back and whispered in my ear, “im going to take all you own now faggot. Be a good bitch and stay here and one of my boys is gonna fuck that pussy. Give me a good show for Me.” He pushed himself up and draped the leash over my back where it rested against my bruised hole. I stayed there, alone for a few minutes, waiting for the next violation.
It finally came, signaled by the sound of footsteps. They crossed into my room followed by a long whistle.
“He really knows how to pick ‘em, huh?”
I did not respond and he kicked me in the cage, “what did I say faggot!?”
“Yes sir!,” I said, barely making it audible through the gag. The man laughed and kneeled closer, “now beg me to fuck you faggot.”
i did, my only recourse now or ever was to
Submit so i begged through the gag. Moaned and whispered as one of my new owners loomed over me. I heard him walking around me as i kept begging until I felt him slam something over my face and mouth. It was one of my shoes, work shoes, with the smell of a weeks shifts in them. But that wasn’t all, he had poured the contents of the poppers i had left out in them aswell. He ties the shoes over my head and laughed as my begs became barely coherent moaning and groaning. Then he got behind me, grabbed my legs, yanked me back, so my legs hung off the bed.
“I ain’t gotta a lot of time to fuck you up fag, so let’s make this quick,” he sneered and slammed his cock into my pussy. The combination of the impact, the taste of sweat and poppers in my brain, and brutal assault on my brain wore me down more and more. Every time he pulled out I put my pussy back, begging to be violated again. And he did, again and again until he too slammed a load into my pussy. After he did, he grabbed the leash and pulled hard. As i choked on sweat and chemicals, he said, “you might be worth keeping after all, but that’s later. Stay here faggot and think about what’s coming next.”
think…think…think….i could barely do that, only arch my pussy and present for who was next. the cage hurt so much, the cock between my legs desperate to be free. But i was a faggot and faggots are never free.
what came next was more bootsteps, slow and methodically crossing into my room. The violation did not come just yet, instead the boots walked over to my left and started digging around. They approached me from behind and yanked on the leash. I’d gag and then the leash would loosen and then tighten again, this time shorter than before. The man wrapped the leash around his palm and pulled me up into a kneeling position, choking and sputtering. As i felt like i was gonna pass, he grabbed my hair and let the leash slacken.
“Stay,” growled the voice and i did, recognizing the voice as the friend of my first assailant i had heard earlier. A small leather strap crossed around my neck and tightened, sharp metal studs poking into my neck. The fag collar a Man, so long ago, had bullied me into buying. I had never used it, was too scared, but I left it charged and now it was around my neck.
“This is your fault faggot,” the man growled into my ear, pushing the tip of his cock into my abused hole. He didn’t jack hammer me like the others, instead slowly shoving just up into the tip and whispering again, “i was just here to make money, to steal bullshit that your ass didn’t need.” He shoved his cock all the way in and then pressed the collars remote, sending a sharp jolt throughout my body. I whimpered through the gag but he ignored me, relaxing his cock and continuing, “instead you had to tease my friends with that worthless little hole and now they want to keep you,” shoving his cock all the way in again and shocking me again.
“Now im in a bind, after this you’re a loose end but I don’t keep fags for free,” he said slowly and rhythmically grinding into my hole, shocking me at each apogee.
“So here, is how, it’s gonna, go,” he said, staggering his words with each thrust and shocking me harder each time.
He held all the way in me, lowered the setting and held the button. As the current fucked my brain he continued, “when im done here, you’re gonna come down with us and give us everything, your cards, your bank account, any hidden cash, and then maybe we might keep you”
“Other wise,” he said and the collar powered on again, at a much higher setting, “we won’t need you.”
It really was too late for me, I had gone too far and now all I could do was submit.
“What’s the answer faggot?” He demanded and as I went to mumble “yes master” through the gag and show he shocked me again, even higher than before.
“Good faggot,” he snarled and then shoved the sole of my face show into the bed, held me down, and fucked me harder than anyone had. The stimuli would have been enough to kill a normal person but the shocks, smells, and abuse left this fag floating in a void of pure contempt. it didn’t take long for Master #3 to cum and Master removed the shoe, gag, and handcuffs, tossing them aside.
Master pulled me to my knees and threatened, “you’re coming down with me and if you so much as look at any of us, we’ll see how high and how long this collar can go.”
I just nodded, eyes fixed on the cum soaked mattress I had been gang raped on.
Master led me down the stairs and i founf the other masters lounging on my….no Their couch. i dutifully looked down and avoided all contact with Them.
i was told to kneel before all three of them and had my phone thrown at my down turned face.
“Unlock it faggot,” Master demanded and i did, still looking down.
“Now unlock that banking app and give to Me.”
faggot complied, holding out the all it had owned to Master. A hand took the phone and a sharp hard shock rippled through its neck. No longer double gagged, the fag yelped and fell down in pain. One the Masters laughed and said, “I think that’s faggot for ‘thank you sir, please shock me again”
The same voice turned to me, “right faggot?”
the faggot pushed itself up to its knees and, eyes down cast, said “yes master, please shock this faggot again harder please master.”
Master complied brutally and the fag spent 30 seconds twitching in pain.
one of the Masters approached the crumpled up faggot and put His bare foot in front of the fags face, “kiss my foot bitch, then you’ll belong to us.”
The faggot complied. it would spend the next couple hours hogtied on the back of the Masters car, periodically being shocked on its balls where the collar had moved. it’s former belongings were thrown into the trunk and after 3 hours of waiting it was freed from bondage.
it was told to choke on its Masters cock, and it did as They drove it away never to be seen again.
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please give me your iwaoi fanfic recs 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Help I'm so dead. I just freaking deleted my iwaoi recs list and now I have to make it again 🥲🥲🥲 freaking Tumblr. You guys better eat this up cause im remaking this all over again. Okay anyways, ver 2: my iwaoi fanfic recs list:
(Not in any particular order, most have smut, all can be found on ao3)
1.) Coffee king- oiivkawa- the starting point for my love of cafe au's, best coffee au fanfic ever period, so so so fluffy, oikawa is the cutest cafe server and he falls HARD for the cafe's new kind-of-regular, Iwaizumi
2.) Wedding ring- crazychipmunk- angst, heart-rending, surprisingly made me cry, happy ending tho, super good angsty iwaoi fanfic, I promise its not ALL angst tho😭, it's super fluffy too
3.) The courtship ritual of the Hercules beetle- kittebasu- bugs? Oikawa is still a nerd its just for bugs now, I'm just gonna copy and paste the summary cause I love it and it sums it up perfectly: "Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right." I love fics like this that preserve the characteristics of the characters even though it has nothing to do with volleyball
4.) That's your husband?!- a_very_smolfrog- just😌🤌, iwaoi being simps, oikawa is a physics professor and iwa is a volleyball coach au, makki is iconic as always, iwaoi being the iconic: childhood friends to lovers and we adore eachother but we will definitely expose eachother if need be trope, I'm so sad this is so short (2000 words), it should've been longer😔, I adore them all
5.) Conquering the great king- suggestivescribe- this fic is actually so iconic, just perfection at its max tbh, just iwaoi being iwaoi but make it smutty and make it at the office, iwa is an editor and tbh I don't remember or know what kawa is, it's some office job, not kuroo being a slay as always, honestly has to be one of the best iwaoi fanfics of all time
6.) Until the sky opens up- iwaoidk- the summary lowkey did them dirty, not really tho cause I still read it😋🙄 but this was way better than I thought it was going to be, like iwaoi accidentally gets kissed by every member in his team, I'm still convinced that they did all that to make oikawa GET A MOVE ON, oikawa confesses and he's a little dense but so is iwa so whatever, they're perfect for eachother like that😻
7.) Looks like it- ivyfics- iwaoi have been dating for a while now, they just didn't know it, iwa is very competitive in his knowledge on tooru, cute and short, recommend if you want something to speed read for some lighthearted fluff
8.) Six month lover- afuzzyowl- I'm gonna be completely honest, I haven't finished this fic yet BUT I PROMISE ITS NOT CAUSE IT WAS BORING, IT WAS SO GOOD, I just never got to finishing it cause I was busy but thinking about this fic makes me actually want to finish it, oikawa makes iwaizumi a PowerPoint presentation on why they should date, oikawa is absolutely utterly in love with iwaizumi (same, like who isn't?), oikawa is trying to convince his best friend to fall for him, I adored this and now I need to go finish it, edit: HELP IM BASICALLY FINISHED AND ITS SO GOOD BEHESKJSA ITS SO SO SO GOOD I CANNOT EVEN FIND THR WORDS
9.) Kilometer zero- internetpistol (orphan_account)- a classic iwaoi fic, childhood friends to lovers, slowburn, it's just them in a class well done iwaoi fic, there's nothing else to say, it was really good, "just gay yearning"- the author's ao3 tag
10.) The Pda jar- orphan_account- iwaoi is obliviously in love, everyone knows it but them and they're all tired of their pda so they make a pda jar, it's really the only way to make them see their idiocy😌, this is why I love aoba johsai folks, live love laugh seijoh, highkey hilarious
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odysseys-blood · 11 months
26? your biggest pet peeves. that thang
you thankfully already put it in the ask but i'm still gonna add it for formatting sake:
26: My biggest pet peeves.
