#this guys name is SATIS :)
digitaldreamsss · 2 months
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you gotta post it SCARED
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yuheartss · 7 months
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IN WHICH — saiki k meets a girl with a pink afro, she reminds him of cotton candy …
౨ৎ WC? 742 wordss
౨ৎ warnings! - fem!reader, fluff, unedited , lowercase intended!
౨ৎ a/n: I think I made him a little ooc but I hope not.. if I did please tell me! constructive criticism is welcome js don’t b mean₊ ⊹₊ ⊹
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you always hung out with Kaidou, not because he was your only friend or anything— it’s just that he was just one of the people who didn’t give you weird looks about your skin or hair, you moved to Japan when you were in junior high and been here ever since your mum got a job transfer
today, kaidou was going to introduce you to his friends from his class, of course, you were very nervous you thought of the worst possible situations ever. What if they make weird comments about my hair?? You thought, twisting some of your curls around your finger
Kaidou seemed to notice your nervousness and patted you back, “don’t be nervous! My friends are great- not saying you aren’t, your like really great but- it’s just- you know..” you laugh at his attempt to cheer you up “thanks kaidou” you chuckled now getting up from the bench you were on
his friends finally showed up, a big guy with a strangely enormous butt chin, a pink haired boy who looks like he’s so done with everything, three girls (one which was glowing somehow??) a boy with red hair, and two other purple haired boys
“You sure do have a lot of friends Kai…” you muttered as he awkwardly chuckled, you stood up straight as a foot shorter yet glowing girl approached you with a brunette and orange brown behind her, the glowing girl took your hands in hers “your so pretty! I love your hair! What’s your name? I’m teruhashi kokomi!”
Teruhashi gave you a smile that blinded you for a bit but you could just see that her face screams not as pretty as me but your still good looking you gave her an awkward smile “hi.. I’m l/n y/n nice to meet you teruhashi and thanks!”
Teruhashi introduced the shorter girl as Yumehara and the girl to her left as chi sati she waved at you while she was scarfing down a double cheeseburger now this this is what impressed you she had a whole bag full just waiting to be devoured
Then teruhashi introduced the red haired boy, which everybody called him hairo so you will too then both of the purple boys greeted you themselves the firsts name was koboyasu and the second was Toritsuka; almost immediately they began to share both of their life story with you
You stood there with all your weight on your right leg slowly tuning out the boys and the rest of the gang why are they telling me their life story!?! I don’t care! You thought, whining softly underneath your breath someone nudges your arm softly you looked up at the also pink haired guy he nods his head at you and walks off “follow me” you hear a voice in your head
You turn back to the crew then at kaidou then you look back at the guy you hesitantly take a step forward “good grief..we’ll be back they won’t even know we’re gone” you pause for a sec and mutter an ok before walking away with him wait what if he kidnaps me?! What the hell am I doing—
“Don’t flatter yourself” he says, walking in front of you, your eyebrow twitched in annoyance to which a faint smile lands upon his lips “so where are we going?” You ask now walking side by side
“I was going to the convenient store before they showed up and dragged me along, so that’s where we’re going” he informed you looking at your hair, he must’ve been staring for a while because you noticed “what?” You questioned him getting a little defensive
“Your hair…” he began as he opened the door to the store for you “what about it?” You say following him as he went to get his snack of choice, he picked out some coffee jelly that came in three
He didn’t answer, you sighed and went to get a dessert too “you know…I’ve never even asked for your name..” you say just know realizing that you’ve been with this teen and never asked he turned to you as he payed for both of your treats “Saiki”
“Okay saiki, tell me what you were gonna say about my hair” you semi demand and quietly thanking him for buying the treat, you can clearly see him hesitating “just say it man” you hurry starting to get impatient
“….it reminds me of cotton candy”
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mikrokosmos · 1 year
What’s the story of your life with music?
The main reason I’d avoided responding to this question was that it’s too daunting. How do I make a narrative out of my interests and hobbies over the years? What can I remember exactly? I don’t want to go on and on, but…
My life with music started in…maybe kindergarten? In elementary school music class my teacher showed us Disney’s Fantasia, where my most vivid memories are of the Bach and Tchaikovsky segments. With Stokowski’s transcription of the Toccata and Fugue, I picked up associating music with colors and shapes, and often when I listen I still think in abstract geometric figures, especially imagining the sheet music floating around and changing colors. And from the Nutcracker suite, I went more Romantic and created stories in my head while listening.
At the same school, the fourth grade class would put on a play version of the Nutcracker story with some music from the ballet. I loved the whole “soundtrack” but especially a scene change with the piece “In the Pine Forest”
Growing up, I liked music but wasn’t really into the pop that my sister and cousins were into (Brittney Spears, NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls…), but I’d play around on my cousin’s out of tune piano and “taught” myself how to play Big Ben’s chimes using the black keys. My parents got me lessons with my cousin’s piano teacher who was an old Italian woman who introduced me to Chopin, Beethoven, and Rachmaninoff.
As I got more into music through YouTube and iTunes, my tastes solidified around Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Alkan, Scriabin, heavy handed romantic piano. More “Romantic” Beethoven, some “darker” Mozart, and Bach’s organ music. Again couldn’t relate to peers when I got to high school. Yeah I liked Lady Gaga and Beyonce, but I didn’t care about any of the bands kids talked about, and didn’t like a lot of the 00s pop singers. Too many of the works I was into at the time were 19th or early 20th century piano. I was embarassed when guys asked if I listened to anything “hard” and showed them one of Prokofiev’s “War” Sonatas
I loved looking up the history of the works. At the time I thought it was just trivia but the longer I researched, the more I realized it was helping me develop an awareness of how we percieve reality and the social and cultural forces that contribute to who we are and what we do, say, and create.
My first piano teacher passed away, which was kind of rough. She felt like a third grandmother, told me stories about her husband in “The War”, and recorded several Chopin pieces for her family to keep for posterity. I always think of her when I listen to Chopin’s Waltz in Ab, op.69 no.1. Maybe too Romantic of me to bring up the “Farewell Waltz” nickname.
