#this fic was a BEAST to write but i've been well rewarded
astrhae · 1 year
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ammonium nitrate | hanahaki au, 20k, complete
His first thought, when the taste of bitter rust and crumpled petal hit him, was: I’ve drowned before. His second thought was: What am I doing here? ----------- Or, a hanahaki AU where Wylan coughs up jurda blossoms, Jesper comes home from six years of Grisha training in Ravka, and the blood on Kaz’s gloves is definitely not from planning a coup.
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elegantmusicdragon · 9 months
Adventures in Bravo-Sitting
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x Babysitter!Reader (f!Reader probably? Can be gn!Reader for now)
Rating/Warning: Just some language! Words that rhyme with certain swears. Me being a menace. You know how it goes.
A/N: Okay so this is for @blueeyesatnight who just went a on a Dieter/Babysitter journey with me and inspired me to crank this fic out in two days. Haven't written a fucking thing except a fic I won't post and THIS. Blue, you're the best and Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) and thank you so much for the inspo! Our Dieter/Babysitter thread is my favorite thing and also if you wanna write some of these two or your own version PLEASE DO IT. I encourage it! Much love to you.
To anyone else who may read this: thanks for sticking around and checking this not beta'd dumpster fire. I have no clue what this is. It came out of my brain and onto the page in a frenzy. But it's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Enjoy! And Happy Holidays!
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You are terribly confused. 
"We know this is highly unconventional." 
Well, that's putting it mildly. 
"In all honesty, I've seen weirder." A nightmare child smearing his feces all over the baking appliances and a cake his mother had made takes the trophy as of now. Though this situation is a close second. 
The woman, Amanda, smiles at you - relief flooding her features. She readjusts herself on the ridiculously fancy chair she's sitting on. Behind her, a small cluster of people in suits and business skirts gather. And between Amanda and the group? A man. Well, not man. Celebrity. A celebrity who seems to be grumbling something close to the words “ducking shooshes”.  
You never thought you'd end up babysitting Dieter Bravo but, you guess, things could be weirder. 
"Can I just...ask...um...why does a grown man need a babysitter?"
Dieter rolls his eyes and cuts in, "I don't." 
Amanda talks over him, "I'm sure you've seen the...incidents...on the Cliff Beasts set." 
You nod. "Absolutely, who hasn't? A drug overdose, quickie marriage, annulment - all within the span of a year. And the giant bender in Vegas with the showgirl last month? It's been all over the news." 
Amanda nods, tension lining her face. Behind her, Dieter rolls his eyes again. 
"It wasn't that bad." 
Amanda finally graces Dieter with an irritated glance. Her voice raises slightly, “Not that bad, Dee?? You almost destroyed the MGM Grand’s lobby, casino, and the penthouse suite you were staying in! That showgirl almost lost an eye!” 
Dieter rolls his neck back to face the ceiling, “Yeah, but she didn’t. She was fun,” he chuckles. “Liked to party. We still got her number?”
You see a vein throb in Amanda’s forehead. You’re not quite sure if you should butt into their conversation. Amanda grips the planner she holds so tightly, her knuckles begin to turn white. 
“No, Dee. We don’t have her number. You know, since she ALMOST LOST AN EYE??” 
Dieter sighs. “Oh my god, she was fine. It was safe. I was totally able to handle that machete. That lobby guy was just scared.” 
You raise an eyebrow. 
Amanda fires back, “He was the manager!!! And you were swinging a machete at one of his showgirls!” 
“I wasn’t gonna hurt her, god it’s like you think I’m irresponsible or something.” 
Oh god what have you gotten yourself into???
You reach down and attempt to subtly get your belongings. You’ve decided you want no part in…whatever this is. To your utter disappointment, you’re apparently not subtle enough. Amanda’s eyes dart to where your hand is resting on the strap of your bag. Her eyes widen just a fraction in desperation. 
“I know we’re not giving the best impression here. But I promise, this is going to be a very rewarding experience. Dieter is special!” 
She had said that on the phone too, but it was your fault you had misinterpreted it. Dieter clearly is special just…not in the way you were expecting. He’s special in a super-fuckin-entitled-wealthy way. 
You swallow and your eyes dart to Dieter, who hasn’t looked at you once since this whole meet and greet started. 