i am. not a well adjusted person and a lot of things annoy or anger me extremely easy so i'll give you a like top 3.
1. People chewing with their mouth open/chewing loudly.
i do not like the sound at all it drives me up a WALLLLL. i remember my freshman year i had to hold myself back from trying to wring a dude's neck bc he came to our freshman orientation class with his lunch (it was right in the middle of the lunch hours and like. the caf was 3 minutes away) so like whatever but oh my god he chewed so loud an kept trying to talk to me the whole time and i already didn't like him (had an incident like 2 months earlier where he was debating the mental health of trans ppl w/ a friend of mine right in front of me for half the class). thankfully my righteous anger was held back by the fact that i hate causing a scene
2. Being told what to do.
This one's a but more nuanced like im not gonna bite at anyone telling me anything i'm a good listener! but like. if its nothing that HAS to be done or smthn i didnt explicitly ask for pls dont tell me what to do. esp if its smthn i already plan on doing bc now im going to be petty and take longer to do it if i decide to do it at all.
3. whatever my brother has going on
this is just about the noise levels in the room. we have to share and have been doing this for years and somehoe. he consistently makes so so so much noise from having gsme playing on the tv, on his tablet, smthn playing on his phone and talking to friends all at the same time and it boggles me. and overwhelms me a LOT. you could just take this as me not liking a lot of noise in general
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feralfens · 2 years
do you have any tips on avoiding getting arrested for trespassing? (& also how bad were the charges to deal with?) (Context: i want to explore So Bad but i'm deathly afraid of confrontation)
lmao okay SO
tip one: explore a building once. this is important because the more times you go to a place the more likely you are someones gonna see you and call the cops. the likely hood will vary, but best practice is go somewhere once, take pictures, and then leave
tip two: always be aware of location. if the building is next to main road or a hghway where lots of cars go by, youre more likely to get caught, so itd be best to walk up rather than driver and park, or even to go. also in rural areas keep in mind that its gonna take cops a good bit to get there, so if someone, especially a concerned white person, comes up and asks what youre doing? leave immediately and with haste.
tip three: always imploy observation of the area. are there closed doors, how clean are the windows, how tall is the grass. these are all things that can indicate habitation by people. also while breakig windows and graffiti are fun, only do so if its already been done and wont harm anything. also keep in mind structural integretity. if the roof looks like itll fall in, keep your ears open and stick close to exists and doorways.
the charges!
honestly, the charges werent that bad since it was just trespass and trespassing is a class b misdmeaner, but the cop did try to pin me for burglary (which is a felony and would get me put in jail and retrict my right to vote). if i was not a short little white person with boobs, i probably wpuld have been charged worse. i got caught, i didnt leave l, the cops showed up 45 minutes later, i get put in hand cuffs and into a squad car. the officer tries to tell me im being detained for burglary, i argue and say no burglary has occured, ive taken nothing, he says well you still changed the doorknob locks (another story for another time), i say the original door knobs are still on the property, we end the convo and i spend a night in a concrete and cold as shit holding cell and get bailed out for 2000 dollars. i hire a lawyer, he has the court date post pones till august and gets me a plea deal where im on probation for a year and have to pay the court like 1000+ dollars and do 50 hours community service over those twelve months. fast forward to now, ive narrowed down the original amount down to like 400+ and ive got like one more session of community service and i can be done early because i got lucky and make good tips and the minimum amount of community service required where im at is 16 a month. but its just giving free labor to the community recycle center so. meh. OH also onces a month i meet with a probation officer, we chat for a lil bit, she asks me if ive done and substances, i say no because thats the truth and also because while on probation youre wisconsin sobar, she asks if ive had any contact with police, i tell her no, and then we set next months appointment and i go on my merry little way. easy breezyy. the conscequences are manageable if you get lucky and have a job that pays you enough and your living expenses are low enough
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kalpasio · 2 years
WAH CHRISTMAS BREAK IS FINALLY HERE FOR ME !!!! that means I might end up rereading all of your works in one day then do it again the next week or smth 💀 to be fair I've already done that at the expense of listening in class 😭 also im sorry for the person I'll become when that flamechasers anime gets released next year 😔✋
anyways how've you been? I wanted to check up on you but I've been too busy to do that lol but now I can :D I honestly wrote this for no particular reason hehe I just wanted to check up on you 🥹
- herrscher anon <33 💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨
AYYYYY ME TOO! just got home last night for winter break and I'm so happy 😭😭
that is so much reading oh no I'm so sorry I'd say you shouldn't read in class but I definitely wrote some of these in lecture so I'm not any better lol
I SAW THE ANIME ANNOUNCEMENT (I'm behind on everything) AND IMMEDIATELY OPENED TUMBLR TO BE LIKE "OH IM SO EXCITED" AND ALREADY HAD TWO ASKS MENTIONING IT 😭😭 I cannot tell you how excited I am but also if they fuck it up I will riot. storm the writers office and demand they let me write it the show would never get done 😔😔
I'm alive! (I know j said that and then wasn't but I'm actually alive this time lol) gonna try to finish writing the story I've had sitting for like a month now lol since break has started I should be moving through requests a lot quicker and I'm excited to be writing again!!!
I hope you have a good break! and hopefully you'll have more stories to read than the same 5 I wrote before! 🧡🧡
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minkkumaz · 1 year
HI OMIIII!!! im skipping out a few extra days of school, i know the stress is gonna catch up to me once i get back (hopefully not.) but!!
ive been using my notes app alot recently.. i had to lock them cause it was just full of ideas abt bonedo ^^;
before i get into that,, someone stopped me in one of my classes and asked me abt the woonhak pc i had in my school ID. i got a bit nervous and i waved them off and gatekept them on accident.. i was literally abt to say “the loml” but i felt like that’d be too absurd to say to someone i just met..
i have another friend in one of my classes who also wanted to know who was on my lockscreen (it was taesan!!) but i told them i wouldve rambled and we wouldnt get our work done.. hopefully we have a freeday in that class so i can introduce them to boynextdoor LMAO
ive just been zoning out in class looking at my woonhak PC.. i love love love woonhak so much id give my soul and anything just to see more content of him being happy w the other members :(
but at the same time ive just been thinking abt woonhaks gf privileges.. >> (starts sobbing)
woonhak who slowly falls inlove with the pretty student in his class and does his best to appeal to her.. 💔
woonhak who overheard the reader and her friends talk about their types in guys.. smart guys? he’ll volunteer to answer every question the teacher asks. athletic guys? funny, cause he’ll 100% become a tryhard during gym… cute guys? his members already compliment him on his cuteness!
