#this episode was absolutely perfect can't wait for the rest of the season
hootgrowlbears · 9 months
I'm so glad that the whole "The N*ght Y*rb was taken care of off screen and only improvised about" idea that people were talking about was fulfilled with the absolutely wild off screen npcs. RIP Balthazar, I wish the best for his 6 month old parrots who will have to grow up in a world with only his shadow to take care of them.
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you guys. you guys you guys. i think i know what i want from the final season of the penumbra podcast. i have spent the past ten minutes pacing around my room. yesterday i read up to chapter 17 of prydon's fic separate but syncopated (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30943430/chapters/76417991) which let's be honest, you've probably read already. it's phenomenal. if you haven't, you should.
so i've been thinking. i just really want to go back to brahma. i want to go back to brahma and take down the guardian angel system.
the thing is, the junoverse is a very character driven storyline, and i love that about it. the second citadel is more event driven i think, and it was more difficult for me to get into that storyline and stick with it (i'm weak i'm sorry). for example, although the first season focuses a lot on juno solving the whole martian artefact doodah, back then the penumbra crew were still finding their feet.
then junoverse season 2 happened, and the entire point of that season was basically "get juno over his trauma" (that's why it was so long oh my god). sure, there was a whole plot with ramses and the theia souls, but i think we can all agree that was secondary to juno's character development.
next, season 3. season 3 is definitely character driven, you literally can't deny it. it focuses on each member of the carte blanche in turn, and it uses the plot, finding the curemother prime, as a secondary tool to further the true point of the season: getting to know the characters.
season 4 i'm a little less certain about because i'm typing this post straight into tumblr fresh out of my brain (if anyone wants to help out with the analysis i'd love that). but i think the point of season 4 is to test and showcase the bonds of the carte blanche with each other, and juno rescuing them all is not only a good story, but also a good way to show off the relationships they built in season 3. his relationship with nureyev is shown through periodic reading of the journal, and juno's copious inner monologues (i say like i'm one to talk when all of these thoughts are swirling around in my own head).
then, season 5. the point of this season mirrors that of season 2, but this time, we need to get nureyev over his trauma. this is way trickier, because we're not inside nureyev's head, we're still in juno's. it's still character driven because the aim is to help nureyev, but the plot is given by juno having to chase him across the galaxy. hence, juno's hesitation when he finally finds nureyev.
well, steel, you've caught him. now what the hell are you going to do with him?
there is no plot to drive the character study anymore. our goal was to help nureyev, and juno (poor juno) has done all he can. the ball falls squarely into nureyev's court now, and juno has no say in the plot of the rest of the story. this is why i have been chewing myself alive since the last episode — we know what's next for the characters emotionally, but we have absolutely zero idea what's happening next plot-wise. it's killing me.
(what was the point of this post again?)
OH WAIT I'VE GOT IT. so. since our whole thing for this season is helping nureyev, and we all want him to go batshit fucking insane, i really want nureyev to go back to brahma, and finish what he started two decades ago. i think it's the perfect circular story arc to keep them occupied while nureyev heals emotionally from the fallout from everything going on with slip.
also, sorry to get real for a second, but i've just been tearing myself apart being morally outraged at the world we live in, and the fact that i'm barely able to do anything about it. maybe one day i could, but until then, it would be nice to see my favourite space gays set an example.
now, i know there's complications with this. nureyev refused to take the guardian angel system down in the first place because of the damage it would cause, and i'm willing to bet he hasn't excised that moral core just yet, no matter how hard he's trying. but i'm sure they can find a way to make it work. they have rita, after all!!
they're definitely hinting at a homecoming arc for juno. i think nureyev needs one too, is all.
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thegeminisage · 3 months
star trek update time. oops, i'm behind! thursday we did ds9's "the quickening" and voy's "basics part i" and last night we did ds9's "body parts" and "broken link."
the quickening (ds9):
this episode was good, LOVE a good julian ep, i am SO TIRED of assisted suicide plots. can we all CALM DOWN. what happened to terri schiavo was absolutely horrific can we PLEASE stop making star trek episodes about it
okay. that aside. julian and his teddy bear!!! enraged we did not get to see it. love the backstory for him. love this whole thing examining his arrogance but i think there's also a little bit of like. almost like religious faith in the power of modern medicine too there. like he just believes so much that science and medicine can fix these people, fix the jem'hadar. he doesn't want to accept that there are things he can't do and it's not JUST arrogance, like some of it is, but some of it is just pure stubborn refusal to accept suffering at face value. he's a good person. i love him
i was really shocked the episode didn't end with him going back down to the planet after his first failure...like, that would have been an open ending and a sad note to end on (like at no point do you believe he's just gonna fix everything and it'll be fine) but then he totally did cure the babies only. which, good for him. and mister assisted suicide has a new job now
basics part i (voy):
CHAKOTAY'S BABY!!!!!!!!!! god i was hoping it really was chakotay's and sometimes DREAMS DO COME TRUE
furthermore, chakotay held janeway's arm once when they were being jostled. i rewound and watched it twice
i liked chakotay's little...look, i know pretty much everything about his heritage is obviously bullshit, but it's NOT bullshit that the baby was made without consent, even if there was no actual sex involved. there absolutely was a huge violation which happened under traumatic circumstances (getting tortured by his future baby mama). plus, the baby is half cardassian, and the cardassians have done their level fucking best to make life miserable for him & his for YEARS. so i liked his little crisis about it. he so rarely gets depth that isn't just about the absolute criminal portrayal of indigenous culture, so this was nice. i don't know if comparing it to real life rapes done by colonizers was unnecessary bordering on exploitative or accidentally a bold move towards calling colonization what it is (i'm sure there's a huge array of opinions on that one) but the crisis itself was a valid one and i really liked where he came down
THE RETURN OF SUDER! man, tuvok is so cool. i don't think i could hang out with that guy even if i HADN'T turned into a serial killer temporarily after melding with him, but tuvok put his money where his mouth is. he's fucking rehabilitating him
i like also that suder is reformed but not totally changed. it would have been too hard to buy if he wasn't still a little murdery, deep down. and BECAUSE he's still a little murdery, deep down, he and the doc (unmurderable) make perfect companions to retake the ship on their lonesome
speaking of the doc, him randomly getting beamed out into space made absolutely NO sense but it was really funny
anyway, ship landed, which is always bonkers, but i loved the cliffhanger, absolutely cannot WAIT for the rest
body parts (ds9):
was led to believe ahead of time this episode involved a pregnancy...the summary said it was a quark episode...i was like damn, quark gets pregnant?
but actually what happened was so much weirder. i'm not talking about kira and the baby, we'll get to that, i'm talking about QUARK! for the first time in 4 seasons....................quark compelled me. huge HUGE day in the me community
firstly, it was fun that we highlighted his family as being a bunch of kooks - every single relative of his we've ever met has bucked ferengi tradition in one way or another. secondly, it was fun when he threatened to kill that guy. and finally...the scene at the end. wah. he didn't want to take their charity but he DID because they LOVE HIM? what the hell. you'd never get this shit on tng. ever
that said, i did Not like that dream sequence and the grand nagus jumpscare. they really got me for a minute there
also, girl, what was going on with quark and garak...very absolutely heterosexual murder, ig
KEIKO AND KIRA.........first of all, that marriage is so solid, there is room. she could joint heir marriage. julian could move in just like o'brien said in the next episode. there's so much room in there. let them in
great way to let this woman continue to work while pregnant also. good for them
i do wonder if kira is like. nervous that after she has the baby she wont be staying with them anymore?? i was surprised she'd want to agree at all, but she not only agreed but seemed sad it was temporary?
also, WAH, keiko being sad bc she misses her baby..............god. and then they held hands!!!! women.
broken link (ds9):
NOOOO odo my best friend...