“Listen, Amanda, I’m really flattered that you and your…” You peter off, realizing the entire group of people behind her are now listening to you basically say no to this insane job. Are they really surprised you’re not interested in this? 
You clear your throat and continue, “team…want me to do this. I just don’t quite think I’m what you’re looking for.” 
Amanda looks behind her at a gentleman in a neatly pressed suit. He leans forward and whispers something in her ear. She nods, and turns back to you. Dieter remains absorbed in the ceiling. 
“Alright,” Amanda starts, “how about I show you what your pay would look like and we’ll take it from there? Maybe we could do a trial run if the amount is to your liking?” 
Dieter snorts. “It’ll be to her liking, I’m loaded.” 
Amanda rolls her eyes. Despite that, she keeps her focus on you. “Well?” She asks. 
You sigh. You know you’re caught between a rock and hard place. Money? Or no money? Well, even if this job isn’t what you necessarily thought it would be, it couldn’t hurt to look at the amount. Why the hell not? 
You shrug. “Sure,” you reply back to Amanda. “I guess looking at the number can’t hurt.” 
She smiles and nods, turning to confer with the gentleman behind her again. They whisper to each other for a few minutes before Amanda turns back to you. 
“Okay! I just want to clarify that we’ll be starting with a trial run of a week. If just you, or both you and Dieter-” 
He snorts at his name. Amanda studiously ignores him and continues on. 
“Are interested in keeping this arrangement going, we’ll re-discuss and go from there. Is that amenable to you?”
You nod. “Sounds good to me.” 
Amanda smiles widely, looking truly relieved for the first time since you stepped into the room. 
“Great!” She replies. She reaches behind her to grab a small piece of paper from the suited gentleman (who is he???) and hands it over to you. You surreptitiously glance over at Dieter. For the first time, you find his eyes on you. You shiver slightly. His eyes sparkle with…something. 
You look back down at the folded piece of paper in your hands. You’re more nervous than you thought you’d be. You open it slightly and see the number written down.
WOW that’s a LOT of zeroes! Holy crap. 
You look at Amanda.
“Trial run it is.” 
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P.S. Banners by @firefly-graphics
Anyone else want a tag? Lemme know!
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miitgaanar · 5 months
@soartfullydone asked:
No. 21: “See the chains around my feet.”
Vows | Restraints | “Don't move.” - Lemuel/Bastion
So. Uh. This was a whumptober prompt. But every month is whumptober if you really want it to be.
Anyway. I've dedicated the last eleven years of my life to trying to figure out how Lemuel Adelier ticks. I hate to admit that Bastion's been woefully neglected on my end. My studies did not include this bird man.
This was also my attempt to practice writing a fic that is decidedly not 4,000 words. I need to get better at writing shorter pieces, damnit.
I'm sorry to anyone who decides to read this. lmao
"Don't move."
Bastion Winalils lifted his hands in the air as if in surrender, though his shoulders remained rounded and a heavy, bored sigh escaped him.  He could feel the tip of a blade digging into his back, the steel cold and sharp.  It would be simple enough to offset out of harm's way, to vanish from his assailant's view within the span of a breath—only to then reappear behind him and rip the air from his lungs.
But that would be too simple, and this particular assailant too fun to poke and prod like a rabid beast.
"Is that any way to greet a friendly face, Captain Adelier?" Bastion intoned, daring a glance over his shoulder.  Adelier's face was stone, his eyes hard and his mouth a firm, thin line.  A roguish grin lit up the Black Tongue's pale visage.  "And here I thought we had developed a rather cordial working relationship."
"I didn't call on you, Ilgan Yag," Adelier spat, as if the word were poison upon his tongue.  Oh, if only.  "You'd best have good reason for defiling the Temple grounds with your stench."
"Does Ssael not open his doors to everyone?" Bastion needled further.  He was rewarded with the tip of the sword pressing harder into his back.  His grin only widened.
"Not everyone," Adelier ground out.
"A pity.  A convert might very well have been lost this day."
"Enough.  Do not toy with me.  I'm in no mood."
That much was clear.  Though Bastion couldn't say he'd ever caught the Soud in a particularly receptive mood. 