woonhak who tries keeping his crush a secret, but fails when jaehyun finds his notesapp open to see a list of ways to woo the reader over..
woonhak who dedicates writing the WHO album about the reader.
woonhak who finally has the courage to ask the reader out.. but when the day comes he finds out he has rehearsals. but no fret!! reader would love to watch him practice his singing & dancing.
bonedo members who love to steal glances at the reader and tease woonhak as much but as quietly as they could
bonedo members who easily warm up to the reader and starts inviting her whenever they could to hang out
jaehyun who remembers how woonhak forbade him from touching his sideburns.. but to his surprise he sees the reader twirling them and playing with his hair.
sungho who remembers how woonhak would get annoyed if someone were to notify him even if he was on do not disturb.. he walks by woonhaks phone to see it light up continuously with messages from the reader, he soon finds out woonhak has a special setting on his phone for the reader to bypass the do not disturb feature.
leehan who stumbles upon woonhak and the reader taking a nap on the couch wrapped in a blanket, her body resting on top of his.. but he swears he recalls woonhak exclaiming his distaste for people sharing (stealing as what he would call it) his blanket.
riwoo who hears a genre of music he’s never heard woonhak listen to in all his life.. when he questions it he finds out the reader recommended it… riwoo scoffs jokingly, reminiscing on how he recommended he exact same song months ago
taesan who once asked woonhak to run to the convenience store late at night for some movie night snacks, but was met with refusal. a week later he spots woonhak putting on a coat to head out around 10PM.. “Y/N wants to take a walk together!” he says.
bonedo boys who watch the reader and woonhak slowly fall inlove as they continued to show their endless support (despite the fact woonhak has never given them such privileges..)
HELLO MELONN its nice to hear from you always hehe. please get so much rest on your time away from school, you deserve it! if you get a lot of homework make sure to space it out :)
and omg if someone asked me about kpop at school id probably die. theres this kid in one of my classes that mocks me and my friend for liking kpop and its so annoying!
but yes, your woonhak thoughts are always welcome here :3 at the beginning of the year when teachers had us do 'about me's' i always put yungyu as one of my favorite things LOLL
woonhak would 100% give so much gf privilege its actually crazy. he can act like hes not cute all he wants but he will always be readers cutie patootie! AND HIM DOING THE ABSOLUTE MOST IS SO TRUEE his favorite subject is yn<3
also leehan catching them cuddling it up is so adorable wtf i need me some woonhak cuddles><
youre so cute melon anon seeing how in love with woonhak you are HEHE i love hearing ur thoughts ^_^
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mmm325bi · 4 months
shades of cool - b.i
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“it’s genuinely so annoying,” y/n rants. “like i hate her so much.”
“i get that, i had people i hated in high school too.”
“she fucks everyone over and pretends she’s innocent, but it’s whatever.”
y/n sits in bobby’s office as he listens to her talk about her problems. he’s become her own personal counselor, and he welcomes her in with open arms. if he gets to even hear her voice for five minutes, it can make his day.
“i don’t wanna go back to class,” she whines, throwing her head back with her legs pulled up in front of her on the chair.
“i know,” he replies gently. “but it’s last period, and then you’re done for the day.”
“i believe in you,” he laughs, a touch of sarcasm in his voice.
“thanks, bobby.” she rolls her eyes playfully at him, and the glowing smile shows up again that he adores.
“come see me tomorrow, too if you need me.”
“i’m gonna end up needing you, so, ill be there.” she says, her hand against the side of the door frame as she looks back at him. “have a good night, bobby.”
“you too, y/n.”
two months went by of her junior year, november starting to creep up. by the end of every day, she had been in bobby’s room at least once. she ditched her friends in the hallway to go say hello, she’d tell her teachers she’s using the bathroom and go to his office. she’d tell her mom she’s staying after for a project, but the project was just trying to be around bobby.
no one could understand what she felt, not even y/n herself. her heart swelled whenever he was around her, even a playful tease made her feel more loved than ever.
bobby found himself eager to get closer to her. he wanted her mind to himself, her body, her heart. she was angelic, alongside a glowing personality and a huge heart inside her plump chest.
it wasn’t until he received an email from the school a few towns over, telling him that they’d pay him more than what he’s getting now if he came to teach and coach. most people wouldn’t hesitate to take this offer, but the girl in his mind was the roadblock.
“coach is apparently leaving,” one of the guys in y/n’s geometry said. “well, he’s at least going to watch a game for OA.”
y/n’s heart started pounding. she doesn’t like to overhear, but whenever the basketball boys talk about bobby she has to listen. her skin ran hot at the idea of him leaving, almost feeling a sense of betrayal. there were tingles down her spine to her toes. the moment the bell rang after last period, she bolted to bobby’s office.
“why are you leaving?” she spat out of her mouth at him. he looked up from his computer at her, his scrunched up face relaxed as he knew what she was talking about.
“no, why are you leaving me? you know i hate it here and now the one person i have is going away? all the girls here are fake and all the teachers hate me and the guys think im a slut! but you’re just gonna leave.”
“it’s not about me leaving you, hon,” he speaks softly trying to calm her down. he stands up, becoming face to face with her in his office. “it’s about money and bills and opportunities for myself.”
“well why was the athletic department telling bryan about promoting you? why were they talking about giving you a raise if you’re just gonna leave? so this is all for nothing?”
“y/n, i didn’t know that they were saying that. nothings been put on paper yet, all i did was get invited to go see a game.”
“but i know what that means, bobby im not stupid!”
“no, no you’re not stupid at all. i just wanted you to know why i considered it.”
in that moment, bobby looked into y/n’s eyes to see her upset. she looked like she was shaking, truly bothered by the fact that the only person here for her would be gone. she has no idea that she is enough to make him stay, no idea what she means to him and how she touches his heart.
“well, next time you think about leaving, consider this.”
she launched forward, pushing her toes into the floor to lift her heels up. she places one of her hands on his chest, and the other on his shoulder to help get herself up. she shoved her lips against his, feeling the tension in his face as his warm lips pressed onto hers. she moved her mouth to his bottom lip, and he finally started to focus in on the kiss.
it was so wrong. he’s kissing one of his students and feeling the most comfortable than he has with any of his exes. but how could he stop, he had to let himself feel this way for at least a few minutes.
he moves his head up and down slightly, tilting it down to reach her height. he worked his tongue very lightly into her mouth, just barely grazing her lips. the quiet sounds of their lips together filled the room like the music class, completely silencing everything else.
he placed his hand on the side of her neck, giving her support as he made out with her in his office. he almost wished there was a clone of him in the room to watch the heat of them making out. it was absurdly hot in his mind.
as she pulled away first, it felt like a punishment. like he should beg on his knees for her. but instead, he just watched as she turned and shut the door behind her.
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outofbinaryspace · 2 years
My boss has said I haven’t spent my time productively here and when I said I want to fix that so I don’t get further behind she agreed (paraphrasing but that was the gist)
And well
Now I’m just confused and kinda angry
Because according to the timeline she sent me before my interview for this internship
I’m actually fine?
Like yeah I did a lot of what the first week is but looking at the 3 months portion
I started mid January for reference so this is like not even 3 months yet
The only thing I haven’t done is learn about environment controls, security, storage, supplies, and handling of various kinds of archival material
Before we had this whole behind talk I mainly spent my time between watching webinars and reading articles
Now to be fair to my boss there was one day I spent working on a conference poster but I thought it was okay because she sent us the link to the conference to register for it and then didn’t tell me I shouldn’t work on it while I’m there (she literally saw me working on it)
And then there was one day I spent a couple hours on my group project that involves the archive which again thought it was okay because it involves the archive
But ever since then I have majorily been on edge and stressed and entirely focused on not getting further behind
So as for the 3 months portion:
I use both ancestry and family search, I’ve been playing around with microfilm, I’ve read just about all I can about the important locals here, I’ve used the vertical files, I have a rough understanding of horizon and just today learned how ILL works
Hell I already kinda knew how LOC subject headings work! All I needed was where to get them and how to add them! And that’s in the 6 month one!