:') that quark came to tell him goodbye when he left btw. MAD that kira couldnt go w him :( she did bring him that little crime report though i love that
i was worrie dta first it would just be an episode about him failing to date this blonde lady...please...she's horny for him but she's no lwaxana troi and she is NO kira nerys. i hope thats the last of her
GOWRON MY BELOVED..................him being a changeling explains so much about his behavior. that changeling got his huge eyes down perfectly also
kira's sneezing. please. that's so charming. bajorans are so lucky they only have to do 5 months of pregnancy that baby will be born in no time
getting garak to taunt odo with his mysterious past as a means of comforting him was SO fucking funny. truly, genuinely, what would he do with sympathy? fuck nothing. but interrogating garak for three days and getting a little mystery to work on? might as well be his birthday. they are always in one way or another having breakfast together
julian almost skipping a stone across the changeling lake. sir what the hell
turning odo into a real human person is FUCKED UP! i can't believe they left his face like that too although i am pleased to have called it (WHY they did that) ahead of time. odo's never been naked before this is so horrible :(
garak trying to do a little genocide was absolutely INSPIRED. he heard "no survivors" and just Snapped. he was willing to kill himself and everyone on that ship, too. he does not do it by halves. i'm sad we keep getting garak episodes with no bashir and garak content, though
odo at the end almost crying about his job :( i don't think he's ever cried before either!!!!!!!! horrible.
TONIGHT: voy's "basics part ii" and "flashback"
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Hi! I know it hasn't been too long since my last ask about Sebastian and Ciel's manner of addressing each other (and I don't mean to clog your inbox, so don't feel pressured to reply quickly), but the question just came to me randomly – what do you think was going through Sebastian’s head when he let Ciel get shot in the finale of Season 1?
Ciel's blood forms their contract seal, the scene reflects their first meeting, he spends the rest of the episode bleeding out, and dies with perfect timing at the edge of the bridge etc. etc. It's beautiful, poetic, and I absolutely love everything it represents – this final reignition of their pact, the end of all things. It's perfect for the plot and the show.
But regardless of why the writers made this choice (to have him be shot, I mean), I've always wondered why Sebastian sat and let it happened. He could've stopped the bullet with ease, and made a dramatic reappearance just as well. We know how much he hates the idea of Ciel sustaining physical injury, so what was his state of mind? Why did he choose to wait? Did he feel fury at the guards afterwards? Feel conflicted about his actions? He didn't seem too fazed by the wound when he approached Ciel – was it because he was anticipating the end? Or intoxicated by Ciel's blood? By his darkness? His willingness to die fighting?
It's something I struggle to understand in my head. It makes perfect sense from a distance but when I try to examine it closely, I can't seem to unravel the tangle of thoughts that must've lead him to do such a thing.
Once again, I wish you and your family all the best
Hi! Oh, no problem, you know I love your asks, you always have such brilliant insights and thoughts about Ciel and Sebastian.
I think the conflicted feelings about letting Ciel get shot definitely came to haunt Sebastian later. I think the more he thought about it and remembered it, the more bothered he felt, to the point where it became one of the moments he'd rather scratch from his memory.
In that specific scene, though, I think Sebastian was torn between his absolutely insane, unprecedented decision to let Ciel off the hook by not taking his soul, letting him choose his path & enter afterlife, and a burning need for Ciel to change his mind and call for him.
When Ciel began to hesitate and stopped Sebastian from killing the Queen in France, Sebastian sensed that something is wrong. He realized that Ciel started to have doubts as to whether he needs his revenge, and despite his frustration, disappointment, even heartbreak, he chose to honor this new wish. Instead of killing Ciel like he could for manipulating the contract, he wished him happiness and left. He gave Ciel a chance to change his destiny. Sure, Sebastian knew that Ciel was very unlikely to live long like this: without help, with very powerful people and a bloodthirsty anger wanting his death, his days were numbered. But if this was what he wanted, Sebastian was prepared to stand aside.
He watched Ciel nearly die upon his arrival to London, in the fire - and I just love how sad and quiet he is there, how obsessively he watches Ciel, how he's still astonished and admiring him. He tried to stick to his more than generous decision in the palace, too: yes, Ciel was about to die, he got shot, but his death would be relatively quick, and then he'd be able to pass on and reunite with his loved ones. I'm sure it was extremely difficult for Sebastian to not react, but he was honoring Ciel's new wish, even if he despised it.
But when Ciel called for him… well, he didn't actually call physically, but he thought of Sebastian and it was strong enough for the seal to come to life. This was the order Sebastian needed, what he craved and hoped for. He looked unbothered and downright intoxicated because he was thrilled that Ciel woke up and chose him and their contract, in the end, that their game wasn't over, that they still had their last adventure ahead. Despite Ciel's wound, Sebastian was ridiculously happy because he had him back. At least this is how I always read this scene.
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carai-an-caldazar · 1 year
WoT s2 and book spoilers below
Gotta say, I'm digging s2 better than s1 so far. Yes, they still made some inexcusable changes (Uno) and some where I don't understand why they were necessary (Liandrin - I was having a wonderful time just peacefully hate-loving her), but generally speaking I like the narrative they're setting up.
Particularly, I like Mat's character development. Last season I was kinda seeing a sulky bastard who made excuses for his own poor behavior. This season, it's a sulky bastard with a good heart who's so ashamed of his choices that he can't face his friend. Infinite improvement, and a little closer to the book!Mat that I know and love.
Min also just knocks me off my socks every time she does something. I was very, very scared of what a tv show would do with a character like Min (especially considering the whole "sexy lamp" debate surrounding her), but they keep showing a well rounded, kick-ass, human Min who cares deeply about what she does and who she meets. Can't wait to see even more of her.
One of the weird changes is Perrin, and I'm kinda mad that they forced more weird changes on him after s1. First off, it was a hella weird choice to leave out Hurin. I understand why they put Elyas there but 1) Elyas would never fucking do that and 2) it was absolutely hilarious reading about Perring trying to make it seem he was doing the same thing as Hurin, when he was absolutely not doing that. Hurin served as the perfect tool to demonstrate a certain line between normal and abnormal, with Hurin being on one side of that line, and Perrin far over it on the other side. Plus, visions? For real?
Not sure how I like grimdark!Rand yet. He's in a sort of relationship with Selene that book!Rand would have run away from. He's violent in a way book!Rand never was. I understand that he's got a lot to work through, but so did book!Rand, so there's really no excuse. Please, let my boi redeem himself in the later episodes.