"Fine, then," Bastion said, lowering his arms to play at adjusting the hem of his gloves.  A show of nonchalance, though his lips remained upturned in thinly veiled amusement.  "Perhaps you can help me."
"I'd rather help a sow find her bliss," Adelier said flatly.
"Come now," Bastion said, turning on his heel to face the Soud.  The blade remained level with his chest, those piss colored eyes boring into him with a fearsome ire, but he was otherwise unmolested.  "I'm just following a bit of gossip.  I simply wished to confirm it at the source."
Adelier's brow rose a fraction, inquisitive.  Bastion had to smother the smirk that begged to take shape.
"What sort of gossip?"
"The most interesting kind," Bastion continued.  "There's been talk of a caster amongst your lot.  Talented, it seems.  Can cast with nary a word spoken."
Adelier flinched, his blade faltering slightly.  A surge of satisfaction flooded Bastion's veins, and that smirk appeared unbidden.
"Tacit casters are incredibly rare," he explained, the words laced with a not so subtle taunt.  "Not to mention innate tacits.  So of course I had to follow the trail and see for myself.  Color me surprised when the source turned out to be the Lion's very own Delight."  The moniker came out with more bite than he had intended, but the scars at his back itched, and only now did some relief for that old wound appear to be at hand.
Adelier's face seemed to blanch, though it was difficult to tell in the dim light of a looming dusk.  "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, the words gruff and forced.
"Your niece has been very busy, it seems," Bastion continued undaunted, his gaze flickering down to examine his nails.  "Though I suppose she'd be your daughter now, yes?  Congratulations on the nuptials, by the way.  I would have sent a fruit basket had I been informed."
In a flash, Bastion found himself with that same blade pressed to his throat, the steel bitingly cold against his warm flesh as Adelier closed the short distance between them.  Adelier was fairly agile for a man of his build.  He had begun to harden himself in the few years since that dark, snowy night, the almost lithe form he had once sported now showing more bulk.
He should only know that his brutish ways would not save him—or her—should Bastion will it.
"I swear to God," Adelier rumbled, his breath fogging the air between them.  "If you so much as come within ten yards of her, of any of them, I will flay you alive and leave you for your hallowed crows."
They stood almost nose to nose, close enough that Bastion could see the ragged edges of the ugly scar carved into the Soud's face.  It twisted with the scowl that pulled at his countenance, turning his handsome features into something unsightly.  That same petty satisfaction thrummed hotly beneath his flesh.
Bastion allowed himself a soft chuckle, the minute movement causing the sharpened edge of the sword to dig into the skin of his throat.  A bead of blood welled under the blade, slowly trailing down the Black Tongue's neck and pooling within the hollow of his clavicle.  Fury danced in Adelier's eyes, his piercing gaze seeming to pulse a fiery gold.
But before he could make good on his threat, or at the very least slit Bastion's throat from ear to ear, Bastion held his hands up once more as if in surrender—though his smirk did not once falter.
"Promises, promises, darling," he said, his tone light and taunting, and grabbed for the hilt of the sword.  His free hand reached for that ever immovable silver torc at his neck and murmured something near inaudible, though loud enough for the khert to heed his call.
Adelier dropped the blade as if burned, the hilt glowing a bright orange and sizzling softly against the frost dusted ground—but before he could fully draw that second dreadful sword, Bastion had already vanished from view, his laughter echoing endlessly into the khert itself.
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
Lol omg....celebrating? Uh, well, you know, actually I do give myself some inner celebrations when I post, particularly with long things I've been working on for awhile. Since I write a full fic before dropping it, hitting that post button feels really rewarding when I finally get there. I definitely do have a little dance when I post those beasts. 🤣 So more than I would have initially answered here, I think.
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shark-myths · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @setting-in-a-honeymoon !
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
if you didn't know already, my toxic trait is that i love my own writing and you're about to find out firsthand! the ideas that are my favorite tend to be the more magical ones--i love what i did with the boys time can't capture, i love the velveteen rabbit au, i am still obsessed with my coyote ugly/beauty and the beast mashup. on the other hand, making fall out boy into girls might be genuinely the greatest idea i've ever had--deceptively simple, enduringly brilliant!