Like what!!!
Like I have been so anxious and stressed about how I wasted my time and how behind I am and it turns out I DIDNT?
Like…Jesus christ man
And also like she is nice and has been very open about being a mentor and wanting what’s best for me
But why didn’t she say anything about this
According to her own timeline I’m right on track
I do have a sneaking suspicion that when she said we’ll reassess at the end of March I’m either gonna be fired, transferred, or staying on
which is not a great feeling but at the same time she asked about my summer schedule and if I’ve signed up for summer classes which means she’s not planning on firing me? otherwise why ask? she also can’t be transferring me if I’m there for the summer?
The amount of mixed messages and miscommunication makes me want to tear my hair out
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raksh-writes · 2 years
<beware, self reflection post incoming>
So. This year has been a tough one.
Feels like it has been tougher than all of those before, ngl, but it's hard to tell how much of it is skeved memory and how much just how strong those feelings are today. But it has been an awful year -- the first half was kind of alright, but the second? Yeah, everything went downhill there.
I slid into one of the worst depression holes ever. I quit my job two months ago, because it has been contributing strongly to that, but remained unemployed and stressed out of my mind because of that and feeling completely listless since. Unmoored. With no purpose whatsoever. It's... not a good place to be. On top of that, I got real sick with covid this week and barely started feeling somewhat better today. Guess it's a suficiently shitty end to an awful year, huh? What hurts, too, is the heart breaking writer's block I got in that second half of the year too.
I wrote barely anything this year, posted even less. Got very disconnected from that part of myself that carried me through the rough times of the previous years -- and maybe that's why it feels worse than ever now, when I had at least that joy back then but it feels like it's been taken from me. It's... rough.
I've always been in the middle of something before too. Always going back to classes, to uni, got a job last year, but now? Well...
I did start taking steps to crawl back to life. Trying to at least. Baby steps.
So, I wanna make a list of those baby steps. The ones Ive already started taking, the ones Im gonna soon, the ones I wanna try to make. Make a path out of them, maybe. So:
Im back to therapy, that's good. Working through new and old stuff, it's definitely helping, but... there's a lot more to work through than I imagined. It's okay, though. I can already tell some of it helped, it's been a good helping hand in digging myself out of this hole - or at least starting to dig myself out.
Im also starting an internship at the job office on monday (hopefully most of my symptoms are gonna be gone by then 🤞). It's a 6 months one, not as well paid as a full job, of course, but it's experience, it's a start, and I can always search for smth different in the meantime. And it's stability a dearly need.
I want to go back to studying too. I found I miss it a lot, having that goal, broadening my mind, etc. I wanna sign for some post-diploma library studies classes in the city where I intern, near where I live. It might not open up, but if it doesn’t, I think I'll try going back for actual Masters. It's something Im actually sort of looking forward too, even if it makes me a lil' anxious.
Been idly thinking about maybe going back to the city. Trying to live on my own again. Study, find a job to pay for it. Might not be quite possible, though, with prices of pretty much everything going up to 3x what they were and still going up. It's an idea for the later part of the year, though, if Id actually try going for it.
Maybe the most obvious one -- I want to write again. And post, too. I miss interacting with readers. Seeing that someone Gets it. That it brings people joy. I miss it a lot. These last months, even if I managed to write a little, I didn't even had the drive to post. No drive for anything, really. Feels like death to a creative soul 😔 So I want to write. And I want to share it. Im still thinking of my Beauty and the Beast Voiles AU -- I have a couple chapters of it done, maybe I could start posting and see where it goes, even if I dont manage to finish it? Then I got obsessed with VegasPete, an amazing ship I recommend to all that like Voiles or just enemies to lovers! I even managed to write some lil bits of them, some I Could post even, but I can’t get myself to... maybe it's a goal for the near future. To break through that block and engage with new fandom beyond just reading and commenting, but trying to contribute some of my own. It's scary, but it might do me good? It'd be nice..
I want to try and do more typesetting this year too, and properly, since Ive been thinking I could maybe do it part time in the future, do a project here and there, but for that I'd have to polish up my skills. Maybe do some smaller projects, that wont take me months to finish like the fics I did lately.
Have my eyes peeled for opportunities and have the courage to reach for them. I want to do library studies and Id love to work in a library one day, but its hard to get into one, so I gotta have my eyes open for any possibility. Or working in a book store, Id love that too. Anything with books, tbh. So, be on the look out. And work on having the courage to reach for it and battling down my anxiety.
Go out and meet with friends I haven't seen in a long time. I think Ive isolated myself a bit too much this year and it definitely hasn’t helped. So I need to try more to get out of the easy, lazy way and go out to meet people.
And that's it, for now, I think. Goals for the new year? Maybe, but being in the place I am, baby steps feel better. Im sure Im not the only one that had an awful year and if you're reading this, feeling the same, I see you. Can’t promise it's gonna get better, but we gotta have hope and try taking those baby steps towards making it better. So, Im not gonna go into elaborate wishes, Im just gonna be simple.
I wish you all good health, because it's so important and yet we don’t appreciate it enough, and also wish all of us courage, especially those struggling. To reach for what we want. To reach for what we fear. To get out of our comfort zones, one baby step at a time. To put ourselves out there. To win over our anxieties. To live.
Im slowly, very slowly, trying to take those baby steps. To crawl back to life. It's hard. And slow. But I hope it's gonna be worth it. It's gotta be better than the misery of last months. So, that's what I hope for in the next year. Taking the baby steps to a better future.
Happy New Year, everyone, and I hope y'all have a lovely last day of 2022 💗
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earth2rin · 2 years
bakugo katsuki x support!femreader
fluff, bakugo being bakugo, support course reader :)
i have been thinking about this for a LONG time but i suck at writing so it’s a little ficlet for you guys lol
also just pretend hatsume is a year older LOL
bakugo was fuming. he had just gotten his gauntlets fixed from the last round of training with the big 3 (tamaki had used his giant octopus arm to smash his gauntlets causing utter destruction to the devices.) and here goes stupid tamaki, once again, using his octo-arms to smoosh the damn things. bakugo quickly ended the battle by lunging on the poor boy and pinning him down to the ground.
and now he was on his way to the support class to ask hatsume to fix his shit. he flings the door open and his eyes search and search for hatsume.
instead he sees you. a girl with a long braid and in a welding mask.
“where the hell is hatsume?” he grumbles. you look over to him, lift the mask up and give him a gentle smile that made him weak in the knees.
“im sorry, what was that you said?” as you tilt your head to the side, your eyes so wide he swore he could see his own reflection in them.
his throat runs try, he clears it and replies, “where’s that pink-headed freak?” he says much more clearly.
you chuckle and turn to look at the clock behind you. “her and maijime-sensei went to go showcase some of her support items. she has to go big since this is her last year here at u-a. they should be back around 3.”
“so then who are you?” he blurts and immediately regrets it but you let out a hearty laugh and his nerves ease.
“dont you know? why im only hatsumes protege.” you say wiggling your eyebrows. he lifts a brow and then rolls his eyes and you can’t help the smile on your face.
what an odd girl he thinks and shakes his head.
“did you need something?” you query tilting your head to the side.
he needed you to stop looking at him with those damn puppy eyes or else he’d be nothing more than a puddle soon.
he sighs and places his gauntlets in front of you. “shitty tamaki ruined the damn things.” he says as he rubs his temples. you nod at him and inspect the damage.
the way your thick brows furrow and plush pink lips turn down in a frown has his stomach doing somersaults.
“yeah these things are done for, i’m gonna have to make a new pair. i can’t believe you guys smashed industrial grade steel.” you chuckle as you grab a pad of paper and begin sketching the new design of his gauntlets.
he watches you scribble on the piece of paper over your shoulder, uncharacteristically quiet, awestruck by the way your face contorts in different expressions as your brain process things.
he was also quite confused at the fact of how he had never seen you before. surely he had to have seen you at one point. after all you were in the support class and there had only been a handful of teenagers in said class. he never saw you in the hallways either, nor cafeteria, so how the hell have you managed to sneak by all this time? bakugo was no good at names but he sure can remember a face after seeing it once, but he could not recall yours.