In general I had a very Romantic, and somewhat closed-minded, attitude toward music going through into college. I was kind of snobby against popular music styles, I was convinced Mozart was overrated elevator music, that Satie was a “one-hit-wonder”, and that there was no point in listening to anyone before Bach. Thankfully a lot of taste changes happened through college as I explored the repertoire more and got familiar with Mozart, ‘classical’ Beethoven, Brahms, Haydn, Handel, Hildegard von Bingen, Palestrina, Mahler, Hindemith, Barber, Schoenberg, and I won’t keep name dumping but when thinking back to my time at college I have a lot of memories of how I felt listening to music and pondering life in the way college students are expected to do.
I’ve always been an amateur pianist, and have been self-taught for the past ten years or so. And a lot has changed in my tastes and attitudes.
Still a Romantic at heart but I try to treat music as “objectively” as I can, let it speak for itself, and try to keep the era in mind when asking “what does this mean? What is this trying to convey?”. I’ve tried letting go of biases so I can appreciate other genres more. I’ve also been engaging more with the musical avant-garde, and am on the more liberal side of the aesthetic “culture wars” that have been going on since the mid 20th century.
Right now my favorite composer is Olivier Messiaen who I believe without any irony is the best composer of Christian music, and maybe the only Western composer who conveys a Christian sense of the Divine to the “greatest” extant possible. Of course that’s my own opinion, but for me the 20 Regards sur l’enfant-Jésus is the greatest work of piano music I’ve heard. The idea of best or greatest when talking about art is pretty silly, and the older I get the more hesitant I am to try and argue for something as arbitrary as “best”, so maybe I’d say that Messiaen is the closest to my heart, along with Chopin, Liszt, Scriabin, Debussy, Mahler, and R. Strauss.
And I don't really talk about my personal life so much, but I have a complicated faith in Christianity, and I'm a gay man, and maybe it's silly but music has been integral to my understanding of life and the self.
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very-sleepy-head · 2 years
Tbh this started as a drabble from @galladrabbles 's prompt Sit Next to Me (9) but I got carried away!
Read on Ao3
Ian waits for his appointment at the clinic. Most people are on their phones, some just staring into space, some reading the free magazines, one is reading a book. Ian is just zoning out.
What if there’s a telepath in the room?
Ian play-what-cool Gallagher has always been weird. He knows it too. His mind just doesn't work like people expect it to.
Shit! What if there is one and they’re listening to me right now?
Ian is getting excited.
Umm so If someone in this room can hear this… cough!
Someone coughs.
Holy fucking shit… No fucking way.
Ian hears someone chuckle. He looks around and spots the source - Oh he's hot.
Mickey smirks, not lifting his eyes from the magazine.
Are you ignoring me?
Mickey flips a page, still not looking up.
I know you can hear me, man!
The lady next to Ian gets up when her name is called. Now the seat next to Ian is free.
Come sit next to me.
The mysterious guy stands up, but heads the opposite direction, places the magazine back and takes a different one.
Damn, his ass in those jeans…
He sits down next to Ian this time.
This can't be a coincidence. Right?
Mickey opens the magazine and flips through the pages.
Oh I know! I’ll just think funny things until he laughs!
Ian tries not to look too obviously, just in case he's wrong. Mickey could totally feel Ian’s eyes on him.
What do you call a factory that sells good products? A satis-factory.
Mickey rolls his eyes.
I guess I was wrong… Ian frowns, I would bend him over that table in a heartbeat though.
Mickey's eyes almost pop out of his head.
“I knew it!” Ian says with a giant grin on his face. "Sorry, I-I'm Ian,"
"So what do you think about my ass in these jeans, fire crotch?" Mickey winks.
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intersexdabi · 1 year
Civilian Dabitwice AU where they meet in a grocery store.
Jin's recently been released from prison for a short stint of robberies years ago and, to no one's surprise, it's been rough adjusting. But he's trying, grabbing at the odd job here and there and somehow finding a place willing to rent to him. His place is cheap but, as one might guess, not the nicest.
And on his rare day off, he decides to go the market. He only plans (and can only afford) a few things, but he mostly plans on wandering around. Halfway daydreaming some of the things he'll buy when he finally saves up enough, like a pot for cooking or maybe a pan first.
But the biggest reason is because he's lonely. And even though it's not the same as spending time with a friend, of which he has none save for that old bastard Giran who found him his current apartment. Though he's worried it might not be mutual. Regardless, it's nice just being around other people, at least.
He's kind of sitting on the edge of a blade, here. Because of course some part of him is hoping he'll hit it off with someone. But who wants to make friends when they're doing their shopping?
When he's moseying down an aisle, he notices somebody else eyeing the upper shelves. Black hair, half-assed box dye job, a few piercings on his face. Scars. Like the skin on his lower face has been warped.
The other guy doesn't move. So Jin pauses when he reaches the same spot and asks him if he needs help getting something.
Other guy looks him over, obviously annoyed. Asks if he knows what "minding your own business" means. Okay. The other one makes sure to let the guy know he's an asshole.
The switch, as brief as it is dramatic, draws a little surprise from this stranger but he doesn't recoil or scurry away like most. Just rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to his shopping.
He doesn't really know what comes over him in that moment. Maybe it's because this guy didn't treat him like a freak, even if he was an asshole. Maybe it's because this guy's an asshole that made him even more determined to help.
He quickly realizes his mistake, however, when he tries, um, lifting this stranger. Well, not tries, really. He does it pretty easily, wrapping his arms around this guy's waist and hoisting him up.
It's the spurts of fire that flash in his face and the scrambling from his fellow shopper that causes him to reassess exactly what the fuck he is doing right now and drops the guy to his feet.
The guy looks like he's about to jump into a tirade but is too flabbergasted to rip into Jin. And without thinking, Jin falls to his hands and knees and offers the other guy to climb up to get whatever.
At first he's unsure of whether or not he's making this way worse. At least he's not being yelled at, but the other guy isn't saying anything at all either.
Just when he's about to get up and retreat, he feels a boot on the small of his back. The sensation is followed with a threat about scorching Jin if he lets him fall.
By the time Jin's brushing dirt and sticky old price tag off his hands, he notices the jar of chili oil this guy's holding.
