#this guy has so much transmasc swag okay
gravitycreature · 1 year
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hmmm…. he wears a big oversized black hoodie…….. even during the middle of the summer……… doesn’t sound so cis to me
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transmascswagpolls · 3 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
REIGEN: Because I Said So THE LEMONADE MAN: Because I Said So
Mob Psycho 100, Mob Psycho 100: Reigen: The Man With a MAX Spirituality Level of 131, The Duck Song (and other related media)
REIGEN PROPAGANDA- he's the reigen arataka. he fought terrorists organisations, he reformed a bunch of people, he's like a mentor figure to mob. he's the world's shittiest person that's a lie shou's dad exists he's the guy ever he's so average in every way he has so much confidence i want to punch him
It's Reigen
I have no clue its the duck song this is a massive joke but its worth a shot.
OK THIS IS A JOKE BECAUSE ITS FUNNY but him and the corner store woman are T4T in my head [Pollrunner's Note: Okay. Bet.]
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gnomeniche · 2 years
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[hitting them with the humanization beam]
i know i’ve humanized them before but i wanted to actually make some cleaner and colored pics of them! also human/normal world au stuff beneath the cut if you want it (even tho these humanizations are not au-exclusive. i use them wherever i want).
yellow owns the house. roy, his rich, neglectful producer dad, let him have it to get him out of his hair.
he lets the other two live with him for free because he’s lonely. which would be a red flag from anyone who wasn’t as genuinely nice as yellow. he’s SO jazzed to have new friends but the other two are staying there because they are broke as hell. eventually they all end up friends anyway.
yellow is the youngest one and still in college (roy is paying for it), and the other two are around the same age and have been graduated for a few years now. red was a film major, duck was a business major (with extremely okay grades), and yellow is studying programming and struggling. not bc he’s bad at it! he just has unmedicated adhd, but that means he’s been there for a few years longer than he thinks he should have been. it frustrates him.
even though red and duck are graduated they are ALSO struggling. red wants to work on children’s television but he is Bad at networking because he can’t seem to do social scenarios correctly. duck is trying to get some kind of job but he’s bad at adapting to new situations so he can’t hold one down. don’t worry guys you’ll get there eventually. but right now red makes weird experimental youtube shorts and duck is trying to do something online as a side hustle. maybe he has a blog or something where he posts his very dramatic and very bad opinions. for 8000 a month he will stop. he almost gets into crypto except yellow and red slowly and patiently explain why it’s bad.
“what about the teachers?” lesley is a work friend of roy’s and used to own the house until he bought it off her. she shows up from time to time just to see how things are going and she always brings one of her weirdo friends with her and it always ends in disaster. but she herself gets along with the trio okay. maybe she just brings her weirdo friends over because she thinks it’s funny. she MIGHT be yellow’s biomom but she’ll never tell.
segueing into family situations from that. yellow never knew his mom and only had roy but has been very neglected by him; roy pays for whatever he needs, but he otherwise doesn’t care very much about his son or give any kind of love. red has a family but they don’t really like him and he knows the family business would crush his soul so he’s out on his own. duck didn’t know his parents and was a foster kid who just kind of aged out of the system.
duck ended up at the same high school as red one year and they used to smoke weed together after class. try and keep up maaaaate. red does not remember this but duck thinks this makes red his best friend. it is pure coincidence that they ended up as housemates. once red remembers this he is mortified that his embarrassing teen self might have been duck’s gay awakening.
they are all neurodivergent. yellow knows he’s autistic but doesn’t know he has adhd. red knows he’s probably neurodivergent but doesn’t want to get diagnosed bc he thinks what is the point at this point. duck thinks he’s neurotypical.
yellow is bi with transmasc swag (he/him). red is nonbinary (he/they) and likes men. duck is a cis man (he/him) but he’s also extremely gay.
edit 10/16: more au thoughts
edit 10/17: weird things yellow has done in his life
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fairyycoffin · 6 months
i have a few different gender hcs for him
genderfluid percy who took a while to figure it out because either he genuinely thought whatever was going on with his gender was normal or he wouldve realized it if he thought about it for like five minutes but either way thalia had to sit him down and be like "there is nothing cis about you dude"
transmasc percy who due to having a supportive mom was able to transition early in life and due to this passes pretty easily and doesn't really like being reminded of the fact that he is trans
transmasc percy who would like to be a pretty boy in a skirt but he doesnt wanna be percieved as a girl so he stays in that realm of dressing very masc which is great and all hed just maybe like to try on a dress or a skirt sometimes (imnotprojectingyouareshutup)
theres also cis guy percy who has so much transmasc swag hes considered like. an honorary tboy.