“so, the ones i just drew are a little different from your old ones. first, these ones are the same metal but a lot thicker, id like to see how these hold up about a month from now if you don’t mind. i also got rid of the handles because let’s be honest, those were just for decoration, there really was no need for those, they were just a hinderance. i also-“
yada yada yada was all that bakugo heard. he was absolutely enamored by you. the way you’d nibble your glossy lips while concentrating, the way your nose would scrunch when you changed your mind, the way your beautiful hair framed your face perfectly. gosh were you a sight to see.
“so whaddya think about that?” you smile at him catching him off guard.
he stumbles and straightens up. “um yeah that sounds good or whatever. whatever it takes to beat that damn food eating freak.” you laugh and nod, telling bakugo he can be on his way now.
he couldn’t wait to pick up his gauntlets when they were ready. only because he needed the damn things, certainly not because he wanted to see you again.
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A/N: Ask and you shall receive anon :)
“He’s staring again.” Robins voice came from beside you at the lunch table, a groan falling from your lips. It had been almost a week since your break-up with Steve and he would not leave you alone. He would either stare at you during class and during lunch or he would try and talk to you.
Honestly, you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. The man you thought you were in love with clearly didn’t exist, so you had 0 intention of trying to be friendly with the person who led you on and lied to you for 5 months straight. He was dead to you.
“Come on, we gotta get ready for class.” Your voice was annoyed as you stood up from the table with Robin, dumping your lunch tray and heading towards your locker. As you put in your combination and opened it, you heard a bang on the locker next to yours.
“So, I heard rumors that you’re going on a date and we’re not even officially broken up yet. Is that true?” The cocky voice that resonated from behind your open locker made you roll your eyes almost into the back of your head.
“You know, I was pretty sure it was obvious we were over when I poured a screwdriver all over you in the bathroom at the party. But I guess I wasn’t clear enough. We’re not together Steve. You made it very obvious you don’t want me.” You closed your locker, walking off to your next class. Or so you tried, when your wrist was carefully grabbed.
“You don’t actually believe I meant all of that, do you? I was drunk and goofing off with the boys. You know I have a reputation to keep.” Did he really think this was helping? Of course he did. He was used to girls throwing themselves at his feet. But, you were done with that.
“Oh, so you mean I should brush off the humiliation and pretend you care about me because you were drunk when you were telling everyone how out of my league you are. Okay, I forgive you. Not!” You pulled your wrist away from him and walked off to your next class, hoping that would be the end. However, it was far from it.
While you were sitting in your math class, the boy that you were going to go on a date with came up to you with a black eye, clearly shaken up. “H-hey, (Y/N). I’m going to have to cancel our date tonight. I-I’m really sorry.” Shock was written all over your face as you sat in class absolutely fuming. Your ex boyfriend was out of control.
“(Y/n)! Psst, earth to (Y/N). Your dickhead ex asked me to give this to you.” Robin sneered, her middle finger being showed to Steve as she set the note on your desk. “I only agreed to it because I know you’re gonna tell him no.”
You read the note, sighing. Hey, pretty girl. Meet me outside of the gym later today during free period? -Steve :)
You agreed, sending a wave of shock through Steve and Robin both. “What the- why?!” She exclaimed, looking at you like you had lost your mind. “This is not a good idea. He is clearly unstable. You can’t go.”
“Rob, I got this. Trust me. He won’t be bothering me anymore after we meet up.” You assured your friend, sighing when the bell rang. It was time for you to get Steve off your back for good.
You walked out behind the gym, leaning against the wall as you heard the door open. As soon as you heard the sound, you were met with the breathtaking pair of brown eyes that you got lost in so many times. “You actually came..” his breath fanned across your lips, his body slightly pressing against yours as he rested his arm above you on the brick wall. “I’ve missed you.”
As soon as his lips were on yours, it felt like every nerve ending in your body was on fire. Steve’s kisses always made you dizzy, and now was no exception. Your head was starting to spin until you realized what was happening, pushing him away from you. “No! Stop!” Your anger returned, your breath coming out in short pants. “This! Is over! You ruined it! We’re done!” You glared at him, shaking his head.
“You realize, no girl has ever been able to turn me down. You’re not going to be the first. You’ll give in again.” You let out a frustrated groan at his words, your fist bawling up beside you. “Awe, are you gonna hit me?” His tone was teasing, but you weren’t.
You felt your fist rear back and make contact with his eye, his form stumbling backwards. “Leave me the fuck alone and leave any person I wanna date alone. Otherwise, I’ll tell everyone you got beat up by a girl.”
That last threat stuck and Steve went back to trying to be the big man on campus. He started dating around again, pretending you never existed and you honestly preferred it that way.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
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am i warm enough for you?
➳ tags ;; soulmate au, strangers to lovers, fluff and angst but mostly fluff, some-what canon compliant, bakugo katsuki is bad at feelings, lots of Feelings™, you guys are adults but the end of the fic but the fic is sfw, alcohol, drunk confessions
➳ wc ;; 5.6k..
➳ plot summary ;; you see your soulmate in dreams - sometimes in bits and pieces and other times in full. bakugo is less than inclined to admit he even has a soulmate - and you learn how to cope with it, one day at a time.
bakugo learns that this soulmate shit is no joke. that has to be why he keeps falling for you so helplessly.
➳ a/n ;; i wasn’t even gonna comeback this early but it felt so wrong not to post on my bfs birthday so alas </3 for anyone who cares to know this is @elysianseraph but with my new url. nice to see u all <3
this was originally posted on 4/20 but im reposting cause it didn’t show up in the tags dskjds
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It’s hazy.
A cloud of smoke settles over your body, permeating your lung. It smells like sugar, like burning, like smoke and a little like leather. You can feel your toes curl and your hands moving but your body is separate from you in a way you can’t describe. It’s a pleasant kind of warmth that spreads, creeping up from behind your neck till it’s soft and cradling your skull. It’s soft like the touch of a mother, like wool over your ears.
It’s a pleasant feeling, that’s all. Almost cozy but there’s a fading sense of distress that chills in your lungs as you encompass it. Your hands are too small to reach forward, and truthfully the sensation is so powerful that you’re afraid to reach out. You’re 6 years old, so all you know is how it makes you feel. You can’t remember many details, but you feel pleasant. Something about it is soft, but there’s a sharp edge right at the end that has your lungs gasping for air.
It’s a flash of colors. Red. Orange. Pale Yellow. Grey. Black. Forest Green. Red. Red. Orange. Red.
And then it fades into a feeling again. A blurry feeling. You feel conflict, then concern, then inadequacy in heavy waves almost like it’s drowning you. It’s the first time you’ve experienced such a pain, so your wailing and wiping tears away with chubby fingers and saying a name you don’t know and can’t remember.
Ka. You know the sound, Ka. But you don’t know of anything more. It repeats rhythmically in your mind like a knock on the door, rapping with urgency - but it doesn’t do anything to jog your memory. Someone is trying to be let in but you don’t know how to answer them, and you’re still crying. The distress, the inadequacy shakes you and all you feel is frustration in short simple bursts.
Your first encounter with your soulmate is written this way in your memory. A sense of urgency laced with frustration - but they’re not towards you. It’s him, his feelings - you can feel them even deeper then he can. They pierce you in a way that makes it hard to breathe, no matter how you try to escape them it’s an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. The only way to escape the feelings of a dream is either to control them, or to face them and swim through the fog.
Soulmates have an urgency to them, in general. His is different, you can tell as much. Your first soulmate dream leaves the heaviest impression and each one thereafter is like pieces of a puzzle.
Sometimes you simply share random dreams, like a split screen in a video game - the two of you witness different parts of the same dreamverse. Other times, and honestly - most times, you’re experiencing their emotions or feelings. You experience their core memories, their life, in flashes and bits and pieces.