And Jin apologizes, offering his name. And, hesitant for a moment, Touya gives his. Feeling embarrassed and afraid it might cause him to split, he decides he needs to get out of there right now.
Until he realizes Touya's catching up to him, looking both annoyed and embarrassed himself. Then Touya offers to buy him lunch, much to his surprise.
And he immediately accepts because 1) free food and 2) as weird as the situation was, he didn't have much room to judge, and he's excited at the prospect of getting to talk to someone who isn't being paid to be around him for several hours.
Touya makes a face when he suggests a quick place down the street, but ultimately complies. Later divulging that his father raised him super strict; almost all meals were traditional growing up, nothing outside of Japanese homecooking (and specifically his father's taste). So it makes it a little more satisfying when Touya looks like he's seen the face of god at his first bite.
And he must've done something right, because Touya admits halfway through their meal that there's a gigantic ass bootprint on the back of Jin's white t-shirt. Touya offers to buy him a new one and Jin initially refuses but eventually accepts when Touya makes it clear he's to stubborn to accept a no answer.
And after a little shopping, they end up exchanging numbers. And Jin's happy as a lark, walking all the way home with a skip in his step.
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storyhunter19 · 8 months
The blood-moon [part-1]
A “blood moon” happens when Earth’s moon is in a total lunar eclipse. While it has no special astronomical significance, the view in the sky is striking as the usually whitish moon becomes red or ruddy-brown. There are so many beliefs and myths, legends about blood moon like “the blood moon prophecies.” There once lived people who believed that when the moon turns blood red, it is the end of the world. They believed it happens because the god is angry. Let’s add one more myth to this blood moon.
Long time ago, there used to be an island where some tribes lived. They didn’t have any connection with the outside world. They believed that the world is their island only. They believed there’s no other world beyond that island. Every newborn among them were forced to believe that. No one is allowed to even think otherwise. People there just lived their lives according to the rules and beliefs existed there. Their language, their names, life-style, everything was so unique and peerless from the world that we now see. [For the purpose of this story, name and language is made in English so that it may seem less weird.] The whole belief system that existed there revolves around the moon, especially the blood moon. The people there believed that in every blood moon they should sacrifice a girl who just hit the puberty as an oblation to the God, as the legend say, to make the God happy so that the red moon doesn’t become too much bloody as a blood moon. They believed that as a way to communicate and gladden to the God. Foolish people! But so are we. Up until a decade ago, the widows of the dead husbands used to be burned to death as in the name of “Sati”. So people believed that they will be reunited in the heavens. Even now people are getting killed in the name of religions, social position, complexion, and whatsoever. And we the civilized people are driven by hatred and all, even though the world has come so forward. So who are we to judge them? Religion was and is a problem. So let’s mind our own business and come back to the story.
One month prior to every blood-moon, all the females who hit puberty in that year will be called upon. There will be a special kind of ritual that takes place to decide who will be the next sacrificial lamb/human for the pleasing of god on the day of blood-moon. Along with this, the male children of five years old will be sent to the deep forest with the hunters and they’re not to return until they are of well trained by the hunting trainer. And they should reach the age of 18 by that time. 13 years of training and then they are allowed to return on the day after the blood moon and they will be married off immediately. It was all part of their beliefs. Anyone who opposes will not be spared. It is a great sin to go against the rules of the men, they believed. So everyone believed this rules of the men, no questions asked!
So there once was a guy who was born in that village. After all I’m telling this story in English so I’ll name him an English name. For the sake of the story, let’s call him Duke. At the age of five, he too was thrown out of that village. It was still the developing age for him and he was snatched away from his parents and his home along with many others. It was out of the grasp of a five year old like him to understand what’s going on in there, but still he got to understand something. That night when he was about to go in the woods with others to be trained as a hunter, his elder sister Eera was selected for something. She was standing in a row of so many other girls probably of her age. And then suddenly when the drums stopped and she was being praised by everyone and still she was not at all happy about it. Her face looked scared and sad. Her skin was pale. He was not sure what’s going on, but still he managed to understand that whatever is going on is not at all good for his sister. He was taken by the senior hunting students along with others to the woods before he could reach her. Still he kept staring at her as long as he could see her. And eventually she was nowhere to see. So the next day when the little Duke woke up he overheard some guys talking about his sister being selected as the next sacrifice to the god. He didn’t quite understand it, but the gist of it. And there he was sitting quietly near the ocean with so many other young new admissions taking bath there. Suddenly one child supposedly of same age group comes to him and asks him why sitting alone. Duke said he heard of something happening to his sister, still doesn’t know why? That guy talked to him and told him that his sister is going to die for the god. At first Duke didn’t believe him but deep inside he already knew. He had a question, why? But there was no acceptable answer. “It’s the rule of the men” was all the answer he got. The little guy introduced himself. His name was Keith. He also got into that jungle yesterday. He wants to become a first class hunter and return to his parents and make them proud. Marrying a beautiful girl is also on his list. Friends are the kind of people to whom we rely on when things are hard. That day even though he was taken away from his family and he got to know that his sister is about to die, he found himself comfort with making that Keith his friend.
About a month later he saw the belongings of his sister floating on the surface of ocean. It was not a nice view. Even though Keith tried to console him he was not ready to accept the fact that she was gone. He tried to get close to it, but he didn’t know swimming that much well in the first place. They were just starting to learn the basics of swimming, hunting, and all little by little. His attempt was all for nothing. Even before reaching halfway close to it, he started drowning. Hunters came running hearing the screams of Keith. Was it luck or not, we never know but still it was fortunate of him being alive. From that moment onwards the biggest fear of Duke was the ocean. Eventually he made his peace with swimming. But still he is afraid to go to the depths of the sea. Don’t get me wrong when I say ‘afraid’. He still can go to the lengths if he has company. But alone, not much guts he had. Throughout his training he learned to hunt, use of tools [like bow and arrow, stick, etc.], and much more. I am not getting deep into those parts, leaving all that to your imagination! Although, his life had its ups and downs. He was happy and had good moments at time, as well as sad and had bad times too. Instead of going to the logistics of it, why don’t I tell you the important parts?