for sexuality i see him as bi but i think aroacespec percy is fun to play around with as well??? either way whether hes completely allo or not i have a hc that he has a hard time differentiating between platonic and romantic attraction and tends to mistake attraction for gender envy and gender envy for attraction
i’ve thought about transmasc percy before but i’ve actually never considered genderfluid percy (*i love that hc so much*) and yes yes yes thalia would absolutely have to sit down to tell him that lol
transmasc percy deserves to wear a dress or skirt sometimes, and he will fucking rock it too
i also see him as bi — allo percy genuinely just doesn’t make sense to me idk
ok GIVE ME MORE HCS if you so desire. ofc no worries if not :)
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dammarchy211 · 1 year
I saw your post about Tdov
And was wondering about you trans Psychonauts villain headcannons (oc and cannon)
For canon characters I headcanon Loboto as transmasc and Oleander as genderqueer!
I really think Oleander wouldn’t rlly find out until he was older, like maybe even post psychonauts 1 n 2, mainly because he probably had a lot of toxic masculinity pressured onto him from his family environment lingering over. Especially given some of the things in his mind/some of his dialogue lines + not being able to get into the military and such. I’m sure Raz going into his mind and clearing some family trauma up in there tho rlly would help him figure that out later on tho!
For loboto I really don’t have a complex headcanon for him. His parents probably weren’t supportive, and his short hair in his mind as a kid was probably either just his self imaging on how he wanted to look as a child, or he took some scissors to his hair and his mom had to neaten it up even if she didn’t want his hair that short.
Okay now ocs!
Dexter is a trans guy! His parents had a really, wishy-washy personality for actually caring about Dexter, and by the time he really came out he’s already so much of a ‘problem child’ that his parents probably just Didn’t really care what he did gender wise. He was always type to actively fight any sort of girl perceptions of him, even before he knew he was trans. Most of his clothes pre-villainy consisted of t shirts and shorts exclusively (not really how he wanted to dress, but still it’s not girly clothes lmaoo) he Definitely just took a pair of scissors to his hair and just cut it short himself, probably in a public bathroom with some scissors he stole who knows.
Batty’s also a trans guy (I am not immune to trans boy having trans guy mentor gender envy) he grew up in such a weird environment (being an orphanage scientific experiments were conducted in) that he Really didn’t have the freedom to do anything for himself until he was like 16, when he left. He never presented femininely, not exactly by choice but he didn’t dislike it. He kind of just continued to present masculinely as he grew up, but this time socially transitioning as well. He realized he was trans younger than that, but probably didn’t do anything on account of “yeah he Wanted to be a boy, but he didn’t know he could just Do that” until he was out on his own.
Wanda is a trans woman! I think she would probably have had more of a neutral environment like Dexter, not really transphobic, but not really super supportive either. I think she would’ve found out when she was a preteen, like 11-13 ish. I don’t really have much for Wanda’s parents, but I kinda wanna think up something for them, I think it would be interesting if it was like, she had a lot of siblings/really busy parents that they just didn’t rlly remember which one she was anyway so she kinda flew under the radar with being trans anyway.
Ant! Ant! They’re non binary (they/he), there’s really not much to their backstory in the ways of trans things, I think their parents would be supportive, but I also think they were SUPER OVERLY SHELTERING like to an extreme degree, so any sort of love was probably held over his head to make him anytime he wanted to leave them or what have you. Idk if they woulduse their support as leverage. But maybe.
Lastly Minerva isn’t ‘canonically’ trans in oc world or whatever but I think she has some transfem swag. Old woman weird hag tfem swag
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ngc-5194 · 1 year
Hihihi Lemon Drop!!! Hope you're having a lovely day 💛💛💛 Answerer's choice Sora Kingdomhearts or Joshua Kiryu Twewy for the ask game mayhaps??? :0c
hihi happi!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm having a pretty good day, thank you!! and! as u comand <3333333
Sexuality Headcanon: bi!! and aromantic sometimes when the moment strikes. he is just a little guy who loves his friends oh so much <3333
Gender Headcanon: transmasc! he can contain so much transmasc swag its unreal. also every kh character is trans because i say so thank you for your time
A ship I have with said character: sorikai is soooo cute. who doesn't love childhood friends to lovers, especially when they all have two hands <33
A BROTP I have with said character: i need him and vanitas to be friends somehow so badly you don't understand. but of the actual relationships he has already him and roxas are so Important to me it's not even funny
A NOTP I have with said character: i'm gonna be real i just don't really get the princess ships. that or like him with any of the wayfinder trio. or just anyone who knew him as small kid when they were grown up.