What is your favorite part of being a writer? Which parts could you take or leave?
my favorite thing is getting to find out wherever my ideas go! i never know what's going to happen or how a story's going to end. it always takes me places that are so much more rich and rewarding and surprising than i expected when i first embarked. i also love being able to evoke the exact right feeling i'm aiming for! i am aphantasic so describing visual things well in writing is a struggle--i can't really check to see if it's effective?--so i tend to focus more on specific vibes and feelings. it is incredibly satisfying to want reading something to feel a certain way and make that happen.
the part i hate the most is that the energy i use to write is the same energy that my specific career uses. work taps me out and i often have nothing left to write with, and that's sad, because i love being creative much more than i love participating in capitalism! one of the great frustrations of my adult life is that my ideas come in slow and faint, and i so rarely have the emotional space to draw them out and grow them into stories. it feels honestly like a waste.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
mostly, because i'm excited about some concept and i want to explore it! sometimes there's something i need to heal, or sometimes i'm interested in an idea like loss & salvage (that one led to the recently completed fic, the house on rosewood lane), or a classic fairy tale trope, or something outrageous pete wentz has said that i simply cannot live with. like many of us, i often write out of the desire to fix something, because i think the source material has gotten it wrong or because i personally don't understand the decisions of a story (in college i fixed cinderella by making her a lesbian). other times, i just love a rom com and i want to do it myself, because farce is delightful. i think i am my most alive and motivated as a writer when there's something transformative i get to do! i love fanworks and writing in established universes because there's a given set of constraints and i have to create something interesting within them, without breaking the rules of the universe or the real history, or breaking them very deliberately and with a purpose. it's a specific type of almost conversational fun, a give and take with the established history and tradition and culture of a thing, that i don't often feel when i'm writing fully original works. (my favorite recent published version of this game is katherine addison's sherlock holmes with angels novel, the angel of the crows.)
What do you wish you knew when you first started out writing?
you know, i am incredibly happy with the way i developed from a tiny kiddo writing novels about kittens lost in airports to who i am as a writer today. i have watched myself identify weaknesses in my style and range and worked to grow and improve, and every step in that process is so valuable, i don't think you can skip ahead! i started posting my writing on the internet 20 years ago and i feel really good about that. i've learned so much and been a part of so many communities. writing is so joyful, and i'm glad i never lost that to the pressure turn it profitable. my work is profoundly un-sellable and i feel pride in that.
maybe something i could have learned sooner is that fanfic doesn't have to be embarrassing; fandom is one of my favorite parts about being who i am and has led to some of my coolest experiences and closest friendships.
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
it is so hard to choose, I have so many favorites for so many different reasons! girl out boy will be my most important work forever and the boys time can't capture is my FOB masterwork, but one that i think is really pretty and well done and more understated is the swantrick fairy tale, i'm a wing i'm a prayer. i revisit it often.
(pour one out for my gay pirate au, also! love that story, long may it live in the wayback machine. hope to write a sequel one day)
What is your favorite out of the box quote?
i'm too vain to choose / too wordy to remember. my favorite moments are when i sound enough like pete that i can't quite tell if i've quoted one of his ljs or invented a line.
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
hmm, maybe evil joe in don't want to be a footnote? he's wicked just for the fun of it. (i'm not, i swear!) i like to think i usually write complicated characters who have at least one shitty opinion / trait i don't endorse.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
oh, i started writing stories before i knew the alphabet. that's a tiny kid! i think she'd be pretty jazzed in general, though the somewhat older version would be very surprised that she didn't publish a novel while in elementary school, become famous, and show everyone who was mean to her how wrong they were, because that was her real plan for many years. any age version would probably feel weird about the powerpoint, though.
i vague-tag whoever feels like doing this, and specifically @leyley09 !
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My favourite fic of yours: RIDE OR DIE. It has THE best worldbuilding I’ve ever seen in a fic, it’s genuinely like reading a canon novel in second person and I love it so much
My favourite chapter: 27 absolutely 27 need i say more
Something I remember vividly: Ya I’m with Angela, you take reader inserts to a whole other level - normally I’ll read them but it’s always hard for me to get invested if it’s just a blank template, Y/N just draws me out of it so quickly. With the way you write them I feel so immersed, each protag has something different about them and ughhh it’s just so fucking good
Sßssssssdsdff thanks! I have very much enjoyed creating my own distinct alien culture and ecosystems, its one of the things I wish Star Wars was braver about. The prequel trilogy had flaws, mostly in that many of the cultural aspects were borrowed without credit to the peoples they came from, but from a world-building perspective the planets and species they created were a fantastic building point. I think it speaks a lot to the creativity of people like Doug Chiang that so many of the cultural and geographical elements of places like Utapau mesh so well together, and it makes an excellent sandbox to unleash my own creative thoughts.