[continued in the next part ]
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someprettyboat · 9 months
I am angry.
Truthfully, I've been angry for a very long time. Decades. But I am female, and as such, I have been instructed and trained in the fine art of suppression. "Don't blow it out of proportion."  "Control your feelings."  "Anger is ugly."  "You're fine, it's not the end of the world."  "Other people have it much worse than you, stop making a big deal out of nothing." "Take it as a compliment." "You're overreacting."
I am old enough to no longer give a shit what other people think of me, least of all men. 
I've been suppressing and keeping quiet and ignoring and blowing off and not saying anything for well over thirty years. But I can't stand it anymore. Guys, sit down. I gotta get this off my chest, and you need to really focus and listen. Don't interrupt or justify or make excuses or gaslight me. Just this once, please, shut up, sit down and listen.
I'm tired. I've been more tired in the past year than at any other time in my life. I'm tired of the Brock Turner's and the Elliot Rodgers' and the Bill Cosby's and the Donald Trump's. More than that, I'm tired of the eternal question which always pops up when these guys are finally exposed: "Well, why did their accusers wait so long to speak out?" As if the accusers in question were simply sitting, biding their time, plotting their strategies and waiting for the most profitable time to act, to thrust themselves into the national spotlight and reap their rewards, attaining fame and fortune and adoration with which to feather their nests well into old age.
Guys, it doesn't work like that. Allow me to explain the Domino Effect.  Imagine that something horrible has happened to you. Something shameful and degrading. Doesn't even have to be rape. Just a situation in which you were briefly stripped of your power and forced to submit to someone who had gained control of the situation. Someone stronger than you physically, someone in a position of power over you, someone armed. Whatever.
Now, you have been raised to believe that "making a fuss" isn't proper behavior. You don't want to draw attention to yourself. You've been taught to be polite at all costs, no matter the situation. You try to extricate yourself from the sudden mess you find yourself in. You didn't think it was going to turn into a mess. You didn't willingly step into it. Suddenly, a person who seemed rational just moments ago - and 9 times out of 10, is someone you knew prior to this - is behaving in a way that is not logical. You've lost control of the situation, but you also see it as your duty to appeal to this person's basic human decency. Surely, if you reassure them, everything will be alright. People are basically good and trustworthy and nonviolent. Right?
But what you don't know is that this person is aware of the fact that you have been raised to be polite and non-resistant. They know you don't want to make a scene or draw unwanted attention to yourself. They're banking on it. They're going to use it to their advantage. So they shift blame. "You made me angry. You dressed in a way that provoked me. You gave me mixed signals. You led me on. You brought this on yourself."
And, as beings habitually cowed and brainwashed, we question ourselves. Did we do those things? Self doubt and shame are swift to kick in, even if you know for a solid fact that you did not intend to bring this upon yourself. Maybe you did behave in a way that you shouldn't have. Maybe you said something that could have been taken wrong, in a tone of voice you maybe shouldn't have used. You start to apologize. You try to explain that you didn't mean it, whatever it was. But it's too late. They've already penetrated the chink in your armor, the ingrained belief that we must always be polite and graceful and nice, no matter what. 
Then something happens. You are belittled, or robbed, or raped, or beaten. You are groped or slapped or called a disgusting name. You have "gotten what you deserved" and your attacker walks away smug and self satisfied, knowing you won't breathe a word of what has happened. Shame keeps you from thinking about it. Fear of being seen as weak or stupid prevents you from telling, because a small part of you continues to insist that this really is your fault, you did bring it on yourself, and any attempt to talk about it - as if you were a victim and not an instigator - is eye-rollingly self pitying. After all, you're still alive. It couldn't have been that bad. Other people have been through worse. Just drop it and move on, why do you keep wallowing in it?
Time passes, and you pretend you're okay for the sake of others. You don't want to bum them out by sniveling about it and constantly casting yourself as the tiresome victim. But then one day, you overhear another person, or the friend of a friend of that person, talking about what happened to them at the hands of the very same person. You are not the only one it has happened to. And it's like a light coming through a stained glass window in a cathedral and shining down upon you. You are not the only one. You were not at fault. You did nothing wrong. And you find your voice again.
You seek this other person out and say, maybe hesitantly "Hey, this happened to me too." And when they tell you their story, you are vindicated and relieved. A third person overhears you and approaches, and with each story you hear, the strength you thought you'd lost forever comes back a piece at a time. Your fear and your shame and disgust is replaced by something else: rage.
This is why we "wait so long" to come forward with our stories. Because we're afraid. Because we've been made to believe it was something we did wrong and indirectly brought upon ourselves. We're not waiting to cash in. We're not waiting at all. We've been sitting here, drowning in guilt and shame, maybe drinking too much, maybe suffering from crippling low-self esteem, believing that were were the only ones and, as such, must somehow be at fault. And when we suddenly realize we're not, and never were, we are quick to stand beside the brave ones who finally stood up and spoke out, reaching for them like life preservers, speaking when we couldn't and didn't even know we had that option. It's called "solidarity."
And you know what remark from Donald Trump disturbs me even more than the whole "grab 'em by the pussy" thing? His dismissal of his female accusers as being too ugly to grope in the first place. His assertion that they would "not be his first choice." He's not denying his misconduct! He's dismissing their credibility by calling them ugly.
Let me tell you fuckers a story.
When I was still a reasonably young girl, I came home from work one night, walked up my stairs to the front door of my apartment, tired and looking forward to sleep. My neighbor's door, directly across from mine, was open. He was a white guy, unemployed, almost always drunk, covered in scabs, reeking of smoke. He saw me come up the stairs and began speaking in a normal tone of voice: "Hey. Hey c'mere. Hey. C'mon over. Got some beer. Hey, you wanna say hi?"
To be honest, I didn't really even hear him, didn't even realize he was talking to me. I thought he was on the phone, or talking to someone else in the house with him. Until I heard his next statement: "Fine, you don't wanna say Hi, fuck you, you're ugly anyway." I heard the "fuck" and the "ugly" and turned around to find him staring right at me. He was sitting on the couch in his underwear, drunk, picking at his toes. And yet I was the ugly one.