A random headcanon: i think sora was the first of the island kids to learn how to swim but pretended to not be able to until riku and kairi could as well. he didn't want to swim until they could all swim together.
General Opinion over said character: I LOVE HIMMMM. he's so silly and kind and loveely. i am holding him in the palm of my hand and showing him off to everyone like a cool bug. i am feeding him little treats .i am forcing him to stop sacrificing himself for once in his life
Sexuality Headcanon: look at him. that's a homosexual. a very annoying one in a boring outfit but a Homosexual nonetheless. however. specifically he's homoromantic asexual. to me.
Gender Headcanon: trans man who gets just a little spicy with it (he/they/it in general but He/Him when he's feeling Annoying and she/her on the occasions he feels like it)
A ship I have with said character: i'm BORING okay <- joshneku. however joshbeat is also very funny to me i am smashing them together like barbie dolls.
A BROTP I have with said character: i think josh and shiki would be an incredible duo if they do not kill each other in the first 20 minutes. rather, if she does not kill him. again. also this is probably just dream drop distance talking but joshua and rhyme's dynamic can be SO.
A NOTP I have with said character: i suppose i'm not the biggest enjoyer of him and haz, but honestly i don't really care that much.
A random headcanon: ok this is a pretty common one but that boy definitely killed himself. most dramatically ironic if he did it from falling or a gun but no matter what that boy died by his own hand before he tried doing it again through neku
General Opinion over said character: i hate his ass so much. if anyone insults him theyre right but they are also so so so wrong. no one understands him like i do. i don't understand him either. i would punch him immediately if given the chance. someone needs to drag his ass to therapy yesterday. he's (probably) my favourite twewy character. i hate his stupid gay ass.
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buggymakesart · 2 years
Could u info dump about the smile for me game? :3 /nf
:-D!!! I can try! I'm not very good with my words, but thank you for letting me say them anyway :-]
I think one of my favorite things about the game is how weird everything is and how it makes it seem like 'Oh yeah that's normal!' Which is really nice!! Cuz I define myself as pretty weird!
Spoilers for the new update!!! v v v
For example, Flower Kid now has Flower Hands! Which I thought was a cute new addition, especially considering when playing you get A Hand as an item
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Anyway now I'm out of money <//3 This damn game I will purchase so many things, I bought the vinyl first pressing as well so you know that I'm a Super-Fan
I just really attached to Smile For Me for reasons unknown to me! It itches my brain in a good and nice way every time I think about it which is OFTEN! It's a silly game about mental health and helping people! I love helping people! And making them smile!! And the game makes me smile so Win-Win!.
I'm particularly attached to Dr. Habit as you can probably tell from all the art I do of him on here and all the talking I do of him on my main. He's so!!! Look at him!!! He's so pretty and silly and tall and all the things that I personally enjoy looking at into one being!
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Legitimately I have NOT felt crushes on fictional characters to this extent before. I DON'T KNOW WHAT SPELL YUGO PUT ON THIS GUY TO MAKE ME LOVE HIM SO MUCH BUT IT AINT GOING AWAY ANYTIME SOON! Maybe it's cuz he's so mysterious and doesn't show what he really looks like up until the reveal which permanently changed my brain.
And even more epic is that Yugo said we can headcanon all the characters how ever we want so my headcanon for him is that he's transfem and uses He/Him and She/Her cuz I am a Girl Liker and I can do what I want. And him and Kamal are T4T (Kamal being transmasc)
I love how in earlier play tests of the game, the players wanted to Kiss Habit so LimboLane added the neutral ending where you can. So real of them to do that <3
ALSO!!!!! There's a lot of implication that the characters are Neurodivergent which makes me very happy and probably why I clung myself so much to the game being Au-DHD myself. Yugo is neurodivergent themself as well which is pretty swag. We love trans & neurodivergent creators of the world
Okay at this point I'm just RAMBLING, and I thank you if you read this much and thank you for being patient with me about it lol! I'm not very good at info dumping but I'm not sure if there's a way to do it really?
TL:DR I really like this game
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oatchi · 3 years
🏳‍🌈 for tfa. hand me. Give. Require
🏳️‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you? You really want me to fill my dash up, huh. Okay. Fine. Under the cut it goes.
Let me be clear, I accept many things for many characters, especially when it comes to trans headcanons, so I may go back and forth on a lot of these, but you literally asked for it.