The Wondergirls, in conclusion, were perfect. Egwene and Nynaeve's characters were on-point as always, and I am in LOVE with Elayne, to my great relief. I already suffered the loss of fav-character-Mat in s1, and it would have killed me to lose fav-character-Elayne too. They casted really well with Ceara. She's playing Elayne as a down-to-earth girl, but in a "oh shit this isn't normal for peasants?" way that has nothing to do with ego or entitlement, but more with genuine surprise, and without judgement. She cares so deeply about Egwene that she's sleeping out on a cold dungeon floor for a woman she's never met, she's brewing and experimenting and she does it all with SO MUCH GRACE. Thank you Kelly Valentine Henry for your excellent choice here.
In short, can't wait for the rest of the episodes! I'm so happy to actually be excited about them!
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azathothweirdo · 8 months
Blue Exorcist Season 3 - Episode 4
This episode was so freaking good. It had everything I wanted with the big reveal. Renzo getting his time to shine is feeling so good. This is honestly the part that got me interested in his character and wanting to see where he goes. He's such a cheeky little brat. I love how it went down too with everything.
Carrying Izumo on one arm is probably my favorite thing. The dork acts like he's weak, but here he is. Able to pick up a girl like she's nothing and run around with her. Add in how Izumo kept holding on to his head was adorable.
And Lucifer!! He was so freaking awesome! And his voice was absolutely perfect too. I adore how emotionless he sounded. Exactly how he's supposed to be. The differences between him and Mephisto's VA and the whole scene there was so much fun.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ooooh man next week looks like it's going to start off with them getting to Izumo's home town. Can't wait for the rest, and I am super curious who's going to be playing her mother still. Can't wait, it's going to be so much fun.
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londonspirit · 11 months
Well then...
It's been two weeks since the final episode (HOW?) and i have finally sorted my thoughts enough to write little about it (mainly for myself - as always).
First of: I fucking LOVED it!!! Yes, it wasn't perfect but that's only the studios fault and nobody else's.
(although I do have a few issues with the editing of especially the last episode: there's too many things wrong to ignore it. There's tiny bits not lining up before which is fine because one can overlook them; Ed going in for the kiss at the beach from the left and the close up is from the right, things like that. In the last epi there's too much of that: the crew behind them when Izzy dies, that's just bad editing; although once again, I'm pretty sure that's the studio's fault, if they could've done it like they wanted to, there would've been reshoots for it *sighs* It's a shame, because that scene is beautiful otherwise; sad as hell but incredibly well done. Taika and Con are really going for it, and it's amazing!)
Edit: knowing now that they cut FORTY fucking % I only keep my 'critics' because this is mainly for me! Knowing that, I am even more in awe about what they managed to make with that!!! They are all fucking MAGICAL for making this show as beautiful and amazing as they did!!!! And I really hope ONE DAY we can get a Director's Cut or something that's gonna make it all more smooth and just that more coherent, just like DJ would've wanted it to look!!!
Anyhow, i loved it. Im so happy to now have 8 more episode to obsess over again, to rewatch whenever I want and revel in the fucking MAGIC they gave us! The writers have really outdone themselves this season! It's tight and fast-paced but it still works fantastically well!
Personally, I've never been more in love with Taika - his acting was outstanding this season!!! Absolutely NO notes on that!! That man's soo fucking talented that whenever he says otherwise I wanna smack him over the head and shake him. I REALLY hope he does more of this because it was insanely good and I want more. (also: he's never looked more gorgeous!! the HAIR! the BEARD! the fucking EYES!!! GUH!! I wanna give him all the awards for this role alone but that's just me!!! So yeah, much much love for him!!) Same goes for Rhys - they're both soo fucking good together, and I cannot wait for them to do more drama because they'd fucking smash it! And not to forget the rest of the cast: every single one gave their absolutely best and I loved every single second of it!!!
What else? The fucking LOCATIONS!! God, I've always wanted to go to AoNZ but this season made me so much more needy!!! (not happening anytime soon but yeah, ONE DAY!!). Sooo stunning, sooo damn beautiful!! GUH!!!
Also: Guest stars!!! First and foremost: FAMILY!! Say what you want about that, but I fucking LOVE when shows do that!!! Taika's kids made me squeal soo much in the BTS vids already, but having DJ's wife in it as well??? With a rather substantial role? And her absolutely smashing it?! Totally made that episode even more amazing!!!
VERY much in love with Ruibo!!! Her Queen was incredible and I loved every second she was on screen!! Her character was so nuanced and wonderful and perfectly balanced. I REALLY hope we can get her back for a 3rd season - she fucking rocked it!!!
And we got ALL THE KISSES!!! I mean, I was hoping to get some more, and something a little more passionate than in S1 (don't get me wrong, I still love that one but yeah...) And we got soo many!! And soo many wonderful ones!!! And no I can't pick a fav: I love them all. The moonlight one had me losing my shit all over the place (at work no less) - the callbacks, Ed's fucking EYES and Stede's shy glances!! GUH, that was just soo delicious!!! The Calypso one was just hot as hell and I may have cursed them for not making that longer!! And the beach one was just utter perfection! Their faces, their smiles, Ed's 'I love you' still makes my stomach all gooey!!!
And then there's Izzy. *sighs* My little angry raccoon man. Our indestructible little fucker. Con motherfucking O'Neill. UGH!! I hated him (Izzy, not Con) all the way through S1! There was not one redeeming feature on that bastard. BUT... when you've read all the Ed/Stede fics and you start to look for something new and then find some beautifully written Izzy/Roach ones and then start to like him and eventually read more and then end up reading (and writing) some SteddyHands and you're like 'yeah, I can see it now'. It also helped A LOT that Con's such a darling man and so real for it all, and you have too much time to fall in love with him after all... So naturally you start to like S2!Izzy. And then you start to love him, and you fucking ADORE the SASSINESS he's got this season. (Still not over the morning after Izzy - the SASS was through the fucking roof!!!) AND THEN THEY LET HIM SING!!!! DEAR GOD!!! I would've loved for a full on musical episode (I mean, that talent show would've been such a GREAT opportunity for that!) The ENTIRE cast is freakishly talented and they all could've pulled that off. So naturally I was VERY HAPPY that at least they let Izzy sing!!! I'm still not over that!! (And Im highly amused that even some of the crew had no idea that he could do that!!! I mean... he got a fucking OLIVIER award to prove it!!!) (but then again, I spend way too much time on YT to find his stuff so that's probably just me!) AND DID HE DELIVER!!! The whole party bit, with the make-up and the shyness at first and then just BURSTING it out was just sooo fucking beautiful!!! Every damn frame of that was a bloody masterpiece and I'd KILL for the bits they cut - I'd pay a very good price for a DVD with ALL the deleted bits because I KNOW that DJ had to tighten that baby down massively!!! I NEED THAT!!! *exhales*
So yeah, S2 made the impossible possible and made me LOVE Izzy fucking Hands! Which im certain was their plan all along - otherwise his death wouldn't have been this devastating!!! Which is fucking WAS!! I cried at work (thankfully there was nobody there!)! And im still not over it!! I totally understand WHY they did it. Doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt. (here the strange editing sort of took away from the PAIN of it all a bit but if you concentrate on Ed and Iz it can be ignored).