I was used to this shit by now, but still I stared at him open mouthed, unable to believe how fucking rude he was being, how apish and disgusting. Finally, I turned around and slammed my door as hard as I could. And double locked it. A while later, he walked by my window and yelled "BITCH!"
I yelled back: "COWARD!"
And my immediate thought was: "Perhaps I shouldn't have yelled back. Maybe I've made it worse. I should have just ignored it."
And that's when I realized how fundamentally fucked up the whole world was. Because that was my first reaction - to second guess myself, to feel guilty about defending myself, to fear the repercussions of my actions when I knew damn right well that that toe-picking ambient fungus next door wasn't at all sorry for what he'd said, did not see the irony in calling me ugly and had shifted responsibility entirely over to me, justifying his actions with: "You didn't say Hi, therefore you are a bitch and deserve to be told so."
I could sit here and excuse the behavior of men by saying: "Well, they're not women, they don't know what it's like, they've never experienced abuse the way we do." But I know that's not true, and it's just another excuse. Because men do know what it's like, whether they want to admit to it or not. Guys, I know you've been humiliated by your boss, your coach, your dad, your brothers and uncles. I know that at the very least, you've had your ass kicked by some guy you thought you could handle - is it something you tell your friends about? Do you ever talk about that emasculating, embarrassing moment to anyone? Or do you pretend it never happened to save face? No, of course not. Why would you want to admit to something that shames you to this day? 
From this day forward, you have no more excuses guys. And this is not up for debate. Talking to women like this is wrong. Talking about women like this is wrong. It is not cool, it is notsomething that "all boys" do, it is not something that should be expected and/or dismissed as something that "all boys" do, it is not a rite of passage, it is not acceptable, and we have never liked it. Take responsibility, learn the meaning of class, act like a man instead of an ape. Are Eee Ess Pea Eee See Tea, find out what it means to me and every other woman on the face of the Earth. 
And stop fucking asking us what took so long to speak up. Because the answer is "YOU." You and everyone else who helped you to build up this level of tolerance over the centuries with your ridiculous rules for us, your double standard bullshit games, your endless excuses. Your behavior is not our fault. We're done, do you fucking hear me? You can only taunt and bully and poke and pester and rape and kill us so much for so long, and you have the nerve to look surprised when we finally snap and turn on you and scream: "FUCK YOU!" and claw your eyes out and slam our feet into your groin? Really? Because if this reaction in any way shocks you, you are definitely part of the fucking problem.
Believe me, guys - we've already doubted our own stories and our own motivations, our version of events and even our own culpability. We've questioned the worth of "bringing this up after so long" whether it's been three days or thirty years. But some wounds won't heal unless you rip them back open again. And some shit won't change unless you speak the fuck up.
I am fucking angry, and I don't care if you don't like it.
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synthient · 2 years
Categories of machine character in the trilogy:
- straightforwardly good/sympathetic: the Oracle, Seraph, Sati and her parents, the Keymaker
- villainous, but we get some psychological/emotional insight into them & are invited to feel at least a little bad for them: Smith, Persephone
- villanious and unsympathetic, but still clearly a person with motives: the Merovingian, the Architect, the giant floating baby head(?)(may be a collective of multiple people)
- one dimensional goons: the non-Smith Agents; the Merovingian followers
- not even made 100% clear that they're sentient (until retroactively in resurrections): the robots who tend the pods/flush people; the sentinels; basically every irl robot except the giant floating baby head
Categories of machine character in resurrections:
straightforwardly good/sympathetic: Morpheus, Sati, Cybebe, Lumin8, Octacles, Kujaku, Quillion [note that synthient characters don't have direct dialog/do the *beep boop* "what's that R2? Timmy's stuck in the well?" thing]
anti-hero/anime rival: Smith
villainous & unsympathetic, but clearly a person with motives: the Analyst, the Merovingian
antagonist with a personality, but their motive & level of agency is less clear: Jude, Chad, Trinity's kids, Kush (had to be like what was the motorcycle shop guy's name again. oh yeah. Weed Guy)
one dimensional goons: swat/military/cops (might be a mix of programs and humans); the bot swarms; the synthients from Neo's resurrection pod flashback; the sentinels; the Merovingian followers; the Mystery Agents
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spasmsofhumanity · 2 years
Okay so some of you may remember from my last rant how Kathularen owed us a few of her sacrifices right? So that. Backfired.
So good news first, they aren't animals. We already have so many mascots that any more and we would have to convert into a spa&petting-zoo, with mostly goats for some godforsaken reason.
Okay I got off-track- now, about the sacrifices, or the new employees. After the mandatory therapy (horrors beyond comprehension getting sacrificed to an Old One yadda yadda, trust me it's not that big of a deal. Kudos for management for making it free, though), one had to be sent back to school under our custody - they're like, twelve - while this nice older lady got right to work like nothing happened. Makes puns, gives massages, doesn't take shit from the clients, we love her. Somehow stole her cat back from the mortal world. His name is Satie which I think might be short for Satan and he's the most darling creature alive (I have to stay away from him because fucking allergies but he is Baby).
But. There's the third fucking guy. I think he's around college student age - anyways he just? Follows me around? It was fine at first because he was supposed to learn the craft and all that, but it's been a week and he just. Stands there. And look, he's this listless lanky thing that looks about 0.4 seconds away from an emotional breakdown. The dude jumps when the doorbell rings. Sending him away feel way too much like kicking a puppy for my personal comfort. So uhh. I'll just. Try to motivate him or something ig. Or talk to management. Or HR (although I hope to the Void it doesn't get to HR. They are legit not okay).