It’s not enough to know them or who they are, it’s like know everything about them except the things that matter
Sometimes you meet too. Just barely.
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The room is white. When you blink, colors flash in order - red, pale yellow, orange, forest green and you know. You blink a few more times, stretching your hands out in front of yourself. Curling your hands into fist then into stretched palms, you lean forward and stretch. You wriggle your toes - notice you're wearing shoes. Clothes from your closet. Strange.
You take a look around the room but there isn't much to see. There’s a wall in front of you with a glass divider and a mirrored empty room. The room across from yours has spiky decor littered against the walls. An orange dresser, plastic grenades and play guns. You know who it is without a second warning - and a foggy part in the back of your head tells you that it’s him, again but with more force. You don’t see anything in your room, but you figure he might. All of it is confusing to you.
Before you can blink, there’s a loud thud coming from the other side of the glass. It’s a silhouette, the outline of a face - but nothing clear. Dream logic dictates you can’t know a face you’ve never seen, yet somehow you know his outline. Spiky, he’s spiky everywhere.
“Hello?,” you call out, overly tentative. The figure pauses, seems to take in whatever they must be seeing. You’re not sure what response you’re expecting, really. There’s no expectations at all.
“...Who the fuck are you?,” says a pitchy, male voice. He sounds like he’s your same age, a highschool boy. His throat is rough, yet not overly deep. It’s almost scratchy.
You’re not sure how to reply. You can see him through the glass, but not really. Still, you take note of his shadows like they’re going to tell you anything more. You shove your hands in your pockets, messing around with something inside.
“Uh.. your soulmate, I think,” you reply.
Scratching the back of your neck as an awkward silence settles, you take a few minutes to try and figure what more to say.
“We met when we were kids once too,” you explain awkwardly. He must know, has too - this soulmate thing is a two way thing, but his silence is deafening. You just want to feel this space. Is it always this awkward?
“Red. Orange. Pale Yellow. Forest Green,” you repeat, like a mantra. You hear him take in a sharp breath, and freeze. For some reason, you’d like to avoid upsetting him. He doesn’t seem like he’s taking to the information too well.
“I don’t have time for this damn bullshit… whatever quirk you’ve got to mimic this - cut it the fuck out,”
You pause, not sure how to feel. Half of you is offended, the other half is confused - had you done something to upset him? You can feel how he feels - but you don’t understand it. You sit with your mouth agape, like a fish out of water. Unsure of how to proceed, you scoff a little.
“Woah.. this isn’t a quirk thing. We’re.. soulmates? That’s already a thing,”
More silence. You’ve.. he doesn’t seem upset, but you can tell he’s not all that keen to the idea. It’s a bare minimum improvement that you find yourself valuing, without your consent. He breathes again, throat even more hoarse than before. His voice is angry but it doesn’t fit his responses, his feelings - so you don’t pay attention to his madness. Something is off.
“... I’m not supposed to have a soulmate. No fucking way I have a soulmate,” he grits. You step back, stumbling. You didn’t have any expectations.. but this wasn’t what you had been expecting at all. You feel uneasy, sick. It must be a shared feeling if the way he leans against a wall counts for anything.
A beat of silence passes before you open your mouth to speak.
“... I have no idea what I’m supposed to say to that,” you admit. He scoffs.
“Nothing you damn extra. Leave me the fuck alone,”
You don’t reply, too stunned. This was your soulmate? This.. asshole? Not that you were a peach entirely either, but this was supposedly the person that the universe had decided for you?
You shake your head. Maybe you’re just being rash? He could be a nice guy behind all the chaos. You try your best to hold onto that, that this was literally someone chosen for you before you gave up all hope. You sigh, cracking your neck.
“You can say whatever you want but.. we’re here, you know? It’s more productive to just go with it.. isn’t it?,”
“Go fuck yourself,”
“After meeting you, I’m not exactly over the fucking moon about it either. It is what is,”
“You’re not my fucking.. soulmate or whatever the fuck. Leave me alone,”
Your heart both aches with anger and sadness. You don’t know what to do. What does this shit-head know about you, anyway? You know he’s been through some shit, same as you - what makes him so entitled? You swallow the lump in your throat. It hurts. It pierces. Stupid soulmate bonds.
“Yeah? Alright. Fuck you too,”
You see him pace around for a longer before he disappears in a cloud of smoke. You didn’t even catch his name, and you’re not sure you wanted too. It must be morning, but at least you're away from him. It feels lonely, but it must just be you.
Your eyes flutter open but your heart is heavy with regret. You don’t know who it belongs to, but you’ve got class in an hour and not enough time to think about it. If he doesn’t want to meet you that’s fine.
It’s fine. Not like you wanted to meet your soulmate anyway.
You don’t have another meeting with your soulmate for months. Lately your dreams have little if anything to do with him or where he is, how he’s been. You have some of those split screen ones, where you know he’s there but neither of you acknowledge each other, even in spirit, like how you did before. When you wake up feeling angsty, you don’t know how to distinguish the feeling but you don’t try.
You wonder idly if he can feel your apathy, if he cares enough too. Maybe he also mistakes it for his own? It seems likely.
It’s a weekday where you’re getting ready for remedial classes at your school. First year advanced courses were no joke, and you find yourself regretting your choice to participate in them.
Still you get dressed anyway, put your uniform on and brush your teeth - wash your face with your eyes half open and look presentable. No one's home in the morning, the house is empty of any life but you. Food becomes a last minute priority, so you make an egg sandwich with cheese and eat it on the way to the train station.
You stare down at your feet as you step outside, music drowning out the noise of your surroundings aptly. The walk to the station is long and the ride is longer, but the streets are packed edge to edge. Musutafu is busy this time of year - the U.A. Sports Festival is taking place today and everything seems to reflect that. You barely manage to squeeze past all the strangers on the subway - clearly on their way to see it.
When you get to school, you're greeted by a mostly empty classroom with a teacher. These classes were straightforward as always, do the work you need to correct, have it approved and leave. It repeats until your finished with all the assignments and you get to be done. You give a respectful nod to your teacher before grabbing your work from your bag.
It goes on and on - occasionally, you hear an excited gasp and quiet chatter from classmates. It’s about the festival, the happenings - but you’re too caught up in completing your work that day and trying to get the fuck out of their as soon as possible.
Shit like that didn’t matter to you, anyways. It’s just a festival.
You leave around the same time the festival seems to have ended, the streets flooded with people - you miss the first station and wander towards an electronics store a block away from your highschool.
It’s the winners on TV. A guy with split hair - Shouto Todoroki, Endeavors son. A guy with a bird head, and a blonde with red eyes - muzzled to the pole.
When you see them, your heart stops. You can feel anger, an unfamiliar rage and humiliation building in your chest. It feels the word has stopped as you watch from afar, through screens. Your soulmate seems upset about something, but you wouldn’t know what.
And that blonde on TV, you wonder if you know him from somewhere.
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Red.Orange. Pale Yellow. Grey. Black. Forest Green. Red. Red.
You feel him before you even know what’s happening - and it catches you completely off-guard. You haven’t had a proper soulmate dream in two years. Smoke clouds your lungs, the taste of sugar burning your tongue as you cough yourself into awareness. This time, you’re not in a room but it’s a campground. In the middle of the space is a bonfire, burning warmly. This one feels more vivid, more real.
But you know it’s not, your body feel unusually light and your hands can’t hold anything for too long. You know it’s a dream, but you sit in the chair anyway. It feels like you're floating. You feel oddly warm. Dread builds in the pit of your stomach. Even though it’s been so long since you’ve spoken to your soulmate - you can’t forget the terrible first encounter. It sticks to the roof of your mouth - a bitter memory that fills you with unexplainable, irrational resentment.