I am soooo proud of Chapter 27. It was a beast to write but worth it, a standout chapter in this work that simultaneously fits with the themes and messaging, but is so jarring in its perspective and time shift. Appropriately a big impact moment. It was definitely a long-term pay off that I'm glad waited until now to put in. Like you have to really understand Talion and Theo's characters for this chapter to hit so hard. We had to be sort of questioning Tsino's place in all of this. We had to seed previous imagery, the handprints in the tent, the necklace, the incident with the dactilsword, for us to really understand WHY those things were so important to his past.
I'm finally recovered enough that I've started back up on Chapter 28 recently but whew, it was something to jump back to the present after ending with THAT.
And again, I'm so overjoyed y'all love my reader characters. They are each their own, and since their physical descriptions are blank canvasses, I use their personalities to shape them. How do they dress? How do they speak and think? How do they react when they've been frustrated or embarrassed?
I would encourage anyone who considers reading or writing x reader fics to really challenge the pre-existing notion of what that means. See it as a genre with its own unique challenges and rewards. People project themselves onto existing characters or OC's wildly different from themselves all the time, so long as that person is relatable to them somehow. Who hasn't wanted to be a character in the Star Wars Universe? And you don't necessarily want to be you, you want to be someone who fits in, with a role and history and relationships. Part of the tapestry of the world.
I like challenging my characters, thinking about who they are and how they came to meet the Inquisitor, because he's not exactly just out there shaking hands and kissing babies- for you to come across him usually means something has gone terribly wrong. It's my job to tell those stories. Try to find unique scenerios that might put these characters together, and different outcomes that might result from their personalities blending. All while trying to find creative solutions to the ever present name/description problems.
But hey, we don't have a name for the Grand Inquisitor either, so he lends himself to these stories so well!
Thanks so much for the ask!
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fallingphosphenes · 3 months
wips introduction
if you're interested in a summation of my primary wips (just the fanfiction) as of right now (july 2024)
(disclaimer because i write a lot of kpop fanfiction: i do not think of my characters as the real actual people they're based off of, so i hope you will not engage with my fanfics like they're reality.)
elegy (temp name) (tomorrow by together)
-> in the modern year of our lord two thousand something or another, during a period of great political, social, and ecological upheaval, beasts from the heavens arrived, fragments of dying stars and planets from universes far away that became known as the astral undead. as humanity learned to harness their power, factions were organized, led by those who had defeated the most powerful astral undead, the planetary undead, whose bones granted its users the most powerful abilities. at hyperion academy, run by the three major factions, magicians (who have the inherent ability to harness the magic within star fragments) and cavaliers (who have the inherent ability to use weapons which have been imbued with star fragments) form bonds to fight together in the great war against the astral undead. choi beomgyu, prince of the golden chasm, better known as the dying realm, a faction which is outcasted for its specialty in deathly magic, despite having defeated a planetary beast, goes to this school and meets kang taehyun, a factionless, untrained cavalier, and a genius.
choi beomgyu/kang taehyun, choi yeonjun/choi soobin
fantasy, probably some angst, more abusive parents, school setting, tournament arcs, war! and what comes with that
inspired by when i read gideon/harrow the locked tomb
current word count: ~44000
time and life (haikyuu)
-> after suffering that greatly, after losing so much, after making it to a worthless, horrific end -- kei blinks his eyes open, and is greeted by the worst sight possible. that after all that struggle, after all that pain; nothing has changed. he is right back here at the beginning. he must live through it all again. 
and no one else remembers.
tsukishima kei/kuroo tetsurou, probably others
fantasy, time travel, superpowers, school setting, angst
inspired by the light novel "a returner's magic should be special"
current word count: ~34500
in every universe? (seventeen)
-> it's harder to be friends in every universe than they thought.