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djmusicbest · 6 months
Ayko January 2024
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- Artists: Ayko DATE CREATED: 2024-01-03 GENRES: House, Indie Dance, Tech House, Deep House, Progressive House, Afro House, Melodic House & Techno, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Tonic Walter - Into The Night(Original Mix) 2. George, Ayko - STAY(Original Mix) 3. Roland Clark, DJ Le Roi - I Get Deep(Late Nite Tuff Guy Remix - Emanuel Satie Rework) 4. Vasilis - Ebenezer feat. Bukeka Anita Sam(Native P. Remix) 5. Dilby - Barricade(Extended Mix) 6. Moderat, &ME, Rampa, Keinemusik - More Love(Rampa &ME Remix) 7. Ayko, BXNNY - NEW DAY(Original Mix) 8. Metroplane - Be Where I Am Feat. Daniel Wilson(Extended Mix) 9. Seamus Haji, Paul Emanuel - Take Me Away(Haji & Emanuel Dub) 10. Ayko - This Is Hollywood(Original Mix) 11. Sevenn, Silver Panda - Welcome The Night(Extended Mix) 12. Ayko, Mancio - Your name((SignalNøtFound Remix)) 13. Maori, Adam Ten - Spring Girl(Extended) 14. SignalNøtFound - I'm Gonna Love You(Original Mix) 15. Aluna, Chris Lake - More Baby(Extended Mix) 16. Read the full article
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muznew · 6 months
Ayko January 2024
Tumblr media
- Artists: Ayko DATE CREATED: 2024-01-03 GENRES: House, Indie Dance, Tech House, Deep House, Progressive House, Afro House, Melodic House & Techno, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Tonic Walter - Into The Night(Original Mix) 2. George, Ayko - STAY(Original Mix) 3. Roland Clark, DJ Le Roi - I Get Deep(Late Nite Tuff Guy Remix - Emanuel Satie Rework) 4. Vasilis - Ebenezer feat. Bukeka Anita Sam(Native P. Remix) 5. Dilby - Barricade(Extended Mix) 6. Moderat, &ME, Rampa, Keinemusik - More Love(Rampa &ME Remix) 7. Ayko, BXNNY - NEW DAY(Original Mix) 8. Metroplane - Be Where I Am Feat. Daniel Wilson(Extended Mix) 9. Seamus Haji, Paul Emanuel - Take Me Away(Haji & Emanuel Dub) 10. Ayko - This Is Hollywood(Original Mix) 11. Sevenn, Silver Panda - Welcome The Night(Extended Mix) 12. Ayko, Mancio - Your name((SignalNøtFound Remix)) 13. Maori, Adam Ten - Spring Girl(Extended) 14. SignalNøtFound - I'm Gonna Love You(Original Mix) 15. Aluna, Chris Lake - More Baby(Extended Mix) 16. Read the full article
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batbeato · 8 months
i had the horrible realization that while on twitter i'd be too limited by horrific character limits to rant about this in a satisfactory way, here on tumblr? here, i am free.
no one can stop me from ranting about subahibi. no one. none of you understand how long i've been holding this in (two years. two. years.)
...subahibi spoilers and my rage-fueled criticism of it to follow.
so. subahibi. yeah. look, I think most people know it as "that one VN where the girl gets fucked by a dog" and you know. it is that VN. it's a denpa eroge, heavy emphasis on eroge, with a side of the usual (in)comprehensible denpa rambling about the meaning of life love the universe everything with references ranging from Satie to Cyrano. it also vaguely ties into some other game by the same studio by virtue of local cryptid girl who is never explained in subahibi. classic.
now, I have nothing against the genre. I actually really like CROSS CHANNEL, another denpa eroge. most of the eroge parts don't interest me in CC but they're tolerable, sometimes hold plot relevance, and while the VN itself sometimes goes into absurdity and becomes laughable when it's trying to be sincere, it does try its best and has interesting elements, if underutilized. Some elements are utilized incredibly well, too!
however. subahibi is one of the worst VNs I've ever read, checking off all the boxes of:
horrific failure at depicting mental illness (the fantastical depiction of DID bears little resemblance to the actual condition. if it was confirmed to be spiritual possession, it might be different, but the VN does its best to act as though it's "unclear")
sex scenes clearly there for gratuity that drag on (yes, I know it's an eroge. there was no need to have an entire sex scene devoted to a random teacher raping her father. she wasn't even a main character.)
transphobia that goes from the usual subtle gender essentialism to so blatant it's horrific (the f slur, Mamiya being insulted by the 'good' protagonist for his femininity and forced crossdressing)
boring brocon brother/sister incest.
the VN does have some interesting components. I think the idea of someone taking on Zakuro's name to get revenge for her, but they're actually a very fucked up person who never really know her? interesting. the way the story is told from these varying unreliable narrators? interesting. the idea of taking a plural character and telling the same story/time period with the different alters' perspectives? again, interesting.
however, it completely fails to make use of any of these interesting components, especially with its depiction of DID being so bad that I wonder if anyone working on Subahibi had so much as met someone with any degree of disassociation in their lives, ever. also the rejection of mental health professionals as being capable of helping. it all comes across as some chuuni author insisting that the only way to reach happiness and mental wellness is to stick your dick in something and beat up bad guys.
I see people talking about how unique and deep Subahibi is, praising it as a great piece of media, and while I do think that, yes, it is interesting, it's more interesting when you realize that it's a flaming trashfire product of its time and its writers, with a moral message so flimsy that an infant could break it in half.
You see, it's not the pieces of media so irredeemably bad that they have nothing new to them that really make them stick in my brain for me to absolutely despise. It's the pieces of media that have just enough interesting elements to grab my interest, then vomit in my face. Subahibi is infuriating to me because it was such an awful read when it could have been a great one. It's infuriating to me because I thought I was going to read either something really amazing or something laughably bad that had a girl getting fucked by a dog. I got something infuriatingly bad that had a woman pissing on the street.
...Yeah. I could go on for days about the details of subahibi's failure to respectfully depict mental illness or DID, but......