But it’s not like you hadn’t been seeing him, to an extent. You’ve seen all his memories in bits and pieces - all of them tragic and painful. This time, you see people but they come in the form of small scraps. Spiky Red. Electricity. Tape. Pink with Horns. Music. Green. So much green and red - like Christmas, you’ve called it. You’ve seen disappearances, fear, anguish - so much anguish.
In the weeks after All Might’s fall, you were in so much pain - you couldn’t stop crying for days. It’s been enough time to know what feelings were yours and which were his - and these ones felt so much like him. It went on for nearly a year - you’d almost got accustomed to it. If tears showed up to blot the ink of your lecture notes, you didn’t think twice about it. You tried to keep yourself calm, steady - in hopes you could lend your soothing to him. Even if he hated your guts, you could barely believe so much sadness could exist in one person. You didn’t know what happened but whatever it was - it must’ve been terrible. At the very least, you felt sympathy.
Sympathy was enough to get by for a long time. A neutral, level-headed sympathy that helped soothe some of your own hurt.
All that said, you were hardly expecting to see him again - especially not this soon. You don’t remember the last time you thought about him in anything other than passing - actively. It’s one thing to know what's happening - you’ve felt him passively everyday for damn near two years.
But it’s another thing to see him in front of you, force yourself to acknowledge him as your soulmate even if he insists on not doing the same.
You squirm in your chair, noticing that you’re wearing PJ’s instead of clothes. Just a hoodie and sweats, none of which fit you quite right. You pull your sleeves over your hands, fiddling with the stray strand of thread loose.
“What the fuck is this shit?,”
Your stomach drops. Unsure of what to say, you opt to say nothing at all. Just let him be, sit quietly in your dreams and mind your business. Maybe he’ll wake up soon and it’ll all be over.
You can’t see him from the corner of your vision but you can hear him shuffle. The way he touches things, noticing how they make noise but don’t feel quite right in his hands. How it feels real but doesn’t, how it is real and isn’t. Surely, he’s noticed you by now. The lingering silence makes you squirm.
“...It’s you,”
You flinch, lifting your head up slightly to meet his gaze. His expression is unreadable, but it’s different from before. In a fleeting moment, something occurs to you.
You can see him. What he looks like. Blonde with red eyes, and a sharp chin and thin waist. You know it must mean you’ve seen him before - perhaps you’d even seen each other, but for your life you can’t remember where you’ve seen his face. It’s right there, on the edge of your mind, but you’re stumped.
“Oh,” your reply comes short, strained. Your eyes flutter as you press your lips into a flat line. “Uh, hi,”
The blonde sits in the chair, slumping down. His eyes go towards the flickering flames without another word and you decide it’s best not to engage. It stays like that for a while, a beat of silence - not awkward but not comfortable, passing by without another thought. It all feels real, present - not like normal dreams. This must be the special kind of soulmate thing you find yourself feeling resentful towards.
His eyes are heavy. Relief is overwhelming him, with an iron grip and he’s worried you can feel it. If you can, you don’t say a word.
“I didn’t think I’d see you again,”  he admits.
The words sound tender passing through his mouth, unmistakably so - but you don’t get your hopes up. Instead, you give him a placating laugh, leaning forward towards the fire and mirroring him.
“I didn’t think so either,”
When it falls silent, it feels comfortable. It’s not like either of you have anything to say to each other right now, with no manual on how this was supposed to go. If he even wanted to go there.
“I can.. see you,” you start. He squints.
“You couldn’t before?,”
This takes you by surprise. You shake your head.
“No..Could you? See me, I mean?,”
Bakugo feels heat rise to his skin. Oh. Huh.
“Yeah,” he replies, a sharp inhale leaving his lungs “I can see you,”
There’s something tense in the air. It’s a strange sensation - to know the deepest and most intimate parts of someone without even knowing their name proper, or where they went to school, or what they normally eat for breakfast. All that connects you are these mutual feelings, shared grief that holds you two to the title of soulmates. This odd bond.
“..d’ya still think I’m a quirk wielding villain?,” you laugh, or try too - you’re doing your best to cut the tension. He can feel your hurt all the way from your sit, so deep in his gut - it’s been haunting him for years. How many nights of sleep he’s lost knowing there are soft and helpless tears coming from these suppressed feelings. He doesn’t know how to say sorry, so he sighs and rubs the back of his neck. He’s changed a lot in two years - but not enough to be good at this.
“No, I don’t,”
He smiles, just a little. It’s gentle, casts shadow on his face from the light of the fire. It’s warm, everything feels warm and better and invigorating. When you look at him and his uneasy expression - you know he feels it too.
“By the way, uhm - what’s your name? Ka.. something? Right?,”
His eyes shoot up in surprise. He nods a little.
“Katsuki Bakugo,” he replies, expectantly. You seem surprised that he wants to know yours.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” comes your reply.
“Nice to meet you,” says him, Bakugo - your soulmate.
“Nice to meet you too,”
Getting to know Bakugo is unusually easy. You get the feeling it wouldn’t be, in the case that you were anything but soulmates - but Bakugo has never known being this intimate with someone other than you. Despite himself, how much he hates himself - you never seem too. Even though you feel and see all the ugliest parts of him - have since he was small enough to still be innocent, you always treat him the same.
Your conversations are short, and shallow. Regardless, he’s not used to talking so much about himself. But you’re always curious, so much so Bakugo doesn’t have the heart to see your countless questions go unanswered.
You keep a little notebook of all of your encounters. You remember them by heart but write them down too, just in case you miss something. You ask about his friends - Spiky Red and Soft Green, referring to them that way even after you’ve known their names. You ask about his work - the life of a dangerous hero, and if he ever gets nervous flying through the air.
Admittedly, he’s mean to you. He teases you so frequently, he’s lost count of all the times you’ve huffed and puffed at his sarcastic remarks. Still, you never turn away from him. You stand with your foot down and your arms crossed over your chest - insistent on making him feel flustered too. And it works, somehow - because you know all too much about Bakugou and always gets him right where he’s most conscious about. You don’t have to tease him about his feelings since you know them like the palms of your hand.
But these shallow conversations always mean a little more to him that he knows how to verbalize, and half the time he doesn’t need to do that at all. You’ve learned the masterful of working around him quietly, making all the parts of that feel too big to love - something small and fragile. Somehow, you’ve made being with him, even as friends - feel like less of an impossible feat but a dream.
Katsuki Bakugo has been in love with you since he was 6 years old. There must be some feelings we cannot share with our soulmates, because he has no idea if you feel it or not. He just knows he does, somewhere deep in the cavern of his heart, he loves you.
You never cross the barrier of romance with him, though. A paralyzing fear seems to settle in your bones when you breach too close to love and intimacy - and Bakugo understands those feelings, even if he doesn’t know exactly why they’re there. It’s not something you’ve decided to tell him yet, but he feels it in the same way he feels your loneliness. You may be kind but you’re more guarded than he is, and not fearless but reckless.
But he still finds himself aching to love and be loved by you, no matter how much he hates it. The yearning still manages to swallow him, even late into the night.
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It’s been a while since your last meeting with Bakugo but not long. You were 21 now, but your dream visits were frequent. When you weren't speaking or seeing him through dreams - you were watching him on TV. You’d been yet to meet with him in real life but to you, that was okay. Seeing him like this had been more than enough.
Today was different. Normally, that bonfire was always a back-drop to these little encounters but it was a field today - a filed with rolling hills and hundreds of flowers and tall grass that made you feel itchy. The sun was permanently stuck right before it set but it was so warm everywhere. When you get there, there’s a blanket on the top of one of the hills. You sit on it cautiously and watch the wind pass. Everything is tinged orange, and red - you know he’s there with you before he appears.
When he does, he seems different. You glance over at him as he stumbles towards you in a stupor, and when he does finally sit - you get a whiff of alcohol coming from his neck and mouth. It’s strong enough to make a little dizzy. Blinking owlishly, he sits crisscross besides you, staring a little at the surroundings.