*sighs* I'm just so sad that some people went and attacked our beautiful writers like they did. I know it's only a small part of an otherwise amazing fandom but I HATE that they're soo fucking loud - i can only hope DJ and his writers know that most people love what they did! (and NO, I do NOT wanna discuss it. you can be sad, yes, and you can be mad too but you do NOT go and shit-talk the writers or send them death threats - that's an absolute no-go! And no, in a show that's all around queer and has a lot of disabled character, it's not homophobic or ableist - it IS after all just a tv show. If YOU put too much of your own wants into it, that's on YOU! Ugh, sorry, didn't want to get into this but it makes me soo mad!!!) Once again, I'm very glad that I follow only the right people, no need to block or unfollow anyone on here or on Twitter! *blows kisses*
So yeah, despite some small flaws and scenes I KNOW have been cut, I love the second season just as much (if not more) than the 1st one. I can only hope that the studios decide to let DJ finish it. Im so happy with what we got - fanfiction can totally work with that. But I would love to see more Ed and Stede (trying and probably failing) to run their Inn, see the crew of the Revenge get into insane adventures, maybe even meet some more new characters (JC and BM still need to make a cameo!) - there's still soo much story to tell and I would LOVE to actually SEE it on screen!!!
I also would LOVE for the cast and crew to be able to finally talk about it, promote it, share stories and pictures and everything during a 3rd (and last) wave of MADNESS surrounding the show. Everyone deserves to bask in the love we have for them and our show. S1 had barely any promo. S2 aired during a strike. S3 could make up for all of that and get cast and crew the love, recognition and adoration they soo very much deserve!!!
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air--so--sweet · 10 months
How to Speedrun Bury Your Gays aka That Time Legion Killed All Its Queer Characters In 20 Minutes
Well, 20 minutes 30 seconds to be exact...
First up at the episode's beginning, we have Daniel, who doesn't actually die, but I'd argue having your memory erased with no possibility of regaining it is comparable to death.
But hey he was a two dimensional character who existed solely to have effects on his husband, Clark's, storylines, firstly to humanise him when Daniel was introduced in Chapter 8 and then to add weight to Clark and David's exchange in this episode, Chapter 24. Oh and he also appeared in chapter 20 to remind us he existed since he hadn't been seen or spoken about once since he first appeared. So, not a great loss, right? I didn't even know his name, I had to google it for this post. Not a big deal when he was practically created to die...wait...
So at the 3 minutes 48 seconds mark our first gay has been buried. Record time and we've barely broken a sweat.
Next up we have Lenny and this one is trickier. She's a more developed character with her own agency and who has purpose beyond being a glorified prop. That purpose has been a bit harder to nail down this season but she had some growth in the last episode, choosing to feel the loss of her daughter rather than let David take the pain away or suppressing it with drugs (which feels like it would have been her MO pre David). It also seems she's reached her limit and is no longer willing to blindly follow David and allow him to- oh no, never mind, she's stabbed herself in the neck. I guess it kind of fits with her motivations, since she states to David that he can't have her, prior to stabbing herself. Would it have been more interesting and satisfying narratively if she chose to work with Division 3 to take David down instead? Or decided to try get revenge on Farouk for what he did to her on her own terms, which would also have the benefit of at someone finally trying to hold Farouk accountable for the monstrous things he did? Or even just have Lenny decide she doesn't have a horse in this race since she was drafted against her will and she's going to ride of into the sunset to do her own thing? (this is one hell of a mixed metaphor, I impress myself) Sure...but here she gets to have her last words be a call back to a memory she shared with David...except actually that was a false memory altered by Farouk to hide his presence in David's mind and he and Lenny never had a 'Why is it blue?' exchange in real life nor did she witness said false memory. Love the writer's cared enough about her arc to remember this accurately. And so dies maybe the best role Aubrey Plaza has ever had.
We've now hit the 10:42 mark so slowing down but still keeping a decent pace (sidenote: I remembered Lenny's girlfriend Salmon when writing this, a character who was maybe even less developed than Daniel, and wondered what happened her. We saw her giving birth in the previous episode and then she wasn't present for the rest of her daughter's abridged life courtesy of the time eaters which...actually implies she died in childbirth which is incredibly grim...I don't think it was an intentional implication but it's there nonetheless).
And last, but certainly not least we have Mr Clark DeBussy. Did I know his surname without googling it? Absolutely not. Have the writers ever figured out how to use his character post season one? Absolutely not. Though I did enjoy his one girl talk scene over tea with Syd.
To be fair, I do quite enjoy the scene leading up to his death. While a manufactured scenario, the home movies he's watching of his husband and son do add a melancholy to this scene and I love the visual when he turns to face David that leads to those images being projected onto his face. Teamed with his resigned yet angry delivery of 'I should have killed you the first time we met', David's sad smile as he agrees and Jeff Russo's always beautiful score it is just perfect. And then Clark is grabbed by one of David's cult members and thrown out the air lock and, as we hit 20 minutes and 30 seconds, our final gay is buried...well floating in the depths of space but same thing. There's excellent use of the family video projections again as they briefly overlay the scene of his expulsion from the airship and...it's just occurred to me since going to space in no way impeded David's attack, and Farouk could have gotten pissy with Division 3 for being cowards even if they hadn't started orbiting the earth....did we go to space just for this visual The style over substance of Legion is an ongoing issue but this time I might just accept it, it's a lovely shot.
And thus ends Legion's queer cast's run. There is a further 21 minutes and 40 seconds in this episode in which Syd loses her mind and Kerry looked like she was about to lose a fight and I thought 'Okay actually this is just an episode where characters are going to die, it's coincidence the first three were gay' but then Kerry actually survived and, after a brief second childhood in the astral plane with Melanie and Oliver, Syd gets her mind back...so actually the only people who stayed dead/memory wiped were queer.
I don't know how to to end this. Maybe with the advise to write decent queer representation and don't bury them or at least not all in one fell swoop only taking up half an episode? I wrote a joke about Clark's son not having a name but googled it to doublecheck and he does...it's Buster...Buster DeBussy...Clark was underdeveloped but I refuse to believe he would give his child a name tha sounds like a side character in a video game. He was better than that
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doctor-john-smith · 9 months
Hello there! I wanted to wish you the best holiday season! 🎄❄️
Merry Christmas! I hope you're having a lovely holiday. I apologise for my absence, the last few weeks have been hectic. I loved 'The Giggle', the bi-generation was a thing of beauty and Ncuti knocked it out of the park in that episode. I already love his Doctor, 'The Church on Ruby Road' was a wonderful first story for the Doctor and Ruby and I can't wait for May and the continuation of this fantastic new era! What a time to be a Doctor Who fan! 🎅🎄
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The brand new Doctor beamed the most infectious smile towards Ruby Sunday as he leaned calmly against the bright white Tardis console, his arms folded, his legs crossed. Ruby couldn't help but smile back, mesmerised by the impossible man that stood before her, in his equally impossible time machine.