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britishchick09 · 1 year
rewrite coincidences!
david bischoff's poto having 1888 as its year
christine graduating the conservatory the same year erik satie went in
victorien sardou writing 'il muto' and the fedora sarah bernhardt play
the mini series logo having the same font as rewrite erik's handwriting
a mobile game using that font for raoul's handwriting
holly anne hull's ultimate christine certificate being in rewrite christine's handwriting
a palais garnier plan having eerily similar handwriting to rewrite christine's! :o
daddy daae's favorite flower having an alternate name that references nadir
rebecca luker's tenure as christine being 100 years after the rewrite's time
the rewrite trap door being in the irl palais garnier!
listz, one of rewrite erik's favorite composers, having marfan's syndrome just like him
'angel's mask' christine's flat being where the rewrite giry flat was originally going to be
pozzi, a prominent intersex researcher, having a relationship with sarah bernhardt
a letterboxd reviewer for the herculine barbin movie having the first name of erik
a random girl in the herculine movie having rewrite erik's color scheme of black and dark red
herculine barbin, an intersex person with raven locks, having a blonde gf
rue des iris, the street rewrite erik was born on, having an eerily similar name to dies irae, a creepy song from the original book
the website for the old de chagny mansion being called christie, aka raoul's aunt's nickname for christine
‘par le rang et par l'opulence’ being sung in the rewrite and at her majesty's theater aka the west end home of poto
the 'don juan' rehearsals lasting 9 days and the 'ghost on the roof' training montage starting on day 9
me thinking that it would be neat if christine saw mr. e after turning around... and that phrase from the title song appearing right after i thought it!
rewrite erik's epilogue outhit being exactly like the valets in 'family guy'
original book erik having a nearly 4 octave vocal range just like rewrite eristine
rouletabilie playing raoul in a comic... and he's friends with raoul in the rewrite!
buquet appearing on page 13 in the rewrite and original book
the french translator for 'der vampyr' being buried in pere lachaise cemetery aka the original daddy daae cemetery
laura ingalls being a year younger than raoulstine and almanzo being a year older than erik
fanny heldy, the singer who owned christine's dressing room irl, being born in 1888
edmond rostand, a guy who has a library in paris, wrote a 'don juan' play
the mystery gate on rue scribe being in the original book
'un ballo in maschera' having a ton of references with the number 13 and the king being called gustavo nearly like daddy daae
a leggero tenor role called nadir! :D
thinking of an 8 part rewrite mini series... and the chapters splitting up into 8 parts!
visiting the rewrite doc 1888 times on my old drive
bonus general poto coincidences:
a sarah bernhardt program having the names weber, carlotta, pauline (christine's prototype name) and christina nilsson
fnac, a store kobo partners with, having a store near palais garnier
coincidences i've discovered since making this post!:
a poto manga using box 3 as box 5
madeleine's actual last name, destin, originating in berry, a town from george sand's 'valentine', which her kid reads years later
erik's babyhood home being located in la carriere, aka part of his last name! (this was found before the post and i forgot to add it!)
st. george's abbey having a raoul with either 'de' or 'cha' in their last names
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 3.29
Alchemy Day
Barthélemy Boganda Day (Central African Republic)
Borrowed Days begin (Calendar legend held that March stole 3 days from April; England, Ireland, Scotland)
Commemoration of Boganda (Central African Republic)
Commemoration of the 1947 Rebellion (a.k.a. Martyrs’ Day; Madagascar)
Day of the Young Combatant (Chile)
Food Chain Day
Good Deeds Day
International Day of Solidarity with Haiti
International Day of the Landless
International Mermaid Day
Knights of Columbus Day
Love the Children Day (Texas)
Martyrs’ Day (Madagascar)
Mule Day (Columbia, Tennessee)
National Governance Professionals Day
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
National Nevada Day
National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day
Payday It Forward Day
Phagwah (Suriname)
Piano Day [88th Day of the Year]
Smoke and Mirrors Day (a.k.a. Festival of Smoke and Mirrors)
Swedish Colonial Day (Delaware)
World Piano Day
Youth Day (Taiwan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
National Pita Day
5th & Last Wednesday in March
Document Freedom Day [Last Wednesday]
Manatee Appreciation Day [Last Wednesday]
National Little Red Wagon Day [Last Wednesday]
A Whole Day for Whole Grain [Last Wednesday]
Independence Days
Barotseland (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 3 (Pagan)
Altoona Rooney (Muppetism)
Armogastes, Archinimus, and Satur (Christian; Martyrs)
Artemis Soteira (Goddess Artemis Festival; Ancient Greece)
Berthold (Christian; Saint)
Celsus (Positivist; Saint)
Cocktail Hour Every Hour Day (Pastafarian)
The Delphinaia (Festival to Apollo; Ancient Greece)
Erik Satie Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eustace of Luxeuil (Christian; Saint)
Expulsion of the Demons of Bad Luck (Pagan)
Festival of Ishtar (Babylonia)
Festival of Smoke and Mirrors
Gundleus, a Welsh King (Christian; Saint)
Gwladys (Christian; Saint)
Gwynllyw (Christian; Saint)
Hans Nielsen Hauge (Lutheran)
Imam Mahdi Day (Iran)
Jonas, Barachisus, and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
John Keble (commemoration, Anglicanism)
Mark, Bishop of Arethusa, in Syria (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [22 of 57]
Black Magic Woman, by Santana (Song; 1968)
Blow by Blow, by Jeff Beck (Album; 1975)
Breakfast in America, by Supertramp (Album; 1979)
Career Opportunities (Film; 1991)
Death to Smoochy (Film; 2002)
Desperately Seeking Susan (Film; 1985)
The King and I (Broadway Musical; 1951)
Piano Concerto No. 2 in Bb, by Ludwig van Beethoven (Piano Concerto; 1795)
Ready Player One (Film; 2018)
The Rookie (Film; 2003)
Room 237 (Documentary Film; 2013)
Some Like It Hot (Film; 1959)
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle (Film; 1939)
Umbrella, by Rihanna (Song; 2007)
When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, by Billie Eilish (Album; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Berthold, Helmut, Ludolf (Austria)
Bertold, Eustazije, Jona (Croatia)
Taťána (Czech Republic)
Jonas (Denmark)
Joakim, Joonas, Kimmo (Estonia)
Joni, Jonne, Jonni, Joona, Joonas, Jouni (Finland)
Gladys, Gwladys (France)
Berthold, Helmut, Ludolf (Germany)
Auguszta (Hungary)
Secondo (Italy)
Agija, Aldonis, Ilma, Ranta (Latvia)
Almantė, Bertoldas, Manvydas (Lithuania)
Jonas, Jonatan (Norway)