Optimus Prime: Bisexual. I can understand the transmasc headcanon given to him, but I do not like the way people treat him in the fandom in combination with the headcanon (i.e., the soft uwu boy act) so most depictions leave a sour taste in my mouth. Suffers from textbook PTSD. Ratchet: Old old queer man. He's the kind of old man who doesn't label himself because he finds it a bit ridiculous. He likes mechs, he likes femmes, he likes everything outside of that and in between. He doesn't care what he "falls under," he's just living his life. Textbook PTSD, and he is the old gay mentor to Optimus' young gay in need of a parental figure. Bumblebee: Gay Trans man. Easy. Teeeextbook ADHD, and he hates being infantilized for it. Not much else to say on this. Also he's polyam and parent trapped all his partners into also being in love with each other. Except not like, parent trapping them, just like, boyfriend trapping them. Bulkhead: Bisexual cisguy who's doing his best to support his trans friends. He is Autistic, okay? He is. He has a special interest in the show. and Sensory issues. Trust Me. He's cis but he's got the autistic gender swag with it okay. Prowl: He is.... How you say... Pansexual. I will not get into anything about bi/pan stuff but he follows the logic I do of bisexual meaning "attraction to your gender, the opposite, and others" and pansexual meaning "attraction regardless of gender." He's also a he/they because he has the Autism Fucked Up My Concept Of Gender disease. He's autistic btw. He holds hands with Bumblebee and Bulkhead and is open to more. Dinobots: They're all stupid and bi. Not for each other they just are. Omega Supreme: He's so guy ever. I think the inherit concept of being nothing more than a war machine and made to have "low processing power" is kinda neurodivergent-trans. Like inheritly. He chose to be a guy and stuff. Arcee: JUST some girl. She has kind old bi trans lady energy I think. I think her memory issues probably persisted a bit even though they were shown to be "fixed" at the end, but only in minor ways. Wreckgar: HE IS JUST SOME GUY. I think if you asked him his pronouns he would say "I am Wreckgar! I... Use he/him pronouns?" and then think about it and then go "I am Wreckgar! I use any pronouns!" and that would be the interaction. I don't think he has any feelings on anyone really other than friendship <3 Megatron: Old, old gay man. He is not gay for Optimus. Crucial. He is just gay. Also I think he's trans with it. Old gay trans man that will dark seduce you. (If Fruit reads this essay. I'm reclaiming.) Starscream: As Unfortunate As It Is, he has transgender swag. I cannot place what kind, but I'd like to believe it's any pronouns. Also Gay. But No One Wants Him. Starscream clones: I DON'T KNOW MAN. THEYRE JUST KINDA THERE. In my mind I feel like Slipstream stole all the transgender swag making all the other ones normal guys. Well like. As normal as Clones of Starscream could be. Blitzwing: He/they by nature, self referential as "we" occasionally again by nature. OSDD-1b but they all respond to "Blitzwing" because they are a chaotic group that switch on the drop of a hat and they've just learned to. The kind of system that works to make up the concept of one whole "person," so even if they themselves know they're different, they are pooling resources together to make one guy often. One Gay Guy. Smile Lugnut: Do I literally need to say anything. He's gay. He's never even looked at a woman unless it was for work. He's gay and the one guy he wants does not want him at all Blackarachnia: Trans girl. She's a metaphor alright. I like to think she's transhet because they are the strongest type of trans people and Blackarachnia is stronger than all of us. Heavily suffers from the body issues, and suffers from trauma. Because of the Spiders. Soundwave: No gender No sexuality Only Liberate Robots. That is how I think he feels Shockwave: Old Gay Man. He has transgender swag I feel like he's gender fucked up. I don't know how. He's weird with it. Smile. Lockdown: I like to think he is a neutral/pos aroace who just acts like that. He does not fuck he could if he wanted but he doesn't. End post Swindle: He's just a little guy! And it's his birthday, you would try to make a guy pick just one place on the gender spectrum on his birthday? He's got gender swag and I think he is also aroace and hangs out with Lockdown because of this. Wasp(inator): The Bug gave him Transgender Swag. He's also terribly traumatized Constructicons: Fuck these guys. But they're also all bi and no one wants them Angry Archer: I could not give less of a shit about this man. But he's like gay (derogatory) Nanosec: transhet. Good for him. Meltdown: Again, gay (derogatory) Colossus: I literally don't know. Whatever man. Gay old guy Professor Princess: She Is like, idk. 6. I think she cares about my little ponies more than being on my headcanons chart. Henry Masterson: He is so so so so so gaytrans and insane Slo-Mo: transhet. Good for her. Ultra Magnus: Old old gay man. No further commentary. Jazz: Hehehe... Gay ninja. I think he actually could like a woman in theory but he is definitely mlm. I think he