they try, anyway.
ships TBD i guess? multiple ships (probably?) none, maybe?
multiple universes (thirteen)
have you ever been writing fanfiction and not known who to write as your side cast? well now your main cast can be your side cast, with this cool new tool: thirteen different versions of every character!
wins the reward for most complicated fic idea i've ever had
current word count: ~13000
bonus: dream demigods, part 2 (nct dream)
-> (see my ao3 for the description of part one)
huang renjun/na jaemin/lee jeno, mark lee/lee donghyuck, zhong chenle/park jisung
i promise to finish it i swear i'm so sorry
current word count: n/a, because it's being rewritten
please feel free to send me questions about these wips, or ask about what other wips i have (there are so many) !!
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scare-ard--sleigh · 3 years
i stole this from @offensiveagentpie (who also has great taste in fic ahaha) bc it looked really fun and it was !!! blank one here! 
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will ramble in the tags yeehaw; 
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rosileeduckie · 3 years
I’m sure you’ve gotten this already, but director’s commentary on the masterpiece that is When You Scream in Space? // @tickle-bugs
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Bug, thank you thank you, you are too kind 🥰♥️ You're the first person to ask about, and I'm honored and delighted to answer for ya :)
When You Scream in Space started as a very sleepy note to myself that SPIRALED 😆 The inspiration for it came from, probably where you'd expect: me watching hours and hours of different Among Us streams and then my love for Sanders Sides. As well as! A lot of very cool fan art and headcanons on tumblr for Among Us tickle monsters and mods 😁 (I wish I could find some to link to, but I am inept; hopefully can find some of my favs and link to them later!)
So the idea of this sci-fi tickle monster imposter game was in my mind for a while, and I just didn't know where to go with it. AND THEN ONE NIGHT. It just seemed to fit for the Sides really well. I don't know how to explain it; they feel more versatile than other characters somehow? Like, I could shoot the Class 1A or the Losers' Club into space(you know what, let's save that last one for a rainy day 😈), and maybe get more likes, or like actually watch Star Wars or Star Trek and use characters already in space, but Sanders Sides fit the best for me 🤷
I went back and forth for a long while about who I actually wanted to be the imposters. I actually still have the notes for it, some character strengths and weaknesses, which, for fun, I'll include too!
So many ways it could go I don't know why I feel like Logan could be great. Him being the human imposter teamed up with tentacle alien imposter Remus would be fun. Remus just goes off, and Logan's like "We have to be smart; please stop making the humans scream like that" Jan would obviously be a good morphling, and that would be a fun nod to Ditto. Also means "everyone" could tickle everyone. Virgil as alien imposter and Patton as his human ally Roman is so loud and invested that he always sounds guilty but never actually gets to be the imposter. Albeit he and Remus would be a good duo. Evil.
And, ultimately, I went with Virgil and Patton, though I know it would have been a fun saga to write with any mash-up for the sneaky imposters 😋
The part that took the longest was coming up with a space station acronym that would spell out JOAN. 😆 Ultimately, Jupiter-Earth Outpost of Astronomic Navigation, which, I figured, close enough! I love little details like that, that really reward you for reading closely, even if it's not that important in the end. I also spent a long time trying to work out how the crew all met and less of their current circumstances. Basically, if the layout of the ship doesn't make sense, just use your imagination 😆 I apologize profusely for any confusion I may cause lol
The part I enjoyed the most was writing Virgil unraveling. I felt so clever and mysterious putting in lines at first every so often to just give the reader hints as to his nature, and then letting him loose to go full monster. I love writing beasts and transformations in my work, so that was a treat to bring to this piece.
I'm really glad there's been some positive reception to this piece, especially because I already have all the chapters planned out, and they're going up over the course of the summer, so it's nice to know you're as excited as I am about it ☺️
Thanks so much for the ask, Bug! YOU'RE a gem and I absolutely adore you and your work. 💕
No idea what I'm talking about? Read all the way to the end without reading the fic first? It's chill; I used to always watch the bloopers and behind the scenes before watching the actual movie XD Read the fic here! And, if you've already read it, you're welcome back any time :)
Wanna know some behind the scenes about other fics I've written? Ask away!
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