So many things had happened within such a short space of time. Scary things. When I say scary, I mean time travelling, baby eating, coincidence-obsessed goblins. That kind of scary. It's definitely the last thing you want at Christmas.
On the other hand, though, she had met The Doctor. Throughout this incredible, mayhem fueled chapter in her life, he had always been there for her, guiding her by the hand and protecting her like a guardian angel, even at times she hadn't realised. This day had made absolutely no sense whatsoever and yet.. somehow, at the same time, it made perfect sense. There was a paradox of thoughts competing inside her head as she stared into his warm, comforting eyes, which sparkled like the stars in the night sky.
Ruby had no idea what was going to happen next now she had made the daring leap of a decision to travel with The Doctor into territories of time and space both known and unknown. All she did know, at that exact moment, was that she wouldn't have it any other way.
Two foundlings, two new friends bound and brought together by the universe, navigating the vast reaches of reality like an endless ocean.
Ruby cleared her throat. "Doctor Who, exactly? I mean, do you have a name or is it just 'The Doctor'?"
"Just the Doctor," he responded, his eyes still fixed on hers. "I mean, I used to have a name before I took the title of The Doctor, but, it's really long and complicated. Only children and cats can pronounce it. Besides, I've more than earned this title. I've put a lot of work into your universe, hun."
Ruby mused The Doctor's response. "You've put a lot of work into the universe..of course you have.. I mean, everything you've done, rescuing Lulabella and me, defeating a flying pirate ship full of goblins.. it was literally like something out of a fantasy movie. To top it all off, you even have a time machine! I'm still trying to decide if this is a dream or not.."
The Doctor moved away from the console, towards Ruby, resting his hands firmly, reassuringly, on her shoulders. He emitted a chuckle, the grin refusing to vacate his lips. "It's completely real, Ruby. Everything you've experienced, all those extraordinary moments, are what I deal with on a day-to-day basis. You're about to witness all the possibilities this universe has to offer, by stepping through those doors. Take, for example, what happened to me and a good friend of mine, Nomad, after we made out escape from an old enemy of mine, The Cybermen.."
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xian1na · 1 year
buncha words 'bout some spring animes #3
Still here, still watching, still writing. Can't believe it's May already. I remember having this weird feeling last time I was watching seasonal anime - that I can't wait for the next episode to come out but once it does, I realise how time flies. It's almost scary! Many of the series that have only just come out are already at the halfway point. ...But let's not think about the inevitablility of time passing and instad talk about them animes. Enjoy!
Hell's Paradise (ep. 5) - After episode 4 I was a bit wary of where Sagiri's plot was going but episode 5 assuaged my worries somewhat. I used to get very annoyed whenever an action show would introduce A Sexist character. Why aren't the female characters just allowed to be badass without anyone putting them down, I was thinking to myself. Why can't I just have a nice escapist fantasy? But somehow I don't mind it here. I'm not sure why - whether it's because I changed or because (so far) Jigokuraku handled this subject better, or at least differently than other series I've watched. We'll see what comes next. As for the rest of the episode, I feel like the series is still at the phase of setting things up and I really hope the plot moves forward next time. Nurugai is Very Good.
Oshi No Ko (ep. 4) - I won't be a stinker this time, I quite liked this episode. We got to see Aqua acting and I got this great idea for battle-shounen like manga about acting, where the main character has to analyse their surroundings and gather data about their fellow actors to know how to rile them in front of the camera, so that they act well. (I'm going to pitch this to President of Anime whenever I get the chance.) I'm curious how will that reality TV show that Aqua got hired to act in go. As for the school plot... I don't watch many idol shows but I recall 'school of idols' is a recurring theme. Will Oshi No Ko subvert it somehow or play it straight? No idea. I'd assume the former if not for plethora of colour-coded female characters we've met already. I appreciate this series' commentary on show-business harsh truths a lot but it somehow doesn't feel grounded in reality because of the visuals, particularly character designs. And I REALLY hope there'll be more male characters in the main cast, although judging by the opening, that might not be the case.
Tengoku-Daimakyou (ep. 5) - We focus more on Maru and Kiruko this time, which is good because They Are Great. By the way, I've been reading a little about this series' production and I was surprised to learn that it's really speeding through the manga - but does it so well that it doesn't feel rushed or anything like that. It doesn't happen often in anime, I think. I'll probably read the manga once the series ends just to see how does the story unfold there (and to see all the quality K&M content that's been cut from anime). Also I absolutely need to cite one sentence from ANN's weekly review of T-D because it was simultaneously the best and the worst sentence I've read in a review in a while: "And while Maru's boner gets in the way of their hug, we can see that it's not getting in the way of their friendship." Absolute perfection.
Skip and Loafer (ep. 5) - I've already written how I appreciate what they do with Egashira in this series and episode 5 fleshes her out even more. I think my favourite moment was after Egashira's and Mitsumi's clash with the third-years in the gym - how Egashira made sure to remember the names of the students who were rude to them, while Mitsumi remembered the name of the one who helped them. It's a very telling character moment for them both. Skip and Loafer is really growing on me, it might even end up as my favourite series of this season. I'm literally feeling happier after watching every episode, it's that powerful.
My Love Story with Yamada-kun ar Lv999! (ep. 5-6) - As I thought, the matter with Runa is solved pretty quickly and she's already Akane's bestie in episode 6. That's pretty good in my opinion. Even if Runa's change of heart may be a bit sudden, I don't think she'd make a compelling long-term antagonist. That 'gamer guy' from episode 5 gave me massive creeps and there was some great direction in that scene in the toilet. I like that even though ultimately nothing bad happened, the guys from the guild immediately went to the rescue because they knew the potential danger. Then episode 6 is back to usual shenanigans and I thought it was very funny. And one important note: Kouki Uchiyama's acting when Yamada was talking to Eita right after waking up was Extremely Good.
And in the backlog section:
The Witch from Mercury (season 1, ep. 7-9) - You know guys... maybe it's because the Internet was screaming about Prospera lately (I didn't catch any spoilers, thankfully) but I'm starting to get a feeling she might be a bad guy! On a serious note, it's very interesting how Prospera is contrasted with Delling and papa Jeturk (whatever his name is, I don't even care). All three of them are shitty parents but whereas Delling and Jeturk are very openly shitty in how demanding, strict and cold they are towards their children, the way Prospera treats Suletta is just chilling. Only three episodes left in season 1, I have no idea what might happen in the finale but I'm definitely looking forward to find out.
Spy x Family (ep. 6-7) - As I knew that The Face was coming, I actually appreciated The Punch more - that was a real good piece of animation. Damian's developing crush on Anya (including the special romanticised version of her in his eyes) and Loid suspecting that Becky obviously must be plotting a political sabotage or something because he just doesn't get kids were hilarious. Also, I totally forgot about Yor's and Anya's time together (or maybe it wasn't in the manga, though I think it was). It was great! I'm not going to be original by saying that Yor often feels a bit secondary in this family, so it was real nice seeing her getting more screentime. Next episode Yuri will show up - I think his visit was the last thing I've read in the manga, so I have no idea what happens next.
Aaand that'd be the end of this week's musings and ramblings. I start a new job on Monday but I think I should be able to keep up with all the shows. At least I must find some time for more Skip and Loafer. Hope you enjoyed reading and see ya!