is either a hardcore trans ally or a transman. Jetfire/Jetstorm: Putting them together because personally I love to believe that because they are viewed as a unit and are usually never referred to as individuals, they are actually much more accustomed to singular they/them in reference to themselves. I think they accept anything though. Also they're just a little fucked up from the whole dying and coming back thing I think. I think the death and coming back thing gave them a bit of nonbinary swag. they/he's. Blurr: I don't know where this is coming from, but He/They/It nonbinary gay dude. That's all Heh. What. Did you think I'd forget my specialist boy of all time? Never. I just needed to put him at the bottom so you didn't have to scroll through ALL the shit I have to say about him just to see 1-2 sentences on some other guys. Anyways. Let's get into it. Sentinel Prime: Is so so so so so SO much. He can literally be interpreted a million ways, but let me make one thing very clear. He is NOT a cishet man who's an asshole for no reason. Without a doubt, my personal favourite interpretation of him is as a bisexual cis man who, despite the everything, is a very hardcore trans ally. A real "oh you're trans? Okay uhh what name. Okay. Okay. Pronouns? Okay. Gotttt it. Okay. Okay. (Goes back to insulting you but this time reaffirming of your gender)" type guy. Mentally? PTSD. Textbook. Often showing in ways that are the exact opposite of the way Optimus' shows, making him seem "difficult." Also, literally everyone can fuck off, I think he's so autistic. I think he's genuinely so autistic so bad. Touch is only good if he initiates it. He wants touch do NOT fucking touch him if he doesn't make it very clear he wants touch. Do not expect him to understand peoples feelings he does not get it. Do not expect him to understand a social setting, he will NOT get it. He doesn't know how to do any of that. He is hardcore rule follower because of a mix of trauma and autism. And when he does break the rules? Well, it didn't break is Autism Moral Rules, so it's fine. Organic stuff is not only a traumatic trigger, it is often stuff he would consider "bad touch." He does NOT like how soft humans and other organics are, he HATES their liquids, he DOES NOT like hair. And listen to me? Listen to me. Only I'm allowed to say this one as a haver of this disorder. Obsessive compulsive disorder rooted in trauma. Did he only comically have to clean himself once as a gag in the show..? Yes. Would I trust anyone else saying this..? No. But I live deep inside Sentinel Prime's mind and trust me, I know what I'm saying. I believe the compulsive need for status comes from a complex mix of PTSD, OCD, and Autism. With the PTSD, he blocked everyone out, till all that was left was status. OCD would have him with the repeated intrusive thoughts of needing to be the best, or else, well, the general "bad things will happen" type response. Autism is definitely important in this mix, because he has been working towards it for years, and the moment it might be out of reach entirely, complete and total meltdown and confusion ensues. Yes, that could be attributed to both the PTSD and OCD, but trust me. I know him. Several other things about him play into these three, to make the list short, being unable to stop to let the blame hit him for once is crucial to not letting what little of he has left to his name be shattered. The small sense of identity is all effects of PTSD, OCD and autism. The deal with Optimus is so neurodivergent I swear to God. He is just some guy with a handful of mental disorders that doesn't know how to articulate care. I need to stop now and so I shall, smile. Oh and by the way, Sari Sumdac is trans, realizing she was a robot transed her, she is nonbinary she/they/he. Thank you and Good Night
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transmascswagpolls · 4 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
TAYLOR: Because I Said So
WONDER EGG ✦ PRiORiTY, Dungeons and Daddies
He’s canonically trans male and IDK I kind of like that he doesn’t pass? Like I like it when trans male characters look like me.
taylor swift is an anime-loving ex-ranger rogue teen who is just constantly iconic. he has a sword cane and ninja rocks and so many low quality anime replica weapons including his iconic mall katana. he lives his life before the podcast believing that he's the main character and has a cool non-human heritage just because he's so cool and he's proven RIGHT. he immediately gets kidnapped by the fbi and his demon prince of hell dad rescues him and tells him to live a lone wolf life by himself. but even though all his dreams are coming true he still abandons it to go back to his friends!! he's always there for them and he cares aout them so much!! also he loves his mom so much. gives her smoochie smoochies on the phone. he's even fine with the big bad dating her as long as the guy eventually plans to settle down and commit.
okay none of that was about trans-ness oops. sorry about that. i'm so normal about taylor i have genuinely forgotten that the singer exists at times.
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