“..the fuck?,” he slurs. You can’t help but break out into a laugh. He nearly falls over, body swaying so you bring his head down to your shoulder wordlessly, a furious heat running all over your skin. Even though you can’t feel him, the gesture makes you feel something in your belly.
“Why’re you so drunk?,”
“Birthday,” he mumbles. Your eyes widen in surprise. Bakugo is seemingly unfazed, eyes drooping with tiredness. He’s completely inebriated.
You feel yourself grow tender. You’d have to wake up and remember the days date. Despite all the times you’ve met, you had no clue about his birthday or how he celebrated. You feel your heart ache at the idea you’ve spent the latter half of it together, in your own way.
“Happy Birthday, Bakugo.”
“Bakugo this, Bakugo that,” he growls, a little incoherent “We’re supposed to be fucking soulmates and you still call me by that.. damn name.”
He hiccups a little as you sit there stunned. You blink.
“.. You think of us as soulmates?,”
“Are you some kind of moron?,”
You scowl, flicking his forehead with your thumb and forefinger. He makes a noise of indignance.
“Well, how would I know? When we first met, you didn’t seem enthused about it,”
Bakugo sighs tiredly.
“I was 15 and an asshole - clearly I don’t fuckin’ feel that anymore,”
You seem surprised again.
“..You don’t?,”
Instead of swearing at you, he closes his eyes and gets closer to you. The liquor runs through his system like liquid courage and he nods a little.
“Not at all,”
“What do you..”
“What do you think I mean?,” he barks a laugh. You feel your pulse under your skin, drumming against your chest like a hammer. You can’t even breathe.
You’ve had feelings for Bakugo from the second proper meeting you’d had with him. It was clear as a day that he was your soulmate for good reason, that inexplicable draw that kept your heart from ever belonging to anyone else. You tried to - tried to go on dates and see other opportunities through but he was always so one of a kind.
Yet, you’d given up all hope that it would mean anything to harbor these feelings, convinced that Bakugo simply wasn’t interested in you In doing any of this. You didn’t want to force him into something he didn’t want - so you kept your distance with hope that he’d still be in your life. It was enough, or you’d wanted it to be.
It’d be a lie to say that you hadn’t started thinking about it more and more as the days pass. What it would be like to see him, touch him and love him and be with him for real - these passive daydreams gone vivid. If he could see your dreams, he must know about them. But you didn’t know how to approach it - how to approach love at all.
That’s the thing with soulmates. You’re told that you’ll just have the answers, destiny will do the hard work but that’s far from true. Because even now, with Bakugo leaning  on your shoulder with this confession lingering in the air - you don’t know what to do.
“Stop being so nervous,” he mumbles. You stumble a little over yourself.
He chuckles.
“You really need me to say it, huh?,” he sighs. He picks himself. If he’s drunk and reckless, then fuck it - he’s gonna take it all the way. He drops his head onto your lap with a tired sigh.
“I think you’re my soulmate, you fuckin’ idiot,” he admits.
And it’s hard to say, because feelings don’t come easy for Bakugo Katsuki - but it’s the least he can do. All Bakugo Katsuki has ever known is to be lonely. It’s a loneliness that he’d forced on himself. Bottling up all the anger and sadness and swallowing it. It’s long since sunk it’s claws into him. That overwhelming, all consuming ugly feeling that lingers underneath that superiority complex.
That no one would ever, could ever love the ugliness that lingers in him. That no one who knew him for what he truly is, could care for him. Deku was the first of many disbeliefs and not much had changed.
Except for when it did. Except for when he met you - in a dream, and you were real and beautiful even at 15. That the universe hadn’t been playing some sick joke on him when he kept seeing you in his dreams, so soothing to his teenage loneliness. You were real and that was so fucking scary.
But you loved him anyway. Looked out for him when he was at his lowest - the soothing beat of your heart  in the days after All Mights end . When he cried himself into sleep and dreamed of you. God, how he dreamed of you. Not especially romantic dreams, but dreams of how you made breakfast. How you watched cartoons on Sunday and read manga in your classes instead of the assigned work. How you fell asleep on the train station and always ate icecream after big tests. How you were especially mundane and how he got to be apart of that everyday routine.
After all, you see dreams of each other, but Bakugo has no clue what your dreams of him look like. His have always looked like you though.
When he was worthless and empty and unable to give you anything meaningful, to apologize or put his pride away - you had loved him anyway. Felt for him with clumsy hands and held on, not letting go. Even when he was begging for you to leave him alone, in fear of this all being nothing more than a cruel dream - you held on tightly to him. With your silly notebook questions and dumb names.
Bakugo Katsuki has never known what it means to love someone who isn’t you. Even if you found someone else and there was someone better than you for him, he would grit his teeth and bear it. He wonders if he’ll ever believe he deserves you. He wants to believe you’re his soulmate - to believe you wont ever leave. To believe that he did something right enough that the universe could give him someone like you.
And he wishes he could say all this, but he can’t - he just closes his eyes and hopes you can feel it.
“You’re so mean,”
“Isn’t that why you like me?,” he grins.
And you can feel his sincerity. He should feels yours too.
“I love you, actually,”
He gasps, a sharp breath that stabs his lungs. He feels sober from the confession.
His voice is gravelly when he speaks.
“Yeah, shit - me too,”
Your heart beats rapidly in your chest. The address is correct, it has to be with the way this place looks. Only a hero could live here, with the floors that lead up to skies. He lives on 3rd floor, so you swallow your fear. You give yourself a thumbs up in the glass window pane of the building before entering through the doors.
When you get there, a box sits. You press the button next to his place, bouncing on the balls of your feet until you answer.
His voice feels different in real life. You  cough.
“Uh, hi,” you greet awkwardly “I’m here,”
“Oh,” he says. You hear something buzz and then him again. “Come on up,”
And you do. The elevator ride feels like it stretches mild, classic piano echoing against the empty walls. You feel yourself feel sick but you’re not sure it’s from the movement. All you can do is fidget and wait.
When the doors open, you peak your head out into the hallway. He’s the first one on the left, just as promised. You can see a welcome mat - forest green, and something in you knows that it’s the right one.
You step up and knock, three times precisely. Your heart is all the way in your ears and everything in you is filled with unease and excitement.
When the door swings open, the world stops. You gape like a fish out of water in disbelief. He’s tall and big like he promised he’d be, but you’re unprepared. His chin is scruffy, eyes full of sleep. Strong chest and arms that seem to crowd your vision, you don’t know what do.
His expression is full to the brim with feelings you’ve never seen. He steps aside with his head ducked down.
“Come in,”
“Ah.. right,”
You take your shoes off and place them in the slippers meant for you - they fit you just right, and it can’t be a coincidence. Your heart swells up a little as you take your coat off, hanging it on the rack. You can feel his eyes as they linger on your silhouette.
“So -,”
Before you can get a word out, you feel strong arms wrapped around your waist. His scruff brushes against the skin of your neck as he holds you tightly too him. The warmth of his breath lingers on your neck - and he hiccups, a sob stored in his rib cages let out with a howl. The tears blur your vision too. You can feel his drip onto your shoulder as you snivel into his neck. Your legs feel weak, but he holds you up at the door - the only thing keeping you standing.
You cling around him tightly, your nails digging into the meat of his shoulders. It’s him, your soulmate, Katsuki Bakugo. He’s real and holding you - and he smells like leather and sugar and a fireplace. He’s warm and strong and overwhelming and your crying into his shoulder with so much feeling you don’t know what to do. You hit him weakly, unsure of what do with yourself and he laughs.
“Damn you, shitty woman - makin’ me fucking cry,” but his voice is strained. It’s like something connected, how you feel each other so intimately in that moment. Not only because you’re soulmates, but because you love each other so deeply. Your heart feels heavy.
When you pull away, you manage to give him a warbly smile.
Your hands cradle his face - so handsome and wonderful. You lean forward, emboldened, and peck him. He melts into your touch like he’d been waiting for this moment his whole life. It makes you grin.
Maybe you don’t realize that he had.
He’d been waiting for you all this time.
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