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Here we go, Glee Rewatch! 1x01 time, baby
Hii, welcome to the 2022-2023-2024-maybe-2025-dear-Lord weekly Glee rewatch! Whether you've been waiting for weeks for this, or whether you just saw this post randomly, feel free to participate! Are you a newbie, or have you seen the show dozens of times? You're welcome too! Do you want to skip an episode (or entire seasons!), do you want to write 10 words summarizing your thoughts or do you want to write intricate meta? Feel free to do whatever you want! Just don't harass anyone. You can complain about stuff or criticize it, but let's try to stay respectful towards each other, alright?
I'm writing this post on September 7, in 2022. I don't know when I'll set it for, but I'd like to have maybe a whole season (or more!) done before starting uploading those posts. My posts will be linked in the masterpost pinned on my tumblr.
Note: The first episode has two versions, the normal one and the Director's Cut. I watch the show on Disney+ and it appears that it's a mix between both versions, given that I don't recognize some of the scenes but do recognize some of the others mentioned here.
Second note: Today is October 1st, 2022. I finished the first season yesterday, and will schedule this post for tomorrow. Let's do one episode a week at first, alright? That way I'm not too stressed about it. We'll see if the schedule changes once Jenna and Kevin's new podcast comes around. Here's the Glee Rewatch Masterpost, by the way.
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Glee's Pilot episode is incredibly effective, introducing many characters and plotlines very efficiently. Right at the start, I noticed something about the clothes the characters wear when the football team puts Kurt in the trash bin. Obviously Kurt has his expensive outfit, and obviously most (let's ignore the second guy to the right) players have the red jacket of their team. But Finn, whose role is key in the show, wears a grey sweatshirt (that looks very comfy!) and a white shirt underneath. It already sets him apart from the rest of the team (especially coupled with his semi-intervention). You could even argue the grey is there to show Finn's conflicted feelings on his team's harassment. Why is there "55" marked on his sweat? Well, we see later that Finn's number is 5, but is it also there to convey the 50/50ness of his mindset? Not only that, but Finn is supposed to be average. Well the show paints him as more clueless than most other characters, but I was pretty clueless at his age too (...I still am). But he's not supposed to be this hot bombshell of a stud (even though Cory Monteith was absolutely this).
Damn that sweat looks comfy. And later on in the locker room, Finn is still in grey (and red). He's not the only one, but still. I know that his color is blue but grey... it's quite close, isn't it?
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And after Finn meets Rachel, who's infatuated with him, Finn wears blue! Is she giving him life? Blue is a color of melancholy, of sadness. Does Finn unconsciously realize that his relationship with Quinn doesn't bring him happiness? Or is it that it can't make him happy ever since Rachel entered his life?
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The red shirts symbolize the football team while his jean jacket symbolizes the Glee Club, his relationship with Rachel and his true self. He's still thinking about the club he'll pick if he has to choose, but subconsciously he's already decided.
However, later, after being slushied by his teammates, when Finn says to Rachel that he's leaving the Glee Club because of his reputation, he wears red again. And at the end, when he's back with the Glee Club, every member wears red. They reappropriated the color. Red is the color of passion, so it fits, right?
The score sung a capella is absolutely wonderful and I'm sad that it disappears after a few seasons. It's very charming and perfect for the show.
Emma is... oddly upfront with her contempt for Sue. She seems much more confrontation-averse in later episodes. I do appreciate, however, how her actress's doing her absolute best to seem unnerving but in a funny way.
Also wow this episode is grainy. Was it filmed on film and later episodes on digital?
I really love the auditions, very effective at introducing characters and giving them some credibility. I'm very fond of Kurt in this scene, where he knows how good he is at singing and flicks his hair (which is something Cory touchingly imitated when the cast rewatched the episode). This is hilarious! This is wonderfully acted! And I wish Kurt had stayed that way. At one point in S5, Kurt had an episode where he had a few outraged facial reactions and it reminded me of early Kurt. I feel like he became boring after a few seasons, but the base material was incredible.
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Tina's gothic style is great. Obviously, her pendant symbolizes her secret (she fakes her stutter). I've seen a few people suggest that Tina was intended to love girls at first and the song choice ("I Kissed a Girl") certainly... could imply that.
Rachel's introduction is perfect. The comedic timing of the gold star and sudden slushie is incredible. I love Rachel, honestly. Also love her two dads who mysteriously transformed without Rachel acknowledging it even once.
I think people should have stopped complaining about Glee lacking realism in later seasons when the first episode had Figgins say that the Anonymous Alcoholics use McKinley High's gymnasium. The show was bonkers from the start.
Stephen Tobolowsky is too good at playing Sandy. He's too good! I didn't like him very much in One Day At A Time and I'm not sure I like him in Glee either. Maybe I have something against him. I'm sorry, Stephen!
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This, right here? It's genius! I feel like those kinds of things never really happened after the pilot, but Will blackmailing Finn in front of this pamphlet is comedy gold. It's incredible!
Finn's voice is interesting, I don't think I often hear that kind of voice. It's sort of... raw, unmastered, isn't it? His performance later in Don't Stop Believin' is quite more standard than his other numbers in the episode.
I love how Rachel immediately knows when she hears him. She knows they're destiny. She's knows he's the one, the one for the Glee Club and the one for her. And I love how mythical their romance seems at times (notably in this episode). It's beautiful. I'm into it! And the whole You're The One That I Want number is great, from Rachel's instant interest, to her dramatically putting her hands on Kurt's face and Tina's boobs, to her pushing poor Artie and Will catching him, to Mercedes having enough of them, it's just a wonderful scene.
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The puzzle is of American Gothic, painted by Grant Wood. I was vaguely familiar with this painting before. So Will's on the right, and there's a hole on the man's throat/chest. You know, some stuff you use to sing. And Terri's on the left, and there's a hole in the woman's right eye. The woman is watching her father (though they could be mistaken as a couple), just as Terri will watch Will to try and make sure that he doesn't make too many bad choices like, let's say, leaving her. They both seem austere (they're most probably religious), and Terri's trying to get them to have a more orderly life; she wants a baby (traditional) and sees Will taking over the Glee Club as frivolous (untraditional) and pretty much as a danger for their relationship. It is a bit ironic that this painting was chosen, considering that Terri acts more like a mother than a daughter to Will's nostalgic self. Notably, Terri puts a puzzle piece in a hole in the man, showing she wants to stay in control of the situation. Also, the most important bit to analyze is the fork having three spikes (or whatever you call them in English), it's a metaphor for the fact that three seasons later the infamous newbies arrive and the show loses its luster (OR DOES IT???? see you in a bit more than a year!).
Also, we have to mention the obvious parallel that runs throughout the season (and show). Terri says she was a cheerleader. And Will's a teacher. Do you know who else becomes a teacher in S4? Finn. Do you know who's in a relationship with Finn and is a cheerleader? Quinn!!! DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS BETWEEN QUINN AND FINN? THEY BREAK UP. And Rachel comes in-between them because she's into Finn before he considers her a romantic prospect. Exactly like Emma and Will! And Ken is infatuated with Emma just as, like, various guys (most prominently Puck in early seasons) with Rachel.