Cyryl, Czcirad, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Ostap, Wiktoryn (Poland)
Denia, Marcu (Romania)
Miroslav (Slovakia)
Eustasio (Spain)
Jens, Jonas (Sweden)
Berthold, Fletcher, Pearl, Pearle, Pearlie, Pearline, Perla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 88 of 2024; 277 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 13 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 8 (Bing-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 7 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 27 Ver; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 16 March 2023
Moon: 56%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 4 Archimedes (4th Month) [Celsus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 10 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 9 of 30)
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 3.29
Alchemy Day
Barthélemy Boganda Day (Central African Republic)
Borrowed Days begin (Calendar legend held that March stole 3 days from April; England, Ireland, Scotland)
Commemoration of Boganda (Central African Republic)
Commemoration of the 1947 Rebellion (a.k.a. Martyrs’ Day; Madagascar)
Day of the Young Combatant (Chile)
Food Chain Day
Good Deeds Day
International Day of Solidarity with Haiti
International Day of the Landless
International Mermaid Day
Knights of Columbus Day
Love the Children Day (Texas)
Martyrs’ Day (Madagascar)
Mule Day (Columbia, Tennessee)
National Governance Professionals Day
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
National Nevada Day
National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day
Payday It Forward Day
Phagwah (Suriname)
Piano Day [88th Day of the Year]
Smoke and Mirrors Day (a.k.a. Festival of Smoke and Mirrors)
Swedish Colonial Day (Delaware)
World Piano Day
Youth Day (Taiwan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
National Pita Day
5th & Last Wednesday in March
Document Freedom Day [Last Wednesday]
Manatee Appreciation Day [Last Wednesday]
National Little Red Wagon Day [Last Wednesday]
A Whole Day for Whole Grain [Last Wednesday]
Independence Days
Barotseland (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 3 (Pagan)
Altoona Rooney (Muppetism)
Armogastes, Archinimus, and Satur (Christian; Martyrs)
Artemis Soteira (Goddess Artemis Festival; Ancient Greece)
Berthold (Christian; Saint)
Celsus (Positivist; Saint)
Cocktail Hour Every Hour Day (Pastafarian)
The Delphinaia (Festival to Apollo; Ancient Greece)
Erik Satie Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eustace of Luxeuil (Christian; Saint)
Expulsion of the Demons of Bad Luck (Pagan)
Festival of Ishtar (Babylonia)
Festival of Smoke and Mirrors
Gundleus, a Welsh King (Christian; Saint)
Gwladys (Christian; Saint)
Gwynllyw (Christian; Saint)
Hans Nielsen Hauge (Lutheran)
Imam Mahdi Day (Iran)
Jonas, Barachisus, and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
John Keble (commemoration, Anglicanism)
Mark, Bishop of Arethusa, in Syria (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [22 of 57]
Black Magic Woman, by Santana (Song; 1968)
Blow by Blow, by Jeff Beck (Album; 1975)
Breakfast in America, by Supertramp (Album; 1979)
Career Opportunities (Film; 1991)
Death to Smoochy (Film; 2002)
Desperately Seeking Susan (Film; 1985)
The King and I (Broadway Musical; 1951)
Piano Concerto No. 2 in Bb, by Ludwig van Beethoven (Piano Concerto; 1795)
Ready Player One (Film; 2018)
The Rookie (Film; 2003)
Room 237 (Documentary Film; 2013)
Some Like It Hot (Film; 1959)
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle (Film; 1939)
Umbrella, by Rihanna (Song; 2007)
When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, by Billie Eilish (Album; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Berthold, Helmut, Ludolf (Austria)
Bertold, Eustazije, Jona (Croatia)
Taťána (Czech Republic)
Jonas (Denmark)
Joakim, Joonas, Kimmo (Estonia)
Joni, Jonne, Jonni, Joona, Joonas, Jouni (Finland)
Gladys, Gwladys (France)
Berthold, Helmut, Ludolf (Germany)
Auguszta (Hungary)
Secondo (Italy)
Agija, Aldonis, Ilma, Ranta (Latvia)
Almantė, Bertoldas, Manvydas (Lithuania)
Jonas, Jonatan (Norway)
Cyryl, Czcirad, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Ostap, Wiktoryn (Poland)
Denia, Marcu (Romania)
Miroslav (Slovakia)
Eustasio (Spain)
Jens, Jonas (Sweden)
Berthold, Fletcher, Pearl, Pearle, Pearlie, Pearline, Perla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 88 of 2024; 277 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 13 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 8 (Bing-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 7 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 27 Ver; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 16 March 2023
Moon: 56%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 4 Archimedes (4th Month) [Celsus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 10 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 9 of 30)
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the-orbz · 1 year
The Angel stands next to him, her not so graceful outfit showing plenty to reflect her. Bickering between the two, mortal disguised as an immortal, and an angel with a piece of her god.
"We are the same size." He glares at her while speaking, refusing to back down.
"In IMPERIAL, I am taller than you, stand next to me and we'll have Illusionist decide." She responds with her own stern tone, grabbing the poor god over to them.
The small god gets pulled over, from beyond any sight and just appearing with the words of his name spoken, his light grey blue hoodie somehow staying on him despite the movement. For a moment he is surprised, pretty angel grabbing him, but sense kicks in that she is just a character, though temptations are strong.
"You both are much taller than me-" He looks up at them, they are taller by about 36 centimeters/14 Inches, a height that he can barely tell the difference.
"Yes, but who is taller Illusionist?" The mortal looks over at Illusionist, almost as a threat to choose him with the tone of his voice.
"Shh he does not know, away with this child." Just as easily as she pulled him over, she talks looking at Orbz while throwing Illusionist back into the endless space.
Because of his bad posture and his habit of looking down, the tall armored man looks at the two, his basically sister and the one he considers a best friend. Not picking sides would keep both of them slightly annoyed but spare the feelings of the other, but where is the fun in that?
"Sati is taller, if you are going by imperial then it is by half an inch." Rayn speaks in a steady hushed tone, not one to speak too loud.
"DAMN IT RAYN" He darts his eyes over to Rayn, knowing Rayn is right but still having the anger in his voice.
"HAHA I TOLD YOU ORBZ" Satimelk cheers, her wings going out with her excitement. "Still I don't mind guys who are slightly shorter~"
"Sati no-"
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