#this dude is CANADIAN
So the man who shot an obstetrician, James Kopp, is now using the overturning of Roe V Wade to get out of jail.
I wish I was joking. It was never about protecting children. It was always about controlling others who can reproduce, and demonizing those with actual medical expertise to help those who are viably fertile.
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valyrfia · 4 months
defending max verstappen on the internet is not enough i need a gun
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valcaine · 3 months
Can we see art/sketches of philza lowkey being terrifying?
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woe, a sorta old crow man doodle upon ye,
Haven’t really had the energy to draw things recently as my ass ended up in the hospital and it just. Killed Everything I had left in me so apologies for any absence, I hope to get in the drive of making emduo art again. I have Things™️ planned, it is mostly a matter of me gaining the motivation again to finish them lmao
if anyone is interested. please do commission me!
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leveragehunters · 1 year
I was going through my great grandfather's memoirs (born 3 March 1880) and came across this part, which feels eerily similar to our current times:
Our biggest handicap was the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. With men off sick we were lucky to have 50 staff. Some would come back and more would go off. I was off two weeks myself. There were many deaths in the city.   The war was over and the men were returning from France. We were working a fifty hour week. With the men returning, the trend was to repress wages and frown on a reduction of working hours. My responsibility had been increased so as I was next to the superintendent. This was fine, except my wages were the same as the day I started. They said, "You are doing a good job, but with the men returning that is all we can pay you." There was general upset. The returned men were dissatisfied with the wages offered, not only with our company and the warehouse business, but with what was being offered in general.
He then goes on to explain how they met with the Trade and Labour Council to form a union and present their demands (which were union recognition, basic wage of $180.00 a month, an eight hour day in a year's time, and a two year contract), but it all went to hell because of spies reporting back to the bosses and scabs who refused to honour the strike.
After the second day they flooded back like sheep. At Ashdown the travellers and buyers worked the warehouse without interruption of service. The strike was a washout. I was out of a job!
The night before the strike was scheduled to start the bosses even resorted to the closest they had to social media 105 years ago.
The Evening paper carried an advertisement, by all companies concerned, advising that all employees absent from work for three days, would be discharged.
(The memoirs are 180 typed pages, so I may post more bits as they catch my eye)
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supersoftly · 2 months
"Retired Canadian neurologist excited to employ ChatGPT to replace healthcare workers" was not the opinion piece that makes me confident about the future
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scuderiamint · 4 months
max looking this tiny while being like 180 cm is wild
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aeroargonic · 6 months
Flashback to that one time two other people and I started shitposting on Discord about a TF2 AU where everyone was Canadian.
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cheeseknives · 3 months
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...why are you looking at me like that though...
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russellius · 1 year
most normal george russell moment of the race weekend
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coochiequeens · 3 months
Just the trans cult comparing their cosmetic procedures to people with real medical conditions.
By Amy Hamm June 29, 2024
A trans-identified male in British Columbia, Canada, is suing the provincial Ministry of Health after it refused to fund the out-of-country vaginoplasty he demanded be performed in Bangkok, Thailand.
The man, referred to only as KW in legal documents due to a publication ban on his name, originally lodged a complaint at the BC Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) in 2019 alleging discrimination. KW claimed that being denied funding for the out-of-country surgery was akin to sex-based discrimination on the basis of his transgender status.
In his legal complaint, KW insisted that a female would not have been denied the same laparoscopic sigmoid colon vaginoplasty — a procedure that is sometimes performed on females who are born with exceedingly rare disorders of sexual development. The surgery includes utilizing sections of harvested colon tissue to craft the appearance of a vulva and vagina.
KW claimed that he was unable to apply for the surgery because he could not find a specialist to complete his application form, and argued that a female could have accessed a gynecologist to do so.
The BC Ministry of Health (MOH) sought to dismiss KW’s claim on the basis that it held no reasonable chance of success, but was denied in a May 10, 2024 ruling. The matter will now be scheduled for a hearing.
The Ministry argued that they did not discriminate against KW, deny him medical care, or treat him differently “than any other beneficiary who requests out of country medical services.” They also noted that KW did not fully complete his application for surgery, adding that vaginoplasty procedures are available in Canada “and as such, the public health system was not obligated to fund the service [he] was seeking overseas.” 
The MOH gave approval for KW to undergo a fully-funded vaginoplasty at GrS Montreal in October of 2017. However, months later in January of 2018, KW applied to the MOH to instead fund his surgery in Bangkok, Thailand.
He was advised that the application had to be completed by a BC specialist, and not the plastic surgeon from Thailand.
A letter from the Ministry read: “When surgery is available in Canada, the attending specialist in BC may recommend surgery outside Canada. The specialist must include peer reviewed medical articles with the application to confirm surgery outside Canada will result in a significant difference in success. The recommendation for surgery is sincerely respected; however as surgery is available in Canada, provincial coverage was not approved for surgery in Thailand.”
Ultimately, KW never completed his application and accepted the vaginoplasty at GrS Montreal on January 6, 2020. The hospital performs penile inversion vaginoplasty, in which penile tissue is “flipped” to create a vagina-like canal. This is the most common vaginoplasty technique in North America.
BCHRT panel member, Shannon Beckett, wrote in her May decision that the tribunal is also going to consider discrimination on the basis of gender identity, though KW did not allege this in his filing. She argued that the Ministry of Health made a “problematic” statement when they refuted KW’s claim about females accessing this type of procedure. Beckett appears to have taken specific issue with the Ministry’s explanation that vaginoplasties are “rarely performed on cisgender women, and only in cases where it is medically necessary (i.e. due to disease or injury).”
Beckett wrote that the Ministry’s usage of the term “medically necessary “ has “implied that where transgender women are seeking the same surgery, it is not in cases ‘where it is medically necessary.’ This argument appears to be based on stereotypical and outdated ideas about the nature and reason for gender-affirming surgery. There is no indication in the context of this complaint that the gender-affirming care KW was seeking was not medically necessary.”
This argument is reminiscent of a 2019 procedural decision by BCHRT member Devyn Cousineau wherein she referred to notorious trans activist Jessica Yaniv having his male testicles waxed by unwilling women as “critical gender affirming care.”
The hearing dates for KW’s suit against the BCHRT have not been scheduled, and it will likely take months if not years as the BCHRT is facing an enormous backlog of almost 5,000 active files.
This case is not the first of its kind in Canada. Earlier this year, and as reported by Reduxx, an Ontario man successfully sued the Ontario Health Insurance Plan to have the province fund an experimental surgery in Texas that will leave him with his penis as well as a surgically created “neo-vagina.”
The man in this case broke his own publication ban when he posted about his diaper fetish on Reddit, and openly admitted he was the individual documented in the highly-publicized case. 
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pepsifox88 · 3 months
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🎵🇨🇦 Oh Canada ! My home and native land ! 🇨🇦🎵
Happy Canada Day everyone to any of my fellow Canadians out there ! And to anyone else who's not living in Canada, I hope you have a awesome day likewise !
Here's a Michael J. Fox drawing for you folks ! (The Canadian actor we all know and love) 🦊✨
RCMP stands for Royal Canadian Mountain Police by the way lol
@mjf-af (Haley this is not for McFly July but I know you always dig these drawings I do of Michael ! The iconic Canadian dude !)
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holysaintscathedral · 3 months
Realizing now that I have the inexplicable urge to make men work, especially if they're physically fit. Like oh? You lift? Well, how about you go lift those heavy bags of soil and mulch and distribute them evenly throughout my gardens? Go grab that ladder and clean out my eavestroughs 🫵🤨. Go prune that tree that's growing a little too close to my roofline. Repair the steps leading up to my front porch. Help me assemble this new piece of furniture I got. Build me a shed to store my outdoor furniture and garden tools in. You got those big muscles, now use them 🫵🤨.
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allknowingaxolotl · 9 months
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Lord forgive me for the person I will become when he gets released 🙏
Anyways sketch under the cut bc idk if I really like the colouring ://
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griancraft · 2 months
I am so fucking scared for this next Canadian election the conservative guy wants to strip protections for queer people in the military and my brother is in the reserves and he's gay (he is very left he's doing it bc it's the only place that's actually hiring) and dating a trans guy. I'm scared for him and I'm so scared for whatever else that right wing fuckhead will ruin.
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crabtreee · 1 year
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... Thank you, George.
MURDOCH MYSTERIES — 16x23 “The Long Goodbye - Part 1”
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kornocreep · 9 months
Molson Canadian Rocks KoRn advert ; 1998
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