Quinn's first scene with Finn is legendary. I don't know what the crew's intention was, and Dianna's facial expression is so ambiguous that it's hard to say with certitude what's going through her mind. You could see her as a temptress just as you could see her as genuinely uncomfortable.
Saying they should pray as soon as Finn gets into snogging her, right under a portrait of Jesus, it's quite funny. Quinn's writing is... incoherent at best so I bet there's a million way you can interpret this scene (maybe she wants to tease Finn for the hell of it, or maybe she really wants things to calm down).
I bet someone could write something about Emma's outfits throughout the episode. Purple tartan? Intriguing. Does it show her (semi-conscious) intent to be a homewrecker? (Note from just before scheduling this post: I don't know what's the logical link there, is it about how purple's a mix of blue (realistic goal) and red (passion)?)
The Vocal Adrenaline performance is good obviously, and I love the outfits.
Terri: announces she's pregnant while holding champaigne glasses. Classic Terri!
I love Rachel's wardrobe.
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How can you not be into Finchel after watching this episode? They're stars shining brightly in the sky.
Anyway, see you next week! For now, let's stay on a weekly schedule. I'll also check out the concert movie between seasons 2 & 3. But we're not there yet!
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raw unbridled thoughts because I just saw the KNY movie and I am!!! full of emotions!!!
spoilers galore though so read at your own risk, i know it's not released in US theaters yet but in case you want a "little" preview, here it is !!
MAN!!!!!! i would have paid 12 euros just to see a remake of the last two entertainement district episodes in 4k, but man did I get my money's worth :')
it all started with a quick recap of the first seasons, with Gurenge and Homura as BGM, so the hype was already off the charts. I didn't dare sing along but I mouthed the lyrics and man was it good to hear it all with the images on the big screen ;w;
speaking of sound design though, my cinema's speakers weren't optimal, it felt like the music was coming only from the front and some of the noises were horribly loud. Remember when Gyutaro breaks Tanjiro's fingers? MAN. Overall, the musical experience was wayyyy better at home with headphones, but at least the visuals more than made up for it.
I won't go too much into detail over episodes 10/11, because the screening was pretty much identical to the regular episodes. The end of episode 10 still hits super hard, the sudden quietness and the billowing smoke... simply mindblowing on a large screen. We even had opening and ending credits, which made this very different from the Mugen Train experience, but the audience needed time to breathe haha
Uzui's battle against Gyutaro was really made to be viewed like this. You have a much better sense of all the details ufotable put into the whole thing when you're watching on such a large screen.
alright alright i gotta move on to the most exciting part. The actual opening of S3 played at the very end, so the transition towards the next arc was opened by none other than Gotou, finding the squad all passed out in the rubble. Man do I love this guy, he really feels like the "normal dude that the 20-something audience will root for" trope.
The upper moon meeting was... both mindblowing and somewhat overwhelming. There were lots of flashing effects and very insistent transitions, with (in my opinion) too many visual effects that bloated the scenes without really adding too much to them. I now that ufotable is probably just flexing their skills because this was MADE for cinemas, but still, it felt a little 'too much' to my taste. But then I'm easily overwhelmed by flashing things, so that's surely just a matter of personal preference.
The insistent transitions aside, that scene was just amazing. The inifity castle is an amazing place that reminded me a LOT of that scene towards the end of Interstellar. Muzan's science equipment looked very REAL, I bet that ufotable has been using real life footage to put it together.
And now... I can't really avoid talking about him, can I? Douma. I despise this character with everything I have and I even more despise the way the fandom treats him... and man I'm in for a ride. Curse you Miyano Mamoru. How DARE you be so GOOD at your job??? He's really THE most outstanding cast in the whole series in my humble opinion. I was already in love with the VA for his previous roles (Dazai from BSD!! Rintarou from Steins;Gate!!) and he's bringing the perfect vibe to Douma, I can already feel the fandom misinterpreting him more :') I absolutely cannot wait for his performance in the Infinity Castle. It'll be amazing.
May I also say : thank you Akaza. He had me cheering out loud in my seat when he chopped half of Douma's face off (and immediately got scolded for it like a naughty boy by Dad Kokushibo lmao). Thank you, Akaza. I'd almost forgive you for making Rengoku donuts ;(
I don't have much more to say about the rest of the Upper Moons because they hardly left a impression on me when I read the manga. Their voices are a pretty good fit, and I don't doubt that ufotable will make them shine.
The dream sequence was short but very well done. Alas I must shorten my speech too because I'm so excited to get to the next part.
Cue Gotou walking around with a very tasty looking Castella. Thanks ufotable now I wish I'd bought popcorn. He's funny as always, the way he gets mad at Kanao for not telling anything is even funnier animated, and the apparition of ghost Aoi just the same
And now... ladies and gentlemen and nonbinary folks... it's time... for HIM....
He definitely got the loudest laugh from the audience out of the whole movie. I feel so proud :') The way he's clinging to the ceiling is just too hilarious, with Tanjirou's like "so Inosuke on the ceiling..." coming before we actually see him, which had the laughter really explode. The comedic timing is absolutely perfect. I cannot wait to make 414630316 giftsets from this scene when the season is released.
Matsuoka really nailed the "SO YOU NOTICED ME, TANPACHIROU!!!" I'd been picturing it in my head for so long and it was exactly as I thought it'd sound like. The book about the honey badger was actually in english, I can't wait to see what else it says when we get a longer look. Inosuke looked like he had no idea what was going on, and Aoi telling him to get off the bed was just perfect. The way she clung to him when Kanao spoke up... *chef's kiss*.
I cannot wait to make a transparent edit of the ceiling boar so it can become my icon on every website forever haha
I have to be honest and say I paid a little less attention afterwards :') i was on a little cloud thanks to the ceiling boar. Though we got to meet some adorable kakushi, the scene of them dancing amongst the crows was really neat. Big up to the Kakushi for all their hard work!
Our good bois go off to work (and Zenitsu destroys the fourth wall by fawning over... Aoi, who yells at him through the shreds of the fourth wall haha), and that's it, that's all we're gonna see of Inosuke and Zenitsu this season ::')))))) hahahaha..... i am not upset at all.....
And then... well, there's some fanservice (and I'm not even talking about the bath scene). An unusual amount of it for KNY. A very very BLERGH from me. Even the audience seemed a little unconfortable. It's nothing harmful, it's just a little dumb and out of place.
The swordsmith village feels a little underwhelming in terms of design and general aesthetic, but it's no wonder when it's coming after the mesmerizing entertainment district. I'm definitely gonna miss the ambience of it all, though ufotable will probably impress me anyways.
Genya's here and he's pissed as always. I cannot unhear the Bakugo in him. Put your teeth back where they belong, boy.
Mitsuri is very wholesome though!!! I'm trying my hardest to cling to her as my favorite character this season (with lil' Kotetsu!! a baby!!). Ufotable, you better treat her well. I am BEGGING you.
aaand I think that's it from me. The hype did not disappoint. As a big fan of Inosuke and Zenitsu, I'm going into this arc without much to expect, as it's by far my least favorite in the series anyway. Still, Ufotable is going to do an awesome job, the characters might grow on me, the voice actors will be mindblowing, the music will be amazing, and well... I cannot wait for what will come next :3c
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magnificentbeth · 1 year
Lonestar update: Finished watching up to 3x04
I didn't realize that the ice storm was a whole multi episode arc but I'm not complaining.
What is this Owen plot I'm genuinely so confused. Like ???. Did the show really need him to play the savior this badly? I didn't like this plot at all.
I said it before and I'll say it again Marjan is a freaking badass. I love her. Also they showed like one scene with her and Carlos and now I desperately need more of this duo!!
Grace freaking Ryder. I absolutely loved her calling Billy out! She let him hear it and how. Also the whole time her and Billy were trying to get to a hospital in my head I was like Judd is going to kill Billy for putting his wife through this.
Baby Ryder has arrived! Judd is now outnumbered and I have a feeling he'll absolutely love the fact that they have a mini Grace.
TK!!! I get that they needed to put TK in serious danger for angst but I found it incredibly stupid that it didn't occur to Tommy or Nancy that TK might have hypothermia ESPECIALLY since they were so concerned about the kid getting it.
Also I was FULLY ready to hate on whatever explanation the show was going to come up with for the Tarlos break up but I CAN'T!!!
Their break up was sooo in character for both of them and it felt like something a real couple might go through. I also really appreciate that TK was able to acknowledge that what Carlos did was as problematic as it was sweet. And his whole disposition of being afraid because everything was too perfect, that shit is relatable af.
Carlos on the other hand, boy really needs to understand to respect TK's boundaries. This whole situation with the house feels very similar to season 1 when he had a whole date planned out without talking to TK about it first. Even back then they both had agreed on one thing together so Carlos shouldn't have just decided to change things up by himself and in 3x04 with the house he shouldn't have bought it without telling TK.
I absolutely LOVE the Tarlos scene that happens when TK wakes up. And I'm so happy they're back together. I feel like they're about to grow together throughout the rest of the season and I cannot wait to see it.
I was planning on making only 1 post summing up my thoughts after watching the whole season but I had waaay too many thoughts after the ice storm arc 😅
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indiaboeckh · 1 year
You worked on Young Jedi Adventures!!
I'm watching it now, (episode 3) it's adorable. It's absolutely perfect for the new generation. Hopefully since it's for younger kids, it'll ward off the super rude "fans" that hate review shows into the ground.
These 4 kids have potential, I can't wait to see more of their story.
I wanna make a StarWars kids show one day.
Also Nash having two moms made my whole day, I'm so happy StarWars is showing all kinds of families for these kids. Everyone deserves to see themselves in StarWars.
I’m so glad you like it! I can’t wait for the rest of the season to come out :) I hope you enjoy the upcoming episodes too
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aquitainequeen · 2 years
The Sandman series is good? They managed to do it?
It's not a TUA situation or immortals?
For myself, and bearing in mind that I'm very easy to please: yes, I personally think they've done it!
It's a faithful adaptation, but it's not absolute. They've changed some things, not just because of the setting update but to adjust to the new medium of television and to set up story/character arcs that will span a whole season. Some small beats of the comic don't happen, some larger beats happen in a slightly different way, and the original story has even more more added to it, like Mervyn adding another wing to Dream's palace that settles itself nicely into the original architecture. It's not always perfect, and there are a few points that felt a bit off to me, but they never shook me out of my excitement and enjoyment.
Some characters have different motivations, but those motivations make sense and make the story (again to me) all the stronger. Preludes and Nocturnes was very much about Dream's journey to restore his kingdom, but while he's the main character of this show, it's made very clear to us that it's about so many more people than just him; the dreams, the nightmares and the humans playing with forces they might not understand. We get interactions, delicious conversations, mute appeals, violent clashes. So many lovely things the comics never showed us!
Everyone's performance was excellent, and these versions of the characters...arg, I can't wait for you all to see what they've done with Roderick Burgess, with Alex, with the Corinthian, with Ethel Cripps (Ethel in particular I loved), with Lucienne, with Cain and Abel, with John Dee, with the Three In One, and above all with Dream!
I had such an amazing, incredible time watching Episode 1 and 2. And then we got to see the sizzle reel of the rest of the season, and the audience was screaming!!! At the Q&A afterwards, Neil Gaiman said "Think of [the first two episodes] as the beginning of the roller coaster ride, to the top of the roller coaster. Now the ride begins. From here on, it’s just a wild ride to episode 10. And it doesn’t stop — it’s glorious, and these people and Tom [Sturridge], it’s magic."
I'm so exciting to plunge into the rest of the season, and see what other marvellous things everyone involved has dreamed up.
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calderskillday · 3 years
right so since this episode is so long i'm starting it at 11pm on saturday night, watching an hour or so, and will finish the rest tomorrow okay let's GO
already the title... every day is our wurst day... oh no
emily in lipstick has me by the throat
the ball is rolling up, again, still
every time they insist on calling lucienne margaret's "friend" i simply have to chuckle
"it could be good,,,,, why did i say that"
everyone hyping up sid 🥲
chef's tools cash is. killing me
i love how immediately, as soon as this episode started, emily knew it was gonna be absolutely insane. she already cannot keep a straight face or stop giggling and i- yeah
lou is the self sabotage king fr fr
skip on a stealth/sting mission is so Good. "loudest smile ever" HAAAA
yo these characters are simply So Good, star wars 5e seems AWESOME
thank u brennan's dice
"IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK" *immediate cut* oh god...
ok that's where i'm leaving it for tonight, perfect place to stop before shit gets wiiiiild n also i'm far too sleepy to pay attention anymore
i am back happy sunday let's get these chef's tools
"knife, poT... oven"
when they break brennan, you KNOW it's good
FREE MONEY oh no this is dangerous
watching siobhan and zac through this is so fucking funny
love that "they're called utensils" was the thing to crack emily
oh my god this is insane
BRIAN BADLUCK MURPHY oh god the way the energy was just zapped from the dome,,,,,
barry trying to get gunnie to stop is just murph begging lou to GET OUT
yo princeps zortch can get it huh
lmao not three different saving throws at once,,,, yikes
seriously, ally came to PLAY
this escape sequence is just. unhinged
brian headinhands murphy
gunnie is just the worst liar ever
oh my god murph rolled WELL????
lou's unhinged laugh is always my favourite
oh my god this season keeps getting more and more complicated damn
margaret fishing for info on lucienne lmaooo
i am immediately in love with the princeps
every time murph leans over to watch emily roll i go 🥰
"what's a dog?" YELLING
"so fast, so easy, let's go" lmao skiP
that's no dog..... but sure, it's a dog
emily is so attached to the idea of tattooing the dog lmao
hello captioners you consistently get the person talking wrong pls fix
skip's grimace smile is so funny
danny c is quite the pseudonym
"shit has gone sideways" of COURSE IT HAS
this is so wild i have not closed my mouth in like five minutes
"gimme that." SKIPDJGJDJFBDJ
norman takamori wanted for twelve murders???? what the FUCK did he